{ "unknown": "Unknown", "transaction_fee": "Transaction Fee", "btn": { "ok": "OK", "cancel": "Cancel", "edit": "Edit", "save": "Save", "create": "Create", "confirm": "Confirm", "update": "Update", "cover": "Cover", "register": "Register", "close": "Close", "remove": "Remove", "update_data": "Update Data" }, "tip": { "privacy_statement": "Privacy Statement", "warning": "Warning", "validate_symbol": "The parent symbol must be 3-8 uppercase characters. A secondary symbol of 3-8 characters may also be used, separated by a '.', but only if the primary asset already exists. The total length allowed is 12 characters, including the dot. The prefix 'BIT' is not allowed", "validate_precision": "Precision must be greater than 0 and must be a power of 10 (or 1).", "pay_with_info": "Registering costs BTS, Pay with", "reg_as_delegate": "Registered as delegate", "reg_delegate_tip": "Registering as delegate costs a lot of BTS", "reg_pending": "Registration pending. Not registered yet.", "not_reg_onchain": "Not registered on the blockchain", "add_account_name_existed": "Cannot add contact. Account name exists.", "no_assets": "You did not create any asset yet.", "reg_to_create_asset": "You must be a registered account to create and issue assets. Please register your account first.", "error_parsing_wif_key": "Error parsing WIF private key", "vote_will_transfer_balance_to_self": "The account will transfer its entire balance (minus transaction fee) to itself", "canceling": "Canceling..", "pending": "Pending..", "rename_account_name_existed": "Account with the name {{value}} is already registered on the blockchain.", "account_not_found": "Account not found", "wrong_amount": "Wrong Amount", "memo_size_exceeds": "Memo size shouldn't exceed {{value}} characters", "account_note_can_be_blank": "Account notes. Can be blank.", "info_filter_by_op": "Filter transactions by operation", "info_no_trx": "There are no transactions in this block.", "info_trx_only": "Only show blocks with transactions", "info_privacy": "Your privacy is critically important to us.", "no_pending_trxs": "There are no pending transactions!", "no_trxs": "There are no transactions!", "updating_trx_history": "Updating transaction history...", "partial_voting_info": "This account is not voting with some of its stake. Consider updating your vote.", "client_update_available": "There is a new mandatory client update available at bitshares-x.info", "fake_accounts_warning": "Transfers are irreversible, please triple-check the name you have entered." }, "th": { "date": "DATE", "from": "FROM", "to": "TO", "memo": "MEMO", "amount": "AMOUNT", "fee": "FEE", "name": "NAME", "balance": "BALANCE", "registered": "REGISTERED", "symbol": "SYMBOL", "desc": "DESCRIPTION", "issue_account": "ISSUER", "precision": "PRECISION", "current_share_supply": "CURRENT SHARE SUPPLY", "maximum_share_supply": "MAXIMUM SHARE SUPPLY", "share_supply": "SHARE SUPPLY", "asset": "ASSET", "collected_fees": "COLLECTED FEES", "registration_date": "REGISTRATION DATE", "height": "Height", "time": "Time", "trx_count": "Transaction Count", "delegate": "Delegate", "latency": "Latency", "size": "Size", "approval": "Approval", "reliability": "Reliability", "blk_produced": "Blocks Produced", "blk_missed": "Blocks Missed", "pay_rate": "PAY RATE", "pay_balance": "Pay Balance", "trx_id": "Transaction ID", "withdraw_amount": "Withdraw Amount", "deposit_amount": "Deposit Amount", "net_delegate_approval": "Net Delegate Approval", "operation_types": "Operation Types", "approve": "APPROVE", "delete": "Delete", "price": "Price", "last_updated": "Last Updated", "bitasset": "BitAsset", "avatar": "AVATAR", "rank": "RANK", "type": "TYPE", "quantity": "QUANTITY", "order_price": "Price", "call_price": "Call Price", "units_owed": "{{value}} Owed", "cost": "COST", "total": "TOTAL", "collateral": "COLLATERAL", "collateral_ratio": "COLLATERAL RATIO", "price_limit": "PRICE LIMIT", "action": "ACTION", "paid": "PAID", "received": "RECEIVED", "expiration": "EXPIRATION", "interest_rate": "Interest Rate (APR)", "message": "Message", "market": "Market", "id": "Id" }, "block": { "title": "Block", "summary": "Summary", "trx_count": "Number