#!/usr/bin/env bash # release.sh generates an addon zip file from a Git, SVN, or Mercurial checkout. # # This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. # # Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or # distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled # binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any # means. # # In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors # of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the # software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit # of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and # successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of # relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this # software under copyright law. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR # OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, # ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR # OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # For more information, please refer to ## USER OPTIONS # Secrets for uploading cf_token= github_token= wowi_token= wago_token= # Variables set via command-line options slug= addonid= wagoid= topdir= releasedir= overwrite= nolib= split= line_ending="dos" skip_copying= skip_externals= skip_localization= skip_zipfile= skip_upload= skip_cf_upload= pkgmeta_file= game_version= game_type= file_type= file_template="{package-name}-{project-version}{nolib}{classic}" label_template="{project-version}{classic}{nolib}" wowi_markup="bbcode" ## END USER OPTIONS if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -lt 4 ]] || [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -eq 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} -lt 3 ]]; then echo "ERROR! bash version 4.3 or above is required. Your version is ${BASH_VERSION}." >&2 exit 1 fi # Game versions for uploading declare -A game_flavor=( ["retail"]="retail" ["classic"]="classic" ["bcc"]="bcc" ["mainline"]="retail" ["tbc"]="bcc" ["vanilla"]="classic" ) declare -A game_type_version=() # type -> version declare -A game_type_interface=() # type -> toc declare -A si_game_type_interface_all=() # type -> toc (last file) declare -A si_game_type_interface=() # type -> game type toc (last file) declare -A toc_interfaces=() # path -> all toc interface values (: delim) declare -A toc_root_interface=() # path -> base interface value declare -A root_paths=() # path -> directory name # Script return code exit_code=0 # Escape a string for use in sed substitutions. escape_substr() { local s="$1" s=${s//\\/\\\\} s=${s//\//\\/} s=${s//&/\\&} echo "$s" } # File name templating filename_filter() { local classic alpha beta invalid="_" [ -n "$skip_invalid" ] && invalid="&" if [[ -n $game_type ]] && [[ "$game_type" != "retail" ]] && \ [[ "$game_type" != "classic" || "${si_project_version,,}" != *"-classic"* ]] &&\ [[ "$game_type" != "bcc" || "${si_project_version,,}" != *"-bcc"* ]] then # only append the game type if the tag doesn't include it classic="-$game_type" fi [ "$file_type" == "alpha" ] && alpha="-alpha" [ "$file_type" == "beta" ] && beta="-beta" sed \ -e "s/{package-name}/$( escape_substr "$package" )/g" \ -e "s/{project-revision}/$si_project_revision/g" \ -e "s/{project-hash}/$si_project_hash/g" \ -e "s/{project-abbreviated-hash}/$si_project_abbreviated_hash/g" \ -e "s/{project-author}/$( escape_substr "$si_project_author" )/g" \ -e "s/{project-date-iso}/$si_project_date_iso/g" \ -e "s/{project-date-integer}/$si_project_date_integer/g" \ -e "s/{project-timestamp}/$si_project_timestamp/g" \ -e "s/{project-version}/$( escape_substr "$si_project_version" )/g" \ -e "s/{game-type}/${game_type}/g" \ -e "s/{release-type}/${file_type}/g" \ -e "s/{alpha}/${alpha}/g" \ -e "s/{beta}/${beta}/g" \ -e "s/{nolib}/${nolib:+-nolib}/g" \ -e "s/{classic}/${classic}/g" \ -e "s/\([^A-Za-z0-9._-]\)/${invalid}/g" \ <<< "$1" } toc_filter() { local keyword="$1" local remove="$2" if [ -z "$remove" ]; then # "active" build type: remove comments (keep content), remove non-blocks (remove all) sed \ -e "/#@\(end-\)\{0,1\}${keyword}@/d" \ -e "/#@non-${keyword}@/,/#@end-non-${keyword}@/d" else # "non" build type: remove blocks (remove content), uncomment non-blocks (remove tags) sed \ -e "/#@${keyword}@/,/#@end-${keyword}@/d" \ -e "/#@non-${keyword}@/,/#@end-non-${keyword}@/s/^#[[:blank:]]\{1,\}//" \ -e "/#@\(end-\)\{0,1\}non-${keyword}@/d" fi } # Process command-line options usage() { cat <<-'EOF' >&2 Usage: release.sh [options] -c Skip copying files into the package directory. -d Skip uploading. -e Skip checkout of external repositories. -l Skip @localization@ keyword replacement. -L Only do @localization@ keyword replacement (skip upload to CurseForge). -o Keep existing package directory, overwriting its contents. -s Create a stripped-down "nolib" package. -S Create a package supporting multiple game types from a single TOC file. -u Use Unix line-endings. -z Skip zip file creation. -t topdir Set top-level directory of checkout. -r releasedir Set directory containing the package directory. Defaults to "$topdir/.release". -p curse-id Set the project id used on CurseForge for localization and uploading. (Use 0 to unset the TOC value) -w wowi-id Set the addon id used on WoWInterface for uploading. (Use 0 to unset the TOC value) -a wago-id Set the project id used on Wago Addons for uploading. (Use 0 to unset the TOC value) -g game-version Set the game version to use for uploading. -m pkgmeta.yaml Set the pkgmeta file to use. -n "{template}" Set the package zip file name and upload label. Use "-n help" for more info. EOF } OPTIND=1 while getopts ":celLzusSop:dw:a:r:t:g:m:n:" opt; do case $opt in c) skip_copying="true" ;; # Skip copying files into the package directory z) skip_zipfile="true" ;; # Skip creating a zip file e) skip_externals="true" ;; # Skip checkout of external repositories l) skip_localization="true" ;; # Skip @localization@ keyword replacement L) skip_cf_upload="true" ;; # Skip uploading to CurseForge d) skip_upload="true" ;; # Skip uploading u) line_ending="unix" ;; # Use LF instead of CRLF as the line ending for all text files o) overwrite="true" ;; # Don't delete existing directories in the release directory p) slug="$OPTARG" ;; # Set CurseForge project id w) addonid="$OPTARG" ;; # Set WoWInterface addon id a) wagoid="$OPTARG" ;; # Set Wago Addons project id r) releasedir="$OPTARG" ;; # Set the release directory t) # Set the top-level directory of the checkout if [ ! -d "$OPTARG" ]; then echo "Invalid argument for option \"-t\" - Directory \"$OPTARG\" does not exist." >&2 usage exit 1 fi topdir="$OPTARG" ;; s) # Create a nolib package without externals nolib="true" skip_externals="true" ;; S) split="true" ;; # Split TOC g) # Set the game type or version OPTARG="${OPTARG,,}" case "$OPTARG" in retail|classic|bcc) game_type="$OPTARG" ;; # game_version from toc mainline) game_type="retail" ;; *) # Set game version (x.y.z) # Build game type set from the last value if a list IFS=',' read -ra V <<< "$OPTARG" for i in "${V[@]}"; do if [[ ! "$i" =~ ^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)[a-z]?$ ]]; then echo "Invalid argument for option \"-g\" ($i)" >&2 usage exit 1 fi if [[ ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} == "1" ]]; then game_type="classic" elif [[ ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} == "2" ]]; then game_type="bcc" else game_type="retail" fi # Only one version per game type is allowed if [ -n "${game_type_version[$game_type]}" ]; then echo "Invalid argument for option \"-g\" ($i) - Only one version per game type is supported." >&2 usage exit 1 fi game_type_version[$game_type]="$i" game_type_interface[$game_type]=$( printf "%d%02d%02d" "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" ) done if [[ ${#game_type_version[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then game_type= fi game_version="$OPTARG" esac ;; m) # Set the pkgmeta file if [ ! -f "$OPTARG" ]; then echo "Invalid argument for option \"-m\" - File \"$OPTARG\" does not exist." >&2 usage exit 1 fi pkgmeta_file="$OPTARG" ;; n) # Set the package file name if [ "$OPTARG" = "help" ]; then cat <<-'EOF' >&2 Usage: release.sh [options] Set the package zip file name and upload file label. There are several string substitutions you can use to include version control and build type infomation in the file name and upload label. The default file name is "{package-name}-{project-version}{nolib}{classic}". The default upload label is "{project-version}{classic}{nolib}". To set both, seperate with a ":", i.e, "{file template}:{label template}". If either side of the ":" is blank, the default will be used.Not including a ":" will set the file name template, leaving upload label as default. Tokens: {package-name}{project-revision}{project-hash}{project-abbreviated-hash} {project-author}{project-date-iso}{project-date-integer}{project-timestamp} {project-version}{game-type}{release-type} Flags: {alpha}{beta}{nolib}{classic} Tokens are always replaced with their value. Flags are shown prefixed with a dash depending on the build type. EOF exit 0 fi if skip_invalid=true filename_filter "$OPTARG" | grep -q '[{}]'; then tokens=$( skip_invalid=true filename_filter "$OPTARG" | sed -e '/^[^{]*{\|}[^{]*{\|}[^{]*/s//}{/g' -e 's/^}\({.*}\){$/\1/' ) echo "Invalid argument for option \"-n\" - Invalid substitutions: $tokens" >&2 exit 1 fi file_template=${OPTARG%%:*} if [ -z "$file_template" ]; then file_template="{package-name}-{project-version}{nolib}{classic}" fi label_template=${OPTARG##*:} if [ -z "$label_template" ]; then label_template="{project-version}{classic}{nolib}" fi #"{package-name}-{project-version}{nolib}{classic}:{project-version}{classic}{nolib}" ;; :) echo "Option \"-$OPTARG\" requires an argument." >&2 usage exit 1 ;; \?) if [ "$OPTARG" = "?" ] || [ "$OPTARG" = "h" ]; then usage exit 0 fi echo "Unknown option \"-$OPTARG\"" >&2 usage exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) # Set $topdir to top-level directory of the checkout. if [ -z "$topdir" ]; then dir=$( pwd ) if [ -d "$dir/.git" ] || [ -d "$dir/.svn" ] || [ -d "$dir/.hg" ]; then topdir=. else dir=${dir%/*} topdir=".." while [ -n "$dir" ]; do if [ -d "$topdir/.git" ] || [ -d "$topdir/.svn" ] || [ -d "$topdir/.hg" ]; then break fi dir=${dir%/*} topdir="$topdir/.." done if [ ! -d "$topdir/.git" ] && [ ! -d "$topdir/.svn" ] && [ ! -d "$topdir/.hg" ]; then echo "No Git, SVN, or Hg checkout found." >&2 exit 1 fi fi fi # Handle folding sections in CI logs start_group() { echo "$1"; } end_group() { echo; } # Check for Travis CI if [ -n "$TRAVIS" ]; then # Don't run the packager for pull requests if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then echo "Not packaging pull request." exit 0 fi if [ -z "$TRAVIS_TAG" ]; then # Don't run the packager if there is a tag pending check_tag=$( git -C "$topdir" tag --points-at HEAD ) if [ -n "$check_tag" ]; then echo "Found future tag \"${check_tag}\", not packaging." exit 0 fi # Only package master, classic, or develop if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "master" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "classic" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "develop" ]; then echo "Not packaging \"${TRAVIS_BRANCH}\"." exit 0 fi fi # https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-build/tree/master/lib/travis/build/bash start_group() { echo -en "travis_fold:start:$2\\r\033[0K" # release_timer_id="$(printf %08x $((RANDOM * RANDOM)))" # release_timer_start_time="$(date -u +%s%N)" # echo -en "travis_time:start:${release_timer_id}\\r\033[0K" echo "$1" } end_group() { # local release_timer_end_time="$(date -u +%s%N)" # local duration=$((release_timer_end_time - release_timer_start_time)) # echo -en "\\ntravis_time:end:${release_timer_id}:start=${release_timer_start_time},finish=${release_timer_end_time},duration=${duration}\\r\033[0K" echo -en "travis_fold:end:$1\\r\033[0K" } fi # Check for GitHub Actions if [ -n "$GITHUB_ACTIONS" ]; then # Prevent duplicate builds if [[ "$GITHUB_REF" == "refs/heads"* ]]; then check_tag=$( git -C "$topdir" tag --points-at HEAD ) if [ -n "$check_tag" ]; then echo "Found future