#!/bin/bash #This script enables ZRAM and attempts to optimize its effectiveness on Raspberry Pi computers. #Useful links: #https://haydenjames.io/linux-performance-almost-always-add-swap-part2-zram #https://haydenjames.io/raspberry-pi-performance-add-zram-kernel-parameters/ #https://linuxreviews.org/Zram #https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-change-the-swappiness-value-in-linux #original zram script from novaspirit: https://github.com/novaspirit/rpi_zram #define error, status and status_green functions in case this script is being run standalone without pi-apps api (wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Botspot/pi-apps/master/apps/More%20RAM/install | bash) error() { #red text and exit 1 echo -e "\e[91m$1\e[0m" 1>&2 exit 1 } status() { #cyan text to indicate what is happening #detect if a flag was passed, and if so, pass it on to the echo command if [[ "$1" == '-'* ]] && [ ! -z "$2" ];then echo -e $1 "\e[96m$2\e[0m" 1>&2 else echo -e "\e[96m$1\e[0m" 1>&2 fi } status_green() { #announce the success of a major action echo -e "\e[92m$1\e[0m" 1>&2 } set_value() { #Add the $1 line to the $2 config file. (setting=value format) This function changes the setting if it's already there. local file="$2" [ -z "$file" ] && error "set_value: path to config-file must be specified." [ ! -f "$file" ] && error "Config file '$file' does not exist!" local setting="$1" #This function assumes a setting=value format. Remove the number value to be able to change it. local setting_without_value="$(echo "$setting" | awk -F= '{print $1}')" #edit the config file with the new value sudo sed -i "s/^${setting_without_value}=.*/${setting}/g" "$file" #ensure sed actually did something; if not, add setting to end of file if ! grep -qxF "$setting" "$file" ;then echo "$setting" | sudo tee -a "$file" >/dev/null fi } set_sysctl_value() { #Change a setting for sysctl. Displays value, changes config file, and sets the value immediately. set_value "$1" /etc/sysctl.conf echo " - $1" sudo sysctl "$1" >/dev/null } #disable dphys-swapfile service if running if [ -f /usr/sbin/dphys-swapfile ] && systemctl is-active --quiet dphys-swapfile.service ;then status "Disabling swap" #swapoff and remove swapfile sudo /usr/sbin/dphys-swapfile uninstall #prevent dphys-swapfile from running on boot sudo systemctl mask dphys-swapfile.service #see /lib/systemd/system/dphys-swapfile.service fi #Disable Ubuntu's mkswap service if running if systemctl is-active --quiet mkswap.service ;then status "Disabling swap" #swapoff and remove swapfile sudo systemctl disable mkswap.service #prevent dphys-swapfile from running on boot sudo systemctl mask mkswap.service fi PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" status -n "Checking system for compatibility... " if [ "$(ps --no-headers -o comm 1)" != systemd ];then error "\nUser error: Incompatible because your system was not booted with systemd." elif ! command -v zramctl >/dev/null ;then error "\nUser error: Incompatible because the 'zramctl' command is missing on your system." elif ! command -v swapon >/dev/null ;then error "\nUser error: Incompatible because the 'swapon' command is missing on your system." elif ! command -v swapoff >/dev/null ;then error "\nUser error: Incompatible because the 'swapoff' command is missing on your system." elif ! command -v modprobe >/dev/null ;then error "\nUser error: Incompatible because the 'modprobe' command is missing on your system." fi #load zram module if command -v enable_module >/dev/null ;then enable_module zram || exit 1 elif ! lsmod | awk '{print $1}' | grep -qxF zram ;then if ! sudo modprobe zram &>/dev/null ;then if [ ! -d "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)" ];then error "\nUser error: Failed to load the 'zram' kernel module because you upgraded the kernel and have not rebooted yet. Please reboot to load the new kernel, then try again." else error "\nUser error: Incompatible because the 'zram' kernel module is missing on your system." fi fi fi status_green "Done" status "Creating zram script: /usr/bin/zram.sh" echo '#!