==================== 11-12-2019 ==================== * frameworks/base/ f1b52dec059 Merge "Color/tint the wifi/mobile status bar icons correctly" into q 8f0fb2ec93b Allow overriding default volume dialog position d284ad59609 VolumeDialogImpl: Apply settings properly * frameworks/native/ 9a9d35594 Revert "libui: Allow invalid bits from callers conditionally" * vendor/bliss/ b1b60134 Merge "bliss: Cleanup vendor" into q10 a4075603 versions: Bliss v12.1 Stable Release * vendor/themes/ b25724c Accents: Add Mint accent color ==================== 11-11-2019 ==================== * frameworks/base/ 2e147d8738d VolumeDialogImpl: Fix exception 2bda78e045f tiles: Switch to UnlockMethodCache instead of mKeyguardMonitor * frameworks/native/ f3ce68e44 libui: Allow invalid bits from callers conditionally * hardware/qcom-caf/msm8998/display/ ce08c33d2 sdm: add board flag for panel shift * system/core/ 5c94738bc healthd: Reinitialize mChargerNames for every battery update 7d6b49b63 healthd: Add support for HVDCP_3 chargers 2573fbe48 Revert "Format formattable partitions if mount fails" 3a3093aae fs_mgr: mount: don't set the block device as ro for recovery aad83d0e0 reboot: mark as recovery_available 1f0536926 fs_mgr: Fix EnsurePathMounted with a given mount_point. df6573c73 adb: Add wait-for-online command 782e63bbf init: Don't run update_sys_usb_config if /data isn't mounted 262f08300 healthd: Add DASH charger type 58342bce5 Add wrapped key support a3c779360 logcat: Map '-C' to 'logcat -v color' 01f2317fa LockscreenCharging: squashed (2/3) 3508867b9 mkbootimg: Make unpack_bootimg py3 compatible c87d8fb5a bsdgrep: for -r, use the working directory if none specified 369a7c728 init: update recovery when enabled in settings 60050cd1e init: Add vendor-specific initialization hooks. 9124ce032 mkbootimg: add support for --dt a16d20772 Camera: Add feature extensions 3ead14fbe init: don't skip starting a service with no domain if permissive d9e753720 ueventd: parallelize restorecon /sys 2e7235765 Add .gitreview ==================== 11-10-2019 ==================== * build/make/ ec688509a Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r14' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform//build into HEAD * frameworks/av/ 766a83901 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r14' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform//frameworks/av into HEAD * frameworks/base/ c820fe8b4c1 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r14' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform//frameworks/base into HEAD 48a87517f3b Color/tint the wifi/mobile status bar icons correctly f244a0e630c Camera: Simplify code for Aux/Mono white and black lists c6b92c69ea5 camera: Check if aux camera whitelist is set before restricting cameras 348e2b5f6c9 SystemUI: config to hide status bar on lock screen [1/2] 9fbe2367162 SystemUI: Fix kill button layout in notification 99ed06e8ae2 Add kill button to notification guts [1/2] 989a55910b2 SystemUI: Allow for notch view to be ignored 912f602a21a Option to mute media with gesture [1/2] 4f599562f4a Add an option to change the device hostname (1/2) 90078dd142a Less boring heads up option: always show alarm clock headsup bc4d8fb173e Less boring heads up option [1/2] cda7edeadde [1/2] base: HeadsUp add timeout option f034dab6b45 [1/2] base: HeadsUp snooze function b3b26a61d71 fwb: add option to display Logo in QS Panel too [1/2] d1198b46712 Volume dialog timeout (1/2) 0fc288d2cfc Extended audio panel - fixes for unlinked notifications 13a49427e83 Extended audio panel [1/2] 9664c5d3012 Fix race in TelephonyScanManager * frameworks/native/ 4058db6cf Add .gitreview 13fff14ce sensorservice: Register orientation sensor if HAL doesn't provide it 5a0b09723 sensorservice: customize sensor fusion mag filter via prop c44539474 Forward port 'Swap volume buttons' (2/3) 0fd9aed6d surfaceflinger: Pass proper transform orientation to setProjection() 8b0598b6c InputDispatcher: On keypress, deliver keycode to pokeUserActivity 81f661308 PowerManager.h: Define USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG values be2d319f3 libui: Allow extension of valid gralloc 1.0 buffer usage bits eb2977378 Add vendor version for libgui * hardware/interfaces/ cf7a94677 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r14' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform//hardware/interfaces into HEAD * lineage-sdk/ d3600b31 sdk: Mark PG settings as deprecated and remove related resources * manifest/ 1d6088f Merge branch 'android-10.0.0_r14' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform//manifest into HEAD * packages/apps/Blissify/ 278a1d9 Merge changes from topics "kill-notif", "hide-statusbar", "heads-up", "qs-logo", "vol-timeout", "audio-panel" into q 1ffd287 Blissify: Add kill button to notification guts [2/2] e094f19 Blissify: config to hide status bar on lock screen [2/2] 0fc461d Blissify: Less boring heads up option [2/2] 2ef294e Blissify: HeadsUp snooze function [2/2] 42863c8 Blissify: HeadsUp: add timeout option (2/2) * packages/apps/Settings/ 31fb78ff55 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r14' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform//packages/apps/Settings into HEAD 9dd79b653d Merge changes from topic "mute-media" into q 60ed0e38d4 fuelgauge: Fix possible memory leaks 6c95dcf4d6 fuelgauge: Implement Early Warnings c45396e902 fuelgauge: Use Enhanced Battery Prediction from Turbo 695f8e75a5 Port "Battery Usage Alerts" feature from factory images aa5973d4cc Settings: Use landscape qrcode scanner layout for sw600dp 9d8cb5f1c3 Skip loading contextual cards if legacy cards are used ff16e47fc5 Open app when clicking on icon in App Info 4eaf8c49ad Settings: Option to mute media with gesture [2/2] * packages/providers/DownloadProvider/ 232ef1ff Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r14' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform//packages/providers/DownloadProvider into HEAD * packages/providers/MediaProvider/ 3c03dd5 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r14' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform//packages/providers/MediaProvider into HEAD * packages/services/Telephony/ 6c949f4cb Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r14' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform//packages/services/Telephony into HEAD * system/bt/ c87971738 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r14' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform//system/bt into HEAD * vendor/themes/ ab3e099 vendor/themes: Remove Fonts ==================== 11-09-2019 ==================== * frameworks/base/ 752a4db2869 Quick Fix bfb38f56ede [1/2] Ambient Visualizer de92e95e619 fw_base: make default value false for charging animation [2/2] * lineage-sdk/ 53414231 SensitivePhoneNumbers: Load numbers only at first actual call to method d13f6121 SensitivePhoneNumbers: Convert to singleton class d9b1504c SensitivePn: Also hide international numbers 118cc259 SensitivePn: Take into account multiple SIMs for sensitive numbers d0be5328 sdk: Import SensitivePhoneNumbers * packages/apps/Blissify/ 0cac101 [2/2] Ambient Visualizer * packages/apps/LineageParts/ 4b1f0b8 Kill privacy guard * packages/apps/Settings/ 21c0c5aa4f Settings: Enable permission hub by default 430d0781b1 Revert "Remove Permissions Hub." * packages/services/Telecomm/ 182b34ba Add back increasing ring feature (1/2). 