Alex Ade Yuqin Liu Alexander Diehl Allen Xiang Asiyah Yu Lin Caty Chung Daniel Cooper Helen Parkinson Hiroshi Masuya Hongjie Pan James Malone Jiangan Xie Jie Zheng Matthew Brush Sirarat Sarntivijai Stefanie Seltmann Stephan Schurer Uma Vempati Xiaolin Yang Yongqun "Oliver" He (YH) Yue Liu 2023-03-28 The Cell Line Ontology (CLO) is a community-based ontology of cell lines. The CLO is developed to unify publicly available cell line entry data from multiple sources to a standardized logically defined format based on consensus design patterns. OWL-DL An ontology for the domain of cell lines and cell line cells CLO: Cell Line Ontology Citation: Sarntivijai S, Lin Y, Xiang Z, Meehan TF, Diehl AD, Vempati UD, Schürer TC, Pang C, Malone J, Parkinson H, Liu Y, Takatsuki T, Saijo K, Masuya H, Nakamura Y, Brush MH, Haendel MA, Zheng J, Stoeckert CJ, Peters B, Mungall CJ, Carey TE, States DJ, Athey BD, He Y. CLO: The Cell Line Ontology. Journal of Biomedical Semantics. 2014, 5:37. doi:10.1186/2041-1480-5-37. PMID: 25852852. PMCID: PMC4387853. 2.1.188 BFO OWL specification label Relates an entity in the ontology to the name of the variable that is used to represent it in the code that generates the BFO OWL file from the lispy specification. Really of interest to developers only BFO OWL specification label BFO OWL specification label BFO CLIF specification label Relates an entity in the ontology to the term that is used to represent it in the the CLIF specification of BFO2 Person:Alan Ruttenberg Really of interest to developers only BFO CLIF specification label BFO CLIF specification label An annotation property that represents an ID used in the NIH LINCS project. Oliver He, Jiangan Xie, Jie Zheng LINCS ID An annotation property that specifies an STR profile of a cell line cell. Yongqun He STR profile An annotation property that represents a PubMed BioAssay Identifier accession number. Oliver He PubChem AID An annotation property that describes the information of a problematic cell line. Yongqun He problematic cell line annotation An annotation property that describes the origin of a cell line. Oliver He cell line cell origin An annotation property that describes the features of a cell line and cell line cell. Oliver He cell line cell feature An annotation property that describes known mutation(s) about a cell. Oliver He Known mutation annotation Cell culture condition editor preferred label editor preferred term The concise, meaningful, and human-friendly name for a class or property preferred by the ontology developers. (US-English) PERSON:Daniel Schober GROUP:OBI:<> editor preferred label editor preferred label editor preferred term editor preferred term editor preferred term~editor preferred label example example of usage A phrase describing how a class name should be used. May also include other kinds of examples that facilitate immediate understanding of a class semantics, such as widely known prototypical subclasses or instances of the class. Although essential for high level terms, examples for low level terms (e.g., Affymetrix HU133 array) are not PERSON:Daniel Schober GROUP:OBI:<> IAO:0000112 uberon example_of_usage true example_of_usage example of usage example of usage in branch An annotation property indicating which module the terms belong to. This is currently experimental and not implemented yet. GROUP:OBI OBI_0000277 in branch in branch has curation status PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg PERSON:Bill Bug PERSON:Melanie Courtot OBI_0000281 has curation status has curation status definition The official OBI definition, explaining the meaning of a class or property. Shall be Aristotelian, formalized and normalized. Can be augmented with colloquial definitions. The official definition, explaining the meaning of a class or property. Shall be Aristotelian, formalized and normalized. Can be augmented with colloquial definitions. The official definition. 2012-04-05: Barry Smith The official OBI definition, explaining the meaning of a class or property: 'Shall be Aristotelian, formalized and normalized. Can be augmented with colloquial definitions' is terrible. Can you fix to something like: A statement of necessary and sufficient conditions explaining the meaning of an expression referring to a class or property. Alan Ruttenberg Your proposed definition is a reasonable candidate, except that it is very common that necessary and sufficient conditions are not given. Mostly they are necessary, occasionally they are necessary and sufficient or just sufficient. Often they use terms that are not themselves defined and so they effectively can't be evaluated by those criteria. On the specifics of the proposed definition: We don't have definitions of 'meaning' or 'expression' or 'property'. For 'reference' in the intended sense I think we use the term 'denotation'. For 'expression', I think we you mean symbol, or identifier. For 'meaning' it differs for class and property. For class we want documentation that let's the intended reader determine whether an entity is instance of the class, or not. For property we want documentation that let's the intended reader determine, given a pair of potential relata, whether the assertion that the relation holds is true. The 'intended reader' part suggests that we also specify who, we expect, would be able to understand the definition, and also generalizes over human and computer reader to include textual and logical definition. Personally, I am more comfortable weakening definition to documentation, with instructions as to what is desirable. We also have the outstanding issue of how to aim different definitions to different audiences. A clinical audience reading chebi wants a different sort of definition documentation/definition from a chemistry trained audience, and similarly there is a need for a definition that is adequate for an ontologist to work with. PERSON:Daniel Schober GROUP:OBI:<> definition definition textual definition editor note An administrative note intended for its editor. It may not be included in the publication version of the ontology, so it should contain nothing necessary for end users to understand the ontology. PERSON:Daniel Schober GROUP:OBI:<> IAO:0000116 uberon editor_note true editor_note editor note editor note term editor Name of editor entering the term in the file. The term editor is a point of contact for information regarding the term. The term editor may be, but is not always, the author of the definition, which may have been worked upon by several people 20110707, MC: label update to term editor and definition modified accordingly. See PERSON:Daniel Schober GROUP:OBI:<> term editor term editor alternative term An alternative name for a class or property which means the same thing as the preferred name (semantically equivalent) PERSON:Daniel Schober GROUP:OBI:<> alternative term alternative term definition source formal citation, e.g. identifier in external database to indicate / attribute source(s) for the definition. Free text indicate / attribute source(s) for the definition. EXAMPLE: Author Name, URI, MeSH Term C04, PUBMED ID, Wiki uri on 31.01.2007 PERSON:Daniel Schober GROUP:OBI:<> Discussion on obo-discuss mailing-list, see definition source definition source curator note An administrative note of use for a curator but of no use for a user PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg IAO:0000232 uberon curator_notes true curator_notes curator note curator note curator notes imported from For external terms/classes, the ontology from which the term was imported PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg PERSON:Melanie Courtot GROUP:OBI:<> imported from imported from expand expression to expand expression to expand assertion to expand assertion to OBO foundry unique label elucidation person:Alan Ruttenberg Person:Barry Smith Primitive terms in a highest-level ontology such as BFO are terms which are so basic to our understanding of reality that there is no way of defining them in a non-circular fashion. For these, therefore, we can provide only elucidations, supplemented by examples and by axioms elucidation elucidation has associated axiom(nl) Person:Alan Ruttenberg Person:Alan Ruttenberg An axiom associated with a term expressed using natural language has associated axiom(nl) has associated axiom(nl) has associated axiom(fol) Person:Alan Ruttenberg Person:Alan Ruttenberg An axiom expressed in first order logic using CLIF syntax has associated axiom(fol) has associated axiom(fol) preferred_root term replaced by An alternative term used by the IEDB. IEDB alternative term temporal interpretation An assertion that holds between an OWL Object Property and a temporal interpretation that elucidates how OWL Class Axioms that use this property are to be interpreted in a temporal context. temporal interpretation temporal interpretation tooth SubClassOf 'never in taxon' value 'Aves' S never_in_taxon T iff: S SubClassOf in_taxon only not T. x never in taxon T if and only if T is a class, and x does not instantiate the class expression "in taxon some T". Note that this is a shortcut relation, and should be used as a hasValue restriction in OWL. Chris Mungall Chris Mungall ?X DisjointWith RO_0002162 some ?Y Class: <> EquivalentTo: ?X and (RO_0002162 some ?Y) Class: ?X DisjointWith: RO_0002162 some ?Y RO:0002161 uberon never_in_taxon true true never_in_taxon never in taxon never_in_taxon A is mutually_spatially_disjoint_with B if both A and B are classes, and there exists no p such that p is part_of some A and p is part_of some B. non-overlapping with shares no parts with Class: <> EquivalentTo: (BFO_0000050 some ?X) and (BFO_0000050 some ?Y) mutually spatially disjoint with S dubious_for_taxon T if it is probably the case that no instances of S can be found in any instance of T. RO:0002174 uberon dubious_for_taxon true true dubious_for_taxon this relation lacks a strong logical interpretation, but can be used in place of never_in_taxon where it is desirable to state that the definition of the class is too strict for the taxon under consideration, but placing a never_in_taxon link would result in a chain of inconsistencies that will take time to resolve. Example: metencephalon in teleost dubious_for_taxon S present_in_taxon T if some instance of T has some S. This does not means that all instances of T have an S - it may only be certain life stages or sexes that have S S present_in_taxon T if some instance of T has some S. This does not means that all instances of T have an S - it may only be certain life stages or sexes that have S. RO:0002175 applicable for taxon uberon present_in_taxon true true present_in_taxon present in taxon present in taxon present_in_taxon An assertion that involves at least one OWL object that is intended to be expanded into one or more logical axioms. The logical expansion can yield axioms expressed using any formal logical system, including, but not limited to OWL2-DL. logical macro assertion A logical macro assertion whose domain is an IRI for a class The domain for this class can be considered to be owl:Class, but we cannot assert this in OWL2-DL logical macro assertion on a class A logical macro assertion whose domain is an IRI for a property logical macro assertion on a property Used to annotate object properties to describe a logical meta-property or characteristic of the object property. logical macro assertion on an object property logical macro assertion on an annotation property relation p is the direct form of relation q iff p is a subPropertyOf q, p does not have the Transitive characteristic, q does have the Transitive characteristic, and for all x, y: x q y -> exists z1, z2, ..., zn such that x p z1 ... z2n y The general property hierarchy is: "directly P" SubPropertyOf "P" Transitive(P) Where we have an annotation assertion "directly P" "is direct form of" "P" If we have the annotation P is-direct-form-of Q, and we have inverses P' and Q', then it follows that P' is-direct-form-of Q' Chris Mungall is direct form of A shortcut relationship that holds between two entities based on their identity criteria logical macro assertion involving identity A shortcut relationship between two entities x and y1, such that the intent is that the relationship is functional and inverse function, but there is no guarantee that this property holds. in approximate one to one relationship with 'anterior end of organism' is-opposite-of 'posterior end of organism' 'increase in temperature' is-opposite-of 'decrease in temperature' x is the opposite of y if there exists some distance metric M, and there exists no z such as M(x,z) <= M(x,y) or M(y,z) <= M(y,x). is opposite of true if the two properties are disjoint, according to OWL semantics. This should only be used if using a logical axiom introduces a non-simple property violation. cjm nominally disjoint with Used to annotate object properties representing a causal relationship where the value indicates a direction. Should be "+", "-" or "0" cjm 2018-03-13T23:59:29Z is directional form of cjm 2018-03-14T00:03:16Z is positive form of cjm 2018-03-14T00:03:24Z is negative form of part-of is homeomorphic for independent continuants. R is homemorphic for C iff (1) there exists some x,y such that x R y, and x and y instantiate C and (2) for all x, if x is an instance of C, and there exists some y some such that x R y, then it follows that y is an instance of C. cjm 2018-10-21T19:46:34Z R homeomorphic-for C expands to: C SubClassOf R only C. Additionally, for any class D that is disjoint with C, we can also expand to C DisjointWith R some D, D DisjointWith R some C. is homeomorphic for An alternate textual definition for a class taken unmodified from an external source. This definition may have been used to derive a generalized definition for the new class. UBPROP:0000001 uberon external_definition true external_definition This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO external_definition A textual description of an axiom loss in this ontology compared to an external ontology. UBPROP:0000002 uberon axiom_lost_from_external_ontology true axiom_lost_from_external_ontology This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO axiom_lost_from_external_ontology Notes on the homology status of this class. UBPROP:0000003 uberon homology_notes true homology_notes This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO homology_notes UBPROP:0000004 uberon provenance_notes true provenance_notes provenance_notes An alternate comment for a class taken unmodified from an external source. Note that obo format only allows a single comment for a class, and does not provide a structured means of adding provenance info. UBPROP:0000005 uberon external_comment true external_comment This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO external_comment UBPROP:0000006 uberon implements_design_pattern true implements_design_pattern implements_design_pattern Used to connect a class to an adjectival form of its label. For example, a class with label 'intestine' may have a relational adjective 'intestinal'. UBPROP:0000007 uberon has_relational_adjective true has_relational_adjective has_relational_adjective Notes on the how instances of this class vary across species. UBPROP:0000008 uberon taxon_notes true taxon_notes taxon_notes Notes on the evolved function of instances of this class. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000009 uberon function_notes true function_notes function_notes Notes on the structure, composition or histology of instances of this class. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000010 uberon structure_notes true structure_notes structure_notes Notes on the ontogenic development of instances of this class. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000011 uberon development_notes true development_notes development_notes Notes on how similar or equivalent classes are represented in other ontologies. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000012 uberon external_ontology_notes true external_ontology_notes external_ontology_notes Notes on how lexical conventions regarding this class, in particular any issues that may arise due to homonyny or synonymy. This annotation property may be replaced with an annotation property from an external ontology such as IAO UBPROP:0000013 uberon terminology_notes true terminology_notes terminology_notes FMA has terms like 'set of X'. In general we do not include set-of terms in uberon, but provide a mapping between the singular form and the FMA set term UBPROP:0000202 uberon fma_set_term true fma_set_term fma_set_term Examples of a Contributor include a person, an organisation, or a service. Typically, the name of a Contributor should be used to indicate the entity. uberon dc-contributor true dc-contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource. Contributor Contributor contributor Examples of a Creator include a person, an organisation, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity. uberon dc-creator true dc-creator An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource. Creator Creator creator Typically, Date will be associated with the creation or availability of the resource. Recommended best practice for encoding the date value is defined in a profile of ISO 8601 [W3CDTF] and follows the YYYY-MM-DD format. A date associated with an event in the life cycle of the resource. Date Date Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, table of contents, reference to a graphical representation of content or a free-text account of the content. uberon dc-description true dc-description An account of the content of the resource. Description Description description Typically, Format may include the media-type or dimensions of the resource. Format may be used to determine the software, hardware or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Examples of dimensions include size and duration. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the list of Internet Media Types [MIME] defining computer media formats). The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Format Format The present resource may be derived from the Source resource in whole or in part. Recommended best practice is to reference the resource by means of a string or number conforming to a formal identification system. A reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived. Source Source Typically, a Subject will be expressed as keywords, key phrases or classification codes that describe a topic of the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme. The topic of the content of the resource. Subject and Keywords Subject and Keywords Typically, a Title will be a name by which the resource is formally known. uberon dc-title true dc-title A name given to the resource. Title Title title uberon dc-contributor true dc-contributor contributor uberon dcterms-license true dcterms-license license consider Author of the class. created_by Date class was created. creation_date ID of merged class. has_alternative_id has_broad_synonym Reference database or publication source. database_cross_reference Exact synonym. has_exact_synonym has exact synonym has_narrow_synonym Name space of the ontology. disease_ontology has_obo_namespace Has related synonym. has_related_synonym An identifier for an individual entity. An identifier is an information content entity that is the outcome of a dubbing process and is used to refer to one instance of entity shared by a group of people to refer to that individual entity. id In subset. in_subset shorthand Comment. comment Is defined by. rdfs:isDefinedBy A human readable name for this class. label label seeAlso uberon seeAlso true seeAlso see also OWL deprecated. owl:deprecated A skos concept mapping used to link two concepts, indicating a high degree of confidence that the concepts can be used interchangeably. has exact match uberon depicted_by true depicted_by depicted by is part of my brain is part of my body (continuant parthood, two material entities) my stomach cavity is part of my stomach (continuant parthood, immaterial entity is part of material entity) this day is part of this year (occurrent parthood) a core relation that holds between a part and its whole Everything is part of itself. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot be part of each other. Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See Parthood requires the part and the whole to have compatible classes: only an occurrent can be part of an occurrent; only a process can be part of a process; only a continuant can be part of a continuant; only an independent continuant can be part of an independent continuant; only an immaterial entity can be part of an immaterial entity; only a specifically dependent continuant can be part of a specifically dependent continuant; only a generically dependent continuant can be part of a generically dependent continuant. (This list is not exhaustive.) A continuant cannot be part of an occurrent: use 'participates in'. An occurrent cannot be part of a continuant: use 'has participant'. A material entity cannot be part of an immaterial entity: use 'has location'. A specifically dependent continuant cannot be part of an independent continuant: use 'inheres in'. An independent continuant cannot be part of a specifically dependent continuant: use 'bearer of'. part_of BFO:0000050 external quality uberon part_of part_of part of part of part_of has part my body has part my brain (continuant parthood, two material entities) my stomach has part my stomach cavity (continuant parthood, material entity has part immaterial entity) this year has part this day (occurrent parthood) a core relation that holds between a whole and its part Everything has itself as a part. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot have each other as a part. Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See Parthood requires the part and the whole to have compatible classes: only an occurrent have an occurrent as part; only a process can have a process as part; only a continuant can have a continuant as part; only an independent continuant can have an independent continuant as part; only a specifically dependent continuant can have a specifically dependent continuant as part; only a generically dependent continuant can have a generically dependent continuant as part. (This list is not exhaustive.) A continuant cannot have an occurrent as part: use 'participates in'. An occurrent cannot have a continuant as part: use 'has participant'. An immaterial entity cannot have a material entity as part: use 'location of'. An independent continuant cannot have a specifically dependent continuant as part: use 'bearer of'. A specifically dependent continuant cannot have an independent continuant as part: use 'inheres in'. has_part BFO:0000051 external quality uberon has_part has_part has part has part has_part realized in this disease is realized in this disease course this fragility is realized in this shattering this investigator role is realized in this investigation is realized by realized_in [copied from inverse property 'realizes'] to say that b realizes c at t is to assert that there is some material entity d & b is a process which has participant d at t & c is a disposition or role of which d is bearer_of at t& the type instantiated by b is correlated with the type instantiated by c. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [059-003]) Paraphrase of elucidation: a relation between a realizable entity and a process, where there is some material entity that is bearer of the realizable entity and participates in the process, and the realizable entity comes to be realized in the course of the process realized in realizes this disease course realizes this disease this investigation realizes this investigator role this shattering realizes this fragility to say that b realizes c at t is to assert that there is some material entity d & b is a process which has participant d at t & c is a disposition or role of which d is bearer_of at t& the type instantiated by b is correlated with the type instantiated by c. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [059-003]) Paraphrase of elucidation: a relation between a process and a realizable entity, where there is some material entity that is bearer of the realizable entity and participates in the process, and the realizable entity comes to be realized in the course of the process realizes participates_in preceded by X preceded_by Y iff: end(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with start(X). x is preceded by y if and only if the time point at which y ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which x starts. Formally: x preceded by y iff ω(y) <= α(x), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point. An example is: translation preceded_by transcription; aging preceded_by development (not however death preceded_by aging). Where derives_from links classes of continuants, preceded_by links classes of processes. Clearly, however, these two relations are not independent of each other. Thus if cells of type C1 derive_from cells of type C, then any cell division involving an instance of C1 in a given lineage is preceded_by cellular processes involving an instance of C. The assertion P preceded_by P1 tells us something about Ps in general: that is, it tells us something about what happened earlier, given what we know about what happened later. Thus it does not provide information pointing in the opposite direction, concerning instances of P1 in general; that is, that each is such as to be succeeded by some instance of P. Note that an assertion to the effect that P preceded_by P1 is rather weak; it tells us little about the relations between the underlying instances in virtue of which the preceded_by relation obtains. Typically we will be interested in stronger relations, for example in the relation immediately_preceded_by, or in relations which combine preceded_by with a condition to the effect that the corresponding instances of P and P1 share participants, or that their participants are connected by relations of derivation, or (as a first step along the road to a treatment of causality) that the one process in some way affects (for example, initiates or regulates) the other. is preceded by preceded_by BFO:0000062 is preceded by takes place after external uberon preceded_by preceded_by preceded by preceded by preceded_by precedes x precedes y if and only if the time point at which x ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: x precedes y iff ω(x) <= α(y), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point. BFO:0000063 external uberon precedes precedes precedes precedes occurs in b occurs_in c =def b is a process and c is a material entity or immaterial entity& there exists a spatiotemporal region r and b occupies_spatiotemporal_region r.& forall(t) if b exists_at t then c exists_at t & there exist spatial regions s and s’ where & b spatially_projects_onto s at t& c is occupies_spatial_region s’ at t& s is a proper_continuant_part_of s’ at t occurs_in unfolds in unfolds_in BFO:0000066 external occurs_in occurs_in Paraphrase of definition: a relation between a process and an independent continuant, in which the process takes place entirely within the independent continuant occurs in occurs in site of [copied from inverse property 'occurs in'] b occurs_in c =def b is a process and c is a material entity or immaterial entity& there exists a spatiotemporal region r and b occupies_spatiotemporal_region r.& forall(t) if b exists_at t then c exists_at t & there exist spatial regions s and s’ where & b spatially_projects_onto s at t& c is occupies_spatial_region s’ at t& s is a proper_continuant_part_of s’ at t BFO:0000067 uberon contains_process contains_process Paraphrase of definition: a relation between an independent continuant and a process, in which the process takes place entirely within the independent continuant contains process contains process located_in has_quality x anterior_to y iff x is further along the antero-posterior axis than y, towards the head. An antero-posterior axis is an axis that bisects an organism from head end to opposite end of body or tail: bearer. cjm 2009-07-31T02:15:46Z BSPO:0000096 uberon anterior_to anterior_to anterior_to x distal_to y iff x is further along the proximo-distal axis than y, towards the appendage tip. A proximo-distal axis extends from tip of an appendage (distal) to where it joins the body (proximal). BSPO:0000097 uberon distal_to distal_to distal_to x dorsal_to y iff x is further along the dorso-ventral axis than y, towards the back. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that bisects an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly). BSPO:0000098 uberon dorsal_to dorsal_to dorsal_to x posterior_to y iff x is further along the antero-posterior axis than y, towards the body/tail. An antero-posterior axis is an axis that bisects an organism from head end to opposite end of body or tail. BSPO:0000099 caudal_to uberon posterior_to posterior_to posterior_to x ventral_to y iff x is further along the dorso-ventral axis than y, towards the front. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that bisects an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly). BSPO:0000102 uberon ventral_to ventral_to ventral_to BSPO:0000107 uberon deep_to deep_to deep_to BSPO:0000108 uberon superficial_to superficial_to superficial_to X in_left_side_of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into left and right portions, X is part_of the left portion. BSPO:0000120 uberon in_left_side_of in_left_side_of in_left_side_of X in_right_side_of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into left and right portions, X is part_of the right portion. BSPO:0000121 uberon in_right_side_of in_right_side_of in_right_side_of X posterior_side_of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into two anterior and posterior portions, X is part_of the posterior portion. BSPO:0000122 uberon in_posterior_side_of in_posterior_side_of in_posterior_side_of X anterior_side_of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into two anterior and posterior portions, X is part_of the anterior portion. BSPO:0000123 uberon in_anterior_side_of in_anterior_side_of in_anterior_side_of X proximal_side_of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into distal and proximal portions, X is part_of the proximal portion. BSPO:0000124 uberon in_proximal_side_of in_proximal_side_of in_proximal_side_of X distal_side_of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into distal and proximal portions, X is part_of the distal portion. BSPO:0000125 uberon in_distal_side_of in_distal_side_of in_distal_side_of X in_lateral_side_of Y <=> if X is in_left_side_of Y or X is in_right_side_of Y. X is often, but not always a paired structure. BSPO:0000126 uberon in_lateral_side_of in_lateral_side_of in_lateral_side_of X proximalmost_part_of Y <=> X is part_of Y and X is adjacent_to the proximal boundary of Y. BSPO:0001106 uberon proximalmost_part_of proximalmost_part_of proximalmost_part_of This relation holds when both the deep_to and ajdacent_to relationship similarly hold. BSPO:0001107 uberon immediately_deep_to immediately_deep_to immediately_deep_to X distalmost_part_of Y <=> X is part_of Y and X is adjacent_to the distal boundary of Y. BSPO:0001108 uberon distalmost_part_of distalmost_part_of distalmost_part_of a 'derives from' object property between an entity (in CLO case, cell line) and a disease in a patient where the entity is derived from some cell in the patient who has the disease. This is a short cut relation that represents: 'derived from' some (cell and ('part of' some 'organism' and ('has disease' some disease))) Yongqun He In most cases, the patient in the relation is used to refer human patient. However, an animal patient (or veterinary patient) can also be referred. derives from patient having disease a disease disposition has been realized by a bearer. Jie Zheng, Yongqun He, Yu Lin, Allen Xiang This is a shortcut relation. It is equivalent to: participates_in some 'disease couse' and realizes some disease has disease an object property that specifies a cell line repository for a specifc cell line. SS, YH, UV, SS is in cell line repository an object property that represents a relation between a cell line cell and a disease. Asiyah Yu Lin, Yongqun He This object property is largely equivalent to the previous term 'is model for' ( is disease model for HeLa ICRP cell is transfected to express a Initiator caspase reporter protein (IC-RP) an object property that represents a relation between a cell line cell and a protein where the cell line cell is genetically transfected to stably express a foreign protein in the cell line cell. Oliver He, Asiyah Yu Lin transfected to express a 'cell line cell derives from' object property between an entity (e.g., cell line cell in CLO) and an organism where the cell line cell is derived from some cell from the organism. In CLO, this is a short cut relation that represents: 'derived from' some (cell and ('part of' some organism)) derived from organism a 'derives from' object property between an entity (i.e., cell line cell in CLO) and an anatomic part from an organism where the cell line cell is derived from some cell in the anatomic part (e.g., tissue or organ). The anatomic part is typically defined by UBERON in CLO. in CLO, this is a short cut relation that represents: 'derived from' some (cell and ('part of' some 'anatomic part')) derived from anatomic part derived from cell derived from cell line a 'derived from' object property that specifies the domain of the property is a cell line cell. Oliver He cell line cell derived from a 'cell line cell derives from' object property between a cell line cell and an anatomic part from an organism where the cell line cell is derived from some cell in the tissue. The anatomic part is typically defined by UBERON in CLO. This is a short cut relation that represents: 'derived from' some (cell and ('part of' some 'anatomic part')) Oliver He cell line cell derived from anatomical part a 'cell line cell derives from' object property between a cell line cell and an organism where the cell line cell is derived from some cell from the organism. This is a short cut relation that represents: 'derived from' some (cell and ('part of' some organism)) Oliver He cell line cell derived from organism induced by cell culture reagent BIHi005-A-4 stem cell line cell is derived from BIHi005-A cell by knocking out the gene SORT1 from the BIHi005-A cell. A 'derives from' object property that represents the relation between a cell line cell and a gene where the gene is not present in the cell line cell from a knockout process. Stefanie Seltmann, Oliver He derived from cell with knockout gene Stem cell line cell BIONi010-C-6 is derived from BIONi010-C where gene APOE has been modified from an isogenic modification. A 'derives from' object property that represents the relation between a cell line cell and a gene where the gene is modified in the cell line cell via an isogenic modification process. An isogenic cell line is a cell line that has been engineered from a parental line through the introduction of a targeted gene mutation. Stefanie Seltmann, Oliver He derived from cell with isogenic modification of gene derived from cell with knockin gene derived from cell with transgenic modification GOREL:0002004 external results_in_fission_of results_in_fission_of results_in_fission_of is about This document is about information artifacts and their representations is_about is a (currently) primitive relation that relates an information artifact to an entity. 7/6/2009 Alan Ruttenberg. Following discussion with Jonathan Rees, and introduction of "mentions" relation. Weaken the is_about relationship to be primitive. We will try to build it back up by elaborating the various subproperties that are more precisely defined. Some currently missing phenomena that should be considered "about" are predications - "The only person who knows the answer is sitting beside me" , Allegory, Satire, and other literary forms that can be topical without explicitly mentioning the topic. person:Alan Ruttenberg Smith, Ceusters, Ruttenberg, 2000 years of philosophy is about An information artifact IA mentions an entity E exactly when it has a component/part that denotes E 7/6/2009 Alan Ruttenberg. P4 RC1 munges our GCI so remove it for now: mentions some entity equivalentTo has_part some ('generically denotes' some entity) 7/6/2009 Alan Ruttenberg: Add this relation following conversation with Jonathan Rees that N&S GCI for is_about was too strong. Really it was simply sufficient. To effect this change we introduce this relation, which is subproperty of is_about, and have previous GCI use this relation "mentions" in it's (logical) definition PERSON: Jonathan Rees Person: Alan Ruttenberg mentions has_specified_input see is_input_of example_of_usage A relation between a planned process and a continuant participating in that process that is not created during the process. The presence of the continuant during the process is explicitly specified in the plan specification which the process realizes the concretization of. 8/17/09: specified inputs of one process are not necessarily specified inputs of a larger process that it is part of. This is in contrast to how 'has participant' works. PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg PERSON: Bjoern Peters PERSON: Larry Hunter PERSON: Melanie Coutot has_specified_input is_specified_input_of some Autologous EBV(Epstein-Barr virus)-transformed B-LCL (B lymphocyte cell line) is_input_for instance of Chromum Release Assay described at A relation between a planned process and a continuant participating in that process that is not created during the process. The presence of the continuant during the process is explicitly specified in the plan specification which the process realizes the concretization of. Alan Ruttenberg PERSON:Bjoern Peters is_specified_input_of has_specified_output A relation between a planned process and a continuant participating in that process. The presence of the continuant at the end of the process is explicitly specified in the objective specification which the process realizes the concretization of. PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg PERSON: Bjoern Peters PERSON: Larry Hunter PERSON: Melanie Courtot has_specified_output is_manufactured_by is_manufactered_by (if we decide to use these URIs for the actual entities) c is_manufactured_by o means that there was a process p in which c was built in which a person, or set of people or machines did the work(bore the "Manufacturer Role", and those people/and or machines were members or of directed by the organization to do this. Alan Ruttenberg Liju Fan has_make has_manufacturer is_manufactured_by is_specified_output_of A relation between a planned process and a continuant participating in that process. The presence of the continuant at the end of the process is explicitly specified in the objective specification which the process realizes the concretization of. Alan Ruttenberg PERSON:Bjoern Peters is_specified_output_of achieves_planned_objective A cell sorting process achieves the objective specification 'material separation objective' This relation obtains between a planned process and a objective specification when the criteria specified in the objective specification are met at the end of the planned process. BP, AR, PPPB branch PPPB branch derived modified according to email thread from 1/23/09 in accordince with DT and PPPB branch achieves_planned_objective has grain the relation of the cells in the finger of the skin to the finger, in which an indeterminate number of grains are parts of the whole by virtue of being grains in a collective that is part of the whole, and in which removing one granular part does not nec- essarily damage or diminish the whole. Ontological Whether there is a fixed, or nearly fixed number of parts - e.g. fingers of the hand, chambers of the heart, or wheels of a car - such that there can be a notion of a single one being missing, or whether, by contrast, the number of parts is indeterminate - e.g., cells in the skin of the hand, red cells in blood, or rubber molecules in the tread of the tire of the wheel of the car. Discussion in Karslruhe with, among others, Alan Rector, Stefan Schulz, Marijke Keet, Melanie Courtot, and Alan Ruttenberg. Definition take from the definition of granular parthood in the cited paper. Needs work to put into standard form PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg PAPER: Granularity, scale and collectivity: When size does and does not matter, Alan Rector, Jeremy Rogers, Thomas Bittner, Journal of Biomedical Informatics 39 (2006) 333-349 has grain objective_achieved_by This relation obtains between a a objective specification and a planned process when the criteria specified in the objective specification are met at the end of the planned process. OBI OBI objective_achieved_by inheres in this fragility inheres in this vase this fragility is a characteristic of this vase this red color inheres in this apple this red color is a characteristic of this apple a relation between a specifically dependent continuant (the characteristic) and any other entity (the bearer), in which the characteristic depends on the bearer for its existence. a relation between a specifically dependent continuant (the dependent) and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the dependent specifically depends on the bearer for its existence A dependent inheres in its bearer at all times for which the dependent exists. inheres_in Note that this relation was previously called "inheres in", but was changed to be called "characteristic of" because BFO2 uses "inheres in" in a more restricted fashion. This relation differs from BFO2:inheres_in in two respects: (1) it does not impose a range constraint, and thus it allows qualities of processes, as well as of information entities, whereas BFO2 restricts inheres_in to only apply to independent continuants (2) it is declared functional, i.e. something can only be a characteristic of one thing. characteristic of inheres in bearer of this apple is bearer of this red color this vase is bearer of this fragility Inverse of characteristic_of a relation between an independent continuant (the bearer) and a specifically dependent continuant (the dependent), in which the dependent specifically depends on the bearer for its existence A bearer can have many dependents, and its dependents can exist for different periods of time, but none of its dependents can exist when the bearer does not exist. bearer_of is bearer of RO:0000053 external uberon bearer_of bearer_of bearer of bearer of has characteristic participates in this blood clot participates in this blood coagulation this input material (or this output material) participates in this process this investigator participates in this investigation a relation between a continuant and a process, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process participates_in RO:0000056 external uberon participates_in participates_in participates in participates in participates_in has participant this blood coagulation has participant this blood clot this investigation has participant this investigator this process has participant this input material (or this output material) a relation between a process and a continuant, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process Has_participant is a primitive instance-level relation between a process, a continuant, and a time at which the continuant participates in some way in the process. The relation obtains, for example, when this particular process of oxygen exchange across this particular alveolar membrane has_participant this particular sample of hemoglobin at this particular time. has_participant RO:0000057 external has_participant has_participant has participant has participant concretizes A journal article is an information artifact that inheres in some number of printed journals. For each copy of the printed journal there is some quality that carries the journal article, such as a pattern of ink. The quality (a specifically dependent continuant) concretizes the journal article (a generically dependent continuant), and both depend on that copy of the printed journal (an independent continuant). An investigator reads a protocol and forms a plan to carry out an assay. The plan is a realizable entity (a specifically dependent continuant) that concretizes the protocol (a generically dependent continuant), and both depend on the investigator (an independent continuant). The plan is then realized by the assay (a process). A relationship between a specifically dependent continuant and a generically dependent continuant, in which the generically dependent continuant depends on some independent continuant in virtue of the fact that the specifically dependent continuant also depends on that same independent continuant. Multiple specifically dependent continuants can concretize the same generically dependent continuant. concretizes has function this enzyme has function this catalysis function (more colloquially: this enzyme has this catalysis function) a relation between an independent continuant (the bearer) and a function, in which the function specifically depends on the bearer for its existence A bearer can have many functions, and its functions can exist for different periods of time, but none of its functions can exist when the bearer does not exist. A function need not be realized at all the times that the function exists. has_function has function this apple has quality this red color a relation between an independent continuant (the bearer) and a quality, in which the quality specifically depends on the bearer for its existence A bearer can have many qualities, and its qualities can exist for different periods of time, but none of its qualities can exist when the bearer does not exist. has_quality RO:0000086 uberon has_quality has_quality has quality has quality has role this person has role this investigator role (more colloquially: this person has this role of investigator) a relation between an independent continuant (the bearer) and a role, in which the role specifically depends on the bearer for its existence A bearer can have many roles, and its roles can exist for different periods of time, but none of its roles can exist when the bearer does not exist. A role need not be realized at all the times that the role exists. has_role has role has role derives from this cell derives from this parent cell (cell division) this nucleus derives from this parent nucleus (nuclear division) a relation between two distinct material entities, the new entity and the old entity, in which the new entity begins to exist when the old entity ceases to exist, and the new entity inherits the significant portion of the matter of the old entity This is a very general relation. More specific relations are preferred when applicable, such as 'directly develops from'. derives_from derives from derives_from derives into this parent cell derives into this cell (cell division) this parent nucleus derives into this nucleus (nuclear division) a relation between two distinct material entities, the old entity and the new entity, in which the new entity begins to exist when the old entity ceases to exist, and the new entity inherits the significant portion of the matter of the old entity This is a very general relation. More specific relations are preferred when applicable, such as 'directly develops into'. To avoid making statements about a future that may not come to pass, it is often better to use the backward-looking 'derives from' rather than the forward-looking 'derives into'. derives_into derives into is location of my head is the location of my brain this cage is the location of this rat a relation between two independent continuants, the location and the target, in which the target is entirely within the location Most location relations will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See location_of RO:0001015 uberon location_of location_of location of location_of located in my brain is located in my head this rat is located in this cage a relation between two independent continuants, the target and the location, in which the target is entirely within the location Location as a relation between instances: The primitive instance-level relation c located_in r at t reflects the fact that each continuant is at any given time associated with exactly one spatial region, namely its exact location. Following we can use this relation to define a further instance-level location relation - not between a continuant and the region which it exactly occupies, but rather between one continuant and another. c is located in c1, in this sense, whenever the spatial region occupied by c is part_of the spatial region occupied by c1. Note that this relation comprehends both the relation of exact location between one continuant and another which obtains when r and r1 are identical (for example, when a portion of fluid exactly fills a cavity), as well as those sorts of inexact location relations which obtain, for example, between brain and head or between ovum and uterus Most location relations will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See located_in RO:0001025 uberon located_in located_in located in located_in my body has 2D boundary the surface of my skin a relation between a material entity and a 2D immaterial entity (the boundary), in which the boundary delimits the material entity A 2D boundary may have holes and gaps, but it must be a single connected entity, not an aggregate of several disconnected parts. Although the boundary is two-dimensional, it exists in three-dimensional space and thus has a 3D shape. David Osumi-Sutherland has boundary has_2D_boundary RO:0002002 uberon has_boundary has_boundary has 2D boundary has boundary David Osumi-Sutherland RO:0002005 nerve supply uberon innervated_by innervated_by innervated_by innervated_by X outer_layer_of Y iff: . X :continuant that bearer_of some PATO:laminar . X part_of Y . exists Z :surface . X has_boundary Z . Z boundary_of Y has_boundary: boundary_of: David Osumi-Sutherland RO:0002007 external uberon bounding_layer_of bounding_layer_of A relationship that applies between a continuant and its outer, bounding layer. Examples include the relationship between a multicellular organism and its integument, between an animal cell and its plasma membrane, and between a membrane bound organelle and its outer/bounding membrane. A relationship that applies between a continuant and its outer, bounding layer. Examples include the relationship between a multicellular organism and its integument, between an animal cell and its plasma membrane, and between a membrane bound organelle and its outer/bounding membrane. bounding layer of bounding layer of dos 2017-05-24T09:44:33Z A 'has component activity' B if A is A and B are molecular functions (GO_0003674) and A has_component B. has component activity w 'has process component' p if p and w are processes, w 'has part' p and w is such that it can be directly disassembled into into n parts p, p2, p3, ..., pn, where these parts are of similar type. dos 2017-05-24T09:49:21Z has component process A relationship between a process and a barrier, where the process occurs in a region spanning the barrier. For cellular processes the barrier is typically a membrane. Examples include transport across a membrane and membrane depolarization. dos 2017-07-20T17:19:37Z occurs across A 'has effector activity' B if A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A 'has component activity' B and B is the effector (output function) of B. Each compound function has only one effector activity. dos 2017-09-22T14:14:36Z This relation is designed for constructing compound molecular functions, typically in combination with one or more regulatory component activity relations. has effector activity David Osumi-Sutherland <= Primitive instance level timing relation between events before or simultaneous with Relation between occurrents, shares start and end boundaries. David Osumi-Sutherland RO:0002082 coincides_with is_equal_to uberon simultaneous_with simultaneous_with t1 simultaneous_with t2 iff:= t1 before_or_simultaneous_with t2 and not (t1 before t2) simultaneous with simultaneous_with David Osumi-Sutherland X ends_after Y iff: end(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with end(X) ends after X immediately_preceded_by Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y). David Osumi-Sutherland starts_at_end_of A non-transitive temporal relation in which one process immediately precedes another process, such that there is no interval of time between the two processes[SIO:000251]. RO:0002087 directly preceded by is directly preceded by is immediately preceded by starts_at_end_of external uberon immediately_preceded_by immediately_preceded_by X immediately_preceded_by Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y) immediately preceded by immediately_preceded_by David Osumi-Sutherland ends_at_start_of meets RO:0002090 external immediately_precedes immediately_precedes X immediately_precedes_Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y) immediately precedes immediately_precedes David Osumi-Sutherland io X starts_during Y iff: (start(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with start(X)) AND (start(X) before_or_simultaneous_with end(Y)) starts during David Osumi-Sutherland d during X happens_during Y iff: (start(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with start(X)) AND (end(X) before_or_simultaneous_with end(Y)) happens during David Osumi-Sutherland o overlaps X ends_during Y iff: ((start(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with end(X)) AND end(X) before_or_simultaneous_with end(Y). ends during Relation between a neuron and an anatomical structure that its soma is part of. David Osumi-Sutherland <> some ( <> and <> some ?Y) has soma location Every B cell[CL_0000236] has plasma membrane part some immunoglobulin complex[GO_0019814] Holds between a cell c and a protein complex or protein p if and only if that cell has as part a plasma_membrane[GO:0005886], and that plasma membrane has p as part. Alexander Diehl Chris Mungall Lindsay Cowell <> some (<> and <> some ?Y) has plasma membrane part x overlaps y if and only if there exists some z such that x has part z and z part of y BFO_0000051 some (BFO_0000050 some ?Y) some ( some ?Y) RO:0002131 external uberon overlaps overlaps overlaps overlaps Relation between a 'neuron projection bundle' and a region in which one or more of its component neuron projections either synapses to targets or receives synaptic input. T innervates some R Expands_to: T has_fasciculating_neuron_projection that synapse_in some R. David Osumi-Sutherland <> some (<> that (<> some (<> that <> some Y?))) RO:0002134 uberon innervates innervates innervates innervates X continuous_with Y if and only if X and Y share a fiat boundary. David Osumi-Sutherland connected to The label for this relation was previously connected to. I relabeled this to "continuous with". The standard notion of connectedness does not imply shared boundaries - e.g. Glasgow connected_to Edinburgh via M8; my patella connected_to my femur (via patellar-femoral joint) RO:0002150 uberon continuous_with continuous_with continuous with continuous_with FMA:85972 two individual entities d1 and d2 stand in a shares_ancestor_with relation if and only if there exists some a such that d1 derived_by_descent_from a and d2 derived_by_descent_from a. Consider obsoleting and merging with child relation, 'in homology relationship with' RO:0002158 uberon homologous_to homologous_to VBO calls this homologous_to homologous_to shares ancestor with lactation SubClassOf 'only in taxon' some 'Mammalia' S only_in_taxon T iff: S SubClassOf in_taxon only T. x only in taxon y if and only if x is in taxon y, and there is no other organism z such that y!=z a and x is in taxon z. The original intent was to treat this as a macro that expands to 'in taxon' only ?Y - however, this is not necessary if we instead have supplemental axioms that state that each pair of sibling tax have a disjointness axiom using the 'in taxon' property - e.g. 'in taxon' some Eukaryota DisjointWith 'in taxon' some Eubacteria Chris Mungall RO:0002160 uberon only_in_taxon only_in_taxon only in taxon only_in_taxon x is in taxon y if an only if y is an organism, and the relationship between x and y is one of: part of (reflexive), developmentally preceded by, derives from, secreted by, expressed. Chris Mungall Jennifer Deegan RO:0002162 uberon in_taxon in_taxon Connects a biological entity to its taxon of origin. in taxon A is spatially_disjoint_from B if and only if they have no parts in common There are two ways to encode this as a shortcut relation. The other possibility to use an annotation assertion between two classes, and expand this to a disjointness axiom. Chris Mungall Note that it would be possible to use the relation to label the relationship between a near infinite number of structures - between the rings of saturn and my left earlobe. The intent is that this is used for parsiomoniously for disambiguation purposes - for example, between siblings in a jointly exhaustive pairwise disjointness hierarchy BFO_0000051 exactly 0 (BFO_0000050 some ?Y) spatially disjoint from a 'toe distal phalanx bone' that is connected to a 'toe medial phalanx bone' (an interphalangeal joint *connects* these two bones). Binary relationship: x connected_to y if and only if there exists some z such that z connects x and y in a ternary connected_to(x,y,z) relationship. a is connected to b if and only if a and b are discrete structure, and there exists some connecting structure c, such that c connects a and b RO:0002170 uberon connected_to connected_to Connection does not imply overlaps. connected to connected to The M8 connects Glasgow and Edinburgh a 'toe distal phalanx bone' that is connected to a 'toe medial phalanx bone' (an interphalangeal joint *connects* these two bones). Binary relationship: z connects x if and only if there exists some y such that z connects x and y in a ternary connected_to(x,y,z) relationship. c connects a if and only if there exist some b such that a and b are similar parts of the same system, and c connects b, specifically, c connects a with b. When one structure connects two others it unites some aspect of the function or role they play within the system. this is currently used for both structural relationships (such as between a valve and the chamber it connects) and abstract relationships (anatomical lines and the entities they connect) RO:0002176 uberon connects connects connects connects a is attached to part of b if a is attached to b, or a is attached to some p, where p is part of b. attached to part of (anatomical structure to anatomical structure) RO:0002177 uberon attaches_to_part_of attaches_to_part_of attached to part of attaches_to_part_of Relation between an arterial structure and another structure, where the arterial structure acts as a conduit channeling fluid, substance or energy. relation between an artery and the structure is supplies with blood. Individual ontologies should provide their own constraints on this abstract relation. For example, in the realm of anatomy this should hold between an artery and an anatomical structure RO:0002178 arterial supply of uberon supplies supplies source: FMA supplies supplies Relation between an collecting structure and another structure, where the collecting structure acts as a conduit channeling fluid, substance or energy away from the other structure. Individual ontologies should provide their own constraints on this abstract relation. For example, in the realm of anatomy this should hold between a vein and an anatomical structure RO:0002179 drains blood from drains from uberon drains drains source: Wikipedia drains drains w 'has component' p if w 'has part' p and w is such that it can be directly disassembled into into n parts p, p2, p3, ..., pn, where these parts are of similar type. The definition of 'has component' is still under discussion. The challenge is in providing a definition that does not imply transitivity. For use in recording has_part with a cardinality constraint, because OWL does not permit cardinality constraints to be used in combination with transitive object properties. In situations where you would want to say something like 'has part exactly 5 digit, you would instead use has_component exactly 5 digit. RO:0002180 external uberon has_component has_component has component has component x develops from y if and only if either (a) x directly develops from y or (b) there exists some z such that x directly develops from z and z develops from y Chris Mungall David Osumi-Sutherland Melissa Haendel Terry Meehan RO:0002202 uberon develops_from develops_from This is the transitive form of the develops from relation develops from develops_from inverse of develops from Chris Mungall David Osumi-Sutherland Terry Meehan RO:0002203 uberon develops_into develops_into develops into develops_into 'neural crest cell' SubClassOf expresses some 'Wnt1 gene' x expressed in y if and only if there is a gene expression process (GO:0010467) that occurs in y, and one of the following holds: (i) x is a gene, and x is transcribed into a transcript as part of the gene expression process (ii) x is a transcript, and the transcription of x is part of the gene expression process (iii) x is a mature gene product such as a protein, and x was translated or otherwise processes from a transcript that was transcribed as part of this gene expression process Chris Mungall expressed in Candidate definition: x directly_develops from y if and only if there exists some developmental process (GO:0032502) p such that x and y both participate in p, and x is the output of p and y is the input of p, and a substantial portion of the matter of x comes from y, and the start of x is coincident with or after the end of y. Chris Mungall David Osumi-Sutherland has developmental precursor FBbt RO:0002207 uberon directly_develops_from directly_develops_from TODO - add child relations from DOS directly develops from directly_develops_from inverse of directly develops from developmental precursor of directly develops into process(P1) regulates process(P2) iff: P1 results in the initiation or termination of P2 OR affects the frequency of its initiation or termination OR affects the magnitude or rate of output of P2. We use 'regulates' here to specifically imply control. However, many colloquial usages of the term correctly correspond to the weaker relation of 'causally upstream of or within' (aka influences). Consider relabeling to make things more explicit Chris Mungall David Hill Tanya Berardini GO Regulation precludes parthood; the regulatory process may not be within the regulated process. regulates (processual) false RO:0002211 external regulates regulates regulates regulates Process(P1) negatively regulates process(P2) iff: P1 terminates P2, or P1 descreases the the frequency of initiation of P2 or the magnitude or rate of output of P2. Chris Mungall negatively regulates (process to process) RO:0002212 external negatively_regulates negatively_regulates negatively regulates negatively regulates Process(P1) postively regulates process(P2) iff: P1 initiates P2, or P1 increases the the frequency of initiation of P2 or the magnitude or rate of output of P2. Chris Mungall positively regulates (process to process) RO:0002213 external positively_regulates positively_regulates positively regulates positively regulates 'human p53 protein' SubClassOf some ('has prototype' some ('participates in' some 'DNA repair')) heart SubClassOf 'has prototype' some ('participates in' some 'blood circulation') x has prototype y if and only if x is an instance of C and y is a prototypical instance of C. For example, every instance of heart, both normal and abnormal is related by the has prototype relation to some instance of a "canonical" heart, which participates in blood circulation. Experimental. In future there may be a formalization in which this relation is treated as a shortcut to some modal logic axiom. We may decide to obsolete this and adopt a more specific evolutionary relationship (e.g. evolved from) TODO: add homeomorphy axiom This property can be used to make weaker forms of certain relations by chaining an additional property. For example, we may say: retina SubClassOf has_prototype some 'detection of light'. i.e. every retina is related to a prototypical retina instance which is detecting some light. Note that this is very similar to 'capable of', but this relation affords a wider flexibility. E.g. we can make a relation between continuants. Chris Mungall has prototype mechanosensory neuron capable of detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception (GO:0050974) osteoclast SubClassOf 'capable of' some 'bone resorption' A relation between a material entity (such as a cell) and a process, in which the material entity has the ability to carry out the process. Chris Mungall has function realized in For compatibility with BFO, this relation has a shortcut definition in which the expression "capable of some P" expands to "bearer_of (some realized_by only P)". RO:0002215 external uberon capable_of capable_of capable of capable of c stands in this relationship to p if and only if there exists some p' such that c is capable_of p', and p' is part_of p. Chris Mungall has function in RO:0002216 external uberon capable_of_part_of capable_of_part_of capable of part of capable of part of x surrounded_by y if and only if (1) x is adjacent to y and for every region r that is adjacent to x, r overlaps y (2) the shared boundary between x and y occupies the majority of the outermost boundary of x x surrounded_by y iff: x is adjacent to y and for every region r adjacent to x, r overlaps y. Chris Mungall RO:0002219 uberon surrounded_by surrounded_by surrounded by surrounded_by A caterpillar walking on the surface of a leaf is adjacent_to the leaf, if one of the caterpillar appendages is touching the leaf. In contrast, a butterfly flying close to a flower is not considered adjacent, unless there are any touching parts. The epidermis layer of a vertebrate is adjacent to the dermis. The plasma membrane of a cell is adjacent to the cytoplasm, and also to the cell lumen which the cytoplasm occupies. The skin of the forelimb is adjacent to the skin of the torso if these are considered anatomical subdivisions with a defined border. Otherwise a relation such as continuous_with would be used. x adjacent to y if and only if x and y share a boundary. x adjacent_to y iff: x and y share a boundary. This relation acts as a join point with BSPO Chris Mungall RO:0002220 external uberon adjacent_to adjacent_to adjacent to adjacent to adjacent_to inverse of surrounded by inverse of surrounded_by. Chris Mungall RO:0002221 uberon surrounds surrounds surrounds surrounds Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for relations between occurrents involving the relative timing of their starts and ends. A relation that holds between two occurrents. This is a grouping relation that collects together all the Allen relations. temporally related to Relation between occurrents, shares a start boundary with. inverse of starts with Chris Mungall Allen RO:0002223 uberon starts starts starts starts Every insulin receptor signaling pathway starts with the binding of a ligand to the insulin receptor x starts with y if and only if x has part y and the time point at which x starts is equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: α(y) = α(x) ∧ ω(y) < ω(x), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point. Chris Mungall started by RO:0002224 external uberon starts_with starts_with starts with starts with x develops from part of y if and only if there exists some z such that x develops from z and z is part of y Chris Mungall RO:0002225 uberon develops_from_part_of develops_from_part_of develops from part of develops_from_part_of Relation between occurrents, shares an end boundary with. inverse of ends with Chris Mungall RO:0002229 finishes uberon ends ends ends ends x ends with y if and only if x has part y and the time point at which x ends is equivalent to the time point at which y ends. Formally: α(y) > α(x) ∧ ω(y) = ω(x), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point. Chris Mungall finished by RO:0002230 external uberon ends_with ends_with ends with ends with x 'has starts location' y if and only if there exists some process z such that x 'starts with' z and z 'occurs in' y Chris Mungall starts with process that occurs in RO:0002231 external has_start_location has_start_location has start location has start location x 'has end location' y if and only if there exists some process z such that x 'ends with' z and z 'occurs in' y Chris Mungall ends with process that occurs in RO:0002232 external has_end_location has_end_location has end location has end location p has input c iff: p is a process, c is a material entity, c is a participant in p, c is present at the start of p, and the state of c is modified during p. Chris Mungall consumes RO:0002233 external has_input has_input has input has input p has output c iff c is a participant in p, c is present at the end of p, and c is not present in the same state at the beginning of p. Chris Mungall produces RO:0002234 external has_output has_output has output has output Mammalian thymus has developmental contribution from some pharyngeal pouch 3; Mammalian thymus has developmental contribution from some pharyngeal pouch 4 [Kardong] x has developmental contribution from y iff x has some part z such that z develops from y Chris Mungall RO:0002254 uberon has_developmental_contribution_from has_developmental_contribution_from has developmental contribution from has developmental contribution from inverse of has developmental contribution from Chris Mungall RO:0002255 uberon developmentally_contributes_to developmentally_contributes_to developmentally contributes to developmentally_contributes_to t1 developmentally_induced_by t2 if there is a process of organ induction (GO:0001759) with t1 and t2 as interacting participants. t2 causes t1 to change its fate from a precursor tissue type T to T', where T' develops_from T. t1 induced_by t2 if there is a process of developmental induction (GO:0031128) with t1 and t2 as interacting participants. t2 causes t1 to change its fate from a precursor anatomical structure type T to T', where T' develops_from T Chris Mungall David Osumi-Sutherland Melissa Haendel induced by Developmental Biology, Gilbert, 8th edition, figure 6.5(F) GO:0001759 We place this under 'developmentally preceded by'. This placement should be examined in the context of reciprocal inductions[cjm] RO:0002256 uberon developmentally_induced_by developmentally_induced_by sources for developmentally_induced_by relationships in Uberon: Developmental Biology, Gilbert, 8th edition, figure 6.5(F) developmentally induced by developmentally_induced_by Inverse of developmentally induced by Chris Mungall developmentally induces Candidate definition: x developmentally related to y if and only if there exists some developmental process (GO:0032502) p such that x and y both participates in p, and x is the output of p and y is the input of p false Chris Mungall In general you should not use this relation to make assertions - use one of the more specific relations below this one RO:0002258 uberon developmentally_preceded_by developmentally_preceded_by This relation groups together various other developmental relations. It is fairly generic, encompassing induction, developmental contribution and direct and transitive develops from developmentally preceded by developmentally preceded by x developmentally replaces y if and only if there is some developmental process that causes x to move or to cease to exist, and for the site that was occupied by x to become occupied by y, where y either comes into existence in this site or moves to this site from somewhere else This relation is intended for cases such as when we have a bone element replacing its cartilage element precursor. Currently most AOs represent this using 'develops from'. We need to decide whether 'develops from' will be generic and encompass replacement, or whether we need a new name for a generic relation that encompasses replacement and development-via-cell-lineage Chris Mungall replaces RO:0002285 uberon developmentally_replaces developmentally_replaces developmentally replaces developmentally_replaces Inverse of developmentally preceded by Chris Mungall developmentally succeeded by Inverse of 'expressed in' Chris Mungall expresses p results in the developmental progression of s iff p is a developmental process and s is an anatomical structure and p causes s to undergo a change in state at some point along its natural developmental cycle (this cycle starts with its formation, through the mature structure, and ends with its loss). This property and its subproperties are being used primarily for the definition of GO developmental processes. The property hierarchy mirrors the core GO hierarchy. In future we may be able to make do with a more minimal set of properties, but due to the way GO is currently structured we require highly specific relations to avoid incorrect entailments. To avoid this, the corresponding genus terms in GO should be declared mutually disjoint. Chris Mungall RO:0002295 external results_in_developmental_progression_of results_in_developmental_progression_of results in developmental progression of results in developmental progression of every flower development (GO:0009908) results in development of some flower (PO:0009046) p 'results in development of' c if and only if p is a developmental process and p results in the state of c changing from its initial state as a primordium or anlage through its mature state and to its final state. Chris Mungall RO:0002296 external results_in_development_of results_in_development_of results in development of results in development of an annotation of gene X to anatomical structure formation with results_in_formation_of UBERON:0000007 (pituitary gland) means that at the beginning of the process a pituitary gland does not exist and at the end of the process a pituitary gland exists. every "endocardial cushion formation" (GO:0003272) results_in_formation_of some "endocardial cushion" (UBERON:0002062) Chris Mungall GOC:mtg_berkeley_2013 RO:0002297 external results_in_formation_of results_in_formation_of results in formation of results in formation of an annotation of gene X to cell morphogenesis with results_in_morphogenesis_of CL:0000540 (neuron) means that at the end of the process an input neuron has attained its shape. tongue morphogenesis (GO:0043587) results in morphogenesis of tongue (UBERON:0001723) The relationship that links an entity with the process that results in the formation and shaping of that entity over time from an immature to a mature state. Chris Mungall GOC:mtg_berkeley_2013 RO:0002298 external results_in_morphogenesis_of results_in_morphogenesis_of results in morphogenesis of results in morphogenesis of cjm RO:0002304 external causally_upstream_of,_positive_effect causally_upstream_of,_positive_effect holds between x and y if and only if x is causally upstream of y and the progression of x increases the frequency, rate or extent of y causally upstream of, positive effect cjm RO:0002305 external causally_upstream_of,_negative_effect causally_upstream_of,_negative_effect holds between x and y if and only if x is causally upstream of y and the progression of x decreases the frequency, rate or extent of y causally upstream of, negative effect Holds between p and c when p is a localization process (localization covers maintenance of localization as well as its establishment) and the outcome of this process is to regulate the localization of c. Chris Mungall regulates localization of RO:0002313 external transports_or_maintains_localization_of transports_or_maintains_localization_of transports or maintains localization of transports or maintains localization of q characteristic of part of w if and only if there exists some p such that q inheres in p and p part of w. Because part_of is transitive, inheres in is a sub-relation of characteristic of part of Chris Mungall inheres in part of characteristic of part of an annotation of gene X to cell differentiation with results_in_maturation_of CL:0000057 (fibroblast) means that at the end of the process the input cell that did not have features of a fibroblast, now has the features of a fibroblast. The relationship that links a specified entity with the process that results in an unspecified entity acquiring the features and characteristics of the specified entity Chris Mungall GOC:mtg_berkeley_2013 RO:0002315 external results_in_acquisition_of_features_of results_in_acquisition_of_features_of results in acquisition of features of results in acquisition of features of A relationship that holds via some environmental process Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving the process of evolution. evolutionarily related to A mereological relationship or a topological relationship Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving parthood or connectivity relationships mereotopologically related to A relationship that holds between entities participating in some developmental process (GO:0032502) Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving organismal development developmentally related to A grouping relationship for any relationship directly involving a function, or that holds because of a function of one of the related entities. Chris Mungall This is a grouping relation that collects relations used for the purpose of connecting structure and function RO:0002328 uberon functionally_related_to functionally_related_to functionally related to functionally related to holds between two entities when some genome-level process such as gene expression is involved. This includes transcriptional, spliceosomal events. These relations can be used between either macromolecule entities (such as regions of nucleic acid) or between their abstract informational counterparts. Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving the genome of an organism genomically related to inverse of regulates Chris Mungall regulated by (processual) RO:0002334 external regulated_by regulated_by regulated by regulated by inverse of negatively regulates Chris Mungall RO:0002335 external negatively_regulated_by negatively_regulated_by negatively regulated by negatively regulated by inverse of positively regulates Chris Mungall RO:0002336 external positively_regulated_by positively_regulated_by positively regulated by positively regulated by A relationship that holds via some process of localization Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is a grouping relation. related via localization to This relationship holds between p and l when p is a transport or localization process in which the outcome is to move some cargo c from some initial location l to some destination. Chris Mungall RO:0002338 external has_target_start_location has_target_start_location has target start location has target start location This relationship holds between p and l when p is a transport or localization process in which the outcome is to move some cargo c from a an initial location to some destination l. Chris Mungall RO:0002339 external has_target_end_location has_target_end_location has target end location has target end location Holds between p and l when p is a transportation or localization process and the outcome of this process is to move c from one location to another, and the route taken by c follows a path that is aligned_with l Chris Mungall RO:0002341 external results_in_transport_along results_in_transport_along results in transport along results in transport along Holds between p and m when p is a transportation or localization process and the outcome of this process is to move c from one location to another, and the route taken by c follows a path that crosses m. Chris Mungall RO:0002342 external results_in_transport_across results_in_transport_across results in transport across results in transport across 'mitochondrial transport' results_in_transport_to_from_or_in some mitochondrion (GO:0005739) Chris Mungall RO:0002344 external results_in_transport_to_from_or_in results_in_transport_to_from_or_in results in transport to from or in results in transport to from or in has member is a mereological relation between a collection and an item. SIO RO:0002351 uberon has_member has_member has member has member inverse of has input Chris Mungall RO:0002352 uberon input_of input_of input of input of inverse of has output Chris Mungall RO:0002353 external uberon output_of output_of output of output of Chris Mungall formed as result of a is attached to b if and only if a and b are discrete objects or object parts, and there are physical connections between a and b such that a force pulling a will move b, or a force pulling b will move a Chris Mungall attached to (anatomical structure to anatomical structure) RO:0002371 uberon attaches_to attaches_to attached to attaches_to A relationship that holds between two material entities in a system of connected structures, where the branching relationship holds based on properties of the connecting network. Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving branching relationships This relation can be used for geographic features (e.g. rivers) as well as anatomical structures (plant branches and roots, leaf veins, animal veins, arteries, nerves) in branching relationship with In the tree T depicted in, B1 is a (direct) branching part of T. B1-1, B1-2, and B1-3 are also branching parts of T, but these are considered indirect branching parts as they do not directly connect to the main stem S x is a branching part of y if and only if x is part of y and x is connected directly or indirectly to the main stem of y we need to check if FMA branch_of implies part_of. the relation we intend to use here should - for example, see vestibulocochlear nerve Chris Mungall RO:0002380 uberon branching_part_of branching_part_of branching part of branching_part_of FMA:85994 x has developmental potential involving y iff x is capable of a developmental process with output y. y may be the successor of x, or may be a different structure in the vicinity (as for example in the case of developmental induction). Chris Mungall has developmental potential involving x has potential to developmentrally contribute to y iff x developmentally contributes to y or x is capable of developmentally contributing to y x has potential to developmentrally contribute to y iff x developmentally contributes to y or x is capable of developmentally contributing to y. Chris Mungall RO:0002385 uberon has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to has potential to developmentally contribute to has potential to developmentally contribute to x has potential to developmentally induce y iff x developmentally induces y or x is capable of developmentally inducing y Chris Mungall has potential to developmentally induce x has the potential to develop into y iff x develops into y or if x is capable of developing into y x has the potential to develop into y iff x develops into y or if x is capable of developing into y. Chris Mungall RO:0002387 uberon has_potential_to_develop_into has_potential_to_develop_into has potential to develop into has potential to develop into x has potential to directly develop into y iff x directly develops into y or x is capable of directly developing into y x has potential to directly develop into y iff x directly develops into y or x is capable of directly developing into y. Chris Mungall RO:0002388 uberon has_potential_to_directly_develop_into has_potential_to_directly_develop_into has potential to directly develop into has potential to directly develop into This relation groups causal relations between material entities and causal relations between processes This branch of the ontology deals with causal relations between entities. It is divided into two branches: causal relations between occurrents/processes, and causal relations between material entities. We take an 'activity flow-centric approach', with the former as primary, and define causal relations between material entities in terms of causal relations between occurrents. To define causal relations in an activity-flow type network, we make use of 3 primitives: * Temporal: how do the intervals of the two occurrents relate? * Is the causal relation regulatory? * Is the influence positive or negative The first of these can be formalized in terms of the Allen Interval Algebra. Informally, the 3 bins we care about are 'direct', 'indirect' or overlapping. Note that all causal relations should be classified under a RO temporal relation (see the branch under 'temporally related to'). Note that all causal relations are temporal, but not all temporal relations are causal. Two occurrents can be related in time without being causally connected. We take causal influence to be primitive, elucidated as being such that has the upstream changed, some qualities of the donwstream would necessarily be modified. For the second, we consider a relationship to be regulatory if the system in which the activities occur is capable of altering the relationship to achieve some objective. This could include changing the rate of production of a molecule. For the third, we consider the effect of the upstream process on the output(s) of the downstream process. If the level of output is increased, or the rate of production of the output is increased, then the direction is increased. Direction can be positive, negative or neutral or capable of either direction. Two positives in succession yield a positive, two negatives in succession yield a positive, otherwise the default assumption is that the net effect is canceled and the influence is neutral. Each of these 3 primitives can be composed to yield a cross-product of different relation types. Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect. causally related to p is causally upstream of q if and only if p precedes q and p and q are linked in a causal chain Chris Mungall RO:0002411 external causally_upstream_of causally_upstream_of causally upstream of causally upstream of p is immediately causally upstream of q iff both (a) p immediately precedes q and (b) p is causally upstream of q. In addition, the output of p must be an input of q. Chris Mungall RO:0002412 external immediately_causally_upstream_of immediately_causally_upstream_of immediately causally upstream of immediately causally upstream of p 'causally upstream or within' q iff (1) the end of p is before the end of q and (2) the execution of p exerts some causal influence over the outputs of q; i.e. if p was abolished or the outputs of p were to be modified, this would necessarily affect q. We would like to make this disjoint with 'preceded by', but this is prohibited in OWL2 Chris Mungall influences (processual) RO:0002418 external affects causally_upstream_of_or_within causally_upstream_of_or_within causally upstream of or within inverse of causally upstream of or within Chris Mungall RO:0002427 external causally_downstream_of_or_within causally_downstream_of_or_within causally downstream of or within p contributes to morphology of w if and only if a change in the morphology of p entails a change in the morphology of w. Examples: every skull contributes to morphology of the head which it is a part of. Counter-example: nuclei do not generally contribute to the morphology of the cell they are part of, as they are buffered by cytoplasm. Chris Mungall RO:0002433 uberon contributes_to_morphology_of contributes_to_morphology_of contributes to morphology of 'otolith organ' SubClassOf 'composed primarily of' some 'calcium carbonate' x composed_primarily_of y if and only if more than half of the mass of x is made from y or units of the same type as y. x composed_primarily_of y iff: more than half of the mass of x is made from parts of y. Chris Mungall RO:0002473 uberon composed_primarily_of composed_primarily_of composed primarily of p has part that occurs in c if and only if there exists some p1, such that p has_part p1, and p1 occurs in c. Chris Mungall has part that occurs in Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, typically connecting an anatomical entity to a biological process or developmental stage. relation between physical entity and a process or stage Relation between continuant c and occurrent s, such that every instance of c comes into existing during some s. x existence starts during y if and only if the time point at which x starts is after or equivalent to the time point at which y starts and before or equivalent to the time point at which y ends. Formally: x existence starts during y iff α(x) >= α(y) & α(x) <= ω(y). Chris Mungall RO:0002488 begins_to_exist_during uberon existence_starts_during existence_starts_during existence starts during Relation between continuant and occurrent, such that c comes into existence at the start of p. x starts ends with y if and only if the time point at which x starts is equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: x existence starts with y iff α(x) = α(y). Chris Mungall RO:0002489 uberon existence_starts_with existence_starts_with existence starts with x existence overlaps y if and only if either (a) the start of x is part of y or (b) the end of x is part of y. Formally: x existence starts and ends during y iff (α(x) >= α(y) & α(x) <= ω(y)) OR (ω(x) <= ω(y) & ω(x) >= α(y)) Chris Mungall The relations here were created based on work originally by Fabian Neuhaus and David Osumi-Sutherland. The work has not yet been vetted and errors in definitions may have occurred during transcription. existence overlaps x exists during y if and only if: 1) the time point at which x begins to exist is after or equal to the time point at which y begins and 2) the time point at which x ceases to exist is before or equal to the point at which y ends. Formally: x existence starts and ends during y iff α(x) >= α(y) & α(x) <= ω(y) & ω(x) <= ω(y) & ω(x) >= α(y) Chris Mungall RO:0002491 exists during uberon existence_starts_and_ends_during existence_starts_and_ends_during The relations here were created based on work originally by Fabian Neuhaus and David Osumi-Sutherland. The work has not yet been vetted and errors in definitions may have occurred during transcription. existence starts and ends during Relation between continuant c and occurrent s, such that every instance of c ceases to exist during some s, if it does not die prematurely. x existence ends during y if and only if the time point at which x ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which y ends and after or equivalent to the point at which y starts. Formally: x existence ends during y iff ω(x) <= ω(y) and ω(x) >= α(y). Chris Mungall RO:0002492 ceases_to_exist_during uberon existence_ends_during existence_ends_during The relations here were created based on work originally by Fabian Neuhaus and David Osumi-Sutherland. The work has not yet been vetted and errors in definitions may have occurred during transcription. existence ends during Relation between continuant and occurrent, such that c ceases to exist at the end of p. x existence ends with y if and only if the time point at which x ends is equivalent to the time point at which y ends. Formally: x existence ends with y iff ω(x) = ω(y). Chris Mungall RO:0002493 uberon existence_ends_with existence_ends_with The relations here were created based on work originally by Fabian Neuhaus and David Osumi-Sutherland. The work has not yet been vetted and errors in definitions may have occurred during transcription. existence ends with x transformation of y if x is the immediate transformation of y, or is linked to y through a chain of transformation relationships Chris Mungall RO:0002494 transforms from uberon transformation_of transformation_of transformation of x immediate transformation of y iff x immediately succeeds y temporally at a time boundary t, and all of the matter present in x at t is present in y at t, and all the matter in y at t is present in x at t Chris Mungall RO:0002495 direct_transformation_of immediately transforms from uberon immediate_transformation_of immediate_transformation_of immediate transformation of x existence starts during or after y if and only if the time point at which x starts is after or equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: x existence starts during or after y iff α (x) >= α (y). Chris Mungall RO:0002496 uberon existence_starts_during_or_after existence_starts_during_or_after The relations here were created based on work originally by Fabian Neuhaus and David Osumi-Sutherland. The work has not yet been vetted and errors in definitions may have occurred during transcription. existence starts during or after x existence ends during or before y if and only if the time point at which x ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which y ends. Chris Mungall RO:0002497 uberon existence_ends_during_or_before existence_ends_during_or_before The relations here were created based on work originally by Fabian Neuhaus and David Osumi-Sutherland. The work has not yet been vetted and errors in definitions may have occurred during transcription. existence ends during or before A relationship between a material entity and a process where the material entity has some causal role that influences the process causal agent in process p is causally related to q if and only if p or any part of p and q or any part of q are linked by a chain of events where each event pair is one of direct activation or direct inhibition. p may be upstream, downstream, part of or a container of q. Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect. causal relation between processes Chris Mungall depends on Forelimb SubClassOf has_skeleton some 'Forelimb skeleton' A relation between a segment or subdivision of an organism and the maximal subdivision of material entities that provides structural support for that segment or subdivision. A relation between a subdivision of an organism and the single subdivision of skeleton that provides structural support for that subdivision. Chris Mungall has supporting framework The skeleton of a structure may be a true skeleton (for example, the bony skeleton of a hand) or any kind of support framework (the hydrostatic skeleton of a sea star, the exoskeleton of an insect, the cytoskeleton of a cell). RO:0002551 uberon has sekeletal support has supporting framework has_skeleton has_skeleton has skeleton Holds between p and c when p is locomotion process and the outcome of this process is the change of location of c Chris Mungall RO:0002565 external results_in_movement_of results_in_movement_of results in movement of A relation that holds between elements of a musculoskeletal system or its analogs. Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving the biomechanical processes. biomechanically related to inverse of branching part of Chris Mungall RO:0002569 uberon has_branching_part has_branching_part has branching part x lumen_of y iff x is the space or substance that is part of y and does not cross any of the inner membranes or boundaries of y that is maximal with respect to the volume of the convex hull. Chris Mungall GOC:cjm RO:0002571 uberon lumen_of lumen_of lumen of s is luminal space of x iff s is lumen_of x and s is an immaterial entity Chris Mungall RO:0002572 uberon luminal_space_of luminal_space_of luminal space of inverse of has skeleton Chris Mungall RO:0002576 uberon skeleton_of skeleton_of skeleton of Process(P1) directly regulates process(P2) iff: P1 regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly regulates P2. Chris Mungall directly regulates (processual) directly regulates p results in breakdown of c if and only if the execution of p leads to c no longer being present at the end of p results in breakdown of RO:0002588 external results_in_assembly_of results_in_assembly_of results in assembly of results_in_assembly_of RO:0002590 external results_in_disassembly_of results_in_disassembly_of results in disassembly of results_in_disassembly_of p results in organization of c iff p results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of c RO:0002592 external results_in_organization_of results_in_organization_of results in organization of A relationship that holds between a material entity and a process in which causality is involved, with either the material entity or some part of the material entity exerting some influence over the process, or the process influencing some aspect of the material entity. Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect. Chris Mungall causal relation between material entity and a process Inverse of 'causal agent in process' RO:0002608 external process_has_causal_agent process_has_causal_agent process has causal agent a produces b if some process that occurs_in a has_output b, where a and b are material entities. Examples: hybridoma cell line produces monoclonal antibody reagent; chondroblast produces avascular GAG-rich matrix. Melissa Haendel RO:0003000 external uberon produces produces Note that this definition doesn't quite distinguish the output of a transformation process from a production process, which is related to the identity/granularity issue. produces produces a produced_by b iff some process that occurs_in b has_output a. Melissa Haendel RO:0003001 external uberon produced_by produced_by produced by produced by produced_by p 'has primary input ot output' c iff either (a) p 'has primary input' c or (b) p 'has primary output' c. cjm 2018-12-13T11:26:17Z RO:0004007 external has_primary_input_or_output has_primary_input_or_output has primary input or output p has primary output c if (a) p has output c and (b) the goal of process is to modify, produce, or transform c. cjm 2018-12-13T11:26:32Z RO:0004008 external has_primary_output has_primary_output has primary output p has primary input c if (a) p has input c and (b) the goal of process is to modify, consume, or transform c. cjm 2018-12-13T11:26:56Z RO:0004009 external has_primary_input has_primary_input has primary input cjm 2018-03-13T23:55:05Z causally upstream of or within, negative effect cjm 2018-03-13T23:55:19Z causally upstream of or within, positive effect p acts on population of c iff c' is a collection, has members of type c, and p has participant c pg 2020-06-08T17:21:33Z RO:0012003 external acts_on_population_of acts_on_population_of acts on population of acts on population of pg 2021-02-26T07:28:29Z RO:0012008 external results_in_fusion_of results_in_fusion_of results in fusion of results in fusion of q1 different_in_magnitude_relative_to q2 if and only if magnitude(q1) NOT =~ magnitude(q2). Here, magnitude(q) is a function that maps a quality to a unit-invariant scale. different in magnitude relative to q1 increased_in_magnitude_relative_to q2 if and only if magnitude(q1) > magnitude(q2). Here, magnitude(q) is a function that maps a quality to a unit-invariant scale. This relation is used to determine the 'directionality' of relative qualities such as 'increased strength', relative to the parent type, 'strength'. increased in magnitude relative to q1 decreased_in_magnitude_relative_to q2 if and only if magnitude(q1) < magnitude(q2). Here, magnitude(q) is a function that maps a quality to a unit-invariant scale. This relation is used to determine the 'directionality' of relative qualities such as 'decreased strength', relative to the parent type, 'strength'. decreased in magnitude relative to has relative magnitude s3 has_cross_section s3 if and only if : there exists some 2d plane that intersects the bearer of s3, and the impression of s3 upon that plane has shape quality s2. Example: a spherical object has the quality of being spherical, and the spherical quality has_cross_section round. has cross section p has anatomical participant c iff p has participant c, and c is an anatomical entity cjm 2018-09-26T01:08:58Z results in changes to anatomical or cellular structure Relation between biological objects that resemble or are related to each other sufficiently to warrant a comparison. TODO: Add homeomorphy axiom ECO:0000041 SO:similar_to sameness similar to correspondence resemblance in similarity relationship with has_completed A relation between a cell and molecule or complex such that every instance of the cell has a high number of instances of that molecule expressed on the cell surface. For the formal definition, see Masci et al (PMID:19243617). has_high_plasma_membrane_amount A relation between a cell and molecule or complex such that every instance of the cell has a low number of instances of that molecule expressed on the cell surface. For the formal definition, see Masci et al (PMID:19243617). has_low_plasma_membrane_amount has_not_completed exactly 0 ?Y lacks_part exactly 0 ( and some ?Y) lacks_plasma_membrane_part carries uberon channel_for channel for uberon channels_from channels_from uberon channels_into channels_into x is a conduit for y iff y passes through the lumen of x. uberon conduit_for conduit for uberon extends_fibers_into extends_fibers_into Relationship between a fluid and a material entity, where the fluid is the output of a realization of a filtration role that inheres in the material entity. uberon filtered_through Relationship between a fluid and a filtration barrier, where the portion of fluid arises as a transformation of another portion of fluid on the other side of the barrier, with larger particles removed filtered through uberon protects protects x proximally_connected_to y iff the proximal part of x is connected to y. i.e. x connected_to y and x distal_to y. uberon proximally_connected_to proximally connected to uberon sexually_homologous_to sexually_homologous_to c site_of p if c is the bearer of a disposition that is realized by a process that has p as part. uberon capable_of_has_part site_of site_of uberon subdivision_of placeholder relation. X = 'subdivision of A' and subdivision_of some B means that X is the mereological sum of A and B subdivision of Relation between an anatomical structure (including cells) and a neuron that chemically synapses to it. uberon synapsed_by synapsed by uberon transitively_connected_to transitively_connected to . uberon transitively_proximally_connected_to transitively proximally connected to a relation that indicates a cell line cell is a model for studying a disease. Domain: a cell line cell Range: a disease. is model for has_disease_location contained_in entity Entity entity Julius Caesar Verdi’s Requiem the Second World War your body mass index BFO 2 Reference: In all areas of empirical inquiry we encounter general terms of two sorts. First are general terms which refer to universals or types:animaltuberculosissurgical procedurediseaseSecond, are general terms used to refer to groups of entities which instantiate a given universal but do not correspond to the extension of any subuniversal of that universal because there is nothing intrinsic to the entities in question by virtue of which they – and only they – are counted as belonging to the given group. Examples are: animal purchased by the Emperortuberculosis diagnosed on a Wednesdaysurgical procedure performed on a patient from Stockholmperson identified as candidate for clinical trial #2056-555person who is signatory of Form 656-PPVpainting by Leonardo da VinciSuch terms, which represent what are called ‘specializations’ in [81 Entity doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example Werner Ceusters 'portions of reality' include 4 sorts, entities (as BFO construes them), universals, configurations, and relations. It is an open question as to whether entities as construed in BFO will at some point also include these other portions of reality. See, for example, 'How to track absolutely everything' at An entity is anything that exists or has existed or will exist. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [001-001]) entity continuant Continuant continuant An entity that exists in full at any time in which it exists at all, persists through time while maintaining its identity and has no temporal parts. BFO 2 Reference: Continuant entities are entities which can be sliced to yield parts only along the spatial dimension, yielding for example the parts of your table which we call its legs, its top, its nails. ‘My desk stretches from the window to the door. It has spatial parts, and can be sliced (in space) in two. With respect to time, however, a thing is a continuant.’ [60, p. 240 Continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. For example, in an expansion involving bringing in some of Ceuster's other portions of reality, questions are raised as to whether universals are continuants A continuant is an entity that persists, endures, or continues to exist through time while maintaining its identity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [008-002]) if b is a continuant and if, for some t, c has_continuant_part b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [126-001]) if b is a continuant and if, for some t, cis continuant_part of b at t, then c is a continuant. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [009-002]) if b is a material entity, then there is some temporal interval (referred to below as a one-dimensional temporal region) during which b exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [011-002]) (forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (continuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [009-002] (forall (x y) (if (and (Continuant x) (exists (t) (hasContinuantPartOfAt y x t))) (Continuant y))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [126-001] (forall (x) (if (Continuant x) (Entity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [008-002] (forall (x) (if (Material Entity x) (exists (t) (and (TemporalRegion t) (existsAt x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [011-002] continuant occurrent Occurrent occurrent An entity that has temporal parts and that happens, unfolds or develops through time. BFO 2 Reference: every occurrent that is not a temporal or spatiotemporal region is s-dependent on some independent continuant that is not a spatial region BFO 2 Reference: s-dependence obtains between every process and its participants in the sense that, as a matter of necessity, this process could not have existed unless these or those participants existed also. A process may have a succession of participants at different phases of its unfolding. Thus there may be different players on the field at different times during the course of a football game; but the process which is the entire game s-depends_on all of these players nonetheless. Some temporal parts of this process will s-depend_on on only some of the players. Occurrent doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. An example would be the sum of a process and the process boundary of another process. Simons uses different terminology for relations of occurrents to regions: Denote the spatio-temporal location of a given occurrent e by 'spn[e]' and call this region its span. We may say an occurrent is at its span, in any larger region, and covers any smaller region. Now suppose we have fixed a frame of reference so that we can speak not merely of spatio-temporal but also of spatial regions (places) and temporal regions (times). The spread of an occurrent, (relative to a frame of reference) is the space it exactly occupies, and its spell is likewise the time it exactly occupies. We write 'spr[e]' and `spl[e]' respectively for the spread and spell of e, omitting mention of the frame. An occurrent is an entity that unfolds itself in time or it is the instantaneous boundary of such an entity (for example a beginning or an ending) or it is a temporal or spatiotemporal region which such an entity occupies_temporal_region or occupies_spatiotemporal_region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [077-002]) Every occurrent occupies_spatiotemporal_region some spatiotemporal region. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [108-001]) b is an occurrent entity iff b is an entity that has temporal parts. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [079-001]) (forall (x) (if (Occurrent x) (exists (r) (and (SpatioTemporalRegion r) (occupiesSpatioTemporalRegion x r))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [108-001] (forall (x) (iff (Occurrent x) (and (Entity x) (exists (y) (temporalPartOf y x))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [079-001] occurrent ic IndependentContinuant independent continuant a chair a heart a leg a molecule a spatial region an atom an orchestra. an organism the bottom right portion of a human torso the interior of your mouth A continuant that is a bearer of quality and realizable entity entities, in which other entities inhere and which itself cannot inhere in anything. b is an independent continuant = Def. b is a continuant which is such that there is no c and no t such that b s-depends_on c at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [017-002]) For any independent continuant b and any time t there is some spatial region r such that b is located_in r at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [134-001]) For every independent continuant b and time t during the region of time spanned by its life, there are entities which s-depends_on b during t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [018-002]) (forall (x t) (if (IndependentContinuant x) (exists (r) (and (SpatialRegion r) (locatedInAt x r t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [134-001] (forall (x t) (if (and (IndependentContinuant x) (existsAt x t)) (exists (y) (and (Entity y) (specificallyDependsOnAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [018-002] (iff (IndependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (not (exists (b t) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [017-002] independent continuant spatial region process Process process a process of cell-division, \ a beating of the heart a process of meiosis a process of sleeping the course of a disease the flight of a bird the life of an organism your process of aging. An occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t. p is a process = Def. p is an occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [083-003]) BFO 2 Reference: The realm of occurrents is less pervasively marked by the presence of natural units than is the case in the realm of independent continuants. Thus there is here no counterpart of ‘object’. In BFO 1.0 ‘process’ served as such a counterpart. In BFO 2.0 ‘process’ is, rather, the occurrent counterpart of ‘material entity’. Those natural – as contrasted with engineered, which here means: deliberately executed – units which do exist in the realm of occurrents are typically either parasitic on the existence of natural units on the continuant side, or they are fiat in nature. Thus we can count lives; we can count football games; we can count chemical reactions performed in experiments or in chemical manufacturing. We cannot count the processes taking place, for instance, in an episode of insect mating behavior.Even where natural units are identifiable, for example cycles in a cyclical process such as the beating of a heart or an organism’s sleep/wake cycle, the processes in question form a sequence with no discontinuities (temporal gaps) of the sort that we find for instance where billiard balls or zebrafish or planets are separated by clear spatial gaps. Lives of organisms are process units, but they too unfold in a continuous series from other, prior processes such as fertilization, and they unfold in turn in continuous series of post-life processes such as post-mortem decay. Clear examples of boundaries of processes are almost always of the fiat sort (midnight, a time of death as declared in an operating theater or on a death certificate, the initiation of a state of war) (iff (Process a) (and (Occurrent a) (exists (b) (properTemporalPartOf b a)) (exists (c t) (and (MaterialEntity c) (specificallyDependsOnAt a c t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [083-003] process disposition Disposition disposition an atom of element X has the disposition to decay to an atom of element Y certain people have a predisposition to colon cancer children are innately disposed to categorize objects in certain ways. the cell wall is disposed to filter chemicals in endocytosis and exocytosis BFO 2 Reference: Dispositions exist along a strength continuum. Weaker forms of disposition are realized in only a fraction of triggering cases. These forms occur in a significant number of cases of a similar type. b is a disposition means: b is a realizable entity & b’s bearer is some material entity & b is such that if it ceases to exist, then its bearer is physically changed, & b’s realization occurs when and because this bearer is in some special physical circumstances, & this realization occurs in virtue of the bearer’s physical make-up. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [062-002]) If b is a realizable entity then for all t at which b exists, b s-depends_on some material entity at t. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [063-002]) (forall (x t) (if (and (RealizableEntity x) (existsAt x t)) (exists (y) (and (MaterialEntity y) (specificallyDepends x y t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [063-002] (forall (x) (if (Disposition x) (and (RealizableEntity x) (exists (y) (and (MaterialEntity y) (bearerOfAt x y t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [062-002] disposition realizable RealizableEntity realizable entity the disposition of this piece of metal to conduct electricity. the disposition of your blood to coagulate the function of your reproductive organs the role of being a doctor the role of this boundary to delineate where Utah and Colorado meet A specifically dependent continuant that inheres in continuant entities and are not exhibited in full at every time in which it inheres in an entity or group of entities. The exhibition or actualization of a realizable entity is a particular manifestation, functioning or process that occurs under certain circumstances. To say that b is a realizable entity is to say that b is a specifically dependent continuant that inheres in some independent continuant which is not a spatial region and is of a type instances of which are realized in processes of a correlated type. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [058-002]) All realizable dependent continuants have independent continuants that are not spatial regions as their bearers. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [060-002]) (forall (x t) (if (RealizableEntity x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (bearerOfAt y x t))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [060-002] (forall (x) (if (RealizableEntity x) (and (SpecificallyDependentContinuant x) (exists (y) (and (IndependentContinuant y) (not (SpatialRegion y)) (inheresIn x y)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [058-002] realizable entity quality Quality quality the ambient temperature of this portion of air the color of a tomato the length of the circumference of your waist the mass of this piece of gold. the shape of your nose the shape of your nostril a quality is a specifically dependent continuant that, in contrast to roles and dispositions, does not require any further process in order to be realized. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [055-001]) If an entity is a quality at any time that it exists, then it is a quality at every time that it exists. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [105-001]) (forall (x) (if (Quality x) (SpecificallyDependentContinuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [055-001] (forall (x) (if (exists (t) (and (existsAt x t) (Quality x))) (forall (t_1) (if (existsAt x t_1) (Quality x))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [105-001] quality sdc SpecificallyDependentContinuant specifically dependent continuant Reciprocal specifically dependent continuants: the function of this key to open this lock and the mutually dependent disposition of this lock: to be opened by this key of one-sided specifically dependent continuants: the mass of this tomato of relational dependent continuants (multiple bearers): John’s love for Mary, the ownership relation between John and this statue, the relation of authority between John and his subordinates. the disposition of this fish to decay the function of this heart: to pump blood the mutual dependence of proton donors and acceptors in chemical reactions [79 the mutual dependence of the role predator and the role prey as played by two organisms in a given interaction the pink color of a medium rare piece of grilled filet mignon at its center the role of being a doctor the shape of this hole. the smell of this portion of mozzarella A continuant that inheres in or is borne by other entities. Every instance of A requires some specific instance of B which must always be the same. b is a relational specifically dependent continuant = Def. b is a specifically dependent continuant and there are n &gt; 1 independent continuants c1, … cn which are not spatial regions are such that for all 1 i &lt; j n, ci and cj share no common parts, are such that for each 1 i n, b s-depends_on ci at every time t during the course of b’s existence (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [131-004]) b is a specifically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant & there is some independent continuant c which is not a spatial region and which is such that b s-depends_on c at every time t during the course of b’s existence. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [050-003]) Specifically dependent continuant doesn't have a closure axiom because the subclasses don't necessarily exhaust all possibilites. We're not sure what else will develop here, but for example there are questions such as what are promises, obligation, etc. (iff (RelationalSpecificallyDependentContinuant a) (and (SpecificallyDependentContinuant a) (forall (t) (exists (b c) (and (not (SpatialRegion b)) (not (SpatialRegion c)) (not (= b c)) (not (exists (d) (and (continuantPartOfAt d b t) (continuantPartOfAt d c t)))) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t) (specificallyDependsOnAt a c t)))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [131-004] (iff (SpecificallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (forall (t) (if (existsAt a t) (exists (b) (and (IndependentContinuant b) (not (SpatialRegion b)) (specificallyDependsOnAt a b t))))))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [050-003] specifically dependent continuant role Role role John’s role of husband to Mary is dependent on Mary’s role of wife to John, and both are dependent on the object aggregate comprising John and Mary as member parts joined together through the relational quality of being married. the priest role the role of a boundary to demarcate two neighboring administrative territories the role of a building in serving as a military target the role of a stone in marking a property boundary the role of subject in a clinical trial the student role A realizable entity the manifestation of which brings about some result or end that is not essential to a continuant in virtue of the kind of thing that it is but that can be served or participated in by that kind of continuant in some kinds of natural, social or institutional contexts. BFO 2 Reference: One major family of examples of non-rigid universals involves roles, and ontologies developed for corresponding administrative purposes may consist entirely of representatives of entities of this sort. Thus ‘professor’, defined as follows,b instance_of professor at t =Def. there is some c, c instance_of professor role & c inheres_in b at t.denotes a non-rigid universal and so also do ‘nurse’, ‘student’, ‘colonel’, ‘taxpayer’, and so forth. (These terms are all, in the jargon of philosophy, phase sortals.) By using role terms in definitions, we can create a BFO conformant treatment of such entities drawing on the fact that, while an instance of professor may be simultaneously an instance of trade union member, no instance of the type professor role is also (at any time) an instance of the type trade union member role (any more than any instance of the type color is at any time an instance of the type length).If an ontology of employment positions should be defined in terms of roles following the above pattern, this enables the ontology to do justice to the fact that individuals instantiate the corresponding universals – professor, sergeant, nurse – only during certain phases in their lives. b is a role means: b is a realizable entity & b exists because there is some single bearer that is in some special physical, social, or institutional set of circumstances in which this bearer does not have to be& b is not such that, if it ceases to exist, then the physical make-up of the bearer is thereby changed. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [061-001]) (forall (x) (if (Role x) (RealizableEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [061-001] role gdc GenericallyDependentContinuant generically dependent continuant The entries in your database are patterns instantiated as quality instances in your hard drive. The database itself is an aggregate of such patterns. When you create the database you create a particular instance of the generically dependent continuant type database. Each entry in the database is an instance of the generically dependent continuant type IAO: information content entity. the pdf file on your laptop, the pdf file that is a copy thereof on my laptop the sequence of this protein molecule; the sequence that is a copy thereof in that protein molecule. A continuant that is dependent on one or other independent continuant bearers. For every instance of A requires some instance of (an independent continuant type) B but which instance of B serves can change from time to time. b is a generically dependent continuant = Def. b is a continuant that g-depends_on one or more other entities. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [074-001]) (iff (GenericallyDependentContinuant a) (and (Continuant a) (exists (b t) (genericallyDependsOnAt a b t)))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [074-001] generically dependent continuant function Function function the function of a hammer to drive in nails the function of a heart pacemaker to regulate the beating of a heart through electricity the function of amylase in saliva to break down starch into sugar BFO 2 Reference: In the past, we have distinguished two varieties of function, artifactual function and biological function. These are not asserted subtypes of BFO:function however, since the same function – for example: to pump, to transport – can exist both in artifacts and in biological entities. The asserted subtypes of function that would be needed in order to yield a separate monoheirarchy are not artifactual function, biological function, etc., but rather transporting function, pumping function, etc. A function is a disposition that exists in virtue of the bearer’s physical make-up and this physical make-up is something the bearer possesses because it came into being, either through evolution (in the case of natural biological entities) or through intentional design (in the case of artifacts), in order to realize processes of a certain sort. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [064-001]) (forall (x) (if (Function x) (Disposition x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [064-001] function material MaterialEntity material entity a flame a forest fire a human being a hurricane a photon a puff of smoke a sea wave a tornado an aggregate of human beings. an energy wave an epidemic the undetached arm of a human being An independent continuant that is spatially extended whose identity is independent of that of other entities and can be maintained through time. BFO 2 Reference: Material entities (continuants) can preserve their identity even while gaining and losing material parts. Continuants are contrasted with occurrents, which unfold themselves in successive temporal parts or phases [60 BFO 2 Reference: Object, Fiat Object Part and Object Aggregate are not intended to be exhaustive of Material Entity. Users are invited to propose new subcategories of Material Entity. BFO 2 Reference: ‘Matter’ is intended to encompass both mass and energy (we will address the ontological treatment of portions of energy in a later version of BFO). A portion of matter is anything that includes elementary particles among its proper or improper parts: quarks and leptons, including electrons, as the smallest particles thus far discovered; baryons (including protons and neutrons) at a higher level of granularity; atoms and molecules at still higher levels, forming the cells, organs, organisms and other material entities studied by biologists, the portions of rock studied by geologists, the fossils studied by paleontologists, and so on.Material entities are three-dimensional entities (entities extended in three spatial dimensions), as contrasted with the processes in which they participate, which are four-dimensional entities (entities extended also along the dimension of time).According to the FMA, material entities may have immaterial entities as parts – including the entities identified below as sites; for example the interior (or ‘lumen’) of your small intestine is a part of your body. BFO 2.0 embodies a decision to follow the FMA here. A material entity is an independent continuant that has some portion of matter as proper or improper continuant part. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [019-002]) Every entity which has a material entity as continuant part is a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [020-002]) every entity of which a material entity is continuant part is also a material entity. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [021-002]) (forall (x) (if (MaterialEntity x) (IndependentContinuant x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [019-002] (forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt x y t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [021-002] (forall (x) (if (and (Entity x) (exists (y t) (and (MaterialEntity y) (continuantPartOfAt y x t)))) (MaterialEntity x))) // axiom label in BFO2 CLIF: [020-002] bfo BFO:0000040 material entity material entity immaterial entity A part of a cellular organism that is either an immaterial entity or a material entity with granularity above the level of a protein complex. Or, a substance produced by a cellular organism with granularity above the level of a protein complex. CARO:0000000 Following BFO, material anatomical entities may have immaterial parts (the lumen of your stomach is part of your stomach). The granularity limit follows the limits set by the Gene Ontology on the granularity limit for GO:cellular_component. Note that substances produced by an organism (sweat, feaces, urine) do not need to be part of an organism to qualify as an anatomical structure. anatomical entity anatomical entity Material anatomical entity that is a single connected structure with inherent 3D shape generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome. CARO:0000003 Note that the definition does not say 'generated exclusively by the co-ordinated expression of the organism's own genome', so this is still valid for cases where normal morphogenesis requires the actions of a facultative symbiont, or some looser dependency such as the a requirement for the presence of gut flora for normal gut development. connected anatomical structure An anatomical entity that has mass. CARO:0000006 material anatomical entity A structure consisting of multiple cell components but which is not itself a cell and does not have (complete) cells as a part. multi-cell-component structure CARO:0001000 Examples: a bundle of neuron projections in the brain; a region neuropil in an arthropod central nervous system; a region of cortex (preikaryal rind) in an arthropod brain. multi-cell-part structure A fasciculated bundle of neuron projections (GO:0043005), largely or completely lacking synapses. nerve fiber bundle CARO:0001001 neuron projection bundle Anatomical structure that is part of a multicellular organism and is at the gross anatomical level, e.g. above the level of a cell. Included are portions of organism substances such as blood, multi-cell-part structures such as axon tracts, acellular anatomical structures such as hair, and organism subdivisions such as head. Excluded is the whole organism and more granular parts of the organism, such as atoms, molecules, macromolecular complexes and cells. mah 10.7.2011 gross anatomical part Material anatomical entity that is a member of an individual species or is a viral or viroid particle. Melissa Haendel 9/18/11 organism or virus or viroid An anatomical structure that has more than one cell as a part. djs93 Sun Feb 27 10:53:00 GMT 2011 CARO:0010000 multicellular anatomical structure Elementary particle not affected by the strong force having a spin 1/2, a negative elementary charge and a rest mass of 0.000548579903(13) u, or 0.51099906(15) MeV. -1 0.000548579903 0.0 KEGG:C05359 PMID:21614077 Wikipedia:Electron electron chebi_ontology Elektron beta beta(-) beta-particle e e(-) e- negatron CHEBI:10545 electron A steroid compound with a structure based on a 19-carbon (androstane) skeleton. chebi_ontology C19-steroids CHEBI:131621 C19-steroid A class of carbonyl compound encompassing dicarboxylic acids and any derivatives obtained by substitution of either one or both of the carboxy hydrogens. chebi_ontology dicarboxylic acids and derivatives CHEBI:131927 dicarboxylic acids and O-substituted derivatives A carbohydrate acid derivative anion obtained by deprotonation of the carboxy groups of hyaluronic acid; major species at pH 7.3. -1 (C14H20NO11)n.H2O chebi_ontology hyaluronan hyaluronate polyanion CHEBI:132153 hyaluronate An organic group derived from any 3-oxo-Delta(4)-steroid. 0 C6H6O 94.111 94.04186 C1=C(C*)*C(CC1=O)* chebi_ontology a 3-oxo-Delta4-steroid group CHEBI:136849 3-oxo-Delta(4)-steroid group Any steroid that has beta-configuration at position 5. chebi_ontology 5beta steroids 5beta-steroid 5beta-steroids CHEBI:136889 5beta steroid A Bronsted acid derived from one or more inorganic compounds. Inorganic acids (also known as mineral acids) form hydrons and conjugate base ions when dissolved in water. Wikipedia:Mineral_acid chebi_ontology inorganic acids mineral acid mineral acids CHEBI:138103 inorganic acid Any member of a group of hydroxy steroids occuring in bile, where they are present as the sodium salts of their amides with glycine or taurine. In mammals bile acids almost invariably have 5beta-configuration, while in lower vertebrates, some bile acids, known as allo-bile acids, have 5alpha-configuration. chebi_ontology CHEBI:138366 bile acids Any main group molecular entity that is gaseous at standard temperature and pressure (STP; 0degreeC and 100 kPa). Wikipedia: chebi_ontology gas molecular entities gaseous molecular entities gaseous molecular entity CHEBI:138675 gas molecular entity -1 CH2NO2 InChI=1S/CH3NO2/c2-1(3)4/h2H2,(H,3,4)/p-1 KXDHJXZQYSOELW-UHFFFAOYSA-M 60.03212 60.00910 NC([O-])=O Beilstein:3903503 CAS:302-11-4 Gmelin:239604 carbamate chebi_ontology Carbamat Karbamat carbamate ion carbamic acid, ion(1-) CHEBI:13941 carbamate An antigenic epitope recognized by an anti-bilirubin monoclonal antibody designated 24G7. A substructure of bilirubin IXalpha, it is the region containing the oxo group at C-1, the methyl group at C-2, C-(4, 5, 6, 9), and N-21 and -22. 0 C7H6N2O 134.136 134.04801 C(=CC(NC(=*)*)=*)(NC(C(C)=*)=O)* chebi_ontology CHEBI:142163 24G7 epitope An alpha-amino-acid anion that is the conjugate base of glutamic acid, having anionic carboxy groups and a cationic amino group -1 C5H8NO4 InChI=1S/C5H9NO4/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h3H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/p-1 WHUUTDBJXJRKMK-UHFFFAOYSA-M 146.12136 146.04588 [NH3+]C(CCC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O Gmelin:327908 glutamate(1-) hydrogen glutamate chebi_ontology 2-ammoniopentanedioate glutamate glutamic acid monoanion CHEBI:14321 glutamate(1-) A molecular entity that can accept an electron, a pair of electrons, an atom or a group from another molecular entity. CHEBI:13699 CHEBI:2377 KEGG:C00028 KEGG:C16722 Acceptor chebi_ontology A Akzeptor Hydrogen-acceptor Oxidized donor accepteur CHEBI:15339 acceptor 0 O2 InChI=1S/O2/c1-2 MYMOFIZGZYHOMD-UHFFFAOYSA-N 31.99880 31.98983 O=O CHEBI:10745 CHEBI:13416 CHEBI:23833 CHEBI:25366 CHEBI:30491 CHEBI:44742 CHEBI:7860 CAS:7782-44-7 Gmelin:485 HMDB:HMDB0001377 KEGG:C00007 KEGG:D00003 MetaCyc:OXYGEN-MOLECULE MolBase:750 PDBeChem:OXY PMID:10906528 PMID:16977326 PMID:18210929 PMID:18638417 PMID:19840863 PMID:7710549 PMID:9463773 Wikipedia:Oxygen dioxygen chebi_ontology Disauerstoff E 948 E-948 E948 O2 OXYGEN MOLECULE Oxygen [OO] dioxygene molecular oxygen CHEBI:15379 dioxygen A peptide containing ten or more amino acid residues. C4H6N2O3R2(C2H2NOR)n CHEBI:14860 CHEBI:8314 KEGG:C00403 Polypeptide polypeptides chebi_ontology Polypeptid polipeptido CHEBI:15841 polypeptide A nucleobase-containing molecular entity with a polymeric structure comprised of a linear sequence of 13 or more nucleotide residues. 0 (C5H8O6PR)n.C10H17O10PR2 CHEBI:13672 CHEBI:14859 CHEBI:8312 KEGG:C00419 Polynucleotide chebi_ontology polynucleotides CHEBI:15986 polynucleotide An azane that consists of a single nitrogen atom covelently bonded to three hydrogen atoms. 0 H3N InChI=1S/H3N/h1H3 QGZKDVFQNNGYKY-UHFFFAOYSA-N 17.03056 17.02655 [H]N([H])[H] CHEBI:13405 CHEBI:13406 CHEBI:13407 CHEBI:13771 CHEBI:22533 CHEBI:44269 CHEBI:44284 CHEBI:44404 CHEBI:7434 Beilstein:3587154 CAS:7664-41-7 Drug_Central:4625 Gmelin:79 HMDB:HMDB0000051 KEGG:C00014 KEGG:D02916 KNApSAcK:C00007267 MetaCyc:AMMONIA MolBase:930 PDBeChem:NH3 PMID:110589 PMID:11139349 PMID:11540049 PMID:11746427 PMID:11783653 PMID:13753780 PMID:14663195 PMID:15092448 PMID:15094021 PMID:15554424 PMID:15969015 PMID:16008360 PMID:16050680 PMID:16348008 PMID:16349403 PMID:16614889 PMID:16664306 PMID:16842901 PMID:17025297 PMID:17439666 PMID:17569513 PMID:17737668 PMID:18670398 PMID:22002069 PMID:22081570 PMID:22088435 PMID:22100291 PMID:22130175 PMID:22150211 PMID:22240068 PMID:22290316 PMID:22342082 PMID:22385337 PMID:22443779 PMID:22560242 Reaxys:3587154 Wikipedia:Ammonia AMMONIA Ammonia ammonia azane chebi_ontology Ammoniak NH3 R-717 [NH3] ammoniac amoniaco spirit of hartshorn CHEBI:16134 ammonia A sulfur oxoanion obtained by deprotonation of both OH groups of sulfuric acid. -2 O4S InChI=1S/H2O4S/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H2,1,2,3,4)/p-2 QAOWNCQODCNURD-UHFFFAOYSA-L 96.06360 95.95283 [O-]S([O-])(=O)=O CHEBI:15135 CHEBI:45687 CHEBI:9335 Beilstein:3648446 CAS:14808-79-8 Gmelin:2120 HMDB:HMDB0001448 KEGG:C00059 KEGG:D05963 MetaCyc:SULFATE PDBeChem:SO4 PMID:11200094 PMID:11452993 PMID:11581495 PMID:11798107 PMID:12166931 PMID:12668033 PMID:14597181 PMID:15093386 PMID:15984785 PMID:16186560 PMID:16345535 PMID:16347366 PMID:16348007 PMID:16483812 PMID:16534979 PMID:16656509 PMID:16742508 PMID:16742518 PMID:17120760 PMID:17420092 PMID:17439666 PMID:17709180 PMID:18398178 PMID:18815700 PMID:18846414 PMID:19047345 PMID:19244483 PMID:19544990 PMID:19628332 PMID:19812358 PMID:30398859 Reaxys:3648446 Wikipedia:Sulfate Sulfate sulfate tetraoxidosulfate(2-) tetraoxosulfate(2-) tetraoxosulfate(VI) chebi_ontology SO4(2-) SULFATE ION Sulfate anion(2-) Sulfate dianion Sulfate(2-) Sulfuric acid ion(2-) [SO4](2-) sulphate sulphate ion CHEBI:16189 sulfate A mucopolysaccharide composed of N-acetylglucosamine and glucuronic acid subunits. It is found in the connective tissues of vertebrates. A principal constituent of the extracellular matrix (ECM), it mediates the growth and metastasis of tumour cells. 0 (C14H21NO12)n CHEBI:14412 CHEBI:24622 CHEBI:24623 CHEBI:5772 Beilstein:8538277 CAS:9004-61-9 HMDB:HMDB0010366 KEGG:C00518 KEGG:D08043 KEGG:G10505 PMID:11122186 PMID:18056362 PMID:18290544 Reaxys:8187837 Wikipedia:Hyaluronan Hyaluronic acid chebi_ontology Hyaluronsaeure [beta-D-glucopyranuronosyl-(1->3)-2-(acetylamino)-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1->4)]n [beta-N-Acetyl-D-glucosaminyl(1,4)beta-D-glucuronosyl(1,3)]n acide hyaluronique acido hialuronico hyaluronan CHEBI:16336 hyaluronic acid A naturally occurring polypeptide synthesized at the ribosome. CHEBI:8526 KEGG:C00017 chebi_ontology Protein polypeptide chain protein polypeptide chains CHEBI:16541 protein polypeptide chain Any member of the class of organooxygen compounds that is a polyhydroxy-aldehyde or -ketone or a lactol resulting from their intramolecular condensation (monosaccharides); substances derived from these by reduction of the carbonyl group (alditols), by oxidation of one or more hydroxy groups to afford the corresponding aldehydes, ketones, or carboxylic acids, or by replacement of one or more hydroxy group(s) by a hydrogen atom; and polymeric products arising by intermolecular acetal formation between two or more such molecules (disaccharides, polysaccharides and oligosaccharides). Carbohydrates contain only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms; prior to any oxidation or reduction, most have the empirical formula Cm(H2O)n. Compounds obtained from carbohydrates by substitution, etc., are known as carbohydrate derivatives and may contain other elements. Cyclitols are generally not regarded as carbohydrates. CHEBI:15131 CHEBI:23008 CHEBI:9318 Wikipedia:Carbohydrate carbohydrate carbohydrates chebi_ontology Kohlenhydrat Kohlenhydrate carbohidrato carbohidratos glucide glucides glucido glucidos hydrates de carbone saccharide saccharides saccharidum CHEBI:16646 carbohydrate Amide derived from two or more amino carboxylic acid molecules (the same or different) by formation of a covalent bond from the carbonyl carbon of one to the nitrogen atom of another with formal loss of water. The term is usually applied to structures formed from alpha-amino acids, but it includes those derived from any amino carboxylic acid. X = OH, OR, NH2, NHR, etc. 0 (C2H2NOR)nC2H3NOR CHEBI:14753 CHEBI:25906 CHEBI:7990 KEGG:C00012 Peptide peptides chebi_ontology Peptid peptido peptidos CHEBI:16670 peptide Any oligosaccharide, polysaccharide or their derivatives consisting of monosaccharides or monosaccharide derivatives linked by glycosidic bonds. See also chebi_ontology glycans CHEBI:167559 glycan A member of the class of biladienes that is a linear tetrapyrrole with the dipyrrole units being of both exovinyl and endovinyl type. A product of heme degradation, it is produced in the reticuloendothelial system by the reduction of biliverdin and transported to the liver as a complex with serum albumin. 0 C33H36N4O6 InChI=1S/C33H36N4O6/c1-7-20-19(6)32(42)37-27(20)14-25-18(5)23(10-12-31(40)41)29(35-25)15-28-22(9-11-30(38)39)17(4)24(34-28)13-26-16(3)21(8-2)33(43)36-26/h7-8,13-14,34-35H,1-2,9-12,15H2,3-6H3,(H,36,43)(H,37,42)(H,38,39)(H,40,41)/b26-13-,27-14- BPYKTIZUTYGOLE-IFADSCNNSA-N 584.66230 584.26348 CC1=C(C=C)\C(NC1=O)=C\c1[nH]c(Cc2[nH]c(\C=C3NC(=O)C(C=C)=C/3C)c(C)c2CCC(O)=O)c(CCC(O)=O)c1C CHEBI:13898 CHEBI:22870 CHEBI:3099 Beilstein:74376 CAS:635-65-4 Gmelin:411033 HMDB:HMDB0000054 KEGG:C00486 KNApSAcK:C00029828 MetaCyc:BILIRUBIN PMID:12799017 PMID:18442622 PMID:23763371 PMID:8605219 PMID:9587403 Reaxys:74376 Wikipedia:Bilirubin 3,18-diethenyl-2,7,13,17-tetramethyl-1,19-dioxo-1,10,19,22,23,24-hexahydro-21H-biline-8,12-dipropanoic acid bilirubin chebi_ontology 1,10,19,22,23,24-hexahydro-2,7,13,17-tetramethyl-1,19-dioxo-3,18-divinylbiline-8,12-dipropionic acid 2,17-diethenyl-1,10,19,22,23,24-hexahydro-3,7,13,18-tetramethyl-1,19-dioxo-21H-biline-8,12-dipropanoic acid 2,7,13,17-tetramethyl-1,19-dioxo-3,18-divinyl-1,10,19,22,23,24-hexahydro-21H-biline-8,12-dipropanoic acid 8,12-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-2,7,13,17-tetramethyl-3,18-divinylbiladiene-ac-1,19(21H,24H)-dione Bilirubin bilirubin(Z,Z) bilirubin-IXalpha CHEBI:16990 bilirubin IXalpha High molecular weight, linear polymers, composed of nucleotides containing deoxyribose and linked by phosphodiester bonds; DNA contain the genetic information of organisms. CHEBI:13302 CHEBI:21123 CHEBI:33698 CHEBI:4291 CAS:9007-49-2 KEGG:C00039 Deoxyribonucleic acid deoxyribonucleic acids chebi_ontology (Deoxyribonucleotide)m (Deoxyribonucleotide)n (Deoxyribonucleotide)n+m DNA DNAn DNAn+1 DNS Desoxyribonukleinsaeure deoxyribonucleic acids desoxyribose nucleic acid thymus nucleic acid CHEBI:16991 deoxyribonucleic acid A compound in which a carbonyl group is bonded to two carbon atoms: R2C=O (neither R may be H). 0 COR2 28.010 27.99491 [*]C([*])=O CHEBI:13427 CHEBI:13646 CHEBI:24974 CHEBI:6127 CHEBI:8742 KEGG:C01450 Wikipedia:Ketone Ketone ketones chebi_ontology Keton R-CO-R' a ketone cetone ketones CHEBI:17087 ketone A compound in which a carbohydrate component is covalently bound to a protein component. CHEBI:14349 CHEBI:5481 CHEBI:5493 KEGG:C00326 Glycoprotein glycoproteins chebi_ontology Glykoprotein Glykoproteine glicoproteina glicoproteinas glycoproteine glycoproteines CHEBI:17089 glycoprotein An androstanoid having 17beta-hydroxy and 3-oxo groups, together with unsaturation at C-4-C-5.. 0 C19H28O2 InChI=1S/C19H28O2/c1-18-9-7-13(20)11-12(18)3-4-14-15-5-6-17(21)19(15,2)10-8-16(14)18/h11,14-17,21H,3-10H2,1-2H3/t14-,15-,16-,17-,18-,19-/m0/s1 MUMGGOZAMZWBJJ-DYKIIFRCSA-N 288.42440 288.20893 [H][C@@]12CCC3=CC(=O)CC[C@]3(C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@]1(C)[C@@H](O)CC[C@@]21[H] CHEBI:15214 CHEBI:26883 CHEBI:45798 CHEBI:9461 Beilstein:1915399 Beilstein:3653705 CAS:58-22-0 DrugBank:DB00624 Drug_Central:2607 Gmelin:538843 HMDB:HMDB0000234 KEGG:C00535 KEGG:D00075 KNApSAcK:C00003675 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST02020002 PDBeChem:TES PMID:10438974 PMID:11786693 PMID:18900503 PMID:24498482 Reaxys:1915399 Wikipedia:Testosterone 17beta-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one TESTOSTERONE Testosterone testosterone chebi_ontology 17beta-Hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one 17beta-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one 4-androsten-17beta-ol-3-one Androderm Testosteron testosterona testosterone testosteronum CHEBI:17347 testosterone The carbon oxoanion resulting from the removal of a proton from carbonic acid. -1 CHO3 InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4)/p-1 BVKZGUZCCUSVTD-UHFFFAOYSA-M 61.01684 60.99312 OC([O-])=O CHEBI:13363 CHEBI:22863 CHEBI:40961 CHEBI:5589 Beilstein:3903504 CAS:71-52-3 Gmelin:49249 HMDB:HMDB0000595 KEGG:C00288 MetaCyc:HCO3 PDBeChem:BCT PMID:17215880 PMID:17505962 PMID:18439416 PMID:28732801 PMID:29150416 PMID:29460248 PMID:29466234 PMID:4208463 Wikipedia:Bicarbonate Hydrogencarbonate hydrogen(trioxidocarbonate)(1-) hydrogencarbonate hydrogencarbonate(1-) hydrogentrioxocarbonate(1-) hydrogentrioxocarbonate(IV) hydroxidodioxidocarbonate(1-) chebi_ontology Acid carbonate BICARBONATE ION Bicarbonate HCO3(-) HCO3- [CO2(OH)](-) hydrogen carbonate CHEBI:17544 hydrogencarbonate A molecular entity that can transfer ("donate") an electron, a pair of electrons, an atom or a group to another molecular entity. CHEBI:14202 CHEBI:4697 KEGG:C01351 Donor chebi_ontology Donator donneur CHEBI:17891 donor 'Lipids' is a loosely defined term for substances of biological origin that are soluble in nonpolar solvents. They consist of saponifiable lipids, such as glycerides (fats and oils) and phospholipids, as well as nonsaponifiable lipids, principally steroids. CHEBI:14517 CHEBI:25054 CHEBI:6486 KEGG:C01356 Lipid lipids chebi_ontology CHEBI:18059 lipid Any polysaccharide containing a substantial proportion of aminomonosaccharide residues. CHEBI:14361 CHEBI:24398 CHEBI:5495 KEGG:C02545 Wikipedia:Glycosaminoglycan Glycosaminoglycan glycosaminoglycan chebi_ontology Glykosaminoglykan glicosaminoglicano glycosaminoglycane glycosaminoglycans CHEBI:18085 glycosaminoglycan A biomacromolecule consisting of large numbers of monosaccharide residues linked glycosidically. This term is commonly used only for those containing more than ten monosaccharide residues. CHEBI:14864 CHEBI:26205 CHEBI:8322 KEGG:C00420 Polysaccharide polysaccharides chebi_ontology Glycan Glycane Glykan Glykane glycans polisacarido polisacaridos CHEBI:18154 polysaccharide An alpha-amino acid that is glutaric acid bearing a single amino substituent at position 2. 0 C5H9NO4 InChI=1S/C5H9NO4/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h3H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) WHUUTDBJXJRKMK-UHFFFAOYSA-N 147.12930 147.05316 NC(CCC(O)=O)C(O)=O CHEBI:24314 CHEBI:5431 Beilstein:1723799 CAS:617-65-2 Gmelin:101971 KEGG:C00302 KEGG:D04341 KNApSAcK:C00001358 KNApSAcK:C00019577 PMID:15739367 PMID:17190852 PMID:24616376 PMID:24984001 Reaxys:1723799 Wikipedia:Glutamic_acid 2-aminopentanedioic acid Glutamic acid glutamic acid chebi_ontology 2-Aminoglutaric acid DL-Glutamic acid DL-Glutaminic acid E Glu Glutamate Glutaminic acid Glutaminsaeure CHEBI:18237 glutamic acid That part of DNA or RNA that may be involved in pairing. CHEBI:13873 CHEBI:25598 CHEBI:2995 KEGG:C00701 Wikipedia:Nucleobase chebi_ontology Base nucleobases CHEBI:18282 nucleobase A member of the class of imidazoles that is 1H-imidazole substituted at position C-4 by a 2-aminoethyl group. 0 C5H9N3 InChI=1S/C5H9N3/c6-2-1-5-3-7-4-8-5/h3-4H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8) NTYJJOPFIAHURM-UHFFFAOYSA-N 111.14518 111.07965 NCCc1c[nH]cn1 CHEBI:14401 CHEBI:24596 CHEBI:43187 CHEBI:817 Beilstein:2012 CAS:51-45-6 Drug_Central:1375 Gmelin:2968 HMDB:HMDB0000870 KEGG:C00388 KEGG:D08040 KNApSAcK:C00001414 MetaCyc:HISTAMINE PDBeChem:HSM PMID:16399866 PMID:19547708 PMID:19843401 PMID:22770225 PMID:24101735 Reaxys:2012 Wikipedia:Histamine 2-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)ethanamine HISTAMINE Histamine chebi_ontology 1H-Imidazole-4-ethanamine 2-(4-Imidazolyl)ethylamine CHEBI:18295 histamine 0 C24H42 InChI=1S/C24H42/c1-5-8-17(2)20-12-13-21-19-11-10-18-9-6-7-15-23(18,3)22(19)14-16-24(20,21)4/h17-22H,5-16H2,1-4H3/t17-,18+,19+,20-,21+,22+,23+,24-/m1/s1 QSHQKIURKJITMZ-OBUPQJQESA-N 330.59028 330.32865 [H][C@@]12CCCC[C@]1(C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@]3(C)[C@]([H])(CC[C@@]3([H])[C@]1([H])CC2)[C@H](C)CCC Beilstein:2048472 5beta-cholane chebi_ontology CHEBI:20664 5beta-cholane An organic group formed by removing one or more hydroxy groups from an oxoacid that has the general structure RkE(=O)l(OH)m (l =/= 0). Although the term is almost always applied to organic compounds, with carboxylic acid as the oxoacid, acyl groups can in principle be derived from other types of acids such as sulfonic acids or phosphonic acids. acyl group alkanoyl chebi_ontology acyl groups alkanoyl group groupe acyle CHEBI:22221 acyl group alkali metals chebi_ontology Alkalimetall Alkalimetalle alkali metal metal alcalin metal alcalino metales alcalinos metaux alcalins CHEBI:22314 alkali metal atom chebi_ontology aminoglycans CHEBI:22506 aminoglycan A monoatomic or polyatomic species having one or more elementary charges of the electron. Anion anion chebi_ontology Anionen aniones anions CHEBI:22563 anion A substance that opposes oxidation or inhibits reactions brought about by dioxygen or peroxides. chebi_ontology antioxidants antioxydant antoxidant CHEBI:22586 antioxidant A molecular entity having an available pair of electrons capable of forming a covalent bond with a hydron (Bronsted base) or with the vacant orbital of some other molecular entity (Lewis base). KEGG:C00701 Base base chebi_ontology Base1 Base2 Basen Nucleobase bases CHEBI:22695 base A sodium salt of the conjugate of any bile acid with either glycine or taurine. KEGG:C01558 chebi_ontology Bile acid bile salts CHEBI:22868 bile salt The univalent carboacyl group formed by loss of -OH from the carboxy group of carbamic acid. 0 CH2NO 44.03272 44.01364 *C(N)=O PMID:24168430 carbamoyl chebi_ontology -C(O)NH2 -CONH2 aminocarbonyl carbamyl carbamyl group carboxamide CHEBI:23004 carbamoyl group 0 CO 28.01010 27.99491 O=C(*)* carbonyl carbonyl group chebi_ontology >C=O CHEBI:23019 carbonyl group An organic molecule or ion (usually a metal ion) that is required by an enzyme for its activity. It may be attached either loosely (coenzyme) or tightly (prosthetic group). Wikipedia:Cofactor_(biochemistry) cofactor cofactors chebi_ontology CHEBI:23357 cofactor Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom, molecule, ion, ion pair, radical, radical ion, complex, conformer etc., identifiable as a separately distinguishable entity. molecular entity chebi_ontology entidad molecular entidades moleculares entite moleculaire molecular entities molekulare Entitaet CHEBI:23367 molecular entity chebi_ontology Cyclopeptid Zyklopeptid cyclic peptides peptide cyclique peptido ciclico CHEBI:23449 cyclic peptide An azole that is either one of a pair of heterocyclic organic compounds comprising three carbon atoms and two nitrogen atoms arranged in a ring. chebi_ontology diazoles CHEBI:23677 diazole Any substance which when absorbed into a living organism may modify one or more of its functions. The term is generally accepted for a substance taken for a therapeutic purpose, but is also commonly used for abused substances. chebi_ontology drugs medicine CHEBI:23888 drug chebi_ontology monoatomic cations CHEBI:23906 monoatomic cation A compound or agent that combines with an enzyme in such a manner as to prevent the normal substrate-enzyme combination and the catalytic reaction. enzyme inhibitor chebi_ontology enzyme inhibitors inhibidor enzimatico inhibidores enzimaticos inhibiteur enzymatique inhibiteurs enzymatiques CHEBI:23924 enzyme inhibitor chebi_ontology CHEBI:24384 glycogens A chemical entity is a physical entity of interest in chemistry including molecular entities, parts thereof, and chemical substances. chemical entity chebi_ontology CHEBI:24431 chemical entity A role played by the molecular entity or part thereof within a biological context. chebi_ontology biological function CHEBI:24432 biological role A defined linked collection of atoms or a single atom within a molecular entity. group chebi_ontology Gruppe Rest groupe grupo grupos CHEBI:24433 group chebi_ontology CHEBI:24505 heparins A cyclic compound having as ring members atoms of carbon and at least of one other element. chebi_ontology organic heterocycle organic heterocyclic compounds CHEBI:24532 organic heterocyclic compound A heterodetic cyclic peptide is a peptide consisting only of amino-acid residues, but in which the linkages forming the ring are not solely peptide bonds; one or more is an isopeptide, disulfide, ester, or other bond. heterodetic cyclic peptide chebi_ontology heterodetic cyclic peptides peptide cyclique heterodetique peptido ciclico heterodetico CHEBI:24533 heterodetic cyclic peptide Originally referring to an endogenous compound that is formed in specialized organ or group of cells and carried to another organ or group of cells, in the same organism, upon which it has a specific regulatory function, the term is now commonly used to include non-endogenous, semi-synthetic and fully synthetic analogues of such compounds. chebi_ontology endocrine hormones CHEBI:24621 hormone Hydroxides are chemical compounds containing a hydroxy group or salts containing hydroxide (OH(-)). chebi_ontology CHEBI:24651 hydroxides Any member of the class of 5beta-cholanic acids carrying at least one hydroxy group at unspecified position. chebi_ontology hydroxy-5beta-cholanic acids CHEBI:24663 hydroxy-5beta-cholanic acid A five-membered organic heterocycle containing two nitrogen atoms at positions 1 and 3, or any of its derivatives; compounds containing an imidazole skeleton. chebi_ontology CHEBI:24780 imidazoles A compound which contains oxygen, at least one other element, and at least one hydrogen bound to oxygen, and which produces a conjugate base by loss of positive hydrogen ion(s) (hydrons). oxoacid oxoacids chebi_ontology oxacids oxiacids oxo acid oxy-acids oxyacids CHEBI:24833 oxoacid chebi_ontology inorganic anions CHEBI:24834 inorganic anion A molecular entity that contains no carbon. chebi_ontology anorganische Verbindungen inorganic compounds inorganic entity inorganic molecular entities inorganics CHEBI:24835 inorganic molecular entity chebi_ontology inorganic oxides CHEBI:24836 inorganic oxide A salt is an assembly of cations and anions. salt chebi_ontology Salz Salze ionic compound ionic compounds sal sales salts sel sels CHEBI:24866 salt chebi_ontology monoatomic ions CHEBI:24867 monoatomic ion chebi_ontology organic salts organisches Salz CHEBI:24868 organic salt A molecular entity having a net electric charge. Ion ion chebi_ontology Ionen iones ions CHEBI:24870 ion chebi_ontology CHEBI:25046 linear tetrapyrrole Any intermediate or product resulting from metabolism. The term 'metabolite' subsumes the classes commonly known as primary and secondary metabolites. CHEBI:26619 CHEBI:35220 metabolite chebi_ontology metabolites primary metabolites secondary metabolites CHEBI:25212 metabolite chebi_ontology a metal cation metal cations CHEBI:25213 metal cation A molecule all atoms of which have the same atomic number. chebi_ontology homoatomic molecule homoatomic molecules CHEBI:25362 elemental molecule Any polyatomic entity that is an electrically neutral entity consisting of more than one atom. molecule chebi_ontology Molekuel molecula molecules neutral molecular compounds CHEBI:25367 molecule An oxoacid containing a single carboxy group. chebi_ontology monocarboxylic acids CHEBI:25384 monocarboxylic acid +1 0.00000 [*+] chebi_ontology monoatomic monocations monovalent inorganic cations CHEBI:25414 monoatomic monocation An endogenous compound that is used to transmit information across the synapse between a neuron and another cell. Wikipedia:Neurotransmitter chebi_ontology neurotransmitters CHEBI:25512 neurotransmitter 0 N 14.007 14.00307 WebElements:N nitrogen chebi_ontology 7N N Stickstoff azote nitrogen nitrogeno CHEBI:25555 nitrogen atom nonmetal chebi_ontology Nichtmetall Nichtmetalle no metal no metales non-metal non-metaux nonmetal nonmetals CHEBI:25585 nonmetal atom Any organic ion with a net negative charge. chebi_ontology organic anions CHEBI:25696 organic anion chebi_ontology organic ions CHEBI:25699 organic ion Compounds of the general formula SO3HOR where R is an organyl group chebi_ontology organic sulfates CHEBI:25704 organic sulfate An oxide is a chemical compound of oxygen with other chemical elements. oxide chebi_ontology oxides CHEBI:25741 oxide 0 O InChI=1S/O QVGXLLKOCUKJST-UHFFFAOYSA-N 15.99940 15.99491 [O] KEGG:C00007 WebElements:O oxygen chebi_ontology 8O O Sauerstoff oxigeno oxygen oxygene CHEBI:25805 oxygen atom oxygen molecular entity chebi_ontology oxygen molecular entities CHEBI:25806 oxygen molecular entity Any peptide with hormonal activity in animals, whether endocrine, neuroendocrine, or paracrine. chebi_ontology peptide hormones polypeptide hormone CHEBI:25905 peptide hormone Any amino acid whose side chain is capable of forming one or more hydrogen bonds. 0 C2H4NO2R 74.059 74.02420 OC(C(*)N)=O CHEBI:8283 MetaCyc:Polar-amino-acids PMID:12016058 polar amino acid chebi_ontology polar amino acids polar amino-acid polar amino-acids CHEBI:26167 polar amino acid 0 Na InChI=1S/Na KEAYESYHFKHZAL-UHFFFAOYSA-N 22.98977 22.98977 [Na] CAS:7440-23-5 Gmelin:16221 KEGG:C01330 WebElements:Na sodium chebi_ontology 11Na Na Natrium natrium sodio sodium CHEBI:26708 sodium atom chebi_ontology sodium compounds sodium molecular entities CHEBI:26712 sodium molecular entity Any alkali metal salt having sodium(1+) as the cation. chebi_ontology Natriumsalz Natriumsalze sodium salts CHEBI:26714 sodium salt An ester of an alcohol and sulfuric acid. 0 O4SR2 96.06300 95.95173 [*]OS(=O)(=O)O[*] chebi_ontology sulfate ester sulfuric acid ester sulfuric acid esters CHEBI:26819 sulfuric ester Salts and esters of sulfuric acid sulfates chebi_ontology sulfuric acid derivative sulphates CHEBI:26820 sulfates 0 S InChI=1S/S NINIDFKCEFEMDL-UHFFFAOYSA-N 32.06600 31.97207 [S] CAS:7704-34-9 KEGG:C00087 KEGG:D06527 PPDB:605 WebElements:S sulfur chebi_ontology 16S Elemental sulfur S Schwefel azufre soufre sulfur sulphur theion CHEBI:26833 sulfur atom sulfur molecular entity chebi_ontology sulfur molecular entities CHEBI:26835 sulfur molecular entity A sulfur oxoacid that consists of two oxo and two hydroxy groups joined covalently to a central sulfur atom. 0 H2O4S InChI=1S/H2O4S/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H2,1,2,3,4) QAOWNCQODCNURD-UHFFFAOYSA-N 98.07948 97.96738 [H]OS(=O)(=O)O[H] CAS:7664-93-9 Gmelin:2122 KEGG:C00059 KEGG:D05963 KNApSAcK:C00007530 MolBase:4 PMID:13568755 PMID:16122922 PMID:19397353 PMID:22047659 PMID:22136045 PMID:22204399 PMID:22267186 PMID:22296037 PMID:22364556 PMID:22435616 PPDB:606 Reaxys:2037554 Wikipedia:Sulfuric_acid Sulfuric acid dihydrogen tetraoxosulfate dihydroxidodioxidosulfur hydrogen tetraoxosulfate(2-) hydrogen tetraoxosulfate(VI) sulfuric acid tetraoxosulfuric acid chebi_ontology Acide sulfurique Acido sulfurico Acidum sulfuricum H2SO4 Schwefelsaeureloesungen [S(OH)2O2] [SO2(OH)2] sulphuric acid CHEBI:26836 sulfuric acid A natural pigment containing four pyrrole rings joined by one-carbon units linking position 2 of one pyrrole ring to position 5 of the next. tetrapyrrole tetrapyrroles chebi_ontology a tetrapyrrole CHEBI:26932 tetrapyrrole Any nutrient required in small quantities by organisms throughout their life in order to orchestrate a range of physiological functions. Wikipedia:Micronutrient chebi_ontology micronutrients trace elements CHEBI:27027 micronutrient A univalent carboacyl group is a group formed by loss of OH from the carboxy group of a carboxylic acid. chebi_ontology univalent acyl group univalent carboacyl groups univalent carboxylic acyl groups CHEBI:27207 univalent carboacyl group A neutral compound having formal unit electrical charges of opposite sign on non-adjacent atoms. Sometimes referred to as inner salts, dipolar ions (a misnomer). zwitterion zwitterions chebi_ontology compose zwitterionique compuestos zwitterionicos zwitteriones zwitterionic compounds CHEBI:27369 zwitterion 0 C InChI=1S/C OKTJSMMVPCPJKN-UHFFFAOYSA-N 12.01070 12.00000 [C] CHEBI:23009 CHEBI:3399 CAS:7440-44-0 KEGG:C06265 WebElements:C carbon chebi_ontology 6C C Carbon Kohlenstoff carbon carbone carbonium carbono CHEBI:27594 carbon atom A polydisperse, highly branched glucan composed of chains of D-glucopyranose residues in alpha(1->4) glycosidic linkage, joined together by alpha(1->6) glycosidic linkages. A small number of alpha(1->3) glycosidic linkages and some cumulative alpha(1->6) links also may occur. The branches in glycogen typically contain 8 to 12 glucose residues. CHEBI:24379 CHEBI:5466 CAS:9005-79-2 GlyGen:G99991IU GlyTouCan:G99991IU HMDB:HMDB0000757 KEGG:C00182 MetaCyc:CPD0-971 Wikipedia:Glycogen Glycogen chebi_ontology WURCS=2.0/1,4,3/[a2122h-1a_1-5]/1-1-1-1/a4-b1_b4-c1_b6-d1 animal starch liver starch CHEBI:28087 glycogen A one-carbon compound that is ammonia in which one of the hydrogens is replaced by a carboxy group. Although carbamic acid derivatives are common, carbamic acid itself has never been synthesised. 0 CH3NO2 InChI=1S/CH3NO2/c2-1(3)4/h2H2,(H,3,4) KXDHJXZQYSOELW-UHFFFAOYSA-N 61.04006 61.01638 NC(O)=O CHEBI:22504 CHEBI:23002 CHEBI:3386 CHEBI:44573 Beilstein:1734754 CAS:463-77-4 DrugBank:DB04261 Gmelin:130345 KEGG:C01563 PDBeChem:OUT Wikipedia:Carbamic_acid CARBAMIC ACID Carbamic acid carbamic acid chebi_ontology Aminoameisensaeure Aminoformic acid Carbamate Carbamidsaeure CHEBI:28616 carbamic acid An onium cation obtained by protonation of ammonia. +1 H4N InChI=1S/H3N/h1H3/p+1 QGZKDVFQNNGYKY-UHFFFAOYSA-O 18.03850 18.03383 [H][N+]([H])([H])[H] CHEBI:22534 CHEBI:49783 CHEBI:7435 CAS:14798-03-9 Gmelin:84 KEGG:C01342 MetaCyc:AMMONIUM MolBase:929 PDBeChem:NH4 PMID:11319011 PMID:11341317 PMID:12096804 PMID:14512268 PMID:14879753 PMID:16345391 PMID:16903292 PMID:17392693 PMID:18515490 PMID:19199063 PMID:19596600 PMID:19682559 PMID:19716251 PMID:21993530 PMID:22265469 PMID:22524020 PMID:22562341 PMID:22631217 Reaxys:16093784 Wikipedia:Ammonium ammonium azanium chebi_ontology Ammonium(1+) NH4(+) NH4+ [NH4](+) ammonium cation ammonium ion CHEBI:28938 ammonium A carboxylic acid dianion obtained by deprotonation of both carboxy groups of any dicarboxylic acid. -2 C2O4R 88.019 87.97966 [O-]C(=O)[*]C([O-])=O CHEBI:13632 CHEBI:23688 CHEBI:23689 CHEBI:38711 dicarboxylic acid dianion chebi_ontology a dicarboxylate dicarboxylate dicarboxylates dicarboxylic acid dianions CHEBI:28965 dicarboxylic acid dianion 0 CH2O3 InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4) BVKZGUZCCUSVTD-UHFFFAOYSA-N 62.02478 62.00039 OC(O)=O CHEBI:13351 CHEBI:23017 CHEBI:23744 CHEBI:3401 CAS:463-79-6 Gmelin:25554 KEGG:C01353 PDBeChem:CO3 Carbonic acid carbonic acid dihydroxidooxidocarbon chebi_ontology Dihydrogen carbonate H2CO3 Koehlensaeure [CO(OH)2] CHEBI:28976 carbonic acid The conjugate base formed when the carboxy group of a carboxylic acid is deprotonated. -1 CO2R 44.00950 43.98983 [O-]C([*])=O CHEBI:13626 CHEBI:13945 CHEBI:23026 CHEBI:58657 chebi_ontology a carboxylate carboxylic acid anions carboxylic anions CHEBI:29067 carboxylic acid anion A monoatomic monocation obtained from sodium. +1 Na InChI=1S/Na/q+1 FKNQFGJONOIPTF-UHFFFAOYSA-N 22.98977 22.98922 [Na+] CHEBI:26717 CHEBI:49766 CHEBI:9175 CAS:17341-25-2 Gmelin:15196 KEGG:C01330 PDBeChem:NA sodium cation sodium(1+) sodium(1+) ion sodium(I) cation chebi_ontology Na(+) Na+ SODIUM ION CHEBI:29101 sodium(1+) -1 H2N InChI=1S/H2N/h1H2/q-1 HYGWNUKOUCZBND-UHFFFAOYSA-N 16.02262 16.01927 [H][N-][H] amide azanide dihydridonitrate(1-) chebi_ontology NH2(-) CHEBI:29337 azanide A divalent inorganic anion resulting from the removal of two protons from ammonia. -2 HN InChI=1S/HN/h1H/q-2 DZQYTNGKSBCIOE-UHFFFAOYSA-N 15.01468 15.01200 [N--][H] azanediide hydridonitrate(2-) chebi_ontology NH(2-) imide CHEBI:29340 hydridonitrate(2-) +1 HO2 InChI=1S/O2/c1-2/p+1 MYMOFIZGZYHOMD-UHFFFAOYSA-O 33.00674 32.99711 [H][O+]=O Gmelin:508 dioxidenium hydridodioxygen(1+) chebi_ontology HO2(+) HOO(+) [HO2](+) CHEBI:29793 hydridodioxygen(1+) A dicarboxylic acid dianion that is the conjugate base of glutamate(1-). -2 C5H7NO4 InChI=1S/C5H9NO4/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h3H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/p-2 WHUUTDBJXJRKMK-UHFFFAOYSA-L 145.11342 145.03860 NC(CCC([O-])=O)C([O-])=O Beilstein:4134100 Gmelin:327903 Reaxys:4134100 2-aminopentanedioate glutamate glutamate(2-) chebi_ontology glutamic acid dianion CHEBI:29987 glutamate(2-) Particle of zero charge, zero rest mass, spin quantum number 1, energy hnu and momentum hnu/c (h is the Planck constant, nu the frequency of radiation and c the speed of light), carrier of electromagnetic force. 0 0.0 0.0 * CHEBI:10581 CHEBI:14383 KEGG:C00205 photon chebi_ontology Lichtquant Light foton gamma hnu light quantum CHEBI:30212 photon Any member of a group of hydroxy-5beta-cholanic acids occuring in bile, where they are present as the sodium salts of their amides with glycine or taurine. In mammals bile acids almost invariably have 5beta-configuration. KEGG:C01558 Bile acid chebi_ontology 5beta-bile acid 5beta-bile acids Bile salt Gallensaeure Gallensaeuren bile acids CHEBI:3098 bile acid An amide is a derivative of an oxoacid RkE(=O)l(OH)m (l =/= 0) in which an acidic hydroxy group has been replaced by an amino or substituted amino group. CHEBI:22473 CHEBI:2633 KEGG:C00241 Amide amides chebi_ontology CHEBI:32988 amide Intended use of the molecular entity or part thereof by humans. chebi_ontology CHEBI:33232 application A particle not known to have substructure. elementary particle chebi_ontology elementary particles CHEBI:33233 fundamental particle A monoatomic entity is a molecular entity consisting of a single atom. chebi_ontology atomic entity monoatomic entities CHEBI:33238 monoatomic entity chebi_ontology oxoacid derivatives CHEBI:33241 oxoacid derivative chebi_ontology inorganic hydrides CHEBI:33242 inorganic hydride An organic fundamental parent is a structure used as a basis for substitutive names in organic nomenclature, containing, in addition to one or more hydrogen atoms, a single atom of an element, a number of atoms (alike or different) linked together to form an unbranched chain, a monocyclic or polycyclic ring system, or a ring assembly or ring/chain system. chebi_ontology organic fundamental parents organic parent hydrides CHEBI:33245 organic fundamental parent Any substituent group which does not contain carbon. chebi_ontology inorganic groups CHEBI:33246 inorganic group Any substituent group or skeleton containing carbon. chebi_ontology organic groups CHEBI:33247 organic group Any organic substituent group, regardless of functional type, having one free valence at a carbon atom. organyl group organyl groups chebi_ontology groupe organyle grupo organilo grupos organilo CHEBI:33249 organyl group A chemical entity constituting the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element. CHEBI:22671 CHEBI:23907 atom chebi_ontology atome atomo atoms atomus element elements CHEBI:33250 atom A nucleus is the positively charged central portion of an atom, excluding the orbital electrons. nucleus chebi_ontology Atomkern Kern noyau noyau atomique nuclei nucleo nucleo atomico nucleus atomi CHEBI:33252 atomic nucleus Heavy nuclear particle: proton or neutron. nucleon chebi_ontology Nukleon Nukleonen nucleons CHEBI:33253 nucleon A derivative of an oxoacid RkE(=O)l(OH)m (l =/= 0) in which an acidic hydroxy group has been replaced by an amino or substituted amino group. primary amide primary amides chebi_ontology CHEBI:33256 primary amide A molecular entity all atoms of which have the same atomic number. chebi_ontology homoatomic entity homoatomic molecular entities homoatomic molecular entity CHEBI:33259 elemental molecular entity chebi_ontology CHEBI:33262 elemental oxygen 0 O2 31.999 31.98983 chebi_ontology CHEBI:33263 diatomic oxygen An anion consisting of more than one atom. chebi_ontology polyatomic anions CHEBI:33273 polyatomic anion chebi_ontology chemical messenger CHEBI:33280 molecular messenger A nutrient is a food component that an organism uses to survive and grow. chebi_ontology nutrients CHEBI:33284 nutrient A heteroorganic entity is an organic molecular entity in which carbon atoms or organic groups are bonded directly to one or more heteroatoms. chebi_ontology heteroorganic entities organoelement compounds CHEBI:33285 heteroorganic entity A substance administered to aid diagnosis of a disease. chebi_ontology diagnostic aid CHEBI:33295 diagnostic agent A molecular entity containing one or more atoms of an alkali metal. chebi_ontology alkali metal molecular entities CHEBI:33296 alkali metal molecular entity Any p-block element atom that is in group 15 of the periodic table: nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony and bismuth. pnictogens chebi_ontology group 15 elements group V elements nitrogenoideos nitrogenoides pnictogene pnictogenes CHEBI:33300 pnictogen A p-block molecular entity containing any pnictogen. pnictogen molecular entity chebi_ontology pnictogen molecular entities CHEBI:33302 pnictogen molecular entity Any p-block element belonging to the group 16 family of the periodic table. PMID:17084588 chalcogen chalcogens chebi_ontology Chalkogen Chalkogene anfigeno anfigenos calcogeno calcogenos chalcogene chalcogenes group 16 elements group VI elements CHEBI:33303 chalcogen Any p-block molecular entity containing a chalcogen. chalcogen molecular entity chebi_ontology chalcogen compounds chalcogen molecular entities CHEBI:33304 chalcogen molecular entity group 14 elements chebi_ontology carbon group element carbon group elements carbonoides cristallogene cristallogenes group IV elements CHEBI:33306 carbon group element atom An atom belonging to one of the main groups (found in the s- and p- blocks) of the periodic table. main group elements chebi_ontology Hauptgruppenelement Hauptgruppenelemente main group element CHEBI:33318 main group element atom chebi_ontology oxoacids of sulfur sulfur oxoacids CHEBI:33402 sulfur oxoacid sulfur oxoacid derivative chebi_ontology sulfur oxoacid derivatives CHEBI:33424 sulfur oxoacid derivative sulfur oxoanion chebi_ontology oxoanions of sulfur sulfur oxoanions CHEBI:33482 sulfur oxoanion chalcogen oxoacid chebi_ontology chalcogen oxoacids CHEBI:33484 chalcogen oxoacid chalcogen oxoanion chebi_ontology chalcogen oxoanions CHEBI:33485 chalcogen oxoanion chebi_ontology alkali metal cations CHEBI:33504 alkali metal cation An atom of an element that exhibits typical metallic properties, being typically shiny, with high electrical and thermal conductivity. CHEBI:25217 CHEBI:6788 KEGG:C00050 PMID:21784043 Wikipedia:Metal chebi_ontology elemental metal elemental metals metal element metal elements metals CHEBI:33521 metal atom An amino-acid anion obtained by deprotonation of any alpha-amino acid. alpha-amino-acid anion chebi_ontology alpha-amino acid anions alpha-amino-acid anions CHEBI:33558 alpha-amino-acid anion chebi_ontology s-block element s-block elements CHEBI:33559 s-block element atom Any main group element atom belonging to the p-block of the periodic table. chebi_ontology p-block element p-block elements CHEBI:33560 p-block element atom A carbon oxoacid acid carrying at least one -C(=O)OH group and having the structure RC(=O)OH, where R is any any monovalent functional group. Carboxylic acids are the most common type of organic acid. 0 CHO2R 45.01740 44.99765 OC([*])=O CHEBI:13428 CHEBI:13627 CHEBI:23027 PMID:17147560 PMID:18433345 Wikipedia:Carboxylic_acid carboxylic acid carboxylic acids chebi_ontology Carbonsaeure Carbonsaeuren Karbonsaeure RC(=O)OH acide carboxylique acides carboxyliques acido carboxilico acidos carboxilicos CHEBI:33575 carboxylic acid A molecular entity containing one or more atoms from any of groups 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 of the periodic table. chebi_ontology main group compounds main group molecular entities CHEBI:33579 main group molecular entity carbon group molecular entity chebi_ontology carbon group molecular entities CHEBI:33582 carbon group molecular entity Any molecule that consists of a series of atoms joined together to form a ring. Wikipedia:Cyclic_compound chebi_ontology cyclic compounds CHEBI:33595 cyclic compound chebi_ontology hydrogen compounds hydrogen molecular entities CHEBI:33608 hydrogen molecular entity chebi_ontology polycyclic compounds CHEBI:33635 polycyclic compound A cyclically conjugated molecular entity with a stability (due to delocalization) significantly greater than that of a hypothetical localized structure (e.g. Kekule structure) is said to possess aromatic character. aromatic compounds aromatic molecular entity chebi_ontology aromatics aromatische Verbindungen CHEBI:33655 aromatic compound chebi_ontology organic aromatic compounds CHEBI:33659 organic aromatic compound An s-block molecular entity is a molecular entity containing one or more atoms of an s-block element. s-block molecular entity chebi_ontology s-block compounds s-block molecular entities CHEBI:33674 s-block molecular entity A main group molecular entity that contains one or more atoms of a p-block element. chebi_ontology p-block compounds p-block molecular entities p-block molecular entitiy CHEBI:33675 p-block molecular entity Hydrides are chemical compounds of hydrogen with other chemical elements. chebi_ontology CHEBI:33692 hydrides oxygen hydride chebi_ontology hydrides of oxygen oxygen hydrides CHEBI:33693 oxygen hydride A macromolecule formed by a living organism. biopolymer chebi_ontology Biopolymere biomacromolecules biopolymers CHEBI:33694 biomacromolecule chebi_ontology genetically encoded biomacromolecules genetically encoded biopolymers information biomacromolecules information biopolymers information macromolecule information macromolecules CHEBI:33695 information biomacromolecule A macromolecule made up of nucleotide units and hydrolysable into certain pyrimidine or purine bases (usually adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, uracil), D-ribose or 2-deoxy-D-ribose and phosphoric acid. nucleic acids chebi_ontology NA Nukleinsaeure Nukleinsaeuren acide nucleique acides nucleiques acido nucleico acidos nucleicos CHEBI:33696 nucleic acid High molecular weight, linear polymers, composed of nucleotides containing ribose and linked by phosphodiester bonds; RNA is central to the synthesis of proteins. CAS:63231-63-0 ribonucleic acid ribonucleic acids chebi_ontology RNA RNS Ribonukleinsaeure pentosenucleic acids ribonucleic acids ribose nucleic acid yeast nucleic acid CHEBI:33697 ribonucleic acid chebi_ontology canonical amino-acid residue canonical amino-acid residues common amino acid residues proteinogenic amino-acid residues standard amino acid residues standard amino-acid residues CHEBI:33700 proteinogenic amino-acid residue A cation consisting of more than one atom. chebi_ontology polyatomic cations CHEBI:33702 polyatomic cation An amino acid in which the amino group is located on the carbon atom at the position alpha to the carboxy group. 0 C2H4NO2R 74.05870 74.02420 NC([*])C(O)=O CHEBI:10208 CHEBI:13779 CHEBI:22442 CHEBI:2642 KEGG:C00045 KEGG:C05167 alpha-amino acid chebi_ontology Amino acid Amino acids alpha-amino acids alpha-amino carboxylic acids CHEBI:33704 alpha-amino acid When two or more amino acids combine to form a peptide, the elements of water are removed, and what remains of each amino acid is called an amino-acid residue. amino-acid residue chebi_ontology amino acid residue amino-acid residues CHEBI:33708 amino-acid residue A carboxylic acid containing one or more amino groups. CHEBI:13815 CHEBI:22477 Wikipedia:Amino_acid chebi_ontology Aminocarbonsaeure Aminokarbonsaeure Aminosaeure amino acids CHEBI:33709 amino acid chebi_ontology alpha-amino-acid residues CHEBI:33710 alpha-amino-acid residue carbohydrate acid chebi_ontology carbohydrate acids CHEBI:33720 carbohydrate acid carbohydrate acid anion chebi_ontology carbohydrate acid anions CHEBI:33721 carbohydrate acid anion chebi_ontology canonical nucleoside residues common nucleoside residues nucleoside residue standard nucleoside residues CHEBI:33791 canonical nucleoside residue chebi_ontology N Nuc canonical ribonucleoside residues common ribonucleoside residue common ribonucleoside residues standard ribonucleoside residues CHEBI:33792 canonical ribonucleoside residue chebi_ontology canonical deoxyribonucleoside residues common 2'-deoxyribonucleoside residue common 2'-deoxyribonucleoside residues dN dNuc standard deoxyribonucleoside residues CHEBI:33793 canonical deoxyribonucleoside residue An organic compound having at least one hydroxy group attached to a carbon atom. CHEBI:64710 hydroxy compounds chebi_ontology organic alcohol organic hydroxy compounds CHEBI:33822 organic hydroxy compound Any organic molecule that consists of atoms connected in the form of a ring. chebi_ontology organic cyclic compounds CHEBI:33832 organic cyclic compound A heterocyclic compound formally derived from an arene by replacement of one or more methine (-C=) and/or vinylene (-CH=CH-) groups by trivalent or divalent heteroatoms, respectively, in such a way as to maintain the continuous pi-electron system characteristic of aromatic systems and a number of out-of-plane pi-electrons corresponding to the Hueckel rule (4n+2). heteroarenes chebi_ontology hetarenes CHEBI:33833 heteroarene Conjugated protein is a protein that contains a non-peptide component, usually in stoichiometric proportion. COMe:PRX000001 conjugated proteins chebi_ontology complex protein CHEBI:33837 conjugated protein A macromolecule is a molecule of high relative molecular mass, the structure of which essentially comprises the multiple repetition of units derived, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low relative molecular mass. Wikipedia:Macromolecule macromolecule chebi_ontology macromolecules polymer polymer molecule polymers CHEBI:33839 macromolecule A substance used in a chemical reaction to detect, measure, examine, or produce other substances. reagent chebi_ontology reactif reactivo reagents CHEBI:33893 reagent Any nutrient required in large quantities by organisms throughout their life in order to orchestrate a range of physiological functions. Macronutrients are usually chemical elements (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur) that humans consume in the largest quantities. Calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium are sometimes included as macronutrients because they are required in relatively large quantities compared with other vitamins and minerals. chebi_ontology macronutrients CHEBI:33937 macronutrient chebi_ontology nitrogen hydrides CHEBI:35106 nitrogen hydride Saturated acyclic nitrogen hydrides having the general formula NnHn+2. chebi_ontology azanes CHEBI:35107 azane A substance that diminishes the rate of a chemical reaction. inhibitor chebi_ontology inhibidor inhibiteur inhibitors CHEBI:35222 inhibitor A substance that increases the rate of a reaction without modifying the overall standard Gibbs energy change in the reaction. catalyst chebi_ontology Katalysator catalizador catalyseur CHEBI:35223 catalyst The zwitterionic form of an amino acid having a negatively charged carboxyl group and a positively charged amino group. amino acid zwitterion chebi_ontology CHEBI:35238 amino acid zwitterion A derivative of ammonium, NH4(+), in which one (or more) of the hydrogens bonded to the nitrogen have been replaced with univalent organyl groups. The substituting carbon of the organyl group must not itself be directly attached to a heteroatom (thereby excluding protonated amides, hemiaminals, etc). chebi_ontology ammonium ion derivatives azanium ion derivative azanium ion derivatives CHEBI:35274 ammonium ion derivative Any of naturally occurring compounds and synthetic analogues, based on the cyclopenta[a]phenanthrene carbon skeleton, partially or completely hydrogenated; there are usually methyl groups at C-10 and C-13, and often an alkyl group at C-17. By extension, one or more bond scissions, ring expansions and/or ring contractions of the skeleton may have occurred. Natural steroids are derived biogenetically from squalene which is a triterpene. 0 C19H31R 259.450 259.24258 C12C(C3C(C(CC3)*)(C)CC1)CCC4C2(CCCC4)C CHEBI:13687 CHEBI:26768 CHEBI:9263 KEGG:C00377 MetaCyc:Steroids Steroid steroids chebi_ontology a steroid CHEBI:35341 steroid A 17-hydroxy steroid in which the hydroxy group at position 17 has a beta-configuration. 0 C18H29OR 261.423 261.22184 CC12CCC3C(CCC4CCCCC34[*])C1CC[C@@H]2O CHEBI:19176 CHEBI:794 KEGG:C03051 MetaCyc:17-beta-Hydroxysteroids 17beta-hydroxy steroid chebi_ontology 17beta-hydroxy steroids 17beta-hydroxysteroid 17beta-hydroxysteroids CHEBI:35343 17beta-hydroxy steroid CHEBI:24748 CHEBI:5814 KEGG:C02159 chebi_ontology Hydroxysteroid hydroxy steroids hydroxysteroids CHEBI:35350 hydroxy steroid Any heteroorganic entity containing at least one carbon-nitrogen bond. organonitrogen compounds chebi_ontology organonitrogens CHEBI:35352 organonitrogen compound An oxoanion is an anion derived from an oxoacid by loss of hydron(s) bound to oxygen. CHEBI:33274 CHEBI:33436 oxoanion chebi_ontology oxoacid anions oxoanions CHEBI:35406 oxoanion A substance that reduces or suppresses inflammation. chebi_ontology anti-inflammatory drugs antiinflammatory agent antiinflammatory drug antiinflammatory drugs CHEBI:35472 anti-inflammatory drug chebi_ontology alkali metal salts CHEBI:35479 alkali metal salt natural product fundamental parents chebi_ontology CHEBI:35507 natural product fundamental parent chebi_ontology steroid fundamental parents CHEBI:35508 steroid fundamental parent 0 C19H32 InChI=1S/C19H32/c1-18-11-5-7-16(18)15-9-8-14-6-3-4-12-19(14,2)17(15)10-13-18/h14-17H,3-13H2,1-2H3/t14?,15-,16-,17-,18-,19-/m0/s1 QZLYKIGBANMMBK-FZFXZXLVSA-N 260.45738 260.25040 [H][C@@]12CCC3CCCC[C@]3(C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@]1(C)CCC[C@@]21[H] Beilstein:5247532 CAS:24887-75-0 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST02020000 androstane chebi_ontology CHEBI:35509 androstane 0 C24H42 InChI=1S/C24H42/c1-5-8-17(2)20-12-13-21-19-11-10-18-9-6-7-15-23(18,3)22(19)14-16-24(20,21)4/h17-22H,5-16H2,1-4H3/t17-,18?,19+,20-,21+,22+,23+,24-/m1/s1 QSHQKIURKJITMZ-BRPMRXRMSA-N 330.59028 330.32865 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CCC4CCCC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CCC cholane chebi_ontology CHEBI:35519 cholane A negative ion consisting solely of carbon and oxygen atoms, and therefore having the general formula CxOy(n-) for some integers x, y and n. carbon oxoanion chebi_ontology carbon oxoanions oxocarbon anion oxocarbon anions CHEBI:35604 carbon oxoanion chebi_ontology carbon oxoacids oxoacids of carbon CHEBI:35605 carbon oxoacid Any carboxylic acid containing two carboxy groups. CHEBI:23692 CHEBI:36172 CHEBI:4501 KEGG:C02028 Dicarboxylic acid chebi_ontology dicarboxylic acids CHEBI:35692 dicarboxylic acid dicarboxylic acid anion chebi_ontology dicarboxylic acid anions CHEBI:35693 dicarboxylic acid anion A compound formally derived from an oxoacid RkE(=O)l(OH)m (l > 0) and an alcohol, phenol, heteroarenol, or enol by linking with formal loss of water from an acidic hydroxy group of the former and a hydroxy group of the latter. CHEBI:23960 CHEBI:4859 KEGG:C00287 Wikipedia:Ester Ester chebi_ontology esters CHEBI:35701 ester chebi_ontology glycosaminoglycan sulfate glycosaminoglycan sulfates sulfated glycosaminoglycans CHEBI:35722 sulfated glycosaminoglycan chebi_ontology carbohydrate sulfates carbohydrate sulphates CHEBI:35724 carbohydrate sulfate A carboxylic acid anion formed when the carboxy group of a monocarboxylic acid is deprotonated. -1 CO2R 44.01000 43.98983 [O-]C([*])=O CHEBI:13657 CHEBI:25382 CHEBI:3407 KEGG:C00060 chebi_ontology Carboxylate Monocarboxylate a monocarboxylate monocarboxylates monocarboxylic acid anions CHEBI:35757 monocarboxylic acid anion CHEBI:24979 CHEBI:25804 chebi_ontology keto steroids ketosteroids oxo steroids oxosteroids CHEBI:35789 oxo steroid pnictogen hydride chebi_ontology pnictogen hydrides CHEBI:35881 pnictogen hydride CHEBI:22867 CHEBI:50419 LIPID_MAPS_class:LMST04 chebi_ontology bile acids and derivatives cholanoids CHEBI:36078 cholanoid A biological macromolecule minimally consisting of one polypeptide chain synthesized at the ribosome. CHEBI:13677 CHEBI:14911 proteins chebi_ontology CHEBI:36080 protein chebi_ontology bile acid anions CHEBI:36235 bile acid anion A steroid acid that consists of cholane having a carboxy group in place of the methyl group at position 24. 0 C24H40O2 InChI=1S/C24H40O2/c1-16(7-12-22(25)26)19-10-11-20-18-9-8-17-6-4-5-14-23(17,2)21(18)13-15-24(19,20)3/h16-21H,4-15H2,1-3H3,(H,25,26)/t16-,17?,18+,19-,20+,21+,23+,24-/m1/s1 RPKLZQLYODPWTM-KBMWBBLPSA-N 360.57320 360.30283 [H][C@@]1(CC[C@@]2([H])[C@]3([H])CCC4CCCC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3([H])CC[C@]12C)[C@H](C)CCC(O)=O CAS:25312-65-6 Patent:JP2008069152 Reaxys:13246008 cholan-24-oic acid chebi_ontology CHEBI:36237 cholanic acid 0 C24H40O2 InChI=1S/C24H40O2/c1-16(7-12-22(25)26)19-10-11-20-18-9-8-17-6-4-5-14-23(17,2)21(18)13-15-24(19,20)3/h16-21H,4-15H2,1-3H3,(H,25,26)/t16-,17+,18+,19-,20+,21+,23+,24-/m1/s1 RPKLZQLYODPWTM-LVVAJZGHSA-N 360.57320 360.30283 [H][C@@]12CCCC[C@]1(C)[C@@]1([H])CC[C@]3(C)[C@]([H])(CC[C@@]3([H])[C@]1([H])CC2)[C@H](C)CCC(O)=O Beilstein:3214794 CAS:546-18-9 LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMST04010441 5beta-cholan-24-oic acid 5beta-cholanic acid chebi_ontology (5beta)-cholan-24-oic acid (5beta,17beta)-gamma-methylandrostane-17-butanoic acid 5beta-cholanoic acid ursocholanic acid CHEBI:36238 5beta-cholanic acid Members of the class of cholanic acids based on a 5beta-cholane skeleton. chebi_ontology CHEBI:36248 5beta-cholanic acids A salt of a bile acid. chebi_ontology bile acid salts CHEBI:36277 bile acid salt CHEBI:23166 CHEBI:23211 chebi_ontology CHEBI:36278 cholanic acids Lepton is a fermion that does not experience the strong force (strong interaction). The term is derived from the Greek lambdaepsilonpitauomicronsigma (small, thin). chebi_ontology leptons CHEBI:36338 lepton Baryon is a fermion that does experience the strong force (strong interaction). The term is derived from the Greek betaalpharhoupsilonsigma (heavy). chebi_ontology baryons CHEBI:36339 baryon Particle of half-integer spin quantum number following Fermi-Dirac statistics. Fermions are named after Enrico Fermi. fermion chebi_ontology fermions CHEBI:36340 fermion Particle of integer spin quantum number following Bose-Einstein statistics. Bosons are named after Satyendra Nath Bose. boson chebi_ontology bosons CHEBI:36341 boson A particle smaller than an atom. Wikipedia:Subatomic_particle chebi_ontology subatomic particles CHEBI:36342 subatomic particle A subatomic particle known to have substructure (i.e. consisting of smaller particles). chebi_ontology composite particles CHEBI:36343 composite particle Hadron is a subatomic particle which experiences the strong force. chebi_ontology hadrons CHEBI:36344 hadron A nucleus or any of its constituents in any of their energy states. nuclear particle chebi_ontology CHEBI:36347 nuclear particle Any molecular entity consisting of more than one atom. chebi_ontology polyatomic entities CHEBI:36357 polyatomic entity An ion consisting of more than one atom. chebi_ontology polyatomic ions CHEBI:36358 polyatomic ion Any compound containing the carbonyl group, C=O. The term is commonly used in the restricted sense of aldehydes and ketones, although it actually includes carboxylic acids and derivatives. carbonyl compounds chebi_ontology CHEBI:36586 carbonyl compound Organic compounds containing an oxygen atom, =O, doubly bonded to carbon or another element. oxo compounds chebi_ontology organic oxo compounds CHEBI:36587 organic oxo compound Compounds based on a biladiene skeleton. chebi_ontology CHEBI:36735 biladienes A hydroxy steroid carrying a hydroxy group at position 17. chebi_ontology 17-hydroxy steroids CHEBI:36838 17-hydroxy steroid chalcogen hydride chebi_ontology chalcogen hydrides CHEBI:36902 chalcogen hydride chebi_ontology inorganic ions CHEBI:36914 inorganic ion chebi_ontology inorganic cations CHEBI:36915 inorganic cation A monoatomic or polyatomic species having one or more elementary charges of the proton. CHEBI:23058 CHEBI:3473 KEGG:C01373 Cation cation chebi_ontology Kation Kationen cationes cations CHEBI:36916 cation chalcocarbonic acid chalcocarbonic acids chebi_ontology chalcocarbonic acids CHEBI:36961 chalcocarbonic acid An organochalcogen compound is a compound containing at least one carbon-chalcogen bond. organochalcogen compound chebi_ontology organochalcogen compounds CHEBI:36962 organochalcogen compound An organochalcogen compound containing at least one carbon-oxygen bond. PMID:17586126 organooxygen compound chebi_ontology organooxygen compounds CHEBI:36963 organooxygen compound amino-acid anion chebi_ontology amino acid anions amino-acid anions CHEBI:37022 amino-acid anion A polysaccharide composed of glucose residues. C12H22O11(C6H10O5)n CHEBI:24255 CHEBI:5392 CAS:9037-91-6 KEGG:C01379 Glucan glucan chebi_ontology glucans CHEBI:37163 glucan Glycans composed of a single type of monosaccharide residue. They are named by replacing the ending '-ose' of the sugar by '-an'. homopolysaccharide chebi_ontology homoglycan homopolysaccharides CHEBI:37164 homopolysaccharide chebi_ontology organic hydrides CHEBI:37175 organic hydride mononuclear parent hydrides chebi_ontology mononuclear hydride mononuclear hydrides CHEBI:37176 mononuclear parent hydride chebi_ontology CHEBI:37246 elemental sodium Any of the group of polysaccharides composed of alternating units from uronic acids and glycosamines, and commonly partially esterified with sulfuric acid. CHEBI:25425 CHEBI:7011 KEGG:C05114 Mucopolysaccharide mucopolysaccharides chebi_ontology Mucopolysaccharid Mukopolysaccharid mucopolisacarido mucopolisacaridos CHEBI:37395 mucopolysaccharide An acid is a molecular entity capable of donating a hydron (Bronsted acid) or capable of forming a covalent bond with an electron pair (Lewis acid). CHEBI:13800 CHEBI:13801 CHEBI:22209 CHEBI:2426 KEGG:C00174 Acid acid chebi_ontology Saeure Saeuren acide acido acids CHEBI:37527 acid A molecular entity consisting of two or more chemical elements. chebi_ontology chemical compound heteroatomic molecular entities CHEBI:37577 heteroatomic molecular entity An amide of a carboxylic acid, having the structure RC(=O)NR2. The term is used as a suffix in systematic name formation to denote the -C(=O)NH2 group including its carbon atom. 0 CNOR3 42.01680 41.99799 [*]C(=O)N([*])[*] CHEBI:35354 CHEBI:35355 carboxamides chebi_ontology carboxamides primary carboxamide CHEBI:37622 carboxamide sulfuric acid derivative chebi_ontology sulfuric acid derivatives CHEBI:37826 sulfuric acid derivative A carboacyl group is a group formed by loss of at least one OH from the carboxy group of a carboxylic acid. carboacyl groups carboxylic acyl group chebi_ontology carboxylic acyl groups CHEBI:37838 carboacyl group A compound composed of two or more pyrrole units. Beilstein:8538310 chebi_ontology PPys poly(pyrrole)s polypyrroles CHEBI:38077 polypyrrole Any organonitrogen compound containing a cyclic component with nitrogen and at least one other element as ring member atoms. chebi_ontology heterocyclic organonitrogen compounds organonitrogen heterocyclic compounds CHEBI:38101 organonitrogen heterocyclic compound C4H6N2O3R2(C7H9N2O2R)n CAS:9064-67-9 KEGG:C00211 Collagen chebi_ontology CHEBI:3815 Collagen chebi_ontology monocyclic heteroarenes CHEBI:38179 monocyclic heteroarene organic sodium salt chebi_ontology organic sodium salts CHEBI:38700 organic sodium salt Any dianion containing at least one carboxy group. carboxylic acid dianion chebi_ontology carboxylic acid dianions CHEBI:38716 carboxylic acid dianion A polypeptide hormone produced and secreted by the pituitary gland comprising 39 amino acid residues coupled in a linear sequence. The N-terminal 24-amino acid segment is identical in all species and contains the adrenocorticotrophic activity. Corticotropin stimulates the cortex of the adrenal gland and boosts the synthesis of corticosteroids, mainly glucocorticoids but also sex steroids (androgens). It is used in the treatment of certain neurological disorders such as infantile spasms and multiple sclerosis, and diagnostically to investigate adrenocortical insufficiency. 0 C207H308N56O58S InChI=1S/C207H308N56O58S/c1-108(2)89-140(186(302)240-135(69-74-163(279)280)182(298)254-149(204(320)321)94-117-43-20-15-21-44-117)250-193(309)152-54-35-86-262(152)202(318)147(92-116-41-18-14-19-42-116)252-171(287)114(11)230-175(291)132(66-71-160(273)274)234-170(286)113(10)231-191(307)150(105-265)255-183(299)136(70-75-164(281)282)241-190(306)146(98-165(283)284)249-180(296)133(67-72-161(275)276)235-169(285)112(9)229-157(270)101-225-174(290)145(97-156(213)269)251-194(310)153-55-36-87-263(153)203(319)148(93-119-60-64-123(268)65-61-119)253-199(315)167(110(5)6)257-185(301)129(49-26-30-79-210)243-198(314)168(111(7)8)259-196(312)155-57-38-85-261(155)201(317)139(53-34-83-223-207(218)219)244-178(294)130(51-32-81-221-205(214)215)237-177(293)128(48-25-29-78-209)236-176(292)127(47-24-28-77-208)232-158(271)103-227-197(313)166(109(3)4)258-195(311)154-56-37-84-260(154)200(316)138(50-27-31-80-211)233-159(272)102-226-173(289)143(95-120-99-224-126-46-23-22-45-124(120)126)247-179(295)131(52-33-82-222-206(216)217)238-187(303)142(90-115-39-16-13-17-40-115)246-189(305)144(96-121-100-220-107-228-121)248-181(297)134(68-73-162(277)278)239-184(300)137(76-88-322-12)242-192(308)151(106-266)256-188(304)141(245-172(288)125(212)104-264)91-118-58-62-122(267)63-59-118/h13-23,39-46,58-65,99-100,107-114,125,127-155,166-168,224,264-268H,24-38,47-57,66-98,101-106,208-212H2,1-12H3,(H2,213,269)(H,220,228)(H,225,290)(H,226,289)(H,227,313)(H,229,270)(H,230,291)(H,231,307)(H,232,271)(H,233,272)(H,234,286)(H,235,285)(H,236,292)(H,237,293)(H,238,303)(H,239,300)(H,240,302)(H,241,306)(H,242,308)(H,243,314)(H,244,294)(H,245,288)(H,246,305)(H,247,295)(H,248,297)(H,249,296)(H,250,309)(H,251,310)(H,252,287)(H,253,315)(H,254,298)(H,255,299)(H,256,304)(H,257,301)(H,258,311)(H,259,312)(H,273,274)(H,275,276)(H,277,278)(H,279,280)(H,281,282)(H,283,284)(H,320,321)(H4,214,215,221)(H4,216,217,222)(H4,218,219,223)/t112-,113-,114-,125-,127-,128-,129-,130-,131-,132-,133-,134-,135-,136-,137-,138-,139-,140-,141-,142-,143-,144-,145-,146-,147-,148-,149-,150-,151-,152-,153-,154-,155-,166-,167-,168-/m0/s1 IDLFZVILOHSSID-OVLDLUHVSA-N 4541.06600 4538.25937 CSCC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](Cc1ccc(O)cc1)NC(=O)[C@@H](N)CO)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](Cc1cnc[nH]1)C(=O)N[C@@H](Cc1ccccc1)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N[C@@H](Cc1c[nH]c2ccccc12)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(=O)N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](Cc1ccc(O)cc1)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)NCC(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](CO)C(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](C)C(=O)N[C@@H](Cc1ccccc1)C(=O)N1CCC[C@H]1C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H](Cc1ccccc1)C(O)=O CAS:9002-60-2 DrugBank:DB01285 Drug_Central:4931 KEGG:C02017 KEGG:D00146 Corticotropin L-seryl-L-tyrosyl-L-seryl-L-methionyl-L-alpha-glutamyl-L-histidyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-arginyl-L-tryptophylglycyl-L-lysyl-L-prolyl-L-valylglycyl-L-lysyl-L-lysyl-L-arginyl-L-arginyl-L-prolyl-L-valyl-L-lysyl-L-valyl-L-tyrosyl-L-prolyl-L-alpha-aspartylglycyl-L-alanyl-L-alpha-glutamyl-L-alpha-aspartyl-L-alpha-glutamyl-L-seryl-L-alanyl-L-alpha-glutamyl-L-alanyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-prolyl-L-leucyl-L-alpha-glutamyl-L-phenylalanine chebi_ontology ACTH Adrenocorticotropic hormone SYSMEHFRWGKPVGKKRRPVKVYPDGAEDQLAEAFPLEF adrenocorticotropin corticotrofina corticotrophine corticotrophinum corticotropin cortrophin CHEBI:3892 corticotropin A molecular entity capable of donating a hydron to an acceptor (Bronsted base). Bronsted acid chebi_ontology Bronsted-Saeure acide de Bronsted donneur d'hydron hydron donor CHEBI:39141 Bronsted acid A molecular entity capable of accepting a hydron from a donor (Bronsted acid). Bronsted base chebi_ontology Bronsted-Base accepteur d'hydron base de Bronsted hydron acceptor CHEBI:39142 Bronsted base A molecular entity able to provide a pair of electrons and thus capable of forming a covalent bond with an electron-pair acceptor (Lewis acid), thereby producing a Lewis adduct. Lewis base chebi_ontology Lewis-Base base de Lewis donneur d'une paire d'electrons electron donor CHEBI:39144 Lewis base KEGG:C02019 Cyclic ketone cyclic ketones chebi_ontology CHEBI:3992 cyclic ketone -2 CO3 InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4)/p-2 BVKZGUZCCUSVTD-UHFFFAOYSA-L 60.00890 59.98584 [O-]C([O-])=O CHEBI:29201 CHEBI:41605 Beilstein:3600898 CAS:3812-32-6 Gmelin:1559 PDBeChem:CO3 carbonate trioxidocarbonate(2-) chebi_ontology CARBONATE ION CO3(2-) Karbonat [CO3](2-) CHEBI:41609 carbonate 0 HO 17.00734 17.00274 *O[H] CHEBI:24706 CHEBI:43171 PDBeChem:OH HYDROXY GROUP hydroxy hydroxy group chebi_ontology -OH hydroxyl hydroxyl group CHEBI:43176 hydroxy group -1 HO4S InChI=1S/H2O4S/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H2,1,2,3,4)/p-1 QAOWNCQODCNURD-UHFFFAOYSA-M 97.07154 96.96010 [H]OS([O-])(=O)=O CHEBI:29199 CHEBI:45693 Gmelin:2121 hydrogen(tetraoxidosulfate)(1-) hydrogensulfate hydrogensulfate(1-) hydrogentetraoxosulfate(1-) hydrogentetraoxosulfate(VI) hydroxidotrioxidosulfate(1-) chebi_ontology HSO4(-) HYDROGEN SULFATE [SO3(OH)](-) CHEBI:45696 hydrogensulfate 0 O 15.99940 15.99491 O=* CHEBI:29353 CHEBI:44607 PDBeChem:O OXO GROUP oxo chebi_ontology =O CHEBI:46629 oxo group 0 CHO2 45.01744 44.99765 *C(=O)O CHEBI:23025 CHEBI:41420 PDBeChem:FMT CARBOXY GROUP carboxy chebi_ontology -C(O)OH -CO2H -COOH carboxyl group CHEBI:46883 carboxy group Any oxo steroid where an oxo substituent is located at position 3. 0 C19H29OR 273.434 273.22184 C12C(C3C(C(CC3)*)(C)CC1)CCC4C2(CCC(C4)=O)C CHEBI:13607 CHEBI:1653 CHEBI:20182 CHEBI:71186 KEGG:C01876 MetaCyc:3-Oxosteroids PMID:9811880 chebi_ontology 3-Oxosteroid 3-oxo steroids 3-oxosteroids a 3-oxosteroid CHEBI:47788 3-oxo steroid Any steroid substituted by at least one carboxy group. chebi_ontology steroid acids CHEBI:47891 steroid acid A 3-oxo steroid conjugated to a C=C double bond at the alpha,beta position. 0 C19H27OR 271.418 271.20619 C12C(C3C(C(CC3)*)(C)CC1)CCC=4C2(CCC(C4)=O)C CHEBI:13604 CHEBI:1626 CHEBI:20157 KEGG:C00619 MetaCyc:3-Oxo-Delta-4-Steroids chebi_ontology 3-Oxo-delta4-steroid 3-oxo Delta(4)-steroid 3-oxo Delta(4)-steroids 3-oxo-Delta(4) steroids a 3-oxo-Delta(4)-steroid CHEBI:47909 3-oxo-Delta(4) steroid chebi_ontology Schwefeloxide oxides of sulfur sulfur oxides CHEBI:48154 sulfur oxide Substance which binds to cell receptors normally responding to naturally occurring substances and which produces a response of its own. agonist chebi_ontology agonista agoniste agonists CHEBI:48705 agonist 0 H InChI=1S/H YZCKVEUIGOORGS-UHFFFAOYSA-N 1.00794 1.00783 [H] CHEBI:24634 CHEBI:49636 WebElements:H hydrogen chebi_ontology 1H H Wasserstoff hidrogeno hydrogen hydrogene CHEBI:49637 hydrogen atom A compound formally derived from ammonia by replacing one, two or three hydrogen atoms by organyl groups. chebi_ontology organic amino compounds CHEBI:50047 organic amino compound Any hormone that is responsible for controlling sexual characteristics and reproductive function. chebi_ontology Geschlechtshormon Geschlechtshormone Sexualhormon Sexualhormone hormone sexuelle hormones sexuelles sex hormones CHEBI:50112 sex hormone A sex hormone that stimulates or controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics in vertebrates by binding to androgen receptors. Androgen chebi_ontology Androgene androgene androgenes androgeno androgenos androgens CHEBI:50113 androgen Any anion formed by loss of a proton from a steroid acid. chebi_ontology steroid acid anions CHEBI:50160 steroid acid anion chebi_ontology canonical nucleotide residues CHEBI:50297 canonical nucleotide residue chebi_ontology canonical deoxyribonucleotide residues CHEBI:50298 canonical deoxyribonucleotide residue chebi_ontology canonical ribonucleotide residues CHEBI:50299 canonical ribonucleotide residue chebi_ontology CHEBI:50312 onium compound Mononuclear cations derived by addition of a hydron to a mononuclear parent hydride of the pnictogen, chalcogen and halogen families. onium cations chebi_ontology onium cations onium ion onium ions CHEBI:50313 onium cation chebi_ontology nucleotide residues CHEBI:50319 nucleotide residue chebi_ontology nucleoside residues CHEBI:50320 nucleoside residue A univalent organyl group obtained by cleaving the bond from C-2 to the side chain of a proteinogenic amino-acid. chebi_ontology canonical amino-acid side-chain canonical amino-acid side-chains proteinogenic amino-acid side-chain proteinogenic amino-acid side-chain groups proteinogenic amino-acid side-chains CHEBI:50325 proteinogenic amino-acid side-chain group 0 C3H5O2 73.07060 73.02895 C(CC(=O)O)* 2-carboxyethyl chebi_ontology glutamic acid side-chain CHEBI:50329 2-carboxyethyl group Any steroid based on an androstane skeleton and its derivatives. chebi_ontology androstanoids CHEBI:50402 androstanoid Any molecular entity that contains carbon. CHEBI:25700 CHEBI:33244 chebi_ontology organic compounds organic entity organic molecular entities CHEBI:50860 organic molecular entity A role is particular behaviour which a material entity may exhibit. chebi_ontology CHEBI:50906 role A poison that interferes with the functions of the nervous system. CHEBI:50911 Wikipedia:Neurotoxin chebi_ontology agente neurotoxico nerve poison nerve poisons neurotoxic agent neurotoxic agents neurotoxicant neurotoxins CHEBI:50910 neurotoxin A role played by the molecular entity or part thereof within a chemical context. chebi_ontology CHEBI:51086 chemical role CHEBI:25556 CHEBI:7594 KEGG:C06061 chebi_ontology Nitrogenous compounds nitrogen compounds nitrogen molecular entities CHEBI:51143 nitrogen molecular entity An organic molecule that is electrically neutral carrying a positive and a negative charge in one of its major canonical descriptions. In most dipolar compounds the charges are delocalized; however the term is also applied to species where this is not the case. chebi_ontology dipolar compounds CHEBI:51151 dipolar compound Any organic substituent group, regardless of functional type, having two free valences at carbon atom(s). chebi_ontology organodiyl groups CHEBI:51422 organodiyl group chebi_ontology CHEBI:51446 organic divalent group chebi_ontology CHEBI:51447 organic univalent group An alpha,beta-unsaturated ketone of general formula R(1)R(2)C=CR(3)-C(=O)R(4) (R(4) =/= H) in which the C=O function is conjugated to a C=C double bond at the alpha,beta position. 0 C3OR4 52.03150 51.99491 [*]\C([*])=C(\[*])C([*])=O Wikipedia:Enone chebi_ontology enones CHEBI:51689 enone A ketone of general formula R(1)R(2)C=CR(3)-C(=O)R(4) (R(4) =/= H) or R(1)C#C-C(=O)R(2) (R(2) =/= H) in which the ketonic C=O function is conjugated to an unsaturated C-C bond at the alpha,beta position. chebi_ontology alpha,beta-unsaturated ketones CHEBI:51721 alpha,beta-unsaturated ketone chebi_ontology organic polycyclic compounds CHEBI:51958 organic polycyclic compound A biological role played by the molecular entity or part thereof within a biochemical context. chebi_ontology CHEBI:52206 biochemical role A role played by the molecular entity or part thereof which causes the development of a pathological process. chebi_ontology etiopathogenetic agent etiopathogenetic role CHEBI:52209 aetiopathogenetic role A biological role which describes how a drug interacts within a biological system and how the interactions affect its medicinal properties. chebi_ontology CHEBI:52210 pharmacological role chebi_ontology CHEBI:52211 physiological role Any substance introduced into a living organism with therapeutic or diagnostic purpose. CHEBI:33293 CHEBI:33294 chebi_ontology farmaco medicament pharmaceuticals CHEBI:52217 pharmaceutical The biological role played by a material entity when bound by a receptor of the adaptive immune system. Specific site on an antigen to which an antibody binds. chebi_ontology antigenic determinant epitope function epitope role CHEBI:53000 epitope A polymer carrying multiple negative charges. chebi_ontology polyanion polyanions CHEBI:53309 polyanionic macromolecule A macromolecule containing ionic groups. chebi_ontology ionic polymer polyionic macromolecule CHEBI:53368 ionic macromolecule A 29-amino acid peptide hormone consisting of His, Ser, Gln, Gly, Thr, Phe, Thr, Ser, Asp, Tyr, Ser, Lys, Tyr, Leu, Asp, Ser, Arg, Arg, Ala, Gln, Asp, Phe, Val, Gln, Trp, Leu, Met, Asn and Thr residues joined in sequence. 0 C153H225N43O49S InChI=1S/C153H225N43O49S/c1-72(2)52-97(133(226)176-96(47-51-246-11)132(225)184-104(60-115(159)209)143(236)196-123(78(10)203)151(244)245)179-137(230)103(58-83-64-167-89-29-19-18-28-87(83)89)183-131(224)95(43-46-114(158)208)177-148(241)120(74(5)6)194-141(234)101(54-79-24-14-12-15-25-79)182-138(231)105(61-117(211)212)185-130(223)94(42-45-113(157)207)171-124(217)75(7)170-127(220)91(31-22-49-165-152(160)161)172-128(221)92(32-23-50-166-153(162)163)174-146(239)110(69-199)191-140(233)107(63-119(215)216)186-134(227)98(53-73(3)4)178-135(228)99(56-81-33-37-85(204)38-34-81)180-129(222)90(30-20-21-48-154)173-145(238)109(68-198)190-136(229)100(57-82-35-39-86(205)40-36-82)181-139(232)106(62-118(213)214)187-147(240)111(70-200)192-150(243)122(77(9)202)195-142(235)102(55-80-26-16-13-17-27-80)188-149(242)121(76(8)201)193-116(210)66-168-126(219)93(41-44-112(156)206)175-144(237)108(67-197)189-125(218)88(155)59-84-65-164-71-169-84/h12-19,24-29,33-40,64-65,71-78,88,90-111,120-123,167,197-205H,20-23,30-32,41-63,66-70,154-155H2,1-11H3,(H2,156,206)(H2,157,207)(H2,158,208)(H2,159,209)(H,164,169)(H,168,219)(H,170,220)(H,171,217)(H,172,221)(H,173,238)(H,174,239)(H,175,237)(H,176,226)(H,177,241)(H,178,228)(H,179,230)(H,180,222)(H,181,232)(H,182,231)(H,183,224)(H,184,225)(H,185,223)(H,186,227)(H,187,240)(H,188,242)(H,189,218)(H,190,229)(H,191,233)(H,192,243)(H,193,210)(H,194,234)(H,195,235)(H,196,236)(H,211,212)(H,213,214)(H,215,216)(H,244,245)(H4,160,161,165)(H4,162,163,166)/t75-,76+,77+,78+,88-,90-,91-,92-,93-,94-,95-,96-,97-,98-,99-,100-,101-,102-,103-,104-,105-,106-,107-,108-,109-,110-,111-,120-,121-,122-,123-/m0/s1 MASNOZXLGMXCHN-ZLPAWPGGSA-N 3482.74700 3480.61570 CSCC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](Cc1c[nH]c2ccccc12)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](Cc1ccccc1)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](C)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCNC(N)=N)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(C)C)NC(=O)[C@H](Cc1ccc(O)cc1)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCCN)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@H](Cc1ccc(O)cc1)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(O)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](Cc1ccccc1)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@H](CCC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](N)Cc1cnc[nH]1)[C@@H](C)O)[C@@H](C)O)C(C)C)C(=O)N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(=O)N[C@@H]([C@@H](C)O)C(O)=O CAS:16941-32-5 CAS:9007-92-5 DrugBank:DB00040 Drug_Central:2994 KEGG:C01501 KEGG:D00116 PMID:21940356 PMID:22014161 PMID:22154917 PMID:22166985 PMID:22167521 PMID:22214853 PMID:22227186 PMID:22286080 PMID:22294753 PMID:22318544 PMID:22334714 PMID:22399501 PMID:22438981 PMID:22454291 Reaxys:13191924 Wikipedia:Glucagon Glucagon L-histidyl-L-seryl-L-glutaminylglycyl-L-threonyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-threonyl-L-seryl-L-alpha-aspartyl-L-tyrosyl-L-seryl-L-lysyl-L-tyrosyl-L-leucyl-L-alpha-aspartyl-L-seryl-L-arginyl-L-arginyl-L-alanyl-L-glutaminyl-L-alpha-aspartyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-valyl-L-glutaminyl-L-tryptophyl-L-leucyl-L-methionyl-L-asparaginyl-L-threonine chebi_ontology Glucagone HSQGTFTSDYSKYLDSRRAQDFVQWLMNT His-Ser-Gln-Gly-Thr-Phe-Thr-Ser-Asp-Tyr-Ser-Lys-Tyr-Leu-Asp-Ser-Arg-Arg-Ala-Gln-Asp-Phe-Val-Gln-Trp-Leu-Met-Asn-Thr His-ser-glu(nh2)-gly-thr-phe-thr-ser-asp-tyr-ser-lys-tyr-leu-asp-ser-arg-arg-ala-glu(NH2)-asp-phe-val-glu(NH2)-trp-leu-met-asp(NH2)-thr glucagon glucagonum CHEBI:5391 glucagon A cyclic compound having as ring members atoms of at least two different elements. Heterocyclic compound chebi_ontology compuesto heterociclico compuestos heterociclicos heterocycle heterocyclic compounds CHEBI:5686 heterocyclic compound A dicarboxylic acid dianion obtained by deprotonation of the two carboxy groups of bilirubin; major species at pH 7.3. -2 C33H34N4O6 InChI=1S/C33H36N4O6/c1-7-20-19(6)32(42)37-27(20)14-25-18(5)23(10-12-31(40)41)29(35-25)15-28-22(9-11-30(38)39)17(4)24(34-28)13-26-16(3)21(8-2)33(43)36-26/h7-8,13-14,34-35H,1-2,9-12,15H2,3-6H3,(H,36,43)(H,37,42)(H,38,39)(H,40,41)/p-2/b26-13-,27-14- BPYKTIZUTYGOLE-IFADSCNNSA-L 582.64630 582.24893 CC1=C(C=C)\C(NC1=O)=C\c1[nH]c(Cc2[nH]c(\C=C3NC(=O)C(C=C)=C/3C)c(C)c2CCC([O-])=O)c(CCC([O-])=O)c1C Beilstein:4083310 chebi_ontology 2,7,13,17-tetramethyl-1,19-dioxo-3,18-divinyl-1,10,19,22,23,24-hexahydro-21H-biline-8,12-dipropanoate bilirubin IXalpha bilirubin dianion CHEBI:57977 bilirubin(2-) An ammonium ion that is the conjugate acid of histamine protonated on the side-chain nitrogen. +1 C5H10N3 InChI=1S/C5H9N3/c6-2-1-5-3-7-4-8-5/h3-4H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8)/p+1 NTYJJOPFIAHURM-UHFFFAOYSA-O 112.15300 112.08692 [NH3+]CCc1c[nH]cn1 2-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)ethanaminium chebi_ontology histamine histaminium cation CHEBI:58432 histaminium An organic anion of general formula RS(=O)2O(-) where R is an organyl group. -1 O4SR 96.06300 95.95173 [O-]S(=O)(=O)O[*] chebi_ontology organosulfate oxoanions CHEBI:58958 organosulfate oxoanion An organic anion arising from deprotonation of a acyclic tetrapyrrole compound. chebi_ontology acyclic tetrapyrrole anion acyclic tetrapyrrole anions linear tetrapyrrole anions CHEBI:59252 linear tetrapyrrole anion A reagent that forms a bond to its reaction partner (the electrophile) by donating both bonding electrons. chebi_ontology nucleophile nucleophiles nucleophilic reagents CHEBI:59740 nucleophilic reagent A chemical substance is a portion of matter of constant composition, composed of molecular entities of the same type or of different types. chebi_ontology Chemische Substanz CHEBI:59999 chemical substance A mixture is a chemical substance composed of multiple molecules, at least two of which are of a different kind. chebi_ontology Mischung CHEBI:60004 mixture A polymer is a mixture, which is composed of macromolecules of different kinds and which may be differentiated by composition, length, degree of branching etc.. Wikipedia:Polymer Polymer chebi_ontology Kunststoff CHEBI:60027 polymer An ionic polymer is a polymer, composed of ionic macromolecules. chebi_ontology polyionic polymer CHEBI:60164 ionic polymer An atom or small molecule with a positive charge that does not contain carbon in covalent linkage, with a valency of one. chebi_ontology a monovalent cation CHEBI:60242 monovalent inorganic cation Zwitterionic form of any peptide where, in general, the amino terminus is positively charged and the carboxy terminus is negatively charged. 0 C2H4NO2R(C2H2NOR)n chebi_ontology peptide zwitterions CHEBI:60466 peptide zwitterion Any compound that has a nucleobase as a part. chebi_ontology nucleobase-containing compound nucleobase-containing compounds nucleobase-containing molecular entities CHEBI:61120 nucleobase-containing molecular entity A polymer, composed of polyanion macromolecules. chebi_ontology polyanion polyanions CHEBI:61469 polyanionic polymer Zwitterionic form of a polar amino acid having an anionic carboxy group and a protonated amino group. 0 C2H4NO2R 74.059 74.02420 C(C([O-])=O)(*)[NH3+] MetaCyc:Polar-amino-acids chebi_ontology a polar amino acid CHEBI:62031 polar amino acid zwitterion A substance that removes electrons from another reactant in a redox reaction. chebi_ontology oxidant oxidants oxidiser oxidisers oxidising agents oxidizer oxidizers oxidizing agent oxidizing agents CHEBI:63248 oxidising agent Any organooxygen compound derived from a carbohydrate by replacement of one or more hydroxy group(s) by an amino group, a thiol group or similar heteroatomic groups. The term also includes derivatives of these compounds. chebi_ontology carbohydrate derivatives derivatised carbohydrate derivatised carbohydrates derivatized carbohydrate derivatized carbohydrates CHEBI:63299 carbohydrate derivative A carbohydrate derivative that is formally obtained from a carbohydrate acid. chebi_ontology carbohydrate acid derivatives CHEBI:63436 carbohydrate acid derivative A carboxylic acid anion resulting from the deprotonation of the carboxy group of a carbohydrate acid derivative. chebi_ontology carbohydrate acid anion derivative carbohydrate acid anion derivatives carbohydrate acid derivative anions CHEBI:63551 carbohydrate acid derivative anion Any substance which is added to food to preserve or enhance its flavour and/or appearance. Wikipedia:Food_additive chebi_ontology food additives CHEBI:64047 food additive An organic amino compound in which an aminoalkyl group is linked to an arene. chebi_ontology aralkylamino compounds CHEBI:64365 aralkylamino compound A fourteen-membered heterodetic cyclic peptide comprising the sequence Ala-Gly-Cys-Lys-Asn-Phe-Phe-Trp-Lys-Thr-Phe-Thr-Ser-Cys cyclised by a disulfide bridge between the two Cys residues at positions 3 and 14. 0 C76H104N18O19S2 InChI=1S/C76H104N18O19S2/c1-41(79)64(100)82-37-61(99)83-58-39-114-115-40-59(76(112)113)92-72(108)57(38-95)91-75(111)63(43(3)97)94-71(107)54(33-46-23-11-6-12-24-46)90-74(110)62(42(2)96)93-66(102)51(28-16-18-30-78)84-69(105)55(34-47-36-81-49-26-14-13-25-48(47)49)88-68(104)53(32-45-21-9-5-10-22-45)86-67(103)52(31-44-19-7-4-8-20-44)87-70(106)56(35-60(80)98)89-65(101)50(85-73(58)109)27-15-17-29-77/h4-14,19-26,36,41-43,50-59,62-63,81,95-97H,15-18,27-35,37-40,77-79H2,1-3H3,(H2,80,98)(H,82,100)(H,83,99)(H,84,105)(H,85,109)(H,86,103)(H,87,106)(H,88,104)(H,89,101)(H,90,110)(H,91,111)(H,92,108)(H,93,102)(H,94,107)(H,112,113)/t41-,42+,43+,50-,51-,52-,53-,54-,55-,56-,57-,58-,59-,62-,63-/m0/s1 NHXLMOGPVYXJNR-ATOGVRKGSA-N 1637.87800 1636.71666 C[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1NC(=O)[C@H](CCCCN)NC(=O)[C@H](Cc2c[nH]c3ccccc23)NC(=O)[C@H](Cc2ccccc2)NC(=O)[C@H](Cc2ccccc2)NC(=O)[C@H](CC(N)=O)NC(=O)[C@H](CCCCN)NC(=O)[C@H](CSSC[C@H](NC(=O)[C@H](CO)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@H](Cc2ccccc2)NC1=O)[C@@H](C)O)C(O)=O)NC(=O)CNC(=O)[C@H](C)N CAS:38916-34-6 Drug_Central:2997 HMDB:HMDB0013072 KEGG:C16022 KEGG:D07431 LINCS:LSM-5326 PMID:21922516 PMID:22129035 PMID:22147011 PMID:22251942 PMID:22483686 PMID:22509294 Reaxys:10148626 Wikipedia:Somatostatin L-alanyl-N-[(4R,7S,10S,13S,16S,19S,22S,25S,28S,31S,34S,37R)-19,34-bis(4-aminobutyl)-31-(2-amino-2-oxoethyl)-13,25,28-tribenzyl-4-carboxy-10,16-bis[(1R)-1-hydroxyethyl]-7-(hydroxymethyl)-22-(1H-indol-3-ylmethyl)-6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36-undecaoxo-1,2-dithia-5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29,32,35-undecaazacyclooctatriacontan-37-yl]glycinamide chebi_ontology Ala-Gly-cyclo-[Cys-Lys-Asn-Phe-Phe-Trp-Lys-Thr-Phe-Thr-Ser-Cys] L-alanylglycyl-L-cysteinyl-L-lysyl-L-asparaginyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-tryptophyl-L-lysyl-L-threonyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-threonyl-L-seryl-L-cysteine cyclic (3-14) disulfide Somatostatin-1 Somatostatin-14 Synthetic growth hormone release-inhibiting hormone somatostatin somatostatina somatostatine somatostatinum CHEBI:64628 somatostatin An organic molecular entity containing a single carbon atom (C1). chebi_ontology one-carbon compounds CHEBI:64708 one-carbon compound Any organic molecular entity that is acidic and contains carbon in covalent linkage. chebi_ontology organic acids CHEBI:64709 organic acid Any substance that causes disturbance to organisms by chemical reaction or other activity on the molecular scale, when a sufficient quantity is absorbed by the organism. Wikipedia:Poison chebi_ontology poisonous agent poisonous agents poisonous substance poisonous substances poisons toxic agent toxic agents toxic substance toxic substances CHEBI:64909 poison A carbohydrate derivative that is any derivative of a polysaccharide. chebi_ontology polysaccharide derivatives CHEBI:65212 polysaccharide derivative Any compound that has anti-inflammatory effects. chebi_ontology anti-inflammatory agents antiinflammatory agent antiinflammatory agents CHEBI:67079 anti-inflammatory agent Any monocyclic heteroarene consisting of a five-membered ring containing nitrogen. Azoles can also contain one or more other non-carbon atoms, such as nitrogen, sulfur or oxygen. Wikipedia:Azole chebi_ontology azoles CHEBI:68452 azole A bicyclic macrolide natural product consisting of a 16-membered bicyclic lactone attached to the rare 2-thiazolidinone moiety. It is obtained from the Red Sea sponge Latrunculia magnifica and from the Fiji Islands sponge Cacospongia mycofijiensis. Latrunculin A inhibits actin polymerisation, microfilament organsation and microfilament-mediated processes. 0 C22H31NO5S InChI=1S/C22H31NO5S/c1-15-7-5-3-4-6-8-16(2)11-20(24)27-18-12-17(10-9-15)28-22(26,13-18)19-14-29-21(25)23-19/h3-5,7,11,15,17-19,26H,6,8-10,12-14H2,1-2H3,(H,23,25)/b4-3+,7-5-,16-11-/t15-,17-,18-,19+,22-/m1/s1 DDVBPZROPPMBLW-IZGXTMSKSA-N 421.55000 421.192 [H][C@]1(CSC(=O)N1)[C@@]1(O)C[C@H]2C[C@@H](CC[C@H](C)\C=C/C=C/CC\C(C)=C/C(=O)O2)O1 CHEBI:43626 CAS:76343-93-6 PDBeChem:LAR PMID:10859320 PMID:12087066 PMID:17897856 PMID:19528469 PMID:20677927 PMID:22492972 PMID:22498812 PMID:3200109 PMID:3556584 PMID:9250716 Reaxys:4239363 (4R)-4-[(1R,4Z,8E,10Z,12S,15R,17R)-17-hydroxy-5,12-dimethyl-3-oxo-2,16-dioxabicyclo[13.3.1]nonadeca-4,8,10-trien-17-yl]-1,3-thiazolidin-2-one LATRUNCULIN A chebi_ontology (+)-latrunculin A (4R)-4-[(1R,4Z,8E,10Z,12S,15R,17R)-17-hydroxy-5,12-dimethyl-3-oxo-2,16-dioxabicyclo[13.3.1]nonadeca-4,8,10-trien-17-yl]-1,3-thiazolidin-2-one LAT-A LatA NSC 613011 CHEBI:69136 latrunculin A Any molecule that consists of at least one carbon atom as part of the electrically neutral entity. chebi_ontology organic compound organic compounds organic molecules CHEBI:72695 organic molecule A biomacromolecule composed of carbohydrate residues which is secreted by a microorganism into the surrounding environment. MetaCyc:Exopolysaccharides PMID:11160795 PMID:11785425 PMID:1444258 PMID:15738217 PMID:16075348 PMID:17440912 PMID:18097339 PMID:19453747 PMID:20172021 PMID:20631870 PMID:20718297 PMID:2688547 PMID:6354590 Wikipedia:Exopolysaccharide Wikipedia:Extracellular_polymeric_substance chebi_ontology exopolysaccharides extracellular polymeric substance extracellular polymeric substances CHEBI:72813 exopolysaccharide Any metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in eukaryotes, the taxon that include members of the fungi, plantae and animalia kingdoms. chebi_ontology eukaryotic metabolites CHEBI:75763 eukaryotic metabolite Any eukaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in animals that include diverse creatures from sponges, insects to mammals. CHEBI:77721 CHEBI:77743 chebi_ontology animal metabolites CHEBI:75767 animal metabolite Any animal metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in mammals. CHEBI:77464 CHEBI:77744 chebi_ontology mammalian metabolites CHEBI:75768 mammalian metabolite Any mammalian metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in a mouse (Mus musculus). chebi_ontology Mus musculus metabolite Mus musculus metabolites mouse metabolites CHEBI:75771 mouse metabolite Any fungal metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). CHEBI:76949 CHEBI:76951 chebi_ontology S. cerevisiae metabolite S. cerevisiae metabolites S. cerevisiae secondary metabolite S. cerevisiae secondary metabolites Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolites Saccharomyces cerevisiae secondary metabolites baker's yeast metabolite baker's yeast metabolites baker's yeast secondary metabolite baker's yeast secondary metabolites CHEBI:75772 Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite Any metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in prokaryotes, the taxon that include members of domains such as the bacteria and archaea. chebi_ontology prokaryotic metabolites CHEBI:75787 prokaryotic metabolite Any enzyme inhibitor that interferes with the action of a hydrolase (EC 3.*.*.*). Wikipedia:Hydrolase chebi_ontology EC 3.* (hydrolase) inhibitors EC 3.* inhibitor EC 3.* inhibitors EC 3.*.*.* inhibitor EC 3.*.*.* inhibitors hydrolase (EC 3.*) inhibitor hydrolase (EC 3.*) inhibitors hydrolase inhibitor hydrolase inhibitors CHEBI:76759 EC 3.* (hydrolase) inhibitor Any hydrolase inhibitor that interferes with the action of a hydrolase acting on C-N bonds, other than peptide bonds (EC 3.5.*.*). chebi_ontology EC 3.5.* (hydrolase acting on non-peptide C-N bond) inhibitor EC 3.5.* (hydrolase acting on non-peptide C-N bond) inhibitors EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on C-N bonds, other than peptide bonds) inhibitor EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on C-N bonds, other than peptide bonds) inhibitors EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on non-peptide C-N bonds) inhibitors EC 3.5.* inhibitor EC 3.5.* inhibitors CHEBI:76764 EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on non-peptide C-N bonds) inhibitor An EC 3.5.* (hydrolases acting on non-peptide C-N bonds) inhibitor that interferes with the action of any non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase (EC 3.5.1.*). chebi_ontology EC 3.5.1.* (non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase) inhibitors EC 3.5.1.* inhibitor EC 3.5.1.* inhibitors non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase (EC 3.5.1.*) inhibitor non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase (EC 3.5.1.*) inhibitors CHEBI:76807 EC 3.5.1.* (non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase) inhibitor Any eukaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in fungi, the kingdom that includes microorganisms such as the yeasts and moulds. CHEBI:75765 CHEBI:76947 chebi_ontology fungal metabolites CHEBI:76946 fungal metabolite Any prokaryotic metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in bacteria. CHEBI:75760 CHEBI:76970 chebi_ontology CHEBI:76969 bacterial metabolite Any bacterial metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in Escherichia coli. chebi_ontology E.coli metabolite E.coli metabolites Escherichia coli metabolites CHEBI:76971 Escherichia coli metabolite Any mammalian metabolite produced during a metabolic reaction in humans (Homo sapiens). CHEBI:75770 CHEBI:77123 chebi_ontology H. sapiens metabolite H. sapiens metabolites Homo sapiens metabolite Homo sapiens metabolites CHEBI:77746 human metabolite An EC 3.5.1.* (non-peptide linear amide C-N hydrolase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of amidase (EC Wikipedia:Amidase chebi_ontology EC (amidase) inhibitors EC inhibitor EC inhibitors N-acetylaminohydrolase inhibitor N-acetylaminohydrolase inhibitors acylamidase inhibitor acylamidase inhibitors acylamide amidohydrolase inhibitor acylamide amidohydrolase inhibitors amidase (EC inhibitor amidase (EC inhibitors amidase inhibitor amidase inhibitors amidohydrolase inhibitor amidohydrolase inhibitors deaminase inhibitor deaminase inhibitors fatty acylamidase inhibitor fatty acylamidase inhibitors CHEBI:77941 EC (amidase) inhibitor A food additive that is a (generally inert) gas which is used to envelop foodstuffs during packing and so protect them from unwanted chemical reactions such as food spoilage or oxidation during subsequent transport and storage. The term includes propellant gases, used to expel foods from a container. Wikipedia:Packaging_gas chebi_ontology food packaging gases CHEBI:77974 food packaging gas A physiological role played by any substance that is distributed in foodstuffs. It includes materials derived from plants or animals, such as vitamins or minerals, as well as environmental contaminants. chebi_ontology dietary component dietary components food components CHEBI:78295 food component A substance used in a thermodynamic heat pump cycle or refrigeration cycle that undergoes a phase change from a gas to a liquid and back. Refrigerants are used in air-conditioning systems and freezers or refrigerators and are assigned a "R" number (by ASHRAE - formerly the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers), which is determined systematically according to their molecular structure. Wikipedia:Refrigerant chebi_ontology refrigerants CHEBI:78433 refrigerant An amino acid zwitterion obtained by transfer of a proton from the carboxy to the amino group of any alpha-amino acid; major species at pH 7.3. 0 C2H4NO2R 74.059 74.02420 [NH3+]C([*])C([O-])=O CHEBI:83409 MetaCyc:Alpha-Amino-Acids chebi_ontology an alpha-amino acid CHEBI:78608 alpha-amino acid zwitterion Any organooxygen compound that is a polyhydroxy-aldehyde or -ketone, or a compound derived from one. Carbohydrates contain only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and usually have an empirical formula Cm(H2O)n; carbohydrate derivatives may contain other elements by substitution or condensation. chebi_ontology carbohydrates and derivatives carbohydrates and their derivatives CHEBI:78616 carbohydrates and carbohydrate derivatives Any metabolite produced by all living cells. chebi_ontology essential metabolite essential metabolites fundamental metabolites CHEBI:78675 fundamental metabolite Any organic molecular entity that contains at least one C=C bond. chebi_ontology olefinic compounds CHEBI:78840 olefinic compound Any inorganic anion with a valency of two. chebi_ontology divalent inorganic anions CHEBI:79388 divalent inorganic anion Any inorganic anion with a valency of one. chebi_ontology monovalent inorganic anions CHEBI:79389 monovalent inorganic anion An animal metabolite produced by arthropods such as crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimps and krill. chebi_ontology crustacean metabolites CHEBI:83039 crustacean metabolite A Daphnia metabolite produced by the species Daphnia magna. chebi_ontology Daphnia magna metabolites CHEBI:83056 Daphnia magna metabolite A crustacean metabolite produced by the genus of small planktonic arthropods, Daphnia Wikipedia:Daphnia chebi_ontology Daphnia metabolites CHEBI:83057 Daphnia metabolite A family of cyclic nonapeptide hormones found in most mammals. Synthesised in the hypothalamus and stored in the post-pituitary, vasopressins play a key role in homeostasis, particularly in regulating the body's water content. Together with the similar neuropeptide oxytocin, they are believed to influence social cognition and behaviour. 0 C46H65N15O12S2.C46H65N13O12S2 2140.458 2138.86956 CAS:11000-17-2 KEGG:C00840 KEGG:D00101 PMID:18988842 PMID:20445498 Vasopressin chebi_ontology ADH AVP Antidiuretic hormone Inyectable de vasopresina Solute injectable de vasopressine VP Vasopressini injectio arginine vasopressin argipressin beta-Hypophamine CHEBI:9937 vasopressin a maintaining cell culture process that keeps cell line cell alive and actively cultured. YH cell line cell culturing cell line cell A cultured cell that is part of a cell line - a stable and homogeneous population of cells with a common biological origin and propagation history in culture A cultured cell that is part of a cell line - a stable and homogeneous population of cells with a common biological origin and propagation history in culture Yongqun He, Matthew Brush, Sirarat Sarntivijai, Alexander Diehl, Jie Zheng, Yu Lin, Bjoern Peters A 'cell line cell' is a part of a cell line established through the passaging/selection of a primary cultured cells or the experimental modification of an existing cell line. New types of cell line cells are established after sufficient passaging of a primary culture to establish a stable and homogenous population that qualifies as a line (typically 1-20 passages), or following some spontaneous or experimental modification that confers novel characteristics to an existing line. A cell line cell typically has mutations of five or more genes compared to the original cell that derives the cell line cell. Some gene mutations may turn on some oncogenes. Cell line cells can be in active culture, stored in a quiescent state for future use (e.g. frozen in liquid nitrogen), or applied in experimental procedures. cell line cell suspension cell line culturing is a cell line culturing method where cells do not require a surface for growth and differentiation. This method is appropriate for cells that are adapted to suspension culture or cells that are non-adhesive (e.g. hematopoietic cells) suspension cell line culturing adherent cell line culturing is a cell line culturing method where cells require a surface for growth and differentiation. adherent cell line culturing a material processing that modifies an existing cell line cell to generate another cell line cell. Yongqun He cell line cell modification a role that inheres in a cell line repository organization. SS, YH cell line repository role an organization that serves as a repository of cell lines. SS, YH cell line repository adherent on coated surface cell line culturing is an adherent cell line culturing method that the surface is coated with extracellular matrix component to increase adhesion properties and provide other signals needed for growth and differentiation. adherent on coated surface cell line culturing a cell line cell that is in the ATCC cell line repository SS, YH, UV, SS ATCC cell line ATCC cell line cell a cell line cell that is in the HyperCLDB cell line repository SS, YH, UV, SS HyperCLDB cell line HyperCLDB cell line cell an immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that is derived from T cell. YH immortal human T cell line cell adherent on feeder cells cell line culturing adherent-patchy cell line culturing loosely adherent cell line culturing mouse, Swiss albino A cell line cell that is capable of replicating a limited number of times in culture before undergoing senescence. Yongqun He, Matthew Brush, Sirarat Sarntivijai finite cell line cell mortal cell line cell immortal cell line cell A cell line cell that is expected to be capable of an unlimited number of divisions, and is thus able to support indefinite propagation in vitro as part of an immortal cell line. Yongqun He, Matthew Brush, Allen Xiang, Asiyah Yu Lin, Sirarat Sarntivijai, James Malone, Jie Zheng, Tomasz Adamusiak continuous cell line cell permanent cell line cell immortal cell line cell YH a immortal cell line that is dervied from human tissue. immortal human cell line immortal human cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yongqun He immortal cat cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from frog. Yongqun He immortal frog cell line cell an immortal cell line cell that is generated by fusing two different types of cells. One of the parent cells is typically a cancer cell. Yongqun He immortal hybrid cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from zebra fish. Yongqun He immortal zebra fish cell line cell mouse immortal cell line mouse immortal cell line cell a cell line that requires suspension cell cuturing. suspension cell line suspension cell line cell a cell line that is cultured through adherence cell culturing. adherent cell line adherent cell line cell a cell culture growth mode that indicates a cell needs to adhere to a cell culture plate to grow. YH adherent cell culture growth mode a cell culture growth mode that indicates a cell can grow when the cell is suspended in cell culture medium. YH suspension cell culture growth mode a disposition that represents a mode of cell culture growth, i.e., the cell will grow at a specific cell culture mode. For example, an adherent cell culture growh mode means that the cell will grow when the cell is adhere to a cell culture plate. YH cell culture growth mode cell line He, Tong-Chuan, et al., Identification of c-MYC as a target of the APC pathway. Science 281.5382 (1998): 1509-1512.: "To evaluate the transcriptional effects of APC, we studied a human colorectal cancer cell line (HT29-APC) containing a zinc-inducible APC gene and a control cell line (HT29–β-Gal) containing an analogous inducible lacZ gene". Note that common usage in the literature is often of the form "a human colorectal cancer cell line", as seen above. But such references to studies in "a line" refer to the fact that discrete populations of cells that are input into culturing or experiments, not an entire lineage of cells. It is these discrete populations that we refer to as 'cell lines'. A cultured cell population that represents a genetically stable and homogenous population of cultured cells that shares a common propagation history (i.e. has been successively passaged together in culture). A cultured cell population that represents a genetically stable and homogenous population of cultured cells that shares a common propagation history (i.e. has been successively passaged together in culture). In the spring of 2013, a working group comprised of domain experts and representatives from CLO, OBI, CL, and ReO worked to establish a consensus model and definitions of cultured cells across these efforts. This included a careful characterization of how the term 'cell line' should be defined and applied. Notes about this work and its outcomes can be found on the CLO wiki here: MB, SS, JZ, MAH, BP, CS, YH The term 'line' is used when a culture has undergone an intentional experimental process to establish a more uniform and stable population of cells (see 'establishing cell line'). This will require one or more passages, but may involve additional selection processes. Through such passaging and/or selection processes, the resulting 'line' attains some level of genetic stability and compositional homogeneity which is typically absent in primary cultures. Because of their relative homogeneity, ‘lines’ are capable of being characterized and stably propagated over a period of time. A new *type* of cell line can be established not only through the passaging/selection of a primary culture, but also through experimental modifications of existing lines (e.g. immortalization, stable genetic modifications, drug selection for a resistant subset, etc.). The definition provided here establishes the 'scale' of cell populations that qualify as cell lines - specifically those with a shared propagation history in culture. In this way, the 'cell line' class demarcates populations that represent what researchers actually use in the practice of science - e.g. as inputs to culturing, experimentation, and sharing. The definition is such that cell lines will exhibit important attributes. For example, they will have a relatively homogenous cell type composition as they have experienced similar selective pressures due to their continuous co-propagation. In addition, these populations can also be characterized by a passage number, again owing to their common passaging history.  As defined here, 'cell line' can refer to a population of cells in active culture, applied experimentally, or stored in a quiescent state for future use. cell line mixed adherent and suspension cell line culturing mixed suspension clusters in suspension cell line culturing Oliver Note: this term needs precise definition. will consult term users later. cell line co-expression Ba/F3 Stably co-expresses EpoR and JAK2V617F EpoR and JAK2V617F constructs Ba/F3 cell line co-expression Ba/F3 cell line EpoR and JAK2V617F co-expression CHO cell line co-expression CHO Established (in your ontology) Stably transfected with Cre-beta lactamase: Cre Bla CHO cell line CHO cell line co-expression of lactamase suspension with feeder cells cell line culturing suspension-multicell aggregates cell line culturing a immortal cell line that is dervied from mouse tissue. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse cell line immortal mouse cell line cell YH a immortal cell line that is dervied from mouse macrophage. immortal mouse macrophage cell line a cell line that is derived from stem cell ZX, YH immortal stem cell line cell YH a immortal cell line that is dervied from mouse liver. immortal mouse liver cell line YH a immortal cell line that is dervied from a Gorilla gorilla tissue. immortal Gorilla gorilla cell line immortal Gorilla gorilla cell line cell a immortal stem cell line that is derived from somatic stem cell ZX, YH immortal somatic stem cell line cell a immortal somatic stem cell line that is derived from epithelial fate stem cell ZX, YH immortal epithelial fate stem cell line cell a immortal epithelial fate stem cell line that is derived from basal cell ZX, YH immortal basal cell line cell a immortal somatic stem cell line that is derived from multi fate stem cell ZX, YH immortal multi fate stem cell line cell a immortal multi fate stem cell line that is derived from neuronal stem cell ZX, YH immortal neuronal stem cell line cell a immortal neuronal stem cell line that is derived from neuroblast ZX, YH immortal neuroblast cell line cell a immortal multi fate stem cell line that is derived from mesenchymal cell ZX, YH immortal mesenchymal cell line cell a cell line that is derived from non-terminally differentiated cell ZX, YH immortal non-terminally differentiated cell line immortal non-terminally differentiated cell line cell a immortal non-terminally differentiated cell line that is derived from osteoblast ZX, YH immortal osteoblast cell line immortal osteoblast cell line cell a immortal non-terminally differentiated cell line that is derived from muscle precursor cell ZX, YH immortal muscle precursor cell line immortal muscle precursor cell line cell a immortal muscle precursor cell line that is derived from myoblast ZX, YH immortal myoblast cell line immortal myoblast cell line cell a immortal myoblast cell line that is derived from fusion competent myoblast ZX, YH immortal fusion competent myoblast cell line immortal fusion competent myoblast cell line cell a cell line that is derived from secretory cell ZX, YH immortal secretory cell line immortal secretory cell line cell a immortal secretory cell line that is derived from glandular epithelial cell ZX, YH immortal glandular epithelial cell line cell a immortal glandular epithelial cell line cell that is derived from chromophil cell of anterior pituitary gland ZX, YH immortal anterior pituitary gland chromophil cell line cell a immortal chromophil cell line cell of anterior pituitary gland that is derived from thyrotroph ZX, YH immortal thyrotroph cell line cell a immortal chromophil cell line of anterior pituitary gland that is derived from acidophil cell of pars distalis of adenohypophysis ZX, YH immortal pars distalis of adenohypophysis acidophil cell line cell a immortal glandular epithelial cell line that is derived from neck cell ZX, YH immortal neck cell line cell a immortal glandular epithelial cell line that is derived from glandular cell of stomach ZX, YH immortal glandular cell line of stomach cell a immortal glandular cell line of stomach that is derived from parietal cell ZX, YH immortal parietal cell line cell a immortal secretory cell line that is derived from exocrine cell ZX, YH immortal exocrine cell line immortal exocrine cell line cell a immortal secretory cell line that is derived from endocrine cell ZX, YH immortal endocrine cell line immortal endocrine cell line cell a immortal endocrine cell line that is derived from mast cell ZX, YH immortal mast cell line immortal mast cell line cell a immortal endocrine cell line cell that is derived from neuroendocrine cell ZX, YH immortal neuroendocrine cell line cell a immortal endocrine cell line that is derived from Leydig cell ZX, YH immortal Leydig cell line immortal Leydig cell line cell a immortal secretory cell line cell that is derived from Sertoli cell ZX, YH immortal Sertoli cell line cell a immortal secretory cell line that is derived from plasma cell ZX, YH immortal plasma cell line immortal plasma cell line cell an immortal cell line cell that is derived from contractile cell ZX, YH immortal contractile cell line cell a immortal contractile cell line cell that is derived from myofibroblast cell ZX, YH immortal myofibroblast cell line cell a immortal contractile cell line cell that is derived from muscle cell ZX, YH immortal muscle cell line cell a immortal muscle cell line cell that is derived from skeletal muscle cell ZX, YH immortal skeletal muscle cell line cell a immortal muscle cell line cell that is derived from smooth muscle cell ZX, YH immortal smooth muscle cell line cell an immortal cell line cell that is derived from electrically active cell ZX, YH immortal electrically active cell line cell a immortal electrically active cell line cell that is derived from electrically responsive cell ZX, YH immortal electrically responsive cell line cell a immortal electrically responsive cell line cell that is derived from neuron ZX, YH immortal neuron cell line cell a immortal neuron cell line cell that is derived from bipolar neuron ZX, YH immortal bipolar neuron cell line cell a immortal bipolar neuron cell line cell that is derived from ON-bipolar cell ZX, YH immortal ON-bipolar cell line cell a immortal neuron cell line cell that is derived from peripheral neuron ZX, YH immortal peripheral neuron cell line cell a immortal neuron cell line cell that is derived from stellate cell ZX, YH immortal stellate cell line cell an immortal cell line cell that is derived from barrier cell ZX, YH immortal barrier cell line cell an immortal barrier cell line cell that is derived from lining cell ZX, YH immortal lining cell line cell a immortal lining cell line cell that is derived from mesothelial cell ZX, YH immortal mesothelial cell line cell a immortal mesothelial cell line cell that is derived from seminiferous tubule epithelial cell ZX, YH immortal seminiferous tubule epithelial cell line cell a immortal seminiferous tubule epithelial cell line cell that is derived from spermatocyte ZX, YH immortal spermatocyte cell line cell a immortal lining cell line cell that is derived from endothelial cell ZX, YH immortal endothelial cell line cell a immortal barrier cell line cell that is derived from myelinating Schwann cell ZX, YH immortal myelinating Schwann cell line cell a cell line that is derived from motile cell ZX, YH immortal motile cell line immortal motile cell line cell a immortal motile cell line that is derived from phagocyte ZX, YH immortal phagocyte cell line cell a immortal phagocyte cell line that is derived from mononuclear phagocyte ZX, YH immortal mononuclear phagocyte cell line cell a immortal phagocyte cell line that is derived from macrophage ZX, YH immortal macrophage cell line cell a immortal macrophage cell line that is derived from tissue-resident macrophage ZX, YH immortal tissue-resident macrophage cell line cell a immortal tissue-resident macrophage cell line that is derived from microglial cell ZX, YH immortal microglial cell line cell a immortal tissue-resident macrophage cell line that is derived from peritoneal macrophage ZX, YH immortal peritoneal macrophage cell line cell a immortal phagocyte cell line that is derived from polygonal cell ZX, YH immortal polygonal cell line immortal polygonal cell line cell a immortal motile cell line that is derived from amoeboid cell ZX, YH immortal amoeboid cell line immortal amoeboid cell line cell a immortal motile cell line that is derived from leukocyte ZX, YH immortal leukocyte cell line immortal leukocyte cell line cell a immortal leukocyte cell line that is derived from dendritic cell ZX, YH immortal dendritic cell line immortal dendritic cell line cell a immortal dendritic cell line that is derived from Langerhans cell ZX, YH immortal Langerhans cell line immortal Langerhans cell line cell a immortal leukocyte cell line that is derived from myeloid leukocyte ZX, YH immortal myeloid leukocyte cell line immortal myeloid leukocyte cell line cell a immortal myeloid leukocyte cell line that is derived from monocyte ZX, YH immortal monocyte cell line immortal monocyte cell line cell a immortal leukocyte cell line that is derived from nongranular leukocyte ZX, YH immortal nongranular leukocyte cell line immortal nongranular leukocyte cell line cell a immortal nongranular leukocyte cell line that is derived from lymphocyte ZX, YH immortal lymphocyte cell line immortal lymphocyte cell line cell a immortal lymphocyte cell line that is derived from T cell ZX, YH immortal T cell line immortal T cell line cell a immortal T cell line that is derived from alpha-beta T cell ZX, YH immortal alpha-beta T cell line immortal alpha-beta T cell line cell a immortal alpha-beta T cell line that is derived from immature alpha-beta T cell ZX, YH immortal immature alpha-beta T cell line immortal immature alpha-beta T cell line cell a immortal immature alpha-beta T cell line that is derived from double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte ZX, YH immortal double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte cell line immortal double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte cell line cell a immortal alpha-beta T cell line that is derived from mature alpha-beta T cell ZX, YH immortal mature alpha-beta T cell line immortal mature alpha-beta T cell line cell a immortal mature alpha-beta T cell line that is derived from CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell ZX, YH immortal CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell line immortal CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell line cell a immortal CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell line that is derived from induced T-regulatory cell ZX, YH immortal induced T-regulatory cell line immortal induced T-regulatory cell line cell a immortal T cell line that is derived from mature T cell ZX, YH immortal mature T cell line immortal mature T cell line cell a immortal mature T cell line that is derived from helper T cell ZX, YH immortal helper T cell line immortal helper T cell line cell a immortal T cell line that is derived from immature T cell ZX, YH immortal immature T cell line immortal immature T cell line cell a immortal lymphocyte cell line that is derived from B cell ZX, YH immortal B cell line immortal B-cell line cell immortal B cell line cell a immortal B cell line that is derived from precursor B cell ZX, YH immortal precursor B cell line immortal precursor B cell line cell a immortal lymphocyte cell line that is derived from natural killer cell ZX, YH immortal natural killer cell line immortal natural killer cell line cell a cell line that is derived from single nucleate cell ZX, YH immortal single nucleate cell line immortal single nucleate cell line cell a cell line that is derived from multinucleate cell ZX, YH immortal multinucleate cell line immortal multinucleate cell line cell a immortal cell line cell that is derived from eukaryotic cell ZX, YH immortal eukaryotic cell line cell a immortal eukaryotic cell line that is derived from vegetative cell (sensu Mycetozoa) ZX, YH immortal vegetative cell line (sensu Mycetozoa) immortal vegetative cell line (sensu Mycetozoa) cell a immortal vegetative cell line (sensu Mycetozoa) that is derived from aggregate cell ZX, YH immortal aggregate cell line immortal aggregate cell line cell a immortal vegetative cell line (sensu Mycetozoa) that is derived from anterior like cell ZX, YH immortal anterior like cell line immortal anterior like cell line cell a immortal eukaryotic cell line that is derived from animal cell ZX, YH immortal animal cell line immortal animal cell line cell a immortal animal cell line that is derived from epithelial cell ZX, YH immortal epithelial cell line cell a immortal epithelial cell line that is derived from duct epithelial cell ZX, YH immortal duct epithelial cell line cell a immortal epithelial cell line that is derived from columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell ZX, YH immortal columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell line cell a immortal columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell line that is derived from neurecto-epithelial cell ZX, YH immortal neurecto-epithelial cell line immortal neurecto-epithelial cell line cell a immortal neurecto-epithelial cell line that is derived from melanocyte ZX, YH immortal melanocyte cell line cell a immortal neurecto-epithelial cell line that is derived from pigmented epithelial cell ZX, YH immortal pigmented epithelial cell line immortal pigmented epithelial cell line cell a immortal epithelial cell line that is derived from squamous epithelial cell ZX, YH immortal squamous epithelial cell line cell a immortal squamous epithelial cell line that is derived from stratified squamous epithelial cell ZX, YH immortal stratified squamous epithelial cell line cell a immortal stratified squamous epithelial cell line that is derived from keratinizing barrier epithelial cell ZX, YH immortal keratinizing barrier epithelial cell line cell a immortal keratinizing barrier epithelial cell line that is derived from keratinocyte ZX, YH immortal keratinocyte cell line cell a immortal squamous epithelial cell line that is derived from epidermal cell ZX, YH immortal epidermal cell line cell a immortal epithelial cell line that is derived from stratified epithelial cell ZX, YH immortal stratified epithelial cell line cell a immortal epithelial cell line that is derived from epithelial cell of lung ZX, YH immortal epithelial cell line of lung cell a immortal epithelial cell line that is derived from epithelial cell of pancreas ZX, YH immortal epithelial cell line of pancreas cell a immortal epithelial cell line that is derived from ecto-epithelial cell ZX, YH immortal ecto-epithelial cell line cell a immortal epithelial cell line that is derived from meso-epithelial cell ZX, YH immortal meso-epithelial cell line immortal meso-epithelial cell line cell a immortal animal cell line that is derived from extraembryonic cell ZX, YH immortal extraembryonic cell line cell a immortal extraembryonic cell line that is derived from trophoblast cell ZX, YH immortal trophoblast cell line immortal trophoblast cell line cell a immortal animal cell line that is derived from hematopoietic cell ZX, YH immortal hematopoietic cell line immortal hematopoietic cell line cell a immortal hematopoietic cell line that is derived from megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell ZX, YH immortal megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell line immortal megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell line cell a immortal hematopoietic cell line that is derived from blood cell ZX, YH immortal blood cell line immortal blood cell line cell a immortal hematopoietic cell line that is derived from myeloid cell ZX, YH immortal myeloid cell line immortal myeloid cell line cell a immortal myeloid cell line that is derived from erythroblast ZX, YH immortal erythroblast cell line immortal erythroblast cell line cell a immortal hematopoietic cell line that is derived from hematopoietic lineage restricted progenitor cell ZX, YH immortal hematopoietic lineage restricted progenitor cell line immortal hematopoietic lineage restricted progenitor cell line cell a immortal hematopoietic lineage restricted progenitor cell line that is derived from pro-B cell ZX, YH immortal pro-B cell line immortal pro-B cell line cell a immortal hematopoietic lineage restricted progenitor cell line that is derived from myeloblast ZX, YH immortal myeloblast cell line immortal myeloblast cell line cell a immortal myeloblast cell line that is derived from basophilic myeloblast ZX, YH immortal basophilic myeloblast cell line immortal basophilic myeloblast cell line cell a immortal animal cell line that is derived from neural cell ZX, YH immortal neural cell line immortal neural cell line cell a immortal neural cell line that is derived from glial cell ZX, YH immortal glial cell line immortal glial cell line cell a immortal glial cell line that is derived from glial cell (sensu Vertebrata) ZX, YH immortal glial cell line (sensu Vertebrata) immortal glial cell line (sensu Vertebrata) cell a immortal glial cell line (sensu Vertebrata) that is derived from astrocyte ZX, YH immortal astrocyte cell line immortal astrocyte cell line cell a immortal animal cell line that is derived from connective tissue cell ZX, YH immortal connective tissue cell line cell a immortal connective tissue cell line that is derived from fibroblast ZX, YH immortal fibroblast cell line immortal fibroblast cell line cell a immortal connective tissue cell line that is derived from stromal cell ZX, YH immortal stromal cell line immortal stromal cell line cell a cell line that is derived from stuff accumulating cell ZX, YH immortal stuff accumulating cell line cell a cell line that is derived from parenchymal cell ZX, YH immortal parenchymal cell line immortal parenchymal cell line cell a cell line that is derived from nucleate cell ZX, YH immortal nucleate cell line immortal nucleate cell line cell a cell line that is derived from somatic cell ZX, YH immortal somatic cell line cell a immortal epithelial cell line cell that is derived from HeLa cell Yongqun He HeLa derived cell line cell an immortal cell line cell that is established by fusing a specific antibody-producing B cell with a myeloma (B cell cancer) cell that is selected for its ability to produce a monoclonal antibody. The production of monoclonal antibodies using the hybridoma technology was invented by Cesar Milstein and Georges J. F. Köhler in 1975. They shared the Nobel Prize of 1984 for Medicine and Physiology with Niels Kaj Jerne, who made other contributions to immunology. Yongqun He WEB: hybridoma cell line cell a function of a cell that can be passaged in culture medium without death or genetic change. Yongqun He cell passageble capability cell line lineage is a history of the development of a cell line. The cell line lineage may include the original cell type from a tissue and organism that derives the cell line cell. It may also include the cell line passage and cell culturing information. This term will be a subclass of BFO 2 'history'. The BFO 2 'history' term will be imported to CLO after the BFO 2 is finalized. Yongqun He cell line lineage a cell line cell that is in the Coriell cell line repositories. SS, YH, UV, SS Coriell cell line cell a cell line cell that is in the RIKEN Cell bank SS, YH, UV, SS RIKEN Cell Bank cell A cell line comprised of cells which can all be traced back to a single ancestor cell, and which therefore can be treated as identical. This can be used to study just the progeny of single cells. MHB 2013-07-16: This should be made into a defined class, using an axiom referencing a clonal cell expansion process, or a clonal cell line creation process. YH, SS, MHB clonal cell line cloned cell line REO: REO_0000397 An immortal B cell line cell that derives from peripheral vein. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from organism part. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal organism part-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from arm. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from organism part. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from tunica albuginea of testis. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal tunica albuginea of testis-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from amniotic fluid. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal amniotic fluid-derived cell line cell An immortal T cell line cell that derives from peripheral vein. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal peripheral vein-derived T cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from animal ovary. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from skin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal keratinocyte cell line cell that derives from organism part. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal organism part-derived keratinocyte cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from testis. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal testis-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from liver. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal liver-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from lung. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from embryo. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from thoracic aorta. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal thoracic aorta-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from gum. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal gum-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from digit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal digit-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from skin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal skin-derived cell line cell An immortal smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from trachealis. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal trachealis-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from neck. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal neck-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from umbilical cord. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal umbilical cord-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal endothelial cell line cell that derives from abdominal aorta. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal abdominal aorta-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal endothelial cell line cell that derives from iliac vein. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal iliac vein-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal endothelial cell line cell that derives from common iliac artery. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal common iliac artery-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from gonad. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal gonad-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from amnion. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal amnion-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from thigh. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from umbilical vein. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal umbilical vein-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from vasculature. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal vasculature-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from spleen. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal spleen-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from multi-cellular organism. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal multi-cellular organism-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from fetal membrane. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal fetal membrane-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from dento-alveolar joint. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dento-alveolar joint-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from late embryo. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal late embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from muscle spindle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal muscle spindle-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from thymus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal thymus-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from amnion. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal amnion-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from tongue. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal tongue-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from pair of lungs. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal lung-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from kidney. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from abdominal cavity. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal abdominal cavity-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from thoracic aorta. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from placenta. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal placenta-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from pericardium. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pericardium-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from embryo. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from foetal structure. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal foetal structure-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from external genitalia. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal external genitalia-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from prostate gland. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal prostate gland-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from septum of telencephalon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from larva. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal larva-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from area X. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal area X-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from somatic nervous system. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal somatic nervous system-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from lymph. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal lymph-derived cell line cell An immortal endothelial cell line cell that derives from thoracic aorta. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal thoracic aorta-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from liver. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal liver-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from colon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal colon-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from caecum. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal caecum-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from pancreas. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pancreas-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from brain. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal brain-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from tail. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal tail-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from collecting duct of renal tubule. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal collecting duct of renal tubule-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from mesonephros. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mesonephros-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from female gonad. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from chorion. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chorion-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from lymphoid follicle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal lymphoid follicle-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from leg. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal leg-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from limb/fin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal limb/fin-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from testis. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal testis-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from stomach. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal stomach-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from endothelium. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal endothelium-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from foreskin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal foreskin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from achilles tendon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal achilles tendon-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from bone element. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal bone element-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from thyroid gland. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal thyroid gland-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from urinary bladder. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal urinary bladder-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from acetabular part of hip bone. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal acetabular part of hip bone-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from breast. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal breast-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from epithelium. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal epithelium-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from comma-shaped body. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal comma-shaped body-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from supra-orbital vein. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal supra-orbital vein-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from ear. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal ear-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from inguinal region. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal inguinal region-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from mesothelium. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mesothelium-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from uterus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal uterus-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from endometrium. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal endometrium-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from uterine cervix. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal uterine cervix-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from heart. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal heart-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from pituitary gland. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pituitary gland-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from gill. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal gill-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from follicular fluid. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal follicular fluid-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from eye. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal eye-derived cell line cell An immortal plasma cell line cell that derives from organism part. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal organism part-derived plasma cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from floating rib. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal floating rib-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from mammary gland. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mammary gland-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from thorax. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal thorax-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from paired fin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal paired fin-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from neural nucleus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal neural nucleus-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from Ammon's horn. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Ammon's horn-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from bone marrow. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal bone marrow-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from islet of Langerhans. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal islet of Langerhans-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from pyramid of medulla oblongata. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pyramid of medulla oblongata-derived cell line cell a hybridoma cell line cell that is established by fusing cells from two mice. most hybridoma cell line cells are mouse x mouse Yongqun He mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell An immortal epithelial cell line cell that derives from uterine cervix. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal uterine cervix-derived epithelial cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from ileocecal junction. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal ileocecal junction-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from compact bone. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal compact bone-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from abdominal aorta. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal abdominal aorta-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from bronchus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal bronchus-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from iliac artery. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal iliac artery-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from synovial membrane of synovial joint. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal synovial membrane of synovial joint-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from iliac vein. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal iliac vein-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from vagina. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal vagina-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from larynx. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal larynx-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from inferior cervical ganglion. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal inferior cervical ganglion-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from esophagus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal esophagus-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from femoral artery. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal femoral artery-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from prepuce of penis. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal prepuce of penis-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from gingival epithelium. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal gingival epithelium-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from gingiva. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal gingiva-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from mouth. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouth-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from peripheral vein. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal peripheral vein-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from peritoneum. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal peritoneum-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from round window. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal round window-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from conjunctiva structure. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal conjunctiva structure-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from intestine. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal intestine-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from rectum. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rectum-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from pulmonary vein. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pulmonary vein-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from buttock. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal buttock-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from tonsil. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal tonsil-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from umbilicus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal umbilicus-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from posterior commissure. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal posterior commissure-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from soft palate. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal soft palate-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from adrenal gland. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal adrenal gland-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from pronephros. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pronephros-derived cell line cell An immortal smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from organism part. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal organism part-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from sublingual artery. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal sublingual artery-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from aorta. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal aorta-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from ligament. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal ligament-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from uterus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal uterus-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from cerebral lobe. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cerebral lobe-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from squamous part of temporal bone. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal squamous part of temporal bone-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from pronephros. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pronephros-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from mucosa. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mucosa-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from epidermis. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal epidermis-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from submandibular gland. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal submandibular gland-derived cell line cell An immortal mesothelial cell line cell that derives from lung. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal lung-derived mesothelial cell line cell An immortal epithelial cell line cell that derives from eye structure. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal eye structure-derived epithelial cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from hip. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal hip-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from prostate epithelium. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal prostate epithelium-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from retinal neural layer. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal retinal neural layer-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from ureter. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal ureter-derived cell line cell An immortal smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from iliac vein. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal iliac vein-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from common iliac artery. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal common iliac artery-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal keratinocyte cell line cell that derives from mammary gland. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mammary gland-derived keratinocyte cell line cell An immortal endothelial cell line cell that derives from umbilical vein. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal umbilical vein-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from scalp. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal scalp-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal myoblast cell line cell that derives from skeletal muscle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal skeletal muscle-derived myoblast cell line cell An immortal endothelial cell line cell that derives from organism part. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal organism part-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from sacrum. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal sacrum-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from shoulder. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal shoulder-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from placenta. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal placenta-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from dermis. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dermis-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from cornea. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cornea-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from mammalian vulva. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mammalian vulva-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from spherical lensed eye. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal spherical lensed eye-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from ileum. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal ileum-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from cervix. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cervix-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal myoblast cell line cell that derives from rhomboid. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rhomboid-derived myoblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from abdominal cavity. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal abdominal cavity-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from umbilical vein. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal umbilical vein-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from duodenum. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal duodenum-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from connective tissue. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal connective tissue-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from parotid gland. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal parotid gland-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from ischium. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal ischium-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from buttock. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal buttock-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from anatomical cluster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal anatomical cluster-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from thigh. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal thigh-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from chordate pharynx. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chordate pharynx-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from retina. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal retina-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from yolk sac. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal yolk sac-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from nasal concha. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal nasal concha-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from arm. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal arm-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from sacrum. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal sacrum-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from conjunctiva. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal conjunctiva-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from trachea. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal trachea-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from respiration organ. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal respiration organ-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from renal glomerulus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal renal glomerulus-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from nephron tubule. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal nephron tubule-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from sternum. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal sternum-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from hypodermis. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal hypodermis-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from proximal tubule. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal proximal tubule-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from mucosa of vagina. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mucosa of vagina-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from endocervix. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal endocervix-derived cell line cell An immortal mesothelial cell line cell that derives from organism part. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal organism part-derived mesothelial cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from pulmonary nerve plexus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pulmonary nerve plexus-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from pelvic fin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pelvic fin-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from right ureter. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal right ureter-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from superior rostral sulcus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal superior rostral sulcus-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from gonad. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from cornea structure. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cornea structure-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from glomerular capsule. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal glomerular capsule-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from nasal vestibule. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal nasal vestibule-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from adrenal cortex. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal adrenal cortex-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from 16914. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal 16914-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal epithelial cell line cell that derives from organism part. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal organism part-derived epithelial cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from axilla. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal axilla-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal endothelial cell line cell that derives from pulmonary artery. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pulmonary artery-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from pulmonary artery. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pulmonary artery-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal epithelial cell line cell that derives from retina structure. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal retina structure-derived epithelial cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from calf. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal calf-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from nose structure. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal nose structure-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from carotid artery. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal carotid artery-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from brain. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal brain-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell that derives from chimpanzee. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chimpanzee peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell An immortal arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal tunica albuginea of testis-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human tunica albuginea of testis-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal amniotic fluid-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human amniotic fluid-derived cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived T cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human peripheral vein-derived T cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat organism part-derived cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from chimpanzee. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chimpanzee organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Chinese hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Chinese hamster ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Bornean orangutan. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Bornean orangutan skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from pig-tailed macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig-tailed macaque skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Kenya baboon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Kenya baboon skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived cell line cell that derives from long-tailed macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal long-tailed macaque organism part-derived cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived keratinocyte cell line cell that derives from pig-tailed macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig-tailed macaque organism part-derived keratinocyte cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived keratinocyte cell line cell that derives from long-tailed macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal long-tailed macaque organism part-derived keratinocyte cell line cell An immortal testis-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human testis-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from pygmy chimpanzee. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pygmy chimpanzee skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal liver-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human liver-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from red-bellied lemur. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal red-bellied lemur skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from black lemur. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal black lemur skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived keratinocyte cell line cell that derives from Kenya baboon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Kenya baboon organism part-derived keratinocyte cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from variegated lemur. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal variegated lemur skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from small-eared galago. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal small-eared galago skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from western gorilla. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal western gorilla skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Angolan colobus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Angolan colobus skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Colobus guereza. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Colobus guereza skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell that derives from pygmy chimpanzee. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pygmy chimpanzee peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Allen's swamp monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Allen's swamp monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from mongoose lemur. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mongoose lemur skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Ring-tailed lemur. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Ring-tailed lemur skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from chimpanzee. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chimpanzee skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from rhesus macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rhesus macaque skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from black-handed spider monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal black-handed spider monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Chinese hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Chinese hamster embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thoracic aorta-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat thoracic aorta-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Charles Island giant tortoise. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Charles Island giant tortoise skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal testis-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat testis-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal gum-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human gum-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse organism part-derived cell line cell An immortal digit-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human digit-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human skin-derived cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Indian muntjac. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Indian muntjac organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human organism part-derived cell line cell An immortal trachealis-derived smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit trachealis-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal neck-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human neck-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal umbilical cord-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human umbilical cord-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from lesser panda. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal lesser panda skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal abdominal aorta-derived endothelial cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human abdominal aorta-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal iliac vein-derived endothelial cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human iliac vein-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal common iliac artery-derived endothelial cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human common iliac artery-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal gonad-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human gonad-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal amnion-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human amnion-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal umbilical vein-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human umbilical vein-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle cell line cell An immortal vasculature-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle vasculature-derived cell line cell An immortal spleen-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat spleen-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat cell line cell An immortal multi-cellular organism-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat multi-cellular organism-derived cell line cell An immortal fetal membrane-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle fetal membrane-derived cell line cell An immortal spleen-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle spleen-derived cell line cell An immortal dento-alveolar joint-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle dento-alveolar joint-derived cell line cell An immortal mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell An immortal late embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat late embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal muscle spindle-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat muscle spindle-derived cell line cell An immortal thymus-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat thymus-derived cell line cell An immortal amnion-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human amnion-derived cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat skin-derived cell line cell An immortal lymphocyte cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell An immortal mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell An immortal tongue-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat tongue-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal fetal membrane-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat fetal membrane-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal abdominal cavity-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog abdominal cavity-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal placenta-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat placenta-derived cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat skin-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human fibroblast cell line cell An immortal pericardium-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human pericardium-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit embryo-derived cell line cell a cell growth where the cell is a cell line cell. Yongqun He cell line cell growth An immortal mononuclear phagocyte cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat mononuclear phagocyte cell line cell An immortal foetal structure-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human foetal structure-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal external genitalia-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human external genitalia-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal prostate gland-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat prostate gland-derived cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He Obsolete - many cell line cells were previously mistakenly assigned under this class. Now no cell line cells available under this class. immortal human septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell - Obsolete An immortal larva-derived cell line cell that derives from cabbage moth. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cabbage moth larva-derived cell line cell An immortal mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal lymphocyte cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse lymphocyte cell line cell An immortal lung-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human lung-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal area X-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse area X-derived cell line cell An immortal area X-derived cell line cell that derives from Mus musculus x Rattus norvegicus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Mus musculus x Rattus norvegicus area X-derived cell line cell An immortal somatic nervous system-derived cell line cell that derives from Chinese hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Chinese hamster somatic nervous system-derived cell line cell a hybridoma cell line cell that is established by fusing cells from a mouse and a rat. Yongqun He mouse x rat hybridoma cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse fibroblast cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from common quail. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal common quail cell line cell An immortal lymph-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse lymph-derived cell line cell An immortal multi-cellular organism-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse multi-cellular organism-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from turnip moth. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal turnip moth embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal thoracic aorta-derived endothelial cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle thoracic aorta-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal induced T-regulatory cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster induced T-regulatory cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human cell line cell An immortal liver-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell An immortal colon-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human colon-derived cell line cell An immortal caecum-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human caecum-derived cell line cell An immortal pancreas-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse pancreas-derived cell line cell An immortal lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from pig-tailed macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig-tailed macaque lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal brain-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human brain-derived cell line cell An immortal trophoblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human trophoblast cell line cell An immortal tail-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse tail-derived cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell An immortal collecting duct of renal tubule-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse collecting duct of renal tubule-derived cell line cell An immortal myeloblast cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse myeloblast cell line cell An immortal peripheral neuron cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human peripheral neuron cell line cell An immortal arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from pig-tailed macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig-tailed macaque arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from pig-tailed macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig-tailed macaque thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal mesonephros-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse mesonephros-derived cell line cell An immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from Chinese hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Chinese hamster female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal chorion-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human chorion-derived cell line cell An immortal thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from horse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal horse thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal lymphoid follicle-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse lymphoid follicle-derived cell line cell An immortal fetal membrane-derived cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster fetal membrane-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from vervet monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal vervet monkey cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from vervet monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal vervet monkey kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal mast cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse mast cell line cell An immortal epithelial cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse epithelial cell line cell An immortal mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell An immortal liver-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse liver-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from Drosophila melanogaster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Drosophila melanogaster embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal fetal membrane-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human fetal membrane-derived cell line cell An immortal mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell that derives from fathead minnow. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal fathead minnow mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell An immortal multi-cellular organism-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human multi-cellular organism-derived cell line cell An immortal spleen-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal leg-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human leg-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal limb/fin-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse limb/fin-derived cell line cell An immortal testis-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse testis-derived cell line cell An immortal arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from rhesus macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rhesus macaque arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal stomach-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell An immortal abdominal cavity-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human abdominal cavity-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal pancreas-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human pancreas-derived cell line cell An immortal thoracic aorta-derived endothelial cell line cell that derives from horse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal horse thoracic aorta-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from horse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal horse thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from horse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal horse lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal endothelium-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse endothelium-derived cell line cell An immortal foreskin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human foreskin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from rhesus macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rhesus macaque thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from rhesus macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rhesus macaque lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal achilles tendon-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human achilles tendon-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal bone element-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human bone element-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat cell line cell An immortal thyroid gland-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat thyroid gland-derived cell line cell An immortal epithelial cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human epithelial cell line cell An immortal urinary bladder-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human urinary bladder-derived cell line cell An immortal liver-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human liver-derived cell line cell An immortal acetabular part of hip bone-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human acetabular part of hip bone-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from Ovis. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Ovis cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from gray fox. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal gray fox pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal breast-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse breast-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from rhesus macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rhesus macaque cell line cell An immortal fetal membrane-derived cell line cell that derives from rhesus macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rhesus macaque fetal membrane-derived cell line cell An immortal epithelium-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human epithelium-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal comma-shaped body-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human comma-shaped body-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from sheep. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal sheep kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal lymphocyte cell line cell that derives from turkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal turkey lymphocyte cell line cell An immortal breast-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human breast-derived cell line cell An immortal spleen-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human spleen-derived cell line cell An immortal supra-orbital vein-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human supra-orbital vein-derived cell line cell An immortal muscle cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse muscle cell line cell An immortal ear-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human ear-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal inguinal region-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human inguinal region-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal mesothelium-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human mesothelium-derived cell line cell An immortal uterus-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human uterus-derived cell line cell An immortal endometrium-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human endometrium-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster fibroblast cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat fibroblast cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from Mustelinae. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Mustelinae pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal brain-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse brain-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from chicken. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chicken cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from Mus musculus x Rattus norvegicus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Mus musculus x Rattus norvegicus cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal peripheral neuron cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat peripheral neuron cell line cell An immortal uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell An immortal heart-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human heart-derived cell line cell An immortal pituitary gland-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat pituitary gland-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from Mongolian gerbil. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Mongolian gerbil pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from sheep. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal sheep cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from gecko. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal gecko pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal urinary bladder-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse urinary bladder-derived cell line cell An immortal gill-derived cell line cell that derives from walking catfish. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal walking catfish gill-derived cell line cell An immortal tongue-derived cell line cell that derives from bullfrog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal bullfrog tongue-derived cell line cell An immortal follicular fluid-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human follicular fluid-derived cell line cell An immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal thyroid gland-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human thyroid gland-derived cell line cell An immortal eye-derived cell line cell that derives from torafugu. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal torafugu eye-derived cell line cell An immortal spermatocyte cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse spermatocyte cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from chicken. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chicken embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal brain-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat brain-derived cell line cell An immortal fetal membrane-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse fetal membrane-derived cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived plasma cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse organism part-derived plasma cell line cell An immortal floating rib-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human floating rib-derived cell line cell An immortal urinary bladder-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat urinary bladder-derived cell line cell An immortal mammary gland-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell An immortal blood cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human blood cell line cell An immortal megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from Mustelinae. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Mustelinae septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal colon-derived cell line cell that derives from guinea pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal guinea pig colon-derived cell line cell An immortal thorax-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human thorax-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal paired fin-derived cell line cell that derives from bluestriped grunt. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal bluestriped grunt paired fin-derived cell line cell An immortal neural nucleus-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat neural nucleus-derived cell line cell An immortal Ammon's horn-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat Ammon's horn-derived cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from sheep. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal sheep organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal brain-derived cell line cell that derives from ferret. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal ferret brain-derived cell line cell An immortal bone marrow-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal islet of Langerhans-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse islet of Langerhans-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from Miopithecus talapoin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Miopithecus talapoin kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from budgerigar. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal budgerigar kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal thyroid gland-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse thyroid gland-derived cell line cell An immortal pyramid of medulla oblongata-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human pyramid of medulla oblongata-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from squamate. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal squamate pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal aorta-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yongqun He immortal mouse aorta-derived cell line cell An immortal uterine cervix-derived epithelial cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human uterine cervix-derived epithelial cell line cell An immortal ileocecal junction-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human ileocecal junction-derived cell line cell An immortal compact bone-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human compact bone-derived cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal abdominal aorta-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human abdominal aorta-derived cell line cell An immortal bronchus-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human bronchus-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal pancreas-derived cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster pancreas-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from horse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal horse cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived keratinocyte cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human organism part-derived keratinocyte cell line cell An immortal iliac artery-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human iliac artery-derived cell line cell An immortal synovial membrane of synovial joint-derived cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit synovial membrane of synovial joint-derived cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from Himalayan Tahr. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Himalayan Tahr female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal fetal membrane-derived cell line cell that derives from Himalayan Tahr. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Himalayan Tahr fetal membrane-derived cell line cell An immortal iliac vein-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human iliac vein-derived cell line cell An immortal B cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human B-cell line cell immortal human B cell line cell An immortal vagina-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human vagina-derived cell line cell An immortal larynx-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human larynx-derived cell line cell An immortal inferior cervical ganglion-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human inferior cervical ganglion-derived cell line cell An immortal esophagus-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human esophagus-derived cell line cell An immortal femoral artery-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human femoral artery-derived cell line cell An immortal prepuce of penis-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human prepuce of penis-derived cell line cell An immortal gingival epithelium-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human gingival epithelium-derived cell line cell An immortal gingiva-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human gingiva-derived cell line cell An immortal muscle cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human muscle cell line cell An immortal thymus-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human thymus-derived cell line cell An immortal mouth-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human mouth-derived cell line cell An immortal neuron cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat neuron cell line cell An immortal limb/fin-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human limb/fin-derived cell line cell An immortal leukocyte cell line cell that derives from marmoset. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal marmoset leukocyte cell line cell An immortal peritoneal macrophage cell line cell that derives from Chinese hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Chinese hamster peritoneal macrophage cell line cell An immortal peritoneum-derived cell line cell that derives from Chinese hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Chinese hamster peritoneum-derived cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human peripheral vein-derived cell line cell An immortal brain-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat brain-derived cell line cell An immortal exocrine cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat exocrine cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from Atlantic salmon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Atlantic salmon kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal round window-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse round window-derived cell line cell An immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from moth. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal moth female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from Antheraea. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Antheraea female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal conjunctiva structure-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human conjunctiva structure-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal pancreas-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat pancreas-derived cell line cell An immortal dento-alveolar joint-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human dento-alveolar joint-derived cell line cell An immortal testis-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human testis-derived cell line cell An immortal intestine-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human intestine-derived cell line cell An immortal rectum-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human rectum-derived cell line cell An immortal pulmonary vein-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human pulmonary vein-derived cell line cell An immortal islet of Langerhans-derived cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster islet of Langerhans-derived cell line cell An immortal buttock-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human buttock-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal tonsil-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human tonsil-derived cell line cell An immortal thymus-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse thymus-derived cell line cell An immortal umbilicus-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human umbilicus-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal larva-derived cell line cell that derives from mosquito. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mosquito larva-derived cell line cell An immortal thoracic aorta-derived endothelial cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig thoracic aorta-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from African clawed frog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal African clawed frog kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog cell line cell An immortal dento-alveolar joint-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse dento-alveolar joint-derived cell line cell An immortal posterior commissure-derived cell line cell that derives from zebra fish. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal zebra fish posterior commissure-derived cell line cell An immortal soft palate-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human soft palate-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from silk moth. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal silk moth cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal hamster kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal adrenal gland-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human adrenal gland-derived cell line cell An immortal pronephros-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse pronephros-derived cell line cell An immortal fetal membrane-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat fetal membrane-derived cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human organism part-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal blood cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse blood cell line cell An immortal placenta-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human placenta-derived cell line cell An immortal posterior commissure-derived cell line cell that derives from bluegill sunfish. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal bluegill sunfish posterior commissure-derived cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from gastropod. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal gastropod embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal ON-bipolar cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse ON-bipolar cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from kusimanse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal kusimanse pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from Oryx. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Oryx pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from Burchell's zebra. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Burchell's zebra kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from plantain squirrel. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal plantain squirrel embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal fetal membrane-derived cell line cell that derives from sheep. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal sheep fetal membrane-derived cell line cell An immortal brain-derived cell line cell that derives from sheep. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal sheep brain-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from Silvery marmoset. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Silvery marmoset kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from rhesus macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rhesus macaque kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal monocyte cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse monocyte cell line cell An immortal neural nucleus-derived cell line cell that derives from Mus musculus x Rattus norvegicus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Mus musculus x Rattus norvegicus neural nucleus-derived cell line cell An immortal sublingual artery-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat sublingual artery-derived cell line cell An immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal round window-derived cell line cell that derives from Mus musculus x Rattus norvegicus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Mus musculus x Rattus norvegicus round window-derived cell line cell An immortal thyrotroph cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse thyrotroph cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal aorta-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle aorta-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from Chinese oak silkmoth. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Chinese oak silkmoth cell line cell An immortal endothelium-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle endothelium-derived cell line cell An immortal mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell that derives from brown bullhead. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal brown bullhead mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell An immortal bone marrow-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle bone marrow-derived cell line cell An immortal macrophage cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse macrophage cell line cell An immortal ligament-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse ligament-derived cell line cell An immortal uterus-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human uterus-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal uterus-derived cell line cell that derives from northern raccoon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal northern raccoon uterus-derived cell line cell An immortal thyroid gland-derived cell line cell that derives from sheep. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal sheep thyroid gland-derived cell line cell An immortal peripheral neuron cell line cell that derives from channel catfish. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal channel catfish peripheral neuron cell line cell An immortal animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from Aotus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Aotus kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal cerebral lobe-derived cell line cell that derives from crayfish. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal crayfish cerebral lobe-derived cell line cell An immortal B cell line cell that derives from chicken. Yongqun He immortal chicken B cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from American opossum. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal American opossum septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from black-tailed deer. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal black-tailed deer kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal liver-derived cell line cell that derives from black-tailed deer. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal black-tailed deer liver-derived cell line cell An immortal mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell that derives from black-tailed deer. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal black-tailed deer mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell An immortal vasculature-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse vasculature-derived cell line cell An immortal larva-derived cell line cell that derives from Pacific herring. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Pacific herring larva-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal liver-derived cell line cell that derives from topminnow. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal topminnow liver-derived cell line cell An immortal thyroid gland-derived cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig thyroid gland-derived cell line cell An immortal prostate gland-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human prostate gland-derived cell line cell An immortal squamous part of temporal bone-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human squamous part of temporal bone-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from peccary. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal peccary kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from northern pike. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal northern pike female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal pronephros-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human pronephros-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal adrenal gland-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat adrenal gland-derived cell line cell An immortal precursor B cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse precursor B cell line cell An immortal mucosa-derived cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig mucosa-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from Potoroo. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Potoroo kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from swordtail platyfish. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal swordtail platyfish embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from Chinese hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Chinese hamster pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal epidermis-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human epidermis-derived cell line cell An immortal submandibular gland-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human submandibular gland-derived cell line cell An immortal lung-derived mesothelial cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat lung-derived mesothelial cell line cell An immortal lung-derived mesothelial cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle lung-derived mesothelial cell line cell An immortal eye structure-derived epithelial cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit eye structure-derived epithelial cell line cell An immortal hip-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human hip-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal parietal cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse parietal cell line cell An immortal prostate epithelium-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human prostate epithelium-derived cell line cell An immortal retinal neural layer-derived cell line cell that derives from Japanese quail. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Japanese quail retinal neural layer-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Japanese quail. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Japanese quail fibroblast cell line cell An immortal testis-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat testis-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from rhesus macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rhesus macaque septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal ureter-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human ureter-derived cell line cell An immortal pyramid of medulla oblongata-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat pyramid of medulla oblongata-derived cell line cell An immortal iliac vein-derived smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human iliac vein-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal common iliac artery-derived smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human common iliac artery-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal mammary gland-derived keratinocyte cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human mammary gland-derived keratinocyte cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Chinese hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Chinese hamster organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal umbilical vein-derived endothelial cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human umbilical vein-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal scalp-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human scalp-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived cell line cell that derives from chimpanzee. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chimpanzee organism part-derived cell line cell An immortal skeletal muscle-derived myoblast cell line cell that derives from chimpanzee. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chimpanzee skeletal muscle-derived myoblast cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived endothelial cell line cell that derives from chimpanzee. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chimpanzee organism part-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal sacrum-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human sacrum-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from hamadryas baboon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal hamadryas baboon skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from vervet monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal vervet monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell that derives from siamang. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal siamang peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from king colobus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal king colobus skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from South American squirrel monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal South American squirrel monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Francois's langur. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Francois's langur skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from agile mangabey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal agile mangabey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from gray-cheeked mangabey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal gray-cheeked mangabey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from cotton-top tamarin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cotton-top tamarin skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from black-cheeked white-nosed monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal black-cheeked white-nosed monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal shoulder-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Midas tamarin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Midas tamarin shoulder-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal hip-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Midas tamarin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Midas tamarin hip-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from golden-crowned sifaka. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal golden-crowned sifaka thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Midas tamarin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Midas tamarin arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal placenta-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human placenta-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal dermis-derived cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster dermis-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal cornea-derived cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit cornea-derived cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal mammalian vulva-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human mammalian vulva-derived cell line cell An immortal spherical lensed eye-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human spherical lensed eye-derived cell line cell An immortal aorta-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat aorta-derived cell line cell An immortal skeletal muscle-derived myoblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human skeletal muscle-derived myoblast cell line cell An immortal ileum-derived cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig ileum-derived cell line cell An immortal larva-derived cell line cell that derives from gypsy moth. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal gypsy moth larva-derived cell line cell An immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from gypsy moth. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal gypsy moth female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from African buffalo. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal African buffalo lung-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Mongolian gerbil. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Mongolian gerbil fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from Muntjacs. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Muntjacs skin-derived cell line cell An immortal cervix-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human cervix-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from brown lemur. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal brown lemur skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Wolf's monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Wolf's monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from mandrill. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mandrill skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell that derives from Red-cheeked gibbon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Red-cheeked gibbon peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from red-crowned mangabey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal red-crowned mangabey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Bolivian squirrel monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Bolivian squirrel monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal abdominal cavity-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from rhesus macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rhesus macaque abdominal cavity-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from brown woolly monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal brown woolly monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from moustached monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal moustached monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Moholi bushbaby. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Moholi bushbaby skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Celebes crested macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Celebes crested macaque thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal rhomboid-derived myoblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human rhomboid-derived myoblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from crowned lemur. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal crowned lemur skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from white sifaka. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal white sifaka skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thorax-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from drill. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal drill thorax-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from white-faced saki. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal white-faced saki skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from aye-aye. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal aye-aye skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from bamboo lemur. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal bamboo lemur skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Goeldi's monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Goeldi's monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell that derives from Bornean orangutan. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Bornean orangutan peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell that derives from pileated gibbon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pileated gibbon peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Bolivian red howler monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Bolivian red howler monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Miopithecus talapoin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Miopithecus talapoin skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Pere David's macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Pere David's macaque skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from White-cheeked Gibbon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal White-cheeked Gibbon skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from saddlebacked tamarin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal saddlebacked tamarin skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from L'Hoest's monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal L'Hoest's monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from proboscis monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal proboscis monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from pygmy marmoset. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pygmy marmoset skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Spix's night monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Spix's night monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Nancy Ma's night monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Nancy Ma's night monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from slow loris. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal slow loris skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Lesser dwarf lemur. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Lesser dwarf lemur skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal abdominal cavity-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human abdominal cavity-derived cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Red-bellied titi. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Red-bellied titi skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal vasculature-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human vasculature-derived cell line cell An immortal umbilical vein-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human umbilical vein-derived cell line cell An immortal duodenum-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human duodenum-derived cell line cell An immortal blood cell line cell that derives from marmoset. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal marmoset blood cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Coquerel's mouse lemur. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Coquerel's mouse lemur skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from lesser white-nosed monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal lesser white-nosed monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal ileum-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat ileum-derived cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Yellow baboon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Yellow baboon skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from Neobatrachia. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Neobatrachia embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from blue monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal blue monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Celebes crested macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Celebes crested macaque skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell that derives from agile gibbon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal agile gibbon peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Hanuman langur. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Hanuman langur skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Geoffroy's marmoset. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Geoffroy's marmoset skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from coppery titi. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal coppery titi skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from slender loris. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal slender loris skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from liontail macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal liontail macaque skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal connective tissue-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human connective tissue-derived cell line cell An immortal bone marrow-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell An immortal parotid gland-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human parotid gland-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from true toad. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal true toad cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster skin-derived cell line cell An immortal follicular fluid-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat follicular fluid-derived cell line cell An immortal eye-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human eye-derived cell line cell An immortal ischium-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human ischium-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from zebra fish. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal zebra fish embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal parenchymal cell line cell that derives from zebra fish. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal zebra fish parenchymal cell line cell An immortal buttock-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human buttock-derived cell line cell An immortal anatomical cluster-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human anatomical cluster-derived cell line cell An immortal thigh-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human thigh-derived cell line cell An immortal heart-derived cell line cell that derives from Iguana. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Iguana heart-derived cell line cell An immortal chordate pharynx-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human chordate pharynx-derived cell line cell An immortal retina-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human retina-derived cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from chimpanzee. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chimpanzee skin-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from walleye. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal walleye fibroblast cell line cell An immortal neural nucleus-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse neural nucleus-derived cell line cell An immortal yolk sac-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse yolk sac-derived cell line cell An immortal nasal concha-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle nasal concha-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from tick. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal tick cell line cell An immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from silk moth. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal silk moth female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal arm-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human arm-derived cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell that derives from Kenya baboon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Kenya baboon peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell An immortal sacrum-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human sacrum-derived cell line cell An immortal conjunctiva-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human conjunctiva-derived cell line cell An immortal epithelial cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat epithelial cell line cell An immortal submandibular gland-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse submandibular gland-derived cell line cell An immortal single nucleate cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human single nucleate cell line cell An immortal trachea-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human trachea-derived cell line cell An immortal tongue-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human tongue-derived cell line cell An immortal thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal trachea-derived cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog trachea-derived cell line cell An immortal thymus-derived cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog thymus-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from bat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal bat lung-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from free-tailed bat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal free-tailed bat pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal urinary bladder-derived cell line cell that derives from Bufo. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Bufo urinary bladder-derived cell line cell An immortal dento-alveolar joint-derived cell line cell that derives from white-tufted-ear marmoset. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal white-tufted-ear marmoset dento-alveolar joint-derived cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from anteater. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal anteater skin-derived cell line cell An immortal aorta-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human aorta-derived cell line cell An immortal lymphoid follicle-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human lymphoid follicle-derived cell line cell An immortal bone element-derived cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog bone element-derived cell line cell An immortal respiration organ-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse respiration organ-derived cell line cell An immortal fusion competent myoblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human fusion competent myoblast cell line cell An immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from channel catfish. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal channel catfish female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal muscle spindle-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse muscle spindle-derived cell line cell An immortal testis-derived cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig testis-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from sockeye salmon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal sockeye salmon embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal renal glomerulus-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse renal glomerulus-derived cell line cell An immortal liver-derived cell line cell that derives from rainbow trout. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rainbow trout liver-derived cell line cell An immortal nephron tubule-derived cell line cell that derives from Bolivian squirrel monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Bolivian squirrel monkey nephron tubule-derived cell line cell An immortal larva-derived cell line cell that derives from silk moth. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal silk moth larva-derived cell line cell An immortal sternum-derived cell line cell that derives from geese. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal geese sternum-derived cell line cell An immortal neuron cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse neuron cell line cell An immortal esophagus-derived cell line cell that derives from goat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal goat esophagus-derived cell line cell An immortal hypodermis-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human hypodermis-derived cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from goat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal goat skin-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from Chinook salmon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Chinook salmon embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from Salmonidae. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Salmonidae embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal neuroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human neuroblast cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from Chinese hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Chinese hamster embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal leukocyte cell line cell that derives from carp. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal carp leukocyte cell line cell An immortal B cell line cell that derives from human. Yongqun He immortal mouse B cell line cell An immortal heart-derived cell line cell that derives from chum salmon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chum salmon heart-derived cell line cell An immortal bone element-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat bone element-derived cell line cell An immortal monocyte cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human monocyte cell line cell An immortal thorax-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog thorax-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal proximal tubule-derived cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit proximal tubule-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from Chinese hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Chinese hamster cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit fibroblast cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from African green monkey polyomavirus. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal African green monkey polyomavirus kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal aorta-derived cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit aorta-derived cell line cell An immortal dermis-derived cell line cell that derives from hagfish. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal hagfish dermis-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from white bass. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal white bass embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal colon-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat colon-derived cell line cell An immortal liver-derived cell line cell that derives from woodchuck. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal woodchuck liver-derived cell line cell An immortal mucosa of vagina-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human mucosa of vagina-derived cell line cell An immortal heart-derived cell line cell that derives from Russell's viper. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Russell's viper heart-derived cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from Russell's viper. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Russell's viper septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal fusion competent myoblast cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat fusion competent myoblast cell line cell An immortal heart-derived cell line cell that derives from Terrapene. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Terrapene heart-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from cabbage looper. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cabbage looper cell line cell An immortal larva-derived cell line cell that derives from cabbage looper. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cabbage looper larva-derived cell line cell An immortal multi-cellular organism-derived cell line cell that derives from mosquito. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mosquito multi-cellular organism-derived cell line cell An immortal dento-alveolar joint-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat dento-alveolar joint-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from rainbow trout. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rainbow trout kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal prostate gland-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse prostate gland-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from deer. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal deer pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from horse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal horse septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal dermis-derived cell line cell that derives from horse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal horse dermis-derived cell line cell An immortal epithelial cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog epithelial cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from camel. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal camel skin-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from duck. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal duck embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog fibroblast cell line cell An immortal hematopoietic cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse hematopoietic cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit skin-derived cell line cell An immortal blood cell line cell that derives from Gorilla. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Gorilla blood cell line cell An immortal trachea-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle trachea-derived cell line cell An immortal blood cell line cell that derives from chimpanzee. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chimpanzee blood cell line cell An immortal blood cell line cell that derives from Sumatran orangutan. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Sumatran orangutan blood cell line cell An immortal larva-derived cell line cell that derives from Acrea moth. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Acrea moth larva-derived cell line cell An immortal endocervix-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human endocervix-derived cell line cell An immortal adrenal gland-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle adrenal gland-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from Dzhungarian hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Dzhungarian hamster cell line cell An immortal testis-derived cell line cell that derives from dolphin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dolphin testis-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from vervet monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal vervet monkey pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from rhesus macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rhesus macaque pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from Drosophila hydei. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Drosophila hydei embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal macrophage cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog macrophage cell line cell An immortal fetal membrane-derived cell line cell that derives from Bolivian squirrel monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Bolivian squirrel monkey fetal membrane-derived cell line cell An immortal trachea-derived cell line cell that derives from nine-banded armadillo. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal nine-banded armadillo trachea-derived cell line cell An immortal arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Ring-tailed lemur. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Ring-tailed lemur arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived mesothelial cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human organism part-derived mesothelial cell line cell An immortal arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Celebes crested macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Celebes crested macaque arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from fruit fly. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal fruit fly embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from dog. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal dog septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from long-tailed macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal long-tailed macaque cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from gold fish. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal gold fish cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from turnip moth. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal turnip moth cell line cell An immortal skin-derived cell line cell that derives from Cottontail rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Cottontail rabbit skin-derived cell line cell An immortal colon-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse colon-derived cell line cell An immortal fibroblast cell line cell that derives from coho salmon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal coho salmon fibroblast cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal shoulder-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human shoulder-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster thoracic aorta-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal abdominal cavity-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster abdominal cavity-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from cat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cat organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell 35 35 cell HyperCLDB: cl59 81.3 81.3 cell HyperCLDB: cl131 162 162 cell HyperCLDB: cl18 163 163 cell HyperCLDB: cl19 167.2 167.2 cell HyperCLDB: cl20 182.1 182.1 cell HyperCLDB: cl26 311 311 cell HyperCLDB: cl56 380 disease: leukemia, pre-B cell 380 cell HyperCLDB: cl4977 LCL-1042 697 697 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308147 CVCL: CVCL_0079 HyperCLDB: cl117 Sanger: COSMIC ID:906800 1221 1221 cell HyperCLDB: cl3 1301 1301 cell HyperCLDB: cl5401 1306 1306 cell HyperCLDB: cl4 2211 2211 cell HyperCLDB: cl37 4647 4647 cell HyperCLDB: cl97 9229 9229 cell HyperCLDB: cl139 9923 9923 cell HyperCLDB: cl141 37868 disease: hybridoma 37868 cell HyperCLDB: cl5121 94022802 94022802 cell HyperCLDB: cl5167 #490 disease: hybridoma #490 cell ATCC: HB-12029 (BF1) 8A3.31 (BF1) 8A3.31 cell ATCC: HB-9283 +/+ (A) +/+ (A) cell ATCC: CRL-6470 +/+ (B) +/+ (B) cell ATCC: CRL-6471 +/+ Li +/+ Li cell ATCC: CRL-6467 +/+ MGT +/+ MGT cell ATCC: CRL-6468 +/+ SCT +/+ SCT cell ATCC: CRL-6469 022HU-NSO disease: transfected 022HU-NSO cell ATCC: CRL-11177 10.014 pRSV-T 10.014 pRSV-T cell ATCC: CRL-11515 10-1.D.2 disease: hybridoma 10-1.D.2 cell ATCC: TIB-165 10-2.16 disease: hybridoma 10-2.16 cell ATCC: TIB-93 10-3.6.2 disease: hybridoma 10-3.6.2 cell ATCC: TIB-92 104C1 104C1 cell ATCC: CRL-1405 10B9 10B9 cell ATCC: HB-172 10C4.1.3 disease: hybridoma 10C4.1.3 cell ATCC: HB-11029 10C7 10C7 cell ATCC: CRL-2430 10D2F6 disease: hybridoma 10D2F6 cell ATCC: HB-11103 10E5 10E5 cell ATCC: HB-8513 10F7MN disease: hybridoma 10F7MN cell ATCC: HB-8162 10H2.12.1 10H2.12.1 cell ATCC: HB-11494 10P12 disease: AMLV-induced tumor 10P12 cell ATCC: CRL-2036 10P2 disease: AMLV-induced tumor 10P2 cell ATCC: CRL-2034 110-5 disease: hybridoma 110-5 cell ATCC: HB-8984 1116-NS-19-9 1116-NS-19-9 cell ATCC: HB-8059 1116NS-3d disease: hybridoma 1116NS-3d cell ATCC: CRL-8019 11-26c 11-26c cell ATCC: HB-250 11-4.1 disease: hybridoma 11-4.1 cell ATCC: TIB-95 11- 11- cell ATCC: TIB-94 116 116 cell ATCC: HB-9367 116-13.1 116-13.1 cell ATCC: HB-129 1184 1184 cell HyperCLDB: cl2 11B11 11B11 cell ATCC: HB-188 11E10 11E10 cell ATCC: CRL-1907 11F11 disease: hybridoma 11F11 cell ATCC: CRL-1908 11P0-1 11P0-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2037 12.1 12.1 cell ATCC: HB-228 12/44 disease: hybridoma 12/44 cell ATCC: HB-9070 12/49 12/49 cell ATCC: HB-9071 LCL-1236 1205Lu disease: primary superficial spreading melanoma in vertical growth phase; from lung metastases in mice 1205Lu cell ATCC: CRL-2812 121-19B10 disease: hybridoma 121-19B10 cell ATCC: CRL-2652 12-2-2S (clone 5F11) 12-2-2S (clone 5F11) cell ATCC: HB-50 123-10 disease: hybridoma 123-10 cell ATCC: CRL-1707 123-28 disease: hybridoma 123-28 cell ATCC: CRL-1713 127H 127H cell ATCC: HB-11911 127TAg disease: immortalized with SV40 large T antigen 127TAg cell ATCC: CRL-2817 129A3/1 disease: hybridoma 129A3/1 cell ATCC: HB-8087 12-A-3 12-A-3 cell ATCC: CRL-6476 12A5B7 disease: hybridoma 12A5B7 cell ATCC: HB-8328 12MBr6 12MBr6 cell ATCC: CRL-1576 13.90.2 disease: hybridoma 13.90.2 cell ATCC: HB-8337 130-3-F7-5 disease: hybridoma 130-3-F7-5 cell ATCC: HB-8326 130C3/2B/8 disease: hybridoma 130C3/2B/8 cell ATCC: HB-8088 131-94H4 131-94H4 cell ATCC: CRL-2739 132-1C8 disease: hybridoma 132-1C8 cell ATCC: CRL-2737 LCL-1393 1321N1 1321N1 cell ECACC: 86030402 HyperCLDB: cl5 132C4A/4 disease: hybridoma 132C4A/4 cell ATCC: HB-8086 133-10F6 disease: hybridoma 133-10F6 cell ATCC: CRL-2738 13-5-9-6-2 13-5-9-6-2 cell ATCC: HB-8934 13762 MAT B III 13762 MAT B III cell ATCC: CRL-1666 13C4 disease: hybridoma 13C4 cell ATCC: CRL-1794 cell HyperCLDB: cl8 14.8 14.8 cell ATCC: TIB-164 1410 KG7 1410 KG7 cell ATCC: HB-43 141PF11 141PF11 cell ATCC: HB-45 142-24E5 disease: hybridoma 142-24E5 cell ATCC: CRL-2649 142BR 142BR cell HyperCLDB: cl9 143 B 143 B cell HyperCLDB: cl10 143.98.2 143.98.2 cell ATCC: CRL-11226 143-2-A6-11 disease: hybridoma 143-2-A6-11 cell ATCC: HB-8325 143-4-2 143-4-2 cell ATCC: CRL-1970 LCL-1417 143B 143B cell ATCC: CRL-8303 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307382 CVCL: CVCL_2270 LCL-1418 ZN 143B PML BK TK 143B PML BK TK cell ATCC: CRL-8304 14-4-4S 14-4-4S cell ATCC: HB-32 145-2C11 145-2C11 cell ATCC: CRL-1975 146-03E04 disease: hybridoma 146-03E04 cell ATCC: CRL-2650 147-67C6 disease: hybridoma 147-67C6 cell ATCC: CRL-2654 149BR 149BR cell HyperCLDB: cl12 14E5 disease: hybridoma 14E5 cell ATCC: HB-174 151-5-G2-12 disease: hybridoma 151-5-G2-12 cell ATCC: HB-8322 151-5-G3-5 disease: hybridoma 151-5-G3-5 cell ATCC: HB-8323 15-1-5P disease: hybridoma 15-1-5P cell ATCC: HB-53 151-6-A7-9 151-6-A7-9 cell ATCC: HB-8324 151TAg 151TAg cell ATCC: CRL-2823 15-3-1S disease: hybridoma 15-3-1S cell ATCC: HB-13 153BR 153BR cell HyperCLDB: cl13 15-5-5S disease: hybridoma 15-5-5S cell ATCC: HB-24 155BR 155BR cell HyperCLDB: cl16 15-79-2 disease: liver/pre-B lymphoblast hybridoma 15-79-2 cell ATCC: HB-34 158.2 158.2 cell ATCC: HB-8466 15B2 disease: hybridoma 15B2 cell ATCC: HB-8510 15C6 15C6 cell ATCC: CRL-2431 15C6 disease: hybridoma 15C6 cell ATCC: HB-326 15F3-1 15F3-1 cell ATCC: HB-47 15F7 15F7 cell ATCC: HB-322 15P-1 15P-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2618 16-10A1 16-10A1 cell ATCC: HB-301 16-1-11N 16-1-11N cell ATCC: HB-16 16-1-2N 16-1-2N cell ATCC: HB-14 161BR 161BR cell HyperCLDB: cl17 162-21.2 disease: hybridoma 162-21.2 cell ATCC: HB-241 162-46.2 162-46.2 cell ATCC: HB-187 16-3-1N disease: hybridoma 16-3-1N cell ATCC: HB-25 16-3-22S 16-3-22S cell ATCC: HB-5 166-ME SK disease: hereditary adenomatosis (Gardner's variant) 166-ME SK cell ATCC: CRL-1533 16H3 16H3 cell ATCC: CRL-2385 16M3F10 disease: hybridoma 16M3F10 cell ATCC: HB-8363 17/14 17/14 cell ATCC: HB-8153 171-11B9 disease: hybridoma 171-11B9 cell ATCC: CRL-2661 171-4 disease: hybridoma 171-4 cell ATCC: HB-296 171BR 171BR cell HyperCLDB: cl21 172-12A4 disease: hybridoma 172-12A4 cell ATCC: CRL-2660 173-1C11 disease: hybridoma 173-1C11 cell ATCC: CRL-2659 17-3-3S disease: hybridoma 17-3-3S cell ATCC: HB-6 174BR 174BR cell HyperCLDB: cl22 175BR 175BR cell HyperCLDB: cl23 17aba disease: hybridoma 17aba cell ATCC: HB-248 17D disease: hybridoma 17D cell ATCC: HB-262 180BR 180BR cell HyperCLDB: cl24 182-PF SK disease: hereditary adenomatosis 182-PF SK cell ATCC: CRL-1532 LCL-2080 184A1 184A1 cell ATCC: CRL-8798 CRL-8798 LCL-2081 184B5 184B5 cell ATCC: CRL-8799 CRL-8799 187.1 disease: hybridoma 187.1 cell ATCC: HB-58 18C2.8.3 18C2.8.3 cell ATCC: HB-9571 1939-3G5 disease: hybridoma 1939-3G5 cell ATCC: HB-8133 1939-8G2 1939-8G2 cell ATCC: HB-8134 19F8 19F8 cell ATCC: HB-321 19X14 19X14 cell HyperCLDB: cl27 1A subscript(3) 1A subscript(3) cell ATCC: HB-8563 1A2 1A2 cell ATCC: CRL-8119 1A3.1 disease: hybridoma 1A3.1 cell ATCC: CRL-1961 1A3.3.13 disease: hybridoma 1A3.3.13 cell ATCC: HB-11894 LCL-1703 1A6 disease: carcinoma; produces p-CSF 1A6 cell ATCC: CRL-2742 1B2-1B7 disease: hybridoma 1B2-1B7 cell ATCC: TIB-189 1B2A3 1B2A3 cell ATCC: CRL-1965 1B7.11 1B7.11 cell ATCC: TIB-191 1B8-F11 disease: hybridoma 1B8-F11 cell ATCC: CRL-1852 1BR.3.G 1BR.3.G cell HyperCLDB: cl28 1BR.3.GN 1BR.3.GN cell HyperCLDB: cl29 1BR.3.N 1BR.3.N cell HyperCLDB: cl30 1BR3 1BR3 cell HyperCLDB: cl31 1C3 disease: hybridoma 1C3 cell ATCC: CRL-2441 1C6 1C6 cell ATCC: HB-12330 1D11.16.8 disease: hybridoma 1D11.16.8 cell ATCC: HB-9849 1D3 disease: hybridoma 1D3 cell ATCC: HB-305 1D4 disease: hybridoma 1D4 cell ATCC: HB-8068 1F5 disease: hybridoma 1F5 cell ATCC: HB-9645 1G1 disease: hybridoma 1G1 cell ATCC: HB-12624 1G10 disease: hybridoma 1G10 cell ATCC: CRL-2223 1G12 1G12 cell ATCC: CRL-2827 1G2 disease: somatic cell hybrid; Burkitt's lymphoma 1G2 cell ATCC: CRL-13005 1G3 1G3 cell ATCC: CRL-2434 1G8 1G8 cell ATCC: CRL-2756 1H10-6 1H10-6 cell ATCC: HB-48 1H11 1H11 cell ATCC: HB-10611 1H3 1H3 cell ATCC: HB-284 2 BD4 E4 K99 disease: hybridoma 2 BD4 E4 K99 cell HyperCLDB: cl5027 2.03.7 2.03.7 cell ATCC: HB-8389 2.040 pRSV-T disease: immortalized with SV40 early region 2.040 pRSV-T cell ATCC: CRL-11516 2.2.15 2.2.15 cell HyperCLDB: cl33 2.28 M1 disease: hybridoma 2.28 M1 cell ATCC: HB-166 2.43 2.43 cell ATCC: TIB-210 2.4G2 disease: hybridoma 2.4G2 cell ATCC: HB-197 20.3 20.3 cell ATCC: CRL-2655 200-3-G6-4 disease: hybridoma 200-3-G6-4 cell ATCC: HB-8737 200D 200D cell HyperCLDB: cl34 20-10-5S 20-10-5S cell ATCC: HB-23 201-45E9 disease: hybridoma 201-45E9 cell ATCC: CRL-2670 2018 2018 cell ATCC: CRL-10907 202-11A8 disease: hybridoma 202-11A8 cell ATCC: CRL-2669 203-7D10 203-7D10 cell ATCC: CRL-2651 204-4 disease: hybridoma 204-4 cell ATCC: HB-185 20-8-4S disease: hybridoma 20-8-4S cell ATCC: HB-11 208F 208F cell HyperCLDB: cl36 20B8 disease: Burkitts lymphoma 20B8 cell ATCC: CRL-12582 20C2 disease: hybridoma 20C2 cell ATCC: CRL-2382 20H11 disease: EBV transformed 20H11 cell ATCC: CRL-9300 20H2 20H2 cell ATCC: HB-323 219 disease: hybridoma 219 cell ATCC: HB-9371 225 225 cell ATCC: HB-8508 2254-62.2 2254-62.2 cell ATCC: CRL-8544 226H disease: hybridoma 226H cell ATCC: HB-12592 LCL-1145 22RV1 22RV1 cell ATCC: CRL-2505 HyperCLDB: cl7072 22Rv1 22Rv1 cell ATCC: CRL-2505 23 ScCr 23 ScCr cell ATCC: CRL-2751 LCL-1532 23132/87 23132/87 cell DSMZ: ACC 201 HyperCLDB: cl38 232 232 cell ATCC: HB-9372 236L disease: hybridoma 236L cell ATCC: HB-12593 23A-5-21S 23A-5-21S cell ATCC: HB-36 23B6 disease: hybridoma 23B6 cell ATCC: HB-8521 23CLN 23CLN cell HyperCLDB: cl39 240-13D10 disease: hybridoma 240-13D10 cell ATCC: CRL-2672 24IA subscript(2) E subscript(2) E subscript(10) D subscript(5) disease: hybridoma 24IA subscript(2) E subscript(2) E subscript(10) D subscript(5) cell ATCC: HB-8049 253D 253D cell HyperCLDB: cl41 25-5-16S 25-5-16S cell ATCC: HB-37 25-9-17S II 25-9-17S II cell ATCC: HB-26 25-9-3S 25-9-3S cell ATCC: HB-38 26 CB1 26 CB1 cell HyperCLDB: cl42 260-33C4 260-33C4 cell ATCC: CRL-2667 266-6 disease: acinar cell tumor 266-6 cell ATCC: CRL-2151 26-7-11S 26-7-11S cell ATCC: HB-15 26-8-16S disease: hybridoma 26-8-16S cell ATCC: HB-42 26CB-1 disease: HVS transformed 26CB-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1495 26ic disease: hybridoma 26ic cell ATCC: HB-246 28-11-5S 28-11-5S cell ATCC: HB-19 28-13-3S disease: hybridoma 28-13-3S cell ATCC: HB-41 28-14-8S 28-14-8S cell ATCC: HB-27 28-16-8S disease: hybridoma 28-16-8S cell ATCC: HB-35 283TAg 283TAg cell ATCC: CRL-2822 28-8-6S disease: hybridoma 28-8-6S cell ATCC: HB-51 28S.3 28S.3 cell ATCC: CRL-2758 29.0.C.27 29.0.C.27 cell HyperCLDB: cl43 290-4E10 290-4E10 cell ATCC: CRL-2662 293 293 HEK 293 cell HEK 293 HEK-293 Human Embryonic Kidney 293 WEB: WEB: WEB: HEK293 ATCC: CRL-1573 BTO: BTO_0000007 EFO: EFO_0001182) RRID: CVCL_0045 293 c18 WEB: 293 c18 cell ATCC: CRL-10852 293 EcR Shh This ATCC number has been discontinued. disease: transformed with adenovirus 5 DNA 293 EcR Shh cell ATCC: CRL-2782 293 N3S 293 N3S cell HyperCLDB: cl48 A 293-derived cell line that is stably transfected to secrete the chimeric protein (CHE-Fc), a recombinant soluble chirmeric protein useful as a probe to detect 9-O-Acetylated sialic acids. 293/CHE-Fc WEB: WEB: 293/CHE-Fc was established by cotransfecting human embryonic 293 cell (ATCC CRL-1573) with the plasmid pCHE-Fc and a plasmid encoding Genetic (G418) resistance. The cell line is stably transfected to secrete the chimeric protein (CHE-Fc), a recombinant soluble chirmeric protein useful as a probe to detect 9-O-Acetylated sialic acids. CHE-Fc is a bifunctional molecule that can be used either to cleave acetyl groups at the ninth position of sialic acids or as a binding probe for 9-O-sialic acids. 293/CHE-Fc cell ATCC: CRL-2368 RRID: CVCL_6352 293T/17 WEB: 293T/17 cell ATCC: CRL-11268 2A disease: amphotropic retroviral packaging line 2A cell ATCC: CRL-12013 2A1 2A1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5009 2A11 disease: hybridoma 2A11 cell ATCC: CRL-2442 2A2-6E10-1D8 2A2-6E10-1D8 cell ATCC: HB-12465 2A3A1H disease: hybridoma 2A3A1H cell ATCC: HB-8555 2A5 2A5 cell ATCC: CRL-2444 2AB1-IA10 disease: hybridoma 2AB1-IA10 cell ATCC: HB-8210 2B5 2B5 cell ATCC: HB-8963 2B5.3 disease: hybridoma 2B5.3 cell ATCC: CRL-1960 2B7 2B7 cell ATCC: CRL-2443 LCL-2015 2B8 2B8 cell 2BD4E4 K99 2BD4E4 K99 cell ATCC: HB-8178 2C1H7 disease: hybridoma 2C1H7 cell ATCC: CRL-2746 2C4 2C4 cell ATCC: CRL-1760 2C5-6 2C5-6 cell ATCC: HB-8995 2D10 2D10 cell ATCC: CRL-2226 2D12 2D12 cell ATCC: CRL-1689 2D4 disease: hybridoma 2D4 cell ATCC: TIB-185 2D-7 disease: hybridoma 2D-7 cell ATCC: HB-9667 2D7F10 disease: hybridoma 2D7F10 cell ATCC: CRL-2025 2E.6 2E.6 cell ATCC: HB-128 2E10-H2 disease: hybridoma 2E10-H2 cell ATCC: CRL-1812 2E6 disease: hybridoma 2E6 cell ATCC: HB-226 2E8 2E8 cell ATCC: TIB-239 2F.11.15 2F.11.15 cell ATCC: TIB-194 2F-2B disease: SV40 transformed 2F-2B cell ATCC: CRL-2168 2F7 2F7 cell ATCC: CRL-10237 2FLB.Ln disease: leukemia 2FLB.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-6045 2G3 2G3 cell ATCC: CRL-2435 2G8.D6 disease: hybridoma 2G8.D6 cell ATCC: HB-8190 2H-11 2H-11 cell ATCC: CRL-2163 2H6-C2 disease: hybridoma 2H6-C2 cell ATCC: CRL-1853 2Hx-2 2Hx-2 cell ATCC: HB-8117 HyperCLDB: cl51 2LBLN 2LBLN cell ATCC: CRL-6047 2M6 2M6 cell HyperCLDB: cl373 2PK-3 2PK-3 cell ATCC: TIB-203 2T 2T cell HyperCLDB: cl53 2T8-3E10 2T8-3E10 cell ATCC: HB-8213 2V6.11 2V6.11 cell ATCC: CRL-2784 3 C9-D11-H11 3 C9-D11-H11 cell HyperCLDB: cl5095 3 E 1 3 E 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5098 3.155 3.155 cell ATCC: TIB-211 3.334 SC5/8 3.334 SC5/8 cell HyperCLDB: cl54 30/15 disease: hybridoma 30/15 cell ATCC: HB-8152 30-5-7S 30-5-7S cell ATCC: HB-31 308TAg 308TAg cell ATCC: CRL-2819 30-C7 30-C7 cell ATCC: TIB-106 30-H12 30-H12 cell ATCC: TIB-107 310-29F7 disease: hybridoma 310-29F7 cell ATCC: CRL-2656 311-3D4 311-3D4 cell ATCC: CRL-2657 312-13E8 disease: hybridoma 312-13E8 cell ATCC: CRL-2658 31-3-4S 31-3-4S cell ATCC: HB-77 31-42-19 31-42-19 cell ATCC: HB-9726 317G5.C1D3 317G5.C1D3 cell ATCC: HB-8691 31-90-25 disease: hybridoma 31-90-25 cell ATCC: HB-9725 3197-3 3197-3 cell ATCC: CRL-1568 31E9 disease: produces GIF 31E9 cell ATCC: HB-11052 31F4L 31F4L cell HyperCLDB: cl57 32.2 disease: hybridoma 32.2 cell ATCC: HB-9469 32B11 32B11 cell ATCC: CRL-2559 32D 32D cell HyperCLDB: cl5010 32D Clone 3 32D Clone 3 cell ATCC: CRL-11346 331.12 331.12 cell ATCC: TIB-129 339-1 disease: hybridoma 339-1 cell ATCC: HB-186 33B disease: oligodendroglioma 33B cell HyperCLDB: cl58 33D1 33D1 cell ATCC: TIB-227 34 34 cell ATCC: CRL-1889 34-1-2S 34-1-2S cell ATCC: HB-79 34-2-12S 34-2-12S cell ATCC: HB-87 34-4-20S disease: hybridoma 34-4-20S cell ATCC: HB-75 34-4-21S 34-4-21S cell ATCC: HB-76 34-5-3S 34-5-3S cell ATCC: HB-85 34-5-8S 34-5-8S cell ATCC: HB-102 HyperCLDB: cl5138 34-7-23S disease: hybridoma 34-7-23S cell ATCC: HB-101 35.1 disease: hybridoma 35.1 cell ATCC: HB-222 35.6 disease: produces human CR1 35.6 cell ATCC: CRL-10052 356-1 356-1 cell ATCC: HB-181 36 disease: hybridoma fusion partner 36 cell ATCC: CRL-8193 36.5 (CD8+) 36.5 (CD8+) cell ATCC: CRL-11116 3611 MSV (4070A) 3611 MSV (4070A) cell HyperCLDB: cl60 36F-18C disease: hybridoma 36F-18C cell ATCC: HB-285 37 RC 37 RC cell HyperCLDB: cl61 37.04.12 disease: hybridoma 37.04.12 cell ATCC: HB-9312 372 disease: hybridoma 372 cell ATCC: CRL-1893 38.1 disease: hybridoma 38.1 cell ATCC: HB-231 38-1 disease: hybridoma 38-1 cell ATCC: HB-182 3-83P disease: hybridoma 3-83P cell ATCC: HB-20 39-S disease: hybridoma 39-S cell ATCC: HB-8180 3A sub E 3A sub E cell HyperCLDB: cl64 3A(tPA-30-1) 3A(tPA-30-1) cell ATCC: CRL-1583 3A5 3A5 cell ATCC: CRL-2440 3A8 disease: hybridoma 3A8 cell ATCC: HB-12024 3A-sub E [post crisis of 3A(tPA-30-1)] 3A-sub E [post crisis of 3A(tPA-30-1)] cell ATCC: CRL-1584 3B11 3B11 cell ATCC: CRL-2757 3B-11 disease: SV40 transformed 3B-11 cell ATCC: CRL-2160 3B18 3B18 cell ATCC: HB-8654 3C10 disease: hybridoma 3C10 cell ATCC: TIB-228 3C11 3C11 cell ATCC: HB-8511 3C5.1 disease: hybridoma 3C5.1 cell ATCC: CRL-2284 3C7.2 3C7.2 cell ATCC: CRL-1959 3C9-D11-H11 disease: hybridoma 3C9-D11-H11 cell ATCC: CRL-1745 3E1 disease: hybridoma 3E1 cell ATCC: HB-8067 3F6 disease: hybridoma 3F6 cell ATCC: HB-8512 3G3 disease: hybridoma 3G3 cell ATCC: HB-8516 3G5 disease: hybridoma 3G5 cell ATCC: CRL-1814 3G9F3 3G9F3 cell ATCC: CRL-1843 3H5-1 3H5-1 cell ATCC: HB-46 3LBLN 3LBLN cell ATCC: CRL-6048 3Pt12B8 3Pt12B8 cell ATCC: HB-8136 3T3 3T3 cell HyperCLDB: cl65 MeSH: D016475 3T3 clone A31 3T3 clone A31 cell HyperCLDB: cl389 3T3 MEFs KO 3T3 MEFs KO cell ATCC: CRL-2753 3T3 MEFs WT disease: Cav-1 (+/+) 3T3 MEFs WT cell ATCC: CRL-2752 3T3 NIH TK- 3T3 NIH TK- cell HyperCLDB: cl68 3T3(+3) 3T3(+3) cell HyperCLDB: cl69 3T3B-SV40 3T3B-SV40 cell HyperCLDB: cl85 3T3-L1 3T3-L1 cell HyperCLDB: cl71 HyperCLDB: cl72 MeSH: D041721 3T3-MSV 3T3-MSV cell HyperCLDB: cl74 3T3-SV40 3T3-SV40 cell HyperCLDB: cl75 3T3-Swiss albino disease: feeder layer cell 3T3-Swiss albino cell ATCC: CCL-92 HyperCLDB: cl83 HyperCLDB: cl86 3T6-Swiss albino 3T6-Swiss albino cell ATCC: CCL-96 HyperCLDB: cl89 4/4 R.M.-4 4/4 R.M.-4 cell ATCC: CCL-216 HyperCLDB: cl91 40.10.09 disease: hybridoma 40.10.09 cell ATCC: HB-9311 411-14E10 411-14E10 cell ATCC: CRL-2663 41-2 disease: hybridoma 41-2 cell ATCC: CRL-2695 41-3.48 41-3.48 cell ATCC: HB-130 413-15D12 disease: hybridoma 413-15D12 cell ATCC: CRL-2653 416B 416B cell HyperCLDB: cl92 42.08.07 disease: hybridoma 42.08.07 cell ATCC: HB-9313 424 MPSV ts 424 MPSV ts cell HyperCLDB: cl94 424 MPSV wt 424 MPSV wt cell HyperCLDB: cl95 LCL-1347 42-MG-BA 42-MG-BA cell DSMZ: ACC 431 HyperCLDB: cl5011 42TA 42TA cell ATCC: CRL-2759 443-15D3-2F12 disease: hybridoma 443-15D3-2F12 cell ATCC: HB-11342 448-D 100, 10, 1 disease: hybridoma 448-D 100, 10, 1 cell ATCC: HB-10895 44aacb 44aacb cell ATCC: HB-249 45.6.TG1.7 disease: hybridoma fusion partner 45.6.TG1.7 cell ATCC: CRL-1608 451Lu 451Lu cell ATCC: CRL-2813 454C11 disease: hybridoma 454C11 cell ATCC: HB-8484 455 455 cell ATCC: HB-8507 46/4 46/4 cell ATCC: HB-67 46-2 disease: hybridoma 46-2 cell ATCC: CRL-2186 46-4 disease: hybridoma 46-4 cell ATCC: CRL-2178 46-5 46-5 cell ATCC: CRL-2184 46Br.1G1 46Br.1G1 cell HyperCLDB: cl100 46BR.1N 46BR.1N cell HyperCLDB: cl101 48 48 cell ATCC: CRL-1913 4A4B11 disease: hybridoma 4A4B11 cell ATCC: HB-8327 4A6 disease: hybridoma 4A6 cell ATCC: CRL-1928 4B2 4B2 cell ATCC: HB-196 4B2-6C3-1C9 disease: hybridoma 4B2-6C3-1C9 cell ATCC: HB-12466 4C 4C cell ATCC: HB-8311 4C2.4A7.5H11 4C2.4A7.5H11 cell ATCC: CRL-2744 4C4 disease: hybridoma 4C4 cell ATCC: HB-327 4C5G 4C5G cell ATCC: CRL-2538 4C9 disease: hybridoma 4C9 cell ATCC: CRL-2437 4D1.5.7 4D1.5.7 cell ATCC: HB-11495 4D11 4D11 cell ATCC: HB-240 4D12 disease: hybridoma 4D12 cell ATCC: HB-178 4D9D4 4D9D4 cell ATCC: CRL-1818 4E11 disease: hybridoma 4E11 cell ATCC: HB-9259 4E8C12 4E8C12 cell ATCC: HB-10452 4F2C13 disease: hybridoma 4F2C13 cell ATCC: HB-22 4H1-A7 4H1-A7 cell ATCC: CRL-1813 4MBr-5 4MBr-5 cell ATCC: CCL-208 4T1 4T1 cell ATCC: CRL-2539 5 C 9 disease: hybridoma 5 C 9 cell HyperCLDB: cl5099 5/9 m a3-18 5/9 m a3-18 cell ATCC: CRL-10154 50-6 50-6 cell ATCC: CRL-2696 51.1 disease: hybridoma 51.1 cell ATCC: HB-230 514 disease: hybridoma 514 cell ATCC: CRL-1914 52 52 cell ATCC: HB-9361 520C9 disease: hybridoma 520C9 cell ATCC: HB-8696 528 disease: hybridoma 528 cell ATCC: HB-8509 52-S 52-S cell ATCC: HB-8181 53-6.72 disease: hybridoma 53-6.72 cell ATCC: TIB-105 53-7.313 53-7.313 cell ATCC: TIB-104 53-S disease: hybridoma 53-S cell ATCC: HB-8182 548 disease: hybridoma 548 cell ATCC: CRL-1890 55-2 55-2 cell ATCC: CRL-2155 55-36 disease: hybridoma 55-36 cell ATCC: CRL-2153 55-6 disease: hybridoma 55-6 cell ATCC: CRL-2156 55-83 55-83 cell ATCC: CRL-2185 558-D 100, 10, 1 disease: hybridoma 558-D 100, 10, 1 cell ATCC: HB-10894 559/64-D 100, 10, 1 559/64-D 100, 10, 1 cell ATCC: HB-10893 LCL-1702 5637 5637 cell ATCC: HTB-9 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308352 CVCL: CVCL_0126 EFO: EFO_0002096 56B3 56B3 cell ATCC: CRL-2542 579 disease: hybridoma 579 cell ATCC: HB-8506 58967 NRK 58967 NRK cell HyperCLDB: cl107 58D3C9 58D3C9 cell HyperCLDB: cl108 58-S 58-S cell ATCC: HB-8183 598_81H 598_81H cell HyperCLDB: cl109 59M 59M cell HyperCLDB: cl110 5A1 disease: hybridoma 5A1 cell ATCC: CRL-2702 5C6 Clone 1 disease: hybridoma 5C6 Clone 1 cell ATCC: CRL-1969 5c8 5c8 cell ATCC: HB-10916 5C9 disease: hybridoma 5C9 cell ATCC: HB-8371 5D4-11 5D4-11 cell ATCC: HB-49 5D5.11.6 disease: hybridoma 5D5.11.6 cell ATCC: HB-11895 5E4 disease: hybridoma 5E4 cell ATCC: CRL-2635 5E9C11 5E9C11 cell ATCC: HB-21 5F12 AD3 disease: hybridoma 5F12 AD3 cell ATCC: HB-8209 5G3 5G3 cell HyperCLDB: cl5108 5G5 disease: hybridoma 5G5 cell ATCC: CRL-2633 5H8 5H8 cell ATCC: CRL-2646 5LBLN 5LBLN cell ATCC: CRL-6049 6.12 6.12 cell ATCC: CRL-13006 60bca disease: hybridoma 60bca cell ATCC: HB-247 60H9(9)D10.E6 60H9(9)D10.E6 cell HyperCLDB: cl112 61/7 61/7 cell ATCC: HB-8154 6-23 (clone 6) 6-23 (clone 6) cell HyperCLDB: cl5109 6-23 (Clone 6) 6-23 (Clone 6) cell ATCC: CRL-1607 LCL-1943 639-V disease: carcinoma, transitional cell 639-V cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308703 CVCL: CVCL_1048 DSMZ: ACC 413 EFO: EFO_0002097 HyperCLDB: cl5012 63D3 63D3 cell ATCC: HB-44 LCL-1708 647-V 647-V cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308704 CVCL: CVCL_1049 DSMZ: ACC 414 EFO: EFO_0002098 HyperCLDB: cl5254 650E2-2B12 650E2-2B12 cell ATCC: HB-10812 663 + N 663 + N cell HyperCLDB: cl113 665/2 665/2 cell HyperCLDB: cl114 67j25D 67j25D cell HyperCLDB: cl116 68-1-2 68-1-2 cell ATCC: CRL-1712 6A7M disease: hybridoma 6A7M cell ATCC: HB-8159 6A8.6F10.1A6 6A8.6F10.1A6 cell ATCC: CRL-2743 6D8MB4 6D8MB4 cell ATCC: CRL-1842 6E6 6E6 cell ATCC: CRL-11398 6F4C5 disease: hybridoma 6F4C5 cell ATCC: CRL-1869 6G4.2.5 6G4.2.5 cell ATCC: HB-11722 6LBLN 6LBLN cell ATCC: CRL-6050 7 D4 disease: hybridoma 7 D4 cell HyperCLDB: cl5110 7/8 (clone G3) 7/8 (clone G3) cell HyperCLDB: cl120 703D4 disease: hybridoma 703D4 cell ATCC: HB-8301 707 DAP10 disease: leukemia, Friend 707 DAP10 cell HyperCLDB: cl121 707B1011C3 707B1011C3 cell HyperCLDB: cl122 70Z/3 disease: methylnitrosourea-induced lymphoma 70Z/3 cell ATCC: TIB-158 71A7 71A7 cell ATCC: TIB-147 72A1 disease: hybridoma 72A1 cell ATCC: HB-168 HyperCLDB: cl5143 73/1 disease: hybridoma 73/1 cell ATCC: HB-66 7-34-1 disease: hybridoma 7-34-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1945 74-11-10 74-11-10 cell ATCC: HB-139 74-12-4 disease: hybridoma 74-12-4 cell ATCC: HB-147 74-22-15 disease: hybridoma 74-22-15 cell ATCC: HB-142 74-22-15A 74-22-15A cell ATCC: HB-142.1 745C2 disease: erythroleukemia, lymphoblast 745C2 cell HyperCLDB: cl125 74-9-3 disease: hybridoma 74-9-3 cell ATCC: HB-156 75e7vg2 75e7vg2 cell HyperCLDB: cl126 75j23pe34 75j23pe34 cell HyperCLDB: cl127 76-2-11 76-2-11 cell ATCC: HB-143 76-5-28 76-5-28 cell ATCC: HB-153 76-6-7 76-6-7 cell ATCC: HB-141 76-7-4 76-7-4 cell ATCC: HB-140 LCL-1772 769-P 769-P cell ATCC: CRL-1933 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308705 CVCL: CVCL_1050 EFO: EFO_0002099 LCL-1773 786-O 786-O cell ATCC: CRL-1932 79f7Dv3g 79f7Dv3g cell HyperCLDB: cl130 7A9 7A9 cell ATCC: HB-10135 7AC5/EYFP disease: embryonic stem cell 7AC5/EYFP cell ATCC: SCRC-1033 7C subscript(2) C subscript(5) C subscript(12) disease: hybridoma 7C subscript(2) C subscript(5) C subscript(12) cell ATCC: HB-8678 HyperCLDB: cl5111 7C6.5.4 disease: hybridoma 7C6.5.4 cell ATCC: HB-9574 7C8 7C8 cell ATCC: HB-8465 7D2- disease: hybridoma 7D2- cell ATCC: HB-92 7D3A.2 disease: hybridoma 7D3A.2 cell ATCC: CRL-1886 7D4 7D4 cell ATCC: CRL-1698 7E11C5 7E11C5 cell ATCC: HB-10494 7E12H12 7E12H12 cell ATCC: HB-9397 7E3 disease: hybridoma 7E3 cell ATCC: HB-8832 7F2 disease: osteoblast; inducible adipocyte differentiation model 7F2 cell ATCC: CRL-12557 7F2-6D4-8E7 disease: hybridoma 7F2-6D4-8E7 cell ATCC: HB-11945 7G7B6 7G7B6 cell ATCC: HB-8784 7TD1 7TD1 cell HyperCLDB: cl119 7-TD-1 7-TD-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl118 80 V 5B4 80 V 5B4 cell ATCC: TIB-132 803-15.6 disease: hybridoma 803-15.6 cell ATCC: CRL-2395 807.15 807.15 cell ATCC: CRL-2287 807.31 disease: hybridoma 807.31 cell ATCC: CRL-2282 807.33 disease: hybridoma 807.33 cell ATCC: CRL-2290 80T 80T cell ATCC: CRL-7901 LCL-1685 8305C disease: carcinoma, undifferentiated 8305C cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308706 CVCL: CVCL_1053 DSMZ: ACC 133 HyperCLDB: cl132 83-12-5 disease: hybridoma 83-12-5 cell ATCC: CRL-1971 84BR 84BR cell HyperCLDB: cl134 LCL-1686 8505C disease: carcinoma, undifferentiated 8505C cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308353 CVCL: CVCL_1054 DSMZ: ACC 219 HyperCLDB: cl135 86D 86D cell ATCC: HB-286 88B disease: hybridoma 88B cell ATCC: CRL-1967 88TAg 88TAg cell ATCC: CRL-2820 89MS30 89MS30 cell ATCC: HB-11300 8A2N disease: hybridoma 8A2N cell ATCC: HB-8161 8A3B.6 disease: hybridoma 8A3B.6 cell ATCC: CRL-1875 8B1B.1 disease: hybridoma 8B1B.1 cell ATCC: CRL-1877 8E5 8E5 cell ATCC: CRL-8993 8E7 disease: B lymphoblast; EBV transformed 8E7 cell ATCC: CRL-8795 LCL-1365 8-MG-BA 8-MG-BA cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308251 CVCL: CVCL_1052 HyperCLDB: cl5013 Sanger: COSMIC ID:687562 9 BG 5 disease: hybridoma 9 BG 5 cell HyperCLDB: cl5129 9.0.4.C43 9.0.4.C43 cell HyperCLDB: cl138 9.3F10 9.3F10 cell ATCC: HB-180 9.4 disease: hybridoma 9.4 cell ATCC: HB-10508 90.74 90.74 cell ATCC: CRL-11654 90196B disease: macrophage; monocyte 90196B cell ATCC: CRL-9853 91MS441 disease: hybridoma 91MS441 cell ATCC: HB-11301 92BR 92BR cell HyperCLDB: cl140 92TAg 92TAg cell ATCC: CRL-2816 9-4-3 disease: hybridoma 9-4-3 cell ATCC: HB-8935 9-A5 9-A5 cell ATCC: CRL-1844 9AE10 disease: hybridoma 9AE10 cell ATCC: CRL-1761 9-B1 9-B1 cell ATCC: CRL-1845 9BG5 9BG5 cell ATCC: HB-167 9D10 9D10 cell ATCC: CRL-8752 9D9 disease: hybridoma 9D9 cell ATCC: CRL-1703 9F12 disease: hybridoma 9F12 cell ATCC: HB-8177 9L/lacZ 9L/lacZ cell ATCC: CRL-2200 9TR#1 9TR#1 cell ATCC: CRL-11379 A 172 A 172 cell HyperCLDB: cl143 A 375 A 375 cell HyperCLDB: cl198 A 72 A 72 cell HyperCLDB: cl171 A.704 A.704 cell HyperCLDB: cl168 A.P. A.P. cell ATCC: CRL-6295 A09194 A09194 cell HyperCLDB: cl182 A1 ATH disease: lymphomas-leukemias A1 ATH cell HyperCLDB: cl183 A-10 A-10 cell ATCC: CRL-1476 LCL-1267 A101D A101D cell ATCC: CRL-7898 ATCC: CRL-7898,COSMIC ID:910921; ATCC CRL-7898 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308182 CVCL: CVCL_1057 EFO: EFO_0002100 A10-85 A10-85 cell HyperCLDB: cl185 A11 A11 cell HyperCLDB: cl186 A11.1 M A11.1 M cell ATCC: HB-164 A123 disease: hybridoma A123 cell ATCC: HB-8451 A124 disease: hybridoma A124 cell ATCC: HB-8452 A15 A15 cell HyperCLDB: cl187 A1594 A1594 cell HyperCLDB: cl188 A-172 A-172 cell HyperCLDB: cl142 LCL-1348 ZN A172 A172 cell ATCC: CRL-1620 A1G3 disease: hybridoma A1G3 cell ATCC: HB-177 A2 A2 cell HyperCLDB: cl189 A-2 A-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl5015 A20 disease: reticulum cell sarcoma A20 cell ATCC: TIB-208 LCL-1409 ZN A-204 A-204 cell ATCC: HTB-82 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308354 CVCL: CVCL_1058 EFO: EFO_0002102 LCL-1237 A2058 disease: malignant melanoma (skin primary) A2058 cell ATCC: CRL-11147 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308030 CVCL: CVCL_1059 A238 A238 cell HyperCLDB: cl191 A24 A24 cell HyperCLDB: cl192 LCL-2034 A253 A253 cell ATCC: CRL-7902 Sanger: COSMIC ID:906794 A-253 disease: epidermoid carcinoma A-253 cell ATCC: HTB-41 LCL-1518 A2780 A2780 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308421 CVCL: CVCL_0134 ECACC: 93112519 HyperCLDB: cl193 LCL-1694 A2780ADR A2780ADR cell ECACC: 93112520 HyperCLDB: cl5047 LCL-1696 ZN A2780cis A2780cis cell ECACC: 93112517 HyperCLDB: cl195 A2B5 clone 105 disease: hybridoma A2B5 clone 105 cell ATCC: CRL-1520 A2E11 disease: hybridoma A2E11 cell ATCC: CRL-1846 A2H A2H cell HyperCLDB: cl196 LCL-1026 A3 A3 cell ATCC: CRL-2570 A3 AAL A3 AAL cell HyperCLDB: cl197 A3.4H2 disease: hybridoma A3.4H2 cell ATCC: HB-12319 A3.6B10 disease: hybridoma A3.6B10 cell ATCC: HB-12318 A375 Comment: this term is obsolete because it is duplicated with another term 'A-375 cell' (CLO_0001582). -- Oliver He obsolete: A375 cell HyperCLDB: cl199 LCL-1235 A-375 A375 A375 cell WEB: disease: malignant melanoma A-375 cell ATCC: CRL-1619 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308077 CVCL: CVCL_0132 EFO: EFO_0002103 HyperCLDB: cl199 LCL-1231 JX, YH A375.S2 WEB: disease: malignant melanoma A375.S2 cell ATCC: CRL-1872 LCL-1342 A388 disease: carcinoma A388 cell ATCC: COSMIC ID:910697; ATCC CRL-7905,CRL-7905 ATCC: CRL-7905 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308159 CVCL: CVCL_1063 A4.74 disease: hybridoma A4.74 cell ATCC: CRL-2041 A4.840 disease: hybridoma A4.840 cell ATCC: CRL-2043 A4.951 A4.951 cell ATCC: CRL-2046 A4-1025 A4-1025 cell HyperCLDB: cl5016 A4-1077 A4-1077 cell HyperCLDB: cl5017 LCL-1600 A-427 A-427 cell ATCC: HTB-53 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307775 CVCL: CVCL_1055 EFO: EFO_0002104 LCL-1404 ZN A431 A431 cell ECACC: 85090402 HyperCLDB: cl160 A-431 A-431 cell ATCC: CRL-1555 A431NS disease: epidermoid carcinoma A431NS cell ATCC: CRL-2592 A4-840 disease: hybridoma A4-840 cell HyperCLDB: cl49 A4-951 A4-951 cell HyperCLDB: cl5018 A-498 A-498 cell ATCC: HTB-44 A4xL A4xL cell HyperCLDB: cl200 A5.12.14 disease: hybridoma A5.12.14 cell ATCC: HB-11553 A5.4 disease: hybridoma A5.4 cell ATCC: CRL-2275 A52m/pSG1 A52m/pSG1 cell HyperCLDB: cl201 LCL-1601 A549 A549 cell ATCC: CCL-185 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307651 CVCL: CVCL_0023 EFO: EFO_0001086 HyperCLDB: cl207 A6 A6 cell ATCC: CRL-8192 A6 disease: hybridoma fusion partner A6 cell ATCC: CCL-102 A6 ATL A6 ATL cell HyperCLDB: cl210 LCL-1410 A673 A673 cell ECACC: 85111504 HyperCLDB: cl166 A-673 A-673 cell ATCC: CRL-1598 A68177 A68177 cell ATCC: CRL-7714 A7 A7 cell ATCC: CRL-2500 LCL-1762 A704 A704 cell ATCC: CRL-7911 Sanger: COSMIC ID:910920 A-704 A-704 cell ATCC: HTB-45 A717 disease: hybridoma A717 cell ATCC: HB-9596 A-72 A-72 cell ATCC: CRL-1542 A7573 A7573 cell HyperCLDB: cl213 A7r5 A7r5 cell ATCC: CRL-1444 A8/DI A8/DI cell HyperCLDB: cl218 A84M A84M cell HyperCLDB: cl216 A84P A84P cell HyperCLDB: cl217 A9 A9 cell ATCC: CCL-1.4 A9 disease: hybridoma A9 cell ATCC: CRL-1811 A-9 A-9 cell ATCC: CRL-6319 A9 L hD2 S.C. 18 A9 L hD2 S.C. 18 cell ATCC: CRL-10225 A94 A94 cell HyperCLDB: cl221 A94M A94M cell HyperCLDB: cl222 A94P A94P cell HyperCLDB: cl223 A95 A95 cell HyperCLDB: cl224 A9HT A9HT cell HyperCLDB: cl225 Aa Aa cell HyperCLDB: cl226 AA224 disease: hybridoma AA224 cell ATCC: HB-10183 AA5 AA5 cell ATCC: CRL-2637 AA8 AA8 cell ATCC: CRL-1859 AA84F AA84F cell HyperCLDB: cl228 A-A94 A-A94 cell HyperCLDB: cl173 AAA95M AAA95M cell HyperCLDB: cl229 Ab 21.1 disease: hybridoma Ab 21.1 cell ATCC: HB-11601 Ab 23.1 disease: hybridoma Ab 23.1 cell ATCC: HB-11602 AB.9 AB.9 cell ATCC: CRL-2298 AB1-2 AB1-2 cell ATCC: HB-33 A-B92a A-B92a cell HyperCLDB: cl174 A-B92f A-B92f cell HyperCLDB: cl175 A-B92v A-B92v cell HyperCLDB: cl176 LCL-1634 ZN ABC-1 ABC-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308707 CVCL: CVCL_1066 EFO: EFO_0002813 HyperCLDB: cl230 JHSF: JCRB0815 ABE-8.1/2 disease: lymphoma; AMLV transformed lymphoblast ABE-8.1/2 cell ATCC: TIB-205 AC133.1 AC133.1 cell ATCC: HB-12346 AC-1M32 disease: choriocarcinoma AC-1M32 cell HyperCLDB: cl7073 AC-1M46 disease: choriocarcinoma AC-1M46 cell HyperCLDB: cl7074 AC-1M59 AC-1M59 cell HyperCLDB: cl7075 AC-1M81 AC-1M81 cell HyperCLDB: cl7076 AC-1M88 disease: choriocarcinoma AC-1M88 cell HyperCLDB: cl7077 AC2 AC2 cell HyperCLDB: cl233 AC84 AC84 cell HyperCLDB: cl234 A-C88 A-C88 cell HyperCLDB: cl177 AC95 AC95 cell HyperCLDB: cl235 ACH1P disease: choriocarcinoma ACH1P cell HyperCLDB: cl7078 LCL-1756 ACHN ACHN cell ATCC: CRL-1611 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307633 CVCL: CVCL_1067 EFO: EFO_0002108 LCL-1982 ACN ACN cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308148 CVCL: CVCL_1068 HyperCLDB: cl239 Sanger: COSMIC ID:906803 ACT 1 ACT 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5131 ACT I disease: hybridoma ACT I cell ATCC: HB-80 ACT IV ACT IV cell ATCC: HB-81 Ad Hot disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type II Ad Hot cell ATCC: CRL-1227 AD94IL2 AD94IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl240 AD94LEBV AD94LEBV cell HyperCLDB: cl241 ADF ADF cell HyperCLDB: cl243 AE 1 disease: carcinoma, small cell AE 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl244 AE 2 disease: carcinoma, small cell AE 2 cell HyperCLDB: cl245 AE 3 disease: carcinoma, small cell AE 3 cell HyperCLDB: cl246 AE-1 disease: hybridoma AE-1 cell ATCC: HB-72 AE-2 AE-2 cell ATCC: HB-73 AE84S AE84S cell HyperCLDB: cl247 AE9D6 AE9D6 cell ATCC: HB-125 Aedes aegypti Aedes aegypti cell ATCC: CCL-125 Aedes albopictus Aedes albopictus cell ATCC: CCL-126 Aedes albopictus clone C6/36 Aedes albopictus clone C6/36 cell ATCC: CRL-1660 AF-1 (MHV) AF-1 (MHV) cell HyperCLDB: cl251 AF-2 clone 9B5 AF-2 clone 9B5 cell HyperCLDB: cl252 AF3-12.1.3 disease: hybridoma AF3-12.1.3 cell ATCC: HB-160 AF4-73.3.1 AF4-73.3.1 cell ATCC: HB-201 AF6-120.1.2 disease: hybridoma AF6-120.1.2 cell ATCC: HB-163 AF6-122.2.5 AF6-122.2.5 cell ATCC: HB-199 AF6-78.25.4 disease: hybridoma AF6-78.25.4 cell ATCC: HB-162 AF6-88.5.3 disease: hybridoma AF6-88.5.3 cell ATCC: HB-158 AFA95M AFA95M cell HyperCLDB: cl254 AFT024 disease: feeder layer AFT024 cell ATCC: SCRC-1007 AG 5025 AG 5025 cell HyperCLDB: cl255 AG95P AG95P cell HyperCLDB: cl256 AGLCL AGLCL cell HyperCLDB: cl257 LCL-1893 AGS AGS cell ATCC: CRL-1739 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308078 CVCL: CVCL_0139 EFO: EFO_0002109 A-HER2 disease: hybridoma A-HER2 cell ATCC: CRL-10463 AHH-1 AHH-1 cell ATCC: CRL-8146 AHL-1 AHL-1 cell ATCC: CCL-195 Ainv15 Ainv15 cell ATCC: SCRC-1029 AJ95 AJ95 cell HyperCLDB: cl262 AK-D AK-D cell ATCC: CCL-150 AKR/11-D AKR/11-D cell HyperCLDB: cl4924 AKR/12B-1 AKR/12B-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4939 AKR/12B-2 AKR/12B-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4925 AKR/12B-3 AKR/12B-3 cell HyperCLDB: cl4926 AKR/13B AKR/13B cell HyperCLDB: cl4927 AKR/14C AKR/14C cell HyperCLDB: cl4928 AKR/JA.Sp AKR/JA.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6320 AKR1.G.1.OVAR.1.26 disease: hybridoma fusion partner,T cell AKR1.G.1.OVAR.1.26 cell ATCC: TIB-232 AKR-2B AKR-2B cell HyperCLDB: cl264 AL 1-27 disease: hybridoma AL 1-27 cell ATCC: HB-8441 Al Ke Al Ke cell ATCC: CRL-1325 AL/N AL/N cell ATCC: CRL-6506 LCL-1043 ALL-PO ALL-PO cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308227 CVCL: CVCL_1069 HyperCLDB: cl5399 Sanger: COSMIC ID:910944 ALM86M ALM86M cell HyperCLDB: cl265 Am Coo Am Coo cell ATCC: CRL-1286 Am Ric Am Ric cell ATCC: CRL-1129 AM85 AM85 cell HyperCLDB: cl267 AM86 AM86 cell HyperCLDB: cl268 AM95 AM95 cell HyperCLDB: cl269 AM-C6SC8 AM-C6SC8 cell HyperCLDB: cl266 Amdur II Amdur II cell ATCC: CCL-124 AMJ2-C11 disease: alveolar macrophage AMJ2-C11 cell ATCC: CRL-2456 AMJ2-C8 AMJ2-C8 cell ATCC: CRL-2455 AML12 AML12 cell ATCC: CRL-2254 AML14.3D10/CCCKR3 Clone 16 AML14.3D10/CCCKR3 Clone 16 cell ATCC: CRL-12079 AML-193 AML-193 cell ATCC: CRL-9589 HyperCLDB: cl272 Ampli-GPE Ampli-GPE cell HyperCLDB: cl273 AMS AMS cell ATCC: HB-161 An Zan An Zan cell ATCC: CRL-1266 AN3 CA AN3 CA cell ATCC: HTB-111 HyperCLDB: cl5019 AN86P AN86P cell HyperCLDB: cl275 ANJOU 65 disease: highly transfective ANJOU 65 cell ATCC: CRL-11269 ANN-1 ANN-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl276 Anr4 Anr4 cell HyperCLDB: cl277 Antheraea cells Antheraea cells cell HyperCLDB: cl278 Antheraea cells, adapted Antheraea cells, adapted cell ATCC: CCL-80 anti-130-kDa Mesothelial-Ciliated Cells disease: hybridoma anti-130-kDa Mesothelial-Ciliated Cells cell ATCC: CRL-2401 Antibody 2.06 Antibody 2.06 cell ATCC: HB-104 Anti-My-10 clone 28/8/8/ disease: hybridoma Anti-My-10 clone 28/8/8/ cell ATCC: HB-8483 Anti-SC35 disease: hybridoma Anti-SC35 cell ATCC: CRL-2031 anti-SR disease: hybridoma anti-SR cell ATCC: CRL-2383 anti-SRp20 disease: hybridoma anti-SRp20 cell ATCC: CRL-2384 AP.6 AP.6 cell ATCC: CRL-2227 AP-3 disease: hybridoma AP-3 cell ATCC: HB-242 A-P92 A-P92 cell HyperCLDB: cl178 AP95 AP95 cell HyperCLDB: cl279 Ar Ke-2 disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, presumed heterozygote Ar Ke-2 cell ATCC: CRL-1324 AR42J disease: tumor AR42J cell ATCC: CRL-1492 AR4IP disease: pancreatic tumor AR4IP cell HyperCLDB: cl282 AR84S AR84S cell HyperCLDB: cl283 AR91 AR91 cell HyperCLDB: cl284 ARH 77 disease: leukemia, plasma cell ARH 77 cell HyperCLDB: cl285 LCL-2041 ARH-77 ARH-77 cell ATCC: CRL-1621 ARIP disease: tumor ARIP cell ATCC: CRL-1674 ARL-6 disease: hepatoma ARL-6 cell HyperCLDB: cl286 ARLJ 301-3 ARLJ 301-3 cell HyperCLDB: cl287 ARPE-19 ARPE-19 cell ATCC: CRL-2302 ARPE-19/HPV-16 ARPE-19/HPV-16 cell ATCC: CRL-2502 AS 33 disease: hybridoma AS 33 cell ATCC: HB-8779 A-S-30D A-S-30D cell HyperCLDB: cl179 As4.1 disease: intraparenchymal As4.1 cell ATCC: CRL-2193 A-S91 A-S91 cell HyperCLDB: cl181 ASK ASK cell ATCC: CRL-2747 LCL-1730 AsPC-1 AsPC-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1682 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307994 CVCL: CVCL_0152 EFO: EFO_0002112 AT-1 AT-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl290 AT2.1 AT2.1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5048 AT-3.1 AT-3.1 cell HyperCLDB: cl291 AT3B-1 AT3B-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2375 AT6.1 AT6.1 cell HyperCLDB: cl292 AT95 AT95 cell HyperCLDB: cl293 ATHOS ATHOS cell HyperCLDB: cl294 ATRFLOX disease: colorectal carcinoma ATRFLOX cell ATCC: CRL-2780 AtT20 AtT20 cell HyperCLDB: cl296 AtT-20 AtT-20 cell ATCC: CCL-89 AtT-20/D16v-F2 AtT-20/D16v-F2 cell ATCC: CRL-1795 AtT-20ins (CGT-6) AtT-20ins (CGT-6) cell ATCC: CRL-11285 LCL-1462 ZN AU565 AU565 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308095 CVCL: CVCL_1074 EFO: EFO_0001087 AUBEK AUBEK cell HyperCLDB: cl297 AV 3 AV 3 cell HyperCLDB: cl298 AV subscript(3) AV subscript(3) cell ATCC: CCL-21 AV3 AV3 cell HyperCLDB: cl299 AVE-115 AVE-115 cell ATCC: CRL-6507 Aw3.18.14 disease: hybridoma Aw3.18.14 cell ATCC: CRL-2826 B 95.8 B 95.8 cell HyperCLDB: cl365 b.End3 disease: endothelioma b.End3 cell HyperCLDB: cl5049 b.End5 disease: endothelioma b.End5 cell HyperCLDB: cl5050 B/C.Sk B/C.Sk cell HyperCLDB: cl329 B/C3T3.We B/C3T3.We cell ATCC: CRL-6327 B/CMBA.Ov B/CMBA.Ov cell ATCC: CRL-6331 B/CWE B/CWE cell ATCC: CRL-6334 B104 B104 cell HyperCLDB: cl4955 B104-1-1 disease: expresses her2/neu B104-1-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1887 B11 disease: hybridoma B11 cell ATCC: HB-8372 B12 B12 cell HyperCLDB: cl331 B13-24 disease: produces 23FG2; anti CD18 Mab B13-24 cell ATCC: CRL-11397 B14-150 disease: fibrosarcoma B14-150 cell HyperCLDB: cl332 B14FAF28-G3 B14FAF28-G3 cell ATCC: CCL-14 B16 melanoma 4A5 B16 melanoma 4A5 cell HyperCLDB: cl335 B16-A B16-A cell HyperCLDB: cl336 B16-F0 B16-F0 cell ATCC: CRL-6322 B16-F1 B16-F1 cell ATCC: CRL-6323 B16-F10 B16-F10 cell ATCC: CRL-6475 B16V B16V cell HyperCLDB: cl341 HyperCLDB: cl5020 B16VDxR B16VDxR cell HyperCLDB: cl342 B18 B18 cell HyperCLDB: cl343 B19 B19 cell HyperCLDB: cl344 B192 B192 cell HyperCLDB: cl345 B1B3 disease: hybridoma B1B3 cell ATCC: CRL-2249 B1B6 B1B6 cell ATCC: CRL-2248 B2.Ln B2.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-6022 B2.Sp B2.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6023 B2.Sp/Thy B2.Sp/Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6024 B2-1 disease: thymidine kinase negative (TK) B2-1 cell ATCC: CRL-8085 B21-2 disease: hybridoma B21-2 cell ATCC: TIB-229 B2195 B2195 cell HyperCLDB: cl348 B25.2 B25.2 cell ATCC: HB-8107 B27M1 B27M1 cell ATCC: HB-157 B27M2 B27M2 cell ATCC: HB-165 B29 B29 cell ATCC: HB-9746 B-3 B-3 cell ATCC: CRL-11421 B3/25 B3/25 cell ATCC: CRL-8034 B3/AN B3/AN cell HyperCLDB: cl350 B35 disease: nitrosoethylurea-induced neuroblastoma B35 cell ATCC: CRL-2754 B38.1 disease: hybridoma B38.1 cell ATCC: HB-8110 B3D B3D cell ATCC: CRL-2634 B5 disease: hybridoma B5 cell ATCC: HB-8453 B5 NIH B5 NIH cell ATCC: HB-10569 B50 disease: nervous tissue glial tumor B50 cell HyperCLDB: cl351 B505 B505 cell ATCC: HB-12000 B6.2 disease: hybridoma B6.2 cell ATCC: HB-8106 B6/FA B6/FA cell HyperCLDB: cl353 B-63 B-63 cell HyperCLDB: cl5136 B65 B65 cell HyperCLDB: cl352 B69 B69 cell ATCC: HB-9437 B6H12.2 B6H12.2 cell ATCC: HB-9771 B72.3 B72.3 cell ATCC: HB-8108 B7-24-E1G4 B7-24-E1G4 cell ATCC: HB-11341 B78H1 B78H1 cell HyperCLDB: cl355 B82 B82 cell HyperCLDB: cl356 B8-24-3 B8-24-3 cell ATCC: TIB-139 B84 B84 cell HyperCLDB: cl357 B85 B85 cell HyperCLDB: cl358 B86M B86M cell HyperCLDB: cl359 B9 B9 cell HyperCLDB: cl360 B92 B92 cell HyperCLDB: cl361 B95-8 B95-8 cell HyperCLDB: cl366 HyperCLDB: cl368 B95a B95a cell HyperCLDB: cl5156 BA 93 BA 93 cell HyperCLDB: cl370 Ba Pot disease: osteogenesis imperfecta (congenita) Ba Pot cell ATCC: CRL-1280 BA/F3 BA/F3 cell HyperCLDB: cl5028 BA193 BA193 cell HyperCLDB: cl374 BA7.3C.9 BA7.3C.9 cell ATCC: HB-10716 B-A95 B-A95 cell HyperCLDB: cl302 BA96 BA96 cell HyperCLDB: cl375 BA-D5 BA-D5 cell ATCC: HB-287 BAE BAE cell HyperCLDB: cl377 BAE-1 BAE-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5253 BAEC BAEC cell HyperCLDB: cl381 BAEC-1 BAEC-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl382 BA-F8 BA-F8 cell HyperCLDB: cl372 BAG-12G2 BAG-12G2 cell HyperCLDB: cl7079 BA-G5 BA-G5 cell ATCC: HB-276 BAG-85D10 BAG-85D10 cell HyperCLDB: cl7080 BALB 3T12-3 BALB 3T12-3 cell HyperCLDB: cl383 BALB SFME Serum Free Mouse Embryo BALB SFME Serum Free Mouse Embryo cell ATCC: CRL-9392 BALB/3T12-3 BALB/3T12-3 cell ATCC: CCL-164 BALB/3T3 clone A31 BALB/3T3 clone A31 cell ATCC: CCL-163 HyperCLDB: cl386 MeSH: D041702 BALB/B 0.75BAE A.1R.1 HD A.8 disease: chemically transformed BALB/B 0.75BAE A.1R.1 HD A.8 cell ATCC: TIB-84 BALB/c 10CrMCA A.2R.1 disease: chemically transformed BALB/c 10CrMCA A.2R.1 cell ATCC: TIB-86 BALB/c 10ME HD A.5R.1 BALB/c 10ME HD A.5R.1 cell ATCC: TIB-85 BALB/c AMuLV A.3R.1 disease: AMLV transformed BALB/c AMuLV A.3R.1 cell ATCC: TIB-87 BALB/c AMuLV A.6R.1 BALB/c AMuLV A.6R.1 cell ATCC: TIB-90 BALB/c CL.7 BALB/c CL.7 cell ATCC: TIB-80 Balb/C MSV (AP129) Balb/C MSV (AP129) cell HyperCLDB: cl390 BAOEC BAOEC cell HyperCLDB: cl391 Bat lung Bat lung cell HyperCLDB: cl392 BB BB cell ATCC: CCL-59 Bb(ApMC1) Possible typographic error in 'Organism' field (value 'Antheraea perny') to be considered as 'Antheraea pernyi' (NCBI_Taxon: 7119) [SS] Bb(ApMC1) cell HyperCLDB: cl396 BB7.1 disease: hybridoma BB7.1 cell ATCC: HB-56 BB7.2 BB7.2 cell ATCC: HB-82 BB7.5 BB7.5 cell ATCC: HB-120 BB7.6 disease: hybridoma BB7.6 cell ATCC: HB-115 BB7.7 BB7.7 cell ATCC: HB-94 B-B87 B-B87 cell HyperCLDB: cl303 BB88 BB88 cell ATCC: TIB-55 B-B88a B-B88a cell HyperCLDB: cl304 B-B88f B-B88f cell HyperCLDB: cl305 B-B92c B-B92c cell HyperCLDB: cl306 B-B92s B-B92s cell HyperCLDB: cl307 BB96P BB96P cell HyperCLDB: cl397 BBm BBm cell ATCC: CRL-6016 BBM disease: virus transformed BBM cell ATCC: CRL-9482 BBM.1 disease: hybridoma BBM.1 cell ATCC: HB-28 BBM.1 clone E9 BBM.1 clone E9 cell HyperCLDB: cl5158 LCL-1956 BC-1 BC-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2230 BC16A BC16A cell ATCC: TIB-59 LCL-1957 BC-2 BC-2 cell ATCC: CRL-2231 BC3 BC3 cell ATCC: HB-10166 LCL-1948 BC-3 BC-3 cell ATCC: CRL-2277 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308890 CVCL: CVCL_1080 EFO: EFO_0002046 BC3A disease: leukemia BC3A cell ATCC: TIB-60 BC-3C disease: carcinoma, transitional cell BC-3C cell HyperCLDB: cl7081 BC3H1 disease: methylnitrosourea-induced smooth muscle-like tumor BC3H1 cell ATCC: CRL-1443 B-C86 B-C86 cell HyperCLDB: cl308 BC87IL2 BC87IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl400 BC87ls BC87ls cell HyperCLDB: cl401 B-C89 B-C89 cell HyperCLDB: cl309 BC96 BC96 cell HyperCLDB: cl402 BC9-E5 BC9-E5 cell ATCC: CRL-1670 bcd mab23 bcd mab23 cell ATCC: CRL-2107 BCE C/D-1b BCE C/D-1b cell ATCC: CRL-2048 BCL subscript(1) clone 5B11b BCL subscript(1) clone 5B11b cell ATCC: TIB-197 BCL1 Clone CW13.20-3B3 disease: leukemia, B cell BCL1 Clone CW13.20-3B3 cell HyperCLDB: cl404 BCP-1 BCP-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2294 LCL-1687 ZN B-CPAP B-CPAP cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308356 CVCL: CVCL_0153 DSMZ: ACC 273 HyperCLDB: cl5021 BD-215 BD-215 cell HyperCLDB: cl5029 BD5-2d disease: hybridoma BD5-2d cell ATCC: HB-9689 B-D93 B-D93 cell HyperCLDB: cl310 LCL-1049 BDCM BDCM cell ATCC: CRL-2740 B-DP85 B-DP85 cell HyperCLDB: cl311 Be Ar Be Ar cell ATCC: CRL-1167 Be Sal disease: osteoporosis Be Sal cell ATCC: CRL-1140 Be Tim disease: xeroderma pigmentosum, presumed heterozygote Be Tim cell ATCC: CRL-1254 LCL-1963 BE(2)-C BE(2)-C cell ATCC: CRL-2268 LCL-1972 BE(2)-M17 BE(2)-M17 cell ATCC: CRL-2267 BE10-7 BE10-7 cell HyperCLDB: cl408 BE10-Intermediate disease: premalignant BE10-Intermediate cell HyperCLDB: cl409 BE10-Late BE10-Late cell HyperCLDB: cl410 BE11 (Early) BE11 (Early) cell HyperCLDB: cl411 LCL-1044 BE-13 BE-13 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308184 CVCL: CVCL_1081 HyperCLDB: cl5030 Sanger: COSMIC ID:906763 BE2 BE2 cell ATCC: TIB-182 BE29G1 BE29G1 cell ATCC: HB-233 BE3F9 BE3F9 cell ATCC: HB-133 BEAS-2B disease: virus transformed BEAS-2B cell ATCC: CRL-9609 LCL-1602 ZN BEN BEN cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308709 CVCL: CVCL_1082 DSMZ: ACC 254 HyperCLDB: cl414 BEND BEND cell ATCC: CRL-2398 bEnd.3 disease: endothelioma; polyoma middle T antigen transformed bEnd.3 cell ATCC: CRL-2299 Ber Lin disease: osteoporosis Ber Lin cell ATCC: CRL-1132 Bet-1 Bet-1 cell ATCC: HB-100 Bet-2 Bet-2 cell ATCC: HB-88 BETA-TC-3 disease: insulinoma BETA-TC-3 cell HyperCLDB: cl5255 Beta-TC-6 Beta-TC-6 cell ATCC: CRL-11506 BEWO BEWO cell HyperCLDB: cl7082 LCL-1293 BeWo BeWo cell ATCC: CCL-98 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308359 CVCL: CVCL_0044 EFO: EFO_0002050 BF-11 BF-11 cell ATCC: CRL-8164 BF-2 BF-2 cell ATCC: CCL-91 BF-32 BF-32 cell HyperCLDB: cl5256 BF-34 BF-34 cell HyperCLDB: cl419 BF-45 BF-45 cell ATCC: HB-278 B-F91 B-F91 cell HyperCLDB: cl312 BF93 BF93 cell HyperCLDB: cl423 BF95 BF95 cell HyperCLDB: cl424 BF96 BF96 cell HyperCLDB: cl425 BFA BFA cell HyperCLDB: cl426 BF-F3 disease: hybridoma BF-F3 cell ATCC: HB-283 BF-G6 BF-G6 cell HyperCLDB: cl5257 LCL-1710 ZN BFTC-905 BFTC-905 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308470 CVCL: CVCL_1083 DSMZ: ACC 361 EFO: EFO_0002115 HyperCLDB: cl5031 LCL-1921 BFTC-909 disease: carcinoma, transitional cell BFTC-909 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308710 CVCL: CVCL_1084 DSMZ: ACC 367 HyperCLDB: cl5032 BG194 BG194 cell HyperCLDB: cl429 B-G92 B-G92 cell HyperCLDB: cl313 BGC-823 BGC-823 cell HyperCLDB: cl4930 Bge Bge cell ATCC: CRL-1494 BGF96M BGF96M cell HyperCLDB: cl431 BGM BGM cell HyperCLDB: cl432 BGP94 BGP94 cell HyperCLDB: cl438 BHK 21 (clone 13) BHK 21 (clone 13) cell HyperCLDB: cl447 BHK 21 CL13(IZS) BHK 21 CL13(IZS) cell HyperCLDB: cl439 BHK 21 clone 13 BHK 21 clone 13 cell HyperCLDB: cl444 BHK 21 STRAIN 31 BHK 21 STRAIN 31 cell HyperCLDB: cl440 BHK 21 STRAIN 35 BHK 21 STRAIN 35 cell HyperCLDB: cl441 BHK 21 STRAIN 38 BHK 21 STRAIN 38 cell HyperCLDB: cl442 BHK TK- BHK TK- cell HyperCLDB: cl443 BHK/AC9 BHK/AC9 cell HyperCLDB: cl451 BHK-21 BHK-21 cell HyperCLDB: cl448 BHK-21 (C-13) BHK-21 (C-13) cell ATCC: CCL-10 BHK-21 clone 13 BHK-21 clone 13 cell HyperCLDB: cl445 BHK21C13-2P BHK21C13-2P cell HyperCLDB: cl452 BHK21C13-3P BHK21C13-3P cell HyperCLDB: cl453 BHK21-pcDNA3.1-HC disease: expresses human erythropoietin BHK21-pcDNA3.1-HC cell ATCC: CRL-13001 BHK570 BHK570 cell ATCC: CRL-10314 BHK-BS BHK-BS cell HyperCLDB: cl449 BHK-HVJ BHK-HVJ cell HyperCLDB: cl450 LCL-1688 BHT-101 BHT-101 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308096 CVCL: CVCL_1085 DSMZ: ACC 279 EFO: EFO_0002116 HyperCLDB: cl5033 LCL-1208 BHY BHY cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308711 CVCL: CVCL_1086 DSMZ: ACC 404 HyperCLDB: cl5034 Bi Fin Bi Fin cell ATCC: CRL-1219 BI96 BI96 cell HyperCLDB: cl454 BICR/M1Rk BICR/M1Rk cell HyperCLDB: cl5112 Bing disease: amphotropic retroviral packaging line Bing cell ATCC: CRL-11554 BJ BJ cell ATCC: CRL-2522 BJ-5ta disease: immortalized with hTERT BJ-5ta cell ATCC: CRL-4001 B-K88 B-K88 cell HyperCLDB: cl314 BL-20 BL-20 cell HyperCLDB: cl457 BL2-8G-E6 BL2-8G-E6 cell HyperCLDB: cl461 BL-3 disease: leukemia BL-3 cell ATCC: CRL-8037 BL3.1 disease: lymphosarcoma BL3.1 cell ATCC: CRL-2306 LCL-2028 BL-41 BL-41 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308526 CVCL: CVCL_1087 DSMZ: ACC 160 HyperCLDB: cl459 LCL-2016 BL-70 BL-70 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308185 CVCL: CVCL_1088 DSMZ: ACC 233 HyperCLDB: cl460 B-L94 B-L94 cell HyperCLDB: cl315 BL95 BL95 cell HyperCLDB: cl462 BLE96 BLE96 cell HyperCLDB: cl463 BLK CL.4 BLK CL.4 cell ATCC: TIB-81 BLK SV HD.2 A.5R.1 A.3R.1 BLK SV HD.2 A.5R.1 A.3R.1 cell ATCC: TIB-88 BLn BLn cell ATCC: CRL-6017 BLN96M BLN96M cell HyperCLDB: cl464 BLO-11 disease: lysyl oxidase deficiency BLO-11 cell ATCC: CCL-198 Bm Bm cell HyperCLDB: cl466 B-M 92a B-M 92a cell HyperCLDB: cl316 B-M 92f B-M 92f cell HyperCLDB: cl317 Bm N Bm N cell HyperCLDB: cl467 BM-1604 BM-1604 cell HyperCLDB: cl5258 BM87 BM87 cell HyperCLDB: cl468 B-M91a B-M91a cell HyperCLDB: cl318 B-M91f B-M91f cell HyperCLDB: cl319 B-M93 B-M93 cell HyperCLDB: cl320 BM95 BM95 cell HyperCLDB: cl469 BME/CTVM 4 BME/CTVM 4 cell HyperCLDB: cl470 BM-N BM-N cell ATCC: CRL-8910 BNL 1ME A.7R.1 disease: chemically transformed BNL 1ME A.7R.1 cell ATCC: TIB-75 BNL 1NG A.2 BNL 1NG A.2 cell ATCC: TIB-76 BNL CL.2 disease: embryonic BNL CL.2 cell ATCC: TIB-73 BNL SV A.8 disease: SV40 transformed BNL SV A.8 cell ATCC: TIB-74 Bo Gin disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type I (autosomal dominant type) Bo Gin cell ATCC: CRL-1180 BONNA-12 disease: leukemia, hairy cell BONNA-12 cell HyperCLDB: cl473 BP107.2.2 disease: hybridoma BP107.2.2 cell ATCC: TIB-154 BP86 BP86 cell HyperCLDB: cl475 B-P91 B-P91 cell HyperCLDB: cl321 B-P94 B-P94 cell HyperCLDB: cl322 BP96 BP96 cell HyperCLDB: cl476 BPAEC BPAEC cell HyperCLDB: cl477 BPE BPE cell HyperCLDB: cl478 LCL-2095 BPH-1 WEB: Web: disease: hyperplasia,benign BPH-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5259 BpRcl disease: hepatoma BpRcl cell ATCC: CRL-2217 B-R92 B-R92 cell HyperCLDB: cl323 B-R93a B-R93a cell HyperCLDB: cl324 B-R93f B-R93f cell HyperCLDB: cl325 BR96P BR96P cell HyperCLDB: cl479 BRISTOL 8 BRISTOL 8 cell HyperCLDB: cl480 BRL 3A BRL 3A cell ATCC: CRL-1442 BRL-1 BRL-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl483 BRL-3A BRL-3A cell HyperCLDB: cl4989 BS/BEK BS/BEK cell HyperCLDB: cl488 BS1-B4 BS1-B4 cell HyperCLDB: cl489 B-S95 B-S95 cell HyperCLDB: cl326 BSC1 BSC1 cell HyperCLDB: cl487 BSC-1 BSC-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl484 BS-C-1 BS-C-1 cell ATCC: CCL-26 BSC40 BSC40 cell ATCC: CRL-2761 BSp BSp cell ATCC: CRL-6019 BT BT cell ATCC: CRL-1390 LCL-1476 ZN BT-20 BT20 BT-20 cell ATCC: HTB-19 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307766 CVCL: CVCL_0178 EFO: EFO_0001092 LCL-1308 BT-474 disease: ductal carcinoma BT-474 cell ATCC: HTB-20 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307636 CVCL: CVCL_0179 EFO: EFO_0001093 LCL-1309 BT-483 BT-483 cell ATCC: HTB-121 LCL-1310 BT-549 disease: ductal carcinoma BT-549 cell ATCC: HTB-122 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308490 CVCL: CVCL_1092 EFO: EFO_0001096 BT-B BT-B cell HyperCLDB: cl500 BThy BThy cell ATCC: CRL-6020 BTI-EAA Possible typographic error in 'Organism' field (value 'insect - Estigmene agrea') to be considered as 'Estigmene agreai' (NCBI_Taxon: 56594) [SS] BTI-EAA cell HyperCLDB: cl502 BTV10XSp2/0-Ag-14-10D4.90 disease: hybridoma BTV10XSp2/0-Ag-14-10D4.90 cell ATCC: HB-8377 Bu (IMR-31) Bu (IMR-31) cell HyperCLDB: cl504 Bu25 TK- disease: carcinoma, cervical Bu25 TK- cell HyperCLDB: cl506 BUD-8 BUD-8 cell ATCC: CRL-1554 LCL-1111 BV-173 BV-173 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308228 CVCL: CVCL_0181 HyperCLDB: cl510 Sanger: COSMIC ID:910710 B-V92 B-V92 cell HyperCLDB: cl327 BVD2-21C11.3 BVD2-21C11.3 cell ATCC: HB-9569 BVD2-23B6.4 disease: hybridoma BVD2-23B6.4 cell ATCC: HB-9568 BW1J BW1J cell HyperCLDB: cl511 BW5147 BW5147 cell HyperCLDB: cl512 BW5147(T200–a) 5.2 BW5147(T200–a) 5.2 cell ATCC: TIB-233 BW5147.3 BW5147.3 cell ATCC: TIB-47 BW5147.3(Thy-1-e).10 BW5147.3(Thy-1-e).10 cell ATCC: TIB-234 BW5147.G.1.4 BW5147.G.1.4 cell ATCC: TIB-48 BW5147.G.1.4.OUA/R.1 BW5147.G.1.4.OUA/R.1 cell HyperCLDB: cl513 BW5147.G.1.4.OUAR.1 BW5147.G.1.4.OUAR.1 cell ATCC: CRL-1588 BWTG3 BWTG3 cell HyperCLDB: cl515 LCL-1731 BxPC-3 BxPC-3 cell ATCC: CRL-1687 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307637 CVCL: CVCL_0186 EFO: EFO_0002709 HyperCLDB: cl516 HyperCLDB: cl518 B-Z94 B-Z94 cell HyperCLDB: cl328 BZR disease: virus transformed BZR cell ATCC: CRL-9483 C 108 C 108 cell HyperCLDB: cl519 C 1271 disease: mammary tumor C 1271 cell HyperCLDB: cl548 C 211 disease: Cri du Chat syndrome C 211 cell ATCC: CCL-123 C subscript(2) C subscript(12) C subscript(2) C subscript(12) cell ATCC: CRL-1772 HyperCLDB: cl563 C subscript(6) C subscript(6) cell ATCC: CCL-107 C0092 C0092 cell HyperCLDB: cl540 C0994IL2 C0994IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl541 c1 (B6NLxv1c2) c1 (B6NLxv1c2) cell ATCC: CRL-2716 C1.18.4 disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma C1.18.4 cell ATCC: TIB-11 C1191f C1191f cell HyperCLDB: cl542 C1191v C1191v cell HyperCLDB: cl543 C1192 C1192 cell HyperCLDB: cl544 C1195 C1195 cell HyperCLDB: cl545 C11C1 disease: hybridoma C11C1 cell ATCC: HB-8964 c12 (B15ECiii2) disease: hepatoma c12 (B15ECiii2) cell ATCC: CRL-2710 C127 C127 cell HyperCLDB: cl546 C127 ts C127 ts cell HyperCLDB: cl547 C127:LT C127:LT cell ATCC: CRL-1804 C127I C127I cell ATCC: CRL-1616 C129 C129 cell ATCC: HB-9516 C1293 C1293 cell HyperCLDB: cl551 C1294a C1294a cell HyperCLDB: cl552 C1294f C1294f cell HyperCLDB: cl553 C1300 CLONE NA C1300 CLONE NA cell HyperCLDB: cl554 C13589 C13589 cell ATCC: CRL-2704 C1498 disease: acute myeloid C1498 cell ATCC: TIB-49 C1595a C1595a cell HyperCLDB: cl555 C1595f C1595f cell HyperCLDB: cl556 C16 C16 cell HyperCLDB: cl557 C166 disease: endothelial cell differentiation model; stem cell feeder layer C166 cell ATCC: CRL-2581 C166-GFP disease: GFP-expressing version of C166 C166-GFP cell ATCC: CRL-2583 C171 disease: hybridoma C171 cell ATCC: HB-9515 C180 C180 cell ATCC: HB-9517 C1PV C1PV cell HyperCLDB: cl558 C1R-B7 C1R-B7 cell ATCC: CRL-2371 C1R-neo C1R-neo cell ATCC: CRL-2369 C1R-sB7 C1R-sB7 cell ATCC: CRL-2370 C2 disease: hepatoma C2 cell HyperCLDB: cl559 C211 C211 cell HyperCLDB: cl562 C273 disease: hybridoma C273 cell ATCC: HB-9303 LCL-1296 C2BBe1 C2BBe1 cell ATCC: CRL-2102 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308231 CVCL: CVCL_1096 C2PV C2PV cell HyperCLDB: cl565 C2-Rev 7 C2-Rev 7 cell HyperCLDB: cl560 HyperCLDB: cl561 C305 disease: hybridoma C305 cell ATCC: CRL-2424 C3-124 disease: hybridoma C3-124 cell ATCC: HB-60 LCL-1238 C32 C32 cell ATCC: CRL-1585 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308713 CVCL: CVCL_1097 C32TG disease: amelanotic melanoma C32TG cell ATCC: CRL-1579 LCL-1300 C-33 A C-33 A cell ATCC: HTB-31 c35 (B16GBi1c3) disease: hepatoma c35 (B16GBi1c3) cell ATCC: CRL-2715 c37 (B7IFi1) disease: hepatoma c37 (B7IFi1) cell ATCC: CRL-2711 C38 disease: cystic fibrosis; immortalized with Ad12-SV40 hybrid C38 cell ATCC: CRL-2779 LCL-1927 C3A C3A cell ATCC: CRL-10741 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308377 CVCL: CVCL_1098 EFO: EFO_0002121 C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 cell ATCC: CCL-226 HyperCLDB: cl567 C3H/MCA clone 15 C3H/MCA clone 15 cell ATCC: CRL-1411 C3H/MCA clone 16 C3H/MCA clone 16 cell ATCC: CRL-1412 C3PV C3PV cell HyperCLDB: cl570 c4 (B13NBii1) c4 (B13NBii1) cell ATCC: CRL-2717 LCL-1301 C-4 I C-4 I cell ATCC: CRL-1594 LCL-1302 C-4 II C-4 II cell ATCC: CRL-1595 C-433 C-433 cell HyperCLDB: cl520 C44 C44 cell ATCC: CRL-1943 C-4I disease: carcinoma, cervical C-4I cell HyperCLDB: cl521 C4PV C4PV cell HyperCLDB: cl573 C5 C5 cell ATCC: HB-8669 C5/MJ C5/MJ cell ATCC: CRL-8293 C57/B1 C57/B1 cell HyperCLDB: cl574 C57L/J.We C57L/J.We cell ATCC: CRL-6336 C57SV C57SV cell HyperCLDB: cl576 C58(NT)D.1.G.OVAR.1 disease: T cell C58(NT)D.1.G.OVAR.1 cell ATCC: TIB-236 C5B7 C5B7 cell ATCC: CRL-8753 C5MJ C5MJ cell HyperCLDB: cl577 C5PV C5PV cell HyperCLDB: cl578 C6 disease: glial tumor C6 cell HyperCLDB: cl581 C6/CH C6/CH cell HyperCLDB: cl586 C6/LacZ disease: gliosarcoma; expresses beta-galactosidase C6/LacZ cell ATCC: CRL-2199 C6/lacZ7 C6/lacZ7 cell ATCC: CRL-2303 C6-BU-1 disease: tumor C6-BU-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl584 C6PV C6PV cell HyperCLDB: cl587 C6-Russian C6-Russian cell HyperCLDB: cl585 C7 C7 cell ATCC: CRL-1691 C7PV C7PV cell HyperCLDB: cl588 LCL-1011 C8166 C8166 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307638 CVCL: CVCL_1099 ECACC: 88051601 HyperCLDB: cl589 C83 C83 cell HyperCLDB: cl590 C86M C86M cell HyperCLDB: cl591 C86P C86P cell HyperCLDB: cl592 C87 C87 cell HyperCLDB: cl593 C8-B4 C8-B4 cell ATCC: CRL-2540 C8-D1A C8-D1A cell ATCC: CRL-2541 C8-D30 C8-D30 cell ATCC: CRL-2534 C8PV C8PV cell HyperCLDB: cl594 C8-S C8-S cell ATCC: CRL-2535 C91 C91 cell HyperCLDB: cl595 C91PL C91PL cell HyperCLDB: cl596 C92 C92 cell HyperCLDB: cl597 C93 C93 cell HyperCLDB: cl598 C96 C96 cell HyperCLDB: cl600 C9PV C9PV cell HyperCLDB: cl601 LCL-1541 ZN Ca Ski Ca Ski cell ATCC: CRL-1550 ECACC: 87020501 CA295 CA295 cell HyperCLDB: cl607 CA3-F4 disease: hybridoma CA3-F4 cell ATCC: CRL-1667 LCL-2017 CA46 disease: Burkitts lymphoma CA46 cell ATCC: CRL-1648 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308488 CVCL: CVCL_1101 EFO: EFO_0002124 HyperCLDB: cl609 CA95 CA95 cell HyperCLDB: cl611 CA96 CA96 cell HyperCLDB: cl612 CAB 117-12D10 CAB 117-12D10 cell ATCC: HB-10558 LCL-1170 Caco-2 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma Caco-2 cell ATCC: HTB-37 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307519 CVCL: CVCL_0025 EFO: EFO_0001099 HyperCLDB: cl618 MeSH: D018938 CADO-ES1 CADO-ES1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5036 CA-HPV-10 disease: adenocarcinoma; HPV-18 transfected CA-HPV-10 cell ATCC: CRL-2220 CAKI-1 CAKI-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl623 LCL-1774 Caki-1 disease: clear cell carcinoma (kidney primary) Caki-1 cell ATCC: HTB-46 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307522 CVCL: CVCL_0234 EFO: EFO_0002149 Caki-2 Caki-2 cell ATCC: HTB-47 HyperCLDB: cl626 HyperCLDB: cl627 LCL-1215 CAL 27 CAL 27 cell ATCC: CRL-2095 LCL-1463 CAL-120 CAL-120 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308577 CVCL: CVCL_1104 DSMZ: ACC 459 EFO: EFO_0005356 HyperCLDB: cl7083 LCL-1603 ZN CAL-12T CAL-12T cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308132 CVCL: CVCL_1105 DSMZ: ACC 443 HyperCLDB: cl7084 LCL-1464 ZN CAL-148 CAL-148 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308794 CVCL: CVCL_1106 DSMZ: ACC 460 EFO: EFO_0005357 HyperCLDB: cl7085 CAL-27 CAL-27 cell HyperCLDB: cl7086 LCL-1216 CAL-33 CAL-33 cell CVCL: CVCL_1108 DSMZ: ACC 447 HyperCLDB: cl7087 LCL-1294 CAL-39 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell CAL-39 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308716 CVCL: CVCL_1109 DSMZ: ACC 187 HyperCLDB: cl630 LCL-1472 CAL-51 CAL-51 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308717 CVCL: CVCL_1110 DSMZ: ACC 302 EFO: EFO_0005358 HyperCLDB: cl5037 LCL-1757 CAL-54 CAL-54 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308346 CVCL: CVCL_1111 DSMZ: ACC 365 EFO: EFO_0002125 HyperCLDB: cl5038 LCL-1683 CAL-62 disease: carcinoma, anaplastic CAL-62 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308099 CVCL: CVCL_1112 DSMZ: ACC 448 EFO: EFO_0002126 HyperCLDB: cl7088 LCL-1419 ZN CAL-72 CAL-72 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308718 CVCL: CVCL_1113 DSMZ: ACC 439 HyperCLDB: cl7089 LCL-1457 ZN CAL-78 CAL-78 cell DSMZ: ACC 449 HyperCLDB: cl7090 LCL-1465 CAL-85-1 CAL-85-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308700 CVCL: CVCL_1114 DSMZ: ACC 440 EFO: EFO_0005359 HyperCLDB: cl7091 LCL-1580 ZN Calu-1 disease: epidermoid carcinoma (lung primary) Calu-1 cell ATCC: HTB-54 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308031 CVCL: CVCL_0608 EFO: EFO_0002151 HyperCLDB: cl631 HyperCLDB: cl632 LCL-1631 ZN Calu-3 Calu-3 cell ATCC: HTB-55 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307390 CVCL: CVCL_0609 EFO: EFO_0002819 LCL-1626 ZN Calu-6 disease: unknown, probably lung anaplastic carcinoma Calu-6 cell ATCC: HTB-56 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307639 CVCL: CVCL_0236 EFO: EFO_0002152 Sanger: COSMIC ID:724859 LCL-1466 ZN CAMA-1 CAMA-1 cell ATCC: HTB-21 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308719 CVCL: CVCL_1115 EFO: EFO_0001100 LCL-1519 ZN Caov-3 Caov-3 cell ATCC: HTB-75 LCL-1520 ZN Caov-4 Caov-4 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308232 CVCL: CVCL_0202 LCL-1732 Capan-1 Capan-1 cell ATCC: HTB-79 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307640 CVCL: CVCL_0237 EFO: EFO_0002153 HyperCLDB: cl639 HyperCLDB: cl640 LCL-1733 Capan-2 Capan-2 cell ATCC: HTB-80 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308720 CVCL: CVCL_0026 EFO: EFO_0002154 HyperCLDB: cl642 HyperCLDB: cl644 CAR CAR cell ATCC: CCL-71 LCL-1369 ZN CAS-1 CAS-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308187 CVCL: CVCL_1117 HyperCLDB: cl4963 Sanger: COSMIC ID:910943 CaSki disease: carcinoma, epidermoid, from metastatic site CaSki cell HyperCLDB: cl4940 CAT-13.0B10 CAT-13.0B10 cell HyperCLDB: cl7092 CAT-13.1E10 CAT-13.1E10 cell HyperCLDB: cl7093 CAT-13.6E12 CAT-13.6E12 cell HyperCLDB: cl7094 CAT-13.9C1 CAT-13.9C1 cell HyperCLDB: cl7095 Cates-1B disease: embryonal carcinoma Cates-1B cell ATCC: HTB-104 CATH.a CATH.a cell ATCC: CRL-11179 CB57/C91PL CB57/C91PL cell HyperCLDB: cl648 CB58/MT2 CB58/MT2 cell HyperCLDB: cl649 CB59/MT2 CB59/MT2 cell HyperCLDB: cl650 C-B94 C-B94 cell HyperCLDB: cl522 C-B95 C-B95 cell HyperCLDB: cl523 CBL-1 CBL-1 cell ATCC: HB-8214 CC 49 disease: hybridoma CC 49 cell ATCC: HB-9459 CC-1 CC-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl651 CC15 CC15 cell ATCC: HB-265 CC17 disease: hybridoma CC17 cell ATCC: HB-281 CC20 disease: hybridoma CC20 cell ATCC: HB-267 CC21 disease: hybridoma CC21 cell ATCC: HB-288 CC29 disease: hybridoma CC29 cell ATCC: HB-269 CC30 disease: hybridoma CC30 cell ATCC: HB-270 CC38 disease: hybridoma CC38 cell ATCC: HB-266 CC39 disease: hybridoma CC39 cell ATCC: HB-274 CC42 disease: hybridoma CC42 cell ATCC: HB-272 CC51 disease: hybridoma CC51 cell ATCC: HB-271 CC55 disease: hybridoma CC55 cell ATCC: HB-282 CC56 disease: hybridoma CC56 cell ATCC: HB-273 CC57 CC57 cell ATCC: HB-268 CC58 disease: hybridoma CC58 cell ATCC: HB-275 CC63 disease: hybridoma CC63 cell ATCC: HB-264 CC8 CC8 cell ATCC: HB-280 CC81 CC81 cell HyperCLDB: cl652 C-C87a C-C87a cell HyperCLDB: cl524 C-C87f C-C87f cell HyperCLDB: cl525 C-C90 C-C90 cell HyperCLDB: cl526 C-C91 C-C91 cell HyperCLDB: cl527 C-C95 C-C95 cell HyperCLDB: cl528 CC96 CC96 cell HyperCLDB: cl653 CC9C10 disease: hybridoma CC9C10 cell ATCC: HB-123 CCD 1102 KERTr disease: keratinocyte; HPV-16 E6/E7 transformed CCD 1102 KERTr cell ATCC: CRL-2310 CCD 1103 KIDTr CCD 1103 KIDTr cell ATCC: CRL-2304 CCD 1105 KIDTr disease: HPV-16 E6/E7 transformed CCD 1105 KIDTr cell ATCC: CRL-2305 CCD 1106 KERTr CCD 1106 KERTr cell ATCC: CRL-2309 CCD 1108Sk CCD 1108Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2352 CCD 13Lu CCD 13Lu cell HyperCLDB: cl654 CCD 16Lu CCD 16Lu cell HyperCLDB: cl655 CCD 18Lu CCD 18Lu cell ATCC: CCL-205 CCD 19Lu CCD 19Lu cell HyperCLDB: cl657 CCD 25Lu CCD 25Lu cell HyperCLDB: cl658 CCD 841 CoN CCD 841 CoN cell ATCC: CRL-1790 CCD 841 CoTr CCD 841 CoTr cell ATCC: CRL-1807 CCD 8Lu CCD 8Lu cell HyperCLDB: cl659 CCD-1037Sk CCD-1037Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2054 CCD-1058Sk CCD-1058Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2071 CCD-1059Sk CCD-1059Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2072 CCD-1064Sk CCD-1064Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2076 CCD-1065Sk CCD-1065Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2077 CCD-1068Sk CCD-1068Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2086 CCD-1069Sk CCD-1069Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2089 CCD-1070Sk CCD-1070Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2091 CCD-1072Sk CCD-1072Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2088 CCD-1074Sk CCD-1074Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2090 CCD-1076Sk CCD-1076Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2096 CCD-1077Sk CCD-1077Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2094 CCD-1079Sk CCD-1079Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2097 CCD-1086Sk CCD-1086Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2103 CCD-1087Sk CCD-1087Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2104 CCD-1090Sk CCD-1090Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2106 CCD-1092Sk CCD-1092Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2114 CCD-1093Sk CCD-1093Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2115 CCD-1094Sk CCD-1094Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2120 CCD-1095Sk CCD-1095Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2122 CCD-1096Sk CCD-1096Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2129 CCD-1097Sk CCD-1097Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2124 CCD-1098Sk CCD-1098Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2127 CCD-1099Sk CCD-1099Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2201 CCD-1100Sk CCD-1100Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2211 CCD-1101Sk CCD-1101Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2281 CCD-1109Sk CCD-1109Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2361 CCD-1112Sk CCD-1112Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2429 CCD-1113Sk CCD-1113Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2439 CCD-1114Sk CCD-1114Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2450 CCD-1117Sk CCD-1117Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2465 CCD-1118Sk CCD-1118Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2466 CCD-112 CoN CCD-112 CoN cell ATCC: CRL-1541 CCD-1120Sk CCD-1120Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2510 CCD-1121Sk CCD-1121Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2511 CCD-1122Sk CCD-1122Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2513 CCD-1123Sk CCD-1123Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2524 CCD-1124Sk CCD-1124Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2529 CCD-1126Sk CCD-1126Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2564 CCD-1127Sk CCD-1127Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2565 CCD-1128Sk CCD-1128Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2566 CCD-1129SK CCD-1129SK cell ATCC: CRL-2575 CCD-1131Sk CCD-1131Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2617 CCD-1132Sk CCD-1132Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2622 CCD-1134Sk CCD-1134Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2673 CCD-1135Sk CCD-1135Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2691 CCD-1136Sk CCD-1136Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2697 CCD-1137Sk CCD-1137Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2703 CCD-1138Sk CCD-1138Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2707 CCD-1139Sk CCD-1139Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2708 CCD-1140Sk CCD-1140Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2714 CCD-1141Sk CCD-1141Sk cell ATCC: CRL-2796 CCD-11Lu CCD-11Lu cell ATCC: CCL-202 CCD-13Lu CCD-13Lu cell ATCC: CCL-200 CCD-16Lu CCD-16Lu cell ATCC: CCL-204 CCD-186Sk CCD-186Sk cell ATCC: CRL-1563 CCD-18Co CCD-18Co cell ATCC: CRL-1459 CCD-19Lu CCD-19Lu cell ATCC: CCL-210 CCD-25Lu CCD-25Lu cell ATCC: CCL-215 CCD-25Sk CCD-25Sk cell ATCC: CRL-1474 CCD-27Sk CCD-27Sk cell ATCC: CRL-1475 CCD-29Lu disease: emphysema CCD-29Lu cell ATCC: CRL-1478 CCD-32Lu CCD-32Lu cell ATCC: CRL-1485 CCD-32Sk CCD-32Sk cell ATCC: CRL-1489 CCD-33Co CCD-33Co cell ATCC: CRL-1539 CCD-33Lu CCD-33Lu cell ATCC: CRL-1490 CCD-34Lu CCD-34Lu cell ATCC: CRL-1491 CCD-34Sk CCD-34Sk cell ATCC: CRL-1497 CCD-37Lu CCD-37Lu cell HyperCLDB: cl666 CCD-39Lu disease: hyaline membrane disease CCD-39Lu cell ATCC: CRL-1498 CCD-39Sk CCD-39Sk cell ATCC: CRL-1501 CCD-42Sk CCD-42Sk cell ATCC: CRL-1513 CCD-43Sk CCD-43Sk cell ATCC: CRL-1509 CCD-8Lu CCD-8Lu cell ATCC: CCL-201 CCD-944Sk CCD-944Sk cell ATCC: CRL-1836 CCD-986Sk CCD-986Sk cell ATCC: CRL-1947 LCL-1394 CCF-STTG1 CCF-STTG1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308795 CVCL: CVCL_1118 EFO: EFO_0002127 CCK061 disease: hybridoma CCK061 cell ATCC: HB-8786 CCM89M CCM89M cell HyperCLDB: cl670 CCO CCO cell ATCC: CRL-2772 CCRF S-180 II CCRF S-180 II cell ATCC: CCL-8 HyperCLDB: cl672 LCL-1012 CCRF-CEM CCRF-CEM cell ATCC: CCL-119 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307641 CVCL: CVCL_0207 EFO: EFO_0002128 LCL-1914 CCRF-HSB-2 CCRF-HSB-2 cell ATCC: CCL-120.1 LCL-1006 JX, YH CCRF-SB CCRF-SB cell ATCC: CCL-120 CCL-120 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307643 CVCL: CVCL_1860 CD86 CD86 cell HyperCLDB: cl683 CD88f CD88f cell HyperCLDB: cl684 CD88ls CD88ls cell HyperCLDB: cl685 CD89P CD89P cell HyperCLDB: cl686 C-D92 C-D92 cell HyperCLDB: cl529 CDC 1C42H11 disease: hybridoma CDC 1C42H11 cell ATCC: HB-216 CDM96 CDM96 cell HyperCLDB: cl687 CDR1 disease: hybridoma CDR1 cell ATCC: HB-213 CDR2 disease: hybridoma CDR2 cell ATCC: HB-214 C-E 92 C-E 92 cell HyperCLDB: cl530 Ce Ar disease: xeroderma pigmentosum, presumed heterozygote Ce Ar cell ATCC: CRL-1165 Ce Geg disease: Marfan syndrome Ce Geg cell ATCC: CRL-1173 Ce Wal disease: poikiloderma Ce Wal cell ATCC: CRL-1351 CE-1 disease: hygromycin resistant CE-1 cell ATCC: SCRC-1038 CE-3 disease: puromycin resistant CE-3 cell ATCC: SCRC-1039 CE9H9 disease: hybridoma CE9H9 cell ATCC: HB-127 CEF CEF cell HyperCLDB: cl689 CEINGE CLONE 3 CEINGE CLONE 3 cell HyperCLDB: cl690 LCL-1034 CEM/C1 CEM/C1 cell ATCC: CRL-2265 LCL-1035 CEM/C2 CEM/C2 cell ATCC: CRL-2264 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307952 CVCL: CVCL_3497 CEM-CM3 disease: T cell CEM-CM3 cell ATCC: TIB-195 CEM-LAV-2 CEM-LAV-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl693 CER CER cell HyperCLDB: cl694 LCL-1050 CESS disease: myelomonocytic leukemia CESS cell ATCC: TIB-190 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308863 CVCL: CVCL_0209 EFO: EFO_0002130 CF-1 MEF disease: feeder layer CF-1 MEF cell ATCC: SCRC-1040 CF-10H5 CF-10H5 cell HyperCLDB: cl7096 CF11.T disease: connective tissue; osteosarcoma CF11.T cell ATCC: CRL-6217 CF17.T CF17.T cell ATCC: CRL-6219 CF-1D12 CF-1D12 cell HyperCLDB: cl7097 CF21.T CF21.T cell ATCC: CRL-6220 CF24.T CF24.T cell ATCC: CRL-6221 CF28 CF28 cell ATCC: CRL-6223 CF2Th CF2Th cell HyperCLDB: cl698 Cf2Th Cf2Th cell ATCC: CRL-1430 CF3.Th CF3.Th cell ATCC: CRL-6575 CF30.Mg CF30.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-6225 CF33.MT CF33.MT cell ATCC: CRL-6227 CF34.Mg CF34.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-6228 CF35.Mg CF35.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-6229 CF37.Mg CF37.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-6230 CF38.Mg CF38.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-6231 CF41.Mg CF41.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-6232 CF43.Mg CF43.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-6234 CF44.Mg CF44.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-6235 CF45B.Mg CF45B.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-6237 CF46.Tr CF46.Tr cell ATCC: CRL-6238 CF47.Mg CF47.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-6239 CF48.Mg CF48.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-6240 CF49.Mg CF49.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-6241 CF4-C4 disease: hybridoma CF4-C4 cell ATCC: CRL-1716 CF52.Tr CF52.Tr cell ATCC: CRL-6244 CF8.Thy CF8.Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6211 CF84f CF84f cell HyperCLDB: cl700 CF84ls CF84ls cell HyperCLDB: cl701 C-F89 C-F89 cell HyperCLDB: cl531 CF89P CF89P cell HyperCLDB: cl702 CF96F CF96F cell HyperCLDB: cl703 CF96P CF96P cell HyperCLDB: cl704 LCL-1748 CFPAC-1 disease: ductal adenocarcinoma; cystic fibrosis CFPAC-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1918 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308032 CVCL: CVCL_1119 CFZT(A) CFZT(A) cell ATCC: CRL-6338 CFZT(B) CFZT(B) cell ATCC: CRL-6339 CG5 CG5 cell HyperCLDB: cl707 CG7C7 disease: hybridoma CG7C7 cell ATCC: HB-126 C-G86 C-G86 cell HyperCLDB: cl532 CG89 CG89 cell HyperCLDB: cl708 CG94IL2 CG94IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl710 CG96 CG96 cell HyperCLDB: cl711 CGBQ CGBQ cell ATCC: CCL-169 CGR8 CGR8 cell HyperCLDB: cl713 LCL-1691 CGTH-W-1 CGTH-W-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308849 CVCL: CVCL_1120 DSMZ: ACC 360,COSMIC ID:910568; DSMZ ACC 360 HyperCLDB: cl5040 Ch 1 Es (NBL-8) Ch 1 Es (NBL-8) cell ATCC: CCL-73 CH1 CH1 cell ATCC: TIB-221 Ch1.Es Ch1.Es cell ATCC: CRL-6581 Ch13 disease: hybridoma Ch13 cell ATCC: HB-8573 Ch2.D Ch2.D cell ATCC: CRL-6270 CH26-1352 disease: hybridoma CH26-1352 cell ATCC: HB-8329 LCL-1579 ZN ChaGo-K-1 disease: bronchogenic carcinoma (bronchus primary) ChaGo-K-1 cell ATCC: HTB-168 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308489 CVCL: CVCL_1121 EFO: EFO_0002155 Chang liver Chang liver cell HyperCLDB: cl715 Chang Liver Chang Liver cell ATCC: CCL-13 CH-EB6 disease: hybridoma CH-EB6 cell ATCC: HB-200 CHH-1 CHH-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1680 CHL CHL cell HyperCLDB: cl720 CHL/IU CHL/IU cell ATCC: CRL-1935 CHL-1 CHL-1 cell ATCC: CRL-9446 CHO Chinese Hamster Ovary cell CHO cell HyperCLDB: cl721 MeSH: D016466 CHO 1-15 subscript(500) disease: produces human t-PA CHO 1-15 subscript(500) cell ATCC: CRL-9606 CHO clone 13 CHO clone 13 cell HyperCLDB: cl725 CHO clone B CHO clone B cell HyperCLDB: cl726 CHO DP-12, clone#1934 alL8.92 NB 28605/14 disease: expresses IgG1 (kappa) against IL-8 CHO DP-12, clone#1934 alL8.92 NB 28605/14 cell ATCC: CRL-12445 CHO DP-12, clone#1993 alL8.92 NB 28605/12 disease: expresses IgG1 (kappa) against IL-8 CHO DP-12, clone#1993 alL8.92 NB 28605/12 cell ATCC: CRL-12444 CHO K1 CHO K1 cell HyperCLDB: cl731 CHO MT+ CHO MT+ cell HyperCLDB: cl727 CHO/dhFr– CHO/dhFr– cell ATCC: CRL-9096 HyperCLDB: cl728 CHO10PV CHO10PV cell HyperCLDB: cl743 CHO12RO CHO12RO cell HyperCLDB: cl744 CHO181PV CHO181PV cell HyperCLDB: cl745 CHO191PV CHO191PV cell HyperCLDB: cl746 CHO192PV CHO192PV cell HyperCLDB: cl747 CHO-1C6 disease: produces neuroleukin CHO-1C6 cell ATCC: CRL-1793 CHO201PV CHO201PV cell HyperCLDB: cl748 CHO202PV CHO202PV cell HyperCLDB: cl749 CHO203PV CHO203PV cell HyperCLDB: cl750 CHO204PV CHO204PV cell HyperCLDB: cl751 CHO205PV CHO205PV cell HyperCLDB: cl752 CHO211PV CHO211PV cell HyperCLDB: cl753 CHO23PV CHO23PV cell HyperCLDB: cl754 CHO2PV CHO2PV cell HyperCLDB: cl755 CHO302PV CHO302PV cell HyperCLDB: cl756 CHO30PV CHO30PV cell HyperCLDB: cl757 CHO33RO CHO33RO cell HyperCLDB: cl758 CHO3PV CHO3PV cell HyperCLDB: cl759 CHO40PV CHO40PV cell HyperCLDB: cl760 CHO421PV CHO421PV cell HyperCLDB: cl761 CHO423PV CHO423PV cell HyperCLDB: cl762 CHO43RO CHO43RO cell HyperCLDB: cl763 CHO4PV CHO4PV cell HyperCLDB: cl764 CHO50PV CHO50PV cell HyperCLDB: cl765 CHO51PV CHO51PV cell HyperCLDB: cl766 CHO5PV CHO5PV cell HyperCLDB: cl767 CHO60PV CHO60PV cell HyperCLDB: cl768 CHO7PV CHO7PV cell HyperCLDB: cl769 CHO9PV CHO9PV cell HyperCLDB: cl770 CHO-CD36 disease: produces human CD36 CHO-CD36 cell ATCC: CRL-2092 CHO-DHFR - CHO-DHFR - cell HyperCLDB: cl729 CHO-ICAM-1 disease: produces human ICAM-1 CHO-ICAM-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2093 CHO-K1 CHO-K1 cell ATCC: CCL-61 CHO-K1 CHO-K1 cell ATCC: CRL-9618 CHO-K1/SF CHO-K1/SF cell HyperCLDB: cl742 CHO-SSR1 CHO-SSR1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4905 CHO-SSR2 CHO-SSR2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4906 CHP 212 CHP 212 cell HyperCLDB: cl771 CHP 3 CHP 3 cell HyperCLDB: cl772 CHP 3 (M.W.) disease: galactosemia; galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficient CHP 3 (M.W.) cell ATCC: CCL-132 CHP 4 disease: galactosemia; galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficient CHP 4 cell ATCC: CCL-133 CHP 4 (W.W.) CHP 4 (W.W.) cell HyperCLDB: cl778 LCL-1973 CHP-126 CHP-126 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308252 CVCL: CVCL_1123 DSMZ: ACC 304 HyperCLDB: cl776 LCL-1964 CHP-212 CHP-212 cell CHSE 214 CHSE 214 cell HyperCLDB: cl779 CHSE-214 CHSE-214 cell ATCC: CRL-1681 CIA-E-4.15 disease: hybridoma CIA-E-4.15 cell ATCC: HB-235 CIA-E-7.12 disease: hybridoma CIA-E-7.12 cell ATCC: HB-236 CII CII cell HyperCLDB: cl781 CII3 CII3 cell HyperCLDB: cl782 Citrullinemia Citrullinemia cell HyperCLDB: cl783 citrullinemia citrullinemia cell ATCC: CCL-76 CKMM 14.15 disease: hybridoma CKMM 14.15 cell ATCC: HB-9419 CKMM 14.5 disease: hybridoma CKMM 14.5 cell ATCC: HB-9420 CKMM 14.52 disease: hybridoma CKMM 14.52 cell ATCC: HB-9421 Cl. Ly1+2–/9 Cl. Ly1+2–/9 cell ATCC: CRL-8179 CL-1 CL-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl784 CL18/6 disease: hybridoma CL18/6 cell ATCC: CRL-2518 CL2 disease: hybridoma CL2 cell ATCC: CRL-2514 CL3 disease: hybridoma CL3 cell ATCC: CRL-2515 CL37 disease: hybridoma CL37 cell ATCC: CRL-2516 CL95 CL95 cell HyperCLDB: cl788 CL96f CL96f cell HyperCLDB: cl789 CL96IL2 CL96IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl790 CLC CLC cell HyperCLDB: cl791 CLM96M CLM96M cell HyperCLDB: cl792 CLN CLN cell ATCC: CRL-6245 CLN H11.4 disease: hybridoma CLN H11.4 cell ATCC: HB-8307 CLNH5.5 disease: hybridoma CLNH5.5 cell ATCC: HB-8206 LCL-1081 Clone 15 HL-60 disease: promyeloblast; acute promyelocytic leukemia Clone 15 HL-60 cell ATCC: CRL-1964 CRL-1964 Clone 1-5c-4 Clone 1-5c-4 cell ATCC: CCL-20.2 Clone 1-5c-4 WKD of Chang Conjunctiva Clone 1-5c-4 WKD of Chang Conjunctiva cell HyperCLDB: cl793 Clone 707 disease: leukemia, Friend Clone 707 cell HyperCLDB: cl796 Clone 81 Clone 81 cell HyperCLDB: cl797 Clone 9 Clone 9 cell ATCC: CRL-1439 Clone C Clone C cell ATCC: CRL-2531 Clone C6/36 Clone C6/36 cell HyperCLDB: cl799 Clone D Clone D cell HyperCLDB: cl800 Clone H Clone H cell HyperCLDB: cl801 Clone I Clone I cell HyperCLDB: cl802 Clone L Clone L cell HyperCLDB: cl803 Clone M-3 Clone M-3 cell ATCC: CCL-53.1 CL-S1 disease: premalignant CL-S1 cell ATCC: CRL-1615 CLT 152 disease: hybridoma CLT 152 cell ATCC: HB-8244 CLT 85 disease: hybridoma CLT 85 cell ATCC: HB-8240 CM86 CM86 cell HyperCLDB: cl807 CM87 CM87 cell HyperCLDB: cl808 C-M87 C-M87 cell HyperCLDB: cl533 CM87IL2 CM87IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl809 CM88M CM88M cell HyperCLDB: cl810 CM91IL2 CM91IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl811 CM91ls CM91ls cell HyperCLDB: cl812 C-M92 C-M92 cell HyperCLDB: cl534 CM94 CM94 cell HyperCLDB: cl813 CM94P CM94P cell HyperCLDB: cl814 CMH1a CMH1a cell ATCC: CRL-8399 LCL-1051 CMK CMK cell CVCL: CVCL_0216 DSMZ: ACC 392 EFO: EFO_0003037 HyperCLDB: cl5042 CML-T1 disease: leukemia, T cell CML-T1 cell HyperCLDB: cl815 CMMT CMMT cell ATCC: CRL-6299 CMR94M CMR94M cell HyperCLDB: cl816 CMT 93 CMT 93 cell HyperCLDB: cl817 CMT64/61 CMT64/61 cell HyperCLDB: cl819 CMT-93 disease: polyploid carcinoma CMT-93 cell ATCC: CCL-223 CMT93/69 CMT93/69 cell HyperCLDB: cl820 C-N90 C-N90 cell HyperCLDB: cl535 C-N95 C-N95 cell HyperCLDB: cl536 CN96 CN96 cell HyperCLDB: cl821 CNC 127I disease: mammary tumor CNC 127I cell HyperCLDB: cl822 CO 88BV59-1 CO 88BV59-1 cell ATCC: CRL-10624 Co88BV59H21-2 Co88BV59H21-2 cell ATCC: CRL-11538 Co88BV59H21-2V67-66 Co88BV59H21-2V67-66 cell ATCC: CRL-11539 COL-10 COL-10 cell HyperCLDB: cl823 COL-7 COL-7 cell HyperCLDB: cl824 LCL-1172 COLO 201 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma (colon primary) COLO 201 cell ATCC: CCL-224 ECACC: 87091201 LCL-1173 COLO 205 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma (colon primary) COLO 205 cell ATCC: CCL-222 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308348 CVCL: CVCL_0218 ECACC: 87061208 EFO: EFO_0003082 COLO 320 DMF COLO 320 DMF cell HyperCLDB: cl830 HyperCLDB: cl831 LCL-1197 COLO 320DM disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma COLO 320DM cell ATCC: CCL-220 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307647 CVCL: CVCL_0219 EFO: EFO_0002136 COLO 320HSR disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma COLO 320HSR cell ATCC: CCL-220.1 COLO 357 COLO 357 cell HyperCLDB: cl5052 COLO 668 disease: carcinoma, oat cell COLO 668 cell HyperCLDB: cl835 COLO 677 COLO 677 cell HyperCLDB: cl837 HyperCLDB: cl838 LCL-1232 Derived from a melanoma of a 47 year old female. CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308723 COLO 679 COLO-679 COLO679 DSMZ: ACC 264 EFO: EFO_0006372 COLO 679 cell HyperCLDB: cl839 HyperCLDB: cl840 LINCS_HMS: 50011 RRID:CVCL_1130 LCL-1504 COLO 684 COLO 684 cell ECACC: 87061203 HyperCLDB: cl841 COLO 685 COLO 685 cell HyperCLDB: cl842 COLO 699 N disease: lung cancer COLO 699 N cell HyperCLDB: cl843 COLO 699N COLO 699N cell HyperCLDB: cl844 COLO 720 E disease: adenocarcinoma, ovary COLO 720 E cell HyperCLDB: cl845 COLO 720 L COLO 720 L cell HyperCLDB: Cl847 HyperCLDB: cl846 LCL-1158 COLO 741 disease: carcinoma, colon COLO 741 cell ECACC: 93052621 HyperCLDB: cl848 COLO 775 disease: leukemia COLO 775 cell HyperCLDB: cl850 LCL-1239 COLO 792 disease: malignant melanoma COLO 792 cell ECACC: 93052616 HyperCLDB: cl851 COLO 800 duplicate. See obsolete: COLO 800 cell HyperCLDB: cl852 HyperCLDB: cl853 COLO 818 COLO 818 cell HyperCLDB: cl169 HyperCLDB: cl855 COLO 829 disease: malignant melanoma COLO 829 cell ATCC: CRL-1974 COLO 829BL COLO 829BL cell ATCC: CRL-1980 COLO 832 COLO 832 cell HyperCLDB: cl857 COLO 839 COLO 839 cell HyperCLDB: cl858 LCL-1240 COLO 853 COLO 853 cell ECACC: 93052606 HyperCLDB: cl859 LCL-1241 COLO 857 COLO 857 cell ECACC: 93051120 HyperCLDB: cl861 LCL-1242 COLO 858 COLO 858 cell ECACC: 93052613 HyperCLDB: cl862 LCL-1159 COLO-206F COLO-206F cell DSMZ: ACC 21 HyperCLDB: cl864 LCL-1174 COLO-320 COLO-320 cell DSMZ: ACC 144 HyperCLDB: cl828 LCL-1160 COLO-678 COLO-678 cell CVCL: CVCL_1129 DSMZ: ACC 194 HyperCLDB: cl865 LCL-1551 COLO-680N disease: carcinoma, squamous cell COLO-680N cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308724 CVCL: CVCL_1131 DSMZ: ACC 182 HyperCLDB: cl866 COLO-699 COLO-699 cell HyperCLDB: cl868 LCL-1531 COLO-704 COLO-704 cell DSMZ: ACC 198 HyperCLDB: cl869 LCL-1243 COLO-783 COLO-783 cell DSMZ: ACC 257 HyperCLDB: cl5043 LCL-1477 COLO-824 COLO-824 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308725 CVCL: CVCL_1136 DSMZ: ACC 200 HyperCLDB: cl870 LCL-1245 COLO-849 COLO-849 cell DSMZ: ACC 216 HyperCLDB: cl872 CON.1 disease: hybridoma CON.1 cell ATCC: CRL-2229 ConA-B1-VICK disease: T lymphocyte; transformed with REV-T; produces G-CSF ConA-B1-VICK cell ATCC: CRL-12357 ConA-C1-VICK disease: T lymphocyte; transformed with REV-T: produces G-CSF ConA-C1-VICK cell ATCC: CRL-12135 Cor Per Cor Per cell HyperCLDB: cl875 LCL-1779 COR-L 23/CPR disease: carcinoma, large cell COR-L 23/CPR cell ECACC: 96042336 HyperCLDB: cl5053 COR-L105 COR-L105 cell HyperCLDB: cl876 LCL-1780 COR-L23 disease: carcinoma, large cell COR-L23 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308073 CVCL: CVCL_1139 ECACC: 92031919 EFO: EFO_0002142 HyperCLDB: cl877 COR-L23/5010 disease: carcinoma, large cell COR-L23/5010 cell HyperCLDB: cl5054 COR-L23/R disease: carcinoma, Lewis lung COR-L23/R cell HyperCLDB: cl5055 COR-L24 disease: carcinoma, small cell COR-L24 cell HyperCLDB: cl879 LCL-1825 COR-L279 disease: carcinoma, small cell COR-L279 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308549 CVCL: CVCL_1140 ECACC: 96020724 HyperCLDB: cl880 COR-L283R COR-L283R cell HyperCLDB: cl5056 COR-L311 disease: carcinoma, small cell COR-L311 cell HyperCLDB: cl881 COR-L47 disease: carcinoma, lung small cell COR-L47 cell HyperCLDB: cl882 LCL-1826 COR-L51 disease: carcinoma, lung small cell COR-L51 cell ECACC: 92031916,92031916; COSMIC ID:910555 HyperCLDB: cl883 LCL-1827 COR-L88 disease: carcinoma, lung small cell COR-L88 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308865 CVCL: CVCL_1141 ECACC: 92031917 HyperCLDB: cl884 LCL-1828 COR-L95 disease: carcinoma, small cell COR-L95 cell ECACC: 96020733 HyperCLDB: cl5057 COS-1 COS-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1650 MeSH: D019556 COS-7 COS-7 cell ATCC: CRL-1651 MeSH: D019556 CP132 CP132 cell HyperCLDB: cl894 CPA CPA cell HyperCLDB: cl895 CPA 47 disease: vascular endothelium CPA 47 cell ATCC: CRL-1733 CPAE CPAE cell ATCC: CCL-209 LCL-1829 CPC-N disease: carcinoma, small cell CPC-N cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308830 CVCL: CVCL_1146 DSMZ: ACC 306 HyperCLDB: cl5044 CR83 CR83 cell HyperCLDB: cl902 CR86 CR86 cell HyperCLDB: cl903 CR88P CR88P cell HyperCLDB: cl904 CR96 CR96 cell HyperCLDB: cl905 CRE BAG 2 disease: produces a retrovirus containing the beta-galactosidase gene CRE BAG 2 cell ATCC: CRL-1858 CRE BAG2 CRE BAG2 cell HyperCLDB: cl906 CRFK CRFK cell ATCC: CCL-94 CRFK (BVD Ag negative) CRFK (BVD Ag negative) cell HyperCLDB: cl909 Cri du Chat disease: Cri du Chat syndrome Cri du Chat cell ATCC: CCL-90 CRI-10P CRI-10P cell HyperCLDB: cl911 CRI-D11 disease: islet tumor CRI-D11 cell HyperCLDB: cl912 CRI-D2 CRI-D2 cell HyperCLDB: cl913 CRI-G1 disease: islet tumor CRI-G1 cell HyperCLDB: cl914 CRI-G5 disease: islet tumor CRI-G5 cell HyperCLDB: cl915 CRO-AP2 CRO-AP2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3486 CRO-AP3 CRO-AP3 cell HyperCLDB: cl5045 CRO-AP5 CRO-AP5 cell HyperCLDB: cl420 CS191 CS191 cell HyperCLDB: cl916 CS1PV CS1PV cell HyperCLDB: cl917 CS87 CS87 cell HyperCLDB: cl918 C-S91a C-S91a cell HyperCLDB: cl537 C-S95 C-S95 cell HyperCLDB: cl539 CS96 CS96 cell HyperCLDB: cl919 CSE 119 CSE 119 cell HyperCLDB: cl920 CSE-119 CSE-119 cell HyperCLDB: cl5058 CSMaß1H CSMaß1H cell ATCC: CRL-8401 CSMaß6C CSMaß6C cell ATCC: CRL-8400 CT26.CL25 disease: carcinoma; model for testing immunotherapy protocols in vivo CT26.CL25 cell ATCC: CRL-2639 CT26.WT disease: carcinoma; model for testing immunotherapy protocols in vivo CT26.WT cell ATCC: CRL-2638 CT6-1D7 disease: hybridoma CT6-1D7 cell ATCC: CRL-2438 CT96 CT96 cell HyperCLDB: cl923 CTLA4 Ig-24 disease: expresses CTLA4Ig fusion protein CTLA4 Ig-24 cell ATCC: CRL-10762 CTLL CTLL cell HyperCLDB: cl926 CTLL-2 disease: cytotoxic CTLL-2 cell ATCC: TIB-214 CTPS disease: papilloma CTPS cell ATCC: CRL-6496 LCL-1013 CTV-1 CTV-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308189 CVCL: CVCL_1150 DSMZ: ACC 40 HyperCLDB: cl927 CTX TNA2 disease: SV40 transfected CTX TNA2 cell ATCC: CRL-2006 CV-1 CV-1 cell ATCC: CCL-70 HyperCLDB: cl929 CV-1 Clone B5 CV-1 Clone B5 cell HyperCLDB: cl935 CV-1/EBNA-1 disease: EBNA-1 expression CV-1/EBNA-1 cell ATCC: CRL-10478 CV96F CV96F cell HyperCLDB: cl937 CVC 7 Possible typographic error in 'Organism' field (value 'Agrothis segetum') to be considered as 'Agrotis segetum' (NCBI_Taxon: 47767) [SS] disease: hybridoma CVC 7 cell HyperCLDB: cl5180 CVC.1 disease: hybridoma CVC.1 cell ATCC: TIB-135 CVC.4 disease: hybridoma CVC.4 cell ATCC: TIB-137 CVC.7 disease: hybridoma CVC.7 cell ATCC: TIB-138 CVD89M CVD89M cell HyperCLDB: cl938 CW13.20-3B3 (clone of BCL 1) disease: leukemia CW13.20-3B3 (clone of BCL 1) cell ATCC: CRL-1669 CX-1 CX-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl939 Cy34.1.2 disease: hybridoma Cy34.1.2 cell ATCC: TIB-163 CYNOM-K1 CYNOM-K1 cell HyperCLDB: cl952 Cyt c–/– Cyt c–/– cell ATCC: CRL-2613 D 14 disease: hybridoma D 14 cell ATCC: HB-8439 D 17 disease: sarcoma, osteogenic D 17 cell HyperCLDB: cl954 D0994 D0994 cell HyperCLDB: cl967 D1 ORL UVA disease: multipotent stromal precursor D1 ORL UVA cell ATCC: CRL-12424 D1.1 disease: acute T cell leukemia; CD4 negative D1.1 cell ATCC: CRL-10915 D10.G4.1 D10.G4.1 cell ATCC: TIB-224 D-11 D-11 cell HyperCLDB: cl953 D12/DM disease: thymoma D12/DM cell HyperCLDB: cl970 D1-4G2-4-15 disease: hybridoma D1-4G2-4-15 cell ATCC: HB-112 D1589 D1589 cell HyperCLDB: cl971 D17 D17 cell ATCC: CRL-6248 D17 D17 cell ATCC: CRL-8468 D-17 disease: osteosarcoma (bone primary) D-17 cell ATCC: CCL-183 D1B disease: leukemia D1B cell ATCC: TIB-56 D2 D2 cell HyperCLDB: cl972 D2085 D2085 cell HyperCLDB: cl973 D2187 D2187 cell HyperCLDB: cl974 D22 D22 cell ATCC: CRL-6250 D24 disease: hybridoma D24 cell ATCC: CRL-2701 LCL-1577 ZN D283 Med disease: medulloblastoma (cerebellum primary) D283 Med cell ATCC: HTB-185 D2N disease: leukemia D2N cell ATCC: TIB-58 D3 D3 cell HyperCLDB: cl5046 D3-2H2-9-21 disease: hybridoma D3-2H2-9-21 cell ATCC: HB-114 D341 Med disease: medulloblastoma D341 Med cell ATCC: HTB-187 D-36 D-36 cell HyperCLDB: cl956 D5 D5 cell HyperCLDB: cl975 D8/17 disease: hybridoma D8/17 cell ATCC: HB-8783 D94 D94 cell HyperCLDB: cl976 D96 D96 cell HyperCLDB: cl977 D98/AH2 Clone B disease: carcinoma, cervical D98/AH2 Clone B cell HyperCLDB: cl978 Da Bon disease: osteogenesis imperfecta (tarda) Da Bon cell ATCC: CRL-1251 Da Cav disease: stiff skin syndrome Da Cav cell ATCC: CRL-1388 Da Hol disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, variant type Da Hol cell ATCC: CRL-1379 Da Mo disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type V Da Mo cell ATCC: CRL-1383 DA-1 DA-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl980 DA4-4 disease: hybridoma DA4-4 cell ATCC: HB-57 D-A92a D-A92a cell HyperCLDB: cl957 D-A92f D-A92f cell HyperCLDB: cl958 DA94 DA94 cell HyperCLDB: cl981 DAKIKI DAKIKI cell ATCC: TIB-206 DAL K20 disease: hybridoma DAL K20 cell ATCC: CRL-2288 DAL K29 disease: hybridoma DAL K29 cell ATCC: CRL-2291 DAL K45 disease: hybridoma DAL K45 cell ATCC: CRL-2292 DAN disease: amphotropic retroviral packaging line DAN cell ATCC: CRL-2130 LCL-1734 DAN-G DAN-G cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307281 CVCL: CVCL_0243 DSMZ: ACC 249 HyperCLDB: cl982 LCL-1576 ZN Daoy disease: desmoplastic cerebellar medulloblastoma Daoy cell ATCC: HTB-186 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308510 CVCL: CVCL_1167 DAP-3 DR1 DAP-3 DR1 cell HyperCLDB: cl984 DAP-3 DR4 DAP-3 DR4 cell HyperCLDB: cl985 DAP-3DPw2 DAP-3DPw2 cell HyperCLDB: cl986 DAP-3DQ1 DAP-3DQ1 cell HyperCLDB: cl987 DAP-3DR2a DAP-3DR2a cell HyperCLDB: cl988 DAP-3DR2b DAP-3DR2b cell HyperCLDB: cl989 DAP-3DRw52b DAP-3DRw52b cell HyperCLDB: cl990 DATK32 disease: hybridoma DATK32 cell ATCC: HB-294 LCL-2018 Daudi Daudi cell ATCC: CCL-213 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307579 CVCL: CVCL_0008 EFO: EFO_0002169 HyperCLDB: cl995 LCL-1119 DB disease: large cell lymphoma DB cell ATCC: CRL-2289 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308866 CVCL: CVCL_1168 EFO: EFO_0002158 DB 9 G.8 disease: hybridoma DB 9 G.8 cell HyperCLDB: cl5182 DB1-Tes DB1-Tes cell HyperCLDB: cl5183 D-B87 D-B87 cell HyperCLDB: cl959 DB9G8 disease: hybridoma DB9G8 cell ATCC: HB-124 DBA A.Sp DBA A.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6340 DBA C.Sp DBA C.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6342 DBC95 DBC95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1001 DBM96 DBM96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1002 DB-R95 DB-R95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1000 DBS-FCL-1 DBS-FCL-1 cell ATCC: CCL-161 DBS-FCL-2 DBS-FCL-2 cell ATCC: CCL-162 DBS-FRhL-2 DBS-FRhL-2 cell ATCC: CL-160 DBTRG.05MG disease: glioblastoma multiforme DBTRG.05MG cell HyperCLDB: cl1005 LCL-1349 DBTRG-05MG disease: glioblastoma DBTRG-05MG cell ATCC: CRL-2020 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308485 CVCL: CVCL_1169 EFO: EFO_0002159 DBV95 DBV95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1007 DC101 disease: hybridoma DC101 cell ATCC: HB-11534 D-C95 D-C95 cell HyperCLDB: cl960 DC96 DC96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1009 DCi96 DCi96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1010 DCo96 DCo96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1011 DCon96 DCon96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1012 DC-P87 DC-P87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1008 DD-4 disease: hybridoma DD-4 cell ATCC: HB-9743 DDC95 DDC95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1013 DDT subscript(1) MF-2 disease: leiomyosarcoma DDT subscript(1) MF-2 cell ATCC: CRL-1701 DDT subscript(1)-MF-2 disease: leiomyosarcoma DDT subscript(1)-MF-2 cell ATCC: CRL-12051 DDT1-MF2 disease: leiomyosarcoma DDT1-MF2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1014 De FOW De FOW cell HyperCLDB: cl1015 De Te disease: Marfan syndrome De Te cell ATCC: CRL-1249 DE96P DE96P cell HyperCLDB: cl1016 DEC-205 disease: hybridoma DEC-205 cell ATCC: HB-290 Dede Dede cell ATCC: CCL-39 HyperCLDB: cl1017 HyperCLDB: cl1018 DEL DEL cell HyperCLDB: cl5261 Dempsey disease: Klinefelter syndrome Dempsey cell ATCC: CCL-28 Detroit 510 Detroit 510 cell ATCC: CCL-72 Detroit 525 disease: Turner syndrome Detroit 525 cell ATCC: CCL-65 Detroit 529 disease: Down syndrome Detroit 529 cell ATCC: CCL-66 Detroit 532 disease: Down syndrome Detroit 532 cell ATCC: CCL-54 Detroit 539 disease: Down syndrome Detroit 539 cell ATCC: CCL-84 Detroit 548 Detroit 548 cell ATCC: CCL-116 Detroit 550 Detroit 550 cell HyperCLDB: cl1032 Detroit 551 Detroit 551 cell ATCC: CCL-110 LCL-1226 Detroit 562 disease: carcinoma (pharynx primary) Detroit 562 cell ATCC: CCL-138 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308486 CVCL: CVCL_1171 ECACC: 87042205 EFO: EFO_0002170 Detroit 573 Detroit 573 cell ATCC: CCL-117 Detroit 6 Detroit 6 cell HyperCLDB: cl1039 DF DF cell HyperCLDB: cl1041 D-F92 D-F92 cell HyperCLDB: cl961 D-F94 D-F94 cell HyperCLDB: cl962 DFA96M DFA96M cell HyperCLDB: cl1042 DFC96 DFC96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1043 DFF87 DFF87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1044 DFGe96 DFGe96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1045 DFGi96 DFGi96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1046 DFK3 DFK3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1047 DG 1 disease: carcinoma, bronchogenic large cell DG 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1048 DG 2 disease: carcinoma, bronchogenic large cell DG 2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1049 DG 3 disease: carcinoma, bronchogenic large cell DG 3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1050 LCL-2019 DG-75 DG-75 cell ATCC: CRL-2625 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308527 CVCL: CVCL_0244 HyperCLDB: cl1051 D-G92 D-G92 cell HyperCLDB: cl963 DG96 DG96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1052 Dh 14 Possible typographic error in 'Organism' field (value 'Drosophila, hydnei') to be considered as 'Drosophila hydnei' (NCBI_Taxon: 7224) [SS] Dh 14 cell HyperCLDB: cl1053 Dh 33 Possible typographic error in 'Organism' field (value 'Drosophila, hydnei') to be considered as 'Drosophila hydnei' (NCBI_Taxon: 7224) [SS] Dh 33 cell HyperCLDB: cl1054 DH14 DH14 cell HyperCLDB: cl1055 DH15 DH15 cell HyperCLDB: cl1056 DH33 DH33 cell HyperCLDB: cl1057 DH82 disease: malignant DH82 cell ATCC: CRL-10389 DH82ECOK disease: malignant DH82ECOK cell ATCC: CRL-10390 DHD/K12/TRb DHD/K12/TRb cell HyperCLDB: cl1060 DHFR-G8 disease: expresses her2/neu DHFR-G8 cell ATCC: CRL-1915 DI TNC subscript(1) disease: SV40 transfected DI TNC subscript(1) cell ATCC: CRL-2005 DII 33.1 disease: hybridoma DII 33.1 cell ATCC: CRL-1827 DK DK cell HyperCLDB: cl1061 LCL-1350 ZN DK-MG DK-MG cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308814 CVCL: CVCL_1173 DSMZ: ACC 277 EFO: EFO_0002161 HyperCLDB: cl5262 DL86 DL86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1063 DL87 DL87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1064 LCL-1175 DLD-1 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma DLD-1 cell ATCC: CCL-221 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307580 CVCL: CVCL_0248 DLF87 DLF87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1067 DLG96f DLG96f cell HyperCLDB: cl1068 DLG96IL2 DLG96IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1069 DLL87S DLL87S cell HyperCLDB: cl1070 DM-15 DM-15 cell HyperCLDB: cl1071 D-M89 D-M89 cell HyperCLDB: cl964 DM94 DM94 cell HyperCLDB: cl1074 DMBM-2 DMBM-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1075 DMM87 DMM87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1077 LCL-1830 DMS 114 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer DMS 114 cell ATCC: CRL-2066 LCL-1831 DMS 153 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) DMS 153 cell ATCC: CRL-2064 LCL-1807 DMS 273 disease: carcinoma, small cell DMS 273 cell ECACC: 95062830 HyperCLDB: cl1079 DMS 454 disease: carcinoma, small cell DMS 454 cell HyperCLDB: cl1080 LCL-1808 DMS 53 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer DMS 53 cell ATCC: CRL-2062 LCL-1832 DMS 79 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer DMS 79 cell ATCC: CRL-2049 DMS 92 disease: carcinoma, small cell DMS 92 cell HyperCLDB: cl1083 DMS-79 disease: carcinoma, small cell DMS-79 cell HyperCLDB: cl4907 DNI.Tr DNI.Tr cell ATCC: CRL-6009 DoCl1 (S+L–) DoCl1 (S+L–) cell ATCC: CCL-34.1 HyperCLDB: cl1085 DOHH2 DOHH2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1086 HyperCLDB: cl4974 DOK DOK cell HyperCLDB: cl1087 Don Don cell ATCC: CCL-16 HyperCLDB: cl1088 LCL-1303 DoTc2 4510 DoTc2 4510 cell ATCC: CRL-7920 DP-LL95 DP-LL95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1090 DPS84 DPS84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1091 DPSO 114/74 DPSO 114/74 cell ATCC: CCL-194 DPW 5 DPW 5 cell HyperCLDB: cl1093 DR 9 DR 9 cell HyperCLDB: cl1094 DR4 MEF disease: feeder layer DR4 MEF cell ATCC: SCRC-1045 D-R86 D-R86 cell HyperCLDB: cl965 DR89P DR89P cell HyperCLDB: cl1095 DREG200 disease: hybridoma DREG200 cell ATCC: HB-302 DREG56 disease: hybridoma DREG56 cell ATCC: HB-300 DRS DRS cell ATCC: CRL-6497 DS 92 DS 92 cell HyperCLDB: cl1097 DS-1 disease: hybridoma disease: lymphangiectasia (B lymphocyte primary); IL-6 dependent DS-1 cell ATCC: CRL-11102 DS-1 DS-1 cell ATCC: HB-8906 DS19 DS19 cell HyperCLDB: cl1100 DS22-4 DS22-4 cell HyperCLDB: cl1101 DS-3 disease: hybridoma DS-3 cell ATCC: HB-8651 DS-5 disease: hybridoma DS-5 cell ATCC: HB-8653 DS-6 disease: hybridoma DS-6 cell ATCC: HB-8652 DSDh disease: retroviral packaging line DSDh cell ATCC: CRL-2131 DS-G23 disease: erythroleukemia DS-G23 cell HyperCLDB: cl1098 DSH1PV DSH1PV cell HyperCLDB: cl1102 DSH2PV DSH2PV cell HyperCLDB: cl1103 DSH3PV DSH3PV cell HyperCLDB: cl1104 DSH4PV DSH4PV cell HyperCLDB: cl1105 DSL-6A/C1 DSL-6A/C1 cell ATCC: CRL-2132 HyperCLDB: cl5060 DSL-6B/C2 DSL-6B/C2 cell ATCC: CRL-2133 DSN disease: produces SNV helper virus DSN cell ATCC: CRL-9939 DT40 DT40 cell ATCC: CRL-2111 D-T93 D-T93 cell HyperCLDB: cl966 DT95 DT95 cell ATCC: CRL-2112 LCL-1146 DU 145 disease: carcinoma (prostate primary) DU 145 cell ATCC: HTB-81 DU1-29 disease: hybridoma DU1-29 cell ATCC: HB-263 LCL-1323 DU4475 disease: ductal carcinoma DU4475 cell ATCC: HTB-123 HyperCLDB: cl5264 Dubca Dubca cell ATCC: CRL-2276 Duck embryo Duck embryo cell ATCC: CCL-141 HyperCLDB: cl1112 DUKX B1 disease: production of mouse c-myc protein DUKX B1 cell ATCC: CRL-9010 DV68F DV68F cell ATCC: CRL-6345 LCL-1636 DV-90 DV90 DV-90 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308729 CVCL: CVCL_1184 DSMZ: ACC 307 HyperCLDB: cl5265 DVA96 DVA96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1113 DXB-11 DXB-11 cell HyperCLDB: cl1114 E 20 disease: hybridoma E 20 cell ATCC: HB-8443 E 21 E 21 cell HyperCLDB: cl1115 E. Derm (NBL-6) E. Derm (NBL-6) cell ATCC: CCL-57 E.Derm E.Derm cell HyperCLDB: cl1117 E.G7-OVA E.G7-OVA cell ATCC: CRL-2113 E.H. IV disease: infectious mononucleosis E.H. IV cell ATCC: CCL-104 E.H.IV (Elaine IV) E.H.IV (Elaine IV) cell HyperCLDB: cl1120 E1 E1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1121 E13 161-7 disease: hybridoma E13 161-7 cell ATCC: HB-215 E1a E1a cell HyperCLDB: cl1122 E2 E2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1123 E3 E3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1124 E5ab2 E5ab2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1125 E5BB3IIA2 disease: hybridoma E5BB3IIA2 cell ATCC: HB-121 E6(2)2 disease: hybridoma E6(2)2 cell ATCC: HB-8172 E-8 disease: hybridoma E-8 cell ATCC: HB-10179 Ea.4 Possible typographic error in 'Organism' field (value 'insect - Estigmene agrea (saltmarsh catepillar)') to be considered as 'Estigmene agreai' (NCBI_Taxon: 56594) [SS] Ea.4 cell HyperCLDB: cl5114 EB disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, variant type EB cell ATCC: CRL-1365 EB (JC) EB (JC) cell HyperCLDB: cl1126 EB-1 EB-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1127 LCL-2030 EB1 disease: Burkitts lymphoma EB1 cell ATCC: HTB-60 EB176 (JC) EB176 (JC) cell HyperCLDB: cl1129 EB185 (JC) Possible mapping of 'Organism' field (value 'orangutang') via synonym of 'Pongo pygmaeus' (NCBI_Taxon: 9600) [SS] EB185 (JC) cell HyperCLDB: cl1130 LCL-2031 EB2 disease: Burkitts lymphoma (B lymphocyte primary) EB2 cell ATCC: HTB-61 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308867 CVCL: CVCL_1186 EFO: EFO_0002173 LCL-2032 EB-3 disease: Burkitts lymphoma EB-3 cell ATCC: CCL-85 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308824 CVCL: CVCL_1185 EBL EBL cell HyperCLDB: cl1131 EBTr EBTr cell HyperCLDB: cl1132 EBTr (NBL-4) EBTr (NBL-4) cell ATCC: CCL-44 EC EC cell HyperCLDB: cl1134 Ect1/E6E7 disease: HPV-16 E6/E7 transformed Ect1/E6E7 cell ATCC: CRL-2614 ECTC ECTC cell HyperCLDB: cl1135 ECV304 ECV304 cell HyperCLDB: cl5185 ECV-304 disease: carcinoma, urinary ECV-304 cell HyperCLDB: cl5266 ED1-19-1-6-5 disease: hybridoma ED1-19-1-6-5 cell ATCC: HB-90 EDS 100 EDS 100 cell HyperCLDB: cl1137 EDS 101 EDS 101 cell HyperCLDB: cl1138 EDS 105 EDS 105 cell HyperCLDB: cl1139 LCL-1494 EFE-184 EFE-184 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308103 CVCL: CVCL_1191 DSMZ: ACC 230 HyperCLDB: cl1140 LCL-1311 EFM-19 EFM-19 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308502 CVCL: CVCL_0253 DSMZ: ACC 231 EFO: EFO_0002175 HyperCLDB: cl1141 LCL-1478 ZN EFM-192A EFM-192A cell DSMZ: ACC 258 HyperCLDB: cl5267 LCL-1312 EFM-192B EFM-192B cell DSMZ: ACC 308 HyperCLDB: cl5268 LCL-1479 ZN EFM-192C EFM-192C cell DSMZ: ACC 311 HyperCLDB: cl5269 LCL-1515 EFO-21 EFO-21 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308730 CVCL: CVCL_0029 DSMZ: ACC 235 HyperCLDB: cl1142 LCL-1521 EFO-27 EFO27 EFO-27 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308134 CVCL: CVCL_1192 DSMZ: ACC 191 HyperCLDB: cl1143 EGC/PK060399egfr disease: enteroglial EGC/PK060399egfr cell ATCC: CRL-2690 LCL-1787 EGI-1 EGI-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308731 CVCL: CVCL_1193 DSMZ: ACC 385 HyperCLDB: cl5270 EH/A44 EH/A44 cell HyperCLDB: cl1145 EH17a disease: hybridoma EH17a cell ATCC: CRL-2209 EH7a disease: hybridoma EH7a cell ATCC: CRL-2194 LCL-1085 EHEB EHEB cell ACC 67 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308163 CVCL: CVCL_1194 HyperCLDB: cl1146 Ehrlich-Lettre ascites, strain E Ehrlich-Lettre ascites, strain E cell ATCC: CCL-77 HyperCLDB: cl1148 EHS EHS cell ATCC: CRL-2108 EHT EHT cell HyperCLDB: cl1150 EIAV 12E8.1 disease: hybridoma EIAV 12E8.1 cell ATCC: HB-8917 EIII EIII cell HyperCLDB: cl1151 EJ (MGH-U1) EJ (MGH-U1) cell HyperCLDB: cl1152 LCL-1704 EJ138 EJ138 cell ECACC: 85061108 HyperCLDB: cl1154 EJ-6-2-Bam-6a EJ-6-2-Bam-6a cell ATCC: CRL-1888 EJG disease: capillary endothelium EJG cell ATCC: CRL-8659 EKL EKL cell HyperCLDB: cl1156 EL 1 disease: macrophage; monocyte EL 1 cell ATCC: CRL-9854 EL 2 EL 2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1157 El Don disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type VII (arthrochalasia type) El Don cell ATCC: CRL-1149 immortal T cell line cell that is derived from blood T cells from mouse C57BL/6 inbred strain that has disease mouse lymphoma. EL4 WEB: EL4 cell ATCC: TIB-39 RRID:CVCL_0255 EL4.BU disease: hybridoma fusion partner,T cell EL4.BU cell ATCC: TIB-40 EL4.BU.1.OUAr.1.1 EL4.BU.1.OUAr.1.1 cell ATCC: TIB-41 EL4.BU.OU6 disease: lymphoma, lymphoblastic EL4.BU.OU6 cell HyperCLDB: cl1161 EL4.IL-2 EL4.IL-2 cell ATCC: TIB-181 EL4.NOB-1 disease: lymphoma, lymphoblastic EL4.NOB-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1162 ELM-I-1 ELM-I-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1163 EL-NC-1S disease: hybridoma EL-NC-1S cell ATCC: HB-9647 Em Ar disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, possible heterozygote Em Ar cell ATCC: CRL-1168 LCL-1112 EM-2 EM-2 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308889 CVCL: CVCL_1196 EFO: EFO_0002176 HyperCLDB: cl1164 Sanger: COSMIC ID:906855 EM-3 disease: leukemia, chronic myeloid EM-3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1165 EM9 disease: defective in single strand break repair EM9 cell ATCC: CRL-1861 EML Cell Line, Clone 1 disease: lymphohematopoietic progenitor cell line\ EML Cell Line, Clone 1 cell ATCC: CRL-11691 EMT6 disease: mammary carcinoma EMT6 cell ATCC: CRL-2755 EN9F10 disease: hybridoma EN9F10 cell ATCC: CRL-2403 End1/E6E7 disease: HPV-16 E6/E7 transformed End1/E6E7 cell ATCC: CRL-2615 EOC 13.31 EOC 13.31 cell ATCC: CRL-2468 EOC 2 EOC 2 cell ATCC: CRL-2467 EOC 20 EOC 20 cell ATCC: CRL-2469 EOL-1 disease: leukemia, acute myeloid EOL-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5271 EoL-1 cell disease: leukemia, eosinophilic EoL-1 cell cell HyperCLDB: cl1166 EOMA disease: microvascular endothelial cell model EOMA cell ATCC: CRL-2586 EOMA-GFP disease: microvascular endothelial cell model; expresses GFP EOMA-GFP cell ATCC: CRL-2587 LCL-2055 Eos-HL-60 Eos-HL-60 cell 96100920 HyperCLDB: cl5062 Ep 16 disease: hybridoma Ep 16 cell HyperCLDB: cl5187 Ep-16 disease: hybridoma Ep-16 cell ATCC: HB-155 E-P95 E-P95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1116 EPC disease: epithelioma EPC cell HyperCLDB: cl1167 EPI EPI cell HyperCLDB: cl1169 LCL-1581 EPLC-272H disease: carcinoma, epidermoid EPLC-272H cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308104 CVCL: CVCL_1197 DSMZ: ACC 383 HyperCLDB: cl5272 EPNT-5 EPNT-5 cell HyperCLDB: cl1170 ER4.7G.11 disease: hybridoma ER4.7G.11 cell ATCC: HB-11642 EREp EREp cell HyperCLDB: cl1172 ES-095 ES-095 cell HyperCLDB: cl1173 LCL-1806 ES-2 disease: clear cell carcinoma ES-2 cell ATCC: CRL-1978 ES-C57BL/6 ES-C57BL/6 cell ATCC: SCRC-1002 ES-D3 disease: pluripotent ES-D3 cell ATCC: CRL-11632 ES-D3 ES-D3 cell ATCC: CRL-1934 ES-D3 GL disease: germline competent ES-D3 GL cell ATCC: SCRC-1003 ES-E14TG2a disease: pluripotent; HGRPT deficient ES-E14TG2a cell ATCC: CRL-1821 ESK-4 ESK-4 cell ATCC: CL-184 LCL-1507 ESS-1 ESS-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308384 CVCL: CVCL_1205 DSMZ: ACC 461 HyperCLDB: cl7098 LCL-1313 EVSA-T EVSA-T cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307361 CVCL: CVCL_1207 DSMZ: ACC 433 HyperCLDB: cl5273 EZZ (TOU II-4) EZZ (TOU II-4) cell HyperCLDB: cl1177 F.thy 62891 disease: immortalized with SV40 large T antigen F.thy 62891 cell ATCC: CRL-10936 F0091 F0091 cell HyperCLDB: cl1185 F0894 F0894 cell HyperCLDB: cl1186 F1 F1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1187 F1.652 disease: hybridoma F1.652 cell ATCC: CRL-2039 F11 F11 cell HyperCLDB: cl1188 F1187 F1187 cell HyperCLDB: cl1189 F11B F11B cell ATCC: CRL-6168 F1293 F1293 cell HyperCLDB: cl1190 F1-3G8-1 disease: hybridoma F1-3G8-1 cell ATCC: HB-192 F1-652 F1-652 cell HyperCLDB: cl5274 F1792 F1792 cell HyperCLDB: cl1191 F18 AF1 disease: hybridoma F18 AF1 cell ATCC: HB-8208 F19 disease: hybridoma F19 cell ATCC: CRL-2733 F1A3-23 disease: hybridoma F1A3-23 cell ATCC: HB-8207 F2 F2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1192 F21-1D3G7C8 disease: hybridoma F21-1D3G7C8 cell ATCC: HB-9463 F24 disease: hybridoma F24 cell ATCC: HB-9257 F25 disease: erythroleukemia F25 cell ATCC: CRL-6566 F2586 F2586 cell HyperCLDB: cl1193 F32 VIII C4 disease: hybridoma F32 VIII C4 cell ATCC: CRL-1653 F3B6 disease: hybridoma fusion partner F3B6 cell ATCC: HB-8785 F4/4.K6 F4/4.K6 cell HyperCLDB: cl1194 F4/80 disease: hybridoma F4/80 cell ATCC: HB-198 F45J disease: hybridoma F45J cell ATCC: HB-9740 F4N (MEL) F4N (MEL) cell HyperCLDB: cl5063 F5 F5 cell HyperCLDB: cl1195 F5-A-1/22.8.13 disease: hybridoma F5-A-1/22.8.13 cell ATCC: HB-8051 F7000 F7000 cell HyperCLDB: cl1196 F8 F8 cell ATCC: CRL-6074 F89 F89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1197 F9 disease: embryonic carcinoma; testicular teratoma F9 cell ATCC: CRL-1720 F94 F94 cell HyperCLDB: cl1203 F95 F95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1204 F96 F96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1205 F98 disease: undifferentiated malignant glioma F98 cell ATCC: CRL-2397 LCL-1201 FaDu disease: squamous cell carcinoma FaDu cell ATCC: HTB-43 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307943 CVCL: CVCL_1218 EFO: EFO_0002178 FAK–/– FAK–/– cell ATCC: CRL-2644 FAK+/+ disease: positive for FAK but null for p53, integrin signalling pathway FAK+/+ cell ATCC: CRL-2645 Fao disease: hepatoma Fao cell HyperCLDB: cl1206 HyperCLDB: cl4908 LCL-1131 Farage disease: non-Hodgkins lymphoma Farage cell ATCC: CRL-2630 FAT 7 disease: squamous cell carcinoma FAT 7 cell ATCC: CRL-2109 FB2 disease: hybridoma FB2 cell ATCC: CRL-1891 FB2.K FB2.K cell ATCC: CRL-6033 FB2.Ln FB2.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-6034 FB2.Sp FB2.Sp cell HyperCLDB: cl1207 FB2.Thy FB2.Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6036 FB3.Ln FB3.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-6038 FB3.Thy FB3.Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6039 FB4.Ln FB4.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-6041 FB4.Sp/Thy FB4.Sp/Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6042 FB5.Bm FB5.Bm cell ATCC: CRL-6043 FB5.Ln FB5.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-6044 FB8H3 [Mab8H3] disease: hybridoma FB8H3 [Mab8H3] cell ATCC: CRL-2402 FBHE FBHE cell ATCC: CRL-1395 FBL-J5 FBL-J5 cell HyperCLDB: cl1210 FBT FBT cell HyperCLDB: cl1211 Fc 2 Lu Fc 2 Lu cell HyperCLDB: cl1213 Fc 3 Tg Fc 3 Tg cell HyperCLDB: cl1215 FC100.Ln FC100.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-6117 FC100.Sp FC100.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6116 FC100.T FC100.T cell ATCC: CRL-6115 FC101 FC101 cell ATCC: CRL-6118 FC102 FC102 cell ATCC: CRL-6119 FC104.We FC104.We cell ATCC: CRL-6152 FC106.We FC106.We cell ATCC: CRL-6154 FC107.We FC107.We cell ATCC: CRL-6155 FC108.We FC108.We cell ATCC: CRL-6156 FC109.We FC109.We cell ATCC: CRL-6157 FC11.BM disease: reticulum cell sarcoma FC11.BM cell ATCC: CRL-6088 FC110.We FC110.We cell ATCC: CRL-6158 FC112 FC112 cell ATCC: CRL-6120 FC113 FC113 cell ATCC: CRL-6121 FC114E.Tr FC114E.Tr cell ATCC: CRL-6167 FC115.K FC115.K cell ATCC: CRL-6122 FC118 FC118 cell ATCC: CRL-6124 FC119 FC119 cell ATCC: CRL-6125 FC16.Sp FC16.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6174 FC2.K FC2.K cell ATCC: CRL-6126 FC2.Lu FC2.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-6569 FC28.Lu FC28.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-6130 Fc2Lu Fc2Lu cell ATCC: CCL-217 Fc3Tg Fc3Tg cell ATCC: CCL-176 FC47 FC47 cell ATCC: CRL-6094 FC5.K FC5.K cell ATCC: CRL-6078 FC56.Thy FC56.Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6134 FC57.Thy FC57.Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6136 FC58.Thy FC58.Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6137 FC59.Thy FC59.Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6139 FC6.Bm FC6.Bm cell ATCC: CRL-6081 FC6.K FC6.K cell ATCC: CRL-6082 FC60(A).We FC60(A).We cell ATCC: CRL-6571 FC60(B).We FC60(B).We cell ATCC: CRL-6098 FC60A.We FC60A.We cell ATCC: CRL-6140 FC60B.We FC60B.We cell ATCC: CRL-6141 FC61 FC61 cell ATCC: CRL-6099 FC63.Res FC63.Res cell ATCC: CRL-6143 FC70.We FC70.We cell ATCC: CRL-6102 FC71A.We FC71A.We cell ATCC: CRL-6145 FC77.T disease: fibrosarcoma FC77.T cell ATCC: CRL-6105 FC79.We FC79.We cell ATCC: CRL-6106 FC81.Sp disease: fibrosarcoma FC81.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6107 FC81.T disease: fibrosarcoma FC81.T cell ATCC: CRL-6108 FC81.Thy disease: fibrosarcoma FC81.Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6109 FC83.Res FC83.Res cell ATCC: CRL-6567 FC83.Sp disease: fibrosarcoma FC83.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6110 F-C87 F-C87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1178 FC87.Sk FC87.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-6150 FC94.T disease: fibrosarcoma FC94.T cell ATCC: CRL-6113 FC95.Thy FC95.Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6114 FC96IL2 FC96IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1217 FC96ls FC96ls cell HyperCLDB: cl1218 Fcwf-4 disease: macrophage Fcwf-4 cell ATCC: CRL-2787 FD441.8 disease: hybridoma FD441.8 cell ATCC: TIB-213 F-D96 F-D96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1179 FDCP-1 FDCP-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5275 FDC-P1 FDC-P1 cell ATCC: CRL-12103 FDCP-Mix cl.A4 FDCP-Mix cl.A4 cell HyperCLDB: cl5276 Fe Bos disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type II (hemorrhagic type) Fe Bos cell ATCC: CRL-1177 FE92 FE92 cell HyperCLDB: cl1219 FEA4 + PFSC/C1 FEA4 + PFSC/C1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1220 FEL FEL cell HyperCLDB: cl1221 FeLV 3281 FeLV 3281 cell HyperCLDB: cl1222 FeLV-3281 FeLV-3281 cell ATCC: CRL-9116 FER FER cell HyperCLDB: cl1223 Fer Ray Fer Ray cell HyperCLDB: cl1224 FeT-1C FeT-1C cell ATCC: CRL-11968 FeT-J FeT-J cell ATCC: CRL-11967 FFC87M FFC87M cell HyperCLDB: cl1226 FG/223 FG/223 cell HyperCLDB: cl1227 FG/25 FG/25 cell HyperCLDB: cl1228 FG/4 FG/4 cell HyperCLDB: cl1229 FG/45 FG/45 cell HyperCLDB: cl1230 FG/90 FG/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1231 FG186 FG186 cell HyperCLDB: cl1232 FG86 FG86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1233 FGC4 disease: hepatoma FGC4 cell HyperCLDB: cl1234 FGC95 FGC95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1235 FGF96 FGF96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1236 FH 1 FH 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1237 FH 10 FH 10 cell HyperCLDB: cl1238 FH 100 FH 100 cell HyperCLDB: cl1239 FH 101 FH 101 cell HyperCLDB: cl1240 FH 103 FH 103 cell HyperCLDB: cl5402 FH 105 FH 105 cell HyperCLDB: cl5403 FH 106 FH 106 cell HyperCLDB: cl5404 FH 111 FH 111 cell HyperCLDB: cl5405 FH 112 FH 112 cell HyperCLDB: cl5406 FH 113 FH 113 cell HyperCLDB: cl5407 FH 114 FH 114 cell HyperCLDB: cl5408 FH 118 FH 118 cell HyperCLDB: cl5409 FH 119 FH 119 cell HyperCLDB: cl5410 FH 120 FH 120 cell HyperCLDB: cl5411 FH 121 FH 121 cell HyperCLDB: cl5412 FH 124 FH 124 cell HyperCLDB: cl5413 FH 125 FH 125 cell HyperCLDB: cl5414 FH 126 FH 126 cell HyperCLDB: cl5415 FH 129 FH 129 cell HyperCLDB: cl5416 FH 13 FH 13 cell HyperCLDB: cl1241 FH 130 FH 130 cell HyperCLDB: cl5417 FH 131 FH 131 cell HyperCLDB: cl5418 FH 132 FH 132 cell HyperCLDB: cl5419 FH 133 FH 133 cell HyperCLDB: cl5420 FH 134 FH 134 cell HyperCLDB: cl5421 FH 135 FH 135 cell HyperCLDB: cl5422 FH 136 FH 136 cell HyperCLDB: cl5423 FH 137 FH 137 cell HyperCLDB: cl5424 FH 138 FH 138 cell HyperCLDB: cl5425 FH 14 FH 14 cell HyperCLDB: cl1242 FH 140 FH 140 cell HyperCLDB: cl5426 FH 141 FH 141 cell HyperCLDB: cl5427 FH 142 FH 142 cell HyperCLDB: cl5428 FH 143 FH 143 cell HyperCLDB: cl5429 FH 144 FH 144 cell HyperCLDB: cl5430 FH 145 FH 145 cell HyperCLDB: cl5431 FH 146 FH 146 cell HyperCLDB: cl5432 FH 147 FH 147 cell HyperCLDB: cl5433 FH 148 FH 148 cell HyperCLDB: cl5434 FH 149 FH 149 cell HyperCLDB: cl5435 FH 15 FH 15 cell HyperCLDB: cl1243 FH 150 FH 150 cell HyperCLDB: cl5436 FH 151 FH 151 cell HyperCLDB: cl5437 FH 152 FH 152 cell HyperCLDB: cl5438 FH 153 FH 153 cell HyperCLDB: cl5439 FH 154 FH 154 cell HyperCLDB: cl5440 FH 155 FH 155 cell HyperCLDB: cl5441 FH 156 FH 156 cell HyperCLDB: cl5442 FH 157 FH 157 cell HyperCLDB: cl5443 FH 16 FH 16 cell HyperCLDB: cl1244 FH 160 FH 160 cell HyperCLDB: cl5444 FH 161 FH 161 cell HyperCLDB: cl5445 FH 162 FH 162 cell HyperCLDB: cl5446 FH 163 FH 163 cell HyperCLDB: cl5447 FH 164 FH 164 cell HyperCLDB: cl5454 FH 165 FH 165 cell HyperCLDB: cl5453 FH 167 FH 167 cell HyperCLDB: cl5455 FH 168 FH 168 cell HyperCLDB: cl5456 FH 169 FH 169 cell HyperCLDB: cl5457 FH 17 FH 17 cell HyperCLDB: cl1245 FH 170 FH 170 cell HyperCLDB: cl5458 FH 171 FH 171 cell HyperCLDB: cl5459 FH 172 FH 172 cell HyperCLDB: cl5460 FH 176 FH 176 cell HyperCLDB: cl5461 FH 177 FH 177 cell HyperCLDB: cl5462 FH 178 FH 178 cell HyperCLDB: cl5463 FH 18 FH 18 cell HyperCLDB: cl1246 FH 19 FH 19 cell HyperCLDB: cl1247 FH 20 FH 20 cell HyperCLDB: cl1248 FH 21 FH 21 cell HyperCLDB: cl1249 FH 22 FH 22 cell HyperCLDB: cl1250 FH 23 FH 23 cell HyperCLDB: cl1251 FH 24 FH 24 cell HyperCLDB: cl1252 FH 25 FH 25 cell HyperCLDB: cl1253 FH 26 FH 26 cell HyperCLDB: cl1254 FH 27 FH 27 cell HyperCLDB: cl1255 FH 29 FH 29 cell HyperCLDB: cl1256 FH 30 FH 30 cell HyperCLDB: cl1257 FH 31 FH 31 cell HyperCLDB: cl1258 FH 32 FH 32 cell HyperCLDB: cl1259 FH 33 FH 33 cell HyperCLDB: cl1260 FH 34 FH 34 cell HyperCLDB: cl1261 FH 35 FH 35 cell HyperCLDB: cl1262 FH 36 FH 36 cell HyperCLDB: cl1263 FH 37 FH 37 cell HyperCLDB: cl1264 FH 38 FH 38 cell HyperCLDB: cl1265 FH 39 FH 39 cell HyperCLDB: cl1266 FH 4 FH 4 cell HyperCLDB: cl1267 FH 47 FH 47 cell HyperCLDB: cl1268 FH 49 FH 49 cell HyperCLDB: cl1269 FH 5 FH 5 cell HyperCLDB: cl1270 FH 50 FH 50 cell HyperCLDB: cl1271 FH 51 FH 51 cell HyperCLDB: cl1272 FH 52 FH 52 cell HyperCLDB: cl1273 FH 53 FH 53 cell HyperCLDB: cl1274 FH 54 FH 54 cell HyperCLDB: cl1275 FH 55 FH 55 cell HyperCLDB: cl1276 FH 56 FH 56 cell HyperCLDB: cl1277 FH 57 FH 57 cell HyperCLDB: cl1278 FH 59 FH 59 cell HyperCLDB: cl1279 FH 6 FH 6 cell HyperCLDB: cl1280 FH 60 FH 60 cell HyperCLDB: cl1281 FH 61 FH 61 cell HyperCLDB: cl1282 FH 62 FH 62 cell HyperCLDB: cl1283 FH 63 FH 63 cell HyperCLDB: cl1284 FH 64 FH 64 cell HyperCLDB: cl1285 FH 65 FH 65 cell HyperCLDB: cl1286 FH 66 FH 66 cell HyperCLDB: cl1287 FH 67 FH 67 cell HyperCLDB: cl1288 FH 68 FH 68 cell HyperCLDB: cl1289 FH 69 FH 69 cell HyperCLDB: cl1290 FH 7 FH 7 cell HyperCLDB: cl1291 FH 70 FH 70 cell HyperCLDB: cl1292 FH 71 FH 71 cell HyperCLDB: cl1293 FH 72 FH 72 cell HyperCLDB: cl1294 FH 73 FH 73 cell HyperCLDB: cl1295 FH 74 FH 74 cell HyperCLDB: cl1296 FH 75 FH 75 cell HyperCLDB: cl1297 FH 76 FH 76 cell HyperCLDB: cl1298 FH 77 FH 77 cell HyperCLDB: cl1299 FH 78 FH 78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1300 FH 79 FH 79 cell HyperCLDB: cl1301 FH 8 FH 8 cell HyperCLDB: cl1302 FH 80 FH 80 cell HyperCLDB: cl1303 FH 81 FH 81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1304 FH 82 FH 82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1305 FH 83 FH 83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1306 FH 84 FH 84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1307 FH 85 FH 85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1308 FH 86 FH 86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1309 FH 9 FH 9 cell HyperCLDB: cl1310 FH 91 FH 91 cell HyperCLDB: cl1311 FH 92 FH 92 cell HyperCLDB: cl1312 FH 93 FH 93 cell HyperCLDB: cl1313 FH 94 FH 94 cell HyperCLDB: cl1314 FH 95 FH 95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1315 FH 96 FH 96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1316 FH 97 FH 97 cell HyperCLDB: cl1317 FH 98 FH 98 cell HyperCLDB: cl1318 FH 99 FH 99 cell HyperCLDB: cl1319 FHC FHC cell ATCC: CRL-1831 FHCR-1-2075/FH4 disease: hybridoma FHCR-1-2075/FH4 cell ATCC: HB-8775 FHCR-1-2075/FH5 disease: hybridoma FHCR-1-2075/FH5 cell ATCC: HB-8770 FHCR-1-2516/FH7 disease: hybridoma FHCR-1-2516/FH7 cell ATCC: HB-8861 FHCR-1-2624/FH6/FHOT-1-3019 disease: hybridoma FHCR-1-2624/FH6/FHOT-1-3019 cell ATCC: HB-8873 FHCR-1-2813/FDC-6 disease: hybridoma FHCR-1-2813/FDC-6 cell ATCC: HB-9018 FHM FHM cell ATCC: CCL-42 FHs 173We FHs 173We cell ATCC: HTB-158 FHs 738Lu FHs 738Lu cell ATCC: HTB-157 FHs 74 Int FHs 74 Int cell ATCC: CCL-241 FIB21 disease: hybridoma FIB21 cell ATCC: HB-295 FIB504.64 disease: hybridoma FIB504.64 cell ATCC: HB-293 FIB-CL1 FIB-CL1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1325 FIB-CL10 FIB-CL10 cell HyperCLDB: cl5469 FIB-CL2 FIB-CL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1326 FIB-CL3 FIB-CL3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1327 FIB-CL5 FIB-CL5 cell HyperCLDB: cl5464 FIB-CL6 FIB-CL6 cell HyperCLDB: cl5465 FIB-CL7 FIB-CL7 cell HyperCLDB: cl5466 FIB-CL8 FIB-CL8 cell HyperCLDB: cl5467 FIB-CL9 FIB-CL9 cell HyperCLDB: cl5468 FIB-DUP1 FIB-DUP1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1328 FIB-DUP10 FIB-DUP10 cell HyperCLDB: cl5474 FIB-DUP11 FIB-DUP11 cell HyperCLDB: cl5475 FIB-DUP14 FIB-DUP14 cell HyperCLDB: cl5476 FIB-DUP15 FIB-DUP15 cell HyperCLDB: cl5477 FIB-DUP2 FIB-DUP2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1329 FIB-DUP3 FIB-DUP3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1330 FIB-DUP4 FIB-DUP4 cell HyperCLDB: cl1331 FIB-DUP5 FIB-DUP5 cell HyperCLDB: cl5470 FIB-DUP6 FIB-DUP6 cell HyperCLDB: cl5471 FIB-DUP7 FIB-DUP7 cell HyperCLDB: cl5472 FIB-DUP9 FIB-DUP9 cell HyperCLDB: cl5473 FIB-ED3 FIB-ED3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1332 FIB-EDII1 FIB-EDII1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1333 FIB-EDII11 FIB-EDII11 cell HyperCLDB: cl5478 FIB-EDIII5 FIB-EDIII5 cell HyperCLDB: cl1334 FIB-EDIV2 FIB-EDIV2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1335 FIB-EDIV4 FIB-EDIV4 cell HyperCLDB: cl1336 FIB-IP1 FIB-IP1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1337 FIB-IP2 FIB-IP2 cell HyperCLDB: cl5479 FIB-LARSEN1 FIB-LARSEN1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1338 FIB-LARSEN2 FIB-LARSEN2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1339 FIB-MARFAN1 FIB-MARFAN1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1340 FIB-MARFAN3 FIB-MARFAN3 cell HyperCLDB: cl5480 FIB-MARFAN4 FIB-MARFAN4 cell HyperCLDB: cl5481 FIB-MARFAN5 FIB-MARFAN5 cell HyperCLDB: cl5482 FIB-MARFAN6 FIB-MARFAN6 cell HyperCLDB: cl5483 FIB-MOR1 FIB-MOR1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1341 FIB-NC13 FIB-NC13 cell HyperCLDB: cl1343 FIB-NC15 FIB-NC15 cell HyperCLDB: cl1344 FIB-NC16 FIB-NC16 cell HyperCLDB: cl1345 FIB-NC22 FIB-NC22 cell HyperCLDB: cl1346 FIB-NC23 FIB-NC23 cell HyperCLDB: cl1347 FIB-NC24 FIB-NC24 cell HyperCLDB: cl1348 FIB-NC25 FIB-NC25 cell HyperCLDB: cl1349 FIB-NC26 FIB-NC26 cell HyperCLDB: cl1350 FIB-NC27 FIB-NC27 cell HyperCLDB: cl1351 FIB-NC30 FIB-NC30 cell HyperCLDB: cl5484 FIB-NC42 FIB-NC42 cell HyperCLDB: cl5485 FIB-NC46 FIB-NC46 cell HyperCLDB: cl5486 FIB-NC54 FIB-NC54 cell HyperCLDB: cl5487 FIB-NC55 FIB-NC55 cell HyperCLDB: cl5488 FIB-NC56 FIB-NC56 cell HyperCLDB: cl5489 FIB-NC57 FIB-NC57 cell HyperCLDB: cl5490 FIB-NC58 FIB-NC58 cell HyperCLDB: cl5491 FIB-NC59 FIB-NC59 cell HyperCLDB: cl5492 FIB-NC60 FIB-NC60 cell HyperCLDB: cl5493 FIB-NC62 FIB-NC62 cell HyperCLDB: cl5494 FIB-NC63 FIB-NC63 cell HyperCLDB: cl5495 FIB-NC64 FIB-NC64 cell HyperCLDB: cl5496 FIB-NC65 FIB-NC65 cell HyperCLDB: cl5497 FIB-NC66 FIB-NC66 cell HyperCLDB: cl5498 FIB-NC67 FIB-NC67 cell HyperCLDB: cl5499 FIB-PROL1 FIB-PROL1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1352 FIB-PROL2 FIB-PROL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1353 FIB-PSE1 FIB-PSE1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1354 FIB-PSE12 FIB-PSE12 cell HyperCLDB: cl5500 FIB-PSE13 FIB-PSE13 cell HyperCLDB: cl5501 FIB-PSE14 FIB-PSE14 cell HyperCLDB: cl5502 FIB-PSE15 FIB-PSE15 cell HyperCLDB: cl5503 FIB-PSE17 FIB-PSE17 cell HyperCLDB: cl5504 FIB-PSE2 FIB-PSE2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1355 FIB-PSE26 FIB-PSE26 cell HyperCLDB: cl5505 FIB-PSE3 FIB-PSE3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1356 FIB-PSE32 FIB-PSE32 cell HyperCLDB: cl5506 FIB-PSE34 FIB-PSE34 cell HyperCLDB: cl5512 FIB-PSE35 FIB-PSE35 cell HyperCLDB: cl5514 FIB-PSE39 FIB-PSE39 cell HyperCLDB: cl5513 FIB-PSE40 FIB-PSE40 cell HyperCLDB: cl5515 FIB-PSE43 FIB-PSE43 cell HyperCLDB: cl5516 FIB-PSE44 FIB-PSE44 cell HyperCLDB: cl5517 FIB-PSE45 FIB-PSE45 cell HyperCLDB: cl5518 FIB-PSE46 FIB-PSE46 cell HyperCLDB: cl5519 FIB-PSE47 FIB-PSE47 cell HyperCLDB: cl5520 FIB-PSE50 FIB-PSE50 cell HyperCLDB: cl5521 FIB-PSE51 FIB-PSE51 cell HyperCLDB: cl5522 FIB-PSE52 FIB-PSE52 cell HyperCLDB: cl5523 FIB-PSE53 FIB-PSE53 cell HyperCLDB: cl5524 FIB-PSE54 FIB-PSE54 cell HyperCLDB: cl5525 FIB-SCLE1 FIB-SCLE1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1357 FIB-SCLE10 FIB-SCLE10 cell HyperCLDB: cl5527 FIB-SCLE11 FIB-SCLE11 cell HyperCLDB: cl5528 FIB-SCLE12 FIB-SCLE12 cell HyperCLDB: cl5529 FIB-SCLE13 FIB-SCLE13 cell HyperCLDB: cl5530 FIB-SCLE14 FIB-SCLE14 cell HyperCLDB: cl5531 FIB-SCLE15 FIB-SCLE15 cell HyperCLDB: cl5532 FIB-SCLE16 FIB-SCLE16 cell HyperCLDB: cl5533 FIB-SCLE17 FIB-SCLE17 cell HyperCLDB: cl5534 FIB-SCLE18 FIB-SCLE18 cell HyperCLDB: cl5535 FIB-SCLE19 FIB-SCLE19 cell HyperCLDB: cl5536 FIB-SCLE2 FIB-SCLE2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1358 FIB-SCLE20 FIB-SCLE20 cell HyperCLDB: cl5537 FIB-SCLE21 FIB-SCLE21 cell HyperCLDB: cl5538 FIB-SCLE3 FIB-SCLE3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1359 FIB-SCLE4 FIB-SCLE4 cell HyperCLDB: cl1360 FIB-SCLE5 FIB-SCLE5 cell HyperCLDB: cl1361 FIB-SCLE6 FIB-SCLE6 cell HyperCLDB: cl1362 FIB-SCLE7 FIB-SCLE7 cell HyperCLDB: cl1363 FIB-SCLE8 FIB-SCLE8 cell HyperCLDB: cl1364 FIB-SCLE9 FIB-SCLE9 cell HyperCLDB: cl5526 FIGR disease: hybridoma FIGR cell ATCC: CRL-2173 FL FL cell ATCC: CCL-62 FL 62891 disease: immortalized with SV40 large T antigen FL 62891 cell ATCC: CRL-11005 FL74-UCD-1 FL74-UCD-1 cell ATCC: CRL-8012 FL83B FL83B cell ATCC: CRL-2390 FL88 FL88 cell HyperCLDB: cl1369 FLC clone 745 FLC clone 745 cell HyperCLDB: cl1370 FLC clone M2 FLC clone M2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1371 FLK-BLV-044 FLK-BLV-044 cell HyperCLDB: cl1372 FLOW 2002 FLOW 2002 cell HyperCLDB: cl1373 Flow 6000 Flow 6000 cell HyperCLDB: cl1375 LCL-1437 FLYA13 FLYA13 cell ECACC: 95091901 HyperCLDB: cl1376 FLYRD18 disease: fibrosarcoma FLYRD18 cell HyperCLDB: cl1377 FM3A FM3A cell HyperCLDB: cl1378 FM3Ats C1.T85 FM3Ats C1.T85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1379 F-M91 F-M91 cell HyperCLDB: cl1180 F-M96 F-M96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1181 FMG87 FMG87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1380 FN86 FN86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1381 FNS FNS cell ATCC: CRL-6170 FO disease: hybridoma fusion partner FO cell ATCC: CRL-1646 FO-4 FO-4 cell ATCC: CRL-6171 FoLu FoLu cell ATCC: CCL-168 FOX-NY disease: hybridoma fusion partner FOX-NY cell ATCC: CRL-1732 F-P89 F-P89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1182 F-P95 F-P95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1183 F-P96 F-P96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1184 FR FR cell ATCC: CRL-1213 fR2 fR2 cell HyperCLDB: cl5064 fR5 fR5 cell HyperCLDB: cl5065 FRAN4 disease: hybridoma FRAN4 cell ATCC: HB-10830 FRhK-4 FRhK-4 cell ATCC: CRL-1688 FRhK-4/R FRhK-4/R cell HyperCLDB: cl1387 FRT FRT cell HyperCLDB: cl1388 FRT-Fibro KiMSV FRT-Fibro KiMSV cell HyperCLDB: cl1389 FRTL FRTL cell ATCC: CRL-1468 FRT-L KiKi FRT-L KiKi cell HyperCLDB: cl1390 FRT-L KiMol wt FRT-L KiMol wt cell HyperCLDB: cl1391 FRT-L KiMolts FRT-L KiMolts cell HyperCLDB: cl1392 FRTL-5 FRTL-5 cell HyperCLDB: cl1395 FRT-U10 FRT-U10 cell HyperCLDB: cl1393 FS6 FS6 cell HyperCLDB: cl1396 FSHR-18 disease: hybridoma FSHR-18 cell ATCC: CRL-2688 FSHR-323 disease: hybridoma FSHR-323 cell ATCC: CRL-2689 FT FT cell ATCC: CCL-41 LCL-1677 FTC-133 FTC-133 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308732 CVCL: CVCL_1219 ECACC: 94060901 HyperCLDB: cl1398 LCL-1678 FTC-238 FTC-238 cell ECACC: 94060902 HyperCLDB: cl1400 Fugu eye Fugu eye cell ATCC: CRL-2641 Fugu fry Fugu fry cell ATCC: CRL-2642 LCL-1695 FU-OV-1 FU-OV-1 cell DSMZ: ACC 444 HyperCLDB: cl7099 FV93 FV93 cell HyperCLDB: cl1402 FW11-10-3 disease: hybridoma FW11-10-3 cell ATCC: HB-257 FW11-24-17-36 disease: hybridoma FW11-24-17-36 cell ATCC: HB-258 FW11-9-2 disease: hybridoma FW11-9-2 cell ATCC: HB-256 FW3-218-1 disease: hybridoma FW3-218-1 cell ATCC: HB-261 FW4-101-1-1 disease: hybridoma FW4-101-1-1 cell ATCC: HB-289 G G cell HyperCLDB: cl1403 G 2 G 2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1404 G 26/24 G 26/24 cell HyperCLDB: cl1405 G.8 G.8 cell HyperCLDB: cl5189 G/G G/G cell HyperCLDB: cl1426 G0086 G0086 cell HyperCLDB: cl1427 G0895 G0895 cell HyperCLDB: cl1428 G1094 G1094 cell HyperCLDB: cl1429 G1291 G1291 cell HyperCLDB: cl1430 G14D G14D cell ATCC: CRL-2760 G1B G1B cell ATCC: CRL-2536 G253 disease: hybridoma G253 cell ATCC: HB-9706 G25496 G25496 cell HyperCLDB: cl1434 G26.4.1C3/86 disease: hybridoma G26.4.1C3/86 cell ATCC: HB-9893 G28-5 disease: hybridoma G28-5 cell ATCC: HB-9110 G-292, clone A141B1 G-292, clone A141B1 cell ATCC: CRL-1423 HyperCLDB: cl1406 G2a.5 disease: hybridoma G2a.5 cell ATCC: HB-110 G2b.2 disease: hybridoma G2b.2 cell ATCC: HB-109 G-3-5 disease: hybridoma G-3-5 cell ATCC: CRL-2252 G355-5 G355-5 cell ATCC: CRL-2033 LCL-1246 G-361 disease: malignant melanoma G-361 cell ATCC: CRL-1424 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307514 CVCL: CVCL_1220 LCL-1511 G-401 disease: rhabdoid tumor G-401 cell ATCC: CRL-1441 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308394 CVCL: CVCL_0270 EFO: EFO_0002179 LCL-1751 G-402 G-402 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308733 CVCL: CVCL_1221 EFO: EFO_0002180 G-7 G-7 cell ATCC: CRL-1447 G-8 G-8 cell ATCC: CRL-1456 Ga Va Ga Va cell ATCC: CRL-1394 LCL-2020 GA-10 disease: Burkitts lymphoma GA-10 cell ATCC: CRL-2392 LCL-2035 GA-10 (Clone 20) GA-10 (Clone 20) cell ATCC: CRL-2394 GA-10 (Clone 4) GA-10 (Clone 4) cell ATCC: CRL-2393 GA87 GA87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1436 G-A88 G-A88 cell HyperCLDB: cl1413 GA93 GA93 cell HyperCLDB: cl1437 GA96 GA96 cell HyperCLDB: cl1438 GAa85F GAa85F cell HyperCLDB: cl1439 GAD-1 disease: hybridoma GAD-1 cell ATCC: HB-184 GAi85F GAi85F cell HyperCLDB: cl1440 Gam Per disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, possible heterozygote Gam Per cell ATCC: CRL-1326 LCL-1351 ZN GAMG GAMG cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308734 CVCL: CVCL_1226 DSMZ: ACC 242 HyperCLDB: cl1441 GAP 8.3 disease: hybridoma GAP 8.3 cell ATCC: HB-12 GAP A3 disease: hybridoma GAP A3 cell ATCC: HB-122 Gap Per disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, possible heterozygote Gap Per cell ATCC: CRL-1335 G-B90 G-B90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1414 GB95 GB95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1442 GBM disease: glioblastoma GBM cell HyperCLDB: cl1443 GC-1 spg disease: spermatogonia GC-1 spg cell ATCC: CRL-2053 G-C195 G-C195 cell HyperCLDB: cl1415 GC-2spd(ts) disease: SV40 large T antigen transfected GC-2spd(ts) cell ATCC: CRL-2196 G-C92 G-C92 cell HyperCLDB: cl1416 G-C94 G-C94 cell HyperCLDB: cl1417 GC95 GC95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1444 G-C95 G-C95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1418 LCL-1752 GCT disease: fibrous histiocytoma (primary unknown) GCT cell ATCC: TIB-223 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308471 CVCL: CVCL_1229 EFO: EFO_0002182 Gd1T Gd1T cell ATCC: CRL-6180 Gd1WE Gd1WE cell ATCC: CRL-6181 LCL-1052 GDM-1 disease: monoblast; myelomonoblastic leukemia GDM-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2627 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308198 CVCL: CVCL_1230 EFO: EFO_0002183 GE86 GE86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1447 GE95 GE95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1448 GEEP GEEP cell HyperCLDB: cl1449 Gekko lung-1 Gekko lung-1 cell ATCC: CCL-111 GeLu GeLu cell ATCC: CCL-100 Genox 3.53 disease: hybridoma Genox 3.53 cell ATCC: HB-103 G-F92a G-F92a cell HyperCLDB: cl1419 G-F92f G-F92f cell HyperCLDB: cl1420 G-F95 G-F95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1421 GF-D8 disease: leukemia, acute myeloid GF-D8 cell HyperCLDB: cl7058 GFPu-1 disease: transformed with adenovirus 5 DNA GFPu-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2794 GG87 GG87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1451 GGP87F GGP87F cell HyperCLDB: cl1452 GH 1 GH 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1453 GH 3 GH 3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1455 GH subscript(1) GH subscript(1) cell ATCC: CCL-82 GH subscript(3) GH subscript(3) cell ATCC: CCL-82.1 GH subscript(4) C subscript(1) GH subscript(4) C subscript(1) cell ATCC: CCL-82.2 GH1 disease: pituitary tumor GH1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1454 GH3 GH3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1456 GH329 GH329 cell ATCC: CRL-13002 GH354 disease: generates E1-deleted adenovirus vectors GH354 cell ATCC: CRL-13003 GH4-C1 GH4-C1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1459 GI95 GI95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1465 GI-CA-N GI-CA-N cell HyperCLDB: cl1460 GI-LI-N GI-LI-N cell HyperCLDB: cl1462 LCL-1983 GI-ME-N GI-ME-N cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308868 CVCL: CVCL_1232 HyperCLDB: cl1464 Sanger: COSMIC ID:906872 GIRARDI HEART GIRARDI HEART cell HyperCLDB: cl1466 HyperCLDB: cl1467 GIRARDI HEART C2 GIRARDI HEART C2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1469 GIRARDI HEART C7 GIRARDI HEART C7 cell HyperCLDB: cl1470 GK1.5 disease: hybridoma GK1.5 cell ATCC: TIB-207 HyperCLDB: cl5190 GK-5 disease: hybridoma fusion partner GK-5 cell ATCC: CRL-1834 GL-1 GL-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1471 GL1 disease: hybridoma GL1 cell ATCC: HB-253 GL-6 (251-MG) GL-6 (251-MG) cell HyperCLDB: cl1472 GL7 disease: hybridoma GL7 cell ATCC: HB-254 G-L88 G-L88 cell HyperCLDB: cl1422 GLC-82 GLC-82 cell HyperCLDB: cl4909 glomotel disease: glomangioma; immortalized with hTERT glomotel cell ATCC: CRL-2597 - Discontinued GM 490 GM 490 cell HyperCLDB: cl1474 GM00112A GM00112A cell HyperCLDB: cl1475 GM00135A GM00135A cell HyperCLDB: cl1476 GM00425 GM00425 cell HyperCLDB: cl1477 GM00469 GM00469 cell HyperCLDB: cl1478 GM00483 GM00483 cell HyperCLDB: cl1479 GM00488C GM00488C cell HyperCLDB: cl1480 GM00637B GM00637B cell HyperCLDB: cl1481 GM00638 GM00638 cell HyperCLDB: cl1482 GM00639 GM00639 cell HyperCLDB: cl1483 GM00863 GM00863 cell HyperCLDB: cl1484 GM00881 GM00881 cell HyperCLDB: cl1485 GM01229 GM01229 cell HyperCLDB: cl1486 GM01606A GM01606A cell HyperCLDB: cl1487 GM01607 GM01607 cell HyperCLDB: cl1488 GM02185 GM02185 cell HyperCLDB: cl1489 GM02290 GM02290 cell HyperCLDB: cl1490 GM02291 GM02291 cell HyperCLDB: cl1491 GM02408C GM02408C cell HyperCLDB: cl1492 GM02605 GM02605 cell HyperCLDB: cl1493 GM02824 GM02824 cell HyperCLDB: cl1494 GM02848 GM02848 cell HyperCLDB: cl1495 GM03123 GM03123 cell HyperCLDB: cl1496 GM03252 GM03252 cell HyperCLDB: cl1497 GM05752 GM05752 cell HyperCLDB: cl1498 GM05870 GM05870 cell HyperCLDB: cl1499 GM06127 GM06127 cell HyperCLDB: cl1500 GM08866 GM08866 cell HyperCLDB: cl1501 GM2 GM2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1502 GM7372 GM7372 cell HyperCLDB: cl1503 GM7373 GM7373 cell HyperCLDB: cl1504 HyperCLDB: cl1505 GM86 Clone 745A GM86 Clone 745A cell HyperCLDB: cl1506 GM87 GM87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1507 G-M89 G-M89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1423 GM95 GM95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1508 G-M95a G-M95a cell HyperCLDB: cl1424 G-M95f G-M95f cell HyperCLDB: cl1425 GMK,AH-1 GMK,AH-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1509 GMMe [EPI] GMMe [EPI] cell ATCC: CRL-2674 GMMs [STR] GMMs [STR] cell ATCC: CRL-2675 LCL-1352 GMS-10 disease: glioblastoma GMS-10 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308105 CVCL: CVCL_1233 DSMZ: ACC 405 HyperCLDB: cl5277 Go Je disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, variant type Go Je cell ATCC: CRL-1381 G-Olig2 G-Olig2 cell ATCC: SCRC-1037 LCL-1406 GOS-3 GOS-3 cell DSMZ: ACC 408 HyperCLDB: cl5278 GP+E-86 disease: ecotropic retroviral packaging line GP+E-86 cell ATCC: CRL-9642 GP+envAM-12 disease: amphotropic retroviral packaging line GP+envAM-12 cell ATCC: CRL-9641 GP-16 GP-16 cell HyperCLDB: cl1510 GP2d GP2d cell HyperCLDB: cl1511 LCL-1176 GP5d GP5d cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308735 CVCL: CVCL_1235 ECACC: 95090715 HyperCLDB: cl1512 GPC-16 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma GPC-16 cell ATCC: CCL-242 GR-20 disease: hybridoma GR-20 cell ATCC: CRL-2024 Gr431 disease: hybridoma Gr431 cell ATCC: HB-8575 GR95 GR95 cell HyperCLDB: cl1514 GR-96 disease: hybridoma GR-96 cell ATCC: CRL-2013 LCL-1126 GRANTA-519 GRANTA-519 cell DSMZ: ACC 342 HyperCLDB: cl5279 GRL101 (KC7) GRL101 (KC7) cell HyperCLDB: cl1516 GRL101 (MIX) GRL101 (MIX) cell HyperCLDB: cl1517 GR-M GR-M cell HyperCLDB: cl1513 Grunt Fin (GF) Grunt Fin (GF) cell HyperCLDB: cl1518 GS-109-IV-8 disease: Gardners syndrome GS-109-IV-8 cell ATCC: CRL-1672 GS-109-V-20 disease: Gardners syndrome GS-109-V-20 cell ATCC: CRL-1610 GS-109-V-21 disease: Gardners syndrome GS-109-V-21 cell ATCC: CRL-1643 GS-109-V-34 disease: Gardners syndrome GS-109-V-34 cell ATCC: CRL-1613 GS-109-V-63 disease: Gardners syndrome GS-109-V-63 cell ATCC: CRL-1614 GS83f GS83f cell HyperCLDB: cl1524 GS83ls GS83ls cell HyperCLDB: cl1525 GS93 GS93 cell HyperCLDB: cl1526 GS-9L GS-9L cell HyperCLDB: cl1522 GSML GSML cell ATCC: CRL-2699 GT186f GT186f cell HyperCLDB: cl1527 GT186ls GT186ls cell HyperCLDB: cl1528 GT86f GT86f cell HyperCLDB: cl1529 GT86ls GT86ls cell HyperCLDB: cl1530 H 16-L10-4R 5 disease: hybridoma H 16-L10-4R 5 cell HyperCLDB: cl5192 H 9 H 9 cell HyperCLDB: cl1556 H1.6 disease: hybridoma H1.6 cell ATCC: CRL-2567 H16-L10-4R5 disease: hybridoma H16-L10-4R5 cell ATCC: HB-65 H18/7 disease: hybridoma H18/7 cell ATCC: HB-11684 H19-7/IGF-IR H19-7/IGF-IR cell ATCC: CRL-2526 H1HeLa H1HeLa cell ATCC: CRL-1958 H2.35 disease: hepatocyte; SV40 transformed H2.35 cell ATCC: CRL-1995 H2.8 disease: hybridoma H2.8 cell ATCC: CRL-2568 H21F8-1 disease: hybridoma H21F8-1 cell ATCC: CRL-8018 H25B10 H25B10 cell ATCC: CRL-8017 H25B10 disease: hybridoma H25B10 cell ATCC: CRL-8017A H3.1 disease: hybridoma H3.1 cell ATCC: CRL-2569 LCL-2037 H33HJ-JA1 H33HJ-JA1 cell : 90112119 HyperCLDB: cl1542 H36.12a H36.12a cell ATCC: CRL-2445 H36.12b H36.12b cell ATCC: CRL-2446 H36.12d H36.12d cell ATCC: CRL-2447 H36.12e H36.12e cell ATCC: CRL-2448 H36.12j H36.12j cell ATCC: CRL-2449 LCL-1401 H4 disease: neuroglioma H4 cell ATCC: HTB-148 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308507 CVCL: CVCL_1239 EFO: EFO_0002184 H454 disease: carcinoma, epitheloid H454 cell HyperCLDB: cl1547 H460 H460 cell HyperCLDB: cl1548 H4II disease: carcinoma, hepatocellular H4II cell HyperCLDB: cl1549 H-4-II-E disease: hepatoma H-4-II-E cell ATCC: CRL-1548 H4-II-E-C3 disease: hepatoma H4-II-E-C3 cell ATCC: CRL-1600 H4S disease: hepatoma H4S cell HyperCLDB: cl1550 H4TG disease: hepatoma H4TG cell ATCC: CRL-1578 H5 disease: hepatoma H5 cell HyperCLDB: cl1551 H57-597 disease: hybridoma H57-597 cell ATCC: HB-218 H69 disease: carcinoma, small cell H69 cell HyperCLDB: cl1552 H69AR disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer; multidrug resistant H69AR cell ATCC: CRL-11351 LCL-1875 H69V disease: carcinoma, small cell H69V cell ECACC: 91091803 HyperCLDB: cl1554 LCL-1144 H9 H9 cell ATCC: HTB-176 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308402 CVCL: CVCL_1240 EFO: EFO_0003045 Sanger: COSMIC ID:907043 H9/HTLV-IIIB H9/HTLV-IIIB cell ATCC: CRL-8543 H9c2(2-1) H9c2(2-1) cell ATCC: CRL-1446 HyperCLDB: cl1558 Ha Fe Ha Fe cell ATCC: CRL-1396 H-A88 H-A88 cell HyperCLDB: cl1534 HAA1 disease: hybridoma HAA1 cell ATCC: HB-8534 HAAE-1 HAAE-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2472 HAAE-2 HAAE-2 cell ATCC: CRL-2473 HaK HaK cell ATCC: CCL-15 HyperCLDB: cl1563 HAP-T1 HAP-T1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1567 HyperCLDB: cl1568 HB disease: epidermolysis bullosa simplex HB cell ATCC: CRL-7729 HBE135-E6E7 disease: HPV-16 E6/E7 transformed HBE135-E6E7 cell ATCC: CRL-2741 HBE4-E6/E7 HBE4-E6/E7 cell ATCC: CRL-2078 HBE4-E6/E7-C1 HBE4-E6/E7-C1 cell ATCC: CRL-2079 HBL-100 HBL-100 cell HyperCLDB: cl1571 LCL-1086 HC-1 HC-1 cell ACC 301 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308522 CVCL: CVCL_1243 HyperCLDB: cl5282 HCC1007 BL HCC1007 BL cell ATCC: CRL-2319 HCC1008 disease: ductal carcinoma (mammary gland primary) HCC1008 cell ATCC: CRL-2320 LCL-1329 immortal epithelial cell line cell that is derived from some breast epithelial cell from a human patient who had invasive ductal carcinoma. HCC1143 WEB: disease: primary ductal carcinoma HCC1143 cell ATCC: CRL-2321 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308737 EFO: EFO_0001169 RRID:CVCL_1245 HCC1143 BL HCC1143 BL cell ATCC: CRL-2362 LCL-1324 HCC1187 disease: primary ductal carcinoma HCC1187 cell ATCC: CRL-2322 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308845 CVCL: CVCL_1247 EFO: EFO_0001170 HCC1187 BL HCC1187 BL cell ATCC: CRL-2323 LCL-1330 HCC1395 disease: primary ductal carcinoma HCC1395 cell ATCC: CRL-2324 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308106 CVCL: CVCL_1249 EFO: EFO_0002185 HCC1395 BL HCC1395 BL cell ATCC: CRL-2325 LCL-1314 HCC1419 disease: primary ductal carcinoma HCC1419 cell ATCC: CRL-2326 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308738 CVCL: CVCL_1251 EFO: EFO_0005372 LCL-1467 ZN HCC1428 HCC1428 cell ATCC: CRL-2327 HCC1428 BL HCC1428 BL cell ATCC: CRL-2328 LCL-1325 HCC1500 disease: primary ductal carcinoma HCC1500 cell ATCC: CRL-2329 LCL-1480 ZN HCC1569 disease: primary metaplastic carcinoma HCC1569 cell ATCC: CRL-2330 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308497 CVCL: CVCL_1255 EFO: EFO_0001173 LCL-1326 HCC1599 disease: primary ductal carcinoma HCC1599 cell ATCC: CRL-2331 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308262 CVCL: CVCL_1256 EFO: EFO_0002186 HCC1599 BL HCC1599 BL cell ATCC: CRL-2332 HCC1739 BL HCC1739 BL cell ATCC: CRL-2334 LCL-1960 HCC1806 disease: primary acantholytic squamous cell carcinoma HCC1806 cell ATCC: CRL-2335 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308135 CVCL: CVCL_1258 EFO: EFO_0005373 LCL-1331 HCC1937 disease: primary ductal carcinoma HCC1937 cell ATCC: CRL-2336 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308371 CVCL: CVCL_0290 EFO: EFO_0001174 HCC1937 BL HCC1937 BL cell ATCC: CRL-2337 LCL-1332 HCC1954 disease: ductal carcinoma HCC1954 cell ATCC: CRL-2338 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308107 CVCL: CVCL_1259 EFO: EFO_0001175 HCC1954 BL HCC1954 BL cell ATCC: CRL-2339 LCL-1333 HCC202 disease: primary ductal carcinoma HCC202 cell ATCC: CRL-2316 LCL-1327 HCC2157 disease: primary ductal carcinoma HCC2157 cell ATCC: CRL-2340 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308891 CVCL: CVCL_1261 EFO: EFO_0001177 HCC2157 BL HCC2157 BL cell ATCC: CRL-2341 LCL-1328 HCC2218 disease: primary ductal carcinoma HCC2218 cell ATCC: CRL-2343 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308869 CVCL: CVCL_1263 EFO: EFO_0002187 HCC2218 BL HCC2218 BL cell ATCC: CRL-2363 HCC2935 HCC2935 cell ATCC: CRL-2869 LCL-1334 HCC38 disease: primary ductal carcinoma HCC38 cell ATCC: CRL-2314 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308578 CVCL: CVCL_1267 EFO: EFO_0001180 HCC38 BL HCC38 BL cell ATCC: CRL-2346 HCC4006 disease: adenocarcinoma (lung primary) HCC4006 cell ATCC: CRL-2871 LCL-1335 HCC70 disease: primary ductal carcinoma HCC70 cell ATCC: CRL-2315 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308739 CVCL: CVCL_1270 EFO: EFO_0001181 HCC827 HCC827 cell ATCC: CRL-2868 hCD40L-M90 disease: hybridoma hCD40L-M90 cell ATCC: HB-12055 hCD40L-M91 disease: hybridoma hCD40L-M91 cell ATCC: HB-12056 HCE-2 disease: AdV12-SV40 transformed HCE-2 cell ATCC: CRL-11135 HCN-1A HCN-1A cell ATCC: CRL-10442 HCN-2 HCN-2 cell ATCC: CRL-10742 LCL-1161 immortal human epithelial cell line cell that was derived from some colon epithelial cell from a human patient with the disease colon carcinoma HCT 116 HCT-116 HCT116 WEB: WEB: disease: colorectal carcinoma HCT 116 cell ATCC: CCL-247 ECACC: 91091005 HyperCLDB: cl1575 MeSH: D045325 RRID:CVCL_0291 LCL-1178 HCT-15 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma HCT-15 cell ATCC: CCL-225 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307945 CVCL: CVCL_0292 EFO: EFO_0002188 LCL-1198 HCT-8 HCT-8 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308035 CVCL: CVCL_2478 ECACC: 90032006 EFO: EFO_0002189 HyperCLDB: cl4949 HCT-8 (HRT-18) disease: ileocecal colorectal adenocarcinoma HCT-8 (HRT-18) cell ATCC: CCL-244 HD168 disease: hybridoma HD168 cell ATCC: HB-252 HD2-4 disease: hybridoma HD2-4 cell ATCC: HB-86 LCL-2007 HDLM-2 HDLM-2 cell ACC 17 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308234 CVCL: CVCL_0009 HyperCLDB: cl1580 LCL-2008 HD-MY-Z HD-MY-Z cell ACC 346 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308544 CVCL: CVCL_1273 HyperCLDB: cl5284 He We disease: stiff skin syndrome He We cell ATCC: CRL-1338 HEC-1-A HEC-1-A cell ATCC: HTB-112 HEC-1-B HEC-1-B cell ATCC: HTB-113 HECA-452 disease: hybridoma HECA-452 cell ATCC: HB-11485 HECV HECV cell HyperCLDB: cl5543 HEK001 disease: HPV-16 E6/E7 transformed HEK001 cell ATCC: CRL-2404 LCL-1053 HEL HEL cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308090 CVCL: CVCL_0001 DSMZ: ACC 11 HyperCLDB: cl1585 HEL 12469 HEL 12469 cell HyperCLDB: cl1593 HEL 299 HEL 299 cell ATCC: CCL-137 LCL-1076 HEL 92.1.7 disease: erythroleukemia HEL 92.1.7 cell ATCC: TIB-180 TIB-180 HEL92.1.7 HEL92.1.7 cell HyperCLDB: cl5067 LCL-1512 an immortal human uterine cervix-derived epithelial cell line that was derived from cervical adenocarcinoma cancer cells taken on February 8, 1951 from Henrietta Lacks, a patient who died of her cancer on October 4, 1951. HeLa WEB: WEB: WEB: HeLa cell ATCC: CCL-2 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308376 EFO: EFO_0001185 HyperCLDB: cl1601 MeSH: D006367 RRID:CVCL_0030 HeLa 229 HeLa 229 cell ATCC: CCL-2.1 HeLa 382 HeLa 382 cell HyperCLDB: cl1607 HeLa 422 HeLa 422 cell HyperCLDB: cl1609 HeLa 432 HeLa 432 cell HyperCLDB: cl1611 HeLa B HeLa B cell HyperCLDB: cl1624 HeLa DH HeLa DH cell HyperCLDB: cl5068 HeLa LChm HeLa LChm cell HyperCLDB: cl1613 HeLa M HeLa M cell HyperCLDB: cl1614 HeLa NR1 disease: HeLa cells transfected with plasmid pSV2neoNR101 HeLa NR1 cell ATCC: CRL-13011 HeLa Ohio disease: carcinoma, epitheloid HeLa Ohio cell HyperCLDB: cl1615 HeLa S 3 disease: carcinoma, epitheloid HeLa S 3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1617 HeLa S3 HeLa S3 cell ATCC: CCL-2.2 HeLa TK- HeLa TK- cell HyperCLDB: cl1623 HeLa229 disease: carcinoma, epitheloid HeLa229 cell HyperCLDB: cl1606 HELA-S3 HELA-S3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1621 HE-LU(Rifkin) HE-LU(Rifkin) cell ATCC: CRL-7717 LCL-1458 ZN H-EMC-SS H-EMC-SS cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308736 CVCL: CVCL_1238 ECACC: 94042258 HyperCLDB: cl1625 Hep 3B disease: carcinoma, hepatocellular Hep 3B cell HyperCLDB: cl1627 LCL-1924 Hep 3B2.1-7 Hep 3B2.1-7 cell ATCC: HB-8064 LCL-1925 HEP G2 HEP-G2 HEPG2 Hep G2 HepG2 WEB: WEB: WEB: Hep G2 cell ATCC: HB-8065 HyperCLDB: cl1644 RRID:CVCL_0027 HEP G2/2.2.1 disease: hepatocellular carcinoma; transfected with a CYP7 minigene/luciferase construct HEP G2/2.2.1 cell ATCC: CRL-11997 Hep-2 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell Hep-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1647 HyperCLDB: cl1650 HyperCLDB: cl1655 HEp-2 HEp-2 cell ATCC: CCL-23 Hep2 (Clone 2B) Hep2 (Clone 2B) cell HyperCLDB: cl1657 Hep-2C Hep-2C cell HyperCLDB: cl1656 HEP-3B disease: carcinoma, hepatocellular HEP-3B cell HyperCLDB: cl1629 Hepa 1-6 disease: hepatoma Hepa 1-6 cell ATCC: CRL-1830 HyperCLDB: cl1659 Hepa-1c1c7 disease: hepatoma Hepa-1c1c7 cell ATCC: CRL-2026 HyperCLDB: cl1660 HyperCLDB: cl4932 HEP-G2 obsolete due to duplication obsolete: HEP-G2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1644 HEPM HEPM cell ATCC: CRL-1486 Hermes-3 disease: hybridoma Hermes-3 cell ATCC: HB-9480 hES BG01V hES BG01V cell ATCC: SCRC-2002 HE-SK HE-SK cell ATCC: CRL-7718 Het-1A disease: SV40 large T antigen transfected Het-1A cell ATCC: CRL-2692 HF 19 HF 19 cell HyperCLDB: cl1663 HF 282.Sp HF 282.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7701 HF 322.Sk HF 322.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7703 HF 333.We HF 333.We cell ATCC: CRL-7706 HF 345.We HF 345.We cell ATCC: CRL-7708 HF 358.We HF 358.We cell ATCC: CRL-7709 HF1 disease: hepatoma HF1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1666 HF1-5 disease: hepatoma HF1-5 cell HyperCLDB: cl1665 HF19 HF19 cell HyperCLDB: cl1664 HF2x653 HF2x653 cell HyperCLDB: cl1667 HFAE-2 HFAE-2 cell ATCC: CRL-2474 HFF-1 disease: feeder layer HFF-1 cell ATCC: SCRC-1041 HFF-2 disease: feeder layer HFF-2 cell ATCC: SCRC-1042 HFFF2 HFFF2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1668 HFL HFL cell HyperCLDB: cl5200 HFL1 HFL1 cell ATCC: CCL-153 HFN 36.3 disease: hybridoma HFN 36.3 cell ATCC: CRL-1605 HFN 7.1 disease: hybridoma HFN 7.1 cell ATCC: CRL-1606 hFOB 1.19 disease: SV40 large T antigen transfected hFOB 1.19 cell ATCC: CRL-11372 HG-261 disease: Fanconi anemia HG-261 cell ATCC: CCL-122 HyperCLDB: cl1671 HyperCLDB: cl1672 LCL-1882 HGC-27 HGC-27 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308741 CVCL: CVCL_1279 ECACC: 94042256 HyperCLDB: cl1673 HGF HGF cell HyperCLDB: cl1675 HGF 24 HGF 24 cell HyperCLDB: cl5201 HGF-1 HGF-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2014 HGH-B disease: hybridoma HGH-B cell ATCC: HB-10596 LCL-1141 HH HH cell ATCC: CRL-2105 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308142 CVCL: CVCL_1280 EFO: EFO_0002194 HH-16 cl.2/1 disease: fibrosarcoma HH-16 cl.2/1 cell HyperCLDB: cl7100 cell HyperCLDB: cl5285 HIAE-101 HIAE-101 cell ATCC: CRL-2478 HIAE-38 HIAE-38 cell ATCC: CRL-2599 HIAE-55 HIAE-55 cell ATCC: CRL-2608 HIAE-65 HIAE-65 cell ATCC: CRL-2606 HIAE-78 HIAE-78 cell ATCC: CRL-2475 HIG-82 HIG-82 cell ATCC: CRL-1832 HII3 HII3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1676 HIIF-D disease: produces human gamma interferon HIIF-D cell ATCC: CRL-8200 HIL12R1.2B10 disease: hybridoma HIL12R1.2B10 cell ATCC: CRL-2359 hIL-15-M110 disease: hybridoma hIL-15-M110 cell ATCC: HB-12061 hIL-15-M111 disease: hybridoma hIL-15-M111 cell ATCC: HB-12062 HIT-T15 disease: beta cell HIT-T15 cell ATCC: CRL-1777 HIVE-26 HIVE-26 cell ATCC: CRL-2603 HIVE-55 HIVE-55 cell ATCC: CRL-2609 HIVE-65 HIVE-65 cell ATCC: CRL-2605 HIVE-78 HIVE-78 cell ATCC: CRL-2476 HIVS-125 HIVS-125 cell ATCC: CRL-2482 HJ1.Ov HJ1.Ov cell ATCC: CRL-6274 HJ2.Lu HJ2.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-6277 HK 0-32 HK 0-32 cell HyperCLDB: cl1677 HK 0-42 HK 0-42 cell HyperCLDB: cl1678 HK 0-43 HK 0-43 cell HyperCLDB: cl1679 HK 0-44 HK 0-44 cell HyperCLDB: cl1680 HK 0-45 HK 0-45 cell HyperCLDB: cl1681 HK-2 disease: HPV-16 transformed HK-2 cell ATCC: CRL-2190 HKB-11 disease: Burkitts lymphoma HKB-11 cell ATCC: CRL-12568 HK-PEG-1 disease: hybridoma HK-PEG-1 cell ATCC: CL-189 HKT-1097 HKT-1097 cell HyperCLDB: cl5069 LCL-1054 HL-60 disease: promyeloblast; acute promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cell ATCC: CCL-240 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307654 CVCL: CVCL_0002 EFO: EFO_0002793 HyperCLDB: cl1684 HyperCLDB: cl1689 MeSH: D018922 HL60 15-12 disease: leukemia, promyelocytic HL60 15-12 cell HyperCLDB: cl1694 HL60 Ast.3 disease: leukemia, promyelocytic HL60 Ast.3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1695 HL60 Ast.4 disease: leukemia, promyelocytic HL60 Ast.4 cell HyperCLDB: cl1696 HL60 M2 disease: leukemia, promyelocytic HL60 M2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1697 HL60 M4 disease: leukemia, promyelocytic HL60 M4 cell HyperCLDB: cl1698 HL-60/MX1 disease: promyeloblast; acute promyelocytic leukemia HL-60/MX1 cell ATCC: CRL-2258 LCL-1083 HL-60/MX2 disease: promyeloblast; acute promyelocytic leukemia HL-60/MX2 cell ATCC: CRL-2257 CRL-2257 HLF-a disease: epidermoid carcinoma HLF-a cell ATCC: CCL-199 HM2 disease: hybridoma HM2 cell ATCC: HB-8587 HMCB (Human Melanoma Cell Bowes) HMCB (Human Melanoma Cell Bowes) cell ATCC: CRL-9607 LCL-1285 HMVII HMVII cell ECACC: 92042701 HyperCLDB: cl1700 immortal human B cell line cell that derives from some B cell from a human blood sample HMy2.CIR WEB: HMy2.CIR cell ATCC: CRL-1993 RRID: CVCL_3714 LCL-1209 HN HN cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308742 CVCL: CVCL_1283 DSMZ: ACC 417 HyperCLDB: cl1701 HNK-1 disease: hybridoma HNK-1 cell ATCC: TIB-200 HO-13-4 disease: hybridoma HO-13-4 cell ATCC: TIB-99 HO-2.2 disease: hybridoma HO-2.2 cell ATCC: TIB-150 HO-22-1 disease: hybridoma HO-22-1 cell ATCC: TIB-100 HOPC 1F/12 disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma HOPC 1F/12 cell ATCC: TIB-13 Horse Horse cell ATCC: CRL-6583 LCL-1421 ZN HOS HOS cell ATCC: CRL-1543 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308811 CVCL: CVCL_0312 ECACC: 87070202 EFO: EFO_0002196 HOS (TE85, Clone F5) HOS (TE85, Clone F5) cell HyperCLDB: cl1703 HP disease: transfected; polytropic retroviral packaging cell line HP cell ATCC: CRL-12012 HP6000 disease: hybridoma HP6000 cell ATCC: CRL-1754 HP6001 disease: hybridoma HP6001 cell ATCC: CRL-1755 HP6002 disease: hybridoma HP6002 cell ATCC: CRL-1788 HP6003 disease: hybridoma HP6003 cell ATCC: CRL-1756 HP6014 disease: hybridoma HP6014 cell ATCC: CRL-1752 HP6016 disease: hybridoma HP6016 cell ATCC: CRL-1787 HP6017 disease: hybridoma HP6017 cell ATCC: CRL-1753 HP6020 disease: hybridoma HP6020 cell ATCC: CRL-1789 HP6023 disease: hybridoma HP6023 cell ATCC: CRL-1776 HP6025 disease: hybridoma HP6025 cell ATCC: CRL-1775 HP6045 disease: hybridoma HP6045 cell ATCC: CRL-1757 HP6047 disease: hybridoma HP6047 cell ATCC: CRL-1774 HP6050 disease: hybridoma HP6050 cell ATCC: CRL-1768 HP6053 disease: hybridoma HP6053 cell ATCC: CRL-1758 HP6054 disease: hybridoma HP6054 cell ATCC: CRL-1763 HP6058 disease: hybridoma HP6058 cell ATCC: CRL-1786 LCL-1735 HPAC HPAC cell ATCC: CRL-2119 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308388 CVCL: CVCL_3517 EFO: EFO_0002197 HPAE-26 HPAE-26 cell ATCC: CRL-2598 LCL-1736 HPAF-II HPAF-II cell ATCC: CRL-1997 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308744 CVCL: CVCL_0313 EFO: EFO_0002198 HPB-ALL disease: leukemia, T cell HPB-ALL cell HyperCLDB: cl7102 HPD-1NR HPD-1NR cell HyperCLDB: cl5287 HPD-2NR HPD-2NR cell HyperCLDB: cl5288 HPME HPME cell ATCC: CRL-6589 HPVE-26 HPVE-26 cell ATCC: CRL-2607 HR/+ A.Sp HR/+ A.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6347 HR/+ C.Sp HR/+ C.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6349 HR/+ D.Sp HR/+ D.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6350 HR/+ E.Sp HR/+ E.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6351 HR/+ F.Sp HR/+ F.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6352 HR/+ G.Sp HR/+ G.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6353 HR/+B.Sp HR/+B.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6348 hr/hr (WE) A hr/hr (WE) A cell ATCC: CRL-6357 hr/hr (WE) B hr/hr (WE) B cell ATCC: CRL-6358 HR/HR 1.Sp HR/HR 1.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6354 HR/HR 2.Sp HR/HR 2.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6355 HR/HR 3.Sp HR/HR 3.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6356 HR5 HR5 cell HyperCLDB: cl1708 HR5-CL11 HR5-CL11 cell HyperCLDB: cl1709 LCL-1289 HRT-18 HRT-18 cell ECACC: 86040306 HyperCLDB: cl1711 HyperCLDB: cl710 HRT-18G disease: ileocecal colorectal adenocarcinoma HRT-18G cell ATCC: CRL-11663 Hs 1.Int Hs 1.Int cell ATCC: CRL-7820 Hs 1.Lu Hs 1.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7000 Hs 1.Sk/Mu Hs 1.Sk/Mu cell ATCC: CRL-7001 Hs 1.Tes Hs 1.Tes cell ATCC: CRL-7002 Hs 103.Sp/Th Hs 103.Sp/Th cell ATCC: CRL-7068 Hs 104.Sp/Th Hs 104.Sp/Th cell ATCC: CRL-7070 Hs 112.Sk Hs 112.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7074 Hs 115.Lu Hs 115.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7077 Hs 127.T disease: giant cell sarcoma Hs 127.T cell ATCC: CRL-7081 Hs 13.Sk Hs 13.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7011 Hs 132.T disease: spindle cell sarcoma Hs 132.T cell ATCC: CRL-7085 Hs 137.Fs Hs 137.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7087 Hs 14.T Hs 14.T cell ATCC: CRL-7823 Hs 142.Sp disease: Down syndrome Hs 142.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7090 Hs 142.Th disease: Down syndrome Hs 142.Th cell ATCC: CRL-7091 Hs 143.We Hs 143.We cell ATCC: CRL-7092 Hs 144.We Hs 144.We cell ATCC: CRL-7093 Hs 15.T disease: fibrosarcoma Hs 15.T cell ATCC: CRL-7824 Hs 154.Fs Hs 154.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7098 Hs 156.T disease: xanthogranuloma Hs 156.T cell ATCC: CRL-7102 Hs 165.Fs Hs 165.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7118 Hs 168.Fs Hs 168.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7122 Hs 172.T Hs 172.T cell ATCC: CRL-7833 Hs 173.Sp Hs 173.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7123 Hs 173.We Hs 173.We cell ATCC: CRL-7834 Hs 174.We Hs 174.We cell ATCC: CRL-7124 Hs 18.Fs Hs 18.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7014 Hs 181.Sk Hs 181.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7129 Hs 181.Tes Hs 181.Tes cell ATCC: CRL-7131 Hs 184.Sk Hs 184.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7133 Hs 184.T Hs 184.T cell ATCC: CRL-7134 Hs 186.Sk Hs 186.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7138 Hs 188.T Hs 188.T cell ATCC: CRL-7140 Hs 190.T Hs 190.T cell ATCC: CRL-7145 Hs 193.Sp Hs 193.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7148 Hs 195.T Hs 195.T cell ATCC: CRL-7150 Hs 198.Ton Hs 198.Ton cell ATCC: CRL-7156 Hs 2.We Hs 2.We cell ATCC: CRL-7003 Hs 200.T disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma Hs 200.T cell ATCC: CRL-7159 Hs 201.Sk Hs 201.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7161 Hs 202.Sp Hs 202.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7162 Hs 202.Th Hs 202.Th cell ATCC: CRL-7163 Hs 203.Sp Hs 203.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7164 Hs 203.Th Hs 203.Th cell ATCC: CRL-7165 Hs 204.Sp Hs 204.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7166 Hs 208.Sp Hs 208.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7169 Hs 208.Th Hs 208.Th cell ATCC: CRL-7170 Hs 209.Sp Hs 209.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7171 Hs 21.Fs Hs 21.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7015 Hs 215.Ln disease: abnormal Hs 215.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-7175 Hs 215.Sp disease: abnormal Hs 215.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7176 Hs 215.Th disease: abnormal Hs 215.Th cell ATCC: CRL-7177 Hs 216.We Hs 216.We cell ATCC: CRL-7178 Hs 218.Lu Hs 218.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7180 Hs 219.T disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma Hs 219.T cell ATCC: CRL-7184 Hs 221.Sp Hs 221.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7187 Hs 221.Th Hs 221.Th cell ATCC: CRL-7188 Hs 222.Sp Hs 222.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7189 Hs 225.Th Hs 225.Th cell ATCC: CRL-7191 Hs 228.T Hs 228.T cell ATCC: CRL-7193 Hs 229.T disease: bronchogenic adenocarcinoma Hs 229.T cell ATCC: CRL-7194 Hs 230.Sp Hs 230.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7196 Hs 230.Th Hs 230.Th cell ATCC: CRL-7195 Hs 232.Sp Hs 232.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7198 Hs 232.Th Hs 232.Th cell ATCC: CRL-7197 Hs 234.Th Hs 234.Th cell ATCC: CRL-7200 Hs 235.Sk Hs 235.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7201 Hs 238.Sk Hs 238.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7203 Hs 24.Fs Hs 24.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7016 Hs 255.T Hs 255.T cell ATCC: CRL-7213 LCL-1179 Hs 257.T disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma Hs 257.T cell ATCC: CRL-7214 Hs 268.T disease: lymphogranulomatosis Hs 268.T cell ATCC: CRL-7218 Hs 27 Hs 27 cell HyperCLDB: cl1713 Hs 274.T Hs 274.T cell ATCC: CRL-7222 Hs 275.Sk Hs 275.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7223 Hs 277.T disease: abnormal Hs 277.T cell ATCC: CRL-7225 Hs 280.T Hs 280.T cell ATCC: CRL-7226 Hs 281.T Hs 281.T cell ATCC: CRL-7227 Hs 284.Pe disease: epidermoid carcinoma (lung primary) Hs 284.Pe cell ATCC: CRL-7228 Hs 294T disease: amelonotic melanoma (skin primary) Hs 294T cell ATCC: HTB-140 Hs 295.Sk Hs 295.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7232 Hs 295.T disease: dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans Hs 295.T cell ATCC: CRL-7233 Hs 3.Sk Hs 3.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7006 Hs 3.T Hs 3.T cell ATCC: CRL-7005 Hs 313.T Hs 313.T cell ATCC: CRL-7235 Hs 319.T Hs 319.T cell ATCC: CRL-7236 Hs 324.T disease: reticulum cell sarcoma Hs 324.T cell ATCC: CRL-7239 Hs 325.Ln disease: chronic lymphadenitis Hs 325.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-7240 Hs 329.T Hs 329.T cell ATCC: CRL-7242 Hs 343.T Hs 343.T cell ATCC: CRL-7245 Hs 344.T Hs 344.T cell ATCC: CRL-7246 Hs 350.T Hs 350.T cell ATCC: CRL-7248 Hs 357.T disease: dermatofibrosarcoma Hs 357.T cell ATCC: CRL-7252 Hs 362.T Hs 362.T cell ATCC: CRL-7253 Hs 364.Ct disease: fascia Hs 364.Ct cell ATCC: CRL-7254 Hs 365.Ct disease: fascia Hs 365.Ct cell ATCC: CRL-7255 Hs 371.T Hs 371.T cell ATCC: CRL-7256 Hs 372.Sk Hs 372.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7257 Hs 38.T Hs 38.T cell ATCC: CRL-7826 Hs 383.Sk Hs 383.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7842 Hs 387.T Hs 387.T cell ATCC: CRL-7263 Hs 389(A).Lu Hs 389(A).Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7265 Hs 389(B).Lu Hs 389(B).Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7266 Hs 39.T Hs 39.T cell ATCC: CRL-7023 Hs 391.We Hs 391.We cell ATCC: CRL-7267 Hs 392.Sk Hs 392.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7268 Hs 394.Lu Hs 394.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7269 Hs 394.Sk Hs 394.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7270 Hs 397.Lu Hs 397.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7272 Hs 399.Li disease: abnormal Hs 399.Li cell ATCC: CRL-7274 Hs 401.Lu Hs 401.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7275 Hs 402.Sk Hs 402.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7276 Hs 404.Sk Hs 404.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7278 Hs 405.Sk Hs 405.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7279 Hs 409.We Hs 409.We cell ATCC: CRL-7281 Hs 410.We Hs 410.We cell ATCC: CRL-7282 Hs 412.Lu Hs 412.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7285 Hs 413.We Hs 413.We cell ATCC: CRL-7286 Hs 414.T disease: fibrosarcoma mixed (connective tissue primary) Hs 414.T cell ATCC: CRL-7287 Hs 415.Sk Hs 415.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7288 Hs 416.T disease: squamous papilloma Hs 416.T cell ATCC: CRL-7289 Hs 417.Lu Hs 417.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7291 Hs 431 Hs 431 cell HyperCLDB: cl1714 Hs 443.T disease: reactive hyperplasia Hs 443.T cell ATCC: CRL-7300 LCL-2006 Hs 445 Hs 445 cell ATCC: HTB-146 Hs 446.Sk Hs 446.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7801 Hs 45.Fs Hs 45.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7025 - Discontinued Hs 454.T disease: eosinophilic granuloma Hs 454.T cell ATCC: CRL-7802 Hs 456.Bt disease: benign lesion Hs 456.Bt cell ATCC: CRL-7805 Hs 456.Sk Hs 456.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7804 Hs 46.Fs Hs 46.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7026 Hs 466.Sk Hs 466.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7807 Hs 467.Sk Hs 467.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7808 Hs 468.Lu Hs 468.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7810 Hs 469.Sk Hs 469.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7811 Hs 479.T Hs 479.T cell ATCC: CRL-7813 Hs 48.Fs Hs 48.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7027 Hs 483.Sk Hs 483.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7815 Hs 483.T disease: chronic dermatitis Hs 483.T cell ATCC: CRL-7814 Hs 49.Fs Hs 49.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7028 Hs 491.T disease: lymphocytic lymphoma Hs 491.T cell ATCC: CRL-7818 Hs 5.T disease: leiomyosarcoma Hs 5.T cell ATCC: CRL-7822 Hs 505.T disease: lymphocytic lymphoma Hs 505.T cell ATCC: CRL-7306 Hs 507.Sk Hs 507.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7307 Hs 517.Sk Hs 517.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7311 Hs 518.T disease: lymphocytic lymphoma Hs 518.T cell ATCC: CRL-7313 Hs 52.Sk disease: Down syndrome Hs 52.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7031 Hs 52.Th disease: Down syndrome Hs 52.Th cell ATCC: CRL-7032 Hs 523.Sk Hs 523.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7314 Hs 53.T disease: non-neoplastic tumor Hs 53.T cell ATCC: CRL-7033 Hs 531.Sk Hs 531.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7315 Hs 540.T Hs 540.T cell ATCC: CRL-7316 Hs 544..Sk Hs 544..Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7317 Hs 545.Sk Hs 545.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7318 Hs 548.Sk Hs 548.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7320 Hs 55.Fs Hs 55.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7035 Hs 556.Sk Hs 556.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7321 Hs 559.Sk Hs 559.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7323 Hs 56.Fs Hs 56.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7036 Hs 564(E).Mg Hs 564(E).Mg cell ATCC: CRL-7329 Hs 565(A).Mg disease: cyst Hs 565(A).Mg cell ATCC: CRL-7330 Hs 565(D).Mg disease: cyst Hs 565(D).Mg cell ATCC: CRL-7333 Hs 566(B).T Hs 566(B).T cell ATCC: CRL-7336 Hs 568.We Hs 568.We cell ATCC: CRL-7340 Hs 57.T disease: sarcoma or lymphoma Hs 57.T cell ATCC: CRL-7037 Hs 571.T Hs 571.T cell ATCC: CRL-7846 Hs 573.Lu Hs 573.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7344 Hs 573.T Hs 573.T cell ATCC: CRL-7343 Hs 574.Sk Hs 574.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7346 Hs 574.T disease: ductal carcinoma Hs 574.T cell ATCC: CRL-7345 Hs 578Bst Hs 578Bst cell ATCC: HTB-125 LCL-1315 HS578T Hs 578T disease: ductal carcinoma Hs 578T cell ATCC: HTB-126 Hs 579.Mg Hs 579.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-7347 Hs 58.Fs Hs 58.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7038 Hs 587.Int disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma Hs 587.Int cell ATCC: CRL-7352 LCL-1513 Hs 588.T Hs 588.T cell ATCC: CRL-7850 Hs 590.We Hs 590.We cell ATCC: CRL-7353 Hs 60.Fs Hs 60.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7040 Hs 600.T Hs 600.T cell ATCC: CRL-7360 Hs 602 Hs 602 cell ATCC: HTB-142 Hs 604.T disease: lymphoma; Hodgkins disease Hs 604.T cell ATCC: CRL-7362 Hs 605.Sk Hs 605.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7364 Hs 605.T Hs 605.T cell ATCC: CRL-7365 Hs 606 Hs 606 cell ATCC: CRL-7368 Hs 606.Sk Hs 606.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7367 Hs 61.Fs Hs 61.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7041 Hs 610.Sk Hs 610.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7372 Hs 611.T disease: lymphoma; Hodgkins disease Hs 611.T cell ATCC: CRL-7373 Hs 613.Sk Hs 613.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7375 Hs 616.T disease: lymphoma; Hodgkins disease Hs 616.T cell ATCC: CRL-7378 Hs 617.Mg Hs 617.Mg cell ATCC: CRL-7379 Hs 618.T Hs 618.T cell ATCC: CRL-7380 Hs 62.Fs Hs 62.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7042 Hs 621.Sk Hs 621.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7383 Hs 622.Sk Hs 622.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7385 Hs 63.T disease: dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans Hs 63.T cell ATCC: CRL-7043 LCL-1436 Hs 633T Hs 633T cell ECACC: 89050201 HyperCLDB: cl1718 Hs 67 Hs 67 cell ATCC: HTB-163 Hs 67.Th Hs 67.Th cell ATCC: CRL-7828 Hs 674.Sk Hs 674.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7397 Hs 675.T disease: colorectal cancer Hs 675.T cell ATCC: CRL-7400 Hs 677.Sk Hs 677.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7406 Hs 677.Tg Hs 677.Tg cell ATCC: CRL-7408 Hs 68 Hs 68 cell HyperCLDB: cl1719 Hs 680.Rec Hs 680.Rec cell ATCC: CRL-7418 Hs 680.Sk Hs 680.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7419 Hs 680.Tg Hs 680.Tg cell ATCC: CRL-7421 Hs 680.Tr Hs 680.Tr cell ATCC: CRL-7422 LCL-1402 Hs 683 Hs 683 cell ATCC: HTB-138 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308452 CVCL: CVCL_0844 Hs 687.Sk Hs 687.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7424 Hs 688(A).T Hs 688(A).T cell ATCC: CRL-7425 Hs 688(B).T disease: melanoma (skin primary) Hs 688(B).T cell ATCC: CRL-7426 Hs 69.Fs Hs 69.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7047 Hs 692(A).T disease: intestinal carcinoma (unknown primary) Hs 692(A).T cell ATCC: CRL-7428 Hs 695.Sk Hs 695.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7855 Hs 695T disease: amelanotic melanoma (skin primary) Hs 695T cell ATCC: HTB-137 Hs 696 disease: adenocarcinoma (unknown primary) Hs 696 cell ATCC: HTB-151 Hs 696.Sk Hs 696.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7431 Hs 697.Ln disease: noncaseating granuloma Hs 697.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-7434 Hs 697.Sp Hs 697.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7433 Hs 698.T disease: adenocar- cinoma (colon primary) Hs 698.T cell ATCC: CRL-7435 Hs 70.Fs Hs 70.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7048 Hs 700.Sk Hs 700.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7439 Hs 700T disease: adenocarcinoma (intestines or pancreas primary) Hs 700T cell ATCC: HTB-147 Hs 701.T disease: synovial sarcoma Hs 701.T cell ATCC: CRL-7440 Hs 704.Sk Hs 704.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7443 Hs 704.T Hs 704.T cell ATCC: CRL-7444 Hs 706.Sk Hs 706.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7446 Hs 706.T disease: giant cell sarcoma Hs 706.T cell ATCC: CRL-7447 Hs 707(A).T Hs 707(A).T cell ATCC: CRL-7448 Hs 707(B).Ep Hs 707(B).Ep cell ATCC: CRL-7449 Hs 709.Sk Hs 709.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7452 Hs 709.T disease: periostitis; granuloma Hs 709.T cell ATCC: CRL-7453 Hs 72.Fs Hs 72.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7049 Hs 722.T disease: colorectal carcinoma Hs 722.T cell ATCC: CRL-7456 Hs 726.Pl Hs 726.Pl cell ATCC: CRL-7460 Hs 728.Sk/Mu Hs 728.Sk/Mu cell ATCC: CRL-7462 Hs 728.Sp Hs 728.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-7463 Hs 729 disease: rhabdomyosarcoma Hs 729 cell ATCC: HTB-153 Hs 729.T disease: rhabdomyosarcoma Hs 729.T cell ATCC: CRL-7862 Hs 730.Pl Hs 730.Pl cell ATCC: CRL-7464 Hs 731.Sk Hs 731.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7465 Hs 733.Sk Hs 733.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7469 Hs 734.Sk Hs 734.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7470 Hs 735.T Hs 735.T cell ATCC: CRL-7471 Hs 737.T disease: giant cell sarcoma Hs 737.T cell ATCC: CRL-7473 Hs 738.Lu Hs 738.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7868 Hs 738.St/Int disease: mixed stomach and intestine Hs 738.St/Int cell ATCC: CRL-7869 Hs 739.Sk Hs 739.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7476 Hs 739.T Hs 739.T cell ATCC: CRL-7477 Hs 740.Sk Hs 740.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7478 Hs 740.T Hs 740.T cell ATCC: CRL-7870 Hs 741.Sk Hs 741.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7479 Hs 741.T Hs 741.T cell ATCC: CRL-7480 Hs 742.Sk Hs 742.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7481 Hs 742.T disease: scirrhous adenocarcinoma Hs 742.T cell ATCC: CRL-7482 LCL-1883 Hs 746T disease: gastric carcinoma (stomach primary Hs 746T cell ATCC: HTB-135 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307498 CVCL: CVCL_0333 Hs 748.T Hs 748.T cell ATCC: CRL-7486 Hs 749.Sk Hs 749.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7487 Hs 751.T disease: lymphoma; Hodgkins disease Hs 751.T cell ATCC: CRL-7488 Hs 755(B).T Hs 755(B).T cell ATCC: CRL-7489 Hs 757.T disease: benign hyperplasia Hs 757.T cell ATCC: CRL-7490 Hs 762.Sk Hs 762.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7492 Hs 764.Mu Hs 764.Mu cell ATCC: CRL-7494 LCL-1737 Hs 766T disease: carcinoma (pancreas primary) Hs 766T cell ATCC: HTB-134 Hs 769.T disease: transitional cell carcinoma Hs 769.T cell ATCC: CRL-7882 Hs 77.Fs Hs 77.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7055 Hs 774.Pl Hs 774.Pl cell ATCC: CRL-7502 Hs 777.T Hs 777.T cell ATCC: CRL-7507 Hs 778(A).T disease: fibrosarcoma Hs 778(A).T cell ATCC: CRL-7508 Hs 778(B).T disease: fibrosarcoma Hs 778(B).T cell ATCC: CRL-7509 Hs 781.Sk Hs 781.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7510 Hs 781.T Hs 781.T cell ATCC: CRL-7511 Hs 782.Sk Hs 782.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7513 Hs 782.T disease: benign histiocytic lesion Hs 782.T cell ATCC: CRL-7512 Hs 788.Sk Hs 788.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7516 Hs 789.Sk Hs 789.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7518 Hs 789.T disease: transitional cell carcinoma Hs 789.T cell ATCC: CRL-7886 Hs 791.Sk Hs 791.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7519 Hs 792(A).T disease: osteosarcoma (bone primary) Hs 792(A).T cell ATCC: CRL-7520 Hs 792(B).T Hs 792(B).T cell ATCC: CRL-7521 Hs 792(C).M disease: connective and soft tissue Hs 792(C).M cell ATCC: CRL-7522 Hs 793.Sk Hs 793.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7523 Hs 793.T disease: hyperplasia Hs 793.T cell ATCC: CRL-7524 Hs 795.Pl Hs 795.Pl cell ATCC: CRL-7526 Hs 798.Pl Hs 798.Pl cell ATCC: CRL-7529 Hs 799.Pl Hs 799.Pl cell ATCC: CRL-7530 Hs 80.Fs Hs 80.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7058 Hs 801.Pl Hs 801.Pl cell ATCC: CRL-7888 Hs 803.Sk Hs 803.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7533 Hs 803.T Hs 803.T cell ATCC: CRL-7534 Hs 805.T Hs 805.T cell ATCC: CRL-7537 Hs 811.T Hs 811.T cell ATCC: CRL-7543 Hs 813.Sk Hs 813.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7545 Hs 814.Sk Hs 814.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7546 Hs 814.T disease: giant cell sarcoma Hs 814.T cell ATCC: CRL-7547 Hs 815.Pl Hs 815.Pl cell ATCC: CRL-7548 Hs 819.T disease: chondrosarcoma Hs 819.T cell ATCC: CRL-7891 Hs 820.Sk Hs 820.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7551 Hs 820.T disease: heterophilic osteofication Hs 820.T cell ATCC: CRL-7552 Hs 821.Sk Hs 821.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7553 Hs 821.T disease: giant cell sarcoma Hs 821.T cell ATCC: CRL-7554 Hs 822.T disease: Ewings sarcoma Hs 822.T cell ATCC: CRL-7556 Hs 824.Sk Hs 824.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7558 Hs 828.Sk Hs 828.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7564 Hs 832(C).T disease: endometriosis; abnormal Hs 832(C).T cell ATCC: CRL-7566 Hs 833(C).Sk Hs 833(C).Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7567 Hs 834.T disease: melanoma (skin primary) Hs 834.T cell ATCC: CRL-7568 Hs 835.T Hs 835.T cell ATCC: CRL-7569 Hs 836.Sk Hs 836.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7570 Hs 839.T Hs 839.T cell ATCC: CRL-7572 Hs 840.T disease: papilloma Hs 840.T cell ATCC: CRL-7573 Hs 841.T Hs 841.T cell ATCC: CRL-7574 Hs 844.Sk Hs 844.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7576 Hs 845.T disease: osteosarcoma (femur primary) Hs 845.T cell ATCC: CRL-7577 Hs 846.Sk Hs 846.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7578 Hs 846.T disease: giant cell sarcoma Hs 846.T cell ATCC: CRL-7579 Hs 849.T Hs 849.T cell ATCC: CRL-7583 Hs 851.T Hs 851.T cell ATCC: CRL-7584 Hs 852.T Hs 852.T cell ATCC: CRL-7585 Hs 854.Sk Hs 854.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7589 Hs 855.Sk Hs 855.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7591 Hs 855.T disease: mesenchyme; fibrous dysplasia Hs 855.T cell ATCC: CRL-7592 Hs 856.T disease: histiocytoma Hs 856.T cell ATCC: CRL-7593 Hs 859.T disease: acanthocytosis Hs 859.T cell ATCC: CRL-7594 Hs 86.Fs Hs 86.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7059 Hs 860.T disease: osteosarcoma (bone primary) Hs 860.T cell ATCC: CRL-7595 Hs 861.T Hs 861.T cell ATCC: CRL-7596 Hs 863.T disease: Ewings sarcoma Hs 863.T cell ATCC: CRL-7598 Hs 864.Sk Hs 864.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7599 Hs 864.T Hs 864.T cell ATCC: CRL-7600 Hs 865.Sk Hs 865.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7601 Hs 866.T Hs 866.T cell ATCC: CRL-7602 Hs 867.Sk Hs 867.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7603 Hs 868.T disease: fibrosarcoma Hs 868.T cell ATCC: CRL-7604 Hs 870.T Hs 870.T cell ATCC: CRL-7606 Hs 871.Sk Hs 871.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7608 Hs 873.T Hs 873.T cell ATCC: CRL-7610 Hs 874.T Hs 874.T cell ATCC: CRL-7611 Hs 875.T Hs 875.T cell ATCC: CRL-7612 Hs 877.T Hs 877.T cell ATCC: CRL-7613 Hs 879(B).T Hs 879(B).T cell ATCC: CRL-7615 Hs 88.T Hs 88.T cell ATCC: CRL-7060 Hs 880.T Hs 880.T cell ATCC: CRL-7616 Hs 883.T disease: giant cell sarcoma Hs 883.T cell ATCC: CRL-7617 HyperCLDB: cl5207 Hs 885.T Hs 885.T cell ATCC: CRL-7618 Hs 888.Lu Hs 888.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7624 HyperCLDB: cl1726 Hs 888.Sk Hs 888.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7623 Hs 888.T disease: osteosarcoma (bone primary) Hs 888.T cell ATCC: CRL-7622 Hs 888Lu Hs 888Lu cell HyperCLDB: cl1727 Hs 889.Sk Hs 889.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7625 Hs 889.T Hs 889.T cell ATCC: CRL-7626 Hs 890.Sk Hs 890.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7627 Hs 890.T Hs 890.T cell ATCC: CRL-7628 Hs 891.T disease: carcinoma (kidney primary) Hs 891.T cell ATCC: CRL-7629 Hs 892.T disease: keratoacanthoma Hs 892.T cell ATCC: CRL-7630 Hs 894(A).T disease: osteosarcoma (bone primary) Hs 894(A).T cell ATCC: CRL-7631 Hs 894(B).T disease: osteosarcoma (bone primary) Hs 894(B).T cell ATCC: CRL-7632 Hs 894(C).T disease: osteosarcoma (bone primary) Hs 894(C).T cell ATCC: CRL-7633 Hs 894(D).T disease: osteosarcoma (bone primary) Hs 894(D).T cell ATCC: CRL-7634 Hs 894(E).Lu Hs 894(E).Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7635 Hs 895.Sk Hs 895.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7636 Hs 895.T disease: melanoma (skin primary) Hs 895.T cell ATCC: CRL-7637 Hs 898.Sk Hs 898.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7640 Hs 898.T disease: malignant acanthocytosis; keratoacanthoma Hs 898.T cell ATCC: CRL-7641 Hs 899(A).T disease: osteosarcoma (bone primary) Hs 899(A).T cell ATCC: CRL-7642 Hs 899(B).T disease: osteosarcoma (bone primary) Hs 899(B).T cell ATCC: CRL-7643 Hs 899(C).T disease: osteosarcoma (bone primary) Hs 899(C).T cell ATCC: CRL-7644 Hs 899(D).Lu disease: osteosarcoma (bone primary) Hs 899(D).Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7645 Hs 900.T disease: benign osteoid osteoma Hs 900.T cell ATCC: CRL-7646 Hs 903.Sk Hs 903.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7648 Hs 903.T disease: benign osteoid osteoma Hs 903.T cell ATCC: CRL-7649 Hs 904.Sk Hs 904.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7650 Hs 904.T Hs 904.T cell ATCC: CRL-7651 Hs 905.T Hs 905.T cell ATCC: CRL-7652 Hs 906(A).T Hs 906(A).T cell ATCC: CRL-7653 Hs 906(B).T Hs 906(B).T cell ATCC: CRL-7654 Hs 907.Lu Hs 907.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-7657 Hs 908.Sk Hs 908.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7658 Hs 910.Sk Hs 910.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7894 Hs 910.Thm Hs 910.Thm cell ATCC: CRL-7660 Hs 912.T Hs 912.T cell ATCC: CRL-7661 Hs 913(B).T disease: fibrosarcoma (connective tissue primary) Hs 913(B).T cell ATCC: CRL-7664 Hs 913(C).T disease: fibrosarcoma (connective tissue primary) Hs 913(C).T cell ATCC: CRL-7665 Hs 913(D).T disease: fibrosarcoma (unknown primary) Hs 913(D).T cell ATCC: CRL-7666 Hs 913(F).T disease: fibrosarcoma (unknown primary) Hs 913(F).T cell ATCC: CRL-7668 Hs 913T disease: fibrosarcoma (unknown (unknown primary) Hs 913T cell ATCC: HTB-152 Hs 914 Hs 914 cell ATCC: CRL-7895 Hs 915 Hs 915 cell ATCC: CRL-7896 Hs 916 Hs 916 cell ATCC: CRL-7897 Hs 917.T disease: benign sebaceous cyst Hs 917.T cell ATCC: CRL-7669 Hs 919.Sk Hs 919.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7671 Hs 919.T disease: benign osteoid osteoma Hs 919.T cell ATCC: CRL-7672 Hs 924.Sk Hs 924.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7674 Hs 925.Sk Hs 925.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7676 Hs 925.T disease: pagetoid sarcoma Hs 925.T cell ATCC: CRL-7677 Hs 926.T disease: renal rhabdomyosarcoma Hs 926.T cell ATCC: CRL-7678 Hs 929.Sk Hs 929.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7681 Hs 93.T disease: fibrosarcoma Hs 93.T cell ATCC: CRL-7062 Hs 933.T Hs 933.T cell ATCC: CRL-7683 Hs 934.T disease: malignant melanoma Hs 934.T cell ATCC: CRL-7684 Hs 935.T disease: malignant melanoma Hs 935.T cell ATCC: CRL-7685 Hs 936.T Hs 936.T cell ATCC: CRL-7686 Hs 936.T(C1) Hs 936.T(C1) cell ATCC: CRL-7687 Hs 938.T Hs 938.T cell ATCC: CRL-7688 Hs 939.T Hs 939.T cell ATCC: CRL-7690 Hs 94.T disease: rhabdomyosarcoma Hs 94.T cell ATCC: CRL-7064 Hs 940.T disease: malignant melanoma Hs 940.T cell ATCC: CRL-7691 Hs 941.T disease: dermatofibrosarcoma Hs 941.T cell ATCC: CRL-7692 Hs 944.T disease: melanoma (skin primary) Hs 944.T cell ATCC: CRL-7693 Hs 97.Fs Hs 97.Fs cell ATCC: CRL-7065 Hs1.Tes Hs1.Tes cell HyperCLDB: cl5070 HS-21 (subclone 1H3) disease: hybridoma HS-21 (subclone 1H3) cell ATCC: HB-255 Hs27 Hs27 cell ATCC: CRL-1634 HyperCLDB: cl5202 HS-27A disease: stroma HS-27A cell ATCC: CRL-2496 Hs432.T Hs432.T cell ATCC: CRL-7299 HS-5 disease: stroma; HPV-16 E6/E7 transformed HS-5 cell ATCC: CRL-11882 Hs68 disease: aspartoacylase deficiency; possible Canavan disease Hs68 cell ATCC: CRL-1635 Hs888Lu Hs888Lu cell ATCC: CCL-211 Hs913T Hs913T cell HyperCLDB: cl4958 HSB-2 disease: leukemia, T cell HSB-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl5289 HSDM11C11 disease: fibrosarcoma HSDM11C11 cell ATCC: CCL-148 HSDM1C1 HSDM1C1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5204 HSF HSF cell HyperCLDB: cl1731 HSFPD HSFPD cell HyperCLDB: cl1733 HSG HSG cell HyperCLDB: cl5115 LCL-2036 HS-Sultan disease: Burkitts lymphoma HS-Sultan cell ATCC: CRL-1484 LCL-1949 HT disease: diffuse mixed lymphoma; B lymphoblast HT cell ATCC: CRL-2260 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308143 CVCL: CVCL_1290 EFO: EFO_0002200 LCL-1435 HT 1080 HT 1080 cell HyperCLDB: cl1736 HT 1197 HT 1197 cell HyperCLDB: cl1734 LCL-1712 HT 1376 HT 1376 cell ECACC: 87032402 HyperCLDB: cl1743 HT 1417 HT 1417 cell ATCC: CRL-7797 HT 29/26 disease: hybridoma HT 29/26 cell ATCC: HB-8247 HT 29/36 disease: hybridoma HT 29/36 cell ATCC: HB-8248 HT 297.T disease: actinic keratosis HT 297.T cell ATCC: CRL-7782 HT 728.T HT 728.T cell ATCC: CRL-7783 HT 762.T HT 762.T cell ATCC: CRL-7789 HT 768.M disease: abnormal HT 768.M cell ATCC: CRL-7790 HT-1080 disease: fibrosarcoma HT-1080 cell ATCC: CCL-121 LCL-1162 HT115 HT115 cell ECACC: 85061104 HyperCLDB: cl1756 LCL-1713 ZN HT-1197 HT-1197 cell ATCC: CRL-1473 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308506 CVCL: CVCL_1291 EFO: EFO_0002202 HT-1376 HT-1376 cell ATCC: CRL-1472 LCL-1273 HT-144 disease: malignant melanoma HT-144 cell ATCC: HTB-63 ATCC: HTB-63,COSMIC ID:907067; ATCC HTB-63 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308870 CVCL: CVCL_0318 HT2 Clone A5E HT2 Clone A5E cell HyperCLDB: cl1745 HT-2 clone A5E disease: T lymphocyte HT-2 clone A5E cell ATCC: CRL-1841 LCL-1180 HT-29 HT29 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma HT-29 cell ATCC: HTB-38 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307768 CVCL: CVCL_0320 EFO: EFO_0001193 HyperCLDB: cl1752 MeSH: D019073 HT29 gluc C1 HT29 gluc C1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1757 HT29/219 HT29/219 cell HyperCLDB: cl1758 LCL-1304 HT-3 disease: carcinoma (cervix primary) HT-3 cell ATCC: HTB-32 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308745 CVCL: CVCL_1293 EFO: EFO_0002204 LCL-1163 HT55 HT55 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308746 CVCL: CVCL_1294 ECACC: 85061105 HyperCLDB: cl1759 HTC disease: hepatoma HTC cell HyperCLDB: cl1761 HTC (BUdR) disease: hepatoma HTC (BUdR) cell HyperCLDB: cl1765 hTERT RPE-1 disease: pigmented epithelium; immortalized with hTERT hTERT RPE-1 cell ATCC: CRL-4000 hTERT-HME1 disease: TERT immortalized hTERT-HME1 cell ATCC: CRL-4010 HTK- disease: osteomyeloma HTK- cell HyperCLDB: cl1766 HtTA-1 HtTA-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl1767 HTZ17BE disease: xeroderma pigmentosum, presumed heterozygote HTZ17BE cell ATCC: CRL-1361 HUC-Fm HUC-Fm cell HyperCLDB: cl1768 huFasM3 disease: hybridoma huFasM3 cell ATCC: HB-11726 huFasM38 disease: hybridoma huFasM38 cell ATCC: HB-11465 HuNS1 disease: hybridoma fusion partner HuNS1 cell ATCC: CRL-8644 HuP-T3 HuP-T3 cell HyperCLDB: cl1769 LCL-1790 HUP-T3 HUP-T3 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308399 CVCL: CVCL_1299 DSMZ: ACC 259 HyperCLDB: cl1770 HuP-T4 HuP-T4 cell HyperCLDB: cl1772 LCL-1791 HUP-T4 HUP-T4 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308815 CVCL: CVCL_1300 DSMZ: ACC 223 EFO: EFO_0002208 HyperCLDB: cl1773 HuT 102 disease: lymphoma; mycosis fungoides HuT 102 cell ATCC: TIB-162 LCL-2005 HuT 78 HuT 78 cell ATCC: TIB-161 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307500 CVCL: CVCL_0337 EFO: EFO_0002209 HyperCLDB: cl1779 HuTu 80 HuTu 80 cell ATCC: HTB-40 HUVE-12 HUVE-12 cell ATCC: CRL-2480 HUV-EC-C HUVEC WEB: HUV-EC-C cell ATCC: CRL-1730 HUVS-112D HUVS-112D cell ATCC: CRL-2481 HVS-SILVA 40 HVS-SILVA 40 cell HyperCLDB: cl1785 HX disease: transfected; xenotropic retroviral packaging cell line HX cell ATCC: CRL-12011 HY3-11.27 disease: hybridoma HY3-11.27 cell ATCC: HB-8116 Hybridoma 231 disease: hybridoma Hybridoma 231 cell ATCC: HB-9401 Hybridoma 234 s.2a Hybridoma 234 s.2a cell ATCC: HB-9402 Hybridoma 234 s.2a disease: hybridoma Hybridoma 234 s.2a cell ATCC: HB-9403 I 10 disease: testicular tumor I 10 cell HyperCLDB: cl1786 LCL-1027 I 2.1 I 2.1 cell ATCC: CRL-2572 LCL-1028 I 9.2 I 9.2 cell ATCC: CRL-2571 I(TL.m9) disease: hybridoma I(TL.m9) cell ATCC: HB-131 I/24.D6 disease: hybridoma I/24.D6 cell ATCC: HB-251 I-10 disease: Leydig cell tumor I-10 cell ATCC: CCL-83 I1094 I1094 cell HyperCLDB: cl1790 I-11.15 I-11.15 cell ATCC: CRL-2470 I-13.35 I-13.35 cell ATCC: CRL-2471 I1686 I1686 cell HyperCLDB: cl1791 I1-Hybridoma disease: hybridoma I1-Hybridoma cell ATCC: CRL-2700 I2586 I2586 cell HyperCLDB: cl1792 IA-Xs SBR IA-Xs SBR cell HyperCLDB: cl1793 IA-XsSBR IA-XsSBR cell ATCC: CRL-1677 IB3-1 disease: cystic fibrosis; immortalized with Ad12-SV40 hybrid IB3-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2777 IB4 disease: hybridoma IB4 cell ATCC: HB-10164 I-B92 I-B92 cell HyperCLDB: cl1788 IB-RS-2 IB-RS-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1794 IBRS-2 D10 IBRS-2 D10 cell HyperCLDB: cl1796 IC-21 IC-21 cell ATCC: TIB-186 IC86 IC86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1798 ICR 134 disease: gynogenetic haploid ICR 134 cell ATCC: CCL-128 ICR MEF disease: feeder layer ICR MEF cell ATCC: SCRC-1046 ICR-2A disease: androgenetic haploid ICR-2A cell ATCC: CCL-145 IE-10 disease: hybridoma IE-10 cell ATCC: CRL-2462 IE-3 disease: hybridoma IE-3 cell ATCC: CRL-2463 IEC-18 IEC-18 cell ATCC: CRL-1589 HyperCLDB: cl1801 IEC-6 disease: epithelium IEC-6 cell ATCC: CRL-1592 HyperCLDB: cl1802 IFGCP-F1BA10 disease: hybridoma IFGCP-F1BA10 cell ATCC: HB-8291 Ig(1a)8.3 disease: hybridoma Ig(1a)8.3 cell ATCC: TIB-148 Ig(4a)10.9 disease: hybridoma Ig(4a)10.9 cell ATCC: HB-146 Ig(5a)7.2 disease: hybridoma Ig(5a)7.2 cell ATCC: TIB-149 Ig(5b)6.3 disease: hybridoma Ig(5b)6.3 cell ATCC: TIB-96 IG88IL2 IG88IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl1804 IG88ls IG88ls cell HyperCLDB: cl1805 IGA001/83 IGA001/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6912 IGA001/85 IGA001/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1806 IGA001/92 IGA001/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6919 IGA001/99 IGA001/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6933 IGA004/90 IGA004/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1807 IGA004/95 IGA004/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6924 IGA004/99 IGA004/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6934 IGA005/84 IGA005/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1808 IGA005/98 IGA005/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6929 IGA007/96 IGA007/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6925 IGA008/82 IGA008/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1809 IGA009/84 IGA009/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1810 IGA009/98 IGA009/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6930 IGA010/89 IGA010/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1811 IGA013/83 IGA013/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1812 IGA015/96 IGA015/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6926 IGA016/84 IGA016/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1813 IGA017/99 IGA017/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6935 IGA018/85 IGA018/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1814 IGA020/90 IGA020/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6914 IGA022/82 IGA022/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1815 IGA022/99 IGA022/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6936 IGA024/90 IGA024/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1816 IGA026/82 IGA026/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1817 IGA028/83 IGA028/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1818 IGA031/82 IGA031/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1819 IGA031/87 IGA031/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6913 IGA033/83 IGA033/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1820 IGA036/83 IGA036/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1821 IGA040/78 IGA040/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1822 IGA040/82 IGA040/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1823 IGA058/80 IGA058/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl1824 IGA063/80 IGA063/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl1825 IGA188/78 IGA188/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1826 IGEL a2 disease: hybridoma IGEL a2 cell ATCC: TIB-142 IGEL b4 disease: hybridoma IGEL b4 cell ATCC: TIB-141 IGF001/00 IGF001/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6773 IGF001/01 IGF001/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl6989 IGF001/77 IGF001/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5558 IGF001/78 IGF001/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1827 IGF001/80 IGF001/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl1828 IGF001/81 IGF001/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1829 IGF001/83 IGF001/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1830 IGF001/84 IGF001/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5813 IGF001/85 IGF001/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5873 IGF001/86 IGF001/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5920 IGF001/87 IGF001/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6202 IGF001/90 IGF001/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1831 IGF001/91 IGF001/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6259 IGF001/93 IGF001/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6394 IGF001/94 IGF001/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6444 IGF001/95 IGF001/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6485 IGF001/96 IGF001/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6564 IGF001/97 IGF001/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6613 IGF001/98 IGF001/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6636 IGF001/99 IGF001/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6707 IGF002/00 IGF002/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6774 IGF002/01 IGF002/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl6990 IGF002/77 IGF002/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5559 IGF002/78 IGF002/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1832 IGF002/79 IGF002/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl6030 IGF002/80 IGF002/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl1833 IGF002/81 IGF002/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1834 IGF002/82 IGF002/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5705 IGF002/83 IGF002/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5760 IGF002/85 IGF002/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1835 IGF002/86 IGF002/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5921 IGF002/87 IGF002/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6240 IGF002/88 IGF002/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl1836 IGF002/90 IGF002/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6194 IGF002/91 IGF002/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6095 IGF002/92 IGF002/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl1837 IGF002/93 IGF002/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6395 IGF002/94 IGF002/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6445 IGF002/95 IGF002/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6494 IGF002/96 IGF002/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6552 IGF002/97 IGF002/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6728 IGF002/98 IGF002/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6637 IGF002/99 IGF002/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6708 IGF003/00 IGF003/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6775 IGF003/01 IGF003/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl6991 IGF003/77 IGF003/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl1838 IGF003/79 IGF003/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl1839 IGF003/80 IGF003/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5628 IGF003/81 IGF003/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1840 IGF003/82 IGF003/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1841 IGF003/83 IGF003/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1842 IGF003/85 IGF003/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1843 IGF003/86 IGF003/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5922 IGF003/87 IGF003/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1844 IGF003/88 IGF003/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6227 IGF003/89 IGF003/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1845 IGF003/92 IGF003/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl1846 IGF003/93 IGF003/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6422 IGF003/94 IGF003/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6446 IGF003/96 IGF003/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6548 IGF003/97 IGF003/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6614 IGF003/98 IGF003/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6638 IGF003/99 IGF003/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6709 IGF004/00 IGF004/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6776 IGF004/01 IGF004/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl6992 IGF004/78 IGF004/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1847 IGF004/79 IGF004/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5967 IGF004/81 IGF004/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1848 IGF004/82 IGF004/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5706 IGF004/83 IGF004/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5761 IGF004/84 IGF004/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1849 IGF004/85 IGF004/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1850 IGF004/86 IGF004/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5923 IGF004/87 IGF004/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1851 IGF004/89 IGF004/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1852 IGF004/91 IGF004/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl1853 IGF004/93 IGF004/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6396 IGF004/94 IGF004/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6447 IGF004/96 IGF004/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6549 IGF004/97 IGF004/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6680 IGF004/98 IGF004/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6639 IGF004/99 IGF004/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6710 IGF005/00 IGF005/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6777 IGF005/01 IGF005/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl6993 IGF005/77 IGF005/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5560 IGF005/80 IGF005/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5629 IGF005/82 IGF005/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5707 IGF005/83 IGF005/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5762 IGF005/84 IGF005/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1854 IGF005/85 IGF005/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5874 IGF005/86 IGF005/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl6021 IGF005/87 IGF005/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1855 IGF005/89 IGF005/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1856 IGF005/91 IGF005/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6269 IGF005/92 IGF005/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl1857 IGF005/93 IGF005/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl1858 IGF005/94 IGF005/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl1859 IGF005/95 IGF005/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6493 IGF005/96 IGF005/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6565 IGF005/97 IGF005/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6654 IGF005/98 IGF005/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6640 IGF005/99 IGF005/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6711 IGF006/00 IGF006/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6778 IGF006/01 IGF006/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl6994 IGF006/77 IGF006/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5561 IGF006/79 IGF006/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5609 IGF006/80 IGF006/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl1860 IGF006/81 IGF006/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5678 IGF006/82 IGF006/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl6305 IGF006/83 IGF006/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1861 IGF006/84 IGF006/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1862 IGF006/85 IGF006/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1863 IGF006/86 IGF006/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5924 IGF006/87 IGF006/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6241 IGF006/89 IGF006/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1864 IGF006/91 IGF006/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6122 IGF006/92 IGF006/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl1865 IGF006/93 IGF006/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl1866 IGF006/94 IGF006/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl1867 IGF006/95 IGF006/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6492 IGF006/96 IGF006/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6550 IGF006/97 IGF006/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6615 IGF006/98 IGF006/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6641 IGF006/99 IGF006/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6712 IGF007/00 IGF007/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6779 IGF007/01 IGF007/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl6995 IGF007/79 IGF007/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5610 IGF007/80 IGF007/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl1868 IGF007/81 IGF007/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1869 IGF007/84 IGF007/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl6309 IGF007/85 IGF007/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1870 IGF007/86 IGF007/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5925 IGF007/87 IGF007/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6169 IGF007/89 IGF007/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1871 IGF007/90 IGF007/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1872 IGF007/91 IGF007/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6260 IGF007/92 IGF007/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6341 IGF007/93 IGF007/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl1873 IGF007/95 IGF007/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6491 IGF007/96 IGF007/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6562 IGF007/97 IGF007/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6616 IGF007/98 IGF007/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6642 IGF007/99 IGF007/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6713 IGF008/00 IGF008/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6898 IGF008/01 IGF008/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl6996 IGF008/78 IGF008/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1874 IGF008/79 IGF008/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5611 IGF008/80 IGF008/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5630 IGF008/81 IGF008/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5679 IGF008/82 IGF008/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1875 IGF008/84 IGF008/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1876 IGF008/86 IGF008/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5926 IGF008/87 IGF008/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6125 IGF008/88 IGF008/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6251 IGF008/89 IGF008/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1877 IGF008/92 IGF008/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6343 IGF008/94 IGF008/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6448 IGF008/96 IGF008/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6561 IGF008/97 IGF008/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6617 IGF008/98 IGF008/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6643 IGF008/99 IGF008/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6714 IGF009/00 IGF009/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6899 IGF009/01 IGF009/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl6997 IGF009/77 IGF009/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl1878 IGF009/78 IGF009/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl6065 IGF009/80 IGF009/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl1879 IGF009/81 IGF009/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1880 IGF009/82 IGF009/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl6050 IGF009/84 IGF009/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1881 IGF009/85 IGF009/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1882 IGF009/86 IGF009/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1883 IGF009/87 IGF009/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6170 IGF009/88 IGF009/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6264 IGF009/89 IGF009/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1884 IGF009/90 IGF009/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1885 IGF009/91 IGF009/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6197 IGF009/92 IGF009/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6344 IGF009/93 IGF009/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl1886 IGF009/94 IGF009/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6449 IGF009/96 IGF009/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6566 IGF009/97 IGF009/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6759 IGF009/98 IGF009/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6644 IGF009/99 IGF009/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6715 IGF010/00 IGF010/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6900 IGF010/77 IGF010/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl1887 IGF010/78 IGF010/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5579 IGF010/80 IGF010/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl1888 IGF010/81 IGF010/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1889 IGF010/83 IGF010/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6059 IGF010/84 IGF010/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1890 IGF010/85 IGF010/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5875 IGF010/86 IGF010/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl6071 IGF010/87 IGF010/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6166 IGF010/88 IGF010/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6265 IGF010/89 IGF010/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6190 IGF010/90 IGF010/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6140 IGF010/91 IGF010/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6142 IGF010/92 IGF010/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6345 IGF010/93 IGF010/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6423 IGF010/94 IGF010/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6470 IGF010/96 IGF010/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6567 IGF010/97 IGF010/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6729 IGF010/98 IGF010/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6645 IGF010/99 IGF010/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6716 IGF011/00 IGF011/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6901 IGF011/01 IGF011/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7005 IGF011/77 IGF011/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl1891 IGF011/78 IGF011/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1892 IGF011/80 IGF011/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5631 IGF011/81 IGF011/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1893 IGF011/82 IGF011/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1894 IGF011/83 IGF011/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6060 IGF011/84 IGF011/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5814 IGF011/85 IGF011/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5876 IGF011/86 IGF011/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5927 IGF011/87 IGF011/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6242 IGF011/89 IGF011/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6109 IGF011/90 IGF011/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6287 IGF011/91 IGF011/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl1895 IGF011/92 IGF011/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6346 IGF011/93 IGF011/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6397 IGF011/94 IGF011/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6450 IGF011/96 IGF011/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6560 IGF011/97 IGF011/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6618 IGF011/98 IGF011/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6646 IGF011/99 IGF011/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6717 IGF012/00 IGF012/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6902 IGF012/01 IGF012/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7006 IGF012/77 IGF012/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5562 IGF012/78 IGF012/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5985 IGF012/80 IGF012/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl1896 IGF012/81 IGF012/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1897 IGF012/82 IGF012/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5708 IGF012/83 IGF012/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6061 IGF012/84 IGF012/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5815 IGF012/85 IGF012/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1898 IGF012/86 IGF012/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5928 IGF012/87 IGF012/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1899 IGF012/89 IGF012/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1900 IGF012/90 IGF012/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1901 IGF012/91 IGF012/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl1902 IGF012/92 IGF012/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6347 IGF012/93 IGF012/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6398 IGF012/94 IGF012/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6451 IGF012/96 IGF012/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6559 IGF012/98 IGF012/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6678 IGF012/99 IGF012/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6718 IGF013/00 IGF013/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6903 IGF013/01 IGF013/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7007 IGF013/77 IGF013/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl1903 IGF013/78 IGF013/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5580 IGF013/80 IGF013/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl1904 IGF013/81 IGF013/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1905 IGF013/82 IGF013/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1906 IGF013/84 IGF013/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1907 IGF013/85 IGF013/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1908 IGF013/86 IGF013/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1909 IGF013/87 IGF013/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6272 IGF013/89 IGF013/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6191 IGF013/90 IGF013/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1910 IGF013/91 IGF013/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6096 IGF013/92 IGF013/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6348 IGF013/93 IGF013/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6399 IGF013/94 IGF013/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6469 IGF013/95 IGF013/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6490 IGF013/96 IGF013/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6568 IGF013/99 IGF013/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6719 IGF014/00 IGF014/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6904 IGF014/01 IGF014/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7008 IGF014/78 IGF014/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5581 IGF014/80 IGF014/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl1911 IGF014/81 IGF014/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1912 IGF014/82 IGF014/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5709 IGF014/83 IGF014/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1913 IGF014/84 IGF014/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1914 IGF014/85 IGF014/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5877 IGF014/86 IGF014/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1915 IGF014/87 IGF014/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6225 IGF014/89 IGF014/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1916 IGF014/90 IGF014/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1917 IGF014/91 IGF014/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl1918 IGF014/92 IGF014/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6349 IGF014/93 IGF014/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6424 IGF014/94 IGF014/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6466 IGF014/95 IGF014/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6489 IGF014/96 IGF014/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6569 IGF014/97 IGF014/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6619 IGF014/98 IGF014/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6662 IGF014/99 IGF014/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6731 IGF015/00 IGF015/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6905 IGF015/01 IGF015/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7009 IGF015/78 IGF015/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1919 IGF015/80 IGF015/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5632 IGF015/82 IGF015/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1920 IGF015/83 IGF015/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5710 IGF015/84 IGF015/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1921 IGF015/85 IGF015/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5878 IGF015/86 IGF015/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5929 IGF015/87 IGF015/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6243 IGF015/90 IGF015/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1922 IGF015/91 IGF015/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6237 IGF015/94 IGF015/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6467 IGF015/95 IGF015/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6488 IGF015/96 IGF015/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6570 IGF015/97 IGF015/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6584 IGF015/98 IGF015/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6665 IGF015/99 IGF015/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6691 IGF016/00 IGF016/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6906 IGF016/01 IGF016/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7010 IGF016/77 IGF016/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl1923 IGF016/78 IGF016/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1924 IGF016/80 IGF016/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5633 IGF016/81 IGF016/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1925 IGF016/82 IGF016/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1926 IGF016/83 IGF016/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1927 IGF016/84 IGF016/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5816 IGF016/85 IGF016/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl6046 IGF016/86 IGF016/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1928 IGF016/87 IGF016/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1929 IGF016/89 IGF016/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6210 IGF016/90 IGF016/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1930 IGF016/91 IGF016/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl1931 IGF016/92 IGF016/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6430 IGF016/93 IGF016/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6400 IGF016/94 IGF016/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6468 IGF016/95 IGF016/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6487 IGF016/96 IGF016/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6558 IGF016/97 IGF016/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6620 IGF016/98 IGF016/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6657 IGF016/99 IGF016/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6734 IGF017/00 IGF017/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6907 IGF017/01 IGF017/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7011 IGF017/76 IGF017/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl1932 IGF017/78 IGF017/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1933 IGF017/80 IGF017/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5994 IGF017/82 IGF017/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1934 IGF017/83 IGF017/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5763 IGF017/84 IGF017/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1935 IGF017/85 IGF017/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5879 IGF017/86 IGF017/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl6022 IGF017/87 IGF017/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6072 IGF017/89 IGF017/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6143 IGF017/90 IGF017/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1936 IGF017/91 IGF017/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl1937 IGF017/92 IGF017/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl1938 IGF017/93 IGF017/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6425 IGF017/95 IGF017/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6486 IGF017/96 IGF017/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6575 IGF017/97 IGF017/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6621 IGF017/98 IGF017/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6667 IGF017/99 IGF017/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6732 IGF018/00 IGF018/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6908 IGF018/01 IGF018/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7012 IGF018/77 IGF018/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl1939 IGF018/78 IGF018/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1940 IGF018/80 IGF018/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5634 IGF018/81 IGF018/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1941 IGF018/82 IGF018/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1942 IGF018/83 IGF018/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1943 IGF018/84 IGF018/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5817 IGF018/85 IGF018/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1944 IGF018/86 IGF018/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl6023 IGF018/87 IGF018/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6203 IGF018/88 IGF018/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6228 IGF018/89 IGF018/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6321 IGF018/90 IGF018/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1945 IGF018/91 IGF018/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl1946 IGF018/92 IGF018/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6350 IGF018/93 IGF018/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl1947 IGF018/94 IGF018/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl1948 IGF018/95 IGF018/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6484 IGF018/96 IGF018/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6576 IGF018/97 IGF018/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6730 IGF018/98 IGF018/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6671 IGF018/99 IGF018/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6733 IGF019/00 IGF019/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6909 IGF019/01 IGF019/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7013 IGF019/77 IGF019/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl1949 IGF019/78 IGF019/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5582 IGF019/80 IGF019/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl1950 IGF019/82 IGF019/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1951 IGF019/84 IGF019/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1952 IGF019/85 IGF019/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5880 IGF019/86 IGF019/86 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HyperCLDB: cl6285 IGF020/90 IGF020/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6116 IGF020/91 IGF020/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6238 IGF020/92 IGF020/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6352 IGF020/93 IGF020/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl1960 IGF020/94 IGF020/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl1961 IGF020/95 IGF020/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6483 IGF020/96 IGF020/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6563 IGF020/97 IGF020/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6623 IGF020/98 IGF020/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6693 IGF020/99 IGF020/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6735 IGF021/00 IGF021/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6911 IGF021/01 IGF021/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7015 IGF021/78 IGF021/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5986 IGF021/82 IGF021/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5712 IGF021/83 IGF021/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1962 IGF021/84 IGF021/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1963 IGF021/85 IGF021/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5881 IGF021/86 IGF021/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1964 IGF021/87 IGF021/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1965 IGF021/88 IGF021/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6229 IGF021/90 IGF021/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6233 IGF021/91 IGF021/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl1966 IGF021/92 IGF021/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6353 IGF021/93 IGF021/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6401 IGF021/94 IGF021/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6471 IGF021/95 IGF021/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6482 IGF021/96 IGF021/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6557 IGF021/97 IGF021/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6624 IGF021/98 IGF021/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6677 IGF021/99 IGF021/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6736 IGF022/00 IGF022/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6940 IGF022/01 IGF022/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7016 IGF022/77 IGF022/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5563 IGF022/78 IGF022/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5987 IGF022/79 IGF022/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5612 IGF022/80 IGF022/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5635 IGF022/81 IGF022/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1967 IGF022/82 IGF022/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5713 IGF022/83 IGF022/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5764 IGF022/84 IGF022/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5818 IGF022/85 IGF022/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5882 IGF022/86 IGF022/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1968 IGF022/87 IGF022/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1969 IGF022/88 IGF022/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6104 IGF022/89 IGF022/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1970 IGF022/90 IGF022/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl1971 IGF022/91 IGF022/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6290 IGF022/92 IGF022/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6354 IGF022/93 IGF022/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl1972 IGF022/94 IGF022/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl1973 IGF022/95 IGF022/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6481 IGF022/96 IGF022/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6571 IGF022/97 IGF022/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6625 IGF022/98 IGF022/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6666 IGF022/99 IGF022/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6737 IGF023/00 IGF023/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6941 IGF023/01 IGF023/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7017 IGF023/77 IGF023/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5564 IGF023/78 IGF023/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5988 IGF023/79 IGF023/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5613 IGF023/81 IGF023/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5680 IGF023/83 IGF023/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1974 IGF023/84 IGF023/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl1975 IGF023/85 IGF023/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1976 IGF023/86 IGF023/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1977 IGF023/87 IGF023/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl1978 IGF023/88 IGF023/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl1979 IGF023/90 IGF023/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6254 IGF023/91 IGF023/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6180 IGF023/93 IGF023/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl1980 IGF023/94 IGF023/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6452 IGF023/95 IGF023/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6480 IGF023/96 IGF023/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6556 IGF023/97 IGF023/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6627 IGF023/98 IGF023/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6660 IGF023/99 IGF023/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6738 IGF024/00 IGF024/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6942 IGF024/01 IGF024/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7018 IGF024/77 IGF024/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl1981 IGF024/78 IGF024/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5989 IGF024/79 IGF024/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl1982 IGF024/81 IGF024/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1983 IGF024/82 IGF024/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5714 IGF024/83 IGF024/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5765 IGF024/85 IGF024/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1984 IGF024/86 IGF024/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl1985 IGF024/88 IGF024/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl1986 IGF024/90 IGF024/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6268 IGF024/91 IGF024/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6291 IGF024/92 IGF024/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6355 IGF024/93 IGF024/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl1987 IGF024/94 IGF024/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6477 IGF024/95 IGF024/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6479 IGF024/96 IGF024/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6579 IGF024/97 IGF024/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6626 IGF024/98 IGF024/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6661 IGF024/99 IGF024/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6739 IGF025/00 IGF025/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6943 IGF025/01 IGF025/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7019 IGF025/77 IGF025/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl1988 IGF025/78 IGF025/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1989 IGF025/80 IGF025/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl6066 IGF025/81 IGF025/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl1990 IGF025/82 IGF025/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1991 IGF025/83 IGF025/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1992 IGF025/84 IGF025/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5819 IGF025/85 IGF025/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl1993 IGF025/86 IGF025/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5932 IGF025/87 IGF025/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6226 IGF025/88 IGF025/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl1994 IGF025/89 IGF025/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl1995 IGF025/90 IGF025/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6280 IGF025/91 IGF025/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl1996 IGF025/92 IGF025/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6356 IGF025/93 IGF025/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6402 IGF025/95 IGF025/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6500 IGF025/96 IGF025/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6555 IGF025/97 IGF025/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6628 IGF025/98 IGF025/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6658 IGF025/99 IGF025/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6740 IGF026/00 IGF026/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6944 IGF026/01 IGF026/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7020 IGF026/77 IGF026/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5565 IGF026/78 IGF026/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl1997 IGF026/80 IGF026/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5636 IGF026/82 IGF026/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl1998 IGF026/83 IGF026/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl1999 IGF026/84 IGF026/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5820 IGF026/85 IGF026/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5883 IGF026/86 IGF026/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2000 IGF026/87 IGF026/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6153 IGF026/88 IGF026/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl2001 IGF026/89 IGF026/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6211 IGF026/90 IGF026/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2002 IGF026/91 IGF026/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2003 IGF026/92 IGF026/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6357 IGF026/93 IGF026/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6403 IGF026/95 IGF026/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6501 IGF026/96 IGF026/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6722 IGF026/97 IGF026/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6585 IGF026/98 IGF026/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6669 IGF026/99 IGF026/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6741 IGF027/00 IGF027/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6945 IGF027/01 IGF027/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7021 IGF027/77 IGF027/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl2004 IGF027/78 IGF027/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5584 IGF027/80 IGF027/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5637 IGF027/82 IGF027/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2005 IGF027/83 IGF027/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2006 IGF027/84 IGF027/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5821 IGF027/85 IGF027/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5884 IGF027/86 IGF027/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5933 IGF027/87 IGF027/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6181 IGF027/88 IGF027/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl2007 IGF027/89 IGF027/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6110 IGF027/90 IGF027/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2008 IGF027/91 IGF027/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6239 IGF027/92 IGF027/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6358 IGF027/93 IGF027/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2009 IGF027/94 IGF027/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6472 IGF027/95 IGF027/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6502 IGF027/96 IGF027/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6554 IGF027/97 IGF027/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6649 IGF027/98 IGF027/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6676 IGF027/99 IGF027/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6742 IGF028/00 IGF028/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6946 IGF028/01 IGF028/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7022 IGF028/77 IGF028/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl2010 IGF028/78 IGF028/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5585 IGF028/80 IGF028/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2011 IGF028/81 IGF028/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2012 IGF028/82 IGF028/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2013 IGF028/83 IGF028/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2014 IGF028/84 IGF028/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5822 IGF028/85 IGF028/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2015 IGF028/86 IGF028/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5934 IGF028/87 IGF028/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6083 IGF028/88 IGF028/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6088 IGF028/89 IGF028/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2016 IGF028/91 IGF028/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6220 IGF028/92 IGF028/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2017 IGF028/93 IGF028/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6404 IGF028/95 IGF028/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6513 IGF028/97 IGF028/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6586 IGF028/98 IGF028/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6694 IGF028/99 IGF028/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6743 IGF029/00 IGF029/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6947 IGF029/01 IGF029/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7023 IGF029/75 IGF029/75 cell HyperCLDB: cl2018 IGF029/77 IGF029/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl2019 IGF029/78 IGF029/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5586 IGF029/81 IGF029/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2020 IGF029/82 IGF029/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2021 IGF029/83 IGF029/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5766 IGF029/85 IGF029/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2022 IGF029/86 IGF029/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5935 IGF029/87 IGF029/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2023 IGF029/88 IGF029/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6168 IGF029/89 IGF029/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6212 IGF029/91 IGF029/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6292 IGF029/92 IGF029/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6359 IGF029/93 IGF029/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2024 IGF029/97 IGF029/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6587 IGF029/98 IGF029/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6663 IGF029/99 IGF029/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6744 IGF030/00 IGF030/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6948 IGF030/01 IGF030/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7024 IGF030/77 IGF030/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5566 IGF030/78 IGF030/78 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IGF033/88 IGF033/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6274 IGF033/89 IGF033/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6134 IGF033/90 IGF033/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2045 IGF033/91 IGF033/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2046 IGF033/93 IGF033/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6406 IGF033/94 IGF033/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6474 IGF033/95 IGF033/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6514 IGF033/96 IGF033/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6551 IGF033/97 IGF033/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6590 IGF033/98 IGF033/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6670 IGF033/99 IGF033/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6748 IGF034/00 IGF034/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6952 IGF034/01 IGF034/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7036 IGF034/76 IGF034/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl5545 IGF034/77 IGF034/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl2047 IGF034/80 IGF034/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl6031 IGF034/81 IGF034/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl6315 IGF034/83 IGF034/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5768 IGF034/84 IGF034/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5825 IGF034/85 IGF034/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2048 IGF034/86 IGF034/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5939 IGF034/87 IGF034/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6084 IGF034/88 IGF034/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6129 IGF034/89 IGF034/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6266 IGF034/90 IGF034/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6255 IGF034/91 IGF034/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2049 IGF034/92 IGF034/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6362 IGF034/93 IGF034/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6407 IGF034/94 IGF034/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6453 IGF034/95 IGF034/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6522 IGF034/96 IGF034/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6723 IGF034/97 IGF034/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6591 IGF034/98 IGF034/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6674 IGF034/99 IGF034/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6749 IGF035/00 IGF035/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6953 IGF035/01 IGF035/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7037 IGF035/77 IGF035/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl2050 IGF035/80 IGF035/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2051 IGF035/81 IGF035/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2052 IGF035/82 IGF035/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5715 IGF035/83 IGF035/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5769 IGF035/85 IGF035/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2053 IGF035/86 IGF035/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5940 IGF035/87 IGF035/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2054 IGF035/88 IGF035/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl2055 IGF035/89 IGF035/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6111 IGF035/90 IGF035/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2056 IGF035/91 IGF035/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2057 IGF035/92 IGF035/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2058 IGF035/93 IGF035/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6408 IGF035/94 IGF035/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl2059 IGF035/96 IGF035/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6580 IGF035/97 IGF035/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6592 IGF035/98 IGF035/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6695 IGF035/99 IGF035/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6750 IGF036/00 IGF036/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6954 IGF036/01 IGF036/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7038 IGF036/75 IGF036/75 cell HyperCLDB: cl2060 IGF036/76 IGF036/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl2061 IGF036/77 IGF036/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl2062 IGF036/78 IGF036/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2063 IGF036/79 IGF036/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5614 IGF036/80 IGF036/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2064 IGF036/81 IGF036/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5682 IGF036/83 IGF036/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2065 IGF036/84 IGF036/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5826 IGF036/86 IGF036/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5941 IGF036/87 IGF036/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2066 IGF036/88 IGF036/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl2067 IGF036/89 IGF036/89 cell 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cl6410 IGF037/94 IGF037/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6462 IGF037/95 IGF037/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6499 IGF037/97 IGF037/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6594 IGF037/98 IGF037/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6668 IGF037/99 IGF037/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6752 IGF038/00 IGF038/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6956 IGF038/01 IGF038/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7040 IGF038/80 IGF038/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2074 IGF038/81 IGF038/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2075 IGF038/82 IGF038/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5716 IGF038/83 IGF038/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2076 IGF038/84 IGF038/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5827 IGF038/85 IGF038/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5886 IGF038/86 IGF038/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2077 IGF038/87 IGF038/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6099 IGF038/88 IGF038/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl2078 IGF038/89 IGF038/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2079 IGF038/90 IGF038/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6201 IGF038/91 IGF038/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6261 IGF038/92 IGF038/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6365 IGF038/93 IGF038/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6411 IGF038/95 IGF038/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6534 IGF038/96 IGF038/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6578 IGF038/97 IGF038/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6595 IGF038/98 IGF038/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6655 IGF038/99 IGF038/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6753 IGF039/00 IGF039/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6957 IGF039/01 IGF039/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7041 IGF039/77 IGF039/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5568 IGF039/80 IGF039/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5642 IGF039/81 IGF039/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2080 IGF039/82 IGF039/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2081 IGF039/83 IGF039/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2082 IGF039/84 IGF039/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5828 IGF039/85 IGF039/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2083 IGF039/86 IGF039/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5942 IGF039/87 IGF039/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2084 IGF039/88 IGF039/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6105 IGF039/90 IGF039/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2085 IGF039/91 IGF039/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6221 IGF039/92 IGF039/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6366 IGF039/93 IGF039/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2086 IGF039/94 IGF039/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6464 IGF039/95 IGF039/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6545 IGF039/96 IGF039/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6780 IGF039/97 IGF039/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6596 IGF039/98 IGF039/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6672 IGF039/99 IGF039/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6754 IGF040/00 IGF040/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6958 IGF040/01 IGF040/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7042 IGF040/77 IGF040/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl2087 IGF040/78 IGF040/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5588 IGF040/79 IGF040/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5615 IGF040/80 IGF040/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl6032 IGF040/82 IGF040/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl6039 IGF040/83 IGF040/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6043 IGF040/84 IGF040/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2088 IGF040/85 IGF040/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2089 IGF040/86 IGF040/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2090 IGF040/87 IGF040/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2091 IGF040/89 IGF040/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2092 IGF040/90 IGF040/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2093 IGF040/91 IGF040/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2094 IGF040/92 IGF040/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6367 IGF040/93 IGF040/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6432 IGF040/94 IGF040/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6454 IGF040/95 IGF040/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6498 IGF040/96 IGF040/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6724 IGF040/97 IGF040/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6647 IGF040/98 IGF040/98 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cl6757 IGF043/00 IGF043/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6961 IGF043/77 IGF043/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5569 IGF043/78 IGF043/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2110 IGF043/79 IGF043/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5616 IGF043/80 IGF043/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2111 IGF043/81 IGF043/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5969 IGF043/82 IGF043/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2112 IGF043/84 IGF043/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5829 IGF043/85 IGF043/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5887 IGF043/86 IGF043/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5943 IGF043/88 IGF043/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6209 IGF043/89 IGF043/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6175 IGF043/90 IGF043/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2113 IGF043/91 IGF043/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2114 IGF043/92 IGF043/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6369 IGF043/93 IGF043/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2115 IGF043/94 IGF043/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6455 IGF043/96 IGF043/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6648 IGF043/97 IGF043/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6630 IGF043/98 IGF043/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6699 IGF043/99 IGF043/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6758 IGF044/00 IGF044/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6962 IGF044/77 IGF044/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5570 IGF044/78 IGF044/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2116 IGF044/79 IGF044/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5617 IGF044/81 IGF044/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2117 IGF044/82 IGF044/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5718 IGF044/83 IGF044/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2118 IGF044/84 IGF044/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2119 IGF044/85 IGF044/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5888 IGF044/86 IGF044/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2120 IGF044/87 IGF044/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6154 IGF044/88 IGF044/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6252 IGF044/89 IGF044/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6213 IGF044/90 IGF044/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2121 IGF044/91 IGF044/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6152 IGF044/92 IGF044/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6370 IGF044/93 IGF044/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6433 IGF044/94 IGF044/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6496 IGF044/95 IGF044/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6497 IGF044/96 IGF044/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6726 IGF044/97 IGF044/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6599 IGF044/98 IGF044/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6700 IGF044/99 IGF044/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6760 IGF045/00 IGF045/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6963 IGF045/78 IGF045/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5590 IGF045/79 IGF045/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2122 IGF045/80 IGF045/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5643 IGF045/81 IGF045/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5683 IGF045/82 IGF045/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl6040 IGF045/83 IGF045/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5772 IGF045/84 IGF045/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5977 IGF045/85 IGF045/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2123 IGF045/86 IGF045/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5944 IGF045/87 IGF045/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6271 IGF045/88 IGF045/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6275 IGF045/89 IGF045/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2124 IGF045/90 IGF045/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2125 IGF045/91 IGF045/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6151 IGF045/92 IGF045/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6371 IGF045/93 IGF045/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6429 IGF045/94 IGF045/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6456 IGF045/95 IGF045/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6524 IGF045/96 IGF045/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6651 IGF045/97 IGF045/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6631 IGF045/98 IGF045/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6701 IGF045/99 IGF045/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6761 IGF046/00 IGF046/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6964 IGF046/76 IGF046/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl5546 IGF046/78 IGF046/78 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HyperCLDB: cl2131 IGF047/83 IGF047/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5774 IGF047/84 IGF047/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5831 IGF047/85 IGF047/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl6308 IGF047/86 IGF047/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl6025 IGF047/87 IGF047/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6155 IGF047/88 IGF047/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6089 IGF047/89 IGF047/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2132 IGF047/90 IGF047/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6148 IGF047/91 IGF047/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6222 IGF047/92 IGF047/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2133 IGF047/94 IGF047/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6461 IGF047/95 IGF047/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6515 IGF047/96 IGF047/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6583 IGF047/97 IGF047/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6601 IGF047/98 IGF047/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6679 IGF047/99 IGF047/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6763 IGF048/77 IGF048/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5571 IGF048/79 IGF048/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5966 IGF048/80 IGF048/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5645 IGF048/82 IGF048/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2134 IGF048/83 IGF048/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2135 IGF048/84 IGF048/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2136 IGF048/85 IGF048/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl6047 IGF048/86 IGF048/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2137 IGF048/89 IGF048/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2138 IGF048/90 IGF048/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6117 IGF048/91 IGF048/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2139 IGF048/94 IGF048/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6457 IGF048/95 IGF048/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6525 IGF048/96 IGF048/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6727 IGF048/97 IGF048/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6602 IGF048/98 IGF048/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6703 IGF048/99 IGF048/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6764 IGF049/00 IGF049/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6976 IGF049/77 IGF049/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl2140 IGF049/78 IGF049/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2141 IGF049/79 IGF049/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2142 IGF049/80 IGF049/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2143 IGF049/82 IGF049/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5719 IGF049/83 IGF049/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2144 IGF049/84 IGF049/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5832 IGF049/85 IGF049/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl6048 IGF049/86 IGF049/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5945 IGF049/87 IGF049/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2145 IGF049/89 IGF049/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2146 IGF049/90 IGF049/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2147 IGF049/91 IGF049/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2148 IGF049/92 IGF049/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6373 IGF049/93 IGF049/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2149 IGF049/94 IGF049/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6458 IGF049/95 IGF049/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6520 IGF049/96 IGF049/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6650 IGF049/97 IGF049/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6603 IGF049/98 IGF049/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6704 IGF049/99 IGF049/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6765 IGF050/00 IGF050/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6977 IGF050/76 IGF050/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl5547 IGF050/77 IGF050/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5572 IGF050/78 IGF050/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5591 IGF050/80 IGF050/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2150 IGF050/83 IGF050/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6004 IGF050/84 IGF050/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5833 IGF050/85 IGF050/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5890 IGF050/86 IGF050/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2151 IGF050/87 IGF050/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6183 IGF050/90 IGF050/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6078 IGF050/91 IGF050/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6224 IGF050/92 IGF050/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2152 IGF050/93 IGF050/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6517 IGF050/97 IGF050/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6604 IGF050/98 IGF050/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6705 IGF050/99 IGF050/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6766 IGF051/00 IGF051/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6978 IGF051/77 IGF051/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl2153 IGF051/78 IGF051/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2154 IGF051/80 IGF051/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl6767 IGF051/82 IGF051/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2155 IGF051/83 IGF051/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5775 IGF051/84 IGF051/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5834 IGF051/85 IGF051/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2156 IGF051/86 IGF051/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5946 IGF051/87 IGF051/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6156 IGF051/88 IGF051/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl2157 IGF051/89 IGF051/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6147 IGF051/90 IGF051/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6079 IGF051/91 IGF051/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2158 IGF051/92 IGF051/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2159 IGF051/93 IGF051/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2160 IGF051/94 IGF051/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl2161 IGF051/95 IGF051/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6546 IGF051/97 IGF051/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6632 IGF051/98 IGF051/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6706 IGF051/99 IGF051/99 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IGF057/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2194 IGF057/84 IGF057/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5837 IGF057/85 IGF057/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5894 IGF057/86 IGF057/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5950 IGF057/87 IGF057/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6126 IGF057/88 IGF057/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6161 IGF057/89 IGF057/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6112 IGF057/90 IGF057/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6234 IGF057/91 IGF057/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2195 IGF057/92 IGF057/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2196 IGF057/93 IGF057/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6435 IGF057/95 IGF057/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6526 IGF057/97 IGF057/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6609 IGF058/78 IGF058/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5594 IGF058/79 IGF058/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2197 IGF058/80 IGF058/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5650 IGF058/82 IGF058/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5723 IGF058/83 IGF058/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2198 IGF058/84 IGF058/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl6012 IGF058/85 IGF058/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2199 IGF058/86 IGF058/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2200 IGF058/87 IGF058/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6273 IGF058/89 IGF058/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6267 IGF058/90 IGF058/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6235 IGF058/91 IGF058/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2201 IGF058/93 IGF058/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6436 IGF058/95 IGF058/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6527 IGF058/97 IGF058/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6634 IGF059/76 IGF059/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl2202 IGF059/78 IGF059/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl6052 IGF059/79 IGF059/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl6317 IGF059/80 IGF059/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2203 IGF059/82 IGF059/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2204 IGF059/83 IGF059/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5776 IGF059/84 IGF059/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2205 IGF059/85 IGF059/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl6064 IGF059/86 IGF059/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5951 IGF059/87 IGF059/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6322 IGF059/89 IGF059/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6230 IGF059/90 IGF059/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2206 IGF059/91 IGF059/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2207 IGF059/92 IGF059/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6382 IGF059/93 IGF059/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6427 IGF059/95 IGF059/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6528 IGF059/97 IGF059/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6610 IGF060/78 IGF060/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5595 IGF060/79 IGF060/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2208 IGF060/80 IGF060/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5968 IGF060/81 IGF060/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2209 IGF060/82 IGF060/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2210 IGF060/83 IGF060/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5777 IGF060/84 IGF060/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2211 IGF060/86 IGF060/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2212 IGF060/87 IGF060/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6205 IGF060/88 IGF060/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6189 IGF060/89 IGF060/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2213 IGF060/90 IGF060/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2214 IGF060/91 IGF060/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2215 IGF060/92 IGF060/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6381 IGF060/93 IGF060/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2216 IGF060/95 IGF060/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6529 IGF060/97 IGF060/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6611 IGF061/76 IGF061/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl5549 IGF061/78 IGF061/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl6303 IGF061/79 IGF061/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2217 IGF061/81 IGF061/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2218 IGF061/82 IGF061/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5971 IGF061/83 IGF061/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5778 IGF061/84 IGF061/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5838 IGF061/85 IGF061/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2219 IGF061/86 IGF061/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5952 IGF061/87 IGF061/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6144 IGF061/88 IGF061/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6074 IGF061/89 IGF061/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6214 IGF061/90 IGF061/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2220 IGF061/91 IGF061/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6300 IGF061/92 IGF061/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6431 IGF061/93 IGF061/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6443 IGF061/95 IGF061/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6531 IGF061/97 IGF061/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6612 IGF062/78 IGF062/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl6304 IGF062/79 IGF062/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2221 IGF062/81 IGF062/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5688 IGF062/82 IGF062/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5724 IGF062/83 IGF062/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5779 IGF062/84 IGF062/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5839 IGF062/85 IGF062/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2222 IGF062/86 IGF062/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2223 IGF062/87 IGF062/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6157 IGF062/88 IGF062/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6090 IGF062/89 IGF062/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2224 IGF062/90 IGF062/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2225 IGF062/91 IGF062/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6297 IGF062/95 IGF062/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6530 IGF062/97 IGF062/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6635 IGF063/76 IGF063/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl2226 IGF063/77 IGF063/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl2227 IGF063/78 IGF063/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2228 IGF063/79 IGF063/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5619 IGF063/80 IGF063/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5651 IGF063/81 IGF063/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5689 IGF063/82 IGF063/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5725 IGF063/84 IGF063/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5840 IGF063/85 IGF063/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2229 IGF063/86 IGF063/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2230 IGF063/87 IGF063/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6127 IGF063/90 IGF063/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6178 IGF063/91 IGF063/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6298 IGF063/93 IGF063/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6437 IGF063/95 IGF063/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6532 IGF063/96 IGF063/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6573 IGF064/76 IGF064/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl2231 IGF064/78 IGF064/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5596 IGF064/79 IGF064/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2232 IGF064/80 IGF064/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5652 IGF064/81 IGF064/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2233 IGF064/82 IGF064/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5726 IGF064/83 IGF064/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5780 IGF064/84 IGF064/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5841 IGF064/85 IGF064/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2234 IGF064/86 IGF064/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2235 IGF064/87 IGF064/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6085 IGF064/88 IGF064/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6091 IGF064/89 IGF064/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6113 IGF064/90 IGF064/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6257 IGF064/91 IGF064/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6301 IGF064/93 IGF064/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6438 IGF064/95 IGF064/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6533 IGF065/77 IGF065/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5574 IGF065/79 IGF065/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2236 IGF065/80 IGF065/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5653 IGF065/81 IGF065/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5690 IGF065/83 IGF065/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2237 IGF065/84 IGF065/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5842 IGF065/86 IGF065/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2238 IGF065/87 IGF065/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6262 IGF065/88 IGF065/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl2239 IGF065/90 IGF065/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2240 IGF065/91 IGF065/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2241 IGF065/92 IGF065/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2242 IGF065/93 IGF065/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6439 IGF065/95 IGF065/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6547 IGF066/76 IGF066/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl5550 IGF066/77 IGF066/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5575 IGF066/78 IGF066/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5597 IGF066/79 IGF066/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2243 IGF066/80 IGF066/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2244 IGF066/82 IGF066/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2245 IGF066/83 IGF066/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5781 IGF066/84 IGF066/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2246 IGF066/85 IGF066/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2247 IGF066/86 IGF066/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl6026 IGF066/87 IGF066/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2248 IGF066/88 IGF066/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl2249 IGF066/89 IGF066/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6231 IGF066/90 IGF066/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2250 IGF066/91 IGF066/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2251 IGF066/92 IGF066/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6383 IGF066/93 IGF066/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6440 IGF066/95 IGF066/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6535 IGF067/78 IGF067/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2252 IGF067/81 IGF067/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5691 IGF067/82 IGF067/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2253 IGF067/83 IGF067/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2254 IGF067/84 IGF067/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2255 IGF067/85 IGF067/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5895 IGF067/86 IGF067/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5953 IGF067/87 IGF067/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2256 IGF067/88 IGF067/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6174 IGF067/89 IGF067/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6114 IGF067/90 IGF067/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2257 IGF067/91 IGF067/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2258 IGF067/92 IGF067/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6384 IGF067/93 IGF067/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6441 IGF067/95 IGF067/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6574 IGF068/78 IGF068/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2259 IGF068/79 IGF068/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2260 IGF068/80 IGF068/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl6034 IGF068/81 IGF068/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2261 IGF068/82 IGF068/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2262 IGF068/83 IGF068/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2263 IGF068/84 IGF068/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2264 IGF068/85 IGF068/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl6051 IGF068/86 IGF068/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5954 IGF068/87 IGF068/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6128 IGF068/88 IGF068/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6162 IGF068/89 IGF068/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6215 IGF068/90 IGF068/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2265 IGF068/91 IGF068/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2266 IGF068/92 IGF068/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2267 IGF068/93 IGF068/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2268 IGF068/95 IGF068/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6536 IGF069/78 IGF069/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5598 IGF069/80 IGF069/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5995 IGF069/82 IGF069/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5727 IGF069/84 IGF069/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2269 IGF069/85 IGF069/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5896 IGF069/86 IGF069/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2270 IGF069/87 IGF069/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2271 IGF069/88 IGF069/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6163 IGF069/89 IGF069/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6135 IGF069/90 IGF069/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6289 IGF069/91 IGF069/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2272 IGF069/92 IGF069/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2273 IGF069/93 IGF069/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2274 IGF069/95 IGF069/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6537 IGF070/76 IGF070/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl5551 IGF070/78 IGF070/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5599 IGF070/80 IGF070/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5654 IGF070/81 IGF070/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2275 IGF070/82 IGF070/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2276 IGF070/83 IGF070/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2277 IGF070/84 IGF070/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5843 IGF070/85 IGF070/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5897 IGF070/86 IGF070/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2278 IGF070/87 IGF070/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2279 IGF070/88 IGF070/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl2280 IGF070/89 IGF070/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2281 IGF070/90 IGF070/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2282 IGF070/91 IGF070/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6299 IGF070/92 IGF070/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2283 IGF070/93 IGF070/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6442 IGF070/95 IGF070/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6544 IGF071/76 IGF071/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl5552 IGF071/78 IGF071/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2284 IGF071/80 IGF071/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl6053 IGF071/81 IGF071/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2285 IGF071/82 IGF071/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl6000 IGF071/83 IGF071/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2286 IGF071/84 IGF071/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2287 IGF071/85 IGF071/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2288 IGF071/86 IGF071/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5955 IGF071/87 IGF071/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6158 IGF071/88 IGF071/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6106 IGF071/89 IGF071/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6278 IGF071/90 IGF071/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6118 IGF071/92 IGF071/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2289 IGF071/93 IGF071/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2290 IGF071/95 IGF071/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6690 IGF072/76 IGF072/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl5553 IGF072/77 IGF072/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5576 IGF072/78 IGF072/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5600 IGF072/81 IGF072/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2291 IGF072/82 IGF072/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2292 IGF072/83 IGF072/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2293 IGF072/84 IGF072/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2294 IGF072/85 IGF072/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2295 IGF072/86 IGF072/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5956 IGF072/87 IGF072/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6184 IGF072/88 IGF072/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6132 IGF072/89 IGF072/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2296 IGF072/90 IGF072/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6288 IGF072/91 IGF072/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2297 IGF072/92 IGF072/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2298 IGF072/95 IGF072/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6543 IGF073/76 IGF073/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl5554 IGF073/78 IGF073/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5601 IGF073/82 IGF073/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5728 IGF073/83 IGF073/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5782 IGF073/84 IGF073/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5844 IGF073/85 IGF073/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2299 IGF073/86 IGF073/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5957 IGF073/87 IGF073/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6263 IGF073/88 IGF073/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl2300 IGF073/89 IGF073/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6277 IGF073/90 IGF073/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2301 IGF073/91 IGF073/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2302 IGF073/92 IGF073/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2303 IGF073/95 IGF073/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6538 IGF074/74 IGF074/74 cell HyperCLDB: cl2304 IGF074/76 IGF074/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl2305 IGF074/78 IGF074/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2306 IGF074/79 IGF074/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5620 IGF074/81 IGF074/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5692 IGF074/82 IGF074/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5729 IGF074/83 IGF074/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5783 IGF074/84 IGF074/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl6897 IGF074/86 IGF074/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5958 IGF074/87 IGF074/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6086 IGF074/88 IGF074/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6107 IGF074/89 IGF074/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2307 IGF074/90 IGF074/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2308 IGF074/92 IGF074/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6376 IGF075/76 IGF075/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl5556 IGF075/77 IGF075/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5555 IGF075/78 IGF075/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2309 IGF075/80 IGF075/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2310 IGF075/81 IGF075/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2311 IGF075/82 IGF075/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2312 IGF075/84 IGF075/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5845 IGF075/86 IGF075/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2313 IGF075/87 IGF075/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6185 IGF075/88 IGF075/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl6108 IGF075/89 IGF075/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2314 IGF075/90 IGF075/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6119 IGF075/91 IGF075/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6302 IGF075/95 IGF075/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6539 IGF076/76 IGF076/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl2315 IGF076/78 IGF076/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2316 IGF076/79 IGF076/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2317 IGF076/81 IGF076/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5693 IGF076/82 IGF076/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2318 IGF076/83 IGF076/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5784 IGF076/84 IGF076/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2319 IGF076/85 IGF076/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5898 IGF076/87 IGF076/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6244 IGF076/89 IGF076/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2320 IGF076/90 IGF076/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6219 IGF076/91 IGF076/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2321 IGF076/92 IGF076/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2322 IGF076/95 IGF076/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6540 IGF077/76 IGF077/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl2323 IGF077/77 IGF077/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5577 IGF077/78 IGF077/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2324 IGF077/79 IGF077/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5621 IGF077/80 IGF077/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2325 IGF077/81 IGF077/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2326 IGF077/83 IGF077/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5785 IGF077/84 IGF077/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2327 IGF077/85 IGF077/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2328 IGF077/86 IGF077/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl6316 IGF077/87 IGF077/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2329 IGF077/88 IGF077/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl2330 IGF077/89 IGF077/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2331 IGF077/91 IGF077/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2332 IGF077/92 IGF077/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6377 IGF077/95 IGF077/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6541 IGF078/78 IGF078/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5602 IGF078/79 IGF078/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5622 IGF078/80 IGF078/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5655 IGF078/81 IGF078/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5694 IGF078/83 IGF078/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2333 IGF078/84 IGF078/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2334 IGF078/85 IGF078/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl6019 IGF078/86 IGF078/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5959 IGF078/87 IGF078/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6087 IGF078/89 IGF078/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2335 IGF078/90 IGF078/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6141 IGF078/91 IGF078/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6296 IGF078/92 IGF078/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6428 IGF078/95 IGF078/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6542 IGF079/76 IGF079/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl2336 IGF079/77 IGF079/77 cell HyperCLDB: cl5578 IGF079/78 IGF079/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2337 IGF079/80 IGF079/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2338 IGF079/81 IGF079/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5970 IGF079/82 IGF079/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5730 IGF079/83 IGF079/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2339 IGF079/84 IGF079/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5846 IGF079/86 IGF079/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5960 IGF079/87 IGF079/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6186 IGF079/89 IGF079/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6136 IGF079/90 IGF079/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6149 IGF079/91 IGF079/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6294 IGF080/76 IGF080/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl5557 IGF080/78 IGF080/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5603 IGF080/80 IGF080/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2340 IGF080/81 IGF080/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2341 IGF080/82 IGF080/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl6001 IGF080/83 IGF080/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2342 IGF080/84 IGF080/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl6013 IGF080/85 IGF080/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5899 IGF080/86 IGF080/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2343 IGF080/87 IGF080/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6245 IGF080/89 IGF080/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2344 IGF080/90 IGF080/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6150 IGF080/91 IGF080/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6295 IGF081/76 IGF081/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl2345 IGF081/78 IGF081/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2346 IGF081/80 IGF081/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2347 IGF081/81 IGF081/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2348 IGF081/82 IGF081/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2349 IGF081/83 IGF081/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5973 IGF081/84 IGF081/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2350 IGF081/86 IGF081/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2351 IGF081/87 IGF081/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6159 IGF081/89 IGF081/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2352 IGF081/90 IGF081/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2353 IGF081/91 IGF081/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2354 IGF081/92 IGF081/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2355 IGF082/76 IGF082/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl2356 IGF082/80 IGF082/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2357 IGF082/81 IGF082/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2358 IGF082/82 IGF082/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl6055 IGF082/83 IGF082/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2359 IGF082/84 IGF082/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5847 IGF082/85 IGF082/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5900 IGF082/86 IGF082/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2360 IGF082/87 IGF082/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2361 IGF082/89 IGF082/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6253 IGF082/90 IGF082/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6179 IGF082/91 IGF082/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2362 IGF082/92 IGF082/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6380 IGF083/76 IGF083/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl2363 IGF083/78 IGF083/78 cell 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cl6378 IGF085/78 IGF085/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl6311 IGF085/80 IGF085/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5657 IGF085/81 IGF085/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2381 IGF085/82 IGF085/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5972 IGF085/84 IGF085/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5849 IGF085/85 IGF085/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5901 IGF085/86 IGF085/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5983 IGF085/89 IGF085/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6232 IGF085/90 IGF085/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2382 IGF085/91 IGF085/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6293 IGF085/92 IGF085/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6385 IGF086/76 IGF086/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl2383 IGF086/78 IGF086/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2384 IGF086/79 IGF086/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2385 IGF086/80 IGF086/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5658 IGF086/84 IGF086/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5850 IGF086/85 IGF086/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2386 IGF086/86 IGF086/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2387 IGF086/89 IGF086/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6164 IGF086/90 IGF086/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2388 IGF086/91 IGF086/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2389 IGF086/92 IGF086/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6418 IGF087/78 IGF087/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5604 IGF087/79 IGF087/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2390 IGF087/80 IGF087/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5659 IGF087/81 IGF087/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2391 IGF087/82 IGF087/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5731 IGF087/83 IGF087/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2392 IGF087/84 IGF087/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5851 IGF087/85 IGF087/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5902 IGF087/86 IGF087/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5984 IGF087/87 IGF087/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6206 IGF087/89 IGF087/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6137 IGF087/91 IGF087/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2393 IGF087/92 IGF087/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6386 IGF088/78 IGF088/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2394 IGF088/79 IGF088/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5623 IGF088/82 IGF088/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5732 IGF088/83 IGF088/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6005 IGF088/84 IGF088/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5852 IGF088/86 IGF088/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2395 IGF088/87 IGF088/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6101 IGF088/89 IGF088/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6138 IGF088/90 IGF088/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6236 IGF088/91 IGF088/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6324 IGF088/92 IGF088/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6379 IGF089/78 IGF089/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5605 IGF089/79 IGF089/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2396 IGF089/80 IGF089/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2397 IGF089/81 IGF089/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5695 IGF089/82 IGF089/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2398 IGF089/83 IGF089/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2399 IGF089/84 IGF089/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl6014 IGF089/85 IGF089/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2400 IGF089/87 IGF089/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2401 IGF089/89 IGF089/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2402 IGF089/90 IGF089/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2403 IGF089/91 IGF089/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6330 IGF089/92 IGF089/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6387 IGF090/78 IGF090/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5965 IGF090/79 IGF090/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5624 IGF090/82 IGF090/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl6002 IGF090/83 IGF090/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5786 IGF090/84 IGF090/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5853 IGF090/86 IGF090/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2404 IGF090/87 IGF090/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl2405 IGF090/89 IGF090/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6115 IGF090/91 IGF090/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2406 IGF090/92 IGF090/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6419 IGF091/76 IGF091/76 cell HyperCLDB: cl2407 IGF091/78 IGF091/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2408 IGF091/79 IGF091/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2409 IGF091/81 IGF091/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5696 IGF091/82 IGF091/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2410 IGF091/83 IGF091/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5787 IGF091/84 IGF091/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2411 IGF091/85 IGF091/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2412 IGF091/86 IGF091/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2413 IGF091/87 IGF091/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6207 IGF091/89 IGF091/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6176 IGF091/92 IGF091/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6388 IGF092/78 IGF092/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5992 IGF092/82 IGF092/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2414 IGF092/83 IGF092/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6062 IGF092/84 IGF092/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2415 IGF092/86 IGF092/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5961 IGF092/87 IGF092/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6246 IGF093/78 IGF093/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5993 IGF093/80 IGF093/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5660 IGF093/81 IGF093/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5697 IGF093/82 IGF093/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5733 IGF093/83 IGF093/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5788 IGF093/84 IGF093/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5854 IGF093/85 IGF093/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2416 IGF093/86 IGF093/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2417 IGF093/87 IGF093/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6145 IGF093/89 IGF093/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2418 IGF093/90 IGF093/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6094 IGF093/91 IGF093/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2419 IGF093/92 IGF093/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6389 IGF094/78 IGF094/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2420 IGF094/80 IGF094/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5661 IGF094/81 IGF094/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2421 IGF094/83 IGF094/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2422 IGF094/84 IGF094/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5855 IGF094/85 IGF094/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl6310 IGF094/86 IGF094/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl6312 IGF094/87 IGF094/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6247 IGF094/89 IGF094/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6216 IGF094/90 IGF094/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6258 IGF094/91 IGF094/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6332 IGF094/92 IGF094/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2423 IGF095/78 IGF095/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2424 IGF095/79 IGF095/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2425 IGF095/80 IGF095/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5662 IGF095/82 IGF095/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5734 IGF095/83 IGF095/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6006 IGF095/85 IGF095/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2426 IGF095/86 IGF095/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2427 IGF095/87 IGF095/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6102 IGF095/89 IGF095/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2428 IGF095/91 IGF095/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6326 IGF096/78 IGF096/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2429 IGF096/79 IGF096/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2430 IGF096/80 IGF096/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5663 IGF096/81 IGF096/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5698 IGF096/82 IGF096/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2431 IGF096/83 IGF096/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2432 IGF096/84 IGF096/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2433 IGF096/85 IGF096/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2434 IGF096/86 IGF096/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5962 IGF096/90 IGF096/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6120 IGF096/91 IGF096/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6325 IGF096/92 IGF096/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6390 IGF097/78 IGF097/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl6029 IGF097/79 IGF097/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5625 IGF097/80 IGF097/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5664 IGF097/81 IGF097/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl6313 IGF097/82 IGF097/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5735 IGF097/83 IGF097/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6314 IGF097/84 IGF097/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl6015 IGF097/85 IGF097/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5903 IGF097/86 IGF097/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2435 IGF097/87 IGF097/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6208 IGF097/89 IGF097/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2436 IGF097/90 IGF097/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6093 IGF097/92 IGF097/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6391 IGF098/78 IGF098/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2437 IGF098/79 IGF098/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5626 IGF098/80 IGF098/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5665 IGF098/81 IGF098/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2438 IGF098/82 IGF098/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl6056 IGF098/83 IGF098/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2439 IGF098/84 IGF098/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5856 IGF098/85 IGF098/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5904 IGF098/86 IGF098/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl6027 IGF098/87 IGF098/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6187 IGF098/89 IGF098/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2440 IGF098/90 IGF098/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6121 IGF098/92 IGF098/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6392 IGF099/78 IGF099/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5606 IGF099/79 IGF099/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2441 IGF099/80 IGF099/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2442 IGF099/82 IGF099/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5736 IGF099/83 IGF099/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5789 IGF099/84 IGF099/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2443 IGF099/85 IGF099/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5905 IGF099/86 IGF099/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl2444 IGF099/87 IGF099/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6320 IGF099/89 IGF099/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6139 IGF099/90 IGF099/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2445 IGF099/92 IGF099/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6393 IGF100/78 IGF100/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2446 IGF100/79 IGF100/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5627 IGF100/80 IGF100/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5666 IGF100/81 IGF100/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2447 IGF100/83 IGF100/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6044 IGF100/84 IGF100/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5857 IGF100/85 IGF100/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2448 IGF100/86 IGF100/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5963 IGF100/87 IGF100/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6188 IGF100/89 IGF100/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2449 IGF100/90 IGF100/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2450 IGF100/91 IGF100/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6331 IGF100/92 IGF100/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2451 IGF101/78 IGF101/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2452 IGF101/79 IGF101/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2453 IGF101/80 IGF101/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2454 IGF101/81 IGF101/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2455 IGF101/82 IGF101/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5737 IGF101/83 IGF101/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2456 IGF101/84 IGF101/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl6016 IGF101/85 IGF101/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl6020 IGF101/86 IGF101/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl5964 IGF101/89 IGF101/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6092 IGF101/90 IGF101/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6195 IGF101/91 IGF101/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2457 IGF102/78 IGF102/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2458 IGF102/80 IGF102/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2459 IGF102/82 IGF102/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5738 IGF102/83 IGF102/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2460 IGF102/84 IGF102/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5858 IGF102/85 IGF102/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2461 IGF102/86 IGF102/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl6028 IGF102/87 IGF102/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6171 IGF102/89 IGF102/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6279 IGF102/90 IGF102/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6081 IGF102/91 IGF102/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2462 IGF103/78 IGF103/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5607 IGF103/79 IGF103/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2463 IGF103/81 IGF103/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2464 IGF103/82 IGF103/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl6003 IGF103/84 IGF103/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5859 IGF103/85 IGF103/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5906 IGF103/86 IGF103/86 cell HyperCLDB: cl6049 IGF103/89 IGF103/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6217 IGF103/90 IGF103/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6196 IGF103/91 IGF103/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2465 IGF104/78 IGF104/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2466 IGF104/79 IGF104/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2467 IGF104/81 IGF104/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5699 IGF104/82 IGF104/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2468 IGF104/83 IGF104/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5790 IGF104/84 IGF104/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2469 IGF104/85 IGF104/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5907 IGF104/89 IGF104/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl6076 IGF104/90 IGF104/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2470 IGF104/91 IGF104/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6337 IGF105/80 IGF105/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl6067 IGF105/81 IGF105/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2471 IGF105/82 IGF105/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5739 IGF105/83 IGF105/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5791 IGF105/84 IGF105/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5860 IGF105/85 IGF105/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2472 IGF105/87 IGF105/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6160 IGF105/89 IGF105/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2473 IGF105/91 IGF105/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2474 IGF106/78 IGF106/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl5608 IGF106/79 IGF106/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2475 IGF106/80 IGF106/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2476 IGF106/81 IGF106/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5700 IGF106/82 IGF106/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5740 IGF106/83 IGF106/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2477 IGF106/84 IGF106/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5861 IGF106/85 IGF106/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl6070 IGF106/90 IGF106/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6283 IGF106/91 IGF106/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2478 IGF107/80 IGF107/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2479 IGF107/81 IGF107/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2480 IGF107/82 IGF107/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2481 IGF107/83 IGF107/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2482 IGF107/84 IGF107/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2483 IGF107/85 IGF107/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5908 IGF107/89 IGF107/89 cell HyperCLDB: cl2484 IGF107/90 IGF107/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2485 IGF107/91 IGF107/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6329 IGF108/80 IGF108/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5667 IGF108/81 IGF108/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2486 IGF108/82 IGF108/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2487 IGF108/83 IGF108/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2488 IGF108/84 IGF108/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5862 IGF108/85 IGF108/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5909 IGF108/90 IGF108/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2489 IGF108/91 IGF108/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6342 IGF109/79 IGF109/79 cell HyperCLDB: cl2490 IGF109/80 IGF109/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5668 IGF109/81 IGF109/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2491 IGF109/83 IGF109/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2492 IGF109/84 IGF109/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2493 IGF109/85 IGF109/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2494 IGF109/91 IGF109/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6328 IGF110/78 IGF110/78 cell HyperCLDB: cl2495 IGF110/80 IGF110/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5669 IGF110/81 IGF110/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5701 IGF110/82 IGF110/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2496 IGF110/83 IGF110/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5792 IGF110/85 IGF110/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2497 IGF110/91 IGF110/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2498 IGF111/80 IGF111/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2499 IGF111/82 IGF111/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5741 IGF111/83 IGF111/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2500 IGF111/84 IGF111/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5863 IGF111/85 IGF111/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5910 IGF111/90 IGF111/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl6082 IGF112/80 IGF112/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5670 IGF112/81 IGF112/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5702 IGF112/82 IGF112/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2501 IGF112/83 IGF112/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5793 IGF112/84 IGF112/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5864 IGF112/85 IGF112/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2502 IGF112/87 IGF112/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6248 IGF112/91 IGF112/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6338 IGF113/80 IGF113/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2503 IGF113/81 IGF113/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2504 IGF113/82 IGF113/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5742 IGF113/83 IGF113/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2505 IGF113/84 IGF113/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5979 IGF113/85 IGF113/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2506 IGF113/87 IGF113/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6249 IGF113/91 IGF113/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2507 IGF114/82 IGF114/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2508 IGF114/83 IGF114/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5794 IGF114/84 IGF114/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2509 IGF114/85 IGF114/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2510 IGF114/87 IGF114/87 cell HyperCLDB: cl6250 IGF114/91 IGF114/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6336 IGF115/81 IGF115/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5703 IGF115/82 IGF115/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5743 IGF115/83 IGF115/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5795 IGF115/84 IGF115/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2511 IGF115/85 IGF115/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5981 IGF115/90 IGF115/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2512 IGF115/91 IGF115/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2513 IGF116/81 IGF116/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5999 IGF116/82 IGF116/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2514 IGF116/83 IGF116/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2515 IGF116/84 IGF116/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5865 IGF116/85 IGF116/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5911 IGF116/91 IGF116/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6335 IGF117/80 IGF117/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5996 IGF117/81 IGF117/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl5704 IGF117/83 IGF117/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2516 IGF117/84 IGF117/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2517 IGF117/85 IGF117/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2518 IGF117/91 IGF117/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2519 IGF118/80 IGF118/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2520 IGF118/81 IGF118/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2521 IGF118/82 IGF118/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5744 IGF118/84 IGF118/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5866 IGF118/85 IGF118/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5982 IGF118/91 IGF118/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2522 IGF119/83 IGF119/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2523 IGF119/84 IGF119/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5867 IGF119/85 IGF119/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5912 IGF119/91 IGF119/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6339 IGF120/81 IGF120/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2524 IGF120/82 IGF120/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl6318 IGF120/83 IGF120/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2525 IGF120/84 IGF120/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2526 IGF120/85 IGF120/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2527 IGF120/91 IGF120/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6334 IGF121/80 IGF121/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5671 IGF121/82 IGF121/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5745 IGF121/83 IGF121/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2528 IGF121/84 IGF121/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5868 IGF121/85 IGF121/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5913 IGF121/91 IGF121/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2529 IGF122/81 IGF122/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2530 IGF122/82 IGF122/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5746 IGF122/83 IGF122/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5796 IGF122/84 IGF122/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2531 IGF122/85 IGF122/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5914 IGF122/91 IGF122/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2532 IGF123/80 IGF123/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2533 IGF123/81 IGF123/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl6054 IGF123/82 IGF123/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5747 IGF123/83 IGF123/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2534 IGF123/84 IGF123/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5869 IGF123/85 IGF123/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5915 IGF123/91 IGF123/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2535 IGF124/80 IGF124/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5672 IGF124/81 IGF124/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2536 IGF124/82 IGF124/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2537 IGF124/84 IGF124/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2538 IGF124/85 IGF124/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5916 IGF124/91 IGF124/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6340 IGF125/80 IGF125/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5673 IGF125/81 IGF125/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2539 IGF125/82 IGF125/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2540 IGF125/84 IGF125/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2541 IGF125/85 IGF125/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5917 IGF126/80 IGF126/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2542 IGF126/81 IGF126/81 cell HyperCLDB: cl2543 IGF126/83 IGF126/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2544 IGF126/84 IGF126/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5870 IGF126/85 IGF126/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5918 IGF126/91 IGF126/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6417 IGF127/80 IGF127/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2545 IGF127/82 IGF127/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2546 IGF127/83 IGF127/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2547 IGF127/85 IGF127/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2548 IGF127/91 IGF127/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2549 IGF128/80 IGF128/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5674 IGF128/83 IGF128/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5797 IGF128/84 IGF128/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2550 IGF128/85 IGF128/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl5919 IGF128/91 IGF128/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6333 IGF129/80 IGF129/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2551 IGF129/82 IGF129/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2552 IGF129/84 IGF129/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl6017 IGF130/82 IGF130/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2553 IGF130/83 IGF130/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2554 IGF130/84 IGF130/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5871 IGF130/91 IGF130/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2555 IGF131/80 IGF131/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2556 IGF131/82 IGF131/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl6057 IGF131/83 IGF131/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2557 IGF131/84 IGF131/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl5872 IGF132/80 IGF132/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2558 IGF132/82 IGF132/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5748 IGF132/83 IGF132/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6007 IGF133/80 IGF133/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5675 IGF133/82 IGF133/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5749 IGF133/83 IGF133/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6008 IGF134/80 IGF134/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2559 IGF134/82 IGF134/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2560 IGF134/83 IGF134/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2561 IGF135/80 IGF135/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5676 IGF135/82 IGF135/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2562 IGF135/83 IGF135/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2563 IGF136/80 IGF136/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5677 IGF136/82 IGF136/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl5750 IGF136/83 IGF136/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2564 IGF137/80 IGF137/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2565 IGF137/83 IGF137/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2566 IGF138/80 IGF138/80 cell HyperCLDB: cl2567 IGF138/82 IGF138/82 cell HyperCLDB: cl2568 IGF138/83 IGF138/83 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cl2593 IGF162/83 IGF162/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5805 IGF163/83 IGF163/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2594 IGF164/83 IGF164/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2595 IGF165/83 IGF165/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5806 IGF166/83 IGF166/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2596 IGF168/83 IGF168/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5974 IGF169/83 IGF169/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2597 IGF170/83 IGF170/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5807 IGF171/83 IGF171/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5808 IGF172/83 IGF172/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2598 IGF173/83 IGF173/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2599 IGF174/83 IGF174/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5809 IGF175/83 IGF175/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5810 IGF176/83 IGF176/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5811 IGF177/83 IGF177/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2600 IGF178/83 IGF178/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2601 IGF179/83 IGF179/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5812 IGF180/83 IGF180/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2602 IGF181/83 IGF181/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2603 IGF182/83 IGF182/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2604 IGF183/83 IGF183/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2605 IGF186/83 IGF186/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl6010 IGF187/83 IGF187/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl2606 IGF200/83 IGF200/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5758 IGF201/83 IGF201/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl5759 IGF740/88 IGF740/88 cell HyperCLDB: cl2607 IgG-11H4 disease: hybridoma IgG-11H4 cell ATCC: CRL-1936 IgG-11H9 disease: hybridoma IgG-11H9 cell ATCC: CRL-2213 IgG-1B3 disease: hybridoma IgG-1B3 cell ATCC: CRL-1937 IgG-1C6 disease: hybridoma IgG-1C6 cell ATCC: CRL-2224 IgG-1D2 disease: hybridoma IgG-1D2 cell ATCC: CRL-2545 IgG-2A4 disease: hybridoma IgG-2A4 cell ATCC: CRL-2121 IgG-2F1 disease: hybridoma IgG-2F1 cell ATCC: CRL-2419 IgG-3B2 disease: hybridoma IgG-3B2 cell ATCC: CRL-2693 IgG-4A4 disease: hybridoma IgG-4A4 cell ATCC: CRL-1898 IgG-5D7 disease: hybridoma IgG-5D7 cell ATCC: CRL-1938 IgG-6A6 disease: hybridoma IgG-6A6 cell ATCC: CRL-2197 IgG-7D4 disease: hybridoma IgG-7D4 cell ATCC: CRL-2198 IgG-9D5 disease: hybridoma IgG-9D5 cell ATCC: CRL-2347 IgG-B16 disease: hybridoma IgG-B16 cell ATCC: CRL-1899 IgG-IB7 disease: hybridoma IgG-IB7 cell ATCC: CRL-2418 IgH-2 IgH-2 cell ATCC: CCL-108 IGL001/01 IGL001/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl6998 IGL001/91 IGL001/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2609 IGL001/92 IGL001/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2610 IGL001/93 IGL001/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2611 IGL001/95 IGL001/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6508 IGL001/96 IGL001/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6871 IGL001/97 IGL001/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6856 IGL001/98 IGL001/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6830 IGL001/99 IGL001/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6781 IGL002/00 IGL002/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6817 IGL002/01 IGL002/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl6999 IGL002/91 IGL002/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6412 IGL002/92 IGL002/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2612 IGL002/93 IGL002/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2613 IGL002/94 IGL002/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6503 IGL002/96 IGL002/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6872 IGL002/98 IGL002/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6831 IGL002/99 IGL002/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6782 IGL003/00 IGL003/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6818 IGL003/01 IGL003/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7000 IGL003/91 IGL003/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6413 IGL003/92 IGL003/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2614 IGL003/93 IGL003/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2615 IGL003/95 IGL003/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6509 IGL003/96 IGL003/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6873 IGL003/97 IGL003/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6857 IGL003/98 IGL003/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6832 IGL003/99 IGL003/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6783 IGL004/00 IGL004/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6819 IGL004/01 IGL004/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7001 IGL004/91 IGL004/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6414 IGL004/93 IGL004/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2616 IGL004/94 IGL004/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6504 IGL004/96 IGL004/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6874 IGL004/97 IGL004/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6858 IGL004/98 IGL004/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6833 IGL004/99 IGL004/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6784 IGL005/00 IGL005/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6820 IGL005/01 IGL005/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7002 IGL005/91 IGL005/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2617 IGL005/92 IGL005/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2618 IGL005/93 IGL005/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl2619 IGL005/95 IGL005/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6510 IGL005/97 IGL005/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6859 IGL005/98 IGL005/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6834 IGL005/99 IGL005/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6785 IGL006/00 IGL006/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6821 IGL006/01 IGL006/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7003 IGL006/92 IGL006/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6895 IGL006/93 IGL006/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6416 IGL006/95 IGL006/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6511 IGL006/97 IGL006/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6860 IGL006/98 IGL006/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6835 IGL006/99 IGL006/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6686 IGL007/00 IGL007/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6822 IGL007/01 IGL007/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7004 IGL007/91 IGL007/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2620 IGL007/92 IGL007/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6415 IGL007/94 IGL007/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6505 IGL007/96 IGL007/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6875 IGL007/98 IGL007/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6687 IGL007/99 IGL007/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6683 IGL008/00 IGL008/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6823 IGL008/92 IGL008/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2621 IGL008/93 IGL008/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6894 IGL008/94 IGL008/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6506 IGL008/96 IGL008/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6876 IGL008/98 IGL008/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6836 IGL008/99 IGL008/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6684 IGL009/00 IGL009/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6824 IGL009/01 IGL009/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7026 IGL009/92 IGL009/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl2622 IGL009/96 IGL009/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6877 IGL009/97 IGL009/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6861 IGL009/99 IGL009/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6685 IGL010/00 IGL010/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6825 IGL010/92 IGL010/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6896 IGL010/94 IGL010/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6507 IGL010/98 IGL010/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6837 IGL010/99 IGL010/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6786 IGL011/00 IGL011/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6826 IGL011/01 IGL011/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7027 IGL011/96 IGL011/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6878 IGL011/97 IGL011/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6862 IGL011/98 IGL011/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6682 IGL011/99 IGL011/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6787 IGL012/00 IGL012/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6827 IGL012/01 IGL012/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7028 IGL012/95 IGL012/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6891 IGL012/97 IGL012/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6863 IGL012/98 IGL012/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6838 IGL012/99 IGL012/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6788 IGL013/00 IGL013/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6828 IGL013/01 IGL013/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7029 IGL013/95 IGL013/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6892 IGL013/96 IGL013/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6879 IGL013/97 IGL013/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6864 IGL013/98 IGL013/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6839 IGL013/99 IGL013/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6789 IGL014/00 IGL014/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6829 IGL014/01 IGL014/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7030 IGL014/95 IGL014/95 cell HyperCLDB: cl6893 IGL014/96 IGL014/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6880 IGL014/97 IGL014/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6865 IGL014/98 IGL014/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6840 IGL014/99 IGL014/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6790 IGL015/00 IGL015/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6966 IGL015/01 IGL015/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7031 IGL015/96 IGL015/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6881 IGL015/97 IGL015/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6866 IGL015/98 IGL015/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6841 IGL015/99 IGL015/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6791 IGL016/00 IGL016/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6967 IGL016/01 IGL016/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7032 IGL016/96 IGL016/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6882 IGL016/97 IGL016/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6867 IGL016/98 IGL016/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6842 IGL016/99 IGL016/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6720 IGL017/00 IGL017/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6968 IGL017/01 IGL017/01 cell HyperCLDB: cl7033 IGL017/96 IGL017/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6883 IGL017/97 IGL017/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6868 IGL017/98 IGL017/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6843 IGL017/99 IGL017/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6792 IGL018/96 IGL018/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6884 IGL018/97 IGL018/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6869 IGL018/98 IGL018/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6681 IGL018/99 IGL018/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6793 IGL019/00 IGL019/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6969 IGL019/96 IGL019/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6885 IGL019/97 IGL019/97 cell HyperCLDB: cl6870 IGL019/98 IGL019/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6844 IGL019/99 IGL019/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6794 IGL020/96 IGL020/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6886 IGL020/98 IGL020/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6845 IGL020/99 IGL020/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6795 IGL021/96 IGL021/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6887 IGL021/98 IGL021/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6846 IGL021/99 IGL021/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6796 IGL022/00 IGL022/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6970 IGL022/96 IGL022/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6888 IGL022/98 IGL022/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6847 IGL022/99 IGL022/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6797 IGL023/00 IGL023/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6971 IGL023/96 IGL023/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6889 IGL023/98 IGL023/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6848 IGL023/99 IGL023/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6798 IGL024/00 IGL024/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6972 IGL024/96 IGL024/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6890 IGL024/98 IGL024/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6689 IGL024/99 IGL024/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6799 IGL025/00 IGL025/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6973 IGL025/98 IGL025/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6849 IGL025/99 IGL025/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6800 IGL026/00 IGL026/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6974 IGL026/99 IGL026/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6801 IGL027/00 IGL027/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6975 IGL027/98 IGL027/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6850 IGL027/99 IGL027/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6802 IGL028/00 IGL028/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6981 IGL028/98 IGL028/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6688 IGL028/99 IGL028/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6803 IGL029/00 IGL029/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6982 IGL029/98 IGL029/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6851 IGL029/99 IGL029/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6804 IGL030/00 IGL030/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6983 IGL030/98 IGL030/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6852 IGL030/99 IGL030/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6805 IGL031/00 IGL031/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6984 IGL031/98 IGL031/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6853 IGL031/99 IGL031/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6806 IGL032/00 IGL032/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6985 IGL032/98 IGL032/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6854 IGL032/99 IGL032/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6807 IGL033/00 IGL033/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6986 IGL033/98 IGL033/98 cell HyperCLDB: cl6855 IGL033/99 IGL033/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6808 IGL034/00 IGL034/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6987 IGL034/99 IGL034/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6809 IGL035/00 IGL035/00 cell HyperCLDB: cl6988 IGL035/99 IGL035/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6810 IGL036/99 IGL036/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6811 IGL037/99 IGL037/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6812 IGL038/99 IGL038/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6813 IGL039/99 IGL039/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6814 IGL040/99 IGL040/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6815 IGL041/99 IGL041/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6816 LCL-1247 IGR-1 IGR-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308749 CVCL: CVCL_1303 DSMZ: ACC 236 HyperCLDB: cl2624 LCL-1248 IGR-37 IGR-37 cell DSMZ: ACC 237 HyperCLDB: cl2625 LCL-1249 IGR-39 IGR-39 cell DSMZ: ACC 239 HyperCLDB: cl2626 IGROV-1 IGROV-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl2627 IGV001/90 IGV001/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2628 IGV001/92 IGV001/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6920 IGV001/96 IGV001/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6927 IGV001/99 IGV001/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6937 IGV003/90 IGV003/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2629 IGV003/93 IGV003/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6922 IGV005/93 IGV005/93 cell HyperCLDB: cl6923 IGV005/94 IGV005/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6931 IGV006/99 IGV006/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6938 IGV008/94 IGV008/94 cell HyperCLDB: cl6932 IGV009/90 IGV009/90 cell HyperCLDB: cl2630 IGV009/96 IGV009/96 cell HyperCLDB: cl6928 IGV009/99 IGV009/99 cell HyperCLDB: cl6939 IGV010/85 IGV010/85 cell HyperCLDB: cl2631 IGV011/92 IGV011/92 cell HyperCLDB: cl6921 IGV017/91 IGV017/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl2632 IGV025/91 IGV025/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6915 IGV028/91 IGV028/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6916 IGV029/91 IGV029/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6917 IGV030/84 IGV030/84 cell HyperCLDB: cl2633 IGV032/91 IGV032/91 cell HyperCLDB: cl6918 IL-A11 disease: hybridoma IL-A11 cell ATCC: CRL-1879 IL-A29 disease: hybridoma IL-A29 cell ATCC: CRL-1874 IL-A30 disease: hybridoma IL-A30 cell ATCC: CRL-1894 IL-A42 disease: hybridoma IL-A42 cell ATCC: CRL-1870 IL-A51 disease: hybridoma IL-A51 cell ATCC: CRL-1871 ILB1-H21 disease: hybridoma ILB1-H21 cell ATCC: HB-10220 ILB1-H34 disease: hybridoma ILB1-H34 cell ATCC: HB-10221 ILB1-H6 disease: hybridoma ILB1-H6 cell ATCC: HB-10219 ILB1-H67 disease: hybridoma ILB1-H67 cell ATCC: HB-10222 IM 9 IM 9 cell HyperCLDB: cl2636 IM7.8.1 disease: hybridoma IM7.8.1 cell ATCC: TIB-235 LCL-1958 IM-9 IM-9 cell ATCC: CCL-159 IMG-1002 IMG-1002 cell HyperCLDB: cl2638 IMG-1003 IMG-1003 cell HyperCLDB: cl2639 IMG-1006 IMG-1006 cell HyperCLDB: cl2640 IMG-1007 IMG-1007 cell HyperCLDB: cl2641 IMG-1008 IMG-1008 cell HyperCLDB: cl2642 IMG-1009 IMG-1009 cell HyperCLDB: cl2643 IMG-1018 IMG-1018 cell HyperCLDB: cl2644 IMG-1019 IMG-1019 cell HyperCLDB: cl2645 IMG-1021 XP4MO IMG-1021 XP4MO cell HyperCLDB: cl2646 IMG-1023 IMG-1023 cell HyperCLDB: cl2647 IMG-1024 XP5MO IMG-1024 XP5MO cell HyperCLDB: cl2648 IMG-1025 IMG-1025 cell HyperCLDB: cl2649 IMG-1027 IMG-1027 cell HyperCLDB: cl2650 IMG-1028 XP6MO IMG-1028 XP6MO cell HyperCLDB: cl2651 IMG-1032 IMG-1032 cell HyperCLDB: cl2652 IMG-1035 IMG-1035 cell HyperCLDB: cl2653 IMG-1036 IMG-1036 cell HyperCLDB: cl2654 IMG-1037 IMG-1037 cell HyperCLDB: cl2655 IMG-1038 IMG-1038 cell HyperCLDB: cl2656 IMG-1046 IMG-1046 cell HyperCLDB: cl2657 IMG-1048 IMG-1048 cell HyperCLDB: cl2658 IMG-1049 IMG-1049 cell HyperCLDB: cl2659 IMG-1053 IMG-1053 cell HyperCLDB: cl2660 IMG-1054 IMG-1054 cell HyperCLDB: cl2661 IMG-1062 IMG-1062 cell HyperCLDB: cl2662 IMG-1065 IMG-1065 cell HyperCLDB: cl2663 IMG-1066 IMG-1066 cell HyperCLDB: cl2664 IMG-1068 IMG-1068 cell HyperCLDB: cl2665 IMG-1069 IMG-1069 cell HyperCLDB: cl2666 IMG-1070 IMG-1070 cell HyperCLDB: cl2667 IMG-1080 XP7MO IMG-1080 XP7MO cell HyperCLDB: cl2668 IMG-1106 IMG-1106 cell HyperCLDB: cl2669 IMG-1111 IMG-1111 cell HyperCLDB: cl2670 IMG-1112 IMG-1112 cell HyperCLDB: cl2671 IMG-1116 IMG-1116 cell HyperCLDB: cl2672 IMG-1117 IMG-1117 cell HyperCLDB: cl2673 IMG-1119 IMG-1119 cell HyperCLDB: cl2674 IMG-1121 IMG-1121 cell HyperCLDB: cl2675 IMG-1122 IMG-1122 cell HyperCLDB: cl2676 IMG-1123 IMG-1123 cell HyperCLDB: cl2677 IMG-1124 IMG-1124 cell HyperCLDB: cl2678 IMG-1126 IMG-1126 cell HyperCLDB: cl2679 IMG-1127 IMG-1127 cell HyperCLDB: cl2680 IMG-1129 IMG-1129 cell HyperCLDB: cl2681 IMG-1132 IMG-1132 cell HyperCLDB: cl2682 IMG-1134 IMG-1134 cell HyperCLDB: cl2683 IMG-1135 IMG-1135 cell HyperCLDB: cl2684 IMG-1136 IMG-1136 cell HyperCLDB: cl2685 IMG-1137 IMG-1137 cell HyperCLDB: cl2686 IMG-1140 IMG-1140 cell HyperCLDB: cl2687 IMG-1143 IMG-1143 cell HyperCLDB: cl2688 IMG-1144 IMG-1144 cell HyperCLDB: cl2689 IMG-1145 IMG-1145 cell HyperCLDB: cl2690 IMG-1146 IMG-1146 cell HyperCLDB: cl2691 IMG-1149 IMG-1149 cell HyperCLDB: cl2692 IMG-1154 IMG-1154 cell HyperCLDB: cl2693 IMG-1156 IMG-1156 cell HyperCLDB: cl2694 IMG-1161 IMG-1161 cell HyperCLDB: cl2695 IMG-1163 IMG-1163 cell HyperCLDB: cl2696 IMG-1164 IMG-1164 cell HyperCLDB: cl2697 IMG-1165 IMG-1165 cell HyperCLDB: cl2698 IMG-1176 IMG-1176 cell HyperCLDB: cl2699 IMG-1181 IMG-1181 cell HyperCLDB: cl2700 IMG-1211 IMG-1211 cell HyperCLDB: cl2701 IMG-1215 IMG-1215 cell HyperCLDB: cl2702 IMG-1216 IMG-1216 cell HyperCLDB: cl2703 IMG-1217 XP8MO IMG-1217 XP8MO cell HyperCLDB: cl2704 IMG-1230 IMG-1230 cell HyperCLDB: cl2705 IMG-1233 IMG-1233 cell HyperCLDB: cl2706 IMG-1234 IMG-1234 cell HyperCLDB: cl2707 IMG-1235 IMG-1235 cell HyperCLDB: cl2708 IMG-1239 IMG-1239 cell HyperCLDB: cl2709 IMG-1241 IMG-1241 cell HyperCLDB: cl2710 IMG-1247 XP9MO IMG-1247 XP9MO cell HyperCLDB: cl2711 IMG-1250 IMG-1250 cell HyperCLDB: cl2712 IMG-1266 IMG-1266 cell HyperCLDB: cl2713 IMG-1311 IMG-1311 cell HyperCLDB: cl2714 IMG-1344 IMG-1344 cell HyperCLDB: cl2715 IMG-1347 IMG-1347 cell HyperCLDB: cl2716 IMG-1359 IMG-1359 cell HyperCLDB: cl2717 IMG-1360 IMG-1360 cell HyperCLDB: cl2718 IMG-1366 IMG-1366 cell HyperCLDB: cl2719 IMG-1370 IMG-1370 cell HyperCLDB: cl2720 IMG-1371 IMG-1371 cell HyperCLDB: cl2721 IMG-1373 IMG-1373 cell HyperCLDB: cl2722 IMG-1388 IMG-1388 cell HyperCLDB: cl2723 IMG-1401 IMG-1401 cell HyperCLDB: cl2724 IMG-1402 IMG-1402 cell HyperCLDB: cl2725 IMG-1403 IMG-1403 cell HyperCLDB: cl2726 IMG-1404 IMG-1404 cell HyperCLDB: cl2727 IMG-1407 IMG-1407 cell HyperCLDB: cl2728 IMG-1408 IMG-1408 cell HyperCLDB: cl2729 IMG-1409 IMG-1409 cell HyperCLDB: cl2730 IMG-1410 IMG-1410 cell HyperCLDB: cl2731 IMG-1413 IMG-1413 cell HyperCLDB: cl2732 IMG-1414 IMG-1414 cell HyperCLDB: cl2733 IMG-1415 IMG-1415 cell HyperCLDB: cl2734 IMG-1416 IMG-1416 cell HyperCLDB: cl2735 IMG-1417 IMG-1417 cell HyperCLDB: cl2736 IMG-1418 IMG-1418 cell HyperCLDB: cl2737 IMG-1419 IMG-1419 cell HyperCLDB: cl2738 IMG-1420 IMG-1420 cell HyperCLDB: cl2739 IMG-1421 IMG-1421 cell HyperCLDB: cl2740 IMG-1425 IMG-1425 cell HyperCLDB: cl2741 IMG-1432 IMG-1432 cell HyperCLDB: cl2742 IMG-3003 IMG-3003 cell HyperCLDB: cl2743 IMG-375 IMG-375 cell HyperCLDB: cl2744 IMG-478 IMG-478 cell HyperCLDB: cl2745 IMG-484 XP2MO IMG-484 XP2MO cell HyperCLDB: cl2746 IMG-492 IMG-492 cell HyperCLDB: cl2747 IMG-493 IMG-493 cell HyperCLDB: cl2748 IMG-608 IMG-608 cell HyperCLDB: cl2749 IMG-610 IMG-610 cell HyperCLDB: cl2750 IMG-630 IMG-630 cell HyperCLDB: cl2751 IMG-636 IMG-636 cell HyperCLDB: cl2752 IMG-638 XP3LE IMG-638 XP3LE cell HyperCLDB: cl2753 IMG-639 IMG-639 cell HyperCLDB: cl2754 IMG-649 IMG-649 cell HyperCLDB: cl2755 IMG-650 IMG-650 cell HyperCLDB: cl2756 IMG-653 IMG-653 cell HyperCLDB: cl2757 IMG-655 IMG-655 cell HyperCLDB: cl2758 IMG-656 IMG-656 cell HyperCLDB: cl2759 IMG-667 XP2LE IMG-667 XP2LE cell HyperCLDB: cl2760 IMG-672 IMG-672 cell HyperCLDB: cl2761 IMG-673 IMG-673 cell HyperCLDB: cl2762 IMG-674 IMG-674 cell HyperCLDB: cl2763 IMG-675 IMG-675 cell HyperCLDB: cl2764 IMG-676 IMG-676 cell HyperCLDB: cl2765 IMG-678 IMG-678 cell HyperCLDB: cl2766 IMG-679 IMG-679 cell HyperCLDB: cl2767 IMG-683 IMG-683 cell HyperCLDB: cl2768 IMG-688 IMG-688 cell HyperCLDB: cl2769 IMG-691 IMG-691 cell HyperCLDB: cl2770 IMG-694 IMG-694 cell HyperCLDB: cl2771 IMG-695 IMG-695 cell HyperCLDB: cl2772 IMG-706 IMG-706 cell HyperCLDB: cl2773 IMG-707 IMG-707 cell HyperCLDB: cl2774 IMG-709 IMG-709 cell HyperCLDB: cl2775 IMG-711 IMG-711 cell HyperCLDB: cl2776 IMG-723 IMG-723 cell HyperCLDB: cl2777 IMG-724 IMG-724 cell HyperCLDB: cl2778 IMG-725 IMG-725 cell HyperCLDB: cl2779 IMG-726 IMG-726 cell HyperCLDB: cl2780 IMG-728 IMG-728 cell HyperCLDB: cl2781 IMG-729 IMG-729 cell HyperCLDB: cl2782 IMG-730 XP3MO IMG-730 XP3MO cell HyperCLDB: cl2783 IMG-733 IMG-733 cell HyperCLDB: cl2784 IMG-734 IMG-734 cell HyperCLDB: cl2785 IMG-736 IMG-736 cell HyperCLDB: cl2786 IMG-740 IMG-740 cell HyperCLDB: cl2787 IMG-743 IMG-743 cell HyperCLDB: cl2788 IMG-747 IMG-747 cell HyperCLDB: cl2789 IMG-758 IMG-758 cell HyperCLDB: cl2790 IMG-759 IMG-759 cell HyperCLDB: cl2791 IMG-761 IMG-761 cell HyperCLDB: cl2792 IMG-763 IMG-763 cell HyperCLDB: cl2793 IMG-765 IMG-765 cell HyperCLDB: cl2794 IMG-766 IMG-766 cell HyperCLDB: cl2795 IMG-767 IMG-767 cell HyperCLDB: cl2796 IMG-768 IMG-768 cell HyperCLDB: cl2797 IMG-769 IMG-769 cell HyperCLDB: cl2798 IMG-771 IMG-771 cell HyperCLDB: cl2799 IMG-773 IMG-773 cell HyperCLDB: cl2800 IMG-774 IMG-774 cell HyperCLDB: cl2801 IMG-775 IMG-775 cell HyperCLDB: cl2802 IMG-776 IMG-776 cell HyperCLDB: cl2803 IMG-778 IMG-778 cell HyperCLDB: cl2804 IMG-780 IMG-780 cell HyperCLDB: cl2805 IMG-785 IMG-785 cell HyperCLDB: cl2806 IMG-787 IMG-787 cell HyperCLDB: cl2807 IMG-788 IMG-788 cell HyperCLDB: cl2808 IMG-796 IMG-796 cell HyperCLDB: cl2809 IMG-797 IMG-797 cell HyperCLDB: cl2810 IMG-807 IMG-807 cell HyperCLDB: cl2811 IMG-809 IMG-809 cell HyperCLDB: cl2812 IMG-810 IMG-810 cell HyperCLDB: cl2813 IMG-811 IMG-811 cell HyperCLDB: cl2814 IMG-817 IMG-817 cell HyperCLDB: cl2815 IMG-819 IMG-819 cell HyperCLDB: cl2816 IMG-819 XP8CA IMG-819 XP8CA cell HyperCLDB: cl2817 IMG-823 IMG-823 cell HyperCLDB: cl2818 IMG-824 IMG-824 cell HyperCLDB: cl2819 IMG-826 IMG-826 cell HyperCLDB: cl2820 IMG-827 IMG-827 cell HyperCLDB: cl2821 IMG-831 IMG-831 cell HyperCLDB: cl2822 IMG-847 IMG-847 cell HyperCLDB: cl2823 IMG-856 IMG-856 cell HyperCLDB: cl2824 IMG-857 IMG-857 cell HyperCLDB: cl2825 IMG-858 IMG-858 cell HyperCLDB: cl2826 IMG-884 IMG-884 cell HyperCLDB: cl2827 IMG-895 IMG-895 cell HyperCLDB: cl2828 IMG-905 IMG-905 cell HyperCLDB: cl2829 IMG-906 IMG-906 cell HyperCLDB: cl2830 IMG-907 IMG-907 cell HyperCLDB: cl2831 IMG-908 IMG-908 cell HyperCLDB: cl2832 IMG-909 IMG-909 cell HyperCLDB: cl2833 IMG-911 IMG-911 cell HyperCLDB: cl2834 IMG-915 IMG-915 cell HyperCLDB: cl2835 IMG-920 IMG-920 cell HyperCLDB: cl2836 IMG-921 IMG-921 cell HyperCLDB: cl2837 IMG-925 IMG-925 cell HyperCLDB: cl2838 IMG-926 IMG-926 cell HyperCLDB: cl2839 IMG-933 IMG-933 cell HyperCLDB: cl2840 IMG-934 IMG-934 cell HyperCLDB: cl2841 IMG-935 IMG-935 cell HyperCLDB: cl2842 IMG-936 IMG-936 cell HyperCLDB: cl2843 IMG-938 IMG-938 cell HyperCLDB: cl2844 IMG-939 IMG-939 cell HyperCLDB: cl2845 IMG-940 IMG-940 cell HyperCLDB: cl2846 IMG-941 IMG-941 cell HyperCLDB: cl2847 IMG-944 IMG-944 cell HyperCLDB: cl2848 IMG-946 IMG-946 cell HyperCLDB: cl2849 IMG-947 IMG-947 cell HyperCLDB: cl2850 IMG-948 IMG-948 cell HyperCLDB: cl2851 IMG-949 IMG-949 cell HyperCLDB: cl2852 IMG-962 IMG-962 cell HyperCLDB: cl2853 IMG-963 IMG-963 cell HyperCLDB: cl2854 IMG-964 IMG-964 cell HyperCLDB: cl2855 IMG-965 IMG-965 cell HyperCLDB: cl2856 IMG-966 IMG-966 cell HyperCLDB: cl2857 IMG-968 IMG-968 cell HyperCLDB: cl2858 IMG-969 IMG-969 cell HyperCLDB: cl2859 IMG-971 IMG-971 cell HyperCLDB: cl2860 IMG-972 IMG-972 cell HyperCLDB: cl2861 IMG-973 IMG-973 cell HyperCLDB: cl2862 IMG-978 IMG-978 cell HyperCLDB: cl2863 IMG-982 IMG-982 cell HyperCLDB: cl2864 IMG-983 IMG-983 cell HyperCLDB: cl2865 IMG-984 IMG-984 cell HyperCLDB: cl2866 IMG-985 IMG-985 cell HyperCLDB: cl2867 IMG-988 IMG-988 cell HyperCLDB: cl2868 IMG-989 IMG-989 cell HyperCLDB: cl2869 IMG-990 XP3Br2 IMG-990 XP3Br2 cell HyperCLDB: cl2870 IMG-991 XP3ORO IMG-991 XP3ORO cell HyperCLDB: cl2871 IMG-994 IMG-994 cell HyperCLDB: cl2872 IMG-995 IMG-995 cell HyperCLDB: cl2873 IMG-996 IMG-996 cell HyperCLDB: cl2874 IMG-997 IMG-997 cell HyperCLDB: cl2875 IMG-998 IMG-998 cell HyperCLDB: cl2876 IMG-999 IMG-999 cell HyperCLDB: cl2877 IMM002.69.47.4 disease: antibody reactive with cell surface membranes of cancer cells IMM002.69.47.4 cell ATCC: CRL-13007 IMR 31 Bu IMR 31 Bu cell HyperCLDB: cl5211 LCL-1965 IMR-32 IMR-32 cell ATCC: CCL-127 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307656 CVCL: CVCL_0346 EFO: EFO_0001195 HyperCLDB: cl2880 IMR-33 disease: fibroma IMR-33 cell ATCC: CCL-146 LCL-1984 IMR-5 IMR-5 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308201 CVCL: CVCL_1306 HyperCLDB: cl5097 Sanger: COSMIC ID:907170 IMR-90 IMR9 IMR90 WEB: IMR-90 cell ATCC: CCL-186 Indian Muntjac Indian Muntjac cell ATCC: CCL-157 INT 407 INT 407 cell HyperCLDB: cl2897 Intestine 407 Intestine 407 cell HyperCLDB: cl2898 intestine 407 intestine 407 cell ATCC: CCL-6 IP-1B disease: SV40 transformed IP-1B cell ATCC: CRL-2162 IP1PV IP1PV cell HyperCLDB: cl2899 IP2-E4 disease: SV40 transformed IP2-E4 cell ATCC: CRL-2171 IP2PV IP2PV cell HyperCLDB: cl2900 I-P94 I-P94 cell HyperCLDB: cl1789 LCL-1250 IPC-298 IPC-298 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308797 CVCL: CVCL_1307 DSMZ: ACC 251 HyperCLDB: cl2901 IPI-1 IPI-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl2902 IPI-2I IPI-2I cell HyperCLDB: cl2903 IPLB-Ld-65z IPLB-Ld-65z cell HyperCLDB: cl2905 IPL-LD-65Y IPL-LD-65Y cell HyperCLDB: cl2904 IS94 IS94 cell HyperCLDB: cl2907 LCL-1498 ZN Ishikawa (Heraklio) 02 ER- Ishikawa (Heraklio) 02 ER- cell ECACC: 98032302 HyperCLDB: cl5071 Ishikawa (London) 02ER+ Ishikawa (London) 02ER+ cell HyperCLDB: cl5072 LCL-1234 IST-MEL1 IST-MEL1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308290 CVCL: CVCL_1308 HyperCLDB: cl5539 Sanger: COSMIC ID:907172 IST-MEL2 IST-MEL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl7047 IST-MEL3 IST-MEL3 cell HyperCLDB: cl7045 LCL-1228 IST-MES1 disease: mesothelioma IST-MES1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308291 CVCL: CVCL_1311 HyperCLDB: cl5540 Sanger: COSMIC ID:907173 IST-MES2 disease: mesothelioma IST-MES2 cell HyperCLDB: cl5544 LCL-1868 IST-SL1 disease: carcinoma, small cell IST-SL1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308263 CVCL: CVCL_1313 HyperCLDB: cl2908 Sanger: COSMIC ID:753564 LCL-1869 IST-SL2 disease: carcinoma, small cell IST-SL2 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308871 CVCL: CVCL_1314 HyperCLDB: cl2909 Sanger: COSMIC ID:753565 IV.3 disease: hybridoma IV.3 cell ATCC: HB-217 IV95 IV95 cell HyperCLDB: cl2910 IVA12 disease: hybridoma IVA12 cell ATCC: HB-145 IVD12 disease: hybridoma IVD12 cell ATCC: HB-144 IZD-MB-0503 Possible mapping of 'Organism' field (value 'moth, cabbage') via synonym of 'Plutella xylostella' (NCBI_Taxon: 51655) [SS] IZD-MB-0503 cell ATCC: CRL-8003 J 111 J 111 cell HyperCLDB: cl2915 disease: not defined tumor J 774A.1 HyperCLDB: cl2925 J.CaM1.6 disease: acute T cell leukemia J.CaM1.6 cell ATCC: CRL-2063 LCL-1014 JX, QL, ZN J.RT3-T3.5 J.RT3-T3.5 cell J.?1 disease: PLC-gamma1 negative; model for T-cell receptor signaling J.?1 cell ATCC: CRL-2678 J.?1.WT disease: transfected with PLC-gamma1 expression vector; control for J.?1 cells J.?1.WT cell ATCC: CRL-2679 J1 disease: derived from 129 substrain J1 cell ATCC: SCRC-1010 J11d.2 disease: hybridoma J11d.2 cell ATCC: TIB-183 J1-31 disease: hybridoma J1-31 cell ATCC: CRL-2253 J1j.10 disease: hybridoma J1j.10 cell ATCC: TIB-184 J26 J26 cell ATCC: CRL-1802 J26Cw3 J26Cw3 cell HyperCLDB: cl2917 J27.2 43R J27.2 43R cell HyperCLDB: cl2918 J27.2 Cw7neo J27.2 Cw7neo cell HyperCLDB: cl2919 J27.2 neoB7 J27.2 neoB7 cell HyperCLDB: cl2920 J27-B7 J27-B7 cell ATCC: CRL-2374 J27-neo J27-neo cell ATCC: CRL-2372 LCL-1029 J45.01 J45.01 cell J5-1 disease: hybridoma J5-1 cell ATCC: HB-8297 J5-2 disease: hybridoma J5-2 cell ATCC: HB-8298 J558 disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma J558 cell ATCC: TIB-6 J558L J558L cell HyperCLDB: cl2922 J-774 HyperCLDB: cl2911 J774.2 disease: not defined tumor J774.2 cell HyperCLDB: cl2923 J 774A.1 J774A.1 J774A.1 cell ATCC: TIB-67 HyperCLDB: cl2928 LCL-1714 J82 disease: transitional cell carcinoma J82 cell ATCC: HTB-1 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308508 CVCL: CVCL_0359 EFO: EFO_0002210 J-96 disease: leukemia, subacute J-96 cell HyperCLDB: cl2914 Ja Bos disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type II (hemorrhagic type) Ja Bos cell ATCC: CRL-1176 Ja Coo disease: osteogenesis imperfecta (tarda) Ja Coo cell ATCC: CRL-1294 JAA-F11 disease: hybridoma JAA-F11 cell ATCC: CRL-2381 LCL-1491 JAR JAR cell ATCC: HTB-144 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307657 CVCL: CVCL_0360 EFO: EFO_0002211 immortal mouse monocyte cell line cell that derives from some monocyte immature dendritic cell from the bone marrow of mouse C57BL/6 inbred strain. JAWSII WEB: WEB: disease: immature dendritic cell JAWSII cell ATCC: CRL-11904 RRID: CVCL_3727 Jay Sen disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type I (autosomal dominant type) Jay Sen cell ATCC: CRL-1215 JB6 Cl 30-7b disease: chemically transformed JB6 Cl 30-7b cell ATCC: CRL-2007 JB6 Cl 41-5a disease: chemically transformed JB6 Cl 41-5a cell ATCC: CRL-2010 JC JC cell ATCC: CRL-2116 LCL-1492 JEG-3 JEG-3 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308202 CVCL: CVCL_0363 HyperCLDB: cl2936 Sanger: COSMIC ID:907176 Jensen Sarcoma Jensen Sarcoma cell ATCC: CCL-45 HyperCLDB: cl2938 JES3-19F1.1.1 disease: hybridoma JES3-19F1.1.1 cell ATCC: HB-10487 JF1 JF1 cell HyperCLDB: cl2940 JF5 JF5 cell HyperCLDB: cl2941 JH4 clone 1 JH4 clone 1 cell ATCC: CCL-158 HyperCLDB: cl2942 JII1 JII1 cell HyperCLDB: cl2944 JIII disease: leukemia, monocytic JIII cell HyperCLDB: cl2916 LCL-2021 Jiyoye disease: Burkitts lymphoma Jiyoye cell ATCC: CCL-87 HyperCLDB: cl2946 JK-1 JK-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5293 JLS-V5 JLS-V5 cell ATCC: CRL-6359 JLS-V9 JLS-V9 cell ATCC: CRL-6360 JM JM cell HyperCLDB: cl2948 LCL-1947 JM1 JM1 cell ATCC: CRL-10423 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308496 CVCL: CVCL_3532 EFO: EFO_0002212 JM2 disease: hepatoma JM2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4959 Jo Per disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, possible heterozygote Jo Per cell ATCC: CRL-1332 JO1-1 disease: hybridoma JO1-1 cell ATCC: HB-8638 JOSK-I disease: lymphoma, histiocytic JOSK-I cell HyperCLDB: cl2951 JOSK-M disease: lymphoma, histiocytic JOSK-M cell HyperCLDB: cl2952 JR 1 JR 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl2953 JR8 JR8 cell HyperCLDB: cl2954 JRO1-27 JRO1-27 cell HyperCLDB: cl2956 LCL-1959 JSC-1 JSC-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2769 JTC-15 disease: hepatoma JTC-15 cell HyperCLDB: cl5294 JTC-19 JTC-19 cell HyperCLDB: cl2957 JTC-27 disease: hepatoma JTC-27 cell HyperCLDB: cl2958 an immortalized human T lymphocyte cell that was derived in the late 1970s from the peripheral blood of a 14-year-old boy with T cell leukemia JURKAT WEB: disease: leukemia, T cell JURKAT cell HyperCLDB: cl5296 MeSH: D019169 RRID: CVCL_0065 Jurkat J6 Jurkat J6 cell HyperCLDB: cl5213 LCL-1030 JX Jurkat, Clone E6-1 Jurkat, Clone E6-1 cell ATCC: TIB-152 HyperCLDB: cl2962 JVM-13 JVM-13 cell HyperCLDB: cl5073 LCL-1099 JVM-2 JVM-2 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308530 COSMIC ID:907269 CVCL: CVCL_1319 HyperCLDB: cl2965 LCL-1100 JVM-3 JVM-3 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308203 COSMIC ID:907270 CVCL: CVCL_1320 HyperCLDB: cl2966 K 114 disease: hybridoma K 114 cell ATCC: HB-8444 GM05372 GM05372E K 562 K-562 K.562 K562 KO disease: leukemia, chronic myeloid K 562 cell HyperCLDB: cl2969 RRID: CVCL_0004 K:Molv NIH/3T3 K:Molv NIH/3T3 cell ATCC: CRL-6361 K1 K1 cell HyperCLDB: cl2988 K117 disease: hybridoma K117 cell ATCC: HB-8553 K129SV K129SV cell HyperCLDB: cl2989 K204 disease: hybridoma K204 cell ATCC: HB-221 K22 K22 cell HyperCLDB: cl2990 K29 K29 cell HyperCLDB: cl2991 K2B-12H K2B-12H cell HyperCLDB: cl2992 LCL-1103 K-562 disease: chronic myelo- genous leukemia (bone marrow primary) K-562 cell ATCC: CCL-243 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308378 CVCL: CVCL_0004 EFO: EFO_0002067 HyperCLDB: cl2980 MeSH: D020014 K562 cl.6 disease: leukemia, chronic myeloid K562 cl.6 cell HyperCLDB: cl2993 K-562 clone A K-562 clone A cell HyperCLDB: cl2985 K-562 clone S K-562 clone S cell HyperCLDB: cl2986 K66 disease: hybridoma K66 cell ATCC: HB-8767 K6H6/B5 disease: hybridoma fusion partner K6H6/B5 cell ATCC: CRL-1823 LCL-1117 KARPAS-299 KARPAS-299 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308327 CVCL: CVCL_1324 DSMZ: ACC 31 EFO: EFO_0005390 HyperCLDB: cl2995 LCL-1120 KARPAS-422 KARPAS-422 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308328 CVCL: CVCL_1325 DSMZ: ACC 32 HyperCLDB: cl2996 LCL-1015 KARPAS-45 KARPAS-45 cell CVCL: CVCL_1326 DSMZ: ACC 105 HyperCLDB: cl35 KASUMI-1 disease: leukemia, acute myeloid KASUMI-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl2998 LCL-1055 Kasumi-1 disease: acute myeloblastic leukemia Kasumi-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2724 Kasumi-3 disease: acute myeloblastic leukemia Kasumi-3 cell ATCC: CRL-2725 Kasumi-4 disease: chronic myeloblastic leukemia Kasumi-4 cell ATCC: CRL-2726 Kasumi-6 disease: acute myeloid leukemia, subtype M2 Kasumi-6 cell ATCC: CRL-2775 LCL-2003 KATO III disease: gastric carcinoma (stomach primary) KATO III cell ATCC: HTB-103 HyperCLDB: cl3000 HyperCLDB: cl5214 KB KB cell ATCC: CCL-17 MeSH: D007624 KB/cSV KB/cSV cell HyperCLDB: cl3010 KB-3-1 KB-3-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3008 KB-V1 KB-V1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3009 K-BALB (K-234) K-BALB (K-234) cell ATCC: CCL-163.3 KC KC cell HyperCLDB: cl3011 KC-4G3 disease: hybridoma KC-4G3 cell ATCC: HB-8709 KC-4M1 disease: hybridoma KC-4M1 cell ATCC: HB-8710 KCB 85015 Possible mapping of 'Organism' field (value 'bear, black') via synonym of 'Ursus americanus' (NCBI_Taxon: 9643) [SS] KCB 85015 cell HyperCLDB: cl3012 KCB 89001 KCB 89001 cell HyperCLDB: cl3013 KCB 90008 KCB 90008 cell HyperCLDB: cl3014 KCB89018 KCB89018 cell HyperCLDB: cl5116 KcO KcO cell HyperCLDB: cl3015 KCSV KCSV cell HyperCLDB: cl3016 KD2SV KD2SV cell HyperCLDB: cl3017 LCL-1016 KE-37 KE-37 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308872 CVCL: CVCL_1327 DSMZ: ACC 46 HyperCLDB: cl3018 KEL FIB disease: connective tissue; keloid KEL FIB cell ATCC: CRL-1762 LCL-1966 KELLY KELLY cell DSMZ: ACC 355 HyperCLDB: cl3020 KF1SV KF1SV cell HyperCLDB: cl3021 LCL-1056 KG-1 KG-1 cell LCL-1056 KG-1 KG-1 cell ATCC: CCL-246 ATCC: CRL-8031 LCL-1057 KG-1a disease: promyeloblast; acute lympho- blastic leukemia KG-1a cell ATCC: CCL-246.1 HyperCLDB: cl3027 LCL-1425 KHOS/NP KHOS/NP cell ECACC: 84102903 HyperCLDB: cl3030 KHOS/NP (R-970-5) KHOS/NP (R-970-5) cell ATCC: CRL-1544 LCL-1426 KHOS-240S KHOS-240S cell ATCC: CRL-1545 ECACC: 86112810 LCL-1427 KHOS-312H KHOS-312H cell ECACC: 86112811 HyperCLDB: cl3029 KHOS-321H KHOS-321H cell ATCC: CRL-1546 HyperCLDB: cl3029 KL277 disease: hybridoma KL277 cell ATCC: CRL-2030 KL295 disease: hybridoma KL295 cell ATCC: CRL-1996 KL304 disease: hybridoma KL304 cell ATCC: CRL-2027 LCL-1505 ZN KLE KLE cell ATCC: CRL-1622 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308518 CVCL: CVCL_1329 EFO: EFO_0002220 Sanger: COSMIC ID:924187 KLN 205 disease: squamous cell carcinoma KLN 205 cell ATCC: CRL-1453 KM114 disease: hybridoma KM114 cell ATCC: TIB-242 KM201 disease: hybridoma KM201 cell ATCC: TIB-240 KM703 disease: hybridoma KM703 cell ATCC: CRL-1896 KM81 disease: hybridoma KM81 cell ATCC: TIB-241 KMA disease: macrophage; monocyte KMA cell ATCC: CRL-9856 KMC8.8 disease: hybridoma KMC8.8 cell ATCC: CRL-2212 LCL-2009 KM-H2 KM-H2 cell ACC 8 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308204 CVCL: CVCL_1330 HyperCLDB: cl3033 KMI6 disease: hybridoma KMI6 cell ATCC: CRL-2179 LCL-1058 KMOE-2 disease: erythremia acute KMOE-2 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308236 CVCL: CVCL_1332 DSMZ: ACC 37 HyperCLDB: cl3034 KMP KMP cell HyperCLDB: cl5215 KNA disease: pheochromocytoma KNA cell HyperCLDB: cl3035 KNRK KNRK cell ATCC: CRL-1569 LCL-1483 ZN KPL-1 KPL-1 cell DSMZ: ACC 317 HyperCLDB: cl5299 KR-12 disease: hybridoma fusion partner KR-12 cell ATCC: CRL-8658 KRJ-1 KRJ-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5074 KShS KShS cell HyperCLDB: cl3037 KTP KTP cell HyperCLDB: cl3069 LCL-1715 KU-19-19 disease: carcinoma, transitional cell KU-19-19 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308111 CVCL: CVCL_1344 DSMZ: ACC 395 HyperCLDB: cl5300 KU-812 disease: leukemia, chronic myeloid KU-812 cell HyperCLDB: cl5301 LCL-1106 KU812 disease: chronic myelogenous leukemia KU812 cell ATCC: CRL-2099 LCL-1107 KU812E disease: chronic myelogenous leukemia KU812E cell ATCC: CRL-2100 HyperCLDB: cl3071 LCL-1108 KU812F disease: chronic myelogenous leukemia KU812F cell ATCC: CRL-2101 HyperCLDB: cl3072 LCL-1547 KYSE-140 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell KYSE-140 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308752 CVCL: CVCL_1347 DSMZ: ACC 348 HyperCLDB: cl5302 LCL-1548 KYSE-150 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell KYSE-150 cell DSMZ: ACC 375 HyperCLDB: cl5303 LCL-1549 KYSE-180 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell KYSE-180 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308389 CVCL: CVCL_1349 DSMZ: ACC 379 HyperCLDB: cl5304 LCL-1552 KYSE-270 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell KYSE-270 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308753 CVCL: CVCL_1350 DSMZ: ACC 380 HyperCLDB: cl5305 LCL-1553 KYSE-30 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell KYSE-30 cell DSMZ: ACC 351 HyperCLDB: cl5306 LCL-1554 KYSE-410 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell KYSE-410 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308754 CVCL: CVCL_1352 DSMZ: ACC 381 HyperCLDB: cl5307 LCL-1550 KYSE-450 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell KYSE-450 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308755 CVCL: CVCL_1353 DSMZ: ACC 387 HyperCLDB: cl5308 LCL-1555 KYSE-510 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell KYSE-510 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308081 CVCL: CVCL_1354 DSMZ: ACC 374 HyperCLDB: cl5309 LCL-1556 KYSE-520 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell KYSE-520 cell DSMZ: ACC 371 HyperCLDB: cl5310 LCL-1557 KYSE-70 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell KYSE-70 cell DSMZ: ACC 363 HyperCLDB: cl5311 L Cells L Cells cell ATCC: CRL-2648 HyperCLDB: cl3075 MeSH: D007739 L 1210 disease: leukemia, lymphocytic L 1210 cell HyperCLDB: cl5219 L 132 L 132 cell HyperCLDB: cl3076 L 21.6 disease: hybridoma L 21.6 cell HyperCLDB: cl5217 L 243 disease: hybridoma L 243 cell HyperCLDB: cl5218 L 5.1 disease: hybridoma L 5.1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5216 L 929 L 929 cell HyperCLDB: cl3154 L Wnt-3A L Wnt-3A cell ATCC: CRL-2647 L Wnt-5A L Wnt-5A cell ATCC: CRL-2814 L.N. 4159 L.N. 4159 cell ATCC: CRL-10998 L/neo L/neo cell HyperCLDB: cl3106 L101 disease: hybridoma L101 cell ATCC: HB-8447 L105.1 L105.1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3107 L11.3 L11.3 cell HyperCLDB: cl3108 L11/135 disease: hybridoma L11/135 cell ATCC: TIB-188 L1192 L1192 cell HyperCLDB: cl3109 L12.2 L12.2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3110 L-1210 L-1210 cell HyperCLDB: cl3115 L1210 L1210 cell ATCC: CCL-219 L1296 L1296 cell HyperCLDB: cl3117 L132 L132 cell HyperCLDB: cl3078 L-132 L-132 cell ATCC: CCL-5 L138.8A L138.8A cell HyperCLDB: cl3118 L14 L14 cell HyperCLDB: cl3119 L-14 disease: hybridoma L-14 cell ATCC: HB-8554 L164.11 L164.11 cell HyperCLDB: cl3120 L165.6 L165.6 cell HyperCLDB: cl3121 L166.1 L166.1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3122 L168.2 L168.2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3123 L17.8 L17.8 cell HyperCLDB: cl3124 L18 disease: hybridoma L18 cell ATCC: HB-8628 L-2 L-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3079 L2 L2 cell ATCC: CCL-149 L-2/M ? 