of Transactions", "blk_id": "Block ID", "prev_blk_id": "Previous Block ID", "delegate_name": "Delegate Name", "delegate_pay_rate": "Delegate Pay Rate", "timestamp": "TimeStamp", "trx_digest": "Transaction Digest", "next_secret_hash": "Next Secret Hash", "previous_secret": "Previous Secret", "delegate_signature": "Delegate Signature", "pending_trxs": "Pending Transactions", "block_explorer": "Block Explorer", "missing_block": "Missed Block", "older": "Older", "newer": "Newer", "trx": { "title": "Transactions", "expired_trx": "Expired Transaction", "prev": "Prev", "next": "Next", "transaction": "Transaction", "deposits": "Deposits", "withdraws": "Withdraws", "fee": "Fee", "net_delegate_approval_update": "Net Delegate Approval Update", "approval_change": "Approval Change", "operations": "Operations" } }, "blocks": { "load_more_blocks": "Load more blocks", "info": "More detailed info about blocks", "trxs_only": "Only show blocks with transactions" }, "unlock": { "btn_unlock": "unlock", "caps_lock_on": "Caps Lock is on!", "desc_title": "The World's First Decentralized Exchange", "desc_content_1": "", "desc_content_2": "", "wrong_pass": "Wrong Password.", "risks_warning": "Warning: This is experimental software. Make sure you understand the risks." }, "wallet": { "create_new_wallet": "Create a New Wallet", "info": "Your password is mandatory and controls when and how your funds may be spent. If you forget this password you will be unable to transfer your shares.", "create_wallet": "Create Wallet" }, "wallet_common":{ "pw_too_short":"Password must be 9 or more characters.", "pw_too_long":"Password is too long.", "pw_required":"Password is required.", "pw_not_match":"Password fields do not match." }, "brain_wallet": { "no_secure_random":"We are very sorry, we can't proceed on this device. Your browser does not provide secure random numbers.", "open_create": "Open or Create Wallet", "password_info":"This is your encryption password for this wallet.", "only_on_this_device":"This password is used only on this device.", "password":"Password", "login":"Login", "create":"Create Wallet", "create_info":"A wallet with this password was not found on this device. Re-enter your password to setup a new wallet.", "confirm_password":"Confirm Password", "back_to_login":"Back to Login", "new_brainkey":"New Brain-Key", "new_brainkey_header":"Use this brain-key to recover your wallet on any device.", "new_brainkey_creating":"Creating...", "new_brainkey_info0":"WARNING: Anyone with access to your brain key will have access to this wallet. It is not possible to recover a lost brain-key.", "new_brainkey_info1":"Make a backup, print it out, write it down, etc.. but always keep this information secret.", "new_brainkey_info2":"The brain-key shown here is not password protected.", "new_brainkey_info3":"This brain-key will be saved for you on this device only so you will need to make another backup.", "mouse_entropy_info": "Move around to collect additional random data. This will be combine this with your browser's secure random numbers and used to create your brain-key.", "use_own":"Use Own Brain-Key", "modify":"Modify", "too_short":"Brain-key must be 32 or more characters.", "too_long":"Brain-key is too long.", "required":"A brain-key is required.", "use_generated":"Use Generated Brain-Key", "existing_brainkey":"Existing Brain-Key", "back_to_create":"Back to Create", "brainkey":"Brain-Key", "open":"Open" }, "index": { "title": "BitShares Wallet", "overview": "Overview", "my_account": "My Accounts", "directory": "Directory", "delegates": "Delegates", "market": "Market", "block_explorer": "Block Explorer", "preferences": "Preferences", "console": "Console", "mail": "Mail", "help": "Help", "lock": "Lock", "daily_income": "Network Daily Income", "daily_expense": "Network Daily Expense", "daily_burn": "Network Daily Burn" }, "delegate": { "title": "Delegates", "all_delegates": "All Delegates", "my_votes": "My Votes", "max_pay_per_blk": "Maximum delegate pay per block", "avg_active_delegate_pay_rate": "Average active delegate