/⃓═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ / "Journey" Item Filter for Diablo II: Path of Diablo / Date Updated: 19 OCT 2020 / Info: https://github.com/BetweenWalls/Journey / Direct URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BetweenWalls/Journey/master/item.filter /⃓═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ / Notes: / All hidden items are preceded by "hidden" and a short description / The "/⃓̲" symbol functions the same as "/" and is used to distinguish filtration rules from everything else / This file was created in Notepad++, and may display incorrectly with other programs or settings (8-space tabs, UTF-8 encoding, Courier New, no line wrapping) / "Regular": non-magic (white/gray items) / "Automod": any affix that automatically appears on all regular/magic/rare versions of an item / "Pointmod": any affix that adds extra skill points to an individual skill (also known as "staffmods") / Spaces/tabs can be seen in Notepad++ from the menu: View -> Show Symbol -> Show White Space and TAB / / Filtration Rules: / 1. Rules have two parts: conditions (which items to display) and output (how they are displayed) / 2. Items are displayed according to the output of the first rule whose conditions they satisfy / 3. The output of rules utilizing "%CONTINUE%" is saved to "%NAME%" instead of used for displaying items / 4. Rules without output will hide items rather than displaying them / 5. Any condition preceded by "!" is negated, making it the opposite condition instead / 6. The last color in a rule's output applies to price at merchants / 7. Invalid output characters are displayed as "Ø" / 8. Any "/" symbols are ignored, as are any rules/text that follow them / 9. Leading spaces (those which precede all other output) are ignored in-game, as are trailing spaces if they follow data keywords such as "%DGREEN%" or "%ILVL%" / 10. Leading/trailing tabs are always ignored in-game / / Valid Output Characters: / ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ÁÀÂÄÃÅáàâäãåÆæÉÈÊËéèêëÍÌÎÏíìîïÓÒÔÖÕóòôöõÚÙÛÜúùûüÝýÿÐÇçÑñ~!?@#$%^&*=-+_"',.:;<>\|()[]{}µ¶ß¢£¥®©ØøÞþ§ð¿¡¯¨¬­¦«»÷×±ªº´`¤°¹²³¼½¾ (and "space") /⃓═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ / Index: / / CATEGORY NOTES / non-equipment / basic items / Gold / Potions / Quest Items / Endgame essences, uber keys/organs, PoD items / Miscellaneous scrolls, keys / socketable items / Gems / Runes / Jewels / other / Charms / equipment / General Equipment / not weapon/armor / Quivers arrows, bolts / Jewelry amulets, rings / weapon/armor / Rare Items (id) / Unique/Set Items (id) / Runewords / Crafted Equipment / Crafting Ingredients (unid) / Magic Items (unid) / Rare Items (unid) / regular / Regular: High-Precedence / Regular Non-Class Items / Regular Items / Amazon amazon weapons / Assassin katars / Barbarian primal helms / Druid pelts / Necromancer wands, totems / Paladin scepters, paladin shields / Sorceress orbs, staves / Regular: Low-Precedence / uncommon / Magic Items (id) includes identified crafting ingredients / Unique Items (unid) individual rules (600+) / Set Items (unid) individual rules (100+) / Unique/Set Items (unid) collective rules /⃓═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ ┌──────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Gold ╞══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └──────┘ /⃓̲ Hidden: smaller gold piles - levels 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 80, 90 ItemDisplay[((GOLD<5000 CLVL>89 CHARSTAT15>200000) OR (GOLD<3000 CLVL>69 CHARSTAT15>100000) OR (GOLD<2000 CLVL>49) OR (GOLD<1000 CLVL>29) OR (GOLD<500 CLVL>19) OR (GOLD<200 CLVL>9) OR GOLD<50)]: ItemDisplay[GOLD>0]: %NAME% /⃓̲ ┌─────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Potions ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └─────────┘ /⃓̲ Hidden: Super Healing/Mana Potions when life/mana is nearly full - level 80 ...Note: potions that are already loaded won't be entirely hidden (they'll have a blank name instead) ItemDisplay[hp5 CLVL>79 ((CHARSTAT6>20000 CHARSTAT7<25000) OR (CHARSTAT6>40000 CHARSTAT7<50000) OR (CHARSTAT6>60000 CHARSTAT7<75000) OR (CHARSTAT6>80000 CHARSTAT7<100000) OR (CHARSTAT6>100000 CHARSTAT7<125000) OR (CHARSTAT6>140000 CHARSTAT7<175000) OR (CHARSTAT6>180000 CHARSTAT7<225000) OR (CHARSTAT6>240000 CHARSTAT7<300000) OR (CHARSTAT6>300000 CHARSTAT7<375000) OR (CHARSTAT6>380000 CHARSTAT7<475000) OR (CHARSTAT6>480000 CHARSTAT7<600000) OR (CHARSTAT6>600000 CHARSTAT7<750000) OR (CHARSTAT6>760000 CHARSTAT7<950000) OR (CHARSTAT6>960000 CHARSTAT7<1200000) OR (CHARSTAT6>1200000 CHARSTAT7<1500000) OR (CHARSTAT6>1500000 CHARSTAT7<1875000) OR (CHARSTAT6>1880000 CHARSTAT7<2350000) OR (CHARSTAT6>2360000 CHARSTAT7<2950000))]: ItemDisplay[mp5 CLVL>79 ((CHARSTAT8>20000 CHARSTAT9<25000) OR (CHARSTAT8>40000 CHARSTAT9<50000) OR (CHARSTAT8>60000 CHARSTAT9<75000) OR (CHARSTAT8>80000 CHARSTAT9<100000) OR (CHARSTAT8>100000 CHARSTAT9<125000) OR (CHARSTAT8>140000 CHARSTAT9<175000) OR (CHARSTAT8>180000 CHARSTAT9<225000) OR (CHARSTAT8>240000 CHARSTAT9<300000) OR (CHARSTAT8>300000 CHARSTAT9<375000) OR (CHARSTAT8>380000 CHARSTAT9<475000) OR (CHARSTAT8>480000 CHARSTAT9<600000) OR (CHARSTAT8>600000 CHARSTAT9<750000) OR (CHARSTAT8>760000 CHARSTAT9<950000) OR (CHARSTAT8>960000 CHARSTAT9<1200000) OR (CHARSTAT8>1200000 CHARSTAT9<1500000))]: /⃓̲ Super & Rejuvenation Potions ItemDisplay[hp5]: %RED%[] %WHITE%H%DGREEN% // Super Healing ItemDisplay[mp5]: %BLUE%[] %WHITE%M%DGREEN% // Super Mana ItemDisplay[rvs]: %PURPLE%[] %WHITE%r-%DGREEN% // Rejuvenation ItemDisplay[rvl]: %PURPLE%[] %WHITE%R70%DGREEN% // Full Rejuvenation /⃓̲ Hidden: Minor, Lesser, standard, & Greater Potions - levels 18, 30, 40, 75 ItemDisplay[(hp1 OR mp1) CLVL>17]: ItemDisplay[(hp2 OR mp2) CLVL>29]: ItemDisplay[(hp3 OR mp3) CLVL>39]: ItemDisplay[(hp4 OR mp4) CLVL>74]: ItemDisplay[hp1]: %RED%[] %GRAY%h¹%DGREEN% // Minor Healing ItemDisplay[mp1]: %BLUE%[] %GRAY%m¹%DGREEN% // Minor Mana ItemDisplay[hp2]: %RED%[] %GRAY%h²%DGREEN% // Lesser Healing ItemDisplay[mp2]: %BLUE%[] %GRAY%m²%DGREEN% // Lesser Mana ItemDisplay[hp3]: %RED%[] %GRAY%H³%DGREEN% // Healing ItemDisplay[mp3]: %BLUE%[] %GRAY%M³%DGREEN% // Mana ItemDisplay[hp4]: %RED%[] %WHITE%H-%DGREEN% // Greater Healing ItemDisplay[mp4]: %BLUE%[] %WHITE%M-%DGREEN% // Greater Mana /⃓̲ Show Antidote Potions - from level 80 until 90 (early mapping) ItemDisplay[yps (CLVL>79 CLVL<90)]: %DGREEN%[] %GRAY%A%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Hidden: Antidote & Thawing - level 30 ItemDisplay[(yps OR wms) CLVL>29]: ItemDisplay[yps]: %DGREEN%[] %GRAY%Antidote%DGREEN% // Antidote ItemDisplay[wms]: %YELLOW%[] %GRAY%Thawing%DGREEN% // Thawing /⃓̲ Hidden: Stamina & Throwing Potions - level 15 ItemDisplay[(vps OR opl OR gpl OR opm OR ops OR gpm OR gps) CLVL>14]: ItemDisplay[vps]: %WHITE%[] %GRAY%Stamina%DGREEN% // Stamina ItemDisplay[opl]: %TAN%[] %GRAY%Fulminating%DGREEN% // Fulminating ItemDisplay[gpl]: %TAN%[] %GRAY%Strangling%DGREEN% // Strangling /ItemDisplay[opm]: %TAN%[] %GRAY%Exploding%DGREEN% // Exploding /ItemDisplay[ops]: %TAN%[] %GRAY%Oil%DGREEN% // Oil /ItemDisplay[gpm]: %TAN%[] %GRAY%Choking%DGREEN% // Choking /ItemDisplay[gps]: %TAN%[] %GRAY%Rancid%DGREEN% // Rancid /⃓̲ ┌─────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Quest Items ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └─────────────┘ /⃓̲ Note: Basic non-equipment items without active rules are caught & displayed in the General Equipment category /⃓̲ Individual Rules /⃓̲ Act 1 /ItemDisplay[bks]: %NAME% // Scroll of Inifuss /ItemDisplay[bkd]: %NAME% // Key to the Cairn Stones /ItemDisplay[hdm]: %NAME% // Horadric Malus /⃓̲ Act 2 /ItemDisplay[box]: %NAME% // Horadric Cube /ItemDisplay[tr1]: %NAME% // Horadric Scroll /ItemDisplay[ass]: %NAME% // Book of Skill /ItemDisplay[msf]: %NAME% // Staff of Kings /ItemDisplay[vip]: %NAME% // Viper Amulet /ItemDisplay[hst]: %NAME% // Horadric Staff /⃓̲ Act 3 /ItemDisplay[j34]: %NAME% // Jade Figurine /ItemDisplay[g34]: %NAME% // Golden Bird /ItemDisplay[xyz]: %NAME% // Potion of Life /ItemDisplay[g33]: %NAME% // Gidbinn /ItemDisplay[bbb]: %NAME% // Lam Esen's Tome /ItemDisplay[qbr]: %NAME% // Khalim's Brain /ItemDisplay[qey]: %NAME% // Khalim's Eye /ItemDisplay[qhr]: %NAME% // Khalim's Heart /ItemDisplay[qf1]: %NAME% // Khalim's Flail /ItemDisplay[qf2]: %NAME% // Khalim's Will /⃓̲ Act 4 /ItemDisplay[mss]: %NAME% // Mephisto's Soulstone /ItemDisplay[hfh]: %NAME% // Hellforge Hammer /⃓̲ Act 5 /ItemDisplay[ice]: %NAME% // Malah's Potion /ItemDisplay[tr2]: %NAME% // Scroll of Resistance /⃓̲ Collective Rules ItemDisplay[(hdm OR msf OR vip OR hst OR g33 OR qf1 OR qf2 OR hfh) SOCK=0]: %NAME% // equipment /ItemDisplay[(bks OR bkd OR box OR tr1 OR ass OR j34 OR g34 OR xyz OR bbb OR qbr OR qey OR qhr OR mss OR ice OR tr2)]: %NAME% // non-equipment /⃓̲ ┌─────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Endgame ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └─────────┘ /⃓̲ Essences & Token ItemDisplay[tes]: Essence of Suffering %GRAY%(Andariel & Duriel) ItemDisplay[ceh]: Essence of Hatred %GRAY%(Mephisto) ItemDisplay[bet]: Essence of Terror %GRAY%(Diablo) ItemDisplay[fed]: Essence of Destruction %GRAY%(Baal) /ItemDisplay[toa]: %NAME% // Token of Absolution /⃓̲ Uber Keys ItemDisplay[pk1]: %NAME% %GRAY%(Countess) // Key of Terror ItemDisplay[pk2]: %NAME% %GRAY%(Summoner) // Key of Hatred ItemDisplay[pk3]: %NAME% %GRAY%(Nihlathak) // Key of Destruction /⃓̲ Uber Organs /ItemDisplay[dhn]: %NAME% %GRAY%(Lilith) // Diablo's Horn /ItemDisplay[bey]: %NAME% %GRAY%(Duriel) // Baal's Eye /ItemDisplay[mbr]: %NAME% %GRAY%(Izual) // Mephisto's Brain /⃓̲ PoD Items ItemDisplay[cx5]: %RED% Orb of Corruption // Orb of Corruption ItemDisplay[cx7]: %ORANGE% Key of Chaos // Key of Chaos (drops in maps) /ItemDisplay[cx6]: %NAME% // Diablo's Soulstone (drops in Uber Tristram) ItemDisplay[maz]: %TAN%%NAME%%RED% // Infernal Trial ("DClone") /⃓̲ Relics (maps) /ItemDisplay[ma1]: %NAME% // Icy Cavern (tier 1, white) /ItemDisplay[ma5]: %NAME% // Frigid Plateau (tier 1, white) /ItemDisplay[ma4]: %NAME% // Desecrated Temple (tier 2, yellow) /ItemDisplay[ma8]: %NAME% // Musty Crypt (tier 2, yellow) /ItemDisplay[ma9]: %NAME% // Dim Cellar (tier 2, yellow) /ItemDisplay[ma2]: %NAME% // Forgotten Desert (tier 3, red) /ItemDisplay[ma6]: %NAME% // Ruined Citadel (tier 3, red) /ItemDisplay[ma7]: %NAME% // Burnt Forest (tier 3, red) ItemDisplay[ma1 OR ma2 OR ma3 OR ma4 OR ma5 OR ma6 OR ma7 OR ma8 OR ma9 OR ma10]: %TAN%%NAME% /⃓̲ Legacy Items /ItemDisplay[cm4]: Horadrim Sigil %RED% // Horadrim Sigil (non-ladder only) /ItemDisplay[cx8]: %DGREEN%%NAME% %RED% // Orb of Enchantment (non-ladder only) /⃓̲ ┌───────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Miscellaneous ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └───────────────┘ /⃓̲ Show Keys: /⃓̲ from Cow Levels & (Hell) Arcane Sanctuary /⃓̲ from merchants (Normal difficulty & character level 90+) ItemDisplay[key (ILVL=28 OR ILVL=64 OR ILVL=81 OR ILVL=79)]: %GRAY%%NAME%%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[key (ILVL=12 OR ILVL=20 OR ILVL=28 OR ILVL=36 OR ILVL=45 OR ILVL>94)]: %GRAY%%NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Hidden: Scrolls and Keys - level 20 ItemDisplay[(key OR tsc OR isc) CLVL>19]: /⃓̲ Scrolls & Tomes ItemDisplay[tsc]: %BLUE%­ %WHITE%Portal%DGREEN% // Scroll of Town Portal ItemDisplay[isc]: %RED%­ %WHITE%Identify%DGREEN% // Scroll of Identify /ItemDisplay[tbk]: %BLUE%­ %WHITE%%NAME%%DGREEN% // Tome of Town Portal /ItemDisplay[ibk]: %RED%­ %WHITE%NAME%%DGREEN% // Tome of Identify /⃓̲ Other ItemDisplay[leg SOCK>0 NMAG]: %WHITE%%NAME% %GRAY%[%SOCKETS%] ItemDisplay[leg]: %NAME% // Wirt's Leg ItemDisplay[key]: %GRAY%%NAME%%DGREEN% // Key ItemDisplay[ear]: %GRAY%%NAME%%RED% // Player Ear /ItemDisplay[std]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Standard of Heroes /⃓̲ Show Quantity for Tomes & Keys /ItemDisplay[key]: %GRAY%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=0]: %GRAY%%NAME%%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=1]: %NAME% %GRAY%(1)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(key OR tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=2]: %NAME% %GRAY%(2)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(key OR tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=3]: %NAME% %GRAY%(3)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(key OR tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=4]: %NAME% %GRAY%(4)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(key OR tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=5]: %NAME% %GRAY%(5)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(key OR tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=6]: %NAME% %GRAY%(6)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(key OR tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=7]: %NAME% %GRAY%(7)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(key OR tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=8]: %NAME% %GRAY%(8)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(key OR tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=9]: %NAME% %GRAY%(9)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(key OR tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=10]: %NAME% %GRAY%(10)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(key OR tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=11]: %NAME% %GRAY%(11)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(key OR tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=12]: %NAME% %GRAY%(12)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=13]: %NAME% %GRAY%(13)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=14]: %NAME% %GRAY%(14)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=15]: %NAME% %GRAY%(15)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=16]: %NAME% %GRAY%(16)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=17]: %NAME% %GRAY%(17)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=18]: %NAME% %GRAY%(18)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=19]: %NAME% %GRAY%(19)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(tbk OR ibk) ITEMSTAT70=20]: %NAME% %GRAY%(20)%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌──────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Gems ╞══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └──────┘ /⃓̲ Hidden: Chipped, Flawed & standard gems - levels 30, 40, 60 ItemDisplay[((GEMLEVEL=1 CLVL>29) OR (GEMLEVEL=2 CLVL>39) OR (GEMLEVEL=3 CLVL>59))]: // no other conditions /ItemDisplay[((GEMLEVEL=1 !skc CLVL>29) OR (GEMLEVEL=2 !skf CLVL>39))]: // don't hide Chipped/Flawed skulls (for recharging items) or standard gems (for creating Full Rejuvenation potions) /⃓̲ Default Names /ItemDisplay[gcv OR gfv OR gsv OR gzv OR gpv]: %ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%ORANGE%] %WHITE%%NAME%%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[gcw OR gfw OR gsw OR glw OR gpw]: %ORANGE%[%WHITE%@%ORANGE%] %WHITE%%NAME%%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[gcg OR gfg OR gsg OR glg OR gpg]: %ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %WHITE%%NAME%%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[gcr OR gfr OR gsr OR glr OR gpr]: %ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %WHITE%%NAME%%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[gcb OR gfb OR gsb OR glb OR gpb]: %ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %WHITE%%NAME%%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[gcy OR gfy OR gsy OR gly OR gpy]: %ORANGE%[%YELLOW%@%ORANGE%] %WHITE%%NAME%%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[skc OR skf OR sku OR skl OR skz]: %ORANGE%[%GRAY%@%ORANGE%] %WHITE%%NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Gem Qualities ItemDisplay[GEMLEVEL=1]: *%ORANGE%]%CONTINUE% // Chipped ItemDisplay[GEMLEVEL=2]: +%ORANGE%] %GRAY%F.%GEMTYPE%%CONTINUE% // Flawed ItemDisplay[GEMLEVEL=3]: ¤%ORANGE%] %GRAY%%GEMTYPE%%CONTINUE% // standard ItemDisplay[GEMLEVEL=4]: o%ORANGE%] %WHITE%%GEMTYPE%%CONTINUE% // Flawless ItemDisplay[GEMLEVEL=5]: @%ORANGE%] %WHITE%P%GRAY%.%WHITE%%GEMTYPE%%CONTINUE% // Perfect /⃓̲ Gem Colors ItemDisplay[GEMTYPE=1]: %ORANGE%[%PURPLE%%NAME%%DGREEN% // Amethyst ItemDisplay[GEMTYPE=2]: %ORANGE%[%WHITE%%NAME%%DGREEN% // Diamond ItemDisplay[GEMTYPE=3]: %ORANGE%[%GREEN%%NAME%%DGREEN% // Emerald ItemDisplay[gcr OR gfr OR gsr OR glr OR gpr]: %ORANGE%[%RED%%NAME%%DGREEN% // Ruby ...Note: used instead of GEMTYPE=4, which reportedly contributes to game crashes ItemDisplay[GEMTYPE=5]: %ORANGE%[%BLUE%%NAME%%DGREEN% // Sapphire ItemDisplay[GEMTYPE=6]: %ORANGE%[%YELLOW%%NAME%%DGREEN% // Topaz ItemDisplay[GEMTYPE=7]: %ORANGE%[%GRAY%%NAME%%DGREEN% // Skull /⃓̲ ┌───────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Runes ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └───────┘ /⃓̲ Modification: Runes /⃓̲ same color for all ItemDisplay[RUNE>0]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%%RUNENUM%%TAN%)%DGREEN%%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ different colors /ItemDisplay[RUNE>0 RUNE<15]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%%RUNENUM%%TAN%)%DGREEN%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[RUNE>14 RUNE<20]: %NAME% %TAN%(%BLUE%%RUNENUM%%TAN%)%DGREEN%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[RUNE>19 RUNE<26]: %NAME% %TAN%(%PURPLE%%RUNENUM%%TAN%)%DGREEN%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[RUNE>25 RUNE<34]: %NAME% %TAN%(%RED%%RUNENUM%%TAN%)%DGREEN%%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Individual Rules /⃓̲ Lowest Runes /ItemDisplay[r01]: %NAME% // El /ItemDisplay[r02]: %NAME% // Eld /ItemDisplay[r03]: %NAME% // Tir /ItemDisplay[r04]: %NAME% // Nef /ItemDisplay[r05]: %NAME% // Eth /ItemDisplay[r06]: %NAME% // Ith /ItemDisplay[r07]: %NAME% // Tal ItemDisplay[r08]: %NAME% // Ral (used for amulet crafting, recharging armor) /ItemDisplay[r09]: %NAME% // Ort (used for recharging weapons) /ItemDisplay[r10]: %NAME% // Thul ItemDisplay[r11]: %NAME% // Amn (used for amulet & ring crafting) /ItemDisplay[r12]: %NAME% // Sol (used for ring crafting) /ItemDisplay[r13]: %NAME% // Shael /ItemDisplay[r14]: %NAME% // Dol /⃓̲ Upper Low Runes /ItemDisplay[r15]: %NAME% // Hel /ItemDisplay[r16]: %NAME% // Io /ItemDisplay[r17]: %NAME% // Lum /ItemDisplay[r18]: %NAME% // Ko /ItemDisplay[r19]: %NAME% // Fal /⃓̲ Mid Runes /ItemDisplay[r20]: %NAME% // Lem worth about the same as Pul (Lems are used for upgrading exceptional armor, which is a prerequisite for some valuable max-socket corruptions in PoD) /ItemDisplay[r21]: %NAME% // Pul worth atleast 0.015625 - 0.02778 "HR" (1/2 Um - 1/3 Mal) - potential trade value: 0.04 "HR" (Sur = 25 Pul) /ItemDisplay[r22]: %NAME% // Um worth atleast 0.03125 - 0.0556 "HR" (1/2 Mal - 1/3 Ist) - potential trade value: 0.0625 "HR" (Vex = 8 Um) /ItemDisplay[r23]: %NAME% // Mal worth atleast 0.0625 - 0.083 "HR" (1/2 Ist - 1/3 Gul) - potential trade value: 0.1 "HR" (Vex = 5 Mal) ItemDisplay[r24]: %NAME% // Ist worth 0.125 - 0.1667 "HR" (1/2 Gul - 1/3 Vex) ItemDisplay[r25]: %NAME% // Gul always worth 1/2 of Vex, typically 0.25 "HR" /⃓̲ High Runes (not available from Hellforge quest) ItemDisplay[r26]: %NAME% // Vex worth about the same or slightly less than Ohm, typically 0.5 "HR" ItemDisplay[ r32]: %NAME% // Cham always worth 1/2 of Zod ItemDisplay[r27]: %NAME% // Ohm always worth 1/2 of Lo ItemDisplay[r29]: %NAME% // Sur the benchmark rune, worth 1 "HR" ItemDisplay[ r33]: %NAME% // Zod typically worth about the same or slightly more than Sur, up to 1.25 "HR" ItemDisplay[ r28]: %NAME% // Lo valued between Sur and Ber, but not more than 1.5 "HR" ItemDisplay[r30]: %NAME% // Ber always worth 2x Sur, or 2 "HR" ItemDisplay[r31]: %NAME% // Jah typically worth slightly more than Ber, up to 2.5 "HR" /⃓̲ Collective Rules ItemDisplay[RUNE>0 RUNE<15]: %NAME% ItemDisplay[RUNE>14 RUNE<20]: %NAME% ItemDisplay[r20 OR r21]: %NAME% ItemDisplay[r22 OR r23]: %NAME% /⃓̲ ┌────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Jewels ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └────────┘ /⃓̲ Modification: Jewels ItemDisplay[jew MAG]: %ORANGE%{%DGREEN%O%ORANGE%} %BLUE%%NAME%%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[jew RARE]: %ORANGE%{%DGREEN%O%ORANGE%} %YELLOW%%NAME%%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[jew UNI]: %ORANGE%{%DGREEN%O%ORANGE%} %GOLD%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Show ilvl for rerolling /ItemDisplay[jew RARE ILVL<16]: %NAME% %GRAY%[%BLACK%l%ILVL%%GRAY%]%DGREEN% // ilvl 15 and below - don't reroll ItemDisplay[jew RARE ILVL<31]: %NAME% %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // ilvl 16-30 shouldn't be rerolled until level 85+ /⃓̲ ┌────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Charms ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └────────┘ /⃓̲ Hidden: Large Charms - level 90 /ItemDisplay[cm2 !ID MAG CLVL>89]: /⃓̲ Modification: Charms ItemDisplay[(cm1 OR cm2 OR cm3) MAG]: %PURPLE%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Highlighting ItemDisplay[(cm1 OR cm3) MAG !ID (ILVL>90 OR (cm1 (ILVL=47 OR (ILVL>56 ILVL<63))))]: %NAME% %DGREEN% ItemDisplay[((cm1 ILVL>46) OR (cm3 ILVL>49)) MAG !ID]: %NAME% %DGREEN% /⃓̲ Show ilvl for rerolling ItemDisplay[(cm1 OR cm3) MAG (ILVL>90 OR (cm1 (ILVL=47 OR (ILVL>56 ILVL<63))))]: %NAME% %TAN%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Tan ilvl = best for rerolling ItemDisplay[((cm1 ((ILVL>46 ILVL<64) OR (ILVL>87 !ILVL=90))) OR (cm3 ((ILVL>49 ILVL<55) OR ILVL>76))) MAG ID]: %NAME% %WHITE%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // White ilvl = good for rerolling ItemDisplay[((cm1 ILVL>46) OR (cm3 ILVL>49)) MAG]: %NAME% %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Gray ilvl = okay for rerolling /⃓̲ ┌───────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ General Equipment ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └───────────────────┘ /⃓̲ Catchall - Non-Equipment ItemDisplay[!(ARMOR OR WEAPON OR rin OR amu OR aq2 OR cq2 OR aqv OR cqv OR (UNI (jew OR cm3 OR cm2 OR cm1)))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Gambling Merchant Items /ItemDisplay[NMAG !ID (ci1 OR rin)]: %YELLOW%%NAME% %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG !ID (rin OR amu OR EQ7)]: %BLUE%%NAME% %DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG !ID]: %NAME% %GRAY% /⃓̲ Hidden: Regular Non-Elite Non-Superior Non-Class-Related Items (except those with level 70+ rules in the Regular Items category) - level 70 ...Note: these would be hidden by other rules further down; this rule just helps optimize performance ItemDisplay[NMAG !RW CLVL>69 ((NORM OR EXC) ED=0 !(ILVL=12 OR ILVL=20)) !(CL1 OR CL2 OR CL4 OR CL6 OR WP11 OR WP12 OR WP13 OR (WP5 EXC) OR (CL3 (RES>34 OR ITEMSTAT18>49)) OR (CL5 !(NORM OR 9ar OR 9wb OR 9xf)) OR (CL7 (TABSK0>2 OR TABSK2>2 OR WP6)) OR ci2 OR ((WP8 OR WP7) ETH SOCK>2) OR bsd OR crs OR 9cr OR fla OR 2ax OR xh9 OR xtp OR xsh OR 8rx OR xar)]: /⃓̲ Modification: Equipment Quality Tier (normal, exceptional, elite) /⃓̲ style - subtle "upgrade" marks (signifies how many times the item can be upgraded) /ItemDisplay[(UNI OR SET OR RARE) ID NORM]: %NAME%%BLACK%:%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(UNI OR SET OR RARE) ID EXC]: %NAME%%BLACK%­%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ style - tallies /ItemDisplay[UNI ID]: %GOLD%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET ID]: %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[RARE ID]: %YELLOW%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(UNI OR SET OR RARE) ID NORM]: %DGREEN%­ %NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(UNI OR SET OR RARE) ID EXC]: %DGREEN%­­ %NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(UNI OR SET OR RARE) ID ELT]: %DGREEN%­­­ %NAME%%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Modification: Sockets ItemDisplay[!NMAG SOCK>0]: %NAME% %GRAY%[%SOCKETS%]%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Modification: Ethereal ItemDisplay[RARE ID ETH]: %GRAY%eth %YELLOW%%NAME%%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[RW !ETH]: %WHITE%%NAME%%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[UNI ETH (ID OR (!ID !(xla OR xpl OR uul OR uvb OR 9la OR 7ba OR 7sp OR 9cr OR 7bl OR 9st OR 7s7 OR 7gl OR 7ts OR ama OR 9ta OR 9tk OR 7bk OR 7b8 OR 7cs)))]: %GRAY%eth %GOLD%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // excludes unidentified uniques with 'autorepair' /⃓̲ ┌─────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Quivers ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └─────────┘ /⃓̲ Obscured/Hidden: Rusted Arrows/Bolts (from merchants only) - level 1 /⃓̲ Hidden: Regular & Magic Arrows/Bolts - level 10 (magic quivers shown until 40 if using a bow) ItemDisplay[(aqv OR cqv)]:%GRAY% ItemDisplay[(aq2 OR cq2) ((CLVL>9 (NMAG OR (MAG !CHARSTAT70=500))) OR (CLVL>39 MAG))]: /⃓̲ Catchall - Quivers ItemDisplay[(aq2 OR cq2 OR aqv OR cqv) !UNI]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌─────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Jewelry ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └─────────┘ /⃓̲ Hidden: lower level unid magic amulets/rings - level 90 /ItemDisplay[CLVL>89 (amu OR rin) ILVL<60 MAG !ID]: /⃓̲ Highlighting ItemDisplay[(amu OR rin) RARE !ID]: %NAME% %DGREEN% ItemDisplay[amu MAG !ID ILVL>89]: %NAME% %DGREEN% /⃓̲ Show ilvl (82+ for amulets, 62+ for rings) ItemDisplay[MAG ID ((amu ILVL>81) OR (rin ILVL>61))]: %NAME% %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Catchall - Magic & Rare Jewelry ItemDisplay[(amu OR rin) (MAG OR RARE)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌──────────────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Rare Items (identified) ╞══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └──────────────────────────┘ /⃓̲ Show item price (when below 800,000 gold) /⃓̲ No item price ItemDisplay[RARE ID !(CHARSTAT15>800000 OR CHARSTAT14>800000)]: %NAME% %GRAY%(%DGREEN%$%PRICE%%GRAY%)%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[RARE ID]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌────────────────────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Unique/Set Items (identified) ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └────────────────────────────────┘ ItemDisplay[((UNI OR SET) ID)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌───────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Runewords ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └───────────┘ ItemDisplay[RW]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌───────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Crafted Equipment ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └───────────────────┘ /⃓̲ Show ilvl (if below max affix range) ItemDisplay[ID !(NMAG OR MAG OR RARE) (ILVL<71 OR (amu ILVL<90) OR (rin (ILVL<78 OR ITEMSTAT62>5)) OR (WEAPON ILVL<77) OR (EQ2 ILVL<74))]: %NAME% %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[ID !(NMAG OR MAG OR RARE)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Crafting Ingredients (unidentified) ╞══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └──────────────────────────────────────┘ /⃓̲ Notes: Crafting recipes use 4 components: jewel, magic item, perfect gem, rune /⃓̲ Popular Recipes, ordered by the limiting component: runes /⃓̲ INGREDIENT GEM USED RUNE USED NOTABLE AFFIXES /⃓̲ Blood Gloves Ruby Nef [ 4] (3% LL, 10% crushing blow) /⃓̲ Blood Boots Ruby Eth [ 5] (3% LL) /⃓̲ Caster Belt Amethyst Ith [ 6] (10% FCR, 10% MR) /⃓̲ Blood Belt Ruby Tal [ 7] (3% LL, 10% open wounds) /⃓̲ Amulet (Caster) Amethyst Ral [ 8] ! (10% FCR, 10% MR) /⃓̲ Hitpower Gloves Sapphire Ort [ 9] (knockback) /⃓̲ Caster Boots Amethyst Thul [10] (5% max mana) /⃓̲ Amulet (Safety) Emerald Thul [10] (10% block) /⃓̲ Amulet (Hitpower) Sapphire Thul [10] (20% summon damage) /⃓̲ Amulet (Blood) Ruby Amn [11] ! (4% LL, 10% FRW) /⃓̲ Ring (Caster) Amethyst Amn [11] (10% MR) /⃓̲ Ring (Blood) Ruby Sol [12] (3% LL) /⃓̲ Ingredients (unidentified only) INGREDIENT GEM RUNE SPECIFIC ITEMS (* = excluded, see notes) EXCLUSION NOTES /⃓̲ Notation Example: "A6" = Amethyst + Ith [6] + jewel + the specific magic item /⃓̲ Blood /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ELT WP1]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%R9 // Axe Ruby Ort [ 9] any Axe* excluded: non-elite /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (xpk OR upk)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%R6 // Shield Ruby Ith [ 6] Spiked Shield*, Barbed Shield, Blade Barrier max 2 sockets /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (hlm OR xlm OR ulm)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%R8 // Helmet Ruby Ral [ 8] Helm, Casque, Armet /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (ult)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%R10 // Chest Ruby Thul [10] Plate Mail*, Templar Coat*, Hellforge Plate max 2/3 sockets /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (vgl OR xvg OR uvg)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%R4 // Gloves Ruby Nef [ 4] Heavy Gloves, Sharkskin Gloves, Vampirebone Gloves /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (tbt OR xtb OR utb)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%R5 // Boots Ruby Eth [ 5] Light Plated Boots, Battle Boots, Mirrored Boots /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (zmb OR umc)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%R7 // Belt Ruby Tal [ 7] Belt*, Mesh Belt, Mithril Coil max 8 potion slots /⃓̲ (amulet) // Amulet Ruby Amn [11] /⃓̲ (ring) // Ring Ruby Sol [12] /⃓̲ Caster /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ELT (WP13 OR WP11 OR WP12)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%A3\S3 // Rod Amethyst Tir [ 3] any Rod* (Scepter, Staff, Wand) excluded: non-elite /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (sml OR xml OR uml)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%A5 // Shield Amethyst Eth [ 5] Small Shield, Round Shield, Luna /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (msk OR xsk OR usk)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%A4 // Helmet Amethyst Nef [ 4] Mask, Death Mask, Demonhead /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (utp)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%A7 // Chest Amethyst Tal [ 7] Light Plate*, Mage Plate*, Archon Plate max 3 sockets /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (lgl OR xlg OR ulg)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%A9 // Gloves Amethyst Ort [ 9] Leather Gloves, Demonhide Gloves, Bramble Mitts /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (lbt OR xlb OR ulb)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%A10 // Boots Amethyst Thul [10] Boots, Demonhide Boots, Wyrmhide Boots /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (zvb OR uvc)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%A6 // Belt Amethyst Ith [ 6] Light Belt*, Sharkskin Belt, Vampirefang Belt max 8 potion slots /⃓̲ (amulet) // Amulet Amethyst Ral [ 8] /⃓̲ (ring) // Ring Amethyst Amn [11] /⃓̲ Hit-Power /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ELT (WP2 OR WP13 OR WP11 OR WP12)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%S3 // Blunt Weapon Sapphire Tir [ 3] any Blunt Weapon* (Mace, Scepter, Staff, Wand) excluded: non-elite /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (uts)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%S5 // Shield Sapphire Eth [ 5] Gothic Shield*, Ancient Shield*, Ward max 3 sockets /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (fhl OR xhl OR uhl)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%S6 // Helmet Sapphire Ith [ 6] Full Helm, Basinet, Giant Conch /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (uld)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%S4 // Chest Sapphire Nef [ 4] Field Plate*, Sharktooth Armor*, Kraken Shell max 2/3 sockets /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (mgl OR xmg OR umg)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%S9 // Gloves Sapphire Ort [ 9] Chain Gloves, Heavy Bracers, Vambraces /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (mbt OR xmb OR umb)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%S8 // Boots Sapphire Ral [ 8] Chain Boots, Mesh Boots, Boneweave Boots /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (ztb OR utc)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%S7 // Belt Sapphire Tal [ 7] Heavy Belt*, Battle Belt, Troll Belt max 12 potion slots /⃓̲ (amulet) // Amulet Sapphire Thul [10] /⃓̲ (ring) // Ring Sapphire Amn [11] /⃓̲ Safety /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 ELT WP7]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%E12 // Spear Emerald Sol [12] any Spear* excluded: non-elite /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (uit)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%E4 // Shield Emerald Nef [ 4] Kite Shield*, Dragon Shield*, Monarch max 3 sockets /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (crn OR xrn OR urn)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%E6 // Helmet Emerald Ith [ 6] Crown, Grand Crown, Corona /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (urs)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%E5 // Chest Emerald Eth [ 5] Breast Plate*, Cuirass*, Great Hauberk max 3 sockets /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (hgl OR xhg OR uhg)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%E8 // Gloves Emerald Ral [ 8] Gauntlets, War Gauntlets, Ogre Gauntlets /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (hbt OR xhb)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%E9 // Boots Emerald Ort [ 9] Greaves, War Boots, Myrmidon Greaves* high strength requirement /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (zlb OR ulc)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%* %DGREEN%E7 // Belt Emerald Tal [ 7] Sash*, Demonhide Sash, Spiderweb Sash max 12 potion slots /⃓̲ (amulet) // Amulet Emerald Thul [10] /⃓̲ (ring) // Ring Emerald Amn [11] /⃓̲ Popular Recipe Ingredients (Blood Gloves/Boots/Belt, Caster Gloves/Boots/Belt, Hitpower Gloves, Safety Shield) ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>47 (vgl OR xvg OR uvg OR tbt OR xtb OR utb OR zmb OR umc OR lgl OR xlg OR ulg OR lbt OR xlb OR ulb OR zvb OR uvc OR mgl OR xmg OR umg OR uit)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%*%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Crafting Notes: /⃓̲ resulting ilvl = (clvl/2 + ilvl/2) /⃓̲ Gloves: best affixes available at 43-44, but 71+ guarantees 4 affixes /⃓̲ Boots: best affixes available at 37-45, but 71+ guarantees 4 affixes (decent for gambling at character level 40-41) /⃓̲ Belts: best result = 71+ /⃓̲ Amulets: best result = 90+ (+2 skills) /⃓̲ Rings: most affixes available at 56-58, best result = 78-85 (86+ can give up to +6% mana leech instead of +5%, but will require character level 95 to use) /⃓̲ Reference: Other Recipes /⃓̲ Reroll Magic = 3 Gems (ilvl unchanged, best with grand charms) /⃓̲ Reroll Rare = 6 Skulls (ilvl = 40% ilvl + 40% clvl, best with jewels or rings) /⃓̲ /⃓̲ Create Magic Amulet = 3 Magic Rings (ilvl = 75% clvl, best at character level 81+ for +3 skill amulets) /⃓̲ Create Magic Ring = 3 Magic Amulets /⃓̲ /⃓̲ Repair (non-eth only) Note: ethereal items can be 'repaired' twice: once via Anya's customization quest, and once via Larzuk's socket quest (doesn't work after durability reaches zero) /⃓̲ Armor = Ral /⃓̲ Armor (recharge) = Ral + Flawed gem /⃓̲ Weapon = Ort /⃓̲ Weapon (recharge) = Ort + Chipped gem /⃓̲ /⃓̲ Remove Socketed Items = Hel + Scroll of Town Portal (destroys socketed gems/runes/jewels, doesn't work with ethereal body armor) /⃓̲ /⃓̲ Add Sockets (regular non-superior only) /⃓̲ Weapon = Ral + Amn + Amethyst /⃓̲ Helmet = Ral + Thul + Sapphire /⃓̲ Chest = Tal + Thul + Topaz /⃓̲ Shield = Tal + Amn + Ruby /⃓̲ /⃓̲ Upgrade Unique /⃓̲ Armor (Normal) = Tal + Shael + Diamond /⃓̲ Armor (Exceptional) = Ko + Lem + Diamond /⃓̲ Weapon (Normal) = Ral + Sol + Emerald /⃓̲ Weapon (Exceptional) = Lum + Pul + Emerald /⃓̲ /⃓̲ Upgrade Rare /⃓̲ Armor (Normal) = Ral + Thul + Amethyst /⃓̲ Armor (Exceptional) = Ko + Pul + Amethyst /⃓̲ Weapon (Normal) = Ort + Amn + Sapphire /⃓̲ Weapon (Exceptional) = Fal + Um + Sapphire /⃓̲ /⃓̲ Upgrade Set /⃓̲ Armor (Normal) = Eld + Ith + Topaz /⃓̲ Armor (Exceptional) = Hel + Io + Topaz /⃓̲ Weapon (Normal) = El + Eth + Ruby /⃓̲ Weapon (Exceptional) = Dol + Mal + Ruby /⃓̲ /⃓̲ Improve Inferior (rerolls automods/pointmods) /⃓̲ Armor = El + Chipped gem (ilvl = 1) /⃓̲ Weapon = Eld + Chipped gem (ilvl = 1) /⃓̲ /⃓̲ Full Rejuvenation potion = standard gem + any 3 Healing potions + any 3 Mana potions /⃓̲ ┌─────────────────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Magic Items (unidentified) ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └─────────────────────────────┘ /⃓̲ Override: Always show these magic items /⃓̲ class items capable of +6 (to individual skills) /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>59 CL7]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Amazon Weapons (bows, spears, javelins) /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>59 CL7 WP6]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Amazon Weapons (javelins only) /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>59 CL5 !