from phBot import * from threading import Timer import QtBind import struct import json import urllib.request import os import time name = 'AutoCursed' version = 1.1 NewestVersion = 0 path = get_config_dir() + name + "\\" gui = QtBind.init(__name__, name) lblCurrentSkills = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Current Skills',70,10) lstCurrentSkills = QtBind.createList(gui,10,30,200,200) buttonGetSkills = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_get_skills', 'Get Current Skills', 60, 240) lblRemoveSkills = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Skills to Remove',350,10) lstRemoveSkills = QtBind.createList(gui,300,30,200,200) lblSave = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Saves Automatically',350,240) lblMasteries = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Masteries',580,10) ComboMasteries = QtBind.createCombobox(gui,530,32,160,22) button2 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_get_masteries', ' Get Masteries ', 570, 70) button3 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_add_mastery', ' Add Mastery to Remove ', 550, 105) button4 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_add_all_skills', ' Add All Selected Mastery Skills to Remove ', 505, 140) button = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_add', ' Add ', 215, 100) button1 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_remove', ' Remove ', 215, 125) cbxEnable = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxEnable_clicked','Enable', 225, 80) def cbxEnable_clicked(checked): SaveConfig() def button_add_all_skills(): SelectedMastery = QtBind.text(gui, ComboMasteries) if not SelectedMastery: log('Plugin: Please Select a Mastery') return MasteryID = GetMasteryID(SelectedMastery) skills = get_skills() for ID, skill in skills.items(): if skill['mastery'] == MasteryID: if not lstRemoveSkill_exist(skill['name']): QtBind.append(gui,lstRemoveSkills,skill['name']) SaveConfig() def button_add_mastery(): SelectedMastery = QtBind.text(gui, ComboMasteries) if not SelectedMastery: log('Plugin: Please Select a Mastery') return if not lstRemoveSkill_exist(SelectedMastery + ' Mastery'): QtBind.append(gui,lstRemoveSkills,SelectedMastery + ' Mastery') SaveConfig() def button_get_masteries(): QtBind.clear(gui,ComboMasteries) Masteries = get_mastery() for ID, mastery in Masteries.items(): if mastery['level'] > 0: QtBind.append(gui,ComboMasteries,mastery['name']) def button_get_skills(): skills = get_skills() for ID, skill in skills.items(): QtBind.append(gui,lstCurrentSkills,skill['name']) def button_add(): selectedSkill = QtBind.text(gui,lstCurrentSkills) if not lstRemoveSkill_exist(selectedSkill): QtBind.append(gui,lstRemoveSkills,selectedSkill) SaveConfig() def button_remove(): selectedSkill = QtBind.text(gui,lstRemoveSkills) QtBind.remove(gui,lstRemoveSkills,selectedSkill) SaveConfig() def lstRemoveSkill_exist(skill): RemoveSkills = QtBind.getItems(gui,lstRemoveSkills) for RemSkill in RemoveSkills: if RemSkill.lower() == skill.lower(): return True return False def TurnInHearts(): npcs = get_npcs() for key, npc in npcs.items(): if 'POTION' in npc['servername']: log("Plugin: Turning in Cursed Hearts") p = struct.pack('= MasteryLevel: p += b'\x00' log('Plugin: Mastery [%s] Removed' %Mastery) QtBind.remove(gui,lstRemoveSkills,Mastery+' Mastery') SaveConfig() if PotionQty < MasteryLevel: p += struct.pack('b', Deduction) log('Plugin: Reducing Mastery [%s] from Level [%s] to Level [%s]' %(Mastery,MasteryLevel,Deduction)) inject_joymax(0x7203,p, False) time.sleep(1) ExitNPC() return skill = GetHighestSkill() SkillID = GetSkillID(skill) SkillLevel = int(GetSkillLevel(skill)) p = b'\x59\x0E\x00\x00' p += struct.pack('= SkillLevel: p += b'\x00' log('Plugin: Removing Skill [%s]' %skill) QtBind.remove(gui,lstRemoveSkills,skill) SaveConfig() if PotionQty < SkillLevel: Deduction = SkillLevel - PotionQty p += struct.pack('b', Deduction) log('Plugin: Reducing Skill [%s] from Level [%s] to Level [%s]' %(skill,SkillLevel,Deduction)) inject_joymax(0x7202,p, False) Timer(1.0, EditSkill, ()).start() def GetMasteryLevel(Mastery): Masteries = get_mastery() for ID, mastery in Masteries.items(): if mastery['name'] == Mastery: return mastery['level'] def CheckIfOnlyMasteriesLeft(): RemoveSkills = QtBind.getItems(gui,lstRemoveSkills) if not RemoveSkills: return False for skill in RemoveSkills: if 'Mastery' not in skill: return False return True def GetMasteryID(SelectedMastery): Masteries = get_mastery() for ID, mastery in Masteries.items(): if mastery['name'] == SelectedMastery: return ID def GetHighestSkill(): HighestID = 0 RemoveSkills = QtBind.getItems(gui,lstRemoveSkills) for skill in RemoveSkills: if 'Mastery' not in skill: SkillID = GetSkillID(skill) if SkillID > HighestID: HighestID = SkillID HighestSkill = skill return HighestSkill def AutoCursed(args): if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxEnable): PotionQty = int(GetPotionCount()) delay = PotionQty * 400 + 35000 TurnInHearts() return delay return 0 def GetSkillLevel(name): skills = get_skills() for ID, skill in skills.items(): if skill['name'] == name: level = skill['servername'][-2:] return level def GetSkillID(name): skills = get_skills() for ID, skill in skills.items(): if skill['name'] == name: return ID def GetPotionCount(): Total = 0 items = get_inventory()['items'] for slot, item in enumerate(items): if item: name = item['name'] quantity = item['quantity'] if name == r"Resuscitation potion": Total += quantity return Total def joined_game(): Timer(4.0, LoadConfigs, ()).start() def GetConfig(): return path + get_character_data()['server'] + "_" + get_character_data()['name'] + ".json" def SaveConfig(): data = {} data['Enable'] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxEnable) data["RemoveSkills"] = QtBind.getItems(gui,lstRemoveSkills) with open(GetConfig(),"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) def LoadConfigs(): if os.path.exists(GetConfig()): data = {} with open(GetConfig(),"r") as f: data = json.load(f) if "Enable" in data: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxEnable,data["Enable"]) if "RemoveSkills" in data: QtBind.clear(gui,lstRemoveSkills) for skill in data['RemoveSkills']: QtBind.append(gui,lstRemoveSkills,skill) def CheckForUpdate(): global NewestVersion #avoid request spam if NewestVersion == 0: try: req = urllib.request.Request('', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as f: lines = str("utf-8")).split() for num, line in enumerate(lines): if line == 'version': NewestVersion = int(lines[num+2].replace(".","")) CurrentVersion = int(str(version).replace(".","")) if NewestVersion > CurrentVersion: log('Plugin: There is an update avaliable for [%s]!' % name) lblUpdate = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'There is an Update Avaliable, Press Here to Update',100,283) button1 = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_update', ' Update Plugin ', 350, 280) except: pass def button_update(): path = get_config_dir()[:-7] if os.path.exists(path + "Plugins/" + ""): try: os.rename(path + "Plugins/" + "", path + "Plugins/" + "") req = urllib.request.Request('', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as f: lines = str("utf-8")) with open(path + "Plugins/" + "", "w+") as f: f.write(lines) os.remove(path + "Plugins/" + "") log('Plugin Successfully Updated, Please Reload the Plugin to Use') except Exception as ex: log('Error Updating [%s] Please Update Manually or Try Again Later' %ex) CheckForUpdate() Timer(1.0, LoadConfigs, ()).start() log('Plugin: [%s] Version %s Loaded' % (name,version)) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) log('Plugin: [%s] folder has been created' % name)