pay rate", "top_delegates": "Top Delegates", "standby_delegates": "Standby Delegates", "votes_obtained": "Approval", "version": "Version", "un_approve_all": "Un-approve all", "description": "Description", "proposal": "Delegate bid", "location": "Server location", "handle": "BitsharesTalk username", "ann": "Announcements", "country": "Legal jurisdiction", "role_0": "Development", "role_1": "Marketing", "role_2": "Faucet", "role_3": "Backbone", "role_4": "Charity", "role_5": "Technical Support", "role_6": "Law/Regulations", "role_7": "Media/Public Relations", "positive_votes": "Number of positive votes selected", "neutral_votes": "Number of neutral votes selected", "negative_votes": "Number of negative votes selected" }, "market": { "title": "Market", "featured_markets": "Featured Markets", "search_market": "Search markets (example: BitUSD:BTS)", "market_name": "Market Name", "all_markets": "All Markets", "recent_markets": "Recent Markets", "median_price": "Median Price", "feed_price": "Call Price", "bid_depth": "Bid Depth", "ask_depth": "Ask Depth", "buy": "Buy", "ask": "Ask", "sell": "Sell", "short": "Short", "balance": "Balance", "quantity": "Quantity", "price": "Price", "total": "Total", "highest_bid": "Highest Bid", "lowest_ask": "Lowest Ask", "open_orders": "Open Orders", "blockchain_orders_history": "Order History", "account_orders_history": "My Order History", "margin_orders": "Margin Call Orders", "margin_orders_explain": "A margin call will be executed any time the lowest ask is less than 110% of the moving average and the lowest ask is more than the call price. The initial call price is 150% of the short price (ie: BTS 45.00 for a short entered at BTS 30.00). This is the price at which 75% of the collateral would be required to buy back the USD necessary to cover the position. If a margin call is executed and there is any collateral left over, then 5% is kept as network fees and 95% is returned to the owner. ", "margin_call_price_explain": "The initial call price is 150% of the short price (ie: BTS 45.00 for a short entered at BTS 30.00). This is the price at which 75% of the collateral would be required to buy back the USD necessary to cover the position.", "flip_market": "Flip Market", "buy_orders": "Buy {{value}} Orders", "sell_orders": "Sell {{value}} Orders", "short_orders": "Short Sell {{value}} Orders", "bids": "Bids", "asks": "Asks", "cover_short_position": "Cover Short Position", "order_type": { "bid_order": "Buy Order", "ask_order": "Sell Order", "short_order": "Short Order", "margin_order": "Margin Order", "short_orders": "Short Orders", "margin_orders": "Margin Orders" }, "tip": { "insufficient_balances": "Insufficient balances", "bid_price_too_high": "Your bid price is {{value}}% higher than the lowest ask.", "ask_price_too_low": "Your ask price is {{value}}% lower than the highest bid.", "short_price_too_low": "Your short price is {{value}}% lower than the highest bid.", "short_price_should_above_min_range": "Short price should be above min range price", "short_price_should_below_max_range": "Short price should be below max range price", "total_cost_updated": "Total was updated, please review and re-submit", "confirm_order": "Please confirm your order. The order will be funded via {{value}} account." }, "chart": { "price": "Price", "volume": "Volume", "1_min": "1m", "5_min": "5m", "30_min": "30m", "1_hour": "1h", "12_hours": "12h", "1_day": "1d", "3_day": "3d", "orderbook":"Orderbook Chart", "pricehistory": "Price History Chart" }, "advanced": "Short Mode", "open_orders": "Open Orders", "open_buy_orders": "Open Buy {{value}} Orders", "open_sell_orders": "Open Sell {{value}} Orders", "open_short_orders": "Open Short Sell {{value}} Orders", "open_margin_orders": "Open Margin Orders", "collateral": "Collateral", "collateral_ratio": "Collateral Ratio", "interest_rate": "Interest Rate", "price_limit": "Price Limit", "help": { "buy_quantity": "The amount of {{value}} that you would like to buy.", "buy_price": "The amount you are willing to pay in {{base}} per {{quantity}}.", "buy_lowest_ask": "The lowest price at which your