tag \"${check_tag}\", not packaging." exit 0 fi fi start_group() { echo "##[group]$1"; } end_group() { echo "##[endgroup]"; } fi unset check_tag # Load secrets if [ -f "$topdir/.env" ]; then # shellcheck disable=1090,1091 . "$topdir/.env" elif [ -f ".env" ]; then # shellcheck disable=1091 . ".env" fi [ -z "$cf_token" ] && cf_token=$CF_API_KEY [ -z "$github_token" ] && github_token=$GITHUB_OAUTH [ -z "$wowi_token" ] && wowi_token=$WOWI_API_TOKEN [ -z "$wago_token" ] && wago_token=$WAGO_API_TOKEN # Set $releasedir to the directory which will contain the generated addon zipfile. if [ -z "$releasedir" ]; then releasedir="$topdir/.release" fi # Set $basedir to the basename of the checkout directory. basedir=$( cd "$topdir" && pwd ) case $basedir in /*/*) basedir=${basedir##/*/} ;; /*) basedir=${basedir##/} ;; esac # Set $repository_type to "git" or "svn" or "hg". repository_type= if [ -d "$topdir/.git" ]; then repository_type=git elif [ -d "$topdir/.svn" ]; then repository_type=svn elif [ -d "$topdir/.hg" ]; then repository_type=hg else echo "No Git, SVN, or Hg checkout found in \"$topdir\"." >&2 exit 1 fi # $releasedir must be an absolute path or inside $topdir. case $releasedir in /*) ;; $topdir/*) ;; *) echo "The release directory \"$releasedir\" must be an absolute path or inside \"$topdir\"." >&2 exit 1 ;; esac # Create the staging directory. mkdir -p "$releasedir" 2>/dev/null || { echo "Unable to create the release directory \"$releasedir\"." >&2 exit 1 } # Expand $topdir and $releasedir to their absolute paths for string comparisons later. topdir=$( cd "$topdir" && pwd ) releasedir=$( cd "$releasedir" && pwd ) ### ### set_info_ returns the following information: ### si_repo_type= # "git" or "svn" or "hg" si_repo_dir= # the checkout directory si_repo_url= # the checkout url si_tag= # tag for HEAD si_previous_tag= # previous tag si_previous_revision= # [SVN|Hg] revision number for previous tag si_project_revision= # Turns into the highest revision of the entire project in integer form, e.g. 1234, for SVN. Turns into the commit count for the project's hash for Git. si_project_hash= # [Git|Hg] Turns into the hash of the entire project in hex form. e.g. 106c634df4b3dd4691bf24e148a23e9af35165ea si_project_abbreviated_hash= # [Git|Hg] Turns into the abbreviated hash of the entire project in hex form. e.g. 106c63f si_project_author= # Turns into the last author of the entire project. e.g. ckknight si_project_date_iso= # Turns into the last changed date (by UTC) of the entire project in ISO 8601. e.g. 2008-05-01T12:34:56Z si_project_date_integer= # Turns into the last changed date (by UTC) of the entire project in a readable integer fashion. e.g. 2008050123456 si_project_timestamp= # Turns into the last changed date (by UTC) of the entire project in POSIX timestamp. e.g. 1209663296 si_project_version= # Turns into an approximate version of the project. The tag name if on a tag, otherwise it's up to the repo. SVN returns something like "r1234", Git returns something like "v0.1-873fc1" si_file_revision= # Turns into the current revision of the file in integer form, e.g. 1234, for SVN. Turns into the commit count for the file's hash for Git. si_file_hash= # Turns into the hash of the file in hex form. e.g. 106c634df4b3dd4691bf24e148a23e9af35165ea si_file_abbreviated_hash= # Turns into the abbreviated hash of the file in hex form. e.g. 106c63 si_file_author= # Turns into the last author of the file. e.g. ckknight si_file_date_iso= # Turns into the last changed date (by UTC) of the file in ISO 8601. e.g. 2008-05-01T12:34:56Z si_file_date_integer= # Turns into the last changed date (by UTC) of the file in a readable integer fashion. e.g. 20080501123456 si_file_timestamp= # Turns into the last changed date (by UTC) of the file in POSIX timestamp. e.g. 1209663296 # SVN date helper function strtotime() { local value="$1" # datetime string local format="$2" # strptime string if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* || "$OSTYPE" == *"bsd"* ]]; then # bsd date -j -f "$format" "$value" "+%s" 2>/dev/null else # gnu date -d "$value" +%s 2>/dev/null fi } set_info_git() { si_repo_dir="$1" si_repo_type="git" si_repo_url=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" remote get-url origin 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//' ) if [ -z "$si_repo_url" ]; then # no origin so grab the first fetch url si_repo_url=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" remote -v | awk '/(fetch)/ { print $2; exit }' | sed -e 's/^git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//' ) fi # Populate filter vars. si_project_hash=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" show --no-patch --format="%H" 2>/dev/null ) si_project_abbreviated_hash=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" show --no-patch --abbrev=7 --format="%h" 2>/dev/null ) si_project_author=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" show --no-patch --format="%an" 2>/dev/null ) si_project_timestamp=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" show --no-patch --format="%at" 2>/dev/null ) si_project_date_iso=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)T" "$si_project_timestamp" ) si_project_date_integer=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y%m%d%H%M%S)T" "$si_project_timestamp" ) # XXX --depth limits rev-list :\ [ ! -s "$(git rev-parse --git-dir)/shallow" ] || git fetch --unshallow --no-tags si_project_revision=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" rev-list --count "$si_project_hash" 2>/dev/null ) # Get the tag for the HEAD. si_previous_tag= si_previous_revision= _si_tag=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" describe --tags --always --abbrev=7 2>/dev/null ) si_tag=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" describe --tags --always --abbrev=0 2>/dev/null ) # Set $si_project_version to the version number of HEAD. May be empty if there are no commits. si_project_version=$si_tag # The HEAD is not tagged if the HEAD is several commits past the most recent tag. if [ "$si_tag" = "$si_project_hash" ]; then # --abbrev=0 expands out the full sha if there was no previous tag si_project_version=$_si_tag si_previous_tag= si_tag= elif [ "$_si_tag" != "$si_tag" ]; then # not on a tag si_project_version=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" describe --tags --abbrev=7 --exclude="*[Aa][Ll][Pp][Hh][Aa]*" 2>/dev/null ) si_previous_tag=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" describe --tags --abbrev=0 --exclude="*[Aa][Ll][Pp][Hh][Aa]*" 2>/dev/null ) si_tag= else # we're on a tag, just jump back one commit if [[ ${si_tag,,} != *"beta"* && ${si_tag,,} != *"alpha"* ]]; then # full release, ignore beta tags si_previous_tag=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" describe --tags --abbrev=0 --exclude="*[Aa][Ll][Pp][Hh][Aa]*" --exclude="*[Bb][Ee][Tt][Aa]*" HEAD~ 2>/dev/null ) else si_previous_tag=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" describe --tags --abbrev=0 --exclude="*[Aa][Ll][Pp][Hh][Aa]*" HEAD~ 2>/dev/null ) fi fi } set_info_svn() { si_repo_dir="$1" si_repo_type="svn" # Temporary file to hold results of "svn info". _si_svninfo="${si_repo_dir}/.svn/release_sh_svninfo" svn info -r BASE "$si_repo_dir" 2>/dev/null > "$_si_svninfo" if [ -s "$_si_svninfo" ]; then _si_root=$( awk '/^Repository Root:/ { print $3; exit }' < "$_si_svninfo" ) _si_url=$( awk '/^URL:/ { print $2; exit }' < "$_si_svninfo" ) _si_revision=$( awk '/^Last Changed Rev:/ { print $NF; exit }' < "$_si_svninfo" ) si_repo_url=$_si_root case ${_si_url#${_si_root}/} in tags/*) # Extract the tag from the URL. si_tag=${_si_url#${_si_root}/tags/} si_tag=${si_tag%%/*} si_project_revision="$_si_revision" ;; *) # Check if the latest tag matches the working copy revision (/trunk checkout instead of /tags) _si_tag_line=$( svn log --verbose --limit 1 "$_si_root/tags" 2>/dev/null | awk '/^ A/ { print $0; exit }' ) _si_tag=$( echo "$_si_tag_line" | awk '/^ A/ { print $2 }' | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }' ) _si_tag_from_revision=$( echo "$_si_tag_line" | sed -e 's/^.*:\([0-9]\{1,\}\)).*$/\1/' ) # (from /project/trunk:N) if [ "$_si_tag_from_revision" = "$_si_revision" ]; then si_tag="$_si_tag" si_project_revision=$( svn info "$_si_root/tags/$si_tag" 2>/dev/null | awk '/^Last Changed Rev:/ { print $NF; exit }' ) else # Set $si_project_revision to the highest revision of the project at the checkout path si_project_revision=$( svn info --recursive "$si_repo_dir" 2>/dev/null | awk '/^Last Changed Rev:/ { print $NF }' | sort -nr | head -n1 ) fi ;; esac if [ -n "$si_tag" ]; then si_project_version="$si_tag" else si_project_version="r$si_project_revision" fi # Get the previous tag and it's revision _si_limit=$((si_project_revision - 1)) _si_tag=$( svn log --verbose --limit 1 "$_si_root/tags" -r $_si_limit:1 2>/dev/null | awk '/^ A/ { print $0; exit }' | awk '/^ A/ { print $2 }' | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }' ) if [ -n "$_si_tag" ]; then si_previous_tag="$_si_tag" si_previous_revision=$( svn info "$_si_root/tags/$_si_tag" 2>/dev/null | awk '/^Last Changed Rev:/ { print $NF; exit }' ) fi # Populate filter vars. si_project_author=$( awk '/^Last Changed Author:/ { print $0; exit }' < "$_si_svninfo" | cut -d" " -f4- ) _si_timestamp=$( awk '/^Last Changed Date:/ { print $4,$5; exit }' < "$_si_svninfo" ) si_project_timestamp=$( strtotime "$_si_timestamp" "%F %T" ) si_project_date_iso=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)T" "$si_project_timestamp" ) si_project_date_integer=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y%m%d%H%M%S)T" "$si_project_timestamp" ) # SVN repositories have no project hash. si_project_hash= si_project_abbreviated_hash= rm -f "$_si_svninfo" 2>/dev/null fi } set_info_hg() { si_repo_dir="$1" si_repo_type="hg" si_repo_url=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" paths -q default ) if [ -z "$si_repo_url" ]; then # no default so grab the first path si_repo_url=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" paths | awk '{ print $3; exit }' ) fi # Populate filter vars. si_project_hash=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log -r . --template '{node}' 2>/dev/null ) si_project_abbreviated_hash=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log -r . --template '{node|short}' 2>/dev/null ) si_project_author=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log -r . --template '{author}' 2>/dev/null ) si_project_timestamp=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log -r . --template '{date}' 2>/dev/null | cut -d. -f1 ) si_project_date_iso=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)T" "$si_project_timestamp" ) si_project_date_integer=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y%m%d%H%M%S)T" "$si_project_timestamp" ) si_project_revision=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log -r . --template '{rev}' 2>/dev/null ) # Get tag info si_tag= # I'm just muddling through revsets, so there is probably a better way to do this # Ignore tag commits, so v1.0-1 will package as v1.0 if [ "$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log -r '.