#!/bin/bash # # Author: Martin 'BruXy' Bruchanov, bruchy at gmail # Version: 1.6 (Sat 22 Jul 2023 10:25:48 PM ADT) # # URL: http://bruxy.regnet.cz/web/linux/EN/socks-via-ssh/ # GitHub: https://github.com/BruXy/bash-utils/tree/master/socks-via-ssh # #%A # SOCKS SSH Tunnels # ================= # # Usage: # ------ # # sstun start|stop|restart|status|help|list # # help ... Show this help # start ... Enable all tunnels listed in ~/.sstunrc. # stop ... Disconnect all tunnels. # restart ... Cycle stop->start. # status ... Get PIDs of ssh processes and proxy info. # list ... List enabled proxies. # alias ... Create aliases for nmap, ssh, curl. # # Configuration: # -------------- # # 1. Create your SSH server entries in ~/.ssh/config. # 2. Specify option DynamicForward , to open SOCKS tunnel # 3. Create ~/.sstunrc and list all hosts you will use as proxy. # 4. Run this script ./sstun start. # # Trick for SOCKS proxy binded to localhost:1080 # ---------------------------------------------- # # 1. Scan host via proxy: # # nmap -sV -Pn -n --proxies socks4:// scanme.nmap.org # # 2. HTTP request via proxy: # # curl --user-agent "Mozilla" --socks4 localhost:1080 http://ifconfig.co # # 3. SSH via proxy: # # ssh -o ProxyCommand='nc --proxy-type socks4 --proxy %h %p' user@target # # 4. Some programs can use SOCKS via system proxy settings: # # export http_proxy=socks5:// # export https_proxy=socks5:// # # youtube-dl "youtube.com/watch?V=..." # # Aliases: # -------- # # Use: eval $(sstun alias) # # It will import aliases for curl, nmap and ssh to your current shell. # Format of alias is for example: curl_. # # Disable aliases: unalias $(sstun alias | sed 's/alias \([^=]*\)=.*/\1/') # #%B #################### # Global variables # #################### LOG="/tmp/${0}.log" LOCK="$HOME/.sstun.run" TUN_BIND="localhost" HOST_LIST="$HOME/.sstunrc" SSH_HOSTS=() AGENT="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.75.14" AGENT+=" (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.3 Safari/7046A194A" declare -A PID_LIST # hashmap [host]=PID ############# # Functions # ############# #=== FUNCTION ============================================================ # Name: print_help # Description: Display header help text between #%A and #%B tokens. #========================================================================= function print_help() { sed -ne '/^#%A/,/^#%B/{s/\(^#\|^#%[AB]\)//p}' $0 } #=== FUNCTION ============================================================ # Name: get_child_pid # Description: Print PID of child process, only 1 child process expected. # Parameter 1: Parent process ID (PPID) # Returns: 0 OK, 1 on error. #========================================================================= function get_child_pid() { local pid=$1 # check if $pid of parent exists if ! kill -0 "$pid" >& /dev/null ; then printf "$0 ERROR -- Process PID %d does not exists!\n" "$pid" return 1 fi # get child PID local retval=$(ps --ppid $pid -h -o pid) if [ -z "$retval" ] ; then printf "$0 WARNING -- Cannot find child process of %d!\n" $pid return 1 else echo $retval return 0 fi } #=== FUNCTION ============================================================ # Name: read_host_list # Description: Read list of host from $HOST_LIST file. Each line has one # hostname defined in ~/.ssh/config. Lines can be commented # by '#' sign. # Returns: 0 when list exists and non empty, 1 when not found. #========================================================================= function read_host_list() { local list='' if [ -f "$HOST_LIST" ] ; then SSH_HOSTS=( $(grep -Ev "^\s*#|^$" $HOST_LIST) ) list=$( sed -e 's/ /, /g' <<< ${SSH_HOSTS[*]} ) if [ ${#list} -lt 1 ] ; then printf "$0: ERROR -- $HOST_LIST does not exist!\n" >&2 fi printf "$0: INFO -- Host list contains: $list.\n" else printf "$0: ERROR -- $HOST_LIST does not exist!