2-3 disease: overproduces P element transposase L-2/M ? 2-3 cell ATCC: CRL-10191 L201.15 L201.15 cell HyperCLDB: cl3125 L203 disease: hybridoma L203 cell ATCC: HB-171 L21.3 L21.3 cell HyperCLDB: cl3126 L227 disease: hybridoma L227 cell ATCC: HB-96 L23 L23 cell HyperCLDB: cl3127 L230 disease: hybridoma L230 cell ATCC: HB-8448 L231 L231 cell HyperCLDB: cl3128 L235 disease: hybridoma L235 cell ATCC: HB-8446 L243 disease: hybridoma L243 cell ATCC: HB-55 L25.4 L25.4 cell HyperCLDB: cl3129 L2I-6 disease: hybridoma L2I-6 cell ATCC: HB-8705 L2-RYC disease: yolk sac; carcinoma L2-RYC cell ATCC: CRL-2180 L3.6.2 L3.6.2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3130 L35 L35 cell HyperCLDB: cl3131 LCL-2045 L-363 L-363 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308205 CVCL: CVCL_1357 DSMZ: ACC 49 HyperCLDB: cl3080 L368 disease: hybridoma L368 cell ATCC: HB-149 L368 L368 cell ATCC: HB-8450 LCL-2011 L-428 L-428 cell ACC 197 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308873 CVCL: CVCL_1361 HyperCLDB: cl3081 L45 L45 cell HyperCLDB: cl3132 L5 disease: hybridoma L5 cell ATCC: HB-8627 L5.1 disease: hybridoma L5.1 cell ATCC: HB-84 L5178-R (LY-R) L5178-R (LY-R) cell ATCC: CRL-1722 L5178-S (LY-S) L5178-S (LY-S) cell ATCC: CRL-1723 L5178Y disease: lymphoma, thymic L5178Y cell HyperCLDB: cl3133 HyperCLDB: cl5312 L5178Y TK+/– (clone 3.7.2C) L5178Y TK+/– (clone 3.7.2C) cell ATCC: CRL-9518 L5178Y-R (LY-R) disease: lymphoma, thymic L5178Y-R (LY-R) cell HyperCLDB: cl3135 L5178Y-S (LY-S) disease: lymphoma, thymic L5178Y-S (LY-S) cell HyperCLDB: cl3137 L52 L52 cell HyperCLDB: cl3138 L54.5 L54.5 cell HyperCLDB: cl3140 LCL-2012 L-540 L-540 cell ACC 72 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308531 CVCL: CVCL_1362 HyperCLDB: cl455 L57.23 L57.23 cell HyperCLDB: cl3141 L6 L6 cell ATCC: CRL-1458 L6.C10 L6.C10 cell HyperCLDB: cl3143 L6.C11 L6.C11 cell HyperCLDB: cl3144 L6.G8 L6.G8 cell HyperCLDB: cl3145 L6.G8.C5 L6.G8.C5 cell HyperCLDB: cl3146 L612 disease: B lymphoblast; EBV transformed L612 cell ATCC: CRL-10724 L-68 L-68 cell HyperCLDB: cl5075 L6C5 L6C5 cell HyperCLDB: cl4987 L6H2 L6H2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4986 L6J1 L6J1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3147 L8 L8 cell ATCC: CRL-1769 L89.2 L89.2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3149 L89M L89M cell HyperCLDB: cl3150 L89P L89P cell HyperCLDB: cl3151 L90 L90 cell HyperCLDB: cl3152 L91.7 L91.7 cell HyperCLDB: cl3153 L929 L929 cell HyperCLDB: cl3159 L-929 L-929 cell HyperCLDB: cl3158 L929(NCTC) L929(NCTC) cell HyperCLDB: cl3160 L929S L929S cell HyperCLDB: cl3161 L94 L94 cell HyperCLDB: cl3162 LA 3-5 disease: methotrexate resistant LA 3-5 cell ATCC: CRL-10101 La Bel disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type VI (hemorrhagic type) La Bel cell ATCC: CRL-1179 La Bel II disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type VI (hemorrhagic type) La Bel II cell ATCC: CRL-1195 La1 disease: hybridoma La1 cell ATCC: HB-8609 LA3ß2mHC2 LA3ß2mHC2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3165 LA-4 disease: adenoma LA-4 cell ATCC: CCL-196 LA7 disease: feeder layer cell LA7 cell ATCC: CRL-2283 L-A86 L-A86 cell HyperCLDB: cl3082 LA92 LA92 cell HyperCLDB: cl3166 LA96 LA96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3167 LADMAC LADMAC cell ATCC: CRL-2420 L-alpha-1a L-cells L-alpha-1a L-cells cell ATCC: CRL-11138 L-alpha-2A L-cells L-alpha-2A L-cells cell ATCC: CRL-11180 L-alpha-2C L-cells L-alpha-2C L-cells cell ATCC: CRL-11181 LCL-1109 LAMA-84 LAMA-84 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308267 CVCL: CVCL_0388 DSMZ: ACC 168 HyperCLDB: cl3168 LAMA-87 disease: leukemia, chronic myeloid LAMA-87 cell HyperCLDB: cl55 LAN-1 LAN-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4933 LAN-188 LAN-188 cell HyperCLDB: cl3169 LCL-1987 LAN-5 LAN-5 cell DSMZ: COSMIC ID:1161992; DSMZ ACC 673,ACC 673 HyperCLDB: cl3170 LAn96 LAn96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3173 LAP 4108-6 LAP 4108-6 cell HyperCLDB: cl3174 LAQ 8251 LAQ 8251 cell HyperCLDB: cl3175 LARB1 1212 LARB1 1212 cell HyperCLDB: cl3176 LAT LAT cell HyperCLDB: cl5313 LAT 1 LAT 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3177 LAT II LAT II cell HyperCLDB: cl3178 Lb 224 Lb 224 cell HyperCLDB: cl3179 Lb 23 Lb 23 cell HyperCLDB: cl3180 Lb 24 Lb 24 cell HyperCLDB: cl3181 LB 27.4 disease: hybridoma LB 27.4 cell ATCC: HB-99 Lb 752 Lb 752 cell HyperCLDB: cl3182 LB10.Bm disease: lymphosarcoma LB10.Bm cell ATCC: CRL-6060 LB10.K LB10.K cell ATCC: CRL-6061 LB10.Ln LB10.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-6062 LB10.Sp disease: lymphosarcoma LB10.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6063 LB10.Thy disease: lymphosarcoma LB10.Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6064 LB11.Ln LB11.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-6066 LB11.Sp disease: lymphosarcoma LB11.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6067 LB11.Thy disease: lymphosarcoma LB11.Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6068 LB3.1 disease: hybridoma LB3.1 cell ATCC: HB-298 L-B7 L-B7 cell HyperCLDB: cl3083 LB7á2mC25 LB7á2mC25 cell HyperCLDB: cl3183 LB9.Bm disease: lymphosarcoma LB9.Bm cell ATCC: CRL-6053 LB9.D LB9.D cell ATCC: CRL-6054 LB9.Ln LB9.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-6057 LB9.Sp disease: lymphosarcoma LB9.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6058 LB9.Sp/Thy/Bm disease: lymphosarcoma LB9.Sp/Thy/Bm cell ATCC: CRL-6052 LB9.Thy disease: lymphosarcoma LB9.Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6059 LBE88 LBE88 cell HyperCLDB: cl3184 LBLN LBLN cell ATCC: CRL-6046 LBRM TG6 disease: radiation-induced lymphoma LBRM TG6 cell ATCC: CRL-1778 LBRM-33 clone 4A2 disease: radiation-induced lymphoma LBRM-33 clone 4A2 cell ATCC: TIB-155 LBRM-33-1A5 LBRM-33-1A5 cell ATCC: CRL-8079 LC 540 disease: testicular tumor LC 540 cell HyperCLDB: cl3188 LC540 disease: testicular tumor LC540 cell HyperCLDB: cl3189 LC-540 disease: Leydig cell tumor LC-540 cell ATCC: CCL-43 L-C90 L-C90 cell HyperCLDB: cl3084 LCL 8664 LCL 8664 cell ATCC: CRL-1805 LCL-1781 LCLC-103H disease: carcinoma, large cell LCLC-103H cell DSMZ: ACC 384 HyperCLDB: cl5314 LCL-1782 LCLC-97TM1 disease: carcinoma, large cell LCLC-97TM1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308112 CVCL: CVCL_1376 DSMZ: ACC 388 HyperCLDB: cl5315 LCL-HIV LCL-HIV cell HyperCLDB: cl3191 LCL-HO LCL-HO cell HyperCLDB: cl3192 LCL-N LCL-N cell HyperCLDB: cl3193 LCL-WEI LCL-WEI cell HyperCLDB: cl3194 L-DQw1-Dw12 L-DQw1-Dw12 cell HyperCLDB: cl3085 L-DQw4-Dw15 L-DQw4-Dw15 cell HyperCLDB: cl3086 LDR+25 LDR+25 cell HyperCLDB: cl3195 LDR2A LDR2A cell HyperCLDB: cl3196 LDR2B LDR2B cell HyperCLDB: cl3197 L-DR2-Dw12 L-DR2-Dw12 cell HyperCLDB: cl3087 L-DR4-Dw15 L-DR4-Dw15 cell HyperCLDB: cl3088 LDR7 LDR7 cell HyperCLDB: cl3198 LDR8 LDR8 cell HyperCLDB: cl3199 L-DR92a L-DR92a cell HyperCLDB: cl3089 L-DR92f L-DR92f cell HyperCLDB: cl3090 L-DRw53-Dw15 L-DRw53-Dw15 cell HyperCLDB: cl3091 Le Ana disease: Marfan syndrome Le Ana cell ATCC: CRL-1192 Lec1 disease: lacks GlcNAc glycosyl transferase function Lec1 cell ATCC: CRL-1735 Lec2 disease: reduced transport of CMP-sialic acid into Golgi compartment Lec2 cell ATCC: CRL-1736 Lec8 disease: reduced transport of UDP-galactose into Golgi compartment Lec8 cell ATCC: CRL-1737 Lei Cap disease: Darier-White disease Lei Cap cell ATCC: CRL-1098 LEII LEII cell HyperCLDB: cl3201 LEK LEK cell HyperCLDB: cl3202 L-F95 L-F95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3092 LFC16.Ln LFC16.Ln cell ATCC: CRL-6173 LF-CL2A disease: carcinoma, hepatocellular LF-CL2A cell HyperCLDB: cl3204 LHR-1055 disease: hybridoma LHR-1055 cell ATCC: CRL-2687 LHR-29 disease: hybridoma LHR-29 cell ATCC: CRL-2685 LHR-74 disease: hybridoma LHR-74 cell ATCC: CRL-2686 L-HSO2 L-HSO2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3093 LI LI cell HyperCLDB: cl3206 LI 27 disease: hybridoma LI 27 cell ATCC: HB-8437 LI 66 disease: hybridoma LI 66 cell ATCC: HB-8442 Line 14 Line 14 cell HyperCLDB: cl3207 LK 35.2 disease: hybridoma LK 35.2 cell ATCC: HB-98 LK-4 disease: hybridoma LK-4 cell ATCC: CRL-2345 LL 24 LL 24 cell ATCC: CCL-151 LL 29 (AnHa) disease: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis LL 29 (AnHa) cell ATCC: CCL-134 LL 47 (MaDo) LL 47 (MaDo) cell ATCC: CCL-135 LL 86 (LeSa) LL 86 (LeSa) cell ATCC: CCL-190 LL 97A (AlMy) disease: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis LL 97A (AlMy) cell ATCC: CCL-191 LL/2 (LLC1) disease: Lewis lung carcinoma LL/2 (LLC1) cell ATCC: CRL-1642 HyperCLDB: cl3208 LL24 LL24 cell HyperCLDB: cl3209 LL29 (AnHa) LL29 (AnHa) cell HyperCLDB: cl3210 LL47 (MaDo) LL47 (MaDo) cell HyperCLDB: cl3211 LL86 (LeSa) disease: sarcoma, osteogenic LL86 (LeSa) cell HyperCLDB: cl3212 LLC-MK subscript(2) LLC-MK subscript(2) cell ATCC: CCL-7, CCL-7.1 HyperCLDB: cl3214 HyperCLDB: cl3220 LLC-PK subscript(1) LLC-PK subscript(1) cell ATCC: CL-101 HyperCLDB: cl3221 MeSH: D018374 LLC-PK subscript(1A) LLC-PK subscript(1A) cell ATCC: CL-101.1 LLC-RK subscript(1) LLC-RK subscript(1) cell ATCC: CCL-106 LLC-RK1 LLC-RK1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3222 LLC-WRC 256 LLC-WRC 256 cell ATCC: CCL-38 immortal mouse fibroblast cell line cell that was derived from some fibroblasts from a C3H/An mouse connective tissue L-M WEB: L-M cell ATCC: CCL-1.2 RRID: CVCL_4535 L-M (TK-) L-M (TK-) cell HyperCLDB: cl3098 LM 1 LM 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3226 LM 10 LM 10 cell HyperCLDB: cl3227 LM 11 LM 11 cell HyperCLDB: cl3228 LM 12 LM 12 cell HyperCLDB: cl3229 LM 13 LM 13 cell HyperCLDB: cl3230 LM 2 LM 2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3231 LM 3 LM 3 cell HyperCLDB: cl3232 LM 4 LM 4 cell HyperCLDB: cl3233 LM 5 LM 5 cell HyperCLDB: cl3234 LM 6 LM 6 cell HyperCLDB: cl3235 LM 7 LM 7 cell HyperCLDB: cl3236 LM 8 LM 8 cell HyperCLDB: cl3237 LM 9 LM 9 cell HyperCLDB: cl3238 LM from NCTC clone 929 LM from NCTC clone 929 cell HyperCLDB: cl3094 LM TK negative LM TK negative cell HyperCLDB: cl3096 L-M(TK–) L-M(TK–) cell ATCC: CCL-1.3 HyperCLDB: cl3097 L-M(TK-,APRT-) L-M(TK-,APRT-) cell HyperCLDB: cl3099 LM2/1.6.11 disease: hybridoma LM2/1.6.11 cell ATCC: HB-204 L-M92 L-M92 cell HyperCLDB: cl3100 LM96 LM96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3240 LMas96 LMas96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3241 LMH disease: hepatocellular carcinoma LMH cell ATCC: CRL-2117 LMH/2A disease: hepatocellular carcinoma LMH/2A cell ATCC: CRL-2118 LM-M92 LM-M92 cell HyperCLDB: cl3239 LCL-1353 LN-18 disease: glioblastoma; apoptosis studies; p53+, p16, p14ARF LN-18 cell ATCC: CRL-2610 LCL-1354 LN-229 disease: glioblastoma; apoptosis studies; p53+, p16, p14ARF LN-229 cell ATCC: CRL-2611 LCL-1395 ZN LN-405 LN-405 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308756 CVCL: CVCL_1378 DSMZ: ACC 189 HyperCLDB: cl3242 LNCAP LNCAP cell HyperCLDB: cl3243 LNCaP clone FGC disease: carcinoma (prostate primary) LNCaP clone FGC cell ATCC: CRL-1740 LNCaP.FGC LNCaP.FGC cell HyperCLDB: cl3245 HyperCLDB: cl4960 L-NGC-5HT2 L-NGC-5HT2 cell ATCC: CRL-10287 L-NGC-alpha2B L-cells L-NGC-alpha2B L-cells cell ATCC: CRL-10275 LCL-1355 LNZTA3WT11 disease: glioblastoma; p53 expression under tetracycline-induced promoter LNZTA3WT11 cell ATCC: CRL-11544 LCL-1345 LNZTA3WT4 disease: glioblastoma; p53 expression under tetracycline-induced promoter LNZTA3WT4 cell ATCC: CRL-11543 Lo Ren disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type I (autosomal dominant type) Lo Ren cell ATCC: CRL-1130 Lo Wen disease: xeroderma pigmentosum, presumed heterozygote Lo Wen cell ATCC: CRL-1159 LO-22 disease: hybridoma LO-22 cell ATCC: HB-8619 LCL-1017 Loucy Loucy cell ATCC: CRL-2629 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308208 CVCL: CVCL_1380 HyperCLDB: cl5317 LCL-1588 LOU-NH91 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell LOU-NH91 cell DSMZ: ACC 393 HyperCLDB: cl5316 LOVO LOVO cell HyperCLDB: cl5318 LCL-1181 LoVo disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma (colon primary) LoVo cell ATCC: CCL-229 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307691 CVCL: CVCL_0399 LCL-2046 LP-1 LP-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308171 CVCL: CVCL_0012 DSMZ: ACC 41 EFO: EFO_0003055 HyperCLDB: cl3252 Lp1 MAB 1 disease: hybridoma Lp1 MAB 1 cell ATCC: CRL-1765 Lp1 MAB 2 disease: hybridoma Lp1 MAB 2 cell ATCC: CRL-1770 Lp1 MAB 3 disease: hybridoma Lp1 MAB 3 cell ATCC: CRL-1767 LP3IIG2 disease: hybridoma LP3IIG2 cell ATCC: HB-8472 LP4.4 disease: hybridoma LP4.4 cell ATCC: HB-232 LP96 LP96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3253 LPP 3-6 LPP 3-6 cell HyperCLDB: cl3254 LPRB3 112 LPRB3 112 cell HyperCLDB: cl3255 LR3.1/3 LR3.1/3 cell HyperCLDB: cl3256 LR6.2/52a LR6.2/52a cell HyperCLDB: cl3257 LR6.3/52C LR6.3/52C cell HyperCLDB: cl3258 LS 102.9 disease: hybridoma LS 102.9 cell ATCC: HB-97 LS 123 LS 123 cell HyperCLDB: cl3260 LS 174T disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma LS 174T cell ATCC: CL-188 LS 180 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma LS 180 cell ATCC: CL-187 LS1 LS1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3264 LS1034 disease: colorectal carcinoma LS1034 cell ATCC: CRL-2158 LS123 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma LS123 cell ATCC: CCL-255 LS-125-2D4-11-10-1 disease: hybridoma LS-125-2D4-11-10-1 cell ATCC: HB-12644 LS129-3C3-E3-1 disease: hybridoma LS129-3C3-E3-1 cell ATCC: HB-12653 LS132.1D9 LS132.1D9 cell ATCC: HB-12549 LS132.8G2 disease: hybridoma LS132.8G2 cell ATCC: HB-12550 LS-136 disease: hybridoma LS-136 cell ATCC: TIB-157 LCL-1182 LS174T LS174T cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307536 CVCL: CVCL_1384 ECACC: 87060401 EFO: EFO_0002227 HyperCLDB: cl3261 LCL-1183 LS180 LS180 cell ECACC: 87021202 HyperCLDB: cl3263 HyperCLDB: cl7120 LS3-10 LS3-10 cell ATCC: CRL-7720 LS411N disease: colorectal carcinoma LS411N cell ATCC: CRL-2159 LS513 disease: colorectal carcinoma LS513 cell ATCC: CRL-2134 LT disease: lymphangioleiomyomatosis LT cell HyperCLDB: cl5076 LT89 LT89 cell HyperCLDB: cl3265 LT94 LT94 cell HyperCLDB: cl3266 LTK- LTK- cell HyperCLDB: cl3267 Ltk-11 Ltk-11 cell ATCC: CRL-10422 LTPA LTPA cell ATCC: CRL-2389 LTR228 disease: hybridoma fusion partner LTR228 cell ATCC: HB-8502 Lu Rob disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type IV Lu Rob cell ATCC: CRL-1397 Lu Vin disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type I (autosomal dominant type) Lu Vin cell ATCC: CRL-1144 LCL-1589 LUDLU-1 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell LUDLU-1 cell ECACC: 92012463 HyperCLDB: cl3269 Lung-first Lung-first cell HyperCLDB: cl3271 Lung-fourth Lung-fourth cell HyperCLDB: cl3272 Lung-second Lung-second cell HyperCLDB: cl3273 Lung-third Lung-third cell HyperCLDB: cl3274 L-V91 L-V91 cell HyperCLDB: cl3101 L-V94 L-V94 cell HyperCLDB: cl3102 LCL-1668 LXF-289 LXF-289 cell HyperCLDB: cl3278 Sanger: COSMIC ID:753592 LYK-1 disease: hybridoma LYK-1 cell ATCC: HB-306 LYK-12 disease: hybridoma LYK-12 cell ATCC: HB-316 LYK-16 disease: hybridoma LYK-16 cell ATCC: HB-319 LYK-5 disease: hybridoma LYK-5 cell ATCC: HB-310 LYK-7 disease: hybridoma LYK-7 cell ATCC: HB-311 LYK-8 disease: hybridoma LYK-8 cell ATCC: HB-312 LYK-9 disease: hybridoma LYK-9 cell ATCC: HB-313 Lym-1 disease: hybridoma Lym-1 cell ATCC: HB-8612 Lym-2 disease: hybridoma Lym-2 cell ATCC: HB-8613 L-Z93a L-Z93a cell HyperCLDB: cl3103 L-Z93f L-Z93f cell HyperCLDB: cl3104 L-a-1b L-a-1b cell ATCC: CRL-11139 M 1 disease: leukemia, myeloid M 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3308 M 111 disease: hybridoma M 111 cell ATCC: HB-8438 M 144 disease: hybridoma M 144 cell ATCC: HB-8440 M. dunni (Clone III8C) M. dunni (Clone III8C) cell ATCC: CRL-2017 M. dunni (Clone III8C) M. dunni (Clone III8C) cell HyperCLDB: cl3306 M/K-1.9 disease: hybridoma M/K-1.9 cell ATCC: CRL-1910 M/K-2.7 disease: hybridoma M/K-2.7 cell ATCC: CRL-1909 M0092 M0092 cell HyperCLDB: cl3307 LCL-1356 M059J M059J cell ATCC: CRL-2366 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308113 CVCL: CVCL_0400 LCL-1362 M059K disease: malignant glioblastoma; glioma M059K cell ATCC: CRL-2365 M-07e disease: leukemia, acute megakaryoblastic M-07e cell HyperCLDB: cl3281 M1 disease: myeloid leukemia M1 cell ATCC: TIB-192 M-1 M-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2038 M1.4 disease: hybridoma M1.4 cell ATCC: CRL-2464 M1/22.25.8.HL disease: hybridoma M1/22.25.8.HL cell ATCC: TIB-121 M1/ disease: hybridoma M1/ cell ATCC: TIB-126 M1/69.16.11.HL disease: hybridoma M1/69.16.11.HL cell ATCC: TIB-125 M1/ disease: hybridoma M1/ cell ATCC: TIB-128 M1/75.16.4.HLK disease: hybridoma M1/75.16.4.HLK cell ATCC: TIB-127 M1/87.27.7.HLK disease: hybridoma M1/87.27.7.HLK cell ATCC: TIB-123 M1/89.18.7.HK disease: hybridoma M1/89.18.7.HK cell ATCC: TIB-124 M1/9.3.4.HL.2 disease: hybridoma M1/9.3.4.HL.2 cell ATCC: TIB-122 M1191 M1191 cell HyperCLDB: cl3310 M1392 M1392 cell HyperCLDB: cl3311 M15 M15 cell HyperCLDB: cl3312 M1594 M1594 cell HyperCLDB: cl3313 M17/ disease: hybridoma M17/ cell ATCC: TIB-217 M17/5.2 disease: hybridoma M17/5.2 cell ATCC: TIB-237 M18/2.a.12.7 disease: hybridoma M18/2.a.12.7 cell ATCC: TIB-218 M195 disease: hybridoma M195 cell ATCC: HB-10306 M1WT2 disease: expresses rat m1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1WT2 cell ATCC: CRL-1984 M1WT3 disease: expresses rat m1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1WT3 cell ATCC: CRL-1985 M1WT5 disease: expresses rat m1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1WT5 cell ATCC: CRL-1986 M2-10B4 disease: bone marrow, stroma M2-10B4 cell ATCC: CRL-1972 M2-1C6-4R3 disease: hybridoma M2-1C6-4R3 cell ATCC: HB-64 M-24 (M138) disease: hybridoma M-24 (M138) cell ATCC: HB-8449 M-2E6 disease: hybridoma M-2E6 cell ATCC: HB-138 M3 Clone M-3 M3 Clone M-3 cell HyperCLDB: cl3315 M3/ HL.2 disease: hybridoma M3/ HL.2 cell ATCC: TIB-166 M3/84.6.34 disease: hybridoma M3/84.6.34 cell ATCC: TIB-168 M3E3/C3 M3E3/C3 cell HyperCLDB: cl5320 M3WT4 disease: expresses rat m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3WT4 cell ATCC: CRL-1981 M3WT5 disease: expresses rat m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3WT5 cell ATCC: CRL-1982 M3WT8 disease: expresses rat m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3WT8 cell ATCC: CRL-1983 M4 M4 cell HyperCLDB: cl3316 M5/114.15.2 disease: hybridoma M5/114.15.2 cell ATCC: TIB-120 M5/49.4.1 disease: hybridoma M5/49.4.1 cell ATCC: TIB-238 M5076 M5076 cell HyperCLDB: cl3317 M-7 disease: fibrosarcoma M-7 cell ATCC: CRL-2804 M8 M8 cell HyperCLDB: cl3318 M83 M83 cell HyperCLDB: cl3319 M85 M85 cell HyperCLDB: cl3320 M86 M86 cell HyperCLDB: cl3321 M9 M9 cell HyperCLDB: cl3322 M90 M90 cell HyperCLDB: cl3323 MA 104 MA 104 cell HyperCLDB: cl3324 Ma San disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type VII (arthrochalasia type) Ma San cell ATCC: CRL-1148 MA104 MA104 cell HyperCLDB: cl3327 MA-104 Clone 1 MA-104 Clone 1 cell ATCC: CRL-2378.1 MA1-6 disease: hybridoma MA1-6 cell ATCC: CRL-1783 MA2.1 disease: hybridoma MA2.1 cell ATCC: HB-54 MA86 MA86 cell HyperCLDB: cl3329 MA91 MA91 cell HyperCLDB: cl3330 MA94IL2 MA94IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3331 MA94LEBV MA94LEBV cell HyperCLDB: cl3332 Mab 108 disease: hybridoma Mab 108 cell ATCC: HB-9764 Mab 126 disease: hybridoma Mab 126 cell ATCC: HB-8568 mAb 13-1 disease: hybridoma mAb 13-1 cell ATCC: HB-10565 MAb 151-45-4 disease: hybridoma MAb 151-45-4 cell ATCC: HB-12682 MAb 1812-4-8 disease: hybridoma MAb 1812-4-8 cell ATCC: HB-12683 Mab 1E8 disease: hybridoma Mab 1E8 cell ATCC: HB-11490 mAB 24-1 disease: hybridoma mAB 24-1 cell ATCC: HB-11947 mAB 24-2 disease: hybridoma mAB 24-2 cell ATCC: HB-11946 MAb 26-7-5 disease: hybridoma MAb 26-7-5 cell ATCC: HB-12681 mAb 270 disease: hybridoma mAb 270 cell ATCC: HB-189 Mab 2B5 disease: hybridoma Mab 2B5 cell ATCC: HB-11491 mAB 35 disease: hybridoma, B cell mAB 35 cell HyperCLDB: cl5225 mAb 35 disease: hybridoma mAb 35 cell ATCC: HB-8857 MAb 5.2 disease: hybridoma MAb 5.2 cell ATCC: HB-9148 Mab 543 disease: hybridoma Mab 543 cell ATCC: HB-8592 Mab 62B1-PC disease: hybridoma Mab 62B1-PC cell HyperCLDB: cl4917 Mab 8A-PC disease: hybridoma Mab 8A-PC cell HyperCLDB: cl4915 Mab 8F6-PC disease: hybridoma Mab 8F6-PC cell HyperCLDB: cl4916 MAb 951-5-1 disease: hybridoma MAb 951-5-1 cell ATCC: HB-12684 Mab 96 disease: hybridoma Mab 96 cell ATCC: HB-9763 mAb BB7 disease: hybridoma mAb BB7 cell ATCC: CRL-2501 MAb104 disease: hybridoma MAb104 cell ATCC: CRL-2067 mAb35 disease: hybridoma mAb35 cell ATCC: TIB-175 mAb64 disease: hybridoma mAb64 cell ATCC: HB-8987 MAC 2-48 disease: hybridoma MAC 2-48 cell ATCC: HB-10714 MADISON LUNG TA-109 MADISON LUNG TA-109 cell HyperCLDB: cl3333 Malme-3 Malme-3 cell ATCC: HTB-102 MALME-3M MALME-3M cell HyperCLDB: cl3334 Malme-3M disease: malignant melanoma Malme-3M cell ATCC: HTB-64 MAM94M MAM94M cell HyperCLDB: cl3335 MAR 18.5 disease: hybridoma MAR 18.5 cell ATCC: TIB-216 Mar Nol disease: Marfan syndrome Mar Nol cell ATCC: CRL-1257 Mar Ton Mar Ton cell ATCC: CRL-1252 Mar Vin disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type I (autosomal dominant type) Mar Vin cell ATCC: CRL-1138 MARC 145 MARC 145 cell HyperCLDB: cl5226 MARC 29F8 disease: hybridoma MARC 29F8 cell ATCC: CRL-2508 MARC 2B7 disease: hybridoma MARC 2B7 cell ATCC: CRL-2509 MARC S5 disease: hybridoma MARC S5 cell ATCC: CRL-2507 MAT-Lu MAT-Lu cell ATCC: JHU-4 MAT-LyLu MAT-LyLu cell HyperCLDB: cl3338 MAT-Ly-Lu-B-2 disease: malignant carcinoma MAT-Ly-Lu-B-2 cell ATCC: CRL-2376 May Roy disease: Marfan syndrome May Roy cell ATCC: CRL-1250 LCL-1484 ZN MB 157 disease: carcinoma (mammary gland primary) MB 157 cell ATCC: CRL-7721 MB 40.3 disease: hybridoma MB 40.3 cell ATCC: HB-105 MB III (de Bruyn-Gey) disease: lymphosarcoma MB III (de Bruyn-Gey) cell ATCC: CCL-32 MB-020 MB-020 cell HyperCLDB: cl3339 MB-021 MB-021 cell HyperCLDB: cl3340 MB-03 MB-03 cell HyperCLDB: cl3341 MB-03C4 Possible typographic error in 'Organism' field (value 'Agrothis segetum') to be considered as 'Agrotis segetum' (NCBI_Taxon: 47767) [SS] MB-03C4 cell HyperCLDB: cl3342 MB-03C5-688 Possible typographic error in 'Organism' field (value 'Agrothis segetum') to be considered as 'Agrotis segetum' (NCBI_Taxon: 47767) [SS] MB-03C5-688 cell HyperCLDB: cl3343 MB-04 MB-04 cell HyperCLDB: cl3344 MB16tsA, clone 1B5 disease: SV40 large T antigen transfected; control for MmB19tsA. clone 2B2 MB16tsA, clone 1B5 cell ATCC: CRL-2307 MB19tsA, clone 2B2 disease: SV40 large T antigen transfected; Cre-lox recombination model MB19tsA, clone 2B2 cell ATCC: CRL-2308 MB23G2 disease: hybridoma MB23G2 cell ATCC: HB-220 MB352 MB352 cell ATCC: CRL-2821 MB355 MB355 cell ATCC: CRL-2818 MB40.2 disease: hybridoma MB40.2 cell ATCC: HB-59 MB40.5 disease: hybridoma MB40.5 cell ATCC: HB-116 MB4B4 disease: hybridoma MB4B4 cell ATCC: HB-223 M-B87a M-B87a cell HyperCLDB: cl3282 M-B87f M-B87f cell HyperCLDB: cl3283 M-B95a M-B95a cell HyperCLDB: cl3284 M-B95f M-B95f cell HyperCLDB: cl3285 MBA C57.We MBA C57.We cell ATCC: CRL-6370 MBC(5) MBC(5) cell ATCC: CRL-6069 MB-III (de Bruyn Grey) disease: lymphosarcoma MB-III (de Bruyn Grey) cell HyperCLDB: cl3345 MB-L11 MB-L11 cell HyperCLDB: cl3346 MB-L2 MB-L2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3347 MBL-Sm-1A6 disease: hybridoma MBL-Sm-1A6 cell ATCC: HB-194 MBL-Sm-4B1 disease: hybridoma MBL-Sm-4B1 cell ATCC: HB-193 MC 2 Possible mapping of 'Organism' field (value 'quail') via synonym of 'Odontophoridae' (NCBI_Taxon: 224313) [SS] MC 2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3348 Mc Coy Mc Coy cell HyperCLDB: cl3349 MC/9 MC/9 cell ATCC: CRL-8306 LCL-1538 ZN MC/CAR disease: hybridoma fusion partner MC/CAR cell ATCC: CRL-8083 MC/CAR-Z2 disease: hybridoma fusion partner MC/CAR-Z2 cell ATCC: CRL-8147 MC-116 MC-116 cell HyperCLDB: cl3355 LCL-1946 MC116 disease: undifferentiated lymphoma lymphoblast MC116 cell ATCC: CRL-1649 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308210 CVCL: CVCL_1399 EFO: EFO_0002228 MC17-51 disease: fibrosarcoma MC17-51 cell ATCC: CRL-2799 MC2/3 disease: mouse chromosome 8 MC2/3 cell ATCC: CRL-2143 MC3 MC3 cell HyperCLDB: cl3356 MC3T3-E1 MC3T3-E1 cell HyperCLDB: cl40 MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14 MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14 cell ATCC: CRL-2594 MC3T3-E1 Subclone 24 MC3T3-E1 Subclone 24 cell ATCC: CRL-2595 MC3T3-E1 Subclone 30 MC3T3-E1 Subclone 30 cell ATCC: CRL-2596 MC3T3-E1 Subclone 4 MC3T3-E1 Subclone 4 cell ATCC: CRL-2593 MC57G MC57G cell ATCC: CRL-2295 MC-6 MC-6 cell HyperCLDB: cl3353 MC86 MC86 cell HyperCLDB: cl3357 MC88 MC88 cell HyperCLDB: cl3358 MC94 MC94 cell HyperCLDB: cl3359 M-C95 M-C95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3286 MC96 MC96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3360 MCA-RH 7777 disease: hepatoma MCA-RH 7777 cell HyperCLDB: cl3364 McA-RH7777 disease: hepatoma; Morris hepatoma 7777 McA-RH7777 cell ATCC: CRL-1601 McA-RH8994 disease: hepatoma; Morris hepatoma 8994 McA-RH8994 cell ATCC: CRL-1602 MCB3901 disease: transfection host; exogenous gene expression MCB3901 cell ATCC: CRL-9595 McCoy McCoy cell ATCC: CRL-1696 LCL-2085 Amelogenin: X; CSF1PO: 10,12; D13S317: 8,9; D16S539: 11,12; D18S51: 18,19; D21S11: 28,30; D3S1358: 14,18; D5S818: 10,13; D7S820: 10,11; D8S1179: 14,16; FGA: 22,24; Penta D: 10,12; Penta E: 13,14; TH01: 8,9.3; TPOX: 9,11; vWA: 15,17 MCF-10A is a spontaneously immortalized, but nontransformed human mammary epithelial cell line cell that was derived from the breast tissue of a 36-year-old patient with fibrocystic changes MCF 10A MCF-10A MCF.10A MCF10A MCF10a Michigan Cancer Foundation 10A PubMed: PubMed: WEB: WEB: MCF 10A cell ATCC: CRL-10317 CVCL: CVCL_0598; EFO: EFO_0001200; ChEMBL: CHEMBL3307364; HMSL: HMSL50583 LCL-2102 MCF 10F Michigan Cancer Foundation 10F WEB: MCF 10F cell ATCC: CRL-10318 CVCL: CVCL_3633 Cosmic; 1136377 MCF 7 This term is obsolete due to duplication. See: CLO_0007606. Oliver He obsolete: MCF 7 cell HyperCLDB: cl3366 MCF-10-2A WEB: disease: fibrocystic disease MCF-10-2A cell ATCC: CRL-10781 RRID: CVCL_3743 MCF-12A obsolete due to duplication. See: obsolete: MCF-12A cell ATCC: CRL-10782 MCF-12F MCF-12F cell ATCC: CRL-10783 MCF-7 This term is obsolete due to duplication. See: CLO_0007606. Oliver He obsolete: MCF-7 cell HyperCLDB: cl3372 LCL-1460 an immortal breast cancer cell line cell isolated in 1970 from a 69-year-old Caucasian woman. ZN MCF 7 cell MCF-7 cell MCF7 WEB: WEB: disease: adenocarcinoma (mammary gland primary) MCF7 cell ATCC: HTB-22 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308403 EFO: EFO_0002082 HyperCLDB: cl3366 HyperCLDB: cl3372 RRID: CVCL_0031 MCF7-382 MCF7-382 cell HyperCLDB: cl3376 MCF7-422 MCF7-422 cell HyperCLDB: cl3378 MCF7-432 MCF7-432 cell HyperCLDB: cl3380 MCF7-488X1 MCF7-488X1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3382 MCF7-490X1 MCF7-490X1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3384 MCF7-492X1 MCF7-492X1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3386 MCH-7 (MX-7) disease: rhabdomyosarcoma MCH-7 (MX-7) cell HyperCLDB: cl3387 MCH-82 (MX-82) disease: rhabdomyosarcoma MCH-82 (MX-82) cell HyperCLDB: cl3388 LCL-1967 MC-IXC disease: neuroepithelioma (brain primary) MC-IXC cell ATCC: CRL-2270 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308758 CVCL: CVCL_1398 EFO: EFO_0002230 MCL-5 disease: EBNA positive MCL-5 cell ATCC: CRL-10575 MCR96M MCR96M cell HyperCLDB: cl3389 MCS94MIL2 MCS94MIL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3390 MCS94MLEBV MCS94MLEBV cell HyperCLDB: cl3391 MC-SV-HUC T-2 MC-SV-HUC T-2 cell ATCC: CRL-9519 MCT95M MCT95M cell HyperCLDB: cl3392 MD disease: macrophage; monocyte MD cell ATCC: CRL-9850 MD2 disease: hybridoma MD2 cell ATCC: HB-229 MD86 MD86 cell HyperCLDB: cl3393 MD94PLEBV MD94PLEBV cell HyperCLDB: cl3394 MD94SIL2 MD94SIL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3395 MD94SLEBV MD94SLEBV cell HyperCLDB: cl3396 MD95 MD95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3397 MDA PCa 2b disease: adenocarcinoma (prostate primary) MDA PCa 2b cell ATCC: CRL-2422 MDA-kb2 disease: luciferase resposive; androgen agonist/antagonist MDA-kb2 cell ATCC: CRL-2713 LCL-1316 MDA-MB-134-VI disease: ductal carcinoma (mammary gland primary) MDA-MB-134-VI cell ATCC: HTB-23 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308340 CVCL: CVCL_0617 EFO: EFO_0001205 LCL-1916 MDA-MB-157 disease: carcinoma (mammary gland primary) MDA-MB-157 cell ATCC: HTB-24 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308759 CVCL: CVCL_0618 EFO: EFO_0001206 LCL-1317 MDA-MB-175-VII disease: ductal carcinoma (mammary gland primary) MDA-MB-175-VII cell ATCC: HTB-25 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308404 CVCL: CVCL_1400 EFO: EFO_0001208 LCL-1461 an immortal breast cancer cell line cell derived from a human patient with breast adenocarcinoma ZN, YH MDA-MB-231 MDA-MB-231 cell ATCC: HTB-26 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307960 EFO: EFO_0001209 RRID: CVCL_0062 LCL-1961 MDA-MB-330 disease: carcinoma (mammary gland primary) MDA-MB-330 cell ATCC: HTB-127 LCL-1468 ZN MDA-MB-361 MDA-MB-361 cell ATCC: HTB-27 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308405 CVCL: CVCL_0620 EFO: EFO_0001211 LCL-1469 MDA-MB-415 MDA-MB-415 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308760 CVCL: CVCL_0621 EFO: EFO_0001212 LCL-1307 MDA-MB-435S disease: ductal carcinoma (mammary gland primary) MDA-MB-435S cell ATCC: HTB-129 LCL-1470 ZN MDA-MB-436 MDA-MB-436 cell ATCC: HTB-130 LCL-1485 ZN MDA-MB-453 disease: carcinoma (mammary gland primary) MDA-MB-453 cell ATCC: HTB-131 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307596 CVCL: CVCL_0418 EFO: EFO_0001215 LCL-1471 MDA-MB-468 MDA-MB-468 cell ATCC: HTB-132 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308424 CVCL: CVCL_0419 EFO: EFO_0001216 MDBK MDBK cell HyperCLDB: cl3412 MDBK (NBL-1) MDBK (NBL-1) cell ATCC: CCL-22 MDBK(BU 100) MDBK(BU 100) cell HyperCLDB: cl5228 MDCC MSB1 MDCC MSB1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5229 A model mammalian cell line cell that was genereated from the initial isolation in 1958 of epithelial cells from the kidney tubule of an adult Cocker Spaniel dog by Stewart H. Madin and Norman B. Darby, Jr.. MDCK Madin-Darby canine kidney cell MDCK cell HyperCLDB: cl5078 MDCK (NBL-2) MDCK (NBL-2) cell ATCC: CCL-34 MDCK-A315 MDCK-A315 cell HyperCLDB: cl3426 MDCK-I MDCK-I cell HyperCLDB: cl5079 MDOK MDOK cell ATCC: CRL-1633 MDTC RP 19 MDTC RP 19 cell HyperCLDB: cl3428 MDTC-RP19 disease: Mareks disease MDTC-RP19 cell ATCC: CRL-8135 ME ME cell ATCC: CRL-6371 ME 1 disease: hybridoma ME 1 cell ATCC: HB-119 Me Jon disease: osteogenesis imperfecta (congenita) Me Jon cell ATCC: CRL-1288 Me Mon disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, variant type Me Mon cell ATCC: CRL-1342 LCL-1305 ME-180 disease: epidermoid carcinoma (cervix primary) ME-180 cell ATCC: HTB-33 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308114 CVCL: CVCL_1401 ME195 disease: hybridoma ME195 cell ATCC: HB-8431 ME361S2a disease: hybridoma ME361S2a cell ATCC: HB-9326 ME96 ME96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3430 ME96P ME96P cell HyperCLDB: cl3431 MECA-367 disease: hybridoma MECA-367 cell ATCC: HB-9478 MECA-79 disease: hybridoma MECA-79 cell ATCC: HB-9479 MECA-89 disease: hybridoma MECA-89 cell ATCC: HB-292 MEF (C57BL/6) disease: feeder layer MEF (C57BL/6) cell ATCC: SCRC-1008 MEF (CF-1) disease: feeder layer MEF (CF-1) cell ATCC: SCRC-1040 MEF-1 disease: SV40 transformed MEF-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2214 LCL-1110 MEG-01 disease: megakaryoblast; chronic myelogenous leukemia MEG-01 cell ATCC: CRL-2021 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308539 CVCL: CVCL_0425 MEL III disease: mammary tumor MEL III cell HyperCLDB: cl5230 Mel Neg disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type VII (arthrochalasia type) Mel Neg cell ATCC: CRL-1193 MEL-14 disease: hybridoma MEL-14 cell ATCC: HB-132 MELC MELC cell HyperCLDB: cl3443 MELC DR10 MELC DR10 cell HyperCLDB: cl3444 MELC DS19 MELC DS19 cell HyperCLDB: cl3445 LCL-1251 MEL-HO MEL-HO cell CVCL: CVCL_1402 DSMZ: ACC 62 HyperCLDB: cl3439 LCL-1252 MEL-JUSO MEL-JUSO cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308761 CVCL: CVCL_1403 DSMZ: ACC 74 HyperCLDB: cl3440 LCL-1509 MES-SA disease: uterine sarcoma MES-SA cell ATCC: CRL-1976 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307599 CVCL: CVCL_1404 ECACC: 95051030 EFO: EFO_0002233 MES-SA/Dx5 disease: uterine sarcoma MES-SA/Dx5 cell ATCC: CRL-1977 HyperCLDB: cl3449 MES-SA/MX2 disease: uterine sarcoma MES-SA/MX2 cell ATCC: CRL-2274 MeT-5A disease: virus transformed MeT-5A cell ATCC: CRL-9444 Meta 10 Meta 10 cell HyperCLDB: cl3453 Meta 15 Meta 15 cell HyperCLDB: cl3450 Meta 7 Meta 7 cell HyperCLDB: cl3455 META-1 META-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3451 META-10 META-10 cell HyperCLDB: cl3452 META-7 META-7 cell HyperCLDB: cl3454 LCL-1253 MEWO disease: malignant melanoma MEWO cell ECACC: 93082609 HyperCLDB: cl3456 MeWo disease: malignant melanoma (skin primary) MeWo cell ATCC: HTB-65 MF 116 disease: hybridoma MF 116 cell ATCC: HB-8411 MF92 MF92 cell HyperCLDB: cl3459 M-F92 M-F92 cell HyperCLDB: cl3287 LCL-1500 ZN MFE-280 MFE-280 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308455 CVCL: CVCL_1405 DSMZ: ACC 410 HyperCLDB: cl5080 LCL-1501 MFE-296 MFE-296 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308374 CVCL: CVCL_1406 DSMZ: ACC 419 HyperCLDB: cl5323 LCL-1502 MFE-319 MFE-319 cell DSMZ: ACC 423 HyperCLDB: cl5324 LCL-1318 MFM-223 MFM-223 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308115 CVCL: CVCL_1408 DSMZ: ACC 422 HyperCLDB: cl5325 mFS6 mFS6 cell HyperCLDB: cl3460 MG-1361 MG-1361 cell HyperCLDB: cl3461 MG38 disease: hybridoma MG38 cell ATCC: CRL-2640 LCL-1428 MG-63 MG-63 cell ATCC: CRL-1427 ECACC: 86051601 M-G89 M-G89 cell HyperCLDB: cl3288 M-G93 M-G93 cell HyperCLDB: cl3289 MG96No MG96No cell HyperCLDB: cl3466 MGF89P MGF89P cell HyperCLDB: cl3467 MGL95 MGL95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3468 MGP96Na MGP96Na cell HyperCLDB: cl3469 mh disease: Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome mh cell ATCC: CRL-2709 MH subscript(1) C subscript(1) disease: hepatoma MH subscript(1) C subscript(1) cell ATCC: CCL-144 MH1 disease: hybridoma MH1 cell ATCC: HB-9739 MH1C1 disease: hepatoma MH1C1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3474 HyperCLDB: cl3475 MH-22a disease: hepatoma MH-22a cell HyperCLDB: cl3472 MH-22A MH-22A cell HyperCLDB: cl5082 MH55 disease: hybridoma MH55 cell ATCC: HB-8412 MH-7777A disease: hepatoma MH-7777A cell HyperCLDB: cl5326 MHEC5-T MHEC5-T cell HyperCLDB: cl5327 LCL-1009 MHH-CALL-2 MHH-CALL-2 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308333 COSMIC ID:908132 CVCL: CVCL_1409 HyperCLDB: cl5328 MHH-CALL-3 MHH-CALL-3 cell HyperCLDB: cl5329 MHH-CALL-4 disease: leukemia, pre-B cell MHH-CALL-4 cell HyperCLDB: cl5330 LCL-1454 ZN MHH-ES-1 MHH-ES-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308762 CVCL: CVCL_1411 DSMZ: ACC 167 HyperCLDB: cl3478 LCL-1975 MHH-NB-11 MHH-NB-11 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308310 CVCL: CVCL_1412 DSMZ: ACC 157 HyperCLDB: cl3479 LCL-1140 MHH-PREB-1 MHH-PREB-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308334 CVCL: CVCL_1413 DSMZ: ACC 354 HyperCLDB: cl5331 MH-S MH-S cell ATCC: CRL-2019 MH-SVM23 disease: hybridoma MH-SVM23 cell ATCC: HB-8870 MH-SVM25 disease: hybridoma MH-SVM25 cell ATCC: HB-8871 MH-SVM26 disease: hybridoma MH-SVM26 cell ATCC: HB-8872 MH-SVM33C9 disease: hybridoma MH-SVM33C9 cell ATCC: HB-8975 LCL-1738 MIA PaCa-2 MIA PaCa-2 cell ATCC: CRL-1420 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308500 CVCL: CVCL_0428 EFO: EFO_0002236 HyperCLDB: cl3482 MiCl1 MiCl1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3483 MiCl1 (S+L–) MiCl1 (S+L–) cell ATCC: CCL-64.1 HyperCLDB: cl3484 HyperCLDB: cl3485 MiF-6 disease: fibrosarcoma MiF-6 cell ATCC: CRL-2802 mIMCD-3 mIMCD-3 cell ATCC: CRL-2123 LCL-1142 MJ MJ cell ATCC: CRL-8294 MK-D6 disease: hybridoma MK-D6 cell ATCC: HB-3 MKN-45 MKN-45 cell HyperCLDB: cl5332 MK-S4 disease: hybridoma MK-S4 cell ATCC: HB-4 LCL-1679 ML-1 ML-1 cell DSMZ: ACC 464 HyperCLDB: cl3489 LCL-1060 ML-2 ML-2 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307604 CVCL: CVCL_1418 DSMZ: ACC 15 EFO: EFO_0002238 HyperCLDB: cl3490 ML3 ML3 cell HyperCLDB: cl3491 ML86 ML86 cell HyperCLDB: cl3492 ML87P ML87P cell HyperCLDB: cl3493 ML89S ML89S cell HyperCLDB: cl3494 M-L94 M-L94 cell HyperCLDB: cl3290 M-L95a M-L95a cell HyperCLDB: cl3291 M-L95f M-L95f cell HyperCLDB: cl3292 MLA 144 MLA 144 cell HyperCLDB: cl3495 HyperCLDB: cl3497 MLA87M MLA87M cell HyperCLDB: cl3498 MLE 12 MLE 12 cell ATCC: CRL-2110 MLg MLg cell ATCC: CCL-206 MLH1 disease: hybridoma MLH1 cell ATCC: CRL-1766 MLH2 disease: hybridoma MLH2 cell ATCC: CRL-1779 MLTC-1 disease: Leydig cell tumor MLTC-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2065 MM14.Lu MM14.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-6382 MM14.OT MM14.OT cell ATCC: CRL-6384 MM14.Ov MM14.Ov cell ATCC: CRL-6383 MM15.Sp/Thy MM15.Sp/Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6388 MM15OT MM15OT cell ATCC: CRL-6438 MM16.Ov MM16.Ov cell ATCC: CRL-6390 MM19.Lu MM19.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-6396 M-M196 M-M196 cell HyperCLDB: cl3293 MM22.We MM22.We cell ATCC: CRL-6400 MM23.We MM23.We cell ATCC: CRL-6401 MM27.We MM27.We cell ATCC: CRL-6402 MM29.We MM29.We cell ATCC: CRL-6403 MM2MT MM2MT cell ATCC: CRL-6373 MM2MTC MM2MTC cell ATCC: CRL-6374 MM2SCT MM2SCT cell ATCC: CRL-6375 MM31.We MM31.We cell ATCC: CRL-6405 MM34.We MM34.We cell ATCC: CRL-6408 MM36T(C) MM36T(C) cell ATCC: CRL-6411 MM36We MM36We cell ATCC: CRL-6413 MM37T MM37T cell ATCC: CRL-6414 MM3MG MM3MG cell ATCC: CRL-6376 MM4.We MM4.We cell ATCC: CRL-6377 MM41We MM41We cell ATCC: CRL-6416 MM43T MM43T cell ATCC: CRL-6418 MM44.Sp MM44.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6419 MM45T.Bl disease: bladder (adjacent) MM45T.Bl cell ATCC: CRL-6420 MM45T.Li disease: liver (adjacent) MM45T.Li cell ATCC: CRL-6421 MM45T.Sp disease: fibrosarcoma MM45T.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6422 MM46T MM46T cell ATCC: CRL-6423 MM47T disease: fibrosarcoma MM47T cell ATCC: CRL-6424 MM48T MM48T cell ATCC: CRL-6425 MM49T MM49T cell ATCC: CRL-6426 MM5.1 MM5.1 cell ATCC: CRL-6380 MM5/C1 MM5/C1 cell ATCC: CRL-6444 MM51.Sp MM51.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6427 MM52.Sp disease: fibrosarcoma MM52.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6428 MM52.T disease: fibrosarcoma MM52.T cell ATCC: CRL-6429 MM53.Sp disease: fibrosarcoma MM53.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6430 MM54.K MM54.K cell ATCC: CRL-6433 MM54.Sp/Thy MM54.Sp/Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6434 MM55.K MM55.K cell ATCC: CRL-6436 MM55.Sp/Thy MM55.Sp/Thy cell ATCC: CRL-6437 Mm5MT Mm5MT cell ATCC: CRL-1637 MM5MT MM5MT cell ATCC: CRL-6590 MM5MTC MM5MTC cell ATCC: CRL-6378 MM5MTM MM5MTM cell ATCC: CRL-6379 MM7-11.Sp disease: tumor MM7-11.Sp cell ATCC: CRL-6381 MM87f MM87f cell HyperCLDB: cl3500 MM87IL2 MM87IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3501 MM87ls MM87ls cell HyperCLDB: cl3502 MM96 MM96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3503 M-M96 M-M96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3294 MMA disease: hybridoma MMA cell ATCC: HB-78 MMQ MMQ cell ATCC: CRL-10609 M-MSV-BALB/3T3 M-MSV-BALB/3T3 cell ATCC: CCL-163.2 MMT 060562 MMT 060562 cell ATCC: CCL-51 HyperCLDB: cl3505 MN-11 disease: fibrosarcoma MN-11 cell ATCC: CRL-2800 LCL-1010 MN-60 MN-60 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308532 COSMIC ID:908143 CVCL: CVCL_1421 HyperCLDB: cl3506 M-N91 M-N91 cell HyperCLDB: cl3297 MN95 MN95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3508 MN96 MN96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3509 M-NFS-60 disease: virus-induced myeloid leukemia M-NFS-60 cell ATCC: CRL-1838 MNNG/HOS (Cl #5) MNNG/HOS (Cl #5) cell ATCC: CRL-1547 MNNG/HOS (TE85, Clone F-5) disease: sarcoma, osteogenic MNNG/HOS (TE85, Clone F-5) cell HyperCLDB: cl3510 Mo disease: hairy cell leukemia Mo cell ATCC: CRL-8066 Mo-B Mo-B cell ATCC: CCL-245 LCL-1396 MOG-G-CCM MOG-G-CCM cell CVCL: CVCL_2613 ECACC: 86022702 HyperCLDB: cl3512 LCL-1397 MOG-G-UVW MOG-G-UVW cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308137 CVCL: CVCL_2614 ECACC: 86022703 HyperCLDB: cl3513 MOH (TOU II-3) MOH (TOU II-3) cell HyperCLDB: cl3514 MOLT-13 disease: leukemia, T cell MOLT-13 cell HyperCLDB: cl5333 LCL-2061 MOLT-14 MOLT-14 cell ACC 437 HyperCLDB: cl5334 LCL-1018 MOLT-16 MOLT-16 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308271 CVCL: CVCL_1424 DSMZ: ACC 29 HyperCLDB: cl3516 MOLT-17 disease: leukemia, T cell MOLT-17 cell HyperCLDB: cl3517 MOLT-3 disease: acute lympho- blastic leukemia MOLT-3 cell ATCC: CRL-1552 LCL-1019 MOLT-4 MOLT-4 cell ATCC: CRL-1582 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307557 CVCL: CVCL_0013 EFO: EFO_0001220 MOM89M MOM89M cell HyperCLDB: cl3533 LCL-1062 MONO-MAC-1 MONO-MAC-1 cell DSMZ: ACC 252 HyperCLDB: cl3534 LCL-1063 MONO-MAC-6 WEB: MONO-MAC-6 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308335 CVCL: CVCL_1426 DSMZ: ACC 124 HyperCLDB: cl3535 MOP-8 MOP-8 cell ATCC: CRL-1709 MOPC 315 disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma MOPC 315 cell ATCC: TIB-23 MOPC 31C MOPC 31C cell HyperCLDB: cl3538 MOPC-31C disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma MOPC-31C cell ATCC: CCL-130 MOR/0.2R MOR/0.2R cell HyperCLDB: cl5083 MOR/0.4R MOR/0.4R cell HyperCLDB: cl5084 MOR/CPR MOR/CPR cell HyperCLDB: cl5085 Mouse Mouse cell ATCC: CRL-6440 MOUSE L CELLS (TK+, HBS Ag+) MOUSE L CELLS (TK+, HBS Ag+) cell HyperCLDB: cl3542 MP 1 MP 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3543 MP 10 MP 10 cell HyperCLDB: cl3544 MP 12 MP 12 cell HyperCLDB: cl3545 MP 14 MP 14 cell HyperCLDB: cl3546 MP 3 MP 3 cell HyperCLDB: cl3547 MP 4 MP 4 cell HyperCLDB: cl3548 MP 5 MP 5 cell HyperCLDB: cl3549 MP 6 MP 6 cell HyperCLDB: cl3550 MP 8 MP 8 cell HyperCLDB: cl3551 MP 9 MP 9 cell HyperCLDB: cl3552 M-P88 M-P88 cell HyperCLDB: cl3298 MP90 MP90 cell HyperCLDB: cl3553 M-P91a M-P91a cell HyperCLDB: cl3299 M-P91f M-P91f cell HyperCLDB: cl3300 MP95P MP95P cell HyperCLDB: cl3554 MPC 11 OUAr disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma MPC 11 OUAr cell ATCC: TIB-15 MPC-11 disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma MPC-11 cell ATCC: CCL-167 Mpf Mpf cell ATCC: CRL-1656 MPK MPK cell ATCC: CCL-166 MPL96M MPL96M cell HyperCLDB: cl3560 MPP 89 disease: mesothelioma MPP 89 cell HyperCLDB: cl5400 MPRO Cell Line, Clone 2.1 disease: neutrophil progenitor cell line MPRO Cell Line, Clone 2.1 cell ATCC: CRL-11422 MR MR cell HyperCLDB: cl3561 MR1 disease: hybridoma MR1 cell ATCC: CRL-2580 MR87 MR87 cell HyperCLDB: cl3562 M-R89 M-R89 cell HyperCLDB: cl3301 M-R95 M-R95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3302 MRC-5 MRC-5 cell ATCC: CCL-171 HyperCLDB: cl3564 MRC-5 SV1 TG1 MRC-5 SV1 TG1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3569 MRC-5 SV1 TG2 MRC-5 SV1 TG2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3570 MRC-5 SV2 MRC-5 SV2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3571 MRC-7 MRC-7 cell HyperCLDB: cl3572 MRC-9 MRC-9 cell ATCC: CCL-212 MRSS-1 disease: hybridoma, B cell MRSS-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5234 MRSS-1 (D22D44) disease: hybridoma MRSS-1 (D22D44) cell ATCC: HB-69 MRSV (AP170) MRSV (AP170) cell HyperCLDB: cl3588 MS MS cell HyperCLDB: cl3589 MS1 MS1 cell ATCC: CRL-2279 MS1 VEGF MS1 VEGF cell ATCC: CRL-2460 MS-5 MS-5 cell HyperCLDB: cl7106 LCL-1306 MS751 disease: epidermoid carcinoma (cervix primary) MS751 cell ATCC: HTB-34 MS95 MS95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3591 LCL-1776 MSTO-211H disease: mesothelioma, biphasic (lung primary) MSTO-211H cell ATCC: CRL-2081 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308116 CVCL: CVCL_1430 EFO: EFO_0002839 MSV.B MSV.B cell HyperCLDB: cl3592 MSVIF-TK+ MSVIF-TK+ cell HyperCLDB: cl3593 mSXL 104 disease: hybridoma mSXL 104 cell ATCC: CRL-1953 mSXL 114 disease: hybridoma mSXL 114 cell ATCC: CRL-1954 mSXL 18 disease: hybridoma mSXL 18 cell ATCC: CRL-1952 mSXL 5 disease: hybridoma mSXL 5 cell ATCC: CRL-1951 MT1.K MT1.K cell ATCC: CRL-6309 MT2 MT2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3595 HyperCLDB: cl3597 MT3 disease: leukemia, plasma cell MT3 cell HyperCLDB: cl3598 LCL-1473 MT-3 MT-3 cell DSMZ: ACC 403 HyperCLDB: cl5337 MT4 MT4 cell HyperCLDB: cl3594 HyperCLDB: cl3599 MT-6 disease: fibrosarcoma MT-6 cell ATCC: CRL-2805 MT89 MT89 cell HyperCLDB: cl3601 M-T95a M-T95a cell HyperCLDB: cl3303 M-T95f M-T95f cell HyperCLDB: cl3304 MTC SK MTC SK cell HyperCLDB: cl3602 MTC-M disease: medulla; C cell; carcinoma MTC-M cell ATCC: CRL-1806 MTKP 97-12 MTKP 97-12 cell ATCC: CRL-8985 MU14.K MU14.K cell ATCC: CRL-6485 Murphy Murphy cell ATCC: CRL-7722 MUTZ-1 disease: myelodysplastic syndrome MUTZ-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3603 MUTZ-2 disease: leukemia, acute myeloid MUTZ-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl5338 MUTZ-3 MUTZ-3 cell HyperCLDB: cl5339 Mv 1 Lu Mv 1 Lu cell HyperCLDB: cl3604 HyperCLDB: cl3608 HyperCLDB: cl3609 Mv 1 Lu (NBL-7) Mv 1 Lu (NBL-7) cell ATCC: CCL-64 LCL-1092 MV-4-11 MV-4-11 cell ATCC: CRL-9591 CRL-9591 HyperCLDB: cl3610 HyperCLDB: cl3611 M-V94 M-V94 cell HyperCLDB: cl3305 Mvi/It MX Mvi/It MX cell ATCC: CRL-6012 MVPK-1 MVPK-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3612 My 43.51 disease: hybridoma My 43.51 cell ATCC: HB-12128 MY904 disease: hybridoma MY904 cell ATCC: HB-9510 MYA-1 MYA-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2417 MYB 2-3.76 disease: hybridoma MYB 2-3.76 cell ATCC: CRL-1728 MYB 2-7.77 disease: hybridoma MYB 2-7.77 cell ATCC: CRL-1724 MYC 1-9E10.2 disease: hybridoma MYC 1-9E10.2 cell ATCC: CRL-1729 MYC CT 14-G4.3 disease: hybridoma MYC CT 14-G4.3 cell ATCC: CRL-1727 MYC CT 9-B7.3 disease: hybridoma MYC CT 9-B7.3 cell ATCC: CRL-1725 N1.551 disease: hybridoma N1.551 cell ATCC: CRL-2040 N18 disease: neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid N18 cell HyperCLDB: cl3619 N-18 N-18 cell HyperCLDB: cl3614 N18TG2 N18TG2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3620 N1E-115 N1E-115 cell ATCC: CRL-2263 N1-S1 disease: hepatoma; Novikoff hepatoma N1-S1 cell ATCC: CRL-1604 N1-S1 Fudr disease: hepatoma; Novikoff hepatoma N1-S1 Fudr cell ATCC: CRL-1603 N2.261 disease: hybridoma N2.261 cell ATCC: CRL-2047 N22 disease: hybridoma N22 cell ATCC: HB-225 N3.36 disease: hybridoma N3.36 cell ATCC: CRL-2042 N3-36 N3-36 cell HyperCLDB: cl5341 N418 disease: hybridoma N418 cell ATCC: HB-224 N4TG3 N4TG3 cell HyperCLDB: cl3624 N92 N92 cell HyperCLDB: cl3625 NA C 1300 clone NA C 1300 clone cell HyperCLDB: cl3626 NA101 NA101 cell HyperCLDB: cl3627 N-A90 N-A90 cell HyperCLDB: cl3615 NA95P NA95P cell HyperCLDB: cl3628 NAD-118-E95-STO NAD-118-E95-STO cell HyperCLDB: cl3629 NALM-1 disease: leukemia, chronic myeloid NALM-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3630 LCL-1007 NALM-6 NALM-6 cell ACC 128 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307559 CVCL: CVCL_0092 EFO: EFO_0002245 HyperCLDB: cl3631 LCL-2022 NAMALWA disease: Burkitts lymphoma NAMALWA cell ATCC: CRL-1432 HyperCLDB: cl3633 NAMALWA.CSN/70 NAMALWA.CSN/70 cell HyperCLDB: cl3638 NAMALWA.IPN/45 NAMALWA.IPN/45 cell HyperCLDB: cl3639 NAMALWA.KN2 NAMALWA.KN2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3640 LCL-2029 NAMALWA.PNT NAMALWA.PNT cell DSMZ: ACC 69 HyperCLDB: cl3641 NB-100 NB-100 cell HyperCLDB: cl3642 Nb2-11 Nb2-11 cell HyperCLDB: cl5086 NB3 disease: hybridoma NB3 cell ATCC: HB-10205 LCL-1084 NB-4 NB.4 NB4 WEB: NB-4 cell ACC 207 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308423 EFO: EFO_0002798 HyperCLDB: cl3643 RRID: CVCL_0005 NB41A3 NB41A3 cell ATCC: CCL-147 HyperCLDB: cl3645 N-B88 N-B88 cell HyperCLDB: cl3616 NBT-II disease: tumor NBT-II cell ATCC: CRL-1655 NC 0467.3.1 NC 0467.3.1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3647 LCL-2057 NC-37 NC-37 cell ATCC: CCL-214 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307322 CVCL: CVCL_3042 EFO: EFO_0002247 NC95 NC95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3651 N-C96 N-C96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3617 NCCIT disease: teratocarcinoma; nullipotent NCCIT cell ATCC: CRL-2073 NCE-F161 NCE-F161 cell ATCC: CRL-8727 NCI-BL1184 NCI-BL1184 cell ATCC: CRL-5949 NCI-BL128 NCI-BL128 cell ATCC: CRL-5947 NCI-BL1339 NCI-BL1339 cell ATCC: CRL-5950 NCI-BL1395 NCI-BL1395 cell ATCC: CRL-5957 NCI-BL1437 NCI-BL1437 cell ATCC: CRL-5958 NCI-BL1450 NCI-BL1450 cell ATCC: CRL-5951 NCI-BL1514 NCI-BL1514 cell ATCC: CRL-5952 NCI-BL1607 NCI-BL1607 cell ATCC: CRL-5953 NCI-BL1672 NCI-BL1672 cell ATCC: CRL-5959 NCI-BL1770 NCI-BL1770 cell ATCC: CRL-5960 NCI-BL2009 NCI-BL2009 cell ATCC: CRL-5961 NCI-BL2028 NCI-BL2028 cell ATCC: CRL-5962 NCI-BL2052 NCI-BL2052 cell ATCC: CRL-5963 NCI-BL2087 NCI-BL2087 cell ATCC: CRL-5965 NCI-BL209 NCI-BL209 cell ATCC: CRL-5948 NCI-BL2107 NCI-BL2107 cell ATCC: CRL-5966 NCI-BL2122 NCI-BL2122 cell ATCC: CRL-5967 NCI-BL2126 NCI-BL2126 cell ATCC: CCL-256.1 NCI-BL2141 NCI-BL2141 cell ATCC: CRL-5955 NCI-BL2171 NCI-BL2171 cell ATCC: CRL-5969 NCI-BL2195 NCI-BL2195 cell ATCC: CRL-5956 NCI-BL2347 NCI-BL2347 cell ATCC: CRL-5970 LCL-1810 NCI-H1048 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1048 cell ATCC: CRL-5853 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308763 CVCL: CVCL_1453 EFO: EFO_0002248 LCL-1836 NCI-H1092 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1092 cell ATCC: CRL-5855 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308311 CVCL: CVCL_1454 EFO: EFO_0002249 NCI-H1105 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1105 cell ATCC: CRL-5856 LCL-1628 ZN NCI-H1155 disease: large cell neuro- endocrine carcinoma (lung primary) NCI-H1155 cell ATCC: CRL-5818 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308312 CVCL: CVCL_1456 EFO: EFO_0002250 NCI-H1184 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1184 cell ATCC: CRL-5858 NCI-H1238 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1238 cell ATCC: CRL-5859 NCI-H128 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H128 cell ATCC: HTB-120 LCL-1609 ZN, YH CRL-5803 H1299 NCI-H1299 disease: large cell neuro- endocrine carcinoma (lung primary) NCI-H1299 cell ATCC: CRL-5803 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308501 CVCL: CVCL_0060 EFO: EFO_0003043 LCL-2058 NCI-H1304 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1304 cell ATCC: CRL-5862 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308554 CVCL: CVCL_1462 NCI-H1341 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1341 cell ATCC: CRL-5864 LCL-1669 ZN NCI-H1355 NCI-H1355 cell ATCC: CRL-5865 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308876 CVCL: CVCL_1464 EFO: EFO_0002251 Sanger: COSMIC ID:724866 NCI-H1373 NCI-H1373 cell ATCC: CRL-5866 LCL-1624 ZN NCI-H1385 disease: squamous cell neuro- endocrine carcinoma (lung primary) NCI-H1385 cell ATCC: CRL-5867 LCL-1660 NCI-H1395 NCI-H1395 cell ATCC: CRL-5868 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308313 CVCL: CVCL_1467 EFO: EFO_0002252 LCL-1912 NCI-H1404 disease: papillary adenocar- cinoma (lung primary) NCI-H1404 cell ATCC: CRL-5819 LCL-1837 NCI-H1417 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer NCI-H1417 cell ATCC: CRL-5869 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308854 CVCL: CVCL_1469 LCL-1610 NCI-H1435 NCI-H1435 cell ATCC: CRL-5870 LCL-1838 NCI-H1436 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1436 cell ATCC: CRL-5871 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308893 CVCL: CVCL_1471 EFO: EFO_0002253 LCL-1637 ZN NCI-H1437 NCI-H1437 cell ATCC: CRL-5872 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308764 CVCL: CVCL_1472 EFO: EFO_0002254 NCI-H146 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H146 cell ATCC: HTB-173 LCL-1839 NCI-H1522 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1522 cell ATCC: CRL-5874 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308877 CVCL: CVCL_1474 LCL-1661 NCI-H1563 NCI-H1563 cell ATCC: CRL-5875 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308457 CVCL: CVCL_1475 EFO: EFO_0002255 LCL-1611 ZN NCI-H1568 NCI-H1568 cell ATCC: CRL-5876 LCL-1638 ZN NCI-H1573 NCI-H1573 cell ATCC: CRL-5877 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308117 CVCL: CVCL_1478 EFO: EFO_0002256 LCL-1783 NCI-H1581 disease: large cell adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer NCI-H1581 cell ATCC: CRL-5878 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308765 CVCL: CVCL_1479 EFO: EFO_0002257 LCL-1840 NCI-H1618 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1618 cell ATCC: CRL-5879 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308314 CVCL: CVCL_1480 EFO: EFO_0002258 LCL-1639 ZN NCI-H1623 NCI-H1623 cell ATCC: CRL-5881 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308766 CVCL: CVCL_1481 EFO: EFO_0002259 LCL-1632 ZN NCI-H1648 NCI-H1648 cell ATCC: CRL-5882 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308315 CVCL: CVCL_1482 EFO: EFO_0003119 LCL-1612 ZN NCI-H1650 NCI-H1650 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308800 CVCL: CVCL_1483 EFO: EFO_0002260 LCL-1633 NCI-H1651 NCI-H1651 cell ATCC: CRL-5884 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308383 CVCL: CVCL_1484 EFO: EFO_0002261 LCL-1673 ZN NCI-H1666 NCI-H1666 cell ATCC: CRL-5885 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308118 CVCL: CVCL_1485 EFO: EFO_0002262 NCI-H1672 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer NCI-H1672 cell ATCC: CRL-5886 LCL-1811 NCI-H1688 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer NCI-H1688 cell ATCC: CCL-257 LCL-1640 ZN NCI-H1693 NCI-H1693 cell ATCC: CRL-5887 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308458 CVCL: CVCL_1488 LCL-1841 NCI-H1694 NCIH1694 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1694 cell ATCC: CRL-5888 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308555 CVCL: CVCL_1489 EFO: EFO_0002263 LCL-1582 NCI-H1703 disease: squamous cell adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer NCI-H1703 cell ATCC: CRL-5889 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308503 CVCL: CVCL_1490 EFO: EFO_0002264 LCL-1641 NCI-H1734 NCI-H1734 cell ATCC: CRL-5891 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308767 CVCL: CVCL_1491 LCL-1642 ZN NCI-H1755 NCI-H1755 cell ATCC: CRL-5892 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308768 CVCL: CVCL_1492 LCL-1625 ZN NCI-H1770 disease: neuroendocrine carc- cinoma; non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1770 cell ATCC: CRL-5893 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308316 CVCL: CVCL_1493 EFO: EFO_0002265 LCL-1643 ZN NCI-H1781 NCI-H1781 cell ATCC: CRL-5894 LCL-1644 ZN NCI-H1792 NCI-H1792 cell ATCC: CRL-5895 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308816 CVCL: CVCL_1495 EFO: EFO_0002266 LCL-1645 NCI-H1793 NCI-H1793 cell ATCC: CRL-5896 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308579 CVCL: CVCL_1496 EFO: EFO_0002267 NCI-H1819 disease: adenocarcinoma (lung primary) NCI-H1819 cell ATCC: CRL-5897 LCL-1842 NCI-H1836 NCIH1836 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer NCI-H1836 cell ATCC: CRL-5898 LCL-1662 NCI-H1838 NCI-H1838 cell ATCC: CRL-5899 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308317 CVCL: CVCL_1499 EFO: EFO_0002268 LCL-1613 ZN NCI-H1869 disease: squamous cell carcinoma (lung primary) NCI-H1869 cell ATCC: CRL-5900 LCL-1843 NCI-H187 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H187 cell ATCC: CRL-5804 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308878 CVCL: CVCL_1501 EFO: EFO_0002269 NCI-H1870 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1870 cell ATCC: CRL-5901 LCL-1812 NCI-H1876 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1876 cell ATCC: CRL-5902 LCL-1844 NCI-H1882 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1882 cell ATCC: CRL-5903 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308318 CVCL: CVCL_1504 LCL-1598 ZN NCI-H1915 disease: large cell carcinoma; poorly differentiated (lung primary) NCI-H1915 cell ATCC: CRL-5904 NCI-H1926 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1926 cell ATCC: CRL-5905 NCI-H1930 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1930 cell ATCC: CRL-5906 LCL-1614 ZN NCI-H1944 NCI-H1944 cell ATCC: CRL-5907 LCL-1813 NCI-H196 disease: carcinoma; variant small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H196 cell ATCC: CRL-5823 LCL-1845 NCI-H1963 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer NCI-H1963 cell ATCC: CRL-5982 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308855 CVCL: CVCL_1510 LCL-1663 NCI-H1975 NCI-H1975 cell ATCC: CRL-5908 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307601 CVCL: CVCL_1511 EFO: EFO_0002271 LCL-1646 ZN NCI-H1993 NCI-H1993 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308138 CVCL: CVCL_1512 EFO: EFO_0002272 NCI-H1994 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H1994 cell ATCC: CRL-5910 LCL-1647 ZN NCI-H2009 NCI-H2009 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308459 CVCL: CVCL_1514 EFO: EFO_0002273 LCL-1599 ZN NCI-H2023 NCI-H2023 cell ATCC: CRL-5912 LCL-1814 NCI-H2029 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H2029 cell ATCC: CRL-5913 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308473 CVCL: CVCL_1516 LCL-1648 ZN NCI-H2030 NCI-H2030 cell ATCC: CRL-5914 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308769 CVCL: CVCL_1517 EFO: EFO_0002274 NCI-H2052 disease: mesothelioma (pleura primary) NCI-H2052 cell ATCC: CRL-5915 NCI-H2059 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H2059 cell ATCC: CRL-5916 NCI-H2066 disease: small cell lung cancer; adenocar- cinoma; squamous cell carcinoma NCI-H2066 cell ATCC: CRL-5917 LCL-1649 NCI-H2073 NCIH2073 NCI-H2073 cell LCL-1846 NCI-H2081 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H2081 cell ATCC: CRL-5920 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308319 CVCL: CVCL_1522 EFO: EFO_0002276 LCL-1615 NCI-H2085 NCI-H2085 cell ATCC: CRL-5921 LCL-1650 ZN NCI-H2087 NCI-H2087 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308770 CVCL: CVCL_1524 EFO: EFO_0002277 LCL-1847 NCI-H209 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H209 cell ATCC: HTB-172 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308293 CVCL: CVCL_1525 LCL-1848 NCI-H2106 disease: large cell neuro- endocrine carcinoma (lung primary) NCI-H2106 cell ATCC: CRL-5923 NCI-H2107 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H2107 cell ATCC: CRL-5983 NCI-H2108 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H2108 cell ATCC: CRL-5984 LCL-1849 NCI-H211 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H211 cell ATCC: CRL-5824 LCL-1616 ZN NCI-H2110 disease: non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H2110 cell ATCC: CRL-5924 LCL-1651 ZN NCI-H2122 NCI-H2122 cell ATCC: CRL-5985 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308771 CVCL: CVCL_1531 EFO: EFO_0002279 LCL-1627 NCI-H2126 disease: carcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer NCI-H2126 cell ATCC: CCL-256 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308894 CVCL: CVCL_1532 EFO: EFO_0002280 Sanger: COSMIC ID:687814 LCL-1617 NCI-H2135 disease: non-small cell lung cancer NCI-H2135 cell ATCC: CRL-5926 LCL-1850 NCI-H2141 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H2141 cell ATCC: CRL-5927 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308556 CVCL: CVCL_1534 LCL-1590 NCI-H2170 disease: squamous cell carcinoma NCI-H2170 cell ATCC: CRL-5928 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308460 CVCL: CVCL_1535 EFO: EFO_0002281 LCL-1851 NCI-H2171 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H2171 cell ATCC: CRL-5929 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308320 CVCL: CVCL_1536 EFO: EFO_0002282 LCL-1618 NCI-H2172 disease: non-small cell lung cancer NCI-H2172 cell ATCC: CRL-5930 LCL-1815 NCI-H2195 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H2195 cell ATCC: CRL-5931 LCL-1816 NCI-H2196 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H2196 cell ATCC: CRL-5932 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308772 CVCL: CVCL_1539 LCL-1817 NCI-H2198 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H2198 cell ATCC: CRL-5933 LCL-1852 NCI-H220 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H220 cell ATCC: CRL-5825 LCL-1853 NCI-H2227 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer NCI-H2227 cell ATCC: CRL-5934 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308321 CVCL: CVCL_1542 LCL-1652 NCI-H2228 NCI-H2228 cell ATCC: CRL-5935 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308120 CVCL: CVCL_1543 EFO: EFO_0002284 LCL-1597 ZN NCI-H226 disease: squamous cell carcinoma; mesothelioma (lung primary) NCI-H226 cell ATCC: CRL-5826 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307697 CVCL: CVCL_1544 EFO: EFO_0002285 LCL-1818 NCI-H2286 disease: small cell lung cancer; adeno- carcinoma; squamous cell carcinoma NCI-H2286 cell ATCC: CRL-5938 LCL-1653 ZN NCI-H2291 NCI-H2291 cell ATCC: CRL-5939 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308880 CVCL: CVCL_1546 LCL-1619 NCI-H23 NCI-H23 cell ATCC: CRL-5800 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307750 CVCL: CVCL_1547 EFO: EFO_0002286 NCI-H2330 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H2330 cell ATCC: CRL-5940 LCL-1654 NCI-H2342 NCI-H2342 cell ATCC: CRL-5941 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308773 CVCL: CVCL_1549 LCL-1620 NCI-H2347 NCI-H2347 cell ATCC: CRL-5942 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308386 CVCL: CVCL_1550 EFO: EFO_0002287 LCL-1655 ZN NCI-H2405 NCI-H2405 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308774 CVCL: CVCL_1551 EFO: EFO_0002288 LCL-1621 NCI-H2444 disease: non-small cell lung cancer NCI-H2444 cell ATCC: CRL-5945 LCL-1230 NCI-H2452 disease: mesothelioma NCI-H2452 cell ATCC: CRL-5946 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308580 CVCL: CVCL_1553 NCI-H250 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H250 cell ATCC: CRL-5828 NCI-H28 disease: mesothelioma (pleura primary) NCI-H28 cell ATCC: CRL-5820 NCI-H292 disease: mucoepidermoid pulmonary carcinoma NCI-H292 cell ATCC: CRL-1848 NCI-H295 disease: cortex adrenocortical carcinoma NCI-H295 cell ATCC: CRL-10296 NCI-H295R NCI-H295R cell ATCC: CRL-2128 LCL-1798 NCI-H322 disease: carcinoma, bronchioalveolar NCI-H322 cell ECACC: 95111734 HyperCLDB: cl3655 LCL-1854 NCI-H345 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H345 cell ATCC: HTB-180 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307324 CVCL: CVCL_1558 LCL-1671 ZN NCI-H358 disease: alveolus); bronchioalveolar carcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer NCI-H358 cell ATCC: CRL-5807 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307543 CVCL: CVCL_1559 EFO: EFO_0002291 NCI-H378 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H378 cell ATCC: CRL-5808 LCL-1911 NCI-H441 disease: papillary adeno- carcinoma (lung primary) NCI-H441 cell ATCC: HTB-174 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308121 CVCL: CVCL_1561 EFO: EFO_0002292 LCL-1855 NCI-H446 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H446 cell ATCC: HTB-171 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307760 CVCL: CVCL_1562 EFO: EFO_0002293 LCL-1784 QL, YH NCI-H460 disease: large cell carci- noma (lung primary) NCI-H460 cell ATCC: HTB-177 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307677 CVCL: CVCL_0459 EFO: EFO_0003044 NCI-H498 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma NCI-H498 cell ATCC: CCL-254 NCI-H508 NCIH508 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma NCI-H508 cell ATCC: CCL-253 LCL-1856 NCI-H510A disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (unknown primary) NCI-H510A cell ATCC: HTB-184 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308322 CVCL: CVCL_1565 LCL-1591 NCI-H520 disease: squamous cell carcinoma NCI-H520 cell ATCC: HTB-182 LCL-1622 NCI-H522 NCI-H522 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308392 CVCL: CVCL_1567 EFO: EFO_0002295 LCL-1857 NCI-H524 disease: carcinoma; variant small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H524 cell ATCC: CRL-5831 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308296 CVCL: CVCL_1568 EFO: EFO_0002296 LCL-1858 NCI-H526 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H526 cell ATCC: CRL-5811 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308881 CVCL: CVCL_1569 NCI-H548 NCI-H548 cell ATCC: CCL-249 LCL-1786 NCI-H596 NCIH596 NCI-H596 cell ATCC: HTB-178 LCL-1287 NCI-H630 disease: carcinoma (rectum primary) NCI-H630 cell ATCC: CRL-5833 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307966 CVCL: CVCL_1572 EFO: EFO_0002297 LCL-1629 ZN NCI-H647 disease: mixed adeno- squamous and carcinoma (lung primary) NCI-H647 cell ATCC: CRL-5834 LCL-1672 ZN NCI-H650 NCI-H650 cell ATCC: CRL-5835 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308461 CVCL: CVCL_1575 EFO: EFO_0002298 NCI-H660 disease: extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma (prostate primary) NCI-H660 cell ATCC: CRL-5813 LCL-1785 NCI-H661 disease: carcinoma; large cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H661 cell ATCC: HTB-183 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308139 CVCL: CVCL_1577 EFO: EFO_0002299 NCI-H676B disease: adenocarcinoma (lung primary) NCI-H676B cell ATCC: HTB-179 LCL-1859 NCI-H69 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H69 cell ATCC: HTB-119 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307712 CVCL: CVCL_1579 EFO: EFO_0002823 NCI-H69/LX20 disease: carcinoma, lung small cell NCI-H69/LX20 cell HyperCLDB: cl5087 NCI-H711 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H711 cell ATCC: CRL-5836 LCL-1339 NCI-H716 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma NCI-H716 cell ATCC: CCL-251 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308297 CVCL: CVCL_1581 EFO: EFO_0002301 Sanger: COSMIC ID:908458 LCL-1860 NCI-H719 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H719 cell ATCC: CRL-5837 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308551 CVCL: CVCL_1582 LCL-1155 NCI-H720 NCI-H720 cell ATCC: CRL-5838 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308851 CVCL: CVCL_1583 EFO: EFO_0002302 LCL-1153 NCI-H727 NCI-H727 cell ATCC: CRL-5815 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308393 CVCL: CVCL_1584 NCI-H735 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H735 cell ATCC: CRL-5978 NCI-H740 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H740 cell ATCC: CRL-5840 LCL-1340 NCI-H747 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma NCI-H747 cell ATCC: CCL-252 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308895 CVCL: CVCL_1587 EFO: EFO_0002303 Sanger: COSMIC ID:908457 LCL-1861 NCI-H748 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H748 cell ATCC: CRL-5841 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308298 CVCL: CVCL_1588 EFO: EFO_0002304 NCI-H774 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H774 cell ATCC: CRL-5842 LCL-1670 NCI-H810 disease: large cell; neuroendocrine; carcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer NCI-H810 cell ATCC: CRL-5816 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308483 CVCL: CVCL_1590 EFO: EFO_0002305 LCL-1862 NCI-H82 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H82 cell ATCC: HTB-175 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308882 CVCL: CVCL_1591 EFO: EFO_0002306 NCI-H820 disease: papillary adenocarci- noma (lung primary) NCI-H820 cell ATCC: HTB-181 NCI-H835 disease: carcinoid NCI-H835 cell ATCC: CRL-5843 LCL-1623 ZN NCI-H838 NCI-H838 cell ATCC: CRL-5844 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308122 CVCL: CVCL_1594 EFO: EFO_0002307 LCL-1819 NCI-H841 disease: carcinoma; variant small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H841 cell ATCC: CRL-5845 LCL-1863 NCI-H847 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H847 cell ATCC: CRL-5846 NCI-H865 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H865 cell ATCC: CRL-5849 LCL-1864 NCI-H889 disease: carcinoma; classic small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H889 cell ATCC: CRL-5817 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308299 CVCL: CVCL_1598 NCI-H920 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H920 cell ATCC: CRL-5850 NCI-H929 disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma NCI-H929 cell ATCC: CRL-9068 NCI-H969 disease: adenocarcinoma; non-small cell lung cancer (lung primary) NCI-H969 cell ATCC: CRL-5852 LCL-1886 NCI-N87 disease: gastric carcinoma (stomach primary) NCI-N87 cell ATCC: CRL-5822 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307326 CVCL: CVCL_1603 EFO: EFO_0002841 NC-NC NC-NC cell HyperCLDB: cl3650 NCTC 2071 NCTC 2071 cell HyperCLDB: cl3663 NCTC 2544 NCTC 2544 cell HyperCLDB: cl3664 NCTC 3749 disease: macrophage; lymphoma NCTC 3749 cell ATCC: CCL-46.1 NCTC 4093 NCTC 4093 cell ATCC: CCL-63 NCTC 4206 NCTC 4206 cell ATCC: CCL-14.2 NCTC clone 1469 NCTC clone 1469 cell ATCC: CCL-9.1 NCTC clone 2472 NCTC clone 2472 cell ATCC: CCL-11 NCTC clone 2555 NCTC clone 2555 cell ATCC: CCL-12 NCTC clone 3526 NCTC clone 3526 cell ATCC: CCL-7.2 NCTC clone 929 NCTC clone 929 cell ATCC: CCL-1 ND15 ND15 cell HyperCLDB: cl5118 ND27 disease: neuroblastoma x root ganglion neuron hybrid ND27 cell HyperCLDB: cl3679 ND3 ND3 cell HyperCLDB: cl5119 ND7/23 ND7/23 cell HyperCLDB: cl3680 ND8/34 ND8/34 cell HyperCLDB: cl5120 ND-C ND-C cell HyperCLDB: cl5117 ND-E disease: neuroblastoma x root ganglion neuron hybrid ND-E cell HyperCLDB: cl3677 ND-U1 disease: neuroblastoma x root ganglion neuron hybrid ND-U1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3678 NE disease: teratocarcinoma; nullipotent NE cell ATCC: CRL-2070 Ne Loc disease: stiff skin syndrome Ne Loc cell ATCC: CRL-1205 NEF26.Ov NEF26.Ov cell ATCC: CRL-6175 NEF36.Sg NEF36.Sg cell ATCC: CRL-6176 Neopu Neopu cell HyperCLDB: cl3681 Neuro-2a Neuro-2a cell ATCC: CCL-131 HyperCLDB: cl3684 HyperCLDB: cl3685 HyperCLDB: cl4956 NF-1 disease: teratocarcinoma; nullipotent NF-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2075 NF96 NF96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3686 NF96IL2 NF96IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3687 NFPE disease: embryonic carcinoma NFPE cell ATCC: CRL-2069 NFS-25 C-3 NFS-25 C-3 cell ATCC: CRL-1695 NFS-5 C-1 NFS-5 C-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1693 HyperCLDB: cl3689 NFS-70 C-10 NFS-70 C-10 cell ATCC: CRL-1694 HyperCLDB: cl3690 NG108-15 disease: glial cell; neuron; glioblastoma; neuro- blastoma (hybrid) NG108-15 cell ATCC: HB-12317 NG115-401L NG115-401L cell HyperCLDB: cl3692 NG96 NG96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3693 NG96IL2 NG96IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3694 NGM96 NGM96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3695 NGP96 NGP96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3696 NGUK-1 NGUK-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3697 NH17 NH17 cell HyperCLDB: cl3698 NIH EGFR-T17 NIH EGFR-T17 cell HyperCLDB: cl3699 LCL-1522 ZN NIH:OVCAR-3 NIH:OVCAR-3 cell ATCC: HTB-161 NIH-3T3 NIH-3T3 cell ATCC: CRL-1658 HyperCLDB: cl3710 HyperCLDB: cl3711 MeSH: D041681 NIH-3T3 4-2 NIH-3T3 4-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3700 NIH-3T3D4 NIH-3T3D4 cell HyperCLDB: cl3701 NIT-1 disease: insulinoma NIT-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2055 NIT-2 disease: adenoma; carboxypeptidase E defective NIT-2 cell ATCC: CRL-2364 NK-92 disease: IL-2 dependent, cytotoxic to a wide range of malignant cells NK-92 cell ATCC: CRL-2407 LCL-1127 NK-92MI disease: IL-2 independent, cytotoxic to a wide range of malignant cells NK-92MI cell ATCC: CRL-2408 NL20 disease: immortalized with SV40 large T plasmid, p129 NL20 cell ATCC: CRL-2503 NL20-TA disease: immortalized with SV40 large T plasmid, p129 NL20-TA cell ATCC: CRL-2504 NM94 NM94 cell HyperCLDB: cl3715 NM95 NM95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3716 NMU NMU cell ATCC: CRL-1743 NMu3Li NMu3Li cell ATCC: CRL-6447 NMuLi NMuLi cell ATCC: CRL-1638 NMuMG NMuMG cell ATCC: CRL-1636 NN-3 disease: hybridoma NN-3 cell ATCC: HB-8474 NN-4 disease: hybridoma NN-4 cell ATCC: HB-8473 NN-5 disease: hybridoma NN-5 cell ATCC: HB-8476 No Per disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, possible heterozygote No Per cell ATCC: CRL-1327 NOR-10 NOR-10 cell ATCC: CCL-197 HyperCLDB: cl3720 NP NP cell HyperCLDB: cl3722 NR8383 NR8383 cell ATCC: CRL-2192 NRbM disease: hybridoma NRbM cell ATCC: CRL-1839 NRK NRK cell ATCC: CRL-6509 NRK 49F NRK 49F cell HyperCLDB: cl3726 NRK-49F NRK-49F cell ATCC: CRL-1570 NRK-52E NRK-52E cell ATCC: CRL-1571 N-S.2.1 disease: hybridoma N-S.2.1 cell ATCC: TIB-108 N-S.4.1 disease: hybridoma N-S.4.1 cell ATCC: TIB-110 N-S.7 disease: hybridoma N-S.7 cell ATCC: TIB-114 N-S.8.1 disease: hybridoma N-S.8.1 cell ATCC: TIB-109 NS0 NS0 cell HyperCLDB: cl3739 NS0/1 NS0/1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3734 NS20Y NS20Y cell HyperCLDB: cl3736 NSO NSO cell HyperCLDB: cl3737 NT2-D1 disease: carcinoma, embryonal pluripotent NT2-D1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3740 NT2-D1 NT2/D1 NT2D1 NTERA-2 cl.D1 NTERA-2 clone D1 NTERA-2/D1 NTERA-2cl.D1 NTERA2-D1 NTERA2-cloneD1 NTERA2/D1 NTERA2D1 NTera 2/cl.D1 NTera-2D1 NTera2 cl.D1 NTera2/D1 NTera2D1 Nt2D1 Ntera2/D1 WEB: WEB: The parental NTERA-2 lines was established in 1980 from a nude mouse xenograft of the Tera-2 cell line (see ATCC HTB-106). The NTERA-2 cl.D1 cell line is a pluripotent human testicular embryonal carcinoma cell line derived by cloning the NTERA-2 cell line. Ref: epithelial-like,differentiation changes phenotype. NTERA-2 cl.D1 cell ATCC: CRL-1973 HyperCLDB: cl5088 Nthy-ori 3-1 Nthy-ori 3-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3741 Nthy-ts1 Nthy-ts1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3742 NUC-1 NUC-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3743 NUC-5 NUC-5 cell HyperCLDB: cl3744 NULLI-SCC1 disease: teratocarcinoma; nullipotent NULLI-SCC1 cell ATCC: CRL-1566 NV96 NV96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3746 NV96IL2 NV96IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3747 NZP-12 NZP-12 cell ATCC: CRL-1921 NZP-29 NZP-29 cell ATCC: CRL-1925 NZP-36 NZP-36 cell ATCC: CRL-1922 NZP-46 NZP-46 cell ATCC: CRL-1926 NZP-60 NZP-60 cell ATCC: CRL-1924 O1192 O1192 cell HyperCLDB: cl3750 O88M O88M cell HyperCLDB: cl3752 O88P O88P cell HyperCLDB: cl3753 OA1 OA1 cell ATCC: CRL-6538 OA3.Ts OA3.Ts cell ATCC: CRL-6546 OA4.Bm OA4.Bm cell ATCC: CRL-6547 OA4.K/S1 OA4.K/S1 cell ATCC: CRL-6549 LCL-1698 OAW28 OAW28 cell ECACC: 85101601 HyperCLDB: cl3756 LCL-1699 OAW42 disease: cystoadenocarcinoma OAW42 cell ECACC: 85073102 HyperCLDB: cl3757 O-B94a O-B94a cell HyperCLDB: cl3748 OC 314 disease: cystoadenocarcinoma, low differentiated, papillary serous; G2/3 FIGO stage III c OC 314 cell HyperCLDB: cl4919 OC 315 disease: cystoadenocarcinoma, high grade papillary serous; G3 FIGO stage III c OC 315 cell HyperCLDB: cl4920 OC 316 disease: adenocarcinoma, low differentiated; G3 FIGO stage IV (pleural metastasis) OC 316 cell HyperCLDB: cl4943 O-C94 O-C94 cell HyperCLDB: cl3749 LCL-1065 OCI-AML2 OCI-AML2 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308300 CVCL: CVCL_1619 DSMZ: ACC 99 HyperCLDB: cl3760 LCL-1067 OCI-AML5 OCI-AML5 cell OD-3 disease: hybridoma OD-3 cell ATCC: HB-10204 LCL-1796 OE19 OE19 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308462 CVCL: CVCL_1622 ECACC: 96071721 EFO: EFO_0002308 HyperCLDB: cl3761 LCL-1558 ZN OE21 OE21 cell ECACC: 96062201 HyperCLDB: cl5089 LCL-1797 OE33 OE33 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308776 CVCL: CVCL_0471 ECACC: 96070808 EFO: EFO_0002310 HyperCLDB: cl3762 OE47 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell OE47 cell HyperCLDB: cl3763 OE50 OE50 cell HyperCLDB: cl3764 OHH1.K OHH1.K cell ATCC: CRL-6193 OHH1.Li OHH1.Li cell ATCC: CRL-6194 OHH1.Lu OHH1.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-6195 OK OK cell ATCC: CRL-1840 OKM 1 disease: hybridoma OKM 1 cell ATCC: CRL-8026 OKP-GS OKP-GS cell HyperCLDB: cl3767 OKT 1 disease: hybridoma OKT 1 cell ATCC: CRL-8000 OKT 10 disease: hybridoma OKT 10 cell ATCC: CRL-8022 OKT 11 disease: hybridoma OKT 11 cell ATCC: CRL-8027 OKT 3 disease: hybridoma OKT 3 cell ATCC: CRL-8001 OKT 4 disease: hybridoma OKT 4 cell ATCC: CRL-8002 OKT 5 disease: hybridoma OKT 5 cell ATCC: CRL-8013 OKT 5 OKT 5 cell ATCC: CRL-8016 OKT 6 disease: hybridoma OKT 6 cell ATCC: CRL-8020 OKT 8 disease: hybridoma OKT 8 cell ATCC: CRL-8014 OKT 9 disease: hybridoma OKT 9 cell ATCC: CRL-8021 OL95 OL95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3768 OLGA-PH-J/92 OLGA-PH-J/92 cell ATCC: CRL-2576 OM 3-1.1 disease: hybridoma OM 3-1.1 cell ATCC: HB-134 OM87 OM87 cell HyperCLDB: cl3770 OM87P OM87P cell HyperCLDB: cl3771 OMEGA-E OMEGA-E cell HyperCLDB: cl3772 OMK (637-69) OMK (637-69) cell HyperCLDB: cl3773 OMK(637-69) OMK(637-69) cell ATCC: CRL-1556 OML, clone 13C OML, clone 13C cell ATCC: CRL-2312 OP9 disease: bone marrow, stroma OP9 cell ATCC: CRL-2749 LCL-2048 OPM-2 OPM-2 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308883 CVCL: CVCL_1625 DSMZ: ACC 50 HyperCLDB: cl3774 Or De disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type III Or De cell ATCC: CRL-1366 OrR OrR cell HyperCLDB: cl3776 Os Te Os Te cell ATCC: CRL-1262 OSU1 OSU1 cell ATCC: CRL-6178 OT87M OT87M cell HyperCLDB: cl3777 OTH-74D4 OTH-74D4 cell HyperCLDB: cl7107 LCL-1523 OV-90 disease: malignant papillary serous adenocarcinoma (ovary primary) OV-90 cell ATCC: CRL-11732 OVB-3 disease: hybridoma OVB-3 cell ATCC: HB-9147 OV-CA 432 OV-CA 432 cell HyperCLDB: cl3778 OVCAR-3 OVCAR-3 cell HyperCLDB: cl3780 OVCAR-5 OVCAR-5 cell HyperCLDB: cl3781 OVNIS OVNIS cell HyperCLDB: cl3782 P 3 HR 1 P 3 HR 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5242 P subscript(3) NP/PFn disease: hybridoma P subscript(3) NP/PFn cell ATCC: HB-91 P0894 P0894 cell HyperCLDB: cl3801 P1 P1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3802 P-1 disease: hybridoma P-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2588 P1 1Ut (NBL-9) P1 1Ut (NBL-9) cell ATCC: CCL-74 P1.17 disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma P1.17 cell ATCC: TIB-10 P1.HTR P1.HTR cell HyperCLDB: cl3803 P1.HTR.TK- P1.HTR.TK- cell HyperCLDB: cl3804 P1095 P1095 cell HyperCLDB: cl3805 P116 disease: ZAP-70 negative; model for T cell receptor signaling P116 cell ATCC: CRL-2676 LCL-1032 P116.cl39 disease: transfected with ZAP-70 expression vector; control for P116 cells P116.cl39 cell ATCC: CRL-2677 P1192 P1192 cell HyperCLDB: cl3806 p120 disease: lymphomas-leukemias p120 cell HyperCLDB: cl3808 P1286 P1286 cell HyperCLDB: cl3809 P1294 P1294 cell HyperCLDB: cl3810 LCL-1020 P12-ICHIKAWA P12-ICHIKAWA cell CVCL: CVCL_1630 DSMZ: ACC 34 HyperCLDB: cl3807 P1392 P1392 cell HyperCLDB: cl3811 P1393 P1393 cell HyperCLDB: cl3812 P-19 P-19 cell HyperCLDB: cl5343 P19 disease: teratocarcinoma; embryonic carcinoma P19 cell ATCC: CRL-1825 P-190 P-190 cell HyperCLDB: cl3783 P1985a P1985a cell HyperCLDB: cl3814 P1985f P1985f cell HyperCLDB: cl3815 P1Bb1.1 (DBA/2) P1Bb1.1 (DBA/2) cell HyperCLDB: cl3816 P2 P2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3817 P2092 P2092 cell HyperCLDB: cl3818 P2189 P2189 cell HyperCLDB: cl3819 P2190 P2190 cell HyperCLDB: cl3820 P22 P22 cell HyperCLDB: cl3821 P25.48 disease: hybridoma P25.48 cell ATCC: HB-9119 P2594 P2594 cell HyperCLDB: cl3822 P3 6D4 (SCRF 43.1) disease: hybridoma P3 6D4 (SCRF 43.1) cell ATCC: HB-9168 P3 88 D1 P3 88 D1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3834 P3 8D2 (SCRF 43.1) disease: hybridoma P3 8D2 (SCRF 43.1) cell ATCC: HB-9169 P3 NS1 Ag4 P3 NS1 Ag4 cell HyperCLDB: cl3824 P3. disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma P3. cell ATCC: TIB-8 P3/NS1/1-Ag4.1 P3/NS1/1-Ag4.1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3827 HyperCLDB: cl3828 P3/NSI/1-Ag4-1 (NS-1) disease: hybridoma fusion partner P3/NSI/1-Ag4-1 (NS-1) cell ATCC: TIB-18 HyperCLDB: cl3825 P388 disease: leukemia P388 cell HyperCLDB: cl3829 P388.D1 (Clone 3124) P388.D1 (Clone 3124) cell HyperCLDB: cl3831 P388.D1 (clone 3124) disease: lymphoid neoplasm P388.D1 (clone 3124) cell HyperCLDB: cl4921 P388/DX P388/DX cell HyperCLDB: cl3832 P388D subscript(1) disease: monocyte; lymphoma P388D subscript(1) cell ATCC: TIB-63 P388D subscript(1) P388D subscript(1) cell ATCC: CCL-46 P388D1 P388D1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3833 P388D1 (IL-1) P388D1 (IL-1) cell HyperCLDB: cl3835 HyperCLDB: cl5344 P3D disease: hybridoma P3D cell ATCC: HB-11129 P3H3 P3H3 cell HyperCLDB: cl3836 LCL-2024 P3HR-1 disease: Burkitts lymphoma; B lymphoblast P3HR-1 cell ATCC: HTB-62 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307242 CVCL: CVCL_2676 EFO: EFO_0002312 P3NP/PFN disease: hybridoma P3NP/PFN cell HyperCLDB: cl5243 P3U1 P3U1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3839 P3X63Ag8 disease: hybridoma fusion partner P3X63Ag8 cell ATCC: TIB-9 P3X63Ag8.653 disease: hybridoma fusion partner P3X63Ag8.653 cell ATCC: CRL-1580 P3X63Ag8U.1 disease: hybridoma fusion partner P3X63Ag8U.1 cell ATCC: CRL-1597 P4 P4 cell HyperCLDB: cl3851 p53NiS1 disease: malignant; p53+/ p53NiS1 cell ATCC: CRL-2619 P-6 disease: hybridoma P-6 cell ATCC: CRL-2589 P-815 P-815 cell HyperCLDB: cl3784 immortal mouse mast cell line cell that was derived from some lymph node mast cell from a /2 mouse with mast cell neoplasm Oliver He P815 WEB: disease: mastocytoma P815 cell ATCC: TIB-64 RRID: CVCL_2154 P815-1-1 P815-1-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3852 P-9 disease: hybridoma P-9 cell ATCC: CRL-2590 P92 P92 cell HyperCLDB: cl3853 P93 P93 cell HyperCLDB: cl3854 P95 P95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3855 PA 2.6 disease: hybridoma PA 2.6 cell ATCC: HB-118 Pa Kel-1 disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type I (autosomal dominant type) Pa Kel-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1341 Pa Kel-2 disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type I (autosomal dominant type) Pa Kel-2 cell ATCC: CRL-1344 LCL-1416 ZN PA-1 disease: teratocarcinoma (ovary primary) PA-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1572 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308812 CVCL: CVCL_0479 PA1-CEF PA1-CEF cell HyperCLDB: cl3863 PA2.1 disease: hybridoma PA2.1 cell ATCC: HB-117 PA317 disease: amphotropic retroviral packaging line PA317 cell ATCC: CRL-9078 PA317 cell line containing JR-gal PA317 cell line containing JR-gal cell ATCC: CRL-9995 PA317 cyclin E-L disease: produces a retrovirus containing the human cyclin E-L gene PA317 cyclin E-L cell ATCC: CRL-2187 PA317 cyclin E-S disease: produces a retrovirus containing the human cyclin E-S gene PA317 cyclin E-S cell ATCC: CRL-2188 PA317 LXSN disease: produces amphotropic control retrovirus; G418 resistant PA317 LXSN cell ATCC: CRL-2202 PA317 LXSN 16E6 disease: amphotropic retroviral packaging line PA317 LXSN 16E6 cell ATCC: CRL-2204 PA317 LXSN 16E6E7 disease: amphotropic retroviral packaging line PA317 LXSN 16E6E7 cell ATCC: CRL-2203 PA317 LXSN 16E7 disease: amphotropic retroviral packaging line PA317 LXSN 16E7 cell ATCC: CRL-2205 PA317 LXSN 6E6 disease: amphotropic retroviral packaging line PA317 LXSN 6E6 cell ATCC: CRL-2206 PA317 LXSN 6E7 disease: amphotropic retroviral packaging line PA317 LXSN 6E7 cell ATCC: CRL-2207 PA90P PA90P cell HyperCLDB: cl3866 PA94 PA94 cell HyperCLDB: cl3867 PA95P PA95P cell HyperCLDB: cl3868 PA96 PA96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3869 PAb 100 disease: hybridoma PAb 100 cell ATCC: TIB-115 PAb 101 disease: hybridoma PAb 101 cell ATCC: TIB-117 PAb 108 disease: hybridoma PAb 108 cell ATCC: TIB-230 PAb 122 disease: hybridoma PAb 122 cell ATCC: TIB-116 PAB-100 PAB-100 cell HyperCLDB: cl3870 PAB-122 PAB-122 cell HyperCLDB: cl3871 PAB-1620 PAB-1620 cell HyperCLDB: cl5345 LCL-1739 Panc 02.03 Panc 02.03 cell ATCC: CRL-2553 Panc 02.13 Panc 02.13 cell ATCC: CRL-2554 LCL-1740 Panc 03.27 Panc 03.27 cell ATCC: CRL-2549 LCL-1741 Panc 04.03 Panc 04.03 cell ATCC: CRL-2555 Panc 05.04 Panc 05.04 cell ATCC: CRL-2557 LCL-1742 Panc 08.13 Panc 08.13 cell ATCC: CRL-2551 LCL-1743 Panc 10.05 Panc 10.05 cell ATCC: CRL-2547 LCL-1726 PANC-1 WEB: disease: epithelioid carcinoma PANC-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1469 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307545 CVCL: CVCL_0480 EFO: EFO_0002713 LCL-1744 PA-TU-8902 PA-TU-8902 cell DSMZ: ACC 179 HyperCLDB: cl3860 LCL-1745 PA-TU-8988S PA-TU-8988S cell DSMZ: ACC 204 HyperCLDB: cl3861 LCL-1746 PA-TU-8988T PA-TU-8988T cell DSMZ: ACC 162 HyperCLDB: cl3862 PB-1 PB-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl836 P-B88 P-B88 cell HyperCLDB: cl3786 P-B91 P-B91 cell HyperCLDB: cl3787 P-B92 P-B92 cell HyperCLDB: cl3788 PBR86M PBR86M cell HyperCLDB: cl3875 PC 61 5.3 disease: hybridoma PC 61 5.3 cell ATCC: TIB-222 PC 61-5-3 disease: hybridoma PC 61-5-3 cell HyperCLDB: cl5246 PC-12 disease: pheochromocytoma PC-12 cell ATCC: CRL-1721 MeSH: D016716 PC1296 PC1296 cell HyperCLDB: cl3884 LCL-1656 PC-14 PC-14 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307306 CVCL: CVCL_1640 ECACC: 90071810 EFO: EFO_0002844 HyperCLDB: cl3880 LCL-1299 Oliver He an immortal human prostate epithelium-derived cell line cell that was established in 1979 from bone metastasis of grade IV of prostate cancer in a 62-year-old Caucasian male. PC-3 PC3 WEB: PC-3 cell ATCC: CRL-1435 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307570 EFO: EFO_0002074 RRID: CVCL_0035 P-C96 P-C96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3791 PCA 31.1 disease: hybridoma PCA 31.1 cell ATCC: HB-12314 PCA 33.28 disease: hybridoma PCA 33.28 cell ATCC: HB-12315 PCA90M PCA90M cell HyperCLDB: cl3885 PCC4 aza1 disease: teratocarcinoma PCC4 aza1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3887 PCV87M PCV87M cell HyperCLDB: cl3888 PD 5 PD 5 cell HyperCLDB: cl3889 PD5 PD5 cell HyperCLDB: cl3890 P-D89 P-D89 cell HyperCLDB: cl3792 P-D91 P-D91 cell HyperCLDB: cl3793 P-D94a P-D94a cell HyperCLDB: cl3794 PDL-1 disease: hybridoma PDL-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1882 PE/CA-PJ34 (clone C12) disease: carcinoma, basosquamous cell PE/CA-PJ34 (clone C12) cell HyperCLDB: cl5103 PE/CA-PJ41 (clone D2) disease: carcinoma, squamous cell PE/CA-PJ41 (clone D2) cell HyperCLDB: cl5104 PE86P PE86P cell HyperCLDB: cl3892 PE96 PE96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3893 PEA 10 disease: LRP deficient PEA 10 cell ATCC: CRL-2215 HyperCLDB: cl5105 PEA 13 disease: LRP deficient PEA 13 cell ATCC: CRL-2216 HyperCLDB: cl5106 PEAKrapid disease: transformed with adenovirus 5 DNA PEAKrapid cell ATCC: CRL-2828 Peccary.K Peccary.K cell ATCC: CRL-6488 LCL-2062 PEER PEER cell ACC 6 HyperCLDB: cl4115 PEG 1-6 disease: hybridoma, B cell PEG 1-6 cell HyperCLDB: cl5247 PEK PEK cell HyperCLDB: cl3894 Per Sel Per Sel cell ATCC: CRL-1107 PF187 PF187 cell HyperCLDB: cl3896 LCL-1021 PF-382 PF-382 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308246 CVCL: CVCL_1641 DSMZ: ACC 38 HyperCLDB: cl3895 PF90F PF90F cell HyperCLDB: cl3897 LCL-1122 Pfeiffer disease: diffuse large cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma (B lymphocyte primary) Pfeiffer cell ATCC: CRL-2632 PFHR 9 disease: embryonic carcinoma; HAT resistant PFHR 9 cell ATCC: CRL-2423 LCL-1407 ZN PFSK-1 disease: malignant primitive neuroectodermal tumor PFSK-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2060 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308802 CVCL: CVCL_1642 EFO: EFO_0005234 PG PG cell HyperCLDB: cl5107 PG13 disease: retroviral packaging line PG13 cell ATCC: CRL-10686 PG13/LN c8 disease: produces an infectious retrovirus with a neomycin resistance gene PG13/LN c8 cell ATCC: CRL-10685 PG-4 PG-4 cell HyperCLDB: cl3898 PG-4 (S+L–) PG-4 (S+L–) cell ATCC: CRL-2032 HyperCLDB: cl3899 PG91 PG91 cell HyperCLDB: cl3901 P-G96 P-G96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3795 PGA86M PGA86M cell HyperCLDB: cl3902 pgsA-745 disease: xylosyltransferase I deficient pgsA-745 cell ATCC: CRL-2242 pgsB-618 disease: galactosyltransferase I deficient pgsB-618 cell ATCC: CRL-2241 pgsB-650 disease: galactosyltransferase I deficient pgsB-650 cell ATCC: CRL-2243 pgsC-605 disease: sulfate transporter deficient pgsC-605 cell ATCC: CRL-2245 pgsD-677 disease: heparin sulfate deficient pgsD-677 cell ATCC: CRL-2244 pgsE-606 disease: heparin sulfate N-sulfotransferase deficient pgsE-606 cell ATCC: CRL-2246 Phi 1 disease: hepatoma Phi 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3903 PHL PHL cell ATCC: CRL-2750 PI 153/3 disease: hybridoma PI 153/3 cell ATCC: TIB-198 PI.1 Ut Possible typographic error in 'Organism' field (value 'racoon') to be considered as 'raccoon'. Possible mapping of 'raccoon' via synonym of 'Procyon lotor' (NCBI_Taxon: 9654) [SS] PI.1 Ut cell HyperCLDB: cl3910 PI1 PI1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3904 PI-11 disease: hybridoma PI-11 cell ATCC: CRL-2591 PI86 PI86 cell HyperCLDB: cl3905 PK 15 PK 15 cell HyperCLDB: cl3906 PK(15) PK(15) cell ATCC: CCL-33 PK(D1) PK(D1) cell ATCC: CRL-6490 PK13 PK13 cell ATCC: CRL-6489 PK136 disease: hybridoma PK136 cell ATCC: HB-191 PK-2a/CL 13 PK-2a/CL 13 cell ATCC: CRL-6492 PK-82 PK-82 cell HyperCLDB: cl3909 LCL-1727 PL45 disease: ductal adenocarcinoma; same patient as Panc 10.05 cells PL45 cell ATCC: CRL-2558 PL90 PL90 cell HyperCLDB: cl3911 P-L92 P-L92 cell HyperCLDB: cl3796 PLB-985 disease: leukemia, acute myeloid PLB-985 cell HyperCLDB: cl3912 LCL-1942 PLC/PRF/5 disease: hepatoma PLC/PRF/5 cell ATCC: CRL-8024 ECACC: 85061113 PLC/PRF/5 (Alexander cells) disease: hepatoma PLC/PRF/5 (Alexander cells) cell HyperCLDB: cl3914 PLHC-1 disease: hepatocellular carcinoma PLHC-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2406 PM195 PM195 cell HyperCLDB: cl3917 PM85 PM85 cell HyperCLDB: cl3918 PM87f PM87f cell HyperCLDB: cl3919 PM87IL2 PM87IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3920 PM89 PM89 cell HyperCLDB: cl3921 PM91 PM91 cell HyperCLDB: cl3922 PM95 PM95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3923 PMA95M PMA95M cell HyperCLDB: cl3924 PMC2 PMC2 cell ATCC: CRL-9852 PMJ2-PC disease: infected with J2 virus PMJ2-PC cell ATCC: CRL-2457 PMJ2-R disease: infected with J2 virus PMJ2-R cell ATCC: CRL-2458 PMK PMK cell HyperCLDB: cl5122 PN86 PN86 cell HyperCLDB: cl3925 P-NC94 P-NC94 cell HyperCLDB: cl3797 PNT1A PNT1A cell HyperCLDB: cl3926 PNT2 PNT2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3927 PO-2 PO-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3928 PORTHOS PORTHOS cell HyperCLDB: cl3929 PPES PPES cell HyperCLDB: cl3930 PQ PQ cell HyperCLDB: cl3932 PR-1 PR-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl7109 Pr8/22 Pr8/22 cell HyperCLDB: cl5123 PR82 PR82 cell HyperCLDB: cl3933 PR86S PR86S cell HyperCLDB: cl3934 P-R90 P-R90 cell HyperCLDB: cl3798 Pro–5 Pro–5 cell ATCC: CRL-1781 ProPak-A.52 Clone #52 disease: amphotropic retroviral packaging line ProPak-A.52 Clone #52 cell ATCC: CRL-12479 ProPakA.6 disease: amphotropic retroviral packaging line ProPakA.6 cell ATCC: CRL-12006 ProPak-X.36 disease: xenotropic retroviral packaging line ProPak-X.36 cell ATCC: CRL-12007 Prost 410 disease: hybridoma Prost 410 cell ATCC: HB-11426 PS PS cell HyperCLDB: cl3935 PS 38 disease: hybridoma PS 38 cell ATCC: CRL-1950 PS 41 disease: hybridoma PS 41 cell ATCC: CRL-1799 PS 45 disease: hybridoma PS 45 cell ATCC: CRL-1798 PS 60 disease: hybridoma PS 60 cell ATCC: CRL-1800 PS 67 disease: hybridoma PS 67 cell ATCC: CRL-1797 PS/2 disease: hybridoma PS/2 cell ATCC: CRL-1911 PS192 PS192 cell HyperCLDB: cl3936 PS87P PS87P cell HyperCLDB: cl3938 P-S90 P-S90 cell HyperCLDB: cl3799 PS92 PS92 cell HyperCLDB: cl3939 PS94 PS94 cell HyperCLDB: cl3940 PS95 PS95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3941 P-S96 P-S96 cell HyperCLDB: cl3800 PSA1 disease: teratocarcinoma PSA1 cell HyperCLDB: cl3942 PSA1-NG2 disease: teratocarcinoma PSA1-NG2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3943 PSI 2 BAG alpha PSI 2 BAG alpha cell HyperCLDB: cl3944 PSI-2 PSI-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3945 Psi-CRE Psi-CRE cell HyperCLDB: cl3946 Psi-CRIP Psi-CRIP cell HyperCLDB: cl3947 PSM-B PSM-B cell HyperCLDB: cl3948 LCL-1749 PSN1 PSN1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307348 CVCL: CVCL_1644 ECACC: 94060601,94060601; COSMIC ID:910546 HyperCLDB: cl3949 PSP PSP cell HyperCLDB: cl3951 PSP-36 PSP-36 cell ATCC: CRL-11171 Pt K1 (NBL-3) Pt K1 (NBL-3) cell ATCC: CCL-35 PT67 disease: amphotropic retroviral packaging line PT67 cell ATCC: CRL-12284 PtK1 PtK1 cell ATCC: CRL-6493 HyperCLDB: cl3954 HyperCLDB: cl5249 Ptk2 Ptk2 cell HyperCLDB: cl3957 PtK2 (NBL-5) PtK2 (NBL-5) cell ATCC: CCL-56 PT-K75 PT-K75 cell ATCC: CRL-2528 P-tyr-1 disease: hybridoma P-tyr-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1955 PU5-1.8 (PU5-1R) disease: monocyte; lymphoma PU5-1.8 (PU5-1R) cell ATCC: TIB-61 Pu-518 Pu-518 cell HyperCLDB: cl3959 PUTKO disease: leukemia, myeloid PUTKO cell HyperCLDB: cl3960 PV1 disease: hybridoma PV1 cell ATCC: HB-12352 PV95 PV95 cell HyperCLDB: cl3961 PVBC-CL247 PVBC-CL247 cell HyperCLDB: cl3962 PVBC-CL248 PVBC-CL248 cell HyperCLDB: cl3963 PVBC-EDS120 PVBC-EDS120 cell HyperCLDB: cl3964 PVBC-EDS147 PVBC-EDS147 cell HyperCLDB: cl3965 PVBC-EDS148 PVBC-EDS148 cell HyperCLDB: cl3966 PVBC-EDS149 PVBC-EDS149 cell HyperCLDB: cl3967 PVBC-EDS150 PVBC-EDS150 cell HyperCLDB: cl3968 PVBC-EDS155 PVBC-EDS155 cell HyperCLDB: cl3969 PVBC-EDS170 PVBC-EDS170 cell HyperCLDB: cl3970 PVBC-EDS188 PVBC-EDS188 cell HyperCLDB: cl3971 PVBC-EDS203 PVBC-EDS203 cell HyperCLDB: cl3972 PVBC-EDS211 PVBC-EDS211 cell HyperCLDB: cl3973 PVBC-EDS213 PVBC-EDS213 cell HyperCLDB: cl3974 PVBC-EDS220 PVBC-EDS220 cell HyperCLDB: cl3975 PVBC-EDS223 PVBC-EDS223 cell HyperCLDB: cl3976 PVBC-EDS27 PVBC-EDS27 cell HyperCLDB: cl3977 PVBC-EDS285 PVBC-EDS285 cell HyperCLDB: cl3978 PVBC-EDS487 PVBC-EDS487 cell HyperCLDB: cl4825 PVBC-EDS528 PVBC-EDS528 cell HyperCLDB: cl4827 PVBC-EDS546 PVBC-EDS546 cell HyperCLDB: cl4828 PVBC-EDS547 PVBC-EDS547 cell HyperCLDB: cl4829 PVBC-EDS550 PVBC-EDS550 cell HyperCLDB: cl4830 PVBC-I385 PVBC-I385 cell HyperCLDB: cl4851 PVBC-MF115 PVBC-MF115 cell HyperCLDB: cl3979 PVBC-MF255 PVBC-MF255 cell HyperCLDB: cl3980 PVBC-MF256 PVBC-MF256 cell HyperCLDB: cl3981 PVBC-MF257 PVBC-MF257 cell HyperCLDB: cl3982 PVBC-MF267 PVBC-MF267 cell HyperCLDB: cl3983 PVBC-MF268 PVBC-MF268 cell HyperCLDB: cl3984 PVBC-MF269 PVBC-MF269 cell HyperCLDB: cl3985 PVBC-MF270 PVBC-MF270 cell HyperCLDB: cl3986 PVBC-MF354 PVBC-MF354 cell HyperCLDB: cl4884 PVBC-MF375 PVBC-MF375 cell HyperCLDB: cl4885 PVBC-MF376 PVBC-MF376 cell HyperCLDB: cl4886 PVBC-MF377 PVBC-MF377 cell HyperCLDB: cl4887 PVBC-MF422 PVBC-MF422 cell HyperCLDB: cl4888 PVBC-MF423 PVBC-MF423 cell HyperCLDB: cl4889 PVBC-MF424 PVBC-MF424 cell HyperCLDB: cl4890 PVBC-MF448 PVBC-MF448 cell HyperCLDB: cl4891 PVBC-MF538 PVBC-MF538 cell HyperCLDB: cl4892 PVBC-OI PVBC-OI cell HyperCLDB: cl4831 PVBC-OI108 PVBC-OI108 cell HyperCLDB: cl3987 PVBC-OI121 PVBC-OI121 cell HyperCLDB: cl3988 PVBC-OI127 PVBC-OI127 cell HyperCLDB: cl3989 PVBC-OI129 PVBC-OI129 cell HyperCLDB: cl3990 PVBC-OI133 PVBC-OI133 cell HyperCLDB: cl3991 PVBC-OI157 PVBC-OI157 cell HyperCLDB: cl3992 PVBC-OI158 PVBC-OI158 cell HyperCLDB: cl3993 PVBC-OI159 PVBC-OI159 cell HyperCLDB: cl3994 PVBC-OI160 PVBC-OI160 cell HyperCLDB: cl3995 PVBC-OI161 PVBC-OI161 cell HyperCLDB: cl3996 PVBC-OI164 PVBC-OI164 cell HyperCLDB: cl3997 PVBC-OI165 PVBC-OI165 cell HyperCLDB: cl3998 PVBC-OI172 PVBC-OI172 cell HyperCLDB: cl3999 PVBC-OI184 PVBC-OI184 cell HyperCLDB: cl4000 PVBC-OI185 PVBC-OI185 cell HyperCLDB: cl4001 PVBC-OI186 PVBC-OI186 cell HyperCLDB: cl4002 PVBC-OI187 PVBC-OI187 cell HyperCLDB: cl4003 PVBC-OI189 PVBC-OI189 cell HyperCLDB: cl4004 PVBC-OI193 PVBC-OI193 cell HyperCLDB: cl4005 PVBC-OI197 PVBC-OI197 cell HyperCLDB: cl4006 PVBC-OI204 PVBC-OI204 cell HyperCLDB: cl4007 PVBC-OI205 PVBC-OI205 cell HyperCLDB: cl4008 PVBC-OI206 PVBC-OI206 cell HyperCLDB: cl4009 PVBC-OI217 PVBC-OI217 cell HyperCLDB: cl4010 PVBC-OI227 PVBC-OI227 cell HyperCLDB: cl4011 PVBC-OI228 PVBC-OI228 cell HyperCLDB: cl4012 PVBC-OI230 PVBC-OI230 cell HyperCLDB: cl4013 PVBC-OI234 PVBC-OI234 cell HyperCLDB: cl4014 PVBC-OI250 PVBC-OI250 cell HyperCLDB: cl4015 PVBC-OI254 PVBC-OI254 cell HyperCLDB: cl4016 PVBC-OI265 PVBC-OI265 cell HyperCLDB: cl4017 PVBC-OI271 PVBC-OI271 cell HyperCLDB: cl4018 PVBC-OI272 PVBC-OI272 cell HyperCLDB: cl4019 PVBC-OI273 PVBC-OI273 cell HyperCLDB: cl4020 PVBC-OI274 PVBC-OI274 cell HyperCLDB: cl4021 PVBC-OI275 PVBC-OI275 cell HyperCLDB: cl4022 PVBC-OI276 PVBC-OI276 cell HyperCLDB: cl4023 PVBC-OI277 PVBC-OI277 cell HyperCLDB: cl4024 PVBC-OI284 PVBC-OI284 cell HyperCLDB: cl4025 PVBC-OI291 PVBC-OI291 cell HyperCLDB: cl4026 PVBC-OI299 PVBC-OI299 cell HyperCLDB: cl4027 PVBC-OI305 PVBC-OI305 cell HyperCLDB: cl4028 PVBC-OI306 PVBC-OI306 cell HyperCLDB: cl4029 PVBC-OI307 PVBC-OI307 cell HyperCLDB: cl4030 PVBC-OI313 PVBC-OI313 cell HyperCLDB: cl4031 PVBC-OI314 PVBC-OI314 cell HyperCLDB: cl4833 PVBC-OI317 PVBC-OI317 cell HyperCLDB: cl4834 PVBC-OI325 PVBC-OI325 cell HyperCLDB: cl4835 PVBC-OI330 PVBC-OI330 cell HyperCLDB: cl4836 PVBC-OI332 PVBC-OI332 cell HyperCLDB: cl4837 PVBC-OI340 PVBC-OI340 cell HyperCLDB: cl4838 PVBC-OI347 PVBC-OI347 cell HyperCLDB: cl4839 PVBC-OI348 PVBC-OI348 cell HyperCLDB: cl4840 PVBC-OI350 PVBC-OI350 cell HyperCLDB: cl4841 PVBC-OI356 PVBC-OI356 cell HyperCLDB: cl4842 PVBC-OI370 PVBC-OI370 cell HyperCLDB: cl4843 PVBC-OI371 PVBC-OI371 cell HyperCLDB: cl4844 PVBC-OI373 PVBC-OI373 cell HyperCLDB: cl4845 PVBC-OI378 PVBC-OI378 cell HyperCLDB: cl4846 PVBC-OI379 PVBC-OI379 cell HyperCLDB: cl4847 PVBC-OI380 PVBC-OI380 cell HyperCLDB: cl4848 PVBC-OI383 PVBC-OI383 cell HyperCLDB: cl4849 PVBC-OI384 PVBC-OI384 cell HyperCLDB: cl4850 PVBC-OI387 PVBC-OI387 cell HyperCLDB: cl4852 PVBC-OI388 PVBC-OI388 cell HyperCLDB: cl4853 PVBC-OI396 PVBC-OI396 cell HyperCLDB: cl4854 PVBC-OI427 PVBC-OI427 cell HyperCLDB: cl4855 PVBC-OI428 PVBC-OI428 cell HyperCLDB: cl4856 PVBC-OI433 PVBC-OI433 cell HyperCLDB: cl4857 PVBC-OI437 PVBC-OI437 cell HyperCLDB: cl4858 PVBC-OI440 PVBC-OI440 cell HyperCLDB: cl4859 PVBC-OI443 PVBC-OI443 cell HyperCLDB: cl4860 PVBC-OI444 PVBC-OI444 cell HyperCLDB: cl4861 PVBC-OI449 PVBC-OI449 cell HyperCLDB: cl4862 PVBC-OI452 PVBC-OI452 cell HyperCLDB: cl4863 PVBC-OI453 PVBC-OI453 cell HyperCLDB: cl4864 PVBC-OI460 PVBC-OI460 cell HyperCLDB: cl4865 PVBC-OI461 PVBC-OI461 cell HyperCLDB: cl4866 PVBC-OI462 PVBC-OI462 cell HyperCLDB: cl4867 PVBC-OI464 PVBC-OI464 cell HyperCLDB: cl4868 PVBC-OI465 PVBC-OI465 cell HyperCLDB: cl4869 PVBC-OI466 PVBC-OI466 cell HyperCLDB: cl4870 PVBC-OI467 PVBC-OI467 cell HyperCLDB: cl4871 PVBC-OI471 PVBC-OI471 cell HyperCLDB: cl4872 PVBC-OI488 PVBC-OI488 cell HyperCLDB: cl4873 PVBC-OI489 PVBC-OI489 cell HyperCLDB: cl4874 PVBC-OI499 PVBC-OI499 cell HyperCLDB: cl4875 PVBC-OI500 PVBC-OI500 cell HyperCLDB: cl4876 PVBC-OI522 PVBC-OI522 cell HyperCLDB: cl4877 PVBC-OI531 PVBC-OI531 cell HyperCLDB: cl4878 PVBC-OI535 PVBC-OI535 cell HyperCLDB: cl4879 PVBC-OI540 PVBC-OI540 cell HyperCLDB: cl4880 PVBC-OI55 PVBC-OI55 cell HyperCLDB: cl4032 PVBC-OI553 PVBC-OI553 cell HyperCLDB: cl4881 PVBC-OI555 PVBC-OI555 cell HyperCLDB: cl4882 PVBC-OI559 PVBC-OI559 cell HyperCLDB: cl4883 PVBC-OI65 PVBC-OI65 cell HyperCLDB: cl4832 PVBC-OI82 PVBC-OI82 cell HyperCLDB: cl4033 PVBC-Pr110 PVBC-Pr110 cell HyperCLDB: cl4034 PVBC-Pr152 PVBC-Pr152 cell HyperCLDB: cl4035 PVBC-Pr260 PVBC-Pr260 cell HyperCLDB: cl4036 PVBC-Pr98 PVBC-Pr98 cell HyperCLDB: cl4037 PVCB-EDS516 PVCB-EDS516 cell HyperCLDB: cl4826 PWR-1E disease: immortalized with Ad12-SV40 hybrid virus PWR-1E cell ATCC: CRL-11611 PX92 PX92 cell HyperCLDB: cl4038 Py 1-18 MuLV Py 1-18 MuLV cell HyperCLDB: cl4039 PYS PYS cell HyperCLDB: cl5346 PYS-2 PYS-2 cell ATCC: CRL-2745 PZ-HPV-7 disease: transformed with HPV-18 PZ-HPV-7 cell ATCC: CRL-2221 Q1785 Q1785 cell HyperCLDB: cl4041 QCRL-1 disease: hybridoma QCRL-1 cell ATCC: HB-11765 QCRL-3 disease: hybridoma QCRL-3 cell ATCC: HB-11766 LCL-1075 QIMR-WIL QIMR-WIL cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308301 CVCL: CVCL_1645 HyperCLDB: cl4042 Sanger: COSMIC ID:910545 QM7 disease: chemically induced fibrosarcoma QM7 cell ATCC: CRL-1962 QNR/D QNR/D cell ATCC: CRL-2532 QNR/K2 QNR/K2 cell ATCC: CRL-2533 Q-P96 Q-P96 cell HyperCLDB: cl4040 QPN1 12C9 (SCRF 43.2) disease: hybridoma QPN1 12C9 (SCRF 43.2) cell ATCC: HB-9500 QPN1 22F5 (SCRF 43.2) disease: hybridoma QPN1 22F5 (SCRF 43.2) cell ATCC: HB-9509 QT 35 QT 35 cell HyperCLDB: cl4043 QT6 disease: fibrosarcoma QT6 cell ATCC: CRL-1708 HyperCLDB: cl4045 QV-R94 QV-R94 cell HyperCLDB: cl4047 R 1610 R 1610 cell ATCC: CRL-1657 R 2 C disease: testicular tumor R 2 C cell HyperCLDB: cl4071 R 9 ab R 9 ab cell HyperCLDB: cl4077 R D disease: rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal R D cell HyperCLDB: cl4121 R subscript(24) disease: hybridoma R subscript(24) cell ATCC: HB-8445 R/3.2-L R/3.2-L cell HyperCLDB: cl4066 R/R1H-L R/R1H-L cell HyperCLDB: cl4067 R1 disease: derived from 129 substrain R1 cell ATCC: SCRC-1011 R1.1 R1.1 cell ATCC: TIB-42 R1.G1 R1.G1 cell ATCC: TIB-44 R1/E disease: embryonic stem cell R1/E cell ATCC: SCRC-1036 R1-2 disease: hybridoma R1-2 cell ATCC: HB-227 R1391 R1391 cell HyperCLDB: cl4069 R1487 R1487 cell HyperCLDB: cl4070 R1-5D9 disease: hybridoma R1-5D9 cell ATCC: CRL-2360 R17 208.2 disease: hybridoma R17 208.2 cell ATCC: TIB-220 R187 disease: hybridoma R187 cell ATCC: CRL-1912 R1E/TL8x.1 R1E/TL8x.1 cell ATCC: TIB-43 R1E/TL8x.1.G1. OUAr.1 R1E/TL8x.1.G1. OUAr.1 cell ATCC: TIB-45 R2-10F6 disease: hybridoma R2-10F6 cell ATCC: CRL-2358 R2-9A5 disease: hybridoma R2-9A5 cell ATCC: CRL-2357 R2C disease: Leydig cell tumor R2C cell ATCC: CCL-97 R2LBLN R2LBLN cell ATCC: CRL-6070 R3 [33-10ras3] disease: immortalized with SV40 large T antigen R3 [33-10ras3] cell ATCC: CRL-2764 R-3327-AT-1 R-3327-AT-1 cell ATCC: JHU-29 R-3327-AT-2.1 R-3327-AT-2.1 cell ATCC: JHU-30 R-3327-AT-3.1 R-3327-AT-3.1 cell ATCC: JHU-31 R3327-G R3327-G cell ATCC: JHU-3 R4-6A2 disease: hybridoma R4-6A2 cell ATCC: HB-170 R6.5.D6.E9.B2 disease: hybridoma R6.5.D6.E9.B2 cell ATCC: HB-9580 R63 disease: hybridoma R63 cell ATCC: HB-9490 R74 R74 cell HyperCLDB: cl4073 R86 R86 cell HyperCLDB: cl4074 R9 R9 cell HyperCLDB: cl4075 R95 R95 cell HyperCLDB: cl4076 R-970-5 R-970-5 cell ATCC: CRL-7723 R9ab R9ab cell ATCC: CCL-193 Ra Bot disease: Marfan syndrome Ra Bot cell ATCC: CRL-1265 Ra Lot disease: Marfan syndrome Ra Lot cell ATCC: CRL-1289 RA3-2C2/1 disease: hybridoma RA3-2C2/1 cell ATCC: TIB-145 RA3-3A1/6.1 disease: hybridoma RA3-3A1/6.1 cell ATCC: TIB-146 R-A95 R-A95 cell HyperCLDB: cl4048 RAB-9 RAB-9 cell ATCC: CRL-1414 RAG disease: renal adenocarcinoma RAG cell ATCC: CCL-142 LCL-2025 Raji disease: Burkitts lymphoma Raji cell ATCC: CCL-86 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307663 CVCL: CVCL_0511 EFO: EFO_0002324 HyperCLDB: cl4091 HyperCLDB: cl4092 RAJI TK- RAJI TK- cell HyperCLDB: cl4095 RAJI TK+ RAJI TK+ cell HyperCLDB: cl4094 RAJI_A_ RAJI_A_ cell HyperCLDB: cl4093 RAMOS RAMOS cell HyperCLDB: cl4096 LCL-1097 Ramos (RA 1) disease: Burkitts lymphoma (American) Ramos (RA 1) cell ATCC: CRL-1596 HyperCLDB: cl4098 Ramos.2G6.4C10 disease: Burkitts lymphoma (American) Ramos.2G6.4C10 cell ATCC: CRL-1923 RAMOS-AW disease: lymphoma, Burkitt RAMOS-AW cell HyperCLDB: cl4099 RAMOS-EHRB disease: lymphoma, Burkitt RAMOS-EHRB cell HyperCLDB: cl4100 Ran De disease: osteogenesis imperfecta (congenita) Ran De cell ATCC: CRL-1287 Ran-2 disease: hybridoma Ran-2 cell ATCC: TIB-119 Rasheed Sarcoma Virus Rasheed Sarcoma Virus cell HyperCLDB: cl4102 RASMC RASMC cell HyperCLDB: cl4103 Raszip 6 disease: produces a retrovirus containing the vHa-ras oncogene Raszip 6 cell ATCC: CRL-1917 Rat1-R12 Rat1-R12 cell ATCC: CRL-2210 RAT-2 RAT-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4104 Rat2 Rat2 cell ATCC: CRL-1764 RATV-NRK RATV-NRK cell ATCC: CRL-6510 RAW 264 disease: leukemia, monocytic-macrophage RAW 264 cell HyperCLDB: cl4108 RAW 264.7 disease: macrophage; AMLV-induced tumor RAW 264.7 cell ATCC: TIB-71 RAW 264.7?NO(–) RAW 264.7?NO(–) cell ATCC: CRL-2278 RAW 309 Cr.1 disease: macrophage; AMLV-induced tumor RAW 309 Cr.1 cell ATCC: TIB-69 RAW 309F.1.1 RAW 309F.1.1 cell ATCC: TIB-51 RAW 8.1 disease: B lymphocyte; lymphoma RAW 8.1 cell ATCC: TIB-50 Ray Hot disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type III Ray Hot cell ATCC: CRL-1226 R-B92 R-B92 cell HyperCLDB: cl4049 RBA RBA cell ATCC: CRL-1747 RBL 1 RBL 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4111 RBL-1 disease: basophil; leukemia RBL-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1378 RBL-2H3 disease: basophil; leukemia RBL-2H3 cell ATCC: CRL-2256 RC-4B/C disease: adenoma RC-4B/C cell ATCC: CRL-1903 RC-4B/C1 RC-4B/C1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4116 R-C95 R-C95 cell HyperCLDB: cl4050 R-C95a R-C95a cell HyperCLDB: cl4051 R-C96 R-C96 cell HyperCLDB: cl4052 RCE RCE cell HyperCLDB: cl4117 LCL-1411 ZN RD RD cell ATCC: CCL-136 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307547 CVCL: CVCL_1649 EFO: EFO_0002315 RD91 RD91 cell HyperCLDB: cl4130 R-DC90a R-DC90a cell HyperCLDB: cl4053 R-DC90f R-DC90f cell HyperCLDB: cl4054 LCL-1455 RD-ES RD-ES cell ATCC: HTB-166 RDP 45/20 disease: hybridoma RDP 45/20 cell ATCC: TIB-98 RED.1 RED.1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4131 RED-1 RED-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5349 RED-4 RED-4 cell HyperCLDB: cl5350 RED-5 RED-5 cell HyperCLDB: cl7110 RED-6 RED-6 cell HyperCLDB: cl7111 LCL-1039 REH REH cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308823 CVCL: CVCL_1650 HyperCLDB: cl4132 LCL-1039 Reh cell RENE 1 RENE 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4136 RENE 2 RENE 2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4137 RENT 4 RENT 4 cell HyperCLDB: cl4138 RENT RO1 RENT RO1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4139 RENT RO3 RENT RO3 cell HyperCLDB: cl4140 RENT ts3.1 RENT ts3.1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4141 RENT tsS1.1 RENT tsS1.1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4142 RF/6A RF/6A cell ATCC: CRL-1780 RFE88 RFE88 cell HyperCLDB: cl4143 RFGd10WE RFGd10WE cell ATCC: CRL-6190 RFGd11WE RFGd11WE cell ATCC: CRL-6191 RFGd12WE RFGd12WE cell ATCC: CRL-6192 RFGd2WE RFGd2WE cell ATCC: CRL-6182 RFGd3WE RFGd3WE cell ATCC: CRL-6183 RFGd4WE RFGd4WE cell ATCC: CRL-6184 RFGd5WE RFGd5WE cell ATCC: CRL-6185 RFL-6 RFL-6 cell ATCC: CCL-192 HyperCLDB: cl4144 RG11/39.4 disease: hybridoma RG11/39.4 cell ATCC: TIB-170 R-G196 R-G196 cell HyperCLDB: cl4055 RG2 disease: brain, undifferentiated malignant glioma RG2 cell ATCC: CRL-2433 RG7/1.30 disease: hybridoma RG7/1.30 cell ATCC: TIB-173 RG7/11.1 disease: hybridoma RG7/11.1 cell ATCC: TIB-174 RG7/7.6 HL disease: hybridoma RG7/7.6 HL cell ATCC: TIB-172 RG7/9.1 HLK disease: hybridoma RG7/9.1 HLK cell ATCC: TIB-169 RG9/6.13 HLK disease: hybridoma RG9/6.13 HLK cell ATCC: TIB-167 R-G94a R-G94a cell HyperCLDB: cl4056 R-G94f R-G94f cell HyperCLDB: cl4057 R-G96 R-G96 cell HyperCLDB: cl4058 RGE RGE cell HyperCLDB: cl4146 RH RH cell HyperCLDB: cl4147 Rhfs-MPMV Rhfs-MPMV cell HyperCLDB: cl4149 Ri-1 Ri-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5090 RIIIMT RIIIMT cell ATCC: CRL-6449 RIN-14B disease: insulinoma; produces somatostatin and L-dopa-decarboxylase but not insulin RIN-14B cell ATCC: CRL-2059 RIN-5F disease: insulinoma; produces insulin and L-dopa-decarboxylase but not somatostatin RIN-5F cell ATCC: CRL-2058 RIN-m disease: insulinoma; produces insulin and somatostatin RIN-m cell ATCC: CRL-2057 RIN-m5F disease: insulinoma; produces insulin and L-dopa-decarboxylase but not somatostatin RIN-m5F cell ATCC: CRL-11605 RK 13 RK 13 cell HyperCLDB: cl4153 RK 13/1 RK 13/1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5250 RK subscript(13) RK subscript(13) cell ATCC: CCL-37 RK13 RK13 cell HyperCLDB: cl4155 RK3E RK3E cell ATCC: CRL-1895 LCL-1168 RKO disease: carcinoma; control for RKO-E6 and RKO-AS45-1 cells RKO cell ATCC: CRL-2577 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307731 CVCL: CVCL_0504 EFO: EFO_0001232 Sanger: COSMIC ID:909698 RKO-AS45-1 disease: carcinoma; apoptosis model; overexpression of GADD45 RKO-AS45-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2579 RKO-E6 disease: carcinoma; apoptosis model; negligible p53 expression RKO-E6 cell ATCC: CRL-2578 LCL-1133 RL disease: non-Hodgkins lymphoma; B lymphoblast RL cell ATCC: CRL-2261 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308515 CVCL: CVCL_1660 EFO: EFO_0002319 RL-65 RL-65 cell ATCC: CRL-10354 LCL-1506 ZN RL95-2 RL95-2 cell ATCC: CRL-1671 ATCC: CRL-1671,COSMIC ID:930082; ATCC CRL-1671 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308843 CVCL: CVCL_0505 RLC RLC cell HyperCLDB: cl4159 RLC 27 RLC 27 cell HyperCLDB: cl4160 RLC-18 RLC-18 cell HyperCLDB: cl5351 RLD-1 RLD-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5352 RLE-6TN RLE-6TN cell ATCC: CRL-2300 RLSD06 disease: hybridoma RLSD06 cell ATCC: HB-8527 RLSD09 disease: hybridoma RLSD09 cell ATCC: HB-8525 RLTM01 disease: hybridoma RLTM01 cell ATCC: HB-8526 RLTM02 disease: hybridoma RLTM02 cell ATCC: HB-8523 RM86 RM86 cell HyperCLDB: cl4162 RM91 RM91 cell HyperCLDB: cl4163 R-M94 R-M94 cell HyperCLDB: cl4059 R-M95 R-M95 cell HyperCLDB: cl4060 RMB-1 RMB-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5353 RMC RMC cell ATCC: CRL-2573 RmcB disease: hybridoma RmcB cell ATCC: CRL-2379 RMR96 RMR96 cell HyperCLDB: cl4164 RMZ disease: rhabdomyosarcoma, alveolar RMZ cell HyperCLDB: cl4165 RN 22 RN 22 cell HyperCLDB: cl4166 Rn 3T disease: chemically induced tumor Rn 3T cell ATCC: CRL-6511 Rn 4T disease: chemically induced tumor Rn 4T cell ATCC: CRL-6512 Rn 5TES Rn 5TES cell ATCC: CRL-6513 Rn1T Rn1T cell ATCC: CRL-6598 Rn2T Rn2T cell ATCC: CRL-6599 Rn6T disease: 7, 12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene- induced tumor Rn6T cell ATCC: CRL-6601 Ro Bon disease: osteogenesis imperfecta (tarda) Ro Bon cell ATCC: CRL-1248 Ro Dow disease: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type II Ro Dow cell ATCC: CRL-1337 Ro Shi disease: porokeratosis Ro Shi cell ATCC: CRL-1310 Ro Vid disease: xeroderma pigmentosum; presumed heterozygote Ro Vid cell ATCC: CRL-1308 LCL-1680 RO82-W-1 RO82-W-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308779 CVCL: CVCL_0582 ECACC: 92030502 HyperCLDB: cl4167 Ron Har Ron Har cell ATCC: CRL-1131 R-P 91a R-P 91a cell HyperCLDB: cl4061 R-P 91f R-P 91f cell HyperCLDB: cl4062 RP88 RP88 cell HyperCLDB: cl4168 RPC5.4 disease: hybridoma fusion partner RPC5.4 cell ATCC: TIB-12 RPE-J disease: SV40 transformed RPE-J cell ATCC: CRL-2240 RPMI 1788 disease: EBNA positive RPMI 1788 cell ATCC: CCL-156 RPMI 1846 RPMI 1846 cell ATCC: CCL-49 LCL-1881 RPMI 2650 disease: squamous cell carcinoma (nasal septum primary) RPMI 2650 cell ATCC: CCL-30 LCL-2013 RPMI 6666 disease: Hodgkins disease; Cell types: EBV + B-lymphoblastoid cell line RPMI 6666 cell ATCC: CCL-113 CCL-113 RPMI 7666 RPMI 7666 cell ATCC: CCL-114 RPMI 7932 RPMI 7932 cell HyperCLDB: cl4180 LCL-2049 RPMI 8226 RPMI 8226 cell ATCC: CCL-155 HyperCLDB: cl5355 RPMI 8402 disease: lymphoma, thymic RPMI 8402 cell HyperCLDB: cl4185 HyperCLDB: cl5356 RPMI 8866 disease: leukemia, chronic myeloid RPMI 8866 cell HyperCLDB: cl4186 RPMI-2650 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell RPMI-2650 cell HyperCLDB: cl5354 LCL-1254 RPMI-7951 disease: malignant melanoma RPMI-7951 cell ATCC: HTB-66 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307962 CVCL: CVCL_1666 RR1022 RR1022 cell ATCC: CCL-47 HyperCLDB: cl4189 R-R92 R-R92 cell HyperCLDB: cl4063 RRAm1 RRAm1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4953 RR-CHOKI RR-CHOKI cell HyperCLDB: cl4188 RS RS cell HyperCLDB: cl7112 LCL-1040 RS4;11 RS4;11 cell ATCC: CRL-1873 RS-537 RS-537 cell HyperCLDB: cl4191 R-S95 R-S95 cell HyperCLDB: cl4064 RSC96 disease: immortalized spontaneously RSC96 cell ATCC: CRL-2765 RSOI RSOI cell ATCC: CRL-1419 RT 1 RT 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4192 HyperCLDB: cl4193 RT101 disease: chemically transformed RT101 cell ATCC: CRL-2002 LCL-1716 RT-112 disease: carcinoma, transitional cell RT-112 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307307 CVCL: CVCL_1670 DSMZ: ACC 418 HyperCLDB: cl5357 LCL-1705 RT112/84 RT112/84 cell ECACC: 85061106 HyperCLDB: cl4196 LCL-1717 RT4 disease: transitional cell papilloma RT4 cell ATCC: HTB-2 ECACC: 91091914 HyperCLDB: cl5358 RT4-D6P2T disease: schwannoma RT4-D6P2T cell ATCC: CRL-2768 R-T96 R-T96 cell HyperCLDB: cl4065 RTG-2 RTG-2 cell ATCC: CCL-55 HyperCLDB: cl4202 RTgill-W1 RTgill-W1 cell ATCC: CRL-2523 RTG-P1 RTG-P1 cell ATCC: CRL-2829 RTH-149 disease: hepatoma RTH-149 cell ATCC: CRL-1710 RTO RTO cell HyperCLDB: cl4205 Ru Ra disease: osteogenesis imperfecta (congenita) Ru Ra cell ATCC: CRL-1315 RV-C2 RV-C2 cell HyperCLDB: cl5360 LCL-1255 RVH-421 RVH-421 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308126 CVCL: CVCL_1672 DSMZ: ACC 127 HyperCLDB: cl4207 RVP3 RVP3 cell HyperCLDB: cl4208 RW.4 disease: embryonic stem cell RW.4 cell ATCC: SCRC-1018 RWPE-1 disease: transfected with Ki-MSV RWPE-1 cell ATCC: CRL-11609 RWPE-2 disease: transfected with HPV-18 and Ki-MSV RWPE-2 cell ATCC: CRL-11610 RWPE2-W99 RWPE2-W99 cell ATCC: CRL-2853 S+L-CAT2 S+L-CAT2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4212 S0095 S0095 cell HyperCLDB: cl4233 S1088 S1088 cell HyperCLDB: cl4234 LCL-1777 S-117 S-117 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308464 CVCL: CVCL_1674 DSMZ: ACC 266 HyperCLDB: cl4235 S1295 S1295 cell HyperCLDB: cl4237 S1391 S1391 cell HyperCLDB: cl4238 S13ba3 S13ba3 cell HyperCLDB: cl4239 S1814.PB5 S1814.PB5 cell HyperCLDB: cl4240 S1887 S1887 cell HyperCLDB: cl4241 S194/5.XXO.BU.1 disease: hybridoma fusion partner S194/5.XXO.BU.1 cell ATCC: TIB-20 S194/5.XXO-1 disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma S194/5.XXO-1 cell ATCC: TIB-19 S1A(Thy-1–b) S1A(Thy-1–b) cell ATCC: TIB-231 S1A.TB.4.8.2 S1A.TB.4.8.2 cell ATCC: TIB-27 S1E4 disease: hybridoma S1E4 cell ATCC: HB-8332 S2 S2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4242 S2793 S2793 cell HyperCLDB: cl4243 S3D3 disease: hybridoma S3D3 cell ATCC: HB-8331 S49 (Thy-1-a) S49 (Thy-1-a) cell ATCC: TIB-36 S49.1 S49.1 cell ATCC: TIB-28 S49.1G.3 S49.1G.3 cell ATCC: TIB-34 S49.1G.3 PHA.100/0 S49.1G.3 PHA.100/0 cell ATCC: TIB-35 S49.1H.1AG.6/2 S49.1H.1AG.6/2 cell ATCC: TIB-29 S49.1TB.2 S49.1TB.2 cell ATCC: TIB-30 S49.1TB.4 DEX R.63 S49.1TB.4 DEX R.63 cell ATCC: TIB-33 S4B6-1 disease: hybridoma S4B6-1 cell ATCC: HB-10968 S5 disease: hybridoma S5 cell ATCC: HB-9255 S6F1 disease: hybridoma S6F1 cell ATCC: HB-9579 S9 disease: cystic fibrosis; immortalized with Ad12-SV40 hybrid S9 cell ATCC: CRL-2778 S9.6 disease: hybridoma S9.6 cell ATCC: HB-8730 SA13 disease: hybridoma SA13 cell ATCC: HB-8501 SA22 disease: hybridoma SA22 cell ATCC: CRL-2052 SA87f SA87f cell HyperCLDB: cl4244 SA87ls SA87ls cell HyperCLDB: cl4245 SA88 SA88 cell HyperCLDB: cl4246 SA88f SA88f cell HyperCLDB: cl4247 SA88ls SA88ls cell HyperCLDB: cl4248 SaI disease: dibenzanthracene-induced malignant fibrosarcoma SaI cell ATCC: CRL-2543 SaI/N disease: dibenzanthracene-induced fibrosarcoma SaI/N cell ATCC: CRL-2544 Sal Mat Sal Mat cell ATCC: CRL-1110 LCL-1430 Saos-2 Saos-2 cell ATCC: HTB-85 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307737 CVCL: CVCL_0548 HyperCLDB: cl4251 HyperCLDB: cl4252 Sar Nis disease: pseudoachondroplasia (autosomal dominant) Sar Nis cell ATCC: CRL-1231 Sarcoma 180 Sarcoma 180 cell ATCC: TIB-66 SBAC SBAC cell ATCC: CRL-1796 LCL-1866 SBC-2 SBC-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4257 JHSF: JCRB0817 SBC-7 SBC-7 cell HyperCLDB: cl4258 SBV86M SBV86M cell HyperCLDB: cl4259 SC disease: macrophage; monocyte SC cell ATCC: CRL-9855 SC 11 SC 11 cell HyperCLDB: cl4261 LCL-1944 SC-1 disease: EBV transformed SC-1 cell ATCC: CRL-8756 CRL-8756 LCL-1944 SC-1 SC-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1404 CRL-8756 LCL-1944 SC-1 SC-1 cell ATCC: CRL-6450 CRL-8756 SC-1 (F1701 clone 1116A) SC-1 (F1701 clone 1116A) cell HyperCLDB: cl4265 SC-71 disease: hybridoma SC-71 cell ATCC: HB-277 SC-75 SC-75 cell HyperCLDB: cl4267 S-C88 S-C88 cell HyperCLDB: cl4215 S-C93 S-C93 cell HyperCLDB: cl4216 SCA-9 clone 15 SCA-9 clone 15 cell ATCC: CRL-1734 LCL-1540 SCaBER disease: transitional cell carcinoma SCaBER cell ATCC: HTB-3 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307437 CVCL: CVCL_3599 EFO: EFO_0002325 LCL-1222 SCC-15 disease: squamous cell carcinoma SCC-15 cell ATCC: CRL-1623 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307438 CVCL: CVCL_1681 LCL-1223 SCC-25 disease: squamous cell carcinoma SCC-25 cell ATCC: CRL-1628 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307440 CVCL: CVCL_1682 LCL-1224 SCC-4 disease: squamous cell carcinoma SCC-4 cell ATCC: CRL-1624 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308803 CVCL: CVCL_1684 LCL-1225 SCC-9 disease: squamous cell carcinoma SCC-9 cell ATCC: CRL-1629 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308782 CVCL: CVCL_1685 SCC-PSA1 disease: teratocarcinoma; pluripotent SCC-PSA1 cell ATCC: CRL-1535 Schneider’s Drosophila Line 2 Schneider’s Drosophila Line 2 cell ATCC: CRL-1963 HyperCLDB: cl4270 LCL-1822 SCLC-21H disease: carcinoma, small cell SCLC-21H cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308465 CVCL: CVCL_0024 DSMZ: ACC 372 HyperCLDB: cl5361 SCLC-22H disease: carcinoma, small cell SCLC-22H cell HyperCLDB: cl5362 SCP SCP cell ATCC: CRL-1700 SD-1 disease: leukemia, acute lymphoblastic SD-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5363 S-D92a S-D92a cell HyperCLDB: cl4217 S-D92f S-D92f cell HyperCLDB: cl4218 S-D92v S-D92v cell HyperCLDB: cl4219 SE-1.3 disease: hybridoma SE-1.3 cell ATCC: HB-137 SE95IL2 SE95IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4273 SE95ls SE95ls cell HyperCLDB: cl4274 SER-W3 SER-W3 cell HyperCLDB: cl5364 Sf 1 Ep (NBL-11) disease: epidermis Sf 1 Ep (NBL-11) cell ATCC: CCL-68 SF1-1.1.10 disease: hybridoma SF1-1.1.10 cell ATCC: HB-159 SF-158 SF-158 cell HyperCLDB: cl5365 Sf1Ep Sf1Ep cell ATCC: CRL-6502 HyperCLDB: cl4275 HyperCLDB: cl4276 SF-21 SF-21 cell HyperCLDB: cl2906 SF-9 SF-9 cell HyperCLDB: cl4278 Sf9 Sf9 cell ATCC: CRL-1711 Sf9 (IPLB-21) Sf9 (IPLB-21) cell HyperCLDB: cl4279 S-F95 S-F95 cell HyperCLDB: cl4220 SFR3-DR5 disease: hybridoma SFR3-DR5 cell ATCC: HB-151 SFR8-B6 disease: hybridoma SFR8-B6 cell ATCC: HB-152 S-G87 S-G87 cell HyperCLDB: cl4221 SG88P SG88P cell HyperCLDB: cl4281 SG94 SG94 cell HyperCLDB: cl4282 S-G94 S-G94 cell HyperCLDB: cl4222 SGA96M SGA96M cell HyperCLDB: cl4283 SGE-1 SGE-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5366 SGS SGS cell HyperCLDB: cl4284 SGS/3A SGS/3A cell HyperCLDB: cl4285 SH2 disease: hybridoma SH2 cell ATCC: HB-10743 SH3 disease: hybridoma SH3 cell ATCC: HB-10744 SH-34 disease: hybridoma SH-34 cell ATCC: CRL-2405 SH4 disease: hybridoma SH4 cell ATCC: HB-10745 LCL-1280 SH-4 SH-4 cell ATCC: CRL-7724 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308177 CVCL: CVCL_1692 Sanger: COSMIC ID:909713 SHD(4XH2) SHD(4XH2) cell HyperCLDB: cl4291 SHD(4XH2EJ18) SHD(4XH2EJ18) cell HyperCLDB: cl4292 SHD(5XH11) SHD(5XH11) cell HyperCLDB: cl4293 Shh Light II Shh Light II cell ATCC: CRL-2795 SHM-D33 disease: hybridoma fusion partner SHM-D33 cell ATCC: CRL-1668 SHOK SHOK cell HyperCLDB: cl4296 LCL-1823 SHP-77 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer; large cell variant SHP-77 cell ATCC: CRL-2195 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308363 CVCL: CVCL_1693 EFO: EFO_0002328 Shs Shs cell HyperCLDB: cl4297 LCL-2000 SH-SY5Y SHSY5Y SH-SY5Y cell ATCC: CRL-2266 LCL-1071 SIG-M5 SIG-M5 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308248 CVCL: CVCL_1694 DSMZ: ACC 468 HyperCLDB: cl7113 LCL-1542 SiHa disease: squamous cell carcinoma SiHa cell ATCC: HTB-35 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307968 CVCL: CVCL_0032 EFO: EFO_0002379 LCL-1979 SIMA SIMA cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308828 CVCL: CVCL_1695 DSMZ: ACC 164 HyperCLDB: cl4300 SIRC SIRC cell HyperCLDB: cl4301 SIRC (Statens Se- ruminstitut Rabbit Cornea) SIRC (Statens Se- ruminstitut Rabbit Cornea) cell ATCC: CCL-60 LCL-1514 SISO SISO cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307272 CVCL: CVCL_2193 DSMZ: ACC 327 HyperCLDB: cl5367 SJD.1 SJD.1 cell ATCC: CRL-2296 SJK-132-20 disease: hybridoma SJK-132-20 cell ATCC: CRL-1640 SJK-237-71 disease: hybridoma SJK-237-71 cell ATCC: CRL-1645 SJK-287-38 disease: hybridoma SJK-287-38 cell ATCC: CRL-1644 SJL/JB SJL/JB cell ATCC: CRL-6452 SJL/JC SJL/JC cell ATCC: CRL-6453 SJMRF SJMRF cell HyperCLDB: cl4309 SJ-N-KP SJ-N-KP cell HyperCLDB: cl4308 SJRH30 disease: rhabdomyosarcoma (muscle primary) SJRH30 cell ATCC: CRL-2061 LCL-1433 SJSA-1 SJSA-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2098 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308885 CVCL: CVCL_1697 EFO: EFO_0002330 Sanger: COSMIC ID:909717 SK LU 1 disease: adenocarcinoma, grade III SK LU 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4318 SK MES 1 disease: carcinoma, squamous cell obsolete: SK MES 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5092 LCL-1475 ZN SK-BR-3 SK-BR-3 cell ATCC: HTB-30 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308062 CVCL: CVCL_0033 EFO: EFO_0001236 LCL-1184 SK-CO-1 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma (colon primary) SK-CO-1 cell ATCC: HTB-39 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308784 CVCL: CVCL_0626 LCL-1434 SK-ES-1 SK-ES-1 cell ATCC: HTB-86 LCL-1941 SK-HEP-1 SK-HEP-1 cell ATCC: HTB-52 LCL-1286 SK-LMS-1 disease: leiomyosarcoma SK-LMS-1 cell ATCC: HTB-88 ATCC: HTB-88,COSMIC ID:909720; ATCC HTB-88 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308552 CVCL: CVCL_0628 LCL-1659 SK-LU-1 SKLU1 SK-LU-1 cell ATCC: HTB-57 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307447 CVCL: CVCL_0629 ECACC: 93120835 LCL-1265 SK-MEL-1 disease: malignant melanoma (skin primary) SK-MEL-1 cell ATCC: HTB-67 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308365 CVCL: CVCL_0068 EFO: EFO_0002332 LCL-1256 JX, YH SK-MEL-2 WEB: disease: malignant melanoma (skin primary) SK-MEL-2 cell ATCC: HTB-68 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307743 CVCL: CVCL_0069 EFO: EFO_0002079 LCL-1281 SK-MEL-24 disease: malignant melanoma SK-MEL-24 cell ATCC: COSMIC ID:909725; ATCC HTB-71,HTB-71 ATCC: HTB-71 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308324 CVCL: CVCL_0599 LCL-2092 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie AU-Mel P-36 P36 SK MEL 28 SK Mel 28 SK-MEL 28 SK-MEL28 SK-Mel28 SK.MEL.28 SKMEL-28 SKMEL28 SKMEL28 cell SKML-28 SKMel-28 SKMel28 SKmel28 SK-MEL-28 cell ATCC: HTB-72 ChEMBL: CHEMBL3308494 RRID:CVCL_0526 LCL-1266 SK-MEL-3 disease: malignant melanoma (skin primary) SK-MEL-3 cell ATCC: HTB-69 LCL-1257 SK-MEL-30 SK-MEL-30 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308128 CVCL: CVCL_0039 DSMZ: ACC 151 HyperCLDB: cl4323 SK-MEL-31 disease: malignant melanoma SK-MEL-31 cell ATCC: HTB-73 LCL-1282 A melanoma cell line cell. This cell line was established in 1974 from a metastatic site (axillary lymph node) in a 24-year-old Caucasian female with malignant melanoma, expresses mutant B-Raf (V600E) and wildtype N-Ras. SK-MEL-5 WEB: WEB: WEB: SK-MEL-5 cell ATCC: HTB-70 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307744 CVCL: CVCL_0527 EFO: EFO_0002080 PubChem AID: 488899 Sanger: COSMIC ID:905956 LCL-1583 SK MES 1 SK-MES SK-MES disease: carcinoma, squamous cell SK-MES-1 cell ATCC: HTB-58 HyperCLDB: cl4325 RRID:CVCL_0630 SK-MES-1 Obsolete. See: disease: squamous cell carcinoma (lung primary) obsolerte: SK-MES-1 cell ATCC: HTB-58 LCL-2051 SK-MM-2 SK-MM-2 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308277 CVCL: CVCL_1699 EFO: EFO_0005458 HyperCLDB: cl5371 Sanger: COSMIC ID:753612 LCL-1969 SK-N-AS disease: embryonal neuro- blastoma (brain/neuroblast primary) SK-N-AS cell ATCC: CRL-2137 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308785 CVCL: CVCL_1700 EFO: EFO_0002859 LCL-1980 SK-N-BE(2) SK-N-BE(2) cell ATCC: CRL-2271 ECACC: 95011815 SK-N-BE(2)-C SK-N-BE(2)-C cell HyperCLDB: cl4334 LCL-1970 SK-N-DZ disease: embryonal neuro- blastoma (brain/neuroblast primary) SK-N-DZ cell ATCC: CRL-2149 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308474 CVCL: CVCL_1701 EFO: EFO_0002336 LCL-1802 SK-NEP-1 disease: Wilmstumor (kidney primary) SK-NEP-1 cell ATCC: HTB-48 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308141 CVCL: CVCL_0631 EFO: EFO_0002337 SK-N-F1 SK-N-F1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4336 LCL-1981 SK-N-FI disease: embryonal neuro- blastoma (brain/neuroblast primary) SK-N-FI cell ATCC: CRL-2142 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308278 CVCL: CVCL_1702 SK-N-MC disease: neuroepithelioma (brain primary) SK-N-MC cell ATCC: HTB-10 LCL-1971 SK-N-SH SK-N-SH cell ATCC: HTB-11 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307745 CVCL: CVCL_0531 EFO: EFO_0003072 SKNSH88 SKNSH88 cell HyperCLDB: cl4360 SKO-007 disease: hybridoma fusion partner SKO-007 cell ATCC: CRL-8033-1 SKO-007 [clone J3] SKO-007 [clone J3] cell ATCC: CRL-8033-2 LCL-1517 SK-OV-3 SK-OV-3 cell ATCC: HTB-77 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307746 CVCL: CVCL_0532 ECACC: 91091004 EFO: EFO_0002340 LCL-1048 SK-PN-DW disease: retroperitoneal; malignant; primitive neuroectodermal tumor SK-PN-DW cell ATCC: CRL-2139 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308886 CVCL: CVCL_1703 Sanger: COSMIC ID:909731 LCL-1508 SK-UT-1 disease: mesodermal tumor (mixed); consistent with leiomyosarcoma SK-UT-1 cell ATCC: HTB-114 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308848 CVCL: CVCL_0533 Sanger: COSMIC ID:909732 SK-UT-1B disease: mesodermal tumor (mixed); consistent with leiomyosarcoma SK-UT-1B cell ATCC: HTB-115 SKW 6.4 disease: EBV transformed SKW 6.4 cell ATCC: TIB-215 SKW-3 disease: leukemia, T cell SKW-3 cell HyperCLDB: cl4361 Sl/Sl4 disease: Steel factor deficient; SV40 large T immortalized Sl/Sl4 cell ATCC: CRL-2452 Sl/Sl4 hSCF220 disease: SV40 large T immortalized Sl/Sl4 hSCF220 cell ATCC: CRL-2453 Sl/Sl4 hSCF248 disease: liver, stroma, fetal Sl/Sl4 hSCF248 cell ATCC: CRL-2454 SL-29 SL-29 cell ATCC: CRL-1590 S-L90a S-L90a cell HyperCLDB: cl4223 S-L90f S-L90f cell HyperCLDB: cl4224 S-L95a S-L95a cell HyperCLDB: cl4225 S-L95f S-L95f cell HyperCLDB: cl4226 SLC87M SLC87M cell HyperCLDB: cl4365 SM27-1045 disease: hybridoma SM27-1045 cell ATCC: HB-11917 SM86P SM86P cell HyperCLDB: cl4366 SM96P SM96P cell HyperCLDB: cl4367 SMC-1 SMC-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4369 SMC87 SMC87 cell HyperCLDB: cl4376 SMC95S SMC95S cell HyperCLDB: cl4377 SMC-BN1 SMC-BN1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4370 SMC-BN2 SMC-BN2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4371 SMC-RG SMC-RG cell HyperCLDB: cl4372 SMC-RV SMC-RV cell HyperCLDB: cl4373 SMC-YOS1 SMC-YOS1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4374 SMC-YOS2 SMC-YOS2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4375 SML, clone 4D8 SML, clone 4D8 cell ATCC: CRL-2311 SMT/2A LNM SMT/2A LNM cell ATCC: CRL-6602 S-N87 S-N87 cell HyperCLDB: cl4227 LCL-1363 ZN SNB-19 SNB-19 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307552 CVCL: CVCL_0535 DSMZ: ACC 325 EFO: EFO_0002342 HyperCLDB: cl5372 LCL-1888 SNU-1 disease: gastric carcinoma SNU-1 cell ATCC: CRL-5971 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307455 CVCL: CVCL_0099 EFO: EFO_0002343 LCL-1889 SNU-16 disease: gastric carcinoma (stomach primary) SNU-16 cell ATCC: CRL-5974 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307273 CVCL: CVCL_0076 EFO: EFO_0002344 LCL-1932 SNU-182 SNU-182 cell ATCC: CRL-2235 LCL-1933 SNU-387 disease: pleomorphic hepatocellular carcinoma SNU-387 cell ATCC: CRL-2237 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308817 CVCL: CVCL_0250 EFO: EFO_0002346 LCL-1934 SNU-398 SNU-398 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307619 CVCL: CVCL_0077 EFO: EFO_0002347 LCL-1935 SNU-423 disease: pleomorphic hepatocellular carcinoma SNU-423 cell ATCC: CRL-2238 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308367 CVCL: CVCL_0366 EFO: EFO_0002348 LCL-1936 SNU-449 SNU-449 cell ATCC: CRL-2234 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308480 CVCL: CVCL_0454 EFO: EFO_0002349 LCL-1937 SNU-475 SNU-475 cell ATCC: CRL-2236 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308787 CVCL: CVCL_0497 EFO: EFO_0002350 LCL-1890 SNU-5 disease: gastric carcinoma (stomach primary) SNU-5 cell ATCC: CRL-5973 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307458 CVCL: CVCL_0078 EFO: EFO_0002351 LCL-1194 SNU-C1 SNU-C1 cell ATCC: CRL-5972 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308249 CVCL: CVCL_1708 Sanger: COSMIC ID:910905 SNU-C2A disease: colorectal carcinoma SNU-C2A cell ATCC: CCL-250.1 LCL-1341 SNU-C2B disease: colorectal carcinoma SNU-C2B cell ATCC: CCL-250 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308279 CVCL: CVCL_1710 Sanger: COSMIC ID:909740 SOB-15 SOB-15 cell ATCC: CRL-2301 SODK1 [SODK1293] disease: transformed with adenovirus 5 DNA; packaging cell line SODK1 [SODK1293] cell ATCC: CRL-12386 Sol8 Sol8 cell ATCC: CRL-2174 SOM-4D10 SOM-4D10 cell HyperCLDB: cl7114 Sp1K Sp1K cell HyperCLDB: cl4380 Sp2/01-Ag disease: hybridoma fusion partner Sp2/01-Ag cell ATCC: CRL-8006 SP2/0-Ag14 SP2/0-Ag14 cell HyperCLDB: cl4384 SP2/0-AG14 SP2/0-AG14 cell HyperCLDB: cl4386 Sp2/0-Ag14 disease: hybridoma fusion partner Sp2/0-Ag14 cell ATCC: CRL-1581 Sp2/0-Ag14 Sp2/0-Ag14 cell ATCC: CRL-8287 Sp2/mIL-6 disease: hybridoma fusion partner Sp2/mIL-6 cell ATCC: CRL-2016 SP87M SP87M cell HyperCLDB: cl4387 S-P95 S-P95 cell HyperCLDB: cl4228 SPC-BM-36 SPC-BM-36 cell HyperCLDB: cl4388 SPEV SPEV cell HyperCLDB: cl4389 SPEV-13-D5-TK- SPEV-13-D5-TK- cell HyperCLDB: cl4392 SPI-801 disease: leukemia, chronic myeloid SPI-801 cell HyperCLDB: cl4393 SPI-802 disease: leukemia, chronic myeloid SPI-802 cell HyperCLDB: cl4394 S-PS S-PS cell HyperCLDB: cl4229 SQMK-FP SQMK-FP cell ATCC: CRL-2762 LCL-1129 SR disease: large cell immuno- blastic lymphoma (unknown primary) SR cell ATCC: CRL-2262 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307586 CVCL: CVCL_1711 EFO: EFO_0002352 SR4987 SR4987 cell HyperCLDB: cl4397 SR-4987 disease: bone marrow, stroma SR-4987 cell ATCC: CRL-2028 SR-786 SR-786 cell HyperCLDB: cl5374 SR95F SR95F cell HyperCLDB: cl4398 S-R96 S-R96 cell HyperCLDB: cl4230 Src++ disease: immortalized with SV40 large T antigen; deficient for Yes and Fyn Src++ cell ATCC: CRL-2497 S-S.1 disease: hybridoma S-S.1 cell ATCC: TIB-111 S-S.3 disease: hybridoma S-S.3 cell ATCC: TIB-112 SS86 SS86 cell HyperCLDB: cl4399 SS92 SS92 cell HyperCLDB: cl4400 SS95 SS95 cell HyperCLDB: cl4401 SSE 5 SSE 5 cell HyperCLDB: cl4402 SSE-5 SSE-5 cell HyperCLDB: cl5093 SSN-1 SSN-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5126 ST ST cell ATCC: CRL-1746 ST-2 ST-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl5375 LCL-2026 ST486 disease: Burkitts lymphoma ST486 cell ATCC: CRL-1647 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308887 CVCL: CVCL_1712 EFO: EFO_0002353 S-T92a S-T92a cell HyperCLDB: cl4231 S-T92f S-T92f cell HyperCLDB: cl4232 STA88M STA88M cell HyperCLDB: cl4405 STE-137 STE-137 cell HyperCLDB: cl5127 STK 1 disease: hybridoma STK 1 cell ATCC: CRL-1652 STO STO cell ATCC: CRL-1503 LCL-1747 SU.86.86 disease: ductal carcinoma (pancreas primary) SU.86.86 cell ATCC: CRL-1837 Subclone 707 BUF disease: leukemia, Friend Subclone 707 BUF cell HyperCLDB: cl4411 Subclone 707 DAP8 disease: leukemia, Friend Subclone 707 DAP8 cell HyperCLDB: cl4412 Subclone 707 DK 4.8 disease: leukemia, Friend Subclone 707 DK 4.8 cell HyperCLDB: cl4413 Subclone 707 DKA disease: leukemia, Friend Subclone 707 DKA cell HyperCLDB: cl4414 Subclone 707 DKE disease: leukemia, Friend Subclone 707 DKE cell HyperCLDB: cl4415 Subclone 707 DKH disease: leukemia, Friend Subclone 707 DKH cell HyperCLDB: cl4416 Subclone 707 DKJ disease: leukemia, Friend Subclone 707 DKJ cell HyperCLDB: cl4417 Subclone 707 TG1 disease: leukemia, Friend Subclone 707 TG1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4418 Subclone 707 TG2 disease: leukemia, Friend Subclone 707 TG2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4419 LCL-1918 SU-DHL-1 SU-DHL-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308303 CVCL: CVCL_0538 DSMZ: ACC 356 EFO: EFO_0005461 HyperCLDB: cl5376 LCL-1041 an immortal human B cell line cell that is derived from a 8-year-old Caucasian male human patient with an acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Oliver He CRL-1929 SUP-B15 WEB: WEB: SUP-B15 cell ATCC: CRL-1929 RRID: CVCL_0103 Super Dome Super Dome cell ATCC: CRL-2286 Super Tube Super Tube cell ATCC: CRL-2285 LCL-1023 immortal human T cell line cell that was derived from some human T cell from a patient who had disease T-cell childhood lymphoblastic lymphoma Oliver He SUP-T1 WEB: SUP-T1 cell ATCC: CRL-1942 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308368 RRID: CVCL_1714 SV3T3 SV3T3 cell HyperCLDB: cl4426 SV3T3B SV3T3B cell HyperCLDB: cl4427 SV40 MES 13 SV40 MES 13 cell ATCC: CRL-1927 SV40 tumour SV40 tumour cell HyperCLDB: cl4428 SV40LT-SMC Clone HEP-SA disease: smooth muscle SV40LT-SMC Clone HEP-SA cell ATCC: CRL-2018 SV63 disease: hybridoma SV63 cell ATCC: HB-8766 SV7tert disease: angiomyolipoma; immortalized with SV40 large T antigen and human telomerase SV7tert cell ATCC: CRL-2461 SVCT SVCT cell HyperCLDB: cl5094 SVEC4-10 disease: endothelial; SV40 transformed SVEC4-10 cell ATCC: CRL-2181 SVEC4-10EE2 disease: endothelial; SV40 transformed SVEC4-10EE2 cell ATCC: CRL-2167 SVEC4-10EHR1 disease: SV40 transformed SVEC4-10EHR1 cell ATCC: CRL-2161 LCL-2079 SVG p12 disease: SV40 transformed SVG p12 cell ATCC: CRL-8621 CRL-8621 SV-HUC-1 SV-HUC-1 cell ATCC: CRL-9520 SVR SVR cell ATCC: CRL-2280 SVR A221a SVR A221a cell ATCC: CRL-2386 SVR bag4 SVR bag4 cell ATCC: CRL-2387 SV-T2 SV-T2 cell ATCC: CCL-163.1 LCL-1398 SW 1088 SW 1088 cell ATCC: HTB-12 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307573 CVCL: CVCL_1715 EFO: EFO_0002358 LCL-1200 SW 1116 disease: adenocarcinoma, grade II SW 1116 cell ECACC: 87071006 HyperCLDB: cl4429 LCL-1824 SW 1271 disease: carcinoma; small cell lung cancer SW 1271 cell ATCC: CRL-2177 LCL-1676 ZN SW 13 SW13 SW 13 cell ECACC: 87031801 HyperCLDB: cl4435 SW 1353 disease: chondrosarcoma SW 1353 cell ATCC: HTB-94 LCL-1185 SW 1417 disease: adenocarcinoma, grade III SW 1417 cell ECACC: 90102543 HyperCLDB: cl4430 LCL-1291 SW 1463 SW 1463 cell ECACC: 90112713 HyperCLDB: cl4431 LCL-1758 SW 156 disease: hypernephroma SW 156 cell ATCC: CRL-2175 LCL-1799 SW 1573 SW 1573 cell ATCC: CRL-2170 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307980 CVCL: CVCL_1720 EFO: EFO_0002363 LCL-1399 SW 1783 SW 1783 cell ATCC: HTB-13 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308369 CVCL: CVCL_1722 EFO: EFO_0002364 LCL-1750 SW 1990 SW 1990 cell ATCC: CRL-2172 SW 403 disease: adenocarcinoma, grade II SW 403 cell HyperCLDB: cl4432 LCL-1186 SW 48 SW 48 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308789 CVCL: CVCL_1723 ECACC: 89012702 EFO: EFO_0002365 HyperCLDB: cl4438 SW 480 SW 480 cell HyperCLDB: cl4441 SW 620 SW 620 cell HyperCLDB: cl4444 LCL-1529 SW 626 SW 626 cell ATCC: HTB-78 SW 684 disease: fibrosarcoma SW 684 cell ATCC: HTB-91 LCL-1718 SW 780 disease: transitional cell carcinoma SW 780 cell ATCC: CRL-2169 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308468 CVCL: CVCL_1728 EFO: EFO_0002371 SW 837 disease: adenocarcinoma, grade IV SW 837 cell HyperCLDB: cl4448 SW 872 disease: liposarcoma SW 872 cell ATCC: HTB-92 LCL-1593 SW 900 disease: squamous cell carcinoma SW 900 cell ATCC: HTB-59 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308819 CVCL: CVCL_1731 EFO: EFO_0002374 SW 948 disease: adenocarcinoma, grade III SW 948 cell HyperCLDB: cl4449 SW 954 disease: squamous cell carcinoma SW 954 cell ATCC: HTB-117 SW 962 disease: carcinoma (vulva primary) SW 962 cell ATCC: HTB-118 SW 982 disease: synovial sarcoma SW 982 cell ATCC: HTB-93 SW10 disease: immortalized with SV40 large T antigen SW10 cell ATCC: CRL-2766 SW1116 SW1116 cell ATCC: CCL-233 SW-13 disease: primary small cell carcinoma SW-13 cell ATCC: CCL-105 SW1353 disease: chondrosarcoma SW1353 cell HyperCLDB: cl4957 SW1417 SW1417 cell ATCC: CCL-238 SW1463 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma SW1463 cell ATCC: CCL-234 LCL-1719 SW-1710 disease: carcinoma, transitional cell SW-1710 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308804 CVCL: CVCL_1721 DSMZ: ACC 426 HyperCLDB: cl5378 SW-403 disease: adenocarcinoma, grade III SW-403 cell HyperCLDB: cl5379 LCL-1195 SW403 SW403 cell ATCC: CCL-230 PubChem AID: 504653 RRID: CVCL_0545 Sanger: COSMIC ID:910908 SW48 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma SW48 cell ATCC: CCL-231 SW-480 SW-480 cell HyperCLDB: cl5397 SW480 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma SW480 cell ATCC: CCL-228 LCL-1474 SW527 disease: Pagets disease SW527 cell ATCC: CRL-7940 SW579 disease: squamous cell carcinoma SW579 cell ATCC: HTB-107 LCL-1157 SW620 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma (colon primary) SW620 cell ATCC: CCL-227 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307944 CVCL: CVCL_0547 EFO: EFO_0002368 SW626 SW626 cell HyperCLDB: cl4446 LCL-1544 SW756 disease: squamous cell carcinoma SW756 cell ATCC: CRL-10302 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308790 CVCL: CVCL_1727 EFO: EFO_0002370 LCL-1292 SW837 SW837 cell ATCC: CCL-235 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308361 CVCL: CVCL_1729 EFO: EFO_0002372 LCL-1187 SW-948 SW-948 cell ATCC: CCL-237 HyperCLDB: cl5380 SW948 disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma SW948 cell ATCC: CCL-237 Swiss-3T3 Swiss-3T3 cell HyperCLDB: cl4451 MeSH: D041701 Swiss SFME Swiss SFME cell ATCC: CRL-9391 SWLA1 disease: hybridoma SWLA1 cell ATCC: HB-12559 SWLA2 disease: hybridoma SWLA2 cell ATCC: HB-12560 SWLA3 disease: hybridoma SWLA3 cell ATCC: HB-12558 SWR/J.We SWR/J.We cell ATCC: CRL-6458 SYF disease: immortalized with SV40 large T antigen; deficient for Src,Yes, and Fyn SYF cell ATCC: CRL-2459 SYF + c-Src disease: immortalized with SV40 large T antigen; deficient for Src,Yes, and Fyn SYF + c-Src cell ATCC: CRL-2498 T 24 disease: carcinoma, transitional cell T 24 cell HyperCLDB: cl4452 T 98 G T 98 G cell HyperCLDB: cl4480 T/G HA-VSMC T/G HA-VSMC cell ATCC: CRL-1999 T1 (174 x CEM.T1) T1 (174 x CEM.T1) cell ATCC: CRL-1991 T11D7e2 disease: hybridoma T11D7e2 cell ATCC: TIB-103 T-1387 disease: leukemia, acute lymphoblastic T-1387 cell HyperCLDB: cl4453 T1-73 T1-73 cell ATCC: CRL-7943 an immortal human B cell line cell that was derived some B cell isolated from human blood Oliver He T2 (174 x CEM.T2) WEB: T2 (174 x CEM.T2) cell ATCC: CRL-1992 RRID: CVCL_2211 T2385 T2385 cell HyperCLDB: cl4471 T2389 T2389 cell HyperCLDB: cl4472 LCL-1709 T24 disease: transitional cell carcinoma T24 cell ATCC: HTB-4 HyperCLDB: cl5381 T24/83 T24/83 cell HyperCLDB: cl4473 T27A disease: leukemia T27A cell ATCC: TIB-57 T3-3A1 disease: hybridoma T3-3A1 cell ATCC: HB-2 T36274 disease: chemically transformed T36274 cell ATCC: CRL-2012 T4 Clone 5 (10-0101, 0062-83) disease: hybridoma T4 Clone 5 (10-0101, 0062-83) cell ATCC: HB-8500 LCL-1486 T-47D T47D cell WEB: T-47D cell ATCC: HTB-133 ECACC: 85102201 HyperCLDB: cl4454 T529-15D3-18- 1A3-1B7 disease: hybridoma T529-15D3-18- 1A3-1B7 cell ATCC: HB-10500 T529-15D3-2E5- 4G12-1 disease: hybridoma T529-15D3-2E5- 4G12-1 cell ATCC: HB-10501 LCL-1166 T84 disease: colorectal carcinoma (colon primary) T84 cell ATCC: CCL-248 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307275 CVCL: CVCL_0555 ECACC: 88021101 EFO: EFO_0002084 T84.66A3.1A.1F2 disease: hybridoma T84.66A3.1A.1F2 cell ATCC: HB-8747 T84M T84M cell HyperCLDB: cl4476 T93 T93 cell HyperCLDB: cl4477 LCL-1357 T98G T98G cell ATCC: CRL-1690 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307777 CVCL: CVCL_0556 EFO: EFO_0002085 HyperCLDB: cl4478 TA 99 disease: hybridoma TA 99 cell ATCC: HB-8704 TA-1 disease: hybridoma TA-1 cell ATCC: HB-10206 TA-2 disease: lymphoma, thymic TA-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4483 TA3 Hauschka TA3 Hauschka cell HyperCLDB: cl4484 TAC-1 TAC-1 cell ATCC: CRL-10632 TAK3 TAK3 cell HyperCLDB: cl4485 Tal Jo disease: osteogenesis imperfecta (congenita) Tal Jo cell ATCC: CRL-1267 T-AL/N T-AL/N cell ATCC: CRL-6514 TALL-104 TALL-104 cell ATCC: CRL-11386 TAM.T TAM.T cell ATCC: CRL-6001 LCL-1095 TANOUE TANOUE cell HyperCLDB: cl5382 tao BpRcl disease: hepatoma tao BpRcl cell ATCC: CRL-2218 Tb 1 Lu Tb 1 Lu cell ATCC: CCL-88 Tb 1 Lu (NBL-12) Tb 1 Lu (NBL-12) cell HyperCLDB: cl4487 TB 28-2 disease: hybridoma TB 28-2 cell ATCC: HB-61 TB1 Lu (NBL-12) TB1 Lu (NBL-12) cell HyperCLDB: cl4488 Tb1.Lu Tb1.Lu cell ATCC: CRL-6564 TB-5 disease: lymphoma, thymic TB-5 cell HyperCLDB: cl4489 TB6-3 disease: lymphoma, thymic TB6-3 cell HyperCLDB: cl4490 TBM-54 Possible mapping of 'Organism' field (value 'toad, tropical') via synonym of 'Bufo' (NCBI_Taxon: 8383) [SS] TBM-54 cell ATCC: CRL-2051 TC-1 disease: HPV-16 E6/E7 and c-Ha-ras cotransformed TC-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2785 TC86P TC86P cell HyperCLDB: cl4491 T-C90 T-C90 cell HyperCLDB: cl4457 TC96 TC96 cell HyperCLDB: cl4492 LCL-1720 TCCSUP disease: transitional cell carcinoma TCCSUP cell ATCC: HTB-5 HyperCLDB: cl5383 TCMK-1 TCMK-1 cell ATCC: CCL-139 TD.1 disease: hybridoma TD.1 cell ATCC: CRL-2232 T-D94 T-D94 cell HyperCLDB: cl4458 TE TE cell HyperCLDB: cl4494 TE 115.T disease: fibromatosis TE 115.T cell ATCC: CRL-7744 TE 125.T disease: rhabdomyosarcoma TE 125.T cell ATCC: CRL-7945 TE 130.T disease: sacrococcygeal teratoma TE 130.T cell ATCC: CRL-7746 TE 149.T disease: leiomyosarcoma TE 149.T cell ATCC: CRL-7751 TE 159.T disease: rhabdomyosarcoma TE 159.T cell ATCC: CRL-7752 TE 161.T disease: possible Burkitts lymphoma TE 161.T cell ATCC: CRL-7753 TE 170.M disease: fascia TE 170.M cell ATCC: CRL-7754 TE 175.T disease: lymphosarcoma TE 175.T cell ATCC: CRL-7755 TE 199.T disease: thymic alymphoplasia TE 199.T cell ATCC: CRL-7757 TE 206.T TE 206.T cell ATCC: CRL-7758 TE 353.Sk TE 353.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7761 TE 354.T TE 354.T cell ATCC: CRL-7762 TE 381.T disease: rhabdomyosa TE 381.T cell ATCC: CRL-7763 TE 417.T TE 417.T cell ATCC: CRL-7765 TE 418.T TE 418.T cell ATCC: CRL-7766 TE 441.T disease: rhabdomyosarcoma TE 441.T cell ATCC: CRL-7767 TE 617.T disease: rhabdomyosarcoma TE 617.T cell ATCC: CRL-7774 TE 671 TE 671 cell HyperCLDB: cl4495 TE 76.T disease: sacrococcygeal teratoma TE 76.T cell ATCC: CRL-7732 TE 84.T disease: teratoma TE 84.T cell ATCC: CRL-7944 TE 90.Sk TE 90.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7739 TE 91.Sk TE 91.Sk cell ATCC: CRL-7740 TE 98.T TE 98.T cell ATCC: CRL-7741 TE15 disease: hybridoma TE15 cell ATCC: HB-206 TE16 disease: hybridoma TE16 cell ATCC: HB-210 TE19 disease: hybridoma TE19 cell ATCC: HB-211 TE3 disease: hybridoma TE3 cell ATCC: HB-209 Te39 disease: hybridoma Te39 cell ATCC: HB-8577 TE4 disease: hybridoma TE4 cell ATCC: HB-207 TE-671 TE-671 cell HyperCLDB: cl4497 TE671 Subline No.2 TE671 Subline No.2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4499 TE7 disease: hybridoma TE7 cell ATCC: HB-208 TE8 disease: hybridoma TE8 cell ATCC: HB-212 TEK TEK cell HyperCLDB: cl4502 Tep Be Tep Be cell ATCC: CRL-1336 LCL-1902 Tera-1 disease: embryonal malignant carcinoma Tera-1 cell ATCC: HTB-105 Tera-2 disease: embryonal malignant carcinoma Tera-2 cell ATCC: HTB-106 TF1 disease: erythroleukemia TF1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4503 LCL-1077 TF-1 disease: model for cytokine (IL-3) signaling pathways and myeloid progenitor cell differentiation TF-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2003 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307972 CRL-2003 CVCL: CVCL_0559 LCL-1078 TF-1.CN5a.1 TF-1.CN5a.1 cell ATCC: CRL-2512 CRL-2512 LCL-1079 TF-1a disease: control cell line for TF-1 TF-1a cell ATCC: CRL-2451 CRL-2451 T-F96 T-F96 cell HyperCLDB: cl4459 TFK-1 TFK-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5385 TFTA1 disease: hybridoma TFTA1 cell ATCC: CRL-1771 TFTB1 disease: hybridoma TFTB1 cell ATCC: CRL-1759 T-G88 T-G88 cell HyperCLDB: cl4460 TGP 49 TGP 49 cell HyperCLDB: cl4504 TGP 52 disease: islet tumor TGP 52 cell HyperCLDB: cl4505 TGP 54 disease: islet tumor TGP 54 cell HyperCLDB: cl4506 TGP 55 TGP 55 cell HyperCLDB: cl4507 TGP47 disease: acinar cell carcinoma TGP47 cell ATCC: CRL-2141 TGP49 disease: acinar cell carcinoma TGP49 cell ATCC: CRL-2136 TGP52 disease: islet cell tumor; insulinoma TGP52 cell ATCC: CRL-2140 TGP55 disease: small cell tumor TGP55 cell ATCC: CRL-2150 TGP61 disease: islet cell tumor; insulinoma TGP61 cell ATCC: CRL-2135 TH-1, Subline B1 TH-1, Subline B1 cell ATCC: CCL-50 HyperCLDB: cl4508 HyperCLDB: cl4509 THB-5 disease: hybridoma THB-5 cell ATCC: HB-135 THB-7 disease: hybridoma THB-7 cell ATCC: HB-136 THLE-2 disease: SV40 transformed THLE-2 cell ATCC: CRL-2706 THLE-3 disease: immortalized with SV40 T antigen THLE-3 cell ATCC: CRL-11233 LCL-1072 THP-1 THP1 THP-1 cell ATCC: TIB-202 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307574 CVCL: CVCL_0006 EFO: EFO_0001253 HyperCLDB: cl4514 TI-1 TI-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl5386 TI-4 TI-4 cell HyperCLDB: cl5387 TIMI.4 TIMI.4 cell ATCC: TIB-37 TIMI.4G.1.3 TIMI.4G.1.3 cell ATCC: TIB-38 TK TS 13 TK TS 13 cell HyperCLDB: cl4521 tk– ts13 tk– ts13 cell ATCC: CRL-1632 TK#1 disease: disrupted IRF-2 gene TK#1 cell ATCC: CRL-11383 TK-1 TK-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2396 TK6 TK6 cell ATCC: CRL-8015 TK6TGR TK6TGR cell HyperCLDB: cl4520 TK-LM clone 1D TK-LM clone 1D cell HyperCLDB: cl4518 TK-TS 13 TK-TS 13 cell HyperCLDB: cl4522 TLA96M TLA96M cell HyperCLDB: cl4524 TM 902 TM 902 cell HyperCLDB: cl4525 TM 903 TM 903 cell HyperCLDB: cl4526 TM1 disease: hybridoma TM1 cell ATCC: HB-169 TM-28 disease: fibrosarcoma TM-28 cell ATCC: CRL-2803 TM3 TM3 cell ATCC: CRL-1714 TM-34 disease: fibrosarcoma TM-34 cell ATCC: CRL-2801 TM4 TM4 cell ATCC: CRL-1715 TM-7 disease: fibrosarcoma TM-7 cell ATCC: CRL-2798 TM90 TM90 cell HyperCLDB: cl4529 TM94 TM94 cell HyperCLDB: cl4530 TM95 TM95 cell HyperCLDB: cl4531 T-M95a T-M95a cell HyperCLDB: cl4461 T-M95f T-M95f cell HyperCLDB: cl4462 TM96P TM96P cell HyperCLDB: cl4532 TMM disease: leukemia, chronic myeloid TMM cell HyperCLDB: cl4533 TN-368 TN-368 cell HyperCLDB: cl4534 Tn5 B1-4 Tn5 B1-4 cell HyperCLDB: cl4535 TO 166.M TO 166.M cell ATCC: CRL-7776 TO 175.T disease: lymphoma; Hodgkins disease (lymph node primary) TO 175.T cell ATCC: CRL-7779 TO 203.T TO 203.T cell ATCC: CRL-7780 LCL-1124 Toledo disease: diffuse large cell lymphoma, non-Hodgkins Toledo cell ATCC: CRL-2631 TOU (TOU I-2) TOU (TOU I-2) cell HyperCLDB: cl4536 LCL-1920 TOV-112D disease: primary malignant adenocarcinoma; endometrioid carcinoma TOV-112D cell ATCC: CRL-11731 LCL-1530 TOV-21G disease: primary malignant adenocarcinoma; clear cell carcinoma TOV-21G cell ATCC: CRL-11730 T-P90 T-P90 cell HyperCLDB: cl4463 T-P92 T-P92 cell HyperCLDB: cl4464 T-P92I T-P92I cell HyperCLDB: cl4465 T-P92II T-P92II cell HyperCLDB: cl4466 TPS TPS cell HyperCLDB: cl5128 TR 310 disease: hybridoma TR 310 cell ATCC: HB-219 TR33B disease: oligodendroglioma TR33B cell HyperCLDB: cl4538 TR6.1/52b TR6.1/52b cell HyperCLDB: cl4539 TR6Bc1 disease: schwannoma TR6Bc1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4540 TR88 TR88 cell HyperCLDB: cl4541 TR96 TR96 cell HyperCLDB: cl4542 T-R96a T-R96a cell HyperCLDB: cl4467 T-R96f T-R96f cell HyperCLDB: cl4468 TRA-171 TRA-171 cell ATCC: CRL-1591 TR-Ag-9-HPRT- TR-Ag-9-HPRT- cell HyperCLDB: cl4537 TRAMP-C1 TRAMP-C1 cell ATCC: CRL-2730 TRAMP-C2 disease: adenocarcioma TRAMP-C2 cell ATCC: CRL-2731 TRAMP-C3 disease: adenocarcinoma (prostate primary) TRAMP-C3 cell ATCC: CRL-2732 TS 106 disease: hybridoma TS 106 cell ATCC: HB-12497 TS/A TS/A cell HyperCLDB: cl4545 TS1/ disease: hybridoma TS1/ cell ATCC: HB-203 TS1/ disease: hybridoma TS1/ cell ATCC: HB-202 TS2/16.2.1 disease: hybridoma TS2/16.2.1 cell ATCC: HB-243 TS2/18.1.1 disease: hybridoma TS2/18.1.1 cell ATCC: HB-195 TS2/4.1.1 disease: hybridoma TS2/4.1.1 cell ATCC: HB-244 TS2/7.1.1 disease: hybridoma TS2/7.1.1 cell ATCC: HB-245 TS2/ disease: hybridoma TS2/ cell ATCC: HB-205 T-S90 T-S90 cell HyperCLDB: cl4469 tsc2 ang1 disease: cutaneous; heterozygous for tuberin; tuberous sclerosis model tsc2 ang1 cell ATCC: CRL-2620 TSF86M TSF86M cell HyperCLDB: cl4546 TSHR-R5T-34 disease: hybridoma TSHR-R5T-34 cell ATCC: CRL-2683 TSHR-R5T-44 disease: hybridoma TSHR-R5T-44 cell ATCC: CRL-2681 TSHR-T3-365 disease: hybridoma TSHR-T3-365 cell ATCC: CRL-2684 TSHR-T5-51 disease: hybridoma TSHR-T5-51 cell ATCC: CRL-2680 TSHR-T5U-317 disease: hybridoma TSHR-T5U-317 cell ATCC: CRL-2682 LCL-1690 TT disease: medulla carcinoma TT cell ATCC: COSMIC ID:930299; ATCC CRL-1803,CRL-1803 ATCC: CRL-1803 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308145 CVCL: CVCL_1774 EFO: EFO_0002382 TTD10PV TTD10PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4549 TTD11PV TTD11PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4550 TTD1PV TTD1PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4551 TTD2PV TTD2PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4552 TTD3PV TTD3PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4553 TTD4PV TTD4PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4554 TTD5PV TTD5PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4555 TTD6PV TTD6PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4556 TTD7PV TTD7PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4557 TTD8PV TTD8PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4558 TTD9PV TTD9PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4559 TTDH10PV TTDH10PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4560 TTDH11PV TTDH11PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4561 TTDH12PV TTDH12PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4562 TTDH1PV TTDH1PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4563 TTDH2PV TTDH2PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4564 TTDH3PV TTDH3PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4565 TTDH4PV TTDH4PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4566 TTDH5PV TTDH5PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4567 TTDH6PV TTDH6PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4568 TTDH7PV TTDH7PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4569 TTDH8PV TTDH8PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4570 TTDH9PV TTDH9PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4571 Tu To disease: osteogenesis imperfecta (severe congenita) Tu To cell ATCC: CRL-1298 Tufted Deer Tufted Deer cell HyperCLDB: cl4573 LCL-2063 TUR disease: histiocytic lymphoma; neomycin resistant TUR cell ATCC: CRL-2367 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308519 CVCL: CVCL_1775 TWERC TWERC cell HyperCLDB: cl4574 U U cell HyperCLDB: cl4575 U 937 disease: lymphoma, histiocytic U 937 cell HyperCLDB: cl4599 LCL-1358 U-118 MG U-118 MG cell LCL-1359 U-138 MG disease: glioblastoma U-138 MG cell ATCC: HTB-16 U-138-MG U-138-MG cell HyperCLDB: cl5388 LCL-1431 U-2 OS U2OS WEB: U-2 OS cell ATCC: HTB-96 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307757 CVCL: CVCL_0042 EFO: EFO_0002869 U-2197 U-2197 cell HyperCLDB: cl5389 LCL-1400 ZN U-251 MG U-251 MG cell HyperCLDB: cl4583 JHSF: IFO50288 U-266 U-266 cell HyperCLDB: cl4584 LCL-2050 immortal human B cell line cell that was derived from some human B cell isolated from a patient with multiple myeloma Oliver He U266B1 U266B1 cell ATCC: TIB-196 ECACC: 85051003 RRID: CVCL_0566 U-343 MGa U-343 MGa cell HyperCLDB: cl4586 LCL-1360 ZN U373 MG disease:glioblastoma U373 MG cell ECACC: 89081403 HyperCLDB: cl4589 U-373 MG U-373 MG cell HyperCLDB: cl4587 LCL-1008 U-698-M U-698-M cell ACC 4 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308280 CVCL: CVCL_0017 HyperCLDB: cl4591 U87 MG There is a CLO term for the cell line already: obsolete: U87 MG cell HyperCLDB: cl5280 LCL-1364 Contaminated/misidentified. This cell line is not the original glioblastoma cell line established in 1968 at the University of Uppsala. As described in PubMed=27582061 it is most probably also a glioblastoma cell line but whose origin is unknow. See U-87MG Uppsala (CVCL_GP63) for the original U-87MG cell line. See more: 87 MG 87MG U-87 U-87MG U87 U87 MG U87-MG U87MG U-87 MG cell ATCC: HTB-14 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307575 EFO: EFO_0001256 HyperCLDB: cl5280 RRID:CVCL_0022 LCL-1125 a immortal human monocyte cell line cell that was derived from the histiocytic lymphoma of a 37-year-old male patient U-937 U937 WEB: disease: histiocytic lymphoma U-937 cell ATCC: CRL-1593.2 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308006 EFO: EFO_0001257 HyperCLDB: cl4605 MeSH: D020298 RRID: CVCL_0007 U937(CD59+) U937(CD59+) cell HyperCLDB: cl682 LCL-1319 UACC-812 disease: ductal carcinoma UACC-812 cell ATCC: CRL-1897 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308475 CVCL: CVCL_1781 EFO: EFO_0001258 LCL-1320 UACC-893 disease: primary ductal carcinoma UACC-893 cell ATCC: CRL-1902 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308807 CVCL: CVCL_1782 EFO: EFO_0002385 UC10-4F10-11 disease: hybridoma UC10-4F10-11 cell ATCC: HB-304 UC1B UC1B cell ATCC: CRL-6465 UC1BC1 UC1BC1 cell ATCC: CRL-6460 UC1BC2 UC1BC2 cell ATCC: CRL-6461 UC1BC3 UC1BC3 cell ATCC: CRL-6462 UC1BC4 UC1BC4 cell ATCC: CRL-6463 UC1BC5 UC1BC5 cell ATCC: CRL-6464 UC3-10A6 disease: hybridoma UC3-10A6 cell ATCC: CRL-1988 UC7 disease: hybridoma UC7 cell ATCC: HB-9753 UC7-13D5 disease: hybridoma UC7-13D5 cell ATCC: CRL-1989 UC8-1B9 disease: hybridoma UC8-1B9 cell ATCC: CRL-1968 UCD/AB 6.01 disease: hybridoma UCD/AB 6.01 cell ATCC: HB-8693 UCD/AB 6.11 disease: hybridoma UCD/AB 6.11 cell ATCC: HB-8458 UCD/PR 10.11 disease: hybridoma UCD/PR 10.11 cell ATCC: HB-8694 LCL-1154 UMC-11 disease: carcinoid UMC-11 cell ATCC: CRL-5975 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308343 CVCL: CVCL_1784 EFO: EFO_0002386 UMNSAH/DF-1 UMNSAH/DF-1 cell ATCC: CRL-12203 UMR-106 UMR-106 cell ATCC: CRL-1661 UMR-108 UMR-108 cell ATCC: CRL-1663 LCL-1721 UM-UC-3 disease: transitional cell carcinoma UM-UC-3 cell ATCC: CRL-1749 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307245 CVCL: CVCL_1783 EFO: EFO_0002387 USASK/DSIL- LHRH-A1 disease: hybridoma USASK/DSIL- LHRH-A1 cell ATCC: HB-9094 UT-1 UT-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4612 UT-7 disease: leukemia, acute myeloid UT-7 cell HyperCLDB: cl5398 UTHs UTHs cell HyperCLDB: cl4613 UV135 disease: defective in nucleotide excision repair UV135 cell ATCC: CRL-1867 UV20 disease: defective in nucleotide excision repair UV20 cell ATCC: CRL-1862 UV24 disease: defective in nucleotide excision repair UV24 cell ATCC: CRL-1866 UV41 disease: defective in nucleotide excision repair UV41 cell ATCC: CRL-1860 UV5 disease: defective in nucleotide excision repair UV5 cell ATCC: CRL-1865 UVE-10 UVE-10 cell ATCC: CRL-6515 V1396 V1396 cell HyperCLDB: cl4623 V1790 V1790 cell HyperCLDB: cl4624 V-79 V-79 cell HyperCLDB: cl5390 V79 clone S V79 clone S cell HyperCLDB: cl4629 V79 HRC V79 HRC cell HyperCLDB: cl4630 V79,B7 V79,B7 cell HyperCLDB: cl4631 V79-4 V79-4 cell ATCC: CCL-93 V79-HG04 V79-HG04 cell HyperCLDB: cl4633 V91 V91 cell HyperCLDB: cl4634 VA88 VA88 cell HyperCLDB: cl4637 VA94 VA94 cell HyperCLDB: cl4638 LCL-1945 VA-ES-BJ disease: carcinoma, epithelioid (bone primary) VA-ES-BJ cell ATCC: CRL-2138 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308888 CVCL: CVCL_1785 Sanger: COSMIC ID:688121 VB86P VB86P cell HyperCLDB: cl4639 V-B95 V-B95 cell HyperCLDB: cl4614 VBA88Mf VBA88Mf cell HyperCLDB: cl4640 VBA88MIL2 VBA88MIL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4641 VBA88Mls VBA88Mls cell HyperCLDB: cl4642 V-C89a V-C89a cell HyperCLDB: cl4615 V-C89IL2 V-C89IL2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4616 V-C89ls V-C89ls cell HyperCLDB: cl4617 V-C91 V-C91 cell HyperCLDB: cl4618 V-C92 V-C92 cell HyperCLDB: cl4619 VD-10 disease: hybridoma VD-10 cell ATCC: HB-68 V-D95a V-D95a cell HyperCLDB: cl4620 V-D95f V-D95f cell HyperCLDB: cl4621 vEPT vEPT cell ATCC: CRL-2087 Vero Vero cell ATCC: CCL-81 HyperCLDB: cl4644 MeSH: D014709 Vero 317 Vero 317 cell HyperCLDB: cl4652 VERO 76 VERO 76 cell ATCC: CRL-1587 HyperCLDB: cl4655 VERO C1008 VERO C1008 cell ATCC: CRL-1586 HyperCLDB: cl4656 HyperCLDB: cl4657 VERO-B4 VERO-B4 cell HyperCLDB: cl4659 VG84 VG84 cell HyperCLDB: cl4660 VG86 VG86 cell HyperCLDB: cl4661 VH 2 VH 2 cell ATCC: CCL-140 VH2 VH2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4662 VIII-6G10 disease: hybridoma VIII-6G10 cell ATCC: HB-10519 VIP-VIIIC8 VIP-VIIIC8 cell HyperCLDB: cl7115 VK2/E6E7 disease: HPV-16 E6/E7 transformed VK2/E6E7 cell ATCC: CRL-2616 VK-B 92a VK-B 92a cell HyperCLDB: cl4663 VK-B 92f VK-B 92f cell HyperCLDB: cl4664 VL96 VL96 cell HyperCLDB: cl4665 VLM VLM cell HyperCLDB: cl5392 VLN3G2 disease: hybridoma VLN3G2 cell ATCC: HB-8636 VLN6H2 disease: hybridoma VLN6H2 cell ATCC: HB-8633 VM-2 disease: hybridoma VM-2 cell ATCC: HB-8530 V-M88 V-M88 cell HyperCLDB: cl4622 VM89 VM89 cell HyperCLDB: cl4666 LCL-1722 VM-CUB1 disease: carcinoma, transitional cell VM-CUB1 cell DSMZ: ACC 400 HyperCLDB: cl5393 VP-8 VP-8 cell HyperCLDB: cl4667 VP94P VP94P cell HyperCLDB: cl4668 VS86 VS86 cell HyperCLDB: cl4669 VSW disease: tumor (unknown primary) VSW cell ATCC: CCL-129 vT{2} disease: hepatoma vT{2} cell ATCC: CRL-2712 VVM94M VVM94M cell HyperCLDB: cl4671 VVP86M VVP86M cell HyperCLDB: cl4672 Vx2 Vx2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4673 VX7 disease: papilloma virus-induced carcinoma VX7 cell ATCC: CRL-6504 W162 W162 cell ATCC: CRL-2783 W-20-17 disease: stroma; assay system for hBMP-2 W-20-17 cell ATCC: CRL-2623 W4F.5B disease: hybridoma W4F.5B cell ATCC: HB-9282 W6/32 disease: hybridoma W6/32 cell ATCC: HB-95 Wa Fen disease: Marfan syndrome Wa Fen cell ATCC: CRL-1271 WAPS 12.2 disease: hybridoma WAPS 12.2 cell ATCC: HB-299 WASMC WASMC cell HyperCLDB: cl4677 WB2054M WB2054M cell HyperCLDB: cl4678 WBC264-9C WBC264-9C cell ATCC: HB-8902 WBE WBE cell ATCC: CRL-2773 WC 1 WC 1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4679 WCH-17 Possible mapping of 'Organism' field (value 'woodchuck, Eastern') via synonym of 'Marmota monax' (NCBI_Taxon: 9995) [SS] disease: hepatoma WCH-17 cell ATCC: CRL-2082 WEHI 164 disease: methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma WEHI 164 cell ATCC: CRL-1751 WEHI 22.1 WEHI 22.1 cell ATCC: TIB-54 WEHI 3B WEHI 3B cell HyperCLDB: cl4684 WEHI 3BD WEHI 3BD cell HyperCLDB: cl4693 WEHI 7.1 WEHI 7.1 cell ATCC: TIB-53 WEHI-13VAR disease: fibrosarcoma WEHI-13VAR cell ATCC: CRL-2148 WEHI-164 WEHI-164 cell HyperCLDB: cl4683 WEHI-164S WEHI-164S cell HyperCLDB: cl4682 WEHI-231 WEHI-231 cell ATCC: CRL-1702 WEHI-265.1 disease: AMLV-induced tumor WEHI-265.1 cell ATCC: TIB-204 WEHI-274.1 disease: AMLV-induced tumor WEHI-274.1 cell ATCC: CRL-1679 WEHI-279 WEHI-279 cell ATCC: CRL-1704 WEHI-3 disease: macrophage like; leukemia WEHI-3 cell ATCC: TIB-68 WEHI-3B WEHI-3B cell HyperCLDB: cl4686 WEHI-3B(D+) WEHI-3B(D+) cell HyperCLDB: cl4694 WEHI-3B/CPX disease: leukemia, myelomonocytic WEHI-3B/CPX cell HyperCLDB: cl4938 WERI-RB-1 WERI-RB-1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4695 WERI-Rb-1 WERI-Rb-1 cell ATCC: HTB-169 WES WES cell HyperCLDB: cl4696 WF 2 WF 2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4697 WFL3C6.1 disease: hybridoma WFL3C6.1 cell ATCC: HB-8157 WFL4F12.3 disease: hybridoma WFL4F12.3 cell ATCC: HB-8156 Wgd5 disease: MoMuLV retroviral packaging line Wgd5 cell ATCC: CRL-1817 WI 1003 WI 1003 cell HyperCLDB: cl4700 WI 38 WI 38 cell ATCC: CCL-75 WI-1003 WI-1003 cell HyperCLDB: cl4699 WI-26 VA4 WI-26 VA4 cell ATCC: CCL-95.1 HyperCLDB: cl4701 HyperCLDB: cl4702 WI-38 WI-38 cell HyperCLDB: cl4703 WI-38 (HSV-2)Tr WI-38 (HSV-2)Tr cell HyperCLDB: cl4709 WI-38 KTr WI-38 KTr cell HyperCLDB: cl4710 WI-38 VA-13 WI-38 VA-13 cell HyperCLDB: cl4711 WI-38 VA-13 subline 2R WI-38 VA-13 subline 2R cell ATCC: CCL-75.1 WI-38 VA-13 Subline 2RA WI-38 VA-13 Subline 2RA cell HyperCLDB: cl4712 HyperCLDB: cl4714 LCL-1169 WiDr disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma WiDr cell ATCC: CCL-218 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307674 CVCL: CVCL_2760 ECACC: 85111501 EFO: EFO_0002389 WIL2 NS WIL2 NS cell HyperCLDB: cl4717 WIL2.NS.6TG WIL2.NS.6TG cell HyperCLDB: cl4718 WI-L2-729HF2 disease: hybridoma fusion partner WI-L2-729HF2 cell ATCC: CRL-8062 WIL2-NS disease: hybridoma fusion partner WIL2-NS cell ATCC: CRL-8155 WIL2-S disease: hybridoma fusion partner WIL2-S cell ATCC: CRL-8885 WILCL WILCL cell HyperCLDB: cl4719 WI-MN-1 disease: hybridoma WI-MN-1 cell ATCC: HB-8672 Win Mec disease: xeroderma pigmentosum, presumed heterozygote Win Mec cell ATCC: CRL-1172 WISH WISH cell ATCC: CCL-25 WKD WKD cell HyperCLDB: cl4725 WM 1043 WM 1043 cell ATCC: CRL-6466 LCL-1259 WM 266-4 WM 266-4 cell ECACC: 91061233 HyperCLDB: cl4726 LCL-1260 WM-115 WM-115 cell ATCC: CRL-1675 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308813 CVCL: CVCL_0040 EFO: EFO_0002390 HyperCLDB: cl4727 LCL-1261 WM1552C disease: primary superficial spreading melanoma in radial growth phase/vertical growth phase WM1552C cell ATCC: CRL-2808 WM-266-4 disease: melanoma (skin primary) WM-266-4 cell ATCC: CRL-1676 LCL-1262 WM278 disease: nodular melanoma in vertical growth phase WM278 cell ATCC: CRL-2809 LCL-1263 WM35 disease: primary superficial spreading melanoma in radial growth phase/vertical growth phase WM35 cell ATCC: CRL-2807 WM39 disease: primary melanoma in vertical growth phase WM39 cell ATCC: CRL-2811 LCL-1264 WM793B disease: primary superficial spreading melanoma in vertical growth phase WM793B cell ATCC: CRL-2806 WMP-2 WMP-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl7116 Wo Fel Wo Fel cell ATCC: CRL-1273 Wo Jo disease: osteogenesis imperfecta (tarda) Wo Jo cell ATCC: CRL-1247 WOP WOP cell HyperCLDB: cl4970 WPE1-NA22 WPE1-NA22 cell ATCC: CRL-2849 WPE1-NB11 WPE1-NB11 cell ATCC: CRL-2851 WPE1-NB14 WPE1-NB14 cell ATCC: CRL-2850 WPE1-NB26 WPE1-NB26 cell ATCC: CRL-2852 WPMY-1 disease: adenovirus 12-SV40 hybrid transformed WPMY-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2854 WR19L WR19L cell ATCC: TIB-52 WR19M.1 disease: macrophage; AMLV-induced tumor WR19M.1 cell ATCC: TIB-70 WR21 WR21 cell ATCC: CRL-2189 WRC WRC cell HyperCLDB: cl4729 WRL 68 WRL 68 cell ATCC: CL-48 WS1 WS1 cell ATCC: CRL-1502 WSS-1 disease: expresses rat GABAA receptor WSS-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2029 LCL-1955 WSU-NHL WSU-NHL cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308281 CVCL: CVCL_1793 DSMZ: ACC 58 HyperCLDB: cl4734 WU E-14 disease: hybridoma WU E-14 cell ATCC: CRL-2255 WU E-4 disease: hybridoma WU E-4 cell ATCC: CRL-2247 WX310 WX310 cell HyperCLDB: cl4736 X1/5 X1/5 cell HyperCLDB: cl4737 X16C8.5 disease: reticulum cell sarcoma X16C8.5 cell ATCC: TIB-209 X22 disease: hybridoma X22 cell ATCC: CRL-2228 X63AG8.653 X63AG8.653 cell HyperCLDB: cl3846 XB-2 disease: teratoma XB-2 cell ATCC: CL-177 XC disease: Rous sarcoma virus-induced tumor XC cell ATCC: CCL-165 XC1.5/51 disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma XC1.5/51 cell ATCC: TIB-16 XC-clone XC-clone cell HyperCLDB: cl4743 XCp XCp cell HyperCLDB: cl4744 XLK-WG XLK-WG cell ATCC: CRL-2527 XMMCO-791 disease: hybridoma XMMCO-791 cell ATCC: HB-9173 XMMEN-OE5 disease: hybridoma XMMEN-OE5 cell ATCC: HB-9081 XMMME-001 disease: hybridoma XMMME-001 cell ATCC: HB-8759 XMMME-002 disease: hybridoma XMMME-002 cell ATCC: HB-8760 XP10PV XP10PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4748 XP11PV XP11PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4749 XP12PV XP12PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4750 XP13PV XP13PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4751 XP14PV XP14PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4752 XP15PV XP15PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4753 XP16PV XP16PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4754 XP17BE XP17BE cell ATCC: CRL-1360 XP17PV XP17PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4755 XP18PV XP18PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4756 XP19PV XP19PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4757 XP21PV XP21PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4758 XP22PV XP22PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4759 XP23PV XP23PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4760 XP24PV XP24PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4761 XP5PV XP5PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4762 XP9PV XP9PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4763 XPH10PV XPH10PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4764 XPH11PV XPH11PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4765 XPH12PV XPH12PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4766 XPH13PV XPH13PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4767 XPH14PV XPH14PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4768 XPH15PV XPH15PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4769 XPH16PV XPH16PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4770 XPH17PV XPH17PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4771 XPH18PV XPH18PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4772 XPH19PV XPH19PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4773 XPH1PV XPH1PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4774 XPH20PV XPH20PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4775 XPH2PV XPH2PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4776 XPH3PV XPH3PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4777 XPH4PV XPH4PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4778 XPH5PV XPH5PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4779 XPH6PV XPH6PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4780 XPH7PV XPH7PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4781 XPH8PV XPH8PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4782 XPH9PV XPH9PV cell HyperCLDB: cl4783 xrs5 disease: Ku autoantigen mutant xrs5 cell ATCC: CRL-2348 XrS6 XrS6 cell HyperCLDB: cl4784 XrS6-hamKu80 XrS6-hamKu80 cell HyperCLDB: cl5102 XR-V15B XR-V15B cell ATCC: CRL-2349 XS63 disease: plasmacytoma; myeloma XS63 cell ATCC: TIB-17 XTH-2 Possible mapping of 'Organism' field (value 'toad, South African') via synonym of 'Bufonidae' (NCBI_Taxon: 8382) [SS] XTH-2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4785 XTK0 XTK0 cell HyperCLDB: cl4786 XTK1 XTK1 cell HyperCLDB: cl4787 XTK2 XTK2 cell HyperCLDB: cl4788 XVI E6E6G10 disease: hybridoma XVI E6E6G10 cell ATCC: HB-9496 Y-1 Y-1 cell ATCC: CCL-79 HyperCLDB: cl4789 HyperCLDB: cl4792 Y13-238 disease: hybridoma Y13-238 cell ATCC: CRL-1741 Y13-259 disease: hybridoma Y13-259 cell ATCC: CRL-1742 Y-17 disease: hybridoma Y-17 cell ATCC: HB-179 Y-3 disease: hybridoma Y-3 cell ATCC: HB-176 Y3.AG.1.2.3 Y3.AG.1.2.3 cell HyperCLDB: cl4794 HyperCLDB: cl4795 Y3-Ag 1.2.3 disease: hybridoma fusion partner Y3-Ag 1.2.3 cell ATCC: CRL-1631 Y-3P disease: hybridoma Y-3P cell ATCC: HB-183 Y79 Y79 cell ATCC: HTB-18 HyperCLDB: cl4798 YAC-1 disease: Mo-MuLV induced lymphoma YAC-1 cell ATCC: TIB-160 LCL-1792 YAPC YAPC cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307253 CVCL: CVCL_1794 DSMZ: ACC 382 HyperCLDB: cl5394 YB2/0 disease: hybridoma fusion partner YB2/0 cell ATCC: CRL-1662 YI 328-18 disease: hybridoma YI 328-18 cell ATCC: HB-9306 YN1/1.7.4 disease: hybridoma YN1/1.7.4 cell ATCC: CRL-1878 YO YO cell HyperCLDB: cl4804 YPEN-1 disease: immortalized with adenovirus12-SV40 virus hybrid YPEN-1 cell ATCC: CRL-2222 YS001 YS001 cell ATCC: CRL-11776 LCL-1913 YT YT cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308146 CVCL: CVCL_1797 DSMZ: ACC 434 HyperCLDB: cl5395 Z85 Z85 cell HyperCLDB: cl4813 Z-C93a Z-C93a cell HyperCLDB: cl4810 Z-C93f Z-C93f cell HyperCLDB: cl4811 ZDF95 ZDF95 cell HyperCLDB: cl4815 ZEM2S ZEM2S cell ATCC: CRL-2147 ZF4 ZF4 cell ATCC: CRL-2050 ZFL ZFL cell ATCC: CRL-2643 Z-M94 Z-M94 cell HyperCLDB: cl4812 LCL-1321 ZR-75-1 disease: ductal carcinoma (mammary gland epithelium primary) ZR-75-1 cell ATCC: CRL-1500 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307615 CVCL: CVCL_0588 EFO: EFO_0001262 LCL-1322 ZR-75-30 disease: ductal carcinoma (mammary gland epithelium primary) ZR-75-30 cell ATCC: CRL-1504 CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308094 CVCL: CVCL_1661 EFO: EFO_0001263 a Intermediate filament a Intermediate filament cell ATCC: TIB-131 a-ACE 3.1.1 a-ACE 3.1.1 cell ATCC: HB-8191 aBL5C2.870005 aBL5C2.870005 cell ATCC: HB-9907 aBL5C2.870009 aBL5C2.870009 cell ATCC: HB-9908 aBL5C2.870016 aBL5C2.870016 cell ATCC: HB-9909 aIR-1 aIR-1 cell ATCC: HB-175 aM346C7C1 aM346C7C1 cell ATCC: HB-11124 aTC1 Clone 9 aTC1 Clone 9 cell ATCC: CRL-2350 ?3-11.1 disease: hybridoma ?3-11.1 cell ATCC: HB-8700 dTA4-1 dTA4-1 cell ATCC: HB-70 ♀ 3 BAG alpha ♀ 3 BAG alpha cell ATCC: CRL-9560 ?2 12S6 disease: produces a retrovirus containing the adenovirus 12S E1A gene ?2 12S6 cell ATCC: CRL-1808 ?2 13s1 disease: produces a retrovirus containing the adenovirus 13S E1A gene ?2 13s1 cell ATCC: CRL-1809 ?2 DAP disease: produces a retrovirus containing human alkaline phosphatase gene ?2 DAP cell ATCC: CRL-1949 An immortal pulmonary nerve plexus-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle pulmonary nerve plexus-derived cell line cell An immortal pelvic fin-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human pelvic fin-derived cell line cell An immortal round window-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human round window-derived cell line cell An immortal bipolar neuron cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human bipolar neuron cell line cell An immortal right ureter-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human right ureter-derived cell line cell An immortal larva-derived cell line cell that derives from forest day mosquito. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal forest day mosquito larva-derived cell line cell An immortal rectum-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse rectum-derived cell line cell An immortal endometrium-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat endometrium-derived cell line cell An immortal multi-cellular organism-derived cell line cell that derives from chicken. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chicken multi-cellular organism-derived cell line cell An immortal peripheral neuron cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat peripheral neuron cell line cell An immortal superior rostral sulcus-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat superior rostral sulcus-derived cell line cell An immortal muscle cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat muscle cell line cell An immortal skeletal muscle cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat skeletal muscle cell line cell An immortal myoblast cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat myoblast cell line cell An immortal thymus-derived cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle thymus-derived cell line cell An immortal connective tissue-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat connective tissue-derived cell line cell An immortal follicular fluid-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse follicular fluid-derived cell line cell An immortal late embryo-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat late embryo-derived cell line cell An immortal mammary gland-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat mammary gland-derived cell line cell An immortal fetal membrane-derived cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit fetal membrane-derived cell line cell An immortal aorta-derived cell line cell that derives from Ovis. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Ovis aorta-derived cell line cell An immortal peripheral neuron cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig peripheral neuron cell line cell An immortal blood cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig blood cell line cell An immortal dento-alveolar joint-derived cell line cell that derives from rainbow trout. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rainbow trout dento-alveolar joint-derived cell line cell An immortal gill-derived cell line cell that derives from rainbow trout. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rainbow trout gill-derived cell line cell An immortal gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from rainbow trout. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rainbow trout gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from rainbow trout. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rainbow trout female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal cornea structure-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human cornea structure-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal glial cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat glial cell line cell An immortal prepuce of penis-derived cell line cell that derives from rhesus macaque. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rhesus macaque prepuce of penis-derived cell line cell An immortal endothelial cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat endothelial cell line cell An immortal liver-derived cell line cell that derives from chicken. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal chicken liver-derived cell line cell An immortal epithelial cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster epithelial cell line cell An immortal mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell that derives from Cottontail rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Cottontail rabbit mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from fall armyworm. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal fall armyworm cell line cell An immortal female gonad-derived cell line cell that derives from fall armyworm. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal fall armyworm female gonad-derived cell line cell An immortal glomerular capsule-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat glomerular capsule-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from guinea pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal guinea pig pair of lungs-derived cell line cell An immortal septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell that derives from sheep. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal sheep septum of telencephalon-derived cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from Dasyuridae. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Dasyuridae kidney-derived cell line cell An immortal nasal vestibule-derived cell line cell that derives from rat. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal rat nasal vestibule-derived cell line cell An immortal epidermal cell line cell that derives from hagfish. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal hagfish epidermal cell line cell An immortal endothelial cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse endothelial cell line cell An immortal spherical lensed eye-derived cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse spherical lensed eye-derived cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from European rabbit, rabbit. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal European rabbit, rabbit cell line cell An immortal adrenal cortex-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human adrenal cortex-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from Canis. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Canis lung-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from American black bear. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal American black bear lung-derived cell line cell An immortal myeloblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human myeloblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from white-handed gibbon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal white-handed gibbon skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Chinese hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Chinese hamster lung-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal 16914-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human 16914-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Syrian golden hamster. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Syrian golden hamster organism part-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell that derives from Geoffroy's marmoset. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Geoffroy's marmoset peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell that derives from White-cheeked Gibbon. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal White-cheeked Gibbon peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell An immortal thorax-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from northern lesser bushbaby. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal northern lesser bushbaby thorax-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Azara's night monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Azara's night monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from De Brazza's monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal De Brazza's monkey skin-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell that derives from vervet monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal vervet monkey peripheral vein-derived B cell line cell An immortal organism part-derived epithelial cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human organism part-derived epithelial cell line cell An immortal axilla-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human axilla-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from patas monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal patas monkey arm-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal pulmonary artery-derived endothelial cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle pulmonary artery-derived endothelial cell line cell An immortal pulmonary artery-derived smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle pulmonary artery-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal retina structure-derived epithelial cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human retina structure-derived epithelial cell line cell An immortal thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from Red-bellied titi. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal Red-bellied titi thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from patas monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal patas monkey thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal calf-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human calf-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from brown woolly monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal brown woolly monkey thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from red-chested mustached tamarin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal red-chested mustached tamarin thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from South American squirrel monkey. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal South American squirrel monkey thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from saddlebacked tamarin. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal saddlebacked tamarin thigh-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal nose structure-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human nose structure-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal carotid artery-derived smooth muscle cell line cell that derives from cattle. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal cattle carotid artery-derived smooth muscle cell line cell An immortal brain-derived fibroblast cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human brain-derived fibroblast cell line cell An immortal eye structure-derived epithelial cell line cell that derives from pig. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal pig eye structure-derived epithelial cell line cell An immortal eye structure-derived epithelial cell line cell that derives from mouse. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal mouse eye structure-derived epithelial cell line cell An immortal mammary gland-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yongqun He immortal human mammary gland-derived cell line cell An immortal pair of lungs-derived cell line cell that derives from Mustelinae (i.e. mink). Yongqun He immortal mink cell line cell An immortal cell line cell that derives from Oryzias latipes (i.e., medaka). Yongqun He immortal medaka cell line cell a biological process that presents the survival of a microbe inside a cell line cell. Yongqun He microbial survival inside cell line cell a microbial survival inside cell line cell where the microbe is a bacterium Yongqun He bacterial survival inside cell line cell Yongqun He a biological process that specifies the interaction between cell line cell and a pathogen cell line cell-pathogen interaction Yongqun He a biological process that specifies the interaction between cell line cell and a vaccine cell line cell-vaccine interaction Yongqun He an gene expression that occurs in a cell line cell. cell line cell gene expression immortal cell line A cell line that is expected to be capable of indefinite propagation in an vitro culture. permanent cell line OBI-CLO Alignment Working Group (Spring 2013) immortal cell line A cell line is able to support only a limited number of passages in vitro. finite cell line primary cell line OBI-CLO Alignment Working Group (Spring 2013) A mortal cell line is not capable of supporting indefinite propagation in vitro, being limited by entry of its cells into senescence. mortal cell line primary cell line We recommend against use of this term, as 'primary' is used also to refer to cultured cell populaitons that have yet to be passaged. LCL-1962 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie TGW TGW cell JHSF: JCRB0618 LCL-1789 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ETK-1 ETK-1 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:906861 LCL-1033 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie AGR-ON AGR-ON cell ATCC: CRL-8199 LCL-2094 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie BCWM.1 BCWM.1 cell DFCC - treon: LCL-1036 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie DND-41 DND-41 cell DSMZ: ACC 525 LCL-2042 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie EJM EJM cell DSMZ: ACC 560 LCL-2038 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie J.gamma1 J.gamma1 cell ATCC: CRL-2678 LCL-2039 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie J.gamma1.WT J.gamma1.WT cell ATCC: CRL-2679 LCL-1101 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie JURL-MK1 JURL-MK1 cell DSMZ: ACC 532 LCL-1102 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie JURL-MK2 JURL-MK2 cell DSMZ: ACC 533 LCL-1104 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie K562/ADM K562/ADM cell JHSF: JCRB1002 LCL-1105 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KCL-22 KCL-22 cell DSMZ: ACC 519 LCL-2043 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KMS-12-BM KMS-12-BM cell DSMZ: ACC 551 LCL-2044 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KMS-12-PE KMS-12-PE cell JHSF: JCRB0430 LCL-1004 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KY821 KY821 cell JHSF: JCRB0105 LCL-2040 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KY821A3 KY821A3 cell JHSF: JCRB0105.1 LCL-1037 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LC4-1 LC4-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0114 LCL-1059 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ME-1 ME-1 cell DSMZ: ACC 537 LCL-1061 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MOLM-13 MOLM-13 cell DSMZ: ACC 554 LCL-2047 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MOLP-8 MOLP-8 cell DSMZ: ACC 569 LCL-1073 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NKM-1 NKM-1 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:908448 LCL-1074 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NOMO-1 NOMO1 NOMO-1 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:908451 LCL-1064 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NOMO-1/ADM NOMO-1/ADM cell JHSF: JCRB1069 LCL-1066 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OCI-AML3 OCI-AML3 cell DSMZ: ACC 582 LCL-1068 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OCI-M1 OCI-M1 cell DSMZ: ACC 529 LCL-1069 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie P31/FUJ P31/FUJ cell JHSF: JCRB0091 LCL-1070 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie PL-21 PL21 PL-21 cell DSMZ: ACC 536 LCL-1022 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RPMI-8402 RPMI-8402 cell DSMZ: ACC 290 LCL-1113 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RPMI-8866 RPMI-8866 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:910544 LCL-1439 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ES1 ES1 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949158 LCL-1440 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ES3 ES3 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:684055 LCL-1441 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ES4 ES4 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949156 LCL-1442 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ES5 ES5 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:684057 LCL-1443 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ES6 ES6 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949157 LCL-1444 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ES7 ES7 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:684059 LCL-1445 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ES8 ES8 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949155 LCL-1446 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie EW-1 EW-1 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949163 LCL-1447 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie EW-11 EW-11 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:684062 LCL-1448 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie EW-13 EW-13 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949166 LCL-1449 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie EW-16 EW-16 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949165 LCL-1450 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie EW-18 EW-18 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949164 LCL-1451 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie EW-24 EW-24 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949168 LCL-1452 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie EW-3 EW-3 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949161 LCL-1453 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie EW-7 EW-7 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949160 LCL-1420 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie G-292 Clone A141B1 G-292 Clone A141B1 cell ECACC: 90110522 LCL-1423 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HuO9 HuO9 cell JHSF: JCRB0427 LCL-1424 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HuO9N2 HuO9N2 cell JHSF: JCRB0428 LCL-1429 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NY NY cell JHSF: JCRB0614 LCL-1456 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RH-1 RH-1 cell DSMZ: ACC 493 LCL-1438 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie TC-71 TC-71 cell DSMZ: ACC 516 LCL-1366 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie AM-38 AM-38 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:910933 LCL-1367 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie B2-17 B2-17 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:911904 LCL-1368 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie Becker Becker cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:906746 LCL-1370 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie D-247MG D-247MG cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:946367 LCL-1371 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie D-263MG D-263MG cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:946368 LCL-1372 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie D-336MG D-336MG cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:946369 LCL-1373 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie D-392MG D-392MG cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:946370 LCL-1374 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie D-423MG D-423MG cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:946372 LCL-1375 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie D-502MG D-502MG cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:946373 LCL-1376 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie D-542MG D-542MG cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753549 LCL-1377 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie D-566MG D-566MG cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:946377 LCL-1378 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie GB-1 GB-1 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:687568 LCL-1380 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KALS-1 KALS-1 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:907271 LCL-1381 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KINGS-1 KINGS-1 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:907279 LCL-1382 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KNS-42 KNS-42 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:907282 LCL-1383 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KNS-81-FD KNS-81-FD cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:924188 LCL-1384 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KS-1 KS-1 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:907313 LCL-1385 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NMC-G1 NMC-G1 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:908449 LCL-1386 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie no-10 no-10 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:908452 LCL-1387 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie no-11 no-11 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:908450 LCL-1578 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ONS-76 ONS-76 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:909248 LCL-1388 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SF126 SF126 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:909712 LCL-1389 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SF268 SF268 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:905986 LCL-1390 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SF539 SF539 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:905984 LCL-1391 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SK-MG-1 SK-MG-1 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:909729 LCL-1346 A human glioblastoma cell line cell. The cell line is part of the NCI-60 screening panel. Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SNB-75 SNB75 WEB: WEB: WEB: SNB75 cell PubChem AID: 652144 Sanger: COSMIC ID:905982 LCL-1392 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie YH-13 YH-13 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:909905 LCL-1361 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie YKG-1 YKG-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0746 LCL-2073 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie 600MPE 600MPE cell LCL-2074 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HCC2185 HCC2185 cell LCL-2075 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HCC3153 HCC3153 cell LCL-1481 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HDQ-P1 HDQ-P1 cell DSMZ: ACC 494 LCL-1482 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie JIMT-1 JIMT-1 cell DSMZ: ACC 589 LCL-2076 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LY2 LY2 cell LCL-1487 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MRK-nu-1 MRK-nu-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0628 LCL-2072 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MX-1 MX-1 cell LCL-2066 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SUM1315MO2 SUM1315MO2 cell LCL-2067 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SUM149PT SUM149PT cell LCL-2068 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SUM159PT SUM159PT cell LCL-2069 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SUM185PE SUM185PE cell LCL-2070 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SUM225CWN SUM225CWN cell LCL-2065 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SUM229PE SUM229PE cell Oliver He, Jiangan Xie T47D duplicate. see: obsolete: T47D cell ECACC: 85102201 LCL-1488 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie YMB-1 YMB-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0823 LCL-2077 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ZR75B ZR75B cell LCL-1545 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie BOKU BOKU cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753536 LCL-2096 A clonal HeLa cell line cell that stably expresses the FRET-based initiator caspase reporter (ICRP). Oliver He, Jiangan Xie, Asiyah Yu Lin HeLa ICRP WEB: WEB: HeLa ICRP cell LCL-2097 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HeLa ICRP Bcl-2-mCherry HeLa ICRP Bcl-2-mCherry cell LCL-2098 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HeLa ICRP Bcl-XL-mCherry HeLa ICRP Bcl-XL-mCherry cell LCL-2099 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HeLa ICRP FLIP-L-mCherry HeLa ICRP FLIP-L-mCherry cell LCL-2100 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HeLa ICRP FLIP-S-mCherry HeLa ICRP FLIP-S-mCherry cell LCL-1543 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SKG-IIIb SKG-IIIb cell JHSF: JCRB0232.1 LCL-1563 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HCE-4 HCE-4 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753559 LCL-1559 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KYSE-220 KYSE-220 cell JHSF: JCRB1086 LCL-1560 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KYSE-50 KYSE-50 cell JHSF: JCRB0189 LCL-1561 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie T.T T.T cell JHSF: JCRB0262 LCL-1562 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie T.Tn T.Tn cell JHSF: JCRB0261 LCL-1567 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie TE-12 TE-12 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:946356 LCL-1800 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OCUG-1 OCUG-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0191 LCL-1573 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie BB30-HNC BB30-HNC cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753531 LCL-1574 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie BB49-HNC BB49-HNC cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753532 LCL-1203 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie BICR 10 BICR 10 cell ECACC: 4072103 LCL-1213 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie BICR 22 BICR 22 cell ECACC: 4072106 LCL-1214 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie BICR 31 BICR 31 cell ECACC: 4072107 LCL-1205 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie BICR 78 BICR 78 cell ECACC: 4072111 LCL-1204 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HO-1-N-1 HO-1-N-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0831 LCL-1207 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KON KON cell JHSF: JCRB0194 LCL-1227 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KOSC-2 cl3-43 KOSC-2 cl3-43 cell JHSF: JCRB0126.1 LCL-1575 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LB771-HNC LB771-HNC cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753583 LCL-1219 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OSC-19 OSC-19 cell JHSF: JCRB0198 LCL-1220 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OSC-20 OSC-20 cell JHSF: JCRB0197 LCL-1212 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie PE/CA-PJ15 PE/CA-PJ15 cell ECACC: 96121230 LCL-1210 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SAT SAT cell JHSF: JCRB1027 LCL-1211 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SKN-3 SKN-3 cell JHSF: JCRB1039 LCL-1156 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie C170 C170 cell ECACC: 97071507 LCL-1288 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie CaR-1 CaR-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0207 LCL-1171 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie CCK-81 CCK-81 cell JHSF: JCRB0208 LCL-1167 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie CL-11 CL-11 cell DSMZ: ACC 467 LCL-1199 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie CL-40 CL-40 cell DSMZ: ACC 535 LCL-1196 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie CoCM-1 CoCM-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0257 LCL-1189 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie COLO-320-HSR COLO-320-HSR cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:910569 LCL-1188 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie Gp2D Gp2D cell ECACC: 95090714; COSMIC ID:907292,95090714 LCL-1191 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HCC2998 HCC2998 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:905971 LCL-1177 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HCC-56 HCC-56 cell JHSF: JCRB1037 LCL-1150 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HUTU-80 HUTU-80 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:907073 LCL-1192 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KM12 KM12 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:905989 LCL-1336 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LS-1034 LS-1034 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:917486 LCL-1193 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LS-123 LS-123 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:907792 LCL-1337 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LS-411N LS-411N cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:907794 LCL-1338 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LS-513 LS-513 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:907795 LCL-1164 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MDST8 MDST8 cell ECACC: 99011801 LCL-1165 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OUMS-23 OUMS-23 cell JHSF: JCRB1022 LCL-1290 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RCM-1 RCM-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0256 LCL-2004 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie 621-101 621-101 cell BWH: 621-101,not available LCL-1761 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie A498 A498 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:905948 LCL-1763 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie BB65-RCC BB65-RCC cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753533 LCL-1764 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HA7-RCC HA7-RCC cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753558 LCL-1775 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KMRC-1 KMRC-1 cell JHSF: JCRB1010 LCL-1755 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KMRC-20 KMRC-20 cell JHSF: JCRB1071 LCL-1765 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LB1047-RCC LB1047-RCC cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753577 LCL-1766 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LB2241-RCC LB2241-RCC cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753578 LCL-1767 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LB996-RCC LB996-RCC cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753585 LCL-1770 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RXF393 RXF393 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:905978 LCL-1771 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie TK10 TK10 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:905980 LCL-1760 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie VMRC-RCZ VMRC-RCZ cell JHSF: JCRB0827 LCL-2078 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie FOCUS FOCUS cell LCL-1939 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HLE HLE cell JHSF: JCRB0404 LCL-1938 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HLF HLF cell JHSF: JCRB0405 LCL-1940 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie huH-1 huH-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0199 LCL-1926 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie Huh7 Huh7 cell JHSF: JCRB0403 LCL-1928 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie JHH-1 JHH-1 cell JHSF: JCRB1062 LCL-1929 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie JHH-2 JHH-2 cell JHSF: JCRB1028 LCL-1930 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie JHH-4 JHH-4 cell JHSF: JCRB0435 LCL-1923 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie JHH-6 JHH-6 cell JHSF: JCRB1030 LCL-1931 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie JHH-7 JHH-7 cell JHSF: JCRB1031 LCL-1867 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie COLO-668 COLO-668 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:910692 LCL-1635 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie COR-L 105 COR-L 105 cell ECACC: 92031918 LCL-2054 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie EKVX EKVX cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:905970 LCL-1585 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HARA HARA cell JHSF: JCRB1080.0 LCL-1604 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HCC-15 HCC15 HCC-15 cell DSMZ: ACC 496 LCL-1833 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HCC-33 HCC-33 cell DSMZ: ACC 487 Chao Pang GM07982 METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM07982 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM07981 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM07981 cell Chao Pang GM07985 HOLOPROSENCEPHALY TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07985 cell Chao Pang GM07983 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM07983 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM07976 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM07976 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM07975 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM07975 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM07978 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07978 cell Chao Pang GM07977 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM07977 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08093 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM08093 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM08100 3-@HYDROXY-3-METHYLGLUTARYL-COENZYME A LYASE DEFICIENCY GM08100 cell OMIM: 246450 Chao Pang GM08089 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08089 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08090 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08090 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08091 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08091 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08092 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM08092 cell Chao Pang GM08085 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08085 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08086 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08086 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08087 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08087 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08088 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08088 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08084 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08084 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08079 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VII GM08079 cell OMIM: 232800 Chao Pang GM08083 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08083 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08072 HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 4-ALPHA; HNF4A MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08072 cell OMIM: 125850 OMIM: 600281 Chao Pang GM08073 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 4-ALPHA; HNF4A GM08073 cell OMIM: 125850 OMIM: 600281 Chao Pang GM08070 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08070 cell Chao Pang GM08071 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08071 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08067 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM08067 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM08068 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM08068 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM08065 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM08065 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM08019 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM08019 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM08024 RENAL HAMARTOMAS, NEPHROBLASTOMATOSIS, AND FETAL GIGANTISM GM08024 cell OMIM: 267000 Chao Pang GM08035 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM08035 cell Chao Pang GM08036 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 GM08036 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM08037 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 GM08037 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM08039 RECOMBINANT CHROMOSOME GM08039 cell Chao Pang GM08040 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM08040 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM08041 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08041 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08014 SPHEROCYTOSIS, HEREDITARY; HS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM08014 cell OMIM: 182900 Chao Pang GM08015 SPHEROCYTOSIS, HEREDITARY; HS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM08015 cell OMIM: 182900 Chao Pang GM08012 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08012 cell Chao Pang GM07995 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 9 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM07995 cell Chao Pang GM08007 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08007 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM07992 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM07992 cell Chao Pang GM07994 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07994 cell Chao Pang GM08010 FANCONI ANEMIA COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM08010 cell Chao Pang GM08011 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM08011 cell Chao Pang GM08008 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08008 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08009 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08009 cell Chao Pang GM07991 TRIOSEPHOSPHATE ISOMERASE 1; TPI1 GM07991 cell OMIM: 190450 Chao Pang GM07987 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07987 cell Chao Pang GM07986 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM07986 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA04626 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04626 cell Chao Pang DA04627 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04627 cell Chao Pang DA04628 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04628 cell Chao Pang DA04629 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04629 cell Chao Pang GM08211 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM08211 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM08246 RENAL HAMARTOMAS, NEPHROBLASTOMATOSIS, AND FETAL GIGANTISM GM08246 cell OMIM: 267000 Chao Pang DA04621 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04621 cell Chao Pang GM08228 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM08228 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang DA04620 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04620 cell Chao Pang GM08254 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08254 cell Chao Pang DA04623 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04623 cell Chao Pang DA04622 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04622 cell Chao Pang GM08247 RENAL HAMARTOMAS, NEPHROBLASTOMATOSIS, AND FETAL GIGANTISM GM08247 cell OMIM: 267000 Chao Pang GM08263 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08263 cell Chao Pang DA04625 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04625 cell Chao Pang DA04624 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04624 cell Chao Pang GM08256 FACTOR X DEFICIENCY GM08256 cell OMIM: 227600 Chao Pang GM08272 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM08272 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08271 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08271 cell Chao Pang GM08273 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08273 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA04616 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04616 cell Chao Pang DA04617 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04617 cell Chao Pang DA04614 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04614 cell Chao Pang DA04615 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04615 cell Chao Pang DA04618 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04618 cell Chao Pang GM08277 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08277 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA04609 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04609 cell Chao Pang GM08276 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08276 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08275 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08275 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08274 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08274 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA04613 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04613 cell Chao Pang GM08281 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08281 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08280 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08280 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA04612 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04612 cell Chao Pang DA04611 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04611 cell Chao Pang GM08279 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08279 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08278 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08278 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA04610 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04610 cell Chao Pang GM08283 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08283 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08282 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08282 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA04648 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04648 cell Chao Pang DA04649 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04649 cell Chao Pang DA04645 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04645 cell Chao Pang GM08108 CITRULLINEMIA GM08108 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang GM08107 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 4-ALPHA; HNF4A GM08107 cell OMIM: 125850 OMIM: 600281 Chao Pang DA04644 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04644 cell Chao Pang GM08122 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08122 cell Chao Pang DA04647 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04647 cell Chao Pang GM08121 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM08121 cell Chao Pang DA04646 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04646 cell Chao Pang DA04641 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04641 cell Chao Pang DA04640 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04640 cell Chao Pang GM08106 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 4-ALPHA; HNF4A GM08106 cell OMIM: 125850 OMIM: 600281 Chao Pang DA04643 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04643 cell Chao Pang DA04642 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04642 cell Chao Pang GM08146 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM08146 cell Chao Pang GM08134 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08134 cell Chao Pang GM08123 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08123 cell Chao Pang GM08145 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM08145 cell Chao Pang GM08135 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08135 cell Chao Pang DA04639 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04639 cell Chao Pang DA04637 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04637 cell Chao Pang DA04638 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04638 cell Chao Pang GM08197 CIRRHOSIS, FAMILIAL CIRRHOSIS, FAMILIAL, WITH PULMONARY HYPERTENSION, INCLUDED GM08197 cell OMIM: 215600 Chao Pang DA04636 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04636 cell Chao Pang GM08196 CIRRHOSIS, FAMILIAL CIRRHOSIS, FAMILIAL, WITH PULMONARY HYPERTENSION, INCLUDED GM08196 cell OMIM: 215600 Chao Pang DA04635 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04635 cell Chao Pang GM08177 BIOTINIDASE; BTD MULTIPLE CARBOXYLASE DEFICIENCY, LATE-ONSET, INCLUDED GM08177 cell OMIM: 253260 Chao Pang DA04634 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04634 cell Chao Pang GM08154 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM08154 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA04633 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04633 cell Chao Pang GM08148 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM08148 cell Chao Pang DA04632 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04632 cell Chao Pang GM08147 MARKER CHROMOSOME GM08147 cell Chao Pang DA04631 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04631 cell Chao Pang DA04630 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04630 cell Chao Pang GM08210 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08210 cell Chao Pang GM08207 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 2; ERCC2 GM08207 cell OMIM: 126340 OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM08206 BECKWITH-WIEDEMANN SYNDROME; BWS GM08206 cell OMIM: 130650 Chao Pang GM08205 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM08205 cell Chao Pang DA04660 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04660 cell Chao Pang DA04662 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04662 cell Chao Pang DA04663 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04663 cell Chao Pang DA04664 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04664 cell Chao Pang DA04665 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04665 cell Chao Pang DA04666 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04666 cell Chao Pang DA04667 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04667 cell Chao Pang DA04668 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04668 cell Chao Pang DA04669 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04669 cell Chao Pang DA04670 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04670 cell Chao Pang DA04659 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04659 cell Chao Pang DA04650 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04650 cell Chao Pang DA04653 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04653 cell Chao Pang DA04654 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04654 cell Chao Pang DA04651 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04651 cell Chao Pang DA04652 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04652 cell Chao Pang DA04657 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04657 cell Chao Pang DA04658 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04658 cell Chao Pang DA04655 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04655 cell Chao Pang DA04656 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04656 cell Chao Pang GM08284 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08284 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08296 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM08296 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM08289 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08289 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08290 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08290 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08291 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08291 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08292 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08292 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08285 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08285 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08286 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08286 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08287 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08287 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08288 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08288 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA04577 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04577 cell Chao Pang DA04578 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04578 cell Chao Pang DA04582 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04582 cell Chao Pang DA04581 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04581 cell Chao Pang DA04580 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04580 cell Chao Pang DA04579 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04579 cell Chao Pang DA04586 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04586 cell Chao Pang DA04585 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04585 cell Chao Pang DA04584 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04584 cell Chao Pang DA04583 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04583 cell Chao Pang DA04567 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04567 cell Chao Pang DA04569 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04569 cell Chao Pang DA04568 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04568 cell Chao Pang DA04571 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04571 cell Chao Pang DA04570 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04570 cell Chao Pang DA04573 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04573 cell Chao Pang DA04572 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04572 cell Chao Pang DA04575 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04575 cell Chao Pang DA04574 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04574 cell Chao Pang DA04576 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04576 cell Chao Pang DA04601 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04601 cell Chao Pang DA04602 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04602 cell Chao Pang DA04599 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04599 cell Chao Pang DA04600 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04600 cell Chao Pang DA04608 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04608 cell Chao Pang DA04607 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04607 cell Chao Pang DA04606 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04606 cell Chao Pang DA04605 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04605 cell Chao Pang DA04604 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04604 cell Chao Pang DA04603 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04603 cell Chao Pang DA04587 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04587 cell Chao Pang DA04588 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04588 cell Chao Pang DA04589 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04589 cell Chao Pang DA04595 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04595 cell Chao Pang DA04594 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04594 cell Chao Pang DA04598 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04598 cell Chao Pang DA04591 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04591 cell Chao Pang DA04590 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04590 cell Chao Pang DA04593 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04593 cell Chao Pang DA04592 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04592 cell Chao Pang GM07779 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07779 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07781 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07781 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07783 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07783 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07784 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07784 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07785 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07785 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07786 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07786 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07787 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07787 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07788 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07788 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07789 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07789 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07813 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07813 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07814 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07814 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07815 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07815 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07822 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07822 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07823 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07823 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07824 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07824 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07816 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07816 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07817 MECKEL SYNDROME; MKS GM07817 cell OMIM: 249000 Chao Pang GM07819 LACTIC ACIDOSIS, CONGENITAL INFANTILE GM07819 cell OMIM: 245400 Chao Pang GM07821 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07821 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07791 FRAGILE SITE 2Q13 GM07791 cell Chao Pang GM07792 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07792 cell Chao Pang GM07811 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07811 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07812 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07812 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07798 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07798 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07800 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07800 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07796 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07796 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07797 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07797 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07794 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07794 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07795 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07795 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07790 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07790 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA04774 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04774 cell Chao Pang GM07836 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07836 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07835 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07835 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA04765 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04765 cell Chao Pang GM07830 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07830 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07829 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07829 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07832 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07832 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07831 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07831 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07826 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM07826 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang DA04771 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04771 cell Chao Pang GM07825 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07825 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang DA04770 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04770 cell Chao Pang DA04773 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04773 cell Chao Pang GM07828 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07828 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07827 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07827 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang DA04772 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04772 cell Chao Pang DA04767 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04767 cell Chao Pang DA04766 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04766 cell Chao Pang DA04769 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04769 cell Chao Pang DA04768 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04768 cell Chao Pang DA04763 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04763 cell Chao Pang DA04764 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04764 cell Chao Pang GM07848 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07848 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07847 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07847 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07846 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07846 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07845 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07845 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07844 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF ACYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN; ACADM GM07844 cell OMIM: 201450 OMIM: 607008 Chao Pang GM07843 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, LONG-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF GM07843 cell OMIM: 201460 Chao Pang DA04762 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04762 cell Chao Pang DA04761 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04761 cell Chao Pang GM07842 ACYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN; ACADM ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF GM07842 cell OMIM: 201450 OMIM: 607008 Chao Pang DA04760 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04760 cell Chao Pang GM07841 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM07841 cell Chao Pang DA04759 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04759 cell Chao Pang GM07840 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07840 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA04758 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04758 cell Chao Pang GM07837 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07837 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA04757 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04757 cell Chao Pang DA04756 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04756 cell Chao Pang DA04755 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04755 cell Chao Pang DA04752 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04752 cell Chao Pang DA04753 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04753 cell Chao Pang DA04754 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04754 cell Chao Pang GM07857 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07857 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07856 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07856 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07859 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07859 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07858 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07858 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang DA04745 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04745 cell Chao Pang GM07850 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07850 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang DA04747 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04747 cell Chao Pang GM07849 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07849 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA04746 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04746 cell Chao Pang GM07853 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07853 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang DA04749 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04749 cell Chao Pang DA04748 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04748 cell Chao Pang GM07852 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07852 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07855 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07855 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang DA04751 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04751 cell Chao Pang GM07854 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07854 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang DA04750 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04750 cell Chao Pang DA04743 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04743 cell Chao Pang DA04744 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04744 cell Chao Pang DA04741 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04741 cell Chao Pang DA04742 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04742 cell Chao Pang GM07891 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07891 cell Chao Pang GM07890 ESTERASE D; ESD S-FORMYLGLUTATHIONE HYDROLASE, INCLUDED; FGH, INCLUDED CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07890 cell OMIM: 133280 Chao Pang GM07876 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07876 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA04736 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04736 cell Chao Pang GM07862 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM07862 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang DA04735 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04735 cell Chao Pang GM07861 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07861 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07860 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07860 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07875 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07875 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA04740 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04740 cell Chao Pang GM07874 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07874 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA04739 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04739 cell Chao Pang GM07873 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07873 cell Chao Pang DA04738 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04738 cell Chao Pang GM07863 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07863 cell Chao Pang DA04737 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04737 cell Chao Pang GM07902 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07902 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07903 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07903 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07904 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07904 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07905 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM07905 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM07892 ACHONDROGENESIS; TYPE 1 - 200600; TYPE 2 - 200610; OR GREBE TYPE - 200700 GM07892 cell OMIM: 200600 Chao Pang GM07893 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07893 cell Chao Pang GM07895 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07895 cell Chao Pang GM07901 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07901 cell Chao Pang GM07908 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07908 cell Chao Pang GM07912 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07912 cell Chao Pang GM07913 CHROMOSOME DELETION TETRALOGY OF FALLOT GM07913 cell OMIM: 187500 Chao Pang GM07944 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07944 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07945 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY WITH NO IMMUNODEFICIENCY CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07945 cell Chao Pang GM07942 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07942 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07943 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07943 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07939 VELOCARDIOFACIAL SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07939 cell OMIM: 192430 Chao Pang GM07941 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07941 cell Chao Pang GM07924 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM07924 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07938 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07938 cell Chao Pang GM07947 DYSTROPHIN; DMD MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD CHRONIC GRANULOMATOUS DISEASE (XK-RELATED; CGD) - 306400 OR 314850 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07947 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 306400 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM07949 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07949 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07948 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07948 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07964 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07964 cell Chao Pang GM07965 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07965 cell Chao Pang GM07966 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07966 cell Chao Pang GM07968 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE I GM07968 cell OMIM: 230800 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM07970 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07970 cell Chao Pang GM07971 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07971 cell Chao Pang GM07973 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM07973 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM07974 HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 4-ALPHA; HNF4A MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM07974 cell OMIM: 125850 OMIM: 600281 Chao Pang DA04684 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04684 cell Chao Pang DA04691 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04691 cell Chao Pang DA04692 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04692 cell Chao Pang DA04689 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04689 cell Chao Pang DA04690 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04690 cell Chao Pang DA04687 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04687 cell Chao Pang DA04688 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04688 cell Chao Pang DA04685 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04685 cell Chao Pang DA04686 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04686 cell Chao Pang DA04693 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04693 cell Chao Pang DA04675 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04675 cell Chao Pang DA04676 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04676 cell Chao Pang DA04679 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04679 cell Chao Pang DA04681 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04681 cell Chao Pang DA04671 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04671 cell Chao Pang DA04672 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04672 cell Chao Pang DA04673 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04673 cell Chao Pang DA04674 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04674 cell Chao Pang DA04682 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04682 cell Chao Pang DA04683 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04683 cell Chao Pang DA04728 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04728 cell Chao Pang DA04729 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04729 cell Chao Pang DA04726 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04726 cell Chao Pang DA04727 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04727 cell Chao Pang DA04725 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04725 cell Chao Pang DA01985 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01985 cell Chao Pang DA01984 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01984 cell Chao Pang DA01977 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01977 cell Chao Pang DA01976 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01976 cell Chao Pang DA01979 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01979 cell Chao Pang DA04734 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04734 cell Chao Pang DA01978 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01978 cell Chao Pang DA04733 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04733 cell Chao Pang DA01981 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01981 cell Chao Pang DA01980 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01980 cell Chao Pang DA04732 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04732 cell Chao Pang DA01983 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01983 cell Chao Pang DA04731 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04731 cell Chao Pang DA04730 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04730 cell Chao Pang DA01982 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01982 cell Chao Pang DA04715 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04715 cell Chao Pang DA04716 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04716 cell Chao Pang DA04717 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04717 cell Chao Pang DA04718 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04718 cell Chao Pang DA01975 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01975 cell Chao Pang DA01974 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01974 cell Chao Pang DA01973 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01973 cell Chao Pang DA04724 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04724 cell Chao Pang DA01968 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01968 cell Chao Pang DA01967 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01967 cell Chao Pang DA04723 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04723 cell Chao Pang DA01966 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01966 cell Chao Pang DA01972 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01972 cell Chao Pang DA04720 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04720 cell Chao Pang DA04719 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04719 cell Chao Pang DA01971 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01971 cell Chao Pang DA04722 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04722 cell Chao Pang DA01970 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01970 cell Chao Pang DA01969 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01969 cell Chao Pang DA04721 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04721 cell Chao Pang DA04706 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04706 cell Chao Pang DA04707 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04707 cell Chao Pang DA04705 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04705 cell Chao Pang DA04711 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04711 cell Chao Pang DA04710 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04710 cell Chao Pang DA04709 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04709 cell Chao Pang DA04708 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04708 cell Chao Pang DA04714 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04714 cell Chao Pang DA04713 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04713 cell Chao Pang DA04712 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04712 cell Chao Pang DA04694 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04694 cell Chao Pang DA04696 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04696 cell Chao Pang DA04698 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04698 cell Chao Pang DA04697 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04697 cell Chao Pang DA04700 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04700 cell Chao Pang DA04699 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04699 cell Chao Pang DA04702 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04702 cell Chao Pang DA04701 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04701 cell Chao Pang DA04704 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04704 cell Chao Pang DA04703 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04703 cell Chao Pang GM08698 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM08698 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM08714 IMMUNODEFICIENCY-CENTROMERIC INSTABILITY-FACIAL ANOMALIES SYNDROME GM08714 cell OMIM: 242860 Chao Pang GM08696 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM08696 cell Chao Pang GM08697 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM08697 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM08689 BURKITT LYMPHOMA; BL TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08689 cell OMIM: 113970 Chao Pang GM08690 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM08690 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM08871 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08871 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08872 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08872 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08873 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08873 cell Chao Pang GM08874 MULTIPLE ENDOCRINE NEOPLASIA, TYPE II; MEN2 GM08874 cell OMIM: 171400 Chao Pang GM08867 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08867 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08868 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08868 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08869 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08869 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08870 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08870 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08864 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08864 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08865 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08865 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08863 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08863 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08861 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08861 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08862 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08862 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08859 ACHONDROPLASIA; ACH GM08859 cell OMIM: 100800 Chao Pang GM08860 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08860 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08857 ACHONDROPLASIA; ACH GM08857 cell OMIM: 100800 Chao Pang GM08858 ACHONDROPLASIA; ACH GM08858 cell OMIM: 100800 Chao Pang GM08855 FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 3; FGFR3 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD GM08855 cell OMIM: 134934 OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang GM08856 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD GM08856 cell OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang GM08854 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM08854 cell Chao Pang GM08834 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY WITH NO IMMUNODEFICIENCY GM08834 cell Chao Pang GM08849 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08849 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08850 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08850 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08851 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08851 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08852 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08852 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08853 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08853 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08829 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM08829 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang GM08830 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM08830 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang GM08831 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM08831 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang GM08832 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY WITH NO IMMUNODEFICIENCY GM08832 cell Chao Pang GM08824 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08824 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08825 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08825 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08822 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08822 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08823 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08823 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08828 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08828 cell Chao Pang GM08826 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08826 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08827 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08827 cell Chao Pang GM08820 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 3, JUVENILE; CLN3 GM08820 cell OMIM: 204200 Chao Pang GM08821 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08821 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08814 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08814 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08788 ADRENAL HYPOPLASIA WITH ADDITIONAL CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS GM08788 cell Chao Pang GM08799 POLYCYSTIC KIDNEYS GM08799 cell OMIM: 173900 Chao Pang GM08794 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 3, JUVENILE; CLN3 GM08794 cell OMIM: 204200 Chao Pang GM08811 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08811 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08810 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08810 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08813 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08813 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08812 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08812 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08801 POLYCYSTIC KIDNEYS GM08801 cell OMIM: 173900 Chao Pang GM08800 POLYCYSTIC KIDNEYS GM08800 cell OMIM: 173900 Chao Pang GM08809 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08809 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08808 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM08808 cell Chao Pang GM08772 REFSUM DISEASE, INFANTILE FORM GM08772 cell OMIM: 266510 Chao Pang GM08773 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08773 cell Chao Pang GM08774 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM08774 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang GM08787 WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08787 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang GM08786 WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08786 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang GM08785 WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM08785 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang GM08781 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT- 166200,166210,166220, OR 166230 GM08781 cell OMIM: 166200 Chao Pang GM08779 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM08779 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM08778 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM08778 cell Chao Pang GM08776 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM08776 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang GM08775 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM08775 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang GM08758 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08758 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08759 HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 4-ALPHA; HNF4A MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08759 cell OMIM: 125850 OMIM: 600281 Chao Pang GM08760 GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE II GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GM08760 cell OMIM: 230900 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM08763 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM08763 cell Chao Pang GM08761 CYSTINOSIS, ADULT NONNEPHROPATHIC GM08761 cell OMIM: 219750 Chao Pang GM08766 MULTIPLE ENDOCRINE NEOPLASIA, TYPE II; MEN2 GM08766 cell OMIM: 171400 Chao Pang GM08764 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM08764 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM08769 REFSUM DISEASE, INFANTILE FORM GM08769 cell OMIM: 266510 Chao Pang GM08768 ACYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN; ACADM ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF GM08768 cell OMIM: 201450 OMIM: 607008 Chao Pang GM08771 PEROXISOME BIOGENESIS FACTOR 26; PEX26 REFSUM DISEASE, INFANTILE FORM GM08771 cell OMIM: 266510 OMIM: 608666 Chao Pang GM08770 REFSUM DISEASE, INFANTILE FORM GM08770 cell OMIM: 266510 Chao Pang GM08739 POLYCYSTIC KIDNEYS GM08739 cell OMIM: 173900 Chao Pang GM08740 POLYCYSTIC KIDNEYS GM08740 cell OMIM: 173900 Chao Pang GM08728 DNA METHYLTRANSFERASE 3B; DNMT3B APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE IMMUNODEFICIENCY-CENTROMERIC INSTABILITY-FACIAL ANOMALIES SYNDROME GM08728 cell OMIM: 242860 OMIM: 602900 Chao Pang GM08729 IMMUNODEFICIENCY-CENTROMERIC INSTABILITY-FACIAL ANOMALIES SYNDROME APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08729 cell OMIM: 242860 Chao Pang GM08752 GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE II GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GM08752 cell OMIM: 230900 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM08747 IMMUNODEFICIENCY-CENTROMERIC INSTABILITY-FACIAL ANOMALIES SYNDROME DNA METHYLTRANSFERASE 3B; DNMT3B GM08747 cell OMIM: 242860 OMIM: 602900 Chao Pang GM08741 POLYCYSTIC KIDNEYS GM08741 cell OMIM: 173900 Chao Pang GM08757 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08757 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08756 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08756 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08755 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08755 cell Chao Pang GM08753 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE II GM08753 cell OMIM: 230900 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM08880 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08880 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08879 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08879 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08883 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS GM08883 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM08882 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS GM08882 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM08875 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08875 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08877 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08877 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08876 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08876 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08885 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS GM08885 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM08884 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS GM08884 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM08886 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS GM08886 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM08388 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM08388 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM08389 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM08389 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM08390 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM08390 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM08392 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08392 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08393 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08393 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08398 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08398 cell Chao Pang GM08399 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08399 cell Chao Pang GM08400 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08400 cell Chao Pang GM08401 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08401 cell Chao Pang GM08402 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08402 cell Chao Pang GM08366 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08366 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08369 5,10-@METHYLENETETRAHYDROFOLATE REDUCTASE; MTHFR HEMOPHILIA B; HEMB GM08369 cell OMIM: 306900 OMIM: 607093 Chao Pang GM08371 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM08371 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM08382 NEUROPATHY, CONGENITAL SENSORY, WITH ANHIDROSIS GM08382 cell OMIM: 256800 Chao Pang GM08383 NEUROPATHY, CONGENITAL SENSORY, WITH ANHIDROSIS GM08383 cell OMIM: 256800 Chao Pang GM08372 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM08372 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM08373 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM08373 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM08386 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08386 cell Chao Pang GM08387 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM08387 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM08384 NEUROPATHY, CONGENITAL SENSORY, WITH ANHIDROSIS GM08384 cell OMIM: 256800 Chao Pang GM08385 NEUROPATHY, CONGENITAL SENSORY, WITH ANHIDROSIS GM08385 cell OMIM: 256800 Chao Pang GM08443 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VII GM08443 cell OMIM: 232800 Chao Pang GM08444 WOUND HEALING DISORDER GM08444 cell Chao Pang GM08447 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08447 cell Chao Pang GM08496 SIALIC ACID STORAGE DISEASE; SIASD GM08496 cell OMIM: 269920 Chao Pang GM08437 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP F; XPF GM08437 cell OMIM: 278760 Chao Pang GM08581 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM08581 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM08497 SIALIC ACID STORAGE DISEASE; SIASD GM08497 cell OMIM: 269920 Chao Pang GM08505 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM GM08505 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM08579 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08579 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08580 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08580 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08410 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08410 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08411 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08411 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08403 ISOCHROMOSOME ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM08403 cell Chao Pang GM08409 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08409 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08435 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM08435 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM08436 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM08436 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM08428 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08428 cell Chao Pang GM08429 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08429 cell Chao Pang GM08412 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08412 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08413 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08413 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08297 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM08297 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM08299 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM08299 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM08298 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM08298 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM08304 KRABBE DISEASE GM08304 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM08300 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM08300 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM08330 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM08330 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08329 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM08329 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08343 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM08343 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM08344 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM08344 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM08363 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08363 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08362 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08362 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08365 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08365 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08364 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08364 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08353 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM08353 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM08352 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08352 cell Chao Pang GM08356 HEMOPHILIA B; HEMB GM08356 cell OMIM: 306900 Chao Pang GM08355 HEMOPHILIA B; HEMB GM08355 cell OMIM: 306900 Chao Pang GM08345 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM08345 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM08334 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM08334 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM08331 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM08331 cell Chao Pang GM08333 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08333 cell Chao Pang GM08342 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM08342 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM08341 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM08341 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM08340 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM08340 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM08339 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM08339 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM08338 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM08338 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM08337 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM08337 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM08336 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM08336 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM08335 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM08335 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM08599 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM08599 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM08598 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM08598 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM08601 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM08601 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM08600 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM08600 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM08586 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08586 cell Chao Pang GM08585 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM08585 cell Chao Pang GM08589 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM08589 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM08587 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08587 cell Chao Pang GM08584 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM08584 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM08583 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM08583 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM08665 CARTILAGE-HAIR HYPOPLASIA; CHH GM08665 cell OMIM: 250250 Chao Pang GM08664 CARTILAGE-HAIR HYPOPLASIA; CHH GM08664 cell OMIM: 250250 Chao Pang GM08663 CARTILAGE-HAIR HYPOPLASIA; CHH GM08663 cell OMIM: 250250 Chao Pang GM08662 CARTILAGE-HAIR HYPOPLASIA; CHH GM08662 cell OMIM: 250250 Chao Pang GM08661 CARTILAGE-HAIR HYPOPLASIA; CHH GM08661 cell OMIM: 250250 Chao Pang GM08660 CARTILAGE-HAIR HYPOPLASIA; CHH GM08660 cell OMIM: 250250 Chao Pang GM08605 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM08605 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM08604 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM08604 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM08603 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM08603 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM08602 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM08602 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM08688 BURKITT LYMPHOMA; BL GM08688 cell OMIM: 113970 Chao Pang GM08687 BURKITT LYMPHOMA; BL GM08687 cell OMIM: 113970 Chao Pang GM08669 PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA GM08669 cell OMIM: 176100 Chao Pang GM08668 PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA GM08668 cell OMIM: 176100 Chao Pang GM08680 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08680 cell Chao Pang GM08670 PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA GM08670 cell OMIM: 176100 Chao Pang GM08683 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VII GM08683 cell OMIM: 232800 Chao Pang GM08681 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM08681 cell Chao Pang GM08686 BURKITT LYMPHOMA; BL GM08686 cell OMIM: 113970 Chao Pang GM08684 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF ACYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN; ACADM GM08684 cell OMIM: 201450 OMIM: 607008 Chao Pang GM09118 ORNITHINE AMINOTRANSFERASE DEFICIENCY GM09118 cell OMIM: 258870 Chao Pang GM09132 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09132 cell Chao Pang GM09117 ORNITHINE AMINOTRANSFERASE DEFICIENCY GM09117 cell OMIM: 258870 Chao Pang GM09154 NEUROAXONAL DYSTROPHY, INFANTILE GM09154 cell OMIM: 256600 Chao Pang GM09146 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM09146 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM09153 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM09153 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM09142 CHROMOSOME 21 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM09142 cell Chao Pang GM09145 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM09145 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM09133 CHROMOSOME DELETION PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM09133 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM09138 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09138 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09189 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09189 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM09191 CHROMOSOME 6 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE X CHROMOSOME SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM09191 cell Chao Pang GM09192 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09192 cell Chao Pang GM09193 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09193 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09208 MILLER-DIEKER LISSENCEPHALY SYNDROME; MDLS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09208 cell OMIM: 247200 Chao Pang GM09209 MILLER-DIEKER LISSENCEPHALY SYNDROME; MDLS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09209 cell OMIM: 247200 Chao Pang GM09194 MENKES SYNDROME GM09194 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM09195 MENKES SYNDROME GM09195 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM09196 MENKES SYNDROME GM09196 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM09197 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM09197 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09081 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09081 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09084 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09084 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09085 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09085 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09082 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09082 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09083 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09083 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09089 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09089 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09090 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09090 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09086 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09086 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09087 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09087 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09080 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09080 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09079 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09079 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09093 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, LONG-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF GM09093 cell OMIM: 201460 Chao Pang GM09099 MULTIPLE ENDOCRINE NEOPLASIA, TYPE II; MEN2 GM09099 cell OMIM: 171400 Chao Pang GM09100 MULTIPLE ENDOCRINE NEOPLASIA, TYPE II; MEN2 GM09100 cell OMIM: 171400 Chao Pang GM09101 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09101 cell Chao Pang GM09102 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09102 cell Chao Pang GM09110 ORNITHINE AMINOTRANSFERASE DEFICIENCY GM09110 cell OMIM: 258870 Chao Pang GM09112 ORNITHINE AMINOTRANSFERASE DEFICIENCY GM09112 cell OMIM: 258870 Chao Pang GM09113 ORNITHINE AMINOTRANSFERASE DEFICIENCY GM09113 cell OMIM: 258870 Chao Pang GM09115 ORNITHINE AMINOTRANSFERASE DEFICIENCY GM09115 cell OMIM: 258870 Chao Pang GM09116 ORNITHINE AMINOTRANSFERASE DEFICIENCY GM09116 cell OMIM: 258870 Chao Pang GM09091 POLYCYSTIC KIDNEYS GM09091 cell OMIM: 173900 Chao Pang HQ00593 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00593 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00595 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00595 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00594 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00594 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00598 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00598 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00597 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00597 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00600 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00600 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00599 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00599 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00603 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00603 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00601 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00601 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00605 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00605 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00610 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00610 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00609 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00609 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00608 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00608 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00606 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00606 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00614 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00614 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00613 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00613 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00612 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00612 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00611 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00611 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00616 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00616 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00615 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00615 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09218 CRIGLER-NAJJAR SYNDROME UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 GM09218 cell OMIM: 191740 OMIM: 218800 Chao Pang GM09217 CRIGLER-NAJJAR SYNDROME UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 GM09217 cell OMIM: 191740 OMIM: 218800 Chao Pang GM09216 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09216 cell Chao Pang GM09215 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09215 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09229 RING CHROMOSOME GM09229 cell Chao Pang GM09210 MILLER-DIEKER LISSENCEPHALY SYNDROME; MDLS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09210 cell OMIM: 247200 Chao Pang GM09214 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09214 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09213 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09213 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09212 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09212 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09211 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09211 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang HQ00570 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00570 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00576 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00576 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00575 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00575 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00578 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00578 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00577 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00577 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00572 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00572 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00571 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00571 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00574 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00574 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00573 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00573 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00579 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00579 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00581 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00581 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00580 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00580 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00592 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00592 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00591 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00591 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00590 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00590 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00586 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00586 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00585 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00585 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00584 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00584 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00583 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00583 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00582 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00582 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00652 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00652 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00650 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00650 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00651 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00651 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00644 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00644 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00645 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00645 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00643 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00643 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00648 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00648 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00649 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00649 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00646 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00646 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00647 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00647 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00668 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00668 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00669 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00669 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00653 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00653 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00654 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00654 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00655 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00655 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00656 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00656 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00660 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00660 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00661 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00661 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00662 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00662 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00663 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00663 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09023 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM09023 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang GM09024 CHROMOSOME DELETION PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM09024 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM09017 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM09017 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang GM09018 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM09018 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang DA05140 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05140 cell Chao Pang DA05139 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05139 cell Chao Pang DA05142 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05142 cell Chao Pang HQ00630 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00630 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05141 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05141 cell Chao Pang HQ00628 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00628 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05143 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05143 cell Chao Pang HQ00629 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00629 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00623 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00623 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00624 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00624 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00621 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00621 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00622 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00622 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00619 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00619 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05134 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05134 cell Chao Pang HQ00620 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00620 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05136 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05136 cell Chao Pang DA05135 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05135 cell Chao Pang HQ00618 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00618 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05138 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05138 cell Chao Pang DA05137 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05137 cell Chao Pang DA05130 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05130 cell Chao Pang DA05128 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05128 cell Chao Pang DA05127 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05127 cell Chao Pang DA05125 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05125 cell Chao Pang HQ00638 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00638 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00639 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00639 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00641 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00641 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05132 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05132 cell Chao Pang HQ00642 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00642 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05131 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05131 cell Chao Pang HQ00633 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00633 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00634 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00634 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00635 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00635 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00637 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00637 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05124 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05124 cell Chao Pang DA05123 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05123 cell Chao Pang DA05119 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05119 cell Chao Pang HQ00631 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00631 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05118 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05118 cell Chao Pang HQ00632 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00632 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05157 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05157 cell Chao Pang DA05158 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05158 cell Chao Pang DA05159 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05159 cell Chao Pang DA05160 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05160 cell Chao Pang DA05154 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05154 cell Chao Pang DA05155 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05155 cell Chao Pang DA05156 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05156 cell Chao Pang GM09056 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09056 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang DA05161 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05161 cell Chao Pang DA05162 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05162 cell Chao Pang GM09057 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09057 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang DA05163 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05163 cell Chao Pang GM09058 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09058 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09059 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09059 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09065 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09065 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09063 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09063 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09067 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09067 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09066 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09066 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09060 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09060 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09062 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09062 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09061 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09061 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang DA05148 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05148 cell Chao Pang DA05149 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05149 cell Chao Pang DA05146 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05146 cell Chao Pang DA05147 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05147 cell Chao Pang DA05144 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05144 cell Chao Pang DA05145 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05145 cell Chao Pang GM09070 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09070 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang DA05152 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05152 cell Chao Pang DA05153 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05153 cell Chao Pang GM09068 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09068 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang DA05150 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05150 cell Chao Pang GM09069 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09069 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang DA05151 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05151 cell Chao Pang GM09078 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09078 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09077 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09077 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09076 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09076 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09075 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09075 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09074 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09074 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09073 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09073 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09072 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09072 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09071 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09071 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang DA05175 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05175 cell Chao Pang HQ00681 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00681 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05176 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05176 cell Chao Pang HQ00680 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00680 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00679 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00679 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05177 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05177 cell Chao Pang HQ00677 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00677 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05178 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05178 cell Chao Pang DA05179 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05179 cell Chao Pang HQ00676 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00676 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05180 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05180 cell Chao Pang HQ00675 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00675 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00674 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00674 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05181 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05181 cell Chao Pang DA05182 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05182 cell Chao Pang HQ00673 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00673 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05183 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05183 cell Chao Pang GM09025 RING CHROMOSOME GM09025 cell Chao Pang GM09026 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM09026 cell Chao Pang GM09032 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM09032 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM09033 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM09033 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM09036 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE I GM09036 cell OMIM: 232200 Chao Pang GM09039 ORNITHINE TRANSCARBAMYLASE DEFICIENCY, HYPERAMMONEMIA DUE TO; OTC GM09039 cell OMIM: 311250 Chao Pang HQ00682 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00682 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09040 ORNITHINE TRANSCARBAMYLASE DEFICIENCY, HYPERAMMONEMIA DUE TO; OTC GM09040 cell OMIM: 311250 Chao Pang GM09042 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09042 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09041 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09041 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09044 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09044 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09043 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09043 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang HQ00671 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00671 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05174 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05174 cell Chao Pang HQ00690 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00690 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05166 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05166 cell Chao Pang DA05167 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05167 cell Chao Pang HQ00689 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00689 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00692 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00692 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05164 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05164 cell Chao Pang DA05165 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05165 cell Chao Pang HQ00691 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00691 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05170 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05170 cell Chao Pang HQ00686 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00686 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00685 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00685 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05171 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05171 cell Chao Pang HQ00688 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00688 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05168 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05168 cell Chao Pang HQ00687 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00687 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05169 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05169 cell Chao Pang GM09047 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IIA; USH2A GM09047 cell OMIM: 276901 Chao Pang GM09048 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IIA; USH2A GM09048 cell OMIM: 276901 Chao Pang DA05172 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05172 cell Chao Pang GM09045 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09045 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA05173 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05173 cell Chao Pang GM09046 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09046 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09049 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IIA; USH2A GM09049 cell OMIM: 276901 Chao Pang GM09051 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IIA; USH2A GM09051 cell OMIM: 276901 Chao Pang GM09050 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IIA; USH2A GM09050 cell OMIM: 276901 Chao Pang GM09055 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IIA; USH2A GM09055 cell OMIM: 276901 Chao Pang GM09054 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IIA; USH2A GM09054 cell OMIM: 276901 Chao Pang GM09053 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IIA; USH2A GM09053 cell OMIM: 276901 Chao Pang GM09052 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IIA; USH2A GM09052 cell OMIM: 276901 Chao Pang HQ00683 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00683 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00684 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00684 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05044 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05044 cell Chao Pang DA05057 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05057 cell Chao Pang DA05047 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05047 cell Chao Pang DA05045 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05045 cell Chao Pang DA05050 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05050 cell Chao Pang DA05049 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05049 cell Chao Pang DA05054 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05054 cell Chao Pang DA05053 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05053 cell Chao Pang DA05056 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05056 cell Chao Pang DA05055 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05055 cell Chao Pang DA05058 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05058 cell Chao Pang DA05062 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05062 cell Chao Pang DA05066 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05066 cell Chao Pang DA05065 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05065 cell Chao Pang DA05064 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05064 cell Chao Pang DA05063 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05063 cell Chao Pang DA05072 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05072 cell Chao Pang DA05071 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05071 cell Chao Pang DA05070 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05070 cell Chao Pang DA05068 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05068 cell Chao Pang DA05073 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05073 cell Chao Pang DA05074 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05074 cell Chao Pang DA05075 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05075 cell Chao Pang DA05081 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05081 cell Chao Pang DA05080 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05080 cell Chao Pang DA05082 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05082 cell Chao Pang DA05077 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05077 cell Chao Pang DA05076 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05076 cell Chao Pang DA05079 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05079 cell Chao Pang DA05078 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05078 cell Chao Pang DA05086 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05086 cell Chao Pang DA05087 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05087 cell Chao Pang DA05083 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05083 cell Chao Pang DA05084 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05084 cell Chao Pang DA05093 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05093 cell Chao Pang DA05092 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05092 cell Chao Pang DA05091 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05091 cell Chao Pang DA05090 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05090 cell Chao Pang DA05089 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05089 cell Chao Pang DA05088 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05088 cell Chao Pang DA05094 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05094 cell Chao Pang DA05096 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05096 cell Chao Pang DA05095 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05095 cell Chao Pang DA05098 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05098 cell Chao Pang DA05097 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05097 cell Chao Pang AU10095 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10095 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang DA05099 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05099 cell Chao Pang DA05103 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05103 cell Chao Pang AU10096 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10096 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang DA05104 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05104 cell Chao Pang AU10097 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10097 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang DA05105 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05105 cell Chao Pang DA05106 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05106 cell Chao Pang AU10091 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10091 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10092 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10092 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10093 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10093 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10094 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10094 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10088 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10088 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10089 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10089 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10090 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10090 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang DA05108 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05108 cell Chao Pang DA05107 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05107 cell Chao Pang DA05112 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05112 cell Chao Pang DA05111 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05111 cell Chao Pang DA05110 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05110 cell Chao Pang DA05109 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05109 cell Chao Pang DA05116 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05116 cell Chao Pang DA05117 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05117 cell Chao Pang AU10106 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10106 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang DA05113 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05113 cell Chao Pang AU10107 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10107 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang DA05114 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05114 cell Chao Pang AU10104 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10104 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10105 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10105 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10102 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10102 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10103 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10103 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10100 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10100 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10101 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10101 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10098 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10098 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10099 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10099 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10113 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10113 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10114 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10114 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10115 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10115 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10116 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10116 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10117 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10117 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10108 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10108 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10109 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10109 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10110 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10110 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10111 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10111 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10112 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10112 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10129 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10129 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10130 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10130 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10126 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10126 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10128 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10128 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10118 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10118 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10119 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10119 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10124 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10124 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10125 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10125 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10120 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10120 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10121 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10121 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10137 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10137 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10136 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10136 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10135 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10135 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10134 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10134 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10133 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10133 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10132 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10132 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10131 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10131 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10140 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10140 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10139 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10139 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10138 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10138 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10146 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10146 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10145 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10145 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10148 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10148 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10147 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10147 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10142 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10142 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10141 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10141 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10144 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10144 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10143 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10143 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10150 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10150 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10149 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10149 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10155 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10155 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10154 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10154 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10153 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10153 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10152 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10152 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10159 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10159 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10158 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10158 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10157 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10157 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10156 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10156 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10160 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10160 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10151 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10151 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10164 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10164 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10163 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10163 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10166 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10166 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10165 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10165 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10168 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10168 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10167 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10167 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10170 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10170 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10169 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10169 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10161 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10161 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10162 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10162 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10180 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10180 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10178 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10178 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10179 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10179 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10176 AUTISTIC DISORDER MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS AU10176 cell OMIM: 154700 OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10177 AUTISTIC DISORDER MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS AU10177 cell OMIM: 154700 OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10174 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10174 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10175 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10175 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10173 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10173 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10172 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10172 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10171 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10171 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang DA00004 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00004 cell Chao Pang DA00005 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00005 cell Chao Pang AU10185 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10185 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang DA00001 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00001 cell Chao Pang DA00002 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00002 cell Chao Pang DA00003 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00003 cell Chao Pang AU10182 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10182 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10181 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10181 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10184 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10184 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10183 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10183 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang GM08944 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM08944 cell Chao Pang GM08946 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM08946 cell Chao Pang GM08939 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM08939 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang GM08940 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIC GM08940 cell OMIM: 252930 Chao Pang GM08949 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08949 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08950 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08950 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08947 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08947 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08948 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08948 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08936 EPILEPSY, PROGRESSIVE MYOCLONIC 2; EPM2A GM08936 cell OMIM: 254780 Chao Pang GM08935 EPILEPSY, PROGRESSIVE MYOCLONIC 2; EPM2A GM08935 cell OMIM: 254780 Chao Pang GM08932 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM08932 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM08954 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08954 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08955 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08955 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08956 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08956 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08957 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08957 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08958 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08958 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08959 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08959 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08960 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08960 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08961 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08961 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08953 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08953 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08952 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08952 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08951 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08951 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08971 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08971 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang AG20452 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20452 cell Chao Pang AG20453 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20453 cell Chao Pang GM08972 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08972 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08969 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08969 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08970 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08970 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08967 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08967 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang AG20470 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG20470 cell Chao Pang GM08968 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08968 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang AG20471 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG20471 cell Chao Pang GM08965 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1 GENE; RP1 GM08965 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 603937 Chao Pang AG20454 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20454 cell Chao Pang GM08966 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08966 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang AG20455 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20455 cell Chao Pang GM08963 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08963 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08964 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08964 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang AG20609 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20609 cell Chao Pang AG20608 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20608 cell Chao Pang AG20607 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20607 cell Chao Pang AG20606 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20606 cell Chao Pang GM08962 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1 GENE; RP1 GM08962 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 603937 Chao Pang GM08982 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08982 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08983 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08983 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08984 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08984 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang AG20440 PARKINSON'S DISEASE AG20440 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG20441 PARKINSON'S DISEASE AG20441 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM08978 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08978 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang AG20442 PARKINSON'S DISEASE AG20442 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM08979 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1 GENE; RP1 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08979 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 603937 Chao Pang AG20443 PARKINSON'S DISEASE AG20443 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM08980 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08980 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08981 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08981 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang AG20444 PARKINSON'S DISEASE AG20444 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM08973 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08973 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08974 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08974 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08975 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08975 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang AG20446 PARKINSON'S DISEASE AG20446 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG20445 PARKINSON'S DISEASE AG20445 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG20449 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20449 cell Chao Pang AG20447 PARKINSON'S DISEASE AG20447 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG20450 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20450 cell Chao Pang GM08988 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08988 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08987 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08987 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08986 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1 GENE; RP1 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08986 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 603937 Chao Pang GM08985 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08985 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08992 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08992 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08991 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08991 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08990 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08990 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08989 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08989 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08995 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08995 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08993 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1 GENE; RP1 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08993 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 603937 Chao Pang GM08996 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08996 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08999 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08999 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM08997 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM08997 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09001 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09001 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09000 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09000 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09003 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09003 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09002 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1 GENE; RP1 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09002 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 603937 Chao Pang GM09005 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09005 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09004 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09004 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09006 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09006 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09012 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1 GENE; RP1 GM09012 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 603937 Chao Pang GM09011 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09011 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09010 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09010 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09009 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09009 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09008 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09008 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09007 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09007 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09016 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM09016 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang GM09015 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM09015 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang GM09014 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM09014 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang GM09013 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM09013 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang DA05260 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05260 cell Chao Pang DA05259 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05259 cell Chao Pang DA05262 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05262 cell Chao Pang DA05261 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05261 cell Chao Pang DA05264 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05264 cell Chao Pang DA05263 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05263 cell Chao Pang DA05266 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05266 cell Chao Pang DA05265 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05265 cell Chao Pang DA05268 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05268 cell Chao Pang DA05267 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05267 cell Chao Pang DA05249 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05249 cell Chao Pang DA05253 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05253 cell Chao Pang DA05252 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05252 cell Chao Pang DA05251 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05251 cell Chao Pang DA05250 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05250 cell Chao Pang DA05257 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05257 cell Chao Pang DA05256 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05256 cell Chao Pang DA05255 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05255 cell Chao Pang DA05254 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05254 cell Chao Pang DA05258 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05258 cell Chao Pang DA05238 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05238 cell Chao Pang DA05237 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05237 cell Chao Pang DA05241 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05241 cell Chao Pang DA05240 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05240 cell Chao Pang DA05248 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05248 cell Chao Pang DA05247 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05247 cell Chao Pang DA05243 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05243 cell Chao Pang DA05242 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05242 cell Chao Pang DA05246 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05246 cell Chao Pang DA05244 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05244 cell Chao Pang DA05227 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05227 cell Chao Pang DA05226 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05226 cell Chao Pang DA05225 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05225 cell Chao Pang DA05236 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05236 cell Chao Pang DA05235 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05235 cell Chao Pang DA05234 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05234 cell Chao Pang DA05233 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05233 cell Chao Pang DA05232 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05232 cell Chao Pang DA05231 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05231 cell Chao Pang DA05229 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05229 cell Chao Pang DA05304 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05304 cell Chao Pang DA05305 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05305 cell Chao Pang DA05306 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05306 cell Chao Pang DA05307 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05307 cell Chao Pang DA05309 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05309 cell Chao Pang DA05310 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05310 cell Chao Pang DA05311 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05311 cell Chao Pang DA05312 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05312 cell Chao Pang DA05303 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05303 cell Chao Pang DA05302 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05302 cell Chao Pang DA05301 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05301 cell Chao Pang DA05295 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05295 cell Chao Pang DA05296 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05296 cell Chao Pang DA05293 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05293 cell Chao Pang DA05294 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05294 cell Chao Pang DA05299 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05299 cell Chao Pang DA05300 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05300 cell Chao Pang DA05297 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05297 cell Chao Pang DA05298 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05298 cell Chao Pang DA05292 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05292 cell Chao Pang GM08887 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS GM08887 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM08891 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM08891 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM08890 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM08890 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM08889 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM08889 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM08888 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS GM08888 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM08896 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM08896 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang DA05288 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05288 cell Chao Pang GM08892 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM08892 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang DA05291 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05291 cell Chao Pang GM08893 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM08893 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM08894 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM08894 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM08895 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM08895 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang DA05284 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05284 cell Chao Pang DA05285 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05285 cell Chao Pang DA05286 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05286 cell Chao Pang DA05287 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05287 cell Chao Pang DA05279 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05279 cell Chao Pang DA05280 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05280 cell Chao Pang DA05281 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05281 cell Chao Pang DA05282 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05282 cell Chao Pang GM08913 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08913 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08912 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08912 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08915 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08915 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08914 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08914 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08911 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM08911 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM08909 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 3; FGFR3 GM08909 cell OMIM: 134934 OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang GM08922 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM08922 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang DA05278 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05278 cell Chao Pang GM08923 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM08923 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang GM08919 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM08919 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang DA05276 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05276 cell Chao Pang DA05277 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05277 cell Chao Pang GM08921 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS; MS GM08921 cell OMIM: 126200 Chao Pang DA05274 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05274 cell Chao Pang DA05275 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05275 cell Chao Pang DA05272 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05272 cell Chao Pang DA05273 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05273 cell Chao Pang DA05270 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05270 cell Chao Pang DA05271 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05271 cell Chao Pang DA05269 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05269 cell Chao Pang GM08931 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM08931 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM08930 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM08930 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM08929 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM08929 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM08928 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM08928 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM08927 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08927 cell Chao Pang GM08926 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM08926 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM08925 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM08925 cell Chao Pang DA05205 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05205 cell Chao Pang DA05206 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05206 cell Chao Pang DA05207 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05207 cell Chao Pang DA05208 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05208 cell Chao Pang DA05214 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05214 cell Chao Pang DA05213 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05213 cell Chao Pang DA05210 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05210 cell Chao Pang DA05209 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05209 cell Chao Pang DA05212 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05212 cell Chao Pang DA05211 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05211 cell Chao Pang DA05218 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05218 cell Chao Pang DA05219 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05219 cell Chao Pang DA05216 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05216 cell Chao Pang DA05217 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05217 cell Chao Pang DA05215 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05215 cell Chao Pang DA05224 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05224 cell Chao Pang DA05223 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05223 cell Chao Pang DA05222 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05222 cell Chao Pang DA05221 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05221 cell Chao Pang DA05220 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05220 cell Chao Pang DA05184 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05184 cell Chao Pang DA05185 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05185 cell Chao Pang DA05187 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05187 cell Chao Pang DA05186 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05186 cell Chao Pang DA05189 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05189 cell Chao Pang DA05188 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05188 cell Chao Pang DA05191 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05191 cell Chao Pang DA05190 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05190 cell Chao Pang DA05193 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05193 cell Chao Pang DA05192 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05192 cell Chao Pang DA05195 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05195 cell Chao Pang DA05196 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05196 cell Chao Pang DA05194 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05194 cell Chao Pang DA05201 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05201 cell Chao Pang DA05200 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05200 cell Chao Pang DA05199 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05199 cell Chao Pang DA05197 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05197 cell Chao Pang DA05204 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05204 cell Chao Pang DA05203 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05203 cell Chao Pang DA05202 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05202 cell Chao Pang AG20610 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20610 cell Chao Pang AG20618 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20618 cell Chao Pang AG20619 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20619 cell Chao Pang AG20620 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20620 cell Chao Pang AG20621 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20621 cell Chao Pang AG20623 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20623 cell Chao Pang AG20625 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20625 cell Chao Pang AG20627 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20627 cell Chao Pang AG20628 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20628 cell Chao Pang AG21156 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE AG21156 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG21157 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE AG21157 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AU10000 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10000 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10001 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10001 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AG21158 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE AG21158 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG21159 APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG21159 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AU10004 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10004 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10005 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10005 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10002 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10002 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10003 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10003 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10006 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10006 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10036 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10036 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10035 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10035 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10030 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10030 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10029 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10029 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10028 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10028 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10027 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10027 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10034 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10034 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10033 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10033 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10032 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10032 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10031 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10031 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10047 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10047 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10039 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10039 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10038 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10038 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10041 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10041 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10040 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10040 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10043 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10043 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10042 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10042 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10045 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10045 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10044 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10044 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10037 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10037 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10016 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10016 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10015 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10015 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10014 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10014 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10013 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10013 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10012 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10012 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10011 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10011 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10010 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10010 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10009 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10009 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10008 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10008 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10007 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10007 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10025 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10025 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10024 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10024 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10026 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10026 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10021 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10021 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10020 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10020 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10023 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10023 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10022 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10022 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10017 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10017 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10019 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10019 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10018 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10018 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10074 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10074 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10075 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10075 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10072 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10072 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10073 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10073 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10076 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10076 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10077 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10077 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10071 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10071 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10070 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10070 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10069 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10069 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10068 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10068 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10083 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10083 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10084 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10084 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10085 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10085 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10086 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10086 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10087 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10087 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10078 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10078 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10080 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10080 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10079 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10079 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10082 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10082 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10081 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10081 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10056 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10056 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10057 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10057 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10054 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10054 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10055 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10055 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10052 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10052 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10053 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10053 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10050 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10050 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10051 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10051 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10049 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10049 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10048 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10048 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10065 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10065 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10066 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10066 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10067 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10067 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10061 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10061 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10062 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10062 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10063 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10063 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10064 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10064 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10058 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10058 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10060 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10060 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang AU10059 AUTISTIC DISORDER AU10059 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang ND03791 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03791 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03765 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03765 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03766 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03766 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03786 EPILEPSY ND03786 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03785 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND03785 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND03790 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03790 cell Chao Pang ND03788 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03788 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09584 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM09584 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang ND03769 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER ND03769 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND03768 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND03768 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang GM09585 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM09585 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang ND03771 EPILEPSY ND03771 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03770 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03770 cell Chao Pang GM09583 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM09583 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM09588 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM09588 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM09589 COAGULATION FACTOR II; F2 GM09589 cell OMIM: 176930 Chao Pang ND03767 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND03767 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang GM09586 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM09586 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM09587 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM09587 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM09592 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09592 cell Chao Pang GM09590 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09590 cell Chao Pang GM09591 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09591 cell Chao Pang ND03742 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03742 cell Chao Pang ND03721 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03721 cell Chao Pang ND03722 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03722 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03764 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND03764 cell Chao Pang ND03763 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03763 cell Chao Pang ND03762 AVM-RUPTURED ND03762 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND03749 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03749 cell Chao Pang ND03748 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03748 cell Chao Pang ND03747 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03747 cell Chao Pang ND03746 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03746 cell Chao Pang ND03745 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND03745 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09562 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09562 cell Chao Pang GM09552 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09552 cell Chao Pang GM09566 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09566 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09563 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09563 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09549 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM09549 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM09548 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM09548 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM09551 CRIGLER-NAJJAR SYNDROME UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 GM09551 cell OMIM: 191740 OMIM: 218800 Chao Pang GM09550 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM09550 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM09547 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM09547 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang HQ00397 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00397 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00402 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00402 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00400 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00400 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00399 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00399 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00398 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00398 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00411 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00411 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00410 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00410 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00407 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00407 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00404 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00404 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00414 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00414 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09545 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM09545 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM09546 PROTEOLIPID PROTEIN 1; PLP1 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM09546 cell OMIM: 300401 OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM09582 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM09582 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM09581 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM09581 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM09580 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM09580 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM09579 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM09579 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM09578 MENTAL RETARDATION, X-LINKED NONSPECIFIC, TYPE 1; MRX1 GM09578 cell OMIM: 309530 Chao Pang GM09576 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09576 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09575 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09575 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09574 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09574 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09572 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM09572 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09569 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM09569 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang HQ00415 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00415 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00416 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00416 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00418 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00418 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00417 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00417 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00420 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00420 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00419 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00419 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00422 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00422 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00421 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00421 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00424 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00424 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00423 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00423 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09567 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09567 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09500 TETRALOGY OF FALLOT MARKER CHROMOSOME GM09500 cell OMIM: 187500 Chao Pang GM09502 TETRALOGY OF FALLOT GM09502 cell OMIM: 187500 Chao Pang GM09501 TETRALOGY OF FALLOT GM09501 cell OMIM: 187500 Chao Pang GM09505 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09505 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09503 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM09503 cell Chao Pang GM09512 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09512 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09509 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09509 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang HQ00382 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00382 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04892 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04892 cell Chao Pang HQ00381 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00381 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00380 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00380 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04894 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04894 cell Chao Pang DA04895 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04895 cell Chao Pang HQ00379 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00379 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00375 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00375 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04896 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04896 cell Chao Pang DA04897 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04897 cell Chao Pang HQ00373 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00373 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04899 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04899 cell Chao Pang HQ00371 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00371 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04900 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04900 cell Chao Pang DA04901 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04901 cell Chao Pang GM09496 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT- 166200,166210,166220, OR 166230 GM09496 cell OMIM: 166200 Chao Pang DA04902 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04902 cell Chao Pang GM09497 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM09497 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM09498 GIANT CELL HEPATITIS, NEONATAL IDIOPATHIC NEONATAL HEMOCHROMATOSIS, INCLUDED GM09498 cell OMIM: 231100 Chao Pang DA04903 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04903 cell Chao Pang GM09499 TETRALOGY OF FALLOT MARKER CHROMOSOME GM09499 cell OMIM: 187500 Chao Pang HQ00385 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00385 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00384 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00384 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00383 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00383 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09539 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09539 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09536 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09536 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09535 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09535 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09534 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09534 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09544 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09544 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09543 SITOSTEROLEMIA GM09543 cell OMIM: 210250 Chao Pang GM09542 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09542 cell Chao Pang GM09541 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09541 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang DA04881 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04881 cell Chao Pang HQ00392 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00392 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00391 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00391 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04882 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04882 cell Chao Pang HQ00394 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00394 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00393 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00393 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00387 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00387 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04885 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04885 cell Chao Pang HQ00386 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00386 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04886 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04886 cell Chao Pang DA04883 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04883 cell Chao Pang HQ00390 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00390 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00389 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00389 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04884 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04884 cell Chao Pang DA04890 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04890 cell Chao Pang GM09528 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09528 cell Chao Pang DA04891 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04891 cell Chao Pang DA04887 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04887 cell Chao Pang GM09522 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09522 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09523 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09523 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang DA04889 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04889 cell Chao Pang HQ00396 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00396 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00395 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00395 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09474 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09474 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09475 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09475 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09476 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09476 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09478 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09478 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09473 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09473 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang HQ00356 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00356 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09472 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09472 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09471 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09471 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang HQ00357 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00357 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00354 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00354 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00355 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00355 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09465 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09465 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09464 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09464 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09470 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09470 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang HQ00358 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00358 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09469 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09469 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang HQ00349 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00349 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00352 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00352 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00353 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00353 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00350 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00350 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00351 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00351 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09494 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT- 166200,166210,166220, OR 166230 GM09494 cell OMIM: 166200 Chao Pang GM09495 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT- 166200,166210,166220, OR 166230 GM09495 cell OMIM: 166200 Chao Pang GM09488 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09488 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09489 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09489 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09485 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09485 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09487 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09487 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang HQ00367 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00367 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00368 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00368 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00369 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00369 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00370 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00370 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09484 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09484 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09483 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09483 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09481 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09481 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09480 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09480 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09479 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09479 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang HQ00359 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00359 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00360 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00360 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00361 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00361 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00362 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00362 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00363 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00363 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00366 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00366 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09442 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM09442 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM09443 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09443 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09444 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM09444 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM09433 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09433 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang HQ00338 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00338 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09432 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09432 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09435 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09435 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang HQ00336 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00336 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00337 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00337 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09434 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09434 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09437 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09437 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang HQ00332 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00332 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00335 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00335 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09436 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09436 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang HQ00330 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00330 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09439 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09439 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09438 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09438 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang HQ00331 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00331 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00328 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00328 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00329 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00329 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00324 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00324 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09462 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09462 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09463 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09463 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09459 USH1C GENE; USH1C USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IC; USH1C GM09459 cell OMIM: 276904 Chao Pang GM09461 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09461 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09455 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09455 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang HQ00347 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00347 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09454 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09454 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang HQ00348 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00348 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09449 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09449 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09448 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09448 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang HQ00343 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00343 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00344 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00344 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09458 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IC; USH1C USH1C GENE; USH1C GM09458 cell OMIM: 276904 Chao Pang HQ00345 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00345 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09457 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IC; USH1C GM09457 cell OMIM: 276904 Chao Pang HQ00346 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00346 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09456 USH1C GENE; USH1C USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IC; USH1C GM09456 cell OMIM: 276904 Chao Pang HQ00339 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00339 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00340 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00340 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00341 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00341 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00342 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00342 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04820 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04820 cell Chao Pang DA04821 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04821 cell Chao Pang DA04822 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04822 cell Chao Pang DA04823 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04823 cell Chao Pang DA04824 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04824 cell Chao Pang DA04825 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04825 cell Chao Pang DA04826 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04826 cell Chao Pang DA04817 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04817 cell Chao Pang DA04819 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04819 cell Chao Pang DA04818 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04818 cell Chao Pang DA04833 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04833 cell Chao Pang DA04834 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04834 cell Chao Pang DA04831 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04831 cell Chao Pang DA04832 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04832 cell Chao Pang DA04835 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04835 cell Chao Pang DA04836 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04836 cell Chao Pang DA04830 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04830 cell Chao Pang DA04829 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04829 cell Chao Pang DA04828 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04828 cell Chao Pang DA04827 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04827 cell Chao Pang DA04847 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04847 cell Chao Pang DA04843 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04843 cell Chao Pang DA04844 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04844 cell Chao Pang DA04845 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04845 cell Chao Pang DA04846 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04846 cell Chao Pang DA04840 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04840 cell Chao Pang DA04838 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04838 cell Chao Pang DA04842 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04842 cell Chao Pang DA04841 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04841 cell Chao Pang DA04837 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04837 cell Chao Pang DA04857 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04857 cell Chao Pang DA04858 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04858 cell Chao Pang DA04855 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04855 cell Chao Pang DA04856 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04856 cell Chao Pang DA04853 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04853 cell Chao Pang DA04852 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04852 cell Chao Pang DA04851 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04851 cell Chao Pang DA04850 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04850 cell Chao Pang DA04849 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04849 cell Chao Pang DA04848 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04848 cell Chao Pang DA04783 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04783 cell Chao Pang DA04782 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04782 cell Chao Pang DA04784 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04784 cell Chao Pang DA04775 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04775 cell Chao Pang DA04777 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04777 cell Chao Pang HQ00323 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00323 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04776 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04776 cell Chao Pang DA04779 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04779 cell Chao Pang HQ00320 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00320 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04778 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04778 cell Chao Pang HQ00321 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00321 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00318 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00318 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04781 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04781 cell Chao Pang DA04780 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04780 cell Chao Pang HQ00319 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00319 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00317 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00317 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00316 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00316 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00315 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00315 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00314 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00314 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00313 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00313 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04794 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04794 cell Chao Pang DA04793 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04793 cell Chao Pang HQ00308 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00308 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04788 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04788 cell Chao Pang HQ00312 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00312 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04787 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04787 cell Chao Pang DA04786 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04786 cell Chao Pang DA04785 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04785 cell Chao Pang HQ00304 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00304 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04792 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04792 cell Chao Pang HQ00305 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00305 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04791 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04791 cell Chao Pang HQ00306 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00306 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04790 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04790 cell Chao Pang DA04789 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04789 cell Chao Pang HQ00307 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00307 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00301 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00301 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00300 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00300 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00303 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00303 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00302 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00302 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04805 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04805 cell Chao Pang DA04802 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04802 cell Chao Pang HQ00293 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00293 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00295 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00295 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04801 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04801 cell Chao Pang HQ00289 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00289 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04804 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04804 cell Chao Pang HQ00290 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00290 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04803 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04803 cell Chao Pang HQ00299 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00299 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04797 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04797 cell Chao Pang DA04796 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04796 cell Chao Pang HQ00297 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00297 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04800 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04800 cell Chao Pang HQ00298 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00298 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04799 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04799 cell Chao Pang DA04795 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04795 cell Chao Pang HQ00288 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00288 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00286 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00286 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00285 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00285 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00271 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00271 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04816 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04816 cell Chao Pang DA04814 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04814 cell Chao Pang HQ00272 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00272 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04813 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04813 cell Chao Pang HQ00273 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00273 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04812 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04812 cell Chao Pang HQ00274 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00274 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00277 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00277 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04811 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04811 cell Chao Pang DA04810 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04810 cell Chao Pang HQ00279 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00279 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04809 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04809 cell Chao Pang HQ00282 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00282 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00283 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00283 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04808 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04808 cell Chao Pang DA04806 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04806 cell Chao Pang DA04807 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04807 cell Chao Pang HQ00270 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00270 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00268 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00268 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang AG17907 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG17907 cell Chao Pang AG18376 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 4; RECQL4 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS AG18376 cell OMIM: 268400 OMIM: 603780 Chao Pang AG18374 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 4; RECQL4 AG18374 cell OMIM: 268400 OMIM: 603780 Chao Pang AG18375 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 4; RECQL4 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS AG18375 cell OMIM: 268400 OMIM: 603780 Chao Pang AG18372 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 4; RECQL4 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS AG18372 cell OMIM: 268400 OMIM: 603780 Chao Pang AG18373 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 4; RECQL4 AG18373 cell OMIM: 268400 OMIM: 603780 Chao Pang AG17930 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG17930 cell Chao Pang AG18371 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 4; RECQL4 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS AG18371 cell OMIM: 268400 OMIM: 603780 Chao Pang AG17928 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG17928 cell Chao Pang AG17929 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG17929 cell Chao Pang AG18459 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 4; RECQL4 AG18459 cell OMIM: 268400 OMIM: 603780 Chao Pang AG18377 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 4; RECQL4 AG18377 cell OMIM: 268400 OMIM: 603780 Chao Pang AG18928 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG18928 cell Chao Pang AG19282 WOUND HEALING DISORDER AG19282 cell Chao Pang AG19285 WOUND HEALING DISORDER AG19285 cell Chao Pang AG19289 WOUND HEALING DISORDER AG19289 cell Chao Pang AG18465 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 4; RECQL4 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS AG18465 cell OMIM: 268400 OMIM: 603780 Chao Pang AG18466 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 4; RECQL4 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS AG18466 cell OMIM: 268400 OMIM: 603780 Chao Pang AG18469 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS AG18469 cell OMIM: 268400 Chao Pang AG18471 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS AG18471 cell OMIM: 268400 Chao Pang AG19642 WOUND HEALING DISORDER AG19642 cell Chao Pang AG19641 WOUND HEALING DISORDER AG19641 cell Chao Pang AG19304 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG19304 cell Chao Pang AG19911 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED LAMIN A/C; LMNA AG19911 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang AG19912 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED LAMIN A/C; LMNA AG19912 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang AG19644 WOUND HEALING DISORDER AG19644 cell Chao Pang AG19910 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED LAMIN A/C; LMNA AG19910 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang AG20369 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG20369 cell Chao Pang AG20367 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG20367 cell Chao Pang AG20368 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG20368 cell Chao Pang AG20423 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20423 cell Chao Pang AG20422 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20422 cell Chao Pang AG20425 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20425 cell Chao Pang AG20424 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20424 cell Chao Pang AG20426 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20426 cell Chao Pang AG20427 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20427 cell Chao Pang AG20428 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20428 cell Chao Pang AG20429 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20429 cell Chao Pang AG20430 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG20430 cell Chao Pang AG20439 PARKINSON'S DISEASE AG20439 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04860 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04860 cell Chao Pang DA04861 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04861 cell Chao Pang DA04859 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04859 cell Chao Pang DA04865 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04865 cell Chao Pang DA04866 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04866 cell Chao Pang DA04862 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04862 cell Chao Pang DA04864 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04864 cell Chao Pang AG16944 TRISOMY 21 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME AG16944 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG16943 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16943 cell Chao Pang AG16942 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16942 cell Chao Pang AG16941 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16941 cell Chao Pang AG16940 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16940 cell Chao Pang DA04869 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04869 cell Chao Pang DA04868 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04868 cell Chao Pang DA04867 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04867 cell Chao Pang AG16977 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16977 cell Chao Pang AG16976 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16976 cell Chao Pang AG16974 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16974 cell Chao Pang AG16973 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16973 cell Chao Pang AG16945 TRISOMY 21 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY AG16945 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang DA04870 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04870 cell Chao Pang DA04871 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04871 cell Chao Pang DA04872 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04872 cell Chao Pang DA04873 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04873 cell Chao Pang DA04875 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04875 cell Chao Pang DA04876 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04876 cell Chao Pang DA04877 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04877 cell Chao Pang DA04878 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04878 cell Chao Pang AG16983 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16983 cell Chao Pang AG16982 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16982 cell Chao Pang AG16985 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16985 cell Chao Pang AG16984 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16984 cell Chao Pang AG16981 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16981 cell Chao Pang AG16978 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16978 cell Chao Pang DA04880 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04880 cell Chao Pang DA04879 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04879 cell Chao Pang AG16987 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16987 cell Chao Pang AG16986 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16986 cell Chao Pang AG16989 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16989 cell Chao Pang AG16988 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16988 cell Chao Pang AG17484 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME TRISOMY 21 AG17484 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG16991 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16991 cell Chao Pang AG16990 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16990 cell Chao Pang AG17524 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 4; RECQL4 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS AG17524 cell OMIM: 268400 OMIM: 603780 Chao Pang AG17510 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG17510 cell Chao Pang AG17487 TRISOMY 21 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME AG17487 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG17485 TRISOMY 21 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY AG17485 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG17715 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG17715 cell Chao Pang AG17666 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG17666 cell Chao Pang AG17665 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG17665 cell Chao Pang AG17717 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG17717 cell Chao Pang AG17716 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG17716 cell Chao Pang AG17727 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG17727 cell Chao Pang AG17718 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG17718 cell Chao Pang AG17862 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG17862 cell Chao Pang AG17728 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG17728 cell Chao Pang AG17874 PAPIO ORDER: PRIMATES AG17874 cell Chao Pang AG17870 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG17870 cell Chao Pang AG17902 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG17902 cell Chao Pang AG17875 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG17875 cell Chao Pang HQ00457 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00457 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00456 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00456 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00459 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00459 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00458 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00458 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00461 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00461 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00460 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00460 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00463 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00463 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00462 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00462 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00455 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00455 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00454 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00454 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00471 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00471 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00470 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00470 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00469 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00469 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00468 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00468 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00474 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00474 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00473 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00473 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00472 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00472 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00467 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00467 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00465 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00465 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00464 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00464 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09374 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM09374 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09379 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09379 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09380 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09380 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09377 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM09377 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09378 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM09378 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09383 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09383 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09384 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09384 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09381 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09381 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09382 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09382 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09375 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09375 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09376 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM09376 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09401 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 1; RCDP1 GM09401 cell OMIM: 215100 Chao Pang GM09402 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 1; RCDP1 GM09402 cell OMIM: 215100 Chao Pang GM09403 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09403 cell Chao Pang GM09404 CLN2 GENE; CLN2 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 2, LATE INFANTILE TYPE; CLN2 GM09404 cell OMIM: 204500 OMIM: 607998 Chao Pang GM09407 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09407 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09408 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09408 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09409 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09409 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09385 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09385 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09399 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 1; RCDP1 GM09399 cell OMIM: 215100 Chao Pang GM09400 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 1; RCDP1 GM09400 cell OMIM: 215100 Chao Pang GM09427 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM09427 cell Chao Pang GM09428 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09428 cell Chao Pang GM09425 RETINOBLASTOMA, SPORADIC GM09425 cell Chao Pang GM09426 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM09426 cell Chao Pang GM09414 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09414 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09415 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09415 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09412 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09412 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09413 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09413 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09410 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09410 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09411 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09411 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09300 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09300 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09299 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09299 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09302 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09302 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09301 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09301 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09304 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09304 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09303 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09303 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang DA05042 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05042 cell Chao Pang GM09294 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09294 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang DA05043 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05043 cell Chao Pang GM09295 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09295 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 OMIM: 606463 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM09296 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09296 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM09297 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09297 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09298 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09298 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang HQ00533 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00533 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00532 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00532 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05034 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05034 cell Chao Pang HQ00531 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00531 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05035 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05035 cell Chao Pang HQ00530 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00530 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05036 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05036 cell Chao Pang HQ00529 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00529 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00528 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00528 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05037 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05037 cell Chao Pang DA05038 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05038 cell Chao Pang HQ00527 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00527 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05039 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05039 cell Chao Pang HQ00526 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00526 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00525 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00525 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05040 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05040 cell Chao Pang HQ00524 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00524 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05041 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05041 cell Chao Pang HQ00534 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00534 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09317 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM09317 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM09316 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM09316 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM09311 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09311 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09329 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09329 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09326 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC XYY SYNDROME GM09326 cell Chao Pang GM09325 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; LETHAL GM09325 cell Chao Pang GM09324 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; LETHAL INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM09324 cell Chao Pang DA05033 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05033 cell Chao Pang GM09307 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE II; NF2 GM09307 cell OMIM: 101000 Chao Pang GM09310 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09310 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09305 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE II; NF2 GM09305 cell OMIM: 101000 Chao Pang DA05031 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05031 cell Chao Pang DA05032 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05032 cell Chao Pang GM09306 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE II; NF2 GM09306 cell OMIM: 101000 Chao Pang HQ00543 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00543 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05024 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05024 cell Chao Pang HQ00540 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00540 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05025 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05025 cell Chao Pang HQ00539 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00539 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00542 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00542 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05023 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05023 cell Chao Pang HQ00541 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00541 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00536 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00536 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05029 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05029 cell Chao Pang HQ00535 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00535 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05030 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05030 cell Chao Pang HQ00538 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00538 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05026 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05026 cell Chao Pang HQ00537 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00537 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05028 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05028 cell Chao Pang HQ00544 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00544 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00545 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00545 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09340 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09340 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09339 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09339 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09342 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09342 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09341 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09341 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09335 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09335 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09333 WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 GM09333 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang GM09338 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM09338 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09337 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM09337 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang DA05019 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05019 cell Chao Pang GM09330 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09330 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09331 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09331 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang DA05020 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05020 cell Chao Pang DA05021 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05021 cell Chao Pang GM09332 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09332 cell Chao Pang DA05022 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05022 cell Chao Pang DA05013 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05013 cell Chao Pang HQ00551 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00551 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00550 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00550 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05015 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05015 cell Chao Pang HQ00549 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00549 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05016 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05016 cell Chao Pang DA05018 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05018 cell Chao Pang HQ00548 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00548 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00557 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00557 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00556 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00556 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05011 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05011 cell Chao Pang HQ00554 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00554 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00552 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00552 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05012 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05012 cell Chao Pang GM09348 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09348 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang HQ00558 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00558 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00559 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00559 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00560 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00560 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09373 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09373 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09367 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM09367 cell Chao Pang GM09366 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09366 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09359 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09359 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09354 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09354 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09353 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09353 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09351 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09351 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09349 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09349 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang DA05009 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05009 cell Chao Pang DA05006 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05006 cell Chao Pang DA05007 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05007 cell Chao Pang DA05002 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05002 cell Chao Pang GM09343 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09343 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang DA05005 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05005 cell Chao Pang GM09344 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09344 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang HQ00562 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00562 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04997 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04997 cell Chao Pang DA05001 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05001 cell Chao Pang HQ00561 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00561 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00566 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00566 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04995 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04995 cell Chao Pang DA04996 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04996 cell Chao Pang HQ00563 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00563 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00568 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00568 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04994 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04994 cell Chao Pang HQ00567 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00567 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00569 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00569 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00477 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00477 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00478 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00478 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00475 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00475 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00476 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00476 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00483 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00483 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00487 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00487 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00481 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00481 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00482 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00482 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00479 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00479 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00480 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00480 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09231 MENKES SYNDROME GM09231 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM09232 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MENKES SYNDROME GM09232 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM09230 MENKES SYNDROME GM09230 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang HQ00490 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00490 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00491 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00491 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00492 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00492 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00493 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00493 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00489 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00489 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00498 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00498 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00494 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00494 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00495 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00495 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00496 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00496 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00497 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00497 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09254 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM09254 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM09255 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE VON HIPPEL-LINDAU SYNDROME; VHL GM09255 cell OMIM: 193300 Chao Pang GM09256 VON HIPPEL-LINDAU SYNDROME; VHL GM09256 cell OMIM: 193300 Chao Pang GM09257 VON HIPPEL-LINDAU SYNDROME; VHL GM09257 cell OMIM: 193300 Chao Pang HQ00499 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00499 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00501 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00501 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00504 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00504 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00505 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00505 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00502 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00502 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00503 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00503 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00511 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00511 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09247 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM09247 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang HQ00512 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00512 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09246 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM09246 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang HQ00509 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00509 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00510 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00510 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09252 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM09252 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM09237 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM09237 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM09236 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM09236 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM09239 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM09239 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM09238 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM09238 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM09292 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 1; RCDP1 GM09292 cell OMIM: 215100 Chao Pang GM09293 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 1; RCDP1 GM09293 cell OMIM: 215100 Chao Pang GM09290 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09290 cell Chao Pang GM09291 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 1; RCDP1 GM09291 cell OMIM: 215100 Chao Pang GM09287 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 9 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM09287 cell Chao Pang HQ00513 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00513 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00514 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00514 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00515 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00515 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00516 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00516 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00517 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00517 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00518 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00518 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00519 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00519 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00520 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00520 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00522 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00522 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00523 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00523 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM09286 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 9 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM09286 cell Chao Pang GM09285 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09285 cell Chao Pang GM09284 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM09284 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang GM09283 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM09283 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang GM09282 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM09282 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang GM09276 CARBOXYPEPTIDASE N, POLYPEPTIDE 1, 50-KD; CPN1 CARBOXYPEPTIDASE N DEFICIENCY GM09276 cell OMIM: 212070 OMIM: 603103 Chao Pang DA04976 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04976 cell Chao Pang DA04977 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04977 cell Chao Pang DA04980 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04980 cell Chao Pang DA04981 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04981 cell Chao Pang DA04973 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04973 cell Chao Pang DA04972 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04972 cell Chao Pang DA04975 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04975 cell Chao Pang DA04974 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04974 cell Chao Pang DA04971 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04971 cell Chao Pang DA04969 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04969 cell Chao Pang DA04993 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04993 cell Chao Pang DA04991 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04991 cell Chao Pang DA04992 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04992 cell Chao Pang DA04990 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04990 cell Chao Pang DA04989 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04989 cell Chao Pang DA04988 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04988 cell Chao Pang DA04987 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04987 cell Chao Pang DA04984 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04984 cell Chao Pang DA04983 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04983 cell Chao Pang DA04982 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04982 cell Chao Pang DA04950 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04950 cell Chao Pang DA04952 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04952 cell Chao Pang DA04953 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04953 cell Chao Pang DA04954 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04954 cell Chao Pang DA04955 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04955 cell Chao Pang DA04956 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04956 cell Chao Pang DA04947 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04947 cell Chao Pang DA04946 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04946 cell Chao Pang DA04949 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04949 cell Chao Pang DA04948 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04948 cell Chao Pang GM09431 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM09431 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09430 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM09430 cell Chao Pang DA04966 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04966 cell Chao Pang DA04967 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04967 cell Chao Pang DA04964 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04964 cell Chao Pang DA04965 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04965 cell Chao Pang DA04968 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04968 cell Chao Pang DA04957 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04957 cell Chao Pang DA04963 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04963 cell Chao Pang DA04962 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04962 cell Chao Pang DA04961 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04961 cell Chao Pang DA04958 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04958 cell Chao Pang DA04932 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04932 cell Chao Pang HQ00448 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00448 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00449 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00449 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04931 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04931 cell Chao Pang DA04934 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04934 cell Chao Pang HQ00446 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00446 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04933 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04933 cell Chao Pang HQ00447 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00447 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04928 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04928 cell Chao Pang DA04927 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04927 cell Chao Pang HQ00452 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00452 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04930 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04930 cell Chao Pang DA04929 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04929 cell Chao Pang HQ00453 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00453 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04925 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04925 cell Chao Pang DA04926 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04926 cell Chao Pang HQ00443 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00443 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00442 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00442 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00441 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00441 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00437 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00437 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00430 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00430 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00431 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00431 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04945 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04945 cell Chao Pang HQ00432 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00432 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04943 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04943 cell Chao Pang HQ00433 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00433 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04942 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04942 cell Chao Pang HQ00434 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00434 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04941 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04941 cell Chao Pang HQ00435 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00435 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04940 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04940 cell Chao Pang HQ00436 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00436 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04939 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04939 cell Chao Pang DA04938 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04938 cell Chao Pang DA04936 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04936 cell Chao Pang DA04937 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04937 cell Chao Pang DA04935 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04935 cell Chao Pang HQ00426 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00426 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00428 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00428 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00427 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00427 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04905 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04905 cell Chao Pang DA04904 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04904 cell Chao Pang DA04907 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04907 cell Chao Pang DA04906 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04906 cell Chao Pang DA04909 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04909 cell Chao Pang DA04908 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04908 cell Chao Pang DA04912 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04912 cell Chao Pang DA04911 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04911 cell Chao Pang DA04914 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04914 cell Chao Pang DA04913 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04913 cell Chao Pang DA04919 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04919 cell Chao Pang DA04918 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04918 cell Chao Pang DA04917 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04917 cell Chao Pang DA04916 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04916 cell Chao Pang DA04923 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04923 cell Chao Pang DA04922 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04922 cell Chao Pang DA04921 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04921 cell Chao Pang DA04920 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04920 cell Chao Pang DA04924 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04924 cell Chao Pang DA04915 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04915 cell Chao Pang GM17386 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PACIFIC GM17386 cell Chao Pang DA03179 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03179 cell Chao Pang GM13450 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM13450 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang GM13448 CHROMOSOME 6 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 1 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13448 cell Chao Pang DA03180 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03180 cell Chao Pang GM17385 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PACIFIC GM17385 cell Chao Pang GM13461 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13461 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM17384 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS NORTH OF THE SAHARA GM17384 cell Chao Pang DA03181 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03181 cell Chao Pang GM13460 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13460 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM17383 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS NORTH OF THE SAHARA GM17383 cell Chao Pang DA03182 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03182 cell Chao Pang DA03183 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03183 cell Chao Pang GM17389 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PACIFIC SNP500 PANEL GM17389 cell Chao Pang DA03184 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03184 cell Chao Pang GM17388 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PACIFIC SNP500 PANEL GM17388 cell Chao Pang DA03185 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03185 cell Chao Pang GM13446 CHROMOSOME 6 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13446 cell Chao Pang GM13445 CHROMOSOME 6 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 7 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13445 cell Chao Pang GM17387 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PACIFIC SNP500 PANEL GM17387 cell Chao Pang ND09313 AVM-RUPTURED ND09313 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND09312 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09312 cell Chao Pang ND09311 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09311 cell Chao Pang GM13464 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13464 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang ND09310 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND09310 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang DA03176 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03176 cell Chao Pang GM13463 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13463 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang DA03177 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03177 cell Chao Pang ND09308 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09308 cell Chao Pang GM13466 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13466 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang DA03178 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03178 cell Chao Pang GM13465 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13465 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang ND09307 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09307 cell Chao Pang ND09325 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09325 cell Chao Pang ND09326 EPILEPSY ND09326 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09323 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09323 cell Chao Pang ND09324 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09324 cell Chao Pang ND09314 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09314 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM17381 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS NORTH OF THE SAHARA GM17381 cell Chao Pang GM17382 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS NORTH OF THE SAHARA GM17382 cell Chao Pang GM17380 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS NORTH OF THE SAHARA GM17380 cell Chao Pang DA03169 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03169 cell Chao Pang GM13474 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13474 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM17395 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN INDIAN GM17395 cell Chao Pang DA03170 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03170 cell Chao Pang GM17394 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN INDIAN GM17394 cell Chao Pang GM13473 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13473 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM17398 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS PEROXISOME BIOGENESIS FACTOR 26; PEX26 GM17398 cell OMIM: 214100 OMIM: 608666 Chao Pang GM13472 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13472 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang DA03167 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03167 cell Chao Pang GM13471 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13471 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang DA03168 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03168 cell Chao Pang GM17396 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN INDIAN GM17396 cell Chao Pang GM17410 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17410 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA03174 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03174 cell Chao Pang GM13470 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13470 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang DA03175 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03175 cell Chao Pang GM17400 REFSUM DISEASE, INFANTILE FORM RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM17400 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 266510 Chao Pang GM13468 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13468 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM13467 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13467 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang DA03171 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03171 cell Chao Pang DA03173 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03173 cell Chao Pang ND09291 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09291 cell Chao Pang ND09290 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09290 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09292 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09292 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA03165 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03165 cell Chao Pang ND09287 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09287 cell Chao Pang ND09286 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09286 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13477 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13477 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang DA03166 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03166 cell Chao Pang ND09289 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09289 cell Chao Pang GM13476 SMITH-MAGENIS SYNDROME; SMS GM13476 cell OMIM: 182290 Chao Pang ND09288 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09288 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13475 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13475 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang ND09293 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09293 cell Chao Pang ND09294 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09294 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09305 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09305 cell Chao Pang ND09306 EPILEPSY ND09306 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA03164 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03164 cell Chao Pang GM17390 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PACIFIC GM17390 cell Chao Pang GM17391 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PACIFIC GM17391 cell Chao Pang GM17392 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN INDIAN GM17392 cell Chao Pang GM17393 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN INDIAN GM17393 cell Chao Pang DA03160 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03160 cell Chao Pang GM13479 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13479 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang DA03161 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03161 cell Chao Pang GM13478 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13478 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang DA03162 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03162 cell Chao Pang GM13481 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13481 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM13480 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13480 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM17420 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM17420 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA03163 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03163 cell Chao Pang GM17419 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM17419 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA03156 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03156 cell Chao Pang GM13483 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13483 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM13482 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13482 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang ND03353 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03353 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA03157 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03157 cell Chao Pang GM17418 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM17418 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM17417 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM17417 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA03158 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03158 cell Chao Pang GM13485 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13485 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM17416 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17416 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA03159 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03159 cell Chao Pang GM13484 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13484 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang ND09361 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09361 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03338 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03338 cell Chao Pang GM13487 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13487 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang ND03337 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03337 cell Chao Pang ND09360 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09360 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13486 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13486 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang ND03351 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03351 cell Chao Pang ND09353 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09353 cell Chao Pang ND09352 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09352 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03347 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03347 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA03155 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03155 cell Chao Pang ND03334 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03334 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03333 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03333 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03336 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03336 cell Chao Pang ND03335 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03335 cell Chao Pang ND09363 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09363 cell Chao Pang ND09364 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09364 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03354 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03354 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND09362 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09362 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03355 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03355 cell Chao Pang ND09369 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09369 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09370 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09370 cell Chao Pang ND09365 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09365 cell Chao Pang ND09367 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09367 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM17414 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17414 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17415 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17415 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17412 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17412 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17413 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17413 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA03154 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03154 cell Chao Pang DA03153 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03153 cell Chao Pang GM17411 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17411 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA03151 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03151 cell Chao Pang GM13495 WILMS TUMOR AND PSEUDOHERMAPHRODITISM GM13495 cell OMIM: 194080 Chao Pang GM13492 CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 2 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13492 cell Chao Pang DA03152 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03152 cell Chao Pang DA03149 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03149 cell Chao Pang GM13491 CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13491 cell Chao Pang DA03150 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03150 cell Chao Pang GM13489 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13489 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang DA03147 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03147 cell Chao Pang GM17430 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM17430 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM13499 CHROMOSOME 7 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 22 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13499 cell Chao Pang DA03148 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03148 cell Chao Pang GM17428 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17428 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM13498 CHROMOSOME 7 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 22 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13498 cell Chao Pang GM13497 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM13497 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang DA03145 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03145 cell Chao Pang GM17432 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM17432 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM17431 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM17431 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM13496 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM13496 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang DA03146 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03146 cell Chao Pang ND09329 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09329 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09328 EPILEPSY ND09328 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09331 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09331 cell Chao Pang ND09330 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09330 cell Chao Pang GM13500 CHROMOSOME 22 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13500 cell Chao Pang ND09332 EPILEPSY ND09332 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03318 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03318 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND09346 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09346 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09347 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09347 cell Chao Pang ND09348 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09348 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09349 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09349 cell Chao Pang ND09350 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09350 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09351 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09351 cell Chao Pang GM17424 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 2; ERCC2 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY; TTD ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA WITH HAIR ABNORMALITY AND MENTAL AND GROWTH RETARDATION, INCLUDED XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM17424 cell OMIM: 126340 OMIM: 278730 OMIM: 601675 Chao Pang GM17425 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17425 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17426 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17426 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17427 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17427 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM13488 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13488 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM17421 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM17421 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM17422 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM17422 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang ND03376 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03376 cell Chao Pang DA03218 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03218 cell Chao Pang ND03377 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03377 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA03222 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03222 cell Chao Pang ND03379 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03379 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA03221 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03221 cell Chao Pang ND03380 EPILEPSY ND03380 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03381 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03381 cell Chao Pang DA03224 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03224 cell Chao Pang ND03383 EPILEPSY ND03383 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA03223 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03223 cell Chao Pang DA03226 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03226 cell Chao Pang ND09395 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND09395 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03384 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03384 cell Chao Pang DA03225 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03225 cell Chao Pang ND09397 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09397 cell Chao Pang DA03228 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03228 cell Chao Pang GM13507 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM13507 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03227 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03227 cell Chao Pang GM13508 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM13508 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13509 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM13509 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03229 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03229 cell Chao Pang GM13510 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM13510 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13503 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM13503 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13504 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM13504 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13505 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM13505 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13506 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM13506 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09399 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09399 cell Chao Pang GM13502 CHROMOSOME 22 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13502 cell Chao Pang GM13501 CHROMOSOME 12 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 22 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13501 cell Chao Pang ND09407 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09407 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09406 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09406 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09405 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND09405 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09404 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09404 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03397 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03397 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09403 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09403 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03385 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03385 cell Chao Pang ND09402 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09402 cell Chao Pang ND09401 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09401 cell Chao Pang ND03401 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03401 cell Chao Pang ND03400 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03400 cell Chao Pang ND09400 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09400 cell Chao Pang ND03363 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03363 cell Chao Pang DA03209 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03209 cell Chao Pang DA03208 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03208 cell Chao Pang ND03364 EPILEPSY ND03364 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03356 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03356 cell Chao Pang ND03357 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03357 cell Chao Pang ND03371 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03371 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA03213 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03213 cell Chao Pang ND09371 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09371 cell Chao Pang DA03212 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03212 cell Chao Pang ND03372 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03372 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09372 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09372 cell Chao Pang DA03211 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03211 cell Chao Pang ND03369 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03369 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09373 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09373 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA03210 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03210 cell Chao Pang ND03370 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03370 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA03217 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03217 cell Chao Pang GM13527 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM13527 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang DA03216 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03216 cell Chao Pang GM13525 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM13525 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA03215 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03215 cell Chao Pang DA03214 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03214 cell Chao Pang GM13526 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM13526 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM13523 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM13523 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM13524 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM13524 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM13514 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM13514 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13515 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM13515 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13513 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM13513 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13512 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM13512 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13511 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM13511 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09392 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09392 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09385 EPILEPSY ND09385 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09394 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09394 cell Chao Pang ND09393 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09393 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03375 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03375 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09375 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09375 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09374 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09374 cell Chao Pang ND03374 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03374 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03373 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03373 cell Chao Pang ND09377 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09377 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09376 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09376 cell Chao Pang DA03199 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03199 cell Chao Pang ND03440 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03440 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA03198 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03198 cell Chao Pang DA03202 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03202 cell Chao Pang DA03201 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03201 cell Chao Pang ND03434 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03434 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03435 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03435 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA03196 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03196 cell Chao Pang ND03437 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03437 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03438 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03438 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM13535 CHROMOSOME 9 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13535 cell Chao Pang GM13536 SPINOCEREBELLAR ATAXIA 1; SCA1 ATAXIN 1; ATX1 GM13536 cell OMIM: 164400 OMIM: 601556 Chao Pang DA03207 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03207 cell Chao Pang GM13537 SPINOCEREBELLAR ATAXIA 1; SCA1 ATAXIN 1; ATX1 GM13537 cell OMIM: 164400 OMIM: 601556 Chao Pang GM13539 VERTEBRAL ANOMALIES GM13539 cell OMIM: 277300 Chao Pang DA03204 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03204 cell Chao Pang GM13540 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM13540 cell Chao Pang DA03203 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03203 cell Chao Pang GM13542 COLORECTAL CANCER, FAMILIAL GM13542 cell Chao Pang DA03206 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03206 cell Chao Pang DA03205 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03205 cell Chao Pang GM13532 GLUCOKINASE; GCK MATURITY ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE II; MODY2 GM13532 cell OMIM: 125851 OMIM: 138079 Chao Pang ND09436 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09436 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09435 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND09435 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13531 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS GM13531 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09434 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09434 cell Chao Pang GM13534 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 9 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13534 cell Chao Pang GM13533 CHROMOSOME 9 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13533 cell Chao Pang ND09440 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09440 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03448 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03448 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND09439 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09439 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03447 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03447 cell Chao Pang ND03450 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03450 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND09438 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09438 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09437 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09437 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03449 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03449 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND09443 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09443 cell Chao Pang ND09442 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND09442 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND03442 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03442 cell Chao Pang ND03441 EPILEPSY ND03441 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09441 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND09441 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND09408 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09408 cell Chao Pang DA03189 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03189 cell Chao Pang DA03188 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03188 cell Chao Pang ND03408 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03408 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA03187 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03187 cell Chao Pang ND03423 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03423 cell Chao Pang DA03186 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03186 cell Chao Pang ND03406 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03406 cell Chao Pang ND03407 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND03407 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03403 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03403 cell Chao Pang ND03405 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03405 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM13555 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM13555 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM13556 SMALL NUCLEAR RIBONUCLEOPROTEIN POLYPEPTIDE N; SNRPN PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM13556 cell OMIM: 176270 OMIM: 182279 Chao Pang DA03195 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03195 cell Chao Pang GM13553 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM13553 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM13554 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM13554 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang DA03194 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03194 cell Chao Pang DA03193 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03193 cell Chao Pang DA03192 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03192 cell Chao Pang DA03191 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03191 cell Chao Pang GM13557 CANCER OF THE BREAST, FAMILIAL; BCS GM13557 cell OMIM: 114480 Chao Pang DA03190 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03190 cell Chao Pang GM13543 COLORECTAL CANCER, FAMILIAL GM13543 cell Chao Pang GM13552 NEMALINE MYOPATHY 2, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; NEM2 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 GM13552 cell OMIM: 211600 OMIM: 256030 Chao Pang GM13551 NEMALINE MYOPATHY 2, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; NEM2 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 GM13551 cell OMIM: 211600 OMIM: 256030 Chao Pang GM13550 NEMALINE MYOPATHY 2, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; NEM2 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 GM13550 cell OMIM: 211600 OMIM: 256030 Chao Pang ND09419 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09419 cell Chao Pang ND09409 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09409 cell Chao Pang GM13546 CHROMOSOME 9 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13546 cell Chao Pang ND09421 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09421 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03433 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03433 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03432 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03432 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09420 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09420 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09423 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09423 cell Chao Pang ND03431 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03431 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09422 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09422 cell Chao Pang ND03425 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03425 cell Chao Pang ND03424 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03424 cell Chao Pang ND09425 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09425 cell Chao Pang ND09424 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09424 cell Chao Pang ND09433 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09433 cell Chao Pang ND09432 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09432 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM02976 FANCONI ANEMIA COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM02976 cell Chao Pang GM02977 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; FANCA GM02977 cell OMIM: 607139 Chao Pang GM02979 FUCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; FUT1 GM02979 cell OMIM: 211100 Chao Pang GM02980 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM02980 cell Chao Pang GM02971 RETINOBLASTOMA, SPORADIC GM02971 cell Chao Pang GM02972 EPIDERMODYSPLASIA VERRUCIFORMIS GM02972 cell OMIM: 226400 Chao Pang GM02973 EPIDERMODYSPLASIA VERRUCIFORMIS GM02973 cell OMIM: 226400 Chao Pang GM02975 FANCONI ANEMIA COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM02975 cell Chao Pang GM02968 HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM02968 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang HQ00002 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00002 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00001 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00001 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM50333 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM50333 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM50332 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM50332 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM50323 ISOCHROMOSOME GM50323 cell Chao Pang GM50322 CHROMOSOME DELETION 18P- SYNDROME GM50322 cell Chao Pang GM50346 CEREBROOCULOFACIOSKELETAL SYNDROME GM50346 cell OMIM: 214150 Chao Pang GM50345 CEREBROOCULOFACIOSKELETAL SYNDROME GM50345 cell OMIM: 214150 Chao Pang GM02984 EPIDERMODYSPLASIA VERRUCIFORMIS GM02984 cell OMIM: 226400 Chao Pang GM50336 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM50336 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM50334 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM50334 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM02962 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; LETHAL GM02962 cell OMIM: 120160 Chao Pang GM02963 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02963 cell Chao Pang GM02957 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM02957 cell Chao Pang GM02958 NEUROPATHY, CONGENITAL SENSORY, WITH ANHIDROSIS GM02958 cell OMIM: 256800 Chao Pang GM02948 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 13 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM02948 cell Chao Pang GM02956 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02956 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02944 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS GM02944 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang HQ00003 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00003 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02946 RECOMBINANT CHROMOSOME GM02946 cell Chao Pang HQ00012 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00012 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00005 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00005 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00004 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00004 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00007 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00007 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00006 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00006 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00009 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00009 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00008 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00008 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00011 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00011 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02965 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM02965 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM02964 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM02964 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang HQ00010 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00010 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03241 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03241 cell Chao Pang GM03013 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03013 cell Chao Pang HQ00014 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00014 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00015 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00015 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03015 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM03015 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang GM03021 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM03021 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang GM03022 RETINOBLASTOMA, SPORADIC GM03022 cell Chao Pang GM03027 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM03027 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM03029 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY WITH NO IMMUNODEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM03029 cell OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM03030 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM03030 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang GM03003 RING CHROMOSOME GM03003 cell Chao Pang GM03005 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03005 cell Chao Pang GM03010 ARGININOSUCCINICACIDURIA GM03010 cell OMIM: 207900 Chao Pang DA03250 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03250 cell Chao Pang HQ00024 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00024 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03248 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03248 cell Chao Pang DA03249 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03249 cell Chao Pang HQ00023 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00023 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03246 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03246 cell Chao Pang HQ00022 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00022 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00021 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00021 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03247 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03247 cell Chao Pang DA03244 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03244 cell Chao Pang HQ00020 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00020 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03245 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03245 cell Chao Pang HQ00018 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00018 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03242 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03242 cell Chao Pang HQ00017 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00017 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03243 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03243 cell Chao Pang HQ00016 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00016 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02993 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02993 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02994 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM02994 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang HQ00025 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00025 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02991 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM02991 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang HQ00026 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00026 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02992 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02992 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang HQ00027 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00027 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02997 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02997 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02998 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02998 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02995 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02995 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02996 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02996 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02987 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02987 cell Chao Pang GM02990 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM02990 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang DA03239 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03239 cell Chao Pang DA03240 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03240 cell Chao Pang HQ00033 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00033 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03234 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03234 cell Chao Pang DA03236 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03236 cell Chao Pang HQ00032 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00032 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03237 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03237 cell Chao Pang HQ00034 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00034 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03238 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03238 cell Chao Pang HQ00029 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00029 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03230 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03230 cell Chao Pang DA03231 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03231 cell Chao Pang HQ00028 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00028 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00031 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00031 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03232 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03232 cell Chao Pang DA03233 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03233 cell Chao Pang HQ00030 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00030 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00038 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00038 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00037 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00037 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00036 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00036 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00035 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00035 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00043 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00043 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00044 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00044 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00041 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00041 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00042 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00042 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00045 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00045 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00046 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00046 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03035 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM03035 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang GM03034 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM03034 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang GM03033 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM03033 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang GM03031 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM03031 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang HQ00047 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00047 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03044 SMITH-LEMLI-OPITZ SYNDROME, TYPE I GM03044 cell OMIM: 270400 Chao Pang GM03043 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY WITH NO IMMUNODEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM03043 cell OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM03040 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM03040 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang HQ00049 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00049 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03039 RECOMBINANT CHROMOSOME GM03039 cell Chao Pang HQ00048 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00048 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03038 HEMOGLOBIN--ALPHA LOCUS 2; HBA2 GM03038 cell OMIM: 141850 Chao Pang HQ00051 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00051 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03037 HEMOGLOBIN--ALPHA LOCUS 2; HBA2 GM03037 cell OMIM: 141850 Chao Pang HQ00050 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00050 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00052 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00052 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00053 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00053 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00054 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00054 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00057 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00057 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00058 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00058 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00065 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00065 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00064 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00064 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00063 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00063 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00062 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00062 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00061 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00061 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00060 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00060 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13423 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM13423 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM13425 PROCOLLAGEN-LYSINE, 2-OXOGLUTARATE 5-DIOXYGENASE; PLOD1 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE VI GM13425 cell OMIM: 153454 OMIM: 225400 Chao Pang GM13418 BECKWITH-WIEDEMANN SYNDROME; BWS GM13418 cell OMIM: 130650 Chao Pang GM13419 BECKWITH-WIEDEMANN SYNDROME; BWS GM13419 cell OMIM: 130650 Chao Pang HQ00068 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00068 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00069 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00069 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00066 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00066 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13426 PROCOLLAGEN-LYSINE, 2-OXOGLUTARATE 5-DIOXYGENASE; PLOD1 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE VI GM13426 cell OMIM: 153454 OMIM: 225400 Chao Pang GM13427 PROCOLLAGEN-LYSINE, 2-OXOGLUTARATE 5-DIOXYGENASE; PLOD1 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE VI GM13427 cell OMIM: 153454 OMIM: 225400 Chao Pang HQ00067 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00067 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13415 BECKWITH-WIEDEMANN SYNDROME; BWS GM13415 cell OMIM: 130650 Chao Pang GM13416 BECKWITH-WIEDEMANN SYNDROME; BWS GM13416 cell OMIM: 130650 Chao Pang GM13412 CHROMOSOME 8 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13412 cell Chao Pang GM13413 CHROMOSOME 8 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13413 cell Chao Pang HQ00074 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00074 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00073 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00073 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00076 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00076 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00075 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00075 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00070 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00070 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00072 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00072 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00071 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00071 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13436 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD PROTEOLIPID PROTEIN 1; PLP1 GM13436 cell OMIM: 300401 OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM13437 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD PROTEOLIPID PROTEIN 1; PLP1 GM13437 cell OMIM: 300401 OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM13439 HYPERGLYCINEMIA, ISOLATED NONKETOTIC, TYPE I GM13439 cell OMIM: 238300 Chao Pang GM13440 HYPERGLYCINEMIA, ISOLATED NONKETOTIC, TYPE I GM13440 cell OMIM: 238300 Chao Pang HQ00077 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00077 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13441 SHPRINTZEN-GOLDBERG CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS SYNDROME GM13441 cell OMIM: 182212 Chao Pang HQ00078 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00078 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00079 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00079 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM13428 MASA SYNDROME GM13428 cell OMIM: 303350 Chao Pang GM13430 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13430 cell Chao Pang GM13433 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD PROTEOLIPID PROTEIN 1; PLP1 GM13433 cell OMIM: 300401 OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM13434 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD PROTEOLIPID PROTEIN 1; PLP1 GM13434 cell OMIM: 300401 OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM13435 PROTEOLIPID PROTEIN 1; PLP1 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM13435 cell OMIM: 300401 OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang DA05671 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05671 cell Chao Pang DA05672 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05672 cell Chao Pang DA05663 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05663 cell Chao Pang DA05664 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05664 cell Chao Pang DA05665 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05665 cell Chao Pang WC00010 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00010 cell Chao Pang DA05666 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05666 cell Chao Pang DA05667 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05667 cell Chao Pang DA05668 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05668 cell Chao Pang DA05669 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05669 cell Chao Pang DA05670 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05670 cell Chao Pang WC00018 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00018 cell Chao Pang WC00021 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00021 cell Chao Pang WC00022 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00022 cell Chao Pang WC00023 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00023 cell Chao Pang WC00011 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00011 cell Chao Pang WC00013 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00013 cell Chao Pang WC00016 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00016 cell Chao Pang WC00017 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00017 cell Chao Pang WC00024 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00024 cell Chao Pang DA05687 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05687 cell Chao Pang WC00026 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00026 cell Chao Pang DA05678 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05678 cell Chao Pang WC00025 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00025 cell Chao Pang DA05680 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05680 cell Chao Pang DA05676 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05676 cell Chao Pang DA05677 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05677 cell Chao Pang DA05685 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05685 cell Chao Pang DA05686 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05686 cell Chao Pang DA05681 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05681 cell Chao Pang DA05684 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05684 cell Chao Pang WC00034 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00034 cell Chao Pang WC00035 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00035 cell Chao Pang WC00032 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00032 cell Chao Pang WC00033 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00033 cell Chao Pang DA05674 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05674 cell Chao Pang WC00029 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00029 cell Chao Pang WC00030 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00030 cell Chao Pang WC00027 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00027 cell Chao Pang WC00028 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00028 cell Chao Pang DA05645 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05645 cell Chao Pang DA05646 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05646 cell Chao Pang DA05647 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05647 cell Chao Pang DA05648 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05648 cell Chao Pang DA05637 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05637 cell Chao Pang DA05640 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05640 cell Chao Pang DA05643 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05643 cell Chao Pang DA05644 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05644 cell Chao Pang WC00036 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00036 cell Chao Pang WC00038 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00038 cell Chao Pang DA05635 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05635 cell Chao Pang WC00037 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00037 cell Chao Pang DA05636 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05636 cell Chao Pang WC00039 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00039 cell Chao Pang WC00040 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00040 cell Chao Pang WC00041 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00041 cell Chao Pang WC00042 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00042 cell Chao Pang WC00043 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00043 cell Chao Pang DA05662 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05662 cell Chao Pang DA05660 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05660 cell Chao Pang DA05661 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05661 cell Chao Pang DA05657 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05657 cell Chao Pang DA05659 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05659 cell Chao Pang GM02828 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM02828 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM02827 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM02827 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang DA05655 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05655 cell Chao Pang DA05656 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05656 cell Chao Pang GM02826 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM02826 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang DA05653 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05653 cell Chao Pang GM02825 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02825 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang DA05654 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05654 cell Chao Pang GM02824 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM02824 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM02822 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02822 cell Chao Pang GM02821 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02821 cell Chao Pang DA05652 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05652 cell Chao Pang GM02819 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02819 cell Chao Pang GM02820 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02820 cell Chao Pang GM02817 MANNOSIDOSIS, ALPHA B, LYSOSOMAL GM02817 cell OMIM: 248500 Chao Pang GM02837 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY GM02837 cell OMIM: 256550 Chao Pang HQ00095 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00095 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00096 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00096 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02838 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM02838 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang HQ00093 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00093 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02845 HURLER-SCHEIE SYNDROME GM02845 cell OMIM: 607015 Chao Pang GM02846 HURLER-SCHEIE SYNDROME GM02846 cell OMIM: 607015 Chao Pang HQ00094 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00094 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00090 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00090 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02847 HURLER-SCHEIE SYNDROME GM02847 cell OMIM: 607015 Chao Pang GM02848 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM02848 cell Chao Pang HQ00092 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00092 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00100 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00100 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00101 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00101 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00098 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00098 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00099 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00099 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02831 ARGININOSUCCINICACIDURIA GM02831 cell OMIM: 207900 Chao Pang GM02830 ARGININOSUCCINICACIDURIA GM02830 cell OMIM: 207900 Chao Pang GM02836 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02836 cell Chao Pang GM02832 ARGININOSUCCINICACIDURIA GM02832 cell OMIM: 207900 Chao Pang HQ00081 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00081 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02866 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02866 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02868 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02868 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang HQ00082 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00082 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00083 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00083 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02859 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02859 cell Chao Pang HQ00084 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00084 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02860 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02860 cell Chao Pang GM02869 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02869 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang HQ00080 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00080 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00089 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00089 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00085 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00085 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00086 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00086 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00087 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00087 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00088 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00088 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02849 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM02849 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang GM02857 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM02857 cell Chao Pang GM02852 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM02852 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM02851 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM02851 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM02850 DUBOWITZ SYNDROME GM02850 cell OMIM: 223370 Chao Pang HQ00114 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00114 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00116 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00116 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00112 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00112 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00113 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00113 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00119 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00119 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02897 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE: TYPE UNSPECIFIED GM02897 cell Chao Pang HQ00120 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00120 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02899 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02899 cell Chao Pang HQ00117 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00117 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02906 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM02906 cell Chao Pang HQ00118 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00118 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02912 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02912 cell Chao Pang HQ00121 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00121 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00122 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00122 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02894 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS CYSTINOSIN; CTNS GM02894 cell OMIM: 219800 OMIM: 606272 Chao Pang GM02885 DYSCHONDROSTEOSIS GM02885 cell OMIM: 127300 Chao Pang GM02896 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE: TYPE UNSPECIFIED GM02896 cell Chao Pang GM02895 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE: TYPE UNSPECIFIED GM02895 cell Chao Pang GM02881 SUN SENSITIVE HIGH CANCER SYNDROME GM02881 cell Chao Pang GM02870 EOSINOPHILIC FASCITIS GM02870 cell Chao Pang HQ00102 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00102 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00103 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00103 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00104 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00104 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00105 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00105 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02938 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02938 cell Chao Pang HQ00106 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00106 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00107 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00107 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02936 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02936 cell Chao Pang GM02937 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02937 cell Chao Pang HQ00108 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00108 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00109 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00109 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00110 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00110 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00111 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00111 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02935 PSEUDOVAGINAL PERINEOSCROTAL HYPOSPADIAS; PPSH GM02935 cell OMIM: 264600 Chao Pang GM02932 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 GM02932 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM02931 N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINIDASE, ALPHA-; NAGLU MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIB GM02931 cell OMIM: 252920 Chao Pang GM02927 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02927 cell Chao Pang GM02923 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY GM02923 cell OMIM: 256550 Chao Pang GM02922 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY GM02922 cell OMIM: 256550 Chao Pang GM02921 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY GM02921 cell OMIM: 256550 Chao Pang ND03142 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03142 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03144 EPILEPSY ND03144 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03145 EPILEPSY ND03145 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03146 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03146 cell Chao Pang ND03136 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03136 cell Chao Pang ND03137 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03137 cell Chao Pang GM13355 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM13355 cell Chao Pang GM13356 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM13356 cell Chao Pang GM13360 MYOTUBULAR MYOPATHY 1; MTM1 GM13360 cell OMIM: 310400 Chao Pang GM13363 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE 1B; CMT1B MYELIN PROTEIN ZERO; MPZ GM13363 cell OMIM: 118200 OMIM: 159440 Chao Pang GM13365 ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA II GM13365 cell OMIM: 201810 Chao Pang GM13370 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM13370 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang DA05574 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05574 cell Chao Pang GM17448 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17448 cell Chao Pang GM13395 HOMOCYSTINURIA DUE TO DEFICIENCY OF N(5,10)-METHYLENETETRAHYDROFOLATE REDUCTASE ACTIVITY GM13395 cell OMIM: 236250 Chao Pang DA05575 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05575 cell Chao Pang GM13371 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM13371 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang GM17446 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17446 cell Chao Pang GM13411 ATP SYNTHASE 6; MTATP6 LEIGH SYNDROME GM13411 cell OMIM: 256000 OMIM: 516060 Chao Pang DA05572 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05572 cell Chao Pang GM17445 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17445 cell Chao Pang GM13410 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13410 cell Chao Pang GM17444 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17444 cell Chao Pang DA05573 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05573 cell Chao Pang DA05578 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05578 cell Chao Pang GM17443 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 GM17443 cell Chao Pang DA05579 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05579 cell Chao Pang DA05576 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05576 cell Chao Pang DA05577 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05577 cell Chao Pang ND03134 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03134 cell Chao Pang GM17453 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17453 cell Chao Pang GM17452 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17452 cell Chao Pang ND03125 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03125 cell Chao Pang GM17451 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17451 cell Chao Pang ND03123 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03123 cell Chao Pang GM17450 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17450 cell Chao Pang ND03128 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03128 cell Chao Pang GM17449 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17449 cell Chao Pang ND03126 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03126 cell Chao Pang ND03197 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03197 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03203 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03203 cell Chao Pang ND03195 AVM-RUPTURED ND03195 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND03196 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03196 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03178 AVM-RUPTURED ND03178 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND03179 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND03179 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND03173 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND03173 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA05581 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05581 cell Chao Pang DA05580 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05580 cell Chao Pang GM13335 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM13335 cell Chao Pang GM13341 CHROMOSOME 3 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13341 cell Chao Pang GM13342 CHROMOSOME 3 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13342 cell Chao Pang GM13336 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM13336 cell Chao Pang GM13339 CHROMOSOME 3 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13339 cell Chao Pang GM13350 ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA II GM13350 cell OMIM: 201810 Chao Pang GM17434 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM17434 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang DA05583 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05583 cell Chao Pang GM13347 RUBINSTEIN-TAYBI SYNDROME; RSTS GM13347 cell OMIM: 180849 Chao Pang DA05584 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05584 cell Chao Pang GM17433 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM17433 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM17436 GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GALACTOSEMIA GM17436 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM13344 LIPASE, CONGENITAL ABSENCE OF PANCREATIC GM13344 cell OMIM: 246600 Chao Pang DA05585 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05585 cell Chao Pang DA05586 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05586 cell Chao Pang GM17435 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM17435 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM13343 LIPASE, CONGENITAL ABSENCE OF PANCREATIC GM13343 cell OMIM: 246600 Chao Pang DA05587 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05587 cell Chao Pang DA05588 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05588 cell Chao Pang DA05589 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05589 cell Chao Pang GM13352 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM13352 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang DA05590 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05590 cell Chao Pang GM17442 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17442 cell Chao Pang GM17441 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17441 cell Chao Pang GM17438 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 GM17438 cell Chao Pang ND03172 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03172 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM17437 CHROMOSOME INSERTION GM17437 cell Chao Pang ND03159 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND03159 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND03148 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03148 cell Chao Pang GM17440 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 GM17440 cell Chao Pang GM17439 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17439 cell Chao Pang DA05582 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05582 cell Chao Pang ND03147 EPILEPSY ND03147 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03215 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03215 cell Chao Pang ND03227 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03227 cell Chao Pang ND03228 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03228 cell Chao Pang ND03229 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03229 cell Chao Pang ND03230 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND03230 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03231 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03231 cell Chao Pang ND03241 EPILEPSY ND03241 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03242 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03242 cell Chao Pang GM17470 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, SHORT-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, SHORT-CHAIN; ACADS GM17470 cell OMIM: 201470 OMIM: 606885 Chao Pang GM17467 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17467 cell Chao Pang GM17466 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 GM17466 cell Chao Pang GM17475 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, VERY LONG-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF GM17475 cell OMIM: 201475 Chao Pang GM17473 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, SHORT-CHAIN; ACADS ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, SHORT-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF GM17473 cell OMIM: 201470 OMIM: 606885 Chao Pang GM17472 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, SHORT-CHAIN; ACADS ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, SHORT-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF GM17472 cell OMIM: 201470 OMIM: 606885 Chao Pang GM17471 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, SHORT-CHAIN; ACADS ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, SHORT-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF GM17471 cell OMIM: 201470 OMIM: 606885 Chao Pang ND03213 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03213 cell Chao Pang GM17478 ISOVALERICACIDEMIA; IVA GM17478 cell OMIM: 243500 Chao Pang ND03212 EPILEPSY ND03212 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM17477 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, SHORT/BRANCHED CHAIN; ACADSB GM17477 cell OMIM: 600301 Chao Pang GM17476 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE FAMILY, MEMBER 8; ACAD8 ISOBUTYRYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE DEFICIENCY GM17476 cell OMIM: 604773 Chao Pang ND03214 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03214 cell Chao Pang ND03257 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03257 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03258 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03258 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03252 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03252 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03256 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03256 cell Chao Pang ND03261 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03261 cell Chao Pang ND03263 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND03263 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND03259 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03259 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03260 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03260 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03245 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03245 cell Chao Pang GM17456 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17456 cell Chao Pang GM17454 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17454 cell Chao Pang GM17458 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17458 cell Chao Pang GM17457 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17457 cell Chao Pang GM17460 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 GM17460 cell Chao Pang GM17459 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 GM17459 cell Chao Pang GM17462 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 GM17462 cell Chao Pang GM17461 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17461 cell Chao Pang ND03244 EPILEPSY ND03244 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM17465 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17465 cell Chao Pang GM17463 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17463 cell Chao Pang ND03243 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03243 cell Chao Pang GM17503 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM17503 cell OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang ND03275 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03275 cell Chao Pang ND03274 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03274 cell Chao Pang ND03281 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03281 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03280 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03280 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03283 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03283 cell Chao Pang ND03282 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03282 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03277 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03277 cell Chao Pang ND03276 EPILEPSY ND03276 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03279 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND03279 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03278 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03278 cell Chao Pang DA05616 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05616 cell Chao Pang ND03273 EPILEPSY ND03273 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA05615 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05615 cell Chao Pang GM17516 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM17516 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang DA05614 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05614 cell Chao Pang DA05613 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05613 cell Chao Pang DA05620 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05620 cell Chao Pang GM17513 CARNITINE PALMITOYLTRANSFERASE II DEFICIENCY, LATE-ONSET GM17513 cell OMIM: 255110 Chao Pang GM17515 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM17515 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang DA05619 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05619 cell Chao Pang GM17508 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM17508 cell OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA05618 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05618 cell Chao Pang DA05617 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05617 cell Chao Pang GM17509 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM17509 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM17506 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17506 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17507 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM17507 cell OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17504 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM17504 cell OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA05622 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05622 cell Chao Pang DA05621 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05621 cell Chao Pang GM17505 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17505 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang ND03295 EPILEPSY ND03295 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03294 EPILEPSY ND03294 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03293 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03293 cell Chao Pang ND03314 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND03314 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03313 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND03313 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03311 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03311 cell Chao Pang ND03310 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03310 cell Chao Pang ND03303 EPILEPSY ND03303 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03297 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03297 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03296 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03296 cell Chao Pang DA05623 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05623 cell Chao Pang DA05627 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05627 cell Chao Pang GM17501 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM17501 cell OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA05626 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05626 cell Chao Pang GM17502 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM17502 cell OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA05629 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05629 cell Chao Pang DA05628 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05628 cell Chao Pang GM17491 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA GM17491 cell OMIM: 252900 Chao Pang DA05631 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05631 cell Chao Pang DA05630 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05630 cell Chao Pang GM17493 SIALIC ACID STORAGE DISEASE; SIASD GM17493 cell OMIM: 269920 Chao Pang GM17494 HYALURONIDASE DEFICIENCY GM17494 cell OMIM: 601492 Chao Pang DA05633 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05633 cell Chao Pang GM17495 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIID GM17495 cell OMIM: 252940 Chao Pang DA05632 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05632 cell Chao Pang GM17479 ICHTHYOSIS, TYPE UNKNOWN GM17479 cell Chao Pang GM17482 TRIFUNCTIONAL PROTEIN DEFICIENCY HYDROXYACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE/3-KETOACYL-CoA THIOLASE/ENOYL-CoA HYDRATASE, BETA SUBUNIT; HADHB GM17482 cell OMIM: 143450 OMIM: 609015 Chao Pang DA05634 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05634 cell Chao Pang GM17488 SIALIC ACID STORAGE DISEASE; SIASD GM17488 cell OMIM: 269920 Chao Pang GM17489 MANNOSIDOSIS, ALPHA B, LYSOSOMAL GM17489 cell OMIM: 248500 Chao Pang GM17547 BRUTON AGAMMAGLOBULINEMIA TYROSINE KINASE; BTK GM17547 cell OMIM: 300300 Chao Pang GM17540 METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM17540 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang DA05591 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05591 cell Chao Pang GM17539 METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM17539 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang DA05593 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05593 cell Chao Pang DA05592 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05592 cell Chao Pang GM17566 BRUTON AGAMMAGLOBULINEMIA TYROSINE KINASE; BTK GM17566 cell OMIM: 300300 Chao Pang DA05602 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05602 cell Chao Pang DA05601 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05601 cell Chao Pang GM17567 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM17567 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM17552 IMMUNODEFICIENCY WITH HYPER-IGM, TYPE 2 GM17552 cell OMIM: 605258 Chao Pang DA05599 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05599 cell Chao Pang GM17557 IMMUNODEFICIENCY WITH HYPER-IGM, TYPE 2 GM17557 cell OMIM: 605258 Chao Pang DA05598 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05598 cell Chao Pang GM17571 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM17571 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang DA05597 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05597 cell Chao Pang DA05596 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05596 cell Chao Pang DA05595 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05595 cell Chao Pang GM17569 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM17569 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang DA05594 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05594 cell Chao Pang GM17570 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM17570 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang GM17518 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17518 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17517 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17517 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA05603 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05603 cell Chao Pang DA05605 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05605 cell Chao Pang DA05604 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05604 cell Chao Pang GM17519 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17519 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA05611 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05611 cell Chao Pang GM17520 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17520 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA05610 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05610 cell Chao Pang GM17521 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17521 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA05612 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05612 cell Chao Pang GM17522 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17522 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17523 LIG4 SYNDROME LIGASE IV, DNA, ATP-DEPENDENT; LIG4 GM17523 cell OMIM: 601837 OMIM: 606593 Chao Pang DA05607 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05607 cell Chao Pang GM17527 ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA, CONGENITAL, NONBULLOUS, 1; NCIE1 GM17527 cell OMIM: 242100 Chao Pang DA05606 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05606 cell Chao Pang GM17536 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM17536 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang DA05609 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05609 cell Chao Pang DA05608 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05608 cell Chao Pang GM17538 METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM17538 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM13257 VON HIPPEL-LINDAU SYNDROME; VHL GM13257 cell OMIM: 193300 Chao Pang ND03627 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03627 cell Chao Pang ND03611 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03611 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM13256 VON HIPPEL-LINDAU SYNDROME; VHL GM13256 cell OMIM: 193300 Chao Pang DA03282 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03282 cell Chao Pang ND03629 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03629 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM13258 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13258 cell Chao Pang ND03628 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03628 cell Chao Pang DA03283 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03283 cell Chao Pang ND03608 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03608 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03607 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03607 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03610 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03610 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03609 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03609 cell Chao Pang DA03288 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03288 cell Chao Pang GM13248 VON HIPPEL-LINDAU SYNDROME; VHL GM13248 cell OMIM: 193300 Chao Pang DA03289 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03289 cell Chao Pang DA03290 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03290 cell Chao Pang GM17289 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17289 cell Chao Pang GM13250 VON HIPPEL-LINDAU SYNDROME; VHL GM13250 cell OMIM: 193300 Chao Pang GM13249 VON HIPPEL-LINDAU SYNDROME; VHL GM13249 cell OMIM: 193300 Chao Pang GM17288 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17288 cell Chao Pang DA03291 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03291 cell Chao Pang GM17287 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17287 cell Chao Pang DA03284 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03284 cell Chao Pang GM13252 VON HIPPEL-LINDAU SYNDROME; VHL GM13252 cell OMIM: 193300 Chao Pang GM13251 VON HIPPEL-LINDAU SYNDROME; VHL GM13251 cell OMIM: 193300 Chao Pang GM17286 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17286 cell Chao Pang DA03285 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03285 cell Chao Pang GM13255 VON HIPPEL-LINDAU SYNDROME; VHL GM13255 cell OMIM: 193300 Chao Pang DA03286 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03286 cell Chao Pang GM17285 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17285 cell Chao Pang DA03287 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03287 cell Chao Pang GM17284 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17284 cell Chao Pang GM13254 VON HIPPEL-LINDAU SYNDROME; VHL GM13254 cell OMIM: 193300 Chao Pang GM17282 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17282 cell Chao Pang GM17283 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17283 cell Chao Pang GM17280 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IID, POLYPEPTIDE 6; CYP2D6 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM17280 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 124030 Chao Pang GM17281 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 GM17281 cell Chao Pang DA03281 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03281 cell Chao Pang ND03630 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03630 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03631 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03631 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03632 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03632 cell Chao Pang ND03595 EPILEPSY ND03595 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03594 PARKINSONISM, OTHER ND03594 cell Chao Pang DA03272 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03272 cell Chao Pang GM13269 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM13269 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang ND03593 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03593 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03588 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03588 cell Chao Pang GM13268 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY, AUTOSOMAL NEONATAL FORM GM13268 cell OMIM: 202370 Chao Pang ND03587 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03587 cell Chao Pang ND03586 CORTICOBASAL DEGENERATION ND03586 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03583 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03583 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03582 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03582 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA03279 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03279 cell Chao Pang GM13263 17-@BETA-HYDROXYSTEROID DEHYDROGENASE IV; HSD17B4 PEROXISOMAL BIFUNCTIONAL ENZYME DEFICIENCY GM13263 cell OMIM: 261515 OMIM: 601860 Chao Pang GM17299 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17299 cell Chao Pang GM13262 PEROXISOMAL BIFUNCTIONAL ENZYME DEFICIENCY GM13262 cell OMIM: 261515 Chao Pang DA03280 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03280 cell Chao Pang DA03277 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03277 cell Chao Pang GM13260 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13260 cell Chao Pang DA03278 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03278 cell Chao Pang GM13259 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13259 cell Chao Pang DA03275 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03275 cell Chao Pang GM13267 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM13267 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM17296 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17296 cell Chao Pang DA03276 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03276 cell Chao Pang GM13266 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM13266 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM17295 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17295 cell Chao Pang DA03273 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03273 cell Chao Pang GM13265 PEROXISOMAL BIFUNCTIONAL ENZYME DEFICIENCY GM13265 cell OMIM: 261515 Chao Pang GM17298 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17298 cell Chao Pang ND03596 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03596 cell Chao Pang GM17297 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17297 cell Chao Pang DA03274 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03274 cell Chao Pang GM13264 PEROXISOMAL BIFUNCTIONAL ENZYME DEFICIENCY 17-@BETA-HYDROXYSTEROID DEHYDROGENASE IV; HSD17B4 GM13264 cell OMIM: 261515 OMIM: 601860 Chao Pang GM17291 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17291 cell Chao Pang GM17292 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17292 cell Chao Pang GM17293 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17293 cell Chao Pang GM17294 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17294 cell Chao Pang DA03271 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03271 cell Chao Pang GM17290 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17290 cell Chao Pang DA03270 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03270 cell Chao Pang ND03597 EPILEPSY ND03597 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03598 EPILEPSY ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03598 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03550 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03550 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM13202 REFSUM DISEASE GM13202 cell OMIM: 266500 Chao Pang ND03549 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03549 cell Chao Pang ND03552 EPILEPSY ND03552 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03551 EPILEPSY ND03551 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03554 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03554 cell Chao Pang DA03302 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03302 cell Chao Pang GM13199 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 GM13199 cell OMIM: 211600 Chao Pang ND03553 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03553 cell Chao Pang GM13195 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13195 cell Chao Pang DA03303 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03303 cell Chao Pang GM13201 ASPARTYLGLUCOSAMINURIA GM13201 cell OMIM: 208400 Chao Pang DA03304 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03304 cell Chao Pang ND03578 EPILEPSY ND03578 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03555 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03555 cell Chao Pang DA03305 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03305 cell Chao Pang GM13200 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13200 cell Chao Pang DA03306 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03306 cell Chao Pang GM13192 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13192 cell Chao Pang GM17265 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17265 cell Chao Pang ND03580 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03580 cell Chao Pang DA03307 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03307 cell Chao Pang ND03579 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03579 cell Chao Pang GM13191 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13191 cell Chao Pang GM17264 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17264 cell Chao Pang GM17263 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17263 cell Chao Pang GM13194 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13194 cell Chao Pang DA03308 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03308 cell Chao Pang DA03309 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03309 cell Chao Pang GM17262 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17262 cell Chao Pang GM13193 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13193 cell Chao Pang DA03310 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03310 cell Chao Pang GM17269 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17269 cell Chao Pang GM17268 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17268 cell Chao Pang DA03311 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03311 cell Chao Pang GM17267 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17267 cell Chao Pang GM13190 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13190 cell Chao Pang GM17266 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17266 cell Chao Pang GM17260 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17260 cell Chao Pang GM17261 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17261 cell Chao Pang ND03581 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03581 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA03293 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03293 cell Chao Pang GM13247 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE I GM13247 cell OMIM: 232200 Chao Pang GM13243 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE I GM13243 cell OMIM: 232200 Chao Pang DA03294 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03294 cell Chao Pang GM13242 VAS DEFERENS, CONGENITAL BILATERAL APLASIA OF; CBAVD GM13242 cell OMIM: 277180 Chao Pang GM13241 LIPOID PROTEINOSIS OF URBACH AND WIETHE GM13241 cell OMIM: 247100 Chao Pang DA03292 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03292 cell Chao Pang GM13239 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VII GM13239 cell OMIM: 253220 Chao Pang GM17274 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IID, POLYPEPTIDE 6; CYP2D6 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17274 cell OMIM: 124030 Chao Pang DA03297 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03297 cell Chao Pang DA03298 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03298 cell Chao Pang GM13238 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13238 cell Chao Pang GM17273 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17273 cell Chao Pang GM13206 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY WITH BETA-GALACTOSIDASE DEFICIENCY GM13206 cell OMIM: 256540 Chao Pang GM17276 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17276 cell Chao Pang DA03295 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03295 cell Chao Pang DA03296 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03296 cell Chao Pang GM17275 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17275 cell Chao Pang GM13205 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE A SPHINGOMYELIN PHOSPHODIESTERASE 1, ACID LYSOSOMAL; SMPD1 GM13205 cell OMIM: 257200 OMIM: 607608 Chao Pang GM17278 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17278 cell Chao Pang DA03301 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03301 cell Chao Pang GM13204 HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM13204 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM13203 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM13203 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM17277 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17277 cell Chao Pang DA03299 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03299 cell Chao Pang GM17279 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17279 cell Chao Pang DA03300 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03300 cell Chao Pang GM17270 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17270 cell Chao Pang GM17271 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17271 cell Chao Pang GM17272 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17272 cell Chao Pang GM13311 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM13311 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang GM13312 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM13312 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang GM13313 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM13313 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang GM13314 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM13314 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang GM13315 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM13315 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang DA03330 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03330 cell Chao Pang DA03329 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03329 cell Chao Pang GM13316 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM13316 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA03332 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03332 cell Chao Pang GM13321 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13321 cell Chao Pang DA03331 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03331 cell Chao Pang DA03326 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03326 cell Chao Pang DA03325 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03325 cell Chao Pang DA03328 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03328 cell Chao Pang DA03327 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03327 cell Chao Pang ND03705 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03705 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03707 CORTICOBASAL DEGENERATION ND03707 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03708 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES REM BEHAVIOR DISORDER ND03708 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang DA03324 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03324 cell Chao Pang ND03709 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03709 cell Chao Pang DA03323 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03323 cell Chao Pang ND03714 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03714 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03713 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03713 cell Chao Pang ND03720 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03720 cell Chao Pang ND03715 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03715 cell Chao Pang ND03710 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03710 cell Chao Pang ND03712 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03712 cell Chao Pang ND03711 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03711 cell Chao Pang GM13307 HOLT-ORAM SYNDROME; HOS GM13307 cell OMIM: 142900 Chao Pang GM13310 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM13310 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang GM13309 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM13309 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang GM13328 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13328 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM13330 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13330 cell Chao Pang GM13326 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM13326 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM13327 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13327 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang DA03322 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03322 cell Chao Pang DA03321 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03321 cell Chao Pang DA03320 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03320 cell Chao Pang GM13331 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM13331 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang DA03318 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03318 cell Chao Pang DA03317 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03317 cell Chao Pang GM13332 CHROMOSOME 4 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13332 cell Chao Pang DA03316 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03316 cell Chao Pang DA03315 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03315 cell Chao Pang DA03314 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03314 cell Chao Pang ND03685 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND03685 cell Chao Pang DA03313 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03313 cell Chao Pang DA03312 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03312 cell Chao Pang ND03683 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03683 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03684 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03684 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03681 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND03681 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND03682 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03682 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03704 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03704 cell Chao Pang ND03703 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND03703 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND03702 EPILEPSY ND03702 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03701 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03701 cell Chao Pang ND03700 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03700 cell Chao Pang ND03699 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03699 cell Chao Pang GM13325 DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS GM13325 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang GM13324 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC TURNER SYNDROME GM13324 cell Chao Pang GM13323 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC TURNER SYNDROME GM13323 cell Chao Pang GM13322 LIPASE, CONGENITAL ABSENCE OF PANCREATIC GM13322 cell OMIM: 246600 Chao Pang GM17308 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (ANDES) GM17308 cell Chao Pang DA03354 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03354 cell Chao Pang GM13278 LIPASE, CONGENITAL ABSENCE OF PANCREATIC GM13278 cell OMIM: 246600 Chao Pang GM17309 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (ANDES) GM17309 cell Chao Pang DA03352 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03352 cell Chao Pang GM13280 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM13280 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang GM13281 5Q- MYELODYSPLASIA GM13281 cell Chao Pang GM17306 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (ANDES) GM17306 cell Chao Pang GM17307 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (ANDES) GM17307 cell Chao Pang GM13284 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13284 cell Chao Pang GM13273 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM13273 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM13275 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF ACYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN; ACADM GM13275 cell OMIM: 201450 OMIM: 607008 Chao Pang GM13276 VAS DEFERENS, CONGENITAL BILATERAL APLASIA OF; CBAVD GM13276 cell OMIM: 277180 Chao Pang GM13277 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM13277 cell Chao Pang DA03345 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03345 cell Chao Pang ND03662 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03662 cell Chao Pang DA03344 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03344 cell Chao Pang ND03663 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03663 cell Chao Pang DA03347 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03347 cell Chao Pang ND03664 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03664 cell Chao Pang DA03346 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03346 cell Chao Pang ND03665 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03665 cell Chao Pang ND03674 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND03674 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang GM13286 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY; TTD ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA WITH HAIR ABNORMALITY AND MENTAL AND GROWTH RETARDATION, INCLUDED GM13286 cell OMIM: 601675 Chao Pang DA03349 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03349 cell Chao Pang ND03675 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03675 cell Chao Pang DA03348 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03348 cell Chao Pang DA03351 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03351 cell Chao Pang DA03350 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03350 cell Chao Pang ND03676 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03676 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03678 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03678 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03677 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03677 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03680 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03680 cell Chao Pang ND03679 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND03679 cell Chao Pang GM17301 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (ANDES) GM17301 cell Chao Pang GM17300 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IID, POLYPEPTIDE 6; CYP2D6 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17300 cell OMIM: 124030 Chao Pang GM13272 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM13272 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM17305 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (ANDES) GM17305 cell Chao Pang GM17304 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (ANDES) GM17304 cell Chao Pang GM17303 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (ANDES) GM17303 cell Chao Pang GM17302 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (ANDES) GM17302 cell Chao Pang GM13301 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 GM13301 cell OMIM: 211600 Chao Pang GM17317 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (BRAZIL, GUYANA, AND VENEZUELA) SNP500 PANEL GM17317 cell Chao Pang GM17318 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (BRAZIL, GUYANA, AND VENEZUELA) GM17318 cell Chao Pang GM13302 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13302 cell Chao Pang DA03343 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03343 cell Chao Pang GM17319 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (BRAZIL, GUYANA, AND VENEZUELA) GM17319 cell Chao Pang GM13296 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM13296 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA03342 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03342 cell Chao Pang DA03340 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03340 cell Chao Pang GM13298 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY, AUTOSOMAL NEONATAL FORM GM13298 cell OMIM: 202370 Chao Pang GM13294 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM13294 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM13295 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM13295 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM13290 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE I GM13290 cell OMIM: 232200 Chao Pang GM13293 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM13293 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang DA03335 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03335 cell Chao Pang ND03636 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03636 cell Chao Pang DA03334 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03334 cell Chao Pang ND03637 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03637 cell Chao Pang ND03633 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03633 cell Chao Pang DA03333 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03333 cell Chao Pang ND03635 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03635 cell Chao Pang ND03654 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03654 cell Chao Pang DA03339 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03339 cell Chao Pang DA03338 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03338 cell Chao Pang ND03638 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03638 cell Chao Pang DA03337 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03337 cell Chao Pang ND03639 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03639 cell Chao Pang DA03336 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03336 cell Chao Pang ND03661 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03661 cell Chao Pang ND03660 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03660 cell Chao Pang ND03659 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03659 cell Chao Pang ND03658 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03658 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM13289 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE I GM13289 cell OMIM: 232200 Chao Pang GM17310 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (ANDES) GM17310 cell Chao Pang GM13287 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY; TTD ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA WITH HAIR ABNORMALITY AND MENTAL AND GROWTH RETARDATION, INCLUDED GM13287 cell OMIM: 601675 Chao Pang GM17312 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (BRAZIL, GUYANA, AND VENEZUELA) SNP500 PANEL GM17312 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM17311 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (BRAZIL, GUYANA, AND VENEZUELA) GM17311 cell Chao Pang GM17314 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (BRAZIL, GUYANA, AND VENEZUELA) SNP500 PANEL GM17314 cell Chao Pang GM17313 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (BRAZIL, GUYANA, AND VENEZUELA) SNP500 PANEL GM17313 cell Chao Pang GM17316 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (BRAZIL, GUYANA, AND VENEZUELA) SNP500 PANEL GM17316 cell Chao Pang GM17315 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (BRAZIL, GUYANA, AND VENEZUELA) SNP500 PANEL GM17315 cell Chao Pang HQ00151 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00151 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00152 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00152 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00150 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00150 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00160 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00160 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00159 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00159 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00158 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00158 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00156 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00156 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00155 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00155 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00154 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00154 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00153 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00153 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03210 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS: TYPE UNKNOWN GM03210 cell Chao Pang GM03211 DYSTONIA 1, TORSION; DYT1 GM03211 cell OMIM: 128100 Chao Pang GM03209 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS: TYPE UNKNOWN GM03209 cell Chao Pang HQ00161 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00161 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03215 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS: TYPE UNKNOWN GM03215 cell Chao Pang GM03216 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS: TYPE UNKNOWN GM03216 cell Chao Pang HQ00162 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00162 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00163 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00163 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03213 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS: TYPE UNKNOWN GM03213 cell Chao Pang GM03214 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS: TYPE UNKNOWN GM03214 cell Chao Pang HQ00164 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00164 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03219 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS: TYPE UNKNOWN GM03219 cell Chao Pang GM03217 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS: TYPE UNKNOWN GM03217 cell Chao Pang GM03218 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS 2; DYT2 GM03218 cell OMIM: 224500 Chao Pang HQ00170 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00170 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00169 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00169 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00166 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00166 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00165 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00165 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00168 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00168 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00167 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00167 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03192 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM03192 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM03193 DYSKERATOSIS CONGENITA; DKC GM03193 cell OMIM: 305000 Chao Pang GM03200 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM03200 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM03201 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03201 cell Chao Pang GM03206 MECKEL SYNDROME; MKS GM03206 cell OMIM: 249000 Chao Pang GM03208 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS 2; DYT2 GM03208 cell OMIM: 224500 Chao Pang GM03194 DYSKERATOSIS CONGENITA; DKC GM03194 cell OMIM: 305000 Chao Pang HQ00124 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00124 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03195 DYSKERATOSIS CONGENITA; DKC GM03195 cell OMIM: 305000 Chao Pang GM03196 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03196 cell Chao Pang GM03197 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03197 cell Chao Pang HQ00129 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00129 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00127 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00127 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00126 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00126 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00125 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00125 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00133 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00133 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00132 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00132 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00131 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00131 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00130 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00130 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00134 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00134 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03178 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM03178 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM03189 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM03189 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM03190 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03190 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM03187 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03187 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM03188 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM03188 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM03181 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM03181 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM03184 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM03184 cell Chao Pang GM03179 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM03179 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang HQ00138 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00138 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00139 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00139 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03180 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM03180 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang HQ00141 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00141 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00140 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00140 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00143 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00143 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00142 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00142 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00145 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00145 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00144 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00144 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00149 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00149 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00148 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00148 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03191 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM03191 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang WC00005 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00005 cell Chao Pang WC00004 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00004 cell Chao Pang WC00007 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00007 cell Chao Pang WC00006 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00006 cell Chao Pang S008976 PAN TROGLODYTES S008976 cell Chao Pang S008975 PAN TROGLODYTES S008975 cell Chao Pang WC00001 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00001 cell Chao Pang S011081 PAN TROGLODYTES S011081 cell Chao Pang WC00009 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00009 cell Chao Pang WC00008 HYBRIDOMA FOR INFLUENZA RESEARCH WC00008 cell Chao Pang HQ00171 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00171 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00176 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00176 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00175 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00175 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00174 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00174 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00173 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00173 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00180 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00180 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00181 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00181 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00177 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00177 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00179 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00179 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00182 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00182 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00184 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00184 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00183 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00183 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00186 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00186 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00185 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00185 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00188 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00188 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00187 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00187 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00190 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00190 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00193 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00193 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00194 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00194 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00195 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00195 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03076 ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE DEAMINASE 1; AMPD1 GM03076 cell OMIM: 102770 Chao Pang HQ00208 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00208 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03075 ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE DEAMINASE 1; AMPD1 GM03075 cell OMIM: 102770 Chao Pang GM03080 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM03080 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang HQ00212 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00212 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03072 ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE DEAMINASE 1; AMPD1 GM03072 cell OMIM: 102770 Chao Pang GM03071 ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE DEAMINASE 1; AMPD1 GM03071 cell OMIM: 102770 Chao Pang HQ00211 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00211 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00210 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00210 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03074 ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE DEAMINASE 1; AMPD1 GM03074 cell OMIM: 102770 Chao Pang GM03073 ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE DEAMINASE 1; AMPD1 GM03073 cell OMIM: 102770 Chao Pang HQ00209 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00209 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00216 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00216 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00215 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00215 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00214 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00214 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00213 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00213 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00217 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00217 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03065 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM03065 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM03066 MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM03066 cell OMIM: 252500 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM03070 DISACCHARIDE INTOLERANCE I GM03070 cell OMIM: 222900 Chao Pang GM03102 XXY SYNDROME; KLINEFELTER SYNDROME ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM03102 cell Chao Pang GM03100 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03100 cell Chao Pang GM03099 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03099 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang HQ00197 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00197 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03098 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03098 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang HQ00196 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00196 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00199 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00199 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03093 TRICARBOXYLIC ACID CYCLE, DEFECT OF GM03093 cell OMIM: 275370 Chao Pang GM03091 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM03091 cell Chao Pang HQ00198 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00198 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00201 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00201 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00200 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00200 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00204 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00204 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00203 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00203 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00207 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00207 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00205 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00205 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03089 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03089 cell Chao Pang GM03090 MARKER CHROMOSOME GM03090 cell Chao Pang GM03083 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM03083 cell Chao Pang GM03085 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM03085 cell Chao Pang GM03053 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM03053 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM03052 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA GM03052 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM03051 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM03051 cell OMIM: 272800 Chao Pang GM03047 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03047 cell Chao Pang GM03064 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM03064 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM03056 CITRULLINEMIA GM03056 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang GM03055 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM03055 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM03054 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM03054 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM03045 KRABBE DISEASE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM03045 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM03046 KRABBE DISEASE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM03046 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang HQ00267 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00267 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00259 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00259 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00260 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00260 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00257 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00257 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00258 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00258 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00263 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00263 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03160 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03160 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang HQ00266 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00266 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03161 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03161 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang HQ00261 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00261 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03162 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03162 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang HQ00262 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00262 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03137 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM03137 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM03136 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM03136 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM03153 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03153 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM03138 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; NON-LETHAL GM03138 cell Chao Pang HQ00256 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00256 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03131 GLUTARICACIDURIA IIA GM03131 cell OMIM: 231680 Chao Pang GM03134 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03134 cell Chao Pang GM03132 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA PROTEIN KINASE; DMPK DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM03132 cell OMIM: 160900 OMIM: 605377 Chao Pang HQ00254 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00254 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00255 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00255 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00245 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00245 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00246 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00246 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00247 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00247 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00249 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00249 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00250 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00250 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00251 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00251 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00252 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00252 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03176 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM03176 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang HQ00253 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00253 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03177 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM03177 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM03175 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM03175 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM03174 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM03174 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM03173 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM03173 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM03172 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM03172 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM03171 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM03171 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM03165 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM03165 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM03164 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03164 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM03163 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03163 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang HQ00244 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00244 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00242 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00242 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00243 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00243 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00238 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00238 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03111 WOLMAN DISEASE GM03111 cell OMIM: 278000 Chao Pang GM03112 MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II GM03112 cell OMIM: 252500 Chao Pang HQ00239 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00239 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03116 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM03116 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang HQ00235 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00235 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00237 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00237 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03117 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM03117 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang HQ00233 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00233 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03118 CHROMOSOME DELETION WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 GM03118 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang HQ00234 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00234 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00232 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00232 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03103 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03103 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM03105 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03105 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM03104 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03104 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM03107 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03107 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM03106 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03106 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang HQ00228 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00228 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00229 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00229 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00230 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00230 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00231 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00231 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03129 METAPHYSEAL DYSPLASIA, ANETODERMA, AND OPTIC ATROPHY GM03129 cell OMIM: 250450 Chao Pang HQ00224 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00224 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03130 METAPHYSEAL DYSPLASIA, ANETODERMA, AND OPTIC ATROPHY GM03130 cell OMIM: 250450 Chao Pang HQ00225 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00225 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03127 PSEUDOACHONDROPLASTIC DYSPLASIA GM03127 cell OMIM: 177170 Chao Pang HQ00226 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00226 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03128 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VII GM03128 cell OMIM: 232800 Chao Pang HQ00227 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00227 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00218 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00218 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00221 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00221 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03120 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM03120 cell Chao Pang GM03119 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03119 cell Chao Pang GM03126 TETRALOGY OF FALLOT CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03126 cell OMIM: 187500 Chao Pang GM03125 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03125 cell Chao Pang GM03124 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM03124 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM03123 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM03123 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM13182 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13182 cell Chao Pang GM13183 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13183 cell Chao Pang GM13184 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13184 cell Chao Pang GM13185 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13185 cell Chao Pang GM13175 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 1 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13175 cell Chao Pang GM13180 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13180 cell Chao Pang ND03490 