52f3e230 Telecom: Convert to using singleton class 203f84aa Telecom: Add sensitive phone numbers hooks ==================== 11-08-2019 ==================== * bionic/ efeea9c62 Merge "bionic: Squash of pre-P mutex behavior restoration" into q * frameworks/base/ 1317dbceff2 base: Add toggle to disable charging animation [1/2] 0aa57226e0c base: Use wireless charging animation for wired charging too * hardware/interfaces/ 6b93cf0cd Merge changes from topic "update" into q * manifest/ ab0d953 manifest: Add vendor/themes repo * packages/apps/Blissify/ 613c021 Blissify: Add toggle to disable charging animation [2/2] 61eeb55 Blissify: add option to display Logo in QS Panel too [2/2] defc5f3 Volume dialog timeout (2/2) d8c0de0 Extended audio panel [2/2] * vendor/bliss/ 0d69fd2a Merge "vendor/bliss: Include vendor/themes" into q10 a2a61dc2 vendor/bliss: Include vendor/themes * vendor/themes/ 5a27611 vendor/themes: Disable Fonts building 26019d5 Accent: Cleanup d84b215 AccentOverlays: Update all overlays packages b4c959c AccentOverlays: Add ThemePicker Category 4a60cd7 Update .gitreview 0d00525 Disable Package themes f9e7643 Disable Primary Themes 53eb275 themes: Disable QS Styles ==================== 11-07-2019 ==================== * frameworks/base/ 2252ec3cb47 Aggressive Battery: fix auto enable on battery saver 894be98a762 core: Implement Aggressive Battery [1/2] 82221b44bb5 Add ability to toggle bluetooth battery level in QS [1/2] 0b8c1bbfffe Smart Pixels: Dynamically register receiver 950f270a2b0 Custom logo customizations [1/2] * hardware/lineage/interfaces/ ba9550e Initial audio amplifier HAL 1314fc9 cryptfshw: Introduce QTI backend implementation * manifest/ a94707b manifest: Track broadcom/libbt from LOS * packages/apps/Blissify/ 897a442 Custom logo customizations [2/2] ee8c995 Fingerprint error vibration [2/2] a1f6324 AlarmsBlocker [2/2] 8ce1bb4 WakelockBlocker [2/2] 8259e7d Blissify: Hide power menu on secure lockscreen [2/2] c8c0697 Add ability to toggle bluetooth battery level in QS [2/2] * vendor/bliss/ c2ddfde9 config: Mark more gralloc bits as valid ==================== 11-06-2019 ==================== * art/ 708efda644 Don't fail dual map if memfd isn't supported * frameworks/base/ 42f13c9d556 Add AlarmsBlocker [1/2] 9da9bc2611b Add WakelockBlocker [1/2] f3a8a936baa Base: Hide power menu on secure lockscreen [1/2] bd87123b36a Fingerprint error vibration [1/2] 020ea7601c3 Keyguard: add binary custom clock face 2daf92e8e73 media: Define MPEG-H Encoder Format fabc00a26d3 audio: add support for extended formats 0c41adfafbe Camera: Ignore torch status update for aux or compsite camera 1057f9a2aa9 Camera: Skip stream size check for whitelisted apps.. c8fc643a4dd Camera: Clearing exception for Extended Face 387d6e1f7b5 Camera: Extend face detection c5df35b1b4a Camera: Expose Aux camera to apps present in the whitelist * hardware/qcom/bt/ 154f37f Merge changes from topic "legacy" into q a252de7 libbt: Fix Compilation Errors * hardware/qcom/display/ c4ff6c31 msm8994: adjust for clang on Q 435566eb Add .gitreview * manifest/ c343e33 manifest: Track display hal from BlissRoms 314a595 manifest: Track art from BlissRoms c3b7dec manifest: Track bt hal from BlissRoms * vendor/bliss/ 92ca968c Revert "vendor: Add qcom platform type to soongs vars" * vendor/support/ d23c3b3 support: Extend default switches from LOS ==================== 11-05-2019 ==================== * bionic/ 36f57d3cf Implement per-process target SDK version override. * frameworks/base/ efd1e385204 base: SystemUI: hide ringer button if alert slider is present. 64aee71e572 SystemUI: Introduce user interface for Alert Sliders 9bab5fde10a policy: Add support for device alert sliders b4492857be6 SystemUI: Update keyguard indication margin when fod is in use 33deea9087b Allow to dismiss notifications with back FP left/right swipe [1/2] d5e1c8b8867 Add a custom Settings observer 0344819a6d7 SystemUI: OOS style brightness slider design e974b809f16 ScreenRec: Use MD2 icon for notification 9f8a0ebece0 ScreenRec: Update statusbar icon 96f25b81fda SystemUI: Add ScreenRecord Tile 61177d271c3 Screenrec: use HEVC H.265 codec, add low quality option, fixes * hardware/qcom-caf/common/ 27e52b3 fwk-detect: Relocate from vendor/qcom-opensource/core-utils * manifest/ 84db708 Manifest for Android 10.0.0 Release 14 0ad853a Manifest for Android 10.0.0 Release 13 425389b Manifest for Android 10.0.0 Release 12 * packages/apps/Settings/ 96b9ff11fd Allow to dismiss notifications with back FP left/right swipe [2/2] d7a6294dc5 Settings: move force dark preference to display settings d2467feb89 Settings: Move theming to display settings c5bdd84521 Revert "Remove theming developer settings." * vendor/codeaurora/telephony/ cf07a22 Revert "IMS-VT: Low battery handling for Video calls" * vendor/support/ 87d0de4 support: Always persist values for switch preferences 308c10a support: Fix multiuser usage 5ec8336 support: Fix persistence for helper prefs ==================== 11-04-2019 ==================== * bionic/ 61715064c bionic: Squash of pre-P mutex behavior restoration * bootable/recovery/ f52b19e1 recovery: symlink /sbin for script compatibility dca34c7a recovery: sdcard is data/media/0 6b253792 recovery: Provide caching for sideload files 2924bb33 recovery: Puke out an /etc/fstab so stuff like busybox/toybox is happy d0114c86 recovery: Get a proper shell environment in recovery 5c687eef Make adb use a custom prop for adb root 1871d829 Merge remote-tracking branch 'los/lineage-17.0' into update bf5dcaa4 Add gitreview file * build/soong/ 1b0303fa soong: Add function to return camera parameters library name * frameworks/av/ b5c5a6975 camera: Allow devices to load custom CameraParameter code * hardware/qcom/bt/ b708fed 8992: libbt: bt_vendor_qcom remove ssr_cleanup ef405bd 8992: libbt: Add -Wno-pointer-sign