# Credits ## Thanks to the following projects: - [Mojang](https://mojang.com) For the original game. Many people (including me) blame mojang for making "bad decisions". imho that is kind of true. I know the protocol is a mess at some point, but also genius on the other side. The thing is, minecraft is more than a protocol. While reversing the game, I saw so much stuff. The original game has around 20 Mib of code. That is immense. Every different particle behaves different and has so much thinking in it. It is incredible, that somebody thought, that the campfire particle has a velocity of 0.81 in y direction, etc (just an example, not quite true). I never thought of it. I learned so much while writing minosoft and want to thank mojang for it. The game is just fascinating, in players view and even more in developer view. - [PixLyzer](https://gitlab.bixilon.de/bixilon/pixlyzer) (For providing data) - [Burger](https://github.com/Pokechu22/Burger) (For generating protocol diffs in old versions) - [wiki.vg](https://wiki.vg) (For providing a lot of documentation about old versions) - [yarn](https://github.com/fabricmc/yarn) For providing better mappings than mojang thus letting me easier reverse the protocol - `#mcdevs` for being available when I needed help