<# .SYNOPSIS These PowerShell Functions will Install, Push, Uninstall, and Confirm ConnectWise Automate installations. .DESCRIPTION Functions Included: Confirm-Automate Uninstall-Automate Install-Automate Push-Automate Get-ADComputerNames Install-Chrome Install-Manage Scan-Network New-IPRange http://powershell.com/cs/media/p/9437.aspx Invoke-Ping https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Invoke-Ping-Test-in-b553242a Get-IPv4Subnet https://github.com/briansworth/GetIPv4Address/blob/master/GetIPv4Subnet.psm1 .LINK https://github.com/Braingears/PowerShell .NOTES File Name : Automate-Module.psm1 Author : Chuck Fowler (Chuck@Braingears.com) Version : 1.0 Creation Date : 11/10/2019 Purpose/Change : Initial script development Prerequisite : PowerShell V2 Version : 1.1 Date : 11/15/2019 Changes : Add $Automate.InstFolder and $Automate.InstRegistry and check for both to be consdered for $Automate.Installed It was found that the Automate Uninstaller EXE is leaving behind the LabTech registry keys and it was not being detected properly. .EXAMPLE Confirm-Automate [-Silent] Confirm-Automate [-Show] .EXAMPLE Uninstall-Automate [-Silent] .EXAMPLE Install-Automate -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 [-Show] .Example To push a single Automate Agent: Push-Automate -Computer 'ComputerName' -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Username 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' -Password 'Ch@ng3P@ssw0rd' For multiple computers, use a | "pipe" into Push-Automate function: $Computers | Push-Automate -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Username 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' -Password 'Ch@ng3P@ssw0rd' - or - Scan-Network | Push-Automate -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Username 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' -Password 'Ch@ng3P@ssw0rd' - or - Get-ADComputerNames | Push-Automate -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Username 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' -Password 'Ch@ng3P@ssw0rd' - or - "Computer1", "Computer2" | Push-Automate -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Username 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' -Password 'Ch@ng3P@ssw0rd' #> Function Confirm-Automate { <# .SYNOPSIS This PowerShell Function will confirm If Automate is installed, services running, and checking-in. .DESCRIPTION This function will automatically start the Automate services (If stopped). It will collect Automate information from the registry. .PARAMETER Raw This will show the Automate registry entries .PARAMETER Show This will display $Automate object .PARAMETER Silent This will hide all output .LINK https://github.com/Braingears/PowerShell .NOTES Version : 1.0 Author : Chuck Fowler Creation Date : 08/16/2019 Purpose/Change : Initial script development Version : 1.1 Date : 11/15/2019 Changes : Add $Automate.InstFolder and $Automate.InstRegistry and check for both to be consdered for $Automate.Installed It was found that the Automate Uninstaller EXE is leaving behind the LabTech registry keys and it was not being detected properly. Version : 1.2 Date : 04/02/2020 Changes : Add $Automate.Service -eq $null If the service still exists, the installation is failing with Exit Code 1638. .EXAMPLE Confirm-Automate [-Silent] Confirm-Automate [-Show] ServerAddress : https://yourserver.hostedrmm.com ComputerID : 321 ClientID : 1 LocationID : 2 Version : 190.221 Service : Running Online : True LastHeartbeat : 29 LastStatus : 36 $Automate $Global:Automate This output will be saved to $Automate as an object to be used in other functions. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] Param ( [switch]$Raw = $False, [switch]$Show = $False, [switch]$Silent = $False ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' if ((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").LastSuccessStatus) { $Online = If ((Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service") -and ((Get-Service ltservice).status) -eq "Running") {((((Get-Date) - (Get-Date (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").LastSuccessStatus)).TotalSeconds) -lt 600)} Else {Write $False} } else {$Online = $False} If (Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service") { $Global:Automate = New-Object -TypeName psobject $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $env:ComputerName $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ServerAddress -Value ((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").'Server Address') $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerID -Value ((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").ID) $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ClientID -Value ((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").ClientID) $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LocationID -Value ((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").LocationID) $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Version -Value ((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").Version) $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstFolder -Value (Test-Path "$($env:windir)\ltsvc") $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstRegistry -Value $True $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Installed -Value (Test-Path "$($env:windir)\ltsvc") $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Service -Value ((Get-Service LTService).Status) $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Online -Value $Online if ((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").HeartbeatLastSent) { $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LastHeartbeat -Value ([int]((Get-Date) - (Get-Date (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").HeartbeatLastSent)).TotalSeconds) } if ((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").LastSuccessStatus) { $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LastStatus -Value ([int]((Get-Date) - (Get-Date (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").LastSuccessStatus)).TotalSeconds) } Write-Verbose $Global:Automate If ($Show) { $Global:Automate } Else { If (!$Silent) { Write "Server Address checking-in to $($Global:Automate.ServerAddress)" Write "ComputerID: $($Global:Automate.ComputerID)" Write "The Automate Agent Online $($Global:Automate.Online)" Write "Last Successful Heartbeat $($Global:Automate.LastHeartbeat) seconds" Write "Last Successful Status Update $($Global:Automate.LastStatus) seconds" } # End Not Silent } # End If If ($Raw -eq $True) {Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service"} } Else { $Global:Automate = New-Object -TypeName psobject $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $env:ComputerName $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstFolder -Value (Test-Path "$($env:windir)\ltsvc") $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstRegistry -Value $False $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Installed -Value ((Test-Path "$($env:windir)\ltsvc") -and (Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service")) $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Service -Value ((Get-Service ltservice ).status) $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Online -Value $Online Write-Verbose $Global:Automate } #End If Registry Exists If (!$Global:Automate.InstFolder -and !$Global:Automate.InstRegistry -and ($Global:Automate.Service -eq $Null)) {If ($Silent -eq $False) {Write "Automate is NOT Installed"}} } #End Function Confirm-Automate ######################## Set-Alias -Name LTC -Value Confirm-Automate -Description 'Confirm If Automate is running properly' ######################## Function Uninstall-Automate { <# .SYNOPSIS This PowerShell Function Uninstall Automate. .DESCRIPTION This function will download the Automate Uninstaller from Connectwise and completely remove the Automate / LabTech Agent. .PARAMETER Silent This will hide all output .LINK https://github.com/Braingears/PowerShell .NOTES Version : 1.0 Author : Chuck Fowler Website : braingears.com Creation Date : 8/2019 Purpose : Create initial function script Version : 1.1 Date : 11/15/2019 Changes : Add $Automate.InstFolder and $Automate.InstRegistry and check for both to be consdered for $Automate.Installed It was found that the Automate Uninstaller EXE is leaving behind the LabTech registry keys and it was not being detected properly. If the LTSVC Folder or Registry keys are found after the uninstaller runs, the script now performs a manual gutting via PowerShell. Version : 1.2 Date : 04/02/2020 Changes : Add $Automate.Service -eq $null If the service still exists, the installation is failing with Exit Code 1638. .EXAMPLE Uninstall-Automate [-Silent] #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] Param ( [switch]$Force, [switch]$Raw, [switch]$Show, [switch]$Silent = $False ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $Verbose = If ($PSBoundParameters.Verbose -eq $True) { $True } Else { $False } $DownloadPath = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets-cp/assets/Agent_Uninstall.exe" If ((([Int][System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build) -gt 6000) -and ((get-host).Version.ToString() -ge 3)) { $DownloadPath = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets-cp/assets/Agent_Uninstall.exe" } Else { $DownloadPath = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/assets-cp/assets/Agent_Uninstall.exe" } $SoftwarePath = "C:\Support\Automate" $UninstallApps = @( "ConnectWise Automate Remote Agent" "LabTech® Software Remote Agent" ) Write-Debug "Checking if Automate Installed" Confirm-Automate -Silent -Verbose:$Verbose If (($Global:Automate.InstFolder) -or ($Global:Automate.InstRegistry) -or (!($Global:Automate.Service -eq $Null)) -or ($Force)) { $Filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($DownloadPath) $SoftwareFullPath = "$($SoftwarePath)\$Filename" If (!(Test-Path $SoftwarePath)) {md $SoftwarePath | Out-Null} Set-Location $SoftwarePath If ((Test-Path $SoftwareFullPath)) {Remove-Item $SoftwareFullPath | Out-Null} $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile($DownloadPath, $SoftwareFullPath) If (!$Silent) {Write-Host "Removing Existing Automate Agent..."} Write-Verbose "Closing Open Applications and Stopping Services" Stop-Process -Name "ltsvcmon","lttray","ltsvc","ltclient" -Force Stop-Service ltservice,ltsvcmon -Force $UninstallExitCode = (Start-Process "cmd" -ArgumentList "/c $($SoftwareFullPath)" -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru).ExitCode If (!