-filelog(.hgtags)' --template '{rev}' 2>/dev/null )" == "" ]; then _si_tip=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log -r 'last(parents(.))' --template '{rev}' 2>/dev/null ) else _si_tip=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log -r . --template '{rev}' 2>/dev/null ) fi si_previous_tag=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log -r "$_si_tip" --template '{latesttag}' 2>/dev/null ) # si_project_version=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log -r "$_si_tip" --template "{ ifeq(changessincelatesttag, 0, latesttag, '{latesttag}-{changessincelatesttag}-m{node|short}') }" 2>/dev/null ) # git style si_project_version=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log -r "$_si_tip" --template "{ ifeq(changessincelatesttag, 0, latesttag, 'r{rev}') }" 2>/dev/null ) # svn style if [ "$si_previous_tag" = "$si_project_version" ]; then # we're on a tag si_tag=$si_previous_tag si_previous_tag=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log -r "last(parents($_si_tip))" --template '{latesttag}' 2>/dev/null ) fi si_previous_revision=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log -r "$si_previous_tag" --template '{rev}' 2>/dev/null ) } set_info_file() { if [ "$si_repo_type" = "git" ]; then _si_file=${1#si_repo_dir} # need the path relative to the checkout # Populate filter vars from the last commit the file was included in. si_file_hash=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" log --max-count=1 --format="%H" "$_si_file" 2>/dev/null ) si_file_abbreviated_hash=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" log --max-count=1 --abbrev=7 --format="%h" "$_si_file" 2>/dev/null ) si_file_author=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" log --max-count=1 --format="%an" "$_si_file" 2>/dev/null ) si_file_timestamp=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" log --max-count=1 --format="%at" "$_si_file" 2>/dev/null ) si_file_date_iso=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)T" "$si_file_timestamp" ) si_file_date_integer=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y%m%d%H%M%S)T" "$si_file_timestamp" ) si_file_revision=$( git -C "$si_repo_dir" rev-list --count "$si_file_hash" 2>/dev/null ) # XXX checkout depth affects rev-list, see set_info_git elif [ "$si_repo_type" = "svn" ]; then _si_file="$1" # Temporary file to hold results of "svn info". _sif_svninfo="${si_repo_dir}/.svn/release_sh_svnfinfo" svn info "$_si_file" 2>/dev/null > "$_sif_svninfo" if [ -s "$_sif_svninfo" ]; then # Populate filter vars. si_file_revision=$( awk '/^Last Changed Rev:/ { print $NF; exit }' < "$_sif_svninfo" ) si_file_author=$( awk '/^Last Changed Author:/ { print $0; exit }' < "$_sif_svninfo" | cut -d" " -f4- ) _si_timestamp=$( awk '/^Last Changed Date:/ { print $4,$5,$6; exit }' < "$_sif_svninfo" ) si_file_timestamp=$( strtotime "$_si_timestamp" "%F %T %z" ) si_file_date_iso=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)T" "$si_file_timestamp" ) si_file_date_integer=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y%m%d%H%M%S)T" "$si_file_timestamp" ) # SVN repositories have no project hash. si_file_hash= si_file_abbreviated_hash= rm -f "$_sif_svninfo" 2>/dev/null fi elif [ "$si_repo_type" = "hg" ]; then _si_file=${1#si_repo_dir} # need the path relative to the checkout # Populate filter vars. si_file_hash=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log --limit 1 --template '{node}' "$_si_file" 2>/dev/null ) si_file_abbreviated_hash=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log --limit 1 --template '{node|short}' "$_si_file" 2>/dev/null ) si_file_author=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log --limit 1 --template '{author}' "$_si_file" 2>/dev/null ) si_file_timestamp=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log --limit 1 --template '{date}' "$_si_file" 2>/dev/null | cut -d. -f1 ) si_file_date_iso=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)T" "$si_file_timestamp" ) si_file_date_integer=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y%m%d%H%M%S)T" "$si_file_timestamp" ) si_file_revision=$( hg --cwd "$si_repo_dir" log --limit 1 --template '{rev}' "$_si_file" 2>/dev/null ) fi } # Set some version info about the project case $repository_type in git) set_info_git "$topdir" ;; svn) set_info_svn "$topdir" ;; hg) set_info_hg "$topdir" ;; esac tag=$si_tag project_version=$si_project_version previous_version=$si_previous_tag project_hash=$si_project_hash project_revision=$si_project_revision previous_revision=$si_previous_revision project_timestamp=$si_project_timestamp project_github_url= project_github_slug= if [[ "$si_repo_url" == "https://github.com"* ]]; then project_github_url=${si_repo_url%.git} project_github_slug=${project_github_url#https://github.com/} fi project_site= # Automatic file type detection based on CurseForge rules # 1) Untagged commits will be marked as an alpha. # 2) Tagged commits will be marked as a release with the following exceptions: # - If the tag contains the word "alpha", it will be marked as an alpha file. # - If instead the tag contains the word "beta", it will be marked as a beta file. if [ -n "$tag" ]; then if [[ "${tag,,}" == *"alpha"* ]]; then file_type="alpha" elif [[ "${tag,,}" == *"beta"* ]]; then file_type="beta" else file_type="release" fi else file_type="alpha" fi # Bare carriage-return character. carriage_return=$( printf "\r" ) # Returns 0 if $1 matches one of the colon-separated patterns in $2. match_pattern() { _mp_file=$1 _mp_list="$2:" while [ -n "$_mp_list" ]; do _mp_pattern=${_mp_list%%:*} _mp_list=${_mp_list#*:} # shellcheck disable=2254 case $_mp_file in $_mp_pattern) return 0 ;; esac done return 1 } # Simple .pkgmeta YAML processor. declare -A yaml_bool=( ["yes"]="yes" ["true"]="yes" ["on"]="yes" ["false"]="no" ["off"]="no" ["no"]="no" ) yaml_keyvalue() { yaml_key=${1%%:*} yaml_value=${1#$yaml_key:} yaml_value=${yaml_value#"${yaml_value%%[! ]*}"} # trim leading whitespace if [[ -n "$yaml_value" && -n "${yaml_bool[${yaml_value,,}]}" ]]; then # normalize booleans yaml_value="${yaml_bool[$yaml_value]}" fi yaml_value=${yaml_value#[\'\"]} # trim leading quotes yaml_value=${yaml_value%[\'\"]} # trim trailing quotes } yaml_listitem() { yaml_item=${1#-} yaml_item=${yaml_item#"${yaml_item%%[! ]*}"} # trim leading whitespace } ### ### Process .pkgmeta to set variables used later in the script. ### if [ -z "$pkgmeta_file" ]; then pkgmeta_file="$topdir/.pkgmeta" # CurseForge allows this so check for it if [ ! -f "$pkgmeta_file" ] && [ -f "$topdir/pkgmeta.yaml" ]; then pkgmeta_file="$topdir/pkgmeta.yaml" fi fi # Variables set via .pkgmeta. package= manual_changelog= changelog= changelog_markup="text" enable_nolib_creation= ignore= contents= nolib_exclude= wowi_gen_changelog="true" wowi_archive="true" wowi_convert_changelog="true" declare -A relations=() parse_ignore() { pkgmeta="$1" [ -f "$pkgmeta" ] || return 1 checkpath="$topdir" # paths are relative to the topdir copypath="" if [ "$2" != "" ]; then checkpath=$( dirname "$pkgmeta" ) copypath="$2/" fi yaml_eof= while [ -z "$yaml_eof" ]; do IFS='' read -r yaml_line || yaml_eof="true" # Skip commented out lines. if [[ $yaml_line =~ ^[[:space:]]*\# ]]; then continue fi # Strip any trailing CR character. yaml_line=${yaml_line%$carriage_return} case $yaml_line in [!\ ]*:*) # Split $yaml_line into a $yaml_key, $yaml_value pair. yaml_keyvalue "$yaml_line" # Set the $pkgmeta_phase for stateful processing. pkgmeta_phase=$yaml_key ;; [\ ]*"- "*) yaml_line=${yaml_line#"${yaml_line%%[! ]*}"} # trim leading whitespace # Get the YAML list item. yaml_listitem "$yaml_line" if [ "$pkgmeta_phase" = "ignore" ]; then pattern=$yaml_item if [ -d "$checkpath/$pattern" ]; then pattern="$copypath$pattern/*" elif [ ! -f "$checkpath/$pattern" ]; then # doesn't exist so match both a file and a path pattern="$copypath$pattern:$copypath$pattern/*" else pattern="$copypath$pattern" fi if [ -z "$ignore" ]; then ignore="$pattern" else ignore="$ignore:$pattern" fi fi ;; esac done < "$pkgmeta" } if [ -f "$pkgmeta_file" ]; then if grep -q $'^[ ]*\t\+[[:blank:]]*[[:graph:]]' "$pkgmeta_file"; then # Try to cut down on some troubleshooting pain. echo "ERROR! Your pkgmeta file contains a leading tab. Only spaces are allowed for indentation in YAML files." >&2 grep -n $'^[ ]*\t\+[[:blank:]]*[[:graph:]]' "$pkgmeta_file" | sed $'s/\t/^I/g' exit 1 fi yaml_eof= while [ -z "$yaml_eof" ]; do IFS='' read -r yaml_line || yaml_eof="true" # Skip commented out lines. if [[ $yaml_line =~ ^[[:space:]]*\# ]]; then continue fi # Strip any trailing CR character. yaml_line=${yaml_line%$carriage_return} case $yaml_line in [!\ ]*:*) # Split $yaml_line into a $yaml_key, $yaml_value pair. yaml_keyvalue "$yaml_line" # Set the $pkgmeta_phase for stateful processing. pkgmeta_phase=$yaml_key case $yaml_key in enable-nolib-creation) if [ "$yaml_value" = "yes" ]; then enable_nolib_creation="true" fi ;; enable-toc-creation) if [ "$yaml_value" = "yes" ]; then split="true" fi ;; manual-changelog) changelog=$yaml_value manual_changelog="true" ;; changelog-title) project="$yaml_value" ;; package-as) package=$yaml_value ;; wowi-create-changelog) if [ "$yaml_value" = "no" ]; then wowi_gen_changelog= fi ;; wowi-convert-changelog) if [ "$yaml_value" = "no" ]; then wowi_convert_changelog= fi ;; wowi-archive-previous) if [ "$yaml_value" = "no" ]; then wowi_archive= fi ;; esac ;; " "*) yaml_line=${yaml_line#"${yaml_line%%[! ]*}"} # trim leading whitespace case $yaml_line in "- "*) # Get the YAML list item. yaml_listitem "$yaml_line" case $pkgmeta_phase in ignore) pattern=$yaml_item if [ -d "$topdir/$pattern" ]; then pattern="$pattern/*" elif [ ! -f "$topdir/$pattern" ]; then # doesn't exist so match both a file and a path pattern="$pattern:$pattern/*" fi if [ -z "$ignore" ]; then ignore="$pattern" else ignore="$ignore:$pattern" fi ;; tools-used) relations["$yaml_item"]="tool" ;; required-dependencies) relations["$yaml_item"]="requiredDependency" ;; optional-dependencies) relations["$yaml_item"]="optionalDependency" ;; embedded-libraries) relations["$yaml_item"]="embeddedLibrary" ;; esac ;; *:*) # Split $yaml_line into a $yaml_key, $yaml_value pair. yaml_keyvalue "$yaml_line" case $pkgmeta_phase in manual-changelog) case $yaml_key in filename) changelog=$yaml_value manual_changelog="true" ;; markup-type) if [ "$yaml_value" = "markdown" ] || [ "$yaml_value" = "html" ]; then changelog_markup=$yaml_value else changelog_markup="text" fi ;; esac ;; move-folders) # Save project root directories if [[ $yaml_value != *"/"* ]]; then root_paths["$topdir/$yaml_value"]="$yaml_value" fi ;; esac ;; esac ;; esac done < "$pkgmeta_file" fi # Add untracked/ignored files to the ignore list if [ "$repository_type" = "git" ]; then OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for _vcs_ignore in $( git -C "$topdir" ls-files --others --directory ); do if [ -d "$topdir/$_vcs_ignore" ]; then _vcs_ignore="$_vcs_ignore*" fi if [ -z "$ignore" ]; then ignore="$_vcs_ignore" else ignore="$ignore:$_vcs_ignore" fi done IFS=$OLDIFS elif [ "$repository_type" = "svn" ]; then # svn always being difficult. OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for _vcs_ignore in $( cd "$topdir" && svn status --no-ignore --ignore-externals | awk '/^[?IX]/' | cut -c9- | tr '\\' '/' ); do if [ -d "$topdir/$_vcs_ignore" ]; then _vcs_ignore="$_vcs_ignore/*" fi if [ -z "$ignore" ]; then ignore="$_vcs_ignore" else ignore="$ignore:$_vcs_ignore" fi done IFS=$OLDIFS elif [ "$repository_type" = "hg" ]; then _vcs_ignore=$( hg --cwd "$topdir" status --ignored --unknown --no-status --print0 | tr '\0' ':' ) if [ -n "$_vcs_ignore" ]; then _vcs_ignore=${_vcs_ignore:0:-1} if [ -z "$ignore" ]; then ignore="$_vcs_ignore" else ignore="$ignore:$_vcs_ignore" fi fi fi ### ### Process TOC file ### do_toc() { local toc_file toc_version toc_game_type root_toc_version local toc_path="$1" local package_name="$2" [[ -z $package_name ]] && return 0 local toc_name=${toc_path##*/} toc_file=$( # remove BOM and CR and apply some non-version related TOC filters [ "$file_type" != "alpha" ] && _tf_alpha="true" sed -e $'1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//' -e $'s/\r//g' "$toc_path" | toc_filter alpha ${_tf_alpha} | toc_filter debug true ) toc_version=$( awk '/^## Interface:/ { print $NF; exit }' <<< "$toc_file" ) case $toc_version in "") toc_game_type= ;; 11*) toc_game_type="classic" ;; 20*) toc_game_type="bcc" ;; *) toc_game_type="retail" esac si_game_type_interface_all=() [[ -n "$toc_game_type" ]] && si_game_type_interface_all["$toc_game_type"]="$toc_version" root_toc_version="$toc_version" if [[ -n "$package_name" ]]; then # Get the title of the project for using in the changelog. if [ -z "$project" ]; then project=$( awk '/^## Title:/ { print $0; exit }' <<< "$toc_file" | sed -e 's/|c[0-9A-Fa-f]\{8\}//g' -e 's/|r//g' -e 's/|T[^|]*|t//g' -e 's/## Title[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*\(.