// ==UserScript== // @name IndexedAutocomplete // @namespace https://github.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts // @version 29.21 // @description Uses Indexed DB for autocomplete, plus caching of other data. // @source https://danbooru.donmai.us/users/23799 // @author BrokenEagle // @match *://*.donmai.us/* // @exclude /^https?://\w+\.donmai\.us/.*\.(xml|json|atom)(\?|$)/ // @grant none // @run-at document-idle // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts/master/IndexedAutocomplete.user.js // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts/master/IndexedAutocomplete.user.js // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/localforage/1.10.0/localforage.min.js // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/validate.js/0.13.1/validate.min.js // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lz-string/1.4.4/lz-string.min.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts/20220515/lib/module.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts/20220515/lib/debug.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts/20220515/lib/utility.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts/20220515/lib/validate.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts/20220515/lib/storage.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts/20220515/lib/concurrency.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts/20220515/lib/statistics.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts/20220515/lib/network.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts/20220515/lib/danbooru.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts/20220515/lib/load.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts/20240223-menu/lib/menu.js // ==/UserScript== /* global JSPLib $ Danbooru validate */ /****Global variables****/ //Library constants const LIBRARY_MENU_CSS = ` /* LIBRARY FIXES */ #userscript-settings-menu .jsplib-settings-buttons input { color: var(--button-primary-text-color); } #page #userscript-settings-menu .jsplib-settings-buttons .jsplib-commit:hover { background-color: var(--green-5); } #page #userscript-settings-menu .jsplib-settings-buttons .jsplib-resetall:hover { background-color: var(--red-5); } #userscript-settings-menu .jsplib-settings-buttons .jsplib-commit:hover, #userscript-settings-menu .jsplib-settings-buttons .jsplib-resetall:hover { filter: brightness(1.25); }`; //Exterior script variables const DANBOORU_TOPIC_ID = '14701'; //Variables for load.js const PROGRAM_LOAD_REQUIRED_VARIABLES = ['window.jQuery', 'window.Danbooru', 'Danbooru.Autocomplete', 'Danbooru.RelatedTag', 'Danbooru.CurrentUser']; const PROGRAM_LOAD_REQUIRED_SELECTORS = ['#top', '#page']; //Program name constants const PROGRAM_SHORTCUT = 'iac'; const PROGRAM_KEYDOWN = 'keydown.iac'; const PROGRAM_NAME = 'IndexedAutocomplete'; //Program data constants const PROGRAM_DATA_REGEX = /^(af|ref|ac|pl|us|fg|ss|ar|wp|ft)-/; //Regex that matches the prefix of all program cache data const PROGRAM_DATA_KEY = { tag: 'ac', pool: 'pl', user: 'us', artist: 'ar', wiki: 'wp', forum: 'ft', saved_search: 'ss', favorite_group: 'fg', }; //Main program variable const IAC = {}; //For factory reset const LOCALSTORAGE_KEYS = [ 'iac-choice-info', ]; const PROGRAM_RESET_KEYS = { choice_order: {}, choice_data: {}, source_data: {}, }; //Available setting values const TAG_SOURCES = ['metatag', 'tag', 'tag-word', 'tag-abbreviation', 'tag-alias', 'tag-correction', 'tag-other-name']; const SCALE_TYPES = ['linear', 'square_root', 'logarithmic']; //Main settings const SETTINGS_CONFIG = { usage_multiplier: { reset: 0.9, parse: parseFloat, validate: (data) => JSPLib.menu.validateNumber(data, false, 0.0, 1.0), hint: "Valid values: 0.0 - 1.0." }, usage_maximum: { reset: 20, parse: parseFloat, validate: (data) => JSPLib.menu.validateNumber(data, false, 0.0), hint: "Set to 0 for no maximum." }, usage_expires: { reset: 2, parse: parseInt, validate: (data) => JSPLib.menu.validateNumber(data, true, 1), hint: "Number of days." }, usage_enabled: { reset: true, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: "Uncheck to turn off usage mechanism." }, alternate_sorting_enabled: { reset: false, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: "Check to use alternate weights and/or scales for sorting calculations." }, postcount_scale: { allitems: SCALE_TYPES, reset: ['linear'], validate: (data) => JSPLib.menu.validateCheckboxRadio(data, 'radio', SCALE_TYPES), hint: "Select the type of scaling to be applied to the post count." }, exact_source_weight: { reset: 1.0, parse: parseFloat, validate: (data) => JSPLib.menu.validateNumber(data, false, 0.0, 1.0), hint: "Valid values: 0.0 - 1.0." }, prefix_source_weight: { reset: 0.8, parse: parseFloat, validate: (data) => JSPLib.menu.validateNumber(data, false, 0.0, 1.0), hint: "Valid values: 0.0 - 1.0." }, alias_source_weight: { reset: 0.2, parse: parseFloat, validate: (data) => JSPLib.menu.validateNumber(data, false, 0.0, 1.0), hint: "Valid values: 0.0 - 1.0." }, correct_source_weight: { reset: 0.1, parse: parseFloat, validate: (data) => JSPLib.menu.validateNumber(data, false, 0.0, 1.0), hint: "Valid values: 0.0 - 1.0." }, metatag_source_enabled: { reset: true, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: "Adds metatags to autocomplete results on all post tag search inputs." }, BUR_source_enabled: { reset: true, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: "Adds BUR script elements to autocomplete results on bulk update requests, tag aliases, and tag implications." }, source_results_returned: { reset: 10, parse: parseInt, validate: (data) => JSPLib.menu.validateNumber(data, true, 5, 20), hint: "Number of results to return (5 - 20)." }, source_highlight_enabled: { reset: true, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: "Adds highlights and stylings to the HTML classes set by the program." }, highlight_words_enabled: { reset: true, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: "Underlines word matches on word match results." }, source_grouping_enabled: { reset: true, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: "Groups the results by tag autocomplete sources." }, source_order: { allitems: TAG_SOURCES, reset: TAG_SOURCES, sortvalue: true, validate: (data) => JSPLib.utility.arrayEquals(data, TAG_SOURCES), hint: "Used when source grouping is enabled. Drag and drop the sources to determine the group order." }, alternate_tag_source: { reset: false, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: "Uses the /tags controller instead of the normal autocomplete source." }, alternate_tag_wildcards: { reset: false, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: "Allows using a wildcard anywhere in a string with a wildcard always being added to the end." }, word_start_matches: { reset: false, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: "Always adds a wildcard to the end, which forces the old behavior of searching from the beginning only." }, network_only_mode: { reset: false, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: `Always goes to network. Warning: This negates the benefit of cached data!` }, recheck_data_interval: { reset: 1, parse: parseInt, validate: (data) => JSPLib.menu.validateNumber(data, true, 0, 3), hint: "Number of days (0 - 3). Data expiring within this period gets automatically requeried. Setting to 0 disables this." }, text_input_autocomplete_enabled: { reset: true, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: "Enables autocomplete in non-autocomplete text fields (Alt+A to enable/disable), inserting a wiki link upon completion." }, forum_quick_search_enabled: { reset: true, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: "Adds a quick search bar where applicable using forum topic titles." }, comment_quick_search_enabled: { reset: true, validate: JSPLib.validate.isBoolean, hint: "Adds a quick search bar where applicable using post search queries." }, }; //Available config values const ALL_SOURCE_TYPES = ['indexed_db', 'local_storage']; const ALL_DATA_TYPES = ['tag', 'pool', 'user', 'artist', 'wiki', 'forum', 'saved_search', 'favorite_group', 'related_tag', 'custom']; const ALL_RELATED = ["", 'general', 'copyright', 'character', 'artist']; const CONTROL_CONFIG = { cache_info: { value: "Click to populate", hint: "Calculates the cache usage of the program and compares it to the total usage.", }, purge_cache: { display: `Purge cache (...)`, value: "Click to purge", hint: `Dumps all of the cached data related to ${PROGRAM_NAME}.`, }, data_source: { allitems: ALL_SOURCE_TYPES, value: 'indexed_db', hint: "Indexed DB is Cache Data and Local Storage is Program Data.", }, data_type: { allitems: ALL_DATA_TYPES, value: 'tag', hint: "Select type of data. Use Custom for querying by keyname.", }, related_tag_type: { allitems: ALL_RELATED, value: "", hint: "Select type of related tag data. Blank selects uncategorized data.", }, raw_data: { value: false, hint: "Select to import/export all program data", }, data_name: { value: "", buttons: ['get', 'save', 'delete', 'list', 'refresh'], hint: "Click Get to see the data, Save to edit it, and Delete to remove it.