(NORM OR 9ar OR 9wb OR 9xf)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Assassin Katars (skill-capable only) /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>59 CL2]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Barbarian Primal Helms /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>59 CL1]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Druid Pelts /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>59 CL4]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Necromancer Totems /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>58 WP12]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Wands /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>58 WP13]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Scepters /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>58 CL6]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Sorceress Orbs /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>58 WP11]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Staves /⃓̲ other items /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>59 EQ4]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Gloves capable of +3 Amazon/Assassin skills /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>50 EQ5]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Boots capable of 40% faster run/walk /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>49 EQ6]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Belts capable of +100 Life /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>71 ((ci0 ILVL>86) OR (ci1 ILVL>81) OR (ci2 ILVL>76) OR ci3)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Circlets capable of +2 class skills /ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>41 ((ci0 ILVL>56) OR (ci1 ILVL>51) OR (ci2 ILVL>46) OR ci3)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Circlets capable of +3 tab skills /⃓̲ Hidden: Unidentified Magic Armor/Weapons in maps - level 90 ItemDisplay[MAG !ID ILVL>85 CLVL>89]: /⃓̲ Sale Items /⃓̲ Item Size Items Included Conditions Shown /⃓̲ 2 elite throwing weapons always (if stash isn't full) /⃓̲ 3 elite javelins below 600,000 g /⃓̲ 2-4 exceptional/elite throwables below 300,000 g /⃓̲ 2-3 wands, orbs, scepters, short staves below 200,000 g /⃓̲ 3-6 class helms, totems, katars, staves, chests below 100,000 g ItemDisplay[((MAG !(ID OR ETH)) CHARSTAT15<2500000) (ELT WP5 !(WP6 OR 7b8))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[((MAG !(ID OR ETH)) !(CHARSTAT15>600000 OR CHARSTAT14>600000)) (7ja OR 7pi OR 7s7)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[((MAG !(ID OR ETH)) !(CHARSTAT15>300000 OR CHARSTAT14>300000)) (WP5 !(NORM OR CL7 OR 9b8 OR 7b8))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[((MAG !(ID OR ETH)) !(CHARSTAT15>200000 OR CHARSTAT14>200000)) (WP12 OR CL6 OR (WP13 !(wps OR 9ws OR 7ws)) OR sst OR 8ss OR 6ss)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[((MAG !(ID OR ETH)) !(CHARSTAT15>100000 OR CHARSTAT14>100000)) (CL1 OR CL2 OR CL4 OR (WP11 !(wst OR 8ws OR 6ws)) OR (CL5 !(NORM OR 9ar OR 9wb OR 9xf)) OR (EQ2 !NORM))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Hidden: Unidentified Magic Items /⃓̲ GROUP EXCEPTIONS LEVEL /⃓̲ normal pointmod items 15 /⃓̲ exceptional/elite pointmod items, throwable weapons, gloves, circlets 30/60 /⃓̲ eth armor, ilvl below 59 60 /⃓̲ normal/exceptional Amazon javelins, circlets, 3-socket-capable orbs 80 /⃓̲ all unid magic Amazon javelins, elite eth Katars, orbs, select items 90 ItemDisplay[MAG !ID CLVL>59 ((ETH ARMOR) OR ILVL<59 OR (CLVL>79 !(ELT OR (CL7 WP6) OR (CL5 ETH) OR (EQ7 ((ci0 ILVL>86) OR (ci1 ILVL>81) OR (ci2 ILVL>76))) OR ob5 OR oba OR ba9 OR baa)) OR (CLVL>89 !((CL7 WP6) OR (ELT (CL1 OR CL4 OR (CL2 !(bae OR baf)) OR (CL5 !(7cs !ETH)))) OR ba9 OR baa OR obf OR oba OR ob5 OR 7ws OR 7bw)))]: ItemDisplay[MAG !ID (((NORM CLVL>14) OR (EXC CLVL>29) OR (ELT CLVL>59)) !(((((EQ4 !uhg) OR EQ7 OR (WP5 !(9b8 OR 7b8)))) !NORM) OR CL6 OR CL1 OR CL2 OR CL4 OR WP13 OR WP12 OR (WP11 ELT) OR (CL7 WP6) OR (CL5 !(NORM OR 9ar OR 9wb OR 9xf)) OR 7cr))]: /⃓̲ Catchall - unidentified Magic items ItemDisplay[MAG ETH]: %GRAY%eth %BLUE%%NAME%%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[MAG !ID]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌────────────────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Rare Items (unidentified) ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └────────────────────────────┘ /⃓̲ Hidden: Unidentified Rare Armor/Weapons in maps (except circlets, gloves, boots, belts, quivers, katars, orbs) - level 90 ItemDisplay[RARE !ID ILVL>85 !(EQ7 OR aq2 OR cq2 OR CL5 OR CL6 OR EQ4 OR EQ5 OR EQ6) CLVL>89]: /⃓̲ Hidden: Rare armor /⃓̲ body armor & non-class shields: normal, exceptional, some elite (medium/heavy non-eth armor, 2x2 shields) - levels 40, 60, 80 /⃓̲ helms incapable of 3 sockets: normal, exceptional - levels 40, 60 ItemDisplay[RARE !ID (EQ2 OR EQ3) ((NORM CLVL>39) OR (EXC CLVL>59) OR (ELT CLVL>79 !((ITEMSTAT67=0 OR ETH OR uar) !(uuc OR uml))))]: ItemDisplay[RARE !ID (EQ1 (((cap OR skp OR hlm OR fhl) CLVL>39) OR ((xap OR xkp OR xlm OR xhl) CLVL>59)))]: /⃓̲ Hidden: Rare weapons /⃓̲ katars incapable of pointmods: normal, exceptional - levels 30, 50 /⃓̲ some axes: normal, exceptional, elite - levels 40, 60, 80 hidden: (normal) Hand Axe, Axe, Double Axe, Large Axe, Broad Axe, Battle Axe; (exceptional) Hatchet, Cleaver, Twin Axe, Military Axe, Bearded Axe, Tabar; (elite) Tomahawk /⃓̲ some maces: normal, exceptional, elite - levels 40, 60, 80 hidden: (normal) Mace, Morning Star; (exceptional) Flanged Mace, Jagged Star; (elite) Reinforced Mace, Devil Star /⃓̲ most swords incapable of 4+ sockets: normal, exceptional, elite - levels 40, 60, 80 hidden: (normal) Short Sword, Scimitar, Saber, Falchion, War Sword, Two-Handed Sword; (exceptional) Gladius, Cutlass, Shamshir, Tulwar, Ancient Sword, Espandon; (elite) Falcata, Ataghan, Elegant Blade, Hydra Edge /⃓̲ most spears/polearms incapable of 5+ sockets: normal, exceptional, elite - levels 40, 60, 80 hidden: (normal) Spear, Trident, Bardiche, Voulge; (exceptional) War Spear, Fuscina, Lochaber Axe, Bill; (elite) Hyperion Spear, Ogre Axe /⃓̲ some bows/crossbows: normal, exceptional, elite - levels 40, 60, 80 hidden: (normal) Short/Long/Composite/Sh.Battle/Sh.War Bows, Light Crossbow, Crossbow; (exceptional) Edge/Cedar/Double/Sh.Siege/Rune Bows, Arbalest, Siege Crossbow; (elite) Spider/Shadow/Great/Diamond/Ward Bows, Pellet Bow, Gorgon Crossbow /⃓̲ normal throwables, Hurlbat, non-elite daggers - level 50 ItemDisplay[RARE !ID (CL5 ((NORM CLVL>29) OR ((9ar OR 9wb OR 9xf) CLVL>49)))]: ItemDisplay[RARE !ID (WP1 (((NORM !(mpi OR wax OR gax OR gix)) CLVL>39) OR ((EXC !(9mp OR 9wa OR 9ga OR 9gi)) CLVL>59) OR (7ha CLVL>79)))]: ItemDisplay[RARE !ID (WP2 (((mac OR mst) CLVL>39) OR ((9ma OR 9mt) CLVL>59) OR ((7ma OR 7mt) CLVL>79)))]: ItemDisplay[RARE !ID (((ssd OR scm OR sbr OR flc OR wsd OR 2hs) CLVL>49) OR ((9ss OR 9sm OR 9sb OR 9fc 9wd OR 92h) CLVL>79) OR ((7ss OR 7sm OR 7sb OR 7fc) CLVL>79))]: ItemDisplay[RARE !ID !ETH (((spr OR tri OR bar OR vou) CLVL>39) OR ((9sr OR 9tr OR 9b7 OR 9vo) CLVL>59) OR ((7sr OR 7o7) CLVL>79))]: ItemDisplay[RARE !ID ((!CL7 WP9) ((NORM !(hbw OR lbb OR lwb OR hxb OR rxb) CLVL>39) OR (EXC !(8hb OR 8l8 OR 8lw OR 8hx OR 8rx) CLVL>59) OR (ELT !(6hb OR 6l7 OR 6lw OR 6hx OR 6rx) CLVL>79)))]: ItemDisplay[RARE !ID (((!CL7 WP5) (NORM OR 9b8)) OR (WP4 !WP5 !ELT)) CLVL>49]: /⃓̲ Modification: Ethereal ItemDisplay[RARE !ID ETH]: %GRAY%eth %YELLOW%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Highlighting /⃓̲ +2-skill-capable Circlets, Class Helms /⃓̲ gloves, boots /⃓̲ highest-IAS-capable weapons (for character builds that benefit from attack speed more than regular weapon damage) ItemDisplay[RARE !ID ILVL>49 ((ci0 ILVL>86) OR (ci1 ILVL>81) OR (ci2 ILVL>76) OR (ci3 ILVL>71) OR CL1 OR CL2)]: %NAME% %DGREEN% ItemDisplay[RARE !ID ILVL>36 ((EQ4 ILVL>42) OR EQ5)]: %NAME% %DGREEN% ItemDisplay[RARE !ID ILVL>55 (rxb OR 8rx OR 6rx OR crs OR 9cr OR 7cr OR mpi OR 9mp OR 7mp OR wsc OR 9wc OR 7wc OR wsp OR 9ws OR 7ws OR gax OR 9ga OR 7ga)]: %NAME% %DGREEN% /⃓̲ Catchall - Unidentified Rares ItemDisplay[RARE !ID]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌──────────────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Regular: High-Precedence ╞══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └──────────────────────────┘ /⃓̲ Hidden: Regular Throwing Weapons in maps - level 90 ItemDisplay[NMAG ILVL>85 WP5 CLVL>89]: /⃓̲ Sale Items (throwable weapons) /⃓̲ Item Size Items Included Conditions Shown /⃓̲ 2 elite throwing weapons (with item price) below 800,000 g /⃓̲ 2 elite throwing weapons always (if stash isn't full) /⃓̲ 3 elite javelins below 600,000 g /⃓̲ 2-4 exceptional/elite throwables below 300,000 g /⃓̲ 2-4 normal throwables until level 15 /ItemDisplay[((NMAG !ETH) !(CHARSTAT15>800000 OR CHARSTAT14>800000)) (ELT WP5 !(WP6 OR 7b8))]: %NAME% %GRAY%(%DGREEN%$%PRICE%%GRAY%)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[((NMAG !ETH) CHARSTAT15<2500000) (ELT WP5 !(WP6 OR 7b8))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[((NMAG !ETH) !(CHARSTAT15>600000 OR CHARSTAT14>600000)) (7ja OR 7pi OR 7s7)]: %NAME% %GRAY%(%DGREEN%$%PRICE%%GRAY%)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[((NMAG !ETH) !(CHARSTAT15>300000 OR CHARSTAT14>300000)) (WP5 !(CL7 OR NORM OR 9b8 OR 7b8))]: %NAME% %GRAY%(%DGREEN%$%PRICE%%GRAY%)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[CLVL<15 NMAG (WP5 NORM !CL7 !bal)]: %NAME% %GRAY%(%DGREEN%$%PRICE%%GRAY%)%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Same Items/Conditions, but no prices shown ItemDisplay[((NMAG !ETH) CHARSTAT15<2500000) (ELT WP5 !(WP6 OR 7b8))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[((NMAG !ETH) !(CHARSTAT15>600000 OR CHARSTAT14>600000)) (7ja OR 7pi OR 7s7)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[((NMAG !ETH) !(CHARSTAT15>300000 OR CHARSTAT14>300000)) (WP5 !(CL7 OR NORM OR 9b8 OR 7b8))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CLVL<15 NMAG (WP5 NORM !CL7 !bal)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Inferior Items (niche use with 'improvement' recipe) - until level 90 /ItemDisplay[NMAG INF (utp OR 7cr OR 7wa OR amb OR amc) CLVL<90]: %NAME% %DGREEN%* // inferior Archon Plate, Phase Blade, Berserker Axe, Matriarchal Bow, Grand Matron Bow /⃓̲ 0-socket swords (4-sockets via Larzuk's quest, ilvl shown - until level 60) - Spirit RW ItemDisplay[NMAG CLVL<60 ((ILVL>25 ((crs ILVL<41) OR ((bsd OR lsd) ILVL<60))) SOCK=0)]: %NAME% %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Obscured/Hidden: Regular Non-Class Merchant Items - levels 7, 15 ItemDisplay[(NMAG !(CL5 OR WP11 OR WP12 OR WP13) ((ILVL=12 CLVL>6) OR (ILVL=20 CLVL>14)))]:%GRAY% /⃓̲ ┌─────────────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Regular Non-Class Items ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └─────────────────────────┘ /⃓̲ Reference: Runeword-Capable base items that are hidden at high levels /⃓̲ GROUP RUNEWORD (level required) /⃓̲ armor [2] /⃓̲ headgear Nadir (13), Lore (27) /⃓̲ shield Rhyme (29), Splendor (37) /⃓̲ body armor Stealth (17), Smoke (37), Prudence (49) /⃓̲ weapon [2] /⃓̲ melee weapon Strength (25), Wind (61) /⃓̲ sword/axe/mace Steel (13) /⃓̲ missile weapon Zephyr (21) /⃓̲ Hidden: Regular non-class items with little or no runeword useability /⃓̲ GROUP EXCEPTIONS LEVEL /⃓̲ 2-socket 90 /⃓̲ 2-socket elite light body armor within 2% max def or higher 80 /⃓̲ 2-socket light armor 70 /⃓̲ 0/2-socket non-elite Grim Helm, Mage Plate, Grim Shield, Tiara, eth Ornate Armor 60 /⃓̲ 1-socket 15 /⃓̲ 0-socket armor Tiara, Ornate, Mage Plate, socket-capable elite/+ED/-req 15 /⃓̲ 1-socket max items, 5-socket bows 15 ItemDisplay[!(CL1 OR CL2 OR CL4 OR CL5 OR CL6 OR WP11 OR WP12 OR WP13) ((SOCK=2 NMAG) CLVL>89)]: ItemDisplay[!(CL1 OR CL2 OR CL4 OR CL5 OR CL6 OR WP11 OR WP12 OR WP13) ((SOCK=2 NMAG) CLVL>79) !(ELT EQ2 ITEMSTAT67=0 (ED>0 OR ((uui DEF>458) OR (uea DEF>461) OR (ula DEF>465) OR (utu DEF>471) OR (urs DEF>490) OR (utp DEF>511))))]: ItemDisplay[!(CL1 OR CL2 OR CL4 OR CL5 OR CL6 OR WP11 OR WP12 OR WP13) ((SOCK=2 NMAG) CLVL>69) (WEAPON OR ITEMSTAT67>999)]: ItemDisplay[!(CL1 OR CL2 OR CL4 OR CL5 OR CL6 OR WP11 OR WP12 OR WP13) ((NMAG (SOCK=2 OR SOCK=0) CLVL>59) (NORM OR (EXC !(xh9 OR xtp OR xsh OR ci2 OR (xar ETH)))))]: ItemDisplay[!(CL1 OR CL2 OR CL4 OR CL5 OR CL6 OR WP11 OR WP12 OR WP13) ((SOCK=1 NMAG) CLVL>14)]: ItemDisplay[NMAG CLVL>14 (ARMOR SOCK=0 !(CL1 OR CL2 OR CL3 OR CL4 OR ((EQ1 OR EQ2 OR EQ3) (ELT OR ED>0 OR !ITEMSTAT91=0)) OR ci2 OR xar OR xtp))]: ItemDisplay[NMAG CLVL>14 ((WP4 (dgr OR 9dg OR 7dg OR dir OR 9di OR 7di)) OR buc OR xuc OR (WP9 (SOCK=5 OR (SOCK=0 ILVL>40 SUP (CL7 OR lbw OR 8lb OR 6lb OR sbb OR 8s8 OR 6s7 OR swb OR 8sw OR 6sw OR rxb OR 8rx OR 6rx)))))]: /⃓̲ Hidden: Regular body armor /⃓̲ GROUP EXCEPTIONS LEVEL /⃓̲ body armor elite, eth Ornate Armor, high def Mage Plate 70 /⃓̲ 2+ socket (light) elite & Mage Plate: within 2% of max defense or higher 90 /⃓̲ 0-socket elite light within 1% of max defense or higher 90 /⃓̲ elite 450+ defense 85 /⃓̲ elite non-inferior: light, medium/heavy within 1% max def or higher 80 /⃓̲ eth 0-socket 700+ defense, socketed 650+ defense 90 /⃓̲ eth 0-socket 650+ defense, socketed 600+ defense 80 ItemDisplay[EQ2 NMAG CLVL>69 (NORM OR (EXC !((xtp (SOCK>1 OR DEF>256) !ETH) OR (xar ETH))))]: ItemDisplay[EQ2 NMAG CLVL>89 SOCK>1 ((uui DEF<459) OR (uea DEF<462) OR (ula DEF<466) OR (utu DEF<472) OR (urs DEF<491) OR (utp DEF<512) OR (xtp DEF<257))]: ItemDisplay[EQ2 NMAG CLVL>89 SOCK=0 ((ITEMSTAT67>999 !ETH) OR (uui DEF<464) OR (uea DEF<467) OR (ula DEF<471) OR (utu DEF<477) OR (urs DEF<497) OR (utp DEF<519))]: ItemDisplay[EQ2 NMAG CLVL>84 (ELT DEF<450)]: ItemDisplay[EQ2 NMAG CLVL>79 ELT (INF OR (ung DEF<485) OR (ucl DEF<492) OR (uhn DEF<501) OR (upl DEF<513) OR (uld DEF<519) OR (ult DEF<526) OR (uth DEF<537) OR (uul DEF<553) OR (uar DEF<595))]: ItemDisplay[EQ2 NMAG CLVL>89 (ETH ((DEF<700 SOCK=0) OR (DEF<650 SOCK>1)))]: ItemDisplay[EQ2 NMAG CLVL>79 (ETH ((DEF<650 SOCK=0) OR (DEF<600 SOCK>1)))]: /⃓̲ Hidden: Regular shields /⃓̲ GROUP EXCEPTIONS LEVEL /⃓̲ 0-socket shields within 1% of max def or higher: Monarch, Hyperion, Troll Nest 90 /⃓̲ elite shields 4s, 0s Monarch, 3s high def, 3s/high def Hyperion 70 /⃓̲ shields non-eth: Grim Shield, 3+ socket-capable elite, eth Monarch 50 ItemDisplay[NMAG CLVL>89 EQ3 SOCK=0 !((uit DEF>146) OR (urg DEF>133) OR (ush DEF>171) OR !ITEMSTAT91=0)]: ItemDisplay[NMAG CLVL>69 EQ3 ELT !(SOCK>3 OR (uit SOCK=0) OR (SOCK>2 DEF>157) OR (urg (SOCK>2 OR DEF>133)))]: ItemDisplay[NMAG CLVL>49 EQ3 !(((ELT !(uuc OR uml)) OR xsh) (!ETH OR uit))]: /⃓̲ Hidden: Regular helms /⃓̲ GROUP EXCEPTIONS LEVEL /⃓̲ helms top ~5% def & 2+s: Shako, Grim Helm, 3-socket-capable elite 80 /⃓̲ 0-socket helms 140+ defense 50 ItemDisplay[NMAG CLVL>79 (EQ1 !(CL1 OR CL2 OR EQ7 OR ((uap OR (xh9 DEF>119) OR (usk DEF>146) OR (uh9 DEF>149) OR (uhm DEF>153) OR (urn DEF>157)) SOCK>1)))]: ItemDisplay[NMAG CLVL>49 ((EQ1 SOCK=0 !(CL1 OR CL2 OR EQ7)) DEF<140)]: /⃓̲ Hidden: Regular polearms & spears /⃓̲ GROUP EXCEPTIONS LEVEL /⃓̲ polearms/spears elite: 4+ socket-capable eth, 3+ socket +ED 90 /⃓̲ polearms/spears 4-socket eth exceptional, elite: eth, 3+ socket +ED, 4-socket 70 /⃓̲ norm/exc polearms/spears 4-socket eth normal, eth/3+ socket exceptional 50 /⃓̲ normal polearms/spears 4-socket, eth 30 ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP8 OR (WP7 !WP6)) CLVL>89 !(ELT ((ETH !((7o7 OR 7sr) ED=0)) OR ((ED>0 OR !ITEMSTAT91=0) SOCK>2)))]: ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP8 OR (WP7 !WP6)) CLVL>69 !((EXC ETH SOCK=4) OR (ELT (ETH OR (ED>0 SOCK>2) OR SOCK=4)))]: ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP8 OR (WP7 !WP6)) CLVL>49 ((NORM !(SOCK=4 ETH)) OR (EXC (SOCK<3 !ETH)))]: ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP8 OR (WP7 !WP6)) CLVL>29 NORM !(SOCK=4 OR ETH)]: /⃓̲ Hidden: Regular daggers, throwables (non-class) /⃓̲ GROUP EXCEPTIONS LEVEL /⃓̲ daggers/throwables 3-socket/+ED Fanged Knife 20 ItemDisplay[!CL7 NMAG CLVL>19 ((WP4 OR WP5) !(7kr (SOCK>2 OR (ED>0 SOCK=0))))]: /⃓̲ Hidden: Regular Bows & Crossbows (non-class) /⃓̲ GROUP EXCEPTIONS LEVEL /⃓̲ Bows/Crossbows +ED 90 /⃓̲ Bows/Crossbows 4-socket, 4-socket-capable +ED elite 80 /⃓̲ Bows/Crossbows 0/3/4 socket: elite, Chu-Ko-Nu, 4-socket-capable, +ED 60 /⃓̲ Bows/Crossbows 3-4 sockets, elite, +ED 30 ItemDisplay[!CL7 NMAG WP9 CLVL>89 ED=0]: ItemDisplay[!CL7 NMAG WP9 CLVL>79 !((ED>0 (((6hb OR 6cb OR 6mx) SOCK=0) OR SOCK=3)) OR SOCK=4)]: ItemDisplay[!CL7 NMAG WP9 CLVL>59 !((ELT OR 8rx) ((SOCK>2 SOCK<5) OR (SOCK=0 (6hb OR 6cb OR 6mx)) OR ED>0))]: ItemDisplay[!CL7 NMAG WP9 CLVL>29 !((SOCK>2 SOCK<5) OR ELT OR ED>0)]: /⃓̲ Hidden: Regular axes, maces, swords - level 40 /⃓̲ GROUP SOCKETS EXCEPTIONS (* signifies +ED) /⃓̲ eth 0 Legend Sword, Colossus Sword, Colossus Blade, Berserker Axe, Glorious Axe, Thunder Maul, any elite* /⃓̲ eth 3 any elite sword, Dimensional Blade /⃓̲ eth 3+ any elite 2-handed sword, any elite* /⃓̲ eth 4+ 4-5s Crystal Sword, Broad Sword, Long Sword, Flail, 5s Double Axe, Scourge, Berserker Axe, Ettin Axe, Glorious Axe, Champion Axe, 5s Silver-Edged Axe, 6s Thunder Maul, 6s Dimensional Blade /⃓̲ non-eth 0 any elite* /⃓̲ non-eth 3+ Phase Blade, Berserker Axe, Scourge, Colossus Blade, any elite* /⃓̲ non-eth 4+ 4-5s Crystal Sword, Broad Sword, Long Sword, Flail, 5s Double Axe; until level 70: any normal one-handed 5s axe ItemDisplay[NMAG ETH CLVL>39 ((WP1 OR WP2 OR WP3) !(((ED>0 OR !ITEMSTAT91=0) ELT) OR (SOCK=0 (72h OR 7fb OR 7gd OR 7wa OR 7gi OR 7gm)) OR ((9cr OR (WP3 ELT)) SOCK=3) OR (WP3 ELT SOCK>2 !7bs !7ls) OR ((fla OR (crs SOCK<6) OR bsd OR lsd OR 7fl OR 7wa OR 72a OR 7gi OR 7ga) SOCK>3) OR ((2ax OR 7ba) SOCK>4) OR ((7gm OR 9cr) SOCK>5)))]: ItemDisplay[NMAG !ETH CLVL>39 ((WP1 OR WP2 OR WP3) !(((ED>0 OR !ITEMSTAT91=0) ELT) OR (SOCK>2 (7cr OR 7wa OR 7fl OR 7gd)) OR (SOCK>3 (((crs OR bsd OR lsd) SOCK<6) OR fla)) OR (2ax SOCK=5) OR (((mpi OR wax) SOCK=5) CLVL<70)))]: /⃓̲ Modification: Emphasize nearly-superior elite socketable armor - level 40 until 90 ItemDisplay[NMAG (CLVL>39 CLVL<90) (ELT (EQ1 OR EQ2 OR EQ3) !(SUP OR ETH)) ((uap DEF>139) OR (uhm DEF>151) OR (urn DEF>154) OR (usk DEF>156) OR (uh9 DEF>162) OR (uit DEF>146) OR (ush DEF>171) OR (urg DEF>133) OR (upk DEF>161) OR (uow DEF>159) OR (uts DEF>168) OR (uui DEF>458) OR (uea DEF>461) OR (ula DEF>465) OR (utu DEF>471) OR (urs DEF>490) OR (utp DEF>511) OR (ung DEF>484) OR (ucl DEF>491) OR (uhn DEF>500) OR (upl DEF>512) OR (uld DEF>518) OR (ult DEF>525) OR (uth DEF>536) OR (uul DEF>552) OR (uar DEF>594))]: %NAME% +%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ ┌───────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Regular Items ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └───────────────┘ /⃓̲ Obscured/Hidden: Regular Skill-Capable Merchant Items without skills (sold in Act 1 & 2 of Normal difficulty) - levels 7, 15 ItemDisplay[NMAG ((ILVL=12 CLVL>6) OR (ILVL=20 CLVL>14)) (CL5 NORM)]:%GRAY% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((ILVL=12 CLVL>6) OR (ILVL=20 CLVL>14)) (WP12 (SK66=0 SK67=0 SK68=0 SK69=0 SK70=0 SK71=0 SK72=0 SK73=0 SK74=0 SK75=0 SK76=0 SK77=0 SK78=0 SK79=0 SK80=0 SK81=0 SK82=0 SK83=0 SK84=0 SK85=0 SK86=0 SK87=0 SK88=0 SK89=0 SK90=0 SK91=0 SK92=0 SK93=0 SK94=0 SK95=0))]:%GRAY% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((ILVL=12 CLVL>6) OR (ILVL=20 CLVL>14)) (WP13 (SK96=0 SK97=0 SK98=0 SK99=0 SK100=0 SK101=0 SK102=0 SK103=0 SK104=0 SK105=0 SK106=0 SK107=0 SK108=0 SK109=0 SK110=0 SK111=0 SK112=0 SK113=0 SK114=0 SK115=0 SK116=0 SK117=0 SK118=0 SK119=0 SK120=0 SK121=0 SK122=0 SK123=0 SK124=0 SK125=0))]:%GRAY% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((ILVL=12 CLVL>6) OR (ILVL=20 CLVL>14)) (WP11 (SK36=0 SK37=0 SK38=0 SK39=0 SK40=0 SK41=0 SK42=0 SK43=0 SK44=0 SK45=0 SK46=0 SK47=0 SK48=0 SK49=0 SK50=0 SK51=0 SK52=0 SK53=0 SK54=0 SK55=0 SK56=0 SK57=0 SK58=0 SK59=0 SK60=0 SK61=0 SK62=0 SK63=0 SK64=0 SK65=0))]:%GRAY% /⃓̲ Hidden: Skill-Capable Items without skills (ilvl 10+) /⃓̲ GROUP EXCEPTIONS /⃓̲ scepters 4+ socket non-eth, 5-socket eth elite /⃓̲ staves eth 4+ socket-capable elite ItemDisplay[(NMAG ILVL>9) (CL5 (SK261=0 SK262=0 SK263=0 SK264=0 SK265=0 SK266=0 SK267=0 SK268=0 SK269=0 SK270=0 SK271=0 SK272=0 SK273=0 SK274=0 SK275=0 SK276=0 SK277=0 SK278=0 SK279=0 SK280=0))]: ItemDisplay[(NMAG ILVL>9) (CL2 (SK126=0 SK127=0 SK128=0 SK129=0 SK130=0 SK131=0 SK132=0 SK133=0 SK134=0 SK135=0 SK136=0 SK137=0 SK138=0 SK139=0 SK140=0 SK141=0 SK142=0 SK143=0 SK144=0 SK145=0 SK146=0 SK147=0 SK148=0 SK149=0 SK150=0 SK151=0 SK152=0 SK153=0 SK154=0 SK155=0))]: ItemDisplay[(NMAG ILVL>9) (CL1 (SK221=0 SK222=0 SK223=0 SK224=0 SK225=0 SK226=0 SK227=0 SK228=0 SK229=0 SK230=0 SK231=0 SK232=0 SK233=0 SK234=0 SK235=0 SK236=0 SK237=0 SK238=0 SK239=0 SK240=0 SK241=0 SK242=0 SK243=0 SK244=0 SK245=0 SK246=0 SK247=0 SK248=0 SK249=0 SK250=0))]: ItemDisplay[(NMAG ILVL>9) ((WP12 OR CL4) (SK66=0 SK67=0 SK68=0 SK69=0 SK70=0 SK71=0 SK72=0 SK73=0 SK74=0 SK75=0 SK76=0 SK77=0 SK78=0 SK79=0 SK80=0 SK81=0 SK82=0 SK83=0 SK84=0 SK85=0 SK86=0 SK87=0 SK88=0 SK89=0 SK90=0 SK91=0 SK92=0 SK93=0 SK94=0 SK95=0))]: ItemDisplay[(NMAG ILVL>9) ((WP13 !((SOCK>3 !ETH) OR (7ws ETH (SOCK>4 OR SOCK=0)))) (SK96=0 SK97=0 SK98=0 SK99=0 SK100=0 SK101=0 SK102=0 SK103=0 SK104=0 SK105=0 SK106=0 SK107=0 SK108=0 SK109=0 SK110=0 SK111=0 SK112=0 SK113=0 SK114=0 SK115=0 SK116=0 SK117=0 SK118=0 SK119=0 SK120=0 SK121=0 SK122=0 SK123=0 SK124=0 SK125=0))]: ItemDisplay[(NMAG ILVL>9) ((CL6 OR (WP11 !(ETH (6cs OR 6bs OR 6ws)))) (SK36=0 SK37=0 SK38=0 SK39=0 SK40=0 SK41=0 SK42=0 SK43=0 SK44=0 SK45=0 SK46=0 SK47=0 SK48=0 SK49=0 SK50=0 SK51=0 SK52=0 SK53=0 SK54=0 SK55=0 SK56=0 SK57=0 SK58=0 SK59=0 SK60=0 SK61=0 SK62=0 SK63=0 SK64=0 SK65=0))]: /⃓̲ Hidden: Ethereal Skill-Capable armor (ilvl 10+) ItemDisplay[(NMAG ILVL>9) (ETH (CL1 OR CL2 OR CL4))]: /⃓̲ Hidden: Amazon weapons /⃓̲ 1-2 sockets, +1 skill, non-elite +2 skill, any +2 skill (except 4-socket bows), any non-elite - levels 20, 40, 60, 80, 90 /⃓̲ Spears/Bows: normal, exceptional - levels 40, 70 ItemDisplay[NMAG CL7 (((SOCK>0 SOCK<3) CLVL>19) OR ((TABSK0<2 TABSK2<2) CLVL>39) OR ((TABSK0<3 TABSK2<3) !ELT CLVL>59) OR ((TABSK0<3 TABSK2<3) CLVL>79 !(TABSK0>1 SOCK=4)) OR (CLVL>89 !(ELT OR ((SOCK=0 OR SOCK>3) TABSK0>2))))]: ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL7 !WP6) ((NORM CLVL>39) OR (EXC CLVL>69 !((SOCK=0 OR SOCK>3) TABSK0>2)))]: /⃓̲ Hidden: Paladin shields /⃓̲ 1-3 socket eth, 1-socket, 2-socket non-elite - levels 1, 15, 80 /⃓̲ low res/damage - levels 40, 70, 90 ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ((ETH (SOCK<4 SOCK>0)) OR (SOCK=1 CLVL>14) OR (SOCK=2 CLVL>79 (NORM OR EXC))))]: ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ((CLVL>39 ((RES>0 RES<25) OR (ITEMSTAT18>0 ITEMSTAT18<40))) OR (CLVL>69 (((RES>0 RES<35) OR (ITEMSTAT18>0 ITEMSTAT18<50)) OR (NORM ((RES>0 RES<40) OR (ITEMSTAT18>0 ITEMSTAT18<55))))) OR (CLVL>89 ((RES>0 RES<40) OR (ITEMSTAT18>0 ITEMSTAT18<55)) !SOCK>2)))]: /⃓̲ Modification: Ethereal/Superior/Sockets ItemDisplay[NMAG !ETH]: %WHITE%%NAME%%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ED=15 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%+15%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ED=14 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%+14%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ED=13 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%+13%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ED=12 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%+12%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ED=11 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%+11%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ED=10 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%+10%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ED=9 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%+9%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ED=8 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%+8%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ED=7 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%+7%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ED=6 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%+6%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ED=5 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%+5%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ITEMSTAT91=-10 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%-10%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ITEMSTAT91=-9 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%-9%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ITEMSTAT91=-8 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%-8%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ITEMSTAT91=-7 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%-7%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ITEMSTAT91=-6 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%-6%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[ITEMSTAT91=-5 NMAG]: %NAME% %BLUE%-5%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG SOCK>0]: %NAME% %GRAY%[%SOCKETS%]%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Highlighting /⃓̲ eth armor with high defense: heavy 800+, medium 750+, light 700+ /⃓̲ sup & eth: non-class elite melee weapons /⃓̲ 4-5 socket eth: Thresher, Giant Thresher /⃓̲ 5 socket: sup/eth Berserker Axe, sup Phase Blade, eth Colossus Blade ItemDisplay[NMAG (((WP1 OR WP2 OR WP3 OR WP7 OR WP8) ELT ETH ED>0) OR ((((7wa OR 7cr) (ETH OR ED>0)) OR (7gd ETH)) SOCK=5) OR ((7s8 OR 7wc) ETH (SOCK>3 SOCK<6)) OR (EQ2 (DEF>799 OR ((ITEMSTAT67>0 !(ucl OR ult OR uul)) DEF>749) OR (ITEMSTAT67=0 DEF>699))))]: %NAME% %DGREEN% /⃓̲ Catchall - Regular Non-Class-Related Items ItemDisplay[NMAG !(CL1 OR CL2 OR CL3 OR CL4 OR CL5 OR CL6 OR CL7 OR WP11 OR WP12 OR WP13)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Modification: Pointmod Details ...Note: this results in some items having a blank name instead of being entirely hidden (code needs to be organized differently to fix it) /⃓̲ Amplitude (value of highest pointmod, if above +1) ItemDisplay[NMAG CL5 (SK261>2 OR SK262>2 OR SK263>2 OR SK264>2 OR SK265>2 OR SK266>2 OR SK267>2 OR SK268>2 OR SK269>2 OR SK270>2 OR SK271>2 OR SK272>2 OR SK273>2 OR SK274>2 OR SK275>2 OR SK276>2 OR SK277>2 OR SK278>2 OR SK279>2 OR SK280>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+3%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG CL5 (SK261>1 OR SK262>1 OR SK263>1 OR SK264>1 OR SK265>1 OR SK266>1 OR SK267>1 OR SK268>1 OR SK269>1 OR SK270>1 OR SK271>1 OR SK272>1 OR SK273>1 OR SK274>1 OR SK275>1 OR SK276>1 OR SK277>1 OR SK278>1 OR SK279>1 OR SK280>1) !(SK261>2 OR SK262>2 OR SK263>2 OR SK264>2 OR SK265>2 OR SK266>2 OR SK267>2 OR SK268>2 OR SK269>2 OR SK270>2 OR SK271>2 OR SK272>2 OR SK273>2 OR SK274>2 OR SK275>2 OR SK276>2 OR SK277>2 OR SK278>2 OR SK279>2 OR SK280>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+2%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG CL2 (SK126>2 OR SK127>2 OR SK128>2 OR SK129>2 OR SK130>2 OR SK131>2 OR SK132>2 OR SK133>2 OR SK134>2 OR SK135>2 OR SK136>2 OR SK137>2 OR SK138>2 OR SK139>2 OR SK140>2 OR SK141>2 OR SK142>2 OR SK143>2 OR SK144>2 OR SK145>2 OR SK146>2 OR SK147>2 OR SK148>2 OR SK149>2 OR SK150>2 OR SK151>2 OR SK152>2 OR SK153>2 OR SK154>2 OR SK155>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+3%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG CL2 (SK126>1 OR SK127>1 OR SK128>1 OR SK129>1 OR SK130>1 OR SK131>1 OR SK132>1 OR SK133>1 OR SK134>1 OR SK135>1 OR SK136>1 OR SK137>1 OR SK138>1 OR SK139>1 OR SK140>1 OR SK141>1 OR SK142>1 OR SK143>1 OR SK144>1 OR SK145>1 OR SK146>1 OR SK147>1 OR SK148>1 OR SK149>1 OR SK150>1 OR SK151>1 OR SK152>1 OR SK153>1 OR SK154>1 OR SK155>1) !(SK126>2 OR SK127>2 OR SK128>2 OR SK129>2 OR SK130>2 OR SK131>2 OR SK132>2 OR SK133>2 OR SK134>2 OR SK135>2 OR SK136>2 OR SK137>2 OR SK138>2 OR SK139>2 OR SK140>2 OR SK141>2 OR SK142>2 OR SK143>2 OR SK144>2 OR SK145>2 OR SK146>2 OR SK147>2 OR SK148>2 OR SK149>2 OR SK150>2 OR SK151>2 OR SK152>2 OR SK153>2 OR SK154>2 OR SK155>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+2%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG CL1 (SK221>2 OR SK222>2 OR SK223>2 OR SK224>2 OR SK225>2 OR SK226>2 OR SK227>2 OR SK228>2 OR SK229>2 OR SK230>2 OR SK231>2 OR SK232>2 OR SK233>2 OR SK234>2 OR SK235>2 OR SK236>2 OR SK237>2 OR SK238>2 OR SK239>2 OR SK240>2 OR SK241>2 OR SK242>2 OR SK243>2 OR SK244>2 OR SK245>2 OR SK246>2 OR SK247>2 OR SK248>2 OR SK249>2 OR SK250>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+3%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG CL1 (SK221>1 OR SK222>1 OR SK223>1 OR SK224>1 OR SK225>1 OR SK226>1 OR SK227>1 OR SK228>1 OR SK229>1 OR SK230>1 OR SK231>1 OR SK232>1 OR SK233>1 OR SK234>1 OR SK235>1 OR SK236>1 OR SK237>1 OR SK238>1 OR SK239>1 OR SK240>1 OR SK241>1 OR SK242>1 OR SK243>1 OR SK244>1 OR SK245>1 OR SK246>1 OR SK247>1 OR SK248>1 OR SK249>1 OR SK250>1) !(SK221>2 OR SK222>2 OR SK223>2 OR SK224>2 OR SK225>2 OR SK226>2 OR SK227>2 OR SK228>2 OR SK229>2 OR SK230>2 OR SK231>2 OR SK232>2 OR SK233>2 OR SK234>2 OR SK235>2 OR SK236>2 OR SK237>2 OR SK238>2 OR SK239>2 OR SK240>2 OR SK241>2 OR SK242>2 OR SK243>2 OR SK244>2 OR SK245>2 OR SK246>2 OR SK247>2 OR SK248>2 OR SK249>2 OR SK250>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+2%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL4 OR WP12) (SK66>2 OR SK67>2 OR SK68>2 OR SK69>2 OR SK70>2 OR SK71>2 OR SK72>2 OR SK73>2 OR SK74>2 OR SK75>2 OR SK76>2 OR SK77>2 OR SK78>2 OR SK79>2 OR SK80>2 OR SK81>2 OR SK82>2 OR SK83>2 OR SK84>2 OR SK85>2 OR SK86>2 OR SK87>2 OR SK88>2 OR SK89>2 OR SK90>2 OR SK91>2 OR SK92>2 OR SK93>2 OR SK94>2 OR SK95>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+3%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL4 OR WP12) (SK66>1 OR SK67>1 OR SK68>1 OR SK69>1 OR SK70>1 OR SK71>1 OR SK72>1 OR SK73>1 OR SK74>1 OR SK75>1 OR SK76>1 OR SK77>1 OR SK78>1 OR SK79>1 OR SK80>1 OR SK81>1 OR SK82>1 OR SK83>1 OR SK84>1 OR SK85>1 OR SK86>1 OR SK87>1 OR SK88>1 OR SK89>1 OR SK90>1 OR SK91>1 OR SK92>1 OR SK93>1 OR SK94>1 OR SK95>1) !(SK66>2 OR SK67>2 OR SK68>2 OR SK69>2 OR SK70>2 OR SK71>2 OR SK72>2 OR SK73>2 OR SK74>2 OR SK75>2 OR SK76>2 OR SK77>2 OR SK78>2 OR SK79>2 OR SK80>2 OR SK81>2 OR SK82>2 OR SK83>2 OR SK84>2 OR SK85>2 OR SK86>2 OR SK87>2 OR SK88>2 OR SK89>2 OR SK90>2 OR SK91>2 OR SK92>2 OR SK93>2 OR SK94>2 OR SK95>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+2%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG WP13 (SK96>2 OR SK97>2 OR SK98>2 OR SK99>2 OR SK100>2 OR SK101>2 OR SK102>2 OR SK103>2 OR SK104>2 OR SK105>2 OR SK106>2 OR SK107>2 OR SK108>2 OR SK109>2 OR SK110>2 OR SK111>2 OR SK112>2 OR SK113>2 OR SK114>2 OR SK115>2 OR SK116>2 OR SK117>2 OR SK118>2 OR SK119>2 OR SK120>2 OR SK121>2 OR SK122>2 OR SK123>2 OR SK124>2 OR SK125>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+3%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG WP13 (SK96>1 OR SK97>1 OR SK98>1 OR SK99>1 OR SK100>1 OR SK101>1 OR SK102>1 OR SK103>1 OR SK104>1 OR SK105>1 OR SK106>1 OR SK107>1 OR SK108>1 OR SK109>1 OR SK110>1 OR SK111>1 OR SK112>1 OR SK113>1 OR SK114>1 OR SK115>1 OR SK116>1 OR SK117>1 OR SK118>1 OR SK119>1 OR SK120>1 OR SK121>1 OR SK122>1 OR SK123>1 OR SK124>1 OR SK125>1) !(SK96>2 OR SK97>2 OR SK98>2 OR SK99>2 OR SK100>2 OR SK101>2 OR SK102>2 OR SK103>2 OR SK104>2 OR SK105>2 OR SK106>2 OR SK107>2 OR SK108>2 OR SK109>2 OR SK110>2 OR SK111>2 OR SK112>2 OR SK113>2 OR SK114>2 OR SK115>2 OR SK116>2 OR SK117>2 OR SK118>2 OR SK119>2 OR SK120>2 OR SK121>2 OR SK122>2 OR SK123>2 OR SK124>2 OR SK125>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+2%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL6 OR WP11) (SK36>2 OR SK37>2 OR SK38>2 OR SK39>2 OR SK40>2 OR SK41>2 OR SK42>2 OR SK43>2 OR SK44>2 OR SK45>2 OR SK46>2 OR SK47>2 OR SK48>2 OR SK49>2 OR SK50>2 OR SK51>2 OR SK52>2 OR SK53>2 OR SK54>2 OR SK55>2 OR SK56>2 OR SK57>2 OR SK58>2 OR SK59>2 OR SK60>2 OR SK61>2 OR SK62>2 OR SK63>2 OR SK64>2 OR SK65>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+3%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL6 OR WP11) (SK36>1 OR SK37>1 OR SK38>1 OR SK39>1 OR SK40>1 OR SK41>1 OR SK42>1 OR SK43>1 OR SK44>1 OR SK45>1 OR SK46>1 OR SK47>1 OR SK48>1 OR SK49>1 OR SK50>1 OR SK51>1 OR SK52>1 OR SK53>1 OR SK54>1 OR SK55>1 OR SK56>1 OR SK57>1 OR SK58>1 OR SK59>1 OR SK60>1 OR SK61>1 OR SK62>1 OR SK63>1 OR SK64>1 OR SK65>1) !