*\)/\1/' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' ) fi # Grab CurseForge ID and WoWI ID from the TOC file if not set by the script. if [ -z "$slug" ]; then slug=$( awk '/^## X-Curse-Project-ID:/ { print $NF; exit }' <<< "$toc_file" ) fi if [ -z "$addonid" ]; then addonid=$( awk '/^## X-WoWI-ID:/ { print $NF; exit }' <<< "$toc_file" ) fi if [ -z "$wagoid" ]; then wagoid=$( awk '/^## X-Wago-ID:/ { print $NF; exit }' <<< "$toc_file" ) fi fi if [[ ${toc_name} =~ "$package_name"[-_](Mainline|Classic|Vanilla|BCC|TBC)\.toc$ ]]; then # Flavored if [[ -z "$toc_version" ]]; then echo "$toc_name is missing an interface version." >&2 exit 1 fi local toc_file_game_type="${game_flavor[${BASH_REMATCH[1],,}]}" if [[ "$toc_file_game_type" != "$toc_game_type" ]]; then echo "$toc_name has an interface version ($toc_version) that is not compatible with \"$toc_file_game_type\"." >&2 exit 1 fi else # Fallback local game_type_toc_version # Save the game type interface values for type in "${!game_flavor[@]}"; do game_type_toc_version=$( awk 'tolower($0) ~ /^## interface-'"$type"':/ { print $NF; exit }' <<< "$toc_file" ) if [[ -n "$game_type_toc_version" ]]; then type="${game_flavor[$type]}" si_game_type_interface[$type]="$game_type_toc_version" si_game_type_interface_all[$type]="$game_type_toc_version" fi done # Use the game type if set, otherwise default to retail game_type_toc_version="${si_game_type_interface_all[${game_type:-retail}]}" if [[ -z "$toc_version" ]] || [[ -n "$game_type" && -n "$game_type_toc_version" && "$game_type_toc_version" != "$toc_version" ]]; then toc_version="$game_type_toc_version" case $toc_version in 11*) toc_game_type="classic" ;; 20*) toc_game_type="bcc" ;; *) toc_game_type="retail" esac fi # Check @non-@ blocks for other interface lines if [[ -z "$toc_version" ]] || [[ -n "$game_type" && "$toc_game_type" != "$game_type" ]]; then toc_game_type="$game_type" case $toc_game_type in classic) toc_version=$( sed -n '/@non-[-a-z]*@/,/@end-non-[-a-z]*@/{//b;p}' <<< "$toc_file" | awk '/#[[:blank:]]*## Interface:[[:blank:]]*(11)/ { print $NF; exit }' ) ;; bcc) toc_version=$( sed -n '/@non-[-a-z]*@/,/@end-non-[-a-z]*@/{//b;p}' <<< "$toc_file" | awk '/#[[:blank:]]*## Interface:[[:blank:]]*(20)/ { print $NF; exit }' ) ;; esac # This becomes the actual interface version after replacements root_toc_version="$toc_version" fi if [[ -z "$toc_version" ]]; then if [[ -z "$toc_game_type" ]]; then echo "$toc_name is missing an interface version." >&2 else echo "$toc_name has an interface version that is not compatible with the game version \"$toc_game_type\" or was not found." >&2 fi exit 1 fi # Don't overwrite a specific version if [[ -z "${si_game_type_interface_all[$toc_game_type]}" ]]; then si_game_type_interface_all[$toc_game_type]="$toc_version" fi fi toc_root_interface[$toc_path]="$root_toc_version" toc_interfaces[$toc_path]=$( IFS=':' ; echo "${si_game_type_interface_all[*]}" ) } set_build_version() { local toc_game_type version if [[ -z "$game_version" ]]; then for path in "${!toc_interfaces[@]}"; do if [[ -z "$split" && -z "$game_type" ]]; then # no split and no game type means we should use the root interface value # (blows up if one isn't set? should) version="${toc_root_interface[$path]}" else version="${toc_interfaces[$path]}" fi declare -a versions IFS=':' read -ra versions <<< "$version" for toc_version in "${versions[@]}"; do case $toc_version in 11*) toc_game_type="classic" ;; 20*) toc_game_type="bcc" ;; *) toc_game_type="retail" esac if [[ -z $game_type || $game_type == "$toc_game_type" ]]; then game_type_interface[$toc_game_type]="$toc_version" game_type_version[$toc_game_type]=$( printf "%d.%d.%d" "${toc_version:0:1}" "${toc_version:1:2}" "${toc_version:3:2}" ) fi done done if [[ -n "$game_type" ]]; then game_version="${game_type_version[$game_type]}" else game_version=$( IFS=',' ; echo "${game_type_version[*]}" ) fi fi # Set the game type when we only have one game version if [[ -z "$game_type" && ${#game_type_version[@]} -eq 1 ]]; then game_type="${!game_type_version[*]}" fi } # Set the package name from a TOC file name if [[ -z "$package" ]]; then package=$( cd "$topdir" && find *.toc -maxdepth 0 2>/dev/null | sort -dr | head -n1 ) if [[ -z "$package" ]]; then echo "Could not find an addon TOC file. In another directory? Set 'package-as' in .pkgmeta" >&2 exit 1 fi package=${package%.toc} if [[ $package =~ ^(.*)([-_](Mainline|Classic|Vanilla|BCC|TBC))$ ]]; then echo "Ambiguous addon name. No fallback TOC file or addon name includes an expansion suffix (${BASH_REMATCH[2]}). Set 'package-as' in .pkgmeta" >&2 exit 1 fi fi # Add the project root root_paths["$topdir"]="$package" # Parse the main addon's TOC file(s) for path in "${!root_paths[@]}"; do for toc in "$path/${root_paths[$path]}"{,-Mainline,_Mainline,-Classic,_Classic,-Vanilla,_Vanilla,-BCC,_BCC,-TBC,_TBC}.toc; do if [[ -f "$toc" ]]; then do_toc "$toc" "${root_paths[$path]}" fi done done if [[ ${#toc_interfaces[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Could not find an addon TOC file. In another directory? Make sure it matches the 'package-as' in .pkgmeta" >&2 exit 1 fi # CurseForge still requires a fallback TOC file if [[ -n "$slug" && "$slug" -gt 0 && ! -f "$topdir/$package.toc" && ! -f "$topdir/$package/$package.toc" ]]; then echo "CurseForge still requires a fallback TOC file (\"$package.toc\") when using multiple TOC files." >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ -n "$split" ]]; then # if [[ ${#toc_interfaces[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then # echo "Creating TOC files is enabled but there are already multiple TOC files:" >&2 # for path in "${!toc_interfaces[@]}"; do # echo " ${path##$topdir/}" >&2 # done # exit 1 # fi if [[ "${toc_interfaces[*]}" != *":"* ]]; then echo "Creating TOC files is enabled but there is only one TOC interface version: ${toc_interfaces[*]}" >&2 exit 1 fi fi set_build_version if [[ -z "$game_version" ]]; then echo "There was a problem setting the build version. Do you have a base \"# Interface:\" line in your TOC files?" >&2 exit 1 fi # Unset project ids if they are set to 0 [ "$slug" = "0" ] && slug= [ "$addonid" = "0" ] && addonid= [ "$wagoid" = "0" ] && wagoid= echo echo "Packaging $package" if [ -n "$project_version" ]; then echo "Current version: $project_version" fi if [ -n "$previous_version" ]; then echo "Previous version: $previous_version" fi ( if [[ -n "$game_type" ]]; then [[ "$game_type" = "retail" ]] && version="retail " || version="non-retail version-${game_type} " elif [[ ${#game_type_version[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then version="multi-version " fi [ "$file_type" = "alpha" ] && alpha="alpha" || alpha="non-alpha" echo "Build type: ${version}${alpha} non-debug${nolib:+ nolib}" echo "Game version: ${game_version}" echo ) if [[ "$slug" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then project_site="https://wow.curseforge.com" echo "CurseForge ID: $slug${cf_token:+ [token set]}" fi if [ -n "$addonid" ]; then echo "WoWInterface ID: $addonid${wowi_token:+ [token set]}" fi if [ -n "$wagoid" ]; then echo "Wago ID: $wagoid${wago_token:+ [token set]}" fi if [ -n "$project_github_slug" ]; then echo "GitHub: $project_github_slug${github_token:+ [token set]}" fi if [ -n "$project_site" ] || [ -n "$addonid" ] || [ -n "$wagoid" ] || [ -n "$project_github_slug" ]; then echo fi echo "Checkout directory: $topdir" echo "Release directory: $releasedir" echo # Set $pkgdir to the path of the package directory inside $releasedir. pkgdir="$releasedir/$package" if [ -d "$pkgdir" ] && [ -z "$overwrite" ]; then #echo "Removing previous package directory: $pkgdir" rm -fr "$pkgdir" fi if [ ! -d "$pkgdir" ]; then mkdir -p "$pkgdir" fi # Set the contents of the addon zipfile. contents="$package" ### ### Create filters for pass-through processing of files to replace repository keywords. ### # Filter for simple repository keyword replacement. vcs_filter() { sed \ -e "s/@project-revision@/$si_project_revision/g" \ -e "s/@project-hash@/$si_project_hash/g" \ -e "s/@project-abbreviated-hash@/$si_project_abbreviated_hash/g" \ -e "s/@project-author@/$( escape_substr "$si_project_author" )/g" \ -e "s/@project-date-iso@/$si_project_date_iso/g" \ -e "s/@project-date-integer@/$si_project_date_integer/g" \ -e "s/@project-timestamp@/$si_project_timestamp/g" \ -e "s/@project-version@/$( escape_substr "$si_project_version" )/g" \ -e "s/@file-revision@/$si_file_revision/g" \ -e "s/@file-hash@/$si_file_hash/g" \ -e "s/@file-abbreviated-hash@/$si_file_abbreviated_hash/g" \ -e "s/@file-author@/$( escape_substr "$si_file_author" )/g" \ -e "s/@file-date-iso@/$si_file_date_iso/g" \ -e "s/@file-date-integer@/$si_file_date_integer/g" \ -e "s/@file-timestamp@/$si_file_timestamp/g" } # Find URL of localization api. set_localization_url() { localization_url= if [ -n "$slug" ] && [ -n "$cf_token" ] && [ -n "$project_site" ]; then localization_url="${project_site}/api/projects/$slug/localization/export" fi if [ -z "$localization_url" ] && find "$topdir" -path '*/.*' -prune -o -name "*.lua" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -q "@localization"; then echo "Skipping localization! Missing CurseForge API token and/or project id is invalid." echo fi } # Filter to handle @localization@ repository keyword replacement. # https://authors.curseforge.com/knowledge-base/projects/531-localization-substitutions/ declare -A unlocalized_values=( ["english"]="ShowPrimary" ["comment"]="ShowPrimaryAsComment" ["blank"]="ShowBlankAsComment" ["ignore"]="Ignore" ) localization_filter() { _ul_eof= while [ -z "$_ul_eof" ]; do IFS='' read -r _ul_line || _ul_eof="true" # Strip any trailing CR character. _ul_line=${_ul_line%$carriage_return} case $_ul_line in *@localization\(*\)@*) _ul_lang= _ul_namespace= _ul_singlekey= _ul_tablename="L" # Get the prefix of the line before the comment. _ul_prefix=${_ul_line%%@localization(*} _ul_prefix=${_ul_prefix%%--*} # Strip everything but the localization parameters. _ul_params=${_ul_line#*@localization(} _ul_params=${_ul_params%)@} # Sanitize the params a bit. (namespaces are restricted to [a-zA-Z0-9_], separated by [./:]) _ul_params=${_ul_params// /} _ul_params=${_ul_params//,/, } # Pull the locale language first (mainly for warnings). _ul_lang="enUS" if [[ $_ul_params == *"locale=\""* ]]; then _ul_lang=${_ul_params##*locale=\"} _ul_lang=${_ul_lang:0:4} _ul_lang=${_ul_lang%%\"*} else echo " Warning! No locale set, using enUS." >&3 fi # Generate a URL parameter string from the localization parameters. # https://authors.curseforge.com/knowledge-base/projects/529-api _ul_url_params="" set -- ${_ul_params} for _ul_param; do _ul_key=${_ul_param%%=*} _ul_value=${_ul_param#*=} _ul_value=${_ul_value%,*} _ul_value=${_ul_value#*\"} _ul_value=${_ul_value%\"*} case ${_ul_key} in escape-non-ascii) if [ "$_ul_value" = "true" ]; then _ul_url_params="${_ul_url_params}&escape-non-ascii-characters=true" fi ;; format) if [ "$_ul_value" = "lua_table" ]; then _ul_url_params="${_ul_url_params}&export-type=Table" fi ;; handle-unlocalized) if [ "$_ul_value" != "english" ] && [ -n "${unlocalized_values[$_ul_value]}" ]; then _ul_url_params="${_ul_url_params}&unlocalized=${unlocalized_values[$_ul_value]}" fi ;; handle-subnamespaces) if [ "$_ul_value" = "concat" ]; then # concat with / _ul_url_params="${_ul_url_params}&concatenante-subnamespaces=true" elif [ "$_ul_value" = "subtable" ]; then echo " ($_ul_lang) Warning! ${_ul_key}=\"${_ul_value}\" is not supported. Include each full subnamespace, comma delimited." >&3 fi ;; key) # _ul_params was stripped of spaces, so reparse the line for the key _ul_singlekey=${_ul_line#*@localization(} _ul_singlekey=${_ul_singlekey#*key=\"} _ul_singlekey=${_ul_singlekey%%\",*} _ul_singlekey=${_ul_singlekey%%\")@*} ;; locale) _ul_lang=$_ul_value ;; namespace) # reparse to get all namespaces if multiple _ul_namespace=${_ul_params##*namespace=\"} _ul_namespace=${_ul_namespace%%\"*} _ul_namespace=${_ul_namespace//, /,} _ul_url_params="${_ul_url_params}&namespaces=${_ul_namespace}" _ul_namespace="/${_ul_namespace}" ;; namespace-delimiter) if [ "$_ul_value" != "/" ]; then echo " ($_ul_lang) Warning! ${_ul_key}=\"${_ul_value}\" is not supported." >&3 fi ;; prefix-values) echo " ($_ul_lang) Warning! \"${_ul_key}\" is not supported." >&3 ;; same-key-is-true) if [ "$_ul_value" = "true" ]; then _ul_url_params="${_ul_url_params}&true-if-value-equals-key=true" fi ;; table-name) if [ "$_ul_value" != "L" ]; then _ul_tablename="$_ul_value" _ul_url_params="${_ul_url_params}&table-name=${_ul_value}" fi ;; esac done if [ -z "$_cdt_localization" ] || [ -z "$localization_url" ]; then echo " Skipping localization (${_ul_lang}${_ul_namespace})" >&3 # If the line isn't a TOC entry, print anything before the keyword. if [[ $_ul_line != "## "* ]]; then if [ -n "$_ul_eof" ]; then echo -n "$_ul_prefix" else echo "$_ul_prefix" fi fi else _ul_url="${localization_url}?lang=${_ul_lang}${_ul_url_params}" echo " Adding ${_ul_lang}${_ul_namespace}" >&3 if [ -z "$_ul_singlekey" ]; then # Write text that preceded the substitution. echo -n "$_ul_prefix" # Fetch the localization data, but don't output anything if there is an error. curl -s -H "x-api-token: $cf_token" "${_ul_url}" | awk -v url="$_ul_url" '/^{"error/ { o=" Error! "$0"\n "url; print o >"/dev/stderr"; exit 1 } /"/dev/stderr"; exit 1 } /^'"$_ul_tablename"' = '"$_ul_tablename"' or \{\}/ { next } { print }' # Insert a trailing blank line to match CF packager. if [ -z "$_ul_eof" ]; then echo "" fi else # Parse out a single phrase. This is kind of expensive, but caching would be way too much effort to optimize for what is basically an edge case. _ul_value=$( curl -s -H "x-api-token: $cf_token" "${_ul_url}" | awk -v url="$_ul_url" '/^{"error/ { o=" Error! "$0"\n "url; print o >"/dev/stderr"; exit 1 } /"/dev/stderr"; exit 1 } { print }' | sed -n '/L\["'"$_ul_singlekey"'"\]/p' | sed 's/^.