#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2019 CANDY LINE INC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. VENDOR_HOME=/opt/candy-line SERVICE_NAME=candy-pi-lite GITHUB_ID=CANDY-LINE/candy-pi-lite-service VERSION=10.4.0 # Channel B UART_PORT="/dev/ttySC1" MODEM_BAUDRATE=${MODEM_BAUDRATE:-460800} # v12 Active LTS Start on 2019-10-22, Maintenance LTS : November 2020 - April 2022 # v14 Active LTS Start on 2020-10-27, Maintenance LTS : October 2021 - April 2023 ARM_NODEJS_VERSION="12.22.6" NODEJS_VERSIONS="v12" SERVICE_HOME=${VENDOR_HOME}/${SERVICE_NAME} SRC_DIR="${SRC_DIR:-/tmp/$(basename ${GITHUB_ID})-${VERSION}}" CANDY_RED=${CANDY_RED:-1} KERNEL="${KERNEL:-$(uname -r)}" CONTAINER_MODE=0 if [ "${KERNEL}" != "$(uname -r)" ]; then CONTAINER_MODE=1 fi if [ "${FORCE_INSTALL}" != "1" ]; then WELCOME_FLOW_URL=https://git.io/vKhk3 fi PPP_PING_INTERVAL_SEC=${PPP_PING_INTERVAL_SEC:-0} PPP_PING_TYPE=${PPP_PING_TYPE:-NONE} PPP_PING_DESTINATION=${PPP_PING_DESTINATION:-""} PPP_PING_IP_VERSION=${PPP_PING_IP_VERSION:-4} PPP_PING_OFFLINE_THRESHOLD=${PPP_PING_OFFLINE_THRESHOLD:-30} PPP_PING_RESTART_IF_OFFLINE=${PPP_PING_RESTART_IF_OFFLINE:-0} NTP_DISABLED=${NTP_DISABLED:-1} PPPD_DEBUG=${PPPD_DEBUG:-""} CHAT_VERBOSE=${CHAT_VERBOSE:-""} RESTART_SCHEDULE_CRON=${RESTART_SCHEDULE_CRON:-""} CONFIGURE_STATIC_IP_ON_BOOT=${CONFIGURE_STATIC_IP_ON_BOOT:-""} OFFLINE_PERIOD_SEC=${OFFLINE_PERIOD_SEC:-5} ENABLE_WATCHDOG=${ENABLE_WATCHDOG:-1} COFIGURE_ENOCEAN_PORT=${COFIGURE_ENOCEAN_PORT:-1} CANDY_PI_LITE_APT_GET_UPDATED=${CANDY_PI_LITE_APT_GET_UPDATED:-0} CANDY_RED_BIND_IPV4_ADDR=${CANDY_RED_BIND_IPV4_ADDR:-false} DISABLE_DEFAULT_ROUTE_ADJUSTER=${DISABLE_DEFAULT_ROUTE_ADJUSTER:-0} SERIAL_PORT_TYPE=${SERIAL_PORT_TYPE:-auto} COFIGURE_SMARTMESH_PORT=${COFIGURE_SMARTMESH_PORT:-1} CONNECT_ON_STARTUP=${CONNECT_ON_STARTUP:-1} GNSS_ON_STARTUP=${GNSS_ON_STARTUP:-0} SLEEP_SEC_BEFORE_RETRY=${SLEEP_SEC_BEFORE_RETRY:-30} PYTHON="" PKGS="candy-board-qws==3.1.0 candy-board-cli==4.0.0 croniter" BUTTON_EXT=${BUTTON_EXT:-0} RPi_BUTTON_LED=${RPi_BUTTON_LED:-17} RPi_BUTTON_IN=${RPi_BUTTON_IN:-27} ATB_BUTTON_LED=${ATB_BUTTON_LED:-164} ATB_BUTTON_IN=${ATB_BUTTON_IN:-166} ALERT_MESSAGE="" REBOOT=0 function err { echo -e "\033[91m[ERROR] $1\033[0m" } function warn { echo -e "\033[95m[WARN] $1\033[0m" } function info { echo -e "\033[92m[INFO] $1\033[0m" } function alert { echo -e "\033[93m[ALERT] $1\033[0m" } function setup { [ "${DEBUG}" ] || rm -fr ${SRC_DIR} info "Installing CANDY Pi Lite Board Service software Version: ${VERSION}" info "OS Version: $(cat /etc/debian_version)" info "Kernel Version: ${KERNEL}" info "Architecture: $(uname -m)" RET=`which python3` RET=$? if [ "${RET}" == "0" ]; then info "Using 'python3' command for Python scripts." PYTHON="python3" else info "Using 'python' command for Python scripts." PYTHON="python" fi if [ -z "${BOARD}" ]; then DT_MODEL="" if [ -f "/proc/board_info" ]; then DT_MODEL=`tr -d '\0' < /proc/board_info` elif [ -f "/proc/device-tree/model" ]; then DT_MODEL=`tr -d '\0' < /proc/device-tree/model` fi case ${DT_MODEL} in "Tinker Board" | "Tinker Board S" | "Rockchip RK3288 Tinker Board") BOARD="ATB" ;; *) BOARD="" ;; esac if [ -z "${BOARD}" ]; then grep "Raspberry Pi " /proc/device-tree/model > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then BOARD="RPi" else BOARD="/proc/device-tree/model => $(tr -d '\0' < /proc/device-tree/model)" fi fi fi case ${BOARD} in RPi|ATB) info "Board Type: ${BOARD}" ;; *) err "Unsupported board: ${BOARD}" exit 5 ;; esac } function assert_root { if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then alert "This script must be run as root" exit 1 fi } function fix_perm_issues { ETC_DEFAULT_PERMS=`namei -m /etc/default 2>&1` if [[ ! ${ETC_DEFAULT_PERMS} == *"drwxr-xr-x etc"* ]]; then chmod 755 /etc fi if [[ ! ${ETC_DEFAULT_PERMS} == *"drwxr-xr-x default"* ]]; then chmod 755 /etc/default fi } function test_connectivity { curl -s --head --fail -o /dev/null https://github.com 2>&1 if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then alert "Internet connection is required" exit 1 fi } function ask_to_unistall_if_installed { if [ -x "${SERVICE_HOME}/uninstall.sh" ]; then alert "Please uninstall candy-pi-lite-service first by 'sudo ${SERVICE_HOME}/uninstall.sh'" exit 1 fi if [ -x "${VENDOR_HOME}/ltepi2/uninstall.sh" ]; then alert "Please uninstall ltepi2-service first by 'sudo ${VENDOR_HOME}/ltepi2/uninstall.sh'" exit 1 fi } function download { if [ -d "${SRC_DIR}" ]; then return fi cd /tmp curl -L https://github.com/${GITHUB_ID}/archive/${VERSION}.tar.gz | tar zx if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then err "Make sure internet is available" exit 1 fi } function _ufw_setup { info "Configuring ufw..." cp -f ${SRC_DIR}/etc/ufw/*.rules /etc/ufw/ if [ "${FORCE_INSTALL}" == "1" ]; then sed -i -e "s/ENABLED=no/ENABLED=yes/g" /etc/ufw/ufw.conf else ufw --force disable if [ "${BOARD}" == "RPi" ]; then if [ ! -e "/sys/class/net/eth0" ]; then if [ "${CONFIGURE_STATIC_IP_ON_BOOT}" == "1" ]; then ufw allow in on eth-rpi fi fi fi for n in `ls /sys/class/net` do if [ "${n}" != "lo" ] && [ "${n}" != "ppp0" ] && [ "${n}" != "wwan0" ]; then ufw allow in on ${n} if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then err "Failed to configure ufw for the network interface: ${n}" exit 4 fi fi done ufw --force enable fi } function configure_sc16is7xx { if [ "${FORCE_INSTALL}" != "1" ]; then if [ -z "${BOARD}" ]; then return fi fi info "Configuring SC16IS7xx for ${BOARD} ..." case ${BOARD} in RPi) do_configure_sc16is7xx_rpi ;; ATB) do_configure_sc16is7xx_atb ;; esac info "SC16IS7xx configuration done" } function do_configure_sc16is7xx_rpi { SC16IS7xx_DT_NAME="sc16is752-spi0-ce1" SC16IS7xx_DTB="/boot/overlays/${SC16IS7xx_DT_NAME}.dtbo" info "Installing SC16IS7xx Device Tree Blob..." dtc -@ -I dts -O dtb -o ${SC16IS7xx_DTB} ${SRC_DIR}/boot/overlays/${SC16IS7xx_DT_NAME}.dts RET=`grep "^dtoverlay=${SC16IS7xx_DT_NAME}" /boot/config.txt` if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then if [ ! -f "/boot/config.txt.bak" ]; then cp /boot/config.txt /boot/config.txt.bak fi echo "dtoverlay=${SC16IS7xx_DT_NAME}" >> /boot/config.txt fi } function do_configure_sc16is7xx_atb { RET=`grep "sc16is7xx.ko" /lib/modules/${KERNEL}/modules.dep` if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then info "Installing SC16IS7xx Kernel Module...(Kernel Version:${KERNEL})" KO_FILE_PATH="${SRC_DIR}/lib/modules/${KERNEL}/kernel/drivers/tty/serial/sc16is7xx.ko" if [ -f "${KO_FILE_PATH}" ]; then mkdir -p /lib/modules/${KERNEL}/kernel/drivers/tty/serial/ cp -f ${KO_FILE_PATH} /lib/modules/${KERNEL}/kernel/drivers/tty/serial/ depmod -a else ALERT_MESSAGE="GPIO(SPI) connection is NOT AVAILABLE because the kernel version:${KERNEL} is unsupported. Use USB/UART connection, instead." warn "Cannot install SC16IS7xx Kernel Module. GPIO(SPI) is NOT Available." warn "Don't warry. You can use USB/UART, instead." info "Skip to install Device Tree Blob." return fi fi SC16IS7xx_DT_NAME="sc16is752-spi2-ce1-atb" SC16IS7xx_DTB="/boot/overlays/${SC16IS7xx_DT_NAME}.dtbo" info "Installing SC16IS7xx Device Tree Blob..." cp -f ${SRC_DIR}/boot/overlays/${SC16IS7xx_DT_NAME}.dtbo ${SC16IS7xx_DTB} RET=`grep "^intf:dtoverlay=${SC16IS7xx_DT_NAME}" /boot/hw_intf.conf` if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then if [ ! -f "/boot/hw_intf.conf.bak" ]; then cp /boot/hw_intf.conf /boot/hw_intf.conf.bak fi echo "intf:dtoverlay=${SC16IS7xx_DT_NAME}" >> /boot/hw_intf.conf fi } function configure_watchdog { if [ "${FORCE_INSTALL}" != "1" ]; then if [ -z "${BOARD}" ]; then return fi fi if [ "${ENABLE_WATCHDOG}" != "1" ]; then return fi info "Configuring Hardware Watchdog for ${BOARD} ..." case ${BOARD} in RPi) if [ "${FORCE_INSTALL}" != "1" ]; then test_wdt_driver bcm2835_wdt if [ "$RET" != "0" ]; then return fi fi do_configure_bcm2835_wdt ;; ATB) if [ "${FORCE_INSTALL}" != "1" ]; then test_wdt_driver dw_wdt if [ "$RET" != "0" ]; then return fi fi do_configure_dw_wdt ;; esac info "Hardware Watchdog configuration done" } function test_wdt_driver { RET=`modprobe $1` if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then info "$1 is missing. Skip to configue Hardware Watchdog." RET=1 return fi RET=0 } function do_configure_watchdog { if [ -f "/etc/systemd/system.conf" ]; then RET=`grep "^RuntimeWatchdogSec=" /etc/systemd/system.conf` if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then RET=`grep "^#RuntimeWatchdogSec=" /etc/systemd/system.conf` if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "RuntimeWatchdogSec=14" >> /etc/systemd/system.conf else sed -i -e "s/#RuntimeWatchdogSec=.