abc_myplugin-0.1.txt // Plugin name is optional. If unset, it will be extracted from the current // file name. Plugin names should start with a three letter prefix which is // unique and reserved for each plugin author ("abc" is just an example). // Uncomment and edit this line to override: $plugin['name'] = 'rss_admin_db_manager'; // Allow raw HTML help, as opposed to Textile. // 0 = Plugin help is in Textile format, no raw HTML allowed (default). // 1 = Plugin help is in raw HTML. Not recommended. # $plugin['allow_html_help'] = 1; $plugin['version'] = '4.8.6'; $plugin['author'] = 'Rob Sable / Stef Dawson'; $plugin['author_uri'] = ''; $plugin['description'] = 'Database management system for Textpattern'; // Plugin load order: // The default value of 5 would fit most plugins, while for instance comment // spam evaluators or URL redirectors would probably want to run earlier // (1...4) to prepare the environment for everything else that follows. // Values 6...9 should be considered for plugins which would work late. // This order is user-overrideable. $plugin['order'] = '5'; // Plugin 'type' defines where the plugin is loaded // 0 = public : only on the public side of the website (default) // 1 = public+admin : on both the public and admin side // 2 = library : only when include_plugin() or require_plugin() is called // 3 = admin : only on the admin side (no AJAX) // 4 = admin+ajax : only on the admin side (AJAX supported) // 5 = public+admin+ajax : on both the public and admin side (AJAX supported) $plugin['type'] = '3'; // Plugin "flags" signal the presence of optional capabilities to the core plugin loader. // Use an appropriately OR-ed combination of these flags. // The four high-order bits 0xf000 are available for this plugin's private use if (!defined('PLUGIN_HAS_PREFS')) define('PLUGIN_HAS_PREFS', 0x0001); // This plugin wants to receive "plugin_prefs.{$plugin['name']}" events if (!defined('PLUGIN_LIFECYCLE_NOTIFY')) define('PLUGIN_LIFECYCLE_NOTIFY', 0x0002); // This plugin wants to receive "plugin_lifecycle.{$plugin['name']}" events $plugin['flags'] = '2'; // Plugin 'textpack' is optional. It provides i18n strings to be used in conjunction with gTxt(). // Syntax: // ## arbitrary comment // #@event // #@language ISO-LANGUAGE-CODE // abc_string_name => Localized String $plugin['textpack'] = <<< EOT #@owner rss_admin_db_manager #@language en, en-gb, en-us #@diag rss_db_bak => Database backup rss_db_man => Database manager rss_db_sql => Run SQL rss_db_row_number => No. rss_db_query_preamble1 => Each query must be on a single line. You may run multiple queries at once by starting a new line. rss_db_query_preamble2 => Supported query types: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE, REPLACE, and DELETE. rss_db_query_success => {done}/{total} query(s) executed successfully rss_db_query_unsupported => - QUERY TYPE NOT SUPPORTED rss_db_query_warning => WARNING: All SQL run in this window will immediately and permanently change your database. rss_db_query_run => Run rss_db_head_qty="{qty} Tables" rss_db_head_table => Table rss_db_head_fields => Fields rss_db_head_records => Records rss_db_head_use_data => Data usage rss_db_head_use_index => Index usage rss_db_head_use_total => Total usage rss_db_head_use_overhead => Overhead rss_db_head_error_number => Error rss_db_head_actions => Actions rss_db_mysql_host => Database host: rss_db_mysql_name => Database name: rss_db_mysql_user => Database user: rss_db_mysql_version => Database version: rss_db_table_backup => Backup rss_db_table_drop => Drop rss_db_table_dropped => Dropped {table} rss_db_table_optimize => Optimize rss_db_table_optimized => Optimized {table} rss_db_table_repair => Repair rss_db_table_repair_all => Repair all rss_db_table_repaired => Repaired {table} rss_db_table_repaired_all => Repaired all tables rss_db_backup_count => Backup file(s): {count} rss_db_backup_create => Create a new backup of the {db} database: rss_db_backup_date => Backup date/time rss_db_backup_error => Backup failed. Error: {error} rss_db_backup_failed => Backup failed: folder is not writable rss_db_backup_name => Backup file name rss_db_backup_none => No database backups rss_db_backup_ok => Backed up: {db} to "{filename}" rss_db_backup_path => Backup path: rss_db_backup_previous => Previous backup files rss_db_backup_restore => Restore rss_db_backup_settings => Backup settings rss_db_backup_size => Backup file size rss_db_debug_mode => Debug mode: rss_db_delete_error => Unable to delete: "{filename}" rss_db_delete_ok => Deleted: "{filename}" rss_db_gzip_file => gzipped file rss_db_include_log => Include txp_log: rss_db_lock_tables => Lock tables: rss_db_mysql_path => mysql path: rss_db_mysqldump_path => mysqldump path: rss_db_restore_error => Failed to restore. Error: {error} rss_db_restore_ok => Restored: "{filename}" to {db} rss_db_sql_file => .sql file EOT; // End of textpack if (!defined('txpinterface')) @include_once('zem_tpl.php'); # --- BEGIN PLUGIN CODE --- if (txpinterface === 'admin') { new rss_admin_db_manager(); } /** * Admin-side class. */ class rss_admin_db_manager { /** * The plugin's event. * * @var string */ protected $event = __CLASS__; /** * The panel that the plugin hooks into. * * @var string */ protected $hook = "diag"; /** * The plugin's privileges. * * @var string */ protected $privs = '1'; /** * Prefs and their defaults * * @var array */ protected $prefs = array(); /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->prefs = array( 'rss_dbbk_lock' => array( 'val' => 1, 'type' => 'yesnoradio', ), 'rss_dbbk_txplog' => array( 'val' => 1, 'type' => 'yesnoradio', ), 'rss_dbbk_debug' => array( 'val' => 0, 'type' => 'yesnoradio', ), 'rss_dbbk_path' => array( 'val' => get_pref('tempdir', sys_get_temp_dir()), 'type' => 'text_input', ), 'rss_dbbk_dump' => array( 'val' => 'mysqldump', 'type' => 'text_input', ), 'rss_dbbk_mysql' => array( 'val' => 'mysql', 'type' => 'text_input', ), ); add_privs('rss_db', $this->privs); register_tab('diag', 'rss_db_man', gTxt('rss_db_man')); register_tab('diag', 'rss_db_sql', gTxt('rss_db_sql')); register_tab('diag', 'rss_db_bak', gTxt('rss_db_bak')); register_callback(array($this, 'steps'), 'diag', 'steps'); register_callback(array($this, 'levels'), 'diag_ui', 'level'); register_callback(array($this, 'welcome'), 'plugin_lifecycle.'.$this->event); register_callback(array($this, 'db_man'), 'diag', 'rss_db_man'); register_callback(array($this, 'db_sql'), 'diag', 'rss_db_sql'); register_callback(array($this, 'db_bak'), 'diag', 'rss_db_bak'); } /** * Plugin installation. * * @param string $evt Textpattern event (panel) * @param string $stp Textpattern step (action) */ public function welcome($evt, $stp) { switch ($stp) { case 'installed': $this->install(); break; case 'deleted': $this->uninstall(); break; } return; } /** * Install prefs. * * @param array $set Array of key => values to forcibly set. Defaults will be used otherwise */ public function install($set = array()) { foreach ($this->prefs as $key => $options) { if (get_pref($key, null) === null || isset($set[$key])) { if ($options['type'] === 'yesnoradio') { $newval = isset($set[$key]) ? $set[$key] : $options['val']; } else { $newval = empty($set[$key]) ? $options['val'] : $set[$key] ; } set_pref($key, $newval, $this->event, PREF_HIDDEN, $options['type']); } } } /** * Delete prefs and language strings. */ public function uninstall() { remove_pref(null, $this->event); safe_delete('txp_lang', "owner = 'rss\_admin\_db\_manager'"); } /** * Register the plugin's steps with the core panel. * * @param string $evt Textpattern event (panel) * @param string $stp Textpattern step (action) * @param array &$plugin_steps Current set of steps to be modified */ public function steps($evt, $stp, &$plugin_steps) { if (has_privs('rss_db')) { $plugin_steps += array( 'rss_db_man' => true, 'rss_db_bak' => true, 'rss_db_sql' => true, ); } } /** * Render the new functionality options in the diagnostics dropdown. * * @param string $evt Textpattern event (panel) * @param string $stp Textpattern step (action) * @param string $html Current block of HTML * @param array $diag_levels Current set of levels * @return string HTML */ public function levels($evt, $stp, $html, $diag_levels) { global $step; if (has_privs('rss_db')) { $diag_levels['rss_db_man'] = gTxt('rss_db_man'); $diag_levels['rss_db_bak'] = gTxt('rss_db_bak'); $diag_levels['rss_db_sql'] = gTxt('rss_db_sql'); return inputLabel( 'diag_detail_level', selectInput('step', $diag_levels, $step, 