from distbuilder import PyToBinInstallerProcess, ConfigFactory, \ IS_WINDOWS, IS_MACOS, IS_LINUX, QT_IFW_TARGET_DIR, \ DEBUG_ENV_VAR_NAME, DEBUG_ENV_VAR_VALUE f = configFactory = ConfigFactory() f.description = "A Distribution Builder Example" f.companyTradeName = "Some Company" f.companyLegalName = "Some Company Inc." f.binaryName = "HelloWrapper" f.isGui = True f.entryPointPy = "" #f.isGui = False #f.entryPointPy = "" f.iconFilePath = "../hello_world_tk/demo.ico" f.version = (1,0,0,0) # "STANDARD" for direct comparison #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ f.productName = "Hello UnWrapped Example" f.setupName = "HelloUnWrappedSetup" p = PyToBinInstallerProcess( configFactory, isDesktopTarget=True ) p.isTestingInstall = True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ f.productName = "Hello WorkDir Example" f.setupName = "HelloWorkDirSetup" f.pkgExeWrapper = f.qtIfwExeWrapper( workingDir=QT_IFW_TARGET_DIR ) p = PyToBinInstallerProcess( configFactory, isDesktopTarget=True ) p.isTestingInstall = True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ f.productName = "Hello Elevated Example" f.setupName = "HelloElevatedSetup" f.pkgExeWrapper = f.qtIfwExeWrapper( isElevated=True ) p = PyToBinInstallerProcess( configFactory, isDesktopTarget=True ) p.isTestingInstall = True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ f.productName = "Hello EnvVars Example" f.setupName = "HelloEnvVarsSetup" f.pkgExeWrapper = f.qtIfwExeWrapper( envVars={ "TEST_ENV_VAR": "test" } ) p = PyToBinInstallerProcess( configFactory, isDesktopTarget=True ) p.isTestingInstall = True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ f.productName = "Hello Args Example" f.setupName = "HelloArgsSetup" f.pkgExeWrapper = f.qtIfwExeWrapper( args=["arg1", "arg 2 w spaces", "arg3"] ) p = PyToBinInstallerProcess( configFactory, isDesktopTarget=True ) p.isTestingInstall = True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ f.productName = "Hello MultiWrap Example" f.setupName = "HelloMultiWrapSetup" f.pkgExeWrapper = f.qtIfwExeWrapper( isElevated = True , workingDir = QT_IFW_TARGET_DIR , envVars={ "TEST_ENV_VAR": "test" } , args=["arg1", "arg 2 w spaces", "arg3"] ) p = PyToBinInstallerProcess( configFactory, isDesktopTarget=True ) p.isTestingInstall = True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ licenseName = "LICENSE" if IS_WINDOWS : textViewer = "notepad" launchScript = ( """ @echo off set appname=%~n0 set dirname=%~dp0 start "" "%dirname%\%appname%" %* start "" {0} "%dirname%\{1}" """) elif IS_MACOS : # Note: this script is specific for use with a GUI app (on several points) textViewer = "TextEdit" launchScript = ( """ appname=_`basename "$0"` dirname=`dirname "$0"` tmp="${dirname#?}" if [ "${dirname%$tmp}" != "/" ]; then dirname="$PWD/$dirname"; fi appParentDir="$dirname/../../.." open -a {0} "$appParentDir/{1}" if [ "{2}" == "{3}" ]; then "$dirname/$appname" "$@" else "$dirname/$appname" "$@" & fi """) elif IS_LINUX : # Note this is not a "perfect" cross Linux distro / environment example, # as this depends upon `gedit` and `screen` being present... textViewer = "gedit" launchScript = ( """ appname=`basename "$0" | sed s,\.sh$,,` dirname=`dirname "$0"` tmp="${dirname#?}" if [ "${dirname%$tmp}" != "/" ]; then dirname="$PWD/$dirname"; fi screen -d -m "$dirname/$appname" "$@" screen -d -m {0} "$dirname/{1}" """) # Using explicit string replace because standard string # formatting functions took issue with some of the characters # in the scripts launchScript = launchScript.replace( "{0}", textViewer ) launchScript = launchScript.replace( "{1}", licenseName ) launchScript = launchScript.replace( "{2}", DEBUG_ENV_VAR_NAME ) launchScript = launchScript.replace( "{3}", DEBUG_ENV_VAR_VALUE ) f.productName = "Hello WrapperScript Example" f.setupName = "HelloWrapperScriptSetup" f.distResources = ["../hello_world/{0}".format( licenseName ) ] f.pkgExeWrapper = f.qtIfwExeWrapper( wrapperScript=launchScript ) # , isElevated = True # , workingDir = QT_IFW_TARGET_DIR # , envVars={ "TEST_ENV_VAR": "test" } # , args=["arg1", "arg 2 w spaces", "arg3"] #) p = PyToBinInstallerProcess( configFactory, isDesktopTarget=True ) p.isTestingInstall = True