flag to fix compilation error * packages/apps/Nfc/ 5b00d9dd Add in gitreview file ed832c8d NFCService: Add sysprop to prevent FW download during boot with NFC off. * system/vold/ 4646d9c vold: Accept Linux GPT partitions on external SD cards 88c620f vold: Allow reset after shutdown 78f6860 vold: skip first disk change when converting MBR to GPT 2429786 Fix the group permissions of the sdcard root. 71ff933 vold ext4/f2fs: do not use dirsync if we're mounting adopted storage 4bc6d8a vold: Mount ext4/f2fs portable storage with sdcard_posix 15278b4 vold: Honor mount options for ext4/f2fs partitions 4a6596a vold: Support internal storage partitions c2a4486 vold: Fix fsck on public volumes 01d6998 vold: add support for more filesystems for public storage 5e7a074 system: vold: Fix for ICE UFS card support 5a3a0f9 system: vold: Use ICE for UFS card 9d683d9 Updates for migrated code upstream 41a3994 system: vold: Use wrapped key for metadata encryption ddadb85 vold: change to upgrade key if export fails d054fea vold: add support for clear key 5ea26c0 Remove no longer relevant header file dac92ff vold: Use separate flag for wrappedkey 4fc0359 vold: Wrapped key support for FBE ==================== 11-03-2019 ==================== * frameworks/av/ 408c7f382 audiopolicy: support extended feature in audiopolicymanager c407a0de3 camera: Only link and use vendor.qti.hardware.camera.device if specified ef4e075bb Camera: Miscellaneous fixes in QDataCallback and binder death scenarios. 779e29033 Camera: CameraHardwareInterface changes to support Extended FD 21a7e18a1 stagefright: add changes related to high-framerates in CameraSource d8c59be83 Camera: Add support for preview frame fd * frameworks/base/ a1a738cda1f Fix Build Credentials refactored to use byte[] ee1e3e937ab frameworks: base: Port password retention feature * hardware/lineage/interfaces/ f530a01 Merge "Initial dummy cryptfshw implementation" into q * manifest/ a7aad56 manifest: Track tinycompress from LOS * packages/apps/Dialer/ ef08afc5d Dialer: AudioModeProvider: use wired route for usb headsets 329f82599 Control dialer's incoming call proximity sensor check via an overlay 41c5ef20f Re-add call statistics. 1dff9238b Allow per-call account selection. e2bb3448d Re-add call recording. 21429d697 Add setting to enable Do Not Disturb during calls c023728f0 Generalize the in-call vibration settings category fdb79d33b Re-add dialer lookup. 04adced9e Allow using private framework API. 8891d3427 Add back in-call vibration features c8ff0bbc7 Revert "Remove dialer sounds and vibrations settings fragments and redirect to the system sound settings fragment instead." b44d3b306 Dialer: disable anti-falsing for call answer screen cb5223a32 Dialer: handle database upgrade from cm-14.1 0c14e04a8 Dialer: adaptive icon 88786c4b0 Dialer: define app category * packages/apps/Settings/ 2e00a68690 Fix duplicated entries in sound settings. * system/vold/ 79c365e Add "changepw" command to vdc. 91fcafc vold: Move QCOM HW FDE inclusion under Bliss namespace 63e0205 [automerger] vold: resolve crypto device creation failure with dm-crypt skipped: 4b5c1b2db2 5d83865 system: vold: pass proper extra params to load crypto device 1c6ffe9 system: vold: Close crypto block device if it was created e2e247d Updates for migrated code upstream 59d2932 system: vold: fix block disk encryption to work with metadata encryption e62e6f4 vold: fix build error 5ee1178 Fix for CTS test CtsAppSecurityHostTestCases 925802a system: vold: Remove crypto block device creation b346d95 vold: Add Hardware FDE feature * vendor/bliss/ 6ef20492 Merge changes from topic "misc" into q10 a9614944 soong_config: Reverse wait for qsee flag 6467b680 Revert "soong_config: Add flag for legacy HW FDE" 2a090f25 Fix backup ed5bd7b7 overlay: Remove Trebuchet config f7dc03fa overlay: Remove Keyguard config 945d7431 vendor: Add messaging app to power whitelist bb7cb1d1 overlay: Remove config_show4GForLTE ff74c6ad repopick: Support * paths detection on different branches 7f30f4b1 common: Bring back Android Beam * vendor/qcom/opensource/cryptfs_hw/ a6c0265 cryptfs_hw: Remove dependency on generated kernel headers cd31b64 Merge tag 'LA.UM.8.1.r1-09500-sm8150.0' of https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/platform/vendor/qcom-opensource/cryptfs_hw into lineage-17.0 b33f784 Revert "cryptfs_hw: Mark unused parameter" ==================== 11-02-2019 ==================== ==================== 11-01-2019 ==================== * frameworks/base/ 8e9d259499c Merge "Fw_base - Breathing missedcall/sms/voicemail [1/5]" into q f8687d44f8b Fw_base - Breathing missedcall/sms/voicemail [1/5] a11c3093364 Add battery styles and customizations for Android 10 [1/2] c85078572d0 Revert "base: SystemUI: add tuner to hide qs drag handle" 09cce225af5 ScreenRec: show MediaProjection permission warning only once 46ceef9a10b Screenrec: allow to show a blinking red stop dot f1a1b90bf01 Unlink screenrecord toggle from featureflags and enable it 5a13175e5a4 Screenrecord: Change save location and make sure dirs exist bfb24fc0f11 SystemUI: Add case to quick pull down status bar anywhere f0b44028abd Separate double tap to sleep on lockscreen [1/2] 37b4f13045d SystemUI: Launch PowerUsageSummery when battery icon is pressed f5abb225a0a base: SystemUI: enhance calendar link 835b07aee6f Fix Google dialer FC due to missing permissions 5e1c3dfa4bb Fix Google Calendar FC 74272ddc8e4 Fix permissons for ContactsProvider2 d536b53e97b Fix Fi permissions 3bd0e672660 Fix Android 7.0 GApps permisions which were causing F/C * packages/apps/Blissify/ 028c758 Blissify: Add Notification Icon 7477c1c Blissify: Breathing missedcall/sms/voicemail [5/5] 32832f4 Blissify: Enable lockscreen visualizer pulse 2e40f0a Separate double tap to sleep on lockscreen [2/2] 672fb24 Add battery styles and customizations for Android 10 [2/2] ec850a4 Blissify : Add icons and categorize * packages/apps/Settings/ af0d02613c Settings: Cleanup * packages/services/Telephony/ 5d21d533b Merge "services/Telephony - Breathing missedcall/sms/voicemail [3/5]" into q ff21b4a75 Merge "services/Telephony - Breathing missedcall/sms/voicemail [3/5]" into q * vendor/bliss/ c100177f bliss: Cleanup vendor ==================== 10-31-2019 ==================== * bootable/recovery/ b9d31b95 recovery: Blank screen on init bb72ce1c recovery: Add runtime checks for A/B vs traditional updates fffa6b08 recovery: Allow bypassing signature verification on non-release builds 3dd1d313 recovery: Also hide rescue mode from non eng builds 4cd3afa8 recovery: Only show tests in eng builds a2f6c65e recovery: Expose reboot to recovery option 