0, 1, 'diag_detail_level'), 'detail', '', array('class' => 'txp-form-field diagnostic-details-level'), '' ); } } /** * Database backup panel * * @param string $evt Textpattern event (panel) * @param string $stp Textpattern step (action) */ public function db_bak($event, $step) { global $DB, $diag_levels; require_privs('rss_db'); $mysql_hup = ' -h' . $DB->host . ' -u' . $DB->user . ' -p' . escapeshellcmd($DB->pass); foreach ($this->prefs as $key => $options) { $$key = get_pref($key, $options['val']); } if (ps('save')) { foreach ($this->prefs as $key => $options) { $in = ps($key); $this->install(array($key => $in)); $$key = get_pref($key, $in, true); } pagetop(gTxt('rss_db_bak'), gTxt('preferences_saved')); } elseif (gps('bk')) { $escaped_name = txpspecialchars(gps('bk_table')); $bk_table = $escaped_name ? " --tables " . $escaped_name . " " : ""; $tabpath = $escaped_name ? "-" . $escaped_name : ""; $gzip = gps("gzip"); $filename = time() . '-' . $DB->db . $tabpath; $backup_path = $rss_dbbk_path . '/' . $filename . '.sql' . ($gzip ? '.gz' : ''); $lock = $rss_dbbk_lock ? "" : " --skip-lock-tables --skip-add-locks "; $nolog = $rss_dbbk_txplog ? "" : " --ignore-table=" . $DB->db . ".txp_log "; $nolog = (isset($bk_table) && $escaped_name == "txp_log") ? "" : $nolog; $backup_cmd = $rss_dbbk_dump . $mysql_hup . ' -Q --add-drop-table ' . $lock . $nolog . $DB->db . $bk_table . ($gzip ? ' | gzip' : '') . ' > ' . $backup_path; $bkdebug = ($rss_dbbk_debug) ? $backup_cmd : ''; $error = ""; if (function_exists('passthru')) { passthru($backup_cmd, $error); } else { $dumpIt = popen($backup_cmd, 'r'); pclose($dumpIt); } if (!is_writable($rss_dbbk_path)) { $message = array(gTxt('rss_db_backup_failed'), E_ERROR); } elseif ($error) { unlink($backup_path); $message = array(gTxt('rss_db_backup_error', array('{error}' => $error)), E_ERROR); } elseif (!is_file($backup_path)) { $message = array(gTxt('rss_db_backup_error', array('{error}' => $error)), E_ERROR); } elseif (filesize($backup_path) == 0) { unlink($backup_path); $message = array(gTxt('rss_db_backup_error', array('{error}' => $error)), E_ERROR); } else { $message = gTxt('rss_db_backup_ok', array('{db}' => $DB->db, '{filename}' => $filename)); } pagetop(gTxt('rss_db_bak'), $message); } elseif (($fn = gps('download'))) { $file_path = $rss_dbbk_path . '/' . $fn; header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Type: application/download"); if (substr($fn, -2) == "gz") { header("Content-Type: application/zip"); } header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename($file_path) . ";"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file_path)); @readfile($file_path); } elseif (gps("restore")) { $escaped_name = txpspecialchars(gps("restore")); if (stristr(gps('restore') , '.gz')) { $backup_cmd = 'gunzip < ' . $rss_dbbk_path . '/' . $escaped_name . ' | ' . $rss_dbbk_mysql . $mysql_hup . ' ' . $DB->db; } else { $backup_cmd = $rss_dbbk_mysql . $mysql_hup . ' ' . $DB->db . ' < ' . $rss_dbbk_path . '/' . $escaped_name; } $bkdebug = ($rss_dbbk_debug) ? $backup_cmd : ''; $error = ""; if (function_exists('passthru')) { passthru($backup_cmd, $error); } else { $dumpIt = popen($backup_cmd, 'r'); pclose($dumpIt); } if ($error) { $message = array(gTxt('rss_db_restore_error', array('{error}' => $error)), E_WARNING); } else { $message = gTxt('rss_db_restore_ok', array('{filename}' => $escaped_name, '{db}' => $DB->db)); } pagetop(gTxt('rss_db_bak'), $message); } elseif (gps("delete")) { $escaped_name = txpspecialchars(gps('delete')); if (is_file($rss_dbbk_path . '/' . $escaped_name)) { if (unlink($rss_dbbk_path . '/' . $escaped_name)) { $message = gTxt('rss_db_delete_ok', array('{filename}' => $escaped_name)); } else { $message = array(gTxt('rss_db_delete_error', array('{filename}' => $escaped_name)), E_WARNING); } } else { $message = array(gTxt('rss_db_delete_error', array('{filename}' => $escaped_name)), E_WARNING); } pagetop(gTxt('rss_db_bak'), $message); } else { pagetop(gTxt('rss_db_bak')); } $gzp = (IS_WIN) ? '' : ' | ' . href(gTxt('rss_db_gzip_file'), array( 'event' => $this->hook, 'step' => 'rss_db_bak', '_txp_token' => form_token(), 'bk' => $DB->db, 'gzip' => 1, ), array('class' => 'txp-button')); echo n.'