* = "\(.*\)"/\1/' ) if [ -n "$_ul_value" ] && [ "$_ul_value" != "$_ul_singlekey" ]; then # The result is different from the base value so print out the line. echo "${_ul_prefix}${_ul_value}${_ul_line##*)@}" fi fi fi ;; *) if [ -n "$_ul_eof" ]; then echo -n "$_ul_line" else echo "$_ul_line" fi esac done } lua_filter() { local keyword="$1" local width case $keyword in alpha) width="=" ;; debug) width="==" ;; retail|version-*) width="====" ;; *) width="===" esac sed \ -e "s/--@${keyword}@/--[${width}[@${keyword}@/g" \ -e "s/--@end-${keyword}@/--@end-${keyword}@]${width}]/g" \ -e "s/--\[===\[@non-${keyword}@/--@non-${keyword}@/g" \ -e "s/--@end-non-${keyword}@\]===\]/--@end-non-${keyword}@/g" } toc_interface_filter() { local toc_version="$1" local current_toc_version="$2" # TOC version isn't what is set in the TOC file if [[ -n "$toc_version" && "$current_toc_version" != "$toc_version" ]]; then # Always remove BOM so ^ works if [ -n "$current_toc_version" ]; then # rewrite sed -e $'1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//' -e 's/^## Interface:.*$/## Interface: '"$toc_version"'/' -e '/^## Interface-/d' else # add sed -e $'1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//' -e '1i\ ## Interface: '"$toc_version" -e '/^## Interface-/d' fi [[ -z "$split" ]] && echo " Set Interface to ${toc_version}" >&3 else # cleanup sed -e $'1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//' -e '/^## Interface-/d' fi } xml_filter() { sed \ -e "s///@end-$1@-->/g" \ -e "s//g" \ -e "s/@end-non-$1@-->//g" } do_not_package_filter() { case $1 in lua) sed '/--@do-not-package@/,/--@end-do-not-package@/d' ;; toc) sed '/#@do-not-package@/,/#@end-do-not-package@/d' ;; xml) sed '//,//d' ;; esac } line_ending_filter() { local _lef_eof _lef_line while [ -z "$_lef_eof" ]; do IFS='' read -r _lef_line || _lef_eof="true" # Strip any trailing CR character. _lef_line=${_lef_line%$carriage_return} if [ -n "$_lef_eof" ]; then # Preserve EOF not preceded by newlines. echo -n "$_lef_line" else case $line_ending in dos) printf "%s\r\n" "$_lef_line" ;; # Terminate lines with CR LF. unix) printf "%s\n" "$_lef_line" ;; # Terminate lines with LF. esac fi done } ### ### Copy files from the working directory into the package directory. ### # Copy of the contents of the source directory into the destination directory. # Dotfiles and any files matching the ignore pattern are skipped. Copied files # are subject to repository keyword replacement. # copy_directory_tree() { _cdt_alpha= _cdt_debug= _cdt_ignored_patterns= _cdt_localization= _cdt_nolib= _cdt_do_not_package= _cdt_unchanged_patterns= _cdt_gametype= _cdt_external= _cdt_split= OPTIND=1 while getopts :adi:lnpu:g:eS _cdt_opt "$@"; do # shellcheck disable=2220 case $_cdt_opt in a) _cdt_alpha="true" ;; d) _cdt_debug="true" ;; i) _cdt_ignored_patterns=$OPTARG ;; l) _cdt_localization="true" set_localization_url ;; n) _cdt_nolib="true" ;; p) _cdt_do_not_package="true" ;; u) _cdt_unchanged_patterns=$OPTARG ;; g) _cdt_gametype=$OPTARG ;; e) _cdt_external="true" ;; S) _cdt_split="true" ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) _cdt_srcdir=$1 _cdt_destdir=$2 if [ -z "$_cdt_external" ]; then start_group "Copying files into ${_cdt_destdir#$topdir/}:" "copy" else # don't nest groups echo "Copying files into ${_cdt_destdir#$topdir/}:" fi if [ ! -d "$_cdt_destdir" ]; then mkdir -p "$_cdt_destdir" fi # Create a "find" command to list all of the files in the current directory, minus any ones we need to prune. _cdt_find_cmd="find ." # Prune everything that begins with a dot except for the current directory ".". _cdt_find_cmd+=" \( -name \".*\" -a \! -name \".\" \) -prune" # Prune the destination directory if it is a subdirectory of the source directory. _cdt_dest_subdir=${_cdt_destdir#${_cdt_srcdir}/} case $_cdt_dest_subdir in /*) ;; *) _cdt_find_cmd+=" -o -path \"./$_cdt_dest_subdir\" -prune" ;; esac # Print the filename, but suppress the current directory ".". _cdt_find_cmd+=" -o \! -name \".\" -print" ( cd "$_cdt_srcdir" && eval "$_cdt_find_cmd" ) | while read -r file; do file=${file#./} if [ -f "$_cdt_srcdir/$file" ]; then # Check if the file should be ignored. skip_copy= # Prefix external files with the relative pkgdir path _cdt_check_file=$file if [ -n "${_cdt_destdir#$pkgdir}" ]; then _cdt_check_file="${_cdt_destdir#$pkgdir/}/$file" fi # Skip files matching the colon-separated "ignored" shell wildcard patterns. if [ -z "$skip_copy" ] && match_pattern "$_cdt_check_file" "$_cdt_ignored_patterns"; then skip_copy="true" fi # Never skip files that match the colon-separated "unchanged" shell wildcard patterns. unchanged= if [ -n "$skip_copy" ] && match_pattern "$file" "$_cdt_unchanged_patterns"; then skip_copy= unchanged="true" fi # Copy unskipped files into $_cdt_destdir. if [ -n "$skip_copy" ]; then echo " Ignoring: $file" else dir=${file%/*} if [ "$dir" != "$file" ]; then mkdir -p "$_cdt_destdir/$dir" fi # Check if the file matches a pattern for keyword replacement. if [ -n "$unchanged" ] || ! match_pattern "$file" "*.lua:*.md:*.toc:*.txt:*.xml"; then echo " Copying: $file (unchanged)" cp "$_cdt_srcdir/$file" "$_cdt_destdir/$dir" else # Set the filters for replacement based on file extension. _cdt_filters="vcs_filter" case $file in *.lua) [ -n "$_cdt_do_not_package" ] && _cdt_filters+="|do_not_package_filter lua" [ -n "$_cdt_debug" ] && _cdt_filters+="|lua_filter debug" [ -n "$_cdt_alpha" ] && _cdt_filters+="|lua_filter alpha" [ "$_cdt_gametype" != "retail" ] && _cdt_filters+="|lua_filter version-retail|lua_filter retail" [ "$_cdt_gametype" != "classic" ] && _cdt_filters+="|lua_filter version-classic" [ "$_cdt_gametype" != "bcc" ] && _cdt_filters+="|lua_filter version-bcc" [ -n "$_cdt_localization" ] && _cdt_filters+="|localization_filter" ;; *.xml) [ -n "$_cdt_do_not_package" ] && _cdt_filters+="|do_not_package_filter xml" [ -n "$_cdt_nolib" ] && _cdt_filters+="|xml_filter no-lib-strip" [ -n "$_cdt_debug" ] && _cdt_filters+="|xml_filter debug" [ -n "$_cdt_alpha" ] && _cdt_filters+="|xml_filter alpha" [ "$_cdt_gametype" != "retail" ] && _cdt_filters+="|xml_filter version-retail|xml_filter retail" [ "$_cdt_gametype" != "classic" ] && _cdt_filters+="|xml_filter version-classic" [ "$_cdt_gametype" != "bcc" ] && _cdt_filters+="|xml_filter version-bcc" ;; *.toc) # We only care about processing project TOC files if [[ -n ${toc_root_interface["$_cdt_srcdir/$file"]} ]]; then do_toc "$_cdt_srcdir/$file" "${root_paths["$_cdt_srcdir/$file"]}" # Process the fallback TOC file according to it's base interface version if [[ -z $_cdt_gametype && -n $_cdt_split ]]; then case ${toc_root_interface["$_cdt_srcdir/$file"]} in 11*) _cdt_gametype="classic" ;; 20*) _cdt_gametype="bcc" ;; *) _cdt_gametype="retail" esac fi _cdt_filters+="|do_not_package_filter toc" [ -n "$_cdt_nolib" ] && _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter no-lib-strip true" # leave the tokens in the file normally _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter debug ${_cdt_debug}" _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter alpha ${_cdt_alpha}" _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter retail $([[ "$_cdt_gametype" != "retail" ]] && echo "true")" _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter version-retail $([[ "$_cdt_gametype" != "retail" ]] && echo "true")" _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter version-classic $([[ "$_cdt_gametype" != "classic" ]] && echo "true")" _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter version-bcc $([[ "$_cdt_gametype" != "bcc" ]] && echo "true")" _cdt_filters+="|toc_interface_filter '${si_game_type_interface_all[${_cdt_gametype:- }]}' '${toc_root_interface["$_cdt_srcdir/$file"]}'" [ -n "$_cdt_localization" ] && _cdt_filters+="|localization_filter" fi ;; esac # Set the filter for normalizing line endings. _cdt_filters+="|line_ending_filter" # Set version control values for the file. set_info_file "$_cdt_srcdir/$file" echo " Copying: $file" # Make sure we're not causing any surprises if [[ -z $_cdt_gametype && ( $file == *".lua" || $file == *".xml" || $file == *".toc" ) ]] && grep -q '@\(non-\)\?version-\(retail\|classic\|bcc\)@' "$_cdt_srcdir/$file"; then echo " Error! Build type version keywords are not allowed in a multi-version build." >&2 echo " These should be replaced with lua conditional statements:" >&2 grep -n '@\(non-\)\?version-\(retail\|classic\|bcc\)@' "$_cdt_srcdir/$file" | sed 's/^/ /' >&2 echo " See https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/WOW_PROJECT_ID" >&2 exit 1 fi eval < "$_cdt_srcdir/$file" "$_cdt_filters" 3>&1 > "$_cdt_destdir/$file" # Create game type specific TOCs if [[ $file == *".toc" && -n $_cdt_split ]]; then local toc_version new_file local root_toc_version="${toc_root_interface["$_cdt_srcdir/$file"]}" for type in "${!si_game_type_interface[@]}"; do toc_version="${si_game_type_interface[$type]}" new_file="${file%.toc}" case $type in retail) new_file+="_Mainline.toc" ;; classic) new_file+="_Vanilla.toc" ;; bcc) new_file+="_TBC.toc" ;; esac echo " Creating $new_file [$toc_version]" _cdt_filters="vcs_filter" _cdt_filters+="|do_not_package_filter toc" [ -n "$_cdt_nolib" ] && _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter no-lib-strip true" # leave the tokens in the file normally _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter debug true" _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter alpha ${_cdt_alpha}" _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter retail $([[ "$type" != "retail" ]] && echo "true")" _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter version-retail $([[ "$type" != "retail" ]] && echo "true")" _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter version-classic $([[ "$type" != "classic" ]] && echo "true")" _cdt_filters+="|toc_filter version-bcc $([[ "$type" != "bcc" ]] && echo "true")" _cdt_filters+="|toc_interface_filter '$toc_version' '$root_toc_version'" _cdt_filters+="|line_ending_filter" eval < "$_cdt_srcdir/$file" "$_cdt_filters" 3>&1 > "$_cdt_destdir/$new_file" done # Remove the fallback TOC file if it doesn't have an interface value or if you a TOC file for each game type # if [[ -z $root_toc_version || ${#si_game_type_interface[@]} -eq 3 ]]; then # echo " Removing $file" # rm -f "$_cdt_destdir/$file" # fi fi fi fi fi done || exit 1 # actually exit if we end with an error if [ -z "$_external_dir" ]; then end_group "copy" fi } if [ -z "$skip_copying" ]; then cdt_args="-dp" [ "$file_type" != "alpha" ] && cdt_args+="a" [ -z "$skip_localization" ] && cdt_args+="l" [ -n "$nolib" ] && cdt_args+="n" [ -n "$split" ] && cdt_args+="S" [ -n "$game_type" ] && cdt_args+=" -g $game_type" [ -n "$ignore" ] && cdt_args+=" -i \"$ignore\"" [ -n "$changelog" ] && cdt_args+=" -u \"$changelog\"" eval copy_directory_tree "$cdt_args" "\"$topdir\"" "\"$pkgdir\"" fi # Reset ignore and parse pkgmeta ignores again to handle ignoring external paths ignore= parse_ignore "$pkgmeta_file" ### ### Process .pkgmeta again to perform any pre-move-folders actions. ### retry() { local result=0 local count=1 while [[ "$count" -le 3 ]]; do [[ "$result" -ne 0 ]] && { echo -e "\033[01;31mRetrying (${count}/3)\033[0m" >&2 } "$@" && { result=0 && break; } || result="$?" count="$((count + 1))" sleep 3 done return "$result" } # Checkout the external into a ".checkout" subdirectory of the final directory. checkout_external() { _external_dir=$1 _external_uri=$2 _external_tag=$3 _external_type=$4 # shellcheck disable=2034 _external_slug=$5 # unused until we can easily fetch the project id _external_checkout_type=$6 _cqe_checkout_dir="$pkgdir/$_external_dir/.checkout" mkdir -p "$_cqe_checkout_dir" if [ "$_external_type" = "git" ]; then if [ -z "$_external_tag" ]; then echo "Fetching latest version of external $_external_uri" retry git clone -q --depth 1 "$_external_uri" "$_cqe_checkout_dir" || return 1 elif [ "$_external_tag" != "latest" ]; then echo "Fetching $_external_checkout_type \"$_external_tag\" from external $_external_uri" if [ "$_external_checkout_type" = "commit" ]; then retry git clone -q "$_external_uri" "$_cqe_checkout_dir" || return 1 git -C "$_cqe_checkout_dir" checkout -q "$_external_tag" || return 1 else git -c advice.detachedHead=false clone -q --depth 1 --branch "$_external_tag" "$_external_uri" "$_cqe_checkout_dir" || return 1 fi else # [ "$_external_tag" = "latest" ]; then retry git clone -q --depth 50 "$_external_uri" "$_cqe_checkout_dir" || return 1 _external_tag=$( git -C "$_cqe_checkout_dir" for-each-ref refs/tags --sort=-creatordate --format=%\(refname:short\) --count=1 ) if [ -n "$_external_tag" ]; then echo "Fetching tag \"$_external_tag\" from external $_external_uri" git -C "$_cqe_checkout_dir" checkout -q "$_external_tag" || return 1 else echo "Fetching latest version of external $_external_uri" fi fi # pull submodules git -C "$_cqe_checkout_dir" submodule -q update --init --recursive || return 1 set_info_git "$_cqe_checkout_dir" echo "Checked out $( git -C "$_cqe_checkout_dir" describe --always --tags --abbrev=7 --long )" #$si_project_abbreviated_hash elif [ "$_external_type" = "svn" ]; then if [[ $external_uri == *"/trunk" ]]; then _cqe_svn_trunk_url=$_external_uri _cqe_svn_subdir= else _cqe_svn_trunk_url="${_external_uri%/trunk/*}/trunk" _cqe_svn_subdir=${_external_uri#${_cqe_svn_trunk_url}/} fi if [ -z "$_external_tag" ]; then echo "Fetching latest version of external $_external_uri" retry svn checkout -q "$_external_uri" "$_cqe_checkout_dir" || return 1 else _cqe_svn_tag_url="${_cqe_svn_trunk_url%/trunk}/tags" if [ "$_external_tag" = "latest" ]; then _external_tag=$( svn log --verbose --limit 1 "$_cqe_svn_tag_url" 2>/dev/null | awk '/^ A \/tags\// { print $2; exit }' | awk -F/ '{ print $3 }' ) if [ -z "$_external_tag" ]; then _external_tag="latest" fi fi if [ "$_external_tag" = "latest" ]; then echo "No tags found in $_cqe_svn_tag_url" echo "Fetching latest version of external $_external_uri" retry svn checkout -q "$_external_uri" "$_cqe_checkout_dir" || return 1 else _cqe_external_uri="${_cqe_svn_tag_url}/$_external_tag" if [ -n "$_cqe_svn_subdir" ]; then _cqe_external_uri="${_cqe_external_uri}/$_cqe_svn_subdir" fi echo "Fetching tag \"$_external_tag\" from external $_cqe_external_uri" retry svn checkout -q "$_cqe_external_uri" "$_cqe_checkout_dir" || return 1 fi fi set_info_svn "$_cqe_checkout_dir" echo "Checked out r$si_project_revision" elif [ "$_external_type" = "hg" ]; then if [ -z "$_external_tag" ]; then echo "Fetching latest version of external $_external_uri" retry hg clone -q "$_external_uri" "$_cqe_checkout_dir" || return 1 elif [ "$_external_tag" != "latest" ]; then echo "Fetching $_external_checkout_type \"$_external_tag\" from external $_external_uri" retry hg clone -q --updaterev "$_external_tag" "$_external_uri" "$_cqe_checkout_dir" || return 1 else # [ "$_external_tag" = "latest" ]; then retry hg clone -q "$_external_uri" "$_cqe_checkout_dir" || return 1 _external_tag=$( hg --cwd "$_cqe_checkout_dir" log -r . --template '{latesttag}' ) if [ -n "$_external_tag" ]; then echo "Fetching tag \"$_external_tag\" from external $_external_uri" hg --cwd "$_cqe_checkout_dir" update -q "$_external_tag" else echo "Fetching latest version of external $_external_uri" fi fi set_info_hg "$_cqe_checkout_dir" echo "Checked out r$si_project_revision" else echo "Unknown external: $_external_uri" >&2 return 1 fi # Copy the checkout into the proper external directory. ( cd "$_cqe_checkout_dir" || return 1 # Set the slug for external localization, if needed. # Note: We don't actually do localization since we need the project id and # the only way to convert slug->id would be to scrape the project page :\ slug= #$_external_slug project_site= package= if [[ "$_external_uri" == *"wowace.com"* || "$_external_uri" == *"curseforge.com"* ]]; then project_site="https://wow.curseforge.com" fi # If a .pkgmeta file is present, process it for an "ignore" list. parse_ignore "$_cqe_checkout_dir/.pkgmeta" "$_external_dir" copy_directory_tree -dnpe -i "$ignore" "$_cqe_checkout_dir" "$pkgdir/$_external_dir" ) # Remove the ".checkout" subdirectory containing the full checkout. if [ -d "$_cqe_checkout_dir" ]; then rm -fr "$_cqe_checkout_dir" fi } external_pids=() external_dir= external_uri= external_tag= external_type= external_slug= external_checkout_type= process_external() { if [ -n "$external_dir" ] && [ -n "$external_uri" ] && [ -z "$skip_externals" ]; then # convert old curse repo urls case $external_uri in *git.curseforge.com*|*git.wowace.com*) external_type="git" # git://git.curseforge.com/wow/$slug/mainline.git -> https://repos.curseforge.com/wow/$slug external_uri=${external_uri%/mainline.git} external_uri="https://repos${external_uri#*://git}" ;; *svn.curseforge.com*|*svn.wowace.com*) external_type="svn" # svn://svn.curseforge.com/wow/$slug/mainline/trunk -> https://repos.curseforge.com/wow/$slug/trunk external_uri=${external_uri/\/mainline/} external_uri="https://repos${external_uri#*://svn}" ;; *hg.curseforge.com*|*hg.wowace.com*) external_type="hg" # http://hg.curseforge.com/wow/$slug/mainline -> https://repos.curseforge.com/wow/$slug external_uri=${external_uri%/mainline} external_uri="https://repos${external_uri#*://hg}" ;; svn:*) # just in case external_type="svn" ;; *) if [ -z "$external_type" ]; then external_type="git" fi ;; esac if [[ $external_uri == "https://repos.curseforge.com/wow/"* || $external_uri == "https://repos.wowace.com/wow/"* ]]; then if [ -z "$external_slug" ]; then external_slug=${external_uri#*/wow/} external_slug=${external_slug%%/*} fi # check if the repo is svn _svn_path=${external_uri#*/wow/$external_slug/} if [[ "$_svn_path" == "trunk"* ]]; then external_type="svn" elif [[ "$_svn_path" == "tags/"* ]]; then external_type="svn" # change the tag path into the trunk path and use the tag var so it gets logged as a tag external_tag=${_svn_path#tags/} external_tag=${external_tag%%/*} external_uri="${external_uri%/tags*}/trunk${_svn_path#tags/$external_tag}" fi fi if [ -n "$external_slug" ]; then relations["$external_slug"]="embeddedLibrary" fi echo "Fetching external: $external_dir" checkout_external "$external_dir" "$external_uri" "$external_tag" "$external_type" "$external_slug" "$external_checkout_type" &> "$releasedir/.$BASHPID.externalout" & external_pids+=($!) fi external_dir= external_uri= external_tag= external_type= external_slug= external_checkout_type= } # Don't leave extra files around if exited early kill_externals() { rm -f "$releasedir"/.*.externalout kill 0 } trap kill_externals INT if [ -z "$skip_externals" ] && [ -f "$pkgmeta_file" ]; then yaml_eof= while [ -z "$yaml_eof" ]; do IFS='' read -r yaml_line || yaml_eof="true" # Skip commented out lines. if [[ $yaml_line =~ ^[[:space:]]*\# ]]; then continue fi # Strip any trailing CR character. yaml_line=${yaml_line%$carriage_return} case $yaml_line in [!\ ]*:*) # Started a new section, so checkout any queued externals. process_external # Split $yaml_line into a $yaml_key, $yaml_value pair. yaml_keyvalue "$yaml_line" # Set the $pkgmeta_phase for stateful processing. pkgmeta_phase=$yaml_key ;; " "*) yaml_line=${yaml_line#"${yaml_line%%[! ]*}"} # trim leading whitespace case $yaml_line in "- "*) ;; *:*) # Split $yaml_line into a $yaml_key, $yaml_value pair. yaml_keyvalue "$yaml_line" case $pkgmeta_phase in externals) case $yaml_key in url) external_uri=$yaml_value ;; tag) external_tag=$yaml_value external_checkout_type=$yaml_key ;; branch) external_tag=$yaml_value external_checkout_type=$yaml_key ;; commit) external_tag=$yaml_value external_checkout_type=$yaml_key ;; type) external_type=$yaml_value ;; curse-slug) external_slug=$yaml_value ;; *) # Started a new external, so checkout any queued externals. process_external external_dir=$yaml_key nolib_exclude="$nolib_exclude $pkgdir/$external_dir/*" if [ -n "$yaml_value" ]; then external_uri=$yaml_value # Immediately checkout this fully-specified external. process_external fi ;; esac ;; esac ;; esac ;; esac done < "$pkgmeta_file" # Reached end of file, so checkout any remaining queued externals. process_external if [ ${#external_pids[*]} -gt 0 ]; then echo echo "Waiting for externals to finish..." echo while [ ${#external_pids[*]} -gt 0 ]; do wait -n for i in ${!external_pids[*]}; do pid=${external_pids[i]} if ! kill -0 "$pid" 2>/dev/null; then _external_output="$releasedir/.$pid.externalout" if ! wait "$pid"; then _external_error=1 # wrap each line with a bright red color code awk '{ printf "\033[01;31m%s\033[0m\n", $0 }' "$_external_output" echo else start_group "$( head -n1 "$_external_output" )" "external.$pid" tail -n+2 "$_external_output" end_group "external.$pid" fi rm -f "$_external_output" 2>/dev/null unset 'external_pids[i]' fi done done if [ -n "$_external_error" ]; then echo echo "There was an error fetching externals :(" >&2 exit 1 fi fi fi # Restore the signal handlers trap - INT ### ### Create the changelog of commits since the previous release tag. ### if [ -z "$project" ]; then project="$package" fi # Create a changelog in the package directory if the source directory does # not contain a manual changelog. if [ -n "$manual_changelog" ] && [ -f "$topdir/$changelog" ]; then start_group "Using manual changelog at $changelog" "changelog" head -n7 "$topdir/$changelog" [ "$( wc -l < "$topdir/$changelog" )" -gt 7 ] && echo "..." end_group "changelog" # Convert Markdown to BBCode (with HTML as an intermediary) for sending to WoWInterface # Requires pandoc (http://pandoc.org/) if [ "$changelog_markup" = "markdown" ] && [ -n "$wowi_convert_changelog" ] && hash pandoc &>/dev/null; then wowi_changelog="$releasedir/WOWI-$project_version-CHANGELOG.txt" pandoc -f commonmark -t html "$topdir/$changelog" | sed \ -e 's/<\(\/\)\?\(b\|i\|u\)>/[\1\2]/g' \ -e 's/<\(\/\)\?em>/[\1i]/g' \ -e 's/<\(\/\)\?strong>/[\1b]/g' \ -e 's/]*>/[list]/g' -e 's/]*>/[list="1"]/g' \ -e 's/<\/[ou]l>/[\/list]\n/g' \ -e 's/
  • /[*]/g' -e 's/

  • /[*]/g' -e 's/<\/p><\/li>//g' -e 's/<\/li>//g' \ -e 's/\[\*\]\[ \] /[*]☐ /g' -e 's/\[\*\]\[[xX]\] /[*]☒ /g' \ -e 's/]*>/[size="6"]/g' -e 's/]*>/[size="5"]/g' -e 's/]*>/[size="4"]/g' \ -e 's/]*>/[size="3"]/g' -e 's/]*>/[size="3"]/g' -e 's/]*>/[size="3"]/g' \ -e 's/<\/h[1-6]>/[\/size]\n/g' \ -e 's/
    /[quote]/g' -e 's/<\/blockquote>/[\/quote]\n/g' \ -e 's/
    /[highlight="lua"]/g' -e 's/<\/code><\/pre><\/div>/[\/highlight]\n/g' \
    			-e 's/
    /[code]/g' -e 's/<\/code><\/pre>/[\/code]\n/g' \
    			-e 's//[font="monospace"]/g' -e 's/<\/code>/[\/font]/g' \
    			-e 's/]*>/[url="\1"]/g' -e 's/<\/a>/\[\/url]/g' \
    			-e 's/]*>/[img]\1[\/img]/g' \
    			-e 's/
