#!/bin/bash VERSION=2.11 # printing greetings echo "C3Pool mining setup script v$VERSION." echo "(please report issues to support@c3pool.com email with full output of this script with extra \"-x\" \"bash\" option)" echo if [ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]; then echo "WARNING: Generally it is not adviced to run this script under root" fi # command line arguments WALLET=$1 EMAIL=$2 # this one is optional # checking prerequisites if [ -z $WALLET ]; then echo "Script usage:" echo "> setup_c3pool_miner.sh []" echo "ERROR: Please specify your wallet address" exit 1 fi WALLET_BASE=`echo $WALLET | cut -f1 -d"."` if [ ${#WALLET_BASE} != 106 -a ${#WALLET_BASE} != 95 ]; then echo "ERROR: Wrong wallet base address length (should be 106 or 95): ${#WALLET_BASE}" exit 1 fi if [ -z $HOME ]; then echo "ERROR: Please define HOME environment variable to your home directory" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d $HOME ]; then echo "ERROR: Please make sure HOME directory $HOME exists or set it yourself using this command:" echo ' export HOME=' exit 1 fi if ! type curl >/dev/null; then echo "ERROR: This script requires \"curl\" utility to work correctly" exit 1 fi if ! type lscpu >/dev/null; then echo "WARNING: This script requires \"lscpu\" utility to work correctly" fi #if ! sudo -n true 2>/dev/null; then # if ! pidof systemd >/dev/null; then # echo "ERROR: This script requires systemd to work correctly" # exit 1 # fi #fi # calculating port CPU_THREADS=$(nproc) EXP_MONERO_HASHRATE=$(( CPU_THREADS * 700 / 1000)) if [ -z $EXP_MONERO_HASHRATE ]; then echo "ERROR: Can't compute projected Monero CN hashrate" exit 1 fi get_port_based_on_hashrate() { local hashrate=$1 if [ "$hashrate" -le "5000" ]; then echo 80 elif [ "$hashrate" -le "25000" ]; then if [ "$hashrate" -gt "5000" ]; then echo 13333 else echo 443 fi elif [ "$hashrate" -le "50000" ]; then if [ "$hashrate" -gt "25000" ]; then echo 15555 else echo 14444 fi elif [ "$hashrate" -le "100000" ]; then if [ "$hashrate" -gt "50000" ]; then echo 19999 else echo 17777 fi elif [ "$hashrate" -le "1000000" ]; then echo 23333 else echo "ERROR: Hashrate too high" exit 1 fi } PORT=$(get_port_based_on_hashrate $EXP_MONERO_HASHRATE) if [ -z $PORT ]; then echo "ERROR: Can't compute port" exit 1 fi echo "Computed port: $PORT" # printing intentions echo "I will download, setup and run in background Monero CPU miner." echo "If needed, miner in foreground can be started by $HOME/c3pool/miner.sh script." echo "Mining will happen to $WALLET wallet." if [ ! -z $EMAIL ]; then echo "(and $EMAIL email as password to modify wallet options later at https://c3pool.com site)" fi echo if ! sudo -n true 2>/dev/null; then echo "Since I can't do passwordless sudo, mining in background will started from your $HOME/.profile file first time you login this host after reboot." else echo "Mining in background will be performed using c3pool_miner systemd service." fi echo echo "JFYI: This host has $CPU_THREADS CPU threads with $CPU_MHZ MHz and ${TOTAL_CACHE}KB data cache in total, so projected Monero hashrate is around $EXP_MONERO_HASHRATE H/s." echo echo "Sleeping for 15 seconds before continuing (press Ctrl+C to cancel)" sleep 15 echo echo # start doing stuff: preparing miner echo "[*] Removing previous c3pool miner (if any)" if sudo -n true 2>/dev/null; then sudo systemctl stop c3pool_miner.service fi killall -9 xmrig echo "[*] Removing $HOME/c3pool directory" rm -rf $HOME/c3pool echo "[*] Downloading C3Pool advanced version of xmrig to /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz" if ! curl -L --progress-bar "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/C3Pool/xmrig_setup/master/xmrig.tar.gz" -o /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz; then echo "ERROR: Can't download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/C3Pool/xmrig_setup/master/xmrig.tar.gz file to /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz" exit 1 fi echo "[*] Unpacking /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz to $HOME/c3pool" [ -d $HOME/c3pool ] || mkdir $HOME/c3pool if ! tar xf /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz -C $HOME/c3pool; then echo "ERROR: Can't unpack /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz to $HOME/c3pool directory" exit 1 fi rm /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz echo "[*] Checking if advanced version of $HOME/c3pool/xmrig works fine (and not removed by antivirus software)" sed -i 's/"donate-level": *[^,]*,/"donate-level": 1,/' $HOME/c3pool/config.json $HOME/c3pool/xmrig --help >/dev/null if (test $? -ne 0); then if [ -f $HOME/c3pool/xmrig ]; then echo "WARNING: Advanced version of $HOME/c3pool/xmrig is not functional" else echo "WARNING: Advanced version of $HOME/c3pool/xmrig was removed by antivirus (or some other problem)" fi echo "[*] Looking for the latest version of Monero miner" LATEST_XMRIG_RELEASE=`curl -s https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig/releases/latest | grep -o '".