Audit Template New York City Energy Efficiency Report element "auc:Measures/auc:Measure/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Building/auc:LinkedBuildingID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Measures/auc:Measure/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Site/auc:LinkedSiteID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Reports/auc:Report/auc:AuditorContactID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Reports/auc:Report/auc:LinkedPremisesOrSystem/auc:Building/auc:LinkedBuildingID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Reports/auc:Report/auc:LinkedPremisesOrSystem/auc:Site/auc:LinkedSiteID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Reports/auc:Report/auc:Qualifications/auc:Qualification/auc:CertifiedAuditTeamMemberContactID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Reports/auc:Report/auc:Scenarios/auc:Scenario/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Building/auc:LinkedBuildingID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Reports/auc:Report/auc:Scenarios/auc:Scenario/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Site/auc:LinkedSiteID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Reports/auc:Report/auc:Scenarios/auc:Scenario/auc:ScenarioType/auc:PackageOfMeasures/auc:MeasureIDs/auc:MeasureID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Reports/auc:Report/auc:Scenarios/auc:Scenario/auc:AllResourceTotals/auc:AllResourceTotal/auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Resource System ID']/auc:FieldValue/text()" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Reports/auc:Report/auc:Scenarios/auc:Scenario/auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Resource System ID']/auc:FieldValue/text()" is NOT FOUND auc:Sites/auc:Site/auc:Buildings/auc:Building/auc:Sections/auc:Section/auc:ExteriorFloors/auc:ExteriorFloor/auc:ExteriorFloorID/@IDref element "auc:Sites/auc:Site/auc:Buildings/auc:Building/auc:Sections/auc:Section/auc:Foundations/auc:Foundation/auc:FoundationID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Sites/auc:Site/auc:Buildings/auc:Building/auc:Sections/auc:Section/auc:Roofs/auc:Roof/auc:RoofID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Sites/auc:Site/auc:Buildings/auc:Building/auc:Sections/auc:Section/auc:Roofs/auc:Roof/auc:RoofID/auc:SkylightIDs/auc:SkylightID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND auc:Sites/auc:Site/auc:Buildings/auc:Building/auc:Sections/auc:Section/auc:Sides/auc:Side/auc:DoorID/@IDref element "auc:Sites/auc:Site/auc:Buildings/auc:Building/auc:Sections/auc:Section/auc:Sides/auc:Side/auc:WallID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Sites/auc:Site/auc:Buildings/auc:Building/auc:Sections/auc:Section/auc:Sides/auc:Side/auc:WindowID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Sites/auc:Site/auc:Buildings/auc:Building/auc:Sections/auc:Section/auc:ThermalZones/auc:ThermalZone/auc:HVACScheduleIDs/auc:HVACScheduleID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:AirInfiltrationSystems/auc:AirInfiltrationSystem/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Building/auc:LinkedBuildingID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:ConveyanceSystems/auc:ConveyanceSystem/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Building/auc:LinkedBuildingID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:ConveyanceSystems/auc:ConveyanceSystem/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Section/auc:LinkedSectionID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:CriticalITSystems/auc:CriticalITSystem/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Building/auc:LinkedBuildingID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:DomesticHotWaterSystems/auc:DomesticHotWaterSystem/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Building/auc:LinkedBuildingID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:DomesticHotWaterSystems/auc:DomesticHotWaterSystem/auc:DomesticHotWaterType/auc:StorageTank/auc:TankHeatingType/auc:Indirect/auc:IndirectTankHeatingSource/auc:SpaceHeatingSystem/auc:HeatingPlantID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:FanSystems/auc:FanSystem/auc:LinkedSystemIDs/auc:LinkedSystemID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:FoundationSystems/auc:FoundationSystem/auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Linked Wall ID']/auc:FieldValue/text()" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:HVACSystems/auc:HVACSystem/auc:HeatingAndCoolingSystems/auc:CoolingSources/auc:CoolingSource/auc:CoolingSourceType/auc:CoolingPlantID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:HVACSystems/auc:HVACSystem/auc:HeatingAndCoolingSystems/auc:Deliveries/auc:Delivery/auc:DeliveryType/auc:CentralAirDistribution/auc:ReheatPlantID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:HVACSystems/auc:HVACSystem/auc:HeatingAndCoolingSystems/auc:HeatingSources/auc:HeatingSource/auc:HeatingSourceType/auc:SourceHeatingPlantID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:HVACSystems/auc:HVACSystem/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Building/auc:LinkedBuildingID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:HVACSystems/auc:HVACSystem/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Section/auc:LinkedSectionID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:HVACSystems/auc:HVACSystem/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Site/auc:LinkedSiteID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:HVACSystems/auc:HVACSystem/auc:Plants/auc:CondenserPlants/auc:CondenserPlant/auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Resource Site ID']/auc:FieldValue/text()" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:HVACSystems/auc:HVACSystem/auc:Plants/auc:CoolingPlants/auc:CoolingPlant/auc:Chiller/auc:CondenserPlantIDs/auc:CondenserPlantID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:HVACSystems/auc:HVACSystem/auc:Plants/auc:CoolingPlants/auc:CoolingPlant/auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Resource Site ID']/auc:FieldValue/text()" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:HVACSystems/auc:HVACSystem/auc:Plants/auc:HeatingPlants/auc:HeatingPlant/auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Resource Site ID']/auc:FieldValue/text()" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:LightingSystems/auc:LightingSystem/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Building/auc:LinkedBuildingID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:LightingSystems/auc:LightingSystem/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Section/auc:LinkedSectionID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:MotorSystems/auc:MotorSystem/auc:LinkedSystemIDs/auc:LinkedSystemID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:OnsiteStorageTransmissionGenerationSystems/auc:OnsiteStorageTransmissionGenerationSystem/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Building/auc:LinkedBuildingID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:PlugLoads/auc:PlugLoad[auc:PlugLoadType/text() = 'Miscellaneous Electric Load']/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Section/auc:LinkedSectionID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:ProcessLoads/auc:ProcessLoad[auc:ProcessLoadType/text() = 'Miscellaneous Gas Load']/auc:LinkedPremises/auc:Section/auc:LinkedSectionID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Systems/auc:PumpSystems/auc:PumpSystem/auc:LinkedSystemIDs/auc:LinkedSystemID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:Scenarios/auc:Scenario/auc:ResourceUses/auc:ResourceUse/auc:UtilityIDs/auc:UtilityID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:AllResourceTotals/auc:AllResourceTotal/auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Linked Time Series ID']/auc:FieldValue/text()" is NOT FOUND element "auc:TimeSeriesData/auc:TimeSeries/auc:ResourceUseID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:OtherHVACSystems/auc:OtherHVACSystem/auc:LinkedDeliveryIDs/auc:LinkedDeliveryID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:HeatingAndCoolingSystems/auc:Deliveries/auc:Delivery/auc:CoolingSourceID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:HeatingAndCoolingSystems/auc:Deliveries/auc:Delivery/auc:HeatingSourceID/@IDref" is NOT FOUND element "auc:BuildingSync" is REQUIRED element "@version" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facilities" is REQUIRED text "": element "." MUST be "2.0.0", "2.1.0", "2.2.0", or "2.3.0" element "auc:Facility" is REQUIRED element "auc:Programs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:Contacts" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Measures" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Reports" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Schedules" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Sites" is REQUIRED element "auc:Systems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Tenants" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Contact" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:Address" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ContactCompany" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ContactEmailAddresses" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ContactName" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ContactRoles" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ContactTelephoneNumbers" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ContactTitle" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:City" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Country" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:County" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PostalCode" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PostalCodePlus4" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:State" is OPTIONAL element "auc:StreetAddressDetail" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "AK", "AL", "AR", "AZ", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DC", "DE", "FL", "GA", "HI", "IA", "ID", "IL", "IN", "KS", "KY", "LA", "MA", "MD", "ME", "MI", "MN", "MO", "MS", "MT", "NC", "ND", "NE", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NV", "NY", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UM", "UT", "VA", "VT", "WA", "WI", "WV", or "WY" element "auc:Complex" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Simplified" is REQUIRED element "auc:StreetAddress" is REQUIRED element "auc:ContactEmailAddress" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ContactEmailAddressLabel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EmailAddress" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ContactRole" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Contributor", "Energy Auditor", "Operator", "Owner", "Property Management Company", or "Qualified Assessor" element "auc:ContactTelephoneNumber" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ContactTelephoneNumberLabel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TelephoneNumber" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'City Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Contact Company Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Contact Email Address Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Contact Telephone Number Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Postal Code Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'State Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Street Address Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "City Is Not Applicable", "Contact Company Is Not Applicable", "Contact Email Address Is Not Applicable", "Contact Name Is Not Applicable", "Contact Telephone Number Is Not Applicable", "Postal Code Is Not Applicable", "State Is Not Applicable", or "Street Address Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "auc:Measure" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:CapitalReplacementCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CustomMeasureName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DiscardReason" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndDate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ImplementationStatus" is OPTIONAL element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:LongDescription" is OPTIONAL element "auc:MVCost" is OPTIONAL element "auc:MVOption" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MeasureInstallationCost" is OPTIONAL element "auc:MeasureMaterialCost" is OPTIONAL element "auc:MeasureSavingsAnalysis" is OPTIONAL element "auc:MeasureScaleOfApplication" is OPTIONAL element "auc:MeasureTotalFirstCost" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Recommended" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ResidualValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:StartDate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SystemCategoryAffected" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TechnologyCategories" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TypeOfMeasure" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UsefulLife" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Completed", "Evaluated", or "Proposed" element "auc:Building" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:AnnualDemandSavingsCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsByFuels" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSiteEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSourceEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterCostSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CalculationMethodType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CostEffectivenessScreeningMethod" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EquipmentDisposalAndSalvageCosts" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FundingFromIncentives" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FundingFromTaxCredits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InternalRateOfReturn" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MeasureRank" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NPVofTaxImplications" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NetPresentValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OMCostAnnualSavings" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OtherCostAnnualSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ReferenceCase" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SimplePayback" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Estimated" or "Modeled" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Common areas", "Entire building", or "Tenant areas" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Air Distribution", "Ceiling", "Conveyance", "Cooking", "Cooling System", "Critical IT System", "Dishwasher", "Domestic Hot Water", "Fan", "Fenestration", "Foundation", "General Controls and Operations", "Heat Recovery", "Heating System", "Laundry", "Lighting", "Motor", "Onsite Storage, Transmission, Generation", "Other", "Other HVAC", "Plug Load", "Pool", "Process Load", "Pump", "Refrigeration", "Roof", "Wall", or "Water Use" element "auc:TechnologyCategory" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AdvancedMeteringSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BoilerPlantImprovements" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BuildingAutomationSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BuildingEnvelopeModifications" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ChilledWaterHotWaterAndSteamDistributionSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ChillerPlantImprovements" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ConveyanceSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DataCenterImprovements" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DistributedGeneration" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ElectricalPeakShavingLoadShifting" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyCostReductionThroughRateAdjustments" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyDistributionSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyRelatedProcessImprovements" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FutureOtherECMs" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HealthAndSafety" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LightingImprovements" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OtherElectricMotorsAndDrives" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OtherHVAC" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PlugLoadReductions" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Refrigeration" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RenewableEnergySystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ServiceHotWaterSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Uncategorized" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WaterAndSewerConservationSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Clean and/or repair", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Install advanced metering systems", "Other", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Add energy recovery", "Clean and/or repair", "Convert gas-fired unit to boiler loop", "Convert system from steam to hot water", "Convert to Cleaner Fuels", "Decentralize boiler", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Insulate boiler room", "Other", "Replace boiler", "Replace burner", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Add heat recovery", "Add or upgrade BAS/EMS/EMCS", "Add or upgrade controls", "Convert pneumatic controls to DDC", "Other", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Add attic/knee wall insulation", "Add shading devices", "Add window films", "Air seal envelope", "Clean and/or repair", "Close elevator and/or stairwell shaft vents", "Increase ceiling insulation", "Increase floor insulation", "Increase roof insulation", "Increase wall insulation", "Install cool/green roof", "Install or replace solar screens", "Insulate attic hatch / stair box", "Insulate foundation", "Insulate thermal bypasses", "Other", "Replace glazing", or "Replace windows" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Add energy recovery", "Add pipe insulation", "Add recirculating pumps", "Clean and/or repair", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Install or upgrade master venting", "Install solar hot water system", "Install steam condensate heat recovery", "Other", "Repair and/or replace steam traps", "Repair or replace existing condensate return systems or install new condensate return systems", "Replace or upgrade water heater", "Replace steam traps with orifice plates", "Replace with higher efficiency pump", "Replace with variable speed pump", "Retrofit and replace chiller plant pumping, piping, and controls", "Separate SHW from heating", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Add energy recovery", "Add or repair economizer cycle", "Add or replace cooling tower", "Clean and/or repair", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Install VSD on electric centrifugal chillers", "Install gas cooling", "Other", "Replace chiller", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Add elevator regenerative drives", "Clean and/or repair", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Other", "Upgrade controls", "Upgrade motors", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Clean and/or repair", "Implement hot aisle hold aisle design", "Implement server virtualization", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Improve data center efficiency", "Other", "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing", or "Upgrade servers" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Clean and/or repair", "Convert fuels", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Install CHP/cogeneration systems", "Install fuel cells", "Install microturbines", "Other", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Implement training and/or documentation", "Install thermal energy storage", "Other", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Change to lower energy cost supplier(s)", "Change to more favorable rate schedule", "Energy cost reduction through rate adjustments - uncategorized", "Energy service billing and meter auditing recommendations", or "Other" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Clean and/or repair", "Implement power factor corrections", "Implement power quality upgrades", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Install gas distribution systems", "Other", "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing", or "Upgrade transformers" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Clean and/or repair", "Implement industrial process improvements", "Implement production and/or manufacturing improvements", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Other", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Add daylight controls", "Add occupancy sensors", "Clean and/or repair", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Install photocell control", "Install spectrally enhanced lighting", "Install timers", "Other", "Replace diffusers", "Retrofit with CFLs", "Retrofit with T-5", "Retrofit with T-8", "Retrofit with fiber optic lighting technologies", "Retrofit with light emitting diode technologies", "Upgrade exit signs to LED", "Upgrade exterior lighting", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Add VSD motor controller", "Add drive controls", "Clean and/or repair", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Other", "Replace with higher efficiency", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Add duct insulation", "Add energy recovery", "Add enhanced dehumidification", "Add or repair economizer", "Add or replace cooling tower", "Balance ventilation/distribution system", "Capture and return condensate", "Clean and/or repair", "Convert CV system to VAV system", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Improve distribution fans", "Improve ventilation fans", "Install air source heat pump", "Install demand control ventilation", "Install gas cooling", "Install or Upgrade Master Venting", "Install passive solar heating", "Install solar ventilation preheating system", "Install thermal destratification fans", "Install variable refrigerant flow system", "Other", "Other cooling", "Other distribution", "Other heating", "Other ventilation", "Repair leaks / seal ducts", "Repair or replace HVAC damper and controller", "Replace AC and heating units with ground coupled heat pump systems", "Replace burner", "Replace or modify AHU", "Replace package units", "Replace packaged terminal units", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Automatic shutdown or sleep mode for computers", "Clean and/or repair", "De-lamp vending machines", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Install plug load controls", "Other", "Replace clothes dryers", "Replace washing machines", "Replace with ENERGY STAR rated", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Clean and/or repair", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Other", "Replace air-cooled ice/refrigeration equipment", "Replace ice/refrigeration equipment with high efficiency units", "Replace refrigerators", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Clean and/or repair", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Install electrical storage", "Install landfill gas, wastewater treatment plant digester gas, or coal bed methane power plant", "Install photovoltaic system", "Install wind energy system", "Install wood waste or other organic waste stream heating or power plant", "Other", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Clean and/or repair", "Decrease SHW temperature", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Install SHW controls", "Install heat pump SHW system", "Install solar thermal SHW", "Install tankless water heaters", "Install water pressure booster", "Insulate SHW piping", "Insulate SHW tank", "Other", "Replace piping", "Replace tankless coil", "Separate SHW from heating", "Upgrade SHW boiler", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other" element "auc:MeasureName" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Clean and/or repair", "Implement training and/or documentation", "Implement water efficient irrigation", "Install low-flow faucets and showerheads", "Install low-flow plumbing equipment", "Install onsite sewer treatment systems", "Other", or "Upgrade operating protocols, calibration, and/or sequencing" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Rebate Available']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Resource Affected']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Rebate Available" or "Shared Resource Affected" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "auc:Report" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Report[auc:LinkedPremisesOrSystem/auc:Building/auc:LinkedBuildingID]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Report[auc:LinkedPremisesOrSystem/auc:Site/auc:LinkedSiteID]" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AnalysisPeriod" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AuditCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AuditExemption" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AuditorContactID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DiscountFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ElectricityPriceEscalationRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:GasPriceEscalationRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InflationRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremisesOrSystem" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OtherEscalationRates" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Scenarios" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WaterPriceEscalationRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Building" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:System" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSiteID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Scenario" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:Benchmark) > 0)]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:CurrentBuilding) > 0) and (count(auc:Normalization) > 0)]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:CurrentBuilding) > 0) and not(auc:Normalization)]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:Other) > 0) and (auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue/text() = 'Audit Template Annual Summary')]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:Other) > 0) and (auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue/text() = 'Audit Template Available Energy')]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:Other) > 0) and (auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue/text() = 'Audit Template Energy Deliveries')]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:Other) > 0) and (auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue/text() = 'Audit Template Energy Meter Readings')]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:Other) > 0) and (auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue/text() = 'Audit Template Energy Supply Sources')]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:Other) > 0) and (auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue/text() = 'Audit Template Energy Uses')]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:Other) > 0) and (auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue/text() = 'Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary')]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:Other) > 0) and (auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue/text() = 'Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses')]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:Other) > 0)]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:PackageOfMeasures) > 0)]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Scenario[(count(auc:ScenarioType/auc:Target) > 0)]" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AllResourceTotals" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualCoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Normalization" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUses" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioName" is