Initial Official Build ---16.9.1---- update build noticible lag fix ----17.5--- changed from ext4 to f2fs used rebased trees, more stable (thanks to rtd1250) ----17.6---- Initial QPR3 build added FCM set the target level of kernel to 5 and same for manifest level Droped sound trigger Dropped some depreciated hals from manifest.xml and fcm ------17.7---- August SP Fixed flashbang while using fingerprint (thanks to rtd1250) ------17.8----- synced with latest bliss sources saftey net passes by default misc imporvements ------17.8.1----- synced with latest bliss sources synced with latest lineage os device tree (thanks to rtd1250) switched to AIDL camera hal added UW cam support ------17.8.2----- synced with latest bliss sources fixed night light added some smoothness tweaks