# 0.4.7 - 2021/06/18 * Fixed libwrapper calls * Changed custom fire light to use radius for circle lighting, and new flame size property * This allows the light to work with Perfect Vision * Merged in Spanish localization # 0.4.6 - 2021/06/17 * Added missing greensock inclusion # 0.4.5 - 2021/06/17 * Reverted release workflow # 0.4.4 - 2021/06/16 * New audioreact system * New lights * Switched to new release workflow # 0.4.1 - 2021/06/10 * Bugfix - Only show update notification on update from sheet # 0.4.0 - 2021/06/09 * Added module settings to keep sheets open on update * This is a workaround since 'live' updating no longer works. * Added property description support * Added intensity/speed description display * Fixed a bug where changing intensity/speed only would lose custom property changes on refresh * Added codesnippets file for custom light authors to make creation easier * Added new shader functions from experiments branch to support upcoming features (gobos) * Light Update - Alternate Torch * New custom shader * Added blur options * Added movement options * Light Removed - Blur Torch * Replaced by Alternate Torch with Blur enabled * New Light - Forgotten Adventures Custom * A commissioned light which allows bright and dim regions to have their brightness changed. * Custom shader * Defaults to settings which prevent the light from dimming in darkness * Includes new torch features # 0.3.7 - 2021/06/04 * Added libwrapper support - SecretFire * Added i18n-ally support # 0.3.6 - 2021/06/04 * Fixed lighting animation monkeypatch # 0.3.5 - 2021/06/03 * Updated for 0.8.6 - Update provided by SecretFire # 0.3.1 - 2020/11/06 * Fixed json loading on servers using ROUTE_PREFIX # 0.3.0 - 2020/10/28 * Added custom properties support * Added optgroup organization by author * General lighting updates * Added ratiodamper to torches to help mitigate huge ratio changes on large lights * Added new experimental functionality to lightning style lights, hiding them completely when 'off' * * New lights * New shader from SecretFire * All lights now have their placeable cached * Fixed multiple token lighting issues * Added audioreactive light support * Added cross-module support for SoundBoard by Blitz Full commitlog * Added optgroup replacer for animtype select el * Added intellisense refs for chroma and pixi-filter * Added forced red color to blitz flash lights * Added custom property manager class * Added new colorshift light to demo customvars * Removed pulseTest * Moved cachePlaceable to preanim, added to all lights * Implemented customVar persistence * Tweaked forceFieldExtension to only run chroma if both colors are present * Switched terminology from customVars to customProperties * Re-organized customprop light in lights.json * Updated forceColorationShader to work for tokens * Added workaround for tokens with new light saving and loading customprops * Fixed checkbox and select chosen values * Added semi-useful reason to have all customprop types on ffextensionlight * Removed None from select customprop * Fixed bug: checkboxes now instantiate with correct value * Updated includeAnimation to take in an obj of params * Added ratiodamper to alternatetorch and blurtorch * Added TODO to gitignore * Added audioreactor experiment * Improved audioreactor experiment. Added soundboard support and new options * Fixed hang on reload if soundboard analyser is not ready * Updated blur helper to allow for strength changes * Added new blurred lights, updated torch with secondaryColor * Changed Music to Audio in reactive names. Added audio fade only light * Updated contribution tutorial, updated module version * Add starlight shader and 2 animations * Updating Star Light with sound improvements * Updated lighting with experimental functionality to completely hide source when not flashing # 0.2.0 - 2020/10/25 * Exclusive custom shaders from SecretFire! * 2 new lighting shaders: Grid Force-Field & Smoke Patch * Shader documentation from SecretFire - Eternal thanks for this! * Fixed forceColorationShader to prevent multiple updates * Added optional color to forceColorationShader helper * Updated readme, added demonstration gif * Added pt-BR translation from rinnocenti # 0.1.1 - 2020/10/24 * Fixed token light animations breaking when trying to grab original color alpha # 0.1.0 - 2020/10/23 * Initial Release!