List shows keys in their raw format, and Refresh checks the keys again.", }, }; const MENU_CONFIG = { topic_id: DANBOORU_TOPIC_ID, settings: [{ name: 'general', }, { name: 'source', }, { name: 'usage', message: "How items get sorted that are selected by the user.", }, { name: 'display', message: "Affects the presentation of autocomplete data to the user.", }, { name: 'sort', message: "Affects the order of tag autocomplete data.", }, { name: 'network', }], controls: [], }; // Default values const DEFAULT_VALUES = Object.assign({ query_UID: {}, }, PROGRAM_RESET_KEYS); //Pre-CSS/HTML constants const BUR_TAG_CATEGORY = 400; const METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY = 500; //CSS Constants const PROGRAM_CSS = ` .iac-line-entry { display: flex; width: 100%; white-space: nowrap; } .iac-line-entry a { white-space: normal; } .iac-query > span:first-of-type, .iac-pool > span:first-of-type, .iac-favgroup > span:first-of-type, .iac-artist > span:first-of-type, .iac-forum-topic > span:first-of-type { flex-basis: 90%; } .iac-query > span:last-of-type, .iac-pool > span:last-of-type, .iac-favgroup > span:last-of-type, .iac-artist > span:last-of-type, .iac-forum-topic > span:last-of-type { flex-basis: 10%; text-align: right; } .iac-wiki-page > span:first-of-type { flex-basis: 85%; } .iac-wiki-page > span:last-of-type { flex-basis: 15%; text-align: right; } .iac-user > span, iac-search > span { flex-basis: 100%; } .iac-user-choice .autocomplete-item { box-shadow: 0px 2px 0px #000; padding-bottom: 1px; line-height: 150%; display: inline-block; } .iac-tag-alias a { font-style: italic; } .iac-tag-highlight { margin-top: -5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } .iac-tag-highlight > div:before { content: "●"; padding-right: 4px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 150%; } .iac-tag-bur > div:before { color: #000; } .iac-tag-exact > div:before { color: #DDD; } .iac-tag-word > div:before { color: #888; } .iac-tag-abbreviation > div:before { color: hotpink; } .iac-tag-alias > div:before { color: gold; } .iac-tag-autocorrect > div:before { color: cyan; } .iac-tag-other-name > div:before { color: orange; } .iac-tag-bur > div:before, .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${BUR_TAG_CATEGORY}:link, .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${BUR_TAG_CATEGORY}:visited, .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${BUR_TAG_CATEGORY}:hover { color: #888; } .iac-highlight-match { font-weight: bold; } .related-tags .current-related-tags-columns li:before { content: "*"; font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; visibility: hidden; padding-right: 0.2em; } .related-tags .current-related-tags-columns li.selected:before { visibility: visible; } /** DARK/LIGHT Color Setup **/ body[data-current-user-theme=light] .iac-already-used { background-color: #FFFFAA; } body[data-current-user-theme=light] .iac-tag-metatag > div:before, body[data-current-user-theme=light] .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY}:link, body[data-current-user-theme=light] .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY}:visited, body[data-current-user-theme=light] .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY}:hover { color: #000; } body[data-current-user-theme=light] .iac-highlight-match { filter: brightness(0.75); } body[data-current-user-theme=dark] .iac-already-used { background-color: #666622; } body[data-current-user-theme=dark] .iac-tag-metatag > div:before, body[data-current-user-theme=dark] .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY}:link, body[data-current-user-theme=dark] .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY}:visited, body[data-current-user-theme=dark] .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY}:hover { color: #FFF; } body[data-current-user-theme=dark] .iac-highlight-match { filter: brightness(1.25); } @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { body[data-current-user-theme=auto] .iac-already-used { background-color: #FFFFAA; } body[data-current-user-theme=auto] .iac-tag-metatag > div:before, body[data-current-user-theme=auto] .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY}:link, body[data-current-user-theme=auto] .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY}:visited, body[data-current-user-theme=auto] .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY}:hover { color: #000; } body[data-current-user-theme=auto] .iac-highlight-match { filter: brightness(0.75); } } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { body[data-current-user-theme=auto] .iac-already-used { background-color: #666622; } body[data-current-user-theme=auto] .iac-tag-metatag > div:before, body[data-current-user-theme=auto] .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY}:link, body[data-current-user-theme=auto] .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY}:visited, body[data-current-user-theme=auto] .iac-tag-highlight .tag-type-${METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY}:hover { color: #FFF; } body[data-current-user-theme=auto] .iac-highlight-match { filter: brightness(1.25); } } `; const FORUM_CSS = ` body[data-current-user-theme=light] .ui-menu-item .forum-topic-category-0 { color: blue; } body[data-current-user-theme=light] .ui-menu-item .forum-topic-category-1 { color: green; } body[data-current-user-theme=light] .ui-menu-item .forum-topic-category-2 { color: red; } body[data-current-user-theme=dark] .ui-menu-item .forum-topic-category-0 { color: var(--blue-3); } body[data-current-user-theme=dark] .ui-menu-item .forum-topic-category-1 { color: var(--green-3); } body[data-current-user-theme=dark] .ui-menu-item .forum-topic-category-2 { color: var(--red-3); } @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .ui-menu-item .forum-topic-category-0 { color: blue; } .ui-menu-item .forum-topic-category-1 { color: green; } .ui-menu-item .forum-topic-category-2 { color: red; } } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .ui-menu-item .forum-topic-category-0 { color: var(--blue-3); } .ui-menu-item .forum-topic-category-1 { color: var(--green-3); } .ui-menu-item .forum-topic-category-2 { color: var(--red-3); } }`; const SETTINGS_MENU_CSS = ` #indexed-autocomplete .jsplib-settings-grouping:not(#iac-general-settings) .iac-selectors label { width: 150px; } #indexed-autocomplete .iac-sortlist li { width: 10em; } #indexed-autocomplete .iac-formula { font-family: mono; }`; //HTML Constants const FORUM_TOPIC_SEARCH = `
  • `; const POST_COMMENT_SEARCH = `

    All timestamps are in milliseconds since the epoch (Epoch converter).

    `; const AUTOCOMPLETE_MESSAGE = ` Autocomplete turned on!
    Source: %s
    Mode: %s
    Capitalization: %s
    `; //Autocomplete constants const AUTOCOMPLETE_SOURCE = ['tag', 'wiki']; const AUTOCOMPLETE_MODE = ['tag', 'normal', 'pipe', 'custom']; const AUTOCOMPLETE_CAPITALIZATION = ['lowercase', 'uppercase', 'titlecase', 'propercase', 'exceptcase', 'romancase']; //Danbooru constants const COUNT_METATAGS = [ 'comment_count', 'deleted_comment_count', 'active_comment_count', 'note_count', 'deleted_note_count', 'active_note_count', 'flag_count', 'child_count', 'deleted_child_count', 'active_child_count', 'pool_count', 'deleted_pool_count', 'active_pool_count', 'series_pool_count', 'collection_pool_count', 'appeal_count', 'approval_count', 'replacement_count', ]; const COUNT_METATAG_SYNONYMS = COUNT_METATAGS.map((metatag) => { metatag = metatag.replace(/_count/, ""); if (metatag.match(/child$/)) { metatag = metatag.replace(/child$/, 'children'); } else { metatag += 's'; } return metatag; }); const CATEGORY_COUNT_METATAGS = ['gentags', 'arttags', 'copytags', 'chartags', 'metatags']; const ALL_METATAGS = JSPLib.utility.multiConcat([ 'user', 'approver', 'commenter', 'comm', 'noter', 'noteupdater', 'artcomm', 'commentaryupdater', 'flagger', 'appealer', 'upvote', 'downvote', 'fav', 'ordfav', 'favgroup', 'ordfavgroup', 'pool', 'ordpool', 'note', 'comment', 'commentary', 'id', 'rating', 'locked', 'source', 'status', 'filetype', 'disapproved', 'parent', 'child', 'search', 'embedded', 'md5', 'width', 'height', 'mpixels', 'ratio', 'score', 'favcount', 'filesize', 'date', 'age', 'order', 'limit', 'tagcount', 'pixiv_id', 'pixiv', 'unaliased', 'exif', 'duration', 'random', 'is', 'has', 'user', 'approver', 'commenter', 'comm', 'noter', 'noteupdater', 'artcomm', 'commentaryupdater', 'flagger', 'appealer', 'upvote', 'downvote', 'fav', 'ordfav', 'favgroup', 'ordfavgroup', 'pool', 'ordpool', 'note', 'comment', 'commentary', 'id', 'rating', 'source', 'status', 'filetype', 'disapproved', 'parent', 'child', 'search', 'embedded', 'md5', 'width', 'height', 'mpixels', 'ratio', 'score', 'upvotes', 'downvotes', 'favcount', 'filesize', 'date', 'age', 'order', 'limit', 'tagcount', 'pixiv_id', 'pixiv', 'unaliased', 'exif', 'duration', 'random', 'is', 'has', 'ai', ], COUNT_METATAGS, COUNT_METATAG_SYNONYMS, CATEGORY_COUNT_METATAGS); const ORDER_METATAGS = JSPLib.utility.multiConcat([ 'id', 'id_desc', 'md5', 'md5_asc', 'score', 'score_asc', 'upvotes', 'upvotes_asc', 'downvotes', 'downvotes_asc', 'favcount', 'favcount_asc', 'created_at', 'created_at_asc', 'change', 'change_asc', 'comment', 'comment_asc', 'comment_bumped', 'comment_bumped_asc', 'note', 'note_asc', 'artcomm', 'artcomm_asc', 'mpixels', 'mpixels_asc', 'portrait', 'landscape', 'filesize', 'filesize_asc', 'tagcount', 'tagcount_asc', 'duration', 'duration_asc', 'rank', 'curated', 'modqueue', 'random', 'custom', 'none', ], COUNT_METATAGS, COUNT_METATAG_SYNONYMS.flatMap((metatag) => [metatag, metatag + '_asc']), CATEGORY_COUNT_METATAGS.flatMap((metatag) => [metatag, metatag + '_asc']) ); const POST_STATUSES = ['active', 'deleted', 'pending', 'flagged', 'appealed', 'banned', 'modqueue', 'unmoderated']; const POST_RATINGS = ['general', 'sensitive', 'questionable', 'explicit']; const FILE_TYPES = ['jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'webp', 'avif', 'mp4', 'webm', 'swf', 'zip']; const STATIC_METATAGS = { is: JSPLib.utility.multiConcat(['parent', 'child', 'sfw', 'nsfw'], POST_STATUSES, FILE_TYPES, POST_RATINGS), has: ['parent', 'children', 'source', 'appeals', 'flags', 'replacements', 'comments', 'commentary', 'notes', 'pools'], status: JSPLib.utility.concat(['any'], POST_STATUSES), child: JSPLib.utility.concat(['any', 'none'], POST_STATUSES), parent: JSPLib.utility.concat(['any', 'none'], POST_STATUSES), rating: POST_RATINGS, embedded: ['true', 'false'], filetype: FILE_TYPES, commentary: ['true', 'false', 'translated', 'untranslated'], disapproved: ['breaks_rules', 'poor_quality', 'disinterest'], order: ORDER_METATAGS, }; const TYPE_TAGS = ['ch', 'co', 'gen', 'char', 'copy', 'art', 'meta', 'general', 'character', 'copyright', 'artist']; //Regex constants const TERM_REGEX = RegExp('([-~]*)(?:(' + JSPLib.utility.concat(ALL_METATAGS, TYPE_TAGS).join('|') + '):)?