from distbuilder import RobustInstallerProcess, ConfigFactory, \ mergeQtIfwPackages, nestQtIfwPackage f = masterConfigFactory = ConfigFactory() f.productName = "Hello Merge Example" f.companyTradeName = "Some Company" f.companyLegalName = "Some Company Inc." f.iconFilePath = "../hello_world_tk/demo.ico" f.version = (1,0,0,0) f.setupName = "HelloMergeSetup" TK_CONFIG_KEY = "tk" CLI_CONFIG_KEY = "cli" pkgFactories={ TK_CONFIG_KEY:None, CLI_CONFIG_KEY:None } class BuildProcess( RobustInstallerProcess ): def onConfigFactory( self, key, f ): if key==TK_CONFIG_KEY: f.productName = "Hello World Tk Example" f.description = "Tk Example" f.binaryName = "HelloWorldTk" f.version = (1,0,0,0) f.isGui = True f.sourceDir = "../hello_world_tk" f.entryPointPy = "" f.isObfuscating = True f.iconFilePath = "demo.ico" elif key==CLI_CONFIG_KEY: f.productName = "Hello World CLI Example" f.description = "CLI Example" f.binaryName = "HelloWorld" f.version = (1,0,0,0) f.isGui = False f.sourceDir = "../hello_world" f.entryPointPy = "" f.isObfuscating = False f.iconFilePath = None f.distResources = ["LICENSE"] def onOpyConfig( self, key, cfg ): if key==TK_CONFIG_KEY: cfg.external_modules.extend( [ 'tkinter', 'tkinter.ttk' ] ) def onPackagesStaged( self, cfg, pkgs ): # Swap these commented out functions to test alternate merge types comboPkg = mergeQtIfwPackages( pkgs, CLI_CONFIG_KEY, TK_CONFIG_KEY ) #comboPkg = nestQtIfwPackage( pkgs, CLI_CONFIG_KEY, TK_CONFIG_KEY ) # Note: it would be more efficient to set these to the desired values # prior to the package merge, but this illustrates how you can revise # these configurations manually at this point in the build process. configXml = cfg.configXml configXml.RunProgramDescription = "Start Hello World Tk Example" print( "Regenerating {0}...".format( configXml.path() ) ) configXml.debug() configXml.write() pkgXml = comboPkg.pkgXml pkgXml.DisplayName = "Hello World Examples" pkgXml.Description = "Tk and CLI Examples" print( "Regenerating {0}...".format( pkgXml.path() ) ) pkgXml.debug() pkgXml.write() p = BuildProcess( masterConfigFactory, pyPkgConfigFactoryDict=pkgFactories, isDesktopTarget=True ) p.isTestingInstall = True