'. n.tag( hed(gTxt('rss_db_bak'), 1, array('class' => 'txp-heading')), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-layout-1col') ). n.tag_start('div', array( 'class' => 'txp-layout-1col', 'id' => $event.'_container', )). form( eInput($this->hook). $this->levels($this->hook, false, '', $diag_levels) ); if (isset($bkdebug) && $bkdebug) { echo '

' . $bkdebug . '

'; } $cpnl = form( graf( inputLabel('rss_dbbk_lock', yesnoRadio('rss_dbbk_lock', $rss_dbbk_lock), 'rss_db_lock_tables'). inputLabel('rss_dbbk_txplog', yesnoRadio('rss_dbbk_txplog', $rss_dbbk_txplog), 'rss_db_include_log'). inputLabel('rss_dbbk_debug', yesnoRadio('rss_dbbk_debug', $rss_dbbk_debug), 'rss_db_debug_mode'). eInput($this->hook). sInput('rss_db_bak'), array('colspan' => 2) ) . inputLabel('rss_dbbk_path', fInput('text', 'rss_dbbk_path', $rss_dbbk_path, '', '', '', '50'), 'rss_db_backup_path'). inputLabel('rss_dbbk_dump', fInput('text', 'rss_dbbk_dump', $rss_dbbk_dump, '', '', '', '50'), 'rss_db_mysqldump_path'). inputLabel('rss_dbbk_mysql', fInput('text', 'rss_dbbk_mysql', $rss_dbbk_mysql, '', '', '', '50'), 'rss_db_mysql_path'). graf(fInput('submit', 'save', gTxt('save') , 'publish'), array('class' => 'txp-edit-actions')) , '', '', 'post', 'txp-edit', '', 'rss_dbbk_settings_block'); echo wrapRegion('rss_dbbk_settings', $cpnl, 'rss_dbbk_settings_block', 'rss_db_backup_settings', 'rss_db_backup_settings_visible'); echo graf( gTxt('rss_db_backup_create', array('{db}' => $DB->db)).n. href(gTxt('rss_db_sql_file'), array( 'event' => $this->hook, 'step' => 'rss_db_bak', '_txp_token' => form_token(), 'bk' => $DB->db, ), array('class' => 'txp-button')) . $gzp ). hed(gTxt('rss_db_backup_previous'), 2); echo tag_start('div', array('class' => 'txp-listtables')) . startTable('txp-list', '', 'txp-list') . tr( hcell(gTxt('rss_db_row_number')) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_backup_name')) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_backup_date')) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_backup_size')) . hcell('') . hcell('') . hcell('') ); $totalsize = 0; $no = 0; if (!$this->is_folder_empty($rss_dbbk_path)) { $database_files = array(); $dir = new DirectoryIterator($rss_dbbk_path); foreach ($dir as $file) { $extension = $file->getExtension(); if (!$file->isFile() || !$file->isReadable() || !in_array($extension, array('sql', 'gz'))) { continue; } $mtime = $file->getMTime(); $database_files[$mtime] = $file->getFilename(); } krsort($database_files); foreach ($database_files as $stamp => $filename) { $no++; $database_text = substr($filename, 0, 50); $date_text = date("l, F d, Y [H:i:s]", $stamp); $size_text = filesize($rss_dbbk_path . '/' . $filename); $totalsize += $size_text; echo tr( td($no). td($database_text). td($date_text). td($this->prettyFileSize($size_text)). td(href(gTxt('download'), array( 'event' => $this->hook, 'step' => 'rss_db_bak', '_txp_token' => form_token(), 'download' => $filename, ))). td(href(gTxt('rss_db_backup_restore'), array( 'event' => $this->hook, 'step' => 'rss_db_bak', '_txp_token' => form_token(), 'restore' => $filename, ), array( 'data-verify' => gTxt('are_you_sure'), ))). td(href(gTxt('delete'), array( 'event' => $this->hook, 'step' => 'rss_db_bak', '_txp_token' => form_token(), 'delete' => $filename, ), array( 'data-verify' => gTxt('are_you_sure'), ))) ); } echo tr(tag(gTxt('rss_db_backup_count', array('{count}' => $no)), "th", ' colspan="3"') . tag($this->prettyFileSize($totalsize) , "th", ' colspan="4"')); } else { if (file_exists($rss_dbbk_path)) { echo tr(tda(hed(gTxt('rss_db_backup_none'), 3), ' colspan="7" style="text-align:center;"')); } else { echo