(\\S*)$', 'i'); const WORD_DELIMITERS = '_+:;!./()-'; const DELIMITER_GROUP = `[${WORD_DELIMITERS}]`; const DELIMITER_NOT_GROUP = `[^${WORD_DELIMITERS}]`; const DELIMITER_LOOKBEHIND = `(?<=^|${DELIMITER_GROUP})`; const DELIMITER_GROUP_RG = new RegExp(DELIMITER_GROUP); const ALL_DELIMTER_RG = new RegExp(DELIMITER_GROUP + '|' + DELIMITER_NOT_GROUP + '+', 'g'); //BUR constants const BUR_KEYWORDS = ['alias', 'unalias', 'imply', 'unimply', 'rename', 'update', 'deprecate', 'undeprecate', 'nuke', 'category']; const BUR_DATA = BUR_KEYWORDS.map((tag) => ({ type: 'tag', label: tag, name: tag, post_count: 'BUR', source: 'bur', category: BUR_TAG_CATEGORY, key: null, })); //Time constants const PRUNE_EXPIRES = JSPLib.utility.one_day; const JQUERY_DELAY = 500; //Delay for calling functions after initialization const TIMER_POLL_INTERVAL = 100; //Polling interval for checking program status const CALLBACK_INTERVAL = 1000; //Interval for fixup callback functions //Data inclusion lists const ALL_CATEGORIES = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5]; const ALL_TOPICS = [0, 1, 2]; const ALL_POOLS = ['collection', 'series']; const ALL_USERS = ['Member', 'Gold', 'Platinum', 'Builder', 'Moderator', 'Admin']; //All of the following are used to determine when to run the script const AUTOCOMPLETE_USERLIST = [ '[data-autocomplete=user]', ]; //DOM elements with race condition const AUTOCOMPLETE_REBINDLIST = [ '[data-autocomplete=tag-query]', '[data-autocomplete=tag-edit]', '.autocomplete-mentions textarea', ]; //DOM elements with autocomplete const AUTOCOMPLETE_DOMLIST = [ '#bulk_update_request_script', '[data-autocomplete=tag]', '[data-autocomplete=wiki-page]', '[data-autocomplete=artist]', '[data-autocomplete=pool]', '[data-autocomplete=saved-search-label]', '[data-autocomplete=forum-topic]', ].concat(AUTOCOMPLETE_REBINDLIST).concat(AUTOCOMPLETE_USERLIST); const AUTOCOMPLETE_ALL_SELECTORS = AUTOCOMPLETE_DOMLIST.join(','); const AUTOCOMPLETE_USER_SELECTORS = AUTOCOMPLETE_USERLIST.join(','); const AUTOCOMPLETE_REBIND_SELECTORS = AUTOCOMPLETE_REBINDLIST.join(','); const AUTOCOMPLETE_MULTITAG_SELECTORS = ['tag-query', 'tag-edit'].map((ac_type) => ['nav', 'page'].map((id_select) => `#${id_select} [data-autocomplete=${ac_type}]`).join(', ')).join(', '); //Expiration variables const EXPIRATION_CONFIG = { tag: { logarithmic_start: 100, minimum: JSPLib.utility.one_week, maximum: JSPLib.utility.one_month, }, pool: { logarithmic_start: 10, minimum: JSPLib.utility.one_week, maximum: JSPLib.utility.one_month, }, user: { minimum: JSPLib.utility.one_month, }, favgroup: { minimum: JSPLib.utility.one_week, }, search: { minimum: JSPLib.utility.one_week, }, wikipage: { logarithmic_start: 100, minimum: JSPLib.utility.one_week, maximum: JSPLib.utility.one_month, }, artist: { logarithmic_start: 10, minimum: JSPLib.utility.one_week, maximum: JSPLib.utility.one_month, }, forumtopic: { minimum: JSPLib.utility.one_week, }, }; //Source variables const SOURCE_KEY = { ac: 'tag', pl: 'pool', us: 'user', fg: 'favgroup', ss: 'search', ar: 'artist', wp: 'wikipage', ft: 'forumtopic' }; const SOURCE_CONFIG = { tag1: { url: 'autocomplete', data: (term) => ( { search: { type: 'tag_query', query: term, } } ), map: (tag) => ( { antecedent: tag.antecedent ?? null, name: tag.value, category: tag.category, post_count: tag.post_count, source: tag.type, } ), expiration: (d) => (d.length ? ExpirationTime('tag', d[0].post_count) : MinimumExpirationTime('tag')), fixupexpiration: false, searchstart: true, spacesallowed: false }, tag2: { url: 'tags', data: (term) => ( { search: { name_or_alias_matches: term, hide_empty: true, order: 'count', }, only: 'name,category,post_count,consequent_aliases[antecedent_name]', } ), map: (tag, term) => Object.assign({ name: tag.name, category: tag.category, post_count: tag.post_count, }, GetConsequentMatch(term, tag)) , expiration: (d) => (d.length ? ExpirationTime('tag', d[0].post_count) : MinimumExpirationTime('tag')), fixupexpiration: false, searchstart: true, spacesallowed: false }, metatag: {}, pool: { url: 'pools', data: (term) => ({ search: { order: 'post_count', name_matches: term }, only: 'name,category,post_count' }), map: (pool) => ({ name: pool.name, post_count: pool.post_count, category: pool.category }), expiration: (d) => (d.length ? ExpirationTime('pool', d[0].post_count) : MinimumExpirationTime('pool')), fixupexpiration: false, searchstart: false, spacesallowed: true, render: ($domobj, item) => { let html = `
    ${item.label} ${item.post_count}
    `; return $(html); }, }, user: { url: 'users', data: (term) => ({ search: { order: 'post_upload_count', current_user_first: true, name_matches: term, }, only: 'name,level_string' }), map: (user) => ({ name: user.name, level: user.level_string }), expiration: () => MinimumExpirationTime('user'), fixupexpiration: false, searchstart: true, spacesallowed: false, render: ($domobj, item) => { let html = `
    `; return $(html); }, }, favgroup: { url: 'favorite_groups', data: (term) => ({ search: { name_matches: term, creator_id: IAC.userid, }, only: 'name,post_ids' }), map: (favgroup) => ({ name: favgroup.name, post_count: favgroup.post_ids.length, }), expiration: () => MinimumExpirationTime('favgroup'), fixupexpiration: false, searchstart: false, spacesallowed: true, render: ($domobj, item) => { let html = `
    ${item.label} ${item.post_count}
    `; return $(html); }, }, search: { url: 'autocomplete', data: (term) => ({ search: { type: 'saved_search_label', query: term, } }), map: (label) => ({ name: label.value, }), expiration: () => MinimumExpirationTime('search'), fixupexpiration: false, searchstart: true, spacesallowed: false, render: ($domobj, item) => { let html = `
    `; return $(html); }, }, wikipage: { url: 'wiki_pages', data: (term) => ({ search: { order: 'post_count', hide_deleted: true, title_ilike: term.replace(/ /g, '_'), }, only: 'title,tag[category,post_count]' }), map: (wikipage) => ({ name: wikipage.title, category: wikipage.tag?.category || 0, post_count: wikipage.tag?.post_count || 0, no_tag: !wikipage.tag, }), expiration: () => MinimumExpirationTime('wikipage'), fixupexpiration: true, searchstart: true, spacesallowed: true, render: ($domobj, item) => { let count = (item.no_tag ? 'No tag' : item.post_count); let html = `
    ${item.label} ${count}
    `; return $(html); }, }, artist: { url: 'artists', data: (term) => ({ search: { order: 'post_count', is_active: true, name_like: term.trim().replace(/\s+/g, '_') }, only: 'name,tag[post_count]' }), map: (artist) => ({ post_count: artist.tag?.post_count, name: artist.name, no_tag: !artist.tag, }), expiration: () => MinimumExpirationTime('artist'), fixupexpiration: true, searchstart: true, spacesallowed: false, render: ($domobj, item) => { let count = (item.no_tag ? 'No tag' : item.post_count); let html = `
    ${item.label} ${count}
    `; return $(html); }, }, forumtopic: { url: 'forum_topics', data: (term) => ({ search: { order: 'sticky', title_ilike: term, }, only: 'title,category_id,response_count' }), map: (forumtopic) => ({ response_count: forumtopic.response_count, category: forumtopic.category_id, name: forumtopic.title, }), expiration: () => MinimumExpirationTime('forumtopic'), fixupexpiration: false, searchstart: false, spacesallowed: true, render: ($domobj, item) => { let html = `
    ${item.label} ${item.response_count}
    `; return $(html); }, } }; //Validate constants const AUTOCOMPLETE_CONSTRAINTS = { entry: JSPLib.validate.arrayentry_constraints({maximum: 20}), tag: { antecedent: JSPLib.validate.stringnull_constraints, category: JSPLib.validate.inclusion_constraints(ALL_CATEGORIES.concat(METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY)), post_count: JSPLib.validate.postcount_constraints, name: JSPLib.validate.stringonly_constraints, source: JSPLib.validate.inclusion_constraints(TAG_SOURCES), }, get metatag() { return this.tag; }, pool: { category: JSPLib.validate.inclusion_constraints(ALL_POOLS), post_count: JSPLib.validate.counting_constraints, name: JSPLib.validate.stringonly_constraints, }, user: { level: JSPLib.validate.inclusion_constraints(ALL_USERS), name: JSPLib.validate.stringonly_constraints, }, favgroup: { post_count: JSPLib.validate.counting_constraints, name: JSPLib.validate.stringonly_constraints, }, search: { name: JSPLib.validate.stringonly_constraints, }, artist: { post_count: JSPLib.validate.counting_constraints, name: JSPLib.validate.stringonly_constraints, no_tag: JSPLib.validate.boolean_constraints, }, wikipage: { post_count: JSPLib.validate.counting_constraints, name: JSPLib.validate.stringonly_constraints, category: JSPLib.validate.inclusion_constraints(ALL_CATEGORIES), no_tag: JSPLib.validate.boolean_constraints, }, forumtopic: { response_count: JSPLib.validate.counting_constraints, name: JSPLib.validate.stringonly_constraints, category: JSPLib.validate.inclusion_constraints(ALL_TOPICS), }, }; const USAGE_CONSTRAINTS = { expires: JSPLib.validate.expires_constraints, use_count: { numericality: { greaterThanOrEqualTo: 0, }, }, }; /****Functions****/ //Library functions JSPLib.menu.preloadScript = function (self, program_value, render_menu_func, {run_on_settings = false, default_data = {}, reset_data = {}, initialize_func = null, broadcast_func = null, menu_css = null} = {}) { program_value.user_settings = this.loadUserSettings(); for (let key in program_value.user_settings) { Object.defineProperty(program_value, key, {get() {return program_value.user_settings[key];}}); } if (this._isSettingMenu()) { this.initializeSettingsMenu(render_menu_func, menu_css); if (!run_on_settings) return false; } if (!this.isScriptEnabled()) { self.debug('logLevel', "Script is disabled on", window.location.hostname, JSPLib.debug.INFO); return false; } Object.assign(program_value, { controller: document.body.dataset.controller, action: document.body.dataset.action, }, JSPLib.utility.dataCopy(default_data), JSPLib.utility.dataCopy(reset_data)); if (typeof broadcast_func == 'function') { program_value.channel = JSPLib.utility.createBroadcastChannel(this.program_name, broadcast_func); } if (typeof initialize_func == 'function') { return initialize_func(); } return true; }; JSPLib.utility.getHTMLTree = function (domnode) { var tree = []; for (let checknode = domnode; checknode !== null; checknode = checknode.parentElement) { let nodename = checknode.tagName.toLowerCase(); let id = (checknode.id !