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03490 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM13181 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13181 cell Chao Pang ND03493 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03493 cell Chao Pang ND03494 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03494 cell Chao Pang ND03495 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03495 cell Chao Pang ND03497 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03497 cell Chao Pang ND03503 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03503 cell Chao Pang ND03508 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03508 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03509 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND03509 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03510 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03510 cell Chao Pang GM17339 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 2) GM17339 cell Chao Pang ND03489 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03489 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM17338 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 2) GM17338 cell Chao Pang ND03488 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03488 cell Chao Pang GM17337 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 2) GM17337 cell Chao Pang GM17336 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 2) GM17336 cell Chao Pang GM17331 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 2) GM17331 cell Chao Pang GM17330 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ITALIAN GM17330 cell Chao Pang GM17335 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 2) GM17335 cell Chao Pang GM13188 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13188 cell Chao Pang GM13187 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13187 cell Chao Pang GM17334 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 2) GM17334 cell Chao Pang GM17333 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 2) GM17333 cell Chao Pang GM13189 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 102 GM13189 cell Chao Pang GM17332 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 2) GM17332 cell Chao Pang GM13158 CHROMOSOME 10 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 16 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13158 cell Chao Pang GM13159 CHROMOSOME 16 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13159 cell Chao Pang GM13155 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM13155 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM13157 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 16 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13157 cell Chao Pang ND03528 EPILEPSY ND03528 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM13148 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 GM13148 cell OMIM: 211600 Chao Pang ND03529 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03529 cell Chao Pang GM13154 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM13154 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang ND03532 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03532 cell Chao Pang ND03533 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03533 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03530 EPILEPSY ND03530 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03531 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03531 cell Chao Pang ND03547 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03547 cell Chao Pang ND03548 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03548 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03534 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03534 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03535 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03535 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM17326 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ITALIAN GM17326 cell Chao Pang GM17325 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ITALIAN GM17325 cell Chao Pang GM17328 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ITALIAN GM17328 cell Chao Pang GM17327 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ITALIAN GM17327 cell Chao Pang ND03511 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND03511 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM17329 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ITALIAN GM17329 cell Chao Pang GM17320 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTH AMERICA (BRAZIL, GUYANA, AND VENEZUELA) GM17320 cell Chao Pang GM13166 TURNER SYNDROME ISOCHROMOSOME GM13166 cell Chao Pang GM17322 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ITALIAN GM17322 cell Chao Pang GM13164 RUBINSTEIN-TAYBI SYNDROME; RSTS GM13164 cell OMIM: 180849 Chao Pang GM17321 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ITALIAN GM17321 cell Chao Pang GM17324 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ITALIAN GM17324 cell Chao Pang GM13161 CHROMOSOME 16 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13161 cell Chao Pang GM17323 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ITALIAN GM17323 cell Chao Pang GM13160 CHROMOSOME 16 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13160 cell Chao Pang GM13132 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM13132 cell Chao Pang GM13133 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM13133 cell Chao Pang GM13134 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 2 GM13134 cell Chao Pang GM13136 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; FANCC GM13136 cell OMIM: 227645 Chao Pang GM13138 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM13138 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang ND03462 PARKINSONISM, OTHER NEURODEGENERATIVE OVERLAP SYNDROME ND03462 cell Chao Pang ND03463 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03463 cell Chao Pang ND03464 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND03464 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND03465 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03465 cell Chao Pang ND03458 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03458 cell Chao Pang ND03459 EPILEPSY ND03459 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03460 EPILEPSY ND03460 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03452 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND03452 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND03451 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03451 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03456 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03456 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03453 AVM-RUPTURED ND03453 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang GM13140 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13140 cell Chao Pang GM13139 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13139 cell Chao Pang GM13142 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM13142 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM13141 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM13141 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM13147 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 GM13147 cell OMIM: 211600 Chao Pang GM13123 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13123 cell Chao Pang GM13124 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13124 cell Chao Pang GM13121 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13121 cell Chao Pang GM13122 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13122 cell Chao Pang ND03486 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03486 cell Chao Pang ND03487 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03487 cell Chao Pang ND03483 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03483 cell Chao Pang ND03485 EPILEPSY ND03485 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03481 EPILEPSY ND03481 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03482 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03482 cell Chao Pang ND03472 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03472 cell Chao Pang ND03480 EPILEPSY ND03480 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03471 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03471 cell Chao Pang ND03469 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND03469 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03468 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03468 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM13128 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13128 cell Chao Pang GM13127 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13127 cell Chao Pang GM13126 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13126 cell Chao Pang GM13125 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13125 cell Chao Pang GM13131 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM13131 cell Chao Pang GM13130 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM13130 cell Chao Pang GM17371 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - GREEK GM17371 cell Chao Pang GM17370 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - GREEK GM17370 cell Chao Pang GM17374 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - GREEK GM17374 cell Chao Pang GM17375 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - GREEK GM17375 cell Chao Pang GM17372 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - GREEK GM17372 cell Chao Pang GM17373 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - GREEK GM17373 cell Chao Pang GM17378 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS NORTH OF THE SAHARA GM17378 cell Chao Pang GM17379 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS NORTH OF THE SAHARA GM17379 cell Chao Pang GM17376 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - GREEK GM17376 cell Chao Pang GM17377 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - GREEK GM17377 cell Chao Pang GM17360 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ASHKENAZI JEWISH GM17360 cell Chao Pang GM17361 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ASHKENAZI JEWISH GM17361 cell Chao Pang GM17362 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ASHKENAZI JEWISH GM17362 cell Chao Pang GM17363 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ASHKENAZI JEWISH GM17363 cell Chao Pang GM17364 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ASHKENAZI JEWISH GM17364 cell Chao Pang GM17365 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ASHKENAZI JEWISH GM17365 cell Chao Pang GM17366 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ASHKENAZI JEWISH GM17366 cell Chao Pang GM17367 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ASHKENAZI JEWISH GM17367 cell Chao Pang GM17368 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ASHKENAZI JEWISH GM17368 cell Chao Pang GM17369 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ASHKENAZI JEWISH GM17369 cell Chao Pang GM17356 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CARIBBEAN GM17356 cell Chao Pang DA03255 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03255 cell Chao Pang DA03254 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03254 cell Chao Pang GM17357 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CARIBBEAN GM17357 cell Chao Pang DA03257 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03257 cell Chao Pang GM17354 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CARIBBEAN GM17354 cell Chao Pang DA03256 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03256 cell Chao Pang GM17355 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CARIBBEAN GM17355 cell Chao Pang GM17352 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CARIBBEAN GM17352 cell Chao Pang DA03251 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03251 cell Chao Pang GM17353 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CARIBBEAN GM17353 cell Chao Pang GM17350 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CARIBBEAN GM17350 cell Chao Pang DA03253 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03253 cell Chao Pang GM17351 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CARIBBEAN GM17351 cell Chao Pang DA03252 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03252 cell Chao Pang GM17358 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CARIBBEAN GM17358 cell Chao Pang GM17359 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CARIBBEAN GM17359 cell Chao Pang DA03261 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03261 cell Chao Pang DA03258 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03258 cell Chao Pang DA03259 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03259 cell Chao Pang DA03269 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03269 cell Chao Pang GM17343 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS SOUTH OF THE SAHARA GM17343 cell Chao Pang GM17344 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS SOUTH OF THE SAHARA GM17344 cell Chao Pang DA03268 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03268 cell Chao Pang DA03267 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03267 cell Chao Pang GM17345 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS SOUTH OF THE SAHARA GM17345 cell Chao Pang DA03266 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03266 cell Chao Pang GM17346 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS SOUTH OF THE SAHARA GM17346 cell Chao Pang DA03265 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03265 cell Chao Pang DA03264 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03264 cell Chao Pang GM17340 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 2) GM17340 cell Chao Pang DA03263 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03263 cell Chao Pang GM17341 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS SOUTH OF THE SAHARA GM17341 cell Chao Pang DA03262 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03262 cell Chao Pang GM17342 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS SOUTH OF THE SAHARA GM17342 cell Chao Pang GM17347 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS SOUTH OF THE SAHARA GM17347 cell Chao Pang GM17348 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS SOUTH OF THE SAHARA GM17348 cell Chao Pang GM17349 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICANS SOUTH OF THE SAHARA GM17349 cell Chao Pang GM17180 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17180 cell Chao Pang GM17184 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17184 cell Chao Pang GM17183 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17183 cell Chao Pang GM17182 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17182 cell Chao Pang GM17181 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17181 cell Chao Pang ND08768 EPILEPSY ND08768 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08767 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08767 cell Chao Pang ND08766 EPILEPSY ND08766 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08764 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08764 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08763 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08763 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08753 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08753 cell Chao Pang ND08752 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08752 cell Chao Pang DA02957 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02957 cell Chao Pang DA02959 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02959 cell Chao Pang GM13051 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13293 GM13051 cell Chao Pang ND08750 EPILEPSY ND08750 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM13052 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13294 GM13052 cell Chao Pang DA02958 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02958 cell Chao Pang ND08751 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08751 cell Chao Pang DA02961 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02961 cell Chao Pang ND08736 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08736 cell Chao Pang ND08737 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08737 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA02960 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02960 cell Chao Pang GM13047 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13292 GM13047 cell Chao Pang GM17187 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17187 cell Chao Pang DA02963 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02963 cell Chao Pang GM17188 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17188 cell Chao Pang GM13048 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13293 GM13048 cell Chao Pang DA02962 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02962 cell Chao Pang DA02965 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02965 cell Chao Pang GM17185 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17185 cell Chao Pang GM13049 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13294 GM13049 cell Chao Pang DA02964 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02964 cell Chao Pang GM17186 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17186 cell Chao Pang GM13050 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13292 GM13050 cell Chao Pang GM13043 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13281 GM13043 cell Chao Pang DA02966 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02966 cell Chao Pang GM13044 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13293 GM13044 cell Chao Pang GM13045 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13294 GM13045 cell Chao Pang GM17189 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17189 cell Chao Pang GM13046 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13294 GM13046 cell Chao Pang GM13053 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13293 GM13053 cell Chao Pang GM17191 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17191 cell Chao Pang GM17190 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17190 cell Chao Pang GM17193 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17193 cell Chao Pang GM17192 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17192 cell Chao Pang GM17195 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17195 cell Chao Pang GM17194 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17194 cell Chao Pang ND08729 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08729 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08728 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08728 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08735 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08735 cell Chao Pang ND08734 EPILEPSY ND08734 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08727 ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULAS ND08727 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08726 AVM-RUPTURED ND08726 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08725 EPILEPSY ND08725 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08721 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08721 cell Chao Pang DA02950 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02950 cell Chao Pang ND08722 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08722 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA02949 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02949 cell Chao Pang GM13070 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM13070 cell Chao Pang DA02948 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02948 cell Chao Pang ND08723 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08723 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA02947 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02947 cell Chao Pang ND08724 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08724 cell Chao Pang DA02954 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02954 cell Chao Pang GM17196 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17196 cell Chao Pang GM13068 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM13068 cell Chao Pang GM17197 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17197 cell Chao Pang DA02953 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02953 cell Chao Pang GM13069 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM13069 cell Chao Pang DA02952 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02952 cell Chao Pang GM13059 CHROMOSOME 12 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13059 cell Chao Pang GM17198 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17198 cell Chao Pang GM13060 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1375 GM13060 cell Chao Pang DA02951 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02951 cell Chao Pang GM17199 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17199 cell Chao Pang GM13056 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM13056 cell Chao Pang GM13057 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM13057 cell Chao Pang DA02956 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02956 cell Chao Pang GM13054 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13281 GM13054 cell Chao Pang DA02955 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02955 cell Chao Pang GM13055 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM13055 cell Chao Pang GM17206 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17206 cell Chao Pang GM17205 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17205 cell Chao Pang GM17204 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17204 cell Chao Pang GM17203 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17203 cell Chao Pang GM17202 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17202 cell Chao Pang ND08803 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08803 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM17201 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17201 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM17200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17200 cell Chao Pang GM13072 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM13072 cell Chao Pang GM13071 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; FANCB GM13071 cell OMIM: 227660 Chao Pang ND08829 AVM-RUPTURED ND08829 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND02746 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND02746 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND08828 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08828 cell Chao Pang ND02744 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02744 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08805 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08805 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02750 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02750 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02747 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02747 cell Chao Pang ND08804 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08804 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08851 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08851 cell Chao Pang ND08850 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND08850 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08837 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08837 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08836 EPILEPSY ND08836 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA02936 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02936 cell Chao Pang ND02716 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND02716 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02742 EPILEPSY ND02742 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02743 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02743 cell Chao Pang ND08801 EPILEPSY ND08801 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA02938 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02938 cell Chao Pang DA02937 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02937 cell Chao Pang ND08802 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08802 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02712 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02712 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02713 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02713 cell Chao Pang ND02714 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02714 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02715 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02715 cell Chao Pang GM13073 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE I GM13073 cell OMIM: 232200 Chao Pang DA02944 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02944 cell Chao Pang DA02943 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02943 cell Chao Pang GM13078 MYOCLONIC ENCEPHALOPATHY, EARLY GM13078 cell Chao Pang GM13079 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM13079 cell Chao Pang DA02945 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02945 cell Chao Pang GM13080 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13080 cell Chao Pang DA02940 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02940 cell Chao Pang GM17209 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17209 cell Chao Pang GM13081 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13081 cell Chao Pang DA02939 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02939 cell Chao Pang GM13082 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13082 cell Chao Pang DA02942 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02942 cell Chao Pang GM13083 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13083 cell Chao Pang GM17207 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17207 cell Chao Pang DA02941 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02941 cell Chao Pang GM13085 IMMUNOOSSEOUS DYSPLASIA GM13085 cell OMIM: 242900 Chao Pang GM17208 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17208 cell Chao Pang GM17215 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17215 cell Chao Pang GM17214 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17214 cell Chao Pang GM17217 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17217 cell Chao Pang GM17216 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17216 cell Chao Pang GM13113 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13113 cell Chao Pang GM17211 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17211 cell Chao Pang GM17210 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IID, POLYPEPTIDE 6; CYP2D6 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17210 cell OMIM: 124030 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM13112 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13112 cell Chao Pang GM17213 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17213 cell Chao Pang GM13111 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13111 cell Chao Pang GM17212 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17212 cell Chao Pang ND02710 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02710 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08780 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08780 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08772 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08772 cell Chao Pang ND02708 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02708 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02693 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02693 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08788 EPILEPSY ND08788 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08781 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08781 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08791 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND08791 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08789 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND08789 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08800 EPILEPSY ND08800 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08798 EPILEPSY ND08798 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA02925 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02925 cell Chao Pang ND08769 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08769 cell Chao Pang DA02924 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02924 cell Chao Pang ND08770 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08770 cell Chao Pang ND08771 EPILEPSY ND08771 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA02933 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02933 cell Chao Pang GM13116 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13116 cell Chao Pang GM13117 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13117 cell Chao Pang DA02932 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02932 cell Chao Pang GM13114 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13114 cell Chao Pang DA02931 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02931 cell Chao Pang GM13115 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13115 cell Chao Pang DA02930 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02930 cell Chao Pang GM13120 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13120 cell Chao Pang GM17218 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17218 cell Chao Pang DA02929 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02929 cell Chao Pang DA02928 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02928 cell Chao Pang GM17219 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17219 cell Chao Pang GM13118 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13118 cell Chao Pang DA02927 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02927 cell Chao Pang GM13119 CEPH/AMISH PEDIGREE 884 GM13119 cell Chao Pang DA02926 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02926 cell Chao Pang GM21596 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21596 cell Chao Pang GM21597 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21597 cell Chao Pang GM21599 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21599 cell Chao Pang GM21600 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21600 cell Chao Pang GM21601 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21601 cell Chao Pang GM21608 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21608 cell Chao Pang GM17140 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 GM17140 cell Chao Pang GM17144 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17144 cell Chao Pang GM17143 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17143 cell Chao Pang GM17142 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17142 cell Chao Pang GM17141 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17141 cell Chao Pang GM17148 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 GM17148 cell Chao Pang GM17147 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 GM17147 cell Chao Pang GM17146 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 GM17146 cell Chao Pang GM17145 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 GM17145 cell Chao Pang GM21613 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21613 cell Chao Pang GM21611 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21611 cell Chao Pang GM21615 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21615 cell Chao Pang GM17149 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17149 cell Chao Pang GM21614 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21614 cell Chao Pang GM21617 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21617 cell Chao Pang GM21619 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21619 cell Chao Pang GM21616 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21616 cell Chao Pang GM21632 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21632 cell Chao Pang GM21634 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21634 cell Chao Pang GM21620 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21620 cell Chao Pang GM21631 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21631 cell Chao Pang GM17150 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17150 cell Chao Pang GM17151 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17151 cell Chao Pang GM17153 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17153 cell Chao Pang GM17152 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17152 cell Chao Pang GM17155 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17155 cell Chao Pang GM17154 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17154 cell Chao Pang GM17157 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17157 cell Chao Pang GM17156 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17156 cell Chao Pang GM17159 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17159 cell Chao Pang GM17158 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 SNP500 PANEL GM17158 cell Chao Pang GM21645 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HANSTER, 1; ERCC1 CEREBROOCULOFACIOSKELETAL SYNDROME 4; COFS4 GM21645 cell OMIM: 126380 Chao Pang GM21636 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21636 cell Chao Pang GM21635 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21635 cell Chao Pang GM21652 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM21652 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang GM21654 MOSAIC VARIEGATED ANEUPLOIDY SYNDROME; MVA GM21654 cell OMIM: 257300 Chao Pang ND08707 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND08707 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM21655 MOSAIC VARIEGATED ANEUPLOIDY SYNDROME; MVA GM21655 cell OMIM: 257300 Chao Pang GM21656 MOSAIC VARIEGATED ANEUPLOIDY SYNDROME; MVA GM21656 cell OMIM: 257300 Chao Pang ND08710 EPILEPSY ND08710 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM21647 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21647 cell Chao Pang ND08720 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND08720 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang GM21648 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21648 cell Chao Pang ND08708 EPILEPSY ND08708 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM21649 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21649 cell Chao Pang ND08709 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08709 cell Chao Pang GM21650 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21650 cell Chao Pang GM17161 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17161 cell Chao Pang GM17162 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17162 cell Chao Pang GM17160 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17160 cell Chao Pang GM17169 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17169 cell Chao Pang GM13019 CHROMOSOME DELETION TURNER SYNDROME GM13019 cell Chao Pang GM17168 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17168 cell Chao Pang GM12980 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1427 GM12980 cell Chao Pang GM17167 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17167 cell Chao Pang GM17166 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17166 cell Chao Pang GM13021 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; FANCC GM13021 cell OMIM: 227645 Chao Pang GM13020 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; FANCC GM13020 cell OMIM: 227645 Chao Pang GM17165 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17165 cell Chao Pang GM17164 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17164 cell Chao Pang GM13023 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D1; FANCD1 GM13023 cell OMIM: 605724 Chao Pang GM17163 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17163 cell Chao Pang GM13022 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; FANCA GM13022 cell OMIM: 607139 Chao Pang GM13026 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 GM13026 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang ND08704 EPILEPSY ND08704 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM13025 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 GM13025 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang ND08703 EPILEPSY ND08703 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM13028 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 GM13028 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang ND08692 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND08692 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM13027 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 GM13027 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang ND08680 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08680 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM21678 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21678 cell Chao Pang GM21657 MOSAIC VARIEGATED ANEUPLOIDY SYNDROME; MVA GM21657 cell OMIM: 257300 Chao Pang ND08706 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08706 cell Chao Pang ND08705 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND08705 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM21699 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM21699 cell Chao Pang GM21716 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21716 cell Chao Pang GM21693 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21693 cell Chao Pang GM21698 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM21698 cell Chao Pang GM21686 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21686 cell Chao Pang ND08674 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08674 cell Chao Pang ND08675 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND08675 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM21689 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21689 cell Chao Pang GM21683 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21683 cell Chao Pang ND08676 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08676 cell Chao Pang ND08677 EPILEPSY ND08677 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM21685 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21685 cell Chao Pang GM17170 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17170 cell Chao Pang GM21682 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21682 cell Chao Pang GM17171 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17171 cell Chao Pang GM17172 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17172 cell Chao Pang GM17173 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17173 cell Chao Pang GM13033 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM13033 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM17179 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17179 cell Chao Pang GM17178 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17178 cell Chao Pang GM13031 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM13031 cell Chao Pang GM13030 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM13030 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM13037 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM13037 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM17175 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17175 cell Chao Pang GM17174 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17174 cell Chao Pang GM13036 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM13036 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM13035 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM13035 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM17177 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17177 cell Chao Pang GM13034 GLYPICAN 3; GPC3 SIMPSON-GOLABI-BEHMEL SYNDROME, TYPE 1; SGBS1 GM13034 cell OMIM: 300037 OMIM: 312870 Chao Pang GM17176 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17176 cell Chao Pang GM13042 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13293 GM13042 cell Chao Pang GM13041 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13281 GM13041 cell Chao Pang GM13038 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM13038 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM21717 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21717 cell Chao Pang GM21493 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21493 cell Chao Pang GM21494 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21494 cell Chao Pang GM21490 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21490 cell Chao Pang GM21491 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21491 cell Chao Pang GM21510 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21510 cell Chao Pang GM21512 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21512 cell Chao Pang GM21496 ROKITANSKY-KUSTER-HAUSER SYNDROME GM21496 cell OMIM: 277000 Chao Pang GM21509 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21509 cell Chao Pang GM21489 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21489 cell Chao Pang GM21488 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21488 cell Chao Pang GM21519 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21519 cell Chao Pang GM21520 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21520 cell Chao Pang GM21521 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21521 cell Chao Pang GM21522 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21522 cell Chao Pang GM21523 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21523 cell Chao Pang GM21524 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21524 cell Chao Pang GM21525 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21525 cell Chao Pang GM21513 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21513 cell Chao Pang GM21517 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21517 cell Chao Pang GM21514 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21514 cell Chao Pang DA03032 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03032 cell Chao Pang GM21572 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM21572 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang DA03031 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03031 cell Chao Pang GM21573 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21573 cell Chao Pang DA03029 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03029 cell Chao Pang GM21551 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM21551 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang DA03028 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03028 cell Chao Pang GM21568 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM21568 cell Chao Pang DA03027 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03027 cell Chao Pang GM21542 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM21542 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang DA03026 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03026 cell Chao Pang GM21545 OTOPALATODIGITAL SYNDROME, TYPE 1; OPD1 GM21545 cell OMIM: 311300 Chao Pang DA03025 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03025 cell Chao Pang DA03022 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03022 cell Chao Pang GM21529 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21529 cell Chao Pang DA03024 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03024 cell Chao Pang GM21528 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21528 cell Chao Pang GM21527 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21527 cell Chao Pang DA03021 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03021 cell Chao Pang GM21526 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21526 cell Chao Pang DA03018 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03018 cell Chao Pang GM21587 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21587 cell Chao Pang DA03017 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03017 cell Chao Pang DA03020 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03020 cell Chao Pang DA03019 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03019 cell Chao Pang GM21580 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21580 cell Chao Pang DA03014 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03014 cell Chao Pang DA03013 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03013 cell Chao Pang GM21581 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21581 cell Chao Pang DA03016 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03016 cell Chao Pang GM21582 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21582 cell Chao Pang DA03015 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03015 cell Chao Pang GM21583 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21583 cell Chao Pang GM21576 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21576 cell Chao Pang GM21575 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21575 cell Chao Pang GM21578 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21578 cell Chao Pang DA03011 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03011 cell Chao Pang DA03012 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03012 cell Chao Pang GM21577 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21577 cell Chao Pang GM21574 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21574 cell Chao Pang DA03010 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03010 cell Chao Pang DA03004 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03004 cell Chao Pang DA03005 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03005 cell Chao Pang DA03002 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03002 cell Chao Pang DA03003 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03003 cell Chao Pang DA03008 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03008 cell Chao Pang DA03009 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03009 cell Chao Pang DA03006 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03006 cell Chao Pang DA03007 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03007 cell Chao Pang ND08901 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08901 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08902 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08902 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08903 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08903 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08897 EPILEPSY ND08897 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA03001 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03001 cell Chao Pang ND08898 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08898 cell Chao Pang ND08899 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08899 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08900 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08900 cell Chao Pang ND08876 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08876 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08895 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08895 cell Chao Pang ND08896 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND08896 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang DA02999 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02999 cell Chao Pang DA03000 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03000 cell Chao Pang DA02991 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02991 cell Chao Pang DA02992 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02992 cell Chao Pang DA02993 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02993 cell Chao Pang DA02994 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02994 cell Chao Pang DA02995 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02995 cell Chao Pang DA02996 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02996 cell Chao Pang DA02997 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02997 cell Chao Pang DA02998 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02998 cell Chao Pang ND08852 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND08852 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08873 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08873 cell Chao Pang ND08875 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08875 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08871 EPILEPSY ND08871 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08872 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08872 cell Chao Pang ND08857 EPILEPSY ND08857 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08870 EPILEPSY ND08870 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08855 EPILEPSY ND08855 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08856 EPILEPSY ND08856 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08853 EPILEPSY ND08853 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08854 EPILEPSY ND08854 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA02990 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02990 cell Chao Pang DA02988 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02988 cell Chao Pang GM21457 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21457 cell Chao Pang DA02989 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02989 cell Chao Pang GM21455 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21455 cell Chao Pang GM21454 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21454 cell Chao Pang DA05329 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05329 cell Chao Pang DA02986 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02986 cell Chao Pang DA05330 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05330 cell Chao Pang GM21453 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21453 cell Chao Pang DA02987 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02987 cell Chao Pang DA02984 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02984 cell Chao Pang DA05331 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05331 cell Chao Pang GM21451 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21451 cell Chao Pang DA02985 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02985 cell Chao Pang GM21448 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21448 cell Chao Pang DA05332 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05332 cell Chao Pang DA02982 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02982 cell Chao Pang GM21447 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21447 cell Chao Pang DA05333 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05333 cell Chao Pang GM21443 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21443 cell Chao Pang DA02983 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02983 cell Chao Pang DA05335 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05335 cell Chao Pang GM21442 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21442 cell Chao Pang GM21441 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21441 cell Chao Pang DA02981 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02981 cell Chao Pang ND08958 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08958 cell Chao Pang ND08959 EPILEPSY ND08959 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08960 EPILEPSY ND08960 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08963 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08963 cell Chao Pang ND08964 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08964 cell Chao Pang DA05326 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05326 cell Chao Pang DA05325 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05325 cell Chao Pang DA05328 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05328 cell Chao Pang DA05327 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05327 cell Chao Pang ND08938 EPILEPSY ND08938 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08939 EPILEPSY ND08939 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08955 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08955 cell Chao Pang ND08956 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08956 cell Chao Pang ND08957 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND08957 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA02977 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02977 cell Chao Pang DA02978 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02978 cell Chao Pang GM21487 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21487 cell Chao Pang DA02979 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02979 cell Chao Pang DA02980 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02980 cell Chao Pang GM21480 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21480 cell Chao Pang DA05320 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05320 cell Chao Pang DA02973 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02973 cell Chao Pang GM21479 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21479 cell Chao Pang DA02974 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02974 cell Chao Pang DA05321 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05321 cell Chao Pang DA02975 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02975 cell Chao Pang GM21486 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21486 cell Chao Pang DA05318 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05318 cell Chao Pang GM21485 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21485 cell Chao Pang DA05319 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05319 cell Chao Pang DA02976 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02976 cell Chao Pang DA05324 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05324 cell Chao Pang GM21476 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21476 cell Chao Pang GM21475 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21475 cell Chao Pang DA05322 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05322 cell Chao Pang DA02971 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02971 cell Chao Pang GM21478 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21478 cell Chao Pang DA05323 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05323 cell Chao Pang DA02972 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02972 cell Chao Pang GM21477 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21477 cell Chao Pang ND08933 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND08933 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08934 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08934 cell Chao Pang ND08926 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08926 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM21473 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21473 cell Chao Pang ND08927 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08927 cell Chao Pang DA05315 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05315 cell Chao Pang DA05314 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05314 cell Chao Pang ND08935 EPILEPSY ND08935 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA05313 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05313 cell Chao Pang ND08936 EPILEPSY ND08936 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08918 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08918 cell Chao Pang ND08925 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08925 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08904 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08904 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08905 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND08905 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA05441 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05441 cell Chao Pang DA05442 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05442 cell Chao Pang DA05444 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05444 cell Chao Pang DA05443 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05443 cell Chao Pang DA05446 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05446 cell Chao Pang DA05445 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05445 cell Chao Pang DA05448 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05448 cell Chao Pang DA05447 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05447 cell Chao Pang DA05450 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05450 cell Chao Pang DA05449 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05449 cell Chao Pang DA05453 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05453 cell Chao Pang DA05454 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05454 cell Chao Pang DA05452 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05452 cell Chao Pang DA05459 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05459 cell Chao Pang DA05458 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05458 cell Chao Pang DA05456 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05456 cell Chao Pang DA05455 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05455 cell Chao Pang DA05462 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05462 cell Chao Pang DA05461 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05461 cell Chao Pang DA05460 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05460 cell Chao Pang DA05425 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05425 cell Chao Pang DA05424 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05424 cell Chao Pang DA05427 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05427 cell Chao Pang DA05426 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05426 cell Chao Pang DA05421 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05421 cell Chao Pang DA05420 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05420 cell Chao Pang DA05423 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05423 cell Chao Pang DA05422 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05422 cell Chao Pang DA05429 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05429 cell Chao Pang DA05428 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05428 cell Chao Pang DA05430 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05430 cell Chao Pang DA05439 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05439 cell Chao Pang DA05438 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05438 cell Chao Pang DA05436 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05436 cell Chao Pang DA05435 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05435 cell Chao Pang DA05434 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05434 cell Chao Pang DA05433 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05433 cell Chao Pang DA05432 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05432 cell Chao Pang DA05431 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05431 cell Chao Pang DA05440 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05440 cell Chao Pang ND02652 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND02652 cell Chao Pang ND02657 EPILEPSY ND02657 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02644 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02644 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02645 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND02645 cell Chao Pang ND02639 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02639 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02641 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02641 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02632 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02632 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02633 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND02633 cell Chao Pang ND02630 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02630 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02631 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02631 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA05395 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05395 cell Chao Pang DA05396 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05396 cell Chao Pang DA05397 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05397 cell Chao Pang DA05398 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05398 cell Chao Pang DA05389 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05389 cell Chao Pang DA05390 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05390 cell Chao Pang DA05391 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05391 cell Chao Pang DA05392 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05392 cell Chao Pang DA05393 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05393 cell Chao Pang DA05394 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05394 cell Chao Pang ND02692 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02692 cell Chao Pang ND02688 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02688 cell Chao Pang ND02689 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02689 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02690 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND02690 cell Chao Pang ND02691 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02691 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02660 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02660 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02661 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02661 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02662 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02662 cell Chao Pang ND02687 EPILEPSY ND02687 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02658 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02658 cell Chao Pang DA05415 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05415 cell Chao Pang DA05413 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05413 cell Chao Pang DA05414 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05414 cell Chao Pang DA05401 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05401 cell Chao Pang DA05402 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05402 cell Chao Pang DA05399 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05399 cell Chao Pang DA05407 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05407 cell Chao Pang DA05408 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05408 cell Chao Pang DA05404 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05404 cell Chao Pang DA05405 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05405 cell Chao Pang DA05372 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05372 cell Chao Pang DA05373 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05373 cell Chao Pang DA05365 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05365 cell Chao Pang DA05366 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05366 cell Chao Pang DA05367 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05367 cell Chao Pang DA05371 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05371 cell Chao Pang DA05361 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05361 cell Chao Pang DA05362 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05362 cell Chao Pang DA05363 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05363 cell Chao Pang DA05364 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05364 cell Chao Pang DA05388 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05388 cell Chao Pang DA05386 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05386 cell Chao Pang DA05387 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05387 cell Chao Pang DA05384 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05384 cell Chao Pang DA05385 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05385 cell Chao Pang DA05382 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05382 cell Chao Pang DA05383 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05383 cell Chao Pang DA05377 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05377 cell Chao Pang DA05378 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05378 cell Chao Pang DA05376 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05376 cell Chao Pang DA05337 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05337 cell Chao Pang ND02530 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02530 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM17239 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17239 cell Chao Pang DA05336 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05336 cell Chao Pang ND02531 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02531 cell Chao Pang GM17237 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17237 cell Chao Pang ND02532 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02532 cell Chao Pang GM17238 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17238 cell Chao Pang DA05346 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05346 cell Chao Pang GM17235 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17235 cell Chao Pang DA05345 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05345 cell Chao Pang GM17236 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IID, POLYPEPTIDE 6; CYP2D6 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17236 cell OMIM: 124030 Chao Pang DA05344 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05344 cell Chao Pang GM17233 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17233 cell Chao Pang DA05341 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05341 cell Chao Pang GM17234 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17234 cell Chao Pang GM17231 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17231 cell Chao Pang DA05350 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05350 cell Chao Pang DA05349 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05349 cell Chao Pang GM17232 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17232 cell Chao Pang DA05348 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05348 cell Chao Pang DA05347 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05347 cell Chao Pang GM17230 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17230 cell Chao Pang ND02540 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02540 cell Chao Pang ND02539 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02539 cell Chao Pang ND02542 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02542 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02541 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02541 cell Chao Pang ND02534 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02534 cell Chao Pang ND02533 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02533 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02538 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02538 cell Chao Pang ND02537 EPILEPSY ND02537 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM17226 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17226 cell Chao Pang DA05351 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05351 cell Chao Pang GM17227 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IID, POLYPEPTIDE 6; CYP2D6 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17227 cell OMIM: 124030 Chao Pang GM17228 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17228 cell Chao Pang ND02543 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02543 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA05353 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05353 cell Chao Pang GM17229 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17229 cell Chao Pang DA05352 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05352 cell Chao Pang ND02548 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND02548 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang DA05355 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05355 cell Chao Pang GM17222 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17222 cell Chao Pang GM17223 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17223 cell Chao Pang DA05354 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05354 cell Chao Pang GM17224 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17224 cell Chao Pang DA05357 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05357 cell Chao Pang GM17225 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17225 cell Chao Pang DA05356 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05356 cell Chao Pang DA05359 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05359 cell Chao Pang DA05358 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05358 cell Chao Pang GM17220 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17220 cell Chao Pang DA05360 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05360 cell Chao Pang GM17221 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17221 cell Chao Pang ND02549 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02549 cell Chao Pang ND02558 EPILEPSY ND02558 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02557 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02557 cell Chao Pang ND02556 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02556 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02554 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02554 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02553 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND02553 cell Chao Pang ND02552 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02552 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02551 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02551 cell Chao Pang ND02550 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02550 cell Chao Pang ND02559 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02559 cell Chao Pang GM17259 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17259 cell Chao Pang GM17253 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17253 cell Chao Pang GM17254 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17254 cell Chao Pang GM17251 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 GM17251 cell Chao Pang GM17252 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17252 cell Chao Pang GM17257 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17257 cell Chao Pang GM17258 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17258 cell Chao Pang GM17255 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17255 cell Chao Pang GM17256 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17256 cell Chao Pang GM17250 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17250 cell Chao Pang ND02570 EPILEPSY ND02570 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02560 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02560 cell Chao Pang ND02572 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02572 cell Chao Pang ND02571 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02571 cell Chao Pang ND02577 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02577 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02575 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02575 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02579 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02579 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02578 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02578 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02587 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02587 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02580 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02580 cell Chao Pang GM17248 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17248 cell Chao Pang GM17249 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17249 cell Chao Pang GM17240 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17240 cell Chao Pang GM17241 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17241 cell Chao Pang GM17242 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17242 cell Chao Pang GM17243 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17243 cell Chao Pang GM17244 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17244 cell Chao Pang GM17245 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 GM17245 cell Chao Pang GM17246 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17246 cell Chao Pang GM17247 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 1) GM17247 cell Chao Pang ND02595 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02595 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02594 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02594 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02593 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02593 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02625 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02625 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02624 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02624 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02598 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02598 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02596 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02596 cell Chao Pang ND02629 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02629 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02628 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02628 cell Chao Pang ND02627 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02627 cell Chao Pang ND02442 EPILEPSY ND02442 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02446 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02446 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02452 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02452 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02453 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02453 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02468 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02468 cell Chao Pang ND02467 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02467 cell Chao Pang ND02466 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02466 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02456 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02456 cell Chao Pang ND02455 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02455 cell Chao Pang ND02454 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02454 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02472 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02472 cell Chao Pang ND02473 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02473 cell Chao Pang ND02470 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02470 cell Chao Pang ND02471 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02471 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02469 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02469 cell Chao Pang ND02482 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02482 cell Chao Pang ND02474 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02474 cell Chao Pang ND02484 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02484 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02483 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02483 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02485 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND02485 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02491 EPILEPSY ND02491 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02492 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02492 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02503 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02503 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02504 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02504 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02505 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02505 cell Chao Pang ND02506 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02506 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02513 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02513 cell Chao Pang ND02512 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02512 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02511 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND02511 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND02509 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02509 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02521 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02521 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02523 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02523 cell Chao Pang ND02514 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02514 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02527 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02527 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02528 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02528 cell Chao Pang ND02524 EPILEPSY ND02524 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02526 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02526 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND09194 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09194 cell Chao Pang ND03107 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03107 cell Chao Pang ND09193 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09193 cell Chao Pang ND03106 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03106 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND09192 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09192 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03118 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03118 cell Chao Pang ND09191 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09191 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03110 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03110 cell Chao Pang ND09204 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09204 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09199 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09199 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09197 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09197 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03104 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03104 cell Chao Pang ND09195 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09195 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM17085 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTHEAST ASIANS (EXCLUDING JAPANESE AND CHINESE) GM17085 cell Chao Pang GM17084 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTHEAST ASIANS (EXCLUDING JAPANESE AND CHINESE) GM17084 cell Chao Pang GM17083 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTHEAST ASIANS (EXCLUDING JAPANESE AND CHINESE) GM17083 cell Chao Pang GM17082 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTHEAST ASIANS (EXCLUDING JAPANESE AND CHINESE) GM17082 cell Chao Pang ND09190 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09190 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM17081 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTHEAST ASIANS (EXCLUDING JAPANESE AND CHINESE) GM17081 cell Chao Pang GM17080 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PUERTO RICAN GM17080 cell Chao Pang ND09189 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09189 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA03074 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03074 cell Chao Pang DA03073 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03073 cell Chao Pang GM17088 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTHEAST ASIANS (EXCLUDING JAPANESE AND CHINESE) GM17088 cell Chao Pang DA03070 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03070 cell Chao Pang DA03069 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03069 cell Chao Pang GM17089 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTHEAST ASIANS (EXCLUDING JAPANESE AND CHINESE) GM17089 cell Chao Pang GM17086 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTHEAST ASIANS (EXCLUDING JAPANESE AND CHINESE) SNP500 PANEL GM17086 cell Chao Pang DA03072 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03072 cell Chao Pang GM17087 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTHEAST ASIANS (EXCLUDING JAPANESE AND CHINESE) SNP500 PANEL GM17087 cell Chao Pang DA03071 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03071 cell Chao Pang DA03066 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03066 cell Chao Pang ND03102 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03102 cell Chao Pang ND03103 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03103 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA03065 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03065 cell Chao Pang ND09188 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09188 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA03068 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03068 cell Chao Pang DA03067 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03067 cell Chao Pang ND03094 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03094 cell Chao Pang ND03095 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03095 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03096 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03096 cell Chao Pang ND03101 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03101 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09181 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09181 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03093 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03093 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03092 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03092 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09180 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND09180 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09183 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09183 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03091 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03091 cell Chao Pang ND03090 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03090 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09182 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09182 cell Chao Pang ND09185 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09185 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09184 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09184 cell Chao Pang ND09187 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09187 cell Chao Pang ND09186 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09186 cell Chao Pang GM17094 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - IBERIANS GM17094 cell Chao Pang GM17093 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - IBERIANS GM17093 cell Chao Pang GM17096 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - IBERIANS GM17096 cell Chao Pang GM17095 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - IBERIANS GM17095 cell Chao Pang GM17090 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - SOUTHEAST ASIANS (EXCLUDING JAPANESE AND CHINESE) GM17090 cell Chao Pang GM17092 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - IBERIANS GM17092 cell Chao Pang ND09167 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09167 cell Chao Pang GM17091 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - IBERIANS GM17091 cell Chao Pang DA03064 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03064 cell Chao Pang DA03063 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03063 cell Chao Pang DA03062 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03062 cell Chao Pang DA03061 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03061 cell Chao Pang GM17097 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - IBERIANS GM17097 cell Chao Pang DA03060 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03060 cell Chao Pang GM17098 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - IBERIANS GM17098 cell Chao Pang DA03059 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03059 cell Chao Pang GM17099 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - IBERIANS GM17099 cell Chao Pang DA03057 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03057 cell Chao Pang ND03089 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03089 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND09164 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09164 cell Chao Pang DA03056 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03056 cell Chao Pang DA03055 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03055 cell Chao Pang ND09166 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09166 cell Chao Pang DA03054 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03054 cell Chao Pang ND03085 AVM-RUPTURED ND03085 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND03088 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03088 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03075 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL EPILEPSY ND03075 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03076 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL EPILEPSY ND03076 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03073 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03073 cell Chao Pang ND03074 EPILEPSY ND03074 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09156 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09156 cell Chao Pang ND09155 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09155 cell Chao Pang ND09154 EPILEPSY ND09154 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09153 EPILEPSY ND09153 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03055 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03055 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09152 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09152 cell Chao Pang ND09151 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09151 cell Chao Pang ND03072 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03072 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09150 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09150 cell Chao Pang ND03071 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03071 cell Chao Pang ND09149 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09149 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM17063 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN GM17063 cell Chao Pang GM17062 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN GM17062 cell Chao Pang GM17061 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN GM17061 cell Chao Pang GM17060 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - JAPANESE GM17060 cell Chao Pang DA03095 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03095 cell Chao Pang GM17066 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN GM17066 cell Chao Pang GM17067 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN GM17067 cell Chao Pang DA03093 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03093 cell Chao Pang GM17064 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN GM17064 cell Chao Pang DA03097 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03097 cell Chao Pang DA03096 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03096 cell Chao Pang GM17065 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN GM17065 cell Chao Pang GM17068 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN GM17068 cell Chao Pang GM17069 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN GM17069 cell Chao Pang ND03004 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03004 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03043 EPILEPSY ND03043 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03044 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03044 cell Chao Pang DA03087 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03087 cell Chao Pang ND03045 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03045 cell Chao Pang DA03086 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03086 cell Chao Pang DA03089 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03089 cell Chao Pang ND03047 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03047 cell Chao Pang ND09137 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09137 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA03088 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03088 cell Chao Pang ND03049 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03049 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA03092 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03092 cell Chao Pang ND09135 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09135 cell Chao Pang ND03052 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03052 cell Chao Pang ND03053 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03053 cell Chao Pang DA03091 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03091 cell Chao Pang ND09136 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09136 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09114 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09114 cell Chao Pang ND09113 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09113 cell Chao Pang ND09134 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09134 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09115 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND09115 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND03003 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03003 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09105 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND09105 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang ND03002 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03002 cell Chao Pang ND09112 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09112 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09110 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09110 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM17070 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN GM17070 cell Chao Pang GM17072 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PUERTO RICAN SNP500 PANEL GM17072 cell Chao Pang GM17071 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PUERTO RICAN GM17071 cell Chao Pang GM17074 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PUERTO RICAN SNP500 PANEL GM17074 cell Chao Pang GM17073 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PUERTO RICAN SNP500 PANEL GM17073 cell Chao Pang DA03084 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03084 cell Chao Pang GM17075 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PUERTO RICAN SNP500 PANEL CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM17075 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM17076 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PUERTO RICAN GM17076 cell Chao Pang DA03083 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03083 cell Chao Pang DA03082 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03082 cell Chao Pang GM17077 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PUERTO RICAN SNP500 PANEL GM17077 cell Chao Pang DA03081 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03081 cell Chao Pang GM17078 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PUERTO RICAN SNP500 PANEL CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM17078 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM17079 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - PUERTO RICAN GM17079 cell Chao Pang DA03085 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03085 cell Chao Pang DA03075 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03075 cell Chao Pang DA03079 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03079 cell Chao Pang ND09072 EPILEPSY ND09072 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09083 EPILEPSY ND09083 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA03078 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03078 cell Chao Pang DA03077 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03077 cell Chao Pang ND09099 EPILEPSY ND09099 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09104 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND09104 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang DA03076 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03076 cell Chao Pang GM17040 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 10 GM17040 cell Chao Pang GM17041 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 1) GM17041 cell Chao Pang ND09057 EPILEPSY ND09057 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09058 EPILEPSY ND09058 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09070 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09070 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09071 EPILEPSY ND09071 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09059 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09059 cell Chao Pang ND09060 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09060 cell Chao Pang ND09049 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09049 cell Chao Pang ND09048 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND09048 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND09045 EPILEPSY ND09045 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09030 EPILEPSY ND09030 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09050 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09050 cell Chao Pang GM17049 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 1) GM17049 cell Chao Pang GM17048 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 1) GM17048 cell Chao Pang GM17047 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 1) GM17047 cell Chao Pang GM17046 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 1) GM17046 cell Chao Pang GM17045 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 1) GM17045 cell Chao Pang GM17044 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 1) GM17044 cell Chao Pang GM17043 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 1) GM17043 cell Chao Pang GM17042 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 1) GM17042 cell Chao Pang GM17050 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MIDDLE EASTERN (VERSION 1) GM17050 cell Chao Pang GM17051 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - JAPANESE GM17051 cell Chao Pang GM17052 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - JAPANESE GM17052 cell Chao Pang ND09025 EPILEPSY ND09025 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09026 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09026 cell Chao Pang ND09027 EPILEPSY ND09027 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09028 EPILEPSY ND09028 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09029 EPILEPSY ND09029 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08999 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08999 cell Chao Pang ND08998 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08998 cell Chao Pang ND09015 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09015 cell Chao Pang ND09014 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09014 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09017 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09017 cell Chao Pang ND09016 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND09016 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang GM17058 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - JAPANESE GM17058 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang GM17057 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - JAPANESE SNP500 PANEL CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IID, POLYPEPTIDE 6; CYP2D6 GM17057 cell OMIM: 124030 OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang GM17059 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - JAPANESE GM17059 cell Chao Pang GM17054 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - JAPANESE CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM17054 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM17053 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - JAPANESE GM17053 cell Chao Pang GM17056 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - JAPANESE SNP500 PANEL GM17056 cell Chao Pang GM17055 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - JAPANESE GM17055 cell Chao Pang DA03042 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03042 cell Chao Pang ND08995 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08995 cell Chao Pang ND08996 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08996 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM50125 CHROMOSOME DELETION 18Q- SYNDROME GM50125 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM50126 HOLOPROSENCEPHALY CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50126 cell Chao Pang ND08986 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08986 cell Chao Pang GM50128 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM50128 cell Chao Pang ND08987 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND08987 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM50129 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM50129 cell Chao Pang GM50139 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50139 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM50142 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM50142 cell Chao Pang GM50143 CHROMOSOME DELETION 18Q- SYNDROME GM50143 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM50146 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM50146 cell Chao Pang GM50145 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50145 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang ND08985 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08985 cell Chao Pang GM17029 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - INDO PAKISTANI SNP500 PANEL GM17029 cell Chao Pang ND08984 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08984 cell Chao Pang GM50147 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME RECOMBINANT CHROMOSOME GM50147 cell Chao Pang GM17028 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - INDO PAKISTANI SNP500 PANEL GM17028 cell Chao Pang ND08981 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND08981 cell Chao Pang ND08980 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND08980 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08978 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08978 cell Chao Pang ND08977 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08977 cell Chao Pang DA03044 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03044 cell Chao Pang DA03045 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03045 cell Chao Pang ND08971 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08971 cell Chao Pang GM17022 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - INDO PAKISTANI GM17022 cell Chao Pang DA03046 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03046 cell Chao Pang DA03047 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03047 cell Chao Pang GM17021 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - INDO PAKISTANI GM17021 cell Chao Pang GM17020 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 2) SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 1) GM17020 cell Chao Pang DA03048 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03048 cell Chao Pang DA03049 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03049 cell Chao Pang GM17019 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 2) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 1) GM17019 cell Chao Pang GM17027 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - INDO PAKISTANI GM17027 cell Chao Pang DA03050 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03050 cell Chao Pang GM17026 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - INDO PAKISTANI GM17026 cell Chao Pang DA03051 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03051 cell Chao Pang GM17024 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - INDO PAKISTANI GM17024 cell Chao Pang DA03052 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03052 cell Chao Pang DA03053 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03053 cell Chao Pang GM17023 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - INDO PAKISTANI GM17023 cell Chao Pang GM17030 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - INDO PAKISTANI SNP500 PANEL GM17030 cell Chao Pang GM50152 18P- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50152 cell Chao Pang GM50153 CHROMOSOME DELETION 18Q- SYNDROME GM50153 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang ND08965 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08965 cell Chao Pang ND08966 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08966 cell Chao Pang GM50149 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM50149 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang ND08968 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08968 cell Chao Pang GM50150 HOLOPROSENCEPHALY CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50150 cell Chao Pang GM50159 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM50159 cell Chao Pang GM50160 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50160 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM50154 CHROMOSOME DELETION CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM50154 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM50158 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM50158 cell Chao Pang GM17039 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 10 GM17039 cell Chao Pang GM50164 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50164 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM50163 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50163 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang DA03033 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03033 cell Chao Pang GM17032 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 10 GM17032 cell Chao Pang DA03036 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03036 cell Chao Pang DA03037 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03037 cell Chao Pang GM17031 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 10 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IID, POLYPEPTIDE 6; CYP2D6 GM17031 cell OMIM: 124030 Chao Pang GM17034 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 10 GM17034 cell Chao Pang DA03034 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03034 cell Chao Pang DA03035 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03035 cell Chao Pang GM17033 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 10 GM17033 cell Chao Pang DA03040 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03040 cell Chao Pang GM17036 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 10 GM17036 cell Chao Pang DA03041 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03041 cell Chao Pang GM17035 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 10 GM17035 cell Chao Pang GM17038 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 10 GM17038 cell Chao Pang DA03038 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03038 cell Chao Pang GM17037 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 10 GM17037 cell Chao Pang DA03039 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03039 cell Chao Pang GM50101 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50101 cell Chao Pang GM50099 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50099 cell Chao Pang GM50100 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50100 cell Chao Pang GM50097 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50097 cell Chao Pang GM50098 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50098 cell Chao Pang GM50096 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50096 cell Chao Pang GM50095 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50095 cell Chao Pang GM50093 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50093 cell Chao Pang GM50092 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50092 cell Chao Pang GM50091 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50091 cell Chao Pang GM50120 CHROMOSOME DELETION 18Q- SYNDROME GM50120 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM50121 HOLOPROSENCEPHALY ISOCHROMOSOME GM50121 cell Chao Pang GM50122 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50122 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM50124 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50124 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM02814 ACRODERMATITIS ENTEROPATHICA, ZINC-DEFICIENCY TYPE; AEZ GM02814 cell OMIM: 201100 Chao Pang GM50113 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50113 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM02813 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02813 cell Chao Pang GM50112 CHROMOSOME DELETION CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM50112 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM50118 CHROMOSOME DELETION 18Q- SYNDROME GM50118 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM02812 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02812 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02808 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02808 cell Chao Pang GM50116 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50116 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM50106 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50106 cell Chao Pang GM02815 ACRODERMATITIS ENTEROPATHICA, ZINC-DEFICIENCY TYPE; AEZ GM02815 cell OMIM: 201100 Chao Pang GM50103 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50103 cell Chao Pang GM02797 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM02797 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM02805 PROPIONIC ACIDEMIA GM02805 cell OMIM: 606054 Chao Pang GM02803 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM02803 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM02801 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM02801 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM02800 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM02800 cell Chao Pang GM50071 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50071 cell Chao Pang GM50072 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50072 cell Chao Pang GM50069 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50069 cell Chao Pang GM50070 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50070 cell Chao Pang GM50076 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50076 cell Chao Pang GM50073 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50073 cell Chao Pang GM50074 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50074 cell Chao Pang GM02796 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM02796 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM02795 GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GALACTOSEMIA GM02795 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM02785 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02785 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM50068 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50068 cell Chao Pang GM50065 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50065 cell Chao Pang GM02784 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VII GM02784 cell OMIM: 253220 Chao Pang GM50063 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50063 cell Chao Pang GM02793 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02793 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02790 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM02790 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM02781 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM02781 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM02775 FABRY DISEASE GM02775 cell OMIM: 301500 Chao Pang GM02783 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM02783 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM02782 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM02782 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM50084 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50084 cell Chao Pang GM50085 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50085 cell Chao Pang GM50086 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50086 cell Chao Pang GM50088 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50088 cell Chao Pang GM50089 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50089 cell Chao Pang GM50090 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50090 cell Chao Pang GM02774 FABRY DISEASE GM02774 cell OMIM: 301500 Chao Pang GM02772 FABRY DISEASE GM02772 cell OMIM: 301500 Chao Pang GM02771 FABRY DISEASE GM02771 cell OMIM: 301500 Chao Pang GM50079 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50079 cell Chao Pang GM02770 FABRY DISEASE GM02770 cell OMIM: 301500 Chao Pang GM02769 FABRY DISEASE GM02769 cell OMIM: 301500 Chao Pang GM50077 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50077 cell Chao Pang GM50082 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50082 cell Chao Pang GM02768 CUTIS LAXA GM02768 cell OMIM: 219100 Chao Pang GM50081 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50081 cell Chao Pang GM02767 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY TRISOMY 21 GM02767 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM02766 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02766 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02765 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02765 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02764 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02764 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang DA03118 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03118 cell Chao Pang GM50003 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50003 cell Chao Pang DA03119 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03119 cell Chao Pang GM22236 ISRAELI POPULATIONS GM22236 cell Chao Pang GM22235 ISRAELI POPULATIONS GM22235 cell Chao Pang DA03116 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03116 cell Chao Pang DA03117 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03117 cell Chao Pang GM22234 ISRAELI POPULATIONS GM22234 cell Chao Pang GM22233 ISRAELI POPULATIONS GM22233 cell Chao Pang DA03114 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03114 cell Chao Pang DA03115 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03115 cell Chao Pang GM22232 ISRAELI POPULATIONS GM22232 cell Chao Pang GM22062 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM22062 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang DA03111 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03111 cell Chao Pang GM22032 DELETED IN AZOOSPERMIA; DAZ GM22032 cell OMIM: 400003 Chao Pang DA03113 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03113 cell Chao Pang DA03120 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03120 cell Chao Pang GM50049 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50049 cell Chao Pang DA03121 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03121 cell Chao Pang GM02732 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM02732 cell Chao Pang GM02739 CUTIS LAXA GM02739 cell OMIM: 219100 Chao Pang GM02741 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02741 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM21849 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM21849 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM02742 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE I; CA1 GM02742 cell OMIM: 114800 Chao Pang GM02743 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE I; CA1 GM02743 cell OMIM: 114800 Chao Pang GM02744 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE I; CA1 GM02744 cell OMIM: 114800 Chao Pang GM02745 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE I; CA1 GM02745 cell OMIM: 114800 Chao Pang GM02756 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02756 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM02762 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02762 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02763 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02763 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM50059 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50059 cell Chao Pang DA03102 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03102 cell Chao Pang DA03103 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03103 cell Chao Pang GM50058 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50058 cell Chao Pang DA03104 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03104 cell Chao Pang GM50061 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50061 cell Chao Pang DA03105 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03105 cell Chao Pang GM02730 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM02730 cell Chao Pang GM50060 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50060 cell Chao Pang GM50053 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50053 cell Chao Pang DA03098 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03098 cell Chao Pang GM50052 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50052 cell Chao Pang DA03099 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03099 cell Chao Pang GM50057 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50057 cell Chao Pang DA03101 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03101 cell Chao Pang GM50056 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50056 cell Chao Pang DA03106 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03106 cell Chao Pang DA03107 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03107 cell Chao Pang DA03108 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03108 cell Chao Pang GM02713 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02713 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02716 ANDROGEN RECEPTOR; AR GM02716 cell OMIM: 313700 Chao Pang GM02717 ANDROGEN RECEPTOR; AR GM02717 cell OMIM: 313700 Chao Pang GM02714 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02714 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM50050 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50050 cell Chao Pang GM02715 ANDROGEN RECEPTOR; AR GM02715 cell OMIM: 313700 Chao Pang GM50051 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM50051 cell Chao Pang GM02728 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02728 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02729 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02729 cell Chao Pang GM02718 RETINOBLASTOMA, SPORADIC GM02718 cell Chao Pang GM02719 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM02719 cell Chao Pang DA03137 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03137 cell Chao Pang GM21722 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21722 cell Chao Pang GM21719 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21719 cell Chao Pang DA03138 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03138 cell Chao Pang GM21718 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21718 cell Chao Pang DA03135 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03135 cell Chao Pang DA03136 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03136 cell Chao Pang GM02712 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02712 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM21739 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21739 cell Chao Pang DA03142 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03142 cell Chao Pang GM21738 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21738 cell Chao Pang GM02711 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02711 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang DA03143 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03143 cell Chao Pang DA03140 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03140 cell Chao Pang GM21733 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21733 cell Chao Pang DA03141 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03141 cell Chao Pang GM21723 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21723 cell Chao Pang GM17109 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 GM17109 cell Chao Pang GM21742 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21742 cell Chao Pang GM17108 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 GM17108 cell Chao Pang GM21741 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21741 cell Chao Pang GM21740 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21740 cell Chao Pang ND09220 EPILEPSY ND09220 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM17100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - IBERIANS GM17100 cell Chao Pang GM17101 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17101 cell Chao Pang ND09221 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09221 cell Chao Pang GM17102 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 GM17102 cell Chao Pang ND09222 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09222 cell Chao Pang GM17103 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 GM17103 cell Chao Pang ND09223 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09223 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM17104 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 GM17104 cell Chao Pang GM17105 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 GM17105 cell Chao Pang GM17106 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 GM17106 cell Chao Pang GM17107 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 GM17107 cell Chao Pang ND09228 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09228 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM02706 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02706 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02707 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02707 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang ND09230 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09230 cell Chao Pang GM02708 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02708 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02709 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02709 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang ND09224 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09224 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM02694 TURCOT SYNDROME ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM02694 cell OMIM: 175100 OMIM: 276300 Chao Pang DA03134 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03134 cell Chao Pang DA03133 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03133 cell Chao Pang GM02695 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; NON-LETHAL GM02695 cell Chao Pang ND09225 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09225 cell Chao Pang GM02704 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02704 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang ND09226 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09226 cell Chao Pang ND09227 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09227 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM02705 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02705 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang DA03124 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03124 cell Chao Pang GM21744 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21744 cell Chao Pang GM21743 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21743 cell Chao Pang DA03125 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03125 cell Chao Pang GM21757 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM21757 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03126 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03126 cell Chao Pang DA03127 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03127 cell Chao Pang GM21756 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM21756 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM21774 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21774 cell Chao Pang DA03128 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03128 cell Chao Pang GM02691 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE I; EDS1 GM02691 cell OMIM: 130000 Chao Pang DA03129 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03129 cell Chao Pang GM21768 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21768 cell Chao Pang DA03130 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03130 cell Chao Pang GM21784 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21784 cell Chao Pang GM02690 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM02690 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang DA03131 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03131 cell Chao Pang GM21776 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21776 cell Chao Pang GM02689 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM02689 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM21826 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21826 cell Chao Pang DA03132 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03132 cell Chao Pang GM21825 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21825 cell Chao Pang GM17119 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17119 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang GM17113 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 8 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 GM17113 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang ND09211 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09211 cell Chao Pang GM17114 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 8 GM17114 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang ND09212 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09212 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM17111 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 8 GM17111 cell Chao Pang GM17112 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 GM17112 cell Chao Pang ND09210 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09210 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM17117 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17117 cell Chao Pang GM17118 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17118 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang GM17115 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 8 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 GM17115 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang GM17116 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 GM17116 cell Chao Pang ND09219 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09219 cell Chao Pang GM02687 N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II GM02687 cell OMIM: 252500 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM02688 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM02688 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM02683 ANDROGEN RECEPTOR; AR GM02683 cell OMIM: 313700 Chao Pang ND09217 EPILEPSY ND09217 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM02685 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY GM02685 cell OMIM: 256550 Chao Pang ND09218 EPILEPSY ND09218 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM02681 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM02681 cell Chao Pang ND09215 AVM-RUPTURED ND09215 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND09216 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09216 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM17110 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 8 GM17110 cell Chao Pang GM02682 ANDROGEN RECEPTOR; AR GM02682 cell OMIM: 313700 Chao Pang DA03122 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03122 cell Chao Pang ND09213 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09213 cell Chao Pang GM02680 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02680 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang ND09214 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09214 cell Chao Pang GM02660 MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM02660 cell OMIM: 252500 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM02659 PHENYLKETONURIA GM02659 cell OMIM: 261600 Chao Pang GM02663 PARANA HARD-SKIN SYNDROME GM02663 cell OMIM: 260530 Chao Pang GM02662 MARKER CHROMOSOME GM02662 cell Chao Pang DA05551 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05551 cell Chao Pang GM02658 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02658 cell Chao Pang GM50321 18P- SYNDROME GM50321 cell Chao Pang GM50291 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM50291 cell Chao Pang GM50292 18P- SYNDROME GM50292 cell Chao Pang DA05561 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05561 cell Chao Pang GM50180 CHROMOSOME DELETION 18Q- SYNDROME GM50180 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM02669 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02669 cell Chao Pang DA05557 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05557 cell Chao Pang GM50186 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50186 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang DA05556 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05556 cell Chao Pang DA05560 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05560 cell Chao Pang GM50178 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50178 cell Chao Pang DA05559 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05559 cell Chao Pang DA05553 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05553 cell Chao Pang GM50193 18P- SYNDROME GM50193 cell Chao Pang GM02664 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM02664 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM02665 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02665 cell Chao Pang DA05552 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05552 cell Chao Pang GM50194 CHROMOSOME DELETION CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM50194 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM50189 CHROMOSOME INSERTION GM50189 cell Chao Pang DA05555 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05555 cell Chao Pang GM02667 MULTIPLE SULFATASE DEFICIENCY GM02667 cell OMIM: 272200 Chao Pang DA05554 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05554 cell Chao Pang GM50192 CHROMOSOME DELETION CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM50192 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM02668 CHROMOSOME DELETION TURNER SYNDROME GM02668 cell Chao Pang DA05562 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05562 cell Chao Pang GM02675 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02675 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang DA05563 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05563 cell Chao Pang GM02674 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02674 cell Chao Pang GM02673 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02673 cell Chao Pang GM02672 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE XX MALE SYNDROME GM02672 cell OMIM: 278850 Chao Pang GM02671 XX MALE SYNDROME APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02671 cell OMIM: 278850 Chao Pang GM02670 XX MALE SYNDROME TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM02670 cell OMIM: 278850 Chao Pang GM50173 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50173 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM50174 CHROMOSOME DELETION CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM50174 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM50175 CHROMOSOME DELETION 18Q- SYNDROME GM50175 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM50176 CHROMOSOME DELETION 18Q- SYNDROME GM50176 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang DA05571 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05571 cell Chao Pang DA05570 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05570 cell Chao Pang DA05569 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05569 cell Chao Pang GM50165 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50165 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang DA05568 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05568 cell Chao Pang GM50167 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50167 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM50168 CHROMOSOME DELETION 18Q- SYNDROME GM50168 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang DA05567 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05567 cell Chao Pang GM02678 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02678 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM50170 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM50170 cell Chao Pang DA05566 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05566 cell Chao Pang GM02679 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02679 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02676 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02676 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang DA05565 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05565 cell Chao Pang GM50171 INVERTED CHROMOSOME CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM50171 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM02677 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02677 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM50172 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM50172 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang DA05564 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05564 cell Chao Pang GM02638 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02638 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02637 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02637 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02635 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02635 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02634 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02634 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02641 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02641 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02642 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM02642 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM02639 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02639 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02640 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02640 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02644 MULTIPLE SULFATASE DEFICIENCY GM02644 cell OMIM: 272200 Chao Pang GM02645 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; NON-LETHAL GM02645 cell Chao Pang DA05508 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05508 cell Chao Pang DA05509 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05509 cell Chao Pang DA05510 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05510 cell Chao Pang DA05511 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05511 cell Chao Pang DA05507 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05507 cell Chao Pang DA05516 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05516 cell Chao Pang DA05512 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05512 cell Chao Pang DA05513 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05513 cell Chao Pang DA05514 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05514 cell Chao Pang DA05515 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05515 cell Chao Pang DA05521 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05521 cell Chao Pang DA05522 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05522 cell Chao Pang DA05519 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05519 cell Chao Pang DA05520 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05520 cell Chao Pang DA05517 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05517 cell Chao Pang DA05518 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05518 cell Chao Pang DA05525 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05525 cell Chao Pang DA05526 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05526 cell Chao Pang DA05523 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05523 cell Chao Pang DA05524 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05524 cell Chao Pang DA05527 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05527 cell Chao Pang DA05528 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05528 cell Chao Pang DA05529 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05529 cell Chao Pang DA05530 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05530 cell Chao Pang DA05531 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05531 cell Chao Pang DA05532 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05532 cell Chao Pang DA05533 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05533 cell Chao Pang DA05534 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05534 cell Chao Pang DA05535 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05535 cell Chao Pang DA05537 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05537 cell Chao Pang DA05540 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05540 cell Chao Pang DA05541 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05541 cell Chao Pang DA05538 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05538 cell Chao Pang DA05539 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05539 cell Chao Pang DA05546 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05546 cell Chao Pang DA05547 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05547 cell Chao Pang DA05542 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05542 cell Chao Pang DA05545 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05545 cell Chao Pang DA05548 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05548 cell Chao Pang DA05550 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05550 cell Chao Pang DA05471 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05471 cell Chao Pang GM17132 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 GM17132 cell Chao Pang GM17133 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17133 cell Chao Pang DA05470 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05470 cell Chao Pang DA05469 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05469 cell Chao Pang GM17130 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 GM17130 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang DA05468 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05468 cell Chao Pang GM17131 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 GM17131 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang GM17136 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 GM17136 cell Chao Pang DA05467 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05467 cell Chao Pang GM17137 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 GM17137 cell Chao Pang DA05466 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05466 cell Chao Pang DA05465 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05465 cell Chao Pang GM17134 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17134 cell Chao Pang GM17135 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 GM17135 cell Chao Pang DA05464 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05464 cell Chao Pang DA05463 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05463 cell Chao Pang GM17138 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 GM17138 cell Chao Pang GM17139 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 GM17139 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang ND09232 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09232 cell Chao Pang ND02961 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02961 cell Chao Pang ND02960 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02960 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09231 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09231 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02964 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02964 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02962 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02962 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02966 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND02966 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND02965 EPILEPSY ND02965 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02978 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02978 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02931 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND02931 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02959 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02959 cell Chao Pang ND02958 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02958 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA05480 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05480 cell Chao Pang GM17120 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17120 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang DA05479 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05479 cell Chao Pang DA05485 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05485 cell Chao Pang GM17121 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 GM17121 cell Chao Pang DA05481 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05481 cell Chao Pang GM17122 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 GM17122 cell Chao Pang DA05476 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05476 cell Chao Pang GM17123 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 GM17123 cell Chao Pang DA05475 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05475 cell Chao Pang GM17124 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 GM17124 cell Chao Pang DA05478 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05478 cell Chao Pang GM17125 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17125 cell Chao Pang GM17126 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17126 cell Chao Pang DA05477 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05477 cell Chao Pang GM17127 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17127 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang ND09257 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09257 cell Chao Pang GM17128 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 GM17128 cell Chao Pang ND09258 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND09258 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang GM17129 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - AFRICAN AMERICAN PANEL OF 50 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 GM17129 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang ND09259 EPILEPSY ND09259 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA05474 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05474 cell Chao Pang DA05473 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05473 cell Chao Pang ND09275 EPILEPSY ND09275 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09233 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09233 cell Chao Pang ND09234 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09234 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09235 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09235 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09236 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09236 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02999 EPILEPSY ND02999 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09276 EPILEPSY ND09276 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02998 EPILEPSY ND02998 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02997 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02997 cell Chao Pang ND09285 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09285 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND02996 EPILEPSY ND02996 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09277 EPILEPSY ND09277 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03001 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03001 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03000 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE LEUCINE-RICH REPEAT KINASE2; LRRK2 ND03000 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 609007 Chao Pang DA05472 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05472 cell Chao Pang ND02995 EPILEPSY ND02995 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02989 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02989 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02988 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02988 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02979 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02979 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA05493 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05493 cell Chao Pang DA05492 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05492 cell Chao Pang DA05491 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05491 cell Chao Pang DA05490 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05490 cell Chao Pang DA05496 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05496 cell Chao Pang DA05495 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05495 cell Chao Pang DA05494 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05494 cell Chao Pang ND02858 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02858 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA05488 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05488 cell Chao Pang ND02859 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02859 cell Chao Pang DA05487 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05487 cell Chao Pang DA05486 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05486 cell Chao Pang ND02868 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02868 cell Chao Pang ND02867 EPILEPSY ND02867 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02892 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02892 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02869 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02869 cell Chao Pang ND02862 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND02862 cell Chao Pang ND02861 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02861 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND02864 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND02864 cell Chao Pang ND02863 ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02863 cell OMIM: 102300 OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND02860 CORTICOBASAL DEGENERATION ND02860 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA05502 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05502 cell Chao Pang DA05501 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05501 cell Chao Pang DA05504 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05504 cell Chao Pang DA05503 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05503 cell Chao Pang DA05506 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05506 cell Chao Pang DA05505 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05505 cell Chao Pang DA05498 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05498 cell Chao Pang DA05497 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05497 cell Chao Pang ND02893 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02893 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA05500 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05500 cell Chao Pang DA05499 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05499 cell Chao Pang ND02930 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND02930 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02927 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02927 cell Chao Pang ND02926 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02926 cell Chao Pang ND02925 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND02925 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND02924 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02924 cell Chao Pang ND02921 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02921 cell Chao Pang ND02920 EPILEPSY ND02920 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02919 EPILEPSY ND02919 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02918 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02918 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02916 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02916 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02812 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02812 cell Chao Pang ND02811 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02811 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02815 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND02815 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND02813 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND02813 cell Chao Pang ND02817 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND02817 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang ND02819 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02819 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02820 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02820 cell Chao Pang ND02833 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND02833 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02835 EPILEPSY ND02835 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02836 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02836 cell Chao Pang ND02837 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02837 cell Chao Pang ND02840 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02840 cell Chao Pang ND02839 EPILEPSY ND02839 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02838 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02838 cell Chao Pang ND02852 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02852 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02853 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02853 cell Chao Pang ND02845 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02845 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02849 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02849 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02856 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02856 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02857 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02857 cell Chao Pang ND02854 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02854 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02855 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02855 cell Chao Pang ND02756 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02756 cell Chao Pang ND02755 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02755 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02752 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LEUCINE-RICH REPEAT KINASE2; LRRK2 ND02752 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 609007 Chao Pang ND02751 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02751 cell Chao Pang ND02754 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02754 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02753 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02753 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02759 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02759 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02760 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND02760 cell Chao Pang ND02761 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02761 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02762 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02762 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02757 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02757 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02797 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02797 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02796 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02796 cell Chao Pang ND02795 EPILEPSY ND02795 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02782 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND02782 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02768 EPILEPSY ND02768 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02809 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02809 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02810 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02810 cell Chao Pang ND02807 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02807 cell Chao Pang ND02808 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02808 cell Chao Pang ND02798 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02798 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02801 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02801 cell Chao Pang DA02683 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02683 cell Chao Pang DA02682 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02682 cell Chao Pang DA02690 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02690 cell Chao Pang DA02686 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02686 cell Chao Pang DA02664 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02664 cell Chao Pang DA02663 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02663 cell Chao Pang DA02666 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02666 cell Chao Pang DA02665 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02665 cell Chao Pang DA02672 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02672 cell Chao Pang DA02669 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02669 cell Chao Pang DA02711 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02711 cell Chao Pang DA02710 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02710 cell Chao Pang DA02709 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02709 cell Chao Pang DA02701 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02701 cell Chao Pang DA02700 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02700 cell Chao Pang DA02691 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02691 cell Chao Pang DA02708 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02708 cell Chao Pang DA02707 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02707 cell Chao Pang DA02706 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02706 cell Chao Pang DA02703 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02703 cell Chao Pang DA02629 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02629 cell Chao Pang DA02627 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02627 cell Chao Pang DA02619 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02619 cell Chao Pang DA02617 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02617 cell Chao Pang DA02621 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02621 cell Chao Pang DA02620 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02620 cell Chao Pang DA02601 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02601 cell Chao Pang DA02600 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02600 cell Chao Pang DA02610 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02610 cell Chao Pang DA02605 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02605 cell Chao Pang DA02657 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02657 cell Chao Pang DA02656 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02656 cell Chao Pang DA02655 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02655 cell Chao Pang DA02650 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02650 cell Chao Pang DA02649 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02649 cell Chao Pang DA02648 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02648 cell Chao Pang DA02641 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02641 cell Chao Pang DA02638 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02638 cell Chao Pang DA02637 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02637 cell Chao Pang DA02632 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02632 cell Chao Pang DA02757 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02757 cell Chao Pang DA02756 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02756 cell Chao Pang DA02758 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02758 cell Chao Pang DA02759 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02759 cell Chao Pang DA02760 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02760 cell Chao Pang DA02763 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02763 cell Chao Pang DA02766 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02766 cell Chao Pang DA02772 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02772 cell Chao Pang DA02774 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02774 cell Chao Pang DA02775 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02775 cell Chao Pang DA02780 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02780 cell Chao Pang DA02777 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02777 cell Chao Pang DA02776 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02776 cell Chao Pang DA02783 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02783 cell Chao Pang DA02784 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02784 cell Chao Pang DA02781 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02781 cell Chao Pang DA02782 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02782 cell Chao Pang DA02789 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02789 cell Chao Pang DA02786 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02786 cell Chao Pang DA02787 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02787 cell Chao Pang GM20883 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20883 cell Chao Pang GM20884 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20884 cell Chao Pang GM20885 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20885 cell Chao Pang DA02720 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02720 cell Chao Pang GM20891 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20891 cell Chao Pang GM20890 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20890 cell Chao Pang DA02728 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02728 cell Chao Pang DA02729 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02729 cell Chao Pang GM20892 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20892 cell Chao Pang DA02730 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02730 cell Chao Pang GM20887 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20887 cell Chao Pang DA02712 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02712 cell Chao Pang DA02713 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02713 cell Chao Pang GM20886 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20886 cell Chao Pang DA02716 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02716 cell Chao Pang GM20889 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20889 cell Chao Pang DA02719 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02719 cell Chao Pang GM20888 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20888 cell Chao Pang DA02734 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02734 cell Chao Pang DA02737 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02737 cell Chao Pang GM20872 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20872 cell Chao Pang DA02738 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02738 cell Chao Pang GM20873 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20873 cell Chao Pang DA02750 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02750 cell Chao Pang GM20882 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20882 cell Chao Pang GM20881 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20881 cell Chao Pang DA02751 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02751 cell Chao Pang DA02744 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02744 cell Chao Pang GM20879 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20879 cell Chao Pang GM20878 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20878 cell Chao Pang DA02746 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02746 cell Chao Pang GM20877 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20877 cell Chao Pang DA02741 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02741 cell Chao Pang DA02742 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02742 cell Chao Pang GM20876 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20876 cell Chao Pang GM20875 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20875 cell Chao Pang DA02739 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02739 cell Chao Pang DA02740 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02740 cell Chao Pang GM20874 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20874 cell Chao Pang DA02752 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02752 cell Chao Pang GM20911 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20911 cell Chao Pang GM20912 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 GM20912 cell Chao Pang GM20909 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20909 cell Chao Pang GM20910 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20910 cell Chao Pang GM20915 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM20915 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM20903 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20903 cell Chao Pang GM20908 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20908 cell Chao Pang GM20907 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20907 cell Chao Pang GM20906 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20906 cell Chao Pang GM20904 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20904 cell Chao Pang GM20897 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20897 cell Chao Pang GM20898 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20898 cell Chao Pang GM20899 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20899 cell Chao Pang GM20900 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20900 cell Chao Pang GM20901 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20901 cell Chao Pang GM20902 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20902 cell Chao Pang GM20894 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20894 cell Chao Pang GM20893 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20893 cell Chao Pang GM20896 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20896 cell Chao Pang GM20895 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20895 cell Chao Pang GM20956 PHOSPHOMANNOMUTASE 2; PMM2 CONGENITAL DISORDER OF GLYCOSYLATION, TYPE Ia GM20956 cell OMIM: 212065 OMIM: 601785 Chao Pang GM20950 CONGENITAL DISORDER OF GLYCOSYLATION, TYPE Id ALG3, S. CEREVISIAE, HOMOLOG OF; ALG3 GM20950 cell OMIM: 601110 OMIM: 608750 Chao Pang GM20951 CONGENITAL DISORDER OF GLYCOSYLATION, TYPE Ia GM20951 cell OMIM: 212065 Chao Pang GM20949 CONGENITAL DISORDER OF GLYCOSYLATION, TYPE Ic ALG6, S. CEREVISIAE, HOMOLOG OF GM20949 cell OMIM: 603147 OMIM: 604566 Chao Pang GM20948 CONGENITAL DISORDER OF GLYCOSYLATION, TYPE Ia GM20948 cell OMIM: 212065 Chao Pang GM20947 CONGENITAL DISORDER OF GLYCOSYLATION, TYPE Id ALG3, S. CEREVISIAE, HOMOLOG OF; ALG3 GM20947 cell OMIM: 601110 OMIM: 608750 Chao Pang GM20945 CONGENITAL DISORDER OF GLYCOSYLATION, TYPE Ia PHOSPHOMANNOMUTASE 2; PMM2 GM20945 cell OMIM: 212065 OMIM: 601785 Chao Pang GM20944 CONGENITAL DISORDER OF GLYCOSYLATION, TYPE Ie DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE MANNOSYLTRANSFERASE 1, CATALYTIC SUBUNIT; DPM1 GM20944 cell OMIM: 603503 OMIM: 608799 Chao Pang GM20942 CONGENITAL DISORDER OF GLYCOSYLATION, TYPE Ia PHOSPHOMANNOMUTASE 2; PMM2 GM20942 cell OMIM: 212065 OMIM: 601785 Chao Pang GM20941 DOLICHYL-PHOSPHATE N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE; DPAGT1 CONGENITAL DISORDER OF GLYCOSYLATION, TYPE Ij GM20941 cell OMIM: 191350 OMIM: 608093 Chao Pang GM20932 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM20932 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM20935 HEREDITARY PERSISTENCE OF FETAL HEMOGLOBIN GM20935 cell Chao Pang GM20936 HEREDITARY PERSISTENCE OF FETAL HEMOGLOBIN GM20936 cell Chao Pang GM20937 HEREDITARY PERSISTENCE OF FETAL HEMOGLOBIN APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM20937 cell Chao Pang GM20926 VALOSIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN; VCP INCLUSION BODY MYOPATHY WITH EARLY-ONSET PAGET DISEASE AND FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIA; IBMPFD GM20926 cell OMIM: 167320 OMIM: 601023 Chao Pang GM20925 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM20925 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM20929 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM20929 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM20928 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM20928 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM20924 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM20924 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM20918 PROTEASE INHIBITOR 1; PI GM20918 cell OMIM: 107400 Chao Pang GM21098 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21098 cell Chao Pang GM21080 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM21080 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM21089 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21089 cell Chao Pang GM21090 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21090 cell Chao Pang GM21086 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21086 cell Chao Pang GM21088 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21088 cell Chao Pang GM21094 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21094 cell Chao Pang GM21097 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21097 cell Chao Pang GM21091 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21091 cell Chao Pang GM21092 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21092 cell Chao Pang GM21079 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM21079 cell Chao Pang GM21078 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM21078 cell Chao Pang GM20958 MANNOSE-P-DOLICHOL UTILIZATION DEFECT 1; MPDU1 CONGENITAL DISORDER OF GLYCOSYLATION, TYPE If GM20958 cell OMIM: 604041 OMIM: 609180 Chao Pang GM21069 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM21069 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM21071 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 GM21071 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang GM21072 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 GM21072 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang GM21073 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM21073 cell Chao Pang GM21074 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM21074 cell Chao Pang GM21075 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM21075 cell Chao Pang GM21077 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM21077 cell Chao Pang GM21110 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21110 cell Chao Pang GM21111 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21111 cell Chao Pang GM21109 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21109 cell Chao Pang GM21119 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21119 cell Chao Pang GM21117 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21117 cell Chao Pang GM21118 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21118 cell Chao Pang GM21115 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21115 cell Chao Pang GM21116 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21116 cell Chao Pang GM21112 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21112 cell Chao Pang GM21113 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21113 cell Chao Pang GM21099 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21099 cell Chao Pang GM21100 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21100 cell Chao Pang GM21105 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21105 cell Chao Pang GM21106 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21106 cell Chao Pang GM21107 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21107 cell Chao Pang GM21108 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21108 cell Chao Pang GM21101 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21101 cell Chao Pang GM21102 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21102 cell Chao Pang GM21103 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21103 cell Chao Pang GM21104 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21104 cell Chao Pang GM18103 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18103 cell Chao Pang GM18105 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18105 cell Chao Pang GM18106 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18106 cell Chao Pang GM18107 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18107 cell Chao Pang GM18099 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18099 cell Chao Pang GM18100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18100 cell Chao Pang GM18101 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18101 cell Chao Pang GM18102 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18102 cell Chao Pang GM18108 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18108 cell Chao Pang GM18109 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18109 cell Chao Pang GM18110 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18110 cell Chao Pang GM18120 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18120 cell Chao Pang GM18122 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18122 cell Chao Pang GM18117 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18117 cell Chao Pang GM18118 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18118 cell Chao Pang GM18114 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18114 cell Chao Pang GM18115 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18115 cell Chao Pang GM18111 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18111 cell Chao Pang GM18112 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18112 cell Chao Pang GM18124 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18124 cell Chao Pang GM03658 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03658 cell Chao Pang GM03659 MENKES SYNDROME GM03659 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM03665 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA - 229300 OR 136600 GM03665 cell OMIM: 136600 Chao Pang GM03652 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03652 cell Chao Pang GM03654 BRUTON AGAMMAGLOBULINEMIA TYROSINE KINASE; BTK GM03654 cell OMIM: 300300 Chao Pang GM03655 BOS GM03655 cell Chao Pang GM03657 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03657 cell Chao Pang GM03648 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03648 cell Chao Pang GM03650 DYSKERATOSIS CONGENITA; DKC GM03650 cell OMIM: 305000 Chao Pang GM03651 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03651 cell Chao Pang ND02066 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02066 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02067 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02067 cell Chao Pang ND02064 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02064 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02065 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02065 cell Chao Pang ND02062 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02062 cell Chao Pang ND02063 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02063 cell Chao Pang ND02060 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02060 cell Chao Pang GM03704 HYBRIDOMA GM03704 cell Chao Pang GM03714 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03714 cell Chao Pang GM03705 HYBRIDOMA GM03705 cell Chao Pang GM03716 TRISOMY 21 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM03716 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM03715 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03715 cell Chao Pang ND02059 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02059 cell Chao Pang GM03720 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM03720 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang GM03719 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE IB GM03719 cell OMIM: 232220 Chao Pang ND02052 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02052 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM03722 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM03722 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang ND02051 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02051 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM03721 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM03721 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang ND02039 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02039 cell Chao Pang GM03723 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM03723 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang ND02013 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02013 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02014 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02014 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02037 EPILEPSY ND02037 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02038 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02038 cell Chao Pang ND02010 EPILEPSY ND02010 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02011 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02011 cell Chao Pang GM03673 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM03673 cell Chao Pang GM03672 LEIGH SYNDROME GM03672 cell OMIM: 256000 Chao Pang GM03671 LYMPHOSARCOMA ACUTE LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA GM03671 cell Chao Pang GM03666 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM03666 cell Chao Pang GM03696 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA PROTEIN KINASE; DMPK DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM03696 cell OMIM: 160900 OMIM: 605377 Chao Pang GM03691 TAY-SACHS DISEASE, AB VARIANT GM03691 cell OMIM: 272750 Chao Pang GM03689 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03689 cell Chao Pang GM03685 N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB MUCOLIPIDOSIS IIIA GM03685 cell OMIM: 252600 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM03700 MENKES SYNDROME GM03700 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM03697 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA PROTEIN KINASE; DMPK DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM03697 cell OMIM: 160900 OMIM: 605377 Chao Pang ND02128 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02128 cell Chao Pang ND02136 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02136 cell Chao Pang GM03759 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA PROTEIN KINASE; DMPK DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM03759 cell OMIM: 160900 OMIM: 605377 Chao Pang ND02137 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02137 cell Chao Pang ND02134 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02134 cell Chao Pang GM03767 18P- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03767 cell Chao Pang GM03769 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM03769 cell Chao Pang ND02135 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02135 cell Chao Pang ND02141 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02141 cell Chao Pang ND02142 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02142 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02138 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02138 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02140 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02140 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03780 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM03780 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM03774 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC TURNER SYNDROME GM03774 cell Chao Pang ND02127 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02127 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM03781 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM03781 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang ND02126 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02126 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM03771 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM03771 cell OMIM: 272800 Chao Pang GM03770 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA GM03770 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM03773 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM03773 cell OMIM: 272800 Chao Pang GM03772 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM03772 cell OMIM: 272800 Chao Pang ND02082 EPILEPSY ND02082 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM03724 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM03724 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang ND02083 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02083 cell Chao Pang GM03725 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM03725 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang ND02110 EPILEPSY ND02110 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02111 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02111 cell Chao Pang ND02112 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02112 cell Chao Pang ND02114 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02114 cell Chao Pang ND02120 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02120 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02121 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02121 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03756 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA PROTEIN KINASE; DMPK DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 5,10-@METHYLENETETRAHYDROFOLATE REDUCTASE; MTHFR GM03756 cell OMIM: 160900 OMIM: 605377 OMIM: 607093 Chao Pang ND02075 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02075 cell Chao Pang GM03748 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03748 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND02074 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02074 cell Chao Pang GM03747 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03747 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03746 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03746 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND02077 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02077 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03745 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03745 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03733 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03733 cell Chao Pang GM03728 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME CENTRAL CORE DISEASE OF MUSCLE GM03728 cell OMIM: 117000 Chao Pang GM03726 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM03726 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang GM03815 SPINAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY I; SMA1 GM03815 cell OMIM: 253300 Chao Pang GM18025 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18025 cell Chao Pang GM18026 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18026 cell Chao Pang GM03816 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM03816 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM03813 SPINAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY I; SMA1 GM03813 cell OMIM: 253300 Chao Pang GM18023 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18023 cell Chao Pang GM03814 SPINAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY I; SMA1 GM03814 cell OMIM: 253300 Chao Pang GM18024 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18024 cell Chao Pang GM18021 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18021 cell Chao Pang DA02593 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02593 cell Chao Pang GM18022 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18022 cell Chao Pang DA02583 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02583 cell Chao Pang GM03823 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03823 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang DA02597 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02597 cell Chao Pang GM18019 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18019 cell Chao Pang GM18020 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18020 cell Chao Pang DA02596 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02596 cell Chao Pang DA02579 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02579 cell Chao Pang ND02186 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02186 cell Chao Pang GM03799 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03799 cell Chao Pang DA02580 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02580 cell Chao Pang ND02185 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02185 cell Chao Pang DA02581 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02581 cell Chao Pang DA02582 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02582 cell Chao Pang ND02187 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02187 cell Chao Pang GM03811 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03811 cell Chao Pang ND02182 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02182 cell Chao Pang ND02181 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02181 cell Chao Pang GM03810 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03810 cell Chao Pang DA02577 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02577 cell Chao Pang ND02184 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02184 cell Chao Pang GM03809 WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 GM03809 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang DA02578 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02578 cell Chao Pang ND02183 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02183 cell Chao Pang GM03808 WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03808 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang ND02172 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02172 cell Chao Pang ND02180 EPILEPSY ND02180 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02173 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02173 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM18029 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18029 cell Chao Pang GM03786 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03786 cell Chao Pang GM18034 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18034 cell Chao Pang GM03790 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03790 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM18035 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18035 cell Chao Pang GM03793 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03793 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM18036 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18036 cell Chao Pang GM18037 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18037 cell Chao Pang GM03794 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03794 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA02572 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02572 cell Chao Pang GM18030 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18030 cell Chao Pang DA02569 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02569 cell Chao Pang GM03797 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03797 cell Chao Pang GM03798 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03798 cell Chao Pang DA02568 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02568 cell Chao Pang GM18031 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18031 cell Chao Pang GM18032 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18032 cell Chao Pang DA02567 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02567 cell Chao Pang ND02143 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02143 cell Chao Pang DA02566 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02566 cell Chao Pang GM18033 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18033 cell Chao Pang ND02171 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02171 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA02564 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02564 cell Chao Pang ND02164 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02164 cell Chao Pang DA02565 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02565 cell Chao Pang DA02562 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02562 cell Chao Pang ND02163 EPILEPSY ND02163 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02161 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02161 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA02563 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02563 cell Chao Pang GM18028 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18028 cell Chao Pang GM03783 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM03783 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang ND02160 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND02160 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM18027 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18027 cell Chao Pang DA02561 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02561 cell Chao Pang ND02155 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02155 cell Chao Pang GM03782 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM03782 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM03785 MACULAR DYSTROPHY, RETINAL, 1, NORTH CAROLINA TYPE; MCDR1 GM03785 cell OMIM: 136550 Chao Pang ND02148 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02148 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM03784 MACULAR DYSTROPHY, RETINAL, 1, NORTH CAROLINA TYPE; MCDR1 GM03784 cell OMIM: 136550 Chao Pang ND02146 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02146 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02145 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02145 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02144 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02144 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM18039 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18039 cell Chao Pang GM18040 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18040 cell Chao Pang GM18043 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18043 cell Chao Pang DA02546 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02546 cell Chao Pang DA02545 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02545 cell Chao Pang GM18044 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18044 cell Chao Pang GM18041 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18041 cell Chao Pang DA02557 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02557 cell Chao Pang DA02556 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02556 cell Chao Pang GM18042 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18042 cell Chao Pang GM03857 LEBER OPTIC ATROPHY GM03857 cell OMIM: 535000 Chao Pang DA02559 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02559 cell Chao Pang GM18047 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18047 cell Chao Pang DA02558 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02558 cell Chao Pang GM18048 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18048 cell Chao Pang GM18045 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18045 cell Chao Pang GM03853 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM03853 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM18046 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18046 cell Chao Pang GM03854 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM03854 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang ND02214 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND02214 cell Chao Pang GM03852 AMAUROSIS CONGENITA OF LEBER; TYPE I OR II - 204000 OR 204100 GM03852 cell OMIM: 204000 Chao Pang GM03851 AMAUROSIS CONGENITA OF LEBER; TYPE I OR II - 204000 OR 204100 GM03851 cell OMIM: 204000 Chao Pang ND02213 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02213 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03850 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM03850 cell Chao Pang ND02216 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02216 cell Chao Pang GM03847 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03847 cell Chao Pang ND02215 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02215 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM18038 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18038 cell Chao Pang GM03838 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03838 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang DA02536 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02536 cell Chao Pang DA02537 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02537 cell Chao Pang GM03837 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03837 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang ND02217 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02217 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA02543 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02543 cell Chao Pang GM03836 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03836 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang DA02544 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02544 cell Chao Pang ND02207 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND02207 cell Chao Pang ND02210 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02210 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02208 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02208 cell Chao Pang ND02212 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02212 cell Chao Pang ND02211 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND02211 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang GM18049 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18049 cell Chao Pang GM18050 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18050 cell Chao Pang GM18051 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18051 cell Chao Pang GM18052 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18052 cell Chao Pang DA02524 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02524 cell Chao Pang DA02523 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02523 cell Chao Pang GM18053 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18053 cell Chao Pang DA02522 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02522 cell Chao Pang GM18054 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18054 cell Chao Pang GM18055 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18055 cell Chao Pang DA02519 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02519 cell Chao Pang GM03832 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03832 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM18056 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18056 cell Chao Pang DA02535 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02535 cell Chao Pang GM03833 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03833 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM18057 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18057 cell Chao Pang DA02526 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02526 cell Chao Pang GM03834 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03834 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM18058 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18058 cell Chao Pang GM03835 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03835 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang DA02525 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02525 cell Chao Pang GM03827 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03827 cell Chao Pang ND02204 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND02204 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND02203 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02203 cell Chao Pang GM03826 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03826 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM03831 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03831 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang ND02201 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND02201 cell Chao Pang GM03828 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03828 cell Chao Pang ND02200 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02200 cell Chao Pang DA02517 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02517 cell Chao Pang DA02518 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02518 cell Chao Pang ND02206 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02206 cell Chao Pang GM03825 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03825 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang DA02516 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02516 cell Chao Pang GM03824 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03824 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang ND02205 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02205 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02199 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02199 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02190 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02190 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02189 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02189 cell Chao Pang ND02188 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02188 cell Chao Pang GM18068 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18068 cell Chao Pang GM18067 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18067 cell Chao Pang GM18066 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18066 cell Chao Pang GM18065 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18065 cell Chao Pang GM18064 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18064 cell Chao Pang GM18063 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18063 cell Chao Pang GM18062 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18062 cell Chao Pang GM18061 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18061 cell Chao Pang GM18060 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18060 cell Chao Pang GM18059 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18059 cell Chao Pang ND02256 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND02256 cell Chao Pang ND02257 CORTICOBASAL DEGENERATION ND02257 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02258 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02258 cell Chao Pang ND02261 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND02261 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang ND02253 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02253 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02254 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02254 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02255 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02255 cell Chao Pang ND02262 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02262 cell Chao Pang ND02263 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02263 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02264 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02264 cell Chao Pang GM03867 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03867 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03866 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03866 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM18078 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18078 cell Chao Pang GM18075 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18075 cell Chao Pang GM18074 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18074 cell Chao Pang GM18077 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18077 cell Chao Pang GM18076 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18076 cell Chao Pang GM18071 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18071 cell Chao Pang GM18070 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18070 cell Chao Pang GM18073 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18073 cell Chao Pang GM18072 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18072 cell Chao Pang GM18069 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18069 cell Chao Pang ND02222 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02222 cell Chao Pang ND02224 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02224 cell Chao Pang ND02220 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02220 cell Chao Pang ND02221 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02221 cell Chao Pang ND02218 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02218 cell Chao Pang ND02219 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02219 cell Chao Pang GM03858 LEBER OPTIC ATROPHY GM03858 cell OMIM: 535000 Chao Pang GM03859 ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE, LIVER; ALPL HYPOPHOSPHATASIA, INFANTILE GM03859 cell OMIM: 171760 OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM03860 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03860 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03861 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03861 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03862 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03862 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND02249 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND02249 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02251 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02251 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM03863 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03863 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03864 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03864 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND02225 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02225 cell Chao Pang GM03865 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03865 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND02227 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02227 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM18088 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18088 cell Chao Pang GM18087 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18087 cell Chao Pang GM18086 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18086 cell Chao Pang GM18085 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18085 cell Chao Pang GM18080 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18080 cell Chao Pang GM18079 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18079 cell Chao Pang GM18084 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18084 cell Chao Pang GM18083 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18083 cell Chao Pang GM18082 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18082 cell Chao Pang GM18081 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18081 cell Chao Pang GM18097 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18097 cell Chao Pang GM18096 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18096 cell Chao Pang GM18098 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18098 cell Chao Pang GM18089 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18089 cell Chao Pang GM18091 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18091 cell Chao Pang GM18090 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18090 cell Chao Pang GM18093 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18093 cell Chao Pang GM18092 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18092 cell Chao Pang GM18095 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18095 cell Chao Pang GM18094 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18094 cell Chao Pang DA02840 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02840 cell Chao Pang DA02839 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02839 cell Chao Pang DA02842 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02842 cell Chao Pang DA02841 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02841 cell Chao Pang DA02838 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02838 cell Chao Pang DA02847 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02847 cell Chao Pang DA02844 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02844 cell Chao Pang DA02843 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02843 cell Chao Pang DA02846 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02846 cell Chao Pang DA02845 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02845 cell Chao Pang DA02853 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02853 cell Chao Pang DA02852 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02852 cell Chao Pang DA02851 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02851 cell Chao Pang DA02850 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02850 cell Chao Pang DA02849 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02849 cell Chao Pang DA02848 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02848 cell Chao Pang DA02858 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02858 cell Chao Pang DA02857 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02857 cell Chao Pang DA02856 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02856 cell Chao Pang DA02854 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02854 cell Chao Pang DA02859 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02859 cell Chao Pang DA02862 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02862 cell Chao Pang DA02861 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02861 cell Chao Pang DA02864 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02864 cell Chao Pang DA02863 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02863 cell Chao Pang DA02866 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02866 cell Chao Pang DA02865 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02865 cell Chao Pang DA02868 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02868 cell Chao Pang DA02867 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02867 cell Chao Pang DA02869 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02869 cell Chao Pang DA02875 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02875 cell Chao Pang DA02874 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02874 cell Chao Pang DA02873 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02873 cell Chao Pang DA02870 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02870 cell Chao Pang DA02879 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02879 cell Chao Pang DA02878 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02878 cell Chao Pang DA02877 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02877 cell Chao Pang DA02876 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02876 cell Chao Pang DA02881 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02881 cell Chao Pang DA02880 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02880 cell Chao Pang GM21307 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21307 cell Chao Pang GM21308 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21308 cell Chao Pang DA02882 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02882 cell Chao Pang GM21309 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21309 cell Chao Pang GM21310 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21310 cell Chao Pang DA02892 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02892 cell Chao Pang DA02887 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02887 cell Chao Pang GM21317 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21317 cell Chao Pang DA02889 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02889 cell Chao Pang GM21316 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21316 cell Chao Pang DA02890 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02890 cell Chao Pang DA02891 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02891 cell Chao Pang GM21312 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21312 cell Chao Pang DA02883 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02883 cell Chao Pang DA02884 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02884 cell Chao Pang GM21311 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21311 cell Chao Pang DA02885 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02885 cell Chao Pang GM21314 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21314 cell Chao Pang GM21313 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21313 cell Chao Pang DA02886 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02886 cell Chao Pang GM21262 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY WITH BETA-GALACTOSIDASE DEFICIENCY GM21262 cell OMIM: 256540 Chao Pang DA02894 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02894 cell Chao Pang GM21285 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM21285 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang DA02893 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02893 cell Chao Pang GM21261 ROKITANSKY-KUSTER-HAUSER SYNDROME UROGENITAL ADYSPLASIA, HEREDITARY GM21261 cell OMIM: 191830 OMIM: 277000 Chao Pang DA02901 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02901 cell Chao Pang DA02902 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02902 cell Chao Pang GM21306 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21306 cell Chao Pang DA02899 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02899 cell Chao Pang GM21303 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21303 cell Chao Pang DA02900 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02900 cell Chao Pang GM21302 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21302 cell Chao Pang GM21301 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21301 cell Chao Pang DA02897 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02897 cell Chao Pang DA02898 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02898 cell Chao Pang GM21300 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21300 cell Chao Pang GM21297 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21297 cell Chao Pang DA02895 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02895 cell Chao Pang DA02896 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02896 cell Chao Pang GM21295 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21295 cell Chao Pang DA02903 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02903 cell Chao Pang DA02906 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02906 cell Chao Pang GM21137 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21137 cell Chao Pang GM21141 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21141 cell Chao Pang DA02905 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02905 cell Chao Pang GM21143 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21143 cell Chao Pang DA02907 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02907 cell Chao Pang GM21142 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21142 cell Chao Pang DA02908 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02908 cell Chao Pang GM21148 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB GM21148 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang DA02909 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02909 cell Chao Pang GM21144 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21144 cell Chao Pang DA02910 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02910 cell Chao Pang DA02911 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02911 cell Chao Pang GM21150 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB GM21150 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang GM21149 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 GM21149 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang DA02912 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02912 cell Chao Pang DA02913 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02913 cell Chao Pang GM21192 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF ACYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN; ACADM GM21192 cell OMIM: 201450 OMIM: 607008 Chao Pang GM21153 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB GM21153 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang DA02917 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02917 cell Chao Pang DA02916 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02916 cell Chao Pang GM21120 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21120 cell Chao Pang DA02915 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02915 cell Chao Pang DA02914 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02914 cell Chao Pang GM21135 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21135 cell Chao Pang GM21125 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21125 cell Chao Pang DA02920 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02920 cell Chao Pang DA02921 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02921 cell Chao Pang GM21123 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21123 cell Chao Pang DA02918 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02918 cell Chao Pang GM21122 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21122 cell Chao Pang GM21121 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21121 cell Chao Pang DA02919 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02919 cell Chao Pang GM21133 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21133 cell Chao Pang GM21130 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21130 cell Chao Pang GM21128 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21128 cell Chao Pang DA02922 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02922 cell Chao Pang GM21127 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM21127 cell Chao Pang DA02923 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02923 cell Chao Pang GM21401 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21401 cell Chao Pang GM21402 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21402 cell Chao Pang GM21400 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21400 cell Chao Pang GM21399 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21399 cell Chao Pang GM21391 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21391 cell Chao Pang GM21390 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21390 cell Chao Pang GM21389 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21389 cell Chao Pang GM21388 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21388 cell Chao Pang GM21387 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21387 cell Chao Pang GM21386 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21386 cell Chao Pang GM21383 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21383 cell Chao Pang GM21384 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21384 cell Chao Pang GM21385 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21385 cell Chao Pang GM21379 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21379 cell Chao Pang GM21378 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21378 cell Chao Pang GM21382 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21382 cell Chao Pang GM21381 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21381 cell Chao Pang GM21368 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21368 cell Chao Pang GM21371 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21371 cell Chao Pang GM21370 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21370 cell Chao Pang GM21366 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21366 cell Chao Pang GM21367 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21367 cell Chao Pang GM21364 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21364 cell Chao Pang GM21365 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21365 cell Chao Pang GM21359 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21359 cell Chao Pang GM21357 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21357 cell Chao Pang GM21363 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21363 cell Chao Pang GM21362 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21362 cell Chao Pang GM21361 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21361 cell Chao Pang GM21360 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21360 cell Chao Pang GM21344 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21344 cell Chao Pang GM21352 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21352 cell Chao Pang GM21353 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21353 cell Chao Pang GM21355 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21355 cell Chao Pang GM21356 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21356 cell Chao Pang GM21318 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21318 cell Chao Pang GM21333 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21333 cell Chao Pang GM21320 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21320 cell Chao Pang GM21339 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21339 cell Chao Pang GM21336 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21336 cell Chao Pang GM04194 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04194 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04193 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04193 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04192 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04192 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04191 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM04191 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04195 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04195 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04180 PTERYGIUM OF CONJUNCTIVA AND CORNEA GM04180 cell OMIM: 178000 Chao Pang GM04190 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM04190 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04189 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM04189 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04188 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM04188 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04181 PTERYGIUM OF CONJUNCTIVA AND CORNEA GM04181 cell OMIM: 178000 Chao Pang DA02821 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02821 cell Chao Pang DA02822 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02822 cell Chao Pang DA02819 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02819 cell Chao Pang DA02820 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02820 cell Chao Pang DA02826 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02826 cell Chao Pang DA02823 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02823 cell Chao Pang DA02824 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02824 cell Chao Pang DA02817 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02817 cell Chao Pang DA02818 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02818 cell Chao Pang DA02816 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02816 cell Chao Pang GM21434 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21434 cell Chao Pang GM21435 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21435 cell Chao Pang GM21425 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21425 cell Chao Pang GM21426 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM21426 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM21439 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21439 cell Chao Pang GM21440 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) GM21440 cell Chao Pang GM21436 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21436 cell Chao Pang GM21438 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21438 cell Chao Pang GM21423 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21423 cell Chao Pang GM21424 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21424 cell Chao Pang DA02831 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02831 cell Chao Pang DA02832 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02832 cell Chao Pang DA02833 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02833 cell Chao Pang DA02835 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02835 cell Chao Pang DA02836 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02836 cell Chao Pang DA02837 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02837 cell Chao Pang GM21421 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21421 cell Chao Pang DA02827 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02827 cell Chao Pang DA02828 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02828 cell Chao Pang DA02829 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02829 cell Chao Pang DA02830 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02830 cell Chao Pang GM21404 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21404 cell Chao Pang GM21405 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21405 cell Chao Pang GM21408 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21408 cell Chao Pang GM21414 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21414 cell Chao Pang GM21415 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21415 cell Chao Pang GM21417 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21417 cell Chao Pang GM21418 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21418 cell Chao Pang GM21420 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA (PLATE II) GM21420 cell Chao Pang GM21403 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - MAASAI IN KINYAWA, KENYA GM21403 cell Chao Pang GM17998 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17998 cell Chao Pang ND02290 EPILEPSY ND02290 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02289 EPILEPSY ND02289 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02294 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02294 cell Chao Pang ND02293 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02293 cell Chao Pang ND02292 EPILEPSY ND02292 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02291 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02291 cell Chao Pang GM18008 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18008 cell Chao Pang ND02281 EPILEPSY ND02281 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM03903 NEUROPATHY, CONGENITAL SENSORY, WITH ANHIDROSIS GM03903 cell OMIM: 256800 Chao Pang GM03904 NEUROPATHY, CONGENITAL SENSORY, WITH ANHIDROSIS GM03904 cell OMIM: 256800 Chao Pang ND02287 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02287 cell Chao Pang GM03905 BOVINE ENDOTHELIAL CELL CULTURES GM03905 cell Chao Pang ND02272 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE ND02272 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM03906 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03906 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang ND02280 EPILEPSY ND02280 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM03896 REFSUM DISEASE GM03896 cell OMIM: 266500 Chao Pang GM03897 REFSUM DISEASE GM03897 cell OMIM: 266500 Chao Pang GM03900 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03900 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang ND02288 EPILEPSY ND02288 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM03901 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03901 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM17999 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17999 cell Chao Pang GM18001 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 GM18001 cell Chao Pang GM18002 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18002 cell Chao Pang GM18003 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18003 cell Chao Pang GM03907 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03907 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM18004 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18004 cell Chao Pang GM03910 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03910 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM18005 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18005 cell Chao Pang GM18006 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18006 cell Chao Pang GM18007 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18007 cell Chao Pang GM18010 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18010 cell Chao Pang GM18009 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18009 cell Chao Pang ND02265 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02265 cell Chao Pang ND02268 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02268 cell Chao Pang ND02266 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02266 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02270 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND02270 cell Chao Pang ND02269 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02269 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM03890 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM03890 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM03891 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM03891 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM03887 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03887 cell Chao Pang GM03889 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM03889 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM03884 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME KLIPPEL-FEIL SYNDROME; KFS; KFM CERVICAL VERTEBRAL FUSION, TYPE II, INCLUDED GM03884 cell OMIM: 148900 Chao Pang GM03886 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03886 cell Chao Pang GM03883 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM03883 cell Chao Pang GM18013 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18013 cell Chao Pang GM18014 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18014 cell Chao Pang GM18011 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18011 cell Chao Pang GM18012 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18012 cell Chao Pang GM03894 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03894 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM18017 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18017 cell Chao Pang GM18018 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18018 cell Chao Pang GM18015 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18015 cell Chao Pang GM03892 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM03892 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM03893 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03893 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM18016 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 100 (SET 2) GM18016 cell Chao Pang GM03868 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03868 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03869 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03869 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM17983 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17983 cell Chao Pang GM03870 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03870 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM17986 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17986 cell Chao Pang GM03871 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03871 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03872 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03872 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM17987 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17987 cell Chao Pang GM03873 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03873 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03876 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03876 cell Chao Pang GM17979 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17979 cell Chao Pang GM17980 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17980 cell Chao Pang GM03877 PYROGLUTAMICACIDURIA GM03877 cell OMIM: 266130 Chao Pang GM03878 PYROGLUTAMICACIDURIA GM03878 cell OMIM: 266130 Chao Pang GM17981 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17981 cell Chao Pang GM17982 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17982 cell Chao Pang GM03882 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03882 cell Chao Pang GM17975 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17975 cell Chao Pang GM17976 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17976 cell Chao Pang GM17977 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17977 cell Chao Pang GM17996 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17996 cell Chao Pang GM17997 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17997 cell Chao Pang GM17994 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17994 cell Chao Pang GM17995 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17995 cell Chao Pang GM17992 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17992 cell Chao Pang GM17993 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17993 cell Chao Pang GM17990 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17990 cell Chao Pang GM17991 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17991 cell Chao Pang GM17988 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17988 cell Chao Pang GM17989 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17989 cell Chao Pang ND02363 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02363 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM03978 CANIS GM03978 cell Chao Pang GM03986 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA PROTEIN KINASE; DMPK DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM03986 cell OMIM: 160900 OMIM: 605377 Chao Pang ND02364 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02364 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM03987 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA PROTEIN KINASE; DMPK GM03987 cell OMIM: 160900 OMIM: 605377 Chao Pang ND02361 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02361 cell Chao Pang ND02362 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02362 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM03989 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA PROTEIN KINASE; DMPK GM03989 cell OMIM: 160900 OMIM: 605377 Chao Pang ND02372 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02372 cell Chao Pang ND02373 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02373 cell Chao Pang ND02365 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02365 cell Chao Pang ND02371 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02371 cell Chao Pang ND02359 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02359 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02360 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND02360 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM04012 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04012 cell Chao Pang GM03999 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03999 cell Chao Pang ND02357 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02357 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03991 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA PROTEIN KINASE; DMPK GM03991 cell OMIM: 160900 OMIM: 605377 Chao Pang GM03990 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA PROTEIN KINASE; DMPK GM03990 cell OMIM: 160900 OMIM: 605377 Chao Pang GM03998 APOLIPOPROTEIN C-II DEFICIENCY, TYPE I HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA DUE TO GM03998 cell OMIM: 207750 Chao Pang GM03997 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM03997 cell Chao Pang ND02333 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02333 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM03950 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03950 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM03951 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03951 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang ND02336 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02336 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02337 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02337 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02340 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02340 cell Chao Pang GM03949 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03949 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang ND02341 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02341 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02354 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02354 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02355 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02355 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02356 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02356 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02332 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02332 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02331 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02331 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02327 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02327 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03958 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM03958 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM03957 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03957 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM03956 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03956 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM03955 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03955 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM03954 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03954 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM03953 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03953 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM03952 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03952 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang ND02325 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02325 cell Chao Pang ND02326 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02326 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02323 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02323 cell Chao Pang ND02324 CORTICOBASAL DEGENERATION ND02324 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02321 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02321 cell Chao Pang ND02322 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02322 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02319 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02319 cell Chao Pang GM03935 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM03935 cell Chao Pang GM03940 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03940 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang ND02320 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02320 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03942 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03942 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM03941 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03941 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM03944 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03944 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM03943 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03943 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM03946 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03946 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang ND02318 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02318 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03945 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03945 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang ND02316 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02316 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM03948 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03948 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang ND02315 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02315 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM03947 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03947 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang ND02311 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02311 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02312 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02312 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02313 PARKINSONISM, OTHER DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND02313 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND02314 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02314 cell Chao Pang ND02299 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02299 cell Chao Pang GM03911 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM03911 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang ND02309 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02309 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02310 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02310 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03933 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM03933 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM03923 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03923 cell Chao Pang GM03918 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03918 cell Chao Pang GM03913 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY SC PHOCOMELIA SYNDROME GM03913 cell OMIM: 269000 Chao Pang GM03912 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM03912 cell Chao Pang ND02296 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND02296 cell Chao Pang GM03932 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, LIMB-GIRDLE, TYPE 2; LGMD2 GM03932 cell OMIM: 253600 Chao Pang ND02295 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02295 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03931 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, LIMB-GIRDLE, TYPE 2; LGMD2 GM03931 cell OMIM: 253600 Chao Pang ND02298 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND02298 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03929 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM03929 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang ND02297 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02297 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03928 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03928 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM17885 CYSTINOSIN; CTNS CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS GM17885 cell OMIM: 219800 OMIM: 606272 Chao Pang DA02812 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02812 cell Chao Pang DA02811 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02811 cell Chao Pang GM17886 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS CYSTINOSIN; CTNS GM17886 cell OMIM: 219800 OMIM: 606272 Chao Pang GM17881 HERMANSKY-PUDLAK SYNDROME; HPS HERMANSKY-PUDLAK SYNDROME GENE 6 GM17881 cell OMIM: 203300 OMIM: 607522 Chao Pang DA02814 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02814 cell Chao Pang GM17883 XXY SYNDROME; KLINEFELTER SYNDROME ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM17883 cell Chao Pang DA02813 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02813 cell Chao Pang GM17894 NORMAL CHROMOSOMAL POLYMORPHISM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM17894 cell Chao Pang DA02815 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02815 cell Chao Pang GM17895 FRONTONASAL DYSPLASIA GM17895 cell OMIM: 136760 Chao Pang GM17888 CYSTINOSIS, ADULT NONNEPHROPATHIC CYSTINOSIN; CTNS GM17888 cell OMIM: 219750 OMIM: 606272 Chao Pang GM17890 ADAPTOR-RELATED PROTEIN COMPLEX 3, BETA-1 SUBUNIT; AP3B1 HERMANSKY-PUDLAK SYNDROME 2; HPS2 GM17890 cell OMIM: 603401 OMIM: 608233 Chao Pang GM17880 METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM17880 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang ND02421 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02421 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02420 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02420 cell Chao Pang ND02424 CORTICOBASAL DEGENERATION ND02424 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02422 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND02422 cell Chao Pang ND02426 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02426 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02425 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02425 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02433 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02433 cell Chao Pang ND02432 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02432 cell Chao Pang ND02441 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02441 cell Chao Pang DA02806 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02806 cell Chao Pang ND02435 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND02435 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA02807 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02807 cell Chao Pang DA02808 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02808 cell Chao Pang DA02809 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02809 cell Chao Pang DA02810 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02810 cell Chao Pang GM17903 APERT SYNDROME GM17903 cell OMIM: 101200 Chao Pang DA02803 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02803 cell Chao Pang GM17906 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC XXY SYNDROME; KLINEFELTER SYNDROME GM17906 cell Chao Pang DA02799 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02799 cell Chao Pang GM17908 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC XXY SYNDROME; KLINEFELTER SYNDROME GM17908 cell Chao Pang DA02798 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02798 cell Chao Pang GM17910 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C2 NPC2 GENE; NPC2 GM17910 cell OMIM: 601015 OMIM: 607625 Chao Pang DA02797 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02797 cell Chao Pang GM17911 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM17911 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM04155 ACUTE LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA LYMPHOSARCOMA GM04155 cell Chao Pang GM04178 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE - 259400, 259410, OR 259420 GM04178 cell OMIM: 259400 Chao Pang GM17912 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM17912 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM04179 KNIEST DYSPLASIA GM04179 cell OMIM: 156550 Chao Pang DA02805 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02805 cell Chao Pang GM17913 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM17913 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang DA02804 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02804 cell Chao Pang GM17914 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM17914 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM17897 CLEIDOCRANIAL DYSPLASIA; CCD GM17897 cell OMIM: 119600 Chao Pang GM17898 FSHD GENE 1; FRG1 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY 1A; FSHMD1A (FSHD) GM17898 cell OMIM: 158900 OMIM: 601278 Chao Pang ND02404 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02404 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02408 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02408 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02407 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02407 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02406 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02406 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02405 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND02405 cell Chao Pang GM04128 WILSON DISEASE GM04128 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang ND02418 EPILEPSY ND02418 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM04127 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04127 cell Chao Pang GM17896 CLEIDOCRANIAL DYSPLASIA; CCD GM17896 cell OMIM: 119600 Chao Pang ND02417 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02417 cell Chao Pang ND02416 EPILEPSY ND02416 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM04154 ACUTE LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA GM04154 cell Chao Pang GM04139 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04139 cell Chao Pang ND02415 EPILEPSY ND02415 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM04111 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04111 cell Chao Pang DA02794 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02794 cell Chao Pang DA02795 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02795 cell Chao Pang GM04126 WOLF-HIRSCHHORN SYNDROME; WHS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM04126 cell OMIM: 194190 Chao Pang DA02792 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02792 cell Chao Pang ND02419 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02419 cell Chao Pang DA02793 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02793 cell Chao Pang GM04125 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04125 cell Chao Pang GM04106 LEOPARD SYNDROME GM04106 cell OMIM: 151100 Chao Pang GM04107 LEOPARD SYNDROME GM04107 cell OMIM: 151100 Chao Pang GM04099 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM04099 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM04100 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM04100 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang ND02395 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02395 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02389 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND02389 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02397 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02397 cell Chao Pang ND02396 EPILEPSY ND02396 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM04068 MENKES SYNDROME GM04068 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang ND02403 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02403 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02402 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02402 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM04053 OVINE GM04053 cell Chao Pang GM04088 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04088 cell Chao Pang ND02399 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02399 cell Chao Pang ND02398 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02398 cell Chao Pang GM04081 CARNITINE DEFICIENCY, SYSTEMIC PRIMARY; CDSP GM04081 cell OMIM: 212140 Chao Pang GM04079 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM04079 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang ND02401 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02401 cell Chao Pang ND02400 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02400 cell Chao Pang GM04078 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM04078 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM04025 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM04025 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM04026 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM04026 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM04033 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA PROTEIN KINASE; DMPK GM04033 cell OMIM: 160900 OMIM: 605377 Chao Pang GM04034 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA PROTEIN KINASE; DMPK GM04034 cell OMIM: 160900 OMIM: 605377 Chao Pang GM04045 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04045 cell Chao Pang ND02379 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02379 cell Chao Pang ND02378 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02378 cell Chao Pang ND02377 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND02377 cell Chao Pang ND02388 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND02388 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND02387 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND02387 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM04017 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04017 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND02384 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02384 cell Chao Pang ND02383 EPILEPSY ND02383 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM04022 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04022 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04021 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04021 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND02382 EPILEPSY ND02382 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM04024 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM04024 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang ND02381 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND02381 cell Chao Pang ND02380 PALLIDOPONTONIGRAL DEGENERATION ND02380 cell OMIM: 600274 Chao Pang GM04023 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04023 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM17949 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17949 cell OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17954 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17954 cell OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17953 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17953 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17952 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17952 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17951 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17951 cell OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17962 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17962 cell Chao Pang GM17960 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17960 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17959 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17959 cell OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17956 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17956 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17963 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17963 cell Chao Pang GM17966 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17966 cell Chao Pang GM17965 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17965 cell Chao Pang GM17968 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17968 cell Chao Pang GM17967 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17967 cell Chao Pang GM17970 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17970 cell Chao Pang GM17969 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17969 cell Chao Pang GM17972 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17972 cell Chao Pang GM17971 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17971 cell Chao Pang GM17974 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17974 cell Chao Pang GM17973 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM17973 cell Chao Pang GM17920 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM17920 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM17919 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM17919 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM17918 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM17918 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM17932 CEREBELLAR HYPOPLASIA GM17932 cell OMIM: 213000 Chao Pang GM17931 XXY SYNDROME; KLINEFELTER SYNDROME ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM17931 cell Chao Pang GM17926 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM17926 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM17924 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM17924 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM17923 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM17923 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM17922 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM17922 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM17921 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM17921 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM17934 ANKYLOBLEPHARON-ECTODERMAL DEFECTS-CLEFT LIP/PALATE GM17934 cell OMIM: 106260 Chao Pang GM17933 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM17933 cell Chao Pang GM17939 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY 1A; FSHMD1A (FSHD) FSHD GENE 1; FRG1 GM17939 cell OMIM: 158900 OMIM: 601278 Chao Pang GM17938 VELOCARDIOFACIAL SYNDROME GM17938 cell OMIM: 192430 Chao Pang GM17948 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17948 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17947 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17947 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17942 DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS GM17942 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang GM17940 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY 1A; FSHMD1A (FSHD) FSHD GENE 1; FRG1 GM17940 cell OMIM: 158900 OMIM: 601278 Chao Pang GM17945 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17945 cell OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17944 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17944 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA02143 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02143 cell Chao Pang DA02144 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02144 cell Chao Pang DA02146 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02146 cell Chao Pang DA02151 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02151 cell Chao Pang DA02152 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02152 cell Chao Pang DA02153 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02153 cell Chao Pang DA02154 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02154 cell Chao Pang DA02157 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02157 cell Chao Pang DA02159 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02159 cell Chao Pang DA02160 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02160 cell Chao Pang DA02167 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02167 cell Chao Pang DA02168 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02168 cell Chao Pang DA02162 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02162 cell Chao Pang DA02163 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02163 cell Chao Pang DA02171 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02171 cell Chao Pang DA02172 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02172 cell Chao Pang DA02169 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02169 cell Chao Pang DA02170 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02170 cell Chao Pang DA02176 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02176 cell Chao Pang DA02161 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02161 cell Chao Pang DA02108 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02108 cell Chao Pang DA02110 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02110 cell Chao Pang DA02111 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02111 cell Chao Pang DA02112 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02112 cell Chao Pang DA02106 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02106 cell Chao Pang DA02107 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02107 cell Chao Pang DA02114 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02114 cell Chao Pang DA02117 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02117 cell Chao Pang DA02119 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02119 cell Chao Pang DA02120 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02120 cell Chao Pang DA02132 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02132 cell Chao Pang DA02133 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02133 cell Chao Pang DA02130 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02130 cell Chao Pang DA02131 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02131 cell Chao Pang DA02127 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02127 cell Chao Pang DA02128 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02128 cell Chao Pang DA02125 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02125 cell Chao Pang DA02142 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02142 cell Chao Pang DA02135 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02135 cell Chao Pang DA02141 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02141 cell Chao Pang GM03417 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME TRISOMY 21 GM03417 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang ND01705 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01705 cell Chao Pang ND01704 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01704 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03404 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03404 cell Chao Pang GM03403 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM GM03403 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM03402 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 GM03402 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM03401 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM03401 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM03400 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03400 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM03399 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03399 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM03398 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03398 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang ND01697 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01697 cell Chao Pang GM03397 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03397 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang ND01696 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01696 cell Chao Pang GM03396 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM03396 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang ND01699 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01699 cell Chao Pang ND01698 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01698 cell Chao Pang ND01701 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01701 cell Chao Pang ND01700 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01700 cell Chao Pang ND01703 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01703 cell Chao Pang ND01702 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01702 cell Chao Pang ND01707 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01707 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM07752 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM07752 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM07754 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VII GM07754 cell OMIM: 232800 Chao Pang GM07753 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM07753 cell Chao Pang GM07776 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07776 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07777 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07777 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07778 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07778 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang ND01751 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND01751 cell Chao Pang GM07758 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07758 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07773 CHROMOSOME DELETION CHRONIC GRANULOMATOUS DISEASE (XK-RELATED; CGD) - 306400 OR 314850 GM07773 cell OMIM: 306400 Chao Pang GM07774 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07774 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07775 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM07775 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang ND01738 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01738 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01737 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01737 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01736 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01736 cell Chao Pang ND01735 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01735 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01750 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01750 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01749 PARKINSON'S DISEASE AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01749 cell OMIM: 105400 OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01740 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01740 cell Chao Pang ND01739 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01739 cell Chao Pang GM07690 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM07690 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM07689 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM07689 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM07675 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM07675 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang GM07674 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07674 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07679 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM07679 cell Chao Pang GM07678 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM07678 cell Chao Pang GM07555 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07555 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07554 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07554 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07557 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07557 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07556 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07556 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07553 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM07553 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07552 HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM07552 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07551 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07551 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07550 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07550 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07548 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07548 cell Chao Pang GM07547 OSTEOPETROSIS WITH RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS GM07547 cell OMIM: 259730 Chao Pang GM07546 OSTEOPETROSIS WITH RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS GM07546 cell OMIM: 259730 Chao Pang GM07545 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM07545 cell Chao Pang GM07544 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM07544 cell Chao Pang GM07543 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07543 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07734 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07734 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07733 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07733 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07736 CHROMOSOME DELETION WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 GM07736 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang GM07735 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07735 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07744 TRIPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER GM07744 cell Chao Pang GM07743 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM07743 cell Chao Pang GM07749 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07749 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07748 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07748 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07731 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07731 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07732 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07732 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07730 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07730 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07711 LACTIC ACIDOSIS, CONGENITAL INFANTILE GM07711 cell OMIM: 245400 Chao Pang GM07694 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13292 GM07694 cell Chao Pang GM07693 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07693 cell Chao Pang GM07692 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD CHRONIC GRANULOMATOUS DISEASE (XK-RELATED; CGD) - 306400 OR 314850 DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM07692 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 306400 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM07727 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM07727 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM07726 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM07726 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM07713 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM07713 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM07712 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM07712 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM07691 DYSTROPHIN; DMD CHRONIC GRANULOMATOUS DISEASE (XK-RELATED; CGD) - 306400 OR 314850 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM07691 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 306400 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM07508 WERNICKE-KORSAKOFF SYNDROME GM07508 cell OMIM: 277730 Chao Pang GM07509 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM07509 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM07510 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM07510 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM07511 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM07511 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM07516 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM07516 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM07517 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM07517 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM07512 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM07512 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM07513 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM07513 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM07514 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM07514 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM07515 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM07515 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM07496 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07496 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07499 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM07499 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM07495 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07495 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07507 WERNICKE-KORSAKOFF SYNDROME GM07507 cell OMIM: 277730 Chao Pang GM07505 WERNICKE-KORSAKOFF SYNDROME GM07505 cell OMIM: 277730 Chao Pang GM07506 WERNICKE-KORSAKOFF SYNDROME GM07506 cell OMIM: 277730 Chao Pang GM07503 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07503 cell Chao Pang GM07504 WERNICKE-KORSAKOFF SYNDROME GM07504 cell OMIM: 277730 Chao Pang GM07500 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM07500 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM07501 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM07501 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM07532 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM07532 cell Chao Pang GM07533 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM07533 cell Chao Pang GM07535 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM07535 cell Chao Pang GM07536 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07536 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07537 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07537 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07538 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07538 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07539 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07539 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07540 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07540 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07541 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07541 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07542 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07542 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07518 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM07518 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM07523 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF ACYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN; ACADM GM07523 cell OMIM: 201450 OMIM: 607008 Chao Pang GM07524 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM07524 cell Chao Pang GM07521 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM07521 cell Chao Pang GM07522 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM07522 cell Chao Pang GM07527 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07527 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07530 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM07530 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang GM07525 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM07525 cell Chao Pang GM07526 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07526 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07531 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM07531 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang GM17852 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17852 cell Chao Pang GM17850 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17850 cell Chao Pang GM17854 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17854 cell Chao Pang GM17853 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17853 cell Chao Pang GM17845 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17845 cell Chao Pang GM17844 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17844 cell Chao Pang GM17847 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17847 cell Chao Pang GM17846 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17846 cell Chao Pang GM17842 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17842 cell Chao Pang GM17843 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17843 cell Chao Pang GM17879 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC XXY SYNDROME; KLINEFELTER SYNDROME GM17879 cell Chao Pang GM17869 FSHD GENE 1; FRG1 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY 1A; FSHMD1A (FSHD) GM17869 cell OMIM: 158900 OMIM: 601278 Chao Pang GM17868 FSHD GENE 1; FRG1 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY 1A; FSHMD1A (FSHD) GM17868 cell OMIM: 158900 OMIM: 601278 Chao Pang GM17867 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC XXY SYNDROME; KLINEFELTER SYNDROME GM17867 cell Chao Pang GM17861 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM17861 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM17860 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM17860 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM17858 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM17858 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM17856 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17856 cell Chao Pang GM17857 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC XXY SYNDROME; KLINEFELTER SYNDROME GM17857 cell Chao Pang GM17855 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17855 cell Chao Pang GM03226 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 9 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM03226 cell Chao Pang GM03225 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 9 GM03225 cell Chao Pang GM03234 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03234 cell Chao Pang GM03233 RING CHROMOSOME GM03233 cell Chao Pang GM03222 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS: TYPE UNKNOWN GM03222 cell Chao Pang GM03221 DYSTONIA 1, TORSION; DYT1 GM03221 cell OMIM: 128100 Chao Pang GM03224 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03224 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM03223 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03223 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM03235 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM03235 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM03220 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS: TYPE UNKNOWN GM03220 cell Chao Pang GM07494 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07494 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07492 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM07492 cell Chao Pang GM07491 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM07491 cell Chao Pang GM07490 ISOVALERICACIDEMIA; IVA GM07490 cell OMIM: 243500 Chao Pang GM07489 HYDATIDIFORM MOLE GM07489 cell OMIM: 231090 Chao Pang GM07483 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM07483 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM07482 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM07482 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM07481 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM07481 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM07480 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07480 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07469 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07469 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM17798 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17798 cell Chao Pang GM17799 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17799 cell Chao Pang GM17800 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17800 cell Chao Pang GM17801 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17801 cell Chao Pang GM17796 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17796 cell Chao Pang GM17797 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17797 cell Chao Pang GM17802 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17802 cell Chao Pang GM17803 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17803 cell Chao Pang GM17804 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17804 cell Chao Pang GM17805 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17805 cell Chao Pang GM17811 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17811 cell Chao Pang GM17812 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17812 cell Chao Pang GM17809 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17809 cell Chao Pang GM17810 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17810 cell Chao Pang GM17807 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17807 cell Chao Pang GM17808 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17808 cell Chao Pang GM17806 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17806 cell Chao Pang GM17815 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17815 cell Chao Pang GM17813 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17813 cell Chao Pang GM17814 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17814 cell Chao Pang GM17816 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17816 cell Chao Pang GM17817 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17817 cell Chao Pang GM17818 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17818 cell Chao Pang GM17819 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD ATP-BINDING CASSETTE, SUBFAMILY D, MEMBER 1; ABCD1 GM17819 cell OMIM: 300100 OMIM: 300371 Chao Pang GM17821 CANAVAN DISEASE ASPARTOACYLASE; ASPA GM17821 cell OMIM: 271900 OMIM: 608034 Chao Pang GM17822 PANTOTHENATE KINASE-ASSOCIATED NEURODEGENERATION; PKAN; HALLERVORDEN-SPATZ DISEASE INCLUDED PANTOTHENATE KINASE 2; PANK2 GM17822 cell OMIM: 234200 OMIM: 606157 Chao Pang GM17823 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17823 cell Chao Pang GM17824 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17824 cell Chao Pang GM17825 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17825 cell Chao Pang GM17826 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17826 cell Chao Pang GM17833 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17833 cell Chao Pang GM17835 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17835 cell Chao Pang GM17828 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17828 cell Chao Pang GM17831 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17831 cell Chao Pang GM17839 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17839 cell Chao Pang GM17840 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17840 cell Chao Pang GM17837 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17837 cell Chao Pang GM17838 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17838 cell Chao Pang GM17841 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17841 cell Chao Pang GM17827 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17827 cell Chao Pang ND01660 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01660 cell Chao Pang ND01661 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01661 cell Chao Pang ND01663 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01663 cell Chao Pang ND01665 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01665 cell Chao Pang ND01659 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01659 cell Chao Pang DA02098 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02098 cell Chao Pang ND01670 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01670 cell Chao Pang GM03348 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03348 cell Chao Pang GM03349 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03349 cell Chao Pang DA02097 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02097 cell Chao Pang DA02102 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02102 cell Chao Pang GM03347 WOLMAN DISEASE GM03347 cell OMIM: 278000 Chao Pang DA02101 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02101 cell Chao Pang ND01666 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01666 cell Chao Pang DA02093 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02093 cell Chao Pang GM03357 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM03357 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM03358 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM03358 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang ND01667 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01667 cell Chao Pang DA02091 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02091 cell Chao Pang GM03354 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM03354 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang ND01668 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01668 cell Chao Pang DA02095 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02095 cell Chao Pang GM03356 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM03356 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang DA02094 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02094 cell Chao Pang ND01669 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01669 cell Chao Pang GM17756 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17756 cell Chao Pang GM17755 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17755 cell Chao Pang GM03362 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM03362 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM03360 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM03360 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM17754 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17754 cell Chao Pang GM03359 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM03359 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM17753 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17753 cell Chao Pang GM17752 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17752 cell Chao Pang DA02104 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02104 cell Chao Pang DA02105 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02105 cell Chao Pang GM17749 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17749 cell Chao Pang GM17747 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17747 cell Chao Pang GM17746 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17746 cell Chao Pang GM17745 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17745 cell Chao Pang GM17744 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17744 cell Chao Pang ND01628 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01628 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01629 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01629 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01612 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01612 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01613 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01613 cell Chao Pang DA02082 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02082 cell Chao Pang DA02081 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02081 cell Chao Pang GM03324 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03324 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang ND01657 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01657 cell Chao Pang DA02080 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02080 cell Chao Pang ND01658 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01658 cell Chao Pang DA02079 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02079 cell Chao Pang GM03325 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03325 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang DA02078 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02078 cell Chao Pang GM03327 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM03327 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang ND01648 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01648 cell Chao Pang DA02077 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02077 cell Chao Pang GM03328 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM03328 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang ND01651 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01651 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA02076 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02076 cell Chao Pang GM03329 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM03329 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang ND01630 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01630 cell Chao Pang ND01647 EPILEPSY ND01647 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM03330 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 13 GM03330 cell Chao Pang GM03333 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03333 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM17767 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17767 cell Chao Pang GM17766 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17766 cell Chao Pang GM03332 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03332 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM03336 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM03336 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM17768 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17768 cell Chao Pang GM03334 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM03334 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang DA02089 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02089 cell Chao Pang GM17762 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17762 cell Chao Pang GM17761 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17761 cell Chao Pang GM17765 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17765 cell Chao Pang DA02083 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02083 cell Chao Pang GM17764 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17764 cell Chao Pang DA02084 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02084 cell Chao Pang GM17757 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 GM17757 cell Chao Pang GM17759 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 GM17759 cell Chao Pang GM17758 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17758 cell Chao Pang ND01684 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01684 cell Chao Pang GM03380 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03380 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang ND01685 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01685 cell Chao Pang ND01686 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01686 cell Chao Pang ND01688 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01688 cell Chao Pang ND01689 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01689 cell Chao Pang ND01690 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01690 cell Chao Pang ND01691 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01691 cell Chao Pang GM03392 MUCOLIPIDOSIS III, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C GM03392 cell OMIM: 252605 Chao Pang ND01692 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01692 cell Chao Pang ND01693 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01693 cell Chao Pang GM03393 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE B GM03393 cell OMIM: 607616 Chao Pang GM03390 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE III GM03390 cell OMIM: 232400 Chao Pang ND01695 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01695 cell Chao Pang DA02062 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02062 cell Chao Pang GM03391 MUCOLIPIDOSIS III, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C GM03391 cell OMIM: 252605 Chao Pang DA02061 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02061 cell Chao Pang DA02067 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02067 cell Chao Pang GM03384 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM03384 cell Chao Pang GM03388 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE III GM03388 cell OMIM: 232400 Chao Pang DA02063 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02063 cell Chao Pang DA02069 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02069 cell Chao Pang GM03382 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03382 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang DA02068 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02068 cell Chao Pang GM03383 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03383 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang DA02070 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02070 cell Chao Pang GM17779 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17779 cell Chao Pang GM17776 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17776 cell Chao Pang DA02072 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02072 cell Chao Pang GM17775 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17775 cell Chao Pang DA02073 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02073 cell Chao Pang DA02074 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02074 cell Chao Pang GM17774 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17774 cell Chao Pang GM17782 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17782 cell Chao Pang GM17780 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17780 cell Chao Pang GM03395 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM03395 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM17773 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17773 cell Chao Pang GM17771 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17771 cell Chao Pang GM17770 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17770 cell Chao Pang GM17769 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17769 cell Chao Pang ND01671 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01671 cell Chao Pang ND01672 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01672 cell Chao Pang ND01676 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01676 cell Chao Pang ND01678 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01678 cell Chao Pang ND01674 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01674 cell Chao Pang ND01675 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01675 cell Chao Pang ND01682 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01682 cell Chao Pang DA02048 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02048 cell Chao Pang GM03369 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03369 cell Chao Pang GM03370 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03370 cell Chao Pang ND01683 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01683 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03371 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03371 cell Chao Pang ND01679 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01679 cell Chao Pang GM03372 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03372 cell Chao Pang ND01680 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01680 cell Chao Pang GM03365 CHEDIAK-HIGASHI SYNDROME; CHS1 LYSOSOMAL TRAFFICKING REGULATOR, INCLUDED; LYST, INCLUDED GM03365 cell OMIM: 214500 Chao Pang DA02052 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02052 cell Chao Pang GM03367 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM03367 cell Chao Pang DA02051 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02051 cell Chao Pang DA02050 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02050 cell Chao Pang GM03368-0 XY FEMALE - 306100 OR 233420 GM03368-0 cell OMIM: 233420 OMIM: 306100 Chao Pang DA02049 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02049 cell GM03368-A XY FEMALE - 306100 OR 233420 GM03368-A cell OMIM: 233420 OMIM: 306100 Chao Pang GM17792 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17792 cell Chao Pang DA02056 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02056 cell Chao Pang DA02058 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02058 cell Chao Pang GM17791 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17791 cell Chao Pang GM17794 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17794 cell Chao Pang DA02053 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02053 cell Chao Pang GM17793 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17793 cell Chao Pang DA02054 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02054 cell Chao Pang GM03379 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM03379 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM03377 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03377 cell Chao Pang GM17795 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17795 cell Chao Pang DA02060 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02060 cell Chao Pang GM17783 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17783 cell Chao Pang GM17787 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17787 cell Chao Pang GM17785 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17785 cell Chao Pang GM17790 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17790 cell Chao Pang GM17789 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17789 cell Chao Pang ND01574 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01574 cell Chao Pang DA02030 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02030 cell Chao Pang DA02034 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02034 cell Chao Pang ND01573 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01573 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01576 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01576 cell Chao Pang DA02035 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02035 cell Chao Pang ND01575 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01575 cell Chao Pang DA02036 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02036 cell Chao Pang ND01570 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01570 cell Chao Pang GM03252 SPHINGOMYELIN PHOSPHODIESTERASE 1, ACID LYSOSOMAL; SMPD1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE B GM03252 cell OMIM: 607608 OMIM: 607616 Chao Pang GM03251 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IVB GANGLIOSIDOSIS, GENERALIZED GM1, TYPE I GM03251 cell OMIM: 230500 OMIM: 253010 Chao Pang ND01569 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01569 cell Chao Pang GM03249 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 2; ERCC2 GM03249 cell OMIM: 126340 OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang ND01572 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND01572 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND01571 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01571 cell Chao Pang ND01567 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01567 cell Chao Pang GM03265 LOWE OCULOCEREBRORENAL SYNDROME; OCRL GM03265 cell OMIM: 309000 Chao Pang DA02045 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02045 cell Chao Pang DA02044 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02044 cell Chao Pang GM03268 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03268 cell Chao Pang GM03255 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03255 cell Chao Pang GM03256 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03256 cell Chao Pang DA02041 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02041 cell Chao Pang ND01565 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01565 cell Chao Pang GM03277 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM03277 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang DA02040 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02040 cell Chao Pang ND01566 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01566 cell Chao Pang DA02043 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02043 cell Chao Pang GM03273 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM03273 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang GM03276 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM03276 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang DA02042 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02042 cell Chao Pang DA02016 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02016 cell Chao Pang ND01564 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01564 cell Chao Pang ND01563 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01563 cell Chao Pang DA02017 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02017 cell Chao Pang ND01562 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01562 cell Chao Pang DA02014 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02014 cell Chao Pang ND01560 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND01560 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND01559 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01559 cell Chao Pang ND01557 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01557 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01556 SPOUSAL CONTROL ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01556 cell Chao Pang GM03237 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM03237 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang ND01555 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01555 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03236 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM03236 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM03238 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM03238 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang DA02028 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02028 cell Chao Pang GM03239 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM03239 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM03240 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03240 cell Chao Pang DA02027 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02027 cell Chao Pang GM03241 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03241 cell Chao Pang DA02026 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02026 cell Chao Pang GM03242 CEREBRAL CALCIFICATION, NONARTERIOSCLEROTIC GM03242 cell OMIM: 213600 Chao Pang DA02023 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02023 cell Chao Pang GM03245 MULTIPLE SULFATASE DEFICIENCY GM03245 cell OMIM: 272200 Chao Pang DA02021 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02021 cell Chao Pang DA02019 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02019 cell Chao Pang GM03246 MULTIPLE SULFATASE DEFICIENCY GM03246 cell OMIM: 272200 Chao Pang DA02018 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02018 cell Chao Pang GM03248 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 2; ERCC2 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM03248 cell OMIM: 126340 OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM03317 COFFIN-LOWRY SYNDROME; CLS GM03317 cell OMIM: 303600 Chao Pang ND01606 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01606 cell Chao Pang GM03316 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03316 cell Chao Pang ND01605 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01605 cell Chao Pang ND01608 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01608 cell Chao Pang GM03315 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03315 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang ND01607 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01607 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03314 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM03314 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang ND01610 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01610 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03313 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM03313 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang ND01609 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01609 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA02004 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02004 cell Chao Pang DA02005 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02005 cell Chao Pang ND01611 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01611 cell Chao Pang ND01593 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01593 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01604 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01604 cell Chao Pang ND01599 EPILEPSY ND01599 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA02007 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02007 cell Chao Pang DA02006 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02006 cell Chao Pang DA02009 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02009 cell Chao Pang GM03323 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03323 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang DA02008 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02008 cell Chao Pang DA02011 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02011 cell Chao Pang GM03321 RING CHROMOSOME GM03321 cell Chao Pang DA02010 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02010 cell Chao Pang GM03322 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03322 cell Chao Pang GM03318 COFFIN-LOWRY SYNDROME; CLS GM03318 cell OMIM: 303600 Chao Pang DA02013 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02013 cell Chao Pang DA02012 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02012 cell Chao Pang GM03320 NEUROBLASTOMA; NB NEUROBLASTOMA SUPPRESSOR, INCLUDED; NBS, INCLUDED GM03320 cell OMIM: 256700 Chao Pang ND01585 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01585 cell Chao Pang GM03280 ICHTHYOSIS, TYPE UNKNOWN GM03280 cell Chao Pang ND01584 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01584 cell Chao Pang GM03278 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM03278 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang GM03283 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM03283 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang ND01583 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01583 cell Chao Pang ND01582 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01582 cell Chao Pang GM03281 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM03281 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang ND01592 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01592 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01590 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01590 cell Chao Pang DA01987 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01987 cell Chao Pang ND01589 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01589 cell Chao Pang ND01588 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01588 cell Chao Pang ND01581 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND01581 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND01580 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01580 cell Chao Pang DA02003 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02003 cell Chao Pang GM03303 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VII GM03303 cell OMIM: 253220 Chao Pang DA01991 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01991 cell Chao Pang DA01990 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01990 cell Chao Pang GM03305 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03305 cell Chao Pang DA01989 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01989 cell Chao Pang ND01577 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01577 cell Chao Pang DA01988 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01988 cell Chao Pang GM03289 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM03289 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang DA02002 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02002 cell Chao Pang GM03291 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM03291 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang DA02000 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02000 cell Chao Pang GM03299 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03299 cell Chao Pang DA01993 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01993 cell Chao Pang DA01992 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01992 cell Chao Pang GM03300 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM03300 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang DA02425 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02425 cell Chao Pang DA02427 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02427 cell Chao Pang DA02428 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02428 cell Chao Pang DA02408 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02408 cell Chao Pang DA02418 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02418 cell Chao Pang DA02422 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02422 cell Chao Pang DA02424 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02424 cell Chao Pang DA02405 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02405 cell Chao Pang DA02406 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02406 cell Chao Pang DA02407 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02407 cell Chao Pang DA02450 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02450 cell Chao Pang DA02463 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02463 cell Chao Pang DA02443 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02443 cell Chao Pang DA02444 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02444 cell Chao Pang DA02437 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02437 cell Chao Pang DA02438 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02438 cell Chao Pang DA02433 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02433 cell Chao Pang DA02434 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02434 cell Chao Pang DA02429 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02429 cell Chao Pang DA02430 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02430 cell Chao Pang DA02482 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02482 cell Chao Pang DA02466 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02466 cell Chao Pang DA02467 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02467 cell Chao Pang DA02468 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02468 cell Chao Pang DA02473 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02473 cell Chao Pang DA02474 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02474 cell Chao Pang DA02475 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02475 cell Chao Pang DA02476 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02476 cell Chao Pang DA02481 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02481 cell Chao Pang DA02465 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02465 cell Chao Pang DA02498 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02498 cell Chao Pang DA02499 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02499 cell Chao Pang DA02496 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02496 cell Chao Pang DA02497 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02497 cell Chao Pang DA02512 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02512 cell Chao Pang DA02513 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02513 cell Chao Pang DA02501 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02501 cell Chao Pang DA02506 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02506 cell Chao Pang DA02495 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02495 cell Chao Pang DA02494 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02494 cell Chao Pang GM07459 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07459 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07458 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07458 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07461 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM07461 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07460 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM07460 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07462 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07462 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07464 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07464 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07465 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07465 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07466 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07466 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07467 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07467 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07468 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07468 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07441 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR 5,10-@METHYLENETETRAHYDROFOLATE REDUCTASE; MTHFR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07441 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 OMIM: 607093 Chao Pang GM07440 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07440 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07439 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07439 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang DA02346 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02346 cell Chao Pang DA02357 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02357 cell Chao Pang DA02347 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02347 cell Chao Pang DA02361 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02361 cell Chao Pang DA02358 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02358 cell Chao Pang DA02375 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02375 cell Chao Pang DA02365 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02365 cell Chao Pang DA02383 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02383 cell Chao Pang DA02376 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02376 cell Chao Pang DA02390 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02390 cell Chao Pang GM07457 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07457 cell Chao Pang GM07448 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM07448 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM07456 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07456 cell Chao Pang GM07446 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM07446 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM07447 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM07447 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM07444 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM07444 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM07445 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM07445 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang DA02395 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02395 cell Chao Pang DA02394 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02394 cell Chao Pang GM07427 WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 GM07427 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang GM07426 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM07426 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang DA02400 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02400 cell Chao Pang DA02399 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02399 cell Chao Pang DA02398 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02398 cell Chao Pang DA02396 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02396 cell Chao Pang DA02404 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02404 cell Chao Pang DA02403 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02403 cell Chao Pang DA02402 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02402 cell Chao Pang DA02401 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02401 cell Chao Pang GM07434 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13294 GM07434 cell Chao Pang GM07435 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13291 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM07435 cell Chao Pang GM07436 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13292 GM07436 cell Chao Pang GM07437 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13293 GM07437 cell Chao Pang GM07428 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM07428 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM07431 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13292 GM07431 cell Chao Pang GM07432 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13293 GM07432 cell Chao Pang GM07433 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13291 GM07433 cell Chao Pang GM07418 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC1 GENE; TSC1 GM07418 cell OMIM: 191100 OMIM: 605284 Chao Pang GM07417 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC1 GENE; TSC1 GM07417 cell OMIM: 191100 OMIM: 605284 Chao Pang GM07420 TSC1 GENE; TSC1 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM07420 cell OMIM: 191100 OMIM: 605284 Chao Pang GM07419 TSC1 GENE; TSC1 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM07419 cell OMIM: 191100 OMIM: 605284 Chao Pang GM07422 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM07422 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM07421 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC1 GENE; TSC1 GM07421 cell OMIM: 191100 OMIM: 605284 Chao Pang GM07424 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07424 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07423 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07423 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07425 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM07425 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM07416 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM07416 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM07407 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM07407 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM07406 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM07406 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM07405 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM07405 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM07402 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM07402 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM07413 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07413 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07412 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07412 cell Chao Pang GM07411 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM07411 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07408 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM07408 cell Chao Pang GM07415 TSC1 GENE; TSC1 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM07415 cell OMIM: 191100 OMIM: 605284 Chao Pang GM07414 TSC1 GENE; TSC1 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM07414 cell OMIM: 191100 OMIM: 605284 Chao Pang GM07394 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07394 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07393 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07393 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07398 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07398 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07395 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07395 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07386 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07386 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07392 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07392 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07387 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07387 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07400 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM07400 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM07399 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM07399 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM07401 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM07401 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM07381 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM07381 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07380 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07380 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07379 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07379 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07378 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07378 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07373 BOVINE ENDOTHELIAL CELL CULTURES GM07373 cell Chao Pang GM07372 BOVINE ENDOTHELIAL CELL CULTURES GM07372 cell Chao Pang GM07385 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07385 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07384 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07384 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07383 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07383 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07382 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07382 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM07365 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07365 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07368 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM07368 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM07369 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM07369 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM07370 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM07370 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM07371 PEROXISOME BIOGENESIS FACTOR 26; PEX26 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM07371 cell OMIM: 214100 OMIM: 608666 Chao Pang GM07354 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1345 GM07354 cell Chao Pang GM07355 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1345 GM07355 cell Chao Pang GM07356 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1345 GM07356 cell Chao Pang GM07357 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1345 GM07357 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM07364 RING CHROMOSOME GM07364 cell Chao Pang GM07350 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1345 GM07350 cell Chao Pang GM07351 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1345 GM07351 cell Chao Pang GM07348 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1345 GM07348 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM07349 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 8 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1345 GM07349 cell Chao Pang GM07352 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1345 GM07352 cell Chao Pang GM07353 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1345 GM07353 cell Chao Pang GM07346 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1345 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM07346 cell Chao Pang GM07347 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1345 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM07347 cell Chao Pang GM07344 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 GM07344 cell Chao Pang GM07345 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1345 GM07345 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM07341 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM07341 cell Chao Pang GM07342 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1340 GM07342 cell Chao Pang GM07343 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 GM07343 cell Chao Pang GM17589 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17589 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17591 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17591 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM07337 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07337 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07338 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07338 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM17590 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17590 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17593 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17593 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM07339 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07339 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07340 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM07340 cell Chao Pang GM17592 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17592 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM07332 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07332 cell Chao Pang GM07335 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07335 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07336 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07336 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM17594 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17594 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17595 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17595 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17596 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17596 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17597 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17597 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17598 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17598 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17577 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17577 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17576 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17576 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17575 CYSTINURIA; CSNU SOLUTE CARRIER FAMILY 3, MEMBER 1; SLC3A1 GM17575 cell OMIM: 104614 OMIM: 220100 Chao Pang GM17572 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM17572 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang GM17583 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM17583 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM17586 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17586 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17578 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17578 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17579 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17579 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17587 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17587 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17588 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17588 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17724 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY 1A; FSHMD1A (FSHD) FSHD GENE 1; FRG1 GM17724 cell OMIM: 158900 OMIM: 601278 Chao Pang GM17723 SOLUTE CARRIER FAMILY 17, MEMBER 5; SLC17A5 SALLA DISEASE GM17723 cell OMIM: 604322 OMIM: 604369 Chao Pang GM17729 XXY SYNDROME; KLINEFELTER SYNDROME ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM17729 cell Chao Pang GM17726 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY; TYPE UNKNOWN (FSHD) GM17726 cell Chao Pang GM17731 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY 1A; FSHMD1A (FSHD) FSHD GENE 1; FRG1 GM17731 cell OMIM: 158900 OMIM: 601278 Chao Pang GM17730 AUTISTIC DISORDER TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM17730 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang GM17733 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 GM17733 cell Chao Pang GM03490 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03490 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM03489 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03489 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang ND01761 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01761 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01760 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01760 cell Chao Pang GM03492 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03492 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang ND01759 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01759 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03491 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03491 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM03485 WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 GM03485 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang GM03479 DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS GM03479 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang GM03488 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03488 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM03487 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM03487 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang ND01778 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01778 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01779 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01779 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01767 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01767 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03470 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03470 cell Chao Pang ND01777 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01777 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03478 CORNELIA DE LANGE SYNDROME 1; CDLS1 GM03478 cell OMIM: 122470 Chao Pang ND01782 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01782 cell Chao Pang ND01783 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01783 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01780 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01780 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01781 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01781 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM17720 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17720 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17721 SALLA DISEASE SOLUTE CARRIER FAMILY 17, MEMBER 5; SLC17A5 GM17721 cell OMIM: 604322 OMIM: 604369 Chao Pang GM17722 SALLA DISEASE SOLUTE CARRIER FAMILY 17, MEMBER 5; SLC17A5 GM17722 cell OMIM: 604322 OMIM: 604369 Chao Pang GM17741 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17741 cell Chao Pang GM17740 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 GM17740 cell Chao Pang GM17739 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17739 cell Chao Pang GM17738 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17738 cell Chao Pang GM17743 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17743 cell Chao Pang GM17742 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17742 cell Chao Pang GM03469 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03469 cell OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM03468 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03468 cell Chao Pang GM03467 HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM03467 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM03466 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM03466 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM03465 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM03465 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM03463 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03463 cell Chao Pang GM03462 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03462 cell Chao Pang GM03461 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA GM03461 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM03459 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM03459 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM03441 HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM03441 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang ND01752 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01752 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01753 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01753 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01754 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND01754 cell Chao Pang ND01755 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01755 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01756 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01756 cell Chao Pang ND01757 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01757 cell Chao Pang ND01758 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01758 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM17736 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 GM17736 cell Chao Pang GM17737 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 GM17737 cell Chao Pang GM17734 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 GM17734 cell Chao Pang GM17735 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HAN PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 GM17735 cell Chao Pang GM03440 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03440 cell Chao Pang GM17701 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 SNP500 PANEL GM17701 cell Chao Pang GM03435 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03435 cell Chao Pang GM17700 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 SNP500 PANEL GM17700 cell Chao Pang GM17703 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17703 cell Chao Pang GM17702 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17702 cell Chao Pang GM17695 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17695 cell Chao Pang GM17692 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17692 cell Chao Pang GM17699 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17699 cell Chao Pang GM17698 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 SNP500 PANEL GM17698 cell Chao Pang GM03419 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM03419 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang GM03418 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM03418 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang GM03421 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM03421 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM03420 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM03420 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM03429 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM03429 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM03423 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03423 cell Chao Pang GM17704 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17704 cell Chao Pang GM03433 HEMOGLOBIN--ALPHA LOCUS 2; HBA2 GM03433 cell OMIM: 141850 Chao Pang GM03432 HYPERAMMONEMIA DUE TO CARBAMOYLPHOSPHATE SYNTHETASE I DEFICIENCY GM03432 cell OMIM: 237300 Chao Pang GM17689 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17689 cell Chao Pang GM17719 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17719 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17713 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17713 cell Chao Pang GM17712 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17712 cell Chao Pang GM17711 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17711 cell Chao Pang GM17710 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 SNP500 PANEL GM17710 cell Chao Pang GM17709 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17709 cell Chao Pang GM17708 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17708 cell Chao Pang GM17707 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17707 cell Chao Pang GM17705 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17705 cell Chao Pang GM17706 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17706 cell Chao Pang GM17673 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17673 cell Chao Pang GM17674 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17674 cell Chao Pang GM17676 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17676 cell Chao Pang GM17660 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17660 cell Chao Pang GM17661 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17661 cell Chao Pang GM17667 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17667 cell Chao Pang GM17668 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17668 cell Chao Pang GM17670 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17670 cell Chao Pang GM17671 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17671 cell Chao Pang GM17672 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17672 cell Chao Pang GM17686 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17686 cell Chao Pang GM17687 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17687 cell Chao Pang GM17679 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17679 cell Chao Pang GM17680 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17680 cell Chao Pang GM17677 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17677 cell Chao Pang GM17678 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17678 cell Chao Pang GM17684 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 SNP500 PANEL GM17684 cell Chao Pang GM17685 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17685 cell Chao Pang GM17682 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17682 cell Chao Pang GM17683 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17683 cell Chao Pang GM17646 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17646 cell Chao Pang GM17641 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17641 cell Chao Pang GM17642 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17642 cell Chao Pang GM17644 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17644 cell Chao Pang GM17645 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17645 cell Chao Pang GM17636 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 SNP500 PANEL GM17636 cell Chao Pang GM17637 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17637 cell Chao Pang GM17639 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17639 cell Chao Pang GM17640 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17640 cell Chao Pang GM17634 SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17634 cell Chao Pang GM17658 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17658 cell Chao Pang GM17659 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17659 cell Chao Pang GM17656 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17656 cell Chao Pang GM17657 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17657 cell Chao Pang GM17654 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17654 cell Chao Pang GM17655 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17655 cell Chao Pang GM17651 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17651 cell Chao Pang GM17653 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17653 cell Chao Pang GM17648 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17648 cell Chao Pang GM17650 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17650 cell Chao Pang DA02316 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02316 cell Chao Pang ND02008 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02008 cell Chao Pang ND02009 EPILEPSY ND02009 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA02318 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02318 cell Chao Pang DA02317 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02317 cell Chao Pang DA02338 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02338 cell Chao Pang DA02319 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02319 cell Chao Pang DA02340 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02340 cell Chao Pang DA02339 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02339 cell Chao Pang ND01982 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01982 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01983 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01983 cell Chao Pang ND01985 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01985 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND02003 EPILEPSY ND02003 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02004 EPILEPSY ND02004 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02005 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02005 cell Chao Pang ND02006 EPILEPSY ND02006 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND02007 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND02007 cell Chao Pang GM17602 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17602 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17600 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17600 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17599 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17599 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA02341 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02341 cell Chao Pang GM17614 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17614 cell Chao Pang GM17605 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17605 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang DA02342 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02342 cell Chao Pang DA02345 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02345 cell Chao Pang GM17604 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM17604 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17603 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM17603 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM17617 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17617 cell Chao Pang GM17616 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17616 cell Chao Pang GM17615 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17615 cell Chao Pang DA02302 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02302 cell Chao Pang ND01981 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01981 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03642 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03642 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03643 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03643 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA02300 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02300 cell Chao Pang GM03644 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03644 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND01979 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01979 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03645 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03645 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND01980 SPOUSAL CONTROL ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01980 cell Chao Pang DA02306 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02306 cell Chao Pang GM03638 ACUTE LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA GM03638 cell Chao Pang DA02305 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02305 cell Chao Pang GM03639 ACUTE LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA GM03639 cell Chao Pang DA02304 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02304 cell Chao Pang GM03640 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM03640 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang GM03641 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM03641 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang DA02303 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02303 cell Chao Pang ND01944 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01944 cell Chao Pang ND01974 EPILEPSY ND01974 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM03626 CARTILAGE-HAIR HYPOPLASIA; CHH GM03626 cell OMIM: 250250 Chao Pang ND01943 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01943 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01977 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01977 cell Chao Pang ND01978 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01978 cell Chao Pang ND01975 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01975 cell Chao Pang ND01976 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01976 cell Chao Pang GM17619 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17619 cell Chao Pang GM17618 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17618 cell Chao Pang GM17624 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17624 cell Chao Pang GM17622 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 24 GM17622 cell Chao Pang GM17629 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17629 cell Chao Pang DA02313 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02313 cell Chao Pang DA02314 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02314 cell Chao Pang GM17626 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17626 cell Chao Pang GM17631 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17631 cell Chao Pang DA02307 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02307 cell Chao Pang DA02309 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02309 cell Chao Pang GM17630 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17630 cell Chao Pang GM17633 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17633 cell Chao Pang GM17632 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY OF LOS ANGELES PANEL OF 100 GM17632 cell Chao Pang GM03647 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03647 cell Chao Pang GM03616 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM03616 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang GM03617 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM03617 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM03614 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM03614 cell Chao Pang GM03615 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 2; ERCC2 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM03615 cell OMIM: 126340 OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang ND01939 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01939 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03621 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03621 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM03623 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 GM03623 cell Chao Pang ND01940 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01940 cell Chao Pang ND01941 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01941 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03618 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM03618 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang ND01942 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01942 cell Chao Pang GM03620 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM03620 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND01935 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01935 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01936 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01936 cell Chao Pang ND01937 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01937 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01938 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01938 cell Chao Pang ND01933 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01933 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01934 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01934 cell Chao Pang GM03625 CARTILAGE-HAIR HYPOPLASIA; CHH GM03625 cell OMIM: 250250 Chao Pang GM03624 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM03624 cell Chao Pang GM03580 PROTEASE INHIBITOR 1; PI GM03580 cell OMIM: 107400 Chao Pang ND01932 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01932 cell Chao Pang GM03585 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA GM03585 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM03586 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA GM03586 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM03589 GANGLIOSIDOSIS, GENERALIZED GM1, TYPE I GM03589 cell OMIM: 230500 Chao Pang ND01930 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01930 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01931 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01931 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03590 PROPIONIC ACIDEMIA GM03590 cell OMIM: 606054 Chao Pang ND01928 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01928 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03591 TRIPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER GM03591 cell Chao Pang ND01929 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01929 cell Chao Pang GM03595 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM03595 cell Chao Pang ND01926 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01926 cell Chao Pang ND01927 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01927 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01924 EPILEPSY ND01924 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01925 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01925 cell Chao Pang ND01888 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01888 cell Chao Pang GM03605 HYPERPIPECOLATEMIA GM03605 cell OMIM: 239400 Chao Pang GM03604 DYSTROPHIN; DMD MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM03604 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM03606 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM03606 cell Chao Pang ND01879 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01879 cell Chao Pang ND01878 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01878 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01881 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01881 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01880 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01880 cell Chao Pang ND01883 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01883 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03575 HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM03575 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang ND01882 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01882 cell Chao Pang GM03573 MYELOMA (PLASMACYTOMA) CELL LINES FOR HYBRIDOMAS GM03573 cell Chao Pang GM03572 MYELOMA (PLASMACYTOMA) CELL LINES FOR HYBRIDOMAS GM03572 cell Chao Pang ND01885 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01885 cell Chao Pang GM03571 MYELOMA (PLASMACYTOMA) CELL LINES FOR HYBRIDOMAS GM03571 cell Chao Pang ND01884 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01884 cell Chao Pang ND01887 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01887 cell Chao Pang GM03570 MYELOMA (PLASMACYTOMA) CELL LINES FOR HYBRIDOMAS GM03570 cell Chao Pang GM03569 MYELOMA (PLASMACYTOMA) CELL LINES FOR HYBRIDOMAS GM03569 cell Chao Pang ND01886 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01886 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA02194 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02194 cell Chao Pang DA02197 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02197 cell Chao Pang DA02199 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02199 cell Chao Pang DA02202 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02202 cell Chao Pang DA02200 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02200 cell Chao Pang DA02205 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02205 cell Chao Pang DA02203 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02203 cell Chao Pang GM03578 PROTEASE INHIBITOR 1; PI GM03578 cell OMIM: 107400 Chao Pang DA02212 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02212 cell Chao Pang GM03579 PROTEASE INHIBITOR 1; PI GM03579 cell OMIM: 107400 Chao Pang DA02209 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02209 cell Chao Pang GM03576 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM03576 cell Chao Pang GM03577 DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03577 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang DA02220 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02220 cell Chao Pang ND01859 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01859 cell Chao Pang ND01858 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01858 cell Chao Pang ND01857 EPILEPSY ND01857 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01868 EPILEPSY ND01868 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM03558 WOLMAN DISEASE GM03558 cell OMIM: 278000 Chao Pang ND01867 EPILEPSY ND01867 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM03557 WOLMAN DISEASE GM03557 cell OMIM: 278000 Chao Pang ND01866 EPILEPSY ND01866 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM03560 ASPARTYLGLUCOSAMINURIA GM03560 cell OMIM: 208400 Chao Pang GM03559 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03559 cell Chao Pang ND01865 EPILEPSY ND01865 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA02177 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02177 cell Chao Pang DA02178 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02178 cell Chao Pang ND01877 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01877 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03552 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03552 cell Chao Pang ND01873 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01873 cell Chao Pang ND01872 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01872 cell Chao Pang DA02182 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02182 cell Chao Pang GM03568 HYBRIDOMA GM03568 cell Chao Pang DA02181 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02181 cell Chao Pang DA02180 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02180 cell Chao Pang DA02179 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02179 cell Chao Pang DA02192 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02192 cell Chao Pang GM03561 SPINOCEREBELLAR ATAXIA 7; SCA7 GM03561 cell OMIM: 164500 Chao Pang DA02191 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02191 cell Chao Pang GM03562 SPINOCEREBELLAR ATAXIA 7; SCA7 GM03562 cell OMIM: 164500 Chao Pang DA02189 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02189 cell Chao Pang GM03563 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03563 cell Chao Pang GM03566 HYBRIDOMA GM03566 cell Chao Pang DA02188 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02188 cell Chao Pang ND01807 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01807 cell Chao Pang ND01806 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01806 cell Chao Pang DA02247 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02247 cell Chao Pang ND01843 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01843 cell Chao Pang ND01842 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01842 cell Chao Pang DA02249 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02249 cell Chao Pang ND01854 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01854 cell Chao Pang DA02256 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02256 cell Chao Pang DA02262 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02262 cell Chao Pang ND01853 EPILEPSY ND01853 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01812 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01812 cell Chao Pang GM03535 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM03535 cell Chao Pang ND01811 EPILEPSY ND01811 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM03529 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03529 cell Chao Pang GM03525 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03525 cell Chao Pang ND01841 EPILEPSY ND01841 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01840 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01840 cell Chao Pang DA02246 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02246 cell Chao Pang GM03524 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03524 cell Chao Pang GM03543 ISO X CHROMOSOME TURNER SYNDROME GM03543 cell Chao Pang GM03547 PSEUDOHERMAPHRODITISM, MALE, WITH GYNECOMASTIA GM03547 cell OMIM: 177850 Chao Pang DA02297 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02297 cell Chao Pang GM03538 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM03538 cell Chao Pang GM03542 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP F; XPF GM03542 cell OMIM: 278760 Chao Pang ND01805 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01805 cell Chao Pang DA02294 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02294 cell Chao Pang DA02280 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02280 cell Chao Pang GM03549 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM03549 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang DA02296 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02296 cell Chao Pang DA02295 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02295 cell Chao Pang GM03550 OVINE GM03550 cell Chao Pang ND01786 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER ND01786 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND01802 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01802 cell Chao Pang DA02224 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02224 cell Chao Pang ND01801 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01801 cell Chao Pang DA02227 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02227 cell Chao Pang ND01799 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01799 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA02221 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02221 cell Chao Pang DA02222 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02222 cell Chao Pang ND01791 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01791 cell Chao Pang GM03493 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03493 cell Chao Pang ND01790 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01790 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01789 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01789 cell Chao Pang GM03498 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 GM03498 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang ND01788 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01788 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM03494 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03494 cell Chao Pang ND01787 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01787 cell Chao Pang GM03501 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM03501 cell Chao Pang GM03502 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM03502 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM03503 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM03503 cell Chao Pang DA02242 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02242 cell Chao Pang DA02238 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02238 cell Chao Pang GM03518 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM03518 cell Chao Pang DA02237 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02237 cell Chao Pang GM03521 ASPHYXIATING THORACIC DYSTROPHY; ATD GM03521 cell OMIM: 208500 Chao Pang GM03522 HOLOCARBOXYLASE SYNTHETASE DEFICIENCY GM03522 cell OMIM: 253270 Chao Pang DA02236 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02236 cell Chao Pang DA02230 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02230 cell Chao Pang GM03523 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM03523 cell Chao Pang ND01784 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01784 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA02228 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA02228 cell Chao Pang ND01785 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01785 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM16627 NEPHROSIS 1, CONGENITAL, FINNISH TYPE; NPHS1 GM16627 cell OMIM: 256300 Chao Pang ND07302 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 ND07302 cell Chao Pang GM16631 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; FANCA GM16631 cell OMIM: 607139 Chao Pang GM16599 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16599 cell Chao Pang GM12472 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12472 cell Chao Pang GM16634 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D2; FANCD2 GM16634 cell OMIM: 227646 Chao Pang GM16635 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; FANCG X-RAY REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 9; XRCC9 GM16635 cell OMIM: 602956 Chao Pang GM16632 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; FANCA GM16632 cell OMIM: 607139 Chao Pang GM16633 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D2; FANCD2 GM16633 cell OMIM: 227646 Chao Pang GM12477 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12477 cell Chao Pang GM16658 MULTIPLE ENDOCRINE NEOPLASIA, TYPE II; MEN2 RET PROTOONCOGENE; RET GM16658 cell OMIM: 164761 OMIM: 171400 Chao Pang GM12478 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12478 cell Chao Pang GM12479 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12479 cell Chao Pang GM16643 FACTOR V DEFICIENCY HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM16643 cell OMIM: 141900 OMIM: 227400 Chao Pang GM16654 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 2) CHINESE POPULATION GM16654 cell Chao Pang GM12480 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12480 cell Chao Pang GM12473 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12473 cell Chao Pang GM12474 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12474 cell Chao Pang GM12475 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12475 cell Chao Pang GM12476 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12476 cell Chao Pang ND01374 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND01374 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang ND01373 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01373 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01397 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01397 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01396 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01396 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01399 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01399 cell Chao Pang GM12471 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12471 cell Chao Pang ND01398 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01398 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM12470 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12470 cell Chao Pang ND01400 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01400 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07419 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07419 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07334 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07334 cell Chao Pang ND07333 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND07333 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07332 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07332 cell Chao Pang ND07330 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07330 cell Chao Pang ND01367 EPILEPSY ND01367 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07329 EPILEPSY ND07329 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07314 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND07314 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07313 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07313 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01372 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01372 cell Chao Pang ND07312 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07312 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01370 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01370 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM16586 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME HOLOPROSENCEPHALY GM16586 cell Chao Pang ND07420 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07420 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07421 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07421 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM16587 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16587 cell Chao Pang GM16588 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM16588 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM16589 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16589 cell Chao Pang GM16590 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16590 cell Chao Pang GM16592 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16592 cell Chao Pang GM16593 CHROMOSOME DELETION CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM16593 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM12466 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM12466 cell Chao Pang GM16594 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16594 cell Chao Pang GM12467 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM12467 cell Chao Pang GM12464 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM12464 cell Chao Pang GM16595 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM16595 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM12465 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM12465 cell Chao Pang GM16598 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM16598 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM12462 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM12462 cell Chao Pang GM12463 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM12463 cell Chao Pang GM12460 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM12460 cell Chao Pang GM12461 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM12461 cell Chao Pang ND01423 ALZHEIMER DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01423 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01414 PARKINSONISM, OTHER ND01414 cell Chao Pang ND01413 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01413 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01405 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01405 cell Chao Pang GM12459 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM12459 cell Chao Pang ND01425 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01425 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM12458 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM12458 cell Chao Pang ND01424 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01424 cell Chao Pang GM12457 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM12457 cell Chao Pang ND07427 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07427 cell Chao Pang ND07426 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07426 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07447 AVM-RUPTURED ND07447 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND07428 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07428 cell Chao Pang ND01404 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01404 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07423 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07423 cell Chao Pang ND07422 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07422 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND01403 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01403 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01402 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01402 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07425 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND07425 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND01401 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01401 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07424 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07424 cell Chao Pang GM12492 MYASTHENIA GRAVIS; MG GM12492 cell OMIM: 254200 Chao Pang GM12494 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM12494 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM12495 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM12495 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM12496 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM12496 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM12497 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM12497 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM12498 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 GM12498 cell OMIM: 211600 Chao Pang GM12499 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 GM12499 cell OMIM: 211600 Chao Pang GM12506 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12506 cell Chao Pang GM12507 CHROMOSOME DELETION MILLER-DIEKER LISSENCEPHALY SYNDROME; MDLS GM12507 cell OMIM: 247200 Chao Pang GM12508 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12508 cell Chao Pang ND01441 EPILEPSY ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01441 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01438 EPILEPSY ND01438 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01431 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01431 cell Chao Pang ND01440 EPILEPSY ND01440 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01439 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01439 cell Chao Pang ND01428 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01428 cell Chao Pang ND01427 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01427 cell Chao Pang ND01430 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01430 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01429 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01429 cell Chao Pang ND01426 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01426 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM16678 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 3; RCDP3 GM16678 cell OMIM: 600121 Chao Pang GM16684 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16684 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM16685 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16685 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM16686 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16686 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM16659 MULTIPLE ENDOCRINE NEOPLASIA, TYPE II; MEN2 RET PROTOONCOGENE; RET GM16659 cell OMIM: 164761 OMIM: 171400 Chao Pang GM12482 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12482 cell Chao Pang GM12483 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12483 cell Chao Pang GM16660 RET PROTOONCOGENE; RET MULTIPLE ENDOCRINE NEOPLASIA, TYPE II; MEN2 GM16660 cell OMIM: 164761 OMIM: 171400 Chao Pang GM16666 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM16666 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM16667 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM16667 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM12486 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 GM12486 cell Chao Pang GM12487 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 GM12487 cell Chao Pang GM12484 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12484 cell Chao Pang GM12485 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12485 cell Chao Pang GM12490 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1328 GM12490 cell Chao Pang GM16687 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16687 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM12491 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1330 GM12491 cell Chao Pang GM16688 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 2) CHINESE POPULATION GM16688 cell Chao Pang GM12488 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1353 GM12488 cell Chao Pang GM12489 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1353 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12489 cell Chao Pang GM12481 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1357 GM12481 cell Chao Pang ND01499 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01499 cell Chao Pang ND01498 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01498 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01497 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01497 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01496 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01496 cell Chao Pang ND01495 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01495 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01494 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01494 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01493 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01493 cell Chao Pang ND01492 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01492 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01491 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01491 cell Chao Pang ND01453 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01453 cell Chao Pang GM16512 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY, AUTOSOMAL NEONATAL FORM GM16512 cell OMIM: 202370 Chao Pang GM16510 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY, AUTOSOMAL NEONATAL FORM GM16510 cell OMIM: 202370 Chao Pang ND11610 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11610 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM16500 CYSTINURIA; CSNU SOLUTE CARRIER FAMILY 3, MEMBER 1; SLC3A1 GM16500 cell OMIM: 104614 OMIM: 220100 Chao Pang ND11609 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11609 cell Chao Pang GM16499 CLEFT HAND AND ABSENT TIBIA GM16499 cell Chao Pang GM16521 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY, AUTOSOMAL NEONATAL FORM GM16521 cell OMIM: 202370 Chao Pang GM16514 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM16514 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM16513 PEROXISOME BIOGENESIS FACTOR 1; PEX1 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM16513 cell OMIM: 214100 OMIM: 602136 Chao Pang GM16497 METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM16497 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM16495 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM16495 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM16494 REFSUM DISEASE, INFANTILE FORM GM16494 cell OMIM: 266510 Chao Pang ND07190 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND07190 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07191 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07191 cell Chao Pang ND07188 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07188 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07189 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07189 cell Chao Pang ND07187 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND07187 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND11615 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11615 cell Chao Pang ND11616 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11616 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11617 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11617 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07223 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07223 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND11618 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11618 cell Chao Pang ND11611 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11611 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07221 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND07221 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07222 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND07222 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND11612 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11612 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11613 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11613 cell Chao Pang ND07201 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND07201 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND11614 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11614 cell Chao Pang ND07202 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07202 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11621 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11621 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM16483 SOLUTE CARRIER FAMILY 3, MEMBER 1; SLC3A1 CYSTINURIA; CSNU GM16483 cell OMIM: 104614 OMIM: 220100 Chao Pang ND11620 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11620 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM16482 CYSTINURIA; CSNU SOLUTE CARRIER FAMILY 3, MEMBER 1; SLC3A1 GM16482 cell OMIM: 104614 OMIM: 220100 Chao Pang ND11619 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11619 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM16486 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 2, LATE INFANTILE TYPE; CLN2 CLN2 GENE; CLN2 GM16486 cell OMIM: 204500 OMIM: 607998 Chao Pang GM16485 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 2, LATE INFANTILE TYPE; CLN2 CLN2 GENE; CLN2 GM16485 cell OMIM: 204500 OMIM: 607998 Chao Pang GM16491 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 REFSUM DISEASE GM16491 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 266500 Chao Pang GM16490 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 4 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16490 cell Chao Pang GM16493 REFSUM DISEASE, INFANTILE FORM GM16493 cell OMIM: 266510 Chao Pang GM16492 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 REFSUM DISEASE GM16492 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 266500 Chao Pang GM16481 CYSTINURIA; CSNU SOLUTE CARRIER FAMILY 3, MEMBER 1; SLC3A1 GM16481 cell OMIM: 104614 OMIM: 220100 Chao Pang GM16480 METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM16480 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang ND07250 EPILEPSY ND07250 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07251 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07251 cell Chao Pang ND07252 EPILEPSY ND07252 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07253 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07253 cell Chao Pang ND07247 EPILEPSY ND07247 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07248 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07248 cell Chao Pang GM16479 MEDITERRANEAN FEVER, FAMILIAL; MEFV GM16479 cell OMIM: 249100 Chao Pang ND11629 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11629 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11627 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11627 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11628 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11628 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11624 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11624 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07254 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07254 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07255 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND07255 cell Chao Pang ND11626 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11626 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07256 CORTICOBASAL DEGENERATION ND07256 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11622 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11622 cell Chao Pang ND07257 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07257 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11623 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11623 cell Chao Pang GM12446 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM12446 cell Chao Pang GM12449 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12449 cell Chao Pang GM16585 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16585 cell Chao Pang GM12448 CHROMOSOME 9 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12448 cell Chao Pang GM12452 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM12452 cell Chao Pang GM16584 HOLOPROSENCEPHALY CHROMOSOME DELETION GM16584 cell Chao Pang GM16583 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16583 cell Chao Pang GM12451 APERT SYNDROME GM12451 cell OMIM: 101200 Chao Pang GM12456 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM12456 cell Chao Pang GM16582 RING CHROMOSOME HOLOPROSENCEPHALY GM16582 cell Chao Pang GM12455 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1356 GM12455 cell Chao Pang GM16563 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM16563 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM16560 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM16560 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM16555 ABDOMINAL MUSCLES, ABSENCE OF, WITH URINARY TRACT ABNORMALITY AND CRYPTORCHIDISM GM16555 cell OMIM: 100100 Chao Pang GM16548 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM16548 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM16547 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM16547 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM16546 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM16546 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang ND07267 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07267 cell Chao Pang ND07268 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07268 cell Chao Pang ND01321 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01321 cell Chao Pang ND07266 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07266 cell Chao Pang ND07271 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07271 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07272 EPILEPSY ND07272 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07269 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07269 cell Chao Pang ND07270 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07270 cell Chao Pang ND07281 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND07281 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND01326 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01326 cell Chao Pang ND01333 ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01333 cell OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND07273 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07273 cell Chao Pang ND01334 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01334 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01336 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01336 cell Chao Pang ND07274 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07274 cell Chao Pang ND01322 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01322 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01323 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01323 cell Chao Pang ND01324 EPILEPSY ND01324 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01325 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01325 cell Chao Pang GM16535 MELANOMA, CUTANEOUS MALIGNANT, 2; CMM2 CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASE INHIBITOR 2A; CDKN2A GM16535 cell OMIM: 155601 OMIM: 600160 Chao Pang GM16534 MELANOMA, CUTANEOUS MALIGNANT, 2; CMM2 CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASE INHIBITOR 2A; CDKN2A GM16534 cell OMIM: 155601 OMIM: 600160 Chao Pang GM16530 ATP SYNTHASE 6; MTATP6 GM16530 cell OMIM: 516060 Chao Pang GM16529 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM16529 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM16533 CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASE INHIBITOR 2A; CDKN2A MELANOMA, CUTANEOUS MALIGNANT, 2; CMM2 GM16533 cell OMIM: 155601 OMIM: 600160 Chao Pang GM16532 CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASE INHIBITOR 2A; CDKN2A MELANOMA, CUTANEOUS MALIGNANT, 2; CMM2 GM16532 cell OMIM: 155601 OMIM: 600160 Chao Pang ND01345 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01345 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM16524 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY, AUTOSOMAL NEONATAL FORM GM16524 cell OMIM: 202370 Chao Pang GM16523 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY, AUTOSOMAL NEONATAL FORM GM16523 cell OMIM: 202370 Chao Pang GM16528 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM16528 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM16527 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM16527 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang ND07282 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND07282 cell Chao Pang ND01346 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01346 cell Chao Pang ND01347 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01347 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07283 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND07283 cell Chao Pang ND07285 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07285 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07286 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07286 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07287 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07287 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07288 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07288 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07298 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND07298 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07299 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND07299 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND01361 EPILEPSY ND01361 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07300 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07300 cell Chao Pang ND07301 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07301 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND01362 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01362 cell Chao Pang ND01354 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01354 cell Chao Pang ND01355 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01355 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01350 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01350 cell Chao Pang ND01353 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01353 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01348 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01348 cell Chao Pang ND01349 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01349 cell Chao Pang ND11570 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11570 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11564 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11564 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11563 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11563 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11562 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11562 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11561 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11561 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11560 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11560 cell Chao Pang ND11574 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11574 cell Chao Pang ND11573 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11573 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11572 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11572 cell Chao Pang ND11571 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11571 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11580 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11580 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11579 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11579 cell Chao Pang ND11582 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11582 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11581 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11581 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11576 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11576 cell Chao Pang ND11578 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11578 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11577 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11577 cell Chao Pang ND11584 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11584 cell Chao Pang ND11583 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11583 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11585 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11585 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11589 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND11589 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11588 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11588 cell Chao Pang ND11587 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11587 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11586 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11586 cell Chao Pang ND11593 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND11593 cell Chao Pang ND11592 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11592 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11591 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11591 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11590 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND11590 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11598 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11598 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11595 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND11595 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11601 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11601 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11600 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11600 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11603 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11603 cell Chao Pang ND11602 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11602 cell Chao Pang ND11605 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11605 cell Chao Pang ND11604 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11604 cell Chao Pang ND11607 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11607 cell Chao Pang ND11606 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11606 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11608 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11608 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11599 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11599 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11516 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11516 cell Chao Pang ND11517 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11517 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11514 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11514 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11515 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11515 cell Chao Pang ND11512 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11512 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11513 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11513 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11510 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11510 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11511 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11511 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11508 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11508 cell Chao Pang ND11509 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11509 cell Chao Pang ND11534 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11534 cell Chao Pang ND11535 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11535 cell Chao Pang ND11536 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11536 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11525 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11525 cell Chao Pang ND11530 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11530 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11531 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11531 cell Chao Pang ND11533 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11533 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11518 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11518 cell Chao Pang ND11519 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11519 cell Chao Pang ND11524 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11524 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11543 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11543 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11546 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11546 cell Chao Pang ND11541 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11541 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11542 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11542 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11547 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11547 cell Chao Pang ND11548 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11548 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11539 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11539 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11540 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11540 cell Chao Pang ND11537 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11537 cell Chao Pang ND11538 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11538 cell Chao Pang ND11554 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11554 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11556 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11556 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11557 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11557 cell Chao Pang ND11558 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11558 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11559 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND11559 cell Chao Pang ND11549 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11549 cell Chao Pang ND11550 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11550 cell Chao Pang ND11551 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11551 cell Chao Pang ND11552 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11552 cell Chao Pang ND11553 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11553 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND15032 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND15032 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND15009 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND15009 cell Chao Pang ND15182 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND15182 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND15116 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND15116 cell Chao Pang ND14975 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14975 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND16088 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND16088 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND15906 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND15906 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND15210 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND15210 cell Chao Pang ND15972 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND15972 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND15971 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND15971 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14959 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14959 cell Chao Pang ND14958 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14958 cell Chao Pang ND14957 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14957 cell Chao Pang ND14956 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14956 cell Chao Pang ND14965 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND14965 cell Chao Pang ND14964 FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIA AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14964 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14963 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14963 cell Chao Pang ND14962 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14962 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14961 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14961 cell Chao Pang ND14960 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14960 cell Chao Pang PR00003 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00003 cell Chao Pang PR00013 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00013 cell Chao Pang PR00011 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00011 cell Chao Pang PR00019 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00019 cell Chao Pang PR00017 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00017 cell Chao Pang PR00024 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00024 cell Chao Pang PR00020 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00020 cell Chao Pang PR00033 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00033 cell Chao Pang PR00030 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00030 cell Chao Pang PR00036 NONHUMAN PRIMATES GREAT APE PANEL PR00036 cell Chao Pang ND16465 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND16465 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND16183 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND16183 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND16713 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND16713 cell Chao Pang ND16712 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND16712 cell Chao Pang ND16561 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND16561 cell Chao Pang ND16504 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND16504 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang PR00002 GREAT APE PANEL NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00002 cell Chao Pang ND20277 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND20277 cell Chao Pang ND20121 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND20121 cell Chao Pang ND19276 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND19276 cell Chao Pang ND14949 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14949 cell Chao Pang ND14950 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14950 cell Chao Pang ND14951 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14951 cell Chao Pang ND14952 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14952 cell Chao Pang ND14953 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14953 cell Chao Pang ND14954 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14954 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14955 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14955 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14945 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14945 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14946 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14946 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14947 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14947 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14939 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14939 cell Chao Pang ND14940 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14940 cell Chao Pang ND14929 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14929 cell Chao Pang ND14930 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14930 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14943 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14943 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14944 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14944 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14941 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14941 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14942 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14942 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14927 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14927 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14928 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14928 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07113 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07113 cell Chao Pang ND07112 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07112 cell Chao Pang ND07111 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07111 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07110 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07110 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07117 AVM-RUPTURED ND07117 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND07116 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND07116 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07115 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND07115 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07114 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07114 cell Chao Pang ND07109 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07109 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07108 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07108 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM12557 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 66 GM12557 cell Chao Pang GM12558 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 66 GM12558 cell Chao Pang GM12559 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 66 GM12559 cell Chao Pang GM12560 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 12 GM12560 cell Chao Pang GM12561 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 12 GM12561 cell Chao Pang GM12562 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 12 GM12562 cell Chao Pang GM12563 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 12 GM12563 cell Chao Pang GM12564 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 12 GM12564 cell Chao Pang GM12565 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 12 GM12565 cell Chao Pang GM12566 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 12 GM12566 cell Chao Pang ND07107 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND07107 cell Chao Pang ND07066 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND07066 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07065 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND07065 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07102 EPILEPSY ND07102 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07101 EPILEPSY ND07101 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07104 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07104 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07103 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07103 cell Chao Pang ND07106 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND07106 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07105 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND07105 cell Chao Pang ND07064 EPILEPSY ND07064 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM16435 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16435 cell Chao Pang GM16437 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16437 cell Chao Pang GM16438 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM16438 cell Chao Pang GM16439 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 1 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16439 cell Chao Pang GM16405 METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM16405 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM16406 ATRIOVENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT; AVSD GM16406 cell OMIM: 600309 Chao Pang GM16407 ATRIOVENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT; AVSD GM16407 cell OMIM: 600309 Chao Pang GM16444 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16444 cell Chao Pang GM16442 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM16442 cell Chao Pang ND07186 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07186 cell Chao Pang ND07185 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND07185 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM16440 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM16440 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang ND07184 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07184 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07183 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07183 cell Chao Pang ND07172 CORTICOBASAL DEGENERATION ND07172 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07171 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07171 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07170 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07170 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07157 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND07157 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07156 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIA AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND07156 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07155 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND07155 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM16449 CHROMOSOME DELETION 18Q- SYNDROME GM16449 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM16450 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16450 cell Chao Pang GM16445 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM16445 cell Chao Pang GM16447 18Q- SYNDROME MARKER CHROMOSOME GM16447 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM16453 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM16453 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM16454 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16454 cell Chao Pang GM16451 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM16451 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM16452 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16452 cell Chao Pang GM16456 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16456 cell Chao Pang ND07153 EPILEPSY ND07153 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07143 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07143 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM16455 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM16455 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang ND07154 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND07154 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07140 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07140 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07139 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07139 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07142 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07142 cell Chao Pang ND07141 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND07141 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07131 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07131 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07138 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07138 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07137 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND07137 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM16457 18Q- SYNDROME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM16457 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM16459 CHROMOSOME DELETION 18Q- SYNDROME GM16459 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM16460 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16460 cell Chao Pang GM16464 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM16464 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang GM16465 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16465 cell Chao Pang GM16466 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 14 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 18 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16466 cell Chao Pang GM16467 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16467 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM16468 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16468 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM16469 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16469 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang ND01517 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01517 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01518 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01518 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01519 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01519 cell Chao Pang ND01520 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01520 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01513 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01513 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01514 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01514 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01515 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01515 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang PR00100 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00100 cell Chao Pang ND01516 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01516 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang PR00096 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00096 cell Chao Pang PR00099 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00099 cell Chao Pang PR00092 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00092 cell Chao Pang PR00095 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00095 cell Chao Pang PR00075 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00075 cell Chao Pang ND01521 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01521 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01522 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01522 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang PR00077 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00077 cell Chao Pang PR00058 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00058 cell Chao Pang PR00062 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00062 cell Chao Pang PR00055 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00055 cell Chao Pang GM12516 MUS GM12516 cell Chao Pang GM12515 CHROMOSOME 2 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE X CHROMOSOME SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12515 cell Chao Pang GM12519 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM12519 cell Chao Pang GM12517 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12517 cell Chao Pang GM12522 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12522 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12521 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12521 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12511 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 17 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12511 cell Chao Pang GM12510 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12510 cell Chao Pang GM12514 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM12514 cell Chao Pang GM12513 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12513 cell Chao Pang ND01506 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01506 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01509 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01509 cell Chao Pang ND01504 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01504 cell Chao Pang ND01505 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01505 cell Chao Pang PR00053 PHYLOGENETIC SHADOWING PANEL NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00053 cell Chao Pang ND01501 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01501 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang PR00054 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00054 cell Chao Pang ND01502 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01502 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01500 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01500 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang PR00048 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00048 cell Chao Pang PR00049 PHYLOGENETIC SHADOWING PANEL NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00049 cell Chao Pang PR00050 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00050 cell Chao Pang PR00051 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00051 cell Chao Pang PR00037 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00037 cell Chao Pang ND01512 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01512 cell Chao Pang PR00039 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00039 cell Chao Pang PR00042 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00042 cell Chao Pang ND01510 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01510 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01511 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01511 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang PR00045 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00045 cell Chao Pang GM12531 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12531 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12530 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12530 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12529 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12529 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12528 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12528 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12532 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12532 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12523 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12523 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12527 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12527 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12526 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12526 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12525 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12525 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12524 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12524 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang ND01535 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01535 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01545 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01545 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01547 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01547 cell Chao Pang ND01548 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01548 cell Chao Pang ND01550 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01550 cell Chao Pang ND01551 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01551 cell Chao Pang ND01552 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01552 cell Chao Pang ND01553 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND01553 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang PR00129 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00129 cell Chao Pang PR00130 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00130 cell Chao Pang PR00127 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00127 cell Chao Pang PR00128 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00128 cell Chao Pang PR00133 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00133 cell Chao Pang PR00131 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00131 cell Chao Pang PR00132 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00132 cell Chao Pang GM12542 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12542 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang PR00126 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00126 cell Chao Pang GM12541 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12541 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang PR00124 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00124 cell Chao Pang PR00123 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00123 cell Chao Pang GM12546 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1353 GM12546 cell Chao Pang GM12543 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12543 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12537 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12537 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12536 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12536 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12539 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12539 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12538 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12538 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang GM12534 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12534 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang ND01534 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01534 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM12533 DANDY-WALKER MALFORMATION WITH MENTAL RETARDATION, BASAL GANGLIA DISEASE, AND SEIZURES GM12533 cell OMIM: 304340 Chao Pang ND01533 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01533 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01526 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01526 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01527 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01527 cell Chao Pang ND01524 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01524 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01525 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01525 cell Chao Pang ND01530 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01530 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01531 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01531 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01528 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01528 cell Chao Pang ND01529 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01529 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang PR00105 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00105 cell Chao Pang PR00107 GREAT APE PANEL NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00107 cell Chao Pang PR00108 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00108 cell Chao Pang ND01532 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01532 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang PR00112 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00112 cell Chao Pang PR00115 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00115 cell Chao Pang PR00119 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00119 cell Chao Pang PR00120 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00120 cell Chao Pang PR00122 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00122 cell Chao Pang GM12556 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 66 GM12556 cell Chao Pang GM12555 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 66 GM12555 cell Chao Pang PR00103 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00103 cell Chao Pang PR00101 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00101 cell Chao Pang GM12554 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 66 GM12554 cell Chao Pang GM12553 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 66 GM12553 cell Chao Pang GM12552 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 66 GM12552 cell Chao Pang GM12551 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 66 GM12551 cell Chao Pang GM12550 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 66 GM12550 cell Chao Pang GM12549 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 66 GM12549 cell Chao Pang ND01523 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01523 cell Chao Pang GM12548 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 66 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 GM12548 cell Chao Pang GM12547 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 66 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 GM12547 cell Chao Pang GM12679 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 17 GM12679 cell Chao Pang GM12680 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 17 GM12680 cell Chao Pang GM12681 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 17 GM12681 cell Chao Pang GM12682 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 17 GM12682 cell Chao Pang GM12684 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 17 GM12684 cell Chao Pang GM12685 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 17 GM12685 cell Chao Pang GM12675 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 2 GM12675 cell Chao Pang ND06988 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06988 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12676 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 2 GM12676 cell Chao Pang ND07012 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07012 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM12677 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 2 GM12677 cell Chao Pang GM12678 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 2 GM12678 cell Chao Pang ND07027 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND07027 cell Chao Pang ND07015 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07015 cell Chao Pang ND07014 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07014 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07013 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND07013 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07038 EPILEPSY ND07038 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07031 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07031 cell Chao Pang ND07030 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07030 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07029 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07029 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM12670 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 23 GM12670 cell Chao Pang GM12671 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 2 GM12671 cell Chao Pang GM12668 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 23 GM12668 cell Chao Pang GM12669 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 23 GM12669 cell Chao Pang GM12674 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 2 GM12674 cell Chao Pang GM12672 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 2 GM12672 cell Chao Pang GM12673 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 2 GM12673 cell Chao Pang GM12666 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 23 GM12666 cell Chao Pang GM12667 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 23 GM12667 cell Chao Pang ND07039 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07039 cell Chao Pang ND07040 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07040 cell Chao Pang ND07041 EPILEPSY ND07041 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM12665 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 23 GM12665 cell Chao Pang ND07043 EPILEPSY ND07043 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07042 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07042 cell Chao Pang ND07045 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND07045 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07044 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07044 cell Chao Pang ND07047 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND07047 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07046 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND07046 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07048 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07048 cell Chao Pang GM12655 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM12655 cell Chao Pang GM12659 MULTIPLE SULFATASE DEFICIENCY GM12659 cell OMIM: 272200 Chao Pang GM12663 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 23 GM12663 cell Chao Pang GM12664 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 23 GM12664 cell Chao Pang GM12642 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 28 GM12642 cell Chao Pang GM12644 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA LETALIS GM12644 cell OMIM: 226700 Chao Pang GM12645 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM12645 cell Chao Pang GM12646 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM12646 cell Chao Pang GM12638 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 28 GM12638 cell Chao Pang GM12639 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 28 GM12639 cell Chao Pang ND06950 EPILEPSY ND06950 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06949 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06949 cell Chao Pang ND06948 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06948 cell Chao Pang ND06947 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06947 cell Chao Pang ND06946 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND06946 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND06945 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06945 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06944 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06944 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06943 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06943 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM12637 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 28 GM12637 cell Chao Pang ND06965 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06965 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06951 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06951 cell Chao Pang GM17016 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 2) SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 1) GM17016 cell Chao Pang GM12635 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 28 GM12635 cell Chao Pang GM17017 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 2) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 1) SNP500 PANEL GM17017 cell Chao Pang GM12636 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 28 GM12636 cell Chao Pang GM17018 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 1) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 2) SNP500 PANEL GM17018 cell Chao Pang GM12633 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 37 GM12633 cell Chao Pang GM12634 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 28 GM12634 cell Chao Pang GM12631 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 37 GM12631 cell Chao Pang GM12632 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 37 GM12632 cell Chao Pang GM12629 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 37 GM12629 cell Chao Pang GM12630 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 37 GM12630 cell Chao Pang GM12628 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 37 GM12628 cell Chao Pang GM17009 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - NORTHERN EUROPEAN GM17009 cell Chao Pang GM17010 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - NORTHERN EUROPEAN GM17010 cell Chao Pang ND06966 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06966 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM17011 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 1) GM17011 cell Chao Pang GM17012 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 1) GM17012 cell Chao Pang GM17013 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 1) GM17013 cell Chao Pang GM17014 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 2) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 1) GM17014 cell Chao Pang GM17015 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 2) HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 1) GM17015 cell Chao Pang ND06972 EPILEPSY ND06972 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06971 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06971 cell Chao Pang ND06974 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06974 cell Chao Pang ND06973 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06973 cell Chao Pang ND06968 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06968 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06967 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06967 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06970 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06970 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06969 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06969 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06987 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND06987 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12627 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 37 GM12627 cell Chao Pang GM12626 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 37 GM12626 cell Chao Pang GM17004 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - NORTHERN EUROPEAN GM17004 cell Chao Pang GM17003 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - NORTHERN EUROPEAN GM17003 cell Chao Pang GM17002 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - NORTHERN EUROPEAN GM17002 cell Chao Pang GM17001 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - NORTHERN EUROPEAN GM17001 cell Chao Pang GM16972 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16972 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16970 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16970 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM12619 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 35 GM12619 cell Chao Pang GM12618 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 35 GM12618 cell Chao Pang GM12621 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 35 GM12621 cell Chao Pang GM12620 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 35 GM12620 cell Chao Pang GM12623 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 35 GM12623 cell Chao Pang GM17008 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - NORTHERN EUROPEAN GM17008 cell Chao Pang GM17007 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - NORTHERN EUROPEAN GM17007 cell Chao Pang GM12622 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 35 GM12622 cell Chao Pang GM17006 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - NORTHERN EUROPEAN GM17006 cell Chao Pang GM12625 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 37 GM12625 cell Chao Pang GM12624 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 35 GM12624 cell Chao Pang GM17005 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - NORTHERN EUROPEAN GM17005 cell Chao Pang GM12615 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 35 GM12615 cell Chao Pang ND06918 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06918 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM12616 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 35 GM12616 cell Chao Pang ND06919 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06919 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06883 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06883 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM12617 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 35 GM12617 cell Chao Pang ND06917 EPILEPSY ND06917 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06877 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06877 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06878 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06878 cell Chao Pang ND06881 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06881 cell Chao Pang ND06882 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06882 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06879 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06879 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06880 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06880 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM16957 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16957 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM16956 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16956 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM16964 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16964 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16963 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16963 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16955 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16955 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM12604 ORNITHINE CARBAMOYLTRANSFERASE; OTC ORNITHINE TRANSCARBAMYLASE DEFICIENCY, HYPERAMMONEMIA DUE TO; OTC GM12604 cell OMIM: 311250 Chao Pang GM16969 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16969 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM12601 HYPOPLASTIC LEFT HEART SYNDROME GM12601 cell OMIM: 241550 Chao Pang GM12593 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM12593 cell Chao Pang GM12610 RETICULOSIS, FAMILIAL HISTIOCYTIC GM12610 cell OMIM: 267700 Chao Pang GM16966 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16966 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16965 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16965 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM12609 POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY AND HEPATIC DISEASE 1; PKHD1 GM12609 cell OMIM: 263200 Chao Pang GM16968 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16968 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM12607 POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY AND HEPATIC DISEASE 1; PKHD1 GM12607 cell OMIM: 263200 Chao Pang GM16967 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16967 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM12606 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC CHROMOSOME DELETION GM12606 cell Chao Pang ND06940 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06940 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM12585 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM12585 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang ND06941 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06941 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM12592 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM12592 cell Chao Pang ND06942 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06942 cell Chao Pang GM12573 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM12573 cell Chao Pang GM12583 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM12583 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang ND06920 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND06920 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06921 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND06921 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06922 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND06922 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06924 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND06924 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06925 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND06925 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06926 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06926 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06939 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06939 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM16924 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16924 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16923 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM16923 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16891 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM GM16891 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM16890 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM GM16890 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM12570 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 12 GM12570 cell Chao Pang GM16952 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16952 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM12569 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 12 GM12569 cell Chao Pang GM16951 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16951 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM12572 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 12 GM12572 cell Chao Pang GM16950 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16950 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM16925 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16925 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM12571 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 12 GM12571 cell Chao Pang GM16954 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16954 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM12568 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 12 GM12568 cell Chao Pang GM16953 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16953 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM12567 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 12 GM12567 cell Chao Pang ND06857 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06857 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06858 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06858 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06855 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06855 cell Chao Pang ND06856 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06856 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06853 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06853 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06854 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06854 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06843 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06843 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06852 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06852 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06841 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06841 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06842 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06842 cell Chao Pang GM16860 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM GM16860 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM16865 PEROXISOME BIOGENESIS FACTOR 26; PEX26 REFSUM DISEASE, INFANTILE FORM GM16865 cell OMIM: 266510 OMIM: 608666 Chao Pang GM16864 EMERIN; EMD EMERY-DREIFUSS MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY GM16864 cell OMIM: 300384 OMIM: 310300 Chao Pang GM16878 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16878 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16866 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM16866 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM16881 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 GM16881 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM16879 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16879 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16883 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM GM16883 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM16882 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 GM16882 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM16886 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM GM16886 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang ND06876 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06876 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06864 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06864 cell Chao Pang ND06865 AVM-RUPTURED ND06865 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND06868 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06868 cell Chao Pang ND06875 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06875 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06860 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06860 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06861 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06861 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06862 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06862 cell Chao Pang ND06863 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND06863 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND06859 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06859 cell Chao Pang ND11759 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11759 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11753 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11753 cell Chao Pang ND11752 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11752 cell Chao Pang ND11751 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11751 cell Chao Pang ND11749 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11749 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11757 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11757 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11756 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11756 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11755 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11755 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11754 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11754 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11743 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11743 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11764 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11764 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11762 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11762 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11766 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11766 cell Chao Pang ND11765 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11765 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11768 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11768 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11767 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11767 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11770 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11770 cell Chao Pang ND11769 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11769 cell Chao Pang ND11760 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11760 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11761 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11761 cell Chao Pang ND11731 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11731 cell Chao Pang ND11730 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11730 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11729 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11729 cell Chao Pang ND11728 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11728 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04846 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04846 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04845 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04845 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11727 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11727 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04849 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04849 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11726 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11726 cell Chao Pang ND11725 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11725 cell Chao Pang GM04847 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04847 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11724 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11724 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11723 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11723 cell Chao Pang ND11722 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11722 cell Chao Pang GM04856 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04856 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04857 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04857 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04852 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04852 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04853 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04853 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04854 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04854 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04855 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04855 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11742 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11742 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11741 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11741 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11737 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11737 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11736 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11736 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11739 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11739 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11738 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11738 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11733 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11733 cell Chao Pang ND11732 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11732 cell Chao Pang ND11735 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11735 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11734 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11734 cell Chao Pang ND11690 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND11690 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11693 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11693 cell Chao Pang ND11694 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11694 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04800 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04800 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11691 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11691 cell Chao Pang GM04801 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04801 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11692 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11692 cell Chao Pang ND11697 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11697 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11698 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11698 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11695 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11695 cell Chao Pang ND11696 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11696 cell Chao Pang ND11702 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND11702 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM04805 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04805 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04804 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04804 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04808 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04808 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04807 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04807 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04814 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04814 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04809 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04809 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04818 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04818 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04815 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04815 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11711 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11711 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11712 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11712 cell Chao Pang GM04820 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04820 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11713 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11713 cell Chao Pang GM04825 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM04825 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang ND11714 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11714 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11716 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11716 cell Chao Pang GM04819 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04819 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11717 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11717 cell Chao Pang ND11718 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11718 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11719 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11719 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11720 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11720 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11721 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11721 cell Chao Pang GM04830 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04830 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04829 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04829 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04828 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04828 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04827 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM04827 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM04844 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04844 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04837 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04837 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04831 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04831 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11661 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11661 cell Chao Pang ND11662 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11662 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11660 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11660 cell Chao Pang ND11679 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11679 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11677 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11677 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11678 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11678 cell Chao Pang ND11666 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11666 cell Chao Pang ND11668 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11668 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11664 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11664 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11665 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11665 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04787 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04787 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04786 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04786 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04779 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04779 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04777 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04777 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04781 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04781 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04780 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04780 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04773 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04773 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04772 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04772 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04776 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04776 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04775 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04775 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11680 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11680 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11681 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11681 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04790 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04790 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11682 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND11682 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11683 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11683 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11688 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND11688 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11689 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11689 cell Chao Pang ND11684 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11684 cell Chao Pang ND11685 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11685 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11686 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11686 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11687 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11687 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04799 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04799 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04798 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04798 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04797 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04797 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04796 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04796 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04795 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04795 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04794 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04794 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04793 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04793 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04792 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04792 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04791 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04791 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11639 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11639 cell Chao Pang ND11659 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11659 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang PR00345 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00345 cell Chao Pang ND11658 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11658 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang PR00344 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00344 cell Chao Pang ND11657 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11657 cell Chao Pang ND11656 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11656 cell Chao Pang ND11655 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11655 cell Chao Pang ND11654 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11654 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11653 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND11653 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND11642 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND11642 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11641 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND11641 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang PR00334 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00334 cell Chao Pang PR00333 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00333 cell Chao Pang ND11640 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11640 cell Chao Pang PR00336 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00336 cell Chao Pang PR00335 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00335 cell Chao Pang PR00340 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00340 cell Chao Pang PR00337 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00337 cell Chao Pang PR00342 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00342 cell Chao Pang PR00341 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00341 cell Chao Pang ND11636 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11636 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang PR00331 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00331 cell Chao Pang ND11635 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11635 cell Chao Pang ND11638 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11638 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang PR00330 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00330 cell Chao Pang ND11637 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11637 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang PR00326 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00326 cell Chao Pang ND11632 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11632 cell Chao Pang ND11631 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11631 cell Chao Pang ND11634 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11634 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11633 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11633 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang PR00319 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00319 cell Chao Pang PR00316 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00316 cell Chao Pang ND11630 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11630 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang PR00306 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00306 cell Chao Pang PR00324 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00324 cell Chao Pang PR00323 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00323 cell Chao Pang PR00322 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00322 cell Chao Pang PR00320 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00320 cell Chao Pang PR00302 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00302 cell Chao Pang PR00301 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00301 cell Chao Pang PR00304 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00304 cell Chao Pang PR00303 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00303 cell Chao Pang PR00294 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00294 cell Chao Pang PR00293 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00293 cell Chao Pang PR00296 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00296 cell Chao Pang PR00295 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00295 cell Chao Pang PR00292 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00292 cell Chao Pang PR00291 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00291 cell Chao Pang PR00290 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00290 cell Chao Pang PR00289 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00289 cell Chao Pang PR00288 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00288 cell Chao Pang PR00285 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00285 cell Chao Pang PR00282 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00282 cell Chao Pang PR00281 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00281 cell Chao Pang PR00280 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00280 cell Chao Pang PR00279 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00279 cell Chao Pang PR00273 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00273 cell Chao Pang PR00270 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00270 cell Chao Pang PR00257 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00257 cell Chao Pang PR00258 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00258 cell Chao Pang PR00259 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00259 cell Chao Pang PR00260 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00260 cell Chao Pang PR00261 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00261 cell Chao Pang PR00262 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00262 cell Chao Pang PR00266 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00266 cell Chao Pang PR00267 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00267 cell Chao Pang PR00268 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00268 cell Chao Pang PR00269 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00269 cell Chao Pang PR00242 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00242 cell Chao Pang PR00243 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00243 cell Chao Pang PR00241 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00241 cell Chao Pang PR00247 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00247 cell Chao Pang PR00251 GREAT APE PANEL NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00251 cell Chao Pang PR00244 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00244 cell Chao Pang PR00245 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00245 cell Chao Pang PR00255 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00255 cell Chao Pang PR00253 GREAT APE PANEL NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00253 cell Chao Pang PR00254 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00254 cell Chao Pang PR00226 CHIMPANZEE PANEL GREAT APE PANEL NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00226 cell Chao Pang PR00227 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00227 cell Chao Pang PR00228 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00228 cell Chao Pang PR00237 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00237 cell Chao Pang PR00238 CHIMPANZEE PANEL NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00238 cell Chao Pang PR00239 PHYLOGENETIC SHADOWING PANEL NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00239 cell Chao Pang PR00240 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00240 cell Chao Pang PR00230 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00230 cell Chao Pang PR00232 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00232 cell Chao Pang PR00235 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00235 cell Chao Pang PR00236 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00236 cell Chao Pang PR00174 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00174 cell Chao Pang PR00223 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00223 cell Chao Pang PR00224 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00224 cell Chao Pang PR00221 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00221 cell Chao Pang PR00222 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00222 cell Chao Pang PR00219 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00219 cell Chao Pang PR00220 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00220 cell Chao Pang PR00175 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00175 cell Chao Pang PR00198 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00198 cell Chao Pang ND06808 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06808 cell Chao Pang ND06807 EPILEPSY ND06807 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06806 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06806 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06840 EPILEPSY ND06840 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM16787 ICHTHYOSIS, TYPE UNKNOWN GM16787 cell Chao Pang ND06829 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06829 cell Chao Pang GM16786 ICHTHYOSIS, TYPE UNKNOWN GM16786 cell Chao Pang ND06828 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06828 cell Chao Pang ND06827 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06827 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06826 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06826 cell Chao Pang ND06825 EPILEPSY ND06825 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06809 EPILEPSY ND06809 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM16791 ICHTHYOSIS, TYPE UNKNOWN GM16791 cell Chao Pang GM16794 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM16794 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16789 ICHTHYOSIS, TYPE UNKNOWN GM16789 cell Chao Pang GM16790 ICHTHYOSIS, TYPE UNKNOWN GM16790 cell Chao Pang GM16800 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16800 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM16801 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16801 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM16798 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16798 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16799 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16799 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM16788 ICHTHYOSIS, TYPE UNKNOWN GM16788 cell Chao Pang ND06788 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND06788 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06787 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06787 cell Chao Pang ND06794 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND06794 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06793 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06793 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM16802 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16802 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang ND06796 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06796 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06795 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06795 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06790 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06790 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06789 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06789 cell Chao Pang ND06792 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06792 cell Chao Pang ND06791 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06791 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM16825 ALEXANDER DISEASE GLIAL FIBRILLARY ACIDIC PROTEIN; GFAP GM16825 cell OMIM: 137780 OMIM: 203450 Chao Pang GM16826 ALEXANDER DISEASE GLIAL FIBRILLARY ACIDIC PROTEIN; GFAP GM16826 cell OMIM: 137780 OMIM: 203450 Chao Pang GM16835 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM16835 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16851 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16851 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16852 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 GM16852 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16853 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM16853 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16854 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA, TYPE IV; OI4 GM16854 cell OMIM: 120160 OMIM: 166220 Chao Pang GM16859 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 GM16859 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM16807 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16807 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM16824 GLIAL FIBRILLARY ACIDIC PROTEIN; GFAP ALEXANDER DISEASE GM16824 cell OMIM: 137780 OMIM: 203450 Chao Pang GM16728 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 2; RCDP2 GM16728 cell OMIM: 222765 Chao Pang GM16727 GM16727 cell OMIM: 247640 Chao Pang GM16726 GM16726 cell OMIM: 247640 Chao Pang GM16718 DELETED IN AZOOSPERMIA; DAZ CHROMOSOME DELETION GM16718 cell OMIM: 400003 Chao Pang GM16755 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; FANCC GM16755 cell OMIM: 227645 Chao Pang GM16756 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D2; FANCD2 GM16756 cell OMIM: 227646 Chao Pang GM16753 CYSTINURIA; CSNU SOLUTE CARRIER FAMILY 7, MEMBER 9; SLC7A9 GM16753 cell OMIM: 220100 OMIM: 604144 Chao Pang GM16754 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; FANCC GM16754 cell OMIM: 227645 Chao Pang GM16734 DEAFNESS WITH DNA REPAIR DEFICIENCY GM16734 cell Chao Pang GM16749 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; FANCA GM16749 cell OMIM: 607139 Chao Pang GM16732 DEAFNESS WITH DNA REPAIR DEFICIENCY GM16732 cell Chao Pang GM16768 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM16768 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM16757 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP F; FANCF GM16757 cell OMIM: 603467 Chao Pang GM16769 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM16769 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM16775 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 2; RCDP2 GM16775 cell OMIM: 222765 Chao Pang GM16776 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 2; RCDP2 GM16776 cell OMIM: 222765 Chao Pang GM16784 ICHTHYOSIS, TYPE UNKNOWN GM16784 cell Chao Pang GM16785 ICHTHYOSIS, TYPE UNKNOWN GM16785 cell Chao Pang GM16770 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM16770 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM16771 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM16771 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM16772 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM16772 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM16774 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 2; RCDP2 GM16774 cell OMIM: 222765 Chao Pang GM12711 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1358 GM12711 cell Chao Pang GM12710 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1358 GM12710 cell Chao Pang GM12713 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1358 GM12713 cell Chao Pang GM12712 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1358 GM12712 cell Chao Pang GM12707 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1358 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12707 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12709 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1358 GM12709 cell Chao Pang GM12708 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1358 GM12708 cell Chao Pang GM12715 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1358 GM12715 cell Chao Pang GM12714 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1358 GM12714 cell Chao Pang GM12716 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1358 GM12716 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM16690 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16690 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM16689 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CHINESE (VERSION 2) CHINESE POPULATION GM16689 cell Chao Pang GM16692 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16692 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM16691 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16691 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM16717 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM16717 cell Chao Pang GM16693 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16693 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang PR00531 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PHYLOGENETIC SHADOWING PANEL PR00531 cell Chao Pang PR00548 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00548 cell Chao Pang PR00527 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00527 cell Chao Pang PR00530 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00530 cell Chao Pang PR00524 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00524 cell Chao Pang PR00525 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00525 cell Chao Pang PR00503 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00503 cell Chao Pang PR00519 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00519 cell Chao Pang GM12686 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 17 GM12686 cell Chao Pang GM12688 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 17 GM12688 cell Chao Pang GM12687 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 17 GM12687 cell Chao Pang GM12691 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 21 GM12691 cell Chao Pang GM12690 CONGENITAL ENDPLATE ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE DEFICIENCY GM12690 cell Chao Pang PR00496 CHIMPANZEE PANEL NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00496 cell Chao Pang GM12693 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 21 GM12693 cell Chao Pang PR00494 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00494 cell Chao Pang GM12692 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 21 GM12692 cell Chao Pang GM12695 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 21 GM12695 cell Chao Pang GM12694 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 21 GM12694 cell Chao Pang GM12696 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 21 GM12696 cell Chao Pang PR00400 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00400 cell Chao Pang PR00418 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00418 cell Chao Pang PR00474 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00474 cell Chao Pang PR00485 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00485 cell Chao Pang PR00366 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00366 cell Chao Pang PR00381 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00381 cell Chao Pang PR00389 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00389 cell Chao Pang PR00399 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00399 cell Chao Pang PR00486 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00486 cell Chao Pang GM12698 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 45 GM12698 cell Chao Pang GM12697 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 21 GM12697 cell Chao Pang GM12702 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 45 GM12702 cell Chao Pang GM12701 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 45 GM12701 cell Chao Pang GM12700 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 45 GM12700 cell Chao Pang GM12699 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 45 GM12699 cell Chao Pang GM12706 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 45 GM12706 cell Chao Pang GM12705 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 45 GM12705 cell Chao Pang PR00357 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00357 cell Chao Pang GM12704 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 45 GM12704 cell Chao Pang GM12703 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 45 GM12703 cell Chao Pang ND06432 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06432 cell Chao Pang ND06433 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 ND06433 cell Chao Pang ND06431 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND06431 cell Chao Pang ND11264 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11264 cell Chao Pang ND11265 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND11265 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14531 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14531 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11260 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11260 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06444 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND06444 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND11261 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11261 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14532 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14532 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11262 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11262 cell Chao Pang ND06438 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND06438 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14529 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14529 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG14988 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14988 cell Chao Pang ND06443 AVM-RUPTURED ND06443 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND14530 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14530 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG14987 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14987 cell Chao Pang ND11263 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11263 cell Chao Pang ND11254 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11254 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06436 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06436 cell Chao Pang ND06437 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND06437 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND11255 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11255 cell Chao Pang ND06434 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06434 cell Chao Pang ND14533 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14533 cell Chao Pang ND11258 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11258 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11259 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11259 cell Chao Pang ND06435 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND06435 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang AG15008 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15008 cell Chao Pang GM15870 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM15870 cell Chao Pang ND14524 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14524 cell Chao Pang GM15869 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM15869 cell Chao Pang AG15011 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15011 cell Chao Pang AG14995 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14995 cell Chao Pang GM15864 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM15864 cell Chao Pang GM15863 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM15863 cell Chao Pang AG15007 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15007 cell Chao Pang AG15015 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15015 cell Chao Pang GM15876 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM15876 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang ND14528 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14528 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM15873 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM15873 cell Chao Pang AG15016 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15016 cell Chao Pang ND14527 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14527 cell Chao Pang ND14526 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14526 cell Chao Pang AG15013 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15013 cell Chao Pang GM15872 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM15872 cell Chao Pang ND14525 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14525 cell Chao Pang AG15014 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15014 cell Chao Pang GM15871 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM15871 cell Chao Pang GM15862 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM15862 cell Chao Pang AG14994 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14994 cell Chao Pang ND06445 AVM-RUPTURED ND06445 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND06446 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06446 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06447 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06447 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06448 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06448 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11286 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11286 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11284 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11284 cell Chao Pang ND14556 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14556 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06475 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06475 cell Chao Pang ND14557 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14557 cell Chao Pang ND06476 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06476 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG15017 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15017 cell Chao Pang ND11285 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11285 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11282 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11282 cell Chao Pang ND14558 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14558 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14559 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14559 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11283 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11283 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11269 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND11269 cell Chao Pang ND06449 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06449 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11281 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND11281 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06450 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06450 cell Chao Pang ND11267 FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIA ND11267 cell Chao Pang ND06462 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06462 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06474 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06474 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11268 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND11268 cell Chao Pang AG15023 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15023 cell Chao Pang ND11266 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11266 cell Chao Pang AG15032 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15032 cell Chao Pang AG15033 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15033 cell Chao Pang ND14535 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14535 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG15044 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15044 cell Chao Pang ND14534 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND14534 cell Chao Pang AG15045 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15045 cell Chao Pang ND14537 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14537 cell Chao Pang ND14536 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14536 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG15046 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15046 cell Chao Pang AG15057 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15057 cell Chao Pang ND14554 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14554 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG15058 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15058 cell Chao Pang ND14538 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14538 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG15018 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15018 cell Chao Pang AG15022 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15022 cell Chao Pang ND06485 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06485 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06488 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06488 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06501 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06501 cell Chao Pang ND06486 EPILEPSY ND06486 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06487 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06487 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11290 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11290 cell Chao Pang ND06504 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND06504 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND11291 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11291 cell Chao Pang ND06505 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06505 cell Chao Pang ND06502 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06502 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11292 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11292 cell Chao Pang ND06503 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06503 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11293 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11293 cell Chao Pang AG14858 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14858 cell Chao Pang ND11294 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11294 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG14848 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14848 cell Chao Pang ND11295 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11295 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG14847 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14847 cell Chao Pang ND11296 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11296 cell Chao Pang ND06512 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06512 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG14846 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14846 cell Chao Pang ND11297 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11297 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG14887 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14887 cell Chao Pang GM15909 EPILEPSY, CHILDHOOD ABSENCE, 1; ECA1 GM15909 cell OMIM: 600131 Chao Pang AG14888 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14888 cell Chao Pang AG14885 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14885 cell Chao Pang GM15908 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY; TTD ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA WITH HAIR ABNORMALITY AND MENTAL AND GROWTH RETARDATION, INCLUDED GM15908 cell OMIM: 601675 Chao Pang GM15907 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY; TTD ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA WITH HAIR ABNORMALITY AND MENTAL AND GROWTH RETARDATION, INCLUDED GM15907 cell OMIM: 601675 Chao Pang AG14886 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14886 cell Chao Pang AG14860 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME AG14860 cell Chao Pang GM15904 PARKINSON'S DISEASE GM15904 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG14884 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14884 cell Chao Pang GM15903 ECTRODACTYLY, ECTODERMAL DYSPLASIA, AND CLEFT LIP/PALATE SYNDROME 1; EEC1 GM15903 cell OMIM: 129900 Chao Pang GM15901 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM15901 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang ND11289 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11289 cell Chao Pang ND11287 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11287 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM15900 PARKINSON'S DISEASE GM15900 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG14859 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14859 cell Chao Pang GM15893 PARKINSON'S DISEASE GM15893 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15892 IBERIAN POPULATION GM15892 cell Chao Pang GM15891 IBERIAN POPULATION GM15891 cell Chao Pang ND06549 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06549 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06550 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06550 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06556 EPILEPSY ND06556 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06557 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06557 cell Chao Pang ND06559 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND06559 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06572 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06572 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11319 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11319 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06573 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND06573 cell Chao Pang ND11320 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11320 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06574 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND06574 cell Chao Pang ND06575 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06575 cell Chao Pang ND11317 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11317 cell Chao Pang ND06576 INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE ND06576 cell Chao Pang ND11318 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11318 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG14947 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14947 cell Chao Pang GM15877 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 2; ERCC2 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM15877 cell OMIM: 126340 OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang ND11324 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11324 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG14939 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG14939 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND11322 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11322 cell Chao Pang AG14948 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14948 cell Chao Pang ND11323 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11323 cell Chao Pang GM15888 IBERIAN POPULATION GM15888 cell Chao Pang AG14981 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14981 cell Chao Pang GM15887 BASQUE POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - BASQUE GM15887 cell Chao Pang AG14984 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14984 cell Chao Pang GM15890 IBERIAN POPULATION GM15890 cell Chao Pang AG14985 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14985 cell Chao Pang GM15889 IBERIAN POPULATION GM15889 cell Chao Pang AG14986 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14986 cell Chao Pang AG14949 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14949 cell Chao Pang ND11316 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11316 cell Chao Pang GM15884 BASQUE POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - BASQUE GM15884 cell Chao Pang AG14953 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14953 cell Chao Pang GM15883 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - BASQUE BASQUE POPULATION GM15883 cell Chao Pang ND11300 SPOUSAL CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND11300 cell Chao Pang ND11298 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11298 cell Chao Pang GM15886 BASQUE POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - BASQUE GM15886 cell Chao Pang AG14977 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14977 cell Chao Pang GM15885 BASQUE POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - BASQUE GM15885 cell Chao Pang AG14980 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14980 cell Chao Pang GM15880 NODAL RHYTHM GM15880 cell OMIM: 163800 Chao Pang GM15879 ECTODERMAL DYSPLASIA 1, ANHIDROTIC; ED1 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM15879 cell OMIM: 305100 Chao Pang ND11334 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11334 cell Chao Pang ND11333 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11333 cell Chao Pang ND11330 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11330 cell Chao Pang ND11329 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND11329 cell Chao Pang ND06597 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06597 cell Chao Pang ND06596 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06596 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11332 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11332 cell Chao Pang ND06595 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND06595 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11331 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11331 cell Chao Pang ND06594 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND06594 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06593 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06593 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06590 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06590 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06589 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06589 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06588 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06588 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06587 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06587 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06577 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06577 cell Chao Pang AG15783 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15783 cell Chao Pang GM15989 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15989 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang AG15792 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15792 cell Chao Pang GM15996 PARKINSON'S DISEASE GM15996 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15998 PARKINSON'S DISEASE GM15998 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG15791 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15791 cell Chao Pang GM15992 SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY, PROGRESSIVE GM15992 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang AG15787 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15787 cell Chao Pang GM15993 BREAST CANCER TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM15993 cell Chao Pang AG15784 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15784 cell Chao Pang GM16002 NODAL RHYTHM GM16002 cell OMIM: 163800 Chao Pang ND11325 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11325 cell Chao Pang AG15799 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15799 cell Chao Pang ND11326 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11326 cell Chao Pang GM16003 NODAL RHYTHM GM16003 cell OMIM: 163800 Chao Pang AG15798 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15798 cell Chao Pang AG15796 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15796 cell Chao Pang GM15999 PARKINSON'S DISEASE GM15999 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11327 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11327 cell Chao Pang GM16000 COAGULATION FACTOR II; F2 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE 5,10-@METHYLENETETRAHYDROFOLATE REDUCTASE; MTHFR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - HEMOCHROMATOSIS HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - DISORDERS OF THROMBOSIS GM16000 cell OMIM: 176930 OMIM: 235200 OMIM: 607093 Chao Pang AG15793 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15793 cell Chao Pang ND11328 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND11328 cell Chao Pang GM16004 NODAL RHYTHM GM16004 cell OMIM: 163800 Chao Pang AG15801 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15801 cell Chao Pang ND11358 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11358 cell Chao Pang ND11357 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11357 cell Chao Pang ND06632 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06632 cell Chao Pang ND06631 EPILEPSY ND06631 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND11356 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11356 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11355 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11355 cell Chao Pang ND11344 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11344 cell Chao Pang ND06628 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06628 cell Chao Pang ND06627 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06627 cell Chao Pang ND06630 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06630 cell Chao Pang ND06629 EPILEPSY ND06629 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06599 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06599 cell Chao Pang ND06598 EPILEPSY ND06598 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06601 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06601 cell Chao Pang ND06600 EPILEPSY ND06600 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM15910 EPILEPSY, CHILDHOOD ABSENCE, 1; ECA1 GM15910 cell OMIM: 600131 Chao Pang GM15911 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS EPILEPSY, CHILDHOOD ABSENCE, 1; ECA1 GM15911 cell OMIM: 600131 Chao Pang GM15912 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS EPILEPSY, CHILDHOOD ABSENCE, 1; ECA1 GM15912 cell OMIM: 600131 Chao Pang GM15916 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM15916 cell Chao Pang ND11340 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11340 cell Chao Pang GM15917 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM15917 cell Chao Pang ND11343 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11343 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM15918 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM15918 cell Chao Pang GM15919 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM15919 cell Chao Pang ND11337 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11337 cell Chao Pang ND11338 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11338 cell Chao Pang GM15920 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM15920 cell Chao Pang GM15923 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM15923 cell Chao Pang GM15983 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15983 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang ND11335 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11335 cell Chao Pang ND06665 EPILEPSY ND06665 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06637 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06637 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06636 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06636 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06635 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06635 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06634 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06634 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06664 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06664 cell Chao Pang ND06663 EPILEPSY ND06663 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06640 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06640 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06639 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06639 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG15090 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15090 cell Chao Pang GM16082 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 1, INFANTILE; CLN1 PALMITOYL-PROTEIN THIOESTERASE 1; PPT1 GM16082 cell OMIM: 256730 OMIM: 600722 Chao Pang AG15060 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15060 cell Chao Pang GM16083 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 1, INFANTILE; CLN1 PALMITOYL-PROTEIN THIOESTERASE 1; PPT1 GM16083 cell OMIM: 256730 OMIM: 600722 Chao Pang AG15059 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15059 cell Chao Pang GM16080 PALMITOYL-PROTEIN THIOESTERASE 1; PPT1 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, JUVENILE NEURONAL, WITH GRANULAR OSMIOPHILIC DEPOSIT GM16080 cell OMIM: 600680 OMIM: 600722 Chao Pang GM16081 PALMITOYL-PROTEIN THIOESTERASE 1; PPT1 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, JUVENILE NEURONAL, WITH GRANULAR OSMIOPHILIC DEPOSIT GM16081 cell OMIM: 600680 OMIM: 600722 Chao Pang GM16027 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM16027 cell Chao Pang GM16028 HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - HEMOCHROMATOSIS 5,10-@METHYLENETETRAHYDROFOLATE REDUCTASE; MTHFR FACTOR V DEFICIENCY HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - DISORDERS OF THROMBOSIS COAGULATION FACTOR II; F2 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM16028 cell OMIM: 176930 OMIM: 227400 OMIM: 235200 OMIM: 607093 Chao Pang ND06633 EPILEPSY ND06633 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM16024 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM16024 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang GM12100 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM12100 cell Chao Pang GM12101 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12101 cell Chao Pang GM12102 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12102 cell Chao Pang AG15173 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15173 cell Chao Pang AG15111 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15111 cell Chao Pang GM12103 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12103 cell Chao Pang AG15110 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15110 cell Chao Pang GM12104 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12104 cell Chao Pang GM16088 LIGASE IV, DNA, ATP-DEPENDENT; LIG4 LIG4 SYNDROME GM16088 cell OMIM: 601837 OMIM: 606593 Chao Pang AG15109 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15109 cell Chao Pang GM12105 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12105 cell Chao Pang GM12106 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12106 cell Chao Pang AG15108 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15108 cell Chao Pang GM12107 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12107 cell Chao Pang GM16084 PALMITOYL-PROTEIN THIOESTERASE 1; PPT1 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 1, INFANTILE; CLN1 GM16084 cell OMIM: 256730 OMIM: 600722 Chao Pang AG15107 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15107 cell Chao Pang AG15091 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15091 cell Chao Pang GM12108 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12108 cell Chao Pang GM16085 PALMITOYL-PROTEIN THIOESTERASE 1; PPT1 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, JUVENILE NEURONAL, WITH GRANULAR OSMIOPHILIC DEPOSIT GM16085 cell OMIM: 600680 OMIM: 600722 Chao Pang ND06679 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06679 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06668 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06668 cell Chao Pang ND06681 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND06681 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang ND06680 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06680 cell Chao Pang ND06726 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06726 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06682 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06682 cell Chao Pang ND06728 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06728 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06727 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06727 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG15448 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15448 cell Chao Pang GM16007 NODAL RHYTHM GM16007 cell OMIM: 163800 Chao Pang GM16008 NODAL RHYTHM GM16008 cell OMIM: 163800 Chao Pang AG15174 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15174 cell Chao Pang GM16009 NODAL RHYTHM GM16009 cell OMIM: 163800 Chao Pang AG15450 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15450 cell Chao Pang AG15449 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15449 cell Chao Pang GM16010 NODAL RHYTHM GM16010 cell OMIM: 163800 Chao Pang ND06666 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06666 cell Chao Pang GM16005 NODAL RHYTHM GM16005 cell OMIM: 163800 Chao Pang ND06667 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06667 cell Chao Pang GM16006 NODAL RHYTHM GM16006 cell OMIM: 163800 Chao Pang AG15782 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15782 cell Chao Pang AG15781 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15781 cell Chao Pang AG15695 PROGERIA, ADULT ONSET AG15695 cell Chao Pang GM16011 NODAL RHYTHM GM16011 cell OMIM: 163800 Chao Pang GM16019 NODAL RHYTHM GM16019 cell OMIM: 163800 Chao Pang AG15693 PROGERIA, ADULT ONSET AG15693 cell Chao Pang GM16020 NODAL RHYTHM GM16020 cell OMIM: 163800 Chao Pang AG15767 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15767 cell Chao Pang AG15749 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15749 cell Chao Pang GM16023 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM16023 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang GM04504 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM04504 cell Chao Pang GM04503 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM04503 cell Chao Pang GM16135 CRICETULUS GM16135 cell Chao Pang GM04506 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM04506 cell Chao Pang GM04505 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM04505 cell Chao Pang GM04500 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04500 cell Chao Pang GM04502 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM04502 cell Chao Pang GM04501 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM04501 cell Chao Pang ND06729 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06729 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM16113 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM16113 cell Chao Pang GM16111 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM16111 cell Chao Pang ND06731 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06731 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM16117 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM16117 cell Chao Pang GM16115 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM16115 cell Chao Pang ND06730 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06730 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM04513 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM04513 cell Chao Pang GM16119 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM16119 cell Chao Pang GM04510 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; FANCC GM04510 cell OMIM: 227645 Chao Pang GM16118 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM16118 cell Chao Pang GM16133 CRICETULUS GM16133 cell Chao Pang GM04514 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM04514 cell Chao Pang GM16132 CRICETULUS GM16132 cell Chao Pang ND06755 EPILEPSY ND06755 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06756 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06756 cell Chao Pang ND06757 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06757 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06732 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06732 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06751 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06751 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06753 EPILEPSY ND06753 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06754 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL EPILEPSY ND06754 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM16109 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 1, INFANTILE; CLN1 PALMITOYL-PROTEIN THIOESTERASE 1; PPT1 GM16109 cell OMIM: 256730 OMIM: 600722 Chao Pang GM04534 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04534 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04522 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM04522 cell Chao Pang GM04520 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM04520 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM16108 PALMITOYL-PROTEIN THIOESTERASE 1; PPT1 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 1, INFANTILE; CLN1 GM16108 cell OMIM: 256730 OMIM: 600722 Chao Pang GM04519 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM04519 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM16107 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 1, INFANTILE; CLN1 PALMITOYL-PROTEIN THIOESTERASE 1; PPT1 GM16107 cell OMIM: 256730 OMIM: 600722 Chao Pang GM04518 MANNOSIDOSIS, ALPHA B, LYSOSOMAL GM04518 cell OMIM: 248500 Chao Pang GM04517 KRABBE DISEASE GM04517 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM04516 SIDEROBLASTIC ANEMIA - 269950 OR 301300 GM04516 cell OMIM: 269950 Chao Pang GM04515 SIDEROBLASTIC ANEMIA - 269950 OR 301300 GM04515 cell OMIM: 269950 Chao Pang ND06761 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06761 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM16094 COCKAYNE SYNDROME, TYPE I; CKN1 GM16094 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM16093 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16093 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang ND06760 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06760 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM16092 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16092 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang ND06759 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND06759 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06758 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06758 cell Chao Pang GM16089 LIG4 SYNDROME GM16089 cell OMIM: 606593 Chao Pang GM16106 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 1, INFANTILE; CLN1 PALMITOYL-PROTEIN THIOESTERASE 1; PPT1 GM16106 cell OMIM: 256730 OMIM: 600722 Chao Pang GM16105 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM16105 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM04536 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM04536 cell Chao Pang GM16097 LIGASE I, DNA, ATP-DEPENDENT; LIG1 GM16097 cell OMIM: 126391 Chao Pang GM04535 PHOSPHOGLYCERATE KINASE 1; PGK1 GM04535 cell OMIM: 311800 Chao Pang GM16096 LIGASE I, DNA, ATP-DEPENDENT; LIG1 GM16096 cell OMIM: 126391 Chao Pang ND06785 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06785 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06786 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06786 cell Chao Pang ND06772 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06772 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06773 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06773 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06762 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06762 cell Chao Pang ND06771 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06771 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM04541 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM04541 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM04540 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM04540 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM04545 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM04545 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM04543 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM04543 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM04562 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM04562 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM04547 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM04547 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM04569 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM04569 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM04567 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM04567 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM04573 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM04573 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM04539 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM04539 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM04592 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY TRISOMY 21 GM04592 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM04589 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04589 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04587 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04587 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04586 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04586 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04596 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH PERONEAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY, X-LINKED; CMTX1 GAP JUNCTION PROTEIN, BETA-1, 32-KD; GJB1 GM04596 cell OMIM: 302800 OMIM: 304040 Chao Pang GM04595 GAP JUNCTION PROTEIN, BETA-1, 32-KD; GJB1 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH PERONEAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY, X-LINKED; CMTX1 GM04595 cell OMIM: 302800 OMIM: 304040 Chao Pang GM04594 GAP JUNCTION PROTEIN, BETA-1, 32-KD; GJB1 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH PERONEAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY, X-LINKED; CMTX1 GM04594 cell OMIM: 302800 OMIM: 304040 Chao Pang GM04593 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH PERONEAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY, X-LINKED; CMTX1 GAP JUNCTION PROTEIN, BETA-1, 32-KD; GJB1 GM04593 cell OMIM: 302800 OMIM: 304040 Chao Pang GM16145 CRICETULUS GM16145 cell Chao Pang GM16144 CRICETULUS GM16144 cell Chao Pang GM16143 CRICETULUS GM16143 cell Chao Pang GM16142 CRICETULUS GM16142 cell Chao Pang GM16141 CRICETULUS GM16141 cell Chao Pang GM16140 CRICETULUS GM16140 cell Chao Pang GM16139 CRICETULUS GM16139 cell Chao Pang GM16138 CRICETULUS GM16138 cell Chao Pang GM16136 CRICETULUS GM16136 cell Chao Pang GM16137 CRICETULUS GM16137 cell Chao Pang GM04584 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04584 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04585 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04585 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04610 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 8 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM04610 cell Chao Pang GM04613 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04613 cell Chao Pang AG14816 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14816 cell Chao Pang GM04614 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY TRISOMY 21 GM04614 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG14829 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14829 cell Chao Pang GM04602 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM04602 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang AG14828 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14828 cell Chao Pang GM04603 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM04603 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang AG14831 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14831 cell Chao Pang GM04604 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM04604 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM04608 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM04608 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang AG14830 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14830 cell Chao Pang GM04597 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH PERONEAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY, X-LINKED; CMTX1 GAP JUNCTION PROTEIN, BETA-1, 32-KD; GJB1 GM04597 cell OMIM: 302800 OMIM: 304040 Chao Pang AG14802 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14802 cell Chao Pang ND11209 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11209 cell Chao Pang AG14803 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14803 cell Chao Pang ND11208 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11208 cell Chao Pang GM04601 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM04601 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang AG14812 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14812 cell Chao Pang ND11207 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11207 cell Chao Pang ND11206 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11206 cell Chao Pang GM04598 GAP JUNCTION PROTEIN, BETA-1, 32-KD; GJB1 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH PERONEAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY, X-LINKED; CMTX1 GM04598 cell OMIM: 302800 OMIM: 304040 Chao Pang AG14813 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 AG14813 cell Chao Pang AG14814 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14814 cell Chao Pang AG14815 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14815 cell Chao Pang ND11215 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11215 cell Chao Pang ND11214 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11214 cell Chao Pang ND11213 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11213 cell Chao Pang ND11212 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11212 cell Chao Pang ND11211 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11211 cell Chao Pang ND11210 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11210 cell Chao Pang AG14840 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14840 cell Chao Pang AG14839 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14839 cell Chao Pang GM04627 RECOMBINANT CHROMOSOME GM04627 cell Chao Pang GM04628 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04628 cell Chao Pang AG14844 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14844 cell Chao Pang GM04624 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM04624 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang AG14843 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14843 cell Chao Pang GM04626 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM04626 cell Chao Pang GM04621 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM04621 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang AG14842 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14842 cell Chao Pang AG14841 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14841 cell Chao Pang GM04623 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM04623 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM04619 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM04619 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang AG14834 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14834 cell Chao Pang ND11218 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11218 cell Chao Pang AG14835 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14835 cell Chao Pang ND11217 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11217 cell Chao Pang GM04618 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04618 cell Chao Pang AG14832 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14832 cell Chao Pang ND11221 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11221 cell Chao Pang GM04617 TRISOMY 21 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM04617 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG14833 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14833 cell Chao Pang GM04616 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY TRISOMY 21 GM04616 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang ND11219 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11219 cell Chao Pang AG14836 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14836 cell Chao Pang ND11216 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11216 cell Chao Pang ND11227 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11227 cell Chao Pang ND11223 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11223 cell Chao Pang ND11222 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11222 cell Chao Pang ND11226 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11226 cell Chao Pang ND11224 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11224 cell Chao Pang GM04642 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP PARKINSON'S DISEASE NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM04642 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04643 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP PARKINSON'S DISEASE GM04643 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04647 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM04647 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM04648 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM04648 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM04663 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP ASPARTOACYLASE; ASPA GM04663 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 OMIM: 608034 Chao Pang ND11231 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11231 cell Chao Pang ND11229 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11229 cell Chao Pang GM04632 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM04632 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM04635 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM04635 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang ND11236 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11236 cell Chao Pang ND11235 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11235 cell Chao Pang GM04634 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM04634 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang ND11234 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11234 cell Chao Pang GM04638 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GM04638 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang ND11233 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11233 cell Chao Pang GM04637 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM04637 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang ND11240 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11240 cell Chao Pang ND11239 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11239 cell Chao Pang ND11238 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11238 cell Chao Pang ND11237 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11237 cell Chao Pang AG14801 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14801 cell Chao Pang AG14800 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14800 cell Chao Pang AG14799 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14799 cell Chao Pang AG14798 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14798 cell Chao Pang ND11241 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11241 cell Chao Pang ND11245 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11245 cell Chao Pang ND11242 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11242 cell Chao Pang ND11248 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11248 cell Chao Pang ND11246 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11246 cell Chao Pang ND11250 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11250 cell Chao Pang ND11249 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11249 cell Chao Pang ND11252 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11252 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11251 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11251 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11253 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11253 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12250 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 GM12250 cell Chao Pang GM12251 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 GM12251 cell Chao Pang GM12260 PROTEUS SYNDROME GM12260 cell OMIM: 176920 Chao Pang GM12254 ALAGILLE SYNDROME; AGS GM12254 cell OMIM: 118450 Chao Pang GM12253 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 GM12253 cell Chao Pang GM12252 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 GM12252 cell Chao Pang GM12264 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1375 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12264 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12263 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1375 GM12263 cell Chao Pang GM12262 DELTA-AMINOLEVULINATE DEHYDRATASE; ALAD GM12262 cell OMIM: 125270 Chao Pang GM12261 DELTA-AMINOLEVULINATE DEHYDRATASE; ALAD GM12261 cell OMIM: 125270 Chao Pang GM04664 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM04664 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM04666 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM04666 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM04665 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM04665 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM04678 BURKITT LYMPHOMA; BL GM04678 cell OMIM: 113970 Chao Pang GM04674 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM04674 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang GM04679 BURKITT LYMPHOMA; BL GM04679 cell OMIM: 113970 Chao Pang GM04671 BURKITT LYMPHOMA; BL GM04671 cell OMIM: 113970 Chao Pang GM04668 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VII GM04668 cell OMIM: 253220 Chao Pang GM04673 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM04673 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang GM04672 MYELOMA, MULTIPLE AMYLOIDOSIS, PRIMARY, INCLUDED; AL, INCLUDED GM04672 cell OMIM: 254500 Chao Pang GM04711 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04711 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04715 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04715 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04716 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04716 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04717 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04717 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04718 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04718 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04704 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04704 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04707 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04707 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04708 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04708 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04709 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04709 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04710 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04710 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04691 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04691 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04692 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04692 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04689 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04689 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04690 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04690 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04693 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04693 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04694 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04694 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04687 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04687 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04688 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04688 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04680 CHRONIC MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA GM04680 cell Chao Pang GM04681 MULTIPLE SULFATASE DEFICIENCY GM04681 cell OMIM: 272200 Chao Pang ND14582 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14582 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14584 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14584 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14583 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14583 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14586 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14586 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14585 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14585 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14588 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14588 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14587 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14587 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14590 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14590 cell Chao Pang ND14589 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14589 cell Chao Pang ND14591 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14591 cell Chao Pang GM04764 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM04764 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM04766 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04766 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04767 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04767 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04738 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04738 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04745 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04745 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04761 CHROMOSOME POLYMORPHISM GM04761 cell Chao Pang GM04763 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM04763 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM04735 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04735 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04736 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04736 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04737 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04737 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND14571 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14571 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14570 PROGRESSIVE BULBAR PALSY ND14570 cell Chao Pang ND14569 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14569 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14568 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14568 cell Chao Pang ND14579 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14579 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14578 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14578 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14573 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND14573 cell Chao Pang ND14572 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND14572 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14581 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14581 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14580 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14580 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM04730 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04730 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04734 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04734 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04727 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04727 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04729 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04729 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04723 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04723 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04724 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04724 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04721 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04721 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04722 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04722 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04719 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04719 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04720 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04720 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM12113 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12113 cell Chao Pang GM12112 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12112 cell Chao Pang GM12115 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12115 cell Chao Pang GM12114 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12114 cell Chao Pang GM12117 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12117 cell Chao Pang GM12116 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12116 cell Chao Pang GM12125 SPONASTRIME DYSPLASIA GM12125 cell OMIM: 271510 Chao Pang GM12123 ADRENAL UNRESPONSIVENESS TO ACTH GM12123 cell OMIM: 202200 Chao Pang GM12111 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12111 cell Chao Pang GM12110 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12110 cell Chao Pang ND14630 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14630 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14622 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14622 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14623 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14623 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14619 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND14619 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12109 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM12109 cell Chao Pang ND14621 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14621 cell Chao Pang ND14617 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14617 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14618 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14618 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14615 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14615 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14616 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14616 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14614 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14614 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM12134 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM12134 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM12133 ALAGILLE SYNDROME; AGS GM12133 cell OMIM: 118450 Chao Pang GM12132 ALAGILLE SYNDROME; AGS GM12132 cell OMIM: 118450 Chao Pang GM12131 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE IV GM12131 cell OMIM: 232500 Chao Pang GM12137 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE IV GM12137 cell OMIM: 232500 Chao Pang GM12136 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE IV GM12136 cell OMIM: 232500 Chao Pang GM12135 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM12135 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM12129 MYASTHENIA GRAVIS; MG GM12129 cell OMIM: 254200 Chao Pang GM12127 CIRRHOSIS, FAMILIAL CIRRHOSIS, FAMILIAL, WITH PULMONARY HYPERTENSION, INCLUDED GM12127 cell OMIM: 215600 Chao Pang GM12126 SPONASTRIME DYSPLASIA GM12126 cell OMIM: 271510 Chao Pang ND14610 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14610 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14611 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14611 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14612 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14612 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14613 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14613 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14594 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14594 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14595 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14595 cell Chao Pang ND14596 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14596 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14597 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14597 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14592 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14592 cell Chao Pang ND14593 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14593 cell Chao Pang GM12148 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 GM12148 cell Chao Pang GM12147 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 GM12147 cell Chao Pang GM12144 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1334 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12144 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang ND14641 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14641 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM12143 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1334 GM12143 cell Chao Pang GM12146 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1334 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12146 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12145 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1334 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12145 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12139 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1334 GM12139 cell Chao Pang GM12138 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1334 GM12138 cell Chao Pang GM12142 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1334 GM12142 cell Chao Pang GM12141 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1334 GM12141 cell Chao Pang ND14651 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14651 cell Chao Pang ND14644 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14644 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14645 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14645 cell Chao Pang ND14642 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14642 cell Chao Pang ND14643 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14643 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14649 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14649 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14650 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14650 cell Chao Pang ND14646 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14646 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14647 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14647 cell Chao Pang GM12158 WILSON DISEASE GM12158 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM12157 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 GM12157 cell Chao Pang GM12156 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 GM12156 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12155 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12155 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12154 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12154 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12153 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 GM12153 cell Chao Pang GM12152 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 GM12152 cell Chao Pang GM12151 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 GM12151 cell Chao Pang GM12150 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 GM12150 cell Chao Pang GM12149 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 GM12149 cell Chao Pang ND14639 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14639 cell Chao Pang ND14640 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14640 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14631 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14631 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14632 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14632 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14633 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14633 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14634 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14634 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14635 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14635 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14636 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14636 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14637 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14637 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14638 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14638 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM12160 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM12160 cell Chao Pang GM12198 WILSON DISEASE GM12198 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM12199 WILSON DISEASE GM12199 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM12200 PROTEUS SYNDROME GM12200 cell OMIM: 176920 Chao Pang GM12201 PROTEUS SYNDROME GM12201 cell OMIM: 176920 Chao Pang GM12202 PROTEUS SYNDROME GM12202 cell OMIM: 176920 Chao Pang ND14670 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14670 cell Chao Pang GM12203 PROTEUS SYNDROME GM12203 cell OMIM: 176920 Chao Pang ND14671 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14671 cell Chao Pang GM12212 PYRUVATE DECARBOXYLASE DEFICIENCY GM12212 cell OMIM: 208800 Chao Pang GM12214 PERIPHERAL MYELIN PROTEIN 22; PMP22 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE, TYPE 1A; CMT1A GM12214 cell OMIM: 118220 OMIM: 601097 Chao Pang GM12215 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 17 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12215 cell Chao Pang ND14669 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14669 cell Chao Pang ND14678 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14678 cell Chao Pang ND14677 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14677 cell Chao Pang ND14676 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14676 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14675 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14675 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14674 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14674 cell Chao Pang ND14673 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14673 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14672 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14672 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12220 SPONDYLOPERIPHERAL DYSPLASIA GM12220 cell Chao Pang GM12221 SPONDYLOPERIPHERAL DYSPLASIA GM12221 cell Chao Pang GM12217 ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA, CONGENITAL, DUE TO 21-HYDROXYLASE DEFICIENCY GM12217 cell OMIM: 201910 Chao Pang GM12224 HYPERAMMONEMIA DUE TO CARBAMOYLPHOSPHATE SYNTHETASE I DEFICIENCY GM12224 cell OMIM: 237300 Chao Pang GM12225 INCONTINENTIA PIGMENTI; IP GM12225 cell OMIM: 308300 Chao Pang GM12222 HYPERAMMONEMIA DUE TO CARBAMOYLPHOSPHATE SYNTHETASE I DEFICIENCY GM12222 cell OMIM: 237300 Chao Pang GM12223 HYPERAMMONEMIA DUE TO CARBAMOYLPHOSPHATE SYNTHETASE I DEFICIENCY GM12223 cell OMIM: 237300 Chao Pang GM12228 ALAGILLE SYNDROME; AGS GM12228 cell OMIM: 118450 Chao Pang GM12226 INCONTINENTIA PIGMENTI; IP GM12226 cell OMIM: 308300 Chao Pang ND14652 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14652 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12227 ALAGILLE SYNDROME; AGS GM12227 cell OMIM: 118450 Chao Pang ND14653 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14653 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14666 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14666 cell Chao Pang ND14664 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14664 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14668 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14668 cell Chao Pang ND14667 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14667 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14661 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14661 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14660 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14660 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14663 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14663 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14662 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14662 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12233 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1375 GM12233 cell Chao Pang GM12234 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1375 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12234 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12235 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1375 GM12235 cell Chao Pang GM12236 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12236 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12229 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1375 GM12229 cell Chao Pang GM12230 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1375 GM12230 cell Chao Pang GM12231 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1375 GM12231 cell Chao Pang GM12232 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1375 GM12232 cell Chao Pang ND14706 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14706 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12237 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM12237 cell Chao Pang ND14711 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14711 cell Chao Pang GM12238 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1334 GM12238 cell Chao Pang ND14712 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14712 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14707 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND14707 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14709 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14709 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14716 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14716 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14715 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14715 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14714 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14714 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14713 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14713 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14725 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14725 cell Chao Pang GM12247 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 GM12247 cell Chao Pang GM12248 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12248 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12245 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 GM12245 cell Chao Pang GM12246 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 GM12246 cell Chao Pang GM12243 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 GM12243 cell Chao Pang GM12244 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 GM12244 cell Chao Pang GM12240 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 GM12240 cell Chao Pang GM12241 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 GM12241 cell Chao Pang ND14681 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14681 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14682 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14682 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12249 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12249 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang ND14683 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14683 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14684 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND14684 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14686 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14686 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14685 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14685 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14688 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND14688 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14687 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14687 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14705 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14705 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14689 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND14689 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM12239 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1334 GM12239 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang ND11485 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11485 cell Chao Pang ND11487 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND11487 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND11488 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND11488 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND11494 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11494 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11495 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11495 cell Chao Pang AG16744 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16744 cell Chao Pang ND11496 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11496 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11497 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11497 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG16743 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16743 cell Chao Pang AG16742 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16742 cell Chao Pang GM16231 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16231 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16230 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16230 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16229 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16229 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16228 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16228 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang AG16782 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY TRISOMY 21 AG16782 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG16803 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16803 cell Chao Pang AG16777 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY TRISOMY 21 AG16777 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM16239 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16239 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang AG16778 TRISOMY 21 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY AG16778 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM16238 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16238 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16237 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16237 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang ND11482 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11482 cell Chao Pang AG16758 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16758 cell Chao Pang AG16759 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16759 cell Chao Pang GM16236 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16236 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang ND11484 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11484 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM16234 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16234 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang AG16747 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16747 cell Chao Pang ND11483 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11483 cell Chao Pang AG16748 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16748 cell Chao Pang GM16232 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16232 cell OMIM: 229300 Chao Pang ND11504 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11504 cell Chao Pang ND11505 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11505 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11502 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11502 cell Chao Pang ND11503 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11503 cell Chao Pang AG16819 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16819 cell Chao Pang AG16804 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16804 cell Chao Pang ND11506 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11506 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11507 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11507 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM16215 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16215 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16218 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16218 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16216 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16216 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang AG16820 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16820 cell Chao Pang AG16892 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16892 cell Chao Pang GM16226 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16226 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang AG16893 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16893 cell Chao Pang GM16225 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16225 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang AG16894 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM INVERTED CHROMOSOME AG16894 cell Chao Pang GM16227 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16227 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang AG16895 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16895 cell Chao Pang AG16821 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16821 cell Chao Pang ND11501 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11501 cell Chao Pang GM16220 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16220 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16219 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16219 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang AG16850 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16850 cell Chao Pang ND11500 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11500 cell Chao Pang AG16858 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16858 cell Chao Pang ND11499 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11499 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM16223 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16223 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16222 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16222 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang ND11498 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11498 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG16863 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16863 cell Chao Pang ND11459 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11459 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04371 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04371 cell Chao Pang GM04372 KRABBE DISEASE GM04372 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang ND11460 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11460 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11461 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11461 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM16203 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16203 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM04368 KEARNS-SAYRE SYNDROME; KSS COMPLEX I, SUBUNIT ND4; MTND4 GM04368 cell OMIM: 516003 OMIM: 530000 Chao Pang AG16896 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16896 cell Chao Pang ND11462 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11462 cell Chao Pang GM04370 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04370 cell Chao Pang GM04363 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM04363 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang ND11455 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11455 cell Chao Pang ND11456 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11456 cell Chao Pang GM04364 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM04364 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang ND11457 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11457 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11458 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11458 cell Chao Pang ND11463 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11463 cell Chao Pang AG16897 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16897 cell Chao Pang GM16205 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16205 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang AG16898 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16898 cell Chao Pang GM16204 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16204 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16210 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16210 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang AG16901 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16901 cell Chao Pang AG16903 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16903 cell Chao Pang GM16209 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16209 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16207 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16207 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang ND11453 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11453 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG16899 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16899 cell Chao Pang AG16900 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16900 cell Chao Pang GM16206 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16206 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang AG16906 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16906 cell Chao Pang GM04390 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE FABRY DISEASE GM04390 cell OMIM: 301500 Chao Pang GM16214 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16214 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang AG16907 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16907 cell Chao Pang GM16213 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16213 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM04376 TRIPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER GM04376 cell Chao Pang GM16212 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16212 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM04375 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC XXY SYNDROME; KLINEFELTER SYNDROME GM04375 cell Chao Pang AG16904 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16904 cell Chao Pang GM16211 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16211 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM04374 TYROSINE TRANSAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM04374 cell OMIM: 276600 Chao Pang AG16905 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16905 cell Chao Pang GM16188 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - BASQUE BASQUE POPULATION GM16188 cell Chao Pang ND11480 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11480 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11481 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11481 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM16189 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - BASQUE BASQUE POPULATION GM16189 cell Chao Pang ND11478 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND11478 cell Chao Pang ND11479 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11479 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11476 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND11476 cell Chao Pang ND11477 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND11477 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND11474 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND11474 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND11475 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND11475 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang AG16908 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16908 cell Chao Pang GM16190 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - BASQUE BASQUE POPULATION GM16190 cell Chao Pang AG16909 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16909 cell Chao Pang AG16911 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16911 cell Chao Pang ND11465 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11465 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM16193 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE B SPHINGOMYELIN PHOSPHODIESTERASE 1, ACID LYSOSOMAL; SMPD1 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GM16193 cell OMIM: 606463 OMIM: 607608 OMIM: 607616 Chao Pang AG16912 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16912 cell Chao Pang GM16192 WALKER-WARBURG SYNDROME GM16192 cell OMIM: 236670 Chao Pang ND11464 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11464 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG16913 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16913 cell Chao Pang GM16197 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16197 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang AG16914 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16914 cell Chao Pang AG16915 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16915 cell Chao Pang GM16195 SPHINGOMYELIN PHOSPHODIESTERASE 1, ACID LYSOSOMAL; SMPD1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE A GM16195 cell OMIM: 257200 OMIM: 607608 Chao Pang AG16926 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16926 cell Chao Pang GM16200 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16200 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16198 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16198 cell OMIM: 229300 Chao Pang AG16927 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16927 cell Chao Pang AG16928 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16928 cell Chao Pang GM16202 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16202 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16201 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16201 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM12284 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 GM12284 cell Chao Pang GM12287 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12287 cell Chao Pang GM12315 NORRIE DISEASE; NDP - 310600 GM12315 cell OMIM: 310600 Chao Pang AG16939 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16939 cell Chao Pang GM12316 NORRIE DISEASE; NDP - 310600 GM12316 cell OMIM: 310600 Chao Pang AG16938 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16938 cell Chao Pang GM12318 NORRIE DISEASE; NDP - 310600 GM12318 cell OMIM: 310600 Chao Pang AG16937 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16937 cell Chao Pang GM12323 MARKER CHROMOSOME GM12323 cell Chao Pang GM12324 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM12324 cell Chao Pang AG16936 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16936 cell Chao Pang GM16389 POPLITEAL PTERYGIUM SYNDROME, LETHAL TYPE; BARTSOCAS-PAPAS SYNDROME; BPS GM16389 cell OMIM: 263650 Chao Pang AG16935 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16935 cell Chao Pang GM12325 ACHONDROPLASIA; ACH GM12325 cell OMIM: 100800 Chao Pang GM12326 ACHONDROPLASIA; ACH GM12326 cell OMIM: 100800 Chao Pang GM16390 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM16390 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang AG16933 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16933 cell Chao Pang AG16932 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16932 cell Chao Pang GM16386 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16386 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang AG16931 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16931 cell Chao Pang GM16387 SOLUTE CARRIER FAMILY 3, MEMBER 1; SLC3A1 CYSTINURIA; CSNU GM16387 cell OMIM: 104614 OMIM: 220100 Chao Pang AG16930 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16930 cell Chao Pang GM16384 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16384 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang AG16929 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16929 cell Chao Pang GM16385 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16385 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM16382 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM16382 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM16383 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16383 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM16380 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16380 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM12285 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 GM12285 cell Chao Pang GM12286 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12286 cell Chao Pang GM16381 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16381 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM12274 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 GM12274 cell Chao Pang GM12273 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] SNP500 PANEL GM12273 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM12278 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 GM12278 cell Chao Pang GM12279 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 GM12279 cell Chao Pang GM12276 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 GM12276 cell Chao Pang GM12277 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 GM12277 cell Chao Pang GM16377 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 GM16377 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM12282 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 GM12282 cell Chao Pang GM12283 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 GM12283 cell Chao Pang GM16378 PINEAL HYPERPLASIA, INSULIN-RESISTANT DIABETES MELLITUS, AND SOMATIC ABNORMALITIES; RABSON-MENDENHALL SYNDROME LEPRECHAUNISM GM16378 cell OMIM: 246200 OMIM: 262190 Chao Pang GM16379 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16379 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM12280 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 GM12280 cell Chao Pang GM12281 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 GM12281 cell Chao Pang GM16368 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM16368 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM16370 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16370 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM16372 HYPOPARATHYROIDISM-RETARDATION-DYSMORPHISM SYNDROME; HRD; SANJAD-SAKATI SYNDROME GM16372 cell OMIM: 241410 Chao Pang GM16375 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM GM16375 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM16350 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY; TYPE UNKNOWN (FSHD) GM16350 cell Chao Pang GM12275 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 GM12275 cell Chao Pang GM16351 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY; TYPE UNKNOWN (FSHD) GM16351 cell Chao Pang GM16352 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY; TYPE UNKNOWN (FSHD) GM16352 cell Chao Pang GM16348 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY; TYPE UNKNOWN (FSHD) GM16348 cell Chao Pang GM12269 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 GM12269 cell Chao Pang GM12270 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 GM12270 cell Chao Pang GM16349 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY; TYPE UNKNOWN (FSHD) TURNER SYNDROME GM16349 cell Chao Pang GM12271 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 GM12271 cell Chao Pang GM16272 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM16272 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM12272 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12272 cell Chao Pang GM16347 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY; TYPE UNKNOWN (FSHD) GM16347 cell Chao Pang GM12265 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 GM12265 cell Chao Pang GM12266 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 GM12266 cell Chao Pang GM12267 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 GM12267 cell Chao Pang GM12268 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 GM12268 cell Chao Pang GM16265 SICKLE CELL ANEMIA HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM16265 cell OMIM: 141900 OMIM: 603903 Chao Pang GM16266 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB SICKLE CELL ANEMIA GM16266 cell OMIM: 141900 OMIM: 603903 Chao Pang GM16270 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM16270 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM16271 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM16271 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM16267 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB SICKLE CELL ANEMIA GM16267 cell OMIM: 141900 OMIM: 603903 Chao Pang GM16269 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM16269 cell Chao Pang GM16245 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 7 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM16245 cell Chao Pang GM16247 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16247 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM16248 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM16248 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM16260 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM16260 cell Chao Pang GM16262 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM16262 cell Chao Pang GM16240 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16240 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16241 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16241 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16242 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16242 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16243 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM16243 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM16244 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM16244 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM04232 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04232 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04231 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04231 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04222 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04222 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04221 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04221 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04225 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04225 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04223 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04223 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04227 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04227 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04226 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04226 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04230 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04230 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04229 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04229 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11370 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11370 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11371 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11371 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11369 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11369 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11374 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11374 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11375 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11375 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11372 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11372 cell Chao Pang ND11373 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11373 cell Chao Pang ND11379 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11379 cell Chao Pang ND11377 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11377 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11378 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11378 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04258 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM04258 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM04237 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM04237 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM04236 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM04236 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM04235 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA, INFANTILE ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE, LIVER; ALPL GM04235 cell OMIM: 171760 OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM04234 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM04234 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM04250 RETINOBLASTOMA, SPORADIC GM04250 cell Chao Pang GM04240 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04240 cell Chao Pang GM04239 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM04239 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM04238 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM04238 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang ND11380 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11380 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04233 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04233 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11381 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11381 cell Chao Pang ND11382 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11382 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11383 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11383 cell Chao Pang ND11385 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11385 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11386 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND11386 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11388 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11388 cell Chao Pang ND11389 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11389 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11390 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11390 cell Chao Pang ND11407 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11407 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04204 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04204 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04203 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04203 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04206 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04206 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04205 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04205 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04199 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04199 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04198 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04198 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04201 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04201 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04200 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04200 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04197 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04197 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04196 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04196 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM16395 GLUTARICACIDEMIA I GLUTARYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE; GCDH GM16395 cell OMIM: 231670 OMIM: 608801 Chao Pang GM16394 GLUTARICACIDEMIA I GLUTARYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE; GCDH GM16394 cell OMIM: 231670 OMIM: 608801 Chao Pang GM16393 GLUTARYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE; GCDH GLUTARICACIDEMIA I GM16393 cell OMIM: 231670 OMIM: 608801 Chao Pang GM16392 GLUTARICACIDEMIA I GLUTARYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE; GCDH GM16392 cell OMIM: 231670 OMIM: 608801 Chao Pang GM16401 ATRIOVENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT; AVSD GM16401 cell OMIM: 600309 Chao Pang GM16400 ATRIOVENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT; AVSD GM16400 cell OMIM: 600309 Chao Pang GM04220 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04220 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04219 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04219 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM16398 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 5; ERCC5 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM16398 cell OMIM: 133530 OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang GM16396 GLUTARICACIDEMIA I GLUTARYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE; GCDH GM16396 cell OMIM: 231670 OMIM: 608801 Chao Pang GM04217 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04217 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04213 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04213 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04212 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04212 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04211 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04211 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04210 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04210 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM16402 ATRIOVENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT; AVSD GM16402 cell OMIM: 600309 Chao Pang AG15804 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE INVERTED CHROMOSOME AG15804 cell Chao Pang GM04209 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04209 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04208 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04208 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang AG15826 MUNTJAC MUNTJAC AG15826 cell Chao Pang GM04207 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04207 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang AG15803 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15803 cell Chao Pang GM16391 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY; TTD ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA WITH HAIR ABNORMALITY AND MENTAL AND GROWTH RETARDATION, INCLUDED GM16391 cell OMIM: 601675 Chao Pang GM04319 SPINOCEREBELLAR ATAXIA GM04319 cell OMIM: 183090 Chao Pang AG15899 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15899 cell Chao Pang GM04320 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM04320 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang AG15897 MUS ORDER: RODENTIA AG15897 cell Chao Pang GM04322 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM04322 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang AG15982 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15982 cell Chao Pang AG15914 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15914 cell Chao Pang GM04323 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM04323 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM04326 CITRULLINEMIA GM04326 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang GM04327 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM04327 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang ND11440 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11440 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11439 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11439 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11438 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11438 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG15866 RATTUS ORDER: RODENTIA AG15866 cell Chao Pang ND11433 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND11433 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11432 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11432 cell Chao Pang AG15867 GEOCHELONE ORDER: TESTUDINES AG15867 cell Chao Pang ND11431 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11431 cell Chao Pang AG15868 GEOCHELONE ORDER: TESTUDINES AG15868 cell Chao Pang AG15829 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15829 cell Chao Pang GM04313 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP F; XPF GM04313 cell OMIM: 278760 Chao Pang ND11437 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11437 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04312 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM04312 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang ND11436 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11436 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG15830 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15830 cell Chao Pang GM04315 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM04315 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang ND11435 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11435 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG15831 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15831 cell Chao Pang ND11434 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11434 cell Chao Pang AG15865 RATTUS ORDER: RODENTIA AG15865 cell Chao Pang GM04314 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM04314 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM04345 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM04345 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang AG16359 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG16359 cell Chao Pang GM04346 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM04346 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang AG16358 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG16358 cell Chao Pang AG16273 CRICETULUS AG16273 cell Chao Pang GM04339 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM04339 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang AG16146 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG16146 cell Chao Pang GM04340 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM04340 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang AG16104 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE INVERTED CHROMOSOME BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG16104 cell Chao Pang GM04347 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM04347 cell Chao Pang ND11452 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11452 cell Chao Pang ND11451 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11451 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11443 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11443 cell Chao Pang GM04329 CAMPOMELIC DYSPLASIA GM04329 cell OMIM: 211970 Chao Pang ND11442 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11442 cell Chao Pang AG16086 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG16086 cell Chao Pang ND11445 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11445 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG16102 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG16102 cell Chao Pang ND11444 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND11444 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11447 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11447 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG15997 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15997 cell Chao Pang GM04338 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM04338 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM04337 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM04337 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang AG16030 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG16030 cell Chao Pang ND11446 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11446 cell Chao Pang GM04331 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM04331 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang ND11450 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11450 cell Chao Pang AG15991 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15991 cell Chao Pang ND11448 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11448 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04330 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM04330 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang AG15995 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG15995 cell Chao Pang GM04281 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04281 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04282 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04282 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04284 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04284 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang AG16640 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG16640 cell Chao Pang GM04285 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04285 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang AG16639 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG16639 cell Chao Pang AG16642 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16642 cell Chao Pang GM04268 CANAVAN DISEASE ASPARTOACYLASE; ASPA GM04268 cell OMIM: 271900 OMIM: 608034 Chao Pang GM04278 HYBRIDOMA GM04278 cell Chao Pang AG16641 INVERTED CHROMOSOME NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16641 cell Chao Pang AG16657 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16657 cell Chao Pang GM04279 HYBRIDOMA GM04279 cell Chao Pang GM04280 HYBRIDOMA GM04280 cell Chao Pang AG16655 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16655 cell Chao Pang ND11418 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11418 cell Chao Pang ND11417 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11417 cell Chao Pang ND11416 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11416 cell Chao Pang ND11415 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11415 cell Chao Pang ND11414 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11414 cell Chao Pang AG16360 TRISOMY 21 AG16360 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang ND11413 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11413 cell Chao Pang AG16408 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG16408 cell Chao Pang ND11412 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11412 cell Chao Pang GM04263 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM04263 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang AG16409 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG16409 cell Chao Pang ND11411 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11411 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04260 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM04260 cell Chao Pang ND11410 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11410 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG16504 PROSTATE CANCER AG16504 cell OMIM: 176807 Chao Pang AG16516 TRISOMY 21 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME AG16516 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang ND11409 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11409 cell Chao Pang GM04311 HYPERAMMONEMIA DUE TO CARBAMOYLPHOSPHATE SYNTHETASE I DEFICIENCY GM04311 cell OMIM: 237300 Chao Pang AG16714 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY TRISOMY 21 AG16714 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG16711 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY TRISOMY 21 AG16711 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM04306 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY WITH BETA-GALACTOSIDASE DEFICIENCY GM04306 cell OMIM: 256540 Chao Pang AG16710 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME TRISOMY 21 AG16710 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM04307 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY WITH BETA-GALACTOSIDASE DEFICIENCY GM04307 cell OMIM: 256540 Chao Pang AG16741 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16741 cell Chao Pang GM04300 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04300 cell Chao Pang AG16731 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16731 cell Chao Pang GM04305 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY WITH BETA-GALACTOSIDASE DEFICIENCY GM04305 cell OMIM: 256540 Chao Pang AG16730 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16730 cell Chao Pang GM04290 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04290 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang AG16729 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16729 cell Chao Pang GM04297 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM04297 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang ND11428 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11428 cell Chao Pang ND11427 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11427 cell Chao Pang ND11430 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11430 cell Chao Pang ND11429 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11429 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG16698 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16698 cell Chao Pang ND11423 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11423 cell Chao Pang GM04288 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04288 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04287 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04287 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND11422 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11422 cell Chao Pang AG16704 TRISOMY 21 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY AG16704 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM04286 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04286 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang AG16662 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16662 cell Chao Pang ND11426 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11426 cell Chao Pang ND11424 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11424 cell Chao Pang AG16665 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG16665 cell Chao Pang ND11420 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11420 cell Chao Pang ND11419 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11419 cell Chao Pang ND14795 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14795 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14794 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14794 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14797 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14797 cell Chao Pang ND14796 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND14796 cell Chao Pang ND14768 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14768 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14767 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14767 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14791 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14791 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14790 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14790 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14793 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14793 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14792 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14792 cell Chao Pang GM04478 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04478 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04479 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04479 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04482 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04482 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04488 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF ACYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN; ACADM GM04488 cell OMIM: 201450 OMIM: 607008 Chao Pang GM04476 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04476 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04477 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04477 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04489 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM04489 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM04490 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM04490 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM04491 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM04491 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM04496 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM04496 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang ND14765 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14765 cell Chao Pang ND14764 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14764 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14763 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14763 cell Chao Pang ND14762 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14762 cell Chao Pang ND14766 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14766 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14749 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14749 cell Chao Pang ND14759 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14759 cell Chao Pang ND14752 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14752 cell Chao Pang ND14751 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14751 cell Chao Pang ND14750 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14750 cell Chao Pang GM04426 ALBRIGHT HEREDITARY OSTEODYSTROPHY; AHO GM04426 cell OMIM: 103580 Chao Pang GM04427 ALBRIGHT HEREDITARY OSTEODYSTROPHY; AHO GM04427 cell OMIM: 103580 Chao Pang GM04422 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM04422 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM04425 ALBRIGHT HEREDITARY OSTEODYSTROPHY; AHO GM04425 cell OMIM: 103580 Chao Pang GM04421 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM04421 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM04465 SCHWARTZ-JAMPEL SYNDROME; SJS GM04465 cell OMIM: 255800 Chao Pang GM04430 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM04430 cell Chao Pang GM04435 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM04435 cell Chao Pang GM04428 ALBRIGHT HEREDITARY OSTEODYSTROPHY; AHO GM04428 cell OMIM: 103580 Chao Pang GM04429 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM04429 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang ND14748 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14748 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14745 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14745 cell Chao Pang ND14742 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14742 cell Chao Pang ND14741 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14741 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14744 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14744 cell Chao Pang ND14743 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14743 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14738 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14738 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14737 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14737 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14740 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14740 cell Chao Pang ND14739 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14739 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM04391 FABRY DISEASE GM04391 cell OMIM: 301500 Chao Pang GM04394 GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE I GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GM04394 cell OMIM: 230800 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM04395 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM04395 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM04396 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM04396 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM04403 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04403 cell Chao Pang GM04408 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM GM04408 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM04409 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04409 cell Chao Pang GM04410 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04410 cell Chao Pang GM04411 ALBRIGHT HEREDITARY OSTEODYSTROPHY; AHO GM04411 cell OMIM: 103580 Chao Pang GM04420 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM04420 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND14736 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14736 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14735 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14735 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14734 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14734 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14733 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND14733 cell Chao Pang ND14732 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND14732 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14731 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND14731 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14730 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14730 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14729 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14729 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14727 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14727 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14726 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14726 cell Chao Pang GM12351 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13281 GM12351 cell Chao Pang GM12349 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13281 GM12349 cell Chao Pang GM12365 RETICULOSIS, FAMILIAL HISTIOCYTIC GM12365 cell OMIM: 267700 Chao Pang GM12355 MYASTHENIA GRAVIS; MG GM12355 cell OMIM: 254200 Chao Pang GM12348 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13281 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12348 cell Chao Pang GM12370 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM12370 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang ND14866 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14866 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12367 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY WITH BETA-GALACTOSIDASE DEFICIENCY GM12367 cell OMIM: 256540 Chao Pang GM12366 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM12366 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang ND14865 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14865 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12369 GANGLIOSIDOSIS, GENERALIZED GM1, TYPE I GM12369 cell OMIM: 230500 Chao Pang GM12368 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM12368 cell OMIM: 272800 Chao Pang ND14873 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14873 cell Chao Pang ND14874 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14874 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14871 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND14871 cell Chao Pang ND14872 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14872 cell Chao Pang ND14895 INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE ND14895 cell Chao Pang ND14896 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14896 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14875 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14875 cell Chao Pang ND14894 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14894 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM12380 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1353 GM12380 cell Chao Pang GM12379 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1353 GM12379 cell Chao Pang GM12378 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1353 GM12378 cell Chao Pang GM12377 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1353 GM12377 cell Chao Pang GM12376 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1353 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12376 cell Chao Pang GM12375 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1353 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12375 cell Chao Pang GM12385 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12385 cell Chao Pang GM12383 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1353 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12383 cell Chao Pang ND14841 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14841 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12382 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1353 GM12382 cell Chao Pang GM12381 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1353 GM12381 cell Chao Pang ND14843 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14843 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14844 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14844 cell Chao Pang ND14845 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14845 cell Chao Pang ND14849 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14849 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14860 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14860 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14861 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14861 cell Chao Pang ND14862 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14862 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14863 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14863 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14864 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14864 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12328 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 GM12328 cell Chao Pang GM12330 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1328 GM12330 cell Chao Pang GM12329 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1328 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12329 cell Chao Pang GM12332 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1328 GM12332 cell Chao Pang GM12331 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1328 GM12331 cell Chao Pang GM12334 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1328 GM12334 cell Chao Pang GM12333 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1328 GM12333 cell Chao Pang GM12336 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1330 GM12336 cell Chao Pang GM12335 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1330 GM12335 cell Chao Pang GM12337 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1330 GM12337 cell Chao Pang ND14834 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14834 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14835 SPOUSAL CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND14835 cell Chao Pang ND14832 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14832 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14833 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14833 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14818 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14818 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14831 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14831 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14816 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14816 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14817 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14817 cell Chao Pang ND14836 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14836 cell Chao Pang ND14840 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14840 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12341 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1330 GM12341 cell Chao Pang GM12340 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1330 GM12340 cell Chao Pang GM12339 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1330 GM12339 cell Chao Pang GM12338 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1330 GM12338 cell Chao Pang GM12345 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13281 GM12345 cell Chao Pang GM12344 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13281 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12344 cell Chao Pang GM12343 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1330 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12343 cell Chao Pang GM12342 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1330 GM12342 cell Chao Pang GM12347 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13281 GM12347 cell Chao Pang GM12346 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13281 GM12346 cell Chao Pang ND14807 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND14807 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14808 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14808 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14809 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14809 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14810 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14810 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14798 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14798 cell Chao Pang ND14799 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14799 cell Chao Pang ND14800 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14800 cell Chao Pang ND14811 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14811 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14812 INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE ND14812 cell Chao Pang ND14815 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14815 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM12445 PROTEASE INHIBITOR 1; PI GM12445 cell OMIM: 107400 Chao Pang GM12413 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12413 cell Chao Pang GM12414 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12414 cell Chao Pang GM12415 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 GM12415 cell Chao Pang GM12444 HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM12444 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM12408 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 GM12408 cell Chao Pang GM12409 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 GM12409 cell Chao Pang GM12410 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 GM12410 cell Chao Pang GM12411 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 GM12411 cell Chao Pang GM12407 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 GM12407 cell Chao Pang GM16147 X-RAY REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 4; XRCC4 CRICETULUS GM16147 cell OMIM: 194363 Chao Pang GM16151 ARGININEMIA GM16151 cell OMIM: 207800 Chao Pang GM16152 ARGININEMIA GM16152 cell OMIM: 207800 Chao Pang GM16180 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 5; ERCC5 GM16180 cell OMIM: 133530 OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang GM16181 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 5; ERCC5 GM16181 cell OMIM: 133530 OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang GM16184 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM16184 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM16185 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - BASQUE BASQUE POPULATION GM16185 cell Chao Pang GM16186 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - BASQUE BASQUE POPULATION GM16186 cell Chao Pang GM12393 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12393 cell Chao Pang ND14915 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14915 cell Chao Pang ND14916 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14916 cell Chao Pang GM12394 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12394 cell Chao Pang ND14913 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14913 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12395 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12395 cell Chao Pang ND14914 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14914 cell Chao Pang GM12386 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12386 cell Chao Pang GM12387 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12387 cell Chao Pang GM12388 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12388 cell Chao Pang GM12389 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12389 cell Chao Pang GM12390 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12390 cell Chao Pang GM12391 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12391 cell Chao Pang GM12392 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12392 cell Chao Pang ND14922 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14922 cell Chao Pang ND14921 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14921 cell Chao Pang ND14920 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14920 cell Chao Pang ND14919 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14919 cell Chao Pang ND14918 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14918 cell Chao Pang ND14917 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14917 cell Chao Pang ND14897 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND14897 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14898 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND14898 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM12405 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 GM12405 cell Chao Pang GM12406 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 GM12406 cell Chao Pang ND14899 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14899 cell Chao Pang GM12398 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12398 cell Chao Pang GM12399 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12399 cell Chao Pang GM12396 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12396 cell Chao Pang GM12397 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 GM12397 cell Chao Pang GM12403 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 GM12403 cell Chao Pang GM12404 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 GM12404 cell Chao Pang GM12400 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1354 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12400 cell Chao Pang GM12401 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1355 GM12401 cell Chao Pang ND14911 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIA ND14911 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14907 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14907 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14912 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14912 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14901 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14901 cell Chao Pang ND14900 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14900 cell Chao Pang ND14904 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14904 cell Chao Pang ND14902 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14902 cell Chao Pang S005239 PAN TROGLODYTES S005239 cell Chao Pang S005295 PAN TROGLODYTES S005295 cell Chao Pang S005297 PAN TROGLODYTES S005297 cell Chao Pang S005241 PAN TROGLODYTES S005241 cell Chao Pang S005293 PAN TROGLODYTES S005293 cell Chao Pang S005416 PAN TROGLODYTES S005416 cell Chao Pang S005417 PAN TROGLODYTES S005417 cell Chao Pang S005299 PAN TROGLODYTES S005299 cell Chao Pang S005301 PAN TROGLODYTES S005301 cell Chao Pang DA01912 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01912 cell Chao Pang DA01913 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01913 cell Chao Pang DA01914 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01914 cell Chao Pang S005237 PAN TROGLODYTES S005237 cell Chao Pang DA01917 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01917 cell Chao Pang S005235 PAN TROGLODYTES S005235 cell Chao Pang DA01919 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01919 cell Chao Pang DA01920 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01920 cell Chao Pang DA01922 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01922 cell Chao Pang DA01908 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01908 cell Chao Pang DA01909 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01909 cell Chao Pang DA01911 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01911 cell Chao Pang S005203 PAN TROGLODYTES S005203 cell Chao Pang S005214 PAN TROGLODYTES S005214 cell Chao Pang S005216 PAN TROGLODYTES S005216 cell Chao Pang S005224 PAN TROGLODYTES S005224 cell Chao Pang DA01894 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01894 cell Chao Pang S005226 PAN TROGLODYTES S005226 cell Chao Pang S005228 PAN TROGLODYTES S005228 cell Chao Pang S005231 PAN TROGLODYTES S005231 cell Chao Pang S005233 PAN TROGLODYTES S005233 cell Chao Pang DA01900 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01900 cell Chao Pang S005201 PAN TROGLODYTES S005201 cell Chao Pang S005200 PAN TROGLODYTES S005200 cell Chao Pang DA01903 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01903 cell Chao Pang DA01897 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01897 cell Chao Pang DA01898 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01898 cell Chao Pang S005202 PAN TROGLODYTES S005202 cell Chao Pang DA01906 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01906 cell Chao Pang DA01907 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01907 cell Chao Pang DA01904 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01904 cell Chao Pang DA01905 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01905 cell Chao Pang DA01895 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01895 cell Chao Pang DA01896 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01896 cell Chao Pang S005796 PAN TROGLODYTES S005796 cell Chao Pang S005801 PAN TROGLODYTES S005801 cell Chao Pang S005795 PAN TROGLODYTES S005795 cell Chao Pang S005824 PAN TROGLODYTES S005824 cell Chao Pang S005808 PAN TROGLODYTES S005808 cell Chao Pang S005823 PAN TROGLODYTES S005823 cell Chao Pang DA01880 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01880 cell Chao Pang S005804 PAN TROGLODYTES S005804 cell Chao Pang S005807 PAN TROGLODYTES S005807 cell Chao Pang DA01878 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01878 cell Chao Pang S005802 PAN TROGLODYTES S005802 cell Chao Pang S005803 PAN TROGLODYTES S005803 cell Chao Pang DA01889 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01889 cell Chao Pang DA01891 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01891 cell Chao Pang DA01892 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01892 cell Chao Pang DA01893 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01893 cell Chao Pang DA01883 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01883 cell Chao Pang DA01885 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01885 cell Chao Pang DA01886 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01886 cell Chao Pang DA01887 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01887 cell Chao Pang DA01881 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01881 cell Chao Pang S005435 PAN TROGLODYTES S005435 cell Chao Pang S005436 PAN TROGLODYTES S005436 cell Chao Pang S005579 PAN TROGLODYTES S005579 cell Chao Pang S005581 PAN TROGLODYTES S005581 cell Chao Pang S005583 PAN TROGLODYTES S005583 cell Chao Pang S005794 PAN TROGLODYTES S005794 cell Chao Pang S005438 PAN TROGLODYTES S005438 cell Chao Pang S005440 PAN TROGLODYTES S005440 cell Chao Pang DA01869 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01869 cell Chao Pang DA01868 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01868 cell Chao Pang S005549 PAN TROGLODYTES S005549 cell Chao Pang DA01866 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01866 cell Chao Pang S005551 PAN TROGLODYTES S005551 cell Chao Pang DA01876 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01876 cell Chao Pang DA01877 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01877 cell Chao Pang DA01874 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01874 cell Chao Pang DA01875 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01875 cell Chao Pang DA01872 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01872 cell Chao Pang S005424 PAN TROGLODYTES S005424 cell Chao Pang DA01873 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01873 cell Chao Pang DA01870 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01870 cell Chao Pang DA01871 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01871 cell Chao Pang DA01853 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01853 cell Chao Pang DA01854 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01854 cell Chao Pang DA01855 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01855 cell Chao Pang DA01857 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01857 cell Chao Pang DA01858 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01858 cell Chao Pang DA01860 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01860 cell Chao Pang DA01859 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01859 cell Chao Pang DA01862 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01862 cell Chao Pang DA01861 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01861 cell Chao Pang DA01865 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01865 cell Chao Pang DA01863 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01863 cell Chao Pang DA01844 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01844 cell Chao Pang DA01845 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01845 cell Chao Pang DA01842 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01842 cell Chao Pang DA01843 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01843 cell Chao Pang DA01846 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01846 cell Chao Pang DA01848 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01848 cell Chao Pang DA01847 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01847 cell Chao Pang DA01852 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01852 cell Chao Pang DA01851 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01851 cell Chao Pang DA01850 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01850 cell Chao Pang DA01849 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01849 cell Chao Pang S005192 PAN TROGLODYTES S005192 cell Chao Pang S005083 PAN TROGLODYTES S005083 cell Chao Pang S005082 PAN TROGLODYTES S005082 cell Chao Pang S005062 PAN TROGLODYTES S005062 cell Chao Pang S005060 PAN TROGLODYTES S005060 cell Chao Pang S005058 PAN TROGLODYTES S005058 cell Chao Pang S005052 PAN TROGLODYTES S005052 cell Chao Pang DA01836 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01836 cell Chao Pang DA01834 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01834 cell Chao Pang DA01838 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01838 cell Chao Pang DA01837 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01837 cell Chao Pang S005049 PAN TROGLODYTES S005049 cell Chao Pang S005051 PAN TROGLODYTES S005051 cell Chao Pang S005043 PAN TROGLODYTES S005043 cell Chao Pang DA01833 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01833 cell Chao Pang S005045 PAN TROGLODYTES S005045 cell Chao Pang S005032 PAN TROGLODYTES S005032 cell Chao Pang S005030 PAN TROGLODYTES S005030 cell Chao Pang S005041 PAN TROGLODYTES S005041 cell Chao Pang S005034 PAN TROGLODYTES S005034 cell Chao Pang S005028 PAN TROGLODYTES S005028 cell Chao Pang S004990 PAN TROGLODYTES S004990 cell Chao Pang ND08640 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND08640 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08641 EPILEPSY ND08641 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08655 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08655 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08656 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08656 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08657 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND08657 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08630 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND08630 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08631 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND08631 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08632 EPILEPSY ND08632 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08633 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08633 cell Chao Pang ND08639 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND08639 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM11854 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM11854 cell Chao Pang GM11870 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 GM11870 cell Chao Pang GM11860 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) GM11860 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 601130 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11859 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11859 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11858 MYASTHENIA GRAVIS; MG GM11858 cell OMIM: 254200 Chao Pang GM11875 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 GM11875 cell Chao Pang GM11873 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 GM11873 cell Chao Pang GM11872 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 GM11872 cell Chao Pang GM11871 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 GM11871 cell Chao Pang GM11876 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 GM11876 cell Chao Pang ND08672 EPILEPSY ND08672 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08673 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND08673 cell Chao Pang ND08670 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND08670 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08671 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08671 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08658 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND08658 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08659 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND08659 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08663 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND08663 cell Chao Pang ND08669 EPILEPSY ND08669 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08660 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND08660 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08662 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND08662 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang GM11840 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1349 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM11840 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM11839 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1349 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM11839 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM11842 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1349 GM11842 cell Chao Pang GM11841 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1349 GM11841 cell Chao Pang GM11849 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM11849 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang GM11843 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1349 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM11843 cell Chao Pang GM11851 WOLMAN DISEASE GM11851 cell OMIM: 278000 Chao Pang GM11850 SIALIC ACID STORAGE DISEASE; SIASD GM11850 cell OMIM: 269920 Chao Pang GM11853 HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM11853 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM11852 HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM11852 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM11895 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1377 GM11895 cell Chao Pang GM11894 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1377 GM11894 cell Chao Pang GM11893 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1377 GM11893 cell Chao Pang GM11892 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1377 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM11892 cell Chao Pang GM11891 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1377 GM11891 cell Chao Pang GM11889 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1377 GM11889 cell Chao Pang GM11887 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1377 GM11887 cell Chao Pang GM11902 SPONDYLOPERIPHERAL DYSPLASIA GM11902 cell Chao Pang GM11899 CIRRHOSIS, FAMILIAL CIRRHOSIS, FAMILIAL, WITH PULMONARY HYPERTENSION, INCLUDED GM11899 cell OMIM: 215600 Chao Pang GM11898 CIRRHOSIS, FAMILIAL CIRRHOSIS, FAMILIAL, WITH PULMONARY HYPERTENSION, INCLUDED GM11898 cell OMIM: 215600 Chao Pang GM11880 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 GM11880 cell Chao Pang GM11879 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 GM11879 cell Chao Pang GM11882 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM11882 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM11881 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM11881 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM11878 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 GM11878 cell Chao Pang GM11877 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 GM11877 cell Chao Pang GM11884 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1377 GM11884 cell Chao Pang GM11883 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 GM11883 cell Chao Pang GM11886 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1377 GM11886 cell Chao Pang GM11885 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1377 GM11885 cell Chao Pang ND08544 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08544 cell Chao Pang ND08546 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08546 cell Chao Pang ND08545 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08545 cell Chao Pang ND08548 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08548 cell Chao Pang ND08547 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08547 cell Chao Pang ND08550 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08550 cell Chao Pang ND08549 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08549 cell Chao Pang ND08552 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08552 cell Chao Pang ND08551 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08551 cell Chao Pang ND08542 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08542 cell Chao Pang ND08543 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08543 cell Chao Pang ND08555 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08555 cell Chao Pang ND08554 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND08554 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08559 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND08559 cell Chao Pang ND08558 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08558 cell Chao Pang ND08557 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08557 cell Chao Pang ND08556 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08556 cell Chao Pang ND08563 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08563 cell Chao Pang ND08562 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08562 cell Chao Pang ND08561 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08561 cell Chao Pang ND08560 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08560 cell Chao Pang ND08553 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08553 cell Chao Pang ND08569 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08569 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08571 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08571 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08570 STRIATAL NIGRAL DEGENERATION ND08570 cell Chao Pang ND08584 AVM-RUPTURED ND08584 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08583 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08583 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08585 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND08585 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08573 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND08573 cell Chao Pang ND08572 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08572 cell Chao Pang ND08582 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08582 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08580 EPILEPSY ND08580 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM11838 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1349 GM11838 cell Chao Pang GM11836 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1349 GM11836 cell Chao Pang GM11837 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1349 GM11837 cell Chao Pang GM11834 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1349 GM11834 cell Chao Pang GM11835 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1349 GM11835 cell Chao Pang GM11832 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1350 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM11832 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM11833 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1349 GM11833 cell Chao Pang GM11830 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1350 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM11830 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM11831 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1350 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM11831 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM11829 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1350 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM11829 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang ND08589 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND08589 cell Chao Pang ND08588 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08588 cell Chao Pang ND08587 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08587 cell Chao Pang ND08586 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08586 cell Chao Pang ND08628 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08628 cell Chao Pang ND08619 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND08619 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08618 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND08618 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08617 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND08617 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08616 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08616 cell Chao Pang ND08603 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND08603 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08467 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND08467 cell Chao Pang ND08470 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND08470 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08471 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08471 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08468 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08468 cell Chao Pang ND08469 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND08469 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM11960 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11960 cell Chao Pang GM11959 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11959 cell Chao Pang GM11958 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11958 cell Chao Pang GM11957 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11957 cell Chao Pang GM11962 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11962 cell Chao Pang GM11961 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11961 cell Chao Pang ND08474 EPILEPSY ND08474 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08473 EPILEPSY ND08473 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08476 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08476 cell Chao Pang ND08475 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND08475 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08477 AVM-RUPTURED ND08477 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08486 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08486 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08487 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08487 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08488 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08488 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08489 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08489 cell Chao Pang ND08490 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08490 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08491 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08491 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM11954 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11954 cell Chao Pang GM11955 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11955 cell Chao Pang GM11952 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11952 cell Chao Pang GM11953 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11953 cell Chao Pang ND08502 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08502 cell Chao Pang ND08501 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08501 cell Chao Pang ND08500 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08500 cell Chao Pang ND08492 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08492 cell Chao Pang ND08508 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08508 cell Chao Pang ND08509 EPILEPSY ND08509 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08506 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08506 cell Chao Pang ND08507 AVM-RUPTURED ND08507 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08504 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08504 cell Chao Pang ND08505 EPILEPSY ND08505 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08503 EPILEPSY ND08503 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08521 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08521 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08520 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08520 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08531 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND08531 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08538 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08538 cell Chao Pang ND08539 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08539 cell Chao Pang ND08540 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08540 cell Chao Pang ND08541 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08541 cell Chao Pang ND08532 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND08532 cell Chao Pang ND08533 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08533 cell Chao Pang ND08536 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08536 cell Chao Pang ND08537 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08537 cell Chao Pang GM11925 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 GM11925 cell Chao Pang DA01958 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01958 cell Chao Pang DA01957 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01957 cell Chao Pang DA01960 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01960 cell Chao Pang DA01959 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01959 cell Chao Pang DA01956 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01956 cell Chao Pang DA01954 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01954 cell Chao Pang GM11917 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM11917 cell Chao Pang GM11918 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM11918 cell Chao Pang GM11919 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 GM11919 cell Chao Pang GM11920 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 GM11920 cell Chao Pang DA01963 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01963 cell Chao Pang GM11921 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 GM11921 cell Chao Pang GM11922 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 GM11922 cell Chao Pang DA01962 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01962 cell Chao Pang DA01965 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01965 cell Chao Pang GM11923 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 GM11923 cell Chao Pang DA01964 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01964 cell Chao Pang GM11924 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 GM11924 cell Chao Pang S008396 PAN TROGLODYTES S008396 cell Chao Pang S008395 PAN TROGLODYTES S008395 cell Chao Pang S007603 PAN TROGLODYTES S007603 cell Chao Pang S007602 PAN TROGLODYTES S007602 cell Chao Pang S006008 PAN TROGLODYTES S006008 cell Chao Pang GM11916 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 GM11916 cell Chao Pang S006007 PAN TROGLODYTES S006007 cell Chao Pang S006006 PAN TROGLODYTES S006006 cell Chao Pang S006003 PAN TROGLODYTES S006003 cell Chao Pang S005837 PAN TROGLODYTES S005837 cell Chao Pang S005825 PAN TROGLODYTES S005825 cell Chao Pang GM11914 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 GM11914 cell Chao Pang GM11915 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 GM11915 cell Chao Pang GM11908 CHROMOSOME 3 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11908 cell Chao Pang GM11909 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 GM11909 cell Chao Pang GM11906 MYOCLONUS EPILEPSY ASSOCIATED WITH RAGGED-RED FIBERS; MERFF TRANSFER RNA, MITOCHONDRIAL, LYSINE; MTTK GM11906 cell OMIM: 545000 OMIM: 590060 Chao Pang GM11907 MYOCLONUS EPILEPSY ASSOCIATED WITH RAGGED-RED FIBERS; MERFF TRANSFER RNA, MITOCHONDRIAL, LYSINE; MTTK GM11907 cell OMIM: 545000 OMIM: 590060 Chao Pang GM11912 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 GM11912 cell Chao Pang GM11913 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 GM11913 cell Chao Pang GM11910 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 GM11910 cell Chao Pang GM11911 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 GM11911 cell Chao Pang S008882 PAN TROGLODYTES S008882 cell Chao Pang S008861 PAN TROGLODYTES S008861 cell Chao Pang S008860 PAN TROGLODYTES S008860 cell Chao Pang S008869 PAN TROGLODYTES S008869 cell Chao Pang S008868 PAN TROGLODYTES S008868 cell Chao Pang S008842 PAN TROGLODYTES S008842 cell Chao Pang S008829 PAN TROGLODYTES S008829 cell Chao Pang S008844 PAN TROGLODYTES S008844 cell Chao Pang S008843 PAN TROGLODYTES S008843 cell Chao Pang S008397 PAN TROGLODYTES S008397 cell Chao Pang DA01924 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01924 cell Chao Pang DA01923 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01923 cell Chao Pang DA01928 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01928 cell Chao Pang DA01927 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01927 cell Chao Pang GM11949 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11949 cell Chao Pang DA01931 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01931 cell Chao Pang GM11950 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11950 cell Chao Pang DA01930 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01930 cell Chao Pang DA01936 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01936 cell Chao Pang GM11951 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11951 cell Chao Pang DA01932 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01932 cell Chao Pang GM11943 CHROMOSOME 11 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 2 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11943 cell Chao Pang DA01938 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01938 cell Chao Pang GM11944 CHROMOSOME 11 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11944 cell Chao Pang DA01937 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01937 cell Chao Pang GM11947 MYASTHENIA GRAVIS; MG GM11947 cell OMIM: 254200 Chao Pang GM11948 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11948 cell Chao Pang S008893 PAN TROGLODYTES S008893 cell Chao Pang GM11938 CHROMOSOME 11 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11938 cell Chao Pang S008892 PAN TROGLODYTES S008892 cell Chao Pang GM11941 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11941 cell Chao Pang S008891 PAN TROGLODYTES S008891 cell Chao Pang S008890 PAN TROGLODYTES S008890 cell Chao Pang GM11939 CHROMOSOME 11 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11939 cell Chao Pang S008885 PAN TROGLODYTES S008885 cell Chao Pang S008883 PAN TROGLODYTES S008883 cell Chao Pang S008889 PAN TROGLODYTES S008889 cell Chao Pang S008888 PAN TROGLODYTES S008888 cell Chao Pang S008887 PAN TROGLODYTES S008887 cell Chao Pang S008886 PAN TROGLODYTES S008886 cell Chao Pang DA01939 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01939 cell Chao Pang DA01947 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01947 cell Chao Pang DA01944 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01944 cell Chao Pang DA01942 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01942 cell Chao Pang DA01941 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01941 cell Chao Pang DA01951 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01951 cell Chao Pang GM11936 CHROMOSOME 16 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 11 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11936 cell Chao Pang GM11937 CHROMOSOME 11 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11937 cell Chao Pang DA01950 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01950 cell Chao Pang DA01949 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01949 cell Chao Pang GM11932 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 GM11932 cell Chao Pang DA01948 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01948 cell Chao Pang GM11933 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 GM11933 cell Chao Pang GM11930 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 GM11930 cell Chao Pang GM11931 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM11931 cell Chao Pang GM11928 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 GM11928 cell Chao Pang DA01953 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01953 cell Chao Pang GM11929 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 GM11929 cell Chao Pang S008973 PAN TROGLODYTES S008973 cell Chao Pang GM11927 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 GM11927 cell Chao Pang GM11926 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 GM11926 cell Chao Pang S008956 PAN TROGLODYTES S008956 cell Chao Pang S008974 PAN TROGLODYTES S008974 cell Chao Pang S008894 PAN TROGLODYTES S008894 cell Chao Pang S008919 PAN TROGLODYTES S008919 cell Chao Pang S008895 PAN TROGLODYTES S008895 cell Chao Pang S008933 PAN TROGLODYTES S008933 cell Chao Pang S008920 PAN TROGLODYTES S008920 cell Chao Pang S008939 PAN TROGLODYTES S008939 cell Chao Pang S008938 PAN TROGLODYTES S008938 cell Chao Pang ND11081 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11081 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11082 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11082 cell Chao Pang ND11083 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11083 cell Chao Pang ND11086 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND11086 cell Chao Pang DA01724 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01724 cell Chao Pang DA01723 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01723 cell Chao Pang DA01725 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01725 cell Chao Pang ND11075 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND11075 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11076 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11076 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11077 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11077 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11078 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11078 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11079 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11079 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11080 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11080 cell Chao Pang DA01730 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01730 cell Chao Pang DA01731 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01731 cell Chao Pang DA01732 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01732 cell Chao Pang DA01733 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01733 cell Chao Pang DA01726 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01726 cell Chao Pang DA01727 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01727 cell Chao Pang DA01728 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01728 cell Chao Pang DA01729 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01729 cell Chao Pang ND11066 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11066 cell Chao Pang ND11067 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11067 cell Chao Pang ND11064 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11064 cell Chao Pang ND11065 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11065 cell Chao Pang DA01715 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01715 cell Chao Pang DA01714 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01714 cell Chao Pang ND11074 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11074 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA01713 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01713 cell Chao Pang DA01712 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01712 cell Chao Pang ND11059 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11059 cell Chao Pang ND11062 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11062 cell Chao Pang ND11063 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11063 cell Chao Pang ND11060 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11060 cell Chao Pang ND11061 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11061 cell Chao Pang DA01721 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01721 cell Chao Pang DA01722 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01722 cell Chao Pang DA01719 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01719 cell Chao Pang DA01720 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01720 cell Chao Pang DA01717 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01717 cell Chao Pang DA01718 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01718 cell Chao Pang DA01716 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01716 cell Chao Pang DA01746 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01746 cell Chao Pang DA01747 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01747 cell Chao Pang DA01748 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01748 cell Chao Pang DA01750 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01750 cell Chao Pang DA01751 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01751 cell Chao Pang DA01752 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01752 cell Chao Pang DA01753 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01753 cell Chao Pang DA01756 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01756 cell Chao Pang DA01757 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01757 cell Chao Pang DA01758 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01758 cell Chao Pang DA01759 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01759 cell Chao Pang DA01735 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01735 cell Chao Pang DA01734 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01734 cell Chao Pang DA01736 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01736 cell Chao Pang DA01740 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01740 cell Chao Pang DA01741 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01741 cell Chao Pang DA01738 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01738 cell Chao Pang DA01739 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01739 cell Chao Pang DA01744 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01744 cell Chao Pang DA01745 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01745 cell Chao Pang DA01742 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01742 cell Chao Pang DA01743 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01743 cell Chao Pang DA01706 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01706 cell Chao Pang DA01704 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01704 cell Chao Pang DA01708 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01708 cell Chao Pang DA01707 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01707 cell Chao Pang DA01710 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01710 cell Chao Pang DA01709 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01709 cell Chao Pang ND11194 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11194 cell Chao Pang ND11193 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11193 cell Chao Pang ND11199 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11199 cell Chao Pang ND11197 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11197 cell Chao Pang ND11196 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11196 cell Chao Pang ND11195 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11195 cell Chao Pang ND11202 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11202 cell Chao Pang ND11203 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11203 cell Chao Pang ND11200 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11200 cell Chao Pang ND11201 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11201 cell Chao Pang ND11182 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11182 cell Chao Pang ND11184 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11184 cell Chao Pang ND11183 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11183 cell Chao Pang ND11186 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11186 cell Chao Pang ND11185 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11185 cell Chao Pang ND11187 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11187 cell Chao Pang ND11189 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11189 cell Chao Pang ND11190 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11190 cell Chao Pang ND11191 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11191 cell Chao Pang ND11192 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11192 cell Chao Pang ND11174 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11174 cell Chao Pang ND11173 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11173 cell Chao Pang ND11172 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11172 cell Chao Pang ND11171 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11171 cell Chao Pang ND11179 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11179 cell Chao Pang ND11181 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11181 cell Chao Pang ND11177 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11177 cell Chao Pang ND11178 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11178 cell Chao Pang ND11175 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11175 cell Chao Pang ND11176 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11176 cell Chao Pang ND11154 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11154 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11157 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11157 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11155 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11155 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11167 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11167 cell Chao Pang ND11168 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND11168 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11169 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11169 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11158 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11158 cell Chao Pang ND11159 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11159 cell Chao Pang ND11160 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11160 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11164 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11164 cell Chao Pang ND11140 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11140 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11142 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11142 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11148 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11148 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11147 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11147 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11144 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11144 cell Chao Pang ND11143 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11143 cell Chao Pang ND11153 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11153 cell Chao Pang ND11152 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11152 cell Chao Pang ND11151 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11151 cell Chao Pang ND11149 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11149 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11130 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND11130 cell Chao Pang ND11132 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND11132 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11131 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND11131 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11134 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11134 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11133 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND11133 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11136 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11136 cell Chao Pang ND11135 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11135 cell Chao Pang ND11138 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11138 cell Chao Pang ND11137 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11137 cell Chao Pang ND11139 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11139 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11126 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11126 cell Chao Pang ND11114 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11114 cell Chao Pang ND11113 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11113 cell Chao Pang ND11108 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11108 cell Chao Pang ND11107 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11107 cell Chao Pang ND11106 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND11106 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND11105 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11105 cell Chao Pang ND11104 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND11104 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11128 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11128 cell Chao Pang ND11127 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11127 cell Chao Pang ND11092 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11092 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11091 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11091 cell Chao Pang ND11094 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11094 