from phBot import * import QtBind from threading import Timer import struct import json import os import urllib.request import random from operator import add, sub name = 'Battle of Infinity' version = 1.7 NewestVersion = 0 path = get_config_dir() + name + "\\" Started = False Registering = False Attacking = False Picking = False WaitingforParty = False Inside = False SkillDelay = 500 RegDelay = 4000 DelayCounter = 0 ChangeAreaAttempts = 0 MoveAttempts = 0 GettingMorph = False Backup = None UnstuckAfter = 3.0 AttackAttempts = 0 SoloCount = 0 PartyCount = 0 CastSkill = [] ActiveSkills = [] MorphID = 0 gui = QtBind.init(__name__, name) lbl = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Attack Radius ',400,20) txtRadius = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"40",470,15,25,20) lbl = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Wait for party members to enter before starting',400,40) lbl = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'*Dont include this char',600,50) txtPartyMembers = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"1",442,35,25,20) cbxChange = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxChange_clicked','Change to party mode when solo is complete', 400, 70) lbl = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Party mode profile ',430,90) txtPartyProfile = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",520,88,90,20) cbxFinished = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxFinished_clicked','Return and start bot when finished', 400, 110) lbl = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Training profile ',430,130) txtFinishedProfile = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",520,128,90,20) cbxTerminate = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxTerminate_clicked','Terminate Bot when finished', 400, 150) cbxUseHighSkills = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxUseHighSkills','Always Use Highest Skills', 400, 180) lbl = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Current Stage: ',10,250) lblStage = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'0',85,250) cbxSolo71to80 = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxSolo71to80_clicked','Solo Level (71-80)', 10, 20) cbxPT71to80 = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxPT71to80_clicked','Party Level (71-80)', 10, 40) cbxYeoha = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxYeoha_clicked','Yeoha (A)', 140, 30) cbxSeiren = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxSeiren_clicked','Seiren (B)', 250, 30) cbxSolo81to90 = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxSolo81to90_clicked','Solo Level (81-90)', 10, 70) cbxPT81to90 = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxPT81to90_clicked','Party Level (81-90)', 10, 90) cbxNiyaShaman = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxNiyaShaman_clicked','Niya Shaman (A)', 140, 80) cbxSlaveWatcher = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxSlaveWatcher_clicked','Slave Watcher (B)', 250, 80) cbxSolo91to100 = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxSolo91to100_clicked','Solo Level (91-100)', 10, 120) cbxPT91to100 = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxPT91to100_clicked','Party Level (91-100)', 10, 140) cbxDemonShaitan = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxDemonShaitan_clicked','Demon Shaitan (A)', 140, 130) cbxImhotep = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxImhotep_clicked','Imhotep (B)', 250, 130) cbxSolo101to110 = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxSolo101to110_clicked','Solo Level (101-110)', 10, 170) cbxPT101to110 = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxPT101to110_clicked','Party Level (101-110)', 10, 190) cbxNephthys = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxNephthys_clicked','Nephthys (A)', 140, 180) cbxTombSnakeLady = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxTombSnakeLady_clicked','Tomb Snake Lady (B)', 250, 180) buttonStartStop = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_start', ' Start ', 25, 220) RegCheckBoxes = [cbxSolo71to80,cbxPT71to80,cbxSolo81to90,cbxPT81to90,cbxSolo91to100,cbxPT91to100,cbxSolo101to110,cbxPT101to110] MorphCheckBoxes = [cbxYeoha,cbxSeiren,cbxNiyaShaman,cbxSlaveWatcher,cbxDemonShaitan,cbxImhotep,cbxNephthys,cbxTombSnakeLady] #type checkboxes def cbxSolo71to80_clicked(checked): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxYeoha,cbxSeiren) ClearGUI('Reg',cbxSolo71to80) def cbxPT71to80_clicked(checked): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxYeoha,cbxSeiren) ClearGUI('Reg',cbxPT71to80) def cbxSolo81to90_clicked(checked): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxNiyaShaman,cbxSlaveWatcher) ClearGUI('Reg',cbxSolo81to90) def cbxPT81to90_clicked(checked): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxNiyaShaman,cbxSlaveWatcher) ClearGUI('Reg',cbxPT81to90) def cbxSolo91to100_clicked(checked): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxDemonShaitan,cbxImhotep) ClearGUI('Reg',cbxSolo91to100) def cbxPT91to100_clicked(checked): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxDemonShaitan,cbxImhotep) ClearGUI('Reg',cbxPT91to100) def cbxSolo101to110_clicked(checked): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxNephthys,cbxTombSnakeLady) ClearGUI('Reg',cbxSolo101to110) def cbxPT101to110_clicked(checked): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxNephthys,cbxTombSnakeLady) ClearGUI('Reg',cbxPT101to110) #morph