import os from pandas import * import spacy from collections import deque import re from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator from sparql_dataframe import get from SPARQLWrapper import * #this function perform a sparql query on an endpoint and return it into JSON format def askSkosVocabulary(endpoint, query): client = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint) client.setQuery(query) client.setReturnFormat(JSON) results = client.query().convert() finalResult = vocabularyTranslation(results) return finalResult #automatic translation of the vocabulary from a JSON file returned by a SPARQL query def vocabularyTranslation(jsonQueryResults): data = set() enData = set() for i in jsonQueryResults["results"]["bindings"]: data.add(i["label"]["value"]) for i in data: enData.add(GoogleTranslator(source='it', target='en').translate(i)) translatedData = correctTranslation(list(enData)) return translatedData #specific correction of the automatic tranlation def correctTranslation(data): if "tin" in data: #this means it is the material vocabulary data.remove("tin") #tin and lands create ambiguation (since painting) data.remove("blue") data.append("metal sheet") #for "latta" if "lands" in data: #this means is the technique vocabulary data.remove("lands") data.extend(["oil", "tempera"]) data.append("earth") #for "terre" return data #automatic extraction of data: it takes in input the directory of the .txt file where the information must be extracted and the two SKOS vocabulary def dataExtraction(directory, materials, techniques): allExtractedData = {} for filename in os.listdir(directory): file = os.path.join(directory, filename) nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg") with open (file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: text = txt = [] idx = 000 #the index we will give to each resource for paragraph in re.split(r'\n?\n\n\n', text): txt.append(paragraph) txt.append("PARAGRAPH END") #the first if finds a titles which contain the name of the artist if re.match(r'\n*[a-zA-Z ]+\n(?!\d)', paragraph): processedParagraph = nlp(paragraph) if processedParagraph.ents[0].label_ == "PERSON" and processedParagraph.ents[0].text != False: author = processedParagraph.ents[0].text if '\n' in author: author = re.sub(r'\n.+', '', author) author = re.sub(r'\n', '', author) authorName = author #this if finds the titles which contain name of workshop of artists elif'\n*Workshop of [a-zA-Z ]+(?!\d)', paragraph): workshopOfAuthor = "Workshop of "+authorName author = workshopOfAuthor elif re.match(r"\n*.+\n\d+", paragraph): #this block finds the titles which contains the name of the artwork and assign it to the artist title ="\n*.+\n", paragraph).group() if '\n' in title: title = re.sub(r'\n', '', title) if 'P'+str("{:03d}".format(idx)) not in allExtractedData: allExtractedData["P"+str("{:03d}".format(idx))] = {"author": author, "title": title} else: allExtractedData["P"+str("{:03d}".format(idx))] = {"author": author, "title": title} #automatic extraction of materials from the paragraph usedMaterials = [] for material in materials: findMaterial = re.findall(r'(? skos:hasTopConcept ?material. ?material rdfs:label ?label } """ queryTechniques = """ SELECT DISTINCT ?technique ?label WHERE { skos:hasTopConcept ?technique. ?technique rdfs:label ?label. } """ materials = askSkosVocabulary(endpoint, queryMaterials) techniques = askSkosVocabulary(endpoint, queryTechniques) dataExtraction("data/books", materials, techniques)