@ECHO off REM SideStoreJitterbugPair.bat - A batch script to run jitterbugpair.exe, and convert its output to a SideStore compatible file type REM - REM REM ===== Basic Instructions ================================================================================ ECHO Please connect your iPhone/iPad to your computer via USB cable, and unlock it. ECHO Keep your device connected and unlocked for the duration of this script. ECHO. ECHO Press the spacebar to begin . . . Pause > nul GOTO Search1 :Search1 REM ===== Initial search, checks to see if Pairing File already exists ======================================= REM ===== Searching for mobiledevicepairing file ============================================================== ECHO. ECHO Now searching for existing Pairing Files ECHO. ECHO Searching for .mobiledevicepairing file . . . DIR *.mobiledevicepairing /b if not errorlevel 1 ( ECHO mobiledevicepairing file found. Now renaming. GOTO RenamePLIST ) else ( GOTO Search2 ) :Search2 REM ===== Second search, checks to see if PLIST Pairing File already exists ================================= ECHO. ECHO Searching for .plist file . . . ECHO. DIR *.plist /b if not errorlevel 1 ( ECHO Pairing File already exists. GOTO Fin ) else ( ECHO No Pairing File was not found. ECHO. ECHO Press the spacebar to attempt to generate Pairing File . . . Pause > nul GOTO Jitter1 ) :Jitter1 REM ===== Jitterbug first run - Will probably fail due to Trust prompt ====================================== jitterbugpair /verbose if not errorlevel 1 ( ECHO Pairing File successfully generated. Will now rename. GOTO RenamePLIST ) else ( ECHO Pairing File was not made. ECHO. ECHO Press the spacebar to attempt to pair again . . . Pause > nul GOTO Jitter2 ) :Jitter2 REM ===== Jitterbug second run - Will probably succeed assuming no errors ===================================== jitterbugpair /verbose if not errorlevel 1 ( ECHO Pairing File successfully generated. Will now rename. GOTO RenamePLIST ) else ( ECHO Pairing File was not made. ECHO. ECHO Press the spacebar to proceed . . . Pause > nul GOTO CatError ) :RenamePLIST REM ===== Renaming .mobiledevicepairing to .plist ECHO. ECHO Renaming . . . RENAME *.mobiledevicepairing *.plist REM ===== Find the name of the file we just renamed, turn it into a variable we can Echo ====================== FOR /f %%i in ('DIR *.plist /b') do set pair=%%i ECHO. ECHO %pair% has been created GOTO Fin :CatError REM ===== If this runs, it means Jitterbugpair failed to generate Pairing File after 2nd run ================== REM ===== Recommend user to address any error Jitterbugpair spits out and run script again. =================== ECHO Please address any errors and run the script again. GOTO Fin :Fin ECHO. ECHO You have reached the end of the script. ECHO Press the spacebar to exit . . . Pause > nul exit