checkboxes...tard proof? def cbxYeoha_clicked(checked): if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo71to80) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT71to80): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxYeoha) else: log('Plugin: Wrong Selection!') QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxYeoha,False) def cbxSeiren_clicked(checked): if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo71to80) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT71to80): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxSeiren) else: log('Plugin: Wrong Selection!') QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSeiren,False) def cbxNiyaShaman_clicked(checked): if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo81to90) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT81to90): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxNiyaShaman) else: log('Plugin: Wrong Selection!') QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxNiyaShaman,False) def cbxSlaveWatcher_clicked(checked): if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo81to90) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT81to90): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxSlaveWatcher) else: log('Plugin: Wrong Selection!') QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSlaveWatcher,False) def cbxDemonShaitan_clicked(checked): if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo91to100) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT91to100): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxDemonShaitan) else: log('Plugin: Wrong Selection!') QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxDemonShaitan,False) def cbxImhotep_clicked(checked): if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo91to100) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT91to100): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxImhotep) else: log('Plugin: Wrong Selection!') QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxImhotep,False) def cbxNephthys_clicked(checked): if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo101to110) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT101to110): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxNephthys) else: log('Plugin: Wrong Selection!') QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxNephthys,False) def cbxTombSnakeLady_clicked(checked): if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo101to110) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT101to110): if checked: ClearGUI('Morph',cbxTombSnakeLady) else: log('Plugin: Wrong Selection!') QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxTombSnakeLady,False) def cbxTerminate_clicked(checked): if checked: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxFinished,False) def cbxFinished_clicked(checked): if checked: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxTerminate,False) def ClearGUI(type,DontClear,DontClear2=None): if type == 'Reg': for cbx in RegCheckBoxes: if cbx != DontClear and cbx != DontClear2: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbx,False) elif type == 'Morph': for cbx in MorphCheckBoxes: if cbx != DontClear and cbx != DontClear2: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbx,False) def button_start(): global Started, Registering, Attacking, WaitingforParty, Picking, Inside stop_bot() if NewestVersion > int(str(version).replace(".","")): log('Plugin: There is an update avaliable for [%s]!' % name) if Started == False: if OptionsSelected(): if Online(): SaveConfig() Started = True QtBind.setText(gui,buttonStartStop,' Stop ') if WheresWaldo(): log('Plugin: Start the Plugin Outside!') else: Registering = True return elif Started == True: Started = False Attacking = False Registering = False WaitingforParty = False Picking = False Inside = False QtBind.setText(gui,buttonStartStop,' Start ') def Register(): if OptionsSelected(): npcs = get_npcs() for key, npc in npcs.items(): if npc['servername'] == r"NPC_BATTLE_ARENA_MANAGER": type = GetBOIType() packet = struct.pack(' 0: packet = b'\x01\x04' packet += struct.pack(' 0: AttackAttempts += 1 if AttackAttempts >= 3: MovetoRandomPoint() AttackAttempts = 0 Backup.cancel() AttackMob(skill,MobID) #skill cooldown minus alittle SkillDelay = 3000 #for your viewing pleasure SelectMob(MobID) Backup = Timer(UnstuckAfter, UseSkill) Backup.start() return def SelectMob(targetID): packet = struct.pack(' 0: MembersInside += 1 if MembersInside >= WaitFor: log('Plugin: All party members have entered.. beginning battle') WaitingforParty = False Timer(5.0, BeginBattle, ()).start() return log('Plugin: Not all party members have entered..Waiting') Timer(5.0, CheckforParty, ()).start() def OptionsSelected(): if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo71to80) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo81to90) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo91to100) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo101to110) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT71to80) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT81to90) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT91to100) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT101to110): return True log('Plugin: Please select all the required options') return False # script command BOI,type,morph #ex..BOI,solo,A .... BOI,party,B def BOI(args): ClearGUI('Morph',None) ClearGUI('Reg',None) type = args[1] morph = args[2] lvl = get_character_data()['level'] if lvl >= 71 and lvl <= 80: if type == 'solo': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSolo71to80,True) if type == 'party': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxPT71to80,True) if morph == 'A': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxYeoha,True) if morph == 'B': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSeiren,True) elif lvl >= 81 and lvl <= 90: if type == 'solo': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSolo81to90,True) if type == 'party': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxPT81to90,True) if morph == 'A': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxNiyaShaman,True) if morph == 'B': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSlaveWatcher,True) elif lvl >= 91 and lvl <= 100: if type == 'solo': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSolo91to100,True) if type == 'party': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxPT91to100,True) if morph == 'A': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxDemonShaitan,True) if morph == 'B': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxImhotep,True) elif lvl >= 101 and lvl <= 110: if type == 'solo': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSolo101to110,True) if type == 'party': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxPT101to110,True) if morph == 'A': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxNephthys,True) if morph == 'B': QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxTombSnakeLady,True) log('Plugin: Setting Battle of infinity settings') Timer(1.0, button_start, ()).start() return 0 def RemoveMorph(): skills = get_active_skills() for ID, skill in skills.items(): if skill['servername'].startswith('SKILL_MUHAN'): packet = b'\x01\x05' packet += struct.pack('= 71 and lvl <= 80: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxPT71to80,True) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxYeoha,True) elif lvl >= 81 and lvl <= 90: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxPT81to90,True) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxNiyaShaman,True) elif lvl >= 91 and lvl <= 100: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxPT91to100,True) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxDemonShaitan,True) elif lvl >= 101 and lvl <= 110: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxPT101to110,True) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxNephthys,True) def ReturntoTraining(): global Started, Registering, Attacking, WaitingforParty, Picking, PartyCount, SoloCount, Inside if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxFinished): log('Plugin: Returning to training area') ClearGUI('Morph',None) ClearGUI('Reg',None) Started = False Attacking = False Registering = False WaitingforParty = False Picking = False Inside = False PartyCount = 0 SoloCount = 0 QtBind.setText(gui,buttonStartStop,' Start ') profile = QtBind.text(gui,txtFinishedProfile) if profile: set_profile(profile) Timer(1.0, use_return_scroll, ()).start() Timer(10.0, start_bot, ()).start() #conditions def SoloDone(): if SoloCount >= 2: return True else: return False def PartyDone(): if PartyCount >= 2: return True else: return False def teleported(): global Registering, Attacking, Picking, WaitingforParty, SoloCount, PartyCount, Inside if Started: if Registering: if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo71to80) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo81to90) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo91to100) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo101to110): SoloCount += 1 PartyCount = 0 if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT71to80) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT81to90) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT91to100) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT101to110): PartyCount += 1 SoloCount = 0 Registering = False Inside = True log('Plugin: Successfully Entered the Battle') if not get_party(): Timer(5.0, BeginBattle, ()).start() else: WaitingforParty = True log('Plugin: Waiting for Party Members to Enter') Timer(8.0, CheckforParty, ()).start() #failed elif Attacking: Inside = False if PartyCount >= 2: Timer(0.1, ReturntoTraining, ()).start() Attacking = False Timer(5.0, StartReg, ()).start() QtBind.setText(gui,lblStage,'0') #successful elif Picking: if PartyCount >= 2: Timer(0.1, ReturntoTraining, ()).start() Timer(5.0, StartReg, ()).start() Picking = False Inside = False stop_bot() QtBind.setText(gui,lblStage,'0') log('Plugin: Battle of Infinity loop finished') #party didnt enter elif WaitingforParty: if PartyCount >= 2: Timer(0.1, ReturntoTraining, ()).start() log('Plugin: Party member didnt enter in time') WaitingforParty = False Timer(5.0, StartReg, ()).start() Inside = False QtBind.setText(gui,lblStage,'0') def event_loop(): global DelayCounter if Started and Attacking: DelayCounter += 500 if DelayCounter >= SkillDelay: DelayCounter = 0 UseSkill() return if Started and Registering: DelayCounter += 500 if DelayCounter >= RegDelay: DelayCounter = 0 if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT71to80) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT81to90) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT91to100) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT101to110): partycount = party_count() WaitFor = int(QtBind.text(gui,txtPartyMembers)) if partycount >= WaitFor: Register() else: log('Plugin: Waiting for Party Members before registering') else: Register() def