\n" >&2 exit 1 fi } #=== FUNCTION ============================================================ # Name: read_lock_file # Description: Read lock file with host=PID records and convert it into # hash array stored in $PID_LIST global variable. #========================================================================= function read_lock_file() { declare -A host_list for line in $(cat $LOCK) do read host pid<<<$(sed 's/=/ /'<<<$line) PID_LIST[$host]=$pid done printf "$0: INFO -- %s\n" "$(set | grep ^PID_LIST)" } #=== FUNCTION ============================================================ # Name: check_lockfile # Description: Check if lock file exist, when it exist it will display # details about TCP connections provided by SSH processes. # Returns: 1 when lockfile is present, 0 when does not. #========================================================================= function check_lockfile() { local exists=0 if [ -f "$LOCK" ] ; then exists=1 printf "$0: INFO -- Lock file exists ($LOCK)!\n" 2>&1 printf "$0: INFO -- List of running processes: \n" 2>&1 for pid in $(sed -ne '/^SSH:/s///p' $LOCK) do conn=$(lsof -P -p $pid | grep -E "ESTABLISHED|LISTEN") if [ -z "$conn" ] ; then printf "$0: $pid is not running!\n" 2>&1 else printf "$0: PID $pid is running:\n" 2>&1 printf "$conn\n" 2>&1 fi done fi return $exists } #=== FUNCTION ============================================================ # Name: create_tunnels # Description: Starts autossh in background, stores its PID in $LOCK file # and also PID of its child process ssh which maintains SSH # communication itself. Lock file is later used for connection # check and for disabling tunnels. # Parameter 1: Reads list of hosts from SSH_HOSTS array. #========================================================================= function create_tunnels() { for host in ${SSH_HOSTS[*]} do # Autossh will create a new process and its PID is not # the !$ but it is stored in AUTOSSH_PIDFILE. Autossh # will fork child process which executes ssh connection # itself. export AUTOSSH_PIDFILE=/tmp/autossh-$[RANDOM].pid autossh -M 0 -v -t -f -N $host & wait $! # it will take same time to initialize autossh pid=$(cat $AUTOSSH_PIDFILE) rm -f $AUTOSSH_PIDFILE echo "$0: started tunnel on host $host with PID = $pid" # Store autossh PIDs: echo "$host=$pid" >> $LOCK # Note: Only autossh PID is important, it is starting child # process with actuall ssh connection and this process # my time out and autossh will automatically start a # new ssh process to reconnect. done } #=== FUNCTION ============================================================ # Name: stop_tunnels # Description: Send SIGINT signal to all autossh processes listed in lock # file. Delete lock file. #========================================================================= function stop_tunnels() { read_lock_file for host in ${!PID_LIST[*]} do pid=${PID_LIST[$host]} printf "$0 INFO -- Closing connection to '%s'\n" $host printf "$0 INFO -- Sending SIGINT to PID %d\n" $pid kill -s SIGINT $pid retval=$? if [ $retval != 0 ] ; then printf "$0 WARNING -- kill retval = $retval\n" fi done rm -f $LOCK } #=== FUNCTION ============================================================ # Name: get_hostname # Description: Query DNS and return hostname for given IP. # Parameter 1: IP Address. # Returns: List of hostnames separated by comma. #========================================================================= function get_hostname() { local ip=$1 dig +short -x $ip | \ sed -e "s/\.%//" -e "s/\.$/, /" -e '$s/,\s*$//' | \ tr -d '\n' } #=== FUNCTION ============================================================ # Name: ip_status # Description: Check remote ip over SOCKS proxy. It will check all enabled # SSH processes, detects open ports and get public IP by # HTTP request on http://ifconfig.co/ site. #========================================================================= function ip_status() { read_lock_file if [ -f $LOCK ] ; then for host in ${!PID_LIST[*]} do ppid=${PID_LIST[$host]} child_pid=$(get_child_pid $ppid) # Test if parent and child process exist. if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then printf "$0: ERROR -- %s ssh process does not exist!