$Silent) { If ($UninstallExitCode -eq 0) { # Write-Host "The Automate Agent Uninstaller Executed Without Errors" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Verbose "The Automate Agent Uninstaller Executed Without Errors" } Else { Write-Host "Automate Uninstall Exit Code: $($UninstallExitCode)" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Verbose "Automate Uninstall Exit Code: $($UninstallExitCode)" } } Write-Verbose "Checking For Removal - Loop 5X" While ($Counter -ne 6) { $Counter++ Start-Sleep 10 Confirm-Automate -Silent -Verbose:$Verbose If ((!$Global:Automate.InstFolder) -and (!$Global:Automate.InstRegistry) -and ($Global:Automate.Service -eq $Null)) { Write-Verbose "Automate Uninstaller Completed Successfully" Break } }# end While If (($Global:Automate.InstFolder) -or ($Global:Automate.InstRegistry) -or (!($Global:Automate.Service -eq $Null))) { Write-Verbose "Uninstaller Failed" Write-Verbose "Manually Gutting Automate..." If (!(($Global:Automate.Service -eq $Null) -or ($Global:Automate.Service -eq "Stopped"))) { Write-Verbose "LTService Service not Stopped. Disabling LTService Service" Set-Service ltservice -StartupType Disabled Stop-Service ltservice,ltsvcmon -Force } Stop-Process -Name "ltsvcmon","lttray","ltsvc","ltclient" -Force Write-Verbose "Uninstalling LabTechAD Package" $UninstallApps2 = foreach ($App in $UninstallApps) {Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -ComputerName . | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -like $App} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Name"} $UninstallAppsFound = $UninstallApps2 | Select-Object -Unique foreach ($App in $UninstallAppsFound) { $AppLocalPackage = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -ComputerName . | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -like $App} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "LocalPackage" If ($AppLocalPackage -eq $null) { Write-Verbose "$($App) - Not Installed" } Else { Write-Verbose "Uninstalling: $($App) - msiexec /x $($AppLocalPackage) /qn /norestart" msiexec /x $AppLocalPackage /qn /norestart } } Remove-Item "$($env:windir)\ltsvc" -Recurse -Force Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service" | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force REG Delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service /f | Out-Null Start-Process "cmd" -ArgumentList "/c $($SoftwareFullPath)" -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru | Out-Null Confirm-Automate -Silent -Verbose:$Verbose If ($Global:Automate.InstFolder) { If (!$Silent) { Write-Host "Automate Uninstall Failed" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "$($env:windir)\ltsvc folder still exists" -ForegroundColor Red } else { Write-Verbose "Automate Uninstall Failed" Write-Verbose "$($env:windir)\ltsvc folder still exists" } } If ($Global:Automate.InstRegistry) { If (!$Silent) { Write-Host "Automate Uninstall Failed" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service Registry keys still exists" -ForegroundColor Red } else { Write-Verbose "Automate Uninstall Failed" Write-Verbose "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service Registry keys still exists" } } If (!($Global:Automate.Service -eq $Null)) { If (!$Silent) { Write-Host "Automate Uninstall Failed" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "LTService Service still exists" -ForegroundColor Red } else { Write-Verbose "Automate Uninstall Failed" Write-Verbose "LTService Service still exists" } } } Else { If (!$Silent) {Write-Host "The Automate Agent Uninstalled Successfully" -ForegroundColor Green} Write-Verbose "The Automate Agent Uninstalled Successfully" } } # If Test Install Confirm-Automate -Silent:$Silent } # Function Uninstall-Automate ######################## Set-Alias -Name LTU -Value Uninstall-Automate -Description 'Uninstall Automate Agent' ######################## Function Install-Automate { <# .SYNOPSIS This PowerShell Function is for Automate Deployments .DESCRIPTION Install the Automate Agent. This function will qualIfy the If another Autoamte agent is already installed on the computer. If the existing agent belongs to dIfferent Automate server, it will automatically "Rip & Replace" the existing agent. This comparison is based on the server's FQDN. This function will also verIfy If the existing Automate agent is checking-in. The Confirm-Automate Function will verIfy the Server address, LocationID, and Heartbeat/Check-in. If these entries are missing or not checking-in properly; this function will automatically attempt to restart the services, and then "Rip & Replace" the agent to remediate the agent. $Automate $Global:Automate The output will be saved to $Automate as an object to be used in other functions. Example: Install-Automate -Server YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM -LocationID 2 -Transcript Tested OS: Windows XP (with .Net 3.5.1 and PowerShell installed) Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 10 Windows 2003R2 Windows 2008R2 Windows 2012R2 Windows 2016 Windows 2019 .PARAMETER Server This is the URL to your Automate server. Install-Automate -Server 'server.hostedrmm.com' -LocationID 2 .PARAMETER LocationID Use LocationID to install the Automate Agent directly to the appropieate client's location / site. If parameter is not specIfied, it will automatically assign LocationID 1 (New Computers). .PARAMETER Token Use Token to install the Automate Agent directly to the appropieate client's location / site. If parameter is not specIfied, it will automatically attempt to use direct unauthenticated downloads. This method in blocked after Automate v20.0.6.178 (Patch 6) .PARAMETER Force This will force the Automate Uninstaller prior to installation. Essentually, this will be a fresh install and a fresh check-in to the Automate server. Install-Automate -Server 'server.hostedrmm.com' -LocationID 2 -Force .PARAMETER Silent This will hide all output (except a failed installation when Exit Code -ne 0) The function will exit once the installer has completed. Install-Automate -Server 'server.hostedrmm.com' -LocationID 2 -Silent .PARAMETER Transcript This parameter will save the entire transcript and responsed to: $($env:windir)\Temp\AutomateLogon.txt Install-Automate -Server 'server.hostedrmm.com' -LocationID 2 -Transcript -Verbose .LINK https://github.com/Braingears/PowerShell .NOTES Version : 1.0 Author : Chuck Fowler Creation Date : 08/2019 Purpose/Change : Initial script development Version : 1.1 Date : 11/15/2019 Changes : Add $Automate.InstFolder and $Automate.InstRegistry and check for both to be consdered for $Automate.Installed It was found that the Automate Uninstaller EXE is leaving behind the LabTech registry keys and it was not being detected properly. If the LTSVC Folder or Registry keys are found after the uninstaller runs, the script now performs a manual gutting via PowerShell. Version : 1.2 Date : 02/17/2020 Changes : Add MSIEXEC Log Files to C:\Windows\Temp\Automate_Agent_(Date).log Version : 1.3 Date : 05/26/2020 Changes : Look for and replace "Enter the server address here" with the actual Automate Server address. Version : 1.4 Date : 06/29/2020 Changes : Added Token Parameter for Deployment .EXAMPLE Install-Automate -Server 'automate.domain.com' -LocationID 42 -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 This will install the LabTech agent using the provided Server URL, and LocationID. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, Position=0)] [Alias("FQDN","Srv")] [string[]]$Server = $Null, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, Position=1)] [AllowNull()] [Alias('LID','Location')] [int]$LocationID = '1', [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, Position=2)] [Alias("InstallerToken")] [string[]]$Token = $Null, [switch]$Force, [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [switch]$Show = $False, [switch]$Silent, [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [switch]$Transcript = $False ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $Verbose = If ($PSBoundParameters.Verbose -eq $True) { $True } Else { $False } $Error.Clear() If ($Transcript) {Start-Transcript -Path "$($env:windir)\Temp\Automate_Deploy.txt" -Force} $SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol $SoftwarePath = "C:\Support\Automate" $Filename = "Automate_Agent.msi" $SoftwareFullPath = "$SoftwarePath\$Filename" $AutomateURL = "https://$($Server)" Write-Verbose "Checking Operating System (WinXP and Older)" If ([int]((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).BuildNumber) -lt 6000) { $OS = ((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption) Write-Host "This computer is running $($OS), and is no longer officially supported by ConnectWise Automate" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Automate/ConnectWise_Automate_Supportability_Statements/Supportability_Statement:_Windows_XP_and_Server_2003_End_of_Life" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "" $AutomateURL = "https://$($Server)" } Try { Write-Verbose "Enabling downloads to use SSL/TLS v1.2" [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 } Catch { Write-Verbose "Failed to enable SSL/TLS v1.2" Write-Host "This computer is not configured for SSL/TLS v1.2" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Automate/ConnectWise_Automate_Supportability_Statements/Supportability_Statement:_TLS_1.0_and_1.1_Protocols_Unsupported" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "" $AutomateURL = "https://$($Server)" } Try { $AutomateURLTest = "$($AutomateURL)/LabTech/" $TestURL = (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString($AutomateURLTest) Write-Verbose "$AutomateURL is Active" } Catch { Write-Verbose "Could not download from $($AutomateURL). Switching to http://$($Server)" $AutomateURL = "http://$($Server)" } $DownloadPath = $null If ($Token -ne $null) { $DownloadPath = "$($AutomateURL)/Labtech/Deployment.aspx?InstallerToken=$Token" Write-Verbose "Downloading from: $($DownloadPath)" } else { Write-Verbose "A -Token was not entered" $DownloadPath = "$($AutomateURL)/Labtech/Deployment.aspx?Probe=1&installType=msi&MSILocations=$($LocationID)" Write-Verbose "Downloading from (Old): $($DownloadPath)" } Confirm-Automate -Silent -Verbose:$Verbose Write-Verbose "If ServerAddress matches, the Automate Agent is currently Online, and Not forced to Rip & Replace then Automate is already installed." Write-Verbose (($Global:Automate.ServerAddress -like "*$($Server)*") -and ($Global:Automate.Online) -and !($Force)) If (($Global:Automate.ServerAddress -like "*$($Server)*") -and $Global:Automate.Online -and !$Force) { If (!