buy order can be immediately matched.", "buy_total": "The number of {{base}} that will be withdrawn from {{account}} account to fund this order.", "sell_quantity": "The amount of {{value}} that you would like to sell.", "sell_price": "The amount you are willing to get in {{base}} per {{quantity}}.", "sell_highest_bid": "The highest price at which your sell order can be immediately matched.", "sell_total": "The number of {{base}} that will be deposited to {{account}} account after sell order is executed.", "short_quantity": "The approximate number of {{actual_base}} that you would like to borrow and sell.", "short_collateral": "The number of {{value}} that you are willing to post as collateral. You should provide 3x backing at the trade price and quantity, 2x comes from short seller and 1x from buyer.", "short_price_limit_direct": "The highest price in {{base}} per {{quantity}} at which you are willing to borrow and sell {{base}}. Short orders only match at the price feed or price limit, whichever is less.", "short_price_limit_inverted": "The lowest price in {{base}} per {{quantity}} at which you are willing to borrow and sell {{quantity}}. Short orders only match at the price feed or price limit, whichever is more.", "short_feed_price": "The median exchange rate on external exchanges according to delegates.", "short_total": "The amount {{value}} required to fund this order. Calculated as Quantity times Collateral Ratio.", "short_interest_rate": "The interest rate you are willing to pay." }, "days": "{{value}} Days", "percent_apr": "APR", "rules": { "title": "Market Rules Summary", "conditions": "Short orders can only get filled under these conditions:", "condition1": "There is someone willing to buy BitUSD at the price feed", "condition2": "AND Your short order is the highest interest rate order", "condition3": "AND Your price limit is lower than the feed (BTS per USD) or you didn't specify a price limit", "condition4": "AND You have enough collateral to provide 2x backing at the trade price and quantity", "condition5": "OR Your price limit is higher than the feed (BTS per USD) and someone is willing to buy at your price limit", "short1": "Short orders are forced to cover after 30 days by taking the best offers at the time. No fee is charged.", "short2":"Short orders are forced to cover when 75% of their collateral is required to cover, leaving the short with 25% of the collateral minus a 5% fee.", "cover_fee":"The 5% fee is assessed as a percent of the collateral left over after covering." }, "stats": { "high": "24h High", "low": "24h Low", "change": "24h Change", "latest": "Latest Price" } }, "account": { "reg_pending": "Registration pending", "reg": "Register", "reg_date": "Registration date", "balances": "BALANCES", "open_orders": "OPEN ORDERS", "transactions": "Transactions", "recent_trxs": "Recent Transactions", "recent_trxs_info": "Transactions for all your accounts", "load_more_trxs": "Load more transactions...", "all_trxs": "All the transaction history", "transfer": "Transfer", "transfer_authorization": "Transfer Authorization", "amount": "Amount", "from": "From", "to": "To", "new": "New", "memo": "Memo", "send": "Send", "assets": "Assets", "keys": "Keys", "advanced": "Advanced", "account_key": "Public Key", "priv_key": "Private Key", "import_key": "Import Key", "wallet_type": "Wallet Type", "wallet_path": "Wallet Path", "wallet_password": "Wallet Password", "import_wallet": "Import Wallet", "add_field": "Add Field", "rescan_blockchain": "Rescan blockchain", "new_account": "New Account", "name": "Account Name", "id": "Account Id", "unregistered": "[unregistered]", "website": "Website", "website_tip": "Website (Optional)", "email": "Email", "email_tip": "Email (Optional)", "active_delegate": "Active Delegate", "standby_delegate": "Standby Delegate", "rank": "Current rank", "toggle": { "favorite": "Toggle Favorite", "approval": "Toggle Approval" }, "delegate_info": "Delegate Info", "blk_produced_missed": "Blocks produced / missed", "price_feeds": "Call Price Feeds", "self": "self", "vote": { "tab_title": "Vote", "vote_for": "Vote For", "vote_all": "All", "vote_none": "None", "vote_random_subset": "Random Subset", "vote_as_delegates_recommended": "As My Delegates Recommended", "vote_per_transfer": "Specify for each transaction", "btn_update_vote": "Vote", "current_votes": "Current Votes", "votes": "Votes", "approval": "Approval", "vote_confirmation_title": "Vote Confirmation", "vote_confirmation_text": "Vote with your {{balance}} {{symbol}} balance. It will charge a fee of {{fee}} {{fee_symbol}}.", "no_balance": "You have no {{symbol}} balance that you can vote with" }, "import_wif_key": "Import WIF Key", "import_from_wallet": "Import Keys from Wallet", "update_pub_info": "Update public settings (on chain)", "update_local_info": "Update Private Infos (stored locally)", "pay_from": "Pay From", "update_need_fund": "You need fees for update your account, but you still do not have any funds yet", "delegate_settings": "Delegate Settings", "check_delegate": "Delegate", "delegate_cost_extra": "Registering as a delegate costs extra", "pay_rate": "Pay Rate", "btn_update": "Update", "private_data": "Private Data", "public_data": "Public Data", "key": "Key", "value": "Value", "rename_account": "Rename Account", "rename_account_locally": "Rename Account Locally", "public_info": "Public Info", "estimated_yield": "ESTIMATED YIELD", "wall": { "tab_title": "Wall", "burn_records": "Burn Records", "burn_post": "Burn/Post Message", "message": "Message", "post_message": "Post Message", "burn_confirmation": "Burn/Post Message Confirmation", "receiver": "Receiver", "explain": "Burns given {{amount}} to {{account_name}}'s account. This will allow you to post message to this wall as a form of reputation.", "for": "For", "against": "Against" }, "transaction_details": "Details", "transaction_virtual": "Virtual", "reg_no_funds_note": "If you don't have any BTS yet, you can select a faucet to pay this fee for you.", "reg_subaccount_faucet_not_available": "Free faucet registration is not available for this account name. Account names containing a '.' are sub accounts and may not be registered using the faucet. Please choose a different account name or add BTS to pay for the registration fee.", "reg_add_faucet": "Add Faucet", "update_public_data_tx_fee": "Update data transaction Fee: ", "new_balance": "New Balance", "less_fee": "Less fee of", "select_currency": "Select Currency", "your_account": "Your Account", "registered" : "Registered", "pay_to": "Make a payment to" }, "accounts": { "add_account": "Add Account", "accounts": "Accounts", "info": "Click on an account name to get more information about that account.", "select_account": "Select Account", "rename_account": "Rename account" }, "asset": { "title": "Assets", "symbol": "Symbol", "asset_name": "Asset Name", "description": "Description", "memo_data": "Public Data", "maximum_share_supply": "Maximum Share Supply", "total_supply": "Total Supply", "info_create_asset_fee": "Fees for creating a new asset", "precision": "Precision", "issued_by": "Issued By", "create_new_asset": "Create A New Asset", "my_assets": "My Assets", "create_assets": "Create Assets", "issue_assets": "Issue Assets", "issue_assets_info": "Issue new assets of an asset type you control.", "btn_issue": "Issue", "amount": "Amount", "issue_to": "To", "asset_create_auth": "Asset Creation Authorization", "market_pegged_assets": "Market-Pegged Assets", "user_issued_assets": "User-Issued Assets" }, "privacy": { "email_warning1": "Your email address is only used for the purpose of identifying your", "email_warning2": "account which can be tied to your BitShares account. This helps you and others verify that your transactions are sending funds to the expected individual. ", "email_warning3": "Your email is not shared with anyone and no one will be able to send you spam. " }, "directory": { "directory": "Directory", "favorites": "Favorites", "unregistered": "Unregistered", "registered": "Registered", "assets": "Assets" }, "contact": { "add_contact": "Add Contact", "new_contact": "New Contact", "contact_name": "Account Name or Public Key", "contact_name_tip": "Name (Required)", "public_key": "Public Key", "public_key_tip": "Public Key (Required)", "btn_add_contact": "Add Contact", "address_book": "Address Book", "add_to_address_book": "Add to address book", "not_in_address_book": "Not in address book" }, "pref": { "title": "Preferences", "logout_timeout": "Logout timeout", "trx_fee": "Transaction Fee", "autocomplete_receiver": "Autocomplete Receiver Name", "autocomplete_info": "In the transfer form autocomplete the name of the receiver, as the user types", "language": "Interface Language", "theme": "Unlock Screen Theme", "default": "Default", "flowers": "Flowers", "default_vote": "By Default Vote For", "time_too_low": "User-input timeout was too low. It was increased to 15", "time_too_high": "User-input timeout was too high. It was decreased to 99999999", "fee_too_low": "Transaction fee was too low. It was increased to 0.1 BTS", "updated": "Preferences Updated" }, "console": { "type_cmd_and_enter": "Type a command and hit Enter" }, "directive": { "input_name": { "name_tip": "Name (required)", "popover": "Only lowercase alphanumeric characters, dots, and dashes.\nMust start with a letter and cannot end with a dash.", "note1": "Note: Account names cannot be transferred.", "note2": "Only lowercase alphanumeric characters, dots, and dashes. \nMust start with a letter and cannot end with a dash." } }, "pagination": { "filter": "Filter", "first": "First", "prev": "Previous", "next": "Next", "last": "Last" }, "mail": { "sender": "Sender", "recipient": "To", "subject": "Topic", "body": "Message", "compose": "Compose", "email": "Email", "close": "Close", "inbox": "Inbox", "sent": "Sent", "transmitting": "Transmitting", "archive": "Archive", "processing": "Processing..", "failed": "Failed", "proof_of_work": "Proof of Work", "canceled": "Canceled", "unspecified": "Unspecified", "delete_pending": "Delete Pending..", "undo": "UNDO", "no_recipient_mail_servers": "Recipient is not checking mail.", "Timed out while transmitting message.": "Timed out while transmitting message.", "Could not find mail servers for this recipient.": "Could not find mail servers for this recipient." }, "help": { "title": "Help", "console_intro": "For a list of commands go to the console page, type help, and press Enter.", "valid_names": "Valid Names", "valid_names_intro": "Only lowercase alphanumeric characters, dots, and dashes are allowed. Names must start with a letter and cannot end with a dash. The characters, which are delimited by dots, have to form a valid name. Dots cannot be consecutive or be at start or end of the name.", "network_issues": "Network Issues", "caution": "Caution", "low_participation_rate_80": "is displayed when delegate participation rate drops below 80%.", "severe_network_issue": "Severe Network Problems", "low_participation_rate_60": "is displayed when delegate participation rate drops below 60%. Low delegate participation makes blockchain forks likely.", "about": "About" }, "footer": { "enable_trx_scan": "Enable Transaction Scanning", "up_to_date": "Up to date, processed {{value}} blocks", "catching_up": "Catching up.. processed {{value1}} out of {{value2}} blocks", "version_warning": "Warning! This GUI version expects toolkit version {{expected_client_version}} or newer, got {{client_version}}", "testnet": "TestNet", "synced": "Blocks are synced", "syncing": "Blocks are syncing ...", "not_connected": "Not connected", "last_block": "Last block was synced {{value}} ago", "one_network_connection": "1 network connection", "n_network_connection": "{{value}} network connections", "network_problems": "Network problems", "severe_network_problems": "Severe network problems", "delegate_participation_below": "Delegate participation rate is below {{value}}, please consider to postpone all transfers until the rate is back to 100%." }, "utils": { "expired": "Expired", "seconds": "{{value}} Seconds", "minutes": "{{value}} Minutes", "hours": "{{value}} Hours", "days": "{{value}} Days" }, "toolbar": { "back": "Back", "dashboard": "Dashboard", "exchange": "Exchange", "delegates": "Delegates", "account_details": "Account Details", "advanced": "Advanced" } }