(SK36>2 OR SK37>2 OR SK38>2 OR SK39>2 OR SK40>2 OR SK41>2 OR SK42>2 OR SK43>2 OR SK44>2 OR SK45>2 OR SK46>2 OR SK47>2 OR SK48>2 OR SK49>2 OR SK50>2 OR SK51>2 OR SK52>2 OR SK53>2 OR SK54>2 OR SK55>2 OR SK56>2 OR SK57>2 OR SK58>2 OR SK59>2 OR SK60>2 OR SK61>2 OR SK62>2 OR SK63>2 OR SK64>2 OR SK65>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+2%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Amount (one tally per pointmod, if more than one) ItemDisplay[NMAG CL5 (((SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0) (SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR ((SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0) (SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0)) OR ((SK261>0 OR SK262>0) (SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0)) OR (SK261>0 SK262>0) OR (SK263>0 (SK264>0 OR SK265>0)) OR (SK264>0 SK265>0) OR ((SK266>0 OR SK267>0) (SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0)) OR (SK266>0 SK267>0) OR (SK268>0 (SK269>0 OR SK270>0)) OR (SK269>0 SK270>0) OR ((SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0) (SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR ((SK271>0 OR SK272>0) (SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0)) OR (SK271>0 SK272>0) OR (SK273>0 (SK274>0 OR SK275>0)) OR (SK274>0 SK275>0) OR ((SK276>0 OR SK277>0) (SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK276>0 SK277>0) OR (SK278>0 (SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK279>0 SK280>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG CL2 (((SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0) (SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0)) OR ((SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0) (SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0)) OR ((SK126>0 OR SK127>0) (SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0)) OR (SK126>0 SK127>0) OR (SK128>0 (SK129>0 OR SK130>0)) OR (SK129>0 SK130>0) OR ((SK131>0 OR SK132>0) (SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0)) OR (SK131>0 SK132>0) OR (SK133>0 (SK134>0 OR SK135>0)) OR (SK134>0 SK135>0) OR ((SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0) (SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR ((SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0) (SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0)) OR ((SK136>0 OR SK137>0) (SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0)) OR (SK136>0 SK137>0) OR (SK138>0 (SK139>0 OR SK140>0)) OR (SK139>0 SK140>0) OR ((SK141>0 OR SK142>0) (SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0)) OR (SK141>0 SK142>0) OR (SK143>0 (SK144>0 OR SK145>0)) OR (SK144>0 SK145>0) OR ((SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0) (SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR ((SK146>0 OR SK147>0) (SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0)) OR (SK146>0 SK147>0) OR (SK148>0 (SK149>0 OR SK150>0)) OR (SK149>0 SK150>0) OR ((SK151>0 OR SK152>0) (SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK151>0 SK152>0) OR (SK153>0 (SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK154>0 SK155>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG CL1 (((SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0) (SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0)) OR ((SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0) (SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0)) OR ((SK221>0 OR SK222>0) (SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0)) OR (SK221>0 SK222>0) OR (SK223>0 (SK224>0 OR SK225>0)) OR (SK224>0 SK225>0) OR ((SK226>0 OR SK227>0) (SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0)) OR (SK226>0 SK227>0) OR (SK228>0 (SK229>0 OR SK230>0)) OR (SK229>0 SK230>0) OR ((SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0) (SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR ((SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0) (SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0)) OR ((SK231>0 OR SK232>0) (SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0)) OR (SK231>0 SK232>0) OR (SK233>0 (SK234>0 OR SK235>0)) OR (SK234>0 SK235>0) OR ((SK236>0 OR SK237>0) (SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0)) OR (SK236>0 SK237>0) OR (SK238>0 (SK239>0 OR SK240>0)) OR (SK239>0 SK240>0) OR ((SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0) (SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR ((SK241>0 OR SK242>0) (SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0)) OR (SK241>0 SK242>0) OR (SK243>0 (SK244>0 OR SK245>0)) OR (SK244>0 SK245>0) OR ((SK246>0 OR SK247>0) (SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK246>0 SK247>0) OR (SK248>0 (SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK249>0 SK250>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL4 OR WP12) (((SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0) (SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0)) OR ((SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0) (SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0)) OR ((SK66>0 OR SK67>0) (SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0)) OR (SK66>0 SK67>0) OR (SK68>0 (SK69>0 OR SK70>0)) OR (SK69>0 SK70>0) OR ((SK71>0 OR SK72>0) (SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0)) OR (SK71>0 SK72>0) OR (SK73>0 (SK74>0 OR SK75>0)) OR (SK74>0 SK75>0) OR ((SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0) (SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR ((SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0) (SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0)) OR ((SK76>0 OR SK77>0) (SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0)) OR (SK76>0 SK77>0) OR (SK78>0 (SK79>0 OR SK80>0)) OR (SK79>0 SK80>0) OR ((SK81>0 OR SK82>0) (SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0)) OR (SK81>0 SK82>0) OR (SK83>0 (SK84>0 OR SK85>0)) OR (SK84>0 SK85>0) OR ((SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0) (SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR ((SK86>0 OR SK87>0) (SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0)) OR (SK86>0 SK87>0) OR (SK88>0 (SK89>0 OR SK90>0)) OR (SK89>0 SK90>0) OR ((SK91>0 OR SK92>0) (SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK91>0 SK92>0) OR (SK93>0 (SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK94>0 SK95>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG WP13 (((SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0) (SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0)) OR ((SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0) (SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0)) OR ((SK96>0 OR SK97>0) (SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0)) OR (SK96>0 SK97>0) OR (SK98>0 (SK99>0 OR SK100>0)) OR (SK99>0 SK100>0) OR ((SK101>0 OR SK102>0) (SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0)) OR (SK101>0 SK102>0) OR (SK103>0 (SK104>0 OR SK105>0)) OR (SK104>0 SK105>0) OR ((SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0) (SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR ((SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0) (SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0)) OR ((SK106>0 OR SK107>0) (SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0)) OR (SK106>0 SK107>0) OR (SK108>0 (SK109>0 OR SK110>0)) OR (SK109>0 SK110>0) OR ((SK111>0 OR SK112>0) (SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0)) OR (SK111>0 SK112>0) OR (SK113>0 (SK114>0 OR SK115>0)) OR (SK114>0 SK115>0) OR ((SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0) (SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR ((SK116>0 OR SK117>0) (SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0)) OR (SK116>0 SK117>0) OR (SK118>0 (SK119>0 OR SK120>0)) OR (SK119>0 SK120>0) OR ((SK121>0 OR SK122>0) (SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK121>0 SK122>0) OR (SK123>0 (SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK124>0 SK125>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL6 OR WP11) (((SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0) (SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0)) OR ((SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0) (SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0)) OR ((SK36>0 OR SK37>0) (SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0)) OR (SK36>0 SK37>0) OR (SK38>0 (SK39>0 OR SK40>0)) OR (SK39>0 SK40>0) OR ((SK41>0 OR SK42>0) (SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0)) OR (SK41>0 SK42>0) OR (SK43>0 (SK44>0 OR SK45>0)) OR (SK44>0 SK45>0) OR ((SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0) (SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)) OR ((SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0) (SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0)) OR ((SK46>0 OR SK47>0) (SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0)) OR (SK46>0 SK47>0) OR (SK48>0 (SK49>0 OR SK50>0)) OR (SK49>0 SK50>0) OR ((SK51>0 OR SK52>0) (SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0)) OR (SK51>0 SK52>0) OR (SK53>0 (SK54>0 OR SK55>0)) OR (SK54>0 SK55>0) OR ((SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0) (SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)) OR ((SK56>0 OR SK57>0) (SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0)) OR (SK56>0 SK57>0) OR (SK58>0 (SK59>0 OR SK60>0)) OR (SK59>0 SK60>0) OR ((SK61>0 OR SK62>0) (SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)) OR (SK61>0 SK62>0) OR (SK63>0 (SK64>0 OR SK65>0)) OR (SK64>0 SK65>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK126>0 (SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0)) OR (SK221>0 (SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0)) OR (SK66>0 (SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0)) OR (SK96>0 (SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0)) OR (SK36>0 (SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK127>0 (SK126>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0)) OR (SK222>0 (SK221>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0)) OR (SK67>0 (SK66>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0)) OR (SK97>0 (SK96>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0)) OR (SK37>0 (SK36>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK128>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0)) OR (SK223>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0)) OR (SK68>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0)) OR (SK98>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0)) OR (SK38>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK129>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0)) OR (SK224>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0)) OR (SK69>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0)) OR (SK99>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0)) OR (SK39>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK130>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0)) OR (SK225>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0)) OR (SK70>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0)) OR (SK100>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0)) OR (SK40>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK131>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0)) OR (SK226>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0)) OR (SK71>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0)) OR (SK101>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0)) OR (SK41>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK132>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0)) OR (SK227>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0)) OR (SK72>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0)) OR (SK102>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0)) OR (SK42>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK133>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0)) OR (SK228>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0)) OR (SK73>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0)) OR (SK103>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0)) OR (SK43>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK134>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0)) OR (SK229>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0)) OR (SK74>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0)) OR (SK104>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0)) OR (SK44>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK135>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0)) OR (SK230>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0)) OR (SK75>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0)) OR (SK105>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0)) OR (SK45>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK261>0 (SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK136>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK231>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK76>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK106>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK46>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK262>0 (SK261>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK137>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK232>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK77>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK107>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK47>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK263>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK138>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK233>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK78>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK108>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK48>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK264>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK139>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK234>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK79>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK109>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK49>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK265>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK140>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK235>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK80>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK110>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK50>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK266>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK141>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK236>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK81>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK111>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK51>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK267>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK142>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK237>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK82>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK112>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK52>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK268>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK143>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK238>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK83>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK113>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK53>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK269>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK144>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK239>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK84>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK114>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK54>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK270>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK145>0 (SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK240>0 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK85>0 (SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK115>0 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK55>0 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK271>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK146>0 (SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK241>0 (SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK86>0 (SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK116>0 (SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK56>0 (SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK272>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK147>0 (SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK242>0 (SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK87>0 (SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK117>0 (SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK57>0 (SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK273>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK148>0 (SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK243>0 (SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK88>0 (SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK118>0 (SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK58>0 (SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK274>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK149>0 (SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK244>0 (SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK89>0 (SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK119>0 (SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK59>0 (SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK275>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK150>0 (SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK245>0 (SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK90>0 (SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK120>0 (SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK60>0 (SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK276>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK151>0 (SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK246>0 (SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK91>0 (SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK121>0 (SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK61>0 (SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK277>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK152>0 (SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK247>0 (SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK92>0 (SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK122>0 (SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK62>0 (SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK278>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK153>0 (SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK248>0 (SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK93>0 (SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK123>0 (SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK63>0 (SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK279>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK280>0)) OR (SK154>0 (SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK155>0)) OR (SK249>0 (SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK250>0)) OR (SK94>0 (SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK95>0)) OR (SK124>0 (SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK125>0)) OR (SK64>0 (SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK65>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((SK280>0 (SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0)) OR (SK155>0 (SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0)) OR (SK250>0 (SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0)) OR (SK95>0 (SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0)) OR (SK125>0 (SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0)) OR (SK65>0 (SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0)))]: %NAME%­%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ ┌────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Amazon ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └────────┘ /⃓̲ Notes: /⃓̲ Automods - Bows: +1-3 to Bow and Crossbow Skills; Javelins/Spears: +1-3 to Javelin and Spear Skills /⃓̲ Amazon weapons have skill automods instead of pointmods /⃓̲ Highlighting: 4-socket +3 elite bows ItemDisplay[NMAG CL7 ELT TABSK0>2 SOCK=4]: %NAME% %TAN%+3 %DGREEN% /⃓̲ Amazon Weapons ItemDisplay[NMAG CL7 (TABSK0>2 OR TABSK2>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+3%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG CL7 (TABSK0>1 OR TABSK2>1)]: %NAME% %TAN%+2%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG CL7]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌──────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Assassin ╞══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └──────────┘ /⃓̲ Notes: /⃓̲ Pointmods can't appear on: All normal katars, Quhab, Wrist Spike, Fascia (hidden above) /⃓̲ Tier 1 and 2 skills (SK251-SK260) don't appear on katars /⃓̲ Mind Barrier doesn't appear on katars /⃓̲ Katars (3-socket-capable only) /⃓̲ Any +3 trap skill with two of: Blades of Ice, Dragon Flight, Shadow Warrior/Master /⃓̲ Any +3 trap skill with Blades of Ice or Dragon Flight, or +2 with two of the above ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) (((SK274>0 SK275>0) OR ((SK274>0 OR SK275>0) (SK268>0 OR SK279>0))) (SK261>2 OR SK262>2 OR SK271>2 OR SK272>2 OR SK276>2 OR SK266>2 OR SK277>2)))]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Traps +%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) (((SK274>0 OR SK275>0) (SK261>2 OR SK262>2 OR SK271>2 OR SK272>2 OR SK276>2 OR SK266>2 OR SK277>2)) OR (((SK274>0 SK275>0) OR ((SK274>0 OR SK275>0) (SK268>0 OR SK279>0))) (SK261>1 OR SK262>1 OR SK271>1 OR SK272>1 OR SK276>1 OR SK266>1 OR SK277>1))))]: %NAME% %TAN%Traps +%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Others ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) (SK277>2 (SK275>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK279>0)))]: %NAME% %TAN%Blade Shield +%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) (SK267>2 (SK275>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK279>0)))]: %NAME% %TAN%Fade +%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) (SK278>1 SK277>1))]: %NAME% %TAN%Venom & Blade Shield%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK277>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%Blade Shield%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK272>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%Wake of Inferno%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK262>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%Wake of Fire%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK266>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%Blade Fury%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK267>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%Fade%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK278>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%Venom%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK273>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%Mind Blast%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK271>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%Lightning Sentry%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK261>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%Charged Bolt Sentry%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK276>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%Death Sentry%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Dragon Tail (only obtainable via katars) ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 (ELT !(7xf OR 7cs))) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) (SK270>2 (SK275>0 OR SK265>2 OR SK274>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK269>2 OR SK280>2 OR SK268>2 OR SK279>2)))]: %NAME% %TAN%Dragon Tail%DGREEN% /⃓̲ +2 to any of the above skills /⃓̲ Any Superior or Ethereal Elite ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) (SK261>2 OR SK262>1 OR SK266>1 OR SK267>1 OR SK271>1 OR SK272>1 OR SK276>2 OR SK277>1 OR SK278>1 OR SK273>1)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL5 ELT !(7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) (ETH OR ED>0)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Any +3 Skill /ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL5 (SK261>2 OR SK262>2 OR SK266>2 OR SK271>2 OR SK272>2 OR SK276>2 OR SK277>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Traps)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL5 (SK263>2 OR SK264>2 OR SK267>2 OR SK268>2 OR SK273>2 OR SK278>2 OR SK279>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Shadow Disciplines)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL5 (SK265>2 OR SK269>2 OR SK270>2 OR SK274>2 OR SK275>2 OR SK280>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Martial Arts)%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Exhaustive Skill Display /ItemDisplay[(SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0 OR SK280>0)]: %NAME% %GRAY%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK261>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Bolt Sentry%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK262>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Wake of Fire%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK263>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Weapon Block%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK264>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Cloak of Shadows%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK265>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Fists of Ice%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK266>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Blade Fury%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK267>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Fade%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK268>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Shadow Warrior%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK269>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Emberstorm%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK270>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Dragon Tail%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK271>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Lightning Sentry%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK272>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Wake of Inferno%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK273>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Mind Blast%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK274>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Blades of Ice%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK275>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Dragon Flight%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK276>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Death Sentry%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK277>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Blade Shield%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK278>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Venom%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK279>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Shadow Master%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK280>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Static Strike%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL5 !(9cs OR 7xf OR 7cs)) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) (SK278>2 OR SK277>2 OR SK272>2 OR SK271>2 OR SK262>2 OR SK261>2 OR SK276>2 OR SK266>2 OR SK267>2 OR SK273>2))]: %NAME% %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG CL5)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌───────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Barbarian ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └───────────┘ /⃓̲ Primal Helms ItemDisplay[CL2 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK151>0]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Whirlwind%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL2 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK147>0]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Frenzy%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL2 NMAG !SOCK=1 (SK154>1 SK149>1)]: %NAME% %TAN%War Cry & Battle Orders%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL2 NMAG !SOCK=1 (SK138>1 SK149>1)]: %NAME% %TAN%Battle Orders & Shout%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL2 NMAG !SOCK=1 (SK136>0 (SK138>2 OR SK149>1 OR SK150>2 OR SK127>2 OR SK129>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%1H Mastery%DGREEN% // Legacy 1-Hand Weapon Mastery - only obtainable via primal helms ItemDisplay[CL2 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK149>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Battle Orders%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL2 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK154>2]: %NAME% %TAN%War Cry%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL2 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK138>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Shout%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Levelling & SSF Rules ItemDisplay[CL2 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK150>2 CLVL<90]: %NAME% %TAN%Grim Ward%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL2 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK142>2 CLVL<90]: %NAME% %TAN%Find Item%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL2 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK133>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Ethereal Throw%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG SK153>1 ILVL<60]: %NAME% %TAN%Natural Resistance%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG SK138>1 ILVL<30]: %NAME% %TAN%Shout%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL2 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK134>2]: %NAME% %TAN%2H Mastery%DGREEN% // Legacy 2-Hand Weapon Mastery - only obtainable via primal helms /⃓̲ Any +3 Skill unobtainable after Normal difficulty /ItemDisplay[(NMAG CL2) (SK126>2 OR SK127>2 OR SK128>2 OR SK129>2 OR SK130>2 OR SK131>2 OR SK132>2 OR SK133>2 OR SK134>2 OR SK135>2)]: %NAME% %GRAY%«%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Any +3 Skill /ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL2 (SK139>2 OR SK140>2 OR SK143>2 OR SK144>2 OR SK147>2 OR SK151>2 OR SK152>2 OR SK126>2 OR SK132>2 OR SK133>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Combat)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL2 (SK137>2 OR SK138>2 OR SK142>2 OR SK146>2 OR SK149>2 OR SK150>2 OR SK154>2 OR SK155>2 OR SK130>2 OR SK131>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Warcries)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL2 (SK136>2 OR SK141>2 OR SK145>2 OR SK148>2 OR SK153>2 OR SK127>2 OR SK128>2 OR SK129>2 OR SK134>2 OR SK135>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Masteries)%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Exhaustive Skill Display /ItemDisplay[(SK126>0 OR SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0 OR SK153>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)]: %NAME% %GRAY%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK126>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Bash%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK127>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Edge Mastery%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK128>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Pole Mastery%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK129>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Blunt Mastery%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK130>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Howl%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK131>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Find Potion%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK132>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Leap%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK133>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Ethereal Throw%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK134>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%2-Hand Mastery%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK135>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Range Mastery%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK136>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%1-Hand Mastery%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK137>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Taunt%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK138>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Shout%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK139>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Stun%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK140>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Power Throw%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK141>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Stamina%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK142>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Find Item%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK143>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Leap Attack%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK144>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Concentrate%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK145>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Iron Skin%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK146>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Battle Cry%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK147>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Frenzy%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK148>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Speed%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK149>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Battle Orders%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK150>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Grim