# SmashPad v0.2 # by Birdwards and NyxTheShield import sys import zstandard as zstd def comp(input_name, output_name, target_size): input = open(input_name, 'rb').read() # Compress uncomp_file to smaller than target_size print("Finding small enough compression level...") lvl = 1 while True: cctx = zstd.ZstdCompressor(level=lvl) byte_data = cctx.compress(input) comp_size = len(byte_data) pad_size = target_size - comp_size print("Level " + str(lvl) + ": file compressed to " + hex(comp_size) + " bytes") if pad_size < 0 or pad_size == 1 or pad_size == 2 or pad_size == 5: lvl+=1 if lvl > 22: sys.exit("Error: File cannot be compressed to the required size") else: break print("Padding file at compression level " + str(lvl) + "...") # Get the Frame_Header_Descriptor from the compressed file's first Frame_Header # This is the only step that differs between Python 2 and 3 # For more info on how Frame_Header_Descriptor works, see: # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8478#section- if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: fhd = byte_data[4] else: fhd = ord(byte_data[4]) # Read Frame_Content_Size_Flag to find the length of the Frame_Header start_index = 6 if fhd >= 192: start_index = 13 elif fhd >= 128: start_index = 9 elif fhd >= 64: start_index = 7 # Handle edge case for large files with Single_Segment_Flag unset if start_index > 6 and fhd % 64 < 32: start_index += 1 # Dictionary_ID_Flag also affects Frame_Header length. I think this is always 0 by default, but I'm including it just in case if fhd % 4 == 1: start_index += 1 elif fhd % 4 == 2: start_index += 2 elif fhd % 4 == 3: start_index += 4 # Create output file and write entire Frame_Header to file output = open(output_name, 'w+b') output.write(byte_data[0:start_index]) # Insert empty data blocks of 3-byte or 4-byte lengths to make up the difference between the compressed size and our target size if pad_size % 3 == 0: for x in range(pad_size): output.write(b"\x00") elif pad_size % 3 == 1: for x in range(pad_size-4): output.write(b"\x00") output.write(b"\x02\x00\x00\x00") elif pad_size % 3 == 2: for x in range(pad_size-8): output.write(b"\x00") output.write(b"\x02\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00") # Write the rest of the data from the compressed file output.write(byte_data[start_index:]) output.close() print("File successfully padded to " + hex(target_size) + " bytes!") def decomp(input_name, output_name): o = open(output_name, 'w+b') i = open(input_name, 'rb').read() dctx = zstd.ZstdDecompressor() for chunk in dctx.read_to_iter(i): o.write(chunk) n = o.tell() o.close() print("File successfully decompressed to " + hex(n) + " bytes!") howto = "How to use this tool:\npython smashpad.py [input] [size] [output]\n[input] = Name of the file to be compressed/decompressed\n[size] = (if compressing) Desired size of the compressed file, in hexadecimal\n(if decompressing, just type \"decomp\" instead of [size])\n[output] = (optional) New name for the compressed/decompressed file\n\nExamples:\npython smashpad.py ui_spirits_battle_db.prc 0x140CD 0x103B7D0B8.prc\npython smashpad.py 0x103B7D0B8.prc decomp spirit_battles.prc" # Main stuff if len(sys.argv) <= 1: sys.exit("SmashPad 0.2\n\n" + howto) elif len(sys.argv) == 3: if sys.argv[2] == "decomp": decomp(sys.argv[1], str(sys.argv[1] + ".orig")) else: comp(sys.argv[1], str(sys.argv[1] + ".pad"), int(sys.argv[2], 16)) elif len(sys.argv) == 4: if sys.argv[2] == "decomp": decomp(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[3]) else: comp(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[3], int(sys.argv[2], 16)) else: sys.exit("Error: Wrong number of arguments\n\n" + howto)