REQUIRED element "auc:ScenarioNotes" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ScenarioType" is REQUIRED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is REQUIRED element "auc:TimeSeriesData" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WeatherType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AllResourceTotal" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:BuildingEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BuildingEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ElectricitySourcedFromOnsiteRenewableSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is REQUIRED element "auc:EnergyCost" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyCostIndex" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExportedEnergyConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ImportedEnergyConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NetIncreaseInStoredEnergyConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OnsiteEnergyProductionConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OnsiteRenewableSystemElectricityExported" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:SiteEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SiteEnergyUseIntensity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SourceEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WasteWaterVolume" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "All end uses" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Site Energy Use Intensity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site Energy Use Intensity Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "benchmark" element "auc:Benchmark" is REQUIRED element "auc:CurrentBuilding" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PackageOfMeasures" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Target" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BenchmarkTool" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BenchmarkType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BenchmarkValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BenchmarkYear" is OPTIONAL element "auc:LinkedPremises" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CBECS" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CodeMinimum" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Other" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PortfolioManager" is OPTIONAL element "auc:StandardPractice" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ClimateZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CalculationMethod" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CodeName" is REQUIRED element "auc:CodeVersion" is REQUIRED element "auc:CodeYear" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "ASHRAE" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be equal to 100 text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be equal to 2015 element "auc:CalculationMethod" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherBenchmarkDescription" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BuildingProfileStatus" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FederalSustainabilityChecklistCompletionPercentage" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PMBenchmarkDate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:StandardPracticeDescription" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "ASHRAE Building Energy Quotient", "CIBSE Benchmarking", or "DOE Building Performance Database" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Current" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Benchmark Value Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Benchmark Year Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'San Francisco Affidavit Benchmark Affirmation']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'San Francisco Affidavit Benchmark Not Verified Reason']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'San Francisco Affidavit Benchmark Signature']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Scenario Notes For Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Benchmark Value Is Not Applicable", "Benchmark Year Is Not Applicable", "San Francisco Affidavit Benchmark Affirmation", "San Francisco Affidavit Benchmark Signature", "San Francisco Affidavit Benchmark Not Verified Reason", or "Scenario Notes For Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "auc:AllResourceTotals" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualCoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Normalization" is REQUIRED element "auc:ResourceUses" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioName" is REQUIRED element "auc:ScenarioNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioType" is REQUIRED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is REQUIRED element "auc:TimeSeriesData" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AllResourceTotal" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:ElectricitySourcedFromOnsiteRenewableSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is REQUIRED element "auc:EnergyCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OnsiteRenewableSystemElectricityExported" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:SiteEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SiteEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUseIntensity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SummerPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WasteWaterVolume" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "All end uses" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Source" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Source Energy Use Intensity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Source Energy Use Intensity Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Weather normalized" text "": element "text()" MUST be "current_building_with_normalization" element "auc:Benchmark" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CurrentBuilding" is REQUIRED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PackageOfMeasures" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Target" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AssetScore" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CalculationMethod" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ENERGYSTARScore" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Current" element "auc:AllResourceTotals" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualCoolingDegreeDays" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualHeatingDegreeDays" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is OPTIONAL element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Normalization" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUses" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ScenarioName" is REQUIRED element "auc:ScenarioNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioType" is REQUIRED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is REQUIRED element "auc:TimeSeriesData" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WeatherType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AllResourceTotal" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:ElectricitySourcedFromOnsiteRenewableSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is REQUIRED element "auc:EnergyCost" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OnsiteRenewableSystemElectricityExported" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:SiteEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SiteEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WasteWaterVolume" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterIntensity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "All end uses" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUse" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseConsistentUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualFuelUseNativeUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakNativeUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Emissions" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EndUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EnergyResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FuelUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MeterID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ParentResourceUseID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PeakResourceUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentEndUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SharedResourceSystem" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UtilityIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:Emission" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AvoidedEmissions" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EmissionBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:EmissionsFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EmissionsFactorSource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EmissionsType" is REQUIRED element "auc:GHGEmissions" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Net" text "": element "text()" MUST be "CO2e" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Unknown" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'GHG Emissions Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "GHG Emissions Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "current_building" element "auc:Benchmark" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CurrentBuilding" is REQUIRED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PackageOfMeasures" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Target" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AssetScore" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CalculationMethod" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ENERGYSTARScore" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Current" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Year Of Degree Days']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Year Of Degree Days" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 element "auc:AllResourceTotals" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualCoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Normalization" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUses" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ScenarioName" is REQUIRED element "auc:ScenarioNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioType" is REQUIRED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is REQUIRED element "auc:TimeSeriesData" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is REQUIRED element "auc:WeatherType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AllResourceTotal" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:ElectricitySourcedFromOnsiteRenewableSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is REQUIRED element "auc:EnergyCost" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OnsiteRenewableSystemElectricityExported" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:SiteEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SiteEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WasteWaterVolume" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "All end uses" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Linked Time Series ID']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Percentage Of Annual Energy Cost Paid By Tenant']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Linked Time Series ID" or "Percentage Of Annual Energy Cost Paid By Tenant" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and MUST be less than or equal to 100 element "auc:Building" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSiteID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUse" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseNativeUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakNativeUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Emissions" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EnergyResource" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FuelUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MeterID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ParentResourceUseID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PeakResourceUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentEndUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:ResourceUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SharedResourceSystem" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UtilityIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Gallons", "Mlbs", "Ton-hour", "kBtu", "kWh", "kcf", or "therms" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Not shared" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Annual Summary - Biofuel B10", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Biofuel B20", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Biofuel B5", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Diesel", "Audit Template Annual Summary - District chilled water", "Audit Template Annual Summary - District hot water", "Audit Template Annual Summary - District steam", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Dual fuel", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Electricity", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Electricity-Exported", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Electricity-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Fuel oil", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Fuel oil no 1", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Fuel oil no 2", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Fuel oil no 4", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Fuel oil no 6", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Gasoline", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Kerosene", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Liquid propane", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Natural gas", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Other", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Other delivered-Exported", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Other metered-Exported", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Other metered-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Propane", "Audit Template Annual Summary - Thermal-Exported", or "Audit Template Annual Summary - Thermal-Onsite generated" element "auc:Benchmark" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CurrentBuilding" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is REQUIRED element "auc:PackageOfMeasures" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Target" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSiteEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSourceEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterCostSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InternalRateOfReturn" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NetPresentValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SimplePayback" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Current" element "auc:TimeSeries" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndTimestamp" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyFlowDirection" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IntervalDuration" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IntervalDurationUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IntervalFrequency" is REQUIRED element "auc:IntervalReading" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PeakType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Phase" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ReadingType" is REQUIRED element "auc:ResourceUseID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:StartTimestamp" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TimeSeriesReadingQuantity" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherStationID" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Annual" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Average" element "@IDref" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Energy" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other Scenario Type" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Annual Summary" element "auc:AllResourceTotals" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualCoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Normalization" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUses" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ScenarioName" is REQUIRED element "auc:ScenarioNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioType" is REQUIRED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is REQUIRED element "auc:TimeSeriesData" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is REQUIRED element "auc:WeatherType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Building" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSiteID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUse" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AnnualFuelCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseLinkedTimeSeriesIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseNativeUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakNativeUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Emissions" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is REQUIRED element "auc:EnergyResource" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FuelUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MeterID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ParentResourceUseID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PeakResourceUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentEndUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:ResourceUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ResourceUseNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SharedResourceSystem" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UtilityIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "All end uses" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Gallons", "Mlbs", "Ton-hour", "kBtu", "kWh", "kcf", or "therms" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Not shared" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Available Energy" element "auc:Benchmark" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CurrentBuilding" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is REQUIRED element "auc:PackageOfMeasures" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Target" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSiteEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSourceEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterCostSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InternalRateOfReturn" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NetPresentValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SimplePayback" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Current" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other Scenario Type" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Available Energy" element "auc:AllResourceTotals" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualCoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Normalization" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUses" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioName" is REQUIRED element "auc:ScenarioNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioType" is REQUIRED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is REQUIRED element "auc:TimeSeriesData" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is REQUIRED element "auc:WeatherType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AllResourceTotal" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:ElectricitySourcedFromOnsiteRenewableSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is REQUIRED element "auc:EnergyCost" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OnsiteRenewableSystemElectricityExported" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:SiteEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SiteEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WasteWaterVolume" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "All end uses" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Linked Time Series ID']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Linked Time Series ID" element "auc:Building" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSiteID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Biofuel B10", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Biofuel B20", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Biofuel B5", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Diesel", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - District chilled water", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - District hot water", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - District steam", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Dual fuel", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Electricity", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Electricity-Exported", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Electricity-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Fuel oil", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Fuel oil no 1", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Fuel oil no 2", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Fuel oil no 4", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Fuel oil no 6", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Gasoline", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Kerosene", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Liquid propane", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Natural gas", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Other", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Other delivered-Exported", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Other metered-Exported", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Other metered-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Propane", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Thermal-Exported", or "Audit Template Energy Deliveries - Thermal-Onsite generated" element "auc:Benchmark" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CurrentBuilding" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is REQUIRED element "auc:PackageOfMeasures" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Target" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSiteEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSourceEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterCostSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InternalRateOfReturn" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NetPresentValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SimplePayback" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Current" element "auc:TimeSeries" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndTimestamp" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyFlowDirection" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IntervalDuration" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IntervalDurationUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IntervalFrequency" is REQUIRED element "auc:IntervalReading" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PeakType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Phase" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ReadingType" is REQUIRED element "auc:ResourceUseID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:StartTimestamp" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TimeSeriesReadingQuantity" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherStationID" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Day" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Point" element "@IDref" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Energy" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other Scenario Type" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Energy Deliveries" element "auc:AllResourceTotals" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualCoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Normalization" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUses" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioName" is REQUIRED element "auc:ScenarioNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioType" is REQUIRED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is REQUIRED element "auc:TimeSeriesData" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is REQUIRED element "auc:WeatherType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AllResourceTotal" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:ElectricitySourcedFromOnsiteRenewableSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is REQUIRED element "auc:EnergyCost" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OnsiteRenewableSystemElectricityExported" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:SiteEnergyUse" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SiteEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WasteWaterVolume" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "All end uses" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Linked Time Series ID']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Linked Time Series ID" element "auc:Building" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSiteID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Biofuel B10", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Biofuel B20", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Biofuel B5", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Diesel", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - District chilled water", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - District hot water", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - District steam", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Dual fuel", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Electricity", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Electricity-Exported", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Electricity-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Fuel oil", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Fuel oil no 1", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Fuel oil no 2", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Fuel oil no 4", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Fuel oil no 6", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Gasoline", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Kerosene", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Liquid propane", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Natural gas", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Other", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Other delivered-Exported", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Other metered-Exported", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Other metered-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Propane", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Thermal-Exported", or "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings - Thermal-Onsite generated" element "auc:Benchmark" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CurrentBuilding" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is REQUIRED element "auc:PackageOfMeasures" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Target" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSiteEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSourceEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterCostSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InternalRateOfReturn" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NetPresentValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SimplePayback" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Current" element "auc:TimeSeries" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndTimestamp" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyFlowDirection" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IntervalDuration" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IntervalDurationUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IntervalFrequency" is