# The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Giroux (Bloutiouf) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. bl_info = { "name": "Addon Registry", "author": "Jonathan Giroux (Bloutiouf)", "version": (0, 1, 2), "blender": (2, 70, 0), "location": "User Preferences > Addons", "description": "Manage addons the easy way!", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/System/Addon_Registry", "category": "System" } # Your scripts/addons/.addon_registry should have this schema in JSON # It is not recommended to change the values below as this addon can be updated as well. default_configuration = { # the downloaded database goes here, fill this if you want a preloaded database "addons": {}, # order is important, so you can override addons "registries": [ { # URL or file path "url": r"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Bloutiouf/blender-addon-registry/master/addons.json", # link showing up when there is an error, do not define to hide the button "report-url": r"https://github.com/Bloutiouf/blender-addon-registry/issues/new" } ], # set of proxies "requests-proxies": None, # { # "http": "", # "https": "" # } # seconds waiting to establish the connection, set to None to wait forever "requests-timeout": 4, } import addon_utils import bpy import copy import hashlib import json import os import requests import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import zipfile from bpy.props import * from bpy.types import Panel, Operator, USERPREF_HT_header, WindowManager from string import Template from urllib.parse import urlparse ERROR_NONE = 0 ERROR_EXTRACT_MANUALLY = 1 ERROR_FAILED_COPY = 2 ERROR_FAILED_DOWNLOAD = 3 ERROR_FAILED_REQUEST = 4 ERROR_FAILED_RETRIEVE_ADDON_LIST = 5 ERROR_HASH_MISMATCH = 6 ERROR_NO_HASH = 7 ERROR_NOT_IN_REGISTRY = 8 error_titles = [ None, "Save and extract the addon manually.", "Failed to copy the addon.", "Failed to download the addon.", "The addon is not downloadable.", "Failed to retrieve the addon list.", "Hash mismatch;", "The registry record is not hashed.", "Addon is not in the registry." ] lastError = ERROR_NONE configuration = copy.deepcopy(default_configuration) sorted_addons = [] def get_addon_dir(dir="addons_extern", create=False): addon_dir = os.path.join(bpy.utils.script_path_user(), dir) if create and not os.path.isdir(addon_dir): os.makedirs(addon_dir, exist_ok=True) return addon_dir def install(addon_name): try: addon = configuration["addons"][addon_name] except: return ERROR_NOT_IN_REGISTRY if "sha256" in addon: h = hashlib.sha256() hash = addon["sha256"] else: return ERROR_NO_HASH if "://" in addon["url"]: try: res = requests.get(addon["url"], proxies=configuration["requests-proxies"], timeout=configuration["requests-timeout"], stream=True, verify=True) res.raise_for_status() except: return ERROR_FAILED_REQUEST try: fd, download_path = tempfile.mkstemp() with os.fdopen(fd, 'wb') as file: for chunk in res.iter_content(1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks file.write(chunk) h.update(chunk) except: os.remove(download_path) return ERROR_FAILED_DOWNLOAD else: try: fd, download_path = tempfile.mkstemp() with os.fdopen(fd, 'wb') as file: with open(addon["url"], 'rb') as source: chunk = source.read() file.write(chunk) h.update(chunk) except: os.remove(download_path) return ERROR_FAILED_COPY if h.hexdigest() != hash: return ERROR_HASH_MISMATCH for mod in addon_utils.modules(refresh=False): if mod.__name__ == addon_name: path = mod.__file__ if os.path.isfile(path): os.remove(path) addon_utils.modules(refresh=True) elif os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) addon_utils.modules(refresh=True) break addon_dir = get_addon_dir(create=True) base = os.path.join(addon_dir, addon_name) if addon.get("file", False): os.rename(download_path, base + ".py") elif zipfile.is_zipfile(download_path): with zipfile.ZipFile(download_path) as zf: zf.extractall(addon_dir) else: try: subprocess.check_call(["7z", "x", "-o" + addon_dir, "-y", download_path]) os.remove(download_path) except: bpy.ops.addon_registry.save_archive("INVOKE_DEFAULT", download_path=download_path, filepath=os.path.join(addon_dir, os.path.basename(urlparse(addon["url"]).path))) return ERROR_EXTRACT_MANUALLY return ERROR_NONE def is_newer_version(available, installed): for available_i, installed_i in zip(available, installed): if available_i > installed_i: return True if available_i < installed_i: return False return len(available) > len(installed) def load_configuration(): global configuration try: with open(os.path.join(get_addon_dir(dir="addons"), ".addon_registry"), 'r') as f: configuration = json.load(f) sort_addonds() except: pass def save_configuration(): sort_addonds() with open(os.path.join(get_addon_dir(dir="addons", create=True), ".addon_registry"), 'w') as f: json.dump(configuration, f) def sort_addonds(): global sorted_addons sorted_addons = list(configuration["addons"].items()) sorted_addons.