8ae392c4 recovery: init: mount pstore fs 48eb9e34 recovery: Enable the menu for User builds a143813c recovery: Remove "Supported API" message ac86ac4b recovery: Add wipe system partition option 6eb9f4a0 otautil: add support for unmounting entire volumes 35f47ca8 recovery: Provide sideload cancellation 7d606892 recovery: Blank screen during shutdown and reboot 53a32df7 recovery: Allow device-specific recovery modules d628c729 recovery: Include vendor init trigger fbccaab2 recovery: ui: Support hardware virtual keys 79775b3a recovery: ui: Minor cleanup for touch code e7efe2cb recovery: ui: Default to touch enabled 39ffc2e1 recovery: Remove HOST_OS guard for f2fs tools * frameworks/base/ f32201ce6bd Fw_base - Breathing missedcall/sms/voicemail [1/5] * manifest/ 3d06e71 manifest: Track Dialer from BlissRoms ae2b497 manifest: Track tinyalsa from LOS ec005bb manifest: Track apq8084 Hals from LOS 48f5c6d manifest: Track external/mksh from LOS 4317827 manifest: Cleanup disabled repos 3f5def5 manifest: Track MSM8952 Hals from LOS c882362 manifest: Track CarrierConfig from LOS * packages/apps/Dialer/ f0966d927 Dialer - Breathing missedcall/sms/voicemail [2/5] e914ea5f7 Add .gitreview * packages/apps/Messaging/ 1e52607 Messaging - Breathing missedcall/sms/voicemail [4/5] * packages/services/Telephony/ 4fd2fc37f services/Telephony - Breathing missedcall/sms/voicemail [3/5] ==================== 10-30-2019 ==================== * build/make/ a26ca3a4c Merge changes from topic "catchup" into q 93cece7cd build: Add back ro.build.fingerprint edf860e62 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r9' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build into q9 * frameworks/base/ 5d7e4d50cc9 Add Lockscreen album art filter [1/2] a83a8635e90 Create lockscreen fragment properly 4f10f3fcc33 SystemUI: Bring back lockscreen tuner (1/2) e6a9ac032c9 Merge changes from topic "rebase" into q 645a13f4d85 Build Google audio files from Android 10 [2/2] 0385c8818e3 SystemUI: Tiny expanding improvement fea6297c400 Fingerprint authentication vibration [1/2] d303a17660e QuickSettings: Add Haptic Feedback to tiles [1/2] 726d02bb656 Lockscreen Visualizer: Add pulse magic bcc94228fc7 SystemUI: QS: Add VPN tile 227b93b6e10 SystemUI: QS: Add SleepScreen Tile (Power menu on longpress) 56614628769 SystemUI: QS: Add Compass tile 88b4347817c SystemUI: QS: MusicTile: Clean up redundant code 576893c4c91 SystemUI: QS: MusicTile: Make tile state inactive if not playing music 28079372a50 SystemUI: QS: Add Music Tile 869a83de40e SystemUI: QS: SoundTile: Stop crashing qs tiles during boot e5a83ef2bfb SystemUI: QS: SoundTile: Update state bcc092c2bcc SystemUI: QS: SoundTile: Don't toggle DND c93371a18e5 SystemUI: QS: Add Sound tile to Quick Settings 1b1c1f67370 SystemUI: QS: AODTile: Add config check if AOD is available 8594bebf12a SystemUI: QS: Add Always On Display tile 831e2350d5d QS: SoundSearchTile: Update intent flags for the apps d114461bf1a QS: SoundSearchTile: Extend the use 7ed5071170f QS: SoundSearchTile: Make default state inactive 6cbff1a3537 SystemUI: QS: Add Google Sound Search tile bfb406c5958 SystemUI: QS: ScreenshotTile: Update tile icons 14117b2ce35 SystemUI: QS: ScreenshotTile: persist screenshot type after reboot 458d8bfb9c0 SystemUI: QS: Add partial/full screenshot tile 131ae71ed22 base: configure lock screen media artwork blur level [1/2] c19616d6a8a base: Declare cutout utils 73d0f8fdf0c Always allow back gesture when there are transient bars showing 53d7f45fef9 Screen off animations [1/2] 2b0ccf4a6ef Smart Pixels: Update default grid pattern 76cd20d5b6e Smart Pixels: Bypass check for obscured window a4638ea70fb Smart Pixels: Switch to registered receiver bd193ae9868 Smart Pixels: Move out of SystemUI 88b60759276 SystemUI: Smart Pixels [1/2] 4605f20fd8e SystemUI: screen-dimmer-pixel-filter 067d3257f0c Unlock keystore with fingerprint after reboot (1/2) c8f5998f02f base: Live Volume Steps [1/2] 15444e20143 Allow disabling of FC dialogs [1/2] a77e17e97e7 SystemUI: BatteryPercentage: Detect when overlay changes 13c2c1d7f17 Telephony: Don't crash for too long baseband version 604fb70ac11 Dynamically tell the user which vendor image is needed 703398c91ac Show a more descriptive message when vendor.img is out of date 06659e5f4c8 Partially Revert "Don't update dark boot setting onStart" bd3917fa89d Keyguard: reduce bottom text size 4b211a1de6b Select the proper request list size d7929eed849 Guard in short-circuit evaluations for stringSplit methods. 5ce8b9b0521 camera: Skip HFR checks for privileged apps. 6bfe374fcbf cgroup follow for procs in the same cgroup.procs ab1b1cadb73 Ensure cgroup.procs in the same cgroup ef4280e3ee5 Keyguard: lock icon improvements 238d72f079c base: SystemUI: add tuner to hide qs drag handle 5a1c099ed60 Resolve NumberPicker display abnormal issue. 913d4f12823 Clean up class preloading f02d5a758fc Update Xbox BT controller mapping to support upcoming controller firmware update 612c62acd48 FlashlightController: Disable sending intent b4fad32ea6e Fix layout gravity for status bar right clock dc13cf46f8e BatteryStats: Update WifiState even if EnergyInfo is invalid d7c64f22fda BatteryService: scheduleUpdate asynchronously 351e845863b display: Validate activePhysIndex before access d07fe614c9b WindowStateAnimator: Fix NPE with wallpaper offset 575c17d6e3e Fix bugs regarding system app cannot write visible path 09cb0c7c905 Add ability to toggle bluetooth battery level [1/2] 6b0cba3743c SystemUI: Change bluetooth battery level icon drawables 43c1d2af7c0 SystemUI: Show bluetooth battery level when available e646712186d power: Disable keyboard/button lights while dozing/dreaming b7be600e2e0 Disable tuner pref for battery 68cac42840c SystemUI: restart timeout causes black screen 1b02b19da3a Audio: Do not disconnect profiles till Bluetooth Off 3aa26d11ea8 BackupAgent: add backup shared mode 3b5762d35fd FB: Disable dashboards conditions and suggestions (1/2) ecf9d2c44df Improve scrolling cache 95a2bb7c7d8 base: set scrolling to 0.006f 72aef54c6f1 lowered animations duration 671f041d030 android.view: Speed things up!! 591612a80ce Speed up Orientation Listener 616da13dbec hwui: Fix HWUI_COMPILE_FOR_PERF for non-arm 7dcef11580f Explicitly grant START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND to com.android.phone. 