tr(tda(hed(gTxt('path_not_writable', array('{list}' => $rss_dbbk_path)), 3), ' colspan="7" style="text-align:center;"')); } } echo endTable().tag_end('div').tag_end('div'); echo end_page(); exit; } /** * Database table management panel * * @param string $evt Textpattern event (panel) * @param string $stp Textpattern step (action) */ public function db_man($event, $step) { global $DB, $diag_levels; require_privs('rss_db'); $tablelist = getThings("SHOW TABLES"); $message = ''; if ($tbl = gps("opt_table")) { if (in_array($tbl, $tablelist)) { if (safe_optimize(doSlash($tbl))) { $message = gTxt('rss_db_table_optimized', array('{table}' => txpspecialchars($tbl))); } } } elseif ($tbl = gps("rep_table")) { if (in_array($tbl, $tablelist)) { if (safe_repair(doSlash($tbl))) { $message = gTxt('rss_db_table_repaired', array('{table}' => txpspecialchars($tbl))); } } } elseif ($val = gps("rep_all")) { if ($val) { if (safe_query('REPAIR TABLE '.implode(',', doSlash($tablelist)))) { $message = gTxt('rss_db_table_repaired_all'); } } } elseif ($tbl = gps("drop_table")) { if (in_array($tbl, $tablelist)) { if (safe_drop(doSlash($tbl))) { $message = gTxt('rss_db_table_dropped', array('{table}' => txpspecialchars($tbl))); } } } pagetop(gTxt('rss_db_man'), $message); echo n.'
'. n.tag( hed(gTxt('rss_db_man'), 1, array('class' => 'txp-heading')), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-layout-1col') ). n.tag_start('div', array( 'class' => 'txp-layout-1col', 'id' => $event.'_container', )). form( eInput($this->hook). $this->levels($this->hook, false, '', $diag_levels) ); $sqlversion = getRow("SELECT VERSION() AS version"); echo tag_start('div', array('class' => 'txp-listtables')) . startTable('dbinfo') . tr( hcell(gTxt('rss_db_mysql_host')) . td($DB->host) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_mysql_name')) . td($DB->db) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_mysql_user')) . td($DB->user) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_mysql_version')) . td("MySQL v" . $sqlversion['version']) ) . endTable() . tag_end('div') . br; echo tag_start('div', array('class' => 'txp-listtables')) . startTable('list', '', 'txp-list') . tr( hcell(gTxt('rss_db_row_number')) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_head_table')) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_head_fields')) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_head_records')) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_head_use_data')) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_head_use_index')) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_head_use_total')) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_head_use_overhead')) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_head_error_number')) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_head_actions')) ); $tbl_num = 0; $row_usage = 0; $col_usage = 0; $data_usage = 0; $index_usage = 0; $overhead_usage = 0; $alltabs = array(); $tablesstatus = getRows("SHOW TABLE STATUS"); foreach ($tablesstatus as $tablestatus) { extract($tablestatus); $escaped_name = txpspecialchars($Name); $safe_name = doSlash($Name); isset($columns[$escaped_name]) or $columns[$escaped_name]['total'] = 0; $q = "SHOW KEYS FROM ".safe_pfx($safe_name); safe_query($q); $mysqlErrno = mysqli_errno($DB->link); $color = ($mysqlErrno != 0) ? array('class' => 'error') : array('class' => 'success'); $color2 = ($Data_free > 0) ? array('class' => 'error') : array('class' => 'success'); $color3 = array('class' => 'success'); $pathToCheck = txpath.'/vendors/Textpattern/DB/Tables/'.$escaped_name.'