*/RuntimeWatchdogSec=14/g" /etc/systemd/system.conf rm -f /etc/systemd/system.conf-e fi fi fi } function do_configure_bcm2835_wdt { RET=`grep "^dtparam=watchdog=on" /boot/config.txt` if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then RET=`grep "^dtparam=watchdog=off" /boot/config.txt` if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "dtparam=watchdog=on" >> /boot/config.txt else info "Skip to configure Hardware Watchdog as it's already disabled." return fi fi if [ ! -f "/etc/modprobe.d/bcm2835-wdt.conf" ]; then echo "options bcm2835_wdt heartbeat=14 nowayout=0" >> /etc/modprobe.d/bcm2835-wdt.conf fi do_configure_watchdog } function do_configure_dw_wdt { if [ ! -f "/etc/modprobe.d/dw-wdt.conf" ]; then echo "options dw_wdt nowayout=0" >> /etc/modprobe.d/dw-wdt.conf fi do_configure_watchdog } function apt_get_update { if [ "${CANDY_PI_LITE_APT_GET_UPDATED}" == "1" ]; then return fi CANDY_PI_LITE_APT_GET_UPDATED=1 apt-get update -y } function install_ppp { info "Installing ufw and ppp..." if [ "${FORCE_INSTALL}" != "1" ]; then apt_get_update apt-get install -y ufw ppp fi # _common.sh is copied by install_service cp -f ${SRC_DIR}/systemd/apn-list.json ${SERVICE_HOME}/apn-list.json port="${UART_PORT}" sed -i -e "s/%MODEM_BAUDRATE%/${MODEM_BAUDRATE//\//\\/}/g" ${SERVICE_HOME}/_common.sh _ufw_setup FILES=`ls ${SRC_DIR}/etc/ppp/ipv6-up.d/0*` for f in ${FILES} do install -o root -g root -D -m 755 ${f} /etc/ppp/ipv6-up.d/ done } function install_avahi_daemon { if [ "${FORCE_INSTALL}" != "1" ]; then systemctl status avahi-daemon > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then info "Installing avahi daemon..." apt_get_update apt-get install -y avahi-daemon fi fi } function install_logrotate { if [ "${FORCE_INSTALL}" != "1" ]; then dpkg -l | grep logrotate > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then info "Installing logrotate..." apt_get_update apt-get install -y logrotate fi fi } function install_candy_board { PIP="${PYTHON} -m pip" PIP_VERSION=`${PIP} -V` RET=$? if [ "${RET}" == "0" ]; then info "Using ${PIP_VERSION}" else info "Installing pip..." apt_get_update apt-get install -y ${PYTHON}-pip info "Installed `${PIP} -V`" fi SETUPTOOLS=`${PYTHON} -c "import setuptools" > /dev/null 2>&1` RET=$? if [ "${RET}" != "0" ]; then info "Installing setuptools..." apt_get_update apt-get install -y ${PYTHON}-setuptools ${PYTHON}-wheel info "Installed setuptools" fi for p in ${PKGS} do ${PIP} install --upgrade ${p} done } function install_candy_red { if [ "${CANDY_RED}" == "0" ]; then return fi BINARY_UPDATE_REQUIRED=`systemctl is-enabled candy-red` if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then BINARY_UPDATE_REQUIRED="yes" systemctl stop candy-red else BINARY_UPDATE_REQUIRED="no" fi if [ "${FORCE_INSTALL}" != "1" ]; then NODEJS_VER=`node -v` if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then for v in ${NODEJS_VERSIONS} do echo ${NODEJS_VER} | grep -oE "${v/./\\.}\..