REQUIRED element "auc:IntervalReading" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PeakType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Phase" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ReadingType" is REQUIRED element "auc:ResourceUseID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:StartTimestamp" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TimeSeriesReadingQuantity" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherStationID" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Peak" element "@IDref" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Voltage" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other Scenario Type" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings" element "auc:AllResourceTotals" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualCoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Normalization" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUses" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ScenarioName" is REQUIRED element "auc:ScenarioNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioType" is REQUIRED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is REQUIRED element "auc:TimeSeriesData" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is REQUIRED element "auc:WeatherType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUse" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseNativeUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakNativeUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Emissions" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyResource" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FuelUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MeterID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ParentResourceUseID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PeakResourceUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentEndUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:ResourceUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SharedResourceSystem" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UtilityIDs" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "All end uses" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Gallons", "Mlbs", "Ton-hour", "kBtu", "kWh", "kcf", or "therms" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Not shared" element "auc:UtilityID" is OPTIONAL element "@IDref" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Energy Supply Sources" element "auc:Benchmark" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CurrentBuilding" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is REQUIRED element "auc:PackageOfMeasures" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Target" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSiteEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSourceEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterCostSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InternalRateOfReturn" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NetPresentValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SimplePayback" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Current" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other Scenario Type" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Energy Supply Sources" element "auc:AllResourceTotals" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualCoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Normalization" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUses" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ScenarioName" is REQUIRED element "auc:ScenarioNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioType" is REQUIRED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is REQUIRED element "auc:TimeSeriesData" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is REQUIRED element "auc:WeatherType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUse" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseNativeUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualPeakConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakNativeUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Emissions" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyResource" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FuelUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MeterID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ParentResourceUseID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PeakResourceUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentEndUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:ResourceUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SharedResourceSystem" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UtilityIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "All end uses", "Conveyance", "Cooking", "Cooling", "Domestic hot water", "Heating", "IT equipment", "Laundry", "Plug load", "Process load", "Pump", "Refrigeration", "Total lighting", or "Ventilation" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Gallons", "Mlbs", "Ton-hour", "kBtu", "kWh", "kcf", or "therms" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Not shared" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other End Use']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other End Use" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Energy Uses" element "auc:Benchmark" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CurrentBuilding" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is REQUIRED element "auc:PackageOfMeasures" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Target" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSiteEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSourceEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterCostSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InternalRateOfReturn" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NetPresentValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SimplePayback" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Current" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other Scenario Type" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Energy Uses" element "auc:AllResourceTotals" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualCoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Normalization" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUses" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ScenarioName" is REQUIRED element "auc:ScenarioNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioType" is REQUIRED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is REQUIRED element "auc:TimeSeriesData" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is REQUIRED element "auc:WeatherType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AllResourceTotal" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:ElectricitySourcedFromOnsiteRenewableSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is REQUIRED element "auc:EnergyCost" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OnsiteRenewableSystemElectricityExported" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:SiteEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SiteEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WasteWaterVolume" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "All end uses" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Linked Time Series ID']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Percentage Of Annual Energy Cost Paid By Tenant']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Linked Time Series ID" or "Percentage Of Annual Energy Cost Paid By Tenant" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and MUST be less than or equal to 100 element "auc:Building" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSiteID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUse" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseNativeUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakNativeUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Emissions" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EnergyResource" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FuelUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MeterID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ParentResourceUseID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PeakResourceUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentEndUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:ResourceUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SharedResourceSystem" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UtilityIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Gallons", "Mlbs", "Ton-hour", "kBtu", "kWh", "kcf", or "therms" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Biofuel B10", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Biofuel B20", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Biofuel B5", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Diesel", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - District chilled water", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - District hot water", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - District steam", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Dual fuel", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Electricity", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Electricity-Exported", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Electricity-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Fuel oil", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Fuel oil no 1", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Fuel oil no 2", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Fuel oil no 4", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Fuel oil no 6", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Gasoline", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Kerosene", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Liquid propane", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Natural gas", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Other", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Other delivered-Exported", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Other metered-Exported", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Other metered-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Propane", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Thermal-Exported", or "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary - Thermal-Onsite generated" element "auc:Benchmark" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CurrentBuilding" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is REQUIRED element "auc:PackageOfMeasures" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Target" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSiteEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSourceEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterCostSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InternalRateOfReturn" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NetPresentValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SimplePayback" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Current" element "auc:TimeSeries" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndTimestamp" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyFlowDirection" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IntervalDuration" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IntervalDurationUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IntervalFrequency" is REQUIRED element "auc:IntervalReading" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PeakType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Phase" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ReadingType" is REQUIRED element "auc:ResourceUseID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:StartTimestamp" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TimeSeriesReadingQuantity" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherStationID" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Annual" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Average" element "@IDref" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Energy" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other Scenario Type" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary" element "auc:AllResourceTotals" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualCoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Normalization" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUses" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ScenarioName" is REQUIRED element "auc:ScenarioNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioType" is REQUIRED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is REQUIRED element "auc:TimeSeriesData" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is REQUIRED element "auc:WeatherType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUse" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualFuelUseNativeUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualPeakConsistentUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakNativeUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Emissions" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyResource" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FuelUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MeterID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ParentResourceUseID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PeakResourceUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentEndUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:ResourceUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SharedResourceSystem" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UtilityIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "All end uses", "Conveyance", "Cooking", "Cooling", "Domestic hot water", "Heating", "IT equipment", "Laundry", "Plug load", "Process load", "Pump", "Refrigeration", "Total lighting", or "Ventilation" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Gallons", "Mlbs", "Ton-hour", "kBtu", "kWh", "kcf", or "therms" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other End Use']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other End Use" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Biofuel B10", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Biofuel B20", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Biofuel B5", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Diesel", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - District chilled water", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - District hot water", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - District steam", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Dual fuel", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Electricity", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Electricity-Exported", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Electricity-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Fuel oil", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Fuel oil no 1", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Fuel oil no 2", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Fuel oil no 4", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Fuel oil no 6", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Gasoline", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Kerosene", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Liquid propane", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Natural gas", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Other", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Other delivered-Exported", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Other metered-Exported", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Other metered-Onsite generated", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Propane", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Thermal-Exported", or "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses - Thermal-Onsite generated" element "auc:Benchmark" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CurrentBuilding" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is REQUIRED element "auc:PackageOfMeasures" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Target" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSiteEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSourceEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterCostSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InternalRateOfReturn" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NetPresentValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SimplePayback" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Current" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other Scenario Type" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses" element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Scenario Type']/auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Template Annual Summary", "Audit Template Available Energy", "Audit Template Energy Deliveries", "Audit Template Energy Meter Readings", "Audit Template Energy Supply Sources", "Audit Template Energy Uses", "Audit Template Shared Resource System Annual Summary", or "Audit Template Shared Resource System Energy Uses" element "auc:AllResourceTotals" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualCoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:NonquantifiableFactors" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Normalization" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUses" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioName" is REQUIRED element "auc:ScenarioNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioType" is REQUIRED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is REQUIRED element "auc:TimeSeriesData" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WeatherType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Building" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSiteID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Benchmark" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CurrentBuilding" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PackageOfMeasures" is REQUIRED element "auc:Target" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AnnualDemandSavingsCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualPeakElectricityReduction" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualSavingsByFuels" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualSavingsCost" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualSavingsSiteEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSourceEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterCostSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AssetScore" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CalculationMethodType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CostCategory" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CostEffectivenessScreeningMethod" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ENERGYSTARScore" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EquipmentDisposalAndSalvageCosts" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FundingFromIncentives" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FundingFromTaxCredits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ImplementationPeriod" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ImplementationPeriodCostSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InternalRateOfReturn" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MVCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MeasureIDs" is OPTIONAL element "auc:NPVofTaxImplications" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NetPresentValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OMCostAnnualSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherFinancialIncentives" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PackageFirstCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentGuaranteedSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ProjectMarkup" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RecurringIncentives" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ReferenceCase" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SimpleImpactAnalysis" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SimplePayback" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:AnnualSavingsNativeUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyResource" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ResourceUnits" is OPTIONAL element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Gallons", "Mlbs", "Ton-hour", "kBtu", "kWh", "kcf", or "therms" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:MeasureID" is OPTIONAL element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Current" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Application Scale']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Recommended Resource Savings Category']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Resource System ID']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Application Scale", "Recommended Resource Savings Category", or "Shared Resource System ID" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Entire facility", "Entire site", "Individual premise", "Individual system", "Multiple premises", or "Multiple systems" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Low Cost and No Cost Recommendations" or "Potential Capital Recommendations" element "auc:AllResourceTotals" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualCoolingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingDegreeDays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HDDBaseTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Normalization" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceUses" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioName" is REQUIRED element "auc:ScenarioNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScenarioType" is REQUIRED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is REQUIRED element "auc:TimeSeriesData" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AllResourceTotal" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:ElectricitySourcedFromOnsiteRenewableSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EndUse" is REQUIRED element "auc:EnergyCost" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OnsiteRenewableSystemElectricityExported" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ResourceBoundary" is REQUIRED element "auc:SiteEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SiteEnergyUseIntensity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SourceEnergyUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceEnergyUseIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TemporalStatus" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WasteWaterVolume" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterIntensity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterResource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterUse" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeak" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "All end uses" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Site" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "target" element "auc:Benchmark" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CurrentBuilding" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DerivedModel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PackageOfMeasures" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Target" is REQUIRED element "auc:AnnualPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsCost" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSiteEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualSavingsSourceEnergy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterCostSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualWaterSavings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AssetScore" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ENERGYSTARScore" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InternalRateOfReturn" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NetPresentValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ReferenceCase" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SimplePayback" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SummerPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WinterPeakElectricityReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Target" element "auc:ASHRAEAuditLevel" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AuditDates" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Qualifications" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RetrocommissioningAudit" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Utilities" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AuditDate" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AuditDate[auc:DateType/text() != 'Custom']" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AuditDate[auc:DateType/text() = 'Custom']" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Date" is REQUIRED element "auc:DateType" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Custom" or "Site Visit" element "auc:CustomDateType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CustomDateType" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Level 1: Walk-through", "Level 2: Energy Survey and Analysis", or "Level 3: Detailed Survey and Analysis" element "auc:Qualification" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AuditTeamMemberCertificationType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AuditorQualificationNumber" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AuditorQualificationState" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AuditorQualificationType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CertificationExpirationDate" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CertifiedAuditTeamMemberContactID" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "ASHRAE Building Commissioning Professional (BCxP)", "ASHRAE Building Energy Assessment Professional (BEAP)", "ASHRAE Building Energy Modeling Professional (BEMP)", "Accredited Commissioning Process Authority Professional (CxAP)", "Associate Commissioning Professional (ACP)", "Associated Air Balance Council (AABC) Certified Member Agency", "Associated Air Balance Council (AABC) Test and Balance Technician", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Building Commissioning Firm Program (CBCF)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Building Commissioning Professional (CBCP)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Building Energy Simulation Analyst (BESA)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Business Energy Professional (BEP)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Carbon Reduction Manager (CRM)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Demand Side Manager (CDSM)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Energy Auditor (CEA)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Energy Manager (CEM)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Energy Procurement Professional (CEP)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified GeoExchange Designer Program (CGD)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Green Building Engineer (GBE)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Industrial Energy Professional (CIEP)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional (CLEP)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Measurement & Verification Professional (CMVP)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Power Quality Professional (CPQ)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Residential Energy Auditor (REA)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Sustainable Development Professional (CSDP)", "Association of