== "" ? "#" : "") + checknode.id; let classlist = [...checknode.classList].map((entry) => (!entry.includes(':') ? '.' + entry : "")).join(""); let index = ""; if (checknode.parentElement !== null) { let similar_elements = [...checknode.parentElement.children].filter((entry) => entry.tagName === checknode.tagName); let similar_position = similar_elements.indexOf(checknode) + 1; index = ":nth-of-type(" + similar_position + ")"; } tree.push(nodename + id + classlist + index); } return tree.reverse().join(" > "); }; JSPLib.debug.addModuleLogs('menu', ['preloadScript']); //Validate functions function ValidateEntry(key, entry) { if (!JSPLib.validate.validateIsHash(key, entry)) { return false; } if (key.match(/^(?:ac|pl|us|fg|ss|ar|wp|ft)-/)) { return ValidateAutocompleteEntry(key, entry); } this.debug('log', "Bad key!"); return false; } function ValidateAutocompleteEntry(key, entry) { if (!JSPLib.validate.validateHashEntries(key, entry, AUTOCOMPLETE_CONSTRAINTS.entry)) { return false; } let type = SOURCE_KEY[key.slice(0, 2)]; for (let i = 0; i < entry.value.length; i++) { if (!JSPLib.validate.validateHashEntries(`${key}.value[${i}]`, entry.value[i], AUTOCOMPLETE_CONSTRAINTS[type])) { return false; } } return true; } function ValidateProgramData(key, entry) { var checkerror = []; switch (key) { case 'iac-user-settings': checkerror = JSPLib.menu.validateUserSettings(entry, SETTINGS_CONFIG); break; case 'iac-prune-expires': if (!Number.isInteger(entry)) { checkerror = ["Value is not an integer."]; } break; case 'iac-choice-info': if (JSPLib.validate.isHash(entry)) { checkerror = ValidateUsageData(entry); } else { checkerror = ['Value is not a hash']; } break; case 'iac-ac-source': if (!Number.isInteger(entry) || entry > AUTOCOMPLETE_SOURCE.length || entry < 0) { checkerror = [`Value is not an integer between 0 and {AUTOCOMPLETE_SOURCE.length - 1}.`]; } break; case 'iac-ac-mode': if (!Number.isInteger(entry) || entry > AUTOCOMPLETE_MODE.length || entry < 0) { checkerror = [`Value is not an integer between 0 and {AUTOCOMPLETE_MODE.length - 1}.`]; } break; case 'iac-ac-caps': if (!Number.isInteger(entry) || entry > AUTOCOMPLETE_CAPITALIZATION.length || entry < 0) { checkerror = [`Value is not an integer between 0 and {AUTOCOMPLETE_CAPITALIZATION.length - 1}.`]; } break; default: checkerror = ["Not a valid program data key."]; } if (checkerror.length) { JSPLib.validate.outputValidateError(key, checkerror); return false; } return true; } //Scalpel validation... removes only data that is bad instead of tossing everything function ValidateUsageData(choice_info) { let error_messages = []; let choice_order = choice_info.choice_order; let choice_data = choice_info.choice_data; if (!JSPLib.validate.isHash(choice_order) || !JSPLib.validate.isHash(choice_data)) { error_messages.push("Choice data/order is not a hash."); choice_info.choice_order = {}; choice_info.choice_data = {}; return error_messages; } //Validate choice order for (let type in choice_order) { if (!Array.isArray(choice_order[type])) { error_messages.push(`choice_order[${type}] is not an array.`); delete choice_order[type]; continue; } for (let i = 0; i < choice_order[type].length; i++) { if (!JSPLib.validate.isString(choice_order[type][i])) { error_messages.push(`choice_order[${type}][${i}] is not a string`); choice_order[type].splice(i, 1); i--; } } } //Validate choice data for (let type in choice_data) { if (!JSPLib.validate.isHash(choice_data[type])) { error_messages.push(`choice_data[${type}] is not a hash`); delete choice_data[type]; continue; } for (let key in choice_data[type]) { let validator = Object.assign({}, AUTOCOMPLETE_CONSTRAINTS[type], USAGE_CONSTRAINTS); let check = validate(choice_data[type][key], validator); if (check !== undefined) { error_messages.push(`choice_data[${type}][${key}]`, check); delete choice_data[type][key]; continue; } let extra_keys = JSPLib.utility.arrayDifference(Object.keys(choice_data[type][key]), Object.keys(validator)); if (extra_keys.length) { error_messages.push(`Hash contains extra keys: ${type} - ${key}`, extra_keys); delete choice_data[type][key]; } } } //Validate same types between both let type_diff = JSPLib.utility.arraySymmetricDifference(Object.keys(choice_order), Object.keys(choice_data)); if (type_diff.length) { error_messages.push("Type difference between choice order and choice data:", type_diff); type_diff.forEach((type) => { delete choice_order[type]; delete choice_data[type]; }); } //Validate same keys between both for (let type in choice_order) { let key_diff = JSPLib.utility.arraySymmetricDifference(choice_order[type], Object.keys(choice_data[type])); if (key_diff.length) { error_messages.push("Key difference between choice order and choice data:", type, key_diff); key_diff.forEach((key) => { choice_order[type] = JSPLib.utility.arrayDifference(choice_order[type], [key]); delete choice_data[type][key]; }); } } return error_messages; } function ValidateCached(cached, type, term, word_mode) { if (!cached) return false; if (type !== 'tag') return true; if (word_mode) { return cached.value.every((item) => GetWordMatches(item.antecedent || item.name, term, false)); } return cached.value.every((item) => GetGlobMatches(item.antecedent || item.name, term, false)); } //Helper functions function ParseQuery(text, caret) { let before_caret_text = text.substring(0, caret); let match = before_caret_text.match(TERM_REGEX); let operator = match[1]; let metatag = match[2] ? match[2].toLowerCase() : "tag"; let term = match[3]; let prefix = operator; if (metatag !== 'tag') { prefix += metatag + ':'; } if (IAC.categories.includes(metatag)) { metatag = 'tag'; } return { operator, metatag, term, prefix }; } function RemoveTerm(str, index) { str = ' ' + str + ' '; let first_slice = str.slice(0, index); let second_slice = str.slice(index); let first_space = first_slice.lastIndexOf(' '); let second_space = second_slice.indexOf(' '); return (first_slice.slice(0, first_space) + second_slice.slice(second_space)).slice(1, -1); } function GetPrefix(str) { if (!(str in GetPrefix.prefixhash)) { GetPrefix.prefixhash[str] = str.split('_').map((part) => (part.replace(/[()]/g, "")[0])).join(""); } return GetPrefix.prefixhash[str]; } GetPrefix.prefixhash = {}; function GetConsequentMatch(term, tag) { let retval = {source: 'tag', antecedent: null}; let regex = RegExp('^' + JSPLib.utility.regexpEscape(term).replace(/\\\*/g, '.*')); if (!tag.name.match(regex)) { let matching_consequent = tag.consequent_aliases.filter((consequent) => consequent.antecedent_name.match(regex)); if (matching_consequent.length) { retval = {source: 'tag-alias', antecedent: matching_consequent[0].antecedent_name}; } } return retval; } function GetIsBur() { return (IAC.controller === 'bulk-update-requests') && ['edit', 'new'].includes(IAC.action); } function GetHasQuickSearchBar() { return ['forum-topics', 'forum-posts', 'comments'].includes(IAC.controller); } const MapMetatag = (type, metatag, value) => ({ type, antecedent: null, label: metatag + ':' + value, value: metatag + ':' + value, name: metatag + ':' + value, post_count: METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY, source: 'metatag', category: METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY }); function MetatagData() { if (!MetatagData.data) { MetatagData.data = ALL_METATAGS .filter((tag) => (tag[0] !== '-')) .map((tag) => (MapMetatag('tag', tag, ""))); } return MetatagData.data; } function SubmetatagData() { if (!SubmetatagData.data) { SubmetatagData.data = []; for (let metatag in STATIC_METATAGS) { for (let i = 0; i < STATIC_METATAGS[metatag].length; i++) { let submetatag = STATIC_METATAGS[metatag][i]; SubmetatagData.data.push(MapMetatag('metatag', metatag, submetatag)); } } } return SubmetatagData.data; } function GlobRegex(search, use_capture, return_groups = false) { GlobRegex.regexes ||= {}; GlobRegex.capture_groups ||= {}; let key = search + '\xff' + use_capture; if (!(key in GlobRegex.regexes)) { const captureMap = ( use_capture ? (val) => (val.slice(0, 2) === String.raw`\*` ? '(.*)' : `(${val})`) : (val) => (val.slice(0, 2) === String.raw`\*` ? '.*' : `${val}`) ); GlobRegex.capture_groups[key] = JSPLib.utility.findAll(search, /\*|[^*]+/g) .filter((val) => val !== '') .map((val) => JSPLib.utility.regexpEscape(val)) .map(captureMap); GlobRegex.regexes[key] = new RegExp('^' + GlobRegex.capture_groups[key].join("") + '$', 'i'); } return (return_groups ? GlobRegex.capture_groups[key] : GlobRegex.regexes[key]); } function WordRegex(search, use_capture, return_groups = false) { WordRegex.regexes ||= {}; WordRegex.capture_groups ||= {}; let key = search + '\xff' + use_capture; if (!(key in WordRegex.regexes)) { let bookend = (use_capture ? '(.*)' : '.*'); let capture_groups = JSPLib.utility.findAll(search, ALL_DELIMTER_RG) .filter((val) => val !== '') .map((word) => { if (word.match(DELIMITER_GROUP_RG)) { return (use_capture ? '(.*)' : '.*'); } let escape_word = JSPLib.utility.regexpEscape(word); return DELIMITER_LOOKBEHIND + (use_capture ? `(${escape_word})` : escape_word); }); WordRegex.capture_groups[key] = [bookend, ...capture_groups, bookend]; WordRegex.regexes[key] = new RegExp(WordRegex.capture_groups[key].join("") + '(.*)', 'i'); } return (return_groups ? WordRegex.capture_groups[key] : WordRegex.regexes[key]); } //Get regex from separate function and memoize that value function GetGlobMatches(name, search, use_capture) { let regex = GlobRegex(search, use_capture); let match = name.match(regex); return match; } //Get regex from separate function and memoize that value function GetWordMatches(name, search, use_capture) { let regex = WordRegex(search, use_capture); let match = name.match(regex); return match; } //Time functions function MinimumExpirationTime(type) { return EXPIRATION_CONFIG[type].minimum; } function MaximumExpirationTime(type) { return (EXPIRATION_CONFIG[type].maximum ? EXPIRATION_CONFIG[type].maximum : EXPIRATION_CONFIG[type].minimum); } //Logarithmic increase of expiration time based upon a count function ExpirationTime(type, count) { let config = EXPIRATION_CONFIG[type]; let expiration = Math.log10(10 * count / config.logarithmic_start) * config.minimum; expiration = Math.max(expiration, config.minimum); expiration = Math.min(expiration, config.maximum); return Math.round(expiration); } //Render functions function AutocompleteRenderItem(list, item) { if ('html' in item) { return Danbooru.Autocomplete.render_item_old(list, item); } if (SOURCE_CONFIG[item.type].render) { return RenderListItem(SOURCE_CONFIG[item.type].render)(list, item); } let tag_info = ""; if (item.antecedent) { tag_info = `${item.label}`; let antecedent = item.antecedent.replace(/_/g, " "); tag_info = '' + tag_info; tag_info = `${antecedent}` + tag_info; } else { tag_info = `${item.label}`; } let post_text = ""; if (item.post_count !== undefined) { let count = item.post_count; post_text = String(item.post_count); if (count >= 1000000) { post_text = JSPLib.utility.setPrecision(count / 1000000, 2) + 'M'; } else if (count >= 1000) { post_text = JSPLib.utility.setPrecision(count / 1000, 2) + "k"; } } let url = '/posts?tags=' + encodeURIComponent(item.name); let link_classes = ['iac-autocomplete-link']; if (item.type === 'tag') { link_classes.push('tag-type-' + item.category); } else if (item.type === 'user') { link_classes.push('user-' + item.level.toLowerCase()); } else if (item.type === 'pool') { link_classes.push('pool-category-' + item.category); } let line_item = ` ${tag_info} ${post_text}`; let data_items = ["type", "antecedent", "value", "category", "post_count"].map((attr) => `data-autocomplete-${attr.replace(/_/g, "-")}="${item[attr]}"`); let $list_item = $(`
  • ${line_item}
  • `); $list_item.data("item.autocomplete", item); $list_item.find('a').on('click.iac', (event) => {event.preventDefault();}); return $list_item.appendTo(list); } function RenderListItem(alink_func) { return function (list, item) { let $link = alink_func($(''), item); let $container = $('
    ').append($link); HighlightSelected($container, list, item); return $('
  • ').data('item.autocomplete', item).append($container).appendTo(list); }; } function RenderMenuItem() { return function (ul, items) { let event_UID = items.UID || IAC.query_UID[items.key]; if (Number.isInteger(event_UID)) { JSPLib.debug.debugTime('renderitem-' + event_UID); } items.forEach((item) => { this._renderItemData(ul, item); }); if (Number.isInteger(event_UID)) { JSPLib.debug.debugTimeEnd('renderitem-' + event_UID); JSPLib.debug.debugTimeEnd('autocomplete-' + event_UID); } }; } function RenderAutocompleteNotice(type, list, index) { let values = list.map((val, i) => (index === i ? `${val}` : val)); let line = values.join(' | '); return `Autocomplete ${type}: ${line}`; } //Main helper functions function CapitalizeAutocomplete(string) { switch (IAC.ac_caps) { case 1: return string.toUpperCase(); case 2: return JSPLib.utility.titleizeString(string); case 3: return JSPLib.utility.properCase(string); case 4: return JSPLib.utility.exceptCase(string); case 5: return JSPLib.utility.romanCase(string); case 0: default: return string; } } function FixupMetatag(value, metatag) { switch(metatag) { case '@': value.value = '@' + value.name; value.label = value.name; break; case "": value.value = value.name; value.label = value.name.replace(/_/g, ' '); break; default: metatag = metatag.replace(/:$/, ""); value.value = metatag + ':' + value.name; value.label = value.name.replace(/_/g, ' '); } } function SortSources(data) { var scaler; switch(IAC.postcount_scale[0]) { case 'logarithmic': scaler = ((num) => Math.log(num)); break; case 'square_root': scaler = ((num) => Math.sqrt(num)); break; case 'linear': default: scaler = ((num) => num); } data.sort((a, b) => { let mult_a = IAC[`${a.source}_source_weight`]; let mult_b = IAC[`${b.source}_source_weight`]; let weight_a = mult_a * scaler(a.post_count); let weight_b = mult_b * scaler(b.post_count); return weight_b - weight_a; }).forEach((entry, i) => { data[i] = entry; }); } function GroupSources(data) { let source_order = IAC.source_order; data.sort((a, b) => (source_order.indexOf(a.source) - source_order.indexOf(b.source))); } function FixExpirationCallback(key, value, tagname, type) { this.debug('log', "Fixing expiration:", tagname); JSPLib.danbooru.submitRequest('tags', {search: {name: tagname}}).then((data) => { if (!data.length) { return; } let expiration_time = ExpirationTime(type, data[0].post_count); JSPLib.storage.saveData(key, {value, expires: JSPLib.utility.getExpires(expiration_time)}); }); } //Usage functions function KeepSourceData(type, metatag, data) { IAC.source_data[type] = IAC.source_data[type] || {}; data.forEach((val) => { let orig_key = val.name.replace(RegExp(`^${metatag}:?`), ""); let key = (val.antecedent ? val.antecedent + '\xff' + orig_key : orig_key); IAC.source_data[type][key] = val; }); } function GetChoiceOrder(type, query, word_mode) { let queryterm = query.toLowerCase() + (type === 'metatag' && !query.endsWith('*') ? '*' : ""); let regex = (word_mode ? WordRegex(queryterm, false) : GlobRegex(queryterm, false)); let available_choices = IAC.choice_order[type].filter((name) => name.toLowerCase().match(regex)); let sortable_choices = available_choices.filter((tag) => (IAC.choice_data[type][tag].use_count > 0)); sortable_choices.sort((a, b) => IAC.choice_data[type][b].use_count - IAC.choice_data[type][a].use_count); return JSPLib.utility.arrayUnique(sortable_choices.concat(available_choices)); } function AddUserSelected(type, metatag, term, data, query_type, word_mode, key) { IAC.shown_data = []; let order = IAC.choice_order[type]; let choice = IAC.choice_data[type]; if (!order || !choice) { return; } let user_order = GetChoiceOrder(type, term, word_mode); for (let i = user_order.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let checkterm = user_order[i]; if (query_type === 'tag' && choice[checkterm].category === METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY) { continue; } //Splice out Danbooru data if it exists for (let j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { let compareterm = (data[j].antecedent ? data[j].antecedent + '\xff' + data[j].name : data[j].name); if (compareterm === checkterm) { data.splice(j, 1); //Should only be one of these at most break; } } let add_data = Object.assign({}, choice[user_order[i]], {term, key, type}); if (type === 'tag' && ['tag', 'tag-word'].includes(add_data.source)) { add_data.source = (word_mode ? 'tag-word' : 'tag'); } FixupMetatag(add_data, metatag); data.unshift(add_data); IAC.shown_data.push(user_order[i]); } data.splice(IAC.source_results_returned); } //For autocomplete select function InsertUserSelected(data, input, selected) { if (!IAC.usage_enabled || !$(input).hasClass('iac-autocomplete')) { return; } var type, item, term, source_data; //Being hamstrung by Danbooru's select function of the multi-source tag complete if (typeof selected === 'string') { let autocomplete = $(input).autocomplete('instance'); let list_container = autocomplete.menu.element[0]; let $links = $('.ui-state-active', list_container).parent(); if ($links.length === 0) { $links = $('.ui-menu-item:first-of-type', list_container); } item = $links.data('item.autocomplete'); if (!item) { this.debug('log', "Error: No autocomplete data found!", $links, item); return; } type = item.type; if (!type) { let autocomplete_type = $(input).data('autocomplete'); if (autocomplete_type === 'tag-query' || autocomplete_type === 'tag-edit') { let match = selected.match(TERM_REGEX); type = (match[2] && match[3].length ? match[2] : 'tag'); } else { type = autocomplete_type.replace(/-/g, ""); } } } else { item = selected; type = SOURCE_KEY[data]; } if (item.category === BUR_TAG_CATEGORY) { return; } if ($(input).data('multiple') === false) { input.name = input.name.trim(); } if (item.antecedent) { term = item.antecedent + '\xff' + item.name; } else { term = item.name; } if (item.category === METATAG_TAG_CATEGORY) { if (item.type === 'tag') { input.selectionStart = input.selectionEnd = input.selectionStart - 1; setTimeout(() => {$(input).autocomplete('search');}, 100); } source_data = item; } else if (item.source === 'tag-abbreviation') { source_data = item; } else //Final failsafe if (!IAC.source_data[type] || !IAC.source_data[type][term]) { if (!IAC.choice_data[type] || !IAC.choice_data[type][term]) { this.debug('log', "Error: Bad data selector!", type, term, selected, data, item); return; } source_data = IAC.choice_data[type][term]; } else { source_data = IAC.source_data[type][term]; } IAC.choice_order[type] = IAC.choice_order[type] || []; IAC.choice_data[type] = IAC.choice_data[type] || {}; IAC.choice_order[type].unshift(term); IAC.choice_order[type] = JSPLib.utility.arrayUnique(IAC.choice_order[type]); //So the use count doesn't get squashed by the new variable assignment let use_count = (IAC.choice_data[type][term] && IAC.choice_data[type][term].use_count) || 0; IAC.choice_data[type][term] = JSPLib.utility.dataCopy(source_data); ['key', 'term', 'label', 'value', 'type'].forEach((e) => {delete IAC.choice_data[type][term][e];}); IAC.choice_data[type][term].expires = JSPLib.utility.getExpires(GetUsageExpires()); IAC.choice_data[type][term].use_count = use_count + 1; if (IAC.usage_maximum > 0) { IAC.choice_data[type][term].use_count = Math.min(IAC.choice_data[type][term].use_count, IAC.usage_maximum); } IAC.shown_data.forEach((key) => { if (key !== term) { IAC.choice_data[type][key].use_count = IAC.choice_data[type][key].use_count || 0; IAC.choice_data[type][key].use_count *= IAC.usage_multiplier; } }); StoreUsageData('insert', term); } function InsertCompletion(input, completion) { if (!$(input).hasClass('iac-autocomplete')) { Danbooru.Autocomplete.insert_completion_old(input, completion); return; } // Trim all whitespace (tabs, spaces) except for line returns var before_caret_text = input.value.substring(0, input.selectionStart).replace(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/gm, ""); var after_caret_text = input.value.substring(input.selectionStart).replace(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/gm, ""); var regexp = new RegExp('(' + IAC.prefixes.join('|') + ')?\\S+$', 'g'); let $input = $(input); let start = 0, end = 0; if ($input.data('insert-autocomplete')) { let display_text = completion; let current_mode = AUTOCOMPLETE_MODE[IAC.ac_mode]; if (['tag', 'normal'].includes(current_mode)) { if (current_mode === 'normal') { display_text = display_text.replace(/_/g, ' '); display_text = CapitalizeAutocomplete(display_text); } before_caret_text = before_caret_text.replace(regexp, '$1') + '[[' + display_text + ']]'; start = end = before_caret_text.length; } else if (['pipe', 'custom'].includes(current_mode)) { let insert_text = "insert text"; if (current_mode === 'pipe') { display_text = display_text.replace(/_/g, ' '); display_text = CapitalizeAutocomplete(display_text); insert_text = ""; } before_caret_text = before_caret_text.replace(regexp, '$1') + `[[${display_text}|${insert_text}]]`; if (current_mode === 'pipe') { start = end = before_caret_text.length; } else { //Current mode == custom start = before_caret_text.length - 13; end = before_caret_text.length - 2; } } setTimeout(() => {DisableTextAreaAutocomplete($input);}, 100); } else { var query = ParseQuery(input.value, input.selectionStart); var select = ParseQuery(completion, completion.length); before_caret_text = before_caret_text.substring(0, before_caret_text.search(/\S+$/)); var prefix = (query.metatag !