*" if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then unset NODEJS_VER fi done else NODEJS_VER="N/A" fi apt_get_update if [ -n "${NODEJS_VER}" ]; then info "Installing Node.js..." MODEL_NAME=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name"` if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then MODEL_NAME=`uname -m` if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then alert "Cannot Resolve CPU Architecture." exit 1 fi fi apt-get remove -y nodered nodejs nodejs-legacy npm rm -f \ /usr/bin/node \ /usr/bin/npm \ /usr/sbin/node \ /usr/sbin/npm \ /usr/local/bin/node \ /usr/local/bin/npm if [[ ${MODEL_NAME} = *"ARMv6 "* || ${MODEL_NAME} = *"ARMv6-"* ]]; then ARM_ARCH_VERSION=armv6l NODEJS_BASE_URL=https://unofficial-builds.nodejs.org/download/release/v elif [[ ${MODEL_NAME} = *"ARMv7 "* || ${MODEL_NAME} = *"ARMv7-"* || ${MODEL_NAME} = *"ARMv8 "* || ${MODEL_NAME} = *"ARMv8-"* ]]; then ARM_ARCH_VERSION=${ARM_ARCH:-armv7l} NODEJS_BASE_URL=https://nodejs.org/dist/v elif [[ ${MODEL_NAME} = *"aarch64"* ]]; then ARM_ARCH_VERSION=${ARM_ARCH:-arm64} NODEJS_BASE_URL=https://nodejs.org/dist/v else alert "Unsupported architecture. Detected text:${MODEL_NAME}" exit 1 fi cd /tmp wget ${NODEJS_BASE_URL}${ARM_NODEJS_VERSION}/node-v${ARM_NODEJS_VERSION}-linux-${ARM_ARCH_VERSION}.tar.gz if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then alert "Failed to download a tarball from '${NODEJS_BASE_URL}${ARM_NODEJS_VERSION}/node-v${ARM_NODEJS_VERSION}-linux-${ARM_ARCH_VERSION}.tar.gz'" exit 1 fi tar zxf node-v${ARM_NODEJS_VERSION}-linux-${ARM_ARCH_VERSION}.tar.gz cd node-v${ARM_NODEJS_VERSION}-linux-${ARM_ARCH_VERSION}/ cp -R * /usr/ rm -f /usr/CHANGELOG.md /usr/LICENSE /usr/README.md fi fi cd ~ npm cache clean --force info "Installing CANDY RED..." if [ "${BOARD}" == "ATB" ]; then CANDY_RED_BIND_IPV4_ADDR=true fi WELCOME_FLOW_URL=${WELCOME_FLOW_URL} \ NODES_CSV_PATH=${NODES_CSV_PATH} \ CANDY_RED_APT_GET_UPDATED=${CANDY_PI_LITE_APT_GET_UPDATED} \ CANDY_RED_BIND_IPV4_ADDR=${CANDY_RED_BIND_IPV4_ADDR} \ npm install -g --unsafe-perm --production candy-red RET="$?" if [ "${RET}" != "0" ]; then err "Failed to install CANDY RED" if [ "${BOARD}" == "RPi" ]; then err "Consider to use the presinstalled OS image at https://forums.candy-line.io/tags/os, instead." fi exit ${RET} fi if [ "${BINARY_UPDATE_REQUIRED}" == "yes" ]; then info "Updating Binaries..." pushd $(npm -g root)/candy-red npm --unsafe-perm rebuild --update-binary popd pushd /opt/candy-red/.node-red npm --unsafe-perm rebuild --update-binary popd info "All binaries are updated." fi REBOOT=1 CANDY_PI_LITE_APT_GET_UPDATED=1 } function test_boot_apn { FALLBACK_APN=$(cat ${SRC_DIR}/systemd/fallback_apn) BOOT_APN=${BOOT_APN:-${FALLBACK_APN}} CREDS=`/usr/bin/env ${PYTHON} -c "with open('${SRC_DIR}/systemd/apn-list.json') as f:import json;c=json.load(f);print('${BOOT_APN}' in c)"` if [ "${CREDS}" != "True" ]; then err "Invalid BOOT_APN value => ${BOOT_APN}" exit 1 fi } function install_service { info "Installing system service ..." RET=`systemctl | grep ${SERVICE_NAME}.service | grep -v not-found` RET=$? if [ "${RET}" == "0" ]; then return fi download test_boot_apn LIB_SYSTEMD="$(dirname $(dirname $(which systemctl)))" if [ "${LIB_SYSTEMD}" == "/" ]; then LIB_SYSTEMD="" fi LIB_SYSTEMD="${LIB_SYSTEMD}/lib/systemd" mkdir -p ${SERVICE_HOME} cp -f ${SRC_DIR}/systemd/boot-ip.