18ed7fb23a7 Force disable PlayServices OTA checks 6c81d06fc3d Add "android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" to manifest ad6da2bf02f base: Ambient Display battery toggle [1/2] f910bbff11c TypeClock: Add German translation ee1d5604c6b HeadsUp: Fix list updating after reboot 31e4e9501df SystemUI: HeadsUp blacklists (1/2) 96242ee7cd3 Move BT state to OFF when BLE app count is zero 14dc65ce515 SystemUI: add more notification snooze times 1e296b1ecb7 Fix Photosphere/Camera FCs 2eaa7ac5f03 Fix NPE when AOSP ambient display preference is removed a45fb6d1ea7 Optimize IncallUI delay for voice calls 9cc3853cb15 base: SystemUI: rounded_ripple must use corner_size aabe768e05e base: navigation mode settings [1/2] a240c4e05d7 FingerprintService: Increase MAX_FAILED_ATTEMPTS 11f8cf87e67 base: SwipeToScreenshot: Import MIUI implementation dc5ff408f1b base: Improvements for swipe to screenshot e351e63f55d base: Add three-fingers-swipe to screenshot [1/2] bef62415972 base: Add new font overlays 2ee2ac5051d LteTile: Fix network modes for 10 a68997bc98f Support more Network modes for LTE-tile. 11b5b632d9d LteTile: multisim compatibility 9cf9087a1d7 SystemUI: Add LTE Tile bc926e0d0be base: Utils: Add API to take screenshots 10b08a84b35 base: Expose system icon area weight e4820e0dd8c SmartCharging: add reset battery stats option [1/2] 2a856575a28 SmartCharging: allow user set resume level [1/2] 0c7aa1cc40d Smart Charging: allow using device overlays 26dac6f268a Smart Charging: rework for using more common sysfs node [1/2] 29fe77fe33b base: Smart Charging (1/4) 5e95606812d base: Use MD2 icon for missed call notification 8cfed490ce9 Fix bootanimation stack overflow 04ad4381238 base: themes: dont use colorPrimary for active qs ed5ab06395f SystemUI: Update automatic brightness drawables d1f894d8380 SystemUI: thread protect keyguard callbacks 9c74a3a89a4 ChooserActivity: remove ugly separator b7a5222a992 base: Q seekbar: Set opacity for the seekbar when it's not interactive dca73edbedf base: Q seekbar: Tweak it's size 371d856f7f7 base: Nice looking black theme 7fb7db6c581 Add make_unique function for jni 551bedda987 Increase Zenmode max hour limit from 12 to 24 a5f5bf0c53c SystemUI: Prevent NPE in Dependency.get() in BrightnessController 5621b7aefc1 SettingLib: Add deep sleep info to uptime preference 36b5bf940fc SmoothSpinners: Makes the loading "spinner" animation smoother f9959603bfc AppOps: Do not prune apps that are not present d82b5ff48a4 Camera: Don't throw exceptions when value pairs have spaces in them 58efec3cacd BluetoothAdapter: disable logspew dac4440944e SystemUI: onLongClick Settings button for Blissify Settings eb2c3746c02 Allow Python Versions Higher than 2.6 41df92d88dd TypeClock: Add 24h format support 3831e3b3dd2 Add toast when screenshot is deleted 777c91f7d9e Material toast icon switch [1/2] 5ebf06f03ad SystemUI: Fix statusbar padding and layout for system icons 03701c79273 Whitelist WRITE_DEVICE_CONFIG for shell 55e3c82cf08 Add missing STORAGE_INTERNAL permission for BackupRestoreConfirmation 0fe049895fa Update rounded corner radius path for Android 10 5189a5f4c21 ScreenDecorations: Clean up tuner API 23cdd8a4d90 Allow tuning extra padding for status bar a2727271097 Rounded Corner: Code improvement and clean up 62e077b973f Custom Rounded Corner and Padding preferences [1/2] 5060eb2acd4 base: Remove round corner padding from statusbar f45148d135d framework: Port IME selector notification toggle (2/2) e860de42b2f fb: add back all keyboard IME features back (1/2) 90e946c136f ambient display: Fix volume key music control 01abea5ab5e BatteryBar [1/2] bdc5b06809d FOD: let displaymanager handle brightness f23527694f6 SystemUI: Allow overlaying max system icons 172a2c2e490 aapt: Default to 0 compression ratio c8c133d3b9b Keyguard: Actually kill the Fancy Colon c87dd8f5321 Disable More Debugging 53f8d272bcf Reduce log verbosity: Don't spam logcat 205f248ef7c MediaScanner: Detect folders 4f33eb73c97 base: Remove unnecessary videos ec09932e990 base: Delete media tests 4167058dbe7 BurnInProtection: Fix null object reference with timer f4492008d13 FOD: Enable burn-in protection only while dreaming b6ff5362366 FOD: Change a few things about FOD behaviour 78ced6dcf24 SystemUI: add pulsing callback to KeyguardUpdateMonitor c5a2861ca91 Change default fod icon 7757ef510d3 AbsListView: Fix widget couldn't find any view fc 575d42f46b5 Fix status bar for network traffic icon holder f39cc9f73eb Return: Listanimation Views and Interpolator [1/2] e36cc0b39b6 Allow toggling animations off [1/2] e20cfaa7979 Add interpolators to qs tiles animation [1/2] 677e1531ef6 Add animations to quick settings tiles [1/2] 46cb8533432 Add option to disable scrolling cache [1/2] 4213059b68e AppTransitions: Remove hackery for controls duration 5a9f8b21e6f FW_Base - XuiMod: Toast Animations [1/2] d1b05333363 Add Ethans animations 00c2edaca61 AOKP custom system animations (1/2) 0c439653c02 ScreenshotSound: Fix playing screenshot's sound when camera's sounds off. 0f57ef6d737 Disable/Enable screenshot sound [1/2] a752c3a44ef SystemUI: QS: Add CPUInfo toggle tile fafdfe7d7d0 base: Check early if CPU temp is available cb08c75f7f0 base: Fix CPU info overlay text layout 12b81e0dcae base: Bring back CPU temperature to CPU info overlay 3892b98b0e9 base: SystemUI: adjust CPU overlay style 6550a6d177a base: fix num cpu check for CPU overlay 304cf4f692e [1/2] base: add CPU info overlay c3774d0edcc Fix for, BT Carkit position issue when music app is killed 9288d9e9dda Add option to select brightness slider positon [2/3] 602b466a7c2 QS tile titles visibility [1/2] 658cb8375d6 Statusbar: Fix Tunerservice usage 6a74d1fab27 NetworkStatsHistory: Prevent IllegalArgumentException 1001f64280f Prevent crash in TTS engine due to improper configuration c96a135e33f Framelayout: Fix NPE when view is missing ca023c32dfa SystemUI: Keyguard: Check for a null errString 70f5edb949c Keyguard: Fix scramble PIN view for multiple users 5ae63c06091 Keyguard: Hide check button when using PIN quick unlock 74822a77766 Disable PIN entry after successful quick unlock 87b71e3b1b5 Keyguard: Forward port lockscreen quick unlock (1/2) * manifest/ 4812e9b Track sm8150 HALS from LOS 10eb4b8 Merge branch 'android-10.0.0_r9' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest into q * packages/apps/Blissify/ 03f6e91 Add ability to toggle bluetooth battery level [2/2] ee3d3c3 Add Lockscreen album art filter [2/2] a539b6a Enable Lockscreen shortcuts 349465c Blissify: Refactor Battery bar bfb5247 Blissify: HeadsUp blacklists (2/2) cac9616 Blissify : add notifications category 45e4a53 Blissify: Implement Aggressive Battery [2/2] 08f91dd Blissify: Refactor Animations 778ae46 Blissify: QS tile titles visibility [2/2] 75aaefc Blissify: partially revert animations and battery bar * packages/services/Telecomm/ dc0d4343 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r9' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/services/Telecomm