# Minosoft rendering system (I'll extend this document when I find time or motivation) ## General Minosoft uses OpenGL 3.3+ for rendering. The whole rendering system is abstract, so a port to opengl es or vulkan should be *easily* possible. Everything is working in shaders (written in glsl), some things even have multiple shaders. ## Integration The whole render system is like a separate module. There are almost no references to it, only in `PlayConnection.kt`. Everything is event driven (or abstract). ## Loading The whole render system gets loaded, as soon as you tell eros to connect to a server. Everything gets downloaded then and the render subsystem loads. ## Textures ### Static textures Textures that don't get modified anymore (like block textures or items). The textures are stored in 5 dimensional way (2d for x and y coordinates, 1d for the texture index (aka. what texture), 1d for the resolution (like `16x16` or `32x32`) and the last dimension for mipmaps). Every vertex can have an additional animation id, that is done via an uniform buffer. ### Dynamic textures Used for e.g. skins. ## (Performance) optimizations - Chunking (like minecraft does it) ### Culling Minosoft is using multiple culling techniques that all work together to archive the best performance. - Face culling (`glCullFace`; gpu only) - Neighbour culling (hide unseen faces; cpu only) - Frustum culling (hide what is behind you/not in the camera perspective) - View distance clipping (maximum render distance) - Occlusion culling (hide chunks that are not visible (e.g. caves from the surface); cpu and gpu) - ~~Greedy meshing (combining multiple blocks into a single face)~~ not really worked and even got removed ## Renderers Even the render system is dynamic. There are a lot of so-called renderers (e.g. `WorldRenderer`, `ParticleRenderer` or `GUIRenderer`) that get registered dynamically while loading. So extending the system is pretty easy and moddable. ## Render phases There are multiple render phases. 3D breaks when it comes to transparency, or it gets optimized when drawing in a specific order (gpu occlusion culling). For example a render phase is `OPAQUE` or `TRANSLUCENT`. It basically lets all renderers draw their opaque objects first and then draw transparent ones. ## Transparency 100% transparent pixels get `discard`ed in the shader. That makes no problem. Translucency is getting hacked with `glDepthMask(false)`. It is not the best solution but a good workaround. Some face sorting is needed in the future. ## Lighting Lighting is done as soon as a block changes in the world. Increasing light is a lot faster than decreasing light. A custom light engine is included, all server light is ignored by default (documentation needed). The lighting on the render side is done via a lightmap, basically another uniform buffer.