*"' | sed 's/"//g'` LATEST_XMRIG_LINUX_RELEASE="https://github.com"`curl -s $LATEST_XMRIG_RELEASE | grep xenial-x64.tar.gz\" | cut -d \" -f2` echo "[*] Downloading $LATEST_XMRIG_LINUX_RELEASE to /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz" if ! curl -L --progress-bar $LATEST_XMRIG_LINUX_RELEASE -o /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz; then echo "ERROR: Can't download $LATEST_XMRIG_LINUX_RELEASE file to /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz" exit 1 fi echo "[*] Unpacking /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz to $HOME/c3pool" if ! tar xf /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz -C $HOME/c3pool --strip=1; then echo "WARNING: Can't unpack /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz to $HOME/c3pool directory" fi rm /tmp/xmrig.tar.gz echo "[*] Checking if stock version of $HOME/c3pool/xmrig works fine (and not removed by antivirus software)" sed -i 's/"donate-level": *[^,]*,/"donate-level": 0,/' $HOME/c3pool/config.json $HOME/c3pool/xmrig --help >/dev/null if (test $? -ne 0); then if [ -f $HOME/c3pool/xmrig ]; then echo "ERROR: Stock version of $HOME/c3pool/xmrig is not functional too" else echo "ERROR: Stock version of $HOME/c3pool/xmrig was removed by antivirus too" fi exit 1 fi fi echo "[*] Miner $HOME/c3pool/xmrig is OK" PASS=`hostname | cut -f1 -d"." | sed -r 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]+/_/g'` if [ "$PASS" == "localhost" ]; then PASS=`ip route get 1 | awk '{print $NF;exit}'` fi if [ -z $PASS ]; then PASS=na fi if [ ! -z $EMAIL ]; then PASS="$PASS:$EMAIL" fi sed -i 's/"url": *"[^"]*",/"url": "auto.c3pool.org:'$PORT'",/' $HOME/c3pool/config.json sed -i 's/"user": *"[^"]*",/"user": "'$WALLET'",/' $HOME/c3pool/config.json sed -i 's/"pass": *"[^"]*",/"pass": "'$PASS'",/' $HOME/c3pool/config.json sed -i 's/"max-cpu-usage": *[^,]*,/"max-cpu-usage": 100,/' $HOME/c3pool/config.json sed -i 's#"log-file": *null,#"log-file": "'$HOME/c3pool/xmrig.log'",#' $HOME/c3pool/config.json sed -i 's/"syslog": *[^,]*,/"syslog": true,/' $HOME/c3pool/config.json cp $HOME/c3pool/config.json $HOME/c3pool/config_background.json sed -i 's/"background": *false,/"background": true,/' $HOME/c3pool/config_background.json # preparing script echo "[*] Creating $HOME/c3pool/miner.sh script" cat >$HOME/c3pool/miner.sh </dev/null; then nice $HOME/c3pool/xmrig \$* else echo "Monero miner is already running in the background. Refusing to run another one." echo "Run \"killall xmrig\" or \"sudo killall xmrig\" if you want to remove background miner first." fi EOL chmod +x $HOME/c3pool/miner.sh # preparing script background work and work under reboot if ! sudo -n true 2>/dev/null; then if ! grep c3pool/miner.sh $HOME/.profile >/dev/null; then echo "[*] Adding $HOME/c3pool/miner.sh script to $HOME/.profile" echo "$HOME/c3pool/miner.sh --config=$HOME/c3pool/config_background.json >/dev/null 2>&1" >>$HOME/.profile else echo "Looks like $HOME/c3pool/miner.sh script is already in the $HOME/.profile" fi echo "[*] Running miner in the background (see logs in $HOME/c3pool/xmrig.log file)" /bin/bash $HOME/c3pool/miner.sh --config=$HOME/c3pool/config_background.json >/dev/null 2>&1 else if [[ $(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') -gt 3500000 ]]; then echo "[*] Enabling huge pages" echo "vm.nr_hugepages=$((1168+$(nproc)))" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=$((1168+$(nproc))) fi if ! type systemctl >/dev/null; then echo "[*] Running miner in the background (see logs in $HOME/c3pool/xmrig.log file)" /bin/bash $HOME/c3pool/miner.sh --config=$HOME/c3pool/config_background.json >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "ERROR: This script requires \"systemctl\" systemd utility to work correctly." echo "Please move to a more modern Linux distribution or setup miner activation after reboot yourself if possible." else echo "[*] Creating c3pool_miner systemd service" cat >/tmp/c3pool_miner.service </dev/null sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable c3pool_miner.service sudo systemctl start c3pool_miner.service echo "To see miner service logs run \"sudo journalctl -u c3pool_miner -f\" command" fi fi echo "" echo "NOTE: If you are using shared VPS it is recommended to avoid 100% CPU usage produced by the miner or you will be banned" if [ "$CPU_THREADS" -lt "4" ]; then echo "HINT: Please execute these or similair commands under root to limit miner to 75% percent CPU usage:" echo "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install -y cpulimit" echo "sudo cpulimit -e xmrig -l $((75*$CPU_THREADS)) -b" if [ "`tail -n1 /etc/rc.local`" != "exit 0" ]; then echo "sudo sed -i -e '\$acpulimit -e xmrig -l $((75*$CPU_THREADS)) -b\\n' /etc/rc.local" else echo "sudo sed -i -e '\$i \\cpulimit -e xmrig -l $((75*$CPU_THREADS)) -b\\n' /etc/rc.local" fi else echo "HINT: Please execute these commands and reboot your VPS after that to limit miner to 75% percent CPU usage:" echo "sed -i 's/\"max-threads-hint\": *[^,]*,/\"max-threads-hint\": 75,/' \$HOME/c3pool/config.json" echo "sed -i 's/\"max-threads-hint\": *[^,]*,/\"max-threads-hint\": 75,/' \$HOME/c3pool/config_background.json" fi echo "" echo "[*] Setup complete"