== "tag" ? (query.prefix || select.prefix) : query.operator); var name = (query.metatag === "tag" ? completion : select.term); before_caret_text += prefix + name + ' '; start = end = before_caret_text.length; } input.value = before_caret_text + after_caret_text; input.selectionStart = start; input.selectionEnd = end; $(input).trigger("input"); $(() => $(input).autocomplete("instance").close()); } function StaticMetatagSource(term, metatag) { let lower_term = term.toLowerCase(); let full_term = `${metatag}:${lower_term}`; let data = SubmetatagData() .filter((item) => item.name.startsWith(full_term)) .map((item) => Object.assign({}, item, {term})) .sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name)) .slice(0, IAC.source_results_returned); AddUserSelected('metatag', "", full_term, data, false, null); return data; } //For autocomplete render function HighlightSelected($link, list, item) { if (IAC.source_highlight_enabled) { if (item.expires) { $($link).addClass('iac-user-choice'); } if (item.type === 'tag' || item.type === 'metatag') { $($link).addClass('iac-tag-highlight'); switch (item.source) { case 'tag': $($link).addClass('iac-tag-exact'); break; case 'tag-word': $($link).addClass('iac-tag-word'); break; case 'tag-abbreviation': $($link).addClass('iac-tag-abbreviation'); break; case 'tag-alias': $($link).addClass('iac-tag-alias'); break; case 'tag-autocorrect': $($link).addClass('iac-tag-autocorrect'); break; case 'tag-other-name': $($link).addClass('iac-tag-other-name'); break; case 'bur': $($link).addClass('iac-tag-bur'); break; case 'metatag': $($link).addClass('iac-tag-metatag'); //falls through default: //Do nothing } } if (IAC.highlight_used && IAC.current_tags.includes(item.name)) { $($link).addClass('iac-already-used'); } } if (IAC.highlight_words_enabled) { let term = item.term; if (item.type === 'tag' || item.type === 'metatag') { term += (item.source === 'metatag' && !item.term.endsWith('*') ? '*' : ""); let [tagname, tagclass] = (item.antecedent ? [item.antecedent, 'autocomplete-antecedent'] : [item.name, 'autocomplete-tag']); let highlight_html = (item.source === 'tag-word' ? HighlightWords(term, tagname) : HighlightGlobs(term, tagname, item.type)); if (highlight_html) { $link.find('.' + tagclass).html(highlight_html); } } else { let value = term; let highlight_html = HighlightGlobs(value, item.name); if (highlight_html) { $link.find('a').html(highlight_html); } } } if (item.source === 'metatag') { $('a', $link).addClass('tag-type-' + item.category); $('.post-count', $link).text('metatag'); } if (item.type === 'tag') { $($link).attr('data-autocomplete-type', item.source); } return $link; } function HighlightWords(search, name) { let regex = WordRegex(search, true); let capture_groups = WordRegex(search, true, true); let word_match = name.match(regex); if (!word_match) return null; let html_sections = word_match.slice(1).map((match, i) => { let label = match.replace(/_/g, " "); return (capture_groups[i] !== '(.*)' ? `${label}` : label); }); return html_sections.join(""); } function HighlightGlobs(search, name) { let regex = GlobRegex(search, true); let capture_groups = GlobRegex(search, true, true); let glob_match = name.match(regex); if (!glob_match) return null; let html_sections = glob_match.slice(1).map((match, i) => { let label = match.replace(/_/g, " "); return (capture_groups[i] !== '(.*)' ? `${label}` : label); }); return html_sections.join(""); } function CorrectUsageData() { let error_messages = ValidateUsageData(IAC); if (error_messages.length) { this.debug('log', "Corrections to usage data detected!"); error_messages.forEach((error) => {this.debug('log', error);}); StoreUsageData('correction'); } else { this.debug('log', "Usage data is valid."); } } function PruneUsageData() { let is_dirty = false; for (let type_key in IAC.choice_data) { let type_entry = IAC.choice_data[type_key]; for (let key in type_entry) { let entry = type_entry[key]; if (!JSPLib.utility.validateExpires(entry.expires, GetUsageExpires())) { this.debug('log', "Pruning choice data!", type_key, key); IAC.choice_order[type_key] = JSPLib.utility.arrayDifference(IAC.choice_order[type_key], [key]); delete type_entry[key]; is_dirty = true; } } } if (is_dirty) { StoreUsageData('prune'); } } function StoreUsageData(name, key = "", save = true) { if (save) { JSPLib.storage.setStorageData('iac-choice-info', {choice_order: IAC.choice_order, choice_data: IAC.choice_data}, localStorage); } IAC.channel.postMessage({type: 'reload', name, key, choice_order: IAC.choice_order, choice_data: IAC.choice_data}); } ////Setup functions function RebindRender() { $(AUTOCOMPLETE_REBIND_SELECTORS).each((i, entry) => { let render_set = $(entry).data('iac-render'); let autocomplete = $(entry).data('uiAutocomplete'); if (!render_set && autocomplete) { autocomplete._renderItem = Danbooru.Autocomplete.render_item; autocomplete._renderMenu = RenderMenuItem(); $(entry).data('iac-render', true); } }); } function DelayInitializeAutocomplete(...args) { setTimeout(() => {InitializeAutocompleteIndexed(...args);}, JQUERY_DELAY); } function DelayInitializeTagAutocomplete(selector, type) { if (selector && type) { $(selector).attr('data-autocomplete', type); } clearTimeout(DelayInitializeTagAutocomplete.timer); DelayInitializeTagAutocomplete.timer = setTimeout(DanbooruIntializeTagAutocomplete, JQUERY_DELAY); } //Rebind callback functions function RebindRenderCheck() { JSPLib.utility.recheckTimer({ check: () => !JSPLib.utility.hasDOMDataKey(AUTOCOMPLETE_REBIND_SELECTORS, 'iac-render'), exec: RebindRender, }, TIMER_POLL_INTERVAL, JSPLib.utility.one_second * 5); } function RebindAnyAutocomplete(selector, keycode, multiple) { JSPLib.utility.recheckTimer({ check: () => JSPLib.utility.hasDOMDataKey(selector, 'uiAutocomplete'), exec: () => { $(selector).autocomplete('destroy').off('keydown.Autocomplete.tab'); InitializeAutocompleteIndexed(selector, keycode, multiple); } }, TIMER_POLL_INTERVAL); } function RebindMultipleTag() { JSPLib.utility.recheckTimer({ check: () => JSPLib.utility.hasDOMDataKey(AUTOCOMPLETE_MULTITAG_SELECTORS, 'uiAutocomplete'), exec: () => { $(AUTOCOMPLETE_MULTITAG_SELECTORS).autocomplete('destroy').off('keydown.Autocomplete.tab'); DanbooruIntializeTagAutocomplete(); } }, TIMER_POLL_INTERVAL); } function RebindSingleTag() { JSPLib.utility.recheckTimer({ check: () => JSPLib.utility.hasDOMDataKey('[data-autocomplete=tag]', 'uiAutocomplete'), exec: () => { let autocomplete = AnySourceIndexed('ac', true); let $fields = $('[data-autocomplete=tag]'); $fields.autocomplete('destroy').off('keydown.Autocomplete.tab'); $fields.autocomplete({ minLength: 1, autoFocus: true, async source(request, respond) { let results = await autocomplete.call(this, request.term); respond(results); }, select (event, ui) { InsertUserSelected('ac', this, ui.item); }, }); $fields.addClass('iac-autocomplete'); setTimeout(() => { $fields.each((i, field) => { let autocomplete = $(field).data('uiAutocomplete'); autocomplete._renderItem = Danbooru.Autocomplete.render_item; autocomplete._renderMenu = RenderMenuItem(); }); }, JQUERY_DELAY); } }, TIMER_POLL_INTERVAL); } function ReorderAutocompleteEvent($obj) { function RequeueEvent(str, event_array) { let position = event_array.findIndex((event) => event.namespace.startsWith(str)); let item = event_array.splice(position, 1); event_array.unshift(item[0]); } try { let private_data = JSPLib.utility.getPrivateData($obj[0]); let keydown_events = JSPLib.utility.getNestedAttribute(private_data, ['events', 'keydown']); RequeueEvent('autocomplete', keydown_events); //The tab event handler must go before the autocomplete handler RequeueEvent('Autocomplete.Tab', keydown_events); } catch (error) { JSPLib.debug.debugerror("Unable to reorder autocomplete events!", error); } } //Initialization functions function DanbooruIntializeTagAutocomplete() { var $fields_multiple = $(AUTOCOMPLETE_MULTITAG_SELECTORS); $fields_multiple.autocomplete({ select(event, ui) { if (event.key === "Enter") { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } Danbooru.Autocomplete.insert_completion(this, ui.item.name); return false; }, async source(req, resp) { var query = ParseQuery(req.term, this.element.get(0).selectionStart); var metatag = query.metatag; var term = query.term; var prefix = query.prefix; var results = []; switch (metatag) { case "order": case "status": case "rating": case "locked": case "child": case "parent": case "filetype": case "disapproved": case "embedded": case "commentary": case "is": case "has": results = Danbooru.Autocomplete.static_metatag_source(term, metatag); break; case "user": case "approver": case "commenter": case "comm": case "noter": case "noteupdater": case "commentaryupdater": case "artcomm": case "fav": case "ordfav": case "appealer": case "flagger": case "upvote": case "downvote": results = await Danbooru.Autocomplete.user_source(term, prefix); break; case "pool": case "ordpool": results = await Danbooru.Autocomplete.pool_source(term, prefix); break; case "favgroup": case "ordfavgroup": results = await Danbooru.Autocomplete.favorite_group_source(term, prefix, Danbooru.CurrentUser.data("id")); break; case "search": results = await Danbooru.Autocomplete.saved_search_source(term, prefix); break; case "tag": results = await Danbooru.Autocomplete.tag_source(term); break; default: results = []; break; } resp(results); }, }); $fields_multiple.each((i, entry) => { let autocomplete = $(entry).data('uiAutocomplete'); autocomplete._renderItem = Danbooru.Autocomplete.render_item; autocomplete._renderMenu = RenderMenuItem(); }); let $tag_input_fields = $("#upload_tag_string, #post_tag_string"); if ($tag_input_fields.length) { ReorderAutocompleteEvent($tag_input_fields); } $fields_multiple.addClass('iac-autocomplete'); } function InitializeAutocompleteIndexed(selector, keycode, multiple = false, wiki = false) { let type = SOURCE_KEY[keycode]; var $fields = $(selector); let autocomplete = AnySourceIndexed(keycode, true); $fields.autocomplete({ minLength: 1, delay: 100, async source(request, respond) { var term; if (multiple || wiki) { term = ParseQuery(request.term, this.element.get(0).selectionStart).term; if (!term) { respond([]); return; } } else { term = request.term; } let results = await autocomplete.call(this, term); respond(results); }, select (event, ui) { InsertUserSelected(keycode, this, ui.item); if (wiki) { InsertCompletion(this, ui.item.name); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; } if (multiple) { if (event.key === 'Enter') { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } Danbooru.Autocomplete.insert_completion_old(this, ui.item.name); return false; } ui.item.name = ui.item.name.trim(); return ui.item.name; }, }); let alink_func = (SOURCE_CONFIG[type].render ? SOURCE_CONFIG[type].render : ($domobj, item) => $domobj.text(item.name)); setTimeout(() => { $fields.each((i, field) => { let autocomplete = $(field).data('uiAutocomplete'); if (wiki) { autocomplete._renderItem = Danbooru.Autocomplete.render_item; } else { autocomplete._renderItem = RenderListItem(alink_func); } autocomplete._renderMenu = RenderMenuItem(); }); }, JQUERY_DELAY); if (!JSPLib.utility.isNamespaceBound(selector, 'keydown', 'Autocomplete.tab')) { $fields.on('keydown.Autocomplete.tab', null, 'tab', Danbooru.Autocomplete.on_tab); } $fields.data('autocomplete', type); $fields.data('multiple', multiple || wiki); $fields.addClass('iac-autocomplete'); } function InitializeTextAreaAutocomplete() { IAC.ac_source = JSPLib.storage.getStorageData('iac-ac-source', localStorage, 0); IAC.ac_mode = JSPLib.storage.getStorageData('iac-ac-mode', localStorage, 0); IAC.ac_caps = JSPLib.storage.getStorageData('iac-ac-caps', localStorage, 0); $('textarea:not([data-autocomplete]), input[type=text]:not([data-autocomplete])').on(PROGRAM_KEYDOWN, null, 'alt+a', (event) => { let $input = $(event.currentTarget); let type = AUTOCOMPLETE_SOURCE[IAC.ac_source]; if (!