$Silent) { If ($Show) { $Global:Automate } Else { Write-Host "The Automate Agent is already installed on $($Global:Automate.Computername) ($($Global:Automate.ComputerID)) and checked-in $($Global:Automate.LastStatus) seconds ago to $($Global:Automate.ServerAddress)" -ForegroundColor Green } } } Else { If (!$Silent -and $Global:Automate.Online -and (!($Global:Automate.ServerAddress -like "*$($Server)*"))) { Write-Host "The Existing Automate Server Does Not Match The Target Automate Server." -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Current Automate Server: $($Global:Automate.ServerAddress)" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "New Automate Server: $($AutomateURL)" -ForegroundColor Green } # If Different Server Write-Verbose "Downloading Automate Agent from $($AutomateURL)" If (!(Test-Path $SoftwarePath)) {md $SoftwarePath | Out-Null} Set-Location $SoftwarePath If ((test-path $SoftwareFullPath)) {Remove-Item $SoftwareFullPath | Out-Null} Try { Write-Verbose "Downloading from: $($DownloadPath)" Write-Verbose "Downloading to: $($SoftwareFullPath)" $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile($DownloadPath, $SoftwareFullPath) Write-Verbose "Download Complete" } Catch { Write-Host "The Automate Server was inaccessible or the Token Parameters were not entered or valid. Failed to Download:" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $DownloadPath -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Help: Get-Help Install-Automate -Full" Write-Host "Exiting Installation..." Break } Write-Verbose "Removing Existing Automate Agent" Uninstall-Automate -Force:$Force -Silent:$Silent -Verbose:$Verbose If (!$Silent) {Write-Host "Installing Automate Agent to $AutomateURL"} Stop-Process -Name "ltsvcmon","lttray","ltsvc","ltclient" -Force -PassThru $Date = (get-date -UFormat %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S) $LogFullPath = "$env:windir\Temp\Automate_Agent_$Date.log" $InstallExitCode = (Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i $($SoftwareFullPath) /quiet /norestart LOCATION=$($LocationID) SERVERADDRESS=$($AutomateURL) /L*V $($LogFullPath)" -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru).ExitCode Write-Verbose "MSIEXEC Log Files: $LogFullPath" If ($InstallExitCode -eq 0) { If (!$Silent) {Write-Verbose "The Automate Agent Installer Executed Without Errors"} } Else { Write-Host "Automate Installer Exit Code: $InstallExitCode" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Automate Installer Logs: $LogFullPath" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "The Automate MSI failed. Waiting 15 Seconds..." -ForegroundColor Red Start-Sleep -s 15 Write-Host "Installer will execute twice (KI 12002617)" -ForegroundColor Yellow $Date = (get-date -UFormat %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S) $LogFullPath = "$env:windir\Temp\Automate_Agent_$Date.log" $InstallExitCode = (Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i $($SoftwareFullPath) /quiet /norestart LOCATION=$($LocationID) SERVERADDRESS=$($AutomateURL) /L*V $($LogFullPath)" -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru).ExitCode Write-Host "Automate Installer Exit Code: $InstallExitCode" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "Automate Installer Logs: $LogFullPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow }# End Else If ($InstallExitCode -eq 0) { While ($Counter -ne 30) { $Counter++ Start-Sleep 10 Confirm-Automate -Silent -Verbose:$Verbose If ($Global:Automate.Server -like "Enter the server address here*") { Write-Verbose "The Automate Server Address was not written properly" Write-Verbose "Manually overwriting the Server Address to: $($AutomateURL)" Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service 'Server Address' -Value $AutomateURL –Force Write-Verbose "Restarting LTService after correcting the Server Address" Get-Service LTService | Where {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Restart-Service -Force Confirm-Automate -Silent -Verbose:$Verbose } If ($Global:Automate.Online -and $Global:Automate.ComputerID -ne $Null) { If (!$Silent) { Write-Host "The Automate Agent Has Been Successfully Installed" -ForegroundColor Green $Global:Automate }#end If Silent Break } # end If }# end While } Else { While ($Counter -ne 3) { $Counter++ Start-Sleep 10 Confirm-Automate -Silent -Verbose:$Verbose If ($Global:Automate.Server -like "Enter the server address here*") { Write-Verbose "The Automate Server Address was not written properly" Write-Verbose "Manually overwriting the Server Address to: $($AutomateURL)" Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service 'Server Address' -Value $AutomateURL –Force Write-Verbose "Restarting LTService after correcting the Server Address" Get-Service LTService | Where {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Restart-Service -Force Confirm-Automate -Silent -Verbose:$Verbose } If ($Global:Automate.Online -and $Global:Automate.ComputerID -ne $Null) { If (!$Silent) { Write-Host "The Automate Agent Has Been Successfully Installed" -ForegroundColor Green $Global:Automate }#end If Silent Break } # end If } # end While } # end If ExitCode 0 Confirm-Automate -Silent -Verbose:$Verbose If (!($Global:Automate.Online -and $Global:Automate.ComputerID -ne $Null)) { If (!$Silent) { Write-Host "The Automate Agent FAILED to Install" -ForegroundColor Red $Global:Automate }# end If Silent } # end If Not Online } # End If ($Transcript) {Stop-Transcript} } #End Function Install-Automate ######################## Set-Alias -Name LTI -Value Install-Automate -Description 'Install Automate Agent' ######################## Function Push-Automate { <# .SYNOPSIS This PowerShell Function is for pushing Automate Deployments .DESCRIPTION Install the Automate Agent. This function will qualIfy the If another Autoamte agent is already installed on the computer. If the existing agent belongs to dIfferent Automate server, it will automatically "Rip & Replace" the existing agent. This comparison is based on the server's FQDN. This function will also verIfy If the existing Automate agent is checking-in. The Confirm-Automate Function will verIfy the Server address, LocationID, and Heartbeat/Check-in. If these entries are missing or not checking-in properly; this function will automatically attempt to restart the services, and then "Rip & Replace" the agent to remediate the agent. $AutoResults $Global:AutoResults The output will be saved to $AutoResults as an object to be used in other functions. Example: To push a single Automate Agent: Push-Automate -Computer 'Computername' -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 -Username 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' -Password 'Ch@ng3P@ssw0rd' For multiple computers, use a | "pipe" into Push-Automate function: $Computers | Push-Automate -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 -Username 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' -Password 'Ch@ng3P@ssw0rd' - or - Get-ADComputerNames | Push-Automate -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 -Username 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' -Password 'Ch@ng3P@ssw0rd' - or - "Computer1", "Computer2" | Push-Automate -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 -Username 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' -Password 'Ch@ng3P@ssw0rd' When pushing to multiple computers, use the actual computer names. If you use IP Address, it will fail when using WINRM Protocols (and use WMI/RCP instead). .PARAMETER Server This is the URL to your Automate server. Install-Automate -Server 'server.hostedrmm.com' -LocationID 2 .PARAMETER LocationID Use LocationID to install the Automate Agent directly to the appropieate client's location / site. If parameter is not specIfied, it will automatically assign LocationID 1 (New Computers). Install-Automate -Server 'server.hostedrmm.com' -LocationID 2 -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 .PARAMETER Username Enter username with Domain Admin rights. When entering username, use 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' The function will accept PSCredentials saved to $Credentials prior to running this function. .PARAMETER Password Enter Password for Domain Admin account. The function will accept PSCredentials saved to $Credentials prior to running this function. .PARAMETER Force >>> This Function Is Currently Disabled <<< This will force the Automate Uninstaller prior to installation. Essentually, this will be a fresh install and a fresh check-in to the Automate server. Install-Automate -Server 'server.hostedrmm.com' -LocationID 2 -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 -Force .PARAMETER Silent >>> This Function Is Currently Disabled <<< This will hide all output (except a failed installation when Exit Code -ne 0) The function will exit once the installer has completed. Install-Automate -Server 'server.hostedrmm.com' -LocationID 2 -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 -Silent .PARAMETER Transcript >>> This Function Is Currently Disabled <<< This parameter will save the entire transcript and responsed to: $($env:windir)\Temp\AutomateLogon.txt Install-Automate -Server 'server.hostedrmm.com' -LocationID 2 -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 -Transcript -Verbose .LINK https://github.com/Braingears/PowerShell .NOTES Version : 1.0 Author : Chuck Fowler Creation Date : 08/2019 Purpose/Change : Initial script development Version : 1.1 Date : 11/15/2019 Changes : Add $Automate.InstFolder and $Automate.InstRegistry and check for both to be consdered for $Automate.Installed It was found that the Automate Uninstaller EXE is leaving behind the LabTech registry keys and it was not being detected properly. If the LTSVC Folder or Registry keys are found after the uninstaller runs, the script now performs a manual gutting via PowerShell. .EXAMPLE Push-Automate -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Username 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' -Password 'Ch@ng3P@ssw0rd' -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 -Computer COMPUTERNAME Use the -Computer parameter for single computers. .EXAMPLE $Computers | Push-Automate -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Username 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' -Password 'Ch@ng3P@ssw0rd' -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 Use Array to pipe multiple computers into Push=Automate function. .EXAMPLE Get-ADComputerNames | Push-Automate -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Username 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' -Password 'Ch@ng3P@ssw0rd' -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 Use another function to pipe multiple computers into Push=Automate function. Select only computer names. .EXAMPLE "Computer1", "Computer2" | Push-Automate -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Username 'DOMAIN\USERNAME' -Password 'Ch@ng3P@ssw0rd' -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 When pushing to multiple computers, use the actual computer names. If you use IP Address, it will fail when using WINRM Protocols (and use WMI/RCP instead). This will install the LabTech agent using the provided Server URL, and LocationID. .EXAMPLE $Credential = Get-Credential Push-Automate -Server 'YOURSERVER.DOMAIN.COM' -LocationID 2 -Token adb68881994ed93960346478303476f4 You can proactivly load PSCredential, then use the Push-Automate function within the same Powershell session. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [string[]]$Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME, [Parameter()] [Alias("FQDN","Srv")] [string[]]$Server = $Null, [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [Alias('LID','Location')] [int]$LocationID = '1', [Parameter()] [Alias("InstallerToken")] [string[]]$Token = $Null, [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [Alias('User')] [string[]]$Username, [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [Alias('Pass')] [string[]]$Password, [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [switch]$Force = $False, [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [switch]$Show = $False, [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [switch]$Silent = $False, [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [switch]$Transcript = $False ) BEGIN { $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $Verbose = If ($PSBoundParameters.Verbose -eq $True) { $True } Else { $False } If ((([Int][System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build) -gt 6000) -and ((get-host).Version.ToString() -ge 3)) {$AutomateURL = "https://" + $Server} Else {$AutomateURL = "http://" + $Server} $AutomateURLTest = $AutomateURL +"/LabTech/" Write-Verbose "Checking if Automate Server URL is active. Server entered: $($Server)" Write-Verbose "$AutomateURLTest" Try { $TestURL = (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString($AutomateURLTest) Write-Verbose "$($AutomateURL) is Active" } Catch { Write-Host "The Automate Server Parameter Was Not Entered or Inaccessible" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Help: Get-Help Push-Automate -Full" Break } $Whoami = whoami Write-Verbose "Running Script as: $whoami" If (($Username -eq $Null) -and ($Password -eq $Null) -and ($Credential -eq $Null) -and !((whoami) -eq 'nt authority\system')) {$Credential = Get-Credential -Message "Enter Domain Admin Credentials for Remote Automate Push"} If (($Username -ne $Null) -and ($Password -ne $Null)) { $Pass = $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($Username,$Pass) } If ($Credential -eq $Null) { If ((whoami) -eq 'nt authority\system') {Write-Host "Running function as $($Whoami)"} Write-Host "Credentials Are Missing!" -ForegroundColor Red Clear-Variable Computer, Server, Force, Silent Break } Write-Verbose "Credential loaded: $($Credential.Username)" $Global:AutoChecks = @() } #End Begin PROCESS { # Variables $Time = Date $CheckAutomateWinRM = { Write-Verbose "Invoke Confirm-Automate -Silent" Invoke-Expression(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Braingears/PowerShell/master/Automate-Module.psm1') Confirm-Automate -Silent Write $Global:Automate } $InstallAutomateWinRM = { $Server = $Args[0] $LocationID = $Args[1] $Token = $Args[2] $Force = $Args[3] $Silent = $Args[4] $Transcript = $Args[5] Invoke-Expression(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Braingears/PowerShell/master/Automate-Module.psm1') Install-Automate -Server $Server -LocationID $LocationID -Token $Token -Transcript } $WMICMD = 'powershell.exe -Command "Invoke-Expression(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Braingears/PowerShell/master/Automate-Module.psm1''); ' $WMIPOSH = "Install-Automate -Server $Server -LocationID $LocationID -Token $Token -Transcript" $WMIArg = Write-Output "$WMICMD$WMIPOSH""" $WinRMConectivity = "N/A" $WMICConectivity = "N/A" $WinRMDeployed = $False $WMIDeployed = $False Clear-Variable Automate, ProcessErrorWinRM, ProcessErrorWMIC # End Variables # Now Trying WinRM If ($Computer -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME) { Write-Verbose "Installing Automate on Local Computer - $Computer" Invoke-Expression(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Braingears/PowerShell/master/Automate-Module.psm1') Install-Automate -Server $Server -LocationID $LocationID -Token $Token -Show:$Show -Transcript:$Transcript } Else { # Remote Computer If (!$Silent) {Write-Host "$($Time) - Now Checking $($COMPUTER)"} Write-Verbose "Ping Connectivity - Testing..." If (Test-Connection -ComputerName $COMPUTER -Count 1 -Quiet) { Write-Verbose "Ping Connectivity - Passed" $PingTest = $True Write-Verbose "IP or NetBIOS Name - Testing..." If ($Computer -notmatch "[a-z]") { Write-Verbose "$Computer is IP Address" $ComputerNetBIOS = nbtstat -A $Computer | Where-Object { $_ -match '^\s*([^<\s]+)\s*<00>\s*UNIQUE' } | ForEach-Object { $matches[1] } if ($ComputerNetBIOS -eq $Null) { Write-Verbose "$Computer could not query NetBIOS Name" Write-Verbose "$Computer as an IP Address will likely fail WinRM Connectivity" } else { Write-Verbose "Replacing $Computer with $ComputerNetBIOS" $Computer = $ComputerNetBIOS } } Try { Write-Verbose "Proactively Remote Starting WinRM Service" Get-Service WinRM -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop | Start-Service } Catch {Write-Verbose "Start Service - Failed"} Try { # The $WinRMConectivity will change to $True if the Invoke-Command has no $Errors $WinRMConectivity = $False $WinRMFailed = $True Write-Verbose "WinRM Connectivity - Testing..." $Global:Automate = (Invoke-Command $COMPUTER -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock $CheckAutomateWinRM -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable ProcessErrorWinRM) Write-Verbose "WinRM Connectivity - Passed" Write-Verbose "Global Automate: $($Global:Automate)" $WinRMConectivity = $True $WinRMFailed = $False } Catch [System.Management.Automation.Remoting.PSRemotingTransportException] { If ($($ProcessErrorWinRM) -like "*Logon failure*") { Write-Verbose "WinRM Connectivity - Credentials Failed" Write-Host "WinRM Connectivity - Credentials Failed" -ForegroundColor Red } else { Write-Verbose "WinRM Connectivity - Failed" } } Catch { Write-Verbose "WinRM Connectivity - Failed" Write-Verbose "WinRM Errors: $ProcessErrorWinRM.Exception" $ProcessErrorWinRM.Exception | Select -Property * } If (($Global:Automate.ServerAddress -like "*$($Server)*") -and $WinRMConectivity -and $Global:Automate.Online -and !$Force) { If ($Show) { $Global:Automate } Else { Write-Host "The Automate Agent is already installed on $($Global:Automate.Computername) ($($Global:Automate.ComputerID)) and checked-in $($Global:Automate.LastStatus) seconds ago to $($Global:Automate.ServerAddress)" -ForegroundColor Green } } Else { If ($WinRMConectivity) { Write-Verbose "WinRM Connectivity - Passed" Write-Verbose "Installing Automate..." Invoke-Command $COMPUTER -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock $InstallAutomateWinRM -ArgumentList $Server, $LocationID, $Token, $Force, $Silent, $Transcript -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Global:Automate = (Invoke-Command $COMPUTER -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock $CheckAutomateWinRM -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) Write-Verbose "Local Automate: $($Automate)" Write-Verbose "Global Automate: $($Global:Automate)" $WinRMDeployed = $True } } #### Now Trying RPC If (!$Global:Automate.Online) { Write-Verbose "WMIC Connectivity - Testing..." Try { $WMICFailed = $True $WMICConectivity = $False $ComputerWMI = ((Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable ProcessErrorWMIC).Name) Write-Verbose "WMIC Connectivity - Passed" $WMICConectivity = $True $WMICFailed = $False } Catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException] { Write-Verbose "WMIC Connectivity - RPC Server is Unavailable" } Catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] { Write-Verbose "WMIC Connectivity - Credentials Failed" Write-Host "WMIC Connectivity - Credentials Failed" -ForegroundColor Red } Catch { Write-Verbose "WMIC Connectivity - Failed" Write-Verbose "WMIC Errors: $ProcessErrorWMIC" } If ($WMICConectivity) { $Reg = Get-WmiObject -List StdRegProv -Namespace root\default -ComputerName $Computer -Credential $Credential $HKLM = 2147483650 $Key = 'SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service\' $Values = $Reg.EnumValues($HKLM,$Key) # Registry types enumerations: $RegTypes = @{ 1 = 'REG_SZ' 2 = 'REG_EXPAND_SZ' 3 = 'REG_BINARY' 4 = 'REG_DWORD' 7 = 'REG_MULTI_SZ' } # Use a for loop to go through the values $Results = @( for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Values.sNames.count; $i++) { $Name = $Values.sNames[$i] $Type = $RegTypes[$Values.Types[$i]] switch ($Values.Types[$i]) { 1 {$Value = $Reg.GetStringValue($HKLM,$Key,$Name).sValue} 2 {$Value = $Reg.GetExpandedStringValue($HKLM,$Key,$Name).sValue} 3 {$Value = $Reg.GetBinaryValue($HKLM,$Key,$Name).uValue} 4 {$Value = $Reg.GetDWORDValue($HKLM,$Key,$Name).uValue} 7 {$Value = $Reg.GetMultiStringValue($HKLM,$Key,$Name).sValue} } [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $Name Type = $Type Data = $Value } } ) # $Results - Registry If ($Results) { Write-Verbose "Confirm Install - Automate Installed - Registry Keys Found" $Global:Automate = New-Object -TypeName psobject $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $ComputerWMI $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ServerAddress -Value (($Results | Where-Object -Property Name -eq 'Server Address').Data) $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerID -Value (($Results | Where-Object -Property Name -eq 'ID').Data) $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ClientID -Value (($Results | Where-Object -Property Name -eq 'ClientID').Data) $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LocationID -Value (($Results | Where-Object -Property Name -eq 'LocationID').Data) $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Version -Value (($Results | Where-Object -Property Name -eq 'Version').Data) $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstFolder -Value (Test-Path "$($env:windir)\ltsvc") $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstRegistry -Value $True $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Installed -Value (Test-Path "$($env:windir)\ltsvc") $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Service -Value ((Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Computer -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='LTService'" -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ProcessErrorWMIC).State) if ((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").HeartbeatLastSent) { $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LastHeartbeat -Value ([int]((Get-Date) - (Get-Date (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").HeartbeatLastSent)).TotalSeconds) } if ((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").LastSuccessStatus) { $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LastStatus -Value ([int]((Get-Date) - (Get-Date (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\LabTech\Service").LastSuccessStatus)).TotalSeconds) } $Global:Automate | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Online -Value ($Global:Automate.InstFolder -and ($Global:Automate.Service -eq "Running")) Write-Verbose $Global:Automate If (($Global:Automate.ServerAddress -like "*$($Server)*") -and $Global:Automate.Online -and !