### Glyphosate: Monsanto's Latest Scandal - YouTube ### ==== 0 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=Ugz9LBhbmcHPE2Sgetl4AaABAg.9KFbGv3vByu9KlaHhj9-9x --- It is all about safety and the big reason farmers love Glyphosate. ==== 1 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgyxOUlNRroN-h2MVwJ4AaABAg.9HkNWUifvl09I_an1EBuUq --- There is NO harm in fact Glyphosate is even much much safer than many of the highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use Jay. ==== 2 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgyxOUlNRroN-h2MVwJ4AaABAg.9HkNWUifvl09I_v6lo1UjB --- [USER 1] Your post is garbage. Glyphosate is a herbicide that is NOT consumed by humans. The highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use are consumed and many of them are much much more toxic Can you even name the crops that can have Glyphosate used on them? When is it used? How much is used? I think we will find out that your knowledge on this subject is ZERO [USER 0 NAME]. ==== 3 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgyxOUlNRroN-h2MVwJ4AaABAg.9HkNWUifvl09Ia5xwxV2B0 --- [USER 1] Thank You for showing more of Your ignorance on this subject [USER 0 NAME]. Monsanto was bought 4 years ago and does NOT exist. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling Gylphosate(Roundup) What year did Glyphosate come on to the market for farmers to use ? Your knowledge on this subject is ZERO [USER 0 NAME]. ==== 4 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgyxOUlNRroN-h2MVwJ4AaABAg.9HkNWUifvl09IaAXI0t6PV --- [USER 1] Yes your ignorance is outstanding [USER 0 NAME]!!! The IARC which a division of the World Health Organization which is what you are talking about said in March of 2015 that Glyphosate was probably a carcinogenic. They also said that beer, coffee, cell phones, aloe vera, pickled vegetables, fried chicken, and sunlight were also probably carcinogenic. They agreed that Glyphosate is the safest herbicides that farmers have ever used. In fact the LD 50 number which is the ratings used all the world to measure toxicity with the HIGHER the number the LOWER the toxicity. To show how low a toxicity Glyphosate has here are some examples. Nicotine 9 caffeine 192 Tylenol 338 Codeine 427 2-4-D 665 OFF for mosquitoes 1014 Table salt 3000 Vinegar 3300 Baking Soda 4220 Roundup(Glyphosate) 5600. Out of many many many herbicides that farmers can use on gmo crops GLYPHOSATE is by far the SAFEST of them ALL. Can you name one herbicide that is safer than GLYPHOSATE? Glyphosate is even safer than many of the pesticides that Organic growers use. Glyphosate is applied at specific rate and no more just like all the other herbicides that Farmers use. ==== 5 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgwP4lu4jmVo43eq6-B4AaABAg.9AsyRP31X249C2DhBlMCS1 --- Monsanto was bought out three years ago and does not exist. You are lost inspire. ==== 6 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgwCTEQRi8TEiDQkeuZ4AaABAg.95ZhwyPJ7hf95slHXm6YcT --- Your ignorance is outstanding [USER 2]. Monsanto was bought out three years ago and does not exist. ==== 7 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgxbfeFDPvvmOpXv34Z4AaABAg.90M6JfjzxpV90ZIcDHhiZS --- Monsanto was bought out two and half years ago and does not exist. Your ignorance is outstanding Jim. ==== 8 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgzSTgUOELlPfghbAHR4AaABAg.8zJA-aYDpJV8zUMk10hr6W --- Organic products use more and more harmful toxic pesticides. ==== 9 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgwoKj9FiqsSB8z-yZ94AaABAg.8nWSY0YnOfQ8qYRM5JTzdR --- The award was drastically reduced. The case has been appealed and will be thrown out. The callous ones are the gardener's rat lawyers. ==== 10 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgzjAWoTbAMlJmMcT3t4AaABAg.8nWS30iHFz88qYRP6UvQ1V --- There is no such thing as glyphosphate. ==== 11 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgyESJFF8kHUVKwA6Vl4AaABAg.8msFqfQ8QPn8otyGo8MLRP --- Roundup(Glyphosate) is the safest herbicide farmers have have ever used out of many many many many they could choose from. Let me pick out one of the pesticides organic growers use for you to drink. You will dead in five minutes and the one who drinks Glyphosate will be fine [USER 3]. ==== 12 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgySiqDFaWBx0DUEWuR4AaABAg.8lPvOeh84xA8m5CVqU2h0K --- Glyphosate is safe. ==== 13 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgzZuRdjl46DT1UF0xB4AaABAg.8krVXA_Gtqj8m5Cng7RZTf --- Bwwaaaaahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha. ==== 14 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgzjDqqwirPW_KaGiYp4AaABAg --- This toxic hate mongering video is a total lie. Monsanto no longer exists. You will have to find a new witch to burn. Downvoted and reported as misleading. ==== 15 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=Ugz5PyeD2b3u5tT347Z4AaABAg.8_lUGNa232v8gwPiNOGNlC --- Your whipping boy is gone. Bought out by Bayer. ==== 16 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=Ugz5PyeD2b3u5tT347Z4AaABAg.8_lUGNa232v8pS_Qc4y_v6 --- Bayer. ==== 17 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgyewTnU_vOOjDKYgS94AaABAg.8_lDAi9uPRB8pSaWRKZxMI --- [USER 5] --Dimbulb. ==== 18 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgyOO2OhUlmY-MI54AB4AaABAg.8_ksmf-n99X8pSbTZbO89q --- [USER 5] --Yes give us more until you come up with something solid. Injecting glyphosate directly into animal embryos means nothing. ==== 19 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6m0kGa7ETQ&lc=UgwSkaFnmmAA57HrhQN4AaABAg.8_kcjvZekJi8pSaCPlTeJs --- [USER 7] --Great line JB but completely false. ### GMO - Dobre czy Złe? Inżynieria Genetyczna oraz Nasze Jedzenie - YouTube ### ==== 0 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8ruStdylujI --- Really Kurzgesagt? This video you abandoned two years ago has been completely un-moderated against malicious troll attacks but you come back here to ask us to buy shit from YOU?????? TAKE A LOOK at the mess you left here!!!!! ==== 1 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8sLX3I-8oWQ --- [USER 9] Look closer. In every case, without exception, I am responding in defense of our honest hard working farmers and scientists AFTER ignorant genetically illiterate trolls post the insults FIRST. I will never stop defending science truth from those who would prefer to reverse progress. They are all 100% assholes. ==== 2 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8s_tltXgz8P --- [USER 11] Children are being educated in genetics. If they are old enough to post here they are old enough to get feedback, you hateful twisted sick little anti-science asshole. ==== 3 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8shcDnlH-PC --- [USER 11] You fucking shitbrained troll - you can't link a single page in which I called a child an asshole. I call out hater trolls like you and I will never stop. ==== 4 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8v4g1aD4UmI --- [USER 13] No asshole, I'm a science respecting educated adult confronting lies wherever I encounter them, Whe you play the 'reductio ad hitlerum' defense you always lose the debate. ==== 5 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8v4gLEEZHnm --- [USER 15] Damn right. This is my retirement hobby 5 hours a day, 365 days a year for the last 6 years. I am proud of my defense of honest hard working farmers and crop scientists. I also call out conspiratards on anti-vax, anti-fluoride and chemtrail bullshit. This is a noble pursuit. I will never stop as long as conspiratards and trolls exist. ==== 6 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8v4g_WbW-1N --- [USER 17] GMO is never an actual food ingredient any more than seed selection, hybridization or grafting is. GMO is a laboratory breeding method, GMO seeds grow plain old foods. Any food with an "off taste" will not survive in the marketplace so that was a stupid comment. ==== 7 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8v4zesha8Fs --- [USER 19] Organic farmers use Bt toxin on their crops. In the ultimate irony, many of them actually do inject the bases of their larger plants with a hypodermic needle containing Bt toxin. GMOs never involve needles but Youtube trash videos show it every day. ==== 8 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8vbfN2taDBg --- [USER 13] No asshole, I am a Youtube hero who confronts filthy hateful liars with peer reviewed science. The 'reductio ad hitlerum' defense is always a loser. ==== 9 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8vbfUwgcME- --- [USER 15] Damn right. I will never stop. Peer reviewed science facts humiliate all ignorant assholes here. ==== 10 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8vbfcyQsfat --- [USER 21] No. That is ignorant anti-science trash. ==== 11 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8vbfx7MvKi1 --- [USER 23] Totally wrong in every respect. Peer reviewed science is the only ultimate truth with demonstrable proof. It also leaves backwards Luddites like you in its dust. Feeding the growing population has nothing whatsoever to do with "things and stuff", in fact the goal is to have nothing left but full bellies. ==== 12 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8xwuRr7Q-62 --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 13 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8y0XkZqmfV1 --- [USER 26] Who the fuck is that Wonder [USER 27] asshole? Ignorant as hell. He never offers citations to unbiased studies to prove anything. I do that constantly. ==== 14 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8y0XtfVhDlv --- [USER 29] What about them? I hope you understand that none of them are GMOs. Google will confirm this with a 10 second search. ==== 15 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgydFeGTL5h7Y8IK6Bl4AaABAg.8r5Pf-aMysg8y0XyyeNaBY --- [USER 31] He can't. He's just a lying uneducated asshole. ==== 16 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz7Pf748MUwawNKiTJ4AaABAg.9iv18DrBLTU9izHBBM5vYn --- Starving due to failed crops goes way beyond weird. All plants are constantly waging chemical warfare with the plants they compete with, this happens out of sight in the soil between competing roots. Many of our favorite foods are actually pesticides, like hot peppers. The smell of freshly mowed grass is a chemical repellent to grazing animals that nature gave to grass. You have a lot to learn and it takes time. Farm chemicals are put ON crops, not IN the harvested foods from those crops. ==== 17 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwj9-P8x6ntGMiNCZ14AaABAg.9hR0K_0gHoq9hXnzpIEW2K --- No it is not. Monsanto shut down 4 years ago. Bayer AG in Germany now owns the Monsanto brand names and gets any profits. ==== 18 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwj9-P8x6ntGMiNCZ14AaABAg.9hR0K_0gHoq9hY-TxnSjSE --- [USER 33] No rebranding. Just new ownership of the patents and existing brand names by Bayer as the old Monsanto corporation was completely dissolved. All Monsanto CEOs were fired, all Monsanto workers laid off, all Monsanto facilities shut down. The only thing left of Monsanto is a file cabinet with old patents and brand registrations in the German Bayer AG office. Nothing more. Stop making up conspiracy theories. You no longer have the Monsanto bogeyman, as much as the organic thugs needed it to make you think modern farming is evil. The organic woo frauds are the proven, documented and peer reviewed evil today. This channel made a video about the organic foods hoax. ==== 19 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz9TKzRxHPI8-0vJYF4AaABAg.9hOS_cwYCvH9hXoI1VWYrg --- Hot peppers are a pesticide that billions of people savor. The smell of freshly mowed grass is a pesticide made by the grass to repel grazing animals, it tastes bitter too. Everything on Earth is made of chemicals, including you. ==== 20 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz9TKzRxHPI8-0vJYF4AaABAg.9hOS_cwYCvH9ha8Z3u2krg --- [USER 35] Over the years? We have been breeding all plants and animals we eat for over 10,000 years. The organic foods sellers are trying to make consumers fearful of change that would put them out of business. ==== 21 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxE5ZuR8yDRVrk36v94AaABAg.9hATqedffaP9hXonkEwuBn --- What a hateful lie! Nobody "forces" us to by any particular foods. It is absolutely totally true and factual that every food is tested in the US. GMOs are the most tested of any foods, it takes an average of 13 years to get a new seed approved. Organic foods are never tested at all. BILLIONS OF PEOPLE ARE STARVING!!! Developing countries in Asia and Africa are now making their own GMO seed using their own scientists, this fact destroys your toxic claims. You have no way to help their crops survive better in droughts and floods but crop modern crop science can. ==== 22 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxE5ZuR8yDRVrk36v94AaABAg.9hATqedffaP9hXxWTNmfVS --- Let me tell you who the 'colonialists' who foil modern crop science in Africa really are and where they come from. They are European anti-biotech activists and EU organic industry operatives who were sent to Africa to spread disinformation to your people. They know that if Africa employs modern crop science their strangle hold on high priced organic foods in the EU will lose because Africa will undersell them severely in price. I see very dishonest Youtube videos posted by Africans who were put up to it and manipulated by organic farming liars from other countries. They tell you GMOs are dangerous or even poison which is a total lie. ==== 23 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxE5ZuR8yDRVrk36v94AaABAg.9hATqedffaP9iNkT_UBmZP --- [USER 37] Independence from false information sources is smart. Deciding that you should be independent from the facts established by peer reviewed science is the height of foolishness and ignorance. Which one are you? ==== 24 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxSf_K5udtnGe3Tfbh4AaABAg.9eqEirJKY5v9etE2gt5HEa --- Globalist? GMOs were only grown in the USA for the first 20 years. When scientists around the world were amazed by our bounty they got interestd and decided on their own to make their own GMO seeds. There is only one 'global' GMO, the life saving GMO Golden Rice which is protected from profiteering with a humanitarian patent. That was global from inception, declared essential by humanitarinas around the world to feed the malnourished in many countries. ==== 25 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxSf_K5udtnGe3Tfbh4AaABAg.9eqEirJKY5v9fMyiIcYKHQ --- [USER 39] I used to say that about spinach too, then I GREW UP. All readers should note this idiot mentions "GMO bugs" which do not exist. ==== 26 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyojQSQdXjSuc2heHV4AaABAg.9e1XNX188Lr9egLurBmRdo --- Neymar is the fool who was duped by propaganda from the organic foods industry. Monsanto shut down forever four years ago but the organic goons need to keep that bogeyman alive so you have something to hate. Sucker!! You are too poorly educated to know to check the video description. If you had you would have seen the list of peer reviewed studies the video producer used as a reference. Next time, expand down and read the whole video description to avoid making a fool of yourself. ==== 27 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxoStlHru-VJS44GiF4AaABAg.9e03P9EGjvk9egMBvxQGGg --- Flip your name to get some more amusing results with no more meaning. ==== 28 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHYspo6qJpwGJuSu54AaABAg.9bXkERu_11i9bfFOVyy-df --- Organic food is not necessary for good health as it is not any safer than non-organic. ==== 29 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyLV04DCxC54OZdGoJ4AaABAg.9bAxPibbVXT9bBDTuA7l8q --- You dont seem to care that you just made a fool of yourself either. There are no GMO bananas in existence. There are 1000 varieties of bananas, try a different kind if your favorite is not being grown and harvested correctly. It has nothing to do with the best modern crop science. ==== 30 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyLV04DCxC54OZdGoJ4AaABAg.9bAxPibbVXT9dLhsk6gYzj --- [USER 41] No. You are wrong and you failed to expand down this section to see my fact check. No bananas are GMO. You became the clown. ==== 31 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxiqE0GDe4Kowu5N6t4AaABAg.9b5WeLWeI-U9bKilwN8Z_0 --- [USER 43] You've never eaten a GM crop item. ==== 32 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxiqE0GDe4Kowu5N6t4AaABAg.9b5WeLWeI-U9cM0GKtfw_c --- [USER 45] Huh? ==== 33 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzP7PIZRIa3xHTMv1d4AaABAg.9_MgIz16a8S9_Uiz3ZykxT --- UglinessFestering - Spam violation! Flagged! Nobody wants to see your off topic superstitions here. This is about real crop science, not myths about a daddy in the sky. You are so poorly educated you do not realize that at the time that bible story was written we had already been altering all foods we farm for 8,000 years or more. How hateful, egotistical and ignorant it is to wish your imaginary perpetual hell on people who work to feed you. Disgusting!! ==== 34 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw0_Zdc8l0B2gQxQy54AaABAg.9_8YMKeyPNm9_A6Hv9IUs7 --- Absolutely false! We have been breeding plants for over 10,000 years. While that still qualifies as sudden during 3 billion years of history, it is 40 years since the first GMO insulin. Over a full human generation and still mo evidence of harm from modern crop science. Breeding methods have always been improving. GMO is already going obsolete due to the precision gene editing of CRISPR science but GMOs are the only crops tested for years before aproval. All other crops and plants have been tested by simply eating them to see what happens. GMOs are one of the most highly studied sopics in science with over 11,000 peer reviewed studies and articles. This fact exposes your lie about that. Genetic engineers can never offer any seed for sale that has not been fully investigated by the FDA in advance. Trials happen BEFORE release, same with vaccines. In 30 years there has never been a single proven health risk with GMO crop science while it actually reduces the use of toxic pesticides by 37%, increasing the health of the average farmer. KZGT did provde peer reviewed science citations at the bottom of the video description if you expand it down. ==== 35 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw0_Zdc8l0B2gQxQy54AaABAg.9_8YMKeyPNm9_A6eG2JI4n --- Number of people or animals killed by GMO food worldwide: 0 Number of people who got sick from GMO foods worldwide: 0 Number of global catastrophes caused by GMOs: 0 ==== 36 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxQ_SU7zIt0AoOCvux4AaABAg.9ZvMugD-Oq99ZyOktjWRJT --- [USER 47] It doesn't. A monkey can bang a keyboard but it can't write a program. ==== 37 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxQ_SU7zIt0AoOCvux4AaABAg.9ZvMugD-Oq99_5GRAbrOLv --- [USER 49] You are incapable of teaching anything here. Seed contracts for GMOs go to real farms, not hobby farms. GMOs are not sold in garden stores. ==== 38 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxQ_SU7zIt0AoOCvux4AaABAg.9ZvMugD-Oq99_5IqFv4HrK --- [USER 49] And yet your comment above starts with "learn about GMOs for real. Buy your own land and start growing your own." Hypocrite! Liar! ==== 39 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxQ_SU7zIt0AoOCvux4AaABAg.9ZvMugD-Oq99_7GRSXyT1d --- [USER 49] None of your ignorant hateful posts here indicate you know anything. ==== 40 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqJ7csWAdlM59zLEh4AaABAg.9ZvM5UbuNba9ZvUhlqfRWn --- All readers - Melvin is a brainwashed science illiterate hard core Christian. Now he is attacking this thread under a cartoon made for kids. Pathetic! Educated people know why the discipline of science is to be respected. ==== 41 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqJ7csWAdlM59zLEh4AaABAg.9ZvM5UbuNba9ZyO_-bgcKZ --- [USER 49] Odd, you have only exhibited ignorance here. ==== 42 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqJ7csWAdlM59zLEh4AaABAg.9ZvM5UbuNba9ZyX-ztd97R --- [USER 49] Yes I am. It is easy to spot and confront. Don't like it? Comment under videos about country music and religion. ==== 43 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqJ7csWAdlM59zLEh4AaABAg.9ZvM5UbuNba9ZyoWsI-F6D --- [USER 49] Educated people who respect science never try to inject our own opinions, feelings or hunches. We know the experts have all the best information. The first rule of science that all grade school kids are taught is that only what is studied, proven, verified and peer reviewed is a fact. This attack is your folly born of a poor education. You continue to make a fool of yourself in a venue used by 12 million children. ==== 44 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqJ7csWAdlM59zLEh4AaABAg.9ZvM5UbuNba9ZyrIEHxSsg --- [USER 49] No. There is nothing wrong with my attack on your foolishness. In fact, battling liars and haters who try to poison our internet is a noble hobby. Science illiterate liars like you have caused the avoidable Covid deaths of one million Americans. ==== 45 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwEJ23N4bj6oewi6dh4AaABAg.9ZnltXL0tTW9ZqCLHUD9rj --- You are confused. The crop pests that BT kills have no dominant place in nature where they are in very small numbers. Farms are an unnatural environment created by humans that provide a concentrated area of food for the borer worms. It is humans who created the imbalance so any control of pests brings their numbers closer to their normal existence in nature. There are no wild fields of corn or soy for pests to feed on. We know what they do in the wild but they are in small numbers there, kept in balance by natural forces. ==== 46 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxFsQ4H9R2vw8FWkC94AaABAg.9SqMKJ5BPGM9SsmaOqIKxt --- Hey kid, you need to focus and make one comment with all three of your thoughts, not three separate ones. This makes you look scatterbrained and unfocused. ==== 47 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw0yJTzGIhnKdOFBw54AaABAg.9SoRT0tuEVb9Ssmk2c9gzP --- False. This has nothing to do with [USER 50] Gates. Crop science existed before he was born and before he ever switched from computers to stopping hunger. ==== 48 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzM9777qJF5CT6iBYh4AaABAg.9SRXKP6zhqk9SU7du6P7u0 --- False. Monsanto shut down 4 years ago. No science studies have ever found a connection to cancers so our supreme court ruled there is no basis for lawsuits. Bayer AG decided to do a single $2 billion settlement for all 40,000 fake lawsuits pushed by crooked lawyers who advertised on late night TV for people who wanted to cash in on their hustle. The very first lawsuit that tried to get $220 million for one man was never paid. The claimants will get very little each after the lawyers take their cut. ==== 49 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzEIbnZ6NBX84M0hyJ4AaABAg --- Hot peppers are a natural pesticide that billions of humans crave. Sometimes they are too hot for kids but as you age you will appreciate it more. ==== 50 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqDArtnKXA4_wgsf54AaABAg.9PMxMRadkmp9PNqHrmzh7M --- Covid did help to thin the herd of the most stupid, sadly they took down the innocent educated people with them as they spread the disease. ==== 51 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqDArtnKXA4_wgsf54AaABAg.9PMxMRadkmp9PxmhHocxuh --- [USER 52] Nobody supports that today. It is just conspiracy theory fodder for the ass hats who attack [USER 50] Gates. ==== 52 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqDArtnKXA4_wgsf54AaABAg.9PMxMRadkmp9QYWTkG7AT- --- [USER 52] I didn't muse, I stated a fact. I said nothing about killing to thin the morons, only about the innocent they dragged down with their idiocracy. But yes, most of the uneducated are that way because of willful ignorance. They literally de-educate themselves in social media. I continued my education for my entire life to keep up with developments. I had the common sense to not wallow in hateful conspiracy theories or support a mentally ill morally bankrupt president who put idiocracy in high gear and caused the deaths of 600,000 Americans through ignorance and false political narratives. New Zealand demonstrates how to do it right by their heavy controls leading to only 125 Covid deaths in an entire year. ==== 53 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqDArtnKXA4_wgsf54AaABAg.9PMxMRadkmp9QYxo2RcbTI --- [USER 52] No you are lying with what is NOT logic or implicating speech by me. I reject your blathering word salad. Darwinism is explained in every grade school for every American youth. Did you drop out? ==== 54 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzKRDlQ6V0euweRXA94AaABAg.9Ou71sozGfp9P0ib4J40yd --- [USER 54] That is stupid and illogical. No relevance here. He exaggerated too. Farmers must intentionally choose high performance patented seeds and sign a contract before they can buy them. Farmers know in advance that they will not be replanting their seeds and in fact, seed saving has fallen out of favor. It is a lot of work. Also, hybrid seeds are very popular and no farmers will replant hybrids because that always results in lower performance when replanted whether it is conventional or GMO hybrid seed. You are poorly educated and posting hateful lies. ==== 55 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwaBd0iepNGOKHxej14AaABAg.9Or0FHpWnwd9OwfMXARJIU --- You have excellent GMO eggplants (brinjal). ==== 56 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzpOQUMPrpS5P1X0194AaABAg.9OlpyxrXpB59OmLY00W4nv --- Modern crop science is the biggest of all things we study. Astronomy just happens to appeal to kids more but farmers all over the world always want a better crop. Most farmers around the world know about it, even where their governments may ban growing it. GMO farming continues to increase dramatically in use and now it is getting to the most hungry nations who need it the most. Many African nations are now planting their first GMO crops. ==== 57 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzpOQUMPrpS5P1X0194AaABAg.9OlpyxrXpB59Omtsfb4nMs --- [USER 56] It is not wise to ask a stranger what you can find yourself. You have the entire world's compendium of knowledge at your fingertips. The vast majority of Youtube videos are not good sources. ==== 58 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzpOQUMPrpS5P1X0194AaABAg.9OlpyxrXpB59Op1hPX7gOL --- [USER 56] If you had only one source for GMO information the absolute best is the non-profit education site Genetic Literacy Project dot org I reference then many times each day and I send them donations. They collect information from around the world and post it daily as the latest news on crop science. ==== 59 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw9lJE47LIqzKxZzU14AaABAg.9MYH5qtdwNy9M_HQqEzFeL --- All farmers kill caterpillar bugs. Only Monsanto kills just the ones that need to be killed and saves the ones that do not attack the crop. Organic and other farmers who grow non GMO crops spray these bugs and kill them all. ==== 60 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw9lJE47LIqzKxZzU14AaABAg.9MYH5qtdwNy9MddspwSJar --- [USER 58] You forget that all farming is invasive to nature. The fields that are being farmed are not a part of nature and they can cause dangerous population explosions of insects that are not nearly so numerous in nature. To avoid losing entire crops quickly, pesticides are vital for human survival. What happens to the bugs on farms has nothing to do with their populations in nature. ==== 61 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw9lJE47LIqzKxZzU14AaABAg.9MYH5qtdwNy9Mde2FUnq4C --- [USER 60] Your comment is very ignorant. The GMO Bt protein is so extremely specific that it can only kill borer worm pests, and no other living things. You forget that all farming is invasive to nature. The fields that are being farmed are not a part of nature and they can cause dangerous population explosions of insects that are not nearly so numerous in nature. To avoid losing entire crops quickly, pesticides are vital for human survival. What happens to the bugs on farms has nothing to do with their populations in nature. ==== 62 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyQTcZYetQ_oUh_wbl4AaABAg --- Number of people or animals killed by GMO food worldwide: 0 Number of people who got sick from GMO foods worldwide: 0 Number of global catastrophes caused by GMOs: 0 ==== 63 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzNO9tTuzi-ISG-W_V4AaABAg --- News flash!!! The number of humans and animals sickened or poisoned by GMO foods has skyrocketed from [USER 61] to a staggering [USER 61] in just 25 years!!! ==== 64 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwShFf1vnE3ldQhzZN4AaABAg.9Jggcbd_AXg9Jher91MFf1 --- Yea that March Against Monsanto was a silly waste and it deeply offended a million farmers. I joined the March Against Myths About Modification. We were there with bullhorns to shout down all the science illiterate fools like [USER 62]. We kept at it until the marches stopped, then Monsanto closed down forever and all the other seed companies took over for Monsanto. GMO crops are more popular than ever. ==== 65 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxX8BAXd7O_6jGQaaB4AaABAg.9JaX5Xq0FXu9Jd9T63kKIU --- Based on no facts of any kind. ==== 66 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugye1AHkXf4ke7KVQpF4AaABAg.9JYNYeRUXwk9J_vE4gPMDd --- Remind everyone you know to be grateful for all the USA gave you. Computers, internet, games, phones, microwave ovens, Hollywood movies, music, GMO crop science for your brinjal and much more. We even put men on the moon in your name. ==== 67 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugye1AHkXf4ke7KVQpF4AaABAg.9JYNYeRUXwk9K-VYSKgL4Q --- [USER 64] And yet all the evidence says YOU are the crackhead here. ==== 68 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugye1AHkXf4ke7KVQpF4AaABAg.9JYNYeRUXwk9K-YVV5PqMF --- [USER 64] Some day you will grow up and not require child cartoon emojis to express yourself. I have made over 120,000 comments here at Youtube without a single cartoon. ==== 69 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugye1AHkXf4ke7KVQpF4AaABAg.9JYNYeRUXwk9K-lfzPsoZP --- [USER 64] That's hard to imagine and yet you just did it. ==== 70 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugye1AHkXf4ke7KVQpF4AaABAg.9JYNYeRUXwk9K-mbq2t6ak --- [USER 64] Maybe you schedule your life and meals around waiting for replies but I don't. Some replies come three whole years after a comment has been posted. ==== 71 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugye1AHkXf4ke7KVQpF4AaABAg.9JYNYeRUXwk9Ko2fe8farN --- [USER 64] Fuck off troll. ==== 72 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugye1AHkXf4ke7KVQpF4AaABAg.9JYNYeRUXwk9KoFRkmgnvP --- [USER 66] I'm retired dumbass. ==== 73 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugye1AHkXf4ke7KVQpF4AaABAg.9JYNYeRUXwk9KoFhwHgHvQ --- [USER 64] I did. You little punks are insulting our honest hard working farmers who toil 12 hours a day to feed you. They are too busy to defend themselves, hence why I am here. By the way, your little child cartoon emojis make you look extra ignorant. Your hideous avatar with over sized eyes is creepy. Why don't YOU have something to say to the person from Bangladesh? Too busy trolling? ==== 74 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxenaVVZAwB1_LWNgt4AaABAg.9JTbROlo8VU9JWB_jMATcF --- [USER 61] lies and information. [USER 67]. You are science illiterate and a sucker for Youtube conspiracy theories. ==== 75 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxenaVVZAwB1_LWNgt4AaABAg.9JTbROlo8VU9JaED4Lvm2r --- [USER 69] False. The comment from John is what was toxic and just plain nasty. I have many converts and notes of thanks. I have collected 82 subscribers by defending the truth about our honest hard working farmers and crop scientists. All of my 120,000 comments, most with citation links for proof, remain on the web for all to see. It is an undeniable fact that Youtube is where the idiocracy comes to feed. My posts have been read on national NPR and PBS news hours. ==== 76 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxenaVVZAwB1_LWNgt4AaABAg.9JTbROlo8VU9JaOR9y7ky_ --- [USER 71] "Natural" is a fallacy capitalized on by the propagandists of the organic foods cartel. Soon the FDA is going to ban the word natural from all food labels. We have been 'messing' with genes for over 10,000 years - not one single plant or animal we farm is as it was 10,000 years ago when we started. No particular breeding method is more 'evil' than others. GMO science is already on the way out, CRISPR gene editing is taking over. There will be something else after that. You can not prove any lies are in the video. 9.4 million views tells us how much this carton is relied upon by teachers who assign it to students. ==== 77 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxenaVVZAwB1_LWNgt4AaABAg.9JTbROlo8VU9JaPICMEWWp --- [USER 71] In this case 'nobody' means you and only you. That metric for approval remains whether you heed it or not. You just confessed here in this public venue that you are willfully ignorant. I'd like to see what your family, school teachers and employer thinks of this. You shame the entire US education system and the world stage sees you and shakes its head. ==== 78 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyEfyIVg6U5_bpC_qp4AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 79 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzvl_wdkJ8nuce96S54AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 80 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw1v68E6TU6K2sJOtN4AaABAg.9Fk7Q10qI_v9FlXr_klvBK --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 81 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw1v68E6TU6K2sJOtN4AaABAg.9Fk7Q10qI_v9Fo5nxMCdTR --- [USER 73] I invite ALL readers here to check out my citations and compare them to the lies and out of context obsolete quotes this mentally ill Machiavellian Sadist troll posts. I provide sources that you can verify, opinions and potential lies with no proof are never valid in a debate. ==== 82 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyJ1BVBrRzI_zaNDZB4AaABAg.9EZkUnkH8Bz9EdnHlrBwe4 --- [USER 74] There is no logic in your post. We already have trees that absorb carbon, we just have to stop cutting forests down and replant them. Ending beef consumption is a vital part of this plan. ==== 83 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyJ1BVBrRzI_zaNDZB4AaABAg.9EZkUnkH8Bz9Edn_X-_zKH --- We don't need to make any new plants for climate change remediation, we can help by making GMO disease resistant plants that are now dying off due to plant diseases like the American Chestnut. Existing plants will fix climate change if we stop cutting down forests and start re-planting trees. ==== 84 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwzDCLjGdiPliI8ljd4AaABAg.9EHQUmavM639EJmNZOrXLc --- All readers - look at this fool who is so ignorant and science illiterate he has no idea that Monsanto shut down forever 3 years ago!! He also played that idiotic shill card, an automatic forfeit here. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended four years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 85 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwzDCLjGdiPliI8ljd4AaABAg.9EHQUmavM639EWeQ6S_NED --- [USER 11] Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls [USER 10 NAME] Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 86 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwzDCLjGdiPliI8ljd4AaABAg.9EHQUmavM639EWeeSZ1-SF --- [USER 11] This asshole troll [USER 10 NAME] can't argue any valid refutations so he has to desperately cling to 80 year old war crimes that were committed 40 years before the first GMO was created. This is an extreme asshole you must report for spam and again for harassment. ==== 87 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwzDCLjGdiPliI8ljd4AaABAg.9EHQUmavM639EWeuA-L5pH --- All readers - over three years ago, all Monsanto CEOs were fired, all Monsanto workers laid off, all Monsanto facilities shut down. There is only a file cabinet full of old Monsanto patents and brand name registrations in a Bayer AG office in Germany. ==== 88 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzvIyMuZXKiLN9dVaF4AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 89 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxoFbxt36KE5IZTCQh4AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. 2 ==== 90 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugykhke-lz9r-92ogYx4AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 91 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz__uj4b1z2WWoQgRF4AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 92 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwVSWHxc_j7Q_V1EuF4AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 93 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwXxi6mJPUNLQ3StG94AaABAg.9Ck68r2I_V09Cn6xhtO-iY --- [USER 76] not proof. Animal science does show that it is bad for dogs. Your dog would be healthier without it and as it ages it is more likely to get sick. ==== 94 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxcUNLccLqtu-zzZsh4AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 95 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyuREa0HcGRk7TH0Rd4AaABAg.9C1t6Gdx8449C3_8Qn7FQW --- It is not a problem. Pollen does not travel far and farms don't have an issue with so-called 'contamination' all the activists lie about. ==== 96 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwX-d-6ml1SAi9nya94AaABAg.9BIFPw5tfI59BLitmzpxpo --- It is always safe. All foods sold in the US are tested and safe. If something gets by our food safety system it is recalled and destroyed as soon as possible. ==== 97 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzrZJ7W2hP64clY6nJ4AaABAg --- Number of people or animals killed by GMO food worldwide: 0 Number of people who got sick from GMO foods worldwide: 0 Number of global catastrophes caused by GMOs: 0 ==== 98 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz_4kJd0ChYdm250Ch4AaABAg --- The UN Codex Alimentarius, written for the world by our USDA, is fully adhered to in all ways regarding GMO food safety. Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 99 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxx6TsBBHUnquSNGGB4AaABAg.9AvgSHELu1F9AwKqeT8vLU --- Only zucchini and Hawaiian papayas are GMO sourced. 93% of all GMO grown in the US is used for cattle feed and ethanol fuels. Sweeteners and oils made from GMO crops are not legally described as GMO because refining removes all traces of DNA and stray proteins. Organic sourced refined sweeteners and oils are chemically identical to GMO sourced versions. GMO is a breeding method only and not an actual ingredient. ==== 100 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxBnzd8-Fa8t1lM2BN4AaABAg.9Au39lfQ5wD9AwKtqyLReJ --- [USER 78] You are both completely wrong and misinformed. ==== 101 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxBnzd8-Fa8t1lM2BN4AaABAg.9Au39lfQ5wD9AwLEvET-mv --- Depardieu is a liar who repeats many nasty activist memes with no truth. The sources he listed at the end of his long list of lies is from highly biased activist sources determined to sell more organic foods at any cost to the truth and our honest hard working farmers. ==== 102 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxBnzd8-Fa8t1lM2BN4AaABAg.9Au39lfQ5wD9AwOJEgedp9 --- The LIAR Depardieu does not want you to know that all seed patents expire and organic seeds are also patented. He does not want you to know that expired high performance patent seeds are now on the market at bargain prices. This is a gift to humanity. He has no proof of any kind about that 'micronutrient' bullshit from any unbiased studies not funded by organic farmers. He made up some bullshit conspiracy theory about a "grand food reserve"!!!! That's a new one on me even after calling out these asshole trolls daily for 7 years. ==== 103 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxBnzd8-Fa8t1lM2BN4AaABAg.9Au39lfQ5wD9AwOwEaHXET --- The only true fact Depardieu posted was about n=how many people are hungry every day - but then he made up total fantasy about why. MONSANTO NEVER SOLD A SINGLE BITE OF FOOD TO CONSUMERS!!!! Monsanto only provided the exact seed farmers asked for. Farmers are smart, not naive fools like this lying troll wants you to believe. Farmers only buy what they value and nothing more. Monsanto was not a 'green revolution company', that ended decades ago! "The 'Green Revolution' is a set of research technology transfer initiatives occurring between 1950 and the late 1960s, that increased agricultural production worldwide, beginning most markedly in the late 1960s." Wikipedia THAT WAS BEFORE ANY GMO CROPS WERE INVENTED!!!! ==== 104 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxBnzd8-Fa8t1lM2BN4AaABAg.9Au39lfQ5wD9AwQFz3ywkD --- Depardieu also lied about yield as the basis for developing GMO crops. False. Yields are not much larger in cases where good conditions exist but when common challenges to farming like flood, drought, pest attacks, temperature extremes or salty soils exist the GMO crops still give great yields when other methods fail. This irks organic farmers to no end! ==== 105 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxBnzd8-Fa8t1lM2BN4AaABAg.9Au39lfQ5wD9AwS36ZVeza --- It looks like this troll decided to take advantage of the KZGT channel policy of not allowing live links. If you post live links you can see them but no one else will. That's why my many citations here that bury this liar in facts are not functional unless you remove a few spaces I added to them This is easy if you are curious or you doubt my honesty. ==== 106 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxBnzd8-Fa8t1lM2BN4AaABAg.9Au39lfQ5wD9AwT72hEmdF --- A genius humanitarian like [USER 50] Gates is not even mentioned because he puts to shame all those nasty EU activists who are self centered in their true motivation of promoting inferior organic farming. Gates knows GMO crop science is the immediate answer and CRISPR gene editing is the future. Gates funds the humanitarians who actually do the work and the results have been less hunger and 122 million human lives saved so far by vaccines. Compare that to these hateful propagandists like Depardieu. ==== 107 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxBnzd8-Fa8t1lM2BN4AaABAg.9Au39lfQ5wD9AwTRapkMAy --- When you actually look at Depardieu's channel page you see a kid playing around with photo shop and NO content in defense of hunger. He's a fraud repeating some activist memes he picked up recently with no unbiased research of his own. ==== 108 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwte8knwBB_E7hQN9h4AaABAg.9AsNIH9adTA9AsRNnZSzHL --- Your Post is False. Give me example so I can show you your ignorance on this subject. ==== 109 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwte8knwBB_E7hQN9h4AaABAg.9AsNIH9adTA9AtpVcOnMJg --- False. The USDA organic standard only requires a 25 foot buffer from GMO crops. There are no wild stands of corn, soy or alfalfa so that is not an issue either. Each year farmers plant a fresh crop. The majority of farmers no longer save and replant their seed so there is no [USER 79] for a change in traits. In all cases, natural selection has never stopped working outside of farms. ==== 110 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzhjNktHzeMfh_hxe94AaABAg.9ArAGIVIsbA9Atpk346H2C --- You'd have a hard time finding any. There is no GMO wheat. GMO potatoes are great but there are no GMO tomatoes, lettuce, [USER 80] or dairy products. The Impossible burger is one of the few offerings. ==== 111 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzhjNktHzeMfh_hxe94AaABAg.9ArAGIVIsbA9B3dzwQqla0 --- [USER 82] You are caught in an ignorant lie. The Flavr Savr was the ONLY GMO tomato to ever be marketed. No others are GMO, period. The old one was meant to survive freeze damage but it did not achieve that particularly well and the brand owner was not a skilled businessman so that brand went obsolete 15 years ago. Gone, just like Monsanto has been gone for 3 years now. I invite all readers seeing this to go to Wikipedia and look up GMO tomato to see I am 100% correct and Moose is wrong. Only zucchini, yellow squash and Hawaiian papayas are GMOs sold in fresh markets. The new GMO non-browning apple is just used for sliced snack packs because it needs no preservatives to prevent browning. Otherwise it is identical in flavor and nutrition, it can not be identified in blind taste tests. ==== 112 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzhjNktHzeMfh_hxe94AaABAg.9ArAGIVIsbA9B3gLOk87ok --- [USER 82] There are none sold today but there is a plan for some in Israel, not intended for export at this time. Breeders have hundreds of varieties of tomato seeds to choose from. We would do GMO versions to achieve a specific goal that would take too long or be too hard to do with conventional breeding. There is no GMO citrus fruit either. Seedless is not GMO. It simply is not as widely used as Youtube conspiratards claim. They see an extra large strawberry, banana or some fruit with more or fewer seeds and decide to post a video calling it GMO with no proof at all. My motto is "No proof? Never happened!". ==== 113 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwoeTD7sR7QVaf2l6R4AaABAg.9Aqqr5AGedV9ArQMYZweKt --- What would that be? GMO foods don't do that. ==== 114 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxRtjtKxgjuCXEH-6p4AaABAg.9ApefgxWnPY9ArQV0EgrAZ --- More than half of all GMO seeds being used today (by variety, not tonnage) are not for or from US agribusiness. They are for specific applications in many different parts of the world where climate change is causing additional challenges. Most of them are not patented. Most of them are given away free to struggling farmers by NGOs and govt seed programs ==== 115 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzQPvR_9o1w-Si7C994AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 116 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy-toS85aETugOhsUx4AaABAg.9AnihiPMG0l9Ao__35DbHP --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 117 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx0nSLPYWq-gK5ntuJ4AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 118 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxNLFfrsD7l0QIiBZ54AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 119 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgztiL8LlMdbq5YhdFZ4AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 120 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyWb0xzv-4ugIfaE7N4AaABAg.9AZSVmD-hyB9A_KEmHznJ5 --- When you are ready for big boy pants go to the non-profit GeneticLiteracyProject dot org for unbiased facts, reviews and daily news about genetics in farming and medicine. I donate to it every year. The news about new developments is amazing and inspiring. You could impress your teacher with your increased understanding. ==== 121 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzCP-mWavWqS7PSIGp4AaABAg.9A1INjFOjR69A2tFzSf9xB --- [USER 11] What a fucking idiot!! "We can just change the climate rather than adapt crops" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Farmers all over the world are seeing crop failures NOW due to more extreme conditions caused by AGW. We are seeing mass migrations of refugees due to climate caused crop failures. Blatantly obvious that they have no funds for a green house or even plastic tarps! They are begging for seed that better survives droughts, floods, salty soils, temperature extremes and more. They are getting it - if it is not already being distributed it is in the works. GMO has been a vital live saving intermediate step between too slow conventional breeding and the new CRISPR gene editing that will dominate soon. CRISPR is not subject to nearly as much regulation which is fast tracking it globally. [USER 10 NAME] is a real dinosaur of activism, still ranting about what is almost obsolete but totally proven and desired around the world. Extreme asshole of the most hateful vile sort! ==== 122 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzCP-mWavWqS7PSIGp4AaABAg.9A1INjFOjR69A2xDgcNZ_b --- WARNING - This educational thread with 8.5 million views is being attacked by a lying toxic anti-biotech troll. Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll 'Loic Daniel' who is in fact an anti biotech propagandist with no proof of his lies from any reliable current sources. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 123 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzCP-mWavWqS7PSIGp4AaABAg.9A1INjFOjR69AZiooKgmxK --- [USER 11] What country are you from [USER 10 NAME] to be this misinformed. ==== 124 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwJyyBBK29NbKtr5hF4AaABAg.9A0TUbvWI7b9A2tJcgoTto --- Fuck you punk. Nobody cares. Pay attention in class, asshole. ==== 125 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxmWpTM-hrUI8JEp7d4AaABAg.9A0SwIjVpFy9A2tMnoSZCB --- Ebonics sucks. ==== 126 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwY11PxZBuqkZkhsH54AaABAg.9A08ujUB_4w9A09PwL0JkN --- It's called fear mongering and the organic thugs tried to make labeling of breeding methods even more dishonest to slant sales towards their crappy over priced products. Obama put a stop to it. Look up the new 2020 GMO labeling law, called GE disclosure. Many trace amounts of refined sweeteners and oils will no longer be called GMO and it is illegal to put that on labels. ==== 127 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwY11PxZBuqkZkhsH54AaABAg.9A08ujUB_4w9B8UTU9ANbM --- [USER 11] No you lying asshole, I prove you wrong every single time I encounter your toxic anti-biotech lies. Any fool can locate outlier studies that confirm a particular bias, this is why consensus is so devastating to activists. Organic farmers have been using Bt for 40 years. The only use of hypodermic needles on farms is by organic farmers injecting the Bt toxin into the bases of their larger plants. ==== 128 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzT6yH_LpymGIfItmh4AaABAg.99xh8n3MOzY9A2wwdkKCQ4 --- WARNING - This educational thread with 8.5 million views is being attacked by a lying toxic anti-biotech troll. Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll 'Loic Daniel' who is in fact an anti biotech propagandist with no proof of his lies from any reliable current sources. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 129 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxJeRVPZxAC_Fzx90V4AaABAg.99twSVVMBSi99ygrPeKPtv --- Not a good idea - there are too many trolls and liars here trying to spread myths about 'harmful' GMO and 'magical' organic foods. No way to filter those out. ==== 130 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxMHJmuHlkzoERhPpt4AaABAg.99oCwskvEO499oNq9PWPs2 --- Science illiteracy - OMG ==== 131 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzLEnE_PIZoUS_nDld4AaABAg.99m1KG-_RrL99oNvm710-3 --- No reason to - breeding is already effective. ==== 132 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwhZBdAbTQtt8Jmu914AaABAg.99lkgEoTLG49AZj5LL7-TF --- [USER 11] Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn rootworms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO Technology. ==== 133 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwhZBdAbTQtt8Jmu914AaABAg.99lkgEoTLG49AquXtRfxxr --- [USER 73] Thank You for showing how clueless you are when it comes to Bt. There are NO adjuvants with gmo technology Bt. Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn rootworms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO Technology. ==== 134 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz_l3j_xPO2PskmBX14AaABAg.99jOYU0hM4i99juAwaGIEg --- Your post is false. seedless fruit was done through breeding Hybrids. You are clueless when it comes to this subject Wy3tecH. ==== 135 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz_l3j_xPO2PskmBX14AaABAg.99jOYU0hM4i99lscvv77g8 --- David is right. You are an idiot posting totally unproven illogical lies. There has never been a "chain reaction" of any kind in nature unless it was because we caused an extinction - you were supposed to learn about natural selection and survival of the fittest in grade school. Instead you were busy smoking dope and skipping classes. No chain reactions come from farming unless it is practiced incorrectly, like cutting down forests to farm Amazon land. One of the thousands of facts you avoided learning is that seedless fruits are NOT GMOs. All farming of every type is invasive to nature - no exceptions. The only thing you can do to increase balance is to never reproduce. ==== 136 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz_l3j_xPO2PskmBX14AaABAg.99jOYU0hM4i9A092Ykj8zE --- [USER 84] For now and forever, [USER 85] looks like a moron. ==== 137 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgztPI6EFcNxp6ZoKFZ4AaABAg.99eX01ohkPs99gixUx8ffI --- No big advantage to that. The problem with deforestation is we do not plant replacement trees at all in many areas, not the rate at which they grow. ==== 138 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLHamYSARpYJC6TNl4AaABAg.99eR5G_kxS799gkIhU7vDu --- Lies!!! Nasty organic farming activists convinced you of that. It is false. Glyphosate is the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, it is 43% less toxic to humans than table salt. All other pesticides we used before are FAR MORE TOXIC by a factor of hund[USER 86]s. There are no side effects of any kind to humans from glyphosate, that is another activist lie with no legitimate science studies to back it up. Those liars also fooled you about the reason why farmers do not want to replant seeds - hybrid seed is never replanted because it loses its desi[USER 86] traits, even if it is organic or conventional or heirloom hybrid. GMOs DO NOT require specific fertilizers - a farmer can choose to use manure instead if he want to, stop making up lies to make our farmers look stupid. Only a fraction of GMO seed is meant to go with glyphosate and nothing bad happens if you plant glyphosate tolerant GMO seed without using the glyphosate, there are other ways to control weeds but they are all much more expensive and time consuming. Farmers know what they are doing, you are clueless. Indian farmers literally rioted in their streets last year, demanding access to better GMO seed! Monsanto shut down 3 years ago, it is gone. Organic is a scam, they use even more pesticides. Look at the USDA organic standards website. You will be shocked by what you find and your face will turn [USER 86] as you realize what a blunder you made here. Stick with playing the guitar. ==== 139 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLHamYSARpYJC6TNl4AaABAg.99eR5G_kxS799hJRMghRVz --- [USER 87] That is pathetic. It only proves Greenpeace meddled there and poisoned the MINDS of simple farmers. Rice is not a GMO and is not glyphosate tolerant. The new GMO golden rice is also not made to be compatible with any particular pesticide and it has not gone into wide spread use yet but it is fully approved. Philippines is currently crossing GR with local strains of the preferred rice. More likely, you are simply lying. Pesticides are never used for no reason and they sure as fuck would never be used if yields were higher without them, that makes no sense at all! Most GMO rice is for surviving floods or droughts or salty marshes. The newest one will be able to be grown in sea water. Fertilizers always improve yields, no exceptions unless they were incorrectly used. ==== 140 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLHamYSARpYJC6TNl4AaABAg.99eR5G_kxS799hTMAFC5rs --- [USER 87] So now you admit you were just lying. ==== 141 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw96EVJVGPZWIoASox4AaABAg.99bjC1BBMt499ed_-Zh-cy --- GMO technology is saving the bees. Bees where never needed to pollinate gmo technology crops. You know NOTHING about pollination [USER 88]. ==== 142 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxHo623PqjJiA1g5s54AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 143 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwyZfqfllpPCTjMWWR4AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 144 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzyn-bh_a57YedqyW14AaABAg.99YK3LLslT-99_FXAV5ya7 --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 145 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzyn-bh_a57YedqyW14AaABAg.99YK3LLslT-99_FhpZcH5f --- 1) The definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over while expecting different results Did you really think that the 176th time would be any different?? ALL READERS NOTE: THIS INSANE FOOL IS POSTING THE EXACT SAME LIE FOR THE 176th TIME AFTER GETTING A FULL DETAILED DEBUNKING OF IT 175 TIMES PREVIOUSLY!! 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 176th BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 176 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINKS OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 176th TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject[dot]org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 146 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzyn-bh_a57YedqyW14AaABAg.99YK3LLslT-99_G4FoAvZQ --- 2) This is deranged conspiratard bullshit. All GMOs are heavily tested for years before approval. All applicable Codex regulations are met in every case. Our own USDA wrote the internationally adopted Codex standards. All 'unintended effects' are screened for in advance, over 75 mandatory tests cover everything including unexpected proteins. QUOTING HYPOTHETICALS OUT OF CONTEXT IS INSANE AND DISHONEST TROLLING. ==== 147 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzyn-bh_a57YedqyW14AaABAg.99YK3LLslT-99_GS2MijZw --- 6) Almost posted a deceiving statement about the largest most expert study on GMO crops in all history. It changed everything, ending the GMO safety debate. What he left out is that when there is bad weather, soil issues or pests, GMOs do much better by continuing to provide a good yield under bad conditions. The NAS also said that GMO is no more or less impactful on the environment compared to other farming methods, a great virtue for seed that is superior without doing damage. Since that 2016 study more and more new studies find that in fact, organic agriculture is much less productive per acre, making it bad for climate change mitigation. To grow all our food organically would require cutting down all forested parks in the US. ==== 148 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzyn-bh_a57YedqyW14AaABAg.99YK3LLslT-99_GhVkZtjM --- Farmers around the world express a GMO imperative!! 5 African nations developed and planted their own GMO crops last year. In India, farmers rioted in the streets, demanding government drop its ban on HT Bt cotton. The dark ages are over and mentally ill obsessed assholes like Almost are a left over relic we have to deal with by flagging and debunking them wherever they appear. ==== 149 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzyn-bh_a57YedqyW14AaABAg.99YK3LLslT-99bcLzTtXJ5 --- [USER 73] Human safety testing was fully performed and documented to satisfy all safety concerns in existence. Almost is lying again. My links fully debunk your insane lies. This is offense number 177! 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 177th BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 177 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINKS OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 177th TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject[dot]org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 150 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzyn-bh_a57YedqyW14AaABAg.99YK3LLslT-9AZjN5jPBn_ --- [USER 73] Your post is FALSE Almost. NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 151 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzQIdw2rl86hSGPTWV4AaABAg.99UJIuIxh_w99UiZdIfQMK --- "bruh" without capitalization at the start of a sentence indicates you are a poorly educated loser. If you paid attention in grade school you would know that humans have been breeding all foods we eat for maximum advantage for over 10,000 years. If we had not we would have no cauliflower, broccoli, kale, turnips, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and many other vegetables all with that one common humble ancestor, the wild mustard plant. Carrots would still be 2 inch long bitter white roots. We would have no corn. Apples would still be tiny sour things the size of a grape. What we do is the exact opposite of 'screwing up' you ignorant fool. Stop insulting our honest hard working farmers and crop scientists who toil to feed your ungrateful ass. ==== 152 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgweudQLyHoIrkAqI9x4AaABAg.99RzAMM6UD499UieIgfOkq --- 'Robolox' is a [USER 91] starved fantasy world for indoor kids who suffer from nature deficit disorder. ==== 153 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwHudGGl7ENH6HCz3l4AaABAg.99QVxLEcwrn99S8Z4It4ux --- It is not. You lied. But large fruit and berries are not GMO, they are the result of thousands of years of conventional breeding practices. ==== 154 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwHudGGl7ENH6HCz3l4AaABAg.99QVxLEcwrn99SDIVk3rvg --- [USER 93] NO. Not an acceptable joke. Anti-biotech trolls attack this video every day. I am here to call them out. I have been doing this here for 3 years. You chose the wrong thread to troll. ==== 155 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwHudGGl7ENH6HCz3l4AaABAg.99QVxLEcwrn99UiwWHMfYt --- [USER 93] I started 7 years ago, over 100,000 comments. I came late to Youtube. Defending science facts is a noble pursuit. Without breeding, apples would still be the size of a grape and very bitter. ==== 156 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxo8yO9ueHjLObLn454AaABAg.99MgokL81oB99Mxv11tW3G --- ALL READERS - This asshole liar troll is making shit up that never happened! Total 100% fabrications! There has never been any "kill gene" seeds sold. Look at Dama's channel page - it actually compares the quarantine of deadly Covid carriers with WW2 Japanese containment camps. There is no comparison - the removal of Japanese/American citizens from their homes was wrong and it was done under the war powers act while pandemics are controlled to protect the deaths of innocent citizens from those who carry that deadly virus. No human anywhere on Earth has the right to knowingly spread a highly contagious deadly disease! ==== 157 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxo8yO9ueHjLObLn454AaABAg.99MgokL81oB99MymrTi-3O --- This asshole is claiming sterile GMO seeds, also commonly called 'terminator' seed by the ignorant anti-biotech activists and fear mongering organic farmers, were sold in the EU. NO TERMINATOR SEED HAS EVER BEEN SOLD ANYWHERE ON EARTH!!! That is an activist lie. Terminator seed never got out of laboratories as an experiment. The GeneticLiteracyProject explains the source of this myth: https://geneticliteracyproject . org/2019/08/27/viewpoint-farewell-to-terminator-seeds-1995-2015-the-anti-gmo-movements-favorite-bogeyman/ The Monsanto official public announcement confirming they never had any intent to distribute terminator seed: https://monsanto . com/company/media/statements/terminator-seeds-myth/ ==== 158 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxo8yO9ueHjLObLn454AaABAg.99MgokL81oB99MzE7UVACQ --- Yes, 10,000 peer reviewed verifiable published studies on GMO safety have been released without any detection of harm of any kind from GMO crop science or glyphosate when used as directed. Unlike this lying asshole troll, I back up every single word I way with unbiased non-activist citation links. 9,300 GMO safety studies from hundreds of different sources globally, conveniently listed on a single index page: https://www . sciencedirect . com/search?qs=gmo&show=25&sortBy=relevance ==== 159 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxo8yO9ueHjLObLn454AaABAg.99MgokL81oB99N-89UQ48Y --- The largest GMO safety study in all history was done by the most highly qualified science panel on Earth in 2016 - our National Academy of Sciences. This landmark study ended the GMO safety debate forever as it became settled science. It was so conclusive and factual it prompted Obama to sign the new GMO labeling law in 2016, that law is in full effect now in 2020. The study found that on average, all factors considered, GMO crop science is no more or less impactful on human health and the environment than any other farming methods including organic and is superior in many beneficial ways. Link to coverage of the study: https://allianceforscience . cornell . edu/blog/2016/05/gmo-safety-debate-is-over/ Link to the actual study: http://nas-sites . org/ge-crops/ ==== 160 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxo8yO9ueHjLObLn454AaABAg.99MgokL81oB99N-pasKDV3 --- Farmers buy any kind of seed they want. The fact that farmers rush to buy premium high performance GMO seed should tell you something. They willingly sign a contract with the seed purchase that says they may not replant patented seed. Most ignorant trolls do not know that hybrid seed is never replanted regardless, whether it is patented organic hybrid, un-patented conventional or patented GMO hybrid seed, it will not perform as well when replanted. This is the main reason farmers do not save and replant their seed. Now in 2020 there are many GMO seeds with expired 20 year old patents. They become a bargain for farmers and a gift to humanity. Every GMO seed today will eventually see its patent expire! ==== 161 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy74pOglHofMjrh1054AaABAg.99Mdh-Q45SH99N0NrNrVIe --- That is correct. It is peer reviewed settled science that GMO crops are excellent and safe with no unintended consequences. Dama is lying again. There is no issue with cross-pollination! This lying asshole troll also stupidly tries to repeat that nasty dishonest conspiracy theory. KZGT knows how to weed out activist lies made up by organic lobbyists, Dama does not. ==== 162 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy74pOglHofMjrh1054AaABAg.99Mdh-Q45SH99N0wqxS_YH --- The popular conspiracy theory about Monsanto lawsuits has been debunked by many honest non-activist reference sources. Here is a link to the accurate description about the few lawsuits that actually happened - in each case clear deliberate criminal intent was demonstrated by the court, proving the farmers were trying to steal high performance seed traits without paying: https://geneticliteracyproject . org/2018/06/01/dissecting-claims-about-monsanto-suing-farmers-for-accidentally-planting-patented-seeds/ Note that no prosecution ever happened for blowing seed or drifting pollen. That is what those nasty organic thugs want you to believe because they can't sell their crappy produce based on facts only. ==== 163 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy74pOglHofMjrh1054AaABAg.99Mdh-Q45SH99PU8Zatfz0 --- [USER 95] Traditional farmers have no need for "buffer zones", there is nothing to buffer. The USDA organic standard only requires a 25 foot buffer zone from GMO crops. ==== 164 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy74pOglHofMjrh1054AaABAg.99Mdh-Q45SH99s0htTNi0y --- [USER 95] What does agent Orange have with this subject. It has not been produced since 1969. ==== 165 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwSaulyrZ-fQEVs6Px4AaABAg.99MMJjOCiLj99N1nKIluLF --- KZGT will never repeat nasty lying conspiracy theories like you tried to get away with here. Only dishonest quacks and frauds, funded by organic farmer activist money, have claimed that by doing very biased and flawed studies that are just animal abuse and not peer reviewed. Every time they are called out and proven to be lying frauds. The largest farm animal GMO feeding study ever done has become the international benchmark and reference for proving that a 100% GMO diet fed to animals for multiple generations failed to detect any negative effects. Those animals all had health that was identical to animals feed a 100% organic diet: http://www . sciencedirect . com/science/article/pii/S0278691511006399 ==== 166 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxSHz3K0kvfPb8cmE54AaABAg.99Ima8kHjM499KpWD-OBva --- There is no risk - think about what you just posted. There are no wild stands of corn, soy, cotton or alfalfa. Farm seed is not bred to survive or compete in nature. Natural selection has never stopped working. Same for farm animals - they can not survive in nature. Predators wipe them out quickly and they have lost their wild survival instincts. ==== 167 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzJaaIALfVYE0LtNHR4AaABAg.99HcgGtbidx99Kpbh_kiLX --- I don't have to speak your language to see you are a conspiratard because of the words "new world order" which is foil hat shit. ==== 168 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgySbd5u3U-wCxO7vkd4AaABAg.99HWOFo_Ugt99Kpycfbwjs --- [USER 97] Not better, just different. Cows can digest grass but humans can not. Our digestion has stronger acid in the stomach. It is false that animals might be harmed by GMO foods. They are not. They thrive on it, that is what made America great. ==== 169 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgySIsjRwX9kidrHcwh4AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 170 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCqxJKb7m9EdHDuvJ4AaABAg.99C5Fn2xEfD99CjETyFi0B --- 1) The definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over while expecting different results Did you really think that the 175th time would be any different?? ALL READERS NOTE: THIS INSANE FOOL IS POSTING THE EXACT SAME LIE FOR THE 175th TIME AFTER GETTING A FULL DETAILED DEBUNKING OF IT 174 TIMES PREVIOUSLY!! 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 172nd BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 175 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINKS OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 175th TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject[dot]org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 171 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCqxJKb7m9EdHDuvJ4AaABAg.99C5Fn2xEfD99CkWTNYUrA --- 2) This is deranged conspiratard bullshit. All GMOs are heavily tested for years before approval. All applicable Codex regulations are met in every case. oUR OWN usda WROTE THE INTERNATIONAL cODEX STANDARD.All 'unintended effects" are screened for in advance, over 75 mandatory tests cover everything including unexpected proteins. QUOTING HYPOTHETICALS OUT OF CONTEXT IS INSANE AND DISHONEST TROLLING ==== 172 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCqxJKb7m9EdHDuvJ4AaABAg.99C5Fn2xEfD99CnFud55LH --- 6) Almost posted a deceiving statement about the largest most expert study on GMO crops in all history. It changed everything, ending the GMO safety debate. What he left out is that when there is bad weather, soil issues or pests, GMOs do much better by continuing to provide a good yield under bad conditions. The NAS also said that GMO is no more or less impactful on the environment compared to other farming methods, a great virtue for seed that is superior without doing damage. Since that 2016 study more and more new studies find that in fact, organic agriculture is much less productive per acre, making it bad for climate change mitigation. To grow all our food organically would require cutting down all forested parks in the US. ==== 173 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCqxJKb7m9EdHDuvJ4AaABAg.99C5Fn2xEfD99Co0esM1z1 --- Farmers around the world express a GMO imperative!! 5 African nations developed and planted their own GMO crop last year. In India, farmers rioted in the streets, demanding government drop its ban on Bt cotton. The dark ages are over and mentally ill obsessed assholes like Almost are a left over relic we have to deal with by flagging and debunking them wherever they appear. ==== 174 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCqxJKb7m9EdHDuvJ4AaABAg.99C5Fn2xEfD99CoShX8ovZ --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 175 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCqxJKb7m9EdHDuvJ4AaABAg.99C5Fn2xEfD99gNodzVUlq --- [USER 73] You are correct [USER 72 NAME] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 176 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwE10cGo2nxCkgq-l54AaABAg.998z-NEw_D799AGiuBtxKX --- That is absolutely false and impossible to prove because every harvest is different - different weather, different soils, different seeds and care. To even BEGIN to do a fair honest comparison you would have to have organic, conventional and GMO versions grown on the same farm in the same weather, and then all picked at the IDENTICAL TIME IN TERMS OF RIPENESS AND HANDLED IDENTICALLY until the moment you have the [USER 79] to smell and taste them. You know full well that the larger the farm and supplier is, the more of a delay there is between harvest and the store display. That only makes freshly picked organic produce, picked at peak ripeness, smell and taste better at great cost to your budget and food waste compared to mass produced produce shipped and stored longer but far more economically. Mass production reduces waste by picking early and shipping refrigerated. Mass produced organic produce is identical in taste and nutrition to mass produced foods using other breeding and farming methods but you pay a huge amount for the woo and the propaganda of organic. How much more? $3 billion a year!!! Organic industry tyranny for 32 years and counting: "Although GMOs are regarded as safe as their conventional counterparts by every major food safety authority in the world, the organic industry spends nearly $3 billion a year through over 330 different organizations leading with fear and “information spin” as an industry to sell their products. By creating an unfounded fear that requires tighter regulations on GMO crops, they are hoping to force them out of the food supply, thereby creating a bigger market share to sell more products in their more than $65 billion wheelhouse. The unfortunate consequence of these [non-GMO] labels is that the food companies and lobbyists tend to create an unnecessary “us vs. them” divide. When food companies use fear against competitors to sell a product, farmers take it personally." https://www . agdaily . com/insights/farm-babe-label-trends-end/ Now why do you suppose organic food is so expensive?? Imagine what 3 billion dollars could do for humanitarian goals - end a different disease forever every year.... End all hunger in at least one country...... Funding nasty propaganda? Really?? ==== 177 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwE10cGo2nxCkgq-l54AaABAg.998z-NEw_D799BBzNYQ0ky --- With all the highly toxic pesticides Organic Growers use on Organic foods should have more smell and flavor. ==== 178 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwE10cGo2nxCkgq-l54AaABAg.998z-NEw_D799CG-QbfWiG --- [USER 99] https://ascienceenthusiast.com/organic-crops-use-carcinogenic-pesticides/ ==== 179 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwE10cGo2nxCkgq-l54AaABAg.998z-NEw_D799PcXnbPyvI --- [USER 101] What gmo technology crops have you tasted Kateryna? ==== 180 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwVArIf5veRlT1XDh94AaABAg.9968Z41FInu997rIgFoZbj --- p p is science illiterate. ==== 181 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx_wtqJTDgnON8P2Ll4AaABAg.995RBDUDXVZ997rQtMdEaU --- Because they have few ads and production of cartoons is expensive. You are under no obligation to contribute. ==== 182 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzT7Om-20hrfIC1Fat4AaABAg.995QxBych9v997rZH7eNgD --- No. Page configuration frequently changes. Use the buttons in the lower right corner of the video. ==== 183 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzAoXSrJYnnKQuIFa14AaABAg.994-na7QVEB995CZZae32l --- 10 years is already fast. That is not the main focus of crop science. No more oxygen, a forest matures and never makes 'more'. ==== 184 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwp-MmsjPKmLqNRhmB4AaABAg.992C92-38Ts992i6XHR1nN --- Total nonsense. There are no 'foreign substances' in GMO foods. GMO is never an actual ingredient, it is just a breeding method. Human stomach acids break down all DNA molecules anyways. We digest them. Always have, always will. ==== 185 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyV-KFejuOxo9Qcb1t4AaABAg.98u5fu27hhI98veHq_LS9o --- Total nonsense. ALL people work for a profit. ALL farmers work for a profit. YOU work for a profit. You do not work for free. Hypocrite!! Profit is never a valid talking point. Organic farmers work exactly the same way for profits. ==== 186 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzL6OH_gfH13cjM8Kx4AaABAg.98tf7XglLM298vfqfmGVhl --- Yes there was MUCH wrong, and then we made everything twice as bad with climate change factors that make it even worse. A corn fungal toxin was killing thousands of people before we stopped it with GMO seed that conventional breeding could not control. The Bt trait, INVOLVING NO 'TOXIC CHEMICALS' has freed farmers from the use of toxic pesticides by repelling the borer worm pests which can quickly destroy an entire crop. GMO crop science saved the Hawaiian papaya industry from extinction. GMO apples, INVOLVING NO 'TOXIC CHEMICALS', do not brown so there is less waste and sliced snack packs need no chemical treatments. GMO rice, potatoes, bananas and cassava, INVOLVING NO 'TOXIC CHEMICALS' will stop 300,000 cases of blindness every year due to vit A shortage. GMO elm trees can bring back the American ELM. GMO eggplant, INVOLVING NO 'TOXIC CHEMICALS', developed by Bangladesh scientists and given free to the poorest farmers on Earth, has increased the income of those farmers six fold while ending their exposure to pesticide sprays. New salt resistant crops will do better in salty soils, INVOLVING NO 'TOXIC CHEMICALS'. New drought and flood and temperature extreme seed will help farmers to deal with climate change challenges, INVOLVING NO 'TOXIC CHEMICALS!!' And all I just listed is only a fraction of the constant improvements. So fuck off, asshole. Learn about a topic before you attack it. ==== 187 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxSfVKIm4V4tK-XPXl4AaABAg.98sF6vlm3KS98tAbHcOvri --- Definitely - already happening. ==== 188 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwGCXXH17bKi4FMIrZ4AaABAg.98r1rw5YfSL98tAtTYmLEs --- Grow up asshole. ==== 189 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwGCXXH17bKi4FMIrZ4AaABAg.98r1rw5YfSL99T1Knr5wqL --- [USER 103] No. Grow up and learn that your words have consequences. If you do not own a site you have no right to abuse it, that is troll behavior. ==== 190 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwGCXXH17bKi4FMIrZ4AaABAg.98r1rw5YfSL9A8wSdqw-v6 --- [USER 103] It takes an asshole troll to abuse a thread under an educational video. Probably a very young asshole, to young to have an account. This is not Sesame Street. I think his parents would give him a dope slap for this. ==== 191 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzlYReCIQtOEtZ_Y8N4AaABAg.98pbZa3tr-998qZvlwZPhr --- [USER 105] This is a US website based on English. That KZT name makes us gag just imagining how it is pronounced. Germany is welcome to start its own social media video service where you will be struggling to pronounce American names. If KZGT was savvy they would have come up with a US market name. ==== 192 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzlYReCIQtOEtZ_Y8N4AaABAg.98pbZa3tr-998qk2OUGKzq --- [USER 105] I hear you. ==== 193 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHKa9U04UkqGijF_14AaABAg.98l5caYXRwS98lLa7xkLBC --- All those things already exist. All but fresh produce has a long shelf life and it is far longer then the 'best by' or 'use by' dates. There are suppliers of long term food storage supplies and canned goods already last 2 years or more. Waste is with fresh produce. A small can of tomato paste has the same nutrition as a big pile of fresh tomatoes and many vegetables can be dehydrated for storage. None of that will stop the primary cause of wasted food. We already have local farm markets and now are expanding the use of local indoor hydroponics farming. The smartest thing you can do to preserve land and stop inefficient farming is to never buy organic foods. Other methods get far more from each acre. ==== 194 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHKa9U04UkqGijF_14AaABAg.98l5caYXRwS98nwVl9YjHH --- Consumer ignorance has prevented acceptance of irradiation of foods, the best and safest long term preservative. All foods sent up to our space station are irradiated. Irradiated raw meats don't even need refrigeration! We could end all e-coli outbreaks with it. ==== 195 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxlBvYi21gc0I2loaN4AaABAg.98ij9XTLVnS98rEIVxzQKd --- They not banned in Europe. ==== 196 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwxNP2zXpyijnIO9tt4AaABAg.98ejvVJrS8S98g9WmStVR5 --- Complete nonsense. GMO farming has no effect on the food available to animals. ==== 197 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzcIcdWttlIBmFyxH94AaABAg.98dO9t8Cabn98dmCjv2wjk --- Off topic. GMO crops are not poisonous to humans. The Bt trait can kill borer worm pests but it has no effect on any other living thing and it lets farmers avoid using toxic pesticide sprays. There is nothing in GMO foods that we need to build up an immunity to. It's just food. GMO is never an actual ingredient, it is a breeding method. ==== 198 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzkPtHNH0Tt4TxHhhd4AaABAg.98cSxmA0nFz98dmJOTdYtY --- That is an ignorant comment. Not at all true in any way. ==== 199 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzI-SiInm1iJqGgYf14AaABAg.98YIVCJ6klY98ZUqQyxMTM --- That trip should take you directly back to complete your grade school education where US law required that you were taught basics about human farming methods to feed the planet's 7 billion people. They will explain in detail how we have been using pesticides for over 200 years, and why there is no avoiding it in the real world. ==== 200 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzqfjdjuuWETZxfhWp4AaABAg.98Wtum4kEFF98ZVZGyktF3 --- There is far too much corruption in South America. Most issues with farming there turn out to be counterfeit pesticides, labels on pesticides that are in the wrong language or being used by illiterate farmers and farmers not using proper personal protection gear. Plantation owners let their workers get soaked in pesticides, they then go home to their family and contaminate everything. Your challenge of corruption is almost insurmountable. ==== 201 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwn2_R-sxxHGWnRR1V4AaABAg.98USkd1p_FU98Wlm9BO3FG --- What a stupid thing to say! Monsanto shut down 3 years ago. There are many biotech companies. None would 'sponsor' KZT which covers a rainbow of topics. You really screwed yourself with that shill card. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 202 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwH6MfaNTjYlIT9msR4AaABAg.98PqwHuIxLP98UJHbQLza2 --- Yes, 1% of the global population has that eating disorder. ==== 203 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw9Js4xf93hBez-de14AaABAg.98JDHqXKjCR98L6hETAytg --- Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn rootworms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO Technology. ==== 204 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyz4CLXH1aJjOmOvnJ4AaABAg.98HkWF8VBk998L75PEozB_ --- Your post is total garbage [USER 106]. Farmers have been buying new cotton seed every years for decades. Farmers all over world use(95 percent) gmo technology cotton seed and do not commit suicide. You are clueless about this subject. ==== 205 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHhFxyp0nZRxvhbrp4AaABAg.98HY_IOt3M998HfNcaNQwC --- Science is like that. ==== 206 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyo-CttoTx6z4IelBB4AaABAg.98HOn0tHduO98Hf_D0yNB1 --- Only in laboratories specifically tasked with human genetics. Our food has no connection to that. If it was possible for any food we eat to alter our genes the human race could never have evolved. ==== 207 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyRo8NesI_qqXvY4iF4AaABAg.988yVz1KqWj98A0Edq3AfD --- No negative health effect of any kind has been detected after 30 years of GMO consumption. When we eat something bad we know from between 5 minutes and 4 hours. What the fuck is that reference to addiction? You are nuts!! The companies that produce GMO seed DO NOT GROW IT, farmers grow it and farmers are wise and loyal to the people they feed. It is most definitely enough to say the "pasticite" [pesticide] in them is harmless to humans. This exact same pesticide, which is actually a protein molecule, in found as a common soil bacteria. It can only affect a few species of borer worm pests, and no other living thing! Organic farmers have been using the Bt toxin for 40 years. Why don't you falsely attack them as well, based on no evidence? The topic of GMO safety is one of the most heavily researched topics with over 10,000 peer reviewed studies. ==== 208 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzZP65vgT79loNipi54AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 209 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdocEoDmQiS8rs2bR4AaABAg.984-643Knw49852wx8jGXx --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 210 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdocEoDmQiS8rs2bR4AaABAg.984-643Knw49853OS3uKYv --- This is deranged conspiratard bullshit. All GMOs are heavily tested for years before approval. All applicable Codex regulations are met in every case. All 'unintended effects" are screened for in advance, over 75 mandatory tests cover everything including unexpected proteins. QUOTING HYPOTHETICALS OUT OF CONTEXT IS INSANE AND DISHONEST TROLLING ==== 211 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdocEoDmQiS8rs2bR4AaABAg.984-643Knw49853bs0ovhc --- All readers - this mentally ill liar has a life long obsession with lying about crop science. He posts lie after lie after lie after lie, day after day, month after month, year after year. He is deeply mentally disturbed and seething with misplaced hatred. Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 212 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdocEoDmQiS8rs2bR4AaABAg.984-643Knw4987_dLCpdZd --- [USER 73] ALL READERS NOTE: THIS INSANE FOOL IS ASKING THE EXACT SAME QUESTION FOR THE 171ST TIME AFTER GETTING A FULL DETAILED ANSWER TO IT 170 TIMES PREVIOUSLY!! 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 171st BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 171 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINK OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 171st TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject[dot]org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 213 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdocEoDmQiS8rs2bR4AaABAg.984-643Knw4987_mzBDadw --- [USER 73] ALL READERS NOTE: THIS INSANE FOOL IS ASKING THE EXACT SAME QUESTION FOR THE 172nd TIME AFTER GETTING A FULL DETAILED ANSWER TO IT 171 TIMES PREVIOUSLY!! 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 172nd BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 172 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINK OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 172nd TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject[dot]org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 214 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdocEoDmQiS8rs2bR4AaABAg.984-643Knw498A0l4rIDbx --- [USER 73] All readers here have read it 173 times and if you refuse to read it objectively that is your fault only. THIS INSANE FOOL IS ASKING THE EXACT SAME QUESTION FOR THE 174th TIME AFTER GETTING A FULL DETAILED REFUTATION TO IT 173 TIMES PREVIOUSLY!! 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 174th BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 174 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINK OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 174th TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study ( INTERNATIONALLY ACCEPTED SAFETY DOCUMENT) that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject[dot]org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 215 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwjtQH8HE6dZl4gLfZ4AaABAg.983zpBG2XLK9853dV8RD0h --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 216 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwjtQH8HE6dZl4gLfZ4AaABAg.983zpBG2XLK9853eXVJChJ --- All readers - this mentally ill liar has a life long obsession with lying about crop science. He posts lie after lie after lie after lie, day after day, month after month, year after year. He is deeply mentally disturbed and seething with misplaced hatred. Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 217 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwjtQH8HE6dZl4gLfZ4AaABAg.983zpBG2XLK98541_sw_ly --- Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 170th BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 170 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINK OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 170th TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject[dot]org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 218 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwjtQH8HE6dZl4gLfZ4AaABAg.983zpBG2XLK987_useiZWP --- [USER 73] ALL READERS NOTE: THIS INSANE FOOL IS ASKING THE EXACT SAME QUESTION FOR THE 173rd TIME AFTER GETTING A FULL DETAILED ANSWER TO IT 172 TIMES PREVIOUSLY!! 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 173rd BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 173 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINK OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 173rd TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject[dot]org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 219 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwjtQH8HE6dZl4gLfZ4AaABAg.983zpBG2XLK99CkfjM5bma --- [USER 73] ALL READERS NOTE: THIS INSANE FOOL IS ASKING THE EXACT SAME QUESTION FOR THE 173rd TIME AFTER GETTING A FULL DETAILED ANSWER TO IT 172 TIMES PREVIOUSLY!! 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 173rd BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 173 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINK OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 173rd TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject[dot]org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 220 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwjtQH8HE6dZl4gLfZ4AaABAg.983zpBG2XLK99gN_OkyfI7 --- [USER 73] You are Correct [USER 72 NAME] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 221 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwyf-3Tn3978Puv5rB4AaABAg.97yAN7ITdEa97y_wOT1LpS --- No. Nobody can forget what never happened. All seeds ever used in the last 100 years are preserved in seed banks and vaults and on hobby farms. Nothing is ever lost, new high performance seed just adds to the existing choices. Farmers choose what works best for them. They have no interest in seeing older seeds go permanently extinct, we need them for breeding projects. Please do not repeat conspiracy theories fabricated by organic foods lobbyists. GMO specialty seeds for staple crops are not used much by small scale farmers. ==== 222 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw-rkOe4-7enyUXgZN4AaABAg.97xSR3Q0rNJ97ya31DiSEn --- There is no legitimate worry about GMO crops. It is all made up by organic farming lobbyists and activists. ==== 223 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwr8wXIg0Oe1Us-Q1B4AaABAg.97upOTWO7cB97yaCu1VCgQ --- There is no reason why it would not be. Can you name any seeds not used suitably? ==== 224 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwr8wXIg0Oe1Us-Q1B4AaABAg.97upOTWO7cB98-VuolOiCj --- [USER 108] Poppy seeds do not use gmo technology. All gmo technology crops reproduce. ==== 225 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwr8wXIg0Oe1Us-Q1B4AaABAg.97upOTWO7cB98-XeETnvr_ --- [USER 108] You are not aware. like all farmers are aware, that hybrid seeds never work well when replanted. This is true for all hybrids, even organic. They lose their desired traits when the seed is saved so farmers don't want to replant them, They know the higher cost of patented seeds offers a bargain in performance and their profits. In addition, no sterile terminator seeds have ever been sold - that is a myth. Terminator seeds only existed in laboratories but lying activists and organic goons want you to think they exist as an evil. All GMO seeds absolutely benefit everyone involved in every way. They definitely benefit agriculture, otherwise there would be no market for them. Farmers asked for better seed and they got it. All seed patents expire after 20 years, there are already many expired patent high performance seeds that are a low priced bargain now but even at full price they have to offer advantages or no one would buy them. GMO corn seed has dropped $100 a bag in price when its patent expired. It is selling [USER 109] now with those who think the newer versions of GMO corn may not be worth the premium. But it all sells year after year due to demands, not because any arms are twisted. ==== 226 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwr8wXIg0Oe1Us-Q1B4AaABAg.97upOTWO7cB98-a1JkqkJz --- [USER 108] There are NO terminator seeds used in gmo technology crops. GMO technology crops are regulated. GMO technology is only used when it offers a tremendous benefits for farmers wanting to use gmo technology seed. If there is no benefit to using gmo technology seed you will not get farmers to spend the extra money for the seed. ==== 227 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwr8wXIg0Oe1Us-Q1B4AaABAg.97upOTWO7cB9802xdadPBr --- [USER 108] Gmo technology is regulated. Who would ignore the happenings of the industry? Why would any company modify a plant to be detrimental? How would that benefit them? Development of a gmo technology trait takes a massive amount of money so how would they recover their investment from doing so? ==== 228 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy5xZbiY6RZ6ucPgOl4AaABAg.97slCs0Z5sK97yaoPhR1Ls --- NO!!!! You are ignorant and science illiterate. You just choose believe the thousands of lies spread by organic farming lobbyists and anti-biotech activists. You have no fucking idea what biased is or what it looks like, you have it completely backwards. There are NO DRAWBACKS OR HAZARDS WHATSOEVER, it is all good. Farmers love high performance GMO crops that need no pesticides at all or only need the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate. Start your first ever totally unbiased education about crop science at the non-profit GeneticLiteracyProject dot org ==== 229 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy7rH5pohDRO2mSYvd4AaABAg.97bQxJ2oGL497bewa8J_tz --- Your post is False. Organic Growers use many toxic pesticides that more toxic than anything used on GMO technology crops. No need for organic foods to be labelled to tell you when they are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis, 2400 organic crops owe their origin to Mutagenesis. Why do you only want gmo technology crops and any products that sources any ingredient derived from a gmo technology crops to be labeled? We all have a right to know don't we? ==== 230 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy7rH5pohDRO2mSYvd4AaABAg.97bQxJ2oGL497rNN6AEcgx --- [USER 111] Almost all insulin used by diabetics today is made from Genetically Modified cells(gmo). Before genetic engineering(gmo), diabetics injected insulin extracted from pig and cow pancreases. Some diabetics had allergic reactions to insulin from animal pancreatic tissue. Through genetic engineering(gmo), the insulin gene from humans is inserted into bacteria. The bacteria act as miniature(gmo) factories pumping out an insulin protein identical to human insulin. This insulin is then purified and used for human medical purposes. Organic Certification does not equal [USER 112] presence of a gmo. Low level presence of a gmo in Organic production is allowed as long as the grower has followed the organic process for organic production. Organic crops with gmo presence can and are sold as Organic. The USDA certification does not have a [USER 112] policy ==== 231 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy7rH5pohDRO2mSYvd4AaABAg.97bQxJ2oGL498-WTZGO88K --- [USER 111] Any 7 year old child can go into a store and buy non gmo food if he so chooses for it is labed. You can read can't you? ==== 232 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzmYYMRg711E6DniAx4AaABAg.97bDfz-dMxC97jFTkpj2vW --- It's all good. ==== 233 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxcN-jBBaOOl5GUvXt4AaABAg.97TOkt7iDaL97TscQH_eQ_ --- You are very ignorant. Monsanto shut down 3 years ago and it never controlled more than 30% of the GM seed market. No honest farmers were "destroyed" by a seed company, you can't find and link a single case of that happening in all history. ==== 234 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyW3o-oi8dNwPNo9KF4AaABAg.97Rx5KVNY5J97TsnDBlTL- --- That's good, it proves that breeding is very productive. But your aunt could never achieve the highly desirable traits created by GMO crop science. It does what other methods could not. ==== 235 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyW3o-oi8dNwPNo9KF4AaABAg.97Rx5KVNY5J98NQHqR87fL --- [USER 114] There are no GMO chilies. ==== 236 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyW3o-oi8dNwPNo9KF4AaABAg.97Rx5KVNY5J98NTblLQ1ww --- [USER 114] No reason for it, no need. ONLY if a new disease threatens many types of pepper crops would there be any interest in spending millions of dollars and years of safety testing to approve a GMO version of a plant that already has a natural insect repellent in it. Don't start a new conspiracy theory when we already have thousands of dishonest hateful ones. ==== 237 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzFqJi2GFYO6iFARX94AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 238 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzFqJi2GFYO6iFARX94AaABAg.97HH0fv3QfS97UnpdKpGwx --- [USER 116] I was hit with Covid 17 days ago. At my age I am extremely lucky to weather it so well. There was only one day when I felt the grim reaper tapping my shoulder. 