    /_____________________________________________________________________________\n/g' \ -e 's/<\/p>/\n/g' \ -e '/^<[^>]\+>$/d' -e 's/<[^>]\+>//g' \ -e 's/"/"/g' \ -e 's/&/&/g' \ -e 's/<//g' \ -e "s/'/'/g" \ | line_ending_filter > "$wowi_changelog" fi else if [ -n "$manual_changelog" ]; then echo "Warning! Could not find a manual changelog at $topdir/$changelog" manual_changelog= fi changelog="CHANGELOG.md" changelog_markup="markdown" if [ -n "$wowi_gen_changelog" ] && [ -z "$wowi_convert_changelog" ]; then wowi_markup="markdown" fi start_group "Generating changelog of commits into $changelog" "changelog" _changelog_range= if [ "$repository_type" = "git" ]; then changelog_url= changelog_version= changelog_previous="[Previous Releases](${project_github_url}/releases)" changelog_url_wowi= changelog_version_wowi= changelog_previous_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/releases]Previous Releases[/url]" if [ -z "$previous_version" ] && [ -z "$tag" ]; then # no range, show all commits up to ours changelog_url="[Full Changelog](${project_github_url}/commits/${project_hash})" changelog_version="[${project_version}](${project_github_url}/tree/${project_hash})" changelog_url_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/commits/${project_hash}]Full Changelog[/url]" changelog_version_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/tree/${project_hash}]${project_version}[/url]" _changelog_range="$project_hash" elif [ -z "$previous_version" ] && [ -n "$tag" ]; then # first tag, show all commits upto it changelog_url="[Full Changelog](${project_github_url}/commits/${tag})" changelog_version="[${project_version}](${project_github_url}/tree/${tag})" changelog_url_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/commits/${tag}]Full Changelog[/url]" changelog_version_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/tree/${tag}]${project_version}[/url]" _changelog_range="$tag" elif [ -n "$previous_version" ] && [ -z "$tag" ]; then # compare between last tag and our commit changelog_url="[Full Changelog](${project_github_url}/compare/${previous_version}...${project_hash})" changelog_version="[$project_version](${project_github_url}/tree/${project_hash})" changelog_url_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/compare/${previous_version}...${project_hash}]Full Changelog[/url]" changelog_version_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/tree/${project_hash}]${project_version}[/url]" _changelog_range="$previous_version..$project_hash" elif [ -n "$previous_version" ] && [ -n "$tag" ]; then # compare between last tag and our tag changelog_url="[Full Changelog](${project_github_url}/compare/${previous_version}...${tag})" changelog_version="[$project_version](${project_github_url}/tree/${tag})" changelog_url_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/compare/${previous_version}...${tag}]Full Changelog[/url]" changelog_version_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/tree/${tag}]${project_version}[/url]" _changelog_range="$previous_version..$tag" fi # lazy way out if [ -z "$project_github_url" ]; then changelog_url= changelog_version=$project_version changelog_previous= changelog_url_wowi= changelog_version_wowi="[color=orange]${project_version}[/color]" changelog_previous_wowi= elif [ -z "$github_token" ]; then # not creating releases :( changelog_previous= changelog_previous_wowi= fi changelog_date=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y-%m-%d)T" "$project_timestamp" ) cat <<- EOF | line_ending_filter > "$pkgdir/$changelog" # $project ## $changelog_version ($changelog_date) $changelog_url $changelog_previous EOF git -C "$topdir" log "$_changelog_range" --pretty=format:"###%B" \ | sed -e 's/^/ /g' -e 's/^ *$//g' -e 's/^ ###/- /g' -e 's/$/ /' \ -e 's/\([a-zA-Z0-9]\)_\([a-zA-Z0-9]\)/\1\\_\2/g' \ -e 's/\[ci skip\]//g' -e 's/\[skip ci\]//g' \ -e '/git-svn-id:/d' -e '/^[[:space:]]*This reverts commit [0-9a-f]\{40\}\.[[:space:]]*$/d' \ -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' \ | line_ending_filter >> "$pkgdir/$changelog" # WoWI uses BBCode, generate something usable to post to the site # the file is deleted on successful upload if [ -n "$addonid" ] && [ -n "$tag" ] && [ -n "$wowi_gen_changelog" ] && [ "$wowi_markup" = "bbcode" ]; then wowi_changelog="$releasedir/WOWI-$project_version-CHANGELOG.txt" cat <<- EOF | line_ending_filter > "$wowi_changelog" [size=5]${project}[/size] [size=4]${changelog_version_wowi} (${changelog_date})[/size] ${changelog_url_wowi} ${changelog_previous_wowi} [list] EOF git -C "$topdir" log "$_changelog_range" --pretty=format:"###%B" \ | sed -e 's/^/ /g' -e 's/^ *$//g' -e 's/^ ###/[*]/g' \ -e 's/\[ci skip\]//g' -e 's/\[skip ci\]//g' \ -e '/git-svn-id:/d' -e '/^[[:space:]]*This reverts commit [0-9a-f]\{40\}\.[[:space:]]*$/d' \ -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' \ | line_ending_filter >> "$wowi_changelog" echo "[/list]" | line_ending_filter >> "$wowi_changelog" fi elif [ "$repository_type" = "svn" ]; then if [ -n "$previous_revision" ]; then _changelog_range="-r$project_revision:$previous_revision" else _changelog_range="-rHEAD:1" fi changelog_date=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y-%m-%d)T" "$project_timestamp" ) cat <<- EOF | line_ending_filter > "$pkgdir/$changelog" # $project ## $project_version ($changelog_date) EOF svn log "$topdir" "$_changelog_range" --xml \ | awk '//,/<\/msg>/' \ | sed -e 's//###/g' -e 's/<\/msg>//g' \ -e 's/^/ /g' -e 's/^ *$//g' -e 's/^ ###/- /g' -e 's/$/ /' \ -e 's/\([a-zA-Z0-9]\)_\([a-zA-Z0-9]\)/\1\\_\2/g' \ -e 's/\[ci skip\]//g' -e 's/\[skip ci\]//g' \ -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' \ | line_ending_filter >> "$pkgdir/$changelog" # WoWI uses BBCode, generate something usable to post to the site # the file is deleted on successful upload if [ -n "$addonid" ] && [ -n "$tag" ] && [ -n "$wowi_gen_changelog" ] && [ "$wowi_markup" = "bbcode" ]; then wowi_changelog="$releasedir/WOWI-$project_version-CHANGELOG.txt" cat <<- EOF | line_ending_filter > "$wowi_changelog" [size=5]${project}[/size] [size=4][color=orange]${project_version}[/color] (${changelog_date})[/size] [list] EOF svn log "$topdir" "$_changelog_range" --xml \ | awk '//,/<\/msg>/' \ | sed -e 's//###/g' -e 's/<\/msg>//g' \ -e 's/^/ /g' -e 's/^ *$//g' -e 's/^ ###/[*]/g' \ -e 's/\[ci skip\]//g' -e 's/\[skip ci\]//g' \ -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' \ | line_ending_filter >> "$wowi_changelog" echo "[/list]" | line_ending_filter >> "$wowi_changelog" fi elif [ "$repository_type" = "hg" ]; then if [ -n "$previous_revision" ]; then _changelog_range="::$project_revision - ::$previous_revision - filelog(.hgtags)" else _changelog_range="." fi changelog_date=$( TZ='' printf "%(%Y-%m-%d)T" "$project_timestamp" ) cat <<- EOF | line_ending_filter > "$pkgdir/$changelog" # $project ## $project_version ($changelog_date) EOF hg --cwd "$topdir" log -r "$_changelog_range" --template '- {fill(desc|strip, 76, "", " ")}\n' | line_ending_filter >> "$pkgdir/$changelog" # WoWI uses BBCode, generate something usable to post to the site # the file is deleted on successful upload if [ -n "$addonid" ] && [ -n "$tag" ] && [ -n "$wowi_gen_changelog" ] && [ "$wowi_markup" = "bbcode" ]; then wowi_changelog="$releasedir/WOWI-$project_version-CHANGELOG.txt" cat <<- EOF | line_ending_filter > "$wowi_changelog" [size=5]${project}[/size] [size=4][color=orange]${project_version}[/color] (${changelog_date})[/size] [list] EOF hg --cwd "$topdir" log "$_changelog_range" --template '[*]{desc|strip|escape}\n' | line_ending_filter >> "$wowi_changelog" echo "[/list]" | line_ending_filter >> "$wowi_changelog" fi fi echo "$(<"$pkgdir/$changelog")" end_group "changelog" fi ### ### Process .pkgmeta to perform move-folders actions. ### if [ -f "$pkgmeta_file" ]; then yaml_eof= while [ -z "$yaml_eof" ]; do IFS='' read -r yaml_line || yaml_eof="true" # Skip commented out lines. if [[ $yaml_line =~ ^[[:space:]]*\# ]]; then continue fi # Strip any trailing CR character. yaml_line=${yaml_line%$carriage_return} case $yaml_line in [!\ ]*:*) # Split $yaml_line into a $yaml_key, $yaml_value pair. yaml_keyvalue "$yaml_line" # Set the $pkgmeta_phase for stateful processing. pkgmeta_phase=$yaml_key ;; " "*) yaml_line=${yaml_line#"${yaml_line%%[! ]*}"} # trim leading whitespace case $yaml_line in "- "*) ;; *:*) # Split $yaml_line into a $yaml_key, $yaml_value pair. yaml_keyvalue "$yaml_line" case $pkgmeta_phase in move-folders) srcdir="$releasedir/$yaml_key" destdir="$releasedir/$yaml_value" if [[ -d "$destdir" && -z "$overwrite" && "$srcdir" != "$destdir/"* ]]; then rm -fr "$destdir" fi if [ -d "$srcdir" ]; then if [ ! -d "$destdir" ]; then mkdir -p "$destdir" fi echo "Moving $yaml_key to $yaml_value" mv -f "$srcdir"/* "$destdir" && rm -fr "$srcdir" contents="$contents $yaml_value" # Check to see if the base source directory is empty _mf_basedir=${srcdir%$(basename "$yaml_key")} if [ ! "$( ls -A "$_mf_basedir" )" ]; then echo "Removing empty directory ${_mf_basedir#$releasedir/}" rm -fr "$_mf_basedir" fi fi # update external dir nolib_exclude=${nolib_exclude//$srcdir/$destdir} ;; esac ;; esac ;; esac done < "$pkgmeta_file" if [ -n "$srcdir" ]; then echo fi fi ### ### Create the final zipfile for the addon. ### if [ -z "$skip_zipfile" ]; then archive_version="$project_version" # XXX used for wowi version. should probably switch to label, but the game type gets added on by default :\ archive_label="$( filename_filter "$label_template" )" archive_name="$( filename_filter "$file_template" ).zip" archive="$releasedir/$archive_name" nolib_archive_version="${project_version}-nolib" nolib_archive_label="$( nolib=true filename_filter "$archive_label" )" nolib_archive_name="$( nolib=true filename_filter "$file_template" ).zip" # someone didn't include {nolib} and they're forcing nolib creation if [ "$archive_label" = "$nolib_archive_label" ]; then nolib_archive_label="${nolib_archive_label}-nolib" fi if [ "$archive_name" = "$nolib_archive_name" ]; then nolib_archive_name="${nolib_archive_name#.zip}-nolib.zip" fi nolib_archive="$releasedir/$nolib_archive_name" if [ -n "$nolib" ]; then archive_version="$nolib_archive_version" archive_label="$nolib_archive_label" archive_name="$nolib_archive_name" archive="$nolib_archive" nolib_archive= fi if [ -n "$GITHUB_ACTIONS" ]; then echo "::set-output name=archive_path::${archive}" fi start_group "Creating archive: $archive_name ($archive_label)" "archive" if [ -f "$archive" ]; then rm -f "$archive" fi ( cd "$releasedir" && zip -X -r "$archive" $contents ) if [ ! -f "$archive" ]; then exit 1 fi end_group "archive" # Create nolib version of the zipfile if [ -n "$enable_nolib_creation" ] && [ -z "$nolib" ] && [ -n "$nolib_exclude" ]; then # run the nolib_filter find "$pkgdir" -type f \( -name "*.xml" -o -name "*.toc" \) -print | while read -r file; do case $file in *.toc) _filter="toc_filter no-lib-strip true" ;; *.xml) _filter="xml_filter no-lib-strip" ;; esac $_filter < "$file" > "$file.tmp" && mv "$file.tmp" "$file" done # make the exclude paths relative to the release directory nolib_exclude=${nolib_exclude//$releasedir\//} start_group "Creating no-lib archive: $nolib_archive_name ($nolib_archive_label)" "archive.nolib" if [ -f "$nolib_archive" ]; then rm -f "$nolib_archive" fi # set noglob so each nolib_exclude path gets quoted instead of expanded ( set -f; cd "$releasedir" && zip -X -r -q "$nolib_archive" $contents -x $nolib_exclude ) if [ ! -f "$nolib_archive" ]; then exit_code=1 fi end_group "archive.nolib" fi fi ### ### Deploy the zipfile. ### # Upload to CurseForge. upload_curseforge() { if [[ -n "$skip_cf_upload" || -z "$slug" || -z "$cf_token" || -z "$project_site" ]]; then return 0 fi local _cf_game_version_id _cf_game_version _cf_versions _cf_versions=$( curl -s -H "x-api-token: $cf_token" $project_site/api/game/versions ) if [ -n "$_cf_versions" ]; then if [ -n "$game_version" ]; then _cf_game_version_id=$( echo "$_cf_versions" | jq -c --argjson v "[\"${game_version//,/\",\"}\"]" 'map(select(.name as $x | $v | index($x)) | .id) | select(length > 0)' 2>/dev/null ) if [ -n "$_cf_game_version_id" ]; then # and now the reverse, since an invalid version will just be dropped _cf_game_version=$( echo "$_cf_versions" | jq -r --argjson v "$_cf_game_version_id" 'map(select(.id as $x | $v | index($x)) | .name) | join(",")' 2>/dev/null ) fi fi if [ -z "$_cf_game_version_id" ]; then case $game_type in retail) _cf_game_type_id=517 ;; classic) _cf_game_type_id=67408 ;; bcc) _cf_game_type_id=73246 ;; *) _cf_game_type_id=517 # retail fallback esac _cf_game_version_id=$( echo "$_cf_versions" | jq -c --argjson v "$_cf_game_type_id" 'map(select(.gameVersionTypeID == $v)) | max_by(.id) | [.id]' 2>/dev/null ) _cf_game_version=$( echo "$_cf_versions" | jq -r --argjson v "$_cf_game_type_id" 'map(select(.gameVersionTypeID == $v)) | max_by(.id) | .name' 2>/dev/null ) if [ -n "$game_version" ]; then echo "WARNING: No CurseForge game version match, defaulting to \"$_cf_game_version\"" >&2 fi fi fi if [ -z "$_cf_game_version_id" ]; then echo "Error fetching game version info from $project_site/api/game/versions" echo echo "Skipping upload to CurseForge." echo exit_code=1 return 0 fi local _cf_payload _cf_payload_relations local resultfile result local return_code=0 _cf_payload=$( cat <<-EOF { "displayName": "$archive_label", "gameVersions": $_cf_game_version_id, "releaseType": "$file_type", "changelog": $( jq --slurp --raw-input '.' < "$pkgdir/$changelog" ), "changelogType": "$changelog_markup" } EOF ) _cf_payload_relations= for i in "${!relations[@]}"; do _cf_payload_relations="$_cf_payload_relations{\"slug\":\"$i\",\"type\":\"${relations[$i]}\"}," done if [[ -n $_cf_payload_relations ]]; then _cf_payload_relations="{\"relations\":{\"projects\":[${_cf_payload_relations%,}]}}" _cf_payload=$( echo "$_cf_payload $_cf_payload_relations" | jq -s -c '.