@prefix qb4st: . @prefix qudt: . @prefix bdg: . @prefix owl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix skos: . @prefix sdmx: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix wd: . @prefix graph: . @prefix quantitykind: . @prefix qb: . @prefix unit: . @prefix oeev: . @prefix dct: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix sdmx-concept: . @prefix bdg-unit: . @prefix vann: . @prefix sdmx-attribute: . @prefix obo: . @prefix prov: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix dc: . @prefix sosa: . bdg:NIRi a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "NIR Incident" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Very Light Yellow With Green Sparkles" . bdg:NPCRI_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Mean NPCRI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NPCRI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:temp_RANGE a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Temperature Range" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "RAN" . a bdg:StatisticalSummary , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:definition "Standard Deviation of a population" ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Standard Deviation" . a bdg:Satellite , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:exactMatch wd:Q4302480 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Sentinel2" . bdg:NDWI_CV a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Coefficient of variation NDWI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NDWI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Dilute" . bdg:volume a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Volume" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:L . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Rubber" . bdg:SAVI_STD a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Standard deviation SAVI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:SAVI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:moisture_soil_MEAN a qb:MeasureProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:comment "Soil Moisture in percent" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil Moisture Mean" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:moisture ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Paper" . bdg:NPCRI_STD a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Standard deviation NPCRI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NPCRI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:humidity_air a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Air Humidity in percent" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Air Humidity" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:evapotranspiration_penman a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Penman Evapotranspiration" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MM ; skos:notation "PETP" . bdg:sugar_total a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Sugar" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue . bdg:dateTime a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Date-time" ; rdfs:range xsd:dateTime ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:timePeriod . a bdg:MeasurementContext , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Soil at depth 60m" . bdg:EVI2_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Minimum EVI2" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:EVI2 ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:NDWI_STD a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Standard deviation NDWI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NDWI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:temp_air_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Air Temperature" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Air Temperature Minimum" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_air ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:CV1m a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil Electric Conductivity, separation 1m" ; bdg:measurementContext ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:Milli-S-PER-M ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:NDRE_STD a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Standard deviation NDRE" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NDRE ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:must a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Must" . a bdg:MeasurementContext , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Soil, separation 50cm" . bdg:StatisticalSummary a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Statistical Summary codelist class" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept . bdg:mustBeforeAF a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Must Before AF" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Blotting Paper" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Hospital" . bdg:density_optical_520 a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Optical Density" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:NdreVersion , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "2" . bdg:NDVI_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Minimum NDVI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NVDI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:duration_AlcoholicFermentation a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Duration of Alcoholic Fermentation" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:SAVI_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Mean SAVI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:SAVI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:total_wind_N a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Wind Nord Direction" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:total_wind ; bdg:measurementContext ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:KM ; skos:notation "TNW" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:NdreVersion a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "NDRE version codelist class" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept . bdg:alcoolicFermentation a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Alcoholic Fermentation" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Empyreumatic" . a bdg:RadiationLevel , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "4" . bdg:EVI2 a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "More sensitivity in late growth stage (high LAI). It tries to correct for soil background signals and atmospheric influences." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Enhanced Vegetation Index 2" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:wineBeforeBottling a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Wine Before Bottling" . bdg:clone a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Clone" . bdg:pH a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "pH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "pH " ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM . bdg:variations_STD a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "variations Standard Deviation" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:Variations ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Almond" . bdg:SAVI_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Minimum SAVI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:SAVI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:total_volume_pressing a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Volume Pressing" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:L ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:evapotranspiration_piche a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Piche Evapotranspiration" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MM ; skos:notation "PE" . bdg:direction_wind_LAST a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Wind Direction Last " ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:direction_wind ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEG ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:direction_wind a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:CodedProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Wind Direction" , "Maximal Wind direction" ; rdfs:range bdg:Compass ; qb:codeList ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEG ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Smoky" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Salmon Pink" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Anhydric" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Toasted Bred" . bdg:daily_wetness_duration a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Daily Wetness Duration" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; skos:notation "WD" . a bdg:AssayCompound , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:exactMatch wd:Q375837 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Gallic Acid" . bdg:NPCRI_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Minimum NPCRI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NPCRI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:volume_initial a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Initial Volume" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:L . bdg:moisture_soil_60cm a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Soil Moisture in percent at 60 cm" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil Moisture at 60 cm " ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:moisture_soil ; bdg:measurementContext ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:speed_wind_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximal Wind Speed" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:M-PER-SEC ; skos:notation "SP" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Chard Apple" . bdg:branch_Number a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Branch Number " ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Fermentation Aroma" . a foaf:Organization ; foaf:name "Ontotext Corp (Sirma AI)" . bdg:NDWI_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Minimum NDWI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NDWI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:NDRE_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Minimum NDRE" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NDRE ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Bad Smell" . bdg-unit: a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:comment "Extra Units of Measure for EU BigDataGrapes, based on QUDT 2.0" ; rdfs:label "BigDataGrapes Units ontology" ; dc:contributor "Nikola Tulechki" , "Arnaud Charleroy" , "Vladimir Alexiev" ; dc:format "meta/rdf-schema" ; dct:created "2020-12-11"^^xsd:date ; dct:creator , ; dct:issued "2020-12-18"^^xsd:date ; dct:modified "2020-12-11"^^xsd:date ; vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "bdg-unit" ; vann:preferredNamespaceUri "http://data.bigdatagrapes.eu/resource/unit/" ; owl:imports ; owl:versionInfo "1.0" . bdg:volume_final a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Final Volume" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:L . bdg:deltaT a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Delta T" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC . bdg:temp_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Mean Temperature" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "MT" . bdg:berries_number a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Berries Number" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:suspended_particles_volume a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Suspended Particles Volume" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:L ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:height_water_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Minimal Water Height" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MM ; skos:notation "NWH" . bdg:concentration_malicAcid a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Malic Acid Concentration" ; bdg:assayMethod ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT . bdg:redWine a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Red Wine" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Ammonia" . bdg:NDVI_CV a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Coefficient of variation NDVI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NVDI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:CIRE_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximum CIRE" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:CIRE ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:alcohol a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Alcohol" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Cooked" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Pale" . bdg:NVDI_STD a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Standard deviation NDVI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NVDI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:press_juice_volume a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Press Juice Volume" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:L ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:insolation_duration_calculated a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Calculated Insolation Duration" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; skos:notation "CID" . bdg:NDWI_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Mean NDWI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NDWI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:deltaT_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Delta T Max" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:DeltaT ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Irritating" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Dark" . bdg:humidity_air_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Air Humidity in percent" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximal Humidity" , "Air Humidity Max" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:humidity_air ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; skos:notation "XH" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:variations_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "variations Minimum" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:Variations ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:direction_wind_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Mean Wind direction" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:direction_wind ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEG ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Pure Red" . bdg:CIRE a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Very high Chlorophyll & Nitrogen sensitivity. Canopy Chlorophyll & Nitrogen contents can be derived for a wide range of crops (e.g. potato, soybean, maize) and grassland. This can be used to plan harvests." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Chlorophyll Index - Red Edge" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:turbidity a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Turbidity " ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:NTU ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:LAI a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Leaf Area Index" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NDVI ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; "0.014*(exp(6.192*NDVI)" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:brix a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Brix" ; rdfs:seeAlso bdg:refractiveIndex ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue . bdg:SensoryFlavor a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sensory Flavor codelist class" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept . bdg:weight a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Weight" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Weight" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:KiloGM . bdg:extractionMethod a qb:CodedProperty , qb:AttributeProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Extraction Method" ; rdfs:range bdg:ExtractionMethod ; qb:codeList . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Cider Apple" . a foaf:Organization ; foaf:name "Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture" . bdg:free_SO2 a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "FreeSO2" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:vine_shoot_weight a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Vine Shoot Weight" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:GRAM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:bottledWine a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Bottled Wine" . bdg:experimentalSubPlot a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Experimental Sub Plot " . a bdg:Compass , skos:Concept ; bdg:compassFrom 22.5 ; bdg:compassTo 67.5 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Northeast" . bdg:acidity_volatile_H2SO4 a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Volatile Acidity" ; bdg:assayMethod ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT . bdg:density_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Minimum Density" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:density ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT . bdg-unit:KiloGM-PER-HA a qudt:DerivedUnit , qudt:MassPerAreaUnit , qudt:DecimalScaledUnit , qudt:Unit ; rdfs:label "Kilogram per Hectare" ; qudt:abbreviation "kg/ha" ; qudt:conversionMultiplier 1.0e4 ; qudt:conversionOffset "0.0"^^xsd:double ; qudt:hasQuantityKind quantitykind:MassPerArea ; qudt:isScalingOf unit:KiloGM-PER-M2 ; skos:prefLabel "kilogram-per-hectare" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom unit:KiloGM-PER-M2 . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Almost Colourless" . a bdg:AssayCompound , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:exactMatch wd:Q409478 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Quercetin" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Milky" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Hot Sugar" . bdg:predawn_water_potential a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Predawn Water Potential" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:MilliPa ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Fresh Fruits" . bdg:berries_weight a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Berries Weight" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:GRAM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:vitality_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Vitality Maximum" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:Vitality ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:vitality_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Vitality Mean" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:Vitality ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:MeasurementContext , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Soil at depth 50cm" . bdg:temp_soil_10cm_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil Maximal Temperature at -10cm" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_soil ; bdg:measurementContext ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "X1S" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Tartric Deposit" . bdg:temp_room a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Room Temperature " ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:temp_soil_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil tempertaure Min" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_soil ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:dewPoint_temp a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Dew Point Temperature" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "DT" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Strong" . bdg:ndreVersion a qb:CodedProperty , qb:AttributeProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "NDRE Version" ; rdfs:range bdg:NdreVersion ; qb:codeList . a bdg:NdreVersion , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "3" . a skos:ConceptScheme ; rdfs:label "Microbial Count codelist scheme" ; rdfs:seeAlso bdg:MicrobialCount . bdg:conductivity a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Conductivity" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:Milli-S-PER-CM . bdg:CIRE_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Mean CIRE" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:CIRE ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:sugars a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sugars" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:temp_leaf_ir a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Leaf Temperature (IR)" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:humidity_instant_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximal Humidity Instant" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; skos:notation "XHI" . bdg:total_wind a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Wind " ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:KM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:roseWine a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Rose Wine" . bdg:current_system a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Current within the sensor" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "System Current" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:current ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MilliA ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg-unit:DEG_BRIX a qudt:Unit ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg-unit: ; rdfs:label "Degree Brix" ; qudt:abbreviation "°Brix" ; qudt:conversionMultiplier 1.0e0 ; qudt:conversionOffset "0.0"^^xsd:double ; qudt:description "A Brix degree equals 1 gram of sucrose per 100 grams of solution. This is a convenience unit equal to percent, but applicable only to this specific compound" ; qudt:hasQuantityKind quantitykind:Dimensionless ; skos:prefLabel "Degree-brix" . a skos:ConceptScheme ; rdfs:label "Statistical Summary codelist scheme" ; rdfs:seeAlso bdg:StatisticalSummary . a bdg:RadiationLevel , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "5" . bdg:NPCRI_CV a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Coefficient of variation NPCRI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NPCRI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:sensoryFlavor a qb:CodedProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sensory Flavor" ; rdfs:range bdg:SensoryFlavor ; qb:codeList . bdg:bottling a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Bottling" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Stewed Fruit" . bdg:EVI2_SUM a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sum EVI2" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:EVI2 ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg-unit:Milli-S-PER-CM a qudt:DerivedUnit , qudt:ConductanceUnit , qudt:DecimalScaledUnit , qudt:Unit ; rdfs:label "Milli Siemens per centimeter" ; qudt:conversionMultiplier 10 ; qudt:conversionOffset "0.0"^^xsd:double ; qudt:hasMultiplier unit:Milli ; qudt:hasQuantityKind quantitykind:ElectricConductivity ; qudt:isScalingOf unit:S-PER-M ; skos:prefLabel "milli-siemens-per-centimeter" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom unit:S-PER-M . bdg:wine a qb:CodedProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Wine" ; rdfs:range bdg:Wine ; qb:codeList . bdg:NIR a qb:MeasureProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Near Infrared" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NIRi , bdg:NIRr ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; "NIRr/NIRi" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:rainfall_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximal Precipitation Intensity" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:rainfall ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MM ; skos:notation "XPI" . bdg:initial_temperature a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Initial Temperature" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:run_juice_volume a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Run Juice Volume " ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:L ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:SAVI a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Reduced soil background effects. SAVI tries to correct for bare soil areas in the field. Therefore it is interesting in sparse vegetation canopies or early growing stages." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:temp_air a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Air Temperature" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Air Temperature" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a skos:ConceptScheme ; rdfs:label "Radiation Level codelist scheme" ; rdfs:seeAlso bdg:RadiationLevel . bdg:ammoniacal_nitrogen a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Ammoniacal Nitrogen" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:geoPixel a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Geo Pixel" . a bdg:StatisticalSummary , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:definition "Range of possible values" ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Range" . bdg:temperature_instant_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Minimal Temperature Instant" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; skos:notation "NTI" . bdg:pressure_vapour_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Mean Vapor Pressure" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:BAR ; skos:notation "MVP" . bdg:REDr a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "RED Reflected" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:SAVI_SUM a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sum SAVI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:SAVI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:budding a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Budding" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:MeasurementContext , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Soil at depth 1m" . bdg:radiation_solar_wm2_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Solar Radiation Mean" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:radiation_solar_wm2 ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:W-PER-M2 . bdg:total_wind_NE a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Wind Nord-East Direction" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:total_wind ; bdg:measurementContext ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:KM ; skos:notation "TNEW" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:MeasurementContext a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Measurement Context codelist class" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Ascent" . bdg:temp_wetbulb_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Wetbulb temperature Mean" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_wetbulb ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC . bdg:temp_wetbulb_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Wetbulb temperature Max" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_wetbulb ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC . bdg:NPCRI_SUM a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sum NPCRI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NPCRI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:grapeJuiceAfterMLF a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Grape Juice After MLF" . bdg:antioxidantActivityDPPHTrolox a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Antioxidant activity: Spectrophotometric method of antioxidant capacity using DPPH assay measuring density of trolox equivalent\" ;" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Antioxidant activity DPPH trolox" ; bdg:assayMethod ; bdg:comparisonBaseline ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:UG-PER-ML . bdg:clarification a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Clarification" . bdg:CV05m a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil Electric Conductivity, separation 0.5m" ; bdg:measurementContext ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:Milli-S-PER-M ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:harvest a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Harvest" . bdg:insolation_duration a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Insolation Duration" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; skos:notation "ID" . bdg:totalMicrobialCount a qb:CodedProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Total microbial count: Measurement of TPC with classic development of micro-organism in petri-dishes" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Microbial Count" ; rdfs:range bdg:MicrobialCount ; qb:codeList ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue . bdg:compassFrom a qb:AttributeProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Compass From" ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEG . bdg:grape_cluster_number a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Grape Cluster Number" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a skos:ConceptScheme ; rdfs:label "Sensory Flavor codelist scheme" ; rdfs:seeAlso bdg:SensoryFlavor . a bdg:Satellite , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:exactMatch wd:Q6485036 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "LandSat8" . bdg:evaporation_tray a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Evaporation Tray" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MM ; skos:notation "ET" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Candy" . bdg:salinity_soil a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil Salinity" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:NDWI_SUM a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sum NDWI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NDWI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:satellite a qb:CodedProperty , qb:AttributeProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Satellite" ; rdfs:range bdg:Satellite ; qb:codeList . bdg:ExtractionMethod a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Extraction Method codelist class" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept . bdg:NDRE_SUM a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sum NDRE" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NDRE ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Carbon Dioxyde" . bdg-unit:Milli-S-PER-M a qudt:ConductanceUnit , qudt:DecimalScaledUnit , qudt:Unit , qudt:DerivedUnit ; rdfs:label "Milli Siemens per meter" ; qudt:conversionMultiplier 1.0e-3 ; qudt:conversionOffset "0.0"^^xsd:double ; qudt:hasMultiplier unit:Milli ; qudt:hasQuantityKind quantitykind:ElectricConductivity ; qudt:isScalingOf unit:S-PER-M ; skos:prefLabel "milli-siemens-per-meter" ; prov:wasDerivedFrom unit:S-PER-M . bdg:RED a qb:MeasureProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Red spectrum" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:REDr , bdg:REDi ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; "REDr/REDi" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Iodized" . bdg:ratioFlavorJudge a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "ratio: number of judges who detected a specific aroma divied by all judges number" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Ratio Flavor Judge" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM . bdg:speed_wind_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Mean Wind Speed" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:M-PER-SEC ; skos:notation "S" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:radiation_global a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Global Radiation" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:J-PER-CM2 ; skos:notation "GR" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Chimic" . bdg:radiation_solar_level a qb:CodedProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Solar Radiation Level " ; rdfs:range bdg:RadiationLevel ; qb:codeList ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue . bdg:anthocyanins a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Anthocyanins" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:CIRE_CV a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Coefficient of variation CIRE" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:CIRE ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:precipitation_intensity_instant_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximal Precipitation Intensity Instant" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; skos:notation "XPII" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Mop" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Pinky With Yellow Sparkles" . bdg:density a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Density" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Purplish" . bdg:length_clarification a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Length Clarification" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:variations_SUM a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "variations Sum " ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:Variations ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:idGeocledian a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Id Geocledian" . a skos:ConceptScheme ; rdfs:label "Compass Rose codelist scheme" ; rdfs:seeAlso bdg:Compass . bdg:grapeJuiceBeforeMLF a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Grape Juice Before MLF" . bdg:insolation_fraction a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Insolation Fraction" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; skos:notation "FRAC" . bdg:variations a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "variations" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:judgeNumber a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Total number of judges who detected a specific aroma\n" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Judge Number" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM . a bdg:MeasurementContext , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Soil, separation 1m" . bdg:SAVI_CV a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Coefficient of variation SAVI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:SAVI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:annual_production a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Annual Production" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:KiloGM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:moisture_soil_30cm a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Soil Moisture in percent at 30cm" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil Moisture at 30 cm " ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:moisture_soil ; bdg:measurementContext ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:radiation_active_photosynthetic a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Photosynthetic Active Radiation" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:J-PER-CM2 ; skos:notation "PAR" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Straw Yellow Gold Yellow" . a bdg:Compass , skos:Concept ; bdg:compassFrom 112.5 ; bdg:compassTo 157.5 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Southeast" . bdg:vinestock a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Vinestock" . bdg:actinothermic_index_50cm_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Actinothermic Index +50cm (Maximum)" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:actinothermic_index_50cm ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "I5X" . bdg:total_wind_E a qb:MeasureProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Wind East Direction" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:total_wind ; bdg:measurementContext ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:KM ; skos:notation "TEW" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:actinothermic_index_10cm a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Actinothermic Index +10cm" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "I1N" . bdg:labCode a qb:AttributeProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Laboratory Code" . bdg:EVI2_CV a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Coefficient of variation EVI2" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:EVI2 ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:accumulation_CO2 a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "CO2 cumulation" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:CM3 ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:NVDI_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sum NDVI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NVDI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Fermented Apple" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Stewed Quince" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Bitterness" . bdg:pressing a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Pressing" . bdg:temp_soil_50cm_MEAN a qb:MeasureProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Mean Soil Temperature at -50cm" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp ; bdg:measurementContext ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "S5M" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:assayMethod a qb:CodedProperty , qb:AttributeProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Assay Method" ; rdfs:range bdg:AssayCompound ; qb:codeList . bdg:NPCRI a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Associated with chlorophyll and nitrogen content. This index can be found in precision agriculture applications. Crops with a low Nitrogen content can have a high carotenoid to chlorophyll ratio. Using the red and blue spectral bands, NPCRI captures the information needed to quantify chlorophyll and Nitrogen. " ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Normalized Pigment Chlorophyll Ratio