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[1]["info"]["category"] + ": " + pair[1]["info"]["name"]) def update_addon_database(): global lastError if not configuration["registries"]: return false success = True addons = configuration["addons"] registries_addons = dict() for registry in configuration["registries"]: report_url = registry.get("report-url", None) url = registry["url"] try: if "://" in url: res = requests.get(url, proxies=configuration["requests-proxies"], timeout=configuration["requests-timeout"], verify=True) res.raise_for_status() content = res.text else: with open(url, 'r') as f: content = f.read() registry_addons = json.loads(content) registries_addons[url] = registry_addons.keys() for name, addon in registry_addons.items(): addon["registry-url"] = url if report_url: addon["registry-report-url"] = report_url addons[name] = addon except: lastError = ERROR_FAILED_RETRIEVE_ADDON_LIST success = False for name, addon in list(addons.items()): url = addon.get("registry-url", None) if url: registry_addons = registries_addons[url] if name not in registry_addons: del addons[name] configuration["addons"] = addons save_configuration() return success class AddonRegistryPanel(Panel): """Addon registry panel, below the regular addon panel""" bl_label = "Addon registry" bl_space_type = "USER_PREFERENCES" bl_region_type = "WINDOW" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return (context.user_preferences.active_section == 'ADDONS') def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout if lastError != ERROR_NONE: box = layout.box() box.label(icon='ERROR', text=error_titles[lastError]) if lastError == ERROR_EXTRACT_MANUALLY: box.label("The downloaded file is not recognized. It should be an archive that you need to extract manually.") split = box.split(0.6) split.label("By installing 7-Zip and adding it to your PATH, the registry recognizes more formats.") row = split.row() row.operator("wm.url_open", icon='URL', text="Download 7-Zip").url = "http://www.7-zip.org/download.html" row.operator("wm.url_open", icon='URL', text="Installation instructions").url = "http://www.7-zip.org/download.html" elif lastError == ERROR_FAILED_COPY: box.label("The addon file is unreachable.") elif lastError == ERROR_FAILED_DOWNLOAD: box.label("Something may be wrong with your Internet connection. Please try again later.") elif lastError == ERROR_FAILED_REQUEST: box.label("The server hosting the addon may be down. Please try again later.") box.label("The addon may have moved to another URL. If you think this is the case, please report it using the following button, so that the maintainer will update the registry.") elif lastError == ERROR_FAILED_RETRIEVE_ADDON_LIST: box.label("The registry server may be down. Please try again later.") box.label("The registry may have moved to another URL. If you think this is the case, please report it using the following button, so that the maintainer will update the registry.") elif lastError == ERROR_HASH_MISMATCH: box.label("The downloaded addon does not match the registry record. For security reasons, it won't be installed.") box.label("It could mean that the addon's author has uploaded a new version with the same URL.") box.label("If you think this is the case, please report it using the following button, so that the maintainer will update the registry.") elif lastError == ERROR_NO_HASH: box.label("The registry record does not contain an expected hash, therefore the addon authenticity can't be verified.") box.label("You may be using an unofficial registry. If this is the case, please report it to its maintainers.") split = box.split(0.9) split.operator("wm.url_open", icon='URL', text="If the error persists, please report an issue to the registry maintainers").url = "https://github.com/Bloutiouf/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/issues/new" split.operator("addon_registry.hide_error", icon='X') addon_dir = get_addon_dir() userpref = context.user_preferences wm = context.window_manager installed_addons = {} for mod in addon_utils.modules(refresh=False): installed_addons[mod.__name__] = mod enabled_addon_names = {addon.module for addon in userpref.addons} split = layout.split(percentage=0.2) col = split.column() col.operator(UpdateDatabase.bl_idname, icon='FILE_REFRESH') col.separator() col.prop(wm, "addon_registry_search", text="", icon='VIEWZOOM') col.label(text="Categories") col.prop(wm, "addon_registry_filter", expand=True) col.separator() col.operator(ResetConfiguration.bl_idname, icon='CANCEL') col = split.column() filter = wm.addon_registry_filter search = wm.addon_registry_search.lower() for name, addon in sorted_addons: info = addon["info"] available_version = info["version"] show_expanded = addon.get("show_expanded", False) installed_addon = installed_addons.get(name, None) installed_version = None is_installed = bool(installed_addon) is_newer_available = False is_enabled = False if is_installed: installed_info = addon_utils.module_bl_info(installed_addon) installed_version = list(installed_info["version"]) is_newer_available = is_newer_version(available_version, installed_version) is_enabled = name in enabled_addon_names if ((filter == "All") or (filter == "New Version Available" and is_newer_available) or (filter == info["category"]) or (filter == "Installed" and is_installed) or (filter == "Not Installed" and not is_installed) ): if search and search not in info["name"].lower(): if info["author"]: if search not in info["author"].lower(): continue else: continue peers = addon.get("peers", None) if peers and (type(peers) is not list or len(peers) == 0): peers = None warning = info.get("warning", None) col_box = col.column() box = col_box.box() colsub = box.column() row = colsub.row() row.operator(Expand.bl_idname, icon='TRIA_DOWN' if show_expanded else "TRIA_RIGHT", emboss=False).addon_name = name sub = row.split(0.6) text = sub.row() text.label(text="%s: %s" % (info["category"], info["name"])) if peers: text.label(icon='LINK_AREA') if warning: text.label(icon='ERROR') buttons = sub.split(0.5) if is_installed: buttons.operator("wm.addon_remove", text=".".join(map(str, installed_version)), icon='CANCEL').module = name else: buttons.label("Not installed") if is_installed and not is_newer_available: buttons.label("Latest version") else: buttons.operator(Install.bl_idname, text=".".join(map(str, available_version)), icon='WORLD').addon_name = name if is_installed: if is_enabled: row.operator("wm.addon_disable", icon='CHECKBOX_HLT', text="", emboss=False).module = name else: row.operator("wm.addon_enable", icon='CHECKBOX_DEHLT', text="", emboss=False).module = name else: sub = row.row() sub.active = False sub.label(icon='CHECKBOX_DEHLT', text="") if show_expanded: if peers: colsub.row().label(icon='LINK_AREA', text="Bundled with: " + ", ".join(configuration["addons"][peer]["info"]["name"] for peer in peers)) if info["description"]: split = colsub.row().split(percentage=0.15) split.label(text="Description:") split.label(text=info["description"]) if info["location"]: split = colsub.row().split(percentage=0.15) split.label(text="Location:") split.label(text=info["location"]) if info["author"]: split = colsub.row().split(percentage=0.15) split.label(text="Author:") split.label(text=info["author"], translate=False) if info["version"]: split = colsub.row().split(percentage=0.15) split.label(text="Version:") split.label(text=".".join(str(x) for x in info["version"]), translate=False) if warning: split = colsub.row().split(percentage=0.15) split.label(text="Warning:") split.label(text=" " + warning, icon='ERROR') separators = 2 split = colsub.row().split(percentage=0.15) split.label(text="Internet:") if info["wiki_url"]: split.operator("wm.url_open", text="Documentation", icon='HELP').url = info["wiki_url"] separators -= 1 split.operator("wm.url_open", text="Report a Bug", icon='URL').url = info.get( "tracker_url", "http://developer.blender.org/maniphest/task/create/?project=3&type=Bug") split.operator("wm.url_open", text="Manual download", icon='URL').url = addon["url"] if "registry-report-url" in addon: split.operator("wm.url_open", text="Report to registry", icon='ERROR').url = addon["registry-report-url"] separators -= 1 for i in range(separators): split.separator() class Expand(Operator): """Display more information on this addon""" bl_idname = "addon_registry.addon_expand" bl_label = "" addon_name = StringProperty( name="Addon name" ) def execute(self, context): try: addon = configuration["addons"][self.addon_name] except: self.report({"ERROR"}, "Addon is not in the registry.") return {"CANCELLED"} addon["show_expanded"] = not addon.get("show_expanded", False) return {"FINISHED"} class Install(Operator): """Install the latest version""" bl_idname = "addon_registry.install" bl_label = "Version" addon_name = StringProperty( name="Addon name" ) def execute(self, context): global lastError addon_name = str(self.addon_name) lastError = install(addon_name) if lastError == ERROR_EXTRACT_MANUALLY: return {"RUNNING_MODAL"} if lastError != ERROR_NONE: self.report({'ERROR'}, error_titles[lastError]) return {'CANCELLED'} addon_utils.modules(refresh=True) bpy.utils.refresh_script_paths() bpy.ops.script.reload() return {'FINISHED'} class HideError(Operator): """Hide error""" bl_idname = "addon_registry.hide_error" bl_label = "Got it" def execute(self, context): global lastError lastError = ERROR_NONE return {"FINISHED"} class ResetConfiguration(Operator): """Reset configuration to the default values""" bl_idname = "addon_registry.reset_configuration" bl_label = "Reset configuration" def execute(self, context): global configuration configuration = copy.deepcopy(default_configuration) save_configuration() return {"FINISHED"} def draw(self, context): self.layout.label(text="Are you sure?") def invoke(self, context, event): return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self) class SaveArchive(Operator): """Manually download the addon""" bl_idname = "addon_registry.save_archive" bl_label = "Save archive" download_path = StringProperty( name="Download path", options={"HIDDEN"} ) filepath = StringProperty( subtype="FILE_PATH" ) def execute(self, context): os.rename(self.download_path, self.filepath) return {"FINISHED"} def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager wm.fileselect_add(self) return {"RUNNING_MODAL"} return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=600) class UpdateDatabase(Operator): """Update addon database""" bl_idname = "addon_registry.update_database" bl_label = "Update addon database" def execute(self, context): global lastError if not update_addon_database(): self.report({"ERROR"}, error_titles[lastError]) return {"CANCELLED"} lastError = ERROR_NONE return {"FINISHED"} class UpdateAll(Operator): """Update installed addons that have a newer version on the registry""" bl_idname = "addon_registry.update_all" bl_label = "Update addons from registry" def execute(self, context): global lastError bpy.ops.addon_registry.update_database() installed_addons = {} for mod in addon_utils.modules(refresh=False): installed_addons[mod.__name__] = mod for name, addon in configuration["addons"].items(): info = addon["info"] available_version = info["version"] installed_addon = installed_addons.get(name, None) is_installed = bool(installed_addon) if is_installed: installed_info = addon_utils.module_bl_info(installed_addon) installed_version = list(installed_info["version"]) is_newer_available = is_newer_version(available_version, installed_version) if is_newer_available: lastError = install(name) if lastError == ERROR_EXTRACT_MANUALLY: return {"RUNNING_MODAL"} if lastError != ERROR_NONE: self.report({'ERROR'}, error_titles[lastError]) return {'CANCELLED'} addon_utils.modules(refresh=True) bpy.utils.refresh_script_paths() bpy.ops.script.reload() return {"FINISHED"} def update_from_registry(self, context): if context.user_preferences.active_section == "ADDONS": self.layout.operator(UpdateAll.bl_idname, icon='FILE_REFRESH') def register(): def addon_filter_items(self, context): import addon_utils items = [ ("All", "All", "All Addons"), ("New Version Available", "New Version Available", "All New Version Available Addons"), ("Installed", "Installed", "All Installed Addons"), ("Not Installed", "Not Installed", "All Not Installed Addons") ] items_unique = set() for mod in addon_utils.modules(refresh=False): info = addon_utils.module_bl_info(mod) items_unique.add(info["category"]) items.extend([(cat, cat, "") for cat in sorted(items_unique)]) return items bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) USERPREF_HT_header.append(update_from_registry) WindowManager.addon_registry_search = StringProperty( name="Search", description="Search within the selected filter", ) WindowManager.addon_registry_filter = EnumProperty( name="Category", description="Filter addons by category", items=addon_filter_items ) load_configuration() update_addon_database() def unregister(): USERPREF_HT_header.remove(update_from_registry) bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) del WindowManager.addon_registry_search del WindowManager.addon_registry_filter if __name__ == "__main__": register()