Energy Engineers Certified Water Efficiency Professional (CWEP)", "Association of Energy Engineers Distributed Generation Certified Professional (DGCP)", "Association of Energy Engineers Energy Efficiency Practitioner (EEP)", "Association of Energy Engineers Performance Contracting and Funding Professional (PCF)", "Association of Energy Engineers Renewable Energy Professional (REP)", "Building Operator Certification (BOC): Level 1", "Building Operator Certification (BOC): Level 2", "Building Performance Institute (BPI) Certification", "Building Performance Institute (BPI): Advanced Home Energy Professional (HEP)", "Building Performance Institute (BPI): Advanced Home Energy Professional - Crew Leader (HEP-CL)", "Building Performance Institute (BPI): Advanced Home Energy Professional - Energy Auditor (HEP-EA)", "Building Performance Institute (BPI): Advanced Home Energy Professional - Quality Control Inspector (HEP-QCI)", "Building Performance Institute (BPI): Advanced Home Energy Professional - Retrofit Installer (HEP-RI)", "Building Performance Institute (BPI): Building Analyst (BA)", "Building Performance Institute (BPI): Multifamily Building Analyst", "Commissioning Process Management Professional (CPMP)", "Department of Buildings (DOB) Approved Agent", "Existing Building Commissioning Professional (EBCP)", "GreenPoint Rater Existing Home Multifamily Rater", "HERS Whole House (HERS II) Rater", "High Pressure Boiler Operating Engineer", "High-Performance Building Design Professional (HBDP)", "International Union of Operating Engineers Certified Energy Specialist", "NYSERDA FlexTech Consultant", "Northwest Energy Education Institute Energy Management Certification", "Other", "PhD in Mechanical Engineering", "Professional Engineer (PE)", "Refrigerating System Operating Engineer", "Registered Architect (RA)", or "Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) - Home Partner" element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Audit Date For Level 1: Walk-through Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Audit Date For Level 2: Energy Survey and Analysis Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Audit Date For Level 3: Detailed Survey and Analysis Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Audit Filing Status Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Audit Filing Status']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Audit Notes For Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Audit Notes Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Audit Team Notes Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Audit Template Report Type']/auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Auditor Years Of Experience']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Early Compliance Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Early Compliance']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Required Audit Year Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Required Audit Year']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Audit Date For Level 1: Walk-through Is Not Applicable", "Audit Date For Level 2: Energy Survey and Analysis Is Not Applicable", "Audit Date For Level 3: Detailed Survey and Analysis Is Not Applicable", "Audit Filing Status", "Audit Filing Status Is Not Applicable", "Audit Notes", "Audit Notes For Not Applicable", "Audit Notes Is Not Applicable", "Audit Team Notes", "Audit Team Notes Is Not Applicable", "Audit Template Report Type", "Auditor Years Of Experience", "Early Compliance", "Early Compliance Is Not Applicable", "Required Audit Year", "Required Audit Year Is Not Applicable", or "San Francisco Affidavit Whole Audit Signature" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Amended Filing" or "Initial Filing" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "New York City Energy Efficiency Report" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 element "auc:Utility" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:EIAUtilityID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ElectricDistributionUtility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FuelInterruptibility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MeteringConfiguration" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PowerPlant" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RateSchedules" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SourceSiteRatio" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TypeOfResourceMeter" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UtilityAccountNumber" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UtilityBillpayer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UtilityMeterNumbers" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UtilityName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Direct metering", "Master meter with sub metering", "Master meter without sub metering", "Other", or "Unknown" element "auc:RateSchedule" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AverageMarginalCostRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FixedMonthlyCharge" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MinimumPowerFactorWithoutPenalty" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NetMetering" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RateStructureEffectiveDate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RateStructureEndDate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RateStructureName" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RateStructureSector" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ReactivePowerCharge" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ReferenceForRateStructure" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TypeOfRateStructure" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ASHRAEAuditLevel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AuditDates" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Qualifications" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RetrocommissioningAudit" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Utilities" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Schedule" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScheduleDetails" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SchedulePeriodBeginDate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SchedulePeriodEndDate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScheduleDetail" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DayEndTime" is REQUIRED element "auc:DayStartTime" is REQUIRED element "auc:DayType" is REQUIRED element "auc:PartialOperationPercentage" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ScheduleCategory" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Saturday", "Sunday", or "Weekday" element "auc:Site" is REQUIRED element "auc:Site[count(auc:Buildings/auc:Building) >= 1]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Site[not(auc:Buildings/auc:Building)]" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:Address" is REQUIRED element "auc:Buildings" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ClimateZoneType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EGRIDRegionCode" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Latitude" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Longitude" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OccupancyClassification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Ownership" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OwnershipStatus" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PremisesIdentifiers" is REQUIRED element "auc:PremisesNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryContactID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherDataStationID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherStationCategory" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherStationName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherStations" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:City" is REQUIRED element "auc:Country" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:County" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PostalCode" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PostalCodePlus4" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:State" is REQUIRED element "auc:StreetAddressDetail" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "New York" text "": element "text()" MUST be "NY" element "auc:Building" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:Address" is REQUIRED element "auc:AspectRatio" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Assessments" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BuildingAutomationSystem" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BuildingClassification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ClimateZone" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ConditionedFloorsAboveGrade" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ConditionedFloorsBelowGrade" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EGRIDRegionCode" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FederalBuilding" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreas" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FloorsAboveGrade" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorsBelowGrade" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeightDistribution" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HistoricalLandmark" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HorizontalSurroundings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Latitude" is OPTIONAL element "auc:LightingAutomationSystem" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Longitude" is OPTIONAL element "auc:NAICSCode" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NumberOfBusinesses" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NumberOfFacilitiesOnSite" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OccupancyClassification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OccupancyLevels" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OperatorType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OverallDoorToWallRatio" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OverallWindowToWallRatio" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Ownership" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OwnershipStatus" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentLeasedByOwner" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PercentOccupiedByOwner" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Perimeter" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PortfolioManager" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PremisesIdentifiers" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PremisesName" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PremisesNotes" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PrimaryContactID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PubliclySubsidized" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RetrocommissioningDate" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Sections" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SpatialUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TenantIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TotalExteriorAboveGradeWallArea" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TotalExteriorBelowGradeWallArea" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TypicalOccupantUsages" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UnconditionedFloorsAboveGrade" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UnconditionedFloorsBelowGrade" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:VerticalSurroundings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherDataStationID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WeatherStationCategory" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherStationName" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WeatherStations" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOccupied" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOfConstruction" is REQUIRED element "auc:YearOfLastEnergyAudit" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearOfLastMajorRemodel" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearOfLatestRetrofit" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:City" is REQUIRED element "auc:Country" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:County" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PostalCode" is REQUIRED element "auc:PostalCodePlus4" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:State" is REQUIRED element "auc:StreetAddressDetail" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "New York" text "": element "text()" MUST be "NY" element "auc:Complex" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Simplified" is REQUIRED element "auc:StreetAddress" is OPTIONAL element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ASHRAE" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BuildingAmerica" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CBECSType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CaliforniaTitle24" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DOE" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EnergyStar" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IECC" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ClimateZone" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "1A", "2A", "2B", "3A", "3B", "3C", "4A", "4B", "4C", "5A", "5B", "6A", "6B", "7", or "8" element "auc:ClimateZone" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Climate Zone 1", "Climate Zone 10", "Climate Zone 11", "Climate Zone 12", "Climate Zone 13", "Climate Zone 14", "Climate Zone 15", "Climate Zone 16", "Climate Zone 2", "Climate Zone 3", "Climate Zone 4", "Climate Zone 5", "Climate Zone 6", "Climate Zone 7", "Climate Zone 8", or "Climate Zone 9" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:FloorArea" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ExcludedSectionIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreaCustomName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreaPercentage" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreaType" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreaValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:Story" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Cooled only", "Footprint", "Gross", "Heated and Cooled", "Heated only", or "Net" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to -90, and MUST be less than or equal to 90 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to -180, and MUST be less than or equal to 180 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and MUST be less than or equal to 1 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Corporation/partnership/LLC", "Individual", "Non-profit organization", "Other", "Privately owned", "Property management company", or "Religious organization" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and MUST be less than or equal to 100 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and MUST be less than or equal to 100 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:PremisesIdentifier" is OPTIONAL element "auc:IdentifierCustomName" is REQUIRED element "auc:IdentifierLabel" is REQUIRED element "auc:IdentifierValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Atlanta Building ID", "BIN", "City Custom Building ID", "Custom ID 1", "Custom ID 2", "EER", or "Portfolio Manager Building ID" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Custom" element "auc:Section" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Section[auc:SectionType = 'Space function']" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Section[auc:SectionType = 'Whole building']" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:Ceilings" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorToCeilingHeight" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorToFloorHeight" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorsAboveGrade" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorsBelowGrade" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorsPartiallyBelowGrade" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Latitude" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Longitude" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NumberOfSides" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PerimeterZoneDepth" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PremisesIdentifiers" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PremisesName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PremisesNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryContactID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SectionType" is REQUIRED element "auc:SideA1Orientation" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Story" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TenantIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZoneLayout" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherDataStationID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeatherStationName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:XOffset" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YOffset" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOfConstruction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ZOffset" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Space function" or "Whole building" element "auc:ExteriorFloors" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreas" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FootprintShape" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Foundations" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OccupancyClassification" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OccupancyLevels" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OriginalOccupancyClassification" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Roofs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Sides" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZones" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TypicalOccupantUsages" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FloorArea" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ExcludedSectionIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreaCustomName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreaPercentage" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreaType" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreaValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:Story" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Common", "Conditioned", "Gross", or "Tenant" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Assembly-Arcade or casino without lodging", "Assembly-Convention center", "Assembly-Cultural entertainment", "Assembly-Indoor arena", "Assembly-Public", "Assembly-Race track", "Assembly-Religious", "Assembly-Social entertainment", "Assembly-Stadium", "Assembly-Stadium (closed)", "Assembly-Stadium (open)", "Bank", "Bar", "Bar-Nightclub", "Convenience store", "Courthouse", "Data center", "Education", "Education-Adult", "Education-Higher", "Education-Preschool or daycare", "Education-Primary", "Education-Vocational", "Energy generation plant", "Food sales", "Food sales-Grocery store", "Food service", "Food service-Fast", "Food service-Full", "Gas station", "Health care", "Health care-Inpatient hospital", "Health care-Outpatient facility", "Health care-Outpatient non-diagnostic", "Health care-Outpatient rehabilitation", "Health care-Outpatient surgical", "Health care-Skilled nursing facility", "Health care-Veterinary", "Industrial manufacturing plant", "Laboratory", "Lodging", "Lodging with extended amenities", "Lodging-Barracks", "Lodging-Institutional", "Media center", "Mixed-use commercial", "Multifamily", "Non-office work area", "Office", "Office-Financial", "Other", "Parking", "Public safety station", "Public safety station-Fire", "Public safety station-Police", "Public safety-Correctional facility", "Recreation", "Recreation-Bowling alley", "Recreation-Fitness center", "Recreation-Ice rink", "Recreation-Pool", "Recreation-Roller rink", "Residential", "Retail", "Retail-Automobile dealership", "Retail-Enclosed mall", "Retail-Hypermarket", "Retail-Mall", "Retail-Strip mall", "Science park", "Service", "Service-Beauty and health", "Service-Postal", "Service-Repair", "Shipping and receiving", "Sport play area", "Stage", "Transportation terminal", "Utility", "Vivarium", "Warehouse-Refrigerated", "Warehouse-Self-storage", "Warehouse-Unrefrigerated", "Water treatment-Drinking water and distribution", "Water treatment-Wastewater", or "Zoo" element "auc:OccupancyLevel" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OccupantQuantity" is REQUIRED element "auc:OccupantQuantityType" is REQUIRED element "auc:OccupantType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Peak total occupants" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Assembly-Arcade or casino without lodging", "Assembly-Convention center", "Assembly-Cultural entertainment", "Assembly-Indoor arena", "Assembly-Public", "Assembly-Race track", "Assembly-Religious", "Assembly-Social entertainment", "Assembly-Stadium", "Assembly-Stadium (closed)", "Assembly-Stadium (open)", "Bank", "Bar", "Bar-Nightclub", "Convenience store", "Courthouse", "Data center", "Education", "Education-Adult", "Education-Higher", "Education-Preschool or daycare", "Education-Primary", "Education-Vocational", "Energy generation plant", "Food sales", "Food sales-Grocery store", "Food service", "Food service-Fast", "Food service-Full", "Gas station", "Health care", "Health care-Inpatient hospital", "Health care-Outpatient facility", "Health care-Outpatient non-diagnostic", "Health care-Outpatient rehabilitation", "Health care-Outpatient surgical", "Health care-Skilled nursing facility", "Health care-Veterinary", "Industrial manufacturing plant", "Laboratory", "Lodging", "Lodging with extended amenities", "Lodging-Barracks", "Lodging-Institutional", "Media center", "Mixed-use commercial", "Multifamily", "Non-office work area", "Office", "Office-Financial", "Other", "Parking", "Public safety station", "Public safety station-Fire", "Public safety station-Police", "Public safety-Correctional facility", "Recreation", "Recreation-Bowling alley", "Recreation-Fitness center", "Recreation-Ice rink", "Recreation-Pool", "Recreation-Roller rink", "Residential", "Retail", "Retail-Automobile dealership", "Retail-Enclosed mall", "Retail-Hypermarket", "Retail-Mall", "Retail-Strip mall", "Science park", "Service", "Service-Beauty and health", "Service-Postal", "Service-Repair", "Shipping and receiving", "Sport play area", "Stage", "Transportation terminal", "Utility", "Vivarium", "Warehouse-Refrigerated", "Warehouse-Self-storage", "Warehouse-Unrefrigerated", "Water treatment-Drinking water and distribution", "Water treatment-Wastewater", or "Zoo" element "auc:ThermalZone" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:ACAdjusted" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DeliveryIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HVACScheduleIDs" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HeatLowered" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PremisesName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SetbackTemperatureHeating" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SetpointTemperatureCooling" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SetpointTemperatureHeating" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SetupTemperatureCooling" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Spaces" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HVACScheduleID" is OPTIONAL element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number element "auc:TypicalOccupantUsage" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TypicalOccupantUsageUnits" is REQUIRED element "auc:TypicalOccupantUsageValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Hours per week" or "Weeks per year" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Floor Area For Gross Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Miscellaneous Electric Load Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Miscellaneous Electric Load']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Occupancy Classification Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Percentage Dwellings Occupied Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Percentage Dwellings Occupied']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Principal HVAC System Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Principal Lighting System Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Quantity Of Computers']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Quantity Of Dwellings']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Quantity of Dwellings Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Section Notes For Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Floor Area For Gross Is Not Applicable", "Miscellaneous Electric Load", "Miscellaneous Electric Load Is Not Applicable", "Occupancy Classification Is Not Applicable", "Percentage Dwellings Occupied", "Percentage Dwellings Occupied Is Not Applicable", "Principal HVAC System Type", "Principal Lighting System Type", "Quantity Of Computers", "Quantity Of Dwellings", "Quantity Of Dwellings Is Not Applicable", or "Section Notes For Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and MUST be less than or equal to 100 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Chilled Beam", "Dedicated Outdoor Air System", "Four Pipe Fan Coil Unit", "Ground Source Heat Pump", "Other", "Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioner", "Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump", "Packaged Rooftop VAV with Electric Reheat", "Packaged Rooftop VAV with Hot Water Reheat", "Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner", "Packaged Terminal Heat Pump", "VAV with Electric Reheat", "VAV with Hot Water Reheat", "VRF Terminal Unit", "Ventilation Only", "Warm Air Furnace", or "Water Loop Heat Pump" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Compact Fluorescent", "T5", "T5HO", "T8", "Super T8", "T12", "T12HO", "Halogen", "Sodium Vapor High Pressure", "Incandescent", "LED", "Mercury Vapor", or "Metal Halide" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "auc:ExteriorFloors" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FootprintShape" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Foundations" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OccupancyClassification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OccupancyLevels" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OriginalOccupancyClassification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Roofs" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Sides" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ThermalZones" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TypicalOccupantUsages" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorFloor" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ExteriorFloorID" is OPTIONAL element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:ExteriorFloorArea" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SpaceIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZoneIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "L-Shape", "O-Shape", "Rectangular", "T-Shape", or "U-Shape" element "auc:Foundation" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FoundationID" is OPTIONAL element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FoundationArea" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SpaceIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZoneIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Roof" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RoofID" is OPTIONAL element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:RoofArea" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofCondition" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RoofInsulatedArea" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SkylightIDs" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Average", "Excellent", "Good", or "Poor" element "auc:SkylightID" is OPTIONAL element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:PercentSkylightArea" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Side" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DoorID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DoorIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SideLength" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SideNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZoneIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WallIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WindowID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WindowIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FenestrationArea" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:WallArea" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FenestrationArea" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PercentOfWindowAreaShaded" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WindowToWallRatio" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Alternative Roof Surface Construction Method Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Alternative Roof Surface Construction Method']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Building Status Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Calculate Annual Energy Use Summary']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Direct metering Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Direct metering']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter with sub metering Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter with sub metering']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter without sub metering Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter without sub metering']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Direct metering Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Direct metering']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter with sub metering Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter with sub metering']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter without sub metering Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter without sub metering']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Conditioned Floors Above Grade Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Conditioned Floors Below Grade Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Demising Above Grade Wall Area']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Floor Area For Cooled only Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Floor Area For Gross Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Floor Area For Heated and Cooled Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Floor Area For Heated only Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Multi Tenant Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Multi Tenant']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Number Of Facilities On Site Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Generation Operation Average Annual Hours Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Generation Operation Average Annual Hours']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Generation System Capacity']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Generation System For Fuel cell Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Generation System For Microturbine Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Generation System For PV Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Generation System For Reciprocating engine Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Generation System For Turbine Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Generation System For Wind Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Generation System Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Generation System']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Renewable Peak Generating Capacity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Renewable Peak Generating Capacity']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Renewable System For Solar Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Renewable System Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Onsite Renewable System']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Energy Generation Technology Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Energy Generation Technology']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Percentage Onsite Generation Peak Generating Capacity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Percentage Onsite Generation Peak Generating Capacity']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Percentage Skylight Area']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Percentage Terrace Area']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Premises Identifier For Atlanta Building ID Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Premises Identifier For City Custom Building ID Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Premises Identifier For Portfolio Manager Building ID Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Premises Notes For Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Premises Notes For Shared Metering Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Premises Notes For Space functions For Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Premises Notes For Tenant Metering Configurations For Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Premises Notes Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Direct metering Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Direct metering']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter with sub metering Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter with sub metering']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter without sub metering Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter without sub metering']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Direct metering Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Direct metering']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter with sub metering Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter with sub metering']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter without sub metering Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter without sub metering']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Retrocommissioning Date Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Roof Area']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Chilled water Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Chilled water']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Fuel oil Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Fuel oil']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Heating Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Heating']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Meter For District steam Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Meter For District steam']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Meter For Electricity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Meter For Electricity']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Meter For Natural gas Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Meter For Natural gas']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Meters For Multiple buildings on a single lot Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Meters For Multiple buildings on a single lot']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Meters For Multiple buildings on multiple lots Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Meters For Multiple buildings on multiple lots']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Spaces Excluded From Gross Floor Area Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Terrace R Value Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Terrace R Value']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Validate 100% Lighting Status Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Validate 100% Lighting Status']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Year Of Last Energy Audit Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Year Of Last Major Remodel Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Alternative Roof Surface Construction Method", "Alternative Roof Surface Construction Method Is Not Applicable", "Building Status Type", "Calculate Annual Energy Use Summary", "Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Direct metering", "Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Direct metering Is Not Applicable", "Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter with sub metering", "Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter with sub metering Is Not Applicable", "Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter without sub metering", "Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter without sub metering Is Not Applicable", "Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Direct metering", "Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Direct metering Is Not Applicable", "Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter with sub metering", "Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter with sub metering Is Not Applicable", "Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter without sub metering", "Commercial Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter without sub metering Is Not Applicable", "Conditioned Floors Above Grade Is Not Applicable", "Conditioned Floors Below Grade Is Not Applicable", "Floor Area For Cooled only Is Not Applicable", "Floor Area For Gross Is Not Applicable", "Floor Area For Heated only Is Not Applicable", "Floor Area For Heated and Cooled Is Not Applicable", "Demising Above Grade Wall Area", "Metering Year Start Dates", "Multi Tenant", "Multi Tenant Is Not Applicable", "Number Of Facilities On Site Is Not Applicable", "Onsite Generation Operation Average Annual Hours", "Onsite Generation Operation Average Annual Hours Is Not Applicable", "Onsite Generation System", "Onsite Generation System Capacity", "Onsite Generation System For Fuel cell Is Not Applicable", "Onsite Generation System For Microturbine Is Not Applicable", "Onsite Generation System For PV Is Not Applicable", "Onsite Generation System For Reciprocating engine Is Not Applicable", "Onsite Generation System For Turbine Is Not Applicable", "Onsite Generation System For Wind Is Not Applicable", "Onsite Generation System Is Not Applicable", "Onsite Renewable Peak Generating Capacity", "Onsite Renewable Peak Generating Capacity Is Not Applicable", "Onsite Renewable System", "Onsite Renewable System For Solar Is Not Applicable", "Onsite Renewable System Is Not Applicable", "Other Energy Generation Technology", "Other Energy Generation Technology Is Not Applicable", "Percentage Onsite Generation Peak Generating Capacity", "Percentage Onsite Generation Peak Generating Capacity Is Not Applicable", "Percentage Skylight Area", "Percentage Terrace Area", "Premises Identifier For Atlanta Building ID Is Not Applicable", "Premises Identifier For City Custom Building ID Is Not Applicable", "Premises Identifier For Portfolio Manager Building ID Is Not Applicable", "Premises Notes For Not Applicable", "Premises Notes For Shared Metering Not Applicable", "Premises Notes For Space functions For Not Applicable", "Premises Notes For Tenant Metering Configuration For Not Applicable", "Premises Notes Is Not Applicable", "Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Direct metering", "Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Direct metering Is Not Applicable", "Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter with sub metering", "Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter with sub metering Is Not Applicable", "Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter without sub metering", "Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Electricity Is Master meter without sub metering Is Not Applicable", "Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Direct metering", "Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Direct metering Is Not Applicable", "Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter with sub metering", "Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter with sub metering Is Not Applicable", "Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter without sub metering", "Residential Tenant Metering Configuration For Natural gas Is Master meter without sub metering Is Not Applicable", "Retrocommissioning Date Is Not Applicable", "Roof Area", "Shared Chilled water", "Shared Chilled water Is Not Applicable", "Shared Fuel oil", "Shared Fuel oil Is Not Applicable", "Shared Heating", "Shared Heating Is Not Applicable", "Shared Meter For District steam", "Shared Meter For District steam Is Not Applicable", "Shared Meter For Electricity", "Shared Meter For Electricity Is Not Applicable", "Shared Meters For Multiple buildings on a single lot", "Shared Meters For Multiple buildings on a single lot Is Not Applicable", "Shared Meters For Multiple buildings on multiple lots", "Shared Meters For Multiple buildings on multiple lots Is Not Applicable", "Shared Meter For Natural gas", "Shared Meter For Natural gas Is Not Applicable", "Spaces Excluded From Gross Floor Area", "Spaces Excluded From Gross Floor Area Is Not Applicable", "Terrace R Value", "Terrace R Value Is Not Applicable", "Validate 100% Lighting Status", "Validate 100% Lighting Status Is Not Applicable", "Year Of Last Energy Audit Is Not Applicable", or "Year Of Last Major Remodel Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Editing", "Rated", "Running", or "Submitted" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": 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"false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and MUST be less than or equal to 100 text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and MUST be less than or equal to 100 text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and MUST be less than or equal to 100 text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 element "auc:PremisesIdentifier" is REQUIRED element "auc:PremisesIdentifier[(auc:IdentifierLabel/text() = 'Custom') and (auc:IdentifierCustomName/text() = 'Borough')]/auc:IdentifierValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:PremisesIdentifier[(auc:IdentifierLabel/text() = 'Custom') and (auc:IdentifierCustomName/text() = 'Tax Block')]/auc:IdentifierValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:PremisesIdentifier[(auc:IdentifierLabel/text() = 'Custom') and (auc:IdentifierCustomName/text() = 'Tax Lot')]/auc:IdentifierValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:IdentifierCustomName" is REQUIRED element "auc:IdentifierLabel" is REQUIRED element "auc:IdentifierValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Borough", "Tax Block", or "Tax Lot" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Custom" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Bronx", "Brooklyn", "Manhattan", "Staten Island", or "Queens" element "auc:PremisesName" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PremisesName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AirInfiltrationSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CeilingSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ConveyanceSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CookingSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CriticalITSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DishwasherSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DomesticHotWaterSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ExteriorFloorSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FanSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FenestrationSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FoundationSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HVACSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HeatRecoverySystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LaundrySystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LightingSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:MotorSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OnsiteStorageTransmissionGenerationSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PlugLoads" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Pools" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ProcessLoads" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PumpSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RefrigerationSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WallSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WaterInfiltrationSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterUses" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AirInfiltrationSystem" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AirInfiltrationValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AirInfiltrationValueUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Tightness" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Average", "Leaky", "Tight", "Very Leaky", or "Very Tight" element "auc:ConveyanceSystem" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ConveyanceSystem[auc:ConveyanceSystemType = 'Elevator']" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Controls" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ConveyanceLoadType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ConveyancePeakPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ConveyanceStandbyPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ConveyanceSystemCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ConveyanceSystemType" is REQUIRED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Location" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Elevator" element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSectionID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is OPTIONAL element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Elevator Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Elevator Type" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Hydraulic" or "Traction" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 element "auc:CriticalITSystem" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CriticalITSystem[(auc:ITSystemType/text() = 'Other') and (auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Occupancy Classification']/auc:FieldValue/text() = 'TV studio')]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CriticalITSystem[(auc:ITSystemType/text() = 'Other') and (auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Occupancy Classification']/auc:FieldValue/text() = 'Trading floor')]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CriticalITSystem[auc:ITSystemType/text() = 'Server']" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CriticalITSystem[auc:ITSystemType/text() = 'UPS']" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Controls" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ITNominalPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ITStandbyPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ITSystemType" is REQUIRED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Location" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other", "Server", or "UPS" element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ITPeakPower" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ITSystemType" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is REQUIRED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Gross Floor Area Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Gross Floor Area']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'IT Peak Power Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Occupancy Classification']/auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Gross Floor Area", "Gross Floor Area Is Not Applicable", "IT Peak Power Is Not Applicable", or "Occupancy Classification" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "TV studio" element "auc:ITPeakPower" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ITSystemType" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is REQUIRED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Gross 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RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Server" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Gross Floor Area Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Gross Floor Area']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'IT Peak Power Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Metering Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Metering']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Occupancy Classification']/auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Power Usage Effectiveness Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Power Usage Effectiveness']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Gross Floor Area", "Gross Floor Area Is Not Applicable", "IT Peak Power Is Not Applicable", "Metering", "Metering Is Not Applicable", "Occupancy Classification", "Power Usage Effectiveness", or "Power Usage Effectiveness Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Data center" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:ITPeakPower" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ITSystemType" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is REQUIRED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "UPS" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'IT Peak Power Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Occupancy Classification']/auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "IT Peak Power Is Not Applicable" or "Occupancy Classification" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Data center" element "auc:DomesticHotWaterSystem" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Capacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CapacityUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Controls" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DailyHotWaterDraw" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DomesticHotWaterSystemCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DomesticHotWaterSystemNotes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DomesticHotWaterType" is REQUIRED element "auc:HotWaterDistributionType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HotWaterSetpointTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Location" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ParasiticFuelConsumptionRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Recirculation" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WaterHeaterEfficiency" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WaterHeaterEfficiencyType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearInstalled" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Control" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AdvancedPowerStrip" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manual" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Occupancy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlTechnology" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Thermostat" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Timer" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ControlStrategy" is REQUIRED element "auc:ControlSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlStrategyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlTechnologyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Demand", "EMCS", "None", or "Other" element "auc:ControlStrategy" is REQUIRED element "auc:ControlSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlStrategyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Aquastat" element "auc:ControlStrategy" is REQUIRED element "auc:ControlSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlStrategyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Chronological" element "auc:HeatExchanger" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Instantaneous" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Other" is OPTIONAL element "auc:StorageTank" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Unknown" is OPTIONAL element "auc:InstantaneousWaterHeatingSource" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Combustion" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ElectricResistanceType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Unknown" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CondensingOperation" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DraftBoundary" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DraftType" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Condensing", "Near-Condensing", or "Other" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Direct" or "Indirect" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Mechanical forced", "Natural", "Other", "Unknown", or "Unknown" element "auc:OffCycleHeatLossCoefficient" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RecoveryEfficiency" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:StorageTankInsulationRValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:StorageTankInsulationThickness" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TankHeatingType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TankHeight" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TankPerimeter" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TankVolume" is OPTIONAL element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:Direct" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Indirect" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Unknown" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DirectTankHeatingSource" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Combustion" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ElectricResistance" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Unknown" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CondensingOperation" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DraftBoundary" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DraftType" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Condensing", "Near-Condensing", or "Other" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Mechanical forced", "Natural", "Other", "Unknown", or "Unknown" element "auc:IndirectTankHeatingSource" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HeatPump" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Solar" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SpaceHeatingSystem" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Unknown" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HPWHMinimumAirTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RatedHeatPumpSensibleHeatRatio" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Refrigerant" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Controls" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Location" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SolarThermalSystemCollectorArea" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SolarThermalSystemCollectorAzimuth" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SolarThermalSystemCollectorLoopType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SolarThermalSystemCollectorTilt" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SolarThermalSystemCollectorType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SolarThermalSystemStorageVolume" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SolarThermalSystemType" is REQUIRED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Hot water" element "auc:HeatingPlantID" is OPTIONAL element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Distributed" or "Looped" element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSectionID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is OPTIONAL element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorArea" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ExcludedSectionIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreaCustomName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreaPercentage" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreaType" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreaValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Story" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and