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11093 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11093 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11088 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11088 cell Chao Pang ND11090 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11090 cell Chao Pang ND11089 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11089 cell Chao Pang ND11096 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11096 cell Chao Pang ND11095 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11095 cell Chao Pang ND11101 AVM-RUPTURED ND11101 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08389 EPILEPSY ND08389 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08390 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08390 cell Chao Pang ND08391 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08391 cell Chao Pang ND08392 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08392 cell Chao Pang ND08387 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08387 cell Chao Pang ND08388 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08388 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08393 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08393 cell Chao Pang ND08394 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08394 cell Chao Pang ND08395 AVM-UNRUPTURED SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08395 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08396 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND08396 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang GM12050 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 GM12050 cell Chao Pang GM12049 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 GM12049 cell Chao Pang GM12048 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 GM12048 cell Chao Pang GM12047 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 GM12047 cell Chao Pang GM12046 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 GM12046 cell Chao Pang GM12045 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 GM12045 cell Chao Pang GM12044 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12044 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12043 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12043 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM12042 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 GM12042 cell Chao Pang GM12041 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 GM12041 cell Chao Pang ND08407 AVM-RUPTURED ND08407 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08446 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08446 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08400 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08400 cell Chao Pang ND08406 AVM-RUPTURED ND08406 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08398 INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08398 cell Chao Pang ND08399 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08399 cell Chao Pang ND08397 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND08397 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08466 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND08466 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08447 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08447 cell Chao Pang ND08455 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND08455 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM12039 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 GM12039 cell Chao Pang GM12038 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 GM12038 cell Chao Pang GM12040 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 GM12040 cell Chao Pang GM12035 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 GM12035 cell Chao Pang GM12029 GLUTARICACIDEMIA I GLUTARYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE; GCDH GM12029 cell OMIM: 231670 OMIM: 608801 Chao Pang GM12037 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 GM12037 cell Chao Pang GM12036 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 GM12036 cell Chao Pang GM12025 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM12025 cell Chao Pang GM12028 GLUTARYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE; GCDH GLUTARICACIDEMIA I GM12028 cell OMIM: 231670 OMIM: 608801 Chao Pang GM12027 MYASTHENIA GRAVIS; MG GM12027 cell OMIM: 254200 Chao Pang ND08308 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND08308 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08318 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08318 cell Chao Pang ND08319 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08319 cell Chao Pang ND08320 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08320 cell Chao Pang ND08321 EPILEPSY ND08321 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08322 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08322 cell Chao Pang ND08323 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08323 cell Chao Pang ND08324 EPILEPSY ND08324 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08325 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08325 cell Chao Pang ND08334 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08334 cell Chao Pang GM12023 MYASTHENIA GRAVIS; MG GM12023 cell OMIM: 254200 Chao Pang GM12019 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM12019 cell Chao Pang GM12018 ALAGILLE SYNDROME; AGS GM12018 cell OMIM: 118450 Chao Pang GM12017 ALAGILLE SYNDROME; AGS GM12017 cell OMIM: 118450 Chao Pang GM12012 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT GM12012 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM12011 HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM12011 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM12016 ALAGILLE SYNDROME; AGS GM12016 cell OMIM: 118450 Chao Pang GM12015 MEVALONATE KINASE; MVK MEVALONICACIDURIA, INCLUDED GM12015 cell OMIM: 251170 Chao Pang GM12014 MEVALONATE KINASE; MVK MEVALONICACIDURIA, INCLUDED GM12014 cell OMIM: 251170 Chao Pang GM12013 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM12013 cell Chao Pang ND08335 EPILEPSY ND08335 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08352 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08352 cell Chao Pang ND08360 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND08360 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08350 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08350 cell Chao Pang ND08351 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08351 cell Chao Pang ND08370 EPILEPSY ND08370 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08371 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08371 cell Chao Pang ND08368 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08368 cell Chao Pang ND08369 EPILEPSY ND08369 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08386 EPILEPSY ND08386 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM12005 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1420 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12005 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM12004 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1420 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12004 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12007 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1420 GM12007 cell Chao Pang GM12006 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1420 GM12006 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12010 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT GM12010 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM11999 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1420 GM11999 cell Chao Pang GM12001 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1420 GM12001 cell Chao Pang GM12000 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1420 GM12000 cell Chao Pang GM12003 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1420 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12003 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12002 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1420 GM12002 cell Chao Pang ND08257 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08257 cell Chao Pang ND08255 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND08255 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08273 EPILEPSY ND08273 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08258 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08258 cell Chao Pang ND08246 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08246 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08245 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08245 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08254 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08254 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08253 SPOUSAL CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND08253 cell Chao Pang ND08244 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08244 cell Chao Pang ND08243 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08243 cell Chao Pang GM11991 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 GM11991 cell Chao Pang GM11992 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM11992 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM11989 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 GM11989 cell Chao Pang GM11990 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 GM11990 cell Chao Pang GM11997 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1420 GM11997 cell Chao Pang GM11998 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1420 GM11998 cell Chao Pang ND08242 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND08242 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM11995 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM11995 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM11996 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 GM11996 cell Chao Pang GM11993 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 SNP500 PANEL INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM11993 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM11994 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM11994 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang ND08307 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND08307 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08306 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08306 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08288 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08288 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08287 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08287 cell Chao Pang ND08286 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08286 cell Chao Pang ND08278 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08278 cell Chao Pang ND08277 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08277 cell Chao Pang ND08276 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08276 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08275 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08275 cell Chao Pang ND08274 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08274 cell Chao Pang GM11978 CHROMOSOME 21 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 10 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11978 cell Chao Pang GM11979 CHROMOSOME 21 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11979 cell Chao Pang GM11980 CHROMOSOME 21 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11980 cell Chao Pang GM11986 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 GM11986 cell Chao Pang GM11987 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 GM11987 cell Chao Pang GM11988 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 GM11988 cell Chao Pang GM11982 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 GM11982 cell Chao Pang GM11983 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 GM11983 cell Chao Pang GM11984 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 GM11984 cell Chao Pang GM11985 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 GM11985 cell Chao Pang ND08188 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08188 cell Chao Pang ND08187 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08187 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08190 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08190 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08189 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08189 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08192 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08192 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08191 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08191 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08207 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08207 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08193 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08193 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM11963 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11963 cell Chao Pang GM11964 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11964 cell Chao Pang GM11967 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11967 cell Chao Pang ND08165 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND08165 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang ND08166 OTHER VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS ND08166 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang GM11968 18Q- SYNDROME APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM11968 cell OMIM: 601808 Chao Pang GM11965 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11965 cell Chao Pang ND08186 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND08186 cell Chao Pang GM11966 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11966 cell Chao Pang GM11972 PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA GM11972 cell OMIM: 176100 Chao Pang GM11973 PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA GM11973 cell OMIM: 176100 Chao Pang GM11970 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11970 cell Chao Pang GM11971 PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA GM11971 cell OMIM: 176100 Chao Pang ND08230 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08230 cell Chao Pang ND08228 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08228 cell Chao Pang ND08213 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08213 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08212 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08212 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08241 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08241 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08240 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08240 cell Chao Pang ND08239 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND08239 cell Chao Pang ND08231 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND08231 cell Chao Pang ND08210 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08210 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08208 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND08208 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08209 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08209 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA01819 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01819 cell Chao Pang DA01821 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01821 cell Chao Pang DA01822 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01822 cell Chao Pang DA01823 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01823 cell Chao Pang DA01825 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01825 cell Chao Pang DA01826 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01826 cell Chao Pang DA01827 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01827 cell Chao Pang DA01828 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01828 cell Chao Pang DA01830 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01830 cell Chao Pang DA01831 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01831 cell Chao Pang ND08127 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND08127 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08128 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08128 cell Chao Pang ND08121 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08121 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08122 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08122 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08119 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08119 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08120 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08120 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08142 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08142 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08141 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08141 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08151 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08151 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08143 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08143 cell Chao Pang ND08161 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08161 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08162 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08162 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08163 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08163 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08164 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08164 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08152 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND08152 cell Chao Pang ND08153 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08153 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08154 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08154 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA01764 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01764 cell Chao Pang DA01763 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01763 cell Chao Pang DA01766 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01766 cell Chao Pang DA01765 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01765 cell Chao Pang DA01770 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01770 cell Chao Pang DA01767 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01767 cell Chao Pang DA01773 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01773 cell Chao Pang DA01760 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01760 cell Chao Pang DA01762 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01762 cell Chao Pang DA01761 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01761 cell Chao Pang DA01784 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01784 cell Chao Pang GM12099 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM12099 cell Chao Pang DA01782 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01782 cell Chao Pang GM12096 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM12096 cell Chao Pang DA01780 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01780 cell Chao Pang DA01779 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01779 cell Chao Pang GM12097 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM12097 cell Chao Pang GM12094 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM12094 cell Chao Pang GM12095 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM12095 cell Chao Pang DA01789 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01789 cell Chao Pang GM12092 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM12092 cell Chao Pang DA01785 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01785 cell Chao Pang GM12093 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM12093 cell Chao Pang DA01778 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01778 cell Chao Pang DA01777 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01777 cell Chao Pang DA01776 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01776 cell Chao Pang DA01774 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01774 cell Chao Pang GM12091 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM12091 cell Chao Pang GM12090 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM12090 cell Chao Pang GM12089 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM12089 cell Chao Pang GM12081 ALAGILLE SYNDROME; AGS GM12081 cell OMIM: 118450 Chao Pang GM12082 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12082 cell Chao Pang DA01805 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01805 cell Chao Pang GM12083 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12083 cell Chao Pang GM12084 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12084 cell Chao Pang DA01801 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01801 cell Chao Pang GM12085 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12085 cell Chao Pang DA01799 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01799 cell Chao Pang GM12086 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12086 cell Chao Pang DA01804 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01804 cell Chao Pang GM12087 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12087 cell Chao Pang GM12088 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12088 cell Chao Pang DA01803 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01803 cell Chao Pang DA01793 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01793 cell Chao Pang DA01792 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01792 cell Chao Pang DA01795 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01795 cell Chao Pang DA01794 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01794 cell Chao Pang DA01791 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01791 cell Chao Pang GM12079 ALAGILLE SYNDROME; AGS GM12079 cell OMIM: 118450 Chao Pang GM12074 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM12074 cell Chao Pang GM12054 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 GM12054 cell Chao Pang GM12055 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 GM12055 cell Chao Pang GM12052 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 GM12052 cell Chao Pang GM12053 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 GM12053 cell Chao Pang GM12058 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 GM12058 cell Chao Pang DA01817 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01817 cell Chao Pang DA01816 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01816 cell Chao Pang GM12059 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM12059 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang DA01815 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01815 cell Chao Pang GM12056 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12056 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01814 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01814 cell Chao Pang GM12057 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12057 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01813 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01813 cell Chao Pang DA01812 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01812 cell Chao Pang GM12072 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM12072 cell Chao Pang DA01811 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01811 cell Chao Pang DA01810 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01810 cell Chao Pang DA01809 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01809 cell Chao Pang DA01808 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01808 cell Chao Pang GM12051 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 GM12051 cell Chao Pang DA01602 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01602 cell Chao Pang DA01603 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01603 cell Chao Pang DA01604 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01604 cell Chao Pang DA01605 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01605 cell Chao Pang DA01608 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01608 cell Chao Pang DA01609 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01609 cell Chao Pang DA01610 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01610 cell Chao Pang DA01611 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01611 cell Chao Pang DA01601 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01601 cell Chao Pang DA01600 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01600 cell Chao Pang DA01599 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01599 cell Chao Pang DA01590 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01590 cell Chao Pang DA01591 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01591 cell Chao Pang DA01588 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01588 cell Chao Pang DA01589 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01589 cell Chao Pang DA01595 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01595 cell Chao Pang DA01598 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01598 cell Chao Pang DA01592 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01592 cell Chao Pang DA01593 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01593 cell Chao Pang DA01587 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01587 cell Chao Pang DA01584 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01584 cell Chao Pang DA01581 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01581 cell Chao Pang DA01574 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01574 cell Chao Pang DA01575 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01575 cell Chao Pang DA01577 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01577 cell Chao Pang DA01578 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01578 cell Chao Pang DA01570 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01570 cell Chao Pang PR00586 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00586 cell Chao Pang DA01571 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01571 cell Chao Pang PR00582 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00582 cell Chao Pang DA01573 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01573 cell Chao Pang PR00592 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00592 cell Chao Pang PR00608 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00608 cell Chao Pang PR00609 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00609 cell Chao Pang PR00604 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00604 cell Chao Pang PR00605 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00605 cell Chao Pang PR00598 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00598 cell Chao Pang PR00603 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00603 cell Chao Pang PR00594 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00594 cell Chao Pang PR00597 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00597 cell Chao Pang PR00559 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00559 cell Chao Pang PR00566 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00566 cell Chao Pang PR00576 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00576 cell Chao Pang PR00578 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00578 cell Chao Pang PR00550 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00550 cell Chao Pang PR00551 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00551 cell Chao Pang PR00553 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00553 cell Chao Pang PR00554 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00554 cell Chao Pang ND08097 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08097 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08095 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08095 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08108 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08108 cell Chao Pang ND08107 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08107 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08083 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08083 cell Chao Pang ND08082 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08082 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08094 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08094 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08092 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08092 cell Chao Pang ND08117 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND08117 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08109 EPILEPSY ND08109 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08078 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND08078 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08077 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND08077 cell Chao Pang ND08076 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND08076 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND08075 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08075 cell Chao Pang ND08074 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND08074 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND08067 EPILEPSY ND08067 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08062 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND08062 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08081 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08081 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08080 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND08080 cell Chao Pang ND08079 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08079 cell Chao Pang ND07827 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07827 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07830 OTHER VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS ND07830 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND07828 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07828 cell Chao Pang ND07832 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND07832 cell Chao Pang ND07831 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND07831 cell Chao Pang ND07900 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07900 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07899 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07899 cell Chao Pang ND07919 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07919 cell Chao Pang ND07901 EPILEPSY ND07901 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07918 EPILEPSY ND07918 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07927 EPILEPSY ND07927 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07926 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07926 cell Chao Pang ND07925 EPILEPSY ND07925 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07921 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND07921 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07931 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07931 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07930 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07930 cell Chao Pang ND07929 EPILEPSY ND07929 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07928 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07928 cell Chao Pang ND07932 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07932 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07933 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND07933 cell Chao Pang ND07934 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND07934 cell Chao Pang ND07946 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07946 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07945 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07945 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07948 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07948 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07947 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07947 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07942 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07942 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07935 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07935 cell Chao Pang ND07944 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND07944 cell Chao Pang ND07943 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07943 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07949 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07949 cell Chao Pang ND07951 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07951 cell Chao Pang ND07950 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07950 cell Chao Pang ND07959 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07959 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07958 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07958 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07957 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND07957 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07956 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07956 cell Chao Pang ND07955 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07955 cell Chao Pang ND07954 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND07954 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07953 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND07953 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07952 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07952 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07970 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND07970 cell Chao Pang ND07971 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND07971 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND07979 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07979 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07980 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07980 cell Chao Pang ND07981 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07981 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07982 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07982 cell Chao Pang ND07985 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07985 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07967 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND07967 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang ND07968 EPILEPSY ND07968 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07969 AVM-RUPTURED ND07969 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08005 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08005 cell Chao Pang ND08007 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08007 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08002 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND08002 cell Chao Pang ND08004 EPILEPSY ND08004 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08018 EPILEPSY ND08018 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08019 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08019 cell Chao Pang ND07996 EPILEPSY ND07996 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08001 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08001 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07994 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND07994 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07995 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND07995 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM11410 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM11410 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM11409 V-KIT HARDY-ZUCKERMAN 4 FELINE SARCOMA VIRAL ONCOGENE HOMOLOG; KIT PIEBALD TRAIT; PBT GM11409 cell OMIM: 164920 OMIM: 172800 Chao Pang GM11408 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, LONG-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF GM11408 cell OMIM: 201460 Chao Pang GM11407 WEAVER SYNDROME GM11407 cell OMIM: 277590 Chao Pang GM11406 WEAVER SYNDROME GM11406 cell OMIM: 277590 Chao Pang GM11418 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11418 cell Chao Pang GM11416 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE I GM11416 cell OMIM: 232200 Chao Pang GM11413 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM11413 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM11412 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM11412 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM11411 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM11411 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang ND08029 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08029 cell Chao Pang ND08025 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08025 cell Chao Pang ND08026 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND08026 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08027 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08027 cell Chao Pang ND08028 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND08028 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08021 EPILEPSY ND08021 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND08022 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08022 cell Chao Pang ND08023 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND08023 cell Chao Pang ND08024 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND08024 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND08020 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08020 cell Chao Pang ND08060 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08060 cell Chao Pang ND08061 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08061 cell Chao Pang ND08058 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08058 cell Chao Pang ND08059 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08059 cell Chao Pang ND08056 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08056 cell Chao Pang ND08057 AVM-RUPTURED ND08057 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND08039 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND08039 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08040 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08040 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND08030 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND08030 cell Chao Pang ND08038 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND08038 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang PR00636 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00636 cell Chao Pang PR00634 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00634 cell Chao Pang PR00632 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00632 cell Chao Pang PR00631 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00631 cell Chao Pang PR00627 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00627 cell Chao Pang PR00626 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00626 cell Chao Pang PR00623 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00623 cell Chao Pang PR00622 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00622 cell Chao Pang PR00616 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00616 cell Chao Pang PR00615 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00615 cell Chao Pang GM11440 CHROMOSOME 7 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11440 cell Chao Pang DA01637 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01637 cell Chao Pang DA01636 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01636 cell Chao Pang GM11441 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11441 cell Chao Pang DA01639 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01639 cell Chao Pang GM11442 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11442 cell Chao Pang DA01638 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01638 cell Chao Pang DA01646 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01646 cell Chao Pang GM11433 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM11433 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang DA01645 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01645 cell Chao Pang GM11434 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11434 cell Chao Pang GM11435 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11435 cell Chao Pang DA01641 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01641 cell Chao Pang GM11436 CHROMOSOME 4 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11436 cell Chao Pang DA01640 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01640 cell Chao Pang GM11437 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11437 cell Chao Pang DA01644 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01644 cell Chao Pang GM11438 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11438 cell Chao Pang PR00612 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00612 cell Chao Pang GM11439 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 4 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11439 cell Chao Pang DA01643 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01643 cell Chao Pang PR00671 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00671 cell Chao Pang PR00669 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00669 cell Chao Pang PR00674 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00674 cell Chao Pang PR00657 NONHUMAN PRIMATES CHIMPANZEE PANEL PR00657 cell Chao Pang PR00652 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00652 cell Chao Pang PR00663 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00663 cell Chao Pang PR00661 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00661 cell Chao Pang PR00644 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00644 cell Chao Pang PR00650 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00650 cell Chao Pang PR00648 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00648 cell Chao Pang DA01652 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01652 cell Chao Pang GM11431 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM11431 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang DA01651 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01651 cell Chao Pang GM11432 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM11432 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM11429 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11429 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA01650 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01650 cell Chao Pang DA01649 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01649 cell Chao Pang GM11430 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11430 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA01647 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01647 cell Chao Pang GM11419 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM11419 cell Chao Pang GM11420 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM11420 cell Chao Pang DA01657 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01657 cell Chao Pang DA01656 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01656 cell Chao Pang GM11425 PROTEASE INHIBITOR 1; PI GM11425 cell OMIM: 107400 Chao Pang GM11428 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM11428 cell Chao Pang DA01655 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01655 cell Chao Pang GM11423 PROTEASE INHIBITOR 1; PI GM11423 cell OMIM: 107400 Chao Pang DA01654 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01654 cell Chao Pang GM11424 PROTEASE INHIBITOR 1; PI GM11424 cell OMIM: 107400 Chao Pang DA01653 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01653 cell Chao Pang DA01612 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01612 cell Chao Pang PR00712 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00712 cell Chao Pang PR00711 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00711 cell Chao Pang GM11457 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11457 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang PR00708 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00708 cell Chao Pang PR00707 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00707 cell Chao Pang PR00724 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00724 cell Chao Pang PR00716 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00716 cell Chao Pang PR00680 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00680 cell Chao Pang PR00679 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00679 cell Chao Pang PR00678 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00678 cell Chao Pang PR00677 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00677 cell Chao Pang GM11475 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11475 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA01614 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01614 cell Chao Pang DA01613 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01613 cell Chao Pang DA01616 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01616 cell Chao Pang GM11471 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE I GM11471 cell OMIM: 232200 Chao Pang GM11472 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11472 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang DA01615 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01615 cell Chao Pang DA01618 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01618 cell Chao Pang GM11473 CANIS CANINE GANGLIOSIDOSIS, GENERALIZED GM1, TYPE 1 GM11473 cell OMIM: 230500 Chao Pang GM11474 CANIS CANINE GANGLIOSIDOSIS, GENERALIZED GM1, TYPE 1 GM11474 cell OMIM: 230500 Chao Pang DA01617 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01617 cell Chao Pang GM11458 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11458 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA01621 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01621 cell Chao Pang DA01620 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01620 cell Chao Pang GM11459 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11459 cell Chao Pang GM11468 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE I GM11468 cell OMIM: 232200 Chao Pang DA01624 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01624 cell Chao Pang DA01623 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01623 cell Chao Pang GM11470 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE I GM11470 cell OMIM: 232200 Chao Pang PR00742 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00742 cell Chao Pang PR00739 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00739 cell Chao Pang PR00762 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00762 cell Chao Pang PR00748 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00748 cell Chao Pang PR00772 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00772 cell Chao Pang PR00726 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00726 cell Chao Pang PR00730 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00730 cell Chao Pang PR00729 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00729 cell Chao Pang PR00738 CHIMPANZEE PANEL NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00738 cell Chao Pang PR00732 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00732 cell Chao Pang DA01627 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01627 cell Chao Pang DA01626 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01626 cell Chao Pang DA01625 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01625 cell Chao Pang GM11453 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11453 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11456 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11456 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA01631 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01631 cell Chao Pang GM11449 CHROMOSOME 4 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 12 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11449 cell Chao Pang DA01630 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01630 cell Chao Pang GM11452 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11452 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA01629 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01629 cell Chao Pang GM11447 CHROMOSOME 4 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11447 cell Chao Pang DA01628 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01628 cell Chao Pang GM11448 CHROMOSOME 4 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11448 cell Chao Pang GM11445 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 6 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11445 cell Chao Pang DA01634 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01634 cell Chao Pang GM11446 CHROMOSOME 7 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11446 cell Chao Pang GM11443 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11443 cell Chao Pang DA01633 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01633 cell Chao Pang GM11444 CHROMOSOME 2 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11444 cell Chao Pang DA01632 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01632 cell Chao Pang PR00796 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00796 cell Chao Pang PR00814 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00814 cell Chao Pang PR00793 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00793 cell Chao Pang PR00794 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00794 cell Chao Pang PR00788 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00788 cell Chao Pang PR00789 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00789 cell Chao Pang PR00827 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00827 cell Chao Pang PR00833 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00833 cell Chao Pang GM11499 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11499 cell Chao Pang PR00818 NONHUMAN PRIMATES CHIMPANZEE PANEL PR00818 cell Chao Pang GM11500 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11500 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11501 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11501 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang PR00825 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00825 cell Chao Pang GM11503 VERTEBRAL ANOMALIES GM11503 cell OMIM: 277300 Chao Pang GM11502 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11502 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11505 VERTEBRAL ANOMALIES GM11505 cell OMIM: 277300 Chao Pang GM11504 VERTEBRAL ANOMALIES GM11504 cell OMIM: 277300 Chao Pang DA01702 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01702 cell Chao Pang GM11511 CHROMOSOME INSERTION GM11511 cell Chao Pang DA01703 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01703 cell Chao Pang GM11510 CHROMOSOME INSERTION GM11510 cell Chao Pang GM11515 ANGELMAN SYNDROME; AS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11515 cell OMIM: 105830 Chao Pang DA01698 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01698 cell Chao Pang DA01699 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01699 cell Chao Pang DA01700 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01700 cell Chao Pang DA01701 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01701 cell Chao Pang DA01691 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01691 cell Chao Pang DA01695 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01695 cell Chao Pang DA01696 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01696 cell Chao Pang DA01697 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01697 cell Chao Pang PR00871 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00871 cell Chao Pang PR00943 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00943 cell Chao Pang PR00949 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00949 cell Chao Pang PR00950 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00950 cell Chao Pang PR00834 NONHUMAN PRIMATES CHIMPANZEE PANEL PR00834 cell Chao Pang PR00838 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00838 cell Chao Pang PR00839 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00839 cell Chao Pang GM11477 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM11477 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang PR00951 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00951 cell Chao Pang PR00969 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00969 cell Chao Pang GM11479 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11479 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang PR00976 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00976 cell Chao Pang GM11493 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11493 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11492 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11492 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11491 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11491 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11480 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11480 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11497 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM11497 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11496 HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM11496 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11495 HURLER-SCHEIE SYNDROME GM11495 cell OMIM: 607015 Chao Pang GM11494 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11494 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang PR00990 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00990 cell Chao Pang PR00996 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00996 cell Chao Pang PR00978 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00978 cell Chao Pang PR00980 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR00980 cell Chao Pang PR01023 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01023 cell Chao Pang PR01030 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01030 cell Chao Pang PR01013 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01013 cell Chao Pang PR01017 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01017 cell Chao Pang GM11530 NEUROAXONAL DYSTROPHY, INFANTILE GM11530 cell OMIM: 256600 Chao Pang GM11532 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM11532 cell Chao Pang GM11534 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11534 cell Chao Pang PR01034 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01034 cell Chao Pang PR01035 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01035 cell Chao Pang GM11535 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11535 cell Chao Pang GM11529 NEUROAXONAL DYSTROPHY, INFANTILE GM11529 cell OMIM: 256600 Chao Pang DA01671 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01671 cell Chao Pang GM11543 CHROMOSOME 16 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11543 cell Chao Pang DA01673 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01673 cell Chao Pang DA01674 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01674 cell Chao Pang DA01675 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01675 cell Chao Pang GM11538 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM11538 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM11536 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM11536 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM11541 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM11541 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM11540 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM11540 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang DA01659 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01659 cell Chao Pang DA01660 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01660 cell Chao Pang DA01662 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01662 cell Chao Pang DA01664 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01664 cell Chao Pang DA01667 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01667 cell Chao Pang DA01669 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01669 cell Chao Pang PR01040 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01040 cell Chao Pang PR01044 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01044 cell Chao Pang PR01052 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01052 cell Chao Pang PR01057 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01057 cell Chao Pang PR01084 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01084 cell Chao Pang PR01086 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01086 cell Chao Pang PR01089 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01089 cell Chao Pang PR01094 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01094 cell Chao Pang PR01099 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01099 cell Chao Pang GM11518 ANGELMAN SYNDROME; AS GM11518 cell OMIM: 105830 Chao Pang GM11520 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11520 cell Chao Pang GM11516 ANGELMAN SYNDROME; AS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11516 cell OMIM: 105830 Chao Pang GM11517 ANGELMAN SYNDROME; AS GM11517 cell OMIM: 105830 Chao Pang DA01690 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01690 cell Chao Pang GM11526 CHROMOSOME 1 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11526 cell Chao Pang DA01688 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01688 cell Chao Pang DA01689 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01689 cell Chao Pang GM11525 SNP500 PANEL CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 DRUZE POPULATION GM11525 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM11524 SNP500 PANEL DRUZE POPULATION GM11524 cell Chao Pang GM11523 DRUZE POPULATION SNP500 PANEL GM11523 cell Chao Pang GM11522 DRUZE POPULATION SNP500 PANEL GM11522 cell Chao Pang GM11521 SNP500 PANEL DRUZE POPULATION GM11521 cell Chao Pang DA01679 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01679 cell Chao Pang DA01681 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01681 cell Chao Pang DA01678 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01678 cell Chao Pang DA01686 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01686 cell Chao Pang DA01687 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01687 cell Chao Pang DA01682 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01682 cell Chao Pang PR01038 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01038 cell Chao Pang DA01685 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01685 cell Chao Pang GM11568 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11568 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11569 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11569 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11570 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11570 cell Chao Pang GM11571 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11571 cell Chao Pang GM11554 RETICULOSIS, FAMILIAL HISTIOCYTIC GM11554 cell OMIM: 267700 Chao Pang GM11553 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11553 cell Chao Pang GM11567 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11567 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11566 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11566 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11551 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE UNSPECIFIED GM11551 cell Chao Pang GM11550 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE UNSPECIFIED GM11550 cell Chao Pang PR01205 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01205 cell Chao Pang PR01239 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01239 cell Chao Pang PR01240 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01240 cell Chao Pang PR01231 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01231 cell Chao Pang PR01238 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01238 cell Chao Pang PR01217 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01217 cell Chao Pang PR01218 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01218 cell Chao Pang PR01215 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01215 cell Chao Pang PR01216 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01216 cell Chao Pang PR01209 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01209 cell Chao Pang PR01213 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01213 cell Chao Pang PR01163 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01163 cell Chao Pang PR01162 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01162 cell Chao Pang PR01190 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01190 cell Chao Pang PR01193 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01193 cell Chao Pang PR01197 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01197 cell Chao Pang PR01198 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01198 cell Chao Pang PR01169 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01169 cell Chao Pang PR01171 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01171 cell Chao Pang PR01179 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01179 cell Chao Pang PR01182 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01182 cell Chao Pang PR01168 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01168 cell Chao Pang DA01437 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01437 cell Chao Pang DA01438 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01438 cell Chao Pang PR01143 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01143 cell Chao Pang PR01137 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01137 cell Chao Pang DA01439 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01439 cell Chao Pang DA01441 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01441 cell Chao Pang PR01134 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01134 cell Chao Pang DA01442 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01442 cell Chao Pang DA01443 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01443 cell Chao Pang DA01444 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01444 cell Chao Pang DA01445 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01445 cell Chao Pang PR01150 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01150 cell Chao Pang PR01152 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01152 cell Chao Pang PR01144 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01144 cell Chao Pang PR01149 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01149 cell Chao Pang PR01160 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01160 cell Chao Pang PR01161 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01161 cell Chao Pang PR01154 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01154 cell Chao Pang PR01159 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01159 cell Chao Pang PR01103 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01103 cell Chao Pang PR01106 CHIMPANZEE PANEL NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01106 cell Chao Pang PR01107 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01107 cell Chao Pang PR01110 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01110 cell Chao Pang PR01119 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01119 cell Chao Pang PR01126 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01126 cell Chao Pang PR01131 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01131 cell Chao Pang ND07743 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07743 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07736 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07736 cell Chao Pang ND07735 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND07735 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07738 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND07738 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07737 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07737 cell Chao Pang ND07740 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07740 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07739 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND07739 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07742 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND07742 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07741 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07741 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07734 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND07734 cell Chao Pang ND07733 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07733 cell Chao Pang ND07732 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07732 cell Chao Pang ND07727 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07727 cell Chao Pang ND07726 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07726 cell Chao Pang ND07725 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07725 cell Chao Pang ND07724 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07724 cell Chao Pang ND07731 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07731 cell Chao Pang ND07730 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07730 cell Chao Pang ND07729 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07729 cell Chao Pang ND07728 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07728 cell Chao Pang ND07722 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07722 cell Chao Pang ND07721 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07721 cell Chao Pang ND07723 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND07723 cell Chao Pang ND07703 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07703 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07702 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07702 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07710 EPILEPSY ND07710 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07704 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND07704 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07699 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07699 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07701 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07701 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07700 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07700 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07698 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07698 cell Chao Pang ND07697 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND07697 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07696 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07696 cell Chao Pang ND07695 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07695 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07694 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND07694 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07693 AVM-RUPTURED ND07693 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND07685 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07685 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07675 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07675 cell Chao Pang ND07674 EPILEPSY ND07674 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07669 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND07669 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA01569 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01569 cell Chao Pang DA01564 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01564 cell Chao Pang DA01563 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01563 cell Chao Pang DA01562 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01562 cell Chao Pang DA01561 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01561 cell Chao Pang DA01568 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01568 cell Chao Pang DA01567 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01567 cell Chao Pang DA01566 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01566 cell Chao Pang DA01565 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01565 cell Chao Pang ND07473 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND07473 cell Chao Pang ND07472 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND07472 cell Chao Pang ND07475 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND07475 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07474 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND07474 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07449 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07449 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07448 EPILEPSY ND07448 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA01559 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01559 cell Chao Pang ND07471 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND07471 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND07457 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07457 cell Chao Pang ND07476 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07476 cell Chao Pang ND07477 EPILEPSY ND07477 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07535 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07535 cell Chao Pang ND07521 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND07521 cell Chao Pang ND07512 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07512 cell Chao Pang ND07511 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07511 cell Chao Pang ND07510 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07510 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07509 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07509 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07508 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND07508 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07489 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND07489 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND07478 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07478 cell Chao Pang GM11617 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11617 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11616 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11616 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11615 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM11615 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM11614 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM11614 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM11613 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM11613 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM11612 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM11612 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM11611 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11611 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11610 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11610 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11605 FAMILIAL OPTIC ATROPHY; TYPE UNKNOWN; LEBER-LIKE OPTIC ATROPHY COMPLEX I, SUBUNIT ND1; MTND1 GM11605 cell OMIM: 516000 Chao Pang GM11604 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY GM11604 cell OMIM: 256550 Chao Pang ND07582 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07582 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07583 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND07583 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07599 EPILEPSY ND07599 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07600 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07600 cell Chao Pang ND07614 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07614 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07615 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07615 cell Chao Pang ND07601 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07601 cell Chao Pang ND07611 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND07611 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07612 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07612 cell Chao Pang ND07613 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07613 cell Chao Pang GM11603 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM11603 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang GM11600 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 4-ALPHA; HNF4A GM11600 cell OMIM: 125850 OMIM: 600281 Chao Pang GM11599 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11599 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11602 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM11602 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM11601 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM11601 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM11592 VERTEBRAL ANOMALIES GM11592 cell OMIM: 277300 Chao Pang GM11590 JAPANESE POPULATION GM11590 cell Chao Pang GM11598 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11598 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11597 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11597 cell Chao Pang GM11589 JAPANESE POPULATION GM11589 cell Chao Pang ND07619 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07619 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07629 AVM-RUPTURED ND07629 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND07617 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07617 cell Chao Pang ND07618 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07618 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07616 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND07616 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07663 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07663 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND07654 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07654 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND07655 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07655 cell Chao Pang ND07630 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND07630 cell Chao Pang ND07653 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND07653 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM11585 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11585 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11584 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11584 cell Chao Pang ND07536 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07536 cell Chao Pang GM11580 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11580 cell Chao Pang GM11579 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11579 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11587 JAPANESE POPULATION GM11587 cell Chao Pang GM11586 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11586 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11578 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11578 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11577 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11577 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11576 HOLOCARBOXYLASE SYNTHETASE; HLCS HOLOCARBOXYLASE SYNTHETASE DEFICIENCY GM11576 cell OMIM: 253270 Chao Pang GM11575 CHROMOSOME 13 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11575 cell Chao Pang ND07537 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07537 cell Chao Pang ND07540 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07540 cell Chao Pang ND07541 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07541 cell Chao Pang ND07542 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07542 cell Chao Pang ND07543 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07543 cell Chao Pang ND07545 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07545 cell Chao Pang ND07547 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07547 cell Chao Pang ND07548 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07548 cell Chao Pang ND07549 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07549 cell Chao Pang ND07550 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07550 cell Chao Pang ND07552 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07552 cell Chao Pang ND07553 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07553 cell Chao Pang ND07551 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND07551 cell Chao Pang ND07577 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL EPILEPSY ND07577 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07578 EPILEPSY ND07578 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07554 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND07554 cell Chao Pang ND07576 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL EPILEPSY ND07576 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07581 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07581 cell Chao Pang ND07579 EPILEPSY ND07579 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND07580 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND07580 cell Chao Pang S003611 PAN TROGLODYTES S003611 cell Chao Pang S003622 PAN TROGLODYTES S003622 cell Chao Pang S003621 PAN TROGLODYTES S003621 cell Chao Pang S003619 PAN TROGLODYTES S003619 cell Chao Pang S003612 PAN TROGLODYTES S003612 cell Chao Pang DA01446 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01446 cell Chao Pang S003629 PAN TROGLODYTES S003629 cell Chao Pang S003626 PAN TROGLODYTES S003626 cell Chao Pang DA01447 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01447 cell Chao Pang S003624 PAN TROGLODYTES S003624 cell Chao Pang GM11707 SANDHOFF DISEASE GM11707 cell OMIM: 268800 Chao Pang S003623 PAN TROGLODYTES S003623 cell Chao Pang GM11706 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM11706 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang S003630 PAN TROGLODYTES S003630 cell Chao Pang DA01450 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01450 cell Chao Pang GM11714 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11714 cell Chao Pang GM11715 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11715 cell Chao Pang DA01449 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01449 cell Chao Pang GM11723 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11723 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang DA01452 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01452 cell Chao Pang DA01451 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01451 cell Chao Pang GM11749 CHROMOSOME 3 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11749 cell Chao Pang DA01454 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01454 cell Chao Pang GM11708 HYPOMELANOSIS OF ITO; HMI GM11708 cell Chao Pang DA01453 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01453 cell Chao Pang GM11709 HYPOMELANOSIS OF ITO; HMI GM11709 cell Chao Pang GM11712 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11712 cell Chao Pang DA01457 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01457 cell Chao Pang GM11713 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11713 cell Chao Pang DA01455 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01455 cell Chao Pang DA01448 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01448 cell Chao Pang S003641 PAN TROGLODYTES S003641 cell Chao Pang S003639 PAN TROGLODYTES S003639 cell Chao Pang S003646 PAN TROGLODYTES S003646 cell Chao Pang S003642 PAN TROGLODYTES S003642 cell Chao Pang S003648 PAN TROGLODYTES S003648 cell Chao Pang S003647 PAN TROGLODYTES S003647 cell Chao Pang S003650 PAN TROGLODYTES S003650 cell Chao Pang GM11678 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11678 cell Chao Pang S003649 PAN TROGLODYTES S003649 cell Chao Pang DA01458 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01458 cell Chao Pang S003654 PAN TROGLODYTES S003654 cell Chao Pang S003651 PAN TROGLODYTES S003651 cell Chao Pang GM11691 CHROMOSOME 8 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11691 cell Chao Pang DA01466 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01466 cell Chao Pang DA01465 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01465 cell Chao Pang GM11692 CHROMOSOME 8 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11692 cell Chao Pang DA01463 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01463 cell Chao Pang GM11688 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11688 cell Chao Pang DA01461 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01461 cell Chao Pang GM11689 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11689 cell Chao Pang GM11686 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11686 cell Chao Pang DA01470 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01470 cell Chao Pang DA01469 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01469 cell Chao Pang GM11687 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11687 cell Chao Pang GM11679 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11679 cell Chao Pang DA01468 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01468 cell Chao Pang GM11685 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 17 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 22 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11685 cell Chao Pang DA01467 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01467 cell Chao Pang DA01460 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01460 cell Chao Pang DA01459 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01459 cell Chao Pang GM11705 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT- 166200,166210,166220, OR 166230 GM11705 cell OMIM: 166200 Chao Pang PR01271 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01271 cell Chao Pang PR01257 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01257 cell Chao Pang PR01241 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01241 cell Chao Pang PR01391 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01391 cell Chao Pang PR01390 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01390 cell Chao Pang PR01380 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01380 cell Chao Pang PR01379 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01379 cell Chao Pang PR01378 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01378 cell Chao Pang PR01377 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01377 cell Chao Pang PR01375 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01375 cell Chao Pang GM11635 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM11635 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA01482 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01482 cell Chao Pang GM11636 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM11636 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA01479 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01479 cell Chao Pang GM11637 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM11637 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM11638 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM11638 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA01483 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01483 cell Chao Pang GM11639 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM11639 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA01476 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01476 cell Chao Pang DA01475 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01475 cell Chao Pang GM11654 EWING SARCOMA BREAKPOINT REGION 1; EWSR1, INCLUDED; EWS, INCLUDED; ES, INCLUDED TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11654 cell OMIM: 133450 Chao Pang GM11661 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM11661 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang DA01478 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01478 cell Chao Pang GM11672 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11672 cell Chao Pang DA01477 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01477 cell Chao Pang DA01471 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01471 cell Chao Pang GM11675 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM11675 cell Chao Pang GM11677 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT- 166200,166210,166220, OR 166230 GM11677 cell OMIM: 166200 Chao Pang DA01474 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01474 cell Chao Pang DA01473 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01473 cell Chao Pang PR01396 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01396 cell Chao Pang PR01393 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01393 cell Chao Pang PR01402 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01402 cell Chao Pang PR01398 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01398 cell Chao Pang S003489 PAN TROGLODYTES S003489 cell Chao Pang S003487 PAN TROGLODYTES S003487 cell Chao Pang PR01410 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01410 cell Chao Pang PR01403 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01403 cell Chao Pang PR01413 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01413 cell Chao Pang PR01411 NONHUMAN PRIMATES PR01411 cell Chao Pang GM11623 CHROMOSOME 8 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11623 cell Chao Pang GM11626 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11626 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA01494 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01494 cell Chao Pang DA01493 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01493 cell Chao Pang GM11619 CHROMOSOME 8 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11619 cell Chao Pang GM11630 MULTIPLE ENDOCRINE NEOPLASIA, TYPE I; MEN1 GM11630 cell OMIM: 131100 Chao Pang DA01492 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01492 cell Chao Pang DA01491 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01491 cell Chao Pang GM11631 MULTIPLE ENDOCRINE NEOPLASIA, TYPE I; MEN1 GM11631 cell OMIM: 131100 Chao Pang GM11627 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11627 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA01490 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01490 cell Chao Pang GM11629 NEUROMATA, MUCOSAL, WITH ENDOCRINE TUMORS GM11629 cell OMIM: 162300 Chao Pang DA01489 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01489 cell Chao Pang GM11634 ARGININEMIA GM11634 cell OMIM: 207800 Chao Pang DA01488 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01488 cell Chao Pang DA01487 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01487 cell Chao Pang GM11632 ICHTHYOSIS CONGENITA, HARLEQUIN FETUS TYPE GM11632 cell OMIM: 242500 Chao Pang DA01486 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01486 cell Chao Pang DA01484 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01484 cell Chao Pang GM11633 ICHTHYOSIS CONGENITA, HARLEQUIN FETUS TYPE GM11633 cell OMIM: 242500 Chao Pang DA01495 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01495 cell Chao Pang DA01496 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01496 cell Chao Pang DA01497 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01497 cell Chao Pang DA01499 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01499 cell Chao Pang DA01500 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01500 cell Chao Pang DA01501 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01501 cell Chao Pang DA01503 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01503 cell Chao Pang DA01504 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01504 cell Chao Pang DA01506 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01506 cell Chao Pang DA01507 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01507 cell Chao Pang GM11821 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1340 GM11821 cell Chao Pang GM11822 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1350 GM11822 cell Chao Pang GM11819 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM11819 cell Chao Pang GM11820 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM11820 cell Chao Pang GM11818 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM11818 cell Chao Pang DA01508 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01508 cell Chao Pang DA01509 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01509 cell Chao Pang DA01512 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01512 cell Chao Pang DA01513 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01513 cell Chao Pang DA01510 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01510 cell Chao Pang DA01511 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01511 cell Chao Pang DA01516 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01516 cell Chao Pang DA01518 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01518 cell Chao Pang DA01514 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01514 cell Chao Pang DA01515 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01515 cell Chao Pang GM11828 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1350 GM11828 cell Chao Pang GM11827 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1350 GM11827 cell Chao Pang GM11826 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1350 GM11826 cell Chao Pang GM11825 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1350 GM11825 cell Chao Pang GM11824 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1350 GM11824 cell Chao Pang S004933 PAN TROGLODYTES S004933 cell Chao Pang GM11767 CHROMOSOME 13 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11767 cell Chao Pang GM11771 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11771 cell Chao Pang GM11776 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM11776 cell Chao Pang S004924 PAN TROGLODYTES S004924 cell Chao Pang S004925 PAN TROGLODYTES S004925 cell Chao Pang GM11778 WILSON DISEASE GM11778 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang S004921 PAN TROGLODYTES S004921 cell Chao Pang S004923 PAN TROGLODYTES S004923 cell Chao Pang S003660 PAN TROGLODYTES S003660 cell Chao Pang S004920 PAN TROGLODYTES S004920 cell Chao Pang S003657 PAN TROGLODYTES S003657 cell Chao Pang S003659 PAN TROGLODYTES S003659 cell Chao Pang S003656 PAN TROGLODYTES S003656 cell Chao Pang DA01524 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01524 cell Chao Pang DA01527 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01527 cell Chao Pang DA01531 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01531 cell Chao Pang DA01532 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01532 cell Chao Pang DA01520 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01520 cell Chao Pang DA01522 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01522 cell Chao Pang DA01523 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01523 cell Chao Pang GM11781 ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA, CONGENITAL, DUE TO 21-HYDROXYLASE DEFICIENCY GM11781 cell OMIM: 201910 Chao Pang GM11779 CHROMOSOME 8 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11779 cell Chao Pang GM11813 SPONASTRIME DYSPLASIA GM11813 cell OMIM: 271510 Chao Pang GM11811 WILSON DISEASE GM11811 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang DA01533 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01533 cell Chao Pang GM11816 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT- 166200,166210,166220, OR 166230 GM11816 cell OMIM: 166200 Chao Pang DA01536 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01536 cell Chao Pang GM11814 SPONASTRIME DYSPLASIA GM11814 cell OMIM: 271510 Chao Pang DA01537 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01537 cell Chao Pang S004979 PAN TROGLODYTES S004979 cell Chao Pang GM11751 CHROMOSOME 3 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11751 cell Chao Pang GM11752 CHROMOSOME 21 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 3 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11752 cell Chao Pang S004988 PAN TROGLODYTES S004988 cell Chao Pang GM11750 CHROMOSOME 3 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11750 cell Chao Pang S004968 PAN TROGLODYTES S004968 cell Chao Pang S004971 PAN TROGLODYTES S004971 cell Chao Pang S004973 PAN TROGLODYTES S004973 cell Chao Pang S004978 PAN TROGLODYTES S004978 cell Chao Pang S004934 PAN TROGLODYTES S004934 cell Chao Pang S004954 PAN TROGLODYTES S004954 cell Chao Pang S004955 PAN TROGLODYTES S004955 cell Chao Pang S004960 PAN TROGLODYTES S004960 cell Chao Pang DA01552 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01552 cell Chao Pang DA01554 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01554 cell Chao Pang DA01549 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01549 cell Chao Pang DA01551 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01551 cell Chao Pang DA01545 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01545 cell Chao Pang DA01546 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01546 cell Chao Pang DA01543 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01543 cell Chao Pang DA01544 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01544 cell Chao Pang GM11762 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA GM11762 cell OMIM: 252900 Chao Pang GM11761 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11761 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11754 CHROMOSOME 3 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11754 cell Chao Pang GM11753 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 7 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 3 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11753 cell Chao Pang GM11766 CHROMOSOME 13 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11766 cell Chao Pang DA01555 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01555 cell Chao Pang GM11764 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM11764 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM11763 GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GALACTOSEMIA GM11763 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang DA01556 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01556 cell Chao Pang AG10941 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10941 cell Chao Pang AG10942 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10942 cell Chao Pang AG10939 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10939 cell Chao Pang AG10940 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10940 cell Chao Pang AG10950 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10950 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10952 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10952 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10943 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10943 cell Chao Pang AG10944 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10944 cell Chao Pang AG10938 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10938 cell Chao Pang AG10937 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG10937 cell Chao Pang AG10891 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LATE ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE AG10891 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG10822 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10822 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10823 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10823 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10824 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10824 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10825 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10825 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10877 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10877 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10882 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG10882 cell Chao Pang AG10883 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG10883 cell Chao Pang AG10884 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG10884 cell Chao Pang AG10821 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10821 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10992 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10992 cell Chao Pang AG10993 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10993 cell Chao Pang AG11000 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11000 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10957 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10957 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10984 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - CHARACTERIZED MUTATIONS ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10984 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10986 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10986 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10987 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10987 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10953 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10953 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10956 APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LATE ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE AG10956 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG10955 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10955 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10637 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG10637 cell Chao Pang AG10632 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG10632 cell Chao Pang AG10643 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10643 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10638 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG10638 cell Chao Pang AG10645 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10645 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10644 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10644 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10673 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG10673 cell Chao Pang AG10671 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG10671 cell Chao Pang AG10677 LAMIN A/C; LMNA HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG10677 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG10674 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG10674 cell Chao Pang AG10588 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG10588 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG10600 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10600 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10599 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10599 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10598 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10598 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10589 PICK DISEASE OF BRAIN AG10589 cell OMIM: 172700 Chao Pang AG10630 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG10630 cell Chao Pang AG10605 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG10605 cell Chao Pang AG10604 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG10604 cell Chao Pang AG10602 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG10602 cell Chao Pang AG10631 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG10631 cell Chao Pang AG10788 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10788 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10774 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10774 cell Chao Pang AG10803 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10803 cell Chao Pang AG10801 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS LAMIN A/C; LMNA AG10801 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG10769 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10769 cell Chao Pang AG10768 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10768 cell Chao Pang AG10773 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10773 cell Chao Pang AG10770 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10770 cell Chao Pang AG10820 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10820 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10819 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10819 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10760 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10760 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10759 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10759 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10758 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10758 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10757 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10757 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10727 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10727 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10697 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG10697 cell Chao Pang AG10696 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG10696 cell Chao Pang AG10767 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10767 cell Chao Pang AG10762 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10762 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10761 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10761 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10293 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10293 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10299 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10299 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10307 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10307 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10312 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10312 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10316 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME TRISOMY 21 AG10316 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG10317 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME TRISOMY 21 AG10317 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG10328 ORYCTOLAGUS ORDER: LAGOMORPHA AG10328 cell Chao Pang AG10375 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG10375 cell Chao Pang AG10286 ORDER: LAGOMORPHA ORYCTOLAGUS AG10286 cell Chao Pang AG10292 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 13 AG10292 cell Chao Pang AG10585 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG10585 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG10587 LAMIN A/C; LMNA HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG10587 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG10555 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG10555 cell Chao Pang AG10578 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG10578 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG10579 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS LAMIN A/C; LMNA NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG10579 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG10583 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG10583 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG10477 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG10477 cell Chao Pang AG10484 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG10484 cell Chao Pang AG10553 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG10553 cell Chao Pang AG10554 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG10554 cell Chao Pang AG10467 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG10467 cell Chao Pang AG10451 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10451 cell Chao Pang AG10466 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG10466 cell Chao Pang AG10442 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG10442 cell Chao Pang AG10447 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG10447 cell Chao Pang AG10400 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG10400 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG10427 SV40 VIRUS-TRANSFORMED APPARENTLY HEALTHY: NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10427 cell Chao Pang AG10390 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG10390 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG10391 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG10391 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG10385 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG10385 cell Chao Pang AG11485 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11485 cell Chao Pang AG11486 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11486 cell Chao Pang AG11487 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11487 cell Chao Pang AG11488 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11488 cell Chao Pang AG11489 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11489 cell Chao Pang AG11490 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11490 cell Chao Pang AG11498 LAMIN A/C; LMNA HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG11498 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG11506 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11506 cell Chao Pang AG11484 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11484 cell Chao Pang AG11483 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11483 cell Chao Pang AG11414 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - EARLY ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE AG11414 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG11482 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11482 cell Chao Pang AG11466 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11466 cell Chao Pang AG11455 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11455 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG11481 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11481 cell Chao Pang AG11467 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG11467 cell Chao Pang AG11422 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11422 cell Chao Pang AG11415 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11415 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG11427 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AG11427 cell Chao Pang AG11426 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG11426 cell Chao Pang AG11400 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11400 cell Chao Pang AG11399 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AG11399 cell Chao Pang AG11398 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG11398 cell Chao Pang AG11395 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 2; RECQL2 AG11395 cell OMIM: 277700 OMIM: 604611 Chao Pang AG11379 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11379 cell Chao Pang AG11378 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AG11378 cell Chao Pang AG11372 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AG11372 cell Chao Pang AG11371 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AG11371 cell Chao Pang AG11369 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11369 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG11368 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11368 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG11366 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11366 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG11365 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11365 cell Chao Pang AG11367 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11367 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG11356 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11356 cell Chao Pang AG11358 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11358 cell Chao Pang AG11357 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11357 cell Chao Pang AG11362 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11362 cell Chao Pang AG11361 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11361 cell Chao Pang AG11364 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11364 cell Chao Pang AG11363 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11363 cell Chao Pang AG11354 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG11354 cell Chao Pang AG11344 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11344 cell Chao Pang AG11343 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11343 cell Chao Pang AG11340 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11340 cell Chao Pang AG11246 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11246 cell Chao Pang AG11245 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11245 cell Chao Pang AG11339 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11339 cell Chao Pang AG11249 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11249 cell Chao Pang AG11248 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11248 cell Chao Pang AG11247 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11247 cell Chao Pang AG11180 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11180 cell Chao Pang AG11182 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11182 cell Chao Pang AG11184 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11184 cell Chao Pang AG11188 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11188 cell Chao Pang AG11162 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11162 cell Chao Pang AG11244 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11244 cell Chao Pang AG11240 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11240 cell Chao Pang AG11241 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11241 cell Chao Pang AG11242 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11242 cell Chao Pang AG11243 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11243 cell Chao Pang AG11153 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11153 cell Chao Pang AG11154 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11154 cell Chao Pang AG11137 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11137 cell Chao Pang AG11138 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11138 cell Chao Pang AG11160 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11160 cell Chao Pang AG11161 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11161 cell Chao Pang AG11158 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11158 cell Chao Pang AG11159 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11159 cell Chao Pang AG11156 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11156 cell Chao Pang AG11157 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11157 cell Chao Pang AG11079 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11079 cell Chao Pang AG11080 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11080 cell Chao Pang AG11081 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11081 cell Chao Pang AG11082 SV40 VIRUS-TRANSFORMED APPARENTLY HEALTHY: NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11082 cell Chao Pang AG11088 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11088 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG11089 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11089 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG11131 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11131 cell Chao Pang AG11132 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11132 cell Chao Pang AG11134 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11134 cell Chao Pang AG11136 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11136 cell Chao Pang AG11018 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11018 cell Chao Pang AG11019 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11019 cell Chao Pang AG11020 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11020 cell Chao Pang AG11073 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11073 cell Chao Pang AG11074 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11074 cell Chao Pang AG11070 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11070 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG11072 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11072 cell Chao Pang AG11077 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11077 cell Chao Pang AG11078 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11078 cell Chao Pang AG11075 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11075 cell Chao Pang AG11076 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11076 cell Chao Pang AG11013 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11013 cell Chao Pang AG11011 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11011 cell Chao Pang AG11009 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - CHARACTERIZED MUTATIONS ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11009 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG11008 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11008 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG11017 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11017 cell Chao Pang AG11016 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11016 cell Chao Pang AG11015 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11015 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG11014 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11014 cell Chao Pang AG11001 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11001 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12431 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12431 cell Chao Pang ND12432 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12432 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12434 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12434 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12427 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12427 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12428 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12428 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12429 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12429 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12430 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12430 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12424 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12424 cell Chao Pang ND12425 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12425 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12426 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND12426 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09183 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09183 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09184 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09184 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09176 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09176 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09177 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09177 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09174 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09174 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09175 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09175 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09181 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09181 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09182 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09182 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09178 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09178 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09180 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09180 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12422 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND12422 cell Chao Pang ND12423 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12423 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12420 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12420 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12421 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12421 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12418 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12418 cell Chao Pang ND12419 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12419 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12416 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12416 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12417 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12417 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12414 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12414 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12415 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12415 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang AG09171 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09171 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09172 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09172 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09173 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09173 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09159 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09159 cell Chao Pang AG09160 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09160 cell Chao Pang AG09162 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09162 cell Chao Pang AG09166 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09166 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09167 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09167 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09169 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09169 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12403 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12403 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09170 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09170 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12389 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12389 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09267 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09267 cell Chao Pang ND12390 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12390 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09266 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09266 cell Chao Pang ND12392 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12392 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12393 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12393 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12394 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12394 cell Chao Pang ND12395 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND12395 cell Chao Pang ND12400 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12400 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12402 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12402 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12388 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12388 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09275 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09275 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12387 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12387 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09279 PROGEROID SYNDROME, NEONATAL AG09279 cell OMIM: 264090 Chao Pang ND12386 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12386 cell Chao Pang AG09272 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09272 cell Chao Pang AG09274 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09274 cell Chao Pang AG09270 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09270 cell Chao Pang AG09271 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09271 cell Chao Pang AG09268 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09268 cell Chao Pang AG09269 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09269 cell Chao Pang ND12380 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12380 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12381 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12381 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12377 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12377 cell Chao Pang AG09185 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09185 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12379 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12379 cell Chao Pang ND12384 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12384 cell Chao Pang ND12385 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12385 cell Chao Pang ND12382 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12382 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12383 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12383 cell Chao Pang AG09260 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09260 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09225 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09225 cell Chao Pang ND12376 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12376 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09233 PROGEROID SYNDROME, NEONATAL AG09233 cell OMIM: 264090 Chao Pang ND12375 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12375 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09235 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG09235 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND12374 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND12374 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09259 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09259 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09186 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09186 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09187 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09187 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09188 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09188 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09224 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09224 cell Chao Pang AG09396 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09396 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09397 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09397 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09393 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09393 cell Chao Pang AG09394 TRISOMY 21 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME AG09394 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG09524 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09524 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09493 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09493 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09492 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09492 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09429 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09429 cell Chao Pang AG09526 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09526 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09525 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09525 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09309 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09309 cell Chao Pang AG09315 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09315 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09319 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09319 cell Chao Pang AG09387 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09387 cell Chao Pang AG09369 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 4 PRESENILIN 2; PSEN2 AG09369 cell OMIM: 600759 OMIM: 606889 Chao Pang AG09389 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09389 cell Chao Pang AG09388 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM AG09388 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang AG09391 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09391 cell Chao Pang AG09390 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09390 cell Chao Pang AG09392 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09392 cell Chao Pang ND12453 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12453 cell Chao Pang ND12455 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12455 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12454 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12454 cell Chao Pang ND12457 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND12457 cell Chao Pang ND12456 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND12456 cell Chao Pang ND12459 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND12459 cell Chao Pang ND12458 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12458 cell Chao Pang ND12461 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12461 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12460 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12460 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12462 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12462 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12446 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12446 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12439 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12439 cell Chao Pang ND12438 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12438 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12435 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12435 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12450 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12450 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09529 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09529 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09530 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09530 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12449 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12449 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09553 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09553 cell Chao Pang ND12448 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12448 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09555 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09555 cell Chao Pang ND12447 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12447 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12452 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND12452 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12451 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12451 cell Chao Pang AG09527 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09527 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09561 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09561 cell Chao Pang AG09557 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09557 cell Chao Pang AG09556 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09556 cell Chao Pang AG09559 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09559 cell Chao Pang AG09558 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09558 cell Chao Pang ND12363 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12363 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09097 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09097 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09095 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09095 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12364 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12364 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09103 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09103 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12361 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12361 cell Chao Pang ND12362 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12362 cell Chao Pang AG09098 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09098 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09105 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09105 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09104 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09104 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09107 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09107 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09106 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09106 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09109 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09109 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09108 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09108 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12373 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12373 cell Chao Pang ND12372 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12372 cell Chao Pang ND12371 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12371 cell Chao Pang ND12369 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12369 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12368 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12368 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12367 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12367 cell Chao Pang ND12366 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12366 cell Chao Pang ND12353 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12353 cell Chao Pang ND12348 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND12348 cell Chao Pang ND12349 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND12349 cell Chao Pang ND12351 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12351 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12352 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12352 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12357 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12357 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12356 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12356 cell Chao Pang ND12359 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12359 cell Chao Pang ND12358 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12358 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12355 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12355 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12354 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12354 cell Chao Pang ND12329 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12329 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09147 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09147 cell Chao Pang ND12330 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12330 cell Chao Pang AG09131 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09131 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09149 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09149 cell Chao Pang ND12327 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12327 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12328 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12328 cell Chao Pang AG09148 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09148 cell Chao Pang AG09130 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09130 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12331 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12331 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09129 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09129 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12332 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12332 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG09156 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09156 cell Chao Pang AG09150 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09150 cell Chao Pang AG09158 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09158 cell Chao Pang AG09157 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09157 cell Chao Pang ND12334 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12334 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12347 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12347 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12346 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12346 cell Chao Pang ND12345 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12345 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12335 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12335 cell Chao Pang AG09123 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09123 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09122 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09122 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09121 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09121 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09120 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09120 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09119 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09119 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09128 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09128 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09127 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09127 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09126 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09126 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09125 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09125 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09124 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09124 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12324 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12324 cell Chao Pang ND12323 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12323 cell Chao Pang ND12326 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12326 cell Chao Pang ND12325 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12325 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG10106 TRISOMY 21 AG10106 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG10105 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10105 cell Chao Pang AG10103 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10103 cell Chao Pang AG10213 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG10213 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG10202 ORYCTOLAGUS ORDER: LAGOMORPHA AG10202 cell Chao Pang AG10203 ORYCTOLAGUS ORDER: LAGOMORPHA AG10203 cell Chao Pang AG10187 ORYCTOLAGUS ORDER: LAGOMORPHA AG10187 cell Chao Pang AG10200 ORYCTOLAGUS ORDER: LAGOMORPHA AG10200 cell Chao Pang AG10107 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10107 cell Chao Pang AG10111 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10111 cell Chao Pang AG10048 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10048 cell Chao Pang AG10047 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10047 cell Chao Pang AG10055 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10055 cell Chao Pang AG10076 MRC-5 - SV40 VIRUS-TRANSFORMED FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST AG10076 cell Chao Pang AG10097 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG10097 cell Chao Pang AG10098 TRISOMY 21 AG10098 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG10049 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10049 cell Chao Pang AG10052 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10052 cell Chao Pang AG10053 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10053 cell Chao Pang AG10054 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10054 cell Chao Pang AG10009 APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - EARLY ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE AG10009 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG10032 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC AG10032 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang AG10033 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC AG10033 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang AG10010 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10010 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10028 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG10028 cell Chao Pang AG10037 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10037 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10039 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - EARLY ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE AG10039 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG10034 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC AG10034 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang AG10035 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC AG10035 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang AG10046 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG10046 cell Chao Pang AG09970 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09970 cell Chao Pang AG09971 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09971 cell Chao Pang AG09974 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09974 cell Chao Pang AG09975 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09975 cell Chao Pang AG09977 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09977 cell Chao Pang AG09980 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09980 cell Chao Pang AG09983 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09983 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09997 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09997 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10007 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10007 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10008 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10008 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10215 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG10215 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG10218 ORYCTOLAGUS ORDER: LAGOMORPHA AG10218 cell Chao Pang AG10220 ORYCTOLAGUS ORDER: LAGOMORPHA AG10220 cell Chao Pang AG10240 ORYCTOLAGUS ORDER: LAGOMORPHA AG10240 cell Chao Pang AG10244 ORYCTOLAGUS ORDER: LAGOMORPHA AG10244 cell Chao Pang AG10242 ORYCTOLAGUS ORDER: LAGOMORPHA AG10242 cell Chao Pang AG10278 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10278 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10265 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10265 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG10285 ORDER: LAGOMORPHA ORYCTOLAGUS AG10285 cell Chao Pang AG10279 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG10279 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09599 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09599 cell Chao Pang AG09600 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09600 cell Chao Pang AG09601 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09601 cell Chao Pang AG09698 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09698 cell Chao Pang AG09699 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09699 cell Chao Pang AG09701 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09701 cell Chao Pang AG09602 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09602 cell Chao Pang AG09603 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09603 cell Chao Pang AG09605 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09605 cell Chao Pang AG09697 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09697 cell Chao Pang AG09968 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09968 cell Chao Pang AG09961 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG09961 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG09969 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09969 cell Chao Pang AG09952 APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LATE ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE AG09952 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG09951 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09951 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09955 APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - EARLY ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE AG09955 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG09953 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09953 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09945 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09945 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09950 GERSTMANN-STRAUSSLER DISEASE; GSD AG09950 cell OMIM: 137440 Chao Pang AG09949 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 4 AG09949 cell OMIM: 606889 Chao Pang AG09908 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 4 PRESENILIN 2; PSEN2 AG09908 cell OMIM: 600759 OMIM: 606889 Chao Pang AG09907 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - CHARACTERIZED MUTATIONS PRESENILIN 2; PSEN2 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 4 AG09907 cell OMIM: 600759 OMIM: 606889 Chao Pang AG09906 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 4 AG09906 cell OMIM: 606889 Chao Pang AG09905 PRESENILIN 2; PSEN2 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 4 AG09905 cell OMIM: 600759 OMIM: 606889 Chao Pang AG09904 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09904 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09903 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09903 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09897 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09897 cell Chao Pang AG09896 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09896 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09879 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09879 cell Chao Pang AG09878 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09878 cell Chao Pang AG09874 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09874 cell Chao Pang AG09872 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09872 cell Chao Pang AG09876 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09876 cell Chao Pang AG09875 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09875 cell Chao Pang AG09877 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09877 cell Chao Pang AG09854 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09854 cell Chao Pang AG09858 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09858 cell Chao Pang AG09857 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09857 cell Chao Pang AG09861 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09861 cell Chao Pang AG09860 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09860 cell Chao Pang AG09831 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09831 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09802 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME TRISOMY 21 AG09802 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG09799 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09799 cell Chao Pang AG09798 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09798 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09844 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG09844 cell Chao Pang AG09843 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG09843 cell Chao Pang AG09750 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG09750 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG09715 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09715 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG09714 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LATE ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE AG09714 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG09710 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09710 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG13299 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13299 cell Chao Pang AG13297 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13297 cell Chao Pang AG13292 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13292 cell Chao Pang AG13285 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13285 cell Chao Pang AG13300 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13300 cell Chao Pang AG13244 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13244 cell Chao Pang AG13283 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG13283 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG13274 AILURUS ORDER: CARNIVORA AG13274 cell Chao Pang AG13246 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13246 cell Chao Pang AG13245 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13245 cell Chao Pang AG13348 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13348 cell Chao Pang AG13346 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG13346 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG13353 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13353 cell Chao Pang AG13349 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13349 cell Chao Pang AG13329 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13329 cell Chao Pang AG13308 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13308 cell Chao Pang AG13334 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13334 cell Chao Pang AG13333 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13333 cell Chao Pang AG13345 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13345 cell Chao Pang AG13337 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13337 cell Chao Pang AG13442 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13442 cell Chao Pang AG13432 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13432 cell Chao Pang AG13429 TRISOMY 21 AG13429 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG13414 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13414 cell Chao Pang AG13407 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13407 cell Chao Pang AG13369 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13369 cell Chao Pang AG13367 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13367 cell Chao Pang AG13364 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13364 cell Chao Pang AG13358 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13358 cell Chao Pang AG13354 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13354 cell Chao Pang ND12150 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12150 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12151 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12151 cell Chao Pang ND12148 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12148 cell Chao Pang ND12149 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND12149 cell Chao Pang ND12159 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12159 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12160 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12160 cell Chao Pang ND12156 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12156 cell Chao Pang ND12157 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12157 cell Chao Pang ND12154 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12154 cell Chao Pang ND12155 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12155 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12163 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12163 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12164 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12164 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12165 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12165 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12166 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12166 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12161 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12161 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12171 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12171 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12167 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12167 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12168 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12168 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12169 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12169 cell Chao Pang ND12170 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12170 cell Chao Pang ND12124 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12124 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12125 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12125 cell Chao Pang ND12126 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12126 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12129 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12129 cell Chao Pang ND12131 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12131 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12127 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12127 cell Chao Pang ND12128 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12128 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12135 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12135 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12136 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12136 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12132 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12132 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12133 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12133 cell Chao Pang ND12137 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12137 cell Chao Pang ND12139 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12139 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12140 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12140 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12141 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12141 cell Chao Pang ND12142 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12142 cell Chao Pang ND12143 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND12143 cell Chao Pang ND12144 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12144 cell Chao Pang ND12145 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12145 cell Chao Pang ND12146 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12146 cell Chao Pang ND12147 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12147 cell Chao Pang ND12101 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12101 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12099 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12099 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12100 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12100 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12110 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12110 cell Chao Pang ND12109 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12109 cell Chao Pang ND12108 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12108 cell Chao Pang ND12106 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12106 cell Chao Pang ND12105 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12105 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12104 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12104 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12103 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12103 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12102 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12102 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12112 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12112 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12113 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12113 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12121 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12121 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12120 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12120 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12123 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12123 cell Chao Pang ND12122 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12122 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12117 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12117 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12115 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12115 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12119 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12119 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12118 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND12118 cell Chao Pang ND12114 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12114 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12081 AVM-UNRUPTURED AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12081 cell OMIM: 105400 OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND12080 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12080 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12085 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12085 cell Chao Pang ND12084 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12084 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12083 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12083 cell Chao Pang ND12082 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12082 cell Chao Pang ND12087 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12087 cell Chao Pang ND12088 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12088 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12089 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12089 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12090 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12090 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12091 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12091 cell Chao Pang ND12093 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12093 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12092 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12092 cell Chao Pang ND12095 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12095 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12094 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12094 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12097 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12097 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12096 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12096 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12198 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12198 cell Chao Pang ND12197 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12197 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12196 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12196 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12195 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12195 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12194 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12194 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12193 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12193 cell Chao Pang ND12192 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12192 cell Chao Pang ND12191 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12191 cell Chao Pang ND12190 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12190 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12183 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12183 cell Chao Pang ND12180 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12180 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12178 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12178 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12182 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12182 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12181 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12181 cell Chao Pang ND12175 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12175 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12174 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12174 cell Chao Pang ND12177 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12177 cell Chao Pang ND12176 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12176 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12173 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12173 cell Chao Pang ND12172 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12172 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG13176 MUS ORDER: RODENTIA AG13176 cell Chao Pang AG13177 ORDER: RODENTIA MUS AG13177 cell Chao Pang AG13209 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13209 cell Chao Pang AG13210 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13210 cell Chao Pang AG13207 PROGEROID SYNDROME, NEONATAL AG13207 cell OMIM: 264090 Chao Pang AG13208 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13208 cell Chao Pang AG13197 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13197 cell Chao Pang AG13198 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13198 cell Chao Pang AG13178 ORDER: RODENTIA MUS AG13178 cell Chao Pang AG13179 MUS ORDER: RODENTIA AG13179 cell Chao Pang AG13156 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13156 cell Chao Pang AG13108 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13108 cell Chao Pang AG13150 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13150 cell Chao Pang AG13151 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13151 cell Chao Pang AG13152 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13152 cell Chao Pang AG13153 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13153 cell Chao Pang AG13129 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13129 cell Chao Pang AG13144 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13144 cell Chao Pang AG13145 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13145 cell Chao Pang AG13146 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13146 cell Chao Pang AG13106 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13106 cell Chao Pang AG13105 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13105 cell Chao Pang AG13228 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13228 cell Chao Pang AG13229 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13229 cell Chao Pang AG13226 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13226 cell Chao Pang AG13227 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13227 cell Chao Pang AG13233 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13233 cell Chao Pang AG13234 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13234 cell Chao Pang AG13230 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13230 cell Chao Pang AG13231 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13231 cell Chao Pang AG13235 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13235 cell Chao Pang AG13237 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13237 cell Chao Pang AG13213 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13213 cell Chao Pang AG13216 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13216 cell Chao Pang AG13217 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13217 cell Chao Pang AG13218 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13218 cell Chao Pang AG13219 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13219 cell Chao Pang AG13220 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13220 cell Chao Pang AG13222 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13222 cell Chao Pang AG13223 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13223 cell Chao Pang AG13224 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13224 cell Chao Pang AG13225 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13225 cell Chao Pang AG13067 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13067 cell Chao Pang AG13066 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13066 cell Chao Pang AG13065 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13065 cell Chao Pang AG13018 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13018 cell Chao Pang AG13017 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG13017 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG13011 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13011 cell Chao Pang AG13100 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13100 cell Chao Pang AG13099 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13099 cell Chao Pang AG13098 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13098 cell Chao Pang AG13097 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13097 cell Chao Pang AG13104 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13104 cell Chao Pang AG13103 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13103 cell Chao Pang AG13102 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13102 cell Chao Pang AG13101 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13101 cell Chao Pang AG13096 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13096 cell Chao Pang AG13094 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13094 cell Chao Pang AG13095 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13095 cell Chao Pang AG13084 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13084 cell Chao Pang AG13089 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13089 cell Chao Pang AG13087 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13087 cell Chao Pang AG13091 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13091 cell Chao Pang AG13090 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13090 cell Chao Pang AG13093 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13093 cell Chao Pang AG13092 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13092 cell Chao Pang AG13074 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 AG13074 cell Chao Pang AG13075 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13075 cell Chao Pang AG13076 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13076 cell Chao Pang AG13077 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13077 cell Chao Pang ND12200 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12200 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12201 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12201 cell Chao Pang ND12202 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12202 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12203 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12203 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12199 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12199 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12214 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12214 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12215 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12215 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12212 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12212 cell Chao Pang ND12213 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12213 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12209 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12209 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12210 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12210 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12208 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12208 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12207 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12207 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12206 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12206 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12205 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12205 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12204 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12204 cell Chao Pang AG14775 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14775 cell Chao Pang AG14774 INVERTED CHROMOSOME APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14774 cell Chao Pang AG14784 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14784 cell Chao Pang AG14778 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14778 cell Chao Pang AG14777 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14777 cell Chao Pang AG14776 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14776 cell Chao Pang AG14790 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14790 cell Chao Pang AG14789 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14789 cell Chao Pang AG14786 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14786 cell Chao Pang AG14785 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14785 cell Chao Pang ND12280 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND12280 cell Chao Pang ND12281 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12281 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12278 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12278 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12279 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12279 cell Chao Pang ND12284 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12284 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12282 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12282 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12283 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12283 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12276 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12276 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12277 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12277 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12275 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12275 cell Chao Pang ND12289 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12289 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12290 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12290 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12291 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12291 cell Chao Pang ND12292 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12292 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12293 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12293 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12294 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12294 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12285 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12285 cell Chao Pang ND12286 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12286 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12287 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12287 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12288 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12288 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12312 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12312 cell Chao Pang ND12310 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12310 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12311 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12311 cell Chao Pang ND12308 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12308 cell Chao Pang ND12309 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12309 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12298 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12298 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12307 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12307 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12296 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12296 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12297 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12297 cell Chao Pang ND12295 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12295 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12319 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12319 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12320 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12320 cell Chao Pang ND12321 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12321 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12322 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12322 cell Chao Pang ND12315 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12315 cell Chao Pang ND12316 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12316 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12317 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12317 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12318 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12318 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12313 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12313 cell Chao Pang ND12314 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12314 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12218 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12218 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12219 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12219 cell Chao Pang ND12216 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12216 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12217 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12217 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12222 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12222 cell Chao Pang ND12221 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12221 cell Chao Pang ND12220 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12220 cell Chao Pang ND12227 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12227 cell Chao Pang ND12226 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12226 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12225 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12225 cell Chao Pang ND12224 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12224 cell Chao Pang ND12228 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND12228 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND12229 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND12229 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND12230 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12230 cell Chao Pang ND12232 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12232 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12231 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12231 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12236 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12236 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12235 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12235 cell Chao Pang ND12238 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12238 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12237 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12237 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12240 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12240 cell Chao Pang ND12239 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12239 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12241 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12241 cell Chao Pang ND12242 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12242 cell Chao Pang ND12249 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12249 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12261 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12261 cell Chao Pang ND12260 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12260 cell Chao Pang ND12259 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12259 cell Chao Pang ND12254 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12254 cell Chao Pang ND12253 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12253 cell Chao Pang ND12252 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12252 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12251 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12251 cell Chao Pang ND12250 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12250 cell Chao Pang ND12263 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12263 cell Chao Pang ND12265 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12265 cell Chao Pang ND12264 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12264 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12272 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12272 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12271 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12271 cell Chao Pang ND12274 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12274 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12273 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12273 cell Chao Pang ND12267 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12267 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12266 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND12266 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12269 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12269 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12268 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12268 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG13443 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13443 cell Chao Pang AG13453 TRISOMY 21 AG13453 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG13455 TRISOMY 21 AG13455 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG13778 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13778 cell Chao Pang AG13781 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13781 cell Chao Pang AG14752 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14752 cell Chao Pang AG14756 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14756 cell Chao Pang AG14750 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14750 cell Chao Pang AG14751 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14751 cell Chao Pang AG14757 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14757 cell Chao Pang AG14742 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14742 cell Chao Pang AG14745 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14745 cell Chao Pang AG14748 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14748 cell Chao Pang AG14743 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14743 cell Chao Pang AG14744 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14744 cell Chao Pang AG14735 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14735 cell Chao Pang AG14737 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14737 cell Chao Pang AG14738 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14738 cell Chao Pang AG14739 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14739 cell Chao Pang AG14740 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14740 cell Chao Pang AG14741 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14741 cell Chao Pang AG14724 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14724 cell Chao Pang AG14725 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14725 cell Chao Pang AG14730 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14730 cell Chao Pang AG14731 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14731 cell Chao Pang AG14719 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14719 cell Chao Pang AG14642 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG14642 cell Chao Pang AG14718 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14718 cell Chao Pang AG14616 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14616 cell Chao Pang AG14617 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG14617 cell Chao Pang AG14614 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG14614 cell Chao Pang AG14615 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG14615 cell Chao Pang AG14612 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14612 cell Chao Pang AG14613 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG14613 cell Chao Pang AG14608 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14608 cell Chao Pang AG14572 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14572 cell Chao Pang AG14580 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14580 cell Chao Pang AG14591 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14591 cell Chao Pang AG14607 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14607 cell Chao Pang AG14497 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG14497 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG14531 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG14531 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG14534 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14534 cell Chao Pang AG14539 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG14539 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG14473 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG14473 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG14486 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14486 cell Chao Pang AG14449 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG14449 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG14412 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14412 cell Chao Pang AG14425 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 2; RECQL2 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME AG14425 cell OMIM: 277700 OMIM: 604611 Chao Pang AG14424 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 2; RECQL2 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED AG14424 cell OMIM: 277700 OMIM: 604611 Chao Pang AG14422 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG14422 cell Chao Pang AG14421 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG14421 cell Chao Pang AG14446 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG14446 cell Chao Pang AG14435 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG14435 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG14429 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG14429 cell Chao Pang AG14426 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 2; RECQL2 AG14426 cell OMIM: 277700 OMIM: 604611 Chao Pang AG14298 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG14298 cell Chao Pang AG14390 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14390 cell Chao Pang AG14253 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG14253 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG14252 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG14252 cell Chao Pang AG14262 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT AG14262 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG14254 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG14254 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG14271 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG14271 cell Chao Pang AG14263 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT AG14263 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG14285 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG14285 cell Chao Pang AG14284 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG14284 cell Chao Pang AG14244 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG14244 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG14245 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG14245 cell Chao Pang AG14251 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG14251 cell Chao Pang AG14240 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG14240 cell Chao Pang AG14181 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG14181 cell Chao Pang AG14176 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG14176 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG14149 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG14149 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG14135 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG14135 cell Chao Pang AG14133 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG14133 cell Chao Pang AG14048 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG14048 cell Chao Pang AG13994 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13994 cell Chao Pang AG14036 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG14036 cell Chao Pang AG13990 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13990 cell Chao Pang AG13993 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13993 cell Chao Pang AG13968 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13968 cell Chao Pang AG13967 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13967 cell Chao Pang AG13983 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13983 cell Chao Pang AG13975 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13975 cell Chao Pang AG13962 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13962 cell Chao Pang AG13927 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13927 cell Chao Pang AG13926 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13926 cell Chao Pang AG13865 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG13865 cell Chao Pang AG13901 TRISOMY 21 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME AG13901 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG13902 TRISOMY 21 AG13902 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG13904 ADENOCARCINOMA OF THE ENDOMETRIUM AG13904 cell Chao Pang AG11699 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11699 cell Chao Pang AG11698 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11698 cell Chao Pang AG11697 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11697 cell Chao Pang AG11696 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11696 cell Chao Pang AG11702 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11702 cell Chao Pang AG11701 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11701 cell Chao Pang AG11700 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11700 cell Chao Pang AG11695 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11695 cell Chao Pang AG11694 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11694 cell Chao Pang AG11693 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11693 cell Chao Pang AG11724 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11724 cell Chao Pang AG11721 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG11721 cell Chao Pang AG11726 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11726 cell Chao Pang AG11725 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11725 cell Chao Pang AG11728 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11728 cell Chao Pang AG11727 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11727 cell Chao Pang AG11717 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG11717 cell Chao Pang AG11716 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AG11716 cell Chao Pang AG11719 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11719 cell Chao Pang AG11718 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11718 cell Chao Pang AG11743 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11743 cell Chao Pang AG11740 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11740 cell Chao Pang AG11737 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11737 cell Chao Pang AG11736 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11736 cell Chao Pang AG11735 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11735 cell Chao Pang AG11734 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11734 cell Chao Pang AG11733 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11733 cell Chao Pang AG11732 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11732 cell Chao Pang AG11731 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11731 cell Chao Pang AG11730 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11730 cell Chao Pang GM12840 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 GM12840 cell Chao Pang GM12841 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 SNP500 PANEL GM12841 cell Chao Pang GM12838 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 GM12838 cell Chao Pang GM12839 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 GM12839 cell Chao Pang AG11757 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LATE ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE AG11757 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG11756 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - EARLY ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11756 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG11769 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AG11769 cell Chao Pang AG11758 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LATE ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE AG11758 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang GM12832 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 GM12832 cell Chao Pang AG11747 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11747 cell Chao Pang AG11746 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11746 cell Chao Pang GM12833 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 GM12833 cell Chao Pang AG11755 APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LATE ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE AG11755 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG11748 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11748 cell Chao Pang GM12836 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 GM12836 cell Chao Pang GM12837 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 GM12837 cell Chao Pang AG11745 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11745 cell Chao Pang GM12834 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 GM12834 cell Chao Pang GM12835 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 GM12835 cell Chao Pang AG11744 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11744 cell Chao Pang AG11792 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11792 cell Chao Pang AG11793 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11793 cell Chao Pang AG11786 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11786 cell Chao Pang AG11798 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11798 cell Chao Pang AG11799 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11799 cell Chao Pang AG11795 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11795 cell Chao Pang AG11796 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11796 cell Chao Pang AG11805 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11805 cell Chao Pang AG11801 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11801 cell Chao Pang AG11802 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11802 cell Chao Pang AG11808 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11808 cell Chao Pang AG12021 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG12021 cell Chao Pang AG12030 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AG12030 cell Chao Pang AG12031 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AG12031 cell Chao Pang AG12032 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG12032 cell Chao Pang AG12033 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG12033 cell Chao Pang AG12034 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG12034 cell Chao Pang AG12070 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 13 AG12070 cell Chao Pang AG12071 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG12071 cell Chao Pang AG12077 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG12077 cell Chao Pang AG12327 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12327 cell Chao Pang AG12354 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG12354 cell Chao Pang AG12259 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG12259 cell Chao Pang AG12322 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12322 cell Chao Pang AG12211 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG12211 cell Chao Pang AG12257 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG12257 cell Chao Pang AG12120 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG12120 cell Chao Pang AG12207 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG12207 cell Chao Pang AG12357 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG12357 cell Chao Pang AG12119 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG12119 cell Chao Pang ND11802 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11802 cell Chao Pang ND11803 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11803 cell Chao Pang ND11811 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11811 cell Chao Pang ND11812 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11812 cell Chao Pang ND11809 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11809 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11810 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11810 cell Chao Pang ND11807 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11807 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11808 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11808 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11804 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11804 cell Chao Pang ND11806 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND11806 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND11801 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11801 cell Chao Pang ND11813 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11813 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11815 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11815 cell Chao Pang ND11816 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11816 cell Chao Pang ND11822 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11822 cell Chao Pang ND11823 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11823 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11824 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11824 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11817 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11817 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11818 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11818 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11819 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11819 cell Chao Pang ND11821 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11821 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11773 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11773 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11774 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11774 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11771 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11771 cell Chao Pang ND11772 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11772 cell Chao Pang ND11777 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND11777 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11778 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11778 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11775 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11775 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11776 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11776 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11782 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11782 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11783 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11783 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11784 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11784 cell Chao Pang ND11785 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11785 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11786 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11786 cell Chao Pang ND11787 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11787 cell Chao Pang ND11788 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11788 cell Chao Pang ND11789 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11789 cell Chao Pang ND11800 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11800 cell Chao Pang ND11781 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11781 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11779 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11779 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11880 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11880 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11879 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11879 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11878 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11878 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11872 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11872 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11871 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11871 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11870 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11870 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11876 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11876 cell Chao Pang ND11875 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11875 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11874 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11874 cell Chao Pang ND11873 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11873 cell Chao Pang ND11867 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11867 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11866 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11866 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11869 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11869 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11868 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11868 cell Chao Pang ND11861 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11861 cell Chao Pang ND11860 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11860 cell Chao Pang ND11863 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11863 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11862 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11862 cell Chao Pang ND11865 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11865 cell Chao Pang ND11864 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11864 cell Chao Pang ND11859 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11859 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11858 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11858 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11857 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11857 cell Chao Pang ND11856 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11856 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11855 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11855 cell Chao Pang ND11854 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11854 cell Chao Pang ND11843 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11843 cell Chao Pang ND11842 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11842 cell Chao Pang ND11841 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11841 cell Chao Pang ND11840 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11840 cell Chao Pang ND11839 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11839 cell Chao Pang ND11838 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11838 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11835 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11835 cell Chao Pang ND11834 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND11834 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND11837 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11837 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11836 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11836 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11828 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND11828 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND11825 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11825 cell Chao Pang ND11832 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND11832 cell Chao Pang ND11831 AVM-RUPTURED ND11831 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang GM12717 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1358 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12717 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12719 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1358 GM12719 cell Chao Pang GM12718 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1358 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12718 cell Chao Pang GM12721 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM12721 cell Chao Pang GM12720 LACTIC ACIDOSIS, CONGENITAL INFANTILE GM12720 cell OMIM: 245400 Chao Pang ND11893 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11893 cell Chao Pang ND11900 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11900 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11901 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11901 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11898 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11898 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11899 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11899 cell Chao Pang ND11896 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11896 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11897 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11897 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11894 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11894 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11895 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11895 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11902 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11902 cell Chao Pang ND11887 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11887 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11888 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11888 cell Chao Pang ND11889 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11889 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11890 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11890 cell Chao Pang ND11881 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11881 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11883 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11883 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11885 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11885 cell Chao Pang ND11886 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11886 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11891 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11891 cell Chao Pang ND11892 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11892 cell Chao Pang GM12761 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12761 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12760 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12760 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12762 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12762 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12763 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12763 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12764 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 GM12764 cell Chao Pang GM12765 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 GM12765 cell Chao Pang GM12766 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12766 cell Chao Pang GM12767 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12767 cell Chao Pang GM12768 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 GM12768 cell Chao Pang GM12769 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 GM12769 cell Chao Pang GM12770 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 GM12770 cell Chao Pang GM12772 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 GM12772 cell Chao Pang GM12771 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 GM12771 cell Chao Pang GM12776 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12776 cell Chao Pang GM12777 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 GM12777 cell Chao Pang GM12774 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 GM12774 cell Chao Pang GM12775 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12775 cell Chao Pang GM12780 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM12780 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM12781 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM12781 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM12778 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 GM12778 cell Chao Pang GM12779 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 21 GM12779 cell Chao Pang GM12773 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 GM12773 cell Chao Pang GM12742 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 GM12742 cell Chao Pang GM12739 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12739 cell Chao Pang GM12722 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM12722 cell Chao Pang GM12741 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 GM12741 cell Chao Pang GM12740 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12740 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12745 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 GM12745 cell Chao Pang GM12746 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 GM12746 cell Chao Pang GM12747 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 GM12747 cell Chao Pang GM12748 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 GM12748 cell Chao Pang GM12743 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 GM12743 cell Chao Pang GM12744 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 GM12744 cell Chao Pang GM12752 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 GM12752 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12751 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 GM12751 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12750 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12750 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12749 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 SNP500 PANEL INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12749 cell Chao Pang GM12758 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 GM12758 cell Chao Pang GM12759 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 GM12759 cell Chao Pang GM12756 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 GM12756 cell Chao Pang GM12757 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 GM12757 cell Chao Pang GM12754 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 GM12754 cell Chao Pang GM12755 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 GM12755 cell Chao Pang GM12753 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1447 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12753 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12813 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 SNP500 PANEL CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12813 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM12812 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 GM12812 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12815 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 GM12815 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12814 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12814 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12817 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 GM12817 cell Chao Pang AG11552 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME TRISOMY 21 AG11552 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM12816 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 GM12816 cell Chao Pang AG11555 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11555 cell Chao Pang AG11548 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11548 cell Chao Pang GM12819 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 GM12819 cell Chao Pang AG11549 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11549 cell Chao Pang GM12818 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 GM12818 cell Chao Pang AG11545 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11545 cell Chao Pang GM12821 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 GM12821 cell Chao Pang GM12820 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 GM12820 cell Chao Pang AG11546 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG11546 cell Chao Pang AG11513 LAMIN A/C; LMNA HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG11513 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG11514 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG11514 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM12822 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 GM12822 cell Chao Pang GM12826 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 GM12826 cell Chao Pang GM12825 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 GM12825 cell Chao Pang GM12824 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 GM12824 cell Chao Pang GM12823 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 GM12823 cell Chao Pang GM12830 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 GM12830 cell Chao Pang GM12829 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 GM12829 cell Chao Pang GM12828 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 GM12828 cell Chao Pang GM12827 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1456 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12827 cell Chao Pang GM12831 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 GM12831 cell Chao Pang AG11650 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11650 cell Chao Pang GM12782 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM12782 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM12784 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM12784 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM12783 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM12783 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang AG11651 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11651 cell Chao Pang AG11652 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11652 cell Chao Pang AG11664 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG11664 cell Chao Pang GM12793 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM12793 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM12792 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM12792 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang AG11665 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGED SIB PAIRS AG11665 cell Chao Pang GM12801 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12801 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang AG11659 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11659 cell Chao Pang GM12794 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; FANCC GM12794 cell OMIM: 227645 Chao Pang AG11663 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11663 cell Chao Pang AG11682 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11682 cell Chao Pang GM12787 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM12787 cell Chao Pang GM12785 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM12785 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang AG11684 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11684 cell Chao Pang AG11680 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11680 cell Chao Pang GM12791 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM12791 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM12790 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM12790 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang AG11681 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG11681 cell Chao Pang AG11557 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11557 cell Chao Pang AG11556 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11556 cell Chao Pang GM12804 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 GM12804 cell Chao Pang GM12803 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 GM12803 cell Chao Pang GM12802 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12802 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang AG11561 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11561 cell Chao Pang AG11564 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11564 cell Chao Pang AG11572 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG11572 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang GM12811 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 GM12811 cell Chao Pang AG11607 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG11607 cell Chao Pang GM12810 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 GM12810 cell Chao Pang GM12809 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 GM12809 cell Chao Pang AG11645 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11645 cell Chao Pang GM12808 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 GM12808 cell Chao Pang AG11646 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11646 cell Chao Pang GM12807 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 GM12807 cell Chao Pang AG11647 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11647 cell Chao Pang AG11648 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG11648 cell Chao Pang GM12806 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 GM12806 cell Chao Pang AG11649 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG11649 cell Chao Pang GM12805 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1454 GM12805 cell Chao Pang AG12965 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12965 cell Chao Pang AG12964 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12964 cell Chao Pang AG12957 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12957 cell Chao Pang AG12956 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12956 cell Chao Pang AG12955 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12955 cell Chao Pang AG12954 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12954 cell Chao Pang AG12988 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12988 cell Chao Pang AG12985 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12985 cell Chao Pang AG12982 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG12982 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG12981 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG12981 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG12993 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12993 cell Chao Pang AG12992 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12992 cell Chao Pang AG12996 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12996 cell Chao Pang AG12995 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12995 cell Chao Pang AG12989 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12989 cell Chao Pang AG12991 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG12991 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG12990 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG12990 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG12998 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12998 cell Chao Pang AG12997 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12997 cell Chao Pang AG12999 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12999 cell Chao Pang AG12937 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12937 cell Chao Pang AG12936 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12936 cell Chao Pang AG12934 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12934 cell Chao Pang AG12927 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12927 cell Chao Pang AG12941 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12941 cell Chao Pang AG12940 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12940 cell Chao Pang AG12939 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12939 cell Chao Pang AG12938 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12938 cell Chao Pang AG12943 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12943 cell Chao Pang AG12942 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12942 cell Chao Pang AG12944 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12944 cell Chao Pang AG12946 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12946 cell Chao Pang AG12945 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12945 cell Chao Pang AG12948 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12948 cell Chao Pang AG12947 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12947 cell Chao Pang AG12950 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12950 cell Chao Pang AG12949 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12949 cell Chao Pang AG12952 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12952 cell Chao Pang AG12951 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12951 cell Chao Pang AG12953 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12953 cell Chao Pang AG13008 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13008 cell Chao Pang AG13009 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13009 cell Chao Pang AG13002 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13002 cell Chao Pang AG13003 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13003 cell Chao Pang AG13000 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13000 cell Chao Pang AG13001 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13001 cell Chao Pang AG13006 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13006 cell Chao Pang AG13007 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13007 cell Chao Pang AG13004 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13004 cell Chao Pang AG13005 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG13005 cell Chao Pang ND11911 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11911 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11910 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11910 cell Chao Pang ND11909 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11909 cell Chao Pang ND11908 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND11908 cell Chao Pang ND11906 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND11906 cell Chao Pang ND11905 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND11905 cell Chao Pang ND11904 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11904 cell Chao Pang ND11920 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11920 cell Chao Pang ND11919 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11919 cell Chao Pang ND11922 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11922 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11921 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11921 cell Chao Pang ND11916 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11916 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11915 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11915 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11918 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11918 cell Chao Pang ND11917 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11917 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11912 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11912 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11913 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11913 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11914 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11914 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11928 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11928 cell Chao Pang ND11929 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11929 cell Chao Pang ND11926 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND11926 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11927 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11927 cell Chao Pang ND11932 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11932 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11933 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11933 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11930 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11930 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11931 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11931 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11925 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11925 cell Chao Pang ND11924 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11924 cell Chao Pang ND11923 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11923 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11938 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11938 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11940 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11940 cell Chao Pang ND11941 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11941 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11942 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND11942 cell Chao Pang ND11943 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11943 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11944 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11944 cell Chao Pang ND11945 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11945 cell Chao Pang ND11946 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11946 cell Chao Pang ND11935 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11935 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11936 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11936 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11934 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11934 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11978 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11978 cell Chao Pang ND11976 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11976 cell Chao Pang ND11977 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11977 cell Chao Pang ND11974 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11974 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11975 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11975 cell Chao Pang ND11972 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11972 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11973 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11973 cell Chao Pang ND11970 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11970 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11971 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11971 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11968 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND11968 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang ND12009 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12009 cell Chao Pang ND12010 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12010 cell Chao Pang ND11983 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11983 cell Chao Pang ND11984 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11984 cell Chao Pang ND11985 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11985 cell Chao Pang ND12008 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12008 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11979 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11979 cell Chao Pang ND11980 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11980 cell Chao Pang ND11981 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11981 cell Chao Pang ND11982 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11982 cell Chao Pang ND12038 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12038 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12036 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12036 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12035 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12035 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12034 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12034 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12028 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12028 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12027 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12027 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12046 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12046 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12045 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12045 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12040 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12040 cell Chao Pang ND12039 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12039 cell Chao Pang ND12013 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12013 cell Chao Pang ND12012 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12012 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12015 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12015 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12014 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12014 cell Chao Pang ND12011 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12011 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12026 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12026 cell Chao Pang ND12017 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12017 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12016 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12016 cell Chao Pang ND12025 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12025 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12018 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND12018 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12069 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12069 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12068 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12068 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12067 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12067 cell Chao Pang ND12057 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12057 cell Chao Pang ND12073 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12073 cell Chao Pang ND12072 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12072 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12071 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12071 cell Chao Pang ND12070 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12070 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12079 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12079 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12078 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12078 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12047 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12047 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12049 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12049 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12048 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12048 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12051 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12051 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12050 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12050 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12053 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12053 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12052 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12052 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12055 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12055 cell Chao Pang ND12054 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12054 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12056 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12056 cell Chao Pang GM12843 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 GM12843 cell Chao Pang GM12842 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 GM12842 cell Chao Pang GM12847 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1444 GM12847 cell Chao Pang GM12844 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1458 GM12844 cell Chao Pang GM12856 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1400 GM12856 cell Chao Pang GM12860 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1400 GM12860 cell Chao Pang GM12859 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1400 GM12859 cell Chao Pang GM12858 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1400 GM12858 cell Chao Pang GM12857 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1400 GM12857 cell Chao Pang GM12852 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1400 GM12852 cell Chao Pang GM12853 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1400 GM12853 cell Chao Pang GM12848 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1451 GM12848 cell Chao Pang GM12849 CEPH/FRENCH PEDIGREE 45 GM12849 cell Chao Pang GM12854 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1400 GM12854 cell Chao Pang GM12855 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1400 GM12855 cell Chao Pang GM12867 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1459 GM12867 cell Chao Pang GM12866 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1459 GM12866 cell Chao Pang GM12869 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1459 GM12869 cell Chao Pang GM12868 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1459 GM12868 cell Chao Pang GM12871 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1459 GM12871 cell Chao Pang GM12870 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1459 GM12870 cell Chao Pang GM12861 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1400 GM12861 cell Chao Pang GM12862 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1400 GM12862 cell Chao Pang GM12863 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1400 SNP500 PANEL GM12863 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM12864 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1459 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12864 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12865 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1459 GM12865 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12873 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1459 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12873 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12872 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1459 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12872 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12875 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1459 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12875 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM12874 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1459 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12874 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang AG12363 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA SUS AG12363 cell Chao Pang GM12879 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12879 cell Chao Pang AG12362 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA SUS AG12362 cell Chao Pang GM12880 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12880 cell Chao Pang GM12881 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12881 cell Chao Pang AG12361 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12361 cell Chao Pang GM12882 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12882 cell Chao Pang AG12427 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12427 cell Chao Pang AG12417 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA SUS AG12417 cell Chao Pang GM12876 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1459 GM12876 cell Chao Pang AG12372 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG12372 cell Chao Pang GM12877 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM12877 cell Chao Pang GM12878 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12878 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang AG12364 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG12364 cell Chao Pang GM12885 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12885 cell Chao Pang GM12884 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12884 cell Chao Pang GM12883 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12883 cell Chao Pang GM12892 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12892 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12893 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12893 cell Chao Pang GM12890 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12890 cell Chao Pang GM12891 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM12891 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM12888 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12888 cell Chao Pang GM12889 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12889 cell Chao Pang GM12886 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12886 cell Chao Pang GM12887 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1463 GM12887 cell Chao Pang GM12895 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR VAS DEFERENS, CONGENITAL BILATERAL APLASIA OF; CBAVD GM12895 cell OMIM: 277180 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM12894 CIRRHOSIS, FAMILIAL CIRRHOSIS, FAMILIAL, WITH PULMONARY HYPERTENSION, INCLUDED GM12894 cell OMIM: 215600 Chao Pang GM12896 SEX REVERSAL, AUTOSOMAL, 2; SRA2 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM12896 cell OMIM: 154230 Chao Pang GM12897 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12897 cell Chao Pang GM12898 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12898 cell Chao Pang GM12899 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12899 cell Chao Pang GM12900 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12900 cell Chao Pang GM12901 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12901 cell Chao Pang GM12902 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12902 cell Chao Pang GM12903 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12903 cell Chao Pang GM12904 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12904 cell Chao Pang GM12905 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12905 cell Chao Pang GM12906 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12906 cell Chao Pang GM12907 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12907 cell Chao Pang GM12910 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12910 cell Chao Pang GM12911 SNP500 PANEL CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 GM12911 cell Chao Pang GM12908 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12908 cell Chao Pang GM12909 SNP500 PANEL CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1477 GM12909 cell Chao Pang GM12914 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 GM12914 cell Chao Pang GM12915 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 GM12915 cell Chao Pang GM12912 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 SNP500 PANEL GM12912 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM12913 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 GM12913 cell Chao Pang AG12798 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED AG12798 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang GM12924 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 GM12924 cell Chao Pang AG12799 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED AG12799 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang GM12923 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 GM12923 cell Chao Pang AG12795 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG12795 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang GM12926 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM12926 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang AG12797 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED AG12797 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang AG12851 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12851 cell Chao Pang GM12920 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 GM12920 cell Chao Pang GM12919 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 GM12919 cell Chao Pang GM12922 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 GM12922 cell Chao Pang AG12800 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED AG12800 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang GM12921 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 GM12921 cell Chao Pang AG12850 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12850 cell Chao Pang GM12916 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 GM12916 cell Chao Pang GM12918 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 GM12918 cell Chao Pang GM12917 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1582 GM12917 cell Chao Pang AG12786 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12786 cell Chao Pang AG12788 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12788 cell Chao Pang AG12738 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG12738 cell Chao Pang AG12725 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG12725 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG12728 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG12728 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG12729 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - EARLY ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE AG12729 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG12731 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LATE ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE AG12731 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang GM12968 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1427 GM12968 cell Chao Pang GM12966 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM12966 cell Chao Pang AG12733 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12733 cell Chao Pang GM12961 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM12961 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang AG12734 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG12734 cell Chao Pang GM12960 HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM12960 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang AG12735 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY'S LONGEVITY RESEARCH PROGRAM AG12735 cell Chao Pang AG12736 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG12736 cell Chao Pang GM12959 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM12959 cell Chao Pang AG12737 AGED SIB PAIRS COLLECTION AG12737 cell Chao Pang GM12932 GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM12932 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM12931 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM12931 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang GM12930 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM12930 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang GM12929 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM12929 cell Chao Pang GM12928 HPS1 GENE; HPS1 HERMANSKY-PUDLAK SYNDROME; HPS GM12928 cell OMIM: 203300 OMIM: 604982 Chao Pang AG12726 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG12726 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG12727 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG12727 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG12597 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12597 cell Chao Pang AG12596 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12596 cell Chao Pang GM12976 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1427 GM12976 cell Chao Pang AG12723 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG12723 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG12724 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG12724 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM12975 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1427 GM12975 cell Chao Pang AG12657 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12657 cell Chao Pang GM12978 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1427 GM12978 cell Chao Pang AG12660 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12660 cell Chao Pang GM12977 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1427 GM12977 cell Chao Pang AG12605 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12605 cell Chao Pang GM12979 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1427 GM12979 cell Chao Pang AG12614 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 AG12614 cell Chao Pang AG12599 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12599 cell Chao Pang AG12602 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12602 cell Chao Pang AG12598 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12598 cell Chao Pang GM12969 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1427 GM12969 cell Chao Pang GM12972 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1427 GM12972 cell Chao Pang GM12971 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1427 GM12971 cell Chao Pang GM12974 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1427 GM12974 cell Chao Pang GM12973 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1427 GM12973 cell Chao Pang AG12429 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12429 cell Chao Pang AG12428 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12428 cell Chao Pang AG12430 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12430 cell Chao Pang AG12503 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG12503 cell Chao Pang AG12587 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12587 cell Chao Pang AG12588 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12588 cell Chao Pang AG12589 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG12589 cell Chao Pang AG12438 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12438 cell Chao Pang AG12443 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12443 cell Chao Pang AG12493 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG12493 cell Chao Pang AG12500 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG12500 cell Chao Pang GM11222 CHROMOSOME 11 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 22 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11222 cell Chao Pang GM11223 CHROMOSOME 22 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 1 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11223 cell Chao Pang GM11226 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM11226 cell Chao Pang GM11235 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM11235 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM11238 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM11238 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM11239 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11239 cell Chao Pang GM11250 CHROMOSOME 15 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11250 cell Chao Pang GM11251 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11251 cell Chao Pang GM11253 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM11253 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM11254 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM11254 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM11208 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM11208 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang GM11209 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM11209 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang GM11206 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM11206 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang GM11207 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM11207 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang GM11212 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM11212 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang GM11213 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11213 cell Chao Pang GM11210 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM11210 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang GM11211 ELLIS-VAN CREVELD SYNDROME; EVC GM11211 cell OMIM: 225500 Chao Pang GM11215 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE I GM11215 cell OMIM: 232200 Chao Pang GM11219 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11219 cell Chao Pang GM11204 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11204 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11203 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11203 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11205 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11205 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11200 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM11200 cell Chao Pang GM11199 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM11199 cell Chao Pang GM11202 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11202 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11201 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM11201 cell Chao Pang GM11196 PHENYLKETONURIA GM11196 cell OMIM: 261600 Chao Pang GM11198 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM11198 cell Chao Pang GM11197 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM11197 cell Chao Pang GM11167 CORNELIA DE LANGE SYNDROME 1; CDLS1 GM11167 cell OMIM: 122470 Chao Pang GM11195 PHENYLKETONURIA GM11195 cell OMIM: 261600 Chao Pang GM11194 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11194 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11193 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11193 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11192 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11192 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11191 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11191 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11190 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11190 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11173 CHROMOSOME 1 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11173 cell Chao Pang GM11172 CHROMOSOME 2 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11172 cell Chao Pang GM11169 HIRSCHSPRUNG DISEASE XX MALE SYNDROME GM11169 cell OMIM: 142623 OMIM: 278850 Chao Pang GM11168 CORNELIA DE LANGE SYNDROME 1; CDLS1 GM11168 cell OMIM: 122470 Chao Pang GM11124 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11124 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11126 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11126 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11129 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11129 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11128 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11128 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11149 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11149 cell Chao Pang GM11130 CHROMOSOME 1 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 21 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11130 cell Chao Pang GM11151 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM11151 cell OMIM: 248600 Chao Pang GM11150 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM11150 cell OMIM: 248600 Chao Pang GM11166 CORNELIA DE LANGE SYNDROME 1; CDLS1 GM11166 cell OMIM: 122470 Chao Pang GM11165 CORNELIA DE LANGE SYNDROME 1; CDLS1 GM11165 cell OMIM: 122470 Chao Pang GM11127 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11127 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11110 PHENYLKETONURIA GM11110 cell OMIM: 261600 Chao Pang GM11108 PHENYLKETONURIA GM11108 cell OMIM: 261600 Chao Pang GM11109 PHENYLKETONURIA GM11109 cell OMIM: 261600 Chao Pang GM11117 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11117 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11116 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11116 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11115 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 9 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM11115 cell Chao Pang GM11111 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY GM11111 cell OMIM: 256550 Chao Pang GM11122 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11122 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11121 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11121 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11120 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11120 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11119 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11119 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11104 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM11104 cell Chao Pang GM11105 RHODOPSIN; RHO RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA, RHODOPSIN-RELATED, INCLUDED RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM11105 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 180380 Chao Pang GM11101 CHROMOSOME 16 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 10 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11101 cell Chao Pang GM11102 CHROMOSOME 16 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 3 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11102 cell Chao Pang GM11099 CHROMOSOME 16 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11099 cell Chao Pang GM11100 CHROMOSOME 16 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11100 cell Chao Pang GM11098 SANDHOFF DISEASE GM11098 cell OMIM: 268800 Chao Pang GM11097 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE B GM11097 cell OMIM: 607616 Chao Pang GM11095 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM11095 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM11094 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM11094 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM11091 ALAGILLE SYNDROME; AGS GM11091 cell OMIM: 118450 Chao Pang GM11083 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY GM11083 cell OMIM: 256550 Chao Pang GM11085 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY GM11085 cell OMIM: 256550 Chao Pang GM11087 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11087 cell Chao Pang GM11090 HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 4-ALPHA; HNF4A MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11090 cell OMIM: 125850 OMIM: 600281 Chao Pang GM11068 SPINAL AND BULBAR MUSCULAR ATROPHY, X-LINKED 1; SMAX1 GM11068 cell OMIM: 313200 Chao Pang GM11071 UROGENITAL ADYSPLASIA, HEREDITARY GM11071 cell OMIM: 191830 Chao Pang GM11067 SPINAL AND BULBAR MUSCULAR ATROPHY, X-LINKED 1; SMAX1 GM11067 cell OMIM: 313200 Chao Pang GM11064 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11064 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11063 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11063 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11066 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11066 cell Chao Pang GM11065 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11065 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11058 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11058 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11061 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11061 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11062 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11062 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11059 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11059 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11060 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11060 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11055 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11055 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11054 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11054 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11053 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11053 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11051 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11051 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11057 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11057 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11056 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11056 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11047 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11047 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11048 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11048 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11049 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11049 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM11050 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM11050 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA05818 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05818 cell Chao Pang GM06326 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06326 cell Chao Pang GM06325 NEUROAXONAL DYSTROPHY, INFANTILE GM06325 cell OMIM: 256600 Chao Pang GM06327 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM06327 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang DA05809 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05809 cell Chao Pang DA05808 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05808 cell Chao Pang DA05807 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05807 cell Chao Pang DA05806 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05806 cell Chao Pang DA05817 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05817 cell Chao Pang DA05812 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05812 cell Chao Pang DA05811 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05811 cell Chao Pang DA05810 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05810 cell Chao Pang DA05802 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05802 cell Chao Pang GM06332 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY, NONPHOTOSENSITIVE 1; TTDN1 TTDN1 GENE; TTDN1 (C7ORF11) GM06332 cell OMIM: 234050 Chao Pang GM06333 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY, NONPHOTOSENSITIVE 1; TTDN1 TTDN1 GENE; TTDN1 (C7ORF11) GM06333 cell OMIM: 234050 Chao Pang GM06335 ORNITHINE AMINOTRANSFERASE DEFICIENCY GM06335 cell OMIM: 258870 Chao Pang GM06336 ORNITHINE AMINOTRANSFERASE DEFICIENCY GM06336 cell OMIM: 258870 Chao Pang GM06328 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM06328 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang GM06329 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM06329 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang GM06330 ORNITHINE AMINOTRANSFERASE DEFICIENCY GM06330 cell OMIM: 258870 Chao Pang GM06331 TTDN1 GENE; TTDN1 (C7ORF11) TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY, NONPHOTOSENSITIVE 1; TTDN1 GM06331 cell OMIM: 234050 Chao Pang GM06348 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06348 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06342 HEMOGLOBIN, GAMMA A; HBG1 GM06342 cell OMIM: 142200 Chao Pang GM06364 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06364 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06417 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM06417 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang GM06418 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM06418 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang GM06415 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM06415 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM06416 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM06416 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM06376 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06376 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06384 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06384 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06366 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06366 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06370 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06370 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06227 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06227 cell Chao Pang GM06226 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06226 cell Chao Pang GM06229 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06229 cell Chao Pang GM06228 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06228 cell Chao Pang GM06230 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM06230 cell Chao Pang DA05839 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05839 cell Chao Pang DA05838 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05838 cell Chao Pang DA05837 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05837 cell Chao Pang DA05836 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05836 cell Chao Pang DA05834 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05834 cell Chao Pang DA05833 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05833 cell Chao Pang DA05832 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05832 cell Chao Pang DA05830 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05830 cell Chao Pang DA05831 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05831 cell Chao Pang DA05829 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05829 cell Chao Pang GM06231 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM06231 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM06246 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM06246 cell Chao Pang GM06248 ALBUMIN; ALB DYSALBUMINEMIC HYPERTHYROXINEMIA, INCLUDED INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM06248 cell OMIM: 103600 Chao Pang GM06256 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM06256 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM06260 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; LETHAL GM06260 cell Chao Pang GM06261 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE IV; ARTERIAL, ECCHYMOTIC TYPE GM06261 cell OMIM: 130050 Chao Pang GM06312 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM06312 cell Chao Pang GM06275 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06275 cell Chao Pang GM06274 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06274 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06273 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06273 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05826 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05826 cell Chao Pang DA05825 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05825 cell Chao Pang DA05828 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05828 cell Chao Pang DA05827 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05827 cell Chao Pang DA05822 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05822 cell Chao Pang DA05821 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05821 cell Chao Pang DA05824 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05824 cell Chao Pang DA05823 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05823 cell Chao Pang DA05819 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05819 cell Chao Pang DA05820 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05820 cell Chao Pang GM06315 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM06315 cell Chao Pang GM06316 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06316 cell Chao Pang GM06314 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM06314 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM06321 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06321 cell Chao Pang GM06324 NEUROAXONAL DYSTROPHY, INFANTILE GM06324 cell OMIM: 256600 Chao Pang GM06317 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM06317 cell Chao Pang GM06318 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM06318 cell Chao Pang GM06194 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM06194 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM06188 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM06188 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM06196 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM06196 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang GM06195 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM06195 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang GM06206 FELINE EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED FELIS GM06206 cell Chao Pang GM06207 FELIS GM06207 cell Chao Pang GM06200 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM06200 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM06201 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM06201 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM06197 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM06197 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang GM06199 RING CHROMOSOME GM06199 cell Chao Pang GM06225 KEARNS-SAYRE SYNDROME; KSS GM06225 cell OMIM: 530000 Chao Pang GM06224 KEARNS-SAYRE SYNDROME; KSS GM06224 cell OMIM: 530000 Chao Pang GM06222 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM06222 cell Chao Pang GM06221 PROTOPORPHYRIA, ERYTHROPOIETIC GM06221 cell OMIM: 177000 Chao Pang GM06214 HURLER SYNDROME ALPHA-L-IDURONIDASE; IDUA GM06214 cell OMIM: 252800 OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang DA05909 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05909 cell Chao Pang DA05910 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05910 cell Chao Pang DA05911 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05911 cell Chao Pang DA05912 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05912 cell Chao Pang DA05913 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05913 cell Chao Pang DA05914 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05914 cell Chao Pang DA05915 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05915 cell Chao Pang DA05916 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05916 cell Chao Pang DA05908 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05908 cell Chao Pang DA05919 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05919 cell Chao Pang DA05897 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05897 cell Chao Pang DA05900 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05900 cell Chao Pang DA05891 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05891 cell Chao Pang DA05892 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05892 cell Chao Pang DA05903 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05903 cell Chao Pang DA05904 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05904 cell Chao Pang DA05901 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05901 cell Chao Pang DA05902 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05902 cell Chao Pang DA05907 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05907 cell Chao Pang DA05906 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05906 cell Chao Pang DA05929 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05929 cell Chao Pang DA05930 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05930 cell Chao Pang DA05927 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05927 cell Chao Pang DA05928 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05928 cell Chao Pang DA05925 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05925 cell Chao Pang DA05926 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05926 cell Chao Pang DA05922 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05922 cell Chao Pang DA05924 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05924 cell Chao Pang DA05920 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05920 cell Chao Pang DA05921 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05921 cell Chao Pang GM06643 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06643 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06633 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06633 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06631 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06631 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06629 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06629 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06626 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM06626 cell Chao Pang GM06601 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06601 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06595 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06595 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06593 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06593 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06585 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06585 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05852 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05852 cell Chao Pang GM06581 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06581 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05854 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05854 cell Chao Pang DA05853 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05853 cell Chao Pang DA05856 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05856 cell Chao Pang DA05855 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05855 cell Chao Pang DA05857 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05857 cell Chao Pang DA05861 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05861 cell Chao Pang DA05862 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05862 cell Chao Pang DA05864 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05864 cell Chao Pang DA05865 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05865 cell Chao Pang GM06777 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06777 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06767 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06767 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06713 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06713 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06773 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06773 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06769 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06769 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06677 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06677 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06655 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06655 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06685 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06685 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06681 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06681 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05844 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05844 cell Chao Pang DA05843 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05843 cell Chao Pang DA05841 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05841 cell Chao Pang GM06651 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06651 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05840 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05840 cell Chao Pang DA05847 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05847 cell Chao Pang DA05848 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05848 cell Chao Pang DA05845 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05845 cell Chao Pang DA05846 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05846 cell Chao Pang DA05850 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05850 cell Chao Pang DA05851 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05851 cell Chao Pang GM06443 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06443 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06439 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06439 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06437 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06437 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06423 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06423 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06457 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06457 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06449 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06449 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06447 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06447 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06445 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06445 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05884 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05884 cell Chao Pang DA05883 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05883 cell Chao Pang DA05887 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05887 cell Chao Pang DA05885 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05885 cell Chao Pang GM06421 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06421 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05877 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05877 cell Chao Pang GM06420 RING CHROMOSOME GM06420 cell Chao Pang DA05882 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05882 cell Chao Pang DA05878 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05878 cell Chao Pang DA05888 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05888 cell Chao Pang DA05889 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05889 cell Chao Pang DA05890 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05890 cell Chao Pang GM06419 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM06419 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang GM06528 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06528 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06526 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06526 cell Chao Pang GM06532 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06532 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06530 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06530 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06563 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC RING CHROMOSOME GM06563 cell Chao Pang GM06538 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06538 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06566 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06566 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05872 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05872 cell Chao Pang DA05871 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05871 cell Chao Pang DA05870 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05870 cell Chao Pang DA05869 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05869 cell Chao Pang DA05867 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05867 cell Chao Pang GM06473 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM06473 cell Chao Pang DA05866 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05866 cell Chao Pang GM06499 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06499 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM06481 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM06481 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA05875 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05875 cell Chao Pang DA05876 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05876 cell Chao Pang DA05873 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05873 cell Chao Pang DA05874 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05874 cell Chao Pang GM11005 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM11005 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM11006 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM11006 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM11010 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11010 cell Chao Pang GM11012 MARKER CHROMOSOME OCULAR ALBINISM WITH CHROMOSOME ABNORMALITY; POSSIBLE AUTO RECESSIVE INHERITANCE GM11012 cell Chao Pang GM11022 CHROMOSOME 2 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11022 cell Chao Pang GM11023 CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM11023 cell Chao Pang GM10995 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10995 cell Chao Pang GM11002 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM11002 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM11003 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM11003 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM11004 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM11004 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM10985 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10985 cell Chao Pang GM10989 CHROMOSOME DELETION GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM10989 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM10982 MARSHALL SYNDROME GM10982 cell OMIM: 154780 Chao Pang GM10983 MARSHALL SYNDROME GM10983 cell OMIM: 154780 Chao Pang GM10994 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10994 cell Chao Pang GM10990 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM10990 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM10991 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM10991 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM10980 MARSHALL SYNDROME GM10980 cell OMIM: 154780 Chao Pang GM10981 MARSHALL SYNDROME GM10981 cell OMIM: 154780 Chao Pang GM10979 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10979 cell Chao Pang GM11042 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM11042 cell Chao Pang GM11043 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM11043 cell Chao Pang GM11044 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM11044 cell Chao Pang GM11045 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM11045 cell Chao Pang GM11038 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM11038 cell Chao Pang GM11039 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM11039 cell Chao Pang GM11040 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM11040 cell Chao Pang GM11041 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM11041 cell Chao Pang GM11036 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM11036 cell Chao Pang GM11037 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM11037 cell Chao Pang GM11035 CEPH/VENEZUELAN PEDIGREE 104 GM11035 cell Chao Pang GM11033 ALAGILLE SYNDROME; AGS GM11033 cell OMIM: 118450 Chao Pang GM11034 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11034 cell Chao Pang GM11031 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 RHODOPSIN; RHO RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA, RHODOPSIN-RELATED, INCLUDED GM11031 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 180380 Chao Pang GM11032 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM11032 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM11028 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME NEUROBLASTOMA; NB NEUROBLASTOMA SUPPRESSOR, INCLUDED; NBS, INCLUDED GM11028 cell OMIM: 256700 Chao Pang GM11030 3-@HYDROXY-3-METHYLGLUTARYL-COENZYME A LYASE DEFICIENCY GM11030 cell OMIM: 246450 Chao Pang GM11025 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM11025 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM11027 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME NEUROBLASTOMA; NB NEUROBLASTOMA SUPPRESSOR, INCLUDED; NBS, INCLUDED GM11027 cell OMIM: 256700 Chao Pang GM11024 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM11024 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM10926 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10926 cell Chao Pang GM10927 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10927 cell Chao Pang GM10929 ATRANSFERRINEMIA TRANSFERRIN; TF GM10929 cell OMIM: 190000 OMIM: 209300 Chao Pang DA03574 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03574 cell Chao Pang DA03573 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03573 cell Chao Pang DA03572 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03572 cell Chao Pang DA03571 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03571 cell Chao Pang DA03570 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03570 cell Chao Pang DA03569 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03569 cell Chao Pang DA03568 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03568 cell Chao Pang DA03567 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03567 cell Chao Pang DA03566 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03566 cell Chao Pang DA03565 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03565 cell Chao Pang GM10931 FRYNS SYNDROME; FRNS GM10931 cell OMIM: 229850 Chao Pang GM10930 FRYNS SYNDROME; FRNS GM10930 cell OMIM: 229850 Chao Pang GM10933 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10933 cell Chao Pang GM10932 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10932 cell Chao Pang GM10935 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10935 cell Chao Pang GM10934 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM10934 cell Chao Pang GM10947 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10947 cell Chao Pang GM10946 OCULAR ALBINISM WITH CHROMOSOME ABNORMALITY; POSSIBLE AUTO RECESSIVE INHERITANCE MARKER CHROMOSOME GM10946 cell Chao Pang GM10913 ATRANSFERRINEMIA TRANSFERRIN; TF GM10913 cell OMIM: 190000 OMIM: 209300 Chao Pang GM10914 TRANSFERRIN; TF ATRANSFERRINEMIA GM10914 cell OMIM: 190000 OMIM: 209300 Chao Pang GM10911 ATRANSFERRINEMIA GM10911 cell OMIM: 209300 Chao Pang GM10912 ATRANSFERRINEMIA TRANSFERRIN; TF GM10912 cell OMIM: 190000 OMIM: 209300 Chao Pang GM10919 GANGLIOSIDOSIS, GENERALIZED GM1, TYPE I GM10919 cell OMIM: 230500 Chao Pang GM10918 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10918 cell Chao Pang GM10915 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE I GM10915 cell OMIM: 230800 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM10925 CHROMOSOME DELETION GREIG CEPHALOPOLYSYNDACTYLY SYNDROME; GCPS GM10925 cell OMIM: 175700 Chao Pang GM10924 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM10924 cell Chao Pang GM10923 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM10923 cell Chao Pang GM10922 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10922 cell Chao Pang GM10967 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10967 cell Chao Pang DA03553 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03553 cell Chao Pang DA03549 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03549 cell Chao Pang DA03550 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03550 cell Chao Pang DA03544 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03544 cell Chao Pang DA03543 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03543 cell Chao Pang GM10969 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10969 cell Chao Pang DA03542 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03542 cell Chao Pang GM10968 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10968 cell Chao Pang DA03548 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03548 cell Chao Pang DA03547 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03547 cell Chao Pang DA03546 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03546 cell Chao Pang DA03545 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03545 cell Chao Pang GM10975 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10975 cell Chao Pang GM10974 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10974 cell Chao Pang GM10978 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10978 cell Chao Pang GM10976 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10976 cell Chao Pang GM10971 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10971 cell Chao Pang GM10970 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10970 cell Chao Pang GM10973 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10973 cell Chao Pang GM10972 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10972 cell Chao Pang GM10949 FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 3; FGFR3 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD GM10949 cell OMIM: 134934 OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang GM10951 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10951 cell Chao Pang DA03562 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03562 cell Chao Pang DA03563 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03563 cell Chao Pang DA03555 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03555 cell Chao Pang GM10954 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10954 cell Chao Pang DA03554 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03554 cell Chao Pang DA03557 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03557 cell Chao Pang DA03556 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03556 cell Chao Pang DA03559 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03559 cell Chao Pang DA03558 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03558 cell Chao Pang DA03561 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03561 cell Chao Pang DA03560 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03560 cell Chao Pang GM10966 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10966 cell Chao Pang GM10965 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM10965 cell Chao Pang GM10964 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10964 cell Chao Pang GM10962 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10962 cell Chao Pang GM10961 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM10961 cell Chao Pang GM10960 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10960 cell Chao Pang GM10959 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM10959 cell Chao Pang GM10958 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10958 cell Chao Pang DA03523 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03523 cell Chao Pang DA03524 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03524 cell Chao Pang DA03525 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03525 cell Chao Pang DA03526 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03526 cell Chao Pang DA03522 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03522 cell Chao Pang DA03531 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03531 cell Chao Pang DA03528 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03528 cell Chao Pang DA03527 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03527 cell Chao Pang DA03530 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03530 cell Chao Pang DA03529 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03529 cell Chao Pang DA03536 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03536 cell Chao Pang DA03537 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03537 cell Chao Pang DA03534 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03534 cell Chao Pang DA03535 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03535 cell Chao Pang DA03532 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03532 cell Chao Pang DA03533 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03533 cell Chao Pang DA03541 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03541 cell Chao Pang DA03540 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03540 cell Chao Pang DA03539 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03539 cell Chao Pang DA03538 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03538 cell Chao Pang GM10905 XERODERMIC IDIOCY OF DE SANCTIS AND CACCHIONE EXCISION-REPAIR CROSS-COMPLEMENTING RODENT REPAIR DEFICIENCY, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP 6; ERCC6 COCKAYNE SYNDROME, TYPE B, INCLUDED; CSB, INCLUDED GM10905 cell OMIM: 133540 OMIM: 278800 Chao Pang GM10908 CRICETULUS GM10908 cell Chao Pang GM10903 EXCISION-REPAIR CROSS-COMPLEMENTING RODENT REPAIR DEFICIENCY, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP 6; ERCC6 COCKAYNE SYNDROME, TYPE B, INCLUDED; CSB, INCLUDED XERODERMIC IDIOCY OF DE SANCTIS AND CACCHIONE GM10903 cell OMIM: 133540 OMIM: 278800 Chao Pang GM10904 XERODERMIC IDIOCY OF DE SANCTIS AND CACCHIONE EXCISION-REPAIR CROSS-COMPLEMENTING RODENT REPAIR DEFICIENCY, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP 6; ERCC6 COCKAYNE SYNDROME, TYPE B, INCLUDED; CSB, INCLUDED GM10904 cell OMIM: 133540 OMIM: 278800 Chao Pang GM10901 XERODERMIC IDIOCY OF DE SANCTIS AND CACCHIONE EXCISION-REPAIR CROSS-COMPLEMENTING RODENT REPAIR DEFICIENCY, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP 6; ERCC6 COCKAYNE SYNDROME, TYPE B, INCLUDED; CSB, INCLUDED GM10901 cell OMIM: 133540 OMIM: 278800 Chao Pang GM10902 XERODERMIC IDIOCY OF DE SANCTIS AND CACCHIONE EXCISION-REPAIR CROSS-COMPLEMENTING RODENT REPAIR DEFICIENCY, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP 6; ERCC6 COCKAYNE SYNDROME, TYPE B, INCLUDED; CSB, INCLUDED GM10902 cell OMIM: 133540 OMIM: 278800 Chao Pang DA03501 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03501 cell Chao Pang DA03502 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03502 cell Chao Pang DA03503 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03503 cell Chao Pang DA03506 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03506 cell Chao Pang DA03505 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03505 cell Chao Pang DA03508 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03508 cell Chao Pang DA03507 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03507 cell Chao Pang DA03510 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03510 cell Chao Pang DA03509 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03509 cell Chao Pang DA03511 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03511 cell Chao Pang GM10900 XERODERMIC IDIOCY OF DE SANCTIS AND CACCHIONE EXCISION-REPAIR CROSS-COMPLEMENTING RODENT REPAIR DEFICIENCY, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP 6; ERCC6 COCKAYNE SYNDROME, TYPE B, INCLUDED; CSB, INCLUDED GM10900 cell OMIM: 133540 OMIM: 278800 Chao Pang GM10898 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10898 cell Chao Pang GM10897 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10897 cell Chao Pang GM10894 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD GM10894 cell OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang GM10893 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD GM10893 cell OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang GM10888 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 22 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10888 cell Chao Pang GM10889 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10889 cell Chao Pang GM10890 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10890 cell Chao Pang GM10892 FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 3; FGFR3 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD GM10892 cell OMIM: 134934 OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang GM10881 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM10881 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA03514 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03514 cell Chao Pang DA03515 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03515 cell Chao Pang DA03512 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03512 cell Chao Pang DA03513 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03513 cell Chao Pang DA03519 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03519 cell Chao Pang DA03518 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03518 cell Chao Pang DA03517 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03517 cell Chao Pang DA03516 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03516 cell Chao Pang DA03521 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03521 cell Chao Pang DA03520 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03520 cell Chao Pang DA03477 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03477 cell Chao Pang DA03488 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03488 cell Chao Pang DA03484 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03484 cell Chao Pang DA03485 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03485 cell Chao Pang DA03486 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03486 cell Chao Pang DA03487 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03487 cell Chao Pang DA03478 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03478 cell Chao Pang DA03479 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03479 cell Chao Pang DA03481 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03481 cell Chao Pang DA03483 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03483 cell Chao Pang DA03490 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03490 cell Chao Pang DA03489 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03489 cell Chao Pang DA03498 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03498 cell Chao Pang DA03499 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03499 cell Chao Pang DA03495 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03495 cell Chao Pang DA03496 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03496 cell Chao Pang DA03493 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03493 cell Chao Pang DA03494 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03494 cell Chao Pang DA03491 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03491 cell Chao Pang DA03492 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03492 cell Chao Pang DA03475 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03475 cell Chao Pang DA03476 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03476 cell Chao Pang DA03469 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03469 cell Chao Pang DA03470 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03470 cell Chao Pang DA03467 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03467 cell Chao Pang DA03468 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03468 cell Chao Pang DA03473 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03473 cell Chao Pang DA03474 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03474 cell Chao Pang DA03471 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03471 cell Chao Pang DA03472 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03472 cell Chao Pang DA03577 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03577 cell Chao Pang DA05984 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05984 cell Chao Pang DA03579 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03579 cell Chao Pang DA05982 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05982 cell Chao Pang DA03578 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03578 cell Chao Pang DA05981 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05981 cell Chao Pang DA03581 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03581 cell Chao Pang DA05980 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05980 cell Chao Pang DA03580 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03580 cell Chao Pang DA03583 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03583 cell Chao Pang DA05979 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05979 cell Chao Pang DA03582 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03582 cell Chao Pang DA05978 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05978 cell Chao Pang DA03585 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03585 cell Chao Pang DA03584 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03584 cell Chao Pang DA03586 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03586 cell Chao Pang GM06007 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM06007 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM06011 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06011 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06012 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06012 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06013 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06013 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06014 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06014 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA05976 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05976 cell Chao Pang DA05977 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05977 cell Chao Pang DA05974 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05974 cell Chao Pang DA05975 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05975 cell Chao Pang DA05972 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05972 cell Chao Pang DA05971 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05971 cell Chao Pang DA05973 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05973 cell Chao Pang DA05968 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05968 cell Chao Pang DA05967 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05967 cell Chao Pang DA05970 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05970 cell Chao Pang DA05969 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05969 cell Chao Pang GM06018 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06018 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06017 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06017 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06016 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06016 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06015 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06015 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06021 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06021 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06022 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06022 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06023 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06023 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06026 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06026 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06027 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06027 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06024 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06024 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06025 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06025 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA05964 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05964 cell Chao Pang DA05965 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05965 cell Chao Pang DA05966 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05966 cell Chao Pang DA05958 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05958 cell Chao Pang DA05956 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05956 cell Chao Pang DA05955 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05955 cell Chao Pang DA05954 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05954 cell Chao Pang DA05963 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05963 cell Chao Pang DA05962 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05962 cell Chao Pang DA05960 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05960 cell Chao Pang DA05959 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05959 cell Chao Pang GM06029 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06029 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06028 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06028 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06031 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06031 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06030 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06030 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06035 BOS GM06035 cell Chao Pang GM06037 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM06037 cell Chao Pang GM06038 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM06038 cell Chao Pang GM06039 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06039 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06032 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06032 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06033 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06033 cell Chao Pang GM06034 BOS GM06034 cell Chao Pang DA05952 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05952 cell Chao Pang DA05953 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05953 cell Chao Pang DA05944 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05944 cell Chao Pang DA05943 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05943 cell Chao Pang DA05946 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05946 cell Chao Pang DA05945 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05945 cell Chao Pang DA05948 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05948 cell Chao Pang DA05947 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05947 cell Chao Pang DA05950 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05950 cell Chao Pang DA05949 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05949 cell Chao Pang DA05951 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05951 cell Chao Pang GM06049 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06049 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06048 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06048 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06047 MILLER-DIEKER LISSENCEPHALY SYNDROME; MDLS RING CHROMOSOME GM06047 cell OMIM: 247200 Chao Pang GM06065 OSTEOPETROSIS WITH RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS GM06065 cell OMIM: 259730 Chao Pang GM06066 OSTEOPETROSIS WITH RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS GM06066 cell OMIM: 259730 Chao Pang GM06056 PYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE DEFICIENCY GM06056 cell OMIM: 266150 Chao Pang GM06061 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM06061 cell Chao Pang GM06054 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06054 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06055 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06055 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06051 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM06051 cell Chao Pang GM06052 ADENYLATE KINASE 1; AK1 GM06052 cell OMIM: 103000 Chao Pang DA05942 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05942 cell Chao Pang DA05940 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05940 cell Chao Pang DA05941 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05941 cell Chao Pang DA05937 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05937 cell Chao Pang DA05938 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05938 cell Chao Pang DA05935 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05935 cell Chao Pang DA05936 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05936 cell Chao Pang DA05933 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05933 cell Chao Pang DA05934 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05934 cell Chao Pang DA05931 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05931 cell Chao Pang DA05932 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05932 cell Chao Pang GM06149 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC1 GENE; TSC1 GM06149 cell OMIM: 191100 OMIM: 605284 Chao Pang GM06150 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM06150 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM06146 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC1 GENE; TSC1 GM06146 cell OMIM: 191100 OMIM: 605284 Chao Pang GM06148 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM06148 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM06151 ATAXIN 3; ATXN3 MACHADO-JOSEPH DISEASE; MJD GM06151 cell OMIM: 109150 OMIM: 607047 Chao Pang GM06140 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06140 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06143 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM06143 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM06144 WOLMAN DISEASE GM06144 cell OMIM: 278000 Chao Pang GM06141 HUMAN ERYTHROLEUKEMIC CELL LINES GM06141 cell Chao Pang GM06142 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY WITH NO IMMUNODEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM06142 cell OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM06170 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM06170 cell Chao Pang GM06171 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM06171 cell Chao Pang GM06172 SCHINZEL-GIEDION MIDFACE-RETRACTION SYNDROME GM06172 cell OMIM: 269150 Chao Pang GM06174 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06174 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06153 MACHADO-JOSEPH DISEASE; MJD ATAXIN 3; ATXN3 GM06153 cell OMIM: 109150 OMIM: 607047 Chao Pang GM06160 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE 5,10-@METHYLENETETRAHYDROFOLATE REDUCTASE; MTHFR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - HEMOCHROMATOSIS APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM06160 cell OMIM: 235200 OMIM: 607093 Chao Pang GM06166 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM06166 cell Chao Pang GM06167 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM06167 cell Chao Pang GM06168 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM06168 cell Chao Pang GM06169 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM06169 cell Chao Pang DA06030 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06030 cell Chao Pang DA06037 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06037 cell Chao Pang DA06038 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06038 cell Chao Pang DA06032 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06032 cell Chao Pang DA06033 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06033 cell Chao Pang DA06041 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06041 cell Chao Pang DA06042 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06042 cell Chao Pang DA06039 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06039 cell Chao Pang DA06040 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06040 cell Chao Pang DA06043 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06043 cell Chao Pang DA06025 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06025 cell Chao Pang DA06024 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06024 cell Chao Pang DA06027 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06027 cell Chao Pang DA06026 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06026 cell Chao Pang DA06020 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06020 cell Chao Pang GM06071 OSTEOPETROSIS WITH RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS GM06071 cell OMIM: 259730 Chao Pang DA06019 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06019 cell Chao Pang DA06023 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06023 cell Chao Pang DA06022 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06022 cell Chao Pang GM06075 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM06075 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM06074 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM06074 cell Chao Pang GM06073 OSTEOPETROSIS WITH RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS GM06073 cell OMIM: 259730 Chao Pang GM06072 OSTEOPETROSIS WITH RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS GM06072 cell OMIM: 259730 Chao Pang GM06081 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM06081 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang GM06080 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM06080 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang GM06077 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM06077 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM06076 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM06076 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM06067 OSTEOPETROSIS WITH RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS GM06067 cell OMIM: 259730 Chao Pang GM06068 OSTEOPETROSIS WITH RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS GM06068 cell OMIM: 259730 Chao Pang DA06028 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06028 cell Chao Pang DA06029 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06029 cell Chao Pang DA06014 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06014 cell Chao Pang DA06013 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06013 cell Chao Pang DA06012 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06012 cell Chao Pang DA06011 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06011 cell Chao Pang DA06010 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06010 cell Chao Pang DA06009 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06009 cell Chao Pang GM06090 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM06090 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang DA06007 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06007 cell Chao Pang GM06087 OSTEOPETROSIS WITH RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS GM06087 cell OMIM: 259730 Chao Pang GM06092 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY WITH BETA-GALACTOSIDASE DEFICIENCY GM06092 cell OMIM: 256540 Chao Pang GM06091 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY WITH BETA-GALACTOSIDASE DEFICIENCY GM06091 cell OMIM: 256540 Chao Pang GM06097 MILLER-DIEKER LISSENCEPHALY SYNDROME; MDLS TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06097 cell OMIM: 247200 Chao Pang GM06094 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM06094 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM06100 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM06100 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM06099 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM06099 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM06102 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM06102 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM06101 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM06101 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM06082 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM06082 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang DA06017 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06017 cell Chao Pang DA06015 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06015 cell Chao Pang DA06016 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06016 cell Chao Pang GM06110 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA N-SULFOGLUCOSAMINE SULFOHYDROLASE; SGSH GM06110 cell OMIM: 252900 OMIM: 605270 Chao Pang GM06109 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM06109 cell Chao Pang GM06107 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06107 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA05997 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05997 cell Chao Pang DA05996 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05996 cell Chao Pang DA05999 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05999 cell Chao Pang DA05998 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05998 cell Chao Pang DA06001 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06001 cell Chao Pang DA06000 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06000 cell Chao Pang GM06121 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM06121 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM06120 TSC2 GENE; TSC2 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM06120 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM06119 OSTEOPETROSIS WITH RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS GM06119 cell OMIM: 259730 Chao Pang GM06114 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM06114 cell Chao Pang GM06113 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM06113 cell Chao Pang GM06112 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM06112 cell Chao Pang GM06111 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM06111 cell Chao Pang DA06002 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06002 cell Chao Pang DA06004 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06004 cell Chao Pang DA06005 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06005 cell Chao Pang DA06006 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06006 cell Chao Pang GM06123 WOLMAN DISEASE GM06123 cell OMIM: 278000 Chao Pang DA05985 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05985 cell Chao Pang GM06122 WOLMAN DISEASE GM06122 cell OMIM: 278000 Chao Pang GM06125 ACYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN; ACADM ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF GM06125 cell OMIM: 201450 OMIM: 607008 Chao Pang GM06124 WOLMAN DISEASE GM06124 cell OMIM: 278000 Chao Pang DA05989 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05989 cell Chao Pang DA05988 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05988 cell Chao Pang DA05987 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05987 cell Chao Pang DA05986 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05986 cell Chao Pang GM06139 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06139 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06138 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06138 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06128 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06128 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06127 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, LONG-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF GM06127 cell OMIM: 201460 Chao Pang GM06136 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06136 cell Chao Pang GM06135 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06135 cell Chao Pang DA05993 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05993 cell Chao Pang DA05994 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05994 cell Chao Pang DA05990 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05990 cell Chao Pang DA05991 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05991 cell Chao Pang DA05995 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05995 cell Chao Pang GM10793 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10793 cell Chao Pang GM10792 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10792 cell Chao Pang GM10796 HEMOGLOBIN--ALPHA LOCUS 1; HBA1 GM10796 cell OMIM: 141800 Chao Pang GM10794 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10794 cell Chao Pang DA00779 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00779 cell Chao Pang GM10749 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 3; FGFR3 GM10749 cell OMIM: 134934 OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang GM10748 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM10748 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang DA00781 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00781 cell Chao Pang GM10791 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10791 cell Chao Pang DA00780 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00780 cell Chao Pang GM10763 RING CHROMOSOME GM10763 cell Chao Pang DA03675 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03675 cell Chao Pang DA03674 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03674 cell Chao Pang DA03671 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03671 cell Chao Pang GM10744 LEBER OPTIC ATROPHY COMPLEX I, SUBUNIT ND4; MTND4 GM10744 cell OMIM: 516003 OMIM: 535000 Chao Pang DA03670 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03670 cell Chao Pang DA03679 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03679 cell Chao Pang DA03678 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03678 cell Chao Pang DA03677 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03677 cell Chao Pang DA03676 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03676 cell Chao Pang DA03680 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03680 cell Chao Pang DA03681 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03681 cell Chao Pang DA00783 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00783 cell Chao Pang DA00784 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00784 cell Chao Pang DA00785 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00785 cell Chao Pang DA00786 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00786 cell Chao Pang GM10732 ENDOGLIN; ENG TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM10732 cell OMIM: 131195 OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang DA00787 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00787 cell Chao Pang DA00788 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00788 cell Chao Pang GM10742 LEBER OPTIC ATROPHY COMPLEX I, SUBUNIT ND4; MTND4 GM10742 cell OMIM: 516003 OMIM: 535000 Chao Pang DA00789 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00789 cell Chao Pang GM10729 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM10729 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM10725 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10725 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10724 HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 4-ALPHA; HNF4A MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10724 cell OMIM: 125850 OMIM: 600281 Chao Pang GM10723 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10723 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10722 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10722 cell Chao Pang DA00794 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00794 cell Chao Pang GM10720 SANDHOFF DISEASE GM10720 cell OMIM: 268800 Chao Pang DA00793 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00793 cell Chao Pang GM10719 SANDHOFF DISEASE GM10719 cell OMIM: 268800 Chao Pang DA00791 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00791 cell Chao Pang DA00790 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00790 cell Chao Pang GM10718 SANDHOFF DISEASE GM10718 cell OMIM: 268800 Chao Pang DA00797 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00797 cell Chao Pang DA00798 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00798 cell Chao Pang DA00795 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00795 cell Chao Pang DA00796 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00796 cell Chao Pang GM10717 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10717 cell Chao Pang DA00799 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00799 cell Chao Pang GM10715 ENDOGLIN; ENG TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM10715 cell OMIM: 131195 OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang GM10716 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10716 cell Chao Pang DA00800 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00800 cell Chao Pang GM10706 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10706 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00805 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00805 cell Chao Pang DA00804 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00804 cell Chao Pang GM10708 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10708 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00807 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00807 cell Chao Pang DA00806 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00806 cell Chao Pang GM10707 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10707 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10711 ENDOGLIN; ENG TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM10711 cell OMIM: 131195 OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang GM10710 MYOTUBULAR MYOPATHY 1; MTM1 GM10710 cell OMIM: 310400 Chao Pang GM10714 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM10714 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang DA00803 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00803 cell Chao Pang GM10712 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM10712 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang DA00812 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00812 cell Chao Pang GM10701 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10701 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10703 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10703 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10704 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10704 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10705 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10705 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00808 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00808 cell Chao Pang DA00809 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00809 cell Chao Pang DA00810 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00810 cell Chao Pang DA00811 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00811 cell Chao Pang DA00818 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00818 cell Chao Pang GM10693 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM10693 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM10692 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM10692 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang DA00817 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00817 cell Chao Pang DA00816 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00816 cell Chao Pang DA00815 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00815 cell Chao Pang DA00814 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00814 cell Chao Pang GM10700 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10700 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10699 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10699 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00813 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00813 cell Chao Pang GM10695 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM10695 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM10694 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM10694 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang DA00821 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00821 cell Chao Pang DA00822 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00822 cell Chao Pang DA00819 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00819 cell Chao Pang DA00820 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00820 cell Chao Pang GM10847 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1334 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM10847 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM10848 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 GM10848 cell Chao Pang GM10849 SNP500 PANEL CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1332 GM10849 cell Chao Pang GM10850 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 GM10850 cell Chao Pang GM10846 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1334 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM10846 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM10855 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1350 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM10855 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang DA00824 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00824 cell Chao Pang DA00825 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00825 cell Chao Pang DA00826 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00826 cell Chao Pang GM10851 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1344 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 GM10851 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA00828 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00828 cell Chao Pang DA00829 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00829 cell Chao Pang GM10852 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 GM10852 cell Chao Pang GM10853 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1349 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 GM10853 cell Chao Pang DA00830 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00830 cell Chao Pang GM10854 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1349 GM10854 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA00831 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00831 cell Chao Pang DA00833 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00833 cell Chao Pang DA00832 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00832 cell Chao Pang DA00834 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00834 cell Chao Pang GM10838 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1420 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM10838 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM10839 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1420 GM10839 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM10836 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 GM10836 cell Chao Pang GM10837 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1418 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM10837 cell Chao Pang GM10844 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 GM10844 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang GM10845 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1424 GM10845 cell Chao Pang GM10842 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 8 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 GM10842 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang GM10843 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1423 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 1 FAMILY, POLYPEPTIDE A1; UGT1A1 GM10843 cell OMIM: 191740 Chao Pang GM10840 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 GM10840 cell Chao Pang GM10841 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1421 GM10841 cell Chao Pang GM10812 ADENINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE; APRT 2,8-@DIHYDROXYADENINE UROLITHIASIS, INCLUDED GM10812 cell OMIM: 102600 Chao Pang GM10816 ADENINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE; APRT 2,8-@DIHYDROXYADENINE UROLITHIASIS, INCLUDED GM10816 cell OMIM: 102600 Chao Pang GM10818 ADENINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE; APRT 2,8-@DIHYDROXYADENINE UROLITHIASIS, INCLUDED GM10818 cell OMIM: 102600 Chao Pang GM10826 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10826 cell Chao Pang GM10830 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 8 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM10830 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM10831 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1408 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 SNP500 PANEL CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM10831 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM10832 SNP500 PANEL CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 GM10832 cell Chao Pang GM10833 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1413 SNP500 PANEL GM10833 cell Chao Pang GM10834 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 GM10834 cell Chao Pang GM10835 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1416 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM10835 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM10798 HEMOGLOBIN--ALPHA LOCUS 1; HBA1 GM10798 cell OMIM: 141800 Chao Pang GM10799 HEMOGLOBIN--ALPHA LOCUS 1; HBA1 GM10799 cell OMIM: 141800 Chao Pang GM10806 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10806 cell Chao Pang GM10807 ADENINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE; APRT 2,8-@DIHYDROXYADENINE UROLITHIASIS, INCLUDED GM10807 cell OMIM: 102600 Chao Pang GM10800 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10800 cell Chao Pang GM10804 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10804 cell Chao Pang GM10810 ADENINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE; APRT 2,8-@DIHYDROXYADENINE UROLITHIASIS, INCLUDED GM10810 cell OMIM: 102600 Chao Pang GM10811 ADENINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE; APRT 2,8-@DIHYDROXYADENINE UROLITHIASIS, INCLUDED GM10811 cell OMIM: 102600 Chao Pang GM10808 ADENINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE; APRT 2,8-@DIHYDROXYADENINE UROLITHIASIS, INCLUDED GM10808 cell OMIM: 102600 Chao Pang GM10809 ADENINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE; APRT 2,8-@DIHYDROXYADENINE UROLITHIASIS, INCLUDED GM10809 cell OMIM: 102600 Chao Pang GM10797 HEMOGLOBIN--ALPHA LOCUS 1; HBA1 GM10797 cell OMIM: 141800 Chao Pang DA03587 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03587 cell Chao Pang DA03588 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03588 cell Chao Pang DA03589 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03589 cell Chao Pang DA03590 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03590 cell Chao Pang DA03591 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03591 cell Chao Pang DA03592 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03592 cell Chao Pang DA03594 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03594 cell Chao Pang DA03595 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03595 cell Chao Pang DA03596 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03596 cell Chao Pang DA03597 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03597 cell Chao Pang DA03601 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03601 cell Chao Pang DA03602 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03602 cell Chao Pang DA03599 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03599 cell Chao Pang DA03600 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03600 cell Chao Pang DA03605 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03605 cell Chao Pang DA03606 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03606 cell Chao Pang DA03603 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03603 cell Chao Pang DA03604 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03604 cell Chao Pang DA03608 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03608 cell Chao Pang DA03598 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03598 cell Chao Pang DA03615 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03615 cell Chao Pang DA03616 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03616 cell Chao Pang DA03617 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03617 cell Chao Pang DA03618 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03618 cell Chao Pang DA03611 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03611 cell Chao Pang DA03612 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03612 cell Chao Pang DA03613 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03613 cell Chao Pang DA03614 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03614 cell Chao Pang DA03610 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03610 cell Chao Pang DA03609 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03609 cell Chao Pang DA03628 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03628 cell Chao Pang DA03626 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03626 cell Chao Pang DA03627 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03627 cell Chao Pang DA03624 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03624 cell Chao Pang DA03625 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03625 cell Chao Pang DA03622 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03622 cell Chao Pang DA03623 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03623 cell Chao Pang DA03621 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03621 cell Chao Pang DA03620 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03620 cell Chao Pang DA03619 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03619 cell Chao Pang DA03634 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03634 cell Chao Pang DA03633 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03633 cell Chao Pang DA03636 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03636 cell Chao Pang DA03635 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03635 cell Chao Pang DA03638 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03638 cell Chao Pang DA03637 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03637 cell Chao Pang DA03629 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03629 cell Chao Pang DA03630 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03630 cell Chao Pang DA03631 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03631 cell Chao Pang DA03632 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03632 cell Chao Pang DA03647 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03647 cell Chao Pang DA03646 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03646 cell Chao Pang DA03645 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03645 cell Chao Pang DA03644 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03644 cell Chao Pang DA03648 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03648 cell Chao Pang DA03639 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03639 cell Chao Pang DA03642 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03642 cell Chao Pang DA03643 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03643 cell Chao Pang DA03640 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03640 cell Chao Pang DA03641 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03641 cell Chao Pang DA03657 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03657 cell Chao Pang DA03656 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03656 cell Chao Pang DA03659 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03659 cell Chao Pang DA03658 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03658 cell Chao Pang DA03651 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03651 cell Chao Pang DA03652 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03652 cell Chao Pang DA03653 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03653 cell Chao Pang DA03655 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03655 cell Chao Pang DA03649 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03649 cell Chao Pang DA03650 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03650 cell Chao Pang DA06178 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06178 cell Chao Pang DA06177 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06177 cell Chao Pang DA06180 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06180 cell Chao Pang DA06179 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06179 cell Chao Pang DA06172 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06172 cell Chao Pang DA06171 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06171 cell Chao Pang DA06174 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06174 cell Chao Pang DA03669 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03669 cell Chao Pang DA06173 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06173 cell Chao Pang DA06176 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06176 cell Chao Pang DA03668 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03668 cell Chao Pang DA06175 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06175 cell Chao Pang DA03667 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03667 cell Chao Pang DA03665 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03665 cell Chao Pang DA03666 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03666 cell Chao Pang DA03663 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03663 cell Chao Pang DA03664 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03664 cell Chao Pang DA03661 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03661 cell Chao Pang DA03662 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03662 cell Chao Pang DA03660 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03660 cell Chao Pang DA06045 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06045 cell Chao Pang DA06046 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06046 cell Chao Pang DA06044 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06044 cell Chao Pang DA06049 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06049 cell Chao Pang DA06051 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06051 cell Chao Pang DA06047 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06047 cell Chao Pang DA06048 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06048 cell Chao Pang DA06054 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06054 cell Chao Pang DA06052 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06052 cell Chao Pang DA06053 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06053 cell Chao Pang DA06067 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06067 cell Chao Pang DA06076 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06076 cell Chao Pang DA06078 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06078 cell Chao Pang DA06073 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06073 cell Chao Pang DA06074 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06074 cell Chao Pang DA06070 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06070 cell Chao Pang DA06071 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06071 cell Chao Pang DA06068 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06068 cell Chao Pang DA06069 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06069 cell Chao Pang DA06080 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06080 cell Chao Pang DA06059 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06059 cell Chao Pang DA06061 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06061 cell Chao Pang DA06062 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06062 cell Chao Pang DA06063 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06063 cell Chao Pang DA06055 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06055 cell Chao Pang DA06056 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06056 cell Chao Pang DA06057 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06057 cell Chao Pang DA06058 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06058 cell Chao Pang DA06065 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06065 cell Chao Pang DA06066 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06066 cell Chao Pang DA06096 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06096 cell Chao Pang DA06097 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06097 cell Chao Pang DA06095 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06095 cell Chao Pang GM05894 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05894 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05895 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05895 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05896 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05896 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05897 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05897 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05892 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05892 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05893 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05893 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA03689 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03689 cell Chao Pang DA03688 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03688 cell Chao Pang DA03691 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03691 cell Chao Pang DA03690 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03690 cell Chao Pang DA06101 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06101 cell Chao Pang DA03685 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03685 cell Chao Pang DA06100 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06100 cell Chao Pang DA03684 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03684 cell Chao Pang DA03687 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03687 cell Chao Pang DA06099 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06099 cell Chao Pang DA06098 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06098 cell Chao Pang DA03686 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03686 cell Chao Pang DA06104 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06104 cell Chao Pang DA06103 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06103 cell Chao Pang DA03683 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03683 cell Chao Pang DA03682 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03682 cell Chao Pang DA06102 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06102 cell Chao Pang DA06081 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06081 cell Chao Pang DA06083 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06083 cell Chao Pang GM05907 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05907 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05908 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05908 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05905 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05905 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05906 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05906 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05903 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05903 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05904 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05904 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05902 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05902 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05901 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05901 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05900 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05900 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05899 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05899 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05898 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05898 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA06085 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06085 cell Chao Pang DA06084 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06084 cell Chao Pang DA06087 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06087 cell Chao Pang DA06086 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06086 cell Chao Pang DA06089 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06089 cell Chao Pang DA06088 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06088 cell Chao Pang DA06094 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06094 cell Chao Pang DA06092 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06092 cell Chao Pang DA06125 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06125 cell Chao Pang DA06126 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06126 cell Chao Pang DA06123 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06123 cell Chao Pang DA06124 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06124 cell Chao Pang DA06122 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06122 cell Chao Pang DA03711 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03711 cell Chao Pang DA03710 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03710 cell Chao Pang DA03703 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03703 cell Chao Pang DA03702 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03702 cell Chao Pang DA03705 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03705 cell Chao Pang DA06136 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06136 cell Chao Pang DA03704 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03704 cell Chao Pang DA03707 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03707 cell Chao Pang DA06132 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06132 cell Chao Pang DA06131 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06131 cell Chao Pang DA03706 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03706 cell Chao Pang DA06130 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06130 cell Chao Pang DA03709 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03709 cell Chao Pang DA03708 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03708 cell Chao Pang DA06129 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06129 cell Chao Pang DA06105 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06105 cell Chao Pang DA06106 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06106 cell Chao Pang DA06107 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06107 cell Chao Pang DA06109 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06109 cell Chao Pang DA03701 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03701 cell Chao Pang DA03700 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03700 cell Chao Pang DA03699 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03699 cell Chao Pang DA03694 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03694 cell Chao Pang DA06119 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06119 cell Chao Pang DA06118 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06118 cell Chao Pang DA03693 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03693 cell Chao Pang DA03692 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03692 cell Chao Pang DA06111 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06111 cell Chao Pang DA03698 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03698 cell Chao Pang DA06110 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06110 cell Chao Pang DA03697 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03697 cell Chao Pang DA06116 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06116 cell Chao Pang DA03696 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03696 cell Chao Pang DA03695 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03695 cell Chao Pang DA06115 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06115 cell Chao Pang DA00844 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00844 cell Chao Pang DA06155 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06155 cell Chao Pang DA06156 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06156 cell Chao Pang DA06157 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06157 cell Chao Pang DA00840 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00840 cell Chao Pang DA00841 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00841 cell Chao Pang DA00842 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00842 cell Chao Pang DA00843 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00843 cell Chao Pang DA00836 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00836 cell Chao Pang DA00837 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00837 cell Chao Pang DA00838 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00838 cell Chao Pang DA00839 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00839 cell Chao Pang GM05934 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05934 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00835 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00835 cell Chao Pang GM05946 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05946 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05945 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05945 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05943 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05943 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05941 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05941 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05940 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05940 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05939 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05939 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05938 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05938 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05937 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05937 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05936 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05936 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA06147 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06147 cell Chao Pang GM05935 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05935 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA06149 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06149 cell Chao Pang DA06148 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06148 cell Chao Pang DA06151 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06151 cell Chao Pang DA06150 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06150 cell Chao Pang DA06154 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06154 cell Chao Pang DA06153 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06153 cell Chao Pang DA06145 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06145 cell Chao Pang DA06146 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06146 cell Chao Pang DA06143 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06143 cell Chao Pang DA06144 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06144 cell Chao Pang GM05960 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05960 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05954 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM05954 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang GM05961 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05961 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05951 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM05951 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang GM05950 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM05950 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang GM05953 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM05953 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang GM05952 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM05952 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang DA06138 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06138 cell Chao Pang GM05947 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05947 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA06137 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06137 cell Chao Pang GM05949 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM05949 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang GM05948 BARDET-BIEDL SYNDROME, BBS GM05948 cell OMIM: 209900 Chao Pang DA06142 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06142 cell Chao Pang DA06141 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06141 cell Chao Pang DA06140 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06140 cell Chao Pang DA06139 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06139 cell Chao Pang DA00863 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00863 cell Chao Pang DA00864 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00864 cell Chao Pang DA00865 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00865 cell Chao Pang GM05911 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05911 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00856 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00856 cell Chao Pang DA00857 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00857 cell Chao Pang GM05909 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05909 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00858 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00858 cell Chao Pang GM05910 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05910 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00859 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00859 cell Chao Pang DA00860 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00860 cell Chao Pang DA00861 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00861 cell Chao Pang DA00862 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00862 cell Chao Pang GM05915 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05915 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05914 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05914 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05913 INVERTED CHROMOSOME WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 GM05913 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang GM05912 WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM05912 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang GM05920 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05920 cell Chao Pang GM10863 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1375 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM10863 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM05919 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05919 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10862 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1375 GM10862 cell Chao Pang GM10865 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1377 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM10865 cell Chao Pang GM05918 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05918 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10864 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1377 GM10864 cell Chao Pang GM05916 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05916 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10859 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] SNP500 PANEL GM10859 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM10858 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 SNP500 PANEL CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1347 GM10858 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM10861 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] SNP500 PANEL CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 GM10861 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM10860 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1362 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 SNP500 PANEL GM10860 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM10857 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1346 GM10857 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM10856 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1350 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM10856 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA00854 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00854 cell Chao Pang DA00855 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00855 cell Chao Pang DA00852 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00852 cell Chao Pang DA00853 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00853 cell Chao Pang DA06169 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06169 cell Chao Pang DA06170 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06170 cell Chao Pang GM05921 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05921 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00845 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00845 cell Chao Pang GM05922 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05922 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00846 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00846 cell Chao Pang DA00850 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00850 cell Chao Pang DA00851 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00851 cell Chao Pang DA00847 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00847 cell Chao Pang DA00848 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00848 cell Chao Pang GM05927 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05927 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05926 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05926 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05929 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05929 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05928 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05928 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05931 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05931 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05930 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05930 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10880 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10880 cell Chao Pang GM10879 FRYNS SYNDROME; FRNS GM10879 cell OMIM: 229850 Chao Pang GM05933 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05933 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05932 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05932 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10876 WOLMAN DISEASE GM10876 cell OMIM: 278000 Chao Pang GM10874 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE I GM10874 cell OMIM: 230800 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang DA06166 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06166 cell Chao Pang GM10873 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE I GM10873 cell OMIM: 230800 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang DA06165 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06165 cell Chao Pang GM10871 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE I GM10871 cell OMIM: 230800 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang DA06164 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06164 cell Chao Pang GM10870 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE I GM10870 cell OMIM: 230800 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang DA06163 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06163 cell Chao Pang GM10868 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10868 cell Chao Pang DA06161 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06161 cell Chao Pang DA06160 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06160 cell Chao Pang GM10867 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM10867 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM05923 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05923 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA06159 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06159 cell Chao Pang GM10866 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM10866 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang DA06158 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06158 cell Chao Pang DA00882 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00882 cell Chao Pang DA00881 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00881 cell Chao Pang DA00884 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00884 cell Chao Pang DA00883 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00883 cell Chao Pang DA00878 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00878 cell Chao Pang DA00877 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00877 cell Chao Pang DA00880 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00880 cell Chao Pang DA00879 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00879 cell Chao Pang DA00885 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00885 cell Chao Pang GM05990 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05990 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05991 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05991 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05988 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05988 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05989 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05989 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05986 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05986 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05987 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05987 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00876 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00876 cell Chao Pang GM05994 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05994 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05995 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05995 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05992 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05992 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05993 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05993 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00873 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00873 cell Chao Pang DA00872 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00872 cell Chao Pang DA00871 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00871 cell Chao Pang DA00870 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00870 cell Chao Pang DA00869 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00869 cell Chao Pang DA00868 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00868 cell Chao Pang DA00867 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00867 cell Chao Pang DA00866 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00866 cell Chao Pang DA00875 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00875 cell Chao Pang DA00874 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00874 cell Chao Pang GM06000 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06000 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06001 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06001 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06002 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06002 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06003 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06003 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05996 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05996 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05997 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05997 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05999 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05999 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06004 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06004 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06005 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06005 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06006 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM06006 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00900 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00900 cell Chao Pang DA00899 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00899 cell Chao Pang DA00902 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00902 cell Chao Pang DA00901 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00901 cell Chao Pang DA00904 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00904 cell Chao Pang DA00903 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00903 cell Chao Pang DA00905 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00905 cell Chao Pang GM05966 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM05966 cell Chao Pang GM05968 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05968 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05962 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05962 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05963 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05963 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05971 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05971 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05972 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05972 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05969 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05969 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05970 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05970 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00896 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00896 cell Chao Pang DA00897 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00897 cell Chao Pang GM05973 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05973 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00898 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00898 cell Chao Pang GM05974 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05974 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00891 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00891 cell Chao Pang DA00890 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00890 cell Chao Pang DA00889 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00889 cell Chao Pang DA00888 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00888 cell Chao Pang DA00895 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00895 cell Chao Pang DA00894 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00894 cell Chao Pang DA00893 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00893 cell Chao Pang DA00892 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00892 cell Chao Pang GM05975 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05975 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05976 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05976 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05977 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05977 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05978 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05978 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05979 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05979 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05980 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05980 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05981 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05981 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05983 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05983 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05984 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05984 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00886 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00886 cell Chao Pang GM05985 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05985 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00887 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00887 cell Chao Pang GM05889 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05889 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05888 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05888 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05887 OSTEOGENIC SARCOMA GM05887 cell OMIM: 259500 Chao Pang GM05883 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05883 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05881 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM05881 cell Chao Pang GM05880 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM05880 cell Chao Pang GM05879 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05879 cell Chao Pang GM05878 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS GM05878 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang GM05891 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05891 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05890 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM05890 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05868 BOVINE PROTOPORPHYRIA BOS GM05868 cell OMIM: 177000 Chao Pang GM05867 BOVINE PORPHYRIA, CONGENITAL ERYTHROPOIETIC BOS GM05867 cell OMIM: 263700 Chao Pang GM05872 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF ACYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN; ACADM GM05872 cell OMIM: 201450 OMIM: 607008 Chao Pang GM05870 ACYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN; ACADM ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF GM05870 cell OMIM: 201450 OMIM: 607008 Chao Pang GM05864 BOVINE PROTOPORPHYRIA BOS GM05864 cell OMIM: 177000 Chao Pang GM05866 BOVINE PORPHYRIA, CONGENITAL ERYTHROPOIETIC BOS GM05866 cell OMIM: 263700 Chao Pang GM05865 BOVINE PROTOPORPHYRIA BOS GM05865 cell OMIM: 177000 Chao Pang GM05876 DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS GM05876 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang GM05875 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM05875 cell Chao Pang GM05877 CHROMOSOME DELETION RETINOBLASTOMA, SPORADIC GM05877 cell Chao Pang GM10506 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM10506 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM10505 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM10505 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM10509 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10509 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10507 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM10507 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM10501 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10501 cell Chao Pang GM10500 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 15 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10500 cell Chao Pang GM10503 COLLAGEN, TYPE I, ALPHA-2; COL1A2 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; LETHAL GM10503 cell OMIM: 120160 Chao Pang GM10502 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10502 cell Chao Pang GM10496 PYGMY POPULATION SNP500 PANEL GM10496 cell Chao Pang GM10497 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT- 166200,166210,166220, OR 166230 GM10497 cell OMIM: 166200 Chao Pang GM10498 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10498 cell Chao Pang GM10495 SNP500 PANEL PYGMY POPULATION GM10495 cell Chao Pang GM10494 SNP500 PANEL PYGMY POPULATION GM10494 cell Chao Pang GM10493 PYGMY POPULATION SNP500 PANEL GM10493 cell Chao Pang GM10492 PYGMY POPULATION SNP500 PANEL GM10492 cell Chao Pang GM10490 ADRENAL HYPOPLASIA WITH ADDITIONAL CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS GM10490 cell Chao Pang GM10489 ADRENAL HYPOPLASIA WITH ADDITIONAL CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS GM10489 cell Chao Pang GM10486 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM10486 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM10529 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10529 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10530 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10530 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10531 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10531 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10532 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10532 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10533 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10533 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10534 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10534 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10535 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10535 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10536 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10536 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10526 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10526 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10527 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10527 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10525 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10525 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10515 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10515 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10519 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10519 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10513 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10513 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10514 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10514 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10523 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10523 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10524 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10524 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10520 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10520 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10521 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10521 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10512 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10512 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10511 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10511 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10510 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10510 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10609 GREIG CEPHALOPOLYSYNDACTYLY SYNDROME; GCPS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10609 cell OMIM: 175700 Chao Pang GM10610 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM10610 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM10603 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10603 cell Chao Pang GM10606 TRIPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER GM10606 cell Chao Pang GM10607 CHROMOSOME DELETION TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10607 cell Chao Pang GM10608 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10608 cell Chao Pang GM10566 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM10566 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM10567 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10567 cell Chao Pang GM10568 DYGGVE-MELCHIOR-CLAUSEN DISEASE GM10568 cell OMIM: 223800 Chao Pang GM10570 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 2, LATE INFANTILE TYPE; CLN2 GM10570 cell OMIM: 204500 Chao Pang GM10565 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME KALLMANN SYN; HYPOGONADOTROPIC HYPOGONADISM, ANOSMIA- 147950, 244200, 308700 GM10565 cell OMIM: 147950 Chao Pang GM10557 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM10557 cell Chao Pang GM10559 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM10559 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM10543 MELANESIAN POPULATION GM10543 cell Chao Pang GM10552 GIANT PLATELET SYNDROME GM10552 cell OMIM: 231200 Chao Pang GM10541 MELANESIAN POPULATION GM10541 cell Chao Pang GM10542 MELANESIAN POPULATION GM10542 cell Chao Pang GM10539 MELANESIAN POPULATION GM10539 cell Chao Pang GM10540 MELANESIAN POPULATION GM10540 cell Chao Pang GM10537 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10537 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang DA03741 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03741 cell Chao Pang DA03742 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03742 cell Chao Pang DA03743 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03743 cell Chao Pang DA03736 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03736 cell Chao Pang DA03737 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03737 cell Chao Pang DA03738 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03738 cell Chao Pang DA03740 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03740 cell Chao Pang DA03733 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03733 cell Chao Pang DA03735 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03735 cell Chao Pang DA03734 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03734 cell Chao Pang DA03752 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03752 cell Chao Pang DA03753 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03753 cell Chao Pang DA03750 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03750 cell Chao Pang DA03751 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03751 cell Chao Pang DA03748 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03748 cell Chao Pang DA03749 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03749 cell Chao Pang DA03747 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03747 cell Chao Pang DA03746 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03746 cell Chao Pang DA03745 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03745 cell Chao Pang DA03744 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03744 cell Chao Pang DA03721 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03721 cell Chao Pang DA03713 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03713 cell Chao Pang DA03714 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03714 cell Chao Pang DA03715 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03715 cell Chao Pang DA03716 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03716 cell Chao Pang DA03717 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03717 cell Chao Pang DA03718 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03718 cell Chao Pang DA03719 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03719 cell Chao Pang DA03720 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03720 cell Chao Pang DA03712 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03712 cell Chao Pang DA03727 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03727 cell Chao Pang DA03728 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03728 cell Chao Pang DA03725 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03725 cell Chao Pang DA03726 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03726 cell Chao Pang DA03731 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03731 cell Chao Pang DA03732 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03732 cell Chao Pang DA03729 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03729 cell Chao Pang DA03730 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03730 cell Chao Pang DA03723 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03723 cell Chao Pang DA03722 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03722 cell Chao Pang DA06352 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06352 cell Chao Pang DA06346 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06346 cell Chao Pang DA03783 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03783 cell Chao Pang DA06369 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06369 cell Chao Pang DA03782 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03782 cell Chao Pang DA06367 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06367 cell Chao Pang DA06362 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06362 cell Chao Pang DA06359 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06359 cell Chao Pang DA03785 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03785 cell Chao Pang DA06379 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06379 cell Chao Pang DA06377 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06377 cell Chao Pang DA06373 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06373 cell Chao Pang DA06372 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06372 cell Chao Pang DA03778 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03778 cell Chao Pang DA03779 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03779 cell Chao Pang DA03780 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03780 cell Chao Pang DA03781 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03781 cell Chao Pang DA03774 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03774 cell Chao Pang DA03775 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03775 cell Chao Pang DA03777 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03777 cell Chao Pang DA06380 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06380 cell Chao Pang DA06383 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06383 cell Chao Pang DA06382 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06382 cell Chao Pang DA06386 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06386 cell Chao Pang DA06384 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06384 cell Chao Pang DA06388 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06388 cell Chao Pang DA06387 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06387 cell Chao Pang DA06390 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06390 cell Chao Pang DA06389 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06389 cell Chao Pang DA06391 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06391 cell Chao Pang DA03760 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03760 cell Chao Pang DA03759 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03759 cell Chao Pang DA03762 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03762 cell Chao Pang DA03761 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03761 cell Chao Pang DA03763 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03763 cell Chao Pang DA03754 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03754 cell Chao Pang DA03755 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03755 cell Chao Pang DA03756 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03756 cell Chao Pang DA03757 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03757 cell Chao Pang DA03758 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03758 cell Chao Pang DA06330 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06330 cell Chao Pang DA03773 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03773 cell Chao Pang DA03772 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03772 cell Chao Pang DA06326 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06326 cell Chao Pang DA03771 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03771 cell Chao Pang DA06335 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06335 cell Chao Pang DA03770 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03770 cell Chao Pang DA06331 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06331 cell Chao Pang DA06324 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06324 cell Chao Pang DA06345 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06345 cell Chao Pang DA06339 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06339 cell Chao Pang DA06336 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06336 cell Chao Pang DA06342 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06342 cell Chao Pang DA06340 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06340 cell Chao Pang DA03764 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03764 cell Chao Pang DA03765 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03765 cell Chao Pang DA03768 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03768 cell Chao Pang DA03769 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03769 cell Chao Pang DA03766 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03766 cell Chao Pang DA03767 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03767 cell Chao Pang DA06220 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06220 cell Chao Pang DA06219 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06219 cell Chao Pang DA03791 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03791 cell Chao Pang DA03792 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03792 cell Chao Pang DA03793 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03793 cell Chao Pang DA03794 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03794 cell Chao Pang DA03795 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03795 cell Chao Pang DA06227 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06227 cell Chao Pang DA06229 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06229 cell Chao Pang DA06225 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06225 cell Chao Pang DA03786 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03786 cell Chao Pang DA06226 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06226 cell Chao Pang DA06223 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06223 cell Chao Pang DA03787 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03787 cell Chao Pang DA03788 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03788 cell Chao Pang DA06224 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06224 cell Chao Pang DA03789 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03789 cell Chao Pang DA06221 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06221 cell Chao Pang DA03790 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03790 cell Chao Pang DA06222 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06222 cell Chao Pang DA06208 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06208 cell Chao Pang DA06218 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06218 cell Chao Pang DA06214 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06214 cell Chao Pang DA06215 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06215 cell Chao Pang DA06216 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06216 cell Chao Pang DA06217 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06217 cell Chao Pang DA06210 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06210 cell Chao Pang DA06211 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06211 cell Chao Pang DA06212 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06212 cell Chao Pang DA06213 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06213 cell Chao Pang DA06206 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06206 cell Chao Pang DA06207 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06207 cell Chao Pang DA06199 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06199 cell Chao Pang DA06200 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06200 cell Chao Pang DA06197 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06197 cell Chao Pang DA06198 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06198 cell Chao Pang DA06204 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06204 cell Chao Pang DA06205 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06205 cell Chao Pang DA06201 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06201 cell Chao Pang DA06202 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06202 cell Chao Pang DA06189 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06189 cell Chao Pang DA06190 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06190 cell Chao Pang DA06191 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06191 cell Chao Pang DA06181 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06181 cell Chao Pang DA06182 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06182 cell Chao Pang DA06183 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06183 cell Chao Pang DA06184 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06184 cell Chao Pang DA06185 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06185 cell Chao Pang DA06186 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06186 cell Chao Pang DA06187 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06187 cell Chao Pang DA06282 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06282 cell Chao Pang DA06283 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06283 cell Chao Pang DA06280 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06280 cell Chao Pang DA06281 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06281 cell Chao Pang DA06278 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06278 cell Chao Pang DA06279 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06279 cell Chao Pang DA03831 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03831 cell Chao Pang DA03833 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03833 cell Chao Pang DA03832 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03832 cell Chao Pang DA03835 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03835 cell Chao Pang DA03834 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03834 cell Chao Pang DA06288 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06288 cell Chao Pang DA03837 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03837 cell Chao Pang DA03836 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03836 cell Chao Pang DA06287 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06287 cell Chao Pang DA06285 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06285 cell Chao Pang DA03840 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03840 cell Chao Pang DA06284 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06284 cell Chao Pang DA03838 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03838 cell Chao Pang DA03841 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03841 cell Chao Pang DA06268 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06268 cell Chao Pang DA06269 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06269 cell Chao Pang DA06270 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06270 cell Chao Pang DA06271 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06271 cell Chao Pang DA06267 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06267 cell Chao Pang DA03823 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03823 cell Chao Pang DA03822 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03822 cell Chao Pang DA06276 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06276 cell Chao Pang DA03821 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03821 cell Chao Pang DA03820 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03820 cell Chao Pang DA06273 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06273 cell Chao Pang DA03827 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03827 cell Chao Pang DA06272 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06272 cell Chao Pang DA03826 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03826 cell Chao Pang DA06275 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06275 cell Chao Pang DA03825 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03825 cell Chao Pang DA03824 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03824 cell Chao Pang DA06274 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06274 cell Chao Pang DA03829 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03829 cell Chao Pang DA03828 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03828 cell Chao Pang DA06257 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06257 cell Chao Pang DA06258 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06258 cell Chao Pang DA06254 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06254 cell Chao Pang DA06255 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06255 cell Chao Pang DA03812 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03812 cell Chao Pang DA06263 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06263 cell Chao Pang DA03811 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03811 cell Chao Pang DA06262 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06262 cell Chao Pang DA03814 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03814 cell Chao Pang DA06261 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06261 cell Chao Pang DA06259 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06259 cell Chao Pang DA03813 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03813 cell Chao Pang DA03807 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03807 cell Chao Pang DA03810 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03810 cell Chao Pang DA06265 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06265 cell Chao Pang DA06264 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06264 cell Chao Pang DA03808 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03808 cell Chao Pang DA03817 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03817 cell Chao Pang DA03815 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03815 cell Chao Pang DA03818 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03818 cell Chao Pang DA06233 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06233 cell Chao Pang DA06234 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06234 cell Chao Pang DA06235 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06235 cell Chao Pang DA03802 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03802 cell Chao Pang DA06243 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06243 cell Chao Pang DA06240 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06240 cell Chao Pang DA03801 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03801 cell Chao Pang DA03800 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03800 cell Chao Pang DA06247 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06247 cell Chao Pang DA03799 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03799 cell Chao Pang DA06246 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06246 cell Chao Pang DA03797 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03797 cell Chao Pang DA06250 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06250 cell Chao Pang DA03796 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03796 cell Chao Pang DA06248 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06248 cell Chao Pang DA06252 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06252 cell Chao Pang DA03806 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03806 cell Chao Pang DA03805 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03805 cell Chao Pang DA03804 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03804 cell Chao Pang DA03803 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03803 cell Chao Pang DA00728 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00728 cell Chao Pang DA00729 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00729 cell Chao Pang DA00730 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00730 cell Chao Pang DA00731 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00731 cell Chao Pang DA00732 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00732 cell Chao Pang DA00733 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00733 cell Chao Pang DA00734 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00734 cell Chao Pang DA00735 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00735 cell Chao Pang DA00736 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00736 cell Chao Pang DA00737 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00737 cell Chao Pang GM10613 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10613 cell Chao Pang GM10612 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10612 cell Chao Pang GM10618 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM10618 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM10614 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM10614 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM10611 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10611 cell Chao Pang GM05565 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05565 cell Chao Pang GM05564 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05564 cell Chao Pang GM10629 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 12 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10629 cell Chao Pang GM05563 RING CHROMOSOME GM05563 cell Chao Pang GM10625 LEBER OPTIC ATROPHY GM10625 cell OMIM: 535000 Chao Pang GM05569 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM05569 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM10624 LEBER OPTIC ATROPHY GM10624 cell OMIM: 535000 Chao Pang GM05568 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM05568 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM10628 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA WITH KLEEBLATTSCHAEDEL GM10628 cell OMIM: 187601 Chao Pang GM05567 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM05567 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM05566 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM05566 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM10627 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA WITH KLEEBLATTSCHAEDEL GM10627 cell OMIM: 187601 Chao Pang GM05572 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05572 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05580 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05580 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05584 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05584 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10642 SJOGREN-LARSSON SYNDROME GM10642 cell OMIM: 270200 Chao Pang GM10641 SJOGREN-LARSSON SYNDROME GM10641 cell OMIM: 270200 Chao Pang GM10640 SJOGREN-LARSSON SYNDROME GM10640 cell OMIM: 270200 Chao Pang GM10636 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM10636 cell Chao Pang GM10635 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10635 cell Chao Pang GM10634 D-GLYCERICACIDEMIA GM10634 cell OMIM: 220120 Chao Pang GM05594 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05594 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05590 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05590 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05604 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05604 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05600 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05600 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05608 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05608 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10652 GLUTARICACIDEMIA I GM10652 cell OMIM: 231670 Chao Pang GM05606 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05606 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10650 GLUTARICACIDEMIA I GM10650 cell OMIM: 231670 Chao Pang GM05614 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05614 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10648 OSTEOCHONDRODYSPLASIA WITH RHIZOMELIA & OTHER FEATURES - UNKNOWN INHERITANCE GM10648 cell Chao Pang GM10647 OSTEOCHONDRODYSPLASIA WITH RHIZOMELIA & OTHER FEATURES - UNKNOWN INHERITANCE GM10647 cell Chao Pang GM05610 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05610 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05622 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05622 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05626 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05626 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10653 GLUTARICACIDEMIA I GM10653 cell OMIM: 231670 Chao Pang GM05628 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05628 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10658 CRICETULUS GM10658 cell Chao Pang GM10657 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10657 cell Chao Pang GM10660 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 1 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10660 cell Chao Pang GM10659 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 15 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10659 cell Chao Pang GM10663 CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10663 cell Chao Pang GM10662 CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10662 cell Chao Pang GM05655 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05655 cell Chao Pang GM10665 CARNITINE DEFICIENCY, SYSTEMIC PRIMARY; CDSP GM10665 cell OMIM: 212140 Chao Pang GM10664 CHROMOSOME 10 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 15 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10664 cell Chao Pang GM05654 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05654 cell Chao Pang GM05653 GANGLIOSIDOSIS, GENERALIZED GM1, TYPE I GM05653 cell OMIM: 230500 Chao Pang GM10666 CARNITINE DEFICIENCY, SYSTEMIC PRIMARY; CDSP GM10666 cell OMIM: 212140 Chao Pang GM05652 GANGLIOSIDOSIS, GENERALIZED GM1, TYPE I GM05652 cell OMIM: 230500 Chao Pang GM05651 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05651 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05642 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05642 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05640 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05640 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05638 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05638 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05656 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05656 cell Chao Pang DA06323 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06323 cell Chao Pang DA06321 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06321 cell Chao Pang DA06322 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06322 cell Chao Pang DA06300 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06300 cell Chao Pang GM10672 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 2, LATE INFANTILE TYPE; CLN2 GM10672 cell OMIM: 204500 Chao Pang DA06299 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06299 cell Chao Pang GM10669 COWDEN DISEASE; CD GM10669 cell OMIM: 158350 Chao Pang GM10668 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 4-ALPHA; HNF4A GM10668 cell OMIM: 125850 OMIM: 600281 Chao Pang GM05658 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05658 cell Chao Pang DA06298 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06298 cell Chao Pang GM05657 MYELOMA (PLASMACYTOMA) CELL LINES FOR HYBRIDOMAS GM05657 cell Chao Pang GM10667 CARNITINE DEFICIENCY, SYSTEMIC PRIMARY; CDSP GM10667 cell OMIM: 212140 Chao Pang GM10684 SPINAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY I; SMA1 GM10684 cell OMIM: 253300 Chao Pang DA06320 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06320 cell Chao Pang GM10681 MYOTUBULAR MYOPATHY 1; MTM1 GM10681 cell OMIM: 310400 Chao Pang DA06312 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06312 cell Chao Pang GM10680 MYOTUBULARIN; MTM1 MYOTUBULAR MYOPATHY 1; MTM1 GM10680 cell OMIM: 300415 OMIM: 310400 Chao Pang DA06311 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06311 cell Chao Pang DA06303 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06303 cell Chao Pang GM10679 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM10679 cell Chao Pang GM05684 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05684 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05682 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05682 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05690 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05690 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10691 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM10691 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM10688 FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 3; FGFR3 INVERTED CHROMOSOME THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD GM10688 cell OMIM: 134934 OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang GM05688 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05688 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05660 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05660 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05659 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05659 cell Chao Pang GM05678 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05678 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05668 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05668 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA00771 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00771 cell Chao Pang DA00770 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00770 cell Chao Pang DA00773 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00773 cell Chao Pang DA00772 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00772 cell Chao Pang DA00776 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00776 cell Chao Pang DA00774 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00774 cell Chao Pang DA00778 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00778 cell Chao Pang DA00777 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00777 cell Chao Pang GM05747 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; LETHAL GM05747 cell Chao Pang GM05748 FARBER LIPOGRANULOMATOSIS GM05748 cell OMIM: 228000 Chao Pang GM05736 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05736 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05740 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05740 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05752 FARBER LIPOGRANULOMATOSIS GM05752 cell OMIM: 228000 Chao Pang GM05750 CHROMOSOME INSERTION RETINOBLASTOMA, SPORADIC GM05750 cell Chao Pang DA00768 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00768 cell Chao Pang GM05751 CHROMOSOME INSERTION RETINOBLASTOMA, SPORADIC GM05751 cell Chao Pang DA00769 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00769 cell Chao Pang GM05724 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05724 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05726 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05726 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05700 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05700 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA00767 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00767 cell Chao Pang DA00762 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00762 cell Chao Pang DA00761 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00761 cell Chao Pang DA00760 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00760 cell Chao Pang DA00759 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00759 cell Chao Pang DA00766 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00766 cell Chao Pang DA00765 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00765 cell Chao Pang DA00764 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00764 cell Chao Pang DA00763 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00763 cell Chao Pang GM05759 ALAGILLE SYNDROME; AGS GM05759 cell OMIM: 118450 Chao Pang GM05761 WILSON DISEASE GM05761 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05762 WILSON DISEASE GM05762 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05788 SMITH-LEMLI-OPITZ SYNDROME, TYPE I GM05788 cell OMIM: 270400 Chao Pang GM05789 SMITH-LEMLI-OPITZ SYNDROME, TYPE I GM05789 cell OMIM: 270400 Chao Pang GM05791 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM05791 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA00758 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00758 cell Chao Pang GM05754 RING CHROMOSOME GM05754 cell Chao Pang GM05756 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05756 cell Chao Pang GM05757 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05757 cell Chao Pang GM05758 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05758 cell Chao Pang DA00757 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00757 cell Chao Pang DA00756 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00756 cell Chao Pang DA00753 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00753 cell Chao Pang DA00752 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00752 cell Chao Pang DA00755 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00755 cell Chao Pang DA00754 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00754 cell Chao Pang DA00749 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00749 cell Chao Pang DA00748 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00748 cell Chao Pang DA00751 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00751 cell Chao Pang DA00750 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00750 cell Chao Pang GM05823 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM05823 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM05816 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM05816 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM05817 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM05817 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM05797 WILSON DISEASE GM05797 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05798 WILSON DISEASE GM05798 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05795 WILSON DISEASE GM05795 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05796 WILSON DISEASE GM05796 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05793 WILSON DISEASE GM05793 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05794 WILSON DISEASE GM05794 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05792 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM05792 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA00747 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00747 cell Chao Pang DA00746 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00746 cell Chao Pang DA00745 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00745 cell Chao Pang DA00744 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00744 cell Chao Pang DA00743 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00743 cell Chao Pang DA00742 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00742 cell Chao Pang DA00741 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00741 cell Chao Pang DA00740 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00740 cell Chao Pang DA00739 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00739 cell Chao Pang DA00738 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00738 cell Chao Pang GM05853 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM05853 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM05854 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM05854 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM05855 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM05855 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM05862 MUS GM05862 cell Chao Pang GM05847 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM05847 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM05848 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM05848 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM05849 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM05849 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM05852 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM05852 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM05832 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05832 cell Chao Pang GM05835 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05835 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang DA06528 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06528 cell Chao Pang DA06529 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06529 cell Chao Pang DA06530 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06530 cell Chao Pang DA06532 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06532 cell Chao Pang DA06524 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06524 cell Chao Pang DA06525 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06525 cell Chao Pang DA06526 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06526 cell Chao Pang DA06527 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06527 cell Chao Pang DA06522 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06522 cell Chao Pang DA06523 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06523 cell Chao Pang DA06521 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06521 cell Chao Pang DA06518 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06518 cell Chao Pang DA06519 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06519 cell Chao Pang DA06516 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06516 cell Chao Pang DA06517 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06517 cell Chao Pang DA06513 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06513 cell Chao Pang DA06515 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06515 cell Chao Pang DA06511 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06511 cell Chao Pang DA06512 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06512 cell Chao Pang DA06510 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06510 cell Chao Pang DA06552 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06552 cell Chao Pang DA06553 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06553 cell Chao Pang DA06544 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06544 cell Chao Pang DA06545 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06545 cell Chao Pang DA06546 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06546 cell Chao Pang DA06547 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06547 cell Chao Pang DA06548 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06548 cell Chao Pang DA06549 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06549 cell Chao Pang DA06550 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06550 cell Chao Pang DA06551 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06551 cell Chao Pang DA06543 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06543 cell Chao Pang DA06540 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06540 cell Chao Pang DA06541 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06541 cell Chao Pang DA06534 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06534 cell Chao Pang DA06535 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06535 cell Chao Pang DA06533 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06533 cell Chao Pang DA06538 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06538 cell Chao Pang DA06539 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06539 cell Chao Pang DA06536 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06536 cell Chao Pang DA06537 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06537 cell Chao Pang DA06499 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06499 cell Chao Pang DA06498 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06498 cell Chao Pang DA06501 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06501 cell Chao Pang DA06500 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06500 cell Chao Pang DA06503 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06503 cell Chao Pang DA06502 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06502 cell Chao Pang DA06505 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06505 cell Chao Pang DA06504 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06504 cell Chao Pang DA06509 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06509 cell Chao Pang DA06508 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06508 cell Chao Pang GM05528 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05528 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05530 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05530 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05518 CHROMOSOME DELETION WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 GM05518 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang GM05519 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05519 cell Chao Pang GM05520 SIALIC ACID STORAGE DISEASE; SIASD GM05520 cell OMIM: 269920 Chao Pang GM05521 SIALIC ACID STORAGE DISEASE; SIASD GM05521 cell OMIM: 269920 Chao Pang GM05522 SIALIC ACID STORAGE DISEASE; SIASD GM05522 cell OMIM: 269920 Chao Pang GM05523 MARKER CHROMOSOME FRAGILE SITE 10Q25 GM05523 cell OMIM: 136620 Chao Pang GM05524 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05524 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05526 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05526 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05534 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05534 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA01067 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01067 cell Chao Pang DA01066 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01066 cell Chao Pang DA01070 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01070 cell Chao Pang DA01068 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01068 cell Chao Pang DA01071 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01071 cell Chao Pang GM05560 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05560 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA01060 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01060 cell Chao Pang DA01062 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01062 cell Chao Pang DA01063 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01063 cell Chao Pang DA01064 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01064 cell Chao Pang DA01065 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01065 cell Chao Pang GM05542 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05542 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05544 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05544 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05536 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05536 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05539 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05539 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05554 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05554 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05558 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05558 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05546 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05546 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05552 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05552 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05425 FRAGILE SITE 10Q25 MARKER CHROMOSOME GM05425 cell OMIM: 136620 Chao Pang GM05426 MYELOMA (PLASMACYTOMA) CELL LINES FOR HYBRIDOMAS GM05426 cell Chao Pang GM05428 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05428 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05440 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05440 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05421 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM05421 cell Chao Pang GM05422 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05422 cell Chao Pang GM05423 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM05423 cell Chao Pang GM05424 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM05424 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM05409 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05409 cell Chao Pang GM05420 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM05420 cell Chao Pang GM05511 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM05511 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM05509 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM05509 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM05510 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM05510 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM05496 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05496 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05506 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05506 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05454 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05454 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05486 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05486 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05448 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05448 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05452 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05452 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05442 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05442 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05394 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05394 cell Chao Pang GM05392 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05392 cell Chao Pang GM05398 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM05398 cell Chao Pang GM05396 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM05396 cell Chao Pang GM05389 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM05389 cell Chao Pang GM18545 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18545 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01150 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01150 cell Chao Pang GM05408 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM05408 cell Chao Pang DA01149 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01149 cell Chao Pang GM18546 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18546 cell Chao Pang GM18543 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18543 cell Chao Pang GM18544 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18544 cell Chao Pang GM05400 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05400 cell Chao Pang GM18542 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18542 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM05399 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05399 cell Chao Pang GM05404 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM05404 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM05401 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS GM05401 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang DA01157 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01157 cell Chao Pang DA01158 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01158 cell Chao Pang DA01155 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01155 cell Chao Pang DA01156 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01156 cell Chao Pang GM18552 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18552 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01153 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01153 cell Chao Pang GM18550 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18550 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01154 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01154 cell Chao Pang GM18549 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18549 cell Chao Pang GM18548 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18548 cell Chao Pang DA01151 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01151 cell Chao Pang DA01152 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01152 cell Chao Pang GM18547 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18547 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM05380 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05380 cell Chao Pang GM05379 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA; RP GM05379 cell OMIM: 268000 Chao Pang GM05378 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA; RP GM05378 cell OMIM: 268000 Chao Pang GM05377 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM05377 cell Chao Pang GM18523 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18523 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01159 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01159 cell Chao Pang GM18524 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18524 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang DA01161 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01161 cell Chao Pang GM18526 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18526 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM05388 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM05388 cell Chao Pang DA01160 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01160 cell Chao Pang GM05387 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM05387 cell Chao Pang GM18529 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18529 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM05386 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM05386 cell Chao Pang GM05384 MUS GM05384 cell Chao Pang GM05382 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05382 cell Chao Pang GM05381 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05381 cell Chao Pang GM18540 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18540 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01167 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01167 cell Chao Pang DA01168 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01168 cell Chao Pang GM18537 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18537 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01169 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01169 cell Chao Pang DA01162 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01162 cell Chao Pang GM18532 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18532 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18530 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18530 cell Chao Pang DA01163 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01163 cell Chao Pang DA01164 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01164 cell Chao Pang GM18536 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18536 cell Chao Pang GM18534 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18534 cell Chao Pang DA01166 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01166 cell Chao Pang GM05358 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM05358 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang GM05366 WILSON DISEASE GM05366 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05365 KARTAGENER SYNDROME STARGARDT DISEASE 1; STGD1 GM05365 cell OMIM: 244400 OMIM: 248200 Chao Pang GM05368 WILSON DISEASE GM05368 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05367 WILSON DISEASE GM05367 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05371 WILSON DISEASE GM05371 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05370 WILSON DISEASE GM05370 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05373 MUS GM05373 cell Chao Pang GM18511 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18511 cell Chao Pang DA01173 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01173 cell Chao Pang DA01172 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01172 cell Chao Pang GM05372 HUMAN ERYTHROLEUKEMIC CELL LINES CHRONIC MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA GM05372 cell Chao Pang GM18515 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18515 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01171 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01171 cell Chao Pang DA01170 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01170 cell Chao Pang GM18510 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18510 cell Chao Pang GM05376 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05376 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM18519 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18519 cell Chao Pang DA01178 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01178 cell Chao Pang DA01180 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01180 cell Chao Pang GM18518 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18518 cell Chao Pang GM18517 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18517 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01174 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01174 cell Chao Pang GM18516 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18516 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01175 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01175 cell Chao Pang GM18522 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM18522 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18521 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18521 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01181 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01181 cell Chao Pang DA01182 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01182 cell Chao Pang GM18520 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18520 cell Chao Pang GM05339 WILSON DISEASE GM05339 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05336 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05336 cell Chao Pang GM05344 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VII GM05344 cell OMIM: 232800 Chao Pang GM05342 WILSON DISEASE GM05342 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05341 WILSON DISEASE GM05341 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05340 WILSON DISEASE GM05340 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05348 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05348 cell Chao Pang GM05347 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05347 cell Chao Pang GM18500 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18500 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM05346 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA; RP GM05346 cell OMIM: 268000 Chao Pang GM18501 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18501 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM05345 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA; RP GM05345 cell OMIM: 268000 Chao Pang GM18503 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18503 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18502 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18502 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18505 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM18505 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM05335 GANGLIOSIDOSIS, GENERALIZED GM1, TYPE I GM05335 cell OMIM: 230500 Chao Pang GM18504 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM18504 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18507 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18507 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18506 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18506 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18509 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18509 cell Chao Pang GM18508 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18508 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM05302 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM05302 cell Chao Pang GM18481 MOEBIUS SYNDROME 1; MBS1 GM18481 cell OMIM: 157900 Chao Pang GM05319 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM05319 cell Chao Pang GM05320 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM05320 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM05321 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM05321 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM05297 CHROMOSOME INSERTION GM05297 cell Chao Pang GM05299 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM05299 cell Chao Pang GM05300 AMAUROSIS CONGENITA OF LEBER; TYPE I OR II - 204000 OR 204100 GM05300 cell OMIM: 204000 Chao Pang GM05301 AMAUROSIS CONGENITA OF LEBER; TYPE I OR II - 204000 OR 204100 GM05301 cell OMIM: 204000 Chao Pang GM05296 CHROMOSOME INSERTION GM05296 cell Chao Pang DA01118 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01118 cell Chao Pang DA01117 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01117 cell Chao Pang DA01116 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01116 cell Chao Pang GM18499 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18499 cell Chao Pang DA01115 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01115 cell Chao Pang GM18497 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18497 cell Chao Pang DA01114 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01114 cell Chao Pang GM18498 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18498 cell Chao Pang DA01113 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01113 cell Chao Pang DA01112 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01112 cell Chao Pang GM18488 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18488 cell Chao Pang GM18489 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18489 cell Chao Pang DA01111 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01111 cell Chao Pang GM18486 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18486 cell Chao Pang GM05294 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05294 cell Chao Pang DA01110 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01110 cell Chao Pang DA01109 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01109 cell Chao Pang GM18487 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18487 cell Chao Pang GM05293 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM05293 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM18484 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18484 cell Chao Pang GM18485 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18485 cell Chao Pang GM05289 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 GM05289 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM05292 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM05292 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM05281 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM05281 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM05282 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM05282 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM05264 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05264 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05267 MUS GM05267 cell Chao Pang GM05260 WILSON DISEASE GM05260 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05263 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05263 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang DA01127 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01127 cell Chao Pang DA01126 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01126 cell Chao Pang DA01128 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01128 cell Chao Pang DA01123 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01123 cell Chao Pang DA01122 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01122 cell Chao Pang DA01125 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01125 cell Chao Pang DA01124 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01124 cell Chao Pang DA01119 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01119 cell Chao Pang DA01121 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01121 cell Chao Pang DA01120 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01120 cell Chao Pang DA01138 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01138 cell Chao Pang DA01137 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01137 cell Chao Pang DA01132 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01132 cell Chao Pang DA01131 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01131 cell Chao Pang DA01130 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01130 cell Chao Pang DA01129 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01129 cell Chao Pang DA01136 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01136 cell Chao Pang DA01135 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01135 cell Chao Pang DA01134 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01134 cell Chao Pang DA01133 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01133 cell Chao Pang DA01139 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01139 cell Chao Pang DA01148 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01148 cell Chao Pang DA01141 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01141 cell Chao Pang DA01140 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01140 cell Chao Pang DA01143 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01143 cell Chao Pang DA01142 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01142 cell Chao Pang DA01145 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01145 cell Chao Pang DA01144 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01144 cell Chao Pang DA01147 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01147 cell Chao Pang DA01146 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01146 cell Chao Pang DA06469 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06469 cell Chao Pang DA06470 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06470 cell Chao Pang DA06471 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06471 cell Chao Pang DA06472 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06472 cell Chao Pang DA06473 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06473 cell Chao Pang DA06474 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06474 cell Chao Pang DA06466 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06466 cell Chao Pang DA06465 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06465 cell Chao Pang DA06468 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06468 cell Chao Pang DA06467 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06467 cell Chao Pang DA01073 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01073 cell Chao Pang DA01074 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01074 cell Chao Pang DA01072 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01072 cell Chao Pang DA06484 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06484 cell Chao Pang DA01081 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01081 cell Chao Pang DA06485 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06485 cell Chao Pang DA06480 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06480 cell Chao Pang DA01079 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01079 cell Chao Pang DA01080 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01080 cell Chao Pang DA06483 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06483 cell Chao Pang DA01077 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01077 cell Chao Pang DA01078 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01078 cell Chao Pang DA06486 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06486 cell Chao Pang DA01075 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01075 cell Chao Pang DA01076 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01076 cell Chao Pang DA06475 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06475 cell Chao Pang DA06479 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06479 cell Chao Pang DA06478 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06478 cell Chao Pang DA06477 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06477 cell Chao Pang DA06476 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06476 cell Chao Pang DA01082 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01082 cell Chao Pang DA01083 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01083 cell Chao Pang DA01084 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01084 cell Chao Pang DA01085 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01085 cell Chao Pang DA01086 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01086 cell Chao Pang DA01087 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01087 cell Chao Pang DA01088 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01088 cell Chao Pang DA01092 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01092 cell Chao Pang DA01093 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01093 cell Chao Pang DA06494 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06494 cell Chao Pang DA06495 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06495 cell Chao Pang DA01095 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01095 cell Chao Pang DA06496 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06496 cell Chao Pang DA06497 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06497 cell Chao Pang DA06490 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06490 cell Chao Pang DA06489 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06489 cell Chao Pang DA06492 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06492 cell Chao Pang DA06491 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06491 cell Chao Pang DA06488 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06488 cell Chao Pang DA06487 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06487 cell Chao Pang DA01097 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01097 cell Chao Pang DA01100 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01100 cell Chao Pang DA01103 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01103 cell Chao Pang DA01098 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01098 cell Chao Pang DA01099 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01099 cell Chao Pang DA01106 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01106 cell Chao Pang DA01107 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01107 cell Chao Pang DA01104 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01104 cell Chao Pang DA01105 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01105 cell Chao Pang DA01108 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01108 cell Chao Pang GM18620 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18620 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18621 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18621 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18624 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18624 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18625 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18625 cell Chao Pang GM18622 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18622 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18623 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18623 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18628 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18628 cell Chao Pang GM18630 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18630 cell Chao Pang GM18626 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18626 cell Chao Pang GM18627 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18627 cell Chao Pang DA06393 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06393 cell Chao Pang DA06392 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06392 cell Chao Pang DA06397 CUSTOM SERVICES CELL LINES DA06397 cell Chao Pang DA06396 CUSTOM SERVICES CELL LINES DA06396 cell Chao Pang DA06400 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06400 cell Chao Pang DA06398 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06398 cell Chao Pang DA06404 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06404 cell Chao Pang DA06401 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06401 cell Chao Pang DA06406 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06406 cell Chao Pang DA06405 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06405 cell Chao Pang GM18619 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18619 cell Chao Pang GM18616 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18616 cell Chao Pang GM18615 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18615 cell Chao Pang GM18618 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18618 cell Chao Pang GM18617 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18617 cell Chao Pang GM18612 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18612 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18611 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18611 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18614 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18614 cell Chao Pang GM18613 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18613 cell Chao Pang GM18610 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18610 cell Chao Pang DA06428 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06428 cell Chao Pang DA06416 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06416 cell Chao Pang DA06415 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06415 cell Chao Pang DA06411 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06411 cell Chao Pang DA06436 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06436 cell Chao Pang DA06431 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06431 cell Chao Pang DA06430 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06430 cell Chao Pang DA06429 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06429 cell Chao Pang DA06437 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06437 cell Chao Pang GM18608 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18608 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18609 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18609 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18606 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18606 cell Chao Pang GM18605 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18605 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18603 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18603 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18602 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18602 cell Chao Pang GM18599 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18599 cell Chao Pang GM18597 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18597 cell Chao Pang GM18596 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18596 cell Chao Pang GM18595 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18595 cell Chao Pang DA06407 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06407 cell Chao Pang DA06446 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06446 cell Chao Pang DA06444 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06444 cell Chao Pang DA06448 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06448 cell Chao Pang DA06447 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06447 cell Chao Pang DA06441 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06441 cell Chao Pang DA06440 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06440 cell Chao Pang DA06443 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06443 cell Chao Pang DA06442 CUSTOM SERVICES CELL LINES DA06442 cell Chao Pang GM18592 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18592 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18593 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18593 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18594 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18594 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18571 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18571 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18573 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18573 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM18572 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18572 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18577 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18577 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18576 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18576 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18582 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18582 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18579 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18579 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA06438 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06438 cell Chao Pang DA06439 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06439 cell Chao Pang ND01314 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01314 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA06464 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06464 cell Chao Pang ND01315 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01315 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01316 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01316 cell Chao Pang DA06462 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06462 cell Chao Pang ND01317 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01317 cell Chao Pang DA06460 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06460 cell Chao Pang DA06459 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06459 cell Chao Pang ND01318 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01318 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01319 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01319 cell Chao Pang DA06458 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06458 cell Chao Pang DA06457 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06457 cell Chao Pang ND01320 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01320 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA06456 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06456 cell Chao Pang GM18566 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18566 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18570 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18570 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18563 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18563 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM18564 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18564 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18557 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18557 cell Chao Pang GM18555 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18555 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18562 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18562 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18561 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18561 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18559 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18559 cell Chao Pang GM18558 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18558 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA06454 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06454 cell Chao Pang DA06455 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06455 cell Chao Pang DA06452 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06452 cell Chao Pang ND01289 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01289 cell Chao Pang ND01291 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01291 cell Chao Pang ND01290 EPILEPSY ND01290 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM00080 MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM00080 cell OMIM: 252500 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM00081 MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM00081 cell OMIM: 252500 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM00082 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM00082 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM00083 XY FEMALE - 306100 OR 233420 GM00083 cell OMIM: 233420 Chao Pang GM00084 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM00084 cell Chao Pang GM00085 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00085 cell Chao Pang GM00086 MUS GM00086 cell Chao Pang GM00088 TURNER SYNDROME ISO X CHROMOSOME GM00088 cell Chao Pang GM00089 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00089 cell Chao Pang GM00090 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS GM00090 cell OMIM: 219800 Chao Pang GM00060 CANAVAN DISEASE ASPARTOACYLASE; ASPA GM00060 cell OMIM: 271900 OMIM: 608034 Chao Pang GM00068 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM00068 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM00057 PROPIONIC ACIDEMIA GM00057 cell OMIM: 606054 Chao Pang GM00059 HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA CANAVAN DISEASE ASPARTOACYLASE; ASPA GM00059 cell OMIM: 271900 OMIM: 606869 OMIM: 608034 Chao Pang GM00073 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00073 cell Chao Pang GM00074 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00074 cell Chao Pang GM00071 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00071 cell Chao Pang GM00072 WOLF-HIRSCHHORN SYNDROME; WHS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM00072 cell OMIM: 194190 Chao Pang GM00077 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA GM00077 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM00078 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM00078 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM00046 CYSTINOSIN; CTNS CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS GM00046 cell OMIM: 219800 OMIM: 606272 Chao Pang GM00047 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM00047 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM00048 XY FEMALE - 306100 OR 233420 GM00048 cell OMIM: 233420 Chao Pang GM00050 METHYLMALONICACIDURIA DUE TO METHYLMALONIC COA MUTASE DEFICIENCY GM00050 cell OMIM: 251000 Chao Pang GM00043 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00043 cell Chao Pang GM00044 CHROMOSOME DELETION TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00044 cell Chao Pang GM00045 CORNELIA DE LANGE SYNDROME 1; CDLS1 GM00045 cell OMIM: 122470 Chao Pang GM00053 GALACTOSEMIA GM00053 cell OMIM: 230400 Chao Pang GM00054 GALACTOSEMIA GM00054 cell OMIM: 230400 Chao Pang GM00056 PROPIONIC ACIDEMIA GM00056 cell OMIM: 606054 Chao Pang GM00036 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM00036 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM00037 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00037 cell Chao Pang GM00034 HURLER SYNDROME GM00034 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang GM00035 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM00035 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM00032 WILSON DISEASE GM00032 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM00033 WILSON DISEASE GM00033 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM00041 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00041 cell Chao Pang GM00042 HURLER SYNDROME GM00042 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang GM00038 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00038 cell Chao Pang GM00039 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM00039 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM00024 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00024 cell Chao Pang GM00023 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00023 cell Chao Pang GM00030 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM00030 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM00028 MYOPATHY WITH GIANT ABNORMAL MITOCHONDRIA GM00028 cell OMIM: 255140 Chao Pang GM00031 HURLER SYNDROME GM00031 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang GM00016 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM00016 cell OMIM: 248600 Chao Pang GM00018 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS GM00018 cell OMIM: 219800 Chao Pang GM00017 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00017 cell Chao Pang GM00022 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM00022 cell OMIM: 248600 Chao Pang GM00020 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS GM00020 cell OMIM: 219800 Chao Pang GM00010 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM00010 cell Chao Pang GM00008 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS CYSTINOSIN; CTNS GM00008 cell OMIM: 219800 OMIM: 606272 Chao Pang GM00007 PHENYLKETONURIA GM00007 cell OMIM: 261600 Chao Pang GM00006 PHENYLKETONURIA GM00006 cell OMIM: 261600 Chao Pang GM00013 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM00013 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM00011 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM00011 cell Chao Pang GM00005 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00005 cell Chao Pang GM00004 PHENYLKETONURIA GM00004 cell OMIM: 261600 Chao Pang GM00003 HURLER SYNDROME GM00003 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang DA06623 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06623 cell Chao Pang DA06621 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06621 cell Chao Pang DA06620 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06620 cell Chao Pang DA06622 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06622 cell Chao Pang DA06614 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06614 cell Chao Pang DA06613 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06613 cell Chao Pang DA06619 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06619 cell Chao Pang DA06618 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06618 cell Chao Pang DA06610 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06610 cell Chao Pang DA06612 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06612 cell Chao Pang DA06611 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06611 cell Chao Pang GM05219 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05219 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05235 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05235 cell Chao Pang GM05226 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05226 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05225 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05225 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05228 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05228 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05227 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05227 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05221 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05221 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05220 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05220 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05224 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05224 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05222 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05222 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05236 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05236 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05237 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05237 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05259 WILSON DISEASE GM05259 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05258 WILSON DISEASE GM05258 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05257 WILSON DISEASE GM05257 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05256 WILSON DISEASE GM05256 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05255 WILSON DISEASE GM05255 cell OMIM: 277900 Chao Pang GM05241 LEPRECHAUNISM GM05241 cell OMIM: 246200 Chao Pang GM05240 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05240 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05239 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05239 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05146 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE, TYPE 1A; CMT1A GM05146 cell OMIM: 118220 Chao Pang GM05147 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE, TYPE 1A; CMT1A GM05147 cell OMIM: 118220 Chao Pang GM05148 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE, TYPE 1A; CMT1A PERIPHERAL MYELIN PROTEIN 22; PMP22 GM05148 cell OMIM: 118220 OMIM: 601097 Chao Pang GM05149 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE, TYPE 1A; CMT1A PERIPHERAL MYELIN PROTEIN 22; PMP22 GM05149 cell OMIM: 118220 OMIM: 601097 Chao Pang GM05142 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM05142 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM05158 DYSTROPHIN; DMD MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05158 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05151 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM05151 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM05152 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM05152 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM05156 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05156 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05157 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIC GM05157 cell OMIM: 252930 Chao Pang DA00934 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00934 cell Chao Pang DA00933 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00933 cell Chao Pang DA00936 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00936 cell Chao Pang DA00935 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00935 cell Chao Pang GM05163 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM05163 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM05164 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM05164 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM05161 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05161 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05162 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM05162 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05159 DYSTROPHIN; DMD MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05159 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05160 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05160 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang DA00929 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00929 cell Chao Pang DA00930 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00930 cell Chao Pang DA00931 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00931 cell Chao Pang DA00932 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00932 cell Chao Pang GM05167 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE, TYPE 1A; CMT1A PERIPHERAL MYELIN PROTEIN 22; PMP22 GM05167 cell OMIM: 118220 OMIM: 601097 Chao Pang GM05168 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE, TYPE 1A; CMT1A PERIPHERAL MYELIN PROTEIN 22; PMP22 GM05168 cell OMIM: 118220 OMIM: 601097 Chao Pang GM05165 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE, TYPE 1A; CMT1A GM05165 cell OMIM: 118220 Chao Pang DA00927 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00927 cell Chao Pang GM05166 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE, TYPE 1A; CMT1A GM05166 cell OMIM: 118220 Chao Pang DA00928 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00928 cell Chao Pang DA00925 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00925 cell Chao Pang DA00924 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00924 cell Chao Pang DA00923 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00923 cell Chao Pang DA00922 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00922 cell Chao Pang DA00926 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00926 cell Chao Pang GM05169 DYSTROPHIN; DMD MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05169 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05170 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM05170 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05171 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05171 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05172 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05172 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05173 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05173 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05174 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05174 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05181 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT- 166200,166210,166220, OR 166230 GM05181 cell OMIM: 166200 Chao Pang GM05182 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT- 166200,166210,166220, OR 166230 GM05182 cell OMIM: 166200 Chao Pang DA00916 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00916 cell Chao Pang GM05183 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05183 cell Chao Pang GM05184 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05184 cell Chao Pang DA00920 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00920 cell Chao Pang DA00921 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00921 cell Chao Pang DA00917 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00917 cell Chao Pang DA00919 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00919 cell Chao Pang DA00911 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00911 cell Chao Pang DA00910 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00910 cell Chao Pang DA00913 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00913 cell Chao Pang DA00912 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00912 cell Chao Pang DA00915 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00915 cell Chao Pang DA00914 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00914 cell Chao Pang GM05209 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM05209 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM05211 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM05211 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM05185 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM05185 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM05208 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM05208 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM05215 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05215 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05216 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05216 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05212 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM05212 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM05213 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 GM05213 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang GM05217 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05217 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05218 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05218 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00906 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00906 cell Chao Pang DA00907 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00907 cell Chao Pang DA00908 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00908 cell Chao Pang DA00909 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00909 cell Chao Pang GM05104 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05104 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05093 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIID GM05093 cell OMIM: 252940 Chao Pang GM05106 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM05106 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM05105 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM05105 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM05108 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM05108 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang DA01039 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01039 cell Chao Pang DA01037 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01037 cell Chao Pang GM05107 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM05107 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM05110 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM05110 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang DA01036 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01036 cell Chao Pang GM05109 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM05109 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM05091 ICHTHYOSIS, TYPE UNKNOWN GM05091 cell Chao Pang GM05090 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM05090 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang DA01044 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01044 cell Chao Pang GM05089 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM05089 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang DA01045 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01045 cell Chao Pang DA01040 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01040 cell Chao Pang DA01043 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01043 cell Chao Pang DA01048 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01048 cell Chao Pang DA01046 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01046 cell Chao Pang DA01047 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01047 cell Chao Pang GM05076 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY WITH BETA-GALACTOSIDASE DEFICIENCY GM05076 cell OMIM: 256540 Chao Pang GM05074 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM05074 cell OMIM: 248600 Chao Pang GM05067 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 9 GM05067 cell Chao Pang GM05066 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 9 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM05066 cell Chao Pang DA01050 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01050 cell Chao Pang GM05088 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05088 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05087 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05087 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang DA01049 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01049 cell Chao Pang GM05082 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05082 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang DA01052 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01052 cell Chao Pang DA01051 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01051 cell Chao Pang GM05081 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05081 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05060 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM05060 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang DA01053 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01053 cell Chao Pang DA01055 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01055 cell Chao Pang DA01056 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01056 cell Chao Pang DA01057 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01057 cell Chao Pang DA01058 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01058 cell Chao Pang DA01059 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01059 cell Chao Pang GM05135 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05135 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA01004 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01004 cell Chao Pang GM05134 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM05134 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM05131 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM05131 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM05128 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05128 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05133 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05133 cell Chao Pang GM05132 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM05132 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM05125 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05125 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05124 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05124 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05127 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05127 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05126 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05126 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang DA01017 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01017 cell Chao Pang DA01014 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01014 cell Chao Pang DA01015 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01015 cell Chao Pang DA01011 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01011 cell Chao Pang DA01012 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01012 cell Chao Pang DA01008 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01008 cell Chao Pang DA01010 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01010 cell Chao Pang DA01005 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01005 cell Chao Pang DA01006 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01006 cell Chao Pang GM05123 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05123 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang DA01019 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01019 cell Chao Pang GM05119 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05119 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang DA01018 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01018 cell Chao Pang GM05118 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05118 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05117 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05117 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05116 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05116 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05115 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM05115 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05114 DYSTROPHIN; DMD MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05114 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05113 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM05113 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05112 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM05112 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05111 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM05111 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang DA01031 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01031 cell Chao Pang DA01032 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01032 cell Chao Pang DA01034 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01034 cell Chao Pang DA01035 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01035 cell Chao Pang DA01020 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01020 cell Chao Pang DA01022 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01022 cell Chao Pang DA01026 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01026 cell Chao Pang DA01028 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01028 cell Chao Pang DA00979 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00979 cell Chao Pang DA00977 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00977 cell Chao Pang DA00976 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00976 cell Chao Pang DA00986 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00986 cell Chao Pang DA00985 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00985 cell Chao Pang DA00984 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00984 cell Chao Pang DA00980 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00980 cell Chao Pang DA00989 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00989 cell Chao Pang DA00988 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00988 cell Chao Pang DA00987 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00987 cell Chao Pang DA00992 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00992 cell Chao Pang DA00991 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00991 cell Chao Pang DA00995 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00995 cell Chao Pang DA00994 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00994 cell Chao Pang DA00997 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00997 cell Chao Pang DA00996 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00996 cell Chao Pang DA00999 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00999 cell Chao Pang DA00998 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00998 cell Chao Pang DA01002 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01002 cell Chao Pang DA01000 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01000 cell Chao Pang DA00956 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00956 cell Chao Pang DA00955 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00955 cell Chao Pang DA00954 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00954 cell Chao Pang DA00950 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00950 cell Chao Pang DA00948 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00948 cell Chao Pang DA00961 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00961 cell Chao Pang DA00960 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00960 cell Chao Pang DA00959 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00959 cell Chao Pang DA00958 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00958 cell Chao Pang DA00957 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00957 cell Chao Pang DA00966 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00966 cell Chao Pang DA00964 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00964 cell Chao Pang DA00970 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00970 cell Chao Pang DA00968 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00968 cell Chao Pang DA00963 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00963 cell Chao Pang DA00962 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00962 cell Chao Pang DA00973 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00973 cell Chao Pang DA00972 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00972 cell Chao Pang DA00975 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00975 cell Chao Pang DA00974 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00974 cell Chao Pang DA00943 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00943 cell Chao Pang DA00944 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00944 cell Chao Pang DA00941 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00941 cell Chao Pang DA00942 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00942 cell Chao Pang DA00945 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00945 cell Chao Pang DA00946 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00946 cell Chao Pang DA00939 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00939 cell Chao Pang DA00940 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00940 cell Chao Pang DA00937 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00937 cell Chao Pang DA00938 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00938 cell Chao Pang DA06604 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06604 cell Chao Pang DA06605 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06605 cell Chao Pang DA06607 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06607 cell Chao Pang DA06608 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06608 cell Chao Pang DA06609 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06609 cell Chao Pang DA06598 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06598 cell Chao Pang DA06600 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06600 cell Chao Pang DA06599 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06599 cell Chao Pang DA06602 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06602 cell Chao Pang DA06601 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06601 cell Chao Pang DA06586 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06586 cell Chao Pang DA06585 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06585 cell Chao Pang DA06587 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06587 cell Chao Pang DA06582 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06582 cell Chao Pang DA06579 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06579 cell Chao Pang DA06584 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06584 cell Chao Pang DA06583 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06583 cell Chao Pang DA06574 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06574 cell Chao Pang DA06577 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06577 cell Chao Pang DA06578 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06578 cell Chao Pang DA06597 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06597 cell Chao Pang DA06596 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06596 cell Chao Pang DA06595 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06595 cell Chao Pang DA06594 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06594 cell Chao Pang DA06593 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06593 cell Chao Pang DA06592 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06592 cell Chao Pang DA06590 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06590 cell Chao Pang DA06591 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06591 cell Chao Pang DA06588 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06588 cell Chao Pang DA06589 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06589 cell Chao Pang DA06563 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06563 cell Chao Pang DA06556 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06556 cell Chao Pang DA06555 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06555 cell Chao Pang DA06558 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06558 cell Chao Pang DA06557 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06557 cell Chao Pang DA06560 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06560 cell Chao Pang DA06559 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06559 cell Chao Pang DA06562 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06562 cell Chao Pang DA06561 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06561 cell Chao Pang DA06554 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06554 cell Chao Pang DA06569 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06569 cell Chao Pang DA06568 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06568 cell Chao Pang DA06567 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06567 cell Chao Pang DA06566 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06566 cell Chao Pang DA06573 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06573 cell Chao Pang DA06572 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06572 cell Chao Pang DA06571 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06571 cell Chao Pang DA06570 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06570 cell Chao Pang DA06564 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06564 cell Chao Pang DA06565 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA06565 cell Chao Pang GM00242 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM00242 cell OMIM: 248600 Chao Pang GM00241 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM00241 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM00244 GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM00244 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM00243 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM00243 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM00267 KRABBE DISEASE GM00267 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM00260 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM00260 cell Chao Pang GM00248 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM00248 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM00245 MENKES SYNDROME GM00245 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM00257 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00257 cell Chao Pang GM00254 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM00254 cell Chao Pang GM00220 MENKES SYNDROME GM00220 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM00216 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00216 cell Chao Pang GM00215 CRICETULUS GM00215 cell Chao Pang GM00235 CITRULLINEMIA GM00235 cell OMIM: 215700 LPC-1021 only one copy of the SMN2 gene; homozygous for deletion of exons 7 and 8 of the SMN1 gene Chao Pang, Oliver He, Daniel Cooper GM-232 GM00232 Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Coriell Cell Repository; Cell provider catalog number: Coriell Cell Repository SPINAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY I; SMA1 GM00232 cell RRID:CVCL_Y965 OMIM: 253300 Chao Pang GM00230 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00230 cell Chao Pang GM00229 CHONDRODYSTROPHY GM00229 cell Chao Pang GM00228 ZELLWEGER SYNDROME; ZS GM00228 cell OMIM: 214100 Chao Pang GM00226 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE III GM00226 cell OMIM: 232400 Chao Pang GM00221 HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM00221 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM00291 FUCOSIDOSIS GM00291 cell OMIM: 230000 Chao Pang GM00290 FUCOSIDOSIS GM00290 cell OMIM: 230000 Chao Pang GM00294 SANDHOFF DISEASE GM00294 cell OMIM: 268800 Chao Pang GM00292 FUCOSIDOSIS GM00292 cell OMIM: 230000 Chao Pang GM00297 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM00297 cell OMIM: 248600 Chao Pang GM00296 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM00296 cell OMIM: 248600 Chao Pang GM00302 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00302 cell Chao Pang GM00298 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM00298 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM00304 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS GM00304 cell OMIM: 219800 Chao Pang GM00303 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE III GM00303 cell OMIM: 232400 Chao Pang GM00268 KRABBE DISEASE GM00268 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM00282 FRUCTOSE-1,6-BISPHOPHATASE 1; FBP1 GM00282 cell OMIM: 229700 Chao Pang GM00275 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00275 cell Chao Pang GM00271 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00271 cell Chao Pang GM00269 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM00269 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang GM00288 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00288 cell Chao Pang GM00286 TYROSINEMIA, TYPE I GM00286 cell OMIM: 276700 Chao Pang GM00285 RING CHROMOSOME GM00285 cell Chao Pang GM00283 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM00283 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM00289 FUCOSIDOSIS GM00289 cell OMIM: 230000 Chao Pang GM00337 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM00337 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang GM00338 GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM00338 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM00333 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00333 cell Chao Pang GM00334 GALACTOKINASE DEFICIENCY GM00334 cell OMIM: 230200 Chao Pang GM00335 GALACTOKINASE DEFICIENCY GM00335 cell OMIM: 230200 Chao Pang GM00336 GALACTOKINASE DEFICIENCY GM00336 cell OMIM: 230200 Chao Pang GM00325 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM00325 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM00326 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC XXXY AND XXXXY SYNDROME GM00326 cell Chao Pang GM00327 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00327 cell Chao Pang GM00328 OROTICACIDURIA TYPES I OR II - 258900 OR 258920 GM00328 cell OMIM: 258900 Chao Pang GM00324 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM00324 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM00321 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00321 cell Chao Pang GM00323 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00323 cell Chao Pang GM00317 SANDHOFF DISEASE GM00317 cell OMIM: 268800 Chao Pang GM00318 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM00318 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM00314 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM00314 cell Chao Pang GM00316 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00316 cell Chao Pang GM00306 METHYLMALONICACIDURIA, VITAMIN B12-RESPONSIVE, DUE TO DEFECT IN SYNTHESIS OF ADENOSYLCOBALAMIN--CBL A GM00306 cell OMIM: 251100 Chao Pang GM00312 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA GM00312 cell OMIM: 252900 Chao Pang GM00305 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM00305 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM00366 RECOMBINANT CHROMOSOME GM00366 cell Chao Pang GM00367 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM00367 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM00368 FANCONI ANEMIA COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM00368 cell Chao Pang GM00369 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; FANCA GM00369 cell OMIM: 607139 Chao Pang GM00370 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE A GM00370 cell OMIM: 257200 Chao Pang GM00371 PROPIONIC ACIDEMIA GM00371 cell OMIM: 606054 Chao Pang GM00372 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE I GM00372 cell OMIM: 230800 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM00376 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM00376 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM00364 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD GM00364 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM00362 BRUTON AGAMMAGLOBULINEMIA TYROSINE KINASE; BTK GM00362 cell OMIM: 300300 Chao Pang GM00359 BECKWITH-WIEDEMANN SYNDROME; BWS GM00359 cell OMIM: 130650 Chao Pang GM00344 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00344 cell Chao Pang GM00345 CRICETULUS GM00345 cell Chao Pang GM00342 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00342 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00343 WOLF-HIRSCHHORN SYNDROME; WHS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM00343 cell OMIM: 194190 Chao Pang GM00348 CRICETULUS GM00348 cell Chao Pang GM00357 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM00357 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM00346 MUS GM00346 cell Chao Pang GM00347 MUS GM00347 cell Chao Pang GM00339 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME TURNER SYNDROME GM00339 cell Chao Pang GM04939 TRIPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER GM04939 cell Chao Pang GM04940 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM04940 cell Chao Pang GM04942 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM04942 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM04946 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM04946 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM04931 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM04931 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM04932 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM04932 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang GM04933 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM04933 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang GM04934 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM04934 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang GM04937 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM04937 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM04938 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM04938 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM04972 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM04972 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM04960 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04960 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04965 TRISOMY 21 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM04965 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM04949 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM04949 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM04950 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM04950 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM04948 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM04948 cell Chao Pang GM04957 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04957 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04959 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04959 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04952 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM04952 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM04956 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04956 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04910 MACROCEPHALY, MULTIPLE LIPOMAS, AND HEMANGIOMATA GM04910 cell OMIM: 153480 Chao Pang GM04911 KNIEST DYSPLASIA GM04911 cell OMIM: 156550 Chao Pang GM04901 GLUCOCORTICOID RECEPTOR; GRL GM04901 cell OMIM: 138040 Chao Pang GM04902 GLUCOCORTICOID RECEPTOR; GRL GM04902 cell OMIM: 138040 Chao Pang GM04903 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM04903 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang GM04904 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM04904 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang GM04897 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04897 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04898 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04898 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04899 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04899 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04900 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04900 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04930 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM04930 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM04927 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY TRISOMY 21 GM04927 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM04928 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY TRISOMY 21 GM04928 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM04921 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04921 cell Chao Pang GM04926 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM04926 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM04915 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04915 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04916 MULTIPLE SULFATASE DEFICIENCY GM04916 cell OMIM: 272200 Chao Pang GM04913 KRABBE DISEASE GM04913 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM04914 KRABBE DISEASE GM04914 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM04912 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM04912 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM05030 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05030 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05023 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05023 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05041 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM05041 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM05031 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM05031 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM05043 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM05043 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM05042 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM05042 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM05045 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM05045 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM05044 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM05044 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM19122 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19122 cell Chao Pang GM19121 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19121 cell Chao Pang GM19120 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19120 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19129 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19129 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19128 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19128 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19127 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19127 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19123 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19123 cell Chao Pang GM19132 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19132 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19131 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM19131 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19130 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19130 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM05017 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM05017 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05022 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM05022 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM05052 BETA GLOBIN REGION RESTRICTION POLYMORPHISMS GM05052 cell Chao Pang GM05051 BETA GLOBIN REGION RESTRICTION POLYMORPHISMS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05051 cell Chao Pang GM05050 BETA GLOBIN REGION RESTRICTION POLYMORPHISMS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM05050 cell Chao Pang GM05049 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE BETA GLOBIN REGION RESTRICTION POLYMORPHISMS GM05049 cell Chao Pang GM05059 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM05059 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM05058 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM05058 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM05057 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM05057 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM19138 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM19138 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19137 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM19137 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19140 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19140 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19139 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19139 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19142 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19142 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19141 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19141 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19144 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19144 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19143 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19143 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19146 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19146 cell Chao Pang GM19145 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19145 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM05047 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM05047 cell Chao Pang GM05048 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE BETA GLOBIN REGION RESTRICTION POLYMORPHISMS GM05048 cell Chao Pang GM05046 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM05046 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM04986 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM04986 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM04985 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM04985 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM04994 PSEUDOXANTHOMA ELASTICUM, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; PXE ATP-BINDING CASSETTE, SUBFAMILY C, MEMBER 6; ABCC6 GM04994 cell OMIM: 264800 OMIM: 603234 Chao Pang GM04993 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04993 cell Chao Pang GM04981 DYSTROPHIN; DMD MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM04981 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM04978 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM04978 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM04984 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM04984 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM04982 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM04982 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM04997 DYGGVE-MELCHIOR-CLAUSEN DISEASE GM04997 cell OMIM: 223800 Chao Pang GM04996 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM04996 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM00201 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME TRISOMY 21 GM00201 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM00203 SANDHOFF DISEASE GM00203 cell OMIM: 268800 Chao Pang GM00197 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM00197 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM00200 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM00200 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM00213 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00213 cell Chao Pang GM00214 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM00214 cell Chao Pang GM00204 SANDHOFF DISEASE GM00204 cell OMIM: 268800 Chao Pang GM00212 METHYLMALONICACIDURIA, VITAMIN B12-RESPONSIVE, DUE TO DEFECT IN SYNTHESIS OF ADENOSYLCOBALAMIN--CBL A GM00212 cell OMIM: 251100 Chao Pang GM00194 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00194 cell Chao Pang GM00196 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM00196 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM05011 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05011 cell Chao Pang GM05010 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM05010 cell Chao Pang GM05009 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC XXXXX SYNDROME GM05009 cell Chao Pang GM05008 PROTOPORPHYRIA, ERYTHROPOIETIC GM05008 cell OMIM: 177000 Chao Pang GM05007 PROTOPORPHYRIA, ERYTHROPOIETIC GM05007 cell OMIM: 177000 Chao Pang GM05005 PROTOPORPHYRIA, ERYTHROPOIETIC GM05005 cell OMIM: 177000 Chao Pang GM05004 HARTNUP DISORDER SOLUTE CARRIER FAMILY 6 (NEUROTRANSMITTER TRANSPORTER), MEMBER 19; SLC6A19 GM05004 cell OMIM: 234500 Chao Pang GM05003 HARTNUP DISORDER SOLUTE CARRIER FAMILY 6 (NEUROTRANSMITTER TRANSPORTER), MEMBER 19; SLC6A19 GM05003 cell OMIM: 234500 Chao Pang GM05016 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD DYSTROPHIN; DMD GM05016 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM19113 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19113 cell Chao Pang GM19109 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19109 cell Chao Pang GM19115 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19115 cell Chao Pang GM19114 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19114 cell Chao Pang GM19108 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19108 cell Chao Pang GM19107 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19107 cell Chao Pang GM05002 GLUTARICACIDEMIA I GM05002 cell OMIM: 231670 Chao Pang GM19117 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19117 cell Chao Pang GM19116 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19116 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19119 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM19119 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19118 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19118 cell Chao Pang DA01409 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01409 cell Chao Pang DA01408 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01408 cell Chao Pang DA01407 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01407 cell Chao Pang GM19028 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19028 cell Chao Pang DA01406 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01406 cell Chao Pang GM19020 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19020 cell Chao Pang DA01405 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01405 cell Chao Pang DA01402 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01402 cell Chao Pang GM19027 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19027 cell Chao Pang GM19015 CALCINOSIS, TUMORAL, WITH HYPERPHOSPHATEMIA GM19015 cell OMIM: 211900 Chao Pang DA01401 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01401 cell Chao Pang DA01400 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01400 cell Chao Pang GM19016 CALCINOSIS, TUMORAL, WITH HYPERPHOSPHATEMIA GM19016 cell OMIM: 211900 Chao Pang GM19012 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM19012 cell Chao Pang DA01399 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01399 cell Chao Pang GM19014 CALCINOSIS, TUMORAL, WITH HYPERPHOSPHATEMIA GM19014 cell OMIM: 211900 Chao Pang DA01398 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01398 cell Chao Pang GM19010 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19010 cell Chao Pang GM19009 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19009 cell Chao Pang GM19007 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19007 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01420 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01420 cell Chao Pang DA01416 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01416 cell Chao Pang GM19001 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19001 cell Chao Pang DA01415 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01415 cell Chao Pang GM19002 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19002 cell Chao Pang GM19003 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19003 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01419 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01419 cell Chao Pang GM19005 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19005 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01417 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01417 cell Chao Pang GM18997 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18997 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01412 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01412 cell Chao Pang GM18998 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18998 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01411 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01411 cell Chao Pang DA01414 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01414 cell Chao Pang GM18999 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18999 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19000 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19000 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01413 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01413 cell Chao Pang GM18995 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18995 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18994 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18994 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01410 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01410 cell Chao Pang GM18993 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18993 cell Chao Pang DA01431 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01431 cell Chao Pang GM18980 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18980 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01429 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01429 cell Chao Pang GM18981 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18981 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01428 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01428 cell Chao Pang GM18978 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18978 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18979 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18979 cell Chao Pang DA01427 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01427 cell Chao Pang GM18991 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18991 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01436 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01436 cell Chao Pang GM18992 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18992 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01435 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01435 cell Chao Pang DA01434 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01434 cell Chao Pang GM18987 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18987 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01433 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01433 cell Chao Pang GM18990 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18990 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18977 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18977 cell Chao Pang DA01424 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01424 cell Chao Pang DA01426 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01426 cell Chao Pang GM18975 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18975 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18976 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM18976 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM18967 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18967 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18968 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18968 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18969 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18969 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18970 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18970 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18971 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18971 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18972 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18972 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18973 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18973 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18974 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18974 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19093 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19093 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19092 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19092 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19088 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19088 cell Chao Pang GM04868 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04868 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04876 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04876 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04869 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04869 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04895 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04895 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM19086 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19086 cell Chao Pang GM19087 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19087 cell Chao Pang GM04894 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04894 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM19084 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19084 cell Chao Pang GM19085 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19085 cell Chao Pang GM04896 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM04896 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM19082 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19082 cell Chao Pang GM04886 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04886 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM19083 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19083 cell Chao Pang GM04877 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04877 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04890 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04890 cell Chao Pang GM04887 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04887 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM19081 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19081 cell Chao Pang GM19078 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19078 cell Chao Pang GM19077 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19077 cell Chao Pang GM19080 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19080 cell Chao Pang GM19079 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19079 cell Chao Pang GM04859 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04859 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04858 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04858 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04867 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04867 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM19072 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19072 cell Chao Pang GM19074 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19074 cell Chao Pang GM04866 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04866 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04865 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04865 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM19075 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19075 cell Chao Pang GM19076 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19076 cell Chao Pang GM04864 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04864 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04863 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA GM04863 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606463 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM04862 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM04862 cell Chao Pang GM19068 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19068 cell Chao Pang GM04861 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04861 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM04860 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM04860 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM19070 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19070 cell Chao Pang GM19066 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19066 cell Chao Pang GM19065 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19065 cell Chao Pang GM19064 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19064 cell Chao Pang GM19063 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19063 cell Chao Pang GM19067 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19067 cell Chao Pang GM19057 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19057 cell Chao Pang GM19060 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19060 cell Chao Pang GM19062 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19062 cell Chao Pang GM19058 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19058 cell Chao Pang GM19059 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19059 cell Chao Pang GM19044 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19044 cell Chao Pang GM19041 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19041 cell Chao Pang GM19054 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19054 cell Chao Pang GM19046 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19046 cell Chao Pang GM19056 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM19056 cell Chao Pang GM19055 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM19055 cell Chao Pang GM19031 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19031 cell Chao Pang GM19035 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19035 cell Chao Pang GM19036 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19036 cell Chao Pang GM19038 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19038 cell Chao Pang GM00097 SIMPSON-GOLABI-BEHMEL SYNDROME, TYPE 1; SGBS1 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00097 cell OMIM: 312870 Chao Pang GM00098 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00098 cell Chao Pang GM00109 RING CHROMOSOME GM00109 cell Chao Pang GM00107 FABRY DISEASE GM00107 cell OMIM: 301500 Chao Pang GM00111 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE III GM00111 cell OMIM: 232400 Chao Pang GM00110 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM00110 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM00113 MUCOLIPIDOSIS IIIA N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM00113 cell OMIM: 252600 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM00112 SPHINGOMYELIN PHOSPHODIESTERASE 1, ACID LYSOSOMAL; SMPD1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE A GM00112 cell OMIM: 257200 OMIM: 607608 Chao Pang GM00119 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00119 cell Chao Pang GM00118 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00118 cell Chao Pang GM00121 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VII GM00121 cell OMIM: 253220 Chao Pang GM00126 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00126 cell Chao Pang GM00120 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM00120 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM00135 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM00135 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang DA01330 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01330 cell Chao Pang DA01329 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01329 cell Chao Pang GM00132 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM00132 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang DA01328 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01328 cell Chao Pang GM00131 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00131 cell Chao Pang GM00130 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM00130 cell OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang DA01327 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01327 cell Chao Pang DA01326 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01326 cell Chao Pang GM00142 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM00142 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang DA01325 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01325 cell Chao Pang GM00140 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM00140 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang DA01324 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01324 cell Chao Pang DA01323 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01323 cell Chao Pang GM00137 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00137 cell Chao Pang DA01322 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01322 cell Chao Pang DA01331 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01331 cell Chao Pang GM00143 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM00143 cell Chao Pang GM00144 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME TRISOMY 21 GM00144 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM00149 GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GALACTOSEMIA GM00149 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM00151 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VII GM00151 cell OMIM: 253220 Chao Pang GM00166 RING CHROMOSOME GM00166 cell Chao Pang DA01335 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01335 cell Chao Pang GM00165 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE: TYPE UNSPECIFIED GM00165 cell Chao Pang DA01334 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01334 cell Chao Pang DA01338 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01338 cell Chao Pang DA01337 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01337 cell Chao Pang DA01341 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01341 cell Chao Pang GM00156 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIB N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINIDASE, ALPHA-; NAGLU GM00156 cell OMIM: 252920 Chao Pang DA01339 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01339 cell Chao Pang GM00152 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM00152 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM00159 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM00159 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang DA01344 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01344 cell Chao Pang DA01342 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01342 cell Chao Pang GM00157 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME XXXY AND XXXXY SYNDROME GM00157 cell Chao Pang DA01333 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01333 cell Chao Pang DA01332 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01332 cell Chao Pang GM19097 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19097 cell Chao Pang GM19096 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19096 cell Chao Pang GM19095 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19095 cell Chao Pang GM19094 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19094 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19101 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM19101 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19100 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM19100 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19099 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19099 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19098 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19098 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01351 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01351 cell Chao Pang DA01350 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01350 cell Chao Pang DA01349 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01349 cell Chao Pang DA01348 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01348 cell Chao Pang DA01354 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01354 cell Chao Pang DA01353 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01353 cell Chao Pang DA01352 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01352 cell Chao Pang GM19102 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19102 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19103 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19103 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01347 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01347 cell Chao Pang DA01346 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01346 cell Chao Pang DA01345 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01345 cell Chao Pang DA01355 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01355 cell Chao Pang DA01356 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01356 cell Chao Pang DA01357 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01357 cell Chao Pang DA01358 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01358 cell Chao Pang DA01365 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01365 cell Chao Pang DA01366 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01366 cell Chao Pang DA01359 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01359 cell Chao Pang DA01360 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01360 cell Chao Pang DA01363 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01363 cell Chao Pang DA01364 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01364 cell Chao Pang DA01370 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01370 cell Chao Pang DA01371 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01371 cell Chao Pang DA01368 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01368 cell Chao Pang DA01369 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01369 cell Chao Pang DA01367 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01367 cell Chao Pang DA01376 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01376 cell Chao Pang DA01374 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01374 cell Chao Pang DA01375 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01375 cell Chao Pang DA01372 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01372 cell Chao Pang DA01373 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01373 cell Chao Pang DA01377 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01377 cell Chao Pang DA01378 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01378 cell Chao Pang DA01379 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01379 cell Chao Pang DA01381 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01381 cell Chao Pang DA01382 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01382 cell Chao Pang DA01383 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01383 cell Chao Pang DA01384 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01384 cell Chao Pang DA01385 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01385 cell Chao Pang DA01386 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01386 cell Chao Pang DA01387 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01387 cell Chao Pang DA01389 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01389 cell Chao Pang DA01390 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01390 cell Chao Pang DA01388 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01388 cell Chao Pang DA01393 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01393 cell Chao Pang DA01394 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01394 cell Chao Pang DA01391 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01391 cell Chao Pang DA01392 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01392 cell Chao Pang DA01397 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01397 cell Chao Pang DA01395 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01395 cell Chao Pang DA01396 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01396 cell Chao Pang GM00522 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM00522 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM00520 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM00520 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang GM00523 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM00523 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM00511 CRICETULUS GM00511 cell Chao Pang GM00513 FIBRODYSPLASIA OSSIFICANS PROGRESSIVA; FOP GM00513 cell OMIM: 135100 Chao Pang GM00512 HURLER-SCHEIE SYNDROME GM00512 cell OMIM: 607015 Chao Pang GM00515 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA GM00515 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM00514 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM00514 cell OMIM: 272800 Chao Pang GM00519 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM00519 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang GM00517 ADENINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE; APRT 2,8-@DIHYDROXYADENINE UROLITHIASIS, INCLUDED GM00517 cell OMIM: 102600 Chao Pang GM00510 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM00510 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM00509 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM00509 cell Chao Pang GM00504 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM00504 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM00503 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 13 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM00503 cell Chao Pang GM00498 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00498 cell Chao Pang GM00497 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00497 cell Chao Pang GM00502 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA GM00502 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM00501 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00501 cell Chao Pang GM00500 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00500 cell Chao Pang GM00499 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00499 cell Chao Pang GM00496 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 8 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM00496 cell Chao Pang GM00490 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD GM00490 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM00489 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS GM00489 cell OMIM: 219800 Chao Pang GM00495 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00495 cell Chao Pang GM00492 INCONTINENTIA PIGMENTI; IP GM00492 cell OMIM: 308300 Chao Pang GM00483 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM00483 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM00480 CUTIS LAXA GM00480 cell OMIM: 219100 Chao Pang GM00488 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM00488 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM00486 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM00486 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM00479 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00479 cell Chao Pang GM11255 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM11255 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM11258 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM11258 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM11260 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM11260 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM11271 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11271 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11270 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM11270 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM00477 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00477 cell Chao Pang GM00474 APPARENTLY HEALTHY AMNIOTIC FLUID CELL CULTURE GM00474 cell Chao Pang GM11269 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11269 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11266 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM11266 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM00473 APPARENTLY HEALTHY AMNIOTIC FLUID CELL CULTURE GM00473 cell Chao Pang GM00472 APPARENTLY HEALTHY AMNIOTIC FLUID CELL CULTURE GM00472 cell Chao Pang GM11265 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM11265 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM00470 SANDHOFF DISEASE GM00470 cell OMIM: 268800 Chao Pang GM11264 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM11264 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM11261 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM11261 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM00469 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM00469 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM00468 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM00468 cell Chao Pang GM00467 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM00467 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM00459 CRICETULUS GM00459 cell Chao Pang GM00458 CRICETULUS GM00458 cell Chao Pang GM11274 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11274 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11275 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11275 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11272 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM11272 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11273 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM11273 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11277 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11277 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11278 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11278 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11279 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11279 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11280 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11280 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11281 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11281 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11282 HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11282 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11283 HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11283 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11285 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11285 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11284 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11284 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11287 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11287 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11286 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11286 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM00584 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00584 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00585 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00585 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00579 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VI GM00579 cell OMIM: 232700 Chao Pang GM00583 HYPERPYRUVICACIDEMIA GM00583 cell Chao Pang GM00594 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00594 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00595 METHYLMALONICACIDURIA, VITAMIN B12-RESPONSIVE, DUE TO DEFECT IN SYNTHESIS OF ADENOSYLCOBALAMIN--CBL A GM00595 cell OMIM: 251100 Chao Pang GM00589 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00589 cell Chao Pang GM00593 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IVA GM00593 cell OMIM: 253000 Chao Pang GM11291 FUCOSIDOSIS GM11291 cell OMIM: 230000 Chao Pang GM11292 TYROSINASE; TYR ALBINISM I GM11292 cell OMIM: 203100 OMIM: 606933 Chao Pang GM11288 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11288 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11290 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM11290 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11293 ALBINISM: TYPE UNKNOWN GM11293 cell Chao Pang GM11296 ALBINISM I TYROSINASE; TYR GM11296 cell OMIM: 203100 OMIM: 606933 Chao Pang GM11294 ALBINISM: TYPE UNKNOWN GM11294 cell Chao Pang GM11300 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM11300 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11299 RETT SYNDROME; RTT METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 GM11299 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11298 METHYL-CPG-BINDING PROTEIN 2; MECP2 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11298 cell OMIM: 300005 OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11297 ALBINISM I TYROSINASE; TYR GM11297 cell OMIM: 203100 OMIM: 606933 Chao Pang GM00578 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE III GM00578 cell OMIM: 232400 Chao Pang GM00577 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE V GM00577 cell OMIM: 232600 Chao Pang GM00572 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE IV GM00572 cell OMIM: 232500 Chao Pang GM00573 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE III GM00573 cell OMIM: 232400 Chao Pang GM00574 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE I GM00574 cell OMIM: 232200 Chao Pang GM00575 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) GM00575 cell OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM00559 SPHINGOMYELIN PHOSPHODIESTERASE 1, ACID LYSOSOMAL; SMPD1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE A GM00559 cell OMIM: 257200 OMIM: 607608 Chao Pang GM00562 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM00562 cell Chao Pang GM00563 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM00563 cell Chao Pang GM00568 ASPARTYLGLUCOSAMINURIA GM00568 cell OMIM: 208400 Chao Pang GM00576 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE III GM00576 cell OMIM: 232400 Chao Pang GM11301 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11301 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11302 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11302 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11303 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11303 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11304 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11304 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11310 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11310 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11308 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11308 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11312 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11312 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11311 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11311 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11305 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11305 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11307 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11307 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11306 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11306 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM00558 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00558 cell Chao Pang GM00537 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM00537 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM00538 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM00538 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang GM00533 ARGININOSUCCINICACIDURIA GM00533 cell OMIM: 207900 Chao Pang GM00536 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00536 cell Chao Pang GM00527 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA GM00527 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang GM00528 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM00528 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM00525 ARGININOSUCCINICACIDURIA GM00525 cell OMIM: 207900 Chao Pang GM00526 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 13 GM00526 cell Chao Pang GM11315 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11315 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM00540 ARGININOSUCCINICACIDURIA GM00540 cell OMIM: 207900 Chao Pang GM11313 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11313 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM11314 RETT SYNDROME; RTT GM11314 cell OMIM: 312750 Chao Pang GM00544 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM00544 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM11323 CHINESE POPULATION GM11323 cell Chao Pang GM11322 CHINESE POPULATION GM11322 cell Chao Pang GM11321 CHINESE POPULATION GM11321 cell Chao Pang GM11320 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF GM11320 cell OMIM: 201450 Chao Pang GM11319 ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, DEFICIENCY OF ACYL-COA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN; ACADM GM11319 cell OMIM: 201450 OMIM: 607008 Chao Pang GM11318 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11318 cell Chao Pang GM11317 ACHONDROPLASIA; ACH GM11317 cell OMIM: 100800 Chao Pang GM11316 ACHONDROPLASIA; ACH GM11316 cell OMIM: 100800 Chao Pang GM11327 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11327 cell Chao Pang GM11330 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11330 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11331 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11331 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11328 PENA-SHOKEIR SYNDROME, TYPE I GM11328 cell OMIM: 208150 Chao Pang GM11329 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11329 cell Chao Pang GM11335 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY, AUTOSOMAL NEONATAL FORM PEROXISOME BIOGENESIS FACTOR 26; PEX26 GM11335 cell OMIM: 202370 OMIM: 608666 Chao Pang GM11337 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC XYY SYNDROME GM11337 cell Chao Pang GM11332 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11332 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11333 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11333 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11325 CHINESE POPULATION GM11325 cell Chao Pang GM11324 CHINESE POPULATION GM11324 cell Chao Pang GM11345 TYROSINASE; TYR ALBINISM I GM11345 cell OMIM: 203100 OMIM: 606933 Chao Pang GM11346 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11346 cell Chao Pang GM11347 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 1; RCDP1 GM11347 cell OMIM: 215100 Chao Pang GM11348 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 1; RCDP1 GM11348 cell OMIM: 215100 Chao Pang GM11349 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 1; RCDP1 GM11349 cell OMIM: 215100 Chao Pang GM11351 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 1; RCDP1 GM11351 cell OMIM: 215100 Chao Pang GM11370 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM11370 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM11373 CAMBODIAN POPULATION GM11373 cell Chao Pang GM11376 CAMBODIAN POPULATION GM11376 cell Chao Pang GM11377 CAMBODIAN POPULATION GM11377 cell Chao Pang GM11338 RING CHROMOSOME GM11338 cell Chao Pang GM11381 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM11381 cell OMIM: 248600 Chao Pang GM11382 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11382 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM11380 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM11380 cell Chao Pang GM11390 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM11390 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM11388 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11388 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM11389 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM11389 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM11386 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM11386 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM11387 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM11387 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM11383 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM11383 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM11385 CHROMOSOME DELETION PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM11385 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM11391 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM11391 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM11392 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM11392 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM11393 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS GM11393 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM11394 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB GM11394 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang GM11404 ANGELMAN SYNDROME; AS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11404 cell OMIM: 105830 Chao Pang GM11405 ANGELMAN SYNDROME; AS GM11405 cell OMIM: 105830 Chao Pang GM11397 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM11397 cell Chao Pang GM11401 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11401 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11402 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM11402 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM11403 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM11403 cell Chao Pang GM00443 GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM00443 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM00444 PYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE DEFICIENCY GM00444 cell OMIM: 266150 Chao Pang GM00442 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GALACTOSEMIA GM00442 cell OMIM: 230400 Chao Pang GM00448 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM00448 cell Chao Pang GM00449 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; FANCC GM00449 cell OMIM: 227645 Chao Pang GM00445 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM00445 cell Chao Pang GM00447 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM00447 cell Chao Pang GM00452 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM00452 cell Chao Pang GM00450 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM00450 cell Chao Pang GM00451 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM00451 cell Chao Pang GM00425 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 8 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM00425 cell Chao Pang GM00432 GOUT GM00432 cell OMIM: 138900 Chao Pang GM00433 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM00433 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM00434 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM00434 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM00435 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 2; ERCC2 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM00435 cell OMIM: 126340 OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM00436 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 2; ERCC2 GM00436 cell OMIM: 126340 OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM00437 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM00437 cell Chao Pang GM00438 GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GALACTOSEMIA GM00438 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM00439 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM00439 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM00440 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM00440 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM00441 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM00441 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM00409 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00409 cell Chao Pang GM00423 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00423 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00424 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00424 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00417 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00417 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00422 GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GALACTOSEMIA GM00422 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM00414 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM00414 cell Chao Pang GM00415 HURLER SYNDROME GM00415 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang GM00412 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM00412 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM00413 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM00413 cell Chao Pang GM18965 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18965 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18964 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18964 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18966 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18966 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18956 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18956 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18959 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM18959 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM18957 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18957 cell Chao Pang GM18961 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18961 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18960 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18960 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18963 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18963 cell Chao Pang GM18962 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18962 cell Chao Pang DA01287 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01287 cell Chao Pang GM18633 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18633 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18634 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18634 cell Chao Pang DA01286 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01286 cell Chao Pang GM18631 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18631 cell Chao Pang DA01285 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01285 cell Chao Pang GM18632 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18632 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01282 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01282 cell Chao Pang GM18637 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18637 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA01293 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01293 cell Chao Pang GM18638 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18638 cell Chao Pang DA01292 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01292 cell Chao Pang DA01290 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01290 cell Chao Pang GM18635 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18635 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang DA01289 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01289 cell Chao Pang GM18636 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18636 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18639 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18639 cell Chao Pang GM18640 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18640 cell Chao Pang DA01294 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01294 cell Chao Pang DA01281 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01281 cell Chao Pang DA01300 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01300 cell Chao Pang DA01299 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01299 cell Chao Pang DA01302 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01302 cell Chao Pang DA01301 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01301 cell Chao Pang DA01304 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01304 cell Chao Pang DA01303 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01303 cell Chao Pang DA01308 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01308 cell Chao Pang DA01305 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01305 cell Chao Pang DA01297 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01297 cell Chao Pang DA01298 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01298 cell Chao Pang DA01265 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01265 cell Chao Pang GM18704 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18704 cell Chao Pang GM18740 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18740 cell Chao Pang DA01263 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01263 cell Chao Pang GM18696 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18696 cell Chao Pang DA01262 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01262 cell Chao Pang GM18702 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18702 cell Chao Pang DA01257 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01257 cell Chao Pang DA01256 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01256 cell Chao Pang GM18693 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18693 cell Chao Pang DA01255 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01255 cell Chao Pang GM18694 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18694 cell Chao Pang DA01254 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01254 cell Chao Pang GM18689 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18689 cell Chao Pang GM18691 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18691 cell Chao Pang DA01268 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01268 cell Chao Pang DA01267 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01267 cell Chao Pang DA01266 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01266 cell Chao Pang GM18685 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18685 cell Chao Pang GM18682 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18682 cell Chao Pang DA01276 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01276 cell Chao Pang GM18666 HYPOCHONDROPLASIA; HCH FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 3; FGFR3 GM18666 cell OMIM: 134934 OMIM: 146000 Chao Pang DA01275 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01275 cell Chao Pang GM18668 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM18668 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM18670 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18670 cell Chao Pang DA01278 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01278 cell Chao Pang DA01277 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01277 cell Chao Pang GM18673 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18673 cell Chao Pang DA01271 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01271 cell Chao Pang GM18642 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18642 cell Chao Pang GM18643 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18643 cell Chao Pang DA01270 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01270 cell Chao Pang GM18645 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18645 cell Chao Pang DA01274 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01274 cell Chao Pang DA01272 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01272 cell Chao Pang GM18647 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18647 cell Chao Pang GM18674 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18674 cell Chao Pang DA01280 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01280 cell Chao Pang DA01279 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01279 cell Chao Pang GM18641 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18641 cell Chao Pang GM18855 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18855 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18854 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18854 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18853 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18853 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18852 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18852 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18857 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18857 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18856 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM18856 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18827 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM18827 cell Chao Pang GM18828 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM18828 cell Chao Pang GM18825 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM18825 cell Chao Pang GM18826 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM18826 cell Chao Pang GM18757 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18757 cell Chao Pang GM18749 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18749 cell Chao Pang GM18800 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) GM18800 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM18799 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) GM18799 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM18802 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM18802 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM18801 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM18801 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM18803 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM18803 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM18745 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18745 cell Chao Pang GM18747 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18747 cell Chao Pang GM18748 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING, CHINA GM18748 cell Chao Pang DA01320 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01320 cell Chao Pang DA01316 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01316 cell Chao Pang DA01317 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01317 cell Chao Pang DA01314 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01314 cell Chao Pang GM18910 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18910 cell Chao Pang DA01315 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01315 cell Chao Pang GM18909 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18909 cell Chao Pang GM18908 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18908 cell Chao Pang DA01312 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01312 cell Chao Pang GM18907 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18907 cell Chao Pang DA01313 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01313 cell Chao Pang DA01311 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01311 cell Chao Pang GM18875 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18875 cell Chao Pang GM18886 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM18886 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang DA01310 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01310 cell Chao Pang DA01309 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01309 cell Chao Pang GM18873 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18873 cell Chao Pang GM18874 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18874 cell Chao Pang GM18871 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18871 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18872 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM18872 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18870 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18870 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18867 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18867 cell Chao Pang GM18863 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18863 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18869 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18869 cell Chao Pang GM18868 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18868 cell Chao Pang GM18859 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18859 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18860 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18860 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18861 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM18861 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18862 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18862 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18858 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18858 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18933 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18933 cell Chao Pang GM18930 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18930 cell Chao Pang GM18935 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18935 cell Chao Pang GM18934 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18934 cell Chao Pang GM18940 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18940 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18939 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18939 cell Chao Pang GM18942 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18942 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18941 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18941 cell Chao Pang GM18943 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18943 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18944 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM18944 cell OMIM: 124020 OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM18913 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM18913 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18912 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18912 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18911 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18911 cell Chao Pang GM18923 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18923 cell Chao Pang GM18917 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18917 cell Chao Pang GM18916 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM18916 cell Chao Pang GM18914 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM18914 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18929 CANAVAN DISEASE ASPARTOACYLASE; ASPA GM18929 cell OMIM: 271900 OMIM: 608034 Chao Pang GM18924 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18924 cell Chao Pang GM18925 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM18925 cell Chao Pang DA01184 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01184 cell Chao Pang DA01183 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01183 cell Chao Pang DA01188 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01188 cell Chao Pang DA01187 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01187 cell Chao Pang DA01186 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01186 cell Chao Pang DA01185 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01185 cell Chao Pang DA01193 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01193 cell Chao Pang DA01192 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01192 cell Chao Pang DA01191 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01191 cell Chao Pang DA01189 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01189 cell Chao Pang GM00377 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM00377 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM00378 CYSTINOSIN; CTNS CYSTINOSIS, LATE-ONSET JUVENILE OR ADOLESCENT NEPHROPATHIC TYPE GM00378 cell OMIM: 219900 OMIM: 606272 Chao Pang GM00379 CYSTINOSIS, LATE-ONSET JUVENILE OR ADOLESCENT NEPHROPATHIC TYPE CYSTINOSIN; CTNS GM00379 cell OMIM: 219900 OMIM: 606272 Chao Pang GM00390 HYPER IGM, TYPE UNKNOWN GM00390 cell Chao Pang GM00380 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00380 cell Chao Pang GM00403 PROPIONIC ACIDEMIA GM00403 cell OMIM: 606054 Chao Pang GM00392 LEUKEMIA, SUB-ACUTE TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00392 cell Chao Pang GM00406 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE A GM00406 cell OMIM: 257200 Chao Pang GM00405 PROPIONIC ACIDEMIA GM00405 cell OMIM: 606054 Chao Pang GM00408 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00408 cell Chao Pang GM18945 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18945 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18954 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18954 cell Chao Pang GM18953 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18953 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18952 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN GM18952 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18951 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18951 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18949 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) GM18949 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18948 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18948 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18947 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM18947 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM18946 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18946 cell Chao Pang GM18955 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO, JAPAN INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - JAPANESE IN TOKYO AND HAN CHINESE IN BEIJING (PLATE II) GM18955 cell Chao Pang DA01232 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01232 cell Chao Pang DA01233 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01233 cell Chao Pang DA01234 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01234 cell Chao Pang DA01235 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01235 cell Chao Pang DA01236 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01236 cell Chao Pang DA01225 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01225 cell Chao Pang DA01227 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01227 cell Chao Pang DA01228 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01228 cell Chao Pang DA01229 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01229 cell Chao Pang DA01231 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01231 cell Chao Pang DA01251 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01251 cell Chao Pang DA01252 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01252 cell Chao Pang DA01249 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01249 cell Chao Pang DA01250 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01250 cell Chao Pang DA01237 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01237 cell Chao Pang DA01238 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01238 cell Chao Pang DA01244 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01244 cell Chao Pang DA01246 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01246 cell Chao Pang DA01242 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01242 cell Chao Pang DA01243 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01243 cell Chao Pang DA01205 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01205 cell Chao Pang DA01206 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01206 cell Chao Pang DA01209 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01209 cell Chao Pang DA01199 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01199 cell Chao Pang DA01201 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01201 cell Chao Pang DA01203 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01203 cell Chao Pang DA01204 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01204 cell Chao Pang DA01194 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01194 cell Chao Pang DA01195 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01195 cell Chao Pang DA01198 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01198 cell Chao Pang DA01223 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01223 cell Chao Pang DA01224 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01224 cell Chao Pang DA01221 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01221 cell Chao Pang DA01222 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01222 cell Chao Pang DA01219 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01219 cell Chao Pang DA01220 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01220 cell Chao Pang DA01216 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01216 cell Chao Pang DA01217 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01217 cell Chao Pang DA01210 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01210 cell Chao Pang DA01213 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA01213 cell Chao Pang ND00259 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00259 cell Chao Pang GM09707 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09707 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09706 RING CHROMOSOME GM09706 cell Chao Pang ND00260 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00260 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09709 WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09709 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang ND00257 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00257 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00258 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00258 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09708 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09708 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang ND00264 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES LEUCINE-RICH REPEAT KINASE2; LRRK2 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00264 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 609007 Chao Pang ND00261 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00261 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00262 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00262 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09721 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09721 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM09722 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09722 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang ND04971 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04971 cell Chao Pang ND00256 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00256 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09711 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM09711 cell Chao Pang ND00255 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00255 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09716 FEMORAL DUPLICATION GM09716 cell Chao Pang ND04970 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04970 cell Chao Pang ND00254 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND00254 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09719 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09719 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang ND04978 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04978 cell Chao Pang ND04972 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04972 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09720 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09720 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang ND04958 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04958 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04955 EPILEPSY ND04955 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04969 EPILEPSY ND04969 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04968 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04968 cell Chao Pang ND04947 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04947 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04946 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04946 cell Chao Pang GM09731 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09731 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang ND00269 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00269 cell Chao Pang ND00270 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00270 cell Chao Pang GM09730 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09730 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09729 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09729 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang ND00271 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00271 cell Chao Pang ND00273 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00273 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09726 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09726 cell Chao Pang ND00274 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00274 cell Chao Pang GM09723 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM09723 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang ND00275 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00275 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09736 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09736 cell Chao Pang ND04945 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04945 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04944 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04944 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09734 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09734 cell Chao Pang ND00266 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00266 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04925 EPILEPSY ND04925 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM09735 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09735 cell Chao Pang ND00265 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00265 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04922 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04922 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00268 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00268 cell Chao Pang GM09732 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09732 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang ND00267 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00267 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04921 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04921 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09733 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09733 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang ND04920 EPILEPSY ND04920 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04919 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04919 cell Chao Pang ND04918 EPILEPSY ND04918 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04916 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04916 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04914 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04914 cell Chao Pang ND00285 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00285 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00283 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00283 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00284 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00284 cell Chao Pang ND00281 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00281 cell Chao Pang ND00282 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00282 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00280 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00280 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00279 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00279 cell Chao Pang ND00278 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00278 cell Chao Pang ND00277 PARKINSON'S DISEASE RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00277 cell OMIM: 102300 OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00276 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00276 cell Chao Pang GM15370 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15370 cell Chao Pang GM15371 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15371 cell Chao Pang GM15372 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15372 cell Chao Pang GM15373 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15373 cell Chao Pang GM15374 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15374 cell Chao Pang GM15375 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15375 cell Chao Pang GM15376 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15376 cell Chao Pang GM15377 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15377 cell Chao Pang ND00292 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00292 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15379 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15379 cell Chao Pang ND00293 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00293 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15380 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15380 cell Chao Pang ND00294 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00294 cell Chao Pang ND00295 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00295 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00289 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00289 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00288 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00288 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04989 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04989 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04988 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04988 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00291 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00291 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04987 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04987 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00290 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00290 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00287 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00287 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00286 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00286 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04982 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04982 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04981 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04981 cell Chao Pang ND04980 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04980 cell Chao Pang ND04986 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04986 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04985 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04985 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04984 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04984 cell Chao Pang ND04983 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04983 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00206 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00206 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00205 CAROTID DISSECTION ND00205 cell OMIM: 147820 Chao Pang ND00204 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00204 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00211 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00211 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00210 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00210 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04794 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND04794 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND00209 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00209 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00208 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00208 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00214 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND00214 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00213 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00213 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00212 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00212 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04795 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04795 cell Chao Pang ND04796 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04796 cell Chao Pang GM09659 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09659 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09656 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09656 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09652 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09652 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04851 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04851 cell Chao Pang GM09651 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09651 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04852 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04852 cell Chao Pang GM09654 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM09654 cell Chao Pang ND04853 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04853 cell Chao Pang GM09653 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM09653 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang ND04854 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04854 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04837 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04837 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09648 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09648 cell Chao Pang ND04838 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04838 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09647 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09647 cell Chao Pang GM09650 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09650 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04845 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04845 cell Chao Pang ND04850 EPILEPSY ND04850 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM09649 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM09649 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND00216 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00216 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04446 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04446 cell Chao Pang DA04447 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04447 cell Chao Pang ND00215 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND00215 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09660 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09660 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang ND00218 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00218 cell Chao Pang DA04448 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04448 cell Chao Pang DA04449 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04449 cell Chao Pang ND00217 AT RISK ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00217 cell Chao Pang DA04450 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04450 cell Chao Pang ND00220 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00220 cell Chao Pang DA04451 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04451 cell Chao Pang ND00219 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00219 cell Chao Pang ND00223 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00223 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04452 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04452 cell Chao Pang ND04777 EPILEPSY ND04777 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA04453 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04453 cell Chao Pang ND04776 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04776 cell Chao Pang ND00221 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00221 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04456 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04456 cell Chao Pang ND00225 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00225 cell Chao Pang ND00224 ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00224 cell OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND04778 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04778 cell Chao Pang GM09673 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09673 cell Chao Pang GM09670 PORPHYRIA, CONGENITAL ERYTHROPOIETIC GM09670 cell OMIM: 263700 Chao Pang ND04792 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04792 cell Chao Pang ND04793 AVM-RUPTURED ND04793 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang GM09669 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 2, LATE INFANTILE TYPE; CLN2 GM09669 cell OMIM: 204500 Chao Pang ND04790 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04790 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09668 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 2, LATE INFANTILE TYPE; CLN2 GM09668 cell OMIM: 204500 Chao Pang ND04791 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04791 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09667 EXOSTOSES, MULTIPLE, TYPE I; EXT1 GM09667 cell OMIM: 133700 Chao Pang GM09666 PORPHYRIA, CONGENITAL ERYTHROPOIETIC GM09666 cell OMIM: 263700 Chao Pang ND04788 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04788 cell Chao Pang ND04789 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND04789 cell Chao Pang GM09663 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA WITH KLEEBLATTSCHAEDEL GM09663 cell OMIM: 187601 Chao Pang GM09662 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09662 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang DA04445 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04445 cell Chao Pang ND04779 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04779 cell Chao Pang GM09661 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09661 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang ND04787 EPILEPSY ND04787 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND00234 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00234 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA04441 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04441 cell Chao Pang DA04442 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04442 cell Chao Pang ND00233 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00233 cell Chao Pang DA04438 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04438 cell Chao Pang ND00232 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00232 cell Chao Pang ND00231 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00231 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04439 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04439 cell Chao Pang DA04436 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04436 cell Chao Pang ND00230 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00230 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA04437 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04437 cell Chao Pang ND00229 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00229 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA04434 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04434 cell Chao Pang ND00228 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00228 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09675 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09675 cell Chao Pang GM09677 SPINAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY I; SMA1 GM09677 cell OMIM: 253300 Chao Pang ND00227 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00227 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04435 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04435 cell Chao Pang DA04443 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04443 cell Chao Pang ND00235 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00235 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA04444 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04444 cell Chao Pang ND04888 CORTICOBASAL DEGENERATION ND04888 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04889 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04889 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04897 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04897 cell Chao Pang ND04898 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04898 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09680 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09680 cell Chao Pang ND04900 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04900 cell Chao Pang ND04901 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND04901 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09679 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09679 cell Chao Pang ND00226 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00226 cell Chao Pang GM09683 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09683 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang ND04902 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04902 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09682 PORPHYRIA, CONGENITAL ERYTHROPOIETIC GM09682 cell OMIM: 263700 Chao Pang ND04903 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04903 cell Chao Pang ND04904 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04904 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09685 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM09685 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang ND04905 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04905 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09684 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM09684 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM09687 RECOMBINANT CHROMOSOME GM09687 cell Chao Pang GM09686 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS TSC2 GENE; TSC2 GM09686 cell OMIM: 191092 OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang ND00251 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00251 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA04427 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04427 cell Chao Pang ND00250 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00250 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA04428 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04428 cell Chao Pang ND00253 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00253 cell Chao Pang DA04429 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04429 cell Chao Pang DA04430 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04430 cell Chao Pang ND00252 PARKINSONISM, OTHER ND00252 cell Chao Pang ND00241 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00241 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09689 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09689 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang DA04423 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04423 cell Chao Pang ND00238 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00238 cell Chao Pang GM09690 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09690 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang DA04425 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04425 cell Chao Pang ND00249 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00249 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA04426 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04426 cell Chao Pang ND00248 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00248 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09688 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09688 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang DA04431 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04431 cell Chao Pang DA04432 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04432 cell Chao Pang DA04433 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04433 cell Chao Pang ND04866 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04866 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04867 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04867 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04865 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04865 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04881 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04881 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09694 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09694 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09693 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09693 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04884 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04884 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00236 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00236 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04868 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND04868 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09692 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09692 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04880 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04880 cell Chao Pang ND00237 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00237 cell Chao Pang GM09691 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09691 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04887 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04887 cell Chao Pang GM09705 CRIGLER-NAJJAR SYNDROME GM09705 cell OMIM: 218800 Chao Pang GM09704 RECOMBINANT CHROMOSOME GM09704 cell Chao Pang ND04885 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04885 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04886 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04886 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09703 SECKEL SYNDROME GM09703 cell OMIM: 210600 Chao Pang GM09596 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09596 cell Chao Pang ND04707 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04707 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09607 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM09607 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang ND04706 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04706 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09593 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09593 cell Chao Pang ND04705 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04705 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM09595 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09595 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang ND04704 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04704 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04703 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04703 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04702 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04702 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM19471 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19471 cell Chao Pang GM19470 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19470 cell Chao Pang GM15435 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15435 cell Chao Pang GM09614 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09614 cell Chao Pang GM09615 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09615 cell Chao Pang GM19476 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM19476 cell Chao Pang GM09611 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09611 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM19474 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19474 cell Chao Pang GM09613 ISOCHROMOSOME GM09613 cell Chao Pang GM19473 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19473 cell Chao Pang GM09608 FACTOR VII DEFICIENCY GM09608 cell OMIM: 227500 Chao Pang GM09610 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09610 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM19472 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19472 cell Chao Pang GM15440 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15440 cell Chao Pang GM19482 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GM19482 cell OMIM: 130020 Chao Pang DA04419 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04419 cell Chao Pang DA04418 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04418 cell Chao Pang GM19483 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GM19483 cell OMIM: 130020 Chao Pang GM15441 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15441 cell Chao Pang GM15442 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15442 cell Chao Pang DA04422 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04422 cell Chao Pang GM19480 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GM19480 cell OMIM: 130020 Chao Pang GM19481 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GM19481 cell OMIM: 130020 Chao Pang DA04421 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04421 cell Chao Pang GM15443 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15443 cell Chao Pang GM15436 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15436 cell Chao Pang GM15437 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15437 cell Chao Pang GM15438 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15438 cell Chao Pang GM15439 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15439 cell Chao Pang DA04413 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04413 cell Chao Pang DA04412 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04412 cell Chao Pang DA04415 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04415 cell Chao Pang GM15444 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15444 cell Chao Pang DA04414 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04414 cell Chao Pang DA04417 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04417 cell Chao Pang DA04416 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04416 cell Chao Pang GM09617 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09617 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09618 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09618 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09619 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09619 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09620 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09620 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09616 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09616 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09626 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09626 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM15447 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15447 cell Chao Pang GM15445 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15445 cell Chao Pang GM09621 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09621 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09622 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09622 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09623 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM09623 cell Chao Pang GM09625 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09625 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang DA04410 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04410 cell Chao Pang GM15461 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15461 cell Chao Pang GM15463 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15463 cell Chao Pang DA04409 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04409 cell Chao Pang DA04408 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04408 cell Chao Pang GM15458 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15458 cell Chao Pang GM15459 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15459 cell Chao Pang DA04407 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04407 cell Chao Pang GM15455 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15455 cell Chao Pang GM15457 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15457 cell Chao Pang GM15452 CRICETULUS GM15452 cell Chao Pang GM15453 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM15453 cell Chao Pang DA04411 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04411 cell Chao Pang DA04402 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04402 cell Chao Pang DA04406 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04406 cell Chao Pang DA04405 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04405 cell Chao Pang DA04404 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04404 cell Chao Pang DA04403 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04403 cell Chao Pang GM09627 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09627 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04771 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04771 cell Chao Pang GM09628 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09628 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04770 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04770 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04769 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND04769 cell Chao Pang ND04759 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04759 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04775 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04775 cell Chao Pang GM09631 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09631 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04774 EPILEPSY ND04774 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM09632 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09632 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09629 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09629 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04773 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04773 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04772 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04772 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09630 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09630 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09635 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09635 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09636 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09636 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09633 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09633 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09634 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09634 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM15464 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15464 cell Chao Pang GM15466 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15466 cell Chao Pang GM15465 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15465 cell Chao Pang DA04401 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04401 cell Chao Pang GM15467 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15467 cell Chao Pang GM15468 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15468 cell Chao Pang DA04400 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04400 cell Chao Pang GM15469 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15469 cell Chao Pang GM15470 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15470 cell Chao Pang GM15471 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15471 cell Chao Pang DA04395 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04395 cell Chao Pang DA04392 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04392 cell Chao Pang GM15472 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15472 cell Chao Pang GM15474 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15474 cell Chao Pang DA04397 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04397 cell Chao Pang DA04396 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04396 cell Chao Pang DA04388 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04388 cell Chao Pang ND04748 AVM-RUPTURED ND04748 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang DA04387 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04387 cell Chao Pang DA04390 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04390 cell Chao Pang ND04746 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04746 cell Chao Pang ND04747 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04747 cell Chao Pang DA04389 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04389 cell Chao Pang ND04739 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04739 cell Chao Pang GM09637 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09637 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04741 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04741 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09638 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09638 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04740 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04740 cell Chao Pang GM09639 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09639 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04743 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04743 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09640 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09640 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09641 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09641 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04742 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04742 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09642 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09642 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND04745 AVM-RUPTURED ND04745 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND04744 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04744 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09643 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM09643 cell Chao Pang GM09644 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09644 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09645 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09645 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09646 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09646 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM15478 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15478 cell Chao Pang GM15477 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15477 cell Chao Pang GM15476 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15476 cell Chao Pang GM15475 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15475 cell Chao Pang GM15482 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15482 cell Chao Pang DA04386 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04386 cell Chao Pang GM15483 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15483 cell Chao Pang DA04385 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04385 cell Chao Pang GM15479 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15479 cell Chao Pang DA04384 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04384 cell Chao Pang GM15480 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15480 cell Chao Pang DA04381 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04381 cell Chao Pang DA04380 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04380 cell Chao Pang GM15485 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15485 cell Chao Pang DA04379 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04379 cell Chao Pang GM15486 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15486 cell Chao Pang DA04377 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04377 cell Chao Pang ND04708 EPILEPSY ND04708 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA04376 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04376 cell Chao Pang DA04375 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04375 cell Chao Pang ND04709 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04709 cell Chao Pang DA04374 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04374 cell Chao Pang ND04710 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND04710 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND04732 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04732 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA04361 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04361 cell Chao Pang GM19393 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19393 cell Chao Pang GM19394 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19394 cell Chao Pang ND00296 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00296 cell Chao Pang ND00297 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND00297 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00298 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00298 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00299 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00299 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00301 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00301 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00302 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00302 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00303 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00303 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00305 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00305 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00304 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00304 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM15393 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15393 cell Chao Pang ND00307 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00307 cell Chao Pang GM15389 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15389 cell Chao Pang GM15388 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15388 cell Chao Pang DA04362 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04362 cell Chao Pang GM15392 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15392 cell Chao Pang GM15391 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15391 cell Chao Pang DA04363 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04363 cell Chao Pang GM19398 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19398 cell Chao Pang GM15383 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15383 cell Chao Pang DA04365 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04365 cell Chao Pang GM19397 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19397 cell Chao Pang DA04366 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04366 cell Chao Pang GM15382 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15382 cell Chao Pang DA04367 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04367 cell Chao Pang GM15386 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15386 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM19396 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19396 cell Chao Pang DA04368 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04368 cell Chao Pang GM15385 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15385 cell Chao Pang GM19395 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19395 cell Chao Pang DA04369 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04369 cell Chao Pang GM19404 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19404 cell Chao Pang DA04371 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04371 cell Chao Pang GM19403 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19403 cell Chao Pang GM19401 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19401 cell Chao Pang DA04372 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04372 cell Chao Pang GM15381 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15381 cell Chao Pang GM19399 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19399 cell Chao Pang DA04373 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04373 cell Chao Pang DA04345 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04345 cell Chao Pang DA04344 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04344 cell Chao Pang GM19428 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19428 cell Chao Pang GM19429 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19429 cell Chao Pang GM19430 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19430 cell Chao Pang GM15406 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15406 cell Chao Pang DA04346 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04346 cell Chao Pang GM15405 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15405 cell Chao Pang GM15403 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15403 cell Chao Pang GM15402 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15402 cell Chao Pang GM19434 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19434 cell Chao Pang DA04349 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04349 cell Chao Pang GM15401 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15401 cell Chao Pang GM15400 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15400 cell Chao Pang DA04350 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04350 cell Chao Pang GM19431 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19431 cell Chao Pang GM15399 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15399 cell Chao Pang GM19436 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19436 cell Chao Pang DA04347 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04347 cell Chao Pang GM15398 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15398 cell Chao Pang DA04348 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04348 cell Chao Pang GM19435 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19435 cell Chao Pang GM15397 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15397 cell Chao Pang DA04359 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04359 cell Chao Pang GM19438 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19438 cell Chao Pang DA04360 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04360 cell Chao Pang GM19437 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19437 cell Chao Pang GM15394 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15394 cell Chao Pang DA04351 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04351 cell Chao Pang GM19439 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19439 cell Chao Pang DA04352 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04352 cell Chao Pang GM19444 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19444 cell Chao Pang GM19445 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19445 cell Chao Pang GM19440 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19440 cell Chao Pang GM19443 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19443 cell Chao Pang GM15420 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15420 cell Chao Pang GM15419 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15419 cell Chao Pang GM15421 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15421 cell Chao Pang GM15407 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15407 cell Chao Pang DA04339 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04339 cell Chao Pang DA04340 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04340 cell Chao Pang GM15412 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15412 cell Chao Pang GM19453 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19453 cell Chao Pang DA04342 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04342 cell Chao Pang GM15409 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15409 cell Chao Pang DA04343 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04343 cell Chao Pang GM19452 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19452 cell Chao Pang DA04331 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04331 cell Chao Pang GM19451 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19451 cell Chao Pang GM15416 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15416 cell Chao Pang GM15414 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15414 cell Chao Pang GM19449 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19449 cell Chao Pang DA04332 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04332 cell Chao Pang GM19448 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19448 cell Chao Pang DA04333 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04333 cell Chao Pang GM15418 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15418 cell Chao Pang GM19446 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19446 cell Chao Pang DA04334 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04334 cell Chao Pang GM15417 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15417 cell Chao Pang GM19456 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19456 cell Chao Pang GM19457 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19457 cell Chao Pang GM19461 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19461 cell Chao Pang GM19462 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19462 cell Chao Pang GM19455 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19455 cell Chao Pang GM15434 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15434 cell Chao Pang GM15433 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15433 cell Chao Pang GM15427 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15427 cell Chao Pang GM19469 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19469 cell Chao Pang GM15426 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15426 cell Chao Pang GM15423 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15423 cell Chao Pang GM15422 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15422 cell Chao Pang GM19466 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19466 cell Chao Pang GM15432 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15432 cell Chao Pang GM15431 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15431 cell Chao Pang GM19463 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19463 cell Chao Pang GM19468 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19468 cell Chao Pang GM15429 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15429 cell Chao Pang GM19467 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19467 cell Chao Pang GM15428 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15428 cell Chao Pang GM19693 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) GM19693 cell OMIM: 130020 OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM19694 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) GM19694 cell OMIM: 130020 OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM19687 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) GM19687 cell OMIM: 130020 OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM19688 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) GM19688 cell OMIM: 130020 OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM19685 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19685 cell Chao Pang GM19686 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19686 cell Chao Pang GM19683 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19683 cell Chao Pang GM19684 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19684 cell Chao Pang GM19695 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) GM19695 cell OMIM: 130020 OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM19696 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GM19696 cell OMIM: 130020 OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM19676 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19676 cell Chao Pang GM19677 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19677 cell Chao Pang GM19678 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19678 cell Chao Pang GM19679 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19679 cell Chao Pang GM19670 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19670 cell Chao Pang GM19671 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19671 cell Chao Pang GM19675 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19675 cell Chao Pang GM19680 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19680 cell Chao Pang GM19681 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19681 cell Chao Pang GM19682 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19682 cell Chao Pang GM19717 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19717 cell Chao Pang GM19718 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19718 cell Chao Pang GM19714 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19714 cell Chao Pang GM19716 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19716 cell Chao Pang GM19721 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19721 cell Chao Pang GM19722 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19722 cell Chao Pang GM19719 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19719 cell Chao Pang GM19720 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19720 cell Chao Pang GM19713 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19713 cell Chao Pang GM19712 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19712 cell Chao Pang GM19700 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19700 cell Chao Pang GM19701 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19701 cell Chao Pang GM19702 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19702 cell Chao Pang GM19703 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19703 cell Chao Pang GM19704 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19704 cell Chao Pang GM19705 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19705 cell Chao Pang GM19707 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19707 cell Chao Pang GM19708 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19708 cell Chao Pang GM19711 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19711 cell Chao Pang GM19698 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) GM19698 cell OMIM: 130020 OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM19634 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) GM19634 cell OMIM: 130020 OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM19633 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE IV; ARTERIAL, ECCHYMOTIC TYPE GM19633 cell OMIM: 130050 Chao Pang GM19632 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE IV; ARTERIAL, ECCHYMOTIC TYPE GM19632 cell OMIM: 130050 Chao Pang GM19625 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19625 cell Chao Pang GM19543 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM19543 cell Chao Pang GM19542 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM19542 cell Chao Pang GM15355 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15355 cell Chao Pang GM19491 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GM19491 cell OMIM: 130020 Chao Pang GM19490 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GM19490 cell OMIM: 130020 Chao Pang GM15354 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15354 cell Chao Pang GM19485 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GM19485 cell OMIM: 130020 Chao Pang GM15357 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15357 cell Chao Pang GM19484 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GM19484 cell OMIM: 130020 Chao Pang GM15356 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15356 cell Chao Pang GM15359 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15359 cell Chao Pang GM15346 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15346 cell Chao Pang GM15348 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15348 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM15349 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM15349 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM15351 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15351 cell Chao Pang GM15352 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15352 cell Chao Pang GM15342 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15342 cell Chao Pang GM15341 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15341 cell Chao Pang GM15340 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15340 cell Chao Pang GM15339 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15339 cell Chao Pang GM15344 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15344 cell Chao Pang GM15343 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15343 cell Chao Pang GM15336 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15336 cell Chao Pang GM15337 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15337 cell Chao Pang GM15334 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM15334 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM15335 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15335 cell Chao Pang GM19669 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19669 cell Chao Pang GM19665 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19665 cell Chao Pang GM19664 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19664 cell Chao Pang GM19663 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19663 cell Chao Pang GM19658 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19658 cell Chao Pang GM19657 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19657 cell Chao Pang GM19662 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19662 cell Chao Pang GM19661 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19661 cell Chao Pang GM19660 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19660 cell Chao Pang GM19659 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19659 cell Chao Pang GM19653 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19653 cell Chao Pang GM19652 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19652 cell Chao Pang GM19655 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19655 cell Chao Pang GM19654 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19654 cell Chao Pang GM19656 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19656 cell Chao Pang GM19647 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GM19647 cell OMIM: 130020 OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM15369 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15369 cell Chao Pang GM19649 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19649 cell Chao Pang GM19648 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19648 cell Chao Pang GM15368 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15368 cell Chao Pang GM15367 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15367 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM19651 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19651 cell Chao Pang GM15366 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15366 cell Chao Pang GM19650 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19650 cell Chao Pang GM15364 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15364 cell Chao Pang GM15365 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15365 cell Chao Pang GM15362 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15362 cell Chao Pang GM15363 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15363 cell Chao Pang GM15360 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15360 cell Chao Pang GM15361 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15361 cell Chao Pang ND00317 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00317 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00315 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00315 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00316 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00316 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00313 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00313 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00314 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00314 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00311 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00311 cell Chao Pang ND00312 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00312 cell Chao Pang ND00309 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00309 cell Chao Pang ND00310 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00310 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00308 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME REM BEHAVIOR DISORDER ND00308 cell OMIM: 102300 OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00337 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00337 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00335 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00335 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00336 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00336 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00329 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00329 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00330 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND00330 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00328 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00328 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00333 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00333 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00334 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00334 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00331 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00331 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00332 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00332 cell Chao Pang ND00324 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00324 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang ND00325 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00325 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00326 SCHIZOPHRENIA ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00326 cell OMIM: 181500 Chao Pang ND00327 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00327 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00318 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00318 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00319 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00319 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00320 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00320 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00321 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00321 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00322 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00322 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00323 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00323 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00412 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00412 cell Chao Pang ND00413 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00413 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00410 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00410 cell OMIM: 127750 OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00411 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00411 cell Chao Pang ND00409 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00409 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00408 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00408 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00407 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00407 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00406 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00406 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00405 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00405 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00404 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00404 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00390 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00390 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00391 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00391 cell Chao Pang ND00388 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00388 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00389 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00389 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00392 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00392 cell Chao Pang ND00393 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00393 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00387 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00387 cell Chao Pang ND00386 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00386 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00385 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00385 cell Chao Pang ND00384 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00384 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00399 EPILEPSY ND00399 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND00400 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00400 cell Chao Pang ND00401 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00401 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00402 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00402 cell Chao Pang ND00403 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00403 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05211 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND05211 cell Chao Pang ND05210 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05210 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05209 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05209 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05208 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05208 cell Chao Pang ND05207 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05207 cell Chao Pang ND05198 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05198 cell Chao Pang ND00394 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00394 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05233 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05233 cell Chao Pang ND00396 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00396 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00395 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00395 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05232 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05232 cell Chao Pang ND05219 EPILEPSY ND05219 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND00398 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00398 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05212 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND05212 cell Chao Pang ND00397 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00397 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00371 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00371 cell Chao Pang ND00370 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00370 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00369 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL SPASMODIC TORTICOLLIS-CERVICAL DYSTONIA ND00369 cell OMIM: 602124 Chao Pang ND00367 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND00367 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00366 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00366 cell Chao Pang ND00365 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00365 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00364 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00364 cell Chao Pang ND00363 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND00363 cell OMIM: 127750 OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00361 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00361 cell Chao Pang ND05193 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05193 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05194 EPILEPSY ND05194 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND00362 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00362 cell Chao Pang ND05195 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05195 cell Chao Pang ND05196 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05196 cell Chao Pang ND05197 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05197 cell Chao Pang ND05176 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05176 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05189 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05189 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05190 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05190 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05191 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05191 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05192 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05192 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04564 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04564 cell Chao Pang DA04565 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04565 cell Chao Pang ND00382 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00382 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA04559 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04559 cell Chao Pang DA04560 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04560 cell Chao Pang ND00381 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00381 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA04561 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04561 cell Chao Pang DA04563 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04563 cell Chao Pang ND00383 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00383 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00377 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00377 cell Chao Pang DA04555 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04555 cell Chao Pang DA04556 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04556 cell Chao Pang ND00376 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND00376 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND00380 EPILEPSY ND00380 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA04557 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04557 cell Chao Pang DA04558 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04558 cell Chao Pang ND00379 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00379 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05170 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05170 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05171 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05171 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00372 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00372 cell Chao Pang ND00374 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00374 cell Chao Pang ND05168 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05168 cell Chao Pang ND00375 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00375 cell Chao Pang ND05169 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05169 cell Chao Pang ND05172 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05172 cell Chao Pang ND05173 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05173 cell Chao Pang ND05166 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05166 cell Chao Pang ND05167 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05167 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05164 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05164 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05165 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND05165 cell Chao Pang ND00348 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00348 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00347 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00347 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00341 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00341 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00340 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00340 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00339 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00339 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00338 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00338 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00346 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00346 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00345 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00345 cell Chao Pang ND00343 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00343 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00342 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00342 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05161 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05161 cell Chao Pang ND05162 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05162 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05163 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05163 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05139 EPILEPSY ND05139 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05154 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05154 cell Chao Pang ND05155 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05155 cell Chao Pang ND05156 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05156 cell Chao Pang ND05136 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05136 cell Chao Pang ND05137 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05137 cell Chao Pang ND05138 EPILEPSY ND05138 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND00359 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00359 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00351 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00351 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00350 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00350 cell Chao Pang ND00353 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00353 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00352 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00352 cell Chao Pang ND00356 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00356 cell Chao Pang ND00355 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00355 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00358 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00358 cell Chao Pang ND05105 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05105 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00357 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00357 cell OMIM: 102300 OMIM: 127750 OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05128 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND05128 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05135 EPILEPSY ND05135 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05124 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05124 cell Chao Pang ND05125 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05125 cell Chao Pang ND05122 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05122 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05123 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05123 cell Chao Pang ND05120 EPILEPSY ND05120 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND00349 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00349 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05121 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05121 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05106 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05106 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05119 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05119 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM19249 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19249 cell Chao Pang GM19248 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19248 cell Chao Pang GM19247 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19247 cell Chao Pang GM19240 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19240 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19239 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19239 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang ND05071 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05071 cell Chao Pang GM19238 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19238 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM15314 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15314 cell Chao Pang GM19237 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19237 cell Chao Pang GM15313 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15313 cell Chao Pang ND05075 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05075 cell Chao Pang ND05074 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05074 cell Chao Pang ND05073 EPILEPSY ND05073 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05072 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05072 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05093 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05093 cell Chao Pang ND05092 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05092 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05091 AVM-RUPTURED ND05091 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND05090 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND05090 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang DA04525 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04525 cell Chao Pang DA04524 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04524 cell Chao Pang DA04527 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04527 cell Chao Pang ND05069 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05069 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05070 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND05070 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang DA04526 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04526 cell Chao Pang DA04523 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04523 cell Chao Pang GM15315 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15315 cell Chao Pang DA04532 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04532 cell Chao Pang GM15316 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15316 cell Chao Pang GM15317 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15317 cell Chao Pang GM15318 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15318 cell Chao Pang GM15319 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15319 cell Chao Pang GM19257 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19257 cell Chao Pang DA04529 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04529 cell Chao Pang GM15320 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15320 cell Chao Pang DA04528 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04528 cell Chao Pang GM15321 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15321 cell Chao Pang DA04531 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04531 cell Chao Pang GM19252 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19252 cell Chao Pang GM15322 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15322 cell Chao Pang DA04530 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04530 cell Chao Pang GM19256 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19256 cell Chao Pang GM15325 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15325 cell Chao Pang GM15324 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15324 cell Chao Pang GM15323 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15323 cell Chao Pang ND05054 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05054 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05053 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05053 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05064 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05064 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05055 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05055 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05066 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05066 cell Chao Pang ND05065 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05065 cell Chao Pang ND05068 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05068 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05067 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05067 cell Chao Pang DA04516 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04516 cell Chao Pang ND05050 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND05050 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND05051 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05051 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04515 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04515 cell Chao Pang ND05052 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05052 cell Chao Pang DA04514 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04514 cell Chao Pang DA04513 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04513 cell Chao Pang GM15328 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15328 cell Chao Pang GM15330 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM15330 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM15326 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15326 cell Chao Pang DA04522 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04522 cell Chao Pang DA04521 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04521 cell Chao Pang GM15327 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15327 cell Chao Pang DA04520 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04520 cell Chao Pang GM15333 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15333 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang DA04519 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04519 cell Chao Pang DA04518 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04518 cell Chao Pang GM15331 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15331 cell Chao Pang GM15332 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15332 cell Chao Pang DA04517 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04517 cell Chao Pang GM19203 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19203 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19207 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19207 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19206 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19206 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19205 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM19205 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19204 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19204 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang ND05029 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05029 cell Chao Pang ND05028 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05028 cell Chao Pang ND05027 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05027 cell Chao Pang ND05026 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05026 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05024 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05024 cell Chao Pang ND05023 EPILEPSY ND05023 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05022 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05022 cell Chao Pang DA04545 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04545 cell Chao Pang DA04547 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04547 cell Chao Pang DA04546 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04546 cell Chao Pang GM15289 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15289 cell Chao Pang ND05020 EPILEPSY ND05020 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA04549 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04549 cell Chao Pang DA04548 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04548 cell Chao Pang ND05021 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05021 cell Chao Pang GM15292 CHROMOSOME 10 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 7 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM15292 cell Chao Pang DA04551 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04551 cell Chao Pang ND05018 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05018 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05019 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05019 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04550 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04550 cell Chao Pang DA04553 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04553 cell Chao Pang GM15285 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15285 cell Chao Pang GM19210 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19210 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM15286 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM15286 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang DA04552 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04552 cell Chao Pang GM19211 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM19211 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19208 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19208 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM15287 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15287 cell Chao Pang GM19209 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19209 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM15288 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15288 cell Chao Pang DA04554 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04554 cell Chao Pang GM15281 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15281 cell Chao Pang GM15282 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15282 cell Chao Pang GM19213 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19213 cell Chao Pang GM15283 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15283 cell Chao Pang GM15284 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15284 cell Chao Pang GM15296 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 7 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 6 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM15296 cell Chao Pang GM19215 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19215 cell Chao Pang GM19214 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19214 cell Chao Pang GM19222 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19222 