import networkx as nx from scipy.stats import expon, gamma import numpy as np from bonding_curve_eq import invariant,spot_price import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as colors import as cmx #helper functions def get_nodes_by_type(g, node_type_selection): return [node for node in g.nodes if g.nodes[node]['type']== node_type_selection ] def get_edges_by_type(g, edge_type_selection): return [edge for edge in g.edges if g.edges[edge]['type']== edge_type_selection ] default_theta = .25 default_initial_price = .1 default_kappa = 2 def conviction_order(network, proposals): ordered = sorted(proposals, key=lambda j:network.nodes[j]['conviction'] , reverse=True) return ordered def total_funds_given_total_supply(initial_supply, theta = default_theta, initial_price = default_initial_price): total_raise = initial_price*initial_supply total_funds = theta*total_raise return total_funds def initialize_bonding_curve(initial_supply, initial_price = default_initial_price, kappa =default_kappa, theta = default_theta): S = initial_supply total_raise = initial_price*S R = (1-theta)*total_raise V0 = invariant(R,S,kappa) initial_reserve = R hatch_price = spot_price(R, V0, kappa) return initial_reserve, V0, hatch_price #maximum share of funds a proposal can take default_beta = .2 #later we should set this to be param so we can sweep it # tuning param for the trigger function default_rho = .001 def trigger_threshold(requested, funds, supply, beta = default_beta, rho = default_rho): share = requested/funds if share < beta: return rho*supply/(beta-share)**2 else: return np.inf def initialize_network(n,m, funds_func=total_funds_given_total_supply, trigger_func =trigger_threshold, expected_supply = 10**6 ): network = nx.DiGraph() for i in range(n): network.add_node(i) network.nodes[i]['type']="participant" h_rv = expon.rvs(loc=0.0, scale= expected_supply/n) network.nodes[i]['holdings'] = h_rv s_rv = np.random.rand() network.nodes[i]['sentiment'] = s_rv participants = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'participant') initial_supply = np.sum([ network.nodes[i]['holdings'] for i in participants]) initial_funds = funds_func(initial_supply) #generate initial proposals for ind in range(m): j = n+ind network.add_node(j) network.nodes[j]['type']="proposal" network.nodes[j]['conviction']=0 network.nodes[j]['status']='candidate' network.nodes[j]['age']=0 r_rv = gamma.rvs(3,loc=0.001, scale=10000) network.nodes[j]['funds_requested'] = r_rv network.nodes[j]['trigger']= trigger_threshold(r_rv, initial_funds, initial_supply) for i in range(n): network.add_edge(i, j) rv = np.random.rand() a_rv = 1-4*(1-rv)*rv #polarized distribution network.edges[(i, j)]['affinity'] = a_rv network.edges[(i, j)]['tokens'] = 0 network.edges[(i, j)]['conviction'] = 0 network.edges[(i, j)]['type'] = 'support' proposals = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'proposal') total_requested = np.sum([ network.nodes[i]['funds_requested'] for i in proposals]) network = initial_conflict_network(network, rate = .25) network = initial_social_network(network, scale = 1) return network, initial_funds, initial_supply, total_requested def initial_social_network(network, scale = 1, sigmas=3): participants = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'participant') for i in participants: for j in participants: if not(j==i): influence_rv = expon.rvs(loc=0.0, scale=scale) if influence_rv > scale+sigmas*scale**2: network.add_edge(i,j) network.edges[(i,j)]['influence'] = influence_rv network.edges[(i,j)]['type'] = 'influence' return network def initial_conflict_network(network, rate = .25): proposals = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'proposal') for i in proposals: for j in proposals: if not(j==i): conflict_rv = np.random.rand() if conflict_rv < rate : network.add_edge(i,j) network.edges[(i,j)]['conflict'] = 1-conflict_rv network.edges[(i,j)]['type'] = 'conflict' return network def social_links(network, participant, scale = 1): participants = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'participant') i = participant for j in participants: if not(j==i): influence_rv = expon.rvs(loc=0.0, scale=scale) if influence_rv > scale+scale**2: network.add_edge(i,j) network.edges[(i,j)]['influence'] = influence_rv network.edges[(i,j)]['type'] = 'influence' return network def conflict_links(network,proposal ,rate = .25): proposals = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'proposal') i = proposal for j in proposals: if not(j==i): conflict_rv = np.random.rand() if conflict_rv < rate : network.add_edge(i,j) network.edges[(i,j)]['conflict'] = 1-conflict_rv network.edges[(i,j)]['type'] = 'conflict' return network def social_affinity_booster(network, proposal, participant): participants = get_nodes_by_type(network, 'participant') influencers = get_edges_by_type(network, 'influence') j=proposal i=participant i_tokens = network.nodes[i]['holdings'] influence = np.array([network.edges[(i,node)]['influence'] for node in participants if (i, node) in influencers ]) #print(influence) tokens = np.array([network.edges[(node,j)]['tokens'] for node in participants if (i, node) in influencers ]) #print(tokens) influence_sum = np.sum(influence) if influence_sum>0: boosts = np.sum(tokens*influence)/(influence_sum*i_tokens) else: boosts = 0 return np.sum(boosts) def trigger_sweep(field, trigger_func,xmax=.2,default_alpha=.5): if field == 'token_supply': alpha = default_alpha share_of_funds = np.arange(.001,xmax,.001) total_supply = np.arange(0,10**9, 10**6) demo_data_XY = np.outer(share_of_funds,total_supply) demo_data_Z0=np.empty(demo_data_XY.shape) demo_data_Z1=np.empty(demo_data_XY.shape) demo_data_Z2=np.empty(demo_data_XY.shape) demo_data_Z3=np.empty(demo_data_XY.shape) for sof_ind in range(len(share_of_funds)): sof = share_of_funds[sof_ind] for ts_ind in range(len(total_supply)): ts = total_supply[ts_ind] tc = ts /(1-alpha) trigger = trigger_func(sof, 1, ts) demo_data_Z0[sof_ind,ts_ind] = np.log10(trigger) demo_data_Z1[sof_ind,ts_ind] = trigger demo_data_Z2[sof_ind,ts_ind] = trigger/tc #share of maximum possible conviction demo_data_Z3[sof_ind,ts_ind] = np.log10(trigger/tc) return {'log10_trigger':demo_data_Z0, 'trigger':demo_data_Z1, 'share_of_max_conv': demo_data_Z2, 'log10_share_of_max_conv':demo_data_Z3, 'total_supply':total_supply, 'share_of_funds':share_of_funds} elif field == 'alpha': alpha = np.arange(.5,1,.01) share_of_funds = np.arange(.001,xmax,.001) total_supply = 10**9 demo_data_XY = np.outer(share_of_funds,alpha) demo_data_Z4=np.empty(demo_data_XY.shape) demo_data_Z5=np.empty(demo_data_XY.shape) demo_data_Z6=np.empty(demo_data_XY.shape) demo_data_Z7=np.empty(demo_data_XY.shape) for sof_ind in range(len(share_of_funds)): sof = share_of_funds[sof_ind] for a_ind in range(len(alpha)): ts = total_supply a = alpha[a_ind] tc = ts /(1-a) trigger = trigger_func(sof, 1, ts) demo_data_Z4[sof_ind,a_ind] = np.log10(trigger) demo_data_Z5[sof_ind,a_ind] = trigger demo_data_Z6[sof_ind,a_ind] = trigger/tc #share of maximum possible conviction demo_data_Z7[sof_ind,a_ind] = np.log10(trigger/tc) return {'log10_trigger':demo_data_Z4, 'trigger':demo_data_Z5, 'share_of_max_conv': demo_data_Z6, 'log10_share_of_max_conv':demo_data_Z7, 'alpha':alpha, 'share_of_funds':share_of_funds} else: return "invalid field" def trigger_plotter(share_of_funds,Z, color_label,y, ylabel,cmap='jet'): dims = (10, 5) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=dims) cf = plt.contourf(share_of_funds, y, Z.T, 100, cmap=cmap) cbar=plt.colorbar(cf) plt.axis([share_of_funds[0], share_of_funds[-1], y[0], y[-1]]) #ax.set_xscale('log') plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.xlabel('Share