# Architecture ## Modules Basically minosoft consists of 3 models: - Core - Eros - Rendering To only start the core, you can start the jar with the `--headless` parameter. ### Core The core should not depend on other modules (currently not true, but reduced to a minimum). It contains all the network code, account management, entity logic, physics and a lot more. ### Eros Eros is the main gui, you can refer to it as launcher or server list. It is mostly using the [mvc design pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller). The model is not part of the package, mostly util classes or code from the core. ### Rendering Rendering does not depend on Eros, it only depends on the core. It is written pretty much abstract and even/watcher driven. This module contains most of the part. It does everything rendering (aka. what you actually see from the game). It is also pretty dynamic, you could say that it also exists ot of modules. It also handles a lot of the logic. You can find more about it [here](/doc/rendering/ReadMe.md). ## Networking Networking is sitting on top of [Netty](https://netty.io/). Every packet has its own class, all data is (due to compatibility and multi versioning) read manually from the buffer. Every packet needs to include all version checks (e.g. `if(versionId >= V_1_19)`). If a packet changed fundamentally in a version, there might be a legacy packet. Not all (but pretty much all) packets are implemented. Every packet has a handle function, the use of it is pretty much straight forward. Most of those handle functions trigger events, that might get handled by mods or other modules. ## Version data Minosoft has a lot of properties of blocks, items, ... hardcoded into it. If the data is not present (i.e. not implemented or new version), the data is generated by [PixLyzer](https://gitlab.bixilon.de/bixilon/pixlyzer) that gets downloaded and loaded on demand. Personally I really like that design, it allows design decisions far away from vanilla and does not break multi versioning and the adaption of new versions is really quick. ## Assets Assets are downloaded directly from mojang. Those assets are then hashed (to prevent duplicated saving) and compressed with [zstd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zstd). There are assets functions (e.g. sound). You can disable downloading of those assets if you don't need them. The textures and models are stored in the original minecraft jar, this file is getting downloaded, uncompressed and striped down. Original minecraft code never gets executed. Assets are getting manged by assets managers. There are a few of them. Because of that design, you can easily load resource packs. You can find more about assets [here](/doc/Assets.md)