import numpy as np from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense from keras import regularizers from keras.models import model_from_json # American checkers: # on a 8x8 checkerboard, both players start with 12 men # Black plays the first move # all pieces can only move and capture diagonally # men can only move/capture diagonally forward # kings can move/capture in any diagonal direction # if a man reaches the other side of the board, the turn ends and it becomes a king # captures are made by moving any piece diagonally over an opponent's # if a capture can be made, it must be taken # mutliple captures can be made in a single turn and with a single piece # the game ends when a players captures all the opponent's pieces # a player also whens when the opponent can not make a legal move # example board: # /b/b/b/b b/w = Black/White man {1, -1} # b/b/b/b/ B/W = Black/White king {3, -3} # /b/b/b/b _ = empty square {0} # _/_/_/_/ / = unusable square # /_/_/_/_ # w/w/w/w/ # /w/w/w/w # w/w/w/w/ * since pieces only mmove diagonally, only 32 squares are used # number of opponent pieces captured (max = 12) def num_captured(board): return 12 - np.sum(board < 0) def num_branches(board, x, y): count = 0 if (board[x, y] >= 1 and x < 6): if (y < 6): if (board[x+1, y+1] < 0 and board[x+2, y+2] == 0): board[x+2, y+2] = board[x, y] board[x, y] = 0 temp = board[x+1, y+1] board[x+1, y+1] = 0 count += num_branches(board, x+2, y+2) + 1 board[x+1, y+1] = temp board[x, y] = board[x+2, y+2] board[x+2, y+2] = 0 if (y > 1): if (board[x+1, y-1] < 0 and board[x+2, y-2] == 0): board[x+2, y-2] = board[x, y] board[x, y] = 0 temp = board[x+1, y-1] board[x+1, y-1] = 0 count += num_branches(board, x+2, y-2) + 1 board[x+1, y-1] = temp board[x, y] = board[x+2, y-2] board[x+2, y-2] = 0 if (board[x, y] == 3 and x > 0): if (y < 6): if (board[x-1, y+1] < 0 and board[x-2, y+2] == 0): board[x-2, y+2] = board[x, y] board[x, y] = 0 temp = board[x-1, y+1] board[x-1, y+1] = 0 count += num_branches(board, x-2, y+2) + 1 board[x-1, y+1] = temp board[x, y] = board[x-2, y+2] board[x-2, y+2] = 0 if (y > 1): if (board[x-1, y-1] < 0 and board[x-2, y-2] == 0): board[x-2, y-2] = board[x, y] board[x, y] = 0 temp = board[x-1, y-1] board[x-1, y-1] = 0 count += num_branches(board, x-2, y-2) + 1 board[x-1, y-1] = temp board[x, y] = board[x-2, y-2] board[x-2, y-2] = 0 return count def possible_moves(board): count = 0 for i in range(0, 8): for j in range(0, 8): if (board[i, j] > 0): count += num_branches(board, i, j) if (count > 0): return count for i in range(0, 8): for j in range(0, 8): if (board[i, j] >= 1 and i < 7): if (j < 7): count += (board[i+1, j+1] == 0) if (j > 0): count += (board[i+1, j-1] == 0) if (board[i, j] == 3 and i > 0): if (j < 7): count += (board[i-1, j+1] == 0) elif (j > 0): count += (board[i-1, j-1] == 0) return count def game_winner(board): if (np.sum(board < 0) == 0): return 1 elif (np.sum(board > 0) == 0): return -1 if (possible_moves(board) == 0): return -1 elif (possible_moves(reverse(board)) == 0): return 1 else: return 0 def at_enemy(board): count = 0 for i in range(5, 8): count += np.sum(board[i] == 1) + np.sum(board[i] == 3) return count def at_middle(board): count = 0 for i in range(3, 5): count += np.sum(board[i] == 1) + np.sum(board[i] == 3) return count def num_men(board): return np.sum(board == 1) def num_kings(board): return np.sum(board == 3) def capturables(board): # possible number of unsupported enemies count = 0 for i in range(1, 7): for j in range(1, 7): if (board[i, j] < 0): count += (board[i+1, j+1] >= 0 and board[i+1, j-1] >= 0 and board[i-1, j+1] >= 0 and board[i-1, j-1] >= 0) return count def semicapturables(board): # number of own units with at least one support return (12 - uncapturables(board) - capturables(reverse(board))) def uncapturables(board): # number of own units that can't be captured count = 0 for i in range(1, 7): for j in range(1, 7): if (board[i, j] > 0): count += ((board[i+1, j+1] > 0 < board[i+1, j-1]) or (board[i-1, j+1] > 0 < board[i-1, j-1]) or (board[i+1, j+1] > 0 < board[i-1, j+1]) or (board[i+1, j-1] > 0 < board[i-1, j-1])) count += np.sum(board[0] == 1) + np.sum(board[0] == 3) + np.sum(board[1:7, 0] == 1) + np.sum(board[1:7, 0] == 3) + np.sum(board[7] == 1) + np.sum(board[7] == 3) + np.sum(board[1:7, 7] == 1) + np.sum(board[1:7, 7] == 3) return count def reverse(board): b = -board b = np.fliplr(b) b = np.flipud(b) return b def get_metrics(board): # returns [label, 10 labeling metrics] b = expand(board) capped = num_captured(b) potential = possible_moves(b) - possible_moves(reverse(b)) men = num_men(b) - num_men(-b) kings = num_kings(b) - num_kings(-b) caps = capturables(b) - capturables(reverse(b)) semicaps = semicapturables(b) uncaps = uncapturables(b) - uncapturables(reverse(b)) mid = at_middle(b) - at_middle(-b) far = at_enemy(b) - at_enemy(reverse(b)) won = game_winner(b) score = 4*capped + potential + men + 3*kings + caps + 2*semicaps + 3*uncaps + 2*mid + 3*far + 100*won if (score < 0): return np.array([-1, capped, potential, men, kings, caps, semicaps, uncaps, mid, far, won]) else: return np.array([1, capped, potential, men, kings, caps, semicaps, uncaps, mid, far, won]) def np_board(): return np.array(get_board()) def get_board(): return [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1] def expand(board): b = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype='b') for i in range(0, 8): if (i%2 == 0): b[i] = np.array([0, board[i*4], 0, board[i*4 + 1], 0, board[i*4 + 2], 0, board[i*4 + 3]]) else: b[i] = np.array([board[i*4], 0, board[i*4 + 1], 0, board[i*4 + 2], 0, board[i*4 + 3], 0]) return b def compress(board): b = np.zeros((1,32), dtype='b') for i in range(0, 8): if (i%2 == 0): b[0, i*4 : i*4+4] = np.array([board[i, 1], board[i, 3], board[i, 5], board[i, 7]]) else: b[0, i*4 : i*4+4] = np.array([board[i, 0], board[i, 2], board[i, 4], board[i, 6]]) return b def generate_branches(board, x, y): bb = compress(board) if (board[x, y] >= 1 and x < 6): temp_1 = board[x, y] if (y < 6): if (board[x+1, y+1] < 0 and board[x+2, y+2] == 0): board[x+2, y+2] = board[x, y] if (x+2 == 7): board[x+2, y+2] = 3 temp = board[x+1, y+1] board[x+1, y+1] = 0 if (board[x, y] != board[x+2, y+2]): board[x, y] = 0 bb = np.vstack((bb, compress(board))) else: board[x, y] = 0 bb = np.vstack((bb, generate_branches(board, x+2, y+2))) board[x+1, y+1] = temp board[x, y] = temp_1 board[x+2, y+2] = 0 if (y > 1): if (board[x+1, y-1] < 0 and board[x+2, y-2] == 0): board[x+2, y-2] = board[x, y] if (x+2 == 7): board[x+2, y-2] = 3 temp = board[x+1, y-1] board[x+1, y-1] = 0 if (board[x, y] != board[x+2, y-2]): board[x, y] = 0 bb = np.vstack((bb, compress(board))) else: board[x, y] = 0 bb = np.vstack((bb, generate_branches(board, x+2, y-2))) board[x+1, y-1] = temp board[x, y] = temp_1 board[x+2, y-2] = 0 if (board[x, y] == 3 and x > 0): if (y < 6): if (board[x-1, y+1] < 0 and board[x-2, y+2] == 0): board[x-2, y+2] = board[x, y] board[x, y] = 0 temp = board[x-1, y+1] board[x-1, y+1] = 0 bb = np.vstack((bb, generate_branches(board, x-2, y+2))) board[x-1, y+1] = temp board[x, y] = board[x-2, y+2] board[x-2, y+2] = 0 if (y > 1): if (board[x-1, y-1] < 0 and board[x-2, y-2] == 0): board[x-2, y-2] = board[x, y] board[x, y] = 0 temp = board[x-1, y-1] board[x-1, y-1] = 0 bb = np.vstack((bb, generate_branches(board, x-2, y-2))) board[x-1, y-1] = temp board[x, y] = board[x-2, y-2] board[x-2, y-2] = 0 return bb def generate_next(board): bb = np.array([get_board()]) for i in range(0, 8): for j in range(0, 8): if (board[i, j] > 0): bb = np.vstack((bb, generate_branches(board, i, j)[1:])) if (len(bb) > 1): return bb[1:] for i in range(0, 8): for j in range(0, 8): if (board[i, j] >= 1 and i < 7): temp = board[i, j] if (j < 7): if (board[i+1, j+1] == 0): board[i+1, j+1] = board[i, j] if (i+1 == 7): board[i+1, j+1] = 3 board[i, j] = 0 bb = np.vstack((bb, compress(board))) board[i, j] = temp board[i+1, j+1] = 0 if (j > 0): if (board[i+1, j-1] == 0): board[i+1, j-1] = board[i, j] if (i+1 == 7): board[i+1, j-1] = 3 board[i, j] = 0 bb = np.vstack((bb, compress(board))) board[i, j] = temp board[i+1, j-1] = 0 if (board[i, j] == 3 and i > 0): if (j < 7): if (board[i-1, j+1] == 0): board[i-1, j+1] = board[i, j] board[i, j] = 0 bb = np.vstack((bb, compress(board))) board[i, j] = board[i-1, j+1] board[i-1, j+1] = 0 elif (j > 0): if (board[i-1, j-1] == 0): board[i-1, j-1] = board[i, j] board[i, j] = 0 bb = np.vstack((bb, compress(board))) board[i, j] = board[i-1, j-1] board[i-1, j-1] = 0 return bb[1:] def random_board(): b = get_board() promote = 0.9 remove = 0.4 add = 0 for piece in b: # randomly promote, remove, or add piece rand = np.random.random() if piece is not 0 and rand > promote: piece = piece * 3 promote = promote + 0.005 elif piece is not 