of Funds Requested') plt.title('Trigger Function Map') def snap_plot(nets, size_scale = 1/500, ani = False, dims = (20,20), savefigs=False): last_net = nets[-1] last_props=get_nodes_by_type(last_net, 'proposal') M = len(last_props) last_parts=get_nodes_by_type(last_net, 'participant') N = len(last_parts) pos = {} for ind in range(N): i = last_parts[ind] pos[i] = np.array([0, 2*ind-N]) for ind in range(M): j = last_props[ind] pos[j] = np.array([1, 2*N/M *ind-N]) if ani: figs = [] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=dims) if savefigs: counter = 0 length = 10 import string unique_id = ''.join([np.random.choice(list(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)) for _ in range(length)]) for net in nets: edges = get_edges_by_type(net, 'support') max_tok = np.max([net.edges[e]['tokens'] for e in edges]) E = len(edges) net_props = get_nodes_by_type(net, 'proposal') net_parts = get_nodes_by_type(net, 'participant') net_node_label ={} num_nodes = len([node for node in net.nodes]) node_color = np.empty((num_nodes,4)) node_size = np.empty(num_nodes) edge_color = np.empty((E,4)) cm = plt.get_cmap('Reds') cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=max_tok) scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cm) net_cand = [j for j in net_props if net.nodes[j]['status']=='candidate'] for j in net_props: node_size[j] = net.nodes[j]['funds_requested']*size_scale if net.nodes[j]['status']=="candidate": node_color[j] = colors.to_rgba('blue') trigger = net.nodes[j]['trigger'] conviction = net.nodes[j]['conviction'] percent_of_trigger = " "+str(int(100*conviction/trigger))+'%' net_node_label[j] = str(percent_of_trigger) elif net.nodes[j]['status']=="active": node_color[j] = colors.to_rgba('orange') net_node_label[j] = '' elif net.nodes[j]['status']=="completed": node_color[j] = colors.to_rgba('green') net_node_label[j] = '' elif net.nodes[j]['status']=="failed": node_color[j] = colors.to_rgba('gray') net_node_label[j] = '' elif net.nodes[j]['status']=="killed": node_color[j] = colors.to_rgba('black') net_node_label[j] = '' for i in net_parts: node_size[i] = net.nodes[i]['holdings']*size_scale/10 node_color[i] = colors.to_rgba('red') net_node_label[i] = '' included_edges = [] for ind in range(E): e = edges[ind] tokens = net.edges[e]['tokens'] edge_color[ind] = scalarMap.to_rgba(tokens) if e[1] in net_cand: included_edges.append(e) iE = len(included_edges) included_edge_color = np.empty((iE,4)) for ind in range(iE): e = included_edges[ind] tokens = net.edges[e]['tokens'] included_edge_color[ind] = scalarMap.to_rgba(tokens) # nx.draw(net, # pos=pos, # node_size = node_size, # node_color = node_color, # edge_color = included_edge_color, # edgelist=included_edges, # labels = net_node_label) # plt.title('Tokens Staked by Partipants to Proposals') if ani: nx.draw(net, pos=pos, node_size = node_size, node_color = node_color, edge_color = included_edge_color, edgelist=included_edges, labels = net_node_label, ax=ax) figs.append(fig) else: nx.draw(net, pos=pos, node_size = node_size, node_color = node_color, edge_color = included_edge_color, edgelist=included_edges, labels = net_node_label) plt.title('Tokens Staked by Partipants to Proposals') if savefigs: plt.savefig(unique_id+'_fig'+str(counter)+'.png') counter = counter+1 if ani: False #anim = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, , interval=50, blit=True, repeat_delay=1000) def pad(vec, length,fill=True): if fill: padded = np.zeros(length,) else: padded = np.empty(length,) padded[:] = np.nan for i in range(len(vec)): padded[i]= vec[i] return padded def make2D(key, data, fill=False): maxL = data[key].apply(len).max() newkey = 'padded_'+key data[newkey] = data[key].apply(lambda x: pad(x,maxL,fill)) reshaped = np.array([a for a in data[newkey].values]) return reshaped