MUST be less than or equal to 100 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Common", "Gross", or "Tenant" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Attic", "Closet", "Exterior", "Garage", "Interior", "Mechanical Floor", "Mechanical Room", "Other", "Penthouse", "Roof", or "Unknown" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Draft Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Heating Plant ID Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Hot Water Distribution Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Location Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Primary Fuel Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Storage Tank Insulation R Value Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Storage Tank Insulation Thickness Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Tank Volume Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Water Heater Efficiency Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Water Heater Efficiency Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Year Installed Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Draft Type Is Not Applicable", "Heating Plant ID Is Not Applicable", "Hot Water Distribution Type Is Not Applicable", "Location Is Not Applicable", "Primary Fuel Is Not Applicable", "Storage Tank Insulation R Value Is Not Applicable", "Storage Tank Insulation Thickness Is Not Applicable", "Tank Volume Is Not Applicable", "Water Heater Efficiency Is Not Applicable", "Water Heater Efficiency Type Is Not Applicable", or "Year Installed Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "AFUE", "COP", "Energy Factor", or "Thermal Efficiency" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 element "auc:ExteriorFloorSystem" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorFloorColor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorFloorConstruction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorFloorExteriorSolarAbsorptance" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorFloorExteriorThermalAbsorptance" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorFloorFinish" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorFloorFramingDepth" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorFloorFramingFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorFloorFramingMaterial" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ExteriorFloorFramingSpacing" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorFloorRValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ExteriorFloorUFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorRoughness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InteriorVisibleAbsorptance" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Concrete", "Steel", or "Wood" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:FanSystem" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BeltType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Controls" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DesignStaticPressure" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FanApplication" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FanControlType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FanEfficiency" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FanPlacement" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FanPowerMinimumRatio" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FanSize" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FanType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InstalledFlowRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSystemIDs" is REQUIRED element "auc:Location" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MaximumFanPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MinimumFlowRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MotorLocationRelativeToAirStream" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NumberOfDiscreteFanSpeedsCooling" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NumberOfDiscreteFanSpeedsHeating" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Constant Volume" or "Variable Volume" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:LinkedSystemID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FenestrationSystem" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FenestrationSystem[auc:FenestrationType/auc:Door]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FenestrationSystem[auc:FenestrationType/auc:Skylight]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FenestrationSystem[auc:FenestrationType/auc:Window]" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FenestrationType" is REQUIRED element "auc:Door" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Skylight" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Window" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FenestrationFrameMaterial" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FenestrationGasFill" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FenestrationGlassLayers" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FenestrationOperation" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FenestrationRValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FenestrationType" is REQUIRED element "auc:FenestrationUFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:GlassType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SolarHeatGainCoefficient" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TightnessFitCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:VisibleTransmittance" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Weatherstripped" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Door" is REQUIRED element "auc:DoorGlazedAreaFraction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DoorOperation" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorDoorType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Vestibule" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Hollow wood", "Insulated metal", "Other", "Solid wood", or "Uninsulated metal" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Exterior Door Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other Exterior Door Type" element "auc:FenestrationFrameMaterial" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FenestrationGasFill" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FenestrationGlassLayers" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FenestrationOperation" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FenestrationRValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FenestrationType" is REQUIRED element "auc:FenestrationUFactor" is OPTIONAL element "auc:GlassType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SolarHeatGainCoefficient" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TightnessFitCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:VisibleTransmittance" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Weatherstripped" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Skylight" is REQUIRED element "auc:AssemblyPitch" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SkylightLayout" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SkylightPitch" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SkylightSolarTube" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SkylightWindowTreatments" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other" or "Plastic" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:FenestrationFrameMaterial" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FenestrationGasFill" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FenestrationGlassLayers" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FenestrationOperation" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FenestrationRValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FenestrationType" is REQUIRED element "auc:FenestrationUFactor" is OPTIONAL element "auc:GlassType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SolarHeatGainCoefficient" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:TightnessFitCondition" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:VisibleTransmittance" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Weatherstripped" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Aluminum no thermal break", "Aluminum thermal break", "Other", or "Vinyl" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Air" or "Other Insulating Gas" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Double pane", "Single pane", or "Triple pane" element "auc:Window" is REQUIRED element "auc:AssemblyType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DistanceBetweenVerticalFins" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorShadingType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InteriorShadingType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LightShelves" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OverhangHeightAboveWindow" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OverhangProjection" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:VerticalEdgeFinOnly" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:VerticalFinDepth" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WindowHeight" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WindowHorizontalSpacing" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WindowLayout" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WindowOrientation" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WindowSillHeight" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WindowWidth" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Clear uncoated" or "Low e" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Average", "Leaky", "Tight", "Very Leaky", or "Very Tight" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:FoundationSystem" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FoundationSystem[auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Linked Wall ID']]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FoundationSystem[not(auc:UserDefinedFields/auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Linked Wall ID'])]" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorConstructionType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorCovering" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PlumbingPenetrationSealing" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:GroundCouplings" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:GroundCoupling" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Basement" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Crawlspace" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabOnGrade" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Unknown" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BasementConditioning" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationHeightAboveGrade" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallConstruction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallInsulationCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallInsulationContinuity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallInsulationThickness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallRValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FoundationWallUFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabArea" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabExposedPerimeter" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabHeating" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabInsulationCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabInsulationOrientation" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabInsulationThickness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabPerimeter" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Foundation Wall R Value Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Linked Wall ID']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Foundation Wall R Value Is Not Applicable" or "Linked Wall ID" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "auc:GroundCouplings" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:GroundCoupling" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Basement" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Crawlspace" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Other" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SlabOnGrade" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Unknown" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BasementConditioning" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationHeightAboveGrade" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallConstruction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallInsulationCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallInsulationContinuity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallInsulationThickness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallRValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FoundationWallUFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabArea" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabExposedPerimeter" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabHeating" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabInsulationCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabInsulationOrientation" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabInsulationThickness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabPerimeter" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:CrawlspaceVenting" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Unknown" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Unventilated" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Ventilated" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FoundationHeightAboveGrade" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallConstruction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallInsulationCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallInsulationContinuity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallInsulationThickness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FoundationWallRValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FoundationWallUFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:FloorFramingDepth" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorFramingFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorFramingSpacing" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorInsulationCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorInsulationThickness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorRValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FloorUFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:SlabArea" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabExposedPerimeter" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabHeating" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabInsulationCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabInsulationOrientation" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabInsulationThickness" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SlabPerimeter" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SlabRValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SlabUFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Foundation Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Slab Insulation Thickness Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other Foundation Type" or "Slab Insulation Thickness Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "auc:HVACSystem" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HVACSystem[auc:Plants]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HVACSystem[not(auc:Plants)]" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DuctSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FrequencyOfMaintenance" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Location" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrincipalHVACSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Priority" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HVACControlSystemTypes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatingAndCoolingSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:OtherHVACSystems" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Plants" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PrimaryHVACSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Building" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSiteID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CondenserPlants" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CoolingPlants" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HeatingPlants" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CondenserPlant" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "auc:AirCooled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BuildingAutomationSystem" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CondenserPlantCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ControlSystemTypes" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:GlycolCooledDryCooler" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:GroundSource" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Location" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Unknown" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WaterCooled" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Capacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CapacityUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CondenserWaterTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CondensingTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:GroundSourceType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WaterCooledCondenserFlowControl" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WaterSideEconomizer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WellCount" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Fixed Flow" or "Variable Flow" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Condenser Plant Name']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Cooling Tower Fan Control Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Resource Site ID']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Water Cooled Condenser Flow Control Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Condenser Plant Name", "Cooling Tower Fan Control Is Not Applicable", "Shared Resource Site ID", or "Water Cooled Condenser Flow Control Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "auc:Capacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CapacityUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CellCount" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CondenserWaterTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CondensingTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CoolingTowerCellControl" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CoolingTowerFanControl" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CoolingTowerTemperatureControl" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WaterCooledCondenserFlowControl" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WaterCooledCondenserType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WaterSideEconomizer" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Single Speed" or "Variable Speed" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Fixed Flow" or "Variable Flow" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Cooling tower" element "auc:CoolingPlant" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BuildingAutomationSystem" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Chiller" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ControlSystemTypes" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CoolingPlantCondition" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DistrictChilledWater" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Location" is OPTIONAL element "auc:NoCooling" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherCombination" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Unknown" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearInstalled" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AbsorptionHeatSource" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AbsorptionStages" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ActiveDehumidification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualCoolingEfficiencyUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualCoolingEfficiencyValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Capacity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CapacityUnits" is REQUIRED element "auc:ChilledWaterResetControl" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ChilledWaterSupplyTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ChillerCompressorDriver" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ChillerCompressorType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ChillerType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CompressorStaging" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CondenserPlantIDs" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CoolingStageCapacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MinimumPartLoadRatio" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NumberOfDiscreteCoolingStages" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PartLoadRatioBelowWhichHotGasBypassOperates" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RatedCoolingSensibleHeatRatio" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Refrigerant" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RefrigerantChargeFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Double effect" or "Single effect" text "": element "text()" MUST be "COP", "EER", "kW/ton", or "SEER" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "kBtu/hr" text "": element "text()" MUST be "None" or "Other" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Electric Motor", "Gas Turbine", or "Steam" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Centrifugal", "Reciprocating", "Screw", or "Scroll" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Absorption" or "Vapor compression" element "auc:CondenserPlantID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to 1, and MUST be less than or equal to 2 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:ControlSystemType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Analog" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Digital" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Pneumatic" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CommunicationProtocol" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Average", "Excellent", "Good", or "Poor" element "auc:ActiveDehumidification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualCoolingEfficiencyUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualCoolingEfficiencyValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Capacity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CapacityUnits" is REQUIRED element "auc:ChilledWaterSupplyTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RatedCoolingSensibleHeatRatio" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "COP", "EER", "kW/ton", or "SEER" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "kBtu/hr" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Attic", "Closet", "Exterior", "Garage", "Interior", "Mechanical Floor", "Mechanical Room", "Other", "Penthouse", "Roof", or "Unknown" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Annual Cooling Efficiency Units Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Annual Cooling Efficiency Value Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Building Automation System Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Capacity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Chilled Water Reset Control Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Chiller Compressor Driver Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Condenser Plant ID Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Condenser Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Condenser Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Control System Type For Digital Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Control System Type For Pneumatic Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Cooling Plant Condition Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Cooling Plant Name']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Cooling Plant Notes Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Cooling Plant Notes']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Location Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Quantity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Resource Site ID']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Year Installed Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Annual Cooling Efficiency Units Is Not Applicable", "Annual Cooling Efficiency Value Is Not Applicable", "Building Automation System Is Not Applicable", "Capacity Is Not Applicable", "Chilled Water Reset Control Is Not Applicable", "Chiller Compressor Driver Is Not Applicable", "Cooling Plant Condition Is Not Applicable", "Cooling Plant Name", "Cooling Plant Notes", "Cooling Plant Notes Is Not Applicable", "Condenser Plant ID Is Not Applicable", "Condenser Type", "Condenser Type Is Not Applicable", "Control System Type For Digital Is Not Applicable", "Control System Type For Pneumatic Is Not Applicable", "Location Is Not Applicable", "Quantity Is Not Applicable", "Shared Resource Site ID", or "Year Installed Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Air Cooled" or "Water Cooled" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 element "auc:HeatingPlant" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Boiler" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BuildingAutomationSystem" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ControlSystemTypes" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DistrictHeating" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HeatingPlantCondition" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Location" is OPTIONAL element "auc:NoHeating" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherCombination" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SolarThermal" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Unknown" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearInstalled" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualHeatingEfficiencyUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualHeatingEfficiencyValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BoilerEWT" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BoilerInsulationRValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BoilerInsulationThickness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BoilerLWT" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BoilerPercentCondensateReturn" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BoilerType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BurnerControlType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BurnerQuantity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BurnerTurndownRatio" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BurnerType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BurnerYearInstalled" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Capacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CapacityUnits" is REQUIRED element "auc:CombustionEfficiency" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CondensingOperation" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DraftBoundary" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DraftType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HeatingStageCapacityFraction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatingStaging" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HotWaterBoilerMaximumFlowRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HotWaterBoilerMinimumFlowRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HotWaterResetControl" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IgnitionType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InputCapacity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:NumberOfHeatingStages" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OutputCapacity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Priority" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SteamBoilerMaximumOperatingPressure" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SteamBoilerMinimumOperatingPressure" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalEfficiency" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "AFUE", "COP", "HSPF", or "Thermal Efficiency" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Hot water" or "Steam" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Full Modulation Automatic", "Full Modulation Manual", "High Low", "On Off", "Step Modulation", or "Unknown" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 text "": element "text()" MUST be "kBtu/hr" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Condensing", "Near-Condensing", or "Other" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Mechanical forced", "Natural", "Other", "Unknown", or "Unknown" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:ControlSystemType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Analog" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Digital" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Pneumatic" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CommunicationProtocol" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingEfficiencyUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualHeatingEfficiencyValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BoilerLWT" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Capacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CapacityUnits" is REQUIRED element "auc:DistrictHeatingType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HotWaterBoilerMaximumFlowRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OutputCapacity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Quantity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SteamBoilerMaximumOperatingPressure" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SteamBoilerMinimumOperatingPressure" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "AFUE", "COP", "HSPF", or "Thermal Efficiency" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "kBtu/hr" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Direct steam" or "Hot water" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Average", "Excellent", "Good", or "Poor" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Attic", "Closet", "Exterior", "Garage", "Interior", "Mechanical Floor", "Mechanical Room", "Other", "Penthouse", "Roof", or "Unknown" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Annual Heating Efficiency Units Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Annual Heating Efficiency Value Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Building Automation System Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Burner Control Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Burner Quantity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Burner Year Installed Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Control System Type For Digital Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Control System Type For Pneumatic Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Draft Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Heating Plant Condition Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Heating Plant Name']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Heating Plant Notes Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Heating Plant Notes']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Input Capacity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Location Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Output Capacity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Quantity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Shared Resource Site ID']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Year Installed Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Annual Heating Efficiency Units Is Not Applicable", "Annual Heating Efficiency Value Is Not Applicable", "Building Automation System Is Not Applicable", "Burner Control Type Is Not Applicable", "Burner Quantity Is Not Applicable", "Burner Year Installed Is Not Applicable", "Control System Type For Digital Is Not Applicable", "Control System Type For Pneumatic Is Not Applicable", "Draft Type Is Not Applicable", "Heating Plant Condition Is Not Applicable", "Heating Plant Name", "Heating Plant Notes", "Heating Plant Notes Is Not Applicable", "Input Capacity Is Not Applicable", "Location Is Not Applicable", "Output Capacity Is Not Applicable", "Quantity Is Not Applicable", "Shared Resource Site ID", or "Year Installed Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 element "auc:HVACControlSystemTypes" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HeatingAndCoolingSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:OtherHVACSystems" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Plants" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryHVACSystemType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HVACControlSystemType" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Digital" or "Pneumatic" element "auc:CoolingSources" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Deliveries" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HeatingSources" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ZoningSystemType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CoolingSource" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualCoolingEfficiencyUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualCoolingEfficiencyValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Capacity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CapacityUnits" is REQUIRED element "auc:Controls" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CoolingMedium" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CoolingSourceCondition" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CoolingSourceType" is REQUIRED element "auc:CoolingStageCapacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Location" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MinimumPartLoadRatio" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NumberOfDiscreteCoolingStages" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Quantity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RatedCoolingSensibleHeatRatio" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearInstalled" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "COP", "EER", "kW/ton", or "SEER" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "kBtu/hr" element "auc:Control" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AdvancedPowerStrip" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manual" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Occupancy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlTechnology" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Thermostat" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Timer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ControlStrategy" is REQUIRED element "auc:ControlSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlStrategyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlTechnologyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "None" element "auc:ControlStrategy" is REQUIRED element "auc:ControlSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlStrategyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Manual" or "Programmable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Average", "Excellent", "Good", or "Poor" element "auc:CoolingPlantID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DX" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EvaporativeCooler" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NoCooling" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OtherCombination" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Unknown" is OPTIONAL element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:ActiveDehumidification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CompressorStaging" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CompressorType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CondenserPlantIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DXSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Refrigerant" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RefrigerantChargeFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Attic", "Closet", "Exterior", "Garage", "Interior", "Mechanical Floor", "Mechanical Room", "Other", "Penthouse", "Roof", or "Unknown" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Annual Cooling Efficiency Units Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Annual Cooling Efficiency Value Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Capacity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Cooling Plant ID Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Cooling Source Condition Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Cooling Source Notes Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Cooling Source Notes']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Location Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Primary Fuel Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Quantity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Year Installed Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Annual Cooling Efficiency Units Is Not Applicable", "Annual Cooling Efficiency Value Is Not Applicable", "Capacity Is Not Applicable", "Cooling Plant ID Is Not Applicable", "Cooling Source Condition Is Not Applicable", "Cooling Source Notes", "Cooling Source Notes Is Not Applicable", "Location Is Not Applicable", "Primary Fuel Is Not Applicable", "Quantity Is Not Applicable", or "Year Installed Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 element "auc:Delivery" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Delivery[auc:DeliveryType/auc:CentralAirDistribution]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Delivery[auc:DeliveryType/auc:Other]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Delivery[auc:DeliveryType/auc:ZoneEquipment]" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Capacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CapacityUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Controls" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CoolingSourceID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DeliveryCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatingSourceID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:DeliveryType" is REQUIRED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CentralAirDistribution" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ZoneEquipment" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AirDeliveryType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FanBased" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ReheatControlMethod" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ReheatPlantID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ReheatSource" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TerminalUnit" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Central fan", "Local fan", or "Low pressure under floor" element "@IDref" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Local electric resistance", "Local gas", or "Heating plant" text "": element "text()" MUST be "CAV terminal box no reheat", "CAV terminal box with reheat", "Powered induction unit", "Uncontrolled register", "VAV terminal box not fan powered no reheat", or "VAV terminal box not fan powered with reheat" element "auc:DeliveryType" is REQUIRED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CentralAirDistribution" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ZoneEquipment" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DeliveryType" is REQUIRED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CentralAirDistribution" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ZoneEquipment" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Convection" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FanBased" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Other" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Radiant" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ConvectionType" is REQUIRED element "auc:PipeInsulationThickness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PipeLocation" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Chilled beam", "Other", or "Perimeter baseboard" element "auc:FanBasedDistributionTypeType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HeatingSupplyAirTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatingSupplyAirTemperatureControl" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OutsideAirResetMaximumCoolingSupplyTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OutsideAirResetMaximumHeatingSupplyTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OutsideAirResetMinimumCoolingSupplyTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OutsideAirResetMinimumHeatingSupplyTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OutsideAirTemperatureLowerLimitCoolingResetControl" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OutsideAirTemperatureLowerLimitHeatingResetControl" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OutsideAirTemperatureUpperLimitCoolingResetControl" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OutsideAirTemperatureUpperLimitHeatingResetControl" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:StaticPressureResetControl" is OPTIONAL element "auc:SupplyAirTemperatureResetControl" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AirSideEconomizer" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CoolingSupplyAirTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CoolingSupplyAirTemperatureControlType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FanCoil" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AirSideEconomizerType" is REQUIRED element "auc:EconomizerControl" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EconomizerDryBulbControlPoint" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EconomizerEnthalpyControlPoint" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EconomizerLowTemperatureLockout" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Dry bulb temperature" or "Enthalpy" element "auc:FanCoilType" is REQUIRED element "auc:HVACPipeConfiguration" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PipeInsulationThickness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PipeLocation" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Fan coil 2 pipe", "Fan coil 4 pipe", "Mini-split", "Other", or "VRF terminal units" element "auc:PipeInsulationThickness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PipeLocation" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RadiantType" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Radiant floor or ceiling" or "Radiator" text "": element "text()" MUST be "District hot water", "Electricity", or "Other" element "auc:HeatingSource" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:AnnualHeatingEfficiencyUnits" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AnnualHeatingEfficiencyValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Capacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CapacityUnits" is REQUIRED element "auc:Controls" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HeatingMedium" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatingSourceCondition" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HeatingSourceType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HeatingStageCapacityFraction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatingStaging" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InputCapacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Location" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NumberOfHeatingStages" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OutputCapacity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Quantity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearInstalled" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "AFUE", "COP", "HSPF", or "Thermal Efficiency" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "kBtu/hr" element "auc:Control" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AdvancedPowerStrip" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manual" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Occupancy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlTechnology" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Thermostat" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Timer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ControlStrategy" is REQUIRED element "auc:ControlSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlStrategyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlTechnologyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "None" element "auc:ControlStrategy" is REQUIRED element "auc:ControlSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlStrategyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Manual" or "Programmable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Average", "Excellent", "Good", or "Poor" element "auc:ElectricResistance" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Furnace" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HeatPump" is OPTIONAL element "auc:NoHeating" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OtherCombination" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SourceHeatingPlantID" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Unknown" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BurnerControlType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BurnerQuantity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:BurnerTurndownRatio" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BurnerType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BurnerYearInstalled" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CombustionEfficiency" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CondensingOperation" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DraftBoundary" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DraftType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FurnaceType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:IgnitionType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalEfficiency" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Full Modulation Automatic", "Full Modulation Manual", "High Low", "On Off", "Step Modulation", or "Unknown" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Condensing", "Near-Condensing", or "Other" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Mechanical forced", "Natural", "Other", "Unknown", or "Unknown" element "auc:CoolingSourceID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatPumpBackupAFUE" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatPumpBackupHeatingSwitchoverTemperature" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatPumpBackupSystemFuel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatPumpType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedHeatingPlantID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Attic", "Closet", "Exterior", "Garage", "Interior", "Mechanical Floor", "Mechanical Room", "Other", "Penthouse", "Roof", or "Unknown" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Annual Heating Efficiency Units Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Annual Heating Efficiency Value Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Burner Control Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Burner Quantity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Burner Year Installed Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Draft Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Heat Pump Sink Source Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Heat Pump Sink Source Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Heating Source Condition Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Heating Source Notes Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Heating Source Notes']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Location Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Output Capacity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Primary Fuel Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Quantity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Source Heating Plant ID Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Year Installed Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Annual Heating Efficiency Units Is Not Applicable", "Annual Heating Efficiency Value Is Not Applicable", "Burner Control Type Is Not Applicable", "Burner Quantity Is Not Applicable", "Burner Year Installed Is Not Applicable", "Draft Type Is Not Applicable", "Heat Pump Sink Source Type", "Heat Pump Sink Source Type Is Not Applicable", "Heating Source Condition Is Not Applicable", "Heating Source Notes", "Heating Source Notes Is Not Applicable", "Location Is Not Applicable", "Output Capacity Is Not Applicable", "Primary Fuel Is Not Applicable", "Quantity Is Not Applicable", "Source Heating Plant ID Is Not Applicable", or "Year Installed Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Air", "Ground", or "Water" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Multi zone" or "Single zone" element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSectionID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is OPTIONAL element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorArea" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ExcludedSectionIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreaCustomName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreaPercentage" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreaType" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreaValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Story" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and MUST be less than or equal to 100 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Common", "Gross", or "Tenant" element "auc:OtherHVACSystem" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Controls" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Integration" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedDeliveryIDs" is OPTIONAL element "auc:LinkedPremises" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Location" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherHVACSystemCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherHVACType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedDeliveryID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:AirCleaner" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Dehumidifier" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Humidifier" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MechanicalVentilation" is OPTIONAL element "auc:NaturalVentilation" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OtherCombination" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SpotExhaust" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Unknown" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Capacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CapacityUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DemandControlVentilation" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DutyCycle" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MakeupAirSourceID" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RequiredVentilationRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SystemPerformanceRatio" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:VentilationControlMethods" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:VentilationRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:VentilationType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:VentilationZoneControl" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Energy recovery ventilator", "Heat recovery ventilator", or "None" element "auc:Capacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CapacityUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DutyCycle" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NaturalVentilationMethod" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NaturalVentilationRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:VentilationControlMethods" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Chilled Beam", "Dedicated Outdoor Air System", "Four Pipe Fan Coil Unit", "Ground Source Heat Pump", "Other", "Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioner", "Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump", "Packaged Rooftop VAV with Electric Reheat", "Packaged Rooftop VAV with Hot Water Reheat", "Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner", "Packaged Terminal Heat Pump", "VAV with Electric Reheat", "VAV with Hot Water Reheat", "VRF Terminal Unit", "Ventilation Only", "Warm Air Furnace", or "Water Loop Heat Pump" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Central Distribution Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Demand Control Ventilation Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Exhaust Ventilation For Corridor Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Exhaust Ventilation For Corridor']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Exhaust Ventilation For Kitchen Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Exhaust Ventilation For Kitchen']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Exhaust Ventilation For Other Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Exhaust Ventilation For Other']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Exhaust Ventilation For Parking Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Exhaust Ventilation For Parking']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Exhaust Ventilation For Restroom Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Exhaust Ventilation For Restroom']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Minimum Air Flow Fraction Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Minimum Air Flow Fraction']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Central Distribution Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Central Distribution Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Distribution Equipment Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Distribution Equipment Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Outdoor Air Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Outdoor Air Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Packaged Terminal Equipment Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Packaged Terminal Equipment Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Static Pressure Reset Control Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Supply Air Temperature Reset Control Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Supply Ventilation For Common area Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Supply Ventilation For Common area']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Supply Ventilation For Corridor Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Supply Ventilation For Corridor']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Supply Ventilation For Other Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Supply Ventilation For Other']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Supply Ventilation For Tenant Spaces Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Supply Ventilation For Tenant Spaces']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Terminal Unit Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Ventilation System > 5 hp']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Ventilation Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Central Distribution Type", "Demand Control Ventilation Is Not Applicable", "Exhaust Ventilation For