import numpy, sys, os, tkinter, math, wave from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2Tk from matplotlib.backend_bases import key_press_handler from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.ticker import Formatter from io import BytesIO from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW root = tkinter.Tk() root.wm_title("Audio Visualizer") if hasattr(sys, '_MEIPASS') or os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'icon.ico')): root.iconbitmap(os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False) else os.path.dirname(__file__), 'icon.ico')) class NavigationToolbar(NavigationToolbar2Tk): def __init__(self,canvas_,parent_): self.toolitems = ( ('Home', 'Reset original view', 'home', 'home'), ('Back', 'Back to previous view', 'back', 'back'), ('Forward', 'Forward to next view', 'forward', 'forward'), (None, None, None, None), ('Pan', 'Pan axes with left mouse, zoom with right', 'move', 'pan'), ('Zoom', 'Zoom to rectangle', 'zoom_to_rect', 'zoom'), (None, None, None, None), ('Save', 'Save the figure', 'filesave', 'save_figure'), (None, None, None, None), ('New', 'Visualize a new file', 'subplots', 'newfile'), ) NavigationToolbar2Tk.__init__(self,canvas_,parent_) def newfile(self): drawGraph() class FormatTime(Formatter): def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, x, post=None): vmin, vmax = self.axis.get_view_interval() if vmax - vmin > 3600: return '{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(int(x / 3600.0), int(x / 60.0 % 60), int(x % 60)) if vmax - vmin > 60: return'{:d}:{:02d}'.format(int(x / 60.0), int(x % 60)) return'{:.2g}'.format(x) def drawGraph(): try: filename = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename() format_time = FormatTime() p = Popen( ['ffmpeg', '-loglevel', 'panic', '-y', '-i', filename, '-vn', '-maxrate', '440000', '-c:a', 'pcm_s16le', '-ac', '1', '-f', 'wav', '-'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, creationflags=CREATE_NO_WINDOW ) sound =[0])) signal = numpy.frombuffer(sound.readframes(-1), numpy.int16) framerate = sound.getframerate() time = [i/framerate for i in range(len(signal))] fig = Figure() sub = fig.add_axes((0.05,0.2,0.9,0.6)) sub.format_coord = lambda x, y: format_time(x) root.wm_title('Audio Visualization of ' + os.path.basename(filename)) sub.set_title('Audio Visualization of ' + os.path.basename(filename)) sub.set_xlabel('Time') sub.set_xlim(0.0, time[-1]) sub.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(format_time) sub.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) denom = math.ceil(len(signal)/50000) sub.plot(time[::denom], signal[::denom], linewidth=0.25) for widget in root.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=root) canvas.draw() toolbar = NavigationToolbar(canvas, root) toolbar.update() canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", lambda event: key_press_handler(event, canvas, toolbar)) canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tkinter.BOTTOM, fill=tkinter.BOTH, expand=True) tkinter.mainloop() except: if filename: tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Error', 'An error has occurred! Make sure the file is valid.') drawGraph() drawGraph()