# EasyAlbum EasyAlbum is an easy to use media image and video selector for Android. ## 1. Feature - Support preview; - Support custom folder sorting; - Support custom filter; - Support single selection and multiple selection; - Support showing selecting order; - Provider 'original' option; - Support pass selected medias to reopen album; - Support auto refresh when album activity resuming; - Caching media data, be fast to reopen album; - Support preload to speed up the first time of opening album. ![](images/easy_album_en.jpg) ## 2. Getting start ### 2.1 Download ```gradle implementation 'io.github.billywei01:easyalbum:1.1.6' ``` ### 2.2 Global Config ```kotlin EasyAlbum.config() .setImageLoader(GlideImageLoader) .setDefaultFolderComparator { o1, o2 -> o1.name.compareTo(o2.name)} .setItemAnimator(DefaultItemAnimator()) ``` Except for ImageLoader, which must be set, other configurations are optional. ### 2.3 Start Album ```kotlin EasyAlbum.from(this) .setFilter(TestMediaFilter(option)) .setSelectedLimit(selectLimit) .setOverLimitCallback(overLimitCallback) .setSelectedList(mediaAdapter?.getData()) .setAllString(option.text) .enableOriginal() .start { result -> mediaAdapter?.setData(result.selectedList) } ``` EasyAlbum starts the album with "from" and ends with "start". ## License See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for license rights and limitations.