3 calls with my doc, he told me to used the course of antibiotic I was fortunate to have on hand along with all OTC cold and flu meds. I had no test but I want one. My GMO super foods saved my life :) ==== 239 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzFqJi2GFYO6iFARX94AaABAg.97HH0fv3QfS97se7T_tzaA --- [USER 118] Ask that to the moronic asshole who viciously attacks our honest hard working farmers and crop scientists. I defend our farmers who are too busy feeding us to defend themselves. This is my rewarding retirement hobby - I do it 5 hours a day, 365 a year for the last 7 years, over 100,000 comments in defense of truth and verifiable science facts. The real question is, if you are a honest respectable American citizen, why don't YOU confront these vicious liars, especially the most extreme mentally ill troll like Almost? Spreading hatred and lies is bad for everyone. Youtube refuses to properly moderate its site so it is up to us. Or do you think drinking bleach will cure covid, that men never landed on the moon and "chemtrails" are a plot to kill us all???? ==== 240 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzFqJi2GFYO6iFARX94AaABAg.97HH0fv3QfS97sg2yTthLn --- [USER 118] That is good. It is a respectable pursuit to confront liars and malicious idiots. After 100,000 comments I am expert at this. My words have been quoted on national news programs. Never give in to lies and evil intent. I have also gotten nasty videos removed by reporting them, but not nearly enough. We must work together. ==== 241 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzFqJi2GFYO6iFARX94AaABAg.97HH0fv3QfS97shad7oNNc --- [USER 118] I have been quoted verbatim on national NPR and PBS news hours. Those are USA non-profit public media channels. They only mentioned my account name, not my real name. ==== 242 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy-1g57ThkzHEdxOS54AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 243 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy-1g57ThkzHEdxOS54AaABAg.97HEKjo9v6j97HHJ38ZxvQ --- Every day this IDIOT NUT JOB fully forfeits the debate and hands victory to us because he tries to pull that shill card. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 244 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy-1g57ThkzHEdxOS54AaABAg.97HEKjo9v6j97seIdtObjC --- [USER 118] what motivates YOU to NOT join me in the fight against hateful liars and propagandists on social media? Do you prefer a world poisoned with hate and lies? ==== 245 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxnc8t3FqTK6QX_E554AaABAg --- Number of people or animals killed by GMO food worldwide: 0 Number of people who got sick from GMO foods worldwide: 0 Number of global catastrophes caused by GMOs: 0 ==== 246 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxJF39x3TEkI-R8-Ux4AaABAg.97FJuV_PVrq97FhVdRt_uL --- GMO technology was never about solving world hunger. Do not tell any American farmer that has grown gmo technology crops that there is no yield improvement for they will laugh in you face and what would a Russian like you know anything about American agriculture Almost. NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis? They are FREE to do so. ==== 247 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxJF39x3TEkI-R8-Ux4AaABAg.97FJuV_PVrq97HEPlLg3kw --- All readers - this mentally ill liar has a life long obsession with lying about crop science. He posts lie after lie after lie after lie, day after day, month after month, year after year. He is deeply mentally disturbed and seething with misplaced hatred. Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 248 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxJF39x3TEkI-R8-Ux4AaABAg.97FJuV_PVrq97HEdKhTQRq --- 1) Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 169th BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 169 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINK OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 169th TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject[dot]org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 249 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxJF39x3TEkI-R8-Ux4AaABAg.97FJuV_PVrq97HGW0mxEW0 --- 5) The fact that the ISAA lists GMO crops separately is totally benign and has no negative connotations whatsoever! This moron thinks it means something. It does not, nor does the ISAA imply there are any additional risks with GMO foods. It endorses the high value of GMO crop science. ==== 250 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxJF39x3TEkI-R8-Ux4AaABAg.97FJuV_PVrq97HGtfFhQ4C --- 6) False premise!! GMO seed is not sold primarily to increase yields, it is to reduce risks from pests and extreme conditions while using less pesticides. Yields are far more stable since farmers don't have to worry about many of the usual issues that can DROP yields, investing in GMO seed is a form of crop insurance with a guaranteed benefit. When you use little to no pesticides at all, your FINANCIAL YIELDS are far greater in the form of profits! Same bushels per acre, more profits. ==== 251 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxJF39x3TEkI-R8-Ux4AaABAg.97FJuV_PVrq97HH-6gYK6E --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 252 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxJF39x3TEkI-R8-Ux4AaABAg.97FJuV_PVrq97HHNifNt9K --- Every day this IDIOT NUT JOB 'Almost' fully forfeits the debate and hands victory to us because he tries to pull that shill card. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 253 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxJF39x3TEkI-R8-Ux4AaABAg.97FJuV_PVrq97J_x8bQwdp --- [USER 73] Anyone with a browser can fall for confirmation bias in searches like you have. The smart ones know how to avoid activist lies, you seek them out while ignoring facts and you make a complete fool of yourself with that idiotic shill card. You have done that literally thousands of times and you never wise up, the definition of insanity. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 254 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyrIVLeSZLg1L_94dZ4AaABAg.97FDB8kJkNl97Fhmpqetrq --- Your post is False. There are more companies producing gmo technology seed than there are producing automobiles. You are clueless Ocean. ==== 255 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyrIVLeSZLg1L_94dZ4AaABAg.97FDB8kJkNl97HDvjivQSF --- [USER 120] Your post is still false. Try again [USER 119 NAME] flyer. Also Monsanto does not exist. Bayer bought out Monsanto three years ago lock stock and barrel. ==== 256 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxuvh1rQ8LaLpwvljR4AaABAg.97EAkD3_vL897Ef3vvtu95 --- This is science, not a game. ==== 257 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwAHHw3rO_hQgVXZFN4AaABAg.97DIUz8gr7z97EfGyf4pxP --- Incorrect. Many excellent solutions cause no problems at all, they correct problems. When you say 'every' you immediately set yourself up for a challenge regarding absolutes. ==== 258 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwAHHw3rO_hQgVXZFN4AaABAg.97DIUz8gr7z97H9PH9Cxjr --- [USER 122] You are very ignorant of the discipline and principles of science. No opinion matters, no feelings, hunches or naturalistic fallacies apply. ONLY what is proven, verified by peer review and consistently repeated is valid as science facts. There is no "you people" in existence outside of the ignorance of your own undisciplined mind. I pity the culture that created a dullard like you. The naturalistic fallacy is a classic debate blunder - google it. YOU eat extremely 'unnatural' foods every day, humans began altering all foods we eat from their natural states over 10,000 years ago. Virtually no food we farm is as it was originally. This all began the day man tamed fire eons ago. That permanently ended any 'natural' qualities in our lives. ==== 259 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwAHHw3rO_hQgVXZFN4AaABAg.97DIUz8gr7z97H9zav-GfD --- [USER 122] It seems that you eat no broccoli, cauliflower, kale, turnips, cabbage or brussels sprouts because they are not 'natural' - they all came from the common wild mustard plant over 10,000 years of human breeding practices. And certainly you would not eat any but the original wild carrots that are 2 inch long bitter white roots! You fool - you have no idea what the word 'natural' means. And yet you do not hesitate to use and take advantage of our other products of development - your computer and internet. How have these harmed you? ==== 260 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwAHHw3rO_hQgVXZFN4AaABAg.97DIUz8gr7z97HAFWH4TXJ --- [USER 122] It seems there is one problem with our development - it enabled ungrateful ignorant science illiterate morons like you to thrive while not appreciating it. God forbid you ever come down with diabetes and need to use insulin to survive - it is created by GMO science! ==== 261 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwAHHw3rO_hQgVXZFN4AaABAg.97DIUz8gr7z97HB9YfXKlu --- [USER 122] Number of people or animals killed by GMO food worldwide: 0 Number of people who got sick from GMO foods worldwide: 0 Number of global catastrophes caused by GMOs: 0 ==== 262 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwAHHw3rO_hQgVXZFN4AaABAg.97DIUz8gr7z97WZEtYL21G --- [USER 122] HAHAHAHA!! We will laugh over your mass grave as Darwin's principle once again proves survival of the fittest. You abuse the most modern of science to troll the internet with technology that gives you global access, but stupidly and hypocritically reject the same level of achievement that could save your life. All readers are laughing at YOU asshole! ==== 263 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwzjhv2jFq24UhmWIp4AaABAg.978Jz6OZGCj979J5jrqeRu --- Your English composition is very poor. Nobody can tell what you tried to say. ==== 264 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6l22Y8hCW6srqBfN4AaABAg.96zyGZcUCbk97-T7JcVK4J --- Only insecure little twerps upvote their own comments. ==== 265 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6l22Y8hCW6srqBfN4AaABAg.96zyGZcUCbk971SrYe256R --- [USER 11] You have nothing to offer but lies and misinformation [USER 10 NAME]. You and me both know that you have NEVER been able to answer a single simple question that I have asked because you are clueless about this subject. ==== 266 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6l22Y8hCW6srqBfN4AaABAg.96zyGZcUCbk971bDsQKxLz --- [USER 11] You need to concentrate on me [USER 10 NAME] and quite worrying about someone else and answer my simple questions and maybe you could also be a cutie pie instead of a misinformed dumb ass. What country are you from to be so misinformed on this subject loic? Why do want farmers to go back to using more and more harmful pesticides? You have to have some reason for your ignorance. Do you own stock in many pesticide companies? This lifelong Farmer would like to know Why? ==== 267 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6l22Y8hCW6srqBfN4AaABAg.96zyGZcUCbk9775ejdKLmA --- [USER 11] Fuck you troll. Nobody spreads ignorant hatred against science more than you. I address all ages - if you are old enough to have an account you are old enough to receive commentary. You still resort to desperate personal attacks because you have no cogent refutation to the fact that GMOs are absolutely safe and advantageous in all ways. ==== 268 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6l22Y8hCW6srqBfN4AaABAg.96zyGZcUCbk9775pzl0XR8 --- [USER 11] More trolling on David because you are just an asshole with no proof that GMO foods are a problem in any way besides competing with organic food. You are as stupid as the kid who upvoted himself. ==== 269 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6l22Y8hCW6srqBfN4AaABAg.96zyGZcUCbk9776IEAjrEY --- [USER 11] All readers note how this [USER 10 NAME] troll chose the one channel page that blocks live links. He knows we can't post devastating science citations that prove he is a huge asshole. He just launches endless personal attacks with no effort to prove there is any issue with GMO safety. I will now defeat the link blocking by doing this: GeneticLiteracyProject dot org ==== 270 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwDq6VRkEqW6YDN-5d4AaABAg.96zFxj38qwR9776NqwHdhI --- Fire balls under water? You are one stupid kid. ==== 271 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugye7uHkg_AqWiulXRV4AaABAg.96xuuUtXOgN97-TMly1OO5 --- No. Times are not that dire. We only need to stop the most resource intensive meat source, beef. It needs 4 to 10 times as much total resources to produce than pork, fish or fowl. Humans will always be omnivores. It is in our genes. No fad diet will ever change that fact. ==== 272 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugye7uHkg_AqWiulXRV4AaABAg.96xuuUtXOgN979HmgrYhFG --- [USER 124] You are making more stuff up as you go. We are omnivores, from the time we wean off mother's milk to the day we die. Vegans are constantly hurting others as they pass judgment based on bullshit like you are, and create hate on the internet, calling meat eaters murderers. ==== 273 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxgWnoUDT3ajTlwJsl4AaABAg.96vQnWUDaHK97-TSnjkr_y --- Asshole ==== 274 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdJiBzkYLgRtKpP7l4AaABAg.96v6Z7Q4Bzm97N8GceFEXW --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 275 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdJiBzkYLgRtKpP7l4AaABAg.96v6Z7Q4Bzm97TsjzwCOPz --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. Thank You for admitting that you are a lying Russian Troll. ==== 276 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdJiBzkYLgRtKpP7l4AaABAg.96v6Z7Q4Bzm97WENmCIDeq --- [USER 73] Why does a Russian like you care about what Americans and the rest of the world do with our very safe food supply? You are correct though NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. Thank You for admitting that you are a lying Russian Troll. ==== 277 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwnnKPgLT0qz9V26jF4AaABAg.96sHQUx1dc996sMTEGjgHy --- No asshole!! You just posted two lies. Monsanto shut down 3 years ago and it never had more than 30% of the GMO seed market. Monsanto was one of 6 companies FORCED, UNDER OUR WAR POWERS ACT, to make AO for the US war department. Monsanto did not invent or deploy AO. God you are stupid! This is why the internet sucks - conspiratards like you. ==== 278 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwnnKPgLT0qz9V26jF4AaABAg.96sHQUx1dc996skKfZkJuu --- [USER 126] Seriously?? YOU posted not one but TWO nasty hateful ignorant lies and then feign resentment when you get called out it? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is proof of just how stupid trolls are on all subjects including self awareness! ==== 279 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwnnKPgLT0qz9V26jF4AaABAg.96sHQUx1dc996st6_MBVfV --- [USER 126] Oh look, a child troll earns another flag..... I don't get mad - that's what asshole trolls want. Instead I humiliate you with facts as I just did here. Everyone reading this sees my citation that proves Monsanto is gone and that you are a blathering moron. ==== 280 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwnnKPgLT0qz9V26jF4AaABAg.96sHQUx1dc997052k6kM2s --- [USER 126] Your post is FALSE [USER 125 NAME]. Monsanto was bought out three years ago and does not exist. Agent Orange was produced by many companies for the United States Military at THEIR specifications for the Vietnam war and has not be produced since 1969. Please get an education on this subject before spewing out your ignorance. ==== 281 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxD_esAxdd8OA9dnZl4AaABAg.96kwjFTVGVa96nlG8Rq32x --- Hey dumbass - there are no GMO tomatoes being sold!! There are hundreds of breeds - growers have got the message and they are breeding more tasty versions that are on shelves now. None are GMO. ==== 282 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxD_esAxdd8OA9dnZl4AaABAg.96kwjFTVGVa96povT2A6Eu --- [USER 128] Look at this again please - I was responding to Calin who made a [USER 129]. If I had answered you the message would start with your name. You got a notification about my response to Calin because you also replied to him. You will get used to seeing replies not directed at you. This is part of the system Youtube uses. ==== 283 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxD_esAxdd8OA9dnZl4AaABAg.96kwjFTVGVa979HR1F8EHp --- [USER 124] NO!! No GMO tomatoes have been sold for 15 years. Only one company tried it, they were to prevent frost damage but it did not work well so it never sold much. Growers still need a frost resistant tomato but none are in the market. You have no proof any have been sold for 15 years since that Flavr-Savr tomato went out of business. Google it to see I am correct. You don't get to just make shit up and Youtube videos are constantly lying. The Arctic GMO apple is only being used to make pre-sliced lunch packs because it does not brown and need no chemicals to prevent browning. And even if you were correct, there is no difference whatsoever between the GMO and conventional versions. It's all good food. ==== 284 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxD_esAxdd8OA9dnZl4AaABAg.96kwjFTVGVa979PhuAlpCL --- [USER 124] Science facts can never be bullying under any circumstances. You are corrected again. When your teacher corrects you you do not tell her to stop, so don't tell me that either. ==== 285 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxD_esAxdd8OA9dnZl4AaABAg.96kwjFTVGVa979RDiWiwT_ --- [USER 124] 3rd graders are not allowed to have Youtube accounts. That is a delinquent action and that account should be closed. ==== 286 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw12PKLbtQH4zM_HlZ4AaABAg.96jC3ysYGKu96kPYzJyo47 --- Monsanto was bought out three years ago and does not exist. You are Clueless Larisa. ==== 287 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwUpWO4VLLs0L4FC8t4AaABAg.96iL_4iRNW896koZ0955KJ --- Your English skills are way behind for your age. Stop watching videos and hit the books. ==== 288 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxoH1nano58aXqlp3N4AaABAg.96fE5alxcMM96feYg_O58K --- Youtube is a horrible source for information. While this is one of only 3 educational videos about GMOs that is not horribly biased and packed with lies, you are far better off at ground [USER 112] for genetics education, the non-profit GeneticLiteracyProject dot org ==== 289 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxoH1nano58aXqlp3N4AaABAg.96fE5alxcMM96flenydxdJ --- [USER 131] Your teacher may not be aware of the GLP or maybe it is considered over your head for your age but I highly recommend it. They have reviews of many GMO related topics as well as daily news on the constant changes in this crop science. The Youtube channel GMOanswers is also good. ==== 290 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxoH1nano58aXqlp3N4AaABAg.96fE5alxcMM96fq9ZTte4F --- [USER 131] Laughing your ass off? Really? This barely deserves a chuckle. Social media lingo is stupid. Use it only where applicable. ==== 291 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxoH1nano58aXqlp3N4AaABAg.96fE5alxcMM96iA6wiLeFn --- [USER 131] Asshole punk troll. You are only good for flipping burgers to pay taxes on my social security. Your generation has proven worthless. ==== 292 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHCqq6eIHa0DtMyAp4AaABAg.96dyVnZNOkL96fii5EIBOE --- Yes. Nobody would buy it otherwise. ==== 293 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz7MYt6r6b1j_sZizp4AaABAg.96ax8Tix5z3971uE8QI3Em --- [USER 11] The mayor crops grown in France not in any particular order are wheat, barley, oats, corn, sorghum, sugar beets, flax potatoes, and grapes for wine. None of these crops can be grown more efficiently using indoor vertical farming methods as you claim. As a 70 old farmer [USER 10 NAME] you can not get away with your lies and spreading of misinformation trying to promote vertical farming methods. You need to do more studying to overcome your ignorance on this subject [USER 10 NAME]. ==== 294 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy_GgL7moJ9wD28hdN4AaABAg.96YMBebdnfO96YrEwTp2Mm --- English please. Youtube is an American invention for Americans. You are a guest here. ==== 295 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxMnmvaJPRTl9W18094AaABAg.96T6U826VOx96TaTGLXCU_ --- Fuck off Ganesh, science illiterate fool. Your education is horribly inadequate. ==== 296 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzJHjGiQM_fMwAkvSt4AaABAg.96R8cMIZcD496Tabhu6X5p --- Did you really think this 3 year old video's comments are monitored when this channel has hundreds of newer ones? ==== 297 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzJHjGiQM_fMwAkvSt4AaABAg.96R8cMIZcD49FeQRh0OT4R --- [USER 133] I check this thread every day. It gets too many hateful troll attacks and there is no moderation here. ==== 298 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxHIOBAlesoNv6UpyR4AaABAg.96OaelzwjV-96Oasev7FTc --- Complete nonsense. There is no connection between useful mutations in our food crops and 'human engineering'. That's just silly. The latter is illegal in most countries. ==== 299 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwCEoZaeyKUjdyg5PN4AaABAg.96NruGqgEp296Ob8XPe_0H --- That's what GMOs do!! They require far less pesticides of a far less toxic nature, they can be grown without annual deep tillage that is bad for soil health, they mean less fuel burned by farmers and they mean less runoff pollution. ==== 300 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy_rUaCP4JYzb1Vt6N4AaABAg.96JsJp2SoHd96JwFo2L1T- --- They have paid out [USER 112] so far. The court cases have not proved it causes cancer, they have proved that unqualified jurors should not be deciding complicated science questions. Glyphosate is safe and does not cause any type of cancer, the Rat Lawyers are far more dangerous. ==== 301 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy_rUaCP4JYzb1Vt6N4AaABAg.96JsJp2SoHd96LxDEmWczC --- Not one penny has been paid out yet and even if it was, the premise would be false. Juries and judges have no qualifications to establish science findings. ==== 302 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy_rUaCP4JYzb1Vt6N4AaABAg.96JsJp2SoHd97069m7e_ms --- [USER 11] Your post is False. Glyphosate is the safest Herbicide Farmers have ever used even much safer than many of the highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use. Out of all the many many many many herbicides a farmer could choose to use on a gmo technology crop can you name just one that is safer than Glyphosate? ==== 303 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy_rUaCP4JYzb1Vt6N4AaABAg.96JsJp2SoHd983Fzvz3lBw --- [USER 135] Yes many of the pesticides Organic growers use are much more toxic. Glyphosate is by far the safest of them all. ==== 304 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwYJLLoM6EiHGzTRjJ4AaABAg.96DuHswAiXY96E7xSlUXIi --- No. It is obvious you do not have a basic grade school education. If any foods we eat could change our DNA the human race could never have evolved. Evolution depends on mutations. It is our source of life. ==== 305 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwYJLLoM6EiHGzTRjJ4AaABAg.96DuHswAiXY96dvexebU36 --- [USER 137] The only way we see something remotely like that happening in nature is when animals absorb and use toxins found in some foods they eat, then excrete them again as self defense. That is not genetic in nature. ==== 306 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy55qvw9qqLlptFyEJ4AaABAg.968cUfXD6vJ96BXDqnwid4 --- Or you could sober up and face [USER 91] by stopping your drug habit. ==== 307 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy55qvw9qqLlptFyEJ4AaABAg.968cUfXD6vJ96dud0n9G1J --- [USER 137] No. It's not a joke. I'm sick of these demented potheads. And I posted that very calmly. ==== 308 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy55qvw9qqLlptFyEJ4AaABAg.968cUfXD6vJ96dw8lfzXQT --- [USER 137] He just did post it. You must be new here - there are thousands of videos about dope smoking, growing and paraphernalia. I don't care about one loser, I care about millions like him who don't vote, don't respect laws or do public service or volunteer for military duty. They are passing around joints and bongs right now between heads with Covid infections. ==== 309 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyDRvskZAX_ydT9ZMh4AaABAg.9606jyvGjfq961I8Orvby8 --- No!! Not even close! As the video stated, the GMO Bt trait can ONLY affect one insect species and no other living thing. Those borer worm pests only thrive on farms, not in nature. Bt is not what you would imagine a poison or pesticide to be - it is just a very specific protein molecule naturally found in soil bacteria. Organic farmers have been using the Bt toxin for 40 years. ==== 310 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzZCMrE-hPHVr781_J4AaABAg.95tVFAKRttz95xKfpa4sdZ --- The single most damaging act a human can do is to reproduce. ==== 311 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwkcpvlhdA0JiFzpZh4AaABAg.95sGxDDcoyA95sHmFP-jD0 --- Before, during and after that problem we will need to feed everyone. So far it is not working well for many. ==== 312 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyXDqGYe_gfmVsWPgR4AaABAg.95rqhI_NIPy9707G2mMjRm --- [USER 11] Your post is false Bt has even been proven to be safe by the Organic Industry. Why would you want farmer to go back to using more and more harmful pesticides? Your ignorance is outstanding. ==== 313 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyXDqGYe_gfmVsWPgR4AaABAg.95rqhI_NIPy971MTCF3uZR --- [USER 11] Your post is false Bt has even been proven to be safe by the Organic Industry and the rest of the world. Why would you want farmer to go back to using more and more harmful pesticides? What country are you from to be this misinformed? Please answer the simple question. Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn rootworms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO Technology. ==== 314 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyXDqGYe_gfmVsWPgR4AaABAg.95rqhI_NIPy971vw7LstRO --- [USER 11] No my post is correct and yours is garbage. Why do you want farmers to go back to using more and more harmful pesticides? Were you lying when you said you did not own stock in pesticide companies? The safety of Bt has been proven all over the world even by Organic Growers. Telling lies and spreading misinformation trying to promote your indoor vertical farming methods shows how ignorant and clueless you really are [USER 10 NAME]. ==== 315 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyXDqGYe_gfmVsWPgR4AaABAg.95rqhI_NIPy97FkbJgU51r --- [USER 11] No this old farmer is just confronting the lies and misinformation that you spew out. You find me where the liars like you are [USER 10 NAME] and if you were not her I would not be here. Would you like for me to show Oliva how you can not answer a single simple question about this subject [USER 10 NAME]? The mayor crops grown in France not in any particular order are wheat, barley, oats, corn, sorghum, sugar beets, flax potatoes, and grapes for wine. None of these crops can be grown more efficiently using indoor vertical farming methods as you claim.. Why do you need to tell lies about gmo technology trying to support indoor vertical farming methods? ==== 316 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx5rhoGN6m6dpZ9MCt4AaABAg --- Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 317 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyY3KcLY8wPNJYaIhp4AaABAg.95ieqi4Ve_P95kOL4c_FVT --- There is nothing wrong with the growth rate of trees, we just cut them down instead of leaving them alone. ==== 318 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyB7vIYTy71VJHHDZB4AaABAg.95i-q4vG5Js95i9Dm8WGLv --- Nobody has abused it yet. It's all good. ==== 319 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxhgPUL-tpCzg59Y_N4AaABAg.95hVVYRKXy995i9NUosbFF --- That makes no sense. A good food supply is part of a safe and healthy environment. The only real problem is poor education. ==== 320 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzo2yrU6vGQWjPgnTh4AaABAg.95fI1uwWeFx95fObPkaThl --- Asshole!! Monsanto shut down 3 years ago. Idiots play the shill card when they have no proof of any real issues. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 321 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzo2yrU6vGQWjPgnTh4AaABAg.95fI1uwWeFx96jDdHKS80N --- [USER 139] You are an idiot Skull there are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. Monsanto was bought out three years ago and does not exist. You are clueless on this subject. ==== 322 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwLGtjXVHgShkqjZXh4AaABAg.95fHY9uUn1x95i9mSJVrDP --- Hey scumbag troll - this has nothing to do with sexual perversions. Gays used to all be in the closet. I never even knew about homosexuality until I graduated high school in 1970. Even then, I never met one openly admitting it for another 20 years. If I was stupid and short sighted I could say no gays existed until 1990. Anecdotal conclusions are worthless. Go back and finish your grade school education. ==== 323 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwLGtjXVHgShkqjZXh4AaABAg.95fHY9uUn1x96feHSfOxTa --- [USER 141] I flag every hate speech offense I see here, even though Youtube usually does nothing about it. Be sure to flag the asshole - multiple flags can work. But Youtube allows anti-Jew channel names so we are stuck with a shitty lack of moderation. ==== 324 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwxo0ZYqCLZq-0MMAh4AaABAg.95d4QC6CmLU95fP2d9S25p --- No. That is a false concern except to the extent that all farming of every type is invasive to nature. GMO crops have been surveyed, they have a healthy population of non-pest insect species. The bee myth is over and proven false - hive health issues are from varoa mite infestations. ==== 325 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwxo0ZYqCLZq-0MMAh4AaABAg.95d4QC6CmLU95ikKDbzyHp --- [USER 143] Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 326 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy0Ki_MvlnFVEWUijN4AaABAg.95aBTTx0awi95chLln1r1b --- Go to ground [USER 112] for genetics education, the non-profit GeneticLiteracyProject dot org where the basics are reviewed and you will learn about all the news in this field. I send them donations. Youtube is a poor choice for this topic. ==== 327 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwiQODY2PFlBJp3Yu54AaABAg.95ZmcHGdY9995a7UTu_CFy --- Wild bananas full of seeds can be found but who would want them? ==== 328 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwiQODY2PFlBJp3Yu54AaABAg.95ZmcHGdY9997gyLTD8BkJ --- [USER 145] No. That is false. There are 1000 varieties of bananas found on hobby farms around the world. Wild bananas are some of the least desirable and seedy. You had no clue about that. You just made that shit up. Next time use a search to avoid making a fool of yourself. ==== 329 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwiQODY2PFlBJp3Yu54AaABAg.95ZmcHGdY9997h6lALNpM4 --- [USER 145] You are still clueless. The word 'natural' is truly meaningless and is a deceptive marketing tool the FDA still plans to ban from food packaging. No foods we eat are still in their original wild states from 10,000 years ago. The 1000 varieties of bananas we now have came from thousands of years of breeding by humans. Any food that is grown under the rules of the USDA organic standard are as organic as can be defined in the US. Any of the 1000 varieties grown with certified organic practices can be legally labeled organic, not that it is worth anything. It's just woo. ==== 330 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwiQODY2PFlBJp3Yu54AaABAg.95ZmcHGdY9997h7CexIbIR --- [USER 146] I repeat - the word 'natural' is truly meaningless. Sounds like you are confusing plantains with bananas, those are often fried. You are out of your depth. ==== 331 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwiQODY2PFlBJp3Yu54AaABAg.95ZmcHGdY9997hAeBSX9US --- [USER 146] Plantains are low sugar, high [USER 147]. Latin Americans love their fried plantains which do look exactly like sweet bananas only larger. In Caribbean nations the plantain replaces the potato. ==== 332 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy_inZGh8B74got3mx4AaABAg.95Xa7GMRqFc95YmHLZWD6z --- No!!!! Of the millions of insect species, only one is our targeted crop pest. Borer worms, like the corn borer and the boll weevil have very specific cells that are the only living cells the GMO Bt protein molecule can bind with. No other living thing is affected by that Bt molecule. Those nasty pests are not common in nature, just on farms. There are millions of specific protein molecules and only one, found naturally in Bt soil bacteria, can affect those particular crop pests. This does function as a pesticide but it is not the typical chemical spray. Organic farmers have been using the Bt bacteria to treat their fields for 40 years. You have no valid concern. ==== 333 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyMmHJRY_H0KiymdB94AaABAg.95WmrV-9dTJ95YmXjcNPyM --- You are confused. All breeding methods have the exact same goal - a better crop. The method by which we breed better seed does not matter, only the desired goal is important. A nail can be driven exactly the same with a steel or golden hammer. Once it is in, you can't tell what kind of hammer was used. ==== 334 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxsoXg-EUQpf-MB_1N4AaABAg.95TBI0xWSWz95Ta8gqyQVQ --- You are severely under educated. Our stomach acid always renders DNA into shreds. The food itself is required by federal law to be no different than any other food source. This is called the substantial equivalency requirement. There is nothing different in "mixing GMOs" than there is in mixing organic foods. GMO is never an actual ingredient, it is a breeding method! You can't eat a bowl of seed selection, a hybridization salad or grafting soup either. GMO seeds grow plain old food and nothing else. No food "produces cyanide and arsenic" in our digestion you idiot!! You have been watching way too many Youtube pseudoscience videos! ==== 335 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxsoXg-EUQpf-MB_1N4AaABAg.95TBI0xWSWz95TtqZ9Ijli --- [USER 149] ore science illiterate nonsense!! The existence of an atom in a molecule that is toxic in pure form does not mean it is still toxic in a molecule that has been created under very specific conditions. There are literally millions of chemistry examples of the false nature of your suggestions. You are clueless!! Beware of dihydrogen monoxide!! Hydrogen can blow you up, carbon can suffocate you when two of its atoms are combined. For fucks sake man, go back and finish your grade school education!! ==== 336 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxsoXg-EUQpf-MB_1N4AaABAg.95TBI0xWSWz95UBIl3qAkD --- [USER 149] Yes, there is no issue with your imaginary bogeyman. Finding a reference to it on activist sites and by pseudoscience quacks does not make it true. ==== 337 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxlhIkcQxhU5UzzyJN4AaABAg.95KeeNsGtuC95LcrVWZ3Hk --- GMO seed is a gift to humanity when the patents expire, or from the start when non-profits donate the seed to struggling farmers. Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 338 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxlhIkcQxhU5UzzyJN4AaABAg.95KeeNsGtuC95OWIcurFpR --- A common meme we all hear if we are exposed to lying activist sites and videos is that the Monsanto boogeyman and "corporations" want to "control the world's seed supply". Let's ponder that for a moment which is all it takes to realize how absurd and ignorant that meme really is. First of all, Monsanto shut down 3 years ago. All the corporate seed companies combined comprise less than 20% of our global seed supply. A partial list of the plethora of supply sources they can never touch: free NGO and government run seed programs, seed banks and vaults, seed exchanges, seed libraries, neighbors swapping seed, farm granges, online seed sales, small local farm supply stores, gardening supply stores, collecting seed from wild sources, countries like Mexico where GMO seed is rejected, China with its own GMO and conventional seed programs, Asshole Russia with their anti-GMO troll armies, seed saving practices, remote villages who never have and never will buy seed, and mountain terrace farmers at the ends of 200 kilometer long foot paths in mountainous regions of three continents. Are corporate seed sellers going to march jack booted thugs up those paths with packs full of seed they will force the remote villages to buy?? Myth busted! ==== 339 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyBctbSH2K9_udoSNp4AaABAg.95HRjIYTEUr95K9XyGgzdb --- Wheat is NOT a gmo technology crop. ==== 340 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgylTZt1vS7bK_rsAgt4AaABAg.95AcF1Bng4F95GQiBmjnv9 --- It is happening right now - ignorant groups in some African nations organize to block the use of the best high performance seed as their people starve. But 5 African nations crawled out of the stone age in the last year, adopting GMO Bt crops that give high yields with no pesticides needed. Cow pea and maize and cotton are most popular there. The opposition will topple like a house of cards as they watch their neighbors thrive with the best crop science that is resistant to drought, floods, salty soils and pests. ==== 341 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx7-oLf3onKO8KJLW54AaABAg.957wSOxIbSd95KAAMya0xW --- Yes GMO technology is saving the bees. Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn rootworms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO Technology. ==== 342 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwU2H5V5piFEHyEmxh4AaABAg.951ektOFuid956CftO3GbV --- No human can eat "1/3 of your weight" in 24 hours so that's nonsense. ==== 343 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy8nrcYZMpL5j77NfN4AaABAg.9510l4GDmy_953vf456rKv --- All patents expire. Without them we would have no computers or internet personal electronics or big budget movies or premium medical care. Expired patent GMO corn, soybeans and alfalfa are generic and cheap now, a bargain for farmers. GMO corn seed just dropped $100 per bag in price! FARMERS DO NOT WANT TO REPLANT HYBRID SEEDS!!! Farmers quit saving Hybrid seed in mid 1930's and as each crop became a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop. We have had patented seed ever since Congress passed the Plant Variety Protection Act in 1970 Protecting Plant Breeders with patent rights. It is illegal to save patented seed and does not mater if it is GMO or non GMO seed. Farmers are law abiding citizens but some think they are above the law. If you save seed do not buy patented seed to do so. A first grade child can understand that. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling GMO technology seed. That favorite whipping boy Monsanto was bought out and when it did exist it only controlled 20% of the GM seed market globally. Expired patent seed is a gift to humanity. ==== 344 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz4q1XYhY_mWQjSl_p4AaABAg.95-3JFAFqkL950whGEoxoc --- This is just a cartoon. You can do much better here: GeneticLiteracyProject dot org Youtube is a very poor source of information. ==== 345 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzOl1fk459MV53V1dB4AaABAg.94y9V_Mr5jI94zY4Ty3rPL --- No it is not different. All breeding methods have the same goal - a better plant or animal for food. The exact method by which this is achieved is totally irrelevant. You are all wrong. When we drive a nail it goes in exactly the same with a steel or golden hammer. GMO science is golden. ==== 346 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzl_7akoO2juD-8eFt4AaABAg.94vM-xi4SU_94wvhv0wHsn --- This is 3 years old. Go to the channel page. ==== 347 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzXWZFKnllvQGmSDL94AaABAg.94saUI0KX2H94wx66jJU0i --- NO, YOU NASTY LYING ASSHOLE!!! The first commercial GMO was INSULIN in 1978. The lack of safety testing of new supplements killed those people. Tryptophan was not an approve drug, it was sold in the vitamin stores. It did not come from seed sellers who have to test everything for years like the first Bt crop that was tested for 14 years first, despite the fact that organic farmers have been using Bt for 40 years as a spray! I'm sick of catching you lying assholes trolling Youtube with toxic lies. You are extremely hateful in a ignorant way. You never fact check anything. I check it all. ==== 348 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzXWZFKnllvQGmSDL94AaABAg.94saUI0KX2H94yDrBbGw1b --- [USER 151] No idiot, you continue to lie. The truth is not yours to pervert for a biotech hate campaign. Bt is a very specific protein molecule that can only find a molecular bond with cells in the gut of borer worm pests, and NO OTHER LIVING THING. Bt is being used globally with not one hitch. People have eaten a pure cube if it, enough to kill 1000 pounds of borer worms at one time, and nothing happened. You decided to troll one of the few channels that blocks live links or I would bury you in citations. ==== 349 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzXWZFKnllvQGmSDL94AaABAg.94saUI0KX2H94yEL6pYyY8 --- [USER 151] Bt resistance happens when it is not rotated properly and crop refuges are not employed. You don't know what a crop refuge is and I can't link that info on this channel. All pesticides ever used over the last 200 years can have pest resistance buildup when farmers do not rotate both their crops and the pesticides used. In all cases resistance is the fault of the farmer, not the chosen pesticide. ==== 350 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzXWZFKnllvQGmSDL94AaABAg.94saUI0KX2H94yFbWZA2i3 --- "Although the prior four generations of the genetically engineered strain had been used without incident, the fifth generation used for the contaminated batches was thought to be a possible source of the impurities that were detected. This has been misused to argue that the genetic engineering itself was the primary cause of the contamination, a stance that was heavily criticized for overlooking the other [USER 152] non-GMO causes of contamination, as well as for its use by anti-GMO activists as a way to threaten the development of biotechnology with false information.[32] The reduction in the amount of activated carbon used and the introduction of the fifth generation Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain were both associated with the development of EMS, but due to the high overlap of these changes, the precise independent contribution of each change could not be determined" Wikipedia ==== 351 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzXWZFKnllvQGmSDL94AaABAg.94saUI0KX2H95-8SaM7ojR --- [USER 151] Your post is FALSE. Organic growers use more and more toxic pesticides than gmo technology crops do. You are clueless about this subject [USER 150 NAME]. ==== 352 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyuDJtljIEIpywA8pJ4AaABAg.94rhAzqd4a294sLo9dxSiW --- Only one insect species is vulnerable to the extremely specific protein molecule in Bt GMOs. Borer worm crop pests. Since we don't treat the entire world, just farm fields, no species is threatened outside of the farms. Your second question was fed to you by nasty lying organic lobbyists who have made up a GMO bogeyman with all kinds of evils that can not happen in the real world. All GMOs are tested for years IN ADVANCE before they are approved. They must prove SUBSTANTIAL EQUIVALENCY which means there is nothing much different from the foods we already eat historically. There is no time delay nonsense, when you eat something bad you know within 20 minutes to 4 hours. Period. ==== 353 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzJ_N3GkVbnXrjg7r54AaABAg.94r5w_ijpAH94sN2gfMeIF --- It's a pity your science education is so bad and you then go on the web to wrongly attack our fine honest hard working farmers and crop scientists. You spelled glyphosate wrong too. Cancer is random and the number of cases of NHL have been steadily dropping for 40 years despite the huge increase in glyphosate use. You also have not heard that the IARC was busted for accepting a bribe from organic farmers, an activist lawyer delivered a $160,000 cash bribe to them to buy the very low risk classification for glyphosate which they claimed was equal to the risk from coffee, chocolate, fried potatoes and lunch meats. This particular channel blocks live links but I am willing to help you to see all the scathing coverage of the IARC bribery scandal if you are interested. The WHO castigated them for that corruption. This video is about scientific facts that are proven repeatedly, not about conspiracy theories. The glyphosate scandal is not over yet. No valid cancer research ever proved a cancer risk, just a few faked studies that were easily debunked. Seralini was the fraud who started that myth, he was funded by organic farming interests. I really would like to help you to be very sure every word I posted here is absolutely true. Just ask questions. Ground [USER 112] for GMO education is the non-profit GeneticLiteracyProject dot org - I donate to it every year. ==== 354 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgztjGKM89bNP6FBNk54AaABAg.94qBq6Hq9Nu94sNZtA6IkH --- You are almost correct but the 3 letters GMO have a very specific meaning - laboratory altered DNA. Yes, conventional breeding, seed selection and grafting can do much the same thing, just much slower. ==== 355 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy5VAlg_k3_xrU4xt54AaABAg.94q1SxozUgM94sNj8y_P3T --- You are right, there is work on completing such crop improvements right now. We have barely started to see benefits from crop science. ==== 356 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyLNbEljTkehbWkqFd4AaABAg.94pxKVBW_6k94sO_NxBRI0 --- There are no studies for that GMO bogeyman because it can not exist. GMOs are just food, plain old food. We don't do long term studies on the low-dose effects of carrots or cauliflower either, other than nutrition studies. The first rule to get any GMO approved is called substantial equivalency. Drastic differences are not allowed except in research labs. ==== 357 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxPtwe2DbGAATsN6vF4AaABAg.94iRT1goCcG94jsasgyeQY --- Why it it 'lots of laughs' that you don't find science facts interesting? Your school is failing to educate you. ==== 358 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxcTVvamS0eMKkJ7CN4AaABAg.94hA4BviFrM94i6Dy8S5d8 --- No proof? Never happened. Science is 100% about verified proof. ==== 359 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzV74_jQXh8FDgWUc14AaABAg.94fuIgbhIxU94i6MQ5-vpj --- What an asshole!! In just 2 years we will be back there with an orbiting space station staging platform and automated launches, retrievals. ==== 360 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwZxmeVaW9wSh-1ajR4AaABAg.94f63vCozhw94f8YvgfUvg --- No. Only good. No proof exists of anything about it that is bad compared to other farming methods. ==== 361 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgybLJOY1Umam9xjCY14AaABAg.94ekxGkuGyz94f8mktIFmw --- All human activity, especially farming, is invasive to nature. That's why it is vital to use the lowest impact farming methods that leaves the most forest land untouched. High production agriculture is better than low production organic that needs more cleared land. ==== 362 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyCplW9ixlvOjesOWV4AaABAg --- Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 363 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzaCbh91DmDVMMoCul4AaABAg.94bmpEYJJZ094cEv3x9nXV --- Every day this IDIOT NUT JOB fully forfeits the debate and hands victory to us because he tries to pull that shill card. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 364 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzaCbh91DmDVMMoCul4AaABAg.94bmpEYJJZ094cFGCG3CbN --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 365 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzaCbh91DmDVMMoCul4AaABAg.94bmpEYJJZ094cGc7AWK5n --- Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 168th BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 168 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINK OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 168th TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject[dot]org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 366 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzaCbh91DmDVMMoCul4AaABAg.94bmpEYJJZ095-9HNqZZve --- [USER 73] Can you name the harm Almost? NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 367 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzaCbh91DmDVMMoCul4AaABAg.94bmpEYJJZ0950gGO8ombJ --- [USER 73] Rhetoric to the uneducated. Can you name the harm? NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 368 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzaCbh91DmDVMMoCul4AaABAg.94bmpEYJJZ0953EmYqzDqp --- [USER 73] I ask you to name the harm not tell us where you are guessing it is located. Please name the harm? NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 369 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw3-7CsgZdrMlgcDFJ4AaABAg.94bjJof1unR94cF4LxEYsq --- We decided to grow up and imagine a world free of hunger. ==== 370 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyjMfWLiNyEr5Shput4AaABAg.94b5ZfBMMcG94cFDbjZ70Z --- "OMG" another science illiterate air head phone zombie chimes in..... all she can manage is that idiotic shill card. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 371 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw1jRgbxv4uNJfa66d4AaABAg --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 372 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHxuxFjTFm_oNE-v54AaABAg.94_8jxo2SvK94_jDruN3en --- This asshole upvoted himself. ==== 373 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHxuxFjTFm_oNE-v54AaABAg.94_8jxo2SvK94_jJVXyDnW --- Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 374 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHxuxFjTFm_oNE-v54AaABAg.94_8jxo2SvK94_jcxwFRgK --- ALL READERS - Go to the dot gov sites for the FDA, USDA & EPA to easily find out this asshole is a severely demented liar. Over 75 mandatory tests are required before any GMO is approved, this takes years to complete. If the producers do not provide verifiable documented evidence that all tests have been completed the seed will not be approved. The FDA does on site audits and interviews for confirmation. The FDA wrote the Codex for the world and they sure as hell are not going to violate their own guidelines. Only Trump does that. The entire world celebrates the triumph of GMO crop science. ==== 375 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHxuxFjTFm_oNE-v54AaABAg.94_8jxo2SvK94_jivbWQvR --- All readers note that this lying idiot has always quoted the Codex rules OUT OF CONTEXT and with false representation. Our USDA wrote the Codex for the world and the entire world is 100% satisfied with it as-is. All guidelines are followed TO THE LETTER and words like may, could, and recommended are not mandates. ==== 376 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHxuxFjTFm_oNE-v54AaABAg.94_8jxo2SvK94_k6i6BRJa --- Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 377 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHxuxFjTFm_oNE-v54AaABAg.94_8jxo2SvK94iH3cHTp2y --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 378 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHxuxFjTFm_oNE-v54AaABAg.94_8jxo2SvK95LCe3EtiaD --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 379 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxacB0Ak3c12z4bok54AaABAg.94Y81npPWMu94_iRWs4yUR --- Fuck off troll, stop spamming. ==== 380 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyVI_snTsgShvawmCR4AaABAg.94Y7kxiNQGt94_iUU3GsAy --- Fuck off troll, stop spamming. You are flagged for spam. ==== 381 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyH0k-gwQdisTqsfOp4AaABAg.94Y7i9jBnP394_iVW73RDU --- Fuck off troll, stop spamming. ==== 382 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqXxLNS9NEQTHARF94AaABAg.94Y7bTH94mX94_iWV0GdKl --- Fuck off troll, stop spamming. ==== 383 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwLvwKoK3d_L2kGXk14AaABAg.94VljHucuOH94VtMqpJsCd --- You are ignorant of this topic and science illiterate. The Bt GMO crops need no insecticides. The GMO trait that works with glyphosate allows farmers to use the safest herbicide ever formulated - it is 43% less toxic to humans than table salt, and it washes off in rain, then gets broken down in the soil. YOU are the sick psychopath for mindlessly attacking the best and safest crop science that farmers asked for. Beneficial insect populations are healthy in GMO crop fields, only the borer worm pests that exist in unnaturally high numbers on farms are killed and there is no way we could ever extinct them but that would be a wonderful thing for humanity. To "kill off species' we'd have to spray the entire global land mass from sea to sea and pole to pole you dumb ass. ==== 384 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxQxf0PqSYdWwz0DDh4AaABAg.94V2R_ubWGa94VtfPdnz-w --- This is being handled with conventional breeding but one exception is the new GMO salmon that has a gene code from a different fish that enables it to grow twice as fast on the same feed. Since wild salmon are so pressured this was a good place to start. ==== 385 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxQxf0PqSYdWwz0DDh4AaABAg.94V2R_ubWGa94_htbhLfP7 --- [USER 154] All people in industry know that any new GMO has to pass years of safety testing. This costs them millions and they also have to deal with the PETA nuts who rabidly try to protect all animals, even food animals. It took 30 years to get the GMO salmon approved. ==== 386 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxQxf0PqSYdWwz0DDh4AaABAg.94V2R_ubWGa94aD22TnBAW --- [USER 156] It happens a little at a time. A sudden total change is an unrealistic pipe dream. The first lab meats are now undergoing years of testing and refinement. ==== 387 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxIf8CU9JTuUwFWUxd4AaABAg.94TlygTbsme94Vu2AmtWQf --- No. That is an ignorant thing to suggest. There is no GMO bogeyman. Evolution has always dealt with all mutations of every sort, that is not stopping now. GMO foods are the only breeding method tested for years before approval. What is not tested, ever, for safety?? Organic, heirloom, hybrid and new truck farm breeds. They go straight to store shelves with [USER 112] testing and YOU are the guinea pig. Look at what has happened because of this fact that never happened with GMO foods: "A year ago[2003] in New Zealand, there was an outbreak of food poisoning from a "killer zucchini" that hospitalized a number of people. Environmentalists jumped all over the story until it was determined that the culprit was "organic" zucchini. Plants are chemical factories that produce a multitude of toxins that protect them. An outbreak of aphid infestation had minimal impact on conventionally grown zucchini. The more vulnerable "organic" zucchini was genetically inferior because of inbreeding. They expressed dangerously high levels of the toxin curcubitan. Had this been a transgenic plant, we would be hearing about it ad nauseam, but being that it was "organic," it was quickly consigned to an Orwellian memory hole." uh[dot]edu/~trdegreg/genetic_engineering_not_significantly.htm ==== 388 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxIf8CU9JTuUwFWUxd4AaABAg.94TlygTbsme94_nRE7HPoV --- [USER 73] Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 389 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzYbmZizf7P09Kvfsx4AaABAg.94Ov0XzU3Hm94QSnhw5CAB --- The labeling push is over. The new law started this year. No more fear mongering labels the organic thugs demanded. They lost. ==== 390 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzYbmZizf7P09Kvfsx4AaABAg.94Ov0XzU3Hm94_nksr8euP --- [USER 73] Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 391 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzx7IvN4zM3bCSZnJ54AaABAg.94OrKdJwGgB94QRV3AtOro --- Asshole. Vaccines can not cause autism and any suggestion that vaccines are not safe is criminal biological terrorism. You are an enemy of all humanity now. Happy? ==== 392 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxK-lZmxXey-uxFYGh4AaABAg.94OHd_iZxTp94QR_biswPA --- [USER 157] is bounty on farms that helps to prevent hunger and keeps food prices down. ==== 393 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxOnUF6fHba5zb1BIZ4AaABAg.94MJcUY0L7N94QSZxAnoCg --- We want borer worm pests to go extinct. They threaten most of our crops. That leaves a billion other insect species untouched. Why would you prefer we continue to spray thousands of tons of pesticides every year? ==== 394 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxOnUF6fHba5zb1BIZ4AaABAg.94MJcUY0L7N94QUTuTi21J --- [USER 159] You need to understand that a naturally balanced population of borer worms exists in nature, outside the borders of farms. Farmers don't treat the entire globe, only their fields. If they become effectively extinct on farms only it would be a wonderful thing that would end hunger. An insect that could only survive as a species on farms is not a naturally evolved insect - it could not have lived more than 10,000 years ago when farming began. ==== 395 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyB7WOYzN5OoipREMZ4AaABAg.94JPx9iHEc594JeP4eY7rK --- Thus turd upvotes his own comments. ==== 396 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwkTMBDsqzmb22jFGR4AaABAg.94IrxkhCxhd94JeKbIFWWp --- Yes. ==== 397 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwkTMBDsqzmb22jFGR4AaABAg.94IrxkhCxhd94iHIZwFQXt --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 398 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzcLZR5_zVdpA2Drv54AaABAg.94IrkWD0hyF94JeMM2Pr8H --- Totally wrong. ==== 399 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzcLZR5_zVdpA2Drv54AaABAg.94IrkWD0hyF94iHLrovnyU --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 400 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxIMg2gkUxFOoen7yx4AaABAg.94IfrWXW5tK94JfIIuR-d2 --- No. There is no issue in the real world, only as pumped by conspiracy theories and activist groups funded by organic lobbyists. They don't want you to know that organic seeds have patents too. The video did not mention this because it is not an actual controversy. Patents are vital for growing commerce. You would have no computer or internet or digital devices without patent protection. No company did what you described, they have to prove there is a valuable trait and that it can pass the years of safety testing before any GMO is approved. They NEVER attempt to claim the whole plant was their "invention" you liar. GM seed is identified by traits that are added as added value to farmers. You must have visited dishonest activist sites funded by organic lobbyists to pick up this nasty lie. ==== 401 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxIMg2gkUxFOoen7yx4AaABAg.94IfrWXW5tK94JfK4bRKvo --- ALL SEED PATENTS EXPIRE after 20 years. GMO corn, soybeans and alfalfa are generic and cheap now, a bargain for farmers. GMO corn seed just dropped $100 per bag in price! FARMERS DO NOT WANT TO REPLANT HYBRID SEEDS!!! Farmers quit saving Hybrid seed in mid 1930's and as each crop became a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop. We have had patented seed ever since Congress passed the Plant Variety Protection Act in 1970 Protecting Plant Breeders with patent rights. It is illegal to save patented seed and does not mater if it is GMO or non GMO seed. Farmers are law abiding citizens but some think they are above the law. If you save seed do not buy patented seed to do so. A first grade child can understand that. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling GMO technology seed. That favorite whipping boy Monsanto was bought out and when it did exist it only controlled 20% of the GM seed market globally. Expired patent seed is a gift to humanity. ==== 402 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxIMg2gkUxFOoen7yx4AaABAg.94IfrWXW5tK94JgGjDNAxk --- More than half of all GMO seeds being used today (by variety, not tonnage) are not for US agribusiness. They are for specific applications in many different parts of the world where climate change is causing additional challenges. Most of them are not patented. Most of them are given away free to struggling farmers by NGOs and govt seed programs. ==== 403 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwqIqAtf_Ypw0-_VHx4AaABAg.94IBQrUtLwY94JhR649StU --- What is not tested, ever, for safety?? Organic, heirloom, hybrid and new truck farm breeds. They go straight to store shelves with [USER 112] testing and YOU are the guinea pig. Look at what has happened because of this fact that never happened with GMO foods: "A year ago[2003] in New Zealand, there was an outbreak of food poisoning from a "killer zucchini" that hospitalized a number of people. Environmentalists jumped all over the story until it was determined that the culprit was "organic" zucchini. Plants are chemical factories that produce a multitude of toxins that protect them. An outbreak of aphid infestation had minimal impact on conventionally grown zucchini. The more vulnerable "organic" zucchini was genetically inferior because of inbreeding. They expressed dangerously high levels of the toxin curcubitan. Had this been a transgenic plant, we would be hearing about it ad nauseam, but being that it was "organic," it was quickly consigned to an Orwellian memory hole." ==== 404 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxaPy3C3OY17TNPBjN4AaABAg.94I0ELgqImm94Jfj4ShQcW --- Ignorant nut in a shell of ignorance. Monsanto shut down 3 years ago. ==== 405 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxaPy3C3OY17TNPBjN4AaABAg.94I0ELgqImm94jsOz4hlS0 --- [USER 161] Bayer AG is a different company that just owns the Monsanto brand names and its old patents. Monsanto CEOs fired, Monsanto workers laid off, Monsanto offices shut down. ==== 406 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyDh6fop3w4pntZ8W14AaABAg.94HywPzRRH094JhP50UM0D --- You have no facts whatsoever. No proof? Never happened! Organic lobbyists have totally brainwashed you with their fear mongering lies. What is not tested, ever, for safety?? Organic, heirloom, hybrid and new truck farm breeds. They go straight to store shelves with [USER 112] testing and YOU are the guinea pig. Look at what has happened because of this fact that never happened with GMO foods: "A year ago[2003] in New Zealand, there was an outbreak of food poisoning from a "killer zucchini" that hospitalized a number of people. Environmentalists jumped all over the story until it was determined that the culprit was "organic" zucchini. Plants are chemical factories that produce a multitude of toxins that protect them. An outbreak of aphid infestation had minimal impact on conventionally grown zucchini. The more vulnerable "organic" zucchini was genetically inferior because of inbreeding. They expressed dangerously high levels of the toxin curcubitan. Had this been a transgenic plant, we would be hearing about it ad nauseam, but being that it was "organic," it was quickly consigned to an Orwellian memory hole." ==== 407 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzO7txGsFM2-puB_tt4AaABAg.94GUCva2ZJj94Gpp5Pre5d --- Monsanto does not exist so you are out of luck. ==== 408 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzO7txGsFM2-puB_tt4AaABAg.94GUCva2ZJj94HDcEleZeu --- [USER 163] You mean you did not know that Monsanto was bought out lock stock and barrel 3 years ago and does not exist. What rock have you been sleeping under? ==== 409 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzO7txGsFM2-puB_tt4AaABAg.94GUCva2ZJj94JgZ5Vjcor --- [USER 163] Hey asshole - David is right. He's a farmer. Monsanto shut down 3 years ago. YOU are thick in a way called willful ignorance. ==== 410 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzO7txGsFM2-puB_tt4AaABAg.94GUCva2ZJj94_nIrFPG2V --- [USER 73] All readers note that this lying idiot has always quoted the Codex rules OUT OF CONTEXT and with false representation. Our USDA wrote the Codex for the world and the entire world is 100% satisfied with it as-is. All guidelines are followed TO THE LETTER and words like may, could, and recommended are not mandates. ==== 411 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzO7txGsFM2-puB_tt4AaABAg.94GUCva2ZJj94_nLgnJFhc --- [USER 73] Calling all KZGT subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. KZGT fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. KZGT works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 412 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzCeQr69vy2_eDt7lp4AaABAg.94GR2FCnMRd94Jhg9p7Ppc --- The glyphosate cancer law suits are bogus. Based on lies and bribery. Organic farmers sent a $160,000 cash bribe to the IARC through a corrupt USRTK lawyer to get them to make the low cancer risk statement about glyphosate. It was the cornerstone of all these shyster lawyer Roundup lawsuits but now that Congress has cut off its $2 mill annual finding to the IARC they are in deep doodoo. I have 5 citation links for proof but this channel blocks live links. I can work around that if you demand proof. ==== 413 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzCeQr69vy2_eDt7lp4AaABAg.94GR2FCnMRd94_opYYyEop --- [USER 73] Courts and juries do not and can not determine science facts. And note that as of today not a single dollar has been paid out in these cases. Organic farmers sent a $160,000 cash bribe to the IARC through a corrupt USRTK lawyer to get them to make the low cancer risk statement about glyphosate. It was the cornerstone of all these shyster lawyer Roundup lawsuits but now that Congress has cut off its $2mill annual finding to the IARC they are in deep doodoo. ==== 414 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwIlKheqYREVhbI-pJ4AaABAg.94GHtkmUjoh94JgipCQx2T --- No. No dangers in [USER 91]. Nothing has happened, there is no GMO bogeyman. It's all good. ==== 415 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwvANpCIWfIB9m7Zn54AaABAg.94EpaQ52kox94Jh5z3X0re --- The second most popular GM trait is the Bt version that reproduces the same protein that is found naturally in Bt soil bacteria. Organic farmers have been using a Bt spray for 40 years. Corn with the Bt trait added saves the farmers from having to spray to kill borer worm pests. A very specific protein molecule only affects the gut of borer worm pests and no other living thing. ==== 416 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyiap2sFr4FfinEw_54AaABAg.94C77ospnag94DsiQ1mCBT --- Maynard is so completely ignorant of this topic he does not know Monsanto shut down THREE YEARS AGO!!! ==== 417 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyiap2sFr4FfinEw_54AaABAg.94C77ospnag94Dt-u_1CoY --- GMOs offer tremendous advantages to consumers, farmers and the environment. For consumers it is lower prices. For farmers it is less use of pesticides and fuel which is why they choose the slightly more expensive patented seed to save a bundle. All in all, Maynard is one of the most severely brainwashed commenters I have seen this week and I have been doing this for 6 years. ==== 418 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyiap2sFr4FfinEw_54AaABAg.94C77ospnag94E3FKAvw0K --- [USER 165] Incorrect. Monsanto is gone, liquidated and absorbed by Bayer AG, their agricultural division. All Monsanto CEOs fired, all Monsanto workers laid off, all Monsanto offices closed. Monsanto is now nothing but a file of old patents in a Bayer office. They kept some of the brand name copyrights. They are liable in Monsanto lawsuits. ==== 419 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugztwv40p-v0cXpO8X54AaABAg.946mSFJGpdl94GqWizgZh- --- Your post is goofy. Russians have a 5 year shorter average lifespan than Americans. ==== 420 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugztwv40p-v0cXpO8X54AaABAg.946mSFJGpdl94_pYXYGkO4 --- [USER 167] And yet we still live longer and our cancer death rates have dropped 29% since 1991 cancer[dot]org/latest-news/facts-and-figures-2020.html ==== 421 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzzAN27PdZAx_VTL0Z4AaABAg.9434u1vwSWC943T3Y6iG2k --- You fucking moron!! THERE ARE NO GMO TOMATOES!! NONE!! NOT SOLD ANYWHERE. That is one of the most common total lies repeated by ignorant anti-biotech assholes here. There was a patented GM tomato that NEVER WENT TO MARKET 15 years ago. That's it. No more. You are too stupid to do your own research so you are suckered by lying activists. ==== 422 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzzAN27PdZAx_VTL0Z4AaABAg.9434u1vwSWC94H77NMJxdW --- [USER 167] Hey! Gamer posted a bullshit lie and claimed there was information to back it up. Maybe he did see that lie that corroborated his conspiracy theory but it is all a big bowl of wrong. Not just the claim that GMO tomatoes exist, but the suggestion they should be avoided for some valid reason. There is no reason and in fact GMOs are better and safer for us and the environment. As I said, if he had done any verification from more than one source he would not have posted that. I have no patience with those who intentionally with malice deride the fruits of the labors of our honest hard working farmers. ==== 423 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwkTOg6krnvAfdvT5B4AaABAg.93yWMfHCpIi93zKSFMoTGi --- They already do that. Some species have been identified as preferable but local species are best. ==== 424 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwkTOg6krnvAfdvT5B4AaABAg.93yWMfHCpIi9BhNVJoS_ps --- [USER 169] Your teacher will give you a dope slap when she hears 'bird in womb'. Ever hear of eggs??? ==== 425 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyxBjwTVG3r0AuGyut4AaABAg.93lMvq3nwmJ93mahwZB5yJ --- False premise. It's all the same. Flavor is always a direct result of how close to peak ripeness the food was harvested, and a short handling period before you get it. There are only 3 fresh produce items sold that are GMO and you have no idea which three those are. ==== 426 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyEQDYqYBoactFQJuN4AaABAg.93fqwjsSMtj93h6LTWnW1D --- FALSE. Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn rootworms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO Technology. ==== 427 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyEQDYqYBoactFQJuN4AaABAg.93fqwjsSMtj9HTPxCtzIm3 --- [USER 171] I am glad you have no problems with GMO technology VOID. ==== 428 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzcq6lhJ2J19cDjkyd4AaABAg.93eWGK417kU93e_UB5qTam --- You just screwed yourself up your own ass with that shill card. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 429 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyyfgfggfJXX4H0v0N4AaABAg.93e6kzMhx0d93eZo-CVZAs --- Horseshit. There are no GMO peanuts or chocolate. That leaves sweeteners and oils - under our new GE disclosure law in effect this year, it is now illegal to identify any refined sugars or oils GMO. Why? Because all refined foods are stripped of any DNA or proteins. This fact means that organic, heirloom, conventional and GMO grown foods all are chemically identical. There is a grace period after which the number of foods listing GE ingredients will be far fewer and the only indicator will be a tiny icon. Thank you President Obama for stopping those nasty organic lobbyists from turning food labels into a fear mongering program to sell more inferior organic foods! ==== 430 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyyfgfggfJXX4H0v0N4AaABAg.93e6kzMhx0d93h72I-miJt --- [USER 173] Just think. We can't 'genetically modify' a complex food product with multiple ingredients. Each ingredient has to be identified separately. Unless they invented a Reece's tree. That would be new..... ==== 431 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyyfgfggfJXX4H0v0N4AaABAg.93e6kzMhx0d94GsyhwuKom --- [USER 175] Under our new 2020 GMO labeling law there is no requirement to list ingredients that are less than 5% of the total content that come from GMO breeding methods. Candy companies screwed American farmers by deciding to not buy their efficient and sustainably grown GM sugar beets. Our farmers went out of business and Caribbean basin operations using underpaid workers under no environmental monitoring got the sale. Nobody benefitted from that stupidity. ==== 432 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyyfgfggfJXX4H0v0N4AaABAg.93e6kzMhx0d94Gu0YAEuvS --- [USER 175] Under the new GE disclosure law, refined sweeteners and oils are banned from being labeled GMO. Our candy companies no longer have a reason to screw our farmers because it won't be labeled as GE. Lecithin has any potential soy allergens removed so it is a big fat nothing as far as GE ingredients goes. ==== 433 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzSGQLfTWZh7w-bEuF4AaABAg.93c3JtvuJQI93e_OI_lHvJ --- You just screwed yourself with that shill card. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 434 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzSGQLfTWZh7w-bEuF4AaABAg.93c3JtvuJQI94iIwTIu8o9 --- [USER 177] Monsanto was bought out three years ago by Bayer. ==== 435 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzSGQLfTWZh7w-bEuF4AaABAg.93c3JtvuJQI94iN94g81OD --- [USER 177] Wrong. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. ==== 436 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyFai60SUO5P25kaHl4AaABAg --- The policy of KZGT to block all live links in comments here is counterproductive. Science is all about proof - opinions, feelings and hunches have NO place in the debate of science topics. Fail!!! Note you can post links and they will be seen by you, and only you, every time you visit this thread but no one else will see them, they are ghosted. You can defeat this excessive inappropriate anti-spam function by replacing the . with the actual letters 'dot' in the links you provide in good faith to prove the science illiterate fools who post here are wrong. Example: Science[dot]com If I had used a period instead of [dot] you would not be seeing this comment now. ==== 437 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwldeMOoShSOcWwrB54AaABAg.93bmH2_zZv893c3ez79jCZ --- That is very sad to hear. Schools are required to teach you facts, not activist lies made up by organic farming interests. Please tell your teachers I said this. They will have no response in defense of their blunder which violates laws and rules about public education. ==== 438 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyuIwQGxl5AHu_buCx4AaABAg.93aB1o3fbzX93c7AGiyn4V --- There are no GMO strawberries, no fish DNA. That is bullshit fed to you by anti-biotech activists. ALL GMOS ARE TESTED FOR YEARS BEFORE APPROVAL!! Allergenicity is near the top of the list of what is screened for. NOTHING WHATSOEVER HAPPENS when humans eat foods with the Bt molecule - organic farmers have been using Bt for 40 years. The natural soil bacteria Bt has a molecule that is extremely specific in compatibility, it can only bind with cells in borer worm pests, and no other living thing. GMO Bt crops use this same molecule which is inert to all living things besides borer worms. It already exists in nature and of all the things we should worry about in sewage, Bt is definitely not one of them. Bt has always been in the food chain. I repeat - no other living thing anywhere can be affected by the Bt molecule. ==== 439 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxDBQ-jzJmU5sIlCFh4AaABAg.93ZS-gbIp1g93_SYi6DBd9 --- What if you weren't so ignorant and you knew that Monsanto shut down 3 years ago? What if you knew just how incredibly stupid it is to play the shill card? Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 440 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxDBQ-jzJmU5sIlCFh4AaABAg.93ZS-gbIp1g93_TCnx8I1M --- Warning to all readers - this ignorant commenter has a blank channel page. Be aware that social media is being abused by thousands of fake accounts created by organic lobbyists, Greenpeace operatives and Russian trolls. It is so bad that US congress has declared this a threat to national security. ==== 441 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6k_EdE-nlAUTumjx4AaABAg.93Yc24fUuHk93_SJHL2888 --- We started 24 years ago and the superior GMO crop technology is taking over all agriculture globally. Another fine invention from the USA that is embraced by the world. ==== 442 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzy1ZV0c6D38xq6_tZ4AaABAg.93VRD1GIlSr93VhAEJVFxR --- 25 frames per second for 9 minutes. ==== 443 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyK2WYJ2KUC4Y1NwcN4AaABAg.93TXfIiIaFu93Vhycpb_i- --- no. Off topic. This is about safe wholesome food. ==== 444 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzfAQO-FJzgs0ZlXUN4AaABAg.93TJJaWSB7A93c7nSxb8WV --- That represents a failure of our education system. ==== 445 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy8qvgRxrHJPbjF-jR4AaABAg.93SXbDsKCKa93WJq3JxxRu --- Completely false John. ==== 446 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxEe62nPZRzdkjH4sV4AaABAg.93PpHdxOrGJ93Q3-6do6da --- No!!! That is a lie! Italian farmers organized to get GMO crop cultivation bans lifted in some regions of Italy. Your claim that "all" are banned is entirely false. "As a member of the European Union, Italy has been implementing European directives concerning genetically modified organisms (GMOs) over the last two decades, but at a rather reluctant pace. In fact, as reflected by GMO legislation in Italy, Italian public opinion has shifted from a decidedly general opposition to the introduction of GMOs into a more recent open acceptance of them. Italy’s political and administrative structure relies on the powers of the central government and the governments of its twenty regions, which enjoy certain autonomy in the regulation of agriculture and crops, and in experimentation with GMOs. As a consequence, some regions have enacted slightly more permissive regimes than others. In addition, the Italian Constitutional Court has ruled that the national government is constrained from encroaching on the power of regional governments to establish their own regimes on GMOs. This factor, in conjunction with the more permissive regulations to which Italy is bound at the European level, creates a scenario where the decentralized and spontaneous growth of GMOs in agriculture will probably increase in the near future." loc[dot]gov/law/help/restrictions-on-gmos/italy[dot]php ==== 447 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyVsEnJYWzs2UV5YCF4AaABAg.93G_P6lSavd93ILkFdjFJ8 --- Horseshit. Federal law demands that any GMO that is approved must be totally equivalent to its non-GMO counterparts in all ways. This includes testing for full digestibility and 75 other factors your poor education prevents you from understanding. Heartburn? There is no excuse for that discomfort in 2020. We easily treat all such cases as long as people eat sensibly. Stupidity is far more difficult to treat. ==== 448 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyVsEnJYWzs2UV5YCF4AaABAg.93G_P6lSavd93WLAKI8kmH --- [USER 179] --You don't even know how many crops are biotechnology crops TB. ==== 449 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyVsEnJYWzs2UV5YCF4AaABAg.93G_P6lSavd93hASm7Yeaw --- Having heartburn has nothing to do with eating gmo technology crops and shows how clueless you are about this subject. ==== 450 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzE8o1rn6s-OdbAsml4AaABAg.93GWl8QqbbZ93h7rUI3PFp --- [USER 181] Your post is FALSE. GMO technology is safe but has nothing to do with Hybridization not even close. ==== 451 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzqkDe2Lw81K-_OJyR4AaABAg.93FzSgWBwNH93IMZx7G9fA --- False premise!! The moment man tamed fire 10,000 years ago we began an imbalance to natural order. Get your facts straight. Obscene human over population assures permanent imbalance when compared to pre-human existence. Crop science helps to maintain balance without excess starvation. ==== 452 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzqkDe2Lw81K-_OJyR4AaABAg.93FzSgWBwNH93IUxXweANq --- [USER 183] This shows why you have no business criticizing anything. You have a poor education. Are you an 8th grade student? How do you not grasp that fire was the beginning of the modern age? It allowed us to cook meats so it digested easier which sent us on our way to larger brain size. That in turn led to the farming era and to the steam age and then to the mechanical age and finally the technology age. You are NOT smarter than the world's scientists who all understand technology light years beyond your poor education. They ARE thinking long term and they ARE thinking advanced agriculture for over population and climate change challenges. This is where GM science is essential for our survival. The wealthiest countries are also leading the way to sustainability and that includes advanced crop science. Even African nations are now embracing the best crop science. Seems that even those stone age poorly educated Africans are smarter than you...... ==== 453 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyO17vixbAKBw3YibJ4AaABAg.93DD3Jf_tqr93DfwvApun8 --- No tomatoes are GMO. Plants are not precision machines and their growth depends on your skill and may other factors. ==== 454 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyO17vixbAKBw3YibJ4AaABAg.93DD3Jf_tqr93Dj-l2pp1K --- [USER 185] That discusses POTENTIAL for improvements that have not yet been done to any tomato. Cartoons are for short attention span kids and uneducated adults. Forget Youtube, just google 'GMO tomato facts' to learn that none are sold in the US for the last 15 years. There was one GMO tomato registered 15 years ago that was meant to reduce frost damage but it was not cold resistant enough to matter. GMO seeds are not sold to gardeners anyways. There are literally hundreds of Youtube videos and video thumbnails of tomatoes with a fake GMO label on them, or showing that idiotic false image of them being injected with a hypodermic needle. They are all 100% lies! No needles are ever used on any GMO food. Ironically, organic farmers are the only ones using needles to inject the Bt toxin directly into the bases of their plants. ==== 455 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyO17vixbAKBw3YibJ4AaABAg.93DD3Jf_tqr93DjZwHdeKx --- Your experience is an example of how plant breeders can pick out aberrations in plants and use those seeds to breed a tomato with the traits they want. Some prefer purple tomatoes and pay extra for that seed. The source you bought your seeds from was obviously not a reliable respected seed seller, not because there is any health threat but because customers expect to get what they pay for. Your purple tomatoes will be highly nutritious. Or if you just planted the seeds from grape domatoes you bought in the grocery you learned how hybrids are meant to grow as predicted only once. ==== 456 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyO17vixbAKBw3YibJ4AaABAg.93DD3Jf_tqr93DjiwxIH_n --- [USER 185] I am totally calm and posted no words that indicate I was not calm but if you start messing with me I WILL NOT be patient. ==== 457 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwuNNM8CPghXM82tDl4AaABAg.93BE85iPiwo93D6E7rLQw5 --- False. We know how to do this correctly. Take hot peppers for example - the heat is nature's way of giving the plants protection from grazing animals. We know how to cultivate peppers properly as a spice enjoyed by 3 billion people and we also know how to use it to make tear gas. ==== 458 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwuNNM8CPghXM82tDl4AaABAg.93BE85iPiwo93DGKcXBwaV --- [USER 187] The Bt toxin is a protein molecule that can only find receptors to bind with in the guts of borer worm pests. Bt is a natural soil bacteria and organic farmers have used it heavily for 40 years. A human can eat a chunk of pure Bt protein, enough to kill thousands of pests, with no effect. This experiment has been done and documented. The Bt molecule does not show up in corn ears, just in the stalks. ==== 459 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwuNNM8CPghXM82tDl4AaABAg.93BE85iPiwo93DKUdPcIuL --- [USER 187] Opinions, beliefs, feelings and hunches have no place in the discussion of science. Only what is proven and peer reviewed is valid. You will fail at all attempts to debate issues like this until you grasp this simple fact. Science truth always wins in the end. No proof? Never happened! ==== 460 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwuNNM8CPghXM82tDl4AaABAg.93BE85iPiwo93h8fI9tFWw --- Your post is garbage and shows how clueless you are on this subject. Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn rootworms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO Technology. ==== 461 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxB6H25sHjOpCqoCgp4AaABAg.93BBxS9OuVk93WMEGxLMwf --- Instead of laughing you should send a thank you email to Dr. Dennis Gonsalves and his team for saving the Hawaiian papaya which was being devastated by the ring spot virus. The pesticides used against it did not work, nothing did until Dennis engineered a solution. That solution worked and it worked without the use of any pesticide that was used against the RSV. ==== 462 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx7y4Lpu1d3RQw2nrJ4AaABAg.9397v29B4_R93B9tAgGYCm --- You idiot! Bt is only poison to borer worm pests. No other living thing has the cell receptors that the Bt protein molecule can bind to. Stop spamming ignorant hatred you asshole. No legitimate peer reviewed studies of mice showed any harm of any kind. This page is about GMOs, NOT coffee so take that ignorant shit elsewhere. Anything is bad for you in excess, period. ==== 463 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx7y4Lpu1d3RQw2nrJ4AaABAg.9397v29B4_R93D6Q9o8kHU --- Caffeine is a much more potent poison. Guess what - we know ho to use both of these safely for our benefit. ==== 464 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx7y4Lpu1d3RQw2nrJ4AaABAg.9397v29B4_R93D9dRPh3gK --- [USER 189] I don't value the seed, I value the honest labors of our hard working farmers while YOU spit in their faces just because they are trying to feed you. What a fuck stain. Farmers tell seed companies what they need. In the last year the total number of GMO cultivation bans world wide has dropped from 37 to 29 thanks to African nations wising up and coming out of the stone age. Only two nasty communist countries ban GMOs completely. ==== 465 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx7y4Lpu1d3RQw2nrJ4AaABAg.9397v29B4_R93DABSmSGIR --- [USER 189] Yes that is fake news. A win means the settlement was ACTUALLY PAID but not one penny has been paid out. Why? 2 reasons - juries do not make science facts. And the whole premise is based on bribery: Organic farmers sent a $160,000 cash bribe to the IARC through a corrupt USRTK lawyer to get them to make the low cancer risk statement about glyphosate. It was the cornerstone of all these shyster lawyer Roundup lawsuits but now that Congress has cut off its $2mill annual finding to the IARC they are in deep doodoo. I have 5 links of proof for this corruption that can not be used here on the KZGT channel because it blocks live links. I just gave you the 5 links on the SciShow channel video. ==== 466 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwzOERPt4iJyh1dbmN4AaABAg.937rHdXqS7O938EngD2TXe --- Your post is false. Farmers quit saving seed in the mid 1030's with the development of hybrids and as each crop was developed in into a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop. You are clueless about this subject Stevie. ==== 467 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwzOERPt4iJyh1dbmN4AaABAg.937rHdXqS7O93AJtREehpm --- [USER 191] Your post is false. There are NO terminators seeds. It is illegal to save patented seed and ALL seed companies will sue any farmer who does. We have had patented seed both NON gmo seed and gmo technology seed every since congress the Plant Variety Act in 1970 Protecting Plant Breeders with Patented Rights. Farmers quit saving seed in the middle 1930's with development of hybrids and as each crop was developed into a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop. You are clueless about this subject Stevie Jo. ==== 468 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwzOERPt4iJyh1dbmN4AaABAg.937rHdXqS7O93D6tGKBeuz --- Stevie can't prove there are 'thousands' of such farmers. There are only about 20 cases in total where criminal abuse of patented seed was proven. The most famous case was in Canada. ==== 469 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz47yUQeiXvqXmyf8x4AaABAg.932HrIuRAiu932qO-8xx4j --- No one who would want to respond to an ugly revolting skull avatar. ==== 470 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzqFGEKeemv6T82ENl4AaABAg.92zaJeDOyzD930c1o59q7u --- No they grow fast enough. We just cut far too many of them down. ==== 471 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz3nS6CGpIP9cbgLKl4AaABAg.92vkvigVIks92wBECzk5HE --- No! It does NOT say that at 6:52 , it says we COULD SOON enhance antioxidant levels in foods like tomatoes. There has only been one poor attempt to modify GMO tomatoes that happened over 15 years ago, it was to reduce frost damage. It didn't accomplish that as well as expected and it was never marketed to any degree. Ever since then for 15 years, lying assholes have been citing GMO tomatoes as an abomination that is in stores today despite the fact they were never sold!! We see hundreds of fraudulent fear mongering images on Youtube thumbnails of tomatoes being injected with hypodermic needles despite the fact that needles are never involved in any part of the GMO process and GMO tomatoes were never sold. Why the fuck would you post that lie about 'the living crap"?? ASSHOLE Tomatoes have gone through a breeding trend over the decades to make them faster growing, longer lasting on shelves and this was done without making retaining best flavor the top priority. Farmers and breeders are now very aware of how consumers are not happy with the loss of flavor as a trade for longer shelf life so the trend has reversed. In the last year several new breeds that are truly delicious like home garden fresh have hit the market. They are selling well. None of them are GMO. Yet. ==== 472 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx48L3m6G_kS_csXiN4AaABAg.92sXUOb1K6z92tqSpnjjv0 --- You are poorly educated. Many many things we eat are 'bad for other living beings'. Chocolate kills dogs but not people. hit peppers repel pests and grazing animals but they are craved by billions of people. Food is NOT about symbiosis in a world obscenely over populated by humans. Our existence at this level defies all symbiosis. Microorganisms in the earth are not a factor here but all farmers do try to keep the soil healthy. Why wouldn't they? ==== 473 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx48L3m6G_kS_csXiN4AaABAg.92sXUOb1K6z92usPE1a0dR --- [USER 193] Nobody here is MORE DECEITFUL THAN YOU! GMO food safety has nothing whatsoever to do with carbs! Organic, heirloom, GMO or hydroponic carbs all behave exactly the same in our diets. You are blathering now. You really lost your shit. ==== 474 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx48L3m6G_kS_csXiN4AaABAg.92sXUOb1K6z92v1TCDwdLw --- [USER 193] Another idiotic lie - it is amazing how I kicked your ass with many factual undeniable citations but you still come back for more. This is the definition of willful ignorance. Were you home schooled? Do you not grasp that debates about science are won by the best citations and never by posting arbitrary opinions? You have offered no links for proof here, just nonsense conspiracy theories! Do you even realize that 'leaky gut' was made up by a Youtube naturopath quack to sell his snake oil cure for a non-existent malady? Holy shit you are ignorant. ==== 475 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx48L3m6G_kS_csXiN4AaABAg.92sXUOb1K6z92w88ef6JOe --- [USER 193] All readers - look at how this moron makes shit up as he goes, indiscriminately mixing unrelated symptoms from a variety of disorders real and imagined. This page has nothing to do with candida or cancer. And even if it did, he'd be dead wrong about a connection between candida and cancer - there is none. This is why I always say that Youtube is where the idiocracy comes to feed. ==== 476 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy8I6bgmI0z5uGzbL94AaABAg.92qySjDjHyP92wCpZZ5DlF --- Fuck off asshole. No proof of any relation to autism exists, that is just a lie made up by activists with no science or medical degrees and no research to prove it. You believe all the Youtube click bait, you are the perfect sucker for clicks revenue. ==== 477 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy8I6bgmI0z5uGzbL94AaABAg.92qySjDjHyP93jTgM5kvak --- [USER 195] Repeating a nasty conspiracy theory made up by lying organic food lobbyists is wrong. ==== 478 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy8I6bgmI0z5uGzbL94AaABAg.92qySjDjHyP93wT1bO4knL --- [USER 195] What we think is irrelevant. Only what can be proven is valid in science discussions. ==== 479 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy0s3Sa2ReJZZXoeiB4AaABAg.92p4sCBVdW892tqYnb7De0 --- Monsanto shut down over two years ago. ==== 480 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw4vAet5ZnSi5rQOpF4AaABAg.92l98nYc6DV92m0uX8SiaK --- IGNORANCE AND SCIENCE ILLITERACY - BIGGEST NO NO!!! The entire global health and safety consensus is that you are wrong. There is an especially large contingent of stone age ignorance in the middle eastern world. The WHO, EPA, EFSA and 281 other agencies all affirm that GMOs and glyphosate are totally safe and cause no unintended consequences. Full global consensus! All 284 global health and safety agencies agree. Yes, this is the mother of all GMO safety citations and a stake in the heart of all anti-biotech conspiratards: siquierotransgenicos dot cl/2015/06/13/more-than-240-organizations-and-scientific-institutions-support-the-safety-of-gm-crops/ On the linked page is a hyperlink of proof for each of those 284 agencies. Some may not be in English. Only the Russians and the IARC now discredited by bribery disagree. ==== 481 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw4vAet5ZnSi5rQOpF4AaABAg.92l98nYc6DV92oTgLTmjia --- [USER 197] There's that shill card again - every time someone does this they forfeit the debate and I win again in the name of science truth. This time you followed it with a blatant lie that is so obviously false it is embarrassing! Then a false claim about bans.... I will now knock down all 3 of your blunders, chronologically: Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 482 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw4vAet5ZnSi5rQOpF4AaABAg.92l98nYc6DV92oVLAaYyBa --- [USER 197] I see an unusual number of commenters with middle eastern names posting ignorance and lies about modern food science. You morons are still in the stone age and you have adopted hatred as a religion. The rest of the world is leaving you behind. Soon you will come crawling to us for food as climate change kills your crops and you realize you need GMO science to survive. On that day I will spit in your face as you have been doing to our farmers. ==== 483 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw4vAet5ZnSi5rQOpF4AaABAg.92l98nYc6DV933WhpXFRwF --- [USER 197] You do not need a scientist to prove gmo technology increases the production of food. Just ask any farmer and he will tell you why they overwhelmingly freely choose to grow gmo technology crops. ==== 484 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqkOIIklkZq3Bin4V4AaABAg.92g7LGrLWFs92goxMe_Kr4 --- No. FIRST stop breeding like bunnies, THEN we won't need to mass produce as much. Your culture is an especially severe offender of redundant reproduction in an over populated world. ==== 485 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqkOIIklkZq3Bin4V4AaABAg.92g7LGrLWFs92oVk0G3zU4 --- Yes!! Stop reproducing like bunnies and our population will drop to a reasonable level. We will then have other options. But for now the obscene human over population demands GMO crop science, or we starve. ==== 486 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzlsNRX2W-ytOnjmRJ4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 487 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzBfv8E-beFDUN-IpR4AaABAg.92c6gCz9ZMU92cO4dP7GFd --- ....is a scam. ==== 488 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyVhLwAsUPTcvyoz9h4AaABAg.92bXeW1FpOD92gp42yc4gO --- No. Vanillin from tree pulp will always exceed demand. ==== 489 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwvS810VNTOZMTQM954AaABAg.92bBi5HlQBX92cOtnQOwDb --- Asshole. ==== 490 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgykXNZJAshUTolbAnJ4AaABAg.92_rrrxj6-792cP9HKEQbv --- The entire world says YOU are wrong: The WHO, EPA, EFSA and 281 other agencies all affirm that GMOs and glyphosate are totally safe and cause no unintended consequences. Full global consensus! All 284 global health and safety agencies agree. Yes, this is the mother of all GMO safety citations and a stake in the heart of all anti-biotech conspiratards: siquierotransgenicos dot cl/2015/06/13/more-than-240-organizations-and-scientific-institutions-support-the-safety-of-gm-crops/ On the linked page is a hyperlink of proof for each of those 284 agencies. Some may not be in English. Only the Russians and the IARC now discredited by bribery disagree. ==== 491 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzC3qT3kVTxJ44inSN4AaABAg.92XBHNuqqVl92XHRD_fd9k --- We do. Note it is childish and insecure to upvote your own comments. ==== 492 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzRoDUZa3fbca88naN4AaABAg.92WKum9X22v92XHhhValFy --- No shit. Nobody wants to do that. We only want to kill all the crop pests INSIDE the borders of the farmer's fields. Outside of the farms, insect populations remain unaffected and there are no concentrations of plants that could cause an outbreak of corn borer worms in the wild. ==== 493 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwCntEgPSu9AR7r77J4AaABAg.92PiUYbcSPw92PpaEaYsNE --- There is no threat. You are repeating a conspiracy theory fed to consumers by organic lobbyists. There is no legitimate real issue here. The only requirement to maintain organic certification is a 25 foot buffer zone from GMO fields. This tells us all we need to know - the pollen does not travel far and even if it does reach the stamen of other crops the DNA code may not be capable of propagating, it is designed to grow once only, after the farmer buys the seed. ==== 494 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzkt88CeXTKVXdSarF4AaABAg.92OyMpEUCxh92Pph7Iamox --- This video was just commented on again by a science illiterate conspiratard who does not even know that Monsanto shut down over two years ago. ==== 495 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyn3lbgZCTUMHxvYM14AaABAg.92HvDIWkX6g92KRVC0Ff3z --- The cheating started when man tamed fire. As our population continued to cheat nature as we grew too large over the last 10,000 years we have had to breed all foods we eat for maximum performance. This will become more urgent every year until we stop breeding like bunnies. ==== 496 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyn3lbgZCTUMHxvYM14AaABAg.92HvDIWkX6g92SdhsAnpEz --- [USER 198] It's a good thing that opinions have no merit here. Only a few countries have a falling population, all the others still grow at disastrous rates. Waste in some countries can not be transferred to remote regions of starvation. GMO seed can prevent the massive crop failures that cause mass migration refugees. NGO workers have died trying to get food to the starving, they can help themselves with the right seed which is being given to them free. ==== 497 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxGyxJ5woPG_dXoguJ4AaABAg.92HUP1R46eG92HqWqkesCH --- All farming of every type is invasive to nature. GMO crops are more efficient and use less pesticides so they have the lowest impact. ==== 498 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzB689JB5Bgke5WE4l4AaABAg.92HT9SqLPKf92HpgWPeh2x --- It is a fact that all large trees sequester carbon. Planting a million fast growing chestnuts to replace what was lost would be very good for the environment. "Jul 1, 2009 - The trees eventually absorb the same amount of carbon, but the fast-growing chestnut can store more carbon in a shorter amount of time, Jacobs said. The tree was found to carry up to three times the biomass of the others at various points in its growth cycle." scientificamerican dot com/article/chestnut-tree-climate-change-carbon/ ==== 499 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzB689JB5Bgke5WE4l4AaABAg.92HT9SqLPKf92HpmUuJgmx --- The real concern here is why you did not take 5 seconds to do a search before posting a challenge to KZGT. ==== 500 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzB689JB5Bgke5WE4l4AaABAg.92HT9SqLPKf92HsTgxeSBo --- [USER 200] No, You said it was engineered to resist the disease. If you did a search you would not have posted this rude challenge to KZGT based on a false premise. They did not say the advantage was 'extra' carbon sequestration, it was the fact that these fast growing trees can hold carbon because they were engineered to resist the disease. It would be a LOT of carbon because a LOT of them would be planted and they grow fast, making them a good emergency measure for an urgent need. You went off half cocked. Until the fungus is dealt with they can hold no carbon at all. The difference between nothing and a large amount is beyond you? The link I posted confirms there IS an advantage to GM chestnuts that suit our needs so don't try to squirm out of this. You were caught. ==== 501 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHt637wTUtZuOYUBt4AaABAg.92GABvgX3oh92GMdcw80al --- Monsanto does not exist. ==== 502 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHt637wTUtZuOYUBt4AaABAg.92GABvgX3oh92HqC170ubo --- Monsanto shut down over two years ago dummy. ==== 503 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHt637wTUtZuOYUBt4AaABAg.92GABvgX3oh92HydbRXk9t --- [USER 202] I repeat - Monsanto is gone. There is only Bayer AG which owns the brand names and patents and takes potential legal liability. You have a poor logic process - lawsuits against many closed obsolete bankrupt companies exist today. ==== 504 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHt637wTUtZuOYUBt4AaABAg.92GABvgX3oh92I19emZG9s --- [USER 202] You chose the worst possible video for debate - this channel blocks live links. I have 5 links that prove the following and I normally provide the links of proof but here I had to cut them out. You can verify this easily with a search, Wikipedia is one place to start, it has many footnote links: Myth about Agent Orange being Monsanto's creation, supported by 5 citation links: "Agent Orange is the name given to the combination of two commercially available herbicides[2,4-D & 2,4,5-T] which had been used for decades before the Vietnam War. The former Monsanto, which was primarily a chemical company, along with 9 other companies, supplied the U.S. government these herbicides as part of the war effort. The combination of these herbicides is what the U.S. government named Agent Orange after the colour of the stripe put on the barrels that contained it. The nine Agent Orange manufacturers were government contractors acting at the direction of the government, which was exercising its authority under the U.S. War Powers Act. The government set the manufacturing specifications for Agent Orange, and decided when, where and how it was used. Agent Orange was only made for military use by the government. In 2009, the U.S. Supreme Court let stand lower court rulings that the manufacturers were not responsible for the implications of military use of Agent Orange because the war materials were supplied at the direction of the U.S. government." ==== 505 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHt637wTUtZuOYUBt4AaABAg.92GABvgX3oh92I70Urwy54 --- [USER 202] I am extremely calm at all times, I have been doing this for 6 years, over 100,000 posts. I have global peer reviewed science at my back. You have Food Babe, Natural News and a thousand Youtube quacks that have filled your mind with toxic shit. There is no part of GMO science I can not prove is good for the world. AO is a trigger word for conspiracy theorists. All readers here see I have kicked your ass severely and now you switch to trolling because you have no cogent refutation of any kind that GMOs are not 100% good. I will help you to further humiliate yourself if that is what you really want. I have peer reviewed science consensus at my back. ==== 506 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxGo3dxr5YgmioH5eZ4AaABAg.92Fka6bJ2pP92HqIMq40ON --- Fuck off troll. Stop abusing this page. ==== 507 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzJyVSeiJqMGinDlbt4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 508 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzJyVSeiJqMGinDlbt4AaABAg.92FEHJoj1VM92Hp4G5RAeE --- [USER 204] I am no one special, I just defend real verifiable peer reviewed science facts about the full safety of GMO foods from assholes, Youtube frauds, organic trolls and haters. I will never stop so I guess that defines me. Every fact I post can be verified true while every lie this idiot Almost posts is easily proven to be a total lie or an activist fabrication. ==== 509 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx8nc080oRTNM1qP0N4AaABAg.92EsBtS_D2M92FDkktC40q --- Lie!!! Like just about everyone else here you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Glyphosate, 2,4-D and dicamba are the primary GMO pesticides. "Rotenone is a selective, non-specific insecticide with some acaricidal properties. Rotenone is used in home gardens for insect control, for lice and tick control on pets and for fish eradications as part of water body management. The use of the pesticide for control of fish and in cranberries is restricted by the Environmental Protection Agency. Rotenone is a rotenoid plant extract obtained from such species as barbasco, cub, haiari, nekoe, and timbo. These plants are members of the pea (Leguminosae) family. Rotenone containing extracts are taken from the roots, seeds and leaves of the various plants (13). Rotenone is generally classified as a botanical insecticide. Rotenone is a general use pesticide." ==== 510 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxOC9oC7SxbogQhq0x4AaABAg.92DaP-OTKZi92FEhYC_L77 --- False premise. This asshole liar can't prove that any guidelines have been violated. All pertinent codex rules are followed to the letter and you can't prove otherwise. All readers - this idiot is mentally ill and deeply obsessed with posting lies every day for the last 5 years. ==== 511 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxOC9oC7SxbogQhq0x4AaABAg.92DaP-OTKZi92FEl-XguNI --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 512 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxb4pB64UgLqZbiNQ54AaABAg.92DTebLlzcM92FECfo9BJr --- There are NO 'side effects' at all, compared to any other farming method. You are repeating lies made up by organic lobbyists. You are the one who is not objective by repeating Youtube conspiracy theories. You can not search out and link ANY factual peer reviewed science studies here that identify a single long term effect that is negative. There are many positive long term effects though. ==== 513 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxb4pB64UgLqZbiNQ54AaABAg.92DTebLlzcM92FIpdH_CN4 --- [USER 206] You sound crazy. My comment stands - you have no proof of any negative effects of any kind. No proof? Never happened. ALL FOODS WE GROW ARE VASTLY ALTERED GENETICALLY FOR THE LAST 10,000 YEARS!!! 'Steroid and HGH' have nothing whatsoever to do with GMO foods you blathering moron. ==== 514 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCX4x10Yob2a-Vfhp4AaABAg.926L_qctPOA928QHFcN57E --- Your post is garbage Walter. We have had patented seed both gmo and non gmo every since Congress passed the Plant Variety Protection Act in 1970 Protecting Plant Breeders with Patented Rights. Any seed company will sue a farmer if he breaks the Law and tries to save patented seed for planting next years crop. That is illegal. Laws are made for everyone to obey not just a few. If you do not like the laws then work to change them. Farmers Overwhelmingly freely choose gmo technology seed in the world if it is an option even though it cost more. Not all crops use gmo technology. ==== 515 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCX4x10Yob2a-Vfhp4AaABAg.926L_qctPOA92AuUOkdY9x --- When you object to patents you object to all technology such as what you are using to post this. Monsanto shut down over two years ago! You do not speak for farmers as a farmer. Your words only repeat conspiracy theories and your channel page is blank. You are just as likely a Russian troll or an organic industry operative. That ignorant food bully 'Food Babe' launched that idiotic attack on rBST, a harmless improvement to milk. Our court system can not be played or abused. Yes lawyers try all the time, like with the current Roundup cancer lawsuits but not one penny has been paid out. Not one Monsanto lawsuit has ever seen a conviction unless there was CLEAR PROVEN CRIMINAL INTENT by the farmer, proven in court. ==== 516 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCX4x10Yob2a-Vfhp4AaABAg.926L_qctPOA92CJUQYSIhQ --- [USER 208] We have had patented seed both gmo and non gmo every since Congress passed the Plant Variety Protection Act in 1970 Protecting Plant Breeders with Patented Rights. Any seed company will sue a farmer if he breaks the Law and tries to save patented seed for planting next years crop. That is illegal. Laws are made for everyone to obey not just a few. If you do not like the laws then work to change them. Farmers Overwhelmingly freely choose gmo technology seed in the world if it is an option even though it cost more. Not all crops use gmo technology. ==== 517 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCX4x10Yob2a-Vfhp4AaABAg.926L_qctPOA92CJs8YwlOF --- [USER 208] I read your post. Hopefully you read mine. Ignorance is is to blame for much of the resistance against GMO Technology not any seed company. Monsanto does not exist today. ==== 518 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCX4x10Yob2a-Vfhp4AaABAg.926L_qctPOA92D6b7vfKK6 --- [USER 208] I debunked your ignorant objection to patents. Rather than an attempt at challenging my valid refutations you just rambled on with the same stupid shit. If you were an inventor you would know of the indispensable value of patents. No inventor could even make a living without them. ==== 519 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxrGzHxVpynek4IwNp4AaABAg.925fVQBOJ7Z92AwHii8_kQ --- False premise. You posted a lie and then asked a question about your lie fantasy. The cost of food in the EU is very high compared to the US and we live longer with lower cancer rates than the EU, when adjusted to ignore our opioid epidemic. We eat more GMO foods and have less cancer. You are also lying about 'foreign people's eating habits' and preferences - your immigrants eat a lot of Halal and kosher foods and many are vegetarian. They have their Jewish, schwarma, Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Thai foods, to name a few. You are full of shit. ==== 520 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyeRoLoN_u4foD_Ied4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 521 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxr2c3ldwPG-OL6VZR4AaABAg.92-QesVsgKT92013hgtKSA --- We don't label for breeding methods you nut job. All pertinent Codex rules and guidelines are fully met you liar. Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 522 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxr2c3ldwPG-OL6VZR4AaABAg.92-QesVsgKT9202w_JbPnN --- 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 161st BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 161 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINKS OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 161st TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject dot org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 523 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxr2c3ldwPG-OL6VZR4AaABAg.92-QesVsgKT92FENB9b_3w --- [USER 73] Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 524 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxr2c3ldwPG-OL6VZR4AaABAg.92-QesVsgKT92FEUkzq4zg --- [USER 73] 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 162nd BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 162 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINKS OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 162nd TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject dot org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 525 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxyvzM6q16bW-_jt6x4AaABAg.92-QM8WQ9jV9201A1LNqjo --- We don't label for breeding methods you nut job. All pertinent Codex rules and guidelines are fully met you liar. Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 526 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxyvzM6q16bW-_jt6x4AaABAg.92-QM8WQ9jV92031nMhXMA --- 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 161st BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 161 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINKS OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 161st TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject dot org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 527 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxrcWsBC19HxxkB7F54AaABAg.91tk97TY6VW91uasdUirg1 --- No asshole, we DO understand genes. We have mapped the complete genomes of hundreds of organisms. We don't 'make humans' because it is illegal and immoral. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO DOES NOT KNOW SHIT!! We test all GMOs for years before they are approved - no exceptions. YOU ARE THE CLUELESS ONE HERE and you professed willful ignorance rather then learning from the video. You are the reason for my mantra: Youtube is where the idiocracy comes to feed. ==== 528 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxrcWsBC19HxxkB7F54AaABAg.91tk97TY6VW9203aFSDtaL --- [USER 73] All readers - do a search for "genome project whole new human organ" and you will get NO RESULTS anywhere in the internet!! THIS INSANE LIAR IS A TOXIC MENTALLY ILL MESS. Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 529 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxTVTa-BjPk5AUbE9B4AaABAg.91tjd68UrAc91uaO5w1RpP --- You ignorant fool - Monsanto shut down over two years ago. And you tried to play the shill card - you just forfeit. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 530 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxVUv9ahZt0v66CNnx4AaABAg.91t7FswDn0191tOLSFQX8U --- Where the hell have you been for the last 50 years? We have an extreme planetary emergency due to the high co2 levels. In part from CUTTING DOWN TOO MANY TREES!! It is absolutely impossible for the greatly diminished existing stands of trees to extract "too much". Even if we could magically restore the half of Earth's forests that have been cut down the co2 would remain dangerously high for decades. ==== 531 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugze8KzJErS1oQJ26q94AaABAg.91ndKG9KlVf91qdtp9G8HE --- You are a moron. The video does not say that. There is only ONE kind of pest that GMO Bt can resist. "Suspicious stew" is only between your ears where an education should be. Social media is turning you into a blathering idiot. ==== 532 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzZvfkeRZCy52GPuZB4AaABAg.91hNwnPgNW591jJIKM50Ec --- You heard wrong. There is no such thing as "weird junk in bugs". Activists funded by organic farmers spread every possible lie about totally safe GMO foods. NGOs and government seed programs are finally beating hunger for the first time by developing and giving away free GMO seed. Search Youtube for brinjal eggplant in Bangladesh for an excellent example. I usually give links but this channel blocks live links. ==== 533 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzqzbx0OS3larofSWl4AaABAg.91g-i88on1591gR9erFUQg --- Geek. ==== 534 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyQkwX1wjVcyH0RIQ54AaABAg.91fRQrSFyWP91gRB4wGbg6 --- Geek. ==== 535 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyp7Kbmhq7VLVSnbyF4AaABAg.91d455hHv_k91enNaNgSi- --- Vitamin A is made in our bodies from beta carotene. Back to school with you. Use my form letter. This form letter will aid the genetically illiterate to efficiently post their entirely predictable regurgitated myths fed to them by activists who are in turn funded by the organic foods cartel: [20 year seed patents, granted continuously since 1931, are evil] [Insert naturalistic fallacy here] [Insert organic doesn't use pesticides here] [Cite obviously biased source here] [Call someone a shill] [Claim all US safety agencies are run by Monsanto] [Enjoy your poison, drink weed killer] [Insert something about god or a bible here] [Mis-spell glyphosate] [Profit is evil even though nobody works for free] [Science has been wrong before] [Cite cherry picked/disproved study here] [Cite AO produced 50 years ago means GMOs must be poison] [Cite tobacco, something we don't even eat, is somehow proof that GMOs are not safe] [Claim the EU bans all GMOs (they don't)] [Mono cropping is evil even though it is a disaster when not in farming] [GMOs destroy biodiversity (no they increase it)] ==== 536 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyp7Kbmhq7VLVSnbyF4AaABAg.91d455hHv_k91orzX-wT1C --- [USER 210] [USER 209 NAME]hat's arbitrary bullshit made up on the spot by you with no proof, studies or reference links. Humans are omnivores. We remain omnivores if we only eat 8 ounces of meat per month, or 80 pounds. Where we lived and the seasons determine the mix, obviously. Wild plants vary 'wildly' in nutrition and ease of eating. Berries were always berries. Seaweed and coconuts and dates are unchanged. Roots are still roots, even yucca or potatoes. [USER 209 NAME]hey are larger but still what we ate in the beginning. Wild bananas just mean spitting out more seeds, the food value is still there. ==== 537 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyp7Kbmhq7VLVSnbyF4AaABAg.91d455hHv_k91osJCriUoA --- [USER 210] You continue to make the stupidest posts on this thread. Home schooled? Your preferences for anime and video games reveals your priorities, you ignorant little geek. Get an education. ==== 538 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx25zVK901hrWXh_3J4AaABAg.91bi2eh3SdL91enU4XiD5O --- Shill card. You lose by forfeit. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 539 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzORW1X5P_RO9Gg5ch4AaABAg.91_EgYcleLP91bV7C5bREf --- Several false premises in your post - GMO foods are NOT new organisms - we have been eating these plants for over 10,000 years. The first rule when submitting any new GM seed for testing for FDA, USDA & EPA approval is that it must be SUBSTANTIALLY EQUIVALENT to the non-GM version or it will not be approved. Over 75 tests take years to complete. Any issue you can think of is already being tested for in advance. They are released with the exact opposite of 'little care". What ever gave you such an idea? Natural News? A Youtube trash video by a fraud? ==== 540 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzORW1X5P_RO9Gg5ch4AaABAg.91_EgYcleLP91nv-vbR7jO --- [USER 212] That is obvious. Tell it to Tlaloc who is wringing his hands about a GMO bogeyman myth. ==== 541 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwAhsO96R_mayjDpZR4AaABAg.91TovlIpt4z91UQb6vpIpY --- Fuck that "ruling elite" conspiratard bullshit. FARMERS grow our food. It is illegal by federal law to sell any hazardous food. Food has nothing to do with fertility. ==== 542 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwAhsO96R_mayjDpZR4AaABAg.91TovlIpt4z91XQzi6JndJ --- There is no reason thy WOULD want to curtail health and fertility. We all require healthy tax payers. ==== 543 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgweGx3LaT68eQsgjp94AaABAg.91T-E_zjkuL91UQd3MLhfR --- Uneducated. ==== 544 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgweGx3LaT68eQsgjp94AaABAg.91T-E_zjkuL91Uz8Z6S3Q6 --- [USER 214] Laughing as you use our inventions of internet, software, Youtube, medical science, GPS and phones, music, movies, fashion sense and you even have an idea what it is like to walk on the moon after we put men there in your name. But trust the best crop science? NO!!!!!!! You laugh your ass off about that...... ungrateful hypocrite. Get a fucking education. ==== 545 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgweGx3LaT68eQsgjp94AaABAg.91T-E_zjkuL91X4JtYuDbQ --- [USER 214] NO!!! My "try" was a complete success. You can not prove Africans invented those. You know that Africans do not create the fashion sense embraced globally (unless you think thug culture is fashion). Our offense of slavery is off topic here. Africa still lives in the dark ages of superstition and corruption. You still have roving bands of animals with machetes cutting off the limbs of neighbor tribes. You attack and murder workers at Ebola clinics. You say stupid shit like AIDS was a plot by Americans. Look at the new videos posted every day here at Youtube by backwards superstitious uneducated Africans who say GMOs are an enemy of the people when in fact it is your only way to escape hunger. ==== 546 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgweGx3LaT68eQsgjp94AaABAg.91T-E_zjkuL91XvOI-eInN --- [USER 214] Your only real enemy is ignorance. Wikipedia is an amateur resource that must be verified for each claim. That's why we see millions of footnotes on it. It is never reliable as a sole source. All things I posted here are searchable on the web from thousands of sources, not just one. Wikipedia is another thing Africans have not made for themselves. Nor have you earned trust. ==== 547 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgweGx3LaT68eQsgjp94AaABAg.91T-E_zjkuL91ZS_JFDPjZ --- [USER 214] I'm retired. Making money not important. Defending our honest hard working farmers and crop scientists is very important. I will never stop. Nothing about science is about feelings, opinions or hunches. If you had a proper education you would already know this fact. ==== 548 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyYSkZaRlzEddxv8Xp4AaABAg.91RwaGZThKo91URWDPPpqQ --- We do, when it is warranted. ==== 549 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy8BF8pFJRNfs-ckj94AaABAg.91Hk8r9-76R91HoOs0Fwr2 --- That's the naturalistic fallacy. GMOs all use plants that came out of evolution and 10,000 years of human breeding methods. There is no GMO bogeyman. Pest resistance has been a challenge for farmers for over 200 years. They know how to control it with crop and pesticide rotation to prevent resistance buildup. In fact it is GMO science which will create enough different strains to make control by rotation easier. ==== 550 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzkKI1a2Df1GC_LwWB4AaABAg.91Gw1B9MQKp91Hnh3ewqx2 --- Bullshit. This is about education level and nothing else. Huge Pew polls in 2016 & 2018 found equal concerns and acceptance about GMOs in both major political parties. As a hard core tree hugging liberal old hippie I embrace and defend GMO science. So much for your ignorance. ==== 551 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzkKI1a2Df1GC_LwWB4AaABAg.91Gw1B9MQKp91nvoOMcY_v --- [USER 216] When you mention hippies you imply liberals. I corrected you by proving that repugnicans also question GMOs equally, leaving you with no valid point. ==== 552 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzqkvWKpCjU3f7yZp14AaABAg.91DCJsWaXKN91DE7MBXnlp --- Monsanto does not exist and your post is false. Try another lie please. ==== 553 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyO7Q8XBgEiLNtQ7Pl4AaABAg.91D5qCNW0k-91DrRX5xadD --- The Bt trait is just a protein, a very specific one. ==== 554 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugza8AnGztbU7CGqzsZ4AaABAg.91CrJf_OCUc91Jkkjd1zGp --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 555 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugza8AnGztbU7CGqzsZ4AaABAg.91CrJf_OCUc91V9I9LU7VK --- [USER 73] READ it again slowly. NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 556 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugza8AnGztbU7CGqzsZ4AaABAg.91CrJf_OCUc91h5_H8ubOc --- [USER 73] Yes your rhetoric is bullshit. NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 557 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzsQnpbrhOF1xj_aVR4AaABAg.91COzud5X_k91DrZAjsNA5 --- Spam. ==== 558 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy7eojVV9oIhW_3kdp4AaABAg.9162dNClE_z91DEWnyTZwn --- Yes and gmo technology is saving the bees. Would you like to learn more? ==== 559 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz2mGAbRdLr9ua3kSZ4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 560 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxnbE6-t9y7xZMGmeh4AaABAg.90x-jEFty7n90yuSRdAkFh --- All readers -this asshole troll is lying. He makes absurd conclusions about Codex that you will see are wrong if you actually look at the Codex site. He takes wording like "may", "unlikely" and "can" as absolutes! He is distorting the findings of a 6 year old obsolete GENERA chart the GLP did not even create - it does NOT say that 8% cause harm, it says 8% are at a very low risk as opposed to no risk at all for the rest of study conclusions. He has lied 155 times here about "no human safety data" when it is in fact present and proven. I keep count. ==== 561 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxnbE6-t9y7xZMGmeh4AaABAg.90x-jEFty7n90yugHnui6K --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 562 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxnbE6-t9y7xZMGmeh4AaABAg.90x-jEFty7n91DEisQeW1i --- [USER 73] Your post is False. Name the documenteded off target side -effects. ==== 563 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxnbE6-t9y7xZMGmeh4AaABAg.90x-jEFty7n91EcMoVfiPz --- [USER 73] Thank You for admitting that your post was a lie and there are NO documented off target side-effects. NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 564 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxnbE6-t9y7xZMGmeh4AaABAg.90x-jEFty7n91loqWvWBgc --- [USER 73] The mentally ill obsessed liar troll 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 160th BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 160 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINKS OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 160th TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject dot org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 565 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxnbE6-t9y7xZMGmeh4AaABAg.90x-jEFty7n92GAPy9PYL3 --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 566 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyUjbThP0wTwbh5iWF4AaABAg.90sjxb_-fgK90skSeGOdbA --- I am glad that you know gmo technology is a good thing. Large corporations are involved in everything, you name it and they are involved in it. ==== 567 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyUjbThP0wTwbh5iWF4AaABAg.90sjxb_-fgK90vRHsmiwvF --- Pharma has nothing to do with farming. A common meme we all hear if we are exposed to lying activist sites and videos is that the Monsanto boogeyman and "corporations" want to "control the world's seed supply". Let's ponder that for a moment which is all it takes to realize how absurd and ignorant that meme really is. First of all, Monsanto shut down over two years ago. All the corporate seed companies combined comprise less than 20% of our global seed supply. A partial list of the plethora of supply sources they can never touch: free NGO and government run seed programs, seed banks and vaults, seed exchanges, seed libraries, neighbors swapping seed, farm granges, online seed sales, small local farm supply stores, gardening supply stores, collecting seed from wild sources, countries like Mexico where GMO seed is rejected, China with its own GMO and conventional seed programs, Asshole Russia with their anti-GMO troll armies, seed saving practices, remote villages who never have and never will buy seed, and mountain terrace farmers at the ends of 200 kilometer long foot paths in mountainous regions of three continents. Are corporate seed sellers going to march jack booted thugs up those paths with packs full of seed they will force the remote villages to buy?? Myth busted! ==== 568 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyUjbThP0wTwbh5iWF4AaABAg.90sjxb_-fgK90vRQgLetjc --- Maybe you need to review what the word 'truth' actually means. You are repeating and untrue conspiracy theory. ==== 569 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwKVvDY26s4zvigSHZ4AaABAg.90qULrYUbM690sjJh5-opV --- You are very science illiterate. The WHO, EPA, EFSA and 281 other agencies all affirm that GMOs and glyphosate are totally safe and cause no unintended consequences. Full global consensus! All 284 global health and safety agencies agree. Yes, this is the mother of all GMO safety citations and a stake in the heart of all anti-biotech conspiratards: siquierotransgenicos dot cl/2015/06/13/more-than-240-organizations-and-scientific-institutions-support-the-safety-of-gm-crops/ On the linked page is a hyperlink of proof for each of those 284 agencies. Some may not be in English. Only the Russians and the IARC now discredited by bribery disagree. ==== 570 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwKVvDY26s4zvigSHZ4AaABAg.90qULrYUbM691DEtIfKkNl --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 571 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwKVvDY26s4zvigSHZ4AaABAg.90qULrYUbM691Ecj5fUP3d --- [USER 73] Thank You for showing your true ignorance on this subject Almost. NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 572 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwKVvDY26s4zvigSHZ4AaABAg.90qULrYUbM691H6Yu2vu1P --- [USER 73] The reason is that NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian ==== 573 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx2L447xSxDN8AzRol4AaABAg.90q7qOwzL0J90rAfeQR3l2 --- You are clueless. Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn rootworms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO Technology. ==== 574 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx2L447xSxDN8AzRol4AaABAg.90q7qOwzL0J90skXELfstq --- Bt is just a protein molecule. It is so extremely specific that it can only bind with cells in the gut of borer worm pests, and NO OTHER LIVING THING!!!! We don't want crop pests to survive!! We set up an unnatural environment on farms where pests can reproduce exponentially and unnaturally. YOU ARE MISSING A LOT!!!! ==== 575 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwMmT6bon0n4-DXm5h4AaABAg.90p108vEMhJ90skgXXJZEx --- IF THERE IS SUCH A THING it is a total face plant failure!!! Populations are increasing dangerously now. You are an ignorant fool who has no education. ==== 576 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwMmT6bon0n4-DXm5h4AaABAg.90p108vEMhJ91-MxQhNUYu --- [USER 217] You are revealed as a fool if you can not tell us about the latest case of food being "poisoned" by GMO farmers. Tell us the date, the city where it happened and the poison used. All intentional "poisoning" of food is a crime and foods can be traced to their origin. Offenders a caught, arrested, tried and jailed. he last two food poisonings on the news his week were beef contaminated with salmonella and organic food contaminated with e-coli. No GMO foods have been in the news this year about poisoning. ==== 577 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwMmT6bon0n4-DXm5h4AaABAg.90p108vEMhJ91-NZFjYw7i --- [USER 217] I have been doing SEVEN YEARS OF DAILY HOMEWORK ON THIS TOPIC, you have done none besides watch an ignorant lying Youtube trash video. I have 9,000 peer reviewed science studies and 400 links to real science reference sites, not Youtube trash. You are so poorly educated you have to use child cartoon emojis to express yourself. Thanks for letting me make a complete fool on you here in this venue that can be seen by the entire world. All over he world people can see me making an idiot of a black person with a poor education. Do you enjoy embarrassing your race? I do not. This is a lesson for you. ==== 578 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwMmT6bon0n4-DXm5h4AaABAg.90p108vEMhJ91-R-WRO6jk --- [USER 217] One way your stupidity keeps you down is that you have no ability to decide what accurate unbiased information looks like. "I marvel at how anti-ag “shockumentaries” never fall into that rut. You know, in the time-honored, inflammatory vein of “Food Inc.,” “Cowspiracy,” “Farmageddon,” etc. Through clever wordplays, provocative imagery, and anecdotes, they appeal to the everyman/woman in us all. The directors know how to press the right buttons — they have the pseudoscience down to a science. These glorified infomercials are entertaining (in a cringey way), just insufferably formulaic. They dredge up the same old tired, recycled arguments. They artfully embellish with alternative facts and ignore whatever doesn’t suit. It banks on shallow soundbytes taken at face value, rather than a critical analysis of content. In effect, predatory messaging for the masses. Thanks to Sound Speed PR, I recently had the opportunity to review a new entry to the shockumentary genre: “Secret Ingredients.” True to form, it’s an alphabet soup of common gripes, all rolled into a tidy package. Essentially, the duo of GMOs and Roundup are responsible for all our chronic health ills. The tabloid-esque assertions are so absurd, and the visuals so comically overblown (a butterfly fleeing in terror from a cropduster, and a Monsanto-branded tanker truck ferrying Roundup and Agent Orange on the road?) it seemingly borders on self-parody. But it’s deadly serious. The messaging relies too heavily on absurd reductionism. The core message is that all of our health ills can be attributed to just a couple of dubious actors. By withdrawing these players from our diets, we can experience a near instantaneous health renewal. These calls for a health renaissance are delectably simple and elegant — and also laughably wrong. It desperately needs a dose of narrative Pepto-Bismol. So where did it go astray? Let me count the ways. The brainchild of this opus is Jeffery Smith, of the Institute for Responsible Technology, with a special guest appearance by [USER 219] Honeycutt of Moms Across America, among others. You know you’re in for an [USER 218] pilgrimage into factual no-man’s land. At the title screen, “Secret Ingredients” wafts insidiously from a loaded dinner plate. It starts with a family beset with tragedy — all sorts of chronic conditions cropping up (21 in all), including autism. And these were self-described health nuts. So the mom embarks on an odyssey of discovery to connect the dots. After doing “research” (a common trope for those dissatisfied with modern science), the answer was obvious — ditch the GMOs and Roundup! We’re told that “independent” scientists disagree about the health consensus surrounding GMOs — implying that they have the moral scruples to resist pro-GMO payola. For their integrity, they’re the victims of a vicious industry response that punishes anyone who dares to question. There’s even mention of Bt insecticidal proteins made by select GMO crops — and how those proteins carve holes in the guts of insect pests, killing them. Imagine what it would do to us! Well, nothing actually. We lack the proper gut receptors to latch on to. We also don’t have alkaline guts, another prerequisite. No overdose of Tums is going to change that. There’s also the fact that Bt has been sprayed organically for 90 years. Live, formulated, chemical payloads. A pesticide. Spray it or give the plant the ability to make it in-house. There’s no meaningful difference, except in delivery. The most hate seems to be directed at Roundup. According to the film’s “esteemed” experts, Roundup and GMOs are two peas in a pod. It’s implicated in body burden (all the toxins that accrue in our systems and screw up the works). A pediatrician confidently states that we should go organic to avoid GMOs (generally true if you want to avoid them), and pesticides (I’d check your references). And when she wrote this “prescription,” the results were miraculous! When a child was tested for glyphosate, he had 8x higher levels than those in Europe (are we going to quibble about near-nil and closer to near-nil levels?) Are those levels biologically impactful? Not at all. More than 40 years to data can attest to that. And don’t forget the generic catch-all condition of “inflammation” and the clinically unrecognized “leaky gut”. Autism, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and brain fog, “Secret Ingredients” says they’re all singularly due to Roundup. Clinical mic drop! Futurist Carl Sagan claimed that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” “Secret Ingredients” takes the proverbial cake. From a coarse understanding of the scientific method, including a lack of reproducibility and corroborating evidence and cherry-picking, the empirical and ethical lapses are striking." agdaily dot com/technology/secret-ingredients-review-menu-of-deceit/ ==== 579 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwMmT6bon0n4-DXm5h4AaABAg.90p108vEMhJ91-SdhXq_1Q --- [USER 217] It feels like I am winning, because I won. How did your total lack of proof make you feel? How does it feel to be so completely humiliated by facts from an educated person who knows how to win every debate? If you start your remedial education now you could be ready to beat me in 4 years. That will also increase your salary and employability. ==== 580 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw1hHDkoO3qeOfmaV14AaABAg.90nSbkyCFLz90nTgj-R4jM --- No. You are not getting accurate information. The issues with pesticides have been investigated carefully by science and they found you were getting counterfeit and contaminated pesticides and your workers were ignoring all the label warnings about handling them safely. You should never let children work in those fields under any circumstances. You should never come home covered in pesticide residues and expose your family to it. You have to follow the instructions exactly and not let land owners force you to use pesticides improperly. You even let malicious activists photograph your children with burns from fires and claim it was pesticide injury. We have all the data needed, you just have to use and respect it. ==== 581 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw1hHDkoO3qeOfmaV14AaABAg.90nSbkyCFLz90nfWk6KtEo --- [USER 221] I never claimed this was "about me" in any way. You just made that stupid shit up because you have no debating skills. I never need to make a single assumption or post a single personal opinion because there is a mountain of verified peer reviewed information about this topic, especially what is going on in your region. There were no verified peer reviewed valid "studies and observations" of the type you dishonestly claim happened. Anti-science activists flooded the internet and local press with fear mongering lies 4 years ago and since then all the claims have been systematically debunked and exposed. This peer reviewed study debunks your zika conspiracy theories: "The present study investigates the characteristics of discussion of conspiracy theories about the Zika virus outbreak of 2015–16 on Twitter. Content and social network analysis of a dataset of 25,162 original Tweets about Zika virus conspiracy theories showed that relative to debunking messages, conspiracy theories spread through a more decentralized network, are more likely to invoke supposedly knowledgeable authorities in making arguments, and ask more rhetorical questions. These trends can be understood in the context of previous work on conspiracy theories, including the “just asking questions” style of rhetoric, the importance of sourcing and authority, and the tendency to simultaneously consider many different potential conspiracies that might underlie an important topic or event." ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/PMC6094351/ ==== 582 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw1hHDkoO3qeOfmaV14AaABAg.90nSbkyCFLz90slMqScxHP --- [USER 221] It is important to mention the Zika conspiracy theory as a example of how ignorant SA people are. Human errors and corruption on a massive scale are the issue with pesticide issues in SA. Nobody here besides YOU mentioned "children playing with pesticides". They don't play with them they are used as child slave labor to apply pesticides while being provided no protective gear as is always required on the warning labels. SA is a land of ignorance and corruption. It has no responsible safety laws to protect farmers from unregulated and unapproved pesticides, or to demand they wear protective gear. You can not win a losing argument. ==== 583 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw1hHDkoO3qeOfmaV14AaABAg.90nSbkyCFLz90t6Mg4pqX4 --- [USER 221] YOU mentioned South America. The stupid Zika lies and conspiracy theories generated in SA are a prime example of the culture of lies and corruption in your third world continent. Glyphosate is 43% less toxic to humans than table salt. It is by far the least toxic herbicide ever formulated. If it is "dangerous" what are all the other pesticides that are far more toxic? End of the world? If so, you should thank god for glyphosate. GMO crop science is a blessing. Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 584 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw1hHDkoO3qeOfmaV14AaABAg.90nSbkyCFLz90t7Fa6DaHc --- [USER 221] Relative toxicity chart based on the international LD50 standards is shown and explained here - because this channel blocks live links you have to replace the dots to get there: skepticalraptor [dot]com/skepticalraptorblog[dot]php/simple-math-the-dose-makes-the-poison/ There are many more sources for the LD50 charts that prove glyphosate is the least toxic of all if you decide to not be willfully ignorant and do your own search. The alternative is to go down in history as part of the disinformation generation. ==== 585 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw1hHDkoO3qeOfmaV14AaABAg.90nSbkyCFLz90t92vAWzZC --- [USER 221] Well I DID know that you are science illiterate, meaning you have no clue that opinions, feelings and hunches have no place in the discussion or debate of science. You were supposed to learn this just half way through your grade school education and then build on that basic rule. You failed. This is why I win all debates, over 50 each day here. Peer reviewed science consensus is the closest thing to ultimate truth the human mind can evoke. Again, YOU brought up a specific continent with a [USER 152] specific set of lies and conspiracy theories you are exposed to there. Nothing in any of my posts implied I suggested toxicity varied by country. In fact I went to the trouble of linking you the INTERNATIONAL STANDARD LD50 chart. I am so well versed on this topic that I can tell you in advance which lies you have been hearing based on your country of origin. All readers here can clearly see I have kicked your ass severely and yet you still come back for more. I will never stop. I am ready to do this you 5 hours a day, 365/yr for the next 5 years if you want. I enjoy humiliating ignorant fools. Can't get enough of it as it leaves this public record of the high number of Youtube conspiratards - this is where the idiocracy comes to feed and I am here ready to pounce. I have 51 followers without posting a single video. ==== 586 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwEf1Nc-egbRVrHjnJ4AaABAg.90mwG2BPii190nU3H1vRNz --- That is very ignorant to say. OF COURSE they are 'messed with', that's the whole fucking point!! Messed with by top experts in the field to improve their performance, then tested for years before any are approved. You desperately need a science education! All foods you eat have been messed with for 10,000 years as we improved their yields and nutrition. ==== 587 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzQioH2TjRu8QAc7L54AaABAg.90i1_ztSM3n90iSCfSDtyC --- Bullshit!! That is an extremely ignorant lie. We don't have to buy seedless and those who buy fruit do not buy it to get seeds for planting. Seedless is NOT GMO. All Seedless watermelon patches have seeded plants there too to provide pollination as part of the diploid and triploid breeding process. Seeded melons sell for less because we don't like them much. It must be a nightmare to go through life with all your delusions. You live in a culture of hatred you call a religion. ==== 588 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw_Lw4NvOQVtPDz07p4AaABAg.90enuAIXpyp90iSY-aN5mO --- The WHO, EPA, EFSA and 281 other agencies all affirm that GMOs and glyphosate are totally safe and cause no unintended consequences. Full global consensus! All 284 global health and safety agencies agree. Yes, this is the mother of all GMO safety citations and a stake in the heart of all anti-biotech conspiratards: siquierotransgenicos dot cl/2015/06/13/more-than-240-organizations-and-scientific-institutions-support-the-safety-of-gm-crops/ On the linked page is a hyperlink of proof for each of those 284 agencies. Some may not be in English. Only the Russians and the IARC now discredited by bribery disagree. ==== 589 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxFS2gTl_IYpMWVI9p4AaABAg.90bOZ3ApTbl90d3d4kBnK3 --- Congratulations! You are one of the 5 million Youtube morons who thinks Monsanto still exists. It shut down over two years ago. At no point did they ever control more than 20% of the GM seed market. ==== 590 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyKn9MB2_xYY0bZ2pZ4AaABAg.90_pM9bAYtf90amXgBJONq --- No. You are very uninformed. Ever single GMO seed, with no exceptions, undergoes years of testing before approval. Every potential issue is tested for in advance and not approved unless it is safe. USDA, FDA & EPA regulations demand over 75 tests that take time and money to complete. As a result there has been no documented harm from any GMO food. BUT there are a million liars who effectively spread fear mongering nonsense and demand special labels. ==== 591 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyKn9MB2_xYY0bZ2pZ4AaABAg.90_pM9bAYtf917DM6KUjT4 --- [USER 223] Again you are wrong. ANY land that is cleared and planted with ANY crop - organic, heirloom, conventional or GMO is harmed because all farming is invasive to nature. GMO crops are identical in impact to other farming operations. There is no such thing as a "self sustained plant" in farming. All plants we grow have been vastly altered by man over the last 10,000 years. GMO seed is a gift to humanity when the patents expire, or from the start when non-profits donate the seed to struggling farmers. Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 592 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyKn9MB2_xYY0bZ2pZ4AaABAg.90_pM9bAYtf917DrOYOzHc --- [USER 223] Nothing has "failed". All GMOs give us improvements that help farmers. There is no reason for GMO if it did not improve farming. All GMOs are 100% predictable the same as other crops we grow. But GMO has a more predicable yield for farmers. ==== 593 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxa_mQBV1TqbYXef1h4AaABAg.90_Laoc9-jQ90d46cK28jj --- [USER 225] Total horseshit. They had a little garden. Do you think they grew their own wheat, soy, sugar beets, canola oil, oats, citrus and apples? You are a moron conspiratard. They are not vegetarians either. ==== 594 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyc0sitzic0t50r0m54AaABAg.90_6S-4hwq590_LXNmjCg6 --- Their fear is from ignorance on the subject. ==== 595 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyc0sitzic0t50r0m54AaABAg.90_6S-4hwq590an-VmFScB --- [USER 225] [USER 226] is the smartest man in the room. ==== 596 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyc0sitzic0t50r0m54AaABAg.90_6S-4hwq591h66bYNeCd --- [USER 225] Wheat is NOT a gmo technology crop. Hopefully you will find your ass when you are done laughing. ==== 597 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzOOAitUy-5QXMIyNN4AaABAg.90ZoA3bfwfp90aoyijT1So --- They missed nothing. You pulled wording out of context and tried to distort what it means. You were caught and called out as an insane obsessed liar. "May" in context is used in most studies. They know that "may" is not the same as will or does. Caution is part of real science studies, all of them. The WHO, EPA, EFSA and 281 other agencies all affirm that GMOs and glyphosate are totally safe and cause no unintended consequences. Full global consensus! All 284 global health and safety agencies agree. Yes, this is the mother of all GMO safety citations and a stake in the heart of all anti-biotech conspiratards: siquierotransgenicos dot cl/2015/06/13/more-than-240-organizations-and-scientific-institutions-support-the-safety-of-gm-crops/ On the linked page is a hyperlink of proof for each of those 284 agencies. Some may not be in English. Only the Russians and the IARC now discredited by bribery disagree. ==== 598 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyr2NfJUL4GPI_K1Ll4AaABAg.90Z6eQNQXr790ao-3yAA9O --- They won't bother. This is 2 1/2 years old and abandoned. The entire compendium of human knowledge is at your fingertips through searches. Ask and ye shall receive. ==== 599 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzRM6C3h2uHM60fqkd4AaABAg.90U33NGQNHi90URFQoIHG7 --- False. ==== 600 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzSYjqWY08EBr6c-hl4AaABAg.90ThSCoC8nP90Wi7yeLtr- --- No. Not in sensible amounts. As always, excess in anything can be a problem. Pure unaltered cocoa beans offer a wide array of antioxidants, even more then coffee. The BULK of all studies on coffee and cocoa still say it is healthy. No single study can change that. ==== 601 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwtL0u0b-XYhWW_1Jx4AaABAg.90PwzVcMhY790WiD1jYEIs --- Behold the Youtube flunkie of the future. ==== 602 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgycU3YwzDnY_CsrX-d4AaABAg.90ODf1LaCCW90ZKavvDBmH --- NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 603 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwXRGMJBXGfaWdU6Sh4AaABAg.90Ha_0WYBRA90I6Nm91JIn --- [USER 225] Look at the average temperatures for the last 50 years. You are now the dunce in the classroom [USER 224 NAME]. ==== 604 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwXRGMJBXGfaWdU6Sh4AaABAg.90Ha_0WYBRA90ZKvImHrVy --- [USER 225] We are not in Australia. The average temperatures have increased here. Stay cool in Australia [USER 224 NAME]. ==== 605 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwXRGMJBXGfaWdU6Sh4AaABAg.90Ha_0WYBRA90ZoaUfWfrM --- [USER 225] Yes temperatures fluctuate but temperature averages have risen in this country. You can stick your head in the sand if you wish but facts don't lie. I am glad you can stay cool in Australia. ==== 606 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwXRGMJBXGfaWdU6Sh4AaABAg.90Ha_0WYBRA90ZsUVfRQ2E --- [USER 225] Facts don't lie! What does the crime rate in Australia have to do with higher average temperatures in my country? Thanks for showing your ignorance on this subject. ==== 607 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxmUhpi-nnEpEel5rp4AaABAg.90GjrL7jndc90HGDK0usc9 --- Nice try but this video is abandoned. KZGT just cashes the ad revenue checks it generates. "Welcome to Youtube." ==== 608 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx63_J9YB_qR02CAp54AaABAg.90F6-pmJuNi90PVBAw_Qiu --- Humans have been consuming life saving GMO's since 1981. ==== 609 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx63_J9YB_qR02CAp54AaABAg.90F6-pmJuNi90UPdjjgWCD --- Ehh, no Almost, GMO crops first hit the market in 1994 with the tomato. GMO rennet, used to make most hard cheese was commercialized in 1990. And don't forget life saving insulin. It has been a GMO product since around 1981. ==== 610 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx63_J9YB_qR02CAp54AaABAg.90F6-pmJuNi90ZL9nYv7j_ --- [USER 73] Your post is False. It was sold to farmers to produce feed for livestock. Try to get an education on this subject before spewing out your ignorance Almost. NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 611 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx63_J9YB_qR02CAp54AaABAg.90F6-pmJuNi90ZLF0q9_kX --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 612 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw-FtVVxt8_1R9uw2N4AaABAg.90CfqMChHEs90PVK62fBDN --- The anti science wackos fight it constantly. We can bring back the American Chestnut tree if the Dark Ages crowd would get out of the way. ==== 613 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyAHtJgt75BLio2ib54AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 614 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwhJpcVfMdH3OeIXdx4AaABAg.90CWQJbGRDZ90CdFzTk-VU --- The WHO, EPA, EFSA and 281 other agencies all affirm that GMOs and glyphosate are totally safe and cause no unintended consequences. Full global consensus! All 284 global health and safety agencies agree. Yes, this is the mother of all GMO safety citations and a stake in the heart of all anti-biotech conspiratards: siquierotransgenicos dot cl/2015/06/13/more-than-240-organizations-and-scientific-institutions-support-the-safety-of-gm-crops/ On the linked page is a hyperlink of proof for each of those 284 agencies. Some may not be in English. Only the Russians and the IARC now discredited by bribery disagree. ==== 615 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwP8aapo_7xAd05XlV4AaABAg.90BMeYQROxY90CdKx2Sdm7 --- That is not desired. ==== 616 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw6kmxjJfP53yaNuMV4AaABAg.907drMA20Pe90Cd_XsJ2Vo --- False. Please complete your grade school education. We have been changing DNA in all foods we farm for 10,000 years. We are solving serous problems with GMO crop science. This will increase and you fools will be remembered as ignorant, trying to stand in the way of progress. ==== 617 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxlrNMtM4Rgz0ZKy2x4AaABAg.903hNa06fLw904LIxSoq36 --- A sad testament to the fact that low information Youtube idiocracy needs cartoons to overcome their short attention spans. ==== 618 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxlrNMtM4Rgz0ZKy2x4AaABAg.903hNa06fLw93jUPxyu6ZV --- [USER 195] Science is not about enjoyment. It is not about trolling. Only facts matter and real science can not be lowered to cartoon level. Grow up. Cartoons are for 3rd grade students. ==== 619 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxbFKoRoAkNDSJ_KAh4AaABAg.902Nr7_R5Lb90PVcowDMzT --- [USER 228] --Right on [USER 227 NAME]. ==== 620 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxbFKoRoAkNDSJ_KAh4AaABAg.902Nr7_R5Lb90ZLxW1wwMs --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 621 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdreIaW7hPel4xgQB4AaABAg.902KrqV9hmv904LMA3Xxxm --- This is how we define willful ignorance. ==== 622 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdreIaW7hPel4xgQB4AaABAg.902KrqV9hmv906kgemy9Ux --- 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 149th BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 149 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINKS OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 149th TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject dot org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 623 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdreIaW7hPel4xgQB4AaABAg.902KrqV9hmv906krVsZcCw --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 624 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdreIaW7hPel4xgQB4AaABAg.902KrqV9hmv906lCPE8Txa --- 'Almost sane' is lying about animal feeding studies. No legitimate peer reviewed studies detect any health issues related to GM feed, even multi-generation studies. sciencedirect dot com/science/article/pii/S0278691511006399 ==== 625 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdreIaW7hPel4xgQB4AaABAg.902KrqV9hmv907Ew6vdB4w --- [USER 230] Monsanto shut down over TWO YEARS AGO you idiot!!! I'm retired. A full human generation has thrived on GMO foods and glyphosate instead of much more toxic pesticides. Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 626 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdreIaW7hPel4xgQB4AaABAg.902KrqV9hmv90I6fezCb4t --- [USER 73] What harm did they find Almost? ==== 627 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdreIaW7hPel4xgQB4AaABAg.902KrqV9hmv90JtG59uLKs --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 628 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzJivfoD55CXP52-iZ4AaABAg.902F6r8Gdhk904LYzuKvjy --- You moron!! Monsanto shut down over two years ago. Every day, 365 days a year I remind about ten Youtube conspiratards that Monsanto no longer exists. You need a new witch to hunt, loser. ==== 629 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwSnOXU2KKAjFXt_1R4AaABAg.90-GCmtVq3v904NuMNdCuN --- [USER 231]. Farmers do not want GMO plants to 'mingle'. That would destroy the highly valued trait of unique high performance seeds! ==== 630 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzpxL-KFeZzXYK6vx14AaABAg.90-DxSsKRb0904OKIvE2c2 --- That is a lie made up by organic farmers. Surveys of beneficial insects in GMO fields finds they are plentiful. The GMO trait that kills pests is only effective on a few species of borer worm pests and nothing else. Organic farmers use he same Bt toxin on their crops. ==== 631 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwEJjY9K32Mmg_Gpux4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 632 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz_8g5VPSAd8UcN6Mh4AaABAg.9-x96CldLJr9-xgVjaC2Rz --- ALL READERS SEEING THIS - go to the actual NAS report to see this mentally ill lying sack of shit is cherry picking and distorting the wording of that huge historic NAS study that had a FAVORABLE report on GMOs, so favorable it ended the GMO safety debate forever and this became settled science. Note that no human safety testing is required or desired for GMO foods, risk and substantial equivalency is screened for up front before any GMO is approved for sale. Codex DOES NOT require human safety testing. Here is what this asshole does not want you to see - the link to the study. This channel blocks live links, the main reason this stupid motherfucker infects this thread. Just replace the 'dot' with real dots to make this link work: nas-sites dot org/ge-crops/2016/05/16/report-in-brief/ Their site has been upgraded with videos to explain the findings and facts that are free of the tyranny of organic foods lobbyist lies. ==== 633 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz_8g5VPSAd8UcN6Mh4AaABAg.9-x96CldLJr9-xhX_4AjCo --- 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 148th BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 148 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINKS OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 148th TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject dot org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 634 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz_8g5VPSAd8UcN6Mh4AaABAg.9-x96CldLJr9-xiT6-m6A0 --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 635 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz_8g5VPSAd8UcN6Mh4AaABAg.9-x96CldLJr906k_6xadeq --- "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject dot org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 636 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz_8g5VPSAd8UcN6Mh4AaABAg.9-x96CldLJr906kpSRwnPA --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 637 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz_8g5VPSAd8UcN6Mh4AaABAg.9-x96CldLJr90I85jPv4jH --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 638 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzbsGImMHeP9e2t_VJ4AaABAg.9-waMRgRzxc9-xiH_SWIpb --- All possible factors that trigger allergies are tested for and screened in advance, before any GMO is approved. No new allergies are ever caused by GMO foods that were not already in the systems of people before. Immune system effects are also screened for safety, none have ever been detected. The USDA, FDA & EPA HAVE OVER 75 TESTS that must be passed before any GMO is approved. This takes years to complete. Systematic debunking of the myth that GMOs have caused an increase in ALLERGIES : "There is no short list of culprits. Microbiome, Western diet, and socioeconomic status to name a few. A number of groups have also blamed genetically modified food. According to the Organic Consumers Association, the main trade group for the organic food industry. However, of the foods that most frequently cause food allergy, GM versions simply don’t exist. There is no GM peanut (although development of a hypoallergenic GM peanut is ongoing). There is no GM milk. Or consumable GM egg (although there is now that makes medicine). However, a few cases of allergenicity cropped up during early experiments involving genetically engineered foods, which piqued concerns. [this mandatory testing prevented them from being approved] European Union health agencies, and member nation health agencies, as well as the US FDA, EPA and USDA, are all involved in necessary rigorous assessments of GM foods (or any other foods) for allergic potential. The EPA, in fact, maintains an extensive list of foods that could trigger allergies. Another resource used to test for allergens is the University of Nebraska’s Allergen Online, which matches amino acid sequences of possible allergens with reference proteins [USER 152] to cause allergies. And, so far, no single biotechnology-based protein in food has been found to cause an allergic reaction.The causes behind the increase in food allergies are not [USER 152]. While anti-GMO groups have pointed to biotechnology, there are other proposed causes, each with a varying degree of data to support each. Allergic reactions are complex. Even though eight foods cause most allergies, many more can cause specific reactions, because everybody’s intestinal, nervous and immune systems are different (not to mention their genetics). While certain genetically engineered experimental foods were found to have allergens, these allergens were [USER 152] and caught by researchers in early stages, just as a test on organic peanuts would also show a potential allergic reaction in sensitive people. And further studies have shown that transgenics technology does not make a food any more allergenic — but neither does it automatically make it less (unless the target trait is allergenicity)." geneticliteracyproject dot org/2019/06/07/why-gmos-arent-responsible-for-a-spike-in-food-allergies/ ==== 639 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzfma9m4IUTqSYZhr94AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 640 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugznq2gWgSlDYoyEjmB4AaABAg --- What is not tested, ever, for safety?? Organic, heirloom, hybrid and new truck farm breeds. They go straight to store shelves with [USER 112] testing and YOU are the guinea pig. Look at what has happened because of this fact that never happened with GMO foods: "A year ago[2003] in New Zealand, there was an outbreak of food poisoning from a "killer zucchini" that hospitalized a number of people. Environmentalists jumped all over the story until it was determined that the culprit was "organic" zucchini. Plants are chemical factories that produce a multitude of toxins that protect them. An outbreak of aphid infestation had minimal impact on conventionally grown zucchini. The more vulnerable "organic" zucchini was genetically inferior because of inbreeding. They expressed dangerously high levels of the toxin curcubitan. Had this been a transgenic plant, we would be hearing about it ad nauseum, but being that it was "organic," it was quickly consigned to an Orwellian memory hole." uh dot edu/~trdegreg/genetic_engineering_not_significantly dot htm ==== 641 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx67yHYzcohzvdWF_R4AaABAg.9-tY45skU4J9-v-8RF0qCo --- The US government and science institutions fund the studies. Fuck off with that corruption conspiracy theory bullshit. Pre-GMO safety testing standards, before our FDA, USDA & EPA started demanding 75+ tests on each new GMO before approval, the following happened: In the late 1960s, researchers from the US Department of Agriculture, Penn State University and the Wise Potato Chip Company collaborated to breed the “Lenape” potato. This new breed soon became hugely popular with potato chip manufacturers, due to the fact that it had the perfect combination of sugar and [USER 147] to produce the thin, crispy golden brown potato chips that we know today. But the Lenape potato’s biggest legacy might be its impact on the GMO debate. After the new breed was introduced, the USDA found that it contained heightened levels of solanine, an alkaloid that helps protect the potato against pests that is also slightly toxic and harmful to humans. The Lenape potato shows that risk and uncertainty is not just associated with genetically modified crops, but crops that come from conventional breeding as well. According to a new article on Boing Boing, “there’s actually a lot more risk and uncertainty with conventional breeding, than there is with genetic modification. That’s because, with GM, you’re mucking about with a single gene. There are a lot more genes in play with conventional breeding, and a lot more ways that surprising genetic interactions could come back to haunt you.” geneticliteracyproject dot org/2013/10/04/potato-chips-dangerously-delicious/ If you are a conspiratard who says the GLP put a spin on this, note they only reproduced the story from another site and they provide hyperlinks to more sources. ==== 642 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx67yHYzcohzvdWF_R4AaABAg.9-tY45skU4J9-v-b5x2_ce --- THERE ARE FAR MORE THAN 10,000 STUDIES!!! All GMOs are tested to a level of extreme overkill, it takes years to get a GMO seed approved. Over 75 tests mandated by the FDA, EPA & USDA must be completed with the law that substantial equivalency must be achieved. Go to the dot gov sites for those agencies to see the details about testing. 8,875 peer reviewed published verified GMO safety studies from hundreds of sources globally: sciencedirect dot com/search?qs=gmo&show=25&sortBy=relevance There is no GMO bogeyman, the organic lobbyists want you to believe that. ==== 643 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx67yHYzcohzvdWF_R4AaABAg.9-tY45skU4J90ZMHP7LV0p --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 644 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyjxOmPhi9zK0jFaLx4AaABAg.9-rGviWW5Hl9-sh1eo4p9g --- Monsanto shut down over two years ago. Anything can be weaponized, we don't need more stupid conspiracy theories. Half of all GMOs are created by NGOs and government seed programs and given away free to struggling farmers. "Corporate giants" are capable of, and do in fact make things that are harmless and beneficial. There is no money in being a GMO bogeyman. ==== 645 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyjxOmPhi9zK0jFaLx4AaABAg.9-rGviWW5Hl9-v0eXT2chT --- [USER 11] Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls [USER 10 NAME] Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 646 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzaD-ewpm1zx9aadAF4AaABAg --- Hey everybody! Look at the RAVING LUNATIC 'Almost' trying to defend SERALINI , the most infamous and forever shamed fraud in crop science! What kid of blathering moron would try to defend a 7 year old retracted and fraudulent study??? To what end? You are looking at the insane ramblings of a demented conspiratard. The often reproduced image of rats with large tumors came from the fake scientist fraud Seralini. How dishonest can you get? The Seralini quack has been completely debunked and ejected from the scientific community for his lies about GMOs and rats. For starters, he used a species of lab rat [USER 152] to always grow many tumors by age one no matter what it is fed! The EU launched a massive campaign 6 years ago to either verify or disprove all of Seralini's claims from his organic farmer funded fake lab in France. Results? Not a single claim could be verified or reproduced, all study methods were found to be extremely faulty and misleading. Seralini will go down in history as the top anti-GMO fraud of this century! geneticliteracyproject dot org/2019/02/20/seralini-pseudoscience-syndicate-lessons-learned-from-decade-long -assault-on-biotechnology-orchestrated-by-french-geneticist/ This EU project is also covered in 4 other science sites. Here's another one, pardon the requirement for you to replace the 'dot' with a real dot for the links, KZTG is blocking live links. gmoinfo dot eu/eu/news dot php?news=BLOG- Misinformation-is-the-only-poison--the-end-of-the-Seralini-Affair ==== 647 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzaD-ewpm1zx9aadAF4AaABAg.9-nMmO777Wp9-nN1GwUYaj --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 648 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw_uKtUNeRhxW5Yb3B4AaABAg.9-m_0ZkhkL_9-nN7Q4ku8f --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 649 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw_uKtUNeRhxW5Yb3B4AaABAg.9-m_0ZkhkL_9-q7RG9anU_ --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 650 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw_uKtUNeRhxW5Yb3B4AaABAg.9-m_0ZkhkL_9-xhMK2wZVq --- ALL READERS SEEING THIS - go to the actual NAS report to see this mentally ill lying sack of shit is cherry picking and distorting the wording of that huge historic NAS study that had a FAVORABLE report on GMOs, so favorable it ended the GMO safety debate forever and this became settled science. Note that no human safety testing is required or desired for GMO foods, risk and substantial equivalency is screened for up front before any GMO is approved for sale. Codex DOES NOT require human safety testing. Here is what this asshole does not want you to see - the link to the study. This channel blocks live links, the main reason this stupid motherfucker infects this thread. Just replace the 'dot' with real dots to make this link work: nas-sites dot org/ge-crops/2016/05/16/report-in-brief/ Their site has been upgraded with videos to explain the findings and facts that are free of the tyranny of organic foods lobbyist lies. ==== 651 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw_uKtUNeRhxW5Yb3B4AaABAg.9-m_0ZkhkL_90I8JTAXLyY --- [USER 73] Yes GMO is as safe as its GMO counterparts and that is why NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 652 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLWPrhOVPEdCtWaZR4AaABAg.9-mYHoQcfey9-nMI2-CVmJ --- Hey everybody! Look at the RAVING LUNATIC trying to defend SERALINI the most infamous and forever shamed fraud in crop science! What kid of blathering moron would try to defend a 7 year old DOUBLE RETRACTED and fraudulent study??? To what end? You are looking at the insane ramblings of a demented conspiratard. The often reproduced image of rats with large tumors came from the fake scientist fraud Seralini. How dishonest can you get? The Seralini quack has been completely debunked and ejected from the scientific community for his lies about GMOs and rats. For starters, he used a species of lab rat [USER 152] to always grow many tumors by age one no matter what it is fed! The EU launched a massive campaign 6 years ago to either verify or disprove all of Seralini's claims from his organic farmer funded fake lab in France. Results? Not a single claim could be verified or reproduced, all study methods were found to be extremely faulty and misleading. Seralini will go down in history as the top anti-GMO fraud of this century! geneticliteracyproject dot org/2019/02/20/seralini-pseudoscience-syndicate-lessons-learned-from-decade-long -assault-on-biotechnology-orchestrated-by-french-geneticist/ ==== 653 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLWPrhOVPEdCtWaZR4AaABAg.9-mYHoQcfey9-nN9YcID50 --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 654 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLWPrhOVPEdCtWaZR4AaABAg.9-mYHoQcfey9-nNtFEreMI --- In 2016, before the EU inquiry buried Seralini forever the defamation suit was widely claimed as exoneration when it definitely was not. "No, Séralini’s research wasn’t vindicated by anyone, including the French Courts. The court did not, in any way, decide on the particulars of the research. It’s still bad. It’s still nonsense. It’s still badly designed. And it still does not show a link between GMOs and cancer. It still doesn’t overcome the problem that there’s simply no biological plausibility that genes from GMO foods could transfer itself to humans. What the French court did do exonerate Séralini of committing fraud. Most of us who wrote about the Séralini Affair (yes, it’s a thing) did not accuse him of actual fraud. Bad experimental design? Absolutely. Bad statistical analysis? Definitely. Bad conclusions? Undeniably." skepticalraptor dot com/skepticalraptorblog dot php/seralini-gmo-article-vindicated-by-courts-absolutely-not/ In the end the lawsuit decision was proven to be a gigantic blunder as the full extent of Seralini's hoax was revealed. ==== 655 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLWPrhOVPEdCtWaZR4AaABAg.9-mYHoQcfey9-q70db1sgw --- [USER 73] All readers - note the date of what he claims. AFTER that date and during the time the EU was evaluating all of Seralini's claims all those studies are permanently retracted as fraud. Note how this lying asshole totally ignores the full exposure and ejection from the scientific community of Seralini early in 2019! The often reproduced image of rats with large tumors came from the fake scientist fraud Seralini. How dishonest can you get? The Seralini quack has been completely debunked and ejected from the scientific community for his lies about GMOs and rats. For starters, he used a species of lab rat [USER 152] to always grow many tumors by age one no matter what it is fed! The EU launched a massive campaign 6 years ago to either verify or disprove all of Seralini's claims from his organic farmer funded fake lab in France. Results? Not a single claim could be verified or reproduced, all study methods were found to be extremely faulty and misleading. Seralini will go down in history as the top anti-GMO fraud of this century! geneticliteracyproject dot org/2019/02/20/seralini-pseudoscience-syndicate-lessons-learned-from-decade-long-assault-on-biotechnology- orchestrated-by-french-geneticist/ ==== 656 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLWPrhOVPEdCtWaZR4AaABAg.9-mYHoQcfey9-q7SazQZLe --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 657 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy1ru8f5jZW-H5eVud4AaABAg.9-k6aoDhX2e9-l9CccWQfv --- All farming of every type is invasive to nature. GMO crops are actually less invasive because they require less pesticides of a less toxic nature and they grow more on less acreage, leaving more undisturbed land for carbon sequestration. ==== 658 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy1ru8f5jZW-H5eVud4AaABAg.9-k6aoDhX2e9-nIg4IJPkF --- [USER 233] I do spend almost every day defending real science from ignorant assholes like the Almost troll. This is a noble pursuit in retirement, beats the shit our of senior bingo. ==== 659 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy1ru8f5jZW-H5eVud4AaABAg.9-k6aoDhX2e9-nKvSSb4Gc --- Almost totally insane repeats that false narrative about yields. GMO crop are NOT primarily created to increase yields, they are for reducing losses to pests and dealing with harsh conditions while requiring less pesticides of a less toxic nature. That's why the entire world now fully endorses the best crop science. The WHO, EPA, EFSA and 281 other agencies all say GMOs and glyphosate are totally safe and cause no unintended consequences. Full global consensus! All 284 global health and safety agencies agree. Yes, this is the mother of all GMO safety citations and a stake in the heart of all anti-biotech conspiratards: siquierotransgenicos dot cl/2015/06/13/more-than-240-organizations-and-scientific-institutions-support- the-safety-of-gm-crops/ On the linked page is a hyperlink of proof for each of those 284 agencies. Some may not be in English. Only the Russians and the IARC now discredited by bribery disagree. That NAS study does endorse GM crops unconditionally, that Almost liar asshole is cherry picking wording from a massive study that ended the GMO safety debate for all time. ==== 660 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy1ru8f5jZW-H5eVud4AaABAg.9-k6aoDhX2e9-nN5KpABaY --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 661 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwuWFNEXXX4IOSV4JR4AaABAg.9-hmEWCckGe90I7FuAv74R --- [USER 11] Yes Organic Growers use many highly toxic pesticides. ==== 662 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz5h--plkxT4Y2Fh1N4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 663 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxDu24GTlvZST7W3Sp4AaABAg.9-dNFvZ2oxc9-fkY2HQe9a --- This is about [USER 91], not gamer fantasies. ==== 664 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz6wGb5NgJrlE8XWrJ4AaABAg.9-c69fM9wh79-d1nJoWWPZ --- 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 143rd BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 143 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINKS OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 143rd TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject dot org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 665 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz6wGb5NgJrlE8XWrJ4AaABAg.9-c69fM9wh79-fklVfi5M_ --- [USER 73] They are all lies and I will NEVER SHUT UP FOR ANY REASON YOU FUKWIT. 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 145th BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 145 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINKS OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 144th TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject dot org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 666 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz6wGb5NgJrlE8XWrJ4AaABAg.9-c69fM9wh79-fkpl5JxmW --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 667 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz6wGb5NgJrlE8XWrJ4AaABAg.9-c69fM9wh79-q7VX-CUt4 --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 668 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx158d8QWkkpNeNqj54AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 669 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzIVtAzpo-oSoKcqq94AaABAg.9-a5G-jAbK79-atu0mzdGF --- A new study on the increase in the [USER 234] of farmers since GMO crop science has become wide spread: Peer reviewed and published 27 September 2019 "GM crops, particularly Bt cotton, has resulted in significant reductions in pesticide poisoning cases due to reduced applications and reduced levels of insecticide exposure. Reductions in farmer pesticide poisonings have been quantified in China, India, Pakistan and South Africa. Often cases of pesticide poisoning are not formally reported to health centers and the results on pesticide poisoning may be underestimated due to the lack of reporting. In South Africa, farmers reduced pesticide applications from 11.2 per year to 3.8, with reported cases of pesticide poisoning declining from over 50 per year to less than 10 over the first four years of Bt cotton adoption (Bennet et al. 2003). One-third of non-Bt cotton farmers in China reported cases of pesticide poisoning, compared to 9% of Bt cotton producing farmers (Hossain et al. 2004). Assessing the health impacts in India, reveals a reduction in cases of pesticide poisoning of 2.4 – 9 million cases per year (Kouser and Qaim 2011). Cumulatively, since 2003, when Bt cotton was first commercialized in India, a minimum of 38 million fewer instances of pesticide poisoning have occurred, with an upper potential of 144 million. Farmers in Pakistan growing non-Bt cotton reported up to seven instances of pesticide poisoning in the growing season with 35% reporting no instances, versus Bt cotton farmers reporting up to six poisonings with 45% reporting none (Kouser and Qaim 2013). A medical assessment of 246 Chinese farmers, involving 35 health indicators, found that fungicides associated with the production of non-Bt cotton had linkages to damaged liver function, while the insecticides used in non-Bt cotton production may be associated with severe nerve damage (Zhang et al. 2016). The use of non-glyphosate tolerant crops was found to likely reduce renal function and decrease serum folic acid. CHANGES IN FARMER SUICIDES Mental health challenges and issues affect all walks of life and economic sectors, with agriculture being no different. Access to sufficient mental health resources can be problematic within the agriculture sector due to rural areas, remote locations and lack of access to mental health support systems. Unfortunately, suicide is a concern in agriculture. India has one of the highest suicide ratesin the world and research has examined the relationship between farmer suicide and the adoption of GM cotton. Research examining the relationship between farm suicide and Bt cotton adoption revealed a plateauing of the suicide rate following the commercialization of Bt cotton (Gruère and Sengupta 2011). Farmer suicides were trending upward from 15,000 per year, peaking in 2004, the year after Bt cotton was first commercialized in India. By 2007, the actual suicide rate was 25% below the extrapolated suicide rate. Cumulatively, the reduced rate of suicide associated with the adoption of Bt cotton represents the prevention of a minimum of 75,000 farmer suicides. LOWERING CANCER INCIDENCES The development of insect resistant crop varieties has begun to have a noticeable potential to improve human health through the reduction of cancer rates. Prior to the commercialization of Bt crops, maize in particular, insect damage to the harvested crop increased the potential for the development of harmful health effects. A study of 21 years of maize production quantified that Bt maize contained lower concentrations of mycotoxins (29%), fumonisins (31%) and thricotecens (37%) (Pellegrino et al. 2018). Mycotoxins are both toxic and carcinogenic to humans and animals and are considerably more concerning in developing economy food systems where access to food safety toxicity tests are less prevalent. Fumonisins are correlated to being the cause of higher rates of neural tube defects in high maize-based diets (Missmer et al. 2006). With food security challenges existing in many developing countries corn containing mycotoxins are consumed as part of the household diet due the lack of any other option. NUTRITIONAL BENEFITS GM crops have made significant contributions to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular goals one (reducing poverty) and two (reducing hunger). While increased yields have contributed to higher household incomes, which reduces poverty, the increased yields have also enhanced household food security. Biofortified GM crops have been adopted, increasing micronutrient availability (Hefferon 2014). Nutritionally enhanced foods improve an individual’s nutrient intake, preventing and/or treating leading causes of death such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Improving the nutritional content of daily food consumption certainly has day to day effects, but of significant importance are the long term effects that extend for decades over the course of an individual’s lifetime. In many instances, improving macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, fiber) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, functional metabolites) has significant childhood health improvements, such as reducing blindness due to the lack of vitamin availability. Improved food nutrient content, especially the increase in mineral availability, contributes to improved immunity systems and reduces stunting. In many developing countries, plant-based nutrient intake accounts for one hundred per cent of an individual’s nutrient diet, further highlighting the importance of nutritionally enhanced crop derived foods. As the later in life benefits from improved childhood nutrition are better understood, the full value of nutritionally enhanced GM crops and foods, may not be realized for several decades." see the full paper at onlinelibrary dot wiley dot com/doi/epdf/10 dot 1111/pbi.13261 ==== 670 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzhns2aoIESpG5sLKV4AaABAg.9-_abHSjdEb9-atqhBUiLQ --- A new study on the increase in the [USER 234] of farmers since GMO crop science has become wide spread: Peer reviewed and published 27 September 2019 "GM crops, particularly Bt cotton, has resulted in significant reductions in pesticide poisoning cases due to reduced applications and reduced levels of insecticide exposure. Reductions in farmer pesticide poisonings have been quantified in China, India, Pakistan and South Africa. Often cases of pesticide poisoning are not formally reported to health centers and the results on pesticide poisoning may be underestimated due to the lack of reporting. In South Africa, farmers reduced pesticide applications from 11.2 per year to 3.8, with reported cases of pesticide poisoning declining from over 50 per year to less than 10 over the first four years of Bt cotton adoption (Bennet et al. 2003). One-third of non-Bt cotton farmers in China reported cases of pesticide poisoning, compared to 9% of Bt cotton producing farmers (Hossain et al. 2004). Assessing the health impacts in India, reveals a reduction in cases of pesticide poisoning of 2.4 – 9 million cases per year (Kouser and Qaim 2011). Cumulatively, since 2003, when Bt cotton was first commercialized in India, a minimum of 38 million fewer instances of pesticide poisoning have occurred, with an upper potential of 144 million. Farmers in Pakistan growing non-Bt cotton reported up to seven instances of pesticide poisoning in the growing season with 35% reporting no instances, versus Bt cotton farmers reporting up to six poisonings with 45% reporting none (Kouser and Qaim 2013). A medical assessment of 246 Chinese farmers, involving 35 health indicators, found that fungicides associated with the production of non-Bt cotton had linkages to damaged liver function, while the insecticides used in non-Bt cotton production may be associated with severe nerve damage (Zhang et al. 2016). The use of non-glyphosate tolerant crops was found to likely reduce renal function and decrease serum folic acid. CHANGES IN FARMER SUICIDES Mental health challenges and issues affect all walks of life and economic sectors, with agriculture being no different. Access to sufficient mental health resources can be problematic within the agriculture sector due to rural areas, remote locations and lack of access to mental health support systems. Unfortunately, suicide is a concern in agriculture. India has one of the highest suicide ratesin the world and research has examined the relationship between farmer suicide and the adoption of GM cotton. Research examining the relationship between farm suicide and Bt cotton adoption revealed a plateauing of the suicide rate following the commercialization of Bt cotton (Gruère and Sengupta 2011). Farmer suicides were trending upward from 15,000 per year, peaking in 2004, the year after Bt cotton was first commercialized in India. By 2007, the actual suicide rate was 25% below the extrapolated suicide rate. Cumulatively, the reduced rate of suicide associated with the adoption of Bt cotton represents the prevention of a minimum of 75,000 farmer suicides. LOWERING CANCER INCIDENCES The development of insect resistant crop varieties has begun to have a noticeable potential to improve human health through the reduction of cancer rates. Prior to the commercialization of Bt crops, maize in particular, insect damage to the harvested crop increased the potential for the development of harmful health effects. A study of 21 years of maize production quantified that Bt maize contained lower concentrations of mycotoxins (29%), fumonisins (31%) and thricotecens (37%) (Pellegrino et al. 2018). Mycotoxins are both toxic and carcinogenic to humans and animals and are considerably more concerning in developing economy food systems where access to food safety toxicity tests are less prevalent. Fumonisins are correlated to being the cause of higher rates of neural tube defects in high maize-based diets (Missmer et al. 2006). With food security challenges existing in many developing countries corn containing mycotoxins are consumed as part of the household diet due the lack of any other option. NUTRITIONAL BENEFITS GM crops have made significant contributions to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular goals one (reducing poverty) and two (reducing hunger). While increased yields have contributed to higher household incomes, which reduces poverty, the increased yields have also enhanced household food security. Biofortified GM crops have been adopted, increasing micronutrient availability (Hefferon 2014). Nutritionally enhanced foods improve an individual’s nutrient intake, preventing and/or treating leading causes of death such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Improving the nutritional content of daily food consumption certainly has day to day effects, but of significant importance are the long term effects that extend for decades over the course of an individual’s lifetime. In many instances, improving macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, fiber) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, functional metabolites) has significant childhood health improvements, such as reducing blindness due to the lack of vitamin availability. Improved food nutrient content, especially the increase in mineral availability, contributes to improved immunity systems and reduces stunting. In many developing countries, plant-based nutrient intake accounts for one hundred per cent of an individual’s nutrient diet, further highlighting the importance of nutritionally enhanced crop derived foods. As the later in life benefits from improved childhood nutrition are better understood, the full value of nutritionally enhanced GM crops and foods, may not be realized for several decades." see the full paper at onlinelibrary dot wiley dot com/doi/epdf/10 dot 1111/pbi.13261 ==== 671 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzhns2aoIESpG5sLKV4AaABAg.9-_abHSjdEb9-auC9hGmws --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 672 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxWhnK5bIQIqgVJeqB4AaABAg.9-YeEf0HYkf9-atR40G_ZQ --- [USER 236] [USER 235 NAME] is correct. Bt is only a naturally occurring soil bacteria. It is heavily used by organic farmers. Conspiratards like Loic Daniel make shit up about biotech because they do not understand it. This is also called genetic illiteracy. Loic is lying and he is quoting highly hostile activists who only want to sell more organic foods by fear mongering. Bt eggplant has increased the incomes of Bangladesh farmers six fold as they no longer buy so much pesticides and their crops are perfect with no insect damage, making it easy to sell. Bt eggplant has been the main diet of their country for 5 years now with no negative health effects of any kind and many positive effects. ==== 673 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxWhnK5bIQIqgVJeqB4AaABAg.9-YeEf0HYkf9-athUBQjOb --- A new study on the increase in the [USER 234] of farmers since GMO crop science has become wide spread: Peer reviewed and published 27 September 2019 "GM crops, particularly Bt cotton, has resulted in significant reductions in pesticide poisoning cases due to reduced applications and reduced levels of insecticide exposure. Reductions in farmer pesticide poisonings have been quantified in China, India, Pakistan and South Africa. Often cases of pesticide poisoning are not formally reported to health centers and the results on pesticide poisoning may be underestimated due to the lack of reporting. In South Africa, farmers reduced pesticide applications from 11.2 per year to 3.8, with reported cases of pesticide poisoning declining from over 50 per year to less than 10 over the first four years of Bt cotton adoption (Bennet et al. 2003). One-third of non-Bt cotton farmers in China reported cases of pesticide poisoning, compared to 9% of Bt cotton producing farmers (Hossain et al. 2004). Assessing the health impacts in India, reveals a reduction in cases of pesticide poisoning of 2.4 – 9 million cases per year (Kouser and Qaim 2011). Cumulatively, since 2003, when Bt cotton was first commercialized in India, a minimum of 38 million fewer instances of pesticide poisoning have occurred, with an upper potential of 144 million. Farmers in Pakistan growing non-Bt cotton reported up to seven instances of pesticide poisoning in the growing season with 35% reporting no instances, versus Bt cotton farmers reporting up to six poisonings with 45% reporting none (Kouser and Qaim 2013). A medical assessment of 246 Chinese farmers, involving 35 health indicators, found that fungicides associated with the production of non-Bt cotton had linkages to damaged liver function, while the insecticides used in non-Bt cotton production may be associated with severe nerve damage (Zhang et al. 2016). The use of non-glyphosate tolerant crops was found to likely reduce renal function and decrease serum folic acid. CHANGES IN FARMER SUICIDES Mental health challenges and issues affect all walks of life and economic sectors, with agriculture being no different. Access to sufficient mental health resources can be problematic within the agriculture sector due to rural areas, remote locations and lack of access to mental health support systems. Unfortunately, suicide is a concern in agriculture. India has one of the highest suicide ratesin the world and research has examined the relationship between farmer suicide and the adoption of GM cotton. Research examining the relationship between farm suicide and Bt cotton adoption revealed a plateauing of the suicide rate following the commercialization of Bt cotton (Gruère and Sengupta 2011). Farmer suicides were trending upward from 15,000 per year, peaking in 2004, the year after Bt cotton was first commercialized in India. By 2007, the actual suicide rate was 25% below the extrapolated suicide rate. Cumulatively, the reduced rate of suicide associated with the adoption of Bt cotton represents the prevention of a minimum of 75,000 farmer suicides. LOWERING CANCER INCIDENCES The development of insect resistant crop varieties has begun to have a noticeable potential to improve human health through the reduction of cancer rates. Prior to the commercialization of Bt crops, maize in particular, insect damage to the harvested crop increased the potential for the development of harmful health effects. A study of 21 years of maize production quantified that Bt maize contained lower concentrations of mycotoxins (29%), fumonisins (31%) and thricotecens (37%) (Pellegrino et al. 2018). Mycotoxins are both toxic and carcinogenic to humans and animals and are considerably more concerning in developing economy food systems where access to food safety toxicity tests are less prevalent. Fumonisins are correlated to being the cause of higher rates of neural tube defects in high maize-based diets (Missmer et al. 2006). With food security challenges existing in many developing countries corn containing mycotoxins are consumed as part of the household diet due the lack of any other option. NUTRITIONAL BENEFITS GM crops have made significant contributions to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular goals one (reducing poverty) and two (reducing hunger). While increased yields have contributed to higher household incomes, which reduces poverty, the increased yields have also enhanced household food security. Biofortified GM crops have been adopted, increasing micronutrient availability (Hefferon 2014). Nutritionally enhanced foods improve an individual’s nutrient intake, preventing and/or treating leading causes of death such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Improving the nutritional content of daily food consumption certainly has day to day effects, but of significant importance are the long term effects that extend for decades over the course of an individual’s lifetime. In many instances, improving macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, fiber) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, functional metabolites) has significant childhood health improvements, such as reducing blindness due to the lack of vitamin availability. Improved food nutrient content, especially the increase in mineral availability, contributes to improved immunity systems and reduces stunting. In many developing countries, plant-based nutrient intake accounts for one hundred per cent of an individual’s nutrient diet, further highlighting the importance of nutritionally enhanced crop derived foods. As the later in life benefits from improved childhood nutrition are better understood, the full value of nutritionally enhanced GM crops and foods, may not be realized for several decades." see the full paper at onlinelibrary dot wiley dot com/doi/epdf/10 dot 1111/pbi.13261 ==== 674 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzQ0n9uvwVGR9iKv7p4AaABAg.9-WCOeotxHv9-ZVS_4S0nl --- Wrong. This is a [USER 79] to call out liars and conspiratards while providing unbiased science facts they can not deny. It is a [USER 79] to defend our honest hard working farmers and crop scientists. Seems you don't really care. ==== 675 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxGBEg9xKhiFF3kYgB4AaABAg.9-SzrH7HvYZ9-TjboWDQLu --- Stupid post. Chocolate is not GMO. ==== 676 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzLWA_bZjbrWfJ1Jxd4AaABAg.9-QeXPgq-5a9-R1S7pS4Rd --- You are right but you are a sub set of the greater group that had an adequate science education in grade school and we respect science. The real issue for the last 32 year has been this - "Although GMOs are regarded as safe as their conventional counterparts by every major food safety authority in the world, the organic industry spends nearly $3 billion a year through over 330 different organizations leading with fear and “information spin” as an industry to sell their products. By creating an unfounded fear that requires tighter regulations on GMO crops, they are hoping to force them out of the food supply, thereby creating a bigger market share to sell more products in their more than $65 billion wheelhouse. The unfortunate consequence of these [non-GMO] labels is that the food companies and lobbyists tend to create an unnecessary “us vs. them” divide. When food companies use fear against competitors to sell a product, farmers take it personally." agdaily dot com/insights/farm-babe- label-trends-end/ Now why do you suppose organic food is so expensive?? ==== 677 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxICIOCeg3oD8rLH9F4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 678 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxvVD4iNpI449g5Nyd4AaABAg --- GMO is a laboratory breeding method for seeds. It is never under any circumstances an actual food ingredient just as hybridization, grafting and seed selection are not food ingredients Lying organic thug trolls will try to use fear mongering to convince you GMO sourced foods are not as safe when in fact they are far safer. What is not tested, ever, for safety?? Organic, heirloom, hybrid and new truck farm breeds. They go straight to store shelves with [USER 112] testing and YOU are the guinea pig. Look at what has happened because of this fact that never happened with GMO foods: "A year ago[2003] in New Zealand, there was an outbreak of food poisoning from a "killer zucchini" that hospitalized a number of people. Environmentalists jumped all over the story until it was determined that the culprit was "organic" zucchini. Plants are chemical factories that produce a multitude of toxins that protect them. An outbreak of aphid infestation had minimal impact on conventionally grown zucchini. The more vulnerable "organic" zucchini was genetically inferior because of inbreeding. They expressed dangerously high levels of the toxin curcubitan. Had this been a transgenic plant, we would be hearing about it ad nauseam, but being that it was "organic," it was quickly consigned to an Orwellian memory hole." uh dot edu/ ~trdegreg/genetic_ engineering_not_significantly dot htm ==== 679 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxvVD4iNpI449g5Nyd4AaABAg.9-MCG4PbDBb9-MCMMerj9u --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 680 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz0oH4IjehwN90sMKt4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 681 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyklpCCxLQDmoa0Hv14AaABAg.9-If-jpVCtW9-JKz_rpzqR --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 682 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyklpCCxLQDmoa0Hv14AaABAg.9-If-jpVCtW9-MCKOS06YZ --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 683 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyklpCCxLQDmoa0Hv14AaABAg.9-If-jpVCtW9-MCWFZyUcf --- 'Almost' JUST POSTED HIS 142nd BLATANT BALD FACED LIE ABOUT HUMAN SAFETY TESTING. THIS IS REFUTATION NUMBER 142 COMPLETE WITH HYPERLINKS OF PROOF THAT PROVES THE '[USER 89]' TROLL IS LYING FOR THE 142nd TIME: Human safety feeding trials study, including quantified human risk assessment, that trolls say do not exist: Golden rice is designed to make a change in the human body with Vit. A. This is an exception to most GMO foods so Codex compliant human testing was done. Here is the study that verified the human safety and nutrition trials: ncbi dot nlm dot nih dot gov/pmc/articles/ PMC2682994/ Note that only one serving per person was required to verify the proper nutrition from golden rice. Additional servings would be a waste of time, as determined by multiple safety agencies who peer reviewed the process. "So "why don't we do clinical trials on GMOs the same way we do for drugs?" Drugs are designed to cause a change in the human body: that's the whole point behind them. Since drugs are altering something in humans, it's important to know the side-effects that they may cause and whether or not they're causing the anticipated effect (i.e. is it better than placebo). In contrast, GMOs are designed to be equivalent to their non-GE counterparts: they aren't drugs or nutritional supplements." geneticliteracyproject dot org/2016/01/13/ no-long-term-gmo -studies-humans/ ==== 684 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyklpCCxLQDmoa0Hv14AaABAg.9-If-jpVCtW9-d2LsAZm2A --- Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. The shill gambit failed debating tactic is explained simply in the dictionary of your choice. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that landmark NAS study. ==== 685 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyklpCCxLQDmoa0Hv14AaABAg.9-If-jpVCtW9-dopAXIqvQ --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 686 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyklpCCxLQDmoa0Hv14AaABAg.9-If-jpVCtW90I7lZksZap --- [USER 73] But still NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 687 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyklpCCxLQDmoa0Hv14AaABAg.9-If-jpVCtW90ISt9PqjZL --- [USER 73] You are correct NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 688 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxzaolzmZJfiRxYBvZ4AaABAg.9-8e1vQtZnw9-9VRwHTUtA --- Not possible. That ship sailed 20 years ago as it became apparent there are no down sides, It's all good. That's why GMO crop acreage has increased by a factor of 113 times since it started. ==== 689 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxOL86yU1alLu08tFZ4AaABAg.9-24pG_fZER9-4Lg8fpvB2 --- You just screwed yourself with that. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. Explained simply in the dictionary or debate rules site of your choice under shill gambit. This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016 with release of that devastating NAS study Obama based his new labeling law on. ==== 690 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxOL86yU1alLu08tFZ4AaABAg.9-24pG_fZER9-9VF2nfe4i --- [USER 237] There have been cases witnessed where banana plantations growing only one type will ship their flawed, less than perfect shaped or spotted bananas as organic because they look different and ship the most perfect looking as conventional. Organic is a scam. ==== 691 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxOL86yU1alLu08tFZ4AaABAg.9-24pG_fZER9-d-nMKYoXd --- [USER 11] No shit I use the exact same reply to your exact same lie. When no new evidence is presented, no new refutation is required. Learn some new tricks fukwit. ==== 692 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxOL86yU1alLu08tFZ4AaABAg.9-24pG_fZER9-d2cojqa8n --- [USER 11] I even have a form letter for you losers to fill out to save time: This form letter will aid the genetically illiterate to efficiently post their entirely predictable regurgitated myths fed to them by activists who are in turn funded by the organic foods cartel: [20 year seed patents, granted continuously since 1931, are evil] [Insert naturalistic fallacy here] [Insert organic doesn't use pesticides here] [Cite obviously biased source here] [Call someone a shill] [Claim all US safety agencies are run by Monsanto] [Enjoy your poison] [Insert something about god or a bible here] [Mis-spell glyphosate] [Profit is evil even though nobody works for free] [Science has been wrong before] [Cite cherry picked/disproved study here] [Cite AO produced 50 years ago means GMOs must be poison] [Cite tobacco, something we don't even eat, is somehow proof that GMOs are not safe] ==== 693 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxC1rk3I4QBZtArQD54AaABAg.9-0zuCz_ebU9-4MVdw81vS --- [USER 11] That is a lie. The precautionary principle is part of the guidelines of all safety agencies. So is the mandate of substantial equivalency. No GMO will ever be approved if it does not qualify as equivalent to its non-GMO counterpart and all must pass over 75 mandatory tests required by the EPA, FDA & USDA. This takes years to complete and millions of dollars of investments, hence the need for 20 year patents to protect the investments. GMO safety is so fully established globally that 284 global health and safety organizations endorse it plus the safety of glyphosate. The WHO, EPA, EFSA and 281 other agencies all say GMOs and glyphosate are totally safe and cause no unintended consequences. Full global consensus! All 284 global health and safety agencies agree. Yes, this is the mother of all GMO safety citations and a stake in the heart of all anti-biotech conspiratards: siquierotransgenicos dot cl /2015/06/13/more -than-240-organizations-and-scientific -institutions-support-the-safety-of-gm-crops/ On the page is a hyperlink of proof for each of those 284 agencies. Some may not be in English. Only the Russians and the IARC now discredited by bribery disagree. ==== 694 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxpnFfJFlkiRUQxd8V4AaABAg.9-0JMDMx8R79-FHujHoAok --- NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 695 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxpnFfJFlkiRUQxd8V4AaABAg.9-0JMDMx8R79-dnhrJrm1v --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 696 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxpnFfJFlkiRUQxd8V4AaABAg.9-0JMDMx8R790I7ssKVO58 --- [USER 73] Nothing has changed NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 697 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyk6z9Z7JIiWDbKPgp4AaABAg.8zuCIyc8M8q8zusv7yu-xL --- What? Are you serious? There are SEVEN BILLION Youtube videos! ==== 698 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyY8qhPk6FmGU1AKt14AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 699 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxG4alPWhEQFWDFgXF4AaABAg.8zrAGiBvc0B8zrsHd00NcH --- I like your general motives but come on, there are many other farmers posting videos. There is no evidence that spamming other threads will get you more views and it is generally prohibited. If you really want to help, join us in our battle to flag, report and debunk the steady stream of lies posted here by that mentally ill troll '[USER 238]'. I have gained 50 subscribers by doing this. Calling all Mashable subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Mashable fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '[USER 24]' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for spam or cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Mashable works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 700 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwYJKpWXiK8ovJbjup4AaABAg.8zrA1NosozG8zrsKNvNme1 --- Asshole troll. ==== 701 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz7qYfUS18GZe2znQl4AaABAg.8zqlVGw3q5A8zrumRiM4zh --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 702 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz7qYfUS18GZe2znQl4AaABAg.8zqlVGw3q5A8zrvjcX-AF1 --- Vitamin A is always vitamin A. Once it has been proved to be absorbed from rice the same as it has from hundreds of other foods there is no further study needed. Suggesting it need more study as a SUGGESTION ONLY at the end of a study is just researchers looking for more work. The mentally ill Almost idiot is fucking stupid. ==== 703 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz7qYfUS18GZe2znQl4AaABAg.8zqlVGw3q5A9-FHnRtvG1L --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 704 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz7qYfUS18GZe2znQl4AaABAg.8zqlVGw3q5A9-dpJVJVL-Q --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 705 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzysM0xOePogZhuorR4AaABAg.8zoHryUDrmA8zpXX38v3gI --- [USER 239] is lying, there are many long term multi-generation peer reviewed GMO safety studies and they all find [USER 112] issues. ==== 706 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwnXVFM6Rwo61B9K414AaABAg.8znyVw3mr-t8zp_NfGiJOD --- [USER 241] No harm to human or animal health has ever been proven by unbiased non-activist peer reviewed science studies in all history. You can not locate and link a single legitimate study claiming that bullshit you spout. This makes you a Youtube conspiratard and nothing more. ==== 707 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwf7dg6N9aFR4Mkgtd4AaABAg.8zlTKq8el-M8zmoHG5sS1s --- Not as disgusting as your trolling. ==== 708 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwf7dg6N9aFR4Mkgtd4AaABAg.8zlTKq8el-M8znrE8-rZAI --- [USER 243] You are clueless as to the definition of memes, very ironic! The Devan troll tried to disrupt the thread with a hateful comment meant to derail the narrative and anger civil educated people. Then YOU tried to bait ME with an additional trolling post. This is the very essence of trolling. The topic here, the ONLY topic up for discussion, is the high value of GMO crop science. Chocolate is not a GMO food. Stop fucking with the thread, troll ==== 709 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwf7dg6N9aFR4Mkgtd4AaABAg.8zlTKq8el-M8zns2GtvbLO --- [USER 243] No. After 100,000 comments nothing gets me riled. You can't touch this. Not even when you stoop to insulting sexual profanity, which of course proves beyond any doubt I was 100% correct, you are just a fucking troll. But you did earn a flag so that is some consolation I guess, from your demented perspective. ==== 710 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzkIwbwg8nxtgymJhZ4AaABAg.8zjgcJ__S3a8zkJcToXxHP --- Bullshit!!! I have linked hundreds, yes hundreds of sources here in this thread over the last year. You are a short attention span idiot. Posts go into spooling for a while before becoming permanent. If you post more than 20 comments in a day, some will be lost or delayed, this is Youtube, NOT KZTG. If you refresh right after posting they may be absent for a while. ==== 711 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzkIwbwg8nxtgymJhZ4AaABAg.8zjgcJ__S3a9-H1MCJy2c7 --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater trolls Loic Daniel and [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 712 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw7CkqMNuRscREr1YB4AaABAg.8zhfC8nNuJi8zlKSDC3OCK --- Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn rootworms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO Technology. ==== 713 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzrsRZwg2B2XBaNGTd4AaABAg.8zg3yUlQulR8zhc_zDWD7Z --- Monsanto shut down two years ago. That is only a conspiratard buzz word for bogeyman now. All farming of every sort is invasive to nature. No exceptions. ==== 714 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzrsRZwg2B2XBaNGTd4AaABAg.8zg3yUlQulR8ziXeHFDzYn --- [USER 245] No, totally absorbed. Bayer AG owns the brand names and the patents. No Monsanto employees left. ==== 715 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzrsRZwg2B2XBaNGTd4AaABAg.8zg3yUlQulR8zij-APGgj1 --- [USER 245] No. Monsanto is gone. What part of gone don't you understand? Bayer is not evil, Monsanto was not evil. They simply provide what farmers demand, the practice of supply and demand. Farmers made Bayer what it is today. Youtube is where the idiocracy comes to feed and you are having a feast of ignorance at the expense of our honest hard working farmers and crop scientists. Stop. ==== 716 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwjrg3YkkvvWKRCds54AaABAg.8zbXzoB86r88zfuoq-NEmF --- Thank You for showing that you are clueless about this subject. Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn rootworms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO Technology. ==== 717 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwWHDC-UZPcM7wmqd14AaABAg.8zaQtfjPPdd8zc_OQ4jxSg --- Total ignorance from your poor education's science illiteracy. If they were 'poison' you could easily link us examples of humans or animals who were poisoned and died. You would find may unbiased non-activist videos about specific cases of poisoning documented by main stream qualified doctors and food scientists here at Youtube. This has never happened even once in all history you asshole. You can not locate and link or paste a coroner report or autopsy that documented death by GMO. YOUR IGNORANT HATRED IS THE POISON!!!! ==== 718 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzDKQnMLVIfS9t2-K14AaABAg.8zWSze6goWD8zWzLx96_7R --- NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. ==== 719 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwzoEhI31bYE61OeSV4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 720 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx0pdBHXMW2CHcu-N14AaABAg.8zTMP9RuQj58zVrKHD0Nrz --- No asshole, you are extremely irresponsible for lumping all news into one tiny mind with no filter. Amazon activity has nothing to do with GMO crop technology, it is being cleared for cattle and conventional farming. Environmental criminals have no interest in the best crop technology. Their entire culture and country is corrupt. ==== 721 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwZWtWGbbNcmC_tNkh4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 722 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy7UPAy4P0-p5TEExB4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 723 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy7UPAy4P0-p5TEExB4AaABAg.8zJ0D3wwTlG8zLPKzqhXBr --- [USER 247] I'm retired with physical disabilities. I spend 10 hours a day in a recliner chair with a laptop on a swing arm. I have posted no less than 100,000 comments in defense of our honest hard working farmers and crop scientists. I also fight the menace of vaccine safety deniers which is a form of biological terrorism, and climate change deniers who are the enemy of all mankind and our biome. Youtube is where the idiocracy comes to feed, I'm here helping to do what absent moderation won't. I never share personal opinions, I defer to peer reviewed science consensus. ==== 724 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwkSupUxPz57Ej9Yp54AaABAg.8zIVAdhEnT78zQ_UtfnpqF --- [USER 73] We all benefit when we are not believing the lies you spread. Nobody benefits from false hatred from mentally ill assholes like you. We have a labeling law now. It will not do what assholes want, it does not recognize refined sweeteners and oils as GMO because they are not GM after being refined. Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 725 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwkSupUxPz57Ej9Yp54AaABAg.8zIVAdhEnT78zRGFyXD0Pk --- [USER 249] Thanks for your support but it is not enough to dissuade a mentally ill Machiavellian Sadist with a dopamine addiction. Flag it for harassment and go to its channel page to report it for abuse. We need three reports for the exact same offense in a short period for the moderation to kick in. ==== 726 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwkSupUxPz57Ej9Yp54AaABAg.8zIVAdhEnT78zVsANOUIuI --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 727 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx4vOFtor4tHP0ObZx4AaABAg.8zID4D7QW-B8zIY_G8jMhg --- NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 728 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx4vOFtor4tHP0ObZx4AaABAg.8zID4D7QW-B8zJ0AOJ4SrJ --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 729 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyUKkJmbz5n44MMgwd4AaABAg.8zHJzANhG2g8zLRdcrav-r --- After the 25 years required to slowly stop and begin to reverse it. Still need 1000 years to begin to grow glaciers and ice caps again. ==== 730 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyUKkJmbz5n44MMgwd4AaABAg.8zHJzANhG2g8zQ_jRkquhc --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 731 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyUKkJmbz5n44MMgwd4AaABAg.8zHJzANhG2g8zVs4BMcDuW --- [USER 73] Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 732 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxoI8tT_nn1C5VW_Yp4AaABAg.8zG88D_GJkC8zGb-UBxplW --- That is a lie. Its history is that it was bred by conventional means from the common mustard plant, as were cauliflower, kale, cabbage, turnips Brussels sprouts and more. ==== 733 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzgsicFD_cF1t7kDrh4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 734 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy34TIPqQ4GBcYNlsp4AaABAg.8z7aSxbkfLH8zBL6VGOfY6 --- This is not a conspiracy thread, it's about science and proven evidence. Youtube has thousands of more appropriate videos for you. ==== 735 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw8IkHliKXCPAmPg3J4AaABAg.8z7aNW-8kb28z95NdqohCo --- We are. Every school in the US is required to teach you this before you graduate. What happened? ==== 736 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw8IkHliKXCPAmPg3J4AaABAg.8z7aNW-8kb28zBKuqMSNBE --- [USER 251] Superstitions do not mix with science. Oil and water. ==== 737 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw8IkHliKXCPAmPg3J4AaABAg.8z7aNW-8kb28zBOfbsdWC0 --- [USER 251] Yes, the Youtube idiocracy prefers sensationalism to real science which is too slow for their short attention spans. That's why cartoons are so popular. This is where the idiocracy comes to feed. ==== 738 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw8IkHliKXCPAmPg3J4AaABAg.8z7aNW-8kb28zHXyQXJJFk --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 739 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzgEauS02PwOg9_EPB4AaABAg.8z5r805svTT8zHY0Xm9yZP --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 740 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzgEauS02PwOg9_EPB4AaABAg.8z5r805svTT8ztBWWfdZzT --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 741 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwdI1-13VHotJV0dl14AaABAg.8z15V2Cmnw18z1bKSYec38 --- We do, it is called gmo technology. ==== 742 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzOhYgVBWfN2vHcBi14AaABAg.8z0JSTW3G0A8z17tlPYfyw --- What? There are 30,000 posts right here, all you had to do is scroll down. ==== 743 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxIBM_sPoN7NjB9gop4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 744 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwIRz5ZwFJK9UhUUMB4AaABAg.8yw6PSjw7nK8yxDMcoCv8e --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 745 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwIRz5ZwFJK9UhUUMB4AaABAg.8yw6PSjw7nK8zX-vc1ofqH --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 746 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxW1tZcZ-fFDgtef9J4AaABAg.8yuJtvUZuX78z1bVPkCcLq --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 747 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzGmFjXo_bGaSKA1h54AaABAg.8ytiIE_wWEC8zHXuT7drA- --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 748 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgysA8052A9akFTCD8Z4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 749 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzMkfLHXOouI-y6uWJ4AaABAg.8yquOqK6NQx8yryYtNk66U --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 750 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzMkfLHXOouI-y6uWJ4AaABAg.8yquOqK6NQx8yxAfaym7in --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 751 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzSAoPHVq8AvEkWrQ14AaABAg.8yqtgYyWTVo8yry_GQ8waH --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 752 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzSAoPHVq8AvEkWrQ14AaABAg.8yqtgYyWTVo8yxDSh8Hg4x --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 753 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzSAoPHVq8AvEkWrQ14AaABAg.8yqtgYyWTVo8yxFBmTb77v --- All readers - if you do a search for the phrase this liar claims is a quote, it does not exist on the internet. See for yourself - post part or all of the words he claims are a FAO policy quote in the search page of your choice- "4) First, despite what is sometimes said, we do not need GMOs to resolve the current world hunger problem. There is enough food for everybody, but millions of people are poor and simply do not have the money to buy food – that is why access to food is a major problem." NOTHING WILL BE FOUND!!! Flag this malicious asshole. ==== 754 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzibX6jUd-cTQ5--314AaABAg.8yqbyQ9svih8yrya_xsQ4F --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 755 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzibX6jUd-cTQ5--314AaABAg.8yqbyQ9svih8z1b_-4UnHJ --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 756 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzibX6jUd-cTQ5--314AaABAg.8yqbyQ9svih8ztBp3Vav42 --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 757 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw7knsN53FM3gikmi54AaABAg.8yo0hIcNZo08z1baiMc-2p --- NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 758 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw7knsN53FM3gikmi54AaABAg.8yo0hIcNZo08z39-KVv2NS --- [USER 73] Get them tested and stop with your crybabing about it. So far NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 759 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw7knsN53FM3gikmi54AaABAg.8yo0hIcNZo08ztCG1oeDdJ --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 760 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzYPEyYxRLLJmDBWOJ4AaABAg.8yl_6egl40J8z1bc03iM35 --- NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 761 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwg9fCfKzVMlzQCKq94AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 762 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyh694URXlLoEs7sBF4AaABAg.8yi4K_d8Zto8ykGSaPmXQ8 --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 763 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyh694URXlLoEs7sBF4AaABAg.8yi4K_d8Zto8ykP6xAyE4t --- Folks, the Codex does not call for Human Safety Trials. ==== 764 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyh694URXlLoEs7sBF4AaABAg.8yi4K_d8Zto8ykPbgcqwst --- Duke is right. Only golden rice required a human safety feeding trail and it was done. It passed. That's because golden rice is the only GMO meant to meant to cause a change (for the better) in the human body. Almost is a raving idiot. ==== 765 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyh694URXlLoEs7sBF4AaABAg.8yi4K_d8Zto8z1bdmYUQVx --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 766 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz-Koc5HE8YEBiqFMZ4AaABAg.8yhy1a9xUN38ykPEhaVbXu --- [USER 253] --Right on Dead! ==== 767 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz-Koc5HE8YEBiqFMZ4AaABAg.8yhy1a9xUN38z1bjC3bgWh --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 768 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz-Koc5HE8YEBiqFMZ4AaABAg.8yhy1a9xUN38z5bSZ8OFU- --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 769 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxjbjJQUCAb5QFmifR4AaABAg.8ydlXldGBtv8yftNsaWP_s --- Farmers in the developing world are crying for such traits as Bt corn, and the Bt trait to be allowed in other crops. Bangledesh is proving to be a leader in the developing world having commercialized Bt brinjal. Farmers love Bt crops as it allows insecticide sprays to be dramatically reduced. ==== 770 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxjbjJQUCAb5QFmifR4AaABAg.8ydlXldGBtv8ykGcbrvHFW --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 771 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxjbjJQUCAb5QFmifR4AaABAg.8ydlXldGBtv8ykNuOP3xm7 --- [USER 73] --That quote is not from the FAO, it is from one of the phony "reports" claiming to speak for the UN. ==== 772 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxjbjJQUCAb5QFmifR4AaABAg.8ydlXldGBtv8z1cETOgHwe --- [USER 73] Farmers who use both will tell you gmo technology crops yields are superior to that of there non gmo counterpart. On our farm the yield difference is very wide with gmo technology crops by far the superior with NO safety issues. ==== 773 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyr1P_sLUO3IT_S4_V4AaABAg.8ydUOnbccj28yftZKy-71l --- [USER 255] --Yes!! ==== 774 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyr1P_sLUO3IT_S4_V4AaABAg.8ydUOnbccj28z1cUeNdFj0 --- NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 775 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyr1P_sLUO3IT_S4_V4AaABAg.8ydUOnbccj28z5bYnz9INc --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 776 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxc_wjftme5wIUzqb54AaABAg.8yce3zs3A7T8yf-vu_wFh0 --- Only if you are willfully ignorant. ==== 777 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxsJDaHOI1hnnc5QZR4AaABAg.8yaWQIyaa7G8ycNxw2lp2v --- No asshole, 7 million views. ==== 778 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyFsrfXQ4vkmTxp26h4AaABAg --- NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 779 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwnqCwTN-kibNxv_Zt4AaABAg.8yVpv-krWl08yWTKtAADAg --- No. In moderation it is considered harmless. We have all heard the studies shift in the wind every month about coffee and aspirin but the base line is all good. ==== 780 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzRS-acA8KInJRkw_R4AaABAg.8yVc59IgALd8yVmw2353IS --- Monsanto shut down two years ago idiot. ==== 781 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzRS-acA8KInJRkw_R4AaABAg.8yVc59IgALd8ztD7JjrFr8 --- [USER 73] That is False Almost. There are many companies even foreign companies producing andselling gmo technology seed. ==== 782 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyJyL5vQWVVra0jzr54AaABAg.8yV-Wp7gnBU8yVb9Apl6P3 --- Ha!!! They are light years BEHIND!! Every time they try stone age farming methods they have to declare a crop emergency, the last one was when they stupidly tried to ban neonicotinoids without an acceptable substitute. What those who do not have a mind closed by willful ignorance see is that EU nations DO grow GMO crops. Spain grows all its own GMO animal fodder. The rest of the EU hypocritically imports thousands of metric tons of US grown GMO grains ever year, they are our largest customer. We also see that in the last year the total number of countries with GMO cultivation bans has dropped from 37 to 29 as African nations crawl out of the stone age. Your campaign of hatred against modern crop science is failing. Hate speech has been causing too many shootings lately. You could cause assholes to burn or vandalize farmer's fields, or worse. Stop. ==== 783 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyvoiuTfWr_Jl5apL54AaABAg.8yUutLKEd3c8yVc-VY1Bt1 --- NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 784 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxVuZYZvdaG6rCTbgl4AaABAg.8yUtIkgFxkX8yVc1w4__2T --- NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 785 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyJ27PnTn5ZqexMqvd4AaABAg.8yOXbg0VgSr8yQUtd5oQ5S --- No. That's what a balanced diet is for. You have a form of clinical depression of you don't enjoy eating and all its variety. A few foods come close - brown rice can sustain you fairly well for many years but we starve to death on a diet of white rice only. ==== 786 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHjj5gzuC-cOKderJ4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 787 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxlLdD-RP3NkQ4RWSN4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 788 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyrYEcI0ZhaOdz8qE54AaABAg.8yKox276WbI8yLE411ww7E --- Corn is the most highly produced GMO food but for animal feed and for ethanol. Very little of it is an ingredient in grocery stores. ==== 789 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzzP73pOCypAvMViv54AaABAg.8yIx7dnQxP88yJ3XH8xtg7 --- This comment was from the home of the willfully ignorant. ==== 790 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwp_jrFaFMTNw9ZU994AaABAg.8yI389DYypj8yJ3sx6a5kH --- Yes readers - look at the sources that humiliate and expose nasty activists who use fear mongering to sell more organic foods. Then look at the channel page for this game geek 7117. ==== 791 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzEMknKUWymWjkeefR4AaABAg.8yHMXkvipZ08yJ6LpFRe2q --- Complete nonsense. Profit is never a valid talking point, nobody works for free. Do you? Since there is no health related issue with GMO foods vs. any other breeding methods for foods, your accusation about health concerns is baseless. ==== 792 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy32TTPSK5d8tks4jB4AaABAg.8yHME-1KOxP8yVcfSSddGO --- Your post is false. Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn root worms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO Technology. ==== 793 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxHHtQMWV2I6Yrov9Z4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 794 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxroceKLp0x9LUSBpx4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 795 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxroceKLp0x9LUSBpx4AaABAg.8yD_K9Tz8Dd8yi2_1MDNep --- [USER 257] No you did not. You saw me defending our honest hard working farmers and crop scientists from malicious liar trolls who are ignorant anti-biotech dullards and conspiratards. I do this 5 hours a day, 365 a year for 6 years now, over 100,000 comments total. It is my retirement hobby and I'm damn good at it. ==== 796 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxJ8OHnrlLCWOofVPx4AaABAg.8yBVeDKS2Dm8yD_R7JkNcD --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 797 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLFZJPBE_QdMCKc1t4AaABAg.8yBV-sEJ6n38yD_TCL1QSB --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 798 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwJcwXHVumNsj2rb1N4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 799 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwfUTZ06hT9-XjKC8F4AaABAg.8y90nXsrKXO8yAuOaH4YHR --- That is not an issue. There is a cover to prevent accidental intrusion into the moving wheel but the act of opening it harms nothing unless toddlers are within a few inches and shove their fingers in. Is this your only takeaway from an educational video? ==== 800 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzVsZ9ESi3vtYsOgmd4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 801 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzb67t35vz1H9dCRoF4AaABAg.8y83QxsInRt8y8abMUeIOk --- No they are not. Why did you make that shit up? Only 11 GMO crops are grown in the US and most of them are for cattle feed. Only zucchini, yellow squash and papaya are GMOs. One new GMO non-browning apple is not widely sold yet. ==== 802 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwRcHQj6oTQgYZPwct4AaABAg.8y7kQnsJrXt8y8d1tS7PbN --- ALL READERS - I INVITE YOU TO DO A SEARCH FOR THE LIE THIS ASSHOLE IS POSTING! Enter a quote of his sentence into a search page like google to instantly search the entire internet. " 8.7% of gov't funded, peer-reviewed animal safety studies on FDA approved GMO crops find HARM" will bring up no results! CAUGHT IN A LIE AGAIN, TROLL!! ==== 803 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwRcHQj6oTQgYZPwct4AaABAg.8y7kQnsJrXt8y8i7LIs6wH --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 804 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwRuY6dCGtkFmTxmJJ4AaABAg.8y7Fwl2cq2p8y8dwZG7cil --- It is a fallacy to claim any food source is non-profit. Nobody works for free, do you? Even your back yard garden is a source of profit for you in the form of a reduced grocery [USER 258]. Profit itself is never a valid talking point, only EXCESSIVE PROFITS exceeding 30% are greedy. ==== 805 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzxPXpRLByU_GECrJB4AaABAg.8y0x-iSJKtm8y3CTkbb06d --- There is no danger. GMOs are only grown inside the fences of farms where biodiversity MUST be controlled. Monocropping is far more efficient. OUTSIDE of the farms all diversity continues as always and no plant goes extinct when a new GMO is sold. GMOs can only add to total diversity on the planet. There are always seed banks and vaults, and hobby farmers growing older less popular species. GMO science can be used specifically to create virus resistant strains. It has saved the Hawaiian papaya and is now reviving the Florida citrus crops. There is far more than one single species of any particular GMO crop so there is diversity in seeds available. It's all good, we are far better off than we were 50 years ago. ==== 806 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzxWk5TA_up0-2sjSB4AaABAg.8y-J4TgxGDx8y0tP0dLLbm --- No, that is false. There are NO GMO watermelons or bananas. Check your facts with a search before you post nonsense. ==== 807 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzxWk5TA_up0-2sjSB4AaABAg.8y-J4TgxGDx8y0w24B_4EV --- [USER 29] What the hell is wrong with you? You have the full library of human knowledge at your fingertips! 1) open your Google or Bing search window 2) type "are watermeons GMO" and hit enter for hundreds of answers 3) type "are bananas GMO?" and hit enter for hundreds of answers. ==== 808 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzxWk5TA_up0-2sjSB4AaABAg.8y-J4TgxGDx8y1K3CuDHdt --- [USER 29] 1) open your Google or Bing search window 2) type "are watermeons GMO" and hit enter for hundreds of answers 3) type "are bananas GMO?" and hit enter for hundreds of answers. ==== 809 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzxWk5TA_up0-2sjSB4AaABAg.8y-J4TgxGDx8y1Kx0evCuf --- [USER 29] Hey you ASSHOLE - I had to teach YOU a most basic computer literacy task. Fuck off. ==== 810 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzxWk5TA_up0-2sjSB4AaABAg.8y-J4TgxGDx8ycFkqjp1dt --- [USER 29] The question is why aren't YOU mad that you were lied to by activists who got you to spit in the faces of our honest hard working farmers and crop scientists who toil to feed you? Why aren't you mad that your very poor education left you in the dark about basic facts of food production? ==== 811 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxDEE0CWI9Xu8WnPZZ4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 812 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwj0XpwLEi2dH4Jaux4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 813 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzgdT-lylfPxcYenbl4AaABAg.8xyEpbohGyi8xzSsqFoWeJ --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll [USER 24] who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 814 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy7amA7QvjRfnemM4l4AaABAg.8xxSd_kb9w28yLEw6FZTlh --- [USER 260] Your post is off topic meaningless bullshit that has nothing to do with proven GMO safety. ==== 815 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyGZtWixIcmiptLSQp4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 816 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzNJqBlhnaXhfkaztR4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 817 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzNJqBlhnaXhfkaztR4AaABAg.8xwuPreuEm98xwuT0ad94Y --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 818 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHhzSaliYcuDfEktJ4AaABAg.8xuc3ABFAul8xuxlQJd8OS --- NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 819 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHhzSaliYcuDfEktJ4AaABAg.8xuc3ABFAul8xwsD7u3IZw --- The US has a GE labeling law, ignore this mentally ill demented anti-biotech troll. So very few Americans actually care about GE content, only TWO have used their smart phones to access the QR code info on GMO foods in the last year!! ==== 820 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHhzSaliYcuDfEktJ4AaABAg.8xuc3ABFAul8xwuNcdiOzR --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 821 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHhzSaliYcuDfEktJ4AaABAg.8xuc3ABFAul8xzScvPaABQ --- [USER 73] Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 822 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxScn1HNntpuqnfq794AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 823 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwv8bwO-7cHSEO8JA14AaABAg.8xsHPTdSGjR8xtmgtd1pfy --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 824 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwv8bwO-7cHSEO8JA14AaABAg.8xsHPTdSGjR8xuxnI6qr8- --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 825 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwv8bwO-7cHSEO8JA14AaABAg.8xsHPTdSGjR8y2d0LbGu7a --- [USER 73] BUT NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 826 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwv8bwO-7cHSEO8JA14AaABAg.8xsHPTdSGjR8yVbtvcY8fG --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? Are you a lying Russian Troll? ==== 827 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz89A1OTVloyY5nciV4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 828 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwfu69KalnvYsCqsXx4AaABAg.8xqSH0iijhh8xrdvIQtCvI --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 829 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzlkiKgqAuXCCO2fq94AaABAg.8xqQfICNYG08xrdwcFDqGm --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 830 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzlkiKgqAuXCCO2fq94AaABAg.8xqQfICNYG08xreQ7cW16N --- POST- MARKETING SURVEILLANCE is a key part of the daily duties of our safety agencies. The Almost liar troll again tries to insult the intelligence of readers here by suggesting it is not. All reports are routed to the USDA, FDA & EPA for review and food recalls are based on this scrutiny. Their websites all have form for reporting concerns or you can call them. Ask Almost how he was treated when he called the FDA and blathered demented lies in their ears. He can't even remember what he did yesterday!! ==== 831 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwZcxe-bC0nhTa_4MZ4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 832 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxKFgiQqqgQqhmNbN54AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 833 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxFma73T-nWp958Lut4AaABAg --- All readers - avoid the darkness of science illiteracy and conspiracy theories like this asshole 'Almost' spams. Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 834 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxALuItWPjtpY7JZ6Z4AaABAg.8xnhed_ccB78xon_FD7AoP --- All readers - avoid the darkness of science illiteracy and conspiracy theories like this asshole Almost spams. Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 835 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxALuItWPjtpY7JZ6Z4AaABAg.8xnhed_ccB78xosJGVOy5H --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 836 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxJ2kiSoXe5CKwt5ml4AaABAg.8xmk_dH7CYR8xw4r-upeVM --- Your post is False [USER 261]. The rate of Roundup(Glyphosate) used per acre has been the same for 45 years. We do not use more per acre. We do not keep adding more nitrogen but on proper amounts to raise record crops. If you grew up on a farm then you know farmers take great pride in their soil and replace everything the crop needs to produce bountiful crops. The soil provides their living and income. You obviously did not learn much growing up on the farm. ==== 837 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyy9qGgVoBZLyOPxnp4AaABAg.8xl3wBB9xZm8xw558pAJ-6 --- There is NO such thing as terminator seed. That is an ignorant myth Isaac. ==== 838 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyy9qGgVoBZLyOPxnp4AaABAg.8xl3wBB9xZm8xwqyQ9bPhI --- [USER 262] ==== 839 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyy9qGgVoBZLyOPxnp4AaABAg.8xl3wBB9xZm8xwtjFscAnE --- [USER 264] So you spewed out the ignorance you heard but you knew it was not correct but you did it anyway. Fair enough. ==== 840 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyLJwEMv2Tk7V0-fuN4AaABAg.8xh9oM9oC8j8xjWMjo5oVb --- WRONG. We need the best crop science to feed the bad habit of selfish human reproduction in an obscenely over populated world. ==== 841 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyLJwEMv2Tk7V0-fuN4AaABAg.8xh9oM9oC8j8xjyoY9gWG4 --- [USER 266] No. With accelerated climate change there is no going back. Breeding better crops that survive more hostile conditions are a matter of survival. ==== 842 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyLJwEMv2Tk7V0-fuN4AaABAg.8xh9oM9oC8j8xm4BqCpPlT --- [USER 266] Absolutely NOT a 'bandaid', this is the front line of a full on global effort for survival. The rear echelon is the thousands of other technological advances that reduce the need for fossil fuels, from LED lighting to battery technology to solar and wind power. Just look at the 160 pound car-bike I drive as shown in my avatar - it is solar and pedal powered [USER 112] emissions. The Impossible burger movement is another aspect. ==== 843 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyLJwEMv2Tk7V0-fuN4AaABAg.8xh9oM9oC8j8xmaMgHa6QF --- [USER 266] Nobody can change their evolutionary programming. We are omnivores. But this whole exchange is getting tedious, I find your chosen channel name objectionable and a [USER 86] flag. ==== 844 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwE0d7KxVVYG-tsCdN4AaABAg.8xfQEN2rdAU8xgyIOteQik --- You are a fucking moron!! We want humans to simply reduce the birth rate and stop breeding like bunnies. No environmentalist anywhere wishes death on living beings, we wish a better quality of life on the living beings. Nor are we anti-technology. We are only anti-fossil fuels. YOUR LIES AND HOSTILE IGNORANCE IS EVIL AND AN ENEMY OF ALL LIFE ON EARTH. Climate change is a separate but connected topic. In a world with no human caused climate change we would still be enviromentalists wanting humans to live in greater harmony instead of causing species extinctions. ==== 845 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwdLa8YecXfJleSZoF4AaABAg.8xe8xDoe8Sz8xeflKHRazV --- Not here. ==== 846 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyN4DBAC9io822sZMB4AaABAg.8xd8Vtd3CBB8xeg4JPMAy6 --- No it does not. Only freshness affects flavors. When GMO and organic versions grown under the same condition and soils are each picked at the peak of ripeness and tasted immediately there is no difference. It is handling and picking prematurely to get produce to market before it goes bad that lowers flavor. You pay extra for organic woo so they have no excuse to not pick it closer to ripeness. ==== 847 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw1hYxgTAq2o5BNdR94AaABAg.8xcHna2wcla8xeg7MR0a5z --- Time travel? Monsanto shut down two years ago. ==== 848 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz_uiEMQXa8hLUjOup4AaABAg.8x_ThlvHQCG8xaVTN_yZSe --- [USER 267]? ==== 849 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz_uiEMQXa8hLUjOup4AaABAg.8x_ThlvHQCG8xc4YJCDnF3 --- No seed company can add a thing to crops, farmers and only farmers do that. Farmers create the demand that companies only fulfill. No seed company has ever sold a single ounce of food at groceries. GMO is just a breeding method, never an actual ingredient just as seed selection, hybridization and grafting are breeding methods. You use the word 'narrative' when you wish to place a negative connotation on video content. There is nothing wrong or inaccurate here. ==== 850 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwnczW2KDivk6bJbx54AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 851 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyLIM3TEQ-aBFVPX-14AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 852 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxU0P3Niag44puDjpt4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 853 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz1wQN9Aeq96QYUko54AaABAg.8xZ9oKR68yd8xZxRb2Uwqa --- Why has NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 854 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz1wQN9Aeq96QYUko54AaABAg.8xZ9oKR68yd8x_B-_rJ22Q --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 855 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx_fbUhYMl3E-Isqax4AaABAg.8xZ8DT86smq8xZxTJXBvIW --- Why has NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 856 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx_fbUhYMl3E-Isqax4AaABAg.8xZ8DT86smq8xa6Uz3k_oa --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 857 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx_fbUhYMl3E-Isqax4AaABAg.8xZ8DT86smq8xc5ND-XFaN --- [USER 73] That's a blatant lie asshole. No GMO is ever released for sale before years of highly monitored testing. Yes, YEARS AND EVEN DECADES pass before any new GMO is allowed to be sold. All readers here now clearly you see you are an insane ranting asshole liar. If David sold "death", WHERE ARE THE BODIES??? WHERE ARE THE CORPSES?? WHERE are the autopsies and coroner reports and massive national news coverage of a deadly plague of deaths by poisoning?? They are lodged firmly UP YOUR ASS. ==== 858 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxtGyATZiEtlHt2wKh4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 859 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwDZc903TmvLsYsJtt4AaABAg.8xX-zBHZRvt8xXpe-_gqqE --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 860 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwUzv3CmN1rHJljPwJ4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 861 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyj4NPr2ee8h8QQF014AaABAg.8xUbEvoqClm8xV5sUG38Lt --- China imports 70 million tons of GM soy every year. China grows 11 million acres of GM cotton every year. ==== 862 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyj4NPr2ee8h8QQF014AaABAg.8xUbEvoqClm8xVBUwbo3is --- China grows its own GMO rice, seeds it refuses to share with the world. The US can't export what countries do not want. China has bought over 16 types of GMO seed from us. ==== 863 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz9rAjv1y16SQwSa-t4AaABAg.8xU_jqdG9Pk8xV5vqVhsJ4 --- Worldwide science approves this message. ==== 864 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz9rAjv1y16SQwSa-t4AaABAg.8xU_jqdG9Pk8xVBa7XNEmU --- Monsanto shut down two years ago you fool. There is only Bayer. You need to find a new witch to hunt. ==== 865 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz9rAjv1y16SQwSa-t4AaABAg.8xU_jqdG9Pk8xZxRfj3cYW --- [USER 73] --Not a single one of those institutions question the safety of crop biotechnology. ==== 866 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxthaFPJ98LAeji3ah4AaABAg.8xU5TevxBxY8xUZ-EtiDNR --- Yes but Why has NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 867 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxthaFPJ98LAeji3ah4AaABAg.8xU5TevxBxY8xVBk81Ohnx --- [USER 269] [USER 268 NAME], please don't start our your reply with "yes" because it implies you agree with this moron. Do you? ==== 868 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxthaFPJ98LAeji3ah4AaABAg.8xU5TevxBxY8xVBrxDkvkN --- All readers - avoid the darkness of science illiteracy and conspiracy theories like this asshole Almost spams. Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 869 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxthaFPJ98LAeji3ah4AaABAg.8xU5TevxBxY8xZxePVO0og --- [USER 73] Why don't you just do the test you want and stop crybabying about it. Evidently you are like the rest that does not want NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 870 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzmGzTTxx90S89WvdF4AaABAg.8xSWlUD9-_g8xVaFQARj1M --- [USER 271] --It takes three agencies to approve a new GM trait. The FDA, EPA, and the USDA. Are all three corrupt? Are they corrupt all the time? For decades? ==== 871 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyN_JW_nXqK6RbNabx4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 872 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy4-7DhIV0vO1RH2t94AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 873 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwgTBHm7p8400wMJix4AaABAg.8xRezhwAtPC8xSUQ0cUTB4 --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 874 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwgTBHm7p8400wMJix4AaABAg.8xRezhwAtPC8xTh95YrJ3e --- Yes Why has NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 875 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwgTBHm7p8400wMJix4AaABAg.8xRezhwAtPC8xUYhG27-tc --- [USER 73] Yes but Why has NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 876 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx-I7DuXgoKG-owxud4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 877 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw795c1eTdie5VUJJV4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 878 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx2fGJ6VIyHRbtfWvZ4AaABAg.8xPUNNae3Ph8xSwd2uB124 --- Which GMO's are you talking about. Herbicide resistant weeds that have nothing to do with GM crops outnumber resistant weeds that are associated with GM crops. Resistance is expected. ==== 879 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyIGLB74ds8s3X5UgB4AaABAg.8xP5VcQbi6f8xQ5nBnMhWu --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 880 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyIGLB74ds8s3X5UgB4AaABAg.8xP5VcQbi6f8xSwmXSc_Wa --- [USER 73] --Crop biotechnology is not experimental. ==== 881 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyIGLB74ds8s3X5UgB4AaABAg.8xP5VcQbi6f8xThFkDXoxE --- Why has NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 882 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyIGLB74ds8s3X5UgB4AaABAg.8xP5VcQbi6f8xonA9A1-Fs --- [USER 73] All readers - avoid the darkness of science illiteracy and conspiracy theories like this asshole Almost spams. Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 883 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz6DAgQEcFUqlGmEf94AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 884 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxYgFc2527sXgK4qG54AaABAg.8xLeKwv7Zpf8xNTEsMLRek --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 885 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxYgFc2527sXgK4qG54AaABAg.8xLeKwv7Zpf8xTh38dUH5Q --- [USER 73] Yes Why has NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 886 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxYgFc2527sXgK4qG54AaABAg.8xLeKwv7Zpf8xUZ47-VSdH --- [USER 73] Yes but Why has NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 887 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxYgFc2527sXgK4qG54AaABAg.8xLeKwv7Zpf8xZxjcdlhrX --- [USER 73] Why don't you just do the test you want and stop crybabying about it. Evidently you are like the rest that does not want NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 888 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxYgFc2527sXgK4qG54AaABAg.8xLeKwv7Zpf8xa4hwjduWl --- [USER 73] Then Why has NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 889 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx5_nqIu4ojxgpTkcN4AaABAg.8xJh1pemvpp8xKvB-q4IGv --- All mangoes have been steadily improved over 10,000 years of conventional breeding by humans. At all times we prefer and re-plant the fruit with the best disease resistance. Even without GMO science we could eventually conquer a mango disease epidemic but who wants to wait 40 years? ==== 890 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx5_nqIu4ojxgpTkcN4AaABAg.8xJh1pemvpp8xKxYYhPjYQ --- [USER 273] No there are many diseases that barely alter the appearance of fruit, in some cases it is environmental factors or insect bites that make the skin less than perfect looking while doing nothing to the flavor, or it may just reduce the total yield of the mango tree. There are no serious mango plagues right now, any GMO projects would be to give them a longer shelf life or more flavor or a smaller pit. Imagine a tiny pit instead of the huge ones that are almost half the weight of the fruit, requiring more inedible skin to cover it all. Imagine a tasty skin that we don't need to peel before eating. Avocados with smaller pits area already being enjoyed. ==== 891 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwxxpI9aOlL78j3PDh4AaABAg.8xJ5MLEURaV8xKuHPnIMC5 --- Says a liar who knows not a single penny has been paid out from any of the settlements. Can you say APPEAL?? Science truth always wins in the end. Jurors never determine science conclusions. ==== 892 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwxxpI9aOlL78j3PDh4AaABAg.8xJ5MLEURaV8xKuoiUtApO --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 893 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwxxpI9aOlL78j3PDh4AaABAg.8xJ5MLEURaV8xNTIvMH5Wo --- [USER 73] Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 894 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwxxpI9aOlL78j3PDh4AaABAg.8xJ5MLEURaV8xNTu3n3pw7 --- [USER 73] NO, THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME MAKE A COMPLETE AND UTTER FOOL OF YOU WHILE EXPOSING YOUR BLATANT LIES. Not a single penny has been paid out you blathering moron. ==== 895 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwxxpI9aOlL78j3PDh4AaABAg.8xJ5MLEURaV8xNU0tBxN7c --- Profit is never a valid talking point asshole. Nobody works for free. Tell us where all those non-profit corporations are. ==== 896 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwBj6qjcXGrTnr9yQ94AaABAg.8xHoBIP9PmS8xKunQ-gbyF --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 897 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwBj6qjcXGrTnr9yQ94AaABAg.8xHoBIP9PmS8xQgvvOvTnE --- [USER 73] But NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 898 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwBj6qjcXGrTnr9yQ94AaABAg.8xHoBIP9PmS8xTgyVziXfh --- [USER 73] Yes Why has NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 899 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwBj6qjcXGrTnr9yQ94AaABAg.8xHoBIP9PmS8xU_QWSUWzt --- [USER 73] Why don't you take up a collection for them Almost. Have a bake sale or wash cars to raise the money for them. All you want to do is complain about it instead of helping raise the money. ==== 900 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwBj6qjcXGrTnr9yQ94AaABAg.8xHoBIP9PmS8xX8fCOKuAI --- [USER 73] Who is GMO Corporate? I want those that want it done to do them and then stop the cry babying about it. But NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 901 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzy9dgvB4mWxDiW2oJ4AaABAg.8xF3uAq4xBS8xFW_7u92bW --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 902 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzy9dgvB4mWxDiW2oJ4AaABAg.8xF3uAq4xBS8xFszVjqmjy --- [USER 275] --There is not enough of it for Almost. ==== 903 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzy9dgvB4mWxDiW2oJ4AaABAg.8xF3uAq4xBS8xICGUf_QnB --- [USER 73] --[USER 268], Popeye, myself, and [USER 274] have already destroyed your constant blubberings about the Codex and the technology. Repeatedly. ==== 904 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzy9dgvB4mWxDiW2oJ4AaABAg.8xF3uAq4xBS8xLOU2YTUTt --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 905 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzy9dgvB4mWxDiW2oJ4AaABAg.8xF3uAq4xBS8xNTPFNU1ly --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 906 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzy9dgvB4mWxDiW2oJ4AaABAg.8xF3uAq4xBS8xPQPAzErnL --- [USER 73] That is correct NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 907 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzu8wLUd2Pq59eNNj14AaABAg.8xF1KKL0DNn8xFWalbR0QQ --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 908 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzu8wLUd2Pq59eNNj14AaABAg.8xF1KKL0DNn8xU_Ybg4MDj --- [USER 73] That is correct NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 909 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgziuIEwPU8H-FR9kx54AaABAg.8xF-68Frmkz8xFWBpbR4V5 --- The latest flu vaccine is trying exactly that. It is a one time treatment that works for life. ==== 910 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxkxIYpcmvuwX3y5Qh4AaABAg --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 911 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwzttHDLyvnnHQwZmt4AaABAg.8xAX91viZhI8xFtkgsztPV --- Lying horseshit, GMO's did not give you cancer. ==== 912 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy0-8R1pE6y3_NwhuJ4AaABAg --- NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 913 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy0-8R1pE6y3_NwhuJ4AaABAg.8x8acj5G0nv8xFtoackUVV --- Right on. ==== 914 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgynX5L0XOXFrWrzaY94AaABAg.8x7Sc8eiBRE8xAlE6SdWrD --- Calling all Kurzgesagt subscribers and readers - note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting the anti-science GMO hater troll '*[USER 24]*' who is in fact mentally ill. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag him for cyber bullying and report his channel because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To report these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 915 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgynX5L0XOXFrWrzaY94AaABAg.8x7Sc8eiBRE8xLOeBa94Mu --- [USER 73] That is correct NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 916 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgynX5L0XOXFrWrzaY94AaABAg.8x7Sc8eiBRE8xLQYLwsiu_ --- [USER 73] Yes but why has NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 917 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgynX5L0XOXFrWrzaY94AaABAg.8x7Sc8eiBRE8xQh7zvXleN --- [USER 73] You are correct NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 918 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzcbMTVag3ErD_I_bt4AaABAg.8x5jSRbqNzk8xAVIlCSwnU --- Barley, wheate, and rye are NOT transgenic. ==== 919 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw-4LlrjFKt_tFFuNJ4AaABAg.8x5Yt-qsI2v8xAVPvx3fuy --- Biotechnology is safe mead. ==== 920 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy4FUDNf1nmo2aqdiF4AaABAg.8x015vMtI5e8x2wAjoOMne --- Because we don't know enough about Mars and the lack of atmosphere means pressurized greenhouses. Plants don't survive nightly lows of -40 degrees. ==== 921 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwoaqER69cBgG1Crad4AaABAg.8x-9cL0OdIe8x0-vZzmJN6 --- For Bt brinjal they do. ==== 922 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzGcAgRSYXeBZ26INZ4AaABAg.8wzvyMRE7uy8x0U0PqqkB_ --- Stop suggesting there is a daddy in the sky and face your mortality directly without a crutch or fairy tales. ==== 923 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgysHzQwXwyrt3j8qJx4AaABAg.8whWuTgBPCe8wjHWmTGvCn --- That student was ignorant and a teacher should have corrected the confusion. No GMO is approved for sale in the US if it is still in the experimental stage. They are always tested for years to complete a battery of testing. ==== 924 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgysHzQwXwyrt3j8qJx4AaABAg.8whWuTgBPCe8x8asX7b3y_ --- [USER 73] That is correct NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 925 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgysHzQwXwyrt3j8qJx4AaABAg.8whWuTgBPCe8xQhGiUYOpo --- [USER 73] Why has NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 926 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzRDmE-VBRnMBBCQs14AaABAg.8wbuRUSzfJe8wc-VI693tE --- Right on. There are only 12 of them. ==== 927 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzRDmE-VBRnMBBCQs14AaABAg.8wbuRUSzfJe8wefg2z_z-a --- No fiction. ==== 928 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzzJhUJ7miMjfqF2054AaABAg.8wbt8psgdIx8wefq1ZbH8a --- No. On the contrary, it helps more people every day. Why would you lie like this? ==== 929 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyvjPxbGOcIVNdmfIR4AaABAg.8waSfvK-qJX8wbGXSG79Hj --- Exactly! ==== 930 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyvjPxbGOcIVNdmfIR4AaABAg.8waSfvK-qJX8x8azcfh6wb --- [USER 73] that is correct NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 931 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyvjPxbGOcIVNdmfIR4AaABAg.8waSfvK-qJX8xA06l1B2l0 --- [USER 73] YES WHY Does NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 932 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwVnB3iL5p79L0qPoB4AaABAg.8wXEf9bBhDQ8wYEhoOQgyg --- Monsanto never had a monopoly, nor Bayer, nor is one possible with GMO crops or any other patented conventional seed. Patents expire and revert to the public. ==== 933 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwVnB3iL5p79L0qPoB4AaABAg.8wXEf9bBhDQ8wehpJde-kS --- Your post is False. Bayer and Monsanto together are still are not Number 1 in gmo technology. Why is the public so ignorant on this subject? ==== 934 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxuROqT8zXuOKUyc_J4AaABAg.8wUNz6RADwF8x8b4Evhoi1 --- [USER 73] That is correct NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 935 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx_outQoja60IxjqSl4AaABAg.8wQ2-jRgOzU8wSgvkxZ4Pc --- No, adaptive changes can become apparent in just a couple generations. Swallows living in NYC tunnels developed shorter wings quickly. Crop pests can begin to adapt in the second year of growing the same crop with the same pesticides. That's why rotation is considered essential. ==== 936 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx_outQoja60IxjqSl4AaABAg.8wQ2-jRgOzU8wUtAzoc5hU --- [USER 277] Of course not. That is blatantly obvious unless you are one of those who thinks Earth is only 6000 years old. We could not exist without the constant force of evolution. ==== 937 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzJihzMk-ai6IDQU1V4AaABAg.8wQ0Yw-NWCy8wShCtilo9D --- Curie had no clue about genetics. Darwin did not know DNA existed. Now we have mapped the genomes of hundreds of living things. Fear mongering organic thugs have no clothes. ==== 938 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzJihzMk-ai6IDQU1V4AaABAg.8wQ0Yw-NWCy8wXW-J07S0q --- [USER 277] That is a lie and you know it. We have fully mapped hundreds of genomes. We now know enough to apply Crisper technology for precision mutations. This topic will not cover higher animal mutations, just food crops and farm animals. We always test each mutation to an extreme. testing takes years to complete and it eliminates any unexpected results. ==== 939 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzJihzMk-ai6IDQU1V4AaABAg.8wQ0Yw-NWCy8w_Iwd6Cz6P --- [USER 277] --You got nothing BD so backing down is wise. ==== 940 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHOUEtdZsO9MPD3Rt4AaABAg.8wPgTlMds418wPxov2XwKE --- It was Pepsico not McD. The potatoes are not GMO potatoes, they are a variety that Pepsico spent millions of dollars and years to develop. Pepsico contracts with thousands of Indian farmers to grow them and when those four other farmers grew them without permission Pepsico took action. How can you blame them for taking action against farmers who steal their property please? "GMOs are very welcome if the corporations are NOT allowed to have a say on who controls the yield." What does that mean? ==== 941 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHOUEtdZsO9MPD3Rt4AaABAg.8wPgTlMds418wQ-Tdo_Al3 --- Patents are a fact of life. Not accepting them means you do not accept [USER 91]. The only reason you have computer, smart phone, flat panel TVs, internet and access to advanced medical care is because of patents. We'd still be an undeveloped country without patents. Ever since the US Plant Breeders Protection Act of 1931 we have granted organic, hybrid, conventional and GMO patents for highly desirable seed that can take years and millions of dollars to create. ALL PATENTS EXPIRE after 20 years. FARMERS DO NOT WANT TO REPLANT HYBRID SEEDS!!! Farmers quit saving Hybrid seed in mid 1930's and as each crop became a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop because replanting loses the desired traits. It is illegal to save patented seed and does not mater if it is GMO or non GMO seed. Farmers are law abiding citizens but some think they are above the law. If you save seed do not buy patented seed to do so. A first grade child can understand that. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling GMO technology seed. That favorite whipping boy Monsanto was bought out and when it did exist it only controlled 20% of the GM seed market globally. All patents expire 20 years from the date they were filed. GMO soybeans are off patent open source now and are a bargain for farmers at the permanently lower price. ==== 942 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHOUEtdZsO9MPD3Rt4AaABAg.8wPgTlMds418wQ-k3wrnCo --- Even some organic, heirloom and conventional seeds have patents. You must respect the law or decide to plant the many thousands of varieties not patented. Without 20 year patents the best GMOs would never have been developed, including the highly coveted Bt cotton and bringal Indian farmers envy. ==== 943 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyuhDQ2FKvWAsPG7fJ4AaABAg.8wOUdG6ruzM8wQ-tRvOGfX --- Too many grade school dropouts and kids being passed while not passing science classes. But yes you made a very good point. Get it at the source. ==== 944 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyuhDQ2FKvWAsPG7fJ4AaABAg.8wOUdG6ruzM8wQ33zEB5fh --- [USER 277] You just proved my point! You posted a total lie without even being aware of it. The human genome was the first to be mapped, many more are following. We know the precise purpose of every single atom in 3 billion DNA segments for mapped genomes. We are now learning how changing them in combinations can be used to our benefit. The new Crispr technology makes this more precise than ever before. Of course of scientists knew no more than you you would be correct. ==== 945 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwPuc9AnlU83KD7JQZ4AaABAg.8wN6FkEzjxg8wNGziq7HxU --- No. There are no wild stands of corn and soy. 'Strong' has no meaning but effective against pests and climate change challenges. There is no GMO bogeyman and no evil seed that can take over the world other than weeds and we know how to deal with most of them effectively. ==== 946 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyY6zu8oMiIeKdy4a54AaABAg.8wKL5_vkO3T8wKaymecuft --- Fail, We don't eat tobacco and we don't smoke foods. Readers note how this idiot mocked 'sciencey words' and then immediately proceeded to tell you to do your research that involves.......SCIENCE!!! PROFIT IS ALWAYS A FAILED TALKING POINT, NOBODY WORKS FOR FREE. ==== 947 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwKYc-JRF8rVKk_IEx4AaABAg.8wJ6S4ZpygT8wNUhGZxIvE --- Not true in biotech crop. Organic farmers spray which kills non target insects but Bt crops only kill the targeted insects that eat the plant. ==== 948 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwKYc-JRF8rVKk_IEx4AaABAg.8wJ6S4ZpygT8wOKYShRGGS --- [USER 279] --In Bt crops only targeted insects are killed. Bt crops have dramatically reduced the use of insecticide sprays. When organic farmers use Bt they spray it thereby killing non target insects. Bt only kill lepidoptera. ==== 949 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwKYc-JRF8rVKk_IEx4AaABAg.8wJ6S4ZpygT8wPNlJexLrl --- [USER 279] --Incredibly, you are not aware that organic agriculture allows certain insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides including a couple of synthetic ones. Incredibly you are not even aware that organic farmers have been spraying Bt on their crops for 70 years. ==== 950 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwKYc-JRF8rVKk_IEx4AaABAg.8wJ6S4ZpygT8wT2llK3wnx --- [USER 277] Your post are False. Organic Use MANY toxic pesticides. Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn rootworms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO. ==== 951 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwKYc-JRF8rVKk_IEx4AaABAg.8wJ6S4ZpygT8wUFXi1eouQ --- [USER 277] You are correct most farmers do not comment on youtube. I got started 3 years ago when I had a total knee replacement. Everything I said is correct and if you have any questions ask them. ==== 952 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzPze2ZQSjmjYkAob14AaABAg.8wEiH2XvA2Z8wFGCMBBmtE --- The company is gone. But farmers made Monsanto. Farmers found and still find Monsanto products highly desirable. If you refer to living close to a chemical facility, that is equally true of all such facilities. And of course there were many such locations so you allude to a vague situation with no citation. ==== 953 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzyU4Gz09sJwnSHCER4AaABAg.8wEKt-owE0q8wNUyO3y2KF --- And they are wrong about those commercial practices too bazoo. ==== 954 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzyU4Gz09sJwnSHCER4AaABAg.8wEKt-owE0q8wwpU3JcXzT --- [USER 281] Your post is false. Monsanto was bought out two years ago. ==== 955 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzyU4Gz09sJwnSHCER4AaABAg.8wEKt-owE0q8wyF2IaQZHR --- [USER 281] Yes you are right your post is false. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. I have no love for Bayer. ==== 956 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzCTLvL7SkAy1TDuyx4AaABAg.8wBf9QtuXe58wCmhXnJ4Zc --- Who? Funding what?? ==== 957 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzCTLvL7SkAy1TDuyx4AaABAg.8wBf9QtuXe58wwpXoQqXj2 --- [USER 283] Why should they? ==== 958 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz7BeLVzlP6wkOEtCN4AaABAg.8wB8Hal1XK_8wNV7XYonww --- True. ==== 959 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxn6UjrJV61AL8nyWF4AaABAg.8wAYqqlQ0gN8wNVDkFUkoC --- There are no safety or health issues with biotechnology crops. ==== 960 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwI2WAT3I4RH2EZYaB4AaABAg.8w81TBzDx-U8wCnUaxG2Ge --- Greenpeace drives steel spikes into trees so chain saws will break when cutting. ==== 961 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx1H3pTWA2AzYqsh2V4AaABAg.8w3RdIEqJQj8w5LHfAwaig --- No. Those pests exist in farm fields, not a natural environment. We create the opportunity for crop pests and we must control them to grow our foods. Farmers do not spray the entire country, just their farms. ==== 962 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx1H3pTWA2AzYqsh2V4AaABAg.8w3RdIEqJQj8w5cTg38H0R --- [USER 285] Real scientists never just "say" it is safe for humans, they PROVE IT. Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 963 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyH91MbXwNE-J7g1HR4AaABAg.8w3R8QMZxWa8w5LTICaLRE --- Upvoting your own comment does not make it more valid. All farming is invasive to nature.Those pests exist in farm fields, not a natural environment. We create the opportunity for crop pests and we must control them to grow our foods. Farmers do not spray the entire country, just their farms. The ecosystem ends where farm fences begin. ==== 964 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyWxmaQjGn1ydklVyF4AaABAg.8w28fgc2brr8w2Fp-HH7O3 --- You are misinformed. All GMO seed in the US is tested for years, average 13 years before release in the US. Independent is not required, all 3 of our agencies mandate a total of over 75 tests before FDA, USDA & EPA approval. Crisper science will shorten this average time but all countries, with no exceptions, have mandatory testing even when a GMO has been proven safe for years or even decades previously in other countries. Both golden rice and GMO salmon had over 20 years to get past all the hurdles. US voters elect the officials who oversee the FDA and our agencies frequently open up issues to public comments. Broaden your narrow view. - look who is AVAILABLE to fill highly specialized positions at the FDA. Walmart greeters and gas station attendants won't cut it. ==== 965 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzfHIqFdvyVW8Kpnpx4AaABAg.8w0HH07Ktry8wNVzjRfS0P --- Bravo. ==== 966 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzfHIqFdvyVW8Kpnpx4AaABAg.8w0HH07Ktry8yfsUpzOt27 --- [USER 287] --How has Monsanto abused the tool? ==== 967 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzfHIqFdvyVW8Kpnpx4AaABAg.8w0HH07Ktry93WJMLkOIxA --- [USER 288] --I have seen Food, Inc. Sorry Kill, all of your claims are false. ==== 968 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzfHIqFdvyVW8Kpnpx4AaABAg.8w0HH07Ktry95-Dj1Fzoen --- [USER 288] --Patented seed? So what, patents expire. Not a single person has lost a farm because "because monsanto genes are being dumped on the side of the road". That accusation is a myth, Monsanto has only sued farmers who stole their seeds. ==== 969 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwvERj_ZyjBP6Melkh4AaABAg.8vzsrS1h3X48w-q8kNUAZ5 --- Because your grade school education was poor. ==== 970 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyM3dtk4M1_SIw6K194AaABAg.8vzfFGunQBZ8wNWUpPZoKA --- Very true. ==== 971 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzQlkquz5NJspz3D714AaABAg.8vyqLZEmpOW8wNWtMamG-m --- This part of your comment is false Aperture, "Furthermore, Monsanto (oh boy) is notorious for suing organic farmers that have Monsanto GM crops in their farms. Problem is, the crops are in their farms because Monsanto GM foods spread through seeds unintentionally, it's not the farmers' fault, but since Monsanto modified seeds are literally trademarked by Monsanto and treated as proprietary property, they get screwed over." Regards. ==== 972 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwIjmw9OUM0LyZLdT94AaABAg.8vyJG120ljO8wNX4W1bDK9 --- Yes it is, that's why a refuge area is planted. ==== 973 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwPZmjgI2GbwhB9BnV4AaABAg.8vxtaq7C5SQ8vyMBh1i_9c --- This concern is muddled by many organic foods cartel disinformation lies. Much of modern seed is hybrid now. Hybrid seeds, including patented organic, heirloom and conventional hybrid seeds all lose their desired traits when replanted. Farmers do not want to replant hybrid seeds. You lose more than you gain by trying to save money unwisely. ==== 974 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw8H0ITxg9BGMjBQUp4AaABAg.8vwMvmCaOjN8vyMLJPhZSY --- You are right. Many teachers use this video and you can scroll down to see positive comments from students. ==== 975 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwUQlJ0V4exw2foltV4AaABAg.8vwEP0-qs5v8wNXLJL76g- --- I feel for you. ==== 976 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwR1UT6VFr8v4jdw3t4AaABAg.8vuyRR-NA5X8wNXUXqtdLF --- Yep, and those people are wrong. ==== 977 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxAhjwAlnRAXEXs5_x4AaABAg.8vrsGOSBuW18vvchuHELMX --- You are not thinking. Those two things are directly connected. The best thing we can do to save the biome is to use the lowest impact farming methods that impact the least acreage. ==== 978 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz60nyLgT1bo3-KqGV4AaABAg.8vqv2LDDh5F8vvclGl81cx --- Fuck your genetic illiteracy. ==== 979 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyq-YDCg9Bzt59MMPR4AaABAg.8voD6GVAtBa8vqUvcdFQUD --- You are genetically illiterate. Peer reviewed science IS the closest thing to perfection humans can achieve. Nobody ever did what you claimed, we mostly use gene segments from similar species and animal gene segments for crops are very rarely done, a fish gene segment to prevent freezing damage is a typical example, it is a few codes out of the 3 billion plant code segments. Nature put a bacteria gene in the sweet potato 13,000 years ago, it does happen and the world does not end because natural selection never stopped working. We have full control of these crops. There are no wild stands of corn, soy or sugar beets. Since we didn't go anywhere there is no reason to try to go back. Your education was a failure. ==== 980 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyq-YDCg9Bzt59MMPR4AaABAg.8voD6GVAtBa8wPwz2XW5At --- [USER 277] --"To put a pig gene in a plant could have thousands of consequences that maybe need many decades to manifest, we are just playing with fire, and once DNA has been replaced THERE IS NO WAY BACK." Behind, DNA is called the Universal Code for a good reason. There is no insect DNA, apple DNA, pig DNA, human DNA, or alligator DNA. It is just DNA. We share half of our DNA with banana's. Regards. ==== 981 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyq-YDCg9Bzt59MMPR4AaABAg.8voD6GVAtBa8wQha3RYDn4 --- [USER 277] --Address the issue BD instead of making meaningless analogies. ==== 982 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyq-YDCg9Bzt59MMPR4AaABAg.8voD6GVAtBa8wYEOH6gbY3 --- [USER 277] --It is easy for you to write non-specific, open ended comments offering nothing whatsoever in support. It is pretty obvious that you have nothing. The thing for you to do is to begin a personal campaign among family, friends, coworkers, and community about the dangers of insulin. It has been a GMO since 1981. ==== 983 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyq-YDCg9Bzt59MMPR4AaABAg.8voD6GVAtBa8w_urY3vV-f --- [USER 277] --Stop dodging and post something substantive for your vague claims. And why do you ignore GMO insulin? Haven't had time to make something up? ==== 984 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyBu6vLwVtU6Sc0wUJ4AaABAg.8vnf3MOUghz8vrJ6cqzqUp --- That is why farmers like me use gmo technology seed. Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn root worms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO. ==== 985 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyBu6vLwVtU6Sc0wUJ4AaABAg.8vnf3MOUghz8wYX5DHjNUm --- [USER 290] --Pesticides on farms have very little to do with insect decline and GM crops have nothing to do with it. Organic farmers use insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides too. ==== 986 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw3TbqZNRrrSxfU1UZ4AaABAg.8vmHy7SYr-z8voESJ84amz --- No. That is a lie and a very ignorant opinion not based on the truth. GMO crop science is a kind of crop science discipline. It is not a living thing and can not "make" anyone do anything. Intelligence and education LETS smart people and companies exercise their PRIVILEGE to invest millions of dollars and years of research to come up with a new seed that farmers really want, protected by a patent to shield their investment from pirates and the Chinese thieves. The same US patent laws gave you the internet, digital conveniences, microwave ovens, a longer life span and the Avengers. All patents expire after 20 years. There are many other species of corn that were never patented and all humans are free to plant those whenever they want. The smart farmers want to pay a bit extra and get the best seed. You could only be a dumb farmer. ==== 987 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxovOxO8FtuMiiANqB4AaABAg.8vh-xiannmg8vjNwLoVSyw --- It never has. You made an odd comment. ==== 988 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxovOxO8FtuMiiANqB4AaABAg.8vh-xiannmg8vjUeHmab65 --- [USER 292] Money. ==== 989 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxovOxO8FtuMiiANqB4AaABAg.8vh-xiannmg8voeVn7gWrX --- [USER 292] All seeds we have used in the past are preserved in seed banks and vaults, and most are still sold by seed companies or hobby farmers. No type of seed has been lost, you should be catching a clue by the fact that farmers prefer the best GMO seed and eagerly line up to buy it. GMO seed to address specific climate change challenges is already being given away free and there is a lot more on the way. African nations who ended their GMO cultivation bans are adopting new drought and pest resistant GMOs for the first time, dropping the total number of countries with bans from 37 to 30 in the last year. There is no GMO devil or bogey man, you are making shit up. ==== 990 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxovOxO8FtuMiiANqB4AaABAg.8vh-xiannmg8voerqs-5xo --- [USER 292] ALL PATENTS EXPIRE after 20 years. GMO soybeans are generic and cheap now, a bargain for farmers. FARMERS DO NOT WANT TO REPLANT HYBRID SEEDS, GMO or otherwise!!! Farmers quit saving Hybrid seed in mid 1970's and as each crop became a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop. We have had patented seed ever since Congress passed the Plant Breeder Protection Act of 1931 protecting plant breeder investments with patent rights. It is illegal to save patented seed and does not mater if it is GMO or non GMO seed. Farmers are law abiding citizens but some think they are above the law. If you save seed do not buy patented seed to do so. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling GMO technology seed. That favorite whipping boy Monsanto was bought out and when it did exist it only controlled 20% of the GE seed market globally. GMO soy is off patent open source now and is a bargain for farmers at the permanently lower price. Every GMO sold today will see its patent expire and become a bonanza for farmers. ==== 991 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxovOxO8FtuMiiANqB4AaABAg.8vh-xiannmg8vrJlP-PoDO --- [USER 292] Monsanto was bought out two years ago. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. All cpmpanies and business need profit to survive . Surley you are not this ignorant [USER 291 NAME]. You sound clueless about this subject. ==== 992 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxovOxO8FtuMiiANqB4AaABAg.8vh-xiannmg8wYXEiMPqCR --- [USER 292] --Farmers love GM crops. ==== 993 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyMEiZ-asHsaYS1krx4AaABAg.8vglJxjH78K8vjODW_v_q2 --- False, You don't know that every GMO seed must pass a battery of over 75 tests that take years to complete. Nothing is left to [USER 79]. Nothing. EPA, FDA & USDA testing is mandatory. Organic farmers make up all kinds of lies about GMO crops because they can't compete at all otherwise. ==== 994 Peer www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyMEiZ-asHsaYS1krx4AaABAg.8vglJxjH78K8vlW7KMLd6j --- [USER 294] We DO know exactly what testing they do. Each agency has a website that details criteria. Safety testing includes every possible factor you can think of plus lots more you can't even comprehend as a non-scientist. Vitamin C content will react exactly the same in organic, hybrid or GMO crop breeds. Same molecule. ==== 995 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6tIjmyK3a4gNKfEl4AaABAg.8vgI7cji3sf8w_KHcRH0rv --- Monsanto was never the largest pesticide maker. The patent on glyphosate expired in 2000 and a couple dozen companies have made also since then. Monsanto has paid out [USER 112] so far in the three cases. The travesty of justice going on will be overturned in appeals. ""It's a higher grade than it is currently classified"". Horseshit. Be more responsible. ==== 996 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6tIjmyK3a4gNKfEl4AaABAg.8vgI7cji3sf8w_OuSQAhgv --- [USER 296] --Please do better [USER 295 NAME]. The judge did not award $289 million, the jury did. The judge later reduce the amount to $78 million. Not a dime has been paid out in that case or the other two cases. You evade and ignore your other claims. Please do better and address or withdraw them. Obviously you did not do your research. Please do better. ==== 997 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6tIjmyK3a4gNKfEl4AaABAg.8vgI7cji3sf8w_opfiaK0E --- [USER 296] --Not a [USER 86] cent has been paid to Johnson or any other plaintiff. I see that you haven't bothe[USER 86] to provide a citation for your claim. Please do. You more facts? Ok, your claim that "Monsanto generically modifies their crops to make them MORE resistant to glyphosate. More resistance means more Roundup, more RoundUp means more glyphosate, and more glyphosate means more cancer." Crops are enginee[USER 86] to be resistant to glyphosate, not to be "more resistant" to withstand more roundup. There is not a trait for "more resistance". Please provide the direct evidence of that trait. Yes, those rulings by the jury mean nothing. Juries are not qualified to decide complicated questions of science and ended up deciding on sympathy and emotion. Not a single regulator or agency in the world has found glyphosate to be carcinogenic. I am not pro-Monsanto as glyphosate has not been under the control of Monsanto since it went off patent almost 20 years ago. A couple of dozen companies have been making it since then too. What I do is follow the data no matter where it leads and it says that a safe and beneficial product is being unfairly attacked. ==== 998 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxBb9-imACi4YpjxJJ4AaABAg.8vgDpTl_xL28vjPghDicwK --- No you are making many arbitrary assumptions. Evolution never tailors a food for us, we made do with what evolution provided until we tamed fire, then all bets were off. As we used and abused technology to increase population to dangerous levels we had no choice but to alter all foods we eat for maximum benefits. We have been dong this for 10,000 years and GMOs are nothing new. Your logic failure is that if "everything is good as it is" then we have to accept a much shorter life span and die younger, we have to accept diseases as is and not battle epidemics. Life does not work that way for us now. This changed forever when we tamed fire. There is no longer such a thing as 'natural' foods except for what we hunt and fish. ==== 999 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyxz1c3wPN8Wnc-SxR4AaABAg.8vfaz89HTq08vjPqX0p7yl --- You are an ignorant shit bag asshole for making that channel name. Fuck off and grow up. ==== 1000 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxNhTRAgop-3PvhmhN4AaABAg.8vdd2Ng910q8w_KQPrt-dY --- You cannot buy GM corn in the store. ==== 1001 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz59UdhcQ1h1cWvaJF4AaABAg.8vaecyqjF9S8vbgHP9IpQE --- Natural selection has never stopped working. Very fast is the best possible outcome, that will mean feeding more with less acreage. In fact the newest GMO seed research has a goal of being perennial, meaning they don't die off and have to be replanted each year. A farmer's dream. ==== 1002 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgysUZexscgsEC_Hc794AaABAg.8vZKwOwVKS88w_KU7mkYJ5 --- Right on. ==== 1003 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy5wV2TFtE2C0Ik7iR4AaABAg --- All readers note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and subscribers, science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting my anti-science GMO hater troll stalker [USER 297]. This foreign asshole is attacking peer reviewed science and spreading totally false lies about his education and alleged "studies" he has done but refuses to link or paste here. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag them for cyber bullying because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzgesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To flag these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 1004 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxR6XPhDVewrsmAPKp4AaABAg --- All readers note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and subscribers, science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting my anti-science GMO hater troll stalker [USER 297]. This foreign asshole is attacking peer reviewed science and spreading totally false lies about his education and alleged "studies" he has done but refuses to link or paste here. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag them for cyber bullying because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzgesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To flag these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 1005 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxYtHanR8eLclaHjSR4AaABAg.8vRhf1isBXe8vUN8400_rF --- Resistance is always expected and needs to be managed better especially in India. Bt cotton still has a 90% adoption rate there. Should we not use these traits at all? Of course not, we should use them. [USER 298], the Golden Rice cultivar GR2R is the one you mention. It has been long left behind by GR2E which overcame the low yield problem and the low beta carotene expression and should be released free to poor farmers in Asia in the next year or two. Regards. ==== 1006 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxYtHanR8eLclaHjSR4AaABAg.8vRhf1isBXe8vUgszOC-yz --- [USER 299] Natural selection never stops, not even in a GMO crop field. Farmers may save the seed from the plants that survive pests the best and plant those. Hot chilies are a natural pesticide, pests have not overwhelmed and become resistant to hot peppers. The burn is savored by billions of humans too. ==== 1007 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxYtHanR8eLclaHjSR4AaABAg.8vRhf1isBXe8vUi4UwRObk --- [USER 299] --Forgive me if I do not talk about Shiva as I am familiar with her for many years. On what basis in science do you make this claim, "they will not evolve with pests to produce better toxins as the pests become resistant. If there were better methods of management of pests they would be in use all over the world. ==== 1008 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwQ26QiiDbLBvrvw7x4AaABAg.8vRRK30TQDt8vUNRJCumMI --- When they eat and destroy crops is when. As in all of history. ==== 1009 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxKZmx_zU9YdTRi1o94AaABAg.8vQ4XnXp2hp8vUNXd3Qx81 --- [USER 301] --Yep. ==== 1010 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxKZmx_zU9YdTRi1o94AaABAg.8vQ4XnXp2hp8vUNbfDLfDJ --- nychris, glyphosate is safe. Studies that have nothing to do with Monsanto say so. ==== 1011 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxKZmx_zU9YdTRi1o94AaABAg.8vQ4XnXp2hp8vUhTHIvfVo --- The "Monsanto cases" are all in appeals, not a penny paid out. Watch what happens as science truth always wins in the end. ==== 1012 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxQQpUmeqHk92lwFpV4AaABAg.8vPvYd4RVfM8vUNifVc77v --- No, they are not transgenic or gene edited. ==== 1013 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxQQpUmeqHk92lwFpV4AaABAg.8vPvYd4RVfM8vUhlsqqBJ_ --- A new yellow GMO banana rich in Vit A is being developed to prevent blindness and deaths in some regions with poor diet options. A new medicinal banana with a vaccine trait is being tested for specific regions where the natives don't trust needles. ==== 1014 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxQQpUmeqHk92lwFpV4AaABAg.8vPvYd4RVfM8vUrW8UgDME --- [USER 303] --Exactly right, but they are not commercialized and won't be for a good while. ==== 1015 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxQQpUmeqHk92lwFpV4AaABAg.8vPvYd4RVfM8vUsZrJuZf- --- [USER 305] Neither one will be commercialized. They are developed by non-profit NGOs to solve particular challenges in developing countries. Well maybe some day when the malicious organic thugs are finally controlled we could see a golden banana on supermarket shelves but not now. ==== 1016 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx8G9VqI293aAU7px94AaABAg --- All readers note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and subscribers, science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting my anti-science GMO hater troll stalker [USER 297]. This foreign asshole is attacking peer reviewed science and spreading totally false lies about his education and alleged "studies" he has done but refuses to link or paste here. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag them for cyber bullying because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzgesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To flag these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 1017 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxonp3ubjJp-rL0q5x4AaABAg.8vNh1T1iN2f8vPM5bwN8hD --- Some experts say this is natural evolution in humans. Many point out that less than ideal nutrition in most of the world has delayed the onset of puberty for thousands of years in most populations. We have never had a better [USER 79] for an optimal diet for kids until the last 50 years. Average height of adults has risen, average height of immigrants rises when they settle here. Breakfast cereal and milk vitamin supplements caused a continued rise in teen height, the latest generation sees a unnatural number of very tall teens, especially girls, with almost grotesque thigh bone growth. ==== 1018 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwekZkb0u0bVkrkPT54AaABAg.8vJjL93Kys78vKGiLuO10l --- That is already being done. Any question you can think of in your mind can be typed into a search page. ==== 1019 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwekZkb0u0bVkrkPT54AaABAg.8vJjL93Kys78vPNjKRtHl_ --- A peer reviewed paper on GE trees: "Intensively managed, highly productive forestry incorporating the most advanced methods for tree breeding, including the application of genetic engineering (GE), has tremendous potential for producing more wood on less land. However, the deployment of GE trees in plantation forests is a controversial topic and concerns have been particularly expressed about potential harms to the environment. This paper, prepared by an international group of experts in silviculture, forest tree breeding, forest biotechnology and environmental risk assessment (ERA) that met in April 2012, examines how the ERA paradigm used for GE crop plants may be applied to GE trees for use in plantation forests. It emphasizes the importance of differentiating between ERA for confined field trials of GE trees, and ERA for unconfined or commercial-scale releases. In the case of the latter, particular attention is paid to characteristics of forest trees that distinguish them from shorter-lived plant species, the temporal and spatial scale of forests, and the biodiversity of the plantation forest as a receiving environment." Intensively managed, highly productive forestry incorporating the most advanced methods for tree breeding, including the application of genetic engineering (GE), has tremendous potential for producing more wood on less land. However, the deployment of GE trees in plantation forests is a controversial topic and concerns have been particularly expressed about potential harms to the environment. This paper, prepared by an international group of experts in silviculture, forest tree breeding, forest biotechnology and environmental risk assessment (ERA) that met in April 2012, examines how the ERA paradigm used for GE crop plants may be applied to GE trees for use in plantation forests. It emphasizes the importance of differentiating between ERA for confined field trials of GE trees, and ERA for unconfined or commercial-scale releases. In the case of the latter, particular attention is paid to characteristics of forest trees that distinguish them from shorter-lived plant species, the temporal and spatial scale of forests, and the biodiversity of the plantation forest as a receiving environment. ==== 1020 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwekZkb0u0bVkrkPT54AaABAg.8vJjL93Kys78vPSQ1Ckni3 --- All readers note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and subscribers, science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting my anti-science GMO hater troll stalker [USER 297]. This foreign asshole is attacking peer reviewed science and spreading totally false lies about his education and alleged "studies" he has done but refuses to link or paste here. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag them for cyber bullying because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzgesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To flag these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 1021 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwekZkb0u0bVkrkPT54AaABAg.8vJjL93Kys78vPVVj6tWhv --- [USER 307] I am sorry your post was attacked by a malicious troll. I hope you got the info I left for you. Youtube is a very poor place for students to learn. Just about anywhere else is better. ==== 1022 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyvM8v_J4-qd7eBgC54AaABAg.8vI51CESx_h8vP6ao5uTeG --- [USER 308] Nothing special about Organic it is nothing more than a different farming method that use many harmful pesticides. ==== 1023 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyvM8v_J4-qd7eBgC54AaABAg.8vI51CESx_h8vPCW51FwTy --- [USER 308] Like said you clueless about this subject when you have to ask this question. Even though gmo technology seed cost more we can use much less and much safer pesticides even safer than many of the pesticides organic growers use. Is there a reason you would prefer we go back to using more and more harmful pesticides like organic growers do? ==== 1024 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyvM8v_J4-qd7eBgC54AaABAg.8vI51CESx_h8vPP4HtZsIB --- [USER 308] It is illegal to grow any GMO food that has less nutrition. That is tested for extensively during the years of completing mandatory safety testing before any GMO seed is approved. This fact makes this [USER 297] asshole a malicious liar with hostile intent against US social media. Look at his channel page - he is a video game geek from a less developed country where they have no skills or intelligence to create their own social media venues so he trespasses here to pee in our pool. This fukwit's channel is reported. ==== 1025 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyvM8v_J4-qd7eBgC54AaABAg.8vI51CESx_h8vPSTB33FUi --- [USER 308] All readers note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and subscribers, science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting my anti-science GMO hater troll stalker [USER 297]. This foreign asshole is attacking peer reviewed science and spreading totally false lies about his education and alleged "studies" he has done but refuses to link or paste here. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag them for cyber bullying because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzgesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To flag these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 1026 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyvM8v_J4-qd7eBgC54AaABAg.8vI51CESx_h8w_LzKYOKIy --- [USER 308] --Organic is not safe. Organic is not more nutritious. Organic is not healthier. Organic is not better for the environment. ==== 1027 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxW00HGlnRU3OvDTjZ4AaABAg.8vGgqJk6G-_8w_MCh-oD8Q --- ""GMOs may create clones, removing any genetic diversity. The problem is that it makes the species very weak against new viruses."" Please provide the direct evidence for your claims. ==== 1028 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz0JFjRYMW1s8MoadJ4AaABAg.8vG8GikfYJl8vKIvrpJYPu --- No such thing. ==== 1029 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyi_Bupmkq8a_h9nY54AaABAg.8vD0Kj5kZHW8vP75o8f3OG --- [USER 308] Thank You for showing your ignorance on this subject [USER 297]. There are NO gmo technology tomatoes grown today. Can you name the crops that use gmo technolog and why those crops use gmo technology? Let's see some your knowledge [USER 297]. ==== 1030 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyi_Bupmkq8a_h9nY54AaABAg.8vD0Kj5kZHW8vPC8bkPaGE --- [USER 308] You explained every thing as a child. Try being an adult if you are one. Again thank you for showing your true ignorance on this subject. You could not answer a single question about this subject. Do you know anything about Bt or are you complete moron about this subject? ==== 1031 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyi_Bupmkq8a_h9nY54AaABAg.8vD0Kj5kZHW8vPQPF_Pby2 --- [USER 308] GMOs are proven superior over and over again in thousands of verified peer reviewed science studies. All seeds that are planted and then grow are REAL, from living DNA. The garbage here is the extremely ignorant hateful [USER 297] anti-science troll. ==== 1032 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyi_Bupmkq8a_h9nY54AaABAg.8vD0Kj5kZHW8vPSXoClwoH --- [USER 308] All readers note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and subscribers, science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting my anti-science GMO hater troll stalker [USER 297]. This foreign asshole is attacking peer reviewed science and spreading totally false lies about his education and alleged "studies" he has done but refuses to link or paste here. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag them for cyber bullying because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzgesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To flag these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 1033 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyi_Bupmkq8a_h9nY54AaABAg.8vD0Kj5kZHW8w_MY9gEIfs --- [USER 308] --""GMO lacking B17 aka you get cancer."" We found the cancer quack [USER 268]. I'll bet he is an anti-vaxxer and chemtrailer too. ==== 1034 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyy4b2Udyy7ONg0j_h4AaABAg.8vCrbKpXP1N8vCrtG5MMjT --- That is correct Bluebird. ==== 1035 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyy4b2Udyy7ONg0j_h4AaABAg.8vCrbKpXP1N8vNRVCfG41M --- [USER 308] --"gives stomach cancer"? Provide the direct link to that evidence. ==== 1036 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyy4b2Udyy7ONg0j_h4AaABAg.8vCrbKpXP1N8vNiv1v2PDx --- No, you do not have a PhD in Chemistry. A real PhD in Chemistry would not write such a silly comment like "gives stomach cancer". A real PhD Chemist would be ready to back up their claims with citation links to studies. So please stop evading and post the links to the studies that it "gives stomach cancer" in humans. ==== 1037 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyy4b2Udyy7ONg0j_h4AaABAg.8vCrbKpXP1N8vNrLBKu2Os --- [USER 308] --PhD Chemist? Bwwaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha. Can't post a link to a study? Bwwwaaaaahahahahahahahahaaaa. "cancer is not caused by a virus or toxin, it is a deficiency disease caused by the lack of nitrilosides or B17 as some understand it". Bwwaaaaahahahahahaha. PhD Chemist my ass. Cancer is cured "only by Nutrition, Aka the real Organic food rich in B17". You certainly are a big liar. An undergraduate in chemistry wouldn't write such crap as that. "Here is my research, now you tell me your research." You presented no research. All you did was puke up prose. Bwwaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaaa. ==== 1038 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyy4b2Udyy7ONg0j_h4AaABAg.8vCrbKpXP1N8vP7MD4E2bJ --- [USER 308] Show me your links that you claim supports your lies [USER 297]. ==== 1039 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyy4b2Udyy7ONg0j_h4AaABAg.8vCrbKpXP1N8vPQov7DIhK --- [USER 308] You are a fucking liar about having any college degrees. No educated chemist would ever post such a pack of ignorant unproven lies. Fuck off troll. ==== 1040 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwyuJZzDECvmFuScgl4AaABAg.8vBttqZkz688vC9IYFUewG --- That means you would ban insulin because it's bad too. Insulin has been a GMO since 1981. ==== 1041 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwyuJZzDECvmFuScgl4AaABAg.8vBttqZkz688vCRwcFRF62 --- "Of course" would imply there is ample evidence of harm from unbiased verified peer reviewed science study data. In fact there is none. GMO safety is one of the most studied topics in science with over 10,000 studies from hundreds of sources globally that all agree to form a consensus. Here are 8,600 of them on a single convenient index page. Now its your turn - what proof from unbiased non-activist sources do you have? Answer - NONE!! ==== 1042 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwyuJZzDECvmFuScgl4AaABAg.8vBttqZkz688vP7WR6ncmr --- [USER 308] That was very intelligent post [USER 297]. How old a child are you? ==== 1043 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwz-_tYwfTlyol0HCJ4AaABAg.8vBhVcyKbyu8w_N3YoH3Y4 --- [USER 310] --GMO crops have not killed anyone. ==== 1044 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwz-_tYwfTlyol0HCJ4AaABAg.8vBhVcyKbyu8w_TNEhD-2x --- [USER 310] --Completely false. ==== 1045 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwz-_tYwfTlyol0HCJ4AaABAg.8vBhVcyKbyu8wbGUrmCJNI --- [USER 310] --Your grandma does have GMO's in her garden. ==== 1046 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy07YUaJLFuxuywnvV4AaABAg.8v9FkDUFEGe8v9b0P55K-O --- No you are confused. Genetic mutations and genetic modification are layman's references to evolution or human conventional breeding. The letters GMO have been adopted globally as the designator for laboratory caused mutations. Now to make it even more confusing for the uneducated our new US GMO disclosure law will not use 'GMO', they call it GE to defuse the fear mongering the organic thugs tried desperately and dishonestly to connect with the best crop science. Obama correctly blocked all those state GMO labeling laws shoved down our throats by organic lobbyist thugs. Next the FDA will crack down on that 'Non GMO verified' label nonsense that has resulted in GMO free labels on sea salt and hundreds of foods that have no GE equivalent. ==== 1047 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy07YUaJLFuxuywnvV4AaABAg.8v9FkDUFEGe8vNbR1DVlgi --- [USER 308] Thanks. You let me get under your skin. Mission accomplished. Every day I get through to an intelligent person like sunshynff. Makes all this worthwhile. Enjoy your hell of willful ignorance. ==== 1048 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy07YUaJLFuxuywnvV4AaABAg.8v9FkDUFEGe8vNdwJNtnz- --- [USER 308] You are living proof that travel does not enlighten people. You remain science illiterate and even brag about it. I keep my personal opinions to myself and stick with the peer reviewed science which is a universal language. It the highest truth humans can find with proof. You have failed to provide evidence from unbiased sources that any aspect of GMO crops or glyphosate is bad. ==== 1049 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy07YUaJLFuxuywnvV4AaABAg.8v9FkDUFEGe8vP7h0IrHoA --- [USER 308] You are clueless about this subject [USER 297]. ==== 1050 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyoQQUpW5WDZNrePdB4AaABAg.8v9FIzh8clf8v9bb_jFF4e --- Not really. You need to know that as long as humans have used pesticides we have seen pest resistance be a challenge any time we don't employ regular crop and pesticide rotations schedules. This was a challenge for hundreds of years before the first GMO was planted. Pests can only develop resistance by their successive generation adaptations( evolution in action) and when we foil that by presenting different deterrents and rotating crops they are foiled. No crop has magical effects on the genes of other organisms. ==== 1051 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy0xSTxQZ_hgaYl0Ul4AaABAg.8v8IKmEjEhK8v9dgc0IoSc --- You are an idiot for ignoring the fact that all our safety agencies monitor our crops constantly to verify no pesticide residue is present above the established conservative safety limits of 30 ppm. And Glyphosate breaks down in soils by microbial action. It passes harmlessly through the human body through our excretions and it can not bio-accumulate. ==== 1052 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy0xSTxQZ_hgaYl0Ul4AaABAg.8v8IKmEjEhK8v9djtsdZ0F --- Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 1053 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy0xSTxQZ_hgaYl0Ul4AaABAg.8v8IKmEjEhK8v9dsiqeuWD --- ALL PATENTS EXPIRE after 20 years. GMO soybeans are generic and cheap now, a bargain for farmers. FARMERS DO NOT WANT TO REPLANT HYBRID SEEDS!!! Farmers quit saving Hybrid seed in mid 1930's and as each crop became a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop. We have had patented seed ever since Congress passed the Plant Variety Protection Act in 1970 Protecting Plant Breeders with patent rights. It is illegal to save patented seed and does not mater if it is GMO or non GMO seed. Farmers are law abiding citizens but some think they are above the law. If you save seed do not buy patented seed to do so. A first grade child can understand that. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling GMO technology seed. That favorite whipping boy Monsanto was bought out and when it did exist it only controlled 20% of the GM seed market globally. All patents expire 20 years from the date they were filed. GMO soy is off patent open source now and is a bargain for farmers at the permanently lower price. ==== 1054 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy0xSTxQZ_hgaYl0Ul4AaABAg.8v8IKmEjEhK8vHyGm0p6m1 --- [USER 312] There is no debate, just your falsehoods vs. facts backed by peer reviewed science. You don't inspire, you disgust as you bite the hand that feeds you. ==== 1055 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy0xSTxQZ_hgaYl0Ul4AaABAg.8v8IKmEjEhK8vI0TZWzAAC --- [USER 312] Before I retired I always ignored on-line comment threads. Since retirement I have posted around 90,000 comments in defense of science truths, mostly on Disqus. Youtube is un-moderated and where the idiocracy comes to feed so I'm here to confront conspiratards and dumbfuckery. Keeps me busy. Defending the US farmers from liars is a noble pursuit. ==== 1056 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy0xSTxQZ_hgaYl0Ul4AaABAg.8v8IKmEjEhK8vIEJELdk5H --- [USER 312] As a degreed marine electronics technician and aquaculture college graduate I'm not so rare. A whole generation of tech workers are retiring now. ==== 1057 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxgP3Ju09pN3csMQ294AaABAg.8v89Udh_5AX8vP7rVtF8op --- [USER 308] Very intelligent post [USER 297]. How old a child are you? What country are you from? ==== 1058 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugws197a7P0NhBuU80p4AaABAg.8v7a_qnapZo8v9eUkdp_wc --- Nobody wants to do that. Nobody has done that. You are a fucking moron. We use incredibly tiny amounts of pesticides that are fully monitored for safe residue levels in foods and streams. It is unlimited selfish sexual activity that is killing the biome with severe over population you fukwit. ==== 1059 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz9qSwjpnncgMcJ9lF4AaABAg.8v6nF9GE9Nf8v745cvpfJj --- Anything can be weaponized. Why don't we talk about everything?? We are not conspiratards. ==== 1060 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzr9sIrg7hgBAwE5zp4AaABAg.8v5quoOg9OX8v74AuR-q0P --- Yes, you post is science illiterate bullshit. ==== 1061 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzr9sIrg7hgBAwE5zp4AaABAg.8v5quoOg9OX8vUi7HJ8rNk --- [USER 314] So are you. Your avatar is flagged. ==== 1062 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzr9sIrg7hgBAwE5zp4AaABAg.8v5quoOg9OX8vUkOJ0WrEG --- [USER 314] I will never stop, I will never chill, I will never relent, asshole. Youtube has begun cracking down on trolls. You are next. ==== 1063 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzr9sIrg7hgBAwE5zp4AaABAg.8v5quoOg9OX8vUmIvgofbF --- [USER 314] You would not recognize legitimate support of real peer reviewed science if it kicked you in the teeth, asshole punk. ==== 1064 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx8PYL_n5Nge7zwcCF4AaABAg.8v5lC9VUXa-8v74IO8WbQZ --- Nothing but a burp. GMO seed grows plain old food. GMO is a breeding method, not an actual ingredient. ==== 1065 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx8PYL_n5Nge7zwcCF4AaABAg.8v5lC9VUXa-8vP83Xoy5Na --- [USER 308] Nice child like response [USER 297]. How old are you? What country are you from? ==== 1066 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwP55HJX9hwH0ZsUAN4AaABAg.8v5X6o__85K8v7MTFR9Syq --- Blubbering horseshit ALL. ==== 1067 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwP55HJX9hwH0ZsUAN4AaABAg.8v5X6o__85K8vNRBikgS3M --- [USER 308] --Incorrect. ==== 1068 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHyiyIons5z1B6ZwN4AaABAg.8v4uG6p79ap8v75LF6c90B --- No. You are confused. In fact, with my 7 years of daily defense of crop science against idiots, this is the first time I ever saw such a claim. GMO is a breeding method only. GMO seeds grow plain old foods. No seeds are water soluble. If a food is water soluble, it is that way equally with organic or GMO breeding. ==== 1069 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwwPTkRAmbW_QCHH6N4AaABAg.8v4LLLLAQWh8v75c4_IYmv --- Imaging that happening 1 million times in the last 10,000 years of conventional breeding. Then imagine GMOs created in laboratories that top any breeding a farmer could ever do. That's why farmers want GMO crop science. ==== 1070 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz7KlTMWiqtGHqKvWd4AaABAg.8v2wDMSK-pU8v4gr6WqyiE --- [USER 315] - Because of the very pervasive genetic illiteracy. The [USER 297] comment is a perfect example. He is old and senile and never got a genetics education in his one room schoolhouse. ==== 1071 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz7KlTMWiqtGHqKvWd4AaABAg.8v2wDMSK-pU8v5Llv5NdzR --- [USER 308] Now your true mental state has become clear for all readers to see. You are in your own little hell, I can't make it any worse. ==== 1072 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz7KlTMWiqtGHqKvWd4AaABAg.8v2wDMSK-pU8v7Mo8wAZnK --- [USER 308] --"nutrition value is 10% of organic crops." Please post the evidence for that claim. ==== 1073 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz7KlTMWiqtGHqKvWd4AaABAg.8v2wDMSK-pU8vB3KA3ZlBw --- [USER 308] --Ok, then please post the studies that prove your 50% claime. There are [USER 112] biotech crops on the market with traits that are engineered for faster growth. The new biotech salmon is engineered not for faster growth, but continual growth and is just fine. Let's please see the evidence for the claim that "even animals that mature 2-3x faster have the same shape but inside they can't develop the same taste/nutrition as they are rushed." ==== 1074 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz7KlTMWiqtGHqKvWd4AaABAg.8v2wDMSK-pU8vCsgjay1k4 --- [USER 308] Organic is just a different farming method that there is nothing special about. Organic is a huge huge hugely profitable industry that charges 3 and 4 times more for their food. Do you grow food to sell or just for yourself. ==== 1075 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz7KlTMWiqtGHqKvWd4AaABAg.8v2wDMSK-pU8vCyYmYXgyB --- [USER 308] Thank You for the post. I am a 69 year farmer born and raised on the farm with all my income always coming from the farm. I hate to use pesticides myself a big reason farmers like me and all over the world use gmo technology seed. What do the corporations around you spray every two days? NO plant and animal genes are mixed. GMO technology is saving the bees not harming them. Would you like to learn more about the many benefits of gmo technology [USER 297]? ==== 1076 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxtBrRH5UhHdH0THnV4AaABAg.8v1oDmKGNdH8v4hTRNnM9f --- No, far better and more sustainable than organic. We simply do not have enough acreage on the planet to grow all organic foods without cutting down all forests. ==== 1077 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwNcW1EK4naH1AKtod4AaABAg.8v0zP5US1o58v4hZb7cZ6U --- Then support sustainable GMO agriculture. Organic crops need more land for the same yield. ==== 1078 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy7nQmfBypQ3oFimQZ4AaABAg.8v-w9GkOUIK8v4hlnKCZ6b --- Links change over time. If google can not find what you want ask me. ==== 1079 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzUNiAANvgdtT43xxV4AaABAg.8v-dQhcTP9j8v7NgeVqUCV --- "Results are inequality, climate change and biodiversity loss." GMO's are not at all responsible for any of that. "By using and developing GMOS we as humans we will never get down to the real problems or our society nor change our societal behavior but keep doing what we are doing, because we think we can, until "shit hits the fan"." [USER 267]? ==== 1080 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzUNiAANvgdtT43xxV4AaABAg.8v-dQhcTP9j8vC996Nsjvn --- [USER 317] --Another very important point is that land is the most important input in agriculture and if the US were to switch to organic agriculture overnight 90 million more acres would have to be ripped from nature to grow the same amount of food due to lower overall yields. Big picture, intensive agriculture is better for the environment. ==== 1081 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz3vCBE1pFKirtbHUV4AaABAg.8uzieSS7U588v-xi19zo5E --- False. Less than half of all GMO seed created today is from for-profit efforts. NGOs and government seed programs create beneficial seed to deal with fast changing climate conditions and those are given away free. The for-profit businesses have to compete and every single GMO ever created has been tested for years by safety agencies before approval. A 20 year patent gives them time to recoup multi-million dollar development costs, then it becomes open sourced and cheaper, a bargain for farmers. This happened to GMO soybeans 5 years ago and will happen with every GMO seed on the market today. You do not grasp [USER 91]. ==== 1082 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz3vCBE1pFKirtbHUV4AaABAg.8uzieSS7U588v0RiOzENFt --- [USER 319] Not clear - all seed is used. ==== 1083 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz3vCBE1pFKirtbHUV4AaABAg.8uzieSS7U588v7OcQmU4_e --- [USER 319] --The reason that the large commodity crops were the first ones was a logical decision based on the hugely expensive and years long effort for each trait. Would you target corn etc. instead of niche crops if you had to spend 300 million and take 8 to 10 years to get to market? ==== 1084 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxJdSySI_Y4It-a4f94AaABAg.8uzGKOFcE8G8v-yy3rkNeY --- You are repeating the fear mongering meme inserted into your brain by anti-science activists secretly funded by the organic foods cartel. There is no GMO bogeyman. When we eat something bad we know it within 20 minutes to 6 hours. 50 years my ass!!!! Science has never documented a 50 year delayed food reaction, ever, let alone a 1 year delay. We have been enjoying GMO sourced foods for 27 years, a human generation is 25 years. ==== 1085 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgywH_gc6WUwNDLIx8Z4AaABAg.8uyK1bV_vnK8v0-Djfz5sK --- Part of you is misguided and misled. There is no such thing as 'natural' food. That word will be banned from food labels. We have altered what was once natural plants and animals for over 10,000 years. There is also [USER 61] proof of any harmful long term effects that do not also exist with organic or conventional sourced foods. ==== 1086 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw-F4vGhbqDGtuFrnB4AaABAg.8uxKVkIdanj8uxiAI75u-K --- I defend science truth against trolls and anti-science liars on social media every day for the last 7 years as my retirement hobby. Defending our honest hard working farmers and crop scientists against organic foods trolls is a noble pursuit I find very rewarding. I also defend the high value of sustainable transportation, vaccines, fluoride and other science interests that benefit society. I confront climate change deniers and chemtrail morons. Youtube is where the idiocracy comes to feed so I am here ready to confront liars and ignorance. ==== 1087 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw-F4vGhbqDGtuFrnB4AaABAg.8uxKVkIdanj8v23NhP53HV --- [USER 15] No. You don't decide what is a waste of time for others. As we age and have reduced physical limitations we choose different battles. Defending science truths from liars and Russian trolls is a noble pursuit, whether you care about it or not. The US government has declared social media as a threat to national security. ==== 1088 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy_GDPptyWo-RWD4CN4AaABAg.8uvkRIXk5zf8uvzpLBzTmL --- Hey dumb ass - Monsanto closed down almost two years ago. ==== 1089 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwEzS5M2tZszuNwzA94AaABAg.8uusXUGe3478uw-Te-ZPyh --- No. All GMOs undergo years of safety testing before approval and potential allergens are specifically tested for. The very few people that end up with a GMO allergy are less in number as those with allergies from conventional and organic foods. ==== 1090 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy9AsHctrMTLM8v5yl4AaABAg.8utm5NSxhJn8uw-XhQ01B7 --- Part of the lab and research equipment. ==== 1091 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy9AsHctrMTLM8v5yl4AaABAg.8utm5NSxhJn8uw3Ci9xKXh --- [USER 321] No, many uses for separating out cells in suspension. There are many kinds of test done to develop and evaluate GMO crops, starting with separating DNA from macerated cells. ==== 1092 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy9AsHctrMTLM8v5yl4AaABAg.8utm5NSxhJn8uw4xrDkWkK --- [USER 321] No problem. But remember, any question you can think of in your mind can be typed into a search page. ==== 1093 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy9AsHctrMTLM8v5yl4AaABAg.8utm5NSxhJn8uyGY-EU_E7 --- [USER 321] There is nothing to learn - just type the question and hit enter. See thousand of results instantly. ==== 1094 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqCOhx7i6U8zl60IN4AaABAg.8utQm5XpuEo8uw-lWQwpKo --- It's more good news than bad, now. In the last year the total number of countries with GMO cultivation bans has dropped from 37 to 30 as African nations begin to embrace the best crop science. ==== 1095 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqCOhx7i6U8zl60IN4AaABAg.8utQm5XpuEo8uyhIMe6-Lc --- [USER 308] "bad stuff and no taste" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You are pissing in the wind. No proof? Never happened. Each legitimate honest forthright comparison between the flavor of GMO vs. organic produce has to be done double blind, with each crop picked at 100% peak ripeness and all tasted at the exact same length of time after picking, transported at equal temperature and humidity, in equivalent growing seasons with equivalent weather and water stress, not picked green. You are an idiot with no skills for debate. ==== 1096 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwJKCcV-W8KMmA5cXd4AaABAg.8utMN0ibmpw8uw0o8i3vPN --- You are extremely ignorant on this topic. They do not "whither every year" any more than organic, heirloom or conventional crops so that is a lie. Farmers are still free to save their seeds but they know that by buying fresh hybrid seed every year they reap huge yields. Hybrid seed has never been saved and replanted without losing the desirable traits. The GMO version called Bt will only kill very specific borer worm pests and NO OTHER LIVING THING! This saves farmers the time and cost of spraying toxic pesticides and is a fantastic benefit the whole world is adopting. And the ultimate irony is that there is now research to create perennial crops that do't need replanting every year, achieving exactly what you incorrectly claimed was a fault. This would be a first, great for the environment and a boon to farmers everywhere. ==== 1097 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwJKCcV-W8KMmA5cXd4AaABAg.8utMN0ibmpw8uz1OtI2d7Q --- [USER 308] You are an ignorant lying asshole old fart. You are science illiterate. You don't even admit that there are no GMO blueberries or any GMO berries of any kind grown anywhere on this planet. Better strawberries will be the first. Blueberries are perfect as-is and need no help unless climate change conditions start killing them all, then we will breed GMO berries that survive drought, floods, temperature extremes and pests better. That is what more than half of all GMO seed is about today and it is non-profit. ==== 1098 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwJKCcV-W8KMmA5cXd4AaABAg.8utMN0ibmpw8uz2bZuAWI7 --- [USER 323] No corn grown today lasts for more than one growing season. No you lying moron, the natural evolution of our crop plants means they are almost all seasonal. It's the cycle nature came up with, NOT MODIFIED BY GMO SCIENCE TO DO THAT!!!! Corn fields over most of the US freeze hard and get snow and ice. Are you so stupid you think someone made them that way? If you are religious, your daddy in the sky made corn that way. Most crops die after going to seed. We have no way of even harvesting most crops without pulling them up or rolling over them. ==== 1099 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwJKCcV-W8KMmA5cXd4AaABAg.8utMN0ibmpw8uz2mpif-P1 --- [USER 308] You lying shit bag!!! GMOs MUST pass tests that prove with no doubt that they are just as nutritious as other crops or they will never be approved for sale. No exceptions have ever been made. ==== 1100 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy40pZTprCpbSkzv3N4AaABAg.8umnBLI6O8w8uqWqvqlbyT --- That is a meaningless comment. ==== 1101 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy40pZTprCpbSkzv3N4AaABAg.8umnBLI6O8w8uz3Khy1MiU --- [USER 308] Your channel and hateful lying trolling posts are now flagged and reported. Keep it up slime ball. You are scoring points for banishment. You don't even know HOW to report a channel owner. ==== 1102 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyk1y5oMfpxOHkvgYx4AaABAg.8ui1puQB_wY8uiO0BLJOZg --- Really ignorant brainwashed comment. Evolution includes wildly random gene mutations of every possible variety including what we make in labs. THERE ARE NO GMO TOMATOES SOLD FOR 15 YEARS, MORON! YOUR GENETICALLY ILLITERATE COMMENT HAS NO RELEVANCE TO REAL SCIENCE. GMOs are required by law to offer the same or better nutrition or they will not be approved. No exceptions, fool. There are NO GMO cucumbers grown anywhere. Organic apple orchards are sprayed 26 times each growing season. Organic started for PROFIT TOO, fukwad! Profit is never a talking point. Nobody works for free. Do You? What kind of asshole hater posts all these hateful anti-science garbage lies and then says "[USER 324]"?? ==== 1103 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyk1y5oMfpxOHkvgYx4AaABAg.8ui1puQB_wY8usmDqotRlZ --- [USER 308] Your channel page reveals you are just a video game geek and too young to have done all you claimed. Liars are fucking assholes. [USER 157] - you flunked out of college in the first year and you planted one failed garden. You may have watched your parents farm between your video game sessions but you learned nothing. ==== 1104 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyk1y5oMfpxOHkvgYx4AaABAg.8ui1puQB_wY8uydrQ9MvX6 --- [USER 308] Your channel name is '[USER 297]'. When we click your avatar we evoke your own channel page which reveals your interests. I repeat, the more you post ignorant anti-science trash and play the 'appeal to authority' gambit, the more you earn ridicule. You are on the losing team as confessed in your top comment. You can not recover from that display of ignorance unless you delete it. ==== 1105 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwc-GziRdtZ9pjgCmN4AaABAg.8uZ6cCLdS-p8uachnrM75P --- Entirely separate subjects. I'll bet that if you had read the warnings and side effects sheet that came with the drug you used, that possibility was mentioned. All drugs sold have potential rare side effects, key word 'rare' which is how they get FDA approval through trials before going to market. Rare side effects are deemed not sufficient reason to hold back drugs that could help so many and improve the quality of life for most who need them. If your side effect was not listed your responsibility was to report to the FDA through your doctor. In comparison, GMO seed has to go through much more strict tests that take years to complete and ANY side effects at all would ban the seed from sales. Your thought process shared here is illogical. EPA,USDA & FDA mandate over 75 tests before approval, substantial equivalency and any allergens are at the top of the list. ==== 1106 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwc-GziRdtZ9pjgCmN4AaABAg.8uZ6cCLdS-p8uak-z3Ohwy --- [USER 326] What you 'think' is not valid. Facts are valid. I never share my personal thoughts because the bounty of real factual data and studies is huge. You can google GMO safety testing for each of the agencies I mentioned to see I am correct and you are wrong. You don't even know the US has a GMO labeling law signed by Obama in 2016 and starting use this year, in full enforcement by 2020. GMOs are superior now and will be [USER 109] 30 years from now. All patents expire after 20 years so the seed becomes cheap and generic. Better versions are being tested now. New science makes GMO seed faster, cheaper and more precise. ==== 1107 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzkqSkac8mPS6ev7nV4AaABAg.8uXiDcl0C0r8uZ0OzdOprh --- No idiot, 10 seconds on google would have set you straight. Instead you went off half cocked here and made a fool of yourself. Advanced traditional diploid and triploid breeding creates seedless. Every seedless field has to have seeded versions there to pollinate the seedless flowers. GMOs are created in laboratories. Only 4 GMO fruits are sold in markets. ==== 1108 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzeox-X028y-xaobqd4AaABAg.8uWt9RfvzJn8uZ0_wrOuR2 --- It would make more altered fats or kill the organism it attacks. Where do you think that bacteria would go? Fat people have the same number of fat cells as skinny people, the cells just get engorged with excess calories. We need fat cells, just not fully engorged fat cells. You were supposed to learn this basic fact in grade school. ==== 1109 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzeox-X028y-xaobqd4AaABAg.8uWt9RfvzJn8ugPeS2jRZB --- [USER 328] YOU are not clear on the fact that Youtube is where the idiocracy comes to feed and this site is choked with barely literate dummys who post things even more dumb every day. You are the exception if you were just joking. ==== 1110 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzeox-X028y-xaobqd4AaABAg.8uWt9RfvzJn8ug_4fNf8ql --- [USER 328] A broken clock is right twice a day. ==== 1111 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxXUjHXw5COMwtMCrx4AaABAg.8uVvnvh-7am8uWTLSGb10b --- If they are adapted correctly to conditions we do not fully know about yet. But Mars is too extreme for that, we would need greenhouses with more atmosphere and thermal protection. ==== 1112 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzP_OKbaJ3vgHUdtpV4AaABAg.8uUj82rN-mg8uWTRacqw63 --- What if you made an intelligent contribution to the thread instead if inane crap? ==== 1113 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwfJfcxdd7W4BvcuQh4AaABAg.8uU_FMCRg9P8uWTZjgM3Lq --- Glyphosate is the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, ever. Some day we will have an even less toxic but effective one but not now. ==== 1114 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwQhwV20NhxYYCckMh4AaABAg.8uTPDjvQusr8uTjvfXCurj --- Really stupid post. And you upvoted your own comment, that is in bad taste and a sign of insecurity. It also indicates you have no morals about cheating. ==== 1115 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyrFM2dHCPkV6Irqp54AaABAg.8uNS6pEKx758uOmn8ejvzA --- Dumb attempt. A Youtube search will reveal that GMO is used to designate 'gang members only' thug culture and there is a huge Japanese web server company called GMO. ==== 1116 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzDGoExknIYNRQcUfV4AaABAg.8uNAqV57lrT8uTkkY9vl6e --- For the same reason a radio station is not a president. ==== 1117 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwjj8unmfcUu2UpY2N4AaABAg.8uE-7oxV81A8uEj6MCJu4y --- We can't and won't. You are failing to separate fantasy from [USER 91]. Population control is already being achieved by the education of women and vaccine distribution which greatly reduces infant mortality. Women can now choose to reduce the number of births and they are doing so, the rate of population growth has slowed considerably and will stabilize eventually. GMO has no connection to political affiliations. ==== 1118 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwjj8unmfcUu2UpY2N4AaABAg.8uE-7oxV81A8uEkzhb9sPP --- [USER 330] A question based on fiction requires a fictional answer. I only deal in [USER 91] based science facts. Nobody is interested in weaponizing food by genetics, food is ALREADY used as a weapon by forced starvation. ==== 1119 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwjj8unmfcUu2UpY2N4AaABAg.8uE-7oxV81A8uF1EfTxobw --- [USER 330] More nonsense. I share no personal opinions and strictly keep with the peer reviewed science. Science speaks for no one, it is a discipline that escapes you. You replied with even more fictional scenarios. You are [USER 91] starved and genetically illiterate. ==== 1120 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwjj8unmfcUu2UpY2N4AaABAg.8uE-7oxV81A8uF3mrYie7d --- [USER 330] Hey moron - there is no answer for fantasy based questions. You can't even spell drivel. I have never read a single comic book in my entire life. I am living in [USER 91], not a fantasy. Real life begins when you leave the movie theater. ==== 1121 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwjj8unmfcUu2UpY2N4AaABAg.8uE-7oxV81A8uF3xZx5J_O --- [USER 330] Boasting about qualifications that don't even directly apply to this topic is the debate fallacy called 'appeal to authority'. You are out of your league, loser. ==== 1122 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy0512wOjUpOUwSFwN4AaABAg.8uAYA3PP1278uEiZe-OGkf --- Stupid comment. Get an education and I don't mean more geeky video games. ==== 1123 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy0512wOjUpOUwSFwN4AaABAg.8uAYA3PP1278uFIEAt0zs6 --- [USER 332] [USER 157] is not in games or TV, on the web or in any screen. You are proving you are a clueless geek. ==== 1124 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwJo3j81aQkfTHt3Kp4AaABAg.8u8jZWZRiX28u9N6rK3qbr --- No! Resistance is only to pesticides used on farms. When those pests venture off the farms they are no different and still have to survive natural selection as always. What did you think resistance means? ==== 1125 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy164B8LqAWuXRf9Op4AaABAg.8u2vEmts3HK8u43f2GaFlQ --- False. There are no "glyphosate ridden" crops anywhere. Over half of all GMOs today are NOT glyphosate tolerant. Herbicides are expensive to buy and apply. Farmers use very tiny amounts, just 10 dry ounces per 500 gallons of water per acre. Then all crops are monitored regularly by EPA and FDA tests to assure glyphosate is not present above the legal limit of 30 ppm. That established safety limit includes a 100X margin for error. We DO use as little glyphosate as possible and farmers are very careful. You are suckered by organic thugs who spread lies about GMOs to sell more crappy inferior organic foods. Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 1126 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzr50rvLCs0ActDa8F4AaABAg.8txzwSwNdtz8tyOPBLoAgs --- They do not. ==== 1127 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzr50rvLCs0ActDa8F4AaABAg.8txzwSwNdtz8u-2f10WQkP --- [USER 334] Plant roots have always waged underground chemical warfare with their neighbors. This is not an issue inside the borders of a farmer's field where fields are planted with a single plant. Outside his fences, there would be no change in balance if some escaped. They are all subject to survival of the fittest, as always. There are good reasons why we don't see wild fields of corn, soy, cotton in concentrated numbers. ==== 1128 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzr50rvLCs0ActDa8F4AaABAg.8txzwSwNdtz8u-H5DSYlUN --- [USER 303] Right on. ==== 1129 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzepUEmWQCHo3O-__l4AaABAg.8txOdCgGL8B8txaMwvEKeX --- Nothing. We don't indulge in thug culture. ==== 1130 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy3Ec5KRs06k_1PpFJ4AaABAg.8ttH_ZdBwt28tuvRYgHKEq --- I thought the video was clear - The GMO Bt trait is extremely specific and targeted. The protein is identical to what is found in soil bacteria. There are many millions of proteins and each will only bind to a specific molecule in an organism. Bt only affects a few species of borer worm pests and no other plant or animal. Pollinators are completely unaffected and they are safer than in fields sprayed with a pesticide. Even organic farmers rely heavily on the Bt protein toxin. ==== 1131 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy3Ec5KRs06k_1PpFJ4AaABAg.8ttH_ZdBwt28txhiALqc4c --- The bugs that eat the plant are not pollinators. When organic farmers spray Bt it kills all the lepidoptera, but when Bt is in the plant it only kills the lepidoptera that attack the plant. ==== 1132 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwWzkoWfqvRO64vzb54AaABAg.8trXwHdBYM48tuvabEVhqU --- I thought the video was clear - The GMO Bt trait is extremely specific and targeted. The protein is identical to what is found in soil bacteria. There are many millions of proteins and each will only bind to a specific molecule in an organism. Bt only affects a few species of borer worm pests and no other plant or animal. Pollinators are completely unaffected and they are safer than in fields sprayed with a pesticide. Even organic farmers rely heavily on the Bt protein toxin. ==== 1133 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwWzkoWfqvRO64vzb54AaABAg.8trXwHdBYM48txi-AkqEny --- GM crops (there are only 11 of them) do not threaten insects at all. In fact, Bt crops dramatically reduce the amount of insecticide sprayed. ==== 1134 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwWzkoWfqvRO64vzb54AaABAg.8trXwHdBYM48u2qGOzvruF --- [USER 336] That is correct. Borer worm pests only. No other living thing has the specific receptors for the Bt protein molecule. Don't let conspiratards tell you otherwise. ==== 1135 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw9W7VacjRyzrR-H8t4AaABAg.8tq3UCj9wW58txiAwpyuLU --- Blubbering horseshit P, I already educated you on this claim. ==== 1136 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw9W7VacjRyzrR-H8t4AaABAg.8tq3UCj9wW58uCgw8iyeky --- Duke are you claiming that patriot for lies is now an educated idiot? ==== 1137 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwF27sR5XsGM8E-9Yx4AaABAg.8tpWoEhB6mK8tpfDfBjzQy --- Your blathering is incoherent but it sounds like you are trying to say there is some difference between "us" and "everyone n everything". There is no difference. Your grade school education failed to teach you to compose English sentences correctly. ==== 1138 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxX8mAvl8p9rJ6kzm54AaABAg.8tn_SZZKLCR8tpg3__KioO --- More ignorant horseshit. EVERY SINGLE TIME two adults mate they alter the genome to create a new unique DNA in their child. IN YOUR CASE SOMETHING WENT TERRIBLY WRONG. ==== 1139 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy_2Fax_yFKC--Cath4AaABAg.8tn8v5KcvDz8tnU1xwamzC --- Complete nonsense. The balance is steady and can not be changed by a few farms. They remove the greenhouse gas co2 at the same time, good for the biome. Over all, nitrogen fertilizers are not as environmentally friendly. ==== 1140 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyk226lHZsTplkovyJ4AaABAg.8tm_fXXjUaT8tph3BC1Z8j --- Idiotic asshole comment. Nothing in the video came even remotely close to suggesting that. ==== 1141 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz_vFfBPCMm-hjBKfJ4AaABAg.8tlE1wKrbuC8tphAA990sf --- Really? That's all you got out of this? Moron! ==== 1142 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgygCdo1c_EiKGR43bd4AaABAg.8tkdbmmRANa8tnV8wPOaXT --- You are spreading a conspiracy theory not based on facts or proof. All GMOs must pass 75 mandatory tests by the USDA, FDA & EPA before they are approved. This takes years to complete. Double checks are done up front. Profit is absolutely NOT a talking point, who works for free? Do you? What makes you fucked is ignorance and genetic illiteracy. ==== 1143 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgygCdo1c_EiKGR43bd4AaABAg.8tkdbmmRANa8tpjywg8b6X --- [USER 338] No asshole! How the fuck do you get that out of a comment defending real science? Science includes the proof of a global warming disaster. Are you high???? ==== 1144 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgygCdo1c_EiKGR43bd4AaABAg.8tkdbmmRANa8tpkBlsorvo --- Profit is NEVER, EVER a bad thing. Nobody works for free, you will not work for free, will you? The topic of EXCESSIVE profits is a different subject. ==== 1145 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwodmt6DuBLcjhgzdZ4AaABAg --- All readers note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and subscribers, science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting my anti-science GMO hater troll stalker [USER 339]. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag them for cyber bullying because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzgesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To flag these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 1146 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyqQPSAiRDYVOk7RA14AaABAg.8ti0RA1CyXt8tiG6Sd_vsR --- Who says we are not? GMO crop science continues to expand globally. In the last year the total number of countries with GMO cultivation bans has dropped from 37 to 30. This is the year African nations started relying on GMOs for survival. ==== 1147 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxXzhFYaDXipE1xZxh4AaABAg.8thdnq9ZOkv8tiHB5Zu6qt --- That is correct. Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 1148 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx9Cxb-Nas8HhTmFn54AaABAg.8tdamsej-ur8tdhRlPf2VP --- Thank you [USER 90] for helping to spread the word that no Country has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,or DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90]. I love how you always use the words may or maybe because you know nothing about this subject. ==== 1149 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx9Cxb-Nas8HhTmFn54AaABAg.8tdamsej-ur8tiH3oRfLS6 --- All readers note I will increase my daily calling out of invasive hate trolls until this stops. Kurzgesagt fans and subscribers, science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting my anti-science GMO hater troll stalker [USER 339]. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag them for cyber bullying because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzgesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. To flag these trolls, click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying or spam or both. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 1150 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzQq7vLZH6polPJdU94AaABAg.8tbgCE8JaK88tckGpnEx4F --- Completely wrong on both points. But it would be a blessing and a possible savior of the human race if we DID find a way to greatly reduce human over population. There is no proof of any cancer cause. not one of the global health and safety agencies say there is a cancer risk. The only one that did was found to have been bribed by organic farmers. The IARC is now discredited and de-funded. ==== 1151 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxAX522SMzEfrSQAXx4AaABAg.8tam4y3Dsuw8tanL-qGBwr --- Eduardo is an extremely ignorant science illiterate fool. He does not even realize that there is no such thing as 'natural' for the last 11,000 years since humans started breeding all their plants and animals. Easy example - wild wolves are natural but no dogs we have are natural, they were all the result of breeding wolves for preferred traits. Same with all foods we eat, only the original 2 inch long bitter white wild carrots are 'natural'. The FDA is now considering making the word 'natural' illegal on all food packaging because it misleads uneducated consumers like Eduardo. LOCAL FARMERS grow GMO seed, they demanded better seed and they got it from the seed corporations who have never sold a single bite of food to anyone. There is no "handcuffing" of any kind, all farmers have the choice at all times to buy only the seed they desire. Eduardo should stop insulting our honest hard working farmers who are ever so much smarter than him. ==== 1152 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxAX522SMzEfrSQAXx4AaABAg.8tam4y3Dsuw8tckgW7dHTE --- [USER 341] What an ignorant rant. GMOs have only existed for 40 years. They DO NOT use a 'chemical process' to create. GMO plants biodegade EXACTLY THE SAME as all other plants, no difference. Local farmers can get ANY seed they desire, catch a clue that they prefer GMOs. They are smarter than you and your genetically illiterate bullshit. ==== 1153 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgywnHPwH9nwEvnj_Tx4AaABAg.8taJHYk6_7E8tdhhFxb2IM --- Try again with your ignorance Elias. Monsanto was bought out over two years ago. ==== 1154 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgywnHPwH9nwEvnj_Tx4AaABAg.8taJHYk6_7E8tdyWde-ciZ --- [USER 343] So you made a false claim about the video because you think every one is a fool and will not know? There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. Why do you think farmers all over the world freely and overwhelmingly choose to purchase gmo technology seed? I will prove who is real fool here [USER 342 NAME]. ==== 1155 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgywnHPwH9nwEvnj_Tx4AaABAg.8taJHYk6_7E8tf3jfJmLUj --- [USER 343] You have a great life also [USER 342 NAME]. ==== 1156 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzKheJDZXeErQ1W2DN4AaABAg.8tYjPCncatx8tZXHXM0UTy --- No, sorry, that can not happen and never has. You got bad information from anti-science activists secretly trying to sell more organic foods by fear mongering. Or you just misunderstood. The common myth is that weeds build resistance to glyphosate more, or differently, that they do with other herbicides. That is false, any pest can build a resistance to any pesticide when farmers fail to use the established proven practice of crop and pesticide rotation to block resistance build-up. This was a know problem all farmers dealt with regularly for decades before the first GMOs were approved and planted. Rotation also keeps soils richer. ==== 1157 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwb_ntknkDS56w08d14AaABAg.8tRP2_5H5AD8tTacW0XRZB --- You are clueless. The word "natural" has not applied to any foods we eat for 11,000 years when we started breeding and improving every food. 'Natural' is going to be banned from food labels by the FDA because it is misleading and meaningless. ==== 1158 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy4tMMFFP8vi1JM8Cl4AaABAg.8tJrkj3nZS58tKKxjexg0r --- Your post is false and ignorant. There many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling pesticides. Farmers quit saving seed in the mid 1930's with the development of hybrids and as each crop over time was developed into a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop. The reason farmer choose to use gmo technology seed is so they can use much less and much safer pesticides even safer than many of the pesticides organic growers use. Farmers keep their soils in top shape setting yield records almost every year. Bayer is not even number one in gmo technology seed sales. You really need to get an education on this subject [USER 344] before you start spewing out your ignorance. ==== 1159 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy4tMMFFP8vi1JM8Cl4AaABAg.8tJrkj3nZS58tLmNsZK6m9 --- [USER 344] is lying because he believed the bullshit fed to him by organic farmers and anti-science activists. When Bayer bought Monsanto they were forced to give up and spin off their own seed supplying division to prevent monopoly. There are three other large GMO seed sellers and hundreds of smaller ones in the US alone. ==== 1160 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy4tMMFFP8vi1JM8Cl4AaABAg.8tJrkj3nZS58tLmeUQ8Bla --- [USER 344] is lying about any specific connection with GMOs and depleted soils, any farm using any method can deplete soils if they are not responsible. That is total horseshit about any aspect of organic foods being superior. No proof, period. ==== 1161 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzmz9Vznqzns4RQPFl4AaABAg.8tJNpgQ2mkk8tLmkkvzS5B --- Nonsense. People DO eat GMOs by the billions. ==== 1162 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxuQnZVRqPYOh5mdXN4AaABAg.8tHPX6mjmBe8tJBtRIEz-F --- Bullshit, you tiny little troll. ==== 1163 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyyzb-FLRml7uHP1fZ4AaABAg.8tF-rIBUYcY8tQyW0zXI9u --- Ignorant bullshit. They just sell the seed farmers want. ==== 1164 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw_DmdNemQ0rVXyyk14AaABAg.8tDXZ0bdIur8tE7qFHAqPm --- What the fuck does that have to do with GMO food benefits? ==== 1165 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxx7PmTfIzbxhGqaUF4AaABAg.8tBX2-kpXBy8tBZkoEJ1qm --- Dog owners are crude. We have no legitimate need to hold non-farm animals captive any more. Those idiots who keep pit bulls and wolves are the worst, statistics prove they are likely to revert and kill people. Crude, crude, crude low brow practices. ==== 1166 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyB3ifl56dgk15P5Hd4AaABAg.8t8mdXyV2Dz8t9BEjZszf_ --- Wole King I.Q. = 40 ==== 1167 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzAPMsl_VYaN8QFnFV4AaABAg.8t1dCGiMWTd8t3yH4HhiWv --- If you want to be taken seriously when calling others stupid it is your responsibility to use proper English and punctuation. If English is your second language, post correctly in your native tongue. ==== 1168 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx1yL5QMMFY0xH8U1V4AaABAg.8smgpbRbU5z8snSlEh8D9K --- 1) half of all GMO seed planted today is provided free of charge from NGOs and government programs, but profit is never a fault. Do you work for free? 2) food wasted in this country can never be transported half way around the world, past corrupt governments and soldiers, to those who need it the most. 3) the fact that we have always altered food and animal DNA for our benefit is a very good thing, essential for survival now with a 7.6 billion population. 4) GMO foods taste NO DIFFERENT and all blind taste tests prove it. Best taste is always the result of letting food ripen 100% on the vine for eating immediately after picking. Only ignorant fools say otherwise. 5) you talk stupid and are never right. ==== 1169 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw5NGem9r3ypqsJInp4AaABAg.8smQuK9p85X8uCifgm_7Bf --- [USER 11] That is coorect you need to read on the topic because your post is False. Bt gmo technology is now being use in Europe as in all over the world. Organic growers have used Bt for decades even injecting some food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of Bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray Bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn root worms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers like me used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo technology. GMO technology is safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO. ==== 1170 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxIBRrxT1Lep_rPuAl4AaABAg.8sk_pzNuS4m8snStV3PG3M --- That is always done. We have viable seed from every plant grown in the last 100 years in seed banks and vaults around the world. ==== 1171 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHL3YViy6qcC9FONV4AaABAg.8sjNhyE1r8J8skHd8IfzBz --- How can an adult not know that there is global evidence of plant and animal breeding by humans dating back over 13,000 years? In some cases we have actually tested DNA remnants in grains to see how far along they were. The fossil record proves we have bred all domestic dogs from wolves. ==== 1172 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHL3YViy6qcC9FONV4AaABAg.8sjNhyE1r8J8skIpPk_ETu --- Harold - how the heck does your mind make the jump from plant breeding to human genome tampering? Again, you post as though you have been in a cave away from all media and reference materials for a lifetime. Do you live in a religious cult?The huge controversy about the BRAND SPANKING NEW FIRST EVER USE of GMO Crispr technology on a human baby last year in China was announced repeatedly around the world and is currently the subject of heated debate in most media in existence. The US is now formulating the content of new laws to prevent that and highly regulate any research on human genetic tampering. Obviously the only GMO to ever improve (by eliminating a deficiency) the human body uses vitamin supplementation. Golden rice took over 25 years to develop and get approval and it is now approved for importing and use in 5 countries. Bangladesh is planting its first crops this year to eliminate cases of blindness and stunted growth from Vit. A deficiency. ==== 1173 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHL3YViy6qcC9FONV4AaABAg.8sjNhyE1r8J8skJ7WgWXW8 --- Religion is a mental crutch for those who can not face their mortality. For the majority of educated adults we see the dwindling finite resources (which no daddy in the sky will ever add to) must be used efficiently as possible which means GMO crop science to feed 7.6 billion people. If there WAS a god I would thank it for not letting YOU be in charge. ==== 1174 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHL3YViy6qcC9FONV4AaABAg.8sjNhyE1r8J8skK-qR3Kwh --- [USER 346] Clearly you don't base your perception of [USER 91] on any facts at all. This is called willful ignorance. We will struggle on despite you while ignoring your ilk. You will benefit directly from crop science regardless of your superstitions. ==== 1175 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHL3YViy6qcC9FONV4AaABAg.8sjNhyE1r8J8skMoAmSpfL --- [USER 346] You are NOT my friend. Your ignorance is an enemy of humanity and an axis of evil. My mind is open and not where my assertions come from. I always defer to real proven peer reviewed science. You are some kind of ignorant conspiratard. Why would they create science in a way that would benefit us? is a truly idiotic ignorant sentence from a poorly educated loser who doesn't even know the difference between your and you're. That "NWO" reference proves you are a fucking genetically illiterate idiot. ==== 1176 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHL3YViy6qcC9FONV4AaABAg.8sjNhyE1r8J8skNZNb0Fps --- Thank goodness [not a daddy in the sky] FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 1177 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzHL3YViy6qcC9FONV4AaABAg.8sjNhyE1r8J8skT9f7oVY8 --- [USER 346] I earned all the points here by providing verifiable citations while you provided none to back your ignorant stance. All readers know that when you attack GMO food safety you also attack our honest hard working god fearing farmers and crop scientists. You are despicable. ==== 1178 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxJ9x7q-FhEVzRrFcN4AaABAg.8sduTbYqY0z8seyIj68_cQ --- Why contribute so little? Why not tell readers here how GMO crop science is helping your fellow citizens to grow GMO Bt bringal with no pesticide use? Explain how it lets poor farmers stop spending 40% of their annual income on pesticides? ==== 1179 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgypcLIyFSKtNjWNr8N4AaABAg.8sbgxC-6jgG8sexZGIA0r4 --- No, it only explains a way to reduce the rate of climate change a bit. You have to stop driving a car, you must stop eating beef and you have to recycle like your life depends on it, you have to vow to let your family line die off and you have to live in a smaller home or we are all fucked. ==== 1180 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw2dE4oCs01sT2bOnl4AaABAg.8saM1XUCsan8saMkU6j3nw --- Your post is total garbage John. Monsanto was bought out two years ago and never had anything to do with food but sold n puts to Farmers. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. There are are more than one modifications. Nicotniod is an insecticide as is NOT in Roundup and has nothing to do with gmo technology. You are lost and clearly need to get an education on this subject before you start spewing out your ignorance John. ==== 1181 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw2dE4oCs01sT2bOnl4AaABAg.8saM1XUCsan8scY3daLSL1 --- [USER 348] YOUR stupifyingly ignorant comments here are shameful for the entire human race. There is NO nicotinoid in Roundup. Neonicotinoids are only applied to seeds as a coating before planting. The patent on Roundup expired in 1999 and there are 700 [seven hundred] different brands of glyphosate herbicide sold globally. There is NO PROOF of any cancer risk with glyphosate you asshole. That's just conspiracy theories and abuse of the US legal system. NO AWARDS HAVE BEEN PAID OUT YOU LIAR!! First the settlement amount was cut 80%, then that went into appeal where it remains at this date. HOW IRONIC!!! YOU are repeating fake news from activist sites while telling others to not do that!!!! What a fucking moron!!!!! ==== 1182 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyjln-wd1Di36MM-_h4AaABAg.8sYokVb5Qtz8s_up1ggnna --- Geek. ==== 1183 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyjln-wd1Di36MM-_h4AaABAg.8sYokVb5Qtz8t3RvWPtd0e --- [USER 11] Bt is Harmless! Bt is used all over the world and has been used by Organic Growers for decades. Why do you want farmers to go back to using more and more harmful pesticides [USER 10 NAME]. You can not even name the Bt gmo technology crops. ==== 1184 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwQW9TpzNmSveWtvLF4AaABAg.8sTO1n9n2Kx8sW1grvwb6M --- You are one ignorant bitch. What do you think you accomplish by doing this **** instead of using real words? Is that your religious brainwashing rationalization? Don't you realize religion is a mental crutch for the weak minded who are too cowardly to face their mortality? You fools have projected your stone age ignorance onto fields where it can never apply. And you post nasty hateful hostility in the name of your daddy in the sky. MANY PEOPLE LIVE TO BE 90!!! It is crack heads and opioid addicts who are dropping like flies so much that they have lowered the total average US life expectancy. NOT A SINGLE FOOD WE EAT has not been drastically modified by humans for over 10,000 years you extremely ignorant grade school flunkie. ==== 1185 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxpDQvM-RW-CalVJC54AaABAg.8sTNXPs4kzY8sW1tYiRbQj --- You are also too stupid to realize basic Youtube terminology. When we use the format 9:03 it is highlighted automatically to indicate it is a time stamp. ==== 1186 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxjX_wq-haqYgi6qYp4AaABAg.8sTN4CewNfx8sW2fYbKssM --- I am sorry that predominantly black schools have failed their duty so badly. You are evidence of how horrible grade school education is in the US. You are pathetically genetically illiterate. You prefer religious superstition to proven science. Well guess what, moron, that keyboard you are abusing now was made by the same science discipline that created the wonderful GMO foods you benefit from. Those sugary sodas you are addicted to are sweetened with GMO sugars. ==== 1187 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxjX_wq-haqYgi6qYp4AaABAg.8sTN4CewNfx8s_vPogt8UN --- [USER 11] 24 hours later, no reply to you being humiliated by facts, just as you have had no reply to the dozens of links I post that prove you 100% wrong over and over again. What an extreme jackass you are. ==== 1188 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxjX_wq-haqYgi6qYp4AaABAg.8sTN4CewNfx8sa0yFBwAvJ --- [USER 11] Since I did not in fact violate any rule at all by educating children your report was not just ignored, it put you on the pest list. No other Youtube GMO commenter posts more unbiased citation links than me. They are everywhere. Just scroll down and expand replies to see hundreds of them while we can find none for you. You fool no one. You just abuse social media to vent hate and anti-science ignorance. I will never stop trouncing and humiliating your ignorant trolling until you stop. I have driven off numerous much more persistent asshole liars than you. I repeat - I will never stop because I take the high road and you are scum. ==== 1189 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxjX_wq-haqYgi6qYp4AaABAg.8sTN4CewNfx8saLfjQf-CR --- [USER 11] You don't even understand that any channel owner can be blocked by opening their channel page and select 'block' to end notifications but in any case, notifications are very unreliable and stop completely when you top 20 comments per day. You are again being dishonest by not scrolling in any direction here when sorted for newest to see over 100 unbiased citation links posted by me. And my total for Youtube is 5,000 links and 25,000 comments minimum. 90% of those are for defending GMOs and 10% for discussing my vehicle, the Organic Transit ELF. In the last 6 years my total comment count is over 100,000 because I posted much more through Disqus than here. Disqus counts your total comments and your total upvotes. 55,000 upvotes for my defense of science from idiot trolls. Youtube is shit because it is unmoderated - we would not use profanity or suffer from asshole trolls like you if Youtube had its shit together. ==== 1190 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxdB9-yNsw7gm1RsBd4AaABAg.8sQzAOcq7ge8sTMD9B8dsP --- Nobody is selling anything here. Education about facts is not selling. ==== 1191 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz36yR-0xDrLLsjp614AaABAg.8sOG3OcCMMp8sQpzulSUca --- Oh boy another genetically illiterate comment. There is no ecosystem balance desired inside the borders of farmer's fences. There is no proof from any legitimate sources that GMOs affect the biome at large more than other farming methods but hundreds of studies that show it is safer with less negative effects - all farming of every sort is invasive. No exceptions. ==== 1192 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8sYAoHOAKAs --- [USER 73] Your post is false. Farmers do not save seed any more GMO or NONE GMO ever since the development of hybrids in the mid 1930's and as each crop was developed into a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop. There are NO terminator seeds and you not name one crop that has them. You really need to get an education on this subject before you spew out your ignorance Almost. ==== 1193 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8sYB9f7-E9y --- Yes Senthil. Terminating seeds are Myth spread by people who have NO knowledge about this subject. They are the ones telling lies and spreading misinformation. ==== 1194 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8sc5JVIwtcB --- [USER 73] Name any that you claim has terminator crops? ==== 1195 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8seZEpOZ08h --- [USER 73] Thank You for finally getting something Right. There are NO Terminator seeds used in agriculture. Can you name the ones you think have been developed? ==== 1196 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8sfr7upj0ft --- [USER 73] Calling me names will not hide your ignorance on this subject. At least you admit that there are NO terminators seeds used in agriculture. Can you name any crop that you think have been developed terminator seeds? ==== 1197 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8shBclhPuWq --- [USER 73] So you can NOT name any crop that uses Terminator seeds? Terminator seeds are NOT used in Agriculture. Thank you for showing how you tell lies and spread misinformation Almost. ==== 1198 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8sjnXDoyaR_ --- [USER 73] So you can NOT name any crop that uses Terminator seeds? Terminator seeds are NOT used in Agriculture. Thank you for showing how you tell lies and spread misinformation Almost. ==== 1199 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8smOyvokF_x --- [USER 73] It doesn't look like you are going to be able to name any crop that uses Terminator seeds? Terminator seeds are NOT used in Agriculture. Thank you for showing how you tell lies and spread misinformation Almost. ==== 1200 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8smcl9SPQxU --- [USER 11] Sorry but tomatoes are not a gmo technology crop. Potatoes are a gmo technology crop but potatoes do not use Bt. Can you name the gmo technology trait that potatoes use? Only one country uses Bt soybeans. It is Not the United States. Can you name the country that uses Bt soybeans? Can You name any crop that uses Terminator seeds? Terminator seeds are NOT used in Agriculture. Try to get an education on this subject [USER 10 NAME] so you can answer theses simple questions. ==== 1201 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8snOxZXkOTl --- [USER 11] I recommend you get an education on this subject and stop with your lies and misinformation. You have never proved your claims and posted them where they could been seen and you probably never will only making false claims like you have just Like Almost does. You can never answer my simple questions just tell your lies and run describes you both. ==== 1202 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8snck1s1RC4 --- [USER 73] You can not answer my simple questions but run and hide. Who's mind is gone? Are you going to be able to name any crop that uses Terminator seeds? Terminator seeds are NOT used in Agriculture. Thank you for showing how you tell lies and spread misinformation Almost. ==== 1203 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8snhR_l7tE2 --- [USER 73] False when farmers purchase and signs any contract if needs to he can do what ever he chooses with the seed. You can not answer my simple questions but run and hide. Are you going to be able to name any crop that uses Terminator seeds? Terminator seeds are NOT used in Agriculture. Thank you for showing how you tell lies and spread misinformation Almost. ==== 1204 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8sniUeF3sdw --- [USER 73] Farmers quite saving seed with the development of hybrids in the mid 1930's. As each crop was developed into a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop. Sad that you are lost on this subject Almost. You can not answer my simple questions but run and hide. Are you going to be able to name any crop that uses Terminator seeds? Terminator seeds are NOT used in Agriculture. Thank you for showing how you tell lies and spread misinformation Almost. ==== 1205 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8snizKiwR7o --- [USER 73] Farmers quite saving seed with the development of hybrids in the mid 1930's. As each crop was developed into a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop. Sad that you are lost on this subject Almost. You can not answer my simple questions but run and hide. Are you going to be able to name any crop that uses Terminator seeds? Terminator seeds are NOT used in Agriculture. Thank you for showing how you tell lies and spread misinformation Almost. ==== 1206 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz8oASQ7_i83sK-jJt4AaABAg.8sNsnYNPP4c8snkzotNfj_ --- What an idiot you are Almost. If a farmer purchases gmo technology seed he can use that seed when and how he chooses. He can even save it to plant next year or burn it if he chooses to but He can not nor would ever save seed PRODUCED from that crop raised from that seed. He would be breaking the Law. It is sad that you can not and will not give answers to my simple questions ==== 1207 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwW3ovuCfyuiPUbGmd4AaABAg.8sNoDjeUGAV8sYDXprJumO --- [USER 73] Thank you [USER 90] for helping to spread the word that no FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90]. ==== 1208 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwW3ovuCfyuiPUbGmd4AaABAg.8sNoDjeUGAV8sc51IjEbAf --- AND NO COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90]. ==== 1209 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzR3spz2NzQ4N8oeSp4AaABAg.8sKj91jT4LA8sLXh3NA-6D --- [USER 9] Golden Rice gives Vitamin A to prevent blindness and stunted growth in those who only eat rice. GR2E does this without pesticides. It's not "more than usual", white rice is nutrition free, only has calories. Brown rice is much smarter, just as whole wheat [USER 27] is much smarter than the stupid American habit of bleached white flour [USER 27]s. ==== 1210 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwec99uXv1lSULpE8t4AaABAg.8sGo_ExGbfv8sJ5rreAFCK --- That's because those who need basic GMO education the most, are the least intelligent and low information crowd with short attention spans. They couldn't learn it at school and many can't even learn it with cartoons. ==== 1211 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCoO9izVs5GdcPERB4AaABAg.8sEXkN1uaki8sGMrq0B5O3 --- Youtube did better than that, they nave banned and removed anti-vax videos. ==== 1212 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCoO9izVs5GdcPERB4AaABAg.8sEXkN1uaki8sQr8-W2mZ1 --- Just today Amazon announced they will no longer sell anti-vax books. ==== 1213 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzmw70qI6wHzt4T1f54AaABAg.8s6_yQhgIMh8s8oXIUT1Ix --- Not even close. We only grow 10 GMO crops in the US and half are cattle feed and cotton. Refined sugars and oils are not GMO. ==== 1214 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHfOr8gnnkH1ikVUx4AaABAg.8s6X4ASFiZt8s8oehCf8SA --- People fear what they do not understand. Go back and complete your grade school education, obviously you have not. Drop the geek games and experience [USER 91] only. You are out of touch with [USER 91]. ==== 1215 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHfOr8gnnkH1ikVUx4AaABAg.8s6X4ASFiZt8sJERqRI4wB --- [USER 11] What does the garbage you spew out have to do with gmo technology [USER 10 NAME]. Are you spewing out this garbage trying to hide your ignorance on this subject [USER 10 NAME]. You will need a lot of garbage for you have a lot of ignorance on this subject to hide. ==== 1216 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHfOr8gnnkH1ikVUx4AaABAg.8s6X4ASFiZt8sVPn9cvjgC --- [USER 11] It is sad that the words were needed to be used. What does the the garbage that you spewed out in your post have to do with gmo technology [USER 10 NAME]? ==== 1217 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHfOr8gnnkH1ikVUx4AaABAg.8s6X4ASFiZt8sVUN4H0ujC --- [USER 11] Yes we have addressed your ignorance on gmo technology. I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject [USER 10 NAME]. ==== 1218 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyHfOr8gnnkH1ikVUx4AaABAg.8s6X4ASFiZt8sVWR8xShsc --- [USER 11] You can not hide your ignorance on this subject by attacking me [USER 10 NAME]. Try getting an education on this subject before spewing out your ignorance and then you will not have me around confronting you. Why do farmers overwhelmingly freely choose gmo technology seed all around the world if is an option [USER 10 NAME]? ==== 1219 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwt3NI8o2GXneFE4-V4AaABAg.8s5l4SVZX7k8s6CtME9EQH --- You have to ask this on the channel page or Facebook. This video is abandoned. ==== 1220 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw8e3ijetGpCqveFL54AaABAg.8s54mgVHqFn8s6DG17jae6 --- You have the entire collection of human knowledge at your fingertips. Type the following in your search page: "are seedless fruits GMO?" to learn they are not and have nothing to do with GMO crop science. No terminator seeds were ever sold, that is a fear mongering term like "Frakenfoods" made up by organic farmers to scare you into buying crappy organic produce at twice the price. ==== 1221 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxmZxhB7HhgmE9joup4AaABAg.8s3tPeE1ToE8s6Du6HAAZl --- False. Anti-science activists funded by the high price of organic foods have conducted a 32 year long disinformation campaign. They lied to you. There is no proven negative effect of GMO foods. Remember that GMO is never an actual ingredient, it is a breeding method. GMO seeds grow plain old food, but they do it better which is why farmers prefer it. Real peer reviewed studies find no effect on our microbiome. ==== 1222 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyN_w1jrS5mtiwKS754AaABAg.8s10AzjQZqo8s1991He4Ey --- This should not be a surprise at all if you finished grade school. What happened? ==== 1223 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxnDtx6I_ce9gSRCAd4AaABAg.8ruXQvro-qN8rx1i3wIyRH --- False. It is illegal to sell any seed or produce that has "lost all nutrients and become bad for health". Every GMO today has had to pass over 75 demanding safety and equivalency tests mandated by our FDA, USDA & EPA. This has taken an average of 13 years for approval and patenting. There are no unbiased peer reviewed studies anywhere that prove the slightest negative health effect from GMO foods. If there was, those seeds would be recalled as all hazardous foods always have been in the US. Idiot! ==== 1224 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxnDtx6I_ce9gSRCAd4AaABAg.8ruXQvro-qN8s1fSmI6KUs --- [USER 350] What you smoking [USER 349 NAME]? Can you even name the crops that use gmo technology? Can you tell me why? ==== 1225 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwgZQ9Mqs2XmhLFGpF4AaABAg.8rouiTZb5fb8s1fmEbbiLw --- Your post is garbage, You know nothing about cross pollination. We have had patented seed for 49 years. You are clueless about this subject Catus. ==== 1226 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxlDDisyX-VlYrI2ZZ4AaABAg.8rlD1YUnFTj8rmlE94vOP5 --- Actually the total number of countries with bans has dropped to 31 this year. The latest were two African nations. Note that when bans are discussed this refers to cultivation only. These countries still import thousands of tons of GMO foods. ==== 1227 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzdqnayqwDec77LsI54AaABAg.8rioAM5wTng8rkJpGwil1L --- One reason only - store tomatoes and all other produce have to be picked green to avoid rotting before they get to store shelves. No GMO tomato has been sold for 15 years, anywhere. Pick your yard tomatoes green, refrigerate them for 5 days, fumigate them for pests, rinse in edible wax solution and the smell will be identical. ==== 1228 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyb8qH1C5Gh5XGK5uh4AaABAg.8rbkYgwFLeu8s3tTu0gee7 --- [USER 73] Thank you [USER 90] for helping to spread the word that no FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] ? ==== 1229 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwsH_Xu2yBb_DVGMRV4AaABAg.8rbjn1D2Xbt8rcNxaorzjR --- Ignorant lies about Tyson. It was Nye who was anti-GMO until he became informed enough and realized the benefits. One idiotic idea about mental sex aberrations does not negate him as a scientist in all topics. Science knows no political affiliation. AND any reference to being paid is extra ignorant. Name three scientists who always work for free. ==== 1230 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwsH_Xu2yBb_DVGMRV4AaABAg.8rbjn1D2Xbt8rhmLfYwVJT --- [USER 11] Tyson is a world class scientist with 13 books, 14 honorary degrees and 13 published research papers. His simple statement of fact about planes is blatantly obviously correct compared to helicopters, ask any pilot or statistician. Tyson has transcended the limits of a single field of expertise, as a world class scientist, period. Nye's bio page makes you look like a drooling moron in comparison. Only trolls attack renowned scientists the way you foolishly attempt here. Only your statement that politics should be kept separated from science is correct. Religion too, in my opinion. ==== 1231 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwsH_Xu2yBb_DVGMRV4AaABAg.8rbjn1D2Xbt8rhqXgIlyB- --- [USER 11] The existence of winged gliders as a huge nation wide sport is all we need for proof. There are even hybrids with small engines that remain off most of the time. Check out the fatality rate for gyro copters, troll. ==== 1232 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwsH_Xu2yBb_DVGMRV4AaABAg.8rbjn1D2Xbt8rhr-qmFVOj --- [USER 11] When you have your own Netflix show we will talk. But yes I despise the rap noise and always mute it. I think he is targeting young people. Rap and hiphop is thug culture, a poison that has spread world wide. The worst cultural contribution the US has ever made. ==== 1233 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzVli1qYB3InkeVdVd4AaABAg.8rbJEyHMkI58rcOO_8kXCh --- It is more complex than that. Bt is one of 20 million proteins. Each one bonds with only one specific molecule and humans have no body chemistry the Bt protein can bind to or affect. Borer worms are the only life form affected by Bt. Stomach acids have nothing to do with Bt, you are thinking of the DNA in all foods, including GMO foods, that are rendered by stomach acids. ==== 1234 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzTNGol6t8GamwZk4h4AaABAg.8rb7r4oUBES8rcPFfnXYEo --- It is not. You are lying. Flavor of feed corn and GMO soybeans is only sensed by farm animals, humans don'teat that. There are only 10 GMO crops grown in the US and half are cattle feed or cotton. Only 3 fresh produce items are GMO - zucchini, yellow squash and Hawaiian papaya. Every single food in the fresh produce section depends on being picked at peak ripeness for the best flavor. That is impossible when it has to be transported and travel through a distribution system before you get it. The taste of organic or GMO produce is identical when both have been picked at peak ripeness. most importantly, there is virtually no GMO produce consumed by you. Seedless is not GMO, there are no GMO citrus fruits and the one GMO apple for sale is being used in dried snack packs only. There are no GMO grapes, carrots or greens at this time. ==== 1235 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzTNGol6t8GamwZk4h4AaABAg.8rb7r4oUBES8reuWeZovZ_ --- [USER 352] Monoculture is an entirely separate topic. It was practiced for hundreds of years before the first GMOs were planted. Monoculture is the most efficient and productive farming method, resulting in less land needed to be cleared of trees. Varieties found in markets have always been in a state of change and farmers try newer breeds that yield more per acre and last longer on shelves, or resist pests better. Increased spoilage and waste went along with the varieties you claim you preferred in the past but note that all seeds ever planted in the last 100 years or more have samples preserved in seed banks and vaults so noting is actually lost. Plant breeders are extremely aware of the demand for more flavor and are always working for new varieties, particularly strawberries for which there are new more tasty strains being tried right now. ==== 1236 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyGifL0_kQXZ94ulEh4AaABAg.8rYbhuoBBat8rcPaGQhiSz --- Your mind is packed full to the brim with activist lies. The [USER 91] of genetic science is nothing like you attempt to lie about here. You even try to lie about your lie - you ARE arguing against GMO crop science with that ignorant packet of bullshit lies. ==== 1237 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzsKLNayiRS3e8Uy9Z4AaABAg.8rWR2oRexqV8rY9_79_uu8 --- No, no GMO foods are used to vaccinate any humans. That is an extremely odd comment. Tomatoes and potatoes are not common in tropical zones, they grow taro and yucca and other starchy root vegetables or bananas for starchy staples. There are no GMO tomatoes anyway. Trying to slip vaccines into foods would start a global riot the likes of which humanity has never seen before. It has been all we could do in 20 years just to get golden rice approved to prevent vitamin A deficiency blindness. Golden bananas and potatoes are next. ==== 1238 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzsKLNayiRS3e8Uy9Z4AaABAg.8rWR2oRexqV8s1h5-HIRCG --- [USER 73] Tell me where it is not approved for cultivation for human consumption? If it was not being cultivated you would not be complaining with your garbage Almoust. ==== 1239 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzsKLNayiRS3e8Uy9Z4AaABAg.8rWR2oRexqV8s33lEvD2Vm --- [USER 73] Yes gmo technology crops are used and grown all over the world Almost. ==== 1240 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzcRuYfnOZ6veSAMrV4AaABAg.8rWDSw7E6-S8rcQ9OCIz3r --- Do so by asking your local market's produce manager to get GMO potatoes and apples for you. Contact many of the thousands of sellers of packaged foods with that idiotic 'non-GMO Verified' label and tell the you don't like the way they are insulting your intelligence and spreading fear mongering calculated to sell more crappy organic foods. Focus on the foods that have no GMO version but still use the GMO free labels. ==== 1241 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwerqygbPLbc0noLzh4AaABAg.8rShC2PlCLp8rVWyfyQQIN --- [USER 247] The person shouting insults was the asshole who maliciously repeated toxic activist lies that deeply insult our hard working farmers and scientists. "Destroy Humanity" my ass!! That loser deserves all insults we can muster. Note that shouting on the internet is limited to using all caps, I did not do that for this one but sometimes it is appropriate. 22 hours later he failed to meet the challenge of being called out, this proves I did the right thing to slap down an asshole. I will never stop as long as Youtube is an un-moderated axis of ignorance. ==== 1242 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx4qrYiemFyD4q4Qhl4AaABAg --- Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 1243 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6EAvBKqJyEMtnmeN4AaABAg --- Kurzgesagt fans, and subscribers, and all science respecting educated adults who hate trolls and malicious liars - Join me in reporting my anti-science GMO hater troll stalker [USER 339]. Let's not allow hater trolls and malicious liar stalkers to take over this venue. Whether they are Russian spammers, Greenpeace activists or organic industry operatives the result is the same. If you sort for newest and scroll down you will see just how bad this infection is. We welcome debate but not liars with ulterior motives that insult the integrity of our hard working farmers and scientists. Flag them for cyber bullying because the shitty, practically non-existent moderation scheme in G+ has no specific button for reporting stalkers or malicious trolls. Kurzgesagt works on your behalf to post the truth, don't let trolls get away with trying to discredit the effort. Click on their channels, locate the flag button and report them for cyber bullying. Copy this page's address into the complaint form and click it. ==== 1244 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6EAvBKqJyEMtnmeN4AaABAg.8rRc5_ZOHR08rUE7Yz3v84 --- [USER 11] 1) there is no free speech right on privately owned websites. Look it up. 2) How many times have I reminded you of the fact that opinions, feelings and hunches have no place in the topic of science? 