[0] * .[1]' ) fi echo "Uploading $archive_name ($_cf_game_version $file_type) to $project_site/projects/$slug" resultfile="$releasedir/cf_result.json" if result=$( echo "$_cf_payload" | curl -sS --retry 3 --retry-delay 10 \ -w "%{http_code}" -o "$resultfile" \ -H "x-api-token: $cf_token" \ -F "metadata=<-" \ -F "file=@$archive" \ "$project_site/api/projects/$slug/upload-file" ); then case $result in 200) echo "Success!" ;; 302) echo "Error! ($result)" # don't need to ouput the redirect page return_code=1 ;; 404) echo "Error! No project for \"$slug\" found." return_code=1 ;; *) echo "Error! ($result)" if [ -s "$resultfile" ]; then echo "$(<"$resultfile")" fi return_code=1 ;; esac else return_code=1 fi echo rm -f "$resultfile" 2>/dev/null return $return_code } # Upload tags to WoWInterface. upload_wowinterface() { if [[ -z "$tag" || -z "$addonid" || -z "$wowi_token" ]]; then return 0 fi local _wowi_game_version _wowi_versions _wowi_versions=$( curl -s -H "x-api-token: $wowi_token" https://api.wowinterface.com/addons/compatible.json ) if [ -n "$_wowi_versions" ]; then if [ -n "$game_version" ]; then _wowi_game_version=$( echo "$_wowi_versions" | jq -r --argjson v "[\"${game_version//,/\",\"}\"]" 'map(select(.id as $x | $v | index($x)) | .id) | join(",")' 2>/dev/null ) fi if [ -z "$_wowi_game_version" ]; then _wowi_game_version=$( echo "$_wowi_versions" | jq -r '.[] | select(.default == true) | .id' 2>/dev/null ) if [ -n "$game_version" ]; then echo "WARNING: No WoWInterface game version match, defaulting to \"$_wowi_game_version\"" >&2 fi fi fi if [ -z "$_wowi_game_version" ]; then echo "Error fetching game version info from https://api.wowinterface.com/addons/compatible.json" echo echo "Skipping upload to WoWInterface." echo exit_code=1 return 1 fi declare -a _wowi_args local resultfile result local return_code=0 if [ -f "$wowi_changelog" ]; then _wowi_args+=("-F changelog=<$wowi_changelog") elif [ -n "$manual_changelog" ] || [ "$wowi_markup" = "markdown" ]; then _wowi_args+=("-F changelog=<$pkgdir/$changelog") fi if [ -z "$wowi_archive" ]; then _wowi_args+=("-F archive=No") fi echo "Uploading $archive_name ($_wowi_game_version) to https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info$addonid" resultfile="$releasedir/wi_result.json" if result=$( curl -sS --retry 3 --retry-delay 10 \ -w "%{http_code}" -o "$resultfile" \ -H "x-api-token: $wowi_token" \ -F "id=$addonid" \ -F "version=$archive_version" \ -F "compatible=$_wowi_game_version" \ "${_wowi_args[@]}" \ -F "updatefile=@$archive" \ "https://api.wowinterface.com/addons/update" ); then case $result in 202) echo "Success!" if [ -f "$wowi_changelog" ]; then rm -f "$wowi_changelog" 2>/dev/null fi ;; 401) echo "Error! No addon for id \"$addonid\" found or you do not have permission to upload files." return_code=1 ;; 403) echo "Error! Incorrect api key or you do not have permission to upload files." return_code=1 ;; *) echo "Error! ($result)" if [ -s "$resultfile" ]; then echo "$(<"$resultfile")" fi return_code=1 ;; esac else return_code=1 fi echo rm -f "$resultfile" 2>/dev/null return $return_code } # Upload to Wago upload_wago() { if [[ -z "$wagoid" || -z "$wago_token" ]]; then return 0 fi local _wago_versions _wago_versions=$( curl -s https://addons.wago.io/api/data/game | jq -c '.patches' 2>/dev/null ) if [ -z "$_wago_versions" ]; then echo "Error fetching game version info from https://addons.wago.io/api/data/game" echo echo "Skipping upload to Wago." echo exit_code=1 return 1 fi local _wago_payload _wago_support_property _wago_stability local resultfile result version local return_code=0 _wago_support_property="" for type in "${!game_type_version[@]}"; do version=${game_type_version[$type]} [[ "$type" == "bcc" ]] && type="bc" # if jq -e --arg t "$type" --arg v "$version" '.[$t] | index($v)' <<< "$_wago_versions" &>/dev/null; then _wago_support_property+="\"supported_${type}_patch\": \"${version}\", " # fi done _wago_stability="$file_type" if [[ "$file_type" == "release" ]]; then _wago_stability="stable" fi _wago_payload=$( cat <<-EOF { "label": "$archive_label", $_wago_support_property "stability": "$_wago_stability", "changelog": $( jq --slurp --raw-input '.' < "$pkgdir/$changelog" ) } EOF ) echo "Uploading $archive_name ($game_version $file_type) to Wago" resultfile="$releasedir/wago_result.json" if result=$( echo "$_wago_payload" | curl -sS --retry 3 --retry-delay 10 \ -w "%{http_code}" -o "$resultfile" \ -H "authorization: Bearer $wago_token" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -F "metadata=<-" \ -F "file=@$archive" \ "https://addons.wago.io/api/projects/$wagoid/version" ); then case $result in 200|201) echo "Success!" ;; 302) echo "Error! ($result)" # don't need to ouput the redirect page return_code=1 ;; 404) echo "Error! No Wago project for id \"$wagoid\" found." return_code=1 ;; *) echo "Error! ($result)" if [ -s "$resultfile" ]; then echo "$(<"$resultfile")" fi return_code=1 ;; esac else return_code=1 fi echo rm -f "$resultfile" 2>/dev/null return $return_code } # Create a GitHub Release for tags and upload the zipfile as an asset. upload_github_asset() { local asset_id result return_code=0 local _ghf_release_id=$1 local _ghf_file_name=$2 local _ghf_file_path=$3 local _ghf_resultfile="$releasedir/gh_asset_result.json" local _ghf_content_type="application/${_ghf_file_name##*.}" # zip or json # check if an asset exists and delete it (editing a release) asset_id=$( curl -sS \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ -H "Authorization: token $github_token" \ "https://api.github.com/repos/$project_github_slug/releases/$_ghf_release_id/assets" \ | jq --arg file "$_ghf_file_name" '.[] | select(.name? == $file) | .id' ) if [ -n "$asset_id" ]; then curl -s \ -X DELETE \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ -H "Authorization: token $github_token" \ "https://api.github.com/repos/$project_github_slug/releases/assets/$asset_id" &>/dev/null fi echo -n "Uploading $_ghf_file_name... " if result=$( curl -sS --retry 3 --retry-delay 10 \ -w "%{http_code}" -o "$_ghf_resultfile" \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ -H "Authorization: token $github_token" \ -H "Content-Type: $_ghf_content_type" \ --data-binary "@$_ghf_file_path" \ "https://uploads.github.com/repos/$project_github_slug/releases/$_ghf_release_id/assets?name=$_ghf_file_name" ); then if [ "$result" = "201" ]; then echo "Success!" else echo "Error ($result)" if [ -s "$_ghf_resultfile" ]; then echo "$(<"$_ghf_resultfile")" fi return_code=1 fi else return_code=1 fi rm -f "$_ghf_resultfile" 2>/dev/null return $return_code } upload_github() { if [[ -z "$tag" || -z "$project_github_slug" || -z "$github_token" ]]; then return 0 fi local _gh_metadata _gh_previous_metadata _gh_payload _gh_release_url _gh_method local release_id versionfile resultfile result flavor local return_code=0 _gh_metadata='{ "filename": "'"$archive_name"'", "nolib": false, "metadata": [' for type in "${!game_type_version[@]}"; do flavor="${game_flavor[$type]}" [[ $flavor == "retail" ]] && flavor="mainline" _gh_metadata+='{ "flavor": "'"${flavor}"'", "interface": '"${game_type_interface[$type]}"' },' done _gh_metadata=${_gh_metadata%,} _gh_metadata+='] }' if [ -f "$nolib_archive" ]; then _gh_metadata+=',{ "filename": "'"$nolib_archive_name"'", "nolib": true, "metadata": [' for type in "${!game_type_version[@]}"; do flavor="${game_flavor[$type]}" [[ $flavor == "retail" ]] && flavor="mainline" _gh_metadata+='{ "flavor": "'"${flavor}"'", "interface": '"${game_type_interface[$type]}"' },' done _gh_metadata=${_gh_metadata%,} _gh_metadata+='] }' fi _gh_metadata='{ "releases": ['"$_gh_metadata"'] }' versionfile="$releasedir/release.json" jq -c '.' <<< "$_gh_metadata" > "$versionfile" || echo "There was an error creating release.json" >&2 _gh_payload=$( cat <<-EOF { "tag_name": "$tag", "name": "$tag", "body": $( jq --slurp --raw-input '.' < "$pkgdir/$changelog" ), "draft": false, "prerelease": $( [[ "$file_type" != "release" ]] && echo true || echo false ) } EOF ) resultfile="$releasedir/gh_result.json" release_id=$( curl -sS \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ -H "Authorization: token $github_token" \ "https://api.github.com/repos/$project_github_slug/releases/tags/$tag" \ | jq '.id // empty' ) if [ -n "$release_id" ]; then echo "Updating GitHub release: https://github.com/$project_github_slug/releases/tag/$tag" _gh_release_url="https://api.github.com/repos/$project_github_slug/releases/$release_id" _gh_method="PATCH" # combine version info _gh_metadata_url=$( curl -sS \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ -H "Authorization: token $github_token" \ "https://api.github.com/repos/$project_github_slug/releases/$release_id/assets" \ | jq -r '.[] | select(.name? == "release.json") | .url // empty' ) if [ -n "$_gh_metadata_url" ]; then if _gh_previous_metadata=$( curl -sSL --fail \ -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" \ -H "Authorization: token $github_token" \ "$_gh_metadata_url" ); then jq -sc '.[0].releases + .[1].releases | unique_by(.filename) | { releases: [.[]] }' <<< "${_gh_metadata} ${_gh_previous_metadata}" > "$versionfile" else echo "Warning: Unable to update release.json ($?)" fi fi else echo "Creating GitHub release: https://github.com/$project_github_slug/releases/tag/$tag" _gh_release_url="https://api.github.com/repos/$project_github_slug/releases" _gh_method="POST" fi if result=$( echo "$_gh_payload" | curl -sS --retry 3 --retry-delay 10 \ -w "%{http_code}" -o "$resultfile" \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ -H "Authorization: token $github_token" \ -X "$_gh_method" \ -d @- \ "$_gh_release_url" ); then if [ "$result" = "200" ] || [ "$result" = "201" ]; then # edited || created if [ -z "$release_id" ]; then release_id=$( jq '.id' < "$resultfile" ) fi upload_github_asset "$release_id" "$archive_name" "$archive" if [ -f "$nolib_archive" ]; then upload_github_asset "$release_id" "$nolib_archive_name" "$nolib_archive" fi if [ -s "$versionfile" ]; then upload_github_asset "$release_id" "release.json" "$versionfile" fi else echo "Error! ($result)" if [ -s "$resultfile" ]; then echo "$(<"$resultfile")" fi return_code=1 fi else return_code=1 fi echo rm -f "$resultfile" 2>/dev/null [ -z "$CI" ] && rm -f "$versionfile" 2>/dev/null return $return_code } if [[ -z $skip_upload && -n $archive && -s $archive ]]; then if ! hash jq &>/dev/null; then echo "Skipping upload because \"jq\" was not found." echo exit_code=1 else retry upload_curseforge || exit_code=1 upload_wowinterface || exit_code=1 upload_wago || exit_code=1 upload_github || exit_code=1 fi fi # All done. echo echo "Packaging complete." echo exit $exit_code