# StackOverflow/Github/AI Mirrors

# Misc Spam

# Fake Torrent/Piracy

# Fake Hosting Locations

# PR Companies

# Google Maps / Yelp Mirrors

# "How To" Spam
*://*.code4it.dev/* # misinformation

# Insights/Stats/Package Info Spam
*://*.neverbounce.com/company* # maybe switch category later.

# Solution/Fixes Spam

# Blog Spam

# Scareware Sites

# Hosting/VPN Referral Spam

# Unless you want memes with watermarks, this should be blacklisted

# Trashy question/answer spam

# Literally just trash

# Fake/Fraudulent Stores

# Redirect SEO spam

# Fake tools

# Feed spam

# File mirrors

# Bad news sources

# Fake APK Downloaders / Ranks high for them

# Post theft