$Force) { If ($Show) { $Global:Automate } Else { Write-Host "The Automate Agent is already installed on $($Global:Automate.Computername) ($($Global:Automate.ComputerID)) and checked-in $($Global:Automate.LastStatus) seconds ago to $($Global:Automate.ServerAddress)" -ForegroundColor Green } } Else { IF (!($Global:Automate.ServerAddress -like "*$($Server)*")) { Write-Host "The Existing Automate Server Does Not Match The Target Automate Server." -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Current Automate Server: $($Global:Automate.ServerAddress)" -ForegroundColor Red } Write-Verbose "Installing Automate..." $WMIExitCode = Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList $WMIArg -ComputerName $Computer -Impersonation 3 -EnableAllPrivileges -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue If ($WMIExitCode.ReturnValue -eq 0) { Write-Host "Installing Automate Agent to https://$($Server) - WMI" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Verbose "When pushing via WMI/RPC, the function will not wait and confirm the installation. " $WMIDeployed = $True } Else { Write-Host "WMI Did NOT Execute Properly." -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "WMI Return Value: $($WMIExitCode.ReturnValue)" -ForegroundColor Red } } } else { Write-Verbose "Confirm Install - Automate NOT Installed" Write-Verbose "Installing Automate..." $WMIExitCode = Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList $WMIArg -ComputerName $Computer -Impersonation 3 -EnableAllPrivileges -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue If ($WMIExitCode.ReturnValue -eq 0) { Write-Host "Installing Automate Agent to https://$($Server) - WMI" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Verbose "When pushing via WMI, the function will not wait and confirm the installation. " $WMIDeployed = $True } Else { Write-Host "WMI Did NOT Execute Properly." -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "WMI Return Value: $($WMIExitCode.ReturnValue)" -ForegroundColor Red } } } #End WMI Connectivity If (!$WinRMConectivity -and !$WMICConectivity) {Write-Host "Could Ping, but all protocols are inaccessible on $Computer. Deployment and Confirmations Failed" -ForegroundColor Yellow} } } Else { Write-Verbose "Ping Connectivity - Failed" Write-Host " Ping Connectivity - Failed" -ForegroundColor Yellow $PingTest = $False } # End Ping Test } # End Else Local Computer $Global:AutoChecks += New-Object psobject -Property @{ Computer = ($COMPUTER) ServerAddress = $Global:Automate.ServerAddress ComputerID = $Global:Automate.ComputerID ClientID = $Global:Automate.ClientID Version = $Global:Automate.Version Online = $Global:Automate.Online Ping = $PingTest WinRM = $WinRMConectivity WMI = $WMICConectivity DeployedWinRm = $WinRMDeployed DeployedWMI = $WMIDeployed } # End $Global:AutoChecks Clear-Variable Automate Clear-Variable Automate -Scope Global If (!$Silent) {Write-Host " "} } # End Process END { Clear-Variable Username, Pass -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null $Global:AutoResults = ($Global:AutoChecks | Select-Object Computer, Online, ServerAddress, ComputerID, ClientID, Ping, WinRM, WMI, DeployedWinRM, DeployedWMI) Write-Verbose 'Results have been saved to $Global:AutoResults' $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" } # End END } # End Function Push-Automate ######################## Set-Alias -Name LTP -Value Push-Automate -Description 'Push Automate Agent to Remote Computers' ######################## Function Get-ADComputerNames { Param( [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [Alias('Time')] [int]$Months = '1' ) $Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME $FilterLastLogonDate = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-$Months) $ADNames = { $Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME Write-Verbose "Executing from $Computer" If (!($Args -eq '[0]')) {$Months = $Args[0]} Write-Verbose "Months: -$Months" $FilterLastLogonDate = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-$Months) Write-Verbose "Executing from $Computer" Write-Verbose 'Importing ''ActiveDirectory'' Module' Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Verbose 'Loading all computers that have logged into' Get-ADComputer -Filter 'OperatingSystem -like "Windows*" -and LastLogonDate -ge $FilterLastLogonDate' | Select -ExpandProperty Name | Sort-Object -Unique # $Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter 'OperatingSystem -like "Windows*" -and Name -ne $Computer -and LastLogonDate -ge $FilterLastLogonDate' | Select -ExpandProperty Name | Sort-Object -Unique # Write-Verbose $Computers # $Computers } $FilterLastLogonDate = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-$Months) Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ImportError If ($ImportError -like "*not loaded*") { Write-Verbose "Import Error: $ImportError" $LogonSrv = $Env:LOGONSERVER.Substring(2) (Invoke-Command $LogonSrv -ScriptBlock $ADNames -ArgumentList $Months -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable InvokeDCError) If ($InvokeDCError -like "*Access is denied*") {Write-Host "Access is Denied. Your credentials will not execute on $LogonSrv" -ForegroundColor Red} } Else { $FilterLastLogonDate = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-$Months) $Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter 'OperatingSystem -like "Windows*" -and LastLogonDate -ge $FilterLastLogonDate' | Select -ExpandProperty Name | Sort-Object -Unique # Write-Verbose $Computers } Write-Verbose "Computer Logons > Months: -$Months" Write-Verbose "Computer Logins Since: $FilterLastLogonDate" Write-Verbose "Server: $LogonSrv" Write-Verbose "Input Error: $ImportError" Write-Verbose "Invoke Error: $InvokeDCError" $Computers } # End Get-ADComputerNames ######################## Function Scan-Network { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] Param ( [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [switch]$Show, [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [switch]$Subnet ) Begin{ # Load Module Function New-IPRange { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns an array of IP Addresses based on a start and end address .DESCRIPTION Returns an array of IP Addresses based on a start and end address .PARAMETER Start Starting IP Address .PARAMETER End Ending IP Address .PARAMETER Exclude Exclude addresses with this final octet Default excludes 0, 1, and 255 e.g. 5 excludes *.*.*.5 .EXAMPLE New-IPRange -Start -End Create an array from to, excluding *.*.*.[0,1,255] (default exclusion) .NOTES Source: Dr. Tobias Weltner, http://powershell.com/cs/media/p/9437.aspx .FUNCTIONALITY Network #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0 )] [System.Net.IPAddress]$Start, [parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [System.Net.IPAddress]$End, [int[]]$Exclude = @( 0, 1, 255 ) ) #Provide verbose output. Some oddities behind casting certain strings to IP. #Example: [ipaddress]"192.168.20500" Write-Verbose "Parsed Start as '$Start', End as '$End'" $ip1 = $start.GetAddressBytes() [Array]::Reverse($ip1) $ip1 = ([System.Net.IPAddress]($ip1 -join '.')).Address $ip2 = ($end).GetAddressBytes() [Array]::Reverse($ip2) $ip2 = ([System.Net.IPAddress]($ip2 -join '.')).Address for ($x=$ip1; $x -le $ip2; $x++) { $ip = ([System.Net.IPAddress]$x).GetAddressBytes() [Array]::Reverse($ip) if($Exclude -notcontains $ip[3]) { $ip -join '.' } } } # End New-IPRange Function Invoke-Ping { <# .SYNOPSIS Ping or test connectivity to systems in parallel .DESCRIPTION Ping or test connectivity to systems in parallel Default action will run a ping against systems If Quiet parameter is specIfied, we return an array of systems that responded If Detail parameter is specIfied, we test WSMan, RemoteReg, RPC, RDP and/or SMB .PARAMETER ComputerName One or more computers to test .PARAMETER Quiet If specIfied, only return addresses that responded to Test-Connection .PARAMETER Detail Include one or more additional tests as specIfied: WSMan via Test-WSMan RemoteReg via Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey RPC via WMI RDP via port 3389 SMB via \\ComputerName\C$ * All tests .PARAMETER Timeout Time in seconds before we attempt to dispose an individual query. Default is 20 .PARAMETER Throttle Throttle query to this many parallel runspaces. Default is 100. .PARAMETER NoCloseOnTimeout Do not dispose of timed out tasks or attempt to close the runspace If threads have timed out This will prevent the script from hanging in certain situations where threads become non-responsive, at the expense of leaking memory within the PowerShell host. .EXAMPLE Invoke-Ping Server1, Server2, Server3 -Detail * # Check for WSMan, Remote Registry, Remote RPC, RDP, and SMB (via C$) connectivity against 3 machines .EXAMPLE $Computers | Invoke-Ping # Ping computers in $Computers in parallel .EXAMPLE $Responding = $Computers | Invoke-Ping -Quiet # Create a list of computers that successfully responded to Test-Connection .LINK https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Invoke-Ping-Test-in-b553242a .FUNCTIONALITY Computers #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Ping')] param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)] [string[]]$ComputerName, [Parameter( ParameterSetName='Detail')] [validateset("*","WSMan","RemoteReg","RPC","RDP","SMB")] [string[]]$Detail, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Ping')] [switch]$Quiet, [int]$Timeout = 20, [int]$Throttle = 