\n" $host >&2 continue fi printf "$0: INFO -- %s autossh (ppid: %d) -> ssh (pid: %d)\n" \ "$host" "$ppid" "$child_pid" # Note 1: lsof on Ubuntu complains about tracefs to stderr, # filtered by '|&' # Note 2: I have some connections with more then one tunnel. ports=$(lsof -P -p $child_pid |& \ sed -ne 's/.* localhost:\([0-9]*\) .*/\1/p' | uniq) printf "$0: INFO -- TCP port: %s\n" $ports for p in $ports do remote_ip=$(curl --silent --socks5 $TUN_BIND:$p \ --user-agent "$AGENT" http://ifconfig.co/json | \ jq -r '.ip' ) if [ ! -z "$remote_ip" ] ; then printf "$0: SOCKS proxy %s (%s) connects via: %s, %s; %s\n"\ "$host" "$TUN_BIND:$p" "$remote_ip" \ "$(get_hostname $remote_ip)" \ "$(geo_location $TUN_BIND:$p)" else printf "$0: $host has no proxy enabled on port '%d', (pid=%d)!\n" "$p" "$pid" fi done done else printf "$0: ERROR -- No lock file found, was sstun started?\n" >&2 fi } #=== FUNCTION ============================================================ # Name: format_table # Description: Format output of 'status' command as table. #========================================================================= function format_table() { sed -r -e '1i Id; Port; IP Address; Hostname; Location' \ -e 's/^.*proxy ([^ ]*)/\1;/' \ -e 's/\(([^)]+)\)/\1;/' \ -e 's/connects via: ([0-9.]+),/\1;/' | column -s';' -t | \ sed '1{p;s/./-/g}' } #=== FUNCTION ============================================================ # Name: geo_location # Description: Query ifconfig.co to get geo location. # Parameter 1: Proxy bind, e.g $TUN_BIND:port # Returns: Country,City to stdout #========================================================================= function geo_location() { local socks_proxy=$1 # Parse output with jq if jq --help &> /dev/null ; then curl --socks5 $socks_proxy --user-agent "$AGENT" \ -s http://ifconfig.co/json | \ jq -r '[.country,.city] | join(", ")' else # Without jq curl --socks5 $socks_proxy --user-agent "$AGENT" \ -s http://ifconfig.co/json | \ tr ',' '\n' | \ sed -ne '/"country"\|"city"/{s/.*:"\(.*\)"$/\1/;p}' | \ sed "N;s/\n/, /" fi } #=== FUNCTION ============================================================ # Name: create_aliases # Description: Create aliases for curl and nmap to use SOCKS proxy # Returns: N/A #========================================================================= function create_aliases() { ip_status | sed -rne '/SOCKS/{s/.* ([^ ]*) \(([^)]*)\).*/\1 \2/;p}' | while read proxy_id port do # Nmap does not like 'localhost', rather use printf "alias nmap_%s='nmap --proxies socks4://127.1:%s ';\n" \ $proxy_id ${port/localhost:/} printf "alias curl_%s='curl --socks4 %s ';\n" $proxy_id $port printf "alias ssh_%s='ssh -o ProxyCommand=\"nc --proxy-type socks4 --proxy %s %%h %%p\"';\n" $proxy_id $port done } #=== FUNCTION ============================================================ # Name: wait_spinner # Description: Display message and spin while waiting to finish something. # Run in background (&), get its PID ($!), run task and kill # the PID once the task is finished. # Parameter 1: Printed message # Returns: N/A #========================================================================= function wait_spinner() { local msg="$*" local sp="◴◷◶◵" while true do printf "\b${msg} ${sp:i++%${#sp}:1}\r" sleep 0.25 done } ######## # Main # ######## # Display help if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then print_help 1>&2; exit 1; fi if [[ "$*" =~ -h ]] ; then print_help; exit 0; fi case $1 in start) if check_lockfile ; then read_host_list create_tunnels sleep 2 # wait for connections to establish ip_status exit 0 else printf "No tunnel(s) enabled, restarting!\n" rm -v -f $LOCK $0 start exit 0 fi ;; stop) read_lock_file stop_tunnels ;; restart) $0 stop $0 start ;; status) check_lockfile ip_status ;; list|socks|info) wait_spinner "Checking connection..." & pid=$! ip_status | grep SOCKS | sort -n | format_table kill $pid ;; alias) create_aliases ;; help) print_help exit 1 ;; *) printf "Uknown command: '$1'!\n" 2>&1 exit 1 ;; esac