3) Your genetic illiteracy is a burden you carry. Willful ignorance will never free you from it. No educational video will ever get though the shit that encases your brain. 4) Dissidents are a political function. Science is a discipline with no dissidents, just theories that remain theories until they are studies for proof or disproof. If you have no science education you can not possibly have any theories worth pursuing, that's what institutions of higher learning are for. 5) You are a blathering idiot. You have not seen this troll fuck up this thread every day for 6 months, I have. Kurzgesagt removed a couple hundred of its attacks and lies recently. It is less active lately but has returned to leave little smelly piles of demented hatred based ignorance. I will gladly add you to the list and begin the flagging and channel reporting campaign against you as well. Just keep it up asshole. ==== 1245 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6EAvBKqJyEMtnmeN4AaABAg.8rRc5_ZOHR08rVPiYASWxL --- [USER 11] The "we" who attacked Entine were assholes from USRTK who abused a legal loophole to get FOIA emails they then used out of context. His turds are more honest than you. You don't give a shit about 'science inconsistency', you are just a fucking anti-science hate troll as evidenced by every single post you have attacked my factual unreproachable posts with. I had to work daily for 3 months to get any comments removed, contacting the offices of the video owners and their Facebook pages. Any video over a year old is basically abandoned except to collect its ad revenue which is the reason why Youtube has been recognized as a threat to national security. Watch what happens in the next year, starting with G+ service being dropped April 2nd because they allowed a huge hack of their data base. RT and Jeffry Smith will be the next to go. ==== 1246 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6EAvBKqJyEMtnmeN4AaABAg.8rRc5_ZOHR08rhzcdFBS49 --- [USER 11] You linked no 'papers' here. The web is littered with fake documents fabricated by anti-science trolls. The real thing is only posted on legal defense sites. ==== 1247 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6EAvBKqJyEMtnmeN4AaABAg.8rRc5_ZOHR08riBXyXz0ft --- [USER 11] You STILL have not posted a single verifiable link or quote of incriminating evidence for any organization or business involved in GMO crop science. Where's the beef???? ==== 1248 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6EAvBKqJyEMtnmeN4AaABAg.8rRc5_ZOHR08riMRgJB_sb --- [USER 11] I'm retired. If I worked for them it would be very clear and instantly detectable because there would be a little 'MOD' icon by my Disqus name. I do this because it is more constructive and stimulating than senior bingo. I donate $10/yr to the GLP. But if I did work for them it would not matter, the GLP has a 'highly reliable' rating from Media Bias Fact Check and gives full disclosure of its non-profit status and donor list on the site. ==== 1249 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxkjMPFcSzXxZnoIa94AaABAg --- All readers and science respecting educated adults - this thread has been invaded by a very persistent anti-GMO troll "[USER 339]" that really does post like it is MENTALLY ILL but it never stops, posting the exact same lies over and over again. First repeated lie is about GMO safety compliance to the international Codex Alimentarius convention that THE US HELPED TO DRAFT. And it has posted no less than 60 times that I am aware of, that adequate human safety trials for GMOs have not been performed. That is also a blatant nasty lie intended to sow fear mongering and doubt about the fruits of the labor of our hard working farmers. I posted direct refutation to those lies under its false comment but watch what happens tomorrow, it will post the same shit again and again, proof of its insanity. Please flag it and more importantly report its channel for cyber bullying. ==== 1250 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxPgUa5LZv8NsrJIRh4AaABAg.8rM3xrjxPm78rNscrouUne --- No, that's what we do with genetically illiterate assholes like you. YOU are the enemy of all honest hard working American farmers. YOU bite the hand that feeds you. When Greenpeace activists convinced locals to burn fields of golden rice it cost them dearly. They never recovered from that and their membership is way down. I am one who stopped supporting them with donations. They caused an extra 50,000 cases of blindness globally when they delayed the release of golden rice for one year. It did no good and all bad to be stupid rather than to learn the value of GMO crop science. ==== 1251 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwymXd_gBRioLPH29V4AaABAg.8rJEO7imJRK8rLU5nKE-0M --- NO!! You have been swept up in the same activist bullshit Greenpeace used to justify burning fields of golden rice. The fact is that the food industry is policing itself and sets preferences to buy palm oil from certified sustainable palm oil plantations. There are several organizations to provide the certification. Plantations that ignore sustainable guidelines get little business. But even those don't "destroy" the environment, they abuse it and the damage can be repaired. ==== 1252 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwymXd_gBRioLPH29V4AaABAg.8rJEO7imJRK8rLUOD6XSB4 --- There is simply no connection between GMO crop science and palm oil except in the most broad sense that all farming of every sort, including organic, is invasive to nature. The only natural state for land is undisturbed virgin forest or pristine prairies. Human over population is always the root cause of all environmental issues, not our crops. ==== 1253 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwymXd_gBRioLPH29V4AaABAg.8rJEO7imJRK8rTrVfz3vUY --- Palm oil is not a gmo technology product. Your knowledge about gmo technology is [USER 61] Meme. ==== 1254 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw51pyS4yCShj2xxm54AaABAg.8rFy-t8G-Zj8rGBt8TIfH1 --- No. You are mistaken, only some of them banned the CULTIVATION not importing of GMO foods. Italy ended its ban last year. Spain has been growing its own GMO cattle feed. Germany ended its mandatory labels, The UK is growing GMO potatoes. The EU is the US's largest importer of GMO foods. Thanks to two African nations as well, the total number of cultivation bans has dropped from 37 to 31 in just one year. ==== 1255 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw51pyS4yCShj2xxm54AaABAg.8rFy-t8G-Zj8rTrvyWjTJI --- [USER 73] Are you still spewing out your ignorance on this subject Almost. The EU imports a huge amount of gmo technology crops and in some areas are now using Bt gmo technology. Please get an education on this subject before spewing out your ignorance Almost. ==== 1256 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzq2X0oXeeAWRDyDPR4AaABAg.8rDdEjn3ZKH8rTsRvWNEmz --- [USER 11] Rice is not a Bt gmo technology crop. Your knowledge on this subject is [USER 61] [USER 10 NAME]. Can you name the crops that use Bt gmo technology and why? ==== 1257 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzq2X0oXeeAWRDyDPR4AaABAg.8rDdEjn3ZKH8rU6Lj4W537 --- [USER 11] Yes your posts are total garbage. Can you name the crops that use Bt gmo technology and why? ==== 1258 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy1LrVfuNEJ3nIUEcF4AaABAg.8rAmUkc1Lqj8sZCJnZb5-n --- [USER 73] Thank you [USER 90] for helping to spread the word that no FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90]. ==== 1259 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxpbKouI1v3xU9X_FN4AaABAg.8r5i9GZL6F98r5m08HMJU- --- Every single cell in a GMO plant is identical. If eating any DNA could affect our health the human race could never have evolved. We excrete what we do not digest. ==== 1260 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxpbKouI1v3xU9X_FN4AaABAg.8r5i9GZL6F98r62oxNRZCs --- [USER 354] The gene in the SEED was changed. It then sprouts and grows with all cells the same. Just as all your cells have the same DNA, your personal unique identifier. Duh! There is no GMO bogeyman. Every possible kind of genetic mutation happens in nature every day, it is vital to life and evolution. The only problem here is your horrible genetic illiteracy, you must have dropped out of or flunked out of grade school. ==== 1261 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxpbKouI1v3xU9X_FN4AaABAg.8r5i9GZL6F98r6Ks0Td0Gd --- [USER 354] You are lying about grade school education on GMOs. Students are told to make speeches on GMOs and post them here on Youtube. All US grade school graduates are required to pass classes in science, genetics and evolution. Crop science is discussed in detail. ==== 1262 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyGFSKMnoINObC6Lgt4AaABAg.8r4jS8mEt3Z8sYLTYdLFTr --- [USER 73] Thank you [USER 90] for helping to spread the word that no FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] ==== 1263 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyGFSKMnoINObC6Lgt4AaABAg.8r4jS8mEt3Z8sdIL51UPZc --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. ==== 1264 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx3dEMSlAjd6lqEDGl4AaABAg.8r1WSpYLgFD8r5ppnqhdl8 --- Youtube offers several hundred accurate unbiased educational videos about the benefits and future of GMOs, and TEN THOUSAND malicious lying anti-GMO videos mostly narrated by the short list of Youtube professional quack frauds wanting click bait revenue. The number one fraud was banned last year, [USER 355] Adams. But new disgustingly fake news videos are posted every day here by Jeffry Smith, [USER 356] Berg, Gary Null and a hundred more. Ignorant house wives and even school kids post bullshit they read on activist sites, they don't know any better and too many teachers are not showing them how to do searches correctly. God is helping us by the permanent end of G+ comments on April 2nd. After that date no asshole like you can suggest more lies about crop science in Youtube comments. GMOs are great you moron fukwit. ==== 1265 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx3dEMSlAjd6lqEDGl4AaABAg.8r1WSpYLgFD8rRd3MEjGd4 --- [USER 358] No asshole. The ban is against malicious intentional lies, not civil discourse. You are a toxic lying asshole who has [USER 112] interest in 'talking'. ==== 1266 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx3dEMSlAjd6lqEDGl4AaABAg.8r1WSpYLgFD8rReh_q7vgc --- [USER 358] Only quack fraud fakers here on Youtube, wearing a lab coat to fool you(and you WERE fooled) claim there is any safety issue with GMO foods. You need to look up the definition of peer reviewed research and smell the coffee, 11,000 studies from around the world all agree GMO foods and glyphosate are safe. You are just a sucker for organic farmer thugs. ==== 1267 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxFcqZD4wSMIi_mKRF4AaABAg.8qwJ6LUUuh28r0ezxgGe9c --- I can find no reference to GMO jute newer than 2014 in google. Are you sure it was implemented? ==== 1268 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxrDWrv0iBeOmYAnhB4AaABAg.8qw0-_W8cO08r0fBY8ve3b --- Hey GMO hate trolls - your G+ access will be terminated. Your asshole comments and account is vanishing forever on April 2nd. Youtube comments will no longer be a venue for trolling, conspiratards and frauds. Organic thugs and Putin's trolls will lose Earth's single largest venue for posting anti-science lies. ==== 1269 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzqCIfvtoOKg0O_xyl4AaABAg.8quWS60d1v08r0fPGEI3Xn --- Wiping out humans would be a weapon of war against the Geneva convention. You are an idiot. Hey GMO hate trolls - your G+ access will be terminated. Your asshole comments and account is vanishing forever on April 2nd. Youtube comments will no longer be a venue for trolling, conspiratards and frauds. Organic thugs and Putin's trolls will lose Earth's single largest venue for posting anti-science lies. ==== 1270 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwvwQevqy62iCMMVLV4AaABAg.8qth1E72y0V8r0fUPADZMf --- No it is not. You are a moron. Hey GMO hate trolls - your G+ access will be terminated. Your asshole comments and account is vanishing forever on April 2nd. Youtube comments will no longer be a venue for trolling, conspiratards and frauds. Organic thugs and Putin's trolls will lose Earth's single largest venue for posting anti-science lies. ==== 1271 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxUCvFKSPc5iOuKIzd4AaABAg.8qt9c40Ilfp8qu-1lC_6z0 --- What a moron! No humans at any point in history before this century had to deal with sharing resources with 7.4 billion people. No human or animal has ever been sickened by any GMO food even once in the last 25 years. You can post no proof of your lie here, only fraud fake studies and Youtube quack videos by naturopaths and chiropractors. The BEST news is this - Your asshole comment and account is vanishing forever on April 2nd. Youtube comments will no longer be a venue for trolling, conspiratards and frauds. ==== 1272 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxUCvFKSPc5iOuKIzd4AaABAg.8qt9c40Ilfp8r0fhxu9cHw --- [USER 360] Grandparents had no concept of a 7.5 billion global population. You are a blathering idiot and genetically illiterate fool. 100 years ago the average farm grew food for 4 people. Today that number is 125. Hey GMO hate trolls - your G+ access will be terminated. Your asshole comments and account is vanishing forever on April 2nd. Youtube comments will no longer be a venue for trolling, conspiratards and frauds. Organic thugs and Putin's trolls will lose Earth's single largest venue for posting anti-science lies. ==== 1273 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxUCvFKSPc5iOuKIzd4AaABAg.8qt9c40Ilfp8rdL0j7m-5J --- [USER 362] They match the level of stupidity I encounter. I am kind when the posts are kind or honest. ==== 1274 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzwRbxqooBS7DmdfIt4AaABAg.8qq9MIwKtpl8qu64RfIBRB --- It is already proven 100% safe redundantly. GMO foods are one of the most heavily studied topics in science. Enhancing the product is not desirable except in the case of vitamin enhanced golden rice. What is enhanced is the farmer's ease, cost and impact of growing the food by greatly reducing pesticide use, water use and fertilizer required. ==== 1275 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzCoWaGMieCl57oUup4AaABAg --- Youtube comments include barely literate users who have no idea how the commenting system works. Examples I run across every day: 1) They don't know you can expand down the video description directly under each video to learn more about it or to find citation links provided by the video creator. 2) They don't even realize the Read more addition at the end of all comments longer than 4 lines will expand out the full comment they are seeing or are replying to. 3) Some have no idea they can edit their comments or delete them by conveniently provided buttons G+ provides. 4) Some post an entirely new comment at the top of a thread just to reply directly to an existing days old comment because they don't notice or recognize the "reply" button each comment has at the bottom. Imagine the ineptitude! 5) Some don't realize a blue font color means they are seeing an active link in a video comment! And many more are so close to total computer illiteracy that they have no basic skills to post a hyperlink that might prove some point they are trying to make. 6) Many of the most ignorant foolish comments you see here were completely avoidable if the idiot spent 30 seconds doing a google search to verify the sometimes bizarre notions they post. 7) When they have no refutation to a point and they have no logical argument they may play the shill card, claiming you are some sort of paid operative. This is called 'poisoning the well' and is a childish form of trying to cheat to win, it is an automatic forfeit of the debate. ==== 1276 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzCoWaGMieCl57oUup4AaABAg.8qofPN_1oNi8sYLfnQ_Rqe --- [USER 73] Thank you [USER 90] for helping to spread the word that no FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] ==== 1277 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwM9710WbFu28RmKvZ4AaABAg.8qoPDlS4qhL8qoYQPG2765 --- OMG another genetically illiterate loser ==== 1278 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy9DLpwpcz4Nq5qSKx4AaABAg.8qmaWzcFwMB8qoZSb2nULX --- All GMO genetic codes are already existing in nature. We just gift useful code segments to plants that will work to our advantage. Nothing is made up from scratch. No "corporate control" can extend beyond 20 years for each GMO seed because patents expire. GMO soybeans have been off patent, generic and a bargain for farmers now for 5 years. This happens to every seed eventually if they were patented with the intention to sell them but in fact half of all GMO seed created today is by non-profit NGOs and governments who give the seed away free to struggling farmers. So much for your ignorance based 'corporate control' bullshit. What happens in an infinite number of scenarios that will never happen? Nobody of any consequence cares. All genetically literate educated adults know how every GMO seed must pass a rigorous demanding regimen of at least 75 tests required by our USDA, FDA & EPA. NOW YOU ARE AWARE OF THAT AND CAN NO LONGER CLAIM IGNORANCE. ==== 1279 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzjj_yjAZjmjeDprTt4AaABAg.8qmVjuWNbD48qoZfx7MeUs --- We are already doing all of those when they are to our advantage, legal and safe. You have no special inside information that the global scientific community is not aware of. ==== 1280 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzQ__-fJMRbAUZLhG54AaABAg.8qjicAMVHVO8qkZqN-kI1o --- A French court had nothing to do with publishing the discredited Seralini rat study. A lowly journal in Europe published it without any peer review. The study has been debunked the world over. Even Seralini said it was not a cancer study. Seralini has done other studies that are equally as bad. ==== 1281 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzQ__-fJMRbAUZLhG54AaABAg.8qjicAMVHVO8qmOeizrY8a --- We don't eat tobacco and we don't smoke foods. Irrelevant straw man. ==== 1282 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzQ__-fJMRbAUZLhG54AaABAg.8qjicAMVHVO8qo_Ekkz2q5 --- [USER 364] Half of all GMO seed today is created by non-profit NGOs and governments to be given away free or at cost to their struggling farmers. So much for you false conspiracy theory. All shareholders are vastly more educated than you, they know that every patented seeds' patent expires after 20 years and it then becomes generic, open sourced and a bargain for farmers. GMO soybeans have been off patent 5 years now and every existing patented seed will follow. ==== 1283 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwk4cZwdYiHopRYiA94AaABAg.8qjiGjr2FG48qk_0DpQHi0 --- Your unknown unknown worries are non-existent. ==== 1284 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyayp2DpIpNEPuH8Mp4AaABAg.8qjiA2iFxGP8qmQ-wvlkqh --- No, that's wrong too for the following reason: Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 1285 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxmR0s_FeUg7Z23zFx4AaABAg.8qj1Le_LRLA8qjSwVNW3TM --- No, science is making life easier for farmers. ==== 1286 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxmR0s_FeUg7Z23zFx4AaABAg.8qj1Le_LRLA8sYM2Ke5ouX --- [USER 73] Thank you [USER 90] for helping to spread the word that no FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] ==== 1287 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzs-Szqute6i2kFETh4AaABAg.8qeovM2qQ2n8qgyH90q1yW --- No proof? Never happened. Back to school with you! ==== 1288 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxCbzuuG-UgLxKwN7h4AaABAg.8qcaCxL3u998qcoXtUKM5x --- Basic science. ==== 1289 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLLgxEviIX69bF5Ah4AaABAg.8qZyB12yJ1_8q_SLhg0vP- --- Oh god no! It would be the single worst disaster since we mass produced cars, to extend life spans that long. How dare you be so selfish! We all get our time here and then have to move on to make room for the next generation. I am saying this forcefully because your comment failed to include the required behavioral change to never reproduce unless we actually need population growth. What we need most is responsible people to vow to never reproduce and let their family lines die off. Only then would longer life and an end of suffering to existing populations be acceptable. Yes I made that vow 30 years ago, kept it, and have willed my modest estate to Planned Parenthood. I repeat, you are an unmitigated disaster of extremely hubristic selfishness. ==== 1290 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLLgxEviIX69bF5Ah4AaABAg.8qZyB12yJ1_8q__cxkF3tp --- [USER 366] Sorry but you are in a fantasy world far removed from [USER 91]. THIS world is where we are and THIS world is being trashed fast NOW by over population. This is not a science fiction movie, we absolutely do not have the resources and may never have the technology to migrate and dwindling resources due to over population make your fantasy less likely every day. Remember that even in a fantasy world there is no reason to leave a perfect world for an unknown one if we don't trash what we have now. Crop science may be able to feed us ONLY if we stabilize population and that is impossible if the rich can buy themselves an abnormally long life in the ultimate selfish act. ==== 1291 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLLgxEviIX69bF5Ah4AaABAg.8qZyB12yJ1_8q__k5g8btN --- [USER 366] Real vision is for a healthy Earth. Ask any space station crew. ==== 1292 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLLgxEviIX69bF5Ah4AaABAg.8qZyB12yJ1_8qabTZkNNjQ --- [USER 303] --You are a great advocate for crop biotechnology [USER 302 NAME] but I disagree on this. Those adopting the mindset of Malthus and Ehrlich have always been wrong. Regards. ==== 1293 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLLgxEviIX69bF5Ah4AaABAg.8qZyB12yJ1_8qbtgQVsaeo --- [USER 305] No, I insist it is idiotic to use a fantasy to justify not cleaning up the planet that is our home. No reason to move if we take care of this one. Only a failing sun or gigantic multiple asteroid assault would justify leaving. I don't care about other schools of thought you mention, this is mine and that of most scientists and ecologists and NASA itself. ==== 1294 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLLgxEviIX69bF5Ah4AaABAg.8qZyB12yJ1_8qbznHdUt2S --- [USER 303] --[USER 302 NAME], your claim that most scientists, ecologists, and NASA are against extending life spans is false. ==== 1295 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLLgxEviIX69bF5Ah4AaABAg.8qZyB12yJ1_8qc-prdjTFU --- [USER 305] I was challenging his notion that we can just pick up and move to another world. But all educated people know the blatantly obvious, that extending live spans without reducing population would be a disaster beyond the current disaster we have now. To try to cheat death when it is due is the ultimate selfish act along with reproducing in an already obscenely over populated world as the ultimate act of emotional masturbation. ==== 1296 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLLgxEviIX69bF5Ah4AaABAg.8qZyB12yJ1_8qcWbdBkS0w --- [USER 303] --Ok. The doomsayers of yore (Tertullian, 2nd century), Malthus( (early 1800's) and the 60's (Erhlich) have always been wrong and will continue to be wrong. Regards to you. ==== 1297 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxLLgxEviIX69bF5Ah4AaABAg.8qZyB12yJ1_8qcwuWoLl5N --- [USER 305] They had no concept of leaving the planet after trashing it. It was not trashed then. Beyond the scope of their minds. ==== 1298 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx1hpHoeykwcRuUjvx4AaABAg.8qZr97UAq278q_TPBbxOjD --- You fool, there is no such thing as leaky gut!! Not even close! That garbage was made up by a Youtube naturopath quack. Autoimmune disease and sibo also has no proven source except lupus and quack frauds take advantage of that fact to sucker you. It was not your "organic diet" but some specific ingredient probably just in one single food you ate, or even your drinking water that gave you relief when you changed your diet. It is fantastically irresponsible and stupid to lash out to blame excellent American farmer grown foods for your problems simply because you never got a proper diagnosis and treatment from qualified professionals. There is no such thing as "gut levels" you blathering idiot. ==== 1299 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx1hpHoeykwcRuUjvx4AaABAg.8qZr97UAq278qbuGiG1q37 --- [USER 368] Your post is False. Gluten is your problem not gmo technology [USER 367 NAME]. ==== 1300 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx1hpHoeykwcRuUjvx4AaABAg.8qZr97UAq278qc-Du-gbv8 --- [USER 368] --Who are you to say that organic won't create intestinal damage over time? ==== 1301 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx1hpHoeykwcRuUjvx4AaABAg.8qZr97UAq278qc1uP7kHIc --- [USER 368] How do we digest anything at all? By intestinal permeability to nutrients, the gift evolution gave us. It does not become defective by eating foods with any particular breeding method, idiot. ==== 1302 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzI7YEIcG8qtKI48JZ4AaABAg.8qYSkGYcvdp8q_TUHDUDV3 --- No, trolls like you are the cancer of the internet. Asshole. ==== 1303 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyIfPfxBg4vcTOHAcl4AaABAg.8qVE3RTIEWk8qWVDVAqiYQ --- Nope. ==== 1304 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzhRTokPJv2XorcGM94AaABAg.8qV7LZuvmQ28qWVLzw6fp9 --- GMO's are not banned in the EU. The EU imports millions of tons of biotech crops each year. Four countries grow biotechnology maize. ==== 1305 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzhRTokPJv2XorcGM94AaABAg.8qV7LZuvmQ28qWctxvjNEj --- [USER 370] --No, the entire EU imports biotech crops. If you wish to say that most EU countries do not allow cultivation of biotech crops then that is true. And every country in the world uses biotechnology insulin since around 1980. ==== 1306 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzhRTokPJv2XorcGM94AaABAg.8qV7LZuvmQ28qXiUjmYSFC --- [USER 370] --Again, the EU imports millions of tons of GMO crops each year. ==== 1307 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzhRTokPJv2XorcGM94AaABAg.8qV7LZuvmQ28qXxNFh1Z-G --- [USER 370] Bans are for cultivation only. And Italy, an EU member, dropped its ban. Spain grows all its own GMO feed corn, a considerable amount. Germany dropped its mandatory GMO labeling laws. Worth noting that in just the last year the total number of countries with cultivation bans has dropped from 37 to 31. Two African nations being the latest to wise up and reject witch hunts. ==== 1308 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzhRTokPJv2XorcGM94AaABAg.8qV7LZuvmQ28qXxT4XP2oZ --- [USER 370] 164 countries are too smart to have any GMO bans of any kind, a 5 to 1 majority. ==== 1309 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxtBjk-GXpvEj54r_54AaABAg.8qUxRvlNDkz8qYPIPlwwRS --- Yes, Bangladesh has made great strides with Bt brinjal. The farmers love it as has increased yields and dramatically reduced insecticide use. ==== 1310 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxyYF463vWvezyb6pN4AaABAg.8qUtoE10xTA8qV7SoSX0U9 --- Wait for what? GMOs are grown or consumed everywhere now. ==== 1311 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwF-rlWNTLVp431Vwh4AaABAg.8qUtFnLoLro8qV8HrX0ltK --- Crop science has been continuously advancing for hundreds of years, no reason to think it would stop now. In fact it is accelerating in the rate at which better solutions are being developed for seed. ==== 1312 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugxcwa6uKxYFit_UlSJ4AaABAg.8qREquuhnGp8qabtEWfPcO --- Horseshit. ==== 1313 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyufCIvf8F5EU6onxl4AaABAg.8qN3anVDQvm8qNXYrLoDqF --- False. Veganism is a fad that involves fooling yourself into thinking you are not an omnivore. ==== 1314 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyufCIvf8F5EU6onxl4AaABAg.8qN3anVDQvm8qQ4zL__wWp --- Preben, it is not that simple. ==== 1315 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugwrn0QT9KIPRTL5UKt4AaABAg.8qN3Dih4tS98qNXq2OTqKj --- Wrong, only stop eating beef which is always 4 to 10 times more resource intensive than other meat production. Quitting ONLY beef globally would fully equal 2/3 of the human race becoming vegans based on a drop in wasting of dwindling resources. ==== 1316 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyxfdQC_IFxr0d5D8F4AaABAg.8qMM8Uxcq7f8qNMkRU_aUm --- The extremely tiny amounts of roundup that might be in our diet are safe. ==== 1317 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyxfdQC_IFxr0d5D8F4AaABAg.8qMM8Uxcq7f8qNYtn5OoTl --- The EPA and FDA use LD50 toxicity tables as the basis for establishing safe daily dietary intake of each pesticide. In the case of glyphosate the amount is 1.3 parts per million which includes an extreme over kill safety margin for error of 100X. All foods sold in or entering the US are tested for compliance. You can literally eat 80 times the calculated maximum safe legal content of glyphosate in your food every day for an entire lifetime with no negative health effects. Yes it is that safe. The system works. Or maybe you'd rather live in China and take your chances with close to [USER 112] food safety enforcement, ours is the best in the world. ==== 1318 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzKiHPzZJ0A5DmbkHp4AaABAg.8qKbyKpoMRx8qKyFiuw7es --- You did not watch the video. ==== 1319 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxWCK8XoGB9P0QUQIF4AaABAg.8qJ5-53nAFT8qJkX6_-d8v --- No. Four countries in the EU grow biotech maize and the EU itself imports millions of tons of biotech crops each year. ==== 1320 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyLmTFVHQzKlYOtYyd4AaABAg.8qHVop0N26G8qJkaZZPTa0 --- Bravo. ==== 1321 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyLmTFVHQzKlYOtYyd4AaABAg.8qHVop0N26G8qNMt-DoRt9 --- [USER 372] --So do I, I am used to it. The organic screamers are fun. ==== 1322 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyLmTFVHQzKlYOtYyd4AaABAg.8qHVop0N26G8qWWZTCcM1y --- [USER 372] --Good story. Yes, organic does not mean better nutrition, safer, no pesticides, or better for the environment. Come see us at GMOLOL where we have fun making fun of the anti's. Have not heard of Brad Lauber. ==== 1323 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxBdiDlbKV0GysBlth4AaABAg.8qFZUY5DloV8qFqMEyEX9b --- And whom do you cite as a source for your concern? ==== 1324 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxBdiDlbKV0GysBlth4AaABAg.8qFZUY5DloV8qG3lUwNhXj --- There are no risks, period. You are a sucker of organic foods cartel disinformation to sell more organics by fear mongering, This video will entertain no such lies or anti-science sentiment. The exact opposite of what you posted is in fact true, gene editing today is vastly more accurate and 10 times faster by using CRISPR technology. Look it up. We now get exactly the mutation we desire the first time whereas in the past we had to sort through hundreds of mutations in a lab to find the exact trait we desired, then spend years of testing to prove it is good. Over 75 tests mandated by USDA, FDA & EPA must all be satisfied before any GMO is approved and patented. These facts make you look ridiculous. ==== 1325 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxTT7LgstVZfEHrzwh4AaABAg.8qEv_PPnPXG8qKyU-iYq17 --- Your F bomb eliminated this as useful for children. ==== 1326 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6OJOgClhuiqi7QX54AaABAg.8qE93LqadOj8qFqRtnr4mP --- Yes, the Cavendish will be overcome by Tropical Race 4. ==== 1327 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugy6OJOgClhuiqi7QX54AaABAg.8qE93LqadOj8qG4BgOk7SC --- There are over 1000 varieties of bananas. There is no rule stating any particular one of those is the best. There are no GMO bananas for sale for now, the GMO golden banana being developed for regions where blindness and stunted growth is caused by a lack of vitamin A in diets. Its purpose is similar to golden rice. ==== 1328 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxzYxqxH8uui4-EUjx4AaABAg.8qAky4nQUf88qDJlEDLKPv --- Idiotic activist lie nonsense. There is NO TIME DELAYED BOOGEYMAN, PERIOD. It is incredibly arrogant of you and also ignorant to post as though nobody understands genetics and no safety testing is done. Stop insulting our hard working farmers and scientists. It is NOT A MYSTERY to highly educated geneticists. They are now ready to create variations on existing life in ways you can't even grasp. We know within 30 minutes to 4 hours when we eat something bad. End of story. ==== 1329 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyWAJg1Ce94rG94gaJ4AaABAg.8q9seY_GJE48qAd09J7oFO --- This reads like a classroom instruction example on all the wrong ways to comment on settled science! ==== 1330 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyWAJg1Ce94rG94gaJ4AaABAg.8q9seY_GJE48qBv5fHX2F1 --- [USER 374] --You've obviously not understood the science you may have learned with blubbering comments like this "That therefore means that GMOs are created to destroy life and are therefore unable to be properly digested within the gut of any organism human or otherwise that attempts to ingest the GMOs." ==== 1331 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyWAJg1Ce94rG94gaJ4AaABAg.8q9seY_GJE48qD3NxFIlAG --- [USER 374] --Blubbering is the only way to describe your comment that "That therefore means that GMOs are created to destroy life and are therefore unable to be properly digested within the gut of any organism human or otherwise that attempts to ingest the GMOs." You offer up and repeat your claim without the benefit of direct evidence. So please produce the driect evidence for your claim. No screaming articles, direct evidence. You got nothing. ==== 1332 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyWAJg1Ce94rG94gaJ4AaABAg.8q9seY_GJE48qDJz5ZBc9h --- [USER 305] Actually blathering is a more precise description. Blubbering is more often used to describe crying. ==== 1333 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyWAJg1Ce94rG94gaJ4AaABAg.8q9seY_GJE48qDe9OAzD3e --- [USER 374] Stop being an ignorant asshole. YOU are blathering, literally, when you rant totally unsubstantiated claims about crop science you do not understand. Even more ignorant is your suggestion that any food we eat is natural any more. No way. All foods we eat, ESPECIALLY organic, are totally unnatural and modified repeatedly over the last 10,000 years. The very word 'natural' is now under review for complete banning from food labels by our FDA because it is truly meaningless and misleading for consumers. ==== 1334 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxP-u7OBR05m0acwZp4AaABAg.8q8lVRZF_968qAeEQiJbk2 --- No. Those very specific farm pests would literally starve the human race to death if left unchecked. Poor uneducated Youtube viewers...... ==== 1335 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyRZ1J5hO0Z5U_4F8x4AaABAg.8q7tOyXVnGh8qAepXf28R8 --- All produce of every sort is more tasty when picked at the moment of peak ripeness. ==== 1336 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyRZ1J5hO0Z5U_4F8x4AaABAg.8q7tOyXVnGh8qAgyM6RaBB --- [USER 376] You just contradicted yourself. Either you don't like tomatoes or you do. What you poorly attempted to convey is that you prefer alternate breeds of tomatoes, it may have been a low acid tomato and still, you would not have liked it if it was not perfectly ripened in the vine. Purple in itself has no flavor. ==== 1337 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxTN3Qb52mhZLBkiq54AaABAg.8q7iyCBlNn48q7rwlqnfLR --- You are a genetically illiterate fool who chooses to believe biased activist lies over peer reviewed science. You just fucked the dog with your comment by trying to play that idiotic shill gambit. You typify why Youtube is [USER 152] as where the idiocracy comes to feed. ==== 1338 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxTN3Qb52mhZLBkiq54AaABAg.8q7iyCBlNn48q7rxnuNSfq --- Number of people or animals killed by GMO food worldwide: 0 Number of people who got sick from GMO foods worldwide: 0 Number of global catastrophes caused by GMOs: 0 ==== 1339 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxTN3Qb52mhZLBkiq54AaABAg.8q7iyCBlNn48q7v66at3cA --- Hey moron - there would never be a reason to spray glyphosate on resistant crops late in the growth cycle. It is only used for drying before harvest on crops that are NOT glyphosate tolerant like oats and wheat, in order to kill the plants so their grains will not rot in silos by being too wet at harvest. NOTHING IS "SUPPRESSED" NOT ONE SINGLE WORD OR FACT IS HIDDEN IN ANY WAY YOU IGNORANT CONSPIRATARD!! ==== 1340 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxTN3Qb52mhZLBkiq54AaABAg.8q7iyCBlNn48q7vCmS9blj --- Popcorn is not GMO you blathering idiot! ==== 1341 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxTN3Qb52mhZLBkiq54AaABAg.8q7iyCBlNn48qJEsgGCwxM --- [USER 378] So who's the idiot now, asshole? ==== 1342 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx8w0SpHoR-XjDZ6XZ4AaABAg.8q7bWvWnle78q7voXlyDdo --- Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 1343 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzCof59b9Au8P-isQt4AaABAg.8q6ifAJ-gWN8q6q05evF4K --- They got sick from the poor methods used to spray pesticides. With the Bt technology it eliminates those pesticides. That is great news. ==== 1344 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzCof59b9Au8P-isQt4AaABAg.8q6ifAJ-gWN8q7vruZZnxz --- Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 1345 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwBsW-CMz07oxjM6k94AaABAg.8q69zIe2QVk8q6BodE8Jp_ --- GMO crops do not change our DNA. If you are speaking of Seralini the Court did not make a ruling one the science whatsoever. France and Britain nor the EU is non-GMO. France, Britain, and the EU import millions of tons of GMO crops and 4 EU countries grow GMO maize. ==== 1346 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwBsW-CMz07oxjM6k94AaABAg.8q69zIe2QVk8q7wQduNVLe --- You idiot, obviously you did not get a grade school education, they would explain exactly why tat is impossible. We have always eaten DNA ever since we were monkeys. If there was any possibility of it affecting our own genes after being dissolved in stomach acids the human race could never have evolved! You are profoundly science illiterate and an embarrassment to your family and our education system. Please for the love of god GO BACK TO SCHOOL for remedial education!!! ==== 1347 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwBsW-CMz07oxjM6k94AaABAg.8q69zIe2QVk8qcpH_lT5h5 --- [USER 378] --Nothing to say but conspiracy bullshit. ==== 1348 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyk06g5PUDFw4VIEdh4AaABAg.8q692dLxAtX8qDpVWoZ8RZ --- [USER 11] --Right on. ==== 1349 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugyk06g5PUDFw4VIEdh4AaABAg.8q692dLxAtX8qG8nz7NOGa --- [USER 11] --I wrote back to you elsewhere here that organic has no benefits over non-organic agriculture but have not heard back. I should have said no net benefits. What benefits does organic ag have? ==== 1350 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyOpHO-6eZCJOd33M14AaABAg.8q67XQk5knp8q6BrBlB_tS --- That is false. ==== 1351 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyOpHO-6eZCJOd33M14AaABAg.8q67XQk5knp8qDpqu0Sbjq --- [USER 378] --Lots of glyphosate would be "extremely bad" for humans, but the levels we are exposed to less than tiny levels which are not harmful. Plus, glyphosate does not build up in the body, it is excreted. No it is not true that switching to a non-GMO diet made anyone better and I see that you have no credible evidence either. ==== 1352 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx7sNljPFdq0UBAvE94AaABAg.8q46CJgDlvl8q5mQ5aVt9e --- [USER 11] --There has been no evidence that biotech crop breeding has anything to do with CCD. Biotech crops were introduced in 1996 and CCD was first noticed around 2006. Honeybee CCD might be a mixture of varroa destructor and fractured habitat with pesticides coming in last place. Regards. ==== 1353 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx7sNljPFdq0UBAvE94AaABAg.8q46CJgDlvl8q6BLF_Vej0 --- [USER 11] --Glad to know that CCD long predates biotech crops somewhere. Varroa got here from Europe in the late 80's I believe. ==== 1354 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx7sNljPFdq0UBAvE94AaABAg.8q46CJgDlvl8q6iCRs8J_f --- [USER 11] --Thanks [USER 10 NAME]. Which types of GMO's are you against? ==== 1355 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx7sNljPFdq0UBAvE94AaABAg.8q46CJgDlvl8q8-ixeygaI --- [USER 11] You contradicted yourself. The GMO time delay boogeyman of "possible unforseen consequences" is a pure bullshit argument fabricated and spread by organic food marketing interests. Nothing works that way. When we eat something bad we know within 30 minutes to 4 hours, period. ==== 1356 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx7sNljPFdq0UBAvE94AaABAg.8q46CJgDlvl8q8SrpXyRzH --- [USER 11] There are no "GMO induced toxins". Again you are making up malicious lies. Bt is the only thing closed to a toxin but it is simply a reproduced protein that is already widely present in soil bacteria Bacillus theuringensis. Hot peppers emit and are packed full of a nasty toxin we also call tear gas. Unlike Bt, that actually does affect much more than one species of borer worm. It is a highly savored toxin humans love. ==== 1357 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwroZ3U2vfTLpcwt3V4AaABAg.8q3vafKS8TV8q5bW66_-Mn --- No. We need forests and jungles for biodiversity and maximum carbon storage. But GMO crops require less acreage thus leaving more forest untouched. ==== 1358 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwecgsfBugfjuLWayN4AaABAg.8q3aCjWNJIJ8q5c5UkZWow --- You are an idiot. Monsanto went out of business over a year ago. All GMOs are good, there are no evil ones because they would never be approved. They are never approved after extensive testing unless they are good. Ignorance is bad. The average US farm now feeds 124 people. Just 100 years ago that number was 4. We have been freed from a need to grow our own so that society and technology and medical science may advance. No space exploration of any kind ever could have happened without advances in crop science first. ==== 1359 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwecgsfBugfjuLWayN4AaABAg.8q3aCjWNJIJ8q6bNGgC0ND --- [USER 380] --Youtube Farmers say the darndest things: 1) " instead of using tons of herbicide to protect a herbicide-resistant crop why not to make a plant that can feed on a specific fertilizer and then using less herbicide as the regular weeds would be less nourished" 2) "or having a tree grafted with crops altered to be parasitical and then super fertilizing the main tree to feed the crops in a weed-free environment" 3) "or making weeds that are more edible by cattle to avoid the weed problem altogether" Bwwaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha. ==== 1360 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwecgsfBugfjuLWayN4AaABAg.8q3aCjWNJIJ8q808mNhA9t --- [USER 380] Fuck you ignorant asshole!!! Liar!!! All Monsanto CEOs are unemployed, all Monsanto US workers are out of a job, all Monsanto offices are vacant and for rent you ignorant anti-science scumbag. Only the brand names were retained by Bayer. ==== 1361 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgycM4q-kkM113DW6_h4AaABAg.8q3P165rfYp8q6ba1DgL-4 --- "Aparently GMO producers sue farmers for using their pattented DNA if it unintentionally ends up in their crops even if they didn't want them there." Stanislav, I'm sorry but not a single GMO producer has never filed such a lawsuit. ==== 1362 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgycM4q-kkM113DW6_h4AaABAg.8q3P165rfYp8qDqCRHQbtS --- [USER 382] --Ok [USER 381 NAME], not a single GMO producer has ever filed such a lawsuit. It has never happened. The only lawsuits GMO producers have filed are for stealing patented seeds and violating the contrat. ==== 1363 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxQfnEiBE2f91uJSJp4AaABAg.8q31oXkzux58q3HtZBN_nG --- Yes! 500,000 US farmers, trying to feed their families and not lose their heavily financed farms, do exactly that. They know that a 50% premium price for GMO seed greatly increases the chances of a profitable crop each year, weather permitting. It reduces losses to pests or drought and requires less pesticides and fuel. ==== 1364 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxMEGPeVQ_9V_W2U1Z4AaABAg.8q2vtUVaCJ18q6cTFwooFr --- Those that have been subject to 25 years of hearing "frankenfood" and organic screamer sites howling about GMO's find it difficult to even listen. ==== 1365 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzPMKOnVGDhcHTZZTB4AaABAg.8q29ARMpPdQ8q3ICCbZoyb --- That makes no difference to the many regions where war is using starvation as a weapon. And in extremely poor remote regions where that 'wasted' food could never be shipped to.. For them, dealing with population growth, rapidly deteriorating weather conditions and drought means GMO or die. ==== 1366 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgycYHWw61JJLKEGmsR4AaABAg.8q18vx09xff8q6dGV6fUQ0 --- Making fun of the video makes you an idiot. ==== 1367 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx8WtaK2m08wYpMpgJ4AaABAg.8q10H67bR4z8q3IPReBbsN --- What about the least toxic herbicide ever formulated? Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 1368 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw90XnvvmS6P-wgF654AaABAg.8q08rg0BuoH8q0Dx3UCEWu --- That is less of an issue today than at any time in the last 200 years. Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute safe traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 1369 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugw90XnvvmS6P-wgF654AaABAg.8q08rg0BuoH8q0Fp55h9vN --- [USER 384] One alleged study, no link provided, no clarification if it was from activist non-peer reviewed sources. THIS is what an accurate reliable peer reviewed study looks like: 54,251 US farm workers who were monitored long term as they worked with glyphosate herbicide - they have the same cancer rates as the general public: ==== 1370 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgytgCd4fcUzU2pEXE14AaABAg.8q-R09cSDGk8q0O7c2Gs6c --- Yes. ==== 1371 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgytgCd4fcUzU2pEXE14AaABAg.8q-R09cSDGk8q3IcSXNG1Q --- More importantly fuck genetic illiteracy, that is what is behind all activists. ==== 1372 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwSX3ZIX7a2OD2d7eh4AaABAg.8pzexJcOgTR8q0O9r9D6rD --- Yes. ==== 1373 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwkNxNKtsAL9u9VigN4AaABAg.8pzLvq-g6ah8q0F6u_AQ9P --- You are a bit confused - farmers do not want genetic diversity in their crops, that is counter productive. Diversity is vital OUTSIDE the borders of a farm's fences. All seeds ever grown by humans have preserved viable samples in seed banks and vaults. We have learned a lot since the Irish potato famine, what happened then can not happen again. GMOs are much more resistant to blights and we have excellent pesticides to instantly treat any blight that shows up. ONLY 30% of "all cash crops" are GMO. 90% of COMMODITY crops are GMO, a huge difference when clarified. Animal feed, cotton and ethanol corn = most GMO crops. There are over 1000 varieties of bananas, many hobby farmers in Florida and central and South America have all these examples to breed and refine. No one particular banana is perfect or ideal. A new GMO golden banana is about to be released in Uganda to deal with vitamin A deficiency that causes blindness. ==== 1374 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwkNxNKtsAL9u9VigN4AaABAg.8pzLvq-g6ah8q0OJUa-DzW --- [USER 303] --Excellent stuff [USER 302 NAME]. ==== 1375 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwkNxNKtsAL9u9VigN4AaABAg.8pzLvq-g6ah8q0Pk32yhH_ --- [USER 305] I have accrued over 100,000 comments in defense of science truth over the last 6 years, more on Disqus than here. I appreciate your help. There are more lies than facts on Youtube. ==== 1376 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwkNxNKtsAL9u9VigN4AaABAg.8pzLvq-g6ah8q0S3s00J74 --- [USER 303] --Bravo. Glad to pitch in and pick up pearls from your comments. Join in at GMOLOL on facebook too. ==== 1377 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwTiFKO84MJelBLZA94AaABAg.8pxbhf-1BjR8pyv-nOcElK --- There is only one GMO that targets an insect. It is producing a very specific protein that occurs naturally in a soil bacteria, Bacillus theuringensis. Organic farmers consider this extremely safe and use it heavily, meaning it is likely popular in your own country. There are many millions of proteins that only react with very specific cells like a highly complex key fitting a complex lock. The lock in this case is the stomach lining of a few species of borer worm pests. Bt is totally benign to all other life. You can't grow corn or cotton without attracting the pests that thrive on it. Remember that science is never about what we think, or our opinions or feelings, only proven facts are relevant. ==== 1378 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwTiFKO84MJelBLZA94AaABAg.8pxbhf-1BjR8q5iNv0ispq --- [USER 11] More ignorant comments that continue to make a fool of you because you never fact check a single word you post by consulting unbiased sources. The single species of borer worm pests Bt kills has been established for decades. ==== 1379 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwTiFKO84MJelBLZA94AaABAg.8pxbhf-1BjR8q5mIUusGYr --- [USER 11] You fucking DARE to demand proof after your three ignorant comments with no citation links for proof?? And that losing shill gambit? Really? What an asshole. Bt is NOT a chemical toxin, it is an extremely specific protein. ==== 1380 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwTiFKO84MJelBLZA94AaABAg.8pxbhf-1BjR8q5tChp7wai --- [USER 386] The mechanism by which some commodity drops repel insects is the Bt protein toxin. Without it millions of acres of crops would be lost in just one week and we would have a national crop emergency, the largest one in all human history. It is far too expensive to grow, process and spray a million gallons of teargas (hot pepper juice) when a far better and safer and precisely targeted effect is achieved by the Bt toxin. ==== 1381 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugz1FqOY_Ztnv-8i-fV4AaABAg.8puvzpkEHmb8pwE6GFvG1r --- No. This video and page is about GMO foods. Did you really think the producers read comments for requests 18 months after posting the video? ==== 1382 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyJob6BHCNSpjyc_s54AaABAg.8pteuakJLgZ8puC79vWRKM --- [USER 388] 218,000 Youtube viewers. The up and down votes are always listed directly under the video. ==== 1383 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzTP5t7Xnt39H1otJt4AaABAg.8ppxYf4rsEh8ptOgJpFz1I --- You are lost. Monsanto was bought out almost 2 years ago DezFuzer. ==== 1384 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzTP5t7Xnt39H1otJt4AaABAg.8ppxYf4rsEh8ptgFO3A6ID --- [USER 390] There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. Even after purchasing Monsanto Bayer is still not number 1 in gmo technology seed sales. Now who do you claim paid for this video Dezfuzer? ==== 1385 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgzTP5t7Xnt39H1otJt4AaABAg.8ppxYf4rsEh8puosL5BbRF --- [USER 390] Yes I call out fuktards like you ten times a day. Ready to do it again if you want to post more idiotic conspiracy theories. ==== 1386 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwVmeTvheyH6V9iId94AaABAg.8ppvYZVnUMB8pr5Yc8p5f0 --- No. Look up conspiratards. ==== 1387 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwJxEdyUucFcsZUOWt4AaABAg.8ppO1nTg3-j8pr5f4UkTwr --- There is no god. You are extremely superstitious and frightened by your mortality. ==== 1388 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgyuSeOhgZHvjgFNVel4AaABAg.8po7Z7ZzaKX8q0uXZ-13ZH --- The suicide stories because of GMO's are false Gusatvo. Europe does not ban GMO's as 4 EU countries grow GM maize and the EU imports millions of tons of GM crops each year. Bangladesh is pioneering Bt brinjal and their farmers love it. Regards. ==== 1389 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugzycg4gpm3Dhq9b7z54AaABAg.8pn1AIIdXsT8poZAxVsHsw --- We have constantly improved all foods we eat for over 10,000 years. Now, organic farmer groups are spreading lies to stop the improvement of vegetables. ==== 1390 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxxS1xroQs570jcg6N4AaABAg --- A common meme we all hear if we are exposed to lying activist sites and videos is that the Monsanto boogeyman and "corporations" want to "control the world's seed supply". Let's ponder that for a moment which is all it takes to realize how absurd and ignorant that meme really is. All the corporate seed companies combined comprise less than 20% of our global seed supply. A partial list of the plethora of supply sources they can never touch: free NGO and government run seed programs, seed banks and vaults, seed exchanges, seed libraries, neighbors swapping seed, farm granges, online seed sales, small local farm supply stores, gardening supply stores, collecting seed from wild sources, countries like Mexico where GMO seed is rejected, China with its own GMO and conventional seed programs, Asshole Russia with their anti-GMO troll armies, seed saving practices, remote villages who never have and never will buy seed, and mountain terrace farmers at the ends of 200 kilometer long foot paths in mountainous regions of three continents. Are corporate seed sellers going to march jack booted thugs up those paths with packs full of seed they will force the remote villages to buy?? Myth busted! ==== 1391 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwLHBXJi8ywWYtuxkd4AaABAg --- Number of people or animals killed by GMO food worldwide: 0 Number of people who got sick from GMO foods worldwide: 0 Number of global catastrophes caused by GMOs: 0 ==== 1392 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgxYGIp-_pkg1ZgWnt54AaABAg.8plophiIDyv8qNN45ivQpn --- Yes, great product. ==== 1393 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugykv3PX9xvSLxoemZh4AaABAg.8pli9zDBIno8plyRx9_r-9 --- Monsanto has not existed as a company for well over a year now you ignorant fool. Nor was it ever more than one of five large seed selling companies. Now there are four. ==== 1394 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugykv3PX9xvSLxoemZh4AaABAg.8pli9zDBIno8pmXq5RIBEt --- Number of people or animals killed by GMO food worldwide: 0 Number of people who got sick from GMO foods worldwide: 0 Number of global catastrophes caused by GMOs: 0 ==== 1395 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugykv3PX9xvSLxoemZh4AaABAg.8pli9zDBIno8pmY0EHCEVw --- [USER 11] This form letter will aid the genetically illiterate to efficiently post their entirely predictable regurgitated myths fed to them by activists: [20 year seed patents, granted continuously since 1930, are evil] [Insert naturalistic fallacy here] [Insert organic doesn't use pesticides here] [Cite obviously biased source here] [Call someone a shill] [Enjoy your poison] [Insert something about god here] [Misspell glyphosate] [Science has been wrong before] [Cite cherry picked/disproved study here] [Cite AO produced 50 years ago means GMOs must be poison] [Cite tobacco, something we don't even eat, is somehow proof that GMOs are not safe] ==== 1396 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugykv3PX9xvSLxoemZh4AaABAg.8pli9zDBIno8pmYBHBSggV --- [USER 11] A common meme we all hear if we are exposed to lying activist sites and videos is that the Monsanto boogeyman and "corporations" want to "control the world's seed supply". Let's ponder that for a moment which is all it takes to realize how absurd and ignorant that meme really is. All the corporate seed companies combined comprise less than 20% of our global seed supply. A partial list of the plethora of supply sources they can never touch: free NGO and government run seed programs, seed banks and vaults, seed exchanges, seed libraries, neighbors swapping seed, farm granges, online seed sales, small local farm supply stores, gardening supply stores, collecting seed from wild sources, countries like Mexico where GMO seed is rejected, China with its own GMO and conventional seed programs, Asshole Russia with their anti-GMO troll armies, seed saving practices, remote villages who never have and never will buy seed, and mountain terrace farmers at the ends of 200 kilometer long foot paths in mountainous regions of three continents. Are corporate seed sellers going to march jack booted thugs up those paths with packs full of seed they will force the remote villages to buy?? Myth busted! ==== 1397 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugykv3PX9xvSLxoemZh4AaABAg.8pli9zDBIno8pmYOoEKA6s --- [USER 11] They bioengineer some of the seed they sell, dufus. But before it was bought out, Monsanto was the largest supplier of conventional non-GMO seed in the US. ==== 1398 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugykv3PX9xvSLxoemZh4AaABAg.8pli9zDBIno8pmn3j_aRc7 --- [USER 11] Why limit your historical hatred to one company? What about the 50 US companies who made parts for the first atomic bombs? They killed a million Japanese. And that is no conspiracy theory like yours. YOU can fuck off for being anti-science and deeply insulting our honest hard working farmers and scientists. ==== 1399 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwzIkFVokRHo5poLxR4AaABAg.8pl9_fFkNYy8plyeMnBhGR --- We have one. The international Codex Alimentarius standard. ==== 1400 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=UgwzIkFVokRHo5poLxR4AaABAg.8pl9_fFkNYy8rrh7sNMRuu --- [USER 392] You moron, read my comment again! I spent 5 hours a day, 365 a year for the last 6 years DEFENDING GMO SCIENCE AND SAFETY! The Codex is one of the cornerstones of food safety regulation, an international standard. I'm guessing you did not look it up before attacking an ally who respects science. I fight the very ignorance you tried to describe. ==== 1401 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TmcXYp8xu4&lc=Ugx6DGCLDJCAnF6AUmF4AaABAg --- Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ### Monsanto vs Farmers - YouTube ### ==== 0 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgxK76HND1xxLOJTwtt4AaABAg.8l50W-LXjNx8lhPyx9RlmR --- They are low life seed stealers. ==== 1 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgxK76HND1xxLOJTwtt4AaABAg.8l50W-LXjNx8tJF9mz26aj --- [USER 394] --I am a proud mythbuster [USER 393 NAME]. We know what motivates you for a long time now: defending low life law breakers. ==== 2 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgiFSB17hw7UvHgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-Flgc9Kq2aFq222m --- Wrong Susan. ==== 3 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyMem2A1MDxXshiuQp4AaABAg.8beCCxnna5P8buH2GX82fP --- We do NOT save seed in the USA either. Soybeans are not a hybrid so this guy thought he would save the seed illegally. ==== 4 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyDWDuu18i2GpD10np4AaABAg.8g7qFqmh7AN8glVmwyS6hm --- Your post is garbage Andy. We have had patented seed both gmo and non gmo every since 1970. If plant breeders could not patent their products then we would not have the research needed to have better genetics for now and the future which benefits you and the world along with farmers. ==== 5 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyDWDuu18i2GpD10np4AaABAg.8g7qFqmh7AN8gm06Wsz2P2 --- What makes you think they want to patent human genes? What would be the purpose? ==== 6 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyDWDuu18i2GpD10np4AaABAg.8g7qFqmh7AN8jmfT1QFmpG --- We are many years from human genes being manipulated a certain way and when that day comes whichever company that spent years and hundreds of millions of dollars certainly deserves a patent for the particular trait they came up with. You do know patents expire, right Andy? ==== 7 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyDWDuu18i2GpD10np4AaABAg.8g7qFqmh7AN8lh6cH3NGq1 --- [USER 395] Can you answer the simple question that I asked Andy Greg? ==== 8 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyDWDuu18i2GpD10np4AaABAg.8g7qFqmh7AN8liVazpaPQc --- [USER 395] We have already proven you are not farmer. I have never met a farmer even a organic farmer(They use many pesticides also) who did not know Herbicides, insecticides, Fungicides, and others were all pesticides. Thank you for admitting your knowledge on this subject is ZERO. ==== 9 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyDWDuu18i2GpD10np4AaABAg.8g7qFqmh7AN8ljhNA1cjzK --- [USER 395] Roundup is a herbicide and ALL herbicides are pesticides. I would never use Roundup on waterways or drains. The label will tell you what it will control and if anyone has any brains they would know not to use it on waterways for sure. I have been using Roundup ever since it came out as a non selective herbicide. So was a farmer your boss? Did your boss tell you not to wear safety gear? A lot of people who were around 245t have had health issues and one of the reasons it is not used in this country. ==== 10 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyDWDuu18i2GpD10np4AaABAg.8g7qFqmh7AN8mtm5K2Ms1a --- [USER 396] What is your definition of a waterway? A waterway in our country is a strip of grass planted in areas that will wash away in a heavy rain that caries the water away. Roundup kills grass and we do not want to kill the grass. So now you know. ==== 11 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyDWDuu18i2GpD10np4AaABAg.8g7qFqmh7AN8tGbzOtR6Hu --- [USER 396] Creeks are creeks and waterways are waterways in this country. Creeks are what tiles drain into that run water most of the time and waterways are for flooding that have grass growing on them to stop erosion. Glyphosate will kill grass so we would NEVER use it on a waterway. ==== 12 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyDWDuu18i2GpD10np4AaABAg.8g7qFqmh7AN8tHXW_kkgMo --- [USER 396] As I said in this country creeks are different than waterways. Creeks are what our tiles drain into that run water most of the time and waterways are for flooding that have grass growing in them to stop erosion. Glyphosate will kill grass so we would NEVER use it on a waterway. ==== 13 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgxwMqIR1fzwurvzKsJ4AaABAg.8tXz5-LoQ0w8u5KxtZD3DU --- If you can't understand science leave cyberspace. ==== 14 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyJ4NcHBZiVeSGV8bd4AaABAg.8hqPbLx92Le8i8C6ZSBdyP --- They are crooks. Pure and simple. ==== 15 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugz8swVgk2q-CBjuMvF4AaABAg.8gUHXXQT13J8jmf5fTDx4S --- No, damn the seed stealer. ==== 16 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugzau4at1YnLc52KU494AaABAg.8vdGWfxeRVp8wVABmxbrsw --- Bravo! ==== 17 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugyf79jSMYTanHypUI54AaABAg.8uMV4jEt8w98v76CdZy2-e --- Scary how false your comment is [USER 397]. ==== 18 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugyf79jSMYTanHypUI54AaABAg.8uMV4jEt8w98vQHyfz70_4 --- [USER 398] Who is they? What do they get away with? ==== 19 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugyf79jSMYTanHypUI54AaABAg.8uMV4jEt8w98vQJpA9ocka --- [USER 398] How long have you been asleep [USER 397]. Monsanto was bought two years ago. They only sue farmers when they break the law something any seed company will do. You are clueless about this subject. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. Farmers are not aloud to save patented seed to plant both non gmo and gmo technology seed. We have had patented seed since Congress passed the Plant Variety Protection Act in 1970 Protecting Plant Breeders with Patented Rights. Any seed company will sue you if you break the law ans save patented seed to plant. Farmers quit saving seed in the mid 1930's with the development of hybrids and as each Crop was developed into a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop. You really need to get an education on this subject [USER 397] before you start spewing out your ignorance. ==== 20 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugyf79jSMYTanHypUI54AaABAg.8uMV4jEt8w98vQLMWGSkEj --- [USER 398] I have no love for Monsanto or fools. ==== 21 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugyf79jSMYTanHypUI54AaABAg.8uMV4jEt8w98wVAYOrPz2C --- [USER 398] --[USER 397], Monsanto has only sued farmers who were stealing seeds. They have only filed suit 150 times since 1996 out of millions of customers in that time. Do they not have a right to protect their technology? ==== 22 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugyf79jSMYTanHypUI54AaABAg.8uMV4jEt8w98xGIVJQ6Sts --- [USER 398] --Answer my comment directly [USER 397] instead of evading it. ==== 23 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugyf79jSMYTanHypUI54AaABAg.8uMV4jEt8w98xQZKJic97P --- [USER 398] --Just as I thought, you cannot find any evidence to come back with so you just use the evasion tactic of personal insults. ==== 24 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgxYrHFYiVzAu1aGRf94AaABAg.8lN8rh1Ej8N8minENQP0BM --- His seed cost would be not be much different if he did not use Roundup but he would be using more and more harmful herbicides. You are clueless on this subject [USER 399]. ==== 25 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgxYrHFYiVzAu1aGRf94AaABAg.8lN8rh1Ej8N8tJEvg5XStk --- [USER 394] --You screamers keep making the same dumb claims time after time. ==== 26 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugwq-dtUsyjTvjP1j3B4AaABAg.8rZY-kyPpR98rrmZFfdScg --- The video is a blatant lie. ==== 27 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgzFTz5t6GFEH2M4PiN4AaABAg.8jnlg1awPfj8lhRVKjxmLV --- Perhaps the St. Louis jury will reach a verdict based on the science this time. ==== 28 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgzFTz5t6GFEH2M4PiN4AaABAg.8jnlg1awPfj8lk2hTXVI_0 --- Oh I know. Putrid state of affairs when juries decide purely scientific questions. ==== 29 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgzFTz5t6GFEH2M4PiN4AaABAg.8jnlg1awPfj8lkb8_LWK1z --- Nah, not taking it, fighting back with good science everywhere I can, time permitting. ==== 30 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugxj90lDxssOumvJCYJ4AaABAg.9IBR_mOGZNR9IDiIN1Yhus --- Broccoli is NOT transgenic. ==== 31 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwpRHx7iliDteL7zP54AaABAg.8mJ9d1Owi_T8mdW9A5WmVg --- Monsanto was bought out over a year ago. Did you just wake up? ==== 32 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwpRHx7iliDteL7zP54AaABAg.8mJ9d1Owi_T8rOuzqA1Ud5 --- Farmers? Farmers love biotechnology. ==== 33 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwpRHx7iliDteL7zP54AaABAg.8mJ9d1Owi_T8tJEauYdaAQ --- [USER 394] --Farmers love biotechnology seeds no matter who provides them. ==== 34 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwpRHx7iliDteL7zP54AaABAg.8mJ9d1Owi_T8u57vLJoTEd --- [USER 394] I have no love for Monsanto [USER 393 NAME]. What is the harm you claim they have done to Farmers like me? ==== 35 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgxGktg9uRv4Ut8lu_J4AaABAg.8wUfwZaUYPL8wVA7mtcH9I --- Monsanto does not harass farmers. Monsanto investigates those who steal their seeds. ==== 36 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgxGktg9uRv4Ut8lu_J4AaABAg.8wUfwZaUYPL8wXEYllw3qI --- [USER 401] --Exactly!! ==== 37 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwMoceFoFmYpsJJ_HF4AaABAg.9Wz8z6FIMlW9_KrqLr5_8S --- Monsanto does not exist and when they did they made great agricultural products. ==== 38 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugxm_bCNZH3eh5_w7-V4AaABAg.95gPnfRK0u595ksj3lEmIV --- Monsanto was bought out three years ago and does not exist. You sound clueless about this subject [USER 402]. ==== 39 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwTSCxzTfiUI2cW6I14AaABAg.8lybFgRga888xGIe5Rr06P --- You got nothing. ==== 40 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugw1phoI-QoktH5F5OF4AaABAg.8j46AP-S06J8mdYTKDY-71 --- Your post is garbage Valerie. DDT was produced by 13 companies and banded in 1972. Agent Orange was produced by 3 companies for the United States Military at THEIR specifications for the Vietnam War and has not been produced since 1969. Please get an education before spewing out your ignorance. ==== 41 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugw1phoI-QoktH5F5OF4AaABAg.8j46AP-S06J8tJaLBAYb1N --- The banning of DDT was a crime against humanity. ==== 42 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwyUhrvINaBO1uejd54AaABAg.8lLnbifT5nb8mdWYX2OYA7 --- Monsanto was bought out over a year ago. Your ignorance shines bright Robert. ==== 43 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwyUhrvINaBO1uejd54AaABAg.8lLnbifT5nb8me-hQeiOeF --- Just remember they were bought out Robert. Thank you for showing me your intelligence. ==== 44 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwyUhrvINaBO1uejd54AaABAg.8lLnbifT5nb8me0PLaMiCf --- Keep showing me your intelligence. ==== 45 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwyUhrvINaBO1uejd54AaABAg.8lLnbifT5nb8me6A7sXTyQ --- Surely you have more intelligence to share with me. Do you want to learn more about the many benefits of gmo technology? ==== 46 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgxsdKHXcAUHgX3Ezv94AaABAg.8qxWgPp5gpB8rOuEKAPcV0 --- The video is blubbering nonsense Tina. Regards. ==== 47 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgxsdKHXcAUHgX3Ezv94AaABAg.8qxWgPp5gpB8tGvBkr8E0_ --- [USER 394] --The reality is that organic has no benefits, roundup is safe. ==== 48 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyFpsOKEb6gll0D6u14AaABAg.8ZsZdg4rQDk8dXnmKaNTYa --- You do not have to show your records that is a myth. ==== 49 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyFpsOKEb6gll0D6u14AaABAg.8ZsZdg4rQDk8koWY7I7bvM --- You have not been paying attention Greg. I am defending gmo technology. I could care less about Monsanto. They were bought out over a year ago. Why did you make up the lie about farmers committing suicide in many countries because of gmo technology? Name some of the countries and then tell me why they do in some countries and not in others. ==== 50 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugx1jUUx4HnfZu3Gte14AaABAg.8d8RcsAhlsS8dXnSQPEM22 --- Monsanto was bought out. There never was such a thing as Monsanto vs Farmers. That is pure garbage. ==== 51 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugx1jUUx4HnfZu3Gte14AaABAg.8d8RcsAhlsS8dXoplLBxW- --- Bayer and now they have a total of 23 percent of the market. I am a 68 year old semi retired farmer, If you have any questions about the many many benefits of gmo technology that is used all over the world please ask and I will help you out. ==== 52 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugx1jUUx4HnfZu3Gte14AaABAg.8d8RcsAhlsS8dXrYR09KKw --- I see you are clueless on this subject. We have had patented seed both non gmo and gmo every since Congress passed the Plant Variety Protection Act in 1970 Protecting Plant Plant Breeders with Patented Rights. Farmers quit saving seed in the mid 1930's with the development of hybrids and as each crop was developed in a hybrid over time then farmers quit saving the seed from that crop. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. Farmers around the world overwhelmingly freely choose gmo technology seed when it is an option. Do you why? ==== 53 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugx1jUUx4HnfZu3Gte14AaABAg.8d8RcsAhlsS8dY3mBO2MC- --- Yes I have. Can you name the crops that use gmo technology? Is Monsanto the only word you know? Do you know anything about Bt? GMO technology is about farmers like me using much much less pesticides and much much safer pesticides with the pesticides even safer than many of the pesticides that Organic growers use. The CBS Evening News had a piece 8-30-2017 on how gmo technology was being use to cure some cancers. They showed exactly how is being done and they are also working on other cancers trying to cure them. Man has been breeding plants in all different ways for thousands of years to help benefit mankind. 500 years ago a carrot was pure white. GMO technology is use in many things to better the world. Almost all Insulin used today by diabetics is GMO insulin. GMO rennet has been used for decades to make cheese. The cheese making enzyme breaks down proteins and separates them from whey. Golden Rice to benefit vitamin A-deficient children. & BT CORN AND COTTON. GMO proteins include blood- clotting factors to help Hemophiliacs, the hepatitis B vaccine, thyroid hormones, laundry detergent enzymes, and many synthetically produced amino acids used in nutritional supplements. There are many many many more benefits of GMO technologies. We all should give thanks to GOD for giving us the wisdom of GMO and stand up to those that tell lies about GOD's blessings trying to play GOD themselves trying to take away his blessings. http://www.cbs.com/shows/cbs_evening_news/video/unavz0ldRHLRSnhW_KZvIifswdeSBS9C/fda-approves-brand-new-way-to-treat-leukemia/ ==== 54 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugx1jUUx4HnfZu3Gte14AaABAg.8d8RcsAhlsS8lILEybajlY --- And you are another one that is clueless about this subject Greg. ==== 55 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugx1jUUx4HnfZu3Gte14AaABAg.8d8RcsAhlsS8lIRa94jJph --- I am sorry but once again your ignorance on this subject is outstanding. Bayer paid billions to buy out Monsanto. ==== 56 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgxNbtFlVvVcJH5ch-J4AaABAg.8q-xxJ34JTP8rOuQGwlwqN --- Lose the video, keep the music. ==== 57 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgxNbtFlVvVcJH5ch-J4AaABAg.8q-xxJ34JTP8to-IMnMnZr --- [USER 394] Who pays you to tell lies and spread misinformation [USER 393 NAME]? ==== 58 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgxNbtFlVvVcJH5ch-J4AaABAg.8q-xxJ34JTP8tzjNKiYJlN --- [USER 394] Your post is FALSE JOHN. I am a 69 year old semi retired farmer born and raised on the farm with all my income always coming from the farm. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling glyphosate. Glyphosate is the safest herbicide farmers have ever used even safer than many of the pesticides Organic Growers use. Why would you want farmers to go back to using more and more harmful pesticides [USER 393 NAME]. Glyphosate is used all over the world because of it's pure safety. Who pays you john to tell lies and spread misinformation. Yes we do need to know when Organic growers use dangerous toxic pesticides and it should be on the label. ==== 59 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugyrt9GKN5CMgidvbWB4AaABAg.8mWTne5hl_58mdW33vj-j_ --- Monsanto was bought out over a year ago. Have been lost? ==== 60 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwgTsAzv8bY_MmmJdJ4AaABAg.8j5UEO4DT6p8lhS2FCmmw5 --- The video is blubbering nonsense. ==== 61 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwgTsAzv8bY_MmmJdJ4AaABAg.8j5UEO4DT6p8lkXC-5wETN --- Thank you, I am correct. ==== 62 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugy20wOqcHWeVxq68oJ4AaABAg.8wmCPJWcNRk8xKoABrVD_0 --- Monsanto was bought out two years ago and does not exist. ==== 63 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugy20wOqcHWeVxq68oJ4AaABAg.8wmCPJWcNRk8xKqLQsc0jQ --- [USER 404] No I have no love for bayer. I am a 69 year old farmer born and raised on the farm with all my income always coming from the farm. GMO technology is about farmers like me using much much less pesticides and much much safer pesticides with the pesticides even safer than many of the pesticides that Organic growers use. The CBS Evening News had a piece 8-30-2017 on how gmo technology was being use to cure some cancers. They showed exactly how is being done and they are also working on other cancers trying to cure them. Man has been breeding plants in all different ways for thousands of years to help benefit mankind. 500 years ago a carrot was pure white. GMO technology is use in many things to better the world. Almost all Insulin used today by diabetics is GMO insulin. GMO rennet has been used for decades to make cheese. The cheese making enzyme breaks down proteins and separates them from whey. Golden Rice to benefit vitamin A-deficient children. & BT CORN AND COTTON. GMO proteins include blood- clotting factors to help Hemophiliacs, the hepatitis B vaccine, thyroid hormones, laundry detergent enzymes, and many synthetically produced amino acids used in nutritional supplements. There are many many many more benefits of GMO technologies. We all should give thanks to GOD for giving us the wisdom of GMO and stand up to those that tell lies about GOD's blessings trying to play GOD themselves trying to take away his blessings. http://www.cbs.com/shows/cbs_evening_news/video/unavz0ldRHLRSnhW_KZvIifswdeSBS9C/fda-approves-brand-new-way-to-treat-leukemia/ ==== 64 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugy20wOqcHWeVxq68oJ4AaABAg.8wmCPJWcNRk8xKt9nL7f-b --- [USER 404] Do know anything about Bt? Is there a reason you want farmers to go back to using more harmful pesticides when the ones we use today are even safer than many of the pesticides organic growers use. Farmers overwhelming freely choose to use gmo technology seed all over the world. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. ==== 65 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugz1oU4HdE0f65a5qE94AaABAg.8klWBMSfPJ_8l47mzjCoLP --- We don't watch conspiratard videos, we challenge their lies. ==== 66 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugz1oU4HdE0f65a5qE94AaABAg.8klWBMSfPJ_8lJCcsGYkJF --- Of course not. There are over 1000 frauds posting GMO lies on Youtube. I can't even keep track of them all let alone watch their anti-science lies. This 5 years obsolete video is about a company that no longer exists. Are you really this bored with life? ==== 67 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugz1oU4HdE0f65a5qE94AaABAg.8klWBMSfPJ_8mdXW1Zg58t --- Monsanto was bought out by Bayer Greg. You can start calling me names now Greg but doing so will not hide your ignorance on this subject. ==== 68 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugz1oU4HdE0f65a5qE94AaABAg.8klWBMSfPJ_8mtmUw4n-ss --- [USER 396] I am sorry but your post is false Monsanto was bought by Bayer and there is no company named Monsanto any more that sells inputs to farmers. There are many other companies besides Bayer that sells gmo technology seed to farmers. ==== 69 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgzHguykeNiWkLtWRxJ4AaABAg.9Oyr7oww9Dj9Peo5jtv_TQ --- He has a tiny bit of US farmland, .03% of US farmland. ==== 70 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyYhz9R8AIkMYGBIKx4AaABAg.8fx1vka-o1C8g1x76rStyt --- This is about gmo technology and the many many benefits from the technology not about the other garbage you are talking about. That was news and had nothing about acting. No wonder you are ignorant on this subject. The soil gives the nutrients to food what does that have to do with gmo technology? There is nothing artificial about gmo technology, genes are organic. We use less and safer pesticides with gmo technology crops, even safer than many of the pesticides organic growers use. Why would you want farmers like me go back to using more and more harmful pesticides? You really need to get an education on this subject before spewing out your lies and misinformation that your spread. ==== 71 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyYhz9R8AIkMYGBIKx4AaABAg.8fx1vka-o1C8gGXSBXgeoH --- Name one lie that has been told Dede? This is about gmo technology not big government or big agg. You are very confused. If you were have been paying attention on the farm bill you would know they are going to let the small farmer like me keep the small crop insurance subsidy and take it away from big agg. 90 percent of the farm bill is about food stamps. ==== 72 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyYhz9R8AIkMYGBIKx4AaABAg.8fx1vka-o1C8gGpaIOqt9X --- So you lied to me Thank You for admitting to it. My is [USER 268]. We use gmo technology on our farm so we do not have to use the harmful pesticides of the past. Do you have a reason for wanting farmers like me to go back to using more and more harmful pesticides when the ones we use with gmo technology crops are even safer than many of the pesticides organic growers use? Tell me why you like harmful pesticides Chris? Please tell me why? I want know why you like harmful pesticides? You surely have a reason for wanting farmers to use more and more harmful pesticides. Do you own a lot of stock in pesticide companies as a child. Can you name the many many gmo technology crops that can NOT have glyphosate used on them? Do you know Why? Do you know any thing about this subject? ==== 73 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyYhz9R8AIkMYGBIKx4AaABAg.8fx1vka-o1C8gGre65PO7x --- So you can not answer any of the simple questions and you want farmers like me to go back to using more and more harmful pesticides. The world disagrees with you. They want farmers to use less and safer pesticides as we do and that is why farmers all over the world overwhelmingly freely choose to grow gmo technology crops. What kind of pests did your family control? Maybe that will explain why you like harmful pesticides. Do you know anything about Bt? ==== 74 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgyYhz9R8AIkMYGBIKx4AaABAg.8fx1vka-o1C8gGzgnKPVow --- What were they caught of? There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. This is about gmo technology not Monsanto. Is Monsanto the only word you know? They only had 22 percent of the seed market and was no.2 in gmo technology seed sales. Do you know who is no. 1 ? What pest was your family controlling Chris? Do you know any thing about Bt? So far your a lover of harmful pesticides and your knowledge on this subject is ZERO. ==== 75 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugy0hAE5XoNf0iOk53d4AaABAg.9-uLXtYa65Z90fi0miPO7p --- The video is baloney Cade. ==== 76 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwBYZSwcOTe5Qf2GVl4AaABAg.8kWZ2wuAAYV8l481J_L10S --- You can't block any commenter on any page but one your channel owns. ==== 77 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwBYZSwcOTe5Qf2GVl4AaABAg.8kWZ2wuAAYV8nr_aQQlOuJ --- [USER 406] Yet another lie, you can only block my comments on videos of your own channel, and you can block the notifications from me but they are still seen by everyone. This is what Tammy does, lie, lie, lie. ==== 78 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgwBYZSwcOTe5Qf2GVl4AaABAg.8kWZ2wuAAYV8nr_o9G_wGK --- [USER 406] Come on Tammy tell us another lie. We know you want to. ==== 79 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=UgzVfGN-3GUfo09uU554AaABAg.8sv-1hHewLp8szWpVZC8aG --- The video is blubbering nonsense. ==== 80 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugy3HDPT7H4nQFQZWfF4AaABAg.8l3tTZiwI0g8l47I0INZq4 --- Monsanto no longer exists, dumbass. If you aren't up to date on a topic consider educating yourself rather than putting foot in mouth. ==== 81 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNvW-uGBTSk&lc=Ugy3HDPT7H4nQFQZWfF4AaABAg.8l3tTZiwI0g8tFDtgQnBio --- Those farmers were seed stealers. ### Pushing Boundaries in Agriculture | Rob Saik | TEDxRedDeer - YouTube ### ==== 0 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=Ugz2WivAzETwukJCbK54AaABAg.9Gicdgf5fbX9Ko__XijQmh --- I have and Dob Huber is a total Clown and knows nothing about this subject. ==== 1 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=Ugz2WivAzETwukJCbK54AaABAg.9Gicdgf5fbX9M-Y4c_oNFi --- [USER 408] I am glad you agree that Dob Huber and You are clueless when it comes to this subject. ==== 2 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=Ugz2WivAzETwukJCbK54AaABAg.9Gicdgf5fbX9M-Z6rtwsz5 --- [USER 408] There is no guessing [USER 407 NAME] and I would be more than happy to prove your ignorance on this subject. Can you name the crops that use gmo technology and tell why each one does? ==== 3 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=Ugz2WivAzETwukJCbK54AaABAg.9Gicdgf5fbX9M-aB5kF1Fp --- [USER 408] Will you do the same? ==== 4 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=Ugz2WivAzETwukJCbK54AaABAg.9Gicdgf5fbX9M-bZc4HD6D --- [USER 408] I am a 71 year old Farmer, I have been a Farmer all my life, Born and raised on the farm with all my income always coming from the farm. Don't forget to answer my simple question. ==== 5 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=UgzrbZFmVp9Tv0B_9zh4AaABAg.9E0dl8g_nn89Ko_F39E6Z_ --- It cost more to produce Organic and it will always be more expensive. ==== 6 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=Ugxe2NQJZVxzZ1nKMhR4AaABAg.97GkiUgv6JG99bBPHfbyAY --- If farmers cannot make a profit to provide an income for their families then there will not be food produced. ==== 7 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=UgwbHsvq6g37wRI2MCJ4AaABAg.943NBTReIGL943QPqhGRid --- Your post is False GMO technology is being used to help people not harm them. Tell us how a gene that is found in nature that we have already been consuming since the being can harm us? nature Why do want to teach people to use more and more harmful pesticides growing Organic food, how is that better? You are clueless about this subject. ==== 8 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=UgzN4Tuq0US-m2KDm994AaABAg.8y22EilKSdr8z1mIYhkxE1 --- There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. Monsanto does not exist. ==== 9 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=Ugy6EV0sHTduO2m8rk14AaABAg.8wed1qzPOt38zPNxdOieGP --- Blubbering nonsense. ==== 10 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=UgygNlcKtKEIrRNVZb94AaABAg.8vq_fdKFm4s8zPO1GZMSwH --- How long will you stay in the Dark Ages? ==== 11 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=UgygNlcKtKEIrRNVZb94AaABAg.8vq_fdKFm4s8zRI_pc_pK3 --- [USER 410] --Biotechnology is safe. ==== 12 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=UgyMI4FHP41X7Or4I0x4AaABAg.8uMBVNJqKAG8zPO6H0CL_U --- That comment means you are an advocate of land gulping organic agriculture. ==== 13 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=UgzjvIKxM_9Ym0HiVhp4AaABAg.8sI9kItR4Ic8zPO8H8Ch-t --- False. ==== 14 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=Ugw2sMWioGSDqOxhlkh4AaABAg.8czwoaHxujE8dEK2v5bGtB --- How is organic food any healthier that conventional food. Organic farming is a farming method that is very inefficient and a big reason organic products cost 3 and 4 times more. Eating a healthy diet is very very important but that does not mean eating organic. Do you know the crops that use gmo technology? ==== 15 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=UgyggH3KuQHtN5wGIvx4AaABAg.8ZODreFSqRj8bh7bj5qL00 --- Sorry but as a 67 year old semi retired farmer that has farmed all my life with all my income always coming from the farm it is not even close when it comes to yield comparisons. We pay more for gmo technology seed but in return we get higher yields while allowing us to much less and much safer pesticides even safer than many of the pesticides organic growers use. ==== 16 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=UgzhGGFDA9qAN_kNejV4AaABAg.8ZGX_WvolOh8bh6ZCNiTR_ --- If you put gmo technology crops against organic crops in the context of environmental impact Organic crops would lose. ==== 17 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=UgxA_M1snQg9Cbsf3WJ4AaABAg.8Z5qtykiW7u8bh71DkwD1A --- There are many more synthetic pesticides used with organic crops. ==== 18 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=Ugw6S9Lb6yJSKmjhQWV4AaABAg.8XsvPFgQ53u8bh6tGvoB20 --- Sorry but Monsanto was bought out. You need to stay informed. ==== 19 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=UgyxuEXt4wbha866Dgl4AaABAg.8Xstxq_-E2l8bh6mkxgJf4 --- Yes it does then Organic growers could use safe pesticides instead of the harmful pesticides they use today. ==== 20 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=Ugj6EWaGEoC-DHgCoAEC.8RXAZNoMdKR8dEJ52yWcw8 --- Permaculture is a very inefficient way to produce large amount of crops and that is why farmers will never do it. ==== 21 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=UggakKtsE0CbxHgCoAEC.8AWUXh0PslM8TFCnXBBjJB --- You really do not know anything about this subject do you Teofilo. First of all farmers quit receiving direct subsidies with the passage of the 2013 farm bill. Farmers pay more for gmo seed but in return we can use way way less safer pesticides even safer than the pesticides that Organic Growers Use. I know you are here trying to support the Organic industry with your lies and misinformation trying to justify charging 2,3,and sometimes for times more for their products making them a huge huge hugely profitable industry. GMO technology is here to stay no matter what you say. Man has been breeding plants in all different ways for thousands of years to help benefit mankind. 500 years ago a carrot was pure white. GMO technology is use in many things to better the world. Almost all Insulin used today by diabetics is GMO insulin. GMO rennet has been used for decades to make cheese. The cheese making enzyme breaks down proteins and separates them from whey. Golden Rice to benefit vitamin A-deficient children. & BT CORN AND COTTON. GMO proteins include blood- clotting factors to help Hemophiliacs, the hepatitis B vaccine, thyroid hormones, laundry detergent enzymes, and many synthetically produced amino acids used in nutritional supplements. There are many many many more benefits of GMO technologies. We all should give thanks to GOD for giving us the wisdom of GMO and stand up to those that tell lies about GOD's blessings trying to play GOD themselves trying to take away his blessings. ==== 22 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFD6DRn0Cg&lc=UgggZNqpYyAUvXgCoAEC.87WkkPkyisg8xQkKAFUR8q --- Crop biotechnology is not being misused. ### The secret tactics Monsanto used to protect Roundup, its star product | Four Corners - YouTube ### ==== 0 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx95-D1X4_FVx --- There are many studies showing glyphosate is safe. ==== 1 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9MNX8YsH5XB --- [USER 412] No such thing. Health Canada put the 'Monsanto Papers' nonsense to rest in two separate investigations of the accusations of interference in studies. Try again. ==== 2 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9MZ_kt3gXKJ --- [USER 414] Not a single pesticide regulator or agency in the world rates glyphosate a carcinogen or harmful in any way at the extremely tiny amounts we are exposed to. Organic farmers spray pesticides too such as synthetic copper sulfate. ==== 3 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9McJgtP8JQS --- [USER 414] Synthetic copper sulfate is most definitely allowed in organic agriculture as a fungicide. Put this in a search box: ecfr205.601 The soil on conventional and GM farms is just as healthy as an organic farm. ==== 4 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9MhMlKWugAT --- [USER 414] Oh but it most certainly does [USER 413 NAME]. ecfr.205.601 is the site that lists the approved synthetic chemicals allowed in organic agriculture. Synthetic copper sulfate is one of the synthetic pesticides in that list. Synthetic copper sulfate is one of the ingredients in Bordeaux Mixture for use on organic grapes for wine. You didn't even go to the link. ==== 5 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9MqncVzFWJn --- [USER 415] Show us that each of those 800 studies was by chemical manufacturers Jay. You can't, you're just puking up prose. ==== 6 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9MrGFOHhm7X --- [USER 415] It's false. ==== 7 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9MveBQjl7AW --- [USER 417] Sure. And you post the same thing using the synthetic copper sulfate that organic farmers spray on their crops. ==== 8 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9MwRgmqXB4d --- [USER 417] Show me a single OECD compliant 452 or especially a 453 study that shows any harm whatsoever below the NOAEL. Not a single pesticide regulator or agency in the world rates glyphosate a carcinogen. [USER 418]. ==== 9 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9NplOIq6ocj --- [USER 420] No [USER 419 NAME], I am a mythbuster. ==== 10 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9Ok8wsU6y7t --- [USER 422] You deep eco wackos say that about every regulator, agency, and institution in the world, for all time and all places. Reason is not part of your strategy. ==== 11 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9P6ONMqGOyE --- [USER 424] It is obvious that you are not at all familiar with the science of risk analysis or hazard analysis [USER 423 NAME]. If we were to go by your standards then organic farmers would not be allowed to spray pesticides on their crops either. ==== 12 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9RMpFpGDNDI --- [USER 426] Monsanto doesn't exist, and I am a mythbuster not a shill. Mocking you for free is a delight. ==== 13 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9TraurM37pW --- [USER 428] Monsanto does not exist. ==== 14 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9e28WfoZ5xQ --- [USER 430] You're just repeating verses from your organic industry bible. ==== 15 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9fKMj3sqhww --- [USER 432] Glyphosate is safe. ==== 16 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9fdE41JqWFE --- [USER 434] You are not "skeptical of all scientific studies", you are only skeptical of ones you don't agree with. ==== 17 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzVgoOlTxb035qv58R4AaABAg.94zy4533PCx9fdEQ2peIiN --- [USER 434] Pesticide residue on food has not made you "definitely sick". ==== 18 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzcmZtdIyW3kKkM6kt4AaABAg.8vi2UaaPfum8vio4TA7SSV --- David, they do not fight against testing, they fight against misinformation. Glyphosate is safe. ==== 19 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugyj2vNiNjIx4bfJqZl4AaABAg.9QkasbAnH6l9Qn2LbLr40m --- So you decided to destroy the soil by tilling instead of preserving it with glyphosate allowing for no till/low till farming. ==== 20 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugyj2vNiNjIx4bfJqZl4AaABAg.9QkasbAnH6l9fERPGANKNb --- [USER 436] You found the mythbuster. ==== 21 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugyj2vNiNjIx4bfJqZl4AaABAg.9QkasbAnH6l9g5eJY0GSq1 --- [USER 438] Kiss the Ground is a film, a biased film. Gotta kill the cover crop [USER 437 NAME], organic can only kill it by tilling. Glyphosate kills the cover without tilling and can then plant right into it. ==== 22 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugyq3jzSBisQDj8P7tB4AaABAg.9Evt04o0JHF9GuO2rN__51 --- No, the Rat Lawyers attacking this safe product should be. ==== 23 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugyq3jzSBisQDj8P7tB4AaABAg.9Evt04o0JHF9RUsVcHJlIV --- [USER 440] Love them both. Not a shill, a mythbuster. ==== 24 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugyq3jzSBisQDj8P7tB4AaABAg.9Evt04o0JHF9RUt3JjOwEb --- I'll meet you at the corner of University Avenue and 13th Street in Gainesville, Florida. ==== 25 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH8tEnO-b_pRN --- Horseshit. ==== 26 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH8uA1Un903Ys --- [USER 442] --Naw songs, I have much more. Industry shill? Nope, I mock you entirely for free. ==== 27 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH8uUiRnTF5he --- [USER 444] --No, I am a mythbuster. ==== 28 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH8uUzEq_GJmr --- [USER 444] --You said I was a fool. No, I am a mythbuster. I mythbust this 12th century science nonsense. ==== 29 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH8unlNTNy_G9 --- [USER 446] --No, the science journals have become tools for anti-science screamers who hate progress. ==== 30 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH8vKsyo9oUon --- [USER 446] --Arm-waving prose means nothing lifeform. What does mean something are the studies independent of Monsanto that show glyphosate is safe. ==== 31 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH8vKt7FZQwPb --- [USER 448] --Oodles of studies have been done independent of Monsanto and the video has no evidence that Monsanto stopped studies from being done around the world. ==== 32 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH8vQ1050f2_P --- [USER 446] Yes do not be drinking all those toxic pesticides Organic Growers use for they will kill you. ==== 33 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH8vQ1CbWXfZ4 --- [USER 448] https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2013/10/08/with-2000-global-studies-confirming-safety-gm-foods-among-most-analyzed-subject-in-science/ ==== 34 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH8xRMgADVZBn --- [USER 450] --Yes Steve. I merely follow the data. Regards. ==== 35 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH8xx_qMalCnr --- [USER 451] --Hey there buck. I've never been to St. Louis. I've never been to LinkedIn. I've never had the name David. But the important thing is glyphosate does not cause cancer. ==== 36 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH90_GGLRqPAJ --- [USER 453] --Hey Crazo. Your comment that "The retractions from many scientist stating the scientific data was altered are now in mainstream media" is typical Crazo rhetoric. ==== 37 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH90aOMTW15Qz --- [USER 453] Monsanto does not exist today. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. I am the one who told you that I am a farmer. ==== 38 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH90bmyr4yJvM --- [USER 453] --I never made such a claim. David is the farmer. ==== 39 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH9JsoxV3eZTO --- [USER 455] Everything I wrote is true. ==== 40 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH9JuWdFpnGFE --- [USER 455] Not a single pesticide regulator or agency in the world has ever found glyphosate to be a carcinogen. You cannot find one that has. ==== 41 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH9KHpGZ9twkA --- [USER 457] Good stuff. Bravo. Not a single pesticide regulator or agency in the world has found it to be a carcinogen. Not a single OECD compliant 452 or 453 study has found that it causes any harm whatsoever at exposures under the NOAEL. Regards. ==== 42 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH9M-THTGfHjR --- [USER 459] I am a mythbuster mocking you for free. ==== 43 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH9NBOTuk1jQy --- [USER 459] I am a mythbuster extraordinaire. ==== 44 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH9OYLOFnmQ8A --- [USER 461] Been using it for decades. Not a single person has cancer from it not even those who use it the most. ==== 45 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH9P5inZ_-7gY --- [USER 453] Not a single agency or pesticide regulator in the world rates glyphosate a carcinogen. ==== 46 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH9P5izLjHWAu --- [USER 463] Not a shill Z, a mythbuster. ==== 47 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH9P5j8O9_0Ig --- [USER 450] The studies are non-biased. ==== 48 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH9P5jJC8e-Zb --- [USER 461] Not a single casualty. ==== 49 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH9P6wMJjUUFM --- [USER 450] Ok, then show me the evidence that the long running mega study of 45,000 farmers and pesticide applicators called the Agricultural Health Study which found that glyphosate does not cause cancer is bought and paid for by Monsanto. ==== 50 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH9P6wSBWggI1 --- [USER 424] Changing the subject from the issue at hand to my channel shows you got nothing. ==== 51 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy0ezpmM9yKb6QFZaN4AaABAg.8nWUx9XfpsH9Rh0GPgBcRu --- [USER 465] My shill check is the same is yours. ==== 52 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxwXILMEOFmqUiojMN4AaABAg.93EMaB16jz993SFSml3ebw --- Monsanto was bought out three years ago and does not exist. ==== 53 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxwXILMEOFmqUiojMN4AaABAg.93EMaB16jz99MQNOpSnjky --- [USER 467] False. Monsanto was bought out lock, stock and barrel almost 4 years ago. You seem clueless about this subject [USER 466]. ==== 54 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxwXILMEOFmqUiojMN4AaABAg.93EMaB16jz99N04ocoUeJj --- [USER 469] Your post is ignorant and garbage. Monsanto's patent on Roundup(glyphosate) expired in 1999. Many Many companies even Foreign Companies produce and sell ALL the products Monsanto produced. Monsanto does NOT exist today. Your ignorance on this subject is OUTSTANDING [USER 468] ! Glyphosate(Roundup) is by far the Safest Herbicide ever used by farmers out of the many many many the could choose. Can you name one that is safer [USER 468] or is Roundup(Glyphosate) the end of your knowledge on this subject. Glyphosate(Roundup) is even much safer than many of the highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use. Try to get an education on this subject before spewing out your ignorance [USER 468].. ==== 55 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxwXILMEOFmqUiojMN4AaABAg.93EMaB16jz99OpKKOfynId --- [USER 424] No Monsanto does not exist!!!!!!! Bayer bought out Monsanto lock stock and barrel. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling the same things Bayer produces and sells. Please try to get an education on this subject before spewing out your ignorance [USER 423 NAME]. ==== 56 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxwXILMEOFmqUiojMN4AaABAg.93EMaB16jz99OpLozZHgaH --- [USER 424] His post is correct, it is harmless in fact it is by far the safest herbicide farmers have ever used even much safer than many of the highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use. THERE ARE NO SUPERWEEDS!!!! Your ignorance on this subject [USER 423] is outstanding. ==== 57 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxwXILMEOFmqUiojMN4AaABAg.93EMaB16jz99RVxmjCw4N9 --- [USER 471] Not answering the simple questions proves your ignorance on this subject. You do not eat Bt corn!! You eat food grade corn which is always non gmo. Can you name another Bt crop that you consume. There is more Bt in some Organic crops that are in GMO technology Bt crops. Bt is harmless and used all over the world. You can keep posting to keep proving your ignorance on this subject if you like [USER 470 NAME]. The rate per acre of glyphosate has always been the same. Do you know what that rate is [USER 470 NAME]? If more and more acres of Roundup ready crops are being planted then more total Roundup(Glyphosate) will be used. To bad you are to stupid to figure that out. No Bayer is not the Largest and Monsanto does not exist. Who is the largest? ==== 58 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugw5R0G-lvn_BiAdBKR4AaABAg.9f4AxbUVF4N9fC-X8MCUT1 --- The Shiva is a howling quack. ==== 59 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugw5R0G-lvn_BiAdBKR4AaABAg.9f4AxbUVF4N9fZPwxW8h8G --- [USER 473] I don't make such comments without having done the research. Not a single farmer in India has been extorted to buy GMO cotton seed in India. GMO cotton seed in India is NOT roundup ready, it is Bt. Poor Indian farmers LOVE GMO Bt cotton which has maintained a 90% adoption rate for many years. ==== 60 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugw5R0G-lvn_BiAdBKR4AaABAg.9f4AxbUVF4N9fb-Dwev1JX --- [USER 473] Who am I working for? I mock you entirely for free [USER 472 NAME]. Glyphosate is safe at the real world levels we are exposed to. Not a single agency or pesticide regulator in the world has found glyphosate causes cancer or anything else. ==== 61 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugw5R0G-lvn_BiAdBKR4AaABAg.9f4AxbUVF4N9fb-T7pqRMl --- [USER 473] I have watched more than a dozen The Shiva videos. An embarrassing person. ==== 62 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugw5R0G-lvn_BiAdBKR4AaABAg.9f4AxbUVF4N9ffz3lR1dFn --- [USER 473] Roundup is NOT sprayed on lawns, it would kill the lawn. If you want to eat foods that have have synthetic copper sulfate sprayed on it by organic farmers I'm guessing you would make the NON SYNTHETIC COPPER SULFATE CHOICE. ==== 63 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugw5R0G-lvn_BiAdBKR4AaABAg.9f4AxbUVF4N9fiYTDW2-96 --- [USER 473] The 'roundup is safe' argument has already been won. You blubbering howling about nausea, etc. shows how silly you are. ==== 64 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugyb5Wg5sDOVyVJutEF4AaABAg.8vlPN1veeDm95sx5GRHEgb --- [USER 475] Organic growers use many highly toxic pesticides. ==== 65 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps8495U4erCO4dD --- They will be fine. Don't take a bath in many of the highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use because you will not be fine. ==== 66 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849MFzTGbFiwH --- [USER 477] They will be more than fine. I would not recommend anyone take bathe in any pesticides especially many of the highly toxic one Organic growers use but if you are going to do so Glyphosate(Roundup) is by far the safest of all of them. You are clueless when it comes to this subject [USER 476]. ==== 67 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849MQOSp6Nilj --- [USER 467] Are you saying you have no clue [USER 466]. Read the list of Allowed Substances for use in Certified Organic Program under 7 CFR 205.601 and Your complete list of the allowed pesticides are listed along with their toxicity. Many are highly highly toxic and very dangerous. ==== 68 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849MQW-Th_5zD --- [USER 467] I do, You can count on that [USER 466 NAME]. ==== 69 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849NLJFeK8Z2e --- [USER 415] Do You Jay m ? ==== 70 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849NogVkg2H-j --- [USER 479] Your post is FALSE. Roundup(Glyphosate) is completely and totally different than Agent Orange. Can you name the two herbicides that were mix together for the Untied States Military that has NOT been made since 1969 that is called Agent Orange? Liberty Link is a completely different Herbicide than Glyphosate(Roundup) not even close. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling Glyphosate(Roundup) Try to get an education on this subject Ann-Lena before you spew out your ignorance please!!!! ==== 71 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849O_ppB-Kjzd --- [USER 481] That is correct, but why would you want drink a herbicide? There many highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use that will kill you in five minutes that are not safe. You are not stupid enough to want to drink them also are you MrRob8254? ==== 72 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849Olpkkc7t8s --- [USER 483] Your post is false and ignorant [USER 482 NAME]. Monsanto was bought out 4 years ago and does not exist. Glyphosate is the safest herbicide of them all even safer than many of the highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use. ==== 73 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849OoUAV0La3C --- [USER 485] Monsanto was bought out 4 years ago and does not exist [USER 484]. What you do for a living [USER 484]? ==== 74 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849P71D8Y9jt8 --- [USER 469] Monsanto was bought out 4 years and does not exist today [USER 468]. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling everything Monsanto did before they were bought out. Yes your post are false and ignorant [USER 468]. ==== 75 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849PFjJTOzFqy --- [USER 469] Your post is False. There are Many companies even foreign companies producing and selling all the products that Monsanto did. Monsanto does NOT exist today!!!! Roundup is NOT problematic and has NOT been recognized as such but is the safest herbicide farmers have ever used even much safer than many of the highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use. Your wild guess about me is false. I am a 71 year old Farmer born and raised on the farm with all my income always coming from the farm. What do you do fo a living and what country are you from [USER 468]? ==== 76 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849REUD9VQ_rB --- [USER 487] Yes and it was never safe as you said and thus it was banned in 1972. ==== 77 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849REW0TEs8kY --- [USER 487] That is correct and when it was found to be unsafe it was it banned in 1972. It was never safe as you said. ==== 78 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849RF6d1KUmWb --- [USER 487] Monsanto was bought out 4 years ago and does NOT exist. What do you want to know about glyphosate? There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling Glyphosate [USER 486 NAME]. You sound clueless about this subject [USER 486 NAME]. ==== 79 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849RFTFuwHYAn --- [USER 485] It came to the market in 1974. ==== 80 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849RGzGajV_Yd --- [USER 487] Not only have I seen the research I know YOU have NOT [USER 486 NAME] and is the reason you can NOT answer a single simple question that I asked. You have proven without a doubt your knowledge on this subject is ZERO. ==== 81 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849RH0TQaFuPD --- [USER 487] I see you like to make wild guess also. Can You name the gmo technology crops that can have Glyphosate used on them? Can you answer any of the simple questions that I ask? I know the facts about herbicides something you have zero knowledge about and I will continue to prove that fact [USER 486 NAME]. ==== 82 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849RMWAwWIFBe --- [USER 489] They say the same thing as you do in this country and it is false. Could you provide me with the approved list of the pesticides Organic growers use in Italy? When I say that Glyphosate is by far the safest herbicide of the many many many many many herbicides that could be used on Gmo technology crops and the same crops that are NON gmo, That is a correct statement in every country. ==== 83 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxAvioV3UhVk5dnIUN4AaABAg.95TE2j4ps849RMiN7Rgh-7 --- [USER 489] They grow gmo technology crops in Spain and Europe imports a vast amount of gmo technology crops from around the world. Glyphosate has been proven not to be carcinogenic. ==== 84 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzD-LNYCdGjfmHdTMl4AaABAg.8mXUOA9vKMT8rs1Gz_h-W7 --- No we don't complain about any health issues related to glyphosate. You just lied. ==== 85 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugx5qWUNvtpvBIP8l_p4AaABAg.94SegRx-a-794YXKyVmT7D --- Your post is False. DDT has been band since 1972 and the rate per acre of Roundup(Glyphosate) has been the same for 46 years. You are clueless about this subject. ==== 86 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugx5qWUNvtpvBIP8l_p4AaABAg.94SegRx-a-794Ydw5xmUuO --- [USER 491] In What country did he live? ==== 87 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzLShyu04WDmUj7tIB4AaABAg.9SJThw4xvlQ9SMBDxjZ_4Z --- The MSDS sheet says nothing about a "lack of testing". Not a single pesticide regulator or agency in the world rates glyphosate a carcinogen. ==== 88 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgyF-88j5nUOWpEE0hN4AaABAg.8wQEBKqV79_8wQZgEc5JiU --- Can't feed the world without farm chemicals. Regards. ==== 89 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugy9bd1BETxm_mj0Dy14AaABAg.8uptCtHRteo8utBpPfWAfC --- I hope you will consider the evidence that you have not seen one of these days. ==== 90 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgwEJSUxvJDQV4bH96p4AaABAg.9J6K-fHKupJ9JKFkzoazu5 --- Glyphosate does not cause any type of cancer. ==== 91 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8sTFyJ-9kYS --- Monsanto was taken over, they were not "sold". ==== 92 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8sTG17Mnq_M --- [USER 493] --Monsanto made great ag products. ==== 93 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8sZSStXtAT6 --- [USER 495] --All of their seeds. ==== 94 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8tEIfoAEDPy --- [USER 497] --Which part? Glyphosate? ==== 95 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8tl40exufyM --- [USER 499] --Not a single country in the EU has banned Roundup. ==== 96 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8u25xFNn2B_ --- Roundup Ready is not Roundup Dan. ==== 97 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8u262FWf_fN --- [USER 501] --It's been known science for 40 years that roundup does not cause cancer at the levels we are exposed to. ==== 98 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8u2lycn7IyN --- [USER 503] --Come on [USER 502 NAME], let it all out. You know you're dying to. ==== 99 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8u4qonlGZFW --- [USER 503] --AO? 60 years ago, not a single person from that era is at the company. ==== 100 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8u4r2W70KGu --- [USER 501] --Safe Rj. Not a single regulator or agency has declared glyphosate a carcinogen. ==== 101 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8u6fIowwZtF --- [USER 501] --In the world Rj, got that. So you are saying that throughout the world and for decades Monsanto has paid off every institution in the world to not come out with a negative finding. Naive? Yes. ==== 102 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8u7AKMkSwF3 --- [USER 501] --I have. It is two that ban glyphosate based herbicides. In the spring of 18 Sri Landa rescinded its ban. ==== 103 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8u7w40Cs2g9 --- [USER 505] --Blubbering crap [USER 504 NAME]. Submerging yourself in organic screamer sites puts you in the Dark Ages science crowd. The Boston area resident is a quack that strayed from her field. ==== 104 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8u7wCzL_8wL --- [USER 501] --I see you make that claim about Sri Lanka with not even a phony article from Mike Adams. ==== 105 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8u7wXjQV4QK --- [USER 501] --That study by the Frenchman is the laughing stock of the world. Even he says it was not a cancer study. Even you would be smart enough not to use Sprague Dawley rats for a 2 year study. SD rats you might say? Yes Rj, those rats are well known in science circles to get spontaneous tumors at an 80% rate NO MATTER WHAT THEY EAT. ==== 106 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8u7wd1o6xfy --- [USER 501] --You don't even know what studies you are talking about. Bwwaaaaahahahahahahahaha. ==== 107 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz8qNH9J-f4rbD7jgB4AaABAg.8mVX1XE4Cll8u9sh0aM716 --- [USER 501] --Puking up prose is insufficient. Produce the study you were involved in and produce the other one too. Pay me enough? Naw R, I mock you for free. ==== 108 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgwltICo5IOKW7oKtGh4AaABAg.8ynTaILiagg8zgPDBZ1bCG --- Roundup is not sprayed on yards, it would kill the yard. ==== 109 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgwltICo5IOKW7oKtGh4AaABAg.8ynTaILiagg9Qq8iDW-2Rq --- [USER 507] Roundup poisoned no one. ==== 110 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgxTLwCHAezNJ2YHV-V4AaABAg.9LaT-PUgSB19La_jqRzW0c --- They aren't lying. ==== 111 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzGyI9JNlZVRaja8HZ4AaABAg.9fuR77QkEnP9g2Kko2kJrX --- Silly ass comment. ==== 112 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgwoLgFqwfErdNdwWrd4AaABAg.94y1UxnJknY94y3lAyERd5 --- He did not "steam infuse" Roundup. Roundup does not work unless it is sprayed directly on green plants. It is NOT a pre-emergent herbicide, it is a contact only herbicide Thomas. Regards. ==== 113 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgwSF-V52pU__swzsxJ4AaABAg.9AFWS_NzB3o9Ak3TfTxHbq --- There is nothing special about the old out date organic method of producing crops that use highly toxic pesticides over and over to produce the crop. ==== 114 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgwSF-V52pU__swzsxJ4AaABAg.9AFWS_NzB3o9fkqJ8ZDQvW --- [USER 509] Obviously you have never looked at or seen the approved list of pesticides Organic growers can use in unlimited amounts. Many of them are highly toxic. Good luck with your education on this subject [USER 508 NAME]. ==== 115 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgyNbcXVIDHPOFqiiRR4AaABAg.9dizlXgT_G69e29BXoMaRd --- It is clear that you are not well read on the subject. ==== 116 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgyNbcXVIDHPOFqiiRR4AaABAg.9dizlXgT_G69e94fPf8WI- --- ​ @[USER 510] There is no such chemical as "glycophosphates". It's IARC. The IARC is not a French agency. The IARC did not rate glyphosate a "possible carcinogen" they rated it a probable human carcinogen. They moved their rating from Group 2b to Group 2a. So far it does not appear you are well read on the subject. Gotta go, more later. ==== 117 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgyErPbrcZKFZ4nQ3Vx4AaABAg.94butvnrHQ294fLT7tkFGg --- Food is not drenched in roundup. You've been reading too many eco-wacko sites. ==== 118 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgzPfoHNs9MeyOjd4rR4AaABAg.94bn-VucSnn94eXd9IzBhO --- When we use gmo technology seed we do not need to use neonicotinoids. Have you ever heard of Bt gmo technology seed. You are clueless. ==== 119 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugz7MFhSiZwTgsNkNLJ4AaABAg.9OlINo705f39OpKs_050ys --- Your post is ignorant John and shameful. ==== 120 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=UgyGWe0vJW_RAJYSIOd4AaABAg.94m1DF8xTsS94pHi_2zyCZ --- Bayer is free to use the brand name "Roundup" in any way it chooses. It can call vinegar a glyphosate free version of Roundup. That does not mean it will work like glyphosate. You are very ignorant - glyphosate is an HERBICIDE that can not kill insects! It is scientifically impossible for glyphosate to "attach to the DNA of the seed", that is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. You obviously flunked out of grade school science classes. ==== 121 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugyb83LdtRru3HbT1v14AaABAg.9fF7WUGOSxu9fKN1mdEKy5 --- [USER 512] Roundup has killed no one. ==== 122 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugx1_iGWaIxJZZTniPB4AaABAg.951P-O2JU4X951tAelH3yZ --- There are NO connections between Glyphosate and leaky gut. Can you name the crops that can have Glyphosate used on them? ==== 123 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugx1_iGWaIxJZZTniPB4AaABAg.951P-O2JU4X952B1lqHGPF --- [USER 514] --The only connection is in the mind of the Boston area resident who did not do a single experiment with or on glyphosate. ==== 124 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugx1_iGWaIxJZZTniPB4AaABAg.951P-O2JU4X952VohHwwgd --- [USER 514] --Glyphosate is safe [USER 513 NAME]. The travesty of justice is being perpetrated by the Rat Lawyers attacking a safe product. Monsanto never had a secret group, plus there is nothing wrong with countering false information about your product. ==== 125 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugx1_iGWaIxJZZTniPB4AaABAg.951P-O2JU4X956K93NpbUw --- [USER 514] --Tell us exactly how Carey Gillam was silenced. She was and is the loudest, lying howler about glyphosate. ==== 126 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=JszHrMZ7dx4&lc=Ugx1_iGWaIxJZZTniPB4AaABAg.951P-O2JU4X9595EJe437n --- [USER 514] --There is no such thing as Chronic Lyme Disease. Drink a glass of Dawn and report back. ### Monsanto CEO on debate over GMO and food labeling - YouTube ### ==== 0 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgiadxzACK-003gCoAEC.8E-DB-4H08-9Hx7AVONDYv --- [USER 516] Right on! ==== 1 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Uggak8Mca4qSn3gCoAEC.8Dnsq01HQH29Hx60rq4XWL --- [USER 518] Good one. ==== 2 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Uggak8Mca4qSn3gCoAEC.8Dnsq01HQH29Hx67zH4hO7 --- Yo Cult, Monsanto only sued the seed stealers who deserved it. ==== 3 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgyPkBcCyw8cFL4nLAp4AaABAg.9FodjjleyGk9Huaukqp6K9 --- Every farmer since 1930 knows about seed patents and willingly sign the contract to use them and know that they cannot plant the resulting seeds. GM row crops were not planted until 1996 and every farmer already knew not to plant the resulting seeds. Some did and Monsanto filed 150 lawsuits over 24 years against the seed stealers. That's out of millions of customers in that time frame and they donated the proceeds to local charities. ==== 4 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UggRG0h9SZy1rXgCoAEC.8SnOS6QSyog8SunyoIn2-A --- That would mean they won't have to eat anything since they distribute no poisons to humans, only to weeds. The proof of total safety is overwhelming and everywhere you look if you do not indulge in confirmation bias. ==== 5 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugiisw5uaawu6XgCoAEC.8B5N4i6g7HW9Hx6Wy8gXY9 --- GM salmon and other inland based salmon farms will help lower pressure on wild salmon stocks. ==== 6 dsn... www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UghQSX4EoyxklngCoAEC.87ZVvMtMIZt8ApxPSpaeyU --- Yea as soon as the anti biotech luddites can form a scientifically valid argument ==== 7 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UggOJxGsuxsCFngCoAEC.8DIDfY9appM9Hx6kuUWbK3 --- Roundup was the only pesticide they manufactured until dicamba more recently. Roundup only made up about a quarter of their revenue, the rest was seeds. Monsanto hasn't existed since the fall of 2018. ==== 8 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UggOJxGsuxsCFngCoAEC.8DIDfY9appM9I1ITG_tVFi --- [USER 520] --I see that you backtrack from your claim that Monsanto was a chemical company, not a seed company. Not a single pesticide regulator or agency in the world rates glyphosate as a carcinogen. Not one. ==== 9 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgwTG-BoyDEh-HeFpud4AaABAg.8k6Qglr94As8m6ZyS0bRb5 --- NO Glyphosate is NOT sprayed directly on your food. Glyphosate is a very very safe herbicide used 3 to 4 months before the crop is harvested. Can you name the gmo technology crops that can NOT have Glyphosate used on them? There are many many many many herbicides that Farmers could choose to use on their gmo technology crops. Glyphosate is by far the safest of them all a a big reason it is very popular with them. There are mant companies even foreign companies producing and selling Glyphosate. Monsanto's patent ran out in 1999. ==== 10 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugwu584fbwZ9tbDz1QB4AaABAg.8u4ygPBcAlB8uFZgNxc7kd --- Your post is False. There are no superweeds and bugs. We use much less and much safer pesticides even safer than many of the pesticides organic growers use. ==== 11 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgxdE_uYF3sU2Cq2pWh4AaABAg.9FBKwdThGH09HubFPy9eZ5 --- False. ==== 12 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgwJkPwMmO60-rnwh214AaABAg.94HwOJH3d2Z94aZyb3dz6o --- Monsanto was bought out lock stock and barrel Three years ago and does NOT exist. ==== 13 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgwJkPwMmO60-rnwh214AaABAg.94HwOJH3d2Z94eRbn7Umay --- [USER 522] There are many companies even foreign companies producing gmo technology seed and also glyphosate. ==== 14 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgwJkPwMmO60-rnwh214AaABAg.94HwOJH3d2Z94mJ_hZKw5o --- [USER 522] Yes The Chinese purchased Syngenta. GMO technology is about farmers like me using much much less pesticides and much much safer pesticides with the pesticides even safer than many of the pesticides that Organic growers use. The CBS Evening News had a piece 8-30-2017 on how gmo technology was being use to cure some cancers. They showed exactly how is being done and they are also working on other cancers trying to cure them. Man has been breeding plants in all different ways for thousands of years to help benefit mankind. 500 years ago a carrot was pure white. GMO technology is use in many things to better the world. Almost all Insulin used today by diabetics is GMO insulin. GMO rennet has been used for decades to make cheese. The cheese making enzyme breaks down proteins and separates them from whey. Golden Rice to benefit vitamin A-deficient children. & BT CORN AND COTTON. GMO proteins include blood- clotting factors to help Hemophiliacs, the hepatitis B vaccine, thyroid hormones, laundry detergent enzymes, and many synthetically produced amino acids used in nutritional supplements. There are many many many more benefits of GMO technologies. We all should give thanks to GOD for giving us the wisdom of GMO and stand up to those that tell lies about GOD's blessings trying to play GOD themselves trying to take away his blessings. http://www.cbs.com/shows/cbs_evening_news/video/unavz0ldRHLRSnhW_KZvIifswdeSBS9C/fda-approves-brand-new-way-to-treat-leukemia/ ==== 15 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzDyZFEhBS_AFyDtgJ4AaABAg.8hDxKENH4018iHNYqL6Tlj --- There are no Super Weeds! Can you name a super weed? Please do not name a weed that glyphosate never controlled. There are NO super weeds and there are no weeds we can not control. Farmers have fought herbicide resistance for years and years. This not new to farmers but only to uneducated people on this subject. NO herbicide ever controlled all weeds. Glyphosate never controlled all weeds. Your post is ignorant and makes no sense and your links are garbage. Farmers could choose between many many many many many different herbicides to use on their gmo technology crops but NONE are as safe as glyphosate. Can you name one that is safer? Glyphosate is even safer than many of the pesticides organic growers use. Why would you want farmers to go back to using more and more harmful pesticides? When you see people in the cities control their dandelions you know they just used Dicamba a very old herbicide. Your posts tell me that your knowledge on this subject is ZERO. ==== 16 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgyX5RIY6T4V2QUUpOl4AaABAg.93hCsTzoigd9HucQwCjZEp --- 30 countries in the world grow GM crops. Every nation imports GM crops except for a few. ==== 17 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Uggfq06aFmfFAngCoAEC.8Sl5ExeudBl8dXmxvjaQ7h --- Your post is false. There were three companies that produced agent orange for the United States Military at their specifications for use in the Vietnam war and has not been produced since 1969 and was never considered safe. You need to get an education before spewing out your ignorance. ==== 18 dsn... www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugii0sAMSlye13gCoAEC.8AkAP1kOEQh8ApvVXM4aG9 --- ....want to be honest about the actual effect of hr933 ==== 19 dsn... www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugii0sAMSlye13gCoAEC.8AkAP1kOEQh8AtIwn_72PE --- [USER 523] ==== 20 dsn... www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugii0sAMSlye13gCoAEC.8AkAP1kOEQh8AuS4VZREgP --- [USER 524] 735.In the event that a determination of non-regulated status made pursuant to section 411 of the Plant Protection Act is or has been invalidated or vacated, the Secretary of Agriculture shall, notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon request by a farmer, grower, farm operator, or producer, immediately grant temporary permit(s) or temporary deregulation in part, subject to necessary and appropriate conditions consistent with section 411(a) or 412(c) of the Plant Protection Act, which interim conditions shall authorize the movement, introduction, continued cultivation, commercialization and other specifically enumerated activities and requirements, including measures designed to mitigate or minimize potential adverse environmental effects, if any, relevant to the Secretary's evaluation of the petition for non-regulated status, while ensuring that growers or other users are able to move, plant, cultivate, introduce into commerce and carry out other authorized activities in a timely manner: Provided, That all such conditions shall be applicable only for the interim period necessary for the Secretary to complete any required analyses or consultations related to the petition for non-regulated status: Provided further, That nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the Secretary’s authority under section 411, 412 and 414 of the Plant Protection Act. ==== 21 dsn... www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugii0sAMSlye13gCoAEC.8AkAP1kOEQh8AuSWaHj2G5 --- [USER 524] and neonics and ccd are not linked, the EU has bigger bee loss issues and they they have banned neonics, ==== 22 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgxIVARWuR4eOsv-xed4AaABAg.8x-Sy65W-x88xFx0WfV3-L --- NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis ? They are FREE to do so if they so wish to. What country are you from [USER 90] that you are ashamed of? ==== 23 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgxgxJqYnXmHIOHuVWR4AaABAg.9CYzSxoXsDa9Huc2VWNGCZ --- Farmers are not ignorant, they love GM crops. ==== 24 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzNPRmpR4zTFnF67Kh4AaABAg.9CYyhVDXRuB9DZ2-MMX7FF --- You must be lost Travis. Monsanto was bought out three and half years ago and does NOT exist. ==== 25 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgypFyC4yJ4wtRnYAZV4AaABAg.8mVkuYxg4Xv8me5iQAh43v --- As many companies do. ==== 26 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UggCpNuSX09jG3gCoAEC.8TYPpaSG9Zt8UyF-smfmWA --- Catch a clue - the GMO debate ended last year. You will get no labels, ever. ==== 27 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzgdsQQUUAht1sek854AaABAg.9KB4ZxHd9Vs9L5HC-654Wy --- Are you saying you do not know what crops use gmo technology? ==== 28 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugy9VNbmZRoitQ3Gry54AaABAg.8qKSo0zHAe38rM5X7xSTZB --- Monsanto was bought out two years ago. You are clueless about this subject. ==== 29 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzQ0HHxF4sYzZb9Jkt4AaABAg.9Evp5udhY8i9Hubjze3XaI --- GM crops do not cause harm to people. ==== 30 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzJQx5yX4FmftFy_F54AaABAg.8vgKrk7XrQg8vwkoeqQ6Ee --- Monsato was bought out two years ago. What rock have you been under. ==== 31 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzFPlyyaN8wK_jTlVt4AaABAg.9Ho2CKnbzFY9HuaWnnWOym --- No. ==== 32 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzX7roiZRcMJIrQqs54AaABAg.8lDGgg94kbF8mgJHJZnt_4 --- Your post is false. Can you name the GMO technology crops that can have Roundup(Glyphosate ) used on them? Can you name the GMO technology crops that can NOT have Roundup(Glyphosate) used on them? Why do you want farmers to go back to using more and more harmful pesticides? ==== 33 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgwuoLO_bsqihe54ZwN4AaABAg.8kp_OJYeRd98m6Y_mOYq3K --- No need for organic foods to be labelled to tell you when they are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis, 2400 organic crops owe their origin to Mutagenesis. Why do you only want gmo technology crops and any products that sources any ingredient derived form a gmo technology crops to be labeled? We all have a right to know don't we? ==== 34 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgyuG4PRdRGx9gzx6TB4AaABAg.8XiUZqme89E8dXmpv068eL --- Your post is false. There were three companies that produced agent orange for the United States Military at their specifications for use in the Vietnam war and has not been produced since 1969 and was never considered safe. You need to get an education before spewing out your ignorance. ==== 35 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugz7WBq2YU8bwVkLrzt4AaABAg.8mmbFjyXUa28nCfYYdkdLL --- Monsanto was bought almost 2 years ago. Did you just wake up? ==== 36 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzK898KLYSLjD8FY-J4AaABAg.8eFW7NlJ4Nq8eOVp7gRchJ --- Prove it. Why has not one single human ever died from them? ==== 37 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugy6Rut-UxWAHWjxoCF4AaABAg.901SCZSEC2291tQyZiSyJq --- Monsanto was bought out lock stock and barrel by Bayer three years ago. Monsanto does not exist. ==== 38 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugz1zScCHFmew7KVDRF4AaABAg.8rZvC2_5BRl8sIilY4u3g- --- [USER 526] Monsanto was bought out two years ago 3000i 678g. Who do hate now? ==== 39 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgwTUQkSt8rPuEiQkIJ4AaABAg.9-0CVwFoU0r9003pyVkn8i --- False Agent Orange has not been produced since 1969 and is not even close to being Glyphosate. You are clueless. ==== 40 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzqYvQVrx54Aed1h1R4AaABAg.9F2g81V4A469Hubfj-cDHZ --- The crime here has been committed against a safe product. ==== 41 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzaloIzxaQo9JzgcgF4AaABAg.8cFgXdJeZJH8dsUtnhTJA_ --- Your post is ignorant. Monsanto was bought out. ==== 42 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzPpogynUUPFuWUliN4AaABAg.8jY0D8-Q5SV8m6_9bq_f08 --- Most of the people who tell lies and spread misinformation on this subject are pushing organic food which uses more and more harmful pesticides. ==== 43 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgwP8ZGnlOMyrs7bTBF4AaABAg.9UVID7rfHuE9WfOckSMeNM --- Monsanto was bought out almost 5 years ago and does not exist. You are lost LiG. ==== 44 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgxmjrixnG6KzewTyBV4AaABAg.9arjgkr0RQn9bens9oC5nY --- How did they destroy the American Farmer? I think you maybe clueless about this subject [USER 527]. ==== 45 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgyxzlorZHp57nvnSjx4AaABAg.9OPek5cEpk_9Qym5cYCgwd --- It will be good to see you in jail. ==== 46 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugw0iI8stxoMwXzrzvp4AaABAg --- [Insert naturalistic fallacy here] [Insert organic doesn't use pesticides here] [Cite obviously biased source here] [Call someone a shill] [Enjoy your poison] [Insert something about god here] [Misspell glyphosate] [Science has been wrong before] [Cite cherry picked/disproved study here] [Cite AO produced 50 years ago means GMOs must be poison] ==== 47 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugy48-tkhRmM5fkSoe14AaABAg.8tloRazy-zD8to9X7wejXO --- No need for organic foods to be labelled to tell you when they are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis, 2400 organic crops owe their origin to Mutagenesis. Why do you only want gmo technology crops and any products that sources any ingredient derived form a gmo technology crops to be labeled? We all have a right to know don't we? ==== 48 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugy48-tkhRmM5fkSoe14AaABAg.8tloRazy-zD8u2S5fJPESv --- [USER 529] Organic food is NOT pesticide free in fact some of their pesticides are very toxic. ==== 49 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugy48-tkhRmM5fkSoe14AaABAg.8tloRazy-zD8u3ohRFarSb --- [USER 529] Tell your organic friends that [USER 528 NAME]. We use gmo technology so we can use much less and much safer pesticides even much safer than the pesticide organic growers use. ==== 50 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugy48-tkhRmM5fkSoe14AaABAg.8tloRazy-zD8u4AW5Fx-C8 --- [USER 529] Your post is total GARBAGE. The rate per acre of the associated pesticides has been the same for 45 years. Farmers all over the world use the associated pesticides so the amount used of other toxic pesticides are way way down while the amount the associated pesticides are more because of way way more acres and they are much much safer even safer than many of the pesticides organic growers use. Farmers all over the world have switch because of their pure safety. Can you name the associated pesticides? Do know anything about this subject? ==== 51 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugy48-tkhRmM5fkSoe14AaABAg.8tloRazy-zD8uJIMXC4iFj --- [USER 529] You have not answered anything because you know nothing about this subject. GMO technology is about farmers like me using much much less pesticides and much much safer pesticides with the pesticides even safer than many of the pesticides that Organic growers use. The CBS Evening News had a piece 8-30-2017 on how gmo technology was being use to cure some cancers. They showed exactly how is being done and they are also working on other cancers trying to cure them. Man has been breeding plants in all different ways for thousands of years to help benefit mankind. 500 years ago a carrot was pure white. GMO technology is use in many things to better the world. Almost all Insulin used today by diabetics is GMO insulin. GMO rennet has been used for decades to make cheese. The cheese making enzyme breaks down proteins and separates them from whey. Golden Rice to benefit vitamin A-deficient children. & BT CORN AND COTTON. GMO proteins include blood- clotting factors to help Hemophiliacs, the hepatitis B vaccine, thyroid hormones, laundry detergent enzymes, and many synthetically produced amino acids used in nutritional supplements. There are many many many more benefits of GMO technologies. We all should give thanks to GOD for giving us the wisdom of GMO and stand up to those that tell lies about GOD's blessings trying to play GOD themselves trying to take away his blessings. http://www.cbs.com/shows/cbs_evening_news/video/unavz0ldRHLRSnhW_KZvIifswdeSBS9C/fda-approves-brand-new-way-to-treat-leukemia/ ==== 52 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugy48-tkhRmM5fkSoe14AaABAg.8tloRazy-zD8uKViG2mBzE --- [USER 529] We know who is clueless on this subject don't we [USER 528 NAME]. Name the gmo technology crops that you can NOT use glyphosate on? Out of all the many many many many many herbicides I could choose to use on my gmo technology crops name ONE that is safer than Glyphosate? Do you know anything about Bt? ==== 53 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzHt3AxcH19m9FUnnl4AaABAg.8dhwNY4HxpK8eOVt4zl3-z --- Closed minds hear nothing. Willful ignorance. ==== 54 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzjxVZ6M12pF9dUA9l4AaABAg.9ISk4bGga2Z9Ifomj4cqGp --- The attacks on Grant make me sick too. ==== 55 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgzjxVZ6M12pF9dUA9l4AaABAg.9ISk4bGga2Z9Qym0PT-C42 --- [USER 530] Naw man, I am a mythbuster. ==== 56 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugzuf7Yl4TnpAM20Lil4AaABAg.8v6fszWghRA8vKOSzajSES --- What rock did you just crawl out from under. Monsanto was bought out two years ago. ==== 57 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgwbutZNDLEa4tT6WdZ4AaABAg.97EBkD73ncd97XREGX3KyK --- Monsanto was bought out three years ago and does not exist. Time to wake up Beakeman. ==== 58 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=UgwPvNemY7GflQfE5EB4AaABAg.8_ElXIb4dqg8dXmME6fnNf --- Your post is false. No seed company sues their customers the farmer. ==== 59 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugyyon5NkcI2iDCDo0d4AaABAg.8cejUWGeYPi8eOW1fa3Ql7 --- 50 year old obsolete red herring that the US war department is 100% responsible for. ==== 60 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ9YdDsGCVg&lc=Ugwm-aI7wxY6U7Y2pCd4AaABAg.8c-wpBqUxzm8c3TUxlrE3Q --- You idiot! The GMO debate ended in 2016. There will be no fear mongering labels to placate the genetically illiterate. Obama made sure of that. CHECK THIS FACT about Obama's law: https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/Final%20Bill%20S764%20GMO%20Discosure.pdf GMOs are NOT banned in 160 countries which are the smartest. ### "Food Evolution" with Neil Degrasse Tyson and Bill Nye - YouTube ### ==== 0 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9wnbcSNM9Q&lc=UgyJrd_xXkqwKet5L6V4AaABAg.9GQuCNCrrC89TX0PsoLVTz --- [USER 532] I have been fact checking liars every day for the last 7 years, 160,000 comments so far. You are corrected. I have earned 90 subscribers in the same time you gained 8. ==== 1 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9wnbcSNM9Q&lc=UgyJrd_xXkqwKet5L6V4AaABAg.9GQuCNCrrC89TXLApWlADK --- [USER 532] That's not what I said. Peer review consensus. ==== 2 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9wnbcSNM9Q&lc=UgxwZA3q9BKkbobZPRh4AaABAg.8iQ8HREAu009TX0vPxFg9v --- Dennis is correct. If there is any bias at all it is toward facts as proven by peer reviewed science. ### Genetically Modified Foods - GMO or OMG? Get Immune Against Genetically Modified Organisms – Dr.Berg - YouTube ### ==== 0 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgwF4N_67BmtGf4kP1N4AaABAg.9bf0lj2Seo89bfiJx6lwaB --- Who would want to that Andrew? ==== 1 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgzBuXt2qAeZRQOY9Kl4AaABAg.9baAAvCTLUW9bfiU63xkYB --- Yes the safety of Glyphosate has been proven over and over. ==== 2 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugz0oEdXDSdQs8YrYRh4AaABAg.9b8VvleBw1V9bfi_GtpDK2 --- Please do not be spreading theses lies. ==== 3 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgzlFqSrJKeJm8kAhiR4AaABAg.9b3y1eJOJ6q9bfin-fexKh --- Peanuts are NOT a gmo technology crop. Can you name the crops that use gmo technology and tell why each one does? ==== 4 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgyLeMXmXyi8pKUJBtB4AaABAg.9b15QDmnAQM9b_7fdasa1I --- Monsanto was bought out over 5 years ago and does not exist. Your post is ignorant Stephanie. ==== 5 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgyLeMXmXyi8pKUJBtB4AaABAg.9b15QDmnAQM9b_EJ2C4Ggo --- [USER 534] There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling everything that Bayer does. Dr. Berg has proven he knows nothing about this subject. GMO technology is used all over the world on many many things. ==== 6 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgwQqMEd_BjT8gtg5754AaABAg.9asWguKB22R9aul1XRD7kY --- Monsanto was bought out 5 years ago and does not exist. GMO technology is used all over the world. You are clueless about this subject Mary. ==== 7 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgwQqMEd_BjT8gtg5754AaABAg.9asWguKB22R9auuDwOCAvS --- [USER 536] You need to learn how to read [USER 535 NAME]. I said Monsanto was bought out FIVE years ago and they do NOT exist today. They never dominated for there are MANY companies even foreign companies producing and selling everything that Monsanto did before it was bought out. You are clueless about this subject [USER 535 NAME]. ==== 8 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgwQqMEd_BjT8gtg5754AaABAg.9asWguKB22R9avmBh67XFM --- [USER 536] Why would you want to avoid gmo ? Can you name the crops that use gmo technology and tell why each one does use it? Dr. Berg is a pitiful source of information about this subject and he has proven he know NOTHING about gmo technology. Yes gmo technology is used in many many things besides food all over the world. ==== 9 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgwNAgmy_xq-5Qgq59l4AaABAg.9as1ClUhUzO9asD1h8IFvH --- Your post is IGNORANT and false. Roundup is a very very safe herbicide, NOT an insecticide and has NO effect on insects. Roundup is used 6 to 8 weeks before kernel development even begins. Organic growers use their toxic pesticides that are much much worse than Roundup clear up until harvest. Roundup does NOT cause leaky gut syndrome but the many highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use is the problem. Roundup is by far the safest herbicide farmers have ever used. You really need to get an education on this subject Colin before spewing out your ignorance. ==== 10 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgwNAgmy_xq-5Qgq59l4AaABAg.9as1ClUhUzO9b_4WCkuKyY --- [USER 538] No one pars. As a farmer we get sick and tired of the ignorant and false post's like Colins. ==== 11 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgwNAgmy_xq-5Qgq59l4AaABAg.9as1ClUhUzO9cQy6cXn51o --- [USER 540] Only about the label and not about the product which is made by many companies even foreign companies. The pure safety of Roundup (Glyphosate) has been proven over and over and is much safer than many of the highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use. ==== 12 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugxd2-TVEdZin5Nz5_x4AaABAg.9arjDIELmKN9asIyuHuIHc --- Why would they want you to be sick Feona? ==== 13 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgwQKXo_Fxc3NvhYtNl4AaABAg.9aqouHXgq2w9asJB7aK8c2 --- Organic is just an old fashion farming method that use more and more harmful pesticides ginger. ==== 14 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgxaknRKnEwp1Pn_KvB4AaABAg.9aqo_uLybkn9asDQCVRs2Q --- You are clearly clueless about this subject ginger. Wheat is NOT a gmo technology crop. GMO technology is safe and is used all over the world in many many different things. ==== 15 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugz_r5JVs-zdsueI4zB4AaABAg.9_QcOpDOdh29asDeGSXvv4 --- [USER 542] Finish your sentence [USER 541 NAME], Dr Stephanie is fool who knows nothing about this subject. ==== 16 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgzPfG1__eWKVfI3ZLl4AaABAg.9YxPrLOBL689Zbyce_XWav --- The reason Farmers love GMO technology is because they can use much less and much safer pesticides. You are clearly clueless about this subject [USER 543]. ==== 17 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgxoiyJtmqCaWFHi0P14AaABAg.94ysD4AuQWX95-W_x3fWjz --- Tomatoes are NOT a gmo technology crop. ==== 18 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugx5oGoq8u7xl41SI7J4AaABAg.91Pb0W3SPsO91tSpZArMwD --- Stay away from organic food and you will avoid most of the toxic pesticides. ==== 19 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugx5oGoq8u7xl41SI7J4AaABAg.91Pb0W3SPsO9bkn8eqKD7J --- [USER 545] Only because you are clueless about this subject [USER 544 NAME]. Have you ever studied the list of approved pesticides Organic growers can use over and over through out the growing season and there Toxicty? ==== 20 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugx8qak2TvH4BaxQkIh4AaABAg.8zn0v9DMvpx8zvXJAxCSTB --- Your post is false. The two gmo vegetables have nothing to do with pesticides. Organic Growers use many highly toxic pesticides on their crops and vegetables, way more toxic than the safe pesticides used on gmo technology crops. ==== 21 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugym7pWntXDl33k06C54AaABAg.8ySje1pcaSJ8zvXWFsE_JM --- Your post is false. Farmers own the world's food supply. Monsanto was bought out two and half years ago and does not exist. ==== 22 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgxUXpucsX-2TPUXXRt4AaABAg.8vGqEcjcVWq8vQDeDLjQ27 --- The information he provided is false. ==== 23 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugx0_5dTeatepU18TKB4AaABAg.8mtb53DpnnP8n-il2GLyFY --- Monsanto was bought out over a year ago. You are lost. ==== 24 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugx0_5dTeatepU18TKB4AaABAg.8mtb53DpnnP8n-nibzkrzG --- [USER 547] Monsanto was bought out over a year ago. You are lost. I know everything that is going on. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling technology seed all over the world. Why do farmers all over the world freely overwhelmingly choose gmo technology seed when it is an option? Can you name the crops that use gmo technology and Why? Let's see if you know what is going on. ==== 25 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgwBm8lzZGsYSCC8V9F4AaABAg.8_PH96pdPsX8g4YTVwcN_T --- Your post is correct and so is what you heard Peter ==== 26 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UggbA3ayzs51AHgCoAEC.8FomrSz0jiZ8I3IuQWuahe --- You are correct. Even Organic Growers use pesticides and some are toxic. https://www.geneticliteracyproject.org/2015/12/07/myth-busting-on-pesticides-despite-demonization-organic-farmers-widely-use-them/ I am a 66 year old farmer born and raised on the farm. As a farmer we pay more for gmo seed but in return use way way less pesticides. Organic Growers for decades have used Bt even injecting food with Bt. I am sure you have heard of bt corn. Bt corn contains naturally occurring Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques. that selectively kill caterpillar pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt, a naturally occurring soil bacterium. Bt produces biotoxins lethal to moths,caterpillars and butterflies when ingested. Because it targets these insects' intestinal membranes(ABSENT in HUMANS and ANIMALS ), the EPA considers it benign to non- caterpillar species, including beneficial insects. When Organic growers spray bt they kill all moths,caterpillars, and butterflies but we do not do that with gmo corn because only corn bore and corn root worms attacks corn so they are the only insects affected. For 80 years farmers used dangerous dangerous pesticides to control theses insects but today we do not have to use them thanks to gmo. GMO;s are safer for my children, my Wife, our water, our farm, and our environment. WE and YOU should give thanks to almighty GOD for the wisdom of GMO. ==== 27 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UggbA3ayzs51AHgCoAEC.8FomrSz0jiZ8RtyVshOuqQ --- False the pesticides are safer than the toxic pesticides that Organic Growers use. http://weedcontrolfreaks.com/2014/06/salt-vinegar-and-glyphosate/ ==== 28 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgjPrf955TBXDHgCoAEC.8EnzYOpWBaZ8FF9Zjv1CH0 --- What he said about Roundup was false. There are many many many herbicides that farmers like me can choose to use on gmo crops. Out of all those herbicides Roundup is by far the safest herbicide of them all. It is sad that so much misinformation gets spread by those that should know better. Man has been breeding plants in all different ways for thousands of years to help benefit mankind. 500 years ago a carrot was pure white. GMO technology is use in many things to better the world. Almost all Insulin used today by diabetics is GMO insulin. GMO rennet has been used for decades to make cheese. The cheese making enzyme breaks down proteins and separates them from whey. Golden Rice to benefit vitamin A-deficient children. & BT CORN AND COTTON. GMO proteins include blood- clotting factors to help Hemophiliacs, the hepatitis B vaccine, thyroid hormones, laundry detergent enzymes, and many synthetically produced amino acids used in nutritional supplements. There are many many many more benefits of GMO technologies. We all should give thanks to GOD for giving us the wisdom of GMO and stand up to those that tell lies about GOD's blessings trying to play GOD themselves trying to take away his blessings. If you have any questions I will glad to help. ==== 29 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgiqA-wNSwGfwHgCoAEC --- Roundup. If you take all your household cleaners and put them on your kitchen table and a gallon of Roundup. The Roundup will most likely be the safest thing on the table. Roundup was originally developed as a soap over fifty years ago. Roundup has a toxicity level one half of regular table salt it is that safe. It is the only one out of many many many herbicides that Farmers purchase that he does not have to have a Pesticide License to be able to purchase. Roundup has no soil activity and you can plant anything you want where it has just been sprayed. Unlike other herbicides there will be no trace any where in soil of Roundup after six weeks. Because weeds GMO themselves Roundup does not kill a lot of weed species today like it did when farmers started using as a herbicide. Every year farmers use less Roundup and have had to turn to newer herbicides that work better but are not quite as safe as Roundup. ==== 30 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugh1Bqt5EbHdFngCoAEC.7-H0Z7-KzIf70-yxK5IFju --- Have you ever wondered why if every thing you think is true about gmo's that with all the hungry lawyers in the world not one has even tried to sue Monsanto or any of the other companies here in the U.S. and other counties that do research and produce gmo's. Not one person. I guess they know brain washed people when they see them! ==== 31 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugh1Bqt5EbHdFngCoAEC.7-H0Z7-KzIf8SR9o0lAbJa --- More lies from the professional LIAR. NO seed company do the things you and your look very ignorant with your post. There are many seed companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. Monsanto was no. 2 in gmo seed sales. I say was because Monsanto has been bought out. Is Monsanto the only word you Know? GMO technology seed is use around the world and farmers overwhelmingly FREELY choose to purchase and grow gmo technology seed. Why do farmers freely choose to use gmo technology seed around the world? ==== 32 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugh1Bqt5EbHdFngCoAEC.7-H0Z7-KzIf8cYjH_DhiCv --- Genes are organic , you have been brain washed. ==== 33 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgiE5exh134QRXgCoAEC --- Tomorrow we will talk about Roundup. He does not have a clue what Roundup is. Question Round up was used in food processing plants for years before it was discovered it could be used as a herbicide. What was it used for? ==== 34 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgiE5exh134QRXgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-FH1j8Ru-unSeVN- --- I hope you learned something Toledo. Most people are clueless about gmo technology. It is used in many many things with gmo technology use expanding rapidly around the world. Man has been breeding plants in all different ways for thousands of years to help benefit mankind. 500 years ago a carrot was pure white. GMO technology is use in many things to better the world. Almost all Insulin used today by diabetics is GMO insulin. GMO rennet has been used for decades to make cheese. The cheese making enzyme breaks down proteins and separates them from whey. Golden Rice to benefit vitamin A-deficient children. & BT CORN AND COTTON. GMO proteins include blood- clotting factors to help Hemophiliacs, the hepatitis B vaccine, thyroid hormones, laundry detergent enzymes, and many synthetically produced amino acids used in nutritional supplements. There are many many many more benefits of GMO technologies. We all should give thanks to GOD for giving us the wisdom of GMO and stand up to those that tell lies about GOD's blessings trying to play GOD themselves trying to take away his blessings. ==== 35 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgghZnxWAinF9XgCoAEC --- He says there is no research! GMO crops are safe to eat, based on decades of research by European Commission Joint Research Centre, the American Medical Association, the National Academy of Science, and the World Health Organization. GMO crops are as safe as crops derived from traditional breeding methods, according to a European Union review of more than 25 years of research representing thousands of independent studies, The European Union, which strictly regulates GMO crops, concluded that "biotechnology, in particular GMO's are not more risky than conventional plant breeding technologies. ==== 36 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgghZnxWAinF9XgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-LLvC8S4PiLpHSNb --- The first clue one get that he is hiding his own ignorance is to call some one a shill. Can you tell me why gmo technology is used in some crops but not in others? Can you tell me what gmo crops are not herbicide resistant? Maybe you need to call me some more names you have a lot of ignorance to hide. ==== 37 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgghZnxWAinF9XgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-LLvC8cYiTku3DeI --- Sorry but your post is false and you know it is Patriot for Lies. Monsanto was bought out. ==== 38 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugj7-scmg2C18XgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-JY3g7-M9mL0vh0k --- Yes it is, everything in Nature is in GMO and everthing in GMO is in Nature. GENES are Organic! ==== 39 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=Ugj7-scmg2C18XgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-JY3g8cYjSQcy53l --- I will say it again. Mixing fish and plant genes is NOT done. Stop with your lies and misinformation even though that is all anti-gmo-ers have. ==== 40 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UghqJBr-sves1XgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-OcPI7-LyRunm3Xy --- Agent orange has never been sold or used in the United States. It was used in the Vietnam War! ==== 41 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgjWYe0UTMGFKHgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-7hae7-Lo-lL69ri --- Completely incorrect, but glad you took a stupid guess. I will give you a hint in my next post. ==== 42 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgjWYe0UTMGFKHgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-7hae7-LpnvGt_ru --- [USER 548] Almost all insulin used by diabetics today is made from genetically modified cells(GMO). Before genetic engineering(gmo), diabetics injected insulin extract from pig and cow pancreases. Some diabetics had allergic reactions to insulin from animal pancreatic tissue. through genetic engineering(gmo), the insulin gene from humans is inserted into bacteria. the bacteria act as miniature factories, pumping out an insulin protein identical to human insulin.This insulin is then used for human medcal purposes today. Hint the answer to previous question has something to do with protein. ==== 43 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgjWYe0UTMGFKHgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-7hae7-LqbZYGfpx --- [USER 548] Agent orange has nothing to do with gmo or the world we live in to day, your a brain fried Hippie. Come out of nineteen sixties, don't you think its time! ==== 44 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgjWYe0UTMGFKHgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-7hae7-LvXKXxNwx --- [USER 548] Bt corn (gmo) is naturally occurring bacillus thuringiensis bacteria, a result of recombinant DNA techniques, that selectively kill corn pest. Organic growers have for decades approved sprays containing Bt(Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria. They spray it over the Whole crop killing every insect. The children and I love to watch the butterflies in the summer even it is to your disapproval. ==== 45 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UginbLNeanX5mXgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-8NKr7-HXn8bxPRm --- Organic certification does not equal zero presence of a gmo. Low level presence of gmo in organic production is allowed as long as the grower has followed the organic process for organic production. Organic crops with gmo presence can and are sold as organic. The USDA certification does not have a zero policy. ==== 46 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UggYM-iuAIE2-ngCoAEC.7-H0Z7-E-fB7-HmYAxS7vT --- If you know anything about gmo you can answer this simple question. Have you ever wondered why certain insects only attack one plant. Like the Ash tree bore only attacks Ash trees, the Boll weevil only attacks cotton, bean beetle only attacks beans, the tomato worm attacks tomatoes the corn bore only attacks corn, and on and on it goes. Can you tell me why. ==== 47 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UgjVeqp3VC9uNXgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-5-_-70FNMm0Js0A --- Sorry but not only am I an expert on GMO, I am a farmer that plants and raises gmo crops. They are safer for me, my children, and the environment. I do not have to use dangerous harmful pesticides like we use to in the past because of gmo crops. I live out here and we drink the water out here. Most people don't even know that most plants gmo themselves all the time with out man's help. Farmers can only plant 80 percent of each field to a gmo crop because it is so safe that weeds and insects will gmo themselves and will not be bothered by it. All other nations but one have tested and imported a record amount of our grain. South America produces more gmo crops than we do. China buys one half of our soybean crop every year. In this case true science will win out over ignorance. ==== 48 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcLIUd_WiY&lc=UggPV7ysIwPWUHgCoAEC --- I am really surprised how ignorant Dr. Berg is when it comes to GMO's . Everything he has said here is incorrect shame shame on him for telling false information. ### Glifosat, rak i środowisko. Czy GMO jest bezpieczne? | UNFOLD - YouTube ### ==== 0 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYD5LZAn0iY&lc=UgyEp13ziA36Cg7WJMd4AaABAg --- The often reproduced image of rats with large tumors came from the fake scientist fraud Seralini. How dishonest can you get? The Seralini quack has been completely debunked and ejected from the scientific community for his lies about GMOs and rats. For starters, he used a species of lab rat known to always grow many tumors by age one no matter what it is fed! The EU launched a massive campaign 6 years ago to either verify or disprove all of Seralini's claims from his organic farmer funded fake lab in France. Results? Not a single claim could be verified or reproduced, all study methods were found to be extremely faulty and misleading. Seralini will go down in history as the top anti-GMO fraud of this century! https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2019/02/20/seralini-pseudoscience-syndicate-lessons-learned-from-decade-long-assault-on-biotechnology-orchestrated-by-french-geneticist/ https://gmoinfo.eu/eu/news.php?news=BLOG-Misinformation-is-the-only-poison--the-end-of-the-Seralini-Affair https://allianceforscience.cornell.edu/blog/2018/06/european-studies-disprove-seralinis-gmo-maize-tumor-claims/ http://bioscriptionblog.com/2018/12/18/eu-refutation-seralini-anti-gmo/ https://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-seralini-gmo-study-retraction-and-response-to-critics/ ### GMO OMG documentary on Chemical Food Conspiracy w/ Jeremy Seifert - YouTube ### ==== 0 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=Ugxwk4__zDmI25_W0jt4AaABAg.8gf7GtSEtT38gzEMLOAvS6 --- Horrible movie. Complex web of lies. You bought it. 5 years obsolete and you bought it. ==== 1 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=UgzjL8ead5kHei4i5uh4AaABAg --- Obsolete 5 year old abandoned video. The GMO safety debate ended in 2016. ==== 2 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=Ugw46X42yt_nGjINofN4AaABAg.8cmoAt4mK4e8cpTnuAmlCW --- Roundup is a very very safe herbicide even safer than many of the pesticides that organic growers use. It does NOT cause cancer. Why would you want farmers to go back to using more and more harmful pesticides? ==== 3 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=Ugw46X42yt_nGjINofN4AaABAg.8cmoAt4mK4e8cpbE5pD87y --- GMO technology is used in many different things. Roundup is a very safer herbicide that farmer use. There are some gmo crops that can not have Roundup used on them. I can teach you a lot about this subject if you would like. The CBS Evening News had a piece 8-30-2017 on how gmo technology was being use to cure some cancers. They showed exactly how is being done and they are also working on other cancers trying to cure them. Man has been breeding plants in all different ways for thousands of years to help benefit mankind. 500 years ago a carrot was pure white. GMO technology is use in many things to better the world. Almost all Insulin used today by diabetics is GMO insulin. GMO rennet has been used for decades to make cheese. The cheese making enzyme breaks down proteins and separates them from whey. Golden Rice to benefit vitamin A-deficient children. & BT CORN AND COTTON. GMO proteins include blood- clotting factors to help Hemophiliacs, the hepatitis B vaccine, thyroid hormones, laundry detergent enzymes, and many synthetically produced amino acids used in nutritional supplements. There are many many many more benefits of GMO technologies. We all should give thanks to GOD for giving us the wisdom of GMO and stand up to those that tell lies about GOD's blessings trying to play GOD themselves trying to take away his blessings. http://www.cbs.com/shows/cbs_evening_news/video/unavz0ldRHLRSnhW_KZvIifswdeSBS9C/fda-approves-brand-new-way-to-treat-leukemia/ ==== 4 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=Ugw46X42yt_nGjINofN4AaABAg.8cmoAt4mK4e8eLS_OworK_ --- This huge study found no cancer connection in 54,000 farm workers: https://academic.oup.com/jnci/article/doi/10.1093/jnci/djx233/4590280 ==== 5 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=UgxEVdt6eFhO3T9uBTR4AaABAg.8cBN8pFn0tX8cYkqZZW7yc --- You are right. It is to bad that the pesticides organic growers use many times are more harmful than the safe pesticides that gmo technology crops use. Why would you want farmers like me to go back to using more and more harmful pesticides? Would you like to learn more about the many benefits of gmo technology ==== 6 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=UgxEVdt6eFhO3T9uBTR4AaABAg.8cBN8pFn0tX8ca0RBP2msc --- NON gmo, gmo, and organic crops all over the world use pesticides. Without pesticides the worlds food production would drop 42 percent. We use gmo technology crops so we can use less and safer pesticides even safer than many of the pesticides that organic growers use. You would not want farmers like me to go back to using more and more harmful pesticides would you? ==== 7 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=UgxEVdt6eFhO3T9uBTR4AaABAg.8cBN8pFn0tX8cdvgK-gvGY --- I will be using gmo technology seed so I can use less pesticides and safer pesticides. If you like pesticides then grow non gmo crops for they use more pesticides and more harmful pesticides. It is your choice, I choose gmo technology because I do not like pesticides. ==== 8 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=UgzztdLpJsvm2lSKqRR4AaABAg --- Loss of seed diversity my ass, all seeds are preserved in seed banks, GM seed only adds to the potential of the total diversity. ==== 9 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=UgyAxvDoINGaHI7qmPx4AaABAg --- There is finally a factual movie based on real science, completely free of activist lies, anti-science ignorance and conspiracy theories. It is called "FOOD EVOLUTION" and is so new you have to pay to watch it in December of 2017 but soon it will out of theaters and will be on Netflix and cheaper when streamed. Narrated by Neil DG Tyson. https://youtu.be/9nc6Q94WTnw ==== 10 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=UgwTiUaMpJusSMbNt0Z4AaABAg.8ZaVe-qSCrY8ati2e7kQwu --- Not a fact, a lie. Seralini said it could cause cancer - THAT is a lie because his method was seriously flawed for bias. Glyphosate simply has no effect on humans, even suicide attempts with it fail. ==== 11 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=UgiVCjDVw-ur9HgCoAEC.8H2AzNgRKrR8cYkLJu9D78 --- The Seralini study was retracted in disgrace and was republished but was NEVER reinstated because it was garbage and was proven false. ==== 12 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=UgwTiUaMpJusSMbNt0Z4AaABAg.8ZaVe-qSCrY8ati2e7kQwu --- Not a fact, a lie. Seralini said it could cause cancer - THAT is a lie because his method was seriously flawed for bias. Glyphosate simply has no effect on humans, even suicide attempts with it fail. ==== 13 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUm5Qg4-5I&lc=UgiVCjDVw-ur9HgCoAEC.8H2AzNgRKrR8cYkLJu9D78 --- The Seralini study was retracted in disgrace and was republished but was NEVER reinstated because it was garbage and was proven false. ### Farmers Speak Out: GMOs are a Trap That Monsanto is Using to Take Over Agriculture - YouTube ### ==== 0 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugyoq8DA2jSoNdBXrF54AaABAg --- Lying horseshit. Monsanto hasn't "controlled" the supply of glyphosate since it went off patent in 2000. ==== 1 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugx8pnloBjaVeqkifRN4AaABAg.8x4mGdG9FWF8xGH_I4vjYI --- Libertarian hogwash. ==== 2 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugx8pnloBjaVeqkifRN4AaABAg.8x4mGdG9FWF8xQYL7w-yoY --- [USER 550] --Now I get it, you're a racist. A racist without a hint of science understanding. No one claims that they "own" the food. When someone invests millions and years to develop a new trait they get temporary patent protection. Farmers have been willingly signing seed contracts since the seed patent law of 1930. When it expires it reverts to the public. No one is "threatening the public" rock brain. ==== 3 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=UgzrU4tW5ypv68KhQwF4AaABAg.8mUipIXtUyS8rdYs_Sizt0 --- The organic industry could not give one example to the judge in their lawsuit. ==== 4 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=UgzrU4tW5ypv68KhQwF4AaABAg.8mUipIXtUyS8u-sxQH2gxo --- [USER 394] --A pure horseshit claim [USER 393 NAME]. Glyphosate has been used on farmland since 1974. ==== 5 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=UgwTg4zlp70L5yXAHsB4AaABAg.8mUiQvZSCzG8rdZ1vmgMh1 --- The GMO pimp knows that the retail versions of roundup that was offered contain more than one active ingredient, not just glyphosate dipwad. ==== 6 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=UgwTg4zlp70L5yXAHsB4AaABAg.8mUiQvZSCzG8u-t8mqttL3 --- [USER 394] --Another lying, blubbering, putrid claim from Dear [USER 393 NAME]. ==== 7 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugz9x8sYM4wNC93SbKJ4AaABAg.8h4afVrO4Da8rdZAmEUyQs --- Honestly, farmers are not forced to buy any seed they do not want to buy so your whining about GMO seed prices is what is fucked up. ==== 8 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=UgxmSx5eyB_it49Bpn14AaABAg --- [Insert naturalistic fallacy here] [Insert organic doesn't use pesticides here] [Cite obviously biased source here] [Call me a shill] [Enjoy your poison] [Insert something about god here] [Misspell glyphosate] [Science has been wrong before] [Cite cherry picked/disproved study here] [Mention the 50 year old Agent Orange fiasco as though it is still used] ==== 9 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=UgzVKYuacBf299rfy5J4AaABAg.8cw_I9QmYaf8dsDJSS4QH1 --- Threat of terrorism noted and reported here in this public venue. You are NOT anonymous. Monsanto no longer exists but we know you would still carry out the terrorism threat on another GM seed supplier. Here's what you are threatening to do: http://www.thefarmersdaughterusa.com/2017/05/bombing-monsanto-research-facility-highlights-impact-messaging.html ==== 10 Peer www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=UgzE1pLlWZfyz4gGf4B4AaABAg.8_idYwXP2iz8aArQm3V3bH --- Diana is extremely ignorant and genetically illiterate. GMOs are here to stay and they are being more widely accepted globally every day. Educate yourself for gods sake, you are making a complete ass of yourself here. ==== 11 Peer www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=UgzBUBe7qry7D3XsOzx4AaABAg.8X8Td8TKbiI8aApLMhKZvl --- Achilles has no refutations to the fact that GMOs are harmless so he just plays the shill gambit over and over again, never posting any actual facts, citations or peer reviewed data about the alleged problems. Fail! Forfeit!Trying to poison the well always loses the debate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_the_well ==== 12 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=UgzBUBe7qry7D3XsOzx4AaABAg.8X8Td8TKbiI8ffuve0RFey --- Note that 7 months later Patriot has been banned from Youtube for hateful trolling of lies. ==== 13 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugw60GiOeAGnU4MXnO54AaABAg --- GMO bans are being lifted around the world. Example of an Indian farmer gushing with pride at his success with GM Bt cotton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&list=PLAuAjC-Y1bJpqdwgSZo-bNFdPi9kDGe_O&t=18s&index=1 Such examples are to be found everywhere the anti-science witch hunters have failed to maintain their lies about the "evils" of GM science. ==== 14 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugw60GiOeAGnU4MXnO54AaABAg.8X8C9a_wsTD8X8WaLwrIwJ --- Thank you for forfeiting the debate by playing the shill gambit. You could have chosen to post a cogent refutation to my assertion that countries that USED TO have bans are now ending those bans. But instead you threw in the towel before you even got started by trying to poison the well. So very lame! ==== 15 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugw60GiOeAGnU4MXnO54AaABAg.8X8C9a_wsTD8X8X5kkT4rW --- Worth noting that your favorite whipping boy, Monsanto, did not provide the GM seed used in Britain, India or Kenya. But we know you are looking for witches to burn no matter what, because "Natural News" and "Food Babe" told you to! ==== 16 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugw60GiOeAGnU4MXnO54AaABAg.8X8C9a_wsTD8_ifLA7qLpR --- Why do you hate farmers? You bite the hand that feeds you. They value GMOs for the increased yields and choose them willingly ==== 17 Peer www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugw60GiOeAGnU4MXnO54AaABAg.8X8C9a_wsTD8aApbPB5Mro --- Vicki - Monsanto, the favorite whipping boy of the anti-science conspiracy theorists, had nothing whatsoever to do with making the Bt cotton seeds or planting them or watching them grow so much better than the local cotton with no resistance to the bollwevil. Smart Indian farmers accomplished this and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it, the video will remain up along with dozens more in the Hindi language as Indian farmers share their information and success with GE seed. HERE is a video of a Kenyan corn (maize) grower praising its high performance with low pesticide usage, also NOT "Monsanto" products: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYTzN4MGbso&feature=youtu.be So take your malicious lies and foil hatted paranoia and shove them up your ass. ==== 18 Peer www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugw60GiOeAGnU4MXnO54AaABAg.8X8C9a_wsTD8aAq2rAeaOl --- That's odd - Italian farmers demanded their country end the arbitrary GMO ban so they organized and did exactly that. Looks like the Italians are much smarter than Hungarians: https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2017/11/01/one-italian-corn-farmer-stood-anti-gmo-activists-government-won/ ==== 19 Peer www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugw60GiOeAGnU4MXnO54AaABAg.8X8C9a_wsTD8aAqEs2yo_8 --- The Germans just ended mandatory GMO food labeling. They are also smarter than you: https://european-biotechnology.com/up-to-date/latest-news/news/germany-to-allow-gmos-without-labelling.html ==== 20 Peer www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugw60GiOeAGnU4MXnO54AaABAg.8X8C9a_wsTD8aAu1cJTvKI --- Vicky FUCK YOU THAT IS A REALLY VICIOUS MALICIOUS LIE!!!!Even the Indian press hates that myth: http://news.nationalpost.com/news/the-myth-of-indias-gm-genocide-genetically-modified-cotton-blamed-for-wave-of-farmer-suicidesYou are one toxic foul bitch. I despise haters like you. ==== 21 Peer www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugw60GiOeAGnU4MXnO54AaABAg.8X8C9a_wsTD8aCISYrL3AM --- Prove that they are fake or shut the fuck up, troll. You don't even know how to submit and post proofs. ==== 22 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=UggT_1OtsD6B6ngCoAEC --- All use of GM seed is entirely voluntary. All farmers can choose to use organic, heirloom, conventional seed instead. That they do not should tell you something. ==== 23 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=UggT_1OtsD6B6ngCoAEC.8TC9GUaOJgi8u-tqT5nOfF --- [USER 394] --"Hooked for life"? You are a low life liar. ==== 24 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=Ugg_fp4G8xL09XgCoAEC.8IbeMpcEbPE8dsDhHC9CM- --- It only affects 2 types of borer worms you fool. ==== 25 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDFA5qUzamg&lc=UgzrLkOkMp-c0fHgYgx4AaABAg.8Gbp54-qB8u8TC94x_Ivj_ --- Genetic illiteracy is evil. Ban it through education. ### No-Till and Glyphosate - YouTube ### ==== 0 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgyfpJPqKHTzYyPDh0J4AaABAg.9Ocny7qb0_i9PAw1kuVJv2 --- Roundup is not an endocrine disrupter. Roundup does not inhibit nitrogen fixing. Roundup does not lock up minerals in the soil. If any of that were true soils would be dead by now since roundup has been used since 1974. Farmers are not idiots Rich. ==== 1 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgyfpJPqKHTzYyPDh0J4AaABAg.9Ocny7qb0_i9PBmSl7ldTR --- [USER 552] I guess you're not aware that in vitro cell lines studies are meaningless to make that determination [USER 551 NAME]. In vitro cell line studies are headline grabbers which you dutifully grabbed onto. Not a single OECD 453 compliant study has found any harm of any type from glyphosate below the NOAEL including being an endocrine disrupter. Not genotoxic, not hepatotoxic, not carcinogenic, not teratogenic, etc. And since our exposure to glyphosate is magnitudes below the NOAEl, and magnitudes below the RfD we can rest easy. As in many things it is the dose of a thing that makes it a poison, not the mere presence of the thing. ==== 2 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=Ugw0v37KRhN_hKdF-3p4AaABAg.9O_Kq0iwVEf9PAwJg6MKlz --- True! ==== 3 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgwBKyui-4EdHnrGExB4AaABAg.9O_1i6Mlbx29PAwV-AX3F6 --- Drink a glass of pyrethrin insecticide that organic farmers spray on their crops. ==== 4 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=Ugykgs212S1qGEfRMsN4AaABAg.9OFanWkbx2m9PAwnKClr6r --- There is no such thing as glyscophare. ==== 5 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgyKEAIEuMDmawzRpKJ4AaABAg.9NZUiWq_Vxc9PAx0y5hog4 --- [USER 554] Roller crimpers do not seem very effective, is that true? ==== 6 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgyKEAIEuMDmawzRpKJ4AaABAg.9NZUiWq_Vxc9XzzoLSE_Oe --- [USER 556] The roller crimper does not kill the roots and when weeds begin to choke the crop soil tillage will be necessary which defeats the purpose. ==== 7 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgzbcrlSclVEHXFBoFx4AaABAg.9HG_2eBfvlw9N-nqS0irgM --- [USER 558] True! ==== 8 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgzbcrlSclVEHXFBoFx4AaABAg.9HG_2eBfvlw9N-nwcupIl1 --- Farmers tilled to kill weeds and destroyed the soil. Old methods would starve half the world. ==== 9 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgxWYyrFc9WITMCJyy54AaABAg.9BWsrwzw7Ac9N-o8jugHPv --- Modern ag leads the way in no till. Organic farmers can't kill the cover crop without tilling. ==== 10 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgwWH7HDvKUXnWoZr-t4AaABAg.90dXaepFdNa9N-nlla7mWe --- Gotta kill the cover crop before planting the crop. How are you going to kill the cover crop without glyphosate unless you till it? ==== 11 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgwWH7HDvKUXnWoZr-t4AaABAg.90dXaepFdNa9PAucHm_w32 --- [USER 560] Not extremely effective [USER 559 NAME], not exactly gentle to the soil. ==== 12 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgwD8uKa771IlCbruMJ4AaABAg.8dcviTZwFy48pV0LdlF3B1 --- [USER 562] Glyphosate is ONLY 'poison' to weeds with the cellular shikimate pathway. No human or animal or insect has that. All foods are in fact monitored by the EPA and FDA for safe levels of pesticides. It is easy to avoid exceeding the safe daily maximum exposure limit of 1.3 parts per million, which itself has a 100X safety margin for error on the safe side. For example, you can eat foods every day of your life that contain 80 times the safe legal limits of glyphosate with no effect to your health. In reality the legal limits are rarely ever exceeded and when they are, it is only by a small percentage which is detected and recalled. ==== 13 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgwD8uKa771IlCbruMJ4AaABAg.8dcviTZwFy48pXTSCgOFuk --- [USER 562] A major blunder in your first sentence reveals just how poorly educated you are. Opinions never have any place in the topic of science. You completely ignored the fact that there are 63 different formulations of glyphosate herbicide in the US EACH WITH A DIFFERENT INGREDIENTS LIST. 700 formulations globally. To which of the 700 formulations to you refer? Even the defunct Monsanto still has 3 different formulations sold by Bayer in the US market. Which one?? Which one??????? They are all different. ==== 14 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgzJJdMBy-EKlnScv2B4AaABAg.8_Rpw558YV58pV0a7Ca0zJ --- [USER 564] In fact, the Roundup patent expired in 1999 and there are now 63 brands of glyphosate herbicide sold in the US, each with its own formulation. ==== 15 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgzJJdMBy-EKlnScv2B4AaABAg.8_Rpw558YV58pV0luZU-0e --- Roots of plants are not exposed to herbicide spraying. Monsanto no longer exists. There are 700 brands of glyphosate herbicides sold globally, China is the largest supplier. ==== 16 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=Ugy_-kxR1QwtOO17A8V4AaABAg.8ZrHfDmStgM8pV0yv7awn6 --- No. Only one corrupt organization claimed that but they were caught taking a $160,000 cash bribe from organic farmers. The IARC conducted no testing or research before claiming that low level cancer risk that no other legitimate scientific agency agrees with. ==== 17 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=Ugx5G3kezH-6m-gr6tx4AaABAg --- Italian farmers said enough is enough, they got the GMO bans removed. The number of remaining countries with bans, the idiotic cry of the idiots, is shrinking fast. "Well 39 countries ban gmos, err, 38, err 37, uhh, 35, or is it 32 or maybe 29? 26? Well as long as ONE country out of 196 ban GMO there HAS to be something bad about them!" NOT!!! https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2017/11/01/one-italian-corn-farmer-stood-anti-gmo-activists-government-won/ ==== 18 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=Ugx5G3kezH-6m-gr6tx4AaABAg.8ZUIgT9hBcK8p_RHAHEn9z --- Update - after Nigeria and Ghana ended their bans in December of 2018, the count is down to 31. ==== 19 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgxAEnO3K0QjY6VPVmt4AaABAg --- The Brits are already planting fields of GMO potatoes. The witch hunt will be over soon. https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2017/05/17/uk-approves-field-trial-gm-potatoes-resistant-blight-nematode/ ==== 20 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=Ugxy3_4WWE3z6Ca68B94AaABAg.8ZQl6gBM_jE8ZR0sqct7ru --- Wout's comment is the total bullshit. He will not admit that without glyphosate to clear the field before planting, a drastic heavy repeated plowing will be required. That will use a tremendous amount of fuel. The comparison is totally valid and plain as day if you are not an genetically illiterate conspiracy theorist like Wout. ==== 21 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=Ugxy3_4WWE3z6Ca68B94AaABAg.8ZQl6gBM_jE8ZRKKFrps5v --- That extra activity that requires more fuel is exactly what this video discusses. ==== 22 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=Ugy7oEub5Zz7CLvpS4l4AaABAg.8ZQWcmdl2De8ZR1RLuHT4P --- Nope. gyuuk can not post factual links of "huge yields". If it was possible, ALL farmers would do that to save their cost of fuel and pesticides. He is an activist liar who insults the intelligence of our hard working farmers. ==== 23 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=Ugyns2nB7HMI2BHiog94AaABAg.8ZJxH8nLW9q8ZR-ykQTDDE --- Wout misses the first point - all farming is invasive. The only natural state for land is virgin forest or grasslands or bogs. ==== 24 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=Ugyns2nB7HMI2BHiog94AaABAg.8ZJxH8nLW9q8ZUHgK-aDCA --- While the money angle is significant, the fact that NO studies were done before calling glyphosate a possible carcinogen is the main point. Science requires proof, not opinions. ==== 25 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgzX10uarzOYe0Iy8N14AaABAg.8ZFuH7q7zB68ZR-ZUpcdoA --- No, in permaculture much more diesel is burned to prepare the soil. You need to watch the video again. ==== 26 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgzX10uarzOYe0Iy8N14AaABAg.8ZFuH7q7zB68ZR2-00aCAG --- flo - if that was a superior method all farmers would use it. Many anti-science trolls adopt permaculture as their religion. There is no free lunch, either prepare the soil or get a smaller yield. ==== 27 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgxonyzHIxYCA7JfPV14AaABAg.8ZEbs2zsAts8ZR-6otr68U --- [USER 565] - Agreed, we don't need poisons, that is why it is so important to use glyphosate, the least toxic herbicide ever formulated. It is other pesticides and excess fertilizers, not glyphosate, that fouls water and kills fish with algae blooms. Since organic practices provide only 1% of all our foods, this is extremely important to the vast majority of farmers globally. Approved organic pesticides are much more nasty, the comment from peter above was not honest. He did not tell you abut the nasty list of approved 'natural' source pesticides permitted under the organic standard. They are much much worse than glyphosate: http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?c=ecfr&SID=9874504b6f1025eb0e6b67cadf9d3b40&rgn=div6&view=text&node=7: ==== 28 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgxonyzHIxYCA7JfPV14AaABAg.8ZEbs2zsAts8ZR-BWpIcPy --- OverJam, watch the video again, this time read his lips. ==== 29 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgxonyzHIxYCA7JfPV14AaABAg.8ZEbs2zsAts8ZR-Q29yYnH --- Peter failed to admit that "traces" are a meaningless word. The dose makes the poison. Glyphosate passes harmlessly out through our urine anyways. It does not bio-accumulate. Table salt is 43% more toxic to humans than glyphosate. ==== 30 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=09LjhYW0RRQ&lc=UgzmpQqK2jRPKdudJqZ4AaABAg.8ZBjgFx2JKM8ZR06cFyT6B --- You failed to post a good reason for your disagreement. How much diesel per acre will you use? ### Monsanto: The True Cost of Our Food - YouTube ### ==== 0 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxWGqRvROs8ExUghVB4AaABAg.9E-lA-zPnau9Hu_SFlSx5G --- [USER 567] Right on [USER 566 NAME]. ==== 1 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxWGqRvROs8ExUghVB4AaABAg.9E-lA-zPnau9Hu_W8pP6TH --- [USER 569] Exactly. The Schmeiz was a thief. ==== 2 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxWGqRvROs8ExUghVB4AaABAg.9E-lA-zPnau9Jg5whpYeSx --- [USER 571] No we cannot ban the pesticides that organic and non-organic farmers use, the world would starve. Pesticide residue levels on non-organic food are safe, no one knows what the residue levels are on organic food because the organic industry never tests for them. ==== 3 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxWGqRvROs8ExUghVB4AaABAg.9E-lA-zPnau9Nf2TSwgxyE --- [USER 394] Your post is false [USER 393 NAME]. Glyphosate is the safest herbicide farmers have ever used even Much safer than many of the highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use. Pesticides Organic growers use are absorbed into the plant and can not be washed off. Unlike many of the highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use over and over Glyphosate is used once 6 to 8 weeks before seed development begins. You make your self look ignorant with your post [USER 393 NAME]. ==== 4 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxWGqRvROs8ExUghVB4AaABAg.9E-lA-zPnau9RLaXA_LzoL --- [USER 573] What do you claim I was wrong about [USER 572]? I did NOT say the most toxic pesticides were organic if you paid attention. I said that many of the pesticides Organic growers use are highly toxic and more toxic than Glyphosate. If you held a masters in pesticides you should know that is correct. The Organic industry CAN and DO use a totally different set of fertilizers and pesticides without any oversight and they can use as much as they wish and as often as they wish. I will copy and paste this for you also if you do not understand it. ==== 5 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxWGqRvROs8ExUghVB4AaABAg.9E-lA-zPnau9RQxuT8SKWY --- [USER 394] His lies are not positive feedback. ==== 6 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxWGqRvROs8ExUghVB4AaABAg.9E-lA-zPnau9RZ3yLrylDb --- [USER 394] Like I said using a desiccant is very very rarely done because it cost to much and you can only gain a day or two in being able to start harvest. Be thankful if it is done [USER 393 NAME] that they choose Glyphosate instead of another herbicide. ==== 7 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgzdPI32k5wx5VoiKnx4AaABAg.9E4IVPw53bQ9HYjDgz5P9B --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis? They are FREE to do so if they wished. Nice to see a Russian who cares about what goes on in America. ==== 8 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgyOMwjKu1ceQTU4ugp4AaABAg.9E1sKXe4E3Q9HuZRmBTHfd --- And has nothing to do with Monsanto or gmo's. ==== 9 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgwsZF4jlkWAKbgcuU54AaABAg.9E1Z--Rp_vz9HuZJBscS6J --- [USER 73] Meantime, the Rat Lawyers who attack safe products like glyphosate for a living make a killing. ==== 10 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=Ugyr7BpNk6wCF5uE16B4AaABAg.9P-IFxr6Flv9PGA-9g_wQ1 --- Oh the audacity of Bayer to advertise a safe product. ==== 11 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgwDjbKSkVoL1b6bvt14AaABAg.9NZfg0WbpD_9OFjHvTXmwL --- Right!! Organic is merely a marketing scam. It's not safer, not healthier, not pesticide free, and not better for the environment. ==== 12 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxlJhrL5Rv0TwqouPt4AaABAg.9PS4oS054wc9PemyoPAMuE --- GM cotton in Burkina Fasau was unsuccessful because it was not backcrossed into local varieties enough. GM cotton is successful around the world. Regards. ==== 13 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgwwM8Lx_Av9TpLfg1t4AaABAg.9KEMmWDDu0P9KvUoSnl1XA --- Chuck, this might help. Not a single pesticide regulator or agency in the world has found glyphosate to be a carcinogen. Also, not a single OECD 452 or 453 compliant study has found any harm at all of any type below the NOAEL. Our exposure to glyphosate is many times below the RfD and below the ADI. Regards. ==== 14 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxNhnotI8lAxCijsCd4AaABAg.9E9jeJoXZIc9GKJSjlPrq6 --- [USER 394] Your post is False. Roundup (Glyphosate) is known as a non-selective herbicide and considered to be fairly harmless to the environment, food sources and animal life. It works on most persistent weeds and its main active ingredient is glyphosate. Glyphosate is an acid but for the application in Roundup it is presented as its potassium salt. The amount in the solution is 5.5 lbs. per gallon. Roundup is a post-emergent herbicide, which means you apply it when the weed is growing. The glyphosate targets the EPSP synthase, a key enzyme plants need to make amino acids, a crucial building block of their cells. Without the ability to make amino acids, the plant cells starve to death. The herbicide penetrates foliar structures, such as leaves, but does not penetrate woody stems or trunks, which makes it safe to spray around trees. Glyphosate quickly breaks down into naturally occurring carbon dioxide and nitrogen, rendering it harmless. ==== 15 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgzLUAIOdxE7DZMg2VN4AaABAg.9PiRGHWbp_F9QnI3sAsvyW --- It was not mentioned because that is False and there are NO self destructing seeds. ==== 16 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxCSDfj-m1Xw1YFQG54AaABAg.9NwHGlvvW489OFiiFwbsGI --- That's right, the Zhang paper is bunk and cherry picked info and diluted the results of the long running, mega study called the Agricultural Health Study. ==== 17 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxyuU9eAXECWSQjbSN4AaABAg.9EPBIuar1i59GKIPAdbqcN --- [USER 575] Bayer bought out Monsanto three and half years ago. Monsanto does not exist today. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling Glyphosate(Roundup) ==== 18 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxgBA-NWaciQLXyK5x4AaABAg.9Ece_pBmVvD9GJ1FmQXwnx --- [USER 73] NO FOOD-SAFETY SCIENCE INSTITUTIONS or COUNTRY has FELT the NEED to and has NEVER RATIFIED, NEVER EMBRACED, NEVER ADHERED TO the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ,DO HUMAN TESTING For GMO technology and Organic foods that are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis? They are FREE to do so if they wished. Nice to see a Russian who cares about what goes on in America. Americans are free to choose the food they want. ==== 19 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxgBA-NWaciQLXyK5x4AaABAg.9Ece_pBmVvD9GJ5EEPMuKK --- [USER 73] To save 50 billion in lawyer fees. .There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling Glyphosate(Roundup). The IARC which a division of the World Health Organization which is what you are talking about said in March of 2015 that Glyphosate was probably a carcinogenic. They also said that beer, coffee, cell phones, aloe vera, pickled vegetables, fried chicken, and sunlight were also probably carcinogenic. They agreed that Glyphosate is the safest herbicides that farmers have ever used. In fact the LD 50 number which is the ratings used all the world to measure toxicity with the HIGHER the number the LOWER the toxicity. To show how low a toxicity Glyphosate has here are some examples. Nicotine 9 caffeine 192 Tylenol 338 Codeine 427 2-4-D 665 OFF for mosquitoes 1014 Table salt 3000 Vinegar 3300 Baking Soda 4220 Roundup(Glyphosate) 5600. Out of many many many herbicides that farmers can use on gmo crops GLYPHOSATE is by far the SAFEST of them ALL. Can you name one herbicide that is safer than GLYPHOSATE? Glyphosate is even safer than many of the pesticides that Organic growers use. Glyphosate is applied at specific rate and no more just like all the other herbicides that Farmers use. ==== 20 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxgBA-NWaciQLXyK5x4AaABAg.9Ece_pBmVvD9GKD57gadW9 --- [USER 73] Your post is ignorant and makes no sense. They will either except the offer or get nothing. Glyphosate will be around for years to come. Farmers would not use it if there was a hint of evidence that it caused cancer. Glyphosate is one of the most popular herbicides that farmers freely choose because of it's pure safety. ==== 21 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxgBA-NWaciQLXyK5x4AaABAg.9Ece_pBmVvD9GLHuzkm1cx --- [USER 73] ALL herbicides and even pesticides Organic growers use adjuvants. Even Roundup when it was on the market for the first few years was just just Glyphosate without an adjuvant in it. You then decided which one you wanted to use with it. Many farmers buy generic glyphosate and choose which adjuvant to use with it because it is much cheaper and there are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling glyphosate and adjuvants. Roundup(Glyphosate) been proven not to cause cancer and a big reason farmers freely choose it to use. Your post continues to show just how clueless you are on this subject Almost. Glyphosate(Roundup) Is the only herbicide you can name out of the many many many many farmers could choose from. Your ignorance is pitiful Almost. https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/nhl.html ==== 22 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxgBA-NWaciQLXyK5x4AaABAg.9Ece_pBmVvD9GLKQXnqz9B --- [USER 73] It has been proven That Glyphosate(Roundup) does not cause cancer and every farmer knows it. The IARC which a division of the World Health Organization which is what you are talking about said in March of 2015 that Glyphosate was probably a carcinogenic. They also said that beer, coffee, cell phones, aloe vera, pickled vegetables, fried chicken, and sunlight were also probably carcinogenic. They agreed that Glyphosate is the safest herbicides that farmers have ever used. In fact the LD 50 number which is the ratings used all the world to measure toxicity with the HIGHER the number the LOWER the toxicity. To show how low a toxicity Glyphosate has here are some examples. Nicotine 9 caffeine 192 Tylenol 338 Codeine 427 2-4-D 665 OFF for mosquitoes 1014 Table salt 3000 Vinegar 3300 Baking Soda 4220 Roundup(Glyphosate) 5600. Out of many many many herbicides that farmers can use on gmo crops GLYPHOSATE is by far the SAFEST of them ALL. Can you name one herbicide that is safer than GLYPHOSATE? Glyphosate is even safer than many of the pesticides that Organic growers use. Glyphosate is applied at specific rate and no more just like all the other herbicides that Farmers use. https://academic.oup.com/jnci/article/110/5/509/4590280 ==== 23 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxgBA-NWaciQLXyK5x4AaABAg.9Ece_pBmVvD9GLNDMtD69k --- [USER 73] I am glad you finally got the message that Glyphosate(Roundup)is by far the safest herbicide farmers have ever used even much safer than many of the highly toxic pesticides organic growers use. you finally learning Almost. There are many many many herbicides farmers like me could choose to use and if you think there is one of them that might be safer than glyphosate(Roundup) please don't be bashful and let me know. ==== 24 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxgBA-NWaciQLXyK5x4AaABAg.9Ece_pBmVvD9GLPPcCCr-S --- [USER 73] All herbicides are labeled and always have been. I am glad Russia can afford to pay you shill dollars for telling lies and spreading misinformation. You are good at your shill job Almost. Thank You once again for agreeing that Glyphosate(Roundup) is by far the safest herbicide of them all. ==== 25 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxgBA-NWaciQLXyK5x4AaABAg.9Ece_pBmVvD9GLgf-ayLkm --- [USER 73] Please try to learn how to read Almost. All herbicides are labeled and always have been. I am glad Russia can afford to pay you shill dollars for telling lies and spreading misinformation. You are good at your shill job Almost. Thank You once again for agreeing that Glyphosate(Roundup) is by far the safest herbicide of them all. ==== 26 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxgBA-NWaciQLXyK5x4AaABAg.9Ece_pBmVvD9GNb9jeKccY --- [USER 73] That is correct All herbicides are labeled and always have been. I am glad Russia can afford to pay you shill dollars for telling lies and spreading misinformation. You are expanding your lies and misinformation on a daily basis. Putin should give you a pay raise for your shilling efforts. You are good at your shill job Almost. Thank You once again for agreeing that Glyphosate(Roundup) is by far the safest herbicide of them all. ==== 27 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxgBA-NWaciQLXyK5x4AaABAg.9Ece_pBmVvD9GPUdeg2Ioe --- [USER 73] That is correct Glyphosate(Roundup) does NOT cause cancer and is the safest Herbicide farmers have ever used. The IARC which a division of the World Health Organization which is what you are talking about said in March of 2015 that Glyphosate was probably a carcinogenic. They also said that beer, coffee, cell phones, aloe vera, pickled vegetables, fried chicken, and sunlight were also probably carcinogenic. They agreed that Glyphosate is the safest herbicides that farmers have ever used. In fact the LD 50 number which is the ratings used all the world to measure toxicity with the HIGHER the number the LOWER the toxicity. To show how low a toxicity Glyphosate has here are some examples. Nicotine 9 caffeine 192 Tylenol 338 Codeine 427 2-4-D 665 OFF for mosquitoes 1014 Table salt 3000 Vinegar 3300 Baking Soda 4220 Roundup(Glyphosate) 5600. Out of many many many herbicides that farmers can use on gmo crops GLYPHOSATE is by far the SAFEST of them ALL. Can you name one herbicide that is safer than GLYPHOSATE? Glyphosate is even safer than many of the pesticides that Organic growers use. Glyphosate is applied at specific rate and no more just like all the other herbicides that Farmers use. ==== 28 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxpxKctIKiLhgRXKjF4AaABAg.9PFPuOKMsrG9PO3aY4PoNM --- He would not drink a glass of many of the pesticides Organic growers use for fear of dying Darth. ==== 29 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxpxKctIKiLhgRXKjF4AaABAg.9PFPuOKMsrG9POsYz9SL2S --- Backing down was wise Darth. ==== 30 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxpxKctIKiLhgRXKjF4AaABAg.9PFPuOKMsrG9PenozZEgj3 --- Run Darth run. ==== 31 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgygsC_hVQUeuwMZPqp4AaABAg.9LgTkyyIzOz9MKxCZYGAvD --- Just bough some as a move in gift for my daughter's new house. ==== 32 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgygsC_hVQUeuwMZPqp4AaABAg.9LgTkyyIzOz9MSVP5jsxcC --- [USER 577] No, that wasn't included as glyphosate does not cause any type of cancer. ==== 33 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgygsC_hVQUeuwMZPqp4AaABAg.9LgTkyyIzOz9MSyVAHRFGF --- [USER 577] That's right. The Rat Lawyers used the jury system to extort money from Bayer by using unqualified people selected at random from the population to decide complicated science questions. They ginned up corporate hatred and sympathy for the plaintiffs to squeeze billions out of Bayer for a product that does not cause cancer. ==== 34 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgygsC_hVQUeuwMZPqp4AaABAg.9LgTkyyIzOz9PO4qv4ssRq --- [USER 579] Who cares as long as his posts are factual which they are. Is anyone paying you? ==== 35 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgygsC_hVQUeuwMZPqp4AaABAg.9LgTkyyIzOz9POBY3xjMnY --- [USER 579] I was never asked!!! I am a 71 year old farmer born and raised on the farm and have been a farmer all my life will ALL my income always coming from the farm. Now tell me what do you do for living? I have not attacked you but asked you a couple simple questions. Can you answer them? ==== 36 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgygsC_hVQUeuwMZPqp4AaABAg.9LgTkyyIzOz9POEDkWt7z- --- [USER 579] What chemicals are killing everything? What problems needs admitted to Phoenix? ==== 37 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=Ugyj3uuo2nH6mpZwTeR4AaABAg.9NKMBek4Vwt9NO7ZCSBNFH --- We have had patented seed for 51 years both non gmo and gmo. He signed a legal agreement not to save patented seed if he got them legally. ==== 38 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=Ugyj3uuo2nH6mpZwTeR4AaABAg.9NKMBek4Vwt9NPQLqtz0Y5 --- [USER 581] He illegally saved patented seed from his neighbors and cultivated them until he had enough to plant his whole crop. That is against the law and he knew it. If you do not like it then change the law until then the law needs to be obeyed by everyone. ==== 39 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=Ugyj3uuo2nH6mpZwTeR4AaABAg.9NKMBek4Vwt9OFjzUtR__o --- [USER 581] No, there was no breeding with his heritage canola, he knowingly, illegally saved GM canola over two years and planted 1,000 acres of stolen GM canola the third growing season. ==== 40 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=Ugyj3uuo2nH6mpZwTeR4AaABAg.9NKMBek4Vwt9OGYc7e33Dq --- [USER 581] No, it was absolutely not mixed bred. He selected for the GM canola [USER 580 NAME]. Since you do not know what selected for means, it means that he sprayed roundup on the canola and the plants that didn't die meant they were GM. He saved those seeds and kept planting them until in the third growing season he had enough for 1,000 acres of GM canola. The Schmuckster was a thief who stole property and tried to get away with it. ==== 41 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgyuE08VmLZTkXbBhJZ4AaABAg.9O5T2VS05iH9OFg63XCyuF --- It's true. Not a single pesticide regulator or agency in the world has found it to be a carcinogen. ==== 42 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgwvT41DNurN5X49vhR4AaABAg.9NeWRjEJVGP9OFj5yZNu8e --- Relax Trash, our food is safe. ==== 43 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=Ugxc1M2x2YOhN_oQR5t4AaABAg.9NuX6PA677d9NzmaRlsmsi --- Monsanto was bought out 4 years ago and does not exist. Your own ignorance on this subject should make you nervous Rob. ==== 44 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxngFXtwDAXOdqiC8B4AaABAg.9Pur4a8Ajf_9RAH6sLC8bU --- Yes, They produced Glyphosate which is by far the safest herbicide farmers have ever used even much safer than many of the highly toxic pesticides Organic growers use. ==== 45 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxngFXtwDAXOdqiC8B4AaABAg.9Pur4a8Ajf_9RBCsTHcrDm --- [USER 583] Out of the many many many many many different herbicides a farmer could choose to use can YOU name one that is safer than Glyphosate? ==== 46 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxngFXtwDAXOdqiC8B4AaABAg.9Pur4a8Ajf_9RD02n1xmKw --- [USER 583] The LD50 of neem is 5000. Much more toxic than Glyphosate. ==== 47 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgwjaLU00vTdQNbf-jR4AaABAg.9NchW2HZ1xN9OFj91By46x --- That's right, it's safe. ==== 48 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgwK_4Ri8lnxKCDPqpZ4AaABAg.9K3KKnEFrmU9KvVeyqsw_E --- Monsanto does not exist. ==== 49 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgwdjtxeSt8zXOK6EXZ4AaABAg.9PZpvlIr7Nn9PiBbRTzBhH --- Nope, blubbering nonsense. ==== 50 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=Ugx7-p5eFBqluRlXzUt4AaABAg.9Kq_Kim_i9H9KvUNIpx-vh --- Monsanto doesn't exist. ==== 51 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgyHhXk830RzRlaeY3h4AaABAg.9EHDIRo58Lu9GKIzuReUEj --- Zen Honeycutt has been known for the garbage she puts out. GMO technology crops have shown to have more nutrition and thus why it is grown and used all over the world. ==== 52 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgyHhXk830RzRlaeY3h4AaABAg.9EHDIRo58Lu9GKKC5qG6-c --- [USER 394] May have mercy on yours and Zens soul for telling lies and spreading misinformation. ==== 53 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgwF_K9y7bU9VHPcpOp4AaABAg.9OGf3Uob-t89PenuQmBFo8 --- That's good, roundup is a safe product. ==== 54 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgzMpaJwU2T_P-iMucp4AaABAg --- A blubbering nonsense video. ==== 55 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxxulpV7AE7g7Ara-94AaABAg.9HUukrrUg-J9HYiJH3mU7g --- Agriculture is Agriculture your industrial part shows your ignorance on this subject Eric. ==== 56 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxxulpV7AE7g7Ara-94AaABAg.9HUukrrUg-J9H_cN32YgJy --- [USER 585] You go search it for I know all about Glyphosate. Monsanto's patent on Glyphosate ran out in 1999 and there are many companies even Foreign companies producing and selling Glyphosate the safest herbicide ever used. Monsanto was bought out four years ago and does NOT exist today. GMO technology is used in many many things today even to cure cancer. ==== 57 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxxulpV7AE7g7Ara-94AaABAg.9HUukrrUg-J9HuaHHvlHO5 --- [USER 585] If you do not support crop biotechnology for food purposes then you are anti-gmo. Tell us please what is wrong with GMO papaya? ==== 58 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxxulpV7AE7g7Ara-94AaABAg.9HUukrrUg-J9HusNUwOhcN --- [USER 585] Ok, then why do you oppose GMO papaya as food? ==== 59 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxxulpV7AE7g7Ara-94AaABAg.9HUukrrUg-J9HvC6C5On8I --- [USER 585] Your claim was clear and my responses were clear yet you evade your claim that you oppose GMO as food. ==== 60 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c2bcSUMtNQ&lc=UgxxulpV7AE7g7Ara-94AaABAg.9HUukrrUg-J9I1KMOWqmp- --- [USER 585] Can you not read your own all caps writing [USER 584 NAME]. Here is your claim word for word that you oppose GM crops for food purposes: "I AM NOT ANTI GMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I STILL SUPPORT GMOS FOR NON FOOD PURPOSES". So please explain why you oppose GMO papaya. ### Monsanto - Patent For a Pig (2006) - YouTube ### ==== 0 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNvWia3dYCE&lc=UgjAcK_A3ULQRHgCoAEC.8OT0LNBSULm8UlE0vY7ro- --- It is how you protect your expenses in the breeding program. Without patents many achievements would never have been made. ==== 1 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNvWia3dYCE&lc=Ugg2rRpeXan9z3gCoAEC --- All readers - review this google search link to understand how patents on farm animals are used globally and why: https://www.google.com/search?q=patented+farm+animals&oq=patented+farm+animals&aqs=chrome..69i57.6069j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 ### Why farmers don't want Bt brinjal? - YouTube ### ==== 0 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=toXxaiGQwwE&lc=UgxduQN94Qz6xEc5Zpl4AaABAg --- This video is 8 years old, obsolete. Bt Bringal is a success. ### Ganesh Nanote on Bt Cotton farming in India - YouTube ### ==== 0 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgxK3qo3nQhv1f2NGTd4AaABAg --- Mr David Zaruk - you have another troll attack to clean up. ==== 1 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgyiA_lIgJpeDkkc3KJ4AaABAg.9Gk9vXsS2LE9GoyEpZppLy --- If you love it so much, why don’t you marry it? Who doesn’t remember this ridiculous line from their childhood? The schoolyard taunt was directed at a whole array of things that one might be inclined to defend – best friends, the teacher, or your favorite color crayon. Normally, or hopefully, most people grow out of such childish taunts when they reach an adult age and start to mature. .... Most people, but not anti-GMO morons. Apparently that isn’t necessarily true for anti-GMO activists and, unfortunately, one interviewer used such a taunt against a respected scientist while he was attempting to promote Golden Rice. The now infamous YouTube video shows a short clip of an interview with Dr. Patrick Moore, where he states that glyphosate does not cause cancer and that you could drink a quart of it without it hurting you. The interviewer then mocks Dr. Moore by offering him a glass of glyphosate to drink. Realizing the interview is a sham, Dr. Moore ends the interview and walks off camera. The video clip launched the attack by anti-GMO activists of Dr. Moore and anyone supporting genetic modification – if glyphosate is so safe, then why don’t you drink it? Naturally, activists also alleged that Dr. Moore was a paid Monsanto lobbyist. https://www.thefarmersdaughterusa.com/2015/03/throwback-to-childhood-if-glyphosate-is-so-safe-then-why-dont-you-drink-it.html ==== 2 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgyiA_lIgJpeDkkc3KJ4AaABAg.9Gk9vXsS2LE9IkQkeS2R7T --- [USER 587] [USER 588] home page is blank with NO subscribers after 3 years. Gee I wonder why. RED FLAG ACCOUNT! All readers - When seeing nasty false conspiracy theories being posted in the comments about GMO crop science, go to the channel page of the offender. If their channel page is blank that raises a red flag for a troll attack from professional propaganda trolls. US congress has declared social media a threat to national security. This is the front line of a malicious propaganda war. Whether they be organic lobbyists, Greenpeace operatives or Russian, Chinese or Iranian trolls, the goal is the same - an all out attack on US agriculture. Readers - don't let liars with secret agendas influence your thinking. If you actually want to learn about GMO crop science, Youtube is a horrible choice for information. Go to ground zero for unbiased factual information about genetics, the non-profit GeneticLiteracyProject.org education site. ==== 3 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgyiA_lIgJpeDkkc3KJ4AaABAg.9Gk9vXsS2LE9JWqVwhleOX --- [USER 587] I had your number before the first time you ever heard of GMO crop science. "The shill gambit is a type of ad hominem or poisoning the well logical fallacy, wherein one party dismisses the other’s argument by proclaiming them to be on the payroll of some company. Sometimes known as the Big Pharma Shill Gambit or the Monsanto Shill Gambit. The shill gambit is used fallaciously when the only “evidence” given of such a connection to a big company or government is the endorsement of the position of the government or company, without any other evidence–the implication is that they provide that endorsement only because they receive some sort of compensation from the company or other agency. On the other hand when such conflict of interest is both demonstrated by verifiable evidence and can be shown to interfere with a person’s judgement of the evidence, then it’s no longer a logical fallacy. Example - Clearly, anything the writer says about pharmaceuticals or GMOs can be dismissed because, even though I can’t prove it, they are obviously being paid by Monsanto and Big Pharma to spread the lies." This despite the fact that Monsanto shut down forever in 2017!!! https://www.skepticalraptor.com/skepticalraptorblog.php/logical-fallacies/shill-gambit-logical-fallacies/ ==== 4 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgxhPPNncE8SW6fc5cJ4AaABAg.9Gk9bEo_LMW9IJJZXI50tc --- The last word - the settlement is paid without any admission of any wrong doing of any kind on the part of Bayer. It merely gets the blood sucking lawyers off Bayer's back. ZERO evidence of any kind was presented in a court of law that proved a cancer connection. ==== 5 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzPvRg2bDkSLcRWIRd4AaABAg.9Gk832_lmyE9Goxeq7kNGm --- I openly admit I know nothing except how to do a search that is free of confirmation bias. Personal opinions are not evidence. Science topic debates are never pissing contests, they are won by those with the most verifiable unbiased citations. This is why you will always lose 100% of the time you challenge me. GMO 20-year safety endorsement: 280 science institutions, more than 3,000 studies "Currently, there is a social and political controversy about the safety of foods produced from genetically modified (GM) crops. However, in the scientific community, there is no dispute or controversy regarding the safety of these crops. To date, more than 3,000 scientific studies [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] have assessed the safety of these crops in terms of human health and environmental impact. These studies together with several reviews performed on a case-by-case from regulatory agencies around the world have enabled a solid and clear scientific consensus: GM crops have no more risk than those that have been developed by conventional breeding techniques. In addition, there is also extensive literature that compiles the socioeconomic and environmental benefits that transgenic crops have reported in two decades of commercialization [9,10]. This document brings together the public statements of technical and scientific institutions that adhere to this consensus. I made an update based on this document from ChileBio that initially included 40 official documents representing about 190 institutions – the document from ChileBio was subsequently updated in 2017 with the institutions and statements attached here. The update shows that 284 technical and scientific institutions recognize the safety of GM crops and their potential benefits. Interestingly a large part of these institutions are located in Europe, the continent that has put more obstacles to the commercialization of these crops. On the other hand, the countries with most organizations in favor of GM crops are United Kingdom (33), United States (25), Italy (23), Spain (16) and Germany (11). In conclusion, 284 technical and scientific institutions recognize that GM crops are not riskier than those produced by conventional breeding, and/or the potential benefits of these crops." https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2017/06/19/gmo-20-year-safety-endorsement-280-science-institutions-more-3000-studies/ ==== 6 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzvI-FXh-hbv3E7qB94AaABAg --- For the record, global hunger has been cut in half in the last 50 years. It continues to drop as we get better at increasing production with the same land area thanks to use of fertilizer, farm machinery and modern crop science. Our rate of population growth continues to decelerate. GMO crop science is half way to obsolescence already as CRISPR gene editing enters its 7th year. There will be something even better after that. Only Luddites will starve. ==== 7 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=Ugxb834mu2R8GTl7-dl4AaABAg --- Risk-Monger channel - thanks for this very good documentary of the positive benefits of GMO crops. This is a thorn in the side of anti-biotech activists everywhere. Most of them are indirectly or directly funded by the organic foods cartel propaganda campaign and the rest did not even know about the 33 year long assault on modern farming by the cartel. They have no cogent refutations to the fact that GMO crop science is taking over globally so they resort to the shill gambit and some are so hateful and desperate they try to dox me. Organic industry tyranny for 33 years and counting: "Although GMOs are regarded as safe as their conventional counterparts by every major food safety authority in the world, the organic industry spends nearly $3 billion a year through over 330 different organizations leading with fear and “information spin” as an industry to sell their products. By creating an unfounded fear that requires tighter regulations on GMO crops, they are hoping to force them out of the food supply, thereby creating a bigger market share to sell more products in their more than $65 billion wheelhouse. The unfortunate consequence of these [non-GMO] labels is that the food companies and lobbyists tend to create an unnecessary “us vs. them” divide. When food companies use fear against competitors to sell a product, farmers take it personally." https://www.agdaily.com/insights/farm-babe-label-trends-end/ Now why do you suppose organic food is so expensive?? Imagine what 3 billion dollars could do for humanitarian goals - end a different disease forever every year.... End all hunger in at least one country...... Funding nasty propaganda? Really?? ==== 8 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=Ugxb834mu2R8GTl7-dl4AaABAg.9C1YL811VRG9C1YS9t1Gqq --- Youtube harassment and doxing ticket number 4LSADDX2WWBXYQ5W3LMPDVBYIY Evidence cut and pasted into the complaint form where the asshole can not remove it. ==== 9 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=Ugxb834mu2R8GTl7-dl4AaABAg.9C1YL811VRG9GkCkK2iydq --- [USER 590] European Union green lights imports of eight GMO crops European Commission | December 6, 2019 "[Nov. 28], the [European] Commission authorized eight Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), all for food/feed uses (maize MZHG0JG, maize MON 89034 x 1507 x NK603 x DAS-40278-9, maize MON 89034 x 1507 x MON 88017 x 59122 x DAS-40278-9, maize Bt11 x MIR162 x MIR604 x 1507 x 5307 x GA21, the renewals of soybean MON 89788 and of soybean A2704-12, the renewal of cotton LLCotton25, and the renewal of oilseed rape T45). All of these Genetically Modified Organisms have gone through a comprehensive authorization procedure, including a favorable scientific assessment by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The authorization decisions do not cover cultivation." https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2019/12/06/european-union-green-lights-imports-of-eight-gmo-crops/ ==== 10 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=Ugxb834mu2R8GTl7-dl4AaABAg.9C1YL811VRG9GkCo_mFmPJ --- [USER 590] After illegal seed planting in 2019, Indian farmers again demand access to GMO herbicide-tolerant cotton Cotton growers in Maharashtra are once again demanding permission to sow seeds of herbicide tolerant (Ht) genetically modified (GM) cotton. Former minister of state for agriculture Sudabhau Khot, while speaking to The Indian Express, expressed support for this demand. Last year in June, the district collectorate of Akola had lodged [complaints] against farmer organizations who had carried out a civil disobedience movement and taken up sowing of non-approved variants. India …. has permitted just one GM crop-BT cotton. This variant was permitted for commercial release in 2002 by the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC). Weeding has become a major issue for cotton growers, both due to the cost as well as the labor involved. In Maharashtra, growers said they end up paying as much as Rs 10,000 per acre for the process. With agriculture labor increasingly becoming spare, farmers have been surreptitiously sowing Ht Bt Cotton, relying on seed smuggled from neighboring states." https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2020/06/03/after-illegal-seed-planting-in-2019-indian-farmers-again-demand-access-to-gmo-herbicide-tolerant-cotton/ ==== 11 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=Ugxb834mu2R8GTl7-dl4AaABAg.9C1YL811VRG9GkD3pEZMCF --- [USER 590] Farmers in Paraguay see major yield increases with GMO corn, despite degraded soil "10 years ago, a group of 14 peasant farmers in the San Juan Nepomuceno region of Caazapá took the challenge of ensuring their livelihoods through the use of biotechnology, according to a report from the Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (Inbio). Caazapá is a region with many riches, but in some areas its soils are very degraded. A group of producers is achieving success through work, permanent technical assistance, the introduction of sustainable practices and the correct use of biotechnology, with the support of the Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (INBIO), reported Fabio Vega, extension specialist with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG). “When we started, [farmer] Don Trifón Ruiz Díaz had a yield of tupi pytá corn of 800 kilograms per hectare, his cotton was around 680 kilograms per hectare, and chipá corn at 700 kilograms per hectare, in a highly degraded soil,” [Vega] recalled. Díaz stressed that farmers were taught the correct use of biotechnology. “We learned about the varieties and their management, through which we were able to achieve better results …. [in 2019], when we had optimal weather conditions, we achieved significant yields,” said the producer. On that occasion, [Díaz ] corn yielded 7,000 kilograms per hectare; cotton, 2,970 kilograms per hectare." https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2020/06/05/farmers-in-paraguay-see-major-yield-increases-with-gmo-corn-despite-degraded-soil/ ==== 12 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=Ugxb834mu2R8GTl7-dl4AaABAg.9C1YL811VRG9GkD9XP1D3F --- [USER 590] Why grow GMOs? Because plants don’t naturally evolve into food fit for humans Greg Bryan | ZeaKal | August 10, 2020 "Crop improvement has a history as old as human civilization. At its core is a strategy to pursue greater genetic diversity: conferring plants with new desirable traits or characteristics (which often runs counter to how plants are programmed to be competitive in the wild). The oldest form of crop improvement is plant breeding, where breeders look for desirable qualities (yield, composition, resistance to pests/diseases) in different, but compatible plants of the same species and bring them together. Breakthrough innovations including mutagenesis, hybridization and genetic modification offered further improvements overlaid on the steady gains made from breeding. To reach a new plateau with our modern plant cultivars, we have to give plants new tools beyond the code that is in their genomes today. It bears repeating that plants evolved for survival and not human benefit. We as humans want seeds and grain that have maximum yield, are more nutritious and can thrive in adverse conditions. However, the ancestral relative of a modern crop did not grow in a cultivated setting. It was programmed to ensure its survival across the broadest set of scenarios. There was no selective force to improve its seed yields beyond what it needs for reproduction. Grain or seed composition was historically not about human nutrition but seed viability." https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2020/08/10/why-grow-gmos-because-plants-dont-naturally-evolve-into-food-fit-for-humans/ ==== 13 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=Ugxtz_zKNpEbdh-evc14AaABAg --- "The US Food and Drug Administration [in conjunction with Texas A&M] announced this month that a genetically modified cottonseed has been green-lighted for human consumption. Researchers engineered the cotton plants to block the activity of the gene for an enzyme called δ-cadinene synthase in their seeds, which in turn prevents the seeds from making a toxin called gossypol. The plant had already been deregulated by the US Department of Agriculture last year. One [hurdle] was finding the right gene silencing technology. Gossypol is important for the cotton plant, in the sense that it protects the plant from insect attack and some diseases. But . . . because of [the gossypol] we cannot utilize the seed. So one thing was to find a gene that we can silence, that will then eliminate this gossypol only from the seed. Our cotton farmers in the US want this technology yesterday. Our hope is that, with this expanded use, in time the value of their crop will go up, because right now, cotton farmers don’t really get much money for their seed—they just grow cotton mainly for the fiber." https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/the-long-road-to-edible-cottonseed-66560 ==== 14 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgwBvo95FO8AV6X_ml14AaABAg --- Soon Ganesh will have a new GMO cotton to plant that has edible seeds in addition to pest resistance. This is a VERY BIG DEAL as every pound of cotton fiber produces 1.6 pounds of seeds that are only suitable for cattle feed because of the natural toxic repellent gossypol produced by all cotton plants until now. When the entire world switches to GMO Bt edible seeds this will literally DOUBLE the amount of protein available from farm crop output! The seeds make a delicious hummus. ==== 15 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzYiQu31U7hATsb_a94AaABAg.902JqOoTDDZ9Bwq7MDOo5E --- Not even one human or animal has ever died from wholesome fully tested GMO foods. No proof exists. No coroner reports, no autopsies, no piles of corpses. But people have died from E-coli in organic foods. ==== 16 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzYiQu31U7hATsb_a94AaABAg.902JqOoTDDZ9GkBKU8cou0 --- [USER 590] If you are really so childish you have to see it, this video shows a man drinking it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8sgEhpHM4k If you love it so much, why don’t you marry it? Who doesn’t remember this ridiculous line from their childhood? The schoolyard taunt was directed at a whole array of things that one might be inclined to defend – best friends, the teacher, or your favorite color crayon. Normally, or hopefully, most people grow out of such childish taunts when they reach an adult age and start to mature. .... Most people, but not anti-GMO morons. Apparently that isn’t necessarily true for anti-GMO activists and, unfortunately, one interviewer used such a taunt against a respected scientist while he was attempting to promote Golden Rice. The now infamous YouTube video shows a short clip of an interview with Dr. Patrick Moore, where he states that glyphosate does not cause cancer and that you could drink a quart of it without it hurting you. The interviewer then mocks Dr. Moore by offering him a glass of glyphosate to drink. Realizing the interview is a sham, Dr. Moore ends the interview and walks off camera. The video clip launched the attack by anti-GMO activists of Dr. Moore and anyone supporting genetic modification – if glyphosate is so safe, then why don’t you drink it? Naturally, activists also alleged that Dr. Moore was a paid Monsanto lobbyist. https://www.thefarmersdaughterusa.com/2015/03/throwback-to-childhood-if-glyphosate-is-so-safe-then-why-dont-you-drink-it.html ==== 17 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzYiQu31U7hATsb_a94AaABAg.902JqOoTDDZ9c-JOhoS6bZ --- [USER 592] Taste is strictly developed by one thing only - picking at peak ripeness after a good growing season with the right amount of water and sun and fertilizer. Taste is identical with organic and GMO crops grown side by side on the same farm unless one of them are picked early so they won't rot on the way to market. But the organic ones will have insect damage and a smaller size without the great weed control and insect resistance of GMO farming. Organic crops can be contaminated by e-coli bacteria because they use liquid shit for fertilizer. Most deaths in the USA are caused by e-coli poisoning on organic crops. ==== 18 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid78utwe1EpI4s --- [USER 594] --Not at all a low rent reply. What was low rent was you accusing me of being bribed. If you want to bring the subject back to the issues you claimed we can do that if you wish. ==== 19 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid78uuDmXmvq-p --- [USER 594] --You would do well to read Joel Salatin. As for [USER 595] his concerns are not valid whatsoever, they are phony blastings from organic screamer sites that you folks worship and believe at. You would do even better to venture outside of your own church and read about the great technology of biotechnology and the safe pesticides they use. Again I remind you that I mocked [USER 595]'s 12th century science for free. ==== 20 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid78uvAGTXxdFg --- [USER 594] --No, you worship at the organic screamer sites that falsely accuse a safe product. ==== 21 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid79BwqS_9OpBK --- [USER 597] The video above IS direct talking to Indians. There are many more videos like this and for Bangladesh and Africa too. ==== 22 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid79Bwqb_09KUl --- [USER 599] Monsanto shut down 3 whole years ago! What are you talking about? Nobody would deny chemicals exist, you can't prove pesticides do more harm than good. ==== 23 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid79BwrWUvQt0e --- [USER 599] Law suits by greedy lawyers never proved the cause of cancer claims. Juries and judges can not, and never have, determined science facts. There are no "bunches of farm workers" with cancers - I will now prove you posted a lie: *A new study on the increase in the heath of farmers since GMO crop science has become wide spread: * Peer reviewed and published 27 September 2019 "GM crops, particularly Bt cotton, has resulted in significant reductions in pesticide poisoning cases due to reduced applications and reduced levels of insecticide exposure. Reductions in farmer pesticide poisonings have been quantified in China, India, Pakistan and South Africa. Often cases of pesticide poisoning are not formally reported to health centers and the results on pesticide poisoning may be underestimated due to the lack of reporting. In South Africa, farmers reduced pesticide applications from 11.2 per year to 3.8, with reported cases of pesticide poisoning declining from over 50 per year to less than 10 over the first four years of Bt cotton adoption (Bennet et al. 2003). One-third of non-Bt cotton farmers in China reported cases of pesticide poisoning, compared to 9% of Bt cotton producing farmers (Hossain et al. 2004). Assessing the health impacts in India, reveals a reduction in cases of pesticide poisoning of 2.4 – 9 million cases per year (Kouser and Qaim 2011). Cumulatively, since 2003, when Bt cotton was first commercialized in India, a minimum of 38 million fewer instances of pesticide poisoning have occurred, with an upper potential of 144 million. Farmers in Pakistan growing non-Bt cotton reported up to seven instances of pesticide poisoning in the growing season with 35% reporting no instances, versus Bt cotton farmers reporting up to six poisonings with 45% reporting none (Kouser and Qaim 2013). A medical assessment of 246 Chinese farmers, involving 35 health indicators, found that fungicides associated with the production of non-Bt cotton had linkages to damaged liver function, while the insecticides used in non-Bt cotton production may be associated with severe nerve damage (Zhang et al. 2016). The use of non-glyphosate tolerant crops was found to likely reduce renal function and decrease serum folic acid. CHANGES IN FARMER SUICIDES Mental health challenges and issues affect all walks of life and economic sectors, with agriculture being no different. Access to sufficient mental health resources can be problematic within the agriculture sector due to rural areas, remote locations and lack of access to mental health support systems. Unfortunately, suicide is a concern in agriculture. India has one of the highest suicide ratesin the world and research has examined the relationship between farmer suicide and the adoption of GM cotton. Research examining the relationship between farm suicide and Bt cotton adoption revealed a plateauing of the suicide rate following the commercialization of Bt cotton (Gruère and Sengupta 2011). Farmer suicides were trending upward from 15,000 per year, peaking in 2004, the year after Bt cotton was first commercialized in India. By 2007, the actual suicide rate was 25% below the extrapolated suicide rate. Cumulatively, the reduced rate of suicide associated with the adoption of Bt cotton represents the prevention of a minimum of 75,000 farmer suicides. LOWERING CANCER INCIDENCES The development of insect resistant crop varieties has begun to have a noticeable potential to improve human health through the reduction of cancer rates. Prior to the commercialization of Bt crops, maize in particular, insect damage to the harvested crop increased the potential for the development of harmful health effects. A study of 21 years of maize production quantified that Bt maize contained lower concentrations of mycotoxins (29%), fumonisins (31%) and thricotecens (37%) (Pellegrino et al. 2018). Mycotoxins are both toxic and carcinogenic to humans and animals and are considerably more concerning in developing economy food systems where access to food safety toxicity tests are less prevalent. Fumonisins are correlated to being the cause of higher rates of neural tube defects in high maize-based diets (Missmer et al. 2006). With food security challenges existing in many developing countries corn containing mycotoxins are consumed as part of the household diet due the lack of any other option. NUTRITIONAL BENEFITS GM crops have made significant contributions to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular goals one (reducing poverty) and two (reducing hunger). While increased yields have contributed to higher household incomes, which reduces poverty, the increased yields have also enhanced household food security. Biofortified GM crops have been adopted, increasing micronutrient availability (Hefferon 2014). Nutritionally enhanced foods improve an individual’s nutrient intake, preventing and/or treating leading causes of death such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Improving the nutritional content of daily food consumption certainly has day to day effects, but of significant importance are the long term effects that extend for decades over the course of an individual’s lifetime. In many instances, improving macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, fiber) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, functional metabolites) has significant childhood health improvements, such as reducing blindness due to the lack of vitamin availability. Improved food nutrient content, especially the increase in mineral availability, contributes to improved immunity systems and reduces stunting. In many developing countries, plant-based nutrient intake accounts for one hundred per cent of an individual’s nutrient diet, further highlighting the importance of nutritionally enhanced crop derived foods. As the later in life benefits from improved childhood nutrition are better understood, the full value of nutritionally enhanced GM crops and foods, may not be realized for several decades." see the full paper at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/pbi.13261 ==== 24 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid79BwsIwZ-bfv --- [USER 599] Nope. Art is correct. You lied. Settlements were made without any admission of guilt or danger from Roundup by Bayer. No one here is lying more than you. The global science consensus says you are nuts. GMO 20-year safety endorsement: 280 science institutions, more than 3,000 studies "Currently, there is a social and political controversy about the safety of foods produced from genetically modified (GM) crops. However, in the scientific community, there is no dispute or controversy regarding the safety of these crops. To date, more than 3,000 scientific studies [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] have assessed the safety of these crops in terms of human health and environmental impact. These studies together with several reviews performed on a case-by-case from regulatory agencies around the world have enabled a solid and clear scientific consensus: GM crops have no more risk than those that have been developed by conventional breeding techniques. In addition, there is also extensive literature that compiles the socioeconomic and environmental benefits that transgenic crops have reported in two decades of commercialization [9,10]. This document brings together the public statements of technical and scientific institutions that adhere to this consensus. I made an update based on this document from ChileBio that initially included 40 official documents representing about 190 institutions – the document from ChileBio was subsequently updated in 2017 with the institutions and statements attached here. The update shows that 284 technical and scientific institutions recognize the safety of GM crops and their potential benefits. Interestingly a large part of these institutions are located in Europe, the continent that has put more obstacles to the commercialization of these crops. On the other hand, the countries with most organizations in favor of GM crops are United Kingdom (33), United States (25), Italy (23), Spain (16) and Germany (11). In conclusion, 284 technical and scientific institutions recognize that GM crops are not riskier than those produced by conventional breeding, and/or the potential benefits of these crops." https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2017/06/19/gmo-20-year-safety-endorsement-280-science-institutions-more-3000-studies/ ==== 25 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid79Bwx81-4_0W --- [USER 597] Odd.... that does not apply to science debates. Only verified published peer reviewed studies are correct and factual in debates about GMO crop benefits and safety. All else is posturing, egotism, lies, activism, propaganda or trolling. I win every debate here because I keep my personal opinions to myself and defer to the world class experts. I have fingered out the root cause of almost all Youtube trash about vital GMO crops: Organic industry tyranny for 33 years and counting: "Although GMOs are regarded as safe as their conventional counterparts by every major food safety authority in the world, the organic industry spends nearly $3 billion a year through over 330 different organizations leading with fear and “information spin” as an industry to sell their products. By creating an unfounded fear that requires tighter regulations on GMO crops, they are hoping to force them out of the food supply, thereby creating a bigger market share to sell more products in their more than $65 billion wheelhouse. The unfortunate consequence of these [non-GMO] labels is that the food companies and lobbyists tend to create an unnecessary “us vs. them” divide. When food companies use fear against competitors to sell a product, farmers take it personally." https://www.agdaily.com/insights/farm-babe-label-trends-end/ Now why do you suppose organic food is so expensive?? Imagine what 3 billion dollars could do for humanitarian goals - end a different disease forever every year.... End all hunger in at least one country...... Funding nasty propaganda? Really?? ==== 26 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid79C-2DZePneQ --- [USER 597] Instead if little snippets go to ground zero for genetics education and news about modern crop science, the non-profit GeneticLiteracyProject.org where they have done major projects tracking the finding sources of activists they call the advocacy tracker. I donate to them every year. I comment in their Disqus service. They track all angles from African GMO farming to looking behind the curtain of activist groups and frauds like Shiva. ==== 27 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid79C-2VFe6thJ --- Hokum Pokum - Monsanto never sold terminator seeds, those have never been sold. And any of the 750 different brands sold globally of glyphosate herbicide will work just fine. There is no conspiracy, Monsanto shut down 3 years ago. You need a new witch to hunt. ==== 28 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid79ChepTR8l7y --- [USER 601] What part of the statistics from Cancer dot com don't you understand? We live longer now during the same period we began using GMO crop science. Period. ==== 29 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid79CiDSYNMmCW --- [USER 601] OK let's do it your way, the anti-biotech cherry picking way: Glyphosate can cure cancer? Yes, some research ‘shows’ that — but what does it mean? And what does it say about Roundup doomsday claims? "Now that three juries have said Bayer’s weed killer Roundup (glyphosate) causes cancer, many people believe there is clear evidence that the herbicide is dangerous. Organic industry-funded advocacy group U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) certainly wants consumers to believe that. The California-based nonprofit has played a key role in the three cases, providing evidence the plaintiffs’ lawyers have used to make their case. None of these claims stand up to scrutiny from independent scientists or oversight agencies, as GLP has reported extensively. But USRTK has employed a tactic (favored by political groups of all persuasions) in its opposition to glyphosate that is worth examining: Sifting through the peer-reviewed literature to find studies that support their argument, while dismissing contradictory research—widely known as “cherry picking.” Selectively citing studies can lead to erroneous conclusions, which is why scientists criticize the practice and insist on evaluating all the available research, a standard known as “preponderance of evidence.” But if you want to show that glyphosate is dangerous, despite a mountain of contrary data, picking cherries is a useful approach. To illustrate how easy it is to defend an unsubstantiated hypothesis, and why we should be skeptical of sensational claims about chemical harm or safety, let’s “demonstrate” that glyphosate might be a ‘cure’ for cancer by highlighting only the research that helps make the case. Over the past several years, a handful of studies published in peer-reviewed journals and conducted by researchers at reputable universities has in fact suggested that glyphosate possesses cancer-fighting properties. The first such study was published in 2013. Researchers exposed human cancer cells in-vitro, or outside their normal biological context, to glyphosate and AMPA (the degradation product produced when glyphosate is metabolized). The experiment showed both substances inhibited cancer cell growth and promoted apoptosis (cell suicide), but left healthy cells unharmed, “…. suggesting that they have [potential] to be developed into a new anticancer therapy,” the authors concluded. The researchers published a followup study in 2015 and got a similar result. They exposed human prostate cancer cell lines to AMPA and a chemical called methoxyacetic acid (MAA), concluding that both chemicals could “…. be used as potential therapeutic drugs in the treatment of prostate cancer.” Glyphosate testing in animals hints at therapeutic potential In a 2016 study, the research team that found potentially therapeutic effects of glyphosate tested their thesis in animals. They exposed 25 mice to two different doses of AMPA. Compared to a control group of 14 mice, the experiment revealed that “….treatment significantly inhibited growth and metastasis of …. prostate tumors and prolonged the survival time of the mice.” Summarizing their findings, the authors wrote: [T]hese results demonstrate that …. AMPA may be developed into a therapeutic agent for the treatment of prostate cancer. Adding another interesting piece of data to the equation, consumer products company Procter & Gamble owns the patent on a pharmaceutical drug that contains glyphosate as an active ingredient and is designed to kill colon, breast and lung human tumor cells. According to the company, glyphosate in combination with a plant growth regulator called chloroprofam was “…. effective in killing tumor cells without significantly affecting healthy cells.” The unmarketed drug is potentially very interesting because it targeted cancer cells specifically and was also effective against viruses including HIV, herpes and influenza." https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2019/05/21/glyphosate-can-cure-cancer-yes-some-research-shows-that-but-what-does-it-mean-and-what-does-it-say-about-roundup-doomsday-claims/ ==== 30 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid79CiW3LM2m1v --- [USER 602] ==== 31 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid79CiWadMc8Wu --- [USER 601] All readers see I link no magazine articles, I link published studies from science journals, reference sites and education sites. Copy and paste in addition to the link is a convenience for readers. It saves them the time of searching an entire study or article for the specific facts. ==== 32 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgzTO_7BZRA80sopnuB4AaABAg.8mHSbR3Yid79CiWoD-wfSs --- [USER 601] "Changes in USDA food composition data for 43 garden crops, 1950 to 1999 Donald R Davis 1, Melvin D Epp, Hugh D Riordan Affiliations expand PMID: 15637215 DOI: 10.1080/07315724.2004.10719409 Abstract Objectives: To evaluate possible changes in USDA nutrient content data for 43 garden crops between 1950 and 1999 and consider their potential causes. Methods: We compare USDA nutrient content data published in 1950 and 1999 for 13 nutrients and water in 43 garden crops, mostly vegetables. After adjusting for differences in moisture content, we calculate ratios of nutrient contents, R (1999/1950), for each food and nutrient. To evaluate the foods as a group, we calculate median and geometric mean R-values for the 13 nutrients and water. To evaluate R-values for individual foods and nutrients, with hypothetical confidence intervals, we use USDA's standard errors (SEs) of the 1999 values, from which we generate 2 estimates for the SEs of the 1950 values." You were saying you could not copy excerpts? So much for that, jackass. You already linked it and I already pointed out those were garden crops, not staple crops or GMO harvests. ==== 33 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgwRcNDK5XXsz5GFUJN4AaABAg.8m6Y_qi_Wyv9-nGOX-zhKb --- [USER 604] Absolutely not. You can not prove that ever happened even once in all history. ==== 34 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgwRcNDK5XXsz5GFUJN4AaABAg.8m6Y_qi_Wyv94kecy0o_ZH --- Monsanto has never sprayed anything. It only sold what farmers wanted and farmers did the spraying. Monsanto shut down 3 years ago. ==== 35 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=UgwRD6X__PC-0OOJbK14AaABAg.8lvEiAVL_Xi8txl40eXIjZ --- Your delusion about GM crops is incurable. Wish you no harm. ==== 36 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=Uggx3cTwb6PpF3gCoAEC.8K0knXbDQfw8xVflEhto-M --- [USER 606] They really are. We'd all starve without them. ==== 37 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=Uggx3cTwb6PpF3gCoAEC.8K0knXbDQfw9GXyRvz845Z --- [USER 608] Nope, not GMO pesticides. Thank goodness FDA and EPA testing of foods no longer finds dangerous levels of Atrazine, paraquat, DDT, fludioxonil, metolaclor, acephate and diazinon. Now they find minute traces of the least toxic herbicide ever formulated, glyphosate, which is 43% less toxic than table salt, and Bt, so non-toxic that organic farmers rely on it heavily. WHAT A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT!!!! Anti-GMO idiots claim they want to go back to that nightmare list of much more toxic pesticides. Why???? I can't imagine. ==== 38 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=Uggx3cTwb6PpF3gCoAEC.8K0knXbDQfw9IkvNbsVckK --- [USER 587] "The shill gambit is a type of ad hominem or poisoning the well logical fallacy, wherein one party dismisses the other’s argument by proclaiming them to be on the payroll of some company. Sometimes known as the Big Pharma Shill Gambit or the Monsanto Shill Gambit. The shill gambit is used fallaciously when the only “evidence” given of such a connection to a big company or government is the endorsement of the position of the government or company, without any other evidence–the implication is that they provide that endorsement only because they receive some sort of compensation from the company or other agency.On the other hand when such conflict of interest is both demonstrated by verifiable evidence and can be shown to interfere with a person’s judgement of the evidence, then it’s no longer a logical fallacy. Example - Clearly, anything the writer says about pharmaceuticals or GMOs can be dismissed because, even though I can’t prove it, they are obviously being paid by Monsanto and Big Pharma to spread the lies." This despite the fact that Monsanto shut down forever in 2017!!! https://www.skepticalraptor.com/skepticalraptorblog.php/logical-fallacies/shill-gambit-logical-fallacies/ ==== 39 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J67mHPBcRM&lc=Uggx3cTwb6PpF3gCoAEC.8K0knXbDQfw9OShxOMol6E --- [USER 587] People Strongly Against GMOs Had Shakier Understanding Of Food Science, Study Finds Jan 26, 2019 "People who most intensely oppose genetically modified food think they know a lot about food science, but they actually know the least, according to a peer-reviewed paper published in January in the journal Nature Human Behaviour. GMOs are widely considered safe by scientists, but opponents have said they want more science on the potential harm so that subjective arguments aren't part of the equation. However, previous surveys have shown that providing more scientific facts about GMOs to people doesn't change their minds. The survey, conducted by four universities, asked 2,000 people in Europe and the United States how much they knew about genetically modified food, what their opinion was and how intense it was." Read the full coverage at: https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/01/26/687852367/people-strongly-against-gmos-had-shakier-understanding-of-food-science-study-fin The original peer reviewed study is here: https://www.harvestpublicmedia.org/post/study-people-opposed-gmos-don-t-know-much-about-science-they-think ### Percy Schmeiser - David versus Monsanto - YouTube ### ==== 0 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=Ugw4V-bQEierxvmJpAl4AaABAg.9SdyBiCHM4M9Sr2m7liCVy --- I'm a mythbuster Greek. ==== 1 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgwoRn1rlWNttFWhg8B4AaABAg.9QZ6snEoJsl9RkRTeoDf08 --- [USER 609] was a thief. ==== 2 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgwoRn1rlWNttFWhg8B4AaABAg.9QZ6snEoJsl9RvDZNcuLJ_ --- [USER 609] was a thief. ==== 3 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgyGHfzy1zQShr-gKsx4AaABAg.9P0SbtlvMmR9PepJX7Z7TL --- The Schmuck was a thief, Monsanto does not exist. ==== 4 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgyGHfzy1zQShr-gKsx4AaABAg.9P0SbtlvMmR9SqeT_BbwKB --- The moment [USER 609] saw that glyphosate would not kill his stray canola and then saved that seed he was a criminal. ==== 5 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgzsLBFuaAwAm6Z_-KV4AaABAg.9Nazkfz5JNU9PepPuSGULV --- [USER 609] was a thief. ==== 6 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgyUjEwON78vdQGwS-94AaABAg.9NLeJObmX2C9PepT6Jf8M0 --- Yep!! ==== 7 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgwfRO7N8seZopmJHmF4AaABAg.9MsZQOnmI8t9Pi2ZxfuUE5 --- [USER 611] Yes, when patents expire they revert to the public. That's right, the Perp never bought GMO canola seed but he knew what he had. He had various stories about how he came about these seeds, they fell off passing truck onto his ditches by the road, or the GMO seed blew into his field from neighboring GMO canola fields. Then he purposely selected for them for two growing seasons and by the third growing season he miraculously had 1,000 acres of GMO canola in nice neat rows that he stole the technology for. He knowingly and purposely did so. The Perp is the one that stepped "on another person's basic right to live and make a living? That's plain evil. Learn to read and comprehend Gran. [USER 610 NAME] did NOT state that as you said [USER 610 NAME] did that "GMO crops can be sold without a contract or restrictions". [USER 610 NAME] said that the first patent on GMO soy expired and the University of Arkansas is growing it and selling the seed from it. GMO row crops have only been planted in the world since 1996 so if you got rid of seed patents you would have wiped out thousands and thousands of beneficial traits that never would have been created since 1930. You wrote, "BTW you mentioned above that seeds can be sold without contracts so it's also possible to research about plants to get those beneficial traits without patenting it." Once again, [USER 610 NAME] NEVER WROTE THAT. [USER 610 NAME] wrote that seeds from EXP[USER 610 NAME]RED patents can be sold and save without a contract. [USER 610 NAME]f the patent system did not exist those traits never would have been developed for GM seeds or any other seed. Seed patents have greatly helped humanity and you would have never allowed it. You don't really care about helping humanity. ==== 8 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgwIWUdSmBpmrlUv8Ut4AaABAg.9MsZ7d9oMfu9RvElmRwdek --- Fool! Monsanto shut down forever 4 years ago. ==== 9 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=Ugx_STePTPuEGcz8wIt4AaABAg.9JiP0a_Mg6a9MIgNf_NcB_ --- Blubbering nonsense. The Schmuck stole the seeds and he lost in every court. ==== 10 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=Ugx_STePTPuEGcz8wIt4AaABAg.9JiP0a_Mg6a9Pepeoaqsl7 --- [USER 613] Zero [USER 612 NAME], I mock you and the thief [USER 609] entirely for free. ==== 11 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=Ugx_STePTPuEGcz8wIt4AaABAg.9JiP0a_Mg6a9RkROh5Bl6l --- [USER 615] [USER 609] the Thief did have his worshipers. ==== 12 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=Ugx_STePTPuEGcz8wIt4AaABAg.9JiP0a_Mg6a9Ue93GtKESs --- [USER 617] As I explained to Archie, I mock you entirely for free. ==== 13 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=Ugx_STePTPuEGcz8wIt4AaABAg.9JiP0a_Mg6a9UfPJRMdGjP --- [USER 617] The liar was [USER 609]. ==== 14 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgwRjYdmq2HbKhBQSW94AaABAg.9HfBDgE7vOU9PepzBAU_R3 --- [USER 619] Monsanto does not exist. Would drink something prepared by an adversary? Would you drink something that had another herbicide in it? Or didn't you know that retail roundup has another herbicide besides glyphosate in it. ==== 15 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgwRjYdmq2HbKhBQSW94AaABAg.9HfBDgE7vOU9Rvz7ayr10f --- [USER 619] If you love it so much, why don’t you marry it? Who doesn’t remember this ridiculous line from their childhood? The schoolyard taunt was directed at a whole array of things that one might be inclined to defend – best friends, the teacher, or your favorite color crayon. Normally, or hopefully, most people grow out of such childish taunts when they reach an adult age and start to mature. .... Most people, but not anti-GMO morons. Apparently that isn’t necessarily true for anti-GMO activists and, unfortunately, one interviewer used such a taunt against a respected scientist while he was attempting to promote Golden Rice. The now infamous YouTube video shows a short clip of an interview with Dr. Patrick Moore, where he states that glyphosate does not cause cancer and that you could drink a quart of it without it hurting you. The interviewer then mocks Dr. Moore by offering him a glass of glyphosate to drink. Realizing the interview is a sham, Dr. Moore ends the interview and walks off camera. The video clip launched the attack by anti-GMO activists of Dr. Moore and anyone supporting genetic modification – if glyphosate is so safe, then why don’t you drink it? Naturally, activists also alleged that Dr. Moore was a paid Monsanto lobbyist. https://www.thefarmersdaughterusa.com/2015/03/throwback-to-childhood-if-glyphosate-is-so-safe-then-why-dont-you-drink-it.html ==== 16 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgwRjYdmq2HbKhBQSW94AaABAg.9HfBDgE7vOU9SqLIYfbYpy --- Monsanto and US patent law slayed [USER 609]. ==== 17 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgwRjYdmq2HbKhBQSW94AaABAg.9HfBDgE7vOU9Sr2K1J6Drn --- [USER 303] [USER 609] slayed [USER 609]. ==== 18 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgwRjYdmq2HbKhBQSW94AaABAg.9HfBDgE7vOU9Sr2ZaMkJpD --- [USER 619] Not a shill, we're mythbusters mocking you entirely for free. Be happy to drink a glass of Roundup as sprayed by farmers and you'll drink a glass of synthetic copper sulfate as sprayed by organic farmers. We'll do this in an Emergency Room parking lot. I'll visit you after my round of golf. ==== 19 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgwRjYdmq2HbKhBQSW94AaABAg.9HfBDgE7vOU9Su726-J3o6 --- [USER 619] We'll meet and do this on a video at an Emergency Room parking lot somewhere. I've already laid out the scenario. ==== 20 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgxW5U7Js8kUZEeALSl4AaABAg.8v2nvIzDOKX9E9IOW7OpaF --- The sued the Schmuck because he isolated and cultivated 1,000 acres of seed that he stole. ==== 21 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgxW5U7Js8kUZEeALSl4AaABAg.8v2nvIzDOKX9MISYtKzoAP --- [USER 621] He lost in the Supreme Court. Once again, explain how 1,000 acres of GMO canola seeds ended up in his field in nice, neat rows. ==== 22 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgxW5U7Js8kUZEeALSl4AaABAg.8v2nvIzDOKX9MIn4PHulZA --- [USER 621] Farmers are not forced to buy Monsanto seeds. [USER 609] the Schmuck was NOT forced to buy Monsanto seeds EVER. There goes your theory. Not a single farmer has ever been forced to buy seeds from Monsanto. ==== 23 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgxW5U7Js8kUZEeALSl4AaABAg.8v2nvIzDOKX9MIu6w5bcOx --- [USER 621] The court found the Schmuckyuk at fault but awarded no money. He did not win. Monsanto has never sued anyone because GMO seeds blew into their field. You cannot bring a single piece of evidence for your claim about Brazil. I keep reminding you that mocking you and the Schmuck entirely free is a delight. ==== 24 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgwDFIZSPBiJV3nNHGN4AaABAg --- [USER 609] Schmuckheiser magically ended up with 1000 acres of a biotech crop that he did not pay for. ==== 25 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UghJ8h8OEP9bd3gCoAEC.7-H0Z7-JjyF9FHuyenyzn_ --- [USER 623] Right on Religion. ==== 26 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgiiZQPjBuTSiHgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-4ZJB9EqrqMbrJnT --- [USER 625] --Naw Truth, Religion and I mock you entirely for free. ==== 27 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgiiZQPjBuTSiHgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-4ZJB9FHuetkWiaB --- [USER 625] --YOU are the one who made the accusation that we are bribed to make our comments. Little children make such accusations to deflect from addressing the issue at hand. ==== 28 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgiiZQPjBuTSiHgCoAEC.7-H0Z7-4ZJB9FbFjdXrASE --- [USER 625] --I accused you of nothing, you accused me of being bribed to comment here. I am not bribed to do this, mocking you for free is a pleasure. ==== 29 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=Ugyx5dcNA_0NpotCNjR4AaABAg.8GbSR89kvk09Eqs0RGjGF3 --- [USER 609] lost the big ones, won the meaningless one. ==== 30 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=Ugx2KvDAr1SRkyu8wNp4AaABAg.8GcMOf_FHQj9EqsmaegBwj --- It's been legal since 1930 and every single farmer is exactly aware of the contract they sign when they've bought patented seed since 1930. Life is not what is patented, just one or two or three traits. ==== 31 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgwKTF1PnQdOQUsV2XV4AaABAg.8GcVBlRjQdk9EqtCZ1zS69 --- Blown seeds that germinated, not cross pollination. ==== 32 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=UgwKTF1PnQdOQUsV2XV4AaABAg.8GcVBlRjQdk9FHvWBnLGYJ --- [USER 627] --No you cannot jack. Not since the ability to patent traits began in 1930. Every farmer since then has fully known that the contract they WILLINGLY sign to grow a patented seed prevents them from using the resulting seeds. GMO row crops like canola weren't even on the market until 1996 so the seed patent issue has nothing to do with GMO seeds. ==== 33 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPKoSrc99p4&lc=Ugz8HoVROGIsseMiSDJ4AaABAg.8Gc37kPgsGQ9EqtFYn6oe- --- The Schmuckmeiser was not an organic farmer. ### Maui Lawsuit Alleges Birth Defects Caused by Monsanto’s “Reckless Use of Pesticides” - YouTube ### ==== 0 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kns3FgqqVDY&lc=UgznFZcqsSmq_VO-kX54AaABAg --- People Strongly Against GMOs Had Shakier Understanding Of Food Science, Study Finds Jan 26, 2019 "People who most intensely oppose genetically modified food think they know a lot about food science, but they actually know the least, according to a peer-reviewed paper published in January in the journal Nature Human Behaviour. GMOs are widely considered safe by scientists, but opponents have said they want more science on the potential harm so that subjective arguments aren't part of the equation. However, previous surveys have shown that providing more scientific facts about GMOs to people doesn't change their minds. The survey, conducted by four universities, asked 2,000 people in Europe and the United States how much they knew about genetically modified food, what their opinion was and how intense it was." Read the full coverage at: https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/01/26/687852367/people-strongly-against-gmos-had-shakier-understanding-of-food-science-study-fin ### Monsanto: The Company that Owns the World’s Food Supply - YouTube ### ==== 0 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugz1stQJ6m7y6_vmxQt4AaABAg.9ZxymG1wLbI9fr3FQL65MK --- [USER 629] And those tiny traces are not harmful. Our food is safe. ==== 1 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugz1stQJ6m7y6_vmxQt4AaABAg.9ZxymG1wLbI9fr3MB3l2Ia --- Show me the greed. ==== 2 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgxHMEy0-VCUMJKqZXN4AaABAg.9K0Wp0vsTcO9fr3_c73Q-H --- [USER 631] The true picture is that the Green Revolution saved untold lives and GMO cotton in India is safe, poor farmers love it. ==== 3 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgxHMEy0-VCUMJKqZXN4AaABAg.9K0Wp0vsTcO9fr3zo5L46n --- [USER 633] GMO seeds NEVER were sterile. GMO cotton had nothing to do with farmer suicides. ==== 4 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgxHMEy0-VCUMJKqZXN4AaABAg.9K0Wp0vsTcO9fr42BcFF96 --- [USER 635] Great comment!! ==== 5 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugx8-SCUXjhASzlsmOB4AaABAg.91yaytSxHA8968w_HPQc76 --- You shared a one sided propaganda video. ==== 6 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UggfaCCMZz5_xngCoAEC.8VHrrNb2XiJ9cNsfoLVVs6 --- That's right. Baloney video. ==== 7 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgzA36nghvjrNLGBltZ4AaABAg.8kmV_i7kszz9cNs4tyfdYz --- No Bad, Monsanto never tried to do that. ==== 8 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgzA36nghvjrNLGBltZ4AaABAg.8kmV_i7kszz9cNs8G4Bquf --- [USER 637] They did not try to do that in India either. ==== 9 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgzA36nghvjrNLGBltZ4AaABAg.8kmV_i7kszz9cVOUJoFlk1 --- [USER 639] Those youtube farmers are a hoot. ==== 10 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgzA36nghvjrNLGBltZ4AaABAg.8kmV_i7kszz9fr4Frt0xlD --- Remember the time it never happened. ==== 11 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugz74OSeDnuWk5WcUq94AaABAg.8ip57eE689J9fr4u7qhEA4 --- Bill, that story is false and has never happened anywhere in the world. ==== 12 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgxGPZU-tQWhLCqONYh4AaABAg.9-CgKo20rxX9-HJ5KUHMP_ --- You should ask them why they produce such a false video. ==== 13 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyKH9ZD0IEw9IW13wV4AaABAg.9BGslrQiAz39C44JVnlOyX --- Bogus video which means your project will be false. ==== 14 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugx15CqzN5ulMFVMSYh4AaABAg.8eQJAK2t6zf8uDG_DEejtW --- [USER 640] --Exactly. ==== 15 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugx15CqzN5ulMFVMSYh4AaABAg.8eQJAK2t6zf8zfp7z_yhJP --- [USER 642] --Rat Lawyers can claim anything and find unqualified juries to agree, and have three times so far. It is absolute bullshit about your "seeds blew into their farm" claim. ==== 16 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugx15CqzN5ulMFVMSYh4AaABAg.8eQJAK2t6zf9Fdk-yRJ6B8 --- [USER 394] I am happy to be included in a group with Popeye and @carlos Rivas. Shill? Naw [USER 393 NAME], I mock you entirely for free. Less than 5% of North American wheat is treated and only in the high latitudes so stop with the organic screamer talking point. Juries picked at random from the population are not qualified to decide complicated science questions. You are the perfect example. ==== 17 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugx15CqzN5ulMFVMSYh4AaABAg.8eQJAK2t6zf9FdlNgoMLzb --- [USER 644] --"Unqualified juries" not judges. Post the direct evidence for your claim that "faked their tests to make glyphosate look safer". Provide the direct evidence that glyphosate spreads heavy metals all over the food chain. Direct evidence, not howling articles from screamer sites. ==== 18 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugx15CqzN5ulMFVMSYh4AaABAg.8eQJAK2t6zf9FruiQ0gJzD --- [USER 394] --You got nothing [USER 393 NAME] and you keep proving it. ==== 19 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugx15CqzN5ulMFVMSYh4AaABAg.8eQJAK2t6zf9GuMfGzgMUr --- [USER 394] --A pebble after the settlement [USER 393 NAME]. Maybe one day you'll post some evidence for your claim that "faked their tests to make glyphosate look safer". ==== 20 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugx0c4e3YRbl-xsIQDR4AaABAg.985bEvv8w8e98cYeOvu_Pk --- Novel traits have been able to be patented since the first one in 1930, the climbing rose. Just because someone patented a trait in a rose did not mean that all roses were the property of that person. And keep in mind that patents expire and with that expiration the trait reverts to the public. ==== 21 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugx0c4e3YRbl-xsIQDR4AaABAg.985bEvv8w8e98lO3vsYRAv --- [USER 645] You folks are the pricks. ==== 22 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugx0c4e3YRbl-xsIQDR4AaABAg.985bEvv8w8e99LFSP8SVC3 --- [USER 647] Bwwwaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaa. ==== 23 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugx0c4e3YRbl-xsIQDR4AaABAg.985bEvv8w8e99teTYSFOtI --- [USER 649] You are a low life, Gates' goal is to help as many people as possible. ==== 24 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugx0c4e3YRbl-xsIQDR4AaABAg.985bEvv8w8e9NpTx2wNji3 --- [USER 651] Gates has nothing to do with any of that. ==== 25 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyIKQpFWbVg51b0Uux4AaABAg.9-3OFKXXkKg9-4_Xg5RZym --- Sylvie, the video is blubbering horseshit. ==== 26 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgxzbYK5j0Ep5RrQAw94AaABAg.8v6-V5WXYjr8v79SUdSN1V --- Roundup is safe and does not cause cancer. Biotechnology crops are safe too Josh. ==== 27 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP98cXChX9ciR --- Not a single country has kicked out Bayer, nor Monsanto before that. ==== 28 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP9CqpBDAuvtJ --- [USER 653] --Germany is still using glyphosate. ==== 29 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP9MU9rQReFEn --- [USER 655] There has never been "dangerously high levels of glyphosate" in any German beer or any food in the EU or North America and there has never been any credible evidence provided. There has never been found anything ever approaching the NOAEL in any food. There has never been found anything ever approaching the RfD in any food. Regards. ==== 30 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP9MUN5cqZfmW --- [USER 655] Industry insider journals? Which one reported glyphosate levels approaching the RfD? Or even the MRL? The answer is none. Your experience in the "drinks" business is great but you level of understanding of toxicology and risk analysis is lacking. Here is an excerpt from Germany's BfR specifically addressing this issue: Assessment of glyphosate levels in beer Updated BfR Communication No. 024/2017 of 25 August 20171 "Even the highest glyphosate content in beer reported in 2016 (30 micrograms per litre) is so low that the intake for an adult (60 kg bodyweight) calculated on this basis would be more than 1000 times lower than the currently estimated amount that can be ingested daily over a lifetime without appreciable health risk (ADI – acceptable daily intake) or than the acute reference dose (ARfD – the amount of substance per kg bodyweight that can be ingested with food at one meal or within the course of one day without a discernible health risk to consumers). In order to ingest quantities of glyphosate that would pose a health risk, an adult would have to drink roughly 1000 litres of beer in one day. According to the current state of knowledge, glyphosate levels of 30 micrograms per litre beer and clearly below as currently reported do not pose a health risk." Go ahead [USER 654 NAME], feel free to be jerked around by the eco wackos trying to ruin people's enjoyment of their favorite beverage with no evidence whatsoever. If you ever get around to clear thinking just remember that it is the dose of a thing that makes it a poison, not the mere presence of the thing. We will welcome you when you do. I guess you never wonder what the level of the synthetic copper sulfate that organic farmers spray on their crops might be in your beer. ==== 31 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP9MVKSKhEkPy --- [USER 655] Or in your wine. Bordeaux mixture. ==== 32 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP9NggkSpgARp --- [USER 657] Look up RfD and ADI, then you will understand. ==== 33 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP9Nj5wOgwR_T --- [USER 657] Mercosur has nothing to do with what we are talking about. The EU does it's own in depth residue testing and does not rely on foreign countries to do it. ==== 34 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP9NldJ2uP0Ce --- [USER 657] It doesn't matter if I am a farmer or not. Have you read the link yet? ==== 35 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP9PaqJ95Vzy_ --- [USER 659] There are no puppet companies, a couple of dozen companies have made glyphosate since the patent expired in 1999. ==== 36 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP9PcHuLub1k1 --- [USER 659] Stop making it up and provide the evidence for it. ==== 37 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP9PcQWEU1te7 --- [USER 655] Backing down from my question was wise. ==== 38 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP9PcQhSSkWyu --- [USER 659] YOU are the one who is making the claim, not me. YOU check who the owners are. You're making it up, that's why you're evading. ==== 39 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP9PdBUFL-zAU --- [USER 659] It is YOUR claim, not mine. ==== 40 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyHcBR4j4qUQ2aPTid4AaABAg.98SnIwwTmLP9T7BFzrkBGw --- [USER 661] Monsanto does not exist. Your bellowing and arm waving prose is meaningless and I savor the fact that progress will leave you behind. ==== 41 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyLZYG3OnvcaNxa4fN4AaABAg.9bdNe2huoqh9cM667mXqsF --- [USER 663] For 10,000 years. ==== 42 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgzNO9lo2ZK4jJT9EU14AaABAg.8w8c1ciPUp88wFjiUiOyaa --- Food Inc. is a conga line of biased, arm-waving claims. Glyphosate is safe. ==== 43 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgxEpEHZKefi3GmZopp4AaABAg.8x0wSIYL8z18x3s8nxodm4 --- That's because roundup does not cause cancer. ==== 44 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyksloUzgZ_mnA6GwV4AaABAg.8xLwMN8eLdu8xWQE4bNjU3 --- Thousands of frivolous suits from the rat lawyers attacking a safe product. ==== 45 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyksloUzgZ_mnA6GwV4AaABAg.8xLwMN8eLdu8zMTtAzRx97 --- [USER 665] --Roundup in use since 1974 srats. There should be hundreds of millions of bodies by now, where are they? ==== 46 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyksloUzgZ_mnA6GwV4AaABAg.8xLwMN8eLdu8zRHblUcjgX --- [USER 665] --You got nothing srats. ==== 47 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugw8eUninnhauREF72J4AaABAg.9PJV1kFuh2g9Pat8fmvcGW --- That's right!! ==== 48 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugxi5frXwKquqA9GEP94AaABAg.8qM9ZswUx2v8qNKUJfMN5T --- Agree. Except for the terminator seed comment as there has never been terminator seeds on the market. ==== 49 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugxi5frXwKquqA9GEP94AaABAg.8qM9ZswUx2v8s4II7uCCpb --- [USER 526] --So weird. ==== 50 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgxJO7J6WRh_yHG0UFl4AaABAg.9fpk7WXuvHQ9fsm4wJ7vwk --- Silly ass comment. ==== 51 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgxJO7J6WRh_yHG0UFl4AaABAg.9fpk7WXuvHQ9fu6QioxR6U --- [USER 667] Farmers use it because it's they know it's safe and is the best herbicide on the market. ==== 52 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgzohQZ901VZgcKYtE54AaABAg.9bn4Ahn9reB9cM4psLU12- --- I envision a world one day where you live in Cuba, Venezuela, or North Korea. ==== 53 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgzohQZ901VZgcKYtE54AaABAg.9bn4Ahn9reB9cNrG5rdjgX --- [USER 669] Capitalism has brought more people out of abject poverty and also allowed more people than ever before to Christianity. ==== 54 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgydcGRkkmjtiQ5RJ4t4AaABAg.8vc1Xn0KmFR8vdgqReV0_r --- Just for the record the reason farmers, including organic farmers, get rid of weeds is for the very reason you stated. Weeds take away the nutrients the crop needs. Farmers are not the idiots that you are. Regards. ==== 55 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgydcGRkkmjtiQ5RJ4t4AaABAg.8vc1Xn0KmFR8ve-Uk_nuk0 --- [USER 671] --Ok [USER 670 NAME], then people should farm exactly as you tell them to and that would force people to eat exactly as you tell them to. Opuntia for one region, something else for another, all grown organically or some other low yield method that rips more land from nature than necessary. ==== 56 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgydcGRkkmjtiQ5RJ4t4AaABAg.8vc1Xn0KmFR8veL3SPz6tU --- [USER 671] --No, I clearly argued that your so called "more natural" low yielding practices hurt the environment more than intensive agriculture by ripping more precious land from nature than less natural ag methods. ==== 57 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgwYSqAmfh5yqAB8rY94AaABAg.8yeIrna9tGG8yjzFqVB37C --- Monsanto makes great agricultural products. ==== 58 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugy-RjW2QNnMJpryCI14AaABAg.9byrDRRbzrz9cM4NVBJrV0 --- No matter, doesn't cause cancer now and didn't since 1974. ==== 59 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyJC4pUcS9sk_rydJR4AaABAg.8ln1JBHU7sb8m1xV2Hevmh --- So what. ==== 60 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyJC4pUcS9sk_rydJR4AaABAg.8ln1JBHU7sb8m2-99NfyXf --- Not true. Bayer had only 3 or 4 % of the seed market, Monsanto had 26%. Bayer was forced to sell its Liberty seed business so Bayer does not have anywhere near a monopoly. Dupont Pioneer, Syngenta, Dow, BASF and others share the market. ==== 61 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgzfkySkGG1qBKoVNRl4AaABAg.9NoxbtKdqVE9NpUHN9btVC --- The fallacy is that one company owns the food supply. ==== 62 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgyPXadK00Ei7fzvNmd4AaABAg.8poEo1VNkb58qGHQjh_QjM --- [USER 673] --Yes. The banning of DDT was a crime against humanity and still is. ==== 63 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugy6C73uCrxhGiqyY6h4AaABAg.8t-ptJDNXYR8tfsxQETXmB --- All of those are safe. ==== 64 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugy7-8b3AJCXQONlUHJ4AaABAg.8ropOZ5FADJ8s4I5-k-edF --- All they understand Jeremy is what the organic screamer sites tell them. ==== 65 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgzZppbpl-NyZPt-w8Z4AaABAg.9Bee5B5H4jf9C44-yaAdkX --- [USER 675] Farmers are not "trapped" into buying these seeds nor do they "face failure" if they don't. "Excessive toxins"? Not true. Monopoly? Hardly. Are you not aware that patents expire and are expiring? ==== 66 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=Ugzl0VefZRYgXbmniWh4AaABAg.8ooucpxxXKf8qGoZbo0ve7 --- Monsanto did do excellent work on agriculture. ==== 67 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgySg0rBoD33JLD-e8d4AaABAg.8p0nYALykpN8qGIBnY6uC7 --- Right on. ==== 68 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgzaD82dOr_LIrXCJm54AaABAg.8pli_swUBDq8qGHYBgssdI --- I love biotechnology crops too, they are safe and beneficial. ==== 69 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAZmHIiN8VI&lc=UgwscLb67Hm7l7gBc_J4AaABAg.8xkCdyPkaEi8y0S7E5OfWl --- 1.1k viewers understand science. ### If Cancer, Why Glyphosate? - YouTube ### ==== 0 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiGSrPBXaA&lc=UgwK4E5Vp5DuC0N7cXd4AaABAg.8mgbd1Dd_Ay8mvicyOmvvD --- They charge 3 and 4 times more for organic so you should be doing really well wilderness survivors. ==== 1 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiGSrPBXaA&lc=UgwqgALP04GZ5SctsZB4AaABAg.8mjlwqic3zu8r17OkPTpQV --- What do you not understand about the words, "no apparent risk". ==== 2 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiGSrPBXaA&lc=Ugyy93p8vqOJfwQ6bZJ4AaABAg.8mxi0QqTbI-8xGMYsuZ1Do --- Well Prax? ==== 3 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiGSrPBXaA&lc=UgxQNUviGaIx2VL1pqF4AaABAg.8mq0dwWsjay8mviLKr8Mwj --- No [USER 691] DDT was never consider safe and was a restricted use pesticide. I said was because DDT which was made by 13 companies was banded in 1972. ==== 4 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiGSrPBXaA&lc=UgxQNUviGaIx2VL1pqF4AaABAg.8mq0dwWsjay8n3xl1A3nHK --- [USER 692] Those are just brand names of glyphosate. No there is NO risk of it contamination of ground water from Glyphosate. Can you name a different herbicide that is? If you can not that means Glyhosate is the only word you know and are clueless on this subject. Try again. ==== 5 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiGSrPBXaA&lc=UgxQNUviGaIx2VL1pqF4AaABAg.8mq0dwWsjay8r17EYpisu9 --- [USER 692] --You have not solved your weed problem just with "different variety plants". Tell us the rest of the story about how you till the soil to get rid of the weeds or how you deploy workers with hoes to do it. Tell how your yields are not what they would be if you farmed non-organic. ==== 6 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiGSrPBXaA&lc=Ugw1enCr23SY13Q1f9x4AaABAg.8kkru9XZ_W88mvGS-uSHYB --- You know nothing semperfi! You have been telling your llies and spreading your misinformation before. The herbicide a farmers chooses to use has NO effect on how many ears of corn the stalk has on it. ==== 7 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiGSrPBXaA&lc=Ugw1enCr23SY13Q1f9x4AaABAg.8kkru9XZ_W88mvk1Je0mF9 --- [USER 694] [USER 695] is clueless about this subject. What he does not know he makes up. But not around me he won't. ==== 8 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiGSrPBXaA&lc=Ugw1enCr23SY13Q1f9x4AaABAg.8kkru9XZ_W88r1AJbe8AsL --- [USER 694] --Right on [USER 693 NAME]. ==== 9 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiGSrPBXaA&lc=Ugw1enCr23SY13Q1f9x4AaABAg.8kkru9XZ_W88r1AMVmMG8p --- [USER 696] --Backing down from your claims was wise. ==== 10 David www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiGSrPBXaA&lc=UgzO7hqCYnbD220_Zdx4AaABAg.92aQmv1lg1s938Dqh5UAdX --- Monsanto does not exist. ==== 11 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiGSrPBXaA&lc=UgzIyGjqRuSxy80o8Zx4AaABAg.8p2qsHfyDBw8r16dTdeveA --- Then produce the graph that backs up your claim. ==== 12 Duke www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FiGSrPBXaA&lc=UgzIyGjqRuSxy80o8Zx4AaABAg.8p2qsHfyDBw8xGMW1JsKmH --- Come on Jazz, let's see your graph. ### The Fear of Frankenfoods | GMOs - YouTube ### ==== 0 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=Ugx9kKVSuC2zv9lEDcl4AaABAg.9f8M-nFVgi49g7nxYvDXzV --- Over thousands of years we chose the apples that tasted best to us, so, yes. ==== 1 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=UgzC8f-w5utBo0KHIOJ4AaABAg.9dLnFIoLIn19g7pzL4Sjku --- You are clueless what GMO science is. To make a better seed in a laboratory it takes a million dollar lab, a team of scientists and years of research, followed by the wait to get the seed approved by the FDA. That takes an average of 13 years to complete in the US. In comparison, conventional breeding methods take hundreds or thousands of years to really refine a crop to ideal. There are just a few basic methods like saving the best seeds each year, and grafting. Corn was created by seed saving of the wild teosinte grass over 10,000 years. So if you are a farmer, will you wait an entire lifetime for a better seed to be developed and possibly lose the farm because you did not get it fast enough, or will you ask a seed company to make better seed and be willing to pay a small royalty? One of the thousands of facts you should know before commenting is that seed patents all expire after 20 years. There are now generic GMO seeds being sold at a bargain price, such is the gift of modern crop science to humanity. You demonstrated a deep lack of respect for our honest hard working farmers and crop scientists. ==== 2 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=UgzIJmWhJ2gfIBuvXnl4AaABAg.9cI0jMYHiwf9g7q6p5dvXt --- No. There is no proven connection between cancers and modern crop science. Farmers wear sun screen now. ==== 3 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=UgxsAZSJgfSsljpDkGR4AaABAg.9abHztMeVfz9g7qFMD2bDz --- Dope! Monsanto shut down forever 4 years ago! You need a new boogeyman. ==== 4 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=UgwmmOM1hyXS6s4c0ZN4AaABAg.9a_NFU5tCaG9g7qINznbAn --- Monsanto shut down forever 4 years ago! You need a new boogeyman. ==== 5 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=Ugw5AglyTZwo6W3lkNV4AaABAg.9_x1q_gZfts9g7r0SV0D2p --- Absolute science fiction garbage. In the entire billion years of life on Earth there has never been a monstner mutation that took over life. Where are all the stands of wild corn, soy and potatoes that are going to be 'taken over' by superior GMO crops? Idiot!!! There is no such thing as "incest" in farming of crops. ==== 6 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=Ugwyly6RcCzEsjECCLJ4AaABAg.8w6wiCX1R0u8ww_FNeDlSS --- There is little to say about glyphosate and the environment because it is by far the least toxic herbicide ever formulated. ALL PATENTS EXPIRE after 20 years. GMO soybeans are generic and cheap now, a bargain for farmers. FARMERS DO NOT WANT TO REPLANT HYBRID SEEDS!!! Farmers quit saving Hybrid seed in mid 1930's and as each crop became a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop. We have had patented seed ever since Congress passed the Plant Variety Protection Act in 1970 Protecting Plant Breeders with patent rights. It is illegal to save patented seed and does not mater if it is GMO or non GMO seed. Farmers are law abiding citizens but some think they are above the law. If you save seed do not buy patented seed to do so. A first grade child can understand that. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling GMO technology seed. That favorite whipping boy Monsanto was bought out and when it did exist it only controlled 20% of the GM seed market globally. All patents expire 20 years from the date they were filed. Expired patent seed is a gift to humanity. ==== 7 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=UgwaG3bXlxdyQ2VKf8Z4AaABAg.8vfrqyOFliG8ww_O5IgMs2 --- Arbitrary nonsense. A hot dog cart is a business. ==== 8 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=UgwaG3bXlxdyQ2VKf8Z4AaABAg.8vfrqyOFliG8wwdbpZGj7k --- [USER 698] busi·ness /ˈbiznəs/ Learn to pronounce noun 1. a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade. "she had to do a lot of smiling in her business" synonyms: work, line of work, line, occupation, profession, career, employment, job, day job, position, pursuit, vocation, calling, field, sphere, walk of life, trade, craft; More 2. the practice of making one's living by engaging in commerce. "the jewelry business" synonyms: trade, trading, commerce, buying and selling, dealing, traffic, trafficking, marketing, merchandising, bargaining ==== 9 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=UgwaG3bXlxdyQ2VKf8Z4AaABAg.8vfrqyOFliG8wwhhWfkfTH --- [USER 698] The topic here is GMO science, not legal matters or stupid semantics. Apples and oranges. ==== 10 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=UgwaG3bXlxdyQ2VKf8Z4AaABAg.8vfrqyOFliG8wwhxf4sYbS --- [USER 698] You fucking liar!!! There are almost half a billion street vendors. How many do you think get checks to make up the difference? Why would any asshole try to lie about such a thing? Your head is up your ass. ==== 11 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=Ugz_r7DIzZzI9hRQuEx4AaABAg.8vGR3YLhC_T8ww_c_ZPga4 --- Ignorant lies not based on any facts. What controls flavor is picking at peak ripeness and getting that to a store with proper handling before it rots. Food from any breeding method can be picked ripe or picked green. ==== 12 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=UgwP1wL7NpPh3GQnxAZ4AaABAg.8v184Tsezkf8ww_i-JrqZ4 --- Profit is never a talking point. Nobody works for free. ==== 13 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=Ugz81XJzVBpw0Q_cZMZ4AaABAg.8sRD-2BK2oL8scdAuu8a51 --- NGOs have learned that it is the education of women that helps them to decide completely on their own to have fewer children. This has been common knowledge and a basis for NGO policy for over a decade now. It works. Capitalism is not evil and half of all GMO seed today is being given free to struggling farmers by NGOs and government seed programs. Corporations are not involved unless they are donating funds for tax breaks. Monsanto donated its patent on golden rice to humanitarian efforts and can never profit off that. If donated seed is patented it is to protect it from being stolen and hoarded for profit by corrupt governments and soldiers. Basically you post a bunch of unsupported nonsense easily debunked at ground zero for genetics education - the non-profit GeneticLiteracyProject.org ==== 14 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=Ugz81XJzVBpw0Q_cZMZ4AaABAg.8sRD-2BK2oL8sdAC1TJZIW --- [USER 700] Oh bullshit. Who do you think you are kidding? In the real world there are social programs, food banks, churches and charities in the US that prevent starvation for everyone but the mentally ill and drug abusers who refuse to participate. Yes this does not apply to dictator run countries or communist countries but that is a red herring here. You stand corrected. ==== 15 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=Ugz81XJzVBpw0Q_cZMZ4AaABAg.8sRD-2BK2oL8sdF3W9kzFe --- [USER 700] That doesn't exist in the real world. Full stop. End of discussion. ==== 16 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=Ugz81XJzVBpw0Q_cZMZ4AaABAg.8sRD-2BK2oL8sdIvjrLM6U --- [USER 700] Exactly!! That's why your ideology fantasy of pure unadulterated capitalism does not exist in its pure form in the real world. Again, for the hard of reading, full stop. End of discussion. ==== 17 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=UgyY0xXo1wDA5idG_Ep4AaABAg.8s8wpP7jR9D8scdN7U0E4i --- It should be - inbreeding causes unhealthy mentally retarded kids who will grow up to lower your quality of life. ==== 18 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=UgyY0xXo1wDA5idG_Ep4AaABAg.8s8wpP7jR9D8tBXhAchi90 --- [USER 702] Right, because no accidental unplanned pregnancies have ever resulted from copulation. ==== 19 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=UgyY0xXo1wDA5idG_Ep4AaABAg.8s8wpP7jR9D8tCKLAuzWPl --- [USER 702] Evolution is against it. ==== 20 Popeye www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMH7L9zEjY&lc=UgyY0xXo1wDA5idG_Ep4AaABAg.8s8wpP7jR9D8tCMVnUdEIw --- [USER 702] Wrong again, moron. Evolution weeds out genetic defects and naturall