sizeX, sizeZ = 19, 10 -- The size of farm (X and Z) height = 2 -- Height above ground wait = 300 -- Delay (In seconds) waitCharge = 15 -- Waiting for charge (In seconds too) waitMove = .1 -- Delay from moving block to block backOnCharge = 20 -- Fallback percent to home compass = "SOUTH" -- Direction (Drone "front") mode = "SWING" -- Working mode (SWING/USE) place = false -- Place plant after breaking (Only for SWING mode) d, c = component.proxy(component.list("drone")()), computer status = { collect = {text = "COLLECTING", color = 0xe8e81e}, idle = {text = "IDLE", color = 0xffffff}, charge = {text = "CHARGING", color = 0x64ea12} } function sleep(timeout) deadline = c.uptime() + timeout repeat c.pullSignal(deadline - c.uptime()) until c.uptime() >= deadline end function slow(timeout) while d.getOffset() > .5 do sleep(timeout) end end function move(x, y, z) if compass == "NORTH" then d.move(z, y, -x) elseif compass == "SOUTH" then d.move(-z, y, x) elseif compass == "WEST" then d.move(-x, y, -z) else d.move(x, y, z) end slow(waitMove) end function home() move(-x, 0, -z) move(0, -height + 1, -1) slow(2) for slot = place and 2 or 1, d.inventorySize() do while not d.drop(0) do if d.count(slot) == 0 then break end end end move(0, -1, 1) end function back() move(x, height, z) end function start(left) move(1, height, 1) collect() end function checkEnergy() if <= backOnCharge * (c.maxEnergy() / 100) then home() d.setStatusText(status.charge.text) d.setLightColor(status.charge.color) sleep(waitCharge) if <= backOnCharge * (c.maxEnergy() / 100) then d.setStatusText("OUT OF\nENERGY") c.shutdown() else d.setStatusText(status.collect.text) d.setLightColor(status.collect.color) back() end end end function checkFreeSpace() if d.count(d.inventorySize()) >= 1 then home() back() end end function collect() slow(.5) if d.detect(0) then if mode == "SWING" then d.swing(0) else d.use(0) end end if place then end checkFreeSpace() checkEnergy() end function main() d.setStatusText(status.collect.text) d.setLightColor(status.collect.color) x, z, farm = 1, 1, 1 start() while true do if x == 1 and z == sizeZ or x == sizeX and z == sizeZ then home() break elseif x == sizeX or x == 1 and z > 1 then z = z + 1 move(0, 0, 1) collect() end if z % 2 == 1 then move(1, 0, 0) x = x + 1 else move(-1, 0, 0) x = x - 1 end collect() end d.setStatusText(status.idle.text) d.setLightColor(status.idle.color) end while true do main() sleep(wait) end