library(magrittr) library(plotly) library(quantmod) library(dplyr) library(DescTools) library(devtools) install_github("daroczig/binancer") library(binancer) key <- 'API Key' secret <- 'Secret Key' binance_ping() binance_credentials(key, secret) data <- binance_klines('BTCUSDT', interval = '5m') precioBTC <- binance_coins_prices(unit = "USDT") %>% filter(symbol == "BTC") precioBTC$usd head(data) str(data) x <- data$open_time y <- data %>% dplyr::select(open, high, low, close) %>% as.matrix() # Candlestick data %>% plot_ly(x = data$open_time, type="candlestick", open = data$open, close = data$close, high = data$high, low = data$low) %>% layout(title = "Candlestick Chart") # MACD macd <- MACD(data[,"close"], 12, 26, 9, maType="EMA" ) macd # MACD as data frame macd1 <- # RSI rsi <- RSI(data$close, n = 14, maType = "SMA") # RSI as data frame rsi1 <- # Candlestick with MACD and RSI chartSeries(data,theme=chartTheme('black')) addMACD(fast=12,slow=26,signal=9,type="EMA") addRSI(data$close, n = 14, maType = "SMA")