100, [switch]$NoCloseOnTimeout ) Begin { #http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Run-Parallel-Parallel-377fd430 function Invoke-Parallel { [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName='ScriptBlock')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,position=0,ParameterSetName='ScriptBlock')] [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='ScriptFile')] [ValidateScript({test-path $_ -pathtype leaf})] $ScriptFile, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Alias('CN','__Server','IPAddress','Server','ComputerName')] [PSObject]$InputObject, [PSObject]$Parameter, [switch]$ImportVariables, [switch]$ImportModules, [int]$Throttle = 20, [int]$SleepTimer = 200, [int]$RunspaceTimeout = 0, [switch]$NoCloseOnTimeout = $false, [int]$MaxQueue, [validatescript({Test-Path (Split-Path $_ -parent)})] [string]$LogFile = "C:\temp\log.log", [switch] $Quiet = $false ) Begin { #No max queue specIfied? Estimate one. #We use the script scope to resolve an odd PowerShell 2 issue where MaxQueue isn't seen later in the function If( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaxQueue') ) { If($RunspaceTimeout -ne 0){ $script:MaxQueue = $Throttle } Else{ $script:MaxQueue = $Throttle * 3 } } Else { $script:MaxQueue = $MaxQueue } Write-Verbose "Throttle: '$throttle' SleepTimer '$sleepTimer' runSpaceTimeout '$runspaceTimeout' maxQueue '$maxQueue' logFile '$logFile'" #If they want to import variables or modules, create a clean runspace, get loaded items, use those to exclude items If ($ImportVariables -or $ImportModules) { $StandardUserEnv = [powershell]::Create().addscript({ #Get modules and snapins in this clean runspace $Modules = Get-Module | Select -ExpandProperty Name $Snapins = Get-PSSnapin | Select -ExpandProperty Name #Get variables in this clean runspace #Called last to get vars like $? into session $Variables = Get-Variable | Select -ExpandProperty Name #Return a hashtable where we can access each. @{ Variables = $Variables Modules = $Modules Snapins = $Snapins } }).invoke()[0] If ($ImportVariables) { #Exclude common parameters, bound parameters, and automatic variables Function _temp {[cmdletbinding()] param() } $VariablesToExclude = @( (Get-Command _temp | Select -ExpandProperty parameters).Keys + $PSBoundParameters.Keys + $StandardUserEnv.Variables ) Write-Verbose "Excluding variables $( ($VariablesToExclude | sort ) -join ", ")" # we don't use 'Get-Variable -Exclude', because it uses regexps. # One of the veriables that we pass is '$?'. # There could be other variables with such problems. # Scope 2 required If we move to a real module $UserVariables = @( Get-Variable | Where { -not ($VariablesToExclude -contains $_.Name) } ) Write-Verbose "Found variables to import: $( ($UserVariables | Select -expandproperty Name | Sort ) -join ", " | Out-String).`n" } If ($ImportModules) { $UserModules = @( Get-Module | Where {$StandardUserEnv.Modules -notcontains $_.Name -and (Test-Path $_.Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)} | Select -ExpandProperty Path ) $UserSnapins = @( Get-PSSnapin | Select -ExpandProperty Name | Where {$StandardUserEnv.Snapins -notcontains $_ } ) } } #region functions Function Get-RunspaceData { [cmdletbinding()] param( [switch]$Wait ) #loop through runspaces #If $wait is specIfied, keep looping until all complete Do { #set more to false for tracking completion $more = $false #Progress bar If we have inputobject count (bound parameter) If (-not $Quiet) { Write-Progress -Activity "Running Query" -Status "Starting threads"` -CurrentOperation "$startedCount threads defined - $totalCount input objects - $script:completedCount input objects processed"` -PercentComplete $( Try { $script:completedCount / $totalCount * 100 } Catch {0} ) } #run through each runspace. Foreach($runspace in $runspaces) { #get the duration - inaccurate $currentdate = Get-Date $runtime = $currentdate - $runspace.startTime $runMin = [math]::Round( $runtime.totalminutes ,2 ) #set up log object $log = "" | select Date, Action, Runtime, Status, Details $log.Action = "Removing:'$($runspace.object)'" $log.Date = $currentdate $log.Runtime = "$runMin minutes" #If runspace completed, end invoke, dispose, recycle, counter++ If ($runspace.Runspace.isCompleted) { $script:completedCount++ #check If there were errors If($runspace.powershell.Streams.Error.Count -gt 0) { #set the logging info and move the file to completed $log.status = "CompletedWithErrors" Write-Verbose ($log | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1] foreach($ErrorRecord in $runspace.powershell.Streams.Error) { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $ErrorRecord } } Else { #add logging details and cleanup $log.status = "Completed" Write-Verbose ($log | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1] } #everything is logged, clean up the runspace $runspace.powershell.EndInvoke($runspace.Runspace) $runspace.powershell.dispose() $runspace.Runspace = $null $runspace.powershell = $null } #If runtime exceeds max, dispose the runspace ElseIf ( $runspaceTimeout -ne 0 -and $runtime.totalseconds -gt $runspaceTimeout) { $script:completedCount++ $timedOutTasks = $true #add logging details and cleanup $log.status = "TimedOut" Write-Verbose ($log | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1] Write-Error "Runspace timed out at $($runtime.totalseconds) seconds for the object:`n$($runspace.object | out-string)" #Depending on how it hangs, we could still get stuck here as dispose calls a synchronous method on the powershell instance If (!$noCloseOnTimeout) { $runspace.powershell.dispose() } $runspace.Runspace = $null $runspace.powershell = $null $completedCount++ } #If runspace isn't null set more to true ElseIf ($runspace.Runspace -ne $null ) { $log = $null $more = $true } #log the results If a log file was indicated If($logFile -and $log){ ($log | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1] | out-file $LogFile -append } } #Clean out unused runspace jobs $temphash = $runspaces.clone() $temphash | Where { $_.runspace -eq $Null } | ForEach { $Runspaces.remove($_) } #sleep for a bit If we will loop again If($PSBoundParameters['Wait']){ Start-Sleep -milliseconds $SleepTimer } #Loop again only If -wait parameter and there are more runspaces to process } while ($more -and $PSBoundParameters['Wait']) #End of runspace function } #endregion functions #region Init If($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptFile') { $ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create( $(Get-Content $ScriptFile | out-string) ) } ElseIf($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptBlock') { #Start building parameter names for the param block [string[]]$ParamsToAdd = '$_' If( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Parameter') ) { $ParamsToAdd += '$Parameter' } $UsingVariableData = $Null # This code enables $Using support through the AST. # This is entirely from Boe Prox, and his https://github.com/proxb/PoshRSJob module; all credit to Boe! If($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 2) { #Extract using references $UsingVariables = $ScriptBlock.ast.FindAll({$args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.UsingExpressionAst]},$True) If ($UsingVariables) { $List = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Management.Automation.Language.VariableExpressionAst]' ForEach ($Ast in $UsingVariables) { [void]$list.Add($Ast.SubExpression) } $UsingVar = $UsingVariables | Group Parent | ForEach {$_.Group | Select -First 1} #Extract the name, value, and create replacements for each $UsingVariableData = ForEach ($Var in $UsingVar) { Try { $Value = Get-Variable -Name $Var.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath -ErrorAction Stop $NewName = ('$__using_{0}' -f $Var.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath) [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $Var.SubExpression.Extent.Text Value = $Value.Value NewName = $NewName NewVarName = ('__using_{0}' -f $Var.SubExpression.VariablePath.UserPath) } $ParamsToAdd += $NewName } Catch { Write-Error "$($Var.SubExpression.Extent.Text) is not a valid Using: variable!" } } $NewParams = $UsingVariableData.NewName -join ', ' $Tuple = [Tuple]::Create($list, $NewParams) $bindingFlags = [Reflection.BindingFlags]"Default,NonPublic,Instance" $GetWithInputHandlingForInvokeCommandImpl = ($ScriptBlock.ast.gettype().GetMethod('GetWithInputHandlingForInvokeCommandImpl',$bindingFlags)) $StringScriptBlock = $GetWithInputHandlingForInvokeCommandImpl.Invoke($ScriptBlock.ast,@($Tuple)) $ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($StringScriptBlock) Write-Verbose $StringScriptBlock } } $ScriptBlock = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock("param($($ParamsToAdd -Join ", "))`r`n" + $Scriptblock.ToString()) } Else { Throw "Must provide ScriptBlock or ScriptFile"; Break } Write-Debug "`$ScriptBlock: $($ScriptBlock | Out-String)" Write-Verbose "Creating runspace pool and session states" #If specIfied, add variables and modules/snapins to session state $sessionstate = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault() If ($ImportVariables) { If($UserVariables.count -gt 0) { foreach($Variable in $UserVariables) { $sessionstate.Variables.Add( (New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry -ArgumentList $Variable.Name, $Variable.Value, $null) ) } } } If ($ImportModules) { If($UserModules.count -gt 0) { foreach($ModulePath in $UserModules) { $sessionstate.ImportPSModule($ModulePath) } } If($UserSnapins.count -gt 0) { foreach($PSSnapin in $UserSnapins) { [void]$sessionstate.ImportPSSnapIn($PSSnapin, [ref]$null) } } } #Create runspace pool $runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $Throttle, $sessionstate, $Host) $runspacepool.Open() Write-Verbose "Creating empty collection to hold runspace jobs" $Script:runspaces = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList #If inputObject is bound get a total count and set bound to true $global:__bound = $false $allObjects = @() If( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("inputObject") ){ $global:__bound = $true } #Set up log file If specIfied If( $LogFile ){ New-Item -ItemType file -path $logFile -force | Out-Null ("" | Select Date, Action, Runtime, Status, Details | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";")[0] | Out-File $LogFile } #write initial log entry $log = "" | Select Date, Action, Runtime, Status, Details $log.Date = Get-Date $log.Action = "Batch processing started" $log.Runtime = $null $log.Status = "Started" $log.Details = $null If($logFile) { ($log | convertto-csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation)[1] | Out-File $LogFile -Append } $timedOutTasks = $false #endregion INIT } Process { #add piped objects to all objects or set all objects to bound input object parameter If( -not $global:__bound ){ $allObjects += $inputObject } Else{ $allObjects = $InputObject } } End { #Use Try/Finally to catch Ctrl+C and clean up. Try { #counts for progress $totalCount = $allObjects.count $script:completedCount = 0 $startedCount = 0 foreach($object in $allObjects){ #region add scripts to runspace pool #Create the powershell instance, set verbose If needed, supply the scriptblock and parameters $powershell = [powershell]::Create() If ($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { [void]$PowerShell.AddScript({$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'}) } [void]$PowerShell.AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddArgument($object) If ($parameter) { [void]$PowerShell.AddArgument($parameter) } # $Using support from Boe Prox If ($UsingVariableData) { Foreach($UsingVariable in $UsingVariableData) { Write-Verbose "Adding $($UsingVariable.Name) with value: $($UsingVariable.Value)" [void]$PowerShell.AddArgument($UsingVariable.Value) } } #Add the runspace into the powershell instance $powershell.RunspacePool = $runspacepool #Create a temporary collection for each runspace $temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell, StartTime, object, Runspace $temp.PowerShell = $powershell $temp.StartTime = Get-Date $temp.object = $object #Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace $temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke() $startedCount++ #Add the temp tracking info to $runspaces collection Write-Verbose ( "Adding {0} to collection at {1}" -f $temp.object, $temp.starttime.tostring() ) $runspaces.Add($temp) | Out-Null #loop through existing runspaces one time Get-RunspaceData #If we have more running than max queue (used to control timeout accuracy) #Script scope resolves odd PowerShell 2 issue $firstRun = $true while ($runspaces.count -ge $Script:MaxQueue) { #give verbose output If($firstRun){ Write-Verbose "$($runspaces.count) items running - exceeded $Script:MaxQueue limit." } $firstRun = $false #run get-runspace data and sleep for a short while Get-RunspaceData Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $sleepTimer } #endregion add scripts to runspace pool } Write-Verbose ( "Finish processing the remaining runspace jobs: {0}" -f ( @($runspaces | Where {$_.Runspace -ne $Null}).Count) ) Get-RunspaceData -wait If (-not $quiet) { Write-Progress -Activity "Running Query" -Status "Starting threads" -Completed } } Finally { #Close the runspace pool, unless we specIfied no close on timeout and something timed out If ( ($timedOutTasks -eq $false) -or ( ($timedOutTasks -eq $true) -and ($noCloseOnTimeout -eq $false) ) ) { Write-Verbose "Closing the runspace pool" $runspacepool.close() } #collect garbage [gc]::Collect() } } } Write-Verbose "PSBoundParameters = $($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)" $bound = $PSBoundParameters.keys -contains "ComputerName" If(-not $bound) { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$AllComputers = @() } } Process { #Handle both pipeline and bound parameter. We don't want to stream objects, defeats purpose of parallelizing work If($bound) { $AllComputers = $ComputerName } Else { foreach($Computer in $ComputerName) { $AllComputers.add($Computer) | Out-Null } } } End { #Built up the parameters and run everything in parallel $params = @($Detail, $Quiet) $splat = @{ Throttle = $Throttle RunspaceTimeout = $Timeout InputObject = $AllComputers parameter = $params } If($NoCloseOnTimeout) { $splat.add('NoCloseOnTimeout',$True) } Invoke-Parallel @splat -ScriptBlock { $computer = $_.trim() $detail = $parameter[0] $quiet = $parameter[1] #They want detail, define and run test-server If($detail) { Try { #ModIfication of jrich's Test-Server function: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Powershell-Test-Server-e0cdea9a Function Test-Server{ [cmdletBinding()] param( [parameter( Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string[]]$ComputerName, [switch]$All, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$CredSSP, [switch]$RemoteReg, [switch]$RDP, [switch]$RPC, [switch]$SMB, [switch]$WSMAN, [switch]$IPV6, [Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential ) begin { $total = Get-Date $results = @() If($credssp -and -not $Credential) { Throw "Must supply Credentials with CredSSP test" } [string[]]$props = write-output Name, IP, Domain, Ping, WSMAN, CredSSP, RemoteReg, RPC, RDP, SMB #Hash table to create PSObjects later, compatible with ps2... $Hash = @{} foreach($prop in $props) { $Hash.Add($prop,$null) } function Test-Port{ [cmdletbinding()] Param( [string]$srv, $port=135, $timeout=3000 ) $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $tcpclient = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient $iar = $tcpclient.BeginConnect($srv,$port,$null,$null) $wait = $iar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($timeout,$false) If(-not $wait) { $tcpclient.Close() Write-Verbose "Connection Timeout to $srv`:$port" $false } Else { Try { $tcpclient.EndConnect($iar) | out-Null $true } Catch { write-verbose "Error for $srv`:$port`: $_" $false } $tcpclient.Close() } } } process { foreach($name in $computername) { $dt = $cdt= Get-Date Write-verbose "Testing: $Name" $failed = 0 try{ $DNSEntity = [Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($name) $domain = ($DNSEntity.hostname).replace("$name.","") $ips = $DNSEntity.AddressList | %{ If(-not ( -not $IPV6 -and $_.AddressFamily -like "InterNetworkV6" )) { $_.IPAddressToString } } } catch { $rst = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Hash | Select -Property $props $rst.name = $name $results += $rst $failed = 1 } Write-verbose "DNS: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)" If($failed -eq 0){ foreach($ip in $ips) { $rst = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Hash | Select -Property $props $rst.name = $name $rst.ip = $ip $rst.domain = $domain If($RDP -or $All) { ####RDP Check (firewall may block rest so do before ping try{ $socket = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient($name, 3389) -ErrorAction stop If($socket -eq $null) { $rst.RDP = $false } Else { $rst.RDP = $true $socket.close() } } catch { $rst.RDP = $false Write-Verbose "Error testing RDP: $_" } } Write-verbose "RDP: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)" #########ping If(test-connection $ip -count 2 -Quiet) { Write-verbose "PING: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)" $rst.ping = $true If($WSMAN -or $All) { try{############wsman Test-WSMan $ip -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null $rst.WSMAN = $true } catch { $rst.WSMAN = $false Write-Verbose "Error testing WSMAN: $_" } Write-verbose "WSMAN: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)" If($rst.WSMAN -and $credssp) ########### credssp { try{ Test-WSMan $ip -Authentication Credssp -Credential $cred -ErrorAction stop $rst.CredSSP = $true } catch { $rst.CredSSP = $false Write-Verbose "Error testing CredSSP: $_" } Write-verbose "CredSSP: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)" } } If($RemoteReg -or $All) { try ########remote reg { [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine, $ip) | Out-Null $rst.remotereg = $true } catch { $rst.remotereg = $false Write-Verbose "Error testing RemoteRegistry: $_" } Write-verbose "remote reg: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)" } If($RPC -or $All) { try ######### wmi { $w = [wmi] '' $w.psbase.options.timeout = 15000000 $w.path = "\\$Name\root\cimv2:Win32_ComputerSystem.Name='$Name'" $w | select none | Out-Null $rst.RPC = $true } catch { $rst.rpc = $false Write-Verbose "Error testing WMI/RPC: $_" } Write-verbose "WMI/RPC: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)" } If($SMB -or $All) { #Use set location and resulting errors. push and pop current location try ######### C$ { $path = "\\$name\c$" Push-Location -Path $path -ErrorAction stop $rst.SMB = $true Pop-Location } catch { $rst.SMB = $false Write-Verbose "Error testing SMB: $_" } Write-verbose "SMB: $((New-TimeSpan $dt ($dt = get-date)).totalseconds)" } } Else { $rst.ping = $false $rst.wsman = $false $rst.credssp = $false $rst.remotereg = $false $rst.rpc = $false $rst.smb = $false } $results += $rst } } Write-Verbose "Time for $($Name): $((New-TimeSpan $cdt ($dt)).totalseconds)" Write-Verbose "----------------------------" } } end { Write-Verbose "Time for all: $((New-TimeSpan $total ($dt)).totalseconds)" Write-Verbose "----------------------------" return $results } } #Build up parameters for Test-Server and run it $TestServerParams = @{ ComputerName = $Computer ErrorAction = "Stop" } If($detail -eq "*"){ $detail = "WSMan","RemoteReg","RPC","RDP","SMB" } $detail | Select -Unique | Foreach-Object { $TestServerParams.add($_,$True) } Test-Server @TestServerParams | Select -Property $( "Name", "IP", "Domain", "Ping" + $detail ) } Catch { Write-Warning "Error with Test-Server: $_" } } #We just want ping output Else { Try { #Pick out a few properties, add a status label. If quiet output, just return the address $result = $null If( $result = @( Test-Connection -ComputerName $computer -Count 2 -erroraction Stop ) ) { $Output = $result | Select -first 1 -Property Address, IPV4Address, IPV6Address, ResponseTime, @{ label = "STATUS"; expression = {"Responding"} } If( $quiet ) { $Output.address } Else { $Output } } } Catch { If(-not $quiet) { #Ping failed. I'm likely making inappropriate assumptions here, let me know If this is the case : ) If($_ -match "No such host is known") { $status = "Unknown host" } ElseIf($_ -match "Error due to lack of resources") { $status = "No Response" } Else { $status = "Error: $_" } "" | Select -Property @{ label = "Address"; expression = {$computer} }, IPV4Address, IPV6Address, ResponseTime, @{ label = "STATUS"; expression = {$status} } } } } } } } # End Invoke-Ping ######################## ## https://github.com/briansworth/GetIPv4Address/blob/master/GetIPv4Subnet.psm1 Function Convert-IPv4AddressToBinaryString { Param( [IPAddress]$IPAddress='' ) $addressBytes=$IPAddress.GetAddressBytes() $strBuilder=New-Object -TypeName Text.StringBuilder foreach($byte in $addressBytes){ $8bitString=[Convert]::ToString($byte,2).PadRight(8,'0') [void]$strBuilder.Append($8bitString) } Write-Output $strBuilder.ToString() } Function ConvertIPv4ToInt { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [String]$IPv4Address ) Try{ $ipAddress=[IPAddress]::Parse($IPv4Address) $bytes=$ipAddress.GetAddressBytes() [Array]::Reverse($bytes) [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($bytes,0) }Catch{ Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception ` -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category } } Function ConvertIntToIPv4 { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [uint32]$Integer ) Try{ $bytes=[System.BitConverter]::GetBytes($Integer) [Array]::Reverse($bytes) ([IPAddress]($bytes)).ToString() }Catch{ Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception ` -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category } } <# .SYNOPSIS Add an integer to an IP Address and get the new IP Address. .DESCRIPTION Add an integer to an IP Address and get the new IP Address. .PARAMETER IPv4Address The IP Address to add an integer to. .PARAMETER Integer An integer to add to the IP Address. Can be a positive or negative number. .EXAMPLE Add-IntToIPv4Address -IPv4Address -Integer 10 Description ----------- This command will add 10 to the IP Address and return the new IP Address. .EXAMPLE Add-IntToIPv4Address -IPv4Address -Integer -100 Description ----------- This command will subtract 100 from the IP Address and return the new IP Address. #> Function Add-IntToIPv4Address { Param( [String]$IPv4Address, [int64]$Integer ) Try{ $ipInt=ConvertIPv4ToInt -IPv4Address $IPv4Address ` -ErrorAction Stop $ipInt+=$Integer ConvertIntToIPv4 -Integer $ipInt }Catch{ Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception ` -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category } } Function CIDRToNetMask { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [ValidateRange(0,32)] [int16]$PrefixLength=0 ) $bitString=('1' * $PrefixLength).PadRight(32,'0') $strBuilder=New-Object -TypeName Text.StringBuilder for($i=0;$i -lt 32;$i+=8){ $8bitString=$bitString.Substring($i,8) [void]$strBuilder.Append("$([Convert]::ToInt32($8bitString,2)).") } $strBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd('.') } Function NetMaskToCIDR { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [String]$SubnetMask='' ) $byteRegex='^(0|128|192|224|240|248|252|254|255)$' $invalidMaskMsg="Invalid SubnetMask specified [$SubnetMask]" Try{ $netMaskIP=[IPAddress]$SubnetMask $addressBytes=$netMaskIP.GetAddressBytes() $strBuilder=New-Object -TypeName Text.StringBuilder $lastByte=255 foreach($byte in $addressBytes){ # Validate byte matches net mask value if($byte -notmatch $byteRegex){ Write-Error -Message $invalidMaskMsg ` -Category InvalidArgument ` -ErrorAction Stop }elseif($lastByte -ne 255 -and $byte -gt 0){ Write-Error -Message $invalidMaskMsg ` -Category InvalidArgument ` -ErrorAction Stop } [void]$strBuilder.Append([Convert]::ToString($byte,2)) $lastByte=$byte } ($strBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd('0')).Length }Catch{ Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception ` -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get information about an IPv4 subnet based on an IP Address and a subnet mask or prefix length .DESCRIPTION Get information about an IPv4 subnet based on an IP Address and a subnet mask or prefix length .PARAMETER IPAddress The IP Address to use for determining subnet information. .PARAMETER PrefixLength The prefix length of the subnet. .PARAMETER SubnetMask The subnet mask of the subnet. .EXAMPLE Get-IPv4Subnet -IPAddress -SubnetMask CidrID : NetworkID : SubnetMask : PrefixLength : 17 HostCount : 32766 FirstHostIP : LastHostIP : Broadcast : Description ----------- This command will get the subnet information about the IPAddress, with the subnet mask of .EXAMPLE Get-IPv4Subnet -IPAddress -PrefixLength 25 CidrID : NetworkID : SubnetMask : PrefixLength : 25 HostCount : 126 FirstHostIP : LastHostIP : Broadcast : Description ----------- This command will get the subnet information about the IPAddress, with the subnet prefix length of 25. #> Function Get-IPv4Subnet { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='PrefixLength')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] [IPAddress]$IPAddress, [Parameter(Position=1,ParameterSetName='PrefixLength')] [Int16]$PrefixLength=24, [Parameter(Position=1,ParameterSetName='SubnetMask')] [IPAddress]$SubnetMask ) Begin{} Process{ Try{ if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'SubnetMask'){ $PrefixLength=NetMaskToCidr -SubnetMask $SubnetMask ` -ErrorAction Stop }else{ $SubnetMask=CIDRToNetMask -PrefixLength $PrefixLength ` -ErrorAction Stop } $netMaskInt=ConvertIPv4ToInt -IPv4Address $SubnetMask $ipInt=ConvertIPv4ToInt -IPv4Address $IPAddress $networkID=ConvertIntToIPv4 -Integer ($netMaskInt -band $ipInt) $maxHosts=[math]::Pow(2,(32-$PrefixLength)) - 2 $broadcast=Add-IntToIPv4Address -IPv4Address $networkID ` -Integer ($maxHosts+1) $firstIP=Add-IntToIPv4Address -IPv4Address $networkID -Integer 1 $lastIP=Add-IntToIPv4Address -IPv4Address $broadcast -Integer -1 if($PrefixLength -eq 32){ $broadcast=$networkID $firstIP=$null $lastIP=$null $maxHosts=0 } $outputObject=New-Object -TypeName PSObject $memberParam=@{ InputObject=$outputObject; MemberType='NoteProperty'; Force=$true; } Add-Member @memberParam -Name CidrID -Value "$networkID/$PrefixLength" Add-Member @memberParam -Name NetworkID -Value $networkID Add-Member @memberParam -Name SubnetMask -Value $SubnetMask Add-Member @memberParam -Name PrefixLength -Value $PrefixLength Add-Member @memberParam -Name HostCount -Value $maxHosts Add-Member @memberParam -Name FirstHostIP -Value $firstIP Add-Member @memberParam -Name LastHostIP -Value $lastIP Add-Member @memberParam -Name Broadcast -Value $broadcast Write-Output $outputObject }Catch{ Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception ` -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category } } End{} } } # End Begin Process { $NetworkScan = &{} $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $IPAddress = (Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -EA Stop | ? {$_.IPEnabled}).ipaddress[0] $SubnetMask = (Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -EA Stop | ? {$_.IPEnabled}).ipsubnet[0] Write-Verbose "Local Computer IP: $IPAddress" Write-Verbose "Local Computer IP: $SubnetMask" $Network = (Get-IPv4Subnet -IPAddress $IPAddress -SubnetMask $SubnetMask) Write-Verbose "Local Network: $Network" IF ($Subnet) { Write-Verbose "Selecting IP Range for Entire Subnet" New-IPRange -Start $Network.FirstHostIP -End $Network.LastHostIP } Else { $NetworkScan = New-IPRange -Start $Network.FirstHostIP -End $Network.LastHostIP | Invoke-Ping -Quiet Write-Verbose "Scan Local Subnet. Showing Only Devices with Ping" Write-Verbose $NetworkScan Write-Verbose "Testing FOREACH" foreach ($Device in $NetworkScan) { If (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Device -Count 1 -Quiet) { Write-Verbose "Testing if $Device has NetBIOS Name" $DeviceNetBIOS = nbtstat -A $Device | Where-Object { $_ -match '^\s*([^<\s]+)\s*<00>\s*UNIQUE' } | ForEach-Object { $matches[1] } if ($DeviceNetBIOS -eq $Null) { Write-Verbose "NetBIOS Name Did Not Exist" try { Write-Verbose "Trying DNS" $Device | ForEach-Object {([system.net.dns]::GetHostByAddress($_)).hostname} } catch { Write-Verbose "There was no NetBOIS or DNS. Using original IP Address: $Device" $Device } } else { $DeviceNetBIOS } # Else NetBIOS $False } # Ping $True } # Foreach Device } If ($Show) { Write-Host "Scanning Local Subnet" $Network $NetworkScan | Where -Property domain -NE $Null | Select-Object @{Name="Device";Expression={$_.Domain}}, Ping, WSMAN, RPC, SMB, RDP | Sort | FT } } End{} } ######################## Function Install-Manage { # PowerShell Download & Install - ConnectWise Manage v2019.5 $SoftwarePath = "C:\Support\ConnectWise" $DownloadPath = "https://university.connectwise.com/install/2019.5/ConnectWise-Manage-Internet-Client.msi" $Filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($DownloadPath) $SoftwareFullPath = "$($SoftwarePath)\$Filename" If (!(Test-Path $SoftwarePath)) {md $SoftwarePath | Out-Null} Set-Location $SoftwarePath If ((Test-Path $SoftwareFullPath)) {Remove-Item $SoftwareFullPath | Out-Null} $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile($DownloadPath, $SoftwareFullPath) Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i $($SoftwareFullPath) /qn" -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru $LastExitCode If ($LastExitCode -eq 0) {Write "Install Executed Without Errors"} Else {Write-Verbose "Error Exit Code: $($LastExitCode)"} }# Function Install-Manage ######################## Function Install-Chrome { # PowerShell Download & Install Google Chrome x64 $SoftwarePath = "C:\Support\Google" $DownloadPath = "https://dl.google.com/chrome/install/GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi" $Filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($DownloadPath) $SoftwareFullPath = "$($SoftwarePath)\$Filename" If (!(Test-Path $SoftwarePath)) {md $SoftwarePath | Out-Null} Set-Location $SoftwarePath If ((Test-Path $SoftwareFullPath)) {Remove-Item $SoftwareFullPath | Out-Null} $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile($DownloadPath, $SoftwareFullPath) Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i $($SoftwareFullPath) /qn" -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru $LastExitCode If ($LastExitCode -eq 0) {Write "Install Executed Without Errors"} Else {Write-Verbose "Error Exit Code: $($LastExitCode)"} }#Function Install-Chrome ######################## Function New-IPRange { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns an array of IP Addresses based on a start and end address .DESCRIPTION Returns an array of IP Addresses based on a start and end address .PARAMETER Start Starting IP Address .PARAMETER End Ending IP Address .PARAMETER Exclude Exclude addresses with this final octet Default excludes 0, 1, and 255 e.g. 5 excludes *.*.*.5 .EXAMPLE New-IPRange -Start -End Create an array from to, excluding *.*.*.[0,1,255] (default exclusion) .NOTES Source: Dr. Tobias Weltner, http://powershell.com/cs/media/p/9437.aspx .FUNCTIONALITY Network #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0 )] [System.Net.IPAddress]$Start, [parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [System.Net.IPAddress]$End, [int[]]$Exclude = @( 0, 1, 255 ) ) #Provide verbose output. Some oddities behind casting certain strings to IP. #Example: [ipaddress]"192.168.20500" Write-Verbose "Parsed Start as '$Start', End as '$End'" $ip1 = $start.GetAddressBytes() [Array]::Reverse($ip1) $ip1 = ([System.Net.IPAddress]($ip1 -join '.')).Address $ip2 = ($end).GetAddressBytes() [Array]::Reverse($ip2) $ip2 = ([System.Net.IPAddress]($ip2 -join '.')).Address for ($x=$ip1; $x -le $ip2; $x++) { $ip = ([System.Net.IPAddress]$x).GetAddressBytes() [Array]::Reverse($ip) if($Exclude -notcontains $ip[3]) { $ip -join '.' } } } # End New-IPRange