Index" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:Compass , skos:Concept ; bdg:compassFrom 157.5 ; bdg:compassTo 202.5 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "South" . bdg:voltage_solarPanel a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "System voltage " ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "System voltage at solar panel" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MilliV ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:StatisticalSummary , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:definition "Sum of values of a population" ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Sum" . bdg:temp_leaf_ir_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Leaf Temperature (IR) Min" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_leaf_ir ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:wind_instant_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximal Wind Instant" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; skos:notation "XWI" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Gun Flint" . bdg:NVDI_SUM a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sum NDVI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NVDI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Green Apple" . bdg:whiteWine a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "White Wine" . bdg:humidity_air_period_lt40pc a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Period With Humidity < 40%" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:humidity_air ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; skos:notation "H4" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Caramel" . a bdg:StatisticalSummary , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:definition "Minimum value of a population" ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Minimum" . bdg:blue_yellow_component a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Blue Yellow Component b*" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:runJuice a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Run Juice" . bdg:voltage_battery_LAST a qb:MeasureProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:comment "System voltage " ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Battery voltage - last " ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:voltage_battery ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MIlliV ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:density_optical_420 a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Optical Density" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:comparisonBaseline a qb:CodedProperty , qb:AttributeProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Comparison Baseline" ; rdfs:range bdg:AssayCompound ; qb:codeList . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Sweetness" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Ink" . bdg:temp_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximum Temperature" , "Maximal Temperature" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "XT" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Taste" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Vegetal" . bdg:precipitation_height_SUM a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Precipitation Height" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:precipitation_height ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MM ; skos:notation "PH" . bdg:moisture_soil a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Soil Moisture in percent" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil Moisture" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:moisture ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:average_vine_shoots_weight a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Average Vine Shoots Weight" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Pear" . bdg:GrapeVariety a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Grape Variety codelist class" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept . a bdg:AssayCompound , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:exactMatch wd:Q4118 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Sulfuric acid" . bdg:grapeJuiceAF a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Grape juice AF" . a bdg:RadiationLevel , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "1" . a skos:ConceptScheme ; rdfs:label "Measurement Context codelist scheme" ; rdfs:seeAlso bdg:MeasurementContext . bdg:berry a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Berry" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Amylic" . bdg:NDRE a qb:MeasureProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:comment "The Red Edge Indices are designed to estimate chlorophyll content in the canopy. More sensitivity in vegetation with high LAI. Less sensitivity to open water." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Normalized Difference Red Edge Index" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NIR , bdg:RE ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Fat" . bdg:evapotranspiration_piche_corrected a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Corrected Piche Evapotranspiration" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:evapotranspiration_piche ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MM ; skos:notation "CPETP" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Butter" . bdg:CIRE_STD a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Standard deviation CIRE" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:CIRE ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Alcohol" . bdg:EVI2_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximum EVI2" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:EVI2 ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Oxidised" . bdg:green_buds_number a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "green Buds Number \n" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:temp_air_MAX a qb:MeasureProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:comment "Air Temperature" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Air Temperature Maximum" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_air ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:buds_Number a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Buds Number " ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Undergrowth" . a bdg:StatisticalSummary , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:definition "Number of individuals in a population" ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Count" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Cooked Fruits" . a skos:ConceptScheme ; rdfs:label "Grape Variety codelist scheme" ; rdfs:seeAlso bdg:GrapeVariety . a skos:ConceptScheme ; rdfs:label "NDRE version codelist scheme" ; rdfs:seeAlso bdg:NdreVersion . bdg:NDVI_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximum NDVI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NVDI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Citrus Fruit" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Leather" . bdg:rainfall a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Rainfall in mm" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Rainfall " ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MM . bdg:current a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Current " ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Current " ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MilliA . a bdg:MeasurementContext , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Soil at depth 30cm" . bdg:average_weight_grape_cluster a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Average Weight Grape Cluster " ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:GRAM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:annual_yield a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Annual Yield" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:KiloGM-PER-HA ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:NDWI a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Sensitive to Vegetation water content & water stress. Allows drought monitoring. NDWI is less sensitive to atmospheric effects than NDVI. " ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Normalized Difference Water Index" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:one_berry_weight a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "One BerryWeight " ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:GRAM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:direction_wind_MAX a qb:MeasureProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximal wind direction" , "Maximal Wind direction" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:direction_wind ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEG ; skos:notation "MWD" ; skos:notation ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:subPlot a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sub Plot " ; rdfs:range bdg:Estate . bdg:reaction_volume a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "ReactionVolume" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:L ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:rootStock a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "RootStock" . a bdg:Compass , skos:Concept ; bdg:compassFrom 67.5 ; bdg:compassTo 112.5 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "East" . bdg:pressure_atmospheric a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Atmospheric Pressure" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:BAR . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Acid" . bdg:SAVI_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximum SAVI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:SAVI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:evapotranspiration_measured a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Measured Evapotranspiration" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MM ; skos:notation "ETP" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Mushroom" . bdg:total_wind_NW a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Wind Nord-West Direction" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:total_wind ; bdg:measurementContext ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:KM ; skos:notation "TNWW" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Rotten Egg" . bdg:compassTo a qb:AttributeProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Compass To" ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEG . bdg:height_water_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Mean Water Height" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MM ; skos:notation "MWH" . bdg:actinothermic_index_10cm_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Actinothermic Index +10cm (Maximum)" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:actinothermic_index_10cm ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "I1X" . bdg:NPCRI_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximum NPCRI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NPCRI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:vitality_STD a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Vitality Standard Deviation" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:Vitality ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:total_polyphenol_index a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Polyphenol Index" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Tannic" . bdg:volumic_mass a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Volumic Mass" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:RE a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Red Edge" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:CIRE_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Minimum CIRE" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:CIRE ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Muscat" . a bdg:AssayCompound , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:definition "2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, a common anti-oxidant assay" ; skos:exactMatch wd:Q5205953 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "DPPH" . bdg:density_optical_620 a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Optical Density" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:refractiveIndex a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Refractive Index" ; rdfs:seeAlso bdg:brix ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue . a bdg:Compass , skos:Concept ; bdg:compassFrom 292.5 ; bdg:compassTo 337.5 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Nothwest" . bdg:moisture a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Moisture in %" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Moisture" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT . bdg:NIRr a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "NIR Reflected" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:deltaT_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Delta T Min" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:DeltaT ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC . bdg:variations_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "variations Mean" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:variations ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:irrigation a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:CubicMeter . bdg:NDWI_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximum NDWI" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NDWI ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:total_wind_SE a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Wind Sud-East Direction" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:total_wind ; bdg:measurementContext ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:KM ; skos:notation "TSEW" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:NDRE_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximum NDRE" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NDRE ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:green_red_component a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Green Red Component a*" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:humidity_air_MIN a qb:MeasureProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:comment "Air Humidity in percent" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Air Humidity Min" , "Minimal Humidity" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:humidity_air ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; skos:notation "NH" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:variety a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Variety" . bdg:malolacticFermentation a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Malolactic Fermentation" . bdg:latent_buds a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Latent Buds" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:height_water_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximal Water Height" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MM ; skos:notation "XWH" . bdg:salinity_soil_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil Salinity Mean" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:salinity_soil ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:Compass a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Compass Rose codelist class" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept . bdg:REDi a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "RED Incident" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:MicrobialCount a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Microbial Count codelist class" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept . bdg:plot a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Plot" ; rdfs:range bdg:Plot . a bdg:StatisticalSummary , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:definition "Mean of a population" ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Mean" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Pinky" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Turbidity" . bdg:operator a qb:AttributeProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Operator" . bdg:variations_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "variations Maximum" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:Variations ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:photosynthesis_index a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM . bdg:flow_rate_CO2 a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "CO2 flow rate" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:GRAM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:sensor a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sensor" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:collMethod . a bdg:Compass , skos:Concept ; bdg:compassFrom 202.5 ; bdg:compassTo 247.5 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Southwest" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Roasted" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Red With Orange Fringes" . bdg:NDRE_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Mean NDRE" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NDRE ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:actinothermic_index_50cm a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Actinothermic Index +50cm" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "I5N" . bdg:NDRE_CV a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Coefficient of variation NDRE" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NDRE ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:grapeCluster a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Grape Cluster" . bdg:total_SO2 a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "TotalSO2" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:Compass , skos:Concept ; bdg:compassFrom 337.5 ; bdg:compassTo 22.5 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "North" . a bdg:StatisticalSummary , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:definition "Coefficient of Variation of a population" ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Coefficient of Variation" . bdg:vitality_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Vitality Minimum" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:Vitality ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Mouldy" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Dishwashing Water" . bdg:flowering a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Flowering" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:temp_soil_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil tempertaure Mean" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_soil ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:total_wind_W a qb:MeasureProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Wind West Direction" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:total_wind ; bdg:measurementContext ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:KM ; skos:notation "TWW" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Cherry Red" . bdg:lightness a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Lightness Value L*" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Fruity" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Anthocyanins" . bdg:temp_soil_10cm_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil Minimal Temperature at -10cm" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_soil ; bdg:measurementContext ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "N1S" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:voltage_system a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "System voltage " ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "System voltage " ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:V ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:RadiationLevel , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "2" . a bdg:AssayCompound , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:exactMatch wd:Q190143 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Malic Acid" . bdg:density_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximum Density" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:density ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT . bdg:concentration_sugar a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sugar Concentration" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT . bdg:temp_leaf_ir_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Leaf Temperature (IR) Mean" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_leaf_ir ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:sensorialAnalysis a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sensorial Analysis" . bdg-unit:MilliPa a qudt:DerivedUnit , qudt:SI-Unit , qudt:Unit , qudt:PressureOrStressUnit ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; rdfs:label "Millipascal" ; qudt:abbreviation "MilliPa" ; qudt:conversionMultiplier 1.0e-3 ; qudt:conversionOffset "0.0"^^xsd:double ; qudt:hasMultiplier unit:Milli ; qudt:hasQuantityKind quantitykind:ForcePerArea ; qudt:isScalingOf unit:PASCAL ; qudt:symbol "MilliPa" ; skos:prefLabel "millipascal" . bdg:RadiationLevel a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Radiation Level codelist class" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept . bdg:humidity_air_period_gt90pc a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Period With Humidity > 90%" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:humidity_air ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; skos:notation "H9" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:humidity_instant_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Minimal Humidity Instant" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; skos:notation "NHI" . bdg:concentration_lacticAcid a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Lactic Acid Concentration" ; bdg:assayMethod ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT . bdg:temp_air_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Air Temperature" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Air Temperature Mean" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_air ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:temp_soil_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil tempertaure Max" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_soil ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Metalic" . bdg:voltage_battery a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "System voltage " ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Battery voltage " ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MIlliV ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:AssayCompound a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Assay Compound codelist class" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept . a bdg:StatisticalSummary , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:definition "Maximum value of a population" ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Maximum" . bdg:plotCluster a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Plot Cluster " ; rdfs:range bdg:Estate . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Pure Pink" . bdg:vine_spacing a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "VineSpacing" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM . bdg:estate a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Estate" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Spicy" . bdg:amino_nitrogen a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Amino Nitrogen" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:AssayCompound , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:definition "2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid), used to observe the reaction kinetics of specific enzymes" ; skos:exactMatch wd:Q287582 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "ABTS" . bdg:temp_system a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "System Temperature" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "System Temperature" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Petroleum" . bdg:vinestock_number a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Vinestock Number" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "English Candy" . bdg-unit:UG-PER-ML a qudt:Unit , qudt:MassPerVolumeUnit , qudt:DerivedUnit ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg-unit: ; rdfs:label "Microgram per Milliliter" ; qudt:abbreviation "μg/mL" ; qudt:conversionMultiplier 1e-6 ; qudt:conversionOffset 0.0 ; qudt:description "Microgram per milliliter is KG-PER-M3 scaled by 10^{-6}" ; qudt:hasQuantityKind quantitykind:Density ; qudt:symbol "μg/cm^3" ; skos:exactMatch obo:UO_0000274 ; skos:prefLabel "microgram-per-milliliter" . bdg:assimilable_nitrogen a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Assimilable Nitrogen" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Visual" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Ethanol" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Nail Polish" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Brown Red" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Cooked Vegetables" , "Cooked Vegetables " . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Sulphur" . bdg:position a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Position" . bdg:vitality a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Vitality" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:temp_wetbulb_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Wetbulb temperature Min" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_wetbulb ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC . bdg:acidity_total a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Acidity" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT . bdg: a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:comment "EU BigDataGrapes ontology for representing observations about soil, weather, agriculture, viticulture, wine making, etc" ; rdfs:label "BigDataGrapes ontology" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; dc:contributor "Vladimir Alexiev" , "Arnaud Charleroy" , "Nikola Tulechki" ; dc:format "meta/rdf-schema" ; dct:created "2020-12-11"^^xsd:date ; dct:creator , ; dct:issued "2020-12-18"^^xsd:date ; dct:modified "2020-12-11"^^xsd:date ; vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "bdg" ; vann:preferredNamespaceUri "http://data.bigdatagrapes.eu/resource/ontology/" ; owl:imports , skos: , qb: ; owl:versionInfo "1.0" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Liquorice" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Turbid" . bdg:humidity_air_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Air Humidity in percent" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Mean Humidity" , "Air Humidity Mean" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:humidity_air ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT ; skos:notation "MH" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:fermentationTank a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Fermentation Tank" , "FermentationTank" . bdg:winemakingExperiment a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Winemaking Experiment" . bdg:temperature_instant_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximal Temperature Instant" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; skos:notation "XTI" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Opaque" . bdg:iteration a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Iteration" ; rdfs:range xsd:integer ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:statConcDef . bdg:VPD_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Vapor pressure deficit Minimum" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MilliBAR . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Glue" . bdg:score a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "Subjective score for a given observable" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Score" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM . bdg:row_number a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Row Number" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM . bdg:pressJuice a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Press Juice" . bdg:trialCode a qb:AttributeProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Trial Code" . bdg:CIRE_SUM a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Sum CIRE" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:CIRE ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:VPD_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Vapor pressure deficit Mean" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:VPD ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MilliBAR . bdg:EVI2_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Mean EVI2" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:EVI2 ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Quince" . bdg:deltaT_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Delta T Mean" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:DeltaT ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC . a skos:ConceptScheme ; rdfs:label "Extraction Method codelist scheme" ; rdfs:seeAlso bdg:ExtractionMethod . bdg:radiation_global_calculated a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Calculated Global Radiation" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:J-PER-CM2 ; skos:notation "CGR" . bdg:temp_MEAN_caclulated a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Calculated Mean Temperature" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_MEAN ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "CMT" . bdg:temp a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Temperature" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC . bdg:dewPoint_temp_MEAN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Dew Point Temperature" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:dewPoint_temp ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "DT" . bdg:date a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:DimensionProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Date-time" ; rdfs:range xsd:date ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:timePeriod . bdg:temp_wetbulb a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Wetbulb temperature" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC . a bdg:Compass , skos:Concept ; bdg:compassFrom 247.5 ; bdg:compassTo 292.5 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "West" . bdg:density_optical a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Optical Density" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:NdreVersion , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "1" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Persistent" . bdg:temp_soil a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Soil tempertaure" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:voltage_solarPanel_LAST a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:comment "System voltage " ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "System voltage at solar panel - last" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:voltage_solarPanel ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MilliV ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:RadiationLevel , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "3" . a bdg:AssayCompound , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:definition "an antioxidant like vitamin E, sold by Hoffman-LaRoche" ; skos:exactMatch wd:Q245489 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Trolox" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Spoiled Fruit" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Clear" . bdg:humidity_air_period_gt80pc a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Period With Humidity > 80%" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:humidity_air ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR ; skos:notation "H8" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Pepper" . bdg:precipitation_height a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Precipitation Height" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MM ; skos:notation "PH" . bdg:row_spacing a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Row Spacing" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM . bdg:NDVI a qb:MeasureProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:comment "Vegetation vitality. NDVI correlates with the amount of leaf area (LAI) of active, healthy, green vegetation. Advantage: The most widely used vegetation index. Disadvantage: It saturates at high LAI levels and therefore shows limited variation in dense fields with high biomass. It minimizes topographic effects. Negative values of NDVI (values approaching -1) typically correspond to open water. Values around zero (-0.1 to 0.1) generally correspond to bare soil, barren areas of rock, sand, or snow. Low, positive values represent low or sparse vegetation (approximately 0.2 to 0.4), while high values indicate dense vegetation (values approaching 1)." ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Normalized Difference Vegetation Index" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:NIR , bdg:RED ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; "(NIR-RED)/(NIR+RED)" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:vitality_SUM a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Vitality Sum " ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:Vitality ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:total_wind_SW a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Wind Sud-West Direction" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:total_wind ; bdg:measurementContext ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:KM ; skos:notation "TSWW" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:radiation_solar_wm2 a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Solar Radiation " ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:W-PER-M2 . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Baking" . bdg:wetness_duration_leaf a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Wetness Duration Leaf" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MIN ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Anise" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Ventilated" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Mineral" . a bdg:MeasurementContext , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Soil at depth 10cm" . a skos:ConceptScheme ; rdfs:label "Assay Compound codelist scheme" ; rdfs:seeAlso bdg:AssayCompound . bdg:probable_alcohol a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Probable Alcohol" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:PERCENT . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Balanced" . bdg:speed_wind a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Maximal Wind Instant" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:HR . a bdg:AssayCompound , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:exactMatch wd:Q161249 ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Lactic Acid" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Apple" . bdg:reducing_sugar a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Reducing Sugar" ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure bdg-unit:G-PER-LT ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:VPD a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Vapor pressure deficit" ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MilliBAR . bdg:EVI2_STD a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Standard deviation EVI2" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:EVI2 ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:NUM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Animal " . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Dust" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Exotic Fruits" . bdg:temp_leaf_ir_MAX a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Leaf Temperature (IR) Max" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp_leaf_ir ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Flowery" , "Flowery " . bdg-unit:G-PER-LT a qudt:DerivedUnit , qudt:MassPerVolumeUnit , qudt:Unit ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg-unit: ; rdfs:label "Gram per Liter" ; qudt:abbreviation "g/L" ; qudt:conversionMultiplier 1.0e0 ; qudt:conversionOffset "0.0"^^xsd:double ; qudt:description "Gram per liter is a convenience unit, numerically the same as Kilogram per Cubic Meter" ; qudt:hasQuantityKind quantitykind:Density ; qudt:symbol "g l^{-1}" ; skos:prefLabel "gram-per-liter" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Sweat" . bdg:total_wind_S a qb:MeasureProperty , sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Total Wind Sud Direction" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:total_wind ; bdg:measurementContext ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:KM ; skos:notation "TSW" ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . bdg:weight_alcoholic_fermentation a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Weight Alcoholic Fermentation " ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:KiloGM ; sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Astringent" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Reduced" . bdg:temp_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Minimum Temperature" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:temp ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC . bdg:dewPoint_temp_MIN a sosa:ObservableProperty , qb:MeasureProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; rdfs:label "Dew Point Temperature" ; bdg:derivedFrom bdg:dewPoint_temp ; bdg:statisticalSummary ; qb:concept sdmx-concept:obsValue ; sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:DEGC ; skos:notation "DT" . a bdg:SensoryFlavor , skos:Concept ; rdfs:isDefinedBy bdg: ; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel "Plastic" .