Ward%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK151>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Whirlwind%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK152>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Cleave%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK153>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Resistance%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK154>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%War Cry%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK155>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Battle Command%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL2 !SOCK=1 (SK151>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK149>2 OR SK154>2))]: %NAME% %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG CL2)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌───────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Druid ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └───────┘ /⃓̲ Note: Flame Dash doesn't appear on pelts /⃓̲ Pelts ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 (SK237>1 SK247>1)]: %NAME% %TAN%Wolf & Grizzly%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 (SK250>2 (SK240>1 OR SK245>1))]: %NAME% %TAN%Hurricane +%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 (SK238>2 (SK222>2 OR SK223>1 OR SK224>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>1 OR SK232>1 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>1 OR SK239>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%Rabies +%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 (SK232>2 (SK223>1 OR SK224>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>1 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>1 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%Feral Rage +%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 (SK248>2 (SK232>1 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>1 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%Fury +%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 (SK243>2 (SK226>0 OR SK227>1 OR SK228>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK233>1 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>1 OR SK239>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%Shock Wave +%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 (SK239>2 (SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>1 OR SK228>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>1 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>1 OR SK238>1 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%Fire Claws +%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 ((SK249>0 OR SK250>0) (SK232>2 OR SK238>2 OR SK239>2 OR SK243>2 OR SK248>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%Shapeshift & Elemental%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 ((SK249>0 OR SK250>0) (SK247>2 OR SK237>2 OR SK236>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%Summoning & Elemental%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 (SK250>0 SK249>0)]: %NAME% %TAN%Hurricane & Armageddon%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK247>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Grizzly%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK237>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Dire Wolf%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK236>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Heart of Wolverine%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK250>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Hurricane%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK245>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Tornado%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK240>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Twister%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK249>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Armageddon%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL1 NMAG !SOCK=1 SK244>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Volcano%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Levelling & SSF Rules ItemDisplay[NMAG SK226>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Oak Sage%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (SK237>1 SK227>1)]: %NAME% %TAN%Wolves%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK234>2 CLVL<60]: %NAME% %TAN%Fissure%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK227>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Spirit Wolf%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK222>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Poison Creeper%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK225>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Firestorm%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK229>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Molten Boulder%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK221>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Raven%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG SK221>1 CLVL<40]: %NAME% %TAN%Raven%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Any +3 Skill unobtainable after Normal difficulty ItemDisplay[(NMAG CL1) (SK221>2 OR SK222>2 OR SK223>2 OR SK224>2 OR SK225>2 OR SK226>2 OR SK227>2 OR SK228>2 OR SK229>2 OR SK230>2)]: %NAME% %GRAY%«%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Any +3 Skill /ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL1 (SK231>2 OR SK236>2 OR SK237>2 OR SK241>2 OR SK246>2 OR SK247>2 OR SK221>2 OR SK222>2 OR SK226>2 OR SK227>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Summoning)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL1 (SK232>2 OR SK233>2 OR SK238>2 OR SK239>2 OR SK242>2 OR SK243>2 OR SK248>2 OR SK223>2 OR SK224>2 OR SK228>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Shapeshifting)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL1 (SK234>2 OR SK235>2 OR SK240>2 OR SK244>2 OR SK245>2 OR SK249>2 OR SK250>2 OR SK225>2 OR SK229>2 OR SK230>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Elemental)%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Exhaustive Skill Display /ItemDisplay[(SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK225>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0 OR SK248>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)]: %NAME% %GRAY%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK221>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Raven%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK222>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Poison Creeper%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK223>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Werewolf%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK224>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Lycanthropy%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK225>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Firestorm%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK226>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Oak Sage%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK227>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Spirit Wolf%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK228>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Werebear%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK229>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Molten Boulder%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK230>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Arctic Blast%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK231>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Carrion Vine%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK232>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Feral Rage%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK233>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Maul%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK234>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Fissure%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK235>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Cyclone Armor%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK236>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Heart of Wolverine%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK237>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Dire Wolf%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK238>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Rabies%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK239>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Fire Claws%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK240>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Twister%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK241>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Solar Creeper%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK242>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Hunger%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK243>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Shock Wave%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK244>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Volcano%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK245>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Tornado%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK246>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Spirit of Barbs%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK247>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Grizzly%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK248>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Fury%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK249>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Armageddon%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK250>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Hurricane%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL1 !SOCK=1 (SK247>2 OR SK237>2 OR SK236>2 OR SK250>2 OR SK245>2 OR SK240>2 OR SK249>2 OR SK244>2 OR SK226>2 OR SK227>2))]: %NAME% %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG CL1)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌─────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Necromancer ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └─────────────┘ /⃓̲ Notes: /⃓̲ Automods - Totems: 2-7 to 20-50 Poison Damage over 3-4 seconds /⃓̲ Hemorrhage doesn't appear on wands/totems /⃓̲ Wands & Totems (2-socket-capable only) ItemDisplay[NMAG !SOCK=1 (CL4 OR (WP12 !(wnd OR ywn OR 9wn))) (SK84>2 (SK66>1 OR SK67>1 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>1 OR SK70>1 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>1 OR SK83>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK95>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%Bone Spear +%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG !SOCK=1 (CL4 OR (WP12 !(wnd OR ywn OR 9wn))) ((SK92>2 OR SK83>2) ((SK92>0 SK83>0) OR SK66>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>1 OR SK70>1 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>1 OR SK85>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK95>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%Poison +%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG !SOCK=1 (CL4 OR (WP12 !(wnd OR ywn OR 9wn))) ((SK69>2 OR SK79>2) (SK68>1 OR SK70>1 OR SK74>0 OR SK80>1 OR SK83>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK94>1 OR SK95>1))]: %NAME% %TAN%Summons +%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG !SOCK=1 (CL4 OR (WP12 !(wnd OR ywn OR 9wn))) SK84>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Bone Spear%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG !SOCK=1 (CL4 OR (WP12 !(wnd OR ywn OR 9wn))) SK92>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Poison Nova%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG !SOCK=1 (CL4 OR (WP12 !(wnd OR ywn OR 9wn))) SK83>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Desecrate%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG !SOCK=1 (CL4 OR (WP12 !(wnd OR ywn OR 9wn))) SK69>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Summon Mastery%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG !SOCK=1 (CL4 OR (WP12 !(wnd OR ywn OR 9wn))) SK79>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Convocation%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG !SOCK=1 (CL4 OR (WP12 !(wnd OR ywn OR 9wn))) SK73>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Deadly Poison%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Levelling & SSF Rules ItemDisplay[NMAG SK84>1 CLVL<50]: %NAME% %TAN%Bone Spear%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK83>1 CLVL<40]: %NAME% %TAN%Desecrate%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK92>1 CLVL<40]: %NAME% %TAN%Poison Nova%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK67>2 CLVL<60]: %NAME% %TAN%Teeth%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG SK67>1 CLVL<40]: %NAME% %TAN%Teeth%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG SK67>0 CLVL<20]: %NAME% %TAN%Teeth%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK79>1 CLVL<40]: %NAME% %TAN%Convocation%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Any +3 Skill unobtainable after Normal difficulty ItemDisplay[(NMAG (CL4 OR WP12)) (SK66>2 OR SK67>2 OR SK68>2 OR SK69>2 OR SK70>2 OR SK71>2 OR SK72>2 OR SK73>2 OR SK74>2 OR SK75>2)]: %NAME% %GRAY%«%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Any +3 Skill /ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL4 OR WP12) (SK79>2 OR SK80>2 OR SK85>2 OR SK88>2 OR SK89>2 OR SK90>2 OR SK94>2 OR SK95>2 OR SK69>2 OR SK70>2 OR SK75>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Summoning)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL4 OR WP12) (SK78>2 OR SK83>2 OR SK84>2 OR SK92>2 OR SK93>2 OR SK67>2 OR SK68>2 OR SK73>2 OR SK74>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Poison & Bone)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL4 OR WP12) (SK76>2 OR SK77>2 OR SK81>2 OR SK82>2 OR SK86>2 OR SK87>2 OR SK91>2 OR SK66>2 OR SK71>2 OR SK72>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Curses)%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Exhaustive Skill Display /ItemDisplay[(SK66>0 OR SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)]: %NAME% %GRAY%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK66>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Amplify Damage%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK67>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Teeth%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK68>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Bone Armor%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK69>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Summon Mastery%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK70>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Skeleton Warrior%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK71>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Dim Vision%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK72>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Weaken%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK73>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Deadly Poison%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK74>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Corpse Explosion%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK75>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Clay Golem%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK76>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Iron Maiden%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK77>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Terror%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK78>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Bone Wall%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK79>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Convocation%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK80>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Skeletal Mage%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK81>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Confuse%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK82>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Life Tap%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK83>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Desecrate%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK84>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Bone Spear%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK85>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Blood Golem%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK86>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Attract%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK87>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Decrepify%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK88>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Flesh Offering%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK89>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Bone Offering%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK90>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Iron Golem%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK91>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Lower Resist%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK92>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Poison Nova%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK93>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Bone Spirit%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK94>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Fire Golem%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK95>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Revive%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[NMAG !SOCK=1 (CL4 OR (WP12 !(wnd OR ywn OR 9wn))) (SK84>2 OR SK92>2 OR SK83>2 OR SK69>2 OR SK79>2 OR SK73>2 OR SK67>2)]: %NAME% %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG (CL4 OR WP12))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌─────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Paladin ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └─────────┘ /⃓̲ Notes: /⃓̲ Automods - Paladin Shields: All Resistances +5-45% or +15-121 to Attack Rating, +10-65% Enhanced Damage /⃓̲ Dashing Strike doesn't appear on scepters /⃓̲ Scepters (3+ socket-capable only) /⃓̲ Holy Shield (uncommon) /⃓̲ +3 Fist of the Heavens + other skills: Conviction, Redemption, Salvation, Vigor /⃓̲ 4-socket Caduceus with +2 Conviction/Salvation & +2 Zeal/Charge or +3 of either - Hand of Justice RW /⃓̲ 4-socket with +3 Holy Shock - Holy Thunder RW ItemDisplay[NMAG SK117>0]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Holy Shield%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SOCK>2 OR (SOCK=0 !(scp OR 9sc OR 7sc)))) (SK121>2 (SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0 OR SK115>0))]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Fist of the Heavens +%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 ELT SOCK=4) ((SK123>2 OR SK125>2 OR SK106>2 OR SK107>2) OR ((SK123>1 OR SK125>1) (SK106>1 OR SK107>1)))]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Hand of Justice Base%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 SOCK=4) SK118>2]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Holy Thunder Base%DGREEN% /⃓̲ other skills ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SOCK>2 OR (SOCK=0 !(scp OR 9sc OR 7sc)))) SK121>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Fist of the Heavens%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SOCK>2 OR (SOCK=0 !(scp OR 9sc OR 7sc)))) SK112>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Blessed Hammer%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SOCK>2 OR (SOCK=0 !(scp OR 9sc OR 7sc)))) SK118>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Holy Shock%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SOCK>2 OR (SOCK=0 !(scp OR 9sc OR 7sc)))) SK114>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Holy Freeze%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SOCK>2 OR (SOCK=0 !(scp OR 9sc OR 7sc)))) SK119>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Sanctuary%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SOCK>2 OR (SOCK=0 !(scp OR 9sc OR 7sc)))) SK113>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Concentration%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SOCK>2 OR (SOCK=0 !(scp OR 9sc OR 7sc)))) SK122>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Fanaticism%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SOCK>2 OR (SOCK=0 !(scp OR 9sc OR 7sc)))) SK123>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Conviction%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SOCK>2 OR (SOCK=0 !(scp OR 9sc OR 7sc)))) SK115>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Vigor%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG WP13 SOCK=4 SK118>0]: %NAME% %TAN%Holy Thunder Base%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((WP13 SOCK=3) OR ((gsc OR 9qs OR 7qs) SOCK=0)) (7qs OR (SK101>1 OR SK112>1 OR SK121>1))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Plague Base /⃓̲ Levelling & SSF Rules ItemDisplay[NMAG SK101>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Holy Bolt%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK102>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Holy Fire%DGREEN% /⃓̲ 4/5-socket-capable (+3 combat) /⃓̲ 5-socket-capable elite eth - Eternity Runeword /⃓̲ 4/5-socket or 5-socket-capable eth ItemDisplay[NMAG (((WP13 SOCK>3) OR ((wsp OR 9ws OR 7ws) SOCK=0)) (SK106>2 OR SK107>2 OR SK111>2 OR SK116>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%Combat%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (7ws ETH (SOCK>4 OR SOCK=0))]: %NAME% %TAN%Eternity Base%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SOCK>3 !ETH))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Any +3 Skill unobtainable after Normal difficulty ItemDisplay[(NMAG WP13) (SK96>2 OR SK97>2 OR SK98>2 OR SK99>2 OR SK100>2 OR SK101>2 OR SK102>2 OR SK103>2 OR SK104>2 OR SK105>2)]: %NAME% %GRAY%«%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Any +3 Skill /ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SK106>2 OR SK107>2 OR SK111>2 OR SK112>2 OR SK116>2 OR SK117>2 OR SK121>2 OR SK96>2 OR SK97>2 OR SK101>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Combat)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SK108>2 OR SK113>2 OR SK114>2 OR SK118>2 OR SK119>2 OR SK122>2 OR SK123>2 OR SK98>2 OR SK102>2 OR SK103>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Offensive Auras)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SK109>2 OR SK110>2 OR SK115>2 OR SK120>2 OR SK124>2 OR SK125>2 OR SK99>2 OR SK100>2 OR SK104>2 OR SK105>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Defensive Auras)%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Exhaustive Skill Display /ItemDisplay[(SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK98>0 OR SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)]: %NAME% %GRAY%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK96>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Sacrifice%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK97>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Smite%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK98>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Might%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK99>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Prayer%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK100>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Resist Fire%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK101>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Holy Bolt%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK102>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Holy Fire%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK103>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Precision%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK104>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Defiance%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK105>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Resist Cold%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK106>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Zeal%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK107>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Charge%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK108>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Blessed Aim%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK109>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Cleansing%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK110>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Resist Lightning%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK111>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Vengeance%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK112>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Blessed Hammer%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK113>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Concentration%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK114>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Holy Freeze%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK115>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Vigor%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK116>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Conversion%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK117>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Holy Shield%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK118>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Holy Shock%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK119>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Sanctuary%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK120>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Meditation%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK121>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Fist of the Heavens%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK122>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Fanaticism%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK123>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Conviction%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK124>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Redemption%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK125>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Salvation%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP13 (SOCK>2 OR (SOCK=0 !(scp OR 9sc OR 7sc)))) (SK117>0 OR SK121>2 OR SK112>2 OR (SOCK=4 (SK118>2 OR (ELT (SK123>2 OR SK125>2 OR SK106>2 OR SK107>2)))))]: %NAME% %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG WP13)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Paladin Shields (no pointmods) /⃓̲ 0-socket text divider ItemDisplay[NMAG CL3 ED>0 SOCK=0]: %NAME% %GRAY%­%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Enhanced Damage ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18>64)]: %NAME% %BLUE%+65%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18=64)]: %NAME% %BLUE%+64%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18=63)]: %NAME% %BLUE%+63%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18=62)]: %NAME% %BLUE%+62%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18=61)]: %NAME% %BLUE%+61%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18=60)]: %NAME% %BLUE%+60%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18>54)]: %NAME% %BLUE%55+%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18>49)]: %NAME% %BLUE%50+%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18>44)]: %NAME% %BLUE%45+%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18>39)]: %NAME% %BLUE%40+%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18>34)]: %NAME% %BLUE%35+%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18>29)]: %NAME% %BLUE%30+%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18>24)]: %NAME% %BLUE%25+%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18>19)]: %NAME% %BLUE%20+%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18>14)]: %NAME% %BLUE%15+%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 ITEMSTAT18>9)]: %NAME% %BLUE%10+%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Resistances ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 RES>44)]: %NAME% %BLUE%+45 Res%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 RES=44)]: %NAME% %BLUE%+44 Res%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 RES=43)]: %NAME% %BLUE%+43 Res%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 RES=42)]: %NAME% %BLUE%+42 Res%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 RES=41)]: %NAME% %BLUE%+41 Res%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 RES=40)]: %NAME% %BLUE%+40 Res%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 RES>34)]: %NAME% %BLUE%35+ Res%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 RES>29)]: %NAME% %BLUE%30+ Res%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 RES>24)]: %NAME% %BLUE%25+ Res%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 RES>19)]: %NAME% %BLUE%20+ Res%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 RES>14)]: %NAME% %BLUE%15+ Res%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 RES>9)]: %NAME% %BLUE%10+ Res%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL3 RES>4)]: %NAME% %BLUE%5+ Res%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌───────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Sorceress ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └───────────┘ /⃓̲ Notes: /⃓̲ Automods - Orbs: +1-60 to Life or +1-80 to Mana /⃓̲ Thunder Storm and Freezing Pulse don't appear on orbs/staves /⃓̲ Orbs (3-socket-capable only) ItemDisplay[NMAG (ob5 OR oba OR obf) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK46>2]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Immolate%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (ob5 OR oba OR obf) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK48>2]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Nova%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (ob5 OR oba OR obf) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK44>2]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Frost Nova%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (ob5 OR oba OR obf) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK64>2]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Frozen Orb%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (ob5 OR oba OR obf) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK54>2]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Chain Lightning%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (ob5 OR oba OR obf) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK62>2]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Hydra%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (ob5 OR oba OR obf) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK38>2]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Charged Bolt%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (ob5 OR oba OR obf) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) SK50>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Shiver Armor%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (ob5 OR oba OR obf) (SOCK>2 OR SOCK=0) (SK38>1 OR SK40>1 OR SK41>1 OR SK44>1 OR SK45>1 OR SK46>1 OR SK47>1 OR SK48>1 OR SK49>1 OR SK50>1 OR SK51>1 OR SK52>1 OR SK54>1 OR SK55>1 OR SK56>1 OR SK57>1 OR SK58>1 OR SK59>1 OR SK60>1 OR SK62>1 OR SK64>1)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% // Plague Base /⃓̲ Staves /⃓̲ 0/4 socket staves (Energy Shield or Lightning Surge) - Memory RW /⃓̲ 3 ES; 2+ ES & 2+ LS / Shiver Armor / Chilling Armor (uncommon) /⃓̲ 2+ ES; +3 LS; 2+ LS & Shiver Armor / Chilling Armor /⃓̲ 4-socket-capable via cube ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP11 (SOCK=4 OR ((cst OR 8cs OR 6cs OR bst OR 8bs OR 6bs) SOCK=0)) (SK58>2 OR (SK58>1 (SK49>1 OR SK50>0 OR SK60>0))))]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Memory Base%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP11 (SOCK=4 OR ((cst OR 8cs OR 6cs OR bst OR 8bs OR 6bs) SOCK=0)) (SK58>1 OR SK49>2 OR (SK49>1 (SK50>0 OR SK60>0))))]: %NAME% %TAN%Memory Base%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP11 ((SK58>2 OR (SK58>1 (SK49>1 OR SK50>0 OR SK60>0))) (wst OR 8ws OR 6ws) SOCK=0 !SUP))]: %NAME% %ORANGE%÷%DGREEN% /⃓̲ 0/2 socket staves (+3 Enflame/Blaze or +3 Immolate/Fire Ball & Fire Mastery) - Leaf RW /⃓̲ 0/2 socket staves (other useful skills) - Leaf RW /⃓̲ 4-socket-capable via cube ItemDisplay[NMAG ((WP11 !ELT (SOCK=2 OR (SOCK=0 (sst OR 8ss)))) (SK41>2 OR SK52>2 OR (SK61>0 (SK41>1 OR SK46>2 OR SK47>2 OR SK52>1))))]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Leaf Base%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((WP11 (SOCK=2 OR (SOCK=0 (sst OR 8ss OR 6ss)))) (SK41>2 OR SK52>2 OR SK46>2 OR SK47>2 OR ((SK42>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK37>1) (SK52>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK41>0))))]: %NAME% %TAN%Leaf Base%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((WP11 !SUP SOCK=0) (SK41>2 OR SK52>2 OR (SK61>0 (SK41>1 OR SK46>2 OR SK47>2 OR SK52>1))))]: %NAME% %ORANGE%÷%DGREEN% /⃓̲ 5-socket staves (Energy Shield & Shiver/Chilling Armor or Enflame & Frigerate) - Call to Arms RW (hybrid buffing) /⃓̲ 5-socket-capable via cube ItemDisplay[NMAG ((wst OR 8ws OR 6ws) (SOCK=5 OR ILVL<26)) ((SK58>0 (SK50>0 OR SK60>0)) OR (SK52>0 SK40>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%CtA Hybrid Base%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((wst OR 8ws OR 6ws) SOCK=0 !SUP) ((SK58>0 (SK50>0 OR SK60>0)) OR (SK52>0 SK40>0))]: %NAME% %TAN%÷%DGREEN% /⃓̲ 4-socket eth Archon Staff (uncommon) /⃓̲ 4+ socket-capable eth elite staves /⃓̲ 0/6-socket eth Archon Staff ItemDisplay[NMAG (6ws ETH SOCK=4)]: %NAME% %ORANGE%Werebear Insight Base%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ((6bs OR 6cs OR (6ws !SOCK=0)) ETH (SOCK=4 OR SOCK=0))]: %NAME% %TAN%Werebear Insight Base%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG (6ws ETH (SOCK>5 OR SOCK=0))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Levelling & SSF Rules ItemDisplay[CL6 