into q 9463b9f8 Revert "Add back increasing ring feature (3/3)." d5d1a329 Revert "Telecomm: Phone ringtone setting for Multi SIM device [3/3]" * vendor/bliss/ aead3727 Merge "vendor/bliss: Include Google Material sounds [2/2]" into q10 9b0e5bc9 Merge "vendor: Update prebuilt apps" into q10 146cd8a1 vendor/bliss: Include Google Material sounds [2/2] 735495c9 kernel: Fix ccache not being used when building 64f0c285 vendor: Update prebuilt apps * vendor/support/ d8cf8ec support: Add SecureSettingListPreference 35d8c15 support: Extend custom seekbar preferences 943333b support: Add SecureSettingsStore ==================== 10-29-2019 ==================== * build/make/ c0e75ba63 releasetools: ota_from_target_files: add FullOTA_PostValidate 65c48b6a5 build: ota: Support for install tools in /tmp/install fe2c21780 Switch to aapt2 for getting minSdkVersion 07cd23b54 build: Add support for device tree in boot.img 3b7e58b19 Add BOARD_CUSTOM_BOOTIMG_MK support * device/bliss/sepolicy/ 48cbfd0 Kill sysinit 1a846c1 sepolicy: vendor: Migrate to power 1.2 * device/qcom/sepolicy/ e5e66c99 sepolicy: qva: Remove duplicate specification for qti.ims.ext f7e08cc4 Add in gitreview file * device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy-um/ 15aaab8 Add in gitreview file * frameworks/base/ 8eb1a60cb4f Network traffic mode for status bar [2/3] 831988eae98 FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: android.ui 4efa2972c5d KernelWakelockReader: stop the panic b22c23741af ParcelFileDescriptor: can we stop the panic here? 6c74f715bc8 Enable NSRM (Network Socket Request Manager). 014390b9d7f Rename the backup file to base file when backup exists 80c340d08ed SQLite: Do integrity_check only once 248d4857b15 SQLiteDatabase: Catch corrupt exception during transaction 04add7101f2 base: limit direct share targets to reduce lag 72599dcfdcc aapt: Fix compiler warning (clobbered by longjmp) 04f95170423 Add Bliss utils b7a634fef62 Camera: Don't crash when trying to disable shutter sound 1e13cb12968 Allow chromium to sign in 706852b2ddc Camera: Force HAL1 for predefined package list. 110253df2b3 SystemUI: fix MediaProjection cast crash 3ea6ffc7549 core: Add camera intents for camera state bffd0f32691 base: Update some icons to MD2 e54a168f148 SystemUI: Decrease battery icon size d7e44b01eba Add DeskClock in powersave whitelist 1feee91ab89 Wallpaper is half black after rotating quickly a6dc6e38751 Add support for fake signatures, enabled per app by dynamic perms bd2bca3eaeb Support UnifiedNlp (microG) eae7615ff9d base: SystemUI: reduce padding between clock and notification area 7c8c6a29530 aapt: add check for untranslatable "string-array"s b93035c2830 aapt: Use a std::map instead of a SortedVector 66be0129e98 aapt: Speed up the style pruning f9843295b56 Fix to avoid UI freeze issue af120cc218c display: Don't animate screen brightness when turning the screen on e80b922b232 connectivity: Configure additional TCP parameters 845541ed113 MountService: Prevent NPE with DropBoxManager d9000306ef1 MountService: ensure VolumeRecord with UUID exists before modifying 5ef4d8b6956 Settings:Bugfix for NPE, Only valid screen power consumption need to smear 30bdef270a5 SystemUI: Fix SystemUI Crash aaa8593e6a6 Suppress FingerprintManager logspam 6f6dd7a9a94 Kill off provider info logspam ff8b91c20a8 ViewGroup: Remove child parent when a new view is added d0e9a7c3d04 Fix formatting for Dash charging overlay a6fccc9ae78 Do not apply date customization to QS clock [1/2] e4d89a95b60 Add option to auto hide status-bar clock [1/2] 859ebebd8bf Statusbar clock customizations [1/2] 39b0c765b44 Add separate tunable for clock seconds 73f6f35b44c CollapsedStatusbar: Fix phantom spaces in status bar 2de05950ee3 Allow using position tunable to hide clock 27557a30aad Use alphaoptimized layout for icons on left cd2d722204a SystemUI: Implement burn-in protection for status/navbar 693a86bd88c base: SystemUI: add custom qs tiles overlay 271344c936c base: Update ic_doc_folder drawable to MD2 5dc0d680a78 base: Update few drawables 60d58a1b29b SystemUI: Update string for add tiles with one click 5bc28238f83 SystemUI: assist: disable old Assistant animations 8afdf1c7e64 Add button to AppErrorDialog to upload crash information to dogbin 633d8604f71 SystemUI: Update NFC tile drawable da43a9cfdf3 base: SettingsProvider: cleanup leftover logspill 6bf4be5eab4 Add tunables for navbar layout customization [1/2] eb171d54fdb Telephony: NPE observed in Settings when click on Search settings f070350fff8 Add toggle to disable HW keys [1/2] 8403eb8f7d4 Use FORCE_SHOW_NAVBAR to actually toggle navbar 45425864cf9 base: Add accidental touch prevention for assist key 192e5a22285 base: Introduce Accidental Touch a5ebd8aeb4a base: Introduce new navigation bar key event source 8a52268d85f base: rescuce party: check isDisabled on all public API 16de5cdd2b9 NightLight: Allow lower temperatures 1750e08561c SystemUI: Improve QS detail view layout c6930c6a623 Add missing INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission 27124000dff telephony: Conditionally ignore RSSNR signal level f8b6bdac858 SystemUI: Add statusbar NFC icon 159ebff02f5 base: Phone ringtone setting for Multi SIM device [1/3] 0cfaa5469b3 frameworks: Reset battery stats [1/2] 48cc3eb328d SystemUI: Add Cellular tile icon from OOS 366b5e56242 SystemUI: Add OOS style QS tile layout 8496ee09450 base: Add OOS style switches abd6f189238 VolumeDialogImpl: Use TunerService properly 451b095047d VolumeDialogControllerImpl: Check for internal audio recording support 663ada090fa SystemUI: Whitelist our recorder on CastController eabe08407b0 fwb: Add support for internal audio recording 541c11a1958 PackageManager: allow build-time disabling of components fbcfa39919e FingerprintService: add overlay to prevent cleanup of unused fingerprints 62249391b1d fingerprint: notify client when cancelling succeeded e43ae6719e9 BatteryService: add dash charging support 70573099d6d LockscreenCharging: squashed (1/3) 9a27ba06dcc Option to Display Data Disabled Indicator Icon [1/2] ac8884fd7be Allow using 4G icon instead LTE [1/2] dd3354ee4b5 Make roaming indicator optional [1/2] cf3876b13c1 TunerService: Add parseInteger failsafe method 617bad657f5 SystemUI: Allow using tuner API for Global settings 689d25d4be0 TunerService: Prevent NPE with tunable a85b9035b9b toasts: Use Animation_Toast_Material bb9ddcdffb0 toasts: Improve layout and center-align the content ad3f5a2f88c toasts: Increase elevation to 4 9a4c5693b47 toasts: Follows theme corner radius c3000801655 core: Materialize Toast notifications af76598392b