/bin/bash export LANG=C export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" if [ "$1" == --help ] || [ "$1" == -h ];then echo -e "This is a script made by Botspot to increase usable RAM by setting up ZRAM. ZRAM uses compression to fit more memory in your available RAM. This script will setup a ZRAM swapspace that is 4 times larger than usable RAM. It also configures high-speed RAM-based file-storage at /zram. Usage: sudo zram.sh Setup zram-swap and storage (if enabled) sudo zram.sh stop Disable all ZRAM devices and exit sudo zram.sh storage-off Disable the file-storage at /zram on next run sudo zram.sh storage-on Enable the file-storage at /zram on next run zram.sh --help, -h Display this information and exit" exit 0 fi if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then echo "$0 must be run as root user" exit 1 fi #avoid creating /zram storage if storage-off flag passed if [ "$1" == storage-off ]; then #retain this flag for next boot if ! grep -qxF "ExecStart=/usr/bin/zram.sh storage-off" /etc/systemd/system/zram-swap.service ;then sed -i "s+^ExecStart=/usr/bin/zram.sh$+ExecStart=/usr/bin/zram.sh storage-off+g" /etc/systemd/system/zram-swap.service fi echo -e "zram.sh will not set up file-storage at /zram from now on." #the /zram storage can be re-enabled with storage-on flag elif [ "$1" == storage-on ]; then sed -i "s+^ExecStart=/usr/bin/zram.sh storage-off$+ExecStart=/usr/bin/zram.sh+g" /etc/systemd/system/zram-swap.service echo -e "zram.sh will set up file-storage at /zram from now on." fi # Load zram module if ! lsmod | awk "{print $1}" | grep -qxF zram ;then if ! modprobe zram ;then echo "Failed to load zram kernel module" exit 1 fi fi # disable all zram devices echo -n "Disabling zram... " IFS=$'\''\n'\'' for device_number in $(find /dev/ -name zram* -type b | tr -cd "0123456789\n") ;do #if zram device is a swap device, disable it swapoff /dev/zram${device_number} 2>/dev/null #if zram device is mounted, unmount it umount /dev/zram${device_number} 2>/dev/null #remove device echo $device_number >/sys/class/zram-control/hot_remove done echo Done rm -rf /zram #exit script now if "exit" flag passed if [ "$1" == stop ]; then exit 0 fi #create new zram drive - for swap drive_num=$(cat /sys/class/zram-control/hot_add) # use zstd compression if available - best option according to https://linuxreviews.org/Comparison_of_Compression_Algorithms#zram_block_drive_compression if cat /sys/block/zram${drive_num}/comp_algorithm | grep -q zstd ;then algorithm=zstd else algorithm=lz4 fi echo $algorithm > /sys/block/zram${drive_num}/comp_algorithm totalmem=$(free | grep -e "^Mem:" | awk '\''{print $2}'\'') #create zram disk 4 times larger than usable RAM - compression ratio for zstd can approach 5:1 according to https://linuxreviews.org/Zram echo $((totalmem * 1024 * 4)) > /sys/block/zram${drive_num}/disksize #make the swap device (by default this will be /dev/zram0) mkswap /dev/zram${drive_num} swapon /dev/zram${drive_num} -d -p 1 #create second zram drive: for temporary user-storage at /zram if ! grep -qxF "ExecStart=/usr/bin/zram.sh storage-off" /etc/systemd/system/zram-swap.service ;then echo "Setting up ZRAM-powered file storage at /zram" #create new zram drive drive_num=$(cat /sys/class/zram-control/hot_add) # set compression algorithm echo $algorithm > /sys/block/zram${drive_num}/comp_algorithm #set the size of drive to be 4 times the available RAM echo $((totalmem * 1024 * 4)) > /sys/block/zram${drive_num}/disksize #create a partition and mount it mkfs.ext4 /dev/zram${drive_num} >/dev/null mkdir -p /zram mount /dev/zram${drive_num} /zram chmod -R 777 /zram #make writable for any user fi' | sudo tee /usr/bin/zram.sh >/dev/null sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/zram.sh status "Making it run on startup" echo ' - Creating zram-swap.service' echo '[Unit] Description=Configures zram swap device After=local-fs.target [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/bin/zram.sh ExecStop=/usr/bin/zram.sh stop RemainAfterExit=yes [Install] WantedBy = multi-user.target' | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/zram-swap.service >/dev/null echo ' - Reloading Systemd unit files' sudo systemctl daemon-reload echo ' - Enabling zram-swap.service to run on boot' sudo systemctl enable zram-swap.service status -n "Running it now." echo " Output:" sudo /usr/bin/zram.sh || exit 1 status "Changing kernel parameters for better performance:" #change kernel values as recommended by: https://haydenjames.io/linux-performance-almost-always-add-swap-part2-zram set_sysctl_value vm.swappiness=100 set_sysctl_value vm.vfs_cache_pressure=500 set_sysctl_value vm.dirty_background_ratio=1 set_sysctl_value vm.dirty_ratio=50 echo status_green "ZRAM should now be set up. Consider rebooting your device." status "Below is a summary:" zramctl status "You can see this at any time by running 'zramctl'" sleep 1