NMAG (SK58>1 (SK50>1 OR SK60>1))]: %NAME% %TAN%Energy Shield & Armor%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL6 NMAG (SK40>1 SK52>1)]: %NAME% %TAN%Enflame & Frigerate%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL6 NMAG SK58>2 CLVL<80]: %NAME% %TAN%Energy Shield%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL6 NMAG SK50>2 CLVL<80]: %NAME% %TAN%Shiver Armor%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL6 NMAG SK52>2 CLVL<80]: %NAME% %TAN%Enflame%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[CL6 NMAG SK40>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Frigerate%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK44>2 CLVL<50]: %NAME% %TAN%Frost Nova%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK38>2 CLVL<50]: %NAME% %TAN%Charged Bolt%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK41>2]: %NAME% %TAN%Blaze%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK41>0 CLVL<15]: %NAME% %TAN%Blaze%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG SK42>0 CLVL<15]: %NAME% %TAN%Static Field%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ILVL<30 CLVL<80 ((WP11 SOCK=2) (SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK40>0))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG ILVL<25 CLVL<30 (WP11 SOCK=2)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Any +3 Skill unobtainable after Normal difficulty ItemDisplay[(NMAG (WP11 OR CL6)) (SK36>2 OR SK37>2 OR SK38>2 OR SK39>2 OR SK40>2 OR SK41>2 OR SK42>2 OR SK43>2 OR SK44>2 OR SK45>2)]: %NAME% %GRAY%«%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Any +3 Skill /ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL6 OR WP11) (SK46>2 OR SK47>2 OR SK51>2 OR SK52>2 OR SK56>2 OR SK61>2 OR SK62>2 OR SK36>2 OR SK37>2 OR SK41>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Fire)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL6 OR WP11) (SK48>2 OR SK49>2 OR SK53>2 OR SK54>2 OR SK57>2 OR SK58>2 OR SK63>2 OR SK38>2 OR SK42>2 OR SK43>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Lightning)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG ((CL6 OR WP11) (SK50>2 OR SK55>2 OR SK59>2 OR SK60>2 OR SK64>2 OR SK65>2 OR SK39>2 OR SK40>2 OR SK44>2 OR SK45>2))]: %NAME% %TAN%(Cold)%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Exhaustive Skill Display /ItemDisplay[(SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK38>0 OR SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)]: %NAME% %GRAY%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK36>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Fire Bolt%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK37>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Warmth%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK38>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Charged Bolt%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK39>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Ice Bolt%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK40>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Frigerate%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK41>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Blaze%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK42>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Static Field%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK43>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Telekinesis%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK44>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Frost Nova%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK45>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Ice Blast%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK46>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Immolate%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK47>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Fire Ball%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK48>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Nova%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK49>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Lightning Surge%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK50>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Shiver Armor%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK51>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Fire Wall%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK52>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Enflame%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK53>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Teleport%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK54>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Chain Lightning%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK55>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Glacial Spike%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK56>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Meteor%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK57>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Discharge%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK58>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Energy Shield%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK59>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Blizzard%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK60>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Chilling Armor%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK61>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Fire Mastery%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK62>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Hydra%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK63>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Lightning Mastery%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK64>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Frozen Orb%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG SK65>0)]: %NAME%(%DGREEN%Cold Mastery%GRAY%)%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[NMAG CL6 ((SOCK>2 OR (SOCK=0 (ob5 OR oba OR obf))) (SK46>2 OR SK48>2 OR SK44>2 OR SK54>2 OR SK64>2 OR SK62>2 OR SK38>2 OR SK50>2 OR SK41>2))]: %NAME% %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG (WP11 (SOCK=4 OR ((cst OR 8cs OR 6cs OR bst OR 8bs OR 6bs) SOCK=0)) (SK58>2 OR (SK58>1 (SK49>1 OR SK50>0 OR SK60>0))))]: %NAME% %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG ((WP11 (SOCK=2 OR (SOCK=0 (sst OR 8ss)))) (SK41>2 OR SK52>2 OR (SK61>0 (SK46>2 OR SK47>2 OR SK52>1))))]: %NAME% %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[NMAG (CL6 OR WP11)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌─────────────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Regular: Low-Precedence ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └─────────────────────────┘ /⃓̲ Obscured/Hidden: Regular Skill-Capable Merchant Items - levels 7, 15 ItemDisplay[NMAG ((ILVL=12 CLVL>6) OR (ILVL=20 CLVL>14)) (WP11 OR WP12 OR WP13)]:%GRAY% /⃓̲ Hidden: Regular skill-capable items with poor traits for selling: eth or more than 4 inventory spaces (ilvl 10+) ItemDisplay[NMAG ILVL>9 (ETH OR wsp OR 9ws OR 7ws OR wst OR 8ws OR 6ws)]: /⃓̲ Regular Class-Related Sale Items (shown when below 100,000 g) /⃓̲ with item prices (level 50+) /⃓̲ without item prices ItemDisplay[NMAG CLVL>49 !(CHARSTAT15>100000 OR CHARSTAT14>100000) (CL6 OR WP12 OR WP13 OR WP11 OR CL5 OR CL1 OR CL2 OR CL4)]: %NAME% %GRAY%(%DGREEN%$%PRICE%%GRAY%)%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[NMAG !(CHARSTAT15>100000 OR CHARSTAT14>100000) (CL6 OR WP12 OR WP13 OR WP11 OR CL5 OR CL1 OR CL2 OR CL4)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Hidden: Low-Value Sale Items (less than 7500 gold per inventory space) - level 60 ItemDisplay[CLVL>59 NMAG (CL6 !(((SK51>2 OR SK52>2 OR SK53>2 OR SK54>2 OR SK55>2 OR SK56>1 OR SK57>1 OR SK58>1 OR SK59>1 OR SK60>1) ((ELT SUP) OR ((ELT OR SUP) !(ob5 OR oba OR obf)))) OR ((SK56>2 OR SK57>2 OR SK58>2 OR SK59>2 OR SK60>2) (ELT OR SUP OR !(ob5 OR oba OR obf))) OR SK61>1 OR SK62>1 OR SK63>1 OR SK64>1 OR SK65>1 OR ((SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0) SUP !(ob5 OR oba OR obf))))]: ItemDisplay[CLVL>59 NMAG (WP11 !(((SK46>2 OR SK47>2 OR SK48>2 OR SK49>2 OR SK50>2) (SUP OR 6ss)) OR ((SK51>1 OR SK52>1 OR SK53>1 OR SK54>1 OR SK55>1) (SUP OR sst OR 8ss OR 6ss)) OR ((SK56>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0) SUP) OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0 OR SK63>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0 OR SK51>2 OR SK52>2 OR SK53>2 OR SK54>2 OR SK55>2 OR SK56>1 OR SK57>1 OR SK58>1 OR SK59>1 OR SK60>1 OR ((SK46>1 OR SK47>1 OR SK48>1 OR SK49>1 OR SK50>1) 6ss)))]: ItemDisplay[CLVL>59 NMAG (CL4 !(((SK81>2 OR SK82>2 OR SK83>2 OR SK84>2 OR SK85>2) ELT SUP) OR ((SK86>2 OR SK87>2 OR SK88>2 OR SK89>2 OR SK90>2) SUP) OR ((SK91>1 OR SK92>1 OR SK93>1 OR SK94>1 OR SK95>1) (ELT OR SUP)) OR ((SK86>1 OR SK87>1 OR SK88>1 OR SK89>1 OR SK90>1) ELT SUP) OR SK91>2 OR SK92>2 OR SK93>2 OR SK94>2 OR SK95>2))]: ItemDisplay[CLVL>59 NMAG (WP12 !(((SK71>2 OR SK72>2 OR SK73>2 OR SK74>2 OR SK75>2) ELT SUP) OR ((SK76>1 OR SK77>1 OR SK78>1 OR SK79>1 OR SK80>1) (ELT OR SUP)) OR ((SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK85>0) SUP) OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0 OR SK76>2 OR SK77>2 OR SK78>2 OR SK79>2 OR SK80>2 OR SK81>1 OR SK82>1 OR SK83>1 OR SK84>1 OR SK85>1))]: ItemDisplay[CLVL>59 NMAG (WP13 !(((SK101>2 OR SK102>2 OR SK103>2 OR SK104>2 OR SK105>2) ELT SUP) OR ((SK106>1 OR SK107>1 OR SK108>1 OR SK109>1 OR SK110>1) ELT) OR SK111>1 OR SK112>1 OR SK113>1 OR SK114>1 OR SK115>1 OR ((SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK120>0) (ELT OR SUP)) OR SK121>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0 OR ((SK106>2 OR SK107>2 OR SK108>2 OR SK109>2 OR SK110>2) SUP) OR ((SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK115>0) SUP ELT) OR SK116>1 OR SK117>1 OR SK118>1 OR SK119>1 OR SK120>1))]: ItemDisplay[CLVL>59 NMAG (CL2 !(((SK143>2 OR SK144>2 OR SK145>2 OR SK146>2 OR SK147>1 OR SK148>1 OR SK149>1 OR SK150>1) ELT SUP) OR ((SK147>2 OR SK148>2 OR SK149>2 OR SK150>2) (ELT OR SUP)) OR ((SK151>1 OR SK152>1 OR SK153>1 OR SK154>1 OR SK155>1) (ELT OR SUP)) OR SK151>2 OR SK152>2 OR SK153>2 OR SK154>2 OR SK155>2))]: ItemDisplay[CLVL>59 NMAG (CL1 !(((SK238>2 OR SK239>2 OR SK240>2 OR SK241>2 OR SK242>1 OR SK243>1 OR SK244>1 OR SK245>1) ELT SUP) OR ((SK242>2 OR SK243>2 OR SK244>2 OR SK245>2) (ELT OR SUP)) OR ((SK246>1 OR SK247>1 OR SK248>1 OR SK249>1 OR SK250>1) (ELT OR SUP)) OR SK246>2 OR SK247>2 OR SK248>2 OR SK249>2 OR SK250>2))]: ItemDisplay[CLVL>59 NMAG (CL5 !(((SK268>2 OR SK269>2 OR SK270>2 OR SK271>2 OR SK272>1 OR SK273>1 OR SK274>1 OR SK275>1) ELT SUP) OR ((SK272>2 OR SK273>2 OR SK274>2 OR SK275>2) (ELT OR SUP)) OR SK276>1 OR SK277>1 OR SK278>1 OR SK279>1 OR SK280>2))]: /⃓̲ Regular Class-Related Sale Items (7500+ gold per inventory space) /⃓̲ Item Size Items Included Conditions Shown /⃓̲ 2 wands, orbs (15000+ gps, item price displayed) below 800,000 g /⃓̲ 2 wands, orbs (15000+ gps) always (if stash isn't full) /⃓̲ 2-3 wands, orbs, staves, scepters, claws below 600,000 g /⃓̲ 4 staves, class helmets, totems below 300,000 g /ItemDisplay[(NMAG !(CHARSTAT15>800000 OR CHARSTAT14>800000)) (((CL6 !(ob5 OR oba OR obf)) (SK61>2 OR SK62>2 OR SK63>2 OR SK64>2 OR SK65>2 OR (SUP (SK56>2 OR SK57>2 OR SK58>2 OR SK59>2 OR SK60>2 OR SK61>1 OR SK62>1 OR SK63>1 OR SK64>1 OR SK65>1)))) OR (WP12 (SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0 OR ((SK86>1 OR SK87>1 OR SK88>1 OR SK89>1 OR SK90>1) OR (SUP (SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0))) OR ((SK81>2 OR SK82>2 OR SK83>2 OR SK84>2 OR SK85>2) OR ((ELT OR SUP) (SK81>1 OR SK82>1 OR SK83>1 OR SK84>1 OR SK85>1))) OR (SUP (SK76>2 OR SK77>2 OR SK78>2 OR SK79>2 OR SK80>2)))))]: %NAME% %GRAY%(%DGREEN%$%PRICE%%GRAY%)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG CHARSTAT15<2500000) (((CL6 !(ob5 OR oba OR obf)) (SK61>2 OR SK62>2 OR SK63>2 OR SK64>2 OR SK65>2 OR (SUP (SK56>2 OR SK57>2 OR SK58>2 OR SK59>2 OR SK60>2 OR SK61>1 OR SK62>1 OR SK63>1 OR SK64>1 OR SK65>1)))) OR (WP12 (SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0 OR ((SK86>1 OR SK87>1 OR SK88>1 OR SK89>1 OR SK90>1) OR (SUP (SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0))) OR ((SK81>2 OR SK82>2 OR SK83>2 OR SK84>2 OR SK85>2) OR ((ELT OR SUP) (SK81>1 OR SK82>1 OR SK83>1 OR SK84>1 OR SK85>1))) OR (SUP (SK76>2 OR SK77>2 OR SK78>2 OR SK79>2 OR SK80>2)))))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG !(CHARSTAT15>600000 OR CHARSTAT14>600000)) (WP12 OR CL6 OR CL5 OR WP13 OR sst OR 8ss OR 6ss)]: %NAME% %GRAY%(%DGREEN%$%PRICE%%GRAY%)%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[(NMAG !(CHARSTAT15>300000 OR CHARSTAT14>300000)) (CL1 OR CL2 OR CL4 OR WP11)]: %NAME% %GRAY%(%DGREEN%$%PRICE%%GRAY%)%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Same Items/Conditions, but no prices shown ItemDisplay[(NMAG CHARSTAT15<2500000) (((CL6 !(ob5 OR oba OR obf)) (SK61>2 OR SK62>2 OR SK63>2 OR SK64>2 OR SK65>2 OR (SUP (SK56>2 OR SK57>2 OR SK58>2 OR SK59>2 OR SK60>2 OR SK61>1 OR SK62>1 OR SK63>1 OR SK64>1 OR SK65>1)))) OR (WP12 (SK91>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0 OR ((SK86>1 OR SK87>1 OR SK88>1 OR SK89>1 OR SK90>1) OR (SUP (SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0))) OR ((SK81>2 OR SK82>2 OR SK83>2 OR SK84>2 OR SK85>2) OR ((ELT OR SUP) (SK81>1 OR SK82>1 OR SK83>1 OR SK84>1 OR SK85>1))) OR (SUP (SK76>2 OR SK77>2 OR SK78>2 OR SK79>2 OR SK80>2)))))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[(NMAG !(CHARSTAT15>600000 OR CHARSTAT14>600000)) (WP12 OR CL6 OR CL5 OR WP13 OR sst OR 8ss OR 6ss)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[(NMAG !(CHARSTAT15>300000 OR CHARSTAT14>300000)) (CL1 OR CL2 OR CL4 OR WP11)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Hidden: Regular items not previously listed - level 1 ItemDisplay[NMAG]: /⃓̲ ┌───────────────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Magic Items (identified) ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └───────────────────────────┘ /⃓̲ Class Items with 4+ of any skill ItemDisplay[MAG ((WP9 OR WP7) (TABSK0>3 OR TABSK2>3))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG (CL5 (CLSK6>0 OR TABSK48>0) ((SK251>2 OR SK256>2 OR SK257>2 OR SK261>2 OR SK262>2 OR SK266>2 OR SK271>2 OR SK272>2 OR SK276>2 OR SK277>2) OR (TABSK48>2 (SK251>0 OR SK256>0 OR SK257>0 OR SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0)) OR ((CLSK6>1 OR TABSK48>1) (SK251>1 OR SK256>1 OR SK257>1 OR SK261>1 OR SK262>1 OR SK266>1 OR SK271>1 OR SK272>1 OR SK276>1 OR SK277>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG (CL5 (CLSK6>0 OR TABSK49>0) ((SK252>2 OR SK253>2 OR SK258>2 OR SK263>2 OR SK264>2 OR SK267>2 OR SK268>2 OR SK273>2 OR SK278>2 OR SK279>2) OR (TABSK49>2 (SK252>0 OR SK253>0 OR SK258>0 OR SK263>0 OR SK264>0 OR SK267>0 OR SK268>0 OR SK273>0 OR SK278>0 OR SK279>0)) OR ((CLSK6>1 OR TABSK49>1) (SK252>1 OR SK253>1 OR SK258>1 OR SK263>1 OR SK264>1 OR SK267>1 OR SK268>1 OR SK273>1 OR SK278>1 OR SK279>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG (CL5 (CLSK6>0 OR TABSK50>0) ((SK254>2 OR SK255>2 OR SK259>2 OR SK260>2 OR SK265>2 OR SK269>2 OR SK270>2 OR SK274>2 OR SK275>2 OR SK280>2) OR (TABSK50>2 (SK254>0 OR SK255>0 OR SK259>0 OR SK260>0 OR SK265>0 OR SK269>0 OR SK270>0 OR SK274>0 OR SK275>0 OR SK280>0)) OR ((CLSK6>1 OR TABSK50>1) (SK254>1 OR SK255>1 OR SK259>1 OR SK260>1 OR SK265>1 OR SK269>1 OR SK270>1 OR SK274>1 OR SK275>1 OR SK280>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG (CL2 (CLSK4>0 OR TABSK32>0) ((SK126>2 OR SK132>2 OR SK133>2 OR SK139>2 OR SK140>2 OR SK143>2 OR SK144>2 OR SK147>2 OR SK151>2 OR SK152>2) OR (TABSK32>2 (SK126>0 OR SK132>0 OR SK133>0 OR SK139>0 OR SK140>0 OR SK143>0 OR SK144>0 OR SK147>0 OR SK151>0 OR SK152>0)) OR ((CLSK4>1 OR TABSK32>1) (SK126>1 OR SK132>1 OR SK133>1 OR SK139>1 OR SK140>1 OR SK143>1 OR SK144>1 OR SK147>1 OR SK151>1 OR SK152>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG (CL2 (CLSK4>0 OR TABSK34>0) ((SK130>2 OR SK131>2 OR SK137>2 OR SK138>2 OR SK142>2 OR SK146>2 OR SK149>2 OR SK150>2 OR SK154>2 OR SK155>2) OR (TABSK34>2 (SK130>0 OR SK131>0 OR SK137>0 OR SK138>0 OR SK142>0 OR SK146>0 OR SK149>0 OR SK150>0 OR SK154>0 OR SK155>0)) OR ((CLSK4>1 OR TABSK34>1) (SK130>1 OR SK131>1 OR SK137>1 OR SK138>1 OR SK142>1 OR SK146>1 OR SK149>1 OR SK150>1 OR SK154>1 OR SK155>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG (CL2 (CLSK4>0 OR TABSK33>0) ((SK127>2 OR SK128>2 OR SK129>2 OR SK134>2 OR SK135>2 OR SK136>2 OR SK141>2 OR SK145>2 OR SK148>2 OR SK153>2) OR (TABSK33>2 (SK127>0 OR SK128>0 OR SK129>0 OR SK134>0 OR SK135>0 OR SK136>0 OR SK141>0 OR SK145>0 OR SK148>0 OR SK153>0)) OR ((CLSK4>1 OR TABSK33>1) (SK127>1 OR SK128>1 OR SK129>1 OR SK134>1 OR SK135>1 OR SK136>1 OR SK141>1 OR SK145>1 OR SK148>1 OR SK153>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG (CL1 (CLSK5>0 OR TABSK40>0) ((SK221>2 OR SK222>2 OR SK226>2 OR SK227>2 OR SK231>2 OR SK236>2 OR SK237>2 OR SK241>2 OR SK246>2 OR SK247>2) OR (TABSK40>2 (SK221>0 OR SK222>0 OR SK226>0 OR SK227>0 OR SK231>0 OR SK236>0 OR SK237>0 OR SK241>0 OR SK246>0 OR SK247>0)) OR ((CLSK5>1 OR TABSK40>1) (SK221>1 OR SK222>1 OR SK226>1 OR SK227>1 OR SK231>1 OR SK236>1 OR SK237>1 OR SK241>1 OR SK246>1 OR SK247>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG (CL1 (CLSK5>0 OR TABSK41>0) ((SK223>2 OR SK224>2 OR SK228>2 OR SK232>2 OR SK233>2 OR SK238>2 OR SK239>2 OR SK242>2 OR SK243>2 OR SK248>2) OR (TABSK41>2 (SK223>0 OR SK224>0 OR SK228>0 OR SK232>0 OR SK233>0 OR SK238>0 OR SK239>0 OR SK242>0 OR SK243>0 OR SK248>0)) OR ((CLSK5>1 OR TABSK41>1) (SK223>1 OR SK224>1 OR SK228>1 OR SK232>1 OR SK233>1 OR SK238>1 OR SK239>1 OR SK242>1 OR SK243>1 OR SK248>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG (CL1 (CLSK5>0 OR TABSK42>0) ((SK225>2 OR SK229>2 OR SK230>2 OR SK234>2 OR SK235>2 OR SK240>2 OR SK244>2 OR SK245>2 OR SK249>2 OR SK250>2) OR (TABSK42>2 (SK225>0 OR SK229>0 OR SK230>0 OR SK234>0 OR SK235>0 OR SK240>0 OR SK244>0 OR SK245>0 OR SK249>0 OR SK250>0)) OR ((CLSK5>1 OR TABSK42>1) (SK225>1 OR SK229>1 OR SK230>1 OR SK234>1 OR SK235>1 OR SK240>1 OR SK244>1 OR SK245>1 OR SK249>1 OR SK250>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG ((CL4 OR WP12) (CLSK2>0 OR TABSK18>0) ((SK69>2 OR SK70>2 OR SK75>2 OR SK79>2 OR SK80>2 OR SK85>2 OR SK88>2 OR SK89>2 OR SK90>2 OR SK94>2 OR SK95>2) OR (TABSK18>2 (SK69>0 OR SK70>0 OR SK75>0 OR SK79>0 OR SK80>0 OR SK85>0 OR SK88>0 OR SK89>0 OR SK90>0 OR SK94>0 OR SK95>0)) OR ((CLSK2>1 OR TABSK18>1) (SK69>1 OR SK70>1 OR SK75>1 OR SK79>1 OR SK80>1 OR SK85>1 OR SK88>1 OR SK89>1 OR SK90>1 OR SK94>1 OR SK95>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG ((CL4 OR WP12) (CLSK2>0 OR TABSK17>0) ((SK67>2 OR SK68>2 OR SK73>2 OR SK74>2 OR SK78>2 OR SK83>2 OR SK84>2 OR SK92>2 OR SK93>2) OR (TABSK17>2 (SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0)) OR ((CLSK2>1 OR TABSK17>1) (SK67>1 OR SK68>1 OR SK73>1 OR SK74>1 OR SK78>1 OR SK83>1 OR SK84>1 OR SK92>1 OR SK93>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG ((CL4 OR WP12) (CLSK2>0 OR TABSK16>0) ((SK66>2 OR SK71>2 OR SK72>2 OR SK76>2 OR SK77>2 OR SK81>2 OR SK82>2 OR SK86>2 OR SK87>2 OR SK91>2) OR (TABSK16>2 (SK66>0 OR SK71>0 OR SK72>0 OR SK76>0 OR SK77>0 OR SK81>0 OR SK82>0 OR SK86>0 OR SK87>0 OR SK91>0)) OR ((CLSK2>1 OR TABSK16>1) (SK66>1 OR SK71>1 OR SK72>1 OR SK76>1 OR SK77>1 OR SK81>1 OR SK82>1 OR SK86>1 OR SK87>1 OR SK91>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG (WP13 (CLSK3>0 OR TABSK24>0) ((SK96>2 OR SK97>2 OR SK101>2 OR SK106>2 OR SK107>2 OR SK111>2 OR SK112>2 OR SK116>2 OR SK117>2 OR SK121>2) OR (TABSK24>2 (SK96>0 OR SK97>0 OR SK101>0 OR SK106>0 OR SK107>0 OR SK111>0 OR SK112>0 OR SK116>0 OR SK117>0 OR SK121>0)) OR ((CLSK3>1 OR TABSK24>1) (SK96>1 OR SK97>1 OR SK101>1 OR SK106>1 OR SK107>1 OR SK111>1 OR SK112>1 OR SK116>1 OR SK117>1 OR SK121>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG (WP13 (CLSK3>0 OR TABSK25>0) ((SK98>2 OR SK102>2 OR SK103>2 OR SK108>2 OR SK113>2 OR SK114>2 OR SK118>2 OR SK119>2 OR SK122>2 OR SK123>2) OR (TABSK25>2 (SK98>0 OR SK102>0 OR SK103>0 OR SK108>0 OR SK113>0 OR SK114>0 OR SK118>0 OR SK119>0 OR SK122>0 OR SK123>0)) OR ((CLSK3>1 OR TABSK25>1) (SK98>1 OR SK102>1 OR SK103>1 OR SK108>1 OR SK113>1 OR SK114>1 OR SK118>1 OR SK119>1 OR SK122>1 OR SK123>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG (WP13 (CLSK3>0 OR TABSK26>0) ((SK99>2 OR SK100>2 OR SK104>2 OR SK105>2 OR SK109>2 OR SK110>2 OR SK115>2 OR SK120>2 OR SK124>2 OR SK125>2) OR (TABSK26>2 (SK99>0 OR SK100>0 OR SK104>0 OR SK105>0 OR SK109>0 OR SK110>0 OR SK115>0 OR SK120>0 OR SK124>0 OR SK125>0)) OR ((CLSK3>1 OR TABSK26>1) (SK99>1 OR SK100>1 OR SK104>1 OR SK105>1 OR SK109>1 OR SK110>1 OR SK115>1 OR SK120>1 OR SK124>1 OR SK125>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG ((CL6 OR WP11) (CLSK1>0 OR TABSK8>0) ((SK36>2 OR SK37>2 OR SK41>2 OR SK46>2 OR SK47>2 OR SK51>2 OR SK52>2 OR SK56>2 OR SK61>2 OR SK62>2) OR (TABSK8>2 (SK36>0 OR SK37>0 OR SK41>0 OR SK46>0 OR SK47>0 OR SK51>0 OR SK52>0 OR SK56>0 OR SK61>0 OR SK62>0)) OR ((CLSK1>1 OR TABSK8>1) (SK36>1 OR SK37>1 OR SK41>1 OR SK46>1 OR SK47>1 OR SK51>1 OR SK52>1 OR SK56>1 OR SK61>1 OR SK62>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG ((CL6 OR WP11) (CLSK1>0 OR TABSK9>0) ((SK38>2 OR SK42>2 OR SK43>2 OR SK48>2 OR SK49>2 OR SK53>2 OR SK54>2 OR SK57>2 OR SK58>2 OR SK63>2) OR (TABSK9>2 (SK38>0 OR SK42>0 OR SK43>0 OR SK48>0 OR SK49>0 OR SK53>0 OR SK54>0 OR SK57>0 OR SK58>0 OR SK63>0)) OR ((CLSK1>1 OR TABSK9>1) (SK38>1 OR SK42>1 OR SK43>1 OR SK48>1 OR SK49>1 OR SK53>1 OR SK54>1 OR SK57>1 OR SK58>1 OR SK63>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG ((CL6 OR WP11) (CLSK1>0 OR TABSK10>0) ((SK39>2 OR SK40>2 OR SK44>2 OR SK45>2 OR SK50>2 OR SK55>2 OR SK59>2 OR SK60>2 OR SK64>2 OR SK65>2) OR (TABSK10>2 (SK39>0 OR SK40>0 OR SK44>0 OR SK45>0 OR SK50>0 OR SK55>0 OR SK59>0 OR SK60>0 OR SK64>0 OR SK65>0)) OR ((CLSK1>1 OR TABSK10>1) (SK39>1 OR SK40>1 OR SK44>1 OR SK45>1 OR SK50>1 OR SK55>1 OR SK59>1 OR SK60>1 OR SK64>1 OR SK65>1))))]: %NAME%%ORANGE% /⃓̲ Other Class Items /⃓̲ Katars: +3 Wake of Fire or +3 Blade Shield /⃓̲ Katars: +3 Skills (Traps) ItemDisplay[MAG CL5 (TABSK48>2 OR ((TABSK48>1 OR CLSK6>1) (SK262>0 OR SK277>0)) OR ((TABSK48>0 OR CLSK6>0) (SK262>1 OR SK277>1)) OR SK262>2 OR SK277>2)]: %NAME% %TAN%+3%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[MAG (CL5 (TABSK48>2 OR ((TABSK48>1 OR CLSK6>1) (SK251>0 OR SK256>0 OR SK257>0 OR SK261>0 OR SK262>0 OR SK266>0 OR SK271>0 OR SK272>0 OR SK276>0 OR SK277>0)) OR ((TABSK48>0 OR CLSK6>0) (SK251>1 OR SK256>1 OR SK257>1 OR SK261>1 OR SK262>1 OR SK266>1 OR SK271>1 OR SK272>1 OR SK276>1 OR SK277>1))))]: %NAME%%TAN% /⃓̲ Wands/Totems: +3 skills (Poison & Bone) /ItemDisplay[MAG ((CL4 OR WP12) (TABSK17>2 OR ((TABSK17>1 OR CLSK2>1) (SK67>0 OR SK68>0 OR SK73>0 OR SK74>0 OR SK78>0 OR SK83>0 OR SK84>0 OR SK92>0 OR SK93>0)) OR ((TABSK17>0 OR CLSK2>0) (SK67>1 OR SK68>1 OR SK73>1 OR SK74>1 OR SK78>1 OR SK83>1 OR SK84>1 OR SK92>1 OR SK93>1))))]: %NAME%%TAN% /⃓̲ Skillmod Items /⃓̲ Gloves: Amazon ItemDisplay[MAG EQ4 ((TABSK0>2 OR TABSK2>2) IAS>10)]: %NAME%%ORANGE% ItemDisplay[MAG EQ4 ((TABSK0>2 OR TABSK2>2) OR ((TABSK0>1 OR TABSK1>2 OR TABSK2>1) IAS>0) OR ((TABSK0>0 OR TABSK1>1 OR TABSK2>0) IAS>10))]: %NAME%%TAN% /⃓̲ Gloves: Assassin ItemDisplay[MAG EQ4 (TABSK50>2 IAS>10)]: %NAME%%ORANGE% /ItemDisplay[MAG EQ4 (TABSK50>2 OR (TABSK50>1 IAS>0) OR (TABSK50>0 IAS>10))]: %NAME%%TAN% /⃓̲ Weapons: Barbarian ItemDisplay[(MAG (WEAPON !(WP8 OR (WP7 !WP6))) TABSK34>2)]: %NAME%%ORANGE% /⃓̲ Clubs: Druid ItemDisplay[MAG (WP2 TABSK40>2)]: %NAME%%TAN% /⃓̲ Crafting Ingredients (some exclusions; shown at merchants) BASE ITEM EXCLUSIONS EXCLUSION REASON /⃓̲ Blood /ItemDisplay[MAG ELT WP1]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%9%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Weapon: Axe non-elite (low damage) /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (xpk OR upk)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%6%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Shield Spiked Shield (max 2 sockets) /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (hlm OR xlm OR ulm)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%8%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Helmet /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 ult]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%10%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Chest Plate Mail, Templar Coat (max 3 sockets) ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (vgl OR xvg OR uvg)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%4%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Gloves ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (tbt OR xtb OR utb)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%5%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Boots ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (zmb OR umc)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%7%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Belt Belt (only 8 potion slots) /⃓̲ Caster /ItemDisplay[MAG ELT (WP13 OR WP11 OR WP12)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%3%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Weapon: Rod non-elite (low damage) /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (sml OR xml OR uml)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%5%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Shield /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (msk OR xsk OR usk)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%4%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Helmet /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 utp]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%7%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Chest Light Plate, Mage Plate (max 3 sockets) ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (lgl OR xlg OR ulg)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%9%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Gloves ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (lbt OR xlb OR ulb)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%10%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Boots ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (zvb OR uvc)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%6%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Belt Light Belt (only 8 potion slots) /⃓̲ Hit-Power /ItemDisplay[MAG ELT (WP2 OR WP13 OR WP11 OR WP12)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%3%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Weapon: Blunt non-elite (low damage) /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 uts]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%5%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Shield Gothic Shield, Ancient Shield (max 3 sockets) /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (fhl OR xhl OR uhl)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%6%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Helmet /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 uld]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%4%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Chest Field Plate, Sharktooth Armor (max 2/3 sockets) ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (mgl OR xmg OR umg)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%9%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Gloves /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (mbt OR xmb OR umb)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%8%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Boots /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (ztb OR utc)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%7%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Belt Heavy Belt (only 12 potion slots) /⃓̲ Safety /ItemDisplay[MAG ELT WP7]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%12%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Weapon: Spear non-elite (low damage) ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 uit]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%4%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Shield Kite Shield, Dragon Shield (max 3 sockets) /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (crn OR xrn OR urn)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%6%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Helmet /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 urs]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%5%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Chest Breast Plate, Cuirass (max 3 sockets) /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (hgl OR xhg OR uhg)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%8%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Gloves /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (hbt OR xhb)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%9%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Boots Myrmidon Boots (208 strength req) /ItemDisplay[MAG ILVL>47 (zlb OR ulc)]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%7%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Belt Sash (only 12 potion slots) /⃓̲ Obscured/Hidden: Magic Merchant Items /⃓̲ Difficulty: Normal, Acts 1-5 - levels 7, 15, 23, 31, 40 ItemDisplay[MAG ((ILVL=12 CLVL>6) OR (ILVL=20 CLVL>14) OR (ILVL=28 CLVL>22) OR (ILVL=36 CLVL>30) OR (ILVL=45 CLVL>39))]:%BLACK% /⃓̲ Difficulty: Nightmare/Hell ItemDisplay[MAG CLVL<50 ((ILVL=6 CLVL=1) OR (ILVL=7 CLVL=2) OR (ILVL=8 CLVL=3) OR (ILVL=9 CLVL=4) OR (ILVL=10 CLVL=5) OR (ILVL=11 CLVL=6) OR (ILVL=12 CLVL=7) OR (ILVL=13 CLVL=8) OR (ILVL=14 CLVL=9) OR (ILVL=15 CLVL=10) OR (ILVL=16 CLVL=11) OR (ILVL=17 CLVL=12) OR (ILVL=18 CLVL=13) OR (ILVL=19 CLVL=14) OR (ILVL=20 CLVL=15) OR (ILVL=21 CLVL=16) OR (ILVL=22 CLVL=17) OR (ILVL=23 CLVL=18) OR (ILVL=24 CLVL=19) OR (ILVL=25 CLVL=20) OR (ILVL=26 CLVL=21) OR (ILVL=27 CLVL=22) OR (ILVL=28 CLVL=23) OR (ILVL=29 CLVL=24) OR (ILVL=30 CLVL=25) OR (ILVL=31 CLVL=26) OR (ILVL=32 CLVL=27) OR (ILVL=33 CLVL=28) OR (ILVL=34 CLVL=29) OR (ILVL=35 CLVL=30) OR (ILVL=36 CLVL=31) OR (ILVL=37 CLVL=32) OR (ILVL=38 CLVL=33) OR (ILVL=39 CLVL=34) OR (ILVL=40 CLVL=35) OR (ILVL=41 CLVL=36) OR (ILVL=42 CLVL=37) OR (ILVL=43 CLVL=38) OR (ILVL=44 CLVL=39) OR (ILVL=45 CLVL=40) OR (ILVL=46 CLVL=41) OR (ILVL=47 CLVL=42) OR (ILVL=48 CLVL=43) OR (ILVL=49 CLVL=44) OR (ILVL=50 CLVL=45) OR (ILVL=51 CLVL=46) OR (ILVL=52 CLVL=47) OR (ILVL=53 CLVL=48) OR (ILVL=54 CLVL=49))]:%BLACK% ItemDisplay[MAG CLVL>49 ((ILVL=55 CLVL=50) OR (ILVL=56 CLVL=51) OR (ILVL=57 CLVL=52) OR (ILVL=58 CLVL=53) OR (ILVL=59 CLVL=54) OR (ILVL=60 CLVL=55) OR (ILVL=61 CLVL=56) OR (ILVL=62 CLVL=57) OR (ILVL=63 CLVL=58) OR (ILVL=64 CLVL=59) OR (ILVL=65 CLVL=60) OR (ILVL=66 CLVL=61) OR (ILVL=67 CLVL=62) OR (ILVL=68 CLVL=63) OR (ILVL=69 CLVL=64) OR (ILVL=70 CLVL=65) OR (ILVL=71 CLVL=66) OR (ILVL=72 CLVL=67) OR (ILVL=73 CLVL=68) OR (ILVL=74 CLVL=69) OR (ILVL=75 CLVL=70) OR (ILVL=76 CLVL=71) OR (ILVL=77 CLVL=72) OR (ILVL=78 CLVL=73) OR (ILVL=79 CLVL=74) OR (ILVL=80 CLVL=75) OR (ILVL=81 CLVL=76) OR (ILVL=82 CLVL=77) OR (ILVL=83 CLVL=78) OR (ILVL=84 CLVL=79) OR (ILVL=85 CLVL=80) OR (ILVL=86 CLVL=81) OR (ILVL=87 CLVL=82) OR (ILVL=88 CLVL=83) OR (ILVL=89 CLVL=84) OR (ILVL=90 CLVL=85) OR (ILVL=91 CLVL=86) OR (ILVL=92 CLVL=87) OR (ILVL=93 CLVL=88) OR (ILVL=94 CLVL=89) OR (ILVL=95 CLVL=90) OR (ILVL>95 CLVL>90))]:%BLACK% /⃓̲ Crafting Ingredients (no exclusions, not shown at merchants) /⃓̲ Blood /ItemDisplay[MAG WP1 ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%9%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Weapon: Axe /ItemDisplay[MAG (spk OR xpk OR upk) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%6%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Shield /ItemDisplay[MAG (hlm OR xlm OR ulm) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%8%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Helmet /ItemDisplay[MAG (plt OR xlt OR ult) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%10%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Chest /ItemDisplay[MAG (vgl OR xvg OR uvg) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%4%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Gloves /ItemDisplay[MAG (tbt OR xtb OR utb) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%5%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Boots /ItemDisplay[MAG (mbl OR zmb OR umc) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%7%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%RED%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Belt /⃓̲ Caster /ItemDisplay[MAG (WP13 OR WP11 OR WP12) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%3%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Weapon: Rod (Scepter, Staff, Wand) /ItemDisplay[MAG (sml OR xml OR uml) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%5%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Shield /ItemDisplay[MAG (msk OR xsk OR usk) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%4%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Helmet /ItemDisplay[MAG (ltp OR xtp OR utp) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%7%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Chest /ItemDisplay[MAG (lgl OR xlg OR ulg) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%9%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Gloves /ItemDisplay[MAG (lbt OR xlb OR ulb) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%10%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Boots /ItemDisplay[MAG (vbl OR zvb OR uvc) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%6%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%PURPLE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Belt /⃓̲ Hit-Power /ItemDisplay[MAG (WP2 OR WP13 OR WP11 OR WP12) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%3%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Weapon: Blunt (Mace, Scepter, Staff, Wand) /ItemDisplay[MAG (gts OR xts OR uts) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%5%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Shield /ItemDisplay[MAG (fhl OR xhl OR uhl) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%6%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Helmet /ItemDisplay[MAG (fld OR xld OR uld) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%4%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Chest /ItemDisplay[MAG (mgl OR xmg OR umg) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%9%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Gloves /ItemDisplay[MAG (mbt OR xmb OR umb) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%8%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Boots /ItemDisplay[MAG (tbl OR ztb OR utc) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%7%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%BLUE%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Belt /⃓̲ Safety /ItemDisplay[MAG WP7 ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%12%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Weapon: Spear /ItemDisplay[MAG (kit OR xit OR uit) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%4%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Shield /ItemDisplay[MAG (crn OR xrn OR urn) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%6%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Helmet /ItemDisplay[MAG (brs OR xrs OR urs) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%5%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Chest /ItemDisplay[MAG (hgl OR xhg OR uhg) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%8%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Gloves /ItemDisplay[MAG (hbt OR xhb OR uhb) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%9%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Boots /ItemDisplay[MAG (lbl OR zlb OR ulc) ILVL>47]: %NAME% %TAN%(%WHITE%7%TAN%)%GRAY%±%ORANGE%[%GREEN%@%ORANGE%] %GRAY%[l%ILVL%]%DGREEN% // Belt /⃓̲ Catchall - Magic Items (identified) /⃓̲ Show item price (when below 800,000 gold) /⃓̲ No item price ItemDisplay[MAG !