Corridor", "Exhaust Ventilation For Corridor Is Not Applicable", "Exhaust Ventilation For Kitchen", "Exhaust Ventilation For Kitchen Is Not Applicable", "Exhaust Ventilation For Other", "Exhaust Ventilation For Other Is Not Applicable", "Exhaust Ventilation For Parking", "Exhaust Ventilation For Parking Is Not Applicable", "Exhaust Ventilation For Restroom", "Exhaust Ventilation For Restroom Is Not Applicable", "Minimum Air Flow Fraction", "Minimum Air Flow Fraction Is Not Applicable", "Other Central Distribution Type", "Other Central Distribution Type Is Not Applicable", "Other Distribution Equipment Type", "Other Distribution Equipment Type Is Not Applicable", "Outdoor Air Type", "Outdoor Air Type Is Not Applicable", "Packaged Terminal Equipment Type", "Packaged Terminal Equipment Type Is Not Applicable", "Static Pressure Reset Control Is Not Applicable", "Supply Air Temperature Reset Control Is Not Applicable", "Supply Ventilation For Common area", "Supply Ventilation For Common area Is Not Applicable", "Supply Ventilation For Corridor", "Supply Ventilation For Corridor Is Not Applicable", "Supply Ventilation For Other", "Supply Ventilation For Other Is Not Applicable", "Supply Ventilation For Tenant Spaces", "Supply Ventilation For Tenant Spaces Is Not Applicable", "Terminal Unit Is Not Applicable", "Ventilation System > 5 hp", or "Ventilation Type Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Forced Air", "Hydronic", "None (unitized heating/cooling)", "One Pipe Steam", "Other (Please Specify)", "Refrigerant (VRF)", or "Two Pipe Steam" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "0.3" or "0.4" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Dedicated outdoor air system" or "None" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "PTAC/PTHP", "Through the Wall AC", or "Window AC" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "auc:LightingSystem" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BallastType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Controls" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DimmingCapability" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FixtureSpacing" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InputVoltage" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:InstallationType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:InstalledPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LampPower" is OPTIONAL element "auc:LampType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:LightingAutomationSystem" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LightingDirection" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LightingEfficacy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Location" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LuminaireHeight" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NumberOfBallastsPerLuminaire" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NumberOfLampsPerBallast" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:NumberOfLampsPerLuminaire" is OPTIONAL element "auc:NumberOfLuminaires" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OutsideLighting" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PercentPremisesServed" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RatedLampLife" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ReflectorType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WorkPlaneHeight" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Electromagnetic", "No Ballast", "Premium Electronic", or "Standard Electronic" element "auc:Control" is OPTIONAL element "auc:AdvancedPowerStrip" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Daylighting" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Manual" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Occupancy" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OtherControlTechnology" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Timer" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ControlStrategy" is REQUIRED element "auc:ControlSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlStrategyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Advanced" element "auc:ControlSensor" is REQUIRED element "auc:ControlSteps" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ControlStrategy" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ControlSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlStrategyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Photocell" element "auc:ControlStrategy" is REQUIRED element "auc:ControlSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlStrategyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Manual On/Off" element "auc:ControlSensor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ControlStrategy" is REQUIRED element "auc:ControlSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlStrategyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Occupancy Sensors" element "auc:ControlStrategy" is REQUIRED element "auc:ControlSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlStrategyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlTechnologyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "EMCS", "None", or "Other" element "auc:ControlStrategy" is REQUIRED element "auc:ControlSystemType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherControlStrategyName" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Chronological" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Plug-in", "Recessed", "Surface", or "Suspended" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:CompactFluorescent" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Halogen" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HighIntensityDischarge" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HighIntensityDischarge[auc:LampLabel/text() != 'Metal Halide']" is OPTIONAL element "auc:HighIntensityDischarge[auc:LampLabel/text() = 'Metal Halide']" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Incandescent" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Induction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinearFluorescent" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Neon" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherCombination" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Photoluminescent" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Plasma" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SelfLuminous" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:SolidStateLighting" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Unknown" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FluorescentStartType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:LampLabel" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Unknown" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Unknown" element "auc:LampLabel" is OPTIONAL element "auc:TransformerNeeded" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Unknown" element "auc:LampLabel" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Metal Halide", "Mercury Vapor", or "Sodium Vapor High Pressure" element "auc:MetalHalideStartType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MetalHalideStartType" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Unknown" element "auc:LampLabel" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Unknown" element "auc:LampLabel" is REQUIRED element "auc:lampLength" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "T5", "T5HO", "T8", "Super T8", "T12", or "T12HO" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Unknown" element "auc:LampLabel" is REQUIRED element "auc:TransformerNeeded" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "LED" element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSectionID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is OPTIONAL element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorArea" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ExcludedSectionIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreaCustomName" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FloorAreaPercentage" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FloorAreaType" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreaValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Story" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number, MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and MUST be less than or equal to 100 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Common", "Gross", or "Tenant" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'LED Application Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'LED Application Type']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Lighting System Name']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Lighting System Name", "LED Application Type", or "LED Application Type Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "A Lamp", "Candelabras", "Floodlight", "Outdoor", "PAR", "Replacement for Fluorescent Tube", or "Spotlight" element "auc:MotorSystem" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Controls" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DriveEfficiency" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:FullLoadAmps" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSystemIDs" is REQUIRED element "auc:Location" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MotorApplication" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MotorBrakeHP" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MotorEfficiency" is OPTIONAL element "auc:MotorEnclosureType" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MotorHP" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MotorPoleCount" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:MotorRPM" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSystemID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OnsiteStorageTransmissionGenerationSystem" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OnsiteStorageTransmissionGenerationSystem[auc:BackupGenerator/text() = 'false']" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OnsiteStorageTransmissionGenerationSystem[auc:BackupGenerator/text() = 'true']" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OnsiteStorageTransmissionGenerationSystem[not(auc:BackupGenerator) and (count(auc:EnergyConversionType/auc:Generation/auc:OnsiteGenerationType/auc:Other) >= 1)]" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OnsiteStorageTransmissionGenerationSystem[not(auc:BackupGenerator) and (count(auc:EnergyConversionType/auc:Generation/auc:OnsiteGenerationType/auc:PV) >= 1)]" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Controls" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:Location" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BackupGenerator" is REQUIRED element "auc:Capacity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CapacityUnits" is REQUIRED element "auc:DemandReduction" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyConversionType" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearInstalled" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "kBtu/hr" element "auc:Generation" is REQUIRED element "auc:Storage" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExternalPowerSupply" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OnsiteGenerationType" is REQUIRED element "auc:Other" is REQUIRED element "auc:PV" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherEnergyGenerationTechnology" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OutputResourceType" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Capacity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Demand Reduction Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Output Resource Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Year Installed Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Capacity Is Not Applicable", "Demand Reduction Is Not Applicable", "Output Resource Type Is Not Applicable", or "Year Installed Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 element "auc:BackupGenerator" is REQUIRED element "auc:Capacity" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CapacityUnits" is REQUIRED element "auc:DemandReduction" is OPTIONAL element "auc:EnergyConversionType" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearInstalled" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "true" element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "kBtu/hr" element "auc:Generation" is REQUIRED element "auc:Storage" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExternalPowerSupply" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OnsiteGenerationType" is REQUIRED element "auc:Other" is REQUIRED element "auc:PV" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherEnergyGenerationTechnology" is OPTIONAL element "auc:OutputResourceType" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Anaerobic biodigester", "Binary Cycle", "Fuel cell", "Gasification", "Hydrokinetic", "Microturbine", "Other", "Reciprocating engine", "Solar parabolic trough", "Solar power tower", "Standby generator", "Turbine", or "Wind" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Biofuel B10", "Biofuel B20", "Biofuel B5", "Diesel", "District chilled water", "District hot water", "District steam", "Dual fuel", "Electricity", "Electricity-Exported", "Electricity-Onsite generated", "Fuel oil", "Fuel oil no 1", "Fuel oil no 2", "Fuel oil no 4", "Fuel oil no 5 (heavy)", "Fuel oil no 5 (light)", "Fuel oil no 6", "Gasoline", "Kerosene", "Liquid propane", "Natural gas", "Other", "Other delivered-Exported", "Other delivered-Onsite generated", "Other metered-Exported", "Other metered-Onsite generated", "Propane", "Thermal-Exported", or "Thermal-Onsite generated" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Capacity Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Demand Reduction Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Other Energy Generation Technology Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Output Resource Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Year Installed Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Capacity Is Not Applicable", "Demand Reduction Is Not Applicable", "Output Resource Type Is Not Applicable", "Other Energy Generation Technology Is Not Applicable", or "Year Installed Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 1800 element "auc:BackupGenerator" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Capacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CapacityUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DemandReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EnergyConversionType" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Generation" is REQUIRED element "auc:Storage" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExternalPowerSupply" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OnsiteGenerationType" is REQUIRED element "auc:Other" is REQUIRED element "auc:PV" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OtherEnergyGenerationTechnology" is REQUIRED element "auc:OutputResourceType" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Fuel cell", "Microturbine", "Reciprocating engine", "Turbine", or "Wind" element "auc:BackupGenerator" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Capacity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CapacityUnits" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DemandReduction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:EnergyConversionType" is REQUIRED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Generation" is REQUIRED element "auc:Storage" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExternalPowerSupply" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:OnsiteGenerationType" is REQUIRED element "auc:Other" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PV" is REQUIRED element "auc:PhotovoltaicModuleLength" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PhotovoltaicModuleRatedPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PhotovoltaicModuleWidth" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PhotovoltaicSystemArrayAzimuth" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PhotovoltaicSystemInverterEfficiency" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PhotovoltaicSystemLocation" is REQUIRED element "auc:PhotovoltaicSystemMaximumPowerOutput" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PhotovoltaicSystemNumberOfArrays" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PhotovoltaicSystemNumberOfModulesPerArray" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PhotovoltaicSystemRackingSystemTiltAngleMax" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PhotovoltaicSystemRackingSystemTiltAngleMin" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other" element "auc:PlugLoad" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PlugLoad[auc:PlugLoadType/text() = 'Broadcast Antenna']" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PlugLoad[auc:PlugLoadType/text() = 'Kitchen Equipment']" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PlugLoad[auc:PlugLoadType/text() = 'Miscellaneous Electric Load']" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PlugLoad[auc:PlugLoadType/text() = 'Other']" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PlugLoad[auc:PlugLoadType/text() = 'Signage Display']" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Controls" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Location" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PlugLoadStandbyPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PlugLoadType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WeightedAverageLoad" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Broadcast Antenna", "Kitchen Equipment", "Miscellaneous Electric Load", "Other", or "Signage Display" element "PlugLoadType" is REQUIRED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:PlugLoadNominalPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PlugLoadPeakPower" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Broadcast Antenna" element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Plug Load Peak Power Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Plug Load Peak Power Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "PlugLoadType" is REQUIRED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:PlugLoadNominalPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PlugLoadPeakPower" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Kitchen Equipment" element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Gross Floor Area Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Gross Floor Area']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Plug Load Peak Power Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Gross Floor Area", "Gross Floor Area Is Not Applicable", or "Plug Load Peak Power Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "PlugLoadType" is REQUIRED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:PlugLoadNominalPower" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PlugLoadPeakPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Miscellaneous Electric Load" element "auc:Building" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is REQUIRED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSectionID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "PlugLoadType" is REQUIRED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:PlugLoadNominalPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PlugLoadPeakPower" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Other" element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Plug Load Peak Power Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Plug Load Total Power Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Plug Load Total Power']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Plug Load Peak Power Is Not Applicable", "Plug Load Total Power", or "Plug Load Total Power Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "PlugLoadType" is REQUIRED element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:PlugLoadNominalPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PlugLoadPeakPower" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL text "": element "text()" MUST be "Signage Display" element "auc:Building" is REQUIRED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedBuildingID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Plug Load Peak Power Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Plug Load Peak Power Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "auc:ProcessLoad" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ProcessLoad[auc:ProcessLoadType/text() = 'Miscellaneous Gas Load']" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Controls" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:DutyCycle" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:HeatGainFraction" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Location" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ProcessLoadPeakPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ProcessLoadStandbyPower" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ProcessLoadType" is REQUIRED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Miscellaneous Gas Load" element "auc:LinkedPremises" is REQUIRED element "auc:WeightedAverageLoad" is REQUIRED element "auc:Building" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Facility" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Section" is REQUIRED element "auc:Site" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Space" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThermalZone" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSectionID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED element "auc:FloorAreas" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedScheduleIDs" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 element "auc:PumpSystem" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Controls" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSystemIDs" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Location" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Manufacturer" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ModelNumber" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PrimaryFuel" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PumpApplication" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PumpControlType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:PumpEfficiency" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PumpInstalledFlowRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PumpMaximumFlowRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PumpMinimumFlowRate" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PumpOperation" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PumpPowerDemand" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:PumpingConfiguration" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ThirdPartyCertification" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearOfManufacture" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:LinkedSystemID" is REQUIRED element "@IDref" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Constant Volume" or "Variable Volume" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Pump Control Type Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Pump Control Type Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "auc:RoofSystem" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:BlueRoof" is OPTIONAL element "auc:CoolRoof" is OPTIONAL element "auc:DeckType" is OPTIONAL element "auc:GreenRoof" is OPTIONAL element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RadiantBarrier" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofColor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofConstruction" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RoofExteriorSolarAbsorptance" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofExteriorSolarReflectanceIndex" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofExteriorThermalAbsorptance" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofFinish" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RoofFramingDepth" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofFramingFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofFramingMaterial" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofFramingSpacing" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofInsulations" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RoofRValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofSlope" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RoofUFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is OPTIONAL element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Concrete", "Steel", or "Wood" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Built up", "Steel frame", or "Wood frame" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Sheet metal" or "Shingles slate or tile" element "auc:RoofInsulation" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RoofInsulationApplication" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofInsulationCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofInsulationContinuity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofInsulationMaterial" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:RoofInsulationRValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:RoofInsulationThickness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0 text "": element "text()" MUST be "Flat", "Greater than 2 to 12", "Less than 2 to 12", or "Sloped" element "auc:UserDefinedField" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Blue Roof Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Cool Roof Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:UserDefinedField[auc:FieldName/text() = 'Green Roof Is Not Applicable']/auc:FieldValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:FieldName" is REQUIRED element "auc:FieldValue" is REQUIRED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Blue Roof Is Not Applicable", "Cool Roof Is Not Applicable", or "Green Roof Is Not Applicable" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" text "": element "text()" MUST be "false" or "true" element "auc:WallSystem" is OPTIONAL element "@ID" is REQUIRED element "@Status" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:CMUFill" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorRoughness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorWallColor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:ExteriorWallConstruction" is OPTIONAL element "auc:ExteriorWallFinish" is OPTIONAL element "auc:InteriorVisibleAbsorptance" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:Quantity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:UserDefinedFields" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallExteriorSolarAbsorptance" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallExteriorThermalAbsorptance" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallFramingDepth" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallFramingFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallFramingMaterial" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallFramingSpacing" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallInsulations" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WallRValue" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallUFactor" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:YearInstalled" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be "Masonry", "Steel frame", or "Wood frame" text "": element "text()" MUST be "Brick", "Metal panel", or "Other" element "auc:WallInsulation" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WallInsulationApplication" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallInsulationCondition" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallInsulationContinuity" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallInsulationLocation" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallInsulationMaterial" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "auc:WallInsulationRValue" is OPTIONAL element "auc:WallInsulationThickness" is NOT RECOMMENDED element "@Source" is NOT RECOMMENDED text "": element "text()" MUST be a number and MUST be greater than or equal to 0