const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const process = require("process"); function returnForm(currentForm) { return `${" ".repeat(120)}${currentForm}\n`; } (async function () { const currentVersion = "0.1.1"; const wantedIFRExtractorVersion = "1.5.1"; let script; let latestVersionMatch; try { script = await ( await fetch( "" ) ).text(); } catch { // skip } if (script) { latestVersionMatch = script.match( /const currentVersion = "(\d).(\d).(\d)";/ ); } if (latestVersionMatch) { const [currentMajor, currentMinor, currentPatch] = currentVersion .split(".") .map((number) => parseInt(number, 10)); const [, latestMajor, latestMinor, latestPatch] = (number) => parseInt(number, 10) ); if ( currentMajor < latestMajor || (currentMajor === latestMajor && currentMinor < latestMinor) || (currentMajor === latestMajor && currentMinor === latestMinor && currentPatch < latestPatch) ) { fs.writeFileSync(process.argv[1], script); return console.log("The script has been updated. Run it again."); } } const filePath = process.argv[2]; let file = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8"); let formattedFile = ""; if (!file.includes(`Program version: ${wantedIFRExtractorVersion}`)) { return console.log( `Wrong IFR-Extractor-RS version. Use version ${wantedIFRExtractorVersion}.` ); } if (!file.includes("Extraction mode: UEFI")) { return console.log("Only UEFI is supported."); } if (!/\{ .* \}/.test(file)) { return console.log(`Use the "verbose" option of IFRExtractor.`); } file = file.replaceAll(/[\r\n|\n|\r](?!0x[0-9A-F]{3})/g, "
"); const varStores = {}; let currentForm; for (const line of file.split("\n")) { const varStore = line.match( /VarStore Guid: (.*), VarStoreId: (.*), Size: (.*), Name: "(.*)" \{/ ); const form = line.match(/Form FormId: (.*), Title: "(.*)" \{ (.*) \}/); const string = line.match( /String Prompt: "(.*)", Help: "(.*)", QuestionFlags: (.*), QuestionId: (.*), VarStoreId: (.*), VarStoreInfo: (.*), MinSize: (.*), MaxSize: (.*), Flags: (.*) \{ (.*) \}/ ); const numeric = line.match( /Numeric Prompt: "(.*)", Help: "(.*)", QuestionFlags: (.*), QuestionId: (.*), VarStoreId: (.*), VarOffset: (.*), Flags: (.*), Size: (.*), Min: (.*), Max: (.*), Step: (.*) \{ (.*) \}/ ); const checkBox = line.match( /CheckBox Prompt: "(.*)", Help: "(.*)", QuestionFlags: (.*), QuestionId: (.*), VarStoreId: (.*), VarOffset: (.*), Flags: (.*) \{ (.*) \}/ ); const oneOf = line.match( /OneOf Prompt: "(.*)", Help: "(.*)", QuestionFlags: (.*), QuestionId: (.*), VarStoreId: (.*), VarOffset: (.*), Flags: (.*), Size: (.*), Min: (.*), Max: (.*), Step: (.*) \{ (.*) \}/ ); const oneOfOption = line.match(/OneOfOption Option: "(.*)" Value: (.*) \{/); if (varStore) { varStores[varStore[2]] = varStore[4]; } if (form) { currentForm = form[2]; } if (string) { formattedFile += `${returnForm(currentForm)}${string[1]}\n`; } if (numeric) { formattedFile += `${returnForm(currentForm)}${numeric[1]} | VarStore: ${ varStores[numeric[5]] } | VarOffset: ${numeric[6]} | Size: 0x${(parseInt(numeric[8], 10) / 8) .toString(16) .toUpperCase()}\n Min: ${numeric[9]} | Max: ${numeric[10]} | Step: ${ numeric[11] }\n`; } if (checkBox) { formattedFile += `${returnForm(currentForm)}${checkBox[1]} | VarStore: ${ varStores[checkBox[5]] } | VarOffset: ${checkBox[6]}\n`; } if (oneOf) { formattedFile += `${returnForm(currentForm)}${oneOf[1]} | VarStore: ${ varStores[oneOf[5]] } | VarOffset: ${oneOf[6]} | Size: 0x${(parseInt(oneOf[8], 10) / 8) .toString(16) .toUpperCase()}\n`; } if (oneOfOption) { formattedFile += ` ${oneOfOption[1]}: 0x${parseInt( oneOfOption[2].split(",")[0], 10 ) .toString(16) .toUpperCase()}\n`; } } fs.writeFileSync( path.join(path.dirname(filePath), `formatted_${path.basename(filePath)}`), formattedFile ); })();