$input.data('insert-autocomplete')) { EnableTextAreaAutocomplete($input, type); } else { DisableTextAreaAutocomplete($input, type); } }).data('insert-autocomplete', false); $('textarea:not([data-autocomplete]), input[type=text]:not([data-autocomplete])').on(PROGRAM_KEYDOWN, null, 'alt+1 alt+2 alt+3', (event) => { if (event.originalEvent.key === '1') { IAC.ac_source = (IAC.ac_source + 1) % AUTOCOMPLETE_SOURCE.length; JSPLib.notice.notice(RenderAutocompleteNotice('source', AUTOCOMPLETE_SOURCE, IAC.ac_source)); JSPLib.storage.setStorageData('iac-ac-source', IAC.ac_source, localStorage); } else if (event.originalEvent.key === '2') { IAC.ac_mode = (IAC.ac_mode + 1) % AUTOCOMPLETE_MODE.length; JSPLib.notice.notice(RenderAutocompleteNotice('mode', AUTOCOMPLETE_MODE, IAC.ac_mode)); JSPLib.storage.setStorageData('iac-ac-mode', IAC.ac_mode, localStorage); } else if (event.originalEvent.key === '3') { IAC.ac_caps = (IAC.ac_caps + 1) % AUTOCOMPLETE_CAPITALIZATION.length; JSPLib.notice.notice(RenderAutocompleteNotice('capitalization', AUTOCOMPLETE_CAPITALIZATION, IAC.ac_caps)); JSPLib.storage.setStorageData('iac-ac-caps', IAC.ac_caps, localStorage); } IAC.channel.postMessage({type: 'text_autocomplete', source: IAC.ac_source, mode: IAC.ac_mode, caps: IAC.ac_caps}); }); } function EnableTextAreaAutocomplete($input, type) { if ($input.closest('.autocomplete-mentions').length > 0) { $input.autocomplete('destroy').off('keydown.Autocomplete.tab'); } let input_selector = JSPLib.utility.getHTMLTree($input[0]); let type_shortcut = PROGRAM_DATA_KEY[type]; InitializeAutocompleteIndexed(input_selector, type_shortcut, false, true); $input.data('insert-autocomplete', true); $input.data('autocomplete', 'tag-edit'); JSPLib.notice.notice(JSPLib.utility.sprintf(AUTOCOMPLETE_MESSAGE, AUTOCOMPLETE_SOURCE[IAC.ac_source], AUTOCOMPLETE_MODE[IAC.ac_mode], AUTOCOMPLETE_CAPITALIZATION[IAC.ac_caps])); } function DisableTextAreaAutocomplete($input) { $input.autocomplete('destroy').off('keydown.Autocomplete.tab'); $input.data('insert-autocomplete', false); $input.data('autocomplete', ""); JSPLib.notice.notice("Autocomplete turned off!"); if ($input.closest('.autocomplete-mentions').length > 0) { Danbooru.Autocomplete.initialize_mention_autocomplete($input); } } //Main auxiliary functions async function NetworkSource(type, key, term, metatag, query_type, word_mode, process = true) { this.debug('log', "Querying", type, ':', term); const CONFIG = SOURCE_CONFIG[type]; let url_addons = $.extend({limit: IAC.source_results_returned}, CONFIG.data(term)); let data = await JSPLib.danbooru.submitRequest(CONFIG.url, url_addons); if (!data || !Array.isArray(data)) { return []; } var d = data.map((item) => CONFIG.map(item, term)); var expiration_time = CONFIG.expiration(d); var save_data = JSPLib.utility.dataCopy(d); JSPLib.storage.saveData(key, {value: save_data, expires: JSPLib.utility.getExpires(expiration_time)}); if (CONFIG.fixupexpiration && d.length) { setTimeout(() => {FixExpirationCallback(key, save_data, save_data[0].value, type);}, CALLBACK_INTERVAL); } if (process) { return ProcessSourceData(type, metatag, term, d, query_type, key, word_mode); } } function AnySourceIndexed(keycode, has_context = false) { var type = SOURCE_KEY[keycode]; return async function (term, prefix) { if ((!SOURCE_CONFIG[type].spacesallowed || JSPLib.validate.isString(prefix)) && term.match(/\S\s/)) { return []; } term = term.trim(); if (term === "") { return []; } var word_mode = false; if (type === 'tag' && !term.startsWith('/') && !term.endsWith('*')) { word_mode = term.length > 1 && !( IAC.word_start_matches || (SOURCE_CONFIG[type] === SOURCE_CONFIG.tag2) || (IAC.alternate_tag_wildcards && Boolean(term.match(/\*/))) ); term += (!word_mode && !term.endsWith('*') ? '*' : ""); } else { term += (term.endsWith('*') ? "" : '*'); term = (SOURCE_CONFIG[type].searchstart ? "" : "*") + term; } var key = (keycode + '-' + term).toLowerCase(); let UID = IAC.query_UID[key] = JSPLib.utility.getUniqueID(); JSPLib.debug.debugTime('autocomplete-' + UID); JSPLib.debug.debugTime('source-' + UID); var use_metatag = (JSPLib.validate.isString(prefix) ? prefix : ""); var query_type = (has_context ? $(this.element).data('autocomplete') : null); var final_data = null; if (!IAC.network_only_mode) { var max_expiration = MaximumExpirationTime(type); var cached = await JSPLib.storage.checkLocalDB(key, ValidateEntry, max_expiration); if (ValidateCached(cached, type, term, word_mode)) { RecheckSourceData(type, key, term, cached, word_mode); final_data = ProcessSourceData(type, use_metatag, term, cached.value, query_type, key, word_mode); } } if (!final_data) { final_data = NetworkSource(type, key, term, use_metatag, query_type, word_mode); } JSPLib.debug.debugTimeEnd('source-' + UID); Object.assign(final_data, {UID, term, key}); return final_data; }; } function RecheckSourceData(type, key, term, data, word_mode) { if (IAC.recheck_data_interval > 0) { let recheck_time = data.expires - GetRecheckExpires(); if (!JSPLib.utility.validateExpires(recheck_time)) { this.debug('log', "Rechecking", type, ':', term); NetworkSource(type, key, term, null, null, word_mode, false); } } } function ProcessSourceData(type, metatag, term, data, query_type, key, word_mode = false) { data.forEach((val) => { FixupMetatag(val, metatag); Object.assign(val, {term, key, type}); }); KeepSourceData(type, metatag, data); if (type === 'tag') { if (IAC.alternate_sorting_enabled) { SortSources(data); } if (IAC.metatag_source_enabled) { if (query_type !== 'tag') { let regex = new RegExp('^' + JSPLib.utility.regexpEscape(term).replace(/\\\*/g, '.*')); let filter_data = MetatagData().filter((data) => data.name.match(regex)); let metatag_term = term + (term.endsWith('*') ? "" : '*'); let add_data = filter_data.map((item) => Object.assign({term: metatag_term}, item)); data.unshift(...add_data); } } if (IAC.source_grouping_enabled) { GroupSources(data); } } if (IAC.usage_enabled) { AddUserSelected(type, metatag, term, data, query_type, word_mode, key); } if (IAC.is_bur && IAC.BUR_source_enabled) { let add_data = BUR_DATA.filter((data) => (term.length === 2 || GetGlobMatches(data.name, term))).map((data) => Object.assign({term}, data)); data.unshift(...add_data); data.splice(IAC.source_results_returned); } //Doing this here to avoid processing it on each list item IAC.highlight_used = (document.activeElement.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' && ['post_tag_string', 'upload_tag_string'].includes(document.activeElement.id)); if (IAC.highlight_used) { let adjusted_tag_string = RemoveTerm(document.activeElement.value, document.activeElement.selectionStart); IAC.current_tags = adjusted_tag_string.split(/\s+/); } return data; } //Main execution functions function InstallQuickSearchBars() { if (IAC.forum_quick_search_enabled && (IAC.controller === 'forum-topics' || IAC.controller === 'forum-posts')) { JSPLib.utility.setCSSStyle(FORUM_CSS, 'forum'); $('#subnav-menu .search_body_matches').closest('li').after(FORUM_TOPIC_SEARCH); } if (IAC.comment_quick_search_enabled && IAC.controller === 'comments') { $('#subnav-menu .search_body_matches').closest('li').after(POST_COMMENT_SEARCH); } } function SetupAutocompleteBindings() { Danbooru.Autocomplete.tag_source = AnySourceIndexed('ac'); Danbooru.Autocomplete.pool_source = AnySourceIndexed('pl'); Danbooru.Autocomplete.user_source = AnySourceIndexed('us'); Danbooru.Autocomplete.favorite_group_source = AnySourceIndexed('fg'); Danbooru.Autocomplete.saved_search_source = AnySourceIndexed('ss'); Danbooru.Autocomplete.static_metatag_source = StaticMetatagSource; Danbooru.Autocomplete.insert_completion_old = Danbooru.Autocomplete.insert_completion; Danbooru.Autocomplete.insert_completion = JSPLib.utility.hijackFunction(InsertCompletion, InsertUserSelected); Danbooru.Autocomplete.render_item_old = Danbooru.Autocomplete.render_item; Danbooru.Autocomplete.render_item = JSPLib.utility.hijackFunction(AutocompleteRenderItem, HighlightSelected); Danbooru.Autocomplete.initialize_tag_autocomplete_old = Danbooru.Autocomplete.initialize_tag_autocomplete; Danbooru.Autocomplete.initialize_tag_autocomplete = DanbooruIntializeTagAutocomplete; } function SetupAutocompleteInitializations() { switch (IAC.controller) { case 'wiki-pages': case 'wiki-page-versions': RebindAnyAutocomplete('[data-autocomplete=wiki-page]', 'wp'); break; case 'artists': case 'artist-versions': case 'artist-urls': RebindAnyAutocomplete('[data-autocomplete=artist]', 'ar'); break; case 'pools': case 'pool-versions': RebindAnyAutocomplete('[data-autocomplete=pool]', 'pl'); break; case 'favorite-groups': RebindAnyAutocomplete('[data-autocomplete=favorite-group]', 'fg'); break; case 'posts': if (IAC.action === 'index') { RebindAnyAutocomplete('[data-autocomplete=saved-search-label]', 'ss', true); } break; case 'saved-searches': if (IAC.action === 'index') { DelayInitializeTagAutocomplete('#search_query_ilike', 'tag-query'); RebindAnyAutocomplete('[data-autocomplete=saved-search-label]', 'ss'); } else if (IAC.action === 'edit') { DelayInitializeTagAutocomplete('#saved_search_query', 'tag-query'); RebindAnyAutocomplete('[data-autocomplete=saved-search-label]', 'ss', true); } break; case 'forum-topics': case 