handle_joymax(opcode, data): global Attacking, Picking, GettingMorph, Backup, AttackAttempts if opcode == 0xB05A and Registering: if data[0] == 2 and data[2] == 28: response = data[1] if response == 60: log('Plugin: You cannot re-enter the Dungeon yet!') elif response == 42: log('Plugin: You are not in a Party!') elif response == 44: log('Plugin: You are not the required level to enter!') elif response == 39: log("Plugin: You've entered too many times!") #for solo only if not QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxChange) and QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxFinished): ReturntoTraining() elif QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxChange) and QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo71to80) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo81to90) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo91to100) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo101to110): ChangetoParty() elif QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxFinished) and QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT71to80) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT81to90) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT91to100) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxPT101to110): ReturntoTraining() elif QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxTerminate): Terminate() elif response == 40: log("Plugin: The Party Master must enter first!") if PartyCount >= 2: if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxTerminate): Terminate() elif QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxFinished): ReturntoTraining() elif response == 66: log("Plugin: You cannot be in a party to enter solo") if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo71to80) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo81to90) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo91to100) or QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxSolo101to110): #leave party inject_joymax(0x7061,b'',False) log('Plugin: Leaving Party') #Skill added...maybe not perfect elif opcode == 0xB0BD and Inside and not Picking: global MorphID if GettingMorph: SelfID = get_character_data()['player_id'] packetIndex = 0 PlayerID = struct.unpack_from(" 0: return True else: return False def joined_game(): Timer(4.0, loadDefaults, ()).start() def GetConfig(): return path + get_character_data()['server'] + "_" + get_character_data()['name'] + ".json" def SaveConfig(): data = {} data["AttackRadius"] = int(QtBind.text(gui,txtRadius)) data["PartyAmount"] = int(QtBind.text(gui,txtPartyMembers)) data["PartyMode"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxChange) data["PartyProfile"] = QtBind.text(gui,txtPartyProfile) data["Finished"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxFinished) data["TrainingAreaProfile"] = QtBind.text(gui,txtFinishedProfile) data["Terminate"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxTerminate) data["UseHighSkills"] = QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxUseHighSkills) with open(GetConfig(),"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) log("Plugin: configs has been saved") def LoadConfigs(): if os.path.exists(GetConfig()): data = {} with open(GetConfig(),"r") as f: data = json.load(f) if "AttackRadius" in data: QtBind.setText(gui,txtRadius,str(data["AttackRadius"])) if "PartyAmount" in data: QtBind.setText(gui,txtPartyMembers,str(data["PartyAmount"])) if "PartyMode" in data: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxChange,data["PartyMode"]) if "PartyProfile" in data: QtBind.setText(gui,txtPartyProfile,data["PartyProfile"]) if "Finished" in data: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxFinished,data["Finished"]) if "TrainingAreaProfile" in data: QtBind.setText(gui,txtFinishedProfile,data["TrainingAreaProfile"]) if "Terminate" in data: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxTerminate,data["Terminate"]) if "UseHighSkills" in data: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxUseHighSkills,data["UseHighSkills"]) #reloading def loadDefaults(): LoadConfigs() lvl = get_character_data()['level'] if lvl >= 71 and lvl <= 80: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSolo71to80,True) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxYeoha,True) elif lvl >= 81 and lvl <= 90: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSolo81to90,True) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxNiyaShaman,True) elif lvl >= 91 and lvl <= 100: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSolo91to100,True) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxDemonShaitan,True) elif lvl >= 101 and lvl <= 110: QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxSolo101to110,True) QtBind.setChecked(gui,cbxNephthys,True) def CheckForUpdate(): global NewestVersion #avoid request spam if NewestVersion == 0: try: req = urllib.request.Request('', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as f: lines = str("utf-8")).split() for num, line in enumerate(lines): if line == 'version': NewestVersion = int(lines[num+2].replace(".","")) CurrentVersion = int(str(version).replace(".","")) if NewestVersion > CurrentVersion: log('Plugin: There is an update avaliable for [%s]!' % name) except: pass def Terminate(): os.kill(os.getpid(),9) Timer(1.0, loadDefaults, ()).start() log('Plugin: [%s] Version %s Loaded' % (name,version)) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) log('Plugin: [%s] folder has been created' % name) CheckForUpdate()