.table'; if (is_readable($pathToCheck)) { $expectedDef = file($pathToCheck); $q = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME AS Field, LOWER(DATA_TYPE) as Type, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = '".$DB->db."' AND table_name = '".safe_pfx($safe_name)."'"; $tableDef = array_column(getRows($q), 'Type', 'Field'); foreach ($expectedDef as $row) { $row = trim($row); // End of definition area (indexes etc follow). if (empty($row)) { break; } $columns[$escaped_name]['total']++; // $parts[0] = field name, $parts[1] = type. $parts = explode(' ', preg_replace(array('!\s+!', '!,!'), ' ', $row)); // Skip field size check. $parts[1] = strtolower((($pos = strpos($parts[1], '(')) !== false) ? substr($parts[1], 0, $pos) : $parts[1]); $field_ok = array_key_exists($parts[0], $tableDef) && $tableDef[$parts[0]] === $parts[1]; if (!$field_ok) { $columns[$escaped_name]['error'][$parts[0]] = $parts[1]; $color3 = array('class' => 'error'); } } } $tbl_num++; $row_usage+= $Rows; $col_usage += (isset($columns[$escaped_name]) ? $columns[$escaped_name]['total'] : 0); $data_usage+= $Data_length; $index_usage+= $Index_length; $overhead_usage+= $Data_free; echo tr( td($tbl_num) . td(href($escaped_name, array( 'event' => $this->hook, 'step' => 'rss_db_sql', '_txp_token' => form_token(), 'tn' => $escaped_name, ))). tda(($columns[$escaped_name]['total'] === 0 ? '-' : $columns[$escaped_name]['total']).(isset($columns[$escaped_name]['error']) ? ' / '.count($columns[$escaped_name]['error']).' ('.implode(', ', array_keys($columns[$escaped_name]['error'])).')' : ''), $color3). td($Rows) . td($this->prettyFileSize($Data_length)) . td($this->prettyFileSize($Index_length)) . td($this->prettyFileSize($Data_length + $Index_length)) . tda($this->prettyFileSize($Data_free), $color2) . tda(" " . $mysqlErrno, $color) . td( ($Engine === 'MyISAM' ? href( gTxt('rss_db_table_repair'), array( 'event' => $this->hook, 'step' => 'rss_db_man', '_txp_token' => form_token(), 'rep_table' => $escaped_name, )).n : ''). href(gTxt('rss_db_table_backup'), array( 'event' => $this->hook, 'step' => 'rss_db_bak', '_txp_token' => form_token(), 'bk' => 1, 'bk_table' => $escaped_name, )).n. href(gTxt('rss_db_table_optimize'), array( 'event' => $this->hook, 'step' => 'rss_db_man', '_txp_token' => form_token(), 'opt_table' => $escaped_name, )).n. href(gTxt('rss_db_table_drop'), array( 'event' => $this->hook, 'step' => 'rss_db_man', '_txp_token' => form_token(), 'drop_table' => $escaped_name, ), array( 'data-verify' => gTxt('are_you_sure'), )) )); } echo tr( hcell(gTxt("total")) . hcell(gTxt('rss_db_head_qty', array('{qty}' => $tbl_num))) . hcell(number_format($col_usage)) . hcell(number_format($row_usage)) . hcell($this->prettyFileSize($data_usage)) . hcell($this->prettyFileSize($index_usage)) . hcell($this->prettyFileSize($data_usage + $index_usage)) . hcell($this->prettyFileSize($overhead_usage)) . hcell() . tda( ($Engine === 'MyISAM' ? href(gTxt('rss_db_table_repair_all'), array( 'event' => $this->hook, 'step' => 'rss_db_man', '_txp_token' => form_token(), 'rep_all' => 1, )) : '') )); echo endTable() . tag_end('div').tag_end('div'); echo end_page(); exit; } /** * Database run SQL panel * * @param string $evt Textpattern event (panel) * @param string $stp Textpattern step (action) */ public function db_sql($event, $step) { global $DB, $diag_levels; require_privs('rss_db'); pagetop(gTxt('rss_db_sql')); $text = ''; $rsd[] = ''; $sql_query2 = ''; if ($tbl = gps('tn')) { $tq = "select * from " . doSlash($tbl); } if (($qry = gps('sql_query')) || $tbl) { $sql_queries2 = trim($qry ? $qry : $tq); $totalquerycount = 0; $successquery = 0; if ($sql_queries2) { $sql_queries = array(); $sql_queries2 = explode("\n", $sql_queries2); foreach ($sql_queries2 as $sql_query2) { $sql_query2 = trim(stripslashes($sql_query2)); $sql_query2 = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", '', $sql_query2); if (!empty($sql_query2)) { $sql_queries[] = $sql_query2; } } foreach ($sql_queries as $sql_query) { if (preg_match("/^\\s*(insert|update|replace|delete|create|truncate) /i", $sql_query)) { $run_query = safe_query($sql_query); if (!