'forum-posts': DelayInitializeAutocomplete('#quick_search_title_matches', 'ft'); if (IAC.action === 'search') { DelayInitializeAutocomplete('#search_topic_title_matches', 'ft'); } break; case 'comments': DelayInitializeTagAutocomplete(); break; case 'uploads': if (IAC.action === 'index') { DelayInitializeTagAutocomplete('#search_post_tags_match', 'tag-query'); } break; case 'bulk-update-requests': if (IAC.is_bur) { DelayInitializeTagAutocomplete('#bulk_update_request_script', 'tag-edit'); } break; case 'related-tags': DelayInitializeTagAutocomplete('#search_query', 'tag-query'); //falls through default: //do nothing } if ($(AUTOCOMPLETE_REBIND_SELECTORS).length) { RebindRenderCheck(); } if ($('[data-autocomplete=tag]').length) { RebindSingleTag(); } if ($(AUTOCOMPLETE_MULTITAG_SELECTORS).length) { RebindMultipleTag(); } if ($(AUTOCOMPLETE_USER_SELECTORS).length) { RebindAnyAutocomplete(AUTOCOMPLETE_USER_SELECTORS, 'us'); } if (IAC.text_input_autocomplete_enabled) { InitializeTextAreaAutocomplete(); } } function CleanupTasks() { PruneUsageData(); JSPLib.storage.pruneEntries(PROGRAM_SHORTCUT, PROGRAM_DATA_REGEX, PRUNE_EXPIRES); } //Cache functions function UpdateLocalData(key, data) { switch (key) { case 'iac-choice-info': IAC.choice_order = data.choice_order; IAC.choice_data = data.choice_data; StoreUsageData('save', "", false); //falls through default: //Do nothing } } //Settings functions function BroadcastIAC(event) { this.debug('log', `(${event.data.type}): ${event.data.name} ${event.data.key}`); switch (event.data.type) { case 'text_autocomplete': IAC.ac_source = event.data.source; IAC.ac_mode = event.data.mode; IAC.ac_caps = event.data.caps; break; case 'reload': IAC.choice_order = event.data.choice_order; IAC.choice_data = event.data.choice_data; //falls through default: //do nothing } } function RemoteSettingsCallback() { SetTagAutocompleteSource(); } function SetTagAutocompleteSource() { if (IAC.alternate_tag_source) { SOURCE_CONFIG.tag = SOURCE_CONFIG.tag2; } else { SOURCE_CONFIG.tag = SOURCE_CONFIG.tag1; } } function GetUsageExpires() { return IAC.usage_expires * JSPLib.utility.one_day; } function GetRecheckExpires() { return IAC.recheck_data_interval * JSPLib.utility.one_day; } function InitializeProgramValues() { if (!JSPLib.storage.use_indexed_db) { this.debug('warn', "No Indexed DB! Exiting..."); return false; } if (document.querySelector(AUTOCOMPLETE_ALL_SELECTORS) === null && !GetHasQuickSearchBar()) { this.debug('warn', "No autocomplete inputs! Exiting..."); return false; } Object.assign(IAC, { userid: Danbooru.CurrentUser.data('id'), }); Object.assign(IAC, { choice_info: JSPLib.storage.getStorageData('iac-choice-info', localStorage, {}), is_bur: GetIsBur(), prefixes: JSON.parse(JSPLib.utility.getMeta('autocomplete-tag-prefixes')), }, PROGRAM_RESET_KEYS); Object.assign(IAC, { categories: IAC.prefixes.filter((key) => (!['-', '~'].includes(key))).map((key) => (key.slice(0, -1))), }); if (JSPLib.validate.isHash(IAC.choice_info)) { IAC.choice_order = IAC.choice_info.choice_order; IAC.choice_data = IAC.choice_info.choice_data; } return true; } function RenderSettingsMenu() { $('#indexed-autocomplete').append(JSPLib.menu.renderMenuFramework(MENU_CONFIG)); $('#iac-general-settings-message').append(JSPLib.menu.renderExpandable("Text autocomplete details", TEXT_AUTOCOMPLETE_DETAILS)); $('#iac-general-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderDomainSelectors()); $('#iac-general-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('text_input_autocomplete_enabled')); $('#iac-general-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('forum_quick_search_enabled')); $('#iac-general-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('comment_quick_search_enabled')); $('#iac-source-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('BUR_source_enabled')); $('#iac-source-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('metatag_source_enabled')); $('#iac-usage-settings-message').append(JSPLib.menu.renderExpandable("Additional setting details", USAGE_SETTINGS_DETAILS)); $('#iac-usage-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('usage_enabled')); $('#iac-usage-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderTextinput('usage_multiplier')); $('#iac-usage-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderTextinput('usage_maximum')); $('#iac-usage-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderTextinput('usage_expires')); $('#iac-display-settings-message').append(JSPLib.menu.renderExpandable("Additional setting details", DISPLAY_SETTINGS_DETAILS)); $('#iac-display-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderTextinput('source_results_returned', 5)); $('#iac-display-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('source_highlight_enabled')); $('#iac-display-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('highlight_words_enabled')); $('#iac-display-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('source_grouping_enabled')); $('#iac-display-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderSortlist('source_order')); $('#iac-sort-settings-message').append(JSPLib.menu.renderExpandable("Additional setting details", SORT_SETTINGS_DETAILS)); $('#iac-sort-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('alternate_sorting_enabled')); $('#iac-sort-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderInputSelectors('postcount_scale', 'radio')); $('#iac-sort-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderTextinput('exact_source_weight', 5)); $('#iac-sort-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderTextinput('prefix_source_weight', 5)); $('#iac-sort-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderTextinput('alias_source_weight', 5)); $('#iac-sort-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderTextinput('correct_source_weight', 5)); $('#iac-network-settings-message').append(JSPLib.menu.renderExpandable("Additional setting details", NETWORK_SETTINGS_DETAILS)); $('#iac-network-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderTextinput('recheck_data_interval', 5)); $('#iac-network-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('alternate_tag_source')); $('#iac-network-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('alternate_tag_wildcards')); $('#iac-network-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('word_start_matches')); $('#iac-network-settings').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('network_only_mode')); $('#iac-controls').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCacheControls()); $('#iac-cache-controls-message').append(JSPLib.menu.renderExpandable("Cache Data details", CACHE_DATA_DETAILS)); $('#iac-cache-controls').append(JSPLib.menu.renderLinkclick('cache_info', true)); $('#iac-cache-controls').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCacheInfoTable()); $('#iac-cache-controls').append(JSPLib.menu.renderLinkclick('purge_cache', true)); $('#iac-controls').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCacheEditor(true)); $('#iac-cache-editor-message').append(JSPLib.menu.renderExpandable("Program Data details", PROGRAM_DATA_DETAILS)); $('#iac-cache-editor-controls').append(JSPLib.menu.renderKeyselect('data_source', true)); $('#iac-cache-editor-controls').append(JSPLib.menu.renderDataSourceSections()); $('#iac-section-indexed-db').append(JSPLib.menu.renderKeyselect('data_type', true)); $('#iac-section-indexed-db').append(JSPLib.menu.renderKeyselect('related_tag_type', true)); $('#iac-section-local-storage').append(JSPLib.menu.renderCheckbox('raw_data', true)); $('#iac-cache-editor-controls').append(JSPLib.menu.renderTextinput('data_name', 20, true)); $('.iac-options[data-setting=related_tag_type]').hide(); JSPLib.menu.engageUI(true, true); JSPLib.menu.saveUserSettingsClick(RemoteSettingsCallback); JSPLib.menu.resetUserSettingsClick(LOCALSTORAGE_KEYS, RemoteSettingsCallback); JSPLib.menu.cacheInfoClick(); JSPLib.menu.purgeCacheClick(); JSPLib.menu.expandableClick(); JSPLib.menu.dataSourceChange(); JSPLib.menu.rawDataChange(); JSPLib.menu.getCacheClick(ValidateProgramData); JSPLib.menu.saveCacheClick(ValidateProgramData, ValidateEntry, UpdateLocalData); JSPLib.menu.deleteCacheClick(); JSPLib.menu.listCacheClick(); JSPLib.menu.refreshCacheClick(); JSPLib.menu.cacheAutocomplete(); } //Main program function Main() { this.debug('log', "Initialize start:", JSPLib.utility.getProgramTime()); const preload = { run_on_settings: true, default_data: DEFAULT_VALUES, initialize_func: InitializeProgramValues, broadcast_func: BroadcastIAC, menu_css: SETTINGS_MENU_CSS + '\n' + LIBRARY_MENU_CSS, }; if (!JSPLib.menu.preloadScript(IAC, RenderSettingsMenu, preload)) return; InstallQuickSearchBars(); JSPLib.load.setProgramGetter(IAC, 'RTC', 'RecentTagsCalc'); CorrectUsageData(); SetupAutocompleteBindings(); SetupAutocompleteInitializations(); SetTagAutocompleteSource(); JSPLib.utility.setCSSStyle(PROGRAM_CSS, 'program'); JSPLib.statistics.addPageStatistics(PROGRAM_NAME); JSPLib.load.noncriticalTasks(CleanupTasks); } /****Function decoration****/ [ Main, BroadcastIAC, NetworkSource, PruneUsageData, CorrectUsageData, InsertUserSelected, FixExpirationCallback, ValidateEntry, RecheckSourceData, InitializeProgramValues, ] = JSPLib.debug.addFunctionLogs([ Main, BroadcastIAC, NetworkSource, PruneUsageData, CorrectUsageData, InsertUserSelected, FixExpirationCallback, ValidateEntry, RecheckSourceData, InitializeProgramValues, ]); [ ValidateUsageData, RenderSettingsMenu, ] = JSPLib.debug.addFunctionTimers([ //Sync ValidateUsageData, RenderSettingsMenu, ]); /****Initialization****/ //Variables for debug.js JSPLib.debug.debug_console = false; JSPLib.debug.level = JSPLib.debug.INFO; JSPLib.debug.program_shortcut = PROGRAM_SHORTCUT; //Variables for menu.js JSPLib.menu.program_shortcut = PROGRAM_SHORTCUT; JSPLib.menu.program_name = PROGRAM_NAME; JSPLib.menu.program_data = IAC; JSPLib.menu.program_reset_data = PROGRAM_RESET_KEYS; JSPLib.menu.program_data_regex = PROGRAM_DATA_REGEX; JSPLib.menu.settings_callback = RemoteSettingsCallback; JSPLib.menu.reset_callback = RemoteSettingsCallback; JSPLib.menu.settings_config = SETTINGS_CONFIG; JSPLib.menu.control_config = CONTROL_CONFIG; //Export JSPLib JSPLib.load.exportData(PROGRAM_NAME, IAC, {other_data: TERM_REGEX, datalist: ['cached_data']}); JSPLib.load.exportFuncs(PROGRAM_NAME, {debuglist: [DanbooruIntializeTagAutocomplete], alwayslist: [InitializeAutocompleteIndexed]}); /****Execution start****/ JSPLib.load.programInitialize(Main, {program_name: PROGRAM_NAME, required_variables: PROGRAM_LOAD_REQUIRED_VARIABLES, required_selectors: PROGRAM_LOAD_REQUIRED_SELECTORS});