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19221 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19221 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19224 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19224 cell Chao Pang GM19223 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19223 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang ND05015 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05015 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05009 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05009 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05017 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05017 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05016 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05016 cell Chao Pang ND05008 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05008 cell Chao Pang ND05007 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05007 cell Chao Pang DA04534 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04534 cell Chao Pang ND05006 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND05006 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang DA04533 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04533 cell Chao Pang DA04538 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04538 cell Chao Pang ND04995 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04995 cell Chao Pang ND04996 EPILEPSY ND04996 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA04537 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04537 cell Chao Pang DA04536 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04536 cell Chao Pang GM15312 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15312 cell Chao Pang ND04997 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04997 cell Chao Pang DA04535 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04535 cell Chao Pang ND05005 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND05005 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang GM15310 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15310 cell Chao Pang DA04544 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04544 cell Chao Pang GM19225 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19225 cell Chao Pang DA04541 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04541 cell Chao Pang GM15311 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15311 cell Chao Pang GM19226 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19226 cell Chao Pang GM15308 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15308 cell Chao Pang DA04540 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04540 cell Chao Pang GM19235 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19235 cell Chao Pang GM19236 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19236 cell Chao Pang GM15309 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15309 cell Chao Pang DA04539 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04539 cell Chao Pang GM15302 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 3 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 7 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM15302 cell Chao Pang GM15307 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15307 cell Chao Pang GM15297 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 6 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 2 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM15297 cell Chao Pang GM15301 CHROMOSOME 7 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 6 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM15301 cell Chao Pang ND04990 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04990 cell Chao Pang ND04993 EPILEPSY ND04993 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04994 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04994 cell Chao Pang ND04991 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04991 cell Chao Pang ND04992 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04992 cell Chao Pang GM19180 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19180 cell Chao Pang GM19181 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19181 cell Chao Pang GM19179 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19179 cell Chao Pang DA04480 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04480 cell Chao Pang DA04479 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04479 cell Chao Pang DA04487 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04487 cell Chao Pang DA04488 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04488 cell Chao Pang GM19190 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19190 cell Chao Pang DA04490 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04490 cell Chao Pang GM15259 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15259 cell Chao Pang GM19189 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19189 cell Chao Pang GM15257 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15257 cell Chao Pang DA04491 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04491 cell Chao Pang GM19186 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19186 cell Chao Pang GM15261 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15261 cell Chao Pang GM19185 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19185 cell Chao Pang DA04482 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04482 cell Chao Pang GM19184 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19184 cell Chao Pang DA04483 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04483 cell Chao Pang GM15260 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15260 cell Chao Pang GM19183 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19183 cell Chao Pang GM15264 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15264 cell Chao Pang DA04484 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04484 cell Chao Pang GM19182 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19182 cell Chao Pang DA04485 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04485 cell Chao Pang GM15263 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15263 cell Chao Pang GM15267 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15267 cell Chao Pang GM15265 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15265 cell Chao Pang GM15269 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15269 cell Chao Pang GM15268 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15268 cell Chao Pang DA04481 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04481 cell Chao Pang GM19191 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19191 cell Chao Pang GM19192 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19192 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19193 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19193 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19194 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19194 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA04468 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04468 cell Chao Pang DA04466 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04466 cell Chao Pang DA04465 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04465 cell Chao Pang GM15272 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15272 cell Chao Pang DA04476 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04476 cell Chao Pang GM19202 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19202 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM15271 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15271 cell Chao Pang GM19201 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19201 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA04478 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04478 cell Chao Pang DA04474 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04474 cell Chao Pang GM15270 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15270 cell Chao Pang DA04475 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04475 cell Chao Pang GM19198 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19198 cell Chao Pang DA04471 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04471 cell Chao Pang GM15277 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15277 cell Chao Pang DA04472 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04472 cell Chao Pang GM19197 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19197 cell Chao Pang GM15276 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15276 cell Chao Pang GM19200 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM19200 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM15274 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15274 cell Chao Pang DA04469 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04469 cell Chao Pang GM15273 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15273 cell Chao Pang GM19199 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19199 cell Chao Pang DA04470 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04470 cell Chao Pang GM15280 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15280 cell Chao Pang GM15279 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15279 cell Chao Pang GM15278 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15278 cell Chao Pang GM19147 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19147 cell Chao Pang DA04506 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04506 cell Chao Pang GM19151 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19151 cell Chao Pang GM19150 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19150 cell Chao Pang DA04507 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04507 cell Chao Pang DA04508 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04508 cell Chao Pang GM19149 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19149 cell Chao Pang GM19148 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19148 cell Chao Pang DA04509 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04509 cell Chao Pang GM19155 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM19155 cell Chao Pang DA04510 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04510 cell Chao Pang DA04511 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04511 cell Chao Pang GM19154 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19154 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA04512 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04512 cell Chao Pang GM19153 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19153 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19152 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19152 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19159 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19159 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA04503 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04503 cell Chao Pang DA04504 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04504 cell Chao Pang DA04505 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04505 cell Chao Pang DA04492 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04492 cell Chao Pang GM19160 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM19160 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19161 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM19161 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM15248 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15248 cell Chao Pang DA04497 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04497 cell Chao Pang GM19172 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19172 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA04498 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04498 cell Chao Pang GM15247 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15247 cell Chao Pang GM19171 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19171 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19174 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19174 cell Chao Pang GM15245 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15245 cell Chao Pang DA04495 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04495 cell Chao Pang GM15244 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15244 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang DA04496 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04496 cell Chao Pang GM19173 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE I) GM19173 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM19176 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19176 cell Chao Pang GM15243 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15243 cell Chao Pang DA04501 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04501 cell Chao Pang GM19175 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA GM19175 cell Chao Pang DA04502 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04502 cell Chao Pang GM19178 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19178 cell Chao Pang DA04499 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04499 cell Chao Pang GM19177 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19177 cell Chao Pang DA04500 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04500 cell Chao Pang GM15256 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15256 cell Chao Pang GM15252 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15252 cell Chao Pang DA04493 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04493 cell Chao Pang GM15251 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15251 cell Chao Pang DA04494 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04494 cell Chao Pang GM15250 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15250 cell Chao Pang GM15249 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15249 cell Chao Pang GM19391 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19391 cell Chao Pang GM19381 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19381 cell Chao Pang GM19382 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19382 cell Chao Pang GM19379 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19379 cell Chao Pang GM19380 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19380 cell Chao Pang GM19385 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19385 cell Chao Pang GM19390 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19390 cell Chao Pang GM19383 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19383 cell Chao Pang GM19384 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19384 cell Chao Pang GM19377 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19377 cell Chao Pang GM19375 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19375 cell Chao Pang GM19376 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19376 cell Chao Pang GM19352 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19352 cell Chao Pang GM19355 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19355 cell Chao Pang GM19359 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19359 cell Chao Pang GM19360 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19360 cell Chao Pang GM19371 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19371 cell Chao Pang GM19372 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19372 cell Chao Pang GM19373 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19373 cell Chao Pang GM19374 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19374 cell Chao Pang GM19351 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19351 cell Chao Pang GM19347 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19347 cell Chao Pang GM19350 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19350 cell Chao Pang GM19345 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM19345 cell Chao Pang GM19346 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19346 cell Chao Pang GM19338 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19338 cell Chao Pang GM19344 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM19344 cell Chao Pang GM19332 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19332 cell Chao Pang GM19334 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19334 cell Chao Pang GM19331 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19331 cell Chao Pang GM19321 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19321 cell Chao Pang GM19324 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19324 cell Chao Pang GM19327 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19327 cell Chao Pang GM19328 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19328 cell Chao Pang DA04464 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04464 cell Chao Pang GM15242 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15242 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM19316 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19316 cell Chao Pang GM19317 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19317 cell Chao Pang DA04463 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04463 cell Chao Pang GM19318 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19318 cell Chao Pang DA04462 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04462 cell Chao Pang GM15239 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15239 cell Chao Pang GM15241 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15241 cell Chao Pang DA04461 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04461 cell Chao Pang GM19319 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19319 cell Chao Pang DA04460 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04460 cell Chao Pang DA04458 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04458 cell Chao Pang GM19314 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19314 cell Chao Pang DA04457 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04457 cell Chao Pang GM19315 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19315 cell Chao Pang GM15234 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15234 cell Chao Pang GM15233 MECKEL SYNDROME; MKS GM15233 cell OMIM: 249000 Chao Pang GM15232 BREAST CANCER TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM15232 cell Chao Pang GM15238 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15238 cell Chao Pang GM15237 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15237 cell Chao Pang GM15236 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15236 cell Chao Pang GM15235 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15235 cell Chao Pang GM19258 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - YORUBA IN IBADAN, NIGERIA (PLATE II) GM19258 cell Chao Pang GM15228 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15228 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM19308 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19308 cell Chao Pang GM19307 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19307 cell Chao Pang GM15227 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15227 cell Chao Pang GM15230 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15230 cell Chao Pang GM19292 HASHIMOTO THYROIDITIS VITILIGO GM19292 cell OMIM: 140300 OMIM: 193200 Chao Pang GM19291 VITILIGO HASHIMOTO THYROIDITIS GM19291 cell OMIM: 140300 OMIM: 193200 Chao Pang GM15229 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15229 cell Chao Pang GM19312 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19312 cell Chao Pang GM19311 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19311 cell Chao Pang GM19310 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19310 cell Chao Pang GM19309 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19309 cell Chao Pang GM19313 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - LUHYA FROM WEBUYE, KENYA GM19313 cell Chao Pang GM15223 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15223 cell Chao Pang GM15224 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15224 cell Chao Pang GM15225 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15225 cell Chao Pang GM15226 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15226 cell Chao Pang GM15221 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15221 cell Chao Pang GM15222 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15222 cell Chao Pang GM15219 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15219 cell Chao Pang GM15217 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15217 cell Chao Pang GM15216 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM15216 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM15215 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15215 cell Chao Pang GM15213 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15213 cell Chao Pang GM15208 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HUNGARIAN GM15208 cell Chao Pang GM15212 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15212 cell Chao Pang GM15206 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HUNGARIAN GM15206 cell Chao Pang GM15207 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HUNGARIAN GM15207 cell Chao Pang GM15205 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HUNGARIAN GM15205 cell Chao Pang GM15200 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HUNGARIAN GM15200 cell Chao Pang GM15199 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HUNGARIAN GM15199 cell Chao Pang GM15202 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HUNGARIAN GM15202 cell Chao Pang GM15201 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HUNGARIAN GM15201 cell Chao Pang GM15204 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HUNGARIAN GM15204 cell Chao Pang GM15203 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - HUNGARIAN GM15203 cell Chao Pang GM15191 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15191 cell Chao Pang GM15192 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15192 cell Chao Pang GM15193 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15193 cell Chao Pang GM15194 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15194 cell Chao Pang GM15184 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15184 cell Chao Pang GM15183 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15183 cell Chao Pang GM15181 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15181 cell Chao Pang GM15179 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15179 cell Chao Pang GM15187 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15187 cell Chao Pang GM15186 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM15186 cell Chao Pang GM15185 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15185 cell Chao Pang GM15177 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15177 cell Chao Pang GM15178 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15178 cell Chao Pang GM15176 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15176 cell Chao Pang ND00498 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00498 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00499 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00499 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00489 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00489 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00497 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00497 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00502 ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00502 cell OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND00503 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00503 cell Chao Pang ND00500 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00500 cell Chao Pang ND00501 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND00501 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND00504 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00504 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00505 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00505 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00471 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00471 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00473 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00473 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00474 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00474 cell Chao Pang ND00476 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00476 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00477 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00477 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00483 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00483 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00484 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00484 cell Chao Pang ND00485 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00485 cell Chao Pang ND00486 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00486 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00488 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00488 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00455 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00455 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00456 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00456 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00453 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00453 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00454 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00454 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00451 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00451 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00452 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00452 cell Chao Pang ND00469 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00469 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00470 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00470 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00457 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00457 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00468 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00468 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00426 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00426 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00427 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00427 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00428 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00428 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00429 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00429 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00425 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00425 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00450 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00450 cell Chao Pang ND00430 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00430 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00447 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00447 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00448 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00448 cell Chao Pang ND00449 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00449 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00422 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00422 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00420 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00420 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00419 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND00419 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00418 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00418 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00424 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00424 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00423 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00423 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00417 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00417 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND00416 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00416 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00415 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00415 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00414 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00414 cell Chao Pang ND05483 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND05483 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05484 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05484 cell Chao Pang ND05485 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05485 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05498 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05498 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05503 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05503 cell Chao Pang ND05520 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND05520 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05499 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05499 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00506 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00506 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05500 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05500 cell Chao Pang ND05501 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05501 cell Chao Pang ND05502 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05502 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00543 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00543 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00542 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00542 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00528 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND00528 cell Chao Pang ND00507 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00507 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00547 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00547 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00546 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00546 cell Chao Pang ND00545 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00545 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00544 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00544 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00548 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00548 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05439 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05439 cell Chao Pang ND05445 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05445 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05438 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05438 cell Chao Pang ND05482 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05482 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05480 EPILEPSY ND05480 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05481 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND05481 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND05462 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05462 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05463 EPILEPSY ND05463 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05460 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05460 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00549 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00549 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00554 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00554 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05461 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05461 cell Chao Pang ND00589 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00589 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00556 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00556 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00591 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00591 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00590 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00590 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00603 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00603 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00592 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00592 cell Chao Pang ND00613 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00613 cell Chao Pang ND00612 EPILEPSY ND00612 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND00615 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00615 cell Chao Pang ND00631 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00631 cell Chao Pang ND00614 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00614 cell Chao Pang ND00664 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00664 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00663 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00663 cell Chao Pang ND00662 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND00662 cell Chao Pang ND00660 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00660 cell Chao Pang ND00659 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00659 cell Chao Pang ND00647 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00647 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00637 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00637 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05521 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05521 cell Chao Pang ND05524 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND05524 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05525 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05525 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05522 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05522 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05523 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05523 cell Chao Pang ND05556 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05556 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00665 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00665 cell Chao Pang ND00666 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00666 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05573 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05573 cell Chao Pang ND00668 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00668 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05535 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05535 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00670 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00670 cell Chao Pang ND05536 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05536 cell Chao Pang ND05574 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND05574 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM15683 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15683 cell Chao Pang ND00676 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00676 cell Chao Pang GM15682 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15682 cell Chao Pang ND00675 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00675 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15685 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15685 cell Chao Pang GM15684 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15684 cell Chao Pang ND00672 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00672 cell Chao Pang GM15689 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15689 cell Chao Pang GM15686 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15686 cell Chao Pang ND00671 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00671 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00674 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND00674 cell Chao Pang GM15691 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15691 cell Chao Pang GM15690 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15690 cell Chao Pang ND00673 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00673 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15681 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15681 cell Chao Pang GM15679 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15679 cell Chao Pang ND00677 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00677 cell Chao Pang ND00681 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00681 cell Chao Pang ND00680 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00680 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00679 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND00679 cell Chao Pang ND00678 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00678 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15696 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15696 cell OMIM: 251260 Chao Pang GM15697 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM15697 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM15692 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15692 cell Chao Pang ND00684 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00684 cell Chao Pang GM15708 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15708 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang ND00685 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00685 cell Chao Pang GM15706 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM15706 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang ND00682 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00682 cell Chao Pang ND00683 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00683 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15707 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15707 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15704 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15704 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15705 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM15705 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM15698 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM15698 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang ND00686 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00686 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15702 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15702 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15709 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15709 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15710 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15710 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15711 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15711 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15712 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15712 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15721 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15721 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15722 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15722 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15715 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15715 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15716 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15716 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15717 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15717 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15718 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15718 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15723 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM15723 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM15726 CZECHOSLOVAKIAN POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CZECHOSLOVAKIAN GM15726 cell Chao Pang GM15727 CZECHOSLOVAKIAN POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CZECHOSLOVAKIAN GM15727 cell Chao Pang GM15724 CZECHOSLOVAKIAN POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CZECHOSLOVAKIAN GM15724 cell Chao Pang GM15725 CZECHOSLOVAKIAN POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CZECHOSLOVAKIAN GM15725 cell Chao Pang GM15730 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CZECHOSLOVAKIAN CZECHOSLOVAKIAN POPULATION GM15730 cell Chao Pang GM15731 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CZECHOSLOVAKIAN CZECHOSLOVAKIAN POPULATION GM15731 cell Chao Pang GM15728 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CZECHOSLOVAKIAN CZECHOSLOVAKIAN POPULATION GM15728 cell Chao Pang GM15729 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CZECHOSLOVAKIAN CZECHOSLOVAKIAN POPULATION GM15729 cell Chao Pang GM15732 CZECHOSLOVAKIAN POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CZECHOSLOVAKIAN GM15732 cell Chao Pang GM15733 CZECHOSLOVAKIAN POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - CZECHOSLOVAKIAN GM15733 cell Chao Pang GM15740 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15740 cell Chao Pang GM15742 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15742 cell Chao Pang GM15747 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15747 cell Chao Pang GM15751 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY; TTD ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA WITH HAIR ABNORMALITY AND MENTAL AND GROWTH RETARDATION, INCLUDED GM15751 cell OMIM: 601675 Chao Pang GM15752 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY; TTD ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA WITH HAIR ABNORMALITY AND MENTAL AND GROWTH RETARDATION, INCLUDED EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 2; ERCC2 GM15752 cell OMIM: 126340 OMIM: 601675 Chao Pang GM15753 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY; TTD ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA WITH HAIR ABNORMALITY AND MENTAL AND GROWTH RETARDATION, INCLUDED EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 2; ERCC2 GM15753 cell OMIM: 126340 OMIM: 601675 Chao Pang GM15754 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 2; ERCC2 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY; TTD ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA WITH HAIR ABNORMALITY AND MENTAL AND GROWTH RETARDATION, INCLUDED GM15754 cell OMIM: 126340 OMIM: 601675 Chao Pang GM15755 ICELANDIC POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ICELAND GM15755 cell Chao Pang GM15756 ICELANDIC POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ICELAND GM15756 cell Chao Pang GM15765 ICELANDIC POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ICELAND GM15765 cell Chao Pang GM15764 ICELANDIC POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ICELAND GM15764 cell Chao Pang GM15766 ICELANDIC POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ICELAND GM15766 cell Chao Pang GM15761 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ICELAND ICELANDIC POPULATION GM15761 cell Chao Pang GM20129 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20129 cell Chao Pang GM15760 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ICELAND ICELANDIC POPULATION GM15760 cell Chao Pang GM20128 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20128 cell Chao Pang GM20127 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20127 cell Chao Pang GM15763 ICELANDIC POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ICELAND GM15763 cell Chao Pang GM20126 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20126 cell Chao Pang GM15762 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ICELAND ICELANDIC POPULATION GM15762 cell Chao Pang GM15757 ICELANDIC POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ICELAND GM15757 cell Chao Pang GM15759 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ICELAND ICELANDIC POPULATION GM15759 cell Chao Pang GM20161 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM20161 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM15758 ICELANDIC POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ICELAND GM15758 cell Chao Pang GM20136 MUCOLIPIDOSIS IIIA N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM20136 cell OMIM: 252600 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM20124 GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM20124 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM20125 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC CHROMOSOME DELETION GM20125 cell Chao Pang GM20122 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM20122 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM20123 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM20123 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang ND05236 EPILEPSY ND05236 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05253 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05253 cell Chao Pang ND05234 EPILEPSY ND05234 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05235 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05235 cell Chao Pang GM15809 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15809 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15808 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 GM15808 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15807 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 GM15807 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15806 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15806 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15805 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15805 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15790 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 GM15790 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15788 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15788 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15786 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM15786 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM15785 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM15785 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM15780 CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM15780 cell Chao Pang ND05280 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05280 cell Chao Pang GM15819 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15819 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang ND05279 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05279 cell Chao Pang ND05278 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND05278 cell Chao Pang ND05277 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05277 cell Chao Pang ND05281 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05281 cell Chao Pang GM15812 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 GM15812 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15811 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 GM15811 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15814 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15814 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15813 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15813 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15816 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 GM15816 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15815 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 GM15815 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15818 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15818 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15817 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15817 cell OMIM: 251260 Chao Pang GM15810 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15810 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang ND05283 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05283 cell Chao Pang ND05284 EPILEPSY ND05284 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05292 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05292 cell Chao Pang ND05293 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05293 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05285 EPILEPSY ND05285 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05286 EPILEPSY ND05286 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05255 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05255 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05254 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05254 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05257 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05257 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05256 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND05256 cell Chao Pang ND05259 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05259 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05258 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND05258 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang GM15827 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM15827 cell Chao Pang GM15825 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15825 cell OMIM: 251260 Chao Pang GM15823 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15823 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15822 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15822 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15842 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15842 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15841 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15841 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15840 CHROMOSOME 10 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 3 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM15840 cell Chao Pang GM15836 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM15836 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM15820 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15820 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM15821 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM15821 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang ND05260 EPILEPSY ND05260 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05261 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05261 cell Chao Pang ND05262 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05262 cell Chao Pang ND05267 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05267 cell Chao Pang ND05276 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND05276 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang GM15859 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM15859 cell Chao Pang GM15860 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM15860 cell Chao Pang GM15861 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM15861 cell Chao Pang GM15848 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM15848 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM15849 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM15849 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM15850 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM15850 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM15851 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM15851 cell OMIM: 229300 Chao Pang ND05342 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05342 cell Chao Pang ND05339 EPILEPSY ND05339 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05341 AVM-RUPTURED ND05341 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND05371 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05371 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05370 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05370 cell Chao Pang ND05369 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05369 cell Chao Pang ND05368 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05368 cell Chao Pang ND05367 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND05367 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND05366 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05366 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05364 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05364 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05352 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05352 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM15844 SYNUCLEIN, ALPHA; SNCA PARKINSON DISEASE,FAMILIAL, TYPE 1; PARK1 GM15844 cell OMIM: 163890 OMIM: 168601 Chao Pang GM15847 FRDA GENE; FRDA FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA GM15847 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM15845 SYNUCLEIN, ALPHA; SNCA PARKINSON DISEASE,FAMILIAL, TYPE 1; PARK1 GM15845 cell OMIM: 163890 OMIM: 168601 Chao Pang ND05294 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05294 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05295 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05295 cell Chao Pang ND05296 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05296 cell Chao Pang ND05297 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05297 cell Chao Pang ND05321 EPILEPSY ND05321 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05320 EPILEPSY ND05320 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05338 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05338 cell Chao Pang ND05322 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05322 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05298 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND05298 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05310 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05310 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05299 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05299 cell Chao Pang ND05414 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05414 cell Chao Pang ND05421 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05421 cell Chao Pang ND05420 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05420 cell Chao Pang ND05419 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05419 cell Chao Pang ND05418 EPILEPSY ND05418 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05437 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05437 cell Chao Pang ND05424 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND05424 cell Chao Pang ND05423 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05423 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05422 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05422 cell Chao Pang ND05416 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05416 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05415 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05415 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05372 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05372 cell Chao Pang ND05388 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05388 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05402 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05402 cell Chao Pang ND05401 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05401 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05404 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05404 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05403 AVM-RUPTURED ND05403 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND05406 EPILEPSY ND05406 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05405 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05405 cell Chao Pang ND05408 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05408 cell Chao Pang ND05407 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05407 cell Chao Pang ND05391 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05391 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM20273 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE II GM20273 cell OMIM: 230900 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM20272 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE III GM20272 cell OMIM: 231000 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM20270 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE II GM20270 cell OMIM: 230900 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM20269 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE II GM20269 cell OMIM: 230900 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM20266 HYDROXYACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE/3-KETOACYL-CoA THIOLASE/ENOYL-CoA HYDRATASE, ALPHA SUBUNIT; HADHA LONG-CHAIN 3-HYDROXYACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE DEFICIENCY GM20266 cell OMIM: 600890 OMIM: 609016 Chao Pang GM20265 HYDROXYACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE/3-KETOACYL-CoA THIOLASE/ENOYL-CoA HYDRATASE, BETA SUBUNIT; HADHB TRIFUNCTIONAL PROTEIN DEFICIENCY GM20265 cell OMIM: 143450 OMIM: 609015 Chao Pang GM20264 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM20264 cell Chao Pang GM20263 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM20263 cell Chao Pang GM20259 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME NON-HODGKINS LYMPHOMA GM20259 cell Chao Pang GM20255 PHOSPHATE-REGULATING ENDOPEPTIDASE HOMOLOG; X-LINKED; PHEX HYPOPHOSPHATEMIC RICKETS, X-LINKED DOMINANT GM20255 cell OMIM: 300550 OMIM: 307800 Chao Pang GM20254 HYPOPHOSPHATEMIC RICKETS, X-LINKED DOMINANT GM20254 cell OMIM: 307800 Chao Pang GM20242 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20242 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM20241 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20241 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM20244 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20244 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM20243 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20243 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM20238 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20238 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM20237 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20237 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM20240 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20240 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM20239 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20239 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM20236 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20236 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM20300 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20300 cell Chao Pang GM20299 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20299 cell Chao Pang GM20293 METHYLMALONIC ACIDURIA AND HOMOCYSTINURIA, cblC TYPE GM20293 cell OMIM: 277400 Chao Pang GM20292 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20292 cell Chao Pang GM20291 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20291 cell Chao Pang GM20290 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20290 cell Chao Pang GM20297 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20297 cell Chao Pang GM20296 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20296 cell Chao Pang GM20295 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20295 cell Chao Pang GM20294 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20294 cell Chao Pang GM20288 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20288 cell Chao Pang GM20287 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20287 cell Chao Pang GM20289 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20289 cell Chao Pang GM20276 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20276 cell Chao Pang GM20278 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20278 cell Chao Pang GM20277 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20277 cell Chao Pang GM20281 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20281 cell Chao Pang GM20279 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20279 cell Chao Pang GM20284 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20284 cell Chao Pang GM20282 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20282 cell Chao Pang GM20327 LEPRECHAUNISM INSULIN RECEPTOR; INSR GM20327 cell OMIM: 147670 OMIM: 246200 Chao Pang GM20322 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20322 cell Chao Pang GM20337 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20337 cell Chao Pang GM20340 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20340 cell Chao Pang GM20335 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20335 cell Chao Pang GM20336 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20336 cell Chao Pang GM20333 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20333 cell Chao Pang GM20334 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20334 cell Chao Pang GM20328 LEPRECHAUNISM INSULIN RECEPTOR; INSR GM20328 cell OMIM: 147670 OMIM: 246200 Chao Pang GM20332 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20332 cell Chao Pang GM20301 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20301 cell Chao Pang GM20311 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM20311 cell Chao Pang GM20314 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20314 cell Chao Pang GM20316 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20316 cell Chao Pang GM20317 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20317 cell Chao Pang GM20302 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20302 cell Chao Pang GM20304 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM20304 cell Chao Pang GM20305 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM20305 cell Chao Pang GM20310 GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM20310 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM20319 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20319 cell Chao Pang ND05575 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND05575 cell Chao Pang ND05578 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND05578 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05577 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05577 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM20341 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20341 cell Chao Pang GM20343 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20343 cell Chao Pang GM20342 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20342 cell Chao Pang GM20344 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20344 cell Chao Pang GM20345 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20345 cell Chao Pang GM20346 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20346 cell Chao Pang GM20347 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20347 cell Chao Pang GM20348 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20348 cell Chao Pang GM20349 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20349 cell Chao Pang GM20350 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20350 cell Chao Pang ND00689 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND00689 cell Chao Pang ND00688 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00688 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00687 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00687 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00696 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00696 cell Chao Pang ND00695 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00695 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00694 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND00694 cell Chao Pang ND00693 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00693 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00692 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00692 cell Chao Pang ND00691 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00691 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00690 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00690 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00709 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND00709 cell Chao Pang ND00715 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00715 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00714 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00714 cell Chao Pang ND00713 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00713 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00712 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00712 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00719 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00719 cell Chao Pang ND00718 PARKINSONISM, OTHER ND00718 cell Chao Pang ND00717 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00717 cell Chao Pang ND00716 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00716 cell Chao Pang ND00720 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00720 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00699 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00699 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00697 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00697 cell Chao Pang ND00701 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00701 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00700 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND00700 cell Chao Pang ND00703 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00703 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00702 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00702 cell Chao Pang ND00706 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00706 cell Chao Pang ND00705 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00705 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00708 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00708 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00707 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00707 cell Chao Pang GM20172 MARVEL DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN 2; MARVELD2 DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE 49; DFNB49 GM20172 cell Chao Pang GM20173 MARVEL DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN 2; MARVELD2 DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE 49; DFNB49 GM20173 cell Chao Pang ND00745 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND00745 cell Chao Pang ND00742 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00742 cell Chao Pang ND00744 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00744 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00739 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00739 cell Chao Pang GM20189 DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE 49; DFNB49 MARVEL DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN 2; MARVELD2 GM20189 cell Chao Pang ND00740 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00740 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20190 DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE 49; DFNB49 MARVEL DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN 2; MARVELD2 GM20190 cell Chao Pang GM20191 DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE 49; DFNB49 MARVEL DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN 2; MARVELD2 GM20191 cell Chao Pang ND00736 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00736 cell Chao Pang ND00737 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00737 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20192 DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE 49; DFNB49 MARVEL DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN 2; MARVELD2 GM20192 cell Chao Pang GM20182 DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE 28; DFNB28 TRIO- AND F-ACTIN-BINDING PROTEIN; TRIOBP GM20182 cell OMIM: 609761 OMIM: 609823 Chao Pang ND00733 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00733 cell Chao Pang ND00734 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00734 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20184 DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE 28; DFNB28 TRIO- AND F-ACTIN-BINDING PROTEIN; TRIOBP GM20184 cell OMIM: 609761 OMIM: 609823 Chao Pang GM20185 TRIO- AND F-ACTIN-BINDING PROTEIN; TRIOBP DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE 28; DFNB28 GM20185 cell OMIM: 609761 OMIM: 609823 Chao Pang GM20188 DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE 49; DFNB49 MARVEL DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN 2; MARVELD2 GM20188 cell Chao Pang ND00732 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00732 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00728 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND00728 cell Chao Pang ND00729 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND00729 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND00730 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00730 cell Chao Pang ND00731 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00731 cell Chao Pang ND00724 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00724 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00725 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00725 cell Chao Pang ND00726 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00726 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00727 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND00727 cell Chao Pang ND00722 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00722 cell Chao Pang ND00723 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00723 cell Chao Pang ND00928 EPILEPSY ND00928 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM20216 SHORT STATURE HOMEOBOX; SHOX LANGER MESOMELIC DYSPLASIA GM20216 cell OMIM: 249700 OMIM: 312865 Chao Pang GM20217 LANGER MESOMELIC DYSPLASIA SHORT STATURE HOMEOBOX; SHOX GM20217 cell OMIM: 249700 OMIM: 312865 Chao Pang GM20218 LANGER MESOMELIC DYSPLASIA SHORT STATURE HOMEOBOX; SHOX GM20218 cell OMIM: 249700 OMIM: 312865 Chao Pang GM20220 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM20220 cell Chao Pang ND00834 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00834 cell Chao Pang GM20230 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20230 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM20231 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20231 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang ND00868 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00868 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00831 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00831 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20232 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20232 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang ND00832 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00832 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20233 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20233 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM20234 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20234 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang ND00921 EPILEPSY ND00921 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND00927 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00927 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20235 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM20235 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang ND00888 EPILEPSY ND00888 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND00896 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00896 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00830 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00830 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00828 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00828 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00829 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND00829 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM20196 MARVEL DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN 2; MARVELD2 DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE 49; DFNB49 GM20196 cell Chao Pang GM20197 MARVEL DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN 2; MARVELD2 DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE 49; DFNB49 GM20197 cell Chao Pang GM20193 DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE 49; DFNB49 MARVEL DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN 2; MARVELD2 GM20193 cell Chao Pang GM20202 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME AUTISTIC DISORDER GM20202 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang ND00746 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00746 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00792 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00792 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20212 SHORT STATURE HOMEOBOX; SHOX LANGER MESOMELIC DYSPLASIA GM20212 cell OMIM: 249700 OMIM: 312865 Chao Pang ND00793 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00793 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20200 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM20200 cell Chao Pang ND00816 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00816 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20201 AUTISTIC DISORDER ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM20201 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang ND00818 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00818 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20215 SHORT STATURE HOMEOBOX; SHOX LANGER MESOMELIC DYSPLASIA GM20215 cell OMIM: 249700 OMIM: 312865 Chao Pang ND00819 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00819 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00824 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00824 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20213 LANGER MESOMELIC DYSPLASIA SHORT STATURE HOMEOBOX; SHOX GM20213 cell OMIM: 249700 OMIM: 312865 Chao Pang GM20214 LANGER MESOMELIC DYSPLASIA SHORT STATURE HOMEOBOX; SHOX GM20214 cell OMIM: 249700 OMIM: 312865 Chao Pang ND00825 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00825 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01042 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND01042 cell Chao Pang ND01043 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01043 cell Chao Pang ND01037 PARKIN; PARK2 PARKINSON DISEASE, JUVENILE, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; PDJ PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01037 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 600116 OMIM: 602544 Chao Pang ND01041 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01041 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01059 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01059 cell Chao Pang ND01058 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01058 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01057 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01057 cell Chao Pang ND01056 EPILEPSY ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01056 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01054 EPILEPSY ND01054 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01044 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01044 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00929 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00929 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00930 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00930 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00939 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00939 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00938 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00938 cell Chao Pang ND00937 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00937 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00931 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00931 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00944 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00944 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00942 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00942 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00941 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00941 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00940 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND00940 cell Chao Pang ND05905 EPILEPSY ND05905 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05906 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05906 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05900 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05900 cell Chao Pang ND00968 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00968 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05904 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05904 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00975 EPILEPSY ND00975 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05898 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05898 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05899 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05899 cell Chao Pang ND00976 EPILEPSY ND00976 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05895 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05895 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05897 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05897 cell Chao Pang ND05887 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05887 cell Chao Pang ND05888 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05888 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00978 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00978 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00977 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00977 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00986 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00986 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00982 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00982 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01024 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01024 cell Chao Pang ND01005 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER ND01005 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND01036 EPILEPSY ND01036 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM15520 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15520 cell Chao Pang GM15521 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15521 cell Chao Pang GM15518 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15518 cell Chao Pang GM15519 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15519 cell Chao Pang GM15522 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15522 cell Chao Pang GM15523 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15523 cell Chao Pang GM15516 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15516 cell Chao Pang GM15517 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15517 cell Chao Pang GM15514 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15514 cell Chao Pang GM15515 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15515 cell Chao Pang GM15529 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15529 cell Chao Pang GM15530 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15530 cell Chao Pang GM15531 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15531 cell Chao Pang GM15533 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15533 cell Chao Pang GM15534 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15534 cell Chao Pang GM15524 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15524 cell Chao Pang GM15525 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15525 cell Chao Pang GM15526 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15526 cell Chao Pang GM15527 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15527 cell Chao Pang GM15528 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15528 cell Chao Pang GM15511 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE Y CHROMOSOME SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM15511 cell Chao Pang GM15512 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15512 cell Chao Pang GM15513 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15513 cell Chao Pang GM15504 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15504 cell Chao Pang GM15506 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM15506 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM15509 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15509 cell Chao Pang GM15510 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM15510 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM15500 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15500 cell Chao Pang GM15501 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15501 cell Chao Pang GM15503 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15503 cell Chao Pang GM15567 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15567 cell Chao Pang GM15566 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15566 cell Chao Pang GM15573 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15573 cell Chao Pang GM15569 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15569 cell Chao Pang GM19770 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19770 cell Chao Pang GM19763 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19763 cell Chao Pang GM15577 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15577 cell Chao Pang GM19762 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19762 cell Chao Pang GM15576 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15576 cell Chao Pang GM19761 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19761 cell Chao Pang GM15579 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15579 cell Chao Pang GM19760 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19760 cell Chao Pang GM15578 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15578 cell Chao Pang ND05680 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND05680 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM15581 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15581 cell Chao Pang ND05679 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05679 cell Chao Pang GM15580 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15580 cell Chao Pang ND05678 EPILEPSY ND05678 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05677 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05677 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05682 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05682 cell Chao Pang ND05684 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05684 cell Chao Pang ND05681 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05681 cell Chao Pang ND05706 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05706 cell Chao Pang ND05708 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND05708 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang ND05685 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05685 cell Chao Pang ND05705 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05705 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM19758 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19758 cell Chao Pang GM19759 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19759 cell Chao Pang GM19756 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19756 cell Chao Pang GM19757 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19757 cell Chao Pang GM19755 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19755 cell Chao Pang GM15590 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15590 cell Chao Pang GM15589 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15589 cell Chao Pang GM15585 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15585 cell Chao Pang GM15584 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15584 cell Chao Pang GM15595 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15595 cell Chao Pang GM15594 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15594 cell Chao Pang GM15593 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15593 cell Chao Pang GM15591 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15591 cell Chao Pang ND05648 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND05648 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND05647 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND05647 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND05653 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND05653 cell Chao Pang GM15596 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15596 cell Chao Pang ND05652 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05652 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05654 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05654 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05655 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05655 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05672 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05672 cell Chao Pang ND05673 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05673 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05674 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05674 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05675 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05675 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05676 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05676 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15583 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15583 cell Chao Pang GM19729 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19729 cell Chao Pang GM15538 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15538 cell Chao Pang GM15537 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15537 cell Chao Pang GM19728 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19728 cell Chao Pang GM15540 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15540 cell Chao Pang GM19727 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19727 cell Chao Pang GM19726 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19726 cell Chao Pang GM15539 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15539 cell Chao Pang GM19732 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19732 cell Chao Pang GM15536 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15536 cell Chao Pang GM19731 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19731 cell Chao Pang GM15535 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15535 cell Chao Pang GM19730 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19730 cell Chao Pang ND05618 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05618 cell Chao Pang ND05617 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05617 cell Chao Pang GM15548 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15548 cell Chao Pang ND05616 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05616 cell Chao Pang ND05615 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05615 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15541 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15541 cell Chao Pang ND05614 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05614 cell Chao Pang GM15551 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15551 cell Chao Pang GM15550 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15550 cell Chao Pang ND05613 EPILEPSY ND05613 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05626 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05626 cell Chao Pang ND05646 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND05646 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND05624 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05624 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05625 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND05625 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND05623 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05623 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM19724 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19724 cell Chao Pang GM19725 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19725 cell Chao Pang GM19723 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19723 cell Chao Pang GM19747 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19747 cell Chao Pang GM15560 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15560 cell Chao Pang GM19746 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19746 cell Chao Pang GM15558 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15558 cell Chao Pang GM19749 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19749 cell Chao Pang GM15557 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15557 cell Chao Pang GM15556 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15556 cell Chao Pang GM19748 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19748 cell Chao Pang GM19751 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19751 cell Chao Pang GM15554 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15554 cell Chao Pang GM19750 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19750 cell Chao Pang GM15553 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15553 cell Chao Pang GM15552 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15552 cell Chao Pang ND05588 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05588 cell Chao Pang ND05587 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05587 cell Chao Pang ND05600 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05600 cell Chao Pang ND05583 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05583 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15564 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15564 cell Chao Pang ND05579 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND05579 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM15563 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15563 cell Chao Pang ND05586 EPILEPSY ND05586 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05585 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05585 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15562 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15562 cell Chao Pang ND05601 SPOUSAL CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND05601 cell Chao Pang ND05602 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05602 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05603 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05603 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05604 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND05604 cell Chao Pang GM19733 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19733 cell Chao Pang GM19743 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GM19743 cell OMIM: 130020 OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM19744 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GM19744 cell OMIM: 130020 OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM19745 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) GM19745 cell OMIM: 130020 OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM15643 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15643 cell Chao Pang GM15644 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15644 cell Chao Pang GM15647 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15647 cell Chao Pang GM15664 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15664 cell Chao Pang GM15666 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15666 cell Chao Pang GM15667 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15667 cell Chao Pang ND05865 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05865 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15639 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15639 cell Chao Pang GM15638 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15638 cell Chao Pang ND05845 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05845 cell Chao Pang GM15642 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15642 cell Chao Pang ND05844 EPILEPSY ND05844 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM15640 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15640 cell Chao Pang ND05872 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05872 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05869 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05869 cell Chao Pang ND05868 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05868 cell Chao Pang ND05867 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05867 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05886 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05886 cell Chao Pang ND05885 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND05885 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND05873 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05873 cell Chao Pang ND05805 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05805 cell Chao Pang ND05807 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05807 cell Chao Pang ND05806 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05806 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05809 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05809 cell Chao Pang ND05808 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05808 cell Chao Pang ND05839 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05839 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05837 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05837 cell Chao Pang ND05841 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND05841 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05840 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND05840 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND05843 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05843 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05842 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05842 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05767 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05767 cell Chao Pang ND05769 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05769 cell Chao Pang GM15616 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15616 cell Chao Pang GM15617 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15617 cell Chao Pang GM15618 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15618 cell Chao Pang GM15619 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15619 cell Chao Pang GM15609 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15609 cell Chao Pang GM15610 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15610 cell Chao Pang GM15613 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15613 cell Chao Pang GM15614 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15614 cell Chao Pang ND05770 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05770 cell Chao Pang GM15603 UNIPARENTAL DISOMY CHROMOSOME 8 GM15603 cell Chao Pang GM15597 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15597 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang ND05803 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05803 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05802 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND05802 cell Chao Pang ND05793 OTHER VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS ND05793 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND05792 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05792 cell Chao Pang ND05791 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND05791 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND05773 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05773 cell Chao Pang ND05772 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05772 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05771 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05771 cell Chao Pang ND05709 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND05709 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND05718 EPILEPSY ND05718 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05719 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL EPILEPSY ND05719 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM15636 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15636 cell Chao Pang GM15633 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15633 cell Chao Pang GM15634 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15634 cell Chao Pang GM15626 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15626 cell Chao Pang GM15630 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15630 cell Chao Pang GM15624 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15624 cell Chao Pang GM15625 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15625 cell Chao Pang GM15623 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15623 cell Chao Pang GM15622 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15622 cell Chao Pang GM15620 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15620 cell Chao Pang ND05764 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05764 cell Chao Pang ND05753 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05753 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05766 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND05766 cell Chao Pang ND05765 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05765 cell Chao Pang ND05721 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05721 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05720 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05720 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05723 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05723 cell Chao Pang ND05722 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05722 cell Chao Pang GM19904 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19904 cell Chao Pang GM19903 CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE, AXONAL, TYPE 2D; CMT2D GLYCYL-TRNA SYNTHETASE; GARS GM19903 cell OMIM: 600287 OMIM: 601472 Chao Pang GM19902 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19902 cell Chao Pang GM19915 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19915 cell Chao Pang GM19914 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19914 cell Chao Pang GM19909 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19909 cell Chao Pang GM19908 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19908 cell Chao Pang GM19918 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19918 cell Chao Pang GM19917 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19917 cell Chao Pang GM19916 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19916 cell Chao Pang GM19818 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19818 cell Chao Pang GM19815 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM19815 cell Chao Pang GM19828 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19828 cell Chao Pang GM19819 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19819 cell Chao Pang GM19834 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19834 cell Chao Pang GM19829 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM19829 cell Chao Pang GM19836 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19836 cell Chao Pang GM19835 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19835 cell Chao Pang GM19901 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19901 cell Chao Pang GM19900 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19900 cell Chao Pang GM19801 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE II; NF2 NEUROFIBROMIN 2; NF2 GM19801 cell OMIM: 101000 OMIM: 607379 Chao Pang GM19800 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE II; NF2 NEUROFIBROMIN 2; NF2 GM19800 cell OMIM: 101000 OMIM: 607379 Chao Pang GM19796 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19796 cell Chao Pang GM19795 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19795 cell Chao Pang GM19794 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19794 cell Chao Pang GM19814 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM19814 cell Chao Pang GM19813 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM19813 cell Chao Pang GM19809 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM19809 cell Chao Pang GM19808 CHROMOSOME DELETION DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM19808 cell Chao Pang GM19802 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE II; NF2 NEUROFIBROMIN 2; NF2 GM19802 cell OMIM: 101000 OMIM: 607379 Chao Pang GM15487 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15487 cell Chao Pang GM15491 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15491 cell Chao Pang GM15492 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15492 cell Chao Pang GM15489 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15489 cell Chao Pang GM15490 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15490 cell Chao Pang GM15496 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15496 cell Chao Pang GM19782 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19782 cell Chao Pang GM19781 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19781 cell Chao Pang GM15495 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15495 cell Chao Pang GM19784 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19784 cell Chao Pang GM15494 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15494 cell Chao Pang GM15493 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15493 cell Chao Pang GM19783 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19783 cell Chao Pang GM15499 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15499 cell Chao Pang GM19790 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19790 cell Chao Pang GM19789 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19789 cell Chao Pang GM19786 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19786 cell Chao Pang GM19785 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19785 cell Chao Pang GM19788 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19788 cell Chao Pang GM19787 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19787 cell Chao Pang GM20088 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM20088 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM20087 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME ENCEPHALOPATHY OF CHILDHOOD (LENNOX-GASTAUT SYNDROME) GM20087 cell OMIM: 606369 Chao Pang GM20074 EUKARYOTIC TRANSLATION INITIATION FACTOR 2B, SUBUNIT 2; EIF2B2 LEUKOENCEPHALOPATHY WITH VANISHING WHITE MATTER; VWM (OVARIOLEUKODYSTROPHY, INCLUDED) GM20074 cell OMIM: 603896 OMIM: 606454 Chao Pang ND05944 EPILEPSY ND05944 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05943 EPILEPSY ND05943 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05941 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND05941 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND05939 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05939 cell Chao Pang ND05940 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05940 cell Chao Pang ND05927 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05927 cell Chao Pang ND05938 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05938 cell Chao Pang ND05925 EPILEPSY ND05925 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05926 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND05926 cell Chao Pang ND05923 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05923 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01060 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01060 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05924 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05924 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01061 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01061 cell Chao Pang GM20091 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM20091 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang ND01073 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01073 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01074 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01074 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20092 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM20092 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM20089 GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM20089 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang ND01075 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01075 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01076 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01076 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20090 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM20090 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM20118 AZOOSPERMIA FACTOR C GM20118 cell OMIM: 400024 Chao Pang ND01077 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01077 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01078 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01078 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01079 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01079 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20100 CONGENITAL DISORDER OF GLYCOSYLATION, TYPE Ig DOLICHYL-P-MANNOSE:MAN-7-GlcNAc-2-PP-DOLICHYL-ALPHA-6-MANNOSYLTRANSFERASE GM20100 cell OMIM: 607143 OMIM: 607144 Chao Pang GM20101 CONGENITAL DISORDER OF GLYCOSYLATION, TYPE Ig DOLICHYL-P-MANNOSE:MAN-7-GlcNAc-2-PP-DOLICHYL-ALPHA-6-MANNOSYLTRANSFERASE GM20101 cell OMIM: 607143 OMIM: 607144 Chao Pang ND01085 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01085 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20022 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM20022 cell Chao Pang GM20019 FARBER LIPOGRANULOMATOSIS GM20019 cell OMIM: 228000 Chao Pang ND05972 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05972 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05971 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05971 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05974 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05974 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05973 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05973 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05950 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND05950 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05951 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05951 cell Chao Pang ND05952 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05952 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05945 EPILEPSY ND05945 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05946 EPILEPSY ND05946 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05947 EPILEPSY ND05947 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND05948 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05948 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM20027 TURNER SYNDROME GM20027 cell Chao Pang GM20031 LEPRECHAUNISM INSULIN RECEPTOR; INSR GM20031 cell OMIM: 147670 OMIM: 246200 Chao Pang GM20032 INSULIN RECEPTOR; INSR LEPRECHAUNISM GM20032 cell OMIM: 147670 OMIM: 246200 Chao Pang GM20033 INSULIN RECEPTOR; INSR LEPRECHAUNISM GM20033 cell OMIM: 147670 OMIM: 246200 Chao Pang GM20034 LEPRECHAUNISM INSULIN RECEPTOR; INSR GM20034 cell OMIM: 147670 OMIM: 246200 Chao Pang GM20035 INSULIN RECEPTOR; INSR LEPRECHAUNISM GM20035 cell OMIM: 147670 OMIM: 246200 Chao Pang GM20071 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE III GM20071 cell OMIM: 130020 Chao Pang GM20073 EUKARYOTIC TRANSLATION INITIATION FACTOR 2B, SUBUNIT 2; EIF2B2 LEUKOENCEPHALOPATHY WITH VANISHING WHITE MATTER; VWM (OVARIOLEUKODYSTROPHY, INCLUDED) GM20073 cell OMIM: 603896 OMIM: 606454 Chao Pang GM19983 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19983 cell Chao Pang GM20018 FARBER LIPOGRANULOMATOSIS GM20018 cell OMIM: 228000 Chao Pang GM20016 FARBER LIPOGRANULOMATOSIS GM20016 cell OMIM: 228000 Chao Pang GM20017 FARBER LIPOGRANULOMATOSIS GM20017 cell OMIM: 228000 Chao Pang GM20005 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM20005 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM20015 FARBER LIPOGRANULOMATOSIS GM20015 cell OMIM: 228000 Chao Pang GM19999 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM19999 cell Chao Pang GM20000 CORNELIA DE LANGE SYNDROME 1; CDLS1 NIPPED-B-LIKE; NIPBL GM20000 cell OMIM: 122470 OMIM: 608667 Chao Pang GM19985 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19985 cell Chao Pang GM19988 EUKARYOTIC TRANSLATION INITIATION FACTOR 2B, SUBUNIT 2; EIF2B2 LEUKOENCEPHALOPATHY WITH VANISHING WHITE MATTER; VWM (OVARIOLEUKODYSTROPHY, INCLUDED) GM19988 cell OMIM: 603896 OMIM: 606454 Chao Pang ND05922 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05922 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05921 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05921 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM19978 SOTOS SYNDROME NUCLEAR RECEPTOR-BINDING Su-var, ENHANCER OF ZESTE, AND TRITHORAX DOMAIN PROTEIN 1; NSD1 GM19978 cell OMIM: 117550 OMIM: 606681 Chao Pang GM19982 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19982 cell Chao Pang GM19974 SOTOS SYNDROME GM19974 cell OMIM: 117550 Chao Pang GM19975 SOTOS SYNDROME GM19975 cell OMIM: 117550 Chao Pang GM19976 SOTOS SYNDROME GM19976 cell OMIM: 117550 Chao Pang GM19977 SOTOS SYNDROME NUCLEAR RECEPTOR-BINDING Su-var, ENHANCER OF ZESTE, AND TRITHORAX DOMAIN PROTEIN 1; NSD1 GM19977 cell OMIM: 117550 OMIM: 606681 Chao Pang GM19919 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19919 cell Chao Pang GM19920 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19920 cell Chao Pang GM19921 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM19921 cell Chao Pang GM19926 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM19926 cell Chao Pang ND01184 SPOUSAL CONTROL ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01184 cell Chao Pang ND01183 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01183 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01181 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01181 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01180 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01180 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01175 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER ND01175 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND01174 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01174 cell Chao Pang ND01179 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01179 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01178 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01178 cell Chao Pang ND01177 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01177 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01176 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01176 cell Chao Pang ND01142 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01142 cell Chao Pang ND01139 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01139 cell Chao Pang ND01172 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01172 cell Chao Pang ND01171 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01171 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01173 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01173 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01133 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01133 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01135 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01135 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01134 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01134 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01138 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01138 cell Chao Pang ND01137 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01137 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01132 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01132 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01131 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01131 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01129 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01129 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01122 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01122 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01121 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01121 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01120 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01120 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01119 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01119 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01118 EPILEPSY ND01118 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01117 EPILEPSY ND01117 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01116 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER ND01116 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND01101 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01101 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01099 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01099 cell Chao Pang ND01114 EPILEPSY ND01114 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01091 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01091 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01089 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01089 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01098 ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01098 cell OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND01096 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01096 cell Chao Pang ND01086 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND01086 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01088 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01088 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01087 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME ND01087 cell OMIM: 102300 Chao Pang GM19774 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19774 cell Chao Pang ND01283 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01283 cell Chao Pang GM19775 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19775 cell Chao Pang ND01284 EPILEPSY ND01284 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01277 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01277 cell Chao Pang GM19776 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19776 cell Chao Pang ND01282 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND01282 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang GM19777 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19777 cell Chao Pang ND01287 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01287 cell Chao Pang GM19778 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19778 cell Chao Pang ND01288 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01288 cell Chao Pang GM19779 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19779 cell Chao Pang ND01285 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01285 cell Chao Pang GM19780 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19780 cell Chao Pang ND01286 EPILEPSY ND01286 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM19771 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19771 cell Chao Pang GM19772 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19772 cell Chao Pang GM19773 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 FROM COMMUNITIES OF MEXICAN ORIGIN IN LOS ANGELES, CA GM19773 cell Chao Pang ND01276 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01276 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01275 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01275 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01244 ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER ND01244 cell OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND01245 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01245 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01246 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01246 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01247 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01247 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01248 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01248 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01249 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01249 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01250 EPILEPSY ND01250 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01254 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01254 cell Chao Pang ND01274 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01274 cell Chao Pang ND01243 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01243 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01217 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01217 cell Chao Pang ND01218 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01218 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01215 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01215 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01216 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND01216 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01213 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01213 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01214 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND01214 cell Chao Pang ND01211 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01211 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01212 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01212 cell Chao Pang ND01220 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01220 cell Chao Pang ND01242 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01242 cell Chao Pang ND01200 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01200 cell Chao Pang ND01204 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01204 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01205 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01205 cell Chao Pang ND01207 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND01207 cell Chao Pang ND01185 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01185 cell Chao Pang ND01188 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND01188 cell Chao Pang ND01199 EPILEPSY ND01199 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND01208 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01208 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01209 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND01209 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND01210 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND01210 cell Chao Pang HQ00894 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00894 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06086 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06086 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10474 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM10474 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang HQ00895 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00895 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06087 EPILEPSY ND06087 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM10473 PYGMY POPULATION SNP500 PANEL GM10473 cell Chao Pang ND06088 EPILEPSY ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06088 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM10479 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10479 cell Chao Pang HQ00892 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00892 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06105 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06105 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang HQ00893 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00893 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10478 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10478 cell Chao Pang ND06082 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND06082 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM10470 PYGMY POPULATION SNP500 PANEL GM10470 cell Chao Pang HQ00899 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00899 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00902 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00902 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10469 PYGMY POPULATION SNP500 PANEL GM10469 cell Chao Pang ND06083 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06083 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06084 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06084 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang HQ00896 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00896 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10472 PYGMY POPULATION SNP500 PANEL GM10472 cell Chao Pang ND06085 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06085 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10471 PYGMY POPULATION GM10471 cell Chao Pang HQ00898 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00898 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06081 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06081 cell Chao Pang GM10482 CHROMOSOME 11 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10482 cell Chao Pang HQ00904 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00904 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00903 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00903 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10463 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM10463 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang ND06080 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06080 cell Chao Pang ND06079 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06079 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM10460 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10460 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang ND06165 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06165 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang HQ00875 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00875 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10459 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10459 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang ND06166 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06166 cell Chao Pang GM10457 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM10457 cell Chao Pang ND06144 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06144 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang HQ00876 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00876 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00879 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00879 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06164 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06164 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10450 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10450 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10449 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10449 cell Chao Pang ND06142 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06142 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang HQ00880 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00880 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00882 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00882 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10441 ARTERIAL CALCIFICATION, GENERALIZED, OF INFANCY GM10441 cell OMIM: 208000 Chao Pang ND06143 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06143 cell Chao Pang ND06140 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06140 cell Chao Pang HQ00883 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00883 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10440 ARTERIAL CALCIFICATION, GENERALIZED, OF INFANCY GM10440 cell OMIM: 208000 Chao Pang HQ00885 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00885 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06141 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06141 cell Chao Pang GM10439 ARTERIAL CALCIFICATION, GENERALIZED, OF INFANCY GM10439 cell OMIM: 208000 Chao Pang ND06107 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06107 cell Chao Pang ND06108 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06108 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10462 GIANT PLATELET SYNDROME GM10462 cell OMIM: 231200 Chao Pang GM10461 GIANT PLATELET SYNDROME GM10461 cell OMIM: 231200 Chao Pang HQ00890 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00890 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00888 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00888 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00891 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00891 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06106 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06106 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06170 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND06170 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00932 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00932 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06171 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06171 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00933 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00933 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00927 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00927 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06173 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND06173 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00928 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00928 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06174 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND06174 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06175 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06175 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00922 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00922 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06176 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06176 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00923 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00923 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00920 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00920 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06177 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND06177 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00921 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00921 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00918 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00918 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00919 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00919 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06167 EPILEPSY ND06167 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06168 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06168 cell Chao Pang ND06169 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06169 cell Chao Pang HQ00911 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00911 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00912 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00912 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00913 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00913 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00915 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00915 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00906 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00906 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00907 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00907 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00909 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00909 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00910 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00910 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00905 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00905 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00916 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00916 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10392 FAMILIAL MULTIPLE CONGENITAL ANOMALIES - UNKNOWN SYNDROME OR INHERITANCE GM10392 cell Chao Pang GM10384 DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS GM10384 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang GM10386 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10386 cell Chao Pang GM10388 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10388 cell Chao Pang GM10389 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PROGRESSIVE WITH CNS INVOLVEMENT & RECESSIVE INHERITANCE GM10389 cell Chao Pang GM10379 INVERTED CHROMOSOME CRYPTOPHTHALMOS WITH OTHER MALFORMATIONS GM10379 cell OMIM: 219000 Chao Pang ND05983 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05983 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05982 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND05982 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM10381 CRYPTOPHTHALMOS WITH OTHER MALFORMATIONS GM10381 cell OMIM: 219000 Chao Pang ND05985 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05985 cell Chao Pang GM10382 DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10382 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang ND05984 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND05984 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang GM10383 DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS GM10383 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang HQ00842 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00842 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00841 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00841 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00840 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00840 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND05981 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND05981 cell Chao Pang HQ00839 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00839 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10378 CRYPTOPHTHALMOS WITH OTHER MALFORMATIONS GM10378 cell OMIM: 219000 Chao Pang HQ00846 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00846 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND05979 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05979 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND05980 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND05980 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang HQ00847 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00847 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00843 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00843 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00845 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00845 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND05975 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05975 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND05976 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05976 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang HQ00848 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00848 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND05977 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND05977 cell Chao Pang ND05978 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND05978 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang HQ00849 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00849 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10367 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10367 cell Chao Pang GM10374 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10374 cell Chao Pang GM10365 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10365 cell Chao Pang GM10366 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10366 cell Chao Pang GM10363 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10363 cell Chao Pang GM10364 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10364 cell Chao Pang GM10361 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE IV; ARTERIAL, ECCHYMOTIC TYPE GM10361 cell OMIM: 130050 Chao Pang ND06020 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06020 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10362 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE IV; ARTERIAL, ECCHYMOTIC TYPE GM10362 cell OMIM: 130050 Chao Pang ND06012 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06012 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10359 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM10359 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang ND06010 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06010 cell Chao Pang ND06009 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06009 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10360 HYPERGLYCINEMIA, ISOLATED NONKETOTIC, TYPE I GM10360 cell OMIM: 238300 Chao Pang ND06008 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06008 cell Chao Pang HQ00827 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00827 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND05998 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND05998 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang HQ00829 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00829 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00828 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00828 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00830 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00830 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00831 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00831 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND05997 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND05997 cell Chao Pang HQ00832 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00832 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00834 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00834 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00835 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00835 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND05995 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05995 cell Chao Pang HQ00836 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00836 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND05996 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05996 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang HQ00838 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00838 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND05986 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND05986 cell Chao Pang ND05994 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND05994 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10431 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM10431 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM10432 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM10432 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang GM10433 MARFAN SYNDROME; MFS GM10433 cell OMIM: 154700 Chao Pang HQ00870 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00870 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06025 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06025 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10417 ASPARTYLGLUCOSAMINURIA GM10417 cell OMIM: 208400 Chao Pang HQ00869 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00869 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10418 ASPARTYLGLUCOSAMINURIA GM10418 cell OMIM: 208400 Chao Pang ND06047 EPILEPSY ND06047 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang HQ00868 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00868 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06026 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06026 cell Chao Pang GM10419 SIALIC ACID STORAGE DISEASE; SIASD GM10419 cell OMIM: 269920 Chao Pang HQ00867 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00867 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10420 SIALIC ACID STORAGE DISEASE; SIASD GM10420 cell OMIM: 269920 Chao Pang HQ00866 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00866 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06049 EPILEPSY ND06049 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06048 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06048 cell Chao Pang HQ00865 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00865 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10423 REYE SYNDROME GM10423 cell Chao Pang GM10428 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM10428 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang ND06051 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06051 cell Chao Pang GM10430 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 2; ERCC2 GM10430 cell OMIM: 126340 OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang ND06050 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06050 cell Chao Pang ND06021 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06021 cell Chao Pang ND06022 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06022 cell Chao Pang ND06023 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06023 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06024 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06024 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang HQ00873 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00873 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00874 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00874 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00871 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00871 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00872 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00872 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10407 CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE; TRUNCUS ARTERIOSUS GM10407 cell Chao Pang GM10408 CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE; TRANSPOSITION OF GREAT VESSELS GM10408 cell Chao Pang GM10404 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10404 cell Chao Pang GM10406 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10406 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND06059 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND06059 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang HQ00854 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00854 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10393 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10393 cell Chao Pang HQ00852 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00852 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06058 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND06058 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang GM10394 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM10394 cell Chao Pang ND06057 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06057 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang HQ00856 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00856 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06056 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06056 cell Chao Pang HQ00855 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00855 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10402 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM10402 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang ND06078 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06078 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06077 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06077 cell Chao Pang GM10403 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM10403 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM10396 CITRULLINEMIA GM10396 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang ND06076 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND06076 cell Chao Pang HQ00851 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00851 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10401 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM10401 cell Chao Pang ND06060 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06060 cell Chao Pang HQ00862 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00862 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06054 EPILEPSY ND06054 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06052 EPILEPSY ND06052 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06053 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06053 cell Chao Pang HQ00857 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00857 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00858 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00858 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00859 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00859 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00861 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00861 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03960 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03960 cell Chao Pang DA03952 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03952 cell Chao Pang DA03953 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03953 cell Chao Pang DA03954 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03954 cell Chao Pang DA03955 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03955 cell Chao Pang DA03956 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03956 cell Chao Pang DA03957 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03957 cell Chao Pang DA03958 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03958 cell Chao Pang DA03959 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03959 cell Chao Pang ND14059 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14059 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14060 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14060 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14058 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14058 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14071 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14071 cell Chao Pang ND14074 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14074 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14061 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14061 cell Chao Pang DA03951 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03951 cell Chao Pang ND14062 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14062 cell Chao Pang ND14077 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND14077 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14075 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14075 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14076 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND14076 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA03965 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03965 cell Chao Pang DA03966 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03966 cell Chao Pang DA03963 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03963 cell Chao Pang DA03964 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03964 cell Chao Pang DA03969 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03969 cell Chao Pang DA03970 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03970 cell Chao Pang DA03967 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03967 cell Chao Pang DA03968 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03968 cell Chao Pang ND14078 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14078 cell Chao Pang ND14079 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14079 cell Chao Pang ND14080 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND14080 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14081 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14081 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14082 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14082 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA03962 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03962 cell Chao Pang DA03961 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03961 cell Chao Pang ND14083 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14083 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14084 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14084 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14085 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14085 cell Chao Pang ND14086 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14086 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14087 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14087 cell Chao Pang DA03937 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03937 cell Chao Pang DA03938 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03938 cell Chao Pang DA03939 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03939 cell Chao Pang HQ00822 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00822 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND14088 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14088 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA03933 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03933 cell Chao Pang DA03934 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03934 cell Chao Pang HQ00821 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00821 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03935 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03935 cell Chao Pang HQ00826 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00826 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03936 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03936 cell Chao Pang HQ00823 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00823 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00816 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00816 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03929 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03929 cell Chao Pang HQ00815 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00815 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03931 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03931 cell Chao Pang HQ00820 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00820 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00819 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00819 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA03932 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03932 cell Chao Pang ND14096 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14096 cell Chao Pang ND14097 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14097 cell Chao Pang HQ00813 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00813 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND14094 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14094 cell Chao Pang HQ00814 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00814 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND14095 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14095 cell Chao Pang ND14091 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14091 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14093 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14093 cell Chao Pang ND14089 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14089 cell Chao Pang ND14090 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14090 cell Chao Pang ND14098 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14098 cell Chao Pang DA03948 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03948 cell Chao Pang DA03949 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03949 cell Chao Pang DA03946 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03946 cell Chao Pang DA03947 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03947 cell Chao Pang DA03944 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03944 cell Chao Pang ND14113 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14113 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA03945 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03945 cell Chao Pang ND14099 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14099 cell Chao Pang DA03942 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03942 cell Chao Pang DA03943 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03943 cell Chao Pang DA03940 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03940 cell Chao Pang DA03941 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03941 cell Chao Pang ND14118 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND14118 cell Chao Pang ND14119 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14119 cell Chao Pang ND14120 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14120 cell Chao Pang ND14121 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14121 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14114 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14114 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14115 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14115 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14116 SPOUSAL CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND14116 cell Chao Pang ND14117 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14117 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA03907 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03907 cell Chao Pang DA03909 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03909 cell Chao Pang DA03908 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03908 cell Chao Pang DA03912 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03912 cell Chao Pang GM00727 GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GALACTOSEMIA GM00727 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang DA03910 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03910 cell Chao Pang DA03914 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03914 cell Chao Pang DA03913 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03913 cell Chao Pang DA03916 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03916 cell Chao Pang DA03915 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03915 cell Chao Pang DA03917 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03917 cell Chao Pang GM00717 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM00717 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM00726 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00726 cell Chao Pang GM00725 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00725 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00724 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00724 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00722 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00722 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00721 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00721 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00720 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00720 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00719 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM00719 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM00718 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM00718 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang DA03919 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03919 cell Chao Pang DA03918 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03918 cell Chao Pang DA03924 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03924 cell Chao Pang DA03923 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03923 cell Chao Pang DA03922 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03922 cell Chao Pang DA03920 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03920 cell Chao Pang DA03928 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03928 cell Chao Pang DA03927 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03927 cell Chao Pang DA03926 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03926 cell Chao Pang DA03925 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03925 cell Chao Pang GM00730 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00730 cell Chao Pang GM00729 RING CHROMOSOME GM00729 cell Chao Pang GM00736 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM00736 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM00735 TURNER SYNDROME INVERTED CHROMOSOME ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM00735 cell Chao Pang GM00738 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM00738 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM00737 N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINIDASE, ALPHA-; NAGLU MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIB GM00737 cell OMIM: 252920 Chao Pang GM00732 SENSORY NEUROPATHY TYPE UNKNOWN GM00732 cell Chao Pang GM00731 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00731 cell Chao Pang GM00734 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 GM00734 cell Chao Pang GM00733 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM00733 cell Chao Pang GM00743 PHOSPHOGLYCERATE KINASE 1; PGK1 GM00743 cell OMIM: 311800 Chao Pang GM00740 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 1; RCDP1 GM00740 cell OMIM: 215100 Chao Pang GM00739 EXCISION-REPAIR CROSS-COMPLEMENTING RODENT REPAIR DEFICIENCY, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP 6; ERCC6 COCKAYNE SYNDROME, TYPE B, INCLUDED; CSB, INCLUDED GM00739 cell OMIM: 133540 Chao Pang GM00752 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00752 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00751 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00751 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00747 HYPERGLYCINEMIA, ISOLATED NONKETOTIC, TYPE I GM00747 cell OMIM: 238300 Chao Pang GM00744 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; LETHAL GM00744 cell Chao Pang GM00768 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM00768 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM00760 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS CYSTINOSIN; CTNS GM00760 cell OMIM: 219800 OMIM: 606272 Chao Pang GM00753 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00753 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang DA03899 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03899 cell Chao Pang DA03898 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03898 cell Chao Pang DA03897 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03897 cell Chao Pang DA03896 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03896 cell Chao Pang DA03906 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03906 cell Chao Pang DA03905 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03905 cell Chao Pang DA03904 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03904 cell Chao Pang DA03902 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03902 cell Chao Pang DA03901 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03901 cell Chao Pang DA03900 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03900 cell Chao Pang GM00773 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00773 cell Chao Pang GM00770 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM00770 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM00782 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM00782 cell Chao Pang GM00781 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM00781 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM00798 ALPHA-L-IDURONIDASE; IDUA HURLER SYNDROME GM00798 cell OMIM: 252800 OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang GM00783 FIBRODYSPLASIA OSSIFICANS PROGRESSIVA; FOP GM00783 cell OMIM: 135100 Chao Pang GM00800 HURLER SYNDROME GM00800 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang GM00799 HURLER SYNDROME GM00799 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang GM00802 FUCOSIDOSIS GM00802 cell OMIM: 230000 Chao Pang GM00801 FUCOSIDOSIS GM00801 cell OMIM: 230000 Chao Pang GM00647 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM00647 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM00648 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM00648 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM00651 BRANCHED-CHAIN KETO ACID DEHYDROGENASE E1, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; BCKDHA MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM00651 cell OMIM: 248600 OMIM: 608348 Chao Pang GM00654 MANNOSIDOSIS, ALPHA B, LYSOSOMAL GM00654 cell OMIM: 248500 Chao Pang GM00649 BRANCHED-CHAIN KETO ACID DEHYDROGENASE E1, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; BCKDHA MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM00649 cell OMIM: 248600 OMIM: 608348 Chao Pang GM00650 BRANCHED-CHAIN KETO ACID DEHYDROGENASE E1, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; BCKDHA MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM00650 cell OMIM: 248600 OMIM: 608348 Chao Pang GM20761 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20761 cell Chao Pang GM20760 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20760 cell Chao Pang GM20759 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20759 cell Chao Pang GM00673 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM00673 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM20772 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20772 cell Chao Pang GM00671 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM00671 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM00667 ARH GENE; ARH HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; ARH GM00667 cell OMIM: 603813 OMIM: 605747 Chao Pang GM20771 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20771 cell Chao Pang GM00657 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00657 cell Chao Pang GM20770 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20770 cell Chao Pang GM20769 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20769 cell Chao Pang GM20768 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20768 cell Chao Pang GM20766 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20766 cell Chao Pang GM20765 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20765 cell Chao Pang GM00627 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00627 cell Chao Pang GM00629 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA N-SULFOGLUCOSAMINE SULFOHYDROLASE; SGSH GM00629 cell OMIM: 252900 OMIM: 605270 Chao Pang GM00632 OROTICACIDURIA TYPES I OR II - 258900 OR 258920 GM00632 cell OMIM: 258900 Chao Pang GM00633 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME CHROMOSOME DELETION GM00633 cell Chao Pang GM00636 FABRY DISEASE GM00636 cell OMIM: 301500 Chao Pang GM20774 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20774 cell Chao Pang GM20773 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20773 cell Chao Pang GM20778 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20778 cell Chao Pang GM20775 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20775 cell Chao Pang GM00638 GALACTOSEMIA GM00638 cell OMIM: 230400 Chao Pang GM20792 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20792 cell Chao Pang GM20790 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20790 cell Chao Pang GM00637 SV40 VIRUS-TRANSFORMED APPARENTLY HEALTHY: NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00637 cell Chao Pang GM00643 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA N-SULFOGLUCOSAMINE SULFOHYDROLASE; SGSH GM00643 cell OMIM: 252900 OMIM: 605270 Chao Pang GM00640 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM00640 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM20785 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20785 cell Chao Pang GM00646 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; FANCA GM00646 cell OMIM: 607139 Chao Pang GM20783 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20783 cell Chao Pang GM20787 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20787 cell Chao Pang GM20786 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20786 cell Chao Pang GM00711 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 3; FGFR3 GM00711 cell OMIM: 134934 OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang GM00712 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 3; FGFR3 GM00712 cell OMIM: 134934 OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang GM00709 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM00709 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM00710 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM00710 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM00705 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00705 cell Chao Pang GM00706 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS CYSTINOSIN; CTNS GM00706 cell OMIM: 219800 OMIM: 606272 Chao Pang GM00700 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM00700 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM00701 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM00701 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM20795 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20795 cell Chao Pang GM20799 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20799 cell Chao Pang GM20798 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20798 cell Chao Pang GM20797 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20797 cell Chao Pang GM20796 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20796 cell Chao Pang GM20803 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20803 cell Chao Pang GM20802 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20802 cell Chao Pang GM20801 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20801 cell Chao Pang GM20800 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20800 cell Chao Pang GM00714 FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 3; FGFR3 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD GM00714 cell OMIM: 134934 OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang GM00713 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 3; FGFR3 GM00713 cell OMIM: 134934 OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang GM20804 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20804 cell Chao Pang DA03887 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03887 cell Chao Pang GM00690 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM00690 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang DA03886 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03886 cell Chao Pang GM00692 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00692 cell Chao Pang GM00693 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME TRISOMY 21 GM00693 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM00694 ARH GENE; ARH HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; ARH GM00694 cell OMIM: 603813 OMIM: 605747 Chao Pang DA03891 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03891 cell Chao Pang GM00676 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM00676 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA03890 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03890 cell Chao Pang GM00677 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM00677 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA03889 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03889 cell Chao Pang DA03888 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03888 cell Chao Pang GM00682 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM00682 cell Chao Pang GM20806 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20806 cell Chao Pang GM20805 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20805 cell Chao Pang GM20808 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20808 cell Chao Pang GM20807 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20807 cell Chao Pang GM20810 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20810 cell Chao Pang GM20809 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20809 cell Chao Pang DA03894 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03894 cell Chao Pang GM20812 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20812 cell Chao Pang GM20811 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20811 cell Chao Pang DA03895 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03895 cell Chao Pang GM20814 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20814 cell Chao Pang DA03892 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03892 cell Chao Pang GM20813 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20813 cell Chao Pang DA03893 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03893 cell Chao Pang GM00696 ARH GENE; ARH HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; ARH GM00696 cell OMIM: 603813 OMIM: 605747 Chao Pang GM00695 ARH GENE; ARH HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; ARH GM00695 cell OMIM: 603813 OMIM: 605747 Chao Pang GM00697 ARH GENE; ARH HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; ARH GM00697 cell OMIM: 603813 OMIM: 605747 Chao Pang DA03874 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03874 cell Chao Pang DA03878 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03878 cell Chao Pang DA03879 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03879 cell Chao Pang DA03880 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03880 cell Chao Pang DA03873 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03873 cell Chao Pang DA03885 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03885 cell Chao Pang DA03882 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03882 cell Chao Pang DA03881 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03881 cell Chao Pang DA03884 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03884 cell Chao Pang DA03883 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03883 cell Chao Pang DA03865 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03865 cell Chao Pang DA03866 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03866 cell Chao Pang DA03862 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03862 cell Chao Pang DA03864 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03864 cell Chao Pang GM20588 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20588 cell Chao Pang GM20589 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20589 cell Chao Pang DA03872 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03872 cell Chao Pang GM20613 NEPHROSIS 1, CONGENITAL, FINNISH TYPE; NPHS1 GM20613 cell OMIM: 256300 Chao Pang GM20614 NEPHROSIS 1, CONGENITAL, FINNISH TYPE; NPHS1 GM20614 cell OMIM: 256300 Chao Pang DA03871 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03871 cell Chao Pang GM20581 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20581 cell Chao Pang DA03870 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03870 cell Chao Pang GM20582 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20582 cell Chao Pang DA03869 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03869 cell Chao Pang GM20585 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20585 cell Chao Pang DA03868 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03868 cell Chao Pang DA03867 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03867 cell Chao Pang GM20586 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20586 cell Chao Pang GM00614 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM00614 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM00613 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM00613 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM00612 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE II DIHYDROLIPOAMIDE BRANCHED-CHAIN TRANSACYLASE; DBT GM00612 cell OMIM: 248600 OMIM: 248610 Chao Pang GM20616 PROPIONIC ACIDEMIA GM20616 cell OMIM: 606054 Chao Pang GM20615 NEPHROSIS 1, CONGENITAL, FINNISH TYPE; NPHS1 GM20615 cell OMIM: 256300 Chao Pang GM00610 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00610 cell Chao Pang DA03852 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03852 cell Chao Pang DA03853 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03853 cell Chao Pang DA03854 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03854 cell Chao Pang DA03856 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03856 cell Chao Pang GM20732 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; FANCC GM20732 cell OMIM: 227645 Chao Pang DA03855 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03855 cell Chao Pang GM20734 RETINOIC ACID-INDUCED GENE 1; RAI1 SMITH-MAGENIS SYNDROME; SMS GM20734 cell OMIM: 182290 OMIM: 607642 Chao Pang DA03858 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03858 cell Chao Pang GM00624 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00624 cell Chao Pang GM20730 5,10-@METHYLENETETRAHYDROFOLATE REDUCTASE; MTHFR FACTOR V DEFICIENCY GM20730 cell OMIM: 227400 OMIM: 607093 Chao Pang GM20731 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; FANCC GM20731 cell OMIM: 227645 Chao Pang GM00625 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00625 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang DA03857 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03857 cell Chao Pang DA03860 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03860 cell Chao Pang GM00621 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00621 cell Chao Pang GM20738 SPONDYLOEPIMETAPHYSEAL DYSPLASIA WITH MULTIPLE DISLOCATIONS GM20738 cell Chao Pang GM20741 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM20741 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang DA03859 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03859 cell Chao Pang GM00622 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM00622 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM00615 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM00615 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM20735 SMITH-MAGENIS SYNDROME; SMS RETINOIC ACID-INDUCED GENE 1; RAI1 GM20735 cell OMIM: 182290 OMIM: 607642 Chao Pang GM00620 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM00620 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang DA03861 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03861 cell Chao Pang GM20737 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM20737 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM20722 PETERS-PLUS SYNDROME GM20722 cell OMIM: 261540 Chao Pang GM00596 METHYLMALONICACIDURIA, VITAMIN B12-RESPONSIVE, DUE TO DEFECT IN SYNTHESIS OF ADENOSYLCOBALAMIN--CBL A GM00596 cell OMIM: 251100 Chao Pang GM20742 RETINOIC ACID-INDUCED GENE 1; RAI1 SMITH-MAGENIS SYNDROME; SMS GM20742 cell OMIM: 182290 OMIM: 607642 Chao Pang GM00600 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM00600 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM00599 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM00599 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang DA03842 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03842 cell Chao Pang DA03843 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03843 cell Chao Pang DA03847 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03847 cell Chao Pang GM20746 5,10-@METHYLENETETRAHYDROFOLATE REDUCTASE; MTHFR GM20746 cell OMIM: 607093 Chao Pang GM00607 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00607 cell Chao Pang DA03846 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03846 cell Chao Pang GM00608 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM00608 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM20752 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20752 cell Chao Pang GM00609 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM00609 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM20753 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20753 cell Chao Pang DA03845 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03845 cell Chao Pang GM20754 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20754 cell Chao Pang DA03844 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03844 cell Chao Pang GM20755 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20755 cell Chao Pang DA03851 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03851 cell Chao Pang GM00601 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM00601 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang DA03850 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03850 cell Chao Pang GM00602 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM00602 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM20756 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20756 cell Chao Pang GM20757 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20757 cell Chao Pang DA03849 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03849 cell Chao Pang GM00603 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM00603 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM00604 ALLERGIC ASTHMATIC GM00604 cell Chao Pang DA03848 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03848 cell Chao Pang GM20758 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20758 cell Chao Pang GM20743 CHROMOSOME DELETION SMITH-MAGENIS SYNDROME; SMS GM20743 cell OMIM: 182290 Chao Pang GM20745 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM20745 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang ND06192 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06192 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06191 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND06191 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06212 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND06212 cell Chao Pang ND06211 EPILEPSY ND06211 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06228 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06228 cell Chao Pang ND06227 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06227 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06230 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND06230 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06229 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06229 cell Chao Pang ND06231 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06231 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06232 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06232 cell Chao Pang ND06233 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06233 cell Chao Pang GM10306 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10306 cell Chao Pang GM10302 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM10302 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM10309 HOLOCARBOXYLASE SYNTHETASE DEFICIENCY HOLOCARBOXYLASE SYNTHETASE; HLCS GM10309 cell OMIM: 253270 Chao Pang GM10308 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10308 cell Chao Pang GM10311 HOLOCARBOXYLASE SYNTHETASE DEFICIENCY GM10311 cell OMIM: 253270 Chao Pang GM10310 HOLOCARBOXYLASE SYNTHETASE DEFICIENCY GM10310 cell OMIM: 253270 Chao Pang GM10315 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM10315 cell Chao Pang GM10313 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10313 cell Chao Pang GM10319 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10319 cell Chao Pang ND06187 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND06187 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM10320 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10320 cell Chao Pang ND06182 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND06182 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06181 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND06181 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06180 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06180 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06179 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06179 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06186 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND06186 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06185 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND06185 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06184 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06184 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06183 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06183 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM10321 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10321 cell Chao Pang ND06189 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND06189 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND06190 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND06190 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM10329 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10329 cell Chao Pang GM10324 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10324 cell Chao Pang GM10323 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10323 cell Chao Pang GM10322 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/MOUSE SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10322 cell Chao Pang GM10334 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10334 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10333 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10333 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10332 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10332 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10330 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10330 cell Chao Pang GM10335 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10335 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang ND06274 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06274 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06261 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06261 cell Chao Pang ND06258 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06258 cell Chao Pang ND06257 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06257 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND06260 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06260 cell Chao Pang ND06259 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06259 cell Chao Pang ND06276 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06276 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06277 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06277 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06278 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06278 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10337 CARNITINE-ACYLCARNITINE TRANSLOCASE; CACT GM10337 cell OMIM: 212138 Chao Pang GM10336 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10336 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang ND06291 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06291 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06275 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06275 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10343 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10343 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10342 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10342 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10345 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10345 cell Chao Pang GM10344 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10344 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10339 CARNITINE-ACYLCARNITINE TRANSLOCASE; CACT GM10339 cell OMIM: 212138 Chao Pang GM10338 CARNITINE-ACYLCARNITINE TRANSLOCASE; CACT GM10338 cell OMIM: 212138 Chao Pang GM10341 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10341 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM10340 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM10340 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang ND06245 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06245 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06244 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06244 cell Chao Pang ND06243 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06243 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06242 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06242 cell Chao Pang ND06241 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06241 cell Chao Pang ND06235 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06235 cell Chao Pang ND06234 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06234 cell Chao Pang ND06255 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06255 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10349 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10349 cell Chao Pang ND06256 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06256 cell Chao Pang GM10347 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10347 cell Chao Pang ND06246 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06246 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10346 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10346 cell Chao Pang ND06247 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06247 cell Chao Pang GM10358 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM10358 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM10357 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM10357 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM10356 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM10356 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM10355 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM10355 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM10354 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM10354 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM10353 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM10353 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM10351 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10351 cell Chao Pang GM20834 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM20834 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM20835 PROTEASE INHIBITOR 1; PI GM20835 cell OMIM: 107400 Chao Pang GM20836 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM20836 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM20819 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20819 cell Chao Pang GM20826 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20826 cell Chao Pang GM20828 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20828 cell Chao Pang GM20833 FACTOR V DEFICIENCY GM20833 cell OMIM: 227400 Chao Pang GM20815 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20815 cell Chao Pang GM20816 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20816 cell Chao Pang GM20818 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20818 cell Chao Pang HQ00938 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00938 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00936 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00936 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00935 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00935 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00947 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00947 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00946 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00946 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00945 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00945 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00944 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00944 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00943 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00943 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00940 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00940 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00939 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00939 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM20852 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20852 cell Chao Pang GM20853 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20853 cell Chao Pang GM20850 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20850 cell Chao Pang GM20851 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20851 cell Chao Pang GM20847 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20847 cell Chao Pang GM20849 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20849 cell Chao Pang GM20845 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20845 cell Chao Pang GM20846 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20846 cell Chao Pang GM20837 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM20837 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM20841 CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS, SYNDROMIC GM20841 cell Chao Pang GM20871 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20871 cell Chao Pang GM20856 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20856 cell Chao Pang GM20858 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20858 cell Chao Pang GM20859 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20859 cell Chao Pang GM20861 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20861 cell Chao Pang GM20862 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20862 cell Chao Pang GM20866 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20866 cell Chao Pang GM20869 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20869 cell Chao Pang GM20870 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20870 cell Chao Pang GM20854 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 GUJARATI INDIANS IN HOUSTON, TEXAS GM20854 cell Chao Pang ND06178 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND06178 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM10287 POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY AND HEPATIC DISEASE 1; PKHD1 GM10287 cell OMIM: 263200 Chao Pang GM10284 RING CHROMOSOME GM10284 cell Chao Pang GM10294 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10294 cell Chao Pang GM10290 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10290 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10296 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10296 cell Chao Pang GM10295 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10295 cell Chao Pang GM10301 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10301 cell Chao Pang GM10297 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10297 cell Chao Pang GM10280 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10280 cell Chao Pang GM10283 CHROMOSOME DELETION HYPERGLYCEROLEMIA GM10283 cell OMIM: 307030 Chao Pang ID00035 BRUTON AGAMMAGLOBULINEMIA TYROSINE KINASE; BTK ID00035 cell OMIM: 300300 Chao Pang ID00036 IMMUNOGLOBULIN A DEFICIENCY 1; IGAD1 ID00036 cell Chao Pang GM10277 LEPRECHAUNISM GM10277 cell OMIM: 246200 Chao Pang ID00051 SH2 DOMAIN PROTEIN 1A; SH2D1A LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE SYNDROME, X-LINKED ID00051 cell OMIM: 300490 OMIM: 308240 Chao Pang GM10272 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME ANIRIDIA: TYPES 1 OR 2 - 106200 OR 106210 GM10272 cell OMIM: 106200 Chao Pang ID00052 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, X-LINKED; SCIDX1 ID00052 cell OMIM: 300400 Chao Pang GM10271 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10271 cell Chao Pang ID00057 IMMUNOGLOBULIN A DEFICIENCY 1; IGAD1 ID00057 cell Chao Pang GM10270 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10270 cell Chao Pang GM10269 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10269 cell Chao Pang ID00058 IMMUNOGLOBULIN A DEFICIENCY 1; IGAD1 ID00058 cell Chao Pang ID00037 IMMUNOGLOBULIN A DEFICIENCY 1; IGAD1 ID00037 cell Chao Pang GM10276 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10276 cell Chao Pang GM10275 ANIRIDIA: TYPES 1 OR 2 - 106200 OR 106210 GM10275 cell OMIM: 106200 Chao Pang ID00038 IMMUNOGLOBULIN A DEFICIENCY 1; IGAD1 ID00038 cell Chao Pang GM10274 ANIRIDIA: TYPES 1 OR 2 - 106200 OR 106210 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10274 cell OMIM: 106200 Chao Pang ID00045 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ID00045 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM10273 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME ANIRIDIA: TYPES 1 OR 2 - 106200 OR 106210 GM10273 cell OMIM: 106200 Chao Pang ID00050 SH2 DOMAIN PROTEIN 1A; SH2D1A LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE SYNDROME, X-LINKED ID00050 cell OMIM: 300490 OMIM: 308240 Chao Pang GM10268 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10268 cell Chao Pang ND06391 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06391 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06392 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06392 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10267 LEPRECHAUNISM GM10267 cell OMIM: 246200 Chao Pang GM10266 CORNELIA DE LANGE SYNDROME 1; CDLS1 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10266 cell OMIM: 122470 Chao Pang ID00022 COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY ID00022 cell OMIM: 240500 Chao Pang ND06407 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND06407 cell Chao Pang GM10261 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10261 cell Chao Pang ID00026 COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY ID00026 cell OMIM: 240500 Chao Pang GM10260 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10260 cell Chao Pang ID00028 COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY ID00028 cell OMIM: 240500 Chao Pang ND06408 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06408 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06429 EPILEPSY ND06429 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ID00024 COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY ID00024 cell OMIM: 240500 Chao Pang GM10263 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10263 cell Chao Pang GM10262 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10262 cell Chao Pang ID00025 COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY ID00025 cell OMIM: 240500 Chao Pang ND06430 EPILEPSY ND06430 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ID00031 COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY ID00031 cell OMIM: 240500 Chao Pang GM10257 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10257 cell Chao Pang ND06393 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06393 cell Chao Pang ID00032 COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY ID00032 cell OMIM: 240500 Chao Pang ND06394 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06394 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10256 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10256 cell Chao Pang ID00029 COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY ID00029 cell OMIM: 240500 Chao Pang ND06395 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06395 cell Chao Pang GM10259 ASPHYXIATING THORACIC DYSTROPHY; ATD GM10259 cell OMIM: 208500 Chao Pang ID00030 SPECIFIC ANTIBODY DEFICIENCY WITH NORMAL IMMUNOGLOBULINS AND PEG-TEETH ID00030 cell Chao Pang GM10258 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10258 cell Chao Pang ND06397 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06397 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ID00034 COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY ID00034 cell OMIM: 240500 Chao Pang ND06382 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06382 cell Chao Pang GM10254 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10254 cell Chao Pang GM10253 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10253 cell Chao Pang GM10251 SPINOCEREBELLAR ATAXIA 1; SCA1 GM10251 cell OMIM: 164400 Chao Pang GM10250 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT ENDOGLIN; ENG GM10250 cell OMIM: 131195 OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang ID00004 WISKOTT-ALDRICH SYNDROME; WAS WAS GENE; WAS ID00004 cell OMIM: 300392 OMIM: 301000 Chao Pang GM10249 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT ENDOGLIN; ENG GM10249 cell OMIM: 131195 OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang ID00006 COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY ID00006 cell OMIM: 240500 Chao Pang GM10248 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME CORNELIA DE LANGE SYNDROME 1; CDLS1 GM10248 cell OMIM: 122470 Chao Pang ID00011 COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY ID00011 cell OMIM: 240500 Chao Pang ID00013 COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY ID00013 cell OMIM: 240500 Chao Pang GM10247 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10247 cell Chao Pang GM10245 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10245 cell Chao Pang ID00014 DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS ID00014 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang GM10239 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10239 cell Chao Pang ID00015 DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS ID00015 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang ID00016 DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS ID00016 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang GM10233 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10233 cell Chao Pang ID00017 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY ID00017 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang ID00021 COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY ID00021 cell OMIM: 240500 Chao Pang ID00018 IMMUNOGLOBULIN A DEFICIENCY 1; IGAD1 ID00018 cell Chao Pang DA04002 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04002 cell Chao Pang DA04003 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04003 cell Chao Pang DA04005 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04005 cell Chao Pang DA04006 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04006 cell Chao Pang DA04007 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04007 cell Chao Pang DA04008 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04008 cell Chao Pang DA04009 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04009 cell Chao Pang DA04011 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04011 cell Chao Pang DA04012 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04012 cell Chao Pang DA04013 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04013 cell Chao Pang ND06351 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06351 cell Chao Pang I91S-08 IMR-91 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL FIBROBLAST I91S-08 cell Chao Pang ND06350 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06350 cell Chao Pang I91S-07 IMR-91 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL FIBROBLAST I91S-07 cell Chao Pang GM10211 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10211 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang I91S-06 IMR-91 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL FIBROBLAST I91S-06 cell Chao Pang ND06355 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND06355 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang I91S-05 IMR-91 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL FIBROBLAST I91S-05 cell Chao Pang GM10222 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10222 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND06352 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND06352 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM10223 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10223 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang I91S-04 IMR-91 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL FIBROBLAST I91S-04 cell Chao Pang ND06357 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND06357 cell Chao Pang GM10224 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD GM10224 cell OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang I91L-18 IMR-91 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL FIBROBLAST I91L-18 cell Chao Pang ND06356 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06356 cell Chao Pang I91L-17 IMR-91 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL FIBROBLAST I91L-17 cell Chao Pang ND06359 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06359 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10225 ENDOGLIN; ENG TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM10225 cell OMIM: 131195 OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang GM10227 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT ENDOGLIN; ENG GM10227 cell OMIM: 131195 OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang ND06358 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06358 cell Chao Pang GM10228 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT ENDOGLIN; ENG GM10228 cell OMIM: 131195 OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang GM10229 ENDOGLIN; ENG TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM10229 cell OMIM: 131195 OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang GM10231 ENDOGLIN; ENG TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM10231 cell OMIM: 131195 OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang GM10232 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT ENDOGLIN; ENG GM10232 cell OMIM: 131195 OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang ND06347 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06347 cell Chao Pang ND06348 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06348 cell Chao Pang ND06349 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06349 cell Chao Pang ID00003 WISKOTT-ALDRICH SYNDROME; WAS WAS GENE; WAS ID00003 cell OMIM: 300392 OMIM: 301000 Chao Pang ID00001 BRUTON AGAMMAGLOBULINEMIA TYROSINE KINASE; BTK ID00001 cell OMIM: 300300 Chao Pang ID00002 IMMUNODEFICIENCY WITH HYPER-IgM, TYPE 1; HIGM1 CD40 LIGAND; CD40LG ID00002 cell OMIM: 300386 OMIM: 308230 Chao Pang I90-78 IMR-90 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST I90-78 cell Chao Pang ND06377 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06377 cell Chao Pang ND06376 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06376 cell Chao Pang I90-52 IMR-90 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST I90-52 cell Chao Pang GM10183 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM10183 cell Chao Pang ND06374 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06374 cell Chao Pang I91L-07 IMR-91 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL FIBROBLAST I91L-07 cell Chao Pang ND06371 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06371 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang I90-79 IMR-90 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST I90-79 cell Chao Pang GM10186 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 9 GM10186 cell Chao Pang ND06381 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06381 cell Chao Pang ND06380 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06380 cell Chao Pang GM10197 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM10197 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM10184 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10184 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang ND06379 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06379 cell Chao Pang I90-40 IMR-90 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST I90-40 cell Chao Pang GM10185 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10185 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND06378 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06378 cell Chao Pang I90-33 IMR-90 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST I90-33 cell Chao Pang GM10204 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10204 cell Chao Pang GM10206 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10206 cell Chao Pang GM10198 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IA; USH1A GM10198 cell OMIM: 276900 Chao Pang GM10199 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM10199 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang ND06362 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06362 cell Chao Pang GM10207 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM10207 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang ND06360 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06360 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06361 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06361 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang I91L-12 IMR-91 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL FIBROBLAST I91L-12 cell Chao Pang I91L-13 IMR-91 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL FIBROBLAST I91L-13 cell Chao Pang I91L-15 IMR-91 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL FIBROBLAST I91L-15 cell Chao Pang I91L-16 IMR-91 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL FIBROBLAST I91L-16 cell Chao Pang ND06300 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND06300 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang HQ01009 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ01009 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10170 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10170 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND06299 AVM-RUPTURED ND06299 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang GM10171 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10171 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND06302 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06302 cell Chao Pang GM10173 RING CHROMOSOME GM10173 cell Chao Pang ND06301 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06301 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10175 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10175 cell Chao Pang HQ01027 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ01027 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ01025 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ01025 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06298 AVM-RUPTURED ND06298 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang HQ01024 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ01024 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ01010 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ01010 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06297 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND06297 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang GM10181 WALKER-WARBURG SYNDROME GM10181 cell OMIM: 236670 Chao Pang GM10182 WALKER-WARBURG SYNDROME GM10182 cell OMIM: 236670 Chao Pang GM10176 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10176 cell Chao Pang GM10177 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10177 cell Chao Pang GM10179 TURNER SYNDROME ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM10179 cell Chao Pang GM10180 WALKER-WARBURG SYNDROME GM10180 cell OMIM: 236670 Chao Pang I90-19 IMR-90 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST I90-19 cell Chao Pang ND06296 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06296 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang I90-24 IMR-90 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST I90-24 cell Chao Pang I90-10 IMR-90 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST I90-10 cell Chao Pang I90-15 IMR-90 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST I90-15 cell Chao Pang ND06292 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06292 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06293 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06293 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06294 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND06294 cell Chao Pang I90-26 IMR-90 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST I90-26 cell Chao Pang ND06295 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06295 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10160 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10160 cell Chao Pang ND06346 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06346 cell Chao Pang GM10161 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10161 cell Chao Pang ND06344 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND06344 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06343 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND06343 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang GM10159 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10159 cell Chao Pang ND06342 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06342 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND06341 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND06341 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang HQ00992 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00992 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00991 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00991 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06340 AVM-RUPTURED ND06340 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang HQ00994 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00994 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06339 AVM-RUPTURED ND06339 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang HQ00993 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00993 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM10169 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10169 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10166 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10166 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10168 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10168 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10164 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10164 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10165 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10165 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10162 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10162 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10163 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10163 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang HQ00995 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00995 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00997 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00997 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00998 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00998 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ01002 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ01002 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06329 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND06329 cell Chao Pang HQ01005 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ01005 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06330 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06330 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang HQ01007 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ01007 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND06303 EPILEPSY ND06303 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND06328 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND06328 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang HQ00989 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00989 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04068 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04068 cell Chao Pang HQ00988 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00988 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04069 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04069 cell Chao Pang DA04070 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04070 cell Chao Pang HQ00990 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00990 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04071 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04071 cell Chao Pang DA04062 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04062 cell Chao Pang HQ00984 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00984 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04063 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04063 cell Chao Pang HQ00981 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00981 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04064 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04064 cell Chao Pang HQ00987 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00987 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04065 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04065 cell Chao Pang HQ00986 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00986 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04072 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04072 cell Chao Pang DA04073 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04073 cell Chao Pang HQ00976 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00976 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00977 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00977 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00980 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00980 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00975 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00975 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04081 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04081 cell Chao Pang DA04083 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04083 cell Chao Pang HQ00974 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00974 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04079 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04079 cell Chao Pang HQ00973 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00973 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00972 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00972 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04080 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04080 cell Chao Pang DA04077 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04077 cell Chao Pang HQ00968 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00968 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04078 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04078 cell Chao Pang HQ00967 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00967 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00966 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00966 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04075 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04075 cell Chao Pang DA04076 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04076 cell Chao Pang HQ00964 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00964 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04084 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04084 cell Chao Pang HQ00962 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00962 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04074 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04074 cell Chao Pang HQ00963 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00963 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00951 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00951 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04087 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04087 cell Chao Pang DA04089 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04089 cell Chao Pang HQ00950 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00950 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04090 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04090 cell Chao Pang HQ00953 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00953 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00952 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00952 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04091 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04091 cell Chao Pang HQ00956 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00956 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04092 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04092 cell Chao Pang DA04093 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04093 cell Chao Pang HQ00954 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00954 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00958 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00958 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04094 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04094 cell Chao Pang HQ00957 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00957 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04095 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04095 cell Chao Pang HQ00961 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00961 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04086 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04086 cell Chao Pang HQ00948 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00948 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang DA04085 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04085 cell Chao Pang DA04102 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04102 cell Chao Pang DA04103 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04103 cell Chao Pang DA04099 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04099 cell Chao Pang DA04101 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04101 cell Chao Pang DA04111 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04111 cell Chao Pang DA04109 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04109 cell Chao Pang DA04110 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04110 cell Chao Pang DA04098 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04098 cell Chao Pang DA04097 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04097 cell Chao Pang DA04096 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04096 cell Chao Pang DA04024 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04024 cell Chao Pang DA04023 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04023 cell Chao Pang DA04019 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04019 cell Chao Pang DA04018 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04018 cell Chao Pang DA04021 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04021 cell Chao Pang DA04020 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04020 cell Chao Pang DA04015 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04015 cell Chao Pang DA04014 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04014 cell Chao Pang DA04017 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04017 cell Chao Pang DA04016 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04016 cell Chao Pang DA04038 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04038 cell Chao Pang DA04037 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04037 cell Chao Pang DA04036 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04036 cell Chao Pang DA04035 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04035 cell Chao Pang DA04034 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04034 cell Chao Pang DA04033 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04033 cell Chao Pang DA04032 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04032 cell Chao Pang DA04029 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04029 cell Chao Pang DA04027 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04027 cell Chao Pang DA04025 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04025 cell Chao Pang DA04048 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04048 cell Chao Pang DA04046 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04046 cell Chao Pang DA04050 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04050 cell Chao Pang DA04049 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04049 cell Chao Pang DA04040 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04040 cell Chao Pang DA04039 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04039 cell Chao Pang DA04042 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04042 cell Chao Pang DA04041 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04041 cell Chao Pang DA04045 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04045 cell Chao Pang DA04043 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04043 cell Chao Pang GM01012 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM01012 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM01011 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM01011 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM00999 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM00999 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM00998 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM00998 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM00997 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM00997 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM00989 LAMIN A/C; LMNA HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS GM00989 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang GM00988 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00988 cell Chao Pang GM00983 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00983 cell Chao Pang GM00982 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00982 cell Chao Pang GM00981 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00981 cell Chao Pang DA04061 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04061 cell Chao Pang DA04060 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04060 cell Chao Pang DA04059 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04059 cell Chao Pang DA04054 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04054 cell Chao Pang DA04053 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04053 cell Chao Pang DA04051 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04051 cell Chao Pang DA04058 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04058 cell Chao Pang DA04057 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04057 cell Chao Pang DA04056 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04056 cell Chao Pang DA04055 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04055 cell Chao Pang GM01024 FUCOSIDOSIS GM01024 cell OMIM: 230000 Chao Pang GM01023 FUCOSIDOSIS GM01023 cell OMIM: 230000 Chao Pang GM01025 FUCOSIDOSIS GM01025 cell OMIM: 230000 Chao Pang GM01018 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM01018 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM01017 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM01017 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM01022 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM01022 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang GM01019 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE III GM01019 cell OMIM: 231000 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM01013 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM01013 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM01016 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM01016 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM01014 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM01014 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM00962 COPROPORPHYRIA GM00962 cell OMIM: 121300 Chao Pang GM00978 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM00978 cell Chao Pang GM00979 MUS GM00979 cell Chao Pang GM00972 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00972 cell Chao Pang GM00977 PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA GM00977 cell OMIM: 176100 Chao Pang GM00969 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00969 cell Chao Pang GM00970 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00970 cell Chao Pang GM00963 HURLER-SCHEIE SYNDROME GM00963 cell OMIM: 607015 Chao Pang GM00967 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00967 cell Chao Pang GM20419 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME AUTISTIC DISORDER GM20419 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang GM20418 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM20418 cell Chao Pang GM20415 MOLYBDENUM COFACTOR DEFICIENCY GM20415 cell OMIM: 252150 Chao Pang GM20411 CHROMOSOME DELETION ANGELMAN SYNDROME; AS GM20411 cell OMIM: 105830 Chao Pang GM20466 ESTABLISHMENT OF COHESION 1, S. CERVISIAE, HOMOLOG OF, 2; ESCO2 SC PHOCOMELIA SYNDROME GM20466 cell OMIM: 269000 OMIM: 609353 Chao Pang GM20434 AZOOSPERMIA FACTOR C GM20434 cell OMIM: 400024 Chao Pang GM00980 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00980 cell Chao Pang GM20410 CHROMOSOME DELETION ANGELMAN SYNDROME; AS GM20410 cell OMIM: 105830 Chao Pang GM20409 ANGELMAN SYNDROME; AS COMPLETE PATERNAL UNIPARENTAL DISOMY GM20409 cell OMIM: 105830 Chao Pang GM20408 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS COMPLETE MATERNAL UNIPARENTAL DISOMY GM20408 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM20406 PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME; PWS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM20406 cell OMIM: 176270 Chao Pang GM00951 PAPULAR MUCINOSIS; GENETIC OR ACQUIRED GM00951 cell Chao Pang GM00954 ARGININEMIA GM00954 cell OMIM: 207800 Chao Pang GM00957 APPARENTLY HEALTHY AMNIOTIC FLUID CELL CULTURE GM00957 cell Chao Pang GM00958 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IVA GM00958 cell OMIM: 253000 Chao Pang GM00946 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00946 cell Chao Pang GM00947 ISOVALERICACIDEMIA; IVA GM00947 cell OMIM: 243500 Chao Pang GM00948 PAPULAR MUCINOSIS; GENETIC OR ACQUIRED GM00948 cell Chao Pang GM00950 PAPULAR MUCINOSIS; GENETIC OR ACQUIRED GM00950 cell Chao Pang GM20502 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20502 cell Chao Pang GM20501 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM20501 cell Chao Pang GM20504 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20504 cell Chao Pang GM20503 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20503 cell Chao Pang GM00961 PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA GM00961 cell OMIM: 176100 Chao Pang GM00959 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00959 cell Chao Pang GM20505 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20505 cell Chao Pang GM20467 ESTABLISHMENT OF COHESION 1, S. CERVISIAE, HOMOLOG OF, 2; ESCO2 SC PHOCOMELIA SYNDROME GM20467 cell OMIM: 269000 OMIM: 609353 Chao Pang GM20481 HEMOGLOBIN--DELTA LOCUS; HBD HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM20481 cell OMIM: 141900 OMIM: 142000 Chao Pang GM20479 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM20479 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM20486 CHIMERA, 46,XY/46,XX GM20486 cell Chao Pang GM20482 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM20482 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM00935 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM00935 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang GM00936 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM00936 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM00934 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA GM00934 cell OMIM: 252900 Chao Pang GM00940 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00940 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM00941 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM00941 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM20377 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 2, LATE INFANTILE TYPE; CLN2 CLN2 GENE; CLN2 GM20377 cell OMIM: 204500 OMIM: 607998 Chao Pang GM00937 PHENYLKETONURIA GM00937 cell OMIM: 261600 Chao Pang GM00939 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM00939 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM20389 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 1, INFANTILE; CLN1 PALMITOYL-PROTEIN THIOESTERASE 1; PPT1 GM20389 cell OMIM: 256730 OMIM: 600722 Chao Pang GM20387 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 2, LATE INFANTILE TYPE; CLN2 CLN2 GENE; CLN2 GM20387 cell OMIM: 204500 OMIM: 607998 Chao Pang GM00945 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM00945 cell Chao Pang GM00943 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM00943 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang GM20385 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 2, LATE INFANTILE TYPE; CLN2 CLN2 GENE; CLN2 GM20385 cell OMIM: 204500 OMIM: 607998 Chao Pang GM00942 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM00942 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang GM20384 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 3, JUVENILE; CLN3 CLN3 GENE; CLN3 GM20384 cell OMIM: 204200 OMIM: 607042 Chao Pang GM20383 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 3, JUVENILE; CLN3 CLN3 GENE; CLN3 GM20383 cell OMIM: 204200 OMIM: 607042 Chao Pang GM20382 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 3, JUVENILE; CLN3 CLN3 GENE; CLN3 GM20382 cell OMIM: 204200 OMIM: 607042 Chao Pang GM20381 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 3, JUVENILE; CLN3 CLN3 GENE; CLN3 GM20381 cell OMIM: 204200 OMIM: 607042 Chao Pang GM20380 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 1, INFANTILE; CLN1 PALMITOYL-PROTEIN THIOESTERASE 1; PPT1 GM20380 cell OMIM: 256730 OMIM: 600722 Chao Pang GM20379 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 1, INFANTILE; CLN1 PALMITOYL-PROTEIN THIOESTERASE 1; PPT1 GM20379 cell OMIM: 256730 OMIM: 600722 Chao Pang GM20378 CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS, NEURONAL 2, LATE INFANTILE TYPE; CLN2 CLN2 GENE; CLN2 GM20378 cell OMIM: 204500 OMIM: 607998 Chao Pang GM00910 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS GM00910 cell OMIM: 219800 Chao Pang GM00911 METHIONINE ADENOSYLTRANSFERASE DEFICIENCY GM00911 cell OMIM: 250850 Chao Pang GM00914 RETINOBLASTOMA, SPORADIC GM00914 cell Chao Pang GM00918 GANGLIOSIDOSIS, GENERALIZED GM1, TYPE I GM00918 cell OMIM: 230500 Chao Pang GM00919 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00919 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00922 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00922 cell Chao Pang GM20399 ALPERS DIFFUSE DEGENERATION OF CEREBRAL GRAY MATTER WITH HEPATIC CIRRHOSIS POLYMERASE, DNA, GAMMA; POLG GM20399 cell OMIM: 174763 OMIM: 203700 Chao Pang GM00931 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM00931 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM00930 METHYLMALONICACIDURIA DUE TO METHYLMALONIC COA MUTASE DEFICIENCY GM00930 cell OMIM: 251000 Chao Pang GM20398 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT GM20398 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM00933 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM00933 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM00932 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM00932 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM20400 POLYMERASE, DNA, GAMMA; POLG ALPERS DIFFUSE DEGENERATION OF CEREBRAL GRAY MATTER WITH HEPATIC CIRRHOSIS GM20400 cell OMIM: 174763 OMIM: 203700 Chao Pang GM20395 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT GM20395 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM20394 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT GM20394 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM20397 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT GM20397 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM20396 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT GM20396 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM20390 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME ACUTE LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA GM20390 cell Chao Pang GM20393 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT GM20393 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM20392 HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM20392 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM00897 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM00897 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM00893 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM00893 cell Chao Pang GM00892 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM00892 cell Chao Pang GM00887 HURLER SYNDROME GM00887 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang DA03981 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03981 cell Chao Pang GM00886 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA GM00886 cell OMIM: 252900 Chao Pang DA03982 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03982 cell Chao Pang DA03983 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03983 cell Chao Pang DA03984 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03984 cell Chao Pang DA03986 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03986 cell Chao Pang DA03985 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03985 cell Chao Pang GM00909 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS GM00909 cell OMIM: 219800 Chao Pang DA03988 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03988 cell Chao Pang DA03987 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03987 cell Chao Pang DA03990 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03990 cell Chao Pang GM00907 CYSTINOSIS, LATE-ONSET JUVENILE OR ADOLESCENT NEPHROPATHIC TYPE GM00907 cell OMIM: 219900 Chao Pang GM00908 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS GM00908 cell OMIM: 219800 Chao Pang DA03989 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03989 cell Chao Pang GM00905 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM00905 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM00906 CYSTINOSIS, LATE-ONSET JUVENILE OR ADOLESCENT NEPHROPATHIC TYPE GM00906 cell OMIM: 219900 Chao Pang GM00876 METHYLMALONICACIDURIA, VITAMIN B12-RESPONSIVE, DUE TO DEFECT IN SYNTHESIS OF ADENOSYLCOBALAMIN--CBL B GM00876 cell OMIM: 251110 Chao Pang GM00870 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM00870 cell Chao Pang GM00878 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE II GM00878 cell OMIM: 230900 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM00877 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE II GM00877 cell OMIM: 230900 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang DA03972 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03972 cell Chao Pang DA03973 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03973 cell Chao Pang DA03971 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03971 cell Chao Pang GM20356 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20356 cell Chao Pang GM20357 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20357 cell Chao Pang DA03977 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03977 cell Chao Pang GM00883 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00883 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00885 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00885 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang DA03976 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03976 cell Chao Pang GM20358 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20358 cell Chao Pang GM20359 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20359 cell Chao Pang DA03975 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03975 cell Chao Pang GM20360 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20360 cell Chao Pang DA03974 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03974 cell Chao Pang GM00879 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA N-SULFOGLUCOSAMINE SULFOHYDROLASE; SGSH GM00879 cell OMIM: 252900 OMIM: 605270 Chao Pang GM20363 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20363 cell Chao Pang GM00880 HYPERGLYCINEMIA, ISOLATED NONKETOTIC, TYPE I GM00880 cell OMIM: 238300 Chao Pang DA03980 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03980 cell Chao Pang GM20364 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PLATE OF AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - AFRICAN ANCESTRY FROM THE SW USA GM20364 cell Chao Pang DA03979 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03979 cell Chao Pang GM00881 FABRY DISEASE GM00881 cell OMIM: 301500 Chao Pang GM20366 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM20366 cell Chao Pang GM20375 CHROMOSOME DELETION ANGELMAN SYNDROME; AS GM20375 cell OMIM: 105830 Chao Pang DA03978 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03978 cell Chao Pang GM00882 FABRY DISEASE GM00882 cell OMIM: 301500 Chao Pang GM00860 CHROMOSOME INSERTION GM00860 cell Chao Pang GM00857 TURNER SYNDROME ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM00857 cell Chao Pang GM00852 GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE III GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GM00852 cell OMIM: 231000 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM00863 WOLMAN DISEASE GM00863 cell OMIM: 278000 Chao Pang GM00864 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00864 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00861 CHROMOSOME INSERTION GM00861 cell Chao Pang GM00862 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM00862 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM00867 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00867 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00865 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00865 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00866 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00866 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang DA03994 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03994 cell Chao Pang DA03995 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03995 cell Chao Pang DA03992 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03992 cell Chao Pang DA03993 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03993 cell Chao Pang DA03991 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03991 cell Chao Pang GM00804 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS GM00804 cell OMIM: 219800 Chao Pang GM00803 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM00803 cell Chao Pang GM00811 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 GM00811 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM00813 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM00813 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM00843 SEA-BLUE HISTIOCYTE DISEASE GM00843 cell OMIM: 269600 Chao Pang GM00844 SEA-BLUE HISTIOCYTE DISEASE GM00844 cell OMIM: 269600 Chao Pang DA04001 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04001 cell Chao Pang DA04000 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04000 cell Chao Pang GM00845 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00845 cell Chao Pang GM00846 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM00846 cell Chao Pang DA03998 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03998 cell Chao Pang GM00847 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM00847 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang DA03997 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03997 cell Chao Pang GM00850 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM00850 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang DA03996 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03996 cell Chao Pang GM10144 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10144 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10143 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10143 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10146 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10146 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10145 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10145 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10140 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10140 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10139 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10139 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10142 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10142 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10141 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10141 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10138 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10138 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10147 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1 GENE; RP1 GM10147 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 603937 Chao Pang GM10158 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM10158 cell Chao Pang GM10157 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE Y CHROMOSOME SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 21 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10157 cell Chao Pang GM10156 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10156 cell Chao Pang GM10155 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10155 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10154 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10154 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10153 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10153 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10152 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10152 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10151 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10151 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10149 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10149 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10148 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10148 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM20570 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM20570 cell Chao Pang GM20567 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM20567 cell Chao Pang GM20572 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM20572 cell Chao Pang GM20571 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM20571 cell Chao Pang GM20555 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM20555 cell Chao Pang GM20551 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM20551 cell Chao Pang GM20562 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME AUTISTIC DISORDER GM20562 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang GM20556 AUTISTIC DISORDER ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM20556 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang GM20548 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM20548 cell Chao Pang GM20550 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME AUTISTIC DISORDER GM20550 cell OMIM: 209850 Chao Pang GM20528 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20528 cell Chao Pang GM20529 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20529 cell Chao Pang GM20530 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20530 cell Chao Pang GM20531 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20531 cell Chao Pang GM20532 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20532 cell Chao Pang GM20533 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20533 cell Chao Pang GM20534 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20534 cell Chao Pang GM20535 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20535 cell Chao Pang GM20536 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20536 cell Chao Pang GM20537 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20537 cell Chao Pang GM20541 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20541 cell Chao Pang GM20542 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20542 cell Chao Pang GM20539 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20539 cell Chao Pang GM20540 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20540 cell Chao Pang GM20545 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM20545 cell Chao Pang GM20546 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM20546 cell Chao Pang GM20543 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20543 cell Chao Pang GM20544 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20544 cell Chao Pang GM20547 ISODICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM20547 cell Chao Pang GM20538 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20538 cell Chao Pang GM20508 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20508 cell Chao Pang GM20509 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20509 cell Chao Pang GM20510 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20510 cell Chao Pang GM20512 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20512 cell Chao Pang GM20506 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20506 cell Chao Pang GM20507 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20507 cell Chao Pang GM20513 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20513 cell Chao Pang GM20514 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20514 cell Chao Pang GM20515 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20515 cell Chao Pang GM20516 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20516 cell Chao Pang GM20522 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20522 cell Chao Pang GM20524 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20524 cell Chao Pang GM20520 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20520 cell Chao Pang GM20521 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20521 cell Chao Pang GM20518 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20518 cell Chao Pang GM20519 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20519 cell Chao Pang GM20517 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20517 cell Chao Pang GM20527 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20527 cell Chao Pang GM20525 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20525 cell Chao Pang GM20526 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - TOSCANI IN ITALIA (TUSCANS IN ITALY) GM20526 cell Chao Pang ND00052 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00052 cell Chao Pang ND00053 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00053 cell Chao Pang ND00050 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00050 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00051 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00051 cell Chao Pang GM09965 ADRENAL HYPOPLASIA WITH ADDITIONAL CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS GM09965 cell Chao Pang GM09979 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09979 cell Chao Pang GM09981 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09981 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM09958 ANIRIDIA, GENITOURINARY ABNORMALITIES, & VASCULITIS GM09958 cell Chao Pang GM09960 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM GM09960 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM09963 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME RETINOBLASTOMA, SPORADIC GM09963 cell Chao Pang GM09964 ADRENAL HYPOPLASIA WITH ADDITIONAL CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS GM09964 cell Chao Pang ND00043 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00043 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09946 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09946 cell Chao Pang ND00042 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND00042 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang GM09947 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM09947 cell Chao Pang GM09948 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM09948 cell Chao Pang ND00048 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00048 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00046 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00046 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00045 LEUCINE-RICH REPEAT KINASE2; LRRK2 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00045 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 609007 Chao Pang ND00044 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00044 cell Chao Pang ND00036 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00036 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00037 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00037 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00038 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00038 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00039 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00039 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00041 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00041 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09943 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM09943 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM09944 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09944 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM09923 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM09923 cell Chao Pang GM09942 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM09942 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM09919 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM09919 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM09922 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09922 cell Chao Pang GM09913 GIANT CELL HEPATITIS, NEONATAL IDIOPATHIC NEONATAL HEMOCHROMATOSIS, INCLUDED GM09913 cell OMIM: 231100 Chao Pang GM09918 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM09918 cell Chao Pang GM09911 GILLES DE LA TOURETTE SYNDROME; GTS GM09911 cell OMIM: 137580 Chao Pang GM09912 GIANT CELL HEPATITIS, NEONATAL IDIOPATHIC NEONATAL HEMOCHROMATOSIS, INCLUDED GM09912 cell OMIM: 231100 Chao Pang ND00030 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00030 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00033 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00033 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00031 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00031 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00035 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00035 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00034 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00034 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15106 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15106 cell Chao Pang GM15113 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 14 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 11 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM15113 cell Chao Pang GM15104 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15104 cell Chao Pang GM15105 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15105 cell Chao Pang ND00073 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00073 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00074 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00074 cell Chao Pang GM15098 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15098 cell Chao Pang GM15099 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM15099 cell Chao Pang GM15102 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15102 cell Chao Pang GM15103 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15103 cell Chao Pang GM15100 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15100 cell Chao Pang GM15101 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15101 cell Chao Pang GM10015 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10015 cell Chao Pang GM10016 GIANT CELL HEPATITIS, NEONATAL IDIOPATHIC NEONATAL HEMOCHROMATOSIS, INCLUDED GM10016 cell OMIM: 231100 Chao Pang GM10017 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10017 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10018 HEPATOCYTE NUCLEAR FACTOR 4-ALPHA; HNF4A MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10018 cell OMIM: 125850 OMIM: 600281 Chao Pang GM10020 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM10020 cell Chao Pang ND00071 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00071 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00070 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00070 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00069 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00069 cell Chao Pang GM10006 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10006 cell Chao Pang ND00068 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00068 cell Chao Pang ND00067 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00067 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10011 METHYLMALONIC ACIDURIA AND HOMOCYSTINURIA, cblC TYPE GM10011 cell OMIM: 277400 Chao Pang GM10012 ABETALIPOPROTEINEMIA; ABL GM10012 cell OMIM: 200100 Chao Pang ND00066 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00066 cell Chao Pang GM10013 TRIPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER GM10013 cell Chao Pang ND00065 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00065 cell Chao Pang GM10014 GIANT CELL HEPATITIS, NEONATAL IDIOPATHIC NEONATAL HEMOCHROMATOSIS, INCLUDED GM10014 cell OMIM: 231100 Chao Pang ND00064 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00064 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00061 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00061 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00062 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00062 cell Chao Pang ND00063 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00063 cell Chao Pang GM09994 CITRULLINEMIA GM09994 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang GM09996 CHROMOSOME DELETION INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM09996 cell Chao Pang GM09991 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09991 cell Chao Pang GM09992 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09992 cell Chao Pang GM10001 USHER SYNDROME, TYPE IC; USH1C GM10001 cell OMIM: 276904 Chao Pang GM10005 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10005 cell Chao Pang ND00058 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00058 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00057 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00057 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00060 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PAROXYSMAL EXERCISE INDUCED DYSTONIA ND00060 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00059 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00059 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09989 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09989 cell Chao Pang ND00054 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00054 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09990 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09990 cell Chao Pang GM09982 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09982 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang ND00056 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00056 cell Chao Pang ND00055 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00055 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09984 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09984 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang DA04138 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04138 cell Chao Pang GM15136 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15136 cell Chao Pang DA04139 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04139 cell Chao Pang GM15135 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15135 cell Chao Pang GM15134 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15134 cell Chao Pang DA04136 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04136 cell Chao Pang GM15133 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15133 cell Chao Pang DA04137 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04137 cell Chao Pang DA04142 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04142 cell Chao Pang GM15132 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15132 cell Chao Pang GM15131 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15131 cell Chao Pang DA04140 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04140 cell Chao Pang GM15130 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15130 cell Chao Pang DA04141 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04141 cell Chao Pang GM15129 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15129 cell Chao Pang DA04134 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04134 cell Chao Pang DA04135 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04135 cell Chao Pang GM15138 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15138 cell Chao Pang DA04133 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04133 cell Chao Pang GM15137 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15137 cell Chao Pang GM10062 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM10062 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM10061 RECOMBINANT CHROMOSOME GM10061 cell Chao Pang GM10064 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME HOLOPROSENCEPHALY GM10064 cell Chao Pang GM10063 CHROMOSOME 21 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10063 cell Chao Pang GM10058 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10058 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10060 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10060 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10059 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10059 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10068 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM10068 cell Chao Pang GM10067 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10067 cell Chao Pang GM10069 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10069 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA04147 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04147 cell Chao Pang GM15122 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15122 cell Chao Pang GM15121 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15121 cell Chao Pang DA04148 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04148 cell Chao Pang DA04149 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04149 cell Chao Pang GM15125 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15125 cell Chao Pang DA04150 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04150 cell Chao Pang GM15123 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15123 cell Chao Pang GM15118 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15118 cell Chao Pang DA04151 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04151 cell Chao Pang DA04152 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04152 cell Chao Pang GM15120 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15120 cell Chao Pang GM15119 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15119 cell Chao Pang ND00084 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00084 cell OMIM: 127750 OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM15127 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15127 cell Chao Pang DA04143 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04143 cell Chao Pang DA04144 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04144 cell Chao Pang GM15126 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15126 cell Chao Pang DA04145 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04145 cell Chao Pang DA04146 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04146 cell Chao Pang GM15128 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15128 cell Chao Pang GM10043 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10043 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND00076 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00076 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00077 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00077 cell Chao Pang GM10042 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10042 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND00078 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00078 cell Chao Pang GM10041 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10041 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND00079 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00079 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10040 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC TURNER SYNDROME GM10040 cell Chao Pang GM10036 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10036 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND00080 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00080 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00081 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00081 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10027 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10027 cell Chao Pang ND00082 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00082 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00083 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00083 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM10057 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10057 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10056 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10056 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10045 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10045 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND00075 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LEUCINE-RICH REPEAT KINASE2; LRRK2 ND00075 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 609007 Chao Pang GM10044 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10044 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM15163 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15163 cell Chao Pang GM15162 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15162 cell Chao Pang GM15161 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15161 cell Chao Pang GM15160 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15160 cell Chao Pang GM15170 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15170 cell Chao Pang GM15166 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15166 cell Chao Pang GM15165 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15165 cell Chao Pang GM15164 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15164 cell Chao Pang GM10083 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10083 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10085 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10085 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10084 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10084 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10087 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10087 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10086 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10086 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10112 INCONTINENTIA PIGMENTI; IP GM10112 cell OMIM: 308300 Chao Pang GM10095 CHROMOSOME 9 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10095 cell Chao Pang GM10114 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10114 cell Chao Pang GM10113 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM10113 cell Chao Pang GM10115 NIGMS MAPPING PANEL #2, VERSION 3, HUMAN/RODENT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM10115 cell Chao Pang GM15158 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15158 cell Chao Pang GM15159 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15159 cell Chao Pang DA04128 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04128 cell Chao Pang GM15142 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15142 cell Chao Pang DA04129 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04129 cell Chao Pang GM15141 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15141 cell Chao Pang GM15146 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15146 cell Chao Pang DA04130 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04130 cell Chao Pang DA04131 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04131 cell Chao Pang GM15144 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15144 cell Chao Pang GM15153 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15153 cell Chao Pang DA04124 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04124 cell Chao Pang GM15151 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15151 cell Chao Pang DA04125 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04125 cell Chao Pang DA04126 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04126 cell Chao Pang GM15155 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15155 cell Chao Pang DA04127 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04127 cell Chao Pang GM15154 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15154 cell Chao Pang GM15156 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15156 cell Chao Pang DA04122 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04122 cell Chao Pang DA04123 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04123 cell Chao Pang GM10073 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10073 cell Chao Pang GM10072 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10072 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10071 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10071 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10070 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10070 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10080 COWDEN DISEASE; CD GM10080 cell OMIM: 158350 Chao Pang GM10079 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY WITH NO IMMUNODEFICIENCY GM10079 cell Chao Pang GM10078 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY WITH NO IMMUNODEFICIENCY GM10078 cell Chao Pang GM10074 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10074 cell Chao Pang GM10082 RHIZOMELIC CHONDRODYSPLASIA PUNCTATA, TYPE 1; RCDP1 GM10082 cell OMIM: 215100 Chao Pang GM10081 COWDEN DISEASE; CD GM10081 cell OMIM: 158350 Chao Pang GM15140 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15140 cell Chao Pang ND14399 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14399 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14398 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14398 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14397 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14397 cell Chao Pang ND14392 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14392 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14400 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14400 cell Chao Pang GM10137 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10137 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang ND14387 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14387 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM10135 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10135 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10136 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10136 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang ND14391 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14391 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM10133 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10133 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10134 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10134 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang ND14390 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14390 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14389 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14389 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM10131 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10131 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang ND14388 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14388 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM10132 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10132 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10130 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10130 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang DA04177 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04177 cell Chao Pang GM10129 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10129 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang DA04179 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04179 cell Chao Pang GM10128 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10128 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang DA04178 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04178 cell Chao Pang DA04181 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04181 cell Chao Pang DA04180 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04180 cell Chao Pang DA04183 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04183 cell Chao Pang DA04182 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04182 cell Chao Pang DA04185 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04185 cell Chao Pang DA04184 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04184 cell Chao Pang DA04186 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04186 cell Chao Pang ND14409 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14409 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14408 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14408 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14411 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14411 cell Chao Pang ND14410 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14410 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM10124 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10124 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10125 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10125 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM10126 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10126 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang ND14402 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14402 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM10127 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM10127 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang ND14401 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14401 cell Chao Pang GM10119 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10119 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND14404 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14404 cell Chao Pang ND14403 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14403 cell Chao Pang GM10121 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10121 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND14406 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14406 cell Chao Pang GM10122 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10122 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM10123 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10123 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND14405 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14405 cell Chao Pang DA04190 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04190 cell Chao Pang DA04189 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04189 cell Chao Pang GM10118 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM10118 cell Chao Pang DA04188 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04188 cell Chao Pang GM10117 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM10117 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA04187 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04187 cell Chao Pang DA04194 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04194 cell Chao Pang DA04193 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04193 cell Chao Pang DA04192 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04192 cell Chao Pang DA04191 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04191 cell Chao Pang DA04196 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04196 cell Chao Pang DA04195 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04195 cell Chao Pang ND14430 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14430 cell Chao Pang ND14429 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14429 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14428 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14428 cell Chao Pang ND14425 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14425 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14424 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14424 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14417 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14417 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14416 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14416 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14415 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14415 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14414 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14414 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14413 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14413 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang LM00002 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00002 cell Chao Pang DA04158 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04158 cell Chao Pang DA04154 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04154 cell Chao Pang LM00004 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00004 cell Chao Pang DA04160 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04160 cell Chao Pang LM00005 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00005 cell Chao Pang DA04159 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04159 cell Chao Pang LM00006 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00006 cell Chao Pang ID00059 ULCERATIVE COLITIS, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO SPECIFIC ANTIBODY DEFICIENCY WITH NORMAL IMMUNOGLOBULINS ID00059 cell OMIM: 191390 Chao Pang ID00060 ULCERATIVE COLITIS, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO SPECIFIC ANTIBODY DEFICIENCY WITH NORMAL IMMUNOGLOBULINS ID00060 cell OMIM: 191390 Chao Pang ID00061 ULCERATIVE COLITIS, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO SPECIFIC ANTIBODY DEFICIENCY WITH NORMAL IMMUNOGLOBULINS ID00061 cell OMIM: 191390 Chao Pang DA04153 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04153 cell Chao Pang LM00001 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00001 cell Chao Pang DA04165 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04165 cell Chao Pang LM00007 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00007 cell Chao Pang DA04162 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04162 cell Chao Pang LM00008 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00008 cell Chao Pang DA04161 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04161 cell Chao Pang DA04164 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04164 cell Chao Pang DA04163 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04163 cell Chao Pang ND14441 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND14441 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14440 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14440 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14437 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14437 cell Chao Pang ND14436 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14436 cell Chao Pang ND14439 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14439 cell Chao Pang ND14438 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14438 cell Chao Pang ND14432 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND14432 cell Chao Pang ND14431 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND14431 cell Chao Pang ND14434 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14434 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14433 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14433 cell Chao Pang DA04171 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04171 cell Chao Pang DA04170 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04170 cell Chao Pang DA04169 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04169 cell Chao Pang DA04168 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04168 cell Chao Pang DA04167 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04167 cell Chao Pang DA04166 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04166 cell Chao Pang DA04176 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04176 cell Chao Pang DA04175 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04175 cell Chao Pang DA04173 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04173 cell Chao Pang DA04172 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04172 cell Chao Pang ND14469 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14469 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14470 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14470 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14453 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14453 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14457 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14457 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14473 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14473 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA04218 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04218 cell Chao Pang ND14474 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND14474 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang LM00027 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00027 cell Chao Pang DA04220 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04220 cell Chao Pang ND14471 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14471 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04219 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04219 cell Chao Pang ND14472 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14472 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang LM00031 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00031 cell Chao Pang ND14475 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14475 cell Chao Pang ND00002 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00002 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04221 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04221 cell Chao Pang DA04222 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04222 cell Chao Pang ND00001 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00001 cell Chao Pang DA04223 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04223 cell Chao Pang ND00004 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00004 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04224 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04224 cell Chao Pang ND00003 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00003 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04225 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04225 cell Chao Pang ND00006 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00006 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14442 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14442 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND00005 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00005 cell Chao Pang DA04226 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04226 cell Chao Pang DA04227 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04227 cell Chao Pang ND00008 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00008 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00007 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00007 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14479 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14479 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14489 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14489 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14490 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND14490 cell Chao Pang ND14491 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14491 cell Chao Pang ND14493 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14493 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang LM00010 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00010 cell Chao Pang ND14494 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14494 cell Chao Pang ND14495 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14495 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14496 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14496 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang LM00024 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00024 cell Chao Pang LM00015 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00015 cell Chao Pang LM00014 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00014 cell Chao Pang LM00013 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00013 cell Chao Pang LM00011 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00011 cell Chao Pang LM00023 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00023 cell Chao Pang LM00021 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00021 cell Chao Pang LM00020 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00020 cell Chao Pang ND14477 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14477 cell Chao Pang LM00016 LEIOMYOSARCOMA LM00016 cell Chao Pang ND14476 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14476 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND00019 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00019 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14508 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND14508 cell Chao Pang ND00020 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00020 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14506 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14506 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00021 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00021 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04197 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04197 cell Chao Pang ND00022 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00022 cell Chao Pang ND14507 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14507 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14504 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14504 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14505 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14505 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14502 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14502 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14503 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14503 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA04206 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04206 cell Chao Pang ND14499 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14499 cell Chao Pang DA04202 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04202 cell Chao Pang ND00029 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00029 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04203 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04203 cell Chao Pang ND00027 REM BEHAVIOR DISORDER PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00027 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14498 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14498 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14497 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14497 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA04204 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04204 cell Chao Pang DA04205 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04205 cell Chao Pang DA04198 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04198 cell Chao Pang ND00024 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00024 cell Chao Pang DA04199 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04199 cell Chao Pang ND00023 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00023 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00026 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00026 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04200 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04200 cell Chao Pang ND00025 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00025 cell Chao Pang DA04201 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04201 cell Chao Pang ND14522 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14522 cell Chao Pang DA04208 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04208 cell Chao Pang ND00010 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00010 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14523 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14523 cell Chao Pang DA04207 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04207 cell Chao Pang ND00011 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00011 cell Chao Pang ND00009 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00009 cell Chao Pang ND14518 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14518 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14519 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14519 cell Chao Pang ND14520 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14520 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14521 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14521 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14510 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND14510 cell Chao Pang DA04216 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04216 cell Chao Pang ND00018 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00018 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14509 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND14509 cell Chao Pang DA04217 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04217 cell Chao Pang DA04213 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04213 cell Chao Pang ND00017 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00017 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14516 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14516 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00016 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00016 cell Chao Pang ND14514 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14514 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04215 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04215 cell Chao Pang DA04211 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04211 cell Chao Pang ND00015 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00015 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04212 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04212 cell Chao Pang ND00014 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00014 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04209 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04209 cell Chao Pang ND00013 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00013 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04210 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04210 cell Chao Pang ND00012 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00012 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14311 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14311 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01126 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01126 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang ND14312 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14312 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM01128 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01128 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM01123 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM01123 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang ND14308 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14308 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14309 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14309 cell Chao Pang GM01125 MACULAR DYSTROPHY, CORNEAL, 1; MCDC1 GM01125 cell OMIM: 217800 Chao Pang ND14307 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14307 cell Chao Pang GM01129 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01129 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM01131 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM01131 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang ND14334 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14334 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14333 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14333 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01122 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01122 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND14332 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14332 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01118 RING CHROMOSOME GM01118 cell Chao Pang GM01110 HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM01110 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 Chao Pang ND14331 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14331 cell Chao Pang GM01109 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM01109 cell OMIM: 272800 Chao Pang ND14329 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14329 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14297 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14297 cell Chao Pang GM01094 N-SULFOGLUCOSAMINE SULFOHYDROLASE; SGSH MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA GM01094 cell OMIM: 252900 OMIM: 605270 Chao Pang GM01095 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA GM01095 cell OMIM: 252900 Chao Pang ND14298 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14298 cell Chao Pang ND14299 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14299 cell Chao Pang GM01096 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA GM01096 cell OMIM: 252900 Chao Pang ND14300 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14300 cell Chao Pang GM01098 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM01098 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM01099 BRANCHED-CHAIN KETO ACID DEHYDROGENASE E1, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; BCKDHA MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM01099 cell OMIM: 248600 OMIM: 608348 Chao Pang GM01101 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01101 cell Chao Pang GM01108 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD GM01108 cell OMIM: 272800 Chao Pang ND14306 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND14306 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14305 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14305 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14302 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14302 cell Chao Pang GM01085 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM01085 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND14301 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14301 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01093 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; NON-LETHAL GM01093 cell Chao Pang ND14304 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14304 cell Chao Pang ND14303 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14303 cell Chao Pang GM01091 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01091 cell Chao Pang ND14376 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14376 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14377 INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE ND14377 cell Chao Pang ND14375 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14375 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14380 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14380 cell Chao Pang GM01176 TURNER SYNDROME ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM01176 cell Chao Pang GM01178 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS GM01178 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang ND14381 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14381 cell Chao Pang GM01169 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM01169 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND14378 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND14378 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14379 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14379 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01171 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM01171 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM01168 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM01168 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM01165 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01165 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang ND14385 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14385 cell Chao Pang GM01163 BIOCHEMICAL MARKERS GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01163 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang ND14384 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14384 cell Chao Pang GM01162 HYPERGLYCINEMIA, ISOLATED NONKETOTIC, TYPE I GM01162 cell OMIM: 238300 Chao Pang ND14382 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14382 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01161 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM01161 cell Chao Pang GM01157 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01157 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM01154 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01154 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang DA04119 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04119 cell Chao Pang DA04118 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04118 cell Chao Pang ND14335 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14335 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA04117 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04117 cell Chao Pang ND14336 SPOUSAL CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND14336 cell Chao Pang DA04116 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04116 cell Chao Pang GM01150 BIOCHEMICAL MARKERS GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01150 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang ND14337 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14337 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01151 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01151 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang ND14338 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14338 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA04121 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04121 cell Chao Pang ND14339 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14339 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01152 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD BIOCHEMICAL MARKERS GM01152 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang ND14340 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND14340 cell Chao Pang GM01153 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01153 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang DA04120 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04120 cell Chao Pang GM01139 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01139 cell Chao Pang ND14363 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14363 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14362 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14362 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM01138 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM01138 cell Chao Pang GM01142 CHROMOSOME DELETION RETINOBLASTOMA, SPORADIC GM01142 cell Chao Pang ND14365 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14365 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14364 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14364 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01140 HYPERGLYCINEMIA, ISOLATED NONKETOTIC, TYPE I GM01140 cell OMIM: 238300 Chao Pang DA04114 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04114 cell Chao Pang DA04115 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04115 cell Chao Pang GM01137 TRISOMY 21 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM01137 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang DA04112 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04112 cell Chao Pang DA04113 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04113 cell Chao Pang GM01214 FUCOSIDOSIS GM01214 cell OMIM: 230000 Chao Pang GM01213 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM01213 cell Chao Pang GM01207 CITRULLINEMIA GM01207 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang GM01208 GALACTOSEMIA GM01208 cell OMIM: 230400 Chao Pang GM01205 CITRULLINEMIA GM01205 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang GM01206 CITRULLINEMIA GM01206 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang GM01211 GALACTOSEMIA GM01211 cell OMIM: 230400 Chao Pang GM01212 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM01212 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM01209 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GALACTOSEMIA GM01209 cell OMIM: 230400 Chao Pang GM01210 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM01210 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM01203 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01203 cell Chao Pang GM01202 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM01202 cell Chao Pang GM01204 CITRULLINEMIA GM01204 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang GM01179 PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA GM01179 cell OMIM: 176100 Chao Pang GM01183 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01183 cell Chao Pang GM01187 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM01187 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM01188 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01188 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM01192 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01192 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM01193 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01193 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM01201 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM01201 cell Chao Pang GM01245 MENKES SYNDROME MENKES SYNDROME GM01245 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM01246 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01246 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01243 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01243 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01244 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01244 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01241 DIABETES MELLITUS: MATURITY ONSET DIABETES - 222100 OR 125850 GM01241 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01242 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01242 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01237 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01237 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01240 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01240 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01232 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM01232 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang GM01236 INCONTINENTIA PIGMENTI; IP GM01236 cell OMIM: 308300 Chao Pang GM01230 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01230 cell Chao Pang GM01225 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01225 cell Chao Pang GM01227 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM01227 cell Chao Pang GM01228 MENTAL RETARDATION, X-LINKED NONSPECIFIC, TYPE 1; MRX1 GM01228 cell OMIM: 309530 Chao Pang GM01229 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01229 cell Chao Pang GM01220 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01220 cell Chao Pang GM01221 CHROMOSOME INSERTION GM01221 cell Chao Pang GM01222 CHROMOSOME INSERTION GM01222 cell Chao Pang GM01224 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01224 cell Chao Pang GM01219 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01219 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM14971 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 16 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 11 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14971 cell Chao Pang GM14970 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 16 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14970 cell Chao Pang GM14976 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 16 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14976 cell Chao Pang GM14978 FAMILIAL MEDITERRANEAN FEVER GENE; MEFV MEDITERRANEAN FEVER, FAMILIAL; MEFV GM14978 cell OMIM: 249100 OMIM: 608107 Chao Pang GM14972 CHROMOSOME 16 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14972 cell Chao Pang GM14975 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 16 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14975 cell Chao Pang GM15006 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM15006 cell Chao Pang GM15009 SYNUCLEIN, ALPHA; SNCA PARKINSON DISEASE,FAMILIAL, TYPE 1; PARK1 GM15009 cell OMIM: 163890 OMIM: 168601 Chao Pang GM14979 MEDITERRANEAN FEVER, FAMILIAL; MEFV GM14979 cell OMIM: 249100 Chao Pang GM14982 SPINOCEREBELLAR ATAXIA GM14982 cell OMIM: 183090 Chao Pang GM15010 PARKINSON DISEASE,FAMILIAL, TYPE 1; PARK1 SYNUCLEIN, ALPHA; SNCA GM15010 cell OMIM: 163890 OMIM: 168601 Chao Pang GM15025 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15025 cell Chao Pang GM15024 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15024 cell Chao Pang GM15026 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15026 cell Chao Pang GM15027 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15027 cell Chao Pang GM15028 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15028 cell Chao Pang GM15029 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM15029 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM15030 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15030 cell Chao Pang GM15031 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15031 cell Chao Pang GM15034 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15034 cell Chao Pang GM15038 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15038 cell Chao Pang GM15037 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15037 cell Chao Pang GM15036 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15036 cell Chao Pang GM15035 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15035 cell Chao Pang GM15043 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15043 cell Chao Pang GM15047 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15047 cell Chao Pang GM15041 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15041 cell Chao Pang GM15042 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15042 cell Chao Pang GM15039 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15039 cell Chao Pang GM15040 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15040 cell Chao Pang GM15050 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 GM15050 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM15049 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15049 cell Chao Pang GM15052 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15052 cell Chao Pang GM15051 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15051 cell Chao Pang GM15048 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15048 cell Chao Pang GM15061 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15061 cell Chao Pang GM15053 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15053 cell Chao Pang GM15054 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15054 cell Chao Pang GM15055 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15055 cell Chao Pang GM15056 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15056 cell Chao Pang GM15062 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15062 cell Chao Pang GM15063 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15063 cell Chao Pang GM15066 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15066 cell Chao Pang GM15067 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15067 cell Chao Pang GM15064 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15064 cell Chao Pang GM15065 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15065 cell Chao Pang GM15075 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15075 cell Chao Pang GM15073 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15073 cell Chao Pang GM15072 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15072 cell Chao Pang GM15070 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15070 cell Chao Pang GM15076 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15076 cell Chao Pang GM15077 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15077 cell Chao Pang GM15078 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15078 cell Chao Pang GM15079 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15079 cell Chao Pang GM15080 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15080 cell Chao Pang GM15081 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15081 cell Chao Pang GM15082 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15082 cell Chao Pang GM15084 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15084 cell Chao Pang GM15083 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15083 cell Chao Pang GM15085 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15085 cell Chao Pang GM01056 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01056 cell Chao Pang GM01057 MENKES SYNDROME GM01057 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM15094 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15094 cell Chao Pang GM15095 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15095 cell Chao Pang GM15092 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15092 cell Chao Pang GM15093 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15093 cell Chao Pang GM15088 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15088 cell Chao Pang GM15089 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15089 cell Chao Pang GM15086 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15086 cell Chao Pang GM15087 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15087 cell Chao Pang GM15097 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15097 cell Chao Pang GM15096 DNA POLYMORPHISM DISCOVERY RESOURCE COLLECTION GM15096 cell Chao Pang GM01078 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01078 cell Chao Pang GM01064 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01064 cell Chao Pang GM01083 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM01083 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM01082 PORPHYRIA, CONGENITAL ERYTHROPOIETIC GM01082 cell OMIM: 263700 Chao Pang GM01059 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM01059 cell Chao Pang GM01058 CITRULLINEMIA GM01058 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang GM01063 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01063 cell Chao Pang GM01061 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM01061 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM01026 FUCOSIDOSIS GM01026 cell OMIM: 230000 Chao Pang GM01053 HURLER SYNDROME GM01053 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang GM01044 CITRULLINEMIA GM01044 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang GM01041 PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA GM01041 cell OMIM: 176100 Chao Pang GM01034 HURLER SYNDROME GM01034 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang GM01032 HURLER-SCHEIE SYNDROME GM01032 cell OMIM: 607015 Chao Pang GM01031 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE III GM01031 cell OMIM: 231000 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM01030 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE III GM01030 cell OMIM: 231000 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM01029 GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GALACTOSEMIA GM01029 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM01028 GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GALACTOSEMIA GM01028 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM09747 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09747 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09748 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09748 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09749 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09749 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09752 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09752 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09753 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09753 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09754 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09754 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09755 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09755 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09756 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1 GENE; RP1 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09756 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 603937 Chao Pang GM09757 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1 GENE; RP1 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09757 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 603937 Chao Pang GM09758 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09758 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang ND00192 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00192 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00193 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00193 cell Chao Pang ND00189 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00189 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00188 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00188 cell Chao Pang ND00191 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00191 cell Chao Pang ND00190 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00190 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00185 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00185 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09738 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09738 cell Chao Pang GM09739 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09739 cell Chao Pang ND00184 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00184 cell Chao Pang ND00187 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00187 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00186 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00186 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09737 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09737 cell Chao Pang GM09742 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09742 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09743 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09743 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09740 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09740 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09741 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09741 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09746 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09746 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09744 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09744 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM09745 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM09745 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang ND00183 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00183 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00181 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00181 cell Chao Pang ND00182 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00182 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00175 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00175 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00174 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00174 cell Chao Pang ND00173 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00173 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00180 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00180 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00179 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00179 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00177 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00177 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00176 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00176 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04230 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04230 cell Chao Pang DA04229 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04229 cell Chao Pang DA04232 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04232 cell Chao Pang DA04231 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04231 cell Chao Pang DA04234 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04234 cell Chao Pang DA04233 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04233 cell Chao Pang DA04236 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04236 cell Chao Pang DA04235 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04235 cell Chao Pang ND00169 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00169 cell Chao Pang ND00170 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00170 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00171 RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00171 cell OMIM: 102300 OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00172 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00172 cell Chao Pang DA04228 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04228 cell Chao Pang ND00164 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00164 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00157 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00157 cell Chao Pang ND00166 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00166 cell Chao Pang ND00165 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00165 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00168 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00168 cell OMIM: 102300 OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00167 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00167 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04238 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04238 cell Chao Pang DA04239 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04239 cell Chao Pang GM14969 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 6 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 16 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14969 cell Chao Pang GM14954 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 16 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14954 cell Chao Pang DA04246 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04246 cell Chao Pang GM14952 THROMBOCYTOPENIA ACUTE LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA GM14952 cell OMIM: 188000 Chao Pang DA04247 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04247 cell Chao Pang GM14951 EPILEPSY, PARTIAL GM14951 cell OMIM: 600512 Chao Pang DA04244 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04244 cell Chao Pang DA04245 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04245 cell Chao Pang GM14950 EPILEPSY, PARTIAL GM14950 cell OMIM: 600512 Chao Pang DA04242 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04242 cell Chao Pang GM14964 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 16 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 1 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14964 cell Chao Pang GM14963 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 16 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14963 cell Chao Pang DA04243 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04243 cell Chao Pang DA04240 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04240 cell Chao Pang GM14956 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 16 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 6 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14956 cell Chao Pang DA04241 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04241 cell Chao Pang GM14955 CHROMOSOME 12 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 16 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14955 cell Chao Pang GM09812 SECKEL SYNDROME GM09812 cell OMIM: 210600 Chao Pang GM09811 GIANT CELL HEPATITIS, NEONATAL IDIOPATHIC NEONATAL HEMOCHROMATOSIS, INCLUDED GM09811 cell OMIM: 231100 Chao Pang GM14946 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM14946 cell Chao Pang DA04237 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04237 cell Chao Pang GM09790 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP GM09790 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM09789 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 HIRSCHSPRUNG DISEASE GM09789 cell OMIM: 142623 OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 Chao Pang GM09792 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09792 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09791 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09791 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09794 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09794 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09793 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09793 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09796 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09796 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09795 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09795 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM14945 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14945 cell Chao Pang GM14944 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14944 cell Chao Pang DA04248 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04248 cell Chao Pang DA04249 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04249 cell Chao Pang DA04250 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04250 cell Chao Pang GM14934 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14934 cell Chao Pang DA04255 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04255 cell Chao Pang DA04256 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04256 cell Chao Pang GM14933 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14933 cell Chao Pang GM14936 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14936 cell Chao Pang DA04257 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04257 cell Chao Pang GM14935 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14935 cell Chao Pang DA04251 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04251 cell Chao Pang GM14941 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14941 cell Chao Pang GM14940 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14940 cell Chao Pang DA04252 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04252 cell Chao Pang DA04253 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04253 cell Chao Pang GM14943 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM14943 cell Chao Pang GM14942 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14942 cell Chao Pang DA04254 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04254 cell Chao Pang GM09788 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09788 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09787 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD ASPARTOACYLASE; ASPA HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA GM09787 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 OMIM: 608034 Chao Pang GM09786 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09786 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09781 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09781 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09780 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1 GENE; RP1 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09780 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 603937 Chao Pang GM09779 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09779 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09785 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09785 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09784 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09784 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09783 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09783 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09782 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09782 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang DA04260 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04260 cell Chao Pang DA04261 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04261 cell Chao Pang GM14932 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14932 cell Chao Pang GM14931 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM14931 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang DA04258 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04258 cell Chao Pang DA04259 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04259 cell Chao Pang GM14930 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG GM14930 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang DA04264 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04264 cell Chao Pang GM14926 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14926 cell Chao Pang DA04265 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04265 cell Chao Pang GM14925 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14925 cell Chao Pang GM14924 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14924 cell Chao Pang DA04262 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04262 cell Chao Pang GM14923 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14923 cell Chao Pang DA04263 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04263 cell Chao Pang GM14922 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14922 cell Chao Pang GM14907 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14907 cell Chao Pang DA04266 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04266 cell Chao Pang GM14905 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14905 cell Chao Pang DA04267 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04267 cell Chao Pang GM09776 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09776 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09775 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09775 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09778 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09778 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09777 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09777 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09772 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09772 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09771 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09771 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09774 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09774 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09773 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09773 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09770 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09770 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09769 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09769 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang DA04268 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04268 cell Chao Pang DA04269 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04269 cell Chao Pang DA04270 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04270 cell Chao Pang DA04271 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04271 cell Chao Pang DA04272 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04272 cell Chao Pang DA04273 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04273 cell Chao Pang DA04274 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04274 cell Chao Pang DA04275 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04275 cell Chao Pang DA04276 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04276 cell Chao Pang DA04277 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04277 cell Chao Pang GM09768 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09768 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09767 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09767 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09766 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09766 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09765 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09765 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09764 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09764 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09763 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1 GENE; RP1 GM09763 cell OMIM: 180100 OMIM: 603937 Chao Pang GM09762 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09762 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09761 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09761 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09760 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09760 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM09759 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 1; RP1 GM09759 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang ND14228 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14228 cell Chao Pang GM09899 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM09899 cell Chao Pang ND14227 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14227 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09901 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09901 cell Chao Pang GM09893 GIANT CELL HEPATITIS, NEONATAL IDIOPATHIC NEONATAL HEMOCHROMATOSIS, INCLUDED GM09893 cell OMIM: 231100 Chao Pang ND14219 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14219 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND00106 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00106 cell Chao Pang GM09894 GIANT CELL HEPATITIS, NEONATAL IDIOPATHIC NEONATAL HEMOCHROMATOSIS, INCLUDED GM09894 cell OMIM: 231100 Chao Pang ND14218 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14218 cell Chao Pang ND14217 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14217 cell Chao Pang ND14216 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14216 cell Chao Pang GM09909 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09909 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09910 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09910 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang ND14232 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14232 cell Chao Pang ND14231 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14231 cell Chao Pang ND14230 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14230 cell Chao Pang ND14229 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14229 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND00115 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00115 cell Chao Pang DA04285 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04285 cell Chao Pang DA04284 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04284 cell Chao Pang DA04287 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04287 cell Chao Pang DA04286 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04286 cell Chao Pang DA04281 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04281 cell Chao Pang ND00111 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00111 cell Chao Pang DA04280 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04280 cell Chao Pang ND00112 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00112 cell Chao Pang ND00113 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER ND00113 cell OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang DA04283 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04283 cell Chao Pang DA04282 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04282 cell Chao Pang ND00114 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00114 cell Chao Pang ND00107 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00107 cell Chao Pang GM09892 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM09892 cell Chao Pang ND00108 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00108 cell Chao Pang GM09888 CHROMOSOME DELETION TRICHORHINOPHALANGEAL SYNDROME, TYPE II; TRPS2 (LANGER-GIEDION SYNDROME; LGS) GM09888 cell OMIM: 150230 Chao Pang DA04279 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04279 cell Chao Pang GM09887 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09887 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND00109 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00109 cell Chao Pang ND00110 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00110 cell Chao Pang GM09886 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM09886 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang DA04278 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04278 cell Chao Pang GM09867 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM09867 cell Chao Pang ND14238 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14238 cell Chao Pang ND14237 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14237 cell Chao Pang GM09868 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM09868 cell Chao Pang ND14240 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14240 cell Chao Pang GM09869 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM09869 cell Chao Pang ND14239 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14239 cell Chao Pang GM09870 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09870 cell Chao Pang GM09871 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09871 cell Chao Pang ND14233 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14233 cell Chao Pang GM09884 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09884 cell Chao Pang ND14236 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14236 cell Chao Pang GM09885 SIALIC ACID STORAGE DISEASE; SIASD GM09885 cell OMIM: 269920 Chao Pang ND14234 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14234 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14242 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14242 cell Chao Pang ND14241 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14241 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14243 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14243 cell Chao Pang DA04298 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04298 cell Chao Pang DA04297 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04297 cell Chao Pang ND00104 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00104 cell Chao Pang DA04295 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04295 cell Chao Pang ND00105 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00105 cell Chao Pang ND00102 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00102 cell Chao Pang DA04294 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04294 cell Chao Pang ND00103 PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME ND00103 cell OMIM: 102300 Chao Pang DA04293 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04293 cell Chao Pang ND00100 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00100 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04292 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04292 cell Chao Pang DA04291 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04291 cell Chao Pang ND00101 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00101 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM09853 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM09853 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang ND00098 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00098 cell Chao Pang DA04290 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04290 cell Chao Pang DA04289 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04289 cell Chao Pang ND00099 FOCAL DYSTONIA ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00099 cell Chao Pang ND00096 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00096 cell Chao Pang GM09865 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09865 cell Chao Pang DA04288 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04288 cell Chao Pang GM09864 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM09864 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang ND00097 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00097 cell Chao Pang GM09850 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM09850 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang GM09852 ICHTHYOSIS, X-LINKED GM09852 cell OMIM: 308100 Chao Pang GM09838 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09838 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09849 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM09849 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang GM09833 CHROMOSOME INSERTION BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM09833 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM09834 CHROMOSOME INSERTION BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM09834 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM09830 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09830 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM09832 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM09832 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang DA04308 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04308 cell Chao Pang ND00093 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00093 cell Chao Pang DA04307 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04307 cell Chao Pang ND00094 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00094 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00095 RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00095 cell OMIM: 102300 Chao Pang GM09829 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09829 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang DA04300 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04300 cell Chao Pang DA04299 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04299 cell Chao Pang GM09828 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09828 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang ND00085 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00085 cell Chao Pang ND00086 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00086 cell Chao Pang DA04302 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04302 cell Chao Pang DA04301 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04301 cell Chao Pang ND00087 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPASMODIC TORTICOLLIS-CERVICAL DYSTONIA ND00087 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 602124 Chao Pang ND00088 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00088 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04304 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04304 cell Chao Pang DA04303 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04303 cell Chao Pang ND00089 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00089 cell Chao Pang DA04306 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04306 cell Chao Pang ND00090 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00090 cell Chao Pang ND00092 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00092 cell Chao Pang DA04305 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04305 cell Chao Pang GM09822 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM09822 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang GM09824 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09824 cell Chao Pang GM09825 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09825 cell Chao Pang GM09826 INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP ASPARTOACYLASE; ASPA NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09826 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 OMIM: 608034 Chao Pang GM09815 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09815 cell Chao Pang DA04309 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04309 cell Chao Pang GM09816 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA: DYSTROPHIC, JUNCTIONAL, OR SIMPLEX TYPES GM09816 cell Chao Pang GM09818 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM09818 cell Chao Pang GM09820 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM09820 cell Chao Pang GM09827 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM09827 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang DA04318 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04318 cell Chao Pang DA04313 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04313 cell Chao Pang DA04312 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04312 cell Chao Pang DA04311 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04311 cell Chao Pang GM09814 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM09814 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang DA04310 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04310 cell Chao Pang DA04317 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04317 cell Chao Pang DA04316 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04316 cell Chao Pang DA04315 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04315 cell Chao Pang DA04314 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04314 cell Chao Pang ND00148 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00148 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14285 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14285 cell Chao Pang ND14286 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14286 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00149 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00149 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04320 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04320 cell Chao Pang ND00150 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00150 cell Chao Pang ND14282 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14282 cell Chao Pang DA04319 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04319 cell Chao Pang ND14284 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14284 cell Chao Pang ND00151 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00151 cell Chao Pang ND14280 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14280 cell Chao Pang ND14281 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14281 cell Chao Pang ND14278 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14278 cell Chao Pang ND00147 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00147 cell OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang ND14279 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14279 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang DA04325 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04325 cell Chao Pang ND14277 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14277 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14275 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14275 cell Chao Pang DA04327 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04327 cell Chao Pang ND00156 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00156 cell Chao Pang DA04328 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04328 cell Chao Pang DA04330 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04330 cell Chao Pang DA04321 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04321 cell Chao Pang ND00153 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00153 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00152 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00152 cell Chao Pang DA04322 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04322 cell Chao Pang ND00155 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00155 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA04323 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04323 cell Chao Pang DA04324 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA04324 cell Chao Pang ND00154 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00154 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00139 PARKINSON DISEASE,FAMILIAL, TYPE 1; PARK1 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES SYNUCLEIN, ALPHA; SNCA PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00139 cell OMIM: 127750 OMIM: 163890 OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 168601 Chao Pang ND14294 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14294 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND00140 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00140 cell Chao Pang ND14295 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14295 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14296 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14296 cell Chao Pang ND00137 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00137 cell Chao Pang ND00138 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00138 cell Chao Pang ND14290 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14290 cell Chao Pang ND14291 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14291 cell Chao Pang ND14292 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14292 cell Chao Pang ND14293 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14293 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14287 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14287 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00146 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00146 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14289 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14289 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14288 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14288 cell Chao Pang ND00145 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00145 cell Chao Pang ND00144 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00144 cell Chao Pang ND00143 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00143 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00142 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00142 cell Chao Pang ND00141 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND00141 cell Chao Pang ND14259 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14259 cell Chao Pang ND14260 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14260 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14248 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14248 cell Chao Pang ND14250 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14250 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14244 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14244 cell Chao Pang ND14245 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14245 cell Chao Pang ND14253 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14253 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND00126 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00126 cell Chao Pang ND14254 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14254 cell Chao Pang ND14251 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14251 cell Chao Pang ND00127 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00127 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14252 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14252 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND00128 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00128 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00130 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00130 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00129 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00129 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00132 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00132 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00131 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00131 cell Chao Pang ND00135 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00135 cell Chao Pang ND00134 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00134 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00136 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00136 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14274 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14274 cell Chao Pang ND14262 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14262 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14263 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14263 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14264 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14264 cell Chao Pang ND14265 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14265 cell Chao Pang ND00116 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00116 cell Chao Pang ND14266 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14266 cell Chao Pang ND00117 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00117 cell Chao Pang ND14268 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14268 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14269 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14269 cell Chao Pang ND14273 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14273 cell Chao Pang ND00121 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00121 cell Chao Pang ND00120 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00120 cell Chao Pang ND00119 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00119 cell Chao Pang ND00118 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00118 cell Chao Pang ND00125 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00125 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00124 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND00124 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14261 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14261 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND00123 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00123 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00122 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00122 cell Chao Pang ND14171 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14171 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14172 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14172 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14175 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14175 cell Chao Pang GM01430 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01430 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND14176 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND14176 cell Chao Pang GM01428 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM01428 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang ND14173 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14173 cell Chao Pang ND14174 PROGRESSIVE BULBAR PALSY ND14174 cell Chao Pang GM01429 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01429 cell Chao Pang GM01426 N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINIDASE, ALPHA-; NAGLU MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIB GM01426 cell OMIM: 252920 Chao Pang ND14180 PROGRESSIVE BULBAR PALSY ND14180 cell Chao Pang GM01422 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; TD FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 3; FGFR3 GM01422 cell OMIM: 134934 OMIM: 187600 Chao Pang ND14179 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14179 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01421 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01421 cell Chao Pang ND14178 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND14178 cell Chao Pang GM01419 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM01419 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang ND14177 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14177 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01418 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM01418 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM01417 GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GALACTOSEMIA GM01417 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM01416 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC XXXX SYNDROME GM01416 cell Chao Pang ND14149 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14149 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01411 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01411 cell Chao Pang ND14150 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14150 cell Chao Pang GM01413 TRISOMY 21 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01413 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang ND14151 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14151 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01414 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME TURNER SYNDROME GM01414 cell Chao Pang ND14153 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14153 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM01415 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC XXXX SYNDROME GM01415 cell Chao Pang ND14154 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14154 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14166 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14166 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM01408 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM01408 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang ND14155 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14155 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM01406 OROTICACIDURIA TYPES I OR II - 258900 OR 258920 GM01406 cell OMIM: 258900 Chao Pang ND14168 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14168 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM01410 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01410 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND14167 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14167 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM01409 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01409 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang ND14169 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14169 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM01404 ANDROGEN RECEPTOR; AR GM01404 cell OMIM: 313700 Chao Pang GM01399 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01399 cell Chao Pang ND14138 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14138 cell Chao Pang GM01392 HURLER SYNDROME GM01392 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang ND14139 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14139 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01393 HURLER SYNDROME GM01393 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang GM01390 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM01390 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang ND14135 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14135 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14136 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14136 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01391 HURLER SYNDROME GM01391 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang GM01396 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01396 cell Chao Pang GM01385 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM01385 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang ND14148 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14148 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14147 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14147 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM01389 DNA DAMAGE-BINDING PROTEIN 2; DDB2 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP E GM01389 cell OMIM: 278740 OMIM: 600811 Chao Pang ND14146 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14146 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM01388 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01388 cell Chao Pang ND14145 INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE ND14145 cell Chao Pang GM01387 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01387 cell Chao Pang ND14141 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14141 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14140 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14140 cell Chao Pang GM01386 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM01386 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM01375 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01375 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang ND14122 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14122 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01376 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01376 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang ND14123 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14123 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01377 CUTIS LAXA GM01377 cell OMIM: 219100 Chao Pang ND14124 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14124 cell Chao Pang GM01379 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM01379 cell Chao Pang GM01380 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM01380 cell Chao Pang GM01381 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM01381 cell Chao Pang ND14130 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14130 cell Chao Pang ND14129 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14129 cell Chao Pang ND14131 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14131 cell Chao Pang ND14126 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14126 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01366 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE II DIHYDROLIPOAMIDE BRANCHED-CHAIN TRANSACYLASE; DBT GM01366 cell OMIM: 248600 OMIM: 248610 Chao Pang GM01364 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE II DIHYDROLIPOAMIDE BRANCHED-CHAIN TRANSACYLASE; DBT GM01364 cell OMIM: 248600 OMIM: 248610 Chao Pang ND14125 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14125 cell Chao Pang GM01374 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01374 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang ND14128 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14128 cell Chao Pang GM01368 HEMOGLOBIN F, HEREDITARY PERSISTENCE OF, PANCELLULAR GM01368 cell OMIM: 141749 Chao Pang ND14127 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14127 cell Chao Pang ND00195 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00195 cell Chao Pang ND00194 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00194 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00199 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00199 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00198 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00198 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00197 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00197 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00196 PARKINSON'S DISEASE SYNUCLEIN, ALPHA; SNCA PARKINSON DISEASE,FAMILIAL, TYPE 1; PARK1 ND00196 cell OMIM: 163890 OMIM: 168600 OMIM: 168601 Chao Pang ND00203 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND00203 cell Chao Pang ND00202 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND00202 cell Chao Pang ND00201 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND00201 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND00200 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND00200 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14213 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14213 cell Chao Pang ND14212 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14212 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14211 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14211 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM01464 GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM01464 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang ND14210 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14210 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14209 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14209 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14208 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14208 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14207 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14207 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14206 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14206 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM01453 ABETALIPOPROTEINEMIA; ABL GM01453 cell OMIM: 200100 Chao Pang GM01456 CYSTATHIONINURIA GM01456 cell OMIM: 219500 Chao Pang GM01458 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM01458 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM01454 CYSTATHIONINURIA GM01454 cell OMIM: 219500 Chao Pang GM01455 HYPERLIPIDEMIA, FAMILIAL COMBINED GM01455 cell OMIM: 144250 Chao Pang GM01461 CYSTATHIONINURIA GM01461 cell OMIM: 219500 Chao Pang GM01463 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01463 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang ND14214 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14214 cell Chao Pang GM01459 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM01459 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang ND14215 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14215 cell Chao Pang GM01460 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT LOW DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN RECEPTOR; LDLR GM01460 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM01448 LOW DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN RECEPTOR; LDLR HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT GM01448 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang ND14185 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14185 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01447 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01447 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang ND14184 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14184 cell Chao Pang ND14187 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND14187 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14186 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14186 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14181 PROGRESSIVE BULBAR PALSY ND14181 cell Chao Pang ND14183 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14183 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14182 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14182 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01435 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01435 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01436 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; NON-LETHAL GM01436 cell Chao Pang GM01441 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM01441 cell Chao Pang GM01442 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM01442 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM01443 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM01443 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang ND14188 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14188 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01444 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM01444 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang ND14189 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14189 cell Chao Pang ND14205 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14205 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01445 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM01445 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM01446 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01446 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM01323 ALPHA-L-IDURONIDASE; IDUA SCHEIE SYNDROME GM01323 cell OMIM: 252800 OMIM: 607016 Chao Pang GM01348 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM01348 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM01353 CUTIS LAXA GM01353 cell OMIM: 219100 Chao Pang GM01362 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM01362 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM01361 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IVA GM01361 cell OMIM: 253000 Chao Pang GM01363 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM01363 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM01355 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM01355 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM01354 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM01354 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM01359 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM01359 cell Chao Pang GM01356 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01356 cell Chao Pang GM01302 HYPERGLYCINEMIA, ISOLATED NONKETOTIC, TYPE I GM01302 cell OMIM: 238300 Chao Pang GM01304 TERATOMA CELL LINE GM01304 cell Chao Pang GM01322 TRIPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER GM01322 cell Chao Pang GM01312 MYELOMA, MULTIPLE AMYLOIDOSIS, PRIMARY, INCLUDED; AL, INCLUDED GM01312 cell OMIM: 254500 Chao Pang GM01311 MYELOMA, MULTIPLE AMYLOIDOSIS, PRIMARY, INCLUDED; AL, INCLUDED GM01311 cell OMIM: 254500 Chao Pang GM01310 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01310 cell Chao Pang GM01309 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; FANCA GM01309 cell OMIM: 607139 Chao Pang GM01307 TERATOMA CELL LINE GM01307 cell Chao Pang GM01306 TERATOMA CELL LINE GM01306 cell Chao Pang GM01305 TERATOMA CELL LINE GM01305 cell Chao Pang GM01259 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IVA GM01259 cell OMIM: 253000 Chao Pang GM01261 18P- SYNDROME TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01261 cell Chao Pang GM01260 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE II GM01260 cell OMIM: 230900 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM01296 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01296 cell Chao Pang GM01295 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM01295 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM01298 PROPIONIC ACIDEMIA GM01298 cell OMIM: 606054 Chao Pang GM01297 HYPERGLYCINEMIA, ISOLATED NONKETOTIC, TYPE I GM01297 cell OMIM: 238300 Chao Pang GM01300 PROPIONIC ACIDEMIA GM01300 cell OMIM: 606054 Chao Pang GM01299 PROPIONIC ACIDEMIA GM01299 cell OMIM: 606054 Chao Pang GM01301 HYPERGLYCINEMIA, ISOLATED NONKETOTIC, TYPE I GM01301 cell OMIM: 238300 Chao Pang GM01252 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM01252 cell Chao Pang GM01251 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM01251 cell Chao Pang GM01250 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC XYY SYNDROME GM01250 cell Chao Pang GM01247 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01247 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01256 ALPHA-L-IDURONIDASE; IDUA SCHEIE SYNDROME GM01256 cell OMIM: 252800 OMIM: 607016 Chao Pang GM01255 HURLER-SCHEIE SYNDROME GM01255 cell OMIM: 607015 Chao Pang GM01254 HURLER-SCHEIE SYNDROME GM01254 cell OMIM: 607015 Chao Pang GM01253 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM01253 cell Chao Pang GM01258 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM01258 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM01257 HURLER SYNDROME GM01257 cell OMIM: 607014 Chao Pang GM01659 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM01659 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM01658 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM01658 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM01661 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM01661 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM01660 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM01660 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM01655 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA BRANCHED-CHAIN KETO ACID DEHYDROGENASE E1, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; BCKDHA GM01655 cell OMIM: 248600 OMIM: 608348 Chao Pang GM01654 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM01654 cell OMIM: 248600 Chao Pang GM01657 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM01657 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM01656 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM01656 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM01653 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01653 cell Chao Pang GM01652 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01652 cell Chao Pang GM01675 TAY-SACHS DISEASE, AB VARIANT GM01675 cell OMIM: 272750 Chao Pang GM01674 METHYLMALONICACIDURIA, VITAMIN B12-RESPONSIVE, DUE TO DEFECT IN SYNTHESIS OF ADENOSYLCOBALAMIN--CBL A GM01674 cell OMIM: 251100 Chao Pang GM01673 METHYLMALONICACIDURIA DUE TO METHYLMALONIC COA MUTASE DEFICIENCY GM01673 cell OMIM: 251000 Chao Pang GM01672 TRIPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER GM01672 cell Chao Pang GM01671 CARTILAGE-HAIR HYPOPLASIA; CHH GM01671 cell OMIM: 250250 Chao Pang GM01667 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM01667 cell Chao Pang GM01665 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01665 cell Chao Pang GM01664 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01664 cell Chao Pang GM01663 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01663 cell Chao Pang GM01662 HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM01662 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM01695 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01695 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM01691 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE II; EDS2 GM01691 cell OMIM: 130010 Chao Pang GM01678 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01678 cell Chao Pang GM01676 LOWE OCULOCEREBRORENAL SYNDROME; OCRL GM01676 cell OMIM: 309000 Chao Pang GM01680 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01680 cell Chao Pang GM01679 CITRULLINEMIA GM01679 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang GM01683 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01683 cell Chao Pang GM01681 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01681 cell Chao Pang GM01685 CITRULLINEMIA GM01685 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang GM01684 CITRULLINEMIA GM01684 cell OMIM: 215700 Chao Pang GM01709 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GONADAL DYSGENESIS GM01709 cell Chao Pang GM01703 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM01703 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM01702 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE VIII (IX, INCLUDED) GM01702 cell OMIM: 306000 Chao Pang GM01701 WOLFRAM SYNDROME GM01701 cell OMIM: 222300 Chao Pang GM01700 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01700 cell Chao Pang GM01708 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM01708 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang GM01707 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM01707 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM01706 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01706 cell Chao Pang GM01704 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM01704 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM01696 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01696 cell Chao Pang GM01721 ANDROGEN RECEPTOR; AR GM01721 cell OMIM: 313700 Chao Pang GM01723 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM01723 cell Chao Pang GM01725 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM01725 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM01726 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM01726 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM01717 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01717 cell Chao Pang GM01718 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY GM01718 cell OMIM: 256550 Chao Pang GM01719 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY GM01719 cell OMIM: 256550 Chao Pang GM01720 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY GM01720 cell OMIM: 256550 Chao Pang GM01715 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM01715 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM01712 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM01712 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM01746 FANCONI ANEMIA COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM01746 cell Chao Pang GM01743 GALACTOSEMIA GM01743 cell OMIM: 230400 Chao Pang GM01744 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM01744 cell OMIM: 248600 Chao Pang GM01739 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA GM01739 cell OMIM: 252900 Chao Pang GM01741 GALACTOSEMIA GM01741 cell OMIM: 230400 Chao Pang GM01736 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM01736 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM01737 CAMPOMELIC DYSPLASIA GM01737 cell OMIM: 211970 Chao Pang GM01734 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01734 cell Chao Pang GM01730 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01730 cell Chao Pang GM01727 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM01727 cell Chao Pang GM01766 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM01766 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM01767 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM01767 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM01769 GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE III GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GM01769 cell OMIM: 231000 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM01773 KRABBE DISEASE GM01773 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM01774 DYSKERATOSIS CONGENITA; DKC GM01774 cell OMIM: 305000 Chao Pang GM01775 DYSKERATOSIS CONGENITA; DKC GM01775 cell OMIM: 305000 Chao Pang GM01751 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01751 cell Chao Pang GM01750 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01750 cell Chao Pang GM01763 CARNITINE PALMITOYLTRANSFERASE II DEFICIENCY, LATE-ONSET CARNITINE PALMITOYLTRANSFERASE II; CPT2 GM01763 cell OMIM: 255110 OMIM: 600650 Chao Pang GM01759 MUCOLIPIDOSIS IIIA N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM01759 cell OMIM: 252600 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM01788 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE II; EDS2 GM01788 cell OMIM: 130010 Chao Pang GM01789 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; NON-LETHAL GM01789 cell Chao Pang GM01786 DYSKERATOSIS CONGENITA; DKC GM01786 cell OMIM: 305000 Chao Pang GM01787 DYSKERATOSIS CONGENITA; DKC GM01787 cell OMIM: 305000 Chao Pang GM01790 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE VI GM01790 cell OMIM: 225400 Chao Pang GM01777 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM01777 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM01784 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM01784 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM01781 CYSTATHIONINURIA GM01781 cell OMIM: 219500 Chao Pang GM01780 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA GM01780 cell OMIM: 252900 Chao Pang GM01778 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM01778 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang GM01796 WOLFRAM SYNDROME GM01796 cell OMIM: 222300 Chao Pang GM01797 WOLFRAM SYNDROME GM01797 cell OMIM: 222300 Chao Pang GM18158 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18158 cell Chao Pang GM01793 SCHIZOPHRENIA; SCZD GM01793 cell OMIM: 181500 Chao Pang GM01795 WOLFRAM SYNDROME GM01795 cell OMIM: 222300 Chao Pang GM01791 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE VI GM01791 cell OMIM: 225400 Chao Pang GM01792 SCHIZOPHRENIA; SCZD GM01792 cell OMIM: 181500 Chao Pang GM18160 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18160 cell Chao Pang GM18159 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18159 cell Chao Pang GM18166 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18166 cell Chao Pang GM18163 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18163 cell Chao Pang GM18162 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18162 cell Chao Pang GM18161 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18161 cell Chao Pang GM01803 WOLFRAM SYNDROME GM01803 cell OMIM: 222300 Chao Pang GM18308 DYGGVE-MELCHIOR-CLAUSEN DISEASE DYMECLIN; DYM GM18308 cell OMIM: 223800 OMIM: 607461 Chao Pang GM01801 WOLFRAM SYNDROME GM01801 cell OMIM: 222300 Chao Pang GM18260 BULBAR PALSY, PROGRESSIVE, WITH SENSORINEURAL DEAFNESS GM18260 cell OMIM: 211530 Chao Pang GM18241 XXY SYNDROME; KLINEFELTER SYNDROME ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM18241 cell Chao Pang GM01800 WOLFRAM SYNDROME GM01800 cell OMIM: 222300 Chao Pang GM18207 FSHD GENE 1; FRG1 FACIOSCAPULOHUMERAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY 1A; FSHMD1A (FSHD) GM18207 cell OMIM: 158900 OMIM: 601278 Chao Pang GM01799 WOLFRAM SYNDROME GM01799 cell OMIM: 222300 Chao Pang GM01808 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01808 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM18147 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18147 cell Chao Pang GM18148 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18148 cell Chao Pang GM01810 ABETALIPOPROTEINEMIA; ABL GM01810 cell OMIM: 200100 Chao Pang GM01812 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE I; EDS1 GM01812 cell OMIM: 130000 Chao Pang GM01813 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01813 cell Chao Pang GM01805 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM01805 cell OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM01806 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01806 cell Chao Pang GM01807 CYSTATHIONINURIA PHENYLKETONURIA GM01807 cell OMIM: 219500 OMIM: 261600 Chao Pang GM18149 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18149 cell Chao Pang GM18151 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18151 cell Chao Pang GM18150 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18150 cell Chao Pang GM18153 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18153 cell Chao Pang GM18152 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18152 cell Chao Pang GM18155 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18155 cell Chao Pang GM01815 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01815 cell Chao Pang GM18154 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18154 cell Chao Pang GM01814 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01814 cell Chao Pang GM18157 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18157 cell Chao Pang GM18156 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18156 cell Chao Pang GM01829 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM01829 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM18333 AZOOSPERMIA FACTOR C GM18333 cell OMIM: 400024 Chao Pang GM18332 AZOOSPERMIA FACTOR C GM18332 cell OMIM: 400024 Chao Pang GM18331 AZOOSPERMIA FACTOR C GM18331 cell OMIM: 400024 Chao Pang GM18326 SMITH-MAGENIS SYNDROME; SMS GM18326 cell OMIM: 182290 Chao Pang GM18339 AZOOSPERMIA FACTOR C GM18339 cell OMIM: 400024 Chao Pang GM18338 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AZOOSPERMIA FACTOR C GM18338 cell OMIM: 400024 Chao Pang GM18337 AZOOSPERMIA FACTOR C GM18337 cell OMIM: 400024 Chao Pang GM18336 AZOOSPERMIA FACTOR C GM18336 cell OMIM: 400024 Chao Pang GM18335 AZOOSPERMIA FACTOR C APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM18335 cell OMIM: 400024 Chao Pang GM18334 AZOOSPERMIA FACTOR C GM18334 cell OMIM: 400024 Chao Pang GM18310 XXY SYNDROME; KLINEFELTER SYNDROME GM18310 cell Chao Pang GM18313 FARBER LIPOGRANULOMATOSIS GM18313 cell OMIM: 228000 Chao Pang GM18311 HOLOPROSENCEPHALY CHROMOSOME DELETION GM18311 cell Chao Pang GM18324 CHROMOSOME DELETION SMITH-MAGENIS SYNDROME; SMS GM18324 cell OMIM: 182290 Chao Pang GM18323 CHROMOSOME DELETION SMITH-MAGENIS SYNDROME; SMS GM18323 cell OMIM: 182290 Chao Pang GM18325 SMITH-MAGENIS SYNDROME; SMS GM18325 cell OMIM: 182290 Chao Pang GM18320 SMITH-MAGENIS SYNDROME; SMS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM18320 cell OMIM: 182290 Chao Pang GM18319 SMITH-MAGENIS SYNDROME; SMS CHROMOSOME DELETION GM18319 cell OMIM: 182290 Chao Pang GM18322 CHROMOSOME DELETION SMITH-MAGENIS SYNDROME; SMS GM18322 cell OMIM: 182290 Chao Pang GM18321 SMITH-MAGENIS SYNDROME; SMS GM18321 cell OMIM: 182290 Chao Pang GM14275 OBESITY GM14275 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14274 OBESITY GM14274 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14277 OBESITY GM14277 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM18402 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM18402 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM14282 OBESITY GM14282 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14283 OBESITY GM14283 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM18407 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM18407 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM18397 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM18397 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM14286 OBESITY GM14286 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM18398 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM18398 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM14287 OBESITY GM14287 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14278 OBESITY GM14278 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14279 OBESITY GM14279 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14280 OBESITY GM14280 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14281 OBESITY GM14281 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM18381 PSEUDOTRISOMY 13 SYNDROME (HOLOPROSENCEPHALY-POLYDACTYLY SYNDROME) GM18381 cell OMIM: 264480 Chao Pang GM18382 SH3 DOMAIN-BINDING PROTEIN 2; SH3BP2 CHERUBISM GM18382 cell OMIM: 118400 OMIM: 602104 Chao Pang GM18390 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM18390 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM18393 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM18393 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM18387 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM18387 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM18388 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM18388 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM18364 PSEUDONEONATAL ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY GM18364 cell OMIM: 264470 Chao Pang GM14267 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14267 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM14268 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14268 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM18365 PSEUDONEONATAL ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY GM18365 cell OMIM: 264470 Chao Pang GM18366 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA AND RAD3-RELATED; ATR SECKEL SYNDROME GM18366 cell OMIM: 210600 OMIM: 601215 Chao Pang GM14258 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM14258 cell Chao Pang GM14266 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM14266 cell Chao Pang GM18367 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA AND RAD3-RELATED; ATR SECKEL SYNDROME GM18367 cell OMIM: 210600 OMIM: 601215 Chao Pang GM14243 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM14243 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang GM18379 VARADI-PAPP SYNDROME GM18379 cell OMIM: 277170 Chao Pang GM14248 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14248 cell Chao Pang GM14239 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM14239 cell Chao Pang GM18340 AZOOSPERMIA FACTOR C GM18340 cell OMIM: 400024 Chao Pang GM18346 PSEUDONEONATAL ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY GM18346 cell OMIM: 264470 Chao Pang GM18347 PSEUDONEONATAL ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY GM18347 cell OMIM: 264470 Chao Pang GM18362 PSEUDONEONATAL ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY GM18362 cell OMIM: 264470 Chao Pang GM18363 PSEUDONEONATAL ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY GM18363 cell OMIM: 264470 Chao Pang GM14300 OBESITY GM14300 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14303 OBESITY GM14303 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14304 OBESITY GM14304 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14308 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM14308 cell Chao Pang GM14309 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM14309 cell Chao Pang GM14310 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM14310 cell Chao Pang GM14311 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM14311 cell Chao Pang GM14313 AMERINDIAN POPULATION GM14313 cell Chao Pang GM18478 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM18478 cell Chao Pang GM14347 OBESITY GM14347 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM18479 PEARSON MARROW-PANCREAS SYNDROME GM18479 cell OMIM: 557000 Chao Pang GM18476 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM18476 cell Chao Pang GM18477 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM18477 cell Chao Pang GM18474 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM18474 cell Chao Pang GM18475 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM18475 cell Chao Pang GM18456 PEARSON MARROW-PANCREAS SYNDROME GM18456 cell OMIM: 557000 Chao Pang GM18473 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM18473 cell Chao Pang GM14301 OBESITY GM14301 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM18453 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM18453 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM18455 NPC2 GENE; NPC2 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C2 GM18455 cell OMIM: 601015 OMIM: 607625 Chao Pang GM14302 OBESITY GM14302 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14289 OBESITY GM14289 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14288 OBESITY GM14288 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14293 OBESITY GM14293 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14294 OBESITY GM14294 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14291 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14291 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM14292 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14292 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM14297 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14297 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM18429 NPC2 GENE; NPC2 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C2 GM18429 cell OMIM: 601015 OMIM: 607625 Chao Pang GM18436 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM18436 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM14299 OBESITY GM14299 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14295 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14295 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM18445 NPC2 GENE; NPC2 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C2 GM18445 cell OMIM: 601015 OMIM: 607625 Chao Pang GM14296 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14296 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM18417 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM18417 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM18420 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 GM18420 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM18422 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM18422 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM18424 NPC2 GENE; NPC2 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C2 GM18424 cell OMIM: 601015 OMIM: 607625 Chao Pang GM14290 OBESITY GM14290 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM18411 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM18411 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM18414 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM18414 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM18415 NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, TYPE C1; NPC1 NPC1 GENE; NPC1 GM18415 cell OMIM: 257220 Chao Pang GM14348 OBESITY GM14348 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14350 OBESITY GM14350 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14349 OBESITY GM14349 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14352 OBESITY GM14352 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14351 OBESITY GM14351 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14354 OBESITY GM14354 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14353 OBESITY GM14353 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14359 OBESITY GM14359 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14358 OBESITY GM14358 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14360 OBESITY GM14360 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang ND12479 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12479 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12480 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12480 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12465 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12465 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12478 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12478 cell Chao Pang ND12463 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12463 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12464 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12464 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12483 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12483 cell Chao Pang ND12484 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12484 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12481 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12481 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12482 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12482 cell Chao Pang GM14364 OBESITY GM14364 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14363 OBESITY GM14363 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14362 OBESITY GM14362 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14361 OBESITY GM14361 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14374 OBESITY GM14374 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14373 OBESITY GM14373 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14372 OBESITY GM14372 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14371 OBESITY GM14371 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14381 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14381 cell Chao Pang GM14375 OBESITY GM14375 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14384 OBESITY GM14384 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang AG08908 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08908 cell Chao Pang GM14383 OBESITY GM14383 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14386 OBESITY GM14386 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang AG08916 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG08916 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG08918 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08918 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14385 OBESITY GM14385 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14382 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14382 cell Chao Pang AG09022 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG09022 cell Chao Pang AG09034 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG09034 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM14405 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14405 cell Chao Pang AG09035 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG09035 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM14388 OBESITY GM14388 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang AG08941 TRISOMY 21 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME AG08941 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG08942 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME TRISOMY 21 AG08942 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM14387 OBESITY GM14387 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang GM14396 RING CHROMOSOME GM14396 cell Chao Pang AG09019 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09019 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14389 OBESITY GM14389 cell OMIM: 601665 Chao Pang AG09021 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG09021 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12497 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12497 cell Chao Pang ND12498 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12498 cell Chao Pang ND12495 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12495 cell Chao Pang ND12496 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12496 cell Chao Pang ND12510 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12510 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12511 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12511 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12499 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12499 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12502 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12502 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12512 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12512 cell Chao Pang ND12513 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12513 cell Chao Pang AG08846 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08846 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14416 CHROMOSOME 21 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 6 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14416 cell Chao Pang GM14415 CHROMOSOME 22 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 21 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14415 cell Chao Pang AG08847 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08847 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14414 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14414 cell Chao Pang GM14409 NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14409 cell Chao Pang GM14408 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14408 cell Chao Pang GM14406 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14406 cell Chao Pang AG08905 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08905 cell Chao Pang AG08906 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08906 cell Chao Pang AG08903 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08903 cell Chao Pang AG08904 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08904 cell Chao Pang AG08900 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08900 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14439 NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14439 cell Chao Pang AG08902 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08902 cell Chao Pang GM14433 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14433 cell Chao Pang AG08897 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08897 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14432 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14432 cell Chao Pang GM14417 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14417 cell Chao Pang AG08899 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08899 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12485 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12485 cell Chao Pang ND12486 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12486 cell Chao Pang ND12487 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12487 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12488 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12488 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12489 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12489 cell Chao Pang ND12490 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12490 cell Chao Pang ND12491 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND12491 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG08845 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08845 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND12492 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12492 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12493 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12493 cell Chao Pang ND12494 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12494 cell Chao Pang ND12529 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12529 cell Chao Pang GM14453 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14453 cell Chao Pang GM14454 NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14454 cell Chao Pang ND12531 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12531 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14455 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14455 cell Chao Pang GM14440 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14440 cell Chao Pang GM14441 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14441 cell Chao Pang GM14442 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14442 cell Chao Pang GM14447 NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14447 cell Chao Pang GM14448 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14448 cell Chao Pang GM14451 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14451 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM14452 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14452 cell Chao Pang ND12539 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12539 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12538 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND12538 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12537 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12537 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12536 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12536 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12535 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND12535 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12534 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12534 cell Chao Pang ND12533 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12533 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12532 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12532 cell Chao Pang GM14475 NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14475 cell Chao Pang ND12514 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12514 cell Chao Pang GM14476 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14476 cell Chao Pang GM14465 NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14465 cell Chao Pang GM14467 NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14467 cell Chao Pang GM14462 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14462 cell Chao Pang GM14464 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14464 cell Chao Pang GM14472 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM14472 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM14474 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14474 cell Chao Pang GM14468 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14468 cell Chao Pang GM14471 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM14471 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang ND12526 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12526 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12521 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12521 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12520 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12520 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12525 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12525 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12522 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12522 cell Chao Pang ND12516 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12516 cell Chao Pang ND12515 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12515 cell Chao Pang ND12519 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12519 cell Chao Pang ND12517 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12517 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM18127 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18127 cell Chao Pang GM18128 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18128 cell Chao Pang GM18125 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18125 cell Chao Pang GM18131 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18131 cell Chao Pang ND12558 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12558 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12559 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12559 cell Chao Pang GM18132 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18132 cell Chao Pang ND12553 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12553 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM18129 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18129 cell Chao Pang ND12554 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12554 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM18130 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18130 cell Chao Pang ND12563 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12563 cell Chao Pang ND12562 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND12562 cell Chao Pang ND12561 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12561 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12560 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12560 cell Chao Pang ND12565 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12565 cell Chao Pang ND12564 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12564 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM18136 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18136 cell Chao Pang GM18138 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18138 cell Chao Pang GM18139 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18139 cell Chao Pang GM18140 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18140 cell Chao Pang GM18141 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18141 cell Chao Pang GM18143 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18143 cell Chao Pang ND12541 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND12541 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12542 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12542 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM18144 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18144 cell Chao Pang ND12543 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12543 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM18146 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18146 cell Chao Pang ND12545 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12545 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM18134 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18134 cell Chao Pang GM18133 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18133 cell Chao Pang ND12544 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12544 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12548 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12548 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM18135 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - PANEL OF 90 HAN CHINESE IN METROPOLITAN DENVER, COLORADO GM18135 cell Chao Pang ND12546 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12546 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12551 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12551 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12550 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12550 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12552 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12552 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG08656 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08656 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08655 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08655 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08654 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08654 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08653 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08653 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08658 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08658 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08657 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08657 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08659 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08659 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08673 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG08673 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG08692 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08692 cell Chao Pang AG08671 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG08671 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG08672 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG08672 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG08608 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08608 cell Chao Pang AG08607 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC AG08607 cell Chao Pang AG08610 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: YOUNG AND AGED FOR EACH SPECIES REPRESENTED MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08610 cell Chao Pang AG08609 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08609 cell Chao Pang AG08614 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08614 cell Chao Pang AG08611 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08611 cell Chao Pang AG08615 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08615 cell Chao Pang AG08619 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08619 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08620 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08620 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08624 CANIS CANIS AG08624 cell Chao Pang AG08625 CANIS CANIS AG08625 cell Chao Pang AG08595 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG08595 cell Chao Pang AG08594 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08594 cell Chao Pang AG08593 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08593 cell Chao Pang AG08592 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG08592 cell Chao Pang AG08591 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG08591 cell Chao Pang AG08578 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08578 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08574 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08574 cell Chao Pang AG08573 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08573 cell Chao Pang AG08597 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08597 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08606 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC AG08606 cell Chao Pang AG08596 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08596 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08566 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08566 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08567 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08567 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08815 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08815 cell Chao Pang AG08816 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08816 cell Chao Pang AG08838 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08838 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08836 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08836 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08819 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08819 cell Chao Pang AG08818 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08818 cell Chao Pang AG08844 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08844 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08843 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08843 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08842 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08842 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08839 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08839 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08817 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08817 cell Chao Pang AG08789 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08789 cell Chao Pang AG08790 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08790 cell Chao Pang AG08791 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08791 cell Chao Pang AG08793 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08793 cell Chao Pang AG08792 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08792 cell Chao Pang AG08803 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG AG08803 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang AG08802 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; XPG NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG08802 cell OMIM: 278780 Chao Pang AG08805 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG08805 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG08804 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG08804 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG08807 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG08807 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG08806 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG08806 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG08713 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08713 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08733 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08733 cell Chao Pang AG08711 PRESENILIN 1; PSEN1 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08711 cell OMIM: 104311 OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08712 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08712 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08751 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08751 cell Chao Pang GM01857 COCKAYNE SYNDROME, TYPE I; CKN1 GM01857 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM01858 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM01858 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang AG08750 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08750 cell Chao Pang AG08748 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08748 cell Chao Pang GM01859 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM01859 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM01861 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM01861 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang AG08746 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08746 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08744 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - EARLY ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE AG08744 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG08743 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08743 cell Chao Pang AG08742 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08742 cell Chao Pang GM01855 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB GM01855 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang GM01856 COCKAYNE SYNDROME, TYPE I; CKN1 GM01856 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM01863 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01863 cell Chao Pang GM01864 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01864 cell Chao Pang GM01868 CYSTATHIONINURIA GM01868 cell OMIM: 219500 Chao Pang GM01869 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01869 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang AG08704 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08704 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08700 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08700 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08701 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08701 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08702 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08702 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08703 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08703 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM01838 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01838 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang AG08708 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08708 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM01840 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01840 cell Chao Pang AG08707 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08707 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08710 PRESENILIN 1; PSEN1 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08710 cell OMIM: 104311 OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM01836 SCHIZOPHRENIA; SCZD GM01836 cell OMIM: 181500 Chao Pang GM01837 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01837 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang AG08709 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08709 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM01835 SCHIZOPHRENIA; SCZD GM01835 cell OMIM: 181500 Chao Pang AG08706 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08706 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08705 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08705 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM01854 EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB GM01854 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang GM01849 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01849 cell Chao Pang GM01850 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VII GM01850 cell OMIM: 253220 Chao Pang GM01841 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM01841 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM01848 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01848 cell Chao Pang GM01465 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM01465 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM01482 PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA GM01482 cell OMIM: 176100 Chao Pang GM01466 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM01466 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM01486 DIABETES MELLITUS: MATURITY ONSET DIABETES - 222100 OR 125850 GM01486 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01484 RETINOBLASTOMA, SPORADIC GM01484 cell Chao Pang GM01488 SCHIZOPHRENIA; SCZD GM01488 cell OMIM: 181500 Chao Pang GM01487 SCHIZOPHRENIA; SCZD GM01487 cell OMIM: 181500 Chao Pang GM01490 SCHIZOPHRENIA; SCZD GM01490 cell OMIM: 181500 Chao Pang GM01489 SCHIZOPHRENIA; SCZD GM01489 cell OMIM: 181500 Chao Pang GM01492 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 GM01492 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM01498 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01498 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01497 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01497 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01496 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01496 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01494 N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB MUCOLIPIDOSIS IIIA GM01494 cell OMIM: 252600 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM01506 INVERTED DUPLICATION DELETION GM01506 cell Chao Pang GM01503 LEIGH SYNDROME GM01503 cell OMIM: 256000 Chao Pang GM01501 MACROGLOBULINEMIA, WALDENSTROM; WM GM01501 cell OMIM: 153600 Chao Pang GM01500 MYELOMA, MULTIPLE AMYLOIDOSIS, PRIMARY, INCLUDED; AL, INCLUDED GM01500 cell OMIM: 254500 Chao Pang GM01512 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01512 cell Chao Pang GM01509 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM01509 cell Chao Pang GM01565 PHENYLKETONURIA CYSTATHIONINURIA GM01565 cell OMIM: 219500 OMIM: 261600 Chao Pang GM01566 CYSTATHIONINURIA GM01566 cell OMIM: 219500 Chao Pang GM01567 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM01567 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM01568 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM01568 cell OMIM: 232300 Chao Pang GM01570 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM01570 cell Chao Pang GM01571 HYPOPHOSPHATASIA; PHOSPHOETHANOLAMINURIA - 241500 OR 241510 GM01571 cell OMIM: 241500 Chao Pang GM01575 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM01575 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM01561 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01561 cell Chao Pang GM01564 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01564 cell Chao Pang GM01562 CYSTATHIONINURIA GM01562 cell OMIM: 219500 Chao Pang GM01583 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM01583 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM01584 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM01584 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM01580 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01580 cell Chao Pang GM01582 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01582 cell Chao Pang GM01586 N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II GM01586 cell OMIM: 252500 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM01588 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM01588 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM01579 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01579 cell Chao Pang GM01578 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM01578 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM01577 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM01577 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM01576 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM01576 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM01533 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01533 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM01529 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01529 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM01530 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM01530 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM01531 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM01531 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM01532 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01532 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM01524 CHROMOSOME INSERTION GM01524 cell Chao Pang GM01525 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM01525 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM01526 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM01526 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM01528 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01528 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM01516 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM01516 cell Chao Pang GM01559 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01559 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM01560 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01560 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM01555 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01555 cell Chao Pang GM01558 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM01558 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM01552 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM01552 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM01553 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM01553 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM01549 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM01549 cell Chao Pang GM01550 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01550 cell Chao Pang GM01536 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01536 cell Chao Pang GM01535 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01535 cell Chao Pang GM14485 INVERTED DUPLICATION DELETION GM14485 cell Chao Pang GM01628 XY FEMALE - 306100 OR 233420 GM01628 cell OMIM: 233420 Chao Pang GM14489 INVERTED DUPLICATION DELETION GM14489 cell Chao Pang GM01629 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM01629 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM14490 DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM14490 cell Chao Pang GM14492 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14492 cell Chao Pang GM01625 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM01625 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM01632 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM01632 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang ND12612 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12612 cell Chao Pang GM01633 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM01633 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND12604 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12604 cell Chao Pang GM01630 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM01630 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM01631 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM01631 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang ND12605 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12605 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12603 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12603 cell Chao Pang GM14501 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14501 cell Chao Pang ND12601 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12601 cell Chao Pang GM01636 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM01636 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang ND12600 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12600 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01635 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM01635 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM14503 NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14503 cell Chao Pang GM14502 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14502 cell Chao Pang ND12598 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12598 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01634 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM01634 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang ND12595 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12595 cell Chao Pang GM14505 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM14505 cell Chao Pang ND12594 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12594 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14504 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14504 cell Chao Pang GM14507 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14507 cell Chao Pang ND12593 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12593 cell Chao Pang GM14506 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14506 cell Chao Pang GM01637 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM01637 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM01638 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM01638 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM01639 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM01639 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM01641 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE I; NF1 GM01641 cell OMIM: 162200 Chao Pang GM01643 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM01643 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM01644 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM01644 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM01646 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP E GM01646 cell OMIM: 278740 Chao Pang GM01647 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM01647 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM01651 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01651 cell Chao Pang GM14478 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14478 cell Chao Pang GM01650 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01650 cell Chao Pang GM14477 NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14477 cell Chao Pang GM14483 CANCER OF THE BREAST, FAMILIAL; BCS GM14483 cell OMIM: 114480 Chao Pang GM14481 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14481 cell Chao Pang GM14480 NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14480 cell Chao Pang GM14479 NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14479 cell Chao Pang ND12573 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12573 cell Chao Pang GM01599 SITOSTEROLEMIA GM01599 cell OMIM: 210250 Chao Pang GM01600 SITOSTEROLEMIA GM01600 cell OMIM: 210250 Chao Pang ND12574 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12574 cell Chao Pang GM01590 MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM01590 cell OMIM: 252500 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang ND12571 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND12571 cell Chao Pang ND12572 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12572 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01598 WISKOTT-ALDRICH SYNDROME; WAS GM01598 cell OMIM: 301000 Chao Pang GM01589 MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM01589 cell OMIM: 252500 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang ND12575 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12575 cell Chao Pang ND12566 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12566 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01605 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01605 cell Chao Pang ND12570 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12570 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01604 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM01604 cell Chao Pang ND12569 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12569 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01603 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE GM01603 cell Chao Pang ND12568 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12568 cell Chao Pang GM01602 GANGLIOSIDOSIS, GENERALIZED GM1, TYPE I MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IVB GM01602 cell OMIM: 230500 OMIM: 253010 Chao Pang GM01601 SITOSTEROLEMIA GM01601 cell OMIM: 210250 Chao Pang ND12567 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12567 cell Chao Pang ND12587 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12587 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01610 WOLFRAM SYNDROME GM01610 cell OMIM: 222300 Chao Pang GM01611 WOLFRAM SYNDROME GM01611 cell OMIM: 222300 Chao Pang ND12588 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12588 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12591 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12591 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01617 INOSINE TRIPHOSPHATASE; ITPA GM01617 cell OMIM: 147520 Chao Pang ND12592 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12592 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01619 INOSINE TRIPHOSPHATASE; ITPA GM01619 cell OMIM: 147520 Chao Pang GM01606 WOLMAN DISEASE GM01606 cell OMIM: 278000 Chao Pang GM01607 GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE I GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GM01607 cell OMIM: 230800 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang ND12577 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12577 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12576 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12576 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12584 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12584 cell Chao Pang GM01622 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM01622 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM01621 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM01621 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang ND12578 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12578 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01624 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM01624 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang ND12586 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12586 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12585 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12585 cell Chao Pang GM01623 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM01623 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM14563 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14563 cell Chao Pang GM14564 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14564 cell Chao Pang GM14565 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14565 cell Chao Pang GM14566 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14566 cell Chao Pang GM14568 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14568 cell Chao Pang GM14569 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14569 cell Chao Pang GM14576 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY; TTD ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA WITH HAIR ABNORMALITY AND MENTAL AND GROWTH RETARDATION, INCLUDED GM14576 cell OMIM: 601675 Chao Pang GM14577 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY; TTD ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA WITH HAIR ABNORMALITY AND MENTAL AND GROWTH RETARDATION, INCLUDED GM14577 cell OMIM: 601675 Chao Pang GM14579 TRICHOTHIODYSTROPHY; TTD ICHTHYOSIFORM ERYTHRODERMA WITH HAIR ABNORMALITY AND MENTAL AND GROWTH RETARDATION, INCLUDED GM14579 cell OMIM: 601675 Chao Pang GM14581 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14581 cell Chao Pang GM14547 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14547 cell Chao Pang GM14548 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14548 cell Chao Pang GM14549 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14549 cell Chao Pang GM14556 ARTERIAL CALCIFICATION, GENERALIZED, OF INFANCY ECTONUCLEOTIDE PYROPHOSPHATASE/PHOSPHODIESTERASE 1; ENPP1 GM14556 cell OMIM: 173335 OMIM: 208000 Chao Pang GM14558 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14558 cell Chao Pang GM14553 ARTERIAL CALCIFICATION, GENERALIZED, OF INFANCY ECTONUCLEOTIDE PYROPHOSPHATASE/PHOSPHODIESTERASE 1; ENPP1 GM14553 cell OMIM: 173335 OMIM: 208000 Chao Pang GM14554 ARTERIAL CALCIFICATION, GENERALIZED, OF INFANCY ECTONUCLEOTIDE PYROPHOSPHATASE/PHOSPHODIESTERASE 1; ENPP1 GM14554 cell OMIM: 173335 OMIM: 208000 Chao Pang GM14561 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14561 cell Chao Pang GM14562 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14562 cell Chao Pang GM14559 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14559 cell Chao Pang GM14560 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14560 cell Chao Pang GM14524 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM14524 cell Chao Pang GM14523 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM14523 cell Chao Pang GM14525 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM14525 cell Chao Pang GM14535 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14535 cell Chao Pang GM14536 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14536 cell Chao Pang GM14537 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14537 cell Chao Pang GM14538 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14538 cell Chao Pang GM14529 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14529 cell Chao Pang GM14530 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14530 cell Chao Pang GM14532 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14532 cell Chao Pang GM14533 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14533 cell Chao Pang GM14511 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14511 cell Chao Pang GM14509 NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14509 cell Chao Pang GM14508 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14508 cell Chao Pang GM14520 NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14520 cell Chao Pang GM14521 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14521 cell Chao Pang GM14518 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM14518 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM14519 FRIEDREICH ATAXIA 1; FRDA FRDA GENE; FRDA GM14519 cell OMIM: 229300 OMIM: 606829 Chao Pang GM14514 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM14514 cell Chao Pang GM14517 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14517 cell Chao Pang GM14512 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14512 cell Chao Pang GM14513 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM14513 cell Chao Pang ND12672 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12672 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14641 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE FACTOR V DEFICIENCY GM14641 cell OMIM: 227400 OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14640 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14640 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14646 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14646 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14643 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14643 cell Chao Pang GM14637 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES GM14637 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM14636 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES GM14636 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM14639 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES BREAST CANCER 2, EARLY-ONSET; BRCA2 GM14639 cell OMIM: 600185 Chao Pang GM14638 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES GM14638 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM14634 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES GM14634 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM14633 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14633 cell Chao Pang ND12682 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12682 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12676 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12676 cell Chao Pang ND12677 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12677 cell Chao Pang ND12673 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12673 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12675 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12675 cell Chao Pang ND12680 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12680 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12681 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12681 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12678 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12678 cell Chao Pang ND12679 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12679 cell Chao Pang GM14661 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14661 cell Chao Pang GM14660 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14660 cell Chao Pang GM14657 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14657 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14655 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14655 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14654 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14654 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14652 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14652 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14651 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14651 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14650 FACTOR V DEFICIENCY HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - HEMOCHROMATOSIS GM14650 cell OMIM: 227400 OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14649 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14649 cell Chao Pang GM14648 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14648 cell Chao Pang ND12670 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12670 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12671 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12671 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12660 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12660 cell Chao Pang ND12663 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12663 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12664 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12664 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12665 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12665 cell Chao Pang ND12666 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12666 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12667 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12667 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12668 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12668 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12669 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12669 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14592 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14592 cell Chao Pang GM14590 COCKAYNE SYNDROME, TYPE I; CKN1 GM14590 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM14599 CHROMOSOME 6 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14599 cell Chao Pang GM14593 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14593 cell Chao Pang GM14609 HPS1 GENE; HPS1 HERMANSKY-PUDLAK SYNDROME; HPS GM14609 cell OMIM: 203300 OMIM: 604982 Chao Pang GM14606 HPS1 GENE; HPS1 HERMANSKY-PUDLAK SYNDROME; HPS GM14606 cell OMIM: 203300 OMIM: 604982 Chao Pang GM14583 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14583 cell Chao Pang GM14582 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14582 cell Chao Pang GM14589 COCKAYNE SYNDROME, TYPE I; CKN1 GM14589 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM14584 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM14584 cell Chao Pang ND12659 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12659 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12647 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12647 cell Chao Pang ND12648 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND12648 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND12645 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12645 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12646 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND12646 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND12643 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12643 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12644 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12644 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12640 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12640 cell Chao Pang ND12642 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12642 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12639 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12639 cell Chao Pang GM14631 HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - HEMOCHROMATOSIS HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14631 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14628 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14628 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14626 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES BREAST CANCER 2, EARLY-ONSET; BRCA2 GM14626 cell OMIM: 600185 Chao Pang GM14624 BREAST CANCER 2, EARLY-ONSET; BRCA2 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES GM14624 cell OMIM: 600185 Chao Pang GM14632 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14632 cell Chao Pang GM14611 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14611 cell Chao Pang GM14623 BREAST CANCER 2, EARLY-ONSET; BRCA2 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES GM14623 cell OMIM: 600185 Chao Pang GM14622 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES BREAST CANCER 2, EARLY-ONSET; BRCA2 GM14622 cell OMIM: 600185 Chao Pang GM14621 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14621 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14620 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14620 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang ND12634 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12634 cell Chao Pang ND12635 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12635 cell Chao Pang ND12636 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12636 cell Chao Pang ND12638 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12638 cell Chao Pang ND12630 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12630 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12631 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12631 cell Chao Pang ND12632 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12632 cell Chao Pang ND12633 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12633 cell Chao Pang ND12628 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12628 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12629 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12629 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12722 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12722 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12725 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND12725 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND12736 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12736 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12723 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12723 cell Chao Pang ND12724 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12724 cell Chao Pang ND12740 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12740 cell Chao Pang ND12739 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12739 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12738 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12738 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12737 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12737 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12741 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12741 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12712 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12712 cell Chao Pang ND12713 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12713 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12714 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12714 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12715 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12715 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12717 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND12717 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12716 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND12716 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12719 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12719 cell Chao Pang ND12718 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12718 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12721 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12721 cell Chao Pang ND12720 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12720 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12702 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12702 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12703 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12703 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12701 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12701 cell Chao Pang ND12711 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12711 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12710 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12710 cell Chao Pang ND12709 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12709 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12708 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12708 cell Chao Pang ND12707 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12707 cell Chao Pang ND12706 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12706 cell Chao Pang ND12705 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12705 cell Chao Pang ND12683 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12683 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12684 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12684 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12696 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12696 cell Chao Pang ND12695 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12695 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12700 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12700 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12697 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12697 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12692 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12692 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12686 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12686 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12694 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12694 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12693 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12693 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12617 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12617 cell Chao Pang ND12619 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12619 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12618 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12618 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12621 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12621 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12620 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12620 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12623 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12623 cell Chao Pang ND12622 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12622 cell Chao Pang ND12626 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12626 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12624 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12624 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12627 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12627 cell Chao Pang ND09491 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09491 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09490 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09490 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09489 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09489 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09488 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09488 cell Chao Pang ND09487 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09487 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09486 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND09486 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM02166 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02166 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09485 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09485 cell Chao Pang GM02165 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02165 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02168 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02168 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09484 EPILEPSY ND09484 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09475 EPILEPSY ND09475 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM02167 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02167 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09467 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09467 cell Chao Pang GM02173 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02173 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02174 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02174 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02169 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02169 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02170 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02170 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02171 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02171 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02172 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02172 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09499 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09499 cell Chao Pang ND09498 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09498 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09501 EPILEPSY ND09501 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09500 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09500 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09495 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND09495 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM02180 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02180 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02178 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02178 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09494 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09494 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM02177 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02177 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09497 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09497 cell Chao Pang ND09496 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND09496 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM02176 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02176 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02175 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02175 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09493 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09493 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09492 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09492 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM02186 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02186 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02184 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02184 cell Chao Pang GM02185 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02185 cell Chao Pang GM02182 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02182 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02183 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02183 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09524 EPILEPSY ND09524 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09523 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09523 cell Chao Pang ND09522 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09522 cell Chao Pang ND09509 EPILEPSY ND09509 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09508 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09508 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09507 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND09507 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND09521 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09521 cell Chao Pang ND09520 EPILEPSY ND09520 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09511 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09511 cell Chao Pang ND09510 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09510 cell Chao Pang ND09551 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09551 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09550 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09550 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09543 EPILEPSY ND09543 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09542 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND09542 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang ND09545 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09545 cell Chao Pang ND09544 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09544 cell Chao Pang ND09547 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09547 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09546 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND09546 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09549 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09549 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09548 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND09548 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00793 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00793 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00796 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00796 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00790 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00790 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00792 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00792 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00800 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00800 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00797 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00797 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00798 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00798 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00788 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00788 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00789 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00789 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00786 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00786 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02109 WOLMAN DISEASE GM02109 cell OMIM: 278000 Chao Pang GM02103 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02103 cell Chao Pang GM02096 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02096 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02095 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM02095 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM02099 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM02099 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM02098 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM02098 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM02091 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM02091 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM02090 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM02090 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM02094 SANDHOFF DISEASE GM02094 cell OMIM: 268800 Chao Pang GM02093 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM02093 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang HQ00778 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00778 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02110 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM02110 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang HQ00779 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00779 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00780 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00780 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00781 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00781 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00782 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00782 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00783 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00783 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00784 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00784 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00785 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00785 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00776 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00776 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00777 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00777 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02138 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM02138 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM02137 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM02137 cell Chao Pang GM02135 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM02135 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM02134 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02134 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM02133 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM02133 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM02132 MYELOMA, MULTIPLE AMYLOIDOSIS, PRIMARY, INCLUDED; AL, INCLUDED GM02132 cell OMIM: 254500 Chao Pang GM02131 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM02131 cell Chao Pang GM02124 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM02124 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM02123 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02123 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02139 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM02139 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang GM02146 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02146 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02148 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02148 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02147 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02147 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02150 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02150 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02149 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02149 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02152 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02152 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02151 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02151 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02154 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02154 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02153 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02153 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00810 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00810 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00812 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00812 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00806 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00806 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09444 EPILEPSY ND09444 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM02156 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02156 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09456 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09456 cell Chao Pang HQ00807 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00807 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02157 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02157 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00808 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00808 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09457 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09457 cell Chao Pang GM02155 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02155 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00809 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00809 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09458 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09458 cell Chao Pang HQ00801 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00801 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09460 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09460 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang HQ00802 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00802 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09461 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09461 cell Chao Pang HQ00804 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00804 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09462 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09462 cell Chao Pang ND09463 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09463 cell Chao Pang HQ00805 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00805 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09465 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09465 cell Chao Pang ND09466 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09466 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM02161 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02161 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02160 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02160 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02159 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02159 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02158 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02158 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02164 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02164 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02163 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02163 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02162 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02162 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09614 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09614 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14782 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14782 cell Chao Pang ND09615 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09615 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14783 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14783 cell Chao Pang GM14788 BREAST CANCER 2, EARLY-ONSET; BRCA2 GM14788 cell OMIM: 600185 Chao Pang ND09616 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09616 cell Chao Pang GM14805 BREAST CANCER 2, EARLY-ONSET; BRCA2 GM14805 cell OMIM: 600185 Chao Pang ND09617 EPILEPSY ND09617 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM14772 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14772 cell Chao Pang GM14779 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14779 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14780 NEURONAL INTRANUCLEAR INCLUSION DISEASE GM14780 cell Chao Pang GM14781 NEURONAL INTRANUCLEAR INCLUSION DISEASE GM14781 cell Chao Pang ND09613 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09613 cell Chao Pang GM14760 POLYDACTYLY WITH NEONATAL CHONDRODYSTROPHY, TYPE II, MAJEWSKI TYPE GM14760 cell OMIM: 263520 Chao Pang GM14771 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14771 cell Chao Pang ND09644 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09644 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09619 EPILEPSY ND09619 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09618 EPILEPSY ND09618 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM14758 POLYDACTYLY WITH NEONATAL CHONDRODYSTROPHY, TYPE II, MAJEWSKI TYPE GM14758 cell OMIM: 263520 Chao Pang ND09642 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND09642 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang ND09620 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09620 cell Chao Pang GM14754 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14754 cell Chao Pang GM14755 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14755 cell Chao Pang GM14746 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14746 cell Chao Pang GM14753 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14753 cell Chao Pang GM14733 ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA, CONGENITAL, DUE TO 21-HYDROXYLASE DEFICIENCY GM14733 cell OMIM: 201910 Chao Pang GM14734 ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA, CONGENITAL, DUE TO 21-HYDROXYLASE DEFICIENCY GM14734 cell OMIM: 201910 Chao Pang GM14729 LEOPARD SYNDROME GM14729 cell OMIM: 151100 Chao Pang GM14732 ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA, CONGENITAL, DUE TO 21-HYDROXYLASE DEFICIENCY GM14732 cell OMIM: 201910 Chao Pang GM14728 LEOPARD SYNDROME GM14728 cell OMIM: 151100 Chao Pang GM14720 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14720 cell Chao Pang GM14717 NEURONAL INTRANUCLEAR INCLUSION DISEASE GM14717 cell Chao Pang GM14863 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14863 cell Chao Pang GM14864 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14864 cell Chao Pang GM14867 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM14867 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM14869 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM14869 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM14870 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM14870 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM14871 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM14871 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM14854 CHROMOSOME 2 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 1 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14854 cell Chao Pang GM14855 CHROMOSOME 11 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 12 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14855 cell Chao Pang GM14857 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14857 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14862 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14862 cell Chao Pang GM14820 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14820 cell Chao Pang GM14826 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14826 cell Chao Pang GM14818 ECTODERMAL DYSPLASIA, TYPE 4; ED4 POLIOVIRUS RECEPTOR-LIKE 1; PVRL1 GM14818 cell OMIM: 225060 OMIM: 600644 Chao Pang GM14819 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14819 cell Chao Pang GM14853 CHROMOSOME 1 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 17 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14853 cell Chao Pang GM14837 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14837 cell Chao Pang GM14849 CHROMOSOME 1 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE X CHROMOSOME SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14849 cell Chao Pang GM14811 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14811 cell Chao Pang GM14817 ECTODERMAL DYSPLASIA, TYPE 4; ED4 POLIOVIRUS RECEPTOR-LIKE 1; PVRL1 GM14817 cell OMIM: 225060 OMIM: 600644 Chao Pang GM14807 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14807 cell Chao Pang GM14682 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14682 cell Chao Pang ND12745 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12745 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14681 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14681 cell Chao Pang ND12742 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12742 cell Chao Pang GM14684 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES GM14684 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang ND09552 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND09552 cell Chao Pang GM14683 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14683 cell Chao Pang ND12750 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12750 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12749 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12749 cell Chao Pang ND12748 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12748 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14680 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14680 cell Chao Pang ND12747 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12747 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14679 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14679 cell Chao Pang ND09557 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09557 cell Chao Pang ND12753 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12753 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14676 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14676 cell Chao Pang ND12754 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12754 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09560 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09560 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09561 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09561 cell Chao Pang ND12751 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12751 cell Chao Pang ND09563 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09563 cell Chao Pang ND12752 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12752 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14667 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14667 cell Chao Pang ND09553 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09553 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14671 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14671 cell Chao Pang ND09554 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09554 cell Chao Pang ND09555 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09555 cell Chao Pang GM14672 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14672 cell Chao Pang GM14673 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14673 cell Chao Pang ND09556 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09556 cell Chao Pang ND09564 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09564 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM14666 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14666 cell Chao Pang ND09566 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09566 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM14665 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14665 cell Chao Pang ND09565 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09565 cell Chao Pang GM14664 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14664 cell Chao Pang GM14663 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14663 cell Chao Pang GM14662 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14662 cell Chao Pang ND09578 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09578 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09579 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09579 cell Chao Pang ND09576 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND09576 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09577 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09577 cell Chao Pang ND09574 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09574 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09575 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09575 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09568 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09568 cell Chao Pang ND09569 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09569 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM14702 PROTEASE INHIBITOR 1; PI HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14702 cell OMIM: 107400 OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14701 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM14701 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM14704 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14704 cell Chao Pang GM14703 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14703 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14707 RHESUS BLOOD GROUP, D ANTIGEN; RHD GM14707 cell OMIM: 111680 Chao Pang ND09580 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09580 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14706 RHESUS BLOOD GROUP, D ANTIGEN; RHD GM14706 cell OMIM: 111680 Chao Pang GM14715 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14715 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang ND09582 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09582 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14712 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14712 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang ND09581 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09581 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09583 EPILEPSY ND09583 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM14698 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14698 cell Chao Pang ND09589 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09589 cell Chao Pang GM14699 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14699 cell Chao Pang ND09590 EPILEPSY ND09590 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM14700 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14700 cell Chao Pang ND09594 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09594 cell Chao Pang ND09595 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09595 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09597 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09597 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09598 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09598 cell Chao Pang GM14691 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14691 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14690 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14690 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang GM14689 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14689 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang ND09603 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09603 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14697 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14697 cell Chao Pang ND09602 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09602 cell Chao Pang GM14696 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14696 cell Chao Pang ND09601 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09601 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14694 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14694 cell Chao Pang ND09599 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09599 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14693 NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14693 cell Chao Pang ND09608 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09608 cell Chao Pang GM14687 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14687 cell Chao Pang GM14688 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14688 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang ND09609 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09609 cell Chao Pang ND09604 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09604 cell Chao Pang GM14685 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14685 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang ND09607 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09607 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14686 HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE GM14686 cell OMIM: 235200 Chao Pang ND09611 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09611 cell Chao Pang ND09612 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09612 cell Chao Pang ND12894 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12894 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12893 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12893 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12892 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12892 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12889 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12889 cell Chao Pang ND12888 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12888 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12887 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12887 cell Chao Pang ND12885 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND12885 cell Chao Pang ND12886 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND12886 cell Chao Pang ND12876 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12876 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12884 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12884 cell Chao Pang ND12874 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12874 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12873 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12873 cell Chao Pang ND12875 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12875 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12869 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12869 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12868 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12868 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12872 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12872 cell Chao Pang ND12870 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12870 cell Chao Pang ND12865 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND12865 cell Chao Pang ND12866 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12866 cell Chao Pang ND12867 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12867 cell Chao Pang ND12909 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12909 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12908 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12908 cell Chao Pang ND12911 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12911 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12910 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12910 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12912 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12912 cell Chao Pang ND12903 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12903 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12904 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12904 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12905 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12905 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12906 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12906 cell Chao Pang ND12907 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12907 cell Chao Pang ND12833 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND12833 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12834 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12834 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12829 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12829 cell Chao Pang ND12830 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12830 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12827 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12827 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12828 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12828 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12819 PROGRESSIVE BULBAR PALSY ND12819 cell Chao Pang ND12820 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12820 cell Chao Pang ND12835 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12835 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12836 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12836 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14875 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM14875 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM14877 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM14877 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM14876 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM14876 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM14879 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM14879 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM14878 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM14878 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM14882 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM14882 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM14881 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM14881 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM14889 PHOSPHOGLYCERATE KINASE 1; PGK1 GM14889 cell OMIM: 311800 Chao Pang GM14883 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM14883 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM14890 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM14890 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang ND12811 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12811 cell Chao Pang ND12813 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12813 cell Chao Pang ND12814 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12814 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12815 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12815 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12808 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12808 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12809 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12809 cell Chao Pang ND12810 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12810 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12816 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12816 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12817 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12817 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12818 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12818 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14893 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14893 cell Chao Pang GM14892 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14892 cell Chao Pang GM14899 HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - DISORDERS OF THROMBOSIS FACTOR V DEFICIENCY GM14899 cell OMIM: 227400 Chao Pang GM14897 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE NON-OBESE CONTROLS GM14897 cell Chao Pang GM14895 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14895 cell Chao Pang GM14894 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14894 cell Chao Pang GM14904 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14904 cell Chao Pang GM14903 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14903 cell Chao Pang GM14901 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14901 cell Chao Pang GM14900 NON-OBESE CONTROLS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM14900 cell Chao Pang ND12859 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12859 cell Chao Pang ND12860 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12860 cell Chao Pang ND12850 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12850 cell Chao Pang ND12851 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND12851 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND12863 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12863 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12864 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12864 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12861 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12861 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12862 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12862 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12848 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND12848 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12847 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12847 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12838 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12838 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12839 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12839 cell Chao Pang ND12840 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12840 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12841 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12841 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12842 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12842 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12843 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12843 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12844 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12844 cell Chao Pang ND12845 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12845 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12846 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND12846 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12837 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12837 cell Chao Pang GM02266 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM02266 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM02267 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM02267 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM02268 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM02268 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang HQ00733 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00733 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02269 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM02269 cell Chao Pang HQ00735 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00735 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00731 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00731 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02273 MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II GM02273 cell OMIM: 252500 Chao Pang HQ00732 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00732 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02274 MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM02274 cell OMIM: 252500 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM02290 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM02290 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM02291 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM02291 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM02292 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM02292 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM02293 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM02293 cell Chao Pang ND12774 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12774 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12773 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12773 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12770 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12770 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12769 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12769 cell Chao Pang ND12772 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12772 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12771 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12771 cell Chao Pang ND12766 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12766 cell Chao Pang HQ00730 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00730 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND12765 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12765 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00729 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00729 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00728 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00728 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND12768 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12768 cell Chao Pang ND12767 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12767 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00727 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00727 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00726 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00726 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00725 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00725 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02246 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02246 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02250 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM02250 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang HQ00745 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00745 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02252 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP B; XPB EXCISION-REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 3; ERCC3 GM02252 cell OMIM: 133510 Chao Pang HQ00747 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00747 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00748 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00748 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02248 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02248 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02249 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02249 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02255 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS 2; DYT2 GM02255 cell OMIM: 224500 Chao Pang GM02256 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS 2; DYT2 GM02256 cell OMIM: 224500 Chao Pang GM02253 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM02253 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM02254 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02254 cell Chao Pang GM02264 DYSTONIA 1, TORSION; DYT1 GM02264 cell OMIM: 128100 Chao Pang HQ00741 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00741 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00740 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00740 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00743 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00743 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00742 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00742 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00736 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00736 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00739 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00739 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00738 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00738 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02316 FARBER LIPOGRANULOMATOSIS GM02316 cell OMIM: 228000 Chao Pang GM02317 FARBER LIPOGRANULOMATOSIS GM02317 cell OMIM: 228000 Chao Pang HQ00759 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00759 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02324 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02324 cell Chao Pang HQ00760 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00760 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02325 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02325 cell Chao Pang GM02306 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS 2; DYT2 GM02306 cell OMIM: 224500 Chao Pang GM02307 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS 2; DYT2 GM02307 cell OMIM: 224500 Chao Pang GM02314 FARBER LIPOGRANULOMATOSIS GM02314 cell OMIM: 228000 Chao Pang GM02315 FARBER LIPOGRANULOMATOSIS GM02315 cell OMIM: 228000 Chao Pang GM02327 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM02327 cell OMIM: 248600 Chao Pang GM02328 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; LETHAL GM02328 cell Chao Pang ND12805 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12805 cell Chao Pang ND12803 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12803 cell Chao Pang ND12807 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12807 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12806 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12806 cell Chao Pang HQ00752 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00752 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00751 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00751 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00750 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00750 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND12786 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12786 cell Chao Pang ND12785 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12785 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00749 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00749 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00758 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00758 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND12797 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12797 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00755 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00755 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND12795 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12795 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12799 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12799 cell Chao Pang HQ00754 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00754 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND12798 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12798 cell Chao Pang HQ00753 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00753 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02301 ANDROGEN RECEPTOR; AR GM02301 cell OMIM: 313700 Chao Pang HQ00774 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00774 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02302 COPROPORPHYRIA GM02302 cell OMIM: 121300 Chao Pang GM02299 ANDROGEN RECEPTOR; AR GM02299 cell OMIM: 313700 Chao Pang GM02300 ANDROGEN RECEPTOR; AR GM02300 cell OMIM: 313700 Chao Pang GM02295 WINCHESTER DISEASE GM02295 cell OMIM: 277950 Chao Pang GM02298 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM02298 cell OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM02294 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02294 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM02305 DYSTONIA 1, TORSION; DYT1 GM02305 cell OMIM: 128100 Chao Pang GM02303 PORPHYRIA VARIEGATA GM02303 cell OMIM: 176200 Chao Pang GM02304 DYSTONIA 1, TORSION; DYT1 GM02304 cell OMIM: 128100 Chao Pang ND12783 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12783 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12782 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12782 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12781 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12781 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12780 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12780 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00762 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00762 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND12784 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12784 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12775 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12775 cell Chao Pang HQ00765 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00765 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00764 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00764 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00767 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00767 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00766 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00766 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00769 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00769 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND12779 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12779 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12778 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12778 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00768 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00768 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00772 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00772 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND12777 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12777 cell Chao Pang HQ00771 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00771 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND12776 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12776 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang HQ00702 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00702 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00701 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00701 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00703 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00703 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00697 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00697 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00696 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00696 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00700 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00700 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00698 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00698 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00693 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00693 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00694 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00694 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00695 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00695 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02242 ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA, CONGENITAL, DUE TO 21-HYDROXYLASE DEFICIENCY GM02242 cell OMIM: 201910 Chao Pang GM02241 ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA, CONGENITAL, DUE TO 21-HYDROXYLASE DEFICIENCY GM02241 cell OMIM: 201910 Chao Pang GM02229 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM02229 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM02228 ALKAPTONURIA GM02228 cell OMIM: 203500 Chao Pang GM02232 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM02232 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM02230 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM02230 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang HQ00711 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00711 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02219 ACUTE LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA GM02219 cell Chao Pang HQ00710 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00710 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02217 DYSTONIA 1, TORSION; DYT1 GM02217 cell OMIM: 128100 Chao Pang GM02227 HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM02227 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang HQ00709 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00709 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02226 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM02226 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang HQ00708 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00708 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00713 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00713 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00712 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00712 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00706 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00706 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00707 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00707 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00704 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00704 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00705 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00705 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02214 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM02214 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM02213 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM02213 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM02209 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02209 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02206 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM02206 cell Chao Pang GM02205 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM02205 cell Chao Pang GM02191 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02191 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02190 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02190 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00720 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00720 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02189 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02189 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00719 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00719 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02188 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02188 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02187 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02187 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00723 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00723 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00721 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00721 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00724 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00724 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00714 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00714 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00715 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00715 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00716 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00716 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00717 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00717 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang HQ00718 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD HQ00718 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang ND09730 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09730 cell Chao Pang ND09729 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09729 cell Chao Pang GM01995 SITOSTEROLEMIA GM01995 cell OMIM: 210250 Chao Pang ND09728 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09728 cell Chao Pang ND09727 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09727 cell Chao Pang ND09734 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09734 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01997 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM01997 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM01996 GALACTOSEMIA GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GM01996 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang ND09733 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09733 cell Chao Pang GM01999 TRANSTHYRETIN; TTR GM01999 cell OMIM: 176300 Chao Pang ND09732 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09732 cell Chao Pang ND09731 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09731 cell Chao Pang GM01998 TRANSTHYRETIN; TTR GM01998 cell OMIM: 176300 Chao Pang ND09736 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09736 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09735 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND09735 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM02000 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM02000 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM02003 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM02003 cell Chao Pang GM02004 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM02004 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM02007 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE I; EDS1 GM02007 cell OMIM: 130000 Chao Pang GM02008 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM02008 cell Chao Pang ND09739 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09739 cell Chao Pang GM02010 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM02010 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM02009 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM02009 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang ND09738 EPILEPSY ND09738 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09742 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09742 cell Chao Pang ND09741 EPILEPSY ND09741 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09748 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09748 cell Chao Pang GM02016 HURLER-SCHEIE SYNDROME GM02016 cell OMIM: 607015 Chao Pang GM02014 MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM02014 cell OMIM: 252500 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang ND09747 EPILEPSY ND09747 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM02013 MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM02013 cell OMIM: 252500 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang ND09750 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09750 cell Chao Pang ND09749 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND09749 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang GM02011 ARGININEMIA GM02011 cell OMIM: 207800 Chao Pang ND09751 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09751 cell Chao Pang GM02022 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE IV; ARTERIAL, ECCHYMOTIC TYPE GM02022 cell OMIM: 130050 Chao Pang GM02024 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02024 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02017 HURLER-SCHEIE SYNDROME GM02017 cell OMIM: 607015 Chao Pang GM02018 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02018 cell Chao Pang ND09737 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09737 cell Chao Pang ND09708 EPILEPSY ND09708 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM01935 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GM01935 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang ND09707 EPILEPSY ND09707 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09698 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09698 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01941 CHROMOSOME DELETION TURNER SYNDROME GM01941 cell Chao Pang ND09696 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND09696 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01938 MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE (MSUD), TYPE IA GM01938 cell OMIM: 248600 Chao Pang ND09694 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09694 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09692 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09692 cell Chao Pang ND09712 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND09712 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09711 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09711 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09710 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09710 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09709 EPILEPSY ND09709 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM01956 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01956 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01957 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM01957 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM01958 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM01958 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM01948 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01948 cell Chao Pang GM01953 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01953 cell Chao Pang GM01954 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01954 cell Chao Pang GM01955 MATURITY-ONSET DIABETES OF THE YOUNG, TYPE I; MODY1 GM01955 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01981 MENKES SYNDROME ATPASE, CU(2+)-TRANSPORTING, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; ATP7A GM01981 cell OMIM: 300011 OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang ND09717 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09717 cell Chao Pang GM01972 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS GM01972 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang ND09716 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09716 cell Chao Pang ND09723 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09723 cell Chao Pang GM01960 TOCOPHEROL TRANSFER PROTEIN, ALPHA; TTPA VITAMIN E, FAMILIAL ISOLATED DEFICIENCY OF; VED GM01960 cell OMIM: 277460 OMIM: 600415 Chao Pang ND09718 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09718 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01959 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM01959 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang ND09713 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND09713 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09715 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09715 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09714 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND09714 cell Chao Pang ND09725 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09725 cell Chao Pang ND09724 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09724 cell Chao Pang ND09726 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09726 cell Chao Pang GM01990 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01990 cell Chao Pang GM01993 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM01993 cell Chao Pang GM01984 MENKES SYNDROME GM01984 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM01989 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01989 cell Chao Pang GM01982 MENKES SYNDROME ATPASE, CU(2+)-TRANSPORTING, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; ATP7A GM01982 cell OMIM: 300011 OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM01983 MENKES SYNDROME GM01983 cell OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang ND09675 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09675 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09676 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09676 cell Chao Pang ND09673 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND09673 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09674 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09674 cell Chao Pang ND09677 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09677 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09679 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09679 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09671 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09671 cell Chao Pang ND09672 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09672 cell Chao Pang ND09669 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09669 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09670 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09670 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01897 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM01897 cell Chao Pang GM01899 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT GM01899 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM01898 HURLER-SCHEIE SYNDROME GM01898 cell OMIM: 607015 Chao Pang GM01905 DIABETES MELLITUS: MATURITY ONSET DIABETES - 222100 OR 125850 GM01905 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang GM01900 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM01900 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM01908 GALACTOSEMIA GM01908 cell OMIM: 230400 Chao Pang GM01907 GALACTOSEMIA GM01907 cell OMIM: 230400 Chao Pang GM01910 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM01910 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM01909 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM01909 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM01911 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM01911 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang ND09685 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09685 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09686 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09686 cell Chao Pang ND09687 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09687 cell Chao Pang ND09688 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09688 cell Chao Pang ND09691 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09691 cell Chao Pang ND09680 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09680 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09681 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09681 cell Chao Pang GM01912 SEA-BLUE HISTIOCYTE DISEASE GM01912 cell OMIM: 269600 Chao Pang ND09682 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09682 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01913 SEA-BLUE HISTIOCYTE DISEASE GM01913 cell OMIM: 269600 Chao Pang ND09683 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09683 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09684 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09684 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01927 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM01927 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM01921 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY TRISOMY 21 GM01921 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM01920 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY TRISOMY 21 GM01920 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM01915 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM01915 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM01931 CATALASE; CAT ACATALASEMIA, INCLUDED GM01931 cell OMIM: 115500 Chao Pang GM01930 WOLFRAM SYNDROME GM01930 cell OMIM: 222300 Chao Pang GM01929 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM01929 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM01928 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM01928 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM01874 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM01874 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM01873 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM01873 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM01876 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM01876 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM01875 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM01875 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM01870 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01870 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM01872 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM01872 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM01871 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01871 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM01878 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM01878 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM01877 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM01877 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM01879 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM01879 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang ND09659 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09659 cell Chao Pang ND09660 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09660 cell Chao Pang ND09668 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09668 cell Chao Pang ND09648 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09648 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09649 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09649 cell Chao Pang ND09650 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09650 cell Chao Pang ND09658 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09658 cell Chao Pang ND09645 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09645 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09646 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09646 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09647 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09647 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM01892 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM01892 cell Chao Pang GM01891 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM01891 cell Chao Pang GM01889 XX MALE SYNDROME GM01889 cell OMIM: 278850 Chao Pang GM01888 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01888 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM01887 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01887 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM01886 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM01886 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM01881 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIA TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME N-SULFOGLUCOSAMINE SULFOHYDROLASE; SGSH GM01881 cell OMIM: 252900 OMIM: 605270 Chao Pang GM01880 RETINOBLASTOMA; RB1 OSTEOSARCOMA, RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED, INCLUDED GM01880 cell OMIM: 180200 Chao Pang GM01896 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE II GM01896 cell OMIM: 309900 Chao Pang GM01893 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM01893 cell Chao Pang ND09790 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09790 cell Chao Pang ND09789 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09789 cell Chao Pang ND09800 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09800 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09791 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09791 cell Chao Pang ND09801 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09801 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09803 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09803 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09804 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND09804 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09805 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09805 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09806 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09806 cell Chao Pang ND09807 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09807 cell Chao Pang ND09753 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09753 cell Chao Pang ND09752 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND09752 cell Chao Pang ND09774 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND09774 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09775 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND09775 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09777 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09777 cell Chao Pang ND09778 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09778 cell Chao Pang ND09768 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09768 cell Chao Pang ND09769 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09769 cell Chao Pang ND09771 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09771 cell Chao Pang ND09773 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09773 cell Chao Pang ND09781 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09781 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09780 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09780 cell Chao Pang ND09779 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09779 cell Chao Pang ND09788 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND09788 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09786 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09786 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09787 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09787 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09784 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09784 cell Chao Pang ND09785 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09785 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09782 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09782 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09783 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND09783 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13086 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13086 cell Chao Pang ND13085 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13085 cell Chao Pang ND13082 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13082 cell Chao Pang ND13081 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13081 cell Chao Pang ND13084 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13084 cell Chao Pang ND13083 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13083 cell Chao Pang ND13076 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13076 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13077 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13077 cell Chao Pang ND13078 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13078 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13080 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13080 cell Chao Pang ND13071 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13071 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13072 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13072 cell Chao Pang ND13069 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13069 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13070 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13070 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13075 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13075 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13073 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13073 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13074 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13074 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13068 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13068 cell Chao Pang ND13067 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13067 cell Chao Pang ND13060 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13060 cell Chao Pang ND13049 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13049 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13053 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13053 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13054 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13054 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13055 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13055 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13056 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND13056 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13057 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND13057 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13058 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13058 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13059 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13059 cell Chao Pang ND13048 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13048 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13047 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13047 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13046 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13046 cell Chao Pang ND13043 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13043 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13045 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13045 cell Chao Pang ND13040 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13040 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13042 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13042 cell Chao Pang ND13034 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13034 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13039 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13039 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13023 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13023 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13026 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13026 cell Chao Pang ND13021 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13021 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13015 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13015 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13016 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13016 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13010 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13010 cell Chao Pang ND13011 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13011 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13012 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13012 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13013 KENNEDY'S DISEASE ND13013 cell Chao Pang ND13005 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND13005 cell Chao Pang ND13006 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND13006 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13007 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13007 cell Chao Pang ND13009 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13009 cell Chao Pang GM02079 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02079 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02080 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02080 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02085 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM GM02085 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM02074 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VII GM02074 cell OMIM: 253220 Chao Pang GM02075 CHEDIAK-HIGASHI SYNDROME; CHS1 LYSOSOMAL TRAFFICKING REGULATOR, INCLUDED; LYST, INCLUDED GM02075 cell OMIM: 214500 Chao Pang GM02077 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02077 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02078 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM02078 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM02066 CYSTINOSIS, NEPHROPATHIC; CTNS GM02066 cell OMIM: 219800 Chao Pang GM02067 TRISOMY 21 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM02067 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM02068 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02068 cell Chao Pang ND12983 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12983 cell Chao Pang ND12994 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12994 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12984 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12984 cell Chao Pang ND12996 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12996 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12995 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12995 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12998 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12998 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12997 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12997 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13003 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13003 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13002 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13002 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13004 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13004 cell Chao Pang GM02064 HEMOGLOBIN F, HEREDITARY PERSISTENCE OF, PANCELLULAR GM02064 cell OMIM: 141749 Chao Pang GM02065 N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB MUCOLIPIDOSIS IIIA GM02065 cell OMIM: 252600 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM02061 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; FANCA GM02061 cell OMIM: 607139 Chao Pang GM02062 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM02062 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM02057 ASPARTYLGLUCOSAMINURIA GM02057 cell OMIM: 208400 Chao Pang GM02058 TRISOMY 21 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02058 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM02055 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM02055 cell Chao Pang GM02056 ASPARTYLGLUCOSAMINURIA GM02056 cell OMIM: 208400 Chao Pang GM02053 FANCONI ANEMIA COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM02053 cell Chao Pang GM02054 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM02054 cell Chao Pang ND12974 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12974 cell Chao Pang ND12973 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12973 cell Chao Pang ND12978 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12978 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12977 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12977 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12976 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12976 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12975 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12975 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12982 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12982 cell Chao Pang ND12981 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12981 cell Chao Pang ND12980 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND12980 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND12979 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND12979 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM02048 MUCOLIPIDOSIS IV GM02048 cell OMIM: 252650 Chao Pang GM02049 MANNOSIDOSIS, ALPHA B, LYSOSOMAL GM02049 cell OMIM: 248500 Chao Pang GM02050 MANNOSIDOSIS, ALPHA B, LYSOSOMAL GM02050 cell OMIM: 248500 Chao Pang GM02051 MANNOSIDOSIS, ALPHA B, LYSOSOMAL GM02051 cell OMIM: 248500 Chao Pang GM02052 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM02052 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM02038 SCHIZOPHRENIA; SCZD GM02038 cell OMIM: 181500 Chao Pang GM02039 SCHIZOPHRENIA; SCZD GM02039 cell OMIM: 181500 Chao Pang GM02044 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02044 cell Chao Pang GM02046 MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM02046 cell OMIM: 252500 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM02047 MUCOLIPIDOSIS II; ML2; ML II N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM02047 cell OMIM: 252500 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang ND12953 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12953 cell Chao Pang ND12952 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12952 cell Chao Pang ND12955 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12955 cell Chao Pang ND12954 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12954 cell Chao Pang ND12951 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12951 cell Chao Pang ND12972 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12972 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12969 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12969 cell Chao Pang ND12956 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12956 cell Chao Pang ND12971 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12971 cell Chao Pang ND12970 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12970 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM02034 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02034 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02035 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02035 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02032 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02032 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang GM02033 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM02033 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM02036 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02036 cell Chao Pang GM02037 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02037 cell Chao Pang GM02028 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02028 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM02030 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 8 GM02030 cell Chao Pang GM02025 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM02025 cell Chao Pang GM02026 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM02026 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang ND12939 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12939 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12938 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND12938 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12937 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12937 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12935 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND12935 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12947 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12947 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12946 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND12946 cell Chao Pang ND12945 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12945 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12944 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12944 cell Chao Pang ND12943 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12943 cell Chao Pang ND12942 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12942 cell Chao Pang ND12920 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND12920 cell Chao Pang ND12923 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12923 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12924 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12924 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12931 PROGRESSIVE BULBAR PALSY ND12931 cell Chao Pang ND12932 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12932 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12933 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12933 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12934 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12934 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12913 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12913 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12914 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12914 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND12919 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12919 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND04157 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04157 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04156 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04156 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04158 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04158 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04153 EPILEPSY ND04153 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04152 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04152 cell Chao Pang ND04155 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04155 cell Chao Pang ND04154 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04154 cell Chao Pang ND04147 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04147 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04151 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04151 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04149 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04149 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04124 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04124 cell Chao Pang ND04123 EPILEPSY ND04123 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04122 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04122 cell Chao Pang ND04121 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04121 cell Chao Pang ND04120 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04120 cell Chao Pang ND04119 EPILEPSY ND04119 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04117 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04117 cell Chao Pang ND04114 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04114 cell Chao Pang ND04113 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04113 cell Chao Pang ND04108 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04108 cell Chao Pang ND04195 EPILEPSY ND04195 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04184 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04184 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04183 EPILEPSY ND04183 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04190 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04190 cell Chao Pang ND04188 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04188 cell Chao Pang ND04192 EPILEPSY ND04192 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04191 EPILEPSY ND04191 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04194 EPILEPSY ND04194 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04193 EPILEPSY ND04193 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang AG07766 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07766 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07765 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07765 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07763 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07763 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07771 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07771 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07769 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07769 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07768 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07768 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04182 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04182 cell Chao Pang AG07767 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07767 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07803 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07803 cell Chao Pang AG07802 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07802 cell Chao Pang AG07801 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07801 cell Chao Pang ND04181 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04181 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04180 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04180 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04164 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04164 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04162 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04162 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04160 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04160 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04159 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04159 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04179 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04179 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04178 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04178 cell Chao Pang ND04177 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04177 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04176 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04176 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG07722 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07722 cell Chao Pang AG07720 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07720 cell Chao Pang AG07724 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07724 cell Chao Pang AG07723 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07723 cell Chao Pang AG07756 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07756 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07725 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07725 cell Chao Pang AG07759 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07759 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07757 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07757 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07762 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07762 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07761 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07761 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04214 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04214 cell Chao Pang ND04215 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04215 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04212 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND04212 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND04213 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04213 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04203 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04203 cell Chao Pang ND04204 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04204 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04200 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04200 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04201 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND04201 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04197 EPILEPSY ND04197 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04196 EPILEPSY ND04196 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM02633 TURCOT SYNDROME ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM02633 cell OMIM: 175100 OMIM: 276300 Chao Pang GM02629 MUCOLIPIDOSIS IV GM02629 cell OMIM: 252650 Chao Pang GM02631 CARNOSINEMIA GM02631 cell OMIM: 212200 Chao Pang GM02626 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME XX MALE SYNDROME DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME GM02626 cell OMIM: 278850 Chao Pang GM02627 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA GAUCHER DISEASE, TYPE II GM02627 cell OMIM: 230900 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang GM02624 XX MALE SYNDROME INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM02624 cell OMIM: 278850 Chao Pang GM02625 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE XX MALE SYNDROME GM02625 cell OMIM: 278850 Chao Pang GM02623 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM02623 cell Chao Pang GM02621 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02621 cell Chao Pang GM02617 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02617 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02613 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02613 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02614 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02614 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02615 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02615 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02616 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02616 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02607 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02607 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM02608 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02608 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM02609 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02609 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM02610 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02610 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM02606 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM02606 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM02605 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02605 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM13666 FAMILIAL CANCER GM13666 cell Chao Pang GM13667 MENKES SYNDROME ATPASE, CU(2+)-TRANSPORTING, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; ATP7A GM13667 cell OMIM: 300011 OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM13668 MENKES SYNDROME ATPASE, CU(2+)-TRANSPORTING, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; ATP7A GM13668 cell OMIM: 300011 OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM13669 ATPASE, CU(2+)-TRANSPORTING, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; ATP7A MENKES SYNDROME GM13669 cell OMIM: 300011 OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM13670 ATPASE, CU(2+)-TRANSPORTING, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; ATP7A MENKES SYNDROME GM13670 cell OMIM: 300011 OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM13671 MENKES SYNDROME ATPASE, CU(2+)-TRANSPORTING, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; ATP7A GM13671 cell OMIM: 300011 OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM13672 MENKES SYNDROME ATPASE, CU(2+)-TRANSPORTING, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; ATP7A GM13672 cell OMIM: 300011 OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM13674 ATPASE, CU(2+)-TRANSPORTING, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; ATP7A MENKES SYNDROME GM13674 cell OMIM: 300011 OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM13675 ATPASE, CU(2+)-TRANSPORTING, ALPHA POLYPEPTIDE; ATP7A MENKES SYNDROME GM13675 cell OMIM: 300011 OMIM: 309400 Chao Pang GM13678 FAMILIAL CANCER GM13678 cell Chao Pang ND13094 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13094 cell Chao Pang ND13093 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13093 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13102 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13102 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13100 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13100 cell Chao Pang ND13105 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13105 cell Chao Pang ND13103 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13103 cell Chao Pang ND13096 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13096 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13095 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13095 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13099 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13099 cell Chao Pang ND13098 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13098 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13629 COLORECTAL CANCER, FAMILIAL GM13629 cell Chao Pang GM13635 GLOMUS TUMORS, MULTIPLE GM13635 cell OMIM: 138000 Chao Pang GM13628 COLORECTAL CANCER, FAMILIAL GM13628 cell Chao Pang GM13643 CANCER OF THE BREAST, FAMILIAL; BCS GM13643 cell OMIM: 114480 Chao Pang GM13649 COLORECTAL CANCER, FAMILIAL GM13649 cell Chao Pang GM13636 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE IV; ARTERIAL, ECCHYMOTIC TYPE GM13636 cell OMIM: 130050 Chao Pang GM13639 CANCER OF THE BREAST, FAMILIAL; BCS GM13639 cell OMIM: 114480 Chao Pang GM13664 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM13664 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM13652 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13652 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM13661 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13661 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang ND13108 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND13108 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13107 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13107 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13106 PROGRESSIVE BULBAR PALSY ND13106 cell Chao Pang ND13114 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13114 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13112 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13112 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13695 MYOCLONIC EPILEPSY, JUVENILE; EJM1 GM13695 cell OMIM: 254770 Chao Pang ND13111 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13111 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang GM13694 EPILEPSY, GENERALIZED, IDIOPATHIC; EGI GM13694 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND13110 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13110 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13117 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND13117 cell Chao Pang ND13116 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13116 cell Chao Pang ND13115 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13115 cell Chao Pang GM13705 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM13705 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM13707 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM13707 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM13708 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM13708 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM13709 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM13709 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM13696 CHROMOSOME 3 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13696 cell Chao Pang GM13697 CHROMOSOME 3 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM13697 cell Chao Pang GM13698 FAMILIAL CANCER GM13698 cell Chao Pang GM13703 FAMILIAL CANCER GM13703 cell Chao Pang ND13128 INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE ND13128 cell Chao Pang ND13127 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13127 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13130 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13130 cell Chao Pang ND13129 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13129 cell Chao Pang GM13681 HOLT-ORAM SYNDROME; HOS GM13681 cell OMIM: 142900 Chao Pang ND13136 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13136 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13135 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13135 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13138 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13138 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13137 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13137 cell Chao Pang ND13140 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND13140 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13139 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13139 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13691 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13691 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM13692 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM13692 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM13688 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13688 cell Chao Pang GM13689 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13689 cell Chao Pang GM13686 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13686 cell Chao Pang GM13687 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13687 cell Chao Pang GM13683 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13683 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM13685 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13685 cell Chao Pang GM13693 EPILEPSY, GENERALIZED, IDIOPATHIC; EGI GM13693 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND13154 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13154 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13152 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13152 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13732 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13732 cell Chao Pang GM13733 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13733 cell Chao Pang ND13153 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13153 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13734 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13734 cell Chao Pang ND13150 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13150 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13151 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13151 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13740 LEIGH SYNDROME ATP SYNTHASE 6; MTATP6 GM13740 cell OMIM: 256000 OMIM: 516060 Chao Pang ND13148 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13148 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13149 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND13149 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13146 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13146 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13147 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13147 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13145 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13145 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13743 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13743 cell Chao Pang GM13741 LEIGH SYNDROME ATP SYNTHASE 6; MTATP6 GM13741 cell OMIM: 256000 OMIM: 516060 Chao Pang GM13750 EPILEPSY, GENERALIZED, IDIOPATHIC; EGI GM13750 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM13744 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13744 cell Chao Pang GM13764 FAMILIAL CANCER GM13764 cell Chao Pang GM13762 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13762 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang ND13161 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13161 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13711 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM13711 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang ND13162 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13162 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13712 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM13712 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang ND13163 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13163 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13710 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM13710 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang ND13164 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13164 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13157 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13157 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13158 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13158 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13159 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND13159 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13160 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13160 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13155 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13155 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13156 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13156 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13716 DRPLA GENE; DRPLA DENTATORUBRAL-PALLIDOLUYSIAN ATROPHY; DRPLA GM13716 cell OMIM: 125370 OMIM: 607462 Chao Pang GM13715 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM13715 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM13714 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM13714 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM13713 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM13713 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM13730 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 GM13730 cell OMIM: 211600 Chao Pang GM13721 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM13721 cell Chao Pang GM13717 DENTATORUBRAL-PALLIDOLUYSIAN ATROPHY; DRPLA DRPLA GENE; DRPLA GM13717 cell OMIM: 125370 OMIM: 607462 Chao Pang ND13186 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13186 cell Chao Pang ND13184 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13184 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13185 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13185 cell Chao Pang ND13166 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13166 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13167 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13167 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13165 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND13165 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13182 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13182 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13183 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13183 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13168 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13168 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13181 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13181 cell Chao Pang ND13195 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13195 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13196 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND13196 cell Chao Pang ND13187 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13187 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13188 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13188 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13189 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND13189 cell Chao Pang ND13190 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13190 cell Chao Pang ND13191 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13191 cell Chao Pang ND13192 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13192 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13193 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13193 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13194 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13194 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG07617 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07617 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07616 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07616 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07615 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07615 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND13197 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13197 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG07614 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07614 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07621 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07621 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07620 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07620 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07619 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07619 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07618 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07618 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07613 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07613 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND13211 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13211 cell Chao Pang ND13210 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13210 cell Chao Pang AG07609 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07609 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND13213 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13213 cell Chao Pang AG07610 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07610 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND13212 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13212 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13199 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13199 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13198 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13198 cell Chao Pang ND13209 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13209 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13208 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND13208 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13214 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13214 cell Chao Pang AG07624 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07624 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND13215 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13215 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG07628 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07628 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND13216 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13216 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG07627 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07627 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07630 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07630 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07629 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07629 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07632 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07632 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07631 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07631 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07635 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07635 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07634 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07634 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND13271 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13271 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG07622 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07622 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07623 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07623 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND13264 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13264 cell Chao Pang ND13263 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13263 cell Chao Pang ND13262 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13262 cell Chao Pang ND13261 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13261 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13260 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND13260 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13259 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13259 cell Chao Pang ND13258 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND13258 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG07594 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07594 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07593 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07593 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07592 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07592 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07590 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07590 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07589 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07589 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07588 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07588 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND13273 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13273 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13275 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13275 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13285 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13285 cell Chao Pang ND13287 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13287 cell Chao Pang ND13286 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13286 cell Chao Pang ND13289 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13289 cell Chao Pang ND13288 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13288 cell Chao Pang ND13292 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13292 cell Chao Pang ND13290 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13290 cell Chao Pang ND13293 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13293 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG07604 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07604 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07603 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07603 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07608 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07608 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07607 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07607 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07600 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07600 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07602 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07602 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07601 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07601 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04027 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04027 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04026 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04026 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04025 AVM-RUPTURED ND04025 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND04024 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04024 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04023 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04023 cell Chao Pang AG07596 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07596 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04022 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04022 cell Chao Pang AG07597 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07597 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04021 EPILEPSY ND04021 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang AG07598 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07598 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07599 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07599 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04020 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND04020 cell Chao Pang ND04019 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND04019 cell Chao Pang AG07669 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07669 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13603 ATAYAL POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (ATAYAL) GM13603 cell Chao Pang AG07670 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07670 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13602 ATAYAL POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (ATAYAL) GM13602 cell Chao Pang ND04028 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND04028 cell Chao Pang GM13601 ATAYAL POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (ATAYAL) GM13601 cell Chao Pang AG07667 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07667 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13600 ATAYAL POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (ATAYAL) GM13600 cell Chao Pang AG07668 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07668 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13605 ATAYAL POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (ATAYAL) GM13605 cell Chao Pang AG07671 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07671 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07672 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07672 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13604 ATAYAL POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (ATAYAL) GM13604 cell Chao Pang GM13599 ATAYAL POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (ATAYAL) GM13599 cell Chao Pang AG07665 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07665 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07666 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07666 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13598 ATAYAL POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (ATAYAL) GM13598 cell Chao Pang AG07663 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07663 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13597 ATAYAL POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (ATAYAL) GM13597 cell Chao Pang AG07664 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07664 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13591 HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - HEMOCHROMATOSIS CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR HUMAN GENE MUTATION PANEL - CYSTIC FIBROSIS (VERSION 2) CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF HEMOCHROMATOSIS; HFE 5,10-@METHYLENETETRAHYDROFOLATE REDUCTASE; MTHFR GM13591 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 235200 OMIM: 602421 OMIM: 607093 Chao Pang ND04029 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04029 cell Chao Pang ND04030 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04030 cell Chao Pang ND04045 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04045 cell Chao Pang ND04046 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND04046 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04047 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04047 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04051 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND04051 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND04052 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND04052 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND04054 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND04054 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND04055 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04055 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND04056 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND04056 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG07684 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG07684 cell Chao Pang GM13570 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 GM13570 cell OMIM: 211600 Chao Pang AG07714 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07714 cell Chao Pang GM13568 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 GM13568 cell OMIM: 211600 Chao Pang AG07715 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07715 cell Chao Pang GM13585 COLORECTAL CANCER, FAMILIAL GM13585 cell Chao Pang AG07716 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07716 cell Chao Pang GM13571 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 GM13571 cell OMIM: 211600 Chao Pang AG07719 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07719 cell Chao Pang GM13589 GIANT CELL HEPATITIS, NEONATAL IDIOPATHIC NEONATAL HEMOCHROMATOSIS, INCLUDED GM13589 cell OMIM: 231100 Chao Pang GM13588 GIANT CELL HEPATITIS, NEONATAL IDIOPATHIC NEONATAL HEMOCHROMATOSIS, INCLUDED GM13588 cell OMIM: 231100 Chao Pang GM13590 DUPLICATED CHROMOSOME GM13590 cell Chao Pang AG07673 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07673 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07680 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG07680 cell Chao Pang GM13558 COLORECTAL CANCER, FAMILIAL GM13558 cell Chao Pang AG07681 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG07681 cell Chao Pang GM13567 GIANT CELL HEPATITIS, NEONATAL IDIOPATHIC NEONATAL HEMOCHROMATOSIS, INCLUDED GM13567 cell OMIM: 231100 Chao Pang AG07682 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG07682 cell Chao Pang GM13563 COLORECTAL CANCER, FAMILIAL GM13563 cell Chao Pang AG07683 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG07683 cell Chao Pang ND04059 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND04059 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND04060 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04060 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND04058 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND04058 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND04063 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04063 cell Chao Pang ND04064 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND04064 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND04061 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04061 cell Chao Pang ND04062 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04062 cell Chao Pang ND04068 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04068 cell Chao Pang ND04066 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04066 cell Chao Pang ND04067 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04067 cell Chao Pang AG07646 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07646 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07647 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07647 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07644 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07644 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07645 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07645 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07641 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07641 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13626 ADYGEI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (KRASNODAR IN SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN RUSSIA) GM13626 cell Chao Pang GM13625 ADYGEI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (KRASNODAR IN SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN RUSSIA) GM13625 cell Chao Pang AG07642 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07642 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07639 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07639 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13624 ADYGEI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (KRASNODAR IN SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN RUSSIA) GM13624 cell Chao Pang AG07640 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07640 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13623 ADYGEI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (KRASNODAR IN SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN RUSSIA) GM13623 cell Chao Pang AG07637 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07637 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13622 ADYGEI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (KRASNODAR IN SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN RUSSIA) GM13622 cell Chao Pang AG07638 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07638 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13620 ADYGEI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (KRASNODAR IN SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN RUSSIA) GM13620 cell Chao Pang GM13619 ADYGEI POPULATION SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (KRASNODAR IN SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN RUSSIA) GM13619 cell Chao Pang GM13618 SNP500 PANEL ADYGEI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (KRASNODAR IN SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN RUSSIA) GM13618 cell Chao Pang GM13617 ADYGEI POPULATION SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (KRASNODAR IN SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN RUSSIA) GM13617 cell Chao Pang GM13616 AMI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (AMI) GM13616 cell Chao Pang ND04069 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04069 cell Chao Pang ND04071 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04071 cell Chao Pang ND04077 EPILEPSY ND04077 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04078 EPILEPSY ND04078 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04083 EPILEPSY ND04083 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04084 EPILEPSY ND04084 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04079 EPILEPSY ND04079 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04080 EPILEPSY ND04080 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04081 EPILEPSY ND04081 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04082 EPILEPSY ND04082 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang AG07636 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07636 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07660 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07660 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13615 AMI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (AMI) GM13615 cell Chao Pang AG07661 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07661 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07662 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07662 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13612 AMI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (AMI) GM13612 cell Chao Pang AG07654 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07654 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13611 SNP500 PANEL AMI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (AMI) GM13611 cell Chao Pang AG07655 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07655 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13614 AMI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (AMI) GM13614 cell Chao Pang AG07656 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07656 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07657 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07657 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13613 AMI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (AMI) GM13613 cell Chao Pang GM13608 AMI POPULATION SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (AMI) GM13608 cell Chao Pang GM13607 SNP500 PANEL AMI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (AMI) GM13607 cell Chao Pang AG07648 CANIS CANIS AG07648 cell Chao Pang GM13610 AMI POPULATION SNP500 PANEL HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (AMI) GM13610 cell Chao Pang AG07652 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07652 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07653 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07653 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13609 AMI POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (AMI) SNP500 PANEL GM13609 cell Chao Pang GM13606 ATAYAL POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - ABORIGINAL TRIBE FROM TAIWAN (ATAYAL) GM13606 cell Chao Pang ND04091 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04091 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04093 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04093 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04086 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04086 cell Chao Pang ND04090 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND04090 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang ND04085 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04085 cell Chao Pang ND04107 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04107 cell Chao Pang ND04104 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04104 cell Chao Pang ND04105 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04105 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04094 AVM-RUPTURED ND04094 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND04097 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04097 cell Chao Pang ND03952 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03952 cell Chao Pang ND03951 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03951 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03957 EPILEPSY ND03957 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03955 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03955 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03959 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03959 cell Chao Pang ND03958 EPILEPSY ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03958 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03968 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03968 cell Chao Pang ND03967 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03967 cell Chao Pang ND03970 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03970 cell Chao Pang ND03969 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03969 cell Chao Pang ND03927 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03927 cell Chao Pang ND03926 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03926 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03920 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03920 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03940 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03940 cell Chao Pang ND03939 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03939 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03938 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03938 cell Chao Pang ND03937 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03937 cell Chao Pang ND03950 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03950 cell Chao Pang ND03949 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03949 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03948 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03948 cell Chao Pang ND03900 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03900 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03899 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03899 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03902 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03902 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03901 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03901 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03885 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03885 cell Chao Pang ND03884 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03884 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03904 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03904 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03903 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03903 cell Chao Pang ND03919 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03919 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03918 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND03918 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03871 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03871 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03870 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03870 cell Chao Pang ND03869 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND03869 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03868 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND03868 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03867 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03867 cell Chao Pang ND03876 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03876 cell Chao Pang ND03875 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03875 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03874 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03874 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03873 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03873 cell Chao Pang ND03872 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03872 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04014 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04014 cell Chao Pang ND04015 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04015 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04012 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04012 cell Chao Pang ND04013 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND04013 cell Chao Pang ND04018 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04018 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04016 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND04016 cell Chao Pang ND04017 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND04017 cell Chao Pang ND04011 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04011 cell Chao Pang ND04010 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND04010 cell Chao Pang ND04009 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04009 cell Chao Pang ND03988 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03988 cell Chao Pang ND03999 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03999 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04000 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04000 cell Chao Pang ND04001 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04001 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03984 EPILEPSY ND03984 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03985 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL EPILEPSY ND03985 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03986 EPILEPSY ND03986 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03987 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03987 cell Chao Pang ND03983 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND03983 cell Chao Pang ND03982 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03982 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03980 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03980 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03978 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03978 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03979 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03979 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03976 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03976 cell Chao Pang ND03977 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND03977 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND03974 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03974 cell Chao Pang ND03975 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 ND03975 cell Chao Pang ND03972 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND03972 cell Chao Pang ND03973 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03973 cell Chao Pang ND03971 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03971 cell Chao Pang GM02422 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 GM02422 cell Chao Pang GM02425 MUCOLIPIDOSIS IIIA N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM02425 cell OMIM: 252600 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM02417 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02417 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02421 APPARENTLY HEALTHY AMNIOTIC FLUID CELL CULTURE CHROMOSOME DELETION GM02421 cell Chao Pang GM02426 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02426 cell Chao Pang GM02429 HOMOCYSTINURIA GM02429 cell OMIM: 236200 Chao Pang GM02416 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02416 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02415 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP E GM02415 cell OMIM: 278740 Chao Pang GM02412 GALACTOSE-1-PHOSPHATE URIDYLYLTRANSFERASE; GALT GALACTOSEMIA GM02412 cell OMIM: 230400 OMIM: 606999 Chao Pang GM02408 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM02408 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM02362 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; FANCA GM02362 cell OMIM: 607139 Chao Pang GM02363 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; FANCA GM02363 cell OMIM: 607139 Chao Pang GM02365 COFFIN-LOWRY SYNDROME; CLS INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM02365 cell OMIM: 303600 Chao Pang GM02366 TAY-SACHS DISEASE; TSD HEXOSAMINIDASE A; HEXA ASPARTOACYLASE; ASPA GM02366 cell OMIM: 272800 OMIM: 606869 OMIM: 608034 Chao Pang GM02373 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA, FAMILIAL; FHC GM02373 cell OMIM: 143890 Chao Pang GM02380 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM02380 cell Chao Pang GM02406 PHENYLKETONURIA GM02406 cell OMIM: 261600 Chao Pang GM02356 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM02356 cell Chao Pang GM02361 X-RAY REPAIR, COMPLEMENTING DEFECTIVE, IN CHINESE HAMSTER, 9; XRCC9 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP G; FANCG GM02361 cell OMIM: 602956 Chao Pang GM02359 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM02359 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang GM02347 DYSTONIA 1, TORSION; DYT1 GM02347 cell OMIM: 128100 Chao Pang GM02355 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM02355 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM02345 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM02345 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM02346 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02346 cell Chao Pang GM02343 ASPARTOACYLASE; ASPA INHIBITOR OF KAPPA LIGHT POLYPEPTIDE GENE ENHANCER IN B CELLS, KINASE-COMPLEX ASSOCIATED PROTEIN; IKBKAP NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM02343 cell OMIM: 223900 OMIM: 603722 OMIM: 608034 Chao Pang GM02344 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA GM02344 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang GM02341 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM02341 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM02342 NEUROPATHY, HEREDITARY SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC, TYPE III; HSAN3 GM02342 cell OMIM: 223900 Chao Pang GM02340 HEMOGLOBIN--BETA LOCUS; HBB GM02340 cell OMIM: 141900 Chao Pang GM02339 DYSTROPHIN; DMD MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, PSEUDOHYPERTROPHIC PROGRESSIVE, DUCHENNE AND BECKER TYPES; DMD GM02339 cell OMIM: 300377 OMIM: 310200 Chao Pang GM02334 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM02334 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM02335 INVERTED CHROMOSOME GM02335 cell Chao Pang GM02336 GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE; G6PD GM02336 cell OMIM: 305900 Chao Pang GM02337 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM02337 cell Chao Pang GM02330 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM02330 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM02331 METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY, LATE-INFANTILE GM02331 cell OMIM: 250100 Chao Pang GM02332 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM02332 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM02333 TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS; TS GM02333 cell OMIM: 191100 Chao Pang GM02338 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM02338 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM02329 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 9 GM02329 cell Chao Pang DA03368 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03368 cell Chao Pang DA03369 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03369 cell Chao Pang DA03370 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03370 cell Chao Pang DA03371 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03371 cell Chao Pang DA03365 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03365 cell Chao Pang DA03366 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03366 cell Chao Pang DA03367 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03367 cell Chao Pang ND13294 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13294 cell Chao Pang ND13302 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13302 cell Chao Pang ND13303 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13303 cell Chao Pang ND13300 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13300 cell Chao Pang ND13301 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13301 cell Chao Pang ND13297 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13297 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA03362 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03362 cell Chao Pang DA03361 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03361 cell Chao Pang ND13299 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13299 cell Chao Pang DA03364 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03364 cell Chao Pang ND13295 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13295 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA03363 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03363 cell Chao Pang ND13296 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND13296 cell Chao Pang DA03359 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03359 cell Chao Pang DA03360 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03360 cell Chao Pang DA03357 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03357 cell Chao Pang DA03358 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03358 cell Chao Pang DA03355 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03355 cell Chao Pang DA03356 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03356 cell Chao Pang DA03390 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03390 cell Chao Pang DA03392 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03392 cell Chao Pang DA03393 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03393 cell Chao Pang DA03394 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03394 cell Chao Pang DA03395 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03395 cell Chao Pang DA03396 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03396 cell Chao Pang DA03397 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03397 cell Chao Pang DA03398 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03398 cell Chao Pang DA03389 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03389 cell Chao Pang DA03387 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03387 cell Chao Pang DA03386 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03386 cell Chao Pang DA03378 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03378 cell Chao Pang DA03379 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03379 cell Chao Pang DA03375 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03375 cell Chao Pang DA03376 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03376 cell Chao Pang DA03382 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03382 cell Chao Pang DA03385 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03385 cell Chao Pang DA03380 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03380 cell Chao Pang DA03381 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03381 cell Chao Pang DA03374 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03374 cell Chao Pang DA03373 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03373 cell Chao Pang DA03372 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03372 cell Chao Pang DA03399 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03399 cell Chao Pang ND13334 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13334 cell Chao Pang GM13874 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13874 cell Chao Pang ND13333 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13333 cell Chao Pang ND13332 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13332 cell Chao Pang GM13876 RUSSIAN POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (ZVERSKY DISTRICT NORTHEAST OF MOSCOW) GM13876 cell Chao Pang ND13331 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13331 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM13875 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13875 cell Chao Pang ND13336 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13336 cell Chao Pang ND13335 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13335 cell Chao Pang ND13330 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13330 cell Chao Pang ND13329 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13329 cell Chao Pang ND13328 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13328 cell Chao Pang ND13327 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13327 cell Chao Pang GM02471 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02471 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM02472 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02472 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM02456 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IVB GM02456 cell OMIM: 253010 Chao Pang GM02469 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02469 cell Chao Pang DA03401 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03401 cell Chao Pang DA03400 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03400 cell Chao Pang GM13882 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13882 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang DA03403 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03403 cell Chao Pang GM13883 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13883 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang DA03402 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03402 cell Chao Pang DA03405 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03405 cell Chao Pang GM02486 CHROMOSOME INSERTION GM02486 cell Chao Pang GM13890 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM13890 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM02487 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02487 cell Chao Pang DA03404 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03404 cell Chao Pang DA03407 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03407 cell Chao Pang GM02476 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM02476 cell Chao Pang GM13877 RUSSIAN POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (ZVERSKY DISTRICT NORTHEAST OF MOSCOW) GM13877 cell Chao Pang GM02485 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM02485 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang GM13878 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13878 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang DA03406 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03406 cell Chao Pang GM02473 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP D; XPD GM02473 cell OMIM: 278730 Chao Pang DA03409 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03409 cell Chao Pang GM13879 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13879 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang DA03408 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03408 cell Chao Pang GM02474 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 GM02474 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang GM13880 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM13880 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang ND13344 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13344 cell Chao Pang GM13864 BREAST CANCER, SPORADIC GM13864 cell Chao Pang GM13863 CANCER OF THE BREAST, FAMILIAL; BCS GM13863 cell OMIM: 114480 Chao Pang ND13343 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13343 cell Chao Pang ND13346 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13346 cell Chao Pang ND13345 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13345 cell Chao Pang ND13347 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13347 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13337 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13337 cell Chao Pang ND13340 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13340 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13338 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND13338 cell Chao Pang ND13342 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13342 cell Chao Pang ND13341 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND13341 cell Chao Pang GM02490 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: TYPE UNCLASSIFIED GM02490 cell Chao Pang GM02492 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02492 cell Chao Pang GM02497 SCHIZOPHRENIA; SCZD GM02497 cell OMIM: 181500 Chao Pang GM02498 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM02498 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang DA03412 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03412 cell Chao Pang DA03411 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03411 cell Chao Pang DA03410 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03410 cell Chao Pang GM02488 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02488 cell Chao Pang GM13872 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13872 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM02522 PROTEASE INHIBITOR 1; PI GM02522 cell OMIM: 107400 Chao Pang DA03416 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03416 cell Chao Pang GM13873 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13873 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang DA03415 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03415 cell Chao Pang DA03414 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03414 cell Chao Pang GM13870 CANCER OF THE BREAST, FAMILIAL; BCS GM13870 cell OMIM: 114480 Chao Pang GM13871 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13871 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang DA03413 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03413 cell Chao Pang GM02503 SCHIZOPHRENIA; SCZD GM02503 cell OMIM: 181500 Chao Pang GM13868 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM13868 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang DA03419 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03419 cell Chao Pang GM13869 CANCER OF THE BREAST, FAMILIAL; BCS GM13869 cell OMIM: 114480 Chao Pang GM02504 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY TRISOMY 21 GM02504 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM13866 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13866 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM02520 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM GM02520 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang DA03418 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03418 cell Chao Pang GM02521 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM02521 cell Chao Pang DA03417 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03417 cell Chao Pang GM13867 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13867 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang ND13314 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13314 cell Chao Pang ND13313 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13313 cell Chao Pang ND13312 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13312 cell Chao Pang ND13311 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13311 cell Chao Pang ND13310 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13310 cell Chao Pang ND13309 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13309 cell Chao Pang ND13308 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13308 cell Chao Pang GM13853 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13853 cell Chao Pang ND13307 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13307 cell Chao Pang ND13306 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13306 cell Chao Pang ND13305 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13305 cell Chao Pang GM13862 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM13862 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang DA03421 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03421 cell Chao Pang DA03420 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03420 cell Chao Pang DA03423 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03423 cell Chao Pang DA03422 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03422 cell Chao Pang GM02430 CHEDIAK-HIGASHI SYNDROME; CHS1 LYSOSOMAL TRAFFICKING REGULATOR, INCLUDED; LYST, INCLUDED GM02430 cell OMIM: 214500 Chao Pang GM02431 CHEDIAK-HIGASHI SYNDROME; CHS1 LYSOSOMAL TRAFFICKING REGULATOR, INCLUDED; LYST, INCLUDED GM02431 cell OMIM: 214500 Chao Pang DA03429 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03429 cell Chao Pang GM02434 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02434 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM13854 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13854 cell Chao Pang GM02435 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02435 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM13855 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13855 cell Chao Pang DA03428 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03428 cell Chao Pang GM13856 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13856 cell Chao Pang GM02432 CHEDIAK-HIGASHI SYNDROME; CHS1 LYSOSOMAL TRAFFICKING REGULATOR, INCLUDED; LYST, INCLUDED GM02432 cell OMIM: 214500 Chao Pang GM02433 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02433 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM13857 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13857 cell Chao Pang GM02438 NEURAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY WITH BETA-GALACTOSIDASE DEFICIENCY GM02438 cell OMIM: 256540 Chao Pang DA03425 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03425 cell Chao Pang GM13858 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13858 cell Chao Pang DA03424 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03424 cell Chao Pang GM13859 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13859 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM02439 GANGLIOSIDOSIS, GENERALIZED GM1, TYPE II, OR JUVENILE TYPE GM02439 cell OMIM: 230600 Chao Pang ND13304 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13304 cell Chao Pang GM02436 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02436 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang DA03427 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03427 cell Chao Pang GM13860 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13860 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13861 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM13861 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang DA03426 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03426 cell Chao Pang GM02437 DYGGVE-MELCHIOR-CLAUSEN DISEASE GM02437 cell OMIM: 223800 Chao Pang ND13325 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13325 cell Chao Pang ND13324 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13324 cell Chao Pang ND13326 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13326 cell Chao Pang ND13321 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13321 cell Chao Pang ND13320 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13320 cell Chao Pang ND13323 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13323 cell Chao Pang ND13322 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13322 cell Chao Pang ND13315 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13315 cell Chao Pang ND13319 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13319 cell Chao Pang ND13318 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13318 cell Chao Pang DA03438 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03438 cell Chao Pang DA03437 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03437 cell Chao Pang DA03436 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03436 cell Chao Pang GM13851 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13851 cell Chao Pang DA03431 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03431 cell Chao Pang GM13852 RUSSIAN POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (ZVERSKY DISTRICT NORTHEAST OF MOSCOW) GM13852 cell Chao Pang DA03430 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03430 cell Chao Pang GM02440 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02440 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02442 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02442 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang GM02445 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02445 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM02446 ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02446 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM13845 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13845 cell Chao Pang GM13846 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13846 cell Chao Pang GM02448 ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY; ALD GM02448 cell OMIM: 300100 Chao Pang GM13843 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13843 cell Chao Pang GM02449 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES GM02449 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang DA03444 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03444 cell Chao Pang GM13844 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13844 cell Chao Pang GM02450 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP E GM02450 cell OMIM: 278740 Chao Pang GM13849 RUSSIAN POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (ZVERSKY DISTRICT NORTHEAST OF MOSCOW) GM13849 cell Chao Pang DA03442 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03442 cell Chao Pang GM02452 VITAMIN B12 METABOLIC DEFECT, TYPE 2 GM02452 cell OMIM: 277410 Chao Pang GM02453 METHYLMALONIC ACIDURIA AND HOMOCYSTINURIA, cblC TYPE GM02453 cell OMIM: 277400 Chao Pang DA03441 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03441 cell Chao Pang GM13850 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13850 cell Chao Pang GM13847 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13847 cell Chao Pang GM02455 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IVB GANGLIOSIDOSIS, GENERALIZED GM1, TYPE I GM02455 cell OMIM: 230500 OMIM: 253010 Chao Pang DA03440 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03440 cell Chao Pang GM13848 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13848 cell Chao Pang DA03439 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03439 cell Chao Pang ND13381 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13381 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13387 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13387 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13379 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13379 cell Chao Pang ND13380 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13380 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13390 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13390 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13391 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13391 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13388 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13388 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13389 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND13389 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13392 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13392 cell Chao Pang ND13393 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13393 cell Chao Pang DA03453 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03453 cell Chao Pang DA03454 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03454 cell Chao Pang DA03455 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03455 cell Chao Pang DA03456 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03456 cell Chao Pang GM02581 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02581 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM02580 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02580 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM02578 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02578 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM02575 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02575 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang DA03445 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03445 cell Chao Pang GM02574 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02574 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang DA03447 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03447 cell Chao Pang GM02573 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: GENETICS UNCERTAIN; NON-LETHAL GM02573 cell Chao Pang DA03448 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03448 cell Chao Pang GM02572 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE VI GM02572 cell OMIM: 253200 Chao Pang DA03449 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03449 cell Chao Pang GM02571 TRISOMY 21 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM02571 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang DA03450 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03450 cell Chao Pang GM02568 HEMOGLOBIN--DELTA LOCUS; HBD GM02568 cell OMIM: 142000 Chao Pang GM02566 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02566 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang DA03451 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03451 cell Chao Pang ND13395 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13395 cell Chao Pang ND13408 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13408 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13409 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND13409 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM02582 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02582 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang ND13410 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13410 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13411 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13411 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13412 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13412 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13413 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13413 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13414 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13414 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13415 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13415 cell Chao Pang DA03466 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03466 cell Chao Pang DA03464 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03464 cell Chao Pang DA03465 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03465 cell Chao Pang GM02601 XY FEMALE - 306100 OR 233420 GM02601 cell OMIM: 233420 Chao Pang DA03458 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03458 cell Chao Pang GM02596 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 8 GM02596 cell Chao Pang GM02595 TURNER SYNDROME ISO X CHROMOSOME GM02595 cell Chao Pang DA03459 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03459 cell Chao Pang GM02600 XY FEMALE - 306100 OR 233420 GM02600 cell OMIM: 233420 Chao Pang DA03457 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03457 cell Chao Pang GM02598 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02598 cell Chao Pang DA03462 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03462 cell Chao Pang GM02584 LEUKEMIA, SUB-ACUTE GM02584 cell Chao Pang DA03463 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03463 cell Chao Pang GM02583 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM02583 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang ND13394 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13394 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM02594 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM02594 cell Chao Pang DA03460 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03460 cell Chao Pang GM02587 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM02587 cell Chao Pang DA03461 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA03461 cell Chao Pang ND13360 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13360 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13361 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13361 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13358 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13358 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13359 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13359 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13348 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13348 cell Chao Pang ND13349 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13349 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13364 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13364 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13365 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13365 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13362 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13362 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13363 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13363 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM02533 MUCOLIPIDOSIS IV MUCOLIPIN 1; MCOLN1 GM02533 cell OMIM: 252650 OMIM: 605248 Chao Pang GM02531 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM02531 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM02530 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM02530 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM02529 MUCOLIPIDOSIS IV GM02529 cell OMIM: 252650 Chao Pang GM02524 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM02524 cell Chao Pang GM02523 GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE III GM02523 cell OMIM: 232400 Chao Pang AG07804 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07804 cell Chao Pang AG07864 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07864 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM02528 MUCOLIPIN 1; MCOLN1 GLUCOSIDASE, ACID BETA; GBA MUCOLIPIDOSIS IV GM02528 cell OMIM: 252650 OMIM: 605248 OMIM: 606463 Chao Pang AG07865 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07865 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM02527 MUCOLIPIDOSIS IV GM02527 cell OMIM: 252650 Chao Pang AG07866 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07866 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM02526 MUCOLIPIDOSIS IV GM02526 cell OMIM: 252650 Chao Pang GM02525 MUCOLIPIDOSIS IV GM02525 cell OMIM: 252650 Chao Pang AG07867 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07867 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13372 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13372 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG07871 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07871 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07870 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07870 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13373 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13373 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13374 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13374 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG07869 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07869 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07868 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07868 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13375 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13375 cell Chao Pang ND13366 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13366 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13369 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13369 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG07872 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07872 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13370 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13370 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13376 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13376 cell Chao Pang ND13377 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13377 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13378 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13378 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM02559 N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB MUCOLIPIDOSIS IIIA GM02559 cell OMIM: 252600 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM02558 N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB MUCOLIPIDOSIS IIIA GM02558 cell OMIM: 252600 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM02565 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02565 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang AG07877 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07877 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM02545 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM02545 cell Chao Pang AG07878 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07878 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM02551 DYSTONIA MUSCULORUM DEFORMANS 2; DYT2 GM02551 cell OMIM: 224500 Chao Pang GM02548 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 GM02548 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang GM02555 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IVB GM02555 cell OMIM: 253010 Chao Pang AG07881 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07881 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM02552 MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE IIIB N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINIDASE, ALPHA-; NAGLU GM02552 cell OMIM: 252920 Chao Pang AG07882 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07882 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM02557 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02557 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang AG07879 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07879 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM02556 DIABETES MELLITUS, JUVENILE-ONSET INSULIN-DEPENDENT; IDDM GM02556 cell OMIM: 222100 Chao Pang AG07880 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07880 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07906 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG07906 cell Chao Pang GM13800 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM13800 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang AG07898 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED AG07898 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang GM13798 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM13798 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang AG07897 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED AG07897 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang GM13799 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM13799 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang AG07896 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED AG07896 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang GM13796 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM13796 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang AG07889 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07889 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07888 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07888 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13797 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM13797 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang AG07887 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07887 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13794 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM13794 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM13795 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER; OLD ORDER AMISH - 125480 OR 309200 GM13795 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM13791 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM13791 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM13792 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13792 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM13790 CANCER OF THE BREAST, FAMILIAL; BCS GM13790 cell OMIM: 114480 Chao Pang AG07885 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07885 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07886 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07886 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07883 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07883 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07884 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07884 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13785 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM13785 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang AG07930 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07930 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13786 CANCER OF THE BREAST, FAMILIAL; BCS GM13786 cell OMIM: 114480 Chao Pang AG07929 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07929 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07933 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07933 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13787 OXALOSIS TYPES I OR II, GLYCOLIC OR GLYCERIC ACIDURIA - 259900 OR 260000 GM13787 cell OMIM: 259900 Chao Pang GM13789 CANCER OF THE BREAST, FAMILIAL; BCS GM13789 cell OMIM: 114480 Chao Pang AG07931 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07931 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07926 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07926 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13768 EPILEPSY, GENERALIZED, IDIOPATHIC; EGI GM13768 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang AG07925 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07925 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13774 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13774 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13780 OXALOSIS TYPES I OR II, GLYCOLIC OR GLYCERIC ACIDURIA - 259900 OR 260000 GM13780 cell OMIM: 259900 Chao Pang AG07928 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07928 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07927 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07927 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13783 TRISOMY 21 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM13783 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang GM13765 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13765 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM13767 CANCER OF THE BREAST, FAMILIAL; BCS GM13767 cell OMIM: 114480 Chao Pang AG07915 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG07915 cell Chao Pang AG07921 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: YOUNG AND AGED FOR EACH SPECIES REPRESENTED AG07921 cell Chao Pang AG07923 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG07923 cell Chao Pang AG07951 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07951 cell Chao Pang AG07950 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07950 cell Chao Pang AG07946 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG07946 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang ND13416 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13416 cell Chao Pang AG07937 ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA EQUUS AG07937 cell Chao Pang ND13417 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13417 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG07955 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07955 cell Chao Pang AG07954 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07954 cell Chao Pang AG07953 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07953 cell Chao Pang AG07952 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07952 cell Chao Pang AG07936 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07936 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13434 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13434 cell Chao Pang ND13433 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND13433 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG07934 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07934 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13436 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13436 cell Chao Pang AG07935 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07935 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13435 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13435 cell Chao Pang ND13430 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13430 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13429 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13429 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13432 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13432 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13431 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND13431 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang AG07960 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07960 cell Chao Pang AG07959 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07959 cell Chao Pang AG07962 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07962 cell Chao Pang AG07961 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07961 cell Chao Pang AG07980 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG07980 cell Chao Pang AG07963 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07963 cell Chao Pang AG07989 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07989 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07984 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG07984 cell Chao Pang AG07958 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07958 cell Chao Pang AG07957 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07957 cell Chao Pang AG07956 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG07956 cell Chao Pang GM13839 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13839 cell Chao Pang AG07997 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07997 cell Chao Pang AG07998 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07998 cell Chao Pang GM13838 RUSSIAN POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (ZVERSKY DISTRICT NORTHEAST OF MOSCOW) GM13838 cell Chao Pang GM13837 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13837 cell Chao Pang AG07996 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07996 cell Chao Pang GM13836 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13836 cell Chao Pang GM13835 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13835 cell Chao Pang GM13834 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13834 cell Chao Pang GM13833 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13833 cell Chao Pang AG08029 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG08029 cell Chao Pang AG08025 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08025 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08027 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08027 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08006 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC AG08006 cell Chao Pang GM13842 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13842 cell Chao Pang AG08016 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 AG08016 cell Chao Pang AG07999 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07999 cell Chao Pang GM13841 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13841 cell Chao Pang AG08000 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08000 cell Chao Pang GM13840 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13840 cell Chao Pang ND03834 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03834 cell Chao Pang ND03835 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND03835 cell Chao Pang ND03836 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03836 cell Chao Pang ND03830 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND03830 cell Chao Pang ND03831 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND03831 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03832 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND03832 cell Chao Pang ND03833 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03833 cell Chao Pang ND03827 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03827 cell Chao Pang ND03828 CORTICOBASAL DEGENERATION ND03828 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03829 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND03829 cell Chao Pang AG08030 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG08030 cell Chao Pang GM13826 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13826 cell Chao Pang AG08031 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG08031 cell Chao Pang GM13825 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13825 cell Chao Pang GM13828 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13828 cell Chao Pang AG08032 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG08032 cell Chao Pang GM13827 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13827 cell Chao Pang AG08033 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG08033 cell Chao Pang GM13824 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13824 cell Chao Pang GM13823 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13823 cell Chao Pang AG08047 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08047 cell Chao Pang AG08048 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08048 cell Chao Pang AG08034 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG08034 cell Chao Pang GM13830 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13830 cell Chao Pang AG08044 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08044 cell Chao Pang GM13829 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13829 cell Chao Pang AG08045 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08045 cell Chao Pang GM13832 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13832 cell Chao Pang AG08046 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08046 cell Chao Pang GM13831 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13831 cell Chao Pang ND03865 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03865 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03866 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND03866 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03863 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03863 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03864 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03864 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03846 AVM-RUPTURED ND03846 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND03862 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND03862 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND03844 EPILEPSY ND03844 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03845 EPILEPSY ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03845 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03837 EPILEPSY ND03837 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03838 EPILEPSY ND03838 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM13813 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13813 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08049 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08049 cell Chao Pang AG08053 CANIS CANIS AG08053 cell Chao Pang GM13817 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC GM13817 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang AG08056 CANIS CANIS AG08056 cell Chao Pang GM13816 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13816 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13815 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13815 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08050 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG08050 cell Chao Pang GM13814 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13814 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08052 CANIS CANIS AG08052 cell Chao Pang AG08064 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08064 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13821 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13821 cell Chao Pang GM13820 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (ZVERSKY DISTRICT NORTHEAST OF MOSCOW) RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13820 cell Chao Pang AG08075 CANIS CANIS AG08075 cell Chao Pang AG08057 CANIS CANIS AG08057 cell Chao Pang GM13819 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13819 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13818 OXALOSIS TYPES I OR II, GLYCOLIC OR GLYCERIC ACIDURIA - 259900 OR 260000 GM13818 cell OMIM: 259900 Chao Pang AG08063 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08063 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08076 CANIS CANIS AG08076 cell Chao Pang GM13822 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13822 cell Chao Pang AG08080 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG08080 cell Chao Pang AG08082 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG08082 cell Chao Pang AG08102 CANIS CANIS AG08102 cell Chao Pang GM13802 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13802 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM13801 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13801 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08103 CANIS CANIS AG08103 cell Chao Pang AG08109 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08109 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13804 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13804 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08110 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08110 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13803 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13803 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08111 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08111 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13806 CANCER OF THE BREAST, FAMILIAL; BCS GM13806 cell OMIM: 114480 Chao Pang GM13805 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM13805 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang AG08112 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08112 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13810 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13810 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08113 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA SUS AG08113 cell Chao Pang AG08114 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA SUS AG08114 cell Chao Pang GM13808 EPILEPSY, GENERALIZED, IDIOPATHIC; EGI GM13808 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM13812 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13812 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13811 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13811 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang ND03798 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03798 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03799 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03799 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03796 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03796 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03797 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03797 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND03825 EPILEPSY ND03825 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND03826 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND03826 cell Chao Pang ND03823 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND03823 cell Chao Pang ND03824 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND03824 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND03792 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND03792 cell Chao Pang ND03795 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND03795 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04701 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04701 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04698 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04698 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04697 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04697 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04696 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04696 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04695 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04695 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04694 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04694 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04693 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04693 cell Chao Pang ND04692 EPILEPSY ND04692 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04691 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND04691 cell Chao Pang ND04679 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04679 cell Chao Pang ND13439 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13439 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13440 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND13440 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13437 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND13437 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13438 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13438 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13443 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13443 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13444 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13444 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13441 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13441 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13442 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13442 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13481 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND13481 cell Chao Pang ND13482 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13482 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13479 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13479 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13480 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND13480 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13476 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13476 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13478 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13478 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13463 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13463 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13465 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND13465 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13461 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13461 cell Chao Pang ND13462 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13462 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13460 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13460 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13456 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13456 cell Chao Pang ND13457 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13457 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13458 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13458 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13459 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13459 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13452 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13452 cell Chao Pang ND13453 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13453 cell Chao Pang ND13454 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13454 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13455 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND13455 cell Chao Pang ND13451 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13451 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13450 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13450 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13448 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13448 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG08143 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08143 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08151 CANIS CANIS AG08151 cell Chao Pang AG08152 CANIS CANIS AG08152 cell Chao Pang AG08153 CANIS CANIS AG08153 cell Chao Pang AG08157 CANIS CANIS AG08157 cell Chao Pang AG08158 CANIS CANIS AG08158 cell Chao Pang ND13572 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13572 cell Chao Pang ND13570 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13570 cell Chao Pang ND13571 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13571 cell Chao Pang ND13554 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13554 cell Chao Pang AG08139 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08139 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13569 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13569 cell Chao Pang AG08138 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08138 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13552 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND13552 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG08141 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08141 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08140 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08140 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13553 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13553 cell Chao Pang ND13550 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13550 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG08142 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08142 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13551 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13551 cell Chao Pang ND13549 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13549 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG08165 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08165 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08166 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08166 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08164 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08164 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08169 PRESENILIN 1; PSEN1 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08169 cell OMIM: 104311 OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08170 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08170 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08167 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08167 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08168 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08168 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND13582 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13582 cell Chao Pang ND13583 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13583 cell Chao Pang ND13577 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13577 cell Chao Pang AG08163 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08163 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND13579 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13579 cell Chao Pang AG08162 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08162 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND13580 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13580 cell Chao Pang AG08161 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08161 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08160 CANIS CANIS AG08160 cell Chao Pang ND13581 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13581 cell Chao Pang ND13573 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13573 cell Chao Pang ND13574 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13574 cell Chao Pang ND13575 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13575 cell Chao Pang ND13576 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13576 cell Chao Pang AG08116 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08116 cell Chao Pang AG08117 CANIS CANIS AG08117 cell Chao Pang AG08118 CANIS CANIS AG08118 cell Chao Pang AG08124 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08124 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13584 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13584 cell Chao Pang ND13593 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13593 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13587 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13587 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13588 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13588 cell Chao Pang ND13585 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13585 