0 and rand < remove: piece = 0 remove = remove - 0.025 add = add + 0.05 elif piece is 0 and rand < add: if np.random.random() > 0.5: piece = 1 else: piece = -1 return b if __name__ == '__main__': # generative model, which only looks at heuristic scoring metrics used for labeling gen_model = Sequential() gen_model.add(Dense(32, input_dim=10)) gen_model.add(Dense(4, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01))) # output is passed to relu() because labels are binary gen_model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01))) gen_model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy') # generate 5 sets of 1000 game states, used to train generative model for i in range(0, 5): board_0 = expand(random_board()) boards_1 = generate_next(board_0) boards_2 = np.zeros((0,32)) counter_1 = counter_2 = 0 while (len(boards_1) + len(boards_2) < 1000): temp = counter_1 for counter_1 in range(temp, min(temp + 10, len(boards_1))): if (possible_moves(reverse(expand(boards_1[counter_1]))) > 0): boards_2 = np.vstack((boards_2, generate_next(reverse(expand(boards_1[counter_1]))))) temp = counter_2 for counter_2 in range(temp, min(temp + 10, len(boards_2))): if (possible_moves(expand(boards_2[counter_2])) > 0): boards_1 = np.vstack((boards_1, generate_next(expand(boards_2[counter_2])))) # concat 1000 game states data = np.vstack((boards_1, boards_2)) boards_2 = np.zeros((0, 32)) counter_2 = 0 boards_1 = np.vstack((boards_1[-10:], generate_next(board_0))) counter_1 = len(boards_1) - 1 metrics = np.zeros((0, 11)) # calculate/save heuristic metrics for each game state for board in iter(data): metrics = np.vstack((metrics, get_metrics(board))) # pass to generative model[:, 1:], metrics[:, 0], epochs=32, batch_size=64, verbose=0) # discriminative model disc_model = Sequential() # input dimensions is 32 board position values (and 10 heuristic metrics - removed) disc_model.add(Dense(32 , activation='relu', input_dim=32)) # use regularizers, to prevent fitting noisy labels disc_model.add(Dense(16 , activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01))) disc_model.add(Dense(8 , activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01))) # 16 disc_model.add(Dense(4 , activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01))) # 8 # output isn't squashed, because it might lose information disc_model.add(Dense(1 , activation='linear', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01))) disc_model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy') # generative 32 sets of 1000 game states, used to train discriminative model for i in range(0, 32): boards_1 = generate_next(expand(random_board())) boards_2 = np.zeros((0,32)) counter_1 = counter_2 = 0 while (len(boards_1) + len(boards_2) < 1000): temp = counter_1 for counter_1 in range(temp, min(temp + 10, len(boards_1))): if (possible_moves(reverse(expand(boards_1[counter_1]))) > 0): boards_2 = np.vstack((boards_2, generate_next(reverse(expand(boards_1[counter_1]))))) temp = counter_2 for counter_2 in range(temp, min(temp + 10, len(boards_2))): if (possible_moves(expand(boards_2[counter_2])) > 0): boards_1 = np.vstack((boards_1, generate_next(expand(boards_2[counter_2])))) data = np.vstack((boards_1, boards_2)) boards_2 = np.zeros((0, 32)) counter_2 = 0 boards_1 = np.vstack((boards_1[-10:], generate_next(board_0))) counter_1 = len(boards_1) - 1 # calculate heuristic metric for data metrics = np.zeros((0, 11)) for board in iter(data): metrics = np.vstack((metrics, get_metrics(board))) # calculate probilistic (noisy) labels probabilistic = gen_model.predict_on_batch(metrics[:, 1:]) # calculate confidence score for each probabilistic label using error between probabilistic and weak label confidence = 1/(1 + np.absolute(metrics[:, 0] - probabilistic[:, 0])) # fit labels to {-1, 1} probabilistic = np.sign(probabilistic) # concat board position data with heurstic metric and pass for training - removed # data = np.hstack((data, metrics[:, 1:])), probabilistic, epochs=16, batch_size=64, sample_weight=confidence, verbose=0) # save models gen_json = gen_model.to_json() with open('gen.json', 'w') as json_file: json_file.write(gen_json) gen_model.save_weights('gen.h5') disc_json = disc_model.to_json() with open('disc.json', 'w') as json_file: json_file.write(disc_json) disc_model.save_weights('disc.h5') print('Checkers Model saved to: gen.json/h5 and disc.json/h5')