*.json ${SERVICE_HOME} cp -f ${SRC_DIR}/systemd/environment.txt ${SERVICE_HOME}/environment cp -f ${SRC_DIR}/systemd/fallback_apn ${SERVICE_HOME} for e in VERSION \ PYTHON \ BUTTON_EXT \ RPi_BUTTON_LED \ RPi_BUTTON_IN \ ATB_BUTTON_LED \ ATB_BUTTON_IN \ SERIAL_PORT_TYPE \ DISABLE_DEFAULT_ROUTE_ADJUSTER \ PPP_PING_INTERVAL_SEC \ PPP_PING_TYPE \ PPP_PING_DESTINATION \ PPP_PING_IP_VERSION \ PPP_PING_OFFLINE_THRESHOLD \ PPP_PING_RESTART_IF_OFFLINE \ NTP_DISABLED \ PPPD_DEBUG \ CHAT_VERBOSE \ RESTART_SCHEDULE_CRON \ CONNECT_ON_STARTUP \ GNSS_ON_STARTUP \ SLEEP_SEC_BEFORE_RETRY \ OFFLINE_PERIOD_SEC; do sed -i -e "s/%${e}%/${!e//\//\\/}/g" ${SERVICE_HOME}/environment done FILES=`ls ${SRC_DIR}/systemd/*.sh` FILES="${FILES} `ls ${SRC_DIR}/systemd/server_*.py`" for f in ${FILES} do install -o root -g root -D -m 755 ${f} ${SERVICE_HOME} done echo "${BOOT_APN}" > ${SERVICE_HOME}/apn cp -f ${SRC_DIR}/systemd/${SERVICE_NAME}.service.txt ${SRC_DIR}/systemd/${SERVICE_NAME}.service sed -i -e "s/%VERSION%/${VERSION//\//\\/}/g" ${SRC_DIR}/systemd/${SERVICE_NAME}.service install -o root -g root -D -m 644 ${SRC_DIR}/systemd/${SERVICE_NAME}.service ${LIB_SYSTEMD}/system/ systemctl enable ${SERVICE_NAME} install -o root -g root -D -m 755 ${SRC_DIR}/uninstall.sh ${SERVICE_HOME}/uninstall.sh cp -f ${SRC_DIR}/etc/udev/rules.d/99* /etc/udev/rules.d/ if [ "${BOARD}" == "RPi" ]; then if [ ! -e "/sys/class/net/eth0" ]; then if [ "${CONFIGURE_STATIC_IP_ON_BOOT}" == "1" ]; then # assign the fixed name `eth-rpi` for RPi B+/2B/3B cp -f ${SRC_DIR}/etc/udev/rules.d/76-rpi-ether-netnames.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ fi fi fi if [ "${COFIGURE_ENOCEAN_PORT}" == "1" ]; then cp -f ${SRC_DIR}/etc/udev/rules.d/70-enocean-stick.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ fi if [ "${COFIGURE_SMARTMESH_PORT}" == "1" ]; then cp -f ${SRC_DIR}/etc/udev/rules.d/70-smartmesh.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ fi info "${SERVICE_NAME} service has been installed" REBOOT=1 } function teardown { [ "${DEBUG}" ] || rm -fr ${SRC_DIR} if [ "${CONTAINER_MODE}" == "0" ] && [ "${REBOOT}" == "1" ]; then alert "*** Please reboot the system (enter 'sudo reboot') ***" fi if [ -n "${ALERT_MESSAGE}" ]; then alert "${ALERT_MESSAGE}" fi } function package { rm -f $(basename ${GITHUB_ID})-*.tgz # http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/9865 COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar --exclude="./.*" --exclude=Makefile -zcf $(basename ${GITHUB_ID})-${VERSION}.tgz * } # main if [ "$1" == "pack" ]; then package exit 0 fi assert_root test_connectivity ask_to_unistall_if_installed setup fix_perm_issues install_candy_board install_candy_red install_service install_ppp install_avahi_daemon install_logrotate configure_sc16is7xx configure_watchdog teardown