cell Chao Pang ND13586 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13586 cell Chao Pang ND13591 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13591 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13592 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13592 cell Chao Pang ND13589 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13589 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13590 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13590 cell Chao Pang AG08136 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08136 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08137 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08137 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08132 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08132 cell Chao Pang AG08133 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08133 cell Chao Pang AG08131 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG08131 cell Chao Pang ND04436 AVM-RUPTURED ND04436 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND04437 AVM-UNRUPTURED SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04437 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND04438 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04438 cell Chao Pang AG08130 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG08130 cell Chao Pang ND04439 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04439 cell Chao Pang AG08129 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08129 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08128 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08128 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04424 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04424 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG08127 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08127 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08126 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08126 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND04425 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04425 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG08125 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08125 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND04431 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04431 cell Chao Pang GM14065 CHROMOSOME 8 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 21 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14065 cell Chao Pang GM14066 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14066 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14067 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14067 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM14070 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14070 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM14075 NEMALINE MYOPATHY, AMISH TYPE; ANM TROPONIN T1, SKELETAL, SLOW; TNNT1 GM14075 cell OMIM: 191041 OMIM: 605355 Chao Pang GM14076 NEMALINE MYOPATHY, AMISH TYPE; ANM TROPONIN T1, SKELETAL, SLOW; TNNT1 GM14076 cell OMIM: 191041 OMIM: 605355 Chao Pang GM14080 SPINA BIFIDA GM14080 cell OMIM: 182940 Chao Pang GM14081 DENTATORUBRAL-PALLIDOLUYSIAN ATROPHY; DRPLA GM14081 cell OMIM: 125370 Chao Pang ND13485 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13485 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13484 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13484 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13483 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13483 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13502 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND13502 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13497 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13497 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13490 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13490 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13489 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13489 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13488 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13488 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13487 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13487 cell Chao Pang GM14064 CHROMOSOME 8 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 21 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14064 cell Chao Pang ND13486 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13486 cell Chao Pang GM14060 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 NEMALINE MYOPATHY 2, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; NEM2 GM14060 cell OMIM: 211600 OMIM: 256030 Chao Pang GM14050 CHROMOSOME 13 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14050 cell Chao Pang GM14051 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14051 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14044 HUNTINGTON DISEASE; HD GM14044 cell OMIM: 143100 Chao Pang GM14049 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM14049 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang GM14055 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM14055 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang GM14058 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14058 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14052 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 13 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14052 cell Chao Pang GM14053 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14053 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14059 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 NEMALINE MYOPATHY 2, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; NEM2 GM14059 cell OMIM: 211600 OMIM: 256030 Chao Pang ND13504 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13504 cell Chao Pang ND13503 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13503 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13506 PARKINSONISM, OTHER AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13506 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13505 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13505 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13514 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND13514 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13513 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13513 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14038 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14038 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang ND13510 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13510 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13507 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13507 cell Chao Pang ND13512 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13512 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13511 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13511 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13515 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13515 cell Chao Pang ND13519 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13519 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13518 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND13518 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13517 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13517 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13516 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13516 cell Chao Pang ND13523 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13523 cell Chao Pang ND13522 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13522 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13521 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13521 cell Chao Pang ND13520 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13520 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13524 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13524 cell Chao Pang ND13526 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13526 cell Chao Pang ND13525 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13525 cell Chao Pang ND13539 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13539 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13527 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13527 cell Chao Pang ND13541 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13541 cell Chao Pang ND13540 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13540 cell Chao Pang ND13544 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13544 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13542 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13542 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13546 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13546 cell Chao Pang ND13545 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13545 cell Chao Pang ND04543 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04543 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04561 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04561 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04568 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04568 cell Chao Pang ND04574 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04574 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04575 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04575 cell Chao Pang ND04580 AVM-RUPTURED ND04580 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND04581 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04581 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04582 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04582 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04583 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04583 cell Chao Pang ND04584 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04584 cell Chao Pang GM13992 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM13992 cell Chao Pang GM13989 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13989 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13988 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM13988 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang GM13984 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13984 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13970 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13970 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13969 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13969 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13977 CORNELIA DE LANGE SYNDROME 1; CDLS1 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM13977 cell OMIM: 122470 Chao Pang GM13976 CORNELIA DE LANGE SYNDROME 1; CDLS1 MONOZYGOTIC TWIN PAIRS GM13976 cell OMIM: 122470 Chao Pang GM13973 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13973 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM13972 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13972 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang ND04585 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04585 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04594 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04594 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04595 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND04595 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04586 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND04586 cell Chao Pang ND04587 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04587 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04598 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04598 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04599 MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ND04599 cell Chao Pang ND04596 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04596 cell Chao Pang ND04597 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04597 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04600 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04600 cell Chao Pang GM13959 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM13959 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang GM13958 HERMANSKY-PUDLAK SYNDROME; HPS GM13958 cell OMIM: 203300 Chao Pang GM13963 GLUCOSIDASE, ALPHA, ACID; GAA GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE II GM13963 cell OMIM: 232300 OMIM: 606800 Chao Pang GM13961 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13961 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM13964 GIANT PLATELET SYNDROME GM13964 cell OMIM: 231200 Chao Pang GM13952 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13952 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM13955 MYOCLONIC EPILEPSY, JUVENILE; EJM1 GM13955 cell OMIM: 254770 Chao Pang GM13954 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13954 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13957 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13957 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13956 MYOCLONIC EPILEPSY, JUVENILE; EJM1 GM13956 cell OMIM: 254770 Chao Pang ND04617 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04617 cell Chao Pang ND04618 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04618 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04620 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04620 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04632 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04632 cell Chao Pang ND04615 EPILEPSY ND04615 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04616 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04616 cell Chao Pang ND04633 EPILEPSY ND04633 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04634 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04634 cell Chao Pang ND04635 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04635 cell Chao Pang ND04636 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04636 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG08380 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08380 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08381 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08381 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08378 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08378 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08379 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08379 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14033 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14033 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang AG08375 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08375 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08376 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08376 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14031 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14031 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08351 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08351 cell Chao Pang GM14026 NEMALINE MYOPATHY, AMISH TYPE; ANM TROPONIN T1, SKELETAL, SLOW; TNNT1 GM14026 cell OMIM: 191041 OMIM: 605355 Chao Pang GM14025 NEMALINE MYOPATHY, AMISH TYPE; ANM TROPONIN T1, SKELETAL, SLOW; TNNT1 GM14025 cell OMIM: 191041 OMIM: 605355 Chao Pang AG08374 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08374 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08346 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08346 cell Chao Pang GM14023 NEMALINE MYOPATHY, AMISH TYPE; ANM TROPONIN T1, SKELETAL, SLOW; TNNT1 GM14023 cell OMIM: 191041 OMIM: 605355 Chao Pang AG08347 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08347 cell Chao Pang GM14018 NEMALINE MYOPATHY, AMISH TYPE; ANM TROPONIN T1, SKELETAL, SLOW; TNNT1 GM14018 cell OMIM: 191041 OMIM: 605355 Chao Pang GM14014 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14014 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14013 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14013 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14010 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14010 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14008 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14008 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang ND04672 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04672 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04673 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04673 cell Chao Pang ND04670 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04670 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04671 EPILEPSY ND04671 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04639 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04639 cell Chao Pang ND04661 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04661 cell Chao Pang ND04637 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04637 cell Chao Pang ND04678 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04678 cell Chao Pang ND04674 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04674 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04675 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04675 cell Chao Pang AG08427 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08427 cell Chao Pang GM14006 CLEFT LIP WITH OR WITHOUT CLEFT PALATE, POSSIBLY SYNDROMIC GM14006 cell Chao Pang AG08422 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG08422 cell Chao Pang GM14005 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM14005 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang AG08423 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08423 cell Chao Pang AG08424 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08424 cell Chao Pang AG08426 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08426 cell Chao Pang GM14007 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM14007 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang GM14001 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 NEMALINE MYOPATHY 2, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; NEM2 GM14001 cell OMIM: 211600 OMIM: 256030 Chao Pang AG08396 PARKINSON'S DISEASE AG08396 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG08419 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG08419 cell Chao Pang GM14000 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14000 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14003 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 NEMALINE MYOPATHY 2, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; NEM2 GM14003 cell OMIM: 211600 OMIM: 256030 Chao Pang AG08420 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG08420 cell Chao Pang GM14002 CHOLESTASIS, PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC 1; PFIC1 NEMALINE MYOPATHY 2, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE; NEM2 GM14002 cell OMIM: 211600 OMIM: 256030 Chao Pang AG08421 EQUUS ORDER: PERISSODACTYLA AG08421 cell Chao Pang GM13995 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13995 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13997 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13997 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08395 PARKINSON'S DISEASE AG08395 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM13996 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13996 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang ND04479 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND04479 cell Chao Pang ND04478 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND04478 cell Chao Pang AG08253 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08253 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04481 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04481 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM13909 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13909 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang ND04480 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND04480 cell Chao Pang ND04483 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04483 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04482 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04482 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04497 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04497 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04484 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04484 cell Chao Pang AG08258 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08258 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13910 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM13910 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang AG08257 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08257 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13911 RUSSIAN POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (ZVERSKY DISTRICT NORTHEAST OF MOSCOW) GM13911 cell Chao Pang ND04440 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04440 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM13914 RUSSIAN POPULATION HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (ZVERSKY DISTRICT NORTHEAST OF MOSCOW) GM13914 cell Chao Pang AG08265 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08265 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND04441 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04441 cell Chao Pang AG08264 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08264 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13915 RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13915 cell Chao Pang ND04460 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04460 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang AG08260 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08260 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13912 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (ZVERSKY DISTRICT NORTHEAST OF MOSCOW) RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13912 cell Chao Pang AG08259 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08259 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13913 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - RUSSIAN (ZVERSKY DISTRICT NORTHEAST OF MOSCOW) RUSSIAN POPULATION GM13913 cell Chao Pang GM13921 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM13921 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang AG08305 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08305 cell Chao Pang GM13922 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM13922 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang AG08269 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08269 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08268 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08268 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13919 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM13919 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang GM13920 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13920 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang AG08266 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08266 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND04510 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04510 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04509 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04509 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04508 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04508 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04507 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04507 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04514 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04514 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04513 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04513 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04512 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04512 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04511 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04511 cell Chao Pang ND04506 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04506 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang AG08308 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08308 cell Chao Pang AG08312 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08312 cell Chao Pang GM13893 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM13893 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang AG08311 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08311 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13894 CLEFT PALATE; CP GM13894 cell OMIM: 119540 Chao Pang AG08318 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08318 cell Chao Pang GM13895 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM13895 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang AG08316 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08316 cell Chao Pang AG08320 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08320 cell Chao Pang GM13896 CLEFT PALATE; CP GM13896 cell OMIM: 119540 Chao Pang ND04498 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04498 cell Chao Pang AG08319 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08319 cell Chao Pang GM13897 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM13897 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang ND04502 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04502 cell Chao Pang AG08324 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08324 cell Chao Pang GM13898 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13898 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13899 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13899 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08323 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08323 cell Chao Pang GM13906 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13906 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM13907 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13907 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang AG08326 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08326 cell Chao Pang ND04523 EPILEPSY ND04523 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04522 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04522 cell Chao Pang ND04531 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04531 cell Chao Pang ND04524 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL EPILEPSY ND04524 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04519 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04519 cell Chao Pang AG08173 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08173 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04518 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04518 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04521 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04521 cell Chao Pang AG08171 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08171 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04520 EPILEPSY ND04520 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang AG08172 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08172 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04517 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04517 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04516 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04516 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM13944 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13944 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM13945 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13945 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM13942 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13942 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13943 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13943 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang AG08182 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08182 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08181 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08181 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13950 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13950 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang AG08180 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08180 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08179 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08179 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13951 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13951 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang ND04515 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04515 cell Chao Pang AG08178 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08178 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13948 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13948 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang AG08176 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08176 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13949 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13949 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM13946 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13946 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang AG08175 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08175 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13947 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM13947 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang AG08174 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08174 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04542 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04542 cell Chao Pang ND04541 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04541 cell Chao Pang ND04540 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04540 cell Chao Pang AG08183 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08183 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04539 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND04539 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND04537 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04537 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang AG08184 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08184 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND04536 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04536 cell Chao Pang ND04535 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND04535 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04534 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04534 cell Chao Pang ND04533 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL ND04533 cell Chao Pang ND04532 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04532 cell Chao Pang GM13924 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13924 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08185 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08185 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang GM13925 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13925 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM13933 LOW-GGT PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC CHOLESTASIS (NOT FURTHER CHARACTERIZED) GM13933 cell Chao Pang GM13939 CANCER OF THE BREAST, FAMILIAL; BCS GM13939 cell OMIM: 114480 Chao Pang AG08249 CANIS CANIS AG08249 cell Chao Pang GM13940 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM13940 cell Chao Pang AG08248 CANIS CANIS AG08248 cell Chao Pang GM13941 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13941 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08252 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG08252 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG08250 CANIS CANIS AG08250 cell Chao Pang GM13934 LOW-GGT PROGRESSIVE FAMILIAL INTRAHEPATIC CHOLESTASIS (NOT FURTHER CHARACTERIZED) GM13934 cell Chao Pang AG08243 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08243 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08242 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LATE ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08242 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang GM13935 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM13935 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08245 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08245 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM13936 MARKER CHROMOSOME GM13936 cell Chao Pang GM13937 TELANGIECTASIA, HEREDITARY HEMORRHAGIC, OF RENDU, OSLER, AND WEBER; HHT GM13937 cell OMIM: 187300 Chao Pang AG08244 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08244 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14085 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14085 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14084 MOSAIC VARIEGATED ANEUPLOIDY SYNDROME; MVA GM14084 cell OMIM: 257300 Chao Pang GM14083 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14083 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14082 SPINA BIFIDA GM14082 cell OMIM: 182940 Chao Pang GM14090 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES GM14090 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM14089 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; UNKNOWN TYPE GM14089 cell Chao Pang GM14088 THANATOPHORIC DYSPLASIA; UNKNOWN TYPE GM14088 cell Chao Pang GM14087 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14087 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM14093 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM14093 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM14095 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM14095 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM14094 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM14094 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM14097 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM14097 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM14096 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM14096 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM14101 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14101 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14100 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14100 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14109 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS GM14109 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang GM14106 KALLMANN SYN; HYPOGONADOTROPIC HYPOGONADISM, ANOSMIA- 147950, 244200, 308700 GM14106 cell OMIM: 147950 Chao Pang GM14091 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM14091 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang GM14092 BREAST CANCER, TYPE 1; BRCA1 GM14092 cell OMIM: 113705 Chao Pang ND04397 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04397 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04401 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04401 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04400 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04400 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04399 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04399 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04398 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04398 cell Chao Pang ND04405 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04405 cell Chao Pang ND04404 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04404 cell Chao Pang ND04403 DEMENTIA WITH LEWY BODIES ND04403 cell OMIM: 127750 Chao Pang ND04402 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04402 cell Chao Pang ND04423 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04423 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04384 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04384 cell Chao Pang ND04383 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04383 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04386 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04386 cell Chao Pang ND04385 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04385 cell Chao Pang ND04380 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04380 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04377 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04377 cell Chao Pang ND04382 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04382 cell Chao Pang ND04381 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04381 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04396 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04396 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04387 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04387 cell Chao Pang ND04363 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04363 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04362 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04362 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04361 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04361 cell Chao Pang ND04356 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04356 cell Chao Pang ND04355 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04355 cell Chao Pang ND04354 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04354 cell Chao Pang ND04353 EPILEPSY ND04353 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04376 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04376 cell Chao Pang ND04375 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04375 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04364 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04364 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13642 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13642 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13643 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13643 cell Chao Pang ND13641 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13641 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13665 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13665 cell Chao Pang ND13662 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13662 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13664 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13664 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13660 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13660 cell Chao Pang ND13661 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND13661 cell Chao Pang ND13644 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13644 cell Chao Pang ND13646 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13646 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13631 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13631 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13632 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13632 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13637 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13637 cell Chao Pang ND13638 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13638 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13639 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13639 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13640 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13640 cell Chao Pang ND13633 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13633 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13634 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13634 cell Chao Pang ND13635 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13635 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13636 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13636 cell Chao Pang ND13630 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13630 cell Chao Pang ND13614 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13614 cell Chao Pang ND13623 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13623 cell Chao Pang ND13625 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13625 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13615 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND13615 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13616 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13616 cell Chao Pang ND13628 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13628 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13629 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13629 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13626 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13626 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13627 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13627 cell Chao Pang ND13613 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13613 cell Chao Pang ND13612 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13612 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13604 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13604 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13605 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13605 cell Chao Pang ND13606 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND13606 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13607 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13607 cell Chao Pang ND13608 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13608 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13609 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13609 cell Chao Pang ND13610 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13610 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13611 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND13611 cell Chao Pang ND13602 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13602 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13601 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13601 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13603 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13603 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13600 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND13600 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13599 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND13599 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13598 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND13598 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13597 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13597 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13596 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13596 cell Chao Pang ND13595 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13595 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13594 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13594 cell Chao Pang AG08468 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG08468 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG08469 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG08469 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG08470 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG08470 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG08471 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG08471 cell Chao Pang AG08467 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG08467 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG08466 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG08466 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG08465 CANIS CANIS AG08465 cell Chao Pang AG08459 CANIS CANIS AG08459 cell Chao Pang AG08458 CANIS CANIS AG08458 cell Chao Pang AG08463 CANIS CANIS AG08463 cell Chao Pang AG08462 CANIS CANIS AG08462 cell Chao Pang AG08486 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08486 cell Chao Pang AG08488 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08488 cell Chao Pang AG08482 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08482 cell Chao Pang AG08483 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08483 cell Chao Pang AG08479 CANIS CANIS AG08479 cell Chao Pang AG08480 CANIS CANIS AG08480 cell Chao Pang AG08478 CANIS CANIS AG08478 cell Chao Pang AG08477 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08477 cell Chao Pang AG08475 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08475 cell Chao Pang AG08473 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA SUS AG08473 cell Chao Pang AG08472 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA SUS AG08472 cell Chao Pang AG08495 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08495 cell Chao Pang AG08498 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG08498 cell Chao Pang AG08500 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08500 cell Chao Pang AG08501 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08501 cell Chao Pang AG08503 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08503 cell Chao Pang AG08504 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG08504 cell Chao Pang AG08506 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08506 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13748 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13748 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG08491 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08491 cell Chao Pang AG08490 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08490 cell Chao Pang ND13749 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13749 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13740 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13740 cell Chao Pang AG08494 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG08494 cell Chao Pang ND13747 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13747 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG08493 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08493 cell Chao Pang ND13735 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13735 cell Chao Pang ND13739 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13739 cell Chao Pang ND13733 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13733 cell Chao Pang ND13734 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13734 cell Chao Pang ND13750 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13750 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13751 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND13751 cell Chao Pang AG08514 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08514 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08515 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08515 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08512 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08512 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08513 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08513 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08518 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08518 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08520 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08520 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08516 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08516 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08517 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08517 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08511 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08511 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08509 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08509 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08507 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08507 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13712 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13712 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13711 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13711 cell Chao Pang ND13710 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13710 cell Chao Pang ND13709 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13709 cell Chao Pang ND13702 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13702 cell Chao Pang ND13701 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13701 cell Chao Pang ND13708 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13708 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13706 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13706 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13705 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13705 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13703 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13703 cell Chao Pang ND13730 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13730 cell Chao Pang ND13729 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13729 cell Chao Pang ND13731 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13731 cell Chao Pang ND13713 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13713 cell Chao Pang ND13715 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13715 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13714 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13714 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13726 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13726 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13718 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13718 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13728 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13728 cell Chao Pang ND13727 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13727 cell Chao Pang AG08430 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08430 cell Chao Pang AG08432 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08432 cell Chao Pang AG08431 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08431 cell Chao Pang ND13676 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13676 cell Chao Pang ND13674 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13674 cell Chao Pang ND13673 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13673 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13672 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13672 cell Chao Pang ND13671 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13671 cell Chao Pang ND13670 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13670 cell Chao Pang ND13669 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13669 cell Chao Pang ND13668 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13668 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13667 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13667 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13666 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13666 cell Chao Pang AG08457 CANIS CANIS AG08457 cell Chao Pang AG08455 CANIS CANIS AG08455 cell Chao Pang AG08454 CANIS CANIS AG08454 cell Chao Pang AG08453 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08453 cell Chao Pang ND13686 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13686 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13683 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND13683 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13682 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13682 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13685 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13685 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13684 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13684 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG08440 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08440 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND13679 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13679 cell Chao Pang ND13678 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13678 cell Chao Pang AG08442 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08442 cell Chao Pang AG08433 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08433 cell Chao Pang ND13681 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13681 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG08434 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG08434 cell Chao Pang ND13680 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13680 cell Chao Pang AG08452 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: PHYLOGENETIC ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG08452 cell Chao Pang ND13677 KENNEDY'S DISEASE ND13677 cell Chao Pang AG08445 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08445 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08446 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08446 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND04315 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND04315 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND04311 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04311 cell Chao Pang ND04312 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04312 cell Chao Pang ND04313 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04313 cell Chao Pang ND04314 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04314 cell Chao Pang ND04301 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04301 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM14228 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM14228 cell Chao Pang ND04302 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04302 cell Chao Pang ND04303 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04303 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04305 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04305 cell Chao Pang ND04300 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND04300 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang GM14237 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14237 cell Chao Pang GM14236 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM14236 cell Chao Pang GM14235 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 9 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14235 cell Chao Pang GM14234 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM14234 cell Chao Pang GM14233 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14233 cell Chao Pang GM14231 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14231 cell Chao Pang GM14230 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM14230 cell Chao Pang GM14229 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14229 cell Chao Pang GM14238 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM14238 cell Chao Pang ND04349 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND04349 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04350 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04350 cell Chao Pang ND04343 SPOUSAL CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04343 cell Chao Pang ND04344 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04344 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04341 PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04341 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04342 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04342 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04339 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04339 cell Chao Pang ND04340 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04340 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04337 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04337 cell Chao Pang ND04338 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04338 cell Chao Pang GM14222 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM14222 cell Chao Pang GM14221 CHROMOSOME 4 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14221 cell Chao Pang GM14224 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14224 cell Chao Pang GM14223 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14223 cell Chao Pang GM14216 CHROMOSOME 15 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14216 cell Chao Pang GM14215 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14215 cell Chao Pang GM14218 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 4 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14218 cell Chao Pang GM14217 CHROMOSOME INSERTION GM14217 cell Chao Pang GM14227 CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14227 cell Chao Pang GM14225 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14225 cell Chao Pang ND04280 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04280 cell Chao Pang ND04282 EPILEPSY ND04282 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04284 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04284 cell Chao Pang ND04285 EPILEPSY ND04285 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04286 EPILEPSY ND04286 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04287 EPILEPSY ND04287 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04288 EPILEPSY ND04288 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04276 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04276 cell Chao Pang ND04278 EPILEPSY ND04278 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04279 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04279 cell Chao Pang GM14200 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14200 cell Chao Pang GM14199 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14199 cell Chao Pang GM14198 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14198 cell Chao Pang GM14206 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14206 cell Chao Pang GM14205 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14205 cell Chao Pang GM14204 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14204 cell Chao Pang GM14201 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14201 cell Chao Pang GM14214 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 7 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 18 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14214 cell Chao Pang GM14213 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM14213 cell Chao Pang GM14207 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14207 cell Chao Pang ND04296 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04296 cell Chao Pang ND04297 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND04297 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04294 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04294 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04295 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04295 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04298 ISCHEMIC STROKE NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ND04298 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04299 NDPT081 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND04299 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND04291 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04291 cell Chao Pang ND04293 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04293 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04289 EPILEPSY ND04289 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04290 EPILEPSY ND04290 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM14183 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14183 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM14182 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14182 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM14190 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 4 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14190 cell Chao Pang GM14184 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14184 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM14192 CHROMOSOME 4 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14192 cell Chao Pang GM14191 CHROMOSOME 4 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14191 cell Chao Pang GM14194 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 4 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14194 cell Chao Pang GM14193 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 4 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14193 cell Chao Pang GM14196 ADDITIONAL DELETION/DERIVATIVE CHROMOSOME 5 SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14196 cell Chao Pang GM14195 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14195 cell Chao Pang ND04237 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04237 cell Chao Pang ND04243 EPILEPSY ND04243 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04242 EPILEPSY ND04242 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04260 EPILEPSY ND04260 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04244 EPILEPSY ND04244 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND04239 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04239 cell Chao Pang ND04238 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04238 cell Chao Pang ND04241 EPILEPSY ND04241 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang AG08522 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08522 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08523 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08523 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND04240 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL UPDATE OF PLATE NDPT008 NDPT079 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASION CONTROL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04240 cell Chao Pang AG08532 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08532 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08531 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08531 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14179 VERTEBRAL ANOMALIES GM14179 cell OMIM: 277300 Chao Pang AG08530 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08530 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08529 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08529 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08528 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08528 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND04235 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04235 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM14174 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM14174 cell Chao Pang GM14175 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM14175 cell Chao Pang ND04236 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ND04236 cell OMIM: 601104 Chao Pang AG08527 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08527 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14172 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14172 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang AG08526 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08526 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08525 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08525 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14173 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14173 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang AG08524 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08524 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14170 BREAST CANCER INFORMATION CORE (BIC) BRCA1/BRCA2 MUTATION PANEL DNA SAMPLES BREAST CANCER 2, EARLY-ONSET; BRCA2 GM14170 cell OMIM: 600185 Chao Pang GM14171 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14171 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM14165 CLEFT PALATE, SYNDROMIC GM14165 cell Chao Pang GM14169 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14169 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM14164 TETRALOGY OF FALLOT CHROMOSOME DELETION GM14164 cell OMIM: 187500 Chao Pang ND04263 PARKINSON'S DISEASE YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND04263 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04262 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04262 cell Chao Pang ND04275 NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04275 cell Chao Pang ND04274 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CAUCASIAN CONTROL PANEL ND04274 cell Chao Pang ND04269 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04269 cell Chao Pang ND04268 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04268 cell Chao Pang AG08533 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08533 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND04267 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND04267 cell Chao Pang ND04266 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04266 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04265 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04265 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04264 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04264 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG08543 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08543 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14162 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14162 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang GM14163 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14163 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang AG08542 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08542 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08545 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08545 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08544 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08544 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14153 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14153 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08537 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08537 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14155 BASAL CELL NEVUS SYNDROME; BCNS GM14155 cell OMIM: 109400 Chao Pang AG08536 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08536 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14157 RING CHROMOSOME GM14157 cell Chao Pang AG08541 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08541 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang ND04261 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND04261 cell Chao Pang AG08539 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08539 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14158 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM GM14158 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM14138 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED GENE; ATM ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14138 cell OMIM: 208900 OMIM: 607585 Chao Pang GM14140 OROFACIAL CLEFT 1; OFC1 GM14140 cell OMIM: 119530 Chao Pang AG08535 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08535 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14142 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14142 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08534 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08534 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14152 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14152 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang GM14129 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14129 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang AG08552 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08552 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14130 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14130 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang AG08551 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08551 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08550 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08550 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14127 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14127 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang AG08549 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08549 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14128 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14128 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM14137 WILLIAMS-BEUREN SYNDROME; WBS GM14137 cell OMIM: 194050 Chao Pang AG08555 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08555 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08554 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08554 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14131 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14131 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM14134 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT GM14134 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG08553 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08553 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08548 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08548 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14125 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM14125 cell Chao Pang AG08547 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08547 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14126 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14126 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang AG08546 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08546 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14124 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14124 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang ND04225 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04225 cell Chao Pang ND04224 EPILEPSY ND04224 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang GM14111 CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14111 cell Chao Pang ND04217 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04217 cell Chao Pang ND04216 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04216 cell Chao Pang ND04234 PARKINSON'S DISEASE PARKINSONS PANEL: CAUCASIAN FROM THE UNITED STATES ND04234 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04233 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND04233 cell Chao Pang ND04228 YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S DISEASE; AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND04228 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND04227 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND04227 cell Chao Pang GM14116 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14116 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang AG08561 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08561 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08560 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08560 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14117 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14117 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang AG08563 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08563 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14118 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14118 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM14119 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM14119 cell Chao Pang AG08562 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08562 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14120 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14120 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang AG08565 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08565 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14121 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14121 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang AG08564 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08564 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14122 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14122 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang GM14123 CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME GM14123 cell OMIM: 123450 Chao Pang AG08557 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08557 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG08556 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08556 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14113 CHROMOSOME 10 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS CHROMOSOME 5 REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM14113 cell Chao Pang AG08559 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08559 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang GM14114 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM14114 cell Chao Pang AG08558 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG08558 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang DA00016 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00016 cell Chao Pang DA00017 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00017 cell Chao Pang DA00018 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00018 cell Chao Pang DA00024 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00024 cell Chao Pang DA00025 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00025 cell Chao Pang DA00026 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00026 cell Chao Pang DA00019 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00019 cell Chao Pang DA00020 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00020 cell Chao Pang DA00021 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00021 cell Chao Pang DA00023 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00023 cell Chao Pang DA00006 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00006 cell Chao Pang DA00007 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00007 cell Chao Pang DA00014 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00014 cell Chao Pang DA00015 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00015 cell Chao Pang DA00012 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00012 cell Chao Pang DA00013 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00013 cell Chao Pang DA00010 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00010 cell Chao Pang DA00011 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00011 cell Chao Pang DA00008 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00008 cell Chao Pang DA00009 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00009 cell Chao Pang DA00044 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00044 cell Chao Pang DA00043 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00043 cell Chao Pang DA00046 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00046 cell Chao Pang DA00045 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00045 cell Chao Pang DA00047 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00047 cell Chao Pang DA00038 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00038 cell Chao Pang DA00040 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00040 cell Chao Pang DA00039 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00039 cell Chao Pang DA00042 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00042 cell Chao Pang DA00041 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00041 cell Chao Pang ND10482 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10482 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10480 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10480 cell Chao Pang ND10479 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10479 cell Chao Pang ND10478 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10478 cell Chao Pang ND10477 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10477 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10476 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10476 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00034 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00034 cell Chao Pang DA00033 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00033 cell Chao Pang DA00032 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00032 cell Chao Pang DA00031 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00031 cell Chao Pang DA00037 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00037 cell Chao Pang DA00036 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00036 cell Chao Pang DA00030 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00030 cell Chao Pang DA00029 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00029 cell Chao Pang DA00028 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00028 cell Chao Pang DA00027 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00027 cell Chao Pang DA00067 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00067 cell Chao Pang DA00066 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00066 cell Chao Pang DA00068 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00068 cell Chao Pang DA00063 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00063 cell Chao Pang DA00062 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00062 cell Chao Pang DA00065 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00065 cell Chao Pang DA00064 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00064 cell Chao Pang DA00059 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00059 cell Chao Pang DA00061 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00061 cell Chao Pang DA00060 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00060 cell Chao Pang DA00058 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00058 cell Chao Pang DA00057 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00057 cell Chao Pang DA00056 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00056 cell Chao Pang DA00055 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00055 cell Chao Pang DA00054 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00054 cell Chao Pang DA00053 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00053 cell Chao Pang DA00052 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00052 cell Chao Pang DA00051 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00051 cell Chao Pang DA00050 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00050 cell Chao Pang DA00048 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00048 cell Chao Pang ND10538 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10538 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10539 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10539 cell Chao Pang ND10546 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10546 cell Chao Pang ND10547 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10547 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10550 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10550 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10552 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10552 cell Chao Pang ND10540 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10540 cell Chao Pang DA00079 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00079 cell Chao Pang ND10541 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10541 cell Chao Pang ND10542 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10542 cell Chao Pang ND10543 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10543 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00082 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00082 cell Chao Pang DA00083 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00083 cell Chao Pang DA00080 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00080 cell Chao Pang DA00081 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00081 cell Chao Pang DA00086 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00086 cell Chao Pang ND10537 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10537 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00088 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00088 cell Chao Pang DA00084 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00084 cell Chao Pang DA00085 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00085 cell Chao Pang DA00089 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00089 cell Chao Pang ND13911 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13911 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10526 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10526 cell Chao Pang ND13912 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13912 cell Chao Pang ND13913 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND13913 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13914 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13914 cell Chao Pang ND13915 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13915 cell Chao Pang ND13916 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13916 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13917 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13917 cell Chao Pang ND10534 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10534 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13918 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13918 cell Chao Pang ND10536 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10536 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13919 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13919 cell Chao Pang ND10532 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10532 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13920 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13920 cell Chao Pang ND10533 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10533 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10529 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10529 cell Chao Pang ND10530 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10530 cell Chao Pang ND10527 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10527 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10528 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10528 cell Chao Pang DA00069 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00069 cell Chao Pang DA00070 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00070 cell Chao Pang DA00071 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00071 cell Chao Pang DA00072 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00072 cell Chao Pang DA00073 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00073 cell Chao Pang DA00074 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00074 cell Chao Pang DA00075 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00075 cell Chao Pang ND10525 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10525 cell Chao Pang ND10523 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10523 cell Chao Pang DA00076 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00076 cell Chao Pang DA00077 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00077 cell Chao Pang DA00078 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00078 cell Chao Pang ND13886 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND13886 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13887 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13887 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13881 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13881 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13885 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13885 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13879 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13879 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13880 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13880 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10513 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10513 cell Chao Pang DA00102 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00102 cell Chao Pang ND10514 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10514 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00101 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00101 cell Chao Pang DA00100 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00100 cell Chao Pang ND10515 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10515 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10516 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10516 cell Chao Pang ND10517 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10517 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13891 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13891 cell Chao Pang ND13910 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13910 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10518 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND10518 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13889 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND13889 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10519 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10519 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13890 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13890 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10520 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10520 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10498 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10498 cell Chao Pang DA00109 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00109 cell Chao Pang ND10497 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10497 cell Chao Pang DA00107 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00107 cell Chao Pang ND10499 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10499 cell Chao Pang DA00108 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00108 cell Chao Pang DA00105 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00105 cell Chao Pang DA00106 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00106 cell Chao Pang DA00103 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00103 cell Chao Pang DA00104 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00104 cell Chao Pang ND13860 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13860 cell Chao Pang ND13861 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13861 cell Chao Pang ND13862 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13862 cell Chao Pang ND13863 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13863 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13859 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13859 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND10490 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10490 cell Chao Pang ND13868 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND13868 cell Chao Pang ND10491 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10491 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00091 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00091 cell Chao Pang ND10489 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10489 cell Chao Pang DA00090 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00090 cell Chao Pang ND10494 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10494 cell Chao Pang ND13864 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13864 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13865 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13865 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10496 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10496 cell Chao Pang ND13866 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13866 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10492 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10492 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10493 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10493 cell Chao Pang ND13867 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13867 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10487 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10487 cell Chao Pang DA00096 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00096 cell Chao Pang DA00097 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00097 cell Chao Pang ND10485 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10485 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00098 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00098 cell Chao Pang ND10484 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10484 cell Chao Pang ND10483 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10483 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00099 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00099 cell Chao Pang DA00092 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00092 cell Chao Pang DA00093 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00093 cell Chao Pang DA00094 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00094 cell Chao Pang DA00095 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00095 cell Chao Pang ND10603 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10603 cell Chao Pang ND10602 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10602 cell Chao Pang ND10605 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10605 cell Chao Pang ND10604 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10604 cell Chao Pang ND10598 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10598 cell Chao Pang ND10597 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10597 cell Chao Pang ND10601 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10601 cell Chao Pang ND10600 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10600 cell Chao Pang ND10596 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10596 cell Chao Pang ND10595 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10595 cell Chao Pang ND10594 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10594 cell Chao Pang ND10593 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10593 cell Chao Pang ND10592 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10592 cell Chao Pang ND10591 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10591 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10590 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10590 cell Chao Pang ND10589 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10589 cell Chao Pang ND10588 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10588 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10587 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10587 cell Chao Pang ND10586 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10586 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10585 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10585 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10580 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10580 cell Chao Pang ND10579 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND10579 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10582 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10582 cell Chao Pang ND10581 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10581 cell Chao Pang ND10584 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10584 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10583 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10583 cell Chao Pang ND10575 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10575 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10574 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10574 cell Chao Pang ND10578 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10578 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10577 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10577 cell Chao Pang ND10561 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10561 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10560 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10560 cell Chao Pang ND10558 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10558 cell Chao Pang ND10557 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10557 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10573 EPILEPSY ND10573 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND10572 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10572 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10562 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10562 cell Chao Pang ND10556 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10556 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10554 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10554 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10553 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10553 cell Chao Pang AG04457 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04457 cell Chao Pang AG04458 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04458 cell Chao Pang AG04459 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04459 cell Chao Pang AG04460 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04460 cell Chao Pang ND13763 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13763 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG04461 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04461 cell Chao Pang ND13760 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13760 cell Chao Pang AG04462 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04462 cell Chao Pang ND13759 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13759 cell Chao Pang AG04475 DYSTROPHIA MYOTONICA 1 AG04475 cell OMIM: 160900 Chao Pang AG04525 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG04525 cell Chao Pang ND13758 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13758 cell Chao Pang ND13770 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13770 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13775 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13775 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13768 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13768 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13769 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13769 cell Chao Pang ND13766 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13766 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13767 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13767 cell Chao Pang AG04456 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04456 cell Chao Pang ND13764 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13764 cell Chao Pang AG04455 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04455 cell Chao Pang AG04555 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04555 cell Chao Pang AG04556 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04556 cell Chao Pang AG04553 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04553 cell Chao Pang AG04554 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04554 cell Chao Pang ND13784 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13784 cell Chao Pang AG04559 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04559 cell Chao Pang ND13782 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13782 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG04557 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04557 cell Chao Pang AG04558 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04558 cell Chao Pang ND13785 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13785 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13802 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13802 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13803 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13803 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13804 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13804 cell Chao Pang ND13805 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13805 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG04552 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04552 cell Chao Pang ND13786 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13786 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13787 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13787 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG04551 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04551 cell Chao Pang AG04526 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG04526 cell Chao Pang ND13800 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13800 cell Chao Pang ND13801 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13801 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10611 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10611 cell Chao Pang ND10612 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10612 cell Chao Pang ND10613 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10613 cell Chao Pang ND10614 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10614 cell Chao Pang ND10606 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10606 cell Chao Pang ND10607 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10607 cell Chao Pang ND10609 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10609 cell Chao Pang ND10615 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10615 cell Chao Pang ND10616 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10616 cell Chao Pang ND10617 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10617 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13752 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13752 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13753 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND13753 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13754 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13754 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13755 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13755 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13756 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13756 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13757 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13757 cell Chao Pang ND13839 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13839 cell Chao Pang ND13838 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13838 cell Chao Pang ND13837 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13837 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13836 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13836 cell Chao Pang ND13835 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13835 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13834 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13834 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13833 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13833 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13831 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13831 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13830 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13830 cell Chao Pang ND13829 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND13829 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13858 NDPT080 ISCHEMIC STROKE DNA PANEL ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13858 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13855 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13855 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13852 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13852 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13844 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13844 cell Chao Pang ND13854 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13854 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13853 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13853 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13841 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13841 cell Chao Pang ND13840 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13840 cell Chao Pang ND13843 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13843 cell Chao Pang ND13842 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13842 cell Chao Pang ND13806 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13806 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13807 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13807 cell Chao Pang ND13812 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13812 cell Chao Pang ND13811 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13811 cell Chao Pang ND13810 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13810 cell Chao Pang ND13809 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13809 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13816 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13816 cell Chao Pang ND13815 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13815 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13814 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13814 cell Chao Pang ND13813 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13813 cell Chao Pang ND13808 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13808 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13817 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13817 cell Chao Pang ND13821 PROGRESSIVE BULBAR PALSY ND13821 cell Chao Pang ND13820 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13820 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13823 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND13823 cell Chao Pang ND13822 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13822 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13826 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13826 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13825 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13825 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13828 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13828 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13827 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13827 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13819 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13819 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13818 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13818 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang AG03962 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC AG03962 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang AG03963 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC AG03963 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang AG04054 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04054 cell Chao Pang AG04055 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04055 cell Chao Pang AG03964 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA AG03964 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang AG03965 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP C; XPC AG03965 cell OMIM: 278720 Chao Pang AG04058 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04058 cell Chao Pang AG04059 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04059 cell Chao Pang AG04056 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04056 cell Chao Pang AG04057 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04057 cell Chao Pang AG04060 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04060 cell Chao Pang AG04061 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04061 cell Chao Pang AG04062 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04062 cell Chao Pang AG04063 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04063 cell Chao Pang AG04064 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04064 cell Chao Pang AG04065 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04065 cell Chao Pang AG04103 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 2; RECQL2 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - CHARACTERIZED MUTATIONS WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED AG04103 cell OMIM: 277700 OMIM: 604611 Chao Pang AG04110 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED LAMIN A/C; LMNA NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG04110 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang AG04142 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04142 cell Chao Pang AG04143 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04143 cell Chao Pang AG04146 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04146 cell Chao Pang AG04147 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04147 cell Chao Pang AG04144 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04144 cell Chao Pang AG04145 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04145 cell Chao Pang AG04152 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04152 cell Chao Pang AG04153 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04153 cell Chao Pang AG04150 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04150 cell Chao Pang AG04151 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04151 cell Chao Pang AG04148 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04148 cell Chao Pang AG04149 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04149 cell Chao Pang AG04160 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG04160 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG04316 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG04316 cell Chao Pang AG04348 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04348 cell Chao Pang AG04349 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04349 cell Chao Pang AG04159 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG04159 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG04354 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04354 cell Chao Pang AG04350 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04350 cell Chao Pang AG04351 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04351 cell Chao Pang AG04352 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04352 cell Chao Pang AG04353 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04353 cell Chao Pang AG04384 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04384 cell Chao Pang AG04383 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04383 cell Chao Pang AG04382 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04382 cell Chao Pang AG04381 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04381 cell Chao Pang AG04356 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04356 cell Chao Pang AG04355 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04355 cell Chao Pang AG04380 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04380 cell Chao Pang AG04379 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04379 cell Chao Pang AG04378 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04378 cell Chao Pang AG04357 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04357 cell Chao Pang AG04402 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - EARLY ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE AG04402 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG04401 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG04401 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG04405 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT AG04405 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG04385 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04385 cell Chao Pang AG04387 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04387 cell Chao Pang AG04386 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04386 cell Chao Pang AG04392 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG04392 cell Chao Pang AG04388 ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA BOS AG04388 cell Chao Pang AG04400 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG04400 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG04393 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG04393 cell Chao Pang AG04443 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04443 cell Chao Pang AG04442 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04442 cell Chao Pang AG04441 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04441 cell Chao Pang AG04440 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04440 cell Chao Pang AG04439 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04439 cell Chao Pang AG04438 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04438 cell Chao Pang AG04434 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG04434 cell Chao Pang AG04433 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG04433 cell Chao Pang AG04432 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG04432 cell Chao Pang AG04431 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG04431 cell Chao Pang AG04444 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04444 cell Chao Pang AG04454 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04454 cell Chao Pang AG04451 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG04451 cell Chao Pang AG04450 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG04450 cell Chao Pang AG04453 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04453 cell Chao Pang AG04452 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG04452 cell Chao Pang AG04446 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04446 cell Chao Pang AG04445 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04445 cell Chao Pang AG04449 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG04449 cell Chao Pang AG04447 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04447 cell Chao Pang DA00151 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00151 cell Chao Pang DA00152 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00152 cell Chao Pang DA00147 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00147 cell Chao Pang DA00148 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00148 cell Chao Pang DA00149 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00149 cell Chao Pang DA00150 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00150 cell Chao Pang DA00141 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00141 cell Chao Pang DA00142 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00142 cell Chao Pang DA00143 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00143 cell Chao Pang DA00145 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00145 cell Chao Pang DA00140 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00140 cell Chao Pang DA00138 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00138 cell Chao Pang DA00139 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00139 cell Chao Pang DA00136 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00136 cell Chao Pang DA00137 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00137 cell Chao Pang DA00134 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00134 cell Chao Pang DA00135 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00135 cell Chao Pang DA00132 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00132 cell Chao Pang DA00133 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00133 cell Chao Pang DA00131 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00131 cell Chao Pang DA00122 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00122 cell Chao Pang DA00123 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00123 cell Chao Pang DA00125 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00125 cell Chao Pang DA00126 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00126 cell Chao Pang DA00127 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00127 cell Chao Pang DA00128 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00128 cell Chao Pang DA00129 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00129 cell Chao Pang DA00130 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00130 cell Chao Pang DA00120 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00120 cell Chao Pang DA00121 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00121 cell Chao Pang DA00119 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00119 cell Chao Pang DA00113 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00113 cell Chao Pang DA00114 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00114 cell Chao Pang DA00111 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00111 cell Chao Pang DA00112 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00112 cell Chao Pang DA00117 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00117 cell Chao Pang DA00118 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00118 cell Chao Pang DA00115 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00115 cell Chao Pang DA00116 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00116 cell Chao Pang DA00110 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00110 cell Chao Pang DA00189 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00189 cell Chao Pang DA00188 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00188 cell Chao Pang DA00191 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00191 cell Chao Pang DA00190 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00190 cell Chao Pang DA00185 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00185 cell Chao Pang AG04662 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04662 cell Chao Pang AG04661 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04661 cell Chao Pang DA00184 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00184 cell Chao Pang DA00187 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00187 cell Chao Pang DA00186 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00186 cell Chao Pang AG04765 RATTUS ORDER: RODENTIA AG04765 cell Chao Pang AG04762 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG04762 cell Chao Pang AG04677 ORDER: LAGOMORPHA ORYCTOLAGUS AG04677 cell Chao Pang AG04676 ORDER: LAGOMORPHA ORYCTOLAGUS AG04676 cell Chao Pang AG05013 RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 4; RECQL4 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG05013 cell OMIM: 268400 OMIM: 603780 Chao Pang DA00193 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00193 cell Chao Pang AG05012 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG05012 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang DA00192 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00192 cell Chao Pang AG04907 BOS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG04907 cell Chao Pang AG04823 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME TRISOMY 21 AG04823 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG04660 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04660 cell Chao Pang ND10618 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10618 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10625 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10625 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10624 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10624 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10623 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10623 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10622 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10622 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00180 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00180 cell Chao Pang DA00179 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00179 cell Chao Pang DA00178 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00178 cell Chao Pang DA00177 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00177 cell Chao Pang DA00176 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00176 cell Chao Pang DA00175 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00175 cell Chao Pang DA00174 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00174 cell Chao Pang AG04560 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04560 cell Chao Pang AG04646 DYSKERATOSIS CONGENITA; DKC AG04646 cell OMIM: 305000 Chao Pang AG04645 DYSKERATOSIS CONGENITA; DKC AG04645 cell OMIM: 305000 Chao Pang AG04655 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04655 cell Chao Pang AG04654 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04654 cell Chao Pang AG04657 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04657 cell Chao Pang DA00183 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00183 cell Chao Pang AG04656 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG04656 cell Chao Pang AG04659 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04659 cell Chao Pang DA00182 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00182 cell Chao Pang AG04658 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG04658 cell Chao Pang DA00181 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00181 cell Chao Pang DA00165 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00165 cell Chao Pang DA00164 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00164 cell Chao Pang DA00167 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00167 cell Chao Pang ND10644 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10644 cell Chao Pang DA00166 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00166 cell Chao Pang ND10645 KENNEDY'S DISEASE ND10645 cell Chao Pang ND10642 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10642 cell Chao Pang DA00169 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00169 cell Chao Pang ND10643 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10643 cell Chao Pang DA00168 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00168 cell Chao Pang DA00171 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00171 cell Chao Pang DA00170 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00170 cell Chao Pang DA00173 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00173 cell Chao Pang DA00172 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00172 cell Chao Pang ND10652 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10652 cell Chao Pang ND10651 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10651 cell Chao Pang ND10650 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND10650 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10649 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10649 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10648 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10648 cell Chao Pang ND10647 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10647 cell Chao Pang ND10646 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10646 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10635 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10635 cell Chao Pang DA00153 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00153 cell Chao Pang ND10627 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10627 cell Chao Pang DA00158 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00158 cell Chao Pang DA00156 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00156 cell Chao Pang ND10632 EPILEPSY ND10632 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND10633 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND10633 cell Chao Pang DA00155 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00155 cell Chao Pang ND10634 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10634 cell Chao Pang DA00154 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00154 cell Chao Pang DA00162 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00162 cell Chao Pang DA00161 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00161 cell Chao Pang DA00160 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00160 cell Chao Pang DA00159 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00159 cell Chao Pang DA00163 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00163 cell Chao Pang ND10639 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND10639 cell Chao Pang ND10638 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND10638 cell Chao Pang ND10641 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10641 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10640 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND10640 cell Chao Pang ND10637 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10637 cell Chao Pang ND10636 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10636 cell Chao Pang ND10679 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10679 cell Chao Pang ND10680 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10680 cell Chao Pang ND10681 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10681 cell Chao Pang ND10682 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10682 cell Chao Pang ND10683 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10683 cell Chao Pang ND10685 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10685 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10687 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10687 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10688 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10688 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10678 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10678 cell Chao Pang ND10677 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10677 cell Chao Pang ND10668 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10668 cell Chao Pang ND10662 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10662 cell Chao Pang ND10663 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10663 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10656 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10656 cell Chao Pang ND10660 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10660 cell Chao Pang ND14054 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14054 cell Chao Pang ND10666 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10666 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14055 PROGRESSIVE BULBAR PALSY ND14055 cell Chao Pang ND10667 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10667 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10664 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10664 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14056 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND14056 cell Chao Pang ND10665 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10665 cell Chao Pang ND14057 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14057 cell Chao Pang ND14050 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14050 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14051 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14051 cell Chao Pang ND14052 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14052 cell Chao Pang ND14053 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14053 cell Chao Pang ND14048 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14048 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14049 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND14049 cell Chao Pang ND10655 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10655 cell Chao Pang ND10654 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10654 cell Chao Pang ND10653 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10653 cell Chao Pang ND10714 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10714 cell Chao Pang ND10718 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10718 cell Chao Pang ND10719 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10719 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10710 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10710 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00206 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00206 cell Chao Pang DA00205 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00205 cell Chao Pang ND10711 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10711 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10712 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10712 cell Chao Pang ND10713 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10713 cell Chao Pang ND10707 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10707 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10708 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10708 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10709 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10709 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang DA00209 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00209 cell Chao Pang DA00210 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00210 cell Chao Pang DA00207 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00207 cell Chao Pang DA00208 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00208 cell Chao Pang DA00213 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00213 cell Chao Pang DA00214 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00214 cell Chao Pang DA00211 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00211 cell Chao Pang DA00212 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00212 cell Chao Pang ND10701 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10701 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10702 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10702 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10699 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10699 cell Chao Pang ND10700 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10700 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10697 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10697 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10698 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10698 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00194 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00194 cell Chao Pang ND10695 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10695 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10696 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10696 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10690 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10690 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10694 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10694 cell Chao Pang DA00204 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00204 cell Chao Pang DA00195 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00195 cell Chao Pang DA00196 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00196 cell Chao Pang DA00197 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00197 cell Chao Pang DA00198 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00198 cell Chao Pang DA00199 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00199 cell Chao Pang DA00200 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00200 cell Chao Pang DA00201 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00201 cell Chao Pang DA00202 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00202 cell Chao Pang ND10689 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10689 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10733 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10733 cell Chao Pang ND10735 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10735 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10734 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10734 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10737 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10737 cell Chao Pang ND10736 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10736 cell Chao Pang ND10740 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10740 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10739 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10739 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10742 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10742 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10741 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10741 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10743 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10743 cell Chao Pang ND10725 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10725 cell Chao Pang ND10722 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10722 cell Chao Pang ND10721 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND10721 cell Chao Pang ND10720 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10720 cell Chao Pang ND10730 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10730 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10729 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10729 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10728 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10728 cell Chao Pang ND10727 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10727 cell Chao Pang ND10732 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10732 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10731 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10731 cell Chao Pang ND10749 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10749 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10748 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10748 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10747 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10747 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10746 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10746 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10745 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10745 cell Chao Pang ND10744 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10744 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10762 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND10762 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang ND10753 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10753 cell Chao Pang ND10752 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10752 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10750 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10750 cell Chao Pang ND13933 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13933 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13932 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND13932 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13927 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND13927 cell Chao Pang ND13926 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13926 cell Chao Pang ND13934 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13934 cell Chao Pang ND13935 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13935 cell Chao Pang ND13936 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13936 cell Chao Pang ND13940 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13940 cell Chao Pang ND13941 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13941 cell Chao Pang ND13938 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13938 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13939 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13939 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13943 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13943 cell Chao Pang ND13942 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13942 cell Chao Pang ND13945 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13945 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13944 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13944 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13946 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13946 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13947 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13947 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13948 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13948 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13949 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13949 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13955 ESSENTIAL TREMOR-MOVEMENT DISORDER ND13955 cell OMIM: 190300 Chao Pang ND13956 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13956 cell Chao Pang ND13957 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13957 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13960 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13960 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13959 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13959 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13958 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13958 cell Chao Pang ND13969 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13969 cell Chao Pang ND13970 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13970 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13967 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13967 cell Chao Pang ND13968 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13968 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13965 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13965 cell Chao Pang ND13966 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13966 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13962 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND13962 cell Chao Pang ND13964 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13964 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13972 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13972 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13971 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13971 cell Chao Pang ND13985 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND13985 cell Chao Pang ND13986 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND13986 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13987 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND13987 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13988 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13988 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13975 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13975 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13976 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13976 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13983 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13983 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13984 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND13984 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13974 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND13974 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13989 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13989 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13992 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND13992 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13990 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND13990 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND13997 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13997 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13996 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND13996 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13995 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND13995 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND13994 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK ND13994 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14001 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14001 cell Chao Pang ND14000 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14000 cell Chao Pang ND13999 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13999 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND13998 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND13998 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14002 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14002 cell Chao Pang ND14004 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14004 cell Chao Pang ND14003 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14003 cell Chao Pang ND14006 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14006 cell Chao Pang ND14005 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14005 cell Chao Pang ND14018 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14018 cell Chao Pang ND14017 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14017 cell Chao Pang ND14020 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14020 cell Chao Pang ND14019 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14019 cell Chao Pang ND14021 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14021 cell Chao Pang ND14025 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14025 cell Chao Pang ND14024 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14024 cell Chao Pang ND14023 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14023 cell Chao Pang ND14022 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14022 cell Chao Pang ND14031 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14031 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14030 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14030 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14029 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14029 cell Chao Pang ND14028 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14028 cell Chao Pang ND14027 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14027 cell Chao Pang ND14026 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND14026 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14034 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND14034 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14033 ISCHEMIC STROKE ND14033 cell OMIM: 601367 Chao Pang ND14036 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14036 cell Chao Pang ND14035 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14035 cell Chao Pang ND14032 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14032 cell Chao Pang ND14047 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14047 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14044 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND14044 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND14037 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND14037 cell Chao Pang ND14046 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14046 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND14045 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND14045 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG05247 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05247 cell Chao Pang AG05245 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05245 cell Chao Pang AG05246 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05246 cell Chao Pang AG05243 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG05243 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG05244 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05244 cell Chao Pang AG05229 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED AG05229 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang AG05233 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED AG05233 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang AG05191 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05191 cell Chao Pang AG05192 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05192 cell Chao Pang AG05190 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05190 cell Chao Pang AG05275 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05275 cell Chao Pang AG05277 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05277 cell Chao Pang AG05278 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05278 cell Chao Pang AG05283 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05283 cell Chao Pang AG05266 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05266 cell Chao Pang AG05270 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05270 cell Chao Pang AG05271 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05271 cell Chao Pang AG05274 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05274 cell Chao Pang AG05248 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05248 cell Chao Pang AG05265 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05265 cell Chao Pang AG05096 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05096 cell Chao Pang AG05097 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05097 cell Chao Pang AG05056 SUS ORDER: CETARTIODACTYLA AG05056 cell Chao Pang AG05095 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05095 cell Chao Pang AG05100 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05100 cell Chao Pang AG05098 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05098 cell Chao Pang AG05099 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05099 cell Chao Pang AG05025 TRIPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER AG05025 cell Chao Pang AG05055 MUS ORDER: RODENTIA AG05055 cell Chao Pang AG05024 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME TRISOMY 21 AG05024 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG05121 TRISOMY 21 AG05121 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG05139 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS AG05139 cell OMIM: 268400 Chao Pang AG05140 ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG05140 cell OMIM: 268400 Chao Pang AG05186 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05186 cell Chao Pang AG05188 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05188 cell Chao Pang AG05189 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05189 cell Chao Pang AG05101 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05101 cell Chao Pang AG05102 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05102 cell Chao Pang AG05103 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05103 cell Chao Pang AG05120 TRISOMY 21 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME AG05120 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG05807 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05807 cell Chao Pang AG05839 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05839 cell Chao Pang AG05838 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05838 cell Chao Pang AG05837 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05837 cell Chao Pang AG05836 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05836 cell Chao Pang AG05813 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05813 cell Chao Pang AG05811 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05811 cell Chao Pang AG05810 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD APOLIPOPROTEIN E; APOE NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - LATE ONSET FAMILIAL ALZHEIMER DISEASE AG05810 cell OMIM: 104300 OMIM: 107741 Chao Pang AG05809 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG05809 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG05840 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05840 cell Chao Pang AG05844 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05844 cell Chao Pang AG05965-C MRC-5 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST AG05965-C cell Chao Pang AG06062 DIABETES MELLITUS: MATURITY ONSET DIABETES - 222100 OR 125850 AG06062 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang AG06040 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - CHARACTERIZED MUTATIONS RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 3; RECQL3 BLOOM SYNDROME; BLM AG06040 cell OMIM: 210900 OMIM: 604610 Chao Pang AG06064 DIABETES MELLITUS: MATURITY ONSET DIABETES - 222100 OR 125850 AG06064 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang AG06063 DIABETES MELLITUS: MATURITY ONSET DIABETES - 222100 OR 125850 AG06063 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang AG05965-E MRC-5 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST AG05965-E cell Chao Pang AG05965-D MRC-5 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST AG05965-D cell Chao Pang AG06010 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06010 cell Chao Pang AG06009 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06009 cell Chao Pang AG05313 SAGUINUS ORDER: PRIMATES AG05313 cell Chao Pang AG05311 SAIMIRI ORDER: PRIMATES AG05311 cell Chao Pang AG05308 SAGUINUS NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: PHYLOGENETIC ORDER: PRIMATES AG05308 cell Chao Pang AG05397 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME TRISOMY 21 AG05397 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG05356 LAGOTHRIX ORDER: PRIMATES NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: PHYLOGENETIC AG05356 cell Chao Pang AG05338 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG05338 cell Chao Pang AG05337 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG05337 cell Chao Pang AG05413 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05413 cell Chao Pang AG05411 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05411 cell Chao Pang AG05410 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05410 cell Chao Pang ND13925 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13925 cell Chao Pang ND13924 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13924 cell Chao Pang ND13923 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13923 cell Chao Pang ND13922 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13922 cell Chao Pang ND13921 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND13921 cell Chao Pang AG05415 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05415 cell Chao Pang AG05414 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05414 cell Chao Pang AG05417 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05417 cell Chao Pang AG05416 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05416 cell Chao Pang AG05749 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT AG05749 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG05419 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05419 cell Chao Pang AG05804 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG05804 cell Chao Pang AG05770 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG05770 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG05806 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05806 cell Chao Pang AG05805 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG05805 cell Chao Pang ND10843 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10843 cell Chao Pang ND10842 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10842 cell Chao Pang ND10841 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10841 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10840 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10840 cell Chao Pang ND10839 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10839 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10838 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10838 cell Chao Pang ND10837 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10837 cell Chao Pang ND10836 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10836 cell Chao Pang AG06116 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: YOUNG AND AGED FOR EACH SPECIES REPRESENTED ORDER: PRIMATES ERYTHROCEBUS AG06116 cell Chao Pang AG06173 TIG-1 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST AG06173 cell Chao Pang DA00295 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00295 cell Chao Pang AG06241 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06241 cell Chao Pang DA00294 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00294 cell Chao Pang AG06240 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06240 cell Chao Pang AG06239 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06239 cell Chao Pang AG06237 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06237 cell Chao Pang DA00296 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00296 cell Chao Pang AG06236 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06236 cell Chao Pang AG06235 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06235 cell Chao Pang AG06234 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06234 cell Chao Pang AG06205 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG06205 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang DA00287 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00287 cell Chao Pang AG06204 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG06204 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang DA00289 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00289 cell Chao Pang DA00288 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00288 cell Chao Pang ND10835 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10835 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00291 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00291 cell Chao Pang DA00290 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00290 cell Chao Pang DA00293 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00293 cell Chao Pang ND10833 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10833 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10834 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10834 cell Chao Pang DA00292 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00292 cell Chao Pang ND10828 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10828 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10827 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10827 cell Chao Pang ND10831 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10831 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10829 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10829 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10816 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10816 cell Chao Pang ND10826 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10826 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10817 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10817 cell Chao Pang AG06096 SV40 VIRUS-TRANSFORMED APPARENTLY HEALTHY: FETAL TISSUE AG06096 cell Chao Pang DA00286 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00286 cell Chao Pang DA00285 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00285 cell Chao Pang AG06095 SV40 VIRUS-TRANSFORMED APPARENTLY HEALTHY: FETAL TISSUE AG06095 cell Chao Pang AG06115 ORDER: PRIMATES CALLICEBUS AG06115 cell Chao Pang DA00284 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00284 cell Chao Pang DA00283 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00283 cell Chao Pang AG06103 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG06103 cell Chao Pang AG06084 DIABETES MELLITUS: MATURITY ONSET DIABETES - 222100 OR 125850 AG06084 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang AG06083 DIABETES MELLITUS: MATURITY ONSET DIABETES - 222100 OR 125850 AG06083 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang AG06086 DIABETES MELLITUS: MATURITY ONSET DIABETES - 222100 OR 125850 AG06086 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang AG06085 DIABETES MELLITUS: MATURITY ONSET DIABETES - 222100 OR 125850 AG06085 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA00278 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00278 cell Chao Pang DA00277 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00277 cell Chao Pang DA00282 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00282 cell Chao Pang ND10810 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10810 cell Chao Pang ND10811 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10811 cell Chao Pang DA00281 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00281 cell Chao Pang ND10813 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10813 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00280 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00280 cell Chao Pang ND10815 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10815 cell Chao Pang DA00279 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00279 cell Chao Pang ND10805 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10805 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10803 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10803 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00308 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00308 cell Chao Pang ND10809 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10809 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10808 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10808 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10807 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10807 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10806 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10806 cell Chao Pang AG06280 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06280 cell Chao Pang AG06279 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06279 cell Chao Pang AG06278 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06278 cell Chao Pang AG06277 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06277 cell Chao Pang AG06283 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06283 cell Chao Pang DA00317 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00317 cell Chao Pang AG06282 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06282 cell Chao Pang AG06281 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06281 cell Chao Pang DA00314 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00314 cell Chao Pang ND10800 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10800 cell Chao Pang DA00313 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00313 cell Chao Pang ND10801 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND10801 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10784 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10784 cell Chao Pang DA00316 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00316 cell Chao Pang DA00315 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00315 cell Chao Pang ND10785 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10785 cell Chao Pang AG06276 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06276 cell Chao Pang DA00310 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00310 cell Chao Pang AG06269 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG06269 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang DA00309 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00309 cell Chao Pang ND10802 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10802 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG06266 TRIPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER AG06266 cell Chao Pang DA00312 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00312 cell Chao Pang DA00311 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00311 cell Chao Pang ND10775 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10775 cell Chao Pang ND10781 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10781 cell Chao Pang ND10777 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10777 cell Chao Pang ND10783 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10783 cell Chao Pang ND10782 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10782 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG06242 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06242 cell Chao Pang AG06252 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG06252 cell Chao Pang AG06249 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG06249 cell Chao Pang AG06254 ORDER: PRIMATES NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: YOUNG AND AGED FOR EACH SPECIES REPRESENTED ERYTHROCEBUS AG06254 cell Chao Pang AG06253 ORDER: PRIMATES MACACA AG06253 cell Chao Pang AG06263 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG06263 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG06262 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG06262 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG06265 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG06265 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang DA00307 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00307 cell Chao Pang AG06264 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG06264 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang DA00306 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00306 cell Chao Pang DA00305 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00305 cell Chao Pang ND10768 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10768 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00304 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00304 cell Chao Pang ND10769 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10769 cell Chao Pang ND10770 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10770 cell Chao Pang DA00303 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00303 cell Chao Pang ND10771 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10771 cell Chao Pang DA00302 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00302 cell Chao Pang ND10772 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10772 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00301 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00301 cell Chao Pang DA00300 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00300 cell Chao Pang ND10773 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10773 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG06244 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG06244 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang DA00299 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00299 cell Chao Pang DA00297 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00297 cell Chao Pang AG06243 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06243 cell Chao Pang ND10766 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10766 cell Chao Pang ND10767 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10767 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10764 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10764 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10765 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10765 cell Chao Pang DA00247 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00247 cell Chao Pang DA00248 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00248 cell Chao Pang DA00249 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00249 cell Chao Pang DA00250 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00250 cell Chao Pang DA00251 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00251 cell Chao Pang DA00252 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00252 cell Chao Pang DA00253 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00253 cell Chao Pang DA00254 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00254 cell Chao Pang DA00255 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00255 cell Chao Pang DA00256 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00256 cell Chao Pang DA00236 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00236 cell Chao Pang DA00237 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00237 cell Chao Pang DA00238 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00238 cell Chao Pang DA00241 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00241 cell Chao Pang DA00242 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00242 cell Chao Pang DA00239 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00239 cell Chao Pang DA00240 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00240 cell Chao Pang DA00245 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00245 cell Chao Pang DA00246 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00246 cell Chao Pang DA00243 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00243 cell Chao Pang DA00244 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00244 cell Chao Pang DA00268 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00268 cell Chao Pang DA00269 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00269 cell Chao Pang DA00270 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00270 cell Chao Pang DA00271 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00271 cell Chao Pang DA00267 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00267 cell Chao Pang DA00276 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00276 cell Chao Pang DA00272 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00272 cell Chao Pang DA00273 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00273 cell Chao Pang DA00274 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00274 cell Chao Pang DA00275 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00275 cell Chao Pang DA00259 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00259 cell Chao Pang DA00260 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00260 cell Chao Pang DA00257 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00257 cell Chao Pang DA00258 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00258 cell Chao Pang DA00265 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00265 cell Chao Pang DA00266 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00266 cell Chao Pang DA00263 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00263 cell Chao Pang DA00264 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00264 cell Chao Pang DA00261 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00261 cell Chao Pang DA00262 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00262 cell Chao Pang ND10901 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10901 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10899 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND10899 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10898 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10898 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10897 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10897 cell Chao Pang ND10902 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10902 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10892 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND10892 cell Chao Pang ND10896 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10896 cell Chao Pang ND10895 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10895 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10894 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND10894 cell Chao Pang ND10893 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10893 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10882 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10882 cell Chao Pang ND10883 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10883 cell Chao Pang ND10884 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10884 cell Chao Pang ND10885 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10885 cell Chao Pang ND10890 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10890 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10891 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10891 cell Chao Pang ND10886 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10886 cell Chao Pang ND10887 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10887 cell Chao Pang ND10888 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10888 cell Chao Pang ND10889 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ND10889 cell Chao Pang ND10872 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10872 cell Chao Pang ND10873 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10873 cell Chao Pang ND10871 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10871 cell Chao Pang ND10881 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10881 cell Chao Pang ND10879 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10879 cell Chao Pang ND10880 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10880 cell Chao Pang ND10877 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10877 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10878 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10878 cell Chao Pang ND10875 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10875 cell Chao Pang ND10876 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10876 cell Chao Pang ND10858 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10858 cell Chao Pang ND10860 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10860 cell Chao Pang ND10861 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10861 cell Chao Pang ND10862 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10862 cell Chao Pang ND10863 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10863 cell Chao Pang ND10864 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10864 cell Chao Pang ND10866 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10866 cell Chao Pang ND10867 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10867 cell Chao Pang ND10868 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10868 cell Chao Pang ND10869 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10869 cell Chao Pang ND10870 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10870 cell Chao Pang ND10847 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10847 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10844 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10844 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10848 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10848 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10852 SPOUSAL CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10852 cell Chao Pang ND10853 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10853 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10849 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND10849 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10850 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10850 cell Chao Pang ND10856 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10856 cell Chao Pang ND10857 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10857 cell Chao Pang ND10854 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10854 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10855 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10855 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG06879 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06879 cell Chao Pang AG06878 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06878 cell Chao Pang AG06858 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG06858 cell Chao Pang AG06849 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 PRESENILIN 1; PSEN1 AG06849 cell OMIM: 104311 OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG06848 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 PRESENILIN 1; PSEN1 AG06848 cell OMIM: 104311 OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG06847 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG06847 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG06877 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06877 cell Chao Pang AG06872 TRISOMY 21 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME AG06872 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG06869 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG06869 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG06868 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG06868 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG06952 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06952 cell Chao Pang AG06882 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06882 cell Chao Pang AG06881 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06881 cell Chao Pang AG06885 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06885 cell Chao Pang AG06883 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06883 cell Chao Pang AG06917 LAMIN A/C; LMNA HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG06917 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG06886 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06886 cell Chao Pang AG06929 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA AG06929 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang AG06922 TRISOMY 21 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME AG06922 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG06880 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06880 cell Chao Pang DA00216 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00216 cell Chao Pang DA00215 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00215 cell Chao Pang DA00218 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00218 cell Chao Pang DA00217 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00217 cell Chao Pang DA00220 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00220 cell Chao Pang DA00219 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00219 cell Chao Pang DA00222 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00222 cell Chao Pang DA00221 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00221 cell Chao Pang DA00229 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00229 cell Chao Pang DA00228 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00228 cell Chao Pang DA00227 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00227 cell Chao Pang DA00226 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00226 cell Chao Pang DA00235 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00235 cell Chao Pang DA00234 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00234 cell Chao Pang DA00231 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00231 cell Chao Pang DA00230 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00230 cell Chao Pang DA00225 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00225 cell Chao Pang DA00223 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00223 cell Chao Pang DA00224 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00224 cell Chao Pang AG06287 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06287 cell Chao Pang AG06288 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06288 cell Chao Pang AG06284 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06284 cell Chao Pang AG06285 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06285 cell Chao Pang AG06291 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06291 cell Chao Pang AG06292 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06292 cell Chao Pang AG06289 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06289 cell Chao Pang AG06290 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06290 cell Chao Pang AG06294 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06294 cell Chao Pang AG06295 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06295 cell Chao Pang AG06296 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06296 cell Chao Pang AG06297 LAMIN A/C; LMNA HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG06297 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG06299 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG06299 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG06300 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - CHARACTERIZED MUTATIONS WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG06300 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang AG06302 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06302 cell Chao Pang AG06304 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06304 cell Chao Pang AG06305 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06305 cell Chao Pang AG06306 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06306 cell Chao Pang AG06307 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06307 cell Chao Pang AG06308 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06308 cell Chao Pang AG06558 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG06558 cell Chao Pang AG06559 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG06559 cell Chao Pang AG06556 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG06556 cell Chao Pang AG06557 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG06557 cell Chao Pang AG06310 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06310 cell Chao Pang AG06555 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG06555 cell Chao Pang AG06562 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG06562 cell Chao Pang AG06814-J WI-38 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST AG06814-J cell Chao Pang AG06560 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG06560 cell Chao Pang AG06561 APPARENTLY HEALTHY FETAL TISSUE AG06561 cell Chao Pang AG06839 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG06839 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG06840 PRESENILIN 1; PSEN1 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG06840 cell OMIM: 104311 OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG06841 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - CHARACTERIZED MUTATIONS ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 PRESENILIN 1; PSEN1 AG06841 cell OMIM: 104311 OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG06842 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG06842 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG06814-K WI-38 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST AG06814-K cell Chao Pang AG06814-N WI-38 - NORMAL HUMAN FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST AG06814-N cell Chao Pang AG06838 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG06838 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG06843 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG06843 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG06844 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG06844 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG06846 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG06846 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND10970 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10970 cell Chao Pang ND10968 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10968 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10967 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10967 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10975 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10975 cell Chao Pang ND10974 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10974 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10973 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10973 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10971 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10971 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10965 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10965 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10966 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10966 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10962 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10962 cell Chao Pang ND10964 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10964 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG07375 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07375 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07374 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07374 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07311 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07311 cell Chao Pang AG07310 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07310 cell Chao Pang AG07409 TRISOMY 21 AG07409 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG07388 CANIS CANIS AG07388 cell Chao Pang AG07377 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07377 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07376 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG07376 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG07430 CANIS CANIS AG07430 cell Chao Pang AG07429 CANIS CANIS AG07429 cell Chao Pang ND10956 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10956 cell Chao Pang ND10955 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10955 cell Chao Pang ND10958 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10958 cell Chao Pang ND10957 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10957 cell Chao Pang ND10960 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10960 cell Chao Pang ND10959 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10959 cell Chao Pang ND10940 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10940 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10941 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10941 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10952 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10952 cell Chao Pang ND10953 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10953 cell Chao Pang ND10954 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10954 cell Chao Pang AG07167 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY 18 AG07167 cell Chao Pang AG07184 ORDER: RODENTIA CRICETULUS AG07184 cell Chao Pang AG07180 ORDER: RODENTIA CRICETULUS AG07180 cell Chao Pang AG07302 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07302 cell Chao Pang AG07217 WI-38 - SV40 VIRUS-TRANSFORMED FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST AG07217 cell Chao Pang AG07306 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07306 cell Chao Pang AG07303 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07303 cell Chao Pang AG07308 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07308 cell Chao Pang AG07307 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07307 cell Chao Pang AG07309 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07309 cell Chao Pang ND11000 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND11000 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang AG07123 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07123 cell Chao Pang ND11008 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11008 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11007 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11007 cell Chao Pang ND11006 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11006 cell Chao Pang ND11005 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11005 cell Chao Pang ND11004 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11004 cell Chao Pang ND11003 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11003 cell Chao Pang ND11002 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11002 cell Chao Pang ND11001 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND11001 cell Chao Pang DA00411 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00411 cell Chao Pang AG07127 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG07127 cell Chao Pang DA00410 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00410 cell Chao Pang AG07124 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07124 cell Chao Pang DA00413 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00413 cell Chao Pang DA00412 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00412 cell Chao Pang DA00415 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00415 cell Chao Pang DA00414 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00414 cell Chao Pang ND10998 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND10998 cell Chao Pang DA00417 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00417 cell Chao Pang ND10999 AVM-RUPTURED ND10999 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang DA00416 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00416 cell Chao Pang DA00419 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00419 cell Chao Pang AG07144 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07144 cell Chao Pang AG07141 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07141 cell Chao Pang DA00418 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00418 cell Chao Pang AG07140 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07140 cell Chao Pang AG07139 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07139 cell Chao Pang AG07137 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07137 cell Chao Pang AG07136 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07136 cell Chao Pang AG07135 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07135 cell Chao Pang AG07128 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG07128 cell Chao Pang AG07101 MACACA NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: YOUNG AND AGED FOR EACH SPECIES REPRESENTED ORDER: PRIMATES AG07101 cell Chao Pang AG07102 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: YOUNG AND AGED FOR EACH SPECIES REPRESENTED AG07102 cell Chao Pang ND10984 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10984 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10983 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10983 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10997 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND10997 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang ND10985 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10985 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10980 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10980 cell Chao Pang ND10979 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND10979 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10982 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10982 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10981 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10981 cell Chao Pang DA00402 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00402 cell Chao Pang DA00401 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00401 cell Chao Pang AG07107 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG07107 cell Chao Pang DA00400 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00400 cell Chao Pang ND10976 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10976 cell Chao Pang DA00406 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00406 cell Chao Pang ND10977 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10977 cell Chao Pang DA00405 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00405 cell Chao Pang DA00404 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00404 cell Chao Pang ND10978 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10978 cell Chao Pang DA00403 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00403 cell Chao Pang AG07120 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07120 cell Chao Pang AG07119 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07119 cell Chao Pang DA00409 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00409 cell Chao Pang AG07122 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07122 cell Chao Pang DA00408 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00408 cell Chao Pang AG07121 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07121 cell Chao Pang DA00407 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00407 cell Chao Pang AG07109 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: PHYLOGENETIC MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG07109 cell Chao Pang AG07108 MACACA ORDER: PRIMATES AG07108 cell Chao Pang AG07118 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07118 cell Chao Pang AG07110 MACACA NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: YOUNG AND AGED FOR EACH SPECIES REPRESENTED ORDER: PRIMATES AG07110 cell Chao Pang ND10904 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10904 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10905 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10905 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10903 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10903 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang AG07076 COCKAYNE SYNDROME TYPE I - 216400 OR TYPE III - 216411 AG07076 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG07075 EXCISION-REPAIR CROSS-COMPLEMENTING, GROUP 8; ERCC8 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES COCKAYNE SYNDROME, TYPE I; CKN1 AG07075 cell OMIM: 216400 Chao Pang AG07066 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED AG07066 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang AG07091 LAMIN A/C; LMNA MANDIBULOACRAL DYSPLASIA WITH TYPE A LIPODYSTROPHY; MADA NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG07091 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 248370 Chao Pang AG07095 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG07095 cell Chao Pang AG07086 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG07086 cell Chao Pang AG07090 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG07090 cell Chao Pang AG07099 PRIMATE PANEL LEMUR NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: YOUNG AND AGED FOR EACH SPECIES REPRESENTED NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: PHYLOGENETIC ORDER: PRIMATES AG07099 cell Chao Pang DA00396 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00396 cell Chao Pang AG07100 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: YOUNG AND AGED FOR EACH SPECIES REPRESENTED LEMUR ORDER: PRIMATES AG07100 cell Chao Pang DA00397 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00397 cell Chao Pang AG07096 TRISOMY 21 AG07096 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang DA00398 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00398 cell Chao Pang AG07098 MACACA NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - PRIMATE PANEL: YOUNG AND AGED FOR EACH SPECIES REPRESENTED ORDER: PRIMATES AG07098 cell Chao Pang DA00399 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00399 cell Chao Pang DA00392 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00392 cell Chao Pang DA00393 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00393 cell Chao Pang DA00394 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00394 cell Chao Pang DA00395 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00395 cell Chao Pang DA00390 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00390 cell Chao Pang DA00391 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00391 cell Chao Pang AG06953 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06953 cell Chao Pang AG06956 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG06956 cell Chao Pang DA00389 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00389 cell Chao Pang AG06957 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06957 cell Chao Pang DA00387 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00387 cell Chao Pang AG06959 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06959 cell Chao Pang DA00388 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00388 cell Chao Pang AG06961 DIABETES MELLITUS: MATURITY ONSET DIABETES - 222100 OR 125850 AG06961 cell OMIM: 125850 Chao Pang DA00385 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00385 cell Chao Pang AG06962 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG06962 cell Chao Pang DA00386 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00386 cell Chao Pang AG06971 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; XPA AG06971 cell OMIM: 278700 Chao Pang DA00383 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00383 cell Chao Pang DA00384 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00384 cell Chao Pang DA00381 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00381 cell Chao Pang DA00382 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00382 cell Chao Pang DA00380 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00380 cell Chao Pang ND10938 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10938 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10939 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10939 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10936 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10936 cell Chao Pang ND10937 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10937 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10935 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10935 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00374 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00374 cell Chao Pang DA00375 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00375 cell Chao Pang DA00376 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00376 cell Chao Pang DA00377 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00377 cell Chao Pang DA00378 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00378 cell Chao Pang DA00379 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00379 cell Chao Pang ND10934 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10934 cell Chao Pang ND10933 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10933 cell Chao Pang ND10932 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10932 cell Chao Pang DA00370 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00370 cell Chao Pang DA00371 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00371 cell Chao Pang ND10931 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10931 cell Chao Pang DA00372 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00372 cell Chao Pang ND10930 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10930 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10929 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10929 cell Chao Pang DA00373 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00373 cell Chao Pang ND10914 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10914 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10926 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10926 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10927 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10927 cell Chao Pang ND10928 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10928 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00365 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00365 cell Chao Pang DA00366 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00366 cell Chao Pang DA00363 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00363 cell Chao Pang DA00364 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00364 cell Chao Pang DA00369 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00369 cell Chao Pang DA00367 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00367 cell Chao Pang DA00368 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00368 cell Chao Pang ND10912 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10912 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10911 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10911 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10913 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10913 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00361 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00361 cell Chao Pang ND10908 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10908 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00362 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00362 cell Chao Pang ND10906 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10906 cell Chao Pang ND10910 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10910 cell Chao Pang DA00360 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00360 cell Chao Pang ND10909 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10909 cell Chao Pang ND11040 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11040 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11041 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11041 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11042 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11042 cell Chao Pang ND11043 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11043 cell Chao Pang ND11044 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11044 cell Chao Pang ND11045 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11045 cell Chao Pang ND11047 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11047 cell Chao Pang ND11037 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND11037 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11038 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11038 cell Chao Pang ND11039 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11039 cell Chao Pang ND11009 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11009 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11027 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11027 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11030 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11030 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11025 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND11025 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11026 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND11026 cell Chao Pang ND11035 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11035 cell Chao Pang ND11036 UNRELATED CONDITION UPON EXAM AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND11036 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11033 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11033 cell Chao Pang ND11034 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11034 cell Chao Pang ND11010 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND11010 cell Chao Pang ND11011 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND11011 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND11057 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11057 cell Chao Pang ND11058 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11058 cell Chao Pang ND11055 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11055 cell Chao Pang ND11056 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11056 cell Chao Pang ND11053 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11053 cell Chao Pang ND11054 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11054 cell Chao Pang ND11051 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11051 cell Chao Pang ND11052 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11052 cell Chao Pang ND11048 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11048 cell Chao Pang ND11050 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND11050 cell Chao Pang DA00340 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00340 cell Chao Pang DA00342 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00342 cell Chao Pang DA00341 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00341 cell Chao Pang DA00344 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00344 cell Chao Pang DA00343 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00343 cell Chao Pang DA00346 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00346 cell Chao Pang DA00345 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00345 cell Chao Pang DA00348 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00348 cell Chao Pang DA00347 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00347 cell Chao Pang DA00338 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00338 cell Chao Pang DA00339 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00339 cell Chao Pang DA00351 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00351 cell Chao Pang DA00350 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00350 cell Chao Pang DA00355 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00355 cell Chao Pang DA00354 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00354 cell Chao Pang DA00353 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00353 cell Chao Pang DA00352 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00352 cell Chao Pang DA00359 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00359 cell Chao Pang DA00358 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00358 cell Chao Pang DA00357 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00357 cell Chao Pang DA00356 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00356 cell Chao Pang DA00349 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00349 cell Chao Pang DA00322 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00322 cell Chao Pang DA00321 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00321 cell Chao Pang DA00324 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00324 cell Chao Pang DA00323 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00323 cell Chao Pang DA00318 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00318 cell Chao Pang DA00320 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00320 cell Chao Pang DA00319 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00319 cell Chao Pang DA00337 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00337 cell Chao Pang DA00336 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00336 cell Chao Pang DA00334 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00334 cell Chao Pang DA00333 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00333 cell Chao Pang DA00332 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00332 cell Chao Pang DA00331 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00331 cell Chao Pang DA00330 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00330 cell Chao Pang DA00329 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00329 cell Chao Pang DA00328 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00328 cell Chao Pang DA00325 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00325 cell Chao Pang DA00326 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00326 cell Chao Pang AG07573 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07573 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07571 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07571 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07572 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07572 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07569 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07569 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07570 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07570 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07567 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07567 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07568 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07568 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07565 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07565 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07566 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07566 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07564 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07564 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07583 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07583 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07584 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07584 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07579 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07579 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07580 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07580 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07581 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07581 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07582 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07582 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07574 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07574 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07575 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07575 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07576 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07576 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07578 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07578 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07475 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07475 cell Chao Pang AG07476 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07476 cell Chao Pang AG07472 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07472 cell Chao Pang AG07473 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07473 cell Chao Pang AG07477 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07477 cell Chao Pang AG07438 TRISOMY 21 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - DOWN SYNDROME AG07438 cell OMIM: 190685 Chao Pang AG07455 CANIS CANIS AG07455 cell Chao Pang AG07471 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07471 cell Chao Pang AG07443 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC AG07443 cell Chao Pang AG07454 CANIS CANIS AG07454 cell Chao Pang AG07560 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07560 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07561 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07561 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07562 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07562 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07563 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07563 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07478 GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) AG07478 cell Chao Pang AG07479 BALTIMORE LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGING (BLSA) GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER (GRC) CELL CULTURE COLLECTION AG07479 cell Chao Pang AG07493 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG07493 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG07549 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC AG07549 cell Chao Pang AG07558 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07558 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang AG07559 ALZHEIMER DISEASE, FAMILIAL, TYPE 3 AG07559 cell OMIM: 607822 Chao Pang ND09821 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09821 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09822 EPILEPSY ND09822 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09823 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09823 cell Chao Pang ND09824 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09824 cell Chao Pang ND09817 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09817 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09818 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09818 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09819 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09819 cell Chao Pang ND09820 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND09820 cell Chao Pang ND09815 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09815 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09816 PARKINSON'S DISEASE LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09816 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang GM07264 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07264 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07263 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07263 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07265 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07265 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00484 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00484 cell Chao Pang DA00483 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00483 cell Chao Pang DA00482 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00482 cell Chao Pang DA00481 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00481 cell Chao Pang DA00488 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00488 cell Chao Pang DA00487 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00487 cell Chao Pang DA00486 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00486 cell Chao Pang DA00485 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00485 cell Chao Pang DA00490 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00490 cell Chao Pang DA00489 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00489 cell Chao Pang GM07266 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07266 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07267 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07267 cell Chao Pang GM07268 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07268 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07269 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07269 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07270 OSTEOPETROSIS WITH RENAL TUBULAR ACIDOSIS GM07270 cell OMIM: 259730 Chao Pang GM07278 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07278 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07279 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07279 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07280 HYPERLYSINEMIA GM07280 cell OMIM: 238700 Chao Pang GM07255 MUCOLIPIDOSIS IIIA N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM07255 cell OMIM: 252600 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM07254 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM07254 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang DA00491 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00491 cell Chao Pang GM07250 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07250 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07249 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07249 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00493 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00493 cell Chao Pang DA00492 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00492 cell Chao Pang DA00495 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00495 cell Chao Pang DA00494 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00494 cell Chao Pang DA00497 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00497 cell Chao Pang DA00496 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00496 cell Chao Pang DA00499 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00499 cell Chao Pang DA00498 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00498 cell Chao Pang DA00500 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00500 cell Chao Pang GM07257 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07257 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07258 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07258 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07256 MUCOLIPIDOSIS IIIA N-ACETYLGLUCOSAMINE-1-PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE, ALPHA/BETA SUBUNITS; GNPTAB GM07256 cell OMIM: 252600 OMIM: 607840 Chao Pang GM07261 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07261 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07262 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07262 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07259 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07259 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07260 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07260 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00506 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00506 cell Chao Pang GM07242 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07242 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00505 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00505 cell Chao Pang DA00504 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00504 cell Chao Pang DA00503 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00503 cell Chao Pang DA00502 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00502 cell Chao Pang GM07239 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07239 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00501 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00501 cell Chao Pang GM07236 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM07236 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM07241 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07241 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07240 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07240 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00510 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00510 cell Chao Pang DA00509 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00509 cell Chao Pang DA00508 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00508 cell Chao Pang DA00507 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00507 cell Chao Pang GM07245 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07245 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07246 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07246 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07247 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07247 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07248 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07248 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07243 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07243 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07244 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07244 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00515 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00515 cell Chao Pang DA00514 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00514 cell Chao Pang DA00517 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00517 cell Chao Pang GM07228 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07228 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07227 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07227 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang DA00516 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00516 cell Chao Pang GM07226 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07226 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang DA00511 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00511 cell Chao Pang GM07225 CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07225 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang GM07224 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF GM07224 cell OMIM: 219700 Chao Pang DA00513 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00513 cell Chao Pang GM07223 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07223 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang DA00512 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00512 cell Chao Pang DA00519 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00519 cell Chao Pang DA00518 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00518 cell Chao Pang DA00520 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00520 cell Chao Pang GM07234 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM07234 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM07235 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM07235 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM07232 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM07232 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM07233 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM07233 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM07231 RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - 180100, 268000, OR 312600 GM07231 cell OMIM: 180100 Chao Pang GM07317 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07317 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07329 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07329 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07328 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07328 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07331 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07331 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07330 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07330 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07324 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07324 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07323 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07323 cell Chao Pang GM07326 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07326 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07325 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07325 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07321 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07321 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07320 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07320 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07290 ADENINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE; APRT 2,8-@DIHYDROXYADENINE UROLITHIASIS, INCLUDED GM07290 cell OMIM: 102600 Chao Pang GM07291 ADENINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE; APRT 2,8-@DIHYDROXYADENINE UROLITHIASIS, INCLUDED GM07291 cell OMIM: 102600 Chao Pang GM07316 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07316 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07312 CHROMOSOME DELETION RETINOBLASTOMA, SPORADIC GM07312 cell Chao Pang GM07301 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM07301 cell Chao Pang GM07300 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM07300 cell Chao Pang GM07299 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM07299 cell Chao Pang GM07298 CHROMOSOME X REGIONAL MAPPING PANEL SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM07298 cell Chao Pang GM07297 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/CHINESE HAMSTER SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM07297 cell Chao Pang GM07294 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07294 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07292 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07292 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang DA00428 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00428 cell Chao Pang DA00429 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00429 cell Chao Pang DA00426 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00426 cell Chao Pang DA00427 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00427 cell Chao Pang DA00432 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00432 cell Chao Pang DA00431 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00431 cell Chao Pang DA00430 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00430 cell Chao Pang DA00436 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00436 cell Chao Pang DA00435 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00435 cell Chao Pang DA00434 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00434 cell Chao Pang DA00433 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00433 cell Chao Pang ND09989 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09989 cell Chao Pang ND09988 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09988 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09987 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09987 cell Chao Pang ND09986 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09986 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09985 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09985 cell Chao Pang ND09984 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09984 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09983 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09983 cell Chao Pang ND09976 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09976 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09977 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09977 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00421 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00421 cell Chao Pang ND09967 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09967 cell Chao Pang DA00420 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00420 cell Chao Pang DA00423 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00423 cell Chao Pang DA00422 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00422 cell Chao Pang DA00425 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00425 cell Chao Pang DA00424 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00424 cell Chao Pang DA00449 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00449 cell Chao Pang DA00448 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00448 cell Chao Pang DA00457 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00457 cell Chao Pang DA00458 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00458 cell Chao Pang DA00455 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00455 cell Chao Pang DA00456 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00456 cell Chao Pang DA00453 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00453 cell Chao Pang DA00454 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00454 cell Chao Pang DA00451 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00451 cell Chao Pang DA00452 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00452 cell Chao Pang DA00450 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00450 cell Chao Pang DA00438 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00438 cell Chao Pang DA00437 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00437 cell Chao Pang DA00439 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00439 cell Chao Pang DA00444 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00444 cell Chao Pang DA00445 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00445 cell Chao Pang DA00446 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00446 cell Chao Pang DA00447 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00447 cell Chao Pang DA00440 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00440 cell Chao Pang DA00441 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00441 cell Chao Pang DA00442 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00442 cell Chao Pang DA00443 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00443 cell Chao Pang DA00476 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00476 cell Chao Pang DA00477 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00477 cell Chao Pang DA00474 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00474 cell Chao Pang DA00475 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00475 cell Chao Pang DA00480 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00480 cell Chao Pang DA00478 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00478 cell Chao Pang DA00479 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00479 cell Chao Pang DA00472 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00472 cell Chao Pang DA00473 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00473 cell Chao Pang DA00471 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00471 cell Chao Pang DA00459 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00459 cell Chao Pang DA00462 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00462 cell Chao Pang DA00463 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00463 cell Chao Pang DA00464 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00464 cell Chao Pang DA00465 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00465 cell Chao Pang DA00466 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00466 cell Chao Pang DA00467 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00467 cell Chao Pang DA00468 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00468 cell Chao Pang DA00470 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00470 cell Chao Pang DA00460 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00460 cell Chao Pang DA00461 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00461 cell Chao Pang ND09881 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09881 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09880 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09880 cell Chao Pang ND09885 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09885 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09884 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09884 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09883 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09883 cell Chao Pang ND09882 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09882 cell Chao Pang ND09890 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09890 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09889 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09889 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09888 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09888 cell Chao Pang ND09887 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09887 cell Chao Pang ND09870 EPILEPSY ND09870 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09872 EPILEPSY ND09872 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09871 EPILEPSY ND09871 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09874 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09874 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09873 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09873 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09876 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND09876 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09875 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09875 cell Chao Pang ND09878 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09878 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09877 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09877 cell Chao Pang ND09879 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND09879 cell Chao Pang ND09846 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND09846 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09845 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09845 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09844 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09844 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09843 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09843 cell Chao Pang ND09861 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09861 cell Chao Pang ND09860 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND09860 cell Chao Pang ND09859 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09859 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09858 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09858 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09857 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09857 cell Chao Pang ND09856 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND09856 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND09825 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09825 cell Chao Pang ND09828 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09828 cell Chao Pang ND09827 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09827 cell Chao Pang ND09834 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09834 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09833 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09833 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09842 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09842 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09830 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09830 cell Chao Pang ND09829 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09829 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09832 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09832 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09831 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09831 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09958 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09958 cell Chao Pang ND09957 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09957 cell Chao Pang ND09961 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09961 cell Chao Pang ND09962 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09962 cell Chao Pang ND09959 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09959 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09960 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09960 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09965 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09965 cell Chao Pang ND09966 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09966 cell Chao Pang ND09963 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09963 cell Chao Pang ND09964 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09964 cell Chao Pang ND09945 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09945 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09956 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09956 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09947 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09947 cell Chao Pang ND09949 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09949 cell Chao Pang ND09950 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09950 cell Chao Pang ND09951 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09951 cell Chao Pang ND09952 NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09952 cell Chao Pang ND09953 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND09953 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09954 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09954 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09955 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND09955 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09943 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09943 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09944 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09944 cell Chao Pang ND09941 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09941 cell Chao Pang ND09942 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09942 cell Chao Pang ND09938 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND09938 cell Chao Pang ND09939 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09939 cell Chao Pang ND09914 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09914 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09915 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND09915 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09911 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND09911 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09912 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09912 cell Chao Pang ND09907 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09907 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09908 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09908 cell Chao Pang ND09909 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09909 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09894 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09894 cell Chao Pang ND09895 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09895 cell Chao Pang ND09896 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09896 cell Chao Pang ND09906 EPILEPSY ND09906 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND09891 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09891 cell Chao Pang ND09892 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09892 cell Chao Pang ND09893 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND09893 cell Chao Pang ND09990 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09990 cell Chao Pang ND09991 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09991 cell Chao Pang ND09992 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09992 cell Chao Pang ND09993 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09993 cell Chao Pang ND09994 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09994 cell Chao Pang ND09995 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09995 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09996 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND09996 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09997 ASYMPTOMATIC AND GENETICALLY RELATED TO AN AFFECTED INDIVIDUAL ND09997 cell Chao Pang ND09998 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09998 cell Chao Pang ND10000 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10000 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10001 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ND10001 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10012 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10012 cell Chao Pang ND10014 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10014 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10010 EPILEPSY ND10010 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND10011 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10011 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10008 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10008 cell Chao Pang ND10009 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10009 cell Chao Pang ND10002 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10002 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10003 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10003 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND09999 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND09999 cell Chao Pang ND10015 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10015 cell Chao Pang ND10016 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10016 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10017 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10017 cell Chao Pang ND10023 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10023 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10030 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10030 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10031 EPILEPSY ND10031 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND10019 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10019 cell Chao Pang ND10020 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10020 cell Chao Pang ND10021 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10021 cell Chao Pang ND10022 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10022 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA00613 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00613 cell Chao Pang DA00612 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00612 cell Chao Pang DA00611 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00611 cell Chao Pang DA00610 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00610 cell Chao Pang DA00614 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00614 cell Chao Pang DA00605 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00605 cell Chao Pang DA00609 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00609 cell Chao Pang DA00608 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00608 cell Chao Pang DA00607 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00607 cell Chao Pang DA00606 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00606 cell Chao Pang DA00622 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00622 cell Chao Pang DA00621 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00621 cell Chao Pang DA00624 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00624 cell Chao Pang DA00623 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00623 cell Chao Pang DA00616 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00616 cell Chao Pang DA00615 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00615 cell Chao Pang DA00618 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00618 cell Chao Pang DA00617 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00617 cell Chao Pang DA00620 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00620 cell Chao Pang DA00619 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00619 cell Chao Pang DA00550 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00550 cell Chao Pang DA00548 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00548 cell Chao Pang DA00549 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00549 cell Chao Pang DA00554 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00554 cell Chao Pang DA00553 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00553 cell Chao Pang DA00552 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00552 cell Chao Pang DA00551 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00551 cell Chao Pang DA00560 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00560 cell Chao Pang DA00559 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00559 cell Chao Pang DA00558 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00558 cell Chao Pang DA00557 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00557 cell Chao Pang DA00537 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00537 cell Chao Pang DA00538 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00538 cell Chao Pang DA00539 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00539 cell Chao Pang DA00540 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00540 cell Chao Pang DA00541 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00541 cell Chao Pang DA00543 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00543 cell Chao Pang DA00542 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00542 cell Chao Pang DA00545 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00545 cell Chao Pang DA00544 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00544 cell Chao Pang DA00547 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00547 cell Chao Pang DA00546 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00546 cell Chao Pang DA00530 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00530 cell Chao Pang DA00528 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00528 cell Chao Pang DA00529 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00529 cell Chao Pang DA00526 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00526 cell Chao Pang DA00527 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00527 cell Chao Pang DA00536 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00536 cell Chao Pang DA00535 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00535 cell Chao Pang DA00534 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00534 cell Chao Pang DA00533 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00533 cell Chao Pang DA00532 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00532 cell Chao Pang DA00531 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00531 cell Chao Pang DA00523 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00523 cell Chao Pang DA00522 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00522 cell Chao Pang DA00525 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00525 cell Chao Pang DA00524 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00524 cell Chao Pang DA00521 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00521 cell Chao Pang DA00597 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00597 cell Chao Pang DA00598 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00598 cell Chao Pang DA00595 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00595 cell Chao Pang DA00596 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00596 cell Chao Pang DA00601 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00601 cell Chao Pang DA00602 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00602 cell Chao Pang DA00599 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00599 cell Chao Pang DA00600 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00600 cell Chao Pang DA00603 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00603 cell Chao Pang DA00604 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00604 cell Chao Pang DA00583 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00583 cell Chao Pang DA00584 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00584 cell Chao Pang DA00585 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00585 cell Chao Pang DA00586 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00586 cell Chao Pang DA00588 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00588 cell Chao Pang DA00589 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00589 cell Chao Pang DA00590 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00590 cell Chao Pang DA00591 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00591 cell Chao Pang DA00592 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00592 cell Chao Pang DA00593 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00593 cell Chao Pang DA00572 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00572 cell Chao Pang DA00573 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00573 cell Chao Pang DA00574 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00574 cell Chao Pang DA00581 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00581 cell Chao Pang DA00582 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00582 cell Chao Pang DA00579 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00579 cell Chao Pang DA00580 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00580 cell Chao Pang DA00577 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00577 cell Chao Pang DA00578 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00578 cell Chao Pang DA00575 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00575 cell Chao Pang DA00576 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00576 cell Chao Pang DA00562 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00562 cell Chao Pang DA00561 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00561 cell Chao Pang DA00563 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00563 cell Chao Pang DA00568 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00568 cell Chao Pang DA00569 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00569 cell Chao Pang DA00570 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00570 cell Chao Pang DA00571 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00571 cell Chao Pang DA00564 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00564 cell Chao Pang DA00565 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00565 cell Chao Pang DA00566 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00566 cell Chao Pang DA00567 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00567 cell Chao Pang ND10079 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10079 cell Chao Pang ND10078 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10078 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10077 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10077 cell Chao Pang ND10076 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10076 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10069 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10069 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10068 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10068 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10067 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10067 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10066 OTHER VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS ND10066 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND10065 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND10065 cell Chao Pang ND10064 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND10064 cell Chao Pang ND10059 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10059 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10058 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10058 cell Chao Pang ND10041 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10041 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10040 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10040 cell Chao Pang ND10057 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10057 cell Chao Pang ND10042 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10042 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10034 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND10034 cell Chao Pang ND10032 AVM-RUPTURED ND10032 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND10039 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10039 cell Chao Pang ND10035 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10035 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10107 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10107 cell Chao Pang ND10106 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10106 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10105 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS ND10105 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10100 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10100 cell Chao Pang ND10099 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10099 cell Chao Pang ND10098 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10098 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10104 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10104 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10103 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10103 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10102 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10102 cell Chao Pang ND10101 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10101 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10094 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10094 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10093 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10093 cell Chao Pang ND10096 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10096 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10095 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10095 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10081 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10081 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10080 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10080 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10089 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10089 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10082 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10082 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10091 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10091 cell Chao Pang ND10090 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10090 cell Chao Pang ND10126 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10126 cell Chao Pang ND10144 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10144 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10145 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10145 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10141 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10141 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10143 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10143 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10137 EPILEPSY ND10137 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND10138 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10138 cell Chao Pang ND10127 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10127 cell Chao Pang ND10128 SPOUSAL CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND10128 cell Chao Pang ND10146 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10146 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10120 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10120 cell Chao Pang ND10121 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10121 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10122 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10122 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10123 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10123 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10116 LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S DNA PANEL, AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10116 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10117 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10117 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10118 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10118 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10119 SPOUSAL CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10119 cell Chao Pang ND10124 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10124 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10125 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10125 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10155 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10155 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10147 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10147 cell Chao Pang ND10156 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10156 cell Chao Pang ND10157 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10157 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10158 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10158 cell Chao Pang ND10159 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10159 cell Chao Pang ND10160 EPILEPSY ND10160 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND10161 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10161 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10162 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND10162 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND10163 AVM-RUPTURED ND10163 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang DA05755 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05755 cell Chao Pang DA05756 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05756 cell Chao Pang DA05757 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05757 cell Chao Pang ND10245 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10245 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10243 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10243 cell Chao Pang ND10244 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10244 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10241 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10241 cell Chao Pang ND10242 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10242 cell Chao Pang ND10236 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10236 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10240 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10240 cell Chao Pang ND10233 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10233 cell Chao Pang DA05749 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05749 cell Chao Pang ND10234 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10234 cell Chao Pang DA05748 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05748 cell Chao Pang DA05754 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05754 cell Chao Pang ND10232 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10232 cell Chao Pang DA05753 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05753 cell Chao Pang DA05745 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05745 cell Chao Pang DA05747 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05747 cell Chao Pang DA05746 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05746 cell Chao Pang DA05766 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05766 cell Chao Pang DA05767 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05767 cell Chao Pang ND10254 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10254 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10255 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10255 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10250 AVM-RUPTURED ND10250 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND10251 ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULAS ND10251 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND10252 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10252 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10253 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10253 cell Chao Pang ND10246 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10246 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA05765 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05765 cell Chao Pang ND10247 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10247 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA05764 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05764 cell Chao Pang DA05763 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05763 cell Chao Pang ND10248 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10248 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10249 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10249 cell Chao Pang DA05762 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05762 cell Chao Pang DA05761 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05761 cell Chao Pang DA05760 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05760 cell Chao Pang DA05759 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05759 cell Chao Pang DA05758 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05758 cell Chao Pang DA05777 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05777 cell Chao Pang ND10189 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10189 cell Chao Pang ND10187 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10187 cell Chao Pang ND10202 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND10202 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND10203 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND10203 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang ND10200 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND10200 cell Chao Pang ND10201 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND10201 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang ND10207 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10207 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10209 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10209 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA05768 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05768 cell Chao Pang ND10205 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10205 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10206 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10206 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA05770 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05770 cell Chao Pang DA05769 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05769 cell Chao Pang DA05772 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05772 cell Chao Pang DA05771 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05771 cell Chao Pang DA05774 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05774 cell Chao Pang DA05773 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05773 cell Chao Pang ND10199 EPILEPSY ND10199 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang DA05776 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05776 cell Chao Pang DA05775 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05775 cell Chao Pang ND10220 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10220 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10223 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10223 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10224 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10224 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10225 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10225 cell Chao Pang ND10226 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10226 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA05779 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05779 cell Chao Pang ND10227 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10227 cell Chao Pang DA05778 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05778 cell Chao Pang ND10229 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10229 cell Chao Pang ND10230 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10230 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10231 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10231 cell Chao Pang DA05783 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05783 cell Chao Pang DA05782 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05782 cell Chao Pang DA05781 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05781 cell Chao Pang DA05780 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05780 cell Chao Pang DA05789 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05789 cell Chao Pang DA05788 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05788 cell Chao Pang DA05785 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05785 cell Chao Pang ND10221 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10221 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10222 PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY ND10222 cell Chao Pang DA05784 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05784 cell Chao Pang DA05707 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05707 cell Chao Pang DA05706 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05706 cell Chao Pang DA05708 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05708 cell Chao Pang DA05703 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05703 cell Chao Pang DA05702 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05702 cell Chao Pang DA05705 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05705 cell Chao Pang DA05704 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05704 cell Chao Pang DA05699 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05699 cell Chao Pang DA05700 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05700 cell Chao Pang DA05701 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05701 cell Chao Pang DA05722 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05722 cell Chao Pang DA05721 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05721 cell Chao Pang DA05720 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05720 cell Chao Pang DA05719 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05719 cell Chao Pang DA05718 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05718 cell Chao Pang DA05717 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05717 cell Chao Pang DA05711 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05711 cell Chao Pang DA05716 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05716 cell Chao Pang DA05709 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05709 cell Chao Pang DA05710 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05710 cell Chao Pang ND10180 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10180 cell Chao Pang ND10179 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10179 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10182 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10182 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10181 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10181 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10165 INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM - UNRUPTURED ND10165 cell OMIM: 105800 Chao Pang ND10164 AVM-RUPTURED ND10164 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND10167 ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULAS ND10167 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND10166 AVM-RUPTURED ND10166 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang DA05730 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05730 cell Chao Pang DA05729 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05729 cell Chao Pang DA05732 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05732 cell Chao Pang DA05731 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05731 cell Chao Pang DA05733 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05733 cell Chao Pang GM06982 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM06982 cell Chao Pang GM06983 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM06983 cell Chao Pang GM06980 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13291 GM06980 cell Chao Pang DA05723 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05723 cell Chao Pang GM06981 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13291 GM06981 cell Chao Pang DA05724 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05724 cell Chao Pang DA05725 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05725 cell Chao Pang DA05726 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05726 cell Chao Pang DA05727 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05727 cell Chao Pang GM06988 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM06988 cell Chao Pang GM06989 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1328 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM06989 cell Chao Pang GM06986 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13291 GM06986 cell Chao Pang GM06987 SNP500 PANEL CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM06987 cell Chao Pang GM06984 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1328 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM06984 cell Chao Pang GM06985 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM06985 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA05744 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05744 cell Chao Pang DA05743 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05743 cell Chao Pang DA05742 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05742 cell Chao Pang DA05741 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05741 cell Chao Pang DA05735 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05735 cell Chao Pang GM06964 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM06964 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang DA05736 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05736 cell Chao Pang GM06965 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM06965 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM06966 CYSTIC FIBROSIS; CF CYSTIC FIBROSIS TRANSMEMBRANE CONDUCTANCE REGULATOR; CFTR GM06966 cell OMIM: 219700 OMIM: 602421 Chao Pang DA05739 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05739 cell Chao Pang DA05740 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05740 cell Chao Pang DA05737 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05737 cell Chao Pang DA05738 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05738 cell Chao Pang GM06974 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06974 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06978 HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA, TYPE I GM06978 cell OMIM: 238600 Chao Pang GM06979 TETRAPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER GM06979 cell Chao Pang GM06967 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM06967 cell Chao Pang GM06968 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06968 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06972 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06972 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06973 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06973 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06938 CHROMOSOME DELETION WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 GM06938 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang GM06937 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM06937 cell Chao Pang GM06943 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06943 cell Chao Pang GM06940 CHOROIDEREMIA; CHM GM06940 cell OMIM: 303100 Chao Pang GM06945 LIPASE DEFICIENCY, COMBINED GM06945 cell OMIM: 246650 Chao Pang GM06944 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06944 cell Chao Pang GM06960 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM06960 cell Chao Pang GM06946 LIPASE DEFICIENCY, COMBINED GM06946 cell OMIM: 246650 Chao Pang GM06936 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM06936 cell Chao Pang GM06935 FANCONI ANEMIA COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED GM06935 cell Chao Pang GM06934 SUN SENSITIVE HIGH CANCER SYNDROME GM06934 cell Chao Pang GM06921 MELANOMA, CUTANEOUS MALIGNANT, 2; CMM2 CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASE INHIBITOR 2A; CDKN2A GM06921 cell OMIM: 155601 OMIM: 600160 Chao Pang GM06918 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM06918 cell Chao Pang GM06914 FANCONI ANEMIA, COMPLEMENTATION GROUP A; FANCA GM06914 cell OMIM: 607139 Chao Pang GM06913 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06913 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06927 SPINOCEREBELLAR ATAXIA 1; SCA1 GM06927 cell OMIM: 164400 Chao Pang GM06926 SPINOCEREBELLAR ATAXIA 1; SCA1 ATAXIN 1; ATX1 GM06926 cell OMIM: 164400 OMIM: 601556 Chao Pang GM06924 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06924 cell Chao Pang GM06923 MYELOMA, MULTIPLE AMYLOIDOSIS, PRIMARY, INCLUDED; AL, INCLUDED GM06923 cell OMIM: 254500 Chao Pang GM06912 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06912 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06910 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06910 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06911 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06911 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06905 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06905 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06904 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06904 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06907 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06907 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06906 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06906 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06897 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06897 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06896 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06896 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06903 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06903 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06902 ORNITHINE TRANSCARBAMYLASE DEFICIENCY, HYPERAMMONEMIA DUE TO; OTC GM06902 cell OMIM: 311250 Chao Pang GM06893 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06893 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06894 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06894 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06895 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM06895 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06892 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06892 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06891 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06891 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06890 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06890 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06889 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06889 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06888 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM06888 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM06876 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM06876 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM06875 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS GM06875 cell Chao Pang DA05689 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05689 cell Chao Pang DA05688 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05688 cell Chao Pang DA05690 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05690 cell Chao Pang DA05691 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05691 cell Chao Pang DA05692 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05692 cell Chao Pang DA05693 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05693 cell Chao Pang DA05695 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05695 cell Chao Pang DA05696 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05696 cell Chao Pang DA05697 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05697 cell Chao Pang DA05698 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05698 cell Chao Pang GM06871 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM06871 cell Chao Pang GM06873 ISOCHROMOSOME GM06873 cell Chao Pang GM06867 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM06867 cell Chao Pang GM06870 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - NON-TRISOMIC GM06870 cell Chao Pang GM06859 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM06859 cell Chao Pang GM06861 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM06861 cell Chao Pang GM06862 APPARENTLY HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS WITH NORMAL PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE GM06862 cell Chao Pang GM06863 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06863 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06864 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06864 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06865 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06865 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06832 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM06832 cell Chao Pang GM06830 ANIRIDIA: TYPES 1 OR 2 - 106200 OR 106210 GM06830 cell OMIM: 106200 Chao Pang GM06853 ADDITIONAL HUMAN/RAT SOMATIC CELL HYBRIDS GM06853 cell Chao Pang GM06852 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM06852 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM06855 ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS OF THE COLON; APC (GARDNER SYNDROME INCLUDED) GM06855 cell OMIM: 175100 Chao Pang GM06824 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM06824 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM06827 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM06827 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM06828 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM06828 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM06825 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM06825 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM06826 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM06826 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM06821 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM06821 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM06820 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM06820 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM06819 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM06819 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM06818 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM06818 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM06823 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM06823 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM06822 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM06822 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM06812 ECTOPIA LENTIS, ISOLATED GM06812 cell OMIM: 129600 Chao Pang GM06813 MYOTUBULAR MYOPATHY 1; MTM1 GM06813 cell OMIM: 310400 Chao Pang GM06816 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM06816 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM06817 HLA HISTOCOMPATIBILITY TYPE: 142800 THROUGH 142860 & 142880 GM06817 cell OMIM: 142800 Chao Pang GM06809 KRABBE DISEASE GM06809 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM06808 KRABBE DISEASE GM06808 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM06810 KRABBE DISEASE GM06810 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM06805 KRABBE DISEASE GM06805 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM06804 HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM06804 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM06807 KRABBE DISEASE GM06807 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM06806 KRABBE DISEASE GM06806 cell OMIM: 245200 Chao Pang GM06802 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM06802 cell Chao Pang GM06803 WILMS TUMOR 1; WT1 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM06803 cell OMIM: 194070 Chao Pang GM06799 ISOCHROMOSOME GM06799 cell Chao Pang DA00706 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00706 cell Chao Pang DA00704 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00704 cell Chao Pang DA00705 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00705 cell Chao Pang DA00702 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00702 cell Chao Pang DA00703 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00703 cell Chao Pang DA00700 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00700 cell Chao Pang DA00701 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00701 cell Chao Pang DA00698 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00698 cell Chao Pang DA00699 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00699 cell Chao Pang DA00697 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00697 cell Chao Pang GM06991 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM06991 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM06990 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 SNP500 PANEL CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 8 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 GM06990 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang DA00693 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00693 cell Chao Pang DA00694 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00694 cell Chao Pang DA00695 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00695 cell Chao Pang DA00696 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00696 cell Chao Pang DA00689 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00689 cell Chao Pang DA00690 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00690 cell Chao Pang DA00691 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00691 cell Chao Pang DA00692 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00692 cell Chao Pang GM06998 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13292 GM06998 cell Chao Pang GM06999 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM06999 cell Chao Pang GM06996 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13294 GM06996 cell Chao Pang DA00687 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00687 cell Chao Pang GM06997 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13291 GM06997 cell Chao Pang DA00688 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00688 cell Chao Pang GM06994 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1340 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM06994 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM06995 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13291 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM06995 cell Chao Pang GM06992 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM06992 cell Chao Pang GM06993 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM06993 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM07002 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM07002 cell Chao Pang GM07001 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13292 GM07001 cell Chao Pang GM07000 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1340 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM07000 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang DA00686 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00686 cell Chao Pang DA00725 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00725 cell Chao Pang DA00726 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00726 cell Chao Pang DA00723 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00723 cell Chao Pang DA00724 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00724 cell Chao Pang DA00727 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00727 cell Chao Pang DA00717 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00717 cell Chao Pang DA00721 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00721 cell Chao Pang DA00722 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00722 cell Chao Pang DA00718 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00718 cell Chao Pang DA00720 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00720 cell Chao Pang DA00711 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00711 cell Chao Pang DA00712 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00712 cell Chao Pang DA00713 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00713 cell Chao Pang DA00714 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00714 cell Chao Pang DA00715 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00715 cell Chao Pang DA00716 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00716 cell Chao Pang DA00707 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00707 cell Chao Pang DA00708 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00708 cell Chao Pang DA00709 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00709 cell Chao Pang DA00710 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00710 cell Chao Pang DA00663 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00663 cell Chao Pang DA00662 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00662 cell Chao Pang DA00661 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00661 cell Chao Pang DA00660 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00660 cell Chao Pang DA00659 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00659 cell Chao Pang DA00658 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00658 cell Chao Pang DA00657 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00657 cell Chao Pang DA00655 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00655 cell Chao Pang DA00656 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00656 cell Chao Pang DA00653 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00653 cell Chao Pang DA00654 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00654 cell Chao Pang DA00649 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00649 cell Chao Pang DA00648 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00648 cell Chao Pang DA00652 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00652 cell Chao Pang DA00650 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00650 cell Chao Pang DA00647 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00647 cell Chao Pang DA00646 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00646 cell Chao Pang DA00645 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00645 cell Chao Pang DA00641 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00641 cell Chao Pang DA00642 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00642 cell Chao Pang DA00643 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00643 cell Chao Pang DA00644 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00644 cell Chao Pang DA00677 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00677 cell Chao Pang DA00681 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00681 cell Chao Pang DA00680 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00680 cell Chao Pang DA00679 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00679 cell Chao Pang DA00678 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00678 cell Chao Pang DA00685 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00685 cell Chao Pang DA00684 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00684 cell Chao Pang DA00683 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00683 cell Chao Pang DA00682 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00682 cell Chao Pang DA00675 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00675 cell Chao Pang DA00676 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00676 cell Chao Pang DA00668 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00668 cell Chao Pang DA00667 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00667 cell Chao Pang DA00670 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00670 cell Chao Pang DA00669 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00669 cell Chao Pang DA00672 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00672 cell Chao Pang DA00671 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00671 cell Chao Pang DA00674 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00674 cell Chao Pang DA00673 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00673 cell Chao Pang DA00664 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00664 cell Chao Pang DA00665 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00665 cell Chao Pang DA00666 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00666 cell Chao Pang DA00631 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00631 cell Chao Pang DA00630 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00630 cell Chao Pang DA00633 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00633 cell Chao Pang DA00632 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00632 cell Chao Pang DA00635 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00635 cell Chao Pang DA00634 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00634 cell Chao Pang DA00636 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00636 cell Chao Pang DA00637 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00637 cell Chao Pang DA00638 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00638 cell Chao Pang DA00639 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00639 cell Chao Pang DA00640 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00640 cell Chao Pang ND10324 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10324 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10313 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10313 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10314 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10314 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10322 PARKINSON'S DISEASE ND10322 cell OMIM: 168600 Chao Pang ND10323 EPILEPSY ND10323 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND10306 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10306 cell Chao Pang ND10307 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10307 cell Chao Pang ND10311 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10311 cell Chao Pang ND10312 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10312 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10305 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10305 cell Chao Pang DA00628 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00628 cell Chao Pang DA00629 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00629 cell Chao Pang DA00626 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00626 cell Chao Pang DA00627 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA00627 cell Chao Pang ND10298 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10298 cell Chao Pang ND10297 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10297 cell Chao Pang ND10296 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10296 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10295 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10295 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10302 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10302 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10301 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10301 cell Chao Pang ND10300 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10300 cell Chao Pang ND10299 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10299 cell Chao Pang ND10304 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10304 cell Chao Pang ND10303 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10303 cell Chao Pang ND10280 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10280 cell Chao Pang DA05795 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05795 cell Chao Pang DA05798 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05798 cell Chao Pang DA05793 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05793 cell Chao Pang ND10282 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10282 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10281 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10281 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA05794 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05794 cell Chao Pang DA05801 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05801 cell Chao Pang ND10284 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10284 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10283 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10283 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10291 AVM-UNRUPTURED ND10291 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang DA05799 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05799 cell Chao Pang DA05800 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05800 cell Chao Pang ND10290 AVM-RUPTURED ND10290 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND10293 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10293 cell Chao Pang ND10292 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10292 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10294 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10294 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang DA05791 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05791 cell Chao Pang DA05792 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05792 cell Chao Pang DA05790 DIABETES MELLITUS FAMILY SAMPLE DA05790 cell Chao Pang ND10275 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10275 cell Chao Pang ND10274 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10274 cell Chao Pang ND10273 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10273 cell Chao Pang ND10272 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10272 cell Chao Pang ND10271 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10271 cell Chao Pang ND10269 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10269 cell Chao Pang ND10279 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10279 cell Chao Pang ND10278 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10278 cell Chao Pang ND10277 DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10277 cell Chao Pang ND10276 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10276 cell Chao Pang ND10258 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10258 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10257 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10257 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10261 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10261 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10259 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10259 cell Chao Pang ND10256 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10256 cell Chao Pang ND10268 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10268 cell Chao Pang ND10265 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10265 cell Chao Pang ND10264 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10264 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10267 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10267 cell Chao Pang ND10266 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10266 cell Chao Pang ND10365 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10365 cell Chao Pang ND10366 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10366 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10375 EPILEPSY ND10375 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND10378 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10378 cell Chao Pang ND10379 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10379 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10376 AVM-RUPTURED ND10376 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND10377 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10377 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10383 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10383 cell Chao Pang ND10389 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10389 cell Chao Pang ND10380 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10380 cell Chao Pang ND10381 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10381 cell Chao Pang ND10390 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10390 cell Chao Pang ND10391 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10391 cell Chao Pang ND10392 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10392 cell Chao Pang ND10393 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10393 cell Chao Pang ND10394 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10394 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10395 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10395 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10396 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10396 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10397 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10397 cell Chao Pang ND10398 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10398 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10402 EPILEPSY ND10402 cell OMIM: 600669 Chao Pang ND10406 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10406 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10408 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10408 cell Chao Pang ND10403 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10403 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10405 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10405 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10413 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10413 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10417 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10417 cell Chao Pang ND10411 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10411 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10412 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10412 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10409 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10409 cell Chao Pang ND10410 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10410 cell Chao Pang ND10419 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10419 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10420 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10420 cell Chao Pang ND10421 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10421 cell Chao Pang ND10422 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10422 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10418 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10418 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10427 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL DNA CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10427 cell Chao Pang ND10423 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10423 cell Chao Pang ND10424 ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10424 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10425 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10425 cell Chao Pang ND10426 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10426 cell Chao Pang ND10325 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10325 cell Chao Pang ND10327 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10327 cell Chao Pang ND10326 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10326 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10329 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10329 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10328 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10328 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10331 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND10331 cell Chao Pang ND10330 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10330 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10334 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10334 cell Chao Pang ND10332 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10332 cell Chao Pang ND10333 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10333 cell Chao Pang ND10345 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10345 cell Chao Pang ND10344 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10344 cell Chao Pang ND10343 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10343 cell Chao Pang ND10342 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10342 cell Chao Pang ND10341 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10341 cell Chao Pang ND10337 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10337 cell Chao Pang ND10336 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10336 cell Chao Pang ND10335 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; UPPER-LIMB ONSET; PROBABLE AND POSSIBLE ALS ND10335 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10346 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10346 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10348 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND10348 cell Chao Pang ND10362 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10362 cell Chao Pang ND10361 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10361 cell Chao Pang ND10364 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10364 cell Chao Pang ND10363 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10363 cell Chao Pang ND10358 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10358 cell Chao Pang ND10357 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10357 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10360 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10360 cell Chao Pang ND10359 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL NDPT031- AFRICAN AMERICAN CONTROL PANEL ND10359 cell Chao Pang ND10349 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10349 cell Chao Pang GM07061 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13293 GM07061 cell Chao Pang GM07069 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07069 cell Chao Pang GM07067 LETTERER-SIWE DISEASE GM07067 cell OMIM: 246400 Chao Pang GM07072 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07072 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07071 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07071 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07063 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07063 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07062 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1340 GM07062 cell Chao Pang GM07065 ICHTHYOSIS CONGENITA, HARLEQUIN FETUS TYPE GM07065 cell OMIM: 242500 Chao Pang GM07064 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07064 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07059 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM07059 cell Chao Pang GM07060 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13293 GM07060 cell Chao Pang GM07058 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13291 GM07058 cell Chao Pang GM07057 SNP500 PANEL CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM07057 cell Chao Pang GM07056 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1340 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM07056 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM07055 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM07055 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM07054 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13294 GM07054 cell Chao Pang GM07053 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1340 GM07053 cell Chao Pang GM07052 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM07052 cell Chao Pang GM07051 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13292 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM07051 cell Chao Pang GM07050 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM07050 cell Chao Pang GM07048 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM07048 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM07049 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM07049 cell Chao Pang GM07104 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY GM07104 cell OMIM: 102700 Chao Pang GM07114 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07114 cell Chao Pang GM07106 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM07106 cell Chao Pang GM07131 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07131 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07125 RETICULOSIS, FAMILIAL HISTIOCYTIC GM07125 cell OMIM: 267700 Chao Pang GM07146 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07146 cell Chao Pang GM07132 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07132 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07148 CHROMOSOME DELETION GM07148 cell Chao Pang GM07147 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07147 cell Chao Pang GM07149 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM07149 cell Chao Pang GM07081 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07081 cell Chao Pang GM07078 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 MARKER CHROMOSOME NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM07078 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang GM07092 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS HYPOXANTHINE GUANINE PHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANSFERASE 1; HPRT1; HPRT GM07092 cell OMIM: 300322 OMIM: 308000 Chao Pang GM07089 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE II; EDS2 GM07089 cell OMIM: 130010 Chao Pang GM07087 ACHROMATOPSIA 2; ACHM2 GM07087 cell OMIM: 216900 Chao Pang GM07082 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07082 cell Chao Pang GM07103 SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE, T CELL-NEGATIVE, B CELL-NEGATIVE, NK CELL-NEGATIVE, DUE TO ADENOSINE DEAMINASE DEFICIENCY ADENOSINE DEAMINASE; ADA GM07103 cell OMIM: 102700 OMIM: 608958 Chao Pang GM07097 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07097 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07094 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM07094 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM07093 LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME; LNS GM07093 cell OMIM: 300322 Chao Pang GM07077 PORPHYRIA, ACUTE INTERMITTENT GM07077 cell OMIM: 176000 Chao Pang GM07022 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1340 GM07022 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM07023 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM07023 cell Chao Pang GM07024 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13294 GM07024 cell Chao Pang GM07025 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13293 GM07025 cell Chao Pang GM07021 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 GM07021 cell Chao Pang GM07020 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 GM07020 cell Chao Pang GM07019 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 8 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1340 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 16 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 HUMAN VARIATION PANEL - EUROPEAN CAUCASIAN PANEL OF 24 GM07019 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM07016 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM07016 cell Chao Pang GM07015 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13294 GM07015 cell Chao Pang GM07018 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13291 GM07018 cell Chao Pang GM07017 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM07017 cell Chao Pang GM07013 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13294 GM07013 cell Chao Pang GM07014 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13292 GM07014 cell Chao Pang GM07011 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM07011 cell Chao Pang GM07012 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 GM07012 cell Chao Pang GM07010 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 GM07010 cell Chao Pang GM07009 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM07009 cell Chao Pang GM07008 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1340 GM07008 cell Chao Pang GM07006 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 GM07006 cell Chao Pang GM07005 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM07005 cell Chao Pang GM07004 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM07004 cell Chao Pang GM07003 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13292 GM07003 cell Chao Pang GM07041 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1328 GM07041 cell Chao Pang GM07042 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13292 GM07042 cell Chao Pang GM07043 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13294 GM07043 cell Chao Pang GM07044 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 GM07044 cell Chao Pang GM07045 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13291 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM07045 cell Chao Pang GM07046 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13293 GM07046 cell Chao Pang GM07047 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13291 GM07047 cell Chao Pang GM07038 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 9; CYP2C9 SNP500 PANEL CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM07038 cell OMIM: 601130 Chao Pang GM07037 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13291 GM07037 cell Chao Pang GM07040 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1340 GM07040 cell Chao Pang GM07039 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13293 GM07039 cell Chao Pang GM07031 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13292 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE II) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] GM07031 cell Chao Pang GM07032 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13292 GM07032 cell Chao Pang GM07035 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13294 GM07035 cell Chao Pang GM07036 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13291 GM07036 cell Chao Pang GM07033 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM07033 cell Chao Pang GM07034 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1341 GM07034 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM07029 INTERNATIONAL HAPMAP PROJECT - CEPH (PLATE I) [UTAH RESIDENTS WITH ANCESTRY FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE] CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1340 CYTOCHROME P450, SUBFAMILY IIC, POLYPEPTIDE 19; CYP2C19 GM07029 cell OMIM: 124020 Chao Pang GM07028 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 13293 GM07028 cell Chao Pang GM07027 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1340 GM07027 cell Chao Pang GM07026 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1333 GM07026 cell Chao Pang GM07030 CEPH/UTAH PEDIGREE 1331 GM07030 cell Chao Pang AG02101 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG02101 cell Chao Pang AG02102 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG02102 cell Chao Pang AG02122 MULIBREY NANISM; MUL AG02122 cell OMIM: 253250 Chao Pang AG02222 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG02222 cell Chao Pang AG01523 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG01523 cell Chao Pang AG01951 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG01951 cell Chao Pang AG01952 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG01952 cell Chao Pang AG01972 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS LAMIN A/C; LMNA AG01972 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG02258 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG02258 cell Chao Pang AG02261 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG02261 cell Chao Pang GM07150 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07150 cell Chao Pang GM07153 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07153 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang AG01518 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG01518 cell Chao Pang AG01519 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG01519 cell Chao Pang GM07154 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07154 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang AG01439 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG01439 cell Chao Pang GM07151 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME TETRALOGY OF FALLOT GM07151 cell OMIM: 187500 Chao Pang GM07152 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07152 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang AG01440 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG01440 cell Chao Pang AG01178 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG01178 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang GM07157 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM07157 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM07158 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME FUMARATE HYDRATASE; FH GM07158 cell OMIM: 136850 Chao Pang AG01437 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG01437 cell Chao Pang GM07155 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07155 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang AG00990 SEIP SYNDROME LAMIN A/C; LMNA AG00990 cell OMIM: 269700 Chao Pang GM07156 PELIZAEUS-MERZBACHER DISEASE; PMD GM07156 cell OMIM: 312080 Chao Pang GM07166 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GENE; NBS1 NIJMEGEN BREAKAGE SYNDROME GM07166 cell OMIM: 251260 OMIM: 602667 Chao Pang AG01522 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG01522 cell Chao Pang AG01520 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG01520 cell Chao Pang AG01521 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG01521 cell Chao Pang GM07173 TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07173 cell Chao Pang GM07172 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE VII, AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE GM07172 cell OMIM: 225410 Chao Pang GM07200 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07200 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07201 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07201 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07205 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07205 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07206 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE VI GM07206 cell OMIM: 225400 Chao Pang GM07174 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07174 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07175 FRAGILE SITE MENTAL RETARDATION 1; FMR1 GM07175 cell OMIM: 309550 Chao Pang GM07189 ANEUPLOID CHROMOSOME NUMBER - TRISOMY GM07189 cell Chao Pang GM07199 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07199 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang AG00364 ALZHEIMER DISEASE; AD AG00364 cell OMIM: 104300 Chao Pang AG00780 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 2; RECQL2 AG00780 cell OMIM: 277700 OMIM: 604611 Chao Pang AG00989 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS LAMIN A/C; LMNA AG00989 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang GM07207 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, TYPE I; EDS1 GM07207 cell OMIM: 130000 Chao Pang GM07209 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07209 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07208 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07208 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07218 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07218 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07215 DIGEORGE SYNDROME; DGS GM07215 cell OMIM: 188400 Chao Pang GM07216 HOLOPROSENCEPHALY TRANSLOCATED CHROMOSOME GM07216 cell Chao Pang GM07213 DICENTRIC CHROMOSOME GM07213 cell Chao Pang GM07214 MECKEL SYNDROME; MKS GM07214 cell OMIM: 249000 Chao Pang GM07210 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07210 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07211 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07211 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07222 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07222 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07221 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07221 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07220 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07220 cell OMIM: 125480 Chao Pang GM07219 MAJOR AFFECTIVE DISORDER - 125480 OR 309200 GM07219 cell OMIM: 125480 Hybridoma Erythroleukemic cell line Adipose stromal cell Amniotic fluid-derived cell line Somatic cell hybrid Cytoplasmic transfer (cybrid) Tumor-derived cell line Microcell hybrid Chorionic villus-derived cell line Chao Pang AG03508 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03508 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03512 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03512 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03506 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS LAMIN A/C; LMNA NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG03506 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03507 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03507 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang ND10463 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10463 cell Chao Pang ND10462 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10462 cell Chao Pang ND10461 ALS PANEL; GREATER THAN 7 YEARS SURVIVAL ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10461 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10460 AVM-RUPTURED ND10460 cell OMIM: 108010 Chao Pang ND10459 SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE ND10459 cell Chao Pang ND10452 PRIMARY LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10452 cell Chao Pang ND10451 ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10451 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10450 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ND10450 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10448 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10448 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10447 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10447 cell Chao Pang AG03961 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM WITH NORMAL DNA REPAIR RATES AG03961 cell OMIM: 278750 Chao Pang AG03829 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG03829 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang AG03739 DYSKERATOSIS CONGENITA; DKC AG03739 cell OMIM: 305000 Chao Pang AG03738 DYSKERATOSIS CONGENITA; DKC AG03738 cell OMIM: 305000 Chao Pang AG03587 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES ROTHMUND-THOMSON SYNDROME; RTS AG03587 cell OMIM: 268400 Chao Pang AG03513 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03513 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03262 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03262 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03263 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03263 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03342 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03342 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang ND10444 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10444 cell Chao Pang ND10443 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10443 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10446 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10446 cell Chao Pang ND10445 ALS PANEL CAUCASIAN FROM THE US ALS PANEL; LOWER-LIMB ONSET; DEFINITE AND PROBABLE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10445 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10431 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10431 cell Chao Pang ND10430 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10430 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10442 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10442 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10441 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10441 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10429 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10429 cell Chao Pang ND10428 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10428 cell Chao Pang AG03504 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03504 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03364 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG03364 cell OMIM: 277700 Chao Pang AG03505 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03505 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03344 LAMIN A/C; LMNA HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG03344 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03343 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03343 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03346 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03346 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03345 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03345 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03058 ACUTE MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT AG03058 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG03059 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT AG03059 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG03204 IMR-90 - SV40 VIRUS-TRANSFORMED FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST AG03204 cell Chao Pang AG03199 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03199 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03198 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03198 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03141 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - CHARACTERIZED MUTATIONS RECQ PROTEIN-LIKE 2; RECQL2 WERNER SYNDROME; WRN REPLICATION FOCUS-FORMING ACTIVITY 1, INCLUDED; FFA1, INCLUDED NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES AG03141 cell OMIM: 277700 OMIM: 604611 Chao Pang AG03260 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03260 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03259 NIA AGING CELL REPOSITORY DNA PANEL - AGING SYNDROMES HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS LAMIN A/C; LMNA AG03259 cell OMIM: 150330 OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03258 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03258 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang AG03257 HUTCHINSON-GILFORD PROGERIA SYNDROME; HGPS AG03257 cell OMIM: 176670 Chao Pang ND10475 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10475 cell Chao Pang ND10474 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10474 cell Chao Pang AG02262 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG02262 cell Chao Pang ND10466 SPOUSAL CONTROL ND10466 cell Chao Pang ND10464 ALS PANEL; BULBAR ONSET; ALL DEFINITE ALS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10464 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10469 CONTROL PANEL FOR LATE ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10469 cell Chao Pang ND10468 CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10468 cell Chao Pang ND10471 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10471 cell Chao Pang ND10470 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS CONTROL PANEL FOR YOUNG ONSET PARKINSON'S; UNAFFECTED INDIVIDUALS ND10470 cell Chao Pang ND10473 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND10473 cell OMIM: 105400 Chao Pang ND10472 POPULATION/CONVENIENCE CONTROL ND10472 cell Chao Pang AG03057 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT AG03057 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG02505 MULIBREY NANISM; MUL AG02505 cell OMIM: 253250 Chao Pang AG02496 ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA; AT AG02496 cell OMIM: 208900 Chao Pang AG02602 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG02602 cell Chao Pang AG02506 MULIBREY NANISM; MUL AG02506 cell OMIM: 253250 Chao Pang AG02804 IMR-90 - SV40 VIRUS-TRANSFORMED FETAL LUNG FIBROBLAST AG02804 cell Chao Pang AG02603 APPARENTLY HEALTHY NON-FETAL TISSUE AG02603 cell Chao Pang AG02872 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG02872 cell Chao Pang AG02871 XERODERMA PIGMENTOSUM: COMPLEMENTATION GROUP UNDETERMINED AG02871 cell LCL-1605 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HCC-366 HCC-366 cell DSMZ: ACC 492 LCL-1606 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HCC-44 HCC-44 cell DSMZ: ACC 534 LCL-2084 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HCC515 HCC515 cell Broad Institute: contact provider LCL-1607 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HCC-78 HCC-78 cell DSMZ: ACC 563 LCL-1608 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HCC-827 HCC-827 cell DSMZ: ACC 566 LCL-1666 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HOP-62 HOP-62 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:905972 LCL-1876 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KHM-3S KHM-3S cell JHSF: JCRB0138 LCL-1870 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LB647-SCLC LB647-SCLC cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753582 LCL-1586 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LC-1 sq LC-1 sq cell JHSF: JCRB0258 LCL-1667 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LC-2-ad LC-2-ad cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:907786 LCL-1871 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LU-134-A LU-134-A cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753588 LCL-1877 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie Lu-134-A-H Lu-134-A-H cell JHSF: JCRB0235 LCL-1872 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LU-139 LU-139 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:713878 LCL-1873 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LU-165 LU-165 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753589 LCL-1905 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LU65A LU65A cell JHSF: JCRB0054 LCL-1906 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LU65B LU65B cell JHSF: JCRB0055 LCL-1907 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LU65C LU65C cell JHSF: JCRB0056 LCL-1908 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LU99A LU99A cell JHSF: JCRB0044 LCL-1909 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LU99B LU99B cell JHSF: JCRB0057 LCL-1910 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LU99C LU99C cell JHSF: JCRB0058 LCL-1835 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MS-1-L MS-1-L cell JHSF: JCRB1081 LCL-1596 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NCI-H157 NCI-H157 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:911847 LCL-1675 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NCI-H3122 NCI-H3122 cell DFCI: n/a-1 LCL-1674 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NCI-H322M NCI-H322M cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:905967 LCL-1874 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NCI-H64 NCI-H64 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:688026 LCL-1664 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie PC-3 [JPC-3] PC-3 [JPC-3] cell JHSF: JCRB0077 LCL-1657 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RERF-LC-Ad1 RERF-LC-Ad1 cell JHSF: JCRB1020 LCL-1820 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RERF-LC-MA RERF-LC-MA cell JHSF: JCRB0812 LCL-1665 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RERF-LC-MS RERF-LC-MS cell JHSF: JCRB0081 LCL-1592 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RERF-LC-Sq1 RERF-LC-Sq1 cell JHSF: JCRB1019 LCL-1865 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SBC-1 SBC-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0816 LCL-1879 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SBC-3 SBC-3 cell JHSF: JCRB0818 LCL-1821 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SBC-5 SBC-5 cell JHSF: JCRB0819 LCL-1878 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie STC 1 STC 1 cell JHSF: JCRB1053 LCL-1594 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie VMRC-LCP VMRC-LCP cell JHSF: JCRB0103 LCL-1149 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie A3/KAW A3/KAW cell JHSF: JCRB0101 LCL-1539 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie AMO-1 AMO-1 cell DSMZ: ACC 538 LCL-1130 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie CI-1 CI-1 cell DSMZ: ACC 570 LCL-1116 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie DERL-2 DERL-2 cell DSMZ: ACC 531 LCL-1143 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie DOHH-2 DOHH-2 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:906842 LCL-1132 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NU-DUL-1 NU-DUL-1 cell DSMZ: ACC 579 LCL-1121 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OCI-LY-19 OCI-LY-19 cell DSMZ: ACC 528 LCL-2023 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie P32/ISH P32/ISH cell JHSF: JCRB0095 LCL-2027 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie Ramos-2G6-4C10 Ramos-2G6-4C10 cell ATCC: COSMIC ID:910401; ATCC CRL-1923,CRL-1923 LCL-1950 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RC-K8 RC-K8 cell DSMZ: ACC 561 LCL-1123 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie REC-1 REC-1 cell DSMZ: ACC 584 LCL-1128 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SCC-3 SCC-3 cell JHSF: JCRB0115 LCL-1951 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie Sci-1 Sci-1 cell ECACC: 96090513 LCL-1134 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SU-DHL-10 SU-DHL-10 cell DSMZ: ACC 576 LCL-1135 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SU-DHL-16 SU-DHL-16 cell DSMZ: ACC 577 LCL-1136 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SU-DHL-4 SU-DHL-4 cell DSMZ: ACC 495 LCL-1137 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SU-DHL-5 SU-DHL-5 cell DSMZ: ACC 571 LCL-1138 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SU-DHL-6 SU-DHL-6 cell DSMZ: ACC 572 LCL-1139 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SU-DHL-8 SU-DHL-8 cell DSMZ: ACC 573 LCL-1919 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SUP-M2 SUP-M2 cell DSMZ: ACC 509 LCL-1953 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie TK TK cell JHSF: JCRB0157 LCL-1915 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie VAL VAL cell DSMZ: ACC 586 LCL-1954 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie WSU-DLCL2 WSUDLCL2 WSU-DLCL2 cell DSMZ: ACC 575 LCL-1403 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SCCH-196 SCCH-196 cell JHSF: JCRB0108 LCL-1490 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SW684 SW684 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:909754 LCL-1459 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SW872 SW872 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:909756 LCL-1880 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SW982 SW982 cell ATCC: HTB-93,COSMIC ID:909759; ATCC HTB-93 LCL-1412 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KYM-1 KYM-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0627 LCL-1414 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RH-30 RH-30 cell DSMZ: ACC 489 LCL-1415 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RH-41 RH-41 cell DSMZ: ACC 592 LCL-1408 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SJCRH30 SJCRH30 cell ATCC: CRL-2061 LCL-1413 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie TE-441-T TE-441-T cell ATCC: CRL-7767,COSMIC ID:924248; ATCC CRL-7767 LCL-1974 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie GOTO GOTO cell JHSF: JCRB0612 LCL-1985 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KP-N-YN KP-N-YN cell JCRB: COSMIC ID:907314; JCRB IFO50431,IFO50431 LCL-1986 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KP-N-YS KP-N-YS cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:946363 LCL-1988 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LAN-6 LAN-6 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949170 LCL-1976 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NB(TU)1-10 NB(TU)1-10 cell JHSF: JCRB0154 LCL-1989 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NB10 NB10 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949171 LCL-1990 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NB12 NB12 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949172 LCL-1991 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NB13 NB13 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949177 LCL-1992 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NB14 NB14 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949178 LCL-1994 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NB17 NB17 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949175 LCL-1995 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NB5 NB5 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949176 LCL-1996 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NB6 NB6 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949173 LCL-1997 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NB7 NB7 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:949174 LCL-2103 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NGP NGP cell LCL-1114 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie TASK1 TASK1 cell JHSF: JCRB0139 LCL-1701 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KURAMOCHI KURAMOCHI cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:909975 LCL-1493 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MCAS MCAS cell JHSF: JCRB0240 LCL-1516 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OC-314 OC-314 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:909257 LCL-1697 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OVCAR-4 OVCAR-4 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:905990 LCL-1524 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OVISE OVISE cell JHSF: JCRB1043 LCL-1525 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OVKATE OVKATE cell JHSF: JCRB1044 LCL-1526 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OVMIU OVMIU cell JHSF: JCRB1049 LCL-1527 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OVSAYO OVSAYO cell JHSF: JCRB1047 LCL-1528 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OVTOKO OVTOKO cell JHSF: JCRB1048 LCL-1803 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RKN RKN cell JHSF: JCRB0176 LCL-1805 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RMG-I RMGI RMG-I cell JHSF: JCRB0172 LCL-1700 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie TYK-nu TYKNU TYK-nu cell JHSF: JCRB0234.0 LCL-1793 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KP-1N KP-1N cell JHSF: JCRB0177.0 LCL-1794 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KP-1NL KP-1NL cell JHSF: JCRB0177.1 LCL-1728 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KP-2 KP-2 cell JHSF: JCRB0181 LCL-1723 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KP-3 KP-3 cell JHSF: JCRB0178.0 LCL-1724 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KP-3L KP-3L cell JHSF: JCRB0178.1 LCL-1725 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KP-4 KP-4 cell JHSF: JCRB0182 LCL-1795 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MZ1-PC MZ1-PC cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753595 LCL-1098 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie PL4 PL4 cell MGH: MGH-1134 LCL-1754 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie QGP-1 QGP-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0183 LCL-1729 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SUIT-2 SUIT-2 cell JHSF: JCRB1094 LCL-1229 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MPP-89 MPP-89 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:908150 LCL-1298 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LNCaP LNCaP cell ATCC: CRL-1740 LCL-1147 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie VCaP VCaP cell ATCC: CRL-2876 LCL-1284 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie A373-C6 A373-C6 cell ECACC: 97011321 LCL-1268 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie A4-Fuk A4-Fuk cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:910934 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie COLO-679 obsolete: COLO-679 cell DSMZ: ACC 264 LCL-1233 Derived from a subcutaneous nodule of a tumour from a 14-year-old male. Cells display remarkable blebbing. Oliver He, Jiangan Xie COLO-800 COLO-800 cell DSMZ: ACC 193 DSMZ: ACC 193 ECACC: 93051123 HyperCLDB: cl852 HyperCLDB: cl853 HyperCLDB: cl854 ICLC: HTL97005 LCL-1244 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie COLO-818 COLO-818 cell DSMZ: ACC 81 LCL-1269 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie COLO-829 COLO-829 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:687448 LCL-1270 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie CP50-MEL-B CP50-MEL-B cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753545 LCL-1271 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie CP66-MEL CP66-MEL cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753546 LCL-1272 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie GAK GAK cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:910932 LCL-2091 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie K2 K2 cell LCL-1274 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LB2518-MEL LB2518-MEL cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753579 LCL-1275 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LB373-MEL-D LB373-MEL-D cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753581 LCL-1276 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LOXIMVI LOXIMVI cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:905974 LCL-1277 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MMAC-SF MMAC-SF cell RIKEN: COSMIC ID:925339; Riken RCB1200,RCB1200 LCL-1278 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MZ2-MEL MZ2-MEL cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:971777 LCL-1279 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MZ7-mel MZ7-mel cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753596 SK-MEL-28 Obsolete because of duplication. See: disease: malignant melanoma obsolete: SKMEL28 cell ATCC: HTB-72 LCL-1283 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie UACC-257 UACC-257 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:905977 LCL-1258 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie VMRC-MELG VMRC-MELG cell JHSF: JCRB0074 LCL-1533 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie AZ-521 AZ-521 cell JHSF: JCRB0061 LCL-1894 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie FU97 FU97 cell JHSF: JCRB1074 LCL-1895 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie GT3TKB GT3TKB cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:907041 LCL-1884 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie IM-95 IM-95 cell JHSF: JCRB1075.0 LCL-1534 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie IM-95m IM-95m cell JHSF: JCRB1075.1 LCL-1922 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MKN28 MKN28 cell JHSF: JCRB0253 LCL-1899 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NUGC-2 NUGC-2 cell JHSF: JCRB0821 LCL-1887 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NUGC-3 NUGC-3 cell JHSF: JCRB0822 LCL-2002 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie OCUM-1 OCUM-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0192 LCL-1537 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RERF-GC-1B RERF-GC-1B cell JHSF: JCRB1009 LCL-1896 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RF-48 RF-48 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:909697 LCL-1148 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SCH SCH cell JHSF: JCRB0251 LCL-1903 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NCC-IT-A3 NCC-IT-A3 cell JHSF: JCRB1005 LCL-1901 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NTERA-S-cl-D1 NTERA-S-cl-D1 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:908454 LCL-1682 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ASH-3 ASH-3 cell JHSF: JCRB1073 LCL-1689 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HTC-C3 HTC-C3 cell DSMZ: ACC 580 LCL-1693 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie IHH-4 IHH-4 cell JHSF: JCRB1079 LCL-1692 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie K5 K5 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:924238 LCL-1684 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KMH-2 KMH-2 cell JHSF: JCRB1066 LCL-1681 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie TT2609-C02 TT2609-C02 cell DSMZ: ACC 510 LCL-1711 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie CAL-29 CAL-29 cell DSMZ: ACC 515 LCL-1706 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie DSH1 DSH1 cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753552 LCL-1707 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie LB831-BLC LB831-BLC cell Sanger: COSMIC ID:753584 LCL-1499 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie AN3CA AN3CA cell ATCC: HTB-111 LCL-1495 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie EN EN cell DSMZ: ACC 564 LCL-1496 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HEC-1 HEC-1 cell JHSF: JCRB0042 LCL-1497 Amelogenin: X; CSF1PO: 11,12; D13S317: 9,12; D16S539: 9; D5S818: 10,11; D7S820: 9,10; THO1: 9,10; TPOX: 8; vWA: 14,17 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie Ishikawa WEB: WEB: WEB: Ishikawa cell ECACC: 99040201 RRID: CVCL_D199 LCL-1510 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MES-SA/Dx-5 MES-SA/Dx-5 cell ECACC: 95051031 LCL-1503 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SNG-M SNGM SNG-M cell JHSF: JCRB0179 LCL-1295 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SW954 SW954 cell ATCC: COSMIC ID:924247; ATCC HTB-117,HTB-117 LCL-1152 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SW962 SW962 cell ATCC: COSMIC ID:909758; ATCC HTB-118,HTB-118 LCL-2059 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ALL-SIL ALL-SIL cell DSMZ: ACC 511 LCL-2090 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HA1E HA1E cell BROAD: LCL-1082 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HL60(S) HL60(S) cell JCRB: JCRB0163 LCL-2056 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HL60RG HL60RG cell JCRB: JCRB0006 LCL-2083 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie HME1 HME1 cell ATCC: CRL-4010 LCL-2052 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie JJN-3 JJN-3 cell DSMZ: ACC 541 LCL-2060 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie JKT-beta-del JKT-beta-del cell JCRB: JCRB0147 LCL-1087 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KARPAS-231 KARPAS-231 cell DSMZ: ACC 562 LCL-2053 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KARPAS-620 KARPAS-620 cell DSMZ: ACC 514 LCL-1080 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KO52 KO52 cell JCRB: JCRB0123 LCL-1088 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie KOPN-8 KOPN-8 cell DSMZ: ACC 552 LCL-2010 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie L-1236 L-1236 cell DSMZ: ACC 530 LCL-2082 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MCF-12A cell MCF12A MCF12A cell ATCC: CRL-10782 LCL-1089 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MEC-1 MEC-1 cell DSMZ: ACC 497 LCL-1090 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MEC-2 MEC-2 cell DSMZ: ACC 500 LCL-1091 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MLMA MLMA cell JCRB: JCRB0146 LCL-1096 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie Mo-T Mo-T cell COSMIC: COSMIC ID:908149 LCL-1002 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MY-M12 MY-M12 cell JCRB: JCRB0158.1 LCL-1003 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie MY-M13 MY-M13 cell JCRB: JCRB0158.2 LCL-1093 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie NALM-19 NALM-19 cell DSMZ: ACC 522 LCL-1094 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie ROS-50 ROS-50 cell DSMZ: ACC 557 LCL-2071 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SUM52PE SUM52PE cell Asterandbio: LCL-2014 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie SUP-HD1 SUP-HD1 cell DSMZ: ACC 574 LCL-2064 Oliver He, Jiangan Xie T47DKBLUC T47DKBLUC cell ATCC: CRL-2865 an immortal T cell line cell that is derived from mouse. YH immortal mouse T cell line cell An immortal human epithelial cell line cell that derives from human breast. Yongqun He immortal human breast epithelial cell line cell An immortal human epithelial cell line cell that derives from human colon. Yongqun He immortal human colon epithelial cell line cell An immortal human epithelial cell line cell that derives from human uterine cervix. Yongqun He immortal human uterine cervix epithelial cell line cell MGI:2159769 mouse C57BL/6 inbred strain MGI:2160156 mouse C3H/An inbred strain MGI:2159768 mouse DBA/2 inbred strain An immortal mouse T cell line cell derived from a mouse lymphoma, specifically a Rauscher virus-induced tumor.This cell line is antigen processing-defective and expresses a very low level of MHC molecules on its surface. WEB: RMA cell OBI: OBI_1110038 RRID: CVCL_J385 Oliver He WEB: JY cell RRID: CVCL_0108 Oliver He WEB: MM.1S cell RRID: CVCL_8792 immortal chicken B cell line cell derives_from some B cell from the peritoneal sac of a chicken having leukosis Oliver He WEB: LSCC-RP9 cell RRID: CVCL_T444 immortal human epithelial cell line cell derives_from some ovary epithelial cell from a patient having ovary serous adenocarcinoma Oliver He WEB: UCI 107 cell RRID: CVCL_5381 immortal human epithelial cell line cell derives_from some ovary epithelial cell from a patient having ovary serous adenocarcinoma Oliver He WEB: UCI 101 cell RRID: CVCL_5380 an immortal human fibroblast cell line cell that is derived from BJ cell through a biological process such as cell transformation JX, YH BJ-derived cell line cell BJeLR cell is BJ fibroblast cell line cell transformed with hTERT, genomic SV40 LT and ST oncoproteins, and oncogenic HRASV12. YH, JX BJeLR PubChem probe report: PubMed: BJeLR cell PubChem AID: 2635 BJeH=BJ derivative transformed only with hTERT (BJ fibroblasts were derived from primary human cells by transformation with hTERT, genomic SV40 Large T (LT) and Ssmall T (ST)) YH, JX BJeLR PubChem probe report: PubMed: BJeH cell PUbChem AID: 493051 A human follicular lymphoms cell line Oliver He, Jiangan Xie RS11846 WEB: RS-11846 cell PubChem AID: 743410 RRID: CVCL_E048 a cell line cell derived from CHO cell. YH, JX CHO-derived cell line cell A derivative of the CHO cell line that is adapted to high-density, serum-free suspension culture YH, JX WEB: CHO-S cell PubChem AID: 624379 DRD=BJ fibroblasts expressing hTERT, SV40 small T oncoprotein, dominant negative p53, cyclin D1, a mutant form of CDK4, along with the oncogene HRASV12 JX, YH WEB: DRD cell PubChem AID: 2633 HL2/3 is a derivative of HeLa cells and contains a stably integrated copies of the HIV-1 molecular clone HXB2/3gpt. JX, YH WEB: WEB: HL2/3 PubChem AID: 504574 HeLa-MAGI-CCR5 cells are derived from HeLa cells and express human CD4, CXCR4 and CCR5, and an integrated gene encoding the b-galactosidase gene expressed from the HIV long terminal repeat. JX, YH WEB: MAGI-CCR5 cells; HeLa-R5-16, engineered to express the Envelope protein (Env) from the CCR5-tropic HIV-1 clinical isolate 92US715, and also to express the Tat protein from HIV-1 NL4 3 HeLa-MAGI-CCR5 PubChem AID: 504341 RRID: CVCL_D260 HeLa-R5-16 (gift from Roche Palo Alto, LLC) is a derivative of HeLa cells, engineered to express the Envelope protein (Env) from the CCR5-tropic HIV-1 clinical isolate 92US715, and also to express the Tat protein from HIV-1 NL43 JX, YH WEB: HeLa-R5-16 PubChem AID: 504341 RD-HGA16 is derivative of CHO cells stably transfected with the promiscuous G-protein Gα16 gene and hygromycin-resistant. RD-HGA16 is from FLIPR LiveWare Cells (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale CA), a series of cells and expression vectors successfully used in drug discovery, based on G-protein chimeras developed by Bruce Conklin and colleagues at the Gladstone Institute, UCSF. YH, JX WEB: RD-HGA16 PubChem AID: 624467 Sufu-KO-LIGHT cells were derived from Sufu knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts according to the method of Chen et al. [Genes Dev. 2009;23(16): 1910-28.] The cells were co-transfected with the zeocin resistance vector (pVgRXR, Invitrogen) and a firefly luciferase reporter driven by eight Gli binding sites and a γ-crystallin basal promoter (8XGHBS-FL). Sufu-KO-LIGHT lacks Sufu and exhibits constitutive Hh target gene expression in response to endogenous Gli activators. JX, YH WEB: Sufu-KO-LIGHT cell PubChem AID: 588413 A Hela-derived cell line cell that expresses ubiquitinated GFP (Green Fluroescent Protein) JX, YH Ub-G76V-GFP/HeLa PubChem AID: 463185 A cell line cell that is cultured in vitro and possesses two capabilities: (1) it can self-renew, which means that it can divide indefinitely while remaining in an undifferentiated state; and (2) it is pluripotent or multipotent, which means that it can differentiate to form a specialized cell type. Yongqun He, Sirarat Sarntivijai, Alexander Diehl WEB: While stem cells hold great promise for biomedical research, the in vitro propagation and maintenance of these cells in an undifferentiated state is essential. Reference: stem cell line cell MWCL.1 cell 602478 The GripTite™ 293 MSR Cell Line is a genetically engineered Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK 293) cell line that expresses the human macrophage scavenger receptor and strongly adheres to standard tissue culture plates for dependable results. BAO, YH GripTite™ 293 MSR GripTite 293 MSR cell BAO: BAO_0030043 ThermoFisher: R79507 Amelogenin: X; CSF1PO: 11, 12; D13S317: 9, 12, 13; D16S539: 9; D5S818: 10,11; D7S820: 9, 10; THO1: 9, 10; TPOX: 8; vWA: 14, 17 ECC-1 Ishikawa (London) 02ER+ Ishikawa 3 H 12 Ishikawa 3H12 Ishikawa clone 3-H-12 Ishikawa-3H-12 Ishikawa-3H12 Ishikawa-H-12 Ishikawa3-H-12 ECC-1 cell line cells have been found to be contaminated and shown to be a Ishikawa 3-H-12 cell line cell (PubMed=22710073). Ishikawa 3-H-12 cell HyperCLDB: cl5072 RRID: CVCL_D199 WEB: WEB: ECC-1 cell line cells have been found to be contaminated and shown to be a Ishikawa 3-H-12 cell line cell (PubMed=22710073). ECC-1 cell RRID: CVCL_7260 An immortal vasculature-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human vasculature-derived endothelial cell line cell' An immortal bone element-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human bone element-derived epithelial cell line cell a SK-N-SH cell that is treated with retinoic acid to make the cell differentiated. WEB: WEB: WEB: SK-N-SH-RA cell An immortal pancreas-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human pancreas-derived epithelial cell line cell An immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that derives from human. Yue Liu, Yongqun He immortal human kidney-derived epithelial cell line cell Amelogenin: X; CSF1PO: 11,12; D13S317: 12; D16S539: 9; D18S51: 18; D21S11: 28,30.2; D3S1358: 15,17; D5S818: 8,9; D7S820: 11,12; D8S1179: 12,14; FGA: 23; Penta D: 9,10; Penta E: 7,15; TH01: 7,9.3; TPOX: 11; vWA: 16,19 293 293 HEK HEK 293 HEK-293 HEK293 WEB: WEB: WEB: 293-derived cell ATCC: CRL-1573 RRID: CVCL_0045 T-REx 293 T-REx-293 WEB: WEB: HEK293-T-REx cell BTO: BTO:0005238 RRID: CVCL_D585 WEB: MCF 10A-derived cell The MCF10A-Er-Src cells are derived from the MCF-10A parental cells and contain ER-Src, a derivative of the Src kinase oncoprotein (v-Src) that is fused to the ligand-binding domain of the estrogen receptor (ER). WEB: MCF10A-Er-Src cell RRID: CVCL_N805 a hybridoma cell line cell that is obtained by fusing activated mouse T cells with tumor cells. Yongqun He mouse T-cell hybridoma cell line cell A mouse T-cell hybridoma cell line cell Oliver He 2B4 cell BTO_0005682 493062 A mouse T-cell hybridoma cell line cell that is derived from the murine hybridoma cell line 2B4, stably transfected to overexpress the human protein BCL-2. BAO, YH 2B4/BCL-2 cell BAO: BAO_0030042 A stem cell line cell that is derived from mouse. YH mouse stem cell line cell 493059 A mouse T-cell hybridoma cell line cell that is derived from the murine hybridoma cell line 2B4, stably transfected to overexpress the human protein MCL-1. BAO, YH 2B4/MCL-1 cell BAO: BAO_0030044 463235 AVA5 cells are derived from the Huh-7 human hepatoma cell line, stably-expressing the HCV replicon (sub-genomic [CON1], genotype 1b); See also PMID: 27013634, 1110665, 10390360 BAO, YH AVA5 cell BAO: BAO_0030045 An immortal mouse cell line cell that is derived from leukemia cells. Yongqun He murine leukemia cell line cell mouse leukemia cell line cell 624396 A murine leukemia cell line driven by the overexpression of Myc and BCL-2. BAO, YH BCL-2 1863 cell BAO: BAO_0030052 A mouse stem cell line cell that is derived from a mouse neural progenitor cell and capable of differentiation in vitro. YH immortalized mouse neural progenitor cell mouse neural progenitor cell line cell 1353 An immortalised mouse neural progenitor cell line cell that is capable of differentiation in vitro and is established by retorviral-mediated transduction of the avian myc oncogene into mitotic progenitor cells of neonatal mouse cerrebellum. Mouse strain CD1 x C57BL/6. BAO, YH C17.2 cell BAO: BAO_0030046 Oliver He CEM.NKR-CCR5 cell RRID:CVCL_X623 651610 CEM21 (aka CEM#21 or CEM-R5Luc1#21) is derived from CEM.NKR-CCR5 by stable transfecttion of a Tet-activator responsive Luciferase reporter Oliver He CEM#21 CEM-R5Luc1#21 CEM21 cell BAO: BAO_0030049 434939 DPX2 (aka DPX-2) is a HepG2-derived cell line stably integrated with a PXR (pregnane X receptor) expression vector plus a luciferase reporter, used to detect PXR activation/ CYP3A induction BAO, YH DPX-2 DPX2 cell BAO: BAO_0030035 623928 FA2N-4 is a human hepatocyte cell line. Reference: BAO, YH FA2N-4 cell BAO: BAO_0030036 651646 HBL-1 (aka human is an EBV-negative B-cell lymphoma cell line established from the pleural effusion of a patient with malignant lymphoma, diffuse, large cell. BAO, YH HBL-1 cell BAO: BAO_0030037 BTO: BTO_0002522 RRID:CVCL_4213 449755 HMC-1-8 is a human breast cancer cell line BAO, YH HMC-1-8 cell BAO: BAO_0030037 RRID:CVCL_2949 2717 HMLE_sh_ECAD is a stable cell line mimicking a cancer stem cell (CSC), derived by knocking down E-Cadherin (via shRNA) in human breast epithelial cells to induce epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) BAO, YH HMLE_sh_ECAD cell BAO: BAO_0030038 463074 HMLE_sh_eGFP is a human breast epithelial cell line containing shRNA to GFP (green fluorescent reporter); used as an isogenic control line for HMLE_sh_ECAD BAO, YH HMLE_sh_eGFP cell BAO: BAO_0030039 588703 HMLE_sh_TWIST is a stable cell line mimicking a cancer stem cell (CSC), derived by knocking down TWIST (via shRNA) in human breast epithelial cells to induce epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT); isogenic with another CSC line, HMLE_sh_ECAD BAO, YH HMLE_sh_TWIST cell BAO: BAO_0030040 3T3 3T3-derived cell HyperCLDB: cl65 MeSH: D016475 651570 An engineered 3T3 mouse fibroblast cell line, which expresses the firefly luciferase reporter gene under the control of Wnt-responsive promoters (TCF/LEF). LEADING LIGHT Wnt Reporter cell line cell BAO: BAO_0030031 624396 MCL-1 1780 is a murine leukemia cell line driven by the overexpression of Myc and MCL-1. BAO, YH Source: Anthony Letai (Dana Farber) MCL-1 1780 cell BAO: BAO_0030053 652260 MG213 is a subline of the BRG1/BRM-deficient cell line SW13 ( that contains a stably integrated glucocorticoid-responsive MMTV-luciferase reporter. BAO, YH MG213 cell BAO: BAO_0030048 624495 A PathHunter Beta-Arrestin GPCR cell line (DiscoverX), engineered to co-express the ProLink (PK) tagged GPCR (DRD2L, long form of human DRD2) and the Enzyme Acceptor (EA) tagged Beta-Arrestin. Activation of DRD2L-PK induces Beta-Arrestin-EA recruitment, forcing complementation of the two Beta-galactosidase enzyme fragments (EA and PK). The resulting functional enzyme hydrolyzes substrate to generate a chemiluminescent signal. BAO, YH PathHunter CHO-K1 DRD2L Beta-Arrestin cell BAO: BAO_0030056 624500 A PathHunter Beta-Arrestin GPCR cell line (DiscoverX), engineered to co-express the ProLink (PK) tagged GPCR (human DRD3) and the Enzyme Acceptor (EA) tagged Beta-Arrestin. Activation of DRD3-PK induces Beta-Arrestin-EA recruitment, forcing complementation of the two Beta-galactosidase enzyme fragments (EA and PK). The resulting functional enzyme hydrolyzes substrate to generate a chemiluminescent signal. BAO, YH PathHunter CHO-K1 DRD3 Beta-Arrestin cell BAO: BAO_0030057 An immortal mouse moncyte cell line cell that is derived from RAW 264.7 cell line. Yongqun He RAW 264.7-derived cell 652166 RAW-Blue cells are derived from the murine RAW 264.7 macrophages with chromosomal integration of a secreted embryonic alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) reporter construct inducible by NF-κB and AP-1. BAO, YH RAW-Blue cell BAO: BAO_0030060 RRID:CVCL_X594 624032 A rat immortilized Schwann cell line. S-16 cell S16 cell BAO: BAO_0030061 BTO: BTO_0002937 RRID:CVCL_B072 1355 A mouse melanoma cell line (which harbors N-Ras mutation), isolated from a small amelanotic lung metastasis in a mouse with a s.c. K-1735 tumor. SW1 cell BAO: BAO_0030062 485366 'Tango cell' refers to one of many stable cell lines, all based on the parental line HEK293T, designed to work in a 'Tango beta-arrestin' recruitiment assay to measure receptor activation for more than 300 GPCRs. See PMID25895059 and BAO, YH Tango cell BTO: BAO_0030063 651712 Human diffuse large B cell lymphoma cell line derived from a 62-year-old male patient BAO, YH TMD8 cell BAO: BAO_0030064 RRID:CVCL_A442 A primary culture cell that is derived from peripheral blood. Oliver He primary cultured peripheral blood cell A primary cultured peripheral blood cell that has one round nucleus. Oliver He PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cell primary cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cell 504935 U87-EGFRvIII (aka U87/vIII) is a stable cell line derived from U87MG (a human glioblastoma) to overexpress the most common mutation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) found in human glioblastomas--an in-frame deletion of an 801-bp sequence in the extracellular domain of EGFR termed EGFRvIII. (descr. in PMID 15548697). BAO, YH U87/vIII U87-EGFRvIII cell BAO: BAO_0030059 A primary cultured peripheral blood cell that has one round nucleus. Oliver He PBDE peripheral blood-derived erythroblast A peripheral blood-derived erythroblast cell that is prepared from fetal liver Oliver He PBDEfetal fetal PBDE peripheral blood-derived erythroblast from fetal liver A stem cell line cell that is dervied from an embryotic stem cell, a pluripotent stem cell derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, an early-stage perimplantation embryo. YH, AD ES cell line cell embryonic stem cell line cell An embryonic stem cell line cell that is dervied from a cell in human embryo. YH, AD hES cell line cell hESC hESC line cell human embryonic stem cell line cell A human ES cell line cell that expresses cell surface markers specific to undifferentiated nonhuman primate ES and human EC cells: : stage-specific embryonic antigen (SSEA)–3, SSEA-4, TRA-l-60, TRA-1- 81, and alkaline phosphatase. It has a normal 46, XY karyotype, O+ blood type. Teratomas are formed upon cell injection into SCID mice. These teratomas include cells from all three germ layers. YH, AD H1-hESC Line H1 cell CL34 CVCL_1980 CL-34 cell EFO: EFO_0006369 RRID:CVCL_1980 CVCL_5003 NCI-SNU-1040 SNU1040 SNU-1040 cell RRID:CVCL_5003 C4 CNU-C4 NCI-SNU-C4 SNU C4 SNUC4 SNU-C4 cell ChEMBL: CHEMBL3307457 RRID:CVCL_5111 NCI-SNU-C5 SNU-C5/WT SNUC5 SNU-C5 cell RRID:CVCL_5112 CVCL_2923 HEC108 HEC-108 cell RRID:CVCL_2923 COR123 cell EFO: EFO_0002142 COV644 cell EFO: EFO_0006386 SKM-1 cell MDA-MB-231 MDAMB231 cell EFO: EFO_0001209 SKMEL1 EFO: EFO_0002332 The OV7 cell line was established from solid ovarian tumour tissue taken from a 78-year-old female patient. The tumour was characterised as stage III, mixed tumour type and poorly differentiated. Immunocytochemical staining of the cells was reported to show strong staining for cytokeratin (CK), no staining for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and strong staining for human milk fat globulin (HMFG-2). Detection of mRNA expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptors flt and KDR has been reported. The patient had received treatment with chlorambucil. (Sigma-Aldrich catalog number 96020764) OV7 cell EFO: EFO_0006459 SKBR3 cell EFO: EFO_0001236 human ovarian cancer cell line cell This human ovarian adenocarcinoma cell line originated from a 62 year old Japanese female RMUGS RMUG-S cell EFO: EFO_0006747 YH HEKTE cell neuron cell derived from H1 embryonic stem cells Jie Zheng, Oliver He H1-neuron LCL-1005 BALL1 Ball-1 BALL-1 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308839 RRID:CVCL_1075 A primary cultured cell that is derived from fibroblast cell in vivo Oliver He primary cultured fibroblast cell A primary cultured fibroblast cell that is from human Oliver He primary cultured human fibroblast cell A stem cell line cell that is multipotent and is isolated and prepared from an juvenile or adult tissue. YH, AD adult stem cell line cell An adult stem cell line cell that is isolated and prepared using bone marrow tissue and is able to generate all cells of the immune system and all blood cell types. YH, AD Of the types of adult stem cells have successfully been isolated and identified, only mesenchymal stem cells can successfully be grown in culture for long periods of time. Hematopoietic stem cells are difficult to grow and propagate in vitro.[4] Identifying methods for maintaining hematopoietic stem cells in vitro is an active area of research. Reference: hematopoetic stem cell line cell An adult stem cell line cell that is isolated and prepared using umbilical cord blood, amniotic fluid, and adipose tissue and can generate a number of cell types, including osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes. YH MSC line cell mesenchymal stem cell line cell A mesenchymal stem cell line cell that is isolated and prepared using umbilical cord blood. YH, AD umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell line cell A stem cell line cell that is pluripotent and is generated from an adult somatic cell. YH, AD iPS cell iPSC induced pluripotent stem cell line cell An induced pluripotent stem cell line cell that is derived from a human cell. YH, AD, SS hiPSC human iPS cell line cell human induced pluripotent stem cell line cell non-tumorigenic A cell growth process that is conducted in the three dimensional direction. Oliver He three dimensional cell growth cell line cell transfection LES-1001 LINCS team, YH This human ES cell line expresses cell surface markers specific to undifferentiated nonhuman primate ES and human EC cells: stage-specific embryonic antigen (SSEA)–3, SSEA-4, TRA-l-60, TRA-1- 81, and alkaline phosphatase. It has a normal 46, XX karyotype. Teratomas are formed upon cell injection into SCID mice. These teratomas include cells from all three germ layers. H9 ES cell LES-1002 LINCS team, YH HUES 3 HUES3 ES cell A embryotic stem cell line cell that is dervied from a cell in mouse embryo. YH mES cell line cell mESC line cell mouse embryonic stem cell line cell A stem cell line cell that is dervied from using the somatic cell nuclear transfer method. YH, AD SCNT-derived stem cell line cell somatic cell nuclear transfer-derived stem cell line cell a human embryonic stem cell line cell that is derived by somatic cell nuclear transfer YH human embryonic stem cell line cell derived by SCNT human embryonic stem cell line cell derived by somatic cell nuclear transfer YH, SS human fibroblast-iPS cell line cell human fibroblast-induced pluripotent stem cell line cell A primary cultured cell that is derived from in vivo connective tissue cell Oliver He primary cultured connective tissue cell A primary cultured cell that is derived from synovial cell in vivo Oliver He primary cultured synovial cell A primary cultured cell that is derived from fat cell in vivo Oliver He primary cultured adipocyte primary cultured fat cell A primary cultured cell that is derived from in vivo muscle cell Oliver He primary cultured muscle cell A primary cultured cell that is derived from in vivo muscle cell Oliver He primary cultured adipocyte primary cultured cardiac muscle cell A primary cultured cell that is derived from in vivo bone marrow cell Oliver He primary cultured bone marrow cell A primary cultured cell that is derived from in vivo muscle precursor cell Oliver He primary cultured muscle precursor cell A primary cultured cell that is derived from in vivo muscle precursor cell Oliver He primary cultured myoblast cell A primary cultured cell that is derived from in vivo liver cell Oliver He primary cultured liver cell A primary cultured cell that is derived from in vivo lymphocyte Oliver He primary cultured lymphocyte A primary cultured cell that is derived from in vivo B cell Oliver He primary cultured B cell A primary cultured cell that is derived from in vivo cell of skeletal muscle Oliver He primary cultured adipocyte primary cultured cell of skeletal muscle A stem cell line cell that is derived from human. Stefanie Seltmann, Oliver He human stem cell line cell SS, YH human forskin fibroblast-induced pluripotent stem cell line cell forskin fibroblast-derived hiPSC Stefanie Seltmann, Oliver He BCRT#1 BCRT-3 BIHi001-A cell BioSamples:SAMEA103885931 Cellosaurus:CVCL_IT54 immortal human lung-derived epithelial celll line cell An organism that provides/donotes a tissue to be used for a biomedical study or a clinical application. Stefanie Seltmann, Oliver He tissue donor A human thoat donotes tissue Stefanie Seltmann, Oliver He human tissue donor Stefanie Seltmann, Oliver He EDINi008-B EDIi008-B G51D-4 EDi008-B BioSamples: SAMEA3174606 Cellosaurus: CVCL_LE56 EBiSC: EDi008-B ECACC: 66540061 an organization that provides a place for registration and search of cell line information. Stefanie Seltmann, Oliver He cell line registry disease: ovarian carcinoma cancer cell line Cellosaurus ( BG1 HEK293 cells expressing E1A adenovirus gene, enabling viral promoter expression HEK293H ThermoFisher ( HEK293H cell BG1 cells modified with a luciferase reporter at the human ESR1 alpha (estrogen receptor) gene and estrogen receptor response elements Tox21 ( BG1-Luc-4E2 CHO cells modified with a luciferase reporter at a TET-on controlled Retinoid Orphan Receptor Gamma) transcription factor BG1 Tet-on ROR gamma CHO GH3 cells modified to express luciferase-reporter tyroid receptor response elements Tox21 ( GH3.TRE-Luc HCT 116 cells modified to express a beta-lactamase reporter under control of p53 Tox21 ( p53RE-bla HCT-116 cell line HEK293 cells modified with a beta-lactamase reporter under control of an upstream activator sequence to respond to androgen receptor signalling Tox21 ( AR-UAS-bla-HEK293 HEK293 cells modified with a beta-lactamase reporter under control of an upstream activator sequence to respond to estrogen receptor signalling Tox21 ( ER-alpha-UAS-bla HEK293 HEK293T cells modified with a beta-lactamase reporter under control of an upstream activator sequence to respond to farnesoid-X-receptor signalling Tox21 ( FXR-UAS-bla HEK 293T HEK293T cells modified with a beta-lactamase reporter under control of an upstream activator sequence to respond to retinoid-X-receptor signalling Tox21 ( RXR-alpha HEK 293T HEK293T cells modified with a beta-lactamase reporter under control of an upstream activator sequence to respond to vitamin D receptor receptor signalling Tox21 ( VDR-UAS-bla HEK 293T HeLa cells modified with a beta-lactamase reporter under control of the ER stress response element Cellosaurus ( ESRE-bla HeLa HeLa cells modified with a beta-lactamase reporter under control of the glucocordicoid receptor Tox21 ( GR-bla HeLa HeLa cells modified with a beta-lactamase reporter under control of the heat shock response elements Tox21 ( HSE-Bla HeLa HepG2 cells modified with an aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) luciferase reporter and 20 dioxin response elements Tox21 ( HepG2-AhR-luc HepG2 cells modified with a beta-lactamase reporter under control of the antioxidant response element Tox21 ( ARE-bla HepG2 HepG2 cells modified with a luciferase reporter responsive responsive to the activation of the contained constituitive androstane receptor and cytochrome 2B6 Tox21 ( HepG2-CYP2B6-hCAR MCF-7 cells modified with a luciferase reporter and three repeats of the estrogen response element Tox21 ( MCF-7 aro ERE MDA-kb2 cells modified with a luciferase reporter under control of the MMTV promotor and response elements for androgen receptor and glucocorticoid receptor Tox21 ( MDA-kb2 AR-luc ME-180 cells modified with a beta lactamase reporter under control of the activator protein-1 response element Tox21 ( AP-1-bla ME-180 ME-180 cells modified with a beta lactamase reporter under control of thehypoxia response element Tox21 ( HRE-bla ME-180 ME-180 cells modified with a beta lactamase reporter under control of an NF-kB response element Tox21 ( NFkB-bla ME-180 Cells modified with a reporter gene to respond to estrogen related receptor alpha activity Tox21 ( ERR Cells modified with a reporter gene to respond to activity of the estrogen related receptor alpha and the PPARgamma coactivator Tox21 ( PGC/ERR HEK293H cells modified with a beta lactamase reporter under control of an upstream activator sequence and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta Tox21 ( PPAR delta UAS-bla HEK293H HEK293H cells modified with a beta lactamase reporter under control of an upstream activator sequence and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma Tox21 ( GeneBLAzer PPAR gamma UAS-bla HEK293H C3H/10T1/2 clone 8 cells were modified with a luciferase reporter responding to activity of the retinoic acid signalling pathway PMC4779714 C3RL4 293 T 293-T 293T 293tsA1609neo HEK 293 T HEK-293-T HEK-293T HEK293T Hek 293T Human Embryonic Kidney 293T HEK293T cell CVCL: CVCL_0063 Human Embryonic Kidney 293T-derived cell HEK293T-derived cell A cell line cell derived from HEK293H ThermoFisher ( HEK293H-derived cell MEL cell line cell is an erythroid progenitor cell derived from the spleen of a susceptible mouse infected with the Friend virus complex 1. The virally transformed MEL cells are arrested at the proerythroblast stage of development and can be maintained in tissue culture indefinitely. Oliver He MEL cell line cell mouse erythroleukemia cell line cell An immortal kidney podocyte-derived cell line cell Oliver He immortal podocyte cell line cell An immortal human kidney podocyte-derived cell line cell Oliver He immortal human podocyte cell line cell An immortal human kidney podocyte-derived cell line cell Oliver He immortal mouse podocyte cell line cell An immortal human kidney podocyte-derived cell line cell Oliver He immortal rat podocyte cell line cell E11 [mouse] cell CVCL_5737 Mouse Podocyte Clone-1 MPC-1 cell CVCL_AS86 Mouse Podocyte Clone-5 MPC-5 cell CVCL_AS87 Mouse Podocyte Clone-8 MPC-8 cell CVCL_AS88 SVI cell CVCL_5943 2DNA1D7 cell CVCL_XF89 AB 8/13 AB8/13 Conditionally Immortalized Human Podocytes-1 hiPOD CIHP-1 cell CVCL_W186 human Amniotic-fluid Kidney Progenitor Cells-Podocyte hAKPC-P cell CVCL_YP01 Human Glomerular Visceral Epithelial Cells.SV40 transformed 1 HGVEC.SV1 cell CVCL_WW27 Human Glomerular Visceral Epithelial Cells.SV40 transformed 1 clone A4 HGVEC HGVEC.SV1 clone A4 HGVEC.SV1A4 cell CVCL_WW28 This cell was derived from an African American who had focal segmental glomerulosclerosis HUPEC 001 G0/G0 cell CVCL_B0C8 This cell was derived from an African American who had focal segmental glomerulosclerosis HUPEC 002 FSGS G0/G0 cell CVCL_B0D0 This cell was derived from an African American who had focal segmental glomerulosclerosis HUPEC 003 FSGS G0/G0 cell CVCL_B0C9 This cell was derived from an African American who had focal segmental glomerulosclerosis HUPEC 005 FSGS G1/G2 cell CVCL_B0CA SFC018 clone 03-01 SFC018-03-01 This is an induced pluripotent stem cell STBCi028-A cell CVCL_RB91 AD2c1 SB AD2.1 SB-AD2c1 SBAD02-01 SBAD2 clone 1 SBAD2-01 SFC-AD2-01 SFC018-03-01 This is an induced pluripotent stem cell STBCi321-A cell CVCL_ZX54 LPC-1001 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: PromoCell; Cell provider catalog number: PromoCell PromoCell cardiomyocytes Line A cell LPC-1002 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: PromoCell; Cell provider catalog number: PromoCell PromoCell cardiomyocytes Line B cell LPC-1003 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: PromoCell; Cell provider catalog number: PromoCell PromoCell cardiomyocytes Line D cell LPC-1004 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: PromoCell; Cell provider catalog number: PromoCell PromoCell cardiomyocytes Line E cell LPC-1005 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: PromoCell; Cell provider catalog number: PromoCell PromoCell cardiomyocytes Line F cell LPC-1006 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: PromoCell; Cell provider catalog number: PromoCell PromoCell cardiomyocytes Line G cell LPC-1007 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: HMS_LINCS Cell provider: Cell Applications, Inc; Cell provider catalog number: Cell Applications, Inc N2586 cell LPC-1008 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: HMS_LINCS Cell provider: Cell Applications, Inc; Cell provider catalog number: Cell Applications, Inc N2645 cell LPC-1009 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: HMS_LINCS Cell provider: Cell Applications, Inc; Cell provider catalog number: Cell Applications, Inc N2759 cell LPC-1010 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: HMS_LINCS Cell provider: Cell Applications, Inc; Cell provider catalog number: Cell Applications, Inc RA1869 cell LPC-1011 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: HMS_LINCS Cell provider: Cell Applications, Inc; Cell provider catalog number: Cell Applications, Inc RA1931 cell LPC-1012 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: HMS_LINCS Cell provider: Cell Applications, Inc; Cell provider catalog number: Cell Applications, Inc RA2159 cell LPC-1013 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: HMS_LINCS Cell provider: Cell Applications, Inc; Cell provider catalog number: Cell Applications, Inc RA2708 cell LPC-1014 Donor subject has two copies of the SMN2 and is heterozygous for deletion of exons 7 and 8 in the SMN1 gene Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Coriell Cell Repository; Cell provider catalog number: Coriell Cell Repository GM03814 cell LPC-1015 Unclassified Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Coriell Cell Repository; Cell provider catalog number: Coriell Cell Repository GM02183 cell LPC-1016 CAG length Allele 1 = 18; Allele 2 = 17 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Coriell Cell Repository; Cell provider catalog number: Coriell Cell Repository ND30625 cell LPC-1017 C9orf72; repeat number not indicated Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Wasington University; Cell provider catalog number: Wasington University F09128 cell LPC-1018 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS F09229 cell LPC-1019 C9orf72; repeat number not indicated Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Wasington University; Cell provider catalog number: Wasington University F10-330 cell LPC-1020 C9orf72; repeat number not indicated Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Wasington University; Cell provider catalog number: Wasington University F09152 cell This is an induced pluripotent stem cell STBCi322-A cell CVCL_ZX55 LPC-1022 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Coriell Cell Repository; Cell provider catalog number: Coriell Cell Repository 83 Fibroblast cell LPC-1023 donor subject has 2 copies of the SMN2 gene and is homozygous for deletion of exons 7 and 8 of the SMN1 gene Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Coriell Cell Repository; Cell provider catalog number: Coriell Cell Repository GM09677 cell LPC-1024 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF01 cell LPC-1025 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF02 cell LPC-1026 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF03 cell LPC-1027 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF04 cell LPC-1028 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF05 cell LPC-1029 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF06 cell LPC-1030 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF07 cell LPC-1031 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF08 cell LPC-1032 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF09 cell LPC-1033 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF10 cell LPC-1034 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF11 cell LPC-1035 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF12 cell LPC-1036 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF13 cell LPC-1037 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF14 cell LPC-1038 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF15 cell LPC-1039 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF16 cell LPC-1040 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF17 cell LPC-1041 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF18 cell LPC-1042 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF19 cell LPC-1043 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS Cell provider: ISMMS; Cell provider catalog number: ISMMS MSF20 cell LPC-1044 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Coriell Cell Repository; Cell provider catalog number: Coriell Cell Repository GM05400 cell LPC-1045 C9orf72; repeat number not indicated Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Wasington University; Cell provider catalog number: Wasington University F09129 cell LPC-1046 donor subject is homozygous for a deletion of exons 7 and 8 in the SMN1 gene and has 2 copies of the SMN2 gene Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Coriell Cell Repository; Cell provider catalog number: Coriell Cell Repository GM10684 cell LPC-1047 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: Broad LPC-1047 cell LPC-1048 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: Broad Cell provider: Lonza; Cell provider catalog number: Lonza CC-2561 cell LPC-1049 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: Broad Cell provider: Lonza; Cell provider catalog number: Lonza CC-2561 cell LPC-1050 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: Broad Cell provider: Lonza; Cell provider catalog number: Lonza CC-2580 cell LPC-1051 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: Broad Cell provider: CellzDirect; Cell provider catalog number: CellzDirect LPC-1051 cell LPC-1052 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: Broad Cell provider: Lonza; Cell provider catalog number: Lonza 2M-101D cell LPC-1053 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: Broad Cell provider: Sciencell; Cell provider catalog number: Sciencell HPA-v cell LPC-1054 ALS-Sporadic Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS W14-C146 cell LPC-1055 ALS-SOD1 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS F13-C004 cell LPC-1056 ALS-Sporadic Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS W15-C166 cell LPC-1057 ALS-SOD1 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS SAB-701-022 cell LPC-1058 ALS-Sporadic Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS W14-C138 cell LPC-1059 ALS-Sporadic Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS W14-C152 cell LPC-1060 ALS-SOD1 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS PWS-711-011 cell MDCK-I MDCK II MDCK Type II MDCK-2 MDCK2 MDCKII MDCKII-WT MDCK-II cell BTO; BTO:0004607 CVCL_0424 ChEMBL-Cells; CHEMBL3308862 HyperCLDB: cl5079 Wikidata; Q54904781 Compared to the parent cell line, has a lower expression of endogenous ABCB1/MDR1. MDCKII-LE RRCK Ralph Russ Canine Kidney MDCKII-Low Efflux MDCKII-LE cell CVCL_VR40 Wikidata; Q95987829 LSC-1002 Donor subject has two copies of the SMN2 and is heterozygous for deletion of exons 7 and 8 in the SMN1 gene mTeSR1, Growth Factor Reduced Matrigel Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Cedars-Sinai Stem Cell Core Laboratory; Cell provider catalog number: CS14iCTR-n6 CS14iCTR-n6 cell LSC-1003 Unclassified mTeSR1, Growth Factor Reduced Matrigel Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Cedars-Sinai Stem Cell Core Laboratory; Cell provider catalog number: CS83iCTR-33n1 CS83iCTR-33n1 cell LSC-1004 CAG length Allele 1 = 18; Allele 2 = 17 mTeSR1, Growth Factor Reduced Matrigel Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Cedars-Sinai Stem Cell Core Laboratory; Cell provider catalog number: CS25iCTR-18n2 CS25iCTR-18n2 cell LSC-1005 C9orf72; repeat number not indicated mTeSR1, Growth Factor Reduced Matrigel Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Cedars-Sinai Stem Cell Core Laboratory; Cell provider catalog number: CS28iALS-n2A CS28iALS-n2A cell LSC-1006 C9orf72; repeat number not indicated mTeSR1, Growth Factor Reduced Matrigel Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Cedars-Sinai Stem Cell Core Laboratory; Cell provider catalog number: CS29iALS-n1N CS29iALS-n1N cell LSC-1007 C9orf72; repeat number not indicated mTeSR1, Growth Factor Reduced Matrigel Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Cedars-Sinai Stem Cell Core Laboratory; Cell provider catalog number: CS30iALS-n1N CS30iALS-n1N cell LSC-1008 C9orf72; repeat number not indicated mTeSR1, Growth Factor Reduced Matrigel Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Cedars-Sinai Stem Cell Core Laboratory; Cell provider catalog number: CS52iALS-n6A CS52iALS-n6A cell LSC-1009 only one copy of the SMN2 gene; homozygous for deletion of exons 7 and 8 of the SMN1 gene mTeSR1, Growth Factor Reduced Matrigel Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Cedars-Sinai Stem Cell Core Laboratory; Cell provider catalog number: CS32iSMA-n3 CS32iSMA-n3 cell LSC-1011 Unknown mTeSR1, Growth Factor Reduced Matrigel Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Cedars-Sinai Stem Cell Core Laboratory; Cell provider catalog number: CS83iSMA-n5 CS83iSMA-n5 cell LSC-1012 donor subject has 2 copies of the SMN2 gene and is homozygous for deletion of exons 7 and 8 of the SMN1 gene mTeSR1, Growth Factor Reduced Matrigel Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS Cell provider: Cedars-Sinai Stem Cell Core Laboratory; Cell provider catalog number: CS77iSMA-n5 CS77iSMA-n5 cell LSC-1013 none/healthy human pluripotent stem cell medium, includign mTeSR Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS MSN01-3 cell LSC-1014 none/healthy human pluripotent stem cell medium, includign mTeSR Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS MSN03-7 cell LSC-1015 none/healthy human pluripotent stem cell medium, includign mTeSR Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS MSN05-1 cell LSC-1016 none/healthy human pluripotent stem cell medium, includign mTeSR Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS MSN06-7 cell LSC-1017 none/healthy human pluripotent stem cell medium, includign mTeSR Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS MSN02-4 cell LSC-1018 none/healthy human pluripotent stem cell medium, includign mTeSR Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS MSN08-13 cell LSC-1019 none/healthy human pluripotent stem cell medium, includign mTeSR Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS MSN09-4 cell LSC-1020 none/healthy human pluripotent stem cell medium, includign mTeSR Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: DToxS MSN10-1 cell LSC-1021 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: BROAD_T FIBRNPC cell LSC-1022 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS CS14isALS-Tn16 cell LSC-1023 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS CS04iALS-SOD1H44Rn3 cell LSC-1024 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS CS00iCTR-n2 cell LSC-1025 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS CS29iALS-C9n1 cell LSC-1026 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS CS30iALS-C9n1 cell LSC-1027 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS CS166isALS-Tn2 cell LSC-1028 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS CS22iALS-SOD1I113Tn2 cell LSC-1029 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS CS138isALS-Tn1 cell LSC-1030 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS CS152isALS-Tn2 cell LSC-1031 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS CS28iALS-C9n2 cell LSC-1032 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS CS52iALS-C9n6 cell LSC-1033 Daniel Cooper, Oliver He Cell center: NeuroLINCS CS11iALS-SOD1I113Tn10 cell A immortal cell line cell that has the characteristics: Fibroblast-like cells derived from African Savannah Elephant. Primary cultured cells. Elephant cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). RIKEN Cell bank Team, Yongqun He LACF-NaNaII RCB2320 Derived from tissue: ear in animal: African Savannah Elephant. Originator: Okui, Toyo Register: Fukui, Daisuke RCB2320 cell A immortal cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pupal ovary hemocyte. RIKEN Cell bank Team, Yongqun He NIAS-PX-64 RCB0412 Derived from tissue: pupal ovary in animal: butterfly,swallow t.. Originator: Mitsuhashi, Jun Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0412 cell A immortal cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pupal ovary hemocyte. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NIAS-PX-58 RCB0556 Derived from tissue: pupal ovary in animal: butterfly,swallow t.. Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0556 cell A immortal cell line cell that has the characteristics: Eel hepatocyte. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Hepa-E1 RCB1155 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: eel. Register: Kong Zwe-Ling RCB1155 cell A immortal cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pupal ovary hemocyte. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0406 TUAT-SpLi-221 Derived from tissue: pupal ovary in animal: moth. Originator: Mitsuhashi, Jun Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0406 cell A immortal cell line cell that has the characteristics: Highly susceptible to nuclear polyhedrosis virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FRI-SpIm-1229 RCB0281 Derived from tissue: fat body, larval in animal: moth, mulberry tiger. Originator: Mitsuhashi,Jun & Inoue, Hajime Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0281 cell A immortal cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cold water fish cell line. Cultured at 25 C. Relatively large chromosomes (Mode 23). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0568 ULF-23 Derived from tissue: fin, caudal in animal: mudminnow, Central. Originator: Etoh, Hisami Register: Etoh, Hisami RCB0568 cell A immortal cell line cell that has the characteristics: Lung fibroblastic cell line derived from Tupaia belangeri. Tupaia cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1861 T-23 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: tupaia. Originator: Inui, Naomichi & Taketomi, Masako Register: Taketomi, Masako RCB1861 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from primary effusion lymphoma (PEL). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OGU1 RCB2351 Derived from tissue: ascites in animal: human. Originator: Kawauchi, Kiyotaka Register: Kawauchi, Kiyotaka RCB2351 cell LCL-1788 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human bile duct carcinoma. This cell line produces carbohydrate antigen 19/9 in serum-free medium. TKG0389(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HuCCT1 RCB1960 Derived from tissue: bile duct, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Miyagiwa, M. (Okayama Univ.) Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1960 cell JHSF: JCRB0425 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from extrahepatic bile duct carcinoma. TKG0367(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2537 TFK-1 Derived from tissue: common bile duct in animal: human. Originator: Saijyo, S. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2537 cell LCL-1404 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: High level of EGF receptor RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A431 RCB0202 Derived from tissue: epidermoid carcinoma in animal: human. Register: Abe, Shin-ichiro RCB0202 cell ECACC: 85090402 LCL-1404 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derivd from epidermoid carcinoma. TKG0182 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A431 RCB1872 Derived from tissue: epidermoid carcinoma in animal: human. Originator: Giard D J, Aaronson S A Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1872 cell ECACC: 85090402 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from osteosarcoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NOS-10 RCB2348 Derived from tissue: femur in animal: human. Originator: Kawashima, Hiroyuki Register: Kawashima, Hiroyuki RCB2348 cell LCL-1293 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: It was initiated from a malignant gestational choriocarcinoma of the fetal placenta. Need to check response to hormones before use. Back up culture of ECA2687. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BeWo RCB1644 Derived from tissue: fetal placenta in animal: human. Register: ECACC RCB1644 cell ATCC: CCL-98 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese gallbladder carcinoma from the same patient of TGBC1TKB. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1130 TGBC2TKB Derived from tissue: gallbladder in animal: human. Originator: Todoroki, T. & Ohno, T. & Kim, B. Register: Todoroki, T. & Ohno, T. RCB1130 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese gallbladder tumor passed through a nude mouse. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1186 TGBC14TKB Derived from tissue: gallbladder in animal: human. Originator: Todoroki, T. & Ohno, T. & Kim, B. Register: Todoroki, T. & Ohno, T. RCB1186 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from gallbladder carcinoma. TKG0642 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He G-415 RCB2640 Derived from tissue: gallbladder in animal: human. Originator: Koyama, shohei Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2640 cell LCL-1344 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese gallbladder carcinoma established from metastated ascite. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1196 TGBC24TKB Derived from tissue: gallbladder, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru & Kim, Boms Register: Todoroki, T. & Ohno, T. RCB1196 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308856 CVCL: CVCL_1770 Sanger: COSMIC ID:910695 LCL-1343 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese gallbadder carcinoma metastated to lymph node from the same patient of TGBC2TKB. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1129 TGBC1TKB Derived from tissue: gallbladder, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Todoroki, T. & Ohno, T. & Kim, B. Register: Todoroki, T. & Ohno, T. RCB1129 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308852 CVCL: CVCL_1769 Sanger: COSMIC ID:909769 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human lymphoid cell line derived from Burkitt's lymphoma. Tumorigenic in nude mouse.TKG0607 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1871 TL-1 Derived from tissue: ileocecal lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Hayashi, Yutaka (Tohoku University) Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1871 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human rhabdomyosarcoma showing myogenic differentiation. TGFbeta inhibits it. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NRS-1 RCB1188 Derived from tissue: left forearm in animal: human. Originator: Ogose, Akira & Motoyama, Teiichi Register: Motoyama, Teiichi RCB1188 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from osteosarcoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HS-Os-1 RCB2229 Derived from tissue: left humerus in animal: human. Originator: Sonobe, Hiroshi Register: Sonobe, Hiroshi RCB2229 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from myxofibrosarcoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NMFH-1 RCB2346 Derived from tissue: left knee in animal: human. Originator: Kawashima, Hiroyuki Register: Kawashima, Hiroyuki RCB2346 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Lung adenocarcinoma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HLC-1 RCB0083 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB0083 cell LCL-1601 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Lung carcinoma, refer to ATCC CCL185 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A549 RCB0098 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Giard, D. J. Register: Abe, Shin-ichiro RCB0098 cell ATCC: CCL-185 LCL-1595 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Lung Cancer-1/squamous, floating variant, the same patient as RCB0455 LC-1/sq. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LC-1F RCB0439 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Kataoka, Hiroaki Register: Itoh, Hiroshi RCB0439 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308207 CVCL: CVCL_1372 EFO: EFO_0002827 Sanger: COSMIC ID:907785 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese lung squamous carcinoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0444 RERF-LC-AI Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Akiyama, Mitoshi Register: Akiyama, Mitoshi RCB0444 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Small cell carcinoma, classic type. See Lu-134-B. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lu-134-A RCB0466 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Terasaki, T. & Shimosato, Y. Register: Terasaki, Takeo RCB0466 cell LCL-1834 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Small cell carcinoma, classic type. See Lu-134-A. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lu-134-B RCB0467 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Terasaki, T. & Shimosato, Y. Register: Terasaki, Takeo RCB0467 cell JHSF: JCRB0169 LCL-1809 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Small cell carcinoma, variant type RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lu-135 RCB0468 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Terasaki, T. & Shimosato, Y. Register: Terasaki, Takeo RCB0468 cell JHSF: JCRB0170 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Small cell carcinoma, classic type RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lu-139 RCB0469 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Tsumuraya, M. & Nakajima, T. Register: Terasaki, Takeo RCB0469 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Small cell carcimoma, classic type RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lu-140 RCB0470 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Terasaki, T. & Shimosato, Y. Register: Terasaki, Takeo RCB0470 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: SV40 transformed human lung fibroblast. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He IMR-90-SV RCB1024 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Register: Kaji, Kazuhiko RCB1024 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human lung cancer derived cell. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LCAM1 RCB1425 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Inoue, Masayoshi Register: Inoue, Masayoshi RCB1425 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Oat cell type. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lu-24 RCB1771 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Terasaki, Takeo Register: Terasaki, Takeo RCB1771 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lu-143 RCB1773 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Terasaki, Takeo Register: Terasaki, Takeo RCB1773 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lu-138 RCB1785 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Terasaki, Takeo Register: Terasaki, Takeo RCB1785 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Lung giant cell carcinoma cell line derived from human. TKG0495 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lu99 RCB1900 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Hirohashi, S. and Shimosatao, Y. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1900 cell LCL-1584 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human lung squamous cell carcinoma cell line. TKG0481(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He EBC-1 RCB1965 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1965 cell JHSF: JCRB0820 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. TKG0503(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 87-5 RCB2092 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Kobayashi, Syunsuke Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2092 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. Mouse WA-mFib cells are the stromal cells for this cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2279 WA-hT Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Takiguchi, Yuichi Register: Takiguchi, Yuichi RCB2279 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human lung giant cell carcinoma cell line. TKG0496 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lu99B RCB1971 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Suzuki, K. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1971 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Transformed in vitro with carcinogen RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0174 SUSM-1 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Huh, Nam, Ho (Nanba, Masayoshi) Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0174 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: SV40-transformed WI-38. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0251 VA-13 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0251 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Parent cell line of LC/sq-SFthe same patient as RCB0439 LC-F. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LC-1/sq RCB0455 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Kataoka, Hiroaki Register: Itoh, Hiroshi RCB0455 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Lung small cell carcinoma producing insulin-like growth factor II. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1022 T3M-11 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1022 cell LCL-1658 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese lung adenocarcinoma, highly metastatic in SCID mice. Also refer to RCB0444 RCRF-LC-AI. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ZN RCB1313 RERF-LC-KJ Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Terada, Seigo Register: Kyoizumi, Seishi RCB1313 cell JHSF: JCRB0137 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Small lung carcinoma. PTHrP producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MS-1 RCB0725 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Masuda, Noriyuki Register: Iguchi, Haruo RCB0725 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung squamous cell carcinoma. Many granules are found in cytoplasma. HLA-A 11/24. TKG0301 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1905 Sq-1 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Kobayashi, SyunsukeS. (Tohoku Univ.) Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1905 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. TKG0244(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1966 S1 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Kobayashi, SyunsukeS. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1966 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Adenocarcinoma. TKG0177 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He II-18 RCB2093 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Kobayashi, Syunsuke Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2093 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. TKG0245(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2133 S2 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Kobayashi, Syunsuke Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2133 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Large cell carcinoma. TKG0181(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 86-2 RCB2134 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Kobayashi, Syunsuke Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2134 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Normal human lung fibroblast. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HF19 RCB0210 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Register: ECACC RCB0210 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Normal embryonic lung fibroblast. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MRC-5 RCB0211 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Jacobs, J. P. Register: ECACC RCB0211 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung adenosquamous cell carcinoma. HLA A2402/, B5201/, Cw01201/. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A529L RCB2817 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Yasumoto, Kosei Register: Yasumoto, Kosei RCB2817 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung adenocarcinoma. HLA A2402/2402, B5201/5401, C0102/1202. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B1203L RCB2818 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Yasumoto, Kosei Register: Yasumoto, Kosei RCB2818 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung large cell carcinoma. HLA A0206/2601, B0702/3501, Cw0702/0801. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He C831L RCB2819 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Yasumoto, Kosei Register: Yasumoto, Kosei RCB2819 cell LCL-1904 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human lung carcinoma cell line. TKG0442(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LU65 RCB1967 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1967 cell JHSF: JCRB0079 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human lung small cell carcinoma cell line. ADH producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2281 T3M-12 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB2281 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: SV40-transformed, 6TG-resistant and HAT-sensitive. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MRC-5 SV1 TG1 RCB0207 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Jacobs, P. Register: ECACC RCB0207 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human immortalized cell line derived from MRC5 cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He L12.9-2(1) RCB2834 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Takano, Toshiya Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2834 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human immortalized cell line derived from MRC5 cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He L23immo RCB2833 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Takano, Toshiya Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2833 cell LCL-1587 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human lung squamous cell carcinoma cell line.TKG0494 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LK-2 RCB1970 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Yoshioka, S. & Yamane. M. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1970 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308472 CVCL: CVCL_1377 EFO: EFO_0003141 JHSF: JCRB0829 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung adenocarcinoma cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A110L RCB2816 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Yasumoto, Kosei Register: Yasumoto, Kosei RCB2816 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Lung Cancer-1/squamous, serum-free cultured RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LC-1/sq-SF RCB0438 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Kataoka, Hiroaki Register: Itoh, Hiroshi RCB0438 cell LCL-1630 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung adenocarcinoma cells. Differentiated type. <a href=''>Previous name:PC-14(RCB0446) </a> RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PC-9 RCB4455 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Tsuji, K. & Hayata, Y. Register: Nakamura, Yukio RCB4455 cell : MGH-889 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human lung cancer cell line expressing capsid protein of human adenovirus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 633 RCB2352 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: human. Originator: Gken Nemerow Register: Yokoyama, K. & Nakamura, Y. RCB2352 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producing high level of anti-diuretic hormone. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lu-165 RCB1184 Derived from tissue: lung, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Terasaki, Takeo Register: Terasaki, Takeo RCB1184 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lung cancer. Small cell carcinoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lu-141 RCB1772 Derived from tissue: lung, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Terasaki, Takeo Register: Terasaki, Takeo RCB1772 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Lung large cell carcinoma producing CSF. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1020 T3M-10 T3M10 Derived from tissue: lung, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1020 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from synovial sarcoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HS-SY-II RCB2231 Derived from tissue: lung, pleural effusion in animal: human. Originator: Sonobe, Hiroshi Register: Sonobe, Hiroshi RCB2231 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Adenocarcinoma, moderately diffirentiated. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LC-2/ad RCB0440 Derived from tissue: lung, pleural fluid in animal: human. Originator: Kataoka, Hiroaki Register: Itoh, Hiroshi RCB0440 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human large cell lung carcinoma. Taken from skin metastasis. In vivo-in vitro clonogenic assay. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He IA-5 RCB0548 Derived from tissue: lung, skin meta in animal: human. Originator: Miyamoto, Tadaaki, Takiguchi, Yuichi Register: Takiguchi, Yuichi RCB0548 cell LCL-1778 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese lung large cell carcinoma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He IA-LM RCB0554 Derived from tissue: lung, skin meta in animal: human. Originator: Miyamoto, Tadaaki & Takiguchi,Yuichi Register: Takiguchi, Yuichi RCB0554 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308833 CVCL: CVCL_1302 Sanger: COSMIC ID:910779 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Malignant melanoma from lympho node. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HTMM RCB0700 Derived from tissue: lymph node in animal: human. Originator: Ono, Isao & Isahiwata, Isamu &Isahikawa, Hiroshi Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0700 cell LCL-1118 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Fas-antigen expressing. Ligation with anti-Fas mAb does not induce apoptosis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CTB-1 RCB1316 Derived from tissue: lymph node, B-lymphoma in animal: human. Originator: Miyazawa, Keisuke & Uchida, Yoshiko Register: Miyazawa, Keisuke RCB1316 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308188 CVCL: CVCL_1149 Sanger: COSMIC ID:949088 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: EB transformed B cell line RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CGM1 RCB0566 Derived from tissue: lymphoblast in animal: human. Originator: Olson, V. Maynard Register: Imai, Takashi RCB0566 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphoblastoid cell line (RCB2288 211-LCL) transformed with APR-MUC1 and PRC-MUC1 cDNAs. TKG0615(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 211-LCL-MUC1 RCB1876 Derived from tissue: lymphoblastoid in animal: human. Originator: Kudo, T. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1876 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human derived T cell line. HTLV-1 pro-virus DNA(+). TKG0369 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1881 TL-Mor Derived from tissue: lymphocytes (T cell ) in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1881 cell LCL-2062 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human T cell line derived from acute T cell leukemia. TKG0377 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PEER RCB1879 Derived from tissue: lymphoid,T-leukemia in animal: human. Originator: Ravid, Z. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1879 cell ACC 6 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human malignant pleural mesothelioma cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ACC-MESO-1 RCB2292 Derived from tissue: malignant pleural mesothelioma, pleural fluid in animal: human. Originator: Hida, Toyoaki Register: Sekido, Yoshitaka RCB2292 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human malignant pleural mesothelioma cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ACC-MESO-4 RCB2293 Derived from tissue: malignant pleural mesothelioma, pleural fluid in animal: human. Originator: Hida, Toyoaki Register: Sekido, Yoshitaka RCB2293 cell LCL-1753 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibrous histiocytoma. Showing fibroblastic- and histiocytic features. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MFH-ino RCB0749 Derived from tissue: maxilla in animal: human. Originator: Takahashi, Kikuo Register: Takahashi, Kikuo RCB0749 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308269 CVCL: CVCL_1407 Sanger: COSMIC ID:925343 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese maxillary simus squamous carcinoma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSQ-89 RCB0789 Derived from tissue: maxillary sinus in animal: human. Originator: Wakamatu, Yoshiko & Miyake, Masahiko Register: Ooki, Hidero RCB0789 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Melanin producing. Originated from the same site of HMV-I. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HMV-II RCB0777 Derived from tissue: melanoma in animal: human. Originator: Kasuga, Tsutomu Register: Kasuga, Tsutomu RCB0777 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human melanoma, spindle-shaped. Said DOPA (+). Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MMAc RCB0808 Derived from tissue: melanoma, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Katayama, Hiroshi Register: Katayama, Hiroshi RCB0808 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Serum-free medium-adapted MMAc cells. For SF culture, + insulin, hEGF, hydrocortisone, bovine pituit RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MMAc&middot;SF RCB1200 Derived from tissue: melanoma, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Katayama, Hiroshi Register: Katayama, Hiroshi RCB1200 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from neroblastoma of adrenal gland. TKG0468(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NH-6 RCB2109 Derived from tissue: neuroblastoma, adrenal gland in animal: human. Originator: Hiyama, E. & Nakamura, N. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2109 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: G-CSF and IL-1 producing oral squamous cell carcinoma, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and CJM. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1017 T3M-1 Cl-10 Derived from tissue: oral cavity in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1017 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: G-CSF producing oral squamous cell carcinoma, the same patient as T3M-1 Cl-10 and CJM. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1015 T3M-1 Clone2 Derived from tissue: oral cavity in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1015 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from metastasis of cancer occurred in oral cavity, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and T3M-1 Cl-10. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CJM RCB1034 Derived from tissue: oral, the thoracic cavity meta in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1034 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from metastasis of cancer occurred in oral cavity, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and T3M-1 Cl-10. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CJM Cl4 RCB1035 Derived from tissue: oral, the thoracic cavity meta in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1035 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from metastasis of cancer occurred in oral cavity, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and T3M-1 Cl-10. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CJM Cl5 RCB1036 Derived from tissue: oral, the thoracic cavity meta in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1036 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from metastasis of cancer occurred in oral cavity, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and T3M-1 Cl-10. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CJM Cl6 RCB1037 Derived from tissue: oral, the thoracic cavity meta in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1037 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from metastasis of cancer occurred in oral cavity, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and T3M-1 Cl-10. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CJM Cl7 RCB1038 Derived from tissue: oral, the thoracic cavity meta in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1038 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from metastasis of cancer occurred in oral cavity, the same patient as T3M-1 Clone2 and T3M-1 Cl-10. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CJM Cl8 RCB1039 Derived from tissue: oral, the thoracic cavity meta in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1039 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: v-Ki-ras transformant TE85 cell line. HAT sensitive, neo resistant. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 143B/TK^(-)neo^(R) RCB0701 Derived from tissue: osteosarcoma in animal: human. Originator: Croce, C. Register: Sugimoto, Yoshikazu RCB0701 cell LCL-1422 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from osteosarcoma. TKG0452(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HuO-3N1 RCB2104 Derived from tissue: osteosarcoma in animal: human. Originator: Yamane, T. & Sato, J Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2104 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308818 CVCL: CVCL_1297 JHSF: JCRB0413 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from pancreatic cancer. TKG0492 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PK-59 RCB1901 Derived from tissue: pancreas in animal: human. Originator: Kobari, Masao Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1901 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from pancreatic cancer. TKG0227(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MIA Paca2 RCB2094 Derived from tissue: pancreas in animal: human. Originator: Yunis, A Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2094 cell LCL-1726 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from pancreatic cancer. Ductal origin. TKG0606(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PANC-1 RCB2095 Derived from tissue: pancreas in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2095 cell ATCC: CRL-1469 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from pancreatic cancer. TKG0630(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NOR-P1 RCB2139 Derived from tissue: pancreas in animal: human. Originator: Mizumoto, K. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2139 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from pancreatic cancer. RCB1972 is derived from the same patient. TKG0490 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KLM-1 RCB2138 Derived from tissue: pancreas in animal: human. Originator: Kobari, M. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2138 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human pancreatic carcinoma cell line. RCB2138 is derived from the same patient.TKG0239(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PK-1 RCB1972 Derived from tissue: pancreas in animal: human. Originator: Kobari, M. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1972 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human pancreatic carcinoma cell line, the same patient as RCB2141. TKG0491(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PK-45H RCB1973 Derived from tissue: pancreas in animal: human. Originator: Kobori, M. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1973 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from pancreatic carcinoma. RCB1973 is derived from the same patient. TKG0493(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PK-45P RCB2141 Derived from tissue: pancreas in animal: human. Originator: Kobori, M. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2141 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pancreatic ductal cell carcinoma. PTHrP producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KP4-3 RCB1008 Derived from tissue: pancreas, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Nawata, H. & Nishi, Y. Register: Nishi, Y. & Nawata, H. RCB1008 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pancreatic ductal cell carcinoma. Mother cell line of KP4-1, -2, and -3. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KP4 RCB1005 Derived from tissue: pancreas, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Nawata, H. & Nishi, Y. Register: Nishi, Y. & Nawata, H. RCB1005 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pancreatic ductal cell carcinoma. PTHrP producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KP4-1 RCB1006 Derived from tissue: pancreas, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Nawata, H. & Nishi, Y. Register: Nishi, Y. & Nawata, H. RCB1006 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pancreatic ductal cell carcinoma. PTHrP producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KP4-2 RCB1007 Derived from tissue: pancreas, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Nawata, H. & Nishi, Y. Register: Nishi, Y. & Nawata, H. RCB1007 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from liver metastasis of pancreas carcinoma. TKG0383 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PK-8 RCB2700 Derived from tissue: pancreas, liver meta in animal: human. Originator: Kobari, Masao Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2700 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma producing CEA. K-ras activated. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1021 T3M-4 Derived from tissue: pancreas, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1021 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: 3 cell lines from different metastases were established from the same patient. See TGBC51TKB. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1280 TGBC50TKB Derived from tissue: papilla vater, liver meta in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao & Yasugi Tomoko Register: Todoroki, T. & Ohno, T. RCB1280 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: 3 cell lines from different metastases were established from the same patient. See TGBC50TKB. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1282 TGBC52TKB Derived from tissue: papilla vater, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao & Yasugi Tomoko Register: Todoroki, T. & Ohno, T. RCB1282 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: 3 cell lines from different metastases were established from the same patient. See TGBC52TKB. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1281 TGBC51TKB Derived from tissue: papilla vater, peritoneum meta in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao & Yasugi Tomoko Register: Todoroki, T. & Ohno, T. RCB1281 cell LCL-1998 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Isolated from a patient with hiper dopaminemia andnorepinephrinemia. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NBsusSR RCB0803 Derived from tissue: pelvic tumor in animal: human. Originator: Isobe, Yasushi Register: Isobe, Yasushi RCB0803 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308847 CVCL: CVCL_1450 RIKEN: COSMIC ID:925342; Riken RCB0803,RCB0803 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Benign mature tridermal teratoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HGRT RCB0966 Derived from tissue: peritoneum in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, I. & Ono, I. & Ishikawa, H. Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0966 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Methotrexate(MTX)-resistant K562 cell line RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He K562/MTX-2 RCB0474 Derived from tissue: pleural effusion in animal: human. Originator: Koizumi, Shoichi Register: Koizumi, Shoichi RCB0474 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Expressing P2U receptor acting in signal transduction pathway. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He P2UR/K-562 RCB1197 Derived from tissue: pleural effusion in animal: human. Originator: Enomoto, Koh-ichi Register: Enomoto, Koh-ichi RCB1197 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of K562. Resistant to adriamycin. TKG0211 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He K562/Adr RCB1898 Derived from tissue: pleural effusion in animal: human. Originator: Tsuruo, T. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1898 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cloned U-937, differentiate with TNF RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0435 U-937 DE-4 Derived from tissue: pleural effusion in animal: human. Originator: Sundstrom, C. & Nilsson, K. Register: Iwamoto, Sanju RCB0435 cell LCL-1103 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human CML derived cell line. Deposited directly from the institution that has established this cell. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He K-562 RCB1635 Derived from tissue: pleural effusion in animal: human. Originator: Lozzio, C.B. & Lozzio, B.B. Register: Ichiki, T. Albert RCB1635 cell ATCC: CCL-243 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from chronic myelogenous leukemia. Differentiate into mature erythrocytes. TKG0210 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He K562 RCB1897 Derived from tissue: pleural effusion in animal: human. Originator: Lozzio, C.B. & Lozzio, B.B. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1897 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of K562 cell line. Resistant to vincristine. TKG0212 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He K562/Vin RCB2111 Derived from tissue: pleural effusion in animal: human. Originator: Tsuruo, T. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2111 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Chronic myelogenous leukemia, sensitive to NK cell. Differentiate to erythroid cells . RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He K562 RCB0027 Derived from tissue: pleural effusion in animal: human. Originator: Lozzio, C.B. & Lozzio, B.B. Register: Kanazawa, Satoshi RCB0027 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCC-RbC-67 RCB2214 Derived from tissue: retinoblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Inomata, Masako Register: Kaneko, Akihiro RCB2214 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human retinoblastoma cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCC-RbC-39 RCB2205 Derived from tissue: retinoblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Inomata, Masako Register: Kaneko, Akihiro RCB2205 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCC-RbC-T1 RCB2219 Derived from tissue: retinoblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Inomata, Masako Register: Kaneko, Akihiro RCB2219 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCC-RbC-54 RCB2208 Derived from tissue: retinoblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Inomata, Masako Register: Kaneko, Akihiro RCB2208 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCC-RbC-60 RCB2213 Derived from tissue: retinoblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Inomata, Masako Register: Kaneko, Akihiro RCB2213 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCC-RbC-83 RCB2217 Derived from tissue: retinoblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Inomata, Masako Register: Kaneko, Akihiro RCB2217 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCC-RbC-92 RCB2218 Derived from tissue: retinoblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Inomata, Masako Register: Kaneko, Akihiro RCB2218 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCC-RbC-59 RCB2212 Derived from tissue: retinoblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Inomata, Masako Register: Kaneko, Akihiro RCB2212 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human retinoblastoma cell line derived from cervical lymph node metastasis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCC-RbC-51 RCB2206 Derived from tissue: retinoblastoma, cervical lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Inomata, Masako Register: Kaneko, Akihiro RCB2206 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from schwannoma. TKG0454 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2136 YST-1 Derived from tissue: right arm in animal: human. Originator: Nagashima, Y. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2136 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from malignant melanoma. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DEOC-1 RCB2831 Derived from tissue: right heel in animal: human. Originator: Yamada, Takashi Register: Yamada, Takashi RCB2831 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NMS-2 RCB2347 Derived from tissue: right thigh in animal: human. Originator: Imaizumi, Satoshi Register: Kawashima, Hiroyuki RCB2347 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human sacrococcigeal teratoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HTST RCB0967 Derived from tissue: sacrococcygeal in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, I. & Ono, I. & Ishi kawa, H. Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0967 cell LCL-1430 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Osteogenic sarcoma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0428 Saos-2 Derived from tissue: sarcoma in animal: human. Originator: Fogh, J. & Trempe, G Register: RCB (Noda, Makoto) RCB0428 cell ATCC: HTB-85 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rare peripheral neuroectodermal tumor cells. Use collagen-coated dish. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KU-SN RCB1317 Derived from tissue: scapula, pleural fluid in animal: human. Originator: Sano, Kimihiko Register: Sano, Kimihiko RCB1317 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rheumatoid fibroblast-like synoviocyte transformed with SV40 T antigen. Respond to IL-1beta. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MH7A RCB1512 Derived from tissue: synovial in animal: human. Originator: Miyazawa, Keiji Register: R & D, Planning RCB1512 cell LCL-1012 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from T cell leukemia. TKG0563(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CCRF-CEM RCB1980 Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1980 cell ATCC: CCL-119 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from Hodgkin's lymphoma. TKG0198(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HD-Mar2 RCB1981 Derived from tissue: T cell leukemia in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1981 cell LCL-1968 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human neuroblastoma cell line. TKG0460(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1952 SCCH-26 Derived from tissue: unknown in animal: human. Originator: Kaneko, Y. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1952 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308127 CVCL: CVCL_1686 JHSF: JCRB0106 A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HS-Sch-2 RCB2230 Derived from tissue: unknown in animal: human. Originator: Sonobe, Hiroshi Register: Sonobe, Hiroshi RCB2230 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from epithelioid sarcoma. Derived from a different patient from the patient of HS-ES-1 cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HS-ES-2R RCB2361 Derived from tissue: unknown in animal: human. Originator: Sonobe, Hiroshi Register: Sonobe, Hiroshi RCB2361 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from epithelioid sarcoma. Derived from a different patient from the patient of HS-ES-2M, 2R cell lines. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HS-ES-1 RCB2364 Derived from tissue: unknown in animal: human. Originator: Sonobe, Hiroshi Register: Sonobe, Hiroshi RCB2364 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from epithelioid sarcoma. Derived from a different patient from the patient of HS-ES-1 cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HS-ES-2M RCB2360 Derived from tissue: unknown, lung meta in animal: human. Originator: Sonobe, Hiroshi Register: Sonobe, Hiroshi RCB2360 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Squamous carcinoma cells derived from human oral cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0980 Sa3 Derived from tissue: upper gingiva in animal: human. Originator: Harada, Masakazu Register: Harada, Masakazu RCB0980 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma cell line derived from human. Transplantable in nude mouse. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1695 RMS-YM Derived from tissue: urachus in animal: human. Originator: Kubo, Kazuaki Register: Naoe, Tomoki RCB1695 cell A immortal human cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese choriocarcinoma cell line. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HOCE RCB1514 Derived from tissue: uterine in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, I. & Ishikawa, H. Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB1514 cell A immortal cat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cat cell line derived from lymphoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FELV3281-AD RCB2610 Derived from tissue: lymphoma in animal: cat. Originator: Takayama, Katsuyoshi Register: Kobayashi, Yukiharu RCB2610 cell A immortal frog cell line cell that has the characteristics: Frog (Xenopus laevis) cell line derived from liver. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A8 RCB0773 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: frog. Originator: Rafferty, K. A. Jr. Register: Asashima, Makoto RCB0773 cell A immortal frog cell line cell that has the characteristics: Melanophore derived cell line. Derived from Rana nigromaculata. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LAH1 RCB1733 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: frog. Originator: Okumoto, Hitoshi Register: Okumoto, Hitoshi RCB1733 cell A immortal frog cell line cell that has the characteristics: Melanophore derived cell line. Derived from Rana porosa brevipoda (albino). Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LAH3 RCB1734 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: frog. Originator: Okumoto, Hitoshi Register: Okumoto, Hitoshi RCB1734 cell A immortal frog cell line cell that has the characteristics: Frog (Xenopus laevis) cell line derived from subcutaneous tumor. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0770 XTY Derived from tissue: subcutaneous in animal: frog. Originator: Fukui, Akimasa Register: Asashima, Makoto RCB0770 cell A immortal frog cell line cell that has the characteristics: Frog (Xenopus laevis) cell line derived from tadpole. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0771 XTC-YF Derived from tissue: tadpole in animal: frog. Originator: Pudney, Mary Register: Asashima, Makoto RCB0771 cell A immortal frog cell line cell that has the characteristics: Melanophore derived cell line. Derived from Rana porosa brevipoda (albino). Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LAH2 RCB1735 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: frog, albino. Originator: Okumoto, Hitoshi Register: Okumoto, Hitoshi RCB1735 cell A immortal hybrid cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human hybrid (T and B lymphoblast) cell line. Fusion cll line between 174 and CEM.T2. This hybrid cells do not express MHC class II. HLA-A2 positive.TKG 0599(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1932 T2 Derived from tissue: hybrid cell in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1932 cell A immortal hybrid cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat thymoma cell line fused to mouse cells during nude-mouse transplantation. Mouse chr. 5, 15, 17. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MTHC-2 RCB0739 Derived from tissue: hybrid cell in animal: mouse x rat. Originator: Lu, Jin & Matsuyama, Mutsushi Register: Matsuyama, Mutsushi RCB0739 cell A immortal hybrid cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat thymoma cell line fused to mouse cells during nude-mouse transplantation. Mouse chr. 5,7,15,17. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MTHC-3 RCB0740 Derived from tissue: hybrid cell in animal: mouse x rat. Originator: Lu, J. & Matsuyama, M. Register: Matsuyama, Mutsushi RCB0740 cell A immortal zebra fish cell line cell that has the characteristics: Zebrafish fin fibroblast. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BRF41 RCB0804 Derived from tissue: scale in animal: zebrafish. Originator: Mitani, Hiroshi Register: Mitani, Hiroshi RCB0804 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human myeloma. Lambda- chain producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KMM-1 RCB0193 Derived from tissue: myeloma, subcutaneous in animal: human. Originator: Namba, Masayoshi Register: Huh, Nam, Ho RCB0193 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Ehrlich's ascite tumor RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Ehrlich RCB0142 Derived from tissue: ascites in animal: mouse. Register: Kurita, Kaoru RCB0142 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: 9,10-dimethyl-1,2benzanthracene induced lymphoma. Back up culture of ECA2504. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He EL4 RCB1641 Derived from tissue: ascites in animal: mouse. Register: ECACC RCB1641 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Highly metastatic and drug-resistant mouse tumor RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LLC RCB0558 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: mouse. Originator: Sugimoto, Y. (in vitro) Register: Sugimoto, Yoshikazu RCB0558 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rapidly growing lymphoma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He L5178Y RCB0135 Derived from tissue: lymph node in animal: mouse. Register: Kaneko, Ichiro RCB0135 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Highly sensitive to X-ray irradiation RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LX830 RCB0138 Derived from tissue: lymph node in animal: mouse. Originator: Sato, Koki Register: Sato, Koki RCB0138 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Resistant to 6TG, isolated from M10 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He M10^(-) RCB0137 Derived from tissue: lymph node in animal: mouse. Originator: Kosaka, Toshifumi Register: Kosaka, Toshifumi RCB0137 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Highly sensitive to X-ray irradiation RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He M10 RCB0136 Derived from tissue: lymph node in animal: mouse. Originator: Sato, Koki Register: Sato, Koki RCB0136 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse lymphoid tumor, macrophage like. Buck-up culture of ECA85051501. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PU5-18 RCB0538 Derived from tissue: lymphoid tumor in animal: mouse. Register: ECACC RCB0538 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Natural killer cell-sensitive mouse lymphoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1165 YAC-1 Derived from tissue: lymphoma in animal: mouse. Register: DSMZ RCB1165 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: IL-3 dependent mouse myeloid cells. MoLV induced. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DA-3 RCB1144 Derived from tissue: myeloid in animal: mouse. Register: Todokoro, Kazuo RCB1144 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Differentiate to macrophage and granulocyte RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He M1 RCB0169 Derived from tissue: myeloid leukemia in animal: mouse. Originator: Ichikawa, Yasuo Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0169 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Myeloma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He P3&middot;NS-1/1&middot;Ag4.1 RCB0095 Derived from tissue: myeloma in animal: mouse. Originator: Kohler, G. & Milstein, C. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0095 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Myeloma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He P3-X63-Ag8.653 RCB0146 Derived from tissue: myeloma in animal: mouse. Originator: Kearney, J. Register: Murakami, Yasufumi RCB0146 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Myeloma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0209 SP2/0-Ag14 Derived from tissue: myeloma in animal: mouse. Originator: Shulman, M. et al Register: ECACC RCB0209 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Myeloma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NS0 RCB0213 Derived from tissue: myeloma in animal: mouse. Originator: Jarvis, J. Register: ECACC RCB0213 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from neuroblastoma. TKG0509(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NB2a RCB2639 Derived from tissue: neuroblastoma in animal: mouse. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2639 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cytotoxic T-cell line. IL-2 dependent. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CTLL-2 RCB0637 Derived from tissue: T cell in animal: mouse. Originator: Smith, K. A. Register: Todokoro, Kazuo RCB0637 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from fibrosarcoma. TNF resistant. BALB/c strain. TKG0281(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2904 WEHI164R Derived from tissue: fibrosarcoma in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Ohta, N. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2904 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from fibrosarcoma. TNF sensitive. BALB/c strain. TKG0282(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2905 WEHI164S Derived from tissue: fibrosarcoma in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Ohta, N. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2905 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from spontaneous malignant fibrous histiocytoma. A/J strain. TKG0497(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MUSS RCB2642 Derived from tissue: left leg in animal: mouse, A/J. Originator: Watanabe, Itaru Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2642 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from neuroblastoma. TKG0307 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He C-1300N18 RCB2620 Derived from tissue: neuroblastoma in animal: mouse, A/J. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2620 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Highly metastatic neuroblastoma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He C-1300 RCB0283 Derived from tissue: neuroblastoma in animal: mouse, A/J. Register: Iwakawa, M. & Ando, K. RCB0283 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from lymphoma. A/Sn strain. TKG0387 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2799 YAC-1 Derived from tissue: lymphoma in animal: mouse, A/Sn. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2799 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of OP9 cell line, expressing DLL1 and human NGF receptor. See RCB2120 TSt-4/N-DLL1. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OP9/N-DLL1 RCB2927 Derived from tissue: newborn, calvaria in animal: mouse, B6C3Fe-a/a, op. Originator: Kawamoto, Hiroshi Register: Kawamoto, Hiroshi RCB2927 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of OP9 cell line, expressing human NGF receptor. Cell growth is slow. See RCB2119 TSt-4/N. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OP9/N RCB2926 Derived from tissue: newborn, calvaria in animal: mouse, B6C3Fe-a/a, op. Originator: Kawamoto, Hiroshi Register: Kawamoto, Hiroshi RCB2926 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of OP9 cell line, expressing EGFP. Cell growth is slow. See RCB2117 TSt-4/G. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OP9/G RCB2924 Derived from tissue: newborn, calvaria in animal: mouse, B6C3Fe-a/a, op. Originator: Kawamoto, Hiroshi Register: Kawamoto, Hiroshi RCB2924 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of OP9 cell line, expressing DLL1 and EGFP. Cell growth is slow. See RCB2118 TSt-4/G-DLL1. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OP9/G-DLL1 RCB2925 Derived from tissue: newborn, calvaria in animal: mouse, B6C3Fe-a/a, op. Originator: Kawamoto, Hiroshi Register: Kawamoto, Hiroshi RCB2925 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from ascites. Macrophage-like cells. BALB/c strain. TKG0208(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He J774-1 RCB2652 Derived from tissue: ascites in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Peter, Ralph Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2652 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Macrophage-like cell RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He J774.1 RCB0434 Derived from tissue: ascites in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Peter, Ralph Register: Sakagami, Hiroshi RCB0434 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from lymphoma. Balb/c strain. TKG0571 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A20 RCB2745 Derived from tissue: lymphoma in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2745 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: IL-3 dependent mouse myeloid cells. MoLV induced. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DA-1 RCB1143 Derived from tissue: myeloid in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Register: Todokoro, Kazuo RCB1143 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from myelomonocytic leukemia cells. BALB/c strain. TKG0584(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2853 WEHI-3B Derived from tissue: myelomonocyte in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Warner, N.L. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2853 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from bone marrow. Fibroblast-like. 6TG resistant. BALB/c strain. TKG0350(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JLS-V9 6TG RCB2896 Derived from tissue: normal bone marrow, tibia, femur in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Wright, B. S. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2896 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse osteosarcoma cell line. Transplantable to mouse and form bone tissue in mouse. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NHOS RCB1741 Derived from tissue: soft tissue tumor in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Nishi, Takashi Register: Kusumi, Tomomi RCB1741 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: A highly metastatic cell line derived from Dunn's osteosarcoma (C3H mouse origin). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LM8 RCB1450 Derived from tissue: bone in animal: mouse, C3H. Originator: Aoki, Yasuaki & Ueda, Ueda, Takafumi Register: Ueda, Takafumi RCB1450 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse ES (RCB1778 H-1) cell derived cell, useful for study of hematopoiesis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A-6(ES derived) RCB1517 Derived from tissue: ES cell (H-1) in animal: mouse, C3H. Originator: Atsumi, Tadao Register: Atsumi, Tadao RCB1517 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: In vivo transplantable highly metastatic sarcoma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NFSa Y83 RCB0282 Derived from tissue: fibrosarcoma in animal: mouse, C3H. Register: Ando, Koichi RCB0282 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma. Metastatic to lung. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 505-05-01 RCB0761 Derived from tissue: back in animal: mouse, C57BCF1. Originator: Kodama, Yuso Register: Niwa, Ohtsura RCB0761 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse osteoblast-like cell line derived from Runx2 deficient mouse. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2695 RD-C2 Derived from tissue: calvaria in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Originator: Yamaguchi, Akira Register: Yamaguchi, Akira RCB2695 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse osteoblast-like cell line derived from Runx2 deficient mouse. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2696 RD-C6 Derived from tissue: calvaria in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Originator: Yamaguchi, Akira Register: Yamaguchi, Akira RCB2696 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Choroid plexus carcinoma cell line transfected with IgH enhancer-SV40 T fusion gene. Different shape RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ECPC-4 RCB1287 Derived from tissue: choroid in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Originator: Enjoji, Munechika Register: Enjoji, Munechika RCB1287 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Choroid plexus carcinoma cell line transfected with IgH enhancer-SV40 T fusion gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ECPC-3 RCB1286 Derived from tissue: choroid in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Originator: Enjoji, M. & Nakashima, M. Register: Enjoji, Munechika RCB1286 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse-derived gingival epithelial cell line. Derived from SV40-Large T antigen transgenic mouse. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GE1 RCB1709 Derived from tissue: gingival kerarinocyte in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Originator: Hatakeyama, Setsuko Register: Hatakeyama, Setsuko RCB1709 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Differentiate to osteoblasts. Collagen producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MC3T3-E1 RCB1126 Derived from tissue: newborn, calvaria in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Originator: Kodama, Hiroaki Register: Kodama, Hiroaki RCB1126 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from Swiss Webster Sarcoma 180. CFW strain. TKG0637(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2899 S180-Kumamoto-TC Derived from tissue: sarcoma, ascitic tumor in animal: mouse, CFW. Originator: Ikeda,M Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2899 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from sarcoma cells in ascites. CFW strain. TKG0672(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2900 S180-Meiji-TC Derived from tissue: sarcoma, ascitic tumor in animal: mouse, CFW. Originator: Hisamatsu, M. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2900 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from sarcoma cells in ascites. CFW strain. TKG0638(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2901 S180-NCC-TC Derived from tissue: sarcoma, ascitic tumor in animal: mouse, CFW. Originator: Ikeda,M. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2901 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from leukemia. Resistant to 6TG (10 microgram/ml). DBA/2 strain. TKG0478 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He L1210 TGR4 RCB2844 Derived from tissue: leukemia in animal: mouse, DBA/2. Originator: Yamada, Noriko Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2844 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from lung squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0473 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KLN205-MUC1 RCB2614 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: mouse, DBA/2. Originator: Kaneko, T. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2614 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from lung squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0214 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KLN205 RCB2623 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: mouse, DBA/2. Originator: Kaneko, T. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2623 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from lymphoid tumor. DBA/2 strain. TKG0292 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2784 RL1(Gloria) Derived from tissue: lymphoid tumor in animal: mouse, DBA/2. Originator: Sato, et al Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2784 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from lymphoid tumor. DBA/2 strain. TKG0326(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He P388 RCB2776 Derived from tissue: lymphoid tumor in animal: mouse, DBA/2. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2776 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse mastocytoma. Used as a target cells for cytotoxic T cell assays. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He P-815 RCB1167 Derived from tissue: mastocytoma in animal: mouse, DBA/2. Register: DSMZ RCB1167 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse T cell line transformed by Gross leukemia virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCKA RCB1598 Derived from tissue: T cell in animal: mouse, H-2k. Originator: Hashimoto, Yasuhiro Register: Takemoto, Yoshihiro RCB1598 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse T cell line transformed by Gross leukemia virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KKC RCB1597 Derived from tissue: T cell in animal: mouse, H-2k. Originator: Hashimoto, Yasuhiro Register: Takemoto, Yoshihiro RCB1597 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse T cell line transformed by Gross leukemia virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KKF RCB1600 Derived from tissue: T cell in animal: mouse, H-2k. Originator: Hashimoto, Yasuhiro Register: Hashimoto, Yasuhiro RCB1600 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse T cell line transformed by Gross leukemia virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KKB RCB1601 Derived from tissue: T cell in animal: mouse, H-2k. Originator: Hashimoto, Yasuhiro Register: Takemoto, Yoshihiro RCB1601 cell A immortal mouse cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from meyloid leukemia. TKG0319 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He M1(D+) RCB2621 Derived from tissue: myeloid leukemia in animal: mouse, SJ. Originator: Ichikawa, Y. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2621 cell A immortal endothelial cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse vascular endothelial cell line. Transformed by ultraviolet. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1994 UV2 Derived from tissue: vascular endothelial cell in animal: mouse,(BALB/c×C57BL/6)(CB6)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB1994 cell A immortal mononuclear phagocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: T cell line derived from Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSP-250 RCB1855 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood mononuclear cells in animal: chimpanzee. Originator: Akari, Hirofumi Register: Akari, Hirofumi RCB1855 cell A immortal mononuclear phagocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: T cell line derived from Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSP-239 RCB1854 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood mononuclear cells in animal: chimpanzee. Originator: Akari, Hirofumi Register: Akari, Hirofumi RCB1854 cell A immortal mononuclear phagocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA: A0206 and A2402. TKG0585 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JTK-LCL RCB1873 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood mononuclear cells in animal: human. Originator: Kudo, T. (IDAC Tohoku Univ.) Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1873 cell A immortal dendritic cell line cell that has the characteristics: Folicular dendritic cells derived from pituitary gland of temperature-sensitive T antigen transgenic mouse. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1691 Tpit/F1 Derived from tissue: anterior pituitary gland in animal: mouse, C57BL. Originator: Inoue, Kinji Register: Inoue, Kinji RCB1691 cell A immortal blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Susceptible to nuclear polyhedrosis virus RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NIAS-MaBr-92 RCB0279 Derived from tissue: blood, larval in animal: armyworm, cabbage. Originator: Mitsuhashi,Jun & Shozawa,Akiko Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0279 cell A immortal blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: larval hemocyte RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NIAS-MaBr-93 RCB0414 Derived from tissue: blood, larval in animal: armyworm, cabbage. Originator: Mitsuhashi, J. & Shozawa, A. Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0414 cell A immortal blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Spont. transformant from choroid retina. Only slightly reactive to Factor VIII. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1556 RF/6A 135 Derived from tissue: blood vessel endothelium in animal: monkey, rhesus. Register: Shanghai Cell bank RCB1556 cell A immortal connective tissue cell line cell that has the characteristics: Protein- & lipid-free medium growing RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He L&middot;P3 RCB0101 Derived from tissue: connective tissue in animal: mouse. Originator: Katsuta,Hajim Takaoka,Toshiko Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0101 cell A immortal connective tissue cell line cell that has the characteristics: Thymidine kinase defective L cell RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LTK- RCB0208 Derived from tissue: connective tissue in animal: mouse. Register: ECACC RCB0208 cell A immortal connective tissue cell line cell that has the characteristics: Sanford's original, brought by Katsuta at 7/5/1955. Insensitive to TNFalpha. Possible to culture in MEM medium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He L929 RCB1451 Derived from tissue: connective tissue in animal: mouse. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1451 cell A immortal connective tissue cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line. TKG0217 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He L929 RCB2619 Derived from tissue: connective tissue in animal: mouse. Originator: Earle, W. R. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2619 cell A immortal connective tissue cell line cell that has the characteristics: TNFalpha-sensitive L929. Do not confuse with RCB0081 L929 that is insensitive to TNFalpha. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He L929 RCB1422 Derived from tissue: connective tissue in animal: mouse. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1422 cell A immortal connective tissue cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from connective tissue. Fibroblast-like. C3H strain. TKG0218 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LAG RCB2758 Derived from tissue: connective tissue in animal: mouse, C3H. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2758 cell A immortal connective tissue cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of LAG (RCB2758) expressing MUC1. 8-Ag resistant. TKG0466(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LAG-MUC1 RCB2846 Derived from tissue: connective tissue in animal: mouse, C3H. Originator: Kudo T. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2846 cell A immortal connective tissue cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat fibroblast-like cell line that can be transformed by oncogenes. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1830 Rat-1 Derived from tissue: connective tissue in animal: rat. Register: Kubo, Yoshinao RCB1830 cell A hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse T cell hybridoma expressing double HA-tag alone. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DHA3-1 RCB1604 Derived from tissue: T cell hybridoma in animal: mouse. Originator: Takemoto, Yoshihiro Register: Takemoto, Yoshihiro RCB1604 cell A hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse T cell hybridoma (DO-11.10) expressing double HA-tagged HS1BP3 (HS1 SH3 domain binding protein)-C2. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DHA3-26 RCB1605 Derived from tissue: T cell hybridoma in animal: mouse. Originator: Takemoto, Yoshihiro Register: Takemoto, Yoshihiro RCB1605 cell A hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse T cell hybridoma (DO-11.10) expressing double Myc-tagged HS1BP3 (HS1 SH3 domain binding protein)-C2 . RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DMyc3-45 RCB1606 Derived from tissue: T cell hybridoma in animal: mouse. Originator: Takemoto, Yoshihiro Register: Takemoto, Yoshihiro RCB1606 cell A hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse T cell hybridoma (DO-11.10) expressing double HA-tagged HS1BP3 (HS1 SH3 domain binding protein). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DHA9-13 RCB1608 Derived from tissue: T cell hybridoma in animal: mouse. Originator: Takemoto, Yoshihiro Register: Takemoto, Yoshihiro RCB1608 cell A hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse T cell hybridoma ((DO-11.10)expressing double HA-tagged HS1BP3 (HS1 SH3 domain binding protein)-C2. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DHA9-15 RCB1609 Derived from tissue: T cell hybridoma in animal: mouse. Originator: Takemoto, Yoshihiro Register: Takemoto, Yoshihiro RCB1609 cell A hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse T cell hybridoma (DO-11.10) expressing double Myc-tagged HS1BP3 (HS1 SH3 domain binding protein)-C2. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DMyc9-36 RCB1610 Derived from tissue: T cell hybridoma in animal: mouse. Originator: Takemoto, Yoshihiro Register: Takemoto, Yoshihiro RCB1610 cell A hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse T cell hybridoma (DO-11.10) expressing double HA-tagged HS1BP3 (HS1 SH3 domain binding protein). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DHA9-3 RCB1607 Derived from tissue: T cell hybridoma in animal: mouse. Originator: Takemoto, Yoshihiro Register: Takemoto, Yoshihiro RCB1607 cell A hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: IL-5 producing T-cell hybridoma. Culture sup is useful for T88-M cell culture. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B151K12 RCB0793 Derived from tissue: T cell hybridoma in animal: mouse. Originator: Tanaka, K. & Takatu, K. Register: Tominaga, Akira RCB0793 cell A immortal spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: T cell line derived from Cynomolgus Monkey (Macaca fascicularis) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC-F RCB1846 Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: monkey, cynomolgus. Originator: Akari, Hirofumi Register: Akari, Hirofumi RCB1846 cell A immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Frog (Xenopus laevis) cell line derived from kidney. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A6 RCB0772 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: frog. Originator: Rafferty, K. A. Jr. Register: Asashima, Makoto RCB0772 cell A immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Susceptible to rubella virus, equiv. to ATCC CCL37 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0183 RK13 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rabbit. Register: Akaishi, Hiroomi RCB0183 cell A immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rabbit kidney cell line transformed by SV40 large T antigen. Derived from renal proximal tubules. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PST-S2 RCB1913 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rabbit. Originator: Suzuki, Makoto Register: Suzuki, Makoto RCB1913 cell A immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rabbit kidney cell line transformed by SV40 large T antigen. Derived from renal distal tubules. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CNT RCB1912 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rabbit. Originator: Suzuki, Makoto Register: Suzuki, Makoto RCB1912 cell A immortal kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rabbit kidney cell line transformed by SV40 large T antigen. Derived from renal cortical collecting tubules. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CCD-IC RCB1911 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rabbit. Originator: Suzuki, Makoto Register: Suzuki, Makoto RCB1911 cell A immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Highly metastatic sarcoma, synthesize hematoside RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Nil1C1 RCB0245 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: hamster. Originator: Diamond Register: Sakiyama, Hisako RCB0245 cell A immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Highly metastatic sarcoma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Nil2C1 RCB0244 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: hamster. Originator: Diamond Register: Sakiyama, Hisako RCB0244 cell A immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Highly metastatic sarcoma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Nil2C2 RCB0243 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: hamster. Originator: Diamond Register: Sakiyama, Hisako RCB0243 cell A immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Initially insulin and glucagon producing, but not now. See RCB0795,0796,0797. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C6 RCB0794 Derived from tissue: embryo, pancreas in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, Hiroshi Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB0794 cell A immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human embryonic pancreas-derived cell line. See RCB0794,0795,0796. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 1C3IKEI RCB0797 Derived from tissue: embryo, pancreas in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, Hiroshi Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB0797 cell A immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human embryonic pancreas-derived cell line. See RCB0794,0796,0797. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 1B2C6 RCB0795 Derived from tissue: embryo, pancreas in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, Hiroshi Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB0795 cell A immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human embryonic pancreas-derived cell line. See RCB0794,0795,0797. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 1C3D3 RCB0796 Derived from tissue: embryo, pancreas in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, Hiroshi Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB0796 cell A immortal embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Primary culture of suncus whole embryo RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0269 SEP2 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: suncus. Originator: Ohno, Tadao Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0269 cell A immortal somatic nervous system-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: N-myc gene amplification RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NB9 RCB0477 Derived from tissue: nervous system in animal: human. Originator: Gilbert, F. Register: Nishi, Yoshisuke RCB0477 cell A immortal somatic nervous system-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: N-myc gene amplification RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LA-N-2 RCB0484 Derived from tissue: nervous system in animal: human. Originator: Seeger, R. C. Register: Nishi, Yoshisuke RCB0484 cell LCL-1999 A immortal somatic nervous system-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: N-myc gene unamplified tumor. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NB69 RCB0480 Derived from tissue: nervous system in animal: human. Originator: Gilbert, F. Register: Nishi, Yoshisuke RCB0480 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308799 CVCL: CVCL_1448 ECACC: 99072802 A immortal somatic nervous system-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: N-myc gene amplification RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LA-N-5 RCB0485 Derived from tissue: neuroblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Seeger, R. C. Register: Nishi, Yoshisuke RCB0485 cell A immortal somatic nervous system-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: N-myc gene amplification RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0481 TNB1 Derived from tissue: neuroblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Tsuchida, Yoshiaki Register: Nishi, Yoshisuke RCB0481 cell LCL-1973 A immortal somatic nervous system-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: N-myc gene amplification. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHP-126 RCB0486 Derived from tissue: neuroblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Schlesinger, H. R. Register: Nishi, Yoshisuke RCB0486 cell DSMZ: ACC 304 LCL-1978 A immortal somatic nervous system-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from neuroblastoma. TKG0448(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NH-12 RCB2108 Derived from tissue: neuroblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Hiyama, E. & Nakamura, N. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2108 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308211 CVCL: CVCL_1605 JHSF: JCRB0833 LCL-1971 A immortal somatic nervous system-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Neuroblastoma, a target in CTL assay RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0426 SK-N-SH Derived from tissue: neuroblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Biedler, J. L. Register: RCB (Noda, Makoto) RCB0426 cell ATCC: HTB-11 A immortal somatic nervous system-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of GOTO. Protein-free medium adapted. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GOTO&middot;P3 RCB0721 Derived from tissue: neuroblastoma in animal: human. Originator: Sekiguchi, M. Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0721 cell A immortal liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hepatocyte from the fish, Tilapia (Oreocheomis niloticus). Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Hepa-T1 RCB1156 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: tilapia. Register: Kong Zwe-Ling RCB1156 cell A immortal pituitary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pituitary folliculo-stellate-like cells. GFAP positive and S-100 positive. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1279 TtT/GF Derived from tissue: pituitary in animal: mouse. Originator: Inoue, Kinji Register: Inoue, Kinji RCB1279 cell A immortal pituitary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Macrophage-like tumor dependent on L929 conditioned medium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0531 TtT/M-87 Derived from tissue: pituitary in animal: mouse. Originator: Inoue, Kinji Register: Inoue, Kinji RCB0531 cell A immortal bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bone marrow stroma cell line, depositing calcified matrix on the culture surface. TRAP-positive. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CCP-7 RCB1530 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Sakiyama, Hisako Register: Sakiyama, Hisako RCB1530 cell A immortal bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bone marrow stroma cell line, depositing calcified matrix on the culture surface. TRAP-positive. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CCP-2 RCB1528 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Sakiyama, Hisako Register: Sakiyama, Hisako RCB1528 cell A immortal bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bone marrow stroma cell line, depositing calcified matrix on the culture surface. TRAP-positive. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CCP-8 RCB1531 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Sakiyama, Hisako Register: Sakiyama, Hisako RCB1531 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-human lung carcinoma mAb (IgM). Possible to culture in serum-free medium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HF10B4 RCB0708 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: human x human. Originator: Murakami, Hiroki Register: Shirahata, Sanetaka RCB0708 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing anti-E antigen of the human Rh blood group system RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HRC-17 RCB1294 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: human x mouse. Originator: Sekiguchi, Sadayoshi Register: Sekiguchi, Sadayoshi RCB1294 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against MuSc. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 802C11 RCB2308 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x hamster. Originator: Fujita, Shinobu Register: Takayama, Hajime RCB2308 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against mouse apolipoprotein E. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 884F11 RCB2313 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x hamster. Originator: Fujita, Shinobu Register: Takayama, Hajime RCB2313 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybrid cell line of C3H mouse mammary tumor cell, FM3A#2, and 8-Ag resistant L cell. TKG0381(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 43L RCB2843 Derived from tissue: hybrid cell , FM3A#2 x L cell (8-Ag resistant) in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Dei, T. & Tachibana, T. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2843 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma that produce anti-human G1MF (allotype of IgG1) antibody. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He G1MF285D RCB1652 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kishida, Tetsuko Register: Kishida, Tetsuko RCB1652 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-SV40 large T antigen mAb (IgG) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PAb419 RCB0195 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Register: Murakami, Yasufumi RCB0195 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti poly(ADP-ribose) IgG3 kappa producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 10H-2 RCB1142 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Miwa, Masanao Register: Miwa, Masanao RCB1142 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb IgM to sea urchin sperm dynein IC2. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He D9 RCB0650 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Ogawa, Kazuo Register: Ogawa, Kazuo RCB0650 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-rabbit muscle lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) mAb (IgG2b). Possible to culture in serum-free medium RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HyLDH&middot;YK-2 RCB0710 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kichise, Yoshikatsu Register: Shirahata, Sanetaka RCB0710 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-SV40 large T antigen mAb (IgG) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PAb1400 RCB0026 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Yamaguchi, Nobuo Register: Yamaguchi, Nobuo RCB0026 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-rabbit muscle glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase mAb (IgG). Serum-free culturable. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HyGPD&middot;YK-1-1 RCB0711 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kichise, Yoshikatsu Register: Shirahata, Sanetaka RCB0711 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producing anti-human CD36 MoAb. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 8C9 RCB0844 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kudo, Eiji Register: Kudo, Eiji RCB0844 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-chicken IgM antibody secreting. Able to stimulate DT40 cell surface antigen. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He M4 RCB1611 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Cooper, Max Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1611 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-recA protein mAb (IgG1) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ARM321 RCB0115 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Makino, Osamu et al. Register: Shibata, Takehiko RCB0115 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb IgG1 to sea urchin sperm dynein IC2. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He D58 RCB0651 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Ogawa, Kazuo Register: Ogawa, Kazuo RCB0651 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb IgM to sea urchin sperm dynein alpha-heavy chain. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He D134 RCB0644 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Ogawa, Kazuo Register: Ogawa, Kazuo RCB0644 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb IgM to sea urchin sperm dynein beta-heavy chain. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He D264 RCB0646 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Ogawa, Kazuo Register: Ogawa, Kazuo RCB0646 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb IgM to sea urchin sperm dynein beta-heavy chain. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He D308 RCB0648 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Ogawa, Kazuo Register: Ogawa, Kazuo RCB0648 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb IgG1 to sea urchin sperm dynein IC3. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He D16 RCB0654 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Ogawa, Kazuo Register: Ogawa, Kazuo RCB0654 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producing IgG MoAb against human 29 kDa lectin detectable in many human tumors. Also see HH17-4. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HH13-1 RCB0959 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kusunoki, Takuma Register: Sato, Shuji RCB0959 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producing IgG MoAb against human 29 kDa lectin detectable in many human tumors. Also see HH13-1. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HH17-4 RCB0960 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kusunoki, Takuma Register: Sato, Shuji RCB0960 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti poly(ADP-ribose) IgG3 kappa producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 10H RCB0705 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Miwa, Masanao Register: Miwa, Masanao RCB0705 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma against differentiated PC-12 cell surface RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PCH41-43 RCB0673 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kobayashi, Kazuo Register: Kuroda, Y. & Kobayashi, K. RCB0673 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma against differentiated PC-12 cell surface RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PCH54-37 RCB0678 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kobayashi, Kazuo Register: Kuroda, Y. & Kobayashi, K. RCB0678 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-ribonuclease A antibody producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 3A21 RCB1285 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Suga, Ken-ichi & Omasa, Takeshi Register: Omasa, Takeshi RCB1285 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma against differentiated PC-12 cell surface RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PCH42-63 RCB0669 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kobayashi, Kazuo Register: Kuroda, Y. & Kobayashi, K. RCB0669 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-rabbit muscle lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) mAb (IgG1). Possible to culture in serum-free medium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HyLDH&middot;YK-1 RCB0709 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kichise, Yoshikatsu Register: Shirahata, Sanetaka RCB0709 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-chick αB-crystallin MoAb producing. Bacteria(+), therefore, must add penicillin+streptomycin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1304 anti-&alpha;B-crystallin Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sawada, Kaichiro Register: Kosaka, Mitsuko RCB1304 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-chick β5-crystallin MoAb producing. Bacteria(+), therefore, must add penicillin+streptomycin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1305 anti-&beta;5-crystallin Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sawada, Kaichiro Register: Kosaka, Mitsuko RCB1305 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-chick β6-crystallin MoAb producing. Bacteria(+), therefore, must add penicillin+streptomycin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1306 anti-&beta;6-crystallin Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sawada, Kaichiro Register: Kosaka, Mitsuko RCB1306 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-newt γ1-crystallin MoAb producing. Bacteria(+), therefore, must add penicillin+streptomycin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1307 anti-&gamma;1-crystallin Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sawada, Kaichiro Register: Kosaka, Mitsuko RCB1307 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-2,3 MoAb (IgG1) producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-PT-S23-11E6 RCB1215 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1215 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-2 MoAb (IgG1) producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-PT-S2-3A12 RCB1220 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1220 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-3 MoAb (IgG1) producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-PT-S3-7E10 RCB1223 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1223 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-4 MoAb (IgG1) producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-PT-S4-7F2 RCB1229 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1229 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb to Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin (phospholipase C). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-&alpha;(1)1C6F4 RCB1240 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1240 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb to Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin (phospholipase C). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-&alpha;(8)9F3A6 RCB1247 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1247 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb to Clostridium perfringens theta-toxin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-&theta;(1)3H10 RCB1250 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1250 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-chick αA-crystallin MoAb producing. Bacteria(+), therefore, must add penicillin+streptomycin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1303 anti-&alpha;A-crystallin Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sawada Kaichiro Register: Kosaka, Mitsuko RCB1303 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-lactotetraosylceramide antibody producing. Discriminates metastatic cells from mesothelial cell RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 117-13 RCB0998 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tsuchida, Kazuo Register: Tsuchida, Kazuo RCB0998 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-recA protein mAb (IgG2b) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ARM193 RCB0002 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Makino, Osamu Register: Shibata, Takehiko RCB0002 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Medaka Vitellogenin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MVP1 RCB1837 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Shiraishi, Hiroaki Register: Shiraishi, Hiroaki RCB1837 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Medaka Vitellogenin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MVP25 RCB1838 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Shiraishi, Hiroaki Register: Shiraishi, Hiroaki RCB1838 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Medaka Vitellogenin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MVP49 RCB1840 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Shiraishi, Hiroaki Register: Shiraishi, Hiroaki RCB1840 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Medaka Vitellogenin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MVP51 RCB1841 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Shiraishi, Hiroaki Register: Shiraishi, Hiroaki RCB1841 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-chick δ-crystallin MoAb producing. Bacteria(+), therefore, must add penicillin+streptomycin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1308 anti-&delta;-crystallin Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sawada, Kaichiro Register: Kosaka, Mitsuko RCB1308 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb IgM to sea urchin sperm dynein IC1. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He D52 RCB0649 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Ogawa, Kazuo Register: Ogawa, Kazuo RCB0649 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against tetrodotoxin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1856 TX-7F (hybridoma) Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kawatsu, Kentaro Register: Kawatsu, Kentaro RCB1856 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against domoic acid. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DA-3 (hybridoma) RCB1857 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kawatsu, Kentaro Register: Kawatsu, Kentaro RCB1857 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against gonyautoxin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GT-13A (hybridoma) RCB1858 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kawatsu, Kentaro RCB1858 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Broad bean wilt virus 2 22-kDa coat protein. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BBWV-22K3-9B RCB1914 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Suzuki, Kazumi Register: Suzuki, Kazumi RCB1914 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Broad bean wilt virus 2 22-kDa coat protein. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BBWV-22K6-2A RCB1916 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Suzuki, Kazumi Register: Suzuki, Kazumi RCB1916 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Broad bean wilt virus 2 22-kDa coat protein. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BBWV-22K5-12A RCB1915 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Suzuki, Kazumi Register: Suzuki, Kazumi RCB1915 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against N-linked neutral oligosaccharides of glycoproteins. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OMB4 RCB2048 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tadashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2048 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against F1-linked neutral oligosaccharides of glycoproteins. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OMR5 RCB2049 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tadashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2049 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against M1-linked neutral oligosaccharides of glycoproteins. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OMR6 RCB2050 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tadashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2050 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Medaka Vitellogenin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MVP47 RCB1839 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Shiraishi, Hiroaki Register: Shiraishi, Hiroaki RCB1839 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against ganglioside lactones. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He AMR19 RCB2016 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tadashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2016 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against N-glycolylneuraminic acid-containing gangliosides (GD3 gangliosides). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GMR3 RCB2013 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tadashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2013 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against GD2 gangliosides (b-pathway gangliosides). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GMB7 RCB2014 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tadashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2014 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against GQ1ba gangliosides. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GGR41 RCB2021 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tadashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2021 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against 2-3NeuAca-nLc4Cer gangliosides. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NGR54 RCB2037 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tadashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2037 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against nLc4Cer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NMR52 RCB2039 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tadashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2039 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against SGPG. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NGR50 RCB2040 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tadashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2040 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against GalCer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He AMR20 RCB2041 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tadashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2041 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Sulfatide. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He AGB43 RCB2042 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tadashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2042 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against Globoside. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BMR26 RCB2046 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tadashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2046 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb to Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin (phospholipase C). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-&alpha;(7)7C9A10 RCB1246 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1246 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-1 MoAb (IgG2a) producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-PT-S1-1B7 RCB1205 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1205 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb to Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin (phospholipase C). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-&alpha;(4)11D9G5 RCB1243 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1243 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb to Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin (phospholipase C). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-&alpha;(5)11D10B6 RCB1244 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1244 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: MoAb to Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin (phospholipase C). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-&alpha;(9)12G8B11 RCB1248 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1248 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing antibody against the purified basal apparatus of sperm of the an-1 strain of fern Lygodium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 1C7 RCB1922 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sakaushi, Shinji Register: Miyamura, Shinichi RCB1922 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing antibody against the purified basal apparatus of sperm of the an-1 strain of fern Lygodium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 13D10 RCB1923 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sakaushi, Shinji Register: Miyamura, Shinichi RCB1923 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing antibody against the purified basal apparatus of sperm of the an-1 strain of fern Lygodium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1924 h1c Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sakaushi, Shinji Register: Miyamura, Shinichi RCB1924 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against mouse JDP2. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He J#176-3.2 RCB1918 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Yokoyama, Kazunari Register: Yokoyama, Kazunari RCB1918 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against differentiated PC-12 cell surface molecules. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PCH41-44 RCB0674 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kobayashi, Kazuo Register: Kuroda, Y. & Kobayashi, K. RCB0674 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against differentiated PC-12 cell surface molecules. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PCH42-58 RCB0676 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kobayashi, Kazuo Register: Kuroda, Y. & Kobayashi, K. RCB0676 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against GD1c gangliosides. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He AC1 RCB2317 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Nohara, Keiko Register: Nohara, Keiko RCB2317 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against a surface antigen of small cell carcinoma of lung. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2203 TFS-2 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB2203 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against a surface antigen of small cell carcinoma of lung. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2204 TFS-4 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB2204 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-1 MoAb (IgG1) producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-PT-S1-10D6 RCB1208 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1208 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-1 MoAb (IgG1) producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-PT-S1-8G4 RCB1209 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1209 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-human-myeloperoxidase MoAb producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 3-2H3 RCB0867 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Hur, S. -J. & Yamada, M. Register: Yamada, Michiyuki RCB0867 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-human-myeloperoxidase MoAb producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 4-2C11 RCB0868 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Hur, S. -J. & Yamada, M. Register: Yamada, Michiyuki RCB0868 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-human-myeloperoxidase MoAb producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 9-1A11 RCB0869 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Hur, S. -J. & Yamada, M. Register: Yamada, Michiyuki RCB0869 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-human-myeloperoxidase MoAb producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 12-1B6 RCB0870 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Hur, S. -J. & Yamada, M. Register: Yamada, Michiyuki RCB0870 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on pharynx. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT17 RCB2382 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2382 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on P-granule. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT01 RCB2367 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2367 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on P-granule. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT02 RCB2368 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2368 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on P-granule and body wall muscle. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT03 RCB2369 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2369 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on P-granule and body wall muscle. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT06 RCB2372 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2372 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on body wall muscle. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT09 RCB2375 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2375 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on body wall muscle. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT10 RCB2376 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2376 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on body wall muscle. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT11 RCB2377 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2377 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on body wall muscle. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT12 RCB2378 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2378 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that seam cell. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT13 RCB2379 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2379 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on pharynx basement membrane. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT14 RCB2380 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2380 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on pharynx. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT16 RCB2381 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2381 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on pharynx. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT18 RCB2383 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2383 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on centrosome. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT26 RCB2389 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2389 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on hypodermis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT27 RCB2390 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2390 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on egg shell. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT29 RCB2392 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2392 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against WASP (Wiscott-Aldolich syndrome protein). TKG0631 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 5A5-WASP RCB2740 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kawai, Shin Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2740 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on egg shell. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT30 RCB2393 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2393 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on P-granule and pharynx. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT32 RCB2395 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2395 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on centrosome and P-granule. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT54 RCB2400 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2400 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against GD1b gangliosides. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He AB1 RCB2316 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Nohara, Keiko Register: Nohara, Keiko RCB2316 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti human c-myc p62 mAb (IgG1.kappa) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CT14-G4 RCB0212 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0212 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Responding to IL-6 in the bioassay. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 7-TD-1 RCB1190 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Register: DMSZ RCB1190 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against N-glycolylneuraminic acid-containing gangliosides (GM3 gangliosides). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GMR8 RCB2015 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tai, Tdashi Register: Kawashima, Ikuo (Tai, Tadashi) RCB2015 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against latexin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PC3.1 RCB2306 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Aeimatsu, Yasuyoshi Register: Takayama, Hajime RCB2306 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against C-terminal peptide of rat GSK3-beta. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2307 T1.7 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Fujita, Shinobu Register: Takayama, Hajime RCB2307 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on intestine. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT21 RCB2386 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2386 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against oxitocin receptor. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2F8 RCB2709 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Kimura, Tadashi Register: Hashimoto, Masao RCB2709 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against a peptide, GYPGQV. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He P20.1 RCB2815 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takagi, Junichi Register: Takagi, Junichi RCB2815 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-pertussis filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) MoAb producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-FHA(2)2E9 RCB1238 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1238 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-pertussis filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) MoAb producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-FHA(1)1C6 RCB1239 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1239 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against mouse JDP2. The antibody recognizes a truncated from of JDP2. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He J#214.2-2 RCB1919 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Yokoyama, Kazunari Register: Yokoyama, kazunari RCB1919 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against mouse JDP2. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He J#249.1-1 RCB1920 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Yokoyama, Kazunari Register: Yokoyama, Kazunari RCB1920 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-thymine dimer antibody producing. Serum-free cultured hybridoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1157 UV-P3U1-B8 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Tamaki, Yoshihiro Register: Tamaki, Yoshihiro RCB1157 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against an antigen of C. elegans embryo. Antigen is not determined but that on nuclear membrane. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KT23 RCB2388 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Takeda, Kazumasa Register: Sugimoto, Asako RCB2388 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-1 MoAb (IgG1) producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-PT-S1-4D10 RCB1214 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1214 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-4 MoAb (IgG1) producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-PT-S4-1H2 RCB1233 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1233 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-2 MoAb (IgG1) producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-PT-S2-9G8 RCB1222 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1222 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Anti-pertussis toxin subunit S-1 MoAb (IgG1) producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anti-PT-S1-3F10 RCB1212 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Sato, Hiroko Register: Sato, Hiroko RCB1212 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: S. cerevisiae Endo.Sce I large subunit mAb (IgG2b) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 7501 RCB0116 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Nakagawa, Kei-ich et al. Register: Makino, Osamu RCB0116 cell A mouse x mouse hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma. Anti-Rat Carboxypeptidase M MoAb producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 7F9 (hybridoma) RCB2811 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x mouse. Originator: Fijiwara, Naoyuki Register: Fijiwara, Naoyuki RCB2811 cell LCL-1047 A immortal cornea-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: SV40-Adeno vector transformed cornea cells. 64kD keratin producing. Choleratoxin-free medium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HCE-T RCB2280 Derived from tissue: cornea in animal: human. Originator: Sasaki, Kaoru Register: Sasaki, Kaoru RCB2280 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308200 CVCL: CVCL_1272 Sanger: COSMIC ID:907049 LCL-1047 A immortal cornea-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: This cell line is provided only in Japan. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HCE-T RCB1384 Derived from tissue: cornea in animal: human. Originator: Sasaki, Kaoru Register: Sasaki, Kaoru RCB1384 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308200 CVCL: CVCL_1272 Sanger: COSMIC ID:907049 A immortal cornea-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Fibroblast-like cell line derived from rabbit. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1835 Sirc Derived from tissue: cornea in animal: rabbit. Register: Kubo, Yoshinao RCB1835 cell A immortal cornea-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Normal rabbit cornea cells. Usually transform spontaneously during serial culture. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RC4 RCB0782 Derived from tissue: cornea in animal: rabbit. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB0782 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of CHO cells. Require proline. TKG0328(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHO-K1 RCB2869 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: chinese hamster. Originator: Puck, T. T. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2869 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: SPB-1 derivative complemented the Serine-palmitoyl transferase deficiency. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1697 SPB-1/cLCB1 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Hanada, Kentaro Register: Hanada, Kentaro RCB1697 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: LY-B derivative complemented the Serine-palmitoyl transferase (LCB1 subunit) deficiency. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LY-B/cLCB1 RCB1699 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Hanada, Kentaro Register: Hanada, Kentaro RCB1699 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of CHO-K1 that expresses human leukotriene B4 receptor (BLT1). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHO-FLAG-hBLT1 RCB1821 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Yokomizo, Takehiko Register: Yokomizo, Takehiko RCB1821 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of CHO-K1 that expresses human leukotriene B4 receptor (BLT2). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHO-HA-hBLT2 RCB1822 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Yokomizo, Takehiko Register: Yokomizo, Takehiko RCB1822 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Serine-palmitoyl transferase deficient (temperature-sensitive) cells derived from CHO-K1 cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1696 SPB-1 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Hanada, Kentaro Register: Hanada, Kentaro RCB1696 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Serine-palmitoyl transferase (LCB1 subunit) deficient cells derived from CHO-K1 cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LY-B RCB1698 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Hanada, Kentaro Register: Hanada, Kentaro RCB1698 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Nalidixic acid sensitive mutant. Also sensitive toVP-16 and VM-26 Topo II inhibitors. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NLS-6-5 RCB0733 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Kaneko, Motohisa Register: Kaneko, Motohisa RCB0733 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of CHO-K1 cell line in which trafficking of ceramide is deficient RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LY-A RCB1869 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Hanada, Kentaro Register: Hanada, Kentaro RCB1869 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of LY-A in which human CERT cDNA are expressed and trafficking of ceramide is recovered RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LY-A/hCERT RCB1870 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Hanada, kentaro Register: Hanada, Kentaro RCB1870 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the CHO-K1 cell line. Widely used for the isolation of repair-deficient mutants. Useful for gene mutation assays at the APRT and HPRT loci. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHO-AA8 RCB2326 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Larry H. Thompson Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2326 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Chinese hamster ovary cell line. Widely used for the isolation of mutants by mutagenesis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHO-K1 RCB2330 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Theodore T. Puck Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2330 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of CHO cells. Derived from CHO-K1 cell line. Serum-free medium adapted. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHO-RD RCB1477 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Fujino, Y. & Watabe, H. Register: Inazu, Mizuho RCB1477 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: CHO-K1 maintained in suspension culture. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHO-K1 (SC) RCB0403 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Ohno, T. & Kurita, K. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0403 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Widely used cell line, especially for biotechnol RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHO-K1 RCB0285 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Puck, T. T. Register: Seto, Toshio RCB0285 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the CHO-K1 cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant derived from CHO-AA8 cell line. XRCC1 gene deficient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He EM-9 RCB2327 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Larry H. Thompson Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2327 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the CHO-K1 cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant derived from CHO-AA8 cell line. XRCC3 gene deficient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2328 irs1SF Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Robert B. Painter Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2328 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the CHO-K1 cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant. XRCC4 gene deficient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2331 XR-1 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Thomas D. Stamato Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2331 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of CHO-K1 that expresses human platelet activating factor receptor. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHO&middot;1F8 RCB1823 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Shimizu, Takao Register: Shimizu, Takao RCB1823 cell A immortal Chinese hamster animal ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the CHO-K1 cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant derived from CHO-AA8 cell line. XRCC7(DNA-PK) gene deficient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2329 V-3 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: G. F. Whitmore Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2329 cell A immortal human umbilical cord-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Normal umbilical card fibroblast, female RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HUC-F2 RCB0436 Derived from tissue: umbilical cord in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao Register: Nishida, M.& Ohno, T. RCB0436 cell A immortal human umbilical cord-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Normal umbilical cord fibroblast, female RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HUC-F RCB0153 Derived from tissue: umbilical cord in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao Register: Ohno,T. & Nishida,M. RCB0153 cell A immortal human umbilical cord-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Normal umbilical cord fibroblast, male RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HUC-Fm RCB0197 Derived from tissue: umbilical cord in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao Register: Ohno,T. & Nishida,M. RCB0197 cell A immortal human umbilical cord-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Normal umbilical cord fibroblast, male RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HUC-Fm2 RCB0437 Derived from tissue: umbilical cord in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao Register: Nishida, M.& Ohno, T. RCB0437 cell A immortal human umbilical cord-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human mesenchymal cell line derived from umbilical cord blood. Immortalized by hTERT. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2079 UCB-TERT-21 Derived from tissue: umbilical cord blood in animal: human. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2079 cell A immortal human umbilical cord-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human mesenchymal cell line derived from umbilical cord blood. Immortalized by HPV E6, E7, and hTERT. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2080 UCB408E6E7TERT-33 Derived from tissue: umbilical cord blood in animal: human. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2080 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE12 RCB2233 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2233 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE13 RCB2234 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2234 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE16 RCB2237 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2237 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE18 RCB2238 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2238 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE19 RCB2239 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2239 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE21 RCB2240 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2240 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE22 RCB2241 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2241 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE27 RCB2244 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2244 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE28 RCB2245 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2245 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE29 RCB2246 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2246 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE30 RCB2247 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2247 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE31 RCB2248 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2248 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE32 RCB2249 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2249 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE33 RCB2250 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2250 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE34 RCB2251 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2251 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE36 RCB2254 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2254 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE37 RCB2256 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2256 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE38 RCB2257 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2257 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE39 RCB2258 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2258 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE40 RCB2259 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2259 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE46 RCB2262 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2262 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE41 RCB2260 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2260 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE42 RCB2261 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2261 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE47 RCB2263 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2263 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE48 RCB2264 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2264 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE49 RCB2265 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2265 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE51 RCB2267 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2267 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE52 RCB2268 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2268 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE53 RCB2269 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2269 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE55 RCB2271 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2271 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE57 RCB2273 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2273 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE50 RCB2266 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2266 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human fibroblast-like cells derived from embryo. Not immortalized. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HE54 RCB2270 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: human. Originator: Watanabe, Masami Register: Watanabe, Masami RCB2270 cell A immortal human embryo-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from embryonic fibroblasts. Characteristics Embryonal fibroblast immortalized by 60-Co irradiation (400 Rad x 1 time and 200 rad x 12 times). Non-tumorigenic. TKG0482 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KMST-6 RCB1955 Derived from tissue: embryonal fibroblast in animal: human. Originator: Namba, M. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1955 cell A immortal cattle cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bovine leukemia virus producing. Surface Ig (+). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KU-17 RCB0418 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: bovine. Register: Aida, Yoko RCB0418 cell A immortal cattle cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bovine B cell leukemia without virus production RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KU-1 RCB0417 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: bovine. Originator: Koyama, Hiroyuki Register: Aida, Yoko RCB0417 cell A immortal cattle cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bovine granulosa cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JTC-35 RCB2686 Derived from tissue: granulosa cell in animal: bovine. Originator: Kawakami, Shizuo RCB2686 cell A immortal cattle cell line cell that has the characteristics: Useful for bovine virus testing RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 23CLN RCB0179 Derived from tissue: lymph node in animal: bovine. Register: Akaishi, Hiroomi RCB0179 cell A immortal cattle cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells producing angiotensin-converting enzyme. Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) positive. Backup of ECA86111401. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CPAE RCB0990 Derived from tissue: pulmonary artery endothelium in animal: bovine. Register: ECACC RCB0990 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from B cells in umbilical cord blood. Transformed by EB virus. TKG0305(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CB-3512 RCB2531 Derived from tissue: cord blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Sato, T. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2531 cell LCL-1001 A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from p180-BCR-ABL dependent leukemia. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MY RCB1701 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Inokuchi, Koiti Register: Inokuchi, Koiti RCB1701 cell JCRB0158.0 A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Lymphoblastoid cell line established by EBV infection from XP patient, variant type. TKG0309 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1875 XPL 5 Derived from tissue: Peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Tohda, H. (IDAC Tohoku Univ.) Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1875 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cells derived from a patient of xeroderma pigmentosum. Transformed by Epstein-Barr virus. TKG0313(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2287 XPL 20 Derived from tissue: Peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Tohda, H. (IDAC Tohoku Univ.) Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2287 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0025. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A0010 GMC0027 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0027 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0002. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0082 GMC0001 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0001 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0006 GMC0003 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0003 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0012. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0031 GMC0005 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0005 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0014. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0042 GMC0015 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0015 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus.The same patient as GMC0022. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0055 GMC0017 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0017 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0090 GMC0019 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0019 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0024. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0072 GMC0020 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0020 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0036 GMC0023 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0023 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0027. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0010 GMC0025 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0025 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. he same patient as GMC0028. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0058 GMC0029 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0029 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0031. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0050 GMC0030 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0030 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0078 GMC0032 Derived from tissue: Peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0032 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. The same patient as GMC0036. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0026 GMC0035 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0035 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. TKG0614(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 103-LCL RCB2082 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2082 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. TKG0312(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2539 XPL 19 Derived from tissue: Peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Tohda, H. (IDAC Tohoku Univ.) Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2539 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0022 GMC0016 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0016 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0096 GMC0013 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0013 cell A immortal human lymphocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell line derived from Werner syndrome patient and transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B0076 GMC0026 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: human. Originator: Danjoh, Inaho Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0026 cell A immortal cabbage moth larva-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cabbage armyworm cell line applicable to large scaale production of insect virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0276 SES-MaBr-3 Derived from tissue: fat body, larval in animal: armyworm, cabbage. Originator: Inoue, Hajime & Mitsuhashi,Jun Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0276 cell A immortal cabbage moth larva-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Larval fat body hemocyte. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0429 SES-MaBr-5 Derived from tissue: fat body, larval in animal: armyworm, cabbage. Originator: Inoue,Hajime & Mitsuhashi, Jun Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0429 cell A immortal cabbage moth larva-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cabbage armyworm cell line applicable to large scale insect virus production. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0275 SES-MaBr-1 Derived from tissue: fat body, larval in animal: armyworm, cabbage. Originator: Inoue,Hajime & Mitsuhashi,Jun Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0275 cell A immortal cabbage moth larva-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Sensitive to nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Possible to grow in sea-water based low-cost medium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0404 SES-MaBr-4 Derived from tissue: fat body, larval in animal: armyworm, cabbage. Originator: Inoue,Hajime & Mitsuhashi,Jun Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0404 cell A immortal cabbage moth larva-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Insect cell line derived from Mamestra brassicae RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MBHL-3 RCB1445 Derived from tissue: larval in animal: armyworm, cabbage. Originator: Tomoda, Akihiro Register: Tomoda, Akihiro RCB1445 cell A immortal cabbage moth larva-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Insect cell line derived from Mamestra brassicae. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MBHL-2 RCB1444 Derived from tissue: larval in animal: armyworm, cabbage. Originator: Tomoda, Akihiro Register: Tomoda, Akihiro RCB1444 cell A immortal cabbage moth larva-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Show finely branched cytoplasmic processes RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NIAS-MB-32 RCB0413 Derived from tissue: pupal ovary in animal: armyworm, cabbage. Originator: Mitsuhashi, Jun Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0413 cell A immortal cabbage moth larva-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Show finely branched cytoplasmic processes RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NIAS-MB-25 RCB0278 Derived from tissue: pupal ovary in animal: armyworm, cabbage. Originator: Mitsuhashi, Jun Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0278 cell A immortal cabbage moth larva-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Susceptible to insect viruses. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NIAS-LeSe-11 RCB0405 Derived from tissue: fat body in animal: armyworm, common. Originator: Mitsuhashi, Jun Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0405 cell A immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Highly susceptible to SV40 infection RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CV-1 RCB0160 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: monkey, African green. Originator: Jensen, F. C. Register: Murakami, Yasufumi RCB0160 cell A immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: 35 copies of CAG-loxP-neopA-loxP-LacZ were tandemly inserted. Cre will delete neopA and induce LacZ. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2-2 RCB1375 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: monkey, African green. Originator: Kanagae, Yumi Register: Saito, Izumi RCB1375 cell A immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: SV40 large T antigen expressing, derived from CV-1 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COS-7 RCB0539 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: monkey, African green. Originator: Gluzman, Y. Register: Todokoro, Kazuo RCB0539 cell A immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: A copy of CAG-loxP-neopA-loxP-LacZ was inserted. Cre will delete neopA and induce LacZ. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2-7 RCB1376 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: monkey, African green. Originator: Kanegae, Yumi Register: Saito, Izumi RCB1376 cell A immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: CAG-loxP-neopA-loxP-LacZ(incomplete) was inserted. Control cell line for 2-2 and 2-7 cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 1-8 RCB1374 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: monkey, African green. Originator: Kanegae, Yumi Register: Saito, Izumi RCB1374 cell A immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Expressing SV40 tsA58 large T antigen. Possible to culture in protein-free MEM. G418-resistant. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0707 Verots S3 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: monkey, African green. Originator: Ohno, Tadao Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0707 cell A immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Expressing SV40 tsA58 large T antigen. Verots S3 cultured in protein-free MEM. G418-resistant. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0706 Verots S3(SF) Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: monkey, African green. Originator: Ohno, Tadao Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0706 cell A immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Culturable in proein-free MEM supplemented with biotin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0272 Vero-317 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: monkey, African green. Originator: Yasumura, Yoshihiro Register: Yasumura, Yoshihiro RCB0272 cell A immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: SV40 large T antigen expressing, derived from CV-1 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COS-1 RCB0143 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: monkey, African green. Originator: Gluzman, Y. Register: Murakami, Yasufumi RCB0143 cell A immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: No interferon production, best for vaccine product. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0001 Vero Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: monkey, African green. Originator: Yasumura, Y. & Kawakita, Y. Register: Simizu, Bunsiti RCB0001 cell A immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of COS cell line expressing Fucci, a marker of cell cycle. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COS-Fucci RCB2814 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: monkey, African green. Originator: Miyawaki, Atsushi Register: Miyawaki, Atsushi RCB2814 cell A immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cynomolgus monkey cell line. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. See RCB0456. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JTC-12 RCB1485 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: monkey, cynomolgus. Originator: Katsuta, H. & Takaoka, T. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1485 cell A immortal monkey kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cynomolgus monkey cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JTC-12 RCB0456 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: monkey, cynomolgus. Originator: Katsuta, H. & Takaoka, T. Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0456 cell A mouse x rat hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against mouse B7-H1. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MIH5(GIT) RCB2305 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x rat. Originator: Azuma, Miyuki Register: Azuma, Miyuki RCB2305 cell A mouse x rat hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing a monoclonal antibody against mouse B7-H1. Possible to culture in RPMI1640 medium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MIH5(RPMI) RCB2324 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x rat. Originator: Azuma, Miyuki Register: Azuma, Miyuki RCB2324 cell A mouse x rat hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against GFP. Rat IgG2a monoclonal antibody. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JFP-J1 RCB2309 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x rat. Originator: Fujita, Shinobu Register: Takayama, Hajime RCB2309 cell A mouse x rat hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against GFP. Rat IgG2a monoclonal antibody. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JFP-K2 RCB2311 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x rat. Originator: Fujita, Shinobu Register: Takayama, Hajime RCB2311 cell A mouse x rat hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against bacterial unknown molecule. Rat IgG2a monoclonal antibody. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 859H5 RCB2312 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x rat. Originator: Fujita, Shinobu Register: Takayama, Hajime RCB2312 cell A mouse x rat hybridoma cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hybridoma producing monoclonal antibody against GFP. Rat IgG2a monoclonal antibody. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JFP-J5 RCB2310 Derived from tissue: hybridoma in animal: mouse x rat. Originator: Fujita, Shinobu Register: Takayama, Hajime RCB2310 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Non-contact inhibited RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 3T6 RCB0248 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse. Originator: Todaro, J. & Green, H. Register: Murakami, Yasufumi RCB0248 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of KOP cell line. Zeocin-resistant. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2151 ZKOP Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse. Originator: Sudo, Tatsuhiko Register: Sudo, Tatsuhiko RCB2151 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of KOP cell line, expressing FLAG-tagged EXIP. Zeocin-resistant. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He EKOP RCB2150 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse. Originator: Sudo, Tatsuhiko Register: Sudo, Tatsuhiko RCB2150 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of KOP cell line, expressing FLAG-tagged p38 MAP kinase. Zeocin-resistant. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2149 RKOP Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse. Originator: Sudo, Tatsuhiko Register: Sudo, Tatsuhiko RCB2149 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line lacking p38 MAP kinase expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KOP RCB2148 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse. Originator: Sudo, Tatsuhiko Register: Sudo, Tatsuhiko RCB2148 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Tioguanine- and ouabain-resistant and HAT-sensitive fibroblasts. Suitable for ES cell feeder layer. Back up culture of ECA85061804. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0536 STO Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse. Register: ECACC RCB0536 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: RBP-J deficient mouse fibroblasts RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OT11 RCB1926 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse. Originator: Honjo, Tasuku Register: Honjo, Tasuku RCB1926 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control cell line for OT11 (normal fibroblasts derived from the same mouse strain) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OT13 RCB1927 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse. Originator: Honjo, Tasuku Register: Honjo, Tasuku RCB1927 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse teratoma-derived cell line. Parent cell line of ATDC5. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He AT805 RCB1788 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, 129. Originator: Atsumi, Tadao Register: Atsumi, Tadao RCB1788 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma. Expressing laminin alpha-5 exogenously. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He F9/LM10 RCB2314 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, 129. Originator: Hayashi, Yoshitake (Nagoys Univ.) Register: Sekiguchi, Kiyotoshi RCB2314 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma. Expressing laminin alpha-5 exogenously. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He F9/LM(1+10) RCB2315 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, 129. Originator: Hayashi, Yoshitake (Nagoys Univ.) Register: Sekiguchi, Kiyotoshi RCB2315 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Differentiate to chondrocytes, unidentifiable pigment cells. Teratocarcinoma AT805 derived. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ATDC5 RCB0565 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, 129. Originator: Atsumi, Tadao Register: Atsumi, Tadao RCB0565 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma. 129 strain. TKG0519(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He F9 RCB2643 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, 129. Originator: Bernstine Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2643 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse teratoma-derived cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PCC3/A/1 RCB1791 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, 129. Originator: Atsumi, Tadao Register: Atsumi, Tadao RCB1791 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Said to differentiate to parietal endoderm with retinoic acid and dibutyryl cAMP. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He F9 RCB1555 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, 129. Register: Shanghai Cell Bank RCB1555 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of mouse ES cell line, F9 (129), lacking Odf2. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Odf2-deficient F9 cells RCB2808 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, 129. Originator: Tsukita, Sachiko Register: Tsukita, Sachiko RCB2808 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Siblings of RGB3T3-1, contact-inhibited RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0164 RGB3T3-5 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Ohno, Tadao Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0164 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Contact-inhibited semi-normal cell line RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BALB/3T3 clone A31 RCB0005 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Aaronson, S.A. & Todaro, G.T. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0005 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Original cloned line from RCB, just like BALB/3T3 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0163 RGB3T3-1 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Ohno, Tadao Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0163 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma. C3H strain. Following differentiation, beating cardiomyocytes appear. The efficiency of differentiation is lower compared to RCB 2318. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He P19.CL6 RCB1539 Derived from tissue: embryonal carcinoma in animal: mouse, C3H. Originator: Habara, Akemi Register: Murofushi, Kimiko RCB1539 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma. C3H strain. Following differentiation, beating cardiomyocytes appear efficiently. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He P19.CL6 RCB2318 Derived from tissue: embryonal carcinoma in animal: mouse, C3H. Originator: Habara, Akemi Register: Komuro, Issei RCB2318 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Clone 8, Contact-inhibited semi-normal RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 10T1/2 RCB0247 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, C3H. Originator: Reznikoff, Catherine A. Register: Terasima, Toyozo RCB0247 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of A-6. Dependent on SCF and IL-6 for proliferation. Differentiate to erythroid cells by IL-3. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1792 SIL-6/1 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, C3H. Originator: Atsumi, Tadao Register: Atsumi, Tadao RCB1792 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line. TKG0299 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NIH/3T3 RCB2767 Derived from tissue: embryo  in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Todaro, G. J. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2767 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Spontaneous transformant of NIH3T3 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NIH3T3/14-1 RCB0056 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Abe, Shin-ichiro Register: Abe, Shin-ichiro RCB0056 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: SV40 large T (tsA58)-pBR322 tarnsformed NIH3T3. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NIH3T3/13C7 RCB0057 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Ohno, Tadao & Abe, Shin-ichiro Register: Abe, Shin-ichiro RCB0057 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: NIH3T3 transformant expressing human activated k-ras-2. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Cle-H3 RCB0549 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Miyamoto, Tadaaki Register: Takiguchi, Yuichi RCB0549 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: pSV2neo-introduced G418-resistant Cle-H3 mutant. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Cle-H3^(neo+) RCB0550 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Miyamoto, Tadaaki Register: Takiguchi, Yuichi RCB0550 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subclone of NIH3T3 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NIH3T3-3-4 RCB1862 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Todaro, G. J. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1862 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus. A subline of ψCRIP. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-P131 RCB1088 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1088 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse GM-CSF cDNA RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmGM-CSF RCB1089 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1089 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-1alpha cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmIL-1 RCB1090 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1090 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-1 receptor antagonist cDNA RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmIL-1RA RCB1091 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1091 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-2 cDNA RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmIL-2 RCB1092 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1092 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-3 cDNA RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmIL-3 RCB1093 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1093 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-6 cDNA RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmIL-6 RCB1095 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1095 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-7 cDNA RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmIL-7 RCB1096 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1096 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-10 cDNA RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmIL-10 RCB1097 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1097 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-12 cDNA for p40 subunit. Refer RCB1099. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmIL-12p40 RCB1098 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1098 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-12 cDNA for p35 subunit. Refer RCB1098. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmIL-12p35 RCB1099 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1099 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse TNF-alpha gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmTNF- RCB1100 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1100 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including human TNF-alpha cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGhTNF- RCB1101 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1101 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse lymphotoxin cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmLT RCB1102 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1102 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse G-CSF gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmG-CSF RCB1103 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1103 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including human M-CSF gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGhM-CSF RCB1104 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1104 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IFN-gamma cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmIFN- RCB1105 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1105 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including human MIF cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGhMIF RCB1106 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1106 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse leukemia inhibitory factor cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmLIF RCB1107 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1107 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse kit ligand (SCF) cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmKitLigand RCB1108 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1108 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including human oncostatin M cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGhOncost-M RCB1109 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1109 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse B7 (CD80) cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmB7 RCB1110 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1110 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse B7-2 (CD86) cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmB7-2 RCB1111 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1111 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including the trancated form of mouse IFN-gamma cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGtrIFNR RCB1112 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1112 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including rabbit IL-1 receptor antagonist cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGrab-IL1RA RCB1113 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1113 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including rat GM-CSF cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGratGM-CSF RCB1114 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1114 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including neo gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-MFGneo RCB1115 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1115 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including HSV thymidine kinase cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGHSVtk RCB1116 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1116 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse c-src cDNA with ts mutation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRE-MFGts-c-src RCB1117 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1117 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse c-src cDNA with ts mutation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGts-c-src RCB1118 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Homada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1118 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including SV40 large T temperature-sensitive cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRE-MFGtsT RCB1119 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1119 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express human VIP receptor and blasticidin S deaminase gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-RxhVIPR-bsr RCB1590 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1590 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including mouse IL-4 cDNA RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFGmIL-4 RCB1094 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1094 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: High-titer producer of MoMLV-derived retrovirus including SV40 large T temperature-sensitive cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-MFGtsT RCB1120 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1120 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Retrovirus producer. Produce virus to express human Bax protein. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-hBax-i-hCD25-CS RCB1572 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1572 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express angiotensin receptor. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-ATR-bsr RCB1573 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1573 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express the human CD82. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-RxhCD82 RCB1574 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1574 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express the anti-apoptotic crmA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-Rx-crmA-bsr RCB1575 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1575 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express the human endothelin receptor. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-Rx-ETBR-bsr RCB1576 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1576 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express the mouse calcineurin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-mPCNF1-bsr RCB1577 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1577 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express lac Z. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFG-Z RCB1579 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1579 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express SV40 large T antigen. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CRIP-MFG-T37 RCB1580 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1580 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express human MSH receptor. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-MSHR RCB1581 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1581 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express Cre recombinase. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-NCre RCB1582 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1582 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express human p53 and blasticidin S deaminase gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-hp53-bsr RCB1583 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1583 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express human Bcl-xL and blasticidin S deaminase gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-RxBcl-XL-i-bsr RCB1584 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1584 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express human FAS and human CD80. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-RxhFAS-i-CD80 RCB1585 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1585 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express human secretin receptor and blasticidin S deaminase gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-RxhSecR-bsr RCB1587 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1587 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express human somatostatin receptor and blasticidin S deaminase gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-hSSR-bsr RCB1588 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1588 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line producing retrovirus to express a truncated form of mouse calcineurin and blasticidin S deaminase gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-RxmPCNT1-i-bsr RCB1589 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1589 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of ψCRIP that produce virus to express LacZ possessing nuclear localization signal. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &psi;CRIP-RxnZ RCB1564 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, NIH Swiss. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1564 cell A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the NIH/3T3 cell line. Transformed lymphoblast-like cells. Swiss strain.TKG0300(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). TKG0300(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He D4 RCB2648 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, Swiss. Originator: Yamamoto, T. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2648 cell LCL-1944 A immortal mouse embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Embryonal cell line derived from wild mouse. Sensitive to leukemia viruses. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1829 SC-1 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: mouse, wild. Register: Kubo, Yoshinao RCB1829 cell CRL-8756 A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Capable to form collagen network. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. See RCB0067. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He M RCB1472 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat. Originator: Takaoka,T. & Katsuta, H. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1472 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Non tumorigenic in nude mice RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0070 RLC-18 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat. Originator: Yasumoto,Shigeru et al. Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0070 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Non tumorigenic in nude mice. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1484 RLC-18 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat. Originator: Yasumoto,Shigeru et al. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1484 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Liver-derived cell, tumorigenic in nude mice. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1489 RLC-27 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat. Originator: Takaoka, T. & Katsuta, H. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1489 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Epitherial cell from rat liver. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1474 RLC-16 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat. Originator: Takaoka, Toshiko Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1474 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Epitherial cell from rat liver RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0069 RLC-16 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat. Originator: Takaoka, Toshiko Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0069 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Capable to form collagen network RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He M RCB0067 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat. Originator: Takaoka,T. & Katsuta, H. Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0067 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Liver-derived cell, tumorigenic in nude mice RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0072 RLC-27 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat. Originator: Takaoka, T. & Katsuta, H. Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0072 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from hepatoma cells in ascites. TKG0535(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He AH272-TC RCB2908 Derived from tissue: liver, ascites in animal: rat , Donryu. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2908 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from hepatoma cells in ascites. TKG0130(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He K-251 RCB2859 Derived from tissue: liver, ascites in animal: rat, ACI/N. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2859 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat (Buffalo) cell line derived from hepatoma. TKG0365 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Morris 5123D-TC RCB2766 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat, Buffalo. Originator: Kudo, T. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2766 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: ES cell differentiation inhibitory activity (DIA) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BRL RCB0273 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat, Buffalo. Register: Aizawa, Shinichi RCB0273 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: EJ-ras oncogene transformed ARLJ301-3 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anr9-1 RCB0450 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat, F344/DuCrj. Originator: Sato, S. Register: Furukawa, Kazunori RCB0450 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: EJ-ras oncogene transformed ARLJ301-3 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anr13-1 RCB0451 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat, F344/DuCrj. Originator: Sato, S. Register: Furukawa, Kazunori RCB0451 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: EJ-ras oncogene transformed ARLJ301-3 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Anr4 RCB0449 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat, F344/DuCrj. Originator: Sato, S. Register: Furukawa, Kazunori RCB0449 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Spontaneous transformant of ARLJ301-3 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ARLJ301-3TR1 RCB0448 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat, F344/DuCrj. Originator: Furukawa, Kazunori Register: Furukawa, Kazunori RCB0448 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Diploid rat liver epithelial cell line RIKEN Cell bank Team; Yongqun He ARLJ301-3 RCB0447 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat, F344/DuCrj. Originator: Furukawa, Kazunori Register: Furukawa, Kazunori RCB0447 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from histiocytic sarcoma. Possessing characteristics of macrophage. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HS-P RCB1757 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat, F344/DuCrj. Originator: Yamate, Jyoji Register: Yamate, Jyoji RCB1757 cell A immortal rat liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: SV40-Adeno Vector transformed hepatocytes. Albumin secretion and urea synthesis were reported. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1025 RTH33 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Tabata, Naoto Register: Tabata, Naoto RCB1025 cell LCL-1190 A immortal human colon-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Colon carcinoma. CEA-positive, nude mouse-transplantable. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CW-2 RCB0778 Derived from tissue: colon in animal: human. Originator: Mitsuhashi, Maki Register: Mitsuhashi, Maki RCB0778 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308161 CVCL: CVCL_1151 Sanger: COSMIC ID:910554 A immortal human colon-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human colon carcinoma. Backup of ECA86010202. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CACO-2 RCB0988 Derived from tissue: colon in animal: human. Register: ECACC RCB0988 cell LCL-1174 A immortal human colon-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Described to produce serotonin, epinephrine. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO-320 RCB1193 Derived from tissue: colon in animal: human. Register: DSMZ RCB1193 cell DSMZ: ACC 144 A immortal human colon-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese colon carcinoma. Family of the patient also exhibited high risk, but not so-called HNPCC. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PMF-ko14 RCB1426 Derived from tissue: colon in animal: human. Originator: Okazaki, Keiseke Register: Okazaki, Keisuke RCB1426 cell A immortal human colon-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from colon cancer. Derived from ascites metastasis. TKG0457(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO205 RCB2127 Derived from tissue: colon, ascites meta in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2127 cell A immortal human colon-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human colon cancer cell line derived from metastasis at ovary. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHCA-ov RCB1705 Derived from tissue: colon, ovary meta in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1705 cell LCL-1181 A immortal human colon-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: CEA-producing colon adenocarcinoma. Back up culture of ECA2739. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LoVo RCB1639 Derived from tissue: colon, supraclavicular meta in animal: human. Register: ECACC RCB1639 cell ATCC: CCL-229 A immortal human brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human malignant meningioma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HKBMM RCB0680 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, Isamu & Satou, Zenrou & Ishikawa, Hiroshi Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0680 cell LCL-1379 A immortal human brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human glioma separated from gliosarcoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GI-1 RCB0763 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: human. Originator: Iwasaki, Kouji Register: Nakatu, Syouji RCB0763 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308167 CVCL: CVCL_1231 Sanger: COSMIC ID:906871 A immortal human brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from astrocytoma developed in a patient with NF-1 (neurofibromatosis type 1) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1731 TM-31 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: human. Originator: Kurimoto, Masanori Register: Kurimoto, Masanori RCB1731 cell LCL-1357 A immortal human brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from glioblastoma multiforme (Caucasian). Hyperpentaploid chromosome count. TKG0471(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1954 T98G Derived from tissue: brain in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1954 cell ATCC: CRL-1690 LCL-1348 A immortal human brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from glioblastoma. TKG0183(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A172 RCB2530 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: human. Originator: Giard, D. J. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2530 cell ATCC: CRL-1620 A immortal human brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human brain derived lymphoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HKBML RCB0820 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, I. & Sato, E. & Ishikawa, H. Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0820 cell LCL-1801 A immortal human brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Glioma, S-100 Protein producing. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KG-1-C RCB0270 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: human. Originator: Miyake, Etsuo Register: Miyake, Etsuo RCB0270 cell JHSF: JCRB0236 A immortal human brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from glioblastoma. TKG0453(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2110 YKG1 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: human. Originator: Kanno H. (Neurosurgery, Yokohama City University). Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2110 cell A immortal human trophoblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Trophoblastic cell. Producing chorionic gonadotropin, estrogen, progesterone. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1018 T3M-3 Derived from tissue: choriocarcinoma in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1018 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Normal human skin fibroblast RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 305M RCB0156 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Matsumura, Toshiharu Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0156 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Normal diploid fibroblast from Japanese RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HS-K RCB0159 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Kan, Mikio Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0159 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: SV40-transformed Werner's syndrome fibroblast RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0252 W-V Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Holliday, Robin Register: Ohno, Tadao & Tanaka, Kiyoji RCB0252 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCU-F1 RCB0388 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Yazaki, Makoto Register: Yazaki, Makoto RCB0388 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Morquio syndrome RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCU-F2 RCB0389 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Yazaki, Makoto Register: Yazaki, Makoto RCB0389 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Wilson's disease RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCU-F3 RCB0390 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Yazaki, Makoto Register: Yazaki, Makoto RCB0390 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Wilson's disease RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCU-F4 RCB0391 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Yazaki, Makoto Register: Yazaki, Makoto RCB0391 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Citrullinemia RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCU-F6 RCB0393 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Yazaki, Makoto Register: Yazaki, Makoto RCB0393 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Citrullinemia RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCU-F7 RCB0394 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Yazaki, Makoto Register: Yazaki, Makoto RCB0394 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Wilson's disease RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCU-F8 RCB0395 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Yazaki, Makoto Register: Yazaki, Makoto RCB0395 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cockayne's syndrome RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCU-F10 RCB0397 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Yazaki, Makoto Register: Yazaki, Makoto RCB0397 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Werner's syndrome RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0407 WS2TKB Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Bannai, S. & Yamashita, K. Register: Bannai, Shiro RCB0407 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Werner's syndrome, the same patient as RCB0433 WS1TKB2. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0409 WS1TKB Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Bannai, S. & Yamashita, K. Register: Bannai, Shiro RCB0409 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Werner's syndrome, the same patient as RCB0409 WS1TKB. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0433 WS1TKB2 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Bannai, S. & Yamashita, K. Register: Bannai, Shiro RCB0433 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: OTC(-), X-linked, dominant (XD) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OTCD1TKB RCB0492 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao & Nakamura, Norimasa Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0492 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a nonexposed individual with breast cancer, different specimen from RCB0635 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0580 SF8402 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0580 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a nonexposed individual without cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0582 SF8404 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0582 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a nonexposed individual without cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0584 SF8406 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0584 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a nonexposed individual with stomach cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0585 SF8657 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0585 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0587 SF8759 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0587 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0590 SF8762 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0590 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0596 SF8758 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0596 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a non-exposed individual without breast cancer but with thyroid & colon cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0597 SF8656 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0597 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0602 SF8650 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0602 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0603 SF8649 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0603 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a nonexposed individual with breast cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0608 SF8543 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0608 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a nonexposed individual with uterus cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0610 SF8541 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0610 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a nonexposed individual with breast cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0613 SF8538 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0613 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor without cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0614 SF8536 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0614 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0617 SF8433 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0617 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0620 SF8429 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0620 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer, different specimen from RCB0624 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0621 SF8428 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0621 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer, different specimen from RCB0621. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0624 SF8425 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0624 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0631 SF8416 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0631 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a nonexposed individual with breast cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0633 SF8414 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0633 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a nonexposed individual with chest cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0634 SF8413 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0634 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a nonexposed individual with breast cancer, different specimen from RCB0580. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0635 SF8410 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0635 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Tay-Sachs' disease RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GM2-1TKB RCB0697 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Nakamura, N. & Ohno, T. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0697 cell LCL-1405 A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Malignant trichilemmal cyst cells. Strongly laminin positive on cell surface. Serum-free culturable. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DJM-1 RCB0736 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Yaoita, Hideo Register: Katayama, Hiroshi RCB0736 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308190 CVCL: CVCL_1172 Sanger: COSMIC ID:906841 A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Skin fibroblasts from a familial colon polyposis patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FCP-S1M RCB0783 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0783 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Skin fibroblasts from a familial colon polyposis patient at Hiroshima. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FCP-S2H RCB0784 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0784 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Skin fibroblasts from a familial colon polyposis patient at Hiroshima. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FCP-S3H RCB0785 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0785 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Skin fibroblasts from a familial colon polyposis patient at Hiroshima. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FCP-S4H RCB0786 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0786 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Skin fibroblasts from a familial colon polyposis patient at Hiroshima. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FCP-S5H RCB0787 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0787 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Skin fibroblasts from a familial colon polyposis patient at Hiroshima. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FCP-S6H RCB0788 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0788 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Severe insulin-resistance by uncleaved insulin proreceptor. G->T mutation in interconnecting region. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1561 RML-Yoshi Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Nishi, Yoshihiro Register: Nishi, Yoshihiro RCB1561 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a nonexposed individual without cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0583 SF8405 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0583 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0588 SF8760 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0588 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a nonexposed individual without cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0589 SF8761 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0589 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor without cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0598 SF8655 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0598 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor with breast cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0604 SF8647 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0604 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Control from a nonexposed individual without cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0605 SF8546 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0605 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Werner's syndrome fibroblast RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GMC0009 WS6RGB Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0009 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Once thought Werner's Syndrome, but the life span in vitro was more than 50 PDL. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GMC0011 UN8RGB Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, T. Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0011 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Accelerated aging in vitro, Werner's syndrome RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GMC0006 WS2RGB Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0006 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Melanoma from a 47 year old female. Backup of ECA87061210. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO 679 RCB0989 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Register: ECACC RCB0989 cell LCL-1246 A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human melanoma producing melanin up to 50 PDL. Backup of ECA88030401. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He G-361 RCB0991 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Register: ECACC RCB0991 cell ATCC: CRL-1424 A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Accelerated aging in vitro, Werner's syndrome. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GMC0007 WS3RGB Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0007 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Questionable Werner's syndrome-like. Life span in vitro was over 60 PDL. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GMC0010 UN7RGB Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, T. Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0010 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0001. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A0082 GMC0002 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0002 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Chromosomal aberration; 46XX + (11;12)(q23.3, q15). Need confirmation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Chab1KMM RCB0875 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Register: Murakami, T. & Ohno, T. RCB0875 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese cystic fibrosis fibroblast. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CF1TKB RCB1382 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru & Ohno, Tadao Register: Amagai, T. & Ohno, T. RCB1382 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0005. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A0031 GMC0012 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0012 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0015. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A0042 GMC0014 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0014 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC00017. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A0055 GMC0022 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0022 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Diploid fibroblast from normal Japanese skin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NHSF46 RCB0162 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Fujiwara, Yoshisada Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0162 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0020. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A0072 GMC0024 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0024 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0029. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A0058 GMC0028 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0028 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0030. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A0050 GMC0031 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0031 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC00035. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A0026 GMC0036 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0036 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome (questionable) patient's skin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A0065 GMC0004 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0004 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Prader-Willi syndrome with obesity. del(15) was found in lymphocytes of the patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PWS-Yamaguchi RCB1560 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Nishi, Yoshihiro Register: Nishi, Yoshihiro RCB1560 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pseudo congenital lactic acidosis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CLA1RGB RCB0266 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao & Nakamura, Norimasa Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0266 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency fibroblasts. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He AT-PDH1TKB RCB0546 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao & Saijo, Kaoru & Nakamura, Norimasa Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0546 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Atomic bomb survivor without breast cancer but with thyroid cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0600 SF8653 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ban, Sadayuki Register: Ban, Sadayuki RCB0600 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Normal human skin fibroblast, RCB original RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NB1RGB RCB0222 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao Register: Ohno,T. & Kojima RCB0222 cell A immortal human skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human primary adherent cells derived from Werner syndrome patient's skin. The same patient as GMC0016. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A0022 GMC0021 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru Register: Goto, Makoto GMC0021 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2066 UV&middot;CB6-3.4B Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2066 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2065 UVECB6-2.1F Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2065 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2067 UVECB6-4.1D Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2067 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2068 UVECB6-4.1F Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2068 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2072 UVECB6-6.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2072 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2073 UVECB6-6.1B Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2073 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2071 UV&middot;CB6-5.2B Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2071 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2070 UV&#183;CB6-5.2 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2070 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (BALB/cxC3H)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2074 UV&#183;CC3-11.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, (BALB/cxC3H)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2074 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (C3H/HeN x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2061 UV&middot;C3B6-1.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, (C3H/HeN x C57BL/6)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2061 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. (C3H/HeN x C57BL/6)F1 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2062 UV&middot;C3B6-1.1C Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, (C3H/HeN x C57BL/6)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2062 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse skin derived cell line. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1995 UV&middot;BAL-1.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB1995 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse skin derived cell line. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1996 UV&middot;BAL-2.1D Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB1996 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2026 UV&middot;BAL-6.1E Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2026 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2027 UV&middot;BAL-7.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2027 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2028 UV&middot;BAL-8.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2028 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2030 UV&middot;BAL-12.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2030 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2031 UV&middot;BAL-13.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2031 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2032 UV&middot;BAL-14.2 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2032 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2033 UV&middot;BAL-15.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2033 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2034 UV&middot;BAL-16.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2034 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2035 UV&middot;BAL-17.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2035 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2036 UV&middot;BAL-18.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2036 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2057 UV&middot;BAL-19.1A Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2057 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2058 UV&middot;BAL-20.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2058 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2059 UV&middot;BAL-21.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2059 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2060 UV&middot;BAL-23.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2060 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. BALB/c strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2029 UV&middot;BAL-8.1C Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2029 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line established by UV irradiation. Derived from Balb/c strain. (Neuron-like) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2024 UV&middot;BAL-3.3 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2024 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line established by UV irradiation. Derived from Balb/c strain. (Epithelial-like) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2025 UV&middot;BAL-5.4G Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2025 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse stromal cell line for human lung small cell carcinoma cell line, WA-ht. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1925 WA-mFib Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, BALB/c(nu/nu). Register: Takiguchi, Yuichi RCB1925 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. C3H/HeN strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2056 UV&middot;C3H-8.2 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C3H/HeN. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2056 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. C3H/HeN strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2053 UV&middot;C3H-3.3 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C3H/HeN. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2053 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse melanoma producing melanin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B16 melanoma RCB1283 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1283 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse melanoma expressing E.coli lac Z. Strongly positive with beta-galactosidase. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B16 melanoma/lacZ RCB1284 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1284 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. C57BL/6 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1997 UV&middot;B6-1.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB1997 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse skin derived cell line. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1998 UV&middot;B6-2.1A Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB1998 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. C57BL/6 strain.Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1999 UV&middot;B6-4.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB1999 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast-like cell line derived from skin. C57BL/6 strain. Induced by ultra-violet irradiation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2000 UV&middot;B6-5.1 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB2000 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Melanin pigment producing mouse melanoma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B16 melanoma 4A5 RCB0557 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Register: Sugimoto, Yoshinori RCB0557 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from melanoma. TKG0598 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B16/BL6 RCB2638 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2638 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Glucosylceramide synthetase-deficient B16 melanoma mutant. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GM95 RCB1026 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C57BL/6J. Originator: Sakiyama, Hisako Register: Hirabayashi, Yoshio RCB1026 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Not expressing melanoma antigen. Control for GM-95 cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MEB4 RCB1027 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C57BL/6J. Originator: Sakiyama, Hisako Register: Hirabayashi, Yoshio RCB1027 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse GM-CSF producing B16 melanoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B16F10/mGM RCB1158 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C57BL/6J. Originator: Hamada, H. Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1158 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from melanoma. TKG0348 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B16 F10 RCB2630 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C57BL/6J. Originator: Fidler, I. J. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2630 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from melanoma. C57BL/6J strain. TKG0347(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He B16 F1 RCB2649 Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse, C57BL/6J. Originator: Fidler, I. J. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2649 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast cell line. Transformed by ultraviolet. Highly immunogenic. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1992 UV&#9794;1d Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse,(BALB/c×C57BL/6)(CB6)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB1992 cell A immortal mouse skin-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse fibroblast cell line. Transformed by ultraviolet. Highly immunogenic. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1993 UV&#9792;1A Derived from tissue: skin in animal: mouse,(BALB/c×C57BL/6)(CB6)F1. Originator: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa Register: Kuribayashi, Kagemasa RCB1993 cell A immortal mouse epithelial cell line cell that has the characteristics: Metastatic epithelial cell RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0284 Sq-1979 Derived from tissue: cheek in animal: mouse, C3H. Originator: Majima, Hideyuki Register: Ando, Koichi RCB0284 cell A immortal mouse liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hepatocytes containing temperature sensitive SV40 large T antigen. P450IA1 inducible. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0750 TLR2 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: mouse. Originator: Yanai, Nobuaki Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB0750 cell A immortal mouse liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Derived from BW7756 tumor in a C57L mouse. Back up culture of ECA3041. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Hepa 1-6 RCB1638 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: mouse, C57L. Register: ECACC RCB1638 cell A immortal Drosophila melanogaster embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Fruit fly Oregon-R derived cell line. Highly sensitive in RNA interference compared with CHO-K1. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1153 S2 (Drosophila) Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: Drosophila. Originator: Schneider, I. Register: Ueda, Ryu (Miyake, Tadashi) RCB1153 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mast cell precursor, respond to IL-3 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He IC-2 RCB0102 Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse. Originator: Koyasu, Shigeo Register: Koyasu, Shigeo RCB0102 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Spontaneous transformant of LT4 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LT4Tr RCB0120 Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse. Originator: Koyasu, Shigeo Register: Koyasu, Shigeo RCB0120 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from erythroleukemia cells transformed by Friend leukemia virus. TKG0370(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2852 TSA8 Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse. Originator: Tak Mak. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2852 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Friend leukemia cell line from BALB/c mouse. Virusnon-producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FVTCT.fl RCB0571 Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Fieldsteel Register: Ikawa, Yoji RCB0571 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Erythroleukemia cell line drived from mouse C3H/He. TER119(+) cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He C-8049 RCB1849 Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Yoshida, Kazuko Register: Yoshida, Kazuko RCB1849 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Erythroleukemia cell line drived from mouse C3H/He. TER119(+) cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He C-8052 RCB1850 Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Yoshida, Kazuko Register: Yoshida, Kazuko RCB1850 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Erythroleukemia cell line drived from mouse C3H/He. TER119(+) cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ES-8040 20-2 RCB1847 Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Yoshida, Kazuko Register: Yoshida, Kazuko RCB1847 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Erythroleukemia cell line drived from mouse C3H/He. TER119(+) cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ES-8047 2-1 RCB1848 Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Yoshida, Kazuko Register: Yoshida, Kazuko RCB1848 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Friend leukemia cell line. High ability to differentiate to erythroblastoid cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 707.fl RCB0569 Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse, DBA/2. Originator: Friend, C. Register: Ikawa, Yoji RCB0569 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Friend leukemia cell line from DBA/2 mouse. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GM86.fl RCB0570 Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse, DBA/2. Originator: Friend, C.->Ikawa, Y. Register: Ikawa, Yoji RCB0570 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from leukemia. Lymphoblastoid cells. DBA/2 strain. TKG0409(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He L1210-5FU-R-TC RCB2845 Derived from tissue: spleen, lymphnode, leukemia in animal: mouse, DBA/2. Originator: Saeki, H. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2845 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Friend leukemia. Differentiate to erythroblastoid cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0562 TSFAT-3.fl Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse, DDD. Originator: Ikawa, Yoji Register: Ikawa, Yoji RCB0562 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Friend leukemia. Differentiate to erythroblastoid cells with benzidine etc. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He F5-5.fl RCB0560 Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse, DDD. Originator: Ikawa, Yoji Register: Ikawa, Yoji RCB0560 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Friend leukemia. Differentiate to erythroblastoid cells with 1.5% DMSO etc. A clone of TSFAT-3.fl RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0561 T-3-Cl-2-0.fl Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse, DDD. Originator: Ikawa, Yoji Register: Ikawa, Yoji RCB0561 cell A immortal mouse spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: SFFV producing Friend leukemia cell line. Non-differentiating. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He K-1.fl RCB0559 Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: mouse, DDD. Originator: Ikawa, Yoji Register: Ikawa, Yoji RCB0559 cell A immortal mouse kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Kidney epithelial cells containing temperature sensitive SV40 large T antigen. Compared to TKC2. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0752 TKD2 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: mouse. Originator: Yanai, Nobuyuki Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB0752 cell A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Stomach cancer, but producing hybrid type of alkaline phosphatase. See HuG1-N. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HuG1-PI RCB1178 Derived from tissue: stomach in animal: human. Originator: Imanishi, Hiroyasu Register: Imanishi, Hiroyasu RCB1178 cell A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Stomach cancer, but producing Nagao-type alkaline phosphatase. See HuG1-PI. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HuG1-N RCB1179 Derived from tissue: stomach in animal: human. Originator: Imanishi, Hiroyasu Register: Imanishi, Hiroyasu RCB1179 cell LCL-2001 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from signet ring cell carcinoma of stomach. TKG0449 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NUGC-4 RCB1939 Derived from tissue: stomach in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1939 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307267 CVCL: CVCL_3082 JHSF: JCRB0834 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from gastric cancer. Signet ring carcinoma. TKG0213 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Kato III RCB2088 Derived from tissue: stomach in animal: human. Originator: Kobari, M. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2088 cell A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from gastric cancer. TKG0411 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He H-111-TC RCB1884 Derived from tissue: stomach in animal: human. Originator: Kudo, T Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1884 cell A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human gastric cancer cell line. TKG0185 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He AZ521 RCB2087 Derived from tissue: stomach in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2087 cell LCL-1891 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Stomach cancer (Borrmann IV). Mutin, CA19-9, CEA, alphafetoprotein positive Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GCIY RCB0555 Derived from tissue: stomach in animal: human. Originator: Nozue, Mutsumi Register: Nozue, Mutsumi RCB0555 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308825 CVCL: CVCL_1228 RIKEN: COSMIC ID:906869; Riken RCB0555,RCB0555 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from gastric cancer. Established from the cells in ascites. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GSU RCB2278 Derived from tissue: stomach, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Hato, Tsuneaki Register: Hato, Tsuneaki RCB2278 cell A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human gastric cancer cell line derived from metastasis at liver. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GSS RCB2277 Derived from tissue: stomach, liver meta in animal: human. Originator: Hato, Tsuneaki Register: Hato, Tsuneaki RCB2277 cell LCL-1897 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Small cell gastrointestinal carcinoma with c-myc overexpression. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ECC10 RCB0983 Derived from tissue: stomach, liver meta in animal: human. Originator: Ishihara, Noriko Register: Motoyama, Teiichi RCB0983 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308191 CVCL: CVCL_1188 RIKEN: COSMIC ID:906848; Riken RCB0983,RCB0983 LCL-1535 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Poorly differentiated gastric adenocarcinoma. Producing high level of CEA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MKN45 RCB1001 Derived from tissue: stomach, liver meta in animal: human. Originator: Hojo, Haruto Register: Motoyama, Teiichi RCB1001 cell JHSF: JCRB0254 LCL-1536 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Once they were hypodiploids. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MKN74 RCB1002 Derived from tissue: stomach, liver meta in animal: human. Originator: Hojo, Haruo Register: Motoyama, Teiichi RCB1002 cell JHSF: JCRB0255 LCL-1882 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Gastric cancer undifferentiated, mucin producing RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HGC-27 RCB0500 Derived from tissue: stomach, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Akagi, Tadaatsu Register: Kimoto, Tetsuo RCB0500 cell ECACC: 94042256 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from lymph node metastasis of gastric cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LMSU RCB1062 Derived from tissue: stomach, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1062 cell LCL-1892 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese gastric cancer, lymph node metastated. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1148 TGBC11TKB Derived from tissue: stomach, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Kim, B. & Ohno, Tadao Register: Ohno, T. & Todoroki, T. RCB1148 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308557 CVCL: CVCL_1768 RIKEN: RCB1148,COSMIC ID:909770; Riken RCB1148 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from gastric cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KE-39 RCB1434 Derived from tissue: stomach, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Yamashita, Kazuya Register: Uesugi, Hidenaga RCB1434 cell A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from stomach cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCC-StC-K140 RCB2224 Derived from tissue: stomach, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Inomata, Masako Register: Inomata, Masako RCB2224 cell LCL-1917 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Potentially differentiatable to both direction of adenomatous and squamous epithelial cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MKN1 RCB1003 Derived from tissue: stomach, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Hojo, Haruto Register: Motoyama, Teiichi RCB1003 cell JHSF: JCRB0252 LCL-1885 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: c-erbB-2 expressing gastric adenocarcinoma. Differentiated type. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MKN7 RCB0999 Derived from tissue: stomach, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Hojo, Haruto Register: Motoyama, Teiichi RCB0999 cell JHSF: JCRB1025 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from intraperitoneal metastasis of gastric cancer RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KE-97 RCB1435 Derived from tissue: stomach, mesenterium meta in animal: human. Originator: Yamashita, Kazuya Register: Uesugi, Hidenaga RCB1435 cell LCL-1898 A immortal human stomach-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Small cell gastrointestinal carcinoma showing creatine kinase-BB and aromatic L-amino-acid decarboxy. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ECC12 RCB1009 Derived from tissue: stomach, subcutis in animal: human. Originator: Ishihara, Noriko Register: Motoyama, Teiichi RCB1009 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308192 CVCL: CVCL_1189 Sanger: COSMIC ID:906849 LCL-1428 A immortal human bone element-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Osteosarcoma cell line derived from human. High yield of IFN production by induction with poly IC, cyclohexmide, actinomycin D. Antigenically, MG-63 IFN is closely related to human fibroblast IFN. TKG0294 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MG-63 RCB1890 Derived from tissue: bone in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1890 cell ECACC: 86051601 A immortal human bone element-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from osteosarcoma. TKG0451(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HuO 9N2 (O9N2) RCB2532 Derived from tissue: bone in animal: human. Originator: Kawai, A. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2532 cell LCL-1421 A immortal human bone element-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Sensitive to further transformation with both virus and chemicals. Backup of ECA87070202. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HOS RCB0992 Derived from tissue: bone in animal: human. Register: ECACC RCB0992 cell ECACC: 87070202 A immortal human bone element-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human osteosarcoma producing osteoid in vitro and in vivo(mouse). Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NOS-2 RCB1033 Derived from tissue: bone in animal: human. Originator: Hotta, Tetsuo & Motoyama, Teiichi Register: Motoyama, Teiichi RCB1033 cell LCL-1432 A immortal human bone element-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Osteoid producing in vitro and in nude mice. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NOS-1 RCB1032 Derived from tissue: bone in animal: human. Originator: Hotta, Tetsuo & Motoyama, Teiichi Register: Motoyama, Teiichi RCB1032 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308836 CVCL: CVCL_1610 Sanger: COSMIC ID:925345 A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Ascites hepatoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JTC-27 RCB0065 Derived from tissue: ascites hepatoma in animal: rat. Originator: Huh,Namho et al. Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0065 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subclone of AH-66, lost transplantability in rats. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. See RCB0063. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JTC-15 RCB1461 Derived from tissue: ascites hepatoma in animal: rat. Originator: Takaoka, T. & Katsuta, H. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1461 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Ascites hepatoma. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. See RCB0065. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JTC-27 RCB1479 Derived from tissue: ascites hepatoma in animal: rat. Originator: Huh, Namho et al Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1479 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subclone of AH-66, lost transplantability in rats. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JTC-15 RCB0063 Derived from tissue: ascites hepatoma in animal: rat. Originator: Takaoka,T. & Katsuta, H. Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0063 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat lung fibroblast once said interferon-producing. Serum-& protein-free culturable. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JTC-19 RCB0074 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: rat. Originator: Takaoka, Toshiko Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0074 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat lung fibroblast once said interferon-producing. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. See RCB0074 . RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JTC-19 RCB1486 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: rat. Originator: Takaoka, Toshiko Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1486 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Sticky cell from lymph node. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LYM-1 RCB0076 Derived from tissue: lymph node in animal: rat. Originator: Kurayama, Hideo Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0076 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Sticky cell from lymph node. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LYM-1 RCB1473 Derived from tissue: lymph node in animal: rat. Originator: Kurayama, Hideo Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1473 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pheochromocytoma, differentiate by NGF stimulation RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PC-12 RCB0009 Derived from tissue: pheochromocytoma in animal: rat. Originator: L. Green & A. Tischler Register: Noda, Makoto RCB0009 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of PC-12 lacking synaptotagmin-1. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PC12-F7 RCB2800 Derived from tissue: pheochromocytoma in animal: rat. Originator: Shoji-Kasai, Yoko Register: Takayama, Hajime RCB2800 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of PC-12 expressing synaptotagmin-1, a control cell line for PC12-F7. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PC12-G11 RCB2801 Derived from tissue: pheochromocytoma in animal: rat. Originator: Shoji-Kasai, Yoko Register: Takayama, Hajime RCB2801 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cell line for titration of murine leukemia virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1831 XC Derived from tissue: rous sarcoma in animal: rat. Originator: Svoboda, Jan Register: Kubo, Yoshinao RCB1831 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from sarcoma cells in ascites. TKG0648(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LY-6-TC RCB2910 Derived from tissue: sarcoma, ascitic tumor in animal: rat. Originator: Satoh, H Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2910 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat small intestine epithelial cells. Backup of ECA88071401. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He IEC 6 RCB0993 Derived from tissue: small intestine in animal: rat. Register: ECACC RCB0993 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat thymoma cell line without mouse chromosome contamination. Compare to MTHC-2 and -3. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MTHC-1 RCB0738 Derived from tissue: thymus in animal: rat, BUF/Mna. Originator: Hiai, H. & Matsuyama, M. Register: Matsuyama, Mutsushi RCB0738 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from lung cancer. TKG0135(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2862 SLC Derived from tissue: lung in animal: rat, Donryu. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2862 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from osteosarcoma. F344 strain. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MSK-C5.8G RCB2806 Derived from tissue: osteosarcoma in animal: rat, F344. Originator: Takahashi, Kikuo Register: Kawase, Tomoyuki RCB2806 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of KMY-J. Fibroblast-like RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KMY-1 RCB1754 Derived from tissue: meninx in animal: rat, F344/DuCrj. Originator: Yamate, Jyoji Register: Yamate, Jyoji RCB1754 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of KMY-J. Polyploidy RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KMY-3 RCB1756 Derived from tissue: meninx in animal: rat, F344/DuCrj. Originator: Yamate, Jyoji Register: Yamate, Jyoji RCB1756 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of KMY-J. Epithelial-like RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KMY-2 RCB1755 Derived from tissue: meninx in animal: rat, F344/DuCrj. Originator: Yamate, Jyoji Register: Yamate, Jyoji RCB1755 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Meningioma derived cell line. Derived from rat F344. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KMY-J RCB1753 Derived from tissue: meninx in animal: rat, F344/DuCrj. Originator: Yamate, Jyoji Register: Yamate, Jyoji RCB1753 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat fibrous histiocytoma. Acid phosphatase and nonspecific esterase are weakly positive. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MT-8 RCB0760 Derived from tissue: subcutis of the head in animal: rat, F344/DuCrj. Originator: Yamate, Jyoji Register: Yamate, Jyoji RCB0760 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat fibrous histiocytoma. Acid phosphatase-, non-specific esterase- & monocytic antigen-positive. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MT-9 RCB0762 Derived from tissue: subcutis of the head in animal: rat, F344/DuCrj. Originator: Yamate, Jyoji Register: Yamate, Jyoji RCB0762 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: F344 male rat fibrosarcoma cells, but with histiocytic and/or myofibroblastic characteristics. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1518 SS-A3-1 Derived from tissue: submandibular salivary gland in animal: rat, F344/DuCrj. Originator: Yamate, Jyoji Register: Yamate, Jyoji RCB1518 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of NBT-II. Low invasive bladder carcinoma. Relatively high cadherin expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NBT-T1 RCB1369 Derived from tissue: bladder in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Nishi, Nozomu Register: Nishi, Nozomu RCB1369 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of NBT-II. Almost non-invasive bladder carcinoma. Relatively high cadherin expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NBT-T2 RCB1370 Derived from tissue: bladder in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Nishi, Nozomu Register: Nishi, Nozomu RCB1370 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of NBT-II. Invasive bladder carcinoma. Relatively low cadherin expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NBT-L1 RCB1371 Derived from tissue: bladder in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Nishi, Nozomu Register: Nishi, Nozomu RCB1371 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of NBT-II. Highly invasive bladder carcinoma. Relatively low cadherin expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NBT-L2a RCB1372 Derived from tissue: bladder in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: NIshi, Nozomu Register: Nishi, Nozomu RCB1372 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of NBT-II. The most invasive bladder carcinoma. Relatively low cadherin expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NBT-L2b RCB1373 Derived from tissue: bladder in animal: rat, Wistar. Register: Nishi, Nozomu RCB1373 cell A immortal rat cell line cell that has the characteristics: So called clear cells from rat stomach mucosa. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0876 RGM1 Derived from tissue: gastric mucosa in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Matsui, H. & Ohno, T. Register: Matsui, Hirofumi RCB0876 cell LCL-1709 A immortal human urinary bladder-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bladder transitional-cell carcinoma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0431 T24 Derived from tissue: bladder in animal: human. Originator: Bubenick, J. Register: RCB (Noda, Makoto) RCB0431 cell ATCC: HTB-4 LCL-1709 A immortal human urinary bladder-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from bladder cancer. Transitional cell carcinoma. TKG0443 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2536 T24 Derived from tissue: bladder in animal: human. Originator: Bubenick, J. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2536 cell ATCC: HTB-4 LCL-1702 A immortal human urinary bladder-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Described to produce SCF, IL-1, IL-3, IL-6, G-CSF, GM-CSF, etc. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 5637 RCB1191 Derived from tissue: bladder in animal: human. Register: DMSZ RCB1191 cell ATCC: HTB-9 A immortal human urinary bladder-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from urinary bladder carcinoma. Derived from ascites. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JMSU1 RCB2227 Derived from tissue: bladder, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Morita, Tatsuo Register: Morita, Tasuo RCB2227 cell A immortal human urinary bladder-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from urinary bladder carcinoma. TKG0641 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BOY-12E RCB2627 Derived from tissue: Urinary bladder in animal: human. Originator: Kayajima, Tuneyoshi Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2627 cell A immortal human liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human liver cholangiocarcinoma. Said CEA and CA19-9 producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RBE RCB1292 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: human. Originator: Enjoji, Munechika Register: Enjoji, Munechika RCB1292 cell A immortal human liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Spindle cell-type cholangiocarcinoma cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1293 SSP-25 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: human. Originator: Enjoji, Munechika Register: Enjoji, Munechika RCB1293 cell A immortal human liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Said producing alpha-fetoprotein, alpha-antitrypsin, ceruloplasmin, fibrinogen, fibronectin, etc. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HuH-7 RCB1366 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: human. Originator: Nakabayashi, Hidekazu Register: Huh, Nam, Ho RCB1366 cell A immortal human liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hepatoblastoma. Said albumin and alpha-fetoprotein producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HuH-6 RCB1367 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: human. Originator: Doi, Isao Register: Huh, Nam, Ho RCB1367 cell A immortal human liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from intrahepatic bile duct cancer. TKG0456(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1907 TKKK Derived from tissue: liver in animal: human. Originator: Katayose, Y. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1907 cell A immortal human liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from hepatoma. TKG0206 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HuH-7 RCB1942 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: human. Originator: Nakabayashi, H. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1942 cell A immortal human liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human hepatoma cell line. This cell line was established from nude mouse xenograft tumor (Dr. Hirohashi., National Cancer Center, Tokyo) by Tanno, H. (Tohoku Univ., 1st Surg). AFP producing.TKG0368 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Li-7 RCB1941 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: human. Originator: Tanno, H. (Tohoku Univ., 1st Surg) Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1941 cell A immortal human liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from cholangiocellular carcinoma. TKG0438 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HuH-28 RCB1943 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: human. Originator: Kusaka, Y. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1943 cell LCL-1925 A immortal human liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: hepatocellular carcinoma. Produce alpha-fetoprotein, albumin, etc. Back up of ECA2870. Almost equal to RCB0459, but the restriction is a. <a href=''>Information</a> RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Hep G2 RCB1648 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: human. Register: ECACC RCB1648 cell ATCC: HB-8065 A immortal human liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of HepG2. Expressing abundant glutamine synthetase. <a href=''>Information</a> RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GS-HepG2 RCB1681 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: human. Originator: Omasa, T. & Suga, K. Register: Omasa, Takeshi RCB1681 cell LCL-1925 A immortal human liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from hepatocyte carcinoma. TKG0205 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). <a href=''>Information</a> RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Hep G2 RCB1886 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1886 cell ATCC: HB-8065 A immortal human liver-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from cholangiocellular carcinoma. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1549 YSCCC Derived from tissue: liver, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Imanishi, Hiroyasu Register: Imanishi, Hiroyasu RCB1549 cell A immortal mouse breast-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Topoisomerase II inhibitor VP-16 resistant FM3A mutant. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Fvp^(r)B350 RCB0764 Derived from tissue: breast in animal: mouse, C3H/HeN. Originator: Kusano, Toshihisa Register: Kusano, Toshihisa RCB0764 cell A immortal dog kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Canine kidney epithelial. Sensitive to wide range of viruses. Backup of ECA84121903. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MDCK RCB0995 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: dog. Originator: Madin, S. H. & Darby, N. B. Register: ECACC RCB0995 cell A immortal dog kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Dog cell line derived from kidney. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MDCK-AD RCB2611 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: dog. Originator: Irie, Hiroshi Register: Kobayashi, Yukiharu RCB2611 cell A immortal cattle kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Very flat and thin kidney epithelial cell RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CKT-1 RCB0249 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: bovine. Originator: Kimura, Susumu Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0249 cell A immortal cattle kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bovine kidney-derived epithelial cell line. FBS independent for culture. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MDBK-NST RCB1859 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: bovine. Originator: Aoki, Hiroshi Register: Aoki, Hiroshi RCB1859 cell A immortal cattle kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Kidney epithelial cell, equiv. to ATCC CRL6071 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MDBK RCB0180 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: bovine. Register: Akaishi, Hiroomi RCB0180 cell A immortal human breast-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human malignant mesothelioma. CA19-9, CA125, and hyaluronic acid producing. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HMMME RCB0819 Derived from tissue: breast in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, I. & Ishikawa, H. & Ishioka, K. Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0819 cell LCL-1485 A immortal human breast-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human breast carcinoma established from an effusion. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MDA-MB-453 RCB1192 Derived from tissue: breast in animal: human. Register: DMSZ RCB1192 cell ATCC: HTB-131 LCL-1460 A immortal human breast-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from breast adenocarcinoma. TKG0479 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MCF7 RCB1904 Derived from tissue: brest, pleural fluid in animal: human. Originator: Soule H.D. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1904 cell ATCC: HTB-22 LCL-1952 A immortal human spleen-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from splenic B cell lymphoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1702 SLVL Derived from tissue: spleen in animal: human. Originator: Inokuchi, Koiti Register: Inokuchi, Koiti RCB1702 cell JHSF: JCRB0159 A immortal mouse muscle cell line cell that has the characteristics: A-Jackson mouse-derived histiocyte-like cells from spontaneous sarcoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MuSS RCB1378 Derived from tissue: muscle in animal: mouse, A/J. Originator: Watanabe, Itaru Register: Watanabe, Itaru RCB1378 cell A immortal mouse muscle cell line cell that has the characteristics: Said differentiate to myotubes, but need confirmation. Backup of ECA91031101. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He C2C12 RCB0987 Derived from tissue: muscle in animal: mouse, C3H. Register: ECACC RCB0987 cell A immortal human uterus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Naturally raised CDDP(cysplatin)-resistant cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1152 Sawano Derived from tissue: uterus in animal: human. Originator: Satoh, Toyomi Register: Satoh, Toyomi RCB1152 cell A immortal human uterus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese uterine endometrioid adenocarcinoma G2. Said CA125, CEA producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHUEM-1 RCB1548 Derived from tissue: uterus in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1548 cell A immortal human uterus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese endometrioid adenocarcinoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHUEM-2 JHUEM2 RCB1551 Derived from tissue: uterus in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. & Yamada, K. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1551 cell A immortal human uterus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human uterus endometrioid adenocarcinoma cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHUEM-3 RCB1552 Derived from tissue: uterus in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1552 cell A immortal human uterus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human uterus endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHUEM-7 RCB1677 Derived from tissue: uterus in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1677 cell A immortal human uterus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from uterus cancer. Endometrioid adenocarcinoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHUEM-14 RCB2225 Derived from tissue: uterus in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB2225 cell A immortal human uterus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Uterine adenosquamous carcinoma. Said CEA and CA125 producing. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHUAS-1 RCB1544 Derived from tissue: uterus in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yamada, K. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1544 cell A immortal human uterus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese uterine carcinosarcoma. Nude mouse transplantable. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHUCS-1 RCB1547 Derived from tissue: uterus in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. & Yamada, K. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1547 cell A immortal human uterus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Glassy cell carcinoma from cervix. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1125 TOM-2 Derived from tissue: uterus, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Oki, Akinori Register: Oki, Akinori RCB1125 cell A immortal human endometrium-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Estradiol-17 beta responsive leiomyosarcoma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0513 SKN Derived from tissue: endometrium in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, Isamu Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0513 cell A immortal human endometrium-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mixed Mullerian tumor. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HTMMT RCB0660 Derived from tissue: endometrium in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, I. & Ishikawa, H. Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0660 cell A immortal human endometrium-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Endometrium-derived fibroblasts. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HOEF RCB1010 Derived from tissue: endometrium in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, I. & Ishikawa, H. Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB1010 cell A immortal human endometrium-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: So called clear cell carcinoma. Said c-erb2(+), cathepsin D(+), CA125(+). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1433 TEN Derived from tissue: endometrium in animal: human. Originator: Fushiki, Hiroshi Register: Izumi, Rikuichi RCB1433 cell A immortal human endometrium-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Expressing receptor to estrogen and prolaction. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HHUA RCB0658 Derived from tissue: endometrium in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, Isamu Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0658 cell A immortal human endometrium-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HOUA-I RCB0659 Derived from tissue: endometrium in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, Isamu Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0659 cell A immortal human endometrium-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from endometrial adenocarcinoma. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OMC-2 RCB2830 Derived from tissue: endometrium in animal: human. Originator: Yamada, Takashi Register: Yamada, Takashi RCB2830 cell A immortal human endometrium-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from endometrial stromal sarcoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OMC-9 RCB2832 Derived from tissue: endometrium in animal: human. Originator: Yamada, Takashi Register: Yamada, Takashi RCB2832 cell LCL-1768 A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Renal tumor cell from a Japanese. Transplantable to nude mice. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OS-RC-2 RCB0735 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Originator: Kinouchi, Toshiaki Register: Kinouchi, Toshiaki RCB0735 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308274 CVCL: CVCL_1626 Sanger: COSMIC ID:909250 LCL-1769 A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Kidney carcinoma from a Japanese patient. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1151 RCC10RGB Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Originator: Hashizaki, K. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1151 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308302 CVCL: CVCL_1647 Sanger: COSMIC ID:909974 A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Scarcely found primitive neuroectodermal tumor from a Japanese kidney. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FU-RPNT-1 RCB1495 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Originator: Takeuchi, Toshio Register: Iwasaki, Hiroshi RCB1495 cell A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: 293 cell line expressing the caspase-inhibiting CrmA gene RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 293/CrmA RCB1668 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB1668 cell LCL-1759 A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human renal cell carcinoma cell line. TKG0447(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1963 VMRC-RCW Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Originator: Akiyama, M. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1963 cell JHSF: JCRB0813 A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line expressing SV40 large T antigen abundantly. immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that was derived from some human kidney epithelial cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 293T RCB2202 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2202 cell RRID: CVCL_0063 A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese kidney carcinoma cells. RCB original. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1187 TUHR3TKB Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Originator: Liu, Shu Qin Register: Ohno, T. & Kawai, K. RCB1187 cell A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese renal carcinoma cells expressing HLA-A2402. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1275 TUHR10TKB Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Originator: Liu Shu Qin Register: Kawai, Kouji & Ohno, Tadao RCB1275 cell A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese renal carcinoma cells. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1383 TUHR14TKB Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Originator: Saijo, Kaoru Register: Kawai, Kouji & Ohno, Tadao RCB1383 cell A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese renal carcinoma cells. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1198 TUHR4TKB Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Originator: Liu Shu Qin Register: Kawai, Kouji & Ohno, Tadao RCB1198 cell A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Wilms' tumor. CA125 and TPA producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HFWT RCB0665 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Originator: Ono, I. & Ishiwata, I. & Ishikawa, H. Register: Ishiwata, Isamu (Ohno, Tadao) RCB0665 cell A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of HEK293 cell line, expressing BtR175b (Cry 1Aa receptor). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HKb20 RCB2253 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Originator: Sugimoto, K. Register: Sugimoto, Kenji RCB2253 cell A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human primitive neuroectodermal tumor cell line derived from kidney. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FU-RPNT-2 RCB2078 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Originator: Takeuchi, Toshio Register: Iwasaki, Hiroshi RCB2078 cell A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Retroviral vector packaging cell line expressing MoMLV (Moloney murine leukemia virus) gag/pol. Production of high titer retrovirus by cotransfection of envelope and vector plasmids. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 293gp RCB2354 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2354 cell A immortal human kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Sheared human Ad5 DNA-transformed cell line. Widely used for production of manipulated adenovirus. Back up culture of ECA2737. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 293 RCB1637 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: human. Register: ECACC RCB1637 cell A immortal mouse brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: ori- SV40 DNA transformed C3H mouse brain-derived cells. GFAP+ astrocytes and GFAP- origodendrocytes RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OS3 RCB1593 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: mouse, C3H/HeN. Originator: Asakura, Kunihiko Register: Sawada, Makoto RCB1593 cell A immortal mouse brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse microglial cell line immortalized by a replication-deficient retroviral vector containing human c-myc gene. No significant production of infectious viral particles from MG6 cells was confirmed by bioassay using SC-1 cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MG6 RCB2403 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: mouse, C57BL/6. Originator: Kitani, Hiroshi Register: Kitani, Hiroshi RCB2403 cell A immortal pig kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pig kidney (LLC-PK1) cells expressing human P-glycoproteins. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LLC-GA5-CoL150 RCB0871 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: pig. Register: Ueda, K. & Tanigawara, Y. RCB0871 cell A immortal pig kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pig kidney (LLC-PK1) cells expressing human P-glycoproteins. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LLC-GA5-CoL300 RCB0872 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: pig. Register: Ueda, K. & Tanigawara, Y. RCB0872 cell A immortal pig kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Buck-up culture of ECA86103005. Foot & mouth disease. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PK15 RCB0534 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: pig. Register: ECACC RCB0534 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from cervical cancer. The cells were converted to HGPRT(-). TKG0191(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He D98-AH2 RCB2105 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Matsuya, Y. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2105 cell LCL-1512 A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Just like ATCC CCL 2, HeLa RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HeLa RCB0007 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Gey, G. O. et al. Register: Soeda, Eiichi RCB0007 cell ATCC: CCL-2 A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Suspension culturable. Useful for JIS medium inspection RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HeLa S3 (SC) RCB0271 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Gey, G. O. Register: Umeda, Makoto RCB0271 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Protein- & lipid-free medium growing RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HeLa&middot;P3 RCB0402 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Katsuta, Hajimu Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0402 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Integrating HPV16, neurosecretory granules(+) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0443 TC-YIK Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Ichimura, Hiroshi Register: Ichimura, Hiroshi RCB0443 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Repair deficient (mer~) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HeLa.S3(Mer^(-)) RCB0503 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Gey, G. O. et al Register: Ishida, Ryoji RCB0503 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: MNNG-reistant HeLa.S3(Mer~) cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MR1-3 RCB0504 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Ishida, Ryoji Register: Ishida, Ryoji RCB0504 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: MNNG-resistant HeLa.S3(Mer~) cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MR6 RCB0505 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Ishida, Ryoji Register: Ishida, Ryoji RCB0505 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: MNNG-resistant HeLa.S3(Mer~) cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MR10-1 RCB0507 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Ishida, Ryoji Register: Ishida, Ryoji RCB0507 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Large cell non-keratinizing squamouse carcinoma. Stage Ib. HPV type 18 integrated. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0685 SKG-II-SF Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, Isamu Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0685 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese cervix carcinoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He QG-U RCB0688 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Mashiba, Harukazu Register: Mashiba, Harukazu RCB0688 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Derived from a single human as TCO-1. Said CEA, CA125, TPA (+). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0689 TCO-2 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Fushiki, Hiroshi Register: Izumi, Rikuichi RCB0689 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: RCB0191 HeLa.S3, that has been cultured in MEM(susp.). This line is cultured in MEM. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HeLa.S3 RCB1525 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1525 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of HeLa. 6-thioguanine resistant. TKG0204 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HeLa TG RCB1891 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1891 cell LCL-1804 A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cervical carcinoma cell line derived from human. TA-4, CA-4, TPA, placental ALP are positive. Regan isoenzyme producing. p53 normal, p51 mutation (+), HLA-A 2402/.TKG0462(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1892 SKG-IIIa Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Nozawa, S. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1892 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308786 CVCL: CVCL_1704 JHSF: JCRB0232 LCL-1305 A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from cervical cancer. TKG0437(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ME-180 RCB2106 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Sykes, J. A. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2106 cell ATCC: HTB-33 A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human uterus squamous cell carcinoma cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHUS-nk1 RCB1558 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1558 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cervical cancer cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHUCS-3 RCB1721 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1721 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Supports growth of arvovirus and measles virus. A sabuline of HeLa cell (HeLa contamination). TKG0403 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEp-2 RCB1889 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1889 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Melanoma cells with melanin-granules. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HOMM RCB1513 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, I. & Kiguchi, K. & Ishikawa, H. Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB1513 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Thymidine kinase defective HeLa RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BU25 TK- RCB0205 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0205 cell LCL-1541 A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from uterine cervical epidermoid carcinoma. TKG0366(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Ca Ski RCB1947 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Pattillo, R. A. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1947 cell ECACC: 87020501 A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the HeLa cell line expressing Fucci, a cell cycle marker. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HeLa.S-Fucci RCB2812 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Miyawaki, Atsushi Register: Miyawaki, Atsushi RCB2812 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the HeLa cell line expressing Fucci2, a cell cycle marker. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HeLa.S-Fucci2 RCB2867 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Miyawaki, Atsushi Register: Miyawaki, Atsushi RCB2867 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the HeLa cells. Expressing human CD4 and Neomycin-resistant gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HeLa CD4+Clone1022 RCB2355 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Bruce Chesebro Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2355 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the HeLa cells. Expressing human CD4 and Neomycin-resistant gene. One copy of the HIV-1 LTR (nt-138 to +80) linked to the β-galactosidase gene is integrated. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HeLa-CD4-LTR--gal RCB2356 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Michael Emerman Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2356 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the HeLa cells. HeLa cells contained stably integrated copies of the HIV-1 LTR promoter linked to a synthetic tat gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HLtat RCB2358 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Barbara K. Felber & George N. Pavlakis Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2358 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Most famous cultured human cell line RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HeLa.S3 RCB0191 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Register: Murakami, Yasufumi RCB0191 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Glassy cell carcinoma. TA-4, CA125, neuron-specific enolase producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HOKUG RCB0657 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, Isamu Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0657 cell A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Keratinizing cervix squamous carcinoma, CEA(+) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0638 TCS Derived from tissue: cervix, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Izumi, Rikuichi & Kawabata, Masakiyo Register: Izumi, Rikuichi RCB0638 cell LCL-1546 A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese cervix squamous cell carcinoma. Once said TA-4 positive. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OMC-1 RCB0753 Derived from tissue: cervix, Virchow's lymph node in animal: human. Originator: Ueda, Masatsugu Register: Ueda, Masatsugu RCB0753 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308213 CVCL: CVCL_1623 Sanger: COSMIC ID:949154 A immortal human uterine cervix-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mother of a Down's syndrome child. 46XX,t(2/q2/q) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HDC RCB0679 Derived from tissue: cervix in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, Isamu & Ishikawa, Hiroshi Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0679 cell A immortal rat pituitary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Estrogen-induced pituitary tumor. Compared with MtT/S, MtT/SM, and MtT/Se. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MtT/E RCB1278 Derived from tissue: pituitary in animal: rat, F344. Originator: Inoue, Kinji Register: Inoue, Kinji RCB1278 cell A immortal rat pituitary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Growth hormone, prolactine producing RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MtT/SM RCB0530 Derived from tissue: pituitary in animal: rat, Fischer. Originator: Inoue, Kinji Register: Inoue, Kinji RCB0530 cell A immortal rat pituitary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Estrogen-induced tumor. Growth hormone producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MtT/S RCB0528 Derived from tissue: pituitary in animal: rat, Fischer. Originator: Inoue, Kinji Register: Inoue, Kinji RCB0528 cell A immortal rat pituitary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Estradiol-dependent pituitary tumor RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MtT/Se RCB0529 Derived from tissue: pituitary in animal: rat, Fischer. Originator: Inoue, Kinji Register: Inoue, Kinji RCB0529 cell A immortal mouse urinary bladder-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Murine transitional cell carcinoma induced by FANFT RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MBT-2 RCB0544 Derived from tissue: bladder in animal: mouse. Register: Akaza, Hideyuki RCB0544 cell A immortal human thyroid gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Secretes IL-1,TGFα,KGM-CSF but not thyroglobulin RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HTC/C3 RCB0452 Derived from tissue: thyroid in animal: human. Originator: Sugawa, H. & Inoue, D. Register: Sugawa, Hideo RCB0452 cell A immortal human thyroid gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Serum-free, protein-free cultured HOTHC cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HOTHC-SF RCB0690 Derived from tissue: thyroid in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, Isamu Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0690 cell A immortal human thyroid gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: G-CSF producing thyroidal squamous carcinoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1012 T3M-5 Derived from tissue: thyroid in animal: human. Originator: Okabe, Tetsuro Register: Okabe, Tetsuro RCB1012 cell LCL-1685 A immortal human thyroid gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human thyroid anaplastic carcinoma derived cell line. TKG0446 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 8305C RCB1909 Derived from tissue: thyroid in animal: human. Originator: Hirooka T and miller C. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1909 cell DSMZ: ACC 133 A immortal human thyroid gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Thyroid tumor. TAF, G-CSF, colloid producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HOTHC RCB0662 Derived from tissue: thyroid in animal: human. Originator: Ono, I. & Ishiwata, I. & Ishikawa, H. Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0662 cell LCL-1686 A immortal human thyroid gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from thyroid cancer. Poorly differentiated papillary adenocarcinoma. TKG0439(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 8505C RCB2103 Derived from tissue: thyroid gland in animal: human. Originator: Nakamura, N. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2103 cell DSMZ: ACC 219 A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of mouse C127 cell line. Inducible expression of influenza virus protein (PB1, NP, PA, PB2) is possible. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1508 clone 76 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse. Originator: Nakada, Susumu Register: Nakada, Susumu RCB1508 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of mouse C127 cell line. Inducible expression of influenza virus protein (PB1, NP, PA) is possible. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1509 clone 64 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse. Originator: Nakada, Susumu Register: Nakada, Susumu RCB1509 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of C127. PB1 RNA polymerase subunit and nucleoprotein are inducible by dexamethasone. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1507 clone YP1N27 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse. Originator: Nakada, Susumu Register: Nakada, Susumu RCB1507 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Host for bovine papiloma virus RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He C127 RCB0036 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse. Register: Noda, Makoto RCB0036 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mammary tumor cell line without C-type virus RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DD762 RCB0473 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse. Originator: Iwai, Yoshiaki Register: Iwai, Yoshiaki RCB0473 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from mammary carcinoma. TKG0597 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MM46 CEA1-2 RCB2633 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2633 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from mammary carcinoma. Expressing human MUC1 (APR-MUC1) exogenously. TKG0595 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MM46-APR-MUC1 cl.1 RCB2634 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2634 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of mouse C127 cell line. Inducible expression of influenza virus protein (PB1, NP) is possible. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1506 clone YP1N25 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse. Originator: Nakada, Susumu Register: Nakada, Susumu RCB1506 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Temperature-sensitive at chromosome condensation RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FM3A tscl.T85 Tsai RCB0033 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse, C3H. Originator: Mita, Siroo et al. Register: Hanaoka, Fumio RCB0033 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Temperature-sensitive, forms multiple nuclei RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FM3A FT-101 RCB0032 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse, C3H. Originator: Yasumitsu, Hidetaro et al. Register: Hanaoka, Fumio RCB0032 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Temperature-sensitive at DNA polymerase RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FM3A ts T244 RCB0034 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse, C3H. Originator: Tsai, Yan-Jyu et al. Register: Hanaoka, Fumio RCB0034 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mammary carcinoma, grow in vitro and in vivo RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FM3A RCB0086 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse, C3H. Originator: Saito, T. & Nakano, N. Register: Hanaoka, Fumio RCB0086 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Newcastle disease virus resistant RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Had-1 RCB0476 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse, C3H/HeN. Originator: Kawakita, Masao Register: Kawakita, Masao RCB0476 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Murine mammary tumor cell lines. .Higher incidence in lung metastasis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Jyg-MC(B) RCB0527 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse, JYG. Originator: Morimoto, Junji Register: Morimoto, Junji RCB0527 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: murine mammary tumor cell lines. High level MMTV producer line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Jyg-MC(A) RCB0526 Derived from tissue: mammary in animal: mouse, JYG. Originator: Morimoto, Junji Register: Morimoto, Junji RCB0526 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the NMuMG cell line expressing Fucci, a cell cycle marker. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NMuMG-Fucci RCB2813 Derived from tissue: mammary gland in animal: mouse, NAMRU. Originator: Miyawaki, Atsushi Register: Miyawaki, Atsushi RCB2813 cell A immortal mouse mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the NMuMG cell line expressing Fucci2, a cell cycle marker. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NMuMG-Fucci2 RCB2868 Derived from tissue: mammary gland in animal: mouse, NAMRU. Originator: Miyawaki, Atsushi Register: Miyawaki, Atsushi RCB2868 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bovine derived lymphocyte. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BL312 RCB0423 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood lymphocytes in animal: bovine, Holstein-Friesian cow. Originator: Itohara, Shigemi Register: Aida, Yoko RCB0423 cell LCL-1007 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from B cell leukemia. TKG0413(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NALM-6 RCB1933 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1933 cell ACC 128 LCL-1914 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: T cell leukemia RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CCRF-HSB-2 RCB0016 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: G.E. Foley et al. Register: Todokoro, Kazuo RCB0016 cell ATCC: CCL-120.1 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Differentiate to granulocytes and monocytes RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HL60 RCB0041 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0041 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: IL-2 dependent ATL cell line. HTLV-1 pro-virus DNA(+). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ILT-Mat RCB0475 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Sugamura, Kazuo Register: Sugamura, Kazuo RCB0475 cell LCL-1108 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Chronic myelogeneous leukemia, subclone of RCB0495 KU812. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KU812F RCB0497 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Kishi, Kenji Register: Mizusawa, Hiroshi RCB0497 cell ATCC: CRL-2101 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: APRT(-) EB transformed B cell line RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0520 WR216 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Register: Kamatani, Naoyuki RCB0520 cell LCL-1046 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Acute lymphatic leukemia RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HAL-01 RCB0540 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Ohyashiki, Kazuma Register: Ohyashiki, Kazuma RCB0540 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308233 CVCL: CVCL_1242 Sanger: COSMIC ID:949153 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hydrogen peroxide resistant HL60-derived clone. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HP50-2 RCB0768 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Kasugai, Isao Register: Yamada, Michiyuki RCB0768 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human T cell line, the same patient as JM. IL-2 productivity of this line was undetermined. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Jurkat RCB0806 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Register: Todokoro, Kazuo RCB0806 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1180 Tanoue Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Takagi, Kazutaka Register: Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki RCB1180 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subclone of RCB1180 Tanoue. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1181 ST Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Soheir S. El-Sonbaty Register: Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki RCB1181 cell LCL-1045 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: RCB1181 ST cells transformed with human G-CSF receptor cDNA. Responds to G-CSF. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GR-ST RCB1182 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Soheir S. El-Sonbaty Register: Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki RCB1182 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308529 CVCL: CVCL_1236 Sanger: COSMIC ID:906877 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: AML with Ph' chromosome and t(3;3)(q21;q26). Expressing EVI-1 and BCR/ABL mRNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HNT-34 RCB1296 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki Register: Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki RCB1296 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Acute myeloid leukemia with dek/can chimera mRNA expression. Responding to G-CSF and differentiate. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He FKH-1 RCB1428 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki Register: Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki RCB1428 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: B95-8 EB virus transformed (originally normal) B cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1438 TW-EBV-LCL Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Yazaki, Makoto Register: Yazaki, Makoto RCB1438 cell LCL-1025 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Adult T-cell leukemia. HTLV-1 pro-virus DNA(+). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ATN-1 RCB1440 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Naoe, Tomoki Register: Naoe, Tomoki RCB1440 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308183 CVCL: CVCL_1073 Sanger: COSMIC ID:910687 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: B95-8 EB virus transformed (originally normal) B cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MY-EBV-LCL RCB1487 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Register: Yazaki, Makoto RCB1487 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Hydrogen peroxide resistant HL60-derived clone. More resistant than HP50-2. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HP100-1 RCB0769 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Kasugai, Isao Register: Yamada, Michiyuki RCB0769 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from T cell leukemia. TKG0199(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HPB-ALL RCB1935 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1935 cell LCL-1106 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Chronic myelogeneous leukemia, Ph1 chromosome (+),basophi-like cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KU812 RCB0495 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Kishi, Kenji Register: Mizusawa, Hiroshi RCB0495 cell ATCC: CRL-2099 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human myeloid leukemia cell line with chromosome 18 trisomy and mutation in DCC gene. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OIH-1 RCB1290 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki Register: Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki RCB1290 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Burkitt's lymphoma. Sensitive to lymphokine-activated killer cells but resistant to natural killer cells. Back up culture of ECA3011. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DAUDI RCB1640 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Register: ECACC RCB1640 cell LCL-1019 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: T cell leukemia, the same patient as RCB1164 MOLT-3. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MOLT-4 RCB0206 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Minowada, J. Register: ECACC RCB0206 cell ATCC: CRL-1582 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Buck-up culture of ECA86010201. Human T cell line with the ability to grow HIV, the same patient as Jurkat. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JM RCB0537 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Register: ECACC RCB0537 cell LCL-1031 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human T leukemic cell line (CD4+). CR2 receptor (+). TKG0229(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MOLT-4F RCB1936 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Minowada, J. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1936 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307263 CVCL: CVCL_2792 JHSF: JCRB0021 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Burkitt's lymphoma. Sensitive to LAK cells but resistant to NK cells. Back up of culture ECA2673. Resistant to VSV. This cell line carries the latent Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) genome and is positive for EBNA. RAJI is sometimes referred to as a 'non-producer'; the EBV genome carries deletions attributed to preventing the formation of virus particles. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RAJI RCB1647 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Register: ECACC RCB1647 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Eosinophilic leukemia. Differenciate by n-butylate treatment. The same patient as RCB2142 EoL-3. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He EoL-1 cell RCB0641 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Saito, Hiroshi Register: Saito, Hiroshi RCB0641 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from eosinophilic leukemia. The same patient as RCB0641 EoL-1 cell. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He EoL-3 RCB2142 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Saito, Hiroshi Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2142 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from acute monocytic leukemia. Activeated macrophage activity (+), obtained from long passage of THP-1 (RCB1189 THP-1) cell line. TKG0296(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He A-THP-1 RCB2128 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Tominaga, T. (1st. Dep. Surg., Tohoku U.). Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2128 cell LCL-1072 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Differentates to macrophage-like cells after treatment with phorbol ester. The variant subline (RCB2128 A-THP-1). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1189 THP-1 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Register: DMSZ RCB1189 cell ATCC: TIB-202 LCL-1107 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Chronic myelogenous leukemia , subclone of RCB0495 KU812. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KU812E RCB0496 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Kishi, Kenji Register: Mizusawa, Hiroshi RCB0496 cell ATCC: CRL-2100 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human T cell leukemia. IL-2 receptor (-). Progeny were cured by Treatments with BM Cycline and MC210. TKG0209 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Jurkat RCB3052 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB3052 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from basophilic leukemia cells. Progeny were cured by Treatments with BM Cycline and MC210. KG0304 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KU812-F RCB3053 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB3053 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: B95-8 EB virus transformed leukemia cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He AW-EBV-LCL RCB1437 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Yazaki, Makoto Register: Yazaki, Makoto RCB1437 cell A BALL-1 cell line that is stored in Japan RIKEN cell bank. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BALL-1 RCB0256 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Register: Maekawa, T. (Ito,F.) RCB0256 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308839 CVCL: CVCL_1075 JCRB0071 A BALL-1 cell line that is stored in Japan RIKEN cell bank. TKG0467 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BALL-1 RCB1882 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Miyoshi, I. & Hiraki, S. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1882 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308839 CVCL: CVCL_1075 JCRB0071 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Variant of HL60. Resistant to retinoic acid and active Vit. D derivatives. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HL-60-R2 RCB1550 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: human. Originator: Suzuki, Satoru Register: Suzuki, Satoru RCB1550 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human T cell leukemia (derivative of KE-37) . originally described to be established from the peripheral blood of a 61-year-old man with T cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in 1977; ; KE-37 was established from a 27-year-old man with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in 1979 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1168 SKW-3 Derived from tissue: blood, T-cell leukemia in animal: human. Originator: Minowada, Jun Register: DSMZ RCB1168 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human T cell leukemia, the same patient as RCB0206 MOLT-4. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MOLT-3 RCB1164 Derived from tissue: blood, T-cell leukemia in animal: human. Originator: Minowada, Jun Register: DSMZ RCB1164 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human myeloma cell. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PCM6 RCB1460 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood in animal: human. Originator: Takahira, Hiroyuki Register: Minami(Hirose), Rumi RCB1460 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from T cell of a patient with Sezary syndrome. Producing IL-2. TKG0375(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HUT78 RCB1934 Derived from tissue: Peripheral blood in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1934 cell LCL-1038 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from T cell leukemia. TKG0463(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He P30/OHK RCB1938 Derived from tissue: Peripheral blood in animal: human. Originator: Hirose, M. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1938 cell JHSF: JCRB0094 A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from T cell leukemia. TKG0385(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MOLT-17 RCB1982 Derived from tissue: Peripheral blood in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1982 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cells transformed by Epstein-Barr virus. RCB2541 is derived from the same patient. TKG0611(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 141-LCL RCB2083 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2083 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from B cells of healthy volunteer. Transformed by EB virus. RCB2083 is derived from the same patient. TKG0634(TKG0499)(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 141-LCL-MUC1 RCB2541 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood in animal: human. Originator: Kudo, T. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2541 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from B cells of healthy volunteer. Transformed by EB virus. TKG0610(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 701-LCL RCB2282 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood in animal: human. Originator: Kudo, T. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2282 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cells transformed by Epstein-Barr virus. TKG0609(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 277-LCL RCB2283 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood in animal: human. Originator: Kudo, T. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2283 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from B cells of healthy volunteer. Transformed by EB virus. TKG0616(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 211-LCL RCB2288 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2288 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from Bloom syndrome patient. Transformed by EBV. Can express certain antigen on the cell surface, such as cancer-specific antigen. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BS-SHI-4M RCB1752 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood in animal: human. Originator: Shiraishi, Yukimasa Register: Aoyama, Muneo RCB1752 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: EBV-transformed cell line from a patient (male) with p53 germ line mutation. Mutation was noted at codon 242 (TGC→TAC) by FASAY.TKG0506 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KOIA-LCL RCB1874 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood in animal: human. Originator: Kudo, T. and Ishioka, C. (IDAC) Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1874 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cells derived from a patient of xeroderma pigmentosum. Transformed by Epstein-Barr virus. TKG0311(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2286 XPL 17 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood in animal: human. Originator: Tohda, H. (IDAC Tohoku Univ.) Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2286 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from B cells of Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patient. Transformed by EB virus. TKG0314(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2540 XPL 24 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood in animal: human. Originator: Tohda, H. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2540 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: IgM (lambda) secreting B cell line. Established from peripheral blood lymphocytes of apparently normal 33-y-o male. HLA profile: A2, Aw33, B7, B14.TKG0464(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.) RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1878 RPMI1788 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1878 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from erythroblastic leukemia. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He EEB RCB2345 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood in animal: human. Originator: Muroi, Kazuo Register: Muroi, Kazuo RCB2345 cell A immortal human blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from basophilic leukemia cells. TKG0321 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RBL 2H3 RCB2782 Derived from tissue: peripheral blood in animal: rat. Originator: Siraganian, R. & Eccleston. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2782 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bone marrow stroma cell-derived RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0224 ST2 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Nishikawa, Shin-ichi Register: Nishikawa, Shin-ichi RCB0224 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from bone marrow. Fibroblast-like cells. BALB/c strain. TKG0355(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JLS-V9 RCB2651 Derived from tissue: bone marrow, tibia femur in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Wright, B. S. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2651 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from bone marrow. Fibroblast-like. BudR resistant. BALB/c strain. TKG0356(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JLS-V9 BudR RCB3515 Derived from tissue: bone marrow, tibia femur in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Originator: Wright, B. S. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB3515 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse bone marrow derived fibroblast-like cells line. Differentiates to neuron. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NRG RCB1921 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB1921 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse bone marrow-derived stromal cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KUSA-H1 RCB1990 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB1990 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse multipotent mesenchymal cells. Derived from bone marrow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KUSA-O RCB1991 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB1991 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. C3H/He RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KUM4 RCB2112 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2112 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. C3H/He RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KUM6 RCB2113 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2113 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. C3H/He RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KUM9 RCB2115 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2115 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. C3H/He RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KUM3 RCB2147 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2147 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. C3H/He RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KUM5 RCB2322 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2322 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. C3H/He RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 9-15C RCB2323 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2323 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. C3H/He RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KUM7 RCB2114 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2114 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bone marrow stroma cell line, depositing calcified matrix on the culture surface. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MLC-1-B RCB1534 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Sakiyama, Hisako Register: Sakiyama, Hisako RCB1534 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bone marrow stroma cell line, depositing calcified matrix on the culture surface. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MLC-2-4 RCB1535 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Sakiyama, Hisako Register: Sakiyama, Hisako RCB1535 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Osteoclast-like cell line derived from mouse (C3H/He). Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MLC-6 RCB1536 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Sakiyama, Hisako Register: Sakiyama, Hisako RCB1536 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Bone marrow stroma cell line, depositing calcified matrix on the culture surface. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MLC-7 RCB1537 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/He. Originator: Sakiyama, Hisako Register: Sakiyama, Hisako RCB1537 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse IL-3 dependent cells cloned from 32D. Differentiate with G-CSF stimulation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 32Dcl3 RCB1377 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/HeJ. Register: Todokoro, Kazuo RCB1377 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subclone of 32D cell line. Differentiate to mature granulocytes by G-CSF. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 32Dcl3 RCB1538 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/HeJ. Register: Kamesaki, Hiroshi RCB1538 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: IL-3 dependent cells from Friend leukemia virus-infected mouse bone marrow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 32D RCB1145 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C3H/HeJ. Register: Todokoro, Kazuo RCB1145 cell A immortal mouse bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. C57/B6. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KUM10 RCB2295 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, C57/B6. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2295 cell A immortal mouse aorta-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from aorta of p53-deficient mouse. Epithelial like. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MAEC RCB2712 Derived from tissue: aorta in animal: mouse, C57BL/CBA. Originator: Nishiyama, Tatsuaki Register: Saito, Ichiro RCB2712 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: B lymphocyte isolated from Japanese adenosquamous carcinoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHUAS-2-L RCB1545 Derived from tissue: B cell (uterus) in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. & Yamada, K. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1545 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: B lymphocytes isolated from a colon adenocarcinoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHTKI-col-L RCB1543 Derived from tissue: B cell, (colon) in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Tabei, I. & Kubo, H. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1543 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B cell-like cell line derived from colon adenocarcinoma tisuue. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHTSK-col-L RCB1708 Derived from tissue: B cell, (colon) in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Kubo, H. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1708 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0005 YAN3301 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0005 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0008 YAN3142 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0008 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0010 YAN3119 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0010 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0011 YAN3140 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0011 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0012 YAN3143 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0012 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0014 YAN3150 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0014 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0015 YAN3245 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0015 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0018 YAN3161 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0018 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0020 YAN3252 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0020 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0021 YAN3268 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0021 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0022 YAN3141 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0022 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0023 YAN3261 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0023 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0024 YAN3264 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0024 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0025 YAN3154 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0025 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0026 YAN3286 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0026 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0029 YAN3280 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0029 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0031 WY-078 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0031 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0032 YAN3242 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0032 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C092 HSC0033 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0033 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C114 HSC0034 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0034 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0035 WY043 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0035 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C101 HSC0036 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0036 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO167 HSC0039 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0039 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0040 WY080 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0040 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0042 WY050 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0042 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0043 WY057 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0043 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C012 HSC0044 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0044 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI232 HSC0045 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0045 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI08 HSC0047 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0047 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0048 WY058 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0048 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0049 WY102 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0049 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI60 HSC0050 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0050 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI059 HSC0051 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0051 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO119 HSC0052 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0052 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO129 HSC0053 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0053 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0054 WY064 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0054 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0055 WY065 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0055 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0057 YAN3152 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0057 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI139 HSC0058 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0058 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0059 WY059 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0059 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0060 YAN3285 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0060 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C118 HSC0062 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0062 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI214 HSC0064 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0064 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0065 YAN3206 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0065 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0066 WY091 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0066 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0067 WY086 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0067 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0068 WY092 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0068 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0069 WY020 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0069 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI212 HSC0071 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0071 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0072 WY005 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0072 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C123 HSC0073 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0073 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0074 WY049 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0074 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C122 HSC0075 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0075 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0076 WY035 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0076 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0077 WY036 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0077 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0078 WY037 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0078 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0079 WY038 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0079 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0080 WY040 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0080 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0081 WY046 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0081 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0082 WY048 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0082 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0084 WY047 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0084 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0086 WY074 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0086 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0088 WY076 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0088 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0089 WY073 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0089 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0090 WY039 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0090 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0092 WY075 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0092 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0093 YAN3244 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0093 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0094 YAN3275 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0094 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0095 WY034 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0095 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0096 SIB186 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0096 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0099 YAN3241 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0099 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0100 YAN3274 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0100 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0098 YAN3269 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0098 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C090 HSC0097 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0097 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO157 HSC0102 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0102 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0103 YAN3270 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0103 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0104 YAN3259 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0104 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO164 HSC0105 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0105 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0110 YAN3273 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0110 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI037 HSC0085 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0085 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO201 HSC0101 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0101 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C089 HSC0041 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0041 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0083 WY072 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0083 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHP08 HSC0004 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0004 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COL383 HSC0109 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0109 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO200 HSC0106 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0106 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0001 ZSM Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0001 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHP01 HSC0002 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0002 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHP02 HSC0003 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0003 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0006 YAM-P Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0006 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHP04 HSC0007 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0007 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHP06 HSC0009 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0009 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0013 RHO Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0013 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHP09 HSC0017 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0017 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0019 YAN3191 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0019 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0027 RAM Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0027 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHP07 HSC0028 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0028 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0030 YAN3265 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0030 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO158 HSC0112 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0112 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO198 HSC0113 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0113 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI05 HSC0114 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0114 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI244 HSC0115 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0115 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C100 HSC0046 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0046 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO134 HSC0117 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0117 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO209 HSC0118 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0118 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO142 HSC0119 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0119 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO131 HSC0120 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0120 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO166 HSC0111 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0111 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0121 YAN3260 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0121 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0122 WY053 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0122 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0123 WY055 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0123 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO165 HSC0125 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0125 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI91 HSC0126 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0126 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI236 HSC0127 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0127 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0124 YAN3103 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0124 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0129 YAN3255 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0129 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0128 YAN3102 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0128 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0130 WY051 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0130 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0132 WY054 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0132 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C088 HSC0133 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0133 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C087 HSC0134 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0134 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI233 HSC0135 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0135 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI84 HSC0137 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0137 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO204 HSC0138 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0138 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO133 HSC0140 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0140 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0136 YAN3136 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0136 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI90 HSC0142 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0142 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI3 HSC0145 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0145 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI85 HSC0143 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0143 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. The two B cell lines HSC0087 (WY077) and HSC0091 (WYO071) have identical similar STR patterns. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0087 WY077 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0087 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. The two B cell lines HSC0087 (WY077) and HSC0091 (WYO071) have identical similar STR patterns. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0091 WY071 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0091 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI94 HSC0149 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0149 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI146 HSC0144 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0144 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI101 HSC0146 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0146 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI88 HSC0148 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0148 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI76 HSC0151 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0151 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI99 HSC0152 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0152 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI217 HSC0155 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0155 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI220 HSC0156 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0156 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI215 HSC0158 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0158 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0064 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0064 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0074 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0074 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0078 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0078 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0109 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0109 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0131 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0131 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0203 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0203 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0262 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0262 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0312 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0312 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0345 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0345 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0399 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0399 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI142 HSC0153 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0153 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI144 HSC0154 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0154 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI147 HSC0157 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0157 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHI89 HSC0159 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0159 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0096 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0096 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0126 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0126 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0284 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0284 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0330 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0330 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0336 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0336 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0375 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0375 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0401 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0401 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0469 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0469 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06, B*39:01 B*40:02, C*03:04 C*07:02, DRB1*08:02 DRB1*14:06, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*03:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0011 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0011 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*31:01 A*33:03, B*40:03 B*44:03, C*03:04 C*14:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*08:03, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0012 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0012 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01 A*26:03, B*40:01 B*55:02, C*01:02 C*03:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*11:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*04:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0013 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0013 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*26:02, B*07:02 B*13:01, C*03:04 C*07:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*12:02, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*05:01, DPB1*02:02 DPB1*04:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0019 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0019 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*26:01, B*48:01 B*52:01, C*08:03 C*12:02, DRB1*14:07 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*05:02 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*09:01 DPB1*14:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0022 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0022 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*26:03, B*15:01 B*59:01, C*01:02 C*03:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*15:01, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*04:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0023 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0023 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*13:01 B*40:02, C*03:04 , DRB1*04:10 DRB1*12:02, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*04:02, DPB1*05:01 DPB1*13:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0024 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0024 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*02:10, B*39:01 B*40:06, C*07:02 C*08:01, DRB1*14:03 DRB1*15:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0031 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0031 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*52:01, C*12:02, DRB1*15:01 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*06:01 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*14:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0032 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0032 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*26:01, B*07:02 B*15:01, C*03:04 C*07:02, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*14:01, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*05:02, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0034 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0034 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01 A*24:02, B*54:01 B*67:01, C*01:02 C*07:02, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0035 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0035 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*26:03, B*15:01 B*40:06, C*03:03 C*15:02, DRB1*08:02 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*04:02, DPB1*02:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0036 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0036 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01 A*24:02, B*54:01, C*01:02, DRB1*04:05, DQB1*04:01, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0037 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0037 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*13:01 B*51:01, C*03:04 C*15:02, DRB1*04:01 DRB1*12:02, DQB1*03:01, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0038 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0038 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*26:03, B*15:01 B*51:01, C*03:03 C*14:02, DRB1*11:01 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*09:01 DPB1*13:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0039 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0039 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*35:01 B*51:01, C*04:01 C*14:02, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*04:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*04:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0040 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0040 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*07:02 B*35:01, C*03:03 C*07:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*08:02, DQB1*04:02 DQB1*05:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*04:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0041 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0041 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*26:01, B*40:01 B*40:03, C*03:04, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*13:01, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:03, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0042 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0042 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*02:07, B*07:02 B*46:01, C*01:02 C*07:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*05:01, DPB1*03:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0043 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0043 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*02:07, B*40:01, B*46:01, C*01:02 C*03:04, DRB1*08:03 DRB1*15:01, DQB1*06:01 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*02:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0045 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0045 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*40:02 B*59:01, C*01:02 C*03:03, DRB1*04:01 DRB1*13:02, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0046 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0046 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*46:01 B*55:02, C*01:02, DRB1*08:03, DRB1*15:01, DQB1*06:01 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*02:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0047 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0047 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*33:03, B*44:03 B*59:01, C*01:02 C*14:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*13:02, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0048 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0048 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*51:01 B*52:01, C*12:02 C*14:02, DRB1*14:03 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0049 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0049 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*35:01 B*54:01, C*01:02 C*08:01, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*03:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0050 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0050 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*26:02 A*33:03, B*40:06 B*44:03, C*08:01 C*14:03, DRB1*08:02 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*03:03, DPB1*03:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0051 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0051 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*31:01, B*40:02 B*51:01, C*03:04 C*14:02, DRB1*08:02 DRB1*14:03, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*03:02, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0052 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0052 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01 A*24:02, B*39:01 B*48:01, C*03:03 C*07:02, DRB1*08:03 DRB1*14:01, DQB1*05:03 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0055 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0055 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*31:01, B*15:11, C*03:03, DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0057 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0057 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*26:03 A*33:03, B*15:01 B*44:03, C*03:03 C*14:03, DRB1*13:02 DRB1*14:06, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0058 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0058 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*35:01 B*52:01, C*08:01 C*12:02, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0060 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0060 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*33:03, B*39:01 B*44:03, C*07:02 C*14:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*13:02, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*03:01 DPB1*04:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0063 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0063 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*35:01 B*52:01, C*03:03 C*12:02, DRB1*12:01 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*06:01 , DPB1*05:01 DPB1*06:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0066 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0066 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*31:01, B*40:01 B*52:01, C*03:04 C*12:02, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0067 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0067 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*07:02 B*56:01, C*04:01 C*07:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*05:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0068 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0068 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*26:01, B*39:04 B*54:01, C*01:02 C*07:02, DRB1*04:03 DRB1*04:05, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*04:01, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0070 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0070 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*24:02, B*39:01 B*52:01, C*07:02 C*12:02, DRB1*08:02 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*04:02 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0071 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0071 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*31:01, B*07:02 B*51:01, C*07:02 C*14:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*05:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0073 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0073 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*33:03, B*40:02 B*44:03, C*03:04 C*14:03, DRB1*08:03 DRB1*13:02, DQB1*06:01 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0079 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0079 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*33:03, B*44:03 B*52:01, C*12:02 C*14:03, DRB1*13:02 DRB1*15:01, DQB1*06:02 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0082 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0082 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*31:01, B*07:02 B*55:02, C*03:03 C*07:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*05:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0085 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0085 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*52:01 B*54:01, C*01:02 C*12:02, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0086 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0086 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*02:07, B*15:18 B*46:01, C*01:03 C*08:01, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*12:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*03:03, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0089 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0089 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*02:07, B*15:18 B*46:01, C*01:03 C*08:01, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*12:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*03:03, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0091 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0091 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*31:01, B*54:01, C*01:02 C*03:04, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*14:01, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*05:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0095 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0095 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01 A*24:02, B*07:02 B*48:01, C*07:02 C*08:01, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*05:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*13:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0077 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0077 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*11:01 B*15:01 B*54:01, C*01:02 C*04:01, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*04:06, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*04:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*03:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0099 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0099 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*26:01, B*48:01 B*59:01, C*01:02 C*08:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*04:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*19:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0100 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0100 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*24:02, B*51:01 B*54:01, C*01:02 C*14:02, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*11:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*04:01, DPB1*02:01DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0104 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0104 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*33:03, B*44:03 B*54:01, C*01:02 C*14:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*08:03, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0106 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0106 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*35:01 B*52:01, C*12:02 C*15:02, DRB1*14:06 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0112 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0112 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*33:03, B*44:03 B*56:01, C*04:01 C*14:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*04:01, DPB1*02:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0117 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0117 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*01:01 A*26:01, B*37:01 B*39:01, C*06:02 C*07:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*10:01, DQB1*05:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*04:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0120 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0120 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:10 A*24:02, B*40:06 B*52:01, C*08:01 C*12:02, DRB1*14:05 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*05:03 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*02:02 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0116 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0116 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*26:01, B*35:01 B*40:02, C*03:04 C*08:01, DRB1*04:10 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*04:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0124 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0124 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*31:01, B*07:02 B*56:01, C*04:01 C*07:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*04:05, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*05:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0130 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0130 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*33:03, B*07:02 B*44:03, C*07:02 C*14:03, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*13:02, DQB1*05:01 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*04:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0134 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0134 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*46:01 B*67:01, C*01:02 C*07:02, DRB1*08:03 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0137 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0137 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*26:01, B*40:02 B*54:01, C*01:02 C*03:04, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*15:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0139 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0139 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*31:01 A*33:03, B*48:01 B*58:01, C*03:02 C*08:01, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*13:02, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*06:09, DPB1*03:01 DPB1*04:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0141 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0141 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*26:02, B*07:02 B*52:01, C*07:02 C*12:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*05:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0144 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0144 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*24:02, B*40:01 B*40:06, C*07:02 C*08:01, DRB1*04:06 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*03:03, DPB1*02:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0145 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0145 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0149 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0149 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*15:18 B*52:01, C*08:01 C*12:02, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0150 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0150 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*26:01, B*15:01 B*52:01, C*12:02 C*15:02, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*03:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0154 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0154 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01 A*24:02, B*40:01 B*67:01, C*03:04 C*07:02, DRB1*12:01 DRB1*15:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0160 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0160 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*33:03, B*15:18 B*44:03, C*08:01 C*14:03, DRB1*04:03 DRB1*13:02, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0164 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0164 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01 A*24:02, B*39:01 B*55:02, C*01:02 C*07:02, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*08:03, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0168 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0168 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*40:02 B*59:01, C*01:02 C*03:04, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*04:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0171 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0171 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*33:03, B*35:01 B*44:03, C*03:03 C*14:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*15:01, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0174 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0174 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01 A*24:02, B*54:01 B*59:01, C*01:02, DRB1*04:05 DQB1*04:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0177 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0177 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*39:04 B*40:02, C*03:04 C*07:02, DRB1*04:06 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*03:03, DPB1*02:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0186 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0186 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:20 A*33:03, B*44:03 B*51:01, C*14:02 C*14:03, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*12:01, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*03:03, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0188 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0188 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*24:02, B*15:28 B*52:01, C*03:03 C*12:02, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0190 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0190 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*24:02, B*15:01 B*52:01, C*07:02 C*12:02, DRB1*15:01 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*06:01 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0195 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0195 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*01:01 A*11:01, B*07:02 B*54:01, C*01:02 C*07:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*04:05, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*05:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0201 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0201 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*24:02, B*07:02 X, C*03:03 C*07:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*05:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0207 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0207 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:18 A*33:03, B*44:03 B*46:01, C*01:02 C*14:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*08:03, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*02:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0213 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0213 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*11:01, B*15:01 B*35:01, C*03:03 C*04:01, DRB1*04:06 DRB1*15:01, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*03:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0217 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0217 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*54:01 B*55:02, C*01:02, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*11:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*03:03, DPB1*05:01 DPB1*13:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0220 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0220 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*39:02 B*40:06, C*07:02 C*08:01, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*12:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*03:03, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0221 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0221 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*26:03 A*31:01, B*35:01 B*51:01, C*03:03 C*14:02, DRB1*04:03 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0227 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0227 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*02:06 B*07:02 B*40:01, C*03:03 C*07:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*08:03, DQB1*05:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*03:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0230 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0230 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*31:01, B*15:01 B*54:01, C*01:02 C*03:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0232 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0232 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01 A*33:03, B*40:01 B*44:03, C*03:04 C*14:03, DRB1*13:02 DRB1*14:01, DQB1*05:03 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0234 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0234 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*24:02, B*15:01 B*39:01, C*04:01 C*07:02, DRB1*04:06 DRB1*12:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*03:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0238 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0238 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*35:01 B*44:02, C*05:01 C*08:01, DRB1*04:10 DRB1*12:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*04:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0244 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0244 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*31:01, B*40:06 B*44:03, C*03:04 C*14:03, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*13:02, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0248 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0248 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*33:03, B*15:01 B*44:03, C*03:03 C*14:03, DRB1*08:03 DRB1*14:06, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*03:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0256 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0256 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01 A*24:02, B*52:01 B*54:01, C*01:02 C*12:02, DRB1*08:03 DRB1*15:01, DQB1*06:01 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*05:01 DPB1*14:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0260 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0260 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01, B*48:01 B*51:01, C*08:01 C*15:02, DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 , DPB1*04:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0271 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0271 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*31:01 A*33:03, B*44:03 B*51:01, C*14:02 C*14:03, DRB1*13:02 DRB1*14:03, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*04:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0277 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0277 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*33:03, B*07:02 B*44:03, C*07:02 C*14:03, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*13:02, DQB1*05:01 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0288 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0288 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*52:01, C*12:02, DRB1*15:02, DQB1*06:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*04:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0292 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0292 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*24:02, B*44:03 B*52:01, C*12:02 C*14:03, DRB1*04:06 DRB1*13:02, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0296 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0296 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*02:06, B*35:01 B*39:01, C*03:03 C*07:02, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*14:06, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*03:03, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0301 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0301 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*31:01, B*40:02 B*44:03, C*03:04 C*14:03, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*13:02, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0304 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0304 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*46:01 B*54:01, C*01:02 , DRB1*04:05 DRB1*08:03, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0307 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0307 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*26:01, B*35:01 B*52:01, C*03:03 C*12:02, DRB1*15:01 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*06:01 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0311 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0311 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*26:01 A*33:03, B*44:03 B*52:01, C*12:02 C*14:03, DRB1*13:02 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*06:01 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0315 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0315 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*31:01, B*51:01 B*52:01, C*12:02 C*14:02, DRB1*08:02 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*04:02 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0324 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0324 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*07:02 B*46:01, C*03:04 C*07:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*08:03, DQB1*05:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0327 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0327 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*15:07 B*52:01, C*01:02 C*12:02, DRB1*04:03 DRB1*15:01, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0340 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0340 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*38:0201 B*51:01, C*07:02 C*14:02, DRB1*08:03 DRB1*09:01 , DQB1*03:01 DQB1*03:03, DPB1*05:01 DPB1*14:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0342 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0342 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01 A*24:02, B*07:02 B*39:01, C*07:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*04:05, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*05:01, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0349 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0349 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01 A*24:02, B*13:01 B*48:01, C*03:04 C*08:01, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*12:02, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*03:03, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*04:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0356 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0356 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*26:02, B*40:01 B*40:06, C*03:04 C*08:01, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*04:01, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0370 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0370 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*26:01, B*40:02 B*51:02, C*03:04 C*08:01, DRB1*09:01 , DQB1*03:03, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*03:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0384 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0384 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*01:01 A*02:01, B*15:01 B*40:06, C*06:02 C*08:01, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*04:01, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*04:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0386 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0386 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*39:01 B*55:02, C*01:02 C*07:02, DRB1*04:10 DRB1*15:01, DQB1*04:02 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*02:02 DPB1*03:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0396 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0396 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*26:01, B*40:02 B*52:01, C*03:04 C*12:02, DRB1*08:02 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0428 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0428 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*26:01, B*40:02 B*54:01, C*01:02 C*03:04, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*05:01, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0440 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0440 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*26:01, B*40:01 B*40:02, C*03:04 C*15:02, DRB1*08:03 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*04:01 DPB1*13:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0448 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0448 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*11:01, B*13:01 B*48:01 C*03:04 C*08:03, DRB1*12:02 DRB1*15:01, DQB1*03:01 , DPB1*02:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0455 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0455 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*33:03, B*15:11 B*52:01, C*03:03 C*12:02, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0463 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0463 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*15:11 B*52:01, C*03:03 C*12:02, DRB1*14:54 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01 DPB1*13:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0482 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0482 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*31:01, B*35:01 B*52:01, C*04:01 C*12:02, DRB1*09:01 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*03:03 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0492 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0492 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*40:01 B*52:01, C*03:04 C*12:02, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*02:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0496 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0496 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*26:01 A*33:03, B*35:01 B*44:03, C*03:03 C*14:03, DRB1*04:01 DRB1*12:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*03:03, DPB1*05:01DPB1*14:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0400 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0400 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*24:02, B*15:01 B*40:06, C*04:01 C*08:01, DRB1*04:06 DRB1*09:01, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*03:03, DPB1*05:01 X RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0408 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0408 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0181 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0181 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO205 HSC0107 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0107 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He COLO202 HSC0108 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0108 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0151 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0151 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C116 HSC0061 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0061 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC0063 WY083 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0063 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02 A*31:01, B*52:01 B*59:01, C*01:02 C*12:02, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0198 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0198 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*15:07 B*15:18, C*03:03 C*07:0401, DRB1*04:01 DRB1*04:03, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*03:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0110 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0110 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C067 HSC0139 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0139 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. This B cell lines derived from Mongoloid Minority Groups in South America. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He 2C076 HSC0141 Register: Danjoh, Inaho HSC0141 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*11:01 A*33:03, B*35:01 B*44:03, C*03:03 C*14:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*13:02, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0054 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0054 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*33:03, B*35:01 B*44:03, C*03:03 C*14:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*13:02, DQB1*04:01 DQB1*06:04, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*04:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0053 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0053 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Cell growth is slow. HLA A*24:02 A*26:01, B*15:01 B*51:01, C*03:04 C*04:01, DRB1*04:06 DRB1*14:54, DQB1*03:02 DQB1*05:03, DPB1*02:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0155 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0155 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:07 A*24:20, B*46:01 B*55:02, C*01:02 C*07:02, DRB1*08:03 , DQB1*06:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0363 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0363 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*02:07. B*40:01 B*46:01, C*01:02 C*15:02, DRB1*08:03 DRB1*14:05, DQB1*05:03 DQB1*06:01, DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0224 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0224 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*24:02, B*07:02 B*13:01, C*03:03 C*07:02, DRB1*01:01 DRB1*12:02, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*05:01 , DPB1*02:01 DPB1*04:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0092 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0092 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:07 A*24:02, B*46:01 B*52:01, C*01:02 C*12:02, DRB1*08:03 DRB1*15:02, DQB1*06:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*09:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0192 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0192 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*24:02, B*15:11 B*59:01, C*01:02 C*03:03, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*12:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*04:01, DPB1*02:02 DPB1*04:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0442 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0442 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:06 A*24:02, B*15:27 B*35:01, C*03:03 C*04:01, DRB1*04:03 DRB1*12:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*03:02, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0300 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0300 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:53N A*26:01, B*39:01 B*54:01, C*01:02 C*07:02, DRB1*14:05 DRB1*15:01, DQB1*05:03 DQB1*06:02, DPB1*04:02 DPB1*05:01 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0351 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0351 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. HLA A*02:01 A*24:02, B*39:01 B*48:01, C*07:02 C*08:01, DRB1*04:05 DRB1*11:01, DQB1*03:01 DQB1*04:01, DPB1*02:01 DPB1*02:02 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0485 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0485 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0083 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0083 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0093 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0093 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0127 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0127 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0266 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0266 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0350 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0350 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0415 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0415 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0431 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0431 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0444 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0444 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0451 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0451 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. Breast cancer patient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0487 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0487 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0218 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0218 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0121 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0121 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0477 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0477 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0156 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0156 cell A immortal human B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HEV0101 Register: Imai, Takashi HEV0101 cell A immortal human vagina-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: 47,XX,+X-type chromosome. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HOUFXXX RCB1171 Derived from tissue: vagina in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, Isamu Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB1171 cell LCL-1564 A immortal human esophagus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0462(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1894 TE-1 Derived from tissue: esophagus in animal: human. Originator: Nishihira, Tetsuro Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1894 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308178 CVCL: CVCL_1759 Sanger: COSMIC ID:753621 LCL-1568 A immortal human esophagus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer (highly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma). Not transplantable to nude mouse. TKG0266 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1951 TE-15 Derived from tissue: esophagus in animal: human. Originator: Nishihira, Tetsuro (Akaishi, T.) Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1951 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308221 CVCL: CVCL_1763 Sanger: COSMIC ID:753614 LCL-1571 A immortal human esophagus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer. Moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0259(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2098 TE-8 Derived from tissue: esophagus in animal: human. Originator: Nishihira, Tetsuro Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2098 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308525 CVCL: CVCL_1766 Sanger: COSMIC ID:753623 LCL-1565 A immortal human esophagus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer. Highly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0261(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2099 TE-10 Derived from tissue: esophagus in animal: human. Originator: Nishihira, Tetsuro Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2099 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308218 CVCL: CVCL_1760 Sanger: COSMIC ID:753622 LCL-1566 A immortal human esophagus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer. Moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0262(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2100 TE-11 Derived from tissue: esophagus in animal: human. Originator: Nishihira, Tetsuro Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2100 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308219 CVCL: CVCL_1761 Sanger: COSMIC ID:946354 A immortal human esophagus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer. Moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0265(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2101 TE-14 Derived from tissue: esophagus in animal: human. Originator: Nishihira, Tetsuro Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2101 cell LCL-1569 A immortal human esophagus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from poorly differntiated esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Not transplantable to nude mouse. TKG0256 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1949 TE-5 Derived from tissue: esophagus in animal: human. Originator: Nishihira, Tetsuro Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1949 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308179 CVCL: CVCL_1764 Sanger: COSMIC ID:735784 LCL-1570 A immortal human esophagus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Highly differentiated squamous carcinoma (esophagus), not transplantable to nude mouse.  A culture submitted to the Cell Resource Center for Biomedical Research was found to be contaminated with mycoplasma. Progeny were cured by Treatments with BM Cyclin and MC210. TKG0257 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1950 TE-6 Derived from tissue: esophagus in animal: human. Originator: Nishihira, Tetsuro Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1950 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308180 CVCL: CVCL_1765 Sanger: COSMIC ID:946355 A immortal human esophagus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from esophageal cancer. Highly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.TKG0255(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2097 TE-4 Derived from tissue: esophagus, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Nishihira, Tetsuro Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2097 cell LCL-1151 A immortal human esophagus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Produce hypercalcemia in nude mice. PTH-related protein, IL-1alpha producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He EC-GI-10 RCB0774 Derived from tissue: esophagus, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Sato, Kanji Register: Sato, Kanji RCB0774 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308289 CVCL: CVCL_1187 Sanger: COSMIC ID:753555 LCL-1572 A immortal human esophagus-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (poorly differentiated) cell line. Not transplantable to nude mouse. TKG0260 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1988 TE-9 Derived from tissue: esophagus, pleural effusion in animal: human. Originator: Nishihira, T. (Sekine, Y.) Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1988 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308181 CVCL: CVCL_1767 Sanger: COSMIC ID:946353 LCL-2033 A immortal human gingiva-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human gingival carcinoma cell line. Expressing remarkable EGF receptor. HLA-A 2/24. TKG0485(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Ca9-22 RCB1976 Derived from tissue: gingiva in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1976 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308714 CVCL: CVCL_1102 JHSF: JCRB0625 LCL-1458 A immortal human muscle cell line cell that has the characteristics: Extraskeltal myxoid chondrosarcoma RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He H-EMC-SS RCB0508 Derived from tissue: muscle in animal: human. Originator: Saotome, K. & Sibukawa, A. Register: Saotome, Kouichi RCB0508 cell ECACC: 94042258 A immortal human muscle cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mixed mesodermal tumor consists of adenocarcinoma and rhabdomyosarcoma. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HIRS-BM RCB0978 Derived from tissue: muscle, bone marrow meta in animal: human. Originator: Ono, I. & Ishiwata, I. & Ishikawa, H. Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0978 cell LCL-1206 A immortal human mouth-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from oral squamous cell carcinoma occurred in 69-yo, male patient. HLA-A 24/. TKG0487 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC-2 RCB1945 RCB1945 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308482 CVCL: CVCL_1287 JHSF: JCRB0622 LCL-1202 A immortal human mouth-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from squamous cell carcinoma at mouth floor. TKG0455(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HO-1-u-1 RCB2102 Derived from tissue: mouth floor in animal: human. Originator: Miyauchi, T. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2102 cell JHSF: JCRB0828 A immortal rat brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Astroglia cell line. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. See RCB0075. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1456 RCR-1 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: rat. Originator: Jou,Teh-Cheng et al. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1456 cell A immortal rat brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Astroglia cell line RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0075 RCR-1 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: rat. Originator: Jou,Teh-Cheng et al. Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0075 cell A immortal rat brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from glial cell tumor induced by N-nitrosomethylurea. TKG0589(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He C6 RCB2854 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: rat. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2854 cell A immortal rat brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from glioma induced by N-nitrosomethylurea. TKG0242 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2783 RGC-6 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: rat. Originator: Benda Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2783 cell A immortal rat brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat neuronal cell line derived from the ventrolateral region of the suprachiasmatic nucleus RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He N14.5 RCB2863 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: rat, Wister (Transgenic rat). Originator: Matsushita, Tomoko Register: Hashimoto, Seiichi RCB2863 cell A immortal rat brain-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat neuronal cell line derived from the ventrolateral region of the suprachiasmatic nucleus RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OLP6 RCB2864 Derived from tissue: brain in animal: rat, Wister (Transgenic rat). Originator: Matsushita, Tomoko Register: Hashimoto, Seiichi RCB2864 cell LCL-1900 A immortal human testis-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Embryonal carcinoma, testis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NEC8 RCB0489 Derived from tissue: testis in animal: human. Originator: Motoyama, Teiichi Register: Motoyama, Teiichi RCB0489 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308176 CVCL: CVCL_1604 JHSF: JCRB0250 A immortal human testis-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Embryonal carcinoma, testis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NEC14 RCB0490 Derived from tissue: testis in animal: human. Originator: Motoyama, Teiichi Register: Motoyama, Teiichi RCB0490 cell A immortal human testis-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Embryonal carcinoma, testis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NEC15 RCB0494 Derived from tissue: testis in animal: human. Originator: Motoyama, Teiichi Register: Motoyama, Teiichi RCB0494 cell A immortal human testis-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma of testis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCR-G2 RCB2342 Derived from tissue: testis in animal: human. Originator: Hata, Junichi Register: Hata, Junichi RCB2342 cell A immortal human testis-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma of testis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCR-G1 RCB2341 Derived from tissue: testis in animal: human. Originator: Hata, Junichi Register: Hata, Junichi RCB2341 cell A immortal human testis-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma of testis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCR-G4 RCB2344 Derived from tissue: testis in animal: human. Originator: Hata, Junichi Register: Hata, Junichi RCB2344 cell A immortal human testis-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from embryonal carcinoma of testis. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NCR-G3 RCB2343 Derived from tissue: testis in animal: human. Originator: Hata, Junichi Register: Hata, Junichi RCB2343 cell LCL-1115 A immortal human intestine-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Small-cell gastrointestinal carcinoma. High levels of creatine kinase brain isoenzyme. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ECC4 RCB0982 Derived from tissue: intestine in animal: human. Originator: Ishihara, Noriko Register: Motoyama, Teiichi RCB0982 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308162 CVCL: CVCL_1190 Sanger: COSMIC ID:906850 A immortal human rectum-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human rectal cancer cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHSK-rec RCB1724 Derived from tissue: rectum in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, Hiroshi & Tabei, Isao Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1724 cell A immortal human rectum-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from rectal cancer. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHCOLOYI RCB1706 Derived from tissue: rectum in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, Hiroshi & Tabei, Isao Register: Ishikawa, H. & Tabei, I. RCB1706 cell A immortal human rectum-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rectal carcinoma from a Japanese patient. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1185 TT1TKB Derived from tissue: rectum in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, T. Register: Ohno, T. & Todoroki, T. RCB1185 cell A immortal hamster kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: SV40 transformed hamster cell line. Fibroblast-like cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1832 THK Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: hamster. Register: Kubo, Yoshinao RCB1832 cell A immortal hamster kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: The parent cell line used for the temperature sensitive cell line series of BN. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BHK-21 RCB1423 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: hamster, Syrian. Register: Nishimoto, Takeharu RCB1423 cell A immortal hamster kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21. Complemented with human X-linked CCG1 gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1268 tsBN462 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Nishimoto, Takeharu Register: Nishimoto, Takeharu RCB1268 cell A immortal hamster kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21. Complementation group A. Dye rapidly at 39.5 C. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1272 tsBN250 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Nishimoto, Takeharu Register: Nishimoto, Takeharu RCB1272 cell A immortal hamster kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21 selected after MNNG treatment. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1273 tsBN269 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Nishimoto, Takeharu Register: Nishimoto, Takeharu RCB1273 cell A immortal hamster kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Temperature-senstive mutant of BHK-21. Complemented with ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 cDNA. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1269 tsBN75 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Nishimoto, Takeharu Register: Nishimoto, Takeharu RCB1269 cell A immortal hamster kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21. Causing premature chromosome condensation. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1264 tsBN2 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Nishimoto, Takeharu Register: Nishimoto, Takeharu RCB1264 cell A immortal hamster kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21 with mutated DAD1 gene. Causing apoptosis at 39.5 C. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1267 tsBN7 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Nishimoto, Takeharu Register: Nishimoto, Takeharu RCB1267 cell A immortal hamster kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21 with defect in RNA polymerase III subunit. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1270 tsBN51 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Nishimoto, Takeharu Register: Nishimoto, Takeharu RCB1270 cell A immortal hamster kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Temperature-sensitive mutant of BHK-21. Stop growth after 2-day culture at 39.5 C. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1271 tsBN67 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Nishimoto, Takeharu Register: Nishimoto, Takeharu RCB1271 cell A immortal hamster kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Thymidine kinase-defective mutant of ts13 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0286 tk^(-)ts13 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Baserga, R. Register: Seto, Toshio RCB0286 cell A immortal hamster kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Culturable in suspension, cf. ECACC, BHK-21C13-3P RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BHK-21C13-2P RCB0420 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Radlett, P. & Draper, M. Register: ECACC RCB0420 cell A immortal human adrenal gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: N-myc propagated. Neuron specific enolase producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSNB RCB0666 Derived from tissue: adrenal in animal: human. Originator: Ono, Isao & Ishiwata, Isamu Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0666 cell A immortal human adrenal gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from neuroblastoma of adrenal gland.TKG0278 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1896 TN-2 Derived from tissue: adrenal gland, left in animal: human. Originator: Hayashi, T Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1896 cell A immortal human adrenal gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Adrenal neuroblastoma derived from brain metastasis RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KP-N-NS RCB0687 Derived from tissue: adrenal, brain meta in animal: human. Originator: Yoshihara, Takao Register: Yoshihara, Takao RCB0687 cell A immortal human adrenal gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: N-myc gene amplification RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHP-134 RCB0487 Derived from tissue: adrenal, left in animal: human. Originator: Schlesinger, H. R. Register: Nishi, Yoshisuke RCB0487 cell A immortal human adrenal gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from neuroblastoma formed at adrenal gland. TKG0277(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2107 TN-1 Derived from tissue: right adrenal gland in animal: human. Originator: Hayashi, T. (Pediat. Surg., Tohoku Univ.). Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2107 cell LCL-1977 A immortal human adrenal gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from neuroblastoma. Dibuty-cAMP (1 mM) induces differentiation. TKG0486(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NB-1 RCB1953 Derived from tissue: sympatho adrenal cell in animal: human. Originator: Miyake, S. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1953 cell JHSF: JCRB0621 A immortal mouse blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Secrete growth factors for hemopoietic stem cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0035 WEHI-3 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Register: Kanazawa, Satoshi RCB0035 cell A immortal mouse blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: IL-3 dependent pro B cell line. <a href=''>Information</a> RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Ba/F3 RCB0805 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: mouse, C3H. Register: Todokoro, Kazuo RCB0805 cell A immortal mouse blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Spontaneouly differentiated cell line derived from M1. Non-tumorigenic. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Mm1 RCB0748 Derived from tissue: blood in animal: mouse, SL. Originator: Maeda, Michiyuki Register: Takagi, Kuniaki RCB0748 cell A immortal rhesus macaque kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Highly susceptible to Simian rotavirus SA11. Backup of ECA85102918. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MA104 RCB0994 Derived from tissue: fetal, kidney in animal: monkey, rhesus. Register: ECACC RCB0994 cell A immortal mouse monocyte cell line cell that has the characteristics: Buck-up culture of ECA85062803. Mouse leukemic monocyte. Abelson leukemia virus induced. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RAW 264 RCB0535 Derived from tissue: leukemic monocyte in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Register: ECACC RCB0535 cell A immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Contact-inhibited semi-normal, original of NRK49F RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NRK RCB0043 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rat. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0043 cell A immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Contact-inhibited semi-normal cell line RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NRK49F RCB0112 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rat. Originator: Delarco, J. E. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB0112 cell A immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat (Wistar) cell line derived from renal (kidney) tumor. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BP11(R100) RCB1799 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Tokuzen, Reiko Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB1799 cell A immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat renal tumor derived cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BP7(R80) RCB1797 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Tokuzen, Reiko Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB1797 cell A immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat (Wistar) cell line derived from renal (kidney) tumor. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BP11(R2) RCB1798 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Tokuzen, Reiko Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB1798 cell A immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cells derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 2. Wister rat. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BP13(R2) RCB1800 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Tokuzen, Reiko Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB1800 cell A immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 100. Wister rat. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BP13(R100) RCB1801 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Tokuzen, Reiko Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB1801 cell A immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cells derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 2. Wister rat. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BP26(R2) RCB1802 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Tokuzen, Reiko Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB1802 cell A immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 80. Wister rat. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BP26(R80) RCB1803 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Tokuzen, Reiko Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB1803 cell A immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cells derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 2. Wister rat. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BP30(R2) RCB1804 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Tokuzen, Reiko Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB1804 cell A immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 100. Wister rat. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BP30(R100) RCB1805 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Tokuzen, Reiko Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB1805 cell A immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cells derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 2. Wister rat. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BP36B(R2) RCB1806 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Tokuzen, Reiko Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB1806 cell A immortal rat kidney-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from kidney carcinoma. After passage 100. Wister rat. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BP36B(R100) RCB1807 Derived from tissue: kidney in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Tokuzen, Reiko Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB1807 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Krukenberg tumor cell line RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSKTC RCB0515 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, Isamu Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0515 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Clear cell adenocarcinoma. Said CA125, CA72-4 producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHOC-5 RCB1520 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1520 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Ovary serous adenocarcinoma. Said CA125, CA15-3 producing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHOS-2 RCB1521 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1521 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human ovary mucinous adenocarcinoma cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHOM-1 RCB1676 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1676 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Serous cystadenocarcinoma. CA125 producing. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HTOA RCB0692 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: human. Originator: Ishiwata, Isamu & Ishikawa, Hiroshi Register: Ishiwata, Isamu RCB0692 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human ovary serous cyst adenocarcinoma cell line. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHOS-4 RCB1678 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1678 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human ovary mucinous tubular adenocarcinoma cell line. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHOM-2B RCB1682 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1682 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human ovary clear cell carcinoma cell line. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHOC-7 RCB1688 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1688 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human ovary clear cell carcinoma cell line. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHOC-8 RCB1723 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1723 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from ovary cancer. Clear cell carcinoma. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHOC-9 RCB2226 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB2226 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. Said CA125,CA19-9 (+). Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OMC-3 RCB0755 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: human. Originator: Yamada, Takashi Register: Yamada, Takashi RCB0755 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from ovarian squamous cell cancer. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHONA RCB2365 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Kimura, E. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB2365 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese ovarian serous adenocarcinoma. Said CA125 producing. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He JHOS-3 RCB1546 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: human. Originator: Ishikawa, H. & Yasuda, M. Register: Ishikawa, Hiroshi RCB1546 cell LCL-1522 A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from adenocarcinoma of ovary. TKG0602(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NIH:OVCAR-3 RCB2135 Derived from tissue: ovary, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Hamilton T.C. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2135 cell ATCC: HTB-161 A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from ovarial cancer, subclone of RCB2535. TKG0323 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OVK18 RCB1903 Derived from tissue: ovary, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Uehara, S. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1903 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, subclone of RCB1903. TKG0357 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OVK18#102 RCB2535 Derived from tissue: ovary, ascites meta in animal: human. Originator: Uehara, S. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2535 cell LCL-1297 A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Granulosa cell tumor. Possible to produce progesterone after HCG addition. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KGN RCB1154 Derived from tissue: ovary, peritoneum in animal: human. Originator: Nishi, Yoshihiro & Nawata, Hajime Register: Nishi, Y. & Nawata, H. RCB1154 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308155 CVCL: CVCL_0375 Sanger: COSMIC ID:924186 A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Lymphnode-metastatic ovarian tumor. So called HM-1 cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OV2944-HM-1 RCB1483 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: mouse, C57BL x C3H. Originator: Niwa, O. & Irimura, T. Register: Niwa, Ohtsura RCB1483 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Worm cell line established by Grace. Culturable in MGM-450-10%FBS. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Ae RCB0985 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: silkworm. Originator: Grace, T. D. C. Register: Mitsuhashi, Jun RCB0985 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Useful for recombinant BmNPV expression RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BM-N RCB0457 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: silkworm. Register: Horiuchi, Tadashi RCB0457 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Silkworm (Bombyx mori) cell line derived from ovary. Useful for the identification and analysis of homologous recombination-related genes in the silkworm. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BmN4-DR RCB2125 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: silkworm. Originator: Mon, Hiroaki Register: Kusakabe, Takehiro RCB2125 cell A immortal human ovary-derived fibroblast cell line cell that has the characteristics: Silkworm (Bombyx mori) cell line derived from ovary. Useful for the identification and analysis of homologous recombination-related genes in the silkworm. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BmN4-IR RCB2126 Derived from tissue: ovary in animal: silkworm. Originator: Mon, Hiroaki Register: Kusakabe, Takehiro RCB2126 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: SHP1 deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1466 SHP1^(-) DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1466 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Ku70 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Ku70-DT40 RCB1621 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1621 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rad51B gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rad51B-DT40 RCB1622 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1622 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rad51C gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rad51C-DT40 RCB1623 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1623 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rad51D gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rad51D-DT40 RCB1624 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1624 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: XRCC2 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;XRCC2-DT40 RCB1625 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1625 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rad52 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rad52-DT40 RCB1627 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Yamaguchi-Iwai, Yuko Register: TaKeda, Shunichi RCB1627 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rad54 and Rad54B gene double-deleted DT40 (chicken B cells). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rad54&Delta;Rad54B-DT40 RCB1634 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Yamaguchi-Iwai, Yuko Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1634 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rad54 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rad54-DT40 RCB1628 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Sonoda, Eiichiro Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1628 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Ku70 and Rad54B gene double-deleted DT40 (chicken B cells). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Ku70&Delta;Rad54B-DT40 RCB1632 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Yamaguchi-Iwai, Yuko Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1632 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: XRCC3 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;XRCC3-DT40 RCB1626 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1626 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: BLNK and Grb2 deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BLNK^(-)Grb2^(-)DT40 RCB1860 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1860 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: SHIP deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1465 SHIP^(-) DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1465 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Grb2 deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Grb2^(-) DT40 RCB1499 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1499 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: SHP1 and SHP2 deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1501 SHP1^(-)/SHP2^(-) DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1501 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: BLNK and Syk deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BLNK^(-)/Syk^(-) DT40 RCB1704 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1704 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Btk deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Btk^(-) DT40 RCB1468 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1468 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: PLC-γ2 deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PLC-&gamma;2^(-) DT40 RCB1469 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1469 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Syk deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1470 Syk^(-) DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1470 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Lyn deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lyn^(-) DT40 RCB1471 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1471 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Grap deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Grap^(-) DT40 RCB1498 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1498 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: IP3R type1 and IP3R type3 deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He IP3R type1^(-)/3^(-) DT40 RCB1718 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1718 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: IP3R type2and IP3R type3 deficient DT40 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He IP3R type2^(-)/3^(-) DT40 RCB1719 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1719 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Grb2and Grap deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Grb2^(-)/Grap^(-) DT40 RCB1836 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1836 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: TRP1 deficient DT40 RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1824 TRP1^(-) DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1824 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: SHP2 deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1502 SHP2^(-) DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1502 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Shc deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1503 Shc^(-) DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1503 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: BLNK deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BLNK^(-) DT40 RCB1510 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1510 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Cbl deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Cbl^(-) DT40 RCB1675 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1675 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: BCAP deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BCAP^(-) DT40 RCB1716 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1716 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Vav3 deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1809 Vav3^(-) DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1809 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: PI3Kp110α deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PI3Kp110&alpha;^(-) DT40 RCB1810 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1810 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rad54 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cells). Inducible expression of human Rad54 is possible. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rad54+hRad54-DT40 RCB1672 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Ciaran, morrison Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1672 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: ATM gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cells). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Atm-DT40 RCB1649 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Ciaran, Morrison Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1649 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: ATM and Rad54 gene double-deleted DT40 (chicken B cells). Inducible expression of human Rad54 is possible. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Atm&Delta;Rad54+hRad54-DT40 RCB1651 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Ciaran, morrison Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1651 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Endogenous Ubc9 deficient DT40 cells but expressing Ubc9 exogenously RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Ubc9+cUbc9-DT40 RCB1845 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Hayashi, Tomoko Register: Seki, Masayuki RCB1845 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Ras GRP1 deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GRP1^(-)DT40 RCB1863 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1863 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Lyn and Sky deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Lyn^(-)/Syk^(-) DT40 RCB1500 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1500 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: DNA PK gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;DNAPK-DT40 RCB1620 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1620 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rad51 gene deleted and human Rad51 gene inserted DT40 (chicken B cell line). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rad51+hRad51-DT40 RCB1631 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Sonoda, Eiichiro Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1631 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: ATM and Ku70 gene double-deleted DT40 (chicken B cells). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Atm&Delta;Ku70-DT40 RCB1650 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Ciaran, morrison Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1650 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: IP3R type1 and IP3R type2 deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He IP3R type1^(-)/2^(-) DT40 RCB1717 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1717 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mre11 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line), subclone of RCB1630. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Mre11-DT40(#190) RCB1629 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takeda, Shunichi Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1629 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mre11 gene deleted DT40 (chicken B cell line), subclone of RCB1629. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Mre11-DT40(#194) RCB1630 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takeda, Shunichi Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1630 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: IP3R(type1,type2,type3) deficient DT40 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He IP3R^(-) DT40 RCB1467 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1467 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 (chicken B cell line), lacking Nbs1 expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;NBS1-DT40 RCB1747 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Tauchi, Hiroshi Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1747 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking DinB expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;DinB-DT40 RCB1749 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1749 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking Rad18 expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rad18-DT40 RCB1750 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1750 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rad54 and Ku70 gene double-deleted DT40 (chicken B cells). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rad54&Delta;Ku70-DT40 RCB1687 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1687 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking Rev3 expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rev3-DT40 RCB1764 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1764 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of Rad52 and XRCC3 expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rad52&Delta;XRCC3-DT40 RCB1767 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1767 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of RasGRP1 and RasGRP3 expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GRP1^(-)/GRP3^(-)DT40 RCB1865 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1865 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking RasGRP3 expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GRP3^(-)DT40 RCB1864 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1864 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking Sos1 expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1866 Sos1^(-)DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1866 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking Sos2 expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1867 Sos2^(-)DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1867 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both Sos1 and Sos2 expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1868 Sos1^(-)/Sos2^(-)DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1868 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of DNAPK and Ku70 expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;DNAPK&Delta;Ku70-DT40 RCB1759 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1759 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking XRCC3 only in one allele. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1770 XRCC3+/--DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Fujimori, Tooru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1770 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking BLM (Bloom syndrome gene) expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;BLM-DT40 RCB1811 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Matumoto, Takehisa Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1811 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of Rad18 and XPA expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rad18&Delta;XPA-DT40 RCB1794 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Okada, Takashi Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1794 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of Rad18 and DinB expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;Rad18&Delta;DinB-DT40 RCB1795 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Okada, Takashi Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1795 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of WRN (Werner syndrome gene) and BLM (Bloom syndrome gene) expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;WRN&Delta;BLM-DT40 RCB1813 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Matumoto, Takehisa Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1813 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking both of DinB and XPA expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;DinB&Delta;XPA-DT40 RCB1814 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Okada, Takashi Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1814 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking WRN (Werner syndrome gene) expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;WRN-DT40 RCB1812 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Matumoto, Takehisa Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1812 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Chicken B cell line transformed by avian leukosis virus. c-myc and IgM expressing. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DT40 RCB1464 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Humphies, H. Eric. Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB1464 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking CARMA1 expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CARMA1^(-)DT40 RCB2296 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB2296 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking PKC-β expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PKC&beta;^(-)DT40 RCB2297 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB2297 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking TAK1 expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2298 TAK1^(-)DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB2298 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking ligase IV expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;ligIV-DT40 RCB1766 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Koyama, Hideki Register: Adachi, Noritaka RCB1766 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, lacking STIM1 expression. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2402 STIM1^-DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Kurosaki, Tomohiro Register: Kurosaki, Tomohiro RCB2402 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mre11 and Ku70 gene double-deleted DT40 (chicken B cells). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Mre11Ku70-DT40 RCB1633 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takeda, Shunichi Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1633 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, which lacks XRCC3 inducibly by tamoxifen. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He &Delta;XRCC3-cond1-DT40 RCB1768 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1768 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of DT40 cell line, which lacks XRCC3 inducibly by tamoxifen. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1769 XRCC3-cond2-DT40 Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: avian. Originator: Takata, Minoru Register: Takeda, Shunichi RCB1769 cell A immortal chicken B cell line cell that has the characteristics: IL-5 dependent early B-cell line. Also grows on IL-3. The population contain non-IL-5-dependent cell RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0792 T88-M Derived from tissue: B cell in animal: mouse. Originator: Tominaga, Akira Register: Tominaga, Akira RCB0792 cell A immortal human prostate gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HS-PSS RCB2362 Derived from tissue: prostate in animal: human. Originator: Sonobe, Hiroshi Register: Sonobe, Hiroshi RCB2362 cell LCL-1299 A immortal human prostate gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from bone metastasis of prostatic cancer. TKG0600(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He PC-3 RCB2145 Derived from tissue: prostate, bone meta in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2145 cell ATCC: CRL-1435 A immortal human prostate gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from brain metastasis of prostate carcinoma. TKG0604(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DU145 RCB2143 Derived from tissue: prostate, brain meta in animal: human. Originator: Stone, K.R. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2143 cell A immortal human prostate gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from prostate adenocarcinoma. Derived from lymph node metastasis. TKG0603(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LNCap.FGC RCB2144 Derived from tissue: prostate, lymph node meta in animal: human. Originator: Horoszewicz J.S. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2144 cell A immortal human duodenum-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Papillotubular adenocarcinoma of the Vater's papilla. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1169 TGBC18TKB Derived from tissue: duodenum in animal: human. Originator: Kim, B. & Ohno, T. Register: Ohno, T. & Todoroki, T. RCB1169 cell LCL-1993 A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: N-myc gene amplification RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NB16 RCB0478 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Gilbert, F. Register: Nishi, Yoshisuke RCB0478 cell RIKEN: COSMIC ID:910929; Riken RCB0478,RCB0478 A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: N-myc gene amplification RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He NB19 RCB0479 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Gilbert, F. Register: Nishi, Yoshisuke RCB0479 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: N-myc gene amplicon analysis RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MC-NB-1 RCB0482 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: James T. Casper Register: Nishi, Yoshisuke RCB0482 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: N-myc gene amplification RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LA-N-1 RCB0483 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Seeger, R. C. Register: Nishi, Yoshisuke RCB0483 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human acute myeloid leukemia derived cell. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HYT-1 RCB1297 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki Register: Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki RCB1297 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Japanese AML. Said i(12p)(p11) and unbalanced t(5;12). Need confirmation before use. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1429 SN-512 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki Register: Hamaguchi, Hiroyuki RCB1429 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Subline of F-36P. Erythropoietin-dependent RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He F-36E RCB0776 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Chiba, Shigeru Register: Chiba, Shigeru RCB0776 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from bone marrow stromal cells. Useful to propagate hematopoietic stem cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2350 StromaNKtert Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB2350 cell LCL-1024 A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human T-cell line derived from acute lynphblastic leukemia. TKG0251 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2084 TALL-1 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Hiraki Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2084 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308541 CVCL: CVCL_1736 DSMZ: ACC 521 A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from megakaryoblastic leukemia. TKG0458(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He M-MOK RCB2534 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Itano, M. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2534 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: GM-CSF- or IL-3-dependent cell line. Differentiate to erythoid cells with erythropoietin. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He F-36P RCB0775 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Chiba, Shigeru Register: Chiba, Shigeru RCB0775 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. Immortalized by HPV E6, E7, and hTERT. RCB2152- RCB2163 are derived from the same bone marrow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2153 UE6E7T-2 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2153 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. Immortalized by HPV E6, E7, and hTERT. RCB2152- RCB2163 are derived from the same bone marrow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2154 UE6E7T-3 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2154 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. Immortalized by bmi-1, HPV E6, and hTERT. RCB2152- RCB2163 are derived from the same bone marrow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2156 UBE6T-6 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2156 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. Immortalized by bmi-1, HPV E6, and hTERT. RCB2152- RCB2163 are derived from the same bone marrow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2157 UBE6T-7 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2157 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. Immortalized by HPV E7 and hTERT. RCB2152- RCB2163 are derived from the same bone marrow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2158 UE7T-9 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2158 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. Immortalized by HPV E6, E7, and hTERT. RCB2152- RCB2163 are derived from the same bone marrow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2159 UE6E7T-11 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2159 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. Immortalized by HPV E7 and hTERT. RCB2152- RCB2163 are derived from the same bone marrow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2161 UE7T-13 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2161 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. Immortalized by HPV E6, E7, and hTERT. RCB2152- RCB2163 are derived from the same bone marrow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2160 UE6E7T-12 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2160 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. Immortalized by bmi-1, HPV E6, and hTERT. RCB2152- RCB2163 are derived from the same bone marrow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2162 UBE6T-15 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2162 cell A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human mesenchymal cell line derived from bone marrow. Immortalized by HPV E6 and E7. RCB2152- RCB2163 are derived from the same bone marrow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2163 UE6E7-16 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Umezawa, Akihiro Register: Umezawa, Akihiro RCB2163 cell LCL-1056 A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human acute myeloid leukemia. The variant subline (RCB1928 KG-1a) CD3-,CD13+,CD14-,CD15+,CD19-,CD33+ RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KG-1 RCB1166 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Register: DSMZ RCB1166 cell ATCC: CCL-246 LCL-1057 A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from acute myelogenous leukemia. The variant subline of KG-1(RCB1166) cell line. TKG0402(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He KG-1a RCB1928 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: human. Originator: Koeffler,H.P. & Golde,D,W. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1928 cell ATCC: CCL-246.1 A immortal human bone marrow-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: p53 deficient mouse bone marrow derived cell. Useful for study of p53 suppressor oncogene. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He C7 RCB1449 Derived from tissue: bone marrow in animal: mouse, 129/sv-(p53-/-). Originator: Hayashi, Shin-ichi Register: Hayashi, Shin-ichi RCB1449 cell A immortal human eye-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from retinoblastoma. TKG0601(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2146 WERI-Rb-1 Derived from tissue: eye in animal: human. Originator: McFall R.M. & Sery T.W. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB2146 cell A immortal human eye-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Caucasian retinoblastoma. May have reverse transcriptase. Back up culture of ECA2583. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1645 Y79 Derived from tissue: eye in animal: human. Register: ECACC RCB1645 cell A immortal human eye-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: alpha, beta-crystaline expressing human lense epithelial cell line. plasmid DNA: pRSV-B-T Ag. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1591 SRA 01/04 Derived from tissue: eye, lens in animal: human. Originator: Ibaraki, Nobuhiro Register: Ibaraki, Nobuhiro RCB1591 cell A immortal human tongue-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Highly sensitive to bleomycin RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0441 SCCKN Derived from tissue: tongue in animal: human. Originator: Urade, M. & Mima, T. Register: Urade, Masahiro RCB0441 cell LCL-1218 A immortal human tongue-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human tongue squamous cell carcinoma derived cell line. TKG0489 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC-4 RCB1902 Derived from tissue: tongue in animal: human. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1902 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308109 CVCL: CVCL_1289 JHSF: JCRB0624 LCL-1221 A immortal human tongue-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human cell line derived from tongue cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma. TKG0470(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1974 SAS Derived from tissue: tongue in animal: human. Originator: Takahashi, K. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1974 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308781 CVCL: CVCL_1675 JHSF: JCRB0260 LCL-1217 A immortal human tongue-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Human tongue squamous cell carcinoma cell line. HLA-A 2/24. TKG0484(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HSC-3 RCB1975 Derived from tissue: tongue in animal: human. Originator: Momose, F. Register: Obinata, Masuo RCB1975 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3307947 CVCL: CVCL_1288 JHSF: JCRB0623 A immortal mouse B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from B cell lymphoma. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CH12F3-2A RCB2809 Derived from tissue: B cell lymphoma in animal: mouse. Originator: Honjo, Tasuku Register: Honjo, Tasuku RCB2809 cell A immortal mouse B cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from B cell leukemia. TKG0435 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He BCL1-B20 RCB2618 Derived from tissue: B cell leukemia in animal: mouse, BALB/C. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2618 cell A immortal Chinese hamster cell line cell that has the characteristics: H2O2 resistant Chinese Hamster V79 cells RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Hpr-4 RCB1728 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Kaneko, Motohisa Register: Kaneko, Motohisa RCB1728 cell A immortal Chinese hamster cell line cell that has the characteristics: Chinese hamster lung fibroblast RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0008 V79 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Elkind, M. M. Register: Takahashi, Kazuhide RCB0008 cell A immortal Chinese hamster cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pseudodiploid, two marker chromosomes RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Don(D-6) RCB0096 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Hsu, T. C. Register: Sutou, Shizuyo RCB0096 cell A immortal Chinese hamster cell line cell that has the characteristics: Widely used in chromosome aberration test RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHL RCB0097 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Koyama, H. Register: Sutou, Shizuyo RCB0097 cell A immortal Chinese hamster cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the V79 cell line following cloning. Widely used for radiation biology, mutagenesis and mammalian cell genetics. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2332 V79-4 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Ernest H. Y. Chu Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2332 cell A immortal Chinese hamster cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the V79 cell line. Widely used for radiation biology, mutagenesis and mammalian cell genetics. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2337 V79B Derived from tissue: lung in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Zdzienicka MZ Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2337 cell A immortal Chinese hamster cell line cell that has the characteristics: X-ray-sensitive mutant derived from the V79 cell line. XRCC8 gene deficient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2335 V-E5 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Zdzienicka MZ Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2335 cell A immortal Chinese hamster cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the V79 cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant. XRCC8 gene deficient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2336 V-G8 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Zdzienicka MZ Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2336 cell A immortal Chinese hamster cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the V79 cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant. XRCC5(ku80) gene deficient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2339 XR-V15B Derived from tissue: lung in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Zdzienicka MZ Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2339 cell A immortal Chinese hamster cell line cell that has the characteristics: A subline of the V79B cell line. X-ray-sensitive mutant. XRCC5(ku80) gene deficient. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2338 XR-V9B-4 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Zdzienicka MZ Register: Miyoshi, Hiroyuki RCB2338 cell A immortal Chinese hamster cell line cell that has the characteristics: Chinese hamster cell line. Epithelial-like adherent cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Has RCB2076 Derived from tissue: unknown in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Hamada, Hirofumi Register: Hamada, Hirofumi RCB2076 cell A immortal Chinese hamster cell line cell that has the characteristics: Smooth muscle cell sarcoma from Chinese hamster. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CHAUT-G RCB0715 Derived from tissue: uterus in animal: hamster, Chinese. Originator: Yamada, M. & Mikamo, K. Register: Kamiguchi, Yujirou RCB0715 cell A immortal rat colon-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Metastasis to liver RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0512 RCN-H-4 Derived from tissue: colon in animal: rat, F344. Originator: Inoue, Yuuichiro Register: Inoue, Yuuichiro RCB0512 cell A immortal rat colon-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Metastasis to liver, lung RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0511 RCN-9 Derived from tissue: colon in animal: rat, F344. Originator: Inoue, Yuichiro Register: Inoue, Yuichiro RCB0511 cell A immortal rat colon-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Metastasis to liver, lung RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ACL-15 RCB0510 Derived from tissue: colon in animal: rat, F344. Originator: Kashima, Yuji Register: Kashima, Yuji RCB0510 cell A immortal rat embryo-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Suitable as feeders for hybridoma cloning RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0165 REF-RGB Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: rat, Wistar. Originator: Murakami, Yasufumi Register: Murakami, Yasufumi RCB0165 cell A immortal Syrian golden hamster cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mutin producing, BHP-induced pancreatic tumor RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He HaP-T1 RCB0411 Derived from tissue: pancreas in animal: hamster, Syrian. Originator: Saito, Seiji Register: Saito, Seiji RCB0411 cell A immortal gold fish blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Tumor cells derived from Gold Fish red pigment cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GEM-199 RCB1175 Derived from tissue: body in animal: gold fish. Originator: Matsumoto, Jiro Register: Matsumoto, Jiro RCB1175 cell A immortal gold fish blood cell line cell that has the characteristics: Tumor cells derived from Gold Fish red pigment cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GEM-218 RCB1176 Derived from tissue: body in animal: gold fish. Originator: Matsumoto, Jiro Register: Matsumoto, Jiro RCB1176 cell A immortal gold fish cell line cell that has the characteristics: Gold fish erythrophoroma with 4n chromosomal mode RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CAEP RCB0185 Derived from tissue: erythrophoroma in animal: gold fish. Originator: Etoh, Hisami Register: Etoh, Hisami RCB0185 cell A immortal gold fish cell line cell that has the characteristics: Tumor cells derived from Gold Fish red pigment cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GEM-81 RCB1174 Derived from tissue: flank in animal: gold fish. Originator: Matsumoto, Jiro Register: Matsumoto, Jiro RCB1174 cell A immortal gold fish cell line cell that has the characteristics: Pinna fibroblast RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He CAF RCB0186 Derived from tissue: pinna in animal: gold fish. Originator: Etoh, Hisami Register: Etoh, Hisami RCB0186 cell A immortal gold fish cell line cell that has the characteristics: Scale fibroblast RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GAKS RCB0082 Derived from tissue: scale in animal: gold fish. Originator: Akimoto, K. Register: Takaoka, Toshiko RCB0082 cell A immortal gold fish cell line cell that has the characteristics: Scale fibroblast. Possible to culture in DMEM medium. See RCB0082. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He GAKS RCB1452 Derived from tissue: scale in animal: gold fish. Originator: Akimoto, K. Register: Ohno, Tadao RCB1452 cell A immortal mouse rectum-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mouse cell line derived from rectal cancer. BALB/c strain.TKG0518(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Colon-26 RCB2657 Derived from tissue: rectum in animal: mouse, BALB/c. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2657 cell A immortal rat mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from mammary gland carcinoma which is induced by DMBA in the transgenic rat expressing human prototype c-Ha-ras gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2300 RMC-2 Derived from tissue: mammary gland in animal: rat, c-Ha-ras transgenic. Originator: Tsuda, Hiroyuki Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB2300 cell A immortal rat mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from mammary gland carcinoma which is induced by DMBA in the transgenic rat expressing human prototype c-Ha-ras gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2299 RMC-1 Derived from tissue: mammary gland in animal: rat, c-Ha-ras transgenic. Originator: Tsuda, Hiroyuki Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB2299 cell A immortal rat mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from mammary gland carcinoma which is induced by DMBA in the transgenic rat expressing human prototype c-Ha-ras gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2301 RMC-3 Derived from tissue: mammary gland in animal: rat, c-Ha-ras transgenic. Originator: Tsuda, Hiroyuki Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB2301 cell A immortal rat mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from mammary gland carcinoma which is induced by DMBA in the transgenic rat expressing human prototype c-Ha-ras gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2302 RMC-6 Derived from tissue: mammary gland in animal: rat, c-Ha-ras transgenic. Originator: Tsuda, Hiroyuki Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB2302 cell A immortal rat mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from mammary gland carcinoma which is induced by DMBA in the transgenic rat expressing human prototype c-Ha-ras gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2303 RMC-11 Derived from tissue: mammary gland in animal: rat, c-Ha-ras transgenic. Originator: Tsuda, Hiroyuki Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB2303 cell A immortal rat mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from mammary gland carcinoma which is induced by DMBA in the transgenic rat expressing human prototype c-Ha-ras gene. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2304 RMC-17 Derived from tissue: mammary gland in animal: rat, c-Ha-ras transgenic. Originator: Tsuda, Hiroyuki Register: Tsuda, Hiroyuki RCB2304 cell A immortal rat mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from mammary carcinoma. TKG0132(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MRMT-1 RCB2860 Derived from tissue: mammary gland in animal: rat, SD. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2860 cell A immortal rat mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Rat cell line derived from mammary carcinoma. TKG0565(Deposited from Tohoku Univ.). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2909 Walker256-TC Derived from tissue: mammary gland in animal: rat, Wistar. Register: Fukuda, Hiroshi RCB2909 cell A immortal mouse endothelial cell line cell that has the characteristics: Vascular endothelial cells derived from pituitary gland of temperature-sensitive T antigen transgenic mouse. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1692 Tpit/E Derived from tissue: anterior pituitary gland in animal: mouse, C57BL. Originator: Inoue, Kinji Register: Inoue, Kinji RCB1692 cell A immortal human adrenal cortex-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Fibroblasts from multiple endocrine neoplasia RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MEN1RGB RCB0410 Derived from tissue: adrenal cortex in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao & Kurita, Kaoru Register: Itakura, M. & Ohno, T. RCB0410 cell A immortal human adrenal cortex-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Fibroblasts from multiple endocrine neoplasia RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He MEN2RGB RCB0421 Derived from tissue: adrenal cortex in animal: human. Originator: Ohno, Tadao & Kurita, Kaoru Register: Ohno,T. & Itakura,M. RCB0421 cell A immortal human adrenal cortex-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Buck-up culture of ECA85051002. Mouse steroid hormone secreting adrenal cortex cell line. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB0533 Y1 Derived from tissue: adrenal cortex in animal: mouse. Register: ECACC RCB0533 cell LCL-1489 A immortal human mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Same as OCUB-1, OCUB-F. Chromosome = pseudotetraploid. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He ZN OCUB-M RCB0881 Derived from tissue: mammary gland, pleural fluid in animal: human. Originator: Sawada, Tetsuji Register: Sawada, Tetsuji RCB0881 cell CHEMBL: CHEMBL3308245 CVCL: CVCL_1621 Sanger: COSMIC ID:909256 A immortal human mammary gland-derived cell line cell that has the characteristics: Same as OCUB-1, OCUB-M. Chromosome = pseudodiploid RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OCUB-F RCB0882 Derived from tissue: mammary gland, pleural fluid in animal: human. Originator: Sawada, Tetsuji Register: Sawada, Tetsuji RCB0882 cell A immortal mink cell line cell that has the characteristics: Mink (RCB1833) cells transformed by Moloney murine sarcoma virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB1834 S+L-Mink Derived from tissue: lung in animal: mink. Register: Kubo, Yoshinao RCB1834 cell A immortal mink cell line cell that has the characteristics: Lung epithelial cell line derived from mink. Useful for focus forming assays for murine leukemia virus. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He Mink RCB1833 Derived from tissue: lung in animal: mink. Register: Kubo, Yoshinao RCB1833 cell A immortal medaka cell line cell that has the characteristics: Medaka cell line derived from HdrR strain. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He RCB2943 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: medaka. Originator: Mitani, Hiroshi Register: Mitani, Hiroshi RCB2943 cell A immortal medaka cell line cell that has the characteristics: Medaka cell line derived from HB32 strain. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OLCAB-e31 RCB2944 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: medaka. Originator: Mitani, Hiroshi Register: Mitani, Hiroshi RCB2944 cell A immortal medaka cell line cell that has the characteristics: Medaka cell line derived from HB32 strain. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OLCAB-e3 RCB2946 Derived from tissue: embryo in animal: medaka. Originator: Mitani, Hiroshi Register: Mitani, Hiroshi RCB2946 cell A immortal medaka cell line cell that has the characteristics: Medaka cell line derived from HNI strain. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OLHNI-2 RCB2942 Derived from tissue: caudal fin in animal: medaka. Originator: Mitani, Hiroshi Register: Mitani, Hiroshi RCB2942 cell A immortal medaka cell line cell that has the characteristics: H04C medaka hepatoma pretreated with MAM-acetate RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OLHE-131 RCB0187 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: medaka. Originator: Etoh, Hisami Register: Etoh, Hisami RCB0187 cell A immortal medaka cell line cell that has the characteristics: Medaka cell line derived from hepatoma cells. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He DIT29 RCB2945 Derived from tissue: liver in animal: medaka. Originator: Mitani, Hiroshi Register: Mitani, Hiroshi RCB2945 cell A immortal medaka cell line cell that has the characteristics: Fish (medaka) fin fibroblast. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OLF-136 RCB0184 Derived from tissue: fin in animal: medaka. Originator: Etoh, Hisami Register: Etoh, Hisami RCB0184 cell A immortal medaka cell line cell that has the characteristics: HB32C medaka treated with MNNG. From peritoneum. Amelanotic. Cell growth is slow. RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He OLME-104 RCB0188 Derived from tissue: melanoma in animal: medaka. Originator: Etoh, Hisami Register: Etoh, Hisami RCB0188 cell A immortal cell line cell that has the characteristics: Fibroblast-like cells derived from African Savannah Elephant. Primary cultured cells. Elephant cell lines require import and export permits according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). RIKEN Cell bank Team Yongqun He LACF-NaNaI RCB2319 Derived from tissue: gums in animal: African Savannah Elephant. Originator: Okui, Toyo Register: Fukui, Daisuke RCB2319 cell cell PMID:18089833.Cancer Res. 2007 Dec 15;67(24):12018-25. "...Epithelial cells were harvested from histologically confirmed adenocarcinomas .." A material entity of anatomical origin (part of or deriving from an organism) that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane. CALOHA:TS-2035 FMA:68646 GO:0005623 KUPO:0000002 VHOG:0001533 WBbt:0004017 XAO:0003012 cell The definition of cell is intended to represent all cells, and thus a cell is defined as a material entity and not an anatomical structure, which implies that it is part of an organism (or the entirety of one). cell cell type EFO_URI: primary cultured cell A cultured cell that is freshly isolated from a organismal source, or derives in culture from such a cell prior to the culture being passaged. primary cultured cell A cell that is found in a natural setting, which includes multicellular organism cells 'in vivo' (i.e. part of an organism), and unicellular organisms 'in environment' (i.e. part of a natural environment). CARO:0000013 cell in vivo cell To accommodate unicellular organisms better, 'cell in vivo' has been re-labeled 'native cell' to better represent its intended meaning - that is, that it is a cell in the context of a multicellular organism or in a natural environment. 'Native' is intended to contrast with 'in vitro', which refers to cells or other biological entities that have been intentionally placed in a controlled, non-natural setting for the purpose of study or manipulation. (MAH 1.12.12). native cell neuronal receptor cell (sensu Animalia) cell neuronal receptor cell A cell found in the embryo before the formation of all the gem layers is complete. cell early embryonic cell (metazoa) Cell that is part of the migratory cranial neural crest population. Migratory cranial neural crest cells develop from premigratory cranial neural crest cells and have undergone epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination. cell migratory cranial neural crest cell cultured cell A cell in vitro that is or has been maintained or propagated as part of a cell culture. cell Note that this class was re-labeled to 'cultured cell' instead of 'cell line cell', as it intent was clarified to cover any cultured cells of multicellular and unicellular organisms. This includes cells actively being cultured, or cells that have been cultured but are stored in a quiescent state for future use. In having been cultured, cells must establish homeostasis and often replicate in a foreign environment. Accomodation of this stress initiates a selection of cells fit for such challenges, wherein necessary adaptive biochemical and.or genetic changes can occur. These changes can set them apart from the in vivo cells from which they derive, and such changes will typically accumulate and change over increasing time in culture. cultured cell Male germ cell is a germ cell that supports male gamete production. FMA:72290 MA:0002765 VHOG:0001531 ncithesaurus:Spermatogenic_Cell cell male germ cell A male germ cell that develops from spermatogonia. The euploid primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis and give rise to the haploid secondary spermatocytes which in turn give rise to spermatids. BTO:0001275 CALOHA:TS-0951 EMAPA:31484 FBbt:00004936 FMA:84049 WBbt:0006799 cell spermatocyte A male germ cell that develops from the haploid secondary spermatocytes. Without further division, spermatids undergo structural changes and give rise to spermatozoa. BTO:0001274 CALOHA:TS-0950 EMAPA:31486 FBbt:00004942 FMA:72294 WBbt:0006800 nematoblast cell spermatid A mature male germ cell that develops from a spermatid. BTO:0001277 BTO:0002046 CALOHA:TS-0949 FBbt:00004954 FMA:67338 WBbt:0006798 sperm cell spermatozoid spermatozoon cell sperm An euploid male germ cell of an early stage of spermatogenesis. BTO:0000958 CALOHA:TS-2193 EMAPA:31482 FBbt:00004935 FMA:72291 spermatogonial cell cell spermatogonium Female germ cell is a germ cell that supports female gamete production. MA:0000388 VHOG:0001530 ncithesaurus:Egg cell female germ cell A female germ cell that has entered meiosis. BTO:0000964 CALOHA:TS-0711 FBbt:00004886 FMA:18644 WBbt:0006797 cell oogonium oocyte A female gamete where meiosis has progressed to metaphase II and is able to participate in fertilization. BTO:0000369 BTO:0003801 CALOHA:TS-2191 FBbt:00057012 FMA:67343 MA:0000388 mature oocyte ovum cell egg cell FBbt:00005145 cell glioblast A cell that will develop into a neuron often after a migration phase. CL:0000337 BTO:0000930 FMA:70563 neuroblast cell neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) A relatively undifferentiated cell that retains the ability to divide and proliferate throughout life to provide progenitor cells that can differentiate into specialized cells. CALOHA:TS-2086 FMA:63368 animal stem cell cell This term applies to metazoan. For plant stem cells, consider using PO:0004011 ‘initial cell’ or its parent PO:0004010 ‘meristematic cell’. stem cell A stem cell that self-renews as well as give rise to a single mature cell type. FMA:70569 unipotent stem cell unipotential stem cell cell single fate stem cell epithelial stem cell cell epithelial fate stem cell A stem cell from which all cells of the lymphoid and myeloid lineages develop, including blood cells and cells of the immune system. Hematopoietic stem cells lack cell markers of effector cells (lin-negative). Lin-negative is defined by lacking one or more of the following cell surface markers: CD2, CD3 epsilon, CD4, CD5 ,CD8 alpha chain, CD11b, CD14, CD19, CD20, CD56, ly6G, ter119. BTO:0000725 CALOHA:TS-0448 FMA:70337 FMA:86475 VHOG:0001485 HSC blood forming stem cell hemopoietic stem cell cell colony forming unit hematopoietic Markers differ between species, and two sets of markers have been described for mice. HSCs are reportedly CD34-positive, CD45-positive, CD48-negative, CD150-positive, CD133-positive, and CD244-negative. hematopoietic stem cell A progenitor cell committed to the erythroid lineage. BTO:0004911 cell BFU-E CFU-E blast forming unit erythroid burst forming unit erythroid colony forming unit erythroid erythroid stem cell erythroid progenitor cell A cell that is within the developmental lineage of gametes and is able to pass along its genetic material to offspring. cell Originally this term had some plant germ line cell children. germ line cell A myeloid progenitor cell committed to the monocyte lineage. This cell is CD11b-positive, has basophilic cytoplasm, euchromatin, and the presence of a nucleolus. CALOHA:TS-1195 FMA:83553 cell CFU-M colony forming unit macrophage colony forming unit monocyte monocyte stem cell Morphology: mononuclear cell, diameter 12-20 _M, non-granular, N/C ratio 3/1 - 4/1; markers: CD11b (shared with many other myeloid cells); location: Adult: bone marrow; fetal: liver, Yolk Sac; role or process: hematopoiesis, monocyte development; lineage: hematopoietic, myeloid. monoblast Neural stem cell is characterized as an undifferentiated cell that originates from the neuroectoderm and has the capacity both to perpetually self-renew without differentiating and to generate multiple types of lineage-restricted progenitors. BTO:0002881 CALOHA:TS-2360 FMA:86684 NSC neural stem cell cell neuronal stem cell A stem cell that can give rise to multiple lineages of cells. FMA:84789 multi-fate stem cell multifate stem cell multipotent cell multipotent stem cell cell multi fate stem cell A progenitor cell committed to myeloid lineage, including the megakaryocyte and erythroid lineages. BTO:0004730 CMP common myeloid precursor cell CFU-GEMM CFU-S colony forming unit granulocyte, erythrocyte, macrophage, and megakaryocyte multipotential myeloid stem cell myeloid stem cell pluripotent stem cell (bone marrow) This cell type is intended to be compatible with any vertebrate common myeloid progenitor. For mammalian CMP known to be CD34-positive, please use the term 'common myeloid progenitor, CD34-positive' (CL_0001059). common myeloid progenitor A progenitor cell committed to the megakaryocyte and erythroid lineages. CFU-EM CFU-MegE MEP Meg/E progenitor colony forming unit erythroid megakaryocyte megakaryocyte/erythrocyte progenitor megakaryocyte/erythroid progenitor cell cell MEPs are reportedly CD19-negative, CD34-negative, CD45RA-negative, CD110-positive, CD117-positive, and SCA1-negative and reportedly express the transcription factors GATA-1 and NF-E2. megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell A oligopotent progenitor cell committed to the lymphoid lineage. CL:0000044 CLP common lymphocyte precursor common lymphocyte progenitor common lymphoid precursor cell ELP committed lymphopoietic stem cell early lymphocyte progenitor lymphoid stem cell lymphopoietic stem cell CLP are CD7-positive, CD10-positive, CD19-negative, CD34-positive, CD45RA-positive, CD79a-negative, CD127-positive, AA4.1-positive, RAG-negative, Sca-1-low, sIgM-negative, sIgD-negative, TdT-negative, Vpre-B-negative, and pre-BCR-negative. Expression of transcription factors include E2A-positive, EBF-positive, Ikaros-negative, PU.1-negative, and Pax5-negative. common lymphoid progenitor A stem cell from which all cells of the body can form. FMA:84790 totipotential stem cell cell totipotent stem cell A precursor cell with a limited number of potential fates. BTO:0000125 FMA:84782 blast cell cell define using PATO mulit-potent or oligopotent? non-terminally differentiated cell A cell that is commited to differentiating into a muscle cell. Embryonic myoblasts develop from the mesoderm. They undergo proliferation, migrate to their various sites, and then differentiate into the appropriate form of myocytes. Myoblasts also occur as transient populations of cells in muscles undergoing repair. BTO:0000222 CALOHA:TS-0650 FBbt:00005083 FMA:70335 VHOG:0001529 cell myoblast A connective tissue cell which secretes an extracellular matrix rich in collagen and other macromolecules. Flattened and irregular in outline with branching processes; appear fusiform or spindle-shaped. James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak mouse embryonic fibroblast primary dermal fibroblast BTO:0000452 CL:0000057 NIFSTD:nlx_cell_20090201 BTO:0000452 CALOHA:TS-0362 FMA:63877 VHOG:0001482 cell A connective tissue cell which secretes an extracellular matrix rich in collagen and other macromolecules. A connective-tissue cell of mesenchymal origin that secretes proteins and especially molecular collagen from which the extracellular fibrillar matrix of connective tissue forms. A large, flat, oval cell found in connective tissue and responsible for the formation of fibers. These cells may be vimentin-positive, fibronectin-positive, fsp1-positive, MMP-1-positive, collagen I-positive, collagen III-positive, and alpha-SMA-negative. fibroblast EFO_URI: URI: Skeletogenic cell that secretes osteoid, is capable of producing mineralized (hydroxyapatite) matrix, is located adjacent to or within osteoid tissue, and arises from the transformation of a preosteoblast cell. BTO:0001593 CALOHA:TS-0720 FMA:66780 cell non-encoded relationships from VSAO - capable_of_producing VSAO:0000020 osteoblast A cell that has a filiform extrusion of the cell surface. VHOG:0001532 XAO:0000031 cell ciliated cell A cell that is usually found in a two-dimensional sheet with a free surface. The cell has a cytoskeleton that allows for tight cell to cell contact and for cell polarity where apical part is directed towards the lumen and the basal part to the basal lamina. James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak epithelial BTO:0000414 CL:0000066 NIFSTD:sao441624014 BTO:0000414 CALOHA:TS-2026 CARO:0000077 FBbt:00000124 FMA:66768 WBbt:0003672 epitheliocyte cell A cell that is usually found in a two-dimensional sheet with a free surface. Cell that cover the surface of the body and line its cavities. Cell that line the inner and outer surfaces of the body by forming cellular layers (epithelium) or masses (MSH). epithelial cell EFO_URI: URI: An epithelial cell that has a cilia. FMA:70605 cell ciliated epithelial cell An epithelial cell that is part of a duct. cell duct epithelial cell cell branched duct epithelial cell An endothelial cell that lines the vasculature. cuboidal endothelial cell of vascular tree cell blood vessel endothelial cell A columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell is a cell usually found in a two dimensional sheet with a free surface. Columnar/cuboidal epithelial cells take on the shape of a column or cube. cell columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell CALOHA:TS-1249 cell squamous epithelial cell A flattened epithelial cell of mesenchymal origin that lines the serous cavity. FMA:66773 mesotheliocyte cell mesothelial cell cell stratified epithelial cell A cell which moves among different tissues of the body, via blood, lymph, or other medium. cell circulating cell A cell found predominately in the blood. FMA:62844 cell blood cell An epithelial cell of the lung. BTO:0004299 lung epithelial cell cell epithelial cell of lung An epithelial cell of the pancreas. BTO:0000028 pancreas epithelial cell pancreatic epithelial cell cell epithelial cell of pancreas A type of lymphocyte whose defining characteristic is the expression of a T cell receptor complex. CL:0000804 CL:0000812 BTO:0000782 CALOHA:TS-1001 FMA:62870 VHOG:0001479 T lymphocyte T-cell T-lymphocyte cell immature T cell mature T cell T cell A specialized phagocytic cell associated with the absorption and removal of the mineralized matrix of bone tissue, which typically differentiates from monocytes. This cell has the following markers: tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase type 5-positive, PU.1-positive, c-fos-positive, nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p100 subunit-positive, tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11A-positive and macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor-positive. BTO:0000968 CALOHA:TS-0721 FMA:66781 cell chondroclast Morphology: Highly vesicular; markers: Surface: RANK, cFMS (MCSF receptor); Secreted: cathepsin K and TRAP (tartate resistant acid phosphatase); transcription factors: PU.1, cFOS, MITF, NFkB (p52); role or process: tissue remodelling: bone resorption; lineage: hematopoietic, myeloid. osteoclast A leukocyte with abundant granules in the cytoplasm. BTO:0000539 BTO:0001026 CALOHA:TS-0422 FMA:62854 granular leucocyte granular leukocyte polymorphonuclear leukocyte cell granulocyte cell neuron associated cell A cell that is found in almost all tissues containing numerous basophilic granules and capable of releasing large amounts of histamine and heparin upon activation. Progenitors leave bone marrow and mature in connective and mucosal tissue. Mature mast cells are found in all tissues, except the bloodstream. Their phenotype is CD117-high, CD123-negative, CD193-positive, CD200R3-positive, and FceRI-high. Stem-cell factor (KIT-ligand; SCF) is the main controlling signal of their survival and development. BTO:0000830 CALOHA:TS-0603 FMA:66784 histaminocyte labrocyte mastocyte cell tissue basophil Mast cells are generally integrin beta-7-negative and positive for TLR2, TLR3, TLR4, TLR5, TLR7, TLR9, C3aR, C5aR, CR3, CR4, VEGF, FGF2, and renin. They can express MHC Class I and II on their surface. Activated murine mast cells (IgE+Antigen) were capable of expressing the following co-stimulatory molecules: CD95 (Fas), CD120b, CD137 (4-1BB), CD153 (CD30L), CD154 (CD40L), GITR, ICOSL, OX40L, PD-L1, and PD-L2. Note that there was some mouse strain variation. Mast cells have also been demonstrated to produce bFGF, CCL2, CCL4, CCL5, CCL11, CCL20, CXCL2, CXCL8, CXCL10, GM-CSF, IFN-gamma, IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-8, IL-10, IL-11, IL-12, IL-13, IL-16, IL-25, IL-18, MIP-1, prostaglandin D2, SCF, TGF-beta, TNF-alpha, TSLP, VEGF, and XCL1. They express the transcription factors Transcription factors AP-1, GATA1, MITF, Notch2, PIAS3, PU.1, and STAT5. mast cell Most generally any neuron which is not motor or sensory. Interneurons may also refer to neurons whose axons remain within a particular brain region as contrasted with projection neurons which have axons projecting to other brain regions. BTO:0003811 FBbt:00005125 FMA:67313 WBbt:0005113 cell interneuron An efferent neuron that passes from the central nervous system or a ganglion toward or to a muscle and conducts an impulse that causes or inhibits movement. BTO:0000312 FMA:83617 WBbt:0005409 motoneuron cell motor neuron Any neuron having a sensory function; an afferent neuron conveying sensory impulses. BTO:0001037 FBbt:00005124 FMA:84649 WBbt:0005759 cell sensory neuron A type of interneuron that has two neurites, usually an axon and a dendrite, extending from opposite poles of an ovoid cell body. FMA:67282 cell bipolar neuron A neuron with three or more neurites, usually an axon and multiple dendrites. FMA:67287 cell multipolar neuron A neuron that is part of nerve found outside the central nervous system. FMA:84664 cell peripheral neuron A vertebrate phagocyte with a single nucleus. BTO:0001433 cell mononuclear phagocyte FMA:72552 cell of surface ectoderm surface ectoderm cell cell surface ectodermal cell An endothelial cell comprises the outermost layer or lining of anatomical structures and can be squamous or cuboidal. In mammals, endothelial cell has vimentin filaments and is derived from the mesoderm. James Malone BTO:0001176 CL:0000115 BTO:0001176 CALOHA:TS-0278 FMA:66772 endotheliocyte cell From FMA: 9.07.2001: Endothelial cell has always been classified as a kind of epithelial cell, specifically a squamous cell but that is not true. First, endothelial cell can either be squamous or cuboidal (e.g. high-endothelial cell) and secondly, it has different embryological derivation (mesodermal) than a true epithelial cell (ectodermal and endodermal). The basis for present classification is the fact that it comprises the outermost layer or lining of anatomical structures (location-based) but a better structural basis for the differentia is the cytoskeleton of the cell. Endothelial cell has vimentin filaments while an epithelial cell has keratin filaments. [Onard]. The main type of cell found in the inside lining of blood vessels, lymph vessels, and the heart. endothelial cell EFO_URI: URI: cell CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) A neuron that has dendritic processes radiating from the cell body forming a star-like shape. BTO:0002316 cell stellate neuron cell neuron associated cell (sensu Vertebrata) A non-neuronal cell of the nervous system. They not only provide physical support, but also respond to injury, regulate the ionic and chemical composition of the extracellular milieu. Guide neuronal migration during development, and exchange metabolites with neurons. BTO:0002606 CALOHA:TS-0415 FMA:54536 neuroglial cell cell neuroglia glial cell A neuroglial cell of ectodermal origin, i.e., the astrocytes and oligodendrocytes considered together. BTO:0000771 CALOHA:TS-2027 FMA:54538 macrogliocyte cell macroglial cell A class of large neuroglial (macroglial) cells in the central nervous system - the largest and most numerous neuroglial cells in the brain and spinal cord. Astrocytes (from 'star' cells) are irregularly shaped with many long processes, including those with 'end feet' which form the glial (limiting) membrane and directly and indirectly contribute to the blood-brain barrier. They regulate the extracellular ionic and chemical environment, and 'reactive astrocytes' (along with microglia) respond to injury. BTO:0000099 CALOHA:TS-0060 FMA:54537 astrocytic glia cell Astrocytes are reportedly CD68-negative, CD121a-positive, CD184-positive, CD192-positive, CRF-positive, EGFR-positive, GFAP-positive, GLUT1-positive, MBP-negative, and NGFR-positive. astrocyte A central nervous system macrophage found in the parenchyma of the central nervous system. Marker include CD11b-positive, F4/80-positive, and CD68-positive. brain macrophage BTO:0000078 BTO:0000962 FMA:54539 FMA:54540 brain-resident macrophage hortega cells microglia microgliocyte cell MF.microglia.CNS Markers: Mouse: CD11b+, F4/80+, CD68+. They represent ~12% of the cells in the CNS, but they are not uniformly distributed within the CNS. A normal adult mouse brain has approximately 3.5x10e6 microglia. Microglia are also reportedly CD3-negative, CD4-positive, CD8-negative, CD11b-positive, CD11c-high, CD14-negative, CD19-negative, CD45-low, CD56-negative, CD163-negative, CD200R-positive, CD281-positive, CD282-positive, CD283-positive, CD284-positive, CD285-positive, CD286-positive, CD287-positive, CD288-positive, CD289-positive, Gr1-negative, nestin-positive, and PU.1-positive. microglial cell Ectoderm destined to be nervous tissue. neurectoderm cell cell neurectodermal cell A connective tissue cell that normally gives rise to other cells that are organized as three-dimensional masses. In humans, this cell type is CD73-positive, CD90-positive, CD105-positive, CD45-negative, CD34-negative, and MHCII-negative. They may further differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes, myocytes, neurons, or chondroblasts in vitro. Originally described as residing in the bone marrow, this cell type is now known to reside in many, if not all, adult organs. CL:0002452 BTO:0002625 BTO:0003298 FMA:70546 BMSC bone marrow stromal cells colony-forming unit-fibroblast marrow stromal cells cell CFU-F MSC mesenchymal precursor cell mesenchymal progenitor cells mesenchymal stem cell mesenchymal stromal cell mesenchymal stromal cells stem cells, mesenchymal Many but not all mesenchymal cells derive from the mesoderm. MSCs are reportedly CD3-negative, CD4-negative, CD5-negative, CD8-negative, CD11a-negative, CD11b-negative, CD14-negative, CD19-negative, CD29-positive, CD31-negative, CD34-negative, CD38-negative, CD40-negative, CD44-positive, CD45-negative, CD49-positive, CD54-positive, CD66b-negative, CD79a-negative, CD80-negative, CD102-positive, CD106-positive, CD117-positive, CD121a-positive, CD121b-positive, CD123-positive, CD124-positive, CD133-negative, CD146-positive, CD166-positive, CD271-positive, B220-negative, Gr1-negative, MHCI-positive, MHCII-negative, SSEA4-negative, sca1-positive, Ter119-negative, and glycophorin A-negative. Cultured MSCs are capable of producing stem cell factor, IL7, IL8, IL11, TGF-beta, cofilin, galectin-1, laminin-receptor 1, cyclophilin A, and MMP-2. mesenchymal stem cell A fat-storing cell found mostly in the abdominal cavity and subcutaneous tissue of mammals. Fat is usually stored in the form of triglycerides. CL:0000450 BTO:0000443 CALOHA:TS-0012 FMA:63880 adipocyte adipose cell cell fat cell A cell capable of processing and presenting lipid and protein antigens to T cells in order to initiate an immune response. APC cell Note change of name; nearly all somatic cells can present antigens to T cells via MHC Class I complexes leading to effector responses, but professional antigen presenting cells constitutively express MHC Class II as well as costimulatory molecules, and thus can initiate immune responses via T cells. professional antigen presenting cell A pigment cell is a cell that contains pigment granules. VHOG:0001678 chromatocyte chromatophore cell pigment cell A pigment cell derived from the neural crest. Contains melanin-filled pigment granules, which gives a brown to black appearance. CL:0000572 BTO:0000847 CALOHA:TS-0613 FMA:70545 VHOG:0001679 melanophore cell melanocyte pigment cell cell visual pigment cell A specialized epithelial cell that is capable of synthesizing and secreting certain biomolecules. CALOHA:TS-2085 FMA:86494 cell glandular epithelial cell A cell that specializes in controlled release of one or more substances. BTO:0003659 FMA:86916 cell secretory cell A cell of an exocrine gland; i.e. a gland that discharges its secretion via a duct. FMA:16014 cell exocrine cell cell protein secreting cell cell seromucus secreting cell cell acid secreting cell A large, oval stomach epithelial cell with a central nucleus; source of gastric acid. Secretes HCl. BTO:0001780 FMA:62901 oxyntic cell cell parietal cell A cell of an endocrine gland, ductless glands that secrete substances which are released directly into the circulation and which influence metabolism and other body functions. FMA:83809 endocrinocyte cell endocrine cell An endocrine cell that is located in the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract or in the pancreas. BTO:0003865 FMA:62930 cell enteroendocrine cell An endocrine cell that has the specialized function to produce and secrete hormones in response to neuronal signals. BTO:0002691 FMA:83810 neurosecretory cell cell neuroendocrine cell A cell that stores epinephrine secretory vesicles. During times of stress, the nervous system signals the vesicles to secrete their hormonal content. Their name derives from their ability to stain a brownish color with chromic salts. Characteristically, they are located in the adrenal medulla and paraganglia of the sympathetic nervous system. BTO:0000259 FMA:69263 phaeochromocyte cell chromaffin cell cell peptide hormone secreting cell BTO:0000783 cell insulin secreting cell A cell that secretes glucagon. FMA:84045 glucagon-secreting cell cell glucagon secreting cell cell somatostatin secreting cell cell testosterone secreting cell A Leydig cell is a testosterone-secreting cell in the interstitial area, between the seminiferous tubules, in the testis. interstitial cell BTO:0000755 CALOHA:TS-1150 EMAPA:29655 FMA:72297 interstitial cell of Leydig cell Note that the Amphibian Anatomy Ontology (AA) has a class 'leydig cells' but this is unrelated Leydig cell The main structural component of the liver. They are specialized epithelial cells that are organized into interconnected plates called lobules. Majority of cell population of liver, polygonal in shape, arranged in plates or trabeculae between sinusoids; may have single nucleus or binucleated. BTO:0000575 CALOHA:TS-0454 FMA:14515 cell Hepatocytes are reportedly MHC Class I-positive and MHC Class II-positive. hepatocyte A cell whose primary function is to shorten. cell contractile cell An animal cell that has characteristics of both a fibroblast cell and a smooth muscle cell. MFB cell Myofibroblasts are alpha-SMA-positive, CD34-negative, CD45-negative. They are reportedly capable of secreting IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha. myofibroblast cell A mature contractile cell, commonly known as a myocyte. This cell has as part of its cytoplasm myofibrils organized in various patterns. BTO:0000888 BTO:0000902 CALOHA:TS-2032 FBbt:00005074 FMA:67328 WBbt:0003675 muscle fiber myocyte cell muscle cell A somatic cell located in skeletal muscle. BTO:0004392 CALOHA:TS-2158 FMA:9727 skeletal muscle cell cell cell of skeletal muscle A non-striated, elongated, spindle-shaped cell found lining the digestive tract, uterus, and blood vessels. They develop from specialized myoblasts (smooth muscle myoblast). CL:0000191 non-striated muscle cell BTO:0004576 CALOHA:TS-2159 FMA:14072 SMCs myocytes, smooth muscle smooth muscle fiber cell smooth muscle cell A cell that is capable of detection of a stimulus involved in sensory perception. receptor cell cell sensory receptor cell A cell specialized to detect and transduce light. BTO:0001060 CALOHA:TS-0868 FBbt:00004211 FMA:86740 cell photoreceptor cell A cell whose function is determined by the generation or the reception of an electric signal. cell electrically active cell A cell within an epithelial cell sheet whose main function is to act as an internal or external covering for a tissue or an organism. boundary cell cell lining cell A cell located in the synovial joint. CALOHA:TS-0995 synoviocyte cell synovial cell A cell whose primary function is to prevent the transport of stuff across compartments. cell barrier cell A supporting cell projecting inward from the basement membrane of seminiferous tubules. They surround and nourish the developing male germ cells and secrete androgen binding protein. Their tight junctions with the spermatogonia and spermatocytes provide a blood-testis barrier. BTO:0001238 CALOHA:TS-0922 FMA:72298 VHOG:0001348 cell Sertoli cell cell insulating cell A neuroglial cell of the peripheral nervous system which forms the insulating myelin sheaths of peripheral axons. Schwann cell peripheral neuroglial cell CALOHA:TS-0898 FMA:62121 neurilemmal cell cell myelinating Schwann cell A cell that moves by its own activities. cell motile cell A cell of the outer of the three germ layers of the embryo. FMA:72549 ectoderm cell cell ectodermal cell A cell of the middle germ layer of the embryo. FMA:72554 mesoblast mesoderm cell cell mesodermal cell A cell of the inner of the three germ layers of the embryo. FMA:72555 endoderm cell cell endodermal cell A cell with a single nucleus. cell single nucleate cell A cell with more than one nucleus. AEO:0000203 WBbt:0008074 syncitium syncytial cell syncytium cell multinucleate cell A red blood cell. In mammals, mature erythrocytes are biconcave disks containing hemoglobin whose function is to transport oxygen. James Malone RBC red blood cell red blood corpuscle BTO:0000424 CL:0000232 BTO:0000424 CALOHA:TS-0290 FMA:81100 RBC red blood cell cell A red blood cell. In mammals, mature erythrocytes are non-nucleated, biconcave disks containing hemoglobin whose function is to transport oxygen. Any of the hemoglobin-containing cells that carry oxygen to the tissues and are responsible for the red color of vertebrate blood. erythrocyte EFO_URI: URI: Any cell capable of ingesting particulate matter via phagocytosis. BTO:0001044 FMA:83806 cell phagocyte A mononuclear phagocyte present in variety of tissues, typically differentiated from monocytes, capable of phagocytosing a variety of extracellular particulate material, including immune complexes, microorganisms, and dead cells. BTO:0000801 CALOHA:TS-0587 FMA:63261 FMA:83585 histiocyte cell Morphology: Diameter 30_M-80 _M, abundant cytoplasm, low N/C ratio, eccentric nucleus. Irregular shape with pseudopods, highly adhesive. Contain vacuoles and phagosomes, may contain azurophilic granules; markers: Mouse & Human: CD68, in most cases CD11b. Mouse: in most cases F4/80+; role or process: immune, antigen presentation, & tissue remodelling; lineage: hematopoietic, myeloid. macrophage A lymphocyte of B lineage that is capable of B cell mediated immunity. James Malone B Cells B Lymphocytes B-Lymphocyte Bursa-Dependent Lymphocytes Bursa-Equivalent Lymphocyte CL:0000236 NCIt:C12474 BTO:0000776 CALOHA:TS-0068 FMA:62869 VHOG:0001480 B lymphocyte B-cell B-lymphocyte cell A lymphocyte of B lineage with the phenotype CD19-positive and surface immunoglobulin-positive. Immunologically important lymphocyte that is not thymus-dependent, is either short-lived and naive or long-lived and of memory phenotype, and resembles the bursa-derived lymphocyte of birds in that it is responsible for the production of immunoglobulins. B cell EFO_URI: cell keratinizing barrier epithelial cell cell stratified squamous epithelial cell cell eukaryotic cell DDANAT:0000403 obsolete aggregate cell true DDANAT:0000404 obsolete anterior like cell true cell eye photoreceptor cell A cell whose primary function is to provide structural support, to provide strength and physical integrity to the organism. cell structural cell A peptide hormone secreting cell that produces growth hormone, somatotropin. CL:0000471 growth hormone secreting cell somatotrophin secreting cell cell somatotropin secreting cell A mature sexual reproductive cell having a single set of unpaired chromosomes. CALOHA:TS-0395 FBbt:00005412 FMA:18649 haploid nucleated cell cell haploid germ cell gamete cell keratin accumulating cell An epidermal cell which synthesizes keratin and undergoes a characteristic change as it moves upward from the basal layers of the epidermis to the cornified (horny) layer of the skin. Successive stages of differentiation of the keratinocytes forming the epidermal layers are basal cell, spinous or prickle cell, and the granular cell. James Malone malpighian cell BTO:0000667 CL:0000312 CL:0002185 BTO:0000667 CALOHA:TS-0500 FMA:62879 keratinized cell of epidermis malpighian cell cell An epidermal cell which synthesizes keratin and undergoes a characteristic change as it moves upward from the basal layers of the epidermis to the cornified (horny) layer of the skin. Successive stages of differentiation of the keratinocytes forming the epidermal layers are basal cell, spinous or prickle cell, and the granular cell. Keratinocytes are reportedly CDw210a-negative, CDw210b-positive, CD281-positive, CD282-positive, CD285-positive, IL22Ra1-positive, Human keratinocytes are reportedly capable of secreting BD-2, BD-3, hCAP-18, CXCL1, CXCL5, CXCL8, elafin, MMP-3, NGAL, PDGF-A, S100A7, S100A8, and S100A9. Transcription factors: STAT3-positive. Skin cell, of the keratinized layer of epidermis: its characteristic intermediate filament protein is cytokeratin. keratinocyte EFO_URI: URI: Columnar glandular cell with irregular nucleus, copious granular endoplasmic reticulum and supranuclear granules. Secretes a watery fluid containing proteins known as serous fluid. BTO:0003687 FMA:62511 serous cell cell serous secreting cell BTO:0003689 mucous cell cell mucus secreting cell A cell that is specialised to accumulate a particular substance(s). cell stuff accumulating cell cell extracellular matrix secreting cell cell myelin accumulating cell cell oxygen accumulating cell A cell derived from the specialized ectoderm flanking each side of the embryonic neural plate, which after the closure of the neural tube, forms masses of cells that migrate out from the dorsal aspect of the neural tube to spread throughout the body. FMA:86667 cell migratory neural crest cell A mesenchymal cell in embryonic development found in a contracting mass and that gives rise to osteoprogenitors. cell mesenchyme condensation cell An early neural cell developing from the early ependymal cell of the neural tube. FMA:70564 spongioblast cell glioblast (sensu Vertebrata) A cell of the sclera of the eye. cell scleral cell cell extraembryonic cell A cell lining the outside of the blastocyst. After binding to the endometrium, trophoblast cells develop into two distinct layers, an inner layer of mononuclear cytotrophoblast cells and an outer layer of continuous multinuclear cytoplasm, the syncytiotrophoblast cells, which form the early fetal-maternal interface. FMA:83028 trophoblastic cell cell trophoblast cell A cell of the outer layer of a blastula that gives rise to the ectoderm after gastrulation. cell epiblast cell An undifferentiated cell produced by early cleavages of the fertilized egg (zygote). BTO:0001473 FMA:72551 blastomere cell blastoderm cell A multifate stem cell found in skeletal muscle than can differentiate into many different cell types, including muscle. Distinct cell type from satellite cell. FMA:86767 cell Multi-potency demonstrated ex vivo. At the time of writing, it is unclear whether the endogenous population differentiates into multiple cell types in vivo. multi-potent skeletal muscle stem cell cell stratified epithelial stem cell An epithelial cell of the integument (the outer layer of an organism). CL:1000396 BTO:0001470 CALOHA:TS-0283 FMA:62411 cell of epidermis epithelial cell of skin cell epidermal cell Diploid cell produced by the fusion of sperm cell nucleus and egg cell. zygote BTO:0000854 EHDAA2:0004546 FMA:72395 cell animal zygote FBbt:00005062 cell prohemocyte (sensu Nematoda and Protostomia) FBbt:00005063 cell hemocyte (sensu Arthropoda) cell blood cell (sensu Nematoda and Protostomia) A cell whose function is determined by its response to an electric signal. cell electrically responsive cell FBbt:00001691 cell polygonal cell cell CNS interneuron A cell that initiates an electrical signal and passes that signal to another cell. cell electrically signaling cell BTO:0001277 CALOHA:TS-0949 cell male gamete A cell whose nucleus, or nuclei, each contain more than two haploid genomes. cell polyploid cell A cell whose nucleus contains a single haploid genome. cell haploid cell cell endopolyploid cell A cell involved in the elimination of metabolic and foreign toxins, and in maintaining the ionic, acid-base and water balance of biological fluids. WBbt:0005812 cell excretory cell A peptide hormone secreting cell pituitary that produces luteinizing hormone. cell luteinizing hormone secreting cell A peptide hormone cell that secretes prolactin. cell prolactin secreting cell A cell of the intermediate pituitary that produces melanocyte stimulating hormone. BTO:0002277 melanotrope melanotroph cell melanocyte stimulating hormone secreting cell A cell of hematopoietic origin, typically resident in particular tissues, specialized in the uptake, processing, and transport of antigens to lymph nodes for the purpose of stimulating an immune response via T cell activation. These cells are lineage negative (CD3-negative, CD19-negative, CD34-negative, and CD56-negative). BTO:0002042 CALOHA:TS-0194 FMA:83036 cell interdigitating cell veiled cell dendritic cell Langerhans cell is a conventional dendritic cell that has plasma membrane part CD207. A Langerhans cell is a stellate dendritic cell of myeloid origin, that appears clear on light microscopy and has a dark-staining, indented nucleus and characteristic inclusions (Birbeck granules) in the cytoplasm; Langerhans cells are found principally in the stratum spinosum of the epidermis, but they also occur in other stratified epithelia and have been identified in the lung, lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus. BTO:0000705 CALOHA:TS-2375 FMA:63072 LC Langerhans' cell cell Originally described in the dendritic cell ontology (DC_CL:0000021 )(PMID:19243617). These cells are also CD1a-high, CD14-negative, CD207-positive (langerin), CD324-positive (E-cadherin), and DCIR-positive. They reside in the epidermis. Langerhans cell cell biogenic amine secreting cell A peptide hormone secreting cell that produces adrenocorticotropin, or corticotropin. CL:0000640 ACTH secreting cell adrenocorticotrophic hormone secreting cell corticotrophin hormone secreting cell corticotropin hormone secreting cell corticotropin secreting cell cell adrenocorticotropic hormone secreting cell A cell whose primary function is to protect the organism. cell defensive cell A basophil cell of the anterior pituitary that produces thyroid stimulating hormone, thyrotrophin. This cell type is elongated, polygonal and lie in clusters towards the adenohypophyseal center. FMA:83099 beta-basophil thyroid stimulating hormone secreting cell thyrotrope cell thyrotroph A connective tissue cell of an organ found in the loose connective tissue. These are most often associated with the uterine mucosa and the ovary as well as the hematopoietic system and elsewhere. BTO:0002064 FMA:83624 cell stromal cell A cell found throughout the gastrointestinal tract and in the pancreas. They secrete somatostatin in both an endocrine and paracrine manner. Somatostatin inhibits gastrin, cholecystokinin, insulin, glucagon, pancreatic enzymes, and gastric hydrochloric acid. A variety of substances which inhibit gastric acid secretion (vasoactive intestinal peptide, calcitonin gene-related peptide, cholecystokinin, beta-adrenergic agonists, and gastric inhibitory peptide) are thought to act by releasing somatostatin. FMA:62935 D cell cell type D enteroendocrine cell An endorphine cell that secretes enkephalin. cell enkephalin secreting cell A peptide hormone secreting cell that secretes endorphin. cell endorphin secreting cell An endocrine cell found in the pyloric gland mucosa (antral mucosa) of the stomach of mammals and responsible for the secretion of gastrin and enkephalin. Most abundant in pyloric antrum, pyramidal in form with a narrow apex bearing long microvilli. BTO:0004108 FMA:67609 G cell cell type G enteroendocrine cell A peptide hormone secreting cell that secretes gastrin. cell gastrin secreting cell A peptide hormone secreting cell that secretes androgen binding protein. cell androgen binding protein secreting cell A precursor cell destined to differentiate into cardiac muscle cell. CL:0000714 FMA:84797 cardiac muscle progenitor cell cardiomyocyte progenitor cell cell cardiac muscle myoblast A precursor cell destined to differentiate into smooth muscle myocytes. FMA:84798 myoblast, smooth muscle cell satellite cell smooth muscle myoblast A myoblast that differentiates into skeletal muscle fibers. FMA:84799 skeletal myoblast cell skeletal muscle myoblast A phagocyte in vertebrates that is able to phagocytosis. cell phagocyte (sensu Vertebrata) A phagocyte from organisms in the Nematoda or Protostomia clades. cell phagocyte (sensu Nematoda and Protostomia) A neuron which conveys sensory information centrally from the periphery. FMA:87653 input neuron cell afferent neuron A neuron which sends impulses peripherally to activate muscles or secretory cells. output neuron cell efferent neuron cell pigmented epithelial cell cell primary neuron The basic cellular unit of nervous tissue. Each neuron consists of a body, an axon, and dendrites. Their purpose is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the nervous system. BTO:0000938 CALOHA:TS-0683 FBbt:00005106 FMA:54527 VHOG:0001483 WBbt:0003679 nerve cell cell These cells are also reportedly CD4-negative and CD200-positive. They are also capable of producing CD40L and IFN-gamma. neuron A cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into a pigment cell. BTO:0003217 FMA:83377 cell Derived from UBERON:0002342 neural crest. melanoblast A lymphocyte is a leukocyte commonly found in the blood and lymph that has the characteristics of a large nucleus, a neutral staining cytoplasm, and prominent heterochromatin. BTO:0000775 CALOHA:TS-0583 FMA:62863 VHOG:0001535 cell Editors note: consider adding taxon constraint to vertebrata (PMID:18025161) lymphocyte An immature, nucleated erythrocyte occupying the stage of erythropoeisis that follows formation of erythroid progenitor cells. This cell is CD71-positive, has both a nucleus and a nucleolus, and lacks hematopoeitic lineage markers. FMA:83518 rubriblast cell pronormoblast proerythroblast cell animal cell A nucleated immature erythrocyte, having cytoplasm generally similar to that of the earlier proerythroblast but sometimes even more basophilic, and usually regular in outline. The nucleus is still relatively large, but the chromatin strands are thicker and more deeply staining, giving a coarser appearance; the nucleoli have disappeared. This cell is CD71-positive and lacks hematopoeitic lineage markers. FMA:83505 basophilic normoblast early erythroblast early normoblast prorubricyte cell basophilic erythroblast A nucleated, immature erythrocyte in which the nucleus occupies a relatively smaller part of the cell than in its precursor, the basophilic erythroblast. The cytoplasm is beginning to acquire hemoglobin and thus is no longer a purely basophilic, but takes on acidophilic aspects, which becomes progressively more marked as the cell matures. The chromatin of the nucleus is arranged in coarse, deeply staining clumps. This cell is CD71-positive and lacks hematopoeitic lineage markers. FMA:83506 intermediate erythroblast intermediate normoblast polychromatic erythroblast polychromatic normoblast polychromatophilic normoblast rubricyte cell polychromatophilic erythroblast The final stage of the nucleated, immature erythrocyte, before nuclear loss. Typically the cytoplasm is described as acidophilic, but it still shows a faint polychromatic tint. The nucleus is small and initially may still have coarse, clumped chromatin, as in its precursor, the polychromatophilic erythroblast, but ultimately it becomes pyknotic, and appears as a deeply staining, blue-black, homogeneous structureless mass. The nucleus is often eccentric and sometimes lobulated. FMA:84646 acidophilic erythroblast eosinophilic erythroblast late erythoblast orthochromatic normoblast pyknotic eto enrythroblast cell orthochromatic erythroblast The earliest cytologically identifiable precursor in the thrombocytic series. This cell is capable of endomitosis and lacks expression of hematopoieitic lineage markers (lin-negative). BTO:0001164 CALOHA:TS-0610 FMA:84235 CFU-Meg Meg-CFC MkP colony-forming unit-megakaryocyte megacaryoblast megacaryocyte progenitor cell megakaryoblast megakaryocytic progenitor cell cell promegacaryocyte promegakaryocyte Lineage negative is described here as CD2-negative, CD3-negative, CD4-negative, CD5-negative, CD8a-negative, CD14-negative, CD19-negative, CD20-negative, CD56-negative, Ly6g-negative, and Ter119-negative. megakaryocyte progenitor cell A giant cell 50 to 100 micron in diameter, with a greatly lobulated nucleus, found in the bone marrow; mature blood platelets are released from its cytoplasm. BTO:0000843 CALOHA:TS-0611 FMA:83555 megacaryocyte megalocaryocyte megalokaryocyte cell Megakaryocytes are reportedly CD181-positive and CD182-positive. megakaryocyte A hematopoietic progenitor cell that is committed to the granulocyte and monocyte lineages. These cells are CD123-positive, and do not express Gata1 or Gata2 but do express C/EBPa, and Pu.1. CFU-C , Colony forming unit in culture CFU-GM GMP colony forming unit granulocyte macrophage granulocyte-macrophage progenitor granulocyte/monocyte precursor granulocyte/monocyte progenitor cell Originally described in the dendritic cell ontology (DC_CL:0000042)(PMID:19243617). GMPs are reportedly CD16-positive, CD32-positive, CD34-positive, CD38-positive, CD45RA-positive, CD110-negative, CD117-positive, CD123-positive, and SCA1-negative. granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell An immature erythrocyte that changes the protein composition of its plasma membrane by exosome formation and extrusion. The types of protein removed differ between species though removal of the transferrin receptor is apparent in mammals and birds. BTO:0001173 CALOHA:TS-0864 cell reticulocyte A precursor in the monocytic series, being a cell intermediate in development between the monoblast and monocyte. This cell is CD11b-positive and has fine azurophil granules. BTO:0004657 FMA:83551 cell Morphology: Mononuclear cell, diameter 14-18 _M, fine azurophilic granules; markers: CD11b (shared with many other myeloid cells); location: Adult: bone marrow; Fetal: Liver, Yolk Sac; role or process: hematopoiesis, monocyte development; lineage: hematopoietic, myeloid. promonocyte A mesenchymal stem cell capable of developing into blood vessel endothelium. angioblast chondroplast cell These cells are reportedly CD31-positive, CD34-positive, CD144-positive, CD309-positive, and TAL1-positive. angioblastic mesenchymal cell A cell that originates in the neural crest, that has certain cytochemical and ultrastructural characteristics and is found scattered throughout the body; types include melanocytes, the cells of the chromaffin system, and cells in the hypothalamus, hypophysis, thyroid, parathyroids, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and pancreas. This cell type concentrates the amino acid precursors of certain amines and decarboxylate them, forming amines that function as regulators and neurotransmitters. This cell type produces substances such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, enkephalin, somatostatin, neurotensin, and substance P, the actions of which may affect contiguous cells, nearby groups of cells, or distant cells, thus functioning as local or systemic hormones. The name is an acronym for amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation cell. BTO:0003866 FMA:83114 APUD cell cell amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation cell One of the two photoreceptor cell types in the vertebrate retina. In cones the photopigment is in invaginations of the cell membrane of the outer segment. Cones are less sensitive to light than rods, but they provide vision with higher spatial and temporal acuity, and the combination of signals from cones with different pigments allows color vision. BTO:0001036 CALOHA:TS-0866 FMA:67748 cell retinal cone cell Myeloid mononuclear recirculating leukocyte that can act as a precursor of tissue macrophages, osteoclasts and some populations of tissue dendritic cells. BTO:0000876 CALOHA:TS-0638 FMA:62864 cell Morphology: Mononuclear cell, diameter, 14 to 20 _M, N/C ratio 2:1-1:1. Nucleus may appear in variety of shapes: round, kidney, lobulated, or convoluted. Fine azurophilic granules present; markers: CD11b (shared with other myeloid cells), human: CD14, mouse: F4/80-mid,GR1-low; location: Blood, but can be recruited into tissues; role or process: immune & tissue remodelling; lineage: hematopoietic, myeloid. monocyte experimentally modified cell in vitro A cell in vitro that has undergone physical changes as a consequence of a deliberate and specific experimental procedure. cell This class has been re-labeled to imply reference only to in vitro experimentally modified cells, similarly, the definition has been slightly updated to reflect this. 'experimentally modified cell' refers only to cells in vitro, and not modified in vivo/in environment cells. There is currently no class representing unmodified in vitro cells (other than the parent 'cell in vitro'), or a class representing modified native cells. More granular subclassing of experimentally modified cell can be found in ReO. MHB 1.12.12 experimentally modified cell in vitro A macrophage resident in the peritoneum under non-inflammatory conditions. Markers include F4/80-high, CD11b-high, CD68-positive, SIGNR1-positive, CD115-high, MHC-II-negative, and Dectin-1-positive. BTO:0001034 FMA:83025 cell Markers: Mouse: F4/80-high, CD11b-high, CD68+, SIGNR1+, Dectin-1+. peritoneal macrophage The reproductive cell in multicellular organisms. BTO:0000535 VHOG:0001534 WBbt:0006796 cell germ cell One of the two photoreceptor cell types of the vertebrate retina. In rods the photopigment is in stacks of membranous disks separate from the outer cell membrane. Rods are more sensitive to light than cones, but rod mediated vision has less spatial and temporal resolution than cone vision. BTO:0001024 CALOHA:TS-0870 FMA:67747 cell retinal rod cell A progenitor cell committed to the basophil lineage. This cell lacks hematopoietic lineage markers (lin-negative) and is CD34-positive, T1/ST2-low, CD117-negative, and FceRIa-high. This cell also expresses Gata-1, Gata-2 and C/EBPa. BaP cell CFU-Bas basophilic stem cell colony forming unit basophil BaP are also CD13-low and integrin beta-7-low. They are lin-negative (CD2, CD3e, CD4, CD5, CD8, CD11b, CD14, CD19, CD20, ly6g, ly76, and NCAM-1). They also lack expression of mast cell protease 1 (MCP-1) and microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (mitf). basophil progenitor cell A myoblast that is committed to a myotube-specific program of differentiation but not yet fused. It undergoes very limited additional proliferation. After fusion, it will take on a muscle identity specified by a `muscle founder cell` (CL:0008006). cell fusion competent myoblast A secretory cell that is grouped together with other cells of the same type to form grape shaped clusters known as acini (singular acinus). FMA:83625 acinic cell acinous cell cell acinar cell A lymphocyte that can spontaneously kill a variety of target cells without prior antigenic activation via germline encoded activation receptors and also regulate immune responses via cytokine release and direct contact with other cells. large granular lymphocyte null cell BTO:0000914 BTO:0004716 CALOHA:TS-0664 FMA:63147 FMA:83601 VHOG:0001697 NK cell cell natural killer cell A mature alpha-beta T cell that expresses an alpha-beta T cell receptor and the CD4 coreceptor. CD4-positive, alpha-beta T lymphocyte CD4-positive, alpha-beta T-cell CD4-positive, alpha-beta T-lymphocyte cell CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell A cell whose primary function is to support other cell types. BTO:0002315 supportive cell cell supporting cell A cell that stains readily in the anterior pituitary gland. FMA:83089 cell chromophil cell of anterior pituitary gland An acidophilic chromophil cell that of the anterior pituitary gland. FMA:83093 acidophil cell of pars anterior of adenohypophysis acidophil of pars anterior of adenohypophysis acidophil of pars distalis of adenohypophysis pituitary alpha cell cell acidophil cell of pars distalis of adenohypophysis A basophillic chromophil cell that of the anterior pituitary gland. FMA:83094 basophil cell of anterior lobe of hypophysis cell beta cell pituitary beta cell basophil cell of pars distalis of adenohypophysis A supportive cell of the vertebrate pituitary that provides macromolecular transport and secretes hormones. cell folliculostellate cell Undifferentiated; mitotic stem cell for other epithelial cell types; rounded or elliptical with little cytoplasm and few organelles; contain cytokeratin intermediate filament. BTO:0000939 FMA:62516 cell basal cell A mucus-secreting cell, with numerous apical secretory vesicles containing mucins; nucleus are basally displaced; numerous at the neck of mucus secreting glands neck cell cell mucous neck cell A glomerular visceral epithelial cell is a specialized kidney epithelial cell that contains "feet" that interdigitate with the "feet" of other glomerular epithelial cells. epithelial cell of visceral layer of glomerular capsule BTO:0002295 FMA:70967 glomerular podocyte podocyte cell GO has podocyte as a related synonym due to concern this may refer to more than one cell type. However, this did not turn up in my search. If podocyte does refer to more than one cell type, then we should classify the synonym to 'related'[tfm]. glomerular visceral epithelial cell A diploid cell that has derived from a spermatogonium and can subsequently begin meiosis and divide into two haploid secondary spermatocytes. BTO:0001115 CALOHA:TS-2194 FMA:72292 cell primary spermatocyte One of the two haploid cells into which a primary spermatocyte divides, and which in turn gives origin to spermatids. BTO:0000709 CALOHA:TS-2195 FBbt:00004941 FMA:72293 cell secondary spermatocyte A mature sexual reproductive cell of the female germline. cell female gamete WBbt:0006829 cell glutamatergic neuron A non-terminally differentiated cell that is capable of developing into a muscle cell. cell muscle precursor cell A cell that stores and secretes pancreatic polypeptide hormone. FMA:62938 FMA:83409 type F enteroendocrine cell cell PP cell Epithelial cells derived from neural plate and neural crest. neuroepithelial cell BTO:0004301 FMA:70557 cell The term "neuroepithelial cell" is used to describe both this cell type and sensory epithelial cell (CL:0000098). neurecto-epithelial cell A stem cell that can give rise to cell types of the body other than those of the germ-line. CALOHA:TS-2086 FMA:63368 cell somatic stem cell cell amoeboid cell Muscle cell which has as its direct parts myofilaments organized into sarcomeres. BTO:0002916 CALOHA:TS-2157 FMA:86936 cell striated muscle cell An achromatic cell of the myeloid or lymphoid lineages capable of ameboid movement, found in blood or other tissue. BTO:0000751 CALOHA:TS-0549 FMA:62852 immune cell leucocyte white blood cell cell leukocyte The set of neurons that receives neural inputs via bipolar, horizontal and amacrine cells. The axons of these cells make up the optic nerve. BTO:0001800 FMA:67765 RGC gangliocyte ganglion cell of retina cell retinal ganglion cell Cardiac muscle cells are striated muscle cells that are responsible for heart contraction. In mammals, the contractile fiber resembles those of skeletal muscle but are only one third as large in diameter, are richer in sarcoplasm, and contain centrally located instead of peripheral nuclei. FMA:83808 cardiocyte BTO:0001539 CALOHA:TS-0115 FMA:14067 cardiac muscle fiber cardiac myocyte cardiomyocyte heart muscle cell cell This class encompasses the muscle cells responsible for heart* contraction in both vertebrates and arthropods. The ultrastucture of a wide range of arthropod heart cells has been examined including spiders, horseshoe crabs, crustaceans (see Sherman, 1973 and refs therein) and insects (see Lehmacher et al (2012) and refs therein). According to these refs, the cells participating in heart contraction in all cases are transversely striated. Insects hearts additionally contain ostial cells, also transversely striated muscle cells, but which do not participate in heart contraction. cardiac muscle cell A bipolar neuron found in the retina and having connections with photoreceptors cells and neurons in the inner plexiform layer. retinal bipolar neuron A bipolar neuron found in the retina and having connections with photoreceptors cells and neurons in the inner half of the inner plexiform layer. These cells depolarize in response to light stimulation of their corresponding photoreceptors. cell ON-bipolar cell A cell of the monocyte, granulocyte, mast cell, megakaryocyte, or erythroid lineage. BTO:0001441 CALOHA:TS-0647 cell myeloid cell A immature or mature cell in the lineage leading to and including erythrocytes. CL:0002156 CALOHA:TS-0290 FMA:62845 FMA:83516 erythropoietic cell cell Note that in FMA erythropoietic cells are types of nucleated erythrocytes and thus don't include erythrocytes. erythroid lineage cell A nucleated precursor of an erythrocyte that lacks hematopoietic lineage markers. BTO:0001571 CALOHA:TS-0289 FMA:83504 normoblast cell erythroblast A cell of the monocyte, granulocyte, or mast cell lineage. cell myeloid leukocyte Any of the immature or mature forms of a granular leukocyte that in its mature form has an irregularly shaped, pale-staining nucleus that is partially constricted into two lobes, and with cytoplasm that contains coarse, bluish-black granules of variable size. Basophils contain vasoactive amines such as histamine and serotonin, which are released on appropriate stimulation. A basophil is CD123-positive, CD193-positive, CD203c-positive, and FceRIa-positive. polymorphonuclear leucocyte polymorphonuclear leukocyte BTO:0000129 CALOHA:TS-0073 FMA:62862 basophilic leucocyte basophilic leukocyte cell Matures in the bone marrow and account for <1% of leukocytes in the peripheral blood, spleen, and bone marrow. Basophils are described as being CD11a-positive, CD11b-positive, CD13-positive, CD15-positive, CD18-positive, CD21-positive, CD25-positive, CD29-positive, CD35-positive, CD40-positive, CD40L-positive, CD44-positive, CD45R-negative, CD46-positive, CD49a-positive, CD49b-positive, CD49d-positive, CD55-positive, CD59-positive, CD62L-positive, CD63-positive, CD69-positive, CD90-negative, CD116-positive, CD117-negative, CD124-positive, CD125-positive, CD131-positive, CD161-positive, CD184-positive, CD191-positive, CD192-positive, CD197-positive, CD200R3-positive, CD218-positive, CD282-positive, CD284-positive, CD289-positive, CD290-positive, CD294-positive, natural killer cell receptor 2B4-positive, smad1-positive, CD3-negative, CD4-negative, CD7-negative, CD8-negative, CD14-negative, CD15-negative, CD16-negative, CD19-negative, CD20-negative, CD34-negative, CD36-negative, CD45R-negative, CD56-negative, CD57-negative, CD235a-negative, and GR1-negative. Transcription factors- GATA1-positive, PU.1-positive. basophil Any of the immature or mature forms of a granular leukocyte that in its mature form has a nucleus with three to five lobes connected by slender threads of chromatin, and cytoplasm containing fine inconspicuous granules and stainable by neutral dyes. PMN poly polymorphonuclear leucocyte polymorphonuclear leukocyte polymorphonuclear neutrophil polynuclear neutrophilic leucocyte polynuclear neutrophilic leukocyte BTO:0000130 CALOHA:TS-0688 FMA:62860 neutrocyte neutrophil leucocyte neutrophil leukocyte neutrophilic leucocyte neutrophilic leukocyte cell neutrophil A dendritic cell of the myeloid lineage. interdigitating cell veiled cell BTO:0004721 CD11c+CD123- DC mDC cell These cells are CD1a-negative, CD1b-positive, CD11a-positive, CD11c-positive, CD13-positive, CD14-negative, CD20-negative, CD21-negative, CD33-positive, CD40-negative, CD50-positive, CD54-positive, CD58-positive, CD68-negative, CD80-negative, CD83-negative, CD85j-positive, CD86-positive, CD89-negative, CD95-positive, CD120a-negative, CD120b-positive, CD123-negative, CD178-negative, CD206-negative, CD207-negative, CD209-negative, and TNF-alpha-negative. Upon TLR stimulation, they are capable of producing high levels of TNF-alpha, IL-6, CXCL8 (IL-8). myeloid dendritic cell A dendritic cell type of distinct morphology, localization, and surface marker expression (CD123-positive) from other dendritic cell types and associated with early stage immune responses, particularly the release of physiologically abundant amounts of type I interferons in response to infection. BTO:0004625 DC2 IPC T-associated plasma cell interferon-producing cell lymphoid dendritic cell pDC plasmacytoid T cell plasmacytoid monocyte type 2 DC cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell A B cell that is mature, having left the bone marrow. Initially, these cells are IgM-positive and IgD-positive, and they can be activated by antigen. mature B lymphocyte mature B-cell mature B-lymphocyte cell Mature B cells are also reportedly CD10-negative, CD19-positive, CD22-positive, CD34-negative, CD48-positive, CD79a-positive, CD84-positive, CD127-negative, CD352-positive, RAG-negative, TdT-negative, Vpre-B-negative, and pre-BCR-negative. Transcription factors expressed: Pax5-positive. mature B cell A terminally differentiated, post-mitotic, antibody secreting cell of the B cell lineage with the phenotype CD138-positive, surface immunonoglobulin-negative, and MHC Class II-negative. Plasma cells are oval or round with extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum, a well-developed Golgi apparatus, and a round nucleus having a characteristic cartwheel heterochromatin pattern and are devoted to producing large amounts of immunoglobulin. BTO:0000392 FMA:70574 plasma B cell plasma B-cell plasmacyte plasmocyte cell effector B cell effector B-cell Plasma cells develop in the spleen and migrate to the bone marrow. Plasma cells are also reportedly CD5-negative, CD10-negative, CD19-positive, CD20-negative, CD21-negative, CD22-negative, CD23-negative, CD24-negative, CD25-negative, CD27-positive, CD34-negative, CD38-positive, CD40-positive, CD43-positive, CD45-positive, CD48-positive, CD53-low, CD80-negative, CD81-positive, CD86-positive, CD95-positive, CD196-negative, CD229-positive, CD270-positive, CD352-positive, CD361-positive, and IgD-negative. Transcription factors: BLIMP1-positive, IRF4-positive, PAX5-negative, SpiB-negative, Ets1-negative, and XBP1-positive. plasma cell A T cell that expresses an alpha-beta T cell receptor complex. alpha-beta T lymphocyte alpha-beta T-cell alpha-beta T-lymphocyte cell alpha-beta T cell An alpha-beta T cell that has an immature phenotype and has not completed T cell selection. immature alpha-beta T lymphocyte immature alpha-beta T-cell immature alpha-beta T-lymphocyte cell immature alpha-beta T cell A alpha-beta T cell that has a mature phenotype. mature alpha-beta T lymphocyte mature alpha-beta T-cell mature alpha-beta T-lymphocyte cell mature alpha-beta T cell A CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta T cell that regulates overall immune responses as well as the responses of other T cell subsets through direct cell-cell contact and cytokine release. Treg suppressor T cell suppressor T lymphocyte suppressor T-cell suppressor T-lymphocyte CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T lymphocyte CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T-cell CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T-lymphocyte cell This cell type is compatible with the HIPC Lyoplate markers for 'Treg'. The inclusion of CD127lo in the logical definition is compatible with both human and mouse T cells of this subtype. CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell A thymocyte that has the phenotype CD4-negative, CD8-positive, CD44-negative, CD25-negative, and pre-TCR-positive. ISP immature single positive T cell immature single positive T lymphocyte immature single positive T-lymphocyte cell Note that this type of thymocyte has passed the beta-selection checkpoint and is rapidly proliferating and rearranging the T cell receptor alpha chain and expressing the CD8 coreceptor. This stage comes between the DN4 and DP stages. immature single positive thymocyte A thymocyte that has the phenotype CD4-negative, CD8-negative, CD44-positive, and CD25-positive. DN2 alpha-beta immature T lymphocyte DN2 alpha-beta immature T-cell DN2 alpha-beta immature T-lymphocyte DN2 cell DN2 immature T cell TN2 cell TN2 thymocyte double negative 2 preT.DN2.Th cell Note that this type of thymocyte is at the earliest stage of T cell receptor rearrangement of the beta, gamma, and delta T cell receptor chains. Also, there is growing evidence that molecular markers characterizing double negative thymocytes are different across species, especially in mouse versus human thymus. If in doubt, please consider using CL:0002489 'double negative thymocyte'. DN2 thymocyte A thymocyte that has the phenotype CD4-negative, CD8-negative, CD44-negative, and CD25-positive and expressing the T cell receptor beta-chain in complex with the pre-T cell receptor alpha chain. early cortical thymocyte DN3 alpha-beta immature T lymphocyte DN3 alpha-beta immature T-cell DN3 alpha-beta immature T-lymphocyte DN3 cell DN3 immature T cell TN3 cell TN3 thymocyte double negative 3 preT.DN3.Th cell There is growing evidence that molecular markers characterizing double negative thymocytes are different across species, especially in mouse versus human thymus. If in doubt, please consider using CL:0002489 'double negative thymocyte'. DN3 thymocyte A thymocyte that has the phenotype CD4-negative, CD8-negative, CD44-negative, CD25-negative, and pre-TCR-positive. early cortical thymocyte DN4 alpha-beta immature T lymphocyte DN4 alpha-beta immature T-lymphocyte DN4 cell DN4 immature T cell DN4 immature T-cell double negative 4 cell Note that this type of thymocyte has passed the beta-selection checkpoint and is rapidly proliferating and beginning to rearrange the T cell receptor alpha chain. There is growing evidence that molecular markers characterizing double negative thymocytes are different across species, especially in mouse versus human thymus. If in doubt, please consider using CL:0002489 'double negative thymocyte'. DN4 thymocyte A thymocyte expressing the alpha-beta T cell receptor complex as well as both the CD4 and CD8 coreceptors. late cortical thymocyte DP cell DP thymocyte double-positive, alpha-beta immature T lymphocyte cell Thymocytes of this stage are undergoing positive and negative selection. double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte An immature alpha-beta T cell that is located in the thymus and is CD4-positive and CD8-negative. CD4-positive, alpha-beta immature T lymphocyte CD4-positive, alpha-beta immature T-cell CD4-positive, alpha-beta immature T-lymphocyte SP CD4 cell cell CD4-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte A T cell which regulates overall immune responses as well as the responses of other T cell subsets through direct cell-cell contact and cytokine release. suppressor T cell suppressor T lymphocyte suppressor T-cell suppressor T-lymphocyte BTO:0004520 FMA:84070 Treg regulatory T lymphocyte regulatory T-cell regulatory T-lymphocyte cell This cell type may express FoxP3 and CD25 and secretes IL-10 and TGF-beta. regulatory T cell An immature B cell is a B cell that has the phenotype surface IgM-positive and surface IgD-negative, and have not undergone class immunoglobulin class switching or peripheral encounter with antigen and activation. immature B lymphocyte immature B-cell immature B-lymphocyte newly formed B cell cell Immature B cells are also reportedly CD5-positive, CD10-positive, CD19-positive, CD20-positive, CD21-positive, CD22-positive, CD24-positive, CD25-negative, CD27-negative, CD34-negative, CD38-positive, CD40-positive, CD43-negative, CD45-positive, CD48-positive, CD53-positive, CD79a-positive, CD80-negative, CD81-positive, CD86-negative, CD95-negative, CD127-negative, CD138-negative, CD185-positive, CD196-positive, MHCII/HLA-DR-positive, RAG-positive, TdT-negative, Vpre-B-negative, and preBCR-negative. Transcription factors expressed: Pax5-positive. immature B cell A precursor B cell is a B cell with the phenotype CD10-positive. BTO:0001133 CALOHA:TS-0819 cell pre-B cell precursor B cell An immature B cell of an intermediate stage between the pre-B cell stage and the mature naive stage with the phenotype surface IgM-positive and CD19-positive, and are subject to the process of B cell selection. A transitional B cell migrates from the bone marrow into the peripheral circulation, and then to the spleen. transitional B cell transitional stage B lymphocyte transitional stage B-cell transitional stage B-lymphocyte T1 B cell T2 B cell T3 B cell cell This cell type is compatible with the HIPC Lyoplate markers for 'transitional B cell'. transitional stage B cell A lymphoid progenitor cell that is committed to the natural killer cell lineage, expressing CD122 (IL-15) receptor, but lacking many of the phenotypic characteristics of later stages of natural killer cell development such as expression of NK activating and inhibitory molecules. In human this cell has the phenotype CD34-positive, CD45RA-positive, CD10-positive, CD117-negative, and CD161 negative. NKP natural killer cell progenitor pro-natural killer cell cell null cell preNK cell Most markers only described for human pro NK cells. pro-NK cell A progenitor cell of the B cell lineage, with some lineage specific activity such as early stages of recombination of B cell receptor genes, but not yet fully committed to the B cell lineage until the expression of PAX5 occurs. pre-pro B cell BTO:0003104 pro-B lymphocyte pro-B-cell pro-B-lymphocyte progenitor B cell progenitor B lymphocyte progenitor B-cell progenitor B-lymphocyte cell pre-B cell (Philadelphia nomenclature) Human pro-B cells are reportedly CD10-positive, CD22-positive, CD34-positive, CD38-positive, CD45-low, CD48-positive, CD79a-positive, CD127-positive, CD184-positive, RAG-positive, TdT-positive, Vpre-B-positive, pre-BCR-negative, IgD-negative, and IgM-negative. Transcription factors expressed: Pax5-positive, EBF-positive, E2A-negative, Ikaros-negative, and PU.1-negative. pro-B cell A lymphoid progenitor cell of the T cell lineage, with some lineage specific marker expression, but not yet fully committed to the T cell lineage. pro-T lymphocyte progenitor T cell DN1 cell DN1 thymocyte TN1 cell cell pro-T cell A myeloblast committed to the basophil lineage. cell basophilic myeloblast A progenitor cell of the mast cell lineage. Markers for this cell are FceRIa-low, CD117-positive, CD9-positive, T1/ST2-positive, SCA1-negative, and lineage-negative. MCP cell CFU-MC CFU-Mast colony forming unit mast cell MCP are CD16-positive, CD32-positive, CD34-positive, CD45-positive, integrin beta-7-positive, and lin-negative (CD2, CD3e, CD4, CD5, CD8a, CD14, CD19, CD20, CD27, integrin alpha-M, ly6c, ly6g, NCAM-1, and ter119). These cells also express the transcription factors GATA-1, GATA-2, and MITF, but not C/EBPa. mast cell progenitor The most primitive precursor in the granulocytic series, having fine, evenly distributed chromatin, several nucleoli, a high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ration (5:1-7:1), and a nongranular basophilic cytoplasm. They reside in the bone marrow. BTO:0000187 FMA:83524 cell myeloblast A hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell is multipotent, but not capable of long-term self-renewal. These cells are characterized as lacking lineage cell surface markers and being CD34-positive in both mice and humans. BTO:0000725 CALOHA:TS-0448 MPP hemopoietic progenitor cell cell Markers differ between mouse and human. hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell A progenitor cell restricted to the lymphoid lineage. lymphoid progenitor cell BTO:0004731 CALOHA:TS-2025 FMA:70338 cell Note that this is a class of cell types, not an identified single cell type. lymphoid lineage restricted progenitor cell A progenitor cell restricted to the myeloid lineage. myeloid progenitor cell BTO:0004730 CALOHA:TS-2099 FMA:70339 cell Note that this is a class of cell types, not an identified single cell type. myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell An immature cell of the conventional dendritic cell lineage, characterized by high levels of antigen uptake via endocytosis, macropinocytosis, and phagocytosis, and typically found resident in the tissues. Markers for this cell are CD80-low, CD86-low, and MHC-II-low. immature myeloid dendritic cell cell immature conventional dendritic cell A leukocyte with a single non-segmented nucleus in the mature form. BTO:0000878 CALOHA:TS-0768 FMA:86713 mononuclear leukocyte peripheral blood mononuclear cell cell mononuclear cell A macrophage constitutively resident in a particular tissue under non-inflammatory conditions, and capable of phagocytosing a variety of extracellular particulate material, including immune complexes, microorganisms, and dead cells. FMA:84642 FMA:84644 fixed macrophage resting histiocyte cell tissue-resident macrophage A tissue-resident macrophage found in the central nervous system. CNS macrophage cell central nervous system macrophage An immature T cell located in the thymus. immature T cell immature T lymphocyte immature T-cell immature T-lymphocyte BTO:0001372 CALOHA:TS-1042 FMA:72202 XAO:0003159 thymic lymphocyte cell thymocyte A pro-T cell that has the phenotype CD4-negative, CD8-negative, CD44-positive, and CD25-negative. DN1 thymic pro-T lymphocyte DN1 thymic pro-T-cell DN1 thymic pro-T-lymphocyte DN1 thymic progenitor T cell DN1 thymocyte double negative 1 preT.DN1.Th cell DN1 thymic pro-T cell An antigen inexperienced CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell with the phenotype CCR7-positive, CD127-positive and CD62L-positive. This cell type develops in the thymus. This cell type is also described as being CD25-negative, CD62L-high, and CD44-low. naive CD4+ T cell T.4Nve.Sp Th0 naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T lymphocyte naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T-cell naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T-lymphocyte cell These cells have not been exposed to antigen following thymic T-cell selection; found in blood and secondary lymphoid organs. This cell type is compatible with the HIPC Lyoplate markers for 'naive CD4+ T cell', but includes additional markers known to be expressed on naive CD4+ T cells. naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell A recently activated CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell with the phenotype CD69-positive, CD62L-negative, CD127-negative, and CD25-positive. activated CD4-positive, alpha-beta T lymphocyte activated CD4-positive, alpha-beta T-cell activated CD4-positive, alpha-beta T-lymphocyte cell activated CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell Mature T cell not yet exposed to antigen with the phenotype CCR7-positive, CD45RA-positive, and CD127-positive. This cell type is also described as being CD25-negative, CD62L-high and CD44-low. naive T lymphocyte naive T-cell naive T-lymphocyte cell naive T cell CD4-positive alpha-beta T cell with the phenotype CD25-positive, CTLA-4-positive, and FoxP3-positive with regulatory function. iTreg induced Treg induced regulatory T cell induced regulatory T lymphocyte induced regulatory T-cell induced regulatory T-lymphocyte cell aTreg adaptive Treg induced T-regulatory cell A differentiated T cell with ability to traffic to peripheral tissues and is capable of mounting a specific immune response. effector T lymphocyte effector T-cell effector T-lymphocyte cell effector T cell A effector T cell that provides help in the form of secreted cytokines to other immune cells. BTO:0002417 T-helper cell helper T lymphocyte helper T-cell helper T-lymphocyte cell helper T cell A lymphocyte of B lineage with the commitment to express an immunoglobulin complex. cell Types of B lineage lymphocytes include B cells and antibody secreting cells (plasmablasts and plasma cells). Lymphocytes of B cell lineage can be distinguished from those of T cell lineage by their lack of CD3e (as part of the T cell receptor complex). lymphocyte of B lineage A lymphocyte of B lineage that is devoted to secreting large amounts of immunoglobulin. cell antibody secreting cell A small pre-B-II cell is a pre-B-II cell that is Rag1-positive, Rag2-positive, pre-BCR-negative, and BCR-negative, is not proliferating, and carries a DNA rearrangement of one or more immunoglobulin light chain genes. small pre-BII cell cell Small pre-B-II cells are also reportedly CD10-positive, CD19-positive, CD34-negative, CD79a-positive, CD127-negative, TdT-negative, Vpre-B-negative, sIgM-negative, and sIgD-negative. Transcription factors: PU.1-positive, Ikaros-positive, E2A-positive, and PAX5-positive. small pre-B-II cell A pre-B-II cell is a precursor B cell that expresses immunoglobulin mu heavy chain (IgHmu+), and lack expression of CD34, TdT, immunoglobulin kappa light chain and immunoglobulin lambda light chain. BTO:0001133 CALOHA:TS-0819 pre-B-lymphocyte pre-BII cell cell pre-B-II cell are also reportedly CD19-positive, CD22-positive, CD38-positive, CD45-positive, and CD48-positive. pre-B-II cell An activated mature (naive or memory) B cell that is secreting immunoglobulin, typified by being CD27-positive, CD38-positive, CD138-negative. CD20-negative B cell FMA:84371 CD27-positive, CD38-positive, CD20-negative B cell cell This cell type is compatible with the HIPC Lyoplate markers for 'plasmablast'. Plasmablasts are also reportedly CD48-positive, CD63-positive, CD229-positive, CD270-positive, CD319-positive, CD352-positive, CD361-positive, and IgD-negative. plasmablast A cell of a hematopoietic lineage. BTO:0000574 CALOHA:TS-2017 FMA:70366 FMA:83598 haematopoietic cell haemopoietic cell hemopoietic cell cell hematopoietic cell Conventional dendritic cell is a dendritic cell that is CD11c-high. interdigitating cell veiled cell FMA:84191 DC1 cDC dendritic reticular cell type 1 DC cell Originally described in the dendritic cell ontology (DC_CL:0000003)(PMID:19243617) These cells are also CD20-negative, MHCII-positive. conventional dendritic cell CD71-positive common myeloid precursor OR CD7-negative lymphoid precursor OR CD7-positive lymphoid cell Originally described in the dendritic cell ontology (DC_CL:1100000)(PMID:19243617). CD34-positive, CD38-positive common myeloid progenitor OR CD34-positive, CD38-positive common lymphoid progenitor cell Originally described in the dendritic cell ontology (DC_CL:1110000)(PMID:19243617). CD7-negative lymphoid progenitor OR granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell Originally described in the dendritic cell ontology (DC_CL:1111000)(PMID:19243617). CD115-positive monocyte OR common dendritic progenitor A common lymphoid progenitor that is CD10-positive, CD45RA-positive, CD34-positive and CD38-positive. CD10-positive common lymphocyte precursor CD10-positive common lymphocyte progenitor CD10-positive common lymphoid precursor cell These markers are associated with human common lymphoid progenitors. Originally described in the dendritic cell ontology (DC_CL:0000032)(PMID:19243617). CD34-positive, CD38-positive common lymphoid progenitor CD115-positive monocyte is a monocyte that is CD115-positive and CD11b-positive. cell These markers are associated with human cells. Originally described in the dendritic cell ontology (DC_CL:0000033)(PMID:19243617). CD115-positive monocyte CD133-positive hematopoietic stem cell is a hematopoietic stem cell that is CD34-positive, CD90-positive, and CD133-positive. CALOHA:TS-0448 FMA:86475 CD133-positive hematopoietic stem cell cell Cell markers are associated with human hematopoietic stem cells. Originally described in the dendritic cell ontology (DC_CL:0000035)(PMID:19243617). CD34-positive, CD38-negative hematopoietic stem cell A common myeloid progenitor that is CD34-positive, CD38-positive, IL3ra-low, CD10-negative, CD7-negative, CD45RA-negative, and IL-5Ralpha-negative. CD71-positive common myeloid precursor cell Markers are associated with human cell type. Originally described in the dendritic cell ontology (DC_CL:0000038)(PMID:19243617). CD34-positive, CD38-positive common myeloid progenitor CD7-negative lymphoid progenitor cell is a lymphoid progenitor cell that is CD34-positive, CD7-negative and CD45RA-negative. CD7-negative lymphoid precursor cell These markers are associated with human cells. Originally described in the dendritic cell ontology (DC_CL:0000039)(PMID:19243617). CD7-negative lymphoid progenitor cell Common dendritic precursor is a hematopoietic progenitor cell that is CD117-low, CD135-positive, CD115-positive and lacks plasma membrane parts for hematopoietic lineage markers. CDP common dendritic precursor pro-DCs cell Surface markers are for mouse cells. Originally described in the dendritic cell ontology (DC_CL:0000041) CDP are reportedly CD2-negative, CD3-negative, CD4-negative, CD5-negative, CD8a-negative, CD11c-positive, CD14-negative, CD19-negative, CD20-negative, CD56-negative, B220-negative, Ly6g-negative, MHCII-positive, and Ter119-negative. (PMID:19243617). common dendritic progenitor A cell that is maintained or propagated in a controlled artificial environment for use in an investigation. haendel 2012-01-12T09:58:38Z cell 'In vitro', translating literally to 'in glass', typically refers to a controlled, often sterile, laboratory setting where cells or other specimens are placed by some agent for the purpose of studying or manipulating them as part of some research investigation. 'In vitro' is intended to contrast with 'native',which refers to cells or other biological entities that are found in a natural setting. It describes unicellular organisms removed from a natural environement and multicellular organism cells removed from an organism, or cells derived in culture from such displaced cells. cell in vitro A connective tissue cell found in bone. adiehl 2011-11-16T04:28:16Z cell bone cell A progenitor cell committed to myeloid lineage, including the megakaryocyte and erythroid lineages. These cells are CD34-positive, and express Gata1, Gata2, C/EBPa, and Pu.1. CMP common myeloid precursor, CD34-positive cell CFU-GEMM CFU-S colony forming unit granulocyte, erythrocyte, macrophage, and megakaryocyte multipotential myeloid stem cell myeloid stem cell pluripotent stem cell (bone marrow) CMP are reportedly CD16-positive, CD32-positive, CD38-positive, CD45RA-negative, CD110-negative, CD117-positive, CD123-positive, and SCA1-negative. common myeloid progenitor, CD34-positive A hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell that has the ability to differentiate into limited cell types but lacks lineage cell markers and self renewal capabilities. Cell lacks hematopoeitic lineage markers. tmeehan 2010-01-06T03:43:27Z cell hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell, lineage-negative A lymphocyte that lacks characteristic T cell, B cell, myeloid cell, and dendritic cell markers, that functions as part of the innate immune response to produce cytokines and other effector responses. 2017-01-30T20:20:48Z cell innate lymphoid cell An innate lymphoid cell that is capable of producing the type 1 cytokine IFN-gamma, but not Th2 or Th17 cell-associated cytokines. 2017-01-30T20:42:44Z cell group 1 innate lymphoid cell A lymphocyte of B lineage that is CD19-positive. cell Types of B lineage lymphocytes include B cells and antibody secreting cells (plasmablasts and plasma cells). Lymphocytes of B cell lineage can be distinguished from those of T cell lineage by their lack of CD3e (as part of the T cell receptor complex). lymphocyte of B lineage, CD19-positive A B cell that is CD19-positive. B lymphocyte, CD19-positive B-cell, CD19-positive B-lymphocyte, CD19-positive CD19+ B cell CD19-positive B cell cell B cell, CD19-positive A granulocyte monocyte progenitor is CD34-positive, CD38-positive, IL-3receptor-alpha-positive and is CD45RA-negative. tmeehan 2010-01-13T03:19:22Z cell Markers are for human cells. According to different research groups, CD45RA is present or absent on this cell population. CD34-positive, CD38-positive granulocyte monocyte progenitor A progenitor cell that can give rise to plasmacytoid and myeloid dendritic cells, and to monocytes and macrophages. tmeehan 2010-01-19T02:51:58Z MDP cell macrophage dendritic cell progenitor A cell type that can give rise to basophil and mast cells. This cell is CD34-positive, CD117-positive, CD125-positive, FceRIa-negative, and T1/ST2-negative, and expresses Gata-1, Gata-2, C/EBPa tmeehan 2010-04-27T12:46:33Z BMCP cell There may be an intermediate cell type. These cells also CD13-positive, CD16-positive, CD32-positive, and integrin beta 7-positive. Transcription factors: GATA1-positive, MCP-1-positive, mitf-positive, PU.1-positive, and CEBP/a-low. basophil mast progenitor cell A hematopoietic progenitor cell that is capable of developing into only one lineage of hematopoietic cells. tmeehan 2010-01-06T03:43:20Z cell hematopoietic lineage restricted progenitor cell A hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell that has the ability to differentiate into limited cell types but lacks lineage cell markers and self renewal capabilities. tmeehan 2010-01-06T03:43:27Z cell This cell type is intended to be compatible with any vertebrate hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell. For mammalian hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cells known to be lineage-negative, please use the term 'hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell' (CL_0001060). hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell A hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell that is CD34-positive, CD38-negative, CD45RA-negative, and CD90-negative. tmeehan 2010-01-12T11:14:15Z cell Cell markers are associated with human hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cells. CD34-positive, CD38-negative multipotent progenitor cell A secretory cell found in pancreatic acini that secretes digestive enzymes and mucins. This cell is a typical zymogenic cell, have a basal nucleus and basophilic cytoplasm consisting of regular arrays of granular endoplasmic reticulum with mitochondria and dense secretory granules. tmeehan 2010-06-24T03:16:29Z BTO:0000028 CALOHA:TS-0737 FMA:63032 acinar cell of pancreas cell pancreatic acinar cell An enteroendocrine cell that produces glucagon. tmeehan 2010-09-10T10:48:54Z FMA:62939 cell type A enteroendocrine cell An epithelial cell derived from endoderm. tmeehan 2010-06-29T03:38:14Z FMA:69075 cell endo-epithelial cell An epithelial cell derived from ectoderm. tmeehan 2010-06-29T03:38:22Z FMA:69074 cell ecto-epithelial cell Epithelial cell derived from mesoderm or mesenchyme. tmeehan 2010-06-29T03:49:14Z FMA:69076 epithelial mesenchymal cell cell meso-epithelial cell A leukocyte that lacks granules. tmeehan 2010-07-22T11:30:33Z FMA:62855 agranular leukocyte cell nongranular leukocyte A cell found in the bone marrow. This can include fibroblasts, macrophages, adipocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, endothelial cells and hematopoietic cells. tmeehan 2010-07-22T04:48:15Z BTO:0004850 FMA:83621 cell MH consider whether bone marrow cells are bone cells in the structural sense vs. being part of bone organ sense. bone marrow cell An endothelial cell of the vascular tree, which includes blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. tmeehan 2010-08-24T02:06:40Z BTO:0001854 CALOHA:TS-1106 FMA:67755 vascular endothelial cell cubodial endothelial cell of vascular tree cell These cells are reportedly CD31-positive, CD34-positive, CD144-positive, TAL1-positive. endothelial cell of vascular tree Epithelial cells derived from general body ectoderm and ectoderm placodes. tmeehan 2010-08-26T08:31:08Z FMA:70556 cell general ecto-epithelial cell An epithelial cell found in the lining of the stomach. tmeehan 2010-08-25T03:22:08Z CL:1000399 FMA:62948 cell epithelial cell of stomach A mucous cell in the epithelium of the stomach. tmeehan 2010-08-25T03:38:51Z CL:1000404 FMA:63464 cell mucous cell of stomach A cell involved in the formation of a granulocyte. tmeehan 2010-08-30T12:54:27Z FMA:83519 cell granulocytopoietic cell A cell involved in the formation of a monocyte (monopoiesis). tmeehan 2010-08-30T01:27:48Z FMA:83552 cell monopoietic cell A cell containing at least one nucleus. tmeehan 2010-09-07T03:32:33Z FMA:67513 cell nucleate cell An epithelial cell of the musculomembranous digestive tube extending from the mouth to the anus. tmeehan 2010-09-08T09:26:53Z cell epithelial cell of alimentary canal A cell type that secretes histamine. tmeehan 2010-09-10T03:04:42Z cell histamine secreting cell An epithelial cell of the thymus. Epithelial reticular cells are pleomorphic, stellate, non-phagocytic cells which seem to be supportive in function and are held together by desmosomes. They replace the fibroblastoid reticular cells found in other lymphoid organs. Other epithelial cells in the medulla have the ultrastructure of secretory cells. Although different epithelial cells throughout the thymus appear alike by light microscopy their ultrastructure and function varies. tmeehan 2010-09-13T02:34:22Z CL:1000459 CALOHA:TS-1040 FMA:72208 epithelial cell of thymus gland epithelial reticular cell epithelial reticular cell of thymus thymic epithelial cell cell epithelial cell of thymus An acidophilic cell of the anterior pituitary that produces growth hormone, somatotropin. tmeehan 2010-09-14T02:33:09Z FMA:83095 somatotrope somatotropic cell somatrophic cell cell somatotroph A cell that is part of the nervous system. tmeehan 2010-09-15T01:34:57Z CALOHA:TS-2040 FMA:70333 cell neural cell A cell of the supporting or framework tissue of the body, arising chiefly from the embryonic mesoderm and including adipose tissue, cartilage, and bone. tmeehan 2010-09-15T03:01:54Z CL:1000406 CALOHA:TS-2096 FMA:63875 cell connective tissue cell A cell of the embryo. tmeehan 2010-09-15T03:39:21Z CALOHA:TS-0263 FMA:82840 FMA:82841 WBbt:0007028 cell embryonic cell (metazoa) A cell of an organism that does not pass on its genetic material to the organism's offspring (i.e. a non-germ line cell). tmeehan 2010-09-24T09:44:42Z BTO:0001268 FMA:72300 WBbt:0008378 cell somatic cell A transversely striated, synctial muscle cell, formed by the fusion of myoblasts. tmeehan 2010-09-24T01:13:01Z CL:0000369 myotubule single cell sarcomere cell myotube A giioblast cell that develops from a migratory neural crest cell. The SCP is embedded among neurons (axons) with minimal extracellular spaces separating them from nerve cell membranes and has no basal lamina. In rodents SCPs are the only cells in the Schwann cell linage that expresses Cdh19. tmeehan 2010-09-24T02:06:10Z Schwann cell precursor cell cell Schwann cell precursor A glial cell that develops from a Schwann cell precursor. The immature Schwann cell is embedded among neurons (axons) with minimal extracellular spaces separating them from nerve cell membranes and has a basal lamina. Cells can survive without an axon present. Immature Schwann cell can be found communally ensheathing large groups of axons. tmeehan 2010-09-24T02:10:31Z Schwann cell ZFA:0001725 cell immature Schwann cell A T cell that expresses a T cell receptor complex and has completed T cell selection. tmeehan 2010-10-12T01:56:15Z CD3e-positive T cell mature T-cell cell CD3epsilon T cell mature T cell A T cell that has not completed T cell selection. tmeehan 2010-10-12T01:56:17Z BTO:0001372 CALOHA:TS-1042 immature T-cell cell immature T cell A pro-T cell that is lin-negative, CD25-negative, CD127-negative, CD44-positive and kit-positive. tmeehan 2010-10-21T01:16:24Z ETP preT.ETP.Th cell ETPs are reportedly CD1a-negative, CD4-negative, CD7-positive, CD8a-negative, CD8b-negative, CD33-low, CD34-high, CD38-low, CD45RA-positive, and CD45RO-negative. early T lineage precursor A double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte that is small and not proliferating. tmeehan 2010-10-21T01:59:06Z cell resting double-positive thymocyte A double-positive thymocyte that is large (i.e. has a high forward scatter signal in flow cytometry) and is actively proliferating. tmeehan 2010-10-21T01:59:11Z T.DPb.Th activated double-positive thymocyte cell double-positive blast A double-positive thymocyte that is CD69-positive and has begun positive selection. tmeehan 2010-10-21T02:11:52Z T.DP69+.Th cell CD69-positive double-positive thymocyte A double-positive thymocyte that is undergoing positive selection, has high expression of the alpha-beta T cell receptor, is CD69-positive, and is in the process of down regulating the CD8 co-receptor. tmeehan 2010-10-21T02:29:23Z T.4+8int.Th T_4+8int_Th cell CD4-positive, CD8-intermediate double-positive thymocyte A CD4-positive, CD8-negative thymocyte that is CD24-positive and expresses high levels of the alpha-beta T cell receptor. tmeehan 2010-10-21T02:43:52Z CD24-positive, CD4 single-positive semimature thymocyte T.4SP24int.Th cell Described in the immgene database as being CD24-intermediate. CD24-positive, CD4 single-positive thymocyte A CD4-positive, CD8-negative thymocyte that expresses high levels of the alpha-beta T cell receptor and is CD69-positive. tmeehan 2010-10-21T02:46:02Z T.4SP69+.Th intermediate CD4-single-positive cell CD69-positive, CD4-positive single-positive thymocyte A mature CD4-positive, CD8-negative alpha-beta T cell found in the thymus that is CD24-low and has high expression of the T cell receptor. tmeehan 2010-10-21T03:31:19Z cell T.4SP24-.Th mature CD4 single-positive thymocyte A progenitor cell of the central nervous system that can differentiate into oligodendrocytes or type-2 astrocytes. This cell originates from multiple structures within the developing brain including the medial ganglion eminence and the lateral ganglionic eminence. These cells migrate throughout the central nervous system and persist into adulthood where they play an important role in remyelination of injured neurons. tmeehan 2010-11-10T02:51:34Z O-2A/OPC O2A/OPC oligodendrocyte-type 2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor cell oligodendrocyte/type-2 astrocyte progenitor cell cell This cell type can be purified from optic nerves and other regions of the embryonic, postnatal and adult rat CNS and can be differentiated in vitro to oligodendrocytes and type-2 astrocytes. Some references use the terms 'oligodendrocyte precursor cell' and 'oligodendrocyte type-2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor' to refer to the same entity (e.g., PMID:10704434), while others describe an oligodendrocyte type-2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor cell as the precurosr to oligodendrocyte- and type-2 astrocyte- progenitor cells (e.g, ISBN:9780702028991). oligodendrocyte precursor cell A thymocyte that lacks expression of CD4 and CD8. tmeehan 2010-12-06T03:03:38Z CD4-CD8- T cell double negative T cell cell These are precursors to mature T cells; normally, they do not circulate, but are found in the thymus and they have not undergone rearrangement of the alpha and beta T cell receptor genes. double negative thymocyte A cell located in the heart, including both muscle and non muscle cells. tmeehan 2010-12-07T09:37:22Z BTO:0001539 CALOHA:TS-0115 FMA:83808 FMA:84791 heart cell cell From Onard of the FMA: Cardiac muscle cell or cardiac myocyte is a striated muscle cell. Cardiocyte on the other hand is any cell in the heart which includes cells other than muscle cells (e.g. endothelial cell of endocardium). Unless there is a consensus among anatomists that cardiocytes refer only to muscle cells, we will treat them as a general class of cells in the heart. cardiocyte An epithelial cell of the kidney. tmeehan 2011-02-08T10:46:34Z KUPO:0001019 cell kidney epithelial cell A renal filtration cell is a specialized cell of the renal system that filter fluids by charge, size or both. tmeehan 2011-02-08T01:37:59Z cell renal filtration cell An endothelial progenitor cell that participates in angiogenesis during development. tmeehan 2011-02-28T04:20:39Z cell See CL:0002619. embryonic blood vessel endothelial progenitor cell A glial cell that ensheathes axons of neuron in the peripheral nervous system and are necessary for their maintainance and function. tmeehan 2011-03-02T01:19:27Z BTO:0001220 CALOHA:TS-0898 cell Schwann cell An epithelial cell of the kidney cortex. KUPO:0001016 cell renal cortical epithelial cell A fibroblast of skin. tmeehan 2011-03-14T12:31:49Z BTO:0001255 CALOHA:TS-0935 cell skin fibroblast A cell of the seminiferous tubule epithelium. tmeehan 2011-03-15T11:59:23Z cell seminiferous tubule epithelial cell A glandular epithelial cell that is part of the stomach. tmeehan 2011-07-11T01:20:35Z CALOHA:TS-1284 FMA:86554 cell glandular cell of stomach A multi-fate stem cell that can give rise to different retinal cell types including rod and cone cells. tmeehan 2011-08-16T02:38:01Z cell retinal progenitor cell terryh 2011-10-25T03:49:41Z cell kidney cortical cell A CNS interneuron located in the spinal cord. cell Is_a interneuron, part_of UBERON:0002240. spinal cord interneuron Multi fate stem cell that gives rise to both hepatocytes and cholangiocytes as descendants. hepatoblast Cell that has the potential to form a skeletal cell type (e.g. cells in periosteum, cells in marrow) and produce extracellular matrix (often mineralized) and skeletal tissue (often mineralized). haendel 2012-06-15T02:51:27Z scleroblast cell Needs logical definition. Should be capable_of skeletal system morphogenesis? or skeletal tissue development? needs to be added to GO. NOTES:a cell type of the early embryo (see also: mesenchymal cells) that will give rise to mineralized connective tissue. Scleroblasts can differentiate into osteoblasts (bone-forming cells), chondroblasts (cartilage-forming cells), odontoblasts (dentin-forming cells), ameloblasts (enamel-forming cells). The mesenchymal cells developing into osteoblasts and chondroblasts are derived from the mesoderm. Those developing into odontoblasts are neural crest cells. Those developing into ameloblasts are derived from the ectoderm. ( skeletogenic cell Cell that is part of the neural crest region of the neuroepithelium, prior to migration. Note that not all premigratory neural crest cells may become migratory neural crest cells. haendel 2012-06-27T08:27:35Z cell premigratory neural crest cell Skeletogenic cell that has the potential to transform into an osteoblast, and develops from neural crest or mesodermal cells. haendel 2012-06-27T10:57:21Z osteoprogenitor cell cell preosteoblast Any muscle cell in which the fibers are not organised into sarcomeres. non-striated muscle cell Any hematopoietic cell that is a precursor of some other hematopoietic cell type. hematopoietic precursor cell A transversely striated, synctial cell of skeletal muscle. It is formed when proliferating myoblasts exit the cell cycle, differentiate and fuse. skeletal muscle fiber A myotube that is part of some somatic muscle. Examples include arthropod somatic muscle cells. somatic muscle myotube A muscle cell that is part of some somatic muscle. somatic muscle cell A muscle cell that is part of some visceral muscle visceral muscle cell A myoblast that is commited to developing into a somatic muscle. cell somatic muscle myoblast A non-polarised cell precursor cell that is part of some mesenchyme, is associated with the cell matrix but is not connected to other cells and is capable of migration. mesenchyme cell mesenchymal cell dos 2017-07-09T19:12:36Z visual system neuron dos 2017-07-12T11:11:06Z excitatory neuron Any cell in the retina, the innermost layer or coating at the back of the eyeball, which is sensitive to light and in which the optic nerve terminates. PMID:10702418 cell retinal cell camera type eye photoreceptor cell camera-type eye photoreceptor cell A zygote in a plant or an animal. zygote cell cardiac myoblast A cell of the neural crest. Neural crest cells are multipotent. Premigratory neural crest cells are found at the neural plate boarder, some of which will undergo ectomesynchymal transition and delamination to form migratory neural crest cells. cell neural crest cell A precursor cell that has a tendency to differentiate into a specific type of cell. They are descendants of stem cells, only they are more constrained in their differentiation potential or capacity for self-renewal, and are often more limited in both senses. progenitor cell A cell that, by division or terminal differentiation, can give rise to other cell types. Work is needed on GO 'cell differentiation' before it is clear whether the equivalent class definition 'native cell' that capable_of some 'cell differentiation' works. Also, may want to consider merging this with non-terminally differentiated cell. precursor cell Cytoplasm that exhibits a characteristic staining and color, pale-pink, with Wright-Giemsa stain. tmeehan 2010-05-25T01:36:34Z cell neutrophillic cytoplasm Cytoplasm that exhibits a characteristic staining and color, red or pink, with Eosin stain. tmeehan 2009-12-22T04:23:25Z eosinophilic cell acidophilic cytoplasm Cytoplasm that exhibits molecular interaction for basic dyes under specific pH conditions. tmeehan 2009-12-22T04:24:54Z cell basophilic cytoplasm Cytoplasm that exhibits affinity for both basic and acid stains under specific pH conditions. tmeehan 2009-12-28T04:25:23Z cell polychromatophilic cytoplasm A nucleus size quality which is relatively high compared to the amount of cytoplasm present in the same cell. tmeehan 2009-12-23T10:53:24Z cell increased nucleus size Heterochromatin that is arranged in a carthwheel pattern. tmeehan 2009-12-28T04:28:35Z cell cartwheel heterochromatin trophectoderm cell cell trophectodermal cell An epithelial cell that is part of the nephron. FMA:70965 cell epithelial cell of nephron An epithelial cell that is part of the glomerular capsule. FMA:70966 KUPO:0001034 Bowmans capsule epithelial cell epithelial cell of Bowman's capsule cell epithelial cell of glomerular capsule An epithelial cell that is part of the bile duct. Cholangiocytes contribute to bile secretion via net release of bicarbonate and water. They are cuboidal epithelium in the small interlobular bile ducts, but become columnar and mucus secreting in larger bile ducts approaching the porta hepatis and the extrahepatic ducts. FMA:86481 epithelial cell of bile duct cell cholangiocyte KUPO:0001010 cell kidney cell KUPO:0001023 cell kidney glomerular epithelial cell KUPO:0001021 cell kidney corpuscule cell KUPO:0001036 cell glomerular cell An epithelial cell of the exocrine pancreas. FMA:70986 exocrine pancreas cell cell epithelial cell of exocrine pancreas Glandular cell of exocrine pancreas epithelium. Example: pancreatic acinar cell, glandular cells in pancreatic canaliculi, glandular cells in pancreatic ducts. BTO:0000028 CALOHA:TS-1242 exocrine pancreas glandular cell pancreas exocrine glandular cells pancreas exocrine glandular cell Fibroblast from foreskin. CALOHA:TS-0384 BJ fibroblast foreskin fibroblast Hematopoietic cells resident in the bone marrow. Include: hematopoietic stem cells (lymphoid stem cells and myeloid stem cells) and the precursor cells for thrombocytes, erythrocytes, basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. CALOHA:TS-2109 bone marrow hematopoietic cells bone marrow poietic cells bone marrow hematopoietic cell A leukocyte with a single non-segmented nucleus in the mature form found in the circulatory pool of blood. TermGenie 2014-02-11T17:29:04Z cell CL:2000001 peripheral blood mononuclear cell Any cell that is part of a pituitary gland. TermGenie 2014-03-26T22:14:56Z cell CL:2000004 pituitary gland cell Any neuron that is part of a central nervous system. TermGenie 2014-06-25T01:17:43Z cell CL:2000029 central nervous system neuron disease of vascular tissue URI: laronhughes pterygium MSH:D011625 URI: "Communicable disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191415002] "Communicable disease [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:35500006] "Communicable disease" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Communicable disease, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:367443006] "Contagious disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189822004] "Cross infection (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:36406009] "INFEC" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C26726] "INFECTION localIZED" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Infective disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:40733004] "Latent Infection" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C9494] "Opportunistic infectious disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:61274003] "Sweating Fever" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35052] "Sweating disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:078.2] "Sweating fever (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:186694006] "Sweating fever" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:078.2] "Transmissible disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190563008] "anatomy site specific infection" EXACT [] "community-acquired infection" EXACT [] "cross infection" EXACT [] "focal infection" EXACT [] "infection" EXACT [CSP2005:4000-0216] "infectious disease" EXACT [] "latent infection" EXACT [] "localized infection (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:10443009] "miliary fever" EXACT [] "opportunistic infection" EXACT [CSP2005:0715-7200, NCI2004_11_17:C3289] "sequela" RELATED [] "sequelae of infectious and parasitic disease" EXACT [] "systemic infection (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:91302008] "systemic infection" EXACT [] "tropical disease" EXACT [] "A disease that is the consequence of the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, including pathogenic viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and aberrant proteins known as prions." [DO:wk] disease by infectious agent ICD9CM_2010:079.0 UMLS_CUI:C0001485 URI: "HPS" EXACT [] "haemophagocytic syndrome" EXACT [] "A syndrome that is characterized by an expansion of the monocyte-macrophage population and intense hemophagocytosis. It can occur de novo, but more often occurs in the setting of another disorder, usually an infection or a malignancy. A clinical picture of fever, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy and peripheral pancytopenia. The morphologic hallmark of this syndrome is the phagocytosis of hematopoietic elements by morphologically normal macrophages." [url:http\://, url:http\://] hemophagocytic syndrome URI: "Kartagener's Syndrome" EXACT [] "Kartagener's syndrome" EXACT [] "A syndrome consisting of triad of sinusitis, bronchiectasis and situs inversus with dextrocardia." [url:http\://] Kartagener syndrome MSH:D007619 URI: "A body system disease which is located in a part of the nervous system responsible for processing sensory information that consists of sensory receptors, neural pathways, and parts of the brain involved in sensory perception. Commonly recognized sensory systems are those for vision, hearing, somatic sensation (touch), taste and olfaction (smell)." [url:http\://] sensory system disease URI: "A respiratory system disease which involves the lower respiratory tract." [url:http\://] lower respiratory tract disease ICD9CM_2010:478.1 ICD9CM_2010:478.19 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:195823002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266346007 UMLS_CUI:C0029581 URI: "A hereditary disease that is the result of one or more abnormal alleles and may be dominant (a single copy of the abnormal allele is sufficient to give rise to the disease), semi-dominant, or recessive (requiring both copies of the gene to have an abnormal allele)." [DO:wk\,ls] simple genetic disease URI: "A disorder that has an available objective mechanical test (such as chemical tests or brain scans), and are diagnosed only by behavioral syndrome (such as those in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)." [url:http\://] physical disorder URI: "A disorder that is caused by abnormalities in an individual's genetic material (genome)." [url:http\://] genetic disorder URI: "A disorder that impairs the normal function of a bodily process." [url:http\://] functional disorder URI: familial adenomatous polyposis MSH:D011125 OMIM:175100 URI: restless legs syndrome MSH:D012148 URI: xeroderma pigmentosum MSH:D014983 URI: "Mulibrey Nanism Syndrome" EXACT [] "Muscle-Liver-Brain-Eye Nanism" EXACT [] "PERICARDIAL CONSTRICTION AND GROWTH FAILURE" EXACT [] "Perheentupa Syndrome" EXACT [] Mulibrey nanism MSH:D050336 OMIM:253250 URI: Usher syndrome MSH:D052245 OMIM:276900 OMIM:276901 URI: "MUCOSULFATIDOSIS" EXACT [] "Sulfatidosis, Juvenile, Austin Type" EXACT [] multiple sulfatase deficiency disease MSH:D052517 OMIM:272200 URI: "Niemann-Pick Disease, Acute Neuronopathic Form" EXACT [] "Niemann-Pick Disease, Acute Neurovisceral Form" EXACT [] "SPHINGOMYELIN LIPIDOSIS" EXACT [] "Sphingomyelinase Deficiency Disease" EXACT [] "Type A Niemann-Pick Disease" EXACT [] Niemann-Pick disease type A MSH:D052536 OMIM:257200 URI: "Niemann-Pick Disease, Adult Non-Neuronopathic" EXACT [] "Niemann-Pick Disease, Non-Neuronopathic Type" EXACT [] "Type B Niemann-Pick Disease" EXACT [] Niemann-Pick disease type B MSH:D052537 OMIM:607616 URI: "INFANTILE PHYTANIC ACID STORAGE DISEASE" EXACT [] "REFSUM DISEASE, INFANTILE FORM" EXACT [] infantile refsum disease MSH:D052919 OMIM:266510 URI: "Hypophosphatemia, Vitamin D-Resistant Rickets" EXACT [] "Rickets, Hypophosphatemic" EXACT [] "Rickets, Vitamin D-Resistant" EXACT [] "Vitamin D-Resistant Rickets, X-Linked" EXACT [] "X-Linked Hypophosphatemia" EXACT [] hypophosphatemic rickets X-linked dominant MSH:D053098 OMIM:307800 URI: "Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency" EXACT [] mevalonic aciduria MSH:D054078 OMIM:610377 URI: "4p deletion syndrome" EXACT [] "CHROMOSOME 4p16.3 DELETION SYNDROME" EXACT [] "PITT SYNDROME" EXACT [] "Pitt-Rogers-Danks Syndrome" EXACT [] Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome MSH:D054877 OMIM:194190 UMLS_CUI:C0795810 URI: "ASPARTYLGLUCOSAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY" EXACT [] aspartylglucosaminuria MSH:D054880 OMIM:208400 URI: "Acampomelic Campomelic Dysplasia" EXACT [] campomelic dysplasia MSH:D055036 OMIM:114290 URI: "Acid Ceramidase Deficiency" EXACT [] "Farber Disease" EXACT [] "N-LAURYLSPHINGOSINE DEACYLASE DEFICIENCY" EXACT [] Farber lipogranulomatosis MSH:D055577 OMIM:228000 URI: "Leprechaunism" EXACT [] Donohue Syndrome MSH:D056731 OMIM:D056731 URI: An Ewing sarcoma that arises from the soft tissues of the chest wall that tend to recur locally and not widely disseminated. Askin tumor Askin tumour Askin's tumour disease_ontology DOID:0050608 Askin's tumor An organ system cancer located_in the respiratory system that is characterized by uncontrolled cellular proliferation in the respiratory tract. disease_ontology DOID:0050615 respiratory system cancer An organ system benign neoplasm that is located_in reproductive system organs. disease_ontology DOID:0050622 reproductive organ benign neoplasm A cancer that is classified based on the organ it starts in. snadendla 2011-06-13T03:28:33Z MESH:D009371 disease_ontology DOID:0050686 organ system cancer A cancer that is classified by the type of cell from which it is derived. snadendla 2011-06-13T03:28:50Z disease_ontology DOID:0050687 cell type cancer A B-cell lymphocytic neoplasm characterized by an uncontrolled increase of B-cells. lschriml 2012-09-18T02:00:45Z ICDO:9671/3 disease_ontology DOID:0050747 Xref MGI. lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma A colorectal carcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. lschriml 2014-05-05T03:16:55Z NCI:C5105 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:408645001 UMLS_CUI:C1319315 disease_ontology DOID:0050861 colorectal adenocarcinoma "LIG4 Syndrome" EXACT [] "A combined T cell and B cell immunodeficiency that is caused by a mutatino in the LIG4 gene, a DNA ligase, encoding a protein essential for V(D)J recombination and DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair through nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). Patients present with immunodeficiency and developmental and growth delay." [url:http\://, url\]:http\://] DNA ligase IV deficiency URI: "type 3 hyper-IgM immunodeficiency " EXACT [] "A combined T cell and B cell immunodeficiency that is caused by mutation in TNFRSF5 resulting in type 3 hyper-IgM immunodeficiency characterized by an inability of B cells to undergo isotype switching, an inability to mount an antibody-specific immune response, and a lack of germinal center formation." [url:http\://] CD40 deficiency URI: "A disease that involves a disturbance of function, structure, or both of any part, organ, or system of the body resulting from a genetic or embryonic failure in development." [url:http\://, url:http\://] disorder URI: A hematologic cancer that affects lymphocytes that reside in the lymphatic system and in blood-forming organs. DOID:1033 DOID:353 ICD10CM:C85.9 ICDO:9590/3 MESH:D008223 NCI:C3208 NCI:C7065 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:118600007 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:414628006 UMLS_CUI:C0024299 UMLS_CUI:C0598798 lymphoid cancer disease_ontology DOID:0060058 lymphoma A lymphoma that is characterized as any kind of lymphoma except Hodgkin's lymphoma. MESH:D008228 OMIM:605027 ORDO:547 disease_ontology DOID:0060060 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [LS]. non-Hodgkin lymphoma A non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that has_material_basis_in a mutation of T cells. NCI:C3467 GARD:6226 MESH:D016410 cutaneous T cell lymphoma cutaneous T-cell lymphoma disease_ontology DOID:0060061 primary cutaneous T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma A disease of cellular proliferation that results in abnormal growths in the body which lack the ability to metastasize. lschriml 2011-05-11T12:18:41Z disease_ontology DOID:0060072 benign neoplasm An immune system cancer that is located_in the lymphatic system and is characterized by uncontrolled cellular proliferation of lymphoid tissue. lschriml 2011-05-11T01:05:14Z disease_ontology DOID:0060073 lymphatic system cancer A thoracic benign neoplasm that is characterized by lack of malignancy. lschriml 2011-06-08T01:02:29Z disease_ontology DOID:0060082 breast benign neoplasm An organ system cancer located_in the immune system that is characterized by uncontrolled cellular proliferation in organs of the immune system. lschriml 2011-06-08T01:11:18Z ICDO:9392/3 disease_ontology DOID:0060083 immune system cancer A benign neoplasm that is classified by the organ system from which it is arising from. lschriml 2011-07-14T12:12:23Z disease_ontology DOID:0060085 organ system benign neoplasm A reproductive organ benign neoplasm that is characterized by a lack of malignancy located_in the male reproductive system. lschriml 2011-07-14T12:20:52Z disease_ontology DOID:0060087 male reproductive organ benign neoplasm An organ system benign neoplam that is located_in the thoracic cavity. lschriml 2011-07-15T01:55:57Z disease_ontology DOID:0060097 thoracic benign neoplasm An organ system cancer located_in the muscular and skeletal organs and characterized by uncontrolled cellular proliferation of the musculoskeletal organs. lschriml 2011-07-15T02:30:51Z DOID:0060124 skeletal system cancer disease_ontology DOID:0060100 musculoskeletal system cancer A brain cancer that has_material_basis_in glial cells. lschriml 2011-07-22T12:42:50Z lower grade glioma disease_ontology DOID:0060108 brain glioma A disease of anatomical entity that is located_in the thoracic cavity. lschriml 2011-07-25T02:23:47Z disease_ontology DOID:0060118 thoracic disease An organ system cancer that is located_in the skin, hair and nails. lschriml 2011-07-27T02:31:34Z disease_ontology DOID:0060122 integumentary system cancer "A cancer that results_from malignant growth located_in immature blood forming cells called blast cells. Blast cells are also referred to as bone marrow precursor cells or simply precursor cells." [] blastoma URI: "A bone marrow cancer that affects plasma cells in which abnormal plasma cells multiply uncontrollably in the bone marrow and occasionally in other parts of the body." [url:http\://] myeloma URI: A musculoskeletal system disease that affects the muscles. disease_ontology DOID:0080000 muscular disease A connective tissue disease that affects the structure or development of bone or causes an impairment of normal bone function. wachang "skeletal disease" RELATED [] DOID:1290 ICD10CM:M89.9 MESH:D001847 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:76069003 UMLS_CUI:C0005940 disease_ontology skeletal disease DOID:0080001 bone disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001847 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156814002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:203524000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268126004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:274145000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:308147009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:76069003 UMLS_CUI:C0005940 URI: A colorectal cancer that arises from the colon or rectum and invades through the muscularis mucosa into the submucosa. EFO:1001951 MESH:D015179 NCI:C2955 UMLS_CUI:C0009402 disease_ontology DOID:0080199 colorectal carcinoma A gastrointestinal system cancer that is located_in the hepatobiliary system. disease_ontology DOID:0080355 hepatobiliary system cancer A thyroid gland carcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. NCI:C27380 disease_ontology DOID:0080524 thyroid gland adenocarcinoma A thyroid gland adenocarcinoma characterized by extensive evidence of follicular cell differentiation. NCI:C7153 disease_ontology DOID:0080525 differentiated thyroid gland carcinoma A bone cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives from embryonic mesoderm. disease_ontology DOID:0080639 bone sarcoma "Bilateral Deafness" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C36193] "Bilateral deafness (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:162344009] "Complete deafness (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:8531006] "Deafness NOS (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267678002] "Deafness NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:389.9] "Deafness NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155259007] "Deafness NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:194432002] "Deafness, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:15188001] "Total Deafness" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C36194] "complete hearing loss" EXACT [] "deafness" EXACT [CSP2005:0977-5812] "deafness" EXACT [MTH:345] deafness MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003638 NCI2009_04D:C27644 NCI2009_04D:C36193 NCI2009_04D:C36194 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU002823 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:139613003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:15188001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155259007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:162341001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:162344009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194411005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194432002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267678002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:8531006 UMLS_CUI:C0011053 UMLS_CUI:C0581883 URI: "Polyglandular activity in multiple endocrine adenomatosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:46724008] polyglandular activity in multiple endocrine adenomatosis ICD9CM_2010:258.0 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:46724008 UMLS_CUI:C0311355 URI: "Polyglandular dysfunction and/or related disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:26572003] polyglandular dysfunction and related disorder ICD9CM_2010:258 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:26572003 UMLS_CUI:C0154218 URI: polyglandular dysfunction ICD9CM_2010:258.1 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190567009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267405009 UMLS_CUI:C0154220 URI: "MEN type IIB" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3227] "Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 3 (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:61530001] "mucosal neuroma syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:2009-6300] multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2b MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018814 NCI2009_04D:C3227 OMIM2009_05_01:162300 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:61530001 UMLS_CUI:C0025269 URI: "MEA type I" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3225] "Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 1 (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:30664006] "Wermer syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:2009-6300] "Wermer's syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:258.0] "Wermer's syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190566000] multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 ICD9CM_2010:258.01 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018761 NCI2009_04D:C3225 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190566000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:30664006 UMLS_CUI:C0025267 URI: A small intestine cancer that is located_in the beginning section of the small intestine. DOID:6072 ICD10CM:C17.0 ICD9CM:152.0 MESH:D004379 NCI:C4803 NCI:C9328 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254570009 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:363403002 UMLS_CUI:C0153426 UMLS_CUI:C0541912 Duodenal cancer cancer of duodenum duodenal neoplasm disease_ontology DOID:10021 duodenum cancer pigmentation disorder ICD9CM_2010:709.09 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010859 UMLS_CUI:C0375489 URI: corneal disease ICD9CM_2010:371.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003316 NCI2009_04D:C26731 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:15250008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155160005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193794007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193856004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267733008 UMLS_CUI:C0010034 URI: "Conjunctival degeneration (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:40787005] "Conjunctival degeneration, unspecified" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:372.50] "Unspecified conjunctival degeneration (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193886006] Conjunctival degeneration ICD9CM_2010:372.50 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193886006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:40787005 UMLS_CUI:C0155160 URI: A gastrointestinal system cancer that is located_in the intestine. ICD10CM:C26.0 ICD9CM:159.0 MESH:D007414 NCI:C4572 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93838000 UMLS_CUI:C0346627 malignant intestinal tumors malignant neoplasm of intestine disease_ontology DOID:10155 intestinal cancer autosomal deletion syndrome ICD9CM_2010:758.3 UMLS_CUI:C0004402 URI: frontotemporal dementia ICD9CM_2010:331.1 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D057180 OMIM2009_05_01:600274 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU003256 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:230270009 UMLS_CUI:C0338451 URI: "neoplasm of pelvis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126644004] "pelvis neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2005-4862] "A cancer by anatomical entity that is manifested in the pelvic region." [url:http\://] pelvic cancer MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010386 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126644004 UMLS_CUI:C0030793 URI: "malignant neoplasm of pelvis NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188370005] "malignant neoplasm of pelvis, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93953009] "malignant tumor of pelvis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:363484005] malignant neoplasm of pelvis ICD9CM_2010:195.3 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188370005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:363484005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:93953009 UMLS_CUI:C0153663 URI: "Sickle-cell thalassemia with crisis" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:282.42] "Sickle-cell thalassemia without crisis" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:282.41] "thalassemia Hb-S disease with crisis" EXACT [] "thalassemia Hb-S disease without crisis" EXACT [] thalassemia ICD9CM_2010:282.4 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013789 NCI2009_04D:C35069 OMIM2009_05_01:604131 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154796005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191182000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191192008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191193003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267521001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267557006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:40108008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:84188003 UMLS_CUI:C0039730 URI: "Conjunctival degenerations and deposits (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193885005] Conjunctival degenerations and deposits ICD9CM_2010:372.5 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193885005 UMLS_CUI:C0155159 URI: A male reproductive organ cancer that is located_in the prostate. "malignant tumor of prostate (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:363448003] "malignant tumor of prostate (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:399068003] "malignant tumor of the prostate" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7378] "prostatic cancer" EXACT [CSP2005:2016-2641] DOID:514 ICD10CM:C61 ICD9CM:185 KEGG:05215 MESH:D011471 NCI:C3343 NCI:C7378 OMIM:176807 OMIM:300147 OMIM:300704 OMIM:601518 OMIM:602759 OMIM:608656 OMIM:608658 OMIM:609299 OMIM:609558 OMIM:610321 OMIM:610997 OMIM:611100 OMIM:611868 OMIM:611928 OMIM:611955 OMIM:611958 OMIM:611959 ORDO:1331 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126906006 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93974005 UMLS_CUI:C0033578 UMLS_CUI:C0376358 NGP - new growth of prostate hereditary prostate cancer malignant tumor of the prostate prostate cancer, familial prostate neoplasm prostatic cancer prostatic neoplasm tumor of the prostate disease_ontology DOID:10283 Xref MGI. OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. malignant neoplasm of prostate prostate cancer ICD9CM_2010:185 NCI2009_04D:C7378 OMIM2009_05_01:176807 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU017418 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:363448003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:399068003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:93974005 UMLS_CUI:C0376358 URI: "malignant neoplasm of male genital organ, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93885006] "malignant neoplasm of male genital organ, site unspecified" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:187.9] "malignant neoplasm of male genital organ, unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190130007] "malignant neoplasm of male genital organs (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190127000] "malignant tumor of male Reproductive system" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C8561] "malignant tumor of male genital organ (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:363515000] "malignant tumor of male genital organ" EXACT [MTH:U001031] malignant neoplasm of male genital organ or tract ICD9CM_2010:187.9 NCI2009_04D:C8561 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190127000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190130007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:363515000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:93885006 UMLS_CUI:C0153606 URI: A prostate cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. EFO:0001663 KEGG:05215 NCI:C4863 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254900004 UMLS_CUI:C0600139 cancer of prostate carcinoma of prostate disease_ontology DOID:10286 prostate carcinoma "lymphoid neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:414628006] "lymphoid neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2004-6589] "lymphoid tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7065] "A hematologic cancer that is located_in lymphocytes which is composed_of white blood cell." [url:http\://] lymphoid cancer NCI2009_04D:C7065 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:414628006 UMLS_CUI:C0598798 URI: A breast benign neoplasm that has_material_basis in fibrous tissue and is characterized by the development of cystic spaces. ICD10CM:N60.1 ICD9CM:610.1 MESH:D005348 NCI:C3039 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:198091009 UMLS_CUI:C0016034 Diffuse cystic mastopathy Fibrocystic disease of breast breast Fibrocystic Change disease_ontology DOID:10354 breast fibrocystic disease A leukemia that has_material_basis_in a B-cell or T-cell lineage involving primarily the bone marrow and the peripheral blood. DOID:10747 ICD10CM:C91 ICD9CM:204 ICDO:9820/3 MESH:D007945 NCI:C7539 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93170002 UMLS_CUI:C0023448 lymphoblastic leukaemia lymphoblastic leukemia lymphocytic leukaemia disease_ontology DOID:1037 lymphoblastic leukemia lymphoid leukemia ICD9CM_2010:204 ICD9CM_2010:204.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007945 NCI2009_04D:C7539 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154587007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188725004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188731001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190033006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269631008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:32280000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:93170002 UMLS_CUI:C0023448 URI: A lymphocytic leukemia characterized by over production of B-cells and their accumulation in bone marrow and blood. EFO:0000095 GARD:6104 ICD10CM:C91.10 ICD9CM:204.1 MESH:D015451 NCI:C3163 OMIM:109543 OMIM:151400 OMIM:609630 OMIM:612557 OMIM:612558 OMIM:612559 ORDO:67038 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:51092000 UMLS_CUI:C0023434 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia CLL chronic lymphatic leukaemia chronic lymphatic leukemia chronic lymphocytic leukaemia lymphoplasmacytic leukaemia lymphoplasmacytic leukemia disease_ontology B-cell chronic lymphoid leukemia DOID:1040 Xref MGI. chronic lymphocytic leukemia "Congenital dystrophia brevicollis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:388981000] "Klippel-Feil and Turner syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:129581007] "Klippel-Feil sequence (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:5601008] "Klippel-Feil syndrome NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205441002] "Klippel-Feil syndrome" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:756.16] "Klippel-Feil syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:157003009] "Klippel-Feil syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268349005] Klippel-Feil syndrome ICD9CM_2010:756.16 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007714 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU007623 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU009868 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:129581007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157003009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205441002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268349005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:388981000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:5601008 UMLS_CUI:C0022738 URI: "Aganglionic Megacolon" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34700] "Aganglionosis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:751.3] "Aganglionosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204738000] "Congenital megacolon (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:360436002] "Hirschsprung's disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204739008] "Hirschsprung's disease NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204742002] "Hirschsprung's disease [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:6687001] "Macrocolon (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:367495003] "Macrocolon" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204744001] "pelvirectal achalasia" EXACT [CSP2005:0724-7702] Hirschsprung's disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006627 NCI2009_04D:C34700 OMIM2009_05_01:142623 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU003463 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU017167 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156957008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204738000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204739008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204742002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204744001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:360436002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:367495003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:6687001 UMLS_CUI:C0019569 URI:'s_disease "Adrenal Cortical Insufficiency" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27150] "Adrenal cortical hypofunction (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:386584007] "Adrenal cortical hypofunction (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:68588005] "Corticoadrenal insufficiency NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267398003] "Corticoadrenal insufficiency NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190527008] "Corticoadrenal insufficiency" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:255.4] "Corticoadrenal insufficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154707007] "Corticoadrenal insufficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267483004] adrenal cortical hypofunction ICD9CM_2010:255.4 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154707007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190527008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267398003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267483004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:386584007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:68588005 UMLS_CUI:C0405580 URI: A gastrointestinal system cancer that is located_in the stomach. DOID:10539 DOID:10542 DOID:10543 DOID:4713 GARD:7704 ICD10CM:C16 ICD10CM:C16.2 ICD10CM:C16.5 ICD10CM:C16.6 ICD9CM:151 ICD9CM:151.4 ICD9CM:151.5 ICD9CM:151.6 MESH:D013274 NCI:C3387 NCI:C9331 OMIM:613659 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126824007 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:269459004 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:269460009 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93717002 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:94074003 UMLS_CUI:C0024623 UMLS_CUI:C0038356 UMLS_CUI:C0153421 UMLS_CUI:C0153422 UMLS_CUI:C0153423 gastric cancer gastric neoplasm disease_ontology DOID:10534 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. stomach cancer GARD:6485 NCI:C4636 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:276811008 UMLS_CUI:C0349532 Lymphoma of the stomach disease_ontology DOID:10540 gastric lymphoma "Lowe syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:79385002] "oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-1861] oculocerebrorenal syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009800 OMIM2009_05_01:309000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:79385002 UMLS_CUI:C0028860 URI: inborn amino acid transport disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020157 UMLS_CUI:C0751746 URI: "Avitaminosis D NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190649007] "Avitaminosis D" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:268.9] "Unspecified vitamin D deficiency" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:268.9] "deficiency of vitamin D (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124886009] "vitamin D deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:34713006] "vitamin D deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:2116-7610] "vitamin D deficiency" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:268] "vitamin D deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154728003] "vitamin D deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190639009] vitamin D deficiency ICD9CM_2010:268 ICD9CM_2010:268.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014808 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU023608 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124886009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154728003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190639009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190649007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:34713006 UMLS_CUI:C0042870 URI: calcium metabolism disorder ICD9CM_2010:275.4 ICD9CM_2010:275.40 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002128 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190863003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190874007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267442002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:71638002 UMLS_CUI:C0006705 URI: "Leucodystrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192781003] "Leucodystrophy NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192785007] "Leukodystrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:5101009] "Leukodystrophy" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:330.0] "leukodystrophy" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5479] leukodystrophy ICD9CM_2010:330.0 NCI2009_04D:C61253 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008789 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192781003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192785007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:5101009 UMLS_CUI:C0023520 URI: "Amino acid transport disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:16784003] "Amino acid transport disorder NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190686008] "Disturbances of amino-acid transport" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:270.0] "disorder of amino acid transport -RETIRED-" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:123292000] amino acid transport disorder ICD9CM_2010:270.0 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:123292000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:16784003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190686008 UMLS_CUI:C0268641 URI: "Arylsulfatase A deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238031009] "Metachromatic leucodystrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192784006] "Metachromatic leucodystrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:396338004] "Metachromatic leukodystrophy (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:3621006] "Scholz cerebral sclerosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:44359008] "Sulfatide lipidosis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:330.0] "deficiency of cerebroside-sulfatase (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:66521008] "sulfatide lipoidosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5593] metachromatic leukodystrophy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007966 NCI2009_04D:C61251 OMIM2009_05_01:250100 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192784006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:3621006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:396338004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:44359008 UMLS_CUI:C0023522 URI: "HMSN type IV" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-7949] "HSMN IV" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:25362006] "Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:356.3] "Refsum's disease" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:356.3] Refsum disease ICD9CM_2010:356.3 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012035 OMIM2009_05_01:266500 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:25362006 UMLS_CUI:C0034960 URI: "Lipid storage disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:10741005] "Lipidoses (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267437005] "Lipidoses NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267438000] "Lipidoses" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:272.7] "Lipidoses" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190792005] "Lipidoses: [familial xanthomatosis] or [NOS]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190797004] "Lipoid storage disease NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:272.7] "Lipoidosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:11455007] "inborn lipid storage disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5707] lipoidosis ICD9CM_2010:272.7 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008064 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:10741005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:11455007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190792005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190797004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267437005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267438000 UMLS_CUI:C0023794 URI: "RP" EXACT [CSP2005:1114-9526] "Retinitis pigmentosa (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:28835009] "Retinitis pigmentosa" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:362.74] "Retinitis pigmentosa" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155113002] "retinitis pigmentosa-1" EXACT [] retinitis pigmentosa MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012174 OMIM2009_05_01:120970 OMIM2009_05_01:180100 OMIM2009_05_01:268000 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000153 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000322 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU001509 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU005737 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155113002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:28835009 UMLS_CUI:C0035334 UMLS_CUI:C0220701 URI: hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy ICD9CM_2010:356 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193157005 UMLS_CUI:C0154754 URI: "Diffuse globoid body sclerosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189979005] "Galactosylceramide beta-galactosidase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192782005] "Krabbe's disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:330.0] "Krabbe's leukodystrophy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:5710006] "beta galactocerebrosidase deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5536] globoid cell leukodystrophy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007965 NCI2009_04D:C61254 OMIM2009_05_01:245200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189979005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192782005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:5710006 UMLS_CUI:C0023521 URI: "ALD" EXACT [CSP2005:4001-0003] "Adrenoleukodystrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:65389002] "X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.86] adrenoleukodystrophy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000326 NCI2009_04D:C61252 OMIM2009_05_01:300100 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006714 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:65389002 UMLS_CUI:C0162309 URI: mental retardation ICD9CM_2010:317-319.99 ICD9CM_2010:319 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008607 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000133 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:110359009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154978008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154979000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:1855002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192157003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192557008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:228156007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268732001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:91138005 UMLS_CUI:C0025362 URI: "CMT - Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128202008] "CMT - Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193158000] "Charcot Marie Tooth muscular atrophy" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-7637] "Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:50548001] "Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:356.1] "Peroneal muscular atrophy NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193162006] "Peroneal muscular atrophy" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:356.1] Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease ICD9CM_2010:356.1 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002607 NCI2009_04D:C75467 OMIM2009_05_01:118200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128202008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193158000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193162006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:50548001 UMLS_CUI:C0007959 URI: "Hartnup disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:270.0] "Neutral 1 amino acid transport defect (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:80902009] "deficiency of tryptophan oxygenase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124208000] "neutral amino acid transport defect" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-4235] "An inborn metabolic brain disease that is the result of an inherited metabolic disease that is caused by abnormalities of the renal tubules and is characterized especially by aminoaciduria involving only monocarboxylic monoamines, a dry red scaly rash, and episodic muscular incoordination due to the effects of the disease on the cerebellum." [url:http\://] Hartnup disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006250 OMIM2009_05_01:234500 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124208000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:80902009 UMLS_CUI:C0018609 URI: "Rickets (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:41345002] "rickets" EXACT [CSP2005:2715-1648] rickets MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012279 NCI2009_04D:C26878 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006645 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154728003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190639009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:41345002 UMLS_CUI:C0035579 URI: "inborn renal aminoaciduria" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-1462] renal minoaciduria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000608 UMLS_CUI:C0002534 URI: "Congenital Fanconi syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:236466005] "De Toni-Fanconi syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:111398009] "Fanconi syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:40488004] "Fanconi-de Toni syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:270.0] "Fanconi-de Toni-Debre syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:253060009] "Fanconi-de-Toni syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190683000] "Infantile nephropathic cystinosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:62332007] "Infantile nephropathic cystinosis [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267415003] "Lignac-Fanconi syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3034] "Lignac-Fanconi syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190681003] "Lignac-Fanconi syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:367374009] "deToni Fanconi syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-2203] Fanconi syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005198 NCI2009_04D:C3034 OMIM2009_05_01:134600 OMIM2009_05_01:219800 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006718 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU007375 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU013527 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:111398009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190681003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190683000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:236466005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:253060009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267415003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:367374009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:40488004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:62332007 UMLS_CUI:C0015624 URI: "primary optic atrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:21098003] primary optic atrophy ICD9CM_2010:377.11 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:21098003 UMLS_CUI:C0155291 URI: "Interstitial Nephritis" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C26834] "Interstitial nephritis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:28689008] "Interstitial nephritis (qualifier value)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:264536006] "interstitial nephritis" EXACT [CSP2005:1682-1281] "renal tubulo-interstitial disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:198506002] interstitial nephritis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009395 NCI2009_04D:C26834 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU011503 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:198506002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:264536006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:28689008 UMLS_CUI:C0027707 URI: "Diabetes mellitus AND insipidus with optic atrophy AND deafness (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:70694009] "Wolfram syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:0977-5687] "Wolfram syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-6601] Wolfram syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014929 NCI2009_04D:C35133 OMIM2009_05_01:222300 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:70694009 UMLS_CUI:C0043207 URI: "Cystine storage disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190683000] "Cystinosis (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:111398009] "Cystinosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190681003] "Cystinosis [dup] (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:367374009] "cystine storage disease" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-0607] cystinosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003554 NCI2009_04D:C2976 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:111398009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190681003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190683000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:367374009 UMLS_CUI:C0010690 URI: disease_ontology DOID:10747 obsolete lymphoid leukemia true A duodenum cancer that derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. NCI:C7889 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:408644002 UMLS_CUI:C0278804 Duodenal adenocarcinoma disease_ontology DOID:10816 duodenum adenocarcinoma A mouth disease located_in the salivary gland. DOID:12898 ICD9CM:527.8 UMLS_CUI:C0029773 Non-neoplastic Salivary gland disease Salivary gland disease disease_ontology DOID:10854 salivary gland disease congenital chromosomal disease ICD9CM_2010:758 ICD9CM_2010:758.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D025063 NCI2009_04D:C34470 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157018005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157023005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205724000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205729005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:409709004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:74345006 UMLS_CUI:C0008626 URI: spinal dysraphism ICD9CM_2010:741 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016135 OMIM2009_05_01:182940 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU007928 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU015110 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156888006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204017003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:67531005 UMLS_CUI:C0080178 URI: "Tooth disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155631000] "Tooth disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266485001] "Tooth disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234947003] "Tooth disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35077] "dental disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:0828-0533] "disease of teeth (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:367503003] "disease of teeth [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:72722003] tooth disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014076 NCI2009_04D:C35077 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155631000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234947003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266485001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:367503003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:72722003 UMLS_CUI:C0040435 URI: "Amnestic disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:3298001] "Amnestic disorder NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:294.8] "Amnestic disorder in conditions classified elsewhere" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:294.0] "Amnestic syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35764] "Korsakoff's psychosis or syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:294.0] amnestic disorder ICD9CM_2010:294.0 NCI2009_04D:C35764 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:3298001 UMLS_CUI:C0002625 URI: "Korsakoff Syndrome" EXACT [] "Korsakoff's psychosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:69482004] "Korsakoff's syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-6017] "Korsakov psychosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191470004] "Korsakov's psychosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154854002] "Korsakov's psychosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268745002] "Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:291.1] "Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191472007] Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020915 NCI2009_04D:C35764 OMIM2009_05_01:277730 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154854002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191470004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191472007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268745002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:69482004 UMLS_CUI:C0349464 URI: "Alcohol amnestic disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:73097000] "Alcohol amnestic syndrome NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191473002] "Alcohol-Induced Wernicke-Korsakoff's syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34366] "Alcohol-induced persisting amnestic disorder" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:291.1] "Korsakoff's psychosis, alcoholic" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:291.1] "Korsakov syndrome - alcoholic" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:69482004] "Mental and behavioral disorder due to use of alcohol: amnesic syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192213005] alcohol amnestic disorder ICD9CM_2010:291.1 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000425 NCI2009_04D:C34366 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191473002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192213005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:69482004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:73097000 UMLS_CUI:C0001940 URI: "intracranial aneurysm (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128609009] "intracranial aneurysm" EXACT [CSP2005:0617-5365] "intracranial aneurysm, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:42994005] intracranial aneurysm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002532 NCI2009_04D:C34458 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU016180 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128609009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:42994005 UMLS_CUI:C0007766 URI: nephritis, nephrosis and nephrotic syndrome ICD9CM_2010:583 UMLS_CUI:C0027698 URI:,_nephrosis_and_nephrotic_syndrome "Nephritis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:52845002] "Nephritis NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:274107001] "Nephritis NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:583.9] "Nephritis NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155853001] "Nephritis NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266615001] "nephritis" EXACT [CSP2005:1682-1154] nephritis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009393 NCI2009_04D:C26833 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU004942 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155853001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266615001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:274107001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:52845002 UMLS_CUI:C0027697 URI: "Alpha thalassaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191186002] "Hemoglobin H disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:48553001] "Hemoglobin H disease" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34368] "alpha Thalassemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:68913001] "Alpha thalassemia is a thalassemia involving the genes HBA1and HBA2 hemoglobin genes." [url:http\://] alpha thalassemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017085 NCI2009_04D:C34368 OMIM2009_05_01:141800 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU017933 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191186002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:48553001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:68913001 UMLS_CUI:C0002312 URI: A female reproductive system disease that is located_in the ovary. MESH:D010049 NCI:C26841 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:5552004 UMLS_CUI:C0029928 disease_ontology DOID:1100 ovarian disease An urinary system cancer that results_in malignant growth located_in the urinary bladder. DOID:5428 GARD:12210 ICD10CM:C67 ICD9CM:188 KEGG:05219 MESH:D001749 NCI:C2901 NCI:C9334 OMIM:109800 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126885006 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:363455001 UMLS_CUI:C0005684 UMLS_CUI:C0005695 bladder cancer tumor of the bladder disease_ontology DOID:11054 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. urinary bladder cancer A esophageal cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. EFO:0002916 NCI:C3513 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:255079005 UMLS_CUI:C0152018 cancer of esophagus cancer of oesophagus carcinoma OF ESOPHAGUS carcinoma of esophagus carcinoma of oesophagus disease_ontology DOID:1107 esophageal carcinoma "(Psychogenic tics) or (Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154936002] "Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:5158005] "Guinon's disease" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-5068] "Psychogenic tics" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268778009] "Tourette's disorder -RETIRED-" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:39098006] "Tourette's disorder" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:307.23] "Tourette's syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35078] "motor-verbal tic disorder" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:307.23] Gilles de la Tourette syndrome ICD9CM_2010:307.23 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005879 NCI2009_04D:C35078 OMIM2009_05_01:137580 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154936002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192624004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268778009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:39098006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:5158005 UMLS_CUI:C0040517 URI: A cell type cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives from embryonic mesoderm. DOID:3936 ICD10CM:C49 ICD9CM:171.9 ICDO:8800/3 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93765001 UMLS_CUI:C0153519 connective and soft tissue neoplasm tumor of soft tissue and skeleton disease_ontology DOID:1115 sarcoma "A viral skin infectious disease that is caused by Verruca vulgaris. This infection produces a a raised wart with roughened surface, most common on hands, but can grow anywhere on the body." [url:http\://] common wart ICD9CM_2010:078.1 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014860 NCI2009_04D:C27087 NCI2009_04D:C5028 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:123201004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154361008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154362001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:186685000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:186686004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266198004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:30285000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:367507002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:57019003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:75003008 UMLS_CUI:C0043037 URI: "Human papilloma Virus Infection" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27851] "Human papilloma virus infection (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:240532009] "Human papilloma virus infection, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:367507002, SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:75003008] "human papilloma virus infectious disease" EXACT [] papillomavirus infectious disease NCI2009_04D:C27851 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154362001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:186751006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:240532009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:367507002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:75003008 UMLS_CUI:C0343641 URI: "Eagle-Barrett syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:756.71] "Prune belly syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:5187006] "Prune belly syndrome" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:756.71] Prune Belly syndrome ICD9CM_2010:756.71 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011535 OMIM2009_05_01:100100 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:5187006 UMLS_CUI:C0033770 URI: "DiGeorge sequence (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:77128003] "DiGeorge syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190991007] "DiGeorge's syndrome" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:279.11] "DiGeorge's syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2989] "Pharyngeal pouch syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:279.11] "pharyngeal pouch syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-9991] "A T cell deficiency disease that is the result of a large deletion of chromosome 22 which includes the DGS gene needed for development of the thymus and related glands with subsequent lack of T-cell production." [url:http\://, url:http\://] DiGeorge syndrome ICD9CM_2010:279.11 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004062 NCI2009_04D:C2989 OMIM2009_05_01:188400 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190991007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:77128003 UMLS_CUI:C0012236 URI: T cell deficiency NCI2009_04D:C27872 UMLS_CUI:C1333147 URI: congenital osteodystrophy ICD9CM_2010:756.59 UMLS_CUI:C0029559 URI: "Congenital Ectopic Lens" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34566] "Congenital ectopic lens (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:74969002] "Congenital ectopic lens" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:743.37] "Congenital lens: [ectopic] or [displaced] or [dislocation]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204136005] Ectopia Lentis ICD9CM_2010:743.37 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004479 NCI2009_04D:C34566 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU004673 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204136005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:231976001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:74969002 UMLS_CUI:C0013581 URI: "Dilatation of colon" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:564.7, SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:197138002, SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:33995003] "Megacolon NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:197144003] "Megacolon excluding Hirschsprung's disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266459000] "Megacolon excluding Hirschsprung's disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155789001] "Megacolon excluding Hirschsprung's disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:197138002] "Megacolon excluding Hirschsprung's disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266528000] "Megacolon" EXACT [] "Megacolon, not Hirschsprung's (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:33995003] "Megacolon, other than Hirschsprung's" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:564.7] megacolon MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008531 NCI2009_04D:C34810 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008370 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:197138002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:197144003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:33995003 UMLS_CUI:C0025160 URI: heart disease ICD9CM_2010:429.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006331 NCI2009_04D:C3079 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155263000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194707003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:195152001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266275004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266311004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:56265001 UMLS_CUI:C0018799 URI: "autonomic nervous system disorder" EXACT [] autonomic nervous system disease ICD9CM_2010:337.1 MSH:D001342 UMLS_CUI:C0154691 URI: "Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128205005] hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009477 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128205005 UMLS_CUI:C0027889 URI: "HSAN III" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:29159009] "Riley-Day syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:742.8] "familial autonomic nervous dysfunction" EXACT [CSP2005:0725-5371] "familial dysautonomia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204087006] familial dysautonomia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004402 OMIM2009_05_01:223900 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204087006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:29159009 UMLS_CUI:C0013364 URI: color vision defect MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003117 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006100 UMLS_CUI:C0009398 URI: "hyperlipemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1744-2444] "hyperlipidaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154739000] "hyperlipidaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267499005] "hyperlipidemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:55822004] "hyperlipidemia NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190782002] "hyperlipidemia NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:272.4] "hyperlipidemia NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154743001] hyperlipidemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006949 NCI2009_04D:C34707 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU002043 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154739000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154743001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190782002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267499005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:55822004 UMLS_CUI:C0020473 URI: "GDM" EXACT [CSP2005:0862-6650] "Gestational diabetes mellitus" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:199232003] "Gestational diabetes mellitus" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237629002] "Gestational diabetes mellitus" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:393568003] "Maternal gestational diabetes mellitus" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:11687002] "Maternal gestational diabetes mellitus" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:359964007] gestational diabetes MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016640 NCI2009_04D:C34942 OMIM2009_05_01:125851 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU004757 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:11687002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:199232003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237629002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:359964007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:393568003 UMLS_CUI:C0085207 URI: "Glycogen storage disease, type VII (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:89597008] "Muscle phosphofructokinase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234406005] "phosphofructokinase myopathy" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-4121] glycogen storage disease type VII MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006014 OMIM2009_05_01:232800 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012617 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234406005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:89597008 UMLS_CUI:C0017926 URI: "Dystrophia myotonica" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:359.2] "Dystrophia myotonica" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155096007] "Dystrophia myotonica" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267713009] "Steinert myotonic dystrophy syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:77956009] "Steinert's disease" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-6719] myotonic dystrophy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009223 OMIM2009_05_01:160900 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155096007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267713009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:77956009 UMLS_CUI:C0027126 URI: "Brachmann de Lange syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:0944-7801] "Brachmann de Lange syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:1354-8678] "Brachmann de Lange syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:2403-8925] "Congenital muscular hypertrophy-cerebral syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:55016009] "De Lange syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:40354009] Bruck-de Lange syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003635 NCI2009_04D:C75016 OMIM2009_05_01:122470 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:40354009 UMLS_CUI:C0270972 URI: "ANEMIA HYPOCHROMIC" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Hypochromic Anemia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34380] "Hypochromic anaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:44452003] "hypochromic anemia" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-2389] hypochromic anemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000747 NCI2009_04D:C34380 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006440 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:44452003 UMLS_CUI:C0002884 URI: nephrotic syndrome ICD9CM_2010:581 ICD9CM_2010:V13.03 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009404 NCI2009_04D:C34845 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU001371 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155851004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:197611005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:52254009 UMLS_CUI:C0027726 URI: "Dementia in Pick's disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192174003] "Pick's disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:13092008] "Pick's disease" EXACT [CSP2005:0485-6612] "Pick's disease" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:331.11] "Pick's disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154998003] "Pick's disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267688001] Pick's disease ICD9CM_2010:331.11 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020774 OMIM2009_05_01:172700 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:13092008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154998003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192174003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267688001 UMLS_CUI:C0236642 URI:'s_disease "Dystonia lenticularis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:52274002] "Dystonia, deformans progressiva" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:333.6] "Idiopathic Torsion Dystonia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34564] "Idiopathic torsion dystonia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:22451001] "Idiopathic torsion dystonia" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:333.6] "Idiopathic torsion dystonia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155008004] "dystonia deformans progressiva" EXACT [CSP2005:2057-3370] dystonia musculorum deformans ICD9CM_2010:333.6 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004422 NCI2009_04D:C34564 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU002912 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155008004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:22451001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:431034009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:52274002 UMLS_CUI:C0013423 URI: A nervous system cancer that is located in the peripheral nervous system. "neoplasm of peripheral nerve (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126980002] "tumor of PNS" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3321] DOID:3194 MESH:D010524 MESH:D018317 NCI:C3321 NCI:C4972 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126980002 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:189946005 UMLS_CUI:C0031118 UMLS_CUI:C0206727 neoplasm of peripheral nerve nerve sheath neoplasm tumor of PNS disease_ontology DOID:1192 peripheral nervous system neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010524 NCI2009_04D:C3321 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126980002 UMLS_CUI:C0031118 URI: congenital abnormal synostosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013580 UMLS_CUI:C0039093 URI: "Prader - Willi syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205794007] "Prader Willi syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-7731] "Prader-Willi syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:89392001] "Prader-Willi syndrome" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:759.81] Prader-Willi syndrome ICD9CM_2010:759.81 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011218 NCI2009_04D:C75463 OMIM2009_05_01:176270 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205794007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:89392001 UMLS_CUI:C0032897 URI: A reproductive organ cancer that is manifested in the female genitals. This includes organs such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina and vulva. DOID:1244 DOID:1281 ICD10CM:C57 ICD9CM:184 MESH:D005833 NCI:C3053 NCI:C4913 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126907002 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:188207007 UMLS_CUI:C0017416 UMLS_CUI:C0153585 UMLS_CUI:C0699889 female reproductive cancer malignant Gynecologic tumor malignant neoplasm of female genital organ disease_ontology DOID:120 "A cancer of reproductive system that is manifested in the female genitals. This includes organs such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina and vulva." [url:http\://\:Female_genital_neoplasia, url:http\://] female genital cancer female reproductive organ cancer MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005833 NCI2009_04D:C3053 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126907002 UMLS_CUI:C0017416 URI: X-linked mental retardation MSH2010_2010_02_22:D038901 OMIM2009_05_01:300495 UMLS_CUI:C1136249 URI: pervasive development disorder ICD9CM_2010:299.80 UMLS_CUI:C0154451 URI: "abdomen neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2005-4146] "abdominal neoplasm" EXACT [MTH:003] "neoplasm of abdomen (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128050000] "tumor of abdomen (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:255060007] "A cancer by anatomical entitiy that affects the organs in the abdominal cavity." [url:http\://] abdominal cancer MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128050000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:255060007 UMLS_CUI:C0000735 URI: "Dementia, Senile" EXACT [MTH:611] "Senile Dementia" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Senile Dementia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34524] "Senile dementia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:15662003] "Senile dementia NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:290.0] "Senile dementia, uncomplicated" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:290.0] "Uncomplicated senile dementia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191449005] "Uncomplicated senile dementia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154846004] "senile dementia" EXACT [CSP2005:0485-6612] senile dementia ICD9CM_2010:290.0 NCI2009_04D:C34524 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154845000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154846004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:15662003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191448002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191449005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268744003 UMLS_CUI:C0011268 URI: "Dementia with Lewy bodies" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:331.82] "Diffuse Lewy body disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:80098002] "Lewy body dementia" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:331.82] "Lewy body disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192808003] "Lewy body disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:230275004] "Lewy body disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:230276003] "Lewy body disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:230277007] "Senile dementia of the Lewy body type (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:312991009] Lewy body disease ICD9CM_2010:331.82 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020961 OMIM2009_05_01:127750 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192808003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:230275004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:230276003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:230277007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:312991009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:80098002 UMLS_CUI:C0752347 URI: "Auditory dysfunction (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:362989003] "Hearing disorder (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128540005] "Hearing disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3078] "Hearing problem (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:300228004] "disorder of auditory system (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:362966006] "hearing disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:0977-5687] hearing disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006311 NCI2009_04D:C3078 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128540005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:300228004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:362966006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:362989003 UMLS_CUI:C0260662 URI: "Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34360] "Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237751000] "Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:27037004] "congenital adrenal hyperplasia" EXACT [CSP2005:0060-3730] congenital adrenal hyperplasia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000312 NCI2009_04D:C34360 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU014663 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237751000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:27037004 UMLS_CUI:C0001627 URI: "Congenital factor IX deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154817006] "Congenital factor IX disorder" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:286.1] "Factor IX deficiency" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C26721] "Factor IX deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234443007] "Hemophilia B (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:41788008] "deficiency, functional factor IX" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:286.1] "factor IX deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:0438-3499] hemophilia B ICD9CM_2010:286.1 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002836 NCI2009_04D:C26721 OMIM2009_05_01:306900 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU022661 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154817006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234443007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:41788008 UMLS_CUI:C0008533 URI: "Aniridia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:69278003] "Aplasia of iris (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204161008] aniridia ICD9CM_2010:743.45 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015783 OMIM2009_05_01:106210 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000240 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU007655 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204161008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:69278003 UMLS_CUI:C0003076 URI: "Incontinentia pigmenti (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205567005] "Incontinentia pigmenti syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:367520004] Bloch Sulzberger syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007184 OMIM2009_05_01:308300 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205567005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:367520004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:806001 UMLS_CUI:C0021171 URI: "Vitiligo (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:56727007] "vitiligo" EXACT [CSP2005:2716-7119] vitiligo ICD9CM_2010:709.01 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014820 NCI2009_04D:C26915 OMIM2009_05_01:193200 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012246 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156437000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:56727007 UMLS_CUI:C0042900 URI: "Infertility, male" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:606] "male infertility (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:2904007] "male infertility NOS (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:198018002] "male infertility" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155924001] "male infertility, unspecified" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:606.9] male infertility ICD9CM_2010:606 ICD9CM_2010:606.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007248 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012032 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155924001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:198018002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:2904007 UMLS_CUI:C0021364 URI: "Fragilitas ossium" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:157008000] "Fragilitas ossium" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268352002] "Osteogenesis imperfecta (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:78314001] "Osteogenesis imperfecta NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205498009] "Osteogenesis imperfecta" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:756.51] "Osteogenesis imperfecta" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205493000] "Osteogenesis imperfecta" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254105005] "Osteogenesis imperfecta" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254106006] "Osteogenesis imperfecta" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254107002] "Osteogenesis imperfecta" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254108007] "Osteogenesis imperfecta" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254109004] "Osteopsathyrosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205494006] "Osteopsathyrosis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:756.51] "Vrolik's disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205492005] "brittle bone disease" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-7175] osteogenesis imperfecta ICD9CM_2010:756.51 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010013 NCI2009_04D:C26837 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157008000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205492005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205493000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205494006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205498009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254105005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254106006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254107002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254108007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254109004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268352002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:78314001 UMLS_CUI:C0029434 URI: spinal muscular atrophy ICD9CM_2010:335.1 ICD9CM_2010:335.10 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009134 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192885003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192887006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:5262007 UMLS_CUI:C0026847 URI: A cancer that affects the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal proliferation of blood cells. DOID:9145 ICD10CM:C95.90 ICD9CM:208 ICDO:9800/3 MESH:D007938 NCI:C3161 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:255049003 UMLS_CUI:C0023418 disease_ontology DOID:1240 leukemia globe disease ICD9CM_2010:360.29 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194638007 UMLS_CUI:C0154780 URI: "Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2936] "Cerebral arteriovenous malformation (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234142008] "Congenital cerebral arteriovenous malformation" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204499006] Arteriovenous Malformations, Cerebral MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002538 NCI2009_04D:C2936 OMIM2009_05_01:108010 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000095 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204499006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234142008 UMLS_CUI:C0917804 URI:,_Cerebral malignant neoplasm of female genital organ ICD9CM_2010:184 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188207007 UMLS_CUI:C0153585 URI: aplastic anemia ICD9CM_2010:284.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000741 NCI2009_04D:C2870 OMIM2009_05_01:609135 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU009662 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154807001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191233006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191258001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267560004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:304132006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:305047005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:306058006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:79000000 UMLS_CUI:C0002874 URI: A female reproductive organ cancer that is located_in the vulva. DOID:1282 GARD:9349 ICD10CM:C51 ICD9CM:184.4 MESH:D014846 NCI:C3443 NCI:C7502 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126922007 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:94143002 UMLS_CUI:C0042995 UMLS_CUI:C0375071 Ca vulva Vulvar tumor malignant Vulvar tumor malignant neoplasm of vulva malignant tumor of vulva neoplasm of vulva vulval cancer vulval neoplasm vulvar neoplasm disease_ontology DOID:1245 vulva cancer "Pancytopenia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:127034005] "Pancytopenia NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267528007] "Pancytopenia NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191250008] pancytopenia ICD9CM_2010:284.1 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010198 NCI2009_04D:C34889 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU004232 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008507 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:127034005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191250008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267528007 UMLS_CUI:C0030312 URI: "postpartum coagulation defect with delivery" EXACT [] "postpartum coagulation defect" EXACT [] blood coagulation disorder ICD9CM_2010:286 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001778 NCI2009_04D:C2902 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008649 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:127073005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154815003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191303002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267562007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:362970003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:64779008 UMLS_CUI:C0005779 URI: "5p deletion syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34518] "5p partial monosomy syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:70173007] "Cri-du-chat syndrome" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:758.31] "chromosome 5 short arm deletion syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:1254-8011] "chromosome 5p deletion syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:758.31] Cri-Du-Chat syndrome ICD9CM_2010:758.31 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003410 NCI2009_04D:C34518 OMIM2009_05_01:123450 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:70173007 UMLS_CUI:C0010314 URI: "VCF-Velocardiofacial syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:83092002] "Velo-cardio-facial syndrome" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:758.32] "deletion 22q11.2 syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:758.32] "velocardiofacial syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:5004-0080] Shprintzen syndrome ICD9CM_2010:758.32 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004062 OMIM2009_05_01:192430 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205642004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:83092002 UMLS_CUI:C0220704 URI: A lymphoid leukemia that occurs when a hematopoietic stem cell undergoes malignant transformation into a primitive, undifferentiated cell with abnormal longevity producing large numbers of white blood cells to be produced and enter the blood stream. DOID:12621 ICD10CM:C95.00 ICD9CM:208.0 ICDO:9801/3 NCI:C9300 OMIM:308960 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:24072005 UMLS_CUI:C0085669 UMLS_CUI:C1378511 Stem cell Leukemia Stem cell leukaemia disease_ontology DOID:12603 acute leukemia malignant neoplasm of genitourinary organ ICD9CM_2010:187 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188229006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188238008 UMLS_CUI:C0153597 URI: "Madelung's deformity (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:4530000] "Madelung's deformity" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:755.54] "Madelung's deformity" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205256008] Carpus curvus ICD9CM_2010:755.54 OMIM2009_05_01:127300 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU011654 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205256008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:4530000 UMLS_CUI:C0152441 URI: "Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155449008] "Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266324004] "Osler hemorrhagic telangiectasia syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:21877004] "Osler-Weber-Rendu disease" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35064] "Rendu-Osler-Weber disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:448.0] hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia ICD9CM_2010:448.0 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013683 NCI2009_04D:C35064 OMIM2009_05_01:187300 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155449008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:21877004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266324004 UMLS_CUI:C0039445 URI: "Ataxia-telangiectasia syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:68504005] "Louis Bar syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:0485-2495] "Louis-Bar syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:334.8] "Louis-Bar syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2887] ataxia telangiectasia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001260 NCI2009_04D:C2887 OMIM2009_05_01:208900 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:68504005 UMLS_CUI:C0004135 URI: "Friedreich ataxia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155011003] "Friedreich's ataxia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:10394003] "Friedreich's ataxia" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:334.0] "Friedreich's tabes" EXACT [CSP2005:0485-3493] Friedreich ataxia ICD9CM_2010:334.0 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005621 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:10394003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155011003 UMLS_CUI:C0016719 URI: "disease of capillaries" EXACT [] capillary disease ICD9CM_2010:448 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155446001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155449008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:195250004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:195380006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:195390003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266324004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:57223003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:58729003 UMLS_CUI:C0155765 URI: "Chondroectodermal dysplasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:62501005] "Chondroectodermal dysplasia" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:756.55] "Ellis-van Creveld syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:756.55] Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome ICD9CM_2010:756.55 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004613 OMIM2009_05_01:225500 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:62501005 UMLS_CUI:C0013903 URI: "TELANGIECTASIA" EXACT [MTH:721] "Telangiectasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:276328002] "Telangiectasia disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:247479008] "Telangiectasia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155449008] "Telangiectasia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266324004] "Telangiectasis (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:112641009] "telangiectasia" EXACT [CSP2005:0571-7751] "telangiectasia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C28194] telangiectasis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013684 NCI2009_04D:C28194 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU001761 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012520 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:112641009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155449008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:247479008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266324004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:276328002 UMLS_CUI:C0039446 URI: "Unspecified disorder of eye movements" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:378.9] "disorder of eye movements (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:45030009] "eye movement disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1115-2778] ocular motility disorder ICD9CM_2010:378.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015835 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:45030009 UMLS_CUI:C0028850 URI: "Mucopolysaccharidoses" EXACT [] "Mucopolysaccharidosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:11380006] "Mucopolysaccharidosis NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190942001] "Mucopolysaccharidosis [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267452003] "Mucopolysaccharidosis" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:277.5] "Mucopolysaccharidosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190936000] "mucopolysaccharidosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-6106] "Mucopolysaccharidosis is a lysosomal storage disease described as any of a group of genetically determined disorder (as Hunter's syndrome and Hurler's syndrome) of glycosaminoglycan metabolism that are characterized by the accumulation of glycosaminoglycans in the tissues and their excretion in the urine." [URL:http\://] mucopolysaccharidosis ICD9CM_2010:277.5 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009083 NCI2009_04D:C61259 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:11380006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190936000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190942001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267452003 UMLS_CUI:C0026703 URI: "Hunter's syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.5] "Hunter's syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190936000] "Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-II (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:70737009] "deficiency of iduronate-2-sulphatase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:61413000] "mucopolysaccharidosis type II" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-6220] mucopolysaccharidosis II MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016532 NCI2009_04D:C61260 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190936000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:61413000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:70737009 UMLS_CUI:C0026705 URI: "Maroteaux - Lamy syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190936000] "Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:69463008] "Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.5] "arylsulfatase B deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-6512] "deficiency of N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:52677002] mucopolysaccharidosis VI MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009087 NCI2009_04D:C61264 OMIM2009_05_01:253200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190936000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:69463008 UMLS_CUI:C0026709 URI: "HEPARAN SULFATE SULFATASE DEFICIENCY" EXACT [] "Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-III" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:88393000] "N-sulphoglucosamine sulphohydrolase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:41572006] "SANFILIPPO SYNDROME A" EXACT [] "Sanfilippo's syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.5] "Sanfilippo's syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190936000] "mucopolysaccharidosis III" EXACT [] "mucopolysaccharidosis type III" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-6548] "mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA" EXACT [] mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009084 NCI2009_04D:C61262 OMIM2009_05_01:252900 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190936000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254070003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:41572006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:88393000 UMLS_CUI:C0026706 UMLS_CUI:C0086647 URI: "Lipochondrodystrophy" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.5] "Mucopolysaccharidosis type I [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267453008] "Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-I (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:75610003] "Mucopolysaccharidosis, type 1" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190938004] "iduronidase deficiency disease" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-6334] mucopolysaccharidosis I MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008059 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190938004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267453008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:75610003 UMLS_CUI:C0023786 URI: "Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-VII (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:43916004] "deficiency of beta-glucuronidase (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124470009] "mucopolysaccharidosis type VII" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-6106] "mucopolysaccharidosis type VII" EXACT [CSP2005:4001-0049] mucopolysaccharidosis VII MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016538 OMIM2009_05_01:253220 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124470009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:43916004 UMLS_CUI:C0085132 URI: "GALACTOSAMINE-6-SULFATASE DEFICIENCY" EXACT [] "MORQUIO A DISEASE" EXACT [] "Morquio syndrome A" EXACT [] "Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-IV" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:378007] "Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-IV-A (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:7259005] "Osteochondrodystrophy" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.5] "Osteochondrodystrophy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190936000] "chondroosteodystrophy" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-6163] "deficiency of N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulphatase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:78856008] "deficiency of chondroitinsulphatase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124449003, SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:130197005] "mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA" EXACT [] mucopolysaccharidosis IV MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009085 OMIM2009_05_01:253000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124449003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:130197005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190936000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254074007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:378007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:7259005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:78856008 UMLS_CUI:C0026707 UMLS_CUI:C0086651 URI: "Autistic disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:38763009] "Autistic disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:408856003] "Autistic disorder of childhood onset (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:43614003] "Autistic disorder" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:299.0] "Infantile autism (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:408857007] "Infantile autism NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191691000] "Infantile psychosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:408858002] "Kanner's syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:2484-9506] "Kanner's syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:299.0] "autism" EXACT [CSP2005:2483-6241] "childhood autism [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:271450003] "childhood autism" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154878007] "childhood autism" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191688000] "childhood autism" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192581001] autistic disorder ICD9CM_2010:299.0 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001321 OMIM2009_05_01:209850 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU004240 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154878007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191688000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191691000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192581001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:271450003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:34883005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:38763009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:408856003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:408857007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:43614003 UMLS_CUI:C0004352 URI: "degenerative disease" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27090] "degenerative disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:362975008] "A disease of biological process that results_in the progressive deterioration of tissue or organ function or structure, whether due to normal bodily wear or lifestyle choices." [url:http\://] degenerative disease NCI2009_04D:C27090 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:362975008 UMLS_CUI:C1285162 URI: A vulva cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. NCI:C4866 UMLS_CUI:C0677055 Vulvar carcinoma disease_ontology carcinoma of vulva DOID:1294 vulva carcinoma "ANEMIA SPHEROCYTIC" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Congenital spherocytic hemolytic anemia" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:282.0] "Hereditary spherocytosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:55995005] "Hereditary spherocytosis" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:282.0] "Hereditary spherocytosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154795009] "Minkowski Chauffard syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-1870] hereditary spherocytosis ICD9CM_2010:282.0 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013103 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154795009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:55995005 UMLS_CUI:C0037889 URI: "Conduct disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192597006] "Conduct disorder, unspecified" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192603009] "Disturbance of conduct NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192106002] "Disturbance of conduct NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154945001] "Disturbance of conduct NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268782006] "Disturbance of conduct NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268785008] "Unspecified disturbance of conduct (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192104004] "Unspecified disturbance of conduct" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:312.9] "conduct disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:4005-0013] conduct disorder ICD9CM_2010:312.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D019955 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154945001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192104004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192106002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192597006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192603009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268782006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268785008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:430909002 UMLS_CUI:C0149654 URI: dementia ICD9CM_2010:290.8 MSH:D003704 UMLS_CUI:C0154319 URI: intracranial arterial disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020765 UMLS_CUI:C0752138 URI: "HMN (Hereditary motor Neuropathy) Proximal type I" EXACT [] "Werdnig-Hoffman disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155016008] "Werdnig-Hoffman disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267694009] "Werdnig-Hoffmann disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:64383006] "Werdnig-Hoffmann disease" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:335.0] "infantile muscular atrophy" EXACT [CSP2005:2057-3620] "progressive muscular atrophy of infancy" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:335.0] hereditary motor neuropathy proximal type I ICD9CM_2010:335.0 OMIM2009_05_01:253300 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155016008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267694009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:64383006 UMLS_CUI:C0043116 URI: "malignant neoplasm of central nervous system (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:372062007] "malignant neoplasm of central nervous system NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:192.9] "malignant neoplasm of central nervous system, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93744007] "malignant neoplasm of central nervous system, unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190135002] "malignant tumor of CNS" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4627] malignant neoplasm of central nervous system NCI2009_04D:C4627 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190135002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:372062007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:93744007 UMLS_CUI:C0348374 URI: gout ICD9CM_2010:274 ICD9CM_2010:274.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006073 NCI2009_04D:C34650 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008389 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190844004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:90560007 UMLS_CUI:C0018099 URI: A central nervous system cancer that is characterized by the growth of abnormal cells in the tissues of the brain. "BT - Brain tumour" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254935002] "brain neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2006-2736] "neoplasm of brain (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126952004] "neoplasm of unspecified nature of brain (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189537005] "neoplasm of unspecified nature of brain" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:239.6] "tumor of the Brain" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2907] DOID:2125 DOID:2126 DOID:3543 DOID:6649 DOID:911 ICD10CM:C71 ICD9CM:191 ICD9CM:239.6 MESH:D001932 NCI:C170814 NCI:C2907 NCI:C3568 NCI:C5115 NCI:C7710 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126952004 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:428061005 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93727008 UMLS_CUI:C0006118 UMLS_CUI:C0153633 UMLS_CUI:C0220624 UMLS_CUI:C0750974 UMLS_CUI:C0750979 UMLS_CUI:C1334557 BT - Brain tumour adult brain tumor adult malignant brain neoplasm brain neoplasm brain neoplasm, adult malignant brain tumour malignant primary brain neoplasm malignant primary brain tumor malignant tumor of Brain malignant tumor of adult brain neoplasm of brain primary brain neoplasm primary brain tumor primary malignant neoplasm of brain tumor of the Brain disease_ontology DOID:1319 brain cancer brain neoplasm ICD9CM_2010:239.6 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001932 NCI2009_04D:C2907 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU017414 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126952004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189537005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254935002 UMLS_CUI:C0006118 URI: A respiratory system cancer that is located_in the lung. DOID:13075 DOID:1322 DOID:9881 ICD10CM:C34.1 ICD10CM:C34.2 ICD10CM:C34.3 ICD9CM:162.3 ICD9CM:162.4 ICD9CM:162.5 ICD9CM:162.8 OMIM:211980 OMIM:608935 OMIM:612571 OMIM:612593 OMIM:614210 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:187860004 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:187864008 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:187868006 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:187874006 UMLS_CUI:C0024624 UMLS_CUI:C0153491 UMLS_CUI:C0153492 UMLS_CUI:C0153493 disease_ontology lung neoplasm DOID:1324 lung cancer "Coproporphyrinogen oxidase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238055004] "Hereditary coproporphyria (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:7425008] "Hereditary coproporphyria" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.1] "hereditary coproporphyria porphyria" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-7674] hereditary coproporphyria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D046349 OMIM2009_05_01:121300 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238055004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:7425008 UMLS_CUI:C0162531 URI: "EPP (erythropoietic protoporphyria porphyria)" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-7560] "Erythropoietic protoporphyria (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:51022005] "Protoporphyria" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.1] erythropoietic protoporphyria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D046351 OMIM2009_05_01:177000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:51022005 UMLS_CUI:C0162568 URI: "Congenital erythropoietic porphyria (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:22935002] "Congenital porphyria (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190913009] "Erythropoietic porphyria (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:67312003] "congenital photosensitive porphyria" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-7617] erythropoietic porphyria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017092 OMIM2009_05_01:263700 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190913009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:22935002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:67312003 UMLS_CUI:C0162530 URI: "Cutis hyperelastica" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238848002] "Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:2300005] "Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:398114001] "Ehlers-Danlos syndrome" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:756.83] "Ehlers-Danlos syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:157008000] "Ehlers-Danlos syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268352002] "elastic skin" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-3115] "type unspecified autosomal dominant Ehlers-Danlos syndrome" EXACT [] Ehlers-Danlos syndrome ICD9CM_2010:756.83 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004535 NCI2009_04D:C34568 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157008000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:2300005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238848002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268352002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:398114001 UMLS_CUI:C0013720 URI: "Myositis Ossificans Progressiva" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3040] "Myositis ossificans progressiva" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205527009] "Myositis ossificans progressiva" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:240121004] "progressive myositis ossificans (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:82725007] "progressive myositis ossificans" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:728.11] "progressive ossifying myositis" EXACT [CSP2005:1982-9828] fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva ICD9CM_2010:728.11 NCI2009_04D:C3040 OMIM2009_05_01:135100 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205527009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:240121004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:82725007 UMLS_CUI:C0016037 URI: "Congenital anemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:63565007] "Congenital anemia" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:776.5] congenital anemia ICD9CM_2010:776.5 NCI2009_04D:C35228 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:63565007 UMLS_CUI:C0158995 URI: "Congenital hypoplastic anaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188588001] "Congenital hypoplastic anaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191236003] "Congenital hypoplastic anaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:88854002] "Constitutional aplastic anaemia" RELATED [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154808006] "Constitutional aplastic anemia (disorder)" RELATED [] "Constitutional aplastic anemia NOS (disorder)" RELATED [] "Constitutional aplastic anemia [dup] (disorder)" RELATED [] "congenital aplastic anemia" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-0659] "congenital hypoplastic anemia" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-0659] "constitutional aplastic anemia" RELATED [] congenital hypoplastic anemia ICD9CM_2010:284.0 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D029502 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU011578 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154808006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188588001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191235004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191236003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191242004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267523003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:28975000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:88854002 UMLS_CUI:C0702159 UMLS_CUI:C0949116 URI: "Thanatophoric dysplasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:29352008] thanatophoric dysplasia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013796 OMIM:187600 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:29352008 UMLS_CUI:C0039743 URI: "Proteus syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:23150001] "Proteus syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:394527003] Proteus syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016715 OMIM2009_05_01:176920 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:23150001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:394527003 UMLS_CUI:C0085261 URI: "Moebius congenital oculofacial paralysis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:393607001] "Oromandibular-limb hypogenesis spectrum (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:89444000] Mobius syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020331 OMIM2009_05_01:157900 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:393607001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:89444000 UMLS_CUI:C0221060 URI: "Bourneville's disease" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3424] "Epiloia" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:759.5] "Tuberose sclerosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:157033002] "Tuberose sclerosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268359006] "Tuberous sclerosis syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:7199000] "Tuberous sclerosis" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:759.5] "Tuberous sclerosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:157027006] "cerebral sclerosis" EXACT [CSP2005:0727-2535] tuberous sclerosis ICD9CM_2010:759.5 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014402 NCI2009_04D:C3424 OMIM2009_05_01:191100 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157027006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157033002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268359006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:7199000 UMLS_CUI:C0041341 URI: "Albers-Scho@nberg syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:367489004] "Albers-Schonberg syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:63941000] "Osteopetrosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:1926006] "Osteopetrosis - congenita type" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205502002] "Osteopetrosis [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205500005] "Osteopetrosis [dup] (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:360504006] "Osteopetrosis" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:756.52] "Osteopetrosis" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C26840] "marble bone" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-7232] Albers-Schonberg disease ICD9CM_2010:756.52 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010022 NCI2009_04D:C26840 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:1926006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205500005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205502002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:360504006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:367489004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:63941000 UMLS_CUI:C0029454 URI: "Cholestasis (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:33688009] "Obstruction of bile duct (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:30144000] "Obstruction of bile duct NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:197447004] "Obstruction of bile duct" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:576.2] "Occlusion of bile duct (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:197446008] "bile occlusion" EXACT [CSP2005:0413-4023] "cholestasis" EXACT [CSP2005:4000-0147] cholestasis ICD9CM_2010:576.2 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002779 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU001311 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:197446008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:197447004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:30144000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:33688009 UMLS_CUI:C0008370 URI: "Fanconi's anemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:30575002] "Fanconi's anemia" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-0659] "Fanconi's anemia" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:284.0] "Panmyelopathy, Fanconi" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3034] Fanconi's anemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005199 NCI2009_04D:C62505 OMIM2009_05_01:227650 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:30575002 UMLS_CUI:C0015625 URI:'s_anemia "Epidermodysplasia verruciformis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:19138001] epidermodysplasia verruciformis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004819 OMIM2009_05_01:226400 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:19138001 UMLS_CUI:C0014522 URI: A uterine cancer that is located_in tissues lining the uterus. DOID:5654 EFO:0004230 GARD:11981 ICD10CM:C54.1 KEGG:05213 MESH:D016889 NCI:C27815 NCI:C3012 OMIM:608089 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:123844007 UMLS_CUI:C0007103 UMLS_CUI:C0014170 endometrial Ca endometrial neoplasm malignant endometrial neoplasm malignant neoplasm of endometrium neoplasm of endometrium primary malignant neoplasm of endometrium tumor of Endometrium disease_ontology DOID:1380 endometrial cancer "Fredrickson type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:397915002] "Fredrickson type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:272.0] "Fredrickson type IIa lipidaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190772003] "familial hyperbetalipoproteinaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190775001] "familial hyperbetalipoproteinaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190776000] "familial hyperbetalipoproteinaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:389985001] "familial hypercholesteremia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-4634] "familial hypercholesterolemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:31654005] "familial hypercholesterolemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:398036000] "hyperbetalipoproteinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190773008] "type II hyperlipidemia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34704] familial hypercholesterolemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006938 NCI2009_04D:C34704 OMIM2009_05_01:144400 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190772003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190773008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190775001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190776000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:31654005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:389985001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:398036000 UMLS_CUI:C0020445 URI: "Abetalipoproteinemia (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:83123000] "Abetalipoproteinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190787008] "familial hypobetalipoproteinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:60193003] "familial hypobetalipoproteinemia" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:272.5] "microsomal triglyceride transfer protein deficiency disease" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5137] abetalipoproteinemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000012 OMIM2009_05_01:200100 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190787008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:60193003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:83123000 UMLS_CUI:C0000744 URI: "Hypolipoproteinaemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:363140000] "Lipoprotein deficiencies" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:272.5] "Lipoprotein deficiencies" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190783007] "Lipoprotein deficiency NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190788003] "Lipoprotein deficiency disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267436001] "hypolipoproteinemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1749-1322] hypolipoproteinemia ICD9CM_2010:272.5 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190783007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190788003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267436001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:363140000 UMLS_CUI:C0020623 URI: "Sick sinus syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:36083008] "Sick sinus syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155373001] "Sick sinus syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266307005] "syndrome, sick sinus" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:427.81] sick sinus syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012804 NCI2009_04D:C62244 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155373001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266307005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:36083008 UMLS_CUI:C0037052 URI: "Polyneuropathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:42345000] "Polyneuropathy unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:307326004] "Polyneuropathy unspecified" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193204000] "Polyneuropathy, unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:194530007] polyneuropathy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011115 NCI2009_04D:C26951 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008723 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155080009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193166009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193204000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194530007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267706009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:307326004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:42345000 UMLS_CUI:C0152025 URI: "Monochromatism" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:368.54] "achromatopsia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:56852002] "achromatopsia" EXACT [CSP2005:1114-9741] achromatopsia ICD9CM_2010:368.54 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:56852002 UMLS_CUI:C0152200 URI: "visual pathway disorder" EXACT [] visual pathway disease NCI2009_04D:C35342 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155191004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194037001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267741008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267744000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:54767005 UMLS_CUI:C0155287 URI: "Cleidocranial dysostosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:65976001] "Cleidocranial dysostosis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:755.59] "Cleidocranial dysostosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:240193006] cleidocranial dysplasia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002973 NCI2009_04D:C75020 OMIM2009_05_01:119600 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:240193006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:65976001 UMLS_CUI:C0008928 URI: neoplastic pregnancy complications MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011252 UMLS_CUI:C0032966 URI: "Fredrickson type I hyperlipoproteinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238086005] "Fredrickson type I lipaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190781009] "familial LPL deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238039006] "familial hyperchylomicronemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267435002] "familial hyperlipoproteinemia type I" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-4577] "familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:34171006] "familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency with type I phenotype" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:403827000] "hypercholesterinaemic xanthomatosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:275598004] "hyperchylomicronemia" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:272.3] "mixed hyperglyceridemia" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:272.3] familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency ICD9CM_2010:272.3 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008072 OMIM2009_05_01:238600 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190781009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238039006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238086005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267435002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:275598004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:34171006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:403827000 UMLS_CUI:C0023817 URI: "Gyrate atrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:314467007] "Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and/or retina (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:367536002] "Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and/or retina" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:87126009] "Ornithinemia with gyrate atrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:314466003] "gyrate atrophy of the retina" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-9719] Gyrate atrophy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015799 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:314466003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:314467007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:367536002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:87126009 UMLS_CUI:C0018425 URI: hereditary eye disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015785 UMLS_CUI:C0015398 URI: "Choroid disorder NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193480005] "Choroid disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34468] "Choroidal disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193431000] "Unspecified disorder of choroid" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:363.9] "choroid disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1114-9583] choroid disease ICD9CM_2010:363.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015862 NCI2009_04D:C34468 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193431000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193480005 UMLS_CUI:C0008521 URI: "Hippel Lindau syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:5000-0055] "Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL)" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3105] "Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:46659004] "von Hippel-Lindau syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:759.6] von Hippel-Lindau disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006623 NCI2009_04D:C3105 OMIM2009_05_01:193300 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:46659004 UMLS_CUI:C0019562 URI: "Hypophosphatasia (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:70848009] "Hypophosphatasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190859005] "deficiency of alkaline phosphatase (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124431003] "deficiency of alkaline phosphatase (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:360792001] "hypophosphatasia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5251] hypophosphatasia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007014 NCI2009_04D:C26798 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124431003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190859005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:360792001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:70848009 UMLS_CUI:C0020630 URI: endocrine pancreas disorder ICD9CM_2010:251 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190427005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190450004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237574003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267385007 UMLS_CUI:C0154189 URI: "Generalized lentiginosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:403537000] "LEOPARD syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:0723-1051] "LEOPARD syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:0944-7801] "LEOPARD syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:1254-7727] "LEOPARD syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:2328-1390] "Multiple lentigines syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:111306001] LEOPARD syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D044542 OMIM2009_05_01:151001 OMIM2009_05_01:151100 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:111306001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:403537000 UMLS_CUI:C0175704 URI: "Marfan syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5992] "Marfan's syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:19346006] "Marfan's syndrome" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:759.82] "Marfan's syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34807] "Marfan's syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:157024004] "Marfan's syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:157033002] "Marfan's syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268359006] marfan syndrome ICD9CM_2010:759.82 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008382 NCI2009_04D:C34807 OMIM2009_05_01:154700 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157024004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157033002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:19346006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268359006 UMLS_CUI:C0024796 URI: "Cryptophthalmos (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:400951005] "Globe of eye vestigial (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:62589005] Cryptophthalmos ICD9CM_2010:743.06 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU013626 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:400951005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:62589005 UMLS_CUI:C0311249 URI: "Azorean disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:91952008] Machado-Joseph disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017827 OMIM2009_05_01:109150 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:91952008 UMLS_CUI:C0024408 URI: "Alper's syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35257] "Alpers' disease or gray-matter degeneration" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:330.8] "progressive sclerosing poliodystrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:20415001] Alpers syndrome NCI2009_04D:C35257 OMIM2009_05_01:203700 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:20415001 UMLS_CUI:C0205710 URI: "Brain degeneration (& [cerebral])" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154994001] "Brain degeneration" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267686002] "Cerebral degeneration -RETIRED-" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:73768007] "Cerebral degeneration NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267579001] "Cerebral degeneration NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192824002] "Cerebral degeneration, unspecified" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:331.9] "Cerebral degenerations NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154998003] "Cerebral degenerations NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267688001] "degenerative brain disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:52522001] cerebral degeneration ICD9CM_2010:331.9 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012889 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154994001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154998003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192824002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267579001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267686002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267688001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:418143002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:52522001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:73768007 UMLS_CUI:C0154671 URI: "Gonadal dysgenesis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205681004] "Gonadal dysgenesis NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205695001] "Gonadal dysgenesis NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205692003] "Gonadal dysgenesis syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:38804009] "Gonadal dysgenesis" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:758.6] "Gonadal dysgenesis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:157020008] "Gonadal dysgenesis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268356004] "gonadal dysgenesis" EXACT [CSP2005:1254-8447] gonadal dysgenesis ICD9CM_2010:758.6 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006059 NCI2009_04D:C26900 NCI2009_04D:C61420 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU014907 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157020008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205681004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205692003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205695001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268356004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:38804009 UMLS_CUI:C0018051 URI: "Pure gonadal dysgenesis 46,XY (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:95218005] 46 XY gonadal dysgenesis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006061 OMIM2009_05_01:233420 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:95218005 UMLS_CUI:C0018054 URI: 46 XX gonadal dysgenesis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D023961 UMLS_CUI:C0949595 URI: "Maternal phenylketonuria (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:297225000] maternal phenylketonuria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017042 OMIM2009_05_01:261600 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:297225000 UMLS_CUI:C0085547 URI: "Acid esterase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190795007] "Acid lipase deficiency, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:37896002] "Wolman xanthomatosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5821] "Wolman's disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:82500001] "Wolman's or triglyceride storage type III disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:272.7] "Xanthomatosis, familial (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238074007] "Xanthomatosis, familial" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190797004] Wolman disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015223 NCI2009_04D:C61271 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190795007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190797004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238074007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:37896002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:82500001 UMLS_CUI:C0043208 URI: "Lipid proteinosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:38692000] "Lipoid proteinosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238950006] lipoidproteinosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008065 OMIM2009_05_01:247100 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238950006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:38692000 UMLS_CUI:C0023795 URI: "Alpha-galactosidase A deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190796008] "Alpha-galactosidase A deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:236536000] "Angiokeratoma Corporis Diffusum" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27528] "Fabry's disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:16652001] "Fabry's disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:272.7] "Fabry's disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190792005] "alpha galactosidase deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-9034] "deficiency of melibiase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124464003] Fabry disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000795 NCI2009_04D:C27528 OMIM2009_05_01:301500 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU001048 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124464003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:16652001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190792005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190796008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:236536000 UMLS_CUI:C0002986 URI: "A-fucosidase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190937009] "Fucosidosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:64716005] "alpha fucosidase deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-8519] fucosidosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005645 NCI2009_04D:C61274 OMIM2009_05_01:230000 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012937 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190937009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:64716005 UMLS_CUI:C0016788 URI: "Sjogren Larsson syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:0726-9470] "Sjogren Larsson syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:1840-2225] "Sjogren Larsson syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:2057-3666] "Sjogren-Larsson syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:111303009] "Sjogren-Larsson's syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205549003] Sjogren-Larsson syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016111 OMIM2009_05_01:270200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:111303009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205549003 UMLS_CUI:C0037231 URI: "hereditary ceroid lipofuscinosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-6833] "neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:42012007] neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009472 NCI2009_04D:C61257 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:42012007 UMLS_CUI:C0027877 URI: "Niemann-Pick disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:272.7] "Sphingomyelin/cholesterol lipidosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:58459009] "lipoid histiocytosis (classical phosphatide)" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-9151] Niemann-Pick disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009542 NCI2009_04D:C61269 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:58459009 UMLS_CUI:C0028064 URI: A disease that is characterized by abnormally rapid cell division. "cell process disease" EXACT [] neoplasm DOID:0000818 cell process disease neoplasm disease_ontology DOID:14566 "A disease of biological process that is characterized by abnormally rapid cell division." [url:http\://] disease of cellular proliferation URI: "Batten disease" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-6833] "Juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:61663001] "Vogt-Spielmeyer disease" RELATED [] "disease, Batten" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:330.1] AMAUROTIC FAMILY IDIOCY, JUVENILE type MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009472 NCI2009_04D:C61258 OMIM2009_05_01:204200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:61663001 UMLS_CUI:C0751383 URI:,_JUVENILE_type "Galactosemia II" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:18612007] "deficiency of galactokinase (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124302001] galactokinase deficiency OMIM2009_05_01:230200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124302001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:18612007 UMLS_CUI:C0268155 URI: "MENTAL RETARDATION, X-LINKED 18, INCLUDED; MRX18, INCLUDED" EXACT [] "MENTAL RETARDATION, X-LINKED 1; MRX1" EXACT [] "MENTAL RETARDATION, X-LINKED NONSPECIFIC, type 1" EXACT [] X-linked mental retardation 1 OMIM:309530 UMLS_CUI:C0220772 URI: "GLYCINEMIA, KETOTIC" EXACT [] "KETOTIC HYPERGLYCINEMIA" EXACT [] "PROPIONYL-CoA CARBOXYLASE DEFICIENCY" EXACT [] "ketotic I glycinemia" EXACT [] "ketotic II glycinemia" EXACT [] propionic acidemia MSH:D056693 OMIM:606054 UMLS_CUI:C0220735 UMLS_CUI:C0220736 URI: "Lobstein's syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205492005] "Osteogenesis imperfecta type I (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:385482004] "Osteogenesis imperfecta with blue sclerae (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:3508009] "osteogenesis imperfecta with blue sclerae" EXACT [] osteogenesis imperfecta type I OMIM2009_05_01:166200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205492005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:3508009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:385482004 UMLS_CUI:C0023931 URI: "Hypochondrodysplasia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:45818004] "Hypochondroplasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205468002] "Hypochondroplasia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205469005] "hypochondroplasia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-1975] HYPOCHONDROPLASIA OMIM2009_05_01:146000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205468002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205469005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:45818004 UMLS_CUI:C0410529 URI: "Centronuclear myopathy" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Centronuclear myopathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193223007] "Myotubular myopathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:82077006] "Myotubular myopathy" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:359.0] centronuclear myopathy SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193223007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:82077006 UMLS_CUI:C0175709 URI: "Ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia-clefting syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:39788007] EEC SYNDROME OMIM2009_05_01:268650 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:39788007 UMLS_CUI:C0406704 URI: "Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type 1 (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:83470009] type I Ehlers-Danlos syndrome OMIM2009_05_01:130000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:83470009 UMLS_CUI:C0268335 URI: "Glutaric aciduria, type 1 (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:76175005] "Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:360416003] "Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237930005] "Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190730004] GLUTARICACIDEMIA I OMIM2009_05_01:231670 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012716 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190730004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237930005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:360416003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:76175005 UMLS_CUI:C0268595 URI: "Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS-III-B (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:59990008] "N-ACETYL-ALPHA-D-GLUCOSAMINIDASE DEFICIENCY" EXACT [] "NAGLU DEFICIENCY" EXACT [] "SANFILIPPO SYNDROME B" EXACT [] mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIB OMIM2009_05_01:252920 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254071004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:59990008 UMLS_CUI:C0086648 URI: "WEAVER-LIKE SYNDROME" EXACT [] Weaver syndrome OMIM2009_05_01:277590 UMLS_CUI:C0220765 URI: "Sotos syndrome" EXACT [] "Sotos' syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:75968004] "A genetic disorder that occurs rarely and is characterized by excessive physical growth during the first 2 to 3 years of life." [url:http\://] cerebral gigantism NCI2009_04D:C75019 OMIM2009_05_01:117550 OMIM2009_05_01:601451 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:75968004 UMLS_CUI:C0175695 URI: "METHYLMALONIC ACIDEMIA, cblA TYPE" EXACT [] "METHYLMALONIC ACIDURIA, VITAMIN B12-RESPONSIVE, DUE TO DEFECT IN SYNTHESIS OF ADENOSYLCOBALAMIN, cblA TYPE" EXACT [] "METHYLMALONICACIDURIA, vitamin B12-RESPONSIVE, DUE TO DEFECT IN SYNTHESIS OF ADENOSYLCOBALAMIN--cbl A" EXACT [] methylmalonic aciduria cblA type OMIM:251100 UMLS_CUI:C0220750 URI: VERTEBRAL ANOMALIES UMLS_CUI:C0220764 URI: "Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:87827003] "isovaleric acidemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-0949] isovalericacidemia OMIM2009_05_01:243500 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012080 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:87827003 UMLS_CUI:C0268575 URI: "Argininosuccinate lyase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:41013004] "Argininosuccinic aciduria" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:270.6] "arginosuccinase deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-9435] "deficiency of argininosuccinate lyase (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124630007] argininosuccinicaciduria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D056807 OMIM2009_05_01:207900 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU014418 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124630007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:41013004 UMLS_CUI:C0268547 URI: autosomal dominant type IV Ehlers-Danlos syndrome UMLS_CUI:C0220678 URI: "Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type 3 (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:30652003] type III Ehlers-Danlos syndrome OMIM2009_05_01:130020 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:30652003 UMLS_CUI:C0268337 URI: "childhood hypophosphatasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:30174008] hypophospatasia, childhood OMIM2009_05_01:241510 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:30174008 UMLS_CUI:C0220743 URI:,_childhood hereditary urogenital adysplasia UMLS_CUI:C0220706 URI: "NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE WITH CHOLESTEROL ESTERIFICATION BLOCK" EXACT [] "NIEMANN-PICK DISEASE, SUBACUTE JUVENILE FORM" EXACT [] "Niemann-Pick disease, type C (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:66751000] Niemann-Pick disease type C MSH2010_2010_02_22:D052556 OMIM2009_05_01:257220 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:66751000 UMLS_CUI:C0220756 URI: "McKusick type metaphyseal chondrodysplasia" EXACT [] "Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, McKusick type (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:7720002] "Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, McKusick type" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234421004] cartilage-hair hypoplasia NCI2009_04D:C61245 OMIM2009_05_01:250250 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234421004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:7720002 UMLS_CUI:C0220748 URI: "Kyphoscoliosis type" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:25606004] type VI Ehlers-Danlos syndrome OMIM2009_05_01:225400 OMIM2009_05_01:229200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:25606004 UMLS_CUI:C0268342 URI: "MCAD deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:74351001] "Medium chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCAD)" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.85] "Medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:393571006] "Medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:394513008] "Medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128596003] ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, MEDIUM-CHAIN, deficiency OF OMIM2009_05_01:201450 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU014730 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128596003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:393571006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:394513008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:74351001 UMLS_CUI:C0220710 URI:,_MEDIUM-CHAIN,_deficiency_OF "METHYLMALONIC ACIDEMIA, cblB TYPE" EXACT [] "METHYLMALONIC ACIDURIA, VITAMIN B12-RESPONSIVE, DUE TO DEFECT IN SYNTHESIS OF ADENOSYLCOBALAMIN, cblB TYPE" EXACT [] "METHYLMALONICACIDURIA, vitamin B12-RESPONSIVE, DUE TO DEFECT IN SYNTHESIS OF ADENOSYLCOBALAMIN--cbl B" EXACT [] methylmalonic aciduria cblB type OMIM:251110 UMLS_CUI:C0220751 URI: FRYNS SYNDROME OMIM2009_05_01:229850 UMLS_CUI:C0220730 URI: "AMAUROSIS CONGENITA OF LEBER I" EXACT [] "Leber's amaurosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193413001] "Leber's congenital amaurosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1114-9698] "Leber's disease" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-6601] "Leber's disease" EXACT [CSP2005:5000-0048] Leber congenital amaurosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D057130 OMIM2009_05_01:204000 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU020281 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193413001 UMLS_CUI:C0339527 URI: "Walker-Warburg congenital muscular dystrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:111504002] "Warburg syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:91064002] HYDROCEPHALUS, AGYRIA, AND RETINAL DYSPLASIA OMIM2009_05_01:236670 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:111504002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:91064002 UMLS_CUI:C0265221 URI:,_AGYRIA,_AND_RETINAL_DYSPLASIA "Christ-Siemens-Touraine Syndrome" EXACT [] "Ectodermal Dysplasia 1, Anhydrotic" EXACT [] "Hypohidrotic X-linked ectodermal dysplasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:239007005] "Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia syndrome (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:4826006] "Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:7731005] hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D053358 OMIM2009_05_01:305100 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:239007005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:4826006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:7731005 UMLS_CUI:C0162359 URI: ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY, AUTOSOMAL NEONATAL FORM UMLS_CUI:C0220713 URI:,_AUTOSOMAL_NEONATAL_FORM "Dubowitz's syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:2593002] Dubowitz Syndrome OMIM2009_05_01:223370 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:2593002 UMLS_CUI:C0175691 URI: "long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237996001] ACYL-CoA DEHYDROGENASE, long-CHAIN, deficiency OF OMIM2009_05_01:201460 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237996001 UMLS_CUI:C0220711 URI:,_long-CHAIN,_deficiency_OF "SPONDYLOEPIPHYSEAL DYSPLASIA, PSEUDOACHONDROPLASTIC" EXACT [] pseudoachondroplastic dysplasia OMIM:177170 UMLS_CUI:C0220699 URI: ALBINISM I UMLS_CUI:C0220714 URI: "METHYLMALONIC ACIDEMIA DUE TO METHYLMALONYL-CoA MUTASE DEFICIENCY MMA DUE TO MCM DEFICIENCY" EXACT [] "METHYLMALONIC ACIDURIA DUE TO METHYLMALONYL-CoA MUTASE DEFICIENCY" EXACT [] "METHYLMALONIC ACIDURIA, mut TYPE" EXACT [] "METHYLMALONICACIDURIA DUE TO METHYLMALONIC CoA MUTASE deficiency" EXACT [] methylmalonic aciduria mut type OMIM:251000 UMLS_CUI:C0220749 URI: A syndrome that is characterized by the buildup of thick, sticky mucus that can damage many organs. DOID:12447 DOID:13383 DOID:14395 DOID:1484 GARD:6233 ICD10CM:E84 ICD9CM:277.0 MESH:D003550 NCI:C2975 OMIM:219700 ORDO:586 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:85809002 UMLS_CUI:C0010674 CF mucoviscidosis disease_ontology DOID:1485 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. cystic fibrosis MESH:D003550 eye and adnexa disease ICD9CM_2010:362.10 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193355009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:31411005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:42873008 UMLS_CUI:C0004608 URI: A disease of anatomical entity that is located_in reproductive system organs. DOID:6309 NCI:C27613 UMLS_CUI:C1335037 genital system disease disease_ontology DOID:15 reproductive system disease substance-induced psychoses MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011605 UMLS_CUI:C0033941 URI: alcohol-induced disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020751 UMLS_CUI:C0236970 URI: "Alcohol-induced organic mental disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:29212009] "Alcohol-related disorder NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:291.9] alcohol-related disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D019973 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:29212009 UMLS_CUI:C0236664 URI: A cecum cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. NCI:C3491 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:269538009 UMLS_CUI:C0149640 Caecum carcinoma Cecal cancer carcinoma of cecum disease_ontology DOID:1519 cecum carcinoma A colon cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. NCI:C4910 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:154454005 UMLS_CUI:C0699790 Colonic carcinoma carcinoma of colon disease_ontology DOID:1520 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. colon carcinoma A large intestine cancer that is located_in the cecum. ICD10CM:C18.0 ICD9CM:153.4 MESH:D002430 NCI:C9329 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93736007 UMLS_CUI:C0153437 malignant neoplasm of caecum malignant tumor of the cecum disease_ontology DOID:1521 cecum cancer "mixed neoplasm" RELATED [] "mixed tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C6930] "A cancer that involves the growth of two germinal layers of tissue." [url:http\://] mixed cell type cancer NCI2009_04D:C6930 UMLS_CUI:C1368354 URI: glandular and epithelial neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009375 UMLS_CUI:C0027660 URI: "Diabetes mellitus in the pueperium - baby delivered during previous episode of care (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:199228009] "Diabetes mellitus, postpartum" EXACT [] gestational diabetes complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium ICD9CM_2010:648.0 ICD9CM_2010:648.00 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156138000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:199223000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:199227004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:199234002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:76751001 UMLS_CUI:C0341893 URI:,_childbirth,_or_the_puerperium "Organic Mental disorder" EXACT [MTH:535] "Organic Mental disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34870] "Organic mental disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:111479008] "Organic mental disorder of unknown etiology (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:106014008] delirium, dementia, amnestic, cognitive disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D019965 NCI2009_04D:C34870 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:106014008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:111479008 UMLS_CUI:C0029227 URI:,_dementia,_amnestic,_cognitive_disorder "Unspecified epithelial neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189559007] "epithelial neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:118285006] "epithelial neoplasm NOS (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189546004] "epithelial neoplasm" RELATED [] "epithelial neoplasm, NOS" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3709] "epithelial skin tumor" EXACT [] "epithelial tumor (qualifier value)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:134207000] "skin Epithelium tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7342] "tumor of surface epithelium (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254649008] "A carcinoma that derives_from the cells that line an organ." [url:http\://] epithelial carcinoma NCI2009_04D:C7342 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254649008 UMLS_CUI:C0205853 UMLS_CUI:C0345976 URI: "Alcohol Abuse" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C20701] "Alcohol abuse (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:15167005] "Alcohol abuse, unspecified drinking behavior" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:305.00] "Ethanol abuse" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:304606004] "alcohol abuse" EXACT [CSP2005:0080-8925] alcohol abuse ICD9CM_2010:305.0 ICD9CM_2010:305.00 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000437 NCI2009_04D:C20701 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:15167005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:304606004 UMLS_CUI:C0085762 URI: A disease of anatomical entity that located_in the respiratory system which extends from the nasal sinuses to the diaphragm. DOID:3226 ICD10CM:J98 ICD9CM:519 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:155603009 UMLS_CUI:C0029582 disease_ontology DOID:1579 respiratory system disease "Platelet count below reference range" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:415116008] "Thrombocytopenia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:70786006] "Thrombocytopenia NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191326009] "Thrombocytopenia NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154827000] "Thrombocytopenia, unspecified" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:287.5] "Thrombocytopenic disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:302215000] "thrombocytopenia" EXACT [CSP2005:0446-5652] "thrombocytopenia" EXACT [MTH:U000208] "thrombocytopenia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3408] thrombocytopenia ICD9CM_2010:287.5 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013921 NCI2009_04D:C3408 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000212 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:142969008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154827000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:165556002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191326009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:302215000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:415116008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:70786006 UMLS_CUI:C0040034 URI: chronic alcoholic intoxication ICD9CM_2010:303 OMIM2009_05_01:103780 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154908007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191801006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191808000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191809008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191814007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191815008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192209003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268639004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268683008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268764008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:284591009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:66590003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:7200002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:87012002 UMLS_CUI:C0001973 URI: A disease of anatomical entity that is located_in the integumentary system comprising the skin and its appendages. disease_ontology DOID:16 integumentary system disease URI: "Keratosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254666005] "keratosis" EXACT [CSP2005:2716-7025] keratosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007642 NCI2009_04D:C34747 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254666005 UMLS_CUI:C0022593 URI: A thoracic cancer that originates in the mammary gland. "breast neoplasm" EXACT [MTH:120] "breast tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2910] "mammary neoplasm" RELATED [] "mammary tumor" EXACT [CSP2005:2016-0671] "neoplasm of breast (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126926005] DOID:1648 DOID:4241 ICD10CM:C50 MESH:D001943 NCI:C9335 OMIM:114480 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254837009 UMLS_CUI:C0006142 breast tumor malignant neoplasm of breast malignant tumor of the breast mammary cancer mammary tumor primary breast cancer disease_ontology mammary neoplasm DOID:1612 "A cancer of reproductive system that originates in the mammary gland." [url:http\://] Xref MGI. OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. breast cancer mammary cancer MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001943 NCI2009_04D:C2910 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126926005 UMLS_CUI:C1458155 URI: A disease of cellular proliferation that is malignant and primary, characterized by uncontrolled cellular proliferation, local cell invasion and metastasis. ICD10CM:C80.1 ICD9CM:199 ICDO:8000/3 MESH:D009369 NCI:C9305 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:269513004 UMLS_CUI:C0006826 malignant neoplasm malignant tumor primary cancer disease_ontology DOID:162 "A neoplastic disease that is malignant and characterized by uncontrolled cellular proliferation, local cell invasion and metastasis." [stedman:rlc, url:http\://, url:http\://] Updating out dated UMLS CUI. cancer ICD9CM_2010:239.4 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189535002 UMLS_CUI:C0027639 URI: "embryonal neoplasm of CNS" RELATED [] "embryonal tumor of the CNS" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C6990] "An embryonal cancer that are masses of rapidly growing cells that originates in embryonic (fetal) tissue in the brain and spinal cord." [url:http\://] embryonal cancer of CNS NCI2009_04D:C6990 UMLS_CUI:C1333378 URI: "primary carnitine deficiency" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:277.81] "renal carnitine transport defect (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:21764004] carnitine uptake defect ICD9CM_2010:277.81 OMIM2009_05_01:212140 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:21764004 UMLS_CUI:C0342788 URI: "CNS PNET" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C5398] "CPNET" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:39781001] "primitive neuroectodermal tumour" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189925001] primitive neuroectodermal tumor MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018242 NCI2009_04D:C5398 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189925001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:39781001 UMLS_CUI:C0206663 URI: "Congenital Heart Defects" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Congenital anomaly of heart NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:746.9] "Congenital anomaly of heart" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:13213009] "Congenital heart anomaly NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204413006] "Congenital heart anomaly NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156926008] "Congenital heart anomaly NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204405005] "Congenital heart anomaly NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268318000] "Heart Malformation" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34666] "Heart-congenital defect" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156911006] "Heart-congenital defect" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268315002] "Unspecified congenital anomaly of heart" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:746.9] "heart defect" EXACT [CSP2005:0724-8315] congenital heart defect ICD9CM_2010:746.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006330 NCI2009_04D:C34666 OMIM2009_05_01:140500 OMIM2009_05_01:234750 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008662 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU013668 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU021246 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:13213009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156911006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156926008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204405005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204413006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268315002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268318000 UMLS_CUI:C0018798 URI: "neuroendocrine neoplasm" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3809] "neuroendocrine neoplasm" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128928004] "neuroendocrine tumor (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:255046005] neuroendocrine tumor ICD9CM_2010:209 ICD9CM_2010:209-209.99 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018358 NCI2009_04D:C3809 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128928004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:255046005 UMLS_CUI:C0206754 URI: "(Congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma) or (alligator skin) or (ichthyosis congenita NOS)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205556009] "Congenital ichthyosis of skin (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:13059002] "Congenital ichthyosis, unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205547001] "Ichthyosis congenita NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268283000] "Ichthyosis congenita" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:757.1] "Ichthyosis congenita" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:157017000] "Ichthyosis congenita" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268355000] "ichthyosis congenita" EXACT [CSP2005:0726-9470] congenital ichthyosis ICD9CM_2010:757.1 OMIM2009_05_01:242300 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000702 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:13059002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157017000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205547001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205556009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268283000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268355000 UMLS_CUI:C0020758 URI: "Alligator skin" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205556009] "Congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254156001] "Ichthyosiform erythroderma (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268282005] "Ichthyosiform erythroderma" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:757.1] "Ichthyosiform erythroderma" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205549003] congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016113 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU007979 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205549003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205556009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254156001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268282005 UMLS_CUI:C0079583 URI: "ichthyoses" EXACT [] ichthyosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007057 UMLS_CUI:C0020757 URI: "Genodermatosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:239001006] "Genodermatosis, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:199879009] "Genodermatosis, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:5613003] genetic skin disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012873 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:199879009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:239001006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:5613003 UMLS_CUI:C0037277 URI: "Congenital non bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267372009] "Congenital non bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:12215009] "Lamellar desquamation of the newborn" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268245001] "Lamellar desquamation of the newborn" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:35970001] "Lamellar ichthyosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205550003] "lamellar ichthyosis" EXACT [CSP2005:0726-9470] nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017490 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008986 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008987 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU019991 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:12215009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205550003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267372009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268245001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:35970001 UMLS_CUI:C0079154 URI: A disease of anatomical entity that occurs in the muscular and/or skeletal system. "Musculo-skeletal disorder NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:274149006] "Musculo-skeletal disorder NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156881000] "Musculo-skeletal disorder NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268142006] "Musculoskeletal disease" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Musuloskeletal disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268047003] "disorder of musculoskeletal system (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:928000] "musculoskeletal disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:4000-0257] MESH:D009140 NCI:C107377 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:268047003 UMLS_CUI:C0026857 disease_ontology DOID:17 musculoskeletal system disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009140 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156881000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268047003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268142006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:274149006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:928000 UMLS_CUI:C0026857 URI: An organ system cancer located_in endocrine system that is characterized by uncontrolled cellular proliferation of the hormone producing glands of the endocrine system. "Endocrine tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3010] "endocrine neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2009-5861] "neoplasm of endocrine gland (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:127015005] "neoplasm of endocrine gland (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:387922007] "neoplasm of endocrine system (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:387927001] DOID:10009 ICD10CM:C75.9 ICD9CM:194.9 MESH:D004701 NCI:C3010 NCI:C3575 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:127015005 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93780007 UMLS_CUI:C0014132 UMLS_CUI:C0153658 Endocrine tumor endocrine neoplasm malignant Endocrine tumor malignant neoplasm of endocrine gland malignant tumour of endocrine gland neoplasm of endocrine gland neoplasm of endocrine system disease_ontology DOID:170 "A cancer by anatomical entity that affects any gland in the endocrine system." [url:http\://] endocrine gland cancer MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004701 NCI2009_04D:C3010 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:127015005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:387922007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:387927001 UMLS_CUI:C0014132 URI: "X-linked ichthyosis with steryl-sulphatase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:72523005] "X-linked placental steryl-sulphatase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:3944006] "X-linked recessive ichthyosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:402771003] "X-linked recessive ichthyosis [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254160003] "X-linked recessive ichthyosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205552006] X-linked ichthyosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016114 OMIM2009_05_01:308100 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205552006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254160003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:402771003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:72523005 UMLS_CUI:C0079588 URI: inborn errors steroid metabolism MSH2010_2010_02_22:D043202 UMLS_CUI:C1257809 URI: "Neuroectodermal tumour" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:253096008] "Neuroectodermal tumour" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:73676002] "primitive Neuroectodermal neoplasm" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3716] neuroectodermal tumor MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017599 NCI2009_04D:C3716 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:253096008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:73676002 UMLS_CUI:C0206093 URI: A carcinoma that derives_from squamous epithelial cells. DOID:5512 EFO:0000707 GARD:1091 ICDO:8070/3 MESH:D002294 MESH:D018307 NCI:C2929 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:154605007 UMLS_CUI:C0007137 UMLS_CUI:C0751688 epidermoid carcinoma malignant squamous cell tumor squamous carcinoma squamous cell Epithelioma squamous cell cancer disease_ontology DOID:1749 squamous cell carcinoma facial nerve disease ICD9CM_2010:351 ICD9CM_2010:351.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005155 NCI2009_04D:C27594 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155069009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155071009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193097005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:230543003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267704007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:422426003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:90039006 UMLS_CUI:C0015464 URI: "bone Development disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34432] "bone development disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2715-1497] "disorder of bone development (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:371521007] developmental bone disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001848 NCI2009_04D:C34432 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:371521007 UMLS_CUI:C0005941 URI: "neoplasm of soft tissue (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:387837005] "neoplasm of soft tissues (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126600002] "tumor of the soft tissue" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3377] soft tissue neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012983 NCI2009_04D:C3377 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126600002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:387837005 UMLS_CUI:C0037579 URI: "internal elastic lamina" EXACT [] vascular disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014652 NCI2009_04D:C35117 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:27550009 UMLS_CUI:C0042373 URI: An endocrine gland cancer located in the thryoid gland located in the neck below the thyroid cartilage. DOID:10008 ICD10CM:C73 ICD9CM:193 KEGG:05216 MESH:D013964 NCI:C3414 NCI:C7510 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:127018007 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:94098005 UMLS_CUI:C0007115 UMLS_CUI:C0040136 Thyroid gland neoplasm malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland malignant tumour of thyroid gland neoplasm of thyroid gland thyroid neoplasm disease_ontology DOID:1781 thyroid gland cancer A cell type cancer that has_material_basis_in mesothelial tissue that develops from the thin layer of tissue that covers many of the internal organs. DOID:4487 DOID:6965 DOID:7434 MESH:D000086002 NCI:C27926 NCI:C4456 NCI:C7865 NCI:C8420 OMIM:156240 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:109378008 UMLS_CUI:C0278752 UMLS_CUI:C0345967 UMLS_CUI:C0392400 UMLS_CUI:C1332338 Diffuse malignant Mesothelioma advanced malignant mesothelioma asbestos-related malignant mesothelioma malignant tumor of Mesothelium disease_ontology DOID:1790 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. malignant mesothelioma An endocrine gland cancer located_in the pancreas. DOID:14356 DOID:1797 DOID:3588 DOID:9859 GARD:9364 ICD10CM:C25.0 ICD10CM:C25.1 ICD10CM:C25.2 ICD9CM:157.0 ICD9CM:157.1 ICD9CM:157.2 ICD9CM:157.8 KEGG:05212 MESH:D010190 NCI:C3305 ORDO:1333 ORDO:217074 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126859007 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:187796007 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93715005 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93823001 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:94082003 UMLS_CUI:C0030297 UMLS_CUI:C0153458 UMLS_CUI:C0153459 UMLS_CUI:C0153460 UMLS_CUI:C0153463 Ca body of pancreas Ca head of pancreas Ca tail of pancreas malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas pancreas neoplasm pancreatic neoplasm pancreatic tumor disease_ontology DOID:1793 Xref MGI. pancreatic cancer "Islet cell neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:261713004] "Islet cell neoplasm" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:399528006] "Islet cell tumor (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128878003] "Islet cell tumor" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:211.7] "Islet cell tumour" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154609001] "Islet cell tumour" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:269636003] "Islet cell tumour, benign" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:76345009] "benign islet cell tumor (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:269480005] "benign islet cell tumour" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188855000] "pancreatic Endocrine neoplasm" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27031] "tumor of endocrine pancreas (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237596009] islet cell tumor MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007516 NCI2009_04D:C27031 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126864006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128878003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154609001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188855000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237596009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:261713004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269636003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:399528006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:76345009 UMLS_CUI:C0242363 URI: A disease of anatomical entity that is located_in kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra. DOID:579 NCI:C27599 UMLS_CUI:C1335051 Non-neoplastic urinary tract disease urinary tract disease disease_ontology DOID:18 urinary system disease URI: "Juvenile absence epilepsy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:230413002] "Juvenile absence epilepsy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192983009] "Petit Mal epilepsy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3023] "Petit mal" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:345.0] "Petit mal" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:16757004] "absence seizure (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:79631006] "absence seizure" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:140805008] "absence seizure" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:163596002] "childhood absence epilepsy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:50866000] "childhood absence epilepsy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155037000] "childhood absence epilepsy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192980007] "petit mal seizure" EXACT [CSP2005:0485-7316] absence epilepsy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004832 NCI2009_04D:C3023 NCI2009_04D:C50436 OMIM2009_05_01:607631 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000806 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU002883 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:140805008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155037000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:163596002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:16757004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192980007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192983009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:230413002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:50866000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:79631006 UMLS_CUI:C0014553 URI: "Generalised epilepsy [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192989008] "Generalised epilepsy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155038005] "Generalised epilepsy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155043003] "Generalised epilepsy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192994008] "Generalized epilepsy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:19598007] "Generalized epilepsy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3021] generalized epilepsy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004829 NCI2009_04D:C3021 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155038005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155043003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192989008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192994008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:19598007 UMLS_CUI:C0014548 URI: bone tissue neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018213 UMLS_CUI:C0206639 URI: "Menkes kinky-hair syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:59178007] "steely hair syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5365] Menkes kinky hair syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007706 NCI2009_04D:C75486 OMIM2009_05_01:309400 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:59178007 UMLS_CUI:C0022716 URI: "Metabolic bone disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:50279003] "bone metabolism disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2715-1618] metabolic bone disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001851 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:50279003 UMLS_CUI:C0005944 URI: A connective tissue cancer that is located_in bone and is characterized by uncontrolled cellular proliferation that destroys normal bone tissue. DOID:3348 MESH:D001859 NCI:C9343 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126537000 UMLS_CUI:C0005967 CA - bone cancer bone neoplasm bone tumour malignant bone neoplasm malignant bone tumour malignant neoplasm of bone malignant osseous tumor neoplasm of bone osseous tumor disease_ontology DOID:184 bone cancer "Intrahepatic cholestasis (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:4637005] intrahepatic cholestasis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002780 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU003421 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:4637005 UMLS_CUI:C0008372 URI: jaw disease ICD9CM_2010:526 ICD9CM_2010:526.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007571 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155630004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:196473003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266484002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:37156001 UMLS_CUI:C0022362 URI: "Cherubism (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:53432004] cherubism MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002636 OMIM2009_05_01:118400 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:53432004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:76098004 UMLS_CUI:C0008029 URI: "fibrous Dysplasia of bone" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34609] "fibrous dysplasia of bone (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:10623005] osteitis fibrosa disseminata MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005357 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:10623005 UMLS_CUI:C0016063 URI: jaw abnormality MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007569 UMLS_CUI:C0022360 URI: "disorder of optic nerve (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:77157004] "disorder of the second nerve" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:194037001] "optic nerve disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-6601] "optic nerve disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267741008] "optic neuropathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:312964007] optic nerve disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009901 NCI2009_04D:C79698 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU018978 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194037001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267741008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:312964007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:77157004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:82108004 UMLS_CUI:C0029132 URI: "malignant mixed neoplasm" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3729] "malignant mixed tumor" RELATED [] "mixed tumor, malignant (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:8145008] "mixed tumor, malignant, NOS (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189802003] "A mixed cell type cancer that derives_from multiple tissue types." [url:http\://] malignant mixed cancer MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018198 NCI2009_04D:C3729 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189802003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:8145008 UMLS_CUI:C0206625 URI: A cell type cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from melanocytes which are found in skin, the bowel and the eye. EFO:0000756 ICDO:8720/3 KEGG:05218 MESH:D008545 NCI:C3224 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:2092003 UMLS_CUI:C0025202 Naevocarcinoma malignant melanoma disease_ontology DOID:1909 melanoma MESH:D008545 "melanocytic neoplasm (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:399956005] "melanocytic neoplasm" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7058] melanocytic neoplasm NCI2009_04D:C7058 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:399956005 UMLS_CUI:C1302746 URI: "Complete hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190921003] "HG-PRT deficiency" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.2] "Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:90924007] "Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267451005] "Hypoxanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency (& [Lesch - Nyhan syndrome])" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190918000] "Lesch - Nyhan syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190917005] "Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:10406007] "X-linked hyperuricemia (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:68655008] "deficiency of IMP pyrophosphorylase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124275001] "hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-8105] Lesch-Nyhan syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007926 NCI2009_04D:C61255 OMIM2009_05_01:300322 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:10406007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124275001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190917005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190918000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190921003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267451005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:68655008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:90924007 UMLS_CUI:C0023374 URI: "(Blood urate raized) or (hyperuricemia)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:166733000] "Uricacidaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:35885006] "hyperURICEMIA" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "hyperuricaemia [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237857006] "hyperuricaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:144021008] "hyperuricaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:271198001] "hyperuricemia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3961] "uricacidemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-8097] hyperuricemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D033461 NCI2009_04D:C3961 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU004766 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:144021008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:166733000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237857006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:271198001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:35885006 UMLS_CUI:C0740394 URI: "disorder of sexual differentiation (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:39179006] "sex differentiation disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2586-8784] sex differentiation disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012734 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:39179006 UMLS_CUI:C0036875 URI: "Hypogonadism (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:48130008] "hypogonadism" EXACT [CSP2005:2586-8835] hypogonadism MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007006 NCI2009_04D:C9227 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000132 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:48130008 UMLS_CUI:C0020619 URI: "Gaucher's disease [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:2859005] "Gaucher's disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:272.7] "Glucosylceramide beta-glucosidase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190794006] "Kerasin thesaurismosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:180485001] "lipoid histiocytosis (kerasin type)" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-8920] Gaucher's disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005776 NCI2009_04D:C61268 OMIM2009_05_01:230800 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:180485001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190794006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:2859005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:62201009 UMLS_CUI:C0017205 URI:'s_disease "Sphingolipidosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238028008] "Sphingolipidosis, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:58459009] "sphingolipidoses" EXACT [] sphingolipidosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013106 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238028008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:58459009 UMLS_CUI:C0037899 URI: "Supra-valvular aortic stenosis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:747.22] "Supra-valvular aortic stenosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204436002] "Supravalvar aortic stenosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268185002] supravalvular aortic stenosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D021921 OMIM2009_05_01:185500 OMIM2009_05_01:194050 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU014953 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204436002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268185002 UMLS_CUI:C0003499 URI: An organ system cancer that is manifested in the reproductive organs. "Reproductive tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3674] "malignant reproductive system neoplasm" EXACT [] "reproductive system neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2016-0492] DOID:1900 NCI:C3674 UMLS_CUI:C0178830 Reproductive tumor malignant reproductive system neoplasm disease_ontology cancer of reproductive system DOID:193 "A cancer by anatomical entity that is manifested in the reproductive system." [url:http\://] cancer of reproductive system reproductive organ cancer NCI2009_04D:C3674 UMLS_CUI:C0178830 URI: "Hypothalamus disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190463005] "Hypothalamus disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:88108008] "disorder of hypothalamus (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:399100005] hypothalamic disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007027 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190463005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:399100005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:88108008 UMLS_CUI:C0020655 URI: "Angelman syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:76880004] "puppetlike syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:4008-0043] Angelman syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017204 OMIM2009_05_01:105830 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:76880004 UMLS_CUI:C0162635 URI: "Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:45582004] "Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:157032007] Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012415 NCI2009_04D:C75466 OMIM2009_05_01:180849 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157032007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:45582004 UMLS_CUI:C0035934 URI: "Dysostosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:109420003] "Dysostosis" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34560] dysostosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004413 NCI2009_04D:C34560 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:109420003 UMLS_CUI:C0013393 URI: "Bardet-Biedl syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:5619004] "Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:232060005] "syndrome, Bardet-Biedl" EXACT [MTH:125] Bardet-Biedl syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020788 OMIM2009_05_01:209900 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:5619004 UMLS_CUI:C0752166 URI: "glandular cell Epithelium neoplasm" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7132] glandular cell epithelial neoplasm NCI2009_04D:C7132 UMLS_CUI:C1333820 URI: A rectum cancer that derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. NCI:C9383 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254582000 UMLS_CUI:C0149978 Rectal adenocarcinoma disease_ontology DOID:1996 rectum adenocarcinoma A musculoskeletal system cancer that is located_in connective tissue. "Tumour of connective tissue" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254821003] "connective tissue neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2008-3809] "neoplasm of connective tissues (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126598008] MESH:D009372 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126598008 UMLS_CUI:C0027656 Tumour of connective tissue connective tissue neoplasm neoplasm of connective tissues mesenchymal tissue malignant neoplasm disease_ontology DOID:201 connective tissue cancer connective tissue neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009372 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126598008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254821003 UMLS_CUI:C0027656 URI: A female reproductive organ cancer that is located_in the placenta. DOID:2023 ICD10CM:C58 ICD9CM:181 NCI:C3555 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:188187004 UMLS_CUI:C0153572 Placental tumors malignant Placental tumor malignant neoplasm of placenta neoplasm of placenta placental cancer primary malignant neoplasm of placenta disease_ontology DOID:2021 placenta cancer "Socialized behavior disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:386820009] "Socialized behavior disorder (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:112083000] "Socialized conduct disorder NOS (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192093004] "Socialized conduct disorder" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:312.2] "Socialized conduct disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192600007] "Socialized conduct disorder, unspecified degree" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:312.20] socialized conduct disorder ICD9CM_2010:312.2 ICD9CM_2010:312.20 NCI2009_04D:C35029 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:112083000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192093004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192600007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:386820009 UMLS_CUI:C0037448 URI: "Communication disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:278919001] "Communication disorder NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:307.9] "Communication disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2958] "Communication disorder, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:74825008] "communication disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1579-2995] communication impairment MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003147 NCI2009_04D:C2958 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:278919001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:74825008 UMLS_CUI:C0009460 URI: urogenital abnormality MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014564 NCI2009_04D:C35107 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:12537003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156962009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156981001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:287085006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:287086007 UMLS_CUI:C0042063 URI: "Multiple congenital exostosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205479007] "Multiple exostoses syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:84852005] "Multiple exostoses type I" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254044004] "Multiple exostosis syndromes" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:240186007] "Osteochondromatosis syndrome (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:16535008] "multiple exostosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-1975] hereditary multiple exostoses MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005097 NCI2009_04D:C5183 OMIM2009_05_01:133700 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:16535008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205479007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:240186007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254044004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:84852005 UMLS_CUI:C0015306 URI: "Familiar neoplastic syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3266] hereditary neoplastic syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009386 NCI2009_04D:C3266 UMLS_CUI:C0027672 URI: A vulva carcinoma and has_material_basis_in squamous cells and is located_in the epidermis of the vulvar tissue. NCI:C4052 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254895003 UMLS_CUI:C0280856 Vulvar Epidermoid carcinoma vulvar squamous cell carcinoma disease_ontology squamous cell carcinoma of vulva DOID:2101 vulva squamous cell carcinoma "B cell (antibody) deficiencies" EXACT [] "Immunoglobulin heavy chain deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234539005] "immunoglobulin heavy chain deletion" EXACT [] "A primary immunnodeficiency disease that is caused by a lack of infection-fighting antibody producing B cells (immunoglobulins) or B cells that are not functioning properly." [url:http\://, url:http\://] B cell deficiency ICD9CM_2010:279.03 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190982008 UMLS_CUI:C0154276 URI: "Congenital ectodermal defect (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254154003] "Congenital ectodermal defect" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205610005] "Congenital ectodermal dysplasia" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:757.31] "Ectodermal dysplasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:8654005] ectodermal dysplasia ICD9CM_2010:757.31 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004476 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008316 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205610005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254154003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:8654005 UMLS_CUI:C0013575 URI: "intracranial central nervous system tumors" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4953] "intracranial tumor (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254935002] intracranial neoplasm NCI2009_04D:C4953 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254935002 UMLS_CUI:C1527390 URI: teeth hard tissue disease ICD9CM_2010:521.8 ICD9CM_2010:521.89 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:197505001 UMLS_CUI:C0029770 URI: An ovarian cancer that is derives_from ovarian surface epithelium. NCI:C4381 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:237057005 UMLS_CUI:C0341823 Ovarian Surface epithelial-Stromal tumor disease_ontology DOID:2152 ovary epithelial cancer "Ocular tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3030] "eye neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2018-3273] "neoplasm of eye (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126995000] "neoplasm of eye proper" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:371486001] eye neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005134 NCI2009_04D:C3030 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126995000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:371486001 UMLS_CUI:C0015414 URI: "Asymptomatic bacteriuria antepartum" EXACT [] "Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy, with delivery" EXACT [] "Asymptomatic bacteriuria postpartum" EXACT [] "Gonorrhea + pregnancy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267316003] "Infectious and parasitic conditions in the mother classifiable elsewhere, but complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium" EXACT [] "Syphilis + pregnancy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267316003] "Syphilis complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium" EXACT [] "antepartum gonorrhea" EXACT [] "antepartum malaria" EXACT [] "antepartum syphilis" EXACT [] "gonorrhea complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium" EXACT [] "gonorrhea of mother with delivery" EXACT [] "malaria complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium" EXACT [] "malaria of mother with delivery" EXACT [] "postpartum gonorrhea" EXACT [] "postpartum malaria" EXACT [] "postpartum syphilis" EXACT [] "syphilis of mother, complicating pregnancy, with delivery" EXACT [] complications mainly related to pregnancy ICD9CM_2010:646.1 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:199072001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267202005 UMLS_CUI:C0156728 URI: A colorectal cancer that is located_in the colon. ICD10CM:C18 ICD9CM:153 MESH:D003110 NCI:C9242 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:363406005 UMLS_CUI:C0007102 disease_ontology DOID:219 colon cancer coagulation protein disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020147 UMLS_CUI:C0600503 URI: "HEMORRHAGIC DISORDER" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Haemorrhagic condition, unspecified" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191327000] "Hemorrhagic condition NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191331006] "Hemorrhagic condition, unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191437009] "Hemorrhagic diathesis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:287.9] "Hemorrhagic disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268884000] "Unspecified hemorrhagic conditions" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:287.9] "hemorrhagic disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-4811] hemorrhagic disorder ICD9CM_2010:287.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006474 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191327000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191331006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191437009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268884000 UMLS_CUI:C0019087 URI: inherited blood coagulation disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D025861 UMLS_CUI:C0852077 URI: "Factor VII deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:37193007] "Factor VII deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154820003] "deficiency, stable" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:286.3] factor VII deficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005168 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154820003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:37193007 UMLS_CUI:C0015503 URI: "Factor V deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:4320005] "Factor V deficiency [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191284007] "Hereditary hypoproaccelerinaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:88776002] "Labile factor deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:366160003] "Proaccelerin deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:365157004] "deficiency, labile" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:286.3] factor V deficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005166 OMIM2009_05_01:227400 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU023372 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191284007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:365157004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:366160003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:4320005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:88776002 UMLS_CUI:C0015499 URI: "Bernard - Soulier thrombopathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191309003] "Bernard Soulier syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:4001-0130] "Giant platelet syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234478007] "Hemorrhagic dystrophic thrombocytopenia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:54569005] "Thrombopathy, Bernard-Soulier" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:287.1] Bernard-Soulier syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001606 OMIM2009_05_01:231200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191309003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234478007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:54569005 UMLS_CUI:C0005129 URI: "Platelet disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:22716005] "Thrombocytopathy" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:287.1] "platelet disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:0446-1413] "thrombocytopathy" EXACT [CSP2005:0446-4239] blood platelet disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001791 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:22716005 UMLS_CUI:C0005818 URI: "Factor X deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:76642003] "disease, Stuart-Prower" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:286.3] factor X deficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005171 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU013058 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:76642003 UMLS_CUI:C0015519 URI: "Dense body defect (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234474009] "Platelet dense granule deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:9417000] "Platelet storage pool defect" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128099001] platelet storage pool deficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010981 OMIM2009_05_01:203300 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128099001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234474009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:9417000 UMLS_CUI:C0032197 URI: malignant neoplasm of lymphatic and hemopoietic tissue ICD9CM_2010:202.8 UMLS_CUI:C0029662 URI: "Haemophilia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154816002] "Hemophilia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:90935002] "Hemophilia NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:286.0] "hemophilia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3093] hemophilia NCI2009_04D:C3093 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154816002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:90935002 UMLS_CUI:C0684275 URI: "Coagulation Factor deficiency" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27215] coagulation factor deficiency NCI2009_04D:C27215 UMLS_CUI:C0849773 URI: "Focal epilepsy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155041001] "Focal epilepsy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193007004] "Focal epilepsy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:29753000] "epilepsy, focal NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:345.5] "focal epilepsy" EXACT [CSP2005:0485-7151] "localisation-related epilepsy -RETIRED-" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:67139004] "localisation-related epilepsy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155044009] "localization-related epilepsy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:230381009] partial epilepsy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004828 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155041001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155044009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193007004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:230381009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:29753000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:67139004 UMLS_CUI:C0014547 URI: "Factor II deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:73975000] "Factor II deficiency" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C26799] "Factor II deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191283001] "HYPOPROTHROMBINEMIA" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "deficiency, prothrombin" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:286.3] "hypoprothrombinemia" EXACT [CSP2005:0438-7564] hypoprothrombinemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007020 NCI2009_04D:C26799 OMIM2009_05_01:176930 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191283001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:73975000 UMLS_CUI:C0020640 URI: "syndrome" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "syndrome, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:64572001] "A syndrome is a disease comprised of a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality." [URL:http\://] syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013577 NCI2009_04D:C28193 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:64572001 UMLS_CUI:C0039082 URI: "short rib polydactyly syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205484001] short rib-polydactyly syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012779 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205484001 UMLS_CUI:C0036996 URI: "Osteochondrodysplasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:240190009] "Osteochondrodysplasia syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:105985007] "Osteochondrodysplasia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205510001] osteochondrodysplasia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:105985007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205510001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:240190009 UMLS_CUI:C0029422 URI: An endocrine system disease that is located_in the gonads. MESH:D006058 NCI:C26786 UMLS_CUI:C0018050 disease_ontology DOID:2277 gonadal disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006058 NCI2009_04D:C26786 UMLS_CUI:C0018050 URI: A reproductive system disease that impairs the ability to reproduce and is located in the uterus, vagina, cervix, ovaries or fallopian tubes. ICD9CM:629.9 MESH:D005831 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:38233001 UMLS_CUI:C0017411 disease_ontology DOID:229 female reproductive system disease ICD9CM_2010:629.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005831 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156032001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156066005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:198486002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:244938009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266680004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:310789003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:38233001 UMLS_CUI:C0017411 URI: motor neuron disease ICD9CM_2010:335.2 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016472 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155015007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192888001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192889009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192890000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:37340000 UMLS_CUI:C0085084 URI: "Craniofacial Dysostosis" EXACT [] "Crouzon syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:28861008] "Crouzon's disease" EXACT [CSP2005:0725-9662] "Crouzon's disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:756.0] Crouzon syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003394 OMIM2009_05_01:101200 OMIM2009_05_01:123500 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:28861008 UMLS_CUI:C0010273 URI: A colon carcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. MESH:D003110 NCI:C4349 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:255082000 UMLS_CUI:C0338106 Colonic adenocarcinoma adenocarcinoma of colon disease_ontology adenocarcinoma of the colon DOID:234 colon adenocarcinoma "Craniosynostosis syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:57219006] "Premature closure of cranial sutures" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:756.0] "synostosis (cranial)" EXACT [CSP2005:0726-0275] craniosynostosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003398 OMIM2009_05_01:123100 OMIM2009_05_01:218500 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU002205 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU011286 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012175 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205411004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205414007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:57219006 UMLS_CUI:C0010278 URI: disorder of plasma protein metabolism ICD9CM_2010:273.8 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190822009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190825006 UMLS_CUI:C0029594 URI: "Iron overload (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:60737008] iron overload MSH2010_2010_02_22:D019190 NCI2009_04D:C78393 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:60737008 UMLS_CUI:C0282193 URI: "Iron disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154751003] "Iron disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267504005] "disorder of iron metabolism (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:30913008] "disorder of iron metabolism NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190851008] "disorder of iron metabolism" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:275.0] "iron disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1630-2859] iron metabolism disorder ICD9CM_2010:275.0 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D019189 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154751003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190851008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267504005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:30913008 UMLS_CUI:C0012715 URI: "Bronze diabetes (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:399144008] "Bronzed diabetes" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:275.0] "HEMOCHROMATOSIS" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Haemochromatosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154751003] "Haemochromatosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267504005] "Hemochromatosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:399187006] "Hemochromatosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:86781004] "diabetes bronze" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-4292] "iron storage disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1630-3927] hemochromatosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006432 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154751003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267504005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:399144008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:399187006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:86781004 UMLS_CUI:C0018995 URI: anemia ICD9CM_2010:285.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000740 NCI2009_04D:C2869 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU002606 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154786001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154812000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191277004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267531008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:271737000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:64593003 UMLS_CUI:C0002871 URI: "Neuroaxonal dystrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:230365004] neuroaxonal dystrophy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D019150 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU001072 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:230365004 UMLS_CUI:C0338473 URI: "Gangliosidosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:50967008] "disease, Gangliosidosis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:330.1] "gangliosidoses" EXACT [] "gangliosidosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-8576] gangliosidosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005733 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:50967008 UMLS_CUI:C0017083 URI: "Generalized multiple sclerosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192928003] "Multiple sclerosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:24700007] "Multiple sclerosis NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192930001] "Multiple sclerosis" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:340] "Multiple sclerosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155023009] "insular sclerosis" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-2324] "multiple sclerosis" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3243] multiple sclerosis ICD9CM_2010:340 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009103 NCI2009_04D:C3243 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155023009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192928003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192930001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:24700007 UMLS_CUI:C0026769 URI: "Thiamin deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:35843007] "Thiamin deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:399357009] "Thiamine deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154725000] "Thiamine deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267491008] "Thiamine deficiency, unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191088004] "Thiamine deficiency, unspecified" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190628006] "thiamine deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:2116-7354] "vitamin B1 deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190624008] Thiamine deficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013832 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154725000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190624008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190628006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191088004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267491008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:35843007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:399357009 UMLS_CUI:C0039841 URI: A female reproductive organ cancer that is located_in the ovary. DOID:0060070 DOID:2144 DOID:9595 GARD:7295 ICD10CM:C56 ICD9CM:183.0 MESH:D010051 NCI:C4984 NCI:C7431 OMIM:167000 OMIM:607893 ORDO:213500 ORDO:213517 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:123843001 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:372117006 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93934004 UMLS_CUI:C0919267 UMLS_CUI:C1140680 UMLS_CUI:C1299247 malignant Ovarian tumor malignant tumour of ovary ovarian neoplasm ovary neoplasm primary ovarian cancer tumor of the Ovary disease_ontology DOID:2394 Xref MGI. OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. ovarian cancer "neural tumor of the skin" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4479] "skin tumor of neural origin (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254758008] skin tumor of neural origin NCI2009_04D:C4479 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254758008 UMLS_CUI:C0346055 URI: "melanocytic neoplasm of skin" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7161] "melanocytic tumor of skin (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:276728004] cutaneous melanocytic neoplasm NCI2009_04D:C7161 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:276728004 UMLS_CUI:C0349501 URI: "Glomus neoplasm" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3060] "Glomus tumor (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:403969002] "Glomus tumor (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:10438002] "Glomus tumour" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189193002] "Glomus tumour" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:393567008] glomus tumor MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005918 NCI2009_04D:C3060 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:10438002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189193002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:393567008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:403969002 UMLS_CUI:C0017653 URI: "neoplasm of Dermis" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4475] "tumor of dermis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254735005] tumor of Dermis NCI2009_04D:C4475 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254735005 UMLS_CUI:C0346041 URI: non-neoplastic retinal disorder NCI2009_04D:C27610 UMLS_CUI:C1335039 URI: psychotic disorder ICD9CM_2010:298.8 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011618 UMLS_CUI:C0029516 URI: "HSMN - Hereditary sensory and motor neuropathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193158000] "HSMN" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128202008] "HSMN" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:398100001] "Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193161004] "Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155081008] "Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193160003] "Neuropathic muscular atrophy" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:356.1] "Neuropathic muscular atrophy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:50548001] "neuropathic muscular atrophy" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-7637] hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015417 NCI2009_04D:C75467 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128202008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155081008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193158000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193160003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193161004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:398100001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:50548001 UMLS_CUI:C0027888 URI: spinocerebellar degeneration ICD9CM_2010:334.3 UMLS_CUI:C0029534 URI: "hyperCHOLESTEROLEMIA" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "hypercholesteremia" EXACT [CSP2005:1744-1643] "hypercholesterolaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154740003] "hypercholesterolaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267500001] "hypercholesterolemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:13644009] hypercholesterolemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006937 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU018954 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:13644009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154740003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267500001 UMLS_CUI:C0020443 URI: "congenital neurologic anomaly" EXACT [] congenital nervous system abnormality ICD9CM_2010:742 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204018008 UMLS_CUI:C0158538 URI: "Sensory neuropathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:95662005] "peripheral Sensory Neuropathy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3501] "sensory neuropathy" EXACT [CSP2005:4007-0113] sensory neuropathy NCI2009_04D:C3501 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU001836 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012964 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:95662005 UMLS_CUI:C0151313 URI: "Hereditary peripheral neuropathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:65017003] "Hereditary peripheral neuropathy NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193159008] Hereditary peripheral neuropathy ICD9CM_2010:356.0 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128202008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193158000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193159008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:65017003 UMLS_CUI:C0392553 URI: alcohol-induced mental disorder ICD9CM_2010:291.8 ICD9CM_2010:291.89 UMLS_CUI:C1456283 URI: "Gorlin syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:69408002] "Naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188145001] "Naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254704004] "basal cell nevus syndrome" EXACT [] nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001478 NCI2009_04D:C2892 OMIM2009_05_01:109400 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188145001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254704004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:69408002 UMLS_CUI:C0004779 URI: "BASAL CELL carcinoma OF SKIN" EXACT [MTH:100] "Basal cell cancer" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2921] "Basal cell carcinoma (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:1338007] "Basal cell carcinoma NOS (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189573003] "Basal cell carcinoma of skin (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254701007] "Basal cell neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189572008] "Basal cell neoplasm NOS (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189574009] "Basal cell tumor (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:30649006] "Basal cell tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3784] "Epithelioma basal cell (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:275265005] "Rodent ulcer" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154507009] "Rodent ulcer" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188083002] "Rodent ulcer" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:269582000] "Rodent ulcer" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:399049001] "basal cell carcinoma" EXACT [CSP2005:2000-2719] "basal cell neoplasm" EXACT [] "malignant Basal cell neoplasm" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7586] "malignant basal cell tumor (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:252995000] "malignant basal cell tumor" EXACT [] basal cell carcinoma MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002280 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018295 NCI2009_04D:C2921 NCI2009_04D:C3784 NCI2009_04D:C7586 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000128 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU022681 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:127570002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:1338007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154507009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188083002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189572008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189573003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189574009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:252995000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254701007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269582000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:275265005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:30649006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:399049001 UMLS_CUI:C0007117 UMLS_CUI:C0206710 UMLS_CUI:C1368295 URI: MESH:D013733 NCI:C26890 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:236763001 UMLS_CUI:C0039584 disorder of testis testis disorder disease_ontology DOID:2519 testicular disease "Alcohol-induced psychosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:42344001] "Alcoholic psychoses" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154852003] "Alcoholic psychosis NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191482008] "Alcoholic psychosis NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192212000] "Alcoholism with psychosis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:291.9] "Mental and behavioral disorder due to use of alcohol: psychotic disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268684002] "Unspecified alcohol-induced mental disorder" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:291.9] "alcoholic psychosis" EXACT [CSP2005:0080-9468] alcoholic psychosis ICD9CM_2010:291.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011604 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154852003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191482008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192212000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268684002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:42344001 UMLS_CUI:C0033936 URI: A prostate carcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. NCI:C2919 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:399490008 UMLS_CUI:C0007112 disease_ontology DOID:2526 prostate adenocarcinoma "nephrosis NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:581.9] "nephrosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1682-1676] "nephrosis, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:90708001] nephrosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009401 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU017719 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:90708001 UMLS_CUI:C0027720 URI: An organ system cancer located in the hematological system that is characterized by uncontrolled cellular proliferation in blood, bone marrow and lymph nodes. "Hematologic malignancy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:127221002] "Hematologic malignancy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:269475001] "Hematologic neoplasm (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:129154003] "Hematological tumors" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27134] "blood cancer" EXACT [CSP2005:2004-0139] "hematopoietic and lymphoid system tumor" EXACT [] "hematopoietic cancer" EXACT [] "hematopoietic neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:414388001] "hematopoietic tumors" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27134] "malignant hematopoietic neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:414644002] DOID:1034 DOID:2532 MESH:D019337 NCI:C27134 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:414388001 UMLS_CUI:C0376544 Hematologic malignancy Hematologic neoplasm Hematological tumors blood cancer hematopoietic and lymphoid system tumor hematopoietic cancer hematopoietic neoplasm hematopoietic tumors malignant hematopoietic neoplasm disease_ontology DOID:2531 "A cancer that affects the blood or bone marrow." [url:http\://] hematologic cancer MSH2010_2010_02_22:D019337 NCI2009_04D:C27134 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:414388001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:414644002 UMLS_CUI:C0376544 URI: nervous system alcohol-induced disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020268 UMLS_CUI:C0751865 URI: hemangioma ICD9CM_2010:228.0 ICD9CM_2010:228.00 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006391 NCI2009_04D:C3085 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU001762 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU016704 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154625006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189192007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189193002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189194008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189199003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189863005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:2099007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:253053003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254822005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269646001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:367337005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:400210000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:93474003 UMLS_CUI:C0018916 URI: "Letterer-Siwe disease involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:202.53] "Letterer-Siwe disease involving intrapelvic lymph nodes" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:202.56] "Letterer-Siwe disease involving intrathoracic lymph nodes" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:202.52] "Letterer-Siwe disease involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:202.54] "Letterer-Siwe disease involving lymph nodes of head, face and neck" EXACT [] "Letterer-Siwe disease involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:202.51] "Letterer-Siwe disease involving lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:202.55] "Letterer-Siwe disease involving lymph nodes of multiple sites" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:202.58] "Letterer-Siwe disease involving spleen" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:202.57] "Letterer-Siwe disease of intra-abdominal lymph nodes (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93133006] "Letterer-Siwe disease of intra-abdominal lymph nodes" EXACT [] "Letterer-Siwe disease of intrapelvic lymph nodes (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93134000] "Letterer-Siwe disease of intrapelvic lymph nodes" EXACT [] "Letterer-Siwe disease of intrathoracic lymph nodes (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93135004] "Letterer-Siwe disease of intrathoracic lymph nodes" EXACT [] "Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188657006] "Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of axilla and/or upper limb (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93136003] "Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of axilla and/or upper limb" EXACT [] "Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of head, face and neck (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188656002] "Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of head, face and/or neck (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93137007] "Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of inguinal region amd/or lower limb" EXACT [] "Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188658001] "Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of inguinal region and/or lower limb (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93138002] "Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93139005] "Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites" EXACT [] "Letterer-Siwe disease of spleen (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93140007] "Letterer-Siwe disease of spleen" EXACT [] "A Langerhans-cell histiocytosis and malignant histiocytic disorder and malignant neoplasm of abdomen that results_in an abnormal increase in the number of immune cells called histiocytes." [url:https\://] Letterer-Siwe disease ICD9CM_2010:202.5 NCI2009_04D:C3160 OMIM2009_05_01:246400 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:118614007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128812005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154583006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188654004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188655003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188659009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:236957004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269628007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:366059005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:67574008 UMLS_CUI:C0023381 URI: "Macular Corneal Dystrophy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34793] "Macular corneal dystrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:60258001] macular corneal dystrophy NCI2009_04D:C34793 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU009344 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:60258001 UMLS_CUI:C0024439 URI: "Corneal Dystrophy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34513] "Corneal dystrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:5587004] "corneal dystrophy" EXACT [CSP2005:1114-8656] "corneal dystrophy" EXACT [CSP2005:1254-7727] Corneal dystrophy NCI2009_04D:C34513 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU015719 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193832003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:5587004 UMLS_CUI:C0010036 URI: "malignant histiocytic disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:127070008] malignant histiocytic disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015620 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:127070008 UMLS_CUI:C0019613 URI: "Histiocytosis X , unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190956004] "Histiocytosis X syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190955000] "Histiocytosis X" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.89] "Histiocytosis X" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154583006] "Histiocytosis X" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:269628007] "Langerhan's cell histiocytosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234439008] "Langerhans cell Granulomatosis" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3107] "Langerhans cell granulomatosis" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-5330] "Langerhans cell histiocytosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:65399007] "Langerhans cell histiocytosis, no ICD-O subtype (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128809007] "Langerhans' cell histiocytosis (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:110450007] "A disease of metabolism and histiocytic and dendritic cell cancer and histiocytosis and interstitial lung disease that results_in the proliferation of Langerhans cells." [url:http\://] Langerhans-cell histiocytosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006646 NCI2009_04D:C3107 OMIM2009_05_01:604856 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:110450007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128809007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154583006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190955000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190956004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234439008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269628007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:65399007 UMLS_CUI:C0019621 URI: "Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:56692003] "Rhizomelic chrondrodysplasia punctata" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.86] rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018902 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:56692003 UMLS_CUI:C0282529 URI: "Chondrodysplasia calcificans congenita" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:22932004] "Chondrodysplasia punctata (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:42778005] "Chondrodysplasia punctata (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205486004] "Chondrodysplasia punctata (stippled epiphyses) group (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:278715001] "Chondrodysplasia punctata congenita (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:360507004] chondrodysplasia punctata MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002806 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006620 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205486004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:22932004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:278715001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:360507004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:42778005 UMLS_CUI:C0008445 URI: "Acatalasemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267454002] "Acatalasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:111393000] "deficiency of catalase (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124202004] acatalasia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020642 OMIM2009_05_01:115500 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:111393000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124202004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190954001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267454002 UMLS_CUI:C0268419 URI: "Agammaglobulinaemia -RETIRED-" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:81282009] "Agammaglobulinaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190977001, SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267512002] "Agammaglobulinemia (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:119249001] "Agammaglobulinemia NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:279.00] "HYPOGAMMAGLOBULINEMIA" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Hypogammaglobulinemia (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:119250001] "Hypogammaglobulinemia NOS (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190978006] "Hypogammaglobulinemia, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:81282009] "Hypogammaglobulinemia, unspecified" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:279.00] "IGHM" EXACT [] "agammaglobulinemia" EXACT [CSP2005:0449-3787] "hypogammaglobulinemia" EXACT [CSP2005:0449-3787] "mu heavy chain deficiency" EXACT [] "A B cell deficiency that is caused by a reduction in all types of gamma globulins." [url:http\://] agammaglobulinemia ICD9CM_2010:279.00 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000361 NCI2009_04D:C26931 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU001684 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008328 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:119249001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:119250001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190977001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190978006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267512002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:81282009 UMLS_CUI:C0001768 UMLS_CUI:C0086438 URI: pancreas disease ICD9CM_2010:577.8 MSH:D010182 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:197566002 UMLS_CUI:C0029771 URI: neuroblastic tumor NCI2009_04D:C6963 UMLS_CUI:C1334953 URI: "neuronal and Glio-neuronal tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4747] "neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumor (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:302831000] neuronal and glio-neuronal neoplasm NCI2009_04D:C4747 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:302831000 UMLS_CUI:C0474844 URI: A urinary system cancer that is located_in the kidney. "kidney neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2021-1116] "neoplasm of kidney (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126880001] "renal tumors" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3150] DOID:11834 DOID:3676 ICD10CM:C64 ICD9CM:189.0 MESH:D007680 NCI:C120456 NCI:C3150 NCI:C7548 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126880001 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93849006 UMLS_CUI:C0022665 UMLS_CUI:C0494158 UMLS_CUI:C0740457 malignant neoplasm of kidney except pelvis malignant tumour of kidney renal cancer disease_ontology DOID:263 kidney cancer kidney neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007680 NCI2009_04D:C3150 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU018158 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126880001 UMLS_CUI:C0022665 URI: A carcinoma that derives_from transitional epithelial cells. DOID:3995 GARD:7794 ICDO:8120/3 MESH:D002295 NCI:C2930 NCI:C6783 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:118287003 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:27090000 UMLS_CUI:C0007138 UMLS_CUI:C0334265 transitional carcinoma transitional cell tumor urothelial cell carcinoma disease_ontology transitional cell neoplasm DOID:2671 transitional cell carcinoma "Bloom syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:4434006] "Bloom-Torre-Machacek syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:1254-7913] "Congenital Telangiectatic Erythema syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2903] bloom syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001816 NCI2009_04D:C2903 OMIM2009_05_01:210900 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:4434006 UMLS_CUI:C0005859 URI: "Dermatitis (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:4979002] "Dermatitis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:182782007] "Dermatitis NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:200884006] "Dermatitis NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156358005] "Dermatitis NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267847004] "Dermatitis, NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:692.9] "Other chronic dermatitis due to solar radiation" EXACT [] "Other dermatitis due to solar radiation" EXACT [] "dermatitis" EXACT [CSP2005:4008-0032] "dermatitis" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2983] "skin inflammation NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267856007] "skin inflammation NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156388001] dermatitis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003872 NCI2009_04D:C2983 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU001691 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156358005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156388001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:182782007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:200884006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238538009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267847004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267856007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:43116000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:4979002 UMLS_CUI:C0011603 URI: "Dyskeratosis congenita (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:74911008] dyskeratosis congenita MSH2010_2010_02_22:D019871 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:74911008 UMLS_CUI:C0265965 URI: "Epidermolysis bullosa (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:61003004] "Epidermolysis bullosa" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:757.39] "Epidermolysis bullosa" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205580008] "acantholysis bullosa" EXACT [CSP2005:0726-9169] epidermolysis bullosa MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004820 NCI2009_04D:C67383 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205580008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:61003004 UMLS_CUI:C0014527 URI: vesiculobullous skin disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012872 UMLS_CUI:C0037275 URI: "Congenital poikiloderma" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:757.33] "RTS" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3335] "Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:69093006] Rothmund-Thomson syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011038 NCI2009_04D:C3335 OMIM2009_05_01:268400 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205565002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205572001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:69093006 UMLS_CUI:C0032339 URI: "Atrophoderma (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:399979006] "Atrophoderma" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:701.9] "Atrophoderma" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:201090001] "Atrophy - skin" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156391001] "Atrophy - skin" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267857003] "atrophic condition of skin (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:16343004] "atrophic condition of skin (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:400190005] "skin Atrophy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35163] atrophic condition of skin NCI2009_04D:C35163 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000149 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU002045 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156391001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:16343004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:201090001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267857003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:399979006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:400190005 UMLS_CUI:C0151514 URI: "Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:7109007] "Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:252246005] "Pseudoxanthoma elasticum [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205574000] "Pseudoxanthoma elasticum" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:157017000] "Pseudoxanthoma elasticum" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:239140003] "Pseudoxanthoma elasticum" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268355000] "pseudoxanthoma elasticum" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-8016] pseudoxanthoma elasticum MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011561 OMIM2009_05_01:264800 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157017000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205574000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:239140003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:252246005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268355000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:7109007 UMLS_CUI:C0033847 URI: "Bilirubinemia, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:20505009] "hyperBILIRUBINEMIA" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "hyperbilirubinaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154770008] "hyperbilirubinaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267509000] "hyperbilirubinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:14783006] "hyperbilirubinemia [dup] (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:235904007] "hyperbilirubinemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1653-7010] hyperbilirubinemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006932 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:14783006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154770008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:20505009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:235904007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267509000 UMLS_CUI:C0020433 URI: "hereditary hyperbilirubinemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1654-1020] hereditary hyperbilirubinemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006933 UMLS_CUI:C0020435 URI: "Glycogen storage disease, type V (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:55912009] "McArdle's disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:271.0] "myophosphorylase deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-4007] glycogen storage disease type V MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006012 OMIM2009_05_01:232600 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012639 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:55912009 UMLS_CUI:C0017924 URI: "Glycogen storage disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:29633007] "Glycogen storage disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:271.0] "Glycogen storage disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154738008] "Glycogen storage disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267498002] "Glycogenosis NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190744005] "Glycogenosis" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:271.0] "glycogenosis" EXACT [CSP2005:4000-0193] glycogen storage disease ICD9CM_2010:271.0 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006008 NCI2009_04D:C61272 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154738008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190744005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267498002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:29633007 UMLS_CUI:C0017919 URI: "Glycogen storage disease, type III (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:66937008] "amylo 1,6 glucosidase deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-3893] "deficiency of debranching enzyme" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124474000] "deficiency of dextrin" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124472001] glycogen storage disease type III MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006010 OMIM2009_05_01:232400 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012668 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124472001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124474000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:66937008 UMLS_CUI:C0017922 URI: "Glycogen storage disease, type I (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:7265005] "deficiency of glucose-6-phosphatase (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124437004] "glycogenosis type I" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-3779] "von Gierke disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154738008] "von Gierke disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267498002] "von Gierke's disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:271.0] glycogen storage disease type I MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005953 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124134002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124437004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154738008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267498002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:62403005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:7265005 UMLS_CUI:C0017920 URI: "Amylopectinosis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:271.0] "Branching-transferase deficiency glycogenosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190742009] "Glycogen storage disease, type IV (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:11179002] "brancher deficiency glycogenosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-3950] "deficiency of 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124267007] glycogen storage disease type IV MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006011 OMIM2009_05_01:232500 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:11179002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124267007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190742009 UMLS_CUI:C0017923 URI: "Glycogen storage disease type VIII (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:41527003] "glycogenosis type VIII" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-4178] "hepatic glycogen phosphorylase kinase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:297255007] glycogen storage disease type VIII MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006015 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:297255007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:41527003 UMLS_CUI:C0017927 URI: "Generalized glycogenosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267424007] "Glycogen storage disease, type II (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:274864009] "Glycogen storage disease, type II [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:76219003] "Glycogenosis, type 2" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190741002] "Lysosomal alpha-1,4-glucosidase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237967002] "Pompe's disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:271.0] "Pompe's disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237968007] "acid maltase deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-3836] "deficiency of glucoamylase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124454007] "deficiency of maltase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124462004] glycogen storage disease type II MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006009 OMIM2009_05_01:232300 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124454007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124462004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190741002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237967002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237968007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267424007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:76219003 UMLS_CUI:C0017921 URI: nervous system lysosomal storage disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020140 UMLS_CUI:C0751738 URI: "Glycogen storage disease, type VI (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:29291001] "hepatic glycogen phosphorylase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237971004] "hepatophosphorylase deficiency glycogenosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-4064] glycogen storage disease type VI MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006013 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012630 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237971004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:29291001 UMLS_CUI:C0017925 URI: "Tic (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:35042001] "Tic (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:386783003] "Tic NOS (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191991002] "Tic [dup] (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:112086008] "Tic disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:568005] "Tic disorder (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192621007] "Tic disorder NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:307.20] "Tic disorder unspecified (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191989005] "Tic disorder unspecified" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192626002] "Tic disorder, unspecified" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:307.20] "Tic" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191988002] "Tics" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:307.2] tic disorder ICD9CM_2010:307.2 ICD9CM_2010:307.20 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013981 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU014860 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:112086008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155005001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191988002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191989005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191991002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192621007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192626002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:35042001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:386783003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:393585001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:568005 UMLS_CUI:C0040188 URI: "Cerebellar deficiency syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:224186005] "Cerebellar disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:307361005] "Cerebellar disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155010002] "Cerebellar disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192867005] "Cerebellar disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267691001] "Cerebellar disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:223176004] "Cerebellar disorder [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:49784007] "cerebellar disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:0485-3992] cerebellar disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002526 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU007066 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155010002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192867005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:223176004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:224186005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267691001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:307361005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:49784007 UMLS_CUI:C0007760 URI: A disease of anatomical entity that is located_in endocrine glands which secretes a type of hormone directly into the bloodstream to regulate the body. ICD10CM:E34.9 ICD9CM:259.9 MESH:D004700 NCI:C3009 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:67432001 UMLS_CUI:C0014130 disease_ontology DOID:28 endocrine system disease "malignant tumor of abdomen (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188366002] malignant neoplasm of abdomen ICD9CM_2010:195.2 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188366002 UMLS_CUI:C0153662 URI: "Addiction (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:32709003] "Addiction -RETIRED-" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:123088001] "addiction" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3479] addictive behavior MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016739 NCI2009_04D:C3479 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:123088001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:32709003 UMLS_CUI:C0085281 URI: "Academic skill disorder, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:1855002] "Learning disorder NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:315.9] "learning disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2483-6402] learning disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007859 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:1855002 UMLS_CUI:C0023186 URI: "hemoglobinopathies" EXACT [] hemoglobinopathy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006453 NCI2009_04D:C3092 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154794008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267556002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:80141007 UMLS_CUI:C0019045 URI: "Arterial disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155413007] "Arterial disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266317000] "Arterial disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:367395004] "Arterial disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35317] "Arteriopath" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:39823006] "disease of artery [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:77735004] "disorder of artery (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:359557001] "disorder of artery [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:271948001] "disorder of artery" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:359560008] arteriopathy UMLS_CUI:C0264951 URI: "disorder of vision (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:95677002] "vision disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1114-9612] "visual disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35126] "visual disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:40031005] "visual disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:7973008] "visual system disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128127008] vision disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014786 NCI2009_04D:C35126 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128127008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:40031005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:7973008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:95677002 UMLS_CUI:C0042790 URI: A endometrial cancer that is located_in the tissue lining the uterus. DOID:3000 MESH:D016889 MESH:D018269 NCI:C7558 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:30289006 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93781006 UMLS_CUI:C0206687 UMLS_CUI:C0476089 carcinoma of the Endometrium endometrioid carcinoma endometrioid carcinoma of female Reproductive system disease_ontology DOID:2871 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. endometrial carcinoma A cervical cancer that is located_in the cervix uteri or located_in the cervical area and that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. NCI:C9039 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:285432005 UMLS_CUI:C0302592 cancer of cervix carcinoma cervix uteri carcinoma of cervix carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri disease_ontology DOID:2893 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. cervix carcinoma A disease of anatomical entity that is located_in the immune system. EFO:0000540 ICD10CM:D89.9 ICD9CM:279.9 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:154782004 UMLS_CUI:C0041806 disease_ontology DOID:2914 immune system disease "Immunoproliferative disease - morphology" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:134363002] "Immunoproliferative disease, no ICD-O subtype (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:86295000] "Immunoproliferative disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:127071007] immunoproliferative disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007160 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:127071007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:134363002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:86295000 UMLS_CUI:C0021070 URI: "Paraproteinaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:35601003] "Paraproteinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:278501001] "Paraproteinemia NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190816000] "Paraproteinemia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27468] "Paraproteinemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:123061006] "paraproteinemia" EXACT [CSP2005:0449-2705] paraproteinemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010265 NCI2009_04D:C27468 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:123061006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190816000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:278501001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:35601003 UMLS_CUI:C0030489 URI: "Anomaly or syndrome, Chediak-Steinbrinck" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:288.2] "Chdiak-Higashi syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:111396008] "Chediak - Steinbrinck anomaly" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191356000] "Chediak Higashi anomaly" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-1918] "Chediak-Higashi syndrome -RETIRED-" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:123309000] "Chediak-Higashi syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2941] "Chediak-Higashi syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190696004] "chediak-higashi syndrome" EXACT [MTH:U001801] Chediak-Higashi syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002609 NCI2009_04D:C2941 OMIM2009_05_01:214500 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:111396008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:123309000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190696004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191356000 UMLS_CUI:C0007965 URI: tumor virus infectious disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014412 UMLS_CUI:C0041374 URI: "BIDS syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:403796005] "trichothiodystrophy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4924] IBIDS syndrome NCI2009_04D:C4924 OMIM2009_05_01:234050 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:403796005 UMLS_CUI:C0740342 URI: "DNA Repair disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7757] "deficiency of DNA repair (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:28965003] "A simple genetic disease that results from a reduced functionality of DNA repair." [url:http\://] DNA repair deficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D049914 NCI2009_04D:C7757 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:28965003 UMLS_CUI:C0268134 URI: "KIDNEY CYST" EXACT [MTH:646] "cystic disease of kidney (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:236439005] "cystic kidney disease" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34750] "cystic kidney disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156973002] "cystic kidney disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268332003] "cystic kidney" EXACT [CSP2005:1682-0412] "renal Cyst" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3970] cystic kidney MSH2010_2010_02_22:D052177 NCI2009_04D:C3970 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU005771 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU011852 UMLS_CUI:C0022679 URI: "disorder of carbohydrate transport and metabolism" EXACT [] "inborn carbohydrate metabolism disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:0551-8201] inborn errors carbohydrate metabolism ICD9CM_2010:271.8 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002239 UMLS_CUI:C0007001 UMLS_CUI:C0029777 URI: "benign paroxysmal peritonitis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.3] "familial Mediterranean fever (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:12579009] "familial Mediterranean fever" EXACT [CSP2005:1254-7727] "familial Mediterranean fever" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-1519] "familial Mediterranean fever" EXACT [CSP2005:2871-4310] familial Mediterranean fever ICD9CM_2010:277.31 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010505 OMIM2009_05_01:249100 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:12579009 UMLS_CUI:C0031069 URI: A carcinoma that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells, derives_from epithelial cells, which originate in glandular tissue. "adenocarcinoma NOS (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189582009] "adenocarcinoma" EXACT [CSP2005:2000-0386] "adenocarcinoma" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2852] "adenocarcinoma, no subtype (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:35917007] "adenocarcinomas" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189578007] ICDO:8140/3 MESH:D000230 NCI:C2852 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:443961001 UMLS_CUI:C0001418 disease_ontology DOID:299 adenocarcinoma MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000230 NCI2009_04D:C2852 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU014125 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189578007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189582009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:35917007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:443961001 UMLS_CUI:C0001418 URI: MESH:D000230 A male reproductive system cancer that is located_in the testicles. DOID:12231 DOID:5554 GARD:7746 ICD10CM:C62 ICD9CM:186 MESH:D013736 NCI:C3404 NCI:C5053 NCI:C7251 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126900000 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:94087009 UMLS_CUI:C0039590 UMLS_CUI:C0153594 UMLS_CUI:C1333010 childhood neoplasm of the testis neoplasm of testis pediatric testicular neoplasm testicular tumor testis cancer testis neoplasm disease_ontology DOID:2998 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. testicular cancer "environmentally induced disease" EXACT [] "A disease that has an etiology of environment, such as nutrition, chemical exposure, or other environmental factors excluding infectious agents." [DO:wk\,ls, URL:http\://] disease by environmental origin MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007280 UMLS_CUI:C0021508 URI: A breast carcinoma that derives_from the lining of milk ducts. MESH:D044584 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:82711006 UMLS_CUI:C1176475 duct carcinoma disease_ontology DOID:3007 breast ductal carcinoma A breast ductal carcinoma that is characterized by infiltration into the fibrous or fatty tissue of the breast outside of the duct where it originated. DOID:3005 MESH:D018270 NCI:C4017 NCI:C4194 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:408643008 UMLS_CUI:C1134719 UMLS_CUI:C1527349 Infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast Invasive ductal carcinoma, NST ductal adenocarcinoma disease_ontology DOID:3008 invasive ductal carcinoma drug abuse ICD9CM_2010:305 NCI2009_04D:C16522 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:26416006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:66214007 UMLS_CUI:C0013146 URI: complication of the puerperium ICD9CM_2010:674.3 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:200345007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:200346008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:200349001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267286005 UMLS_CUI:C0157585 URI: substance-related disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D019966 UMLS_CUI:C0236969 URI: A cecum carcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. NCI:C5543 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:413446001 UMLS_CUI:C1332866 Cecal adenocarcinoma disease_ontology DOID:3039 cecum adenocarcinoma A cell type cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. "carcinoma NOS (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189549006] "carcinoma" EXACT [CSP2005:2000-1867] "carcinoma, no subtype (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:68453008] "epithelial carcinoma" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2916] DOID:2428 DOID:6570 ICDO:8010/3 MESH:D002277 MESH:D009375 NCI:C2916 NCI:C3709 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:188083002 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:269513004 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:71298006 UMLS_CUI:C0007097 UMLS_CUI:C0553707 UMLS_CUI:C1368683 epithelial cancer epithelioma malignant Epithelioma disease_ontology DOID:305 "A cancer that derives_from epithelial cells." [url:http\://] carcinoma MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002277 NCI2009_04D:C2916 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154433003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189549006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269513004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:68453008 UMLS_CUI:C0007097 URI: A malignant astrocytoma characterized by the presence of small areas of necrotizing tissue that is surrounded by anaplastic cells as well as the presence of hyperplastic blood vessels, and that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from multiple cell types including astrocytes and oligondroctyes. DOID:3075 DOID:3080 GARD:2491 ICDO:9440/3 MESH:D005909 NCI:C3058 NCI:C39750 NCI:C9094 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:63634009 UMLS_CUI:C0017636 UMLS_CUI:C0278878 UMLS_CUI:C1514422 GBM adult glioblastoma multiforme grade IV adult Astrocytic tumor primary glioblastoma multiforme spongioblastoma multiforme glioblastoma multiforme disease_ontology DOID:3068 glioblastoma A malignant glioma that is has_material_basis_in astrocyte cells, a type of star-shaped glial cell, located in the brain and spinal cord. DOID:4861 ICDO:9400/3 MESH:D001254 NCI:C4951 NCI:C60781 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:189914005 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:99131000119108 UMLS_CUI:C0004114 UMLS_CUI:C0750935 Astrocytic tumor astrocytoma of Cerebrum astrocytoma of brain astroglioma cerebral astrocytoma disease_ontology DOID:3069 malignant astrocytoma MESH:D001254 A cell type cancer that has_material_basis_in glial cells and is located in brain or located in spine. "glioma, malignant" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189909006] "glioma, malignant, no ICD-O subtype" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:74532006] "malignant Neuroglial tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4822] "malignant glioma (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:269505000] "malignant glioma - category" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:416500007] DOID:2627 ICDO:9380/3 KEGG:05214 MESH:D005910 NCI:C3059 NCI:C4822 OMIM:PS137800 ORDO:182067 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:393564001 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:74532006 UMLS_CUI:C0017638 UMLS_CUI:C0555198 Neuroglial tumor glial cell tumor glioma, malignant malignant Neuroglial tumor malignant glioma disease_ontology DOID:3070 Xref MGI. OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. high grade glioma malignant glioma MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005910 NCI2009_04D:C4822 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189909006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269505000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:416500007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:74532006 UMLS_CUI:C0555198 URI: "Epileptic seizures - myoclonic (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192992007] "Epileptic seizures, myoclonic" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:345.1] "Myoclonic seizure disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:37356005] "Myoclonic seizure" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192847001] "myoclonia epileptica" EXACT [CSP2005:0485-7984] myoclonic epilepsy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004831 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU002980 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU010507 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU011422 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192847001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192992007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:37356005 UMLS_CUI:C0014550 URI: "ILD" EXACT [CSP2005:4007-0072] "Interstitial lung disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:233703007] "Interstitial lung disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:64667001] interstitial lung disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017563 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012852 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:233703007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:64667001 UMLS_CUI:C0206062 URI: An organ system cancer located_in the nervous system that affects the central or peripheral nervous system. "neoplasm of nervous system (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126950007] "nervous system neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2012-5157] "tumor of the nervous system" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3268] DOID:1193 DOID:3195 DOID:4695 ICD9CM:192.9 MESH:D009380 NCI:C35562 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:188306000 UMLS_CUI:C0027665 UMLS_CUI:C0153643 UMLS_CUI:C1334956 malignant neoplasm of nervous system neoplasm of nervous system nervous system neoplasm neural neoplasm neural tumor tumor of the nervous system disease_ontology DOID:3093 "A cancer that affects the nervous system." [url:http\://] cancer of the nervous system nervous system cancer MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009380 UMLS_CUI:C0027665 URI: "tumor of Neuroepithelium" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3787] neuroepithelial neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018302 NCI2009_04D:C3787 UMLS_CUI:C0206715 URI: "germ cell and embryonal neoplasm" RELATED [] germ cell and embryonal cancer MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009373 UMLS_CUI:C0027658 URI: ICDO:8803/3 MESH:D018228 NCI:C3746 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:73506006 UMLS_CUI:C0206652 disease_ontology DOID:3098 small cell sarcoma "Fukuhara syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:57254004] "Myoclonic epilepsy - ragged red fibers (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:230426003] "Myoclonus epilepsy AND ragged red fibers (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:68448003] "Myoclonus with epilepsy and with Ragged Red Fibers (MERRF syndrome)" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.87] MERRF syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017243 OMIM2009_05_01:545000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:230426003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:57254004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:68448003 UMLS_CUI:C0162672 URI: "renal and ureteral tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7514] NCI:C7514 UMLS_CUI:C1334323 renal and ureteral tumor disease_ontology DOID:3116 kidney and Ureter tumor kidney benign neoplasm NCI2009_04D:C7514 UMLS_CUI:C1334323 URI: A gastrointestinal system disease that is located_in the liver and/or biliary tract. MESH:D004066 NCI:C3959 UMLS_CUI:C0267792 liver and biliary tract disease disease_ontology DOID:3118 hepatobiliary disease liver and biliary tract disease NCI2009_04D:C3959 UMLS_CUI:C0267792 URI: An organ system cancer located_in gastrointestinal tract that is manifested in organs of the gastrointestinal system. "GI tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3052] "gastrointestinal neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2010-0179] "neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126768004] "tumor of gastrointestinal tract (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:276806006] DOID:4945 DOID:8377 ICD10CM:C26.9 ICD9CM:239.0 MESH:D004067 MESH:D005770 NCI:C3052 NCI:C4890 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:128348002 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:276806006 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:428905002 UMLS_CUI:C0012243 UMLS_CUI:C0017185 UMLS_CUI:C0685938 GI tumor digestive system cancer gastrointestinal tract cancer disease_ontology DOID:3119 gastrointestinal neoplasm gastrointestinal system cancer MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005770 NCI2009_04D:C3052 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126768004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:276806006 UMLS_CUI:C0017185 URI: A biliary tract cancer that is located_in the gallbladder. DOID:8090 DOID:8157 GARD:9328 ICD10CM:C23 ICD9CM:156.0 MESH:D005706 NCI:C3048 NCI:C35676 NCI:C7481 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126854002 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93810008 UMLS_CUI:C0016978 UMLS_CUI:C0153452 UMLS_CUI:C0278806 gallbladder Ca gallbladder neoplasm localized malignant gallbladder neoplasm malignant neoplasm of gallbladder malignant tumor of the gallbladder malignant tumour of gallbladder tumor of the gallbladder disease_ontology DOID:3121 gallbladder cancer "MEA - Multiple endocrine adenomatosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:46724008] "MEA" EXACT [CSP2005:2009-6300] "Multiple endocrine adenomas (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:60549007] "Multiple endocrine adenomatosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190566000] "multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C6432] multiple endocrine neoplasia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009377 NCI2009_04D:C6432 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190566000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:46724008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:60549007 UMLS_CUI:C0027662 URI: "hepatic porphyria (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:55056006] hepatic porphyria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017094 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:55056006 UMLS_CUI:C0162533 URI: "Mucinosis (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:11528001] mucinoses MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017520 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:11528001 UMLS_CUI:C0162855 URI: "Cutis laxa (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:58588007] "Cutis laxa" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238825007] "loose skin" EXACT [CSP2005:2716-6258] cutis laxa MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003483 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006920 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU007951 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU011913 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238825007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:58588007 UMLS_CUI:C0010495 URI: "Remnant hyperlipidemia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34710] "carbohydrate induced hyperlipemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-4681] "carbohydrate induced hyperlipemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-4738] "familial hypercholesterolaemia with hyperlipaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:398796005] "familial type 3 hyperlipoproteinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:42569002] hyperlipoproteinemia type III MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006952 NCI2009_04D:C34710 OMIM2009_05_01:107741 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:398796005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:42569002 UMLS_CUI:C0020479 URI: inborn errors lipid metabolism MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008052 UMLS_CUI:C0023772 URI: "hyperlipoproteinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:3744001] "hyperlipoproteinemia NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:272.4] "hyperlipoproteinemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1749-0698] hyperlipoproteinemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006951 NCI2009_04D:C34709 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:3744001 UMLS_CUI:C0020476 URI: A skin carcinoma that has_material_basis_in squamous cells. NCI:C4819 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254651007 UMLS_CUI:C0553723 Epidermoid skin carcinoma disease_ontology squamous cell carcinoma of skin DOID:3151 skin squamous cell carcinoma "neoplasm of skin (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126488004] "neoplasm of skin by site" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:363230005] "skin neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2020-0536] "tumor of the skin" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3372] skin neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012878 NCI2009_04D:C3372 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126488004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:363230005 UMLS_CUI:C0037286 URI: DOID:3182 GARD:9953 ICDO:9450/3 MESH:D009837 NCI:C3288 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:443936004 UMLS_CUI:C0751396 oligodendroglial neoplasm oligodendroglial tumor disease_ontology DOID:3181 oligodendroglioma MESH:D009837 "myelopathy" RELATED [] spinal cord disease ICD9CM_2010:336.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013118 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU005441 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155020007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192908002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192913003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267587000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267695005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:48522003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:95648003 UMLS_CUI:C0037928 URI: "Nemaline body disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:359.0] "Nemaline myopathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:75072002] nemaline myopathy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017696 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:75072002 UMLS_CUI:C0206157 URI: "neural tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35562] neural neoplasm NCI2009_04D:C35562 UMLS_CUI:C1334956 URI: sensation disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012678 UMLS_CUI:C0036659 URI: "Leukodystrophy, sudanophilic" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:330.0] "Pelizaeus Merzbacher brain sclerosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5479] "Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:64855000] Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020371 OMIM2009_05_01:312080 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:64855000 UMLS_CUI:C0205711 URI: "disorder of lysosomal enzyme (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:23585005] "inborn lysosomal enzyme disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5878] lysosomal storage disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016464 NCI2009_04D:C61250 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:23585005 UMLS_CUI:C0085078 URI: hereditary central nervous system demyelinating disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020279 UMLS_CUI:C0751877 URI: "demyelinating disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34527] demyelinating disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003711 NCI2009_04D:C34527 UMLS_CUI:C0011303 URI: A skeletal muscle cancer that arise from skeletal muscle progenitors. ICDO:8900/3 MESH:D012208 NCI:C3359 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:302847003 UMLS_CUI:C0035412 disease_ontology DOID:3247 rhabdomyosarcoma "phagocytic dysfunction" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-7579] phagocyte bactericidal dysfunction MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010585 UMLS_CUI:C0031306 URI: "Partial albinism (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:6479008] piebaldism MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016116 OMIM2009_05_01:172800 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012154 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:6479008 UMLS_CUI:C0080024 URI: An embryonal cancer that is a type of germ cell tumour that is located_in the ovaries or located_in the testes. DOID:5676 GARD:5140 ICDO:9070/3 MESH:D018236 NCI:C3752 NCI:C8880 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:1156454002 UMLS_CUI:C0206659 UMLS_CUI:C0855159 primary extragonadal embryonal carcinoma disease_ontology DOID:3308 embryonal carcinoma A nervous system disease that affects either the spinal cord (myelopathy) or brain (encephalopathy) of the central nervous system. ICD10CM:G96.9 MESH:D002493 NCI:C2934 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:267144009 UMLS_CUI:C0007682 disease_ontology DOID:331 "A nervous system disease that affects either the spinal cord (myelopathy) or brain (encephalopathy) of the central nervous system." [url:http\://] central nervous system disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002493 NCI2009_04D:C2934 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:138748005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154981003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155049004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155059003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192641002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193076009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194566008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:23853001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267144009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267679005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267700003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267702006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:275539005 UMLS_CUI:C0007682 URI: perivascular tumor NCI2009_04D:C6528 UMLS_CUI:C1335392 URI: A motor neuron disease that is characterized by muscle spasticity, rapidly progressive weakness due to muscle atrophy, difficulty in speaking, swallowing, and breathing. EFO:0000253 GARD:5786 ICD10CM:G12.21 ICD9CM:335.20 KEGG:05014 MESH:D000690 NCI:C34373 OMIM:PS105400 ORDO:803 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:86044005 UMLS_CUI:C0002736 ALS Lou Gehrig's disease motor neuron disease, bulbar disease_ontology DOID:332 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis MESH:D000690 "Tay-Sachs disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:111385000] "disease, Tay-Sachs" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:330.1] "hexosaminidase A deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-8690] Tay-Sachs disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013661 OMIM2009_05_01:272800 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU009172 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:111385000 UMLS_CUI:C0039373 URI: "GM>2< gangliosidosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:33316007] gangliosidoses GM2 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020143 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:33316007 UMLS_CUI:C0268274 URI: "Beta-galactosidase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238044004] "GM1 gangliosidosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238025006] "GM>1< gangliosidosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:32917001] "Landing syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-8633] "beta-Galactosidase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:33164006] "deficiency of beta-galactosidase (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124465002] gangliosidosis GM1 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016537 OMIM2009_05_01:230500 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012898 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238025006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:32917001 UMLS_CUI:C0085131 URI: "Sandhoff Jatzkewitz disease" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-8747] "Sandhoff disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:23849003] Sandhoff disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012497 OMIM2009_05_01:268800 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:23849003 UMLS_CUI:C0036161 URI: "Mucolipidosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:70528007] mucolipidosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009081 NCI2009_04D:C61267 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:70528007 UMLS_CUI:C0026697 URI: "Xanthomatosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:63103006] "xanthelasmatosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1746-8555] xanthomatosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014973 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:63103006 UMLS_CUI:C0043325 URI: A bone sarcoma that is located_in bone that has_material_basis_in cells of mesenchymal origin. DOID:183 GARD:7284 ICDO:9180/3 MESH:D012516 MESH:D018213 NCI:C9145 OMIM:259500 ORDO:668 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:189878003 UMLS_CUI:C0029463 UMLS_CUI:C0206639 Osteogenic sarcoma Skeletal sarcoma bone tissue neoplasm osteoid sarcoma disease_ontology DOID:3347 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. osteosarcoma "Osteogenic tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C6603] osteogenic neoplasm NCI2009_04D:C6603 UMLS_CUI:C1335146 URI: "mesenchymal tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7059] mesenchymal cell neoplasm NCI2009_04D:C7059 UMLS_CUI:C1334699 URI: A connective tissue cancer that has_material_basis_in fibrous connective tissue and characterized by the presence of immature proliferating fibroblasts or undifferentiated anaplastic spindle cells in a storiform pattern. DOID:156 DOID:3509 GARD:2327 ICDO:8810/3 MESH:D005354 MESH:D018218 NCI:C3043 NCI:C6605 NCI:C7075 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:443250000 UMLS_CUI:C0016057 UMLS_CUI:C0206643 UMLS_CUI:C1336021 Fibrocytic tumor fibrosarcoma of soft tissue fibrous tissue neoplasm disease_ontology DOID:3355 fibrosarcoma A peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor that is located_in bone. DOID:4984 DOID:6392 NCI:C35871 NCI:C4835 NCI:C6623 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:307608006 UMLS_CUI:C0585474 UMLS_CUI:C1333481 UMLS_CUI:C1334406 Ewing's sarcoma/bone peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor bone Ewing sarcoma bone localized Ewing sarcoma bone localized Ewing's sarcoma localized Skeletal Ewing's sarcoma disease_ontology Ewing's sarcoma of bone bone Ewing's sarcoma DOID:3368 Ewing sarcoma of bone A connective tissue cancer that has_material_basis in neural crest cells derives_from undeveloped, undifferentiated neuroectoderm. DOID:0050607 DOID:4158 DOID:4390 DOID:4391 DOID:4392 DOID:4980 GARD:6390 ICDO:9364/3 MESH:C563168 MESH:D012512 MESH:D018241 NCI:C27901 NCI:C27903 NCI:C4817 NCI:C7542 NCI:C7806 NCI:C9341 OMIM:612219 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:134210007 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:73676002 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:76909002 UMLS_CUI:C0553580 UMLS_CUI:C0684337 UMLS_CUI:C0796547 UMLS_CUI:C0863029 UMLS_CUI:C0877849 UMLS_CUI:C1334408 Ewing's family localized tumor Ewing's sarcoma/peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor Ewing's tumor Ewings sarcoma Ewings sarcoma-primitive neuroectodermal tumor PNET of Thoracopulmonary Region localized Ewing sarcoma localized Ewing's sarcoma localized Ewing's sarcoma/peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor localized Ewing's tumor localized peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor disease_ontology DOID:3369 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. Ewing sarcoma A bone sarcoma that has_material_basis_in cells derived from transformed cells that produce cartilage. DOID:3370 GARD:6004 GARD:6055 ICDO:9220/3 MESH:D002813 NCI:C2946 NCI:C7155 OMIM:215300 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:443520009 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:735679005 UMLS_CUI:C0008479 UMLS_CUI:C1335473 Cartilaginous cancer chondrosarcoma of bone primary chondrosarcoma of the bone disease_ontology DOID:3371 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. chondrosarcoma A connective tissue cancer that arises in fat cells in deep soft tissue retroperitoneum and the extremities. DOID:3939 GARD:6913 ICDO:8850/3 MESH:D008080 NCI:C3194 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:49430005 UMLS_CUI:C0023827 lipomatous cancer disease_ontology DOID:3382 liposarcoma "Histiocytosis (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:60657004] "Histiocytosis, unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190957008] "A reticuloendotheliosis that is characterized by an excessive number of histiocytes." [url:http\://] histiocytosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015614 NCI2009_04D:C3106 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190957008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:60657004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:65396000 UMLS_CUI:C0019618 URI: peripheral vascular disease ICD9CM_2010:443.81 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:195624006 UMLS_CUI:C0031115 URI: "Alpha-D-mannosidosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:65524005] "alpha-Mannosidosis" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "deficiency of alpha-mannosidase (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124466001] alpha-mannosidase deficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008363 OMIM2009_05_01:248500 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124466001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:65524005 UMLS_CUI:C0024748 URI: "Mannosidosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:65524005] "Mannosidosis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:271.8] "Mannosidosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190937009] "mannosidase deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-6504] mannosidase deficiency disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D044904 NCI2009_04D:C61275 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190937009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:65524005 UMLS_CUI:C1257960 URI: "A disease that involves any biological process (GO:0008150) specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms." [DO:wk\,ls] disease of biological process URI: A female reproductive system disease that is located_in the uterus. ICD10CM:N85.9 ICD9CM:621.9 MESH:D014591 NCI:C26907 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:237068005 UMLS_CUI:C0042131 disease_ontology DOID:345 uterine disease A skin cancer that is located_in tissues of the skin and develops from epithelial cells. "Non-melanoma skin cancer" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4914] "carcinoma OF SKIN" EXACT [MTH:683] "carcinoma of skin" RELATED [] NCI:C4914 UMLS_CUI:C0699893 carcinoma of skin disease_ontology DOID:3451 "A carcinoma that is located_in tissues of the skin." [url:http\://] skin carcinoma NCI2009_04D:C4914 UMLS_CUI:C0699893 URI: A breast carcinoma that originates in the milk ducts and/or lobules (glandular tissue) of the breast. NCI:C5214 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:865954003 UMLS_CUI:C0858252 Mammary adenocarcinoma disease_ontology adenocarcinoma of breast DOID:3458 breast adenocarcinoma A breast cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. EFO:0000305 MESH:D001943 NCI:C4872 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:154513000 UMLS_CUI:C0678222 Mammary carcinoma carcinoma of breast disease_ontology DOID:3459 breast carcinoma "hamartoma (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:400006008] "hamartoma (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:51398009] "hamartoma" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3075] "hamartomatous polyp (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:27391005] "hamartomatous polyp" EXACT [] hamartoma MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006222 NCI2009_04D:C3075 NCI2009_04D:C8372 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU017022 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:27391005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:400006008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:51398009 UMLS_CUI:C0018552 UMLS_CUI:C0334092 URI: A thoracic disease that is located_in the breast. ICD10CM:N64.9 ICD9CM:610-612.99 MESH:D001941 NCI:C26709 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:79604008 UMLS_CUI:C0006145 disease_ontology DOID:3463 breast disease "Uveal disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C26908] "disorder of uveal tract (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:95678007] "uvea disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1114-9583] uveal disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014603 NCI2009_04D:C26908 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:95678007 UMLS_CUI:C0042161 URI: metabolic skin disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012875 UMLS_CUI:C0037279 URI: "Reticuloendothelial hyperplasia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34977] "reticuloendotheliosis" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-8963] reticuloendotheliosis NCI2009_04D:C34977 UMLS_CUI:C0035288 URI: NCI:C7809 UMLS_CUI:C0278595 disease_ontology DOID:3516 adult fibrosarcoma cerebral arterial disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002539 UMLS_CUI:C0007774 URI: "central core disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:43152001] "central core disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:359.0] central Core Myopathy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020512 OMIM2009_05_01:117000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:43152001 UMLS_CUI:C0751951 URI: "Lafora Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy" EXACT [] "Lafora disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:230425004] "Lafora's disease" EXACT [CSP2005:0485-7984] Lafora disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020192 OMIM2009_05_01:254780 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:230425004 UMLS_CUI:C0751783 URI: A hepatobiliary system cancer that is located_in the liver. DOID:12300 DOID:269 DOID:7330 DOID:915 DOID:919 ICD10CM:C22.0 ICD10CM:C22.9 ICD9CM:155.0 ICD9CM:155.2 MESH:D008113 NCI:C34803 NCI:C7692 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126851005 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:187771009 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93870000 UMLS_CUI:C0023903 UMLS_CUI:C0024620 UMLS_CUI:C0345904 UMLS_CUI:C0854795 Ca liver - primary Resectable malignant neoplasm of Liver ca liver - primary hepatic cancer hepatic neoplasm malignant hepato-biliary neoplasm malignant neoplasm of liver malignant neoplasm of liver, not specified as primary or secondary malignant neoplasm of liver, primary malignant tumor of liver neoplasm of liver non-resectable primary hepatic malignant neoplasm primary liver cancer primary malignant neoplasm of Liver primary malignant neoplasm of liver resectable malignant neoplasm of the liver disease_ontology DOID:3571 liver cancer "neoplasm of pancreas (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126859007] "pancreas neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2014-4876] "pancreatic neoplasm" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "pancreatic tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3305] pancreatic neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010190 NCI2009_04D:C3305 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126859007 UMLS_CUI:C0030297 URI: "Gestational trophoblastic disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:416402001] "Gestational trophoblastic neoplasm (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:417475006] "Gestational trophoblastic neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:416441004] "Gestational trophoblastic tumor (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237251001] "Trophoblastic disease (& [various moles])" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:198610008] "Trophoblastic disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:5759005] "Trophoblastic disease NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:630] "gestational trophoblastic neoplasia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4699] Gestational trophoblastic neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D031901 NCI2009_04D:C4699 OMIM2009_05_01:231090 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:198610008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237251001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:416402001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:416441004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:417475006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:5759005 UMLS_CUI:C1135868 URI: A placenta cancer that has_material_basis_in trophoblastic cells. GARD:6059 ICD10CM:C58 ICDO:9100/3 MESH:D002822 NCI:C2948 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:189444004 UMLS_CUI:C0008497 Chorioepithelioma disease_ontology DOID:3594 choriocarcinoma A cystadenocarcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells originating in glandular tissue, with a capsulated structure and mucus-producing cells. ICDO:8470/3 MESH:D018282 NCI:C3776 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:79143006 UMLS_CUI:C0206699 Pseudomucinous cystadenocarcinoma disease_ontology DOID:3603 mucinous cystadenocarcinoma "Spongy degeneration of central nervous system (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:80544005] Canavan disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017825 OMIM2009_05_01:271900 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:80544005 UMLS_CUI:C0206307 URI: "Hypogonadism with anosmia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93559003] "Kallman syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:33927004] "Kallman's syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190559001] "familial hypogonadism with anosmia" EXACT [CSP2005:2586-8846] Kallmann syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017436 NCI2009_04D:C75479 OMIM2009_05_01:244200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190559001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:33927004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:93559003 UMLS_CUI:C0162809 URI: A nervous system cancer that is located_in the central nervous system. "CNS neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2012-5421] "central nervous system tumors" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C9293] "neoplasm of central nervous system (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126951006] DOID:0060093 DOID:1318 EFO:0000326 ICD10CM:C72.9 MESH:D016543 NCI:C4627 NCI:C9293 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126951006 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93744007 UMLS_CUI:C0085136 UMLS_CUI:C0348374 CNS neoplasm central nervous system tumor central nervous system tumors malignant neoplasm of central nervous system malignant tumor of CNS neoplasm of central nervous system disease_ontology DOID:3620 central nervous system cancer central nervous system neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016543 NCI2009_04D:C9293 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126951006 UMLS_CUI:C0085136 URI: A female reproductive organ cancer that is located_in the uterus. DOID:4363 ICD10CM:C55 ICD9CM:179 MESH:D014594 NCI:C3435 NCI:C3552 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126908007 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:371973000 UMLS_CUI:C0042138 UMLS_CUI:C0153567 CA - cancer of uterus Tumour of uterus malignant neoplasm of uterus malignant uterine tumor neoplasm of uterus uterine tumor uterus neoplasm disease_ontology DOID:363 uterine cancer "Inborn error of pyruvate metabolism (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:53210006] inborn errors pyruvate metabolism MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015323 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:53210006 UMLS_CUI:C0034350 URI: "Lactic acidosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:91273001] "Lactic acidosis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:276.2] "lactic acidosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5394] lactic acidosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000140 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000668 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:91273001 UMLS_CUI:C0001125 URI: "deficiency of pyruvic carboxylase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124716008] "deficiency of pyruvic carboxylase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:87694001] pyruvate carboxylase deficiency disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015324 OMIM2009_05_01:266150 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124716008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:87694001 UMLS_CUI:C0034341 URI: "Infantile necrotizing encephalomyelopathy" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:330.8] "Leigh's disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:29570005] "subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy" EXACT [CSP2005:1254-7727] "subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5394] "subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy" EXACT [CSP2005:5000-0048] Leigh disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007888 OMIM2009_05_01:256000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:29570005 UMLS_CUI:C0023264 URI: "Sialuria (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238051008] sialuria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D029461 OMIM2009_05_01:269921 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238051008 UMLS_CUI:C0342853 URI: A hematologic cancer that has_material_basis_in mast cells. ICD10CM:D47.09 NCI:C9295 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:127581004 UMLS_CUI:C0334664 Mast cell Proliferative disease mast cell tumor mastocytoma disease_ontology DOID:3664 mast cell neoplasm "malignant neoplasm of kidney NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:189.0] "malignant neoplasm of kidney, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93849006] "malignant renal neoplasm" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7548] "malignant tumor of kidney (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:363518003] "malignant tumour of kidney" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154542008] "renal cancer" EXACT [CSP2005:2021-1116] "renal malignant neoplasm" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188249002] malignant neoplasm of kidney NCI2009_04D:C7548 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154542008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188249002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:363518003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:93849006 UMLS_CUI:C0740457 URI: skin disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012871 NCI2009_04D:C27554 NCI2009_04D:C3371 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156292006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156396006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156400006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156445005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:200580005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267859000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267860005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267873009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:80659006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:95320005 UMLS_CUI:C0037274 URI: A cervix carcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. NCI:C4029 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254887002 UMLS_CUI:C0279672 adenocarcinoma cervix uteri adenocarcinoma of cervix adenocarcinoma of the uterine Cervix disease_ontology DOID:3702 cervical adenocarcinoma An ovarian carcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. DOID:7816 NCI:C7700 UMLS_CUI:C0948216 Ovarian adenocarcinoma ovarian adenoacanthoma disease_ontology adenocarcinoma of the ovary DOID:3713 ovary adenocarcinoma A stomach carcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. NCI:C4004 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:408647009 UMLS_CUI:C0278701 adenocarcinoma of stomach stomach adenocarcinoma disease_ontology DOID:3717 gastric adenocarcinoma "Myeloma - solitary" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189507001] "Myeloma, solitary" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154644004] "Myeloma, solitary" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:269652000] "Plasma cell tumor (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:274907000] "Plasma cell tumor NOS (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190019006] "Plasma cell tumors (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190016004] "Solitary myeloma (clinical)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:109987008] "Solitary myeloma" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:238.6] "Solitary plasmacytoma of bone (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:10639003] "Solitary plasmacytoma" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C6932] "plasma cell neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2004-8110] "plasmacytoma - disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:302852008] "plasmacytoma - disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:415112005] "plasmacytoma NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:308122007] "plasmacytoma NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188720009] "plasmacytoma NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190017008] "plasmacytoma" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C9349] plasmacytoma MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010954 NCI2009_04D:C6932 NCI2009_04D:C9349 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:10639003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:109987008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154644004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188719003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188720009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189507001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190016004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190017008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190019006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269652000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:274907000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:302852008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:308122007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:415112005 UMLS_CUI:C0032131 URI: "disorder of puerperium (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:362973001] "disorder of the puerperium" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156262002] "puerperal disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2404-6473] puerperal disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011644 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156262002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:362973001 UMLS_CUI:C0034040 URI: A carcinoma of bladder that is manifested in squamous cells of the bladder. NCI:C4031 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:255111004 UMLS_CUI:C0279681 Epidermoid carcinoma of the urinary bladder squamous cell carcinoma of bladder disease_ontology DOID:3742 bladder squamous cell carcinoma A cervix carcinoma that has_material_basis_in squamous cells of the cervix. NCI:C4028 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254886006 UMLS_CUI:C0279671 squamous cell carcinoma of cervix squamous cell carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri disease_ontology DOID:3744 cervical squamous cell carcinoma An esophageal carcinoma that derives_from epithelial squamous cells located_in the esophagus. MESH:D000077277 NCI:C4024 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:276804009 UMLS_CUI:C0279626 SCC of esophagus SCC of oesophagus oesophagus squamous cell carcinoma disease_ontology DOID:3748 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. esophagus squamous cell carcinoma "A nephroblastoma that derives_from an abnormality in the WT1 gene (Wilms' tumor suppressor gene)." [url:http\://] Denys-Drash syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D030321 OMIM2009_05_01:194080 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:236385009 UMLS_CUI:C0950121 URI: "Coffin-Lowry syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:15182000] Coffin-Lowry syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D038921 OMIM2009_05_01:303600 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:15182000 UMLS_CUI:C0265252 URI: "Bilirubin UDP glucuronyl transferase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190933008] "Crigler Najjar syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:1654-1020] "Crigler-Najjar syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:28259009] "Crigler-Najjar syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.4] "Crigler-Najjar syndrome, type I (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:8933000] Crigler-Najjar syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003414 OMIM2009_05_01:218800 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190933008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:28259009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:8933000 UMLS_CUI:C0010324 URI: "Ankylosis of joint of ankle and/or foot (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:57137004] "Ankylosis of joint of forearm (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:39147002] "Ankylosis of joint of hand (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:56923001] "Ankylosis of joint of lower leg (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:43534008] "Ankylosis of joint of multiple sites (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:90242006] "Ankylosis of joint of shoulder region (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:2890007] "Ankylosis of joint of upper arm (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:9064009] "Ankylosis of multiple joints" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156560006] "Infectious arthropathy" EXACT [] "Joint ankylosis of the ankle and foot" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156567009, SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:202304009] "Joint ankylosis of the ankle and/or foot (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267936005] "Joint ankylosis of the forearm (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267933002] "Joint ankylosis of the forearm" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:202300000] "Joint ankylosis of the hand" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156564002] "Joint ankylosis of the lower leg (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267935009] "Joint ankylosis of the lower leg" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:202303003] "Joint ankylosis of the pelvic region and thigh (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267934008] "Joint ankylosis of the pelvic region and thigh" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:202301001] "Joint ankylosis of the shoulder region (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:202298000] "Joint ankylosis of the shoulder region" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156561005] "Joint ankylosis of the upper arm (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267932007] "Joint ankylosis of the upper arm" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:202299008] "ankylosis of ankle and foot joint" EXACT [] "ankylosis of forearm joint" EXACT [] "ankylosis of hand joint" EXACT [] "ankylosis of joint of multiple sites" EXACT [] "ankylosis of joint of pelvic region and thigh" EXACT [] "ankylosis of joint of shoulder region" EXACT [] "ankylosis of lower leg joint" EXACT [] "ankylosis of upper arm joint" EXACT [] arthropathy ICD9CM_2010:711 ICD9CM_2010:716.9 ICD9CM_2010:716.90 ICD9CM_2010:719.9 ICD9CM_2010:719.90 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007592 NCI2009_04D:C35760 NCI2009_04D:C78402 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012515 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156508002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156514009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156616003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:196415003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:201455003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:202059001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:202061005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:202073005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:202634006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:202635007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:202645009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:202647001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:203721006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:203747002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:227588009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267888004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267904003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268051001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268056006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268070006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:363162000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:371412008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:396233005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:396275006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:399269003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:48548006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:80843008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:8316001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:83486002 UMLS_CUI:C0022408 UMLS_CUI:C0157749 URI: "Hemangiopericytic neoplasm NOS (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189867006] "Hemangiopericytic neoplasm" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189866002] hemangiopericytic tumor NCI2009_04D:C7076 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189866002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189867006 UMLS_CUI:C0476144 URI: A reproductive organ cancer that is manifested in the male genital system. This includes organs such as the penis and scrotum. "male genital neoplasm" RELATED [] "male reproductive system neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2016-2462] "neoplasm of male genital organ" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126895004] "tumor of male Reproductive system" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3054] DOID:10284 ICD10CM:C63.9 ICD9CM:187.9 MESH:D005834 NCI:C3054 NCI:C8561 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126895004 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:363515000 UMLS_CUI:C0017417 UMLS_CUI:C0153606 male genital cancer male reproductive system neoplasm malignant neoplasm of male genital organ malignant neoplasm of male genital organ or tract malignant neoplasm of male genital organs malignant tumor of male Reproductive system malignant tumor of male genital organ neoplasm of male genital organ tumor of male Reproductive system disease_ontology male genital neoplasm DOID:3856 "A cancer of reproductive system that is manifested in the male genital system. This includes organs such as the penis and scrotum." [url:http\://\:Male_genital_neoplasia, url:http\://] male genital cancer male reproductive organ cancer MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005834 NCI2009_04D:C3054 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126895004 UMLS_CUI:C0017417 URI: "AIP - acute intermittent porphyria" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190914003] "Pyrroloporphyria" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.1] "acute intermittent porphyria (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:90842001] "acute intermittent porphyria (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234422006] "porphyria intermittent acute" EXACT [CSP2005:0944-4849] "porphyria intermittent acute" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-7674] acute intermittent porphyria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017118 OMIM2009_05_01:176000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190914003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234422006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:90842001 UMLS_CUI:C0162565 URI: A lung cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells and is located_in the lungs and has_symptom cough and has_symptom chest discomfort or pain and has_symptom weight loss and has_symptom hemoptysis. EFO:0001071 NCI:C4878 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:154485001 UMLS_CUI:C0684249 cancer of lung disease_ontology carcinoma of lung DOID:3905 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. lung carcinoma A non-small cell lung carcinoma that has_material_basis_in the squamous cell. NCI:C3493 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254634000 UMLS_CUI:C0149782 Epidermoid cell carcinoma of the lung disease_ontology squamous cell carcinoma of lung DOID:3907 lung squamous cell carcinoma A lung carcinoma that is characterized as any type of epithelial lung cancer other than small cell lung carcinoma. EFO:0003060 KEGG:05223 MESH:D002289 NCI:C2926 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254637007 UMLS_CUI:C0007131 NSCLC Non-small cell lung cancer non-small cell lung carcinoma disease_ontology DOID:3908 lung non-small cell carcinoma A lung non-small cell carcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. DOID:3909 DOID:4826 EFO:0000571 GARD:5742 MESH:D000077192 NCI:C27745 NCI:C3512 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254626006 UMLS_CUI:C0152013 UMLS_CUI:C1335060 bronchogenic lung adenocarcinoma nonsmall cell adenocarcinoma disease_ontology adenocarcinoma of lung DOID:3910 lung adenocarcinoma "malignant Thoracic tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3576] "malignant neoplasm of thorax NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188365003] "malignant tumor of thorax (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188361007] "thoracic cancer" EXACT [CSP2005:2005-5041] malignant neoplasm of thorax ICD9CM_2010:195.1 NCI2009_04D:C3576 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188361007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188365003 UMLS_CUI:C0153661 URI: An adrenal cortex cancer that forms in the outer layer of tissue of the adrenal gland and that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. GARD:558 MESH:D018268 NCI:C9325 OMIM:202300 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:255035007 UMLS_CUI:C0206686 Adrenal cortical carcinoma carcinoma of the Adrenal cortex disease_ontology DOID:3948 adrenocortical carcinoma MESH:D018268 "disorder of adrenal cortex (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:129636003] adrenal cortex disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000303 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:129636003 UMLS_CUI:C0001614 URI: An endocrine gland cancer located_in the adrenal glands which are located above the kidneys. DOID:11007 GARD:5751 ICD10CM:C74 ICD9CM:194.0 MESH:D000310 NCI:C2859 NCI:C9338 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:127021009 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93665005 UMLS_CUI:C0001624 UMLS_CUI:C0750887 adrenal cancer adrenal neoplasm malignant Adrenal tumor malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland neoplasm of adrenal gland tumor of the Adrenal gland disease_ontology DOID:3953 adrenal gland cancer An adrenocortical carcinoma that originates in the cortex of the adrenal gland and derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. Adrenal cortex adenocarcinoma Adrenal cortical adenocarcinoma disease_ontology DOID:3959 adrenal cortical adenocarcinoma A differentiated thyroid gland carcinoma that has_material_basis_in follicular cells. MESH:D018263 NCI:C8054 OMIM:188470 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:255028004 UMLS_CUI:C0206682 Follicular adenocarcinoma Follicular adenocarcinoma, well differentiated Follicular carcinoma Thyroid adenocarcinoma follicular thyroid carcinoma disease_ontology DOID:3962 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. thyroid gland follicular carcinoma A thyroid gland cancer that has_material_basis_in epithelial cells. EFO:0002892 MESH:D013964 NCI:C4815 UMLS_CUI:C0549473 head and neck cancer, Thyroid disease_ontology DOID:3963 thyroid gland carcinoma A differentiated thyroid gland carcinoma that is characterized by the small mushroom shape of the tumor which has a stem attached to the epithelial layer abd arises from the follicular cells of the thyroid gland. GARD:12027 MESH:D000077273 NCI:C4035 OMIM:188550 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:255029007 UMLS_CUI:C0238463 Papillary carcinoma of the Thyroid gland disease_ontology DOID:3969 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. thyroid gland papillary carcinoma "Hallervorden-Spatz disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:333.0] "Pigmentary pallidal degeneration (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:2992000] "brain Iron Accumulation type I syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C8967] Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006211 NCI2009_04D:C8967 OMIM2009_05_01:234200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:2992000 UMLS_CUI:C0018523 URI: An organ system cancer that is located_in the kidneys, ureteres, bladder or urethra. ICD10CM:C68.9 ICD9CM:189.9 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:448233000 UMLS_CUI:C0348371 disease_ontology DOID:3996 cancer of urinary tract urinary system cancer ICD9CM_2010:189.9 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190132004 UMLS_CUI:C0348371 URI: A disease is a disposition (i) to undergo pathological processes that (ii) exists in an organism because of one or more disorders in that organism. MESH:D004194 NCI:C2991 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:64572001 UMLS_CUI:C0012634 disease_ontology DOID:4 disease An ovarian cancer that has_material_basis_in epithelial tissue and is located_in the ovary. EFO:0001075 UMLS_CUI:C0677886 Ovarian carcinoma disease_ontology DOID:4001 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. ovarian carcinoma A bladder carcinoma that has_material_basis_in transitional cells located_in the lining of the bladder. NCI:C39851 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:393562002 UMLS_CUI:C0279680 bladder transitional cell carcinoma transitional cell carcinoma of bladder urinary bladder urothelial carcinoma urothelial bladder carcinoma disease_ontology DOID:4006 bladder urothelial carcinoma A urinary bladder cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. EFO:0000292 NCI:C4912 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:269607003 UMLS_CUI:C0699885 carcinoma of urinary bladder disease_ontology DOID:4007 bladder carcinoma "psychomotor disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2484-1601] psychomotor disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011596 UMLS_CUI:C0033922 URI: "vitamin E deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:54137008] "vitamin E deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:2116-7687] "vitamin E deficiency" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:269.1] vitamin E deficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014811 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:54137008 UMLS_CUI:C0042875 URI: A gastrointestinal system disease that is located_in the mouth. MESH:D009059 NCI:C27641 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:118938008 UMLS_CUI:C0026636 disease_ontology DOID:403 mouth disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009059 NCI2009_04D:C27641 NCI2009_04D:C3240 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:118938008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155630004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266484002 UMLS_CUI:C0026636 URI: A musculoskeletal system cancer that is located_in muscle. DOID:4046 ICD10CM:C49 MESH:D009217 MESH:D019042 NCI:C4883 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:20667008 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93913006 UMLS_CUI:C0027095 UMLS_CUI:C0684743 malignant neoplasm of muscle malignant tumor of muscle malignant tumor of the Muscle myosarcoma disease_ontology DOID:4045 muscle cancer A pancreatic carcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. NCI:C8294 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:700423003 UMLS_CUI:C0281361 pancreas adenocarcinoma disease_ontology adenocarcinoma of the pancreas DOID:4074 pancreatic adenocarcinoma "Heart valve disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:368009] "Valvular heart disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:195013005] "heart valve disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1393-3757] "Heart valve disease is a heart disease described as any disease process involving one or more of the valves of the heart (the aortic and mitral valves on the left and the pulmonary and tricuspid valves on the right). Valve problems may be congenital (inborn) or acquired (due to another cause later in life)." [url:http\://] heart valve disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006349 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU007190 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:195013005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:368009 UMLS_CUI:C0018824 URI: "Trophoblastic neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:115234004] "Trophoblastic neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189855009] "Trophoblastic neoplasm NOS (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189858006] "Trophoblastic tumor (qualifier value)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:134334000] "Trophoblastic tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3422] Trophoblastic neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014328 NCI2009_04D:C3422 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:115234004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:134334000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189855009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189858006 UMLS_CUI:C0041182 URI: "bile duct disorder NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:197455006] "disorder of bile duct (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:118926004] bile duct disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001649 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:118926004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:197455006 UMLS_CUI:C0005395 URI: gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumor NCI2009_04D:C27721 UMLS_CUI:C1333799 URI: "peripheral Neuroectodermal neoplasm" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C9341] "peripheral neuroectodermal tumor (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:253096008] "peripheral neuroectodermal tumor (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:73676002] "peripheral neuroepithelioma (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254764001] Ewings sarcoma-primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018241 NCI2009_04D:C9341 OMIM2009_05_01:612219 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:253096008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254764001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:73676002 UMLS_CUI:C0684337 URI: An integumentary system cancer located_in the skin that is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells. "CA - skin cancer" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:363511009] "malignant neoplasm of skin (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:372130007] "malignant neoplasm of skin NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188143008] "malignant neoplasm of skin" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "malignant neoplasm of skin, unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190107001] "melanoma and Non-melanoma skin cancer" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2920] "skin cancer" EXACT [CSP2005:2020-0536] GARD:10421 MESH:D012878 NCI:C2920 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:94047004 UMLS_CUI:C0007114 CA - skin cancer malignant neoplasm of skin melanoma and Non-melanoma skin cancer disease_ontology cancer of skin DOID:4159 cancer of skin skin cancer NCI2009_04D:C2920 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188143008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190107001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:363511009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:372130007 UMLS_CUI:C0007114 URI: autoimmune disease ICD9CM_2010:720 MSH:D001327 UMLS_CUI:C0003089 URI: "Albright hereditary osteodystrophy -RETIRED-" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:123057000] "Albright's hereditary osteodystrophy" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-7959] "Pseudo-hypoparathyroidism" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154697005] "Pseudo-hypoparathyroidism" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267479004] "Pseudohypoparathyroidism (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:58976002] "Pseudohypoparathyroidism type I A (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:58833000] "Pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:278716000] pseudohypoparathyroidism MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011547 OMIM2009_05_01:103580 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU005113 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:123057000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154697005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190867002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267479004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:278716000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:58833000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:58976002 UMLS_CUI:C0033806 URI: "disorder of glucose metabolism (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126877002] glucose metabolism disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D044882 NCI2009_04D:C53655 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126877002 UMLS_CUI:C1257958 URI: "neoplasm of cerebellum" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126960003] "tumor of Cerebellum" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2935] cerebellar neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002528 NCI2009_04D:C2935 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126960003 UMLS_CUI:C0007762 URI: "HAIR DISEASE" EXACT [MTH:243] "Hair disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34656] "Hair/hair follicle disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156407009] "Hair/hair follicle disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267862002] "disorder of hair (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:279425004] hair disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006201 NCI2009_04D:C34656 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156407009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267862002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:279425004 UMLS_CUI:C0018500 URI: congenital structural myopathy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020914 UMLS_CUI:C0752282 URI: An endometrial stromal tumor that has_material_basis in connective tissue. GARD:6339 ICDO:8930/3 MESH:D018203 NCI:C8973 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:70555003 UMLS_CUI:C0206630 ESS Undifferentiated endometrial sarcoma endometrial stromal sarcoma, high grade disease_ontology DOID:4226 endometrial stromal sarcoma "Ca breast - NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:269595005] "Ca breast - NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154521006] "breast cancer" EXACT [CSP2005:2016-0671] "malignant neoplasm of breast (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190121004] "malignant neoplasm of breast, unspecified" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:174.9] "malignant tumor of breast (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254837009] "malignant tumor of the breast" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C9335] malignant neoplasm of breast NCI2009_04D:C9335 OMIM2009_05_01:114480 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU017027 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154521006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190121004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254837009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269595005 UMLS_CUI:C0006142 URI: "Gerstmann Straussler syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-5006] "Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:67155006] "Gerstmann-straussler-scheinker disease is a prion disease where the disease is very rare, usually familial, fatal neurodegenerative disease that affects patients from 20 to 60 years in age. This extremely rare disease is classified as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE)." [url:http\://] Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease ICD9CM_2010:046.71 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016098 OMIM2009_05_01:137440 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:67155006 UMLS_CUI:C0017495 URI: certain conditions originating in the perinatal period ICD9CM_2010:770 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:206282005 UMLS_CUI:C0158934 URI: conjunctival disease ICD9CM_2010:372 ICD9CM_2010:372.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003229 NCI2009_04D:C27605 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155161009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155169006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193906005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194583004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267735001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:59698003 UMLS_CUI:C0009759 URI: "Alexander's disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:81854007] "Alexander's disease" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-5479] Alexander disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D038261 OMIM2009_05_01:203450 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:81854007 UMLS_CUI:C0270726 URI: "Osteosclerosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:49347007] "osteosclerosis" EXACT [CSP2005:2715-2940] osteosclerosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010026 NCI2009_04D:C41236 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU005522 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:49347007 UMLS_CUI:C0029464 URI: rheumatism MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012216 NCI2009_04D:C26877 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:203100003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:247363006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268107007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:29913006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:396332003 UMLS_CUI:C0035435 URI: complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium ICD9CM_2010:656.7 UMLS_CUI:C0029710 URI:,_childbirth_and_the_puerperium respiratory system abnormality ICD9CM_2010:748 ICD9CM_2010:748.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015619 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156933008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204592004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205894004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268321003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:275260000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:77868001 UMLS_CUI:C0035238 URI: "Polyradiculoneuropathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128078004] polyradiculoneuropathy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011129 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128078004 UMLS_CUI:C0032587 URI: "Non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:127069007] non-langerhans-cell histiocytosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015616 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:127069007 UMLS_CUI:C0019624 URI: "Hypophosphatemia, familial" EXACT [MTH:U000306] "familial hypophosphataemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237901003] familial hypophosphatemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007015 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237901003 UMLS_CUI:C0020631 URI: "Protocoproporphyria" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.1] "Protoporphyrinogen oxidase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:276264004] "Variegate porphyria (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:58275005] variegate porphyria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D046350 OMIM2009_05_01:176200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:276264004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:58275005 UMLS_CUI:C0162532 URI: A female reproductive organ cancer that is located_in the cervix. DOID:4361 ICD10CM:C53 ICD9CM:180 MESH:D002583 NCI:C2940 NCI:C9311 OMIM:603956 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:123841004 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254885005 UMLS_CUI:C0007847 UMLS_CUI:C0007873 cervical neoplasm cervix cancer cervix uteri cancer neoplasm of uterine cervix tumor of the Cervix Uteri uterine cervical neoplasm disease_ontology DOID:4362 cervical cancer "Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:43929004] "Smith-Opitz-Inborn syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:5002-0023] Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D019082 OMIM2009_05_01:270400 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:43929004 UMLS_CUI:C0175694 URI: "Myasthenia gravis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:91637004] "Myasthenia gravis NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193208002] "Myasthenia gravis with (acute) exacerbation" EXACT [] "Myasthenia gravis without (acute) exacerbation" EXACT [] "Myasthenia gravis" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:358.0] "Myasthenia gravis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155092009] "myasthenia gravis" EXACT [CSP2005:2057-3613] myasthenia gravis ICD9CM_2010:358.0 ICD9CM_2010:358.00 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009157 NCI2009_04D:C60989 OMIM2009_05_01:254200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155092009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193208002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:91637004 UMLS_CUI:C0026896 UMLS_CUI:C1260409 UMLS_CUI:C1260411 URI: "autoimmune nervous system disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1560-5548] "autoimmune nervous system disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-2001] "autoimmune nervous system disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-6653] "autoimmune nervous system disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2057-3403] autoimmune disease of the nervous system MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020274 UMLS_CUI:C0751871 URI: "Neuromuscular junction disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128213006] neuromuscular junction disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020511 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128213006 UMLS_CUI:C0751950 URI: tissue disease URI: neuromuscular disease ICD9CM_2010:358 ICD9CM_2010:358.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009468 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:1664005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193218007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:255522009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:257277002 UMLS_CUI:C0027868 URI: "Sea-blue histiocyte syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:37821003] sea-blue histiocyte syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012618 OMIM2009_05_01:269600 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:37821003 UMLS_CUI:C0036489 URI: GARD:4900 ICDO:8156/3 MESH:D013005 NCI:C3379 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:128642005 UMLS_CUI:C0037661 Somatostatin cell neoplasm Somatostatin cell tumour disease_ontology DOID:4430 somatostatinoma A renal carcinoma that has_material_basis_in the lining of the proximal convoluted renal tubule of the kidney. EFO:0000681 GARD:13215 ICDO:8312/3 MESH:D002292 NCI:C9385 OMIM:300854 ORDO:217071 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254915003 UMLS_CUI:C0007134 RCC adenocarcinoma of kidney hypernephroma disease_ontology DOID:4450 Xref MGI. renal cell carcinoma A kidney cancer that derives_from the lining of the proximal convoluted tubule (the very small tubes in the kidney that filter the blood and remove waste products). NCI:C9384 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254915003 UMLS_CUI:C1378703 carcinoma of kidney kidney carcinoma disease_ontology DOID:4451 renal carcinoma A renal cell carcinoma that has_material_basis_in cells that appear very pale or clear when examined under microscope. GARD:9574 MESH:D002292 NCI:C4033 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254915003 UMLS_CUI:C0279702 Clear cell carcinoma of kidney clear cell kidney carcinoma conventional (Clear cell) renal cell carcinoma conventional renal cell carcinoma renal clear cell carcinoma disease_ontology Clear-cell metastatic renal cell carcinoma Clear-cell metastatic renal cell carcinoma DOID:4467 MESH:C538445 added from NeuroDevNet [WAK]. clear cell renal cell carcinoma "inborn renal tubular transport disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-8301] inborn errors renal tubular transport MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015499 UMLS_CUI:C0035091 URI: "Achondroplasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:86268005] "Achondroplastic dwarf" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205467007] "Achondroplastic dwarf" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268273004] "Achondroplastic physique (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:248299001] "Achondroplastic physique" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190584003] "Chondrodystrophia" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:756.4] "achondroplasia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-0171] "osteosclerosis congenita" EXACT [CSP2005:2715-2940] achondroplasia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000130 NCI2009_04D:C34345 OMIM2009_05_01:100800 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190584003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205467007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:248299001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268273004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268350005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:86268005 UMLS_CUI:C0001080 URI: "Myotonic disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193237003] "Myotonic disorder NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193240003] "Myotonic disorder" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:359.2] "Myotonic disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155096007] "Myotonic disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267713009] myotonic disorder ICD9CM_2010:359.2 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020967 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155096007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193237003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193240003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267713009 UMLS_CUI:C0553604 URI: orofaciodigital syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009958 UMLS_CUI:C0029294 URI: A thyroid gland cancer that is located_in the supporting cells of the thyroid. NCI:C6041 UMLS_CUI:C1336756 sarcoma of the Thyroid gland disease_ontology DOID:4515 thyroid sarcoma Endocardial Cushion Defects ICD9CM_2010:745.6 ICD9CM_2010:745.60 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004694 OMIM2009_05_01:600309 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:15459006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204322008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204323003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204326006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204331008 UMLS_CUI:C0014116 URI: "Amnesia (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:48167000] "Amnesia symptom" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:162199006] "Dysmnesia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:386807006] "Dysmnesia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:78461004] "Memory loss NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:780.93] "amnesia" EXACT [CSP2005:2483-6413] amnesia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000647 NCI2009_04D:C2867 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:162199006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:247606008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:386807006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:48167000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:78461004 UMLS_CUI:C0002622 URI: NCI:C4450 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254629004 UMLS_CUI:C0345958 large cell carcinoma of lung large cell lung carcinoma disease_ontology DOID:4556 lung large cell carcinoma A biliary tract cancer that is located_in the bile duct. DOID:10019 ICD10CM:C24.0 ICD9CM:156.1 MESH:D001650 NCI:C2898 NCI:C7483 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93790004 UMLS_CUI:C0005396 UMLS_CUI:C0153453 Ca extrahepatic bile ducts bile duct tumor malignant neoplasm of the extrahepatic bile duct disease_ontology DOID:4606 bile duct cancer A hepatobiliary system cancer that results_in malignant growth located_in the gallbladder or located_in the bile duct. DOID:8092 GARD:5924 GARD:9304 ICD10CM:C24.9 ICD9CM:156.9 MESH:D001661 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126853008 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93688006 UMLS_CUI:C0005426 UMLS_CUI:C0750952 malignant tumour of biliary tract disease_ontology DOID:4607 biliary tract cancer "malignant neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188343003] "malignant neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia" EXACT [] "A cancer that affects an anatomical entity." [DO:lh] cancer by anatomical entity ICD9CM_2010:199 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009369 NCI2009_04D:C9305 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154432008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154433003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154577008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:187597000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188475001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188482002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190150006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269513004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269623003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269626006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269634000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:363346000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:38807002 UMLS_CUI:C0006826 URI: "Holoprosencephaly sequence (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:30915001] "familial alobar holoprosencephaly -RETIRED-" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:44519006] "holoprosencephaly" EXACT [CSP2005:0723-2277] holoprosencephaly MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016142 NCI2009_04D:C74988 OMIM2009_05_01:236100 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000059 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:30915001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:44519006 UMLS_CUI:C0079541 URI: "Retinal tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4800] "neoplasm of retina" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:127002001] retinal neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D019572 NCI2009_04D:C4800 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:127002001 UMLS_CUI:C0524801 URI: "A retinoblastoma that refers to bilateral retinoblastoma associated with an intracranial primitive neuroectodermal tumor located_in the pineal or suprasellar region." [url:http\://] trilateral retinoblastoma OMIM2009_05_01:180200.0022 UMLS_CUI:C1336824 URI: A breast carcinoma that represents a mixed group of malignant neoplasms characterized by the histologic presence of two or more cellular types. GARD:10804 NCI:C5164 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:763479005 UMLS_CUI:C1334708 Metaplastic carcinoma of the breast disease_ontology metaplastic carcinoma of breast DOID:4680 breast metaplastic carcinoma malignant neoplasm of nervous system ICD9CM_2010:192 ICD9CM_2010:192.9 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188306000 UMLS_CUI:C0153643 URI: prostate disease ICD9CM_2010:602.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011469 NCI2009_04D:C26865 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:197979000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:30281009 UMLS_CUI:C0033575 URI: "brain neoplasm, Infratentorial" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3139] Infratentorial neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015192 NCI2009_04D:C3139 UMLS_CUI:C0021432 URI: "Angioma of the skin" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4905] "Angiomatous naevus of skin" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254773009] "hemangioma of skin (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93471006] "skin hemangioma" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189195009] hemangioma of skin NCI2009_04D:C4905 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189195009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254773009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:93471006 UMLS_CUI:C0687140 URI: "memory disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2483-6413] memory disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008569 UMLS_CUI:C0025261 URI: "Angiokeratoma (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:26810009] "angiokeratoma" EXACT [CSP2005:2007-0683] angiokeratoma MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000794 NCI2009_04D:C2874 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008095 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:26810009 UMLS_CUI:C0002985 URI: "Tay-Sachs disease, variant AB (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:71253000] Tay-Sachs disease AB variant MSH2010_2010_02_22:D049290 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:71253000 UMLS_CUI:C0268275 URI: A reproductive system disease that affects male reproductive organs. ICD10CM:N50.9 ICD9CM:608.9 MESH:D005832 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:64557000 UMLS_CUI:C0017412 disease_ontology DOID:48 male reproductive system disease ICD9CM_2010:600-608.99 ICD9CM_2010:608.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005832 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155905004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155933004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155945008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:198089001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:198553004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:64557000 UMLS_CUI:C0017412 URI: "Movement disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:60342002] "movement disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2057-3596] "movement disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2057-3603] movement disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009069 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006688 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:60342002 UMLS_CUI:C0026650 URI: hereditary degenerative disease of central nervous system SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192838009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192842007 UMLS_CUI:C0014887 URI: "vascular hemostatic disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:21112004] vascular hemostatic disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020141 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:21112004 UMLS_CUI:C0600502 URI: anterior horn cell disease ICD9CM_2010:335 ICD9CM_2010:335.9 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155014006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192884004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192892008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267693003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:85672005 UMLS_CUI:C0154681 URI: "Neurodegenerative disease" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4802] "A degenerative disease that results_in the progressive loss of structure or function of neurons, including death of neurons." [url:http\://] neurodegenerative disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D019636 NCI2009_04D:C4802 UMLS_CUI:C0524851 URI: "Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:6204001] "juvenile myoclonic epilepsy" EXACT [CSP2005:0485-7984] juvenile myoclonic epilepsy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020190 OMIM2009_05_01:606904 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:6204001 UMLS_CUI:C0270853 URI: A bile duct cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. MESH:D001650 NCI:C27814 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:70179006 UMLS_CUI:C0740277 disease_ontology DOID:4897 bile duct carcinoma "adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyp (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:43233001] "adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyp" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7676] adenocarcinoma in a polyp NCI2009_04D:C7676 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:43233001 UMLS_CUI:C1321861 URI: A pancreas cancer that derives_from epithelial cells located_in the exocrine pancreas. EFO:0002618 MESH:C562463 NCI:C3850 OMIM:260350 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:154475002 UMLS_CUI:C0235974 Exocrine pancreas carcinoma carcinoma of pancreas disease_ontology Pancreatic carcinoma, familial exocrine cancer Pancreatic carcinoma, familial DOID:4905 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. pancreatic carcinoma An esophageal carcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells of glandular origin. MESH:C562730 NCI:C4025 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:276803003 UMLS_CUI:C0279628 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma disease_ontology DOID:4914 esophagus adenocarcinoma DOID:12343 ICD10CM:C65 ICD9CM:189.1 NCI:C6142 NCI:C7525 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:363457009 UMLS_CUI:C0153618 UMLS_CUI:C1335749 carcinoma of kidney Pelvis malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis malignant renal Pelvis neoplasm malignant tumor of renal pelvis renal pelvis cancer disease_ontology DOID:4919 renal pelvis carcinoma A gallbladder cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells. NCI:C3844 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93810008 UMLS_CUI:C0235782 cancer of the gallbladder carcinoma gallbladder carcinoma of gallbladder disease_ontology DOID:4948 gallbladder carcinoma A hematopoietic cancer that derives_from the blood-forming stem cells of the bone marrow. "Myeloid neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:414792005] "Myeloproliferative disease NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:238.7] "Myeloproliferative disease, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:20921005] "Myeloproliferative disease, no ICD-O subtype (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128925001] "Myeloproliferative disorder (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:414794006] "Myeloproliferative disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188772004] "Myeloproliferative tumors" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C9290] "bone Marrow tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35370] "bone marrow neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2004-0492] "malignant bone Marrow tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35501] "malignant neoplasm of bone marrow" EXACT [] "myeloproliferative disease" EXACT [] "myeloproliferative neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2004-0893] "neoplasm of bone marrow (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:414824005] "primary malignant neoplasm of bone marrow (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:93720005] DOID:2356 DOID:2761 EFO:0004251 ICD10CM:D47.1 MESH:D009196 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:128925001 UMLS_CUI:C0027022 bone Marrow tumor bone marrow neoplasm malignant bone Marrow tumor malignant neoplasm of bone marrow disease_ontology DOID:4960 "A bone marrow disease and hematopoietic cancer that derives_from the blood-forming stem cells of the bone marrow." [url:http\://] bone marrow cancer MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009196 NCI2009_04D:C9290 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU010939 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU010948 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128925001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188772004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:20921005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:414792005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:414794006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:425333006 UMLS_CUI:C0027022 URI: "bone Marrow disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34433] "bone marrow disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:127035006] "bone marrow disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-3773] bone marrow disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001855 NCI2009_04D:C34433 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:127035006 UMLS_CUI:C0005956 URI: "Adrenal gland hyperplasia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35408] "Adrenal hypertrophy or hyperplasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237775000] adrenal hyperplasia SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237775000 UMLS_CUI:C0342492 URI: "Langer-Giedion syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:41069008] "Trichorhinophalangeal dysplasia type II" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:239017000] Langer-Giedion syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015826 NCI2009_04D:C75118 OMIM2009_05_01:150230 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:239017000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:41069008 UMLS_CUI:C0023003 URI: thyroid gland disease ICD9CM_2010:240-246.99 ICD9CM_2010:246.