#!/bin/bash # Downloading the wallet echo 'Downloading and extract wallet files' wget "https://github.com/Bitcoin-Confidential/BitcoinC-Core/releases/download/v1.0.3/bitcoinc-1.0.3-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz" -O - | tar -xz # Extract the files and give executable permissions echo 'Copying files to home directory' cp bitcoinc-1.0.3/bin/bitcoincd ~/ cp bitcoinc-1.0.3/bin/bitcoinc-cli ~/ chmod a+x ~/bitcoincd ~/bitcoinc-cli # Create wallet directory and set to run when windows is closed. mkdir ~/.bitcoinc echo 'daemon=1' > ~/.bitcoinc/bitcoinc.conf # Start Wallet ./bitcoincd && sleep 5 # Create a wallet from mnemonic. (required for 1.0.1+ wallets.) ./bitcoinc-cli extkeyimportmaster "$(./bitcoinc-cli mnemonic new | grep mnemonic | sed -e 's/.*: "//' -e 's/",//')" echo 'Use this stake address on your local node to start staking.' ./bitcoinc-cli getnewstakeaddress echo 'Enabling staking.' ./bitcoinc-cli walletsettings stakingstatus true # Create a shortcut on system - Unhash if desired #echo 'Creating symbol link' #ln -sf ~/bitcoinc-1.0.3/bin/bitcoincd /usr/bin/bitcoincd #ln -sf ~/bitcoinc-1.0.3/bin/bitcoinc-cli /usr/bin/bitcoinc-cli echo 'Installation finished.' echo 'To stop wallet ./bitcoinc-cli stop' echo 'To start ./bitcoincd && sleep 5 && ./bitcoinc-cli walletsettings stakingstatus true'