(CHARSTAT15>800000 OR CHARSTAT14>800000)]: %NAME% %GRAY%(%DGREEN%$%PRICE%%GRAY%)%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[MAG]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Unique Items (unidentified - individual rules) ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ /⃓̲ Notes: /⃓̲ None of these rules are enabled by default - this category may be removed without affecting functionality /⃓̲ Enabling both individual rules for any unique is redundant unless their output differs (use the rule without 'ETH' condition) /⃓̲ Reference - jewelry /⃓̲ Amulets (ilvl 85+) chance minimum ilvl (qlvl) /⃓̲ Nokozan Relic 26.7% 14 /⃓̲ The Eye of Etlich 6.7% 20 /⃓̲ The Mahim-Oak Curio 13.3% 34 /⃓̲ Saracen's Chance 6.7% 55 /⃓̲ The Cat's Eye 6.7% 58 /⃓̲ Crescent Moon 6.7% 58 /⃓̲ Atma's Scarab 6.7% 60 /⃓̲ The Rising Sun 6.7% 73 /⃓̲ Highlord's Wrath 6.7% 73 /⃓̲ Seraph's Hymn 4.0% 73 /⃓̲ Mara's Kaleidoscope 6.7% 80 /⃓̲ Metalgrid 2.7% 85 /⃓̲ Rings (ilvl 84+) /⃓̲ Nagelring 25.4% 10 /⃓̲ Manald Heal 25.4% 20 /⃓̲ Stone of Jordan 1.7% 39 /⃓̲ Raven Frost 16.9% 53 /⃓̲ Dwarf Star 16.9% 53 /⃓̲ Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band 1.7% 66 /⃓̲ Carrion Wind 5.1% 68 /⃓̲ Nature's Peace 5.1% 77 /⃓̲ Wisp Projector 1.7% 84 /⃓̲ Not Weapons/Armor /⃓̲ Jewelry /⃓̲ Amulets /ItemDisplay[amu UNI ILVL>84]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN% // Amulet /ItemDisplay[amu UNI ILVL>72]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN% // Amulet /ItemDisplay[amu UNI ILVL>57]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN% // Amulet /ItemDisplay[amu UNI ILVL<20]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Nokozan Relic // Amulet - Nokozan Relic /ItemDisplay[amu UNI]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN% // Amulet /⃓̲ Rings /ItemDisplay[rin UNI ILVL>83]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN% // Ring /ItemDisplay[rin UNI ILVL>65]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN% // Ring /ItemDisplay[rin UNI ILVL>38]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN% // Ring /ItemDisplay[rin UNI ILVL<20]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Nagelring // Ring - Nagelring /ItemDisplay[rin UNI]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN% // Ring /⃓̲ Charms /ItemDisplay[cm1 UNI]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Annihilus // Small Charm /ItemDisplay[cm2 UNI]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Hellfire Torch // Large Charm /ItemDisplay[cm3 UNI]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Gheed's Fortune // Grand Charm /⃓̲ Other /ItemDisplay[jew UNI]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Rainbow Facet // Jewel /ItemDisplay[aq2 UNI]: %GOLD%%NAME%%DGREEN% // Arrows - Hailstorm, Dragonbreath, Moonfire, Ice Shards /ItemDisplay[cq2 UNI]: %GOLD%%NAME%%DGREEN% // Bolts - Hailstorm, Dragonbreath, Moonfire, Ice Shards /⃓̲ Shared Bases (only one result possible) /ItemDisplay[UNI uhm ILVL<77 ETH]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Nightwing's Veil // Spired Helm /ItemDisplay[UNI uhm ILVL<77]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Nightwing's Veil // Spired Helm /ItemDisplay[UNI uar ETH]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Templar's Might // Sacred Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI uar ILVL<87]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Templar's Might // Sacred Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI 7fl ILVL<86 ETH]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Horizon's Tornado // Scourge /ItemDisplay[UNI 7fl ILVL<86]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Horizon's Tornado // Scourge /ItemDisplay[UNI 7wh ETH]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Stone Crusher // Legendary Mallet /ItemDisplay[UNI 7wh ILVL<83]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Stone Crusher // Legendary Mallet /ItemDisplay[UNI 7gm ETH]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Earth Shifter // Thunder Maul /ItemDisplay[UNI 7gm ILVL<85]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Earth Shifter // Thunder Maul /ItemDisplay[UNI 7sc ILVL<80 ETH]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Heaven's Light // Mighty Scepter /ItemDisplay[UNI 7sc ILVL<80]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Heaven's Light // Mighty Scepter /ItemDisplay[UNI 7cr ILVL<87]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Lightsabre // Phase Blade /⃓̲ Headgear /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI cap ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Biggin's Bonnet /ItemDisplay[UNI cap]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Biggin's Bonnet // Cap /ItemDisplay[UNI skp ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Tarnhelm /ItemDisplay[UNI skp]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Tarnhelm // Skull Cap /ItemDisplay[UNI hlm ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Coif of Glory /ItemDisplay[UNI hlm]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Coif of Glory // Helm /ItemDisplay[UNI fhl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Duskdeep /ItemDisplay[UNI fhl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Duskdeep // Full Helm /ItemDisplay[UNI msk ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Face of Horror /ItemDisplay[UNI msk]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Face of Horror // Mask /ItemDisplay[UNI bhm ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Wormskull /ItemDisplay[UNI bhm]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Wormskull // Bone Helm /ItemDisplay[UNI ghm ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Howltusk /ItemDisplay[UNI ghm]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Howltusk // Great Helm /ItemDisplay[UNI crn ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Undead Crown /ItemDisplay[UNI crn]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Undead Crown // Crown /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI xap ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Peasant Crown /ItemDisplay[UNI xap]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Peasant Crown // War Hat /ItemDisplay[UNI xkp ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Rockstopper /ItemDisplay[UNI xkp]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Rockstopper // Sallet /ItemDisplay[UNI xlm ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Stealskull /ItemDisplay[UNI xlm]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Stealskull // Casque /ItemDisplay[UNI xhl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Darksight Helm /ItemDisplay[UNI xhl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Darksight Helm // Basinet /ItemDisplay[UNI xsk ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Blackhorn's Face /ItemDisplay[UNI xsk]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Blackhorn's Face // Death Mask /ItemDisplay[UNI xh9 ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Vampire Gaze /ItemDisplay[UNI xh9]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Vampire Gaze // Grim Helm /ItemDisplay[UNI xhm ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Valkyrie Wing /ItemDisplay[UNI xhm]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Valkyrie Wing // Winged Helm /ItemDisplay[UNI xrn ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Crown of Thieves /ItemDisplay[UNI xrn]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Crown of Thieves // Grand Crown /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI uap ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Harlequin Crest /ItemDisplay[UNI uap]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Harlequin Crest // Shako /ItemDisplay[UNI ulm ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Steel Shade /ItemDisplay[UNI ulm]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Steel Shade // Armet /ItemDisplay[UNI usk ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Andariel's Visage /ItemDisplay[UNI usk]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Andariel's Visage // Demonhead /ItemDisplay[UNI uh9 ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Giant Skull %GRAY%[1-2]%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[UNI uh9]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Giant Skull %GRAY%[1-2] %DGREEN% // Bone Visage /ItemDisplay[UNI uhm ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Veil of Steel %GRAY%<%GOLD%][%GRAY%> %DGREEN%Nightwing's Veil /ItemDisplay[UNI uhm]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Veil of Steel %WHITE%<%GOLD%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Nightwing's Veil // Spired Helm /ItemDisplay[UNI urn]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Crown of Ages %GRAY%[1-2] %DGREEN% // Corona (not Crown; always non-eth) /⃓̲ Circlets /ItemDisplay[UNI ci2 ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Kira's Guardian /ItemDisplay[UNI ci2]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Kira's Guardian // Tiara /ItemDisplay[UNI ci3 ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Griffon's Eye /ItemDisplay[UNI ci3]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Griffon's Eye // Diadem /⃓̲ Barbarian Primal Helms /ItemDisplay[UNI baa ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Arreat's Face /ItemDisplay[UNI baa]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Arreat's Face // Slayer Guard /ItemDisplay[UNI bac ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Wolfhowl /ItemDisplay[UNI bac]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Wolfhowl // Fury Visor /ItemDisplay[UNI bad ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Demonhorn's Edge /ItemDisplay[UNI bad]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Demonhorn's Edge // Destroyer Helm /ItemDisplay[UNI bae ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Halaberd's Reign /ItemDisplay[UNI bae]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Halaberd's Reign // Conquerer Crown /⃓̲ Druid Pelts /ItemDisplay[UNI dra ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Jalal's Mane /ItemDisplay[UNI dra]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Jalal's Mane // Totemic Mask /ItemDisplay[UNI drb ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Cerebus' Bite /ItemDisplay[UNI drb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Cerebus' Bite // Blood Spirit /ItemDisplay[UNI drd ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spirit Keeper /ItemDisplay[UNI drd]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Spirit Keeper // Earth Spirit /ItemDisplay[UNI dre ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Ravenlore /ItemDisplay[UNI dre]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Ravenlore // Sky Spirit /⃓̲ Chest Armor /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI qui ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Greyform /ItemDisplay[UNI qui]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Greyform // Quilted Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI lea ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Blinkbat's Form /ItemDisplay[UNI lea]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Blinkbat's Form // Leather Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI hla ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Centurion /ItemDisplay[UNI hla]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Centurion // Hard Leather Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI stu ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Twitchthroe /ItemDisplay[UNI stu]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Twitchthroe // Studded Leather /ItemDisplay[UNI rng ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Darkglow /ItemDisplay[UNI rng]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Darkglow // Ring Mail /ItemDisplay[UNI scl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hawkmail /ItemDisplay[UNI scl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hawkmail // Scale Mail /ItemDisplay[UNI chn ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sparking Mail /ItemDisplay[UNI chn]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sparking Mail // Chain Mail /ItemDisplay[UNI brs ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Venom Ward /ItemDisplay[UNI brs]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Venom Ward // Breast Plate (not Ward) /ItemDisplay[UNI spl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Iceblink /ItemDisplay[UNI spl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Iceblink // Splint Mail /ItemDisplay[UNI plt ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Boneflesh /ItemDisplay[UNI plt]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Boneflesh // Plate Mail /ItemDisplay[UNI fld ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Rockfleece /ItemDisplay[UNI fld]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Rockfleece // Field Plate /ItemDisplay[UNI gth ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Rattlecage /ItemDisplay[UNI gth]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Rattlecage // Gothic Plate /ItemDisplay[UNI ful ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Goldskin /ItemDisplay[UNI ful]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Goldskin // Full Plate /ItemDisplay[UNI aar ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Silks of the Victor /ItemDisplay[UNI aar]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Silks of the Victor // Ancient Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI ltp ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Heavenly Garb /ItemDisplay[UNI ltp]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Heavenly Garb // Light Plate /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI xui ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Spirit Shroud /ItemDisplay[UNI xui]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%The Spirit Shroud // Ghost Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI xea ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Skin of the Vipermagi /ItemDisplay[UNI xea]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Skin of the Vipermagi // Serpentskin Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI xla ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Skin of the Flayed One // Demonhide Armor (eth & auto-repair) /ItemDisplay[UNI xla]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Skin of the Flayed One // Demonhide Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI xtu ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Iron Pelt /ItemDisplay[UNI xtu]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Iron Pelt // Trellised Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI xng ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spirit Forge %GRAY%[2]%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[UNI xng]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spirit Forge %GRAY%[2]%DGREEN% // Linked Mail /ItemDisplay[UNI xcl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Crow Caw /ItemDisplay[UNI xcl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Crow Caw // Tigulated Mail /ItemDisplay[UNI xhn ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Shaftstop /ItemDisplay[UNI xhn]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Shaftstop // Mesh Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI xrs ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Duriel's Shell /ItemDisplay[UNI xrs]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Duriel's Shell // Cuirass /ItemDisplay[UNI xpl ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Skullder's Ire // Russet Armor (eth & auto-repair) /ItemDisplay[UNI xpl]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Skullder's Ire // Russet Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI xlt ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Guardian Angel /ItemDisplay[UNI xlt]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Guardian Angel // Templar Coat /ItemDisplay[UNI xld ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Toothrow /ItemDisplay[UNI xld]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Toothrow // Sharktooth Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI xth ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Atma's Wail /ItemDisplay[UNI xth]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Atma's Wail // Embossed Plate /ItemDisplay[UNI xul ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Black Hades %GRAY%[3]%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[UNI xul]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Black Hades %GRAY%[3]%DGREEN% // Chaos Armor /ItemDisplay[UNI xar ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Corpsemourn /ItemDisplay[UNI xar]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Corpsemourn // Ornate Plate /ItemDisplay[UNI xtp ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Que-Hegan's Wisdom /ItemDisplay[UNI xtp]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Que-Hegan's Wisdom // Mage Plate /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI uui ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Ormus' Robes /ItemDisplay[UNI uui]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Ormus' Robes // Dusk Shroud /ItemDisplay[UNI utu ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%The Gladiator's Bane /ItemDisplay[UNI utu]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%The Gladiator's Bane // Wire Fleece /ItemDisplay[UNI upl ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Arkaine's Valor /ItemDisplay[UNI upl]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Arkaine's Valor // Balrog Skin /ItemDisplay[UNI uld]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Leviathan // Kraken Shell (always non-eth) /ItemDisplay[UNI uul ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Steel Carapace // Shadow Plate (eth & auto-repair) /ItemDisplay[UNI uul]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Steel Carapace // Shadow Plate /ItemDisplay[UNI uar]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Templar's Might %WHITE%<%GOLD%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Tyrael's Might // Sacred Armor (Tyrael's Might: always non-eth) /⃓̲ Shields /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI buc ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Pelta Lunata /ItemDisplay[UNI buc]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Pelta Lunata // Buckler /ItemDisplay[UNI sml ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Umbral Disk /ItemDisplay[UNI sml]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Umbral Disk // Small Shield /ItemDisplay[UNI lrg ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stormguild /ItemDisplay[UNI lrg]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stormguild // Large Shield /ItemDisplay[UNI spk ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Swordback Hold /ItemDisplay[UNI spk]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Swordback Hold // Spiked Shield /ItemDisplay[UNI kit ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Steelclash /ItemDisplay[UNI kit]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Steelclash // Kite Shield /ItemDisplay[UNI bsh ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Wall of the Eyeless /ItemDisplay[UNI bsh]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Wall of the Eyeless // Bone Shield /ItemDisplay[UNI tow ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bverrit Keep /ItemDisplay[UNI tow]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bverrit Keep // Tower Shield /ItemDisplay[UNI gts ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Ward /ItemDisplay[UNI gts]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Ward // Gothic Shield (not Ward) /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI xuc ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Visceratuant /ItemDisplay[UNI xuc]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Visceratuant // Defender /ItemDisplay[UNI xml ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Moser's Blessed Circle %GRAY%[2]%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[UNI xml]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Moser's Blessed Circle %GRAY%[2]%DGREEN% // Round Shield /ItemDisplay[UNI xrg ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stormchaser /ItemDisplay[UNI xrg]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stormchaser // Scutum /ItemDisplay[UNI xpk ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Lance Guard /ItemDisplay[UNI xpk]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Lance Guard // Barbed Shield /ItemDisplay[UNI xit ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Tiamat's Rebuke /ItemDisplay[UNI xit]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Tiamat's Rebuke // Dragon Shield /ItemDisplay[UNI xsh ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Lidless Wall /ItemDisplay[UNI xsh]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Lidless Wall // Grim Shield /ItemDisplay[UNI xow ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gerke's Sanctuary /ItemDisplay[UNI xow]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Gerke's Sanctuary // Pavise /ItemDisplay[UNI xts ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Radament's Sphere /ItemDisplay[UNI xts]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Radament's Sphere // Ancient Shield /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI uml ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Blackoak Shield /ItemDisplay[UNI uml]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Blackoak Shield // Luna /ItemDisplay[UNI upk ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Spike Thorn %GRAY%[1] %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[UNI upk]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Spike Thorn %GRAY%[1] %DGREEN% // Blade Barrier /ItemDisplay[UNI uit]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Stormshield // Monarch (always non-eth) /ItemDisplay[UNI ush ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Head Hunter's Glory %GRAY%[3]%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[UNI ush]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Head Hunter's Glory %GRAY%[3]%DGREEN% // Troll Nest /ItemDisplay[UNI uow ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Medusa's Gaze /ItemDisplay[UNI uow]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Medusa's Gaze // Aegis /ItemDisplay[UNI uts ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spirit Ward /ItemDisplay[UNI uts]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Spirit Ward // Ward /⃓̲ Paladin Shields /ItemDisplay[UNI pa9 ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Herald of Zakarum /ItemDisplay[UNI pa9]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Herald of Zakarum // Gilded Shield /ItemDisplay[UNI pac ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Alma Negra /ItemDisplay[UNI pac]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Alma Negra // Sacred Rondache - unique translation: "Black Soul" (Spanish) /ItemDisplay[UNI pae ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Dragonscale /ItemDisplay[UNI pae]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Dragonscale // Zakarum Shield /⃓̲ Totems /ItemDisplay[UNI nea ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Homunculus /ItemDisplay[UNI nea]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Homunculus // Heirophant Trophy /ItemDisplay[UNI nee ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Boneflame /ItemDisplay[UNI nee]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Boneflame // Succubae Skull /ItemDisplay[UNI nef ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Darkforce Spawn /ItemDisplay[UNI nef]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Darkforce Spawn // Bloodlord Skull /⃓̲ Gloves /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI lgl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Hand of Broc /ItemDisplay[UNI lgl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Hand of Broc // Leather Gloves /ItemDisplay[UNI vgl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bloodfist /ItemDisplay[UNI vgl]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Bloodfist // Heavy Gloves /ItemDisplay[UNI mgl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Chance Guards /ItemDisplay[UNI mgl]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Chance Guards // Chain Gloves /ItemDisplay[UNI tgl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Magefist /ItemDisplay[UNI tgl]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Magefist // Light Gauntlets /ItemDisplay[UNI hgl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Frostburn /ItemDisplay[UNI hgl]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Frostburn // Gauntlets /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI xlg ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Venom Grip /ItemDisplay[UNI xlg]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Venom Grip // Demonhide Gloves /ItemDisplay[UNI xvg ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gravepalm /ItemDisplay[UNI xvg]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gravepalm // Sharkskin Gloves /ItemDisplay[UNI xmg ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Ghoulhide /ItemDisplay[UNI xmg]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Ghoulhide // Heavy Bracers /ItemDisplay[UNI xtg ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Lava Gout /ItemDisplay[UNI xtg]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Lava Gout // Battle Gauntlets /ItemDisplay[UNI xhg ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hellmouth /ItemDisplay[UNI xhg]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hellmouth // War Gauntlets /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI uvg ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Dracul's Grasp /ItemDisplay[UNI uvg]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Dracul's Grasp // Vampirebone Gloves /ItemDisplay[UNI umg ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Soul Drainer /ItemDisplay[UNI umg]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Soul Drainer // Vambraces /ItemDisplay[UNI uhg ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Steelrend /ItemDisplay[UNI uhg]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Steelrend // Ogre Gauntlets /⃓̲ Boots /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI lbt ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hotspur /ItemDisplay[UNI lbt]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Hotspur // Boots /ItemDisplay[UNI vbt ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gorefoot /ItemDisplay[UNI vbt]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gorefoot // Heavy Boots /ItemDisplay[UNI mbt ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Treads of Cthon /ItemDisplay[UNI mbt]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Treads of Cthon // Chain Boots /ItemDisplay[UNI tbt ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Goblin Toe /ItemDisplay[UNI tbt]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Goblin Toe // Light Plated Boots /ItemDisplay[UNI hbt ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Tearhaunch /ItemDisplay[UNI hbt]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Tearhaunch // Greaves /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI xlb ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Infernostride /ItemDisplay[UNI xlb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Infernostride // Demonhide Boots /ItemDisplay[UNI xvb ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Waterwalk /ItemDisplay[UNI xvb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Waterwalk // Sharkskin Boots /ItemDisplay[UNI xmb ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Silkweave /ItemDisplay[UNI xmb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Silkweave // Mesh Boots /ItemDisplay[UNI xtb ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%War Traveler /ItemDisplay[UNI xtb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%War Traveler // Battle Boots /ItemDisplay[UNI xhb ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Gore Rider /ItemDisplay[UNI xhb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Gore Rider // War Boots /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI uvb ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Sandstorm Trek // Scarabshell Boots (eth & auto-repair) /ItemDisplay[UNI uvb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Sandstorm Trek // Scarabshell Boots /ItemDisplay[UNI umb ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Marrowwalk /ItemDisplay[UNI umb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Marrowwalk // Boneweave Boots /ItemDisplay[UNI uhb ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Shadow Dancer /ItemDisplay[UNI uhb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Shadow Dancer // Myrmidon Greaves /⃓̲ Belts /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI lbl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Lenymo /ItemDisplay[UNI lbl]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Lenymo // Sash /ItemDisplay[UNI vbl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Snakecord /ItemDisplay[UNI vbl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Snakecord // Light Belt /ItemDisplay[UNI mbl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Nightsmoke /ItemDisplay[UNI mbl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Nightsmoke // Belt /ItemDisplay[UNI tbl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Goldwrap /ItemDisplay[UNI tbl]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Goldwrap // Heavy Belt /ItemDisplay[UNI hbl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bladebuckle /ItemDisplay[UNI hbl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bladebuckle // Plated Belt /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI zlb ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%String of Ears /ItemDisplay[UNI zlb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%String of Ears // Demonhide Sash /ItemDisplay[UNI zvb ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Razortail /ItemDisplay[UNI zvb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Razortail // Sharkskin Belt /ItemDisplay[UNI zmb ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gloom's Trap /ItemDisplay[UNI zmb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gloom's Trap // Mesh Belt /ItemDisplay[UNI ztb ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Snowclash /ItemDisplay[UNI ztb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Snowclash // Battle Belt /ItemDisplay[UNI zhb ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Thundergod's Vigor /ItemDisplay[UNI zhb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Thundergod's Vigor // War Belt /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI ulc ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Arachnid Mesh /ItemDisplay[UNI ulc]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Arachnid Mesh // Spiderweb Sash (not Mesh Belt) /ItemDisplay[UNI uvc ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Nosferatu's Coil /ItemDisplay[UNI uvc]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Nosferatu's Coil // Vampirefang Belt /ItemDisplay[UNI umc ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Verdungo's Hearty Cord /ItemDisplay[UNI umc]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Verdungo's Hearty Cord // Mithril Coil /⃓̲ Axes /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI hax ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Gnasher /ItemDisplay[UNI hax]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Gnasher // Hand Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI axe ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Deathspade /ItemDisplay[UNI axe]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Deathspade // Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI 2ax ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bladebone /ItemDisplay[UNI 2ax]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bladebone // Double Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI mpi ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Skull Splitter /ItemDisplay[UNI mpi]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Skull Splitter // Military Pick /ItemDisplay[UNI wax ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Rakescar /ItemDisplay[UNI wax]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Rakescar // War Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI lax ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Axe of Fechmar /ItemDisplay[UNI lax]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Axe of Fechmar // Large Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI bax ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Goreshovel /ItemDisplay[UNI bax]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Goreshovel // Broad Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI btx ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Chieftain /ItemDisplay[UNI btx]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Chieftain // Battle Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI gax ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Brainhew /ItemDisplay[UNI gax]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Brainhew // Great Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI gix ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Humongous /ItemDisplay[UNI gix]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Humongous // Giant Axe /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ha ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Coldkill /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ha]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Coldkill // Hatchet /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ax]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Butcher's Pupil // Cleaver (always non-eth) /ItemDisplay[UNI 92a ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Islestrike /ItemDisplay[UNI 92a]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Islestrike // Twin Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI 9mp ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Pompeii's Wrath /ItemDisplay[UNI 9mp]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Pompeii's Wrath // Crowbill /ItemDisplay[UNI 9wa ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Guardian Naga /ItemDisplay[UNI 9wa]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Guardian Naga // Naga /ItemDisplay[UNI 9la ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Warlord's Trust // Military Axe (eth & auto-repair) /ItemDisplay[UNI 9la]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Warlord's Trust // Military Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ba ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spellsteel /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ba]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spellsteel // Bearded Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI 9bt ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stormrider /ItemDisplay[UNI 9bt]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stormrider // Tabar /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ga ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Boneslayer Blade /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ga]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Boneslayer Blade // Gothic Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI 9gi ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Minotaur /ItemDisplay[UNI 9gi]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%The Minotaur // Ancient Axe /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ha ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Razor's Edge /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ha]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Razor's Edge // Tomahawk /ItemDisplay[UNI 72a ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Rune Master %GRAY%[3-5] %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[UNI 72a]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Rune Master %GRAY%[3-5] %DGREEN% // Ettin Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI 7mp ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Cranebeak /ItemDisplay[UNI 7mp]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Cranebeak // War Spike /ItemDisplay[UNI 7wa ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Death Cleaver /ItemDisplay[UNI 7wa]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Death Cleaver // Berserker Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ba]: %GOLD%%NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Ethereal Edge // Silver-Edged Axe (always eth & indestructible) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7bt ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hellslayer /ItemDisplay[UNI 7bt]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Hellslayer // Decapitator /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ga ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Messerschmidt's Reaver /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ga]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Messerschmidt's Reaver // Champion Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI 7gi ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Executioner's Justice /ItemDisplay[UNI 7gi]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Executioner's Justice // Glorious Axe /⃓̲ Maces /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI clb ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Felloak /ItemDisplay[UNI clb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Felloak // Club /ItemDisplay[UNI spc ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stoutnail /ItemDisplay[UNI spc]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stoutnail // Spiked Club /ItemDisplay[UNI mac ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Crushflange /ItemDisplay[UNI mac]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Crushflange // Mace /ItemDisplay[UNI mst ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bloodrise /ItemDisplay[UNI mst]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bloodrise // Morning Star /ItemDisplay[UNI fla ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The General's Tan Do Li Ga /ItemDisplay[UNI fla]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The General's Tan Do Li Ga // Flail /ItemDisplay[UNI whm ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Ironstone /ItemDisplay[UNI whm]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Ironstone // War Hammer /ItemDisplay[UNI mau ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bonesnap /ItemDisplay[UNI mau]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Bonesnap // Maul /ItemDisplay[UNI gma ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Steeldriver /ItemDisplay[UNI gma]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Steeldriver // Great Maul /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI 9cl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Dark Clan Crusher /ItemDisplay[UNI 9cl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Dark Clan Crusher // Cudgel /ItemDisplay[UNI 9sp ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Fleshrender /ItemDisplay[UNI 9sp]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Fleshrender // Barbed Club /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ma ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sureshrill Frost /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ma]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sureshrill Frost // Flanged Mace /ItemDisplay[UNI 9mt ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Moonfall /ItemDisplay[UNI 9mt]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Moonfall // Jagged Star /ItemDisplay[UNI 9fl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Baezil's Vortex /ItemDisplay[UNI 9fl]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Baezil's Vortex // Knout /ItemDisplay[UNI 9wh ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Earthshaker /ItemDisplay[UNI 9wh]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Earthshaker // Battle Hammer /ItemDisplay[UNI 9m9 ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bloodtree Stump /ItemDisplay[UNI 9m9]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Bloodtree Stump // War Club /ItemDisplay[UNI 9gm]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%The Gavel of Pain // Martel de Fer (always non-eth) /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI 7cl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Nord's Tenderizer /ItemDisplay[UNI 7cl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Nord's Tenderizer // Truncheon /ItemDisplay[UNI 7sp ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Demon Limb // Tyrant Club (eth & auto-repair) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7sp]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Demon Limb // Tyrant Club /ItemDisplay[UNI 7mt ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Baranar's Star /ItemDisplay[UNI 7mt]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Baranar's Star // Devil Star /ItemDisplay[UNI 7fl ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Horizon's Tornado %GRAY%<%GOLD%][%GRAY%> %DGREEN%Stormlash /ItemDisplay[UNI 7fl]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Horizon's Tornado %WHITE%<%GOLD%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Stormlash // Scourge /ItemDisplay[UNI 7wh]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Stone Crusher %WHITE%<%GOLD%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Schaefer's Hammer // Legendary Mallet (Schaefer's Hammer: always non-eth) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7m7 ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Windhammer /ItemDisplay[UNI 7m7]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Windhammer // Ogre Maul /ItemDisplay[UNI 7gm]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Earth Shifter %WHITE%<%GOLD%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%The Cranium Basher // Thunder Maul (The Cranium Basher: always non-eth) /⃓̲ Scepters /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI scp ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Knell Striker /ItemDisplay[UNI scp]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Knell Striker // Scepter /ItemDisplay[UNI gsc ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Rusthandle /ItemDisplay[UNI gsc]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Rusthandle // Grand Scepter /ItemDisplay[UNI wsp ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stormeye /ItemDisplay[UNI wsp]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stormeye // War Scepter /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI 9sc ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Zakarum's Hand /ItemDisplay[UNI 9sc]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Zakarum's Hand // Rune Scepter /ItemDisplay[UNI 9qs ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Fetid Sprinkler /ItemDisplay[UNI 9qs]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%The Fetid Sprinkler // Holy Water Sprinkler /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ws ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Hand of Blessed Light /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ws]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Hand of Blessed Light // Divine Scepter /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI 7sc ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Heaven's Light <%GOLD%][%GRAY%> %DGREEN%The Redeemer /ItemDisplay[UNI 7sc]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Heaven's Light %WHITE%<%GOLD%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%The Redeemer // Mighty Scepter /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ws ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Astreon's Iron Ward /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ws]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Astreon's Iron Ward // Caduceus (not Ward) /⃓̲ Swords /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI ssd ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Rixot's Keen /ItemDisplay[UNI ssd]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Rixot's Keen // Short Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI scm ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Blood Crescent /ItemDisplay[UNI scm]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Blood Crescent // Scimitar /ItemDisplay[UNI sbr ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Skewer of Krintiz /ItemDisplay[UNI sbr]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Skewer of Krintiz // Saber /ItemDisplay[UNI flc ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gleamscythe /ItemDisplay[UNI flc]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gleamscythe // Falchion /ItemDisplay[UNI bsd ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Griswold's Edge /ItemDisplay[UNI bsd]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Griswold's Edge // Broad Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI lsd ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hellplague /ItemDisplay[UNI lsd]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hellplague // Long Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI wsd ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Culwen's Point /ItemDisplay[UNI wsd]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Culwen's Point // War Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI 2hs ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Shadowfang /ItemDisplay[UNI 2hs]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Shadowfang // Two-handed Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI clm ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Soulflay /ItemDisplay[UNI clm]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Soulflay // Claymore /ItemDisplay[UNI gis ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Kinemil's Awl /ItemDisplay[UNI gis]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Kinemil's Awl // Giant Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI bsw ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Blacktongue /ItemDisplay[UNI bsw]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Blacktongue // Bastard Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI flb ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Ripsaw /ItemDisplay[UNI flb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Ripsaw // Flamberge /ItemDisplay[UNI gsd ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Patriarch /ItemDisplay[UNI gsd]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%The Patriarch // Great Sword /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ss ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bloodletter /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ss]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bloodletter // Gladius /ItemDisplay[UNI 9sm ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Coldsteel Eye /ItemDisplay[UNI 9sm]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Coldsteel Eye // Cutlass /ItemDisplay[UNI 9sb ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hexfire /ItemDisplay[UNI 9sb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Hexfire // Shamshir /ItemDisplay[UNI 9fc ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Blade of Ali Baba %GRAY%[2] %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[UNI 9fc]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Blade of Ali Baba %GRAY%[2] %DGREEN% // Tulwar /ItemDisplay[UNI 9cr ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Ginther's Rift // Dimensional Blade (eth & auto-repair) /ItemDisplay[UNI 9cr]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Ginther's Rift // Dimensional Blade /ItemDisplay[UNI 9bs ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Headstriker /ItemDisplay[UNI 9bs]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Headstriker // Battle Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ls ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Plague Bearer /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ls]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Plague Bearer // Rune Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI 9wd ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Atlantean /ItemDisplay[UNI 9wd]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Atlantean // Ancient Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI 92h ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Crainte Vomir /ItemDisplay[UNI 92h]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Crainte Vomir // Espandon - unique translation: "Fear Vomit" (French) /ItemDisplay[UNI 9cm ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bing Sz Wang /ItemDisplay[UNI 9cm]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Bing Sz Wang // Dacian Falx - unique translation: "King of Ice" (Mandarin Chinese) /ItemDisplay[UNI 9gs ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Vile Husk /ItemDisplay[UNI 9gs]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%The Vile Husk // Tusk Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI 9b9 ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Cloudcrack /ItemDisplay[UNI 9b9]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Cloudcrack // Gothic Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI 9fb ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Todesfaelle Flamme /ItemDisplay[UNI 9fb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Todesfaelle Flamme // Zweihander - unique translation: "Fatality's Flame" (German) /ItemDisplay[UNI 9gd ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Swordguard /ItemDisplay[UNI 9gd]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Swordguard // Executioner Sword /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI 7sm ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Djinn Slayer %GRAY%[1-2]%DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[UNI 7sm]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Djinn Slayer %GRAY%[1-2]%DGREEN% // Ataghan /ItemDisplay[UNI 7sb ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bloodmoon /ItemDisplay[UNI 7sb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bloodmoon // Elegant Blade /ItemDisplay[UNI 7cr]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Lightsabre %WHITE%<%GOLD%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Azurewrath // Phase Blade (always non-eth) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ls ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Frostwind /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ls]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Frostwind // Cryptic Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI 7gs ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Flamebellow /ItemDisplay[UNI 7gs]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Flamebellow // Balrog Blade /ItemDisplay[UNI 7b7]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Doombringer // Champion Sword (always non-eth) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7gd]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%The Grandfather // Colossus Blade (always non-eth) /⃓̲ Daggers /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI dgr ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Gull /ItemDisplay[UNI dgr]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Gull // Dagger /ItemDisplay[UNI dir ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Diggler /ItemDisplay[UNI dir]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Diggler // Dirk /ItemDisplay[UNI kri ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Jade Tan Do /ItemDisplay[UNI kri]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Jade Tan Do // Kriss /ItemDisplay[UNI bld ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spectral Shard /ItemDisplay[UNI bld]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spectral Shard // Blade /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI 9dg ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spineripper /ItemDisplay[UNI 9dg]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spineripper // Poignard /ItemDisplay[UNI 9di ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Heart Carver /ItemDisplay[UNI 9di]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Heart Carver // Rondel /ItemDisplay[UNI 9kr ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Blackbog's Sharp /ItemDisplay[UNI 9kr]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Blackbog's Sharp // Cinquedeas /ItemDisplay[UNI 9bl ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stormspike /ItemDisplay[UNI 9bl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stormspike // Stilleto /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI 7dg]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Wizardspike // Bone Knife (always non-eth) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7kr ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Fleshripper /ItemDisplay[UNI 7kr]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Fleshripper // Fanged Knife /ItemDisplay[UNI 7bl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Ghostflame // Legend Spike (always eth & indestructible) /⃓̲ Polearms /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI bar ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Dimoak's Hew /ItemDisplay[UNI bar]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Dimoak's Hew // Bardiche /ItemDisplay[UNI vou ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Steelgoad /ItemDisplay[UNI vou]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Steelgoad // Voulge /ItemDisplay[UNI scy ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Soul Harvest /ItemDisplay[UNI scy]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Soul Harvest // Scythe /ItemDisplay[UNI pax ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Battlebranch /ItemDisplay[UNI pax]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Battlebranch // Poleaxe /ItemDisplay[UNI hal ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Woestave /ItemDisplay[UNI hal]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Woestave // Halberd /ItemDisplay[UNI wsc ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Grim Reaper /ItemDisplay[UNI wsc]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Grim Reaper // War Scythe /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI 9b7 ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Meat Scraper /ItemDisplay[UNI 9b7]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Meat Scraper // Lochaber Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI 9vo ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Blackleach Blade /ItemDisplay[UNI 9vo]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Blackleach Blade // Bill /ItemDisplay[UNI 9s8 ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Athena's Wrath /ItemDisplay[UNI 9s8]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Athena's Wrath // Battle Scythe /ItemDisplay[UNI 9pa ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Pierre Tombale Couant /ItemDisplay[UNI 9pa]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Pierre Tombale Couant // Partizan - unique translation: "Tombstone-Caller" (French) /ItemDisplay[UNI 9h9 ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Husoldal Evo /ItemDisplay[UNI 9h9]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Husoldal Evo // Bec-de-Corbin - unique translation: "Flesh Eater" (Hungarian) /ItemDisplay[UNI 9wc ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Grim's Burning Dead /ItemDisplay[UNI 9wc]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Grim's Burning Dead // Grim Scythe /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI 7o7 ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Bonehew %GRAY%[2-3] %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[UNI 7o7]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Bonehew %GRAY%[2-3] %DGREEN% // Ogre Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI 7s8 ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%The Reaper's Toll /ItemDisplay[UNI 7s8]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%The Reaper's Toll // Thresher /ItemDisplay[UNI 7pa ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Tomb Reaver %GRAY%[1-3] %DGREEN% /ItemDisplay[UNI 7pa]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Tomb Reaver %GRAY%[1-3] %DGREEN% // Cryptic Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI 7wc]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Stormspire // Giant Thresher (always non-eth) /⃓̲ Spears /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI spr ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Dragon Chang /ItemDisplay[UNI spr]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Dragon Chang // Spear /ItemDisplay[UNI tri ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Razortine /ItemDisplay[UNI tri]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Razortine // Trident /ItemDisplay[UNI brn ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bloodthief /ItemDisplay[UNI brn]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bloodthief // Brandistock /ItemDisplay[UNI spt ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Lance of Yaggai /ItemDisplay[UNI spt]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Lance of Yaggai // Spetum (not Lance) /ItemDisplay[UNI pik ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Tannr Gorerod /ItemDisplay[UNI pik]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Tannr Gorerod // Pike /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI 9sr ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Impaler /ItemDisplay[UNI 9sr]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Impaler // War Spear /ItemDisplay[UNI 9tr ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Kelpie Snare /ItemDisplay[UNI 9tr]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Kelpie Snare // Fuscina /ItemDisplay[UNI 9br ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Soulfeast Time /ItemDisplay[UNI 9br]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Soulfeast Time // War Fork /ItemDisplay[UNI 9st ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Hone Sundan %GRAY%[3] %DGREEN% // Yari (eth & auto-repair) /ItemDisplay[UNI 9st]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hone Sundan %GRAY%[3]%DGREEN% // Yari - unique translation: "Bone Cutter" (Japanese) /ItemDisplay[UNI 9p9 ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spire of Honor /ItemDisplay[UNI 9p9]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spire of Honor // Lance /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI 7sr ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Arioc's Needle /ItemDisplay[UNI 7sr]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Arioc's Needle // Hyperion Spear /ItemDisplay[UNI 7br ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Viperfork /ItemDisplay[UNI 7br]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Viperfork // Mancatcher /ItemDisplay[UNI 7p7]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Steel Pillar // War Pike (always non-eth) /⃓̲ Amazon Spears /ItemDisplay[UNI am9 ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Lycander's Flank /ItemDisplay[UNI am9]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Lycander's Flank // Ceremonial Pike /ItemDisplay[UNI amd ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stoneraven /ItemDisplay[UNI amd]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stoneraven // Matriarchal Spear /⃓̲ Javelins /⃓̲ All Classes /ItemDisplay[UNI 7s7 ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Demon's Arch // Balrog Spear (eth & auto-replenish) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7s7]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Demon's Arch // Balrog Spear /ItemDisplay[UNI 7gl]: %GOLD%%NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Wraith Flight // Ghost Glaive (always eth & auto-replenish) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ts ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Gargoyle's Bite // Winged Harpoon (eth & auto-replenish) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ts]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gargoyle's Bite // Winged Harpoon /⃓̲ Amazon Javelins /ItemDisplay[UNI ama ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Titan's Revenge // Ceremonial Javelin (eth & auto-replenish) /ItemDisplay[UNI ama]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Titan's Revenge // Ceremonial Javelin /ItemDisplay[UNI amf ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Thunderstroke /ItemDisplay[UNI amf]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Thunderstroke // Matriarchal Javelin /⃓̲ Throwing Weapons /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ta ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%The Scalper // Francisca (eth & auto-replenish) /ItemDisplay[UNI 9ta]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Scalper // Francisca /ItemDisplay[UNI 9tk ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Deathbit // Battle Dart (eth & auto-replenish) /ItemDisplay[UNI 9tk]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Deathbit // Battle Dart /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ta ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gimmershred /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ta]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gimmershred // Flying Axe /ItemDisplay[UNI 7bk ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Warshrike // Winged Knife (eth & auto-replenish) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7bk]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Warshrike // Winged Knife /ItemDisplay[UNI 7b8 ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Lacerator // Winged Axe (eth & auto-replenish) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7b8]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Lacerator // Winged Axe /⃓̲ Bows (always non-eth & indestructible - hidden affix) /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI sbw]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Pluckeye // Short Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI hbw]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Witherstring // Hunter's Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI lbw]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Raven Claw // Long Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI cbw]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Rogue's Bow // Composite Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI sbb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Stormstrike // Short Battle Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI lbb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Wizendraw // Long Battle Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI swb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hellclap // Short War Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI lwb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Blastbark // Long War Bow /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI 8sb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Skystrike // Edge Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI 8hb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Riphook // Razor Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI 8lb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Kuko Shakaku // Cedar Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI 8cb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Endlesshail // Double Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI 8s8]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Witchwild String %GRAY%[2] %DGREEN% // Short Siege Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI 8l8]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Cliffkiller // Long Siege Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI 8sw]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Magewrath // Rune Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI 8lw]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Goldstrike Arch // Gothic Bow /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI 6l7]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Eaglehorn // Crusader Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI 6sw]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Widowmaker // Ward Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI 6lw]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Windforce // Hydra Bow /⃓̲ Amazon Bows /ItemDisplay[UNI am7]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Lycander's Aim // Ceremonial Bow /ItemDisplay[UNI amb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Blood Raven's Charge // Matriarchal Bow /⃓̲ Crossbows (always non-eth & indestructible - hidden affix) /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI lxb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Leadcrow // Light Crossbow /ItemDisplay[UNI mxb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Ichorsting // Crossbow /ItemDisplay[UNI hxb]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hellcast // Heavy Crossbow /ItemDisplay[UNI rxb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Doomslinger // Repeating Crossbow /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI 8lx]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Langer Briser // Arbalest /ItemDisplay[UNI 8mx]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Pus Spitter // Siege Crossbow /ItemDisplay[UNI 8hx]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Buriza-Do Kyanon // Ballista - unique translation: "Blizzard Cannon" (Japanese) /ItemDisplay[UNI 8rx]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Demon Machine // Chu-Ko-Nu /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI 6hx]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hellrack %GRAY%[2]%DGREEN% // Colossus Crossbow /ItemDisplay[UNI 6rx]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gut Siphon // Demon Crossbow /⃓̲ Staves /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI sst ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bane Ash /ItemDisplay[UNI sst]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bane Ash // Short Staff /ItemDisplay[UNI lst ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Serpent Lord /ItemDisplay[UNI lst]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Serpent Lord // Long Staff /ItemDisplay[UNI cst ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spire of Lazarus /ItemDisplay[UNI cst]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Spire of Lazarus // Gnarled Staff /ItemDisplay[UNI bst ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Salamander /ItemDisplay[UNI bst]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Salamander // Battle Staff /ItemDisplay[UNI wst ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Iron Jang Bong /ItemDisplay[UNI wst]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%The Iron Jang Bong // War Staff /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI 8ss ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Razorswitch /ItemDisplay[UNI 8ss]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Razorswitch // Jo Staff /ItemDisplay[UNI 8ls ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Ribcracker /ItemDisplay[UNI 8ls]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Ribcracker // Quarterstaff /ItemDisplay[UNI 8cs ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Chromatic Ire /ItemDisplay[UNI 8cs]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Chromatic Ire // Cedar Staff /ItemDisplay[UNI 8bs ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Warpspear /ItemDisplay[UNI 8bs]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Warpspear // Gothic Staff /ItemDisplay[UNI 8ws ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Skull Collector /ItemDisplay[UNI 8ws]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Skull Collector // Rune Staff /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI 6cs ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Ondal's Wisdom /ItemDisplay[UNI 6cs]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Ondal's Wisdom // Elder Staff /ItemDisplay[UNI 6ws ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Mang Song's Lesson /ItemDisplay[UNI 6ws]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Mang Song's Lesson // Archon Staff /⃓̲ Wands /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[UNI wnd ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Torch of Iro /ItemDisplay[UNI wnd]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Torch of Iro // Wand /ItemDisplay[UNI ywn ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Maelstrom /ItemDisplay[UNI ywn]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Maelstrom // Yew Wand /ItemDisplay[UNI bwn ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gravenspine /ItemDisplay[UNI bwn]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Gravenspine // Bone Wand /ItemDisplay[UNI gwn ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Ume's Lament /ItemDisplay[UNI gwn]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Ume's Lament // Grim Wand /⃓̲ Exceptional /ItemDisplay[UNI 9wn ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Suicide Branch /ItemDisplay[UNI 9wn]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Suicide Branch // Burnt Wand /ItemDisplay[UNI 9yw ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Carin Shard /ItemDisplay[UNI 9yw]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Carin Shard // Petrified Wand /ItemDisplay[UNI 9bw ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Arm of King Leoric /ItemDisplay[UNI 9bw]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Arm of King Leoric // Tomb Wand /ItemDisplay[UNI 9gw ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Blackhand Key /ItemDisplay[UNI 9gw]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Blackhand Key // Grave Wand /⃓̲ Elite /ItemDisplay[UNI 7bw ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Boneshade /ItemDisplay[UNI 7bw]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Boneshade // Lich Wand /ItemDisplay[UNI 7gw ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Death's Web /ItemDisplay[UNI 7gw]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Death's Web // Unearthed Wand /⃓̲ Assassin Katars /ItemDisplay[UNI 9tw ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bartuc's Cut-Throat /ItemDisplay[UNI 9tw]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Bartuc's Cut-Throat // Greater Talons /ItemDisplay[UNI 7wb ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Jade Talon /ItemDisplay[UNI 7wb]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Jade Talon // Wrist Sword /ItemDisplay[UNI 7cs]: %GOLD% %NAME% %GRAY%>> %DGREEN%Shadow Killer // Battle Cestus (always eth & indestructible) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7lw ETH]: %GOLD%%NAME% %DGREEN%Firelizard's Talons /ItemDisplay[UNI 7lw]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Firelizard's Talons // Feral Claws (not Talons) /⃓̲ Sorceress Orbs /ItemDisplay[UNI oba ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%The Oculus /ItemDisplay[UNI oba]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%The Oculus // Swirling Crystal /ItemDisplay[UNI obc ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Eschuta's Temper /ItemDisplay[UNI obc]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Eschuta's Temper // Eldritch Orb /ItemDisplay[UNI obf ETH]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Death's Fathom /ItemDisplay[UNI obf]: %GOLD% %NAME% %DGREEN%Death's Fathom // Dimensional Shard /⃓̲ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Set Items (unidentified; individual rules) ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └─────────────────────────────────────────────┘ /⃓̲ Note: None of these rules are enabled by default - this category may be removed without affecting functionality /⃓̲ Reference - jewelry probability /⃓̲ Amulets (ilvl 39+) chance minimum ilvl (qlvl) /⃓̲ Civerb's Icon 15.6% 13 /⃓̲ Cathan's Sigil 15.6% 15 /⃓̲ Angelic Wings 15.6% 17 /⃓̲ Vidala's Snare 15.6% 19 /⃓̲ Arcanna's Sign 2.2% 20 /⃓̲ Iratha's Collar 15.6% 21 /⃓̲ Tancred's Weird 15.6% 27 /⃓̲ Tal Rasha's Adjudication 2.2% 26 /⃓̲ Telling of Beads 2.2% 39 /⃓̲ Rings (ilvl 17+) /⃓̲ Cathan's Seal 70.0% 15 /⃓̲ Angelic Halo 30.0% 17 /⃓̲ Jewelry /⃓̲ Amulets /ItemDisplay[amu SET ILVL>25]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN% // Amulet /ItemDisplay[amu SET ILVL>16]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN% // Amulet /ItemDisplay[amu SET ILVL<15]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Civerb's Icon // Amulet Civerb's Icon /ItemDisplay[amu SET]: %GREEN%%NAME%%DGREEN% // Amulet /⃓̲ Rings /ItemDisplay[rin SET ILVL<17]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Cathan's Seal // Ring Cathan's Seal /ItemDisplay[rin SET]: %GREEN%%NAME%%DGREEN% // Ring /⃓̲ Shared Bases (only one result possible) /ItemDisplay[SET crn ILVL<23]: %DGREEN%Iratha's %GREEN%%NAME% // Crown Iratha's Coil /ItemDisplay[SET tgl ILVL<21]: %DGREEN%Arctic %GREEN%%NAME% // Light Gauntlets Arctic Mitts /ItemDisplay[SET tbl ILVL<21]: %DGREEN%Infernal %GREEN%%NAME% // Heavy Belt Infernal Sign /ItemDisplay[SET cap ILVL<20]: %DGREEN%Infernal %GREEN%%NAME% // Cap Infernal Cranium /ItemDisplay[SET mbl ILVL<28]: %DGREEN%Hsarus' %GREEN%%NAME% // Belt Hsarus' Iron Stay /ItemDisplay[SET (vbt !((ILVL>27 ILVL<32) OR (ILVL>63 ILVL<68) OR (ILVL>80 ILVL<85)))]: %DGREEN%Sander's %GREEN%%NAME% // Heavy Boots Sander's Riprap /⃓̲ Shared Bases /ItemDisplay[SET crn]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Iratha's Coil %WHITE%<%GREEN%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Milabrega's Diadem /ItemDisplay[SET tgl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Iratha's Cuff %WHITE%<%GREEN%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Arctic Mitts /ItemDisplay[SET tbl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Iratha's Cord %WHITE%<%GREEN%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Infernal Sign /ItemDisplay[SET cap]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sander's Paragon %WHITE%<%GREEN%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Infernal Cranium /ItemDisplay[SET mbl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hsarus' Iron Stay %WHITE%<%GREEN%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Hwanin's Blessing /ItemDisplay[SET (vbt ((ILVL>27 ILVL<32) OR (ILVL>63 ILVL<68) OR (ILVL>80 ILVL<85)))]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Sander's Riprap %WHITE%<%GREEN%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Cow King's Hooves /⃓̲ Angelic Raiment /ItemDisplay[SET rng]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Angelic Mantle // Ring Mail Angelic Mantle /ItemDisplay[SET sbr]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Angelic Sickle // Saber Angelic Sickle /⃓̲ ring: Angelic Halo /⃓̲ amulet: Angelic Wings /⃓̲ Arcanna's Tricks /ItemDisplay[SET skp]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Arcanna's Head // Skull Cap Arcanna's Head (not a shrunken head) /ItemDisplay[SET ltp]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Arcanna's Flesh // Light Plate Arcanna's Flesh /ItemDisplay[SET wst]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Arcanna's Deathwand // War Staff Arcanna's Deathwand (not a wand) /⃓̲ amulet: Arcanna's Sign /⃓̲ Arctic Gear /ItemDisplay[SET qui]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Arctic Furs // Quilted Armor Arctic Furs /ItemDisplay[SET vbl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Arctic Binding // Light Belt Arctic Binding /ItemDisplay[SET swb]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Arctic Horn // Short War Bow Arctic Horn /⃓̲ shared base: Arctic Mitts /⃓̲ Berserker's Arsenal /ItemDisplay[SET hlm]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Berserker's Headgear // Helm Berserker's Headgear /ItemDisplay[SET spl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Berserker's Hauberk // Splint Mail Berserker's Hauberk /ItemDisplay[SET 2ax]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Berserker's Hatchet // Double Axe Berserker's Hatchet (not Hatchet) /⃓̲ Cathan's Traps /ItemDisplay[SET msk]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Cathan's Visage // Mask Cathan's Visage /ItemDisplay[SET chn]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Cathan's Mesh // Chain Mail Cathan's Mesh (not Mesh Armor) /ItemDisplay[SET bst]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Cathan's Rule // Battle Staff Cathan's Rule /⃓̲ ring: Cathan's Seal /⃓̲ amulet: Cathan's Sigil /⃓̲ Civerb's Vestments /ItemDisplay[SET gsc]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Civerb's Cudgel // Grand Scepter Civerb's Cudgel (not Cudgel) /ItemDisplay[SET lrg]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Civerb's Ward // Large Shield Civerb's Ward (not Ward) /⃓̲ amulet: Civerb's Icon /⃓̲ Cleglaw's Brace /ItemDisplay[SET lsd]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Cleglaw's Tooth // Long Sword Cleglaw's Tooth /ItemDisplay[SET mgl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Cleglaw's Pincers // Chain Gloves Cleglaw's Pincers /ItemDisplay[SET sml]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Cleglaw's Claw // Small Shield Cleglaw's Claw (not a claw) /⃓̲ Death's Disguise /ItemDisplay[SET wsd]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Death's Touch // War Sword Death's Touch /ItemDisplay[SET lgl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Death's Hand // Leather Gloves Death's Hand /ItemDisplay[SET lbl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Death's Guard // Sash Death's Guard /⃓̲ Hsarus' Defense /ItemDisplay[SET buc]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hsarus' Iron Fist // Buckler Hsarus' Iron Fist /ItemDisplay[SET mbt]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hsarus' Iron Heel // Chain Boots Hsarus' Iron Heel /⃓̲ shared base: Hsarus' Iron Stay /⃓̲ Infernal Tools /ItemDisplay[SET gwn]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Infernal Torch // Grim Wand Infernal Torch /⃓̲ shared base: Infernal Cranium /⃓̲ shared base: Infernal Sign /⃓̲ Iratha's Finery /⃓̲ shared base: Iratha's Coil /⃓̲ shared base: Iratha's Cuff /⃓̲ shared base: Iratha's Cord /⃓̲ amulet: Iratha's Collar /⃓̲ Isenhart's Armory /ItemDisplay[SET bsd]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Isenhart's Lightbrand // Broad Sword Isenhart's Lightbrand /ItemDisplay[SET fhl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Isenhart's Horns // Full Helm Isenhart's Horns /ItemDisplay[SET brs]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Isenhart's Case // Breast Plate Isenhart's Case /ItemDisplay[SET gts]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Isenhart's Parry // Gothic Shield Isenhart's Parry /⃓̲ Milabrega's Regalia /ItemDisplay[SET aar]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Milabrega's Robe // Ancient Armor Milabrega's Robe /ItemDisplay[SET kit]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Milabrega's Orb // Kite Shield Milabrega's Orb (not an orb) /ItemDisplay[SET wsp]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Milabrega's Rod // War Scepter Milabrega's Rod /⃓̲ shared base: Milabrega's Diadem /⃓̲ Sigon's Complete Steel /ItemDisplay[SET ghm]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sigon's Visor // Great Helm Sigon's Visor /ItemDisplay[SET gth]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sigon's Shelter // Gothic Plate Sigon's Shelter /ItemDisplay[SET hbt]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sigon's Sabot // Greaves Sigon's Sabot /ItemDisplay[SET tow]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sigon's Guard // Tower Shield Sigon's Guard /ItemDisplay[SET hbl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sigon's Wrap // Plated Belt Sigon's Wrap /ItemDisplay[SET hgl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sigon's Gage // Gauntlets Sigon's Gage /⃓̲ Tancred's Battlegear /ItemDisplay[SET bhm]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Tancred's Skull // Bone Helm Tancred's Skull /ItemDisplay[SET ful]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Tancred's Spine // Full Plate Tancred's Spine /ItemDisplay[SET lbt]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Tancred's Hobnails // Boots Tancred's Hobnails /ItemDisplay[SET mpi]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Tancred's Crowbill // Military Pick Tancred's Crowbill /⃓̲ amulet: Tancred's Weird /⃓̲ Vidala's Rig /ItemDisplay[SET lbb]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Vidala's Barb // Long Battle Bow Vidala's Barb /ItemDisplay[SET lea]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Vidala's Ambush // Leather Armor Vidala's Ambush /ItemDisplay[SET tbt]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Vidala's Fetlock // Light Plated Boots Vidala's Fetlock /⃓̲ amulet: Vidala's Snare /⃓̲ Sander's Folly /ItemDisplay[SET bwn]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sander's Superstition // Bone Wand Sander's Superstition /ItemDisplay[SET vgl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sander's Taboo // Heavy Gloves Sander's Taboo /⃓̲ shared base: Sander's Paragon /⃓̲ shared base: Sander's Riprap /⃓̲ Cow King's Leathers (only drops from Cow Levels) /ItemDisplay[SET xap]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Cow King's Horns // War Hat Cow King's Horns /ItemDisplay[SET stu]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Cow King's Hide // Studded Leather Cow King's Hide /⃓̲ shared base: Cow King's Hooves /⃓̲ Hwanin's Majesty /ItemDisplay[SET xrn]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hwanin's Splendor // Grand Crown Hwanin's Splendor /ItemDisplay[SET 9vo]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hwanin's Justice // Bill Hwanin's Justice /ItemDisplay[SET xcl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hwanin's Refuge // Tigulated Mail Hwanin's Refuge /⃓̲ shared base: Hwanin's Blessing /⃓̲ Sazabi's Grand Tribute /ItemDisplay[SET xhl]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Sazabi's Mental Sheath // Basinet Sazabi's Mental Sheath /ItemDisplay[SET 7ls]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer // Cryptic Sword Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer /ItemDisplay[SET upl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sazabi's Ghost Liberator // Balrog Skin Sazabi's Ghost Liberator /⃓̲ Naj's Ancient Vestige /ItemDisplay[SET ci0]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Naj's Circlet // Circlet Naj's Circlet /ItemDisplay[SET ult]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Naj's Light Plate // Hellforge Plate Naj's Light Plate (not Light Plate) /ItemDisplay[SET 6cs]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Naj's Puzzler // Elder Staff Naj's Puzzler /⃓̲ Bul-Kathos' Children (only Barbarian can use both for set bonuses) /ItemDisplay[SET 7gd]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge // Colossus Blade Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge /ItemDisplay[SET 7wd]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian // Mythical Sword Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian /⃓̲ Heaven's Brethren /ItemDisplay[SET xrs]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Haemosu's Adamant // Cuirass Haemosu's Adamant /ItemDisplay[SET 7ma]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Dangoon's Teaching // Reinforced Mace Dangoon's Teaching /ItemDisplay[SET uts]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Taebaek's Glory // Ward Taebaek's Glory /ItemDisplay[SET uhm]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Ondal's Almighty // Spired Helm Ondal's Almighty /⃓̲ Orphan's Call /ItemDisplay[SET xhm]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Guillaume's Face // Winged Helm Guillaume's Face /ItemDisplay[SET xml]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Whitstan's Guard // Round Shield Whitstan's Guard /ItemDisplay[SET xvg]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Magnus' Skin // Sharkskin Gloves Magnus' Skin /ItemDisplay[SET ztb]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Wilhelm's Pride // Battle Belt Wilhelm's Pride /⃓̲ The Disciple /ItemDisplay[SET ulg]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Laying of Hands // Bramble Mitts Laying of Hands /ItemDisplay[SET uui]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Dark Adherent // Dusk Shroud Dark Adherent /ItemDisplay[SET xlb]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Rite of Passage // Demonhide Boots Rite of Passage /ItemDisplay[SET umc]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Credendum // Mithril Coil Credendum /⃓̲ amulet: Telling of Beads /⃓̲ Aldur's Watchtower (Druid) /ItemDisplay[SET dr8]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Aldur's Stony Gaze %GRAY%[2]%DGREEN% // Hunter's Guise Aldur's Stony Gaze /ItemDisplay[SET xtb]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Aldur's Advance // Battle Boots Aldur's Advance /ItemDisplay[SET uul]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Aldur's Deception // Shadow Plate Aldur's Deception /ItemDisplay[SET 9mt]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Aldur's Rhythm %GRAY%[2-3]%DGREEN% // Jagged Star Aldur's Rhythm /⃓̲ Griswold's Legacy (Paladin) /ItemDisplay[SET xar]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Griswold's Heart %GRAY%[3] %DGREEN% // Ornate Plate Griswold's Heart /ItemDisplay[SET urn]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Griswold's Valor %GRAY%[2] %DGREEN% // Corona Griswold's Valor /ItemDisplay[SET 7ws]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Griswold's Redemption %GRAY%[3-4] %DGREEN% // Caduceus Griswold's Redemption /ItemDisplay[SET paf]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Griswold's Honor %GRAY%[3] %DGREEN% // Vortex Shield Griswold's Honor /⃓̲ Immortal King (Barbarian) /ItemDisplay[SET ba5]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Immortal King's Will %GRAY%[2] %DGREEN% // Avenger Guard Immortal King's Will /ItemDisplay[SET 7m7]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Immortal King's Stone Crusher %GRAY%[2] %DGREEN% // Ogre Maul Immortal King's Stone Crusher /ItemDisplay[SET uar]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Immortal King's Soul Cage // Sacred Armor Immortal King's Soul Cage /ItemDisplay[SET zhb]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Immortal King's Detail // War Belt Immortal King's Detail /ItemDisplay[SET xhg]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Immortal King's Forge // War Gauntlets Immortal King's Forge /ItemDisplay[SET xhb]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Immortal King's Pillar // War Boots Immortal King's Pillar /⃓̲ M'avina's Battle Hymn (Amazon) /ItemDisplay[SET ci3]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%M'avina's True Sight // Diadem M'avina's True Sight /ItemDisplay[SET amc]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%M'avina's Caster // Grand Matron Bow M'avina's Caster /ItemDisplay[SET uld]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%M'avina's Embrace // Kraken Shell M'avina's Embrace /ItemDisplay[SET xtg]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%M'avina's Icy Clutch // Battle Gauntlets M'avina's Icy Clutch /ItemDisplay[SET zvb]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%M'avina's Tenet // Sharkskin Belt M'avina's Tenet /⃓̲ Natalya's Odium (Assassin) /ItemDisplay[SET xh9]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Natalya's Totem // Grim Helm Natalya's Totem (not a totem) /ItemDisplay[SET 7qr]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Natalya's Mark // Scissors Suwayyah Natalya's Mark /ItemDisplay[SET ucl]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Natalya's Shadow %GRAY%[1-3] %DGREEN% // Loricated Mail Natalya's Shadow /ItemDisplay[SET xmb]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Natalya's Soul // Mesh Boots Natalya's Soul /⃓̲ Tal Rasha's Wrappings (Sorceress) /ItemDisplay[SET oba]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye // Swirling Crystal Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye /ItemDisplay[SET xsk]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest // Death Mask Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest /ItemDisplay[SET uth]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Tal Rasha's Guardianship // Lacquered Plate Tal Rasha's Guardianship /ItemDisplay[SET zmb]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth // Mesh Belt Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth /⃓̲ amulet: Tal Rasha's Adjudication /⃓̲ Trang-Oul's Avatar (Necromancer) /ItemDisplay[SET uh9]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Trang-Oul's Guise // Bone Visage Trang-Oul's Guise /ItemDisplay[SET xul]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Trang-Oul's Scales // Chaos Armor Trang-Oul's Scales /ItemDisplay[SET ne9]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Trang-Oul's Wing // Cantor Trophy Trang-Oul's Wing /ItemDisplay[SET utc]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Trang-Oul's Girth // Troll Belt Trang-Oul's Girth /ItemDisplay[SET xmg]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Trang-Oul's Claws // Heavy Bracers Trang-Oul's Claws (not Claws) /⃓̲ ┌──────────────────────────────────┐ /⃓̲═╡ Unique/Set Items (unidentified) ╞══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /⃓̲ └──────────────────────────────────┘ /⃓̲ Reference: Special Properties /⃓̲ Pseudo-Ethereal Items (ethereal items that cannot become permanently broken) /⃓̲ Armor /⃓̲ Auto-Repair: Skin of the Flayed One, Skullder's Ire, Steel Carapace, Sandstorm Trek /⃓̲ Weapons /⃓̲ Indestructible: Ethereal Edge, Ghostflame, Shadow Killer /⃓̲ Auto-Repair: Warlord's Trust, Demon Limb, Ginther's Rift, Hone Sundan /⃓̲ Throwable: Wraith Flight, Demon's Arch, Gargoyle's Bite, Titan's Revenge, Deathbit, The Scalper, Warshrike, Lacerator /⃓̲ /⃓̲ Shared Bases (unique/set items that share their base item with others) /⃓̲ BASE ITEM ITEM #1 ITEM #2 /⃓̲ Spired Helm Veil of Steel Nightwing's Veil /⃓̲ Sacred Armor Templar's Might Tyrael's Might /⃓̲ Scourge Horizon's Tornado Stormlash /⃓̲ Legendary Mallet Stone Crusher Schaefer's Hammer /⃓̲ Thunder Maul Earth Shifter The Cranium Basher /⃓̲ Mighty Scepter Heaven's Light The Redeemer /⃓̲ Phase Blade Lightsabre Azurewrath /⃓̲ Heavy Boots Sander's Riprap Cow King's Hooves /⃓̲ Cap Sander's Paragon Infernal Cranium /⃓̲ Heavy Belt Iratha's Cord Infernal Sign /⃓̲ Crown Iratha's Coil Milabrega's Diadem /⃓̲ Light Gauntlets Iratha's Cuff Arctic Mitts /⃓̲ Belt Hsarus' Iron Stay Hwanin's Blessing /⃓̲ /⃓̲ Natural Sockets /⃓̲ SOCKETS ITEMS /⃓̲ 1 Blade Barrier /⃓̲ 2 Spirit Forge, Moser's Blessed Circle, Blade of Ali Baba, Witchwild String, Hellrack; Aldur's Stony Gaze, Griswold's Valor, Immortal King's Will, Immortal King's Stone Crusher /⃓̲ 3 Black Hades, Head Hunter's Glory, Hone Sundan; Griswold's Heart, Griswold's Honor /⃓̲ 1-2 Crown of Ages, Giant Skull, Djinn Slayer /⃓̲ 1-3 Tomb Reaver; Natalya's Shadow /⃓̲ 2-3 Bonehew; Aldur's Rhythm /⃓̲ 3-4 Griswold's Redemption /⃓̲ 3-5 Rune Master /⃓̲ Clarification for Unique/Set Items which include a different item base in their name /⃓̲ Unique /ItemDisplay[UNI urn]: %NAME% %TAN%of Ages%CONTINUE% // Corona (not Crown) /ItemDisplay[UNI brs]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Venom Ward%CONTINUE% // Breast Plate (not Ward) /ItemDisplay[UNI gts]: %NAME% %DGREEN%The Ward%CONTINUE% // Gothic Shield (not Ward) /ItemDisplay[UNI ulc]: %NAME% %DGREEN%Arachnid Mesh%CONTINUE% // Spiderweb Sash (not Mesh Belt) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7ws]: %TAN%Astreon's %GOLD%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // Caduceus (not Ward) /ItemDisplay[UNI spt]: %NAME% %TAN%of Yaggai%CONTINUE% // Spetum (not Lance) /ItemDisplay[UNI 7lw]: %TAN%Firelizard's %GOLD%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // Feral Claws (not Talons) /⃓̲ Set /ItemDisplay[SET skp]: %DGREEN%Arcanna's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // Skull Cap (not a shrunken head) /ItemDisplay[SET wst]: %DGREEN%Arcanna's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // War Staff (not a wand) /ItemDisplay[SET 2ax]: %DGREEN%Berserker's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // Double Axe (not Hatchet) /ItemDisplay[SET chn]: %DGREEN%Cathan's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // Chain Mail (not Mesh Armor) /ItemDisplay[SET gsc]: %DGREEN%Civerb's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // Grand Scepter (not Cudgel) /ItemDisplay[SET lrg]: %DGREEN%Civerb's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // Large Shield (not Ward) /ItemDisplay[SET sml]: %DGREEN%Cleglaw's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // Small Shield (not a claw) /ItemDisplay[SET kit]: %DGREEN%Milabrega's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // Kite Shield (not an orb) ItemDisplay[SET ult]: %DGREEN%Naj's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // Hellforge Plate (not Light Plate) /ItemDisplay[SET xh9]: %DGREEN%Natalya's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // Grim Helm (not a totem) /ItemDisplay[SET xmg]: %DGREEN%Trang-Oul's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% // Heavy Bracers (not Claws) /⃓̲ Grouped Set Items /⃓̲ Normal /ItemDisplay[SET (rng OR sbr)]: %DGREEN%Angelic %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (skp OR ltp OR wst)]: %DGREEN%Arcanna's%GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (qui OR vbl OR swb OR (tgl ILVL<21))]: %DGREEN%Arctic %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (hlm OR spl OR 2ax)]: %DGREEN%Berserker's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (msk OR chn OR bst OR (rin ILVL<17))]: %DGREEN%Cathan's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (gsc OR lrg OR (amu ILVL<15))]: %DGREEN%Civerb's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (lsd OR mgl OR sml)]: %DGREEN%Cleglaw's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (wsd OR lgl OR lbl)]: %DGREEN%Death's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (buc OR mbt OR (mbl ILVL<28))]: %DGREEN%Hsarus' %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (gwn OR (cap ILVL<20) OR (tbl ILVL<21))]: %DGREEN%Infernal %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (crn ILVL<23)]: %DGREEN%Iratha's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (bsd OR fhl OR brs OR gts)]: %DGREEN%Isenhart's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (aar OR kit OR wsp)]: %DGREEN%Milabrega's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (ghm OR gth OR hbt OR tow OR hbl OR hgl)]: %DGREEN%Sigon's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (bhm OR ful OR lbt OR mpi)]: %DGREEN%Tancred's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (lbb OR lea OR tbt)]: %DGREEN%Vidala's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Exceptional/Elite /ItemDisplay[SET (bwn OR vgl OR (vbt !((ILVL>27 ILVL<32) OR (ILVL>63 ILVL<68) OR (ILVL>80 ILVL<85))))]: %DGREEN%Sander's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[SET (xap OR stu)]: %DGREEN%Cow King's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (xrn OR 9vo OR xcl)]: %DGREEN%Hwanin's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (xhl OR 7ls OR upl)]: %DGREEN%Sazabi's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (ci0 OR ult OR 6cs)]: %DGREEN%Naj's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (7gd OR 7wd)]: %DGREEN%Bul-Kathos' %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (xrs OR 7ma OR uts OR uhm)]: %DGREEN%Heaven's Brethren: %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (ulg OR uui OR xlb OR umc)]: %DGREEN%The Disciple: %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (xhm OR xml OR xvg OR ztb)]: %DGREEN%Orphan's Call: %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Class Sets /ItemDisplay[SET (dr8 OR xtb OR uul OR 9mt)]: %DGREEN%Aldur's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (xar OR urn OR 7ws OR paf)]: %DGREEN%Griswold's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (ba5 OR 7m7 OR uar OR zhb OR xhg OR xhb)]: %DGREEN%Immortal King's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (ci3 OR amc OR uld OR xtg OR zvb)]: %DGREEN%M'avina's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (xh9 OR 7qr OR ucl OR xmb)]: %DGREEN%Natalya's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (oba OR xsk OR uth OR zmb)]: %DGREEN%Tal Rasha's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /ItemDisplay[SET (uh9 OR xul OR ne9 OR utc OR xmg)]: %DGREEN%Trang-Oul's %GREEN%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Shared Bases /ItemDisplay[SET tgl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Iratha's %WHITE%<%GREEN%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Arctic /ItemDisplay[SET mbl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Hsarus' %WHITE%<%GREEN%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Hwanin's /ItemDisplay[SET cap]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Sander's %WHITE%<%GREEN%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Infernal /ItemDisplay[SET tbl]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Iratha's %WHITE%<%GREEN%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Infernal /ItemDisplay[SET crn]: %GREEN%%NAME% %DGREEN%Iratha's %WHITE%<%GREEN%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Milabrega's /ItemDisplay[SET (vbt ((ILVL>27 ILVL<32) OR (ILVL>63 ILVL<68) OR (ILVL>80 ILVL<85)))]: %GREEN% %NAME% %DGREEN%Sander's %WHITE%<%GREEN%][%WHITE%> %DGREEN%Cow King's /⃓̲ Special Properties /⃓̲ Shared Bases ItemDisplay[((UNI !ETH ((uhm ILVL>76) OR (7fl ILVL>85) OR (7sc ILVL>79) OR (7cr ILVL>86) OR (uar ILVL>86) OR (7gm ILVL>84) OR (7wh ILVL>82))) OR (SET ((cap ILVL>19) OR (tbl ILVL>20) OR (crn ILVL>22) OR (tgl ILVL>20) OR (mbl ILVL>27) OR (vbt ((ILVL>27 ILVL<32) OR (ILVL>63 ILVL<68) OR (ILVL>80 ILVL<85))))))]: %NAME% %WHITE%<%DGREEN%][%WHITE%>%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[UNI ETH ((uhm ILVL>76) OR (7fl ILVL>85) OR (7sc ILVL>79))]: %NAME% %GRAY%<%DGREEN%][%GRAY%>%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Pseudo-Eth ItemDisplay[UNI ETH (xla OR xpl OR uul OR uvb OR 9la OR 7ba OR 7sp OR 9cr OR 7bl OR 9st OR 7s7 OR 7gl OR 7ts OR ama OR 9ta OR 9tk OR 7bk OR 7b8 OR 7cs)]: %GRAY%>> %GOLD%%NAME%%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Natural Sockets ItemDisplay[UNI upk]: %NAME% %GRAY%[1]%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[((UNI (9fc OR xml OR 8s8 OR xng OR 6hx)) OR (SET (ba5 OR dr8 OR urn OR 7m7)))]: %NAME% %GRAY%[2]%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[((UNI (ush OR 9st OR xul)) OR (SET (xar OR paf)))]: %NAME% %GRAY%[3]%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[UNI (urn OR uh9 OR 7sm)]: %NAME% %GRAY%[1-2]%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[((UNI 7pa) OR (SET ucl))]: %NAME% %GRAY%[1-3]%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[((UNI 7o7) OR (SET 9mt))]: %NAME% %GRAY%[2-3]%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[SET 7ws]: %NAME% %GRAY%[3-4]%CONTINUE% ItemDisplay[UNI 72a]: %NAME% %GRAY%[3-5]%CONTINUE% /⃓̲ Highlighting (same as individual unique/set categories, without item names) ItemDisplay[((UNI ((ETH (xh9 OR ulm OR usk)) OR (!ETH (jew OR cm1 OR cm2 OR xh9 OR uap OR ulm OR usk OR ci3 OR baa OR dra OR xea OR xhn OR uui OR uit OR ulc OR 6lw OR 7gw OR obf OR obc OR (uar ILVL>86) OR (7gm ILVL>84) OR 7cr OR uhm)))) OR (SET (uar OR uth)))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[UNI ((ETH (7gw OR obc OR obf)) OR (!ETH ((amu ILVL>84) OR (rin ILVL>83) OR pa9 OR uvg OR xtb OR xhb OR zhb OR 7wa OR nea)))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[((UNI ((ETH ama) OR (!ETH ((amu ILVL>72) OR (rin ILVL>65) OR cm3 OR dre OR xlt OR uld OR ama OR (7wh ILVL>82) OR (7sc ILVL>79) OR 6cs OR oba OR 6ws)))) OR (SET ulg))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[((UNI ((ETH (xhn OR xlt)) OR (!ETH ((rin ILVL>38) OR ci2 OR bac OR tgl OR hgl OR xvb OR xmb OR zlb OR zvb OR umc OR 7kr OR 7s8 OR rxb OR urn OR (7fl ILVL>85) OR 7gd OR 7gm OR 7sc OR pac OR xrs OR upl)))) OR (SET ((amu ILVL>25) OR xhm OR xtb OR xmg)))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[((UNI ((ETH (6cs OR oba OR uvb OR 7s8 OR 6ws OR 7bk OR 7b8 OR ulc OR xrs)) OR (!ETH ((amu ILVL>57) OR xhm OR utu OR uvb OR uhb OR ztb OR 9ws OR 7ws OR amf OR 6l7 OR 8hx OR 7gi OR 9ls OR am7 OR xtp OR uar OR 7fl OR 8lw OR 7bk OR 7m7 OR nef OR uow OR xpl)))) OR (SET 7qr))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[((UNI ((ETH (uar OR uap OR baa OR dra OR ci3 OR uui OR 7wa OR 7sc OR 7o7 OR 7pa OR dgr OR uhm OR 9fc OR utu OR 7gm OR xpl OR 9ws OR 7ws)) OR (!ETH (xsh OR nee OR umg OR uvc OR 7b8 OR 8lb OR 8sw OR 9fc OR 7pa OR drb OR pae OR dgr OR 9bs OR umb OR 9mp OR 7wh OR tbl OR mgl)))) OR (SET (ult OR xhb OR ci3 OR zvb OR xmb OR ne9 OR utc OR oba OR xsk OR uhm OR uld OR amc OR (vbt ((ILVL>27 ILVL<32) OR (ILVL>63 ILVL<68) OR (ILVL>80 ILVL<85))))))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[((UNI ETH (9cr OR 7cs OR 9tk OR xkp OR xlm OR xrn OR bac OR xts OR xhb OR ztb OR 7sp OR 9ta OR 9wn OR 9bw OR 7bw OR 7br OR 9bs OR 7kr OR 72a OR 7gi OR dre OR 7fl OR 7m7 OR umb OR xhm OR 7wh OR 7s7 OR 9st OR zvb OR zhb OR uhb OR xmb OR xtb OR uvg OR nea OR nef OR pa9 OR uow OR upk OR upl OR xea)) OR (SET ((amu ILVL>16) OR xap OR stu OR xhl OR 6cs OR 7gd OR uul OR zhb OR xhg OR xtg OR xh9 OR uh9 OR xul OR vbt OR xar OR urn OR 7ws OR paf OR 7m7 OR ucl OR ba5 OR zmb)))]: %NAME%%DGREEN% ItemDisplay[UNI !ETH (amu OR rin OR skp OR xap OR xkp OR xlm OR xsk OR xrn OR bad OR stu OR aar OR xui OR xar OR xts OR vgl OR xlg OR xmg OR xtg OR uhg OR xlb OR lbl OR 9gi OR 7mp OR mau OR 9sp OR 9m9 OR 7sp OR 9sb OR 9cm OR 7gs OR 7dg OR 7wc OR 7sr OR am9 OR 6sw OR amb OR 8rx OR 8ls OR 8ws OR 9wn OR 9bw OR 7bw OR 7wb OR 7lw OR uh9 OR bae OR upk OR 72a OR uts OR 8s8 OR 9fb OR 9gs OR 7ls OR 7b7 OR gma OR 9fl OR 9qs OR 9cr OR 9kr OR 9s8 OR 7bt OR 7ga OR 9pa OR 92h OR drd OR lbt OR 9gm OR plt OR xow OR gsd OR 9gw OR 9tw OR 7p7 OR 7br OR 7o7 OR uml OR cap)]: %NAME%%DGREEN% /⃓̲ Catchall - Unique/Set Items ItemDisplay[(UNI OR SET)]: %NAME%%DGREEN%