# Android-PickerView [![API](https://img.shields.io/badge/API-9%2B-brightgreen.svg)](https://android-arsenal.com/api?level=9) [![license](https://img.shields.io/hexpm/l/plug.svg)](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) #### Show some :heart: and :stars: the repo to support the project [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Bigkoo/Android-PickerView.svg?style=social)](https://github.com/Bigkoo/Android-PickerView/stargazers) [![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/Bigkoo/Android-PickerView.svg?style=social)](https://github.com/Bigkoo/Android-PickerView/network) [![GitHub watchers](https://img.shields.io/github/watchers/Bigkoo/Android-PickerView.svg?style=social)](https://github.com/Bigkoo/Android-PickerView/watchers) #### [中文文档](https://github.com/Bigkoo/Android-PickerView/blob/master/README.md) ## Introduction This is a library for android to pick date or options like IOS system WheelView widget. and support for the linkage, dialog . It's very easy to use , you also can customize layout, which make it very customizable. * there are two options called OptionsPickerView and TimePickerView * OptionsPickerView supports three levels of linkage * TimePickerView support selection date range * support "year, month, day, hour, minute, second", "provincial, city, district" and other options of the unit (label) show or hide and customize label. * supports custom text, color, text size, etc. * If Item text length is too long, it will be adapted to the length of the Item to avoid the problem of incomplete display # How to use ## 1.Add the dependency: ### Gradle ```java compile 'com.contrarywind:Android-PickerView:4.1.9' ``` ### Maven ``` com.contrarywind Android-PickerView 4.1.8 pom ``` ## 2.Add the following code in your Activity: ```java //TimePicker pvTime = new TimePickerBuilder(this, new OnTimeSelectListener() { @Override public void onTimeSelect(Date date,View v) {//Callback tvTime.setText(getTime(date)); } }) .build(); pvTime.show(); ``` ```java //OptionsPicker pvOptions = new OptionsPickerBuilder(this, new OnOptionsSelectListener() { @Override public void onOptionsSelect(int options1, int option2, int options3 ,View v) { ////Callback String tx = options1Items.get(options1).getPickerViewText() + options2Items.get(options1).get(option2) + options3Items.get(options1).get(option2).get(options3).getPickerViewText(); tvOptions.setText(tx); } }).build(); //pvOptions.setPicker(options1Items); pvOptions.setPicker(options1Items, options2Items); //pvOptions.setPicker(options1Items, options2Items, options3Items); pvOptions.show(); ``` ## Just so easy ~ ### Notes(2017-7-10) - when we start setting the date, we need to pay special attention. - reason: the internal component of the Calendar adds 1 processing, which made the month's number of count reduced one. - error usage case: >StartDate.set (2013,1,1); >EndDate.set (2020,12,31); - correct use case: >StartDate.set (2013,0,1); >EndDate.set (2020,11,31);
If the default style does not meet your expectations, You can also customize attributes to apply ## Customize Useage: ```java Calendar selectedDate = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar startDate = Calendar.getInstance(); startDate.set(2013,0,1); Calendar endDate = Calendar.getInstance(); endDate.set(2020,11,1); pvTime = new TimePickerBuilder(this, new OnTimeSelectListener() { @Override public void onTimeSelect(Date date,View v) {//callback tvTime.setText(getTime(date)); } }) .setType(new boolean[]{false, false, false, true, true, false})// type of date .setCancelText("Cancel") .setSubmitText("Sure") .setContentSize(18) .setTitleSize(20) .setTitleText("Title") .setOutSideCancelable(false)// default is true .isCyclic(true)// default is false .setTitleColor(Color.BLACK) .setSubmitColor(Color.BLUE) .setCancelColor(Color.BLUE) .setTitleBgColor(0xFF666666)//night mode .setBgColor(0xFF333333)//night mode .setRangDate(startDate,endDate) .setLabel("year","month","day","hours","mins","seconds") .build(); ``` ```java pvOptions = new OptionsPickerBuilder(this, new OnOptionsSelectListener() { @Override public void onOptionsSelect(int options1, int option2, int options3 ,View v) { ////Callback String tx = options1Items.get(options1).getPickerViewText() + options2Items.get(options1).get(option2) + options3Items.get(options1).get(option2).get(options3).getPickerViewText(); tvOptions.setText(tx); } }) .setSubmitText("sure") .setCancelText("cancel") .setTitleText("title") .setSubCalSize(18) .setTitleSize(20) .setTitleColor(Color.BLACK) .setSubmitColor(Color.BLUE) .setCancelColor(Color.BLUE) .setTitleBgColor(0xFF666666)//night mode .setBgColor(0xFF444444)//night mode .setContentTextSize(18) .setLinkage(false) .isCenterLabel(false) //default is true , if you choose false , the label text will add to all item ContentText right .setLabels("province", "city", "district") .setCyclic(false, false, false) .setSelectOptions(0, 0, 0) //default options .setOutSideCancelable(false)//dismiss, default is true .isRestoreItem(true)// restore option with first item when select changed。 .build(); pvOptions.setPicker(options1Items, options2Items, options3Items); ``` ## Customize Layout: ```java private void initCustomTimePicker() { // be careful:In the custom layout, the layout of the ID for optionspicker // or TimePicker and its child widget must not be modified, // otherwise will be reported NullPointerException // For more details, Please refer to the two custom layouts in demo Calendar selectedDate = Calendar.getInstance();//System current time Calendar startDate = Calendar.getInstance(); startDate.set(2013,1,23); Calendar endDate = Calendar.getInstance(); endDate.set(2019,2,28); pvCustomTime = new TimePickerBuilder(this, new OnTimeSelectListener() { @Override public void onTimeSelect(Date date, View v) {//call back btn_CustomTime.setText(getTime(date)); } }) .setType(new boolean[]{true, true, true, false, false, false})// year - month - day .setDate(selectedDate) .setRangDate(startDate,endDate) .setLayoutRes(R.layout.pickerview_custom_time, new CustomListener() { @Override public void customLayout(View v) { final TextView tvSubmit = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.tv_finish); ImageView ivCancel = (ImageView) v.findViewById(R.id.iv_cancel); tvSubmit.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { pvCustomTime.returnData(tvSubmit); } }); ivCancel.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { pvCustomTime.dismiss(); } }); } }) .setDividerColor(Color.BLACK) .build(); } ``` ## If you need to set the non-linkage data: ```java pvNoLinkOptions = new OptionsPickerBuilder(this, new OnOptionsSelectListener() { @Override public void onOptionsSelect(int options1, int options2, int options3, View v) { String str = "food:"+food.get(options1) +"\nclothes:"+clothes.get(options2) +"\ncomputer:"+computer.get(options3); Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,str,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }).build(); pvNoLinkOptions.setNPicker(food,clothes,computer); pvNoLinkOptions.show(); ``` ## For more detail, please refer to the Demo code, If there is still doubt about you, please [New Issue](https://github.com/Bigkoo/Android-PickerView/issues) ### [Here is demo code](https://github.com/Bigkoo/Android-PickerView/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/bigkoo/pickerviewdemo/MainActivity.java) ### [Methods-and-parameters](https://github.com/Bigkoo/Android-PickerView/wiki/Methods-and-parameters) ## Thanks - [WheelView](https://github.com/venshine/WheelView) - [androidWheelView](https://github.com/weidongjian/androidWheelView/) # License ``` Copyright 2014 Bigkoo Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ```