@prefix adms: . @prefix ale: . @prefix animal: . @prefix clvapit: . @prefix co: . @prefix cov: . @prefix csvw: . @prefix dcat: . @prefix dcatapit: . @prefix dct: . @prefix fnml: . @prefix fno: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix grel: . @prefix idlab-fn: . @prefix l0: . @prefix owl: . @prefix ql: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix rml: . @prefix rr: . @prefix sd: . @prefix skos: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix xkos: . @prefix ndc: . @prefix xsd: . a dcatapit:Dataset, skos:ConceptScheme, adms:Asset, dcat:Dataset; dct:accrualPeriodicity ; dct:creator , ; dct:description "Questo è il vocabolario controllato delle razze degli animali da allevamento prodotto nel constesto dell'apertura dei dati del progetto LEO - Livestock Environment Open Data"@it, "This is the controlled vocabulary on the breeds of the farm animals produced in the context of project LEO - Livestock Environment Open Data"@en; dct:identifier "https://w3id.org/leo/controlled-vocabulary/breed"; dct:issued "2020-12-09"^^xsd:date; dct:language ; dct:modified "2022-01-13"^^xsd:date; ndc:keyConcept "breed" ; dct:publisher ; dct:rightsHolder ; dct:title "Controlled Vocabulary on the breeds of farm animals"@en, "Vocabolario controllato delle razze degli animali da allevamento"@it; dct:type ; rdfs:comment "Questo è il vocabolario controllato delle razze degli animali da allevamento prodotto nel constesto dell'apertura dei dati del progetto LEO - Livestock Environment Open Data"@it, "This is the controlled vocabulary on the breeds of farm animals produced in the context of project LEO - Livestock Environment Open Data"@en; rdfs:label "Controlled Vocabulary on the breeds of farm animals"@en, "Vocabolario controllato delle razze degli animali da allevamento"@it; owl:versionInfo "Versione 0.3 | Introduzione orientamento produttivo"@it; skos:hasTopConcept , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; adms:representationTechnique ; dcat:contactPoint ; dcat:distribution , , ; dcat:keyword "breed"@en, "razza"@it; dcat:theme . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "-1"; skos:prefLabel "Rotbunte (discendenza)"@it; l0:name "Rotbunte (discendenza)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "-1"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "-2"; skos:prefLabel "Rotbunte (importato)"@it; l0:name "Rotbunte (importato)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "-2"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "00"; skos:prefLabel "Meticcia"@it; l0:name "Meticcia"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "00"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "01"; skos:prefLabel "Bruna"@it; l0:name "Bruna"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "01"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "02"; skos:prefLabel "Frisona Italiana"@it; l0:name "Frisona Italiana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "02"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "03"; skos:prefLabel "Valdostana Pezzata Rossa"@it; l0:name "Valdostana Pezzata Rossa"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "03"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "04"; skos:prefLabel "Pezzata Rossa Italiana"@it; l0:name "Pezzata Rossa Italiana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "04"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "05"; skos:prefLabel "Piemontese"@it; l0:name "Piemontese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "05"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "06"; skos:prefLabel "Modenese"@it; l0:name "Modenese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "06"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "07"; skos:prefLabel "Reggiana"@it; l0:name "Reggiana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "07"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "08"; skos:prefLabel "Modicana"@it; l0:name "Modicana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "08"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "09"; skos:prefLabel "Pezzata Rossa Oropa"@it; l0:name "Pezzata Rossa Oropa"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "09"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "10"; skos:prefLabel "Rendena"@it; l0:name "Rendena"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "10"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs , ; skos:exactMatch , ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "11"; skos:prefLabel "Grigio Alpina"@it; l0:name "Grigio Alpina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "11"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "12"; skos:prefLabel "Tarina"@it; l0:name "Tarina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "12"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "13"; skos:prefLabel "Rossa Danese"@it; l0:name "Rossa Danese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "13"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "14"; skos:prefLabel "Pinzgauer"@it; l0:name "Pinzgauer"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "14"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "15"; skos:prefLabel "Jersey"@it; l0:name "Jersey"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "15"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "16"; skos:prefLabel "Abbondance"@it; l0:name "Abbondance"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "16"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "17"; skos:prefLabel "Calvana"@it; l0:name "Calvana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "17"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "18"; skos:prefLabel "Valdostana Pezzata Nera"@it; l0:name "Valdostana Pezzata Nera"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "18"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "19"; skos:prefLabel "Burlina"@it; l0:name "Burlina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "19"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "20"; skos:prefLabel "Moscia Leccese"@it; l0:name "Moscia Leccese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "20"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "21"; skos:prefLabel "Sarda"@it; l0:name "Sarda"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "21"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "22"; skos:prefLabel "Massese"@it; l0:name "Massese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "22"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "23"; skos:prefLabel "Barbaresca"@it; l0:name "Barbaresca"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "23"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "24"; skos:prefLabel "Comisana"@it; l0:name "Comisana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "24"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "25"; skos:prefLabel "Altamurana"@it; l0:name "Altamurana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "25"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "26"; skos:prefLabel "Appenninica"@it; l0:name "Appenninica"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "26"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "27"; skos:prefLabel "Gentile Di Puglia"@it; l0:name "Gentile Di Puglia"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "27"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "28"; skos:prefLabel "Laticauda"@it; l0:name "Laticauda"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "28"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "29"; skos:prefLabel "Sopravissana"@it; l0:name "Sopravissana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "29"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "30"; skos:prefLabel "Delle Langhe"@it; l0:name "Delle Langhe"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "30"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "31"; skos:prefLabel "Merinizzata"@it; l0:name "Merinizzata"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "31"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "32"; skos:prefLabel "Bergamasca"@it; l0:name "Bergamasca"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "32"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "33"; skos:prefLabel "Pinzirita"@it; l0:name "Pinzirita"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "33"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "34"; skos:prefLabel "BRIGASCA"@it; l0:name "BRIGASCA"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "34"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "35"; skos:prefLabel "Fasanese"@it; l0:name "Fasanese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "35"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "36"; skos:prefLabel "Frisona Italiana"@it; l0:name "Frisona Italiana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "36"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "37"; skos:prefLabel "Finnica"@it; l0:name "Finnica"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "37"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "38"; skos:prefLabel "Cornella Bianca"@it; l0:name "Cornella Bianca"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "38"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "39"; skos:prefLabel "Fabrianese"@it; l0:name "Fabrianese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "39"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "40"; skos:prefLabel "Maltese"@it; l0:name "Maltese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "40"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "41"; skos:prefLabel "Garganica"@it; l0:name "Garganica"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "41"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "42"; skos:prefLabel "Girgentana"@it; l0:name "Girgentana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "42"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "43"; skos:prefLabel "Bionda Adamello"@it; l0:name "Bionda Adamello"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "43"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "44"; skos:prefLabel "Saanen"@it; l0:name "Saanen"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "44"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "45"; skos:prefLabel "Camosciata Delle Alpi"@it; l0:name "Camosciata Delle Alpi"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "45"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "46"; skos:prefLabel "Frisa Valtellinese"@it; l0:name "Frisa Valtellinese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "46"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "47"; skos:prefLabel "Sarda"@it; l0:name "Sarda"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "47"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "48"; skos:prefLabel "Rossa Mediterranea (Derivata Di Siria)"@it; l0:name "Rossa Mediterranea (Derivata Di Siria)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "48"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "49"; skos:prefLabel "Toggenburg"@it; l0:name "Toggenburg"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "49"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "50"; skos:prefLabel "Charolaise"@it; l0:name "Charolaise"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "50"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "51"; skos:prefLabel "Marchigiana"@it; l0:name "Marchigiana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "51"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "52"; skos:prefLabel "Chianina"@it; l0:name "Chianina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "52"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "53"; skos:prefLabel "Limousine"@it; l0:name "Limousine"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "53"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "54"; skos:prefLabel "Romagnola"@it; l0:name "Romagnola"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "54"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "55"; skos:prefLabel "Maremmana"@it; l0:name "Maremmana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "55"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "56"; skos:prefLabel "Podolica"@it; l0:name "Podolica"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "56"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "57"; skos:prefLabel "Angler"@it; l0:name "Angler"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "57"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "58"; skos:prefLabel "Garfagnina"@it; l0:name "Garfagnina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "58"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "59"; skos:prefLabel "Pontremolese"@it; l0:name "Pontremolese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "59"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "60"; skos:prefLabel "Sarda"@it; l0:name "Sarda"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "60"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "61"; skos:prefLabel "Castana (Aosta)"@it; l0:name "Castana (Aosta)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "61"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "62"; skos:prefLabel "Cabannina"@it; l0:name "Cabannina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "62"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "63"; skos:prefLabel "Agerolese"@it; l0:name "Agerolese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "63"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "64"; skos:prefLabel "Mucca Pisana"@it; l0:name "Mucca Pisana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "64"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "65"; skos:prefLabel "P.N. Polacca"@it; l0:name "P.N. Polacca"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "65"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "66"; skos:prefLabel "P.R. Jugoslavo"@it; l0:name "P.R. Jugoslavo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "66"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "67"; skos:prefLabel "Varzese o Ottonese o Tortonese"@it; l0:name "Varzese o Ottonese o Tortonese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "67"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "68"; skos:prefLabel "Blue Belga"@it; l0:name "Blue Belga"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "68"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "69"; skos:prefLabel "Sardo Modicana"@it; l0:name "Sardo Modicana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "69"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "70"; skos:prefLabel "Bufalo Mediterraneo"@it; l0:name "Bufalo Mediterraneo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "70"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "71"; skos:prefLabel "Biellese"@it; l0:name "Biellese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "71"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "72"; skos:prefLabel "Corniglio"@it; l0:name "Corniglio"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "72"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "73"; skos:prefLabel "Ile De France"@it; l0:name "Ile De France"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "73"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "74"; skos:prefLabel "Suffolk"@it; l0:name "Suffolk"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "74"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "75"; skos:prefLabel "Romanov"@it; l0:name "Romanov"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "75"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "76"; skos:prefLabel "Valle Belice"@it; l0:name "Valle Belice"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "76"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "77"; skos:prefLabel "Pustertaler Sprinzen"@it; l0:name "Pustertaler Sprinzen"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "77"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "78"; skos:prefLabel "Berichonne Du Cher"@it; l0:name "Berichonne Du Cher"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "78"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "79"; skos:prefLabel "Bagnolese"@it; l0:name "Bagnolese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "79"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "80"; skos:prefLabel "Large White"@it; l0:name "Large White"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "80"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "81"; skos:prefLabel "Landrace"@it; l0:name "Landrace"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "81"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "82"; skos:prefLabel "Landrace Belga"@it; l0:name "Landrace Belga"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "82"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "83"; skos:prefLabel "Hampshire"@it; l0:name "Hampshire"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "83"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "84"; skos:prefLabel "Pietrain"@it; l0:name "Pietrain"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "84"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "85"; skos:prefLabel "Spotted Poland"@it; l0:name "Spotted Poland"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "85"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "86"; skos:prefLabel "Duroc"@it; l0:name "Duroc"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "86"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "87"; skos:prefLabel "Ibrido"@it; l0:name "Ibrido"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "87"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "88"; skos:prefLabel "MontBeliard"@it; l0:name "MontBeliard"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "88"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "89"; skos:prefLabel "Argentata Dell'etna"@it; l0:name "Argentata Dell'etna"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "89"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "90"; skos:prefLabel "Jonica"@it; l0:name "Jonica"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "90"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "91"; skos:prefLabel "Grigia Molisana (Campobasso)"@it; l0:name "Grigia Molisana (Campobasso)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "91"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "92"; skos:prefLabel "Vallese"@it; l0:name "Vallese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "92"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "93"; skos:prefLabel "Verzaschese"@it; l0:name "Verzaschese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "93"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "94"; skos:prefLabel "Orobica o Di Val Gerola"@it; l0:name "Orobica o Di Val Gerola"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "94"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "95"; skos:prefLabel "Roccaverano"@it; l0:name "Roccaverano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "95"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "96"; skos:prefLabel "Cinisara"@it; l0:name "Cinisara"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "96"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "97"; skos:prefLabel "Zerasca"@it; l0:name "Zerasca"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "97"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "98"; skos:prefLabel "Carsolina"@it; l0:name "Carsolina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "98"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "99"; skos:prefLabel "Garonnese"@it; l0:name "Garonnese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "99"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "A5"; skos:prefLabel "Asino Romagnolo"@it; l0:name "Asino Romagnolo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "A5"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "A6"; skos:prefLabel "Asino Pantesco"@it; l0:name "Asino Pantesco"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "A6"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "AA"; skos:prefLabel "Meticci"@it; l0:name "Meticci"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "AA"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "AB"; skos:prefLabel "Aubrac"@it; l0:name "Aubrac"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "AB"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "AN"; skos:prefLabel "Aberdeen Angus"@it; l0:name "Aberdeen Angus"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "AN"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "AT"; skos:prefLabel "Tuxer"@it; l0:name "Tuxer"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "AT"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "AY"; skos:prefLabel "Ayrshire"@it; l0:name "Ayrshire"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "AY"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "B0"; skos:prefLabel "Asino Dell'amiata"@it; l0:name "Asino Dell'amiata"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "B0"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "B1"; skos:prefLabel "Pony Di Esperia"@it; l0:name "Pony Di Esperia"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "B1"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "B2"; skos:prefLabel "Salernitano"@it; l0:name "Salernitano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "B2"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "B3"; skos:prefLabel "Persano"@it; l0:name "Persano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "B3"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "B4"; skos:prefLabel "Sanfratellano"@it; l0:name "Sanfratellano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "B4"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "B5"; skos:prefLabel "Cavallino Di Giara"@it; l0:name "Cavallino Di Giara"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "B5"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "B6"; skos:prefLabel "Murgese"@it; l0:name "Murgese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "B6"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "B7"; skos:prefLabel "Samolaco"@it; l0:name "Samolaco"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "B7"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "B8"; skos:prefLabel "Tolfetano"@it; l0:name "Tolfetano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "B8"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "B9"; skos:prefLabel "Cavallino Di Monterufoli"@it; l0:name "Cavallino Di Monterufoli"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "B9"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "BA"; skos:prefLabel "Blonde d'Aquitaine"@it; l0:name "Blonde d'Aquitaine"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "BA"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "BD"; skos:prefLabel "Bardotto"@it; l0:name "Bardotto"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "BD"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "BE"; skos:prefLabel "BeefMaster"@it; l0:name "BeefMaster"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "BE"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "BR"; skos:prefLabel "American Brahman"@it; l0:name "American Brahman"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "BR"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "BS"; skos:prefLabel "Bisonte"@it; l0:name "Bisonte"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "BS"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "C0"; skos:prefLabel "CAVALLI"@it; l0:name "CAVALLI"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "C0"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "CI"; skos:prefLabel "Pecora Ciuta"@it; l0:name "Pecora Ciuta"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "CI"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "CP"; skos:prefLabel "Meticcia Caprini"@it; l0:name "Meticcia Caprini"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "CP"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "CS"; skos:prefLabel "Cinta Senese"@it; l0:name "Cinta Senese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "CS"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "CZ"; skos:prefLabel "Cserwona Polska"@it; l0:name "Cserwona Polska"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "CZ"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "D0"; skos:prefLabel "Anglo Normanno"@it; l0:name "Anglo Normanno"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "D0"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "D1"; skos:prefLabel "Asino Ragusano"@it; l0:name "Asino Ragusano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "D1"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "D2"; skos:prefLabel "Asino Dell'asinara"@it; l0:name "Asino Dell'asinara"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "D2"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "D3"; skos:prefLabel "Asino Sardo"@it; l0:name "Asino Sardo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "D3"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "D4"; skos:prefLabel "Asino Di Martina Franca"@it; l0:name "Asino Di Martina Franca"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "D4"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "D5"; skos:prefLabel "Puro sangue Arabo"@it; l0:name "Puro sangue Arabo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "D5"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "D6"; skos:prefLabel "Puro sangue Orientale"@it; l0:name "Puro sangue Orientale"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "D6"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "D7"; skos:prefLabel "Puro sangue Angloorientale"@it; l0:name "Puro sangue Angloorientale"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "D7"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "D8"; skos:prefLabel "Cavallo Anglo Arabo"@it; l0:name "Cavallo Anglo Arabo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "D8"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "D9"; skos:prefLabel "Anglo Arabo Sardo"@it; l0:name "Anglo Arabo Sardo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "D9"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "DX"; skos:prefLabel "Dexter"@it; l0:name "Dexter"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "DX"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "E0"; skos:prefLabel "Cavallo Del Catria"@it; l0:name "Cavallo Del Catria"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "E0"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "E1"; skos:prefLabel "Avelignese (Haflinger)"@it; l0:name "Avelignese (Haflinger)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "E1"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "E2"; skos:prefLabel "Agricolo Italiano da TPR"@it; l0:name "Agricolo Italiano da TPR"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "E2"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "E3"; skos:prefLabel "Puro sangue Inglese"@it; l0:name "Puro sangue Inglese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "E3"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "E4"; skos:prefLabel "Trottatore Italiano"@it; l0:name "Trottatore Italiano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "E4"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "E5"; skos:prefLabel "Maremmano"@it; l0:name "Maremmano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "E5"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "E6"; skos:prefLabel "Bardigiano"@it; l0:name "Bardigiano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "E6"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "E7"; skos:prefLabel "Lipizzano"@it; l0:name "Lipizzano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "E7"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "E8"; skos:prefLabel "Cavallo Del Ventasso"@it; l0:name "Cavallo Del Ventasso"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "E8"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "E9"; skos:prefLabel "Norico"@it; l0:name "Norico"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "E9"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "EE"; skos:prefLabel "Meticci"@it; l0:name "Meticci"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "EE"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "F0"; skos:prefLabel "Frabosana"@it; l0:name "Frabosana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "F0"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "F1"; skos:prefLabel "Alpagota"@it; l0:name "Alpagota"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "F1"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "F2"; skos:prefLabel "Bellunese"@it; l0:name "Bellunese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "F2"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "F3"; skos:prefLabel "Brentegana"@it; l0:name "Brentegana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "F3"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "F5"; skos:prefLabel "Brogne"@it; l0:name "Brogne"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "F5"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "F6"; skos:prefLabel "Ciavenasca"@it; l0:name "Ciavenasca"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "F6"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "F7"; skos:prefLabel "Di Benevento (Quadrella)"@it; l0:name "Di Benevento (Quadrella)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "F7"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "F8"; skos:prefLabel "Pecora di Corteno"@it; l0:name "Pecora di Corteno"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "F8"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "F9"; skos:prefLabel "Finarda"@it; l0:name "Finarda"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "F9"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "G0"; skos:prefLabel "Saltasassi"@it; l0:name "Saltasassi"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "G0"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "G1"; skos:prefLabel "Garessina"@it; l0:name "Garessina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "G1"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "G2"; skos:prefLabel "Garfagnina Bianca"@it; l0:name "Garfagnina Bianca"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "G2"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "G3"; skos:prefLabel "Lamon (Lamonese)"@it; l0:name "Lamon (Lamonese)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "G3"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "G4"; skos:prefLabel "Nostrana"@it; l0:name "Nostrana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "G4"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "G5"; skos:prefLabel "Marrane"@it; l0:name "Marrane"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "G5"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "G6"; skos:prefLabel "Matesina"@it; l0:name "Matesina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "G6"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "G7"; skos:prefLabel "Pomarancina"@it; l0:name "Pomarancina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "G7"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "G8"; skos:prefLabel "Pusterese"@it; l0:name "Pusterese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "G8"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "G9"; skos:prefLabel "Rosset"@it; l0:name "Rosset"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "G9"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "GA"; skos:prefLabel "GASCONNE"@it; l0:name "GASCONNE"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "GA"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "GR"; skos:prefLabel "Guernsey"@it; l0:name "Guernsey"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "GR"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "GW"; skos:prefLabel "Galloway"@it; l0:name "Galloway"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "GW"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "H0"; skos:prefLabel "Sella Spagnolo"@it; l0:name "Sella Spagnolo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "H0"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "H1"; skos:prefLabel "Sella Italiano"@it; l0:name "Sella Italiano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "H1"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "H2"; skos:prefLabel "Sella Francese"@it; l0:name "Sella Francese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "H2"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "H3"; skos:prefLabel "Hannover"@it; l0:name "Hannover"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "H3"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "H4"; skos:prefLabel "Holstein"@it; l0:name "Holstein"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "H4"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "H5"; skos:prefLabel "Westfalia"@it; l0:name "Westfalia"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "H5"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "H6"; skos:prefLabel "Oldenburg"@it; l0:name "Oldenburg"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "H6"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "H7"; skos:prefLabel "Sella Belga"@it; l0:name "Sella Belga"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "H7"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "H8"; skos:prefLabel "Sella Irlandese"@it; l0:name "Sella Irlandese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "H8"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "H9"; skos:prefLabel "Sella Olandese"@it; l0:name "Sella Olandese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "H9"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "HA"; skos:prefLabel "Hampshire"@it; l0:name "Hampshire"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "HA"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "HE"; skos:prefLabel "Hereford"@it; l0:name "Hereford"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "HE"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "HL"; skos:prefLabel "Highland"@it; l0:name "Highland"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "HL"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "HS"; skos:prefLabel "Hérens (Heringer )"@it; l0:name "Hérens (Heringer )"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "HS"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "IN"; skos:prefLabel "Inra 95"@it; l0:name "Inra 95"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "IN"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "J0"; skos:prefLabel "Bretone"@it; l0:name "Bretone"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "J0"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "J1"; skos:prefLabel "Wurttemberg"@it; l0:name "Wurttemberg"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "J1"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "J2"; skos:prefLabel "Hessen"@it; l0:name "Hessen"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "J2"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "J3"; skos:prefLabel "Bayer"@it; l0:name "Bayer"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "J3"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "J4"; skos:prefLabel "Trakehner"@it; l0:name "Trakehner"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "J4"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "J5"; skos:prefLabel "Arabo Tersk"@it; l0:name "Arabo Tersk"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "J5"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "J6"; skos:prefLabel "Andaluso"@it; l0:name "Andaluso"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "J6"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "J7"; skos:prefLabel "Lusitano"@it; l0:name "Lusitano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "J7"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "J8"; skos:prefLabel "Camargue Delta"@it; l0:name "Camargue Delta"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "J8"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "J9"; skos:prefLabel "Franches Montaigne"@it; l0:name "Franches Montaigne"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "J9"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "JU"; skos:prefLabel "Juraschaf (Pecora Giurassica)"@it; l0:name "Juraschaf (Pecora Giurassica)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "JU"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "K0"; skos:prefLabel "Pony Shetland"@it; l0:name "Pony Shetland"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "K0"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "K1"; skos:prefLabel "Cavallo Di Merens"@it; l0:name "Cavallo Di Merens"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "K1"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "K3"; skos:prefLabel "Appaloosa"@it; l0:name "Appaloosa"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "K3"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "K4"; skos:prefLabel "Paint Horse"@it; l0:name "Paint Horse"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "K4"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "K5"; skos:prefLabel "Morgan"@it; l0:name "Morgan"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "K5"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "K6"; skos:prefLabel "Achal Techè"@it; l0:name "Achal Techè"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "K6"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "K7"; skos:prefLabel "Budyonny"@it; l0:name "Budyonny"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "K7"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "K8"; skos:prefLabel "Pony Connemara"@it; l0:name "Pony Connemara"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "K8"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "K9"; skos:prefLabel "Pony Welsh"@it; l0:name "Pony Welsh"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "K9"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "KB"; skos:prefLabel "Karnter Blondvieh"@it; l0:name "Karnter Blondvieh"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "KB"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "L0"; skos:prefLabel "Di Teramo"@it; l0:name "Di Teramo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "L0"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "L1"; skos:prefLabel "Alpina"@it; l0:name "Alpina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "L1"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "L3"; skos:prefLabel "Cilentana Fulva"@it; l0:name "Cilentana Fulva"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "L3"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "L4"; skos:prefLabel "Cilentana Grigia"@it; l0:name "Cilentana Grigia"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "L4"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "L5"; skos:prefLabel "Cilentana Nera"@it; l0:name "Cilentana Nera"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "L5"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "L6"; skos:prefLabel "Ciociara Grigia"@it; l0:name "Ciociara Grigia"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "L6"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "L7"; skos:prefLabel "Di L'Aquila"@it; l0:name "Di L'Aquila"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "L7"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "L8"; skos:prefLabel "Di Montecristo"@it; l0:name "Di Montecristo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "L8"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "L9"; skos:prefLabel "Grigia di Lucania (Potenza)"@it; l0:name "Grigia di Lucania (Potenza)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "L9"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "M0"; skos:prefLabel "Napoletana"@it; l0:name "Napoletana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "M0"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "M2"; skos:prefLabel "Fulva degli Alburni"@it; l0:name "Fulva degli Alburni"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "M2"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "M3"; skos:prefLabel "Fulva dei monti Picentini"@it; l0:name "Fulva dei monti Picentini"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "M3"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "M4"; skos:prefLabel "Fulva Lucana"@it; l0:name "Fulva Lucana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "M4"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "M5"; skos:prefLabel "Garfagnana"@it; l0:name "Garfagnana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "M5"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "M6"; skos:prefLabel "Grigia degli Alburni"@it; l0:name "Grigia degli Alburni"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "M6"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "M7"; skos:prefLabel "Grigia dei monti Picentini"@it; l0:name "Grigia dei monti Picentini"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "M7"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "M8"; skos:prefLabel "Istriana"@it; l0:name "Istriana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "M8"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "M9"; skos:prefLabel "Mantellata Posteriore"@it; l0:name "Mantellata Posteriore"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "M9"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "MI"; skos:prefLabel "Milking Shorthorn"@it; l0:name "Milking Shorthorn"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "MI"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "MR"; skos:prefLabel "Mosa Reno Yssel"@it; l0:name "Mosa Reno Yssel"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "MR"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "MT"; skos:prefLabel "Mertolenga"@it; l0:name "Mertolenga"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "MT"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "MU"; skos:prefLabel "Mulo"@it; l0:name "Mulo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "MU"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "N0"; skos:prefLabel "Messinese"@it; l0:name "Messinese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "N0"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "N1"; skos:prefLabel "Pomellata"@it; l0:name "Pomellata"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "N1"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "N2"; skos:prefLabel "Sarda Primitiva"@it; l0:name "Sarda Primitiva"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "N2"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "N3"; skos:prefLabel "Rustica di Calabria"@it; l0:name "Rustica di Calabria"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "N3"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "N4"; skos:prefLabel "Screziata"@it; l0:name "Screziata"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "N4"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "N5"; skos:prefLabel "Selvaggia"@it; l0:name "Selvaggia"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "N5"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "N6"; skos:prefLabel "Sempione"@it; l0:name "Sempione"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "N6"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "N7"; skos:prefLabel "Valfortorina (di Benevento)"@it; l0:name "Valfortorina (di Benevento)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "N7"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "N9"; skos:prefLabel "Passeirer Gebirgziege (Passiria)"@it; l0:name "Passeirer Gebirgziege (Passiria)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "N9"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "NA"; skos:prefLabel "Nera di Arbus"@it; l0:name "Nera di Arbus"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "NA"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "NS"; skos:prefLabel "Suino Nero Siciliano"@it; l0:name "Suino Nero Siciliano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "NS"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "O1"; skos:prefLabel "Plezzana"@it; l0:name "Plezzana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "O1"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "O2"; skos:prefLabel "Tiroler Bergschaf (Alpina Tirolese)"@it; l0:name "Tiroler Bergschaf (Alpina Tirolese)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "O2"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "O3"; skos:prefLabel "Schwarz Braunes Bergschaf (Nero Bruna)"@it; l0:name "Schwarz Braunes Bergschaf (Nero Bruna)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "O3"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "O4"; skos:prefLabel "Villnoesser Schaf"@it; l0:name "Villnoesser Schaf"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "O4"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "O5"; skos:prefLabel "Texel"@it; l0:name "Texel"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "O5"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "O6"; skos:prefLabel "Brianzola"@it; l0:name "Brianzola"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "O6"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "O7"; skos:prefLabel "Noticiana"@it; l0:name "Noticiana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "O7"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "O8"; skos:prefLabel "Pecora dell'Amiata"@it; l0:name "Pecora dell'Amiata"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "O8"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "P1"; skos:prefLabel "Castorini"@it; l0:name "Castorini"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "P1"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "P2"; skos:prefLabel "Cincillà"@it; l0:name "Cincillà"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "P2"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "P3"; skos:prefLabel "Visoni"@it; l0:name "Visoni"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "P3"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "P4"; skos:prefLabel "Volpi"@it; l0:name "Volpi"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "P4"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "PA"; skos:prefLabel "Parthenaise"@it; l0:name "Parthenaise"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "PA"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "PR"; skos:prefLabel "Pie Rouge Des Plaines"@it; l0:name "Pie Rouge Des Plaines"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "PR"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Q0"; skos:prefLabel "Lariana o di Livo"@it; l0:name "Lariana o di Livo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Q0"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Q1"; skos:prefLabel "Valdostana"@it; l0:name "Valdostana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Q1"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Q2"; skos:prefLabel "Nicastrese"@it; l0:name "Nicastrese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Q2"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Q3"; skos:prefLabel "Aspromontana"@it; l0:name "Aspromontana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Q3"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Q4"; skos:prefLabel "Pezzata Mochena"@it; l0:name "Pezzata Mochena"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Q4"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Q5"; skos:prefLabel "Bianca Monticellana"@it; l0:name "Bianca Monticellana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Q5"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Q6"; skos:prefLabel "Capestrina"@it; l0:name "Capestrina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Q6"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Q7"; skos:prefLabel "Murciana"@it; l0:name "Murciana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Q7"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Q8"; skos:prefLabel "Grigia della Valle di Lanzo (Fiurinà)"@it; l0:name "Grigia della Valle di Lanzo (Fiurinà)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Q8"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Q9"; skos:prefLabel "Malagueña"@it; l0:name "Malagueña"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Q9"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "R0"; skos:prefLabel "Lacaune"@it; l0:name "Lacaune"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "R0"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "R1"; skos:prefLabel "Sambucana (Demontina)"@it; l0:name "Sambucana (Demontina)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "R1"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "R2"; skos:prefLabel "Samperina"@it; l0:name "Samperina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "R2"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "R3"; skos:prefLabel "Savoiarda"@it; l0:name "Savoiarda"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "R3"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "R4"; skos:prefLabel "Sciara (Moscia Calabrese)"@it; l0:name "Sciara (Moscia Calabrese)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "R4"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "R5"; skos:prefLabel "Tacola"@it; l0:name "Tacola"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "R5"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "R6"; skos:prefLabel "Varesina"@it; l0:name "Varesina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "R6"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "R7"; skos:prefLabel "Vissana"@it; l0:name "Vissana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "R7"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "R8"; skos:prefLabel "Assaf"@it; l0:name "Assaf"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "R8"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "RB"; skos:prefLabel "Rubia Gallega"@it; l0:name "Rubia Gallega"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "RB"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "RN"; skos:prefLabel "Rossa Norvegese"@it; l0:name "Rossa Norvegese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "RN"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "RS"; skos:prefLabel "Rossa Svedese"@it; l0:name "Rossa Svedese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "RS"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "SA"; skos:prefLabel "Salers"@it; l0:name "Salers"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "SA"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "SB"; skos:prefLabel "Sardo Bruna"@it; l0:name "Sardo Bruna"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "SB"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "SC"; skos:prefLabel "Normande"@it; l0:name "Normande"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "SC"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "SH"; skos:prefLabel "Schwarznasenschaf"@it; l0:name "Schwarznasenschaf"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "SH"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "SI"; skos:prefLabel "Siciliana"@it; l0:name "Siciliana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "SI"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "SN"; skos:prefLabel "Schnalserschaf (Pecora Val Senales)"@it; l0:name "Schnalserschaf (Pecora Val Senales)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "SN"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "SP"; skos:prefLabel "Parckle Park"@it; l0:name "Parckle Park"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "SP"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "TR"; skos:prefLabel "Trimeticcia di Segezia"@it; l0:name "Trimeticcia di Segezia"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "TR"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "TS"; skos:prefLabel "Tiroler Steinschaf (Pecora della roccia Tirolese)"@it; l0:name "Tiroler Steinschaf (Pecora della roccia Tirolese)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "TS"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "TU"; skos:prefLabel "Turchessa"@it; l0:name "Turchessa"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "TU"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "U1"; skos:prefLabel "Struzzi"@it; l0:name "Struzzi"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "U1"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "V0"; skos:prefLabel "Ancona"@it; l0:name "Ancona"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "V0"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "V1"; skos:prefLabel "Bianca di Saluzzo"@it; l0:name "Bianca di Saluzzo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "V1"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "V2"; skos:prefLabel "Bionda Piemontese"@it; l0:name "Bionda Piemontese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "V2"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "V3"; skos:prefLabel "Collo Nudo Italiana"@it; l0:name "Collo Nudo Italiana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "V3"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "V4"; skos:prefLabel "Ermellinata di Rovigo"@it; l0:name "Ermellinata di Rovigo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "V4"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "V5"; skos:prefLabel "Livorno"@it; l0:name "Livorno"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "V5"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "V6"; skos:prefLabel "Mericanel della Brianza"@it; l0:name "Mericanel della Brianza"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "V6"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "V7"; skos:prefLabel "Millefiori Lonigo"@it; l0:name "Millefiori Lonigo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "V7"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "V8"; skos:prefLabel "Millefiori Piemontese"@it; l0:name "Millefiori Piemontese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "V8"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "V9"; skos:prefLabel "Modenese"@it; l0:name "Modenese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "V9"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VA"; skos:prefLabel "Mugellese"@it; l0:name "Mugellese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VA"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VB"; skos:prefLabel "Padovana"@it; l0:name "Padovana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VB"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VC"; skos:prefLabel "Pepoi"@it; l0:name "Pepoi"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VC"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VD"; skos:prefLabel "Polverara"@it; l0:name "Polverara"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VD"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VE"; skos:prefLabel "Robusta Lionata"@it; l0:name "Robusta Lionata"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VE"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VF"; skos:prefLabel "Robusta Maculata"@it; l0:name "Robusta Maculata"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VF"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VG"; skos:prefLabel "Romagnolo"@it; l0:name "Romagnolo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VG"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VH"; skos:prefLabel "Valdarnese bianca"@it; l0:name "Valdarnese bianca"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VH"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VI"; skos:prefLabel "Vicentina o Foza"@it; l0:name "Vicentina o Foza"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VI"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VJ"; skos:prefLabel "Pezzata veneta"@it; l0:name "Pezzata veneta"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VJ"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VK"; skos:prefLabel "Padovana"@it; l0:name "Padovana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VK"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VL"; skos:prefLabel "Valdarno"@it; l0:name "Valdarno"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VL"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VM"; skos:prefLabel "Siciliana"@it; l0:name "Siciliana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VM"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VN"; skos:prefLabel "Azzurra di Ghigi"@it; l0:name "Azzurra di Ghigi"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VN"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VO"; skos:prefLabel "Bianca albina"@it; l0:name "Bianca albina"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VO"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VP"; skos:prefLabel "Bluetta"@it; l0:name "Bluetta"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VP"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VQ"; skos:prefLabel "Camosciata"@it; l0:name "Camosciata"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VQ"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VR"; skos:prefLabel "Fulvetta"@it; l0:name "Fulvetta"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VR"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VS"; skos:prefLabel "Grigia Comune"@it; l0:name "Grigia Comune"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VS"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VT"; skos:prefLabel "Lilla o Grigio perla"@it; l0:name "Lilla o Grigio perla"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VT"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VU"; skos:prefLabel "Mignon"@it; l0:name "Mignon"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VU"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VV"; skos:prefLabel "Meticcia Ovini"@it; l0:name "Meticcia Ovini"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VV"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VX"; skos:prefLabel "Muta o di Barberia"@it; l0:name "Muta o di Barberia"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VX"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VY"; skos:prefLabel "Romagnola"@it; l0:name "Romagnola"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VY"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "VZ"; skos:prefLabel "Germanata veneta"@it; l0:name "Germanata veneta"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "VZ"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "W2"; skos:prefLabel "Calabrese"@it; l0:name "Calabrese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "W2"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "W3"; skos:prefLabel "Casertana"@it; l0:name "Casertana"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "W3"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "W4"; skos:prefLabel "Mora romagnola"@it; l0:name "Mora romagnola"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "W4"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "W5"; skos:prefLabel "Sarda"@it; l0:name "Sarda"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "W5"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "W6"; skos:prefLabel "Nero di Parma"@it; l0:name "Nero di Parma"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "W6"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "WA"; skos:prefLabel "Wagyu"@it; l0:name "Wagyu"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "WA"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "X0"; skos:prefLabel "Cavallo Pentro"@it; l0:name "Cavallo Pentro"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "X0"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "X1"; skos:prefLabel "Napoletano"@it; l0:name "Napoletano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "X1"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "X2"; skos:prefLabel "Cavallo Delta"@it; l0:name "Cavallo Delta"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "X2"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "X3"; skos:prefLabel "Cavallo del Sarcidano"@it; l0:name "Cavallo del Sarcidano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "X3"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "X4"; skos:prefLabel "Cavallo Appenninico"@it; l0:name "Cavallo Appenninico"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "X4"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "X5"; skos:prefLabel "Cavallo Romano della Maremma Laziale"@it; l0:name "Cavallo Romano della Maremma Laziale"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "X5"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "X6"; skos:prefLabel "Knabstrupper (razza estera)"@it; l0:name "Knabstrupper (razza estera)"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "X6"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "X7"; skos:prefLabel "Asino Viterbese"@it; l0:name "Asino Viterbese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "X7"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Y0"; skos:prefLabel "Romagnola"@it; l0:name "Romagnola"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Y0"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Y1"; skos:prefLabel "Brianzolo"@it; l0:name "Brianzolo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Y1"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Y2"; skos:prefLabel "Bronzato comune"@it; l0:name "Bronzato comune"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Y2"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Y3"; skos:prefLabel "Bronzato dei Colli Euganei"@it; l0:name "Bronzato dei Colli Euganei"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Y3"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Y4"; skos:prefLabel "Castano precoce"@it; l0:name "Castano precoce"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Y4"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Y5"; skos:prefLabel "Ermellinato di Rovigo"@it; l0:name "Ermellinato di Rovigo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Y5"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Y6"; skos:prefLabel "Romagnolo"@it; l0:name "Romagnolo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Y6"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Y7"; skos:prefLabel "Nero di Italia"@it; l0:name "Nero di Italia"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Y7"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Y8"; skos:prefLabel "Ascolano"@it; l0:name "Ascolano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Y8"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Y9"; skos:prefLabel "Bergamasco"@it; l0:name "Bergamasco"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Y9"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "YA"; skos:prefLabel "Piacentino"@it; l0:name "Piacentino"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "YA"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "YB"; skos:prefLabel "Reggianono"@it; l0:name "Reggianono"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "YB"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "YC"; skos:prefLabel "Romagnolo"@it; l0:name "Romagnolo"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "YC"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "YD"; skos:prefLabel "Romano"@it; l0:name "Romano"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "YD"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "YE"; skos:prefLabel "Sottobanca modenese"@it; l0:name "Sottobanca modenese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "YE"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "YF"; skos:prefLabel "Triganino Modenese"@it; l0:name "Triganino Modenese"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "YF"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "YG"; skos:prefLabel "Trentino"@it; l0:name "Trentino"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "YG"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "YH"; skos:prefLabel "Tirolose o Tirolerhuhn"@it; l0:name "Tirolose o Tirolerhuhn"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "YH"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "YI"; skos:prefLabel "Parma e Piaenza"@it; l0:name "Parma e Piaenza"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "YI"; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "YK"; skos:prefLabel "Yak"@it; l0:name "Yak"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "YK"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Z0"; skos:prefLabel "Bufalo Meticcio"@it; l0:name "Bufalo Meticcio"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Z0"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "Z1"; skos:prefLabel "Bufalo Murrah"@it; l0:name "Bufalo Murrah"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "Z1"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "ZB"; skos:prefLabel "Zebù"@it; l0:name "Zebù"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "ZB"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a skos:Concept, animal:Breed; owl:sameAs ; skos:exactMatch ; skos:inScheme ; skos:notation "ZW"; skos:prefLabel "Zwartbles"@it; l0:name "Zwartbles"@it; animal:AIABreedCode "ZW"; animal:hasProductiveAttitude ; animal:isWithin . a dcatapit:Distribution, dcat:Distribution; dct:format ; dct:license ; dct:title "Questa è la distribuzione JSON-LD del vocabolario controllato sulle razze"@it, "This is the JSON-LD of the controlled vocabulary on the breeds"@en; dcat:accessURL ; dcat:downloadURL . a dcatapit:Distribution, dcat:Distribution; dct:format ; dct:license ; dct:title "Questa è la distribuzione RDF TURTLE del vocabolario controllato sulle razze"@it, "This is the RDF TURTLE distribution of the controlled vocabulary on the breeds"@en; dcat:accessURL ; dcat:downloadURL . a dcatapit:Distribution, dcat:Distribution; dct:format ; dct:license ; dct:title "Questa è la distribuzione RDF XML del vocabolario controllato sulle razze"@it, "This is the RDF XML distribution of the controlled vocabulary on the breeds"@en; dcat:accessURL ; dcat:downloadURL . a dcatapit:Agent , foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "00944701002" ; foaf:name "Associazione Italiana Allevatori"@it , "Italian Breeders' Association"@en . a dcatapit:Agent , foaf:Agent ; dct:identifier "06695411006" ; foaf:name "Bluarancio"@en , "Bluarancio"@it .