base: Add Pixel UI 83c899bb5ad UserManagerService: Use BLISS_FINGERPRINT to signal upgrades ad80a512a2d Use Bliss fingerprint for ShortcutService 180a182a305 Store Bliss fingerprint for package data 8d32373b704 Revert "fw/b: Use ro.build.date to signal OTA upgrades" 35fe908acc2 Ability to toggle VoLTE icon in statusbar [1/2] cd9341776b8 SystemUI: Hide back icon when screen pinned and gestural mode enabled fa3f0c56f0a SystemUI: Fix escape text when screen pinned and gestural mode enabled 34476127bc5 ScreenPinningRequest: Fix recents button not appearing 3f8018ba91a SystemUI: Implement Smart space aaf504b92fe SystemUI: Port code to improve pixel live wallpapers 0ca10ff9b1c Initial import of SystemUIGoogleFactory 7fc4a09b992 SystemUI: Add method for getting estimated battery time eb71ed1ec51 ActivityManagerService: Disallow requestSystemServerHeapDump on non-eng builds 250d7aec555 SystemUI: Remove build version from qs footer 3f91b0a4a8a SystemUI: Fix flickering issue when live wallpaper is showing on aod/pulsing 400e5520328 Use new gradient dialog also for recovery/factory reset action 2ea3c45cb5a AppStandbyController: Only check user standby setting 39587d6649b Conditionally disable uncrypt for ota 0c1d3a95296 Make Build.TYPE and Build.FINGERPRINT consistent for apps 9300073ea01 base: Make Build.DATE visible to apps 70740e27c19 Add customizable action for back long press button [2/3] 4f7840964f1 Add device key action to kill app [2/3] aeef63b20eb telephony: Make IMS method updateToState accessible 673ef3fd675 fwb: Add overlay for SetupWizard c8bc21bb8d5 SettingsLib: Don't show system overlays on apps list 33dfb4ac319 [1/2] Use bliss fingerprint for MediaScanner 1d92087b0ff Shell: Don't show bugreport on DocumentsUI a7a6389b863 Camera2: Notify fps as Session Based Parameter fa001caab31 Revert "Fix enumerate corner case" 3cac3c96c24 Add colors to assistant animation 8bdbcda0149 base: Add rounded corners to activity open/close animation 5c25fbf0592 base: Add START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND on phone priv-app whitelist e336b9c4c8f IS_DEBUGGABLE -> IS_ENG 1711645a943 TypeClockController: Make it compile with new plugin API 1fe35ae5aba Revert "Drop Type clock face." a91a76e138b Revert "Drop final remnants of Type clock face" 512d0349271 Revert "Disable ClockOptionsProvider so clocks don't appear in picker app" 2ae38addb59 Revert "Disable custom clock faces in SystemUI" 73f9cae93c9 PrivacyItemController: Enable permission hub by default 31347f869c6 Revert "DO NOT MERGE Revert "Adding the privacy chip to the CarStatusBar"" ae2c4b4bfd7 Revert "DO NOT MERGE Remove Privacy Indicators" d5db3462c95 SystemUI: Don't dismiss keyguard if user key isn't unlocked 98a78ecb294 SystemUI: Dismiss keyguard on boot if disabled by current profile e302af0e16c SystemUI: Add visualizer feature 22f58e322a5 Keyguard: Allow disabling fingerprint wake-and-unlock fd1afdee013 fingerprint: handle PerformanceStats NULL pointers 6cdc87734ba Camera button support 5b3e28ccd89 power: Re-introduce custom charging sounds 9ca2fd176b3 SystemUI: Advanced location tile 1319156466b SystemUI: Add Profiles tile fa9f05c431c SystemUI: Enable and fix QS detail view, adapt layout to Q b6036df4454 BT: Adding aptX-Adaptive codec entry to Framework a40bfcb463b proto: Add Blissify Matric Constant 071320828cf Add .gitreview 07ffe20924c sensors: Create bool to select what timestamp to use 60291d2c69f PowerProfile: allow overriding default power profile d0525e83a5f SystemUI: Fix toggling lockscreen rotation [1/3] 534df6f84c1 Configurable 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree rotation d43bc1f6543 Add NR data RAT support b3e47f707f5 Support for radio technology NR 36dc4728151 FR57912: Add support for pdp data reject with cause code 29,33,55 70bdb507962 WifiDisplayController: handle preexisting p2p connection status 7d720fe0430 WiFiDisplayController: Defer the P2P Initialization from its constructor. 07a821d14de Merge changes for launching wifidisplay from system settings 25135f52ea6 Camera: Add feature extensions 89b73c843f7 Fix: Recent Apps not closing 7cd08b46b91 KernelCpuUidTimeReader: Decrease log level on non-eng builds f226ee08458 SoundPool: Do not sleep on stop for USAGE_GAME or on BUFFER_END ad7ac0566b2 SystemUI: Apply system_icons_keyguard_padding_end to parent view 51f50c0ead4 SystemUI: Avoid adding useless empty quick settings page 1b153944c0b Remove a user/userdebug difference. ab46ebeced5 Check GL extension is supported before using it in glwallpaper 49c7edabb91 Reduce unnecessary NotificationListener binder transaction. 7d558871017 Don't clear the output array if it failed to open the proc status file c7878e62136 Fix QuotaController constants. d90556c507f Fix memory leak in aapt2 6aee9a71eb4 aapt2: disable leak detection bda86605cf9 Fix FD leak in ConnectivityManager.getConnectionOwnerUid e2071125b97 Apply JNI optimizations to HwParcel aee9712793d base: add Trust usb restrictor 61df0ffb468 Camera: allow camera to use power key as shutter 69dea86c993 AudioService: Remove Analog Dock from fixed-volume devices 373f3b7b023 Allow adjusting screen density to smaller sizes. 94371b229e5 SystemUI: Add support for persistent usb drive notification. 052e42e701a frameworks: Add unlinked ringtone and notification volumes c8abe486853 Support enforcing a minimum delay between notification sounds of an app. 6c74e1f79f0 fw/b: [Squash] Add capability to allow tethering to use VPN upstreams f5f4817b3ad Forward port CM Screen Security settings (1/2) adac7d934fb SystemUI: runtime configurable audio panel location b898b8abc43 CameraServiceProxy: Loosen UID check conditionally dd85d8a0003 fw/b: Fix systemui tests with in-display fingerprint b767c792002 SystemUI: Allow snoozing SD card notification unconditionally 1aa7d7c87a2 FODCircleView: defer removal to next re-layout 055047c31a0 Initial support for in-display fingerprint sensors 604c343b23c PowerManagerService: Wake on plug (1/2) e6d01a29269 SystemUI: Add navbar layout inversion tuning dce6e574209 Add support for runtime toggle of navbar 495f27dff12 SystemUI: Allow overlaying max notification icons 7883082e667 Enter quick doze with non-wakeup alarm. ce8de70f3e9 Correction in logic of roundend size calculation of SD card 2474be2fbca Fix bug Device that can't support adoptable storage cannot read the sdcard. a4ba54fdd32 Enable Binder Proxy Tracking by Uid only on eng builds dab94d72705 frameworks/base: Support for third party NFC features and extensions 36d71107be0 Forward port 'Swap volume buttons' (1/3) 3c514e7d796 PhoneWindowManager: Allow torch and track skip during ambient display 