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013959 NCI2009_04D:C26893 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU018343 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:14304000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154649009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190232008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190311002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191036006 UMLS_CUI:C0040128 URI: A gastrointestinal system cancer that is located_in the esophagus. DOID:10291 DOID:10292 DOID:10448 DOID:1102 DOID:1104 GARD:6383 ICD10CM:C15.3 ICD10CM:C15.4 ICD10CM:C15.5 ICD9CM:150.2 ICD9CM:150.3 ICD9CM:150.4 ICD9CM:150.5 ICD9CM:150.8 MESH:D004938 NCI:C3028 NCI:C3533 NCI:C3534 NCI:C3535 NCI:C4764 OMIM:133239 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126817006 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:187729008 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93656003 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93877002 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93895004 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:94119000 UMLS_CUI:C0014859 UMLS_CUI:C0153413 UMLS_CUI:C0153414 UMLS_CUI:C0153415 UMLS_CUI:C0153416 UMLS_CUI:C0496775 Ca lower third oesophagus Ca middle third oesophagus esophagus cancer malignant neoplasm of distal third of esophagus malignant neoplasm of lower third of oesophagus malignant neoplasm of middle third of oesophagus malignant neoplasm of proximal third of esophagus malignant neoplasm of upper third esophagus malignant tumor of Distal Third of esophagus malignant tumor of Proximal Third of esophagus malignant tumor of abdominal esophagus malignant tumor of the middle Third of the esophagus disease_ontology DOID:5041 esophageal cancer neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumor of cerebellum NCI2009_04D:C7372 UMLS_CUI:C1332901 URI: MESH:D005910 NCI:C3903 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:443937008 UMLS_CUI:C0259783 mixed Neuroglial tumor mixed gliomas disease_ontology DOID:5076 mixed glioma An organ system cancer located_in the thoracic cavity that develops in the different types of cells within the lungs, as well as less common cancers of the esophagus, the trachea, or the chest wall. "Thoracic tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3406] "thorax neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2005-5041] "tumor of thorax (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:255058005] DOID:3937 ICD10CM:C76.1 ICD9CM:195.1 MESH:D013899 NCI:C3406 NCI:C3576 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:188361007 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:255058005 UMLS_CUI:C0039981 UMLS_CUI:C0153661 Thoracic tumor thorax cancer thorax neoplasm tumor of thorax disease_ontology DOID:5093 "A cancer by anatomical entity that develops in the different types of cells within the lungs, as well as less common cancers of the esophagus, the trachea, or the chest wall." [url:http\://] thoracic cancer MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013899 NCI2009_04D:C3406 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:255058005 UMLS_CUI:C0039981 URI: deficiency disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003677 UMLS_CUI:C0011156 URI: "NGP - New growth of prostate" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:363448003] "neoplasm of prostate (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126906006] "prostate neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2016-2641] "tumor of the prostate" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3343] prostatic neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011471 NCI2009_04D:C3343 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126906006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:363448003 UMLS_CUI:C0033578 URI: An uterine corpus cancer that is located_in the muscles of the uterus or located_in other tissues that support the uterus. GARD:9383 NCI:C6339 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254877001 UMLS_CUI:C0338113 sarcoma of Corpus Uteri sarcoma of uterus disease_ontology DOID:5165 uterine corpus sarcoma NCI:C6951 UMLS_CUI:C1335062 Nonanaplastic renal Wilm's tumor Nonanaplastic renal Wilm's tumour renal Wilms' tumour disease_ontology nonanaplastic renal wilms tumor DOID:5176 renal Wilms' tumor "Fructose-biphosphatase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:28183005] "fructose 1 phosphate aldolase deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-3494] fructose-1,6-diphosphatase deficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015319 OMIM2009_05_01:229700 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:28183005 UMLS_CUI:C0016756 URI:,6-diphosphatase_deficiency inborn errors fructose metabolism MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015318 UMLS_CUI:C0016752 URI: "Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238049009] carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018981 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238049009 UMLS_CUI:C0282577 URI: hepatoerythropoietic porphyria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017121 OMIM2009_05_01:176100 UMLS_CUI:C0162569 URI: peritoneal and retroperitoneal tumors NCI2009_04D:C7337 UMLS_CUI:C1335391 URI: "Capillary Hemangioblastoma" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3801] "Hemangioblastoma (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:81201000] "hemangioblastoma" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] hemangioblastoma MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018325 NCI2009_04D:C3801 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:81201000 UMLS_CUI:C0206734 URI: visual alteration ICD9CM_2010:368.8 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193694002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193696000 UMLS_CUI:C0029844 URI: An ovary sarcoma that arises from smooth muscle progenitors. NCI:C5234 UMLS_CUI:C1335163 leiomyosarcoma of Ovary disease_ontology DOID:5263 ovary leiomyosarcoma A gastrointestinal system disease that is located_in the intestine. "Diverticula of intestine (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:63532004] "Diverticula of the intestine NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:197116004] "Diverticular disease(& [of intestine])" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:197081001] "Diverticular disorder of intestine (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:271365001] "Diverticular disorder of intestine" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:197082008] "Diverticulosis of small intestine" EXACT [] "GIT vascular insuffic. NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155768005] "Ischemic Bowel disease" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35212] "Non-infective enteritis and colitis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:197533001, SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:307418008] "Noninfective enteritis and colitis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155759008, SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:196974002, SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266516008] "Other and unspecified noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis" EXACT [] "Unspecified vascular insufficiency of intestine" EXACT [] "angiodysplasia of intestine with hemorrhage" EXACT [] "diverticula of intestine" EXACT [] "gastrointestinal tract vascular insufficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:312607004] "gastrointestinal tract vascular insufficiency NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266521006] "intestinal ISCHEMIA" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "intestinal vascular insufficiency NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:197009002] "noninfectious enteritis and colitis" EXACT [] "vascular insuff.- intestine" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266518009] "vascular insufficiency of intestine (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:82196007] "vascular insufficiency of intestine" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:557] DOID:10759 DOID:11222 DOID:11789 DOID:8531 DOID:8558 DOID:8591 ICD10CM:K63.9 ICD9CM:569.9 MESH:D007410 NCI:C26801 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:266483008 UMLS_CUI:C0021831 disease_ontology DOID:5295 intestinal disease ICD9CM_2010:569.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007410 NCI2009_04D:C26801 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU003979 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155629009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:197266001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266483008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:85919009 UMLS_CUI:C0021831 URI: A cervical adenocarcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells which have clear cytoplasm. NCI:C6344 UMLS_CUI:C1332912 Clear cell carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri disease_ontology DOID:5303 cervical clear cell adenocarcinoma A ovarian adenocarcinoma that derives_from epithelial cells which have clear cytoplasm. NCI:C40078 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:763131005 UMLS_CUI:C1518693 disease_ontology DOID:5304 ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma "Hypomelia Hypotrichosis Facial hemangioma syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4681] "Roberts-SC phocomelia syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:48718006] Roberts-SC phocomelia syndrome NCI2009_04D:C4681 OMIM2009_05_01:268300 OMIM2009_05_01:269000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:48718006 UMLS_CUI:C0392475 URI: "Diverticular disease of colon" EXACT [] "colon disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1248-3971] "disorder of colon (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128524007] colonic disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003108 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128524007 UMLS_CUI:C0009373 URI: "Pregnancy disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156069003] "Pregnancy disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267293009] "disease of pregnancy [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:23288008] "disorder of pregnancy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:173300003] "disorder of pregnancy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:172422001] "pregnancy disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2403-8085] pregnancy disease NCI2009_04D:C35169 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156069003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:172422001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:173300003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:23288008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267293009 UMLS_CUI:C0151864 URI: "Ophthalmoplegia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:16110005] "Ophthalmoplegia NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:378.9] "Ophthalmoplegia NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155196009] "Ophthalmoplegia NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267745004] "Total ophthalmoplegia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:78097002] "Total ophthalmoplegia" EXACT [] "oculomotor paralysis" EXACT [CSP2005:1115-2778] ophthalmoplegia ICD9CM_2010:378.56 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009886 NCI2009_04D:C79697 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008498 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU010326 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155196009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:16110005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267745004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:78097002 UMLS_CUI:C0029089 UMLS_CUI:C0155338 URI: A lung carcinoma that has_material_basis_in primitive-appearing cells that are smaller than normal cells and is located_in the lung. DOID:0050875 KEGG:05222 MESH:D055752 NCI:C4917 OMIM:182280 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254632001 UMLS_CUI:C0149925 disease_ontology DOID:5409 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. lung small cell carcinoma MESH:D018288 NCI:C3915 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:11010461000119101 UMLS_CUI:C0262584 Oat cell carcinoma oat cell carcinoma disease_ontology DOID:5411 lung oat cell carcinoma schizoaffective disorder ICD9CM_2010:295.7 OMIM2009_05_01:181500 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191567000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191568005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191575006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192345003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:231490005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:68890003 UMLS_CUI:C0036337 URI: "Dystonia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:15802004] "Dystonia, unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:194478005] dystonic disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020821 NCI2009_04D:C34563 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU002751 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:15802004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192863009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194478005 UMLS_CUI:C0393593 URI: A synovium cancer which develops in the synovial membrane of the joints. GARD:7721 ICDO:9040/3 MESH:D013584 NCI:C3400 OMIM:300813 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:63211008 UMLS_CUI:C0039101 disease_ontology DOID:5485 Xref MGI. synovial sarcoma A stomach cancer that is located_in the stomach. EFO:0000178 NCI:C4911 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:154446008 UMLS_CUI:C0699791 cancer of the stomach carcinoma of stomach gastric carcinoma disease_ontology DOID:5517 stomach carcinoma A testicular cancer that has_material_basis_in germ cells. MESH:C563236 NCI:C8591 OMIM:273300 OMIM:300228 ORDO:3636504 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:713577007 UMLS_CUI:C1336708 germ cell tumor of testis disease_ontology testicular germ cell neoplasm DOID:5557 Xref MGI. OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [LS]. testicular germ cell cancer A teratoma that is located_in the mediastinum. NCI:C6438 UMLS_CUI:C1334682 teratoma of mediastinum disease_ontology DOID:5568 mediastinum teratoma A urinary system disease that is located_in the kidney. DOID:11705 EFO:0003086 ICD10CM:N08 MESH:D007674 NCI:C3149 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:266612003 UMLS_CUI:C0022658 nephropathy impaired renal function disease disease_ontology DOID:557 kidney disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007674 NCI2009_04D:C3149 NCI2009_04D:C34843 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006258 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155871008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266612003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266624005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266627003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:274108006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:90708001 UMLS_CUI:C0022658 URI: "Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:81780002] "Wiedemann's syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:36193003] Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001506 NCI2009_04D:C34415 OMIM2009_05_01:130650 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:81780002 UMLS_CUI:C0004903 URI: A lung carcinoma that is located_in large undifferentiated cells. DOID:5584 MESH:D018286 NCI:C3779 NCI:C4452 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254631008 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:42596004 UMLS_CUI:C0206703 UMLS_CUI:C0345960 Giant cell carcinoma Giant cell lung carcinoma disease_ontology DOID:5583 lung giant cell carcinoma An acute lymphoblastic leukemia that is characterized by too many T-cell lymphoblasts found in the bone marrow and blood. DOID:5599 ICD10CM:C91.5 MESH:D015459 NCI:C3184 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:77430005 UMLS_CUI:C0023493 Precursor T Lymphoblastic Leukemia T Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia T-cell acute lymphocytic leukaemia acute T cell leukaemia acute T cell leukemia precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia disease_ontology DOID:5603 T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia An acute lymphocytic leukemia occurring during adulthood. NCI:C4967 UMLS_CUI:C0751606 adult acute lymphoid Leukemia adult ALL disease_ontology DOID:5604 adult acute lymphocytic leukemia "eye infection (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128351009] "eye infection" EXACT [CSP2005:1115-1009] "eye infection" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193270008, SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193857008] eye disease ICD9CM_2010:360 ICD9CM_2010:360.9 ICD9CM_2010:379.90 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005128 NCI2009_04D:C26767 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:111509007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155101007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155198005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193265001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193266000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193316008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194183009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:264555006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:366261005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:371405004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:371409005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:79517001 UMLS_CUI:C0015397 URI: "Myotonic Chondrodystrophy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35008] "Schwartz syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:8632008] "Schwartz-Jampel syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:29145002] Schwartz-Jampel syndrome ICD9CM_2010:359.23 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010009 NCI2009_04D:C35008 OMIM2009_05_01:255800 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:29145002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:8632008 UMLS_CUI:C0036391 URI: "histiocytic and dendritic cell " RELATED [] "A sarcoma and hematologic cancer that derives_from follicular lymphoma." [url:http\://] histiocytic and dendritic cell cancer NCI2009_04D:C9294 UMLS_CUI:C1334030 URI: NCI:C5474 UMLS_CUI:C1333761 Adenosquamous carcinoma of stomach disease_ontology DOID:5635 gastric adenosquamous carcinoma "Cranial nerve disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:73013002] "Cranial nerve disorder NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267598004] "Cranial nerve disorder NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193104009] "Cranial nerve disorder NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267709002] "Cranial nerve disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C26733] "Unspecified disorder of cranial nerves" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:352.9] "disorder of cranial nerve" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:276379008] cranial nerve disease ICD9CM_2010:352.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003389 NCI2009_04D:C26733 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193104009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267598004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267709002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:276379008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:73013002 UMLS_CUI:C0010266 URI: An intestinal cancer that effects the long, tube-like organ that is connected to the small intestine at one end and the anus at the other. DOID:1994 DOID:1997 ICD10CM:C18.9 NCI:C4978 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93854002 UMLS_CUI:C0346629 disease_ontology DOID:5672 large intestine cancer A breast carcinoma that is characterized by an irregular cribriform growth pattern, nuclear grade I in at least 90% of cells, and absent myoepithelial cells. ICDO:8201/3 MESH:D000230 NCI:C3680 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:30156004 UMLS_CUI:C0205643 Cribriform carcinoma ductal carcinoma, cribriform type disease_ontology DOID:5675 cribriform carcinoma "Retinal disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:29555009] "Retinal disorder NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193430004] "Retinal disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C26875] "Retinopathies" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267715002] "Retinopathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:399625000] "Retinopathy, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:35426003] "Unspecified retinal disorder" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:362.9] "retina disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1114-9311] retinal disease ICD9CM_2010:362.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012164 NCI2009_04D:C26875 NCI2009_04D:C62601 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU013555 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193430004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267715002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:29555009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:35426003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:399625000 UMLS_CUI:C0035309 URI: "Bannayan syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234138005] "Bannayan syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205795008] "Bannayan syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:238906005] "Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3939] "Riley-Smith syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:21984008] "Ruvalcaba-Myhre syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:46011003] "Ruvalcaba-Myhre syndrome [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:277916005] "Ruvalcaba-Myhre syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234137000] Macrocephaly with Multiple Lipomas and hemangiomas MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006223 NCI2009_04D:C3939 OMIM2009_05_01:153480 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205795008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:21984008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234137000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234138005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238906005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:277916005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:46011003 UMLS_CUI:C0265326 URI: "WS" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3447] "Werner syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:51626007] "Werner's syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:259.8] "Werner's syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190592007] "adult premature ageing syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190590004] "adult progeria" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-9804] Werner syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014898 NCI2009_04D:C3447 OMIM2009_05_01:277700 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190590004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190592007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:51626007 UMLS_CUI:C0043119 URI: An adrenal gland cancer that derives_from immature neuroblastic cells. NCI:C4827 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:281562007 UMLS_CUI:C0559460 neuroblastoma of Adrenal gland disease_ontology DOID:5718 adrenal neuroblastoma "Atrophy of optic disc (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:95774001] "Unspecified optic atrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:194042009] "optic atrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:76976005] "optic atrophy NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:194046007] "optic atrophy" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-6601] "optic atrophy" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:377.1] "optic atrophy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155188004] "optic atrophy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267742001] "optic atrophy, unspecified" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:377.10] optic atrophy ICD9CM_2010:377.1 ICD9CM_2010:377.10 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009896 NCI2009_04D:C34863 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000021 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000156 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155188004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194042009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194046007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267742001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:76976005 UMLS_CUI:C0029124 URI: "DISORDER OF THE peripheral nervous system" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:350-359.99] "Non-neoplastic peripheral nervous system disease" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27587] "PN - peripheral neuropathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:264554005] "disorder of the peripheral nervous system (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:42658009] "peripheral Neuropathy" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "peripheral nerve disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:302226006] "peripheral nerve disease" EXACT [MTH:516] "peripheral nerve disease" EXACT [MTH:575] "peripheral nervous system disease" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27580] "peripheral nervous system disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193088006] "peripheral nervous system disorder NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193264002] "peripheral nervous system disorder NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155100008] "peripheral nervous system disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-6505] "peripheral nervous system disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155064004] "peripheral neuropathy" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-6617] "peripheral neuropathy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4731] "peripheral neuropathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155080009] "peripheral neuropathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267706009] peripheral nervous system disease ICD9CM_2010:350-359.99 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010523 NCI2009_04D:C27580 NCI2009_04D:C27587 NCI2009_04D:C4731 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000700 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155064004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155080009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155100008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193088006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193264002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:264554005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267706009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:302226006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:42658009 UMLS_CUI:C0031117 UMLS_CUI:C1335029 URI: An ovary adenocarcinoma that derives_from the lining of a cavity that produces a serum-like fluid (a serous cavity). DOID:5745 NCI:C40025 NCI:C7550 UMLS_CUI:C1335177 UMLS_CUI:C1518234 malignant ovarian serous tumor serous carcinoma of Ovary disease_ontology DOID:5744 ovary serous adenocarcinoma "pulmonary valve disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:76267008] "pulmonary valve disorder NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:195001000] "pulmonary valve disorder" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:424.3] pulmonary valve disease ICD9CM_2010:424.3 NCI2009_04D:C78579 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:195001000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:76267008 UMLS_CUI:C0034087 URI: "ADA " EXACT [] "Adenosine Deaminase deficiency" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3962] "Adenosine deaminase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:44940001] "Adenosine deaminase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190999009] "Adenosine-deaminase deficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190738006] "adenosine deaminase deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1560-6660] "deficiency of adenosine deaminase (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124523006] "A severe combined immunodeficiency that is caused by a defective enzyme, adenosine deaminase (ADA), necessary for the breakdown of purines. Lack of ADA causes accumulation of dATP." [url:http\://] adenosine deaminase deficiency NCI2009_04D:C3962 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124523006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190738006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190999009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:44940001 UMLS_CUI:C0268124 URI: "X-Linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4682] "X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:203592006] "X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234569003] thymic epithelial hypoplasia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D053632 NCI2009_04D:C4682 OMIM2009_05_01:300400 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:203592006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234569003 UMLS_CUI:C1279481 URI: NCI:C5165 UMLS_CUI:C1332979 pediatric lymphoma disease_ontology DOID:5823 childhood lymphoma "ANEMIA HEMOLYTIC" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Hemolytic anemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:61261009] "Hemolytic anemias (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191416001] "Hemolytic anemias NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191231008] "hemolytic anemia" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-1005] hemolytic anemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000743 NCI2009_04D:C34376 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006276 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191231008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191416001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:61261009 UMLS_CUI:C0002878 URI: "neoplasm of retroperitoneum" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:359767009] "neoplasm of the retroperitoneum" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126872008] "neoplasm of the retroperitoneum" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:359770008] "retroperitoneal neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2005-3788] "retroperitoneal neoplasm" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3357] "tumor of retroperitoneum (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254617008] retroperitoneal neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012186 NCI2009_04D:C3357 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126872008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254617008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:359767009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:359770008 UMLS_CUI:C0035358 URI: congenital cystic kidney disease ICD9CM_2010:753.1 ICD9CM_2010:753.10 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156973002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204954005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204966004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:236440007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268332003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:82525005 UMLS_CUI:C0311245 URI: "hereditary hemolytic anemia" EXACT [] congenital hemolytic anemia ICD9CM_2010:282 ICD9CM_2010:282.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000745 NCI2009_04D:C34379 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154794008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154801000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191208008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267556002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267558001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:38911009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:42601008 UMLS_CUI:C0002881 URI: "PCK - Polycystic kidney disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:82525005] "Polycystic kidney disease NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268233005] "Polycystic kidney disease NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204956007] "Polycystic kidney disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204955006] "Polycystic kidney" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156973002] "Polycystic kidney" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204954005] "Polycystic kidney" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268332003] "Polycystic kidney, unspecified type" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:753.12] "polycystic kidney" EXACT [CSP2005:0725-1693] polycystic kidney disease ICD9CM_2010:753.12 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007690 NCI2009_04D:C75464 OMIM2009_05_01:173900 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU017769 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156973002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204954005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204955006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204956007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268233005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268332003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:82525005 UMLS_CUI:C0022680 URI: "Autosomal Recessive Polycystic kidney disease" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Polycystic kidney disease, infantile type (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:28770003] "Polycystic kidney, autosomal recessive" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:753.14] autosomal recessive polycystic kidney ICD9CM_2010:753.14 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017044 OMIM2009_05_01:263200 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:28770003 UMLS_CUI:C0085548 URI: "Polycystic kidney disease, adult type (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:28728008] "Polycystic kidney, autosomal dominant" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:753.13] autosomal dominant polycystic kidney ICD9CM_2010:753.13 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016891 OMIM2009_05_01:173900 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:28728008 UMLS_CUI:C0085413 URI: NCI:C7355 Urothelial cell carcinoma of renal Pelvis disease_ontology DOID:5974 renal pelvis transitional cell carcinoma skin abnormality ICD9CM_2010:757 ICD9CM_2010:757.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012868 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157017000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:199879009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205541000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205589009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205610005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205611009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268291009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268292002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268354001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268355000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:38164009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:5613003 UMLS_CUI:C0037268 URI: "Immunodeficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:64431000] "Immunodeficiency disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234532001] "Immunodeficiency" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C39725] "Unspecified immunity deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191005003] "Unspecified immunity deficiency" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:279.3] "hypoimmunity" EXACT [CSP2005:1553-9570] "immune deficiency disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1560-5885] "immunodeficiency syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3131] "An immune system disease that results when one or more essential parts of the immune system is missing or not working properly at birth due to a genetic mutation." [url:http\://] primary immunodeficiency disease ICD9CM_2010:279.3 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007153 NCI2009_04D:C3131 NCI2009_04D:C39725 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU007447 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191005003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234532001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:64431000 UMLS_CUI:C0021051 URI: "Leucopenia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:142917003] "Leucopenia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191348003] "Leukopenia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:84828003] "leukopenia" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-6887] "leukopenia" EXACT [MTH:U000175] "leukopenia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C26816] "A leukocyte disorder that is a decrease in the number of white blood cells (leukocytes) found in the blood, which places individuals at increased risk of infection." [url:http\://] leukopenia ICD9CM_2010:288.50 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007970 NCI2009_04D:C26816 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU007781 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:142917003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191348003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:419188005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:84828003 UMLS_CUI:C0023530 URI: "Duncan's syndrome" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:77121009] "Lymphoproliferative disease NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:238.7] "Lymphoproliferative disease, no ICD-O subtype (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:84631004] "Lymphoproliferative disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:277466009] "Lymphoproliferative disorder (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:414629003] "Lymphoproliferative disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C9308] lymphoproliferative disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008232 NCI2009_04D:C9308 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:277466009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:414629003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:77121009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:84631004 UMLS_CUI:C0024314 URI: aortic valve disease ICD9CM_2010:395.9 UMLS_CUI:C0155570 URI: "blood protein disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:0449-0541] blood protein disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001796 UMLS_CUI:C0005830 URI: "SCID" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:279.2] "SCID" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3472] "Severe combined immunodeficiency disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:31323000] "Severe combined immunodeficiency" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190994004] "combined T and B cell inborn immunodeficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1560-6660] "A combined T cell and B cell immunodeficiency that is caused by a defect in several genes encoding for B and T lymphocytes resulting in individuals with non-functional immune systems." [url:http\://, url:http\://, url:http\://] severe combined immunodeficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016511 NCI2009_04D:C3472 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU009056 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190994004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:31323000 UMLS_CUI:C0085110 URI: "Combined immunity deficiency NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191003005] "Congenital Combined Immunodeficiency" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27871] combined T cell and B cell immunodeficiency ICD9CM_2010:279.2 NCI2009_04D:C27871 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191003005 UMLS_CUI:C0494261 URI: congenital disorder of natural immunity NCI2009_04D:C27873 UMLS_CUI:C1333144 URI: "Hereditary disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:32895009] "Hereditary disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:264530000] "Molecular disease" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3101] "hereditary disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1254-7727] hereditary disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D030342 NCI2009_04D:C3101 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:264530000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:32895009 UMLS_CUI:C0019247 URI: "Metabolic encephalopathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:50122000] "Metabolic encephalopathy" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:348.31] "Metabolic encephalopathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:276258006] metabolic brain disease ICD9CM_2010:348.31 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001928 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:276258006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:50122000 UMLS_CUI:C0006112 URI: demyelinating disease of central nervous system ICD9CM_2010:341.9 NCI2009_04D:C34526 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194485009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:6118003 UMLS_CUI:C0011302 URI: CNS demyelinating autoimmune disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020278 UMLS_CUI:C0751873 URI: "Tetralogy of Fallot (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:86299006] "Tetralogy of Fallot NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204307003] "Tetralogy of Fallot, unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268177006] "Tetralogy of Fallot, unspecified" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204305006] "Ventricular septal defect with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:745.2] "tetralogy of Fallot" EXACT [CSP2005:0724-9541] tetralogy of Fallot ICD9CM_2010:745.2 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D013771 OMIM2009_05_01:187500 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU005530 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU013514 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156913009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204305006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204307003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268177006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:86299006 UMLS_CUI:C0039685 URI: "Pulmonic stenosis NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:424.3] "Pulmonic valve stenosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:56786000] "pulmonary stenosis NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266300007] "pulmonary stenosis, cause unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:194999004] "pulmonary valve stenosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1393-3827] pulmonary valve stenosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011666 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU002343 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012459 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:56786000 UMLS_CUI:C0034089 URI: "Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190958003] "Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34792] "Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234437005] "Hemophagocytic syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:127069007] "Hemophagocytic syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35439] hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis ICD9CM_2010:288.4 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D051359 NCI2009_04D:C34792 NCI2009_04D:C35439 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:127069007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190958003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234437005 UMLS_CUI:C0024291 URI: "Lhermitte-Duclos disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:67944007] "dysplastic Gangliocytoma of Cerebellum" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C8419] Lhermitte-Duclos disease NCI2009_04D:C8419 OMIM2009_05_01:158350 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU017010 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:67944007 UMLS_CUI:C0391826 URI: "Dermatitis due to Unspecified Substance taken Internally" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35224] "Dermatitis due to substances taken internally (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:13582007] "Dermatitis due to substances taken internally" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:693] "Dermatitis due to unspecified substance taken internally (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:201367002] "Dermatitis due to unspecified substance taken internally" EXACT [] skin and subcutaneous tissue disease ICD9CM_2010:702 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:201095006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:201107006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267806002 UMLS_CUI:C0029574 URI: "Prion disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:20484008] "Prion disease pathway" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C38853] "Prion protein disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193172009] "Spongiform Encephalopathy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27585] "Spongiform encephalopathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:230284004] "prion induced disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-5006] "prion induced disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-5040] prion disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017096 NCI2009_04D:C27585 NCI2009_04D:C38853 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193172009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:20484008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:230284004 UMLS_CUI:C0162534 URI: A musculoskeletal system disease that affects tissues such as skin, tendons, and cartilage. "Connective tissue dis." EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268048008] "Connective tissue disease" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Connective tissue disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:201432001] "Connective tissue disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C26729] "Other musculoskelet/connectiv" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268126004] "connective tissue disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:0729-7208] "disorder of connective tissue (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:105969002] MESH:D003240 NCI:C26729 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:201432001 UMLS_CUI:C0009782 connective tissue disorder disorder of connective tissue disease_ontology DOID:65 connective tissue disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003240 NCI2009_04D:C26729 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:105969002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:201432001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268048008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268126004 UMLS_CUI:C0009782 URI: "Congenital malformation and deformation of the musculoskeletal system (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:73573004] "Congenital malformations and deformations of the musculoskeletal system (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205947008] "Congenital musculoskeletal anomalies NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268281003] "Congenital musculoskeletal anomalies NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156998001] "Congenital musculoskeletal anomalies NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205535007] "Congenital musculoskeletal deformities" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205033007] "Congenital musculoskeletal deformity NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:205117007] "Skeletal anomaly-congen" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268336000] "congenital musculoskeletal anomaly" EXACT [] congenital musculoskeletal abnormality MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009139 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156998001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157008000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205033007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205117007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205535007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205947008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268281003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268336000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268352002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:73573004 UMLS_CUI:C0151491 URI: inborn errors purine-pyrimidine metabolism ICD9CM_2010:277.2 MSH:D011686 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190917005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190922005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191109006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267450006 UMLS_CUI:C0029595 URI: "Plasma cell disorder (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:277576009] "Plasma cell dyscrasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:71390001] "Plasma cell neoplasm (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:415111003] "Plasma cell neoplasm (morphology)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:127580003] "Plasma cell tumour" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:274907000] "Plasmacytic tumor" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4665] plasma cell neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010265 NCI2009_04D:C4665 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:277576009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:71390001 UMLS_CUI:C1136084 URI: overnutrition ICD9CM_2010:277.6 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190943006 UMLS_CUI:C0029570 URI: "Inborn Errors of Metabolism" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34816] "Inborn error of metabolism (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:86095007] "Metabolic hereditary disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:363205007] "inborn metabolism disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-0057] "A simple genetic disease that comprises a large class of genetic diseases involving disorders of metabolism." [url:http\://] inborn errors of metabolism MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008661 NCI2009_04D:C34816 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:363205007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:86095007 UMLS_CUI:C0025521 URI: NCI:C5473 UMLS_CUI:C1333791 tubular adenocarcinoma of stomach disease_ontology DOID:6595 gastric tubular adenocarcinoma muscle tissue disease URI: DOID:3949 ICD10CM:C74.0 MESH:D000306 NCI:C2858 NCI:C9327 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:127022002 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93664009 UMLS_CUI:C0001618 UMLS_CUI:C0346402 Adrenal cortical tumors malignant Adrenocortical tumor malignant neoplasm of adrenal cortex malignant tumour of adrenal cortex neoplasm of adrenal cortex disease_ontology DOID:660 adrenal cortex cancer "Angiokeratoma of skin (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254788004] "Cutaneous Angiokeratoma" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4488] angiokeratoma of skin NCI2009_04D:C4488 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254788004 UMLS_CUI:C0346075 URI: "Muscular calcification, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:57879007] "Muscular ossification (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:44551007] "Myisitis ossificans" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:728.12] "Ossification - muscle" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156720008] "Ossification - muscle" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:203030008] myositis ossificans MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009221 NCI2009_04D:C3253 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156720008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:203030008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:44551007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:57879007 UMLS_CUI:C0027122 URI: "Cerebro-oculo-facio-skeletal syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:41283003] "Cerebrooculofacioskeletal syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3817] COFS syndrome NCI2009_04D:C3817 OMIM2009_05_01:214150 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:41283003 UMLS_CUI:C0220722 URI: "antepartum cerebrovascular disorder" EXACT [] "cerebrovascular disorder" EXACT [] "postpartum cerebrovascular disorder" EXACT [] cerebrovascular disease ICD9CM_2010:430-438.99 ICD9CM_2010:437.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002561 NCI2009_04D:C2938 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155388006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155412002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:195249004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:195595007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266312006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:62914000 UMLS_CUI:C0007820 URI: "(Palatoschisis) or (unspecified cleft palate)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204593009] "Palatoschisis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:253986002] "Uranostaphyloschisis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:63567004] "cleft palate (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:87979003] "cleft palate NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204605001] "cleft palate" EXACT [CSP2005:0725-9049] "cleft palate" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:749.0] "cleft palate" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156940009] "cleft palate, unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268196005] "cleft palate, unspecified" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:749.00] cleft palate ICD9CM_2010:749.0 ICD9CM_2010:749.00 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002972 OMIM2009_05_01:119540 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000511 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156940009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204593009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204605001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:253986002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268196005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:63567004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:87979003 UMLS_CUI:C0008925 URI: "basal ganglia disease" EXACT [CSP2005:2057-3403] "disorder of basal ganglia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:70835005] basal ganglia disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001480 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:70835005 UMLS_CUI:C0004782 URI: "A dimentia that results_from the pathological aggregation of tau protein in so-called neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the human brain." [url:http\://] tauopathy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D024801 UMLS_CUI:C0949664 URI: A liver carcinoma that has_material_basis_in undifferentiated hepatocytes and located_in the liver. DOID:5005 UMLS_CUI:C2239176 EFO:0000182 ICD10CM:C22.0 ICDO:8170/3 NCI:C3099 OMIM:114550 ORDO:88673 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_07_31:109841003 Hepatoma disease_ontology DOID:684 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. hepatocellular carcinoma A liver cancer that has_material_basis_in epithelial cells. NCI:C7927 UMLS_CUI:C0279000 Liver and Intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma disease_ontology DOID:686 liver carcinoma "embryo neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2000-3997] "embryonal neoplasm" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3264] "A germ cell cancer that is associated with an embryo." [url:http\://] embryonal cancer NCI2009_04D:C3264 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006872 UMLS_CUI:C0027654 URI: "mitochondrial cytopathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:240096000] "mitochondrial myopathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:16851005] "mitochondrial myopathy" EXACT [CSP2005:5000-0048] mitochondrial myopathy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017240 OMIM2009_05_01:251900 OMIM2009_05_01:530000 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU005171 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:16851005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:240096000 UMLS_CUI:C0162670 URI: A disease that manifests in a defined anatomical structure. "acellular anatomical structure disease" EXACT [] "disease of anatomical set" EXACT [] "disease of anatomical structure" EXACT [] "disease of material anatomical entity" EXACT [] "disease of physical anatomical entity" EXACT [] "disease of set of heterogenous clusters" EXACT [] DOID:1 DOID:2 DOID:5 DOID:71 DOID:72 DOID:8 disease_ontology DOID:7 "A disease that manifests in a defined anatomical structure." [DO:wk\,ls, URL:http\://] disease of anatomical entity URI: "Dentin dysplasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:109492001] "Dentinal dysplasia" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:520.5] "Dentinal dysplasia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:45742009] dentin dysplasia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003805 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:109492001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:45742009 UMLS_CUI:C0011430 URI: "Hereditary optic Atrophy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34864] "Hereditary optic atrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:26360005] "Hereditary optic atrophy NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267656009] "Hereditary optic atrophy NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:194045006] "Hereditary optic atrophy" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:377.16] hereditary optic atrophy ICD9CM_2010:377.16 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015418 NCI2009_04D:C34864 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194045006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:26360005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267656009 UMLS_CUI:C0029125 URI: "Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy" EXACT [CSP2005:2042-6601] "Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy" EXACT [CSP2005:5000-0048] "Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:230510002] "Leber's optic atrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:58610003] "Leber's optic atrophy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:194045006] "optic atrophy, Leber's" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:377.16] leber hereditary optic atrophy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D029242 OMIM2009_05_01:535000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:194045006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:230510002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:58610003 UMLS_CUI:C0917796 URI: mature B-cell lymphocytic neoplasm NCI2009_04D:C27910 UMLS_CUI:C1334633 URI: A non-Hodgkin lymphoma that has_material_basis_in B cells. "B-cell neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:413616009] GARD:5877 MESH:D016393 NCI:C3457 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:109979007 UMLS_CUI:C0079731 B-cell lymphocytic neoplasm disease_ontology DOID:707 B-cell lymphocytic neoplasm B-cell lymphoma NCI2009_04D:C27907 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:413616009 UMLS_CUI:C1332362 URI: ICDO:9729/3 ICDO:9837/3 MESH:D015458 UMLS_CUI:C0023492 T-cell leukemia disease_ontology DOID:715 T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma "ANEMIA NORMOCYTIC" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Normocytic anemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:300980002] normocytic anemia NCI2009_04D:C35142 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:300980002 UMLS_CUI:C0085577 URI: An organ system benign neoplasm that is located_in the kidneys, ureteres, bladder or urethra. "neoplasm of urinary system (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:126879004] "tumor of the urinary system" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3431] "tumor of urinary tract (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:254913005] "urinary tract neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:2021-0179] MESH:D014571 NCI:C3431 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254913005 UMLS_CUI:C0042076 neoplasm of urinary system tumor of the urinary system tumor of urinary tract urinary tract neoplasm disease_ontology DOID:731 Urologic neoplasm urinary system benign neoplasm MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014571 NCI2009_04D:C3431 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:126879004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:254913005 UMLS_CUI:C0042076 URI: A disease of anatomical entity that has_material_basis_in hematopoietic cells. "Blood disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267552000] "Blood disease NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267573000] "Blood disease NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154842002] "Blood disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154785002] "Blood dyscrasia NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191402006] "Blood dyscrasia NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:289.9] "Blood/blood forming organ NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191446003] "DISEASE OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:280-289.99] "Hematological disease" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Unspecified disease of blood and blood-forming organs" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:289.9] "blood disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-3600] "disease of blood and/or blood-forming organ (navigational concept)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191124002] "disease of hematopoietic system" EXACT [] "disorder of hematopoietic system (navigational concept)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:34093004] ICD10CM:D75.9 ICD9CM:289.9 MESH:D006402 NCI:C26323 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:154785002 UMLS_CUI:C0018939 Blood disease Blood dyscrasia DISEASE OF THE BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS Hematological disease blood disorder disease of haematopoietic system disease of hematopoietic system haematopoietic system disease disease_ontology DOID:74 hematopoietic system disease ICD9CM_2010:280-289.99 ICD9CM_2010:289.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006402 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154785002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154842002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191124002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191402006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191446003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267552000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267573000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:34093004 UMLS_CUI:C0018939 URI: "Microcephaly, normal intelligence and immunodeficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234638009] "Nijmegen Breakage syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4692] "Seemanova syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:5005-0018] Seemanova syndrome II MSH2010_2010_02_22:D049932 NCI2009_04D:C4692 OMIM2009_05_01:251260 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234638009 UMLS_CUI:C0398791 URI: Muscle calcification and ossification ICD9CM_2010:728.10 UMLS_CUI:C0158355 URI: "Adenopathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:141342003] "Adenopathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:269044004] "Lymphangiopathy, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:3305006] "Lymphatic disease" EXACT [MTH:461] "Lymphatic disease" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Lymphatic disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155452000] "Lymphatic disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266326002] "Lymphatic disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3206] "disease of lympoid system" EXACT [] "disorder of lymph node and lymphatics (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:234087005] "disorder of lymphatic system" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:362971004] "disorder of lymphoid system" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:111590001] "lymphatic disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-7757] "lympoid system disease" EXACT [] lymphatic system disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008206 NCI2009_04D:C3206 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU002630 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:111590001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:141342003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155452000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:234087005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266326002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269044004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:3305006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:362971004 UMLS_CUI:C0024228 URI: "congenital abnormality" EXACT [] congenital disorder ICD9CM_2010:740-759.99 ICD9CM_2010:759.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000013 NCI2009_04D:C2849 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU021421 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:107656002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:112635002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157028001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157033002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:157034008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205842001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205999005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:21390004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268359006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:276654001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:276655000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:385297003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:443341004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:66091009 UMLS_CUI:C0000768 URI: "Amyotrophia NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:203036002] "Amyotrophia NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:728.2] "Muscle atrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:88092000] "Muscle wasting" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:249827008] "Muscular atrophy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155014006] "Muscular atrophy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267693003] "Wasting - muscle" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156721007] "Wasting - muscle" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268104000] muscular atrophy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009133 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU003217 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006794 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006937 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU014866 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155014006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156721007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:203036002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:249827008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267693003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268104000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:88092000 UMLS_CUI:C0026846 URI: "RB - Retinoblastoma" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:134191003] "RB" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7541] "Retinoblastoma (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:370967009] "Retinoblastoma (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:19906005] "Retinoblastoma NOS (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189935007] "Retinoblastomas (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189934006] "neuroblastoma of Retina" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C6956] "retinoblastoma" EXACT [CSP2005:2018-3452] "A retinal cell cancer and malignant neoplasm of retina and neuroblastoma and neuroendocrine tumors that derives_from the tissues of the retina." [url:http\://] retinoblastoma MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012175 NCI2009_04D:C6956 NCI2009_04D:C7541 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:134191003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154553002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189934006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189935007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:19906005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:269614001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:370967009 UMLS_CUI:C0035335 URI: An autonomic nervous system neoplasm that derives_from immature nerve cells. EFO:0000621 GARD:7185 ICDO:9500/3 MESH:D009447 NCI:C3270 ORDO:635 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:432328008 UMLS_CUI:C0027819 disease_ontology DOID:769 Xref MGI. OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. neuroblastoma A disease of anatomical entity that is located_in the gastrointestinal tract. "GIT disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155629009] "GIT disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266483008] "GIT disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:53619000] "GIT disorder NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155806004] "GIT disorder NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266534007] "Gastroenteropathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:25374005] "Non-neoplastic gastrointestinal disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27550] "alimentary system disease" EXACT [] "digestive system disorder" EXACT [] "disease of digestive tract (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:84410009] "disorder of gastrointestinal tract (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:119292006] "gastrointestinal disease and Manifestations" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2990] "gastrointestinal disease" EXACT [] "gastrointestinal disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:1248-3545] "gastrointestinal tract disorder NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:286978000] "gastrointestinal tract disorder NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155799006] DOID:27 DOID:944 ICD10CM:K92.9 ICD9CM:520-579.99 MESH:D004066 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:53619000 UMLS_CUI:C0012242 GIT disease Gastroenteropathy alimentary system disease digestive system disorder gastrointestinal disease gastrointestinal disorder disease_ontology DOID:77 gastrointestinal system disease ICD9CM_2010:520-579.99 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004066 NCI2009_04D:C2990 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155629009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155847001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:197575000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266483008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:53619000 UMLS_CUI:C0012242 URI: "malignant Retinal neoplasm" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3216] "malignant tumor of retina (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:363465007] malignant neoplasm of retina ICD9CM_2010:190.5 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D019572 NCI2009_04D:C3216 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:363465007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:93987004 UMLS_CUI:C0024622 URI: "A blastoma and retinal neoplasm that derives_from the retina." [url:http\://] retinal cell cancer NCI2009_04D:C7061 UMLS_CUI:C1335765 URI: A leukemia that occurs in children. NCI:C4989 UMLS_CUI:C1332977 disease_ontology DOID:7757 childhood leukemia NCI:C5250 UMLS_CUI:C1335965 Signet Ring cell adenocarcinoma of the stomach disease_ontology DOID:8025 gastric signet ring cell adenocarcinoma "adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyposis Coli" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C4134] "adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyposis coli (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:57513006] adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyposis coli NCI2009_04D:C4134 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:57513006 UMLS_CUI:C0334293 URI: "Digestive system neoplasm" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "digestive neoplasm" EXACT [CSP2005:4000-0164] "neoplasm of digestive system (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128348002] "neoplasm of digestive tract" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:128415001] "neoplasm of unspecified nature of digestive system (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:189527000] "neoplasm of unspecified nature of digestive system" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:239.0] "A cancer by anatomical entitiy that is manifested in any part of the digestive system." [url:http\://] digestive system cancer ICD9CM_2010:239.0 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004067 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128348002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:128415001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:189527000 UMLS_CUI:C0012243 URI: NCI:C3888 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:254921004 UMLS_CUI:C0241961 Angiomyolipoma of kidney renal Angiomyolipoma disease_ontology DOID:8411 kidney angiomyolipoma vitamin B deficiency ICD9CM_2010:266.2 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:111402000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190632000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190636002 UMLS_CUI:C0029523 URI: "Avitaminosis, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:85670002] avitaminosis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001361 NCI2009_04D:C34406 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154729006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267494000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:85670002 UMLS_CUI:C0376286 URI: vitamin deficiency ICD9CM_2010:269.1 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190651006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191084002 UMLS_CUI:C0011157 URI: malnutrition ICD9CM_2010:269 ICD9CM_2010:269.8 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154731002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190650007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190672009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190673004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191079008 UMLS_CUI:C0154241 URI: "RETINA degeneration" EXACT [MTH:649] "degeneration of retina (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:95695004] "retina degeneration" EXACT [CSP2005:1114-9354] retinal degeneration MSH2010_2010_02_22:D012162 NCI2009_04D:C34979 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU004856 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:95695004 UMLS_CUI:C0035304 URI: "Arthritis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:3723001] "Arthritis (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:372091005] "Inflammation of joint NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:716.9] "Inflammatory disorder of joint" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:363178003] "arthritis" EXACT [CSP2005:2715-1134] "arthritis" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C2883] arthritis MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001168 NCI2009_04D:C2883 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU001688 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:202059001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:363178003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:372091005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:3723001 UMLS_CUI:C0003864 URI: "Amebic lung abscess (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:65095005] "Amebic lung abscess" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:006.4] "Non-neoplastic pulmonary disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27557] "abscess of lung (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:73452002] "abscess of lung NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:196113000] "abscess of lung" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:513.0] "amebic abscess of lung" EXACT [] "lung abscess" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:155618005] "lung abscess" EXACT [] "lung disease" EXACT [] "non-neoplastic lung disorder" EXACT [] "A lower respiratory tract disease in which the function of the lungs is adversely affected by narrowing or blockage of the airways resulting in poor air flow, a loss of elasticity in the lungs that produces a decrease in the total volume of air that the lungs are able to hold, and clotting, scarring, or inflammation of the blood vessels that affect the ability of the lungs to take up oxygen and to release carbon dioxide." [url:http\://, url:http\://] lung disease ICD9CM_2010:513.0 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008169 MSH:D008171 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155618005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:196113000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:73452002 UMLS_CUI:C0024110 URI: Hereditary retinal dystrophy ICD9CM_2010:362.7 ICD9CM_2010:362.70 NCI2009_04D:C35194 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193399000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193417000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267615006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:41799005 UMLS_CUI:C0154860 URI: "Retinal Dystrophy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35625] "Retinal dystrophy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:314407005] retinal dystrophy NCI2009_04D:C35625 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU001998 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:314407005 UMLS_CUI:C0854723 URI: encephalopathy ICD9CM_2010:348.3 ICD9CM_2010:348.30 NCI2009_04D:C26920 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU003333 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155053002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193051008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:76011009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:81308009 UMLS_CUI:C0085584 URI: "Collagen disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:81573002] "Collagen disease NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:201454004] "Collagen disease NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:710.9] "Collagen disease NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156458006] "Collagen disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:201434000] "Collagen disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:268048008] "collagen disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:0729-7550] collagen disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003095 NCI2009_04D:C27204 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156458006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:201434000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:201454004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:268048008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:81573002 UMLS_CUI:C0009326 URI: A myeloid leukemia that is characterized by over production of white blood cells. DOID:8551 DOID:8606 EFO:0000339 GARD:6105 ICD9CM:205.1 ICDO:9863/3 KEGG:05220 OMIM:608232 ORDO:521 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:154592009 UMLS_CUI:C0023473 CML CML - chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Myeloid Leukemia, chronic chronic granulocytic leukaemia chronic granulocytic leukemia chronic myelogenous leukaemia chronic myelogenous leukemia chronic myeloid leukaemia disease_ontology DOID:8552 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. chronic myeloid leukemia "Biotinidase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:8808004] "deficiency of biotinidase (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124513002] biotinidase deficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D028921 OMIM2009_05_01:253260 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU011117 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124513002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:8808004 UMLS_CUI:C0220754 URI: A lymphoma that is marked by the presence of a type of cell called the Reed-Sternberg cell. DOID:0060059 DOID:8652 DOID:8671 DOID:8685 DOID:8710 DOID:8715 DOID:8841 DOID:8953 DOID:9096 DOID:9107 EFO:0000183 GARD:2714 ICD10CM:C81 ICD9CM:201 MESH:D006689 NCI:C9357 OMIM:236000 OMIM:300221 OMIM:400021 ORDO:98293 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:118599009 UMLS_CUI:C0019829 HL Hodgkin disease Hodgkin lymphoma Hodgkin's sarcoma Hodgkins lymphoma stage I Subdiaphragmatic Hodgkin Lymphoma stage II Subdiaphragmatic Hodgkin Lymphoma disease_ontology DOID:8567 Xref MGI. OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. Hodgkin's lymphoma MESH:D006689 NCI:C9357 multiple carboxylase deficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009100 UMLS_CUI:C0026755 URI: "Disturbance of branched chain amino acid metabolism NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190705002] "Disturbances of branched-chain amino-acid metabolism" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:270.3] "disorder of branched-chain amino acid metabolism (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:116020001] "inborn branched chain aminoaciduria" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-1063] disturbance of metabolism of leucine, isoleucine and valine ICD9CM_2010:270.3 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:116020001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190705002 UMLS_CUI:C0342712 URI:,_isoleucine_and_valine A mature B-cell neoplasm of B-cells found in the germinal center. GARD:5973 ICD10CM:C83.7 ICD9CM:200.2 ICDO:9687/3 MESH:D002051 NCI:C2912 OMIM:113970 ORDO:543 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:118617000 UMLS_CUI:C0006413 Burkitt lymphoma/leukaemia Burkitt's Lymphoma Burkitt's tumor Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma malignant lymphoma, Burkitt's type small Non-Cleaved cell Lymphoma, Burkitt's type disease_ontology DOID:8584 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. Burkitt lymphoma "Biotin-(propionyl-CoA-carboxylase) ligase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:15307001] "Holocarboxylase synthase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:360369003] "Holocarboxylase synthase deficiency [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237956003] "Multiple carboxylase deficiency - neonatal onset (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:360367001] holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D028922 OMIM2009_05_01:253270 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU011107 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:15307001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237956003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:360367001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:360369003 UMLS_CUI:C0268581 URI: DOID:8734 ICD10CM:C03 ICD9CM:143 NCI:C9317 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93819009 UMLS_CUI:C0153364 malignant Gingival tumor malignant neoplasm of gum malignant neoplasm of other sites of gum malignant tumor of gum malignant tumour of gingiva disease_ontology DOID:8602 gum cancer A gastrointestinal system cancer that is located_in the oral cavity. DOID:0050627 DOID:8617 DOID:9049 DOID:9055 GARD:9360 ICD10CM:C04 ICD10CM:C04.0 ICD10CM:C04.1 ICD9CM:144 ICD9CM:144.0 ICD9CM:144.1 NCI:C9318 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93672006 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93802007 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93860002 UMLS_CUI:C0153368 UMLS_CUI:C0153369 UMLS_CUI:C0496758 malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth disease_ontology DOID:8618 oral cavity cancer A disease of anatomical entity that is located_in the central nervous system or located_in the peripheral nervous system. ICD10CM:G98 ICD9CM:349.9 MESH:D009422 NCI:C26835 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:155262005 UMLS_CUI:C0027765 disease_ontology DOID:863 nervous system disease ICD9CM_2010:349.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009422 NCI2009_04D:C26835 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:118940003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154981003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155262005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192641002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267679005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:286946008 UMLS_CUI:C0027765 URI: organic psychosis ICD9CM_2010:293.89 UMLS_CUI:C0154334 URI: DOID:8648 DOID:8779 DOID:8900 DOID:8940 DOID:8999 DOID:9058 DOID:9068 DOID:9196 GARD:7779 ICD10CM:C01 ICD10CM:C02.0 ICD10CM:C02.1 ICD10CM:C02.2 ICD10CM:C02.4 ICD10CM:C02.9 ICD9CM:141 ICD9CM:141.0 ICD9CM:141.1 ICD9CM:141.2 ICD9CM:141.3 ICD9CM:141.5 ICD9CM:141.6 MESH:D014062 NCI:C3524 NCI:C9345 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:187644001 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:363376007 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:363377003 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93773005 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:94100005 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:94101009 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:94134006 UMLS_CUI:C0153349 UMLS_CUI:C0153350 UMLS_CUI:C0153351 UMLS_CUI:C0153356 UMLS_CUI:C0474963 UMLS_CUI:C0496755 UMLS_CUI:C0684333 malignant neoplasm of tongue disease_ontology DOID:8649 tongue cancer A sarcoma that has_material_basis in lymphatic tissue. DOID:8967 disease_ontology DOID:8675 lymphosarcoma has been obsoleted in NCI. obsolete ymphosarcoma true A leukemia that is located_in myeloid tissue. DOID:8878 DOID:8879 DOID:8910 DOID:9066 DOID:9126 GARD:8226 ICD10CM:C92 ICD9CM:205 ICDO:9860/3 MESH:D007951 NCI:C3172 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:269631008 UMLS_CUI:C0023470 Non-Lymphocytic Leukemia leukaemia myelogenous leukemia myelogenous myeloid granulocytic leukaemia myeloid granulocytic leukemia myeloid leukaemia disease_ontology DOID:8692 myeloid leukemia "Neuropathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:264554005] "Neuropathy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:386033004] "Neuropathy" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Neuropathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193167000] "Neuropathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:277317008] "Neuropathy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:277878001] "Neuropathy, NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:42658009] neuropathy NCI2009_04D:C4731 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU016030 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193167000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:264554005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:277317008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:277878001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:386033004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:42658009 UMLS_CUI:C0442874 URI: "Neurofibromatosis 1" EXACT [MTH:U003314] "Neurofibromatosis, type 1 (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:92824003] "Neurofibromatosis, type 1" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:237.71] "Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis" EXACT [CSP2005:2012-7338] "Von Recklinghausen's disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:81669005] "peripheral Neurofibromatosis" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3273] "von Recklinghausen's disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:237.7] neurofibromatosis type 1 ICD9CM_2010:237.71 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D009456 NCI2009_04D:C3273 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:81669005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:92824003 UMLS_CUI:C0027831 URI: "Neurofibromatosis (morphologic abnormality)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:81669005] "Neurofibromatosis syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:19133005] "Neurofibromatosis" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:237.7] "Neurofibromatosis" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C6727] "Neurofibromatosis" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154642000] "neurofibromatosis" EXACT [CSP2005:2012-7338] neurofibromatosis ICD9CM_2010:237.7 ICD9CM_2010:237.70 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017253 NCI2009_04D:C6727 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154642000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:19133005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:81669005 UMLS_CUI:C0162678 URI: "Lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:188487008] "Other named variants of lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes" EXACT [] "Other named variants of lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma involving intrapelvic lymph nodes" EXACT [] "Other named variants of lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma involving intrathoracic lymph nodes" EXACT [] "Other named variants of lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb" EXACT [] "Other named variants of lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma involving lymph nodes of head, face and neck" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:200.81] "Other named variants of lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck" EXACT [] "Other named variants of lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma involving lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb" EXACT [] "Other named variants of lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma involving lymph nodes of multiple sites" EXACT [] "Other named variants of lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma involving spleen" EXACT [] "Other named variants of lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma" EXACT [] "Other named variants of lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma, unspecified site" EXACT [] lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma ICD9CM_2010:200.8 UMLS_CUI:C0079955 URI: "Connective and soft tissue disease" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C27574] "Connective and soft tissue disorder" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "disease of deep fascial system" EXACT [] soft tissue disease NCI2009_04D:C27574 UMLS_CUI:C1333150 URI: An oral cavity cancer that is located_in the salivary gland. DOID:8873 DOID:9148 ICD10CM:C08 ICD9CM:142.8 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:187648003 UMLS_CUI:C0153362 malignant neoplasm of salivary gland disease_ontology DOID:8850 salivary gland cancer A monocytic leukemia where the majority of monocytic cells are promonocytes. DOID:9208 GARD:525 ICD9CM:206.0 ICDO:9891/3 MESH:D007948 OMIM:151380 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:91859000 UMLS_CUI:C0023465 acute Monoblastic Leukemia and acute Monocytic Leukemia acute monocytic leukaemia acute monocytic leukaemia without mention of remission acute monocytic leukemia without mention of remission acute monocytic leukemia, FAB M5 acute monocytic leukemia, morphology disease_ontology DOID:8864 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. acute monocytic leukemia inborn metabolic brain disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020739 UMLS_CUI:C0752109 URI: "mitochondrial encephalomyopathy" EXACT [CSP2005:5000-0048] mitochondrial encephalomyopathy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017237 UMLS_CUI:C0162666 URI: "progressive Myoclonus epilepsy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C7636] "progressive myoclonic epilepsy (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:89480000] "progressive myoclonic epilepsy (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267581004] "progressive myoclonic epilepsy" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:333.2] "progressive myoclonic epilepsy" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192844008] progressive myoclonic epilepsy MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020191 NCI2009_04D:C7636 OMIM2009_05_01:310370 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU010924 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU022406 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192844008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267581004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:89480000 UMLS_CUI:C0751778 URI: "Cerebral pseudosclerosis (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:192640001] "Westphal pseudosclerosis" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-4349] "Westphal-Strumpell syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190823004] "Wilson's disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:88518009] "Wilson's disease * (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191710006] "Wilson's disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:275.1] "Wilson's disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154751003] "Wilson's disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267504005] hepatolenticular degeneration MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006527 OMIM2009_05_01:277900 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154751003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190823004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191710006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:192640001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267504005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:88518009 UMLS_CUI:C0019202 URI: nervous system heredodegenerative disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020271 UMLS_CUI:C0751870 URI: "Copper disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154751003] "Copper disorder" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267504005] "disorder of copper metabolism (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:79886009] "disorder of copper metabolism NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190854000] "disorder of copper metabolism" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:275.1] disorder of copper metabolism ICD9CM_2010:275.1 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154751003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190854000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267504005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:79886009 UMLS_CUI:C0012714 URI: "ANEMIA SIDEROBLASTIC" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Anemia, hypochromic with iron loading" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:285.0] "Sideroblastic Anemia" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C36078] "Sideroblastic anaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154810008] "Sideroblastic anemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:41841004] "Sideroblastic anemia NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:191263002] "sideroblastic anemia" EXACT [CSP2005:0427-3427] sideroblastic anemia ICD9CM_2010:285.0 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000756 NCI2009_04D:C36078 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006438 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154810008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191263002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:41841004 UMLS_CUI:C0002896 URI: "inborn metal metabolism disorder" EXACT [CSP2005:4000-0215] inborn errors metal metabolism MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008664 UMLS_CUI:C0025534 URI: "Zellweger syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:88469006] "Zellweger syndrome" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:277.86] "congenital iron overload" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-1804] Zellweger syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015211 OMIM2009_05_01:214100 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:88469006 UMLS_CUI:C0043459 URI: "peroxisomal disorder" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:277.86] peroxisomal disorder ICD9CM_2010:277.86 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018901 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:238059005 UMLS_CUI:C0282528 URI: A myeloid leukemia that is characterized by the rapid growth of abnormal white blood cells that accumulate in the bone marrow and interfere with the production of normal blood cells. DOID:9118 DOID:9171 GARD:12757 ICD10CM:C92.0 ICD9CM:205.0 ICDO:9861/3 KEGG:05221 MESH:D015470 NCI:C3171 OMIM:601626 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:91861009 UMLS_CUI:C0023467 AML - acute Myeloid Leukemia Leukemia, Myelocytic, acute acute myeloblastic leukaemia acute myeloblastic leukemia acute myelogenous leukaemia acute myelogenous leukemia acute myeloid leukaemia disease_ontology DOID:9119 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. acute myeloid leukemia atrophic muscular disorder MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020966 UMLS_CUI:C0752352 URI: "Acoustic neurofibromatosis" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:237.72] "Neurofibromatosis 2" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "Neurofibromatosis, type 2 (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:92503002] "central Neurofibromatosis" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3274] "neurofibromatosis type 2 [acoustic neurofibromatosis]" EXACT [] neurofibromatosis type 2 ICD9CM_2010:237.72 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016518 NCI2009_04D:C3274 OMIM2009_05_01:101000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:92503002 UMLS_CUI:C0027832 URI: "Wiskott syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-0285] "Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:36070007] "Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3448] Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome ICD9CM_2010:279.12 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014923 NCI2009_04D:C3448 OMIM2009_05_01:277970 OMIM2009_05_01:301000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:36070007 UMLS_CUI:C0043194 URI: ICD10CM:C08.0 ICD9CM:142.1 NCI:C3526 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:363380002 UMLS_CUI:C0153360 malignant neoplasm of submaxillary gland malignant tumor of submandibular gland malignant tumor of the Submandibular gland disease_ontology DOID:9173 submandibular gland cancer pregnancy complication ICD9CM_2010:646.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D011248 NCI2009_04D:C34941 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156097009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156123001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156131006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:198881004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:199152008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267311008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267314000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:90821003 UMLS_CUI:C0032962 URI: "Alagille syndrome" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35139] "Alagille-Watson syndrome" EXACT [CSP2005:5005-0002] "Arteriohepatic dysplasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:31742004] Alagille syndrome MSH2010_2010_02_22:D016738 NCI2009_04D:C35139 OMIM2009_05_01:118450 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:31742004 UMLS_CUI:C0085280 URI: "Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:32985001] Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome OMIM2009_05_01:175700 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:32985001 UMLS_CUI:C0265306 URI: inborn errors of amino acid metabolism ICD9CM_2010:270 ICD9CM_2010:270.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000592 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154734005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190680002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190740001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267496003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:42930003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:44779003 UMLS_CUI:C0002514 URI: A large intestine cancer that is located_in the colon and/or located_in the rectum. ICD10CM:C18.9 KEGG:05210 MESH:D015179 NCI:C2956 NCI:C4978 OMIM:114500 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:126837005 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:93854002 UMLS_CUI:C0009404 UMLS_CUI:C0346629 disease_ontology DOID:9256 Xref MGI. OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. colorectal cancer "Cerebellar hypoplasia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204055008] "Congenital cerebellar hypoplasia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:16026008] Congenital cerebellar hypoplasia OMIM2009_05_01:213000 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000269 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU009082 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:16026008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204055008 UMLS_CUI:C0266470 URI: "Homocystinuria (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:11282001] "Homocystinuria [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190709008] "cystathionine synthase deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-0835] homocystinuria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D006712 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008818 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:11282001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190709008 UMLS_CUI:C0019880 URI: "Disturbance of sulfur-bearing amino acid metabolism NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267421004] "Disturbance of sulphur-bearing amino-acid metabolism NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190712006] "Disturbances of sulphur-bearing amino-acid metabolism" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:270.4] "Sulphuraminoacidaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:28882002] sulfuraminoacidemia ICD9CM_2010:270.4 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190712006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267421004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:28882002 UMLS_CUI:C0268613 URI: "Cystinuria (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:85020001] "cystinuria" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-2146] cystinuria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D003555 OMIM2009_05_01:220100 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154738008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267498002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:85020001 UMLS_CUI:C0010691 URI: "disorder of metabolism of ornithine, citrulline, argininosuccinic acid, arginine and ammonia" EXACT [] "disorder of the urea cycle metabolism (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:36444000] "disorder of urea cycle metabolism" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:270.6] inborn urea cycle disorder ICD9CM_2010:270.6 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D056806 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:36444000 UMLS_CUI:C0154246 URI: "Non-ketotic hyperglycinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:237939006] "nonketotic hyperglycinemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-0664] nonketotic hyperglycinemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020158 OMIM2009_05_01:605899 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237939006 UMLS_CUI:C0751748 URI: "Ketoacidaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:27718001] "Maple syrup urine disease" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:270.3] "branched chain ketoaciduria" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-1063] "Maple syrup urine disease is a hereditary aminoaciduria caused by a deficiency of decarboxylase leading to high concentrations of valine, leucine, isoleucine, and alloisoleucine in the blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid and characterized by an odor of maple syrup to the urine, vomiting, hypertonicity, severe mental retardation, seizures, and eventually death unless the condition is treated with dietary measures." [URL:http\://] maple syrup urine disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008375 NCI2009_04D:C34806 OMIM2009_05_01:248600 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:27718001 UMLS_CUI:C0024776 URI: "Alcaptonuria (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:367388008] "Alkaptonuria (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:24250001] "Alkaptonuria (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:360381004] "Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase deficiency [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267418001] "deficiency of homogentisicase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124207005] "deficiency of homogentisicase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:360378009] alkaptonuria MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000474 OMIM2009_05_01:203500 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124207005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190689001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:24250001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267418001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:360378009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:360381004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:367388008 UMLS_CUI:C0002066 URI: "deficiency of citrulline phosphorylase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124249000] "deficiency of citrulline phosphorylase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:80908008] "ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-9662] ornithine carbamoyltransferase deficiency MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020163 OMIM2009_05_01:311250 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124249000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:80908008 UMLS_CUI:C0268542 URI: "ASS deficiency" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-9492] "Citrullinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:15489004] "Citrullinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:398680004] "Citrullinuria (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:398630005] "deficiency of citrulline-aspartate ligase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124711003] citrullinemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020159 OMIM2009_05_01:215700 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124711003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:15489004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:398630005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:398680004 UMLS_CUI:C0175683 URI: "hyperlysinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:58558003] "hyperlysinemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-0342] "hyperlysinemia" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:270.7] hyperlysinemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020167 OMIM2009_05_01:238700 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:58558003 UMLS_CUI:C0268553 URI: "Tyrosinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190694001] "hypertyrosinemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:56595005] "hypertyrosinemia" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:270.2] "tyrosinemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-1291] tyrosinemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020176 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008933 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190694001 UMLS_CUI:C0268483 URI: "Arginase deficiency (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:23501004] "argininemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-9378] "deficiency of canavanase" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:124518006] hyperargininemia MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020162 OMIM2009_05_01:207800 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:124518006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:23501004 UMLS_CUI:C0268548 URI: carbamoyl-phosphate synthase I deficiency disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D020165 OMIM2009_05_01:237300 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:62522004 UMLS_CUI:C0751753 URI: "PKU" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-1234] "PKU" EXACT [MTH:NOCODE] "PKU" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:270.1] "Phenylketonuria [PKU]" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:270.1] "Phenylketonuria" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154735006] "Phenylketonuria" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190687004] "phenylalaninemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-1177] phenylketonuria ICD9CM_2010:270.1 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D010661 OMIM2009_05_01:261600 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154735006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190687004 UMLS_CUI:C0031485 URI: "Complete unilateral cleft lip (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:62696001] "Labium leporinum" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:749.1] "cleft lip (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:80281008] "cleft lip NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204609007] "cleft lip" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:749.1] "cleft lip" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:156941008] "cleft lip, unilateral, complete" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:749.11] "cleft lip, unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204606000] "cleft lip, unspecified" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:749.10] "complete unilateral cleft lip" EXACT [] "hare lip" EXACT [CSP2005:0725-8436] cleft lip ICD9CM_2010:749.1 ICD9CM_2010:749.10 ICD9CM_2010:749.11 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D002971 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU000510 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156941008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204606000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204609007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:62696001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:80281008 UMLS_CUI:C0008924 UMLS_CUI:C0158651 URI: "Lip disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C26818] "disease of lips NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:196563002] "disease of lips" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:528.5] "disorder of lip (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:90678009] lip disease ICD9CM_2010:528.5 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D008047 NCI2009_04D:C26818 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:196563002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:90678009 UMLS_CUI:C0023760 URI: "Viral Infection" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C3439] "Viral disease (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:34014006] "Viral disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154319002] "Viral disease" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266188005] "Viral infection NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:266116004] "Viral infection NOS" EXACT [MTHICD9_2006:079.99] "Viral infection NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154372003] "Viral infection, unspecified (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:187471008] "Viral: [infection NOS] or [illness]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:186754003] "arbovirus infectious disease" EXACT [] "arthropod-borne viruses" RELATED [] "virus infection" EXACT [CSP2005:3099-7852] "virus infection" EXACT [CSP2005:3099-8150] viral infectious disease ICD9CM_2010:060-066.99 ICD9CM_2010:066.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001102 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D014777 NCI2009_04D:C3439 NCI2009_04D:C34396 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154319002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154345006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154372003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:186619002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:186754003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:187471008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266116004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266188005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266194002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:34014006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:40610006 UMLS_CUI:C0003723 UMLS_CUI:C0042769 URI: "Complete unilateral cleft palate with cleft lip (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:50484006] "Unilateral complete cleft palate with cleft lip (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204612005] "Unilateral complete cleft palate with cleft lip" EXACT [] "Unilateral incomplete cleft palate with cleft lip (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:204613000] "Unilateral incomplete cleft palate with cleft lip" EXACT [] "cleft palate with cleft lip, unilateral, complete" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:749.21] "cleft palate with cleft lip, unilateral, incomplete" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:749.22] "incomplete unilateral cleft palate with cleft lip (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:18474007] cheilopalatoschisis ICD9CM_2010:749 ICD9CM_2010:749.2 ICD9CM_2010:749.20 ICD9CM_2010:749.21 ICD9CM_2010:749.22 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU001582 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU013998 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU015010 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU017694 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156939007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:156942001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:18474007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204610002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204611003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204612005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204613000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:204622004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:205902007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:253983005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:304086001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:50484006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:66948001 UMLS_CUI:C0158646 UMLS_CUI:C0158655 UMLS_CUI:C0158656 URI: brain disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001927 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:81308009 UMLS_CUI:C0006111 URI: DNA virus infectious disease MSH2010_2010_02_22:D004266 UMLS_CUI:C0012922 URI: lipid disorder ICD9CM_2010:272.8 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154744007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190798009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190805007 UMLS_CUI:C0029591 URI: "leukocyte disorder" EXACT [] leukocyte disease ICD9CM_2010:288 ICD9CM_2010:288.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D007960 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154829002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:191369001 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:54097007 UMLS_CUI:C0023510 URI: multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasm ICD9CM_2010:203 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188717001 UMLS_CUI:C0153867 URI: A myeloid neoplasm that is located_in the plasma cells in bone marrow. EFO:0001378 GARD:7108 ICD10CM:C90.0 ICD9CM:203.0 MESH:D009101 NCI:C3242 OMIM:254500 ORDO:29073 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:94705007 UMLS_CUI:C0026764 disease_ontology DOID:9538 OMIM mapping confirmed by DO. [SN]. multiple myeloma "skin vascular disorder" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C35254] "vascular disease of the skin (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:11263005] "vascular disorder of skin NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267820009] "vascular disorder of skin NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:201306008] "vascular disorder of skin" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:709.1] vascular skin disease ICD9CM_2010:709.1 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D017445 NCI2009_04D:C35254 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:11263005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:201306008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267820009 UMLS_CUI:C0162819 URI: adrenal gland hypofunction MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000309 NCI2009_04D:C26691 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU008542 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:111563005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190527008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:237785004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:386584007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:68588005 UMLS_CUI:C0001623 URI: An endocrine system disease that is located_in the adrenal gland. ICD10CM:E27.9 ICD9CM:255.9 MESH:D000307 NCI:C26690 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:30171000 UMLS_CUI:C0001621 disease_ontology DOID:9553 adrenal gland disease ICD9CM_2010:255 ICD9CM_2010:255.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D000307 NCI2009_04D:C26690 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154704000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190532009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:30171000 UMLS_CUI:C0001621 URI: biliary tract disease ICD9CM_2010:576.9 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D001660 NCI2009_04D:C2899 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:105997008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155830002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:155832005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266544009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:266545005 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:5235004 UMLS_CUI:C0005424 URI: hematological disorder of fetus and newborn UMLS_CUI:C0158990 URI: Hereditary choroidal atrophy ICD9CM_2010:363.5 ICD9CM_2010:363.50 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193465004 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193473008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:74469006 UMLS_CUI:C0154893 URI: degenerative disorder of eye ICD9CM_2010:360.2 ICD9CM_2010:360.20 ICD9CM_2010:360.4 ICD9CM_2010:360.40 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193275003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193279009 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193285002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193292007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:62585004 UMLS_CUI:C0154777 URI: "Choroidal degeneration (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:406446000] "Choroidal degeneration (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:47638000] "Choroidal degeneration, unspecified" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:363.40] "Choroidal degenerations NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193464000] "Choroidal degenerations" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:363.4] "Choroidal sclerosis (finding)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:247199007] "Sclerosis of choroid NOS" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:193461008] "Unspecified choroidal degeneration (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267617003] choroidal sclerosis ICD9CM_2010:363.4 ICD9CM_2010:363.40 OMIM2009_05_01:215500 OMIM2009_05_01:303100 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU006953 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193461008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:193464000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:247199007 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267617003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:406446000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:47638000 UMLS_CUI:C0344297 URI: "Choroideremia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:75241009] "choroideremia" EXACT [CSP2005:1114-9583] "progressive Choroidal Atrophy" EXACT [NCI2004_11_17:C34469] choroideremia ICD9CM_2010:363.55 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D015794 NCI2009_04D:C34469 OMIM2009_05_01:303100 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:75241009 UMLS_CUI:C0008525 URI: "Galactosaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:154738008] "Galactosaemia" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:267498002] "Galactose intolerance" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190749000] "Galactosemia (disorder) [Ambiguous]" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:38177000] "Galactosemia (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190745006] "Galactosemia NOS (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:190747003] "Galactosemia" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:271.1] "galactosemia" EXACT [CSP2005:1849-3608] galactosemia ICD9CM_2010:271.1 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D005693 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU012915 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:154738008 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190745006 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190747003 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:190749000 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:267498002 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:38177000 UMLS_CUI:C0016952 URI: A acute leukemia that is characterized by over production of lymphoblasts. DOID:5600 EFO:0000220 GARD:522 ICD10CM:C91.00 ICD9CM:204.0 NCI:C3167 NCI:C7055 OMIM:247640 OMIM:613065 ORDO:513 SNOMEDCT_US_2021_09_01:128822004 UMLS_CUI:C0023449 UMLS_CUI:C1335469 acute lymphoblastic leukaemia acute lymphocytic leukaemia ALL precursor lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia disease_ontology DOID:9952 Xref MGI. acute lymphoblastic leukemia "Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (disorder)" EXACT [SNOMEDCT_2005_07_31:62067003] "Hypoplastic left heart syndrome" EXACT [ICD9CM_2006:746.7] hypoplastic left heart syndrome ICD9CM_2010:746.7 MSH2010_2010_02_22:D018636 OMIM2009_05_01:241550 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU013516 OMIM2009_05_01:MTHU017842 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:62067003 UMLS_CUI:C0152101 URI: malignant eye neoplasm ICD9CM_2010:190.8 SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31:188277006 UMLS_CUI:C0153632 URI: The production of new individuals that contain some portion of genetic material inherited from one or more parent organisms. GO:0019952 GO:0050876 Wikipedia:Reproduction reproductive physiological process biological_process GO:0000003 reproduction A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of cytoskeletal structures comprising microtubules and their associated proteins. microtubule cytoskeleton organisation microtubule dynamics biological_process microtubule cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis GO:0000226 microtubule cytoskeleton organization The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a polysaccharide, a polymer of many (typically more than 10) monosaccharide residues linked glycosidically. glycan biosynthesis glycan biosynthetic process polysaccharide anabolism polysaccharide biosynthesis polysaccharide formation polysaccharide synthesis biological_process GO:0000271 polysaccharide biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a polysaccharide, a polymer of many (typically more than 10) monosaccharide residues linked glycosidically. GO:0044244 polysaccharide breakdown polysaccharide catabolism polysaccharide degradation multicellular organismal polysaccharide catabolic process biological_process GO:0000272 polysaccharide catabolic process Progression through the phases of the mitotic cell cycle, the most common eukaryotic cell cycle, which canonically comprises four successive phases called G1, S, G2, and M and includes replication of the genome and the subsequent segregation of chromosomes into daughter cells. In some variant cell cycles nuclear replication or nuclear division may not be followed by cell division, or G1 and G2 phases may be absent. GO:0007067 Wikipedia:Mitosis biological_process mitosis GO:0000278 Note that this term should not be confused with 'GO:0140014 ; mitotic nuclear division'. 'GO:0000278 ; mitotic cell cycle represents the entire mitotic cell cycle, while 'GO:0140014 ; mitotic nuclear division' specifically represents the actual nuclear division step of the mitotic cell cycle. mitotic cell cycle The division of a cell nucleus into two nuclei, with DNA and other nuclear contents distributed between the daughter nuclei. biological_process karyokinesis GO:0000280 nuclear division A vacuole that is maintained at an acidic pH and which contains degradative enzymes, including a wide variety of acid hydrolases. cellular_component GO:0000323 lytic vacuole The ordered and organized complex of DNA, protein, and sometimes RNA, that forms the chromosome. GO:0000789 GO:0000790 GO:0005717 NIF_Subcellular:sao1615953555 cytoplasmic chromatin nuclear chromatin cellular_component chromosome scaffold GO:0000785 Chromosomes include parts that are not part of the chromatin. Examples include the kinetochore. chromatin A dispersed and relatively uncompacted form of chromatin that is in a transcription-competent conformation. GO:0005719 GO:0035327 NIF_Subcellular:sao445485807 Wikipedia:Euchromatin transcriptionally active chromatin cellular_component nuclear euchromatin GO:0000791 euchromatin A compact and highly condensed form of chromatin that is refractory to transcription. GO:0005720 GO:0035328 NIF_Subcellular:sao581845896 Wikipedia:Heterochromatin transcriptionally inactive chromatin transcriptionally silent chromatin nuclear heterochromatin cellular_component GO:0000792 heterochromatin Any process that modulates levels of neurotransmitter. biological_process GO:0001505 regulation of neurotransmitter levels A process in which membrane potential cycles through a depolarizing spike, triggered in response to depolarization above some threshold, followed by repolarization. This cycle is driven by the flow of ions through various voltage gated channels with different thresholds and ion specificities. biological_process GO:0001508 Action potentials typically propagate across excitable membranes. This class covers both action potentials that propagate and those that fail to do so. action potential Blood vessel formation when new vessels emerge from the proliferation of pre-existing blood vessels. Wikipedia:Angiogenesis blood vessel formation from pre-existing blood vessels biological_process GO:0001525 angiogenesis Cell motility due to movement of eukaryotic cilia or bacterial-type flagella or archaeal-type flagella. ciliary/flagellar motility biological_process ciliary or bacterial-type flagellar motility GO:0001539 Note that we deem eukaryotic cilia and microtubule-based flagella to be equivalent, while the bacterial- and archaeal-type flagella have a different structure. The former are microtubule-based structures that lash back and forth and are present only in eukaryotes, while the latter achieve motility by rotation. Bacterial- and archaeal-type flagella are superficially similar but have a different molecular composition and fine structure. These three structures never co-exist in the same organism. Therefore, GO:0001539 'cilium or flagellum-dependent cell motility' is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term. Direct annotations to GO:0001539 'cilium or flagellum-dependent cell motility' may be amended during annotation QC. cilium or flagellum-dependent cell motility The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a blood vessel over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The blood vessel is the vasculature carrying blood. biological_process GO:0001568 blood vessel development A process that results in a parallel arrangement of microtubules. microtubule bundling biological_process GO:0001578 microtubule bundle formation Cell migration that is accomplished by extension and retraction of a pseudopodium. ameboid cell migration amoeboid cell migration amoeboidal cell migration biological_process GO:0001667 Note that this term refers to a mode of migration rather than to any particular cell type. ameboidal-type cell migration A structure in the head of a spermatozoon that contains acid hydrolases, and is concerned with the breakdown of the outer membrane of the ovum during fertilization. It lies just beneath the plasma membrane and is derived from the lysosome. Wikipedia:Acrosome acrosomal granule acrosome cellular_component GO:0001669 acrosomal vesicle The formation of the acrosome from the spermatid Golgi. acrosome formation biological_process GO:0001675 acrosome assembly Formation of a complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2 (either eIF2 in eukaryotes, or IF2 in prokaryotes). In prokaryotes, fMet-tRNA (initiator) is used rather than Met-tRNA (initiator). translation initiation ternary complex assembly biological_process GO:0001677 formation of translation initiation ternary complex The regulated release of gastric acid (hydrochloric acid) by parietal or oxyntic cells during digestion. hydrochloric acid secretion biological_process GO:0001696 gastric acid secretion The formation of the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm during gastrulation. biological_process GO:0001704 formation of primary germ layer The formation of ectoderm during gastrulation. biological_process GO:0001705 ectoderm formation The formation of the endoderm during gastrulation. endoblast formation biological_process GO:0001706 endoderm formation The process that gives rise to the mesoderm. This process pertains to the initial formation of the structure from unspecified parts. biological_process GO:0001707 mesoderm formation The process in which the anatomical structures of branches are generated and organized. A branch is a division or offshoot from a main stem. Examples in animals would include blood vessels, nerves, lymphatics and other endothelial or epithelial tubes. branching morphogenesis biological_process GO:0001763 morphogenesis of a branching structure The change in morphology and behavior of a dendritic cell resulting from exposure to a cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor. biological_process GO:0001773 myeloid dendritic cell activation A change in the morphology or behavior of a cell resulting from exposure to an activating factor such as a cellular or soluble ligand. biological_process GO:0001775 cell activation The appearance of a cytokine due to biosynthesis or secretion following a cellular stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels. GO:0042032 GO:0042089 GO:0042107 GO:0050663 cytokine biosynthetic process cytokine metabolic process cytokine secretion interferon production interferon secretion interleukin production interleukin secretion biological_process GO:0001816 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select one of the 'regulation' children terms. cytokine production The regulated release of histamine by a cell or tissue. It is formed by decarboxylation of histidine and it acts through receptors in smooth muscle and in secretory systems. biological_process GO:0001821 histamine secretion The morphogenesis of an embryonic epithelium into a tube-shaped structure. biological_process GO:0001838 embryonic epithelial tube formation The formation of a tube from the flat layer of ectodermal cells known as the neural plate. This will give rise to the central nervous system. GO:0001679 Wikipedia:Neurulation neural tube morphogenesis neurulation biological_process GO:0001841 neural tube formation A homeostatic process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state within a defined tissue of an organism, including control of cellular proliferation and death and control of metabolic function. tissue maintenance biological_process GO:0001894 tissue homeostasis The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the vasculature over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The vasculature is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the organism. biological_process vascular system development GO:0001944 vasculature development The process in which hormones modulate the force with which blood passes through the circulatory system. A hormone is one of a group of substances formed in very small amounts in one specialized organ or group of cells and carried (sometimes in the bloodstream) to another organ or group of cells, in the same organism, upon which they have a specific regulatory action. blood pressure regulation by hormone hormonal regulation of blood pressure biological_process hormonal control of blood pressure GO:0001990 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by hormone The regulation of blood pressure mediated by the signaling molecule vasopressin. Vasopressin is produced in the hypothalamus, and affects vasoconstriction, and renal water transport. blood pressure regulation by vasopressin biological_process vasopressin control of blood pressure GO:0001992 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by vasopressin The process in which the anatomical structures of epithelia are generated and organized. An epithelium consists of closely packed cells arranged in one or more layers, that covers the outer surfaces of the body or lines any internal cavity or tube. epithelium morphogenesis biological_process GO:0002009 morphogenesis of an epithelium Any process that modulates the frequency or rate of heart contraction. cardiac chronotropy regulation of heart contraction rate regulation of rate of heart contraction biological_process GO:0002027 regulation of heart rate The somatic process allowing for the production of immune receptors whose specificity is not encoded in the germline genomic sequences. biological_process GO:0002200 Note that this process covers somatic recombination, gene conversion, hypermutation, N-region addition, and alternate splicing processes of immune receptor diversification. somatic diversification of immune receptors The process in which immunoglobulin genes are formed through recombination of the germline genetic elements, also known as immunoglobulin gene segments, within a single locus following the induction of and contributing to an immune response. biological_process somatic recombination of antibody genes during immune response somatic recombination of immunoglobulin genes during immune response GO:0002204 somatic recombination of immunoglobulin genes involved in immune response The somatic process that results in the generation of sequence diversity of immunoglobulins after induction, and contributes to an immune response. biological_process somatic diversification of antibodies during immune response somatic diversification of immunoglobulins during immune response GO:0002208 somatic diversification of immunoglobulins involved in immune response The promotion of an immune response by natural killer cells through direct recognition of target cells or through the release of cytokines. NK cell mediated immunity biological_process GO:0002228 natural killer cell mediated immunity The process in which precursor cell type acquires the specialized features of a hematopoietic progenitor cell, a class of cell types including myeloid progenitor cells and lymphoid progenitor cells. haematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation haemopoietic progenitor cell differentiation hemopoietic progenitor cell differentiation biological_process GO:0002244 hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation An immune response mediated by cells expressing specific receptors for antigen produced through a somatic diversification process, and allowing for an enhanced secondary response to subsequent exposures to the same antigen (immunological memory). Wikipedia:Adaptive_immune_system acquired immune response immune memory response biological_process GO:0002250 adaptive immune response An immune response taking place in an organ or tissues such as the liver, brain, mucosa, or nervous system tissues. immune response in organ or tissue biological_process GO:0002251 organ or tissue specific immune response Any process of the immune system that executes a component of an immune response. An effector immune process takes place after its activation. biological_process GO:0002252 immune effector process The process of regulating the proliferation and elimination of myeloid cells such that the total number of myeloid cells within a whole or part of an organism is stable over time in the absence of an outside stimulus. biological_process GO:0002262 myeloid cell homeostasis A change in the morphology or behavior of a cell resulting from exposure to an activating factor such as a cellular or soluble ligand, leading to the initiation or perpetuation of an immune response. biological_process cell activation during immune response GO:0002263 cell activation involved in immune response A change in the morphology or behavior of a myeloid leukocyte resulting from exposure to an activating factor such as a cellular or soluble ligand. myeloid leucocyte activation biological_process GO:0002274 myeloid leukocyte activation A change in morphology and behavior of a lymphocyte resulting from exposure to a specific antigen, mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor, leading to the initiation or perpetuation of an immune response. biological_process lymphocyte activation during immune response GO:0002285 lymphocyte activation involved in immune response The change in morphology and behavior of a mature or immature B cell during an immune response, resulting from exposure to a mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or an antigen for which it is specific. biological_process B cell activation during immune response B lymphocyte activation during immune response B-cell activation during immune response B-lymphocyte activation during immune response GO:0002312 B cell activation involved in immune response The process in which transitional stage B cells acquire the specialized features of mature B cells in the spleen. mature B lymphocyte differentiation mature B-cell differentiation mature B-lymphocyte differentiation biological_process mature cell development GO:0002335 Note that immunologists typically use the word 'development' to refer to cells of B or T cell lineages undergoing the process that GO describes as 'cell differentiation'. mature B cell differentiation The synthesis or release of histamine following a stimulus as part of an inflammatory response, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels. histamine production involved in acute inflammatory response biological_process GO:0002349 histamine production involved in inflammatory response A change in morphology and behavior of a leukocyte resulting from exposure to a specific antigen, mitogen, cytokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor, leading to the initiation or perpetuation of an immune response. biological_process immune cell activation during immune response leucocyte activation during immune response leukocyte activation during immune response GO:0002366 leukocyte activation involved in immune response Any process involved in the development or functioning of the immune system, an organismal system for calibrated responses to potential internal or invasive threats. Wikipedia:Immune_system biological_process GO:0002376 Note that this term is a direct child of 'biological_process ; GO:0008150' because some immune system processes are types of cellular process (GO:0009987), whereas others are types of multicellular organism process (GO:0032501). immune system process The appearance of immunoglobulin due to biosynthesis or secretion following a cellular stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels. GO:0002378 GO:0048305 antibody production immunoglobulin biosynthetic process immunoglobulin secretion biological_process GO:0002377 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select one of the 'regulation' children terms. immunoglobulin production The appearance of immunoglobulin due to biosynthesis or secretion following a cellular stimulus during an immune response, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels. GO:0002379 GO:0002380 immunoglobulin production involved in immunoglobulin mediated immune response immunoglobulin biosynthetic process involved in immune response immunoglobulin secretion involved in immune response biological_process antibody production during immune response antibody secretion during immune response immunoglobulin production during immune response immunoglobulin production involved in immune response GO:0002381 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select one of the 'regulation' children terms. immunoglobulin production involved in immunoglobulin-mediated immune response An immune response taking place in the liver. biological_process GO:0002384 hepatic immune response The synthesis or release of any molecular mediator of the immune response, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels. biological_process production of cellular mediator of immune response GO:0002440 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select one of the 'regulation' children terms. production of molecular mediator of immune response Any process involved in the carrying out of an immune response by a leukocyte. GO:0019723 GO:0042087 immune cell effector process immune cell mediated immunity leucocyte immune effector process leucocyte mediated immunity leukocyte immune effector process biological_process cell-mediated immune response cellular immune response GO:0002443 leukocyte mediated immunity Any process involved in the carrying out of an immune response by a lymphocyte. cell-mediated immunity cellular immune response biological_process GO:0002449 lymphocyte mediated immunity Any process involved in the carrying out of an immune response by a T cell. cell-mediated immunity cellular immune response T lymphocyte mediated immunity T-cell mediated immunity T-lymphocyte mediated immunity biological_process GO:0002456 T cell mediated immunity An immune response mediated by lymphocytes expressing specific receptors for antigen produced through a somatic diversification process that includes somatic recombination of germline gene segments encoding immunoglobulin superfamily domains. Recombined receptors for antigen encoded by immunoglobulin superfamily domains include T cell receptors and immunoglobulins (antibodies) produced by B cells. The first encounter with antigen elicits a primary immune response that is slow and not of great magnitude. T and B cells selected by antigen become activated and undergo clonal expansion. A fraction of antigen-reactive T and B cells become memory cells, whereas others differentiate into effector cells. The memory cells generated during the primary response enable a much faster and stronger secondary immune response upon subsequent exposures to the same antigen (immunological memory). An example of this is the adaptive immune response found in Mus musculus. biological_process GO:0002460 adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains Tolerance induction dependent upon an immune response, typically a response by a mature T or B cell in the periphery resulting tolerance towards an antigen via induction of anergy, cellular deletion, or regulatory T cell activation. immune response-dependent tolerance induction biological_process GO:0002461 tolerance induction dependent upon immune response Tolerance induction in the peripheral lymphoid tissues: blood, lymph nodes, spleen, and mucosal-associated lymphoid tissues. biological_process GO:0002465 peripheral tolerance induction The process in which an antigen-presenting cell expresses antigen (peptide or polysaccharide) on its cell surface in association with an MHC class II protein complex. peptide or polysaccharide antigen processing and presentation of via MHC class II biological_process GO:0002504 antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II A process that directly activates any of the steps required for tolerance, a physiologic state in which the immune system does not react destructively against the components of an organism that harbors it or against antigens that are introduced to it. biological_process GO:0002507 tolerance induction The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an organismal system whose objective is to provide calibrated responses by an organism to a potential internal or invasive threat, over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A system is a regularly interacting or interdependent group of organs or tissues that work together to carry out a given biological process. biological_process GO:0002520 immune system development The process in which a relatively unspecialized hemopoietic precursor cell acquires the specialized features of a leukocyte. A leukocyte is an achromatic cell of the myeloid or lymphoid lineages capable of ameboid movement, found in blood or other tissue. immune cell differentiation leucocyte differentiation biological_process GO:0002521 leukocyte differentiation The synthesis or release of any molecular mediator of the inflammatory response following an inflammatory stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels. production of molecular mediator involved in acute inflammatory response biological_process production of cellular mediator of acute inflammation GO:0002532 production of molecular mediator involved in inflammatory response The synthesis or release of products of arachidonic acid metabolism following a stimulus as part of an inflammatory response, resulting in an increase in their intracellular or extracellular levels. arachidonic acid metabolite production involved in acute inflammatory response production of arachidonic acid metabolites involved in acute inflammatory response production of arachidonic acid metabolites involved in inflammatory response biological_process GO:0002538 arachidonic acid metabolite production involved in inflammatory response The synthesis or release of any prostaglandin following a stimulus as part of an inflammatory response, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels. prostaglandin production involved in acute inflammatory response biological_process GO:0002539 prostaglandin production involved in inflammatory response The process in which immune receptor genes are diversified through recombination of the germline genetic elements within a single genetic locus. biological_process GO:0002562 somatic diversification of immune receptors via germline recombination within a single locus The process in which a relatively unspecialized myeloid precursor cell acquires the specialized features of any cell of the myeloid leukocyte lineage. myeloid leucocyte differentiation biological_process GO:0002573 myeloid leukocyte differentiation Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of tolerance induction. biological_process GO:0002643 regulation of tolerance induction Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of tolerance induction. up regulation of tolerance induction up-regulation of tolerance induction upregulation of tolerance induction activation of tolerance induction stimulation of tolerance induction biological_process GO:0002645 positive regulation of tolerance induction Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response. regulation of immune response-dependent tolerance induction biological_process GO:0002652 regulation of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response. positive regulation of immune response-dependent tolerance induction up regulation of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response up-regulation of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response upregulation of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response activation of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response stimulation of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response biological_process GO:0002654 positive regulation of tolerance induction dependent upon immune response Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of peripheral tolerance induction. biological_process GO:0002658 regulation of peripheral tolerance induction Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of peripheral tolerance induction. up regulation of peripheral tolerance induction up-regulation of peripheral tolerance induction upregulation of peripheral tolerance induction activation of peripheral tolerance induction stimulation of peripheral tolerance induction biological_process GO:0002660 positive regulation of peripheral tolerance induction Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of an immune system process. biological_process GO:0002682 regulation of immune system process Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of an immune system process. down regulation of immune system process down-regulation of immune system process downregulation of immune system process inhibition of immune system process biological_process GO:0002683 negative regulation of immune system process Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of an immune system process. up regulation of immune system process up-regulation of immune system process upregulation of immune system process activation of immune system process stimulation of immune system process biological_process GO:0002684 positive regulation of immune system process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of leukocyte migration. regulation of immune cell migration regulation of leucocyte migration biological_process GO:0002685 regulation of leukocyte migration Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of leukocyte migration. positive regulation of immune cell migration positive regulation of leucocyte migration up regulation of leukocyte migration up-regulation of leukocyte migration upregulation of leukocyte migration activation of leukocyte migration stimulation of leukocyte migration biological_process GO:0002687 positive regulation of leukocyte migration Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of leukocyte chemotaxis. regulation of immune cell chemotaxis regulation of leucocyte chemotaxis biological_process GO:0002688 regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of leukocyte chemotaxis. positive regulation of immune cell chemotaxis positive regulation of leucocyte chemotaxis up regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis up-regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis upregulation of leukocyte chemotaxis activation of leukocyte chemotaxis stimulation of leukocyte chemotaxis biological_process GO:0002690 positive regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of leukocyte activation. regulation of immune cell activation regulation of leucocyte activation biological_process GO:0002694 regulation of leukocyte activation The synthesis or release of an antimicrobial peptide during an immune response, resulting in an increase in intracellular or extracellular levels. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa. biological_process GO:0002775 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select one of the 'regulation' children terms. antimicrobial peptide production The regulated release of an antimicrobial peptide from a cell or a tissue. Such peptides may have protective properties against bacteria, fungi, viruses, or protozoa. biological_process GO:0002776 antimicrobial peptide secretion The controlled release of a peptide from a cell or a tissue. biological_process GO:0002790 peptide secretion Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of an adaptive immune response. biological_process GO:0002819 regulation of adaptive immune response Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of an adaptive immune response. up regulation of adaptive immune response up-regulation of adaptive immune response upregulation of adaptive immune response activation of adaptive immune response stimulation of adaptive immune response biological_process GO:0002821 positive regulation of adaptive immune response Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of an adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains. An example of this process is found in the Gnathostomata. biological_process GO:0002822 regulation of adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of an adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains. An example of this process is found in the Gnathostomata. biological_process GO:0002824 positive regulation of adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of a type 2 immune response. regulation of T-helper 2 type immune response regulation of Th2 immune response biological_process GO:0002828 regulation of type 2 immune response Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of a type 2 immune response. up regulation of type 2 immune response up-regulation of type 2 immune response upregulation of type 2 immune response activation of type 2 immune response positive regulation of T-helper 2 type immune response positive regulation of Th2 immune response stimulation of type 2 immune response biological_process GO:0002830 positive regulation of type 2 immune response A developmental process in which a progressive change in the state of some part of an organism, germline or somatic, specifically contributes to its ability to form offspring. puberty biological_process reproductive developmental process GO:0003006 developmental process involved in reproduction A multicellular organismal process carried out by any of the organs or tissues in an organ system. An organ system is a regularly interacting or interdependent group of organs or tissues that work together to carry out a biological objective. organ system process biological_process GO:0003008 system process A organ system process carried out at the level of a muscle. Muscle tissue is composed of contractile cells or fibers. biological_process muscle physiological process GO:0003012 muscle system process A organ system process carried out by any of the organs or tissues of the circulatory system. The circulatory system is an organ system that moves extracellular fluids to and from tissue within a multicellular organism. Wikipedia:Circulatory_system biological_process GO:0003013 circulatory system process A organ system process carried out by any of the organs or tissues of the renal system. The renal system maintains fluid balance, and contributes to electrolyte balance, acid/base balance, and disposal of nitrogenous waste products. In humans, the renal system comprises a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, sphincter muscle and associated blood vessels; in other species, the renal system may comprise related structures (e.g., nephrocytes and malpighian tubules in Drosophila). excretory system process biological_process kidney system process GO:0003014 renal system process A circulatory system process carried out by the heart. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood. biological_process cardiac process GO:0003015 heart process A process carried out by the organs or tissues of the respiratory system. The respiratory system is an organ system responsible for respiratory gaseous exchange. GO:0010802 respiratory gaseous exchange biological_process GO:0003016 respiratory system process The regulation of blood pressure mediated by biochemical signaling: hormonal, autocrine or paracrine. blood pressure regulation mediated by a chemical signal biological_process GO:0003044 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure mediated by a chemical signal The process that modulates the force with which blood travels through the systemic arterial circulatory system. The process is controlled by a balance of processes that increase pressure and decrease pressure. biological_process GO:0003073 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure The process in which plasma is filtered through the glomerular membrane which consists of capillary endothelial cells, the basement membrane, and epithelial cells. The glomerular filtrate is the same as plasma except it has no significant amount of protein. biological_process GO:0003094 glomerular filtration The directed, self-propelled movement of a cilium. dph 2009-11-24T09:56:26Z GO:0036142 microtubule-based flagellum movement flagellar movement flagellum movement biological_process ciliary motility cilium beating flagellar motility GO:0003341 Note that we deem cilium and microtubule-based flagellum to be equivalent. cilium movement A molecular process that can be carried out by the action of a single macromolecular machine, usually via direct physical interactions with other molecular entities. Function in this sense denotes an action, or activity, that a gene product (or a complex) performs. These actions are described from two distinct but related perspectives: (1) biochemical activity, and (2) role as a component in a larger system/process. GO:0005554 molecular function molecular_function GO:0003674 Note that, in addition to forming the root of the molecular function ontology, this term is recommended for use for the annotation of gene products whose molecular function is unknown. When this term is used for annotation, it indicates that no information was available about the molecular function of the gene product annotated as of the date the annotation was made; the evidence code 'no data' (ND), is used to indicate this. Despite its name, this is not a type of 'function' in the sense typically defined by upper ontologies such as Basic Formal Ontology (BFO). It is instead a BFO:process carried out by a single gene product or complex. molecular_function Binding to a nucleic acid. GO:0000496 base pairing molecular_function GO:0003676 nucleic acid binding Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively and non-covalently with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). GO:0043566 plasmid binding molecular_function microtubule/chromatin interaction structure specific DNA binding structure-specific DNA binding GO:0003677 DNA binding Combining with an extracellular or intracellular signal and transmitting the signal from one side of the membrane to the other to initiate a change in cell activity or state as part of signal transduction. GO:0004926 GO:0099600 transmembrane receptor activity Reactome:R-HSA-193672 transmembrane signalling receptor activity molecular_function GO:0004888 This term includes intracellular membrane receptors, e.g. IP3 triggered release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. transmembrane signaling receptor activity Combining with an extracellular signal and transmitting the signal across the membrane by activating an associated G-protein; promotes the exchange of GDP for GTP on the alpha subunit of a heterotrimeric G-protein complex. GO:0001622 GO:0001623 GO:0001624 GO:0001625 GO:0016526 Reactome:R-HSA-114552 Reactome:R-HSA-114558 Reactome:R-HSA-167408 Wikipedia:GPCR G protein coupled receptor activity G protein linked receptor activity G-protein coupled receptor activity G-protein linked receptor activity GPCR activity ligand-dependent GPCR activity receptor activity, G-protein coupled EBV-induced receptor Epstein-Barr Virus-induced receptor activity G-protein coupled receptor activity, unknown ligand Mas proto-oncogene receptor activity RDC1 receptor activity SREB receptor orphan G protein coupled receptor activity orphan G-protein coupled receptor activity orphan GPCR activity super conserved receptor expressed in brain receptor activity molecular_function GO:0004930 G protein-coupled receptor activity Enables the directed movement of substances (such as macromolecules, small molecules, ions) into, out of or within a cell, or between cells. GO:0005478 EC:7.-.-.- Reactome:R-HSA-168313 Reactome:R-HSA-178215 molecular_function carrier GO:0005215 Some transporters, such as certain members of the SLC family, are referred to as 'carriers'; however GO uses carrier with a different meaning: a carrier binds to and transports the substance (see GO:0140104 molecular carrier activity), whereas a transporter forms some pore that allows the passing of molecules. transporter activity The selective, non-covalent, often stoichiometric, interaction of a molecule with one or more specific sites on another molecule. Wikipedia:Binding_(molecular) ligand molecular_function GO:0005488 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct, manual gene product annotation. Please choose a more specific child term, or request a new one if no suitable term is available. For ligands that bind to signal transducing receptors, consider the molecular function term 'receptor binding ; GO:0005102' and its children. binding A location, relative to cellular compartments and structures, occupied by a macromolecular machine when it carries out a molecular function. There are two ways in which the gene ontology describes locations of gene products: (1) relative to cellular structures (e.g., cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane) or compartments (e.g., mitochondrion), and (2) the stable macromolecular complexes of which they are parts (e.g., the ribosome). GO:0008372 NIF_Subcellular:sao1337158144 cell or subcellular entity cellular component cellular_component subcellular entity GO:0005575 Note that, in addition to forming the root of the cellular component ontology, this term is recommended for use for the annotation of gene products whose cellular component is unknown. When this term is used for annotation, it indicates that no information was available about the cellular component of the gene product annotated as of the date the annotation was made; the evidence code 'no data' (ND), is used to indicate this. cellular_component The space external to the outermost structure of a cell. For cells without external protective or external encapsulating structures this refers to space outside of the plasma membrane. This term covers the host cell environment outside an intracellular parasite. Wikipedia:Extracellular extracellular cellular_component GO:0005576 Note that this term is intended to annotate gene products that are not attached to the cell surface. For gene products from multicellular organisms which are secreted from a cell but retained within the organism (i.e. released into the interstitial fluid or blood), consider the cellular component term 'extracellular space ; GO:0005615'. extracellular region A highly soluble, elongated protein complex found in blood plasma and involved in clot formation. It is converted into fibrin monomer by the action of thrombin. In the mouse, fibrinogen is a hexamer, 46 nm long and 9 nm maximal diameter, containing two sets of nonidentical chains (alpha, beta, and gamma) linked together by disulfide bonds. fibrinogen fibrinogen alpha chain fibrinogen beta chain fibrinogen gamma chain cellular_component GO:0005577 fibrinogen complex A protein complex consisting of three collagen chains assembled into a left-handed triple helix. These trimers typically assemble into higher order structures. Wikipedia:Collagen cellular_component GO:0005581 collagen trimer A collagen heterotrimer containing type IV alpha chains; [alpha1(IV)]2alpha2(IV) trimers are commonly observed, although more type IV alpha chains exist and may be present in type IV trimers; type IV collagen triple helices associate to form 3 dimensional nets within basement membranes. Wikipedia:Collagen_type_IV cellular_component GO:0005587 collagen type IV trimer A collagen-containing extracellular matrix consisting of a thin layer of dense material found in various animal tissues interposed between the cells and the adjacent connective tissue. It consists of the basal lamina plus an associated layer of reticulin fibers. GO:0005605 GO:0008003 Wikipedia:Basement_membrane cellular_component basal lamina basement lamina lamina densa GO:0005604 Note that this term has no relationship to 'membrane ; GO:0016020' because the basement membrane is not a lipid bilayer. basement membrane That part of a multicellular organism outside the cells proper, usually taken to be outside the plasma membranes, and occupied by fluid. NIF_Subcellular:sao1425028079 cellular_component intercellular space GO:0005615 Note that for multicellular organisms, the extracellular space refers to everything outside a cell, but still within the organism (excluding the extracellular matrix). Gene products from a multi-cellular organism that are secreted from a cell into the interstitial fluid or blood can therefore be annotated to this term. extracellular space A component of a cell contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm. Wikipedia:Intracellular internal to cell intracellular protoplasm cellular_component nucleocytoplasm protoplast GO:0005622 intracellular anatomical structure A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent. NIF_Subcellular:sao1702920020 Wikipedia:Cell_nucleus cell nucleus horsetail nucleus cellular_component GO:0005634 nucleus A structure composed of a very long molecule of DNA and associated proteins (e.g. histones) that carries hereditary information. Wikipedia:Chromosome interphase chromosome prophase chromosome cellular_component chromatid GO:0005694 Chromosomes include parts that are not part of the chromatin. Examples include the kinetochore. chromosome A small, dense body one or more of which are present in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. It is rich in RNA and protein, is not bounded by a limiting membrane, and is not seen during mitosis. Its prime function is the transcription of the nucleolar DNA into 45S ribosomal-precursor RNA, the processing of this RNA into 5.8S, 18S, and 28S components of ribosomal RNA, and the association of these components with 5S RNA and proteins synthesized outside the nucleolus. This association results in the formation of ribonucleoprotein precursors; these pass into the cytoplasm and mature into the 40S and 60S subunits of the ribosome. NIF_Subcellular:sao1820400233 Wikipedia:Nucleolus cellular_component GO:0005730 nucleolus The contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures. Wikipedia:Cytoplasm cellular_component GO:0005737 cytoplasm A small lytic vacuole that has cell cycle-independent morphology found in most animal cells and that contains a variety of hydrolases, most of which have their maximal activities in the pH range 5-6. The contained enzymes display latency if properly isolated. About 40 different lysosomal hydrolases are known and lysosomes have a great variety of morphologies and functions. NIF_Subcellular:sao585356902 Wikipedia:Lysosome cellular_component GO:0005764 lysosome A lysosome before it has fused with a vesicle or vacuole. NIF_Subcellular:sao1140587416 cellular_component GO:0005766 primary lysosome A closed structure, found only in eukaryotic cells, that is completely surrounded by unit membrane and contains liquid material. Cells contain one or several vacuoles, that may have different functions from each other. Vacuoles have a diverse array of functions. They can act as a storage organelle for nutrients or waste products, as a degradative compartment, as a cost-effective way of increasing cell size, and as a homeostatic regulator controlling both turgor pressure and pH of the cytosol. Wikipedia:Vacuole cellular_component vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y GO:0005773 vacuole A membrane-bound cytoplasmic organelle of the endomembrane system that further processes the core oligosaccharides (e.g. N-glycans) added to proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum and packages them into membrane-bound vesicles. The Golgi apparatus operates at the intersection of the secretory, lysosomal, and endocytic pathways. Golgi NIF_Subcellular:sao451912436 Wikipedia:Golgi_apparatus Golgi complex Golgi ribbon cellular_component GO:0005794 Note that the Golgi apparatus can be located in various places in the cytoplasm. In plants and lower animal cells, the Golgi apparatus exists as many copies of discrete stacks dispersed throughout the cytoplasm, while the Golgi apparatus of interphase mammalian cells is a juxtanuclear, often pericentriolar reticulum, where the discrete Golgi stacks are stitched together to form a compact and interconnected ribbon, sometimes called the Golgi ribbon. Golgi apparatus Any vesicle associated with the Golgi complex and involved in mediating transport within the Golgi or between the Golgi and other parts of the cell. NIF_Subcellular:sao819927218 cellular_component Golgi vesicle vesicular component GO:0005798 Note that this definition includes vesicles that are transiently associated with the Golgi. Golgi-associated vesicle An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins. GO:0033279 NIF_Subcellular:sao1429207766 Wikipedia:Ribosome free ribosome membrane bound ribosome cellular_component ribosomal RNA GO:0005840 ribosome Any of the various filamentous elements that form the internal framework of cells, and typically remain after treatment of the cells with mild detergent to remove membrane constituents and soluble components of the cytoplasm. The term embraces intermediate filaments, microfilaments, microtubules, the microtrabecular lattice, and other structures characterized by a polymeric filamentous nature and long-range order within the cell. The various elements of the cytoskeleton not only serve in the maintenance of cellular shape but also have roles in other cellular functions, including cellular movement, cell division, endocytosis, and movement of organelles. Wikipedia:Cytoskeleton cellular_component GO:0005856 cytoskeleton Any of the long, generally straight, hollow tubes of internal diameter 12-15 nm and external diameter 24 nm found in a wide variety of eukaryotic cells; each consists (usually) of 13 protofilaments of polymeric tubulin, staggered in such a manner that the tubulin monomers are arranged in a helical pattern on the microtubular surface, and with the alpha/beta axes of the tubulin subunits parallel to the long axis of the tubule; exist in equilibrium with pool of tubulin monomers and can be rapidly assembled or disassembled in response to physiological stimuli; concerned with force generation, e.g. in the spindle. NIF_Subcellular:sao1846835077 Wikipedia:Microtubule microtubuli microtubulus neurotubule cellular_component GO:0005874 microtubule The membrane surrounding a cell that separates the cell from its external environment. It consists of a phospholipid bilayer and associated proteins. GO:0005904 juxtamembrane NIF_Subcellular:sao1663586795 Wikipedia:Cell_membrane cell membrane cellular membrane cytoplasmic membrane plasmalemma bacterial inner membrane inner endospore membrane plasma membrane lipid bilayer cellular_component GO:0005886 plasma membrane The component of the plasma membrane consisting of the gene products and protein complexes having at least some part of their peptide sequence embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane. integral to plasma membrane cellular_component GO:0005887 integral component of plasma membrane A cell junction that forms a connection between two or more cells of an organism; excludes direct cytoplasmic intercellular bridges, such as ring canals in insects. cell-cell contact region cell-cell contact zone NIF_Subcellular:sao1922892319 intercellular junction cellular_component GO:0005911 cell-cell junction A specialized eukaryotic organelle that consists of a filiform extrusion of the cell surface and of some cytoplasmic parts. Each cilium is largely bounded by an extrusion of the cytoplasmic (plasma) membrane, and contains a regular longitudinal array of microtubules, anchored to a basal body. GO:0072372 FMA:67181 NIF_Subcellular:sao787716553 Wikipedia:Cilium eukaryotic flagellum microtubule-based flagellum primary cilium cellular_component flagellum GO:0005929 Note that we deem cilium and microtubule-based flagellum to be equivalent. In most eukaryotic species, intracellular sub-components of the cilium, such as the ciliary base and rootlet, are located near the plasma membrane. In Diplomonads such as Giardia, instead, the same ciliary parts are located further intracellularly. Also, 'cilium' may be used when axonemal structure and/or motility are unknown, or when axonemal structure is unusual. For all other cases, please refer to children of 'cilium'. Finally, note that any role of ciliary proteins in sensory events should be captured by annotating to relevant biological process terms. cilium The bundle of microtubules and associated proteins that forms the core of cilia (also called flagella) in eukaryotic cells and is responsible for their movements. GO:0035085 GO:0035086 Wikipedia:Axoneme ciliary axoneme cilium axoneme flagellar axoneme flagellum axoneme cellular_component GO:0005930 Note that cilia and eukaryotic flagella are deemed to be equivalent. In diplomonad species, such as Giardia, the axoneme may extend intracellularly up to 5um away from the plane of the plasma membrane. axoneme The chemical reactions and pathways involving carbohydrates, any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y. Includes the formation of carbohydrate derivatives by the addition of a carbohydrate residue to another molecule. jl 2012-10-23T15:40:34Z GO:0044261 GO:0044723 Wikipedia:Carbohydrate_metabolism carbohydrate metabolism multicellular organismal carbohydrate metabolic process biological_process single-organism carbohydrate metabolic process GO:0005975 carbohydrate metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving a polysaccharide, a polymer of many (typically more than 10) monosaccharide residues linked glycosidically. GO:0044263 polysaccharide metabolism glycan metabolic process glycan metabolism multicellular organismal polysaccharide metabolic process biological_process GO:0005976 polysaccharide metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving glycogen, a polydisperse, highly branched glucan composed of chains of D-glucose residues in alpha-(1->4) glycosidic linkage, joined together by alpha-(1->6) glycosidic linkages. glycogen metabolism biological_process GO:0005977 glycogen metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of glycogen, a polydisperse, highly branched glucan composed of chains of D-glucose residues. MetaCyc:GLYCOGENSYNTH-PWY glycogen anabolism glycogen biosynthesis glycogen formation glycogen synthesis biological_process GO:0005978 glycogen biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of glycogen, a polydisperse, highly branched glucan composed of chains of D-glucose residues. MetaCyc:GLYCOCAT-PWY glycogen breakdown glycogen catabolism glycogen degradation glycogenolysis biological_process GO:0005980 glycogen catabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving aminoglycans, any polymer containing amino groups that consists of more than about 10 monosaccharide residues joined to each other by glycosidic linkages. aminoglycan metabolism biological_process GO:0006022 aminoglycan metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of aminoglycans, any polymer containing amino groups that consists of more than about 10 monosaccharide residues joined to each other by glycosidic linkages. aminoglycan anabolism aminoglycan biosynthesis aminoglycan formation aminoglycan synthesis biological_process GO:0006023 aminoglycan biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of glycosaminoglycans, any of a group of polysaccharides that contain amino sugars. glycosaminoglycan anabolism glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis glycosaminoglycan formation glycosaminoglycan synthesis biological_process GO:0006024 glycosaminoglycan biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving glucans, polysaccharides consisting only of glucose residues, occurring at the level of an individual cell. cellular glucan metabolism biological_process GO:0006073 cellular glucan metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving organic acids, any acidic compound containing carbon in covalent linkage. organic acid metabolism biological_process GO:0006082 organic acid metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of precursor metabolites, substances from which energy is derived, and any process involved in the liberation of energy from these substances. energy pathways biological_process intermediary metabolism metabolic energy generation GO:0006091 generation of precursor metabolites and energy The chemical reactions and pathways by which a cell derives energy from stored compounds such as fats or glycogen. energy reserve metabolism biological_process GO:0006112 energy reserve metabolic process Any cellular metabolic process involving nucleobases, nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids. GO:0055134 cellular nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolic process cellular nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism biological_process nucleobase, nucleoside and nucleotide metabolic process nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolic process GO:0006139 nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process Any cellular metabolic process involving deoxyribonucleic acid. This is one of the two main types of nucleic acid, consisting of a long, unbranched macromolecule formed from one, or more commonly, two, strands of linked deoxyribonucleotides. GO:0055132 DNA metabolism cellular DNA metabolism biological_process GO:0006259 DNA metabolic process Any process in which a new genotype is formed by reassortment of genes resulting in gene combinations different from those that were present in the parents. In eukaryotes genetic recombination can occur by chromosome assortment, intrachromosomal recombination, or nonreciprocal interchromosomal recombination. Interchromosomal recombination occurs by crossing over. In bacteria it may occur by genetic transformation, conjugation, transduction, or F-duction. biological_process GO:0006310 DNA recombination Any process in which DNA and associated proteins are formed into a compact, orderly structure. DNA condensation DNA organisation DNA organization biological_process GO:0006323 DNA packaging The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome. GO:0006416 GO:0006453 GO:0043037 Wikipedia:Translation_(genetics) protein anabolism protein biosynthesis protein biosynthetic process protein formation protein synthesis protein translation biological_process GO:0006412 translation The process preceding formation of the peptide bond between the first two amino acids of a protein. This includes the formation of a complex of the ribosome, mRNA or circRNA, and an initiation complex that contains the first aminoacyl-tRNA. GO:0006440 GO:0006454 biopolymerisation biopolymerization protein synthesis initiation translation initiation biological_process GO:0006413 translational initiation The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis. GO:0006442 GO:0006455 protein synthesis elongation translation elongation biological_process GO:0006414 translational elongation The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome, usually in response to a termination codon (UAA, UAG, or UGA in the universal genetic code). GO:0006443 GO:0006456 protein synthesis termination translation termination translational complex disassembly biological_process GO:0006415 translational termination The chemical reactions and pathways involving peptides, compounds of two or more amino acids where the alpha carboxyl group of one is bound to the alpha amino group of another. peptide metabolism biological_process GO:0006518 peptide metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving lipids, compounds soluble in an organic solvent but not, or sparingly, in an aqueous solvent. Includes fatty acids; neutral fats, other fatty-acid esters, and soaps; long-chain (fatty) alcohols and waxes; sphingoids and other long-chain bases; glycolipids, phospholipids and sphingolipids; and carotenes, polyprenols, sterols, terpenes and other isoprenoids. Wikipedia:Lipid_metabolism lipid metabolism biological_process GO:0006629 lipid metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of steroids, compounds with a 1,2,cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene nucleus; includes de novo formation and steroid interconversion by modification. Wikipedia:Steroid_metabolisms#Steroid_biosynthesis steroid anabolism steroid biosynthesis steroid formation steroid synthesis steroidogenesis biological_process GO:0006694 steroid biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of bile acids, any of a group of steroid carboxylic acids occurring in bile. bile acid anabolism bile acid biosynthesis bile acid formation bile acid synthesis biological_process GO:0006699 bile acid biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving aromatic compounds, any organic compound characterized by one or more planar rings, each of which contains conjugated double bonds and delocalized pi electrons, as carried out by individual cells. aromatic compound metabolism aromatic hydrocarbon metabolic process aromatic hydrocarbon metabolism biological_process GO:0006725 cellular aromatic compound metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving the nonmetallic element sulfur or compounds that contain sulfur, such as the amino acids methionine and cysteine or the tripeptide glutathione. Wikipedia:Sulfur_metabolism sulfur metabolism sulphur metabolic process sulphur metabolism biological_process GO:0006790 sulfur compound metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving organic or inorganic compounds that contain nitrogen. nitrogen compound metabolism biological_process GO:0006807 nitrogen compound metabolic process The directed movement of substances (such as macromolecules, small molecules, ions) or cellular components (such as complexes and organelles) into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, or within a multicellular organism by means of some agent such as a transporter, pore or motor protein. jl 2012-12-13T16:25:32Z GO:0015457 GO:0015460 GO:0044765 small molecule transport solute:solute exchange biological_process single-organism transport GO:0006810 Note that this term should not be used for direct annotation. It should be possible to make a more specific annotation to one of the children of this term, for e.g. to transmembrane transport, to microtubule-based transport or to vesicle-mediated transport. transport The directed movement of charged atoms or small charged molecules into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. biological_process GO:0006811 ion transport The directed movement of cations, atoms or small molecules with a net positive charge, into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. GO:0006819 GO:0015674 GO:0072512 di-, tri-valent inorganic cation transport trivalent inorganic cation transport biological_process GO:0006812 cation transport The directed movement of anions, atoms or small molecules with a net negative charge, into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. GO:0006822 biological_process GO:0006820 anion transport The directed movement of a neurotransmitter into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. Neurotransmitters are any chemical substance that is capable of transmitting (or inhibiting the transmission of) a nerve impulse from a neuron to another cell. sodium:neurotransmitter transport biological_process GO:0006836 neurotransmitter transport The directed movement of amino acids, organic acids containing one or more amino substituents, into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. GO:0006866 biological_process GO:0006865 amino acid transport The directed movement of lipids into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. Lipids are compounds soluble in an organic solvent but not, or sparingly, in an aqueous solvent. biological_process GO:0006869 lipid transport A process of secretion by a cell that results in the release of intracellular molecules (e.g. hormones, matrix proteins) contained within a membrane-bounded vesicle. Exocytosis can occur either by full fusion, when the vesicle collapses into the plasma membrane, or by a kiss-and-run mechanism that involves the formation of a transient contact, a pore, between a granule (for exemple of chromaffin cells) and the plasma membrane. The latter process most of the time leads to only partial secretion of the granule content. Exocytosis begins with steps that prepare vesicles for fusion with the membrane (tethering and docking) and ends when molecules are secreted from the cell. GO:0016194 GO:0016195 Wikipedia:Exocytosis vesicle exocytosis biological_process nonselective vesicle exocytosis GO:0006887 exocytosis The process in which vesicles are directed to specific destination membranes. Targeting involves coordinated interactions among cytoskeletal elements (microtubules or actin filaments), motor proteins, molecules at the vesicle membrane and target membrane surfaces, and vesicle cargo. biological_process GO:0006903 vesicle targeting Fusion of the membrane of a transport vesicle with its target membrane. biological_process GO:0006906 vesicle fusion A vesicle-mediated transport process that results in the engulfment of external particulate material by phagocytes and their delivery to the lysosome. The particles are initially contained within phagocytic vacuoles (phagosomes), which then fuse with primary lysosomes to effect digestion of the particles. Wikipedia:Phagocytosis biological_process GO:0006909 phagocytosis A programmed cell death process which begins when a cell receives an internal (e.g. DNA damage) or external signal (e.g. an extracellular death ligand), and proceeds through a series of biochemical events (signaling pathway phase) which trigger an execution phase. The execution phase is the last step of an apoptotic process, and is typically characterized by rounding-up of the cell, retraction of pseudopodes, reduction of cellular volume (pyknosis), chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmentation (karyorrhexis), plasma membrane blebbing and fragmentation of the cell into apoptotic bodies. When the execution phase is completed, the cell has died. GO:0006917 GO:0008632 cell suicide cellular suicide Wikipedia:Apoptosis Reactome:REACT_100045 Reactome:REACT_100962 Reactome:REACT_101249 Reactome:REACT_104187 Reactome:REACT_105149 Reactome:REACT_106405 Reactome:REACT_106672 Reactome:REACT_107264 Reactome:REACT_108651 Reactome:REACT_109165 Reactome:REACT_110081 Reactome:REACT_111964 Reactome:REACT_13526 Reactome:REACT_13638 Reactome:REACT_13643 Reactome:REACT_28087 Reactome:REACT_28795 Reactome:REACT_28816 Reactome:REACT_30266 Reactome:REACT_30361 Reactome:REACT_30371 Reactome:REACT_30548 Reactome:REACT_30763 Reactome:REACT_31349 Reactome:REACT_34139 Reactome:REACT_578 Reactome:REACT_77132 Reactome:REACT_77313 Reactome:REACT_77415 Reactome:REACT_78287 Reactome:REACT_78802 Reactome:REACT_79809 Reactome:REACT_82724 Reactome:REACT_83328 Reactome:REACT_85877 Reactome:REACT_86749 Reactome:REACT_86873 Reactome:REACT_87570 Reactome:REACT_88740 Reactome:REACT_88784 Reactome:REACT_89196 Reactome:REACT_90267 Reactome:REACT_91011 Reactome:REACT_91243 Reactome:REACT_93937 Reactome:REACT_94099 Reactome:REACT_95069 Reactome:REACT_95675 Reactome:REACT_97627 Reactome:REACT_99784 Reactome:REACT_99799 apoptotic cell death apoptotic programmed cell death programmed cell death by apoptosis activation of apoptosis apoptosis apoptosis signaling apoptotic program type I programmed cell death biological_process apoptosis activator activity caspase-dependent programmed cell death commitment to apoptosis induction of apoptosis induction of apoptosis by p53 signaling (initiator) caspase activity GO:0006915 apoptotic process The breakdown of structures such as organelles, proteins, or other macromolecular structures during apoptosis. cellular component disassembly involved in apoptotic process disassembly of cell structures cellular component disassembly involved in apoptosis biological_process GO:0006921 cellular component disassembly involved in execution phase of apoptosis The directed, self-propelled movement of a cell or subcellular component without the involvement of an external agent such as a transporter or a pore. cellular component motion cellular component movement biological_process cell movement GO:0006928 Note that in GO cellular components include whole cells (cell is_a cellular component). movement of cell or subcellular component The directed movement of a motile cell or organism, or the directed growth of a cell guided by a specific chemical concentration gradient. Movement may be towards a higher concentration (positive chemotaxis) or towards a lower concentration (negative chemotaxis). Wikipedia:Chemotaxis taxis in response to chemical stimulus biological_process GO:0006935 chemotaxis A process in which force is generated within muscle tissue, resulting in a change in muscle geometry. Force generation involves a chemo-mechanical energy conversion step that is carried out by the actin/myosin complex activity, which generates force through ATP hydrolysis. Wikipedia:Muscle_contraction biological_process GO:0006936 muscle contraction Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a disturbance in organismal or cellular homeostasis, usually, but not necessarily, exogenous (e.g. temperature, humidity, ionizing radiation). biological_process response to abiotic stress response to biotic stress GO:0006950 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. response to stress Reactions, triggered in response to the presence of a foreign body or the occurrence of an injury, which result in restriction of damage to the organism attacked or prevention/recovery from the infection caused by the attack. GO:0002217 GO:0042829 defence response physiological defense response biological_process antimicrobial peptide activity defense/immunity protein activity GO:0006952 defense response The immediate defensive reaction (by vertebrate tissue) to infection or injury caused by chemical or physical agents. The process is characterized by local vasodilation, extravasation of plasma into intercellular spaces and accumulation of white blood cells and macrophages. inflammation Wikipedia:Inflammation biological_process GO:0006954 inflammatory response Any immune system process that functions in the calibrated response of an organism to a potential internal or invasive threat. biological_process GO:0006955 immune response An immune response mediated through a body fluid. Wikipedia:Humoral_immunity biological_process GO:0006959 humoral immune response A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of an organelle within a cell. An organelle is an organized structure of distinctive morphology and function. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton. Excludes the plasma membrane. jl 2013-12-19T15:25:51Z GO:1902589 organelle organisation single organism organelle organization biological_process organelle organization and biogenesis single-organism organelle organization GO:0006996 organelle organization A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of the nucleus. GO:0048287 nuclear organisation nuclear organization biological_process nuclear morphology nuclear organization and biogenesis nucleus organization and biogenesis GO:0006997 nucleus organization A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of cytoskeletal structures. cytoskeleton organisation biological_process cytoskeletal organization and biogenesis cytoskeletal regulator activity cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis GO:0007010 cytoskeleton organization Any cellular process that depends upon or alters the microtubule cytoskeleton, that part of the cytoskeleton comprising microtubules and their associated proteins. biological_process GO:0007017 microtubule-based process A microtubule-based process that results in the movement of organelles, other microtubules, or other cellular components. Examples include motor-driven movement along microtubules and movement driven by polymerization or depolymerization of microtubules. biological_process GO:0007018 microtubule-based movement The progression of biochemical and morphological phases and events that occur in a cell during successive cell replication or nuclear replication events. Canonically, the cell cycle comprises the replication and segregation of genetic material followed by the division of the cell, but in endocycles or syncytial cells nuclear replication or nuclear division may not be followed by cell division. Wikipedia:Cell_cycle cell-division cycle biological_process GO:0007049 cell cycle A mitotic cell cycle in which chromosomes are replicated and sister chromatids separate, but spindle formation, nuclear membrane breakdown and nuclear division do not occur, resulting in an increased number of chromosomes in the cell. Wikipedia:Mitosis#Endomitosis biological_process endomitosis GO:0007113 Note that this term should not be confused with 'abortive mitotic cell cycle ; GO:0033277'. Although abortive mitosis is sometimes called endomitosis, GO:0033277 refers to a process in which a mitotic spindle forms and chromosome separation begins. endomitotic cell cycle The second nuclear division of meiosis, in which the two chromatids in each chromosome are separated, resulting in four daughter nuclei from the two nuclei produced in meiosis II. Wikipedia:Meiosis#Meiosis_II meiosis II nuclear division biological_process GO:0007135 meiosis II A cell cycle process by which the cell nucleus divides as part of a meiotic cell cycle in the male germline. male nuclear division biological_process male meiosis GO:0007140 male meiotic nuclear division A cell cycle process comprising the steps by which a cell progresses through male meiosis II, the second meiotic division in the male germline. male meiosis II nuclear division biological_process GO:0007142 male meiosis II A cell cycle process by which the cell nucleus divides as part of a meiotic cell cycle in the female germline. female meiosis female meiotic division biological_process GO:0007143 Note that female germ lines can be found in female or hermaphroditic organisms, so this term can be used to annotate gene products from hermaphrodites such as those of C. elegans. See also the biological process term 'meiotic nuclear division; GO:0140013'. female meiotic nuclear division Any process that mediates interactions between a cell and its surroundings. Encompasses interactions such as signaling or attachment between one cell and another cell, between a cell and an extracellular matrix, or between a cell and any other aspect of its environment. Wikipedia:Cell_signaling biological_process GO:0007154 cell communication The cellular process in which a signal is conveyed to trigger a change in the activity or state of a cell. Signal transduction begins with reception of a signal (e.g. a ligand binding to a receptor or receptor activation by a stimulus such as light), or for signal transduction in the absence of ligand, signal-withdrawal or the activity of a constitutively active receptor. Signal transduction ends with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. regulation of transcription or regulation of a metabolic process. Signal transduction covers signaling from receptors located on the surface of the cell and signaling via molecules located within the cell. For signaling between cells, signal transduction is restricted to events at and within the receiving cell. GO:0023014 GO:0023015 GO:0023016 GO:0023033 GO:0023045 Wikipedia:Signal_transduction signal transduction by cis-phosphorylation signal transduction by conformational transition signal transduction by protein phosphorylation signal transduction by trans-phosphorylation signaling cascade signalling cascade biological_process signaling pathway signalling pathway GO:0007165 Note that signal transduction is defined broadly to include a ligand interacting with a receptor, downstream signaling steps and a response being triggered. A change in form of the signal in every step is not necessary. Note that in many cases the end of this process is regulation of the initiation of transcription. Note that specific transcription factors may be annotated to this term, but core/general transcription machinery such as RNA polymerase should not. signal transduction A series of molecular signals initiated by activation of a receptor on the surface of a cell. The pathway begins with binding of an extracellular ligand to a cell surface receptor, or for receptors that signal in the absence of a ligand, by ligand-withdrawal or the activity of a constitutively active receptor. The pathway ends with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription. cell surface receptor linked signal transduction cell surface receptor linked signaling pathway cell surface receptor linked signalling pathway biological_process GO:0007166 cell surface receptor signaling pathway A series of molecular signals that proceeds with an activated receptor promoting the exchange of GDP for GTP on the alpha-subunit of an associated heterotrimeric G-protein complex. The GTP-bound activated alpha-G-protein then dissociates from the beta- and gamma-subunits to further transmit the signal within the cell. The pathway begins with receptor-ligand interaction, or for basal GPCR signaling the pathway begins with the receptor activating its G protein in the absence of an agonist, and ends with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription. The pathway can start from the plasma membrane, Golgi or nuclear membrane. GO:0038042 G protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway G protein coupled receptor protein signalling pathway G-protein coupled receptor protein signal transduction G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway G-protein coupled receptor signalling pathway G-protein-coupled receptor protein signalling pathway GPCR signaling pathway GPCR signalling pathway G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway via GPCR dimer dimeric G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway dimeric G-protein coupled receptor signalling pathway biological_process GO:0007186 G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway Any process that mediates the transfer of information from one cell to another. This process includes signal transduction in the receiving cell and, where applicable, release of a ligand and any processes that actively facilitate its transport and presentation to the receiving cell. Examples include signaling via soluble ligands, via cell adhesion molecules and via gap junctions. cell-cell signalling biological_process GO:0007267 cell-cell signaling The vesicular release of classical neurotransmitter molecules from a presynapse, across a chemical synapse, the subsequent activation of neurotransmitter receptors at the postsynapse of a target cell (neuron, muscle, or secretory cell) and the effects of this activation on the postsynaptic membrane potential and ionic composition of the postsynaptic cytosol. This process encompasses both spontaneous and evoked release of neurotransmitter and all parts of synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Evoked transmission starts with the arrival of an action potential at the presynapse. signal transmission across a synapse synaptic transmission Wikipedia:Neurotransmission biological_process neurotransmission GO:0007268 chemical synaptic transmission The regulated release of neurotransmitter from the presynapse into the synaptic cleft via calcium-regulated exocytosis during synaptic transmission. GO:0010554 neurotransmitter release neurotransmitter secretory pathway biological_process GO:0007269 A neurotransmitter is any of a group of substances that are released on excitation from the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron of the central or peripheral nervous system and travel across the synaptic cleft to either excite or inhibit the target cell. Among the many substances that have the properties of a neurotransmitter are acetylcholine, noradrenaline, adrenaline, dopamine, glycine, gamma-aminobutyrate, glutamic acid, substance P, enkephalins, endorphins and serotonin. neurotransmitter secretion The biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of a multicellular organism over time from an initial condition (e.g. a zygote or a young adult) to a later condition (e.g. a multicellular animal or an aged adult). biological_process GO:0007275 Note that this term was 'developmental process'. multicellular organism development The generation and maintenance of gametes in a multicellular organism. A gamete is a haploid reproductive cell. GO:0009552 biological_process gametogenesis GO:0007276 gamete generation The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an immature germ cell over time, from its formation to the mature structure (gamete). A germ cell is any reproductive cell in a multicellular organism. germ-cell development primordial germ cell development biological_process GO:0007281 germ cell development The developmental process by which male germ line stem cells self renew or give rise to successive cell types resulting in the development of a spermatozoa. Wikipedia:Spermatogenesis generation of spermatozoa biological_process GO:0007283 spermatogenesis The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a spermatid over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Wikipedia:Spermiogenesis spermatid cell development spermiogenesis biological_process GO:0007286 spermatid development The assembly and organization of the sperm flagellar axoneme, the bundle of microtubules and associated proteins that forms the core of the eukaryotic sperm flagellum, and is responsible for movement. biological_process GO:0007288 sperm axoneme assembly The specialization of the spermatid nucleus during the development of a spermatid into a mature male gamete competent for fertilization. spermatid nuclear differentiation biological_process GO:0007289 See also the Cell Ontology term 'spermatid ; CL:0000018'. spermatid nucleus differentiation Generation of the female gamete; specialised haploid cells produced by meiosis and along with a male gamete takes part in sexual reproduction. biological_process GO:0007292 female gamete generation A complex and coordinated series of cellular movements that occurs at the end of cleavage during embryonic development of most animals. The details of gastrulation vary from species to species, but usually result in the formation of the three primary germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Wikipedia:Gastrulation biological_process GO:0007369 gastrulation The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the ectoderm over time, from its formation to the mature structure. In animal embryos, the ectoderm is the outer germ layer of the embryo, formed during gastrulation. biological_process GO:0007398 ectoderm development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of nervous tissue over time, from its formation to its mature state. biological_process pan-neural process GO:0007399 nervous system development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the endoderm over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The endoderm is the innermost germ layer that develops into the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs and associated tissues. biological_process GO:0007492 endoderm development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the mesoderm over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The mesoderm is the middle germ layer that develops into muscle, bone, cartilage, blood and connective tissue. biological_process GO:0007498 mesoderm development The process of gaseous exchange between an organism and its environment. In plants, microorganisms, and many small animals, air or water makes direct contact with the organism's cells or tissue fluids, and the processes of diffusion supply the organism with dioxygen (O2) and remove carbon dioxide (CO2). In larger animals the efficiency of gaseous exchange is improved by specialized respiratory organs, such as lungs and gills, which are ventilated by breathing mechanisms. breathing respiration biological_process GO:0007585 respiratory gaseous exchange by respiratory system The whole of the physical, chemical, and biochemical processes carried out by multicellular organisms to break down ingested nutrients into components that may be easily absorbed and directed into metabolism. Wikipedia:Digestion biological_process GO:0007586 digestion The elimination by an organism of the waste products that arise as a result of metabolic activity. These products include water, carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrogenous compounds. Wikipedia:Excretion biological_process GO:0007588 excretion The controlled release of a fluid by a cell or tissue in an animal. biological_process GO:0007589 body fluid secretion The series of events required for an organism to receive a sensory stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal. This is a neurological process. Wikipedia:Perception biological_process GO:0007600 sensory perception The series of events required for an organism to receive a visual stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal. Visual stimuli are detected in the form of photons and are processed to form an image. Wikipedia:Visual_perception sense of sight sensory visual perception vision biological_process GO:0007601 visual perception The pairwise union of individuals for the purpose of sexual reproduction, ultimately resulting in the formation of zygotes. biological_process GO:0007618 mating The act of sexual union between male and female, involving the transfer of sperm. biological_process GO:0007620 copulation The flow of blood through the body of an animal, enabling the transport of nutrients to the tissues and the removal of waste products. GO:0070261 biological_process hemolymph circulation GO:0008015 blood circulation Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of heart contraction. Heart contraction is the process in which the heart decreases in volume in a characteristic way to propel blood through the body. regulation of cardiac contraction biological_process GO:0008016 regulation of heart contraction Any process in which a protein is transported to, or maintained in, a specific location. GO:0008105 protein localisation biological_process asymmetric protein localisation asymmetric protein localization establishment and maintenance of asymmetric protein localization establishment and maintenance of protein localization GO:0008104 protein localization A biological process represents a specific objective that the organism is genetically programmed to achieve. Biological processes are often described by their outcome or ending state, e.g., the biological process of cell division results in the creation of two daughter cells (a divided cell) from a single parent cell. A biological process is accomplished by a particular set of molecular functions carried out by specific gene products (or macromolecular complexes), often in a highly regulated manner and in a particular temporal sequence. Any process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. A process is a collection of molecular events with a defined beginning and end. jl 2012-09-19T15:05:24Z GO:0000004 GO:0007582 GO:0044699 Wikipedia:Biological_process biological process physiological process biological_process single organism process single-organism process GO:0008150 Note that, in addition to forming the root of the biological process ontology, this term is recommended for use for the annotation of gene products whose biological process is unknown. When this term is used for annotation, it indicates that no information was available about the biological process of the gene product annotated as of the date the annotation was made; the evidence code 'no data' (ND), is used to indicate this. Note that, in addition to forming the root of the biological process ontology, this term is recommended for use for the annotation of gene products whose biological process is unknown. Note that when this term is used for annotation, it indicates that no information was available about the biological process of the gene product annotated as of the date the annotation was made; the evidence code ND, no data, is used to indicate this. biological_process The chemical reactions and pathways, including anabolism and catabolism, by which living organisms transform chemical substances. Metabolic processes typically transform small molecules, but also include macromolecular processes such as DNA repair and replication, and protein synthesis and degradation. jl 2012-10-17T15:46:40Z GO:0044236 GO:0044710 Wikipedia:Metabolism metabolism metabolic process resulting in cell growth metabolism resulting in cell growth multicellular organism metabolic process biological_process single-organism metabolic process GO:0008152 Note that metabolic processes do not include single functions or processes such as protein-protein interactions, protein-nucleic acids, nor receptor-ligand interactions. metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving steroids, compounds with a 1,2,cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene nucleus. Wikipedia:Steroid_metabolism steroid metabolism biological_process GO:0008202 steroid metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving bile acids, a group of steroid carboxylic acids occurring in bile, where they are present as the sodium salts of their amides with glycine or taurine. bile acid metabolism biological_process GO:0008206 bile acid metabolic process Any process that modulates the force with which blood travels through the circulatory system. The process is controlled by a balance of processes that increase pressure and decrease pressure. Wikipedia:Blood_pressure#Regulation blood pressure regulation biological_process blood pressure homeostasis control of blood pressure GO:0008217 regulation of blood pressure Any biological process that results in permanent cessation of all vital functions of a cell. A cell should be considered dead when any one of the following molecular or morphological criteria is met: (1) the cell has lost the integrity of its plasma membrane; (2) the cell, including its nucleus, has undergone complete fragmentation into discrete bodies (frequently referred to as apoptotic bodies). The cell corpse (or its fragments) may be engulfed by an adjacent cell in vivo, but engulfment of whole cells should not be considered a strict criteria to define cell death as, under some circumstances, live engulfed cells can be released from phagosomes (see PMID:18045538). biological_process accidental cell death necrosis GO:0008219 This term should not be used for direct annotation. The only exception should be when experimental data (e.g., staining with trypan blue or propidium iodide) show that cell death has occurred, but fail to provide details on death modality (accidental versus programmed). When information is provided on the cell death mechanism, annotations should be made to the appropriate descendant of 'cell death' (such as, but not limited to, GO:0097300 'programmed necrotic cell death' or GO:0006915 'apoptotic process'). Also, if experimental data suggest that a gene product influences cell death indirectly, rather than being involved in the death process directly, consider annotating to a 'regulation' term. cell death The multiplication or reproduction of cells, resulting in the expansion of a cell population. biological_process cell proliferation GO:0008283 This term was moved out from being a child of 'cellular process' because it is a cell population-level process, and cellular processes are restricted to those processes that involve individual cells. Also note that this term is intended to be used for the proliferation of cells within a multicellular organism, not for the expansion of a population of single-celled organisms. cell population proliferation The activity of binding selectively and non-covalently to and distorting the original structure of DNA, typically a straight helix, into a bend, or increasing the bend if the original structure was intrinsically bent due to its sequence. DNA bending activity DNA bending involving DNA binding molecular_function GO:0008301 DNA binding, bending Enables the transfer of a negatively charged ion from one side of a membrane to the other. Reactome:R-HSA-166214 anion transporter activity molecular_function GO:0008509 anion transmembrane transporter activity Enables the transfer of organic anions from one side of a membrane to the other. Organic anions are atoms or small molecules with a negative charge which contain carbon in covalent linkage. Reactome:R-HSA-2142859 molecular_function GO:0008514 organic anion transmembrane transporter activity The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of lipids, compounds soluble in an organic solvent but not, or sparingly, in an aqueous solvent. lipid anabolism lipid biosynthesis lipid formation lipid synthesis lipogenesis biological_process GO:0008610 lipid biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of substances, including the breakdown of carbon compounds with the liberation of energy for use by the cell or organism. jl 2012-10-17T15:52:35Z GO:0044243 GO:0044712 Wikipedia:Catabolism breakdown catabolism degradation multicellular organismal catabolic process biological_process single-organism catabolic process GO:0009056 catabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a macromolecule, any molecule of high relative molecular mass, the structure of which essentially comprises the multiple repetition of units derived, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low relative molecular mass. GO:0043285 GO:0044266 biopolymer catabolic process macromolecule breakdown macromolecule catabolism macromolecule degradation multicellular organismal macromolecule catabolic process biological_process GO:0009057 macromolecule catabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of substances; typically the energy-requiring part of metabolism in which simpler substances are transformed into more complex ones. jl 2012-10-17T15:52:18Z GO:0044274 GO:0044711 formation Wikipedia:Anabolism anabolism biosynthesis synthesis multicellular organismal biosynthetic process biological_process single-organism biosynthetic process GO:0009058 biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a macromolecule, any molecule of high relative molecular mass, the structure of which essentially comprises the multiple repetition of units derived, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low relative molecular mass. GO:0043284 biopolymer biosynthetic process macromolecule anabolism macromolecule biosynthesis macromolecule formation macromolecule synthesis biological_process GO:0009059 macromolecule biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of glucans, polysaccharides consisting only of glucose residues. glucan anabolism glucan biosynthesis glucan formation glucan synthesis biological_process GO:0009250 glucan biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of glucans, polysaccharides consisting only of glucose residues. glucan breakdown glucan catabolism glucan degradation biological_process GO:0009251 glucan catabolic process The controlled release of proteins from a cell. GO:0045166 GO:0045731 glycoprotein secretion protein secretion during cell fate commitment protein secretion resulting in cell fate commitment biological_process GO:0009306 protein secretion Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of an electromagnetic radiation stimulus. Electromagnetic radiation is a propagating wave in space with electric and magnetic components. These components oscillate at right angles to each other and to the direction of propagation. response to electromagnetic radiation stimulus response to radiation stimulus biological_process GO:0009314 Note that 'radiation' refers to electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength. response to radiation Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a light stimulus, electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths classified as infrared, visible or ultraviolet light. biological_process GO:0009416 response to light stimulus The union of gametes of opposite sexes during the process of sexual reproduction to form a zygote. It involves the fusion of the gametic nuclei (karyogamy) and cytoplasm (plasmogamy). Wikipedia:Fertilisation syngamy biological_process GO:0009566 fertilization The series of events in which an external stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal. biological_process perception of external stimulus GO:0009581 detection of external stimulus The series of events in which an (non-living) abiotic stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal. biological_process perception of abiotic stimulus GO:0009582 detection of abiotic stimulus The series of events in which a light stimulus (in the form of photons) is received and converted into a molecular signal. detection of light biological_process perception of light GO:0009583 detection of light stimulus The series of events in which a visible light stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal. A visible light stimulus is electromagnetic radiation that can be perceived visually by an organism; for organisms lacking a visual system, this can be defined as light with a wavelength within the range 380 to 780 nm. biological_process perception of visible light GO:0009584 detection of visible light Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of an external stimulus. response to environmental stimulus biological_process GO:0009605 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. response to external stimulus Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a biotic stimulus, a stimulus caused or produced by a living organism. response to biotic stress biological_process GO:0009607 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. response to biotic stimulus Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus from a bacterium. GO:0009618 GO:0009680 response to bacteria biological_process GO:0009617 response to bacterium Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of an abiotic (not derived from living organisms) stimulus. response to abiotic stress biological_process GO:0009628 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. response to abiotic stimulus Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a toxic stimulus. detoxification response biological_process toxin resistance toxin susceptibility/resistance GO:0009636 response to toxic substance The process in which anatomical structures are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. embryogenesis and morphogenesis Wikipedia:Morphogenesis anatomical structure organization morphogenesis biological_process GO:0009653 anatomical structure morphogenesis The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an embryo from its formation until the end of its embryonic life stage. The end of the embryonic stage is organism-specific. For example, for mammals, the process would begin with zygote formation and end with birth. For insects, the process would begin at zygote formation and end with larval hatching. For plant zygotic embryos, this would be from zygote formation to the end of seed dormancy. For plant vegetative embryos, this would be from the initial determination of the cell or group of cells to form an embryo until the point when the embryo becomes independent of the parent plant. GO:0009795 embryogenesis and morphogenesis Wikipedia:Embryogenesis embryogenesis embryonal development biological_process GO:0009790 embryo development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the organism over time, from the completion of embryonic development to the mature structure. See embryonic development. biological_process GO:0009791 post-embryonic development The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an embryo over time, from zygote formation until the end of the embryonic life stage. The end of the embryonic life stage is organism-specific and may be somewhat arbitrary; for mammals it is usually considered to be birth, for insects the hatching of the first instar larva from the eggshell. embryogenesis biological_process GO:0009792 embryo development ending in birth or egg hatching The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a tissue over time, from its formation to the mature structure. histogenesis and organogenesis Wikipedia:Histogenesis histogenesis biological_process GO:0009888 tissue development The directed movement of hormones into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. biological_process GO:0009914 hormone transport Any process that is carried out at the cellular level, but not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level. jl 2012-12-11T16:56:55Z GO:0008151 GO:0044763 GO:0050875 cell physiology cellular physiological process cell growth and/or maintenance biological_process single-organism cellular process GO:0009987 cellular process A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of the endomembrane system. endomembrane organization endomembrane system organisation biological_process GO:0010256 endomembrane system organization The process in which a gene's sequence is converted into a mature gene product (protein or RNA). This includes the production of an RNA transcript and its processing, translation and maturation for protein-coding genes. The process in which a gene's sequence is converted into a mature gene product or products (proteins or RNA). This includes the production of an RNA transcript as well as any processing to produce a mature RNA product or an mRNA or circRNA (for protein-coding genes) and the translation of that mRNA or circRNA into protein. Protein maturation is included when required to form an active form of a product from an inactive precursor form. Wikipedia:Gene_expression Reactome:REACT_100537 Reactome:REACT_101147 Reactome:REACT_101952 Reactome:REACT_105649 Reactome:REACT_108313 Reactome:REACT_29068 Reactome:REACT_34240 Reactome:REACT_71 Reactome:REACT_78136 Reactome:REACT_78959 Reactome:REACT_79662 Reactome:REACT_85241 Reactome:REACT_85359 Reactome:REACT_86357 Reactome:REACT_89816 Reactome:REACT_91657 Reactome:REACT_91965 Reactome:REACT_93586 Reactome:REACT_93968 Reactome:REACT_94814 Reactome:REACT_98256 biological_process GO:0010467 gene expression Any process that modulates the levels of hormone within an organism or a tissue. A hormone is any substance formed in very small amounts in one specialized organ or group of cells and carried (sometimes in the bloodstream) to another organ or group of cells in the same organism, upon which it has a specific regulatory action. biological_process GO:0010817 regulation of hormone levels Any process in which a lipid is transported to, or maintained in, a specific location. lipid localisation biological_process GO:0010876 lipid localization The cellular component assembly that is part of the initial shaping of the component during its developmental progression. biological_process GO:0010927 cellular component assembly involved in morphogenesis The movement of organelles or other particles from one location in the cell to another along microtubules, driven by motor activity. tb 2009-05-27T10:56:08Z microtubule-based transport establishment of localization by movement along microtubule movement along microtubule biological_process GO:0010970 transport along microtubule A process which begins when a cell receives an internal or external signal and activates a series of biochemical events (signaling pathway). The process ends with the death of the cell. GO:0016244 regulated cell death Wikipedia:Programmed_cell_death caspase-independent cell death non-apoptotic programmed cell death nonapoptotic programmed cell death biological_process PCD RCD caspase-independent apoptosis GO:0012501 Note that this term should be used to annotate gene products in the organism undergoing the programmed cell death. To annotate genes in another organism whose products modulate programmed cell death in a host organism, consider the term 'modulation by symbiont of host programmed cell death ; GO:0052040'. Also, note that 'programmed cell death ; GO:0012501' should be used to refer to instances of caspase-independent cell death mechanisms, in the absence of further indications on the process taking place. At present, caspase-independent cell death is not yet represented in GO due to the lack of consensus and in-depth research on the topic. 'programmed cell death ; GO:0012501' may also be used to annotate gene products in taxa where apoptosis as defined in GO:0006915 does not occur, such as plants. You may also consider these specific children: GO:0097468 'programmed cell death in response to reactive oxygen species' (with descendants GO:0010421 'hydrogen peroxide-mediated programmed cell death' and GO:0010343 'singlet oxygen-mediated programmed cell death'), and GO:0009626 'plant-type hypersensitive response' and its children. programmed cell death A collection of membranous structures involved in transport within the cell. The main components of the endomembrane system are endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, vesicles, cell membrane and nuclear envelope. Members of the endomembrane system pass materials through each other or though the use of vesicles. Wikipedia:Endomembrane_system cellular_component GO:0012505 endomembrane system The lipid bilayer surrounding any membrane-bounded vesicle in the cell. NIF_Subcellular:sao1153182838 cellular_component GO:0012506 vesicle membrane The controlled release of glutamate by a cell. The glutamate is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the nervous system. biological_process GO:0014047 glutamate secretion The directed movement of proteins into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. GO:0015831 enzyme transport biological_process GO:0015031 protein transport Enables the transfer of an ion from one side of a membrane to the other. ion transporter activity molecular_function GO:0015075 ion transmembrane transporter activity Enables the transfer of bicarbonate from one side of a membrane to the other. Bicarbonate is the hydrogencarbonate ion, HCO3-. RHEA:28695 Reactome:R-HSA-2752067 molecular_function GO:0015106 bicarbonate transmembrane transporter activity The part of the cytoskeleton (the internal framework of a cell) composed of microtubules and associated proteins. cellular_component GO:0015630 microtubule cytoskeleton The directed movement of substances that are gaseous in normal living conditions into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. biological_process GO:0015669 gas transport The directed movement of oxygen (O2) into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. biological_process GO:0015671 oxygen transport The directed movement of bicarbonate into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. biological_process GO:0015701 bicarbonate transport The directed movement of organic anions into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. Organic anions are atoms or small molecules with a negative charge which contain carbon in covalent linkage. biological_process GO:0015711 organic anion transport The directed movement of monocarboxylic acids into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. biological_process GO:0015718 monocarboxylic acid transport The directed movement of bile acid and bile salts into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. bile acid transport bile salt transport biological_process GO:0015721 bile acid and bile salt transport The directed movement of acidic amino acids, amino acids with a pH below 7, into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. biological_process GO:0015800 acidic amino acid transport The directed movement of peptides, compounds of two or more amino acids where the alpha carboxyl group of one is bound to the alpha amino group of another, into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. biological_process GO:0015833 peptide transport The directed movement of organic acids, any acidic compound containing carbon in covalent linkage, into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. biological_process GO:0015849 organic acid transport The directed movement of an organic hydroxy compound (organic alcohol) into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. An organic hydroxy compound is an organic compound having at least one hydroxy group attached to a carbon atom. organic alcohol transport biological_process GO:0015850 organic hydroxy compound transport The chemical reactions and pathways by which a cell derives energy from organic compounds; results in the oxidation of the compounds from which energy is released. chemoorganotrophy biological_process GO:0015980 energy derivation by oxidation of organic compounds A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it an attached to it. 2014-03-06T11:37:54Z GO:0098589 GO:0098805 Wikipedia:Biological_membrane membrane region region of membrane whole membrane cellular_component GO:0016020 membrane The component of a membrane consisting of the gene products and protein complexes having at least some part of their peptide sequence embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane. Wikipedia:Transmembrane_protein integral to membrane cellular_component transmembrane GO:0016021 integral component of membrane A process that results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a cellular component. GO:0044235 GO:0071842 cell organisation cellular component organisation at cellular level cellular component organisation in other organism cellular component organization at cellular level cellular component organization in other organism biological_process cell organization and biogenesis GO:0016043 cellular component organization The process in which a cell irreversibly increases in size over time by accretion and biosynthetic production of matter similar to that already present. GO:0048591 cellular growth growth of cell biological_process cell expansion metabolic process resulting in cell growth metabolism resulting in cell growth non-developmental cell growth non-developmental growth of a unicellular organism GO:0016049 cell growth A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a vesicle. vesicle organisation biological_process vesicle organization and biogenesis GO:0016050 vesicle organization The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of carbohydrates, any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y. GO:0006093 anabolic carbohydrate metabolic process anabolic carbohydrate metabolism carbohydrate anabolism carbohydrate biosynthesis carbohydrate formation carbohydrate synthesis biological_process GO:0016051 carbohydrate biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of carbohydrates, any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y. jl 2012-10-23T16:34:39Z GO:0006095 GO:0044276 GO:0044724 carbohydrate breakdown carbohydrate catabolism carbohydrate degradation catabolic carbohydrate metabolic process catabolic carbohydrate metabolism multicellular organismal carbohydrate catabolic process biological_process single-organism carbohydrate catabolic process GO:0016052 carbohydrate catabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of organic acids, any acidic compound containing carbon in covalent linkage. organic acid anabolism organic acid biosynthesis organic acid formation organic acid synthesis biological_process GO:0016053 organic acid biosynthetic process An immune response mediated by immunoglobulins, whether cell-bound or in solution. antibody-mediated immune response biological_process GO:0016064 immunoglobulin mediated immune response A cellular transport process in which transported substances are moved in membrane-bounded vesicles; transported substances are enclosed in the vesicle lumen or located in the vesicle membrane. The process begins with a step that directs a substance to the forming vesicle, and includes vesicle budding and coating. Vesicles are then targeted to, and fuse with, an acceptor membrane. GO:0006899 vesicle transport vesicular transport nonselective vesicle transport biological_process protein sorting along secretory pathway vesicle trafficking GO:0016192 vesicle-mediated transport The process in which the anatomical structures of embryonic epithelia are generated and organized. biological_process GO:0016331 morphogenesis of embryonic epithelium Recombination occurring within or between DNA molecules in somatic cells. biological_process GO:0016444 somatic cell DNA recombination The somatic process that results in the generation of sequence diversity of immunoglobulins. somatic diversification of antibodies biological_process GO:0016445 somatic diversification of immunoglobulins The process in which immunoglobulin genes are formed through recombination of the germline genetic elements, as known as immunoglobulin gene segments, within a single locus. somatic recombination of antibody gene segments biological_process GO:0016447 somatic recombination of immunoglobulin gene segments The controlled self-propelled movement of a cell from one site to a destination guided by molecular cues. Cell migration is a central process in the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms. Wikipedia:Cell_migration biological_process GO:0016477 cell migration The self-renewing division of a stem cell. A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell, in the embryo or adult, that can undergo unlimited division and give rise to one or several different cell types. stem cell renewal biological_process GO:0017145 stem cell division The neurological system process in which a signal is transmitted through the nervous system by a combination of action potential propagation and synaptic transmission. conduction of nerve impulse signal transmission along a neuron biological_process GO:0019226 transmission of nerve impulse The chemical reactions and pathways involving a protein. Includes protein modification. GO:0006411 GO:0044268 Wikipedia:Protein_metabolism protein metabolic process and modification protein metabolism protein metabolism and modification multicellular organismal protein metabolic process biological_process GO:0019538 protein metabolic process Any process involved with the carrying out of an immune response by a B cell, through, for instance, the production of antibodies or cytokines, or antigen presentation to T cells. B lymphocyte mediated immune effector process B lymphocyte mediated immunity B-cell mediated immune effector process B-cell mediated immunity B-lymphocyte mediated immune effector process B-lymphocyte mediated immunity biological_process GO:0019724 B cell mediated immunity An immune response against microbes mediated through a body fluid. Examples of this process are seen in the antimicrobial humoral response of Drosophila melanogaster and Mus musculus. GO:0006960 GO:0019735 biological_process GO:0019730 antimicrobial humoral response The chemical reactions and pathways involving carboxylic acids, any organic acid containing one or more carboxyl (COOH) groups or anions (COO-). carboxylic acid metabolism biological_process GO:0019752 carboxylic acid metabolic process A protein complex that in its canonical form is composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds and sometimes complexed with additional proteins. An immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph. antibody cellular_component GO:0019814 Note that an immunoglobulin complex has the function of antigen binding if a suitable antigen is available. immunoglobulin complex An immunoglobulin complex that is present in the plasma membrane of B cells and that in its canonical form is composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains and two identical immunoglobulin light chains and a signaling subunit, a heterodimer of the Ig-alpha and Ig-beta proteins. GO:0042570 B lymphocyte receptor complex B-cell receptor complex B-lymphocyte receptor complex BCR complex immunoglobulin complex, membrane bound cellular_component B cell receptor accessory molecule complex antibody GO:0019815 Note that an immunoglobulin complex has the function of antigen binding if a suitable antigen is available. B cell receptor complex The process in which an antigen-presenting cell expresses antigen (peptide or lipid) on its cell surface in association with an MHC protein complex. GO:0030333 Wikipedia:Antigen_presentation antigen presentation antigen processing biological_process GO:0019882 antigen processing and presentation A reproduction process that creates a new organism by combining the genetic material of two gametes, which may come from two organisms or from a single organism, in the case of self-fertilizing hermaphrodites, e.g. C. elegans, or self-fertilization in plants. It occurs both in eukaryotes and prokaryotes: in multicellular eukaryotic organisms, an individual is created anew; in prokaryotes, the initial cell has additional or transformed genetic material. In a process called genetic recombination, genetic material (DNA) originating from two gametes join up so that homologous sequences are aligned with each other, and this is followed by exchange of genetic information. After the new recombinant chromosome is formed, it is passed on to progeny. Wikipedia:Sexual_reproduction biological_process GO:0019953 Sexual reproduction may be seen as the regular alternation, in the life cycle of haplontic, diplontic and diplohaplontic organisms, of meiosis and fertilization which provides for the production offspring. In diplontic organisms there is a life cycle in which the products of meiosis behave directly as gametes, fusing to form a zygote from which the diploid, or sexually reproductive polyploid, adult organism will develop. In diplohaplontic organisms a haploid phase (gametophyte) exists in the life cycle between meiosis and fertilization (e.g. higher plants, many algae and Fungi); the products of meiosis are spores that develop as haploid individuals from which haploid gametes develop to form a diploid zygote; diplohaplontic organisms show an alternation of haploid and diploid generations. In haplontic organisms meiosis occurs in the zygote, giving rise to four haploid cells (e.g. many algae and protozoa), only the zygote is diploid and this may form a resistant spore, tiding organisms over hard times. sexual reproduction The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the neural tube over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The mature structure of the neural tube exists when the tube has been segmented into the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord regions. In addition neural crest has budded away from the epithelium. biological_process GO:0021915 neural tube development The cellular process that ensures successive accurate and complete genome replication and chromosome segregation. biological_process GO:0022402 cell cycle process The initial attachment of a membrane or protein to a target membrane. Docking requires only that the proteins come close enough to interact and adhere. biological_process GO:0022406 membrane docking A cellular process that results in the breakdown of a cellular component. GO:0071845 cell structure disassembly cellular component disassembly at cellular level biological_process GO:0022411 cellular component disassembly A process, occurring at the cellular level, that is involved in the reproductive function of a multicellular organism. reproductive cellular process in multicellular organism biological_process GO:0022412 cellular process involved in reproduction in multicellular organism A biological process that directly contributes to the process of producing new individuals by one or two organisms. The new individuals inherit some proportion of their genetic material from the parent or parents. jl 2012-09-19T15:56:06Z GO:0044702 biological_process single organism reproductive process GO:0022414 reproductive process A physical, chemical, or biochemical process carried out by living organisms to break down ingested nutrients into components that may be easily absorbed and directed into metabolism. biological_process GO:0022600 digestive system process The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a cellular component. GO:0071844 cell structure assembly cellular component assembly at cellular level biological_process GO:0022607 cellular component assembly A cellular process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, and arrangement of constituent parts of a complex containing RNA and proteins. Includes the biosynthesis of the constituent RNA and protein molecules, and those macromolecular modifications that are involved in synthesis or assembly of the ribonucleoprotein complex. RNA-protein complex biogenesis ribonucleoprotein complex biogenesis and assembly biological_process GO:0022613 ribonucleoprotein complex biogenesis The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of proteins and RNA molecules to form a ribonucleoprotein complex. RNA-protein complex assembly RNP complex assembly protein-RNA complex assembly biological_process GO:0022618 ribonucleoprotein complex assembly Enables the transfer of a substance, usually a specific substance or a group of related substances, from one side of a membrane to the other. GO:0005386 GO:0015563 GO:0015646 GO:0022891 GO:0022892 Reactome:R-HSA-1236947 Reactome:R-HSA-429036 Reactome:R-HSA-5638209 Reactome:R-HSA-5671707 Reactome:R-HSA-6784434 Reactome:R-HSA-6784436 molecular_function substrate-specific transmembrane transporter activity substrate-specific transporter activity uptake permease activity uptake transmembrane transporter activity GO:0022857 transmembrane transporter activity The entirety of a process in which information is transmitted within a biological system. This process begins with an active signal and ends when a cellular response has been triggered. jl 2010-02-16T09:30:50Z GO:0023046 GO:0044700 biological signaling signaling process signalling biological_process signalling process single organism signaling GO:0023052 Note that a signal is any variable property or parameter that serves to convey information, and may be a physical entity such as a gene product or small molecule, a photon, or a change in state such as movement or voltage change. signaling The process in which a signal is secreted or discharged into the extracellular medium from a cellular source. 2010-02-16T09:30:50Z signal secretion biological_process GO:0023061 signal release The contractile element of skeletal and cardiac muscle; a long, highly organized bundle of actin, myosin, and other proteins that contracts by a sliding filament mechanism. Wikipedia:Myofibril cellular_component GO:0030016 myofibril The repeating unit of a myofibril in a muscle cell, composed of an array of overlapping thick and thin filaments between two adjacent Z discs. Wikipedia:Sarcomere cellular_component GO:0030017 sarcomere A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a prolongation or process extending from a cell, e.g. a flagellum or axon. cell projection organisation biological_process cell projection organization and biogenesis cell surface structure organization and biogenesis GO:0030030 cell projection organization Formation of a prolongation or process extending from a cell, e.g. a flagellum or axon. formation of a cell surface projection biological_process cell projection biogenesis GO:0030031 cell projection assembly Disassembly of actin filaments by the removal of actin monomers from a filament. actin depolymerization biological_process actin depolymerizing activity GO:0030042 actin filament depolymerization A cellular component that forms a specialized region of connection between two or more cells, or between a cell and the extracellular matrix, or between two membrane-bound components of a cell, such as flagella. Wikipedia:Cell_junction cellular_component GO:0030054 cell junction The regulated release of a peptide hormone from a cell. biological_process GO:0030072 peptide hormone secretion The regulated release of proinsulin from secretory granules accompanied by cleavage of proinsulin to form mature insulin. In vertebrates, insulin is secreted from B granules in the B cells of the vertebrate pancreas and from insulin-producing cells in insects. biological_process GO:0030073 insulin secretion The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the myeloid and lymphoid derived organ/tissue systems of the blood and other parts of the body over time, from formation to the mature structure. The site of hemopoiesis is variable during development, but occurs primarily in bone marrow or kidney in many adult vertebrates. Wikipedia:Haematopoiesis blood cell biosynthesis blood cell formation haemopoiesis hematopoiesis biological_process GO:0030097 hemopoiesis The process in which a relatively unspecialized precursor cell acquires specialized features of a lymphocyte. A lymphocyte is a leukocyte commonly found in the blood and lymph that has the characteristics of a large nucleus, a neutral staining cytoplasm, and prominent heterochromatin. GO:0046650 lymphocyte cell differentiation lymphocytic blood cell differentiation biological_process lymphocyte development GO:0030098 Note that immunologists typically use the word 'development' to refer to cells of B or T cell lineages undergoing the process that GO describes as 'cell differentiation'. lymphocyte differentiation The process in which a relatively unspecialized myeloid precursor cell acquires the specialized features of any cell of the myeloid leukocyte, megakaryocyte, thrombocyte, or erythrocyte lineages. biological_process GO:0030099 myeloid cell differentiation The regulated release of vasopressin from secretory granules into the blood. biological_process GO:0030103 vasopressin secretion Any of the vesicles of the constitutive secretory pathway, which carry cargo from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi, between Golgi cisternae, from the Golgi to the ER (retrograde transport) or to destinations within or outside the cell. NIF_Subcellular:sao885490876 constitutive secretory pathway transport vesicle Golgi to vacuole transport vesicle Golgi-vacuole transport vesicle cellular_component secretory vesicle GO:0030133 Note that the term 'secretory vesicle' is sometimes used in this sense, but can also mean 'secretory granule ; GO:0030141'. transport vesicle A small subcellular vesicle, surrounded by a membrane, that is formed from the Golgi apparatus and contains a highly concentrated protein destined for secretion. Secretory granules move towards the periphery of the cell and upon stimulation, their membranes fuse with the cell membrane, and their protein load is exteriorized. Processing of the contained protein may take place in secretory granules. secretory vesicle cellular_component GO:0030141 Note that the term 'secretory vesicle' is sometimes used in this sense, but can also mean 'transport vesicle ; GO:0030133'. secretory granule The process in which relatively unspecialized cells, e.g. embryonic or regenerative cells, acquire specialized structural and/or functional features that characterize the cells, tissues, or organs of the mature organism or some other relatively stable phase of the organism's life history. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a cell to a specific fate and its subsequent development to the mature state. Wikipedia:Cellular_differentiation biological_process GO:0030154 cell differentiation The process in which a precursor cell type acquires the specialized features of a B cell. A B cell is a lymphocyte of B lineage with the phenotype CD19-positive and capable of B cell mediated immunity. GO:0042115 B lymphocyte differentiation B-cell differentiation B-lymphocyte differentiation biological_process B cell development GO:0030183 Note that immunologists typically use the word 'development' to refer to cells of B or T cell lineages undergoing the process that GO describes as 'cell differentiation'. B cell differentiation The chemical reactions and pathways involving heparin, any member of a group of glycosaminoglycans found mainly as an intracellular component of mast cells. They are similar to heparan sulfates but are of somewhat higher average Mr (6000-20000) and contain fewer N-acetyl groups and more N-sulfate and O-sulfate groups; they may be attached in the same manner to protein, forming proteoglycans. They consist predominantly of alternating alpha-(1->4)-linked D-galactose and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-6-sulfate residues. heparin metabolism biological_process heparan sulfate metabolic process GO:0030202 heparin metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving glycosaminoglycans, any of a group of polysaccharides that contain amino sugars. glycosaminoglycan metabolism biological_process GO:0030203 glycosaminoglycan metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of heparin, any member of a group of glycosaminoglycans of average Mr (6000-20000), consisting predominantly of alternating alpha-(1->4)-linked D-galactose and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-6-sulfate residues. heparin anabolism heparin biosynthesis heparin formation heparin synthesis biological_process heparan sulfate biosynthetic process GO:0030210 heparin biosynthetic process The process in which a precursor cell type acquires characteristics of a more mature T-cell. A T cell is a type of lymphocyte whose definin characteristic is the expression of a T cell receptor complex. GO:0042112 GO:0046652 T lymphocyte differentiation T-cell differentiation T-lymphocyte differentiation biological_process T cell development GO:0030217 Note that the term 'thymocyte differentiation' was merged into this term because thymocytes are T cells, and thus the term was essentially redundant. Note that immunologists typically use the word 'development' to refer to cells of B or T cell lineages undergoing the process that GO describes as 'cell differentiation'. T cell differentiation The process in which a myeloid precursor cell acquires specializes features of an erythrocyte. Wikipedia:Erythropoiesis RBC differentiation erythrocyte cell differentiation erythropoiesis red blood cell differentiation biological_process GO:0030218 erythrocyte differentiation The process in which a myeloid precursor cell acquires specializes features of a megakaryocyte. megakaryocyte cell differentiation biological_process GO:0030219 megakaryocyte differentiation The process in which a relatively unspecialized myeloid precursor cell acquires specialized features of a basophil cell. basophil cell differentiation biological_process GO:0030221 basophil differentiation The process in which a relatively unspecialized myeloid precursor cell acquires the specialized features of a monocyte. monocyte cell differentiation biological_process GO:0030224 monocyte differentiation The process in which a relatively unspecialized monocyte acquires the specialized features of a macrophage. macrophage cell differentiation biological_process GO:0030225 macrophage differentiation The regulated release of growth hormone from secretory granules into the blood. somatotropin secretion biological_process GO:0030252 growth hormone secretion The progressive compaction of dispersed interphase chromatin into threadlike chromosomes prior to mitotic or meiotic nuclear division, or during apoptosis, in eukaryotic cells. GO:0000068 DNA condensation eukaryotic chromosome condensation nuclear chromosome condensation biological_process GO:0030261 chromosome condensation Alterations undergone by nuclei at the molecular and morphological level as part of the execution phase of apoptosis. apoptotic nuclear change biological_process GO:0030262 apoptotic nuclear changes The compaction of chromatin during apoptosis. Wikipedia:Pyknosis pyknosis biological_process GO:0030263 apoptotic chromosome condensation A structure that lies outside the plasma membrane and surrounds the entire cell or cells. This does not include the periplasmic space. cellular_component GO:0030312 The outer membrane (of gram negative bacteria) or cell wall (of yeast or Gram positive bacteria) are defined as parts of this structure, see 'external encapsulating structure part'. external encapsulating structure The process in which a relatively unspecialized monocyte acquires the specialized features of an osteoclast. An osteoclast is a specialized phagocytic cell associated with the absorption and removal of the mineralized matrix of bone tissue. osteoclast cell differentiation biological_process GO:0030316 osteoclast differentiation The directed, self-propelled movement of a cilium (aka flagellum) that contributes to the movement of a flagellated sperm. GO:0097724 GO:1905419 sperm motility sperm movement Wikipedia:Sperm_motility flagellated sperm movement sperm flagellum movement sperm flagellum movement involved in flagellated sperm motility sperm flagellum movement involved in flagellated sperm movement biological_process GO:0030317 flagellated sperm motility Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of cell migration. biological_process GO:0030334 regulation of cell migration Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of cell migration. up regulation of cell migration up-regulation of cell migration upregulation of cell migration activation of cell migration stimulation of cell migration biological_process GO:0030335 positive regulation of cell migration The directed movement of a neutrophil cell, the most numerous polymorphonuclear leukocyte found in the blood, in response to an external stimulus, usually an infection or wounding. biological_process GO:0030593 neutrophil chemotaxis The movement of a leukocyte in response to an external stimulus. immune cell chemotaxis leucocyte chemotaxis biological_process GO:0030595 leukocyte chemotaxis The lipid bilayer surrounding a cytoplasmic vesicle. cellular_component GO:0030659 cytoplasmic vesicle membrane The lipid bilayer surrounding a secretory granule. secretory vesicle membrane cellular_component GO:0030667 secretory granule membrane The directed movement of substances along cytoskeletal fibers such as microfilaments or microtubules within a cell. biological_process GO:0030705 cytoskeleton-dependent intracellular transport The process in which a myeloid precursor cell acquires the specialized features of a granulocyte. Granulocytes are a class of leukocytes characterized by the presence of granules in their cytoplasm. These cells are active in allergic immune reactions such as arthritic inflammation and rashes. This class includes basophils, eosinophils and neutrophils. granulocyte cell differentiation biological_process GO:0030851 granulocyte differentiation A nonmembrane-bound oligomeric protein complex that participates in bidirectional transport of molecules (cargo) along axonemal microtubules. intraflagellar transport complex intraflagellar transport particle cellular_component IFT complex GO:0030990 Note that we deem cilia and microtubule-based flagella to be equivalent. intraciliary transport particle A structure lying external to one or more cells, which provides structural support, biochemical or biomechanical cues for cells or tissues. GO:0005578 NIF_Subcellular:nlx_subcell_20090513 Wikipedia:Extracellular_matrix proteinaceous extracellular matrix matrisome cellular_component GO:0031012 extracellular matrix A membrane that is one of the two lipid bilayers of an organelle envelope or the outermost membrane of single membrane bound organelle. NIF_Subcellular:sao830981606 cellular_component intracellular membrane GO:0031090 organelle membrane A temporary protrusion or retractile process of a cell, associated with flowing movements of the protoplasm, and serving for locomotion and feeding. Wikipedia:Pseudopod pseudopod pseudopodial protrusion axopodium loboInOwlpodium reticulopodium cellular_component GO:0031143 pseudopodium The component of a membrane consisting of the gene products having some covalently attached portion, for example part of a peptide sequence or some other covalently attached group such as a GPI anchor, which spans or is embedded in one or both leaflets of the membrane. intrinsic to membrane cellular_component GO:0031224 Note that proteins intrinsic to membranes cannot be removed without disrupting the membrane, e.g. by detergent. intrinsic component of membrane The component of the plasma membrane consisting of the gene products and protein complexes having either part of their peptide sequence embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane or some other covalently attached group such as a GPI anchor that is similarly embedded in the membrane. intrinsic to plasma membrane cellular_component GO:0031226 intrinsic component of plasma membrane A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a pseudopodium, a temporary protrusion or retractile process of a cell, associated with cellular movement. pseudopodium organisation biological_process pseudopodium organization and biogenesis GO:0031268 pseudopodium organization A vesicle found in the cytoplasm of a cell. GO:0016023 NIF_Subcellular:sao180601769 cellular_component cytoplasmic membrane bounded vesicle cytoplasmic membrane-enclosed vesicle cytoplasmic, membrane-bounded vesicle GO:0031410 cytoplasmic vesicle A localization process that acts on a protein complex; the complex is transported to, or maintained in, a specific location. GO:0034629 establishment and maintenance of protein complex localization protein complex localisation biological_process cellular protein complex localisation cellular protein complex localization cellular protein-containing complex localization establishment and maintenance of cellular protein complex localization protein complex localization GO:0031503 protein-containing complex localization A cilium which may have a variable arrangement of axonemal microtubules and also contains molecular motors. It may beat with a whip-like pattern that promotes cell motility or transport of fluids and other cells across a cell surface, such as on epithelial cells that line the lumenal ducts of various tissues; or they may display a distinct twirling motion that directs fluid flow asymmetrically across the cellular surface to affect asymmetric body plan organization. Motile cilia can be found in single as well as multiple copies per cell. GO:0009434 GO:0031512 motile cilia cellular_component microtubule-based flagellum motile primary cilia motile primary cilium motile secondary cilium nodal cilium GO:0031514 motile cilium The enclosed volume within a sealed membrane or between two sealed membranes. Encompasses the volume enclosed by the membranes of a particular organelle, e.g. endoplasmic reticulum lumen, or the space between the two lipid bilayers of a double membrane surrounding an organelle, e.g. nuclear envelope lumen. cellular_component GO:0031974 membrane-enclosed lumen The volume enclosed by the nuclear inner membrane. cellular_component GO:0031981 nuclear lumen Any small, fluid-filled, spherical organelle enclosed by membrane. GO:0031988 NIF_Subcellular:sao221389602 Wikipedia:Vesicle_(biology) cellular_component membrane-bounded vesicle membrane-enclosed vesicle GO:0031982 vesicle A cell extension caused by localized decoupling of the cytoskeleton from the plasma membrane and characterized by rapid formation, rounded shape, and scarcity of organelles within the protrusion. Blebs are formed during apoptosis and other cellular processes, including cell locomotion, cell division, and as a result of physical or chemical stresses. Wikipedia:Bleb_(cell_biology) plasma membrane bleb cellular_component GO:0032059 bleb The assembly of a bleb, a cell extension caused by localized decoupling of the cytoskeleton from the plasma membrane and characterized by rapid formation, rounded shape, and scarcity of organelles within the protrusion. Plasma membrane blebbing occurs during apoptosis and other cellular processes, including cell locomotion, cell division, and as a result of physical or chemical stresses. blebbing membrane blebbing cell blebbing plasma membrane bleb assembly plasma membrane blebbing biological_process GO:0032060 bleb assembly Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a response to an external stimulus. biological_process GO:0032101 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. regulation of response to external stimulus Any process that activates, maintains or increases the rate of a response to an external stimulus. up regulation of response to external stimulus up-regulation of response to external stimulus upregulation of response to external stimulus activation of response to external stimulus stimulation of response to external stimulus biological_process GO:0032103 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. positive regulation of response to external stimulus The regulated release of a gonadotropin, any hormone that stimulates the gonads, especially follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. gonadotrophin secretion biological_process GO:0032274 gonadotropin secretion The regulated release of luteinizing hormone, a gonadotropic glycoprotein hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary. biological_process GO:0032275 luteinizing hormone secretion Any biological process, occurring at the level of a multicellular organism, pertinent to its function. jl 2012-09-19T16:07:47Z GO:0044707 GO:0050874 organismal physiological process biological_process single-multicellular organism process GO:0032501 multicellular organismal process A biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of an integrated living unit: an anatomical structure (which may be a subcellular structure, cell, tissue, or organ), or organism over time from an initial condition to a later condition. jl 2012-12-19T12:21:31Z GO:0044767 development biological_process single-organism developmental process GO:0032502 developmental process The biological process in which new individuals are produced by one or two multicellular organisms. The new individuals inherit some proportion of their genetic material from the parent or parents. biological_process GO:0032504 multicellular organism reproduction The appearance of type I interferon due to biosynthesis or secretion following a cellular stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels. Type I interferons include the interferon-alpha, beta, delta, episilon, zeta, kappa, tau, and omega gene families. GO:0045351 GO:0072641 interferon type I production type I IFN production type I interferon biosynthetic process type I interferon secretion biological_process GO:0032606 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select one of the 'regulation' children terms. type I interferon production The appearance of interferon-gamma due to biosynthesis or secretion following a cellular stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels. Interferon-gamma is also known as type II interferon. GO:0042095 GO:0072643 type II IFN production type II interferon production IFNG production interferon-gamma biosynthetic process interferon-gamma secretion biological_process GO:0032609 interferon-gamma production The regulated release of bile acid, composed of any of a group of steroid carboxylic acids occurring in bile, by a cell or a tissue. biological_process GO:0032782 bile acid secretion The chemical reactions and pathways involving monocarboxylic acids, any organic acid containing one carboxyl (COOH) group or anion (COO-). monocarboxylate metabolic process monocarboxylic acid metabolism biological_process GO:0032787 monocarboxylic acid metabolic process All of the contents of a plasma membrane bounded cell projection, excluding the plasma membrane surrounding the projection. cellular_component GO:0032838 plasma membrane bounded cell projection cytoplasm Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of any process in which a cell, a substance, or a cellular entity is transported to, or maintained in, a specific location. regulation of localisation biological_process GO:0032879 regulation of localization The controlled release of a substance by a cell. Wikipedia:Secretion cellular secretion biological_process GO:0032940 secretion by cell The controlled release of a substance by a tissue. tissue secretion biological_process expulsion of gland contents GO:0032941 secretion by tissue The disaggregation of a protein-containing macromolecular complex into its constituent components. The disaggregation of a macromolecular complex into its constituent components. GO:0034623 GO:0043241 GO:0043624 protein complex disassembly cellular macromolecular complex disassembly cellular macromolecule complex disassembly macromolecule complex disassembly biological_process cellular macromolecule complex disassembly cellular protein complex disassembly macromolecule complex disassembly GO:0032984 protein-containing complex disassembly macromolecular complex disassembly The process in which cellular structures, including whole cells or cell parts, are generated and organized. cellular structure morphogenesis biological_process GO:0032989 cellular component morphogenesis A stable assembly of two or more macromolecules, i.e. proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates or lipids, in which at least one component is a protein and the constituent parts function together. GO:0043234 macromolecular complex macromolecule complex protein containing complex protein complex protein-protein complex cellular_component GO:0032991 A protein complex in this context is meant as a stable set of interacting proteins which can be co-purified by an acceptable method, and where the complex has been shown to exist as an isolated, functional unit in vivo. Acceptable experimental methods include stringent protein purification followed by detection of protein interaction. The following methods should be considered non-acceptable: simple immunoprecipitation, pull-down experiments from cell extracts without further purification, colocalization and 2-hybrid screening. Interactions that should not be captured as protein complexes include: 1) enzyme/substrate, receptor/ligand or any similar transient interactions, unless these are a critical part of the complex assembly or are required e.g. for the receptor to be functional; 2) proteins associated in a pull-down/co-immunoprecipitation assay with no functional link or any evidence that this is a defined biological entity rather than a loose-affinity complex; 3) any complex where the only evidence is based on genetic interaction data; 4) partial complexes, where some subunits (e.g. transmembrane ones) cannot be expressed as recombinant proteins and are excluded from experiments (in this case, independent evidence is necessary to find out the composition of the full complex, if known). Interactions that may be captured as protein complexes include: 1) enzyme/substrate or receptor/ligand if the complex can only assemble and become functional in the presence of both classes of subunits; 2) complexes where one of the members has not been shown to be physically linked to the other(s), but is a homologue of, and has the same functionality as, a protein that has been experimentally demonstrated to form a complex with the other member(s); 3) complexes whose existence is accepted based on localization and pharmacological studies, but for which experimental evidence is not yet available for the complex as a whole. protein-containing complex Any process in which a macromolecule is transported to, or maintained in, a specific location. macromolecule localisation biological_process GO:0033036 macromolecule localization The process in which immune receptor V, D, and J, or V and J gene segments, depending on the specific receptor, are recombined within a single locus utilizing the conserved heptamer and nonomer recombination signal sequences (RSS). Wikipedia:V(D)J_recombination V(D)J joining V-D-J joining V-D-J recombination V-J joining V-J recombination biological_process GO:0033151 V(D)J recombination The process in which immunoglobulin gene segments are recombined within a single locus utilizing the conserved heptamer and nonomer recombination signal sequences (RSS). For immunoglobulin heavy chains V, D, and J gene segments are joined, and for immunoglobulin light chains V and J gene segments are joined. immunoglobulin V(D)J joining immunoglobulin V-D-J joining immunoglobulin V-D-J recombination immunoglobulin V-J joining immunoglobulin V-J recombination biological_process GO:0033152 immunoglobulin V(D)J recombination A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a secretory granule. A secretory granule is a small subcellular vesicle, surrounded by a membrane, that is formed from the Golgi apparatus and contains a highly concentrated protein destined for secretion. secretory granule organisation biological_process secretory granule organization and biogenesis GO:0033363 secretory granule organization A process in which a protein is transported to, or maintained in, a location within an organelle. protein localisation to organelle protein localization in organelle biological_process GO:0033365 protein localization to organelle The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of polysaccharides, polymers of many (typically more than 10) monosaccharide residues linked glycosidically, occurring at the level of an individual cell. cellular glycan biosynthesis cellular glycan biosynthetic process cellular polysaccharide anabolism cellular polysaccharide biosynthesis cellular polysaccharide formation cellular polysaccharide synthesis biological_process GO:0033692 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process Any process of regulating the production and elimination of erythrocytes within an organism. RBC homeostasis red blood cell homeostasis biological_process GO:0034101 erythrocyte homeostasis A process in which an ion is transported across a membrane. GO:0099131 ion membrane transport transmembrane ion transport ATP hydrolysis coupled ion transmembrane transport biological_process GO:0034220 Note that this term is not intended for use in annotating lateral movement within membranes. ion transmembrane transport Any process in which a protein is transported to, and/or maintained in, a specific location at the level of a cell. Localization at the cellular level encompasses movement within the cell, from within the cell to the cell surface, or from one location to another at the surface of a cell. GO:0016249 cellular protein localisation channel localizer activity biological_process GO:0034613 cellular protein localization The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of carbohydrates, any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y, carried out by individual cells. biological_process GO:0034637 cellular carbohydrate biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving various organic and inorganic nitrogenous compounds, as carried out by individual cells. cellular nitrogen compound metabolism biological_process GO:0034641 cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a macromolecule, any molecule of high relative molecular mass, the structure of which essentially comprises the multiple repetition of units derived, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low relative molecular mass, carried out by individual cells. GO:0034961 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process cellular macromolecule anabolism cellular macromolecule biosynthesis cellular macromolecule formation cellular macromolecule synthesis biological_process GO:0034645 cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process Events resulting in the formation of a multilayered cellular sheath surrounding an invader and thus preventing its development. This defense mechanism is often seen in insects in response to nematodes or parasitoids, which are too large to be phagocytosed by individual hemocytes. In some organisms the capsule is blackened due to melanization. biological_process GO:0035010 encapsulation of foreign target The assembly and organization of an axoneme, the bundle of microtubules and associated proteins that forms the core of cilia (also called flagella) in eukaryotic cells and is responsible for their movements. GO:0035083 GO:0035084 ciliary axoneme assembly cilium axoneme assembly flagellar axoneme assembly flagellum axoneme assembly biological_process axoneme biogenesis cilium axoneme biogenesis GO:0035082 Note that cilia and eukaryotic flagella are deemed to be equivalent. axoneme assembly Creation of the central hole of a tube in an anatomical structure through which gases and/or liquids flow. tube lumen formation biological_process lumen formation in an anatomical structure GO:0035148 tube formation The process in which the anatomical structures of a tube are generated and organized. Epithelial and endothelial tubes transport gases, liquids and cells from one site to another and form the basic structure of many organs and tissues, with tube shape and organization varying from the single-celled excretory organ in Caenorhabditis elegans to the branching trees of the mammalian kidney and insect tracheal system. biological_process GO:0035239 tube morphogenesis The vesicular release of glutamate from a presynapse, across a chemical synapse, the subsequent activation of glutamate receptors at the postsynapse of a target cell (neuron, muscle, or secretory cell) and the effects of this activation on the postsynaptic membrane potential and ionic composition of the postsynaptic cytosol. This process encompasses both spontaneous and evoked release of neurotransmitter and all parts of synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Evoked transmission starts with the arrival of an action potential at the presynapse. glutamatergic synaptic transmission biological_process GO:0035249 synaptic transmission, glutamatergic The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a tube over time, from its initial formation to a mature structure. Epithelial and endothelial tubes transport gases, liquids and cells from one site to another and form the basic structure of many organs and tissues including lung and trachea, kidney, the mammary gland, the vascular system and the gastrointestinal and urinary-genital tracts. biological_process GO:0035295 tube development An immunoglobulin-like complex that is present in at least the plasma membrane of pre-B cells, and that is composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains and two surrogate light chains, each composed of the lambda-5 and VpreB proteins, and a signaling subunit, a heterodimer of the Ig-alpha and Ig-beta proteins. bf 2010-03-11T10:46:10Z pre-BCR cellular_component GO:0035369 Despite its name, the pre-BCR is not a receptor complex, as it appears to provide a low level of signal not dependent on a ligand, but rather simply on correct assembly of the complex as a measure for correct Ig heavy chain recombination and folding. A significant proportion of pre-BCR complexes fail to reach the cell surface, and in some cases may provide their signaling function from the trans-Golgi network or lysosome. pre-B cell receptor complex The directed movement of a protein to a specific location within the extracellular region. bf 2010-11-09T10:25:08Z establishment of protein localisation in extracellular region establishment of protein localization in extracellular region biological_process GO:0035592 establishment of protein localization to extracellular region The transfer of information occurring at the level of a multicellular organism. bf 2011-01-14T10:13:50Z multicellular organismal signalling biological_process GO:0035637 multicellular organismal signaling The bidirectional movement of large protein complexes along microtubules within a cilium that contributes to cilium assembly. bf 2011-03-17T10:55:42Z intraflagellar transport Reactome:R-HSA-5620924.2 biological_process intraciliary transport involved in cilium morphogenesis intraflagellar transport involved in cilium morphogenesis GO:0035735 intraciliary transport involved in cilium assembly A region of the cilium between the basal body and proximal segment that is characterized by Y-shaped assemblages that connect axonemal microtubules to the ciliary membrane. The ciliary transition zone appears to function as a gate that controls ciliary membrane composition and separates the cytosol from the ciliary plasm. bf 2011-05-25T03:09:58Z cilial transition zone cilium transition zone cellular_component connecting cilium GO:0035869 Depending on the species, this region may have a distinct geometrically shaped electron-dense structure within the axonemal lumen visible in electron microscopy images; most animals don't display this inner structure. The axoneme extends through the ciliary transition zone, but only consists of the outer doublets. The central pair, axonemal spokes, and dynein complexes are not found in this part of the ciliary shaft. Note that the connecting cilium of the photoreceptor cells is thought to be equivalent to the transition zone. ciliary transition zone The regulated release of testosterone into the circulatory system. Testosterone is an androgen having 17beta-hydroxy and 3-oxo groups, together with unsaturation at C-4-C-5. bf 2011-07-20T01:13:13Z biological_process GO:0035936 testosterone secretion The regulated release of a melanocyte-stimulating hormone, any of a group of peptide hormones that are produced by cells in the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland, and stimulate the production of melanin to increase pigmentation. bf 2012-03-26T01:16:55Z MSH secretion biological_process GO:0036160 melanocyte-stimulating hormone secretion The region of a neuron that includes the cell body (cell soma) and dendrite(s), but excludes the axon. bf 2014-07-24T10:06:19Z cellular_component GO:0036477 somatodendritic compartment Receiving a signal and transmitting it in the cell to initiate a change in cell activity. A signal is a physical entity or change in state that is used to transfer information in order to trigger a response. bf 2011-08-01T02:45:27Z GO:0004872 GO:0019041 receptor activity receptor activity involved in signal transduction signalling receptor activity molecular_function GO:0038023 signaling receptor activity Self-propelled movement of a cell or organism from one location to another. biological_process GO:0040011 locomotion Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of locomotion of a cell or organism. biological_process GO:0040012 regulation of locomotion The first few specialized divisions of an activated animal egg. biological_process GO:0040016 embryonic cleavage Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of locomotion of a cell or organism. up regulation of locomotion up-regulation of locomotion upregulation of locomotion activation of locomotion stimulation of locomotion biological_process GO:0040017 positive regulation of locomotion The bidirectional movement of large protein complexes along microtubules within a cilium, mediated by motor proteins. GO:0035734 Wikipedia:Intraflagellar_transport intraflagellar transport intraflagellar transport involved in cilium organization intraflagellar transport involved in microtubule-based flagellum organisation biological_process IFT GO:0042073 Note that we deem cilium and microtubule-based flagellum to be equivalent. intraciliary transport An immune response which is associated with resistance to extracellular organisms such as helminths and pathological conditions such as allergy, which is orchestrated by the production of particular cytokines, most notably IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13, by any of a variety of cell types including T-helper 2 cells, eosinophils, basophils, mast cells, and nuocytes, resulting in enhanced production of certain antibody isotypes and other effects. T-helper 2 type immune response Th2 immune response biological_process GO:0042092 type 2 immune response A protein complex that contains a disulfide-linked heterodimer of T cell receptor (TCR) chains, which are members of the immunoglobulin superfamily, and mediates antigen recognition, ultimately resulting in T cell activation. The TCR heterodimer is associated with the CD3 complex, which consists of the nonpolymorphic polypeptides gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, and, in some cases, eta (an RNA splice variant of zeta) or Fc epsilon chains. Wikipedia:T_cell_receptor T lymphocyte receptor complex T-cell receptor complex T-lymphocyte receptor complex TCR complex cellular_component TCR GO:0042101 T cell receptor complex A T cell receptor complex in which the TCR heterodimer comprises alpha and beta chains, associated with the CD3 complex; recognizes a complex consisting of an antigen-derived peptide bound to a class I or class II MHC protein. alpha-beta T lymphocyte receptor complex alpha-beta T-cell receptor complex alpha-beta T-lymphocyte receptor complex alpha-beta TCR complex cellular_component GO:0042105 alpha-beta T cell receptor complex The change in morphology and behavior of a mature or immature T cell resulting from exposure to a mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or an antigen for which it is specific. T lymphocyte activation T-cell activation T-lymphocyte activation biological_process GO:0042110 T cell activation The change in morphology and behavior of a mature or immature B cell resulting from exposure to a mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or an antigen for which it is specific. B lymphocyte activation B-cell activation B-lymphocyte activation biological_process GO:0042113 B cell activation Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a chemical stimulus. response to chemical stimulus response to chemical substance biological_process GO:0042221 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. response to chemical The directed movement of a motile cell or organism in response to an external stimulus. Wikipedia:Taxis directed movement in response to stimulus biological_process GO:0042330 taxis Any process that modulates the establishment or extent of a membrane potential, the electric potential existing across any membrane arising from charges in the membrane itself and from the charges present in the media on either side of the membrane. biological_process GO:0042391 regulation of membrane potential A tissue-specific, membrane-bounded cytoplasmic organelle within which melanin pigments are synthesized and stored. Melanosomes are synthesized in melanocyte cells. Wikipedia:Melanosome cellular_component GO:0042470 melanosome An immunoglobulin complex that is secreted into extracellular space and found in mucosal areas or other tissues or circulating in the blood or lymph. In its canonical form, a circulating immunoglobulin complex is composed of two identical heavy chains and two identical light chains, held together by disulfide bonds. Some forms of are polymers of the basic structure and contain additional components such as J-chain and the secretory component. Wikipedia:Antibody antibody cellular_component GO:0042571 Note that an immunoglobulin complex has the function of antigen binding if a suitable antigen is available. immunoglobulin complex, circulating Primary lysosomal granule found in neutrophil granulocytes. Contains a wide range of hydrolytic enzymes and is released into the extracellular fluid. primary granule cellular_component GO:0042582 azurophil granule A membrane-bounded, cytoplasmic secretory granule found in enzyme-secreting cells and visible by light microscopy. Contain zymogen, an inactive enzyme precursor, often of a digestive enzyme. cellular_component GO:0042588 zymogen granule The lipid bilayer surrounding a zymogen granule. cellular_component GO:0042589 zymogen granule membrane Any biological process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state. GO:0032844 GO:0032845 GO:0032846 homeostasis activation of homeostatic process inhibition of homeostatic process biological_process negative regulation of homeostatic process positive regulation of homeostatic process regulation of homeostatic process GO:0042592 homeostatic process A transmembrane protein complex composed of an MHC alpha chain and, in most cases, either an MHC class II beta chain or an invariant beta2-microglobin chain, and with or without a bound peptide, lipid, or polysaccharide antigen. cellular_component GO:0042611 MHC protein complex A transmembrane protein complex composed of an MHC class II alpha and MHC class II beta chain, and with or without a bound peptide or polysaccharide antigen. cellular_component GO:0042613 MHC class II protein complex Reactions triggered in response to the presence of a bacterium that act to protect the cell or organism. GO:0009816 GO:0042830 defence response to bacteria defence response to bacterium defense response to bacteria defense response to bacterium, incompatible interaction resistance response to pathogenic bacteria resistance response to pathogenic bacterium biological_process antibacterial peptide activity GO:0042742 defense response to bacterium The directed movement of an amide, any compound containing one, two, or three acyl groups attached to a nitrogen atom, into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. biological_process GO:0042886 amide transport A prolongation or process extending from a cell, e.g. a flagellum or axon. cell process cellular process cellular projection cellular_component GO:0042995 cell projection A prolongation or process extending from a nerve cell, e.g. an axon or dendrite. NIF_Subcellular:sao867568886 neuron process neuron protrusion neuronal cell projection neurite cellular_component nerve fiber GO:0043005 neuron projection The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the embryo over time, from zygote formation through a stage including a notochord and neural tube until birth or egg hatching. biological_process GO:0043009 chordate embryonic development The process in which a monocyte acquires the specialized features of a dendritic cell, an immunocompetent cell of the lymphoid and hemopoietic systems and skin. Wikipedia:Dendritic_cell biological_process GO:0043011 myeloid dendritic cell differentiation The portion of a neuron that includes the nucleus, but excludes cell projections such as axons and dendrites. NIF_Subcellular:sao1044911821 Wikipedia:Soma_(biology) neuron cell body neuronal cell soma cellular_component GO:0043025 Note that 'cell body' and 'cell soma' are not used in the literature for cells that lack projections, nor for some cells (e.g. yeast with mating projections) that do have projections. neuronal cell body The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of peptides, compounds of 2 or more (but usually less than 100) amino acids where the alpha carboxyl group of one is bound to the alpha amino group of another. This may include the translation of a precursor protein and its subsequent processing into a functional peptide. peptide anabolism peptide biosynthesis peptide formation peptide synthesis biological_process GO:0043043 peptide biosynthetic process The nucleus of a germ cell, a reproductive cell in multicellular organisms. germ-cell nucleus cellular_component GO:0043073 germ cell nucleus The chemical reactions and pathways involving macromolecules, any molecule of high relative molecular mass, the structure of which essentially comprises the multiple repetition of units derived, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low relative molecular mass. GO:0043283 GO:0044259 biopolymer metabolic process macromolecule metabolism organismal macromolecule metabolism multicellular organismal macromolecule metabolic process biological_process GO:0043170 macromolecule metabolic process Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of an external biotic stimulus, an external stimulus caused by, or produced by living things. biological_process GO:0043207 response to external biotic stimulus Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton, and prokaryotic structures such as anammoxosomes and pirellulosomes. Excludes the plasma membrane. NIF_Subcellular:sao1539965131 Wikipedia:Organelle cellular_component GO:0043226 organelle Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, bounded by a single or double lipid bilayer membrane. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, and vesicles. Excludes the plasma membrane. NIF_Subcellular:sao414196390 membrane-enclosed organelle cellular_component GO:0043227 membrane-bounded organelle Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, not bounded by a lipid bilayer membrane. Includes ribosomes, the cytoskeleton and chromosomes. NIF_Subcellular:sao1456184038 non-membrane-enclosed organelle biological condensate cellular_component GO:0043228 non-membrane-bounded organelle Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, occurring within the cell. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton. Excludes the plasma membrane. cellular_component GO:0043229 intracellular organelle Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, occurring outside the cell. Includes, for example, extracellular membrane vesicles (EMVs) and the cellulosomes of anaerobic bacteria and fungi. cellular_component GO:0043230 extracellular organelle Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, bounded by a single or double lipid bilayer membrane and occurring within the cell. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, and vesicles. Excludes the plasma membrane. intracellular membrane-enclosed organelle cellular_component GO:0043231 intracellular membrane-bounded organelle Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, not bounded by a lipid bilayer membrane and occurring within the cell. Includes ribosomes, the cytoskeleton and chromosomes. intracellular non-membrane-enclosed organelle cellular_component GO:0043232 intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle The internal volume enclosed by the membranes of a particular organelle; includes the volume enclosed by a single organelle membrane, e.g. endoplasmic reticulum lumen, or the volume enclosed by the innermost of the two lipid bilayers of an organelle envelope, e.g. nuclear lumen. cellular_component GO:0043233 organelle lumen Any protein complex that undergoes combination with a hormone, neurotransmitter, drug or intracellular messenger to initiate a change in cell function. cellular_component GO:0043235 receptor complex The disaggregation of a protein complex into its constituent components. Protein complexes may have other associated non-protein prosthetic groups, such as nucleic acids, metal ions or carbohydrate groups. biological_process GO:0043241 protein complex disassembly Fibers, composed of actin, myosin, and associated proteins, found in cells of smooth or striated muscle. contractile fibre cellular_component GO:0043292 contractile fiber The process of sparing immature T cells which react with self-MHC protein complexes with low affinity levels from apoptotic death. positive T lymphocyte selection positive T-cell selection positive T-lymphocyte selection biological_process GO:0043368 positive T cell selection A receptor complex found on immature T cells consisting of a T cell receptor beta chain and the pre-TCR-alpha chain, along with additional signaling components including CD3 family members and additional signaling proteins. pre-T lymphocyte receptor complex pre-T-cell receptor complex pre-T-lymphocyte receptor complex pre-TCR complex cellular_component GO:0043384 pre-T cell receptor complex The chemical reactions and pathways involving any oxoacid; an oxoacid is a compound which contains oxygen, at least one other element, and at least one hydrogen bound to oxygen, and which produces a conjugate base by loss of positive hydrogen ion(s) (hydrons). keto acid metabolic process keto acid metabolism ketoacid metabolic process ketoacid metabolism oxo acid metabolic process oxo acid metabolism oxoacid metabolism biological_process GO:0043436 oxoacid metabolic process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the process of gaseous exchange between an organism and its environment. biological_process GO:0043576 regulation of respiratory gaseous exchange The chemical reactions and pathways involving an amide, any derivative of an oxoacid in which an acidic hydroxy group has been replaced by an amino or substituted amino group, as carried out by individual cells. amide metabolism biological_process GO:0043603 cellular amide metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of an amide, any derivative of an oxoacid in which an acidic hydroxy group has been replaced by an amino or substituted amino group. biological_process GO:0043604 amide biosynthetic process Any process in which macromolecules aggregate, disaggregate, or are modified, resulting in the formation, disassembly, or alteration of a protein complex. Any process in which macromolecules aggregate, disaggregate, or are modified, resulting in the formation, disassembly, or alteration of a macromolecular complex. mah 2010-09-08T10:01:42Z GO:0034600 GO:0034621 GO:0071822 protein complex subunit organisation protein complex subunit organization cellular macromolecular complex organization cellular macromolecular complex subunit organisation cellular macromolecular complex subunit organization macromolecular complex organization macromolecular complex subunit organisation biological_process cellular macromolecular complex organization cellular macromolecular complex subunit organisation cellular macromolecular complex subunit organization macromolecular complex organization macromolecular complex subunit organisation macromolecular complex subunit organization protein-containing complex subunit organization GO:0043933 protein-containing complex organization macromolecular complex subunit organization The chemical reactions and pathways involving glucans, polysaccharides consisting only of glucose residues. glucan metabolism biological_process GO:0044042 glucan metabolic process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a system process, a multicellular organismal process carried out by any of the organs or tissues in an organ system. biological_process GO:0044057 regulation of system process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a digestive system process, a physical, chemical, or biochemical process carried out by living organisms to break down ingested nutrients into components that may be easily absorbed and directed into metabolism. biological_process GO:0044058 regulation of digestive system process A process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, and arrangement of constituent parts of a cellular component. Includes biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, and those macromolecular modifications that are involved in synthesis or assembly of the cellular component. GO:0071843 cellular component biogenesis at cellular level biological_process GO:0044085 cellular component biogenesis A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2 (either eIF2 in eukaryotes, or IF2 in prokaryotes). In prokaryotes, fMet-tRNA (initiator) is used rather than Met-tRNA (initiator). jl 2009-10-22T02:38:55Z translation initiation (ternary) complex Met-tRNA/eIF2.GTP ternary complex cellular_component GO:0044207 translation initiation ternary complex The chemical reactions and pathways by which individual cells transform chemical substances. cellular metabolism biological_process intermediary metabolism GO:0044237 cellular metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving those compounds which are formed as a part of the normal anabolic and catabolic processes. These processes take place in most, if not all, cells of the organism. primary metabolism biological_process GO:0044238 primary metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of polysaccharides, polymers of many (typically more than 10) monosaccharide residues linked glycosidically, as carried out by individual cells. cellular polysaccharide breakdown cellular polysaccharide catabolism cellular polysaccharide degradation biological_process GO:0044247 cellular polysaccharide catabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of substances, carried out by individual cells. cellular breakdown cellular catabolism cellular degradation biological_process GO:0044248 cellular catabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of substances, carried out by individual cells. cellular anabolism cellular biosynthesis cellular formation cellular synthesis biological_process GO:0044249 cellular biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving macromolecules, any molecule of high relative molecular mass, the structure of which essentially comprises the multiple repetition of units derived, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low relative molecular mass, as carried out by individual cells. GO:0034960 cellular biopolymer metabolic process cellular macromolecule metabolism biological_process GO:0044260 cellular macromolecule metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving carbohydrates, any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y, as carried out by individual cells. GO:0006092 cellular carbohydrate metabolism main pathways of carbohydrate metabolic process main pathways of carbohydrate metabolism biological_process GO:0044262 cellular carbohydrate metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving polysaccharides, polymers of more than 10 monosaccharide residues joined by glycosidic linkages, as carried out by individual cells. cellular glycan metabolic process cellular glycan metabolism cellular polysaccharide metabolism biological_process GO:0044264 cellular polysaccharide metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving a specific protein, rather than of proteins in general, occurring at the level of an individual cell. Includes cellular protein modification. cellular protein metabolism biological_process GO:0044267 cellular protein metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of organic and inorganic nitrogenous compounds. nitrogen compound anabolism nitrogen compound biosynthesis nitrogen compound formation nitrogen compound synthesis biological_process GO:0044271 cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of compounds that contain sulfur, such as the amino acids methionine and cysteine or the tripeptide glutathione. sulfur compound anabolism sulfur compound biosynthesis sulfur compound formation sulfur compound synthesis sulfur biosynthesis sulfur biosynthetic process biological_process GO:0044272 sulfur compound biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of carbohydrates, any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y, as carried out by individual cells. cellular carbohydrate breakdown cellular carbohydrate catabolism cellular carbohydrate degradation biological_process GO:0044275 cellular carbohydrate catabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving small molecules, any low molecular weight, monomeric, non-encoded molecule. jl 2010-01-26T12:05:20Z small molecule metabolism biological_process GO:0044281 Small molecules in GO include monosaccharides but exclude disaccharides and polysaccharides. small molecule metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of small molecules, any low molecular weight, monomeric, non-encoded molecule. jl 2010-01-26T12:06:49Z small molecule biosynthesis biological_process GO:0044283 Small molecules in GO include monosaccharides but exclude disaccharides and polysaccharides. small molecule biosynthetic process The portion of a cell bearing surface projections such as axons, dendrites, cilia, or flagella that includes the nucleus, but excludes all cell projections. jl 2010-02-05T10:37:16Z FBbt:00005107 FMA:67301 Wikipedia:Cell_body cell soma cellular_component GO:0044297 Note that 'cell body' and 'cell soma' are not used in the literature for cells that lack projections, nor for some cells (e.g. yeast with mating projections) that do have projections. cell body Any process evolved to enable an interaction with an organism of a different species. interaction with another species interspecies interaction interspecies interaction between organisms interspecies interaction with other organisms biological_process GO:0044419 biological process involved in interspecies interaction between organisms The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a motile cilium. krc 2015-02-06T17:23:23Z GO:1903887 biological_process motile primary cilia assembly motile primary cilia formation motile primary cilium assembly motile primary cilium formation nodal cilium assembly nodal cilium formation GO:0044458 motile cilium assembly A biological process that directly contributes to the process of producing new individuals, involving another organism. jl 2012-09-19T15:56:30Z biological_process GO:0044703 multi-organism reproductive process Any process that is carried out at the cellular level, occurring within a single organism. janelomax 2012-12-11T16:56:55Z biological_process GO:0044763 single-organism cellular process A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a cilium, a specialized eukaryotic organelle that consists of a filiform extrusion of the cell surface. Each cilium is bounded by an extrusion of the cytoplasmic membrane, and contains a regular longitudinal array of microtubules, anchored basally in a centriole. jl 2013-03-27T15:09:58Z microtubule-based flagellum organization biological_process GO:0044782 Note that we deem cilium and microtubule-based flagellum to be equivalent. cilium organization The process in which T cells that express T cell receptors that are restricted by self MHC protein complexes and tolerant to self antigens are selected for further maturation. Wikipedia:Thymocyte T lymphocyte selection T-cell selection T-lymphocyte selection biological_process GO:0045058 T cell selection Innate immune responses are defense responses mediated by germline encoded components that directly recognize components of potential pathogens. GO:0002226 Wikipedia:Innate_immune_system innate immunity nonspecific immune response biological_process GO:0045087 innate immune response The directed movement of a protein to a specific location. establishment of protein localisation protein positioning protein recruitment biological_process GO:0045184 establishment of protein localization The switching of activated B cells from IgM biosynthesis to biosynthesis of other isotypes of immunoglobulin, accomplished through a recombination process involving an intrachromosomal deletion involving switch regions that reside 5' of each constant region gene segment in the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus. Wikipedia:Immunoglobulin_class_switching class switch recombination class switching isotype switch recombination biological_process GO:0045190 Note that IgM and IgD can be coexpressed by B cells via an alternate splicing mechanism, but true recombinational isotype switching to IgD has been demonstrated as well. Note that this term is best used to annotate gene products which are involved in the mechanism of DNA recombination used in isotype switching, like the B cell specific Swap70 factor in the mouse, rather than gene products which promote isotype switching such as cytokines or co-stimulatory molecules, which should instead be annotated to 'regulation of isotype switching ; GO:0045191'. isotype switching The junction between an axon of one neuron and a dendrite of another neuron, a muscle fiber or a glial cell. As the axon approaches the synapse it enlarges into a specialized structure, the presynaptic terminal bouton, which contains mitochondria and synaptic vesicles. At the tip of the terminal bouton is the presynaptic membrane; facing it, and separated from it by a minute cleft (the synaptic cleft) is a specialized area of membrane on the receiving cell, known as the postsynaptic membrane. In response to the arrival of nerve impulses, the presynaptic terminal bouton secretes molecules of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These diffuse across the cleft and transmit the signal to the postsynaptic membrane. NIF_Subcellular:sao914572699 Wikipedia:Chemical_synapse synaptic junction mixed synapse cellular_component electrotonic synapse GO:0045202 synapse A change in morphology and behavior of a leukocyte resulting from exposure to a specific antigen, mitogen, cytokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor. Wikipedia:Immunologic_activation immune cell activation leucocyte activation biological_process GO:0045321 leukocyte activation The process in which specialized cells known as osteoclasts degrade the organic and inorganic portions of bone, and endocytose and transport the degradation products. Wikipedia:Bone_resorption biological_process GO:0045453 bone resorption Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of T cell differentiation. regulation of T lymphocyte differentiation regulation of T-cell differentiation regulation of T-lymphocyte differentiation biological_process regulation of T cell development GO:0045580 Note that immunologists typically use the word 'development' to refer to cells of B or T cell lineages undergoing the process that GO describes as 'cell differentiation'. regulation of T cell differentiation Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of cell differentiation, the process in which relatively unspecialized cells acquire specialized structural and functional features. biological_process GO:0045595 regulation of cell differentiation Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of lymphocyte differentiation. biological_process regulation of lymphocyte development GO:0045619 Note that immunologists typically use the word 'development' to refer to cells of B or T cell lineages undergoing the process that GO describes as 'cell differentiation'. regulation of lymphocyte differentiation The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of carboxylic acids, any organic acid containing one or more carboxyl (-COOH) groups. carboxylic acid anabolism carboxylic acid biosynthesis carboxylic acid formation carboxylic acid synthesis biological_process GO:0046394 carboxylic acid biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving heterocyclic compounds, those with a cyclic molecular structure and at least two different atoms in the ring (or rings). heterocycle metabolism biological_process GO:0046483 heterocycle metabolic process A change in morphology and behavior of a lymphocyte resulting from exposure to a specific antigen, mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor. biological_process GO:0046649 lymphocyte activation The controlled release of acid by a cell or a tissue. biological_process GO:0046717 acid secretion The continuous turnover of bone matrix and mineral that involves first, an increase in resorption (osteoclastic activity) and later, reactive bone formation (osteoblastic activity). The process of bone remodeling takes place in the adult skeleton at discrete foci. The process ensures the mechanical integrity of the skeleton throughout life and plays an important role in calcium homeostasis. An imbalance in the regulation of bone resorption and bone formation results in many of the metabolic bone diseases, such as osteoporosis. Wikipedia:Bone_remodeling bone remodelling biological_process GO:0046849 bone remodeling The regulated release of hormones, substances with a specific regulatory effect on a particular organ or group of cells. biological_process GO:0046879 hormone secretion The controlled release of a substance by a cell or a tissue. biological_process GO:0046903 secretion The directed movement of substances within a cell. jl 2013-12-18T14:04:50Z GO:1902582 biological_process single organism intracellular transport single-organism intracellular transport GO:0046907 intracellular transport The directed movement of carboxylic acids into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. Carboxylic acids are organic acids containing one or more carboxyl (COOH) groups or anions (COO-). biological_process GO:0046942 carboxylic acid transport The self-renewing division of a somatic stem cell, a stem cell that can give rise to cell types of the body other than those of the germ-line. somatic stem cell renewal biological_process GO:0048103 somatic stem cell division The meiotic divisions undergone by the primary and secondary spermatocytes to produce haploid spermatids. spermatocyte cell division biological_process GO:0048137 spermatocyte division The directed movement of substances into, out of or within the Golgi apparatus, mediated by vesicles. biological_process Golgi-derived vesicle transport GO:0048193 Golgi vesicle transport The process in which vesicles are directed to specific destination membranes during transport to, from or within the Golgi apparatus; mediated by the addition of specific coat proteins, including COPI and COPII proteins and clathrin, to the membrane during vesicle formation. Golgi vesicle targeting dictyosome vesicle targeting vesicle targeting, to, from or within dictyosome biological_process GO:0048199 vesicle targeting, to, from or within Golgi Generation of the male gamete; specialised haploid cells produced by meiosis and along with a female gamete takes part in sexual reproduction. biological_process GO:0048232 male gamete generation The creation of a single organelle from two or more organelles. biological_process GO:0048284 organelle fusion The creation of two or more organelles by division of one organelle. biological_process GO:0048285 organelle fission The process in which the anatomical structures of the mesoderm are generated and organized. biological_process GO:0048332 mesoderm morphogenesis The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the cell over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Cell development does not include the steps involved in committing a cell to a specific fate. biological_process terminal differentiation GO:0048468 cell development The complete process of formation and maturation of an ovum or female gamete from a primordial female germ cell. Examples of this process are found in Mus musculus and Drosophila melanogaster. GO:0009993 GO:0048157 Wikipedia:Oogenesis ovum development biological_process GO:0048477 oogenesis Development of a tissue or tissues that work together to perform a specific function or functions. Development pertains to the process whose specific outcome is the progression of a structure over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Organs are commonly observed as visibly distinct structures, but may also exist as loosely associated clusters of cells that work together to perform a specific function or functions. Wikipedia:Organogenesis development of an organ organogenesis biological_process GO:0048513 animal organ development The process in which the anatomical structures of blood vessels are generated and organized. The blood vessel is the vasculature carrying blood. biological_process GO:0048514 blood vessel morphogenesis The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a spermatid over time, from initial commitment of the cell to a specific fate, to the fully functional differentiated cell. spermatid cell differentiation biological_process GO:0048515 spermatid differentiation Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of a biological process. Biological processes are regulated by many means; examples include the control of gene expression, protein modification or interaction with a protein or substrate molecule. GO:0043119 positive regulation of physiological process up regulation of biological process up-regulation of biological process upregulation of biological process activation of biological process stimulation of biological process biological_process GO:0048518 positive regulation of biological process Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of a biological process. Biological processes are regulated by many means; examples include the control of gene expression, protein modification or interaction with a protein or substrate molecule. GO:0043118 down regulation of biological process down-regulation of biological process downregulation of biological process negative regulation of physiological process inhibition of biological process biological_process GO:0048519 negative regulation of biological process Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of a cellular process, any of those that are carried out at the cellular level, but are not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level. GO:0051242 positive regulation of cellular physiological process up regulation of cellular process up-regulation of cellular process upregulation of cellular process activation of cellular process stimulation of cellular process biological_process GO:0048522 positive regulation of cellular process The process whose specific outcome is the progression of any organ involved in hematopoiesis (also known as hemopoiesis) or lymphoid cell activation over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Such development includes differentiation of resident cell types (stromal cells) and of migratory cell types dependent on the unique microenvironment afforded by the organ for their proper differentiation. haematopoietic or lymphoid organ development haemopoietic or lymphoid organ development hemopoietic or lymphoid organ development biological_process GO:0048534 hematopoietic or lymphoid organ development Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a response to a stimulus. Response to stimulus is a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus. biological_process GO:0048583 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. regulation of response to stimulus Any process that activates, maintains or increases the rate of a response to a stimulus. Response to stimulus is a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus. up regulation of response to stimulus up-regulation of response to stimulus upregulation of response to stimulus activation of response to stimulus stimulation of response to stimulus biological_process GO:0048584 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. positive regulation of response to stimulus Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of a response to a stimulus. Response to stimulus is a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus. down regulation of response to stimulus down-regulation of response to stimulus downregulation of response to stimulus inhibition of response to stimulus biological_process GO:0048585 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. negative regulation of response to stimulus The process in which anatomical structures are generated and organized during the embryonic phase. The embryonic phase begins with zygote formation. The end of the embryonic phase is organism-specific. For example, it would be at birth for mammals, larval hatching for insects and seed dormancy in plants. GO:0048828 embryonic anatomical structure morphogenesis biological_process GO:0048598 embryonic morphogenesis The process, occurring above the cellular level, that is pertinent to the reproductive function of a multicellular organism. This includes the integrated processes at the level of tissues and organs. organismal reproductive process reproductive process in a multicellular organism biological_process GO:0048609 multicellular organismal reproductive process The developmental process pertaining to the initial formation of an anatomical structure from unspecified parts. This process begins with the specific processes that contribute to the appearance of the discrete structure and ends when the structural rudiment is recognizable. An anatomical structure is any biological entity that occupies space and is distinguished from its surroundings. Anatomical structures can be macroscopic such as a carpel, or microscopic such as an acrosome. formation of an anatomical structure involved in morphogenesis biological_process GO:0048646 Note that, for example, the formation of a pseudopod in an amoeba would not be considered formation involved in morphogenesis because it would not be thought of as the formation of an anatomical structure that was part of the shaping of the amoeba during its development. The formation of an axon from a neuron would be considered the formation of an anatomical structure involved in morphogenesis because it contributes to the creation of the form of the neuron in a developmental sense. anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis The process in which the anatomical structures of a tissue are generated and organized. biological_process GO:0048729 tissue morphogenesis The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an organismal system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A system is a regularly interacting or interdependent group of organs or tissues that work together to carry out a given biological process. biological_process GO:0048731 system development The process in which the anatomical structures of branches in an epithelial tube are generated and organized. A tube is a long hollow cylinder. biological_process tubulogenesis GO:0048754 branching morphogenesis of an epithelial tube A small, subcellular membrane-bounded vesicle containing pigment and/or pigment precursor molecules. Pigment granule biogenesis is poorly understood, as pigment granules are derived from multiple sources including the endoplasmic reticulum, coated vesicles, lysosomes, and endosomes. cellular_component GO:0048770 pigment granule The reorganization or renovation of existing tissues. This process can either change the characteristics of a tissue such as in blood vessel remodeling, or result in the dynamic equilibrium of a tissue such as in bone remodeling. biological_process GO:0048771 tissue remodeling The biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of an anatomical structure from an initial condition to its mature state. This process begins with the formation of the structure and ends with the mature structure, whatever form that may be including its natural destruction. An anatomical structure is any biological entity that occupies space and is distinguished from its surroundings. Anatomical structures can be macroscopic such as a carpel, or microscopic such as an acrosome. development of an anatomical structure biological_process GO:0048856 anatomical structure development A biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of a cell over time from an initial condition to a later condition. biological_process GO:0048869 cellular developmental process Any process involved in the controlled self-propelled movement of a cell that results in translocation of the cell from one place to another. cell locomotion movement of a cell biological_process cell movement GO:0048870 cell motility Any process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state at the level of the multicellular organism. biological_process GO:0048871 multicellular organismal homeostasis Any biological process involved in the maintenance of the steady-state number of cells within a population of cells. cell population homeostasis homeostasis of cell number biological_process GO:0048872 homeostasis of number of cells Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the immune response, the immunological reaction of an organism to an immunogenic stimulus. biological_process GO:0050776 regulation of immune response Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the immune response, the immunological reaction of an organism to an immunogenic stimulus. down regulation of immune response down-regulation of immune response downregulation of immune response inhibition of immune response biological_process GO:0050777 negative regulation of immune response Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the immune response, the immunological reaction of an organism to an immunogenic stimulus. up regulation of immune response up-regulation of immune response upregulation of immune response stimulation of immune response biological_process GO:0050778 positive regulation of immune response Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a biological process. Biological processes are regulated by many means; examples include the control of gene expression, protein modification or interaction with a protein or substrate molecule. GO:0050791 regulation of physiological process biological_process GO:0050789 regulation of biological process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of development, the biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of a multicellular organism over time from an initial condition (e.g. a zygote, or a young adult) to a later condition (e.g. a multicellular animal or an aged adult). biological_process GO:0050793 regulation of developmental process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a cellular process, any of those that are carried out at the cellular level, but are not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level. GO:0051244 regulation of cellular physiological process biological_process GO:0050794 regulation of cellular process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of T cell activation. regulation of T lymphocyte activation regulation of T-cell activation regulation of T-lymphocyte activation biological_process GO:0050863 regulation of T cell activation Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of cell activation, the change in the morphology or behavior of a cell resulting from exposure to an activating factor such as a cellular or soluble ligand. biological_process GO:0050865 regulation of cell activation A organ system process carried out by any of the organs or tissues of neurological system. neurological system process neurophysiological process biological_process pan-neural process GO:0050877 nervous system process Any process that modulates the levels of body fluids. biological_process GO:0050878 regulation of body fluid levels The process that involves the secretion of or response to endocrine hormones. An endocrine hormone is a hormone released into the circulatory system. endocrine physiological process endocrine physiology biological_process GO:0050886 endocrine process Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus. The process begins with detection of the stimulus and ends with a change in state or activity or the cell or organism. GO:0051869 physiological response to stimulus biological_process GO:0050896 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. response to stimulus The movement of a leukocyte within or between different tissues and organs of the body. immune cell migration immune cell trafficking leucocyte migration leucocyte trafficking leukocyte trafficking biological_process GO:0050900 leukocyte migration The series of events involved in sensory perception in which a sensory stimulus is received and converted into a molecular signal. Wikipedia:Transduction_(physiology) sensory detection of stimulus sensory perception, sensory transduction of stimulus sensory perception, stimulus detection sensory transduction biological_process GO:0050906 detection of stimulus involved in sensory perception Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of a motile cell or organism in response to a specific chemical concentration gradient. biological_process GO:0050920 regulation of chemotaxis Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of a motile cell or organism in response to a specific chemical concentration gradient. up regulation of chemotaxis up-regulation of chemotaxis upregulation of chemotaxis activation of chemotaxis stimulation of chemotaxis biological_process GO:0050921 positive regulation of chemotaxis The series of events required for an organism to receive a sensory light stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal. This is a neurological process. biological_process GO:0050953 sensory perception of light stimulus The series of events in which a light stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal as part of the sensory perception of light. sensory detection of light stimulus sensory detection of light stimulus during sensory perception sensory perception, sensory detection of light stimulus sensory perception, sensory transduction of light stimulus sensory transduction of light stimulus sensory transduction of light stimulus during sensory perception biological_process GO:0050962 detection of light stimulus involved in sensory perception Any process in which a cell, a substance, or a cellular entity, such as a protein complex or organelle, is transported, tethered to or otherwise maintained in a specific location. In the case of substances, localization may also be achieved via selective degradation. jl 2013-12-18T13:51:04Z GO:1902578 establishment and maintenance of localization establishment and maintenance of position localisation establishment and maintenance of cellular component location establishment and maintenance of substance location establishment and maintenance of substrate location biological_process single organism localization single-organism localization GO:0051179 localization Any process that localizes a substance or cellular component. This may occur via movement, tethering or selective degradation. establishment of localisation biological_process GO:0051234 establishment of localization Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a multicellular organismal process, the processes pertinent to the function of a multicellular organism above the cellular level; includes the integrated processes of tissues and organs. biological_process GO:0051239 regulation of multicellular organismal process Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of an organismal process, any of the processes pertinent to the function of an organism above the cellular level; includes the integrated processes of tissues and organs. up regulation of multicellular organismal process up-regulation of multicellular organismal process upregulation of multicellular organismal process activation of multicellular organismal process stimulation of multicellular organismal process biological_process GO:0051240 positive regulation of multicellular organismal process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of lymphocyte activation. biological_process GO:0051249 regulation of lymphocyte activation Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the movement of a cellular component. regulation of cellular component motion biological_process regulation of cell movement GO:0051270 regulation of cellular component movement Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the movement of a cellular component. positive regulation of cellular component motion biological_process GO:0051272 positive regulation of cellular component movement A process that is carried out at the cellular level that results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of chromosomes, structures composed of a very long molecule of DNA and associated proteins that carries hereditary information. This term covers covalent modifications at the molecular level as well as spatial relationships among the major components of a chromosome. GO:0007001 GO:0051277 chromosome organisation biological_process chromosome organization and biogenesis maintenance of genome integrity nuclear genome maintenance GO:0051276 chromosome organization The process resulting in division and partitioning of components of a cell to form more cells; may or may not be accompanied by the physical separation of a cell into distinct, individually membrane-bounded daughter cells. Wikipedia:Cell_division biological_process GO:0051301 Note that this term differs from 'cytokinesis ; GO:0000910' in that cytokinesis does not include nuclear division. cell division Progression through the phases of the meiotic cell cycle, in which canonically a cell replicates to produce four offspring with half the chromosomal content of the progenitor cell via two nuclear divisions. GO:0007126 Wikipedia:Meiosis biological_process meiosis GO:0051321 Note that this term should not be confused with 'GO:0140013 ; meiotic nuclear division'. 'GO:0051321 ; meiotic cell cycle represents the entire mitotic cell cycle, while 'GO:0140013 meiotic nuclear division' specifically represents the actual nuclear division step of the mitotic cell cycle. meiotic cell cycle The regulated release of corticotropin by a cell. Corticotropin hormone is a polypeptide hormone synthesized and secreted from corticotropes in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland in response to corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) released by the hypothalamus. ACTH secretion adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion adrenotropic hormone secretion adrenotropin secretion corticotropic hormone secretion biological_process adrenocorticotropin secretion GO:0051458 corticotropin secretion The series of events in which a stimulus is received by a cell or organism and converted into a molecular signal. stimulus detection biological_process perception of stimulus stimulus sensing GO:0051606 detection of stimulus The directed movement of histamine into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. Histamine is a physiologically active amine, found in plant and animal tissue and released from mast cells as part of an allergic reaction in humans. biological_process GO:0051608 histamine transport Any process in which an organelle is transported to, and/or maintained in, a specific location. establishment and maintenance of organelle localization organelle localisation biological_process GO:0051640 organelle localization A cellular localization process whereby a substance or cellular entity, such as a protein complex or organelle, is transported to, and/or maintained in, a specific location within a cell including the localization of substances or cellular entities to the cell membrane. jl 2013-12-18T14:04:32Z GO:1902580 cellular localisation establishment and maintenance of cellular localization establishment and maintenance of localization in cell or cell membrane single organism cellular localization intracellular localization localization within cell biological_process single-organism cellular localization GO:0051641 cellular localization Any process in which a vesicle or vesicles are transported to, and/or maintained in, a specific location. cytoplasmic vesicle localization establishment and maintenance of vesicle localization vesicle localisation biological_process GO:0051648 vesicle localization Any process, occuring in a cell, that localizes a substance or cellular component. This may occur via movement, tethering or selective degradation. establishment of localisation in cell establishment of intracellular localization establishment of localization within cell positioning within cell biological_process establishment of cellular localization GO:0051649 establishment of localization in cell The directed movement of a vesicle to a specific location. establishment of vesicle localisation biological_process GO:0051650 establishment of vesicle localization The directed movement of an organelle to a specific location. establishment of organelle localisation biological_process GO:0051656 establishment of organelle localization Any process in which a cell is transported to, and/or maintained in, a specific location. cell localization establishment and maintenance of cell localization establishment and maintenance of localization of cell localisation of cell biological_process GO:0051674 localization of cell Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus from another living organism. GO:0009613 GO:0042828 biological_process GO:0051707 response to other organism Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus. The process begins with detection of the stimulus by a cell and ends with a change in state or activity or the cell. biological_process GO:0051716 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. cellular response to stimulus The process in which a solute is transported across a lipid bilayer, from one side of a membrane to the other. tb 2015-10-21T13:22:47Z GO:0090662 membrane transport ATP hydrolysis coupled transmembrane transport biological_process GO:0055085 Transmembrane transport is the transport of a solute across a lipid bilayer. Note that transport through the nuclear pore complex is not transmembrane because the nuclear membrane is a double membrane and is not traversed. For transport through the nuclear pore, consider instead the term 'nucleocytoplasmic transport ; GO:0006913' and its children. Note also that this term is not intended for use in annotating lateral movement within membranes. transmembrane transport The multicellular organismal process in which the heart decreases in volume in a characteristic way to propel blood through the body. heart beating biological_process cardiac contraction hemolymph circulation GO:0060047 heart contraction The regulation of body fluids process in which parasympathetic nerves stimulate the bladder wall muscle to contract and expel urine from the body. Wikipedia:Urination urination urine voiding biological_process GO:0060073 micturition Any process that modulates the potential difference across a post-synaptic membrane. regulation of post-synaptic membrane potential biological_process GO:0060078 regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential A process that leads to a temporary increase in postsynaptic potential due to the flow of positively charged ions into the postsynaptic cell. The flow of ions that causes an EPSP is an excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC) and makes it easier for the neuron to fire an action potential. regulation of excitatory post-synaptic membrane potential biological_process regulation of EPSP GO:0060079 excitatory postsynaptic potential A compound molecular function in which an effector function is controlled by one or more regulatory components. molecular_function GO:0060089 molecular transducer activity A homeostatic process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state within a defined anatomical structure of an organism, including control of cellular proliferation and death and control of metabolic function. An anatomical structure is any biological entity that occupies space and is distinguished from its surroundings. Anatomical structures can be macroscopic such as a carpel, or microscopic such as an acrosome. anatomical structure maintenance biological_process GO:0060249 anatomical structure homeostasis The assembly of a cilium, a specialized eukaryotic organelle that consists of a filiform extrusion of the cell surface. Each cilium is bounded by an extrusion of the cytoplasmic membrane, and contains a regular longitudinal array of microtubules, anchored basally in a centriole. GO:0042384 Reactome:R-HSA-5617833.2 ciliogenesis cilium formation microtubule-based flagellum assembly biological_process cilium biogenesis cilium morphogenesis cilium organization GO:0060271 Note that we deem cilium and microtubule-based flagellum to be equivalent. cilium assembly Cell motility due to the motion of one or more eukaryotic cilia. A eukaryotic cilium is a specialized organelle that consists of a filiform extrusion of the cell surface. Each cilium is bounded by an extrusion of the cytoplasmic (plasma) membrane, and contains a regular longitudinal array of microtubules, anchored basally in a centriole. GO:0071974 cilium cell motility microtubule-based flagellar cell motility biological_process ciliary cell motility GO:0060285 Note that we deem eukaryotic cilia and microtubule-based flagella to be equivalent. cilium-dependent cell motility Movement of cilia mediated by motor proteins that contributes to the movement of a cell. biological_process GO:0060294 cilium movement involved in cell motility The directed movement of a motile cell guided by a specific chemical concentration gradient. Movement may be towards a higher concentration (positive chemotaxis) or towards a lower concentration (negative chemotaxis). biological_process GO:0060326 cell chemotaxis The process in which a relatively unspecialized myeloid precursor cell acquires the specialized features of a mast cell. A mast cell is a cell that is found in almost all tissues containing numerous basophilic granules and capable of releasing large amounts of histamine and heparin upon activation. biological_process GO:0060374 mast cell differentiation The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an epithelium over time, from its formation to the mature structure. An epithelium is a tissue that covers the internal or external surfaces of an anatomical structure. biological_process GO:0060429 epithelium development The process in which the anatomical structures of a tube are generated and organized from an epithelium. Epithelial tubes transport gases, liquids and cells from one site to another and form the basic structure of many organs and tissues, with tube shape and organization varying from the single-celled excretory organ in Caenorhabditis elegans to the branching trees of the mammalian kidney and insect tracheal system. dph 2009-04-28T09:33:36Z biological_process GO:0060562 epithelial tube morphogenesis The regulated release of a hormone into the circulatory system. dph 2010-01-11T09:03:48Z biological_process GO:0060986 endocrine hormone secretion An system process carried out by any of the organs or tissues of the hepaticobiliary system. The hepaticobiliary system is responsible for metabolic and catabolic processing of small molecules absorbed from the blood or gut, hormones and serum proteins, detoxification, storage of glycogen, triglycerides, metals and lipid soluble vitamins and excretion of bile. Included are the synthesis of albumin, blood coagulation factors, complement, and specific binding proteins. dph 2010-01-22T09:09:10Z hepatobiliary system process biological_process GO:0061007 hepaticobiliary system process A process which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a membrane. A membrane is a double layer of lipid molecules that encloses all cells, and, in eukaryotes, many organelles; may be a single or double lipid bilayer; also includes associated proteins. jl 2010-02-08T02:43:11Z GO:0016044 GO:0044802 cellular membrane organisation cellular membrane organization membrane organisation biological_process membrane organization and biogenesis single-organism membrane organization GO:0061024 membrane organization The membrane organization process that joins two lipid bilayers to form a single membrane. jl 2010-02-08T02:48:06Z GO:0006944 GO:0044801 Wikipedia:Lipid_bilayer_fusion cellular membrane fusion biological_process single-organism membrane fusion GO:0061025 membrane fusion The process in which the anatomical structures of a branched epithelium are generated and organized. dph 2010-05-25T09:05:34Z biological_process GO:0061138 morphogenesis of a branching epithelium A process in which a protein is transported to, or maintained in, a location within a cilium. dph 2013-03-22T15:41:44Z biological_process GO:0061512 protein localization to cilium The controlled release of glutamate by a cell, in which the glutamate acts as a neurotransmitter. dph 2013-06-21T16:14:47Z biological_process GO:0061535 glutamate secretion, neurotransmission An immune response against microbes mediated by anti-microbial peptides in body fluid. peptide-mediated antimicrobial humoral response antimicrobial peptide-mediated antimicrobial humoral response biological_process GO:0061844 antimicrobial humoral immune response mediated by antimicrobial peptide A process that coontributes to the second meiotic division. The second meiotic division separates chromatids resulting in a haploid number of chromosomes. dph 2018-02-14T22:37:44Z second meiotic division biological_process GO:0061983 meiosis II cell cycle process An extracellular matrix consisting mainly of proteins (especially collagen) and glycosaminoglycans (mostly as proteoglycans) that provides not only essential physical scaffolding for the cellular constituents but can also initiate crucial biochemical and biomechanical cues required for tissue morphogenesis, differentiation and homeostasis. The components are secreted by cells in the vicinity and form a sheet underlying or overlying cells such as endothelial and epithelial cells. dph 2018-04-13T12:47:21Z cellular_component GO:0062023 collagen-containing extracellular matrix The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of macromolecules to form a protein-containing complex. GO:0006461 GO:0034622 GO:0043623 cellular protein complex assembly biological_process cellular macromolecule complex assembly cellular protein-containing complex assembly chaperone activity macromolecular complex assembly macromolecule complex assembly protein complex assembly protein complex formation GO:0065003 protein-containing complex assembly Any process that modulates a measurable attribute of any biological process, quality or function. regulation biological_process GO:0065007 biological regulation Any process that modulates a qualitative or quantitative trait of a biological quality. A biological quality is a measurable attribute of an organism or part of an organism, such as size, mass, shape, color, etc. regulation of biological attribute regulation of biological characteristic biological_process GO:0065008 regulation of biological quality Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, bounded by a lipid bilayer membrane and occurring outside the cell. extracellular membrane-enclosed organelle cellular_component GO:0065010 extracellular membrane-bounded organelle An organelle lumen that is part of an intracellular organelle. cellular_component GO:0070013 intracellular organelle lumen A vesicle that is released into the extracellular region by fusion of the limiting endosomal membrane of a multivesicular body with the plasma membrane. Extracellular exosomes, also simply called exosomes, have a diameter of about 40-100 nm. exosome extracellular vesicular exosome cellular_component GO:0070062 extracellular exosome The regulated release of glucagon from secretory granules in the A (alpha) cells of the pancreas (islets of Langerhans). biological_process GO:0070091 glucagon secretion A cell junction that mechanically attaches a cell (and its cytoskeleton) to neighboring cells or to the extracellular matrix. anchoring cell junction cellular_component GO:0070161 anchoring junction The regulated release of somatostatin from secretory granules in the D cells of the pancreas. biological_process GO:0070253 somatostatin secretion The regulated release of mucus by the mucosa. Mucus is a viscous slimy secretion consisting of mucins and various inorganic salts dissolved in water, with suspended epithelial cells and leukocytes. The mucosa, or mucous membrane, is the membrane covered with epithelium that lines the tubular organs of the body. Mucins are carbohydrate-rich glycoproteins that have a lubricating and protective function. mucus production biological_process GO:0070254 mucus secretion A transport vesicle that mediates transport from an intracellular compartment to the plasma membrane, and fuses with the plasma membrane to release various cargo molecules, such as proteins or hormones, by exocytosis. exocytic constitutive secretory pathway transport vesicle exocytotic vesicle cellular_component GO:0070382 exocytic vesicle The regulated release of prolactin, a peptide hormone that stimulates lactation, from secretory granules in the anterior pituitary. biological_process GO:0070459 prolactin secretion The regulated release of thyroid-stimulating hormone, a peptide hormone that stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland, from secretory granules in the anterior pituitary. TSH secretion thyroid stimulating hormone secretion biological_process GO:0070460 thyroid-stimulating hormone secretion Any process in which a macromolecule is transported to, and/or maintained in, a specific location at the level of a cell. Localization at the cellular level encompasses movement within the cell, from within the cell to the cell surface, or from one location to another at the surface of a cell. mah 2009-06-16T04:08:29Z cellular macromolecule localisation biological_process GO:0070727 cellular macromolecule localization Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a chemical stimulus. mah 2009-08-27T04:41:45Z biological_process GO:0070887 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. cellular response to chemical stimulus The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form an organelle. An organelle is an organized structure of distinctive morphology and function. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton. Excludes the plasma membrane. mah 2009-09-15T03:00:51Z biological_process GO:0070925 organelle assembly A cellular process that results in a change in the spatial configuration of a DNA molecule. A conformation change can bend DNA, or alter the, twist, writhe, or linking number of a DNA molecule. mah 2009-11-09T11:36:34Z DNA conformation modification biological_process GO:0071103 DNA conformation change The movement of a granulocyte in response to an external stimulus. mah 2010-02-09T04:08:17Z biological_process GO:0071621 granulocyte chemotaxis Any process that modulates the rate, frequency or extent of granulocyte chemotaxis. Granulocyte chemotaxis is the movement of a granulocyte in response to an external stimulus. mah 2010-02-09T04:09:24Z biological_process GO:0071622 regulation of granulocyte chemotaxis Any process that increases the rate, frequency or extent of granulocyte chemotaxis. Granulocyte chemotaxis is the movement of a granulocyte in response to an external stimulus. mah 2010-02-09T04:15:36Z biological_process GO:0071624 positive regulation of granulocyte chemotaxis Any process in which a protein is transported from one specific location in the extracellular region to another, or maintained in a specific extracellular location. mah 2010-02-25T04:00:13Z protein localisation in extracellular region protein localization in extracellular region biological_process GO:0071692 protein localization to extracellular region The directed movement of organic substances into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, or within a multicellular organism by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. An organic substance is a molecular entity that contains carbon. mah 2010-03-08T02:15:14Z biological_process GO:0071702 organic substance transport The chemical reactions and pathways involving an organic substance, any molecular entity containing carbon. mah 2010-03-08T03:32:18Z organic molecular entity metabolic process organic molecular entity metabolism organic substance metabolism biological_process GO:0071704 organic substance metabolic process The directed movement of nitrogen-containing compounds into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore. mah 2010-03-08T03:56:28Z biological_process GO:0071705 nitrogen compound transport The process in which immunoglobulin heavy chain V, D, and J gene segments are recombined within a single locus utilizing the conserved heptamer and nonomer recombination signal sequences (RSS). mah 2010-03-09T04:20:31Z immunoglobulin V(D)J joining immunoglobulin V(D)J recombination immunoglobulin V-D-J joining biological_process GO:0071707 immunoglobulin heavy chain V-D-J recombination The process in which immunoglobulin light chain V and J gene segments are recombined within a single locus utilizing the conserved heptamer and nonomer recombination signal sequences (RSS). mah 2010-03-09T04:22:29Z immunoglobulin V(D)J joining immunoglobulin V(D)J recombination immunoglobulin V-J joining biological_process GO:0071708 immunoglobulin light chain V-J recombination A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgD isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds. An IgD immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph. mah 2010-03-24T01:44:53Z cellular_component GO:0071738 Note that an IgD immunoglobulin complex has the function of antigen binding if a suitable antigen is available. IgD immunoglobulin complex A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgM isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds, and in its circulating form complexed with J chain in polymeric forms. An IgM immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph. mah 2010-03-24T01:44:53Z cellular_component GO:0071753 Note that an IgM immunoglobulin complex has the function of antigen binding if a suitable antigen is available. IgM immunoglobulin complex Any process in which macromolecules aggregate, disaggregate, or are modified, resulting in the formation, disassembly, or alteration of a ribonucleoprotein complex. mah 2010-09-08T10:10:35Z RNA-protein complex subunit organization protein-RNA complex subunit organization ribonucleoprotein complex subunit organisation biological_process GO:0071826 ribonucleoprotein complex subunit organization A process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a cellular component. mah 2010-09-10T01:39:16Z GO:0071841 cellular component organisation or biogenesis cellular component organisation or biogenesis at cellular level cellular component organization or biogenesis at cellular level biological_process GO:0071840 cellular component organization or biogenesis The part of a cell encompassing the cell cortex, the plasma membrane, and any external encapsulating structures. mah 2010-10-04T01:51:47Z cellular_component GO:0071944 cell periphery An supramolecular fiber that consists of an insoluble core of polymerized tropoelastin monomers and a surrounding mantle of microfibrils. Elastic fibers provide elasticity and recoiling to tissues and organs, and maintain structural integrity against mechanical strain. mah 2010-10-11T11:44:57Z elastic fibre elastin fiber cellular_component GO:0071953 elastic fiber The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form an extracellular vesicular exosome, a membrane-bounded vesicle that is released into the extracellular region by fusion of the limiting endosomal membrane of a multivesicular body with the plasma membrane. Exosomes are defined by their size, which generally ranges from 30 nm to 100 nm. mah 2010-10-18T03:44:18Z extracellular vesicular exosome assembly biological_process GO:0071971 extracellular exosome assembly The developmental process pertaining to the initial formation of an epithelial tube. mah 2010-02-26T02:15:40Z biological_process GO:0072175 epithelial tube formation The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of monocarboxylic acids, any organic acid containing one carboxyl (-COOH) group. mah 2010-11-02T04:51:32Z monocarboxylic acid anabolism monocarboxylic acid biosynthesis monocarboxylic acid formation monocarboxylic acid synthesis biological_process GO:0072330 monocarboxylic acid biosynthetic process The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the circulatory system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The circulatory system is the organ system that passes nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes), gases, hormones, blood cells, etc. to and from cells in the body to help fight diseases and help stabilize body temperature and pH to maintain homeostasis. mah 2010-11-16T11:27:39Z GO:0072358 cardiovascular system development biological_process GO:0072359 circulatory system development Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of neutrophil chemotaxis. Neutrophil chemotaxis is the directed movement of a neutrophil cell, the most numerous polymorphonuclear leukocyte found in the blood, in response to an external stimulus, usually an infection or wounding. tb 2009-08-03T10:09:34Z biological_process GO:0090022 regulation of neutrophil chemotaxis Any process that increases the frequency, rate, or extent of neutrophil chemotaxis. Neutrophil chemotaxis is the directed movement of a neutrophil cell, the most numerous polymorphonuclear leukocyte found in the blood, in response to an external stimulus, usually an infection or wounding. tb 2009-08-03T10:12:23Z biological_process GO:0090023 positive regulation of neutrophil chemotaxis The joining of two lipid bilayers to form a single organelle membrane. tb 2009-12-11T11:44:58Z biological_process GO:0090174 organelle membrane fusion Any cellular metabolic process involving nucleic acids. tb 2010-04-07T10:18:47Z biological_process GO:0090304 nucleic acid metabolic process All of the contents of a cilium, excluding the plasma membrane surrounding the cilium. pr 2011-03-23T01:52:31Z cilium plasm microtubule-based flagellar matrix microtubule-based flagellum matrix cellular_component cilial cytoplasm ciliary cytoplasm cilium cytoplasm microtubule-based flagellar cytoplasm microtubule-based flagellum cytoplasm GO:0097014 Note that we deem cilium and microtubule-based flagellum to be equivalent. Also, researchers consider the composition of both the plasm and the membrane of the cilium to be detectably different from that in the non-ciliary cytosol and plasma membrane (e.g. in terms of calcium ion concentration, membrane lipid composition, and more). For this reason, the term "ciliary plasm" is not linked to "cytoplasm". ciliary plasm The process in which a precursor cell type acquires the specialized features of a dendritic cell. A dendritic cell is a leukocyte of dendritic lineage specialized in the uptake, processing, and transport of antigens to lymph nodes for the purpose of stimulating an immune response via T cell activation. pr 2011-04-01T10:08:42Z biological_process GO:0097028 Note that immunologists typically use the word 'maturation' to refer to dendritic cells undergoing the process that GO describes as 'cell differentiation'. dendritic cell differentiation Binding to an organic cyclic compound, any molecular entity that contains carbon arranged in a cyclic molecular structure. pr 2011-09-23T02:31:01Z molecular_function GO:0097159 organic cyclic compound binding A series of molecular signals which triggers the apoptotic death of a cell. The pathway starts with reception of a signal, and ends when the execution phase of apoptosis is triggered. pr 2011-11-23T09:30:23Z GO:0008624 apoptotic signalling pathway induction of apoptosis by extracellular signals biological_process GO:0097190 This term can be used to annotate gene products involved in apoptotic events happening downstream of the cross-talk point between the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways. The cross-talk starts when caspase-8 cleaves Bid and truncated Bid interacts with mitochondria. From this point on it is not possible to distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic pathways. apoptotic signaling pathway A stage of the apoptotic process that starts with the controlled breakdown of the cell through the action of effector caspases or other effector molecules (e.g. cathepsins, calpains etc.). Key steps of the execution phase are rounding-up of the cell, retraction of pseudopodes, reduction of cellular volume (pyknosis), chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmentation (karyorrhexis), plasma membrane blebbing and fragmentation of the cell into apoptotic bodies. When the execution phase is completed, the cell has died. pr 2011-11-23T09:45:24Z execution phase of apoptotic process apoptosis biological_process GO:0097194 execution phase of apoptosis A renal system process in which fluid circulating through the body is filtered through a barrier system. pr 2012-01-03T03:10:17Z biological_process GO:0097205 renal filtration An arrangement of closely apposed microtubules running parallel to each other. pr 2012-11-07T15:01:27Z NIF_Subcellular:sao1872343973 microtubule fascicle cellular_component GO:0097427 microtubule bundle A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a supramolecular fiber, a polymer consisting of an indefinite number of protein or protein complex subunits that have polymerised to form a fiber-shaped structure. paola 2012-11-27T15:46:25Z GO:0043206 extracellular fibril organisation extracellular fibril organization extracellular fibril organization and biogenesis biological_process fibril organisation fibril organization GO:0097435 supramolecular fiber organization The movement of a myeloid leukocyte within or between different tissues and organs of the body. pr 2013-11-11T13:59:43Z biological_process GO:0097529 myeloid leukocyte migration The movement of a granulocyte within or between different tissues and organs of the body. pr 2013-11-11T14:00:44Z biological_process GO:0097530 granulocyte migration Any vesicle that is part of the intracellular region. pr 2016-03-29T17:39:45Z cellular_component GO:0097708 intracellular vesicle The docking of a cytosolic centriole/basal body to the plasma membrane via the ciliary transition fibers. In some species this may happen via an intermediate step, by first docking to the ciliary vesicle via the ciliary transition fibers. The basal body-ciliary vesicle then relocates to the plasma membrane, followed by the ciliary vesicle fusing with the plasma membrane, effectively attaching the basal body to the plasma membrane. pr 2016-08-05T16:12:33Z Reactome:R-HSA-5620912.1 ciliary basal body docking biological_process anchoring of the basal body to the plasma membrane GO:0097711 Basal bodies in jawed vertebrates appear to first attach to a ciliary vesicle. It is unclear how specific this is to jawed vertebrates or if other organisms also employ this sequence. Some species like Giardia intestinalis do not relocate their basal bodies to the plasma membrane, but have their axonemes extend through the cytosol to then protrude out of the cell to form flagella. ciliary basal body-plasma membrane docking The process in which vesicles formed at the trans-Golgi network are directed to the plasma membrane surrounding the base of the cilium, including the ciliary pocket, mediated by molecules at the vesicle membrane and target membrane surfaces. pr 2016-08-05T16:16:28Z biological_process GO:0097712 vesicle targeting, trans-Golgi to periciliary membrane compartment Any process involved in the controlled movement of a sperm cell. pr 2016-09-01T12:00:45Z sperm movement biological_process GO:0097722 sperm motility The assembly and secretion of an extracellular exosome, a membrane-bounded vesicle that is released into the extracellular region by fusion of the limiting endosomal membrane of a multivesicular body with the plasma membrane. pr 2016-10-03T14:35:25Z exosome assembly or secretion exosome biogenesis exosome production biological_process ILV assembly intraluminal vesicle assembly GO:0097734 extracellular exosome biogenesis Reactions triggered in response to the presence of another organism that act to protect the cell or organism from damage caused by that organism. dos 2013-11-11T12:59:11Z GO:0009814 defence response incompatible interaction defence response to pathogen, incompatible interaction defense response, incompatible interaction resistance response to pathogen biological_process GO:0098542 defense response to other organism The lipid bilayer that forms the outer-most layer of an organelle. dos 2014-02-26T13:41:31Z cellular_component GO:0098588 Examples include the outer membranes of double membrane bound organelles such as mitochondria as well as the bounding membranes of single-membrane bound organelles such as lysosomes. bounding membrane of organelle A membrane that is a (regional) part of the plasma membrane. dos 2014-03-06T11:55:32Z region of plasma membrane cellular_component GO:0098590 Note that this term should not be used for direct manual annotation as it should always be possible to choose a more specific subclass. plasma membrane region A collagen trimer that forms networks. cellular_component GO:0098642 network-forming collagen trimer A supramolecular assembly of fibrillar collagen complexes in the form of a long fiber (fibril) with transverse striations (bands). cellular_component GO:0098643 banded collagen fibril A complex of collagen trimers such as a fibril or collagen network. Supramolecular aggregate of collagen Supramolecular collagen assembly cellular_component GO:0098644 complex of collagen trimers A supramolecular complex that consists of collagen triple helices associated to form a network. cellular_component GO:0098645 collagen network Any collagen timer that is part of a basement membrane. cellular_component GO:0098651 basement membrane collagen trimer The process in which an anion is transported across a membrane. GO:0099133 ATP hydrolysis coupled anion transmembrane transport biological_process GO:0098656 anion transmembrane transport Any process that reduces or removes the toxicity of a toxic substance. These may include transport of the toxic substance away from sensitive areas and to compartments or complexes whose purpose is sequestration of the toxic substance. biological_process GO:0098754 detoxification The part of a synapse that is part of the presynaptic cell. presynaptic terminal cellular_component GO:0098793 presynapse The part of a synapse that is part of the post-synaptic cell. cellular_component GO:0098794 postsynapse Any protein complex that is part of a membrane. cellular_component GO:0098796 membrane protein complex Any protein complex that is part of the plasma membrane. cellular_component GO:0098797 plasma membrane protein complex Any protein complex that is part of the plasma membrane and which functions as a signaling receptor. cellular_component GO:0098802 Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC. plasma membrane signaling receptor complex Cell-cell signaling from pre to post-synapse, across the synaptic cleft. biological_process GO:0098916 anterograde trans-synaptic signaling Synaptic transmission that results in an excitatory postsynaptic potential. biological_process GO:0098976 excitatory chemical synaptic transmission A cellular component that consists of an indeterminate number of proteins or macromolecular complexes, organized into a regular, higher-order structure such as a polymer, sheet, network or a fiber. cellular_component GO:0099080 supramolecular complex A polymeric supramolecular structure. cellular_component GO:0099081 supramolecular polymer A microtubule-based process that results in the transport of organelles, other microtubules, or other cellular components. Examples include motor-driven movement along microtubules and movement driven by polymerization or depolymerization of microtubules. biological_process GO:0099111 microtubule-based transport Fusion of the membrane of a vesicle with the plasma membrane, thereby releasing its contents into the extracellular space. biological_process GO:0099500 vesicle fusion to plasma membrane A cytoplasmic, membrane bound vesicle that is capable of fusing to the plasma membrane to release its contents into the extracellular space. cellular_component GO:0099503 secretory vesicle A polymer consisting of an indefinite number of protein or protein complex subunits that have polymerised to form a fiber-shaped structure. GO:0043205 cellular_component fibril GO:0099512 supramolecular fiber A component of the cytoskeleton consisting of a homo or heteropolymeric fiber constructed from an indeterminate number of protein subunits. cellular_component GO:0099513 polymeric cytoskeletal fiber Cell-cell signaling to, from or within a synapse. biological_process GO:0099536 synaptic signaling Cell-cell signaling in either direction across the synaptic cleft. biological_process GO:0099537 trans-synaptic signaling The part of synaptic transmission occurring in the post-synapse: a signal transduction pathway consisting of neurotransmitter receptor activation and its effects on postsynaptic membrane potential and the ionic composition of the postsynaptic cytosol. biological_process postsynaptic process involved in chemical synaptic transmission GO:0099565 chemical synaptic transmission, postsynaptic Any (proper) part of the cytoplasm of a single cell of sufficient size to still be considered cytoplasm. cellular_component GO:0099568 cytoplasmic region Any signal release from a synapse. biological_process GO:0099643 signal release from synapse A part of a cellular organism that is either an immaterial entity or a material entity with granularity above the level of a protein complex but below that of an anatomical system. Or, a substance produced by a cellular organism with granularity above the level of a protein complex. kmv 2019-08-12T18:01:37Z cellular_component GO:0110165 cellular anatomical entity A prolongation or process extending from a cell and that is bounded by plasma membrane, e.g. a cilium, lamellipodium, or axon. krc 2017-03-21T17:26:07Z cellular_component GO:0120025 plasma membrane bounded cell projection Formation of a prolongation or process extending and that is bounded by plasma membrane, e.g. a cilium, lamellipodium, or axon. krc 2017-04-24T23:56:08Z eupodium biological_process GO:0120031 plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a plasma membrane bounded prolongation or process extending from a cell, e.g. a cilium or axon. krc 2017-04-26T16:07:02Z biological_process GO:0120036 plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization The assembly and organization of the sperm flagellum, the microtubule-based axoneme and associated structures that are part of a sperm flagellum (or cilium). krc 2021-04-29T01:27:27Z biological_process GO:0120316 sperm flagellum assembly One of the two nuclear divisions that occur as part of the meiotic cell cycle. pg 2017-03-23T09:40:00Z meiosis biological_process GO:0140013 meiotic nuclear division A mitotic cell cycle process comprising the steps by which the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell divides; the process involves condensation of chromosomal DNA into a highly compacted form. Canonically, mitosis produces two daughter nuclei whose chromosome complement is identical to that of the mother cell. pg 2017-03-23T14:44:23Z mitosis biological_process GO:0140014 mitotic nuclear division The cellular processes that contribute to exocytosis. pg 2017-05-15T13:20:45Z biological_process GO:0140029 exocytic process The process by which an organelle membrane interacts with another membrane via molecular tethers that physically bridge the two membranes and attach them to each other. pg 2017-06-27T09:58:51Z biological_process GO:0140056 organelle localization by membrane tethering The assembly and secretion a set of components to form an extracellular vesicule, a membrane-bounded vesicle that is released into the extracellular region. Extracellular vesicles include exosomes, microvesicles and apoptotic bodies, based on the mechanism by which they are released from cells and differentiated based on their size and content. pg 2017-10-23T11:53:42Z extracellular vesicle assembly biological_process GO:0140112 extracellular vesicle biogenesis The directed movement of some substance from a cell, into the extracellular region. This may occur via transport across the plasma membrane or via exocytosis. pg 2019-05-22T11:20:45Z efflux biological_process GO:0140352 export from cell The directed movement of a lipid from a cell, into the extracellular region. pg 2019-05-22T11:33:07Z lipid efflux biological_process GO:0140353 lipid export from cell The chemical reactions and pathways involving carbohydrate derivative. bf 2012-07-12T04:05:09Z carbohydrate derivative metabolism biological_process GO:1901135 carbohydrate derivative metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of carbohydrate derivative. bf 2012-07-12T04:05:39Z carbohydrate derivative anabolism carbohydrate derivative biosynthesis carbohydrate derivative formation carbohydrate derivative synthesis biological_process GO:1901137 carbohydrate derivative biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving organic cyclic compound. bf 2012-09-14T09:03:51Z organic cyclic compound metabolism biological_process GO:1901360 organic cyclic compound metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of organic cyclic compound. bf 2012-09-14T09:05:22Z organic cyclic compound anabolism organic cyclic compound biosynthesis organic cyclic compound formation organic cyclic compound synthesis biological_process GO:1901362 organic cyclic compound biosynthetic process Binding to heterocyclic compound. bf 2012-09-14T13:53:50Z molecular_function GO:1901363 heterocyclic compound binding The chemical reactions and pathways involving organonitrogen compound. pr 2012-11-04T15:17:52Z organonitrogen compound metabolism biological_process GO:1901564 organonitrogen compound metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of organonitrogen compound. pr 2012-11-04T15:18:00Z organonitrogen compound anabolism organonitrogen compound biosynthesis organonitrogen compound formation organonitrogen compound synthesis biological_process GO:1901566 organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of an organic substance, any molecular entity containing carbon. pr 2012-11-05T11:04:36Z organic molecular entity breakdown organic molecular entity catabolic process organic molecular entity catabolism organic molecular entity degradation organic substance breakdown organic substance catabolism organic substance degradation biological_process GO:1901575 organic substance catabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of an organic substance, any molecular entity containing carbon. pr 2012-11-05T11:04:40Z organic molecular entity anabolism organic molecular entity biosynthesis organic molecular entity biosynthetic process organic molecular entity formation organic molecular entity synthesis organic substance anabolism organic substance biosynthesis organic substance formation organic substance synthesis biological_process GO:1901576 organic substance biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving organic hydroxy compound. pr 2012-11-13T12:54:27Z organic hydroxy compound metabolism biological_process GO:1901615 organic hydroxy compound metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of organic hydroxy compound. pr 2012-11-13T12:54:36Z organic hydroxy compound anabolism organic hydroxy compound biosynthesis organic hydroxy compound formation organic hydroxy compound synthesis biological_process GO:1901617 organic hydroxy compound biosynthetic process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of leukocyte differentiation. pr 2013-05-02T17:32:42Z regulation of immune cell differentiation regulation of leucocyte differentiation biological_process GO:1902105 regulation of leukocyte differentiation Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of neutrophil migration. sl 2014-01-15T18:58:39Z biological_process GO:1902622 regulation of neutrophil migration Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of neutrophil migration. sl 2014-01-15T18:58:58Z up regulation of neutrophil migration up-regulation of neutrophil migration upregulation of neutrophil migration activation of neutrophil migration biological_process GO:1902624 positive regulation of neutrophil migration A process that is part of the meiotic cell cycle. jl 2014-05-22T14:22:28Z biological_process GO:1903046 meiotic cell cycle process A process that is part of the mitotic cell cycle. jl 2014-05-22T14:22:34Z biological_process GO:1903047 mitotic cell cycle process The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized features of a mononuclear cell. cls 2014-06-25T15:47:09Z biological_process GO:1903131 mononuclear cell differentiation The chemical reactions and pathways involving mucopolysaccharide. dph 2014-10-01T21:55:47Z mucopolysaccharide metabolism biological_process GO:1903510 mucopolysaccharide metabolic process Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of blood circulation. mr 2014-10-06T18:38:56Z biological_process regulation of hemolymph circulation GO:1903522 regulation of blood circulation Any vesicle that is part of the extracellular region. jl 2014-10-22T14:26:11Z cellular_component microparticle GO:1903561 extracellular vesicle Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of hemopoiesis. pad 2014-12-04T15:34:13Z regulation of blood cell biosynthesis regulation of blood cell formation regulation of haemopoiesis regulation of hematopoiesis biological_process GO:1903706 An example of this is Atg7 in mouse (UniProt symbol, Q9D906) in PMID:20080761, inferred from mutant phenotype. regulation of hemopoiesis Any cell surface receptor signaling pathway that is involved in cell-cell signaling. dos 2016-04-06T16:59:57Z cell surface receptor linked signal transduction involved in cell-cell signaling cell surface receptor linked signal transduction involved in cell-cell signalling cell surface receptor linked signaling pathway involved in cell-cell signaling cell surface receptor linked signaling pathway involved in cell-cell signalling cell surface receptor linked signalling pathway involved in cell-cell signaling cell surface receptor linked signalling pathway involved in cell-cell signalling cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved in cell-cell signalling biological_process GO:1905114 cell surface receptor signaling pathway involved in cell-cell signaling The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a ciliary transition zone. pr 2016-08-04T14:49:43Z cilial transition zone assembly cilial transition zone formation ciliary transition zone formation cilium transition zone assembly cilium transition zone formation biological_process GO:1905349 ciliary transition zone assembly The movement of a neutrophil within or between different tissues and organs of the body. sl 2014-01-10T00:17:47Z biological_process GO:1990266 neutrophil migration A macromolecular complex that contains both RNA and protein molecules. pr 2015-11-19T12:26:37Z GO:0030529 GO:1990903 Wikipedia:Ribonucleoprotein RNA-protein complex RNP protein-RNA complex extracellular ribonucleoprotein complex intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex cellular_component GO:1990904 ribonucleoprotein complex Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of multicellular organismal development. tb 2010-08-05T11:25:59Z biological_process GO:2000026 regulation of multicellular organismal development Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of cell motility. mah 2010-10-01T09:41:21Z regulation of cell locomotion regulation of movement of a cell biological_process regulation of cell movement GO:2000145 regulation of cell motility Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of cell motility. mah 2010-10-01T09:41:30Z positive regulation of cell locomotion positive regulation of movement of a cell biological_process positive regulation of cell movement GO:2000147 positive regulation of cell motility conditional specification a directive information entity that specifies what should happen if the trigger condition is fulfilled PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch OBI branch derived OBI_0000349 conditional specification measurement unit label Examples of measurement unit labels are liters, inches, weight per volume. A measurement unit label is as a label that is part of a scalar measurement datum and denotes a unit of measure. 2009-03-16: review of this term done during during the OBI workshop winter 2009 and the current definition was considered acceptable for use in OBI. If there is a need to modify this definition please notify OBI. PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg PERSON: Melanie Courtot measurement unit label objective specification In the protocol of a ChIP assay the objective specification says to identify protein and DNA interaction. a directive information entity that describes an intended process endpoint. When part of a plan specification the concretization is realized in a planned process in which the bearer tries to effect the world so that the process endpoint is achieved. 2009-03-16: original definition when imported from OBI read: "objective is an non realizable information entity which can serve as that proper part of a plan towards which the realization of the plan is directed." 2014-03-31: In the example of usage ("In the protocol of a ChIP assay the objective specification says to identify protein and DNA interaction") there is a protocol which is the ChIP assay protocol. In addition to being concretized on paper, the protocol can be concretized as a realizable entity, such as a plan that inheres in a person. The objective specification is the part that says that some protein and DNA interactions are identified. This is a specification of a process endpoint: the boundary in the process before which they are not identified and after which they are. During the realization of the plan, the goal is to get to the point of having the interactions, and participants in the realization of the plan try to do that. Answers the question, why did you do this experiment? PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg PERSON: Barry Smith PERSON: Bjoern Peters PERSON: Jennifer Fostel goal specification OBI Plan and Planned Process/Roles Branch OBI_0000217 objective specification action specification Pour the contents of flask 1 into flask 2 a directive information entity that describes an action the bearer will take Alan Ruttenberg OBI Plan and Planned Process branch action specification label A label is a symbol that is part of some other datum and is used to either partially define the denotation of that datum or to provide a means for identifying the datum as a member of the set of data with the same label GROUP: IAO label journal article Examples are articles published in the journals, Nature and Science. The content can often be cited by reference to a paper based encoding, e.g. Authors, Title of article, Journal name, date or year of publication, volume and page number. a report that is published in a journal person:Alan Ruttenberg person:Chris Stoeckert OBI_0000159 group:OBI journal article data item Data items include counts of things, analyte concentrations, and statistical summaries. a data item is an information content entity that is intended to be a truthful statement about something (modulo, e.g., measurement precision or other systematic errors) and is constructed/acquired by a method which reliably tends to produce (approximately) truthful statements. 2/2/2009 Alan and Bjoern discussing FACS run output data. This is a data item because it is about the cell population. Each element records an event and is typically further composed a set of measurment data items that record the fluorescent intensity stimulated by one of the lasers. 2009-03-16: data item deliberatly ambiguous: we merged data set and datum to be one entity, not knowing how to define singular versus plural. So data item is more general than datum. 2009-03-16: removed datum as alternative term as datum specifically refers to singular form, and is thus not an exact synonym. 2014-03-31: See discussion at JAR: datum -- well, this will be very tricky to define, but maybe some information-like stuff that might be put into a computer and that is meant, by someone, to denote and/or to be interpreted by some process... I would include lists, tables, sentences... I think I might defer to Barry, or to Brian Cantwell Smith JAR: A data item is an approximately justified approximately true approximate belief PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg PERSON: Chris Stoeckert PERSON: Jonathan Rees data data item information content entity Examples of information content entites include journal articles, data, graphical layouts, and graphs. A generically dependent continuant that is about some thing. an information content entity is an entity that is generically dependent on some artifact and stands in relation of aboutness to some entity 2014-03-10: The use of "thing" is intended to be general enough to include universals and configurations (see information_content_entity 'is_encoded_in' some digital_entity in obi before split (040907). information_content_entity 'is_encoded_in' some physical_document in obi before split (040907). Previous. An information content entity is a non-realizable information entity that 'is encoded in' some digital or physical entity. PERSON: Chris Stoeckert OBI_0000142 information content entity 10 feet. 3 ml. a scalar measurement datum is a measurement datum that is composed of two parts, numerals and a unit label. Would write this as: has_part some 'measurement unit label' and has_part some numeral and has_part exactly 2, except for the fact that this won't let us take advantage of OWL reasoning over the numbers. Instead use has measurment value property to represent the same. Use has measurement unit label (subproperty of has_part) so we can easily say that there is only one of them. PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg PERSON: Melanie Courtot scalar measurement datum directive information entity An information content entity whose concretizations indicate to their bearer how to realize them in a process. 2009-03-16: provenance: a term realizable information entity was proposed for OBI (OBI_0000337) , edited by the PlanAndPlannedProcess branch. Original definition was "is the specification of a process that can be concretized and realized by an actor" with alternative term "instruction".It has been subsequently moved to IAO where the objective for which the original term was defined was satisfied with the definitionof this, different, term. 2013-05-30 Alan Ruttenberg: What differentiates a directive information entity from an information concretization is that it can have concretizations that are either qualities or realizable entities. The concretizations that are realizable entities are created when an individual chooses to take up the direction, i.e. has the intention to (try to) realize it. 8/6/2009 Alan Ruttenberg: Changed label from "information entity about a realizable" after discussions at ICBO Werner pushed back on calling it realizable information entity as it isn't realizable. However this name isn't right either. An example would be a recipe. The realizable entity would be a plan, but the information entity isn't about the plan, it, once concretized, *is* the plan. -Alan PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg PERSON: Bjoern Peters directive information entity curation status specification The curation status of the term. The allowed values come from an enumerated list of predefined terms. See the specification of these instances for more detailed definitions of each enumerated value. Better to represent curation as a process with parts and then relate labels to that process (in IAO meeting) PERSON:Bill Bug GROUP:OBI:<> OBI_0000266 curation status specification report Examples of reports are gene lists and investigation reports. These are not published (journal) articles but may be included in a journal article. a document assembled by an author for the purpose of providing information for the audience. A report is the output of a documenting process and has the objective to be consumed by a specific audience. Topic of the report is on something that has completed. A report is not a single figure. Examples of reports are journal article, patent application, grant progress report, case report (not patient record) 2009-03-16: this was report of results with definition: A report is a narrative object that is a formal statement of the results of an investigation, or of any matter on which definite information is required, made by some person or body instructed or required to do so. 2009-03-16: work has been done on this term during during the OBI workshop winter 2009 and the current definition was considered acceptable for use in OBI. If there is a need to modify this definition please notify OBI. 2009-08-10 Alan Ruttenberg: Larry Hunter suggests that this be obsoleted and replaced by 'document'. Alan restored as there are OBI dependencies and this merits further discussion disagreement about where reports go. alan: only some gene lists are reports. Is a report all the content of some document? The example of usage suggests that a report may be part of some article. Term needs clarification PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg PERSON: Melanie Courtot PERSON:Chris Stoeckert GROUP: OBI OBI_0000099 report data set Intensity values in a CEL file or from multiple CEL files comprise a data set (as opposed to the CEL files themselves). A data item that is an aggregate of other data items of the same type that have something in common. Averages and distributions can be determined for data sets. 2009/10/23 Alan Ruttenberg. The intention is that this term represent collections of like data. So this isn't for, e.g. the whole contents of a cel file, which includes parameters, metadata etc. This is more like java arrays of a certain rather specific type person:Allyson Lister person:Chris Stoeckert OBI_0000042 group:OBI data set data about an ontology part data about an ontology part is a data item about a part of an ontology, for example a term Person:Alan Ruttenberg data about an ontology part plan specification PMID: 18323827.Nat Med. 2008 Mar;14(3):226.New plan proposed to help resolve conflicting medical advice. A directive information entity with action specifications and objective specifications as parts that, when concretized, is realized in a process in which the bearer tries to achieve the objectives by taking the actions specified. 2009-03-16: provenance: a term a plan was proposed for OBI (OBI_0000344) , edited by the PlanAndPlannedProcess branch. Original definition was " a plan is a specification of a process that is realized by an actor to achieve the objective specified as part of the plan". It has been subsequently moved to IAO where the objective for which the original term was defined was satisfied with the definitionof this, different, term. 2014-03-31: A plan specification can have other parts, such as conditional specifications. Alternative previous definition: a plan is a set of instructions that specify how an objective should be achieved Alan Ruttenberg OBI Plan and Planned Process branch OBI_0000344 2/3/2009 Comment from OBI review. Action specification not well enough specified. Conditional specification not well enough specified. Question whether all plan specifications have objective specifications. Request that IAO either clarify these or change definitions not to use them plan specification measurement datum Examples of measurement data are the recoding of the weight of a mouse as {40,mass,"grams"}, the recording of an observation of the behavior of the mouse {,process,"agitated"}, the recording of the expression level of a gene as measured through the process of microarray experiment {3.4,luminosity,}. A measurement datum is an information content entity that is a recording of the output of a measurement such as produced by a device. 2/2/2009 is_specified_output of some assay? person:Chris Stoeckert OBI_0000305 group:OBI measurement datum document A journal article, patent application, laboratory notebook, or a book A collection of information content entities intended to be understood together as a whole PERSON: Lawrence Hunter document Allochrocebus lhoesti L'Hoest's monkey Allochrocebus lhoesti Cricetinae hamsters Cricetinae Cricetulus Cricetulus Cricetulus griseus Chinese hamster Chinese hamsters Cricetulus aureus Cricetulus griseus Cricetulus migratorius Armenian hamster gray dwarf hamster grey hamster Cricetulus migratorius Mesocricetus auratus Syrian golden hamster Syrian golden hamsters Syrian hamster golden hamster Mesocricetus auratus Phodopus sungorus Djungarian hamster Djungarian hamster also in use for Phodopus campbelli Dzhungarian hamster Siberian hamster striped hairy-footed hamster Phodopus sungorus Meriones unguiculatus Mongolian gerbil Mongolian jird Meriones unguiculatus Cercopithecus petaurista lesser white-nosed monkey Cercopithecus petaurista Muridae GC_ID:1 PMID:15371245 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:10066 Muridae GC_ID:1 Mus mice mouse ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:10088 Mus <genus> Mus musculus house mouse mouse NCBITaxon:85055 GC_ID:1 house mouse mouse ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:10090 Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus Norway rat brown rat rat rats Rattus norvegicus Cavia porcellus domestic guinea pig guinea pig Cavia porcellus Viruses Viruses Obtectomera Obtectomera Myxini fish fishes Myxini GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:117570 Teleostomi Euteleostomi bony vertebrates NCBITaxon:40673 GC_ID:1 bony vertebrates ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:117571 Euteleostomi NCBITaxon:27837 GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Adenophorea NCBITaxon:119089 Chromadorea Haemulon sciurus bluestriped grunt Haemulon sciurus GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:1206794 Ecdysozoa GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:1206795 Lophotrochozoa Alouatta sara Bolivian red howler monkey Alouatta sara African green monkey polyomavirus African green monkey lymphotropic papovavirus LPV Lymphotropic papovavirus Lymphotropic polyomavirus Polyomavirus cercopitheci African green monkey polyomavirus Lepomis macrochirus bluegill bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus Streptophytina charophyte/embryophyte group GC_ID:1 charophyte/embryophyte group ncbi_taxonomy Charophyta/Embryophyta group NCBITaxon:131221 Streptophytina Lymantria dispar gypsy moth Lymantria dispar Melopsittacus undulatus Melopsittacus unduratus budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus Archelosauria GC_ID:1 PMID:22839753 PMID:25450099 ncbi_taxonomy Archosauria-Testudines Testudines + Archosauria group NCBITaxon:1329799 Archelosauria Toxicofera Toxicofera Bifurcata split-tongued squamates Bifurcata GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:1338369 Dipnotetrapodomorpha Eulemur Eulemur Eulemur coronatus crowned lemur Eulemur coronatus Eulemur fulvus brown lemur Eulemur fulvus Hapalemur griseus bamboo lemur Hapalemur griseus GC_ID:1 PMID:11062127 PMID:9342353 ncbi_taxonomy Eumycetozoa Zopf, 1884 Mycetozoa mycetozoans NCBITaxon:142796 Eumycetozoa Boreoeutheria GC_ID:1 PMID:11743200 PMID:11791233 ncbi_taxonomy Boreotheria NCBITaxon:1437010 Boreoeutheria GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:1437180 Acrogymnospermae GC_ID:1 true yeasts ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:147537 Saccharomycotina GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Archiascomycota NCBITaxon:147554 Schizosaccharomycetes Euteleosteomorpha Euteleosteomorpha Siluroidei Siluroidei Percomorphaceae Percomorphaceae Atherinomorphae Atherinomorphae Eupercaria Eupercaria Galloanserae Galloanserae Mustelinae Mustelinae Plecturocebus Plecturocebus GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:186623 Actinopteri Clupeocephala Clupeocephala Otophysi Otophysi Otomorpha Otomorpha Saimiri sciureus sciureus Saimiri sciureus sciureus GC_ID:1 mice and others ncbi_taxonomy Sciurognathi NCBITaxon:1963758 Myomorpha Callithrix <subgenus> Callithrix Callithrix <subgenus> Pancrustacea Pancrustacea Bacteria eubacteria GC_ID:11 PMID:10425795 PMID:10425796 PMID:10425797 PMID:10490293 PMID:10843050 PMID:10939651 PMID:10939673 PMID:10939677 PMID:11211268 PMID:11321083 PMID:11321113 PMID:11411719 PMID:11540071 PMID:11542017 PMID:11542087 PMID:11760965 PMID:12054223 PMID:2112744 PMID:270744 PMID:7520741 PMID:8123559 PMID:8186100 PMID:8590690 PMID:9103655 PMID:9336922 eubacteria ncbi_taxonomy Monera Procaryotae Prokaryota Prokaryotae bacteria prokaryote prokaryotes NCBITaxon:2 Bacteria Plecturocebus cupreus coppery titi Plecturocebus cupreus GC_ID:1 PMID:29367151 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:2058185 Dictyosteliaceae GC_ID:1 PMID:29367151 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:2058949 Dictyosteliales Homininae Homininae Atilax paludinosus marsh mongoose Atilax paludinosus Archaea GC_ID:11 PMID:10425795 PMID:10425796 PMID:10425797 PMID:10490293 PMID:10843050 PMID:10939651 PMID:10939673 PMID:10939677 PMID:11211268 PMID:11321083 PMID:11321113 PMID:11411719 PMID:11540071 PMID:11541975 PMID:11542064 PMID:11542149 PMID:11760965 PMID:12054223 PMID:2112744 PMID:25527841 PMID:270744 PMID:8123559 PMID:8590690 PMID:9103655 PMID:9336922 ncbi_taxonomy Archaebacteria Mendosicutes Metabacteria Monera Procaryotae Prokaryota Prokaryotae archaea prokaryote prokaryotes NCBITaxon:2157 Archaea Odontophoridae American quails New World quails Odontophoridae GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:2301116 Rhabditina GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:2301119 Rhabditomorpha Cercocebus agilis agile mangabey Cercocebus agilis GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:2605435 Evosea GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:2611352 Discoba Cercopithecus wolfi Wolf's monkey Cercopithecus wolfi GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:2697495 Spiralia GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy SAR supergroup NCBITaxon:2698737 Sar Cyprininae Cyprininae Eukaryota eucaryotes eukaryotes GC_ID:1 PMID:23020233 PMID:30257078 eucaryotes eukaryotes ncbi_taxonomy Eucarya Eucaryotae Eukarya Eukaryotae eukaryotes NCBITaxon:2759 Eukaryota Bovinae Bovinae Saimiri boliviensis Bolivian squirrel monkey Saimiri boliviensis Ameiurus nebulosus brown bullhead Ameiurus nebulosus Sander vitreus walleye Sander vitreus Fundulidae topminnows Fundulidae Stenella plagiodon Stenella plagiodon Microchiroptera Microchiroptera Saguinus midas Midas tamarin Saguinus midas Aotus azarai Azara's night monkey Azara's owl monkey Aotus azarai Propithecus sifakas Propithecus Propithecus tattersalli Tattersall's sifaka golden-crowned sifaka Propithecus tattersalli Eulemur macaco black lemur Eulemur macaco Galago moholi Moholi bushbaby South African galago Galago moholi Otolemur garnettii small-eared galago Otolemur garnettii Cheirogaleidae dwarf and mouse lemurs Cheirogaleidae Clupea pallasii Pacific herring Clupea pallasii Cyprinoidei Cyprinoidei Takifugu rubripes tiger puffer torafugu Takifugu rubripes Laurasiatheria Laurasiatheria Euarchontoglires GC_ID:1 PMID:11214319 PMID:12082125 PMID:12878460 PMID:15522813 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:314146 Euarchontoglires Glires Rodents and rabbits GC_ID:1 PMID:11214319 PMID:12082125 PMID:15522813 Rodents and rabbits ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:314147 Glires Simiiformes Simiiformes Hominoidea ape apes Hominoidea Zygnematales Zygnematales Daubentonia madagascariensis aye-aye Daubentonia madagascariensis GC_ID:1 higher plants land plants plants ncbi_taxonomy land plants NCBITaxon:3193 Embryophyta Drosophila <flies,subgenus> Drosophila Drosophila <flies,subgenus> GC_ID:1 teleost fishes ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:32443 Teleostei Nomascus Nomascus Tetrapoda tetrapods GC_ID:1 tetrapods ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:32523 Tetrapoda Amniota amniotes GC_ID:1 amniotes ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:32524 Amniota Theria <mammals> Theria GC_ID:1 Theria ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:32525 Theria <mammals> Sauria diapsids GC_ID:1 diapsids ncbi_taxonomy Diapsida NCBITaxon:32561 Sauria GC_ID:1 PMID:11062127 PMID:29367151 PMID:9342353 dictyostelid cellular slime molds ncbi_taxonomy Dictyostelida Dictyostelids Dictyosteliida cellular slime molds NCBITaxon:33083 Dictyostelia GC_ID:1 PMID:16248873 PMID:30257078 Chlorophyta/Embryophyta group chlorophyte/embryophyte group green plants ncbi_taxonomy Chlorobionta Chloroplastida green plants NCBITaxon:33090 Viridiplantae GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy conifers NCBITaxon:3312 Coniferophyta Opisthokonta GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Fungi/Metazoa group opisthokonts NCBITaxon:33154 Opisthokonta GC_ID:1 metazoans multicellular animals ncbi_taxonomy Animalia animals NCBITaxon:33208 Metazoa Bilateria GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:33213 Bilateria Protostomia GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:33317 Protostomia Endopterygota Endopterygota GC_ID:1 deuterostomes ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:33511 Deuterostomia Colobus guereza eastern black-and -white colobus guereza mantled guereza Colobus guereza Carnivora carnivores Carnivora GC_ID:1 alveolates ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:33630 Alveolata GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Euglenozoans NCBITaxon:33682 Euglenozoa Muroidea GC_ID:1 PMID:15019624 PMID:15371245 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:337687 Muroidea Gnetales Gnetales GC_ID:1 PMID:25249442 angiosperms flowering plants ncbi_taxonomy Angiospermae Magnoliophyta flowering plants NCBITaxon:3398 Magnoliopsida GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:34346 Schizosaccharomycetales Propithecus verreauxi Verreaux's sifaka white sifaka Propithecus verreauxi Eulemur mongoz mongoose lemur Eulemur mongoz Eulemur rubriventer red-bellied lemur Eulemur rubriventer GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:35493 Streptophyta Suina Suina Pecora Pecora Cercopithecus ascanius black-cheeked white-nosed monkey red-tailed monkey Cercopithecus ascanius Cercopithecus mitis blue monkey Cercopithecus mitis Cercopithecus neglectus De Brazza's monkey Cercopithecus neglectus Miopithecus talapoin talapoin Miopithecus talapoin Mus musculus x Rattus norvegicus Mus musculus x Rattus norvegicus Hemitragus Hemitragus Aotus nancymaae Ma's night monkey Aotus nancymaae Ditrysia Ditrysia Bombycoidea hawk-moths Bombycoidea Noctuoidea Noctuoidea Strepsirrhini prosimians Strepsirrhini Lemuriformes Lemuriformes Lorisiformes Lorisiformes Pitheciidae Pitheciidae Atelidae Atelidae Feliformia Feliformia Caniformia Caniformia marmosets marmosets Atelinae Atelinae GC_ID:1 glaucocystophytes ncbi_taxonomy Glaucophyceae Glaucophyta algae NCBITaxon:38254 Glaucocystophyceae Murinae NCBITaxon:109679 GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:39107 Murinae Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis Bolivian squirrel monkey Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis Galagidae galagos Galagidae Mammalia mammals GC_ID:1 mammals ncbi_taxonomy mammals NCBITaxon:40674 Mammalia GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Neopterygi NCBITaxon:41665 Neopterygii Protacanthopterygii Protacanthopterygii GC_ID:1 dinosaur dinosaurs ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:436486 Dinosauria GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:436489 Saurischia GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:436491 Theropoda GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:436492 Coelurosauria Pithecia pithecia Guianan saki white-faced saki Pithecia pithecia Nasalis larvatus proboscis monkey Nasalis larvatus GC_ID:1 PMID:15689432 PMID:16151185 PMID:17010206 PMID:17051209 PMID:17572334 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:451864 Dikarya GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:451866 Taphrinomycotina Neogale vison American mink mink Neogale vison Morone chrysops white bass Morone chrysops Mirza coquereli Coquerel's mouse lemur Mirza coquereli GC_ID:1 PMID:11062127 PMID:12684019 ncbi_taxonomy Mycota fungi NCBITaxon:4751 Fungi Agrotis segetum turnip moth Agrotis segetum GC_ID:1 PMID:17572334 ascomycetes sac fungi ncbi_taxonomy ascomycetes NCBITaxon:4890 Ascomycota GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Hemiascomycetes NCBITaxon:4891 Saccharomycetes GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Endomycetales budding yeasts NCBITaxon:4892 Saccharomycetales NCBITaxon:221665 NCBITaxon:44280 GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:4893 Saccharomycetaceae GC_ID:1 fission yeasts ncbi_taxonomy Schizosaccharomycetoideae NCBITaxon:4894 Schizosaccharomycetaceae GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:4895 Schizosaccharomyces NCBITaxon:45042 GC_ID:1 fission yeast ncbi_taxonomy Schizosaccharomyces malidevorans NCBITaxon:4896 Schizosaccharomyces pombe NCBITaxon:36915 GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy Pachytichospora NCBITaxon:4930 Saccharomyces GC_ID:1 S. cerevisiae baker's yeast brewer's yeast ncbi_taxonomy Candida robusta Mycoderma cerevisiae Saccharomyces capensis Saccharomyces italicus Saccharomyces oviformis Saccharomyces uvarum var. melibiosus NCBITaxon:4932 Saccharomyces cerevisiae Salmoninae trouts, salmons & chars Salmoninae Plutella xylostella cabbage moth diamondback moth Plutella xylostella Callithrix geoffroyi Geoffroy's marmoset Callithrix geoffroyi Colobus angolensis Angola colobus Angolan colobus Colobus angolensis Allenopithecus nigroviridis Allen's swamp monkey Allenopithecus nigroviridis Trachypithecus francoisi Francois's langur Francois's leaf monkey Indochinese langur Trachypithecus francoisi Macaca nigra Celebes crested macaque Macaca nigra Macaca silenus liontail macaque Macaca silenus Macaca thibetana Pere David's macaque Macaca thibetana Urocyon cinereoargenteus gray fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus Mamestra brassicae cabbage moth Mamestra brassicae Sciuridae Sciuridae GC_ID:1 PMID:23020233 PMID:30257078 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:554915 Amoebozoa GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:55879 Rhabditoidea GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:55885 Peloderinae Estigmene acrea Estigmene acrea Aotus vociferans Spix's night monkey noisy night monkey Aotus vociferans GC_ID:1 PMID:29367151 ncbi_taxonomy Hyalostilbum NCBITaxon:5782 Dictyostelium GC_ID:1 vascular plants ncbi_taxonomy vascular plants NCBITaxon:58023 Tracheophyta GC_ID:1 seed plants ncbi_taxonomy seed plants NCBITaxon:58024 Spermatophyta Clarias batrachus walking catfish Clarias batrachus GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:6072 Eumetazoa GC_ID:1 cnidarians coelenterates ncbi_taxonomy Coelenterata cnidarians NCBITaxon:6073 Cnidaria GC_ID:1 flatworm flatworms ncbi_taxonomy flatworms NCBITaxon:6157 Platyhelminthes Nomascus gabriellae Red-cheeked gibbon buff-cheeked gibbon Nomascus gabriellae Nomascus leucogenys White-cheeked Gibbon northern white-cheeked gibbon Nomascus leucogenys GC_ID:1 nematode nematodes roundworm roundworms ncbi_taxonomy Nemata nematodes NCBITaxon:6231 Nematoda NCBITaxon:33251 GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:6236 Rhabditida GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:6237 Caenorhabditis NCBITaxon:54603 GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:6243 Rhabditidae Channa striata banded snakehead chevron snakehead snakehead murrel striped snakehead Channa striata Gastropoda gastropods Gastropoda Callosciurus notatus plantain squirrel Callosciurus notatus Chelonoidis niger Charles Island giant tortoise Chelonoidis niger Arthropoda arthropods GC_ID:1 arthropods ncbi_taxonomy arthropods NCBITaxon:6656 Arthropoda Astacoidea crayfish Astacoidea Ixodida ticks Ixodida Erebidae Erebidae Lepidoptera butterflies and moths moths Lepidoptera Bombyx mori domestic silkworm silk moth silkworm Bombyx mori Noctuidae noctuid moths owlet moths Noctuidae Spodoptera frugiperda fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda Trichoplusia ni cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni Crossarchus Crossarchus Antheraea Antheraea Antheraea pernyi Chinese oak silk moth Chinese oak silkmoth oak silkmoth Antheraea pernyi Diptera flies Diptera Culicidae mosquitos Culicidae Aedes albopictus Asian tiger mosquito forest day mosquito Aedes albopictus GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:716545 saccharomyceta Drosophila <flies,genus> Drosophila fruit flies fruit fly Drosophila <flies,genus> Drosophila hydei Drosophila hydei Drosophila melanogaster fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster Drosophila virilis Drosophila virilis Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook salmon king salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Lophocebus albigena gray-cheeked mangabey Lophocebus albigena GC_ID:1 chordates ncbi_taxonomy chordates NCBITaxon:7711 Chordata Vertebrata <Metazoa> Vertebrata <vertebrates> Vertebrata vertebrates GC_ID:1 Vertebrata vertebrates ncbi_taxonomy vertebrates NCBITaxon:7742 Vertebrata <vertebrates> Vertebrata <Metazoa> GC_ID:1 Gnathostomata jawed vertebrates ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:7776 Gnathostomata <vertebrates> Saguinus labiatus red-chested mustached tamarin Saguinus labiatus GC_ID:1 euphyllophytes ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:78536 Euphyllophyta GC_ID:1 fish fishes ray-finned fishes ncbi_taxonomy Actinopterygi Osteichthyes bony fishes NCBITaxon:7898 Actinopterygii Danio rerio leopard danio zebra danio zebra fish zebrafish Danio rerio Carassius auratus goldfish Carassius auratus Cyprinus carpio carp common carp fancy carp koi mirror carp Cyprinus carpio Ictaluridae North American freshwater catfishes bullhead catfishes Ictaluridae Ictalurus punctatus channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus Esox lucius northern pike Esox lucius Salmonidae salmonids Salmonidae Oncorhynchus Oncorhynchus Oncorhynchus keta chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta Oncorhynchus kisutch coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch Oncorhynchus mykiss rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Oncorhynchus nerka sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Salmo salar Xiphophorus xiphidium swordtail platyfish Xiphophorus xiphidium Cyprinodontoidei Cyprinodontoidei Oryzias latipes Japanese medaka Japanese rice fish medaka Oryzias latipes GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:8287 Sarcopterygii Anura anurans frogs frogs and toads Anura Xenopus laevis African clawed frog clawed frog common platanna platanna Xenopus laevis Bufonidae true toads Bufonidae Bufo Bufo Lithobates catesbeianus American bullfrog bullfrog bullfrogs Lithobates catesbeianus Neobatrachia Neobatrachia GC_ID:1 sauropsids ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:8457 Sauropsida Testudinoidea Testudinoidea GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:8492 Archosauria Squamata squamates Squamata Iguana Iguana Gekkonidae geckos Gekkonidae Terrapene Terrapene GC_ID:1 Mus ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:862507 Mus <subgenus> Daboia russelii Russell's viper Daboia russelii GC_ID:1 birds ncbi_taxonomy avian birds NCBITaxon:8782 Aves Semnopithecus entellus Hanuman langur Semnopithecus entellus Neognathae Neognathae Anatidae waterfowl Anatidae Anas platyrhynchos duck mallard mallard duck mallard ducks Anas platyrhynchos Anser geese Anser GC_ID:1 ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:88770 Panarthropoda GC_ID:1 Craniata ncbi_taxonomy NCBITaxon:89593 Craniata <chordates> Galliformes landfowls Galliformes Phasianidae turkeys Phasianidae Gallus gallus Gallus domesticus bantam chicken chickens Gallus gallus Coturnix Coturnix Coturnix coturnix Common quail Coturnix coturnix Pimephales promelas fathead minnow Pimephales promelas Artiodactyla whales, hippos, ruminants, pigs, camels etc. Artiodactyla Metatheria marsupials Metatheria Didelphidae American opossums opossums Didelphidae Dasyuridae Dasyuridae Potorous Potorous Eutheria eutherian mammals placental mammals placentals GC_ID:1 eutherian mammals placental mammals placentals ncbi_taxonomy Placentalia placentals NCBITaxon:9347 Eutheria Xenarthra armadillos and others Xenarthra Myrmecophagidae anteaters Myrmecophagidae Dasypus novemcinctus nine-banded armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus Coturnix japonica Japanese quail Coturnix japonica Chiroptera bats Chiroptera Myotis Myotis Molossidae free-tailed bats Molossidae Primates primate Primates Lemuridae lemurs Lemuridae Lemur catta Ring-tailed lemur Lemur catta Varecia variegata ruffed lemur variegated lemur Varecia variegata Cheirogaleus medius Lesser dwarf lemur fat-tailed dwarf lemur Cheirogaleus medius Lorisidae bushbabies lorises Lorisidae Galago Galago Galago senegalensis Senegal galago northern lesser bushbaby Galago senegalensis Loris tardigradus slender loris Loris tardigradus Nycticebus coucang slow loris Nycticebus coucang Platyrrhini New World monkeys monkey monkeys Platyrrhini Callitrichinae marmosets and tamarins Callitrichinae Mico argentatus Silvery marmoset Mico argentatus Callithrix jacchus common marmoset white ear-tufted marmoset white-tufted-ear marmoset Callithrix jacchus Saguinus Saguinus Leontocebus fuscicollis brown-headed tamarin saddle-backed tamarin saddlebacked tamarin Leontocebus fuscicollis Saguinus oedipus cotton-top tamarin Saguinus oedipus Cebuella pygmaea pygmy marmoset Cebuella pygmaea Callimico goeldii Goeldi's marmoset Goeldi's monkey Callimico goeldii Cebidae Cebidae Aotus <primates> Aotus night monkeys Aotus <primates> Ateles geoffroyi Central American spider monkey black-handed spider monkey Ateles geoffroyi Lagothrix lagotricha Humboldt's woolly monkey brown woolly monkey common woolly monkey Lagothrix lagotricha Saimiri squirrel monkeys Saimiri Saimiri sciureus South American squirrel monkey common squirrel monkey Saimiri sciureus Plecturocebus moloch Dusky titi red-bellied titi Plecturocebus moloch Catarrhini Catarrhini Cercopithecidae Old World monkeys monkey monkeys Cercopithecidae Cercopithecinae Cercopithecinae Cercocebus Cercocebus Cercocebus torquatus collared mangabey red-capped mangabey red-crowned mangabey white-collared mangabey Cercocebus torquatus Cercopithecus Cercopithecus Chlorocebus aethiops African green monkey African green monkeys grivet savanah monkey Chlorocebus aethiops Cercopithecus cephus moustached guenon moustached monkey Cercopithecus cephus Erythrocebus patas hussar patas monkey red guenon Erythrocebus patas Macaca macaque macaques Macaca Macaca fascicularis crab eating macaque crab-eating macaque cynomolgus macaque cynomolgus monkey cynomolgus monkeys long-tailed macaque Macaca fascicularis Macaca mulatta Rhesus monkey rhesus macaque rhesus macaques rhesus monkeys Macaca mulatta Macaca nemestrina pig-tailed macaque pigtail macaque pigtail monkey Macaca nemestrina Papio baboons Papio Papio anubis Doguera baboon Kenya baboon baboon olive baboon Papio anubis Papio cynocephalus Yellow baboon baboon Papio cynocephalus Papio hamadryas Papio hamadryas subsp. baboon hamadryas baboon red baboon sacred baboon western baboon Papio hamadryas Mandrillus sphinx mandrill Mandrillus sphinx Mandrillus forest baboons Mandrillus Mandrillus leucophaeus drill Mandrillus leucophaeus Colobinae Colobinae Colobus black-and-white colobus monkeys Colobus Colobus polykomos king colobus Colobus polykomos Hylobatidae gibbons lesser apes Hylobatidae Hylobates Hylobates Hylobates agilis agile gibbon Hylobates agilis Hylobates lar common gibbon white-handed gibbon Hylobates lar Hylobates pileatus pileated gibbon Hylobates pileatus Symphalangus syndactylus siamang Symphalangus syndactylus Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla gorilla gorilla western gorilla Gorilla gorilla Pan chimpanzees Pan Pan paniscus bonobo pygmy chimpanzee Pan paniscus Pan troglodytes chimpanzee Pan troglodytes Pongo Pongo Pongo pygmaeus Bornean orangutan Orang-utan Orangutan orang utan Pongo pygmaeus Pongo abelii Orang-utan Orangutan Sumatran orangutan orang utan Pongo abelii Hominidae great apes Hominidae Homo sapiens human human being man Homo sapiens Canidae dog, coyote, wolf, fox Canidae Canis Canis Canis lupus familiaris dog dogs Canis lupus familiaris Vulpes vulpes red fox silver fox Vulpes vulpes Ursus americanus American black bear Ursus americanus Ailurus fulgens lesser panda red panda Ailurus fulgens Procyon lotor northern raccoon raccoon Procyon lotor Mustela putorius furo black ferret domestic ferret ferret Mustela putorius furo Felis catus cat cats domestic cat Felis catus Herpestidae mongooses Herpestidae Delphinidae marine dolphins Delphinidae Delphinus Delphinus Equus <genus> Equus Equus <genus> Equus burchellii Burchell's zebra plains zebra Equus burchellii Equus asinus African ass African wild ass Somali wild ass ass domestic ass donkey Equus asinus Equus caballus domestic horse equine horse Equus caballus Sus scrofa pig pigs swine wild boar Sus scrofa Tayassuidae peccaries Tayassuidae Camelus bactrianus Bactrian camel camel domestic Bactrian camel two-humped camel Camelus bactrianus Cervidae deer Cervidae Odocoileus hemionus columbianus black-tailed deer Odocoileus hemionus columbianus Muntiacus Muntiacus Muntiacus muntjak Indian muntjac muntjak Muntiacus muntjak Bovidae Bovidae Bison bison American bison Bison Bison bison Bos taurus bovine cattle cow dairy cow domestic cattle domestic cow ox oxen Bos taurus Capra hircus domestic goat goat goats Capra hircus Ovis Ovis Ovis aries domestic sheep lambs sheep wild sheep Ovis aries Oryx Oryx Caprinae Caprinae Syncerus Syncerus Leporidae rabbits and hares Leporidae Oryctolagus cuniculus European rabbit Japanese white rabbit domestic rabbit rabbit rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus Sylvilagus Sylvilagus Rodentia rodent GC_ID:1 rodent ncbi_taxonomy rodents NCBITaxon:9989 Rodentia Marmota monax groundhog woodchuck woodchucks Marmota monax planned process Injecting mice with a vaccine in order to test its efficacy A processual entity that realizes a plan which is the concretization of a plan specification. 'Plan' includes a future direction sense. That can be problematic if plans are changed during their execution. There are however implicit contingencies for protocols that an agent has in his mind that can be considered part of the plan, even if the agent didn't have them in mind before. Therefore, a planned process can diverge from what the agent would have said the plan was before executing it, by adjusting to problems encountered during execution (e.g. choosing another reagent with equivalent properties, if the originally planned one has run out.) We are only considering successfully completed planned processes. A plan may be modified, and details added during execution. For a given planned process, the associated realized plan specification is the one encompassing all changes made during execution. This means that all processes in which an agent acts towards achieving some objectives is a planned process. Bjoern Peters branch derived This class merges the previously separated objective driven process and planned process, as they the separation proved hard to maintain. (1/22/09, branch call) 6/11/9: Edited at workshop. Used to include: is initiated by an agent planned process processed material Examples include gel matrices, filter paper, parafilm and buffer solutions, mass spectrometer, tissue samples Is a material entity that is created or changed during material processing. PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg processed material culture medium A growth medium or culture medium is a substance in which microorganisms or cells can grow. Wikipedia, growth medium, Feb 29, 2008 a processed material that provides the needed nourishment for microorganisms or cells grown in vitro. changed from a role to a processed material based on on Aug 22, 2011 dev call. Details see the tracker item: Modification made by JZ. Person: Jennifer Fostel, Jie Zheng OBI culture medium reagent role Buffer, dye, a catalyst, a solvating agent. A role inhering in a biological or chemical entity that is intended to be applied in a scientific technique to participate (or have molecular components that participate) in a chemical reaction that facilitates the generation of data about some entity distinct from the bearer, or the generation of some specified material output distinct from the bearer. PERSON:Matthew Brush reagent PERSON:Matthew Brush Feb 10, 2009. changes after discussion at OBI Consortium Workshop Feb 2-6, 2009. accepted as core term. May 28 2013. Updated definition taken from ReO based on discussions initiated in Philly 2011 workshop. Former defnition described a narrower view of reagents in chemistry that restricts bearers of the role to be chemical entities ("a role played by a molecular entity used to produce a chemical reaction to detect, measure, or produce other substances"). Updated definition allows for broader view of reagents in the domain of biomedical research to include larger materials that have parts that participate chemically in a molecular reaction or interaction. (copied from ReO) Reagents are distinguished from instruments or devices that also participate in scientific techniques by the fact that reagents are chemical or biological in nature and necessarily participate in or have parts that participate in some chemical interaction or reaction during their intended participation in some technique. By contrast, instruments do not participate in a chemical reaction/interaction during the technique. Reagents are distinguished from study subjects/evaluants in that study subjects and evaluants are that about which conclusions are drawn and knowledge is sought in an investigation - while reagents, by definition, are not. It should be noted, however, that reagent and study subject/evaluant roles can be borne by instances of the same type of material entity - but a given instance will realize only one of these roles in the execution of a given assay or technique. For example, taq polymerase can bear a reagent role or an evaluant role. In a DNA sequencing assay aimed at generating sequence data about some plasmid, the reagent role of the taq polymerase is realized. In an assay to evaluate the quality of the taq polymerase itself, the evaluant/study subject role of the taq is realized, but not the reagent role since the taq is the subject about which data is generated. In regard to the statement that reagents are 'distinct' from the specified outputs of a technique, note that a reagent may be incorporated into a material output of a technique, as long as the IDENTITY of this output is distinct from that of the bearer of the reagent role. For example, dNTPs input into a PCR are reagents that become part of the material output of this technique, but this output has a new identity (ie that of a 'nucleic acid molecule') that is distinct from the identity of the dNTPs that comprise it. Similarly, a biotin molecule input into a cell labeling technique are reagents that become part of the specified output, but the identity of the output is that of some modified cell specimen which shares identity with the input unmodified cell specimen, and not with the biotin label. Thus, we see that an important criteria of 'reagent-ness' is that it is a facilitator, and not the primary focus of an investigation or material processing technique (ie not the specified subject/evaluant about which knowledge is sought, or the specified output material of the technique). reagent role material processing A cell lysis, production of a cloning vector, creating a buffer. A planned process which results in physical changes in a specified input material PERSON: Bjoern Peters PERSON: Frank Gibson PERSON: Jennifer Fostel PERSON: Melanie Courtot PERSON: Philippe Rocca Serra material transformation OBI branch derived material processing organization PMID: 16353909.AAPS J. 2005 Sep 22;7(2):E274-80. Review. The joint food and agriculture organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives and its role in the evaluation of the safety of veterinary drug residues in foods. An entity that can bear roles, has members, and has a set of organization rules. Members of organizations are either organizations themselves or individual people. Members can bear specific organization member roles that are determined in the organization rules. The organization rules also determine how decisions are made on behalf of the organization by the organization members. BP: The definition summarizes long email discussions on the OBI developer, roles, biomaterial and denrie branches. It leaves open if an organization is a material entity or a dependent continuant, as no consensus was reached on that. The current placement as material is therefore temporary, in order to move forward with development. Here is the entire email summary, on which the definition is based: 1) there are organization_member_roles (president, treasurer, branch editor), with individual persons as bearers 2) there are organization_roles (employer, owner, vendor, patent holder) 3) an organization has a charter / rules / bylaws, which specify what roles there are, how they should be realized, and how to modify the charter/rules/bylaws themselves. It is debatable what the organization itself is (some kind of dependent continuant or an aggregate of people). This also determines who/what the bearer of organization_roles' are. My personal favorite is still to define organization as a kind of 'legal entity', but thinking it through leads to all kinds of questions that are clearly outside the scope of OBI. Interestingly enough, it does not seem to matter much where we place organization itself, as long as we can subclass it (University, Corporation, Government Agency, Hospital), instantiate it (Affymetrix, NCBI, NIH, ISO, W3C, University of Oklahoma), and have it play roles. This leads to my proposal: We define organization through the statements 1 - 3 above, but without an 'is a' statement for now. We can leave it in its current place in the is_a hierarchy (material entity) or move it up to 'continuant'. We leave further clarifications to BFO, and close this issue for now. James Malone Jie Zheng PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg PERSON: Bjoern Peters PERSON: Philippe Rocca-Serra PERSON: Susanna Sansone Tomasz Adamusiak organisation GROUP: OBI MO_177 An organization is a continuant entity which can play roles, has members, and has a set of organization rules. Members of organizations are either organizations themselves or individual people. Members can bear specific organization member roles that are determined in the organization rules. The organization rules also determine how decisions are made on behalf of the organization by the organization members. organization organization EFO_URI: solid support function Taped, glued, pinned, dried or molecularly bonded to a solid support A solid support function is a function of a device on which an entity is kept in a defined position and prevented in its movement Daniel Schober Frank Gibson Melanie Courtot solid support function material transformation objective The objective to create a mouse infected with LCM virus. The objective to create a defined solution of PBS. an objective specifiction that creates an specific output object from input materials. PERSON: Bjoern Peters PERSON: Frank Gibson PERSON: Jennifer Fostel PERSON: Melanie Courtot PERSON: Philippe Rocca-Serra artifact creation objective GROUP: OBI PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch material transformation objective manufacturing Manufacturing is a process with the intent to produce a processed material which will have a function for future use. A person or organization (having manufacturer role) is a participant in this process This includes a single scientist making a processed material for personal use. Manufacturing implies reproducibility and responsibility AR PERSON: Bjoern Peters PERSON: Frank Gibson PERSON: Jennifer Fostel PERSON: Melanie Courtot PERSON: Philippe Rocca-Serra GROUP: OBI PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch manufacturing manufacturing objective is the objective to manufacture a material of a certain function (device) PERSON: Bjoern Peters PERSON: Frank Gibson PERSON: Jennifer Fostel PERSON: Melanie Courtot PERSON: Philippe Rocca-Serra GROUP: OBI PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch manufacturing objective manufacturer role With respect to The Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer System, the organization Accuri bears the role manufacturer role. With respect to a transformed line of tissue culture cells derived by a specific lab, the lab whose personnel isolated the cll line bears the role manufacturer role. With respect to a specific antibody produced by an individual scientist, the scientist who purifies, characterizes and distributes the anitbody bears the role manufacturer role. Manufacturer role is a role which inheres in a person or organization and which is realized by a manufacturing process. GROUP: Role Branch OBI manufacturer role material separation objective The objective to obtain multiple aliquots of an enzyme preparation. The objective to obtain cells contained in a sample of blood. is an objective to transform a material entity into spatially separated components. PPPB branch PPPB branch material separation objective portioning objective The objective to obtain multiple aliquots of an enzyme preparation. A material separation objective aiming to separate material into multiple portions, each of which contains a similar composition of the input material. portioning objective separation into different composition objective The objective to obtain cells contained in a sample of blood. A material separation objective aiming to separate a material entity that has parts of different types, and end with at least one output that is a material with parts of fewer types (modulo impurities). We should be using has the grain relations or concentrations to distinguish the portioning and other sub-objectives separation into different composition objective material maintenance objective An objective specification maintains some or all of the qualities of a material over time. PERSON: Bjoern Peters PERSON: Bjoern Peters material maintenance objective material maintenance a process with that achieves the objective to maintain some or all of the characteristics of an input material over time material maintenance establishing cancer cell line Establishment of HeLa immortal cell line is a planned process in which the objective is to generate a cell line from a natural population of cancer cells which are already immortal Helen Parkinson establishing cancer cell line cell line immortalization Production of a cell line for the purposes of experimentation e.g. EBV transformation of PBMs an establishing cell line process whereby a mortal cell line is intentionally genetically modified to be capable of indefinite propagation and re-established as a new immortal cell line 4-20-13 MHB: This class was repositioned as a child of 'establishing cell line', based on the existing definition ("the planned process of experimentally creating a cell line which is capable of dividing indefinitely in vitro"), and examples and other annotations indicating the intent to describe a process through which a new immortal cell line is established from an existing mortal cell line using genetic modification techniques. The definition above was modified to clarify this perspective. Bjoern Peters 'establishing immortal cell line through directed genetic modification' OBI A immortalizing genetic transformation of an existing population of cell line cells is required as part of this process, as are additional steps for selecting and propagating the cells output form this process into a cell line. cell line immortalization device A voltmeter is a measurement device which is intended to perform some measure function. An autoclave is a device that sterlizes instruments or contaminated waste by applying high temperature and pressure. A material entity that is designed to perform a function in a scientific investigation, but is not a reagent. 2012-12-17 JAO: In common lab usage, there is a distinction made between devices and reagents that is difficult to model. Therefore we have chosen to specifically exclude reagents from the definition of "device", and are enumerating the types of roles that a reagent can perform. 2013-6-5 MHB: The following clarifications are outcomes of the May 2013 Philly Workshop. Reagents are distinguished from devices that also participate in scientific techniques by the fact that reagents are chemical or biological in nature and necessarily participate in some chemical interaction or reaction during the realization of their experimental role. By contrast, devices do not participate in such chemical reactions/interactions. Note that there are cases where devices use reagent components during their operation, where the reagent-device distinction is less clear. For example: (1) An HPLC machine is considered a device, but has a column that holds a stationary phase resin as an operational component. This resin qualifies as a device if it participates purely in size exclusion, but bears a reagent role that is realized in the running of a column if it interacts electrostatically or chemically with the evaluant. The container the resin is in (“the column”) considered alone is a device. So the entire column as well as the entire HPLC machine are devices that have a reagent as an operating part. (2) A pH meter is a device, but its electrode component bears a reagent role in virtue of its interacting directly with the evaluant in execution of an assay. (3) A gel running box is a device that has a metallic lead as a component that participates in a chemical reaction with the running buffer when a charge is passed through it. This metallic lead is considered to have a reagent role as a component of this device realized in the running of a gel. In the examples above, a reagent is an operational component of a device, but the device itself does not realize a reagent role (as bearing a reagent role is not transitive across the part_of relation). In this way, the asserted disjointness between a reagent and device holds, as both roles are never realized in the same bearer during execution of an assay. PERSON: Helen Parkinson instrument OBI development call 2012-12-17. device genetically modified material a material entity, organism or cell, that is the output of a genetic transformation process. PERSON: Jie Zheng GROUP: OBI term is proposed by BP on Oct 25, 2010 dev call genetically modified material genetic transformation objective a material transformation objective aims to create genetically modified organism or cell Person: Jie Zheng Person: Jie Zheng suggested to be added by BP and AR during Oct 25, 2010 dev call genetic transformation objective assay array A device made to be used in an analyte assay for immobilization of substances that bind the analyte at regular spatial positions on a surface. PERSON: Chris Stoeckert, Jie Zheng, Alan Ruttenberg Penn Group assay array secondary cultured cell A cultured cell that has been passaged or derives from a cell that has been passaged in culture. The term 'secondary cell culture' is generally used in biological texts/protocols to refer to any culture following an initial passage. We include it here because there are often a number of passages between a primary culture and the establishment of a stable, homogenous cell line. Such cultures are considered to be 'secondary cultures' but not 'cell lines' during this intermediate passaging/selection period between their derivation from a 'primary cell culture' and derivation into a 'cell line', which is a more specific type of secondary culture. Person: Matthew Brush PERSON: Matthew Brush A secondary cultured cell has been passaged in culture or is a descendant of such a cell that is derived through propagation in culture. secondary cultured cell establishing cell line a process whereby a new type of cell line is created, either through passaging of a primary cell culture to relative genetic stability and compositional homogeneity, or through some experimental modification of an existing cell line to produce a new line with novel characteristics (e.g. immortalization or some other stable genetic modification, or selection of some defined subset). 2013-4-20 MHB: For cases of initial establilshment of a line from a primary culture, successive passaging and/or selection processes can confer increasing degrees of genetic stability and compositional homogeneity as compared to the input primary culture. Historically, many texts consider the first passage as the clearest point to define the beginning of a line. However, in practice it is more often that case that more than one passage, and possibly additional selective techniques, may be required before a culture is deemed to have sufficient stability and homogeneity to be considered cell line. This is the view taken in OBI. Regardless, what is important is that some intentional, experimental step has been taken to establish a more homogenous and stable culture that can be characterized and progatated over time. Person: Matthew Brush PERSON:Matthew Brush establishing cell line Illumina BeadChip An array that consists of 3-micron silica beads that self assemble in microwells on either of two materials: fiber optic bundles or planar silica slides. PERSON: Chris Stoeckert, Jie Zheng, Alan Ruttenberg, Venkat Malladi Illumina BeadChip secondary cultured cell population A cultured cell population that is derived through one or more passages in culture. The term 'secondary cell culture' is generally used in biological texts/protocols to refer to any culture of cells following an initial passage. We include it here because there are often a number of passages between a primary culture and the establishment of a stable, homogenous cell line. Such cultures are considered to be 'secondary cultures' but not 'cell lines' during this intermediate passaging/selection period between their derivation from a 'primary cell culture' and derivation into a 'cell line', which is a more specific type of secondary culture. PERSON:Matthew Brush secondary cell culture sample PERSON:Matthew Brush The concept of a 'secondary cultured cell population' covers cell lines as well as cultured cell populations more immediately derived from a primary culture which have yet to achieve adequate genetic stability and compositional homogeneity to be considered a cell line. The extent of the collection of cells in a 'secondary cultured cell population' is restricted only in that all cell members must share a propagation history (ie be derived through a common lineage of passages from an initial culture). Secondary cultured cell populations can be under active culture, stored in a quiescent state for future use, or applied experimentally. secondary cultured cell population cancer cell line An immortal cell line derived from a transformed cell that was part of a malignant tumor. cancer cell line immortalizing cell line transformation a genetic transformation of a cell line cell with transgenic constructs intended to confer the capability for indefinite propagation in culture immortalizing cell line transformation cell freezing medium culture media or serum + 10% DMSO is often used as cell freezing media. A processed material that serves as a liquid vehicle for freezing cells for long term quiescent stroage, which contains chemicls needed to sustain cell viability across freeze-thaw cycles. PERSON: Matthew Brush cell freezing medium organism animal fungus plant virus A material entity that is an individual living system, such as animal, plant, bacteria or virus, that is capable of replicating or reproducing, growth and maintenance in the right environment. An organism may be unicellular or made up, like humans, of many billions of cells divided into specialized tissues and organs. 10/21/09: This is a placeholder term, that should ideally be imported from the NCBI taxonomy, but the high level hierarchy there does not suit our needs (includes plasmids and 'other organisms') 13-02-2009: OBI doesn't take position as to when an organism starts or ends being an organism - e.g. sperm, foetus. This issue is outside the scope of OBI. GROUP: OBI Biomaterial Branch WEB: organism cultured cell population A cultured cell population applied in an experiment: "293 cells expressing TrkA were serum-starved for 18 hours and then neurotrophins were added for 10 min before cell harvest." (Lee, Ramee, et al. "Regulation of cell survival by secreted proneurotrophins." Science 294.5548 (2001): 1945-1948). A cultured cell population maintained in vitro: "Rat cortical neurons from 15 day embryos are grown in dissociated cell culture and maintained in vitro for 8–12 weeks" (Dichter, Marc A. "Rat cortical neurons in cell culture: culture methods, cell morphology, electrophysiology, and synapse formation." Brain Research 149.2 (1978): 279-293). A processed material comprised of a collection of cultured cells that has been continuously maintained together in culture and shares a common propagation history. 2013-6-5 MHB: This OBI class was formerly called 'cell culture', but label changed and definition updated following CLO alignment efforts in spring 2013, during which the intent of this class was clarified to refer to portions of a culture or line rather than a complete cell culture or line. PERSON:Matthew Brush cell culture sample PERSON:Matthew Brush The extent of a 'cultured cell population' is restricted only in that all cell members must share a propagation history (ie be derived through a common lineage of passages from an initial culture). In being defined in this way, this class can be used to refer to the populations that researchers actually use in the practice of science - ie are the inputs to culturing, experimentation, and sharing. The cells in such populations will be a relatively uniform population as they have experienced similar selective pressures due to their continuous co-propagation. And this population will also have a single passage number, again owing to their common passaging history. Cultured cell populations represent only a collection of cells (ie do not include media, culture dishes, etc), and include populations of cultured unicellular organisms or cultured multicellular organism cells. They can exist under active culture, stored in a quiescent state for future use, or applied experimentally. cultured cell population genetically modified organism A protocol for removal of antibiotic resistance cassettes from human embryonic stem cells genetically modified by homologous recombination or transgenesis. Nat Protoc. 2008;3(10):1550-8. PMID: 18802436 an organism that is the output of a genetic transformation process PERSON: Philippe Rocca-Serra OBI Biomaterial genetically modified organism material component separation Using a cell sorter to separate a mixture of T cells into two fractions; one with surface receptor CD8 and the other lacking the receptor, or purification a material processing in which components of an input material become segregated in space Bjoern Peters IEDB material component separation maintaining cell culture When harvesting blood from a human, isolating T cells, and then limited dilution cloning of the cells, the maintaining_cell_culture step comprises all steps after the initial dilution and plating of the cells into culture, e.g. placing the culture into an incubator, changing or adding media, and splitting a cell culture a protocol application in which cells are kept alive in a defined environment outside of an organism. part of cell_culturing PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch OBI branch derived maintaining cell culture establishing cell culture a process through which a new type of cell culture or cell line is created, either through the isolation and culture of one or more cells from a fresh source, or the deliberate experimental modification of an existing cell culture (e.g passaging a primary culture to become a secondary culture or line, or the immortalization or stable genetic modification of an existing culture or line). PERSON:Matthew Brush PERSON:Matthew Brush A 'cell culture' as used here referes to a new lineage of cells in culture deriving from a single biological source.. New cultures are established through the initial isolation and culturing of cells from an organismal source, or through changes in an existing cell culture or line that result in a new culture with unique characteristics. This can occur through the passaging/selection of a primary culture into a secondary culture or line, or experimental modifications of an existing cell culture or line such as an immortalization process or other stable genetic modification. This class covers establishment of cultures of either multicellular organism cells or unicellular organisms. establishing cell culture cell culture splitting The act of taking a cell culture of high density, counting the cells, removing part of the cells, and re-seeding a select number of the cells into new flasks with fresh tissue culture media. The act of taking part of a homogeneous cell culture and creating one or more additional separate cultures of similar qualities. input: cell_culture, output cell_culture min cardinality 2. part of cell culturing PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch cell culture passaging OBI branch derived An active cell culture is typically split when it has grown to confluence in its culture dish. Cell culture splitting of a cell culture sample results in an increase in its passage number, which measures how long a sample has been propagated in vitro, and therefore how many selective or genetic changes it is likely to have undergone. cell culture splitting genetic transformation The transduction of E. coli through the introduction of a plasmid encoding for M. avium p35 the introduction. alteration or integration of genetic material into a cell or organism PERSON:Kevin Clancy genetic modification OBI branch derived genetic transformation A dependent entity that inheres in a bearer by virtue of how the bearer is related to other entities quality (PATO) PATO:0000072 quality PATO:0000001 quality age age biological sex biological sex A time quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's expected maximum age. quality PATO:0000050 life span A quality of a single physical entity inhering in the bearer by virtue of the bearer's size or shape or structure. quality PATO:0000051 morphology A morphological quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ratios of distances between its features (points, edges, surfaces and also holes etc). PATO:0001647 relational shape quality quality PATO:0000052 Shapes are invariant on size transformations. Shapes can be subdivided into 2D and 3D shapes, We can also make a distinction between shapes of complete self-connected objects, and shapes of parts of objects. shape quality PATO:0000068 TODO: define this or obsolete it and move children somewhere else. qualitative A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the whether the bearer differs from normal or average. quality PATO:0000069 deviation (from_normal) A morphology quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's physical magnitude. quality PATO:0000117 size A morphology quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's relative position, shape, arrangements and connectivity of an organism's various parts; the pattern underlying its form. PATO:0001452 conformation relational structural quality quality PATO:0000141 structure A quality in which events occur in sequence. quality PATO:0000165 time viability viability A quality of a single physical entity which is held by a bearer when the latter exhibits a state of growth, differentiation, or development. quality PATO:0000261 maturity A branchiness quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having branches. ramified ramiform quality PATO:0000402 branched A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being such that every part of the surface or the circumference is equidistant from the center. quality round rounded PATO:0000411 circular A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's deviation from normal or average. quality aberrant atypia atypical defective PATO:0000460 abnormal A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting no deviation from normal or average. quality average PATO:0000461 normal A size quality which is relatively high. PATO:0001202 quality big enlarged expanded great large PATO:0000586 increased size A size quality which is relatively low. hypoplasia underdeveloped quality reduced small tiny PATO:0000587 decreased size viable viable A spheroid quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being oval with two axes of symmetry, as produced by a conical section. ellipse-shaped ellipsoid elliptical quality oval ovoid PATO:0000947 elliptic An optical quality which obtains by virtue of the ability of the bearer to absorb visible light. quality PATO:0000957 opacity A optical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's not being clear; not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy. non-transparent quality clouding cloudy PATO:0000963 opaque A optical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking opacity. clear hyaline quality PATO:0000964 transparent A physical quality of a fluid inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's disposition to internal resistance to flow. quality PATO:0000992 viscosity A viscosity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having viscosity. quality PATO:0000998 viscous A quality of a physical entity that exists through action of continuants at the physical level of organisation in relation to other entities. PATO:0002079 Wikipedia:Physical_property relational physical quality quality PATO:0001018 physical quality physical object quality A quality which inheres in a continuant. PATO:0001237 PATO:0001238 snap:Quality monadic quality of a continuant multiply inhering quality of a physical entity quality of a continuant quality of a single physical entity quality of an object quality of continuant monadic quality of an object monadic quality of continuant quality PATO:0001241 Relational qualities are qualities that hold between multiple entities. Normal (monadic) qualities such as the shape of a eyeball exist purely as a quality of that eyeball. A relational quality such as sensitivity to light is a quality of that eyeball (and connecting nervous system) as it relates to incoming light waves/particles. physical object quality A physical quality that inheres in an bearer by virtue of how that bearer interacts with electromagnetic radiation. quality PATO:0001291 electromagnetic (EM) radiation quality An EM radiation quality in which the EM radiation is within the fiat range of the spectrum visible deemed to be light. quality PATO:0001300 optical quality A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's number of homologous sets of chromosomes in the nucleus or primary chromosome-containing compartment of the cell, each set essentially coding for all the biological traits of the organism. quality PATO:0001374 ploidy A ploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing a single set of homologous chromosomes. quality PATO:0001375 haploid A ploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing an integral multiple of the monoploid number, possibly excluding the sex-determining chromosomes. quality PATO:0001393 euploid A ploidy quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having two copies (homologs) of each chromosome, usually one from the mother and one from the father. quality PATO:0001394 The exact number may be one or two different from the 2n number and still be classified as diploidy (although with aneuploidy). Nearly all mammals are diploid organisms, although all individuals have some small fraction of cells that are polyploidy. diploid A monadic quality of continuant that exists at the cellular level of organisation. quality PATO:0001396 cellular quality cellular potency A cellular quality that arises by virtue of whether the bearer's disposition to differentiate into one or more mature cell types. quality PATO:0001397 cellular potency totipotent totipotent A cellular potency that is the capacity to produce only one differentiated cell type. quality PATO:0001400 Unipotent cells have the quality of self-renewal which distinguishes them from non-stem cells. unipotent A cellular potency that is the capacity to form multiple differentiated cell types of a specific lineage and lack self renewing capacity. quality PATO:0001401 Less potent than multipotent, often thought of as precursor or progenitor cell status. oligopotent multipotent A cellular potency that is the capacity to form multiple differentiated cell types. quality PATO:0001402 multipotent pluripotent pluripotent A cellular quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of bearer's number of nuclei. quality PATO:0001404 nucleate quality A nucleate quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having one nucleus. quality PATO:0001407 mononucleate A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being marked by narrow lines or grooves, usually parallel. quality PATO:0001410 striated dead dead A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's lacking complete growth, differentiation, or development. quality underdeveloped PATO:0001501 immature A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting the physical characteristics of an entity consisting of particles that have neither a defined volume nor defined shape. gaseous quality PATO:0001547 quality of a gas A physical quality inhering in an entity exhibiting the physical characteristics of an amorphous (non-crystalline) form of matter between a gas and a solid that has a definite volume, but no definite shape. liquidity quality PATO:0001548 quality of a liquid A physical quality that is the ability to contract or shrink. quality PATO:0001579 contractility A contractility quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's ability of contracting or being contracted. quality PATO:0001690 This refers to the disposition of the bearer. contractile A physical quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's parts having the arrangement which exhibits characteristics of liquids. liquid quality PATO:0001735 liquid configuration A quality that inheres in an bearer by virtue of how that bearer interacts with radiation. quality PATO:0001739 radiation quality A shape quality in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's curving inward. quality PATO:0001857 concave A convex 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a consistently-sized round cross section. PATO:0001203 rod-like rod-shaped tubulate quality PATO:0001873 cylindrical A nucleate quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having more than one nucleus. quality PATO:0001908 multinucleate A structural quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having a three dimensional cavity with a narrow or no opening, and often containing an anatomical substance. sacular quality PATO:0001987 saccular immortal immortal An organismal quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's consisting cells. quality PATO:0001992 cellularity A cellularity quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's consisting of more than one cell. quality PATO:0001993 multicellular organismal quality A quality that inheres in an entire organism or part of an organism. quality PATO:0001995 organismal quality Surface shape that refers to the inward or outward curvature of the surface. quality PATO:0002005 concavity A shape that inheres in a 2 dimensional entity, such as a cross section or projection of a 3 dimensional entity. quality 2-D projection cross-sectional PATO:0002006 2-D shape A complete three dimensional shape in which for every line connecting pair of points on the object is within the object. Or: a shape lacking cavities. Contrast: concave. Image: quality PATO:0002007 Use this term or an is_a child of this term when the entire shape of the object is known. convex 3-D shape A complete three dimensional shape in which there is a line connecting pair of points on the object that lies outside the object. Or: a shape with cavities. Contrast: concave. Image: quality PATO:0002008 concave 3-D shape A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the degree to which there are subdivisions or offshoots in a bearer entity. quality PATO:0002009 branchiness A structural quality that inheres in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's containing hollow areas. quality PATO:0002014 structure, cavities A concave quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's curving inward on both sides or surfaces. quality PATO:0002039 biconcave A branched quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having smaller branches arising from larger branches. Resembling a tree in branching structure. 2009-02-15T08:11:41Z dendriform dendroid dendroidal quality PATO:0002045 dendritic A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having an empty space or cavity within. 2009-09-18T02:19:20Z quality PATO:0002078 hollow An affinity inhering in an anatomical structure by virtue of the bearer exhibiting a molecular interaction for basic dyes under specific pH conditions. 2009-10-05T12:05:23Z quality PATO:0002094 basophilic undifferentiated undifferentiated A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's processing the form of a thin plate sheet or layer. 2009-10-06T04:37:14Z quality PATO:0002124 laminar A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of its constitution. 2010-03-15T04:35:27Z quality PATO:0002198 quality of a substance A cylindrical shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being imperfectly cylindrical or approximately cylindrical. 2010-07-13T04:22:30Z quality PATO:0002226 subcylindrical A shape that inheres in a 3 dimensional entity. 2010-10-05T12:31:16Z quality PATO:0002266 3-D shape A cylindrical shape that is hollow. 2011-06-08T06:33:50Z tube like tube-shaped tubulate quality PATO:0002299 tubular A quality that has a value that is increased compared to normal or average. 2011-06-16T06:39:43Z quality PATO:0002300 increased quality A quality that has a value that is decreased compared to normal or average. 2011-06-16T06:40:15Z quality PATO:0002301 decreased quality A quality of an object that has a value that is decreased compared to normal or average. 2011-06-16T06:51:54Z quality PATO:0002303 decreased object quality A quality of an object that has a value that is increased compared to normal or average. 2011-06-16T06:54:01Z quality PATO:0002305 increased object quality A convex 3-D shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting a consistently sized and approximately round cross-section along its length, which is many times larger than its diameter. 2011-09-09T04:50:10Z quality PATO:0002309 Note that a fiber shaped object may take any circuitous or straight path through space (think of a length of string or rope). fiber shaped A shape constituting a transition between a rectangle and a circle; a closed curve, of which the circle and ellipse are special cases, whose parametric equation is x = a.cos2/rt, y = b.cos2/rt 2011-10-12T12:45:16Z Lamé curve quality PATO:0002318 superelliptic An affinity inhering in an anatomical structure by virtue of the bearer exhibiting a molecular interaction for acidic dyes under specific pH conditions. 2012-12-17T03:01:19Z quality PATO:0002418 acidophilic Pertaining to the individual parts making up an aggregate fruit like a many-lobed "berry," such as a raspberry. 2012-12-17T03:11:10Z quality PATO:0002422 Acinus is Latin for berry. acinar A structure quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being capable of swelling or stretching. 2013-09-15T11:48:26Z quality PATO:0002468 distensible A shape quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's being marked by narrow lines or grooves, usually parallel, that are oriented transversely relative to the long axis of the bearer. 2013-09-15T12:29:15Z quality PATO:0002478 transversely striated A nucleate quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's having one or more nucleus. 2013-10-21T05:44:34Z quality PATO:0002505 nucleated A quality of a single cell inhering in the bearer by virtue of the bearer's size or shape or structure. 2021-01-23T11:31:53Z quality PATO:0010006 Use this term for morphologies that can *only* inhere in a cell, e.g. morphological qualities inhering in a cell by virtue of the presence, location or shape of one or more cell parts. cell morphology A quality inhering in a structure by virtue of it consisting of many of repeated, similar or identical subunits, arranged in some orderly array. quality PATO:0015006 A complete coverage of this domain would subclasses homopolymeric, copolymeric, crystalline. polymeric A quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the extent to which the bearer is capable of being stretched or swollen. quality PATO:0015008 distensibility A quality of an object that has a value that is normal or average. 2017-12-21T14:11:01Z quality PATO:0045001 normal object quality A life span which is relatively normal or average. 2017-12-22T14:16:43Z quality PATO:0045026 normal life span A cell morphology that inheres in neurons which have two principal dendrites that emerge from the soma and begin to branch some distance from it, have few spines, and branch in narrow fields. This is in contrast to bitufted morphology where branching occurs close to the soma. ILX:0101312 ilxtr:BipolarPhenotype nifext:2 quality PATO:0070006 This is specific to cortical bipolar cells and are distinguished from retinal bipolar cell morphology which has an axon and dendrite emerging from opposite ends of the soma. cortical bipolar morphology A cell morphology that inheres in neurons that have dendritic processes radiating from the cell body forming a star-like shape. ILX:0111036 SAO:9271919883 quality PATO:0070010 stellate morphology A cell morphology that inheres in neurons which possess three or more neurites, usually a single axon and many dendrites and dendritic branches. ILX:0107196 NLX:378 quality PATO:0070026 multipolar neuron morphology A cell morphology that inheres in neurons with dendrites that are bidirectional, emerging from opposite ends of the soma, with the two arbors extending in radial or tangential directions. quality PATO:0070027 This morphology type is distinct from bitufted cell morphology in that it refers to bitufted dendrite morphology rather than bitufted cell morphology. bitufted dendrite cell morphology A quality of continuant that exist at the anatomical level of organisation and anything under it. This includes, but is not limited to, cells , tissues, and components. quality PATO:0070044 anatomical structure quality A quality inhering in an anotomical structure by virtue of its capacity to be stained by specific histological dyes. quality PATO:0070045 anatomical histological quality An affinity inhering in an anatomical structure by virtue of the bearer exhibiting a molecular interaction that stains and colors, pale-pink, with Wright-Giemsa stain. quality PATO:0070046 neutrophillic An affinity inhering in an anatomical structure by virtue of the bearer exhibiting a molecular interaction for both basic and acid stains under specific pH conditions. quality PATO:0070047 polychromatophilic An amino acid chain that is produced de novo by ribosome-mediated translation of a genetically-encoded mRNA, and any derivatives thereof. natural protein native protein protein PR:000000001 The definition above excludes protein complexes, which some also consider a protein. Those who wish to refer to a class representing both senses of the word are directed to CHEBI:36080. Note that the definition allows for experimentally-manipulated genes, and allows for artifically-produced derivatives that mimic those found naturally. Proteins (in the sense defined here) that descended from a common ancestor can be classified into families and superfamilies composed of products of evolutionarily-related genes. The domain architecture of a protein is described by the order of its constituent domains. Proteins with the same domains in the same order are defined as homeomorphic [PRO:WCB]. protein A protein that is a translation product of the human CD19 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. It is composed of an N-terminal extracellular domain containing two Ig-like C2-type (immunoglobulin-like) domains, followed by a single-pass transmembrane segment and a cytoplasmic C-terminal tail. CD19 expression is restricted to members of the B cell lineage. It functions as a co-receptor for B-cell antigen receptor (BCR), regulating signal transduction. IUPHARobj:2764 PIRSF:PIRSF016630 B-lymphocyte surface antigen B4 CD19 T-cell surface antigen Leu-12 differentiation antigen CD19 protein PR:000001002 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD19 molecule A protein that is a translation product of the human CD34 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. It is a leukocyte membrane protein expressed specifically by lymphohematopoietic progenitor cells. It contains a single-pass transmembrane domain and that show distinct expression on early hematopoietic precursors and vascular-associated tissue. Acts as a scaffold that presents selectin carbohydrate ligands in a clustered, tissue specific manner to allow for higher avidity interactions between leukocytes and endothelial cells during the inflammatory process. In common with related sialomucins (endoglycan and podocalyxin), the extracellular region is dominated by an N-terminal mucin-like domain, which is densely substituted with sialylated O-linked carbohydrates. The mucin-like region is followed by a cysteine-containing and presumably globular domain. This domain may fold into an immunoglobulin-like structure as the positions of 2 of the cysteines are conserved in the C2 set of the immunoglobulin superfamily. The cytoplasmic domain is around 73-76 residues long and highly conserved. PIRSF:PIRSF028749 CD34 hematopoietic progenitor cell antigen CD34 protein PR:000001003 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD34 molecule A protein that is a translation product of the human CD4 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD4 is an accessory protein for MHC class-II antigen/T-cell receptor interaction. It is the primary receptor for HIV-1. CD4 has four immunoglobulin-like domains in its extracellular region that share the same structure, but can differ in sequence. PIRSF:PIRSF001977 CD4 T-cell differentiation antigen L3T4 T-cell surface antigen T4/Leu-3 T-cell surface glycoprotein CD4 protein PR:000001004 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD4 molecule An integrin alpha that contains an A domain. A hallmark of this class is the presence of a von Willebrand factor type A domain (Pfam:PF00092) (I-domain) of approximately 200 amino acid residues at the N terminus, which confers divalent cation binding properties. Unlike other integrin alpha proteins, they do not undergo proteolytic cleavage. PIRSF:PIRSF002497 integrin alpha with I domain protein PR:000001005 Category=family. integrin alpha with A domain A protein that is a translation product of the human PTPRC gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. It is composed of an extracellular domain, a single transmembrane segment and two tandem intracytoplasmic protein-tyrosine phosphatase domains. Contains 1 to 3 copies of the Fibronectin type III domain (Pfam:PF00041) followed by two copies of the Protein-tyrosine phosphatase (Pfam:PF00102) domain. Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C (CD45) regulates signal transduction and lymphocyte activation by specific association with receptor molecules on T and B cells. Multiple isoforms of CD45 (180-235 kDa) can be generated asa result of alternative splicing of three variable exons 4(A), 5(B) and 6(C), encoding sequences at the N-terminal extracellular domain of the molecule. T200 IUPHARobj:1852 PIRSF:PIRSF002004 L-CA PTPRC leukocyte common antigen ly-5 lymphocyte antigen 5 protein CD45 PR:000001006 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C An integrin alpha with A domain that is a translation product of the human ITGAM gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. They constitute subunits of the integrin alpha-M/beta-2 receptor. This receptor is implicated in various adhesive interactions of monocytes, macrophages and granulocytes as well as in mediating the uptake of complement-coated particles. It is also a receptor for fibrinogen, factor X and ICAM1. IUPHARobj:2452 CD11 antigen-like family member B CD11b CR-3 alpha chain ITGAM cell surface glycoprotein MAC-1 subunit alpha leukocyte adhesion receptor MO1 neutrophil adherence receptor protein CD11B CR3A PR:000001012 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. integrin alpha-M An integrin alpha with A domain that is a translation product of the human ITGAX gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. Integrin alpha-X complexed with beta-2 is a receptor for fibrinogen. It recognizes the sequence GPR in fibrinogen. It mediates cell-cell interaction during inflammatory responses. It is especially important in monocyte adhesion and chemotaxis. IUPHARobj:2454 CD11 antigen-like family member C CD11c ITGAX Leu M5 leukocyte adhesion glycoprotein p150,95 alpha chain leukocyte adhesion receptor p150,95 protein CD11C PR:000001013 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. integrin alpha-X A receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C isoform CD45R that is a translation product of some mRNA whose exon structure and start site selection renders it capable of giving rise to a protein with the amino acid sequence represented by UniProtKB:P08575-8 or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD45RA PTPRC/iso:CD45RA protein PR:000001015 Category=sequence. Requested by=CL. Note: This isoform includes the region encoded by the variable exon 4(A), and lacks the region encoded by exons 5(B) and 6(C). receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C isoform CD45RA A protein with a core domain composition consisting of an extracellular N-terminal domain that adopts an immunoglobulin fold, a transmembrane domain, and an intracellular C-terminal domain with a single copy of the Immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (Pfam:PF02189) (ITAM). It constitutes the invariant subunit of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR). TCR is a surface receptor on T cells responsible for recognizing MHC-restricted antigens and initiating the cellular immune response. PIRSF:PIRSF001993 CD3 subunit with Ig-like domain protein PR:000001018 Category=family. CD3 subunit with immunoglobulin domain A CD3 subunit with immunoglobulin domain that is a translation product of the human CD3E gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2742 CD3E CD3e T-cell surface antigen T3/Leu-4 epsilon chain protein T3E PR:000001020 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD3 epsilon A protein with a domain composition consisting of a large extracellular domain, including five Ig-like C2-type domains followed by two copies of the Fibronectin type-III domain (Pfam:PF00041), a single-pass transmembrane domain and a short cytoplasmic C-terminal domain. PIRSF:PIRSF002507 protein PR:000001022 Category=family. neural cell adhesion molecule A neural cell adhesion molecule that is involved in neuronal development, synaptic plasticity, and regeneration. PIRSF:PIRSF501037 protein PR:000001023 Category=family. neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM A neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM that is a translation product of the human NCAM1 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2769 CD56 N-CAM-1 NCAM-1 NCAM1 protein NCAM PR:000001024 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. neural cell adhesion molecule 1 A protein that is a translation product of the human CD2 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2600 PIRSF:PIRSF001984 CD2 LFA-2 LFA-3 receptor T-cell surface antigen CD2 T-cell surface antigen T11/Leu-5 T-cell surface glycoprotein CD2 erythrocyte receptor ly-37 lymphocyte antigen 37 rosette receptor protein SRBC PR:000001083 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD2 molecule A protein that is a translation product of the human CD8A gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD8 is a transmembrane that is a co-receptor for MHC class-I antigen/T-cell receptor interaction. The most common form of CD8 is composed of a CD8 alpha and a CD8 beta chain. PANTHER:PTHR10441:SF1 CD8A CD8a T-cell surface glycoprotein Lyt-2 T-lymphocyte differentiation antigen T8/Leu-2 protein Lyt-2 Lyt2 MAL PR:000001084 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain A protein that is a translation product of the human CD8B gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD8 is a transmembrane receptor that is a co-receptor for MHC class-I antigen/T-cell receptor interaction. The most common form of CD8 is composed of a CD8 alpha and a CD8 beta chain. PIRSF:PIRSF002020 CD8B T-cell membrane glycoprotein Ly-3 T-cell surface glycoprotein Lyt-3 lymphocyte antigen 3 protein CD8B1 Ly-3 Lyt-3 Lyt3 PR:000001085 Category=gene. T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 beta chain A G-protein coupled receptor with a 7 transmembrane (secretin family) domain (Pfam:PF00002) preceded by an amino-terminal region containing one or more functional domains with adhesion-like motifs. IUPHAR:GPCRListForward?class=adhesion IUPHARfam:17 adhesion class GPCR fam:adhesion subfamily B2 G-protein coupled receptor protein secretin receptor-like G-protein coupled receptor PR:000001087 Category=family. Classification based on GRAFS system. [PMID:12761335] adhesion G-protein coupled receptor A G-protein coupled receptor that contains the 7 transmembrane receptor (rhodopsin family) domain (Pfam:PF00001), which includes 7 transmembrane helices (TMI-TM7) with 3 intracellular loops (IL1-IL3) and 3 extracellular loops (EL1-EL3) between the helices. The amino-terminal region is extracellular and the carboxyl-terminal region is intracellular. Rhodopsin-like G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are unique among the several classes of GPCRs in that most have a very short amino-terminal segment and several characteristic sequence motifs, particularly NSxxNPxxY in TM7 and D/E-R-Y/F between TM3 and loop IL2. Most bind their ligands within a cavity between the TM regions. IUPHAR:GPCRListForward?class=A PIRSF:PIRSF800006 class 1 G-protein coupled receptor class A G-protein coupled receptor fam:rhodopsin protein PR:000001094 Category=family. Classification based on GRAFS system. [PMID:12761335] rhodopsin-like G-protein coupled receptor A rhodopsin-like G-protein coupled receptor that in active form binds to one or more chemokines. IUPHARfam:14 PIRSF:PIRSF038545 protein PR:000001128 Category=family. Note: Only those that have been unequivocally shown to activate a G-protein coupled signaling pathway appear on the official IUPHAR list. chemokine receptor A chemokine receptor that is a translation product of the human CCR1 or CCR3 genes, the mouse CCR1L1 gene, 1:1 orthologs thereof, or a semi-ortholog thereof. PIRSF:PIRSF501024 protein PR:000001197 Category=family. chemokine receptor CCR1/3/1L A chemokine receptor that is a translation product of the human CCR7 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. The preferred ligands are CCL19 and CCL21. IUPHARobj:64 BLR2 C-C CKR-7 CC-CKR-7 CCR-7 CCR7 CD197 CDw197 EBV-induced G-protein coupled receptor 1 MIP-3 beta receptor chemokine receptor CCR7 epstein-Barr virus-induced G-protein coupled receptor 1 protein CMKBR7 EBI1 EVI1 Ebi1h PR:000001203 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. C-C chemokine receptor type 7 A chemokine receptor CCR1/3/1L that is a translation product of the human CCR3 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:60 C-C CKR-3 CC-CKR-3 CCR-3 CCR3 CD193 CKR3 MIP-1 alpha RL2 chemokine receptor CCR3 eosinophil eotaxin receptor macrophage inflammatory protein 1-alpha receptor-like 2 protein CMKBR3 Cmkbr1l2 PR:000001255 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. C-C chemokine receptor type 3 A protein that contains the ADP-ribosyl cyclase domain (Pfam:PF02267). PIRSF:PIRSF005736 protein PR:000001281 Category=family. ADP-ribosyl cyclase A protein that is a translation product of the human MS4A1 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2628 PIRSF:PIRSF001995 B-cell differentiation antigen Ly-44 B-cell surface antigen CD20 B-lymphocyte antigen CD20 B-lymphocyte surface antigen B1 Bp35 MS4A1 leukocyte surface antigen Leu-16 lymphocyte antigen 44 protein CD20 Ly-44 Ms4a2 PR:000001289 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 A protein that is a member of a family that includes translation products of genes CD86, CD276, ICOSLG, and others. These are membrane-anchored proteins with a small intracellular domain and an extracellular domain with signal sequence, an Immunoglobulin V-set domain (Pfam:PF07686), and a CD80-like C2-set immunoglobulin domain (Pfam:PF08205). protein PR:000001290 Category=family. B7-related protein A protein that is a translation product of the human CD207 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD207 langerin protein CLEC4K PR:000001293 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. C-type lectin domain family 4 member K A protein that is a translation product of the human CD44 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD44 CD44 antigen CDw44 ECMR-III GP90 lymphocyte homing/adhesion receptor HUTCH-I PGP-1 epican extracellular matrix receptor III heparan sulfate proteoglycan hermes antigen hyaluronate receptor ly-24 lymphocyte antigen 24 phagocytic glycoprotein 1 phagocytic glycoprotein I protein LHR MDU2 MDU3 MIC4 PGP-I PR:000001307 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD44 molecule A protein that is a translation product of the human SELL gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. It is a leukocyte adhesion receptor that play an important role in regulating the inflammatory response by mediating leukocyte tethering and rolling on adherent leukocytes. PIRSF:PIRSF002421 CD62 antigen-like family member L CD62L LAM-1 LECAM1 SELL TQ1 gp90-MEL leukocyte adhesion molecule 1 leukocyte surface antigen Leu-8 leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 ly-22 lymph node homing receptor lymphocyte antigen 22 lymphocyte surface MEL-14 antigen protein LNHR LYAM1 Ly22 PR:000001318 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. L-selectin A protein that has a core domain structure of signal sequence, propeptide, five Cadherin domains (Pfam:PF00028), a transmembrane region, and a Cadherin cytoplasmic region (Pfam:PF01049). Cadherins function as adhesion molecules that mediate Ca2+-dependent cell-cell adhesion in solid tissues. PIRSF:PIRSF002504 protein PR:000001327 Category=family. cadherin A protein that is a translation product of the human CEACAM8 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD66b CD67 antigen CEACAM8 carcinoembryonic antigen CGM6 non-specific cross-reacting antigen NCA-95 protein CGM6 PR:000001332 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 8 A protein that is a translation product of the human CD69 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. A type II transmembrane protein with a C-type lectin binding domain in the extracellular portion of the molecule. Involved in lymphocyte proliferation and functions as a signal transmitting receptor in lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, and platelets. AIM BL-AC/P26 C-type lectin domain family 2 member C CD69 EA1 GP32/28 MLR-3 activation inducer molecule early T-cell activation antigen p60 early activation antigen CD69 leukocyte surface antigen Leu-23 protein CLEC2C PR:000001343 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD69 molecule A protein that is a translation product of the human ENPP3 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD203c E-NPP 3 ENPP3 PD-Ibeta ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 3 phosphodiesterase I beta phosphodiesterase I/nucleotide pyrophosphatase 3 protein PDNP3 PR:000001344 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase family member 3 A protein that is a translation product of the human FOXP3 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. FOXP3 scurfin protein IPEX JM2 PR:000001350 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. forkhead box protein P3 A protein with a core domain architecture consisting of an extracellular domain containing two copies of the Immunoglobulin domain (Pfam:PF00047), followed by a single-pass transmembrane region and a small intracellular domain. The active protein is a low affinity receptor for immunoglobulin gamma chain Fc region. Human II-a, II-b, and II-c represent a recent gene expansion and are equally related to mouse II, III, and IV. Human III-A and III-B are closely related and closer to mouse IV than to mouse III. PIRSF:PIRSF001980 protein PR:000001355 Category=family. immunoglobulin gamma Fc receptor II/III/IV A protein that is a translation product of the human IL2RA gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. p55 IUPHARobj:1695 PIRSF:PIRSF001954 CD25 IL-2 receptor subunit alpha IL-2-RA IL-2R subunit alpha IL2-RA IL2RA TAC antigen protein Il2r PR:000001380 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. interleukin-2 receptor subunit alpha A protein that is a translation product of the human IL2RB gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. p75 IUPHARobj:1696 CD122 IL-2 receptor subunit beta IL-2R subunit beta IL-2RB IL2RB high affinity IL-2 receptor subunit beta p70-75 protein IL15RB PR:000001381 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. interleukin-2 receptor subunit beta A protein with four transmembrane domains, small intracellular amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions, and two extracellular loops, a small one (EC1) and a larger one (EC2) of about 100 residues. The EC2 loop contains at least 4 cysteine residues, including a highly conserved 'CCG' motif. PIRSF:PIRSF002419 protein PR:000001403 Category=family. tetraspanin An ADP-ribosyl cyclase that is a translation product of the human CD38 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2766 2'-phospho-ADP-ribosyl cyclase 2'-phospho-ADP-ribosyl cyclase/2'-phospho-cyclic-ADP-ribose transferase 2'-phospho-cyclic-ADP-ribose transferase ADP-ribosyl cyclase 1 ADPRC 1 CD38 I-19 NIM-R5 antigen T10 cADPr hydrolase 1 cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1 protein PR:000001408 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. ADP-ribosyl cyclase/cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 1 A B7-related protein that is a translation product of the human CD86 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2745 PANTHER:PTHR25462:SF45 B70 BU63 CD86 CD86 antigen CTLA-4 counter-receptor B7.2 ETC-1 FUN-1 T-lymphocyte activation antigen CD86 activation B7-2 antigen early T-cell costimulatory molecule 1 protein CD28LG2 PR:000001412 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD86 molecule A B7-related protein that is a translation product of the human CD80 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2744 BB1 CD80 CTLA-4 counter-receptor B7.1 T-lymphocyte activation antigen CD80 activation B7-1 antigen protein B7 CD28LG CD28LG1 LAB7 PR:000001438 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD80 molecule A cadherin that is a translation product of the human CDH5 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. 7B4 antigen CD144 CDH5 VE-cadherin vascular endothelial cadherin protein PR:000001444 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. cadherin-5 An immunoglobulin gamma Fc receptor II/III/IV that is a translation product of the mouse Fcgr2 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD32 Fc gamma receptor IIB Fc-gamma RII Fc-gamma-RIIB FcRII Fcgr2 IgG Fc receptor II beta ly-17 lymphocyte antigen 17 protein Fcgr2b PR:000001479 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor II An immunoglobulin gamma Fc receptor II/III/IV that is a translation product of the mouse Fcgr3 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD16 Fc-gamma RIII FcRIII Fcgr3 IgG Fc receptor III protein PR:000001483 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor III A protein with a core domain composition consisting of a Rel homology domain (RHD) (Pfam:PF00554), an IPT/TIG domain (Pfam:PF01833), six copies of the Ankyrin repeat (Pfam:PF00023), a Death domain (Pfam:PF00531) and a C-terminal PEST region. PIRSF:PIRSF036310 protein transcription factor NF-kappa-B PR:000001753 Category=family. transcription factor NF-kappa-B subunit A protein with core architecture consisting of one Prominin (Pfam:PF05478) domain. The prominins are an emerging family of proteins that, among the multispan membrane proteins, display a novel topology. Mouse and human prominin and prominin-like 1 are predicted to contain five membrane spanning domains, with an N-terminal domain exposed to the extracellular space followed by four, alternating small cytoplasmic and large extracellular, loops and a cytoplasmic C-terminal domain. PANTHER:PTHR22730 PIRSF:PIRSF017831 protein PR:000001785 Category=family. prominin A prominin that is a translation product of the human PROM1 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD133 PROM1 antigen AC133 antigen AC133 homolog prominin-like protein 1 protein MSTP061 PROML1 Prom PR:000001786 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. prominin-1 A protein that is a translation product of the human CLEC7A gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2927 C-type lectin superfamily member 12 CD369 CLEC7A DC-associated C-type lectin 1 beta-glucan receptor dectin-1 dendritic cell-associated C-type lectin 1 protein BGR CLECSF12 DECTIN1 UNQ539/PRO1082 PR:000001807 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. C-type lectin domain family 7 member A A protein that is a translation product of the human CD59 gene, a 1:1 ortholog thereof, or pro-orthologs thereof. PIRSF:PIRSF038782 CD59-like protein PR:000001809 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. Pro-orthology refers to, in this case, after-speciation gene duplication in the non-human species (aka 1:many orthology). This gene is present as a single copy in human and has undergone a lineage-specific duplication in mouse. CD59 antigen has a core architecture consisting of one UPAR/Ly-6 domain (Pfam:PF00021), a small domain of about 70 amino acids and containing 5 conserved disulfide bonds. It is both N- and O-glycosylated and is a GPI-anchored protein that releases soluble forms in some tissues. CD59-like glycoprotein A protein with core architecture consisting of asignal sequence, 5 Ig-like domains, followed by a transmembrane sequence, followed by a Protein tyrosine kinase domain (Pfam:PF07714). However, only 1-3 of the Ig domains are detected by the Pfam HMMs in most of the sequences. Pfam:PF00047 is most common, but other members of the Ig domain clan, Pfam:PF07679 and Pfam:PF07686 can be identified instead. The fourth Ig domain lacks the disulfide-bonded cysteines. PIRSF:PIRSF000615 protein PR:000001810 Category=family. CSF-1/PDGF receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase An adhesion G-protein coupled receptor that is a translation product of the human ADGRE1 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:182 PIRSF:PIRSF038685 ADGRE1 EGF-like module receptor 1 EGF-like module-containing mucin-like hormone receptor-like 1 EMR1 hormone receptor cell surface glycoprotein F4/80 protein EMR1 Gpf480 TM7LN3 PR:000001813 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. adhesion G protein-coupled receptor E1 A protein that is a translation product of the human CD7 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. PIRSF:PIRSF038791 CD7 GP40 T-cell antigen CD7 T-cell leukemia antigen T-cell surface antigen Leu-9 TP41 protein PR:000001836 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD7 molecule A protein that is a translation product of the human CD5 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. PANTHER:PTHR19331:SF6 CD5 Lyt-1 ly-1 lymphocyte antigen 1 lymphocyte antigen T1/Leu-1 protein LEU1 PR:000001839 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. T-cell surface glycoprotein CD5 A protein that is a translation product of the human THY1 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. PIRSF:PIRSF038777 CD90 CDw90 THY1 Thy-1 antigen protein Thy-1 PR:000001843 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. Thy-1 membrane glycoprotein A cathepsin-like protease that is a translation product of the human CTSK gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2350 CTSK cathepsin O2 protein CTSO CTSO2 cathepsin O cathepsin X PR:000001850 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. cathepsin K A protein that is a translation product of the human CTLA4 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2743 CTLA-4 CTLA4 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 protein CD152 PR:000001852 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. cytotoxic T-lymphocyte protein 4 A protein with core architecture consisting of a large extracellular region containing one Integrin, beta chain domain (Pfam:PF00362), up to four EGF-like domains (Pfam:PF07974), and an Integrin beta tail domain (Pfam:PF07965), followed by a single-pass transmembrane region and a small cytoplasmic region often containing an Integrin beta cytoplasmic domain (Pfam:PF08725). PIRSF:PIRSF002512 protein PR:000001861 Category=family. integrin beta A protein that is a translation product of the human IL3RA gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:1705 CD123 IL-3 receptor subunit alpha IL-3R subunit alpha IL-3R-alpha IL-3RA IL3RA interleukin-3 receptor class II alpha chain protein IL3R Sut-1 PR:000001865 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. interleukin-3 receptor class 2 alpha chain A protein that is a translation product of the human IL5RA gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:1706 PIRSF:PIRSF018419 CD125 CDw125 IL-5 receptor subunit alpha IL-5R subunit alpha IL-5R-alpha IL-5RA IL5RA protein IL5R PR:000001867 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. interleukin-5 receptor subunit alpha A protein that is a translation product of the human IL7R gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:1698 PIRSF:PIRSF001960 CD127 CDw127 IL-7 receptor subunit alpha IL-7R subunit alpha IL-7R-alpha IL-7RA IL7R protein PR:000001869 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. interleukin-7 receptor subunit alpha A protein that is a translation product of the KLRB1 gene or its closely related paralogs (KLRB1A-F). There are lineage-specific expansions in mouse and rat. PIRSF:PIRSF038804 protein PR:000001874 Category=family. Requested by=CL. KLRB1-like protein A protein that is a translation product of the human SPN gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. PIRSF:PIRSF001994 B-cell differentiation antigen LP-3 GALGP SPN galactoglycoprotein leukocyte sialoglycoprotein ly-48 lymphocyte antigen 48 sialophorin protein CD43 PR:000001879 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. leukosialin A protein with core architecture consisting of a Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein (Pfam:PF01299) domain. It is a single-pass type I membrane protein that shuttles between lysosomes, endosomes, and the plasma membrane. PIRSF:PIRSF002462 protein PR:000001883 Category=family. lysosome-associated membrane protein A protein that is a translation product of the human CD14 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. PIRSF:PIRSF002017 CD14 monocyte differentiation antigen CD14 myeloid cell-specific leucine-rich glycoprotein protein PR:000001889 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD14 molecule A protein that is a translation product of the human CD33 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2601 CD33 gp67 myeloid cell surface antigen CD33 sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 3 siglec-3 protein SIGLEC3 PR:000001892 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD33 molecule A protein that is a translation product of the human MME gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:1611 PIRSF:PIRSF501074 CALLA CD10 MME NEP SFE atriopeptidase common acute lymphocytic leukemia antigen enkephalinase neutral endopeptidase neutral endopeptidase 24.11 skin fibroblast elastase protein EPN PR:000001898 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. neprilysin A protein that is a translation product of the human PAX5 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. B-cell-specific transcription factor BSAP PAX5 protein Pax-5 PR:000001903 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. paired box protein PAX-5 A protein that is a translation product of the human CD24 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD24 HSA M1/69-J11D heat stable antigen R13-Ag X62 heat stable antigen ly-52 lymphocyte antigen 52 nectadrin small cell lung carcinoma cluster 4 antigen protein CD24A PR:000001932 Category=gene. The mouse ortholog is Cd24a. Mouse protein Cd24b likely also orthologous. Currently it is not in UniProt. Requested by=CL. signal transducer CD24 A protein that is a translation product of the human SDC1 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. PIRSF:PIRSF015854 CD138 SDC1 SYND1 protein SDC Synd-1 PR:000001935 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. syndecan-1 A protein that is a translation product of the human ACP5 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. PIRSF:PIRSF000898 ACP5 TR-AP TrATPase tartrate-resistant acid ATPase type 5 acid phosphatase protein T5ap Trap PR:000001937 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase type 5 A protein that is a translation product of the human SPI1 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. 31 kDa-transforming protein SFFV proviral integration 1 protein SPI1 protein Sfpi-1 Sfpi1 PR:000001944 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. transcription factor PU.1 A protein that is a translation product of the human TFRC gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. p90 CD71 T9 TFRC TfR TfR1 protein TR Trfr PR:000001945 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. transferrin receptor protein 1 A protein that is a translation product of the human CD40LG gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. TRAP PIRSF:PIRSF016527 CD154 CD40-L CD40LG T-cell antigen Gp39 TNF-related activation protein protein CD40L TNFSF5 PR:000001950 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 5 A protein that is a translation product of the human TNFRSF11A gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:1881 PIRSF:PIRSF038806 CD265 ODFR TNFRSF11A osteoclast differentiation factor receptor receptor activator of NF-KB protein RANK PR:000001954 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11A A protein that is a translation product of the human CD27 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:1876 PIRSF:PIRSF001966 CD27 CD27L receptor T-cell activation antigen CD27 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 7 protein T14 TNFRSF7 PR:000001963 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD27 molecule A protein that is a translation product of the human PLAUR gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. PIRSF:PIRSF002022 CD87 PLAUR U-PAR monocyte activation antigen Mo3 uPAR protein MO3 UPAR PR:000001969 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor A protein with core architecture consisting of a signal sequence, followed by 7 Ig-like domains (Pfam:PF00047, Pfam:PF07679, or Pfam:PF07686), a transmembrane region, and a cytoplasmic Protein tyrosine kinase domain. PIRSF:PIRSF038502 protein PR:000001971 Category=family. vascular endothelial growth factor receptor A CSF-1/PDGF receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase that is a translation product of the human FLT3 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:1807 PIRSF:PIRSF500949 FL cytokine receptor FLK-2 FLT-3 FLT3 Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 fetal liver kinase 2 stem cell tyrosine kinase 1 tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 tyrosine-protein kinase receptor FLT3 tyrosine-protein kinase receptor flk-2 protein CD135 FLK2 STK-1 STK1 PR:000002001 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 A CSF-1/PDGF receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase that is a translation product of the human CSF1R gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:1806 PIRSF:PIRSF500947 CD115 CSF-1 receptor CSF-1-R CSF-1R CSF1R M-CSF-R proto-oncogene c-Fms protein Csfmr FMS PR:000002062 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor A lysosome-associated membrane protein that is a translation product of the human CD68 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD68 protein gp110 PR:000002064 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. macrosialin A CSF-1/PDGF receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase that is a translation product of the human KIT gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:1805 PIRSF:PIRSF500951 CD117 KIT proto-oncogene c-Kit tyrosine-protein kinase Kit protein SCFR Sl PR:000002065 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. mast/stem cell growth factor receptor A vascular endothelial growth factor receptor that is a translation product of the human KDR gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:1813 CD309 FLK-1 KDR VEGFR-2 fetal liver kinase 1 kinase NYK kinase insert domain receptor protein-tyrosine kinase receptor flk-1 protein FLK1 VEGFR2 PR:000002112 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 A protein that is the translation product of any of the LY6 genes (LY6A-LY6I). PIRSF:PIRSF002021 protein PR:000002976 Category=family. Ly-6-like protein An Ly-6-like protein that is a translation product of the mouse Ly6g gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. Ly-6G Ly-6G.1 Ly6g protein PR:000002978 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. lymphocyte antigen 6G An Ly-6-like protein that is a translation product of the mouse Ly6a gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. Ly-6A.2/Ly-6E.1 Ly6a T-cell-activating protein stem cell antigen 1 protein Ly6 SCA-1 TAP PR:000002979 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. lymphocyte antigen 6A-2/6E-1 An Ly-6-like protein that is a translation product of the mouse Ly6c2 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. Ly-6C2 Ly6c2 protein Ly6c PR:000002980 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. lymphocyte antigen 6C2 A protein that is a translation product of the Ly76 gene in mouse. mLy76 ter-119 ter119 protein PR:000002981 Category=organism-gene. Requested by=CL. lymphocyte antigen 76 (mouse) A protein that is a translation product of the human RAG1 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. RAG-1 RAG1 RING finger protein 74 protein RNF74 PR:000003457 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. V(D)J recombination-activating protein 1 A protein that is a translation product of the human RAG2 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. RAG-2 RAG2 protein PR:000003460 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. V(D)J recombination-activating protein 2 A tetraspanin that is a translation product of the human CD9 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. p24 5H9 antigen CD9 CD9 antigen MRP-1 cell growth-inhibiting gene 2 protein leukocyte antigen MIC3 motility-related protein tetraspanin-29 tspan-29 protein GIG2 MIC3 TSPAN29 PR:000005178 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD9 molecule A protein that is a translation product of the human CEBPA gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. C/EBP alpha CEBPA protein CEBP PR:000005307 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha A protein that is a translation product of the mouse Cd200r3 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD200 cell surface glycoprotein receptor-like 3 CD200 cell surface glycoprotein receptor-like b CD200 receptor-like 3 CD200RLb Cd200r3 cell surface glycoprotein OX2 receptor 3 protein PR:000006169 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. cell surface glycoprotein CD200 receptor 3 A protein that is a translation product of the mouse Cd209b gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. Cd209b DC-SIGN-related protein 1 DC-SIGNR1 OtB7 protein PR:000006172 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. CD209 molecule-like protein B A protein that is a translation product of the human DNTT gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. DNTT terminal addition enzyme terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase terminal transferase protein TDT PR:000006611 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. DNA nucleotidylexotransferase An immunoglobulin gamma Fc receptor II/III/IV that is a translation product of the human FCER1A gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2933 FCER1A Fc-epsilon RI-alpha IgE Fc receptor subunit alpha protein FCE1A FcERI PR:000007431 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. high affinity immunoglobulin epsilon receptor subunit alpha A protein that is a translation product of the human FOS gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. FOS G0/G1 switch regulatory protein 7 cellular oncogene fos proto-oncogene protein c-fos protein G0S7 PR:000007597 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. proto-oncogene c-Fos A protein that is a translation product of the human FOXN1 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2958 FOXN1 HNF-3/forkhead homolog 11 winged-helix transcription factor nude protein Fkh19 HFH-11 Hfh11 RONU WHN hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 forkhead homolog 11 PR:000007636 Category=gene. forkhead box protein N1 A protein that is a translation product of the human GATA1 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. Eryf1 GATA-1 GATA-binding factor 1 GATA1 NF-E1 DNA-binding protein protein ERYF1 GF-1 GF1 PR:000007857 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. erythroid transcription factor A protein that is a translation product of the human GATA2 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. GATA-binding protein 2 GATA2 protein PR:000007858 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. endothelial transcription factor GATA-2 An integrin beta that is a translation product of the human ITGB7 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. IUPHARobj:2461 Gut homing receptor beta subunit ITGB7 M290 IEL antigen integrin beta-P protein PR:000009143 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. integrin beta-7 A transcription factor NF-kappa-B subunit that is a translation product of the human NFKB2 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. DNA-binding factor KBF2 H2TF1 NFKB2 lymphocyte translocation chromosome 10 protein lyt10 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 2 oncogene Lyt-10 protein LYT10 PR:000011178 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p100 subunit A protein that is a translation product of the human SHH gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. HHG-1 SHH Shh unprocessed N-terminal signaling and C-terminal autoprocessing domains ShhNC protein Hhg1 PR:000014841 Category=gene. sonic hedgehog protein A protein that is a translation product of the human TAL1 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. T-cell leukemia/lymphoma protein 5 TAL-1 TAL1 bHLHa17 class A basic helix-loop-helix protein 17 stem cell protein protein BHLHA17 SCL TCL5 PR:000016043 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 1 A protein that is a translation product of the human TMED1 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. TMED1 interleukin-1 receptor-like 1 ligand p24 family protein gamma-1 p24gamma1 putative T1/ST2 receptor-binding protein protein IL1RL1L IL1RL1LG PR:000016401 Category=gene. Requested by=CL. transmembrane emp24 domain-containing protein 1 An organic amino compound that consists of amino acid residues (unmodified amino-acid residues and/or modified amino-acid residues) linked by peptide bonds or derivatives of such bonds. peptide polypeptide protein PR:000018263 Category=external. amino acid chain A T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain that has had the signal peptide removed. CD8A/SigPep- protein PR:000018335 Category=modification. T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain, signal peptide removed form A T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 beta chain that has had the signal peptide removed. CD8B/SigPep- protein PR:000018337 Category=modification. T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 beta chain, signal peptide removed form A protein-containing complex that is a membrane-bound heterodimeric co-receptor for MHC class-I antigen/T-cell receptor interaction. CD8alphabeta TCR co-receptor CD8 protein PR:000025402 Category=complex. Requested by=CL. T cell receptor co-receptor CD8 A T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain that is a translation product of some mRNA whose exon structure and start site selection renders it capable of giving rise to a protein with the amino acid sequence represented by UniProtKB:P01732-1 or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. Having a single-pass transmembrane domain, this form is membrane bound. CD8A/iso:1 mCD8alpha protein PR:000025403 Category=sequence. Requested by=CL. T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain isoform 1 A T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 beta chain that is a translation product of some mRNA whose exon structure and start site selection renders it capable of giving rise to a protein with the amino acid sequence represented by UniProtKB:P10966-1 or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. CD8B/iso:1 CD8beta isoform M-1 protein PR:000025405 Category=sequence. T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 beta chain isoform 1 A T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain isoform 1 that has had the signal peptide removed to yield the mature form. CD8A/iso:1/SigPep- protein PR:000025406 Category=modification. T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain isoform 1, signal peptide removed form A T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 beta chain isoform 1 that has had the signal peptide removed to yield the mature form. CD8B/iso:1/SigPep- protein PR:000025407 Category=modification. T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 beta chain isoform 1, signal peptide removed form A T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain isoform 1, signal peptide removed form that includes at least one glycosylated residue. CD8A/iso:1/SigPep-/GlycoRes+ protein PR:000025408 Category=modification. T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain isoform 1, signal peptide removed glycosylated form A T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 beta chain isoform 1, signal peptide removed form that includes at least one glycosylated residue. CD8B/iso:1/SigPep-/GlycoRes+ protein PR:000025409 Category=modification. T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 beta chain isoform 1, signal peptide removed glycosylated form A protein that is composed of a long N-terminal extracellular domain, a transmembrane domain and a short cytoplasmic C-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain contains beta-propeller repeats (interrupted by an A domain in a subset of integrins alpha), while the C-terminal domain contains a GFFxR motif. protein PR:000025796 Category=family. Integrins are heterodimeric complexes of an alpha and a beta subunit. They are a structurally elaborate family of adhesion molecules that transmit signals bidirectionally across the plasma membrane by undergoing large-scale structural rearrangements. By regulating cell-cell and cell-matrix contacts, integrins participate in a wide-range of biological interactions including development, tissue repair, angiogenesis, inflammation and hemostasis. [PMID:10402956, PMID:11988479, PMID:9676575]. integrin alpha A protein that is encoded in the genome of Mus musculus. mouse protein protein PR:000029032 Mus musculus protein A protein that has G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) activity. Each GPCR consists of a single polypeptide with an extracellular N-terminus, an intracellular C-terminus and seven hydrophobic transmembrane domains (TM1-TM7) linked by three extracellular loops (ECL1-ECL3) and three intracellular loops (ICL1-ICL3). GPCRs function as part of a heterotrimeric complex to transmit an extracellular signal across the membrane by activating an associated G-protein via the exchange of GDP for GTP on the alpha subunit. 7TM receptor seven-transmembrane receptor IUPHARfam:694 fam:GPCR protein PR:000030035 Category=family. Classification based on GRAFS system. [PMID:12761335] G-protein coupled receptor A protein that is encoded in the genome of some Eukaryota. Eukaryota protein protein PR:000036194 eukaryotic protein A protein that includes at least one glycosylated residue. Prot/GlycoRes+ glycated protein glycosylated protein protein PR:000037069 Category=modification. glycoprotein A protein that is a translation product of some metazoan gene that encodes a signal peptide followed by a single Cathepsin propeptide inhibitor domain (Pfam:PF08246) followed by a single Papain family cysteine protease (Pfam:PF00112) domain at the C terminus. fam:CTS cathepsin protein PR:000040662 Category=family. cathepsin-like protease A receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C that is a translation product of a transcript that minimally includes the region encoded by the variable exon 4(A). CD45R PTPRC/iso:CD45R protein PR:000050216 Category=seqgroup. Requested by=CL. receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C isoform CD45R A material entity consisting of multiple components that are causally integrated. May be replaced by a BFO class, as discussed in Chris Mungall system Lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina. The narrow caudal end of the uterus that opens into the vagina. [TFD][VHOG] The evolution of mammals is associated with radical changes in their reproductive biology, particularly the structure and function of the female reproductive organs. These changes include the evolution of the uterus, cervix, vagina, placenta and specialized cell types associated with each of those structures.[well established][VHOG] cervical cervix BTO:0001421 BTO:0002249 CALOHA:TS-0134 EFO:0000979 EMAPA:29927 EV:0100114 FMA:17740 GAID:376 MA:0000392 MAT:0000292 MESH:D002584 NCIT:C12311 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVipEJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0007874 VHOG:0001359 galen:CervixUteri canalis cervicis uteri caudal segment of uterus cervical canal of uterus cervix uteri neck of uterus uterine cervix uberon cervical canal cervix of uterus UBERON:0000002 uterine cervix The olfactory organ of vertebrates, consisting of nares, olfactory epithelia and the structures and skeletal framework of the nasal cavity. Organ that is the specialized structure of the face that contains olfactory neurons. The peripheral olfactory organ is paired[ZFA:0000047]. a protuberance in vertebrates that houses the nostrils, or nares, which admit and expel air for respiration in conjunction with the mouth. Behind the nose are the olfactory mucosa and the sinuses. Behind the nasal cavity, air next passes through the pharynx, shared with the digestive system, and then into the rest of the respiratory system. In humans, the nose is located centrally on the face; on most other mammals, it is on the upper tip of the snout[WP]. GO: The nose is the specialized structure of the face that serves as the organ of the sense of smell and as part of the respiratory system. Includes the nasi externus (external nose) and cavitas nasi (nasal cavity)[Wikipedia:Nose]. the organ that is specialized for smell and is part of the respiratory system the structure of the nose varies across vertebrates. In tetrapods the nose is part of the respiratory system.[PMID:25312359] BTO:0000840 CALOHA:TS-2037 EHDAA2:0001274 EHDAA:1502 EMAPA:16542 EV:0100037 EV:0100370 FMA:46472 GAID:77 MA:0000281 MAT:0000139 MESH:D009666 MIAA:0000139 NCIT:C12756 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViCbJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000047 UMLS:C0028429 ZFA:0000047 galen:Nose nasal sac nose peripheral olfactory organ uberon nasus olfactory apparatus proboInOwlscis UBERON:0000004 nose The clusters of hormone-producing cells that are scattered throughout the pancreas. Anatomical structure which consists of glands developed from pancreatic ducts in the larvae and secrete insulin.[AAO] Mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians have a pancreas with similar histology and mode of development, while in some fish, the islet cells are segregated as Brockmann bodies.[well established][VHOG] A primitive exocrine pancreas can be found in holocephalan cartilaginous fish; a pancreatic duct directly ending in the gut lumen is connected to a glandular structure made of exocrine cells and associated with cell islets, which comprises three different hormone-producing cell types: insulin, somatostatin and glucagon (Yui and Fujita, 1986) AAO:0010406 BTO:0000991 CALOHA:TS-0741 EFO:0000856 EMAPA:32927 EV:0100130 FMA:16016 GAID:324 MA:0000127 MAT:0000076 MESH:D007515 MIAA:0000076 NCIT:C12608 UMLS:C0022131 VHOG:0000646 Wikipedia:Islets_of_Langerhans XAO:0000159 pancreatic insula pancreatic islet uberon island of Langerhans island of pancreas islets of Langerhans UBERON:0000006 islet of Langerhans The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland that secretes hormones that regulate many other glands [GO]. An endocrine gland located ventral to the diencephalon and derived from mixed neuroectodermal and non neuroectodermal origin [ZFIN]. An endocrine gland derived from infundibulum of the floor of the diencephalon and an ectodermal dorsal protrusion from the buccal cavity which controls the secretion of many hormones influencing the function of various organs of the body.[AAO] An endocrine gland located ventral to the diencephalon and derived from mixed neuroectodermal and non neuroectodermal origin.[TAO] It (the hypophysis) develops embryonically in all vertebrates from two ectodermal evaginations that meet and unite. (...) A well-developed hypophyseal system with functional connections to the hypothalamus is unique to craniates.[well established][VHOG] The lamprey possesses a distinct pituitary organ and hormones, the ascidian does not show distinct evidence of them [Sower S, Freamat M, Kavanaugh S. The origins of the vertebrate hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) endocrine systems: new insights from lampreys. Gen Comp Endocrinol 2009;161:20-9] Hp AAO:0010536 BAMS:PIT BAMS:Pit BIRNLEX:1353 BM:Die-Hy-HY BTO:0001073 CALOHA:TS-0798 DHBA:10505 EFO:0000857 EHDAA2:0001471 EHDAA:2183 EHDAA:4477 EMAPA:35998 EV:0100132 FMA:13889 GAID:457 HBA:4634 MA:0000176 MAT:0000077 MESH:D010902 MIAA:0000077 NCIT:C12399 OpenCyc:Mx4rv6NQYJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181125003 TAO:0000118 UMLS:C0032005 VHOG:0000143 Wikipedia:Pituitary_gland XAO:0000017 ZFA:0000118 glandula pituitaria pituitary pituitary body uberon hypophysis hypophysis cerebri UBERON:0000007 Terminology note: hypophysis and pituitary gland are often used informally as synonyms, but the hypophysis also includes the small infundibular or pituitary stalk[Neumann 2020] pituitary gland A layer of dense irregular connective tissue that lines organs and supports the mucosa, as well as joins the mucosa to the bulk of underlying smooth muscle. [WP,unvetted]. submucosal BTO:0002107 FMA:85391 FMA:85392 NCIT:C13167 SCTID:68439008 UMLS:C0225344 Wikipedia:Submucosa organ submucosa region of submucosa submucosa of organ submucosa of region of organ uberon submucous layer tela submucosa tunica submucosa UBERON:0000009 submucosa A major division of the nervous system that contains nerves which connect the central nervous system (CNS) with sensory organs, other organs, muscles, blood vessels and glands. Nervous structures including ganglia outside of the central nervous system. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] Part of nervous system in which nerves extend throughout the body outside of the brain and spinal cord.[AAO] The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is the part of the nervous system connected to the CNS which contains cranial nerves III - XII, spinal, peripheral and autonomic nerves. (CUMBO) (...) specific vertebrate traits within the chordate phylum such as skeletal tissues, PNS, and spectacular head and brain development, are linked to the NC (neural crest) and its derivatives.[well established][VHOG] PNS AAO:0000429 BAMS:PNS BILA:0000081 BIRNLEX:1111 BTO:0001028 CALOHA:TS-0808 EFO:0000891 EHDAA2:0001445 EHDAA:2893 EMAPA:16665 EV:0100335 FBbt:00005098 FMA:9903 GAID:715 MA:0000218 MAT:0000338 MESH:D017933 MIAA:0000338 NCIT:C12465 SCTID:362292005 TAO:0000142 UMLS:C0206417 UMLS:C1305921 VHOG:0000399 Wikipedia:Peripheral_nervous_system XAO:0000178 ZFA:0000142 pars peripherica systema nervosum periphericum uberon UBERON:0000010 peripheral nervous system Part of peripheral nervous system that includes the somatic parts of the cranial and spinal nerves and their ganglia and the peripheral sensory receptors. EFO:0000892 FMA:9904 MA:0002850 MAT:0000099 MIAA:0000099 NLXANAT:100301 PNS - somatic somatic nervous system, somatic division somatic part of peripheral nervous system somatic peripheral nervous system uberon UBERON:0000012 somatic nervous system Any portion of the organ that covers that body and consists of a layer of epidermis and a layer of dermis. Note the distinction between the entire skin of the body, of which there is only 1 in an organism, and zones of skin, of which there can be many. Examples: skin of knee (...) it is well-established that neural crest cells contribute to both the dermal skeleton (craniofacial bone, teeth, and the caudal fin rays of teleosts) and the integument, including craniofacial dermis and all pigment cells outside the retina (...).[well established][VHOG] we assume that mouse, HOG and GAID all mean zone of skin when they say skin. We also choose skin as an exact synonym, as it is more intuitive EHDAA2:0001844 EHDAA:6530 EMAPA:17525 EV:0100152 FMA:86166 GAID:933 MA:0000151 MAT:0000284 MESH:D012867 MIAA:0000284 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjX3ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:20795001 VHOG:0000860 Wikipedia:Skin portion of skin region of skin skin skin region skin zone uberon UBERON:0000014 zone of skin A non-material anatomical entity of two dimensions. Anatomical boundaries are contiguous structures. AEO:0000192 CARO:0000010 FMA:50705 anatomical boundary uberon UBERON:0000015 Except in the case of abstracted fiat boundaries such as the midline plane of an organism, all 2D anatomical entities have a 3 dimensional projection. For example, the surface of the shell of a muscle has a distinct shape that projects into the third dimension. Note that boundaries are 2D structures. They have no thickness - and so can not be sites of gene expression or gene product localisation. For this, use boundary region terms. non-material anatomical boundary The part of the pancreas that is part of the endocrine system and is made up of islet cells, which produce insulin, glucagon and somatostatin. create a separate class for distributed pancreas, eg cyclostomes? The part of the pancreas that acts as an endocrine gland, consisting of the islets of Langerhans, which secrete insulin and other hormones. [TFD][VHOG] The zebrafish endocrine pancreas is composed of small groups of islet cells that are distributed throughout the exocrine pancreas. The islet cells produce insulin, glucagon and somatostatin.[TAO] In the hagfish and lampreys (our most primitive vertebrate species of today), the first sign of 'a new organ' is found as collections of endocrine cells around the area of the bile duct connection with the duodenum. These endocrine organs are composed of 99% beta cells and 1% somatostatin-producing delta cells. Compared to the more primitive protochordates (e.g. amphioxus), this represents a stage where all previously scattered insulin-producing cells of the intestinal tissue have now quantitatively migrated to found a new organ involved in sensing blood glucose rather than gut glucose. Only later in evolution, the beta cells are joined by exocrine tissue and alpha cells (exemplified by the rat-, rabbit- and elephant-fishes). Finally, from sharks and onwards in evolution, we have the islet PP-cell entering to complete the pancreas.[well established][VHOG] endocrine and exocrine pancreas are not co-associated in hagfishes or lampreys BTO:0000650 CALOHA:TS-1302 EFO:0002542 EMAPA:35305 EV:0100129 FMA:16018 MA:0001582 NCIT:C32509 SCTID:361339003 TAO:0001260 VHOG:0000049 Wikipedia:Islets_of_Langerhans ZFA:0001260 endocrine pancreas pars endocrina pancreatis uberon endocrine part of pancreas islets of Langerhans part of pancreas UBERON:0000016 endocrine pancreas The part of the pancreas that is part of the exocrine system and which produces and store zymogens of digestive enzymes, such as chymotrypsinogen and trypsinogen in the acinar cells [GO]. The exocrine pancreas is composed of acinar epithelial cells and ductal epithelium that manufacture the proteolytic enzymes and bicarbonate required for digestion.[TAO] The part of the pancreas that acts as an exocrine gland, consisting of the pancreatic acini, which produce pancreatic juice and secrete it into the intestine to aid in protein digestion. [TFD][VHOG] In the hagfish and lampreys (our most primitive vertebrate species of today), the first sign of 'a new organ' is found as collections of endocrine cells around the area of the bile duct connection with the duodenum. These endocrine organs are composed of 99% beta cells and 1% somatostatin-producing delta cells. Compared to the more primitive protochordates (e.g. amphioxus), this represents a stage where all previously scattered insulin-producing cells of the intestinal tissue have now quantitatively migrated to found a new organ involved in sensing blood glucose rather than gut glucose. Only later in evolution, the beta cells are joined by exocrine tissue and alpha cells (exemplified by the rat-, rabbit- and elephant-fishes). Finally, from sharks and onwards in evolution, we have the islet PP-cell entering to complete the pancreas.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010407 BTO:0000434 CALOHA:TS-1241 EMAPA:35328 EV:0100093 FMA:16017 MA:0002415 NCIT:C32546 SCTID:248202004 TAO:0001249 UMLS:C0553695 VHOG:0000048 Wikipedia:Exocrine_component_of_pancreas XAO:0000137 ZFA:0001249 exocrine pancreas pars exocrina pancreatis uberon exocrine component of pancreas exocrine part of pancreas UBERON:0000017 exocrine pancreas An organ of sight that includes the camera-type eyeball and supporting structures such as the lacrimal apparatus, the conjunctiva, the eyelid. A cavitated compound organ that transduces light waves into neural signals.[TAO] The eye of the adult lamprey is remarkably similar to our own, and it possesses numerous features (including the expression of opsin genes) that are very similar to those of the eyes of jawed vertebrates. The lamprey's camera-like eye has a lens, an iris and extra-ocular muscles (five of them, unlike the eyes of jawed vertebrates, which have six), although it lacks intra-ocular muscles. Its retina also has a structure very similar to that of the retinas of other vertebrates, with three nuclear layers comprised of the cell bodies of photoreceptors and bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells. The southern hemisphere lamprey, Geotria australis, possesses five morphological classes of retinal photoreceptor and five classes of opsin, each of which is closely related to the opsins of jawed vertebrates. Given these similarities, we reach the inescapable conclusion that the last common ancestor of jawless and jawed vertebrates already possessed an eye that was comparable to that of extant lampreys and gnathostomes. Accordingly, a vertebrate camera-like eye must have been present by the time that lampreys and gnathostomes diverged, around 500 Mya.[well established][VHOG] FMA distinguishes Eye (subdivision of face) which has its parts an Eyeball (organ), as well as other structures, and the orbit of skull. MA includes eyelid, conjunctiva and lacrimal apparatus as part of MA:eye - consistent with FMA - so we can infer that MA:eye is more like FMA:eye than FMA:eyeball. For other AOs this distinction is less meaningful - e.g. ZFA has no eyelid; XAO has no eyelid, but it has conjuctiva, which is considered part of the xao:eye. GO considers eyelid development part of eye development. See also notes on optic nerve - XAO, AAO and BTO consider this part of the eye. MA considers the eye muscles part of the eye, whereas FMA has a class 'orbital content' for this eye AAO:0010340 BIRNLEX:1169 BTO:0004688 EHDAA2:0000484 EHDAA:936 EMAPA:16198 FMA:54448 MA:0000261 NCIT:C12401 OpenCyc:Mx8Ngx4rwKSh9pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvVil5pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvViTvpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181143004 TAO:0000107 UMLS:C0015392 UMLS:C1280202 VHOG:0000275 XAO:0000179 ZFA:0000107 regio orbitalis vertebrate eye uberon camera-type eye plus associated structures eyes orbital part of face orbital region UBERON:0000019 camera-type eye An organ that is capable of transducing sensory stimulus to the nervous system. AEO:0000094 BSA:0000121 BTO:0000202 CALOHA:TS-2043 EHDAA2:0001824 EHDAA:500 EMAPA:35955 FBbt:00005155 GAID:63 HAO:0000930 MA:0000017 MESH:D012679 NCIT:C33224 SCTID:244485009 UMLS:C0935626 VHOG:0001407 WBbt:0006929 organ of sense organ system organ of sensory organ system organ of sensory system sense organ system organ sensory organ sensory organ system organ sensory system organ sensillum uberon Sinnesorgan sensor UBERON:0000020 sense organ Anatomical projection that protrudes from the skin. Examples: hair, nail, feather, claw, hoof, horn, wattle, spur, beak, antler, bristle and some scales. Mammary glands develop by similar mechanisms, and there is an argument for including them here (e.g., but these structures do not fit the current definition (lactiferous glands are part of the integumentary system in FMA). Note the FMA class is a subdivision of epidermis, which may be too restrictive for our purposes here. CALOHA:TS-0051 FMA:71012 skin appendage epidermal appendage uberon epidermal growth UBERON:0000021 cutaneous appendage Any hollow cylindrical anatomical structure containing a lumen through which substances are transported. not every anatomical conduit is a tube - for example, a bone foramen is an opening in the bone, and there is no distinct separate tube structure. Tubes may transport large mixed objects (for example, a bolus of food in the digestive tube) or they may transport the secretions of a single gland (for example, gland ducts) tubular galen:Tube anatomical tube duct uberon UBERON:0000025 tube Major subdivision of an organism that protrudes from the body[DOS, CARO]. An appendage is an external body part, or natural prolongation, that protrudes from an organism's body, such as a vertebrate's limbs[BILA][BILA:0000018]. Organ or organ part that is attached to the body of an organism. For example a limb[GO, modified][GO:0048736]. appendicular this is currently a subtype of organism subdivision - which would exclude feathers AEO:0000193 BILA:0000018 BTO:0001492 CARO:0010003 EFO:0000799 EHDAA2:0003193 EMAPA:37283 EV:0100155 FBbt:00007000 HAO:0000144 MAT:0000023 MESH:D005121 MIAA:0000023 NCIT:C61460 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViC-JwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0598782 VSAO:0000075 Wikipedia:Appendage XAO:0000218 uberon appendages extremitaet extremity limbs/digits/tail UBERON:0000026 appendage Any of the rounded masses of lymphoid tissue that are surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue, are distributed along the lymphatic vessels, and contain numerous lymphocytes which filter the flow of lymph. Lymph nodes that are associated with the lymphatic system have evolved in mammals.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0000784 CALOHA:TS-0579 EFO:0000872 EMAPA:35523 EV:0100050 FMA:5034 GAID:947 MA:0000139 MAT:0000442 MESH:D008198 NCIT:C12745 NCIT:C33027 OpenCyc:Mx4rwLPqLpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO_RETIRED:0005318 UMLS:C0024204 VHOG:0001273 ZFA_RETIRED:0005318 galen:Lymphnode uberon lymph gland nodus lymphaticus UBERON:0000029 lymph node The head is the anterior-most division of the body [GO]. Organism subdivision that is the part of the body consisting of the cranial and pharyngeal regions.[AAO] Organism subdivision which is the part of the body which consists of the cranial and pharygeal regions.[TAO] Vertebrate evolution has been characterized by a fresh and vast array of cranial structures that collectively form the head.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010335 AEO:0000106 BILA:0000115 BIRNLEX:1230 BTO:0000282 CALOHA:TS-0436 EFO:0000964 EHDAA2:0003106 EMAPA:31858 FBbt:00000004 FMA:7154 GAID:61 HAO:0000397 MA:0000023 MAT:0000294 MESH:D006257 MIAA:0000294 NCIT:C12419 OpenCyc:Mx4rEOLm4rgPEdmAAAACs6hRjg OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi6YJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:302548004 SPD:0000016 TAO:0001114 TGMA:0000002 UMLS:C0018670 VHOG:0001644 WBbt:0005739 Wikipedia:Head XAO:0003024 ZFA:0001114 galen:Head head (volume) adult head uberon cephalic area UBERON:0000033 head The fluid surrounding the ovum and granulosa cells in the ovarian follicle. Generally, larger species such as ovine, equine, porcine, human, and bovine have larger follicles, with the fluid comprising a substantial proportion of the volume of the follicles at ovulation (estimated at >95% in bovine [3]). Smaller species such as rats and mice have smaller follicles with fractionally less follicular fluid[20164441] The follicular fluid contains sex steroids, glycoprotein hormones, plasma proteins, mucopolysaccharides, and enzymes and is rich in hyaluronic acid. BTO:0004383 CALOHA:TS-0728 FMA:18665 GAID:372 MA:0002511 MESH:D015571 NCIT:C52556 UMLS:C1709369 liquor follicularis liquor folliculi ovary follicle fluid uberon antral fluid, ovarian follicle liquor folliculi ovarian follicular fluid ovary follicular fluid UBERON:0000038 follicular fluid Multi-tissue structure that is comprised of a secretory epithelial layer (mesothelium) and a connective tissue layer. A multi-tissue structure that is comprised of a secretory epithelial layer and a connective tissue layer.[TAO] a smooth membrane consisting of a thin layer of cells which excrete serous fluid. Serous membranes line and enclose several body cavities, known as serous cavities, where they secrete a lubricating fluid which reduces friction from muscle movement. Serosa is not to be confused with adventitia, a connective tissue layer which binds together structures rather than reducing friction between them. Each serous membrane is composed of a secretory epithelial layer and a connective tissue layer underneath. The epithelial layer, known as mesothelium, consists of a single layer of avascular flat nucleated cells (cuboidal epithelium) which produce the lubricating serous fluid. This fluid has a consistency similar to thin mucus. These cells are bound tightly to the underlying connective tissue. The connective tissue layer provides the blood vessels and nerves for the overlying secretory cells, and also serves as the binding layer which allows the whole serous membrane to adhere to organs and other structures.[WP] in FMA, SM = mesothelium + connective tissue. It excludes the cavity. Serous sac = SM + cavity. Note that the SM is a subtype of wall in FMA. FMA:9581 GAID:19 MESH:D012704 NCIT:C13169 SCTID:362878009 TAO:0005425 UMLS:C0036760 Wikipedia:Serous_membrane ZFA:0005425 tunica serosa wall of serous sac uberon serosa UBERON:0000042 serous membrane Dense regular connective tissue that connects muscle to bone[VSAO]. Dense regular connective tissue that connects muscle to bone.[VSAO] Phylogenetically, tendinous tissue first appears in the invertebrate chordate Branchiostoma as myosepta. This two-dimensional array of collagen fibers is highly organized, with fibers running along two primary axes. In hagfish the first linear tendons appear and the myosepta have developed specialized regions with unidirectional fiber orientation - a linear tendon within the flat sheet of myoseptum.[well established][VHOG] in FMA, tendon is an organ component that with parts dense-irregular-connective-tissue of tendon and dense-irregular-connective-tissue of tendon sheath; we follow VSAO in making it a subtype of the former. In VSAO tendons connect muscle to bone; in WP the def states integument (e.g. auricular muscles) - but JB confirms this is not actually tendon but aponeurosis AEO:0000091 BTO:0001356 CALOHA:TS-1021 EHDAA2:0003091 EMAPA:35854 EV:0100149 FMA:9721 GAID:276 MA:0000115 MESH:D013710 NCIT:C13045 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjefJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:256667004 UMLS:C0039508 VHOG:0001286 VSAO:0000073 Wikipedia:Tendon XAO:0000173 ZFA:0005647 galen:Tendon uberon sinew tendo UBERON:0000043 tendon Sensory ganglia located on the dorsal spinal roots within the vertebral column. The spinal ganglion cells are pseudounipolar. The single primary branch bifurcates sending a peripheral process to carry sensory information from the periphery and a central branch which relays that information to the spinal cord or brain. (MSH) * ganglion found on the posterior root of each spinal nerve, composed of the unipolar nerve cell bodies of the sensory neurons of the nerve. (CSP). Trunk ganglion which is located adjacent to the spine on a dorsal root and contains the cell bodies of afferent sensory nerves.[TAO] From comparative analyses of craniate brains, a morphotype of the brain in the earliest craniate stock can be constructed. In marked contrast to cephalochordates, the ancestral craniate morphotype had a plethora of unique features, which included a telencephalon with pallial and subpallial parts, paired olfactory bulbs with substantial projections to most or all of the telencephalic pallium, paired lateral eyes and ears, a lateral line system for both electroreception and mechanoreception, spinal cord dorsal root ganglia, and an autonomic nervous system.[well established][VHOG] The sensory ganglia of spinal nerves arise only from the neural crest, whereas many sensory ganglia of the 'dorsal' cranial nerves arise from epibranchial placodes as well as the neural crest[DOI:10.1093/icb/icn065] MA and EMAPA introduce distinct classes for what appears to be the same thing UBERON:0026602 AAO:0011032 BIRNLEX:2596 BIRNLEX:2598 BTO:0001264 CALOHA:TS-0954 EFO:0000900 EHDAA2:0000418 EHDAA2:0001897 EHDAA:2899 EMAPA:16667 EMAPA:16668 EMAPA:18372 EV:0100373 FMA:5888 MA:0000231 MA:0000232 MAT:0000162 MIAA:0000162 NCIT:C12462 TAO:0000200 UMLS:C0017070 VHOG:0000222 XAO:0000210 ZFA:0000200 dorsal root ganglion ganglion of dorsal root ganglion spinalis spinal ganglion spinal ganglion part of peripheral nervous system uberon DRG dorsal root ganglia ganglion sensorium nervi spinalis ganglion spinale posterior root ganglion UBERON:0000044 dorsal root ganglion A biological tissue mass, most commonly a mass of nerve cell bodies. TODO - check vert vs invert. Other species: Any of a number of aggregations of neurons, glial cells and their processes, surrounded by a glial cell and connective tissue sheath (plural: ganglia). // Subdivision of neural tree (organ) which primarily consists of cell bodies of neurons located outside the neuraxis (brain and spinal cord); together with a nucleus and its associated nerve, it constitutes a neural tree (organ). Examples: spinal ganglion, trigeminal ganglion, superior cervical ganglion, celiac ganglion, inferior hypogastric (pelvic) ganglion. // a cluster of nerve cells and associated glial cells (nuclear location) // Portion of tissue that contains cell bodies of neurons and is located outside the central nervous system. A ganglion is a cluster of neurons. It is part of a nervous system. It may include glial cells. The neurons are arranged in a specific constellation: neuronal somata are concentrated at the surface, thus forming a cell cortex, and neurites are concentrated in the centre of the ganglion to form the neuropil. A ganglion is a distinct unit but several ganglia may be anterio-posteriorly joined by connectives or transversally by commissures Portion of tissue that contains cell bodies of neurons and is located outside the central nervous system.[AAO] Structures containing a collection of nerve cell bodies. (Source: BioGlossary,[TAO] Subdivision of nervous system which primarily consists of cell bodies of neurons located outside the neuraxis (brain and spinal cord. Examples: spinal ganglion, trigeminal ganglion, superior cervical ganglion, celiac ganglion, inferior hypogastric (pelvic) ganglion (adapted from Foundational Model of Anatomy)[NLXANAT:100302]. Cranial sensory placodes are focused areas of the head ectoderm of vertebrates that contribute to the development of the cranial sense organs and their associated ganglia. Placodes have long been considered a key character of vertebrates, and their evolution is proposed to have been essential for the evolution of an active predatory lifestyle by early vertebrates.[well established][VHOG] ganglionic AAO:0010426 AEO:0000135 BAMS:G BTO:0000497 CALOHA:TS-0397 EFO:0000899 EHDAA2:0003135 EHDAA:2897 EHDAA:4662 EHDAA:5621 EHDAA:918 EMAPA:32846 EV:0100372 FBbt:00005137 FMA:5884 MA:0002406 MAT:0000207 MAT:0000343 MESH:D005724 MIAA:0000207 MIAA:0000343 NCIT:C12719 NLXANAT:100302 TAO:0000190 TGMA:0001016 UMLS:C0017067 VHOG:0000156 WBbt:0005189 XAO:0000209 ZFA:0000190 uberon ganglia neural ganglion UBERON:0000045 ganglion An eye with one concave chamber. Note that 'simple' does not imply a reduced level of complexity or acuity. TGMA:0000729 Wikipedia:Eye#Simple_eyes uberon UBERON:0000047 simple eye Simple eye that consists of a lens of one refractive index. uberon UBERON:0000049 spherical lensed eye A tubular structure that contains, conveys body fluid, such as blood or lymph. uberon UBERON:0000055 vessel Muscular duct that propels urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder, or related organs. Anatomical structure consisting of long narrow duct which carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.[AAO] The duct of amniotes that carries urine from a metanephric kidney to the urinary bladder. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Glossary_G-29, Grande_L, Liem_KF, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF][VHOG] The first embryonic hint of a metanephros is the formation of the metanephric duct that appears as a ureteric diverticulum arising at the base of preexisting mesonephric duct. The ureteric diverticulum grows dorsally into the posterior region of the nephric ridge. Here it enlarges and stimulates the growth of metanephric tubules that come to make up the metanephric kidney. The metanephros becomes the adult kidney of amniotes, and the metanephric duct is usually called the ureter.[well established][VHOG] ureteral ureteric in humans, consists of adventitial, muscular and mucoa layers AAO:0010254 BTO:0001409 CALOHA:TS-1084 EFO:0000930 EHDAA2:0002139 EHDAA:9341 EMAPA:17950 EV:0100097 FMA:9704 GAID:438 MA:0000378 MAT:0000120 MESH:D014513 MIAA:0000120 NCIT:C12416 OpenCyc:Mx4rvhmm6JwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:302511008 UMLS:C0041951 VHOG:0000605 Wikipedia:Ureter XAO:0000144 galen:Ureter uberon metanephric duct UBERON:0000056 ureter Urinary:system.svg The fibromuscular tubular canal through which urine is discharged from the bladder to the exterior via the external urinary meatus; in males, the urethra is joined by the ejaculatory ducts and serves as a passageway for semen during ejaculation, as well as a canal for urine during voiding; in females, the urethra is shorter and emerges above the vaginal opening. urethral In human males, the urethra travels through the penis, and carries semen as well as urine. In females, the urethra is shorter and emerges above the vaginal opening. BTO:0001426 CALOHA:TS-1132 EFO:0000931 EMAPA:30901 EV:0100099 FMA:19667 GAID:390 MA:0000379 MAT:0000121 MESH:D014521 MIAA:0000121 NCIT:C12417 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjkypwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:302513006 UMLS:C0041967 VHOG:0001264 Wikipedia:Urethra XAO:0000153 galen:Urethra uberon UBERON:0000057 urethra Female:anatomy.png A tubular structure that transports secreted or excreted substances. A tube shaped portion of tissue lined with epithelial cells that collects secretions and routes them to their destination[ZFA:0005171]. Most ducts, but not all, are exocrine gland ducts. Some ontologies classify structures such as the oviduct here. AAO:0011123 FBbt:00100314 FMA:30320 NCIT:C12948 SCTID:91726008 TAO:0005171 UMLS:C0687028 Wikipedia:Duct_(anatomy) XAO:0004000 ZFA:0005171 galen:Duct anatomical duct exocrine duct exocrine gland duct uberon ducts UBERON:0000058 duct A subdivision of the digestive tract that connects the small intestine to the cloaca or anus. Lacks or has few villi[Kardong]. Intestinal surface area also is increased in amphibians and reptiles by internal folds and occasionally by a few villi. The intestine can be divided into a small intestine and a slightly wider large intestine.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010396 BTO:0000706 CALOHA:TS-1306 EFO:0000840 EMAPA:19252 EV:0100077 FMA:7201 GAID:306 MA:0000333 MESH:A03.492.411.495 MIAA:0000046 NCIT:C12379 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVkF5pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0021851 VHOG:0000054 XAO:0000131 galen:LargeIntestine uberon intestinum crassum UBERON:0000059 large intestine Organ component adjacent to an organ cavity and which consists of a maximal aggregate of organ component layers. in FMA, serosa is a wall UBERON:0009915 wall EMAPA:25036 FMA:82482 galen:Wall wall of organ uberon organ wall UBERON:0000060 anatomical wall Material anatomical entity that is a single connected structure with inherent 3D shape generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome. AAO:0010825 AEO:0000003 BILA:0000003 CARO:0000003 EHDAA2:0003003 EMAPA:0 FBbt:00007001 FMA:305751 FMA:67135 GAID:781 HAO:0000003 MA:0003000 MESH:D000825 SCTID:362889002 TAO:0000037 TGMA:0001823 VHOG:0001759 XAO:0003000 ZFA:0000037 biological structure connected biological structure uberon UBERON:0000061 anatomical structure Anatomical structure that performs a specific function or group of functions [WP]. Organs are commonly observed as visibly distinct structures, but may also exist as loosely associated clusters of cells that work together to perform a specific function or functions. CARO v1 does not include a generic 'organ' class, only simple and compound organ. CARO v2 may include organ, see BIRNLEX:4 CARO:0020004 EFO:0000634 EMAPA:35949 ENVO:01000162 FMA:67498 MA:0003001 NCIT:C13018 OpenCyc:Mx4rv5XMb5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA OpenCyc:Mx4rwP3iWpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:272625005 UMLS:C0178784 WBbt:0003760 Wikipedia:Organ_(anatomy) uberon anatomical unit body organ element UBERON:0000062 organ A part of an organ that constitutes a distinct modular sub-unit. In some cases, the organ may also contain other sub-units of identical or similar types, in other cases this may be a distinct entity. FMA distinguishes segment from zone by whether the fiat boundaries are fixed/anchored (segments) or floating (zone). It's not completely clear how to apply this distinction Organ region with one or more anchored fiat boundaries. Examples: artery, trunk of nerve, cervical part of esophagus, pelvic part of vagina, horn of thyroid cartilage, anterior segment of eyeball. Organ region with one or more fixed or anchored fiat boundaries. Examples: artery, trunk of nerve, cervical part of esophagus, pelvic part of vagina, horn of thyroid cartilage, anterior segment of eyebal. FMA:86140 uberon organ region with fixed fiat boundary organ segment segment of organ UBERON:0000063 organ subunit A multicellular structure that is a part of an organ. currently defined in a very broad sense, may be replaced by more specific classes in the future AAO:0011124 BIRNLEX:16 EFO:0000635 FMA:82472 SCTID:113343008 SCTID:91717005 cardinal organ part uberon regional part of organ UBERON:0000064 organ part Anatomical structure that is part of the respiratory system. In mammals consists of upper and lower tracts. EHDAA2:0001606 EHDAA:1568 EHDAA:2219 EMAPA:16737 FMA:265130 OpenCyc:Mx4rvvM--pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:361110005 VHOG:0000393 uberon UBERON:0000065 respiratory tract The stage of development at which the animal is fully formed, including immaturity and maturity. Includes both sexually immature stage, and adult stage. adult stage BTO:0001043 BilaDO:0000004 EFO:0001272 FBdv:00005369 WBls:0000041 XtroDO:0000084 fully formed animal stage juvenile-adult stage uberon UBERON:0000066 fully formed stage A life cycle stage that starts with fertilization and ends with the fully formed embryo. BilaDO:0000002 EV:0300001 FBdv:00005289 FMA:72652 HsapDv:0000002 MmusDv:0000002 OGES:000000 OGES:000022 SCTID:296280003 WBls:0000003 WBls:0000092 WBls:0000102 XAO:1000012 embryonic stage uberon embryogenesis UBERON:0000068 embryo stage A life cycle stage of holometabolous insects in which the organism is a pupa and starts with the larval-pupal apolysis and ends with pupal-adult apolysis. The pupal stage is found only in holometabolous insects, those that undergo a complete metamorphosis, going through four life stages; embryo, larva, pupa and imago FBdv:00005349 pupa stage aurelia stage chrysalides stage chrysalis stage uberon UBERON:0000070 pupal stage End of the life of an organism. ncit:Death is an outcome XAO:0000437 XtroDO:0000085 uberon death UBERON:0000071 death stage An section of a respiratory tract. MA:0000434 has subclasses upper and lower, so it corresponds to a segment of the tract, rather than the tract as a whole EMAPA:16737 FMA:45660 MA:0000434 uberon respiratory tract subdivision of respiratory tract UBERON:0000072 proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tract Any part or collection of parts of the central or peripheral nervous system. Parts may span both CNS and PNS. Melissa Haendel 2009-06-18T09:00:04Z BIRNLEX:1157 NCIT:C13040 SCTID:25087005 UMLS:C1518256 part of nervous system uberon UBERON:0000073 regional part of nervous system A capillary tuft which forms a close network with the visceral epithelium (podocytes) and the mesangium to form the filtration barrier and is surrounded by Bowman's capsule in nephrons of the vertebrate kidney[GO]. ZFA - The multi-tissue structure where the glomerular basement membrane supported by mesonephric podocytes filters blood from the glomerular capillaries. GUDMAP: 'Together, the Bowman's capsule and the glomerulus comprise the definitive renal corpuscle.' - here the glomerulus is part of the capsule? Melissa Haendel 2009-06-18T09:26:37Z glomerulus BTO:0000530 CALOHA:TS-0862 EFO:0003667 EMAPA:28329 EV:0100386 FMA:15624 MA:0001657 MESH:D007678 NCIT:C13250 SCTID:362217000 TAO:0001288 UMLS:C0022663 Wikipedia:Glomerulus ZFA:0001288 renal glomeruli uberon Malphigian glomerulus Malpighian glomerulus Malpighian tuft glomerular capillary tuft glomerular tuft glomerulus renis renal corpuscle UBERON:0000074 renal glomerulus Renal:corpuscle.svg Anatomical cluster consisting of the skeletal elements and articular elements that are part of an individual subdivision of the organism. UBERON:0010322 FMA:85544 NCIT:C34076 SCTID:118966000 UMLS:C1519343 galen:ComplexSkeletalStructure skeletal system subdivision uberon skeletal system part UBERON:0000075 subdivision of skeletal system The surface (external) layer of ectoderm which begins to proliferate shortly after separation from the neuroectoderm. merge with non-neural. In vertebrates, the ectoderm has three parts: external ectoderm (also known as surface ectoderm), the neurectoderm (neural crest, and neural tube) (or external ectoderm) forms the following structures: Skin Epithelium of the mouth and nasal cavity saliavary glands, and glands of mouth and nasal cavity Enamel - as a side note dentin and dental pulp are formed from ectomesenchyme which is derived from ectoderm Epithelium of pineal and pituitary glands Lens and cornea of the eye Apical ectodermal ridge inducing development of the limb buds of the embryo. Sensory receptors in epidermis EHDAA2:0001968 EHDAA:1494 EHDAA:350 EHDAA:4784 EHDAA:4790 EHDAA:4796 EHDAA:7860 EMAPA:16096 FMA:87656 NCIT:C34309 UMLS:C1515087 Wikipedia:External_ectoderm surface (external) ectoderm surface ectoderm uberon UBERON:0000076 external ectoderm An anatomical structure that develops from the endoderm and the mesoderm. Grouping term for query purposes. Notes that the developmental relationships are being refined such that most structures should develop in whole from at most one layer, but may have contributions from multiple uberon UBERON:0000077 mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure The organs associated with producing offspring in the gender that produces spermatozoa. By far, sexual reproduction is the more common pattern among living vertebrate forms and its widespread occurrence suggests that it is the plesiomorphic, or primitive, reproductive mode among the vertebrates.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0000082 CALOHA:TS-1310 EFO:0000970 EHDAA2:0001054 EHDAA:8136 EMAPA:17968 EV:0100101 FBbt:00004927 FMA:45664 GAID:386 HAO:0000505 MA:0000396 MESH:D005837 NCIT:C12722 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViCepwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:361340001 TGMA:0000634 UMLS:C0017422 UMLS:C1963704 VHOG:0000725 Wikipedia:Male_reproductive_system_(human) XAO:0000155 genitalia of male organism male genital system male genitalia male genitals male organism genitalia male organism reproductive system reproductive system of male organism uberon male genital organ male genital tract male reproductive tract systema genitale masculinum UBERON:0000079 male reproductive system The second stage of the kidney. It serves as the main excretory organ of aquatic vertebrates and as a temporary embryonic kidney in higher vertebrates. It is composed of the mesonephric duct (also called the Wolffian duct), mesonephric tubules, and associated capillary tufts. A single tubule and its associated capillary tuft is called a mesonephric excretory unit; these units are similar in structure and function to nephrons of the adult kidney. The mesonephros is derived from intermediate mesoderm in the vertebrate embryo. A kidney formed of nephric tubules arising in the middle region of the nephric ridge; a transient embryonic stage that replaces the pronephros, but is itself replaced by the adult metanephros [in mammals; in fishes and amphibians it is the adult kidney]. [Evolution, Fourth_Edition_(2006)_McGraw-Hill, Function, Kardong_KV, Vertebrates:_Comparative_Anatomy, p.745][VHOG] Organ that is the definitive adult kidney. It replaces the earlier pronephros, which degenerates as the mesonephros becomes functional in feeding stage tadpoles.[AAO] As the pronephros regresses, the archinephric duct induces the sequential differentiation of tubules in the more caudal parts of the nephric ridge. (...) Tubules that differentiate in the middle part of the nephric ridge form a kidney called the mesonephros. This kidney functions in the embryos and larvae of all vertebrates. (...) In all vertebrate embryos, the kidney begins with the differentiation of a few renal tubules from the anterior end of the nephric ridge overlying the pericardial cavity. (...) This early-developing embryonic kidney is called the pronephros.[well established][VHOG] mesonephric In mammals, the mesonephros is the second of the three embryonic kidneys to be established and exists only transiently. In fish and amphibians, the mesonephros will form the mature kidney By contrast to the pronephros, the histological features of the mammalian mesonephros, with its primitive glomeruli, suggest that it probably functions as a primitive kidney, and is involved in the production of much of the amniotic fluid. Within the two mesonephroi, one located on either side of the dorsal mesentery of the hindgut, a substantial number (in the region of about 40 or more) of cranio-caudally segmented mesonephric tubules are formed. It has, however, been suggested that only the most rostrally located 4-6 pairs of mesonephric tubules drain into the mesonephric portion of the nephric duct. This is now seen to extend along the length of the mesonephroi, being located towards their lateral sides. The mesonephros is also retained over a considerably longer period than the pronephros, but gradually undergoes regression in a cranio-caudal direction. While the rostral part displays clear evidence of regression its more caudal part appears to display evidence of functional activity. Within the medial part of the mesonephros, vesicles are formed, although no glomeruli are formed there in this species. It is, however, difficult to believe that the relatively enormous mesonephroi do not have an excretory role in the mouse, only serving as a base for gonadal differentiation. In the human embryo, the medial part of the mesonephric tubules enlarges, become invaginated by capillaries, and form glomeruli. These then take on an excretory role. In the mouse, the mesonephric ducts appear to be patent throughout their length[GUDMAP, modified] AAO:0010384 BTO:0001542 CALOHA:TS-0624 EFO:0000928 EHDAA2:0001130 EHDAA:1581 EHDAA:5903 EMAPA:16744 FMA:72171 GAID:1308 MESH:D001755 NCIT:C26467 SCTID:308799002 TAO:0000529 UMLS:C0025492 VHOG:0000038 Wikipedia:Mesonephros XAO:0000141 ZFA:0000529 Wolffian body mesonephric kidney mesonephroi uberon amphibian adult kidney corpus Wolffi middle kidney opisthonephros opisto nephros opistonephros UBERON:0000080 mesonephros In mammals, the metanephros is the excretory organ of the fetus, which develops into the mature kidney and is formed from the rear portion of the nephrogenic cord. The metanephros is an endocrine and metabolic organ that filters the blood and excretes the end products of body metabolism in the form of urine[GO]. TODO check developmental relationships A kidney formed of nephric tubules arising in the posterior region of the nephric ridge and drained by a ureter; replaces the embryonic pronephros and mesonephros [in mammals]. [Evolution, Fourth_Edition_(2006)_McGraw-Hill, Function, Kardong_KV, Vertebrates:_Comparative_Anatomy, p.745][VHOG] The ureteric diverticulum grows dorsally into the posterior region of the nephric ridge. Here it enlarges and stimulates the growth of metanephric tubules that come to make up the metanephric kidney. The metanephros becomes the adult kidney of amniotes.[well established][VHOG] metanephric During the fifth week of gestation, the mesonephric duct develops an outpouching, the ureteric bud, near its attachment to the cloaca. This bud, also called the metanephrogenic diverticulum, grows posteriorly and towards the head of the embryo. The elongated stalk of the ureteric bud, the metanephric duct, later forms the ureter. As the cranial end of the bud extends into the intermediate mesoderm, it undergoes a series of branchings to form the collecting duct system of the kidney. It also forms the major and minor calyces and the renal pelvis BTO:0001543 EHDAA2:0001137 EHDAA:3089 EHDAA:5911 EMAPA:17373 EMAPA_RETIRED:17207 FMA:72172 NCIT:C34209 SCTID:308797000 UMLS:C0231049 VHOG:0000039 Wikipedia:Metanephros#Metanephros metanephron uberon definite kidney definitive kidney hind kidney metanephric kidney UBERON:0000081 metanephros A mesonephric tubule is an epithelial tube that is part of the mesonephros[GO]. Genital ridge that is next to the mesonephros[WP]. TODO check Any of the renal tubules composing the mesonephros. In mammals they function as excretory structures during the early embryonic development but are later incorporated into the reproductive system. [TFD][VHOG] As the pronephros regresses, the archinephric duct induces the sequential differentiation of tubules in the more caudal parts of the nephric ridge. (...) Tubules that differentiate in the middle part of the nephric ridge form a kidney called the mesonephros. This kidney functions in the embryos and larvae of all vertebrates.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010389 EHDAA2:0001134 EMAPA:16747 VHOG:0000500 Wikipedia:Mesonephric_tubules XAO:0000148 uberon renal tubules tubuli mesonephrici UBERON:0000083 mesonephric tubule An epithelial swelling on the Wolffian duct that elongates to invade the adjacent metanephric mesenchyme[MP]. Outgrowth of the mesonephric duct that penetrates the metanephric mesoderm and forms the ureter, renal pelvis, major and minor calyces and collecting ducts. [Embryology, See_Dudek_RW_and_Fix_JD, Third_Edition_(2004)_Philadelphia:_Lippincott_William_and_Wilkins, p.137][VHOG] Outgrowth of the mesonephric duct that penetrates the metanephric mesoderm and forms the ureter, renal pelvis, major and minor calyces and collecting ducts[VHOG:0000541]. The first embryonic hint of a metanephros is the formation of the metanephric duct that appears as a ureteric diverticulum arising at the base of preexisting mesonephric duct. The ureteric diverticulum grows dorsally into the posterior region of the nephric ridge. Here it enlarges and stimulates the growth of metanephric tubules that come to make up the metanephric kidney. The metanephros becomes the adult kidney of amniotes, and the metanephric duct is usually called the ureter.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0001646 EHDAA2:0002140 EHDAA:3091 EHDAA:5917 EMAPA:17209 NCIT:C34207 SCTID:361528000 UMLS:C1284058 VHOG:0000541 Wikipedia:Ureteric_bud uberon diverticulum diverticulum metanephricum gemma ureterica metanephric bud metanephric diverticulum ureteric ampulla ureteric diverticulum UBERON:0000084 ureteric bud A spherical embryonic mass of blastomeres formed before the blastula and resulting from cleavage of the fertilized ovum. EHDAA2 has embryo starting later BTO:0001508 EHDAA2:0000005 FMA:292334 GAID:1295 MESH:A16.254.270.550 NCIT:C34212 SCTID:361474003 UMLS:C0026573 Wikipedia:Morula uberon morula (2-16 cells) UBERON:0000085 morula A glycoprotein membrane surrounding the plasma membrane of an oocyte. It is a vital constitutive part of the latter, external but not extraneous to it. The zona pellucida first appears in multilaminar primary oocytes. Outside the plasma membrane, three envelopes surround the ovum. The first, the primary egg envelope, lies between the plasma membrane and the surrounding cells of the ovary. The most consistent component of this primary layer is the vitelline membrane, a transparent jacket of fibrous protein. In mammals, the homologous structure is called the zona pellucida.[well established][VHOG] zona pellucida - vitelline membrane BTO:0003135 EHDAA2:0002220 EHDAA:31 EHDAA:62 EMAPA:16035 FMA:18674 GAID:410 MA:0001715 MESH:D015044 NCIT:C33896 TAO:0001111 UMLS:C0043519 VHOG:0000720 Wikipedia:Zona_pellucida ZFA:0001111 uberon oolemma pellucid zone striated membrane vitelline envelope vitelline membrane zona radiata zona striata UBERON:0000086 zona pellucida A mass of cells that develop into the body of the embryo and some extraembryonic tissues. A group of cells found in the mammalian blastocyst that give rise to the embryo. [Biology_Online][VHOG] A small sphere of cells known as the inner cell mass lies within the trophoblast (of all eutherian mammals).[well established][VHOG] This structure forms in the earliest steps of development, before implantation into the endometrium of the uterus has occurred.The ICM lies within the blastocyst cavity and is entirely surrounded by the single layer of cells called trophoblast. [Wikipedia:Inner_cell_mass] EFO:0000547 EHDAA2:0000830 EHDAA:40 EMAPA:16041 FMA:86557 NCIT:C13740 SCTID:361456007 UMLS:C1283994 VHOG:0000742 Wikipedia:Inner_cell_mass uberon ICM early embryoblast embryoblast embryoblastus; massa cellularis interna; pluriblastus senior pluriblast UBERON:0000087 inner cell mass Blastocyst:English.svg The mesectodermal cell layer arising from the trophectoderm that erodes the uterine mucosa and contributes to the formation of the placenta. the mesectodermal cell layer arising from the trophectoderm that erodes the uterine mucosa and contributes to the formation of the placenta[MP] trophoblastic The postimplantation derivatives of the trophectoderm, which make up most of the fetal part of the placenta BTO:0001079 CALOHA:TS-1070 EV:0100120 FMA:83029 GAID:1152 MESH:A11.936 NCIT:C93292 SCTID:362839005 UMLS:C0041178 Wikipedia:Trophoblast trophoblast layer uberon massa cellularis externa trophoblastus trophoderm UBERON:0000088 Aggregate of cells forming the outer layer of a blastocyst, which provide nutrients to the embryo and develop into a large part of the placenta. They are formed during the first stage of pregnancy and are the first cells to differentiate from the fertilized egg. [Wikipedia:Trophoblast] trophoblast Blastocyst:English.svg Stage succeeding embryo, including mature structure. In birds, the postnatal stage begins when the beak penetrates the shell (i.e., external pipping) (Brown et al. 1997) BilaDO:0000003 OGES:000010 OGES:000014 OGES:000024 WBls:0000022 WBls:0000093 WBls:0000103 postembryonic stage post-hatching stage uberon postembryonic UBERON:0000092 post-embryonic stage Nonparenchymatous organ that primarily consists of dense connective tissue organized into a sheet which interconnects two or more organs, separates two or more body spaces from one another, or surrounds an organ or body part. Examples: interosseous membrane of forearm, obturator membrane, tympanic membrane, fibrous pericardium, fascia lata, dura mater. [FMA]. cjm 2009-07-30T05:19:13Z membrane FMA:7145 membrane of organ uberon UBERON:0000094 membrane organ An entire span of an organism's life, commencing with the zygote stage and ending in the death of the organism. FBdv:00000000 HsapDv:0000001 MmusDv:0000001 OGES:000011 ncithesaurus:Life entire life cycle entire lifespan life lifespan uberon UBERON:0000104 life cycle A spatiotemporal region encompassing some part of the life cycle of an organism. this class represents a proper part of the life cycle of an organism. The class 'life cycle' should not be placed here the WBls class 'all stages' belongs here as it is the superclass of other WBls stages we map the ZFS unknown stage here as it is logically equivalent to saying *some* life cycle stage BILS:0000105 EFO:0000399 FBdv:00007012 FMA:24120 HsapDv:0000000 MmusDv:0000000 OlatDv:0000010 PdumDv:0000090 WBls:0000002 XAO:1000000 ZFS:0000000 ZFS:0100000 ncithesaurus:Developmental_Stage developmental stage stage uberon UBERON:0000105 life cycle stage A stage at which the organism is a single cell produced by means of sexual reproduction. As in all metazoans, eumetazoan development begins with a fertilized egg, or zygote.[well established][VHOG] BILS:0000106 BilaDO:0000005 EFO:0001322 EHDAA:27 FBdv:00005288 NCIT:C12601 PdumDv:0000100 VHOG:0000745 Wikipedia:Zygote XAO:1000001 ZFS:0000001 1-cell stage fertilized egg stage one cell stage uberon fertilized egg stage one-cell stage zygote zygotum UBERON:0000106 zygote stage The first few specialized divisions of an activated animal egg; Stage consisting of division of cells in the early embryo. The zygotes of many species undergo rapid cell cycles with no significant growth, producing a cluster of cells the same size as the original zygote. The different cells derived from cleavage are called blastomeres and form a compact mass called the morula. Cleavage ends with the formation of the blastula. BILS:0000107 BilaDO:0000006 EFO:0001290 FBdv:00000054 MESH:A16.254.270 MmusDv:0000004 OGES:000015 OGES:000020 PdumDv:0000200 Wikipedia:Cleavage_(embryo) XAO:1000004 ZFS:0000046 uberon UBERON:0000107 cleavage stage An early stage of embryonic development in animals. It is produced by cleavage of a fertilized ovum and consists of a spherical layer of around 128 cells surrounding a central fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoel. The blastula follows the morula and precedes the gastrula in the developmental sequence. consider adding a preceding stage 'morula stage' as part of cleavage BILS:0000108 BilaDO:0000007 EFO:0001282 HsapDv:0000006 MmusDv:0000007 OGES:000003 OGES:000016 OGES:000021 OpenCyc:Mx4rEetFnKP2EdqAAAACs4vPlg WBls:0000005 Wikipedia:Blastula XAO:1000003 ZFS:0000045 uberon UBERON:0000108 blastula stage A stage defined by complex and coordinated series of cellular movements that occurs at the end of cleavage during embryonic development of most animals. The details of gastrulation vary from species to species, but usually result in the formation of the three primary germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. BILS:0000109 BilaDO:0000008 EFO:0001296 FBdv:00005317 HsapDv:0000010 MmusDv:0000013 OGES:000004 OGES:000019 WBls:0000010 XAO:1000005 ZFS:0000047 uberon blastocystis trilaminaris stage trilaminar blastocyst stage trilaminar blastoderm stage trilaminar disk stage trilaminar germ stage trilaminar stage UBERON:0000109 gastrula stage Staged defined by the formation of a tube from the flat layer of ectodermal cells known as the neural plate. This will give rise to the central nervous system. BILS:0000110 BilaDO:0000009 HsapDv:0000012 MmusDv:0000017 XAO:1000006 uberon UBERON:0000110 neurula stage A stage at which the ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm develop into the internal organs of the organism. BILS:0000111 BilaDO:0000010 HsapDv:0000015 MmusDv:0000018 OGES:000005 OGES:000032 Wikipedia:Organogenesis uberon segmentation stage UBERON:0000111 organogenesis stage The epithelial layer of the lung. A pseudostratified epithelium, containing basal cells, stem cells of the airway, submucosal glands and cartilage rings, is limited to the trachea and large lobar airways in the mouse (Morrisey and Hogan, 2010). This more complex epithelium extends to terminal bronchioles in the human[DOI:10.1242/dev.115469] BTO:0001653 EMAPA:32860 MA:0001783 epithelial tissue of lung epithelium of lung lung epithelial tissue uberon pulmonary epithelium UBERON:0000115 lung epithelium A tube in the respiratory system. Examples: bronchus, bronchiole, trachea. in GO lung development is part of respiratory tube development. This can lead to inconsistencies with other ontologies, e.g. VT. The GO structure may be better represented by a tree of tubes (see the FMA class) EMAPA:37946 FMA:12224 segment of tracheobronchial tree respiratory conducting tube segment of tracheobronchial tree tracheobronchial tree segment uberon airway UBERON:0000117 respiratory tube Structure derived from foregut that becomes a lung[GO]. clarify successors - include bronchi? BTO:0001643 EHDAA2:0004089 NCIT:C34260 NCIT:C34282 SCTID:361427007 UMLS:C1514420 UMLS:C1514897 Wikipedia:Respiratory_bud uberon gemma pulmonalis gemma respiratoria lung bud primary lung bud respiratory diverticulum UBERON:0000118 lung bud Portion of tissue, that consists of single layer of cells connected to each other by cell junctions. Examples: layer of glial cells; epithelium. consider adding to caro layer NCIT:C66831 layer of cells uberon cell sheath sheath of cells UBERON:0000119 cell layer A fasciculated bundle of neuron projections (GO:0043005), largely or completely lacking synapses. UBERON:0005163 CARO:0001001 FBbt:00005099 NLX:147821 funiculus nerve fiber bundle neural fiber bundle uberon UBERON:0000122 neuron projection bundle A spatially aggregated collection of nerve cell bodies in the CNS, consisting of one or more subpopulations that share cell type, chemical phenotype, and connections, and including nearby cells that share the same cell type, chemical phenotype, and connections. (CUMBO). Anatomical structure consisting of a discrete aggregate of neuronal soma[GO][GO_REF:0000021]. Proposed CUMBO def from MM: A subcortical part of the nervous system consisting of a relatively compact group of cells that is distinguishable histologically that share a commonality of cytoarchitecture, chemoarchitecturel and connectivity. (comments: I put in 'subcortical' because I don't think we consider either the cerebellar cortex or cerebral cortex to be nuclei. Some people distinguish between a nucleus and a laminar structure (see Wikipedia definition). However, there are structures identified as nuclei that are laminar, e.g., lateral geniculate nucleus, although they are not laminated in all species. Also, I put in 'relatively compact' and 'distiguishable by histology' because we have groups of cells, e.g., cholinergic cell groups, doparminergic cell groups that are related on the 3 criteria but which we don't tend to consider nuclei because they don't occupy an easily defined territory. But all is open to debate. nucleus AEO:0000136 FMA:83686 NCIT:C13197 NLX:28443 nervous system nucleus neuraxis nucleus neuronal nucleus nucleus of CNS uberon nucleus of neuraxis UBERON:0000125 neural nucleus Paired fin located in the abdominal position of the body. Paired fin located in the abdominal position of the body.[TAO] Paired fin located in the abdominal position of the body.[VSAO] BTO:0004651 EFO:0003644 TAO:0001184 VSAO:0000129 ZFA:0001184 uberon pelvic fins UBERON:0000152 pelvic fin uberon UBERON:0000153 anterior region of body uberon UBERON:0000154 posterior region of body A thin sheet or layer of pliable tissue, serving as a covering or envelope of a part, as the lining of a cavity, as a partition or septum, or to connect two structures. membrane FMA:30322 FMA:82500 MESH:D008566 NCIT:C12749 membranous organ component uberon UBERON:0000158 membranous layer Segment of the alimentary canal extending from the stomach to the anus and, in humans and other mammals, consists of two segments, the small intestine and the large intestine. This class is probably too inclusive Portion of the alimentary canal bounded anteriorly by the pyloric sphincter and posteriorly by the cloacal sphincter.[AAO] The tract of the alimentary canal. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] intestinal In zebrafish, No stomach, small intestine, or large intestine can be distinguished. However, differences can be found in the morphology of the mucosa columnar epithelial cells and the number of goblet cells, suggesting functional differentiation. The intestine has numerous folds that become progressively shorter in a rostral-to-caudal direction. Proportionally, these folds are significantly larger than the finger-like intestinal villi of mammals and other amniotes (Wallace et al. 2005). Columnar-shaped absorptive enterocytes are the most numerous in the zebrafish intestinal epithelium. Goblet cells are the second most populous epithelial cell type. AAO:0000246 ANISEED:1235303 BSA:0000093 BTO:0000648 CALOHA:TS-0490 EFO:0000834 EMAPA:32874 EV:0100071 FMA:7199 GAID:295 MA:0000328 MA:0001524 MESH:A03.492.411 MIAA:0000043 NCIT:C12736 SCTID:256876008 TAO:0001338 UMLS:C0021853 VHOG:0000056 WBbt:0005772 Wikipedia:Intestine XAO:0000129 ZFA:0001338 galen:Intestine bowel uberon intestinal tract UBERON:0000160 intestine Anatomical conduit that connects two adjacent body spaces (or a body space with the space surrounding the organism)[FMA,modified]. in FMA, this is an anatomical conduit *space*, rather than anatomical conduit anatomical ostium ostium FMA:3724 SCTID:91837002 anatomical orifice hilum uberon UBERON:0000161 orifice Common chamber into which the intestines and excretory system opens. Arises during development in all vertebrates, but in many it becomes subdivided, lost or incorporated into other structures. adding df link to embryonic cloaca leads to a cycle in uberon-simple, as cloaca is a suberclass of embryonic cloaca A common passage for fecal, urinary, and reproductive discharge in most lower vertebrates as well as the terminal end of the hindgut before division into rectum, bladder, and genital primordia in mammalian embryos. [TFD][VHOG] Anatomical structure which is the common receptacle for the alimentary canal, Wolffian ducts, oviducts, and the bladder.[AAO] A cloaca is apparently a primitive vertebrate feature because it occurs in most primitive gnathostomes and persists in the embryos of almost all vertebrates.[well established][VHOG] cloacal Human beings only have an embryonic cloaca, which is split up into separate tracts during the development of the urinary and reproductive organs hindgut endoderm and proctodeal ectoderm. AAO:0000095 GAID:1206 MESH:D002988 NCIT:C34127 SCTID:362857006 SCTID:370631000 UMLS:C0008987 VHOG:0001186 Wikipedia:Cloaca XAO:0000244 ZFA:0005781 uberon cloacal chamber vent UBERON:0000162 cloaca Endoderm-lined chamber that develops as pouch-like dilation of the caudal end of the hindgut and receives the allantois ventrally and two mesonephric ducts laterally; caudally it ends blindly at the cloacal membrane formed by the union of proctodeal (anal pit) ectoderm and cloacal endoderm, with no intervening mesoderm[MP]. this class represents the embryonic form of the cloaca, as found in both mammals and non-mammals. EHDAA2:0000256 EHDAA:4895 EMAPA:27573 Wikipedia:Cloaca_(embryology) uberon cloaca UBERON:0000163 embryonic cloaca The ventral part of the cloaca remaining after septation of the rectum, which further develops into part of the bladder, part of the prostatic part of the male urethra and the urethra and vestibule in females. The ventral part of the cloaca after its separation from the rectum, giving rise to the lower part of the bladder in both sexes, to the prostatic portion of the male urethra, and to the urethra and vestibule in the female. [TFD][VHOG] In mammals the lowly monotremes still have a cloaca. Higher types have done away with this structure and have a separate anal outlet for the rectum. The monotreme cloaca shows the initiation of this subdivision. The cloaca has such includes only the distal part, roughly comparable to the proctodeum. The more proximal part is divided into (1) a large dorsal passage into which the intestine opens, the coprodeum, and (2) a ventral portion, the urodeum with which the bladder connects. (...) the development of the placental mammals recapitulates in many respects the phylogenetic story. In the sexually indifferent stage of placental mammal there is a cloaca. While the indifferent stage still persists, a septum develops, and extends out to the closing membrane. This divides the cloaca into two chambers: a coprodeum continuous with the gut above, and a urodeum or urogenital sinus below.[well established][VHOG] the term 'urogenital sinus' may refer to the primitive urogenital sinus present as a transient developmental structure in most mammals or it may refer to a condition in which an unseptated cloaca persists in animals longer than normal urogenital sinus EHDAA2:0004060 EHDAA:5029 EHDAA:5919 EMAPA:17379 NCIT:C34322 SCTID:50961009 UMLS:C0231057 VHOG:0000414 Wikipedia:Definitive_urogenital_sinus UGS fetal UGS sinus urogenitalis uberon UBERON:0000164 primitive urogenital sinus The proximal portion of the digestive tract, containing the oral cavity and bounded by the oral opening. In vertebrates, this extends to the pharynx and includes gums, lips, tongue and parts of the palate. Typically also includes the teeth, except where these occur elsewhere (e.g. pharyngeal jaws) or protrude from the mouth (tusks). Cavity in which food is initially ingested and generally contains teeth, tongue and glands.[AAO] Molecular and developmental cell lineage data suggest that the acoel mouth opening is homologous to the mouth of protostomes and deuterostomes and that the last common ancestor of the Bilateria (the 'urbilaterian') had only this single digestive opening.[well established][VHOG] oral some AOs place this as developing from the stomodeum but we weaken this to developmental contribution, as the mouth includes non-ectodermal derivatives in FMA, the tongue, palate etc are part of the mouth which is itself a subdivision of the face. ZFA includes a separate class 'oral region' which is part of the mouth, but excludes tongue and lips AAO:0010355 BTO:0001090 BTO:0004698 CALOHA:TS-1315 EFO:0000825 EHDAA2:0001326 EHDAA:542 EMAPA:16262 FBbt:00003126 FMA:49184 GAID:75 MA:0000341 MA:0002474 MAT:0000038 MESH:D009055 MIAA:0000038 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVidh5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:21082005 TADS:0000040 TAO:0000547 TAO:0000590 TGMA:0000131 VHOG:0000280 VHOG:0000812 Wikipedia:Mouth XAO:0003029 ZFA:0000547 ZFA:0000590 galen:Mouth regio oralis adult mouth uberon cavital oralis cavitas oris cavum oris mouth cavity oral region oral vestibule rima oris stoma stomatodaeum trophic apparatus vestibule of mouth vestibulum oris UBERON:0000165 mouth Anatomical cavity at the start of the digestive tract that that is enclosed by the mouth. The boundaries and contents vary depending on the species. In vertebrates, the boundaries are the oral opening, the cheeks, the palate and (if present) the palatoglossal arch - if this is not present then the mouth and pharynx form the oropharyngeal cavity. The buccal cavity contains the teeth, tongue and palate (when present). Anatomical cavity bounded anteriorly by the mouth and posteriorly by the derivatives of the branchial arches.[AAO] The cavity of the mouth, bounded by the jaw bones and associated structures (muscles and mucosa). [TFD][VHOG] Echinoderms, hemichordates, and chordates are called deuterostomes because the mouth arises not from the blastopore but from a second invagination at the anterior end of the larva that pushes in to connect with the archenteron.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0000053 AAO:0000960 BSA:0000107 CALOHA:TS-1315 EFO:0001975 EHDAA2:0001324 EHDAA:6970 EMAPA:17411 EMAPA:18399 EV:0100057 FMA:20292 HAO:0000669 NCIT:C12421 TAO:0001027 TGMA:0000102 UMLS:C0226896 VHOG:0000188 WBbt:0005255 XAO:0000126 ZFA:0001027 buccal cavity cavity of mouth uberon bucca UBERON:0000167 oral cavity 1 1 The pair of anatomical structures comprised of a left lung and right lung. FMA:68877 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjKy5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA lungs lungs pair pulmones set of lungs uberon UBERON:0000170 pair of lungs Organ that functions in gaseous exchange between an organism and its environment. In plants, microorganisms, and many small animals, air or water makes direct contact with the organism's cells or tissue fluids, and the processes of diffusion supply the organism with dioxygen (O2) and remove carbon dioxide (CO2). In larger animals the efficiency of gaseous exchange is improved by specialized respiratory organs, such as lungs and gills, which are ventilated by breathing mechanisms. EMAPA:17607 SCTID:272626006 SPD:0000428 TGMA:0001247 apparatus respiratorius organ breathing organ organ of apparatus respiratorius organ of respiratory system respiratory organ respiratory system organ uberon gas exchange organ UBERON:0000171 respiration organ Amniotic fluid is a bodily fluid consisting of watery liquid surrounding and cushioning a growing fetus within the amnion. It allows the fetus to move freely without the walls of the uterus being too tight against its body. Buoyancy is also provided. The composition of the fluid changes over the course of gestation. Initially, amniotic fluid is similar to maternal plasma, mainly water with electrolytes. As the fetus develops, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, phospholipids originating from the lungs, fetal cells, and urea are deposited in the fluid. BTO:0000068 CALOHA:TS-0034 EMAPA:36771 ENVO:02000021 EV:0100123 FMA:305905 GAID:1155 MA:0002893 MESH:D000653 NCIT:C13188 UMLS:C0002638 VHOG:0001267 uberon acqua amnii liquor amnii UBERON:0000173 amniotic fluid A portion of organism substance that is the product of an excretion process that will be eliminated from the body. An excretion process is elimination by an organism of the waste products that arise as a result of metabolic activity. UBERON:0000324 UBERON:0007550 AEO:0000184 BTO:0000491 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003184 ENVO:02000022 FMA:9674 galen:Excretion excreted substance portion of excreted substance waste substance uberon excretion UBERON:0000174 excreta Pleural effusion is a bodily fluid that is produced in exess and accumulates in the pleural cavity, the fluid-filled space that surrounds the lungs. Excessive amounts of such fluid can impair breathing by limiting the expansion of the lungs during inhalation. cede to MPATH? Note the ncit class is under finding. ENVO:02000033 OpenCyc:Mx4rLaTGCK2TEduAAAAOpmP6tw ncithesaurus:Pleural_Effusion uberon UBERON:0000175 pleural effusion A fluid that is composed of blood plasma and erythrocytes. This class excludes blood analogues, such as the insect analog of blood. See UBERON:0000179 haemolymphatic fluid. A complex mixture of cells suspended in a liquid matrix that delivers nutrients to cells and removes wastes. (Source: BioGlossary,[TAO] Highly specialized circulating tissue consisting of several types of cells suspended in a fluid medium known as plasma.[AAO] relationship loss: subclass specialized connective tissue (AAO:0000571)[AAO] Recent findings strongly suggest that the molecular pathways involved in the development and function of blood cells are highly conserved among vertebrates and various invertebrates phyla. (...) There is now good reason to believe that, in vertebrates and invertebrates alike, blood cell lineages diverge from a common type of progenitor cell, the hemocytoblast.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0000046 BTO:0000089 CALOHA:TS-0079 EFO:0000296 EHDAA2:0000176 EHDAA:418 EMAPA:16332 ENVO:02000027 EV:0100047 FMA:9670 GAID:965 MA:0000059 MESH:D001769 MIAA:0000315 NCIT:C12434 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjI8JwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000007 UMLS:C0005767 VHOG:0000224 Wikipedia:Blood XAO:0000124 ZFA:0000007 galen:Blood portion of blood vertebrate blood uberon whole blood UBERON:0000178 blood Circulating fluid that is part of the hemolymphoid system. Blood, lymph, interstitial fluid or its analogs. cjm 2009-04-08T04:38:19Z CARO:0000081 uberon blood or blood analog circulating fluid UBERON:0000179 haemolymphatic fluid Dense regular connective tissue connecting two or more adjacent skeletal elements or supporting an organ. Nonparenchymatous organ that primarily consists of dense connective tissue aggregated into fasciculi by connective tissue. Examples: sutural ligament, radiate sternocostal ligament, ligament of liver, ovarian ligament[FMA][FMA:21496]. Portion of connective tissue that connects bone or cartilage.[TAO] Compared with their Ediacarian predecessor, Cambrian animals in general were characterized by their much stouter bodies. The stoutness of the body is likely due to the formation of ligaments and tendons, which in turn requires the crosslinking of collagen triple helices.[well established][VHOG] this groups both skeletal and non-skeletal ligaments. What is called a 'ligament' in many AOs is actually a skeletal ligament CALOHA:TS-2145 EFO:0001966 EMAPA:35493 FMA:21496 FMA:30319 MA:0000113 MESH:D008022 NCIT:C13046 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjqpZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0001682 UMLS:C0023685 VHOG:0001272 XAO:0004031 ZFA:0001675 galen:Ligament ligament organ uberon UBERON:0000211 ligament The thin innermost layer of the extraembryonic membranes that contains the amniotic fluid; the membrane forms a closed sac in which the embryo and later, the fetus, is suspended and protected. A thin but tough extraembryonic membrane of reptiles, birds and mammals that lines the chorion and contains the fEtus and the amniotic fluid around it. [Biology_Online][VHOG] Structures homologous to the four extraembryonic membranes of reptiles and birds appear in mammals: amnion, chorion, yolk sac, and allantois.[well established][VHOG] amniotic BTO:0000065 CALOHA:TS-0033 EHDAA2:0000116 EHDAA:136 EMAPA:16109 EV:0100122 FMA:80223 GAID:1298 MESH:A16.254.403.277 NCIT:C12365 UMLS:C0002630 VHOG:0000721 amnios uberon UBERON:0000305 amnion Organism at the blastula stage - an early stage of embryonic development in animals. It is produced by cleavage of a fertilized ovum and consists of a spherical layer of around 128 cells surrounding a central fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoel. The blastula follows the morula and precedes the gastrula in the developmental sequence. TODO - check relationship with epiblast. Note in FMA this is not a subclass of embryo, but in uberon embryo is the whole organism from zygote onwards and thus includes the blastula UBERON:0007011 BILA:0000059 BTO:0000128 GAID:1294 MESH:A16.254.270.274 OGEM:000006 OpenCyc:Mx4rEetFnKP2EdqAAAACs4vPlg Wikipedia:Blastula blastula embryo uberon blastosphere UBERON:0000307 blastula The upper ventral region of the torso of an organism. The breasts of a female primate's body contain the mammary glands, which secrete milk used to feed infants. Both men and women develop breasts from the same embryological tissues. However, at puberty female sex hormones, mainly estrogens, promote breast development, which does not happen with men. As a result women's breasts become more prominent than men's. BTO:0000149 CALOHA:TS-2083 EV:0100124 FMA:9601 GAID:33 MESH:D001940 NCIT:C12971 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjV7ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0006141 galen:Breast mammary part of chest mammary region uberon mamma UBERON:0000310 breast A mucosa that is part of a duodenum [Automatically generated definition]. UBERON:0003348 BTO:0000367 CALOHA:TS-0213 EMAPA:27235 FMA:14942 MA:0003207 SCTID:362146003 doudenal mucosa duodenal mucous membrane mucosa of duodenum mucous membrane of duodenum uberon duodenum mucosa UBERON:0000320 duodenal mucosa An embryo that is at the late embryonic stage; this stage covers late steps of the embryogenesis with a fully formed embryo still developing before birth or egg hatching. TODO - check fetus/embryo. WP: An embryo is a multicellular diploid eukaryote in its earliest stage of development, from the time of first cell division until birth, hatching, or germination. In humans, it is called an embryo until about eight weeks after fertilization (i.e. ten weeks LMP), and from then it is instead called a fetus. Fetal structure, which is a developmental form of a vertebrate animal at any given time point from 8 weeks of gestation to birth (or hatching). Examples: There is only one fetus[FMA:63919]. BTO:0000449 CALOHA:TS-0360 EFO:0001323 FBbt:00005333 FMA:63919 GAID:552 MESH:D005333 NCIT:C13235 OpenCyc:Mx4rvZfC2ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0015965 fetus uberon embryo late growth stage embryo late stage UBERON:0000323 late embryo The branched tubular glands found in the mucosa of the fundus and body of the stomach which contain parietal cells that secrete hydrochloric acid and zymogenic cells that produce pepsin. BTO:0000503 EMAPA:27181 FMA:14919 uberon UBERON:0000325 gastric gland The wall of the digestive tract. This encompasses all parts of the digestive tract with the exception of the lumen (cavity). We model the digestive tract as consisting of two parts: the wall and the lumen. BTO:0000547 FMA:45653 digestive tract wall wall of digestive tract wall of gut uberon wall of alimentary tract UBERON:0000328 gut wall The enlarged basal part of a hair within the skin[BTO]. The root of the hair ends in an enlargement, the hair bulb, which is whiter in color and softer in texture than the shaft, and is lodged in a follicular involution of the epidermis called the hair follicle. [Wikipedia]. BTO:0000555 CALOHA:TS-0433 FMA:70730 NCIT:C32707 NCIT:C32711 UMLS:C1182707 root of hair uberon UBERON:0000329 hair root A lining of mostly endodermal origin, covered in epithelium, which is involved in absorption and secretion. They line various body cavities that are exposed to the external environment and internal organs. It is at several places continuous with skin: at the nostrils, the lips, the ears, the genital area, and the anus. The sticky, thick fluid secreted by the mucous membranes and gland is termed mucus. The term mucous membrane refers to where they are found in the body and not every mucous membrane secretes mucus[WP]. mucosal FMA has mucosa vs region of mucosa; these are subtypes of Mucosa: Mucosa of gallbladder, tongue, .... The following are subtypes of Region of mucosa: Mucosa of zone of stomach, trachea, bronchus, dorsum of tongue.... Depends on whether the covered area is an organ or organ component. Uberon does not regard organ vs organ component as crucial distinction and thus collapses these into a single class deliberately AEO:0000199 BTO:0000886 CALOHA:TS-2031 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003234 EV:0100382 FMA:85355 FMA:85358 GAID:297 MESH:D009092 NCIT:C13166 OpenCyc:Mx4rvmKNOpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:361693009 UMLS:C0026724 Wikipedia:Mucous_membrane galen:Mucosa mucosa of organ mucosa of organ part mucosal region mucous membrane organ mucosa uberon region of mucosa tunica mucosa UBERON:0000344 mucosa Functional part of an organ in the body. This is in contrast to the stroma, which refers to the structural tissue of organs, being exactly, connective tissues. parenchymal Early in development the mammalian embryo has three distinct layers: ectoderm (external layer), endoderm (internal layer) and in between those two layers the middle layer or mesoderm. The parenchyma of most organs is of ectodermal (brain, skin) or endodermal origin (lungs, gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas). The parenchyma of a few organs (spleen, kidneys, heart) is of mesodermal origin. The stroma of all organs is of mesodermal origin the FMA definition is more restrictive, and limits this to solid organs. This would seem to cause problems for the lung parenchyma, except FMA classifies Lung as solid rather than cavitated EHDAA:3015 EHDAA:3905 EHDAA:3999 EHDAA:4005 EHDAA:6899 EHDAA:6903 EHDAA:6994 EHDAA:8086 EHDAA:9182 EHDAA:9190 EHDAA:9196 EHDAA:9202 FMA:45732 NCIT:C74601 UMLS:C0933845 Wikipedia:Parenchyma uberon UBERON:0000353 parenchyma The mammalian blastocyst is a hollow ball of cells containing two cell types, the inner cell mass and the trophectoderm[GO]. Gilbert fig11.32 has blastocyst has giving rise to ICM and trophoblast (which in this source is a synonym for trophectoderm) BTO:0001099 CALOHA:TS-0076 EFO:0000295 EMAPA:36035 EV:0100394 FMA:83041 GAID:1153 MESH:A16.254.085 NCIT:C13739 SCTID:308837009 UMLS:C1281743 Wikipedia:Blastocyst uberon blastocystis blastula UBERON:0000358 blastocyst Blastocyst:English.svg The inner portion of the kidney consisting of the renal pyramids. The renal medulla is split up into a number of sections, known as the renal pyramids. Blood enters into the kidney via the renal artery, which then splits up to form the arcuate arterioles. The arcuate arterioles each in turn branch into interlobular arterioles, which finally reach the glomeruli. At the glomerulus the blood reaches a highly disfavourable pressure gradient and a large exchange surface area, which forces the serum portion of the blood out of the vessel into the renal tubules. Flow continues through the renal tubules, including the proximal tubule, the Loop of Henle, and finally leaves the kidney by means of the collecting duct, leading to the renal ureter. The renal medulla contains the structures of the nephrons responsible for maintaining the salt and water balance of the blood. The renal medulla is hypertonic to the filtrate in the nephron and aids in the reabsorption of water BTO:0001167 CALOHA:TS-1157 EMAPA:19279 GAID:425 MA:0000373 MESH:D007679 NCIT:C12740 UMLS:C0022664 galen:MedullaOfKidney kidney medulla medulla of kidney medulla renalis pyramides renales renal medullae renal medullae set renal pyramids renal pyramids set uberon medullary pyramids renal marrow UBERON:0000362 Note that 'renal medulla' is not synonymous with 'medullary region of kidney'. The former is composed of kidney pyramids only, while the latter covers kidney pyramids and renal columns, which are histologically different. renal medulla An epithelial tissue layer that lines much of the urinary tract, including the renal pelvis, the ureters, the bladder, and parts of the urethra. urothelial transitional epithelium BTO:0003906 CALOHA:TS-1096 EMAPA:37978 FMA:63914 FMA:67695 GAID:935 MESH:D019459 NCIT:C12884 NCIT:C13318 UMLS:C0225339 UMLS:C0227598 epithelium transitionale transitional epithelium uroepithelium uberon UBERON:0000365 urothelium The part of the hindlimb between pelvis and the knee, corresponding to the femur. Most anatomists now agree that the three proximal bones of the tetrapod limbs are homologous to the two or three proximal elements of the paired fin skeleton of other sarcopterygians, that is the humerus-femur, radius-tibia, and ulna-fibula.[well established][VHOG] Naming conventions for pod terms under discussion within phenoscape group. BTO:0001376 CALOHA:TS-2039 EFO:0001943 EHDAA2:0002130 EHDAA:5171 EHDAA:6200 EMAPA:17499 FMA:24967 GAID:50 MA:0000052 MESH:D013848 NCIT:C33763 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjN7JwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0039866 VHOG:0000349 galen:Thigh hind limb stylopod hind limb stylopodium hind propodium hindlimb propodium hindlimb stylopod hindlimb stylopodium proximal segment of free lower limb stylopod of hind limb stylopod of hindlimb stylopod of lower limb thigh upper leg uberon femur UBERON:0000376 hindlimb stylopod A mucosa that is part of a respiratory airway. BTO:0001390 FMA:7471 mucosa of organ of trachea mucosa of organ of windpipe mucosa of trachea mucosa of windpipe mucous membrane of trachea mucous membrane of windpipe organ mucosa of trachea organ mucosa of windpipe trachea mucosa trachea mucosa of organ trachea mucous membrane trachea organ mucosa tracheal mucous membrane tunica mucosa (tracheae) tunica mucosa tracheae windpipe mucosa windpipe mucosa of organ windpipe mucous membrane windpipe organ mucosa uberon UBERON:0000379 tracheal mucosa The subdivision of the musculoskeletal system that consists of all the muscles of the body[VSAO, modified]. consider whether this should be restricted to skeletal musculature. See Anatomical system that consists of the muscles of the body.[VSAO] we place the MA term musculature here, rather than under uberon:musculature, as this seems more appropriate given the structure of MA AAO:0000307 BILA:0000088 BTO:0001369 BTO:0001485 EFO:0000801 EMAPA:35578 FBbt:00005069 FMA:72954 MA:0002888 MAT:0000025 MIAA:0000025 VSAO:0000033 XAO:0004042 muscle system muscle system of body muscular system musculature system set of all muscles set of muscles of body vertebrate muscular system uberon muskelsystem UBERON:0000383 musculature of body The nasal vestibule is the most anterior part of the nasal cavity. It's enclosed by the cartilages of nose and lined by the same epithelium of the skin. The other part of the nasal cavity, which is lined by the respiratory epithelium, is called nasal cavity proper. [WP,unvetted]. BTO:0001761 CALOHA:TS-0660 FMA:59644 vestibular part of nasal cavity uberon vestibulum nasale vestibulum nasi UBERON:0000402 nasal vestibule The outer covering of the calvaria. It is composed of several layers: SKIN; subcutaneous connective tissue; the occipitofrontal muscle which includes the tendonous galea aponeurotica; Loose connective tissue; and the pericranium (the PERIOSTEUM of the SKULL). BTO:0001809 CALOHA:TS-0896 EMAPA:37949 FMA:46494 GAID:80 MESH:D012535 NCIT:C89807 OpenCyc:Mx4rwNtaz5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0036270 galen:Scalp uberon scalpus UBERON:0000403 scalp A gland in which the principal secretory cells are serous secreting cells. glands that secrete watery albuminous material that often contains enzymes[MP:0008052]. BTO:0001837 EMAPA:37950 FMA:62889 Wikipedia:Serous_gland uberon UBERON:0000409 serous gland A gland in which the principal secretory cells are mucus secreting cells. In frogs and salamanders, this is the smaller of the two types of gland, the other being the granular (poison) gland. In these species the mucous gland is a cluster of cells that release secretion into a common duct[Kardong] AAO:0010601 BTO:0001979 EMAPA:37913 FMA:62888 Wikipedia:Mucous_gland glandula mucosa uberon muciparous gland mucous secreting gland mucus gland mucus-secreting gland UBERON:0000414 mucous gland The prostate epithelium. TODO - check 2 FMA IDs UBERON:0002452 BTO:0002397 CALOHA:TS-2065 EMAPA:35711 FMA:66812 FMA:79643 MA:0001737 NCIT:C13103 UMLS:C1179826 epithelial tissue of prostate epithelial tissue of prostate gland epithelium of prostate epithelium of prostate gland epithelium of prostatic gland prostate epithelial tissue prostate gland epithelial tissue prostate gland epithelium prostatic epithelium prostatic gland epithelium uberon UBERON:0000428 prostate epithelium A plexus of autonomic nerve fibers within the wall of the digestive tube, and made up of the submucosal, myenteric, and subserosal plexuses; it contains visceral afferent fibers, sympathetic postganglionic fibers, parasympathetic preganglionic and postganglionic fibers, and parasympathetic postganglionic cell bodies. UBERON:0012372 BTO:0002437 EMAPA:35446 FMA:77597 MA:0001147 enteric nerve plexus intrinsic nerve plexus plexus entericus plexus nervosus entericus sympathetic enteric nerve plexus uberon UBERON:0000429 enteric plexus introducing part_of to 'cortex of lymph node' as in issue 7 introduces equivalencies; the part_of has instead been added to 'lymph node follicle' BTO:0002684 FMA:55222 NCIT:C33040 UMLS:C0229654 nodular lymphoid tissue uberon folliculus lymphaticus lymphatic follicle lymphatic nodule lymphoid nodule nodulus lymphaticus nodulus lymphoideus UBERON:0000444 lymphoid follicle Gray matter structure located on the midline of the forebrain consisting of the septum pellucidum (in some species) and the septal nuclei (Heimer, 1996). Subdivision of the telencephalon on the midline between the lateral ventricles which contains the septum pellucidum and the septal nuclei[FMA][FMA:61842]. Se septum BAMS:SA BAMS:SEP BAMS:Sep BAMS:Spt BIRNLEX:963 BM:Tel-Spt BTO:0002705 EMAPA:32837 FMA:61842 MA:0000924 MESH:A08.186.211.577.750 UMLS:C0752060 area septalis septal area septum (NN) telencephalon septum uberon massa praecommissuralis septal region septum pellucidum (BNA,PNA) septum telencephali UBERON:0000446 septum of telencephalon A portion of organism substance that is produced by exocrine glands. BTO has two distunct classes, with exocrine glandular secretion a subtype of secretion - however, all examples in BTO directly under secretion appear to be exocrine gland secretions UBERON:0006540 secretion AEO:0001005 BTO:0002977 BTO:0002979 EMAPA:36535 FMA:9675 MA:0002504 MESH:D012634 NCIT:C34062 UMLS:C1516992 galen:Secretion bodily secretion exocrine gland fluid/secretion secreted substance uberon exocrine gland fluid exocrine gland fluid or secretion exocrine gland secretion external secretion UBERON:0000456 secretion of exocrine gland The region of the opening of the uterine cervix into the uterine cavity. BTO:0003002 FMA:86485 NCIT:C12309 UMLS:C0227837 uberon UBERON:0000458 endocervix Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances that have been modified by anatomical structures as they pass through the body. AAO:0010839 AEO:0000004 BILA:0000004 CALOHA:TS-2101 CARO:0000004 EHDAA2:0003004 EMAPA:35178 FBbt:00007019 FMA:9669 HAO:0000004 MA:0002450 NCIT:C13236 SPD:0000008 TAO:0001487 TGMA:0001824 VHOG:0001726 XAO:0004001 ZFA:0001487 galen:BodySubstance body fluid or substance body substance organism substance portion of body substance portion of organism substance uberon UBERON:0000463 organism substance Non-material anatomical entity of three dimensions, that is generated by morphogenetic or other physiologic processes; is surrounded by one or more anatomical structures; contains one or more organism substances or anatomical structures. lumen space AAO:0010110 AEO:0000005 BILA:0000005 CARO:0000005 EHDAA2:0003005 FBbt:00007017 FMA:5897 HAO:0000005 NCIT:C94478 TAO:0001668 TGMA:0001825 UMLS:C0524461 VHOG:0001728 XAO:0003190 ZFA:0001643 lumen space uberon anatomical spaces UBERON:0000464 anatomical space Anatomical entity that has mass. AAO:0010264 AEO:0000006 BILA:0000006 CARO:0000006 EHDAA2:0003006 FBbt:00007016 FMA:67165 HAO:0000006 TAO:0001836 TGMA:0001826 VHOG:0001721 uberon UBERON:0000465 material anatomical entity Anatomical entity that has no mass. AAO:0010265 AEO:0000007 BILA:0000007 CARO:0000007 EHDAA2:0003007 FBbt:00007015 FMA:67112 HAO:0000007 TAO:0001835 TGMA:0001827 VHOG:0001727 immaterial physical anatomical entity uberon UBERON:0000466 immaterial anatomical entity Multicellular, connected anatomical structure that has multiple organs as parts and whose parts work together to achieve some shared function. system AAO:0000007 AEO:0000011 BILA:0000011 BIRNLEX:14 BSA:0000049 CALOHA:TS-2088 CARO:0000011 EHDAA2:0003011 EHDAA:392 EMAPA:16103 EV:0100000 FBbt:00004856 FMA:7149 HAO:0000011 MA:0000003 NCIT:C12919 OpenCyc:Mx4rCWM0QCtDEdyAAADggVbxzQ SCTID:278195005 TAO:0001439 TGMA:0001831 UMLS:C0460002 VHOG:0001725 WBbt:0005746 WBbt:0005763 Wikipedia:Organ_system XAO:0003002 ZFA:0001439 galen:AnatomicalSystem body system connected anatomical system organ system uberon anatomical systems UBERON:0000467 anatomical system Anatomical structure that is an individual member of a species and consists of more than one cell. TODO - split body and mc organism? body continues after death stage organismal organism AAO:0010026 AEO:0000191 BILA:0000012 BIRNLEX:18 BSA:0000038 BTO:0000042 CARO:0000012 EFO:0002906 EHDAA2:0003103 EHDAA2:0003191 EHDAA:1 EMAPA:25765 EV:0100016 FBbt:00000001 FMA:256135 HAO:0000012 NCIT:C13041 SCTID:243928005 TADS:0000001 TAO:0001094 TGMA:0001832 VHOG:0000671 WBbt:0007833 Wikipedia:Multi-cellular_organism XAO:0003004 ZFA:0001094 galen:Organism ncithesaurus:Whole_Organism multi-cellular organism animal uberon Koerper body whole body whole organism UBERON:0000468 multicellular organism Anatomical structure that is a direct part of the cell. TODO - move metadata to GO and obsolete this class once homes have been found for existing children. Note the inconsistency between the usage of the label 'cell component' in GO and CARO AAO:0010271 BILA:0000014 CARO:0000014 FBbt:00007012 FMA:86454 GO:0044464 HAO:0000014 NCIT:C34070 NIF_Subcellular:sao-1337158144 OpenCyc:Mx4rwQwkcZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TGMA:0001834 UMLS:C1178969 uberon cell component UBERON:0000470 obsolete cell part true Multi-tissue structure that is part of a compound organ. this class was introduced for consistency with CARO, however, it has yet to be used in this or other ontologies. It may be retired in the future AAO:0010017 AEO:0000019 BILA:0000019 CARO:0000019 EHDAA2:0003019 HAO:0000019 TAO:0001489 TGMA:0001835 XAO:0003039 ZFA:0001489 uberon compound organ components UBERON:0000471 compound organ component A gonad of a male animal. A gonad produces and releases sperm. Male reproductive organ.[TAO] (...) while it is likely that Urbilateria lacked a complex somatic reproductive system, it is at present impossible to speculate on whether or not it possessed a true gonad, let alone any other somatic adaptations for reproduction (reference 1); Examination of different vertebrate species shows that the adult gonad is remarkably similar in its morphology across different phylogenetic classes. Surprisingly, however, the cellular and molecular programs employed to create similar organs are not evolutionarily conserved (reference 2).[uncertain][VHOG] testicular The testes are descended in metatherian and eutherian mammals, first transabdominally, then inguinoscrotally UBERON:0002117 AAO:0000606 BILA:0000124 BSA:0000085 BTO:0001363 CALOHA:TS-1030 EFO:0000984 EHDAA2:0002007 EHDAA:8146 EMAPA:17972 EV:0100102 FBbt:00004928 FMA:7210 GAID:396 HAO:0001007 MA:0000411 MAT:0000132 MESH:D013737 MIAA:0000132 NCIT:C12412 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjM25wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181431007 TAO:0000598 UMLS:C0039597 VHOG:0000252 WBbt:0006794 Wikipedia:Testis XAO:0000157 ZFA:0000598 galen:Testis gonad of male genitalia gonad of male reproductive system male gonad testicle uberon orchis testes testiculus UBERON:0000473 testis The organs and associated structures associated with bearing offspring in a female animal. By far, sexual reproduction is the more common pattern among living vertebrate forms and its widespread occurrence suggests that it is the plesiomorphic, or primitive, reproductive mode among the vertebrates.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0000083 CALOHA:TS-1303 EFO:0000969 EHDAA2:0000506 EHDAA:8116 EMAPA:17959 EV:0100110 FBbt:00004864 FMA:45663 GAID:364 HAO:0000324 MA:0000381 MESH:D005836 MIAA:0000028 NCIT:C12402 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVipTZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:361386004 TGMA:0000635 UMLS:C0700038 VHOG:0000726 Wikipedia:Female_genitalia WikipediaCategory:Female_reproductive_system XAO:0000156 female organism genitalia female organism reproductive system genitalia of female organism reproductive system of female organism uberon female genital system female genital tract female genitalia female genitals female reproductive tract gynaecological tissue systema genitale femininum UBERON:0000474 female reproductive system Anatomical structure which is a subdivision of a whole organism, consisting of components of multiple anatomical systems, largely surrounded by a contiguous region of integument. Reflects CARO2. todo - check the inclusion of FMA 'cardinal body part here', and check child terms for consistency AAO:0010053 AEO:0000032 BILA:0000032 BIRNLEX:7 CALOHA:TS-2084 CARO:0000032 EFO:0000808 EHDAA2:0003032 EMAPA:36031 FBbt:00007009 FMA:7153 HAO:0000032 MA:0002433 MAT:0000293 MESH:D001829 MIAA:0000293 NCIT:C32221 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViAHJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0001308 TGMA:0001840 UMLS:C0229962 VHOG:0001758 Wikipedia:Body_part XAO:0003013 ZFA:0001308 galen:BodyPart anatomic region uberon body part body region cardinal body part UBERON:0000475 organism subdivision Anatomical structure that consists of cell parts and cell substances and together does not constitute a cell or a tissue. AAO:0010268 AEO:0000040 BILA:0000040 CARO:0000040 EHDAA2:0003040 FBbt:00007013 FMA:63863 HAO:0000040 TAO:0000382 TGMA:0001841 XAO:0003162 ZFA:0000382 uberon acellular anatomical structures UBERON:0000476 acellular anatomical structure Anatomical group that has its parts adjacent to one another. Will be obsoleted in CARO v2 [] AAO:0010009 AEO:0000041 BILA:0000041 CARO:0000041 EHDAA2:0003041 FBbt:00007277 FMA:49443 HAO:0000041 TADS:0000605 TAO:0001478 TGMA:0001842 VHOG:0001737 XAO:0003160 ZFA:0001478 uberon UBERON:0000477 anatomical cluster A multicellular anatomical structure that is associated with an embryo and derived from the zygote from which it develops, but which does not contribute to the embryo proper or to structures that are part of the same organism after embryogenesis. AAO:0010020 AEO:0000042 BILA:0000042 CALOHA:TS-2119 CARO:0000042 EHDAA2:0003042 EHDAA:46 FBbt:00005835 FMA:85537 HAO:0000042 NCIT:C34055 SCTID:314908006 TAO:0000020 TGMA:0001843 UMLS:C1282438 VHOG:0000292 XAO:0004005 ZFA:0000020 extra-embryonic structure uberon extraembryonic structures extraembryonic tissue UBERON:0000478 see also conceptus extraembryonic component in EHDAA2. extraembryonic structure Multicellular anatomical structure that consists of many cells of one or a few types, arranged in an extracellular matrix such that their long-range organisation is at least partly a repetition of their short-range organisation. changed label and definition to reflect CARO2 AAO:0000607 AAO:0010054 AEO:0000043 BILA:0000043 BIRNLEX:19 CALOHA:TS-2090 CARO:0000043 EHDAA2:0003043 EMAPA:35868 FBbt:00007003 FMA:9637 HAO:0000043 MA:0003002 MESH:D014024 NCIT:C12801 TAO:0001477 TGMA:0001844 UMLS:C0040300 VHOG:0001757 WBbt:0005729 XAO:0003040 ZFA:0001477 galen:Tissue portion of tissue tissue portion simple tissue uberon UBERON:0000479 tissue Anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more portions of tissue of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona-fide boundaries from other distinct structural units of different types. AAO:0010048 AEO:0000055 BILA:0000055 CARO:0000055 EHDAA2:0003055 FBbt:00007010 HAO:0000055 TAO:0001488 TGMA:0001847 VHOG:0001762 XAO:0003037 ZFA:0001488 uberon multi-tissue structures UBERON:0000481 multi-tissue structure Portion of tissue, that consists of one or more layers of epithelial cells connected to each other by cell junctions and which is underlain by a basal lamina. Examples: simple squamous epithelium, glandular cuboidal epithelium, transitional epithelium, myoepithelium[CARO]. The two basic types of metazoan tissue are epithelial and connective. The simplest metazoans, and developmental stages of many primitive invertebrates, consist solely of these two layers. Thus, epithelial and connective tissues may be the primary (original) tissues of metazoans, and both are important in the functional organization of animals.[well established][VHOG] epithelial AAO:0000144 AAO:0010055 AEO:0000066 BILA:0000066 BTO:0000416 CALOHA:TS-0288 CARO:0000066 EHDAA2:0003066 EMAPA:32738 FBbt:00007005 FMA:9639 GAID:402 HAO:0000066 MA:0003060 MESH:D004848 NCIT:C12710 SCTID:31610004 TAO:0001486 UMLS:C0014609 VHOG:0000387 Wikipedia:Epithelium XAO:0003045 ZFA:0001486 epithelial tissue portion of epithelium uberon UBERON:0000483 Editor note: surface epithelium may contain non-epithelial cells, such as melanocytes, lymphocytes and dendritic cells, within the sheet of epithelial cells. Do we consider these part of the epithelium, or located-in it? epithelium Tkanka:nablonkowa.png Unilaminar epithelium, which consists of a single layer of columnar cells. Examples: ciliated columnar epithelium, gastric epithelium, microvillus columnar epithelium.[FMA]. columnar epithelium columnar epithlium AAO:0010063 AEO:0000068 BILA:0000068 CARO:0000068 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003068 FBbt:00007027 FMA:45567 HAO:0000068 NCIT:C33552 SCTID:32210007 TAO:0001496 UMLS:C0836135 Wikipedia:Simple_columnar_epithelium XAO:0004008 ZFA:0001496 epithelium simplex columnare simple columnar epithelium uberon simple columnar epithelia UBERON:0000485 simple columnar epithelium Epithelium which consists of more than one layer of epithelial cells that may or may not be in contact with a basement membrane. Examples: keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, ciliated stratified columnar epithelium.[FMA]. Epithelium that consists of more than one layer of epithelial cells.[CARO] AAO:0010059 AEO:0000069 BILA:0000069 BTO:0002074 CARO:0000069 EHDAA2:0003069 FMA:45562 HAO:0000069 NCIT:C33622 SCTID:309044005 TAO:0001494 UMLS:C0682575 Wikipedia:Stratified_epithelium XAO:0004006 ZFA:0001494 stratified epithelium uberon laminated epithelium UBERON:0000486 multilaminar epithelium Unilaminar epithelium which consists of a single layer of squamous cells. Examples: pulmonary alveolar epithelium, endothelium.[FMA]. Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of squamous cells.[CARO] AAO:0010066 AEO:0000070 BILA:0000070 BTO:0002073 CARO:0000070 EHDAA2:0003070 FMA:45565 HAO:0000070 NCIT:C13178 TAO:0001498 UMLS:C0836133 Wikipedia:Simple_squamous_epithelium XAO:0004010 ZFA:0001498 epithelium simplex squamosum uberon simple squamous epithelia UBERON:0000487 simple squamous epithelium Illu:epithelium.jpg Compound organ that contains one or more macroscopic anatomical spaces. this class was introduced for consistency with CARO, however, it has yet to be used in this or other ontologies. It may be retired in the future AAO:0010016 AEO:0000072 BILA:0000072 CARO:0000072 EHDAA2:0003072 FMA:55671 HAO:0000072 TAO:0001490 TGMA:0001857 VHOG:0001730 XAO:0003165 ZFA:0001490 cavitated organ uberon cavitated compound organs UBERON:0000489 cavitated compound organ Epithelium which consists of a single layer of epithelial cells. Examples: endothelium, mesothelium, glandular squamous epithelium.[FMA]. consider adding disjointness axiom between unilaminar and multilaminar - but note that this will render EHDAA2:0003244 (chorionic trophoblast) unsatisfiable Epithelium that consists of a single layer of epithelial cells.[CARO] AAO:0010062 AEO:0000073 BILA:0000073 BTO:0002073 CARO:0000073 EHDAA2:0003073 FMA:45561 HAO:0000073 NCIT:C33554 SCTID:309043004 TAO:0001495 UMLS:C0682574 XAO:0004007 ZFA:0001495 simple epithelium uberon unilaminar epithelia UBERON:0000490 unilaminar epithelium Mucus is a bodily fluid consisting of a slippery secretion of the lining of the mucous membranes in the body. It is a viscous colloid containing antiseptic enzymes (such as lysozyme) and immunoglobulins. Mucus is produced by goblet cells in the mucous membranes that cover the surfaces of the membranes. It is made up of mucins and inorganic salts suspended in water. mucoid mucous CALOHA:TS-2144 ENVO:02000040 FMA:66938 GAID:1164 MESH:D009093 NCIT:C13259 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjHq5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0026727 Wikipedia:Mucus galen:Mucus uberon UBERON:0000912 mucus Subdivision of trunk that lies between the head and the abdomen. note that we use the slightly verbose term 'thoracic segment of trunk' to avoid confusuon with insect thorax. todo - taxonomic constraints. Also, in FMA 'thorax' is a synonym for chest EMAPA:35862 FMA:259209 MA:0000022 SCTID:302551006 Wikipedia:Thorax thorax uberon anterior subdivision of trunk upper body upper trunk UBERON:0000915 thoracic segment of trunk The subdivision of the vertebrate body between the thorax and pelvis. The ventral part of the abdomen contains the abdominal cavity and visceral organs. The dorsal part includes the abdominal section of the vertebral column. Vertebrate specific. In arthropods 'abdomen' is the most distal section of the body which lies behind the thorax or cephalothorax. If need be we can introduce some grouping class abdominal celiac BTO:0000020 CALOHA:TS-0001 EFO:0000968 EMAPA:35102 EV:0100011 FMA:9577 GAID:16 MA:0000029 MAT:0000298 MESH:A01.047 MIAA:0000298 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjgyZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:302553009 Wikipedia:Abdomen galen:Abdomen abdominopelvic region abdominopelvis uberon adult abdomen belly celiac region UBERON:0000916 abdomen Anatomical entity that comprises the organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation that are characterized by cleavage, the laying down of fundamental tissues, and the formation of primitive organs and organ systems. For example, for mammals, the process would begin with zygote formation and end with birth. For insects, the process would begin at zygote formation and end with larval hatching. For plant zygotic embryos, this would be from zygote formation to the end of seed dormancy. For plant vegetative embryos, this would be from the initial determination of the cell or group of cells to form an embryo until the point when the embryo becomes independent of the parent plant. embryonic Obsoleted in ZFA. Note that embryo is not classified as an embryonic structure - an embryonic structure is only the parts of an embryo AAO:0011035 AEO:0000169 BILA:0000056 BSA:0000039 BTO:0000379 CALOHA:TS-0229 EFO:0001367 EHDAA2:0000002 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003236 EHDAA:38 EMAPA:16039 FBbt:00000052 FMA:69068 GAID:963 MAT:0000226 MESH:D004622 MIAA:0000019 NCIT:C28147 OGEM:000001 OpenCyc:Mx4rwP1ceZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:57991002 UMLS:C0013935 VHOG:0001766 Wikipedia:Embryo XAO:0000113 ZFA:0000103 embryonic organism uberon developing organism developmental tissue UBERON:0000922 embryo Wrinkledfrog:embryos.jpg A layer of cells produced during the process of gastrulation during the early development of the animal embryo, which is distinct from other such layers of cells, as an early step of cell differentiation. The three types of germ layers are the endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm. The Bilateria are triploblastic (with true endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) (...).[well established][VHOG] embryonic tissue AAO:0000480 BILA:0000035 BTO:0000556 EMAPA:36033 FBbt:00000110 FMA:69069 GAID:1303 MESH:A16.254.425 NCIT:C12950 NCIT:C54105 TAO:0001122 UMLS:C0920502 UMLS:C1708239 VHOG:0001223 Wikipedia:Germ_layer XAO:0003011 ZFA:0001122 germinal layer primary germ layer uberon embryonic germ layer embryonic germ layers UBERON:0000923 Classically the germ layers are ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Alternatively: primary = ectoderm, endoderm; secondary=mesoderm; tertiary=dorsal mesoderm, NC[] germ layer Primary germ layer that is the outer of the embryo's three germ layers and gives rise to epidermis and neural tissue. Primary germ layer that is the outer of the embryonic germ layers and gives rise to epidermis and neural tissue.[AAO] The Bilateria are triploblastic (with true endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) (...).[well established][VHOG] ectodermal AAO:0000137 BILA:0000036 BTO:0000315 CALOHA:TS-0216 EFO:0000414 EHDAA2:0000428 EMAPA:16069 EV:0100003 FBbt:00000111 FMA:69070 GAID:1304 MAT:0000155 MAT:0000173 MESH:A16.254.425.273 MIAA:0000173 NCIT:C12703 SCTID:362851007 TAO:0000016 UMLS:C0013574 VHOG:0000153 Wikipedia:Ectoderm XAO:0000001 ZFA:0000016 embryonic ectoderm uberon UBERON:0000924 ectoderm Primary germ layer that lies remote from the surface of the embryo and gives rise to internal tissues such as gut. The Bilateria are triploblastic (with true endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) (...).[well established][VHOG] endodermal AAO:0000139 BILA:0000038 BTO:0000800 CALOHA:TS-0273 EFO:0002545 EHDAA2:0000436 EMAPA:16062 EV:0100005 FBbt:00000125 FMA:69071 GAID:1305 MAT:0000175 MESH:A16.254.425.407 MIAA:0000175 NCIT:C12706 SCTID:362855003 TAO:0000017 UMLS:C0014144 VHOG:0000154 Wikipedia:Endoderm XAO:0000090 ZFA:0000017 uberon entoderm UBERON:0000925 endoderm The middle germ layer of the embryo, between the endoderm and ectoderm. Primary germ layer that is the middle of the embryonic germ layers.[AAO] The Bilateria are triploblastic (with true endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm) (...).[well established][VHOG] mesodermal sponges do not seem to have a mesoderm and accordingly Amphimedon lacks transcription factors involved in mesoderm development (Fkh, Gsc, Twist, Snail)[]. Mesoderm may not be homologous across verteberates UBERON:0003263 AAO:0000304 BILA:0000037 BTO:0000839 CALOHA:TS-0623 EFO:0001981 EHDAA2:0001128 EHDAA:124 EHDAA:160 EHDAA:183 EMAPA:16083 EV:0100006 FBbt:00000126 FMA:69072 GAID:522 MAT:0000174 MESH:A16.254.425.660 MIAA:0000174 NCIT:C12750 SCTID:362854004 TAO:0000041 UMLS:C0025485 VHOG:0000152 Wikipedia:Mesoderm XAO:0000050 ZFA:0000041 uberon embryonic mesoderm entire mesoderm mesodermal mantle UBERON:0000926 mesoderm Anterior part of the embryonic digestive tract that develops into a mouth. The stomodeum includes as parts an invagination of the ectoderm and the stomodeal cavity. consider indicating location. e.g. anterior. Note some AOs place this as part of oral opening, but it's not clear when this structure comes into existence Anterior part of the embryonic alimentary canal formed as an invagination of the ectoderm; the future mouth.[TAO] the primordial mouth region of the developing head, initially a midline ectodermal depression between the forebrain bulge (cranially) and the heart bulge (caudally) and between the maxillary and mandibular components of the first pharyngeal arch; the stomodeum is separated from the anterior end of the foregut by the buccopharyngeal membrane; the mouth is developed partly from the stomodeum, and partly from the floor of the anterior portion of the foregut; the lips, teeth, and gums are formed from the walls of the stomodeum, but the tongue is developed in the floor of the pharynx stomodeal This class groups together disparate structures as all being the anterior part of the early metazoan digestive tract and precursor of the mouth. However, the developmental processes vary, so this class may be split in future. E.g. in mammals it is a rostral depression surrounded by prominences. Outgrowth of the prominences produces a stomodeal cavity. stomodeal-hypophyseal primordium BTO:0004224 EHDAA2:0001929 EMAPA:16263 FBbt:00000439 FMA:295846 NCIT:C34306 TAO:0001290 TGMA:0000135 UMLS:C1514977 Wikipedia:Stomodeum XAO:0000269 ZFA:0001290 mouth primordium primitive oral cavity stomatodeum stomodaeum uberon mouth pit oral ectoderm oral pit UBERON:0000930 stomodeum Inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into an ectodermal terminal part of the digestive tract. removed WBbt:0006795 'proctodeum' - junction between the alimentary and genital tracts in the male. An inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage.[TAO] Inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage.[AAO] proctodeal AAO:0011087 EHDAA2:0000121 EMAPA:25038 FBbt:00000123 NCIT:C34278 TAO:0000066 UMLS:C0231054 VHOG:0000139 Wikipedia:Proctodeum XAO:0001019 ZFA:0000066 embryonic proctodaeum proctodaeum amnioproctodeal invagination uberon anal pit anus porus UBERON:0000931 proctodeum The pair of closely united ventral longitudinal nerves with their segmental ganglia that is characteristic of many elongate invertebrates (as earthworms)[BTO]. A large process bundle that runs along the vental mid-line extending from the ventral region of the nerve ring[WB]. The ventral cord is one of the distinguishing traits of the central nervous system of all arthropods (such as insects, crustaceans and arachnids) as well as many other invertebrates, such as the annelid worms[GO]. A cluster of neurons that extends posteriorly from the embryonic and larval brain and is surrounded by a connective tissue sheath. The ventral nerve cords make up the nervous system of some phyla of the invertebrates, particularly within the nematodes, annelids and the arthropods. It usually consists of cerebral ganglia anteriorly with the nerve cords running down the ventral ('belly', as opposed to back) plane of the organism. This characteristic is important in qualifying the difference compared to the chordates, which have a dorsal nerve cord. Ventral nerve cords from anterior to posterior (the thoracic and abdominal tagma in the arthropods) are made up of segmented ganglia that are connected by a tract of nerve fibers passing from one side to the other of the nerve cord called commissures. The complete system bears some likeness to a rope ladder. In some animals the bilateral ganglia are fused into a single large ganglion per segment. This characteristic is found mostly in the insects. BTO:0002328 EFO:0000896 FBbt:00001102 MAT:0000339 MIAA:0000339 NLX:146329 WBbt:0005829 ventral cord uberon UBERON:0000934 ventral nerve cord Rounded band of white fibers crossing the middle line on the dorsal aspect of the upper end of the cerebral aqueduct. It is important in the bilateral pupillary light reflex. Its fibers acquire their medullary sheaths early, but their connections have not been definitely determined. Most of them have their origin in a nucleus, the nucleus of the posterior commissure (nucleus of Darkschewitsch), which lies in the central gray substance of the upper end of the cerebral aqueduct, in front of the nucleus of the oculomotor nerve. Some are probably derived from the posterior part of the thalamus and from the superior colliculus, whereas others are believed to be continued downward into the medial longitudinal fasciculus. The posterior commissure interconnects the pretectal nuclei, mediating the consensual pupillary light reflex[WP]. Diencephalic tract which is located in the vicinity of the dorsal diencephalon and mesencephalon and connects the pretectal nuclei. From Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain[ZFA]. add connects relationships and check these outside mammalia part_of brainstem in MA; midbrain tectum in NIF BAMS:PC BAMS:pc BIRNLEX:1026 BM:MB-Tec-PC DHBA:10567 DMBA:17787 EMAPA:35695 FMA:62072 HBA:9229 MA:0002743 MBA:158 NCIT:C33356 TAO:0000320 UMLS:C0152327 ZFA:0000320 caudal commissure epithalamic commissure uberon commissura epithalami commissura epithalamica commissura posterior posterior commissure (Lieutaud) UBERON:0000936 posterior commissure An expanded region of the vertebrate alimentary tract that serves as a food storage compartment and digestive organ. A stomach is lined, in whole or in part by a glandular epithelium. Portion of alimentary canal with increased circular and longitudinal smooth muscle. Bounded posteriorly by the pyloric sphincter. Mucosal lining has increased folding.[AAO] It appears that the stomach has an ancient origin. The stomach first appears in the fish lineage. The prevertebrate chordates do not have a true stomach, whereas the cartilaginous and bony fish do. Although most fish do have a true stomach, some fish species appear to have lost the stomach secondarily. The remaining vertebrate lineages do have a true stomach (at least in the adult animal), although there is great variation in the size and shape of the stomach.[well established][VHOG] We restrict this to the vertebrate specific structure - see the grouping class 'food storage organ' for analogous structures in other species. Teleosts: Zebrafish is functionally stomach-less, but may retain ontogenic footprint. Although the precise shape and size of the stomach varies widely among different vertebrates, the relative positions of the oesophageal and duodenal openings remain relatively constant. As a result, the organ always curves somewhat to the left before curving back to meet the pyloric sphincter. However, lampreys, hagfishes, chimaeras, lungfishes, and some teleost fish have no stomach at all, with the oesophagus opening directly into the intestine. The gastric lining is usually divided into two regions, an anterior portion lined by fundic glands, and a posterior with pyloric glands. Cardiac glands are unique to mammals, and even then are absent in a number of species. The distributions of these glands vary between species, and do not always correspond with the same regions as in man. Furthermore, in many non-human mammals, a portion of the stomach anterior to the cardiac glands is lined with epithelium essentially identical to that of the oesophagus. Ruminants, in particular, have a complex stomach, the first three chambers of which are all lined with oesophageal mucosa AAO:0000579 ANISEED:1235297 BTO:0001307 CALOHA:TS-0980 EFO:0000837 EHDAA2:0001915 EHDAA:2993 EMAPA:17021 EV:0100070 FMA:7148 GAID:293 MA:0000353 MAT:0000051 MESH:A03.492.766 MIAA:0000051 NCIT:C12391 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjlqpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181246003 TAO:0002121 UMLS:C0038351 VHOG:0000408 Wikipedia:Stomach XAO:0000128 galen:Stomach stomach chamber uberon anterior intestine gaster mesenteron ventriculus UBERON:0000945 stomach Stomach:diagram.svg The main trunk of the systemic arterial system that carries blood from the heart to all the organs and other structures of the body, bringing oxygenated blood to all parts of the body in the systemic circulation. This class is currently a mixed bag, encompassing (1) the entirety of the mammalian aorta together with (2) the developmental and phylogenetic homologs of its segments: the ventral aorta and dorsal aortae. The main artery of the circulatory system which carries oxygenated blood from the heart to all the arteries of the body except those of the lungs.[AAO] When vertebrates first appeared, they must have possessed a ventral and dorsal aorta with aortic arches between them.[well established][VHOG] aortic All amniotes have a broadly similar arrangement to that of humans, albeit with a number of individual variations. In fish, however, there are two separate vessels referred to as aortas. The ventral aorta carries de-oxygenated blood from the heart to the gills; part of this vessel forms the ascending aorta in tetrapods (the remainder forms the pulmonary artery). A second, dorsal aorta carries oxygenated blood from the gills to the rest of the body, and is homologous with the descending aorta of tetrapods. The two aortas are connected by a number of vessels, one passing through each of the gills. Amphibians also retain the fifth connecting vessel, so that the aorta has two parallel arches AAO:0010213 BTO:0000135 CALOHA:TS-0046 EFO:0000265 EMAPA:18601 EV:0100027 FMA:3734 GAID:469 MA:0000062 MAT:0000035 MESH:D001011 MIAA:0000035 NCIT:C12669 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjvTpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0003483 VHOG:0001523 XAO:0003010 galen:Aorta trunk of aortic tree trunk of systemic arterial tree dorsal aorta uberon arteria maxima UBERON:0000947 aorta A myogenic muscular circulatory organ found in the vertebrate cardiovascular system composed of chambers of cardiac muscle. It is the primary circulatory organ. Blood pumping organ composed of four chambers: sinus venosus, atrium, cardiac ventricle and bulbus arteriosus.[TAO] Part of the circulatory system responsible for pumping blood; composed of three chambers--two atria and one ventricle.[AAO] relationship type change: differentiates_from lateral plate mesoderm (AAO:0010574) CHANGED TO: develops_from lateral plate mesoderm (UBERON:0003081)[AAO] As noted, the hearts of birds and mammals have four chambers that arises from the two chambers (atrium and ventricle) of the fish heart.[well established][VHOG] cardiac AAO:0010210 BILA:0000020 BTO:0000562 CALOHA:TS-0445 EFO:0000815 EHDAA2:0000738 EHDAA:420 EMAPA:16105 EV:0100018 FMA:7088 GAID:174 MA:0000072 MAT:0000036 MESH:D006321 MIAA:0000036 NCIT:C12727 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjvDpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:302509004 TAO:0000114 UMLS:C0018787 VHOG:0000276 Wikipedia:Heart XAO:0000064 ZFA:0000114 galen:Heart chambered heart vertebrate heart branchial heart uberon cardium UBERON:0000948 Taxon notes:" the ascidian tube-like heart lacks chambers....The ascidian heart is formed after metamorphosis as a simple tube-like structure with a single-layered myoepithelium that is continuous with a single-layered pericar- dial wall. It lacks chambers and endocardium.... The innovation of the chambered heart was a key event in vertebrate evolution, because the chambered heart generates one-way blood flow with high pressure, a critical requirement for the efficient blood supply of large-body vertebrates... all extant vertebrates have hearts with two or more chambers (Moorman and Christoffels 2003)" DOI:10.1101/gad.1485706 heart Anatomical system that consists of the glands and parts of glands that produce endocrine secretions and help to integrate and control bodily metabolic activity. Anatomical system containing glands which regulates bodily functions though the secretion of hormones.[AAO] Multicellular organisms have complex endocrine systems, allowing responses to environmental stimuli, regulation of development, reproduction, and homeostasis. Nuclear receptors (NRs), a metazoan-specific family of ligand-activated transcription factors, play central roles in endocrine responses, as intermediates between signaling molecules and target genes. The NR family includes ligand-bound and orphan receptors, that is, receptors with no known ligand or for which there is no ligand Pocket. Understanding NR evolution has been further improved by comparison of several completed genomes, particularly those of deuterostomes and ecdysozoans. In contrast, evolution of NR ligands is still much debated. One hypothesis proposes that several independent gains and losses of ligand-binding ability in NRs occurred in protostomes and deuterostomes. A second hypothesis, pertaining to the NR3 subfamily (vertebrate steroid hormone receptors and estrogen related receptor), proposes that before the divergence of protostomes and deuterostomes, there was an ancestral steroid receptor (AncSR) that was ligand-activated and that orphan receptors secondarily lost the ability to bind a ligand. (...) Our analysis reveals that steroidogenesis has been independently elaborated in the 3 main bilaterian lineages (...).[well established][VHOG] endocrine AAO:0010279 CALOHA:TS-1301 EFO:0002969 EHDAA2:0002224 EMAPA:35306 EV:0100128 FBbt:00005068 FMA:9668 GAID:439 MA:0000012 MESH:D004703 NCIT:C12705 SCTID:278876000 TAO:0001158 UMLS:C0014136 VHOG:0000098 Wikipedia:Endocrine_system XAO:0000158 ZFA:0001158 endocrine glandular system endocrine system systema endocrinum uberon UBERON:0000949 endocrine system The brain is the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate, and most invertebrate, animals. Some primitive animals such as jellyfish and starfish have a decentralized nervous system without a brain, while sponges lack any nervous system at all. In vertebrates, the brain is located in the head, protected by the skull and close to the primary sensory apparatus of vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell[WP]. requires review for applicability to invertebrate structures, e.g. synganglion Cavitated compound organ which is comprised of gray and white matter and surrounds the cerebral ventricular system.[TAO] Part of the central nervous system situated within the cranium and composed of both nerve cell bodies and nerve fibers.[AAO] The part of the central nervous system contained within the cranium, comprising the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, and metencephalon. It is derived from the anterior part of the embryonic neural tube (or the encephalon). Does not include retina. (CUMBO) (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...) (reference 1); The neural tube is destined to differentiate into the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system) (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010478 ABA:Brain BAMS:Br BAMS:Brain BILA:0000135 BIRNLEX:796 BTO:0000142 CALOHA:TS-0095 DHBA:10155 EFO:0000302 EHDAA2:0000183 EHDAA:2641 EHDAA:6485 EMAPA:16894 EV:0100164 FBbt:00005095 FMA:50801 GAID:571 HBA:4005 MA:0000168 MAT:0000098 MBA:8 MBA:997 MESH:D001921 MIAA:0000098 NCIT:C12439 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjT65wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA PBA:3999 SCTID:258335003 TAO:0000008 UMLS:C0006104 UMLS:C1269537 VHOG:0000157 Wikipedia:Brain XAO:0000010 ZFA:0000008 galen:Brain uberon encephalon suprasegmental levels of nervous system suprasegmental structures synganglion the brain UBERON:0000955 brain The thin layer of gray matter on the surface of the cerebral hemisphere that develops from the telencephalon. It consists of the neocortex (6 layered cortex or isocortex), the hippocampal formation and the olfactory cortex. We follow NIFSTD in defining cerebral cortex and including both neocortex and hippocampal formation (DG+hippocampus). The cerebral cortex is a structure within the brain that plays a key role in memory, attention, perceptual awareness, thought, language, and consciousness. It constitutes the outermost layer of the cerebrum. In preserved brains, it has a grey color, hence the name 'grey matter'. Grey matter is formed by neurons and their unmyelinated fibers, whereas the white matter below the grey matter of the cortex is formed predominantly by myelinated axons interconnecting different regions of the central nervous system. The human cerebral cortex is 2-4 mm (0.08-0.16 inches) thick. The surface of the cerebral cortex is folded in large mammals, such that more than two-thirds of the cortical surface is buried in the grooves, called 'sulci. ' The phylogenetically most recent part of the cerebral cortex, the neocortex, also called isocortex, is differentiated into six horizontal layers; the more ancient part of the cerebral cortex, the hippocampus (also called archicortex), has at most three cellular layers, and is divided into subfields. Relative variations in thickness or cell type (among other parameters) allow us to distinguish between different neocortical architectonic fields. The geometry of at least some of these fields seems to be related to the anatomy of the cortical folds, and, for example, layers in the upper part of the cortical ridges seem to be more clearly differentiated than in its deeper parts. [WP,unvetted][Wikipedia:Cerebral_cortex]. Migration of neurons from the basal or striatal portions of the anterior part of the neural tube occurs to varying degrees in different vertebrate classes, but a true cerebral cortex is generally acknowledged to have made its first appearance in reptiles. The definition can be unambiguous, since 'cortex' simply implies the existence of a surface neuronal layer with an overlying 'zonal lamina' or 'molecular' layer containing dendrites and axons, which is separated from the underlying basal 'matrix' by white matter. Although reptilian cerebral cortex does indeed fulfill these conditions in certain locations, the separation from striatal structures is often indistinct, so that it may even be argued that some primitive dipnoans possess a pallium or cortex. Nevertheless, an extensive laminated layer separated by underlying white matter is well represented only in reptiles and mammals.[well established][VHOG] hagfishes have independently evolved a highly laminated cerebral cortex, comparable in many ways to the cerebral cortex of mammals [] BAMS:C BAMS:CTX BAMS:Cerebral_cortex BAMS:Cx BIRNLEX:1494 BM:Tel-Cx BTO:0000233 CALOHA:TS-0091 DHBA:10159 EFO:0000328 EHDAA2:0000234 EHDAA:5464 EMAPA:17544 EV:0100166 FMA:61830 GAID:629 HBA:4008 MA:0000185 MAT:0000108 MBA:688 MESH:A08.186.211.730.885.213 MIAA:0000108 NCIT:C12443 PBA:128011354 UMLS:C0007776 VHOG:0000722 cortex of cerebral hemisphere uberon brain cortex cortex cerebralis cortex cerebri cortical plate (CTXpl) cortical plate (areas) pallium of the brain UBERON:0000956 cerebral cortex The transparent anterior portion of the fibrous coat of the eye that serves as the chief refractory structure. corneal Compared to terrestial animals, the cornea of zebrafish is relatively flat. It consists of nonpigmented, stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelial cells, attached to a thick basement membrane that is considered to be analogous to the Bowman's membrane in mammals. In fish, and aquatic vertebrates in general, the cornea plays no role in focusing light, since it has virtually the same refractive index as water AAO:0010344 BTO:0000286 CALOHA:TS-0171 EFO:0000377 EHDAA2:0000316 EHDAA:10199 EMAPA:17161 EV:0100341 FMA:58238 GAID:892 MA:0000266 MESH:D003315 NCIT:C12342 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViBa5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181162001 TAO:0000640 UMLS:C0010031 VHOG:0000164 Wikipedia:Cornea XAO:0000180 ZFA:0000640 cornea of camera-type eye uberon corneas tunica cornea UBERON:0000964 cornea Transparent part of camera-type eye that helps to refract light to be focused on the retina. The eye of the adult lamprey is remarkably similar to our own, and it possesses numerous features (including the expression of opsin genes) that are very similar to those of the eyes of jawed vertebrates. The lamprey's camera-like eye has a lens, an iris and extra-ocular muscles (five of them, unlike the eyes of jawed vertebrates, which have six), although it lacks intra-ocular muscles. Its retina also has a structure very similar to that of the retinas of other vertebrates, with three nuclear layers comprised of the cell bodies of photoreceptors and bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells. The southern hemisphere lamprey, Geotria australis, possesses five morphological classes of retinal photoreceptor and five classes of opsin, each of which is closely related to the opsins of jawed vertebrates. Given these similarities, we reach the inescapable conclusion that the last common ancestor of jawless and jawed vertebrates already possessed an eye that was comparable to that of extant lampreys and gnathostomes. Accordingly, a vertebrate camera-like eye must have been present by the time that lampreys and gnathostomes diverged, around 500 Mya.[well established][VHOG] This class excludes compound eye corneal lenses. AAO:0010348 BTO:0000723 CALOHA:TS-0545 EHDAA:9057 EMAPA:17838 EV:0100343 FMA:58241 MA:0000275 MAT:0000141 MESH:A09.371.509 MIAA:0000141 NCIT:C12743 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVj0fZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA RETIRED_EHDAA2:0000975 SCTID:181169005 TAO:0000035 UMLS:C0023317 VHOG:0000169 Wikipedia:Lens_(anatomy) XAO:0000008 ZFA:0000035 camera-type eye lens eye lens lens lens crystallina uberon crystalline lens lenses ocular lens UBERON:0000965 The lens is avascular and nourished by diffusion from the aqueous and vitreous lens of camera-type eye The retina is the innermost layer or coating at the back of the eyeball, which is sensitive to light and in which the optic nerve terminates. The portion of the eye developing from the optic primordium and including the neural retina and the retinal pigment layer. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] The eye of the adult lamprey is remarkably similar to our own, and it possesses numerous features (including the expression of opsin genes) that are very similar to those of the eyes of jawed vertebrates. The lamprey's camera-like eye has a lens, an iris and extra-ocular muscles (five of them, unlike the eyes of jawed vertebrates, which have six), although it lacks intra-ocular muscles. Its retina also has a structure very similar to that of the retinas of other vertebrates, with three nuclear layers comprised of the cell bodies of photoreceptors and bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells. The southern hemisphere lamprey, Geotria australis, possesses five morphological classes of retinal photoreceptor and five classes of opsin, each of which is closely related to the opsins of jawed vertebrates. Given these similarities, we reach the inescapable conclusion that the last common ancestor of jawless and jawed vertebrates already possessed an eye that was comparable to that of extant lampreys and gnathostomes. Accordingly, a vertebrate camera-like eye must have been present by the time that lampreys and gnathostomes diverged, around 500 Mya.[well established][VHOG] retinal AAO:0010352 BAMS:R BIRNLEX:1153 BTO:0001175 CALOHA:TS-0865 EFO:0000832 EHDAA2:0001627 EHDAA:4757 EMAPