body { margin:0 0 0 0; /*squish slide into mturk window*/ } table { /* center all tables by default */ margin: auto; } /*the experiment happens in "slides"*/ .slide { /*pad the inside of the slide*/ padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; /*center slide within the window*/ margin: auto auto; margin-top: 0px; /*all elements in a slide will be centered by default*/ text-align: center; border: 1px solid #04abe3; width: 800px; height: 600px; /*could explicitly set the following, but these are the defaults for me (chrome, linux)*/ font-size: 20px; background-color: rgb(255,255,255); } /* start slide */ #cocolab { font-weight: bold; } #legal { font-size: 0.8em; } /*make the subj_info slide prettier*/ .subj_info_title { color:#036; background:transparent; font-size:25; font-weight:bold; } div.long_form { font-size: 15px; } fieldset { border: none; border-top: solid 1px #ccc; } div.long_form p { color:#036; margin: 20px 0 0 0; } div.long_form { margin:0 0 40px 0; padding:0; color:black; } div.long_form label { padding: .5em .5em; } textarea { border: 2px inset; } /* sliders */ /*align the left and right labels for the sliders properly*/ .slider_table .left { display: inline; text-align: left; float: left; } .slider_table .right { display: inline; text-align: right; float: right; } .thin { height: 50px; } .top { top: 0%; position: relative; } .bottom { top: 100%; position: relative; transform: translateY(-200%); } .slider_target { text-align: right; } .ui-slider-range { /* you could have a "range" which makes the slider to the left of the handle a different color from the background */ background: transparent; } #cocologo { width: 200px; margin: 10px; } .slider { width: 400; margin: 10px; } .vertical_slider { width: 10px; height: 300px; margin: 10px auto; } #slider_endpoint_labels { height: 300px; } .bin_label{ text-align: center; } /* Progress Bar */ .progress{ position: absolute; right: 10px; top: 10px; } .progress span{ position:relative; top: -6px; } .bar-wrapper{ height:20px; width:200px; border:1px solid #000000; display:inline-block; } .bar{ position:relative; height:100%; width:0px; background-color:#000000 }