3a50bce423b fw/b: Allow customisation of navbar app switch long press action 849864c79a8 PhoneWindowManager: Implement press home to answer call edbfbdc850e PhoneWindowManager: Tap volume buttons to answer call 8d53533c2b0 Reimplement device hardware wake keys support e74864e799a Reimplement hardware keys custom rebinding 3f881015dfb Long-press power while display is off for torch 9a3a6d73f70 PhoneWindowManager: add LineageButtons volumekey hook 7acd073e46b Framework: Volume key cursor control 61c2515a8b6 AppOpsService: Watch op mode changes when an AppOp restriction dies 7f6ae8ae227 Allow lid to send a generic COVER_CHANGED broadcast e8b7c1abc17 SystemUI: Network Traffic [1/3] f764bb3c3dd SystemUI: Add Lineage statusbar item holder f35fcfad9fa LiveDisplayTile: Enable for outdoor mode and skip night display on HWC2 323758e6bd0 PowerManager: Allow to distinguish different keypresses 13d5f9c0eea PowerManagerService: Allow to light up buttons only when pressed 042da67fa53 PowerManager: Add proximity check on wake da0ee03cce5 fw/b: Button backlight brightness 3979732ba3b SettingsProvider: Allow accessing LineageSettings via settings command 0d306ed6d04 audio: Don't play sound effects if stream is muted 9f38172d1f0 Fix migration from pre-O for AndroidTV devices (1/2) 9b5b0fed2d5 Disable notification channel warnings by default 57295461042 PackageManager: Add configuration to specify vendor platform signatures 1234882bbd0 Stop USB Debugging authorization window dismissing on tap outside. b1aa8405ab4 SystemUI: Allow user to add/remove QS with one click 2a6182696c2 SystemUI: Add reading mode tile 88fd2ee573c SystemUI: Add LiveDisplay tile f6c7dcb4991 SystemUI: Add USB Tether tile 842583070e5 SystemUI: Add AmbientDisplay tile 3536399100e SystemUI: Add ADB over network tile 2eaa8ad06c3 SystemUI: Add tile to show volume panel 9a9c4bf842a SystemUI: Add Sync tile b4f4814d471 SystemUI: Add heads up tile 91611ebdc9d SystemUI: Add caffeine qs tile a9ae4854e4e SystemUI: Enable NFC tile e9e175b8e39 Support for device specific key handlers 9f317020517 TunerServiceImpl: Blacklist notification panel tuners f8ebf6d15c7 SystemUI: Port statusbar brightness control * hardware/qcom-caf/apq8084/audio/ 7feb4b079 apq8084: audio: fix msm8974 symlinks * hardware/qcom-caf/sm8150/media/ 97face7e media: Exclude libplatformconfig from OSS builds c72b63b2 media: Include display_headers instead of display_intf_headers e7db7d7d media: libOmxSw encoders require prop headers :( fd8b1ec5 media: Use * pathmap * manifest/ 504eff6 Track our sepolicy repo * packages/apps/Settings/ 3a4f84f823 SoundSettings: Add screenshot sounds settings 7eb84208a6 InstalledApp: show link to Google Play e5137086e3 Settings: remove unneeded collapse limits 2c6c028a5b SmartCharging: add reset battery stats option [2/2] 184b4b8b83 SmartCharging: allow user set resume level [2/2] cf16a29533 Settings: Smart Charging (2/4) 349da819e6 Settings: Enable FeatureFlags on "user" builds too a04883beba Settings: Update some icons to MD2 664745ee5c Settings: Fix QrCamera crash on devices without flash b5bcdb9fc9 Settings: Add Pixel UI 90fdbacf2e DisplaySettings: font size in 5% steps from 80% to 130% e92c7360b7 Battery: show battery temp on power summary f1f0802381 [2/2] Settings: navigation mode settings 0dba607a1b settings: Black theme is getting nicer c47cee0f2f fuelgauge: add back battery level animation 381a409c62 Settings: move lockscreen media art & visualizer to blissify [2/2] 01ec79794e Display: Move to Blissify [1/2] 9671531d79 Settings: Add lockscreen visualizer toggle ac8466e5ae Settings: Disable dashboards conditions and suggestions (2/2) 413546fc44 Developer opts: set default notification channel warnings b87a4ffdd2 Settings: Show me more than 4 items in the menus! 040b60fb9c Enable dismissal feature on legacy suggestions. 5791b7725c Settings: disable all bugreport settings 8f1731ceb9 wifi: Remove Qr Code scanner during Modify Network option. 2c26bc0ef9 Settings: Move Advanced Restart switch to Blissify [1/2] 9247a46ecc Settings: disable FLAG_WINDOW_IS_OBSCURED check in accessibility ce2751ea75 Settings: show battery times in summary fd271c9947 Settings: display fstype for mounted volumes 98828ffaff Settings: enable SIM card ringtone only if slot not empty 7535d91db1 Settings: Phone ringtone setting for Multi SIM device [2/3] cc2be1af21 Settings: Reset battery stats [2/2] 3d17208c90 PowerUsageSummary: Remove advanced battery menu item 87b9a45b6b Settings: PowerUsageSummary: open advanced usage on header click 5b230c1f21 Keyguard: Forward port lockscreen quick unlock (2/2) f7124b06db Settings: Use dashboard drawable from Blissify 07dd912343 Include support repo 9de8591489 AmbientDisplay: Add custom pref for devices with custom doze packages e828249e64 Settings: IS_DEBUGGABLE -> IS_ENG d8b956410f QS dev tiles: Don't set them to active area c749640823 BasebandVersionDialogController: Trim duplicated baseband if needed 980f1f19a5 WiFi: Remove country code checking. cdc4212a78 DevelopmentSettings: Disable automatic updates 64aa696b97 Remove feedback and bug report stuff 2ecc63909e Remove the Automatic ota check option but be sure it's disabled 68a71eb3bc Add back arrow to Desktop backup password 3e56b00647 Settings: Add animations on some preferences eaf4f2b959 Settings: Import Adaptive Battery translations from crosshatch 6c1aad3ad8 FeatureFactoryImpl: Import PowerUsageFeatureProviderGoogleImpl d4f7054624 FeatureFactoryImpl: Implement ApplicationFeatureProviderGoogleImpl 691e5ea3dd FeatureFactoryImpl: Implement SuggestionFeatureProvider a8fd2f32e0 FeatureFactoryImpl: Implement SearchFeatureProviderGoogleImpl c5c4449f09 FeatureFactoryImpl: Implement AccountFeatureProviderGoogleImpl 17095bb321 Settings: Initial implementation of FeatureFactoryImpl from Pixel 5cd253bbba Settings: Don't translate configs 9ba1db9159 Settings: Integrate Blissify into Settings a97cc1ce53 Settings: Add BlissUpdater to System dashboard 1128796586 values: Disable System Updater 5f0037e4a3 BlissInfo: Add Bliss logo header 47ad45085d BlissInfo: Add Changelog 631c008c8e Add Bliss Logo to System Dashboard da13002274 AboutPhone: Add Bliss device ff8a87b041 AboutPhone: Add Bliss build status a293c1e9da AboutPhone: Add Bliss build date 4f9eefdf7a AboutPhone: Add Bliss version 2d1df587f5 Add .gitreview * vendor/bliss/ 66bd8d20 build: dt_image: use prebuilt lz4 binary for compressing * vendor/support/ afa2511 support: Add preference that holds global settings bd17bfd support: Extend MasterSwitchPreference 1bc86e8 support: PackageListAdapter: really sync mInstalledPackages 2676480 support: Add Slim Recents PackageListAdapter