$run_query) { $text .= graf(mysqli_error($DB->link) , array('class' => 'error')); $text .= graf($sql_query, array('class' => 'error')); } else { $successquery++; $text .= graf($sql_query, array('class' => 'success')); } $totalquerycount++; } elseif (preg_match("/^\\s*(select) /i", $sql_query)) { $run_query = safe_query($sql_query); if ($run_query) { $successquery++; } if ($run_query && mysqli_num_rows($run_query) > 0) { /* get column metadata */ $i = 0; $headers = ""; while ($i < mysqli_num_fields($run_query)) { $meta = mysqli_fetch_field($run_query); $headers.= hcell($meta->name); $i++; } $rsd[] = startTable('list', '', 'txp-list scrollable') . '' . tr($headers) . ''; while ($a = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run_query)) { $out[] = $a; } mysqli_free_result($run_query); foreach ($out as $b) { $data = ""; foreach ($b as $f) { $data.= td(txpspecialchars($f)); } $rsd[] = tr($data); } $rsd[] = '' . endTable() . br; $out = array(); } else { $text .= graf(mysqli_error($DB->link) , array('class' => 'error')); } $text .= graf($sql_query, array('class' => 'success')); $totalquerycount++; } elseif (preg_match("/^\\s*(drop|show|grant) /i", $sql_query)) { $text .= graf($sql_query . gTxt('rss_db_query_unsupported'), array('class' => 'warning')); $totalquerycount++; } } $text.= graf(gTxt('rss_db_query_success', array('{done}' => $successquery, '{total}' => $totalquerycount)), array('class' => 'success')); } } echo n.'
'. n.tag( hed(gTxt('rss_db_sql'), 1, array('class' => 'txp-heading')). form( eInput($this->hook). $this->levels($this->hook, false, '', $diag_levels) ), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-layout-1col') ). n.tag_start('div', array( 'class' => 'txp-layout-1col', 'id' => $event.'_container', )). n.tag_start('div', array( 'class' => 'txp-layout-cell-row txp-list-head', )). n.tag_start('div', array( 'class' => 'txp-control-panel', )); echo form( graf(gTxt('rss_db_query_preamble1') . br . gTxt('rss_db_query_preamble2')) . graf(gTxt('rss_db_query_warning'), ' style="font-weight:bold;"') . text_area('sql_query', '200', '550', $sql_query2) . br. fInput('submit', 'run', gTxt('rss_db_query_run'), 'publish') . n. href(gTxt('rss_db_man'), array( 'event' => $this->hook, 'step' => 'rss_db_man', '_txp_token' => form_token(), )). eInput('diag'). sInput('rss_db_sql') , '', ' verify(\'' . gTxt('are_you_sure') . '\')' ).$text; echo tag_end('div').tag_end('div'). tag_start('div', array('class' => 'txp-listtables')) . implode('', $rsd). tag_end('div').tag_end('div').tag_end('div'); echo end_page(); exit; } /** * Display sizes in the most suitable format. * * @param int $bytes Number of bytes to convert into better units * @return string */ protected function prettyFileSize($bytes) { return format_filesize($bytes, ($bytes == 0 ? 0 : 2)); } /** * Determines if the passed folder contains files. * * @param string $dir Directory to test * @return boolean */ protected function is_folder_empty($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $dl = opendir($dir); if ($dl) { while ($name = readdir($dl)) { if (!is_dir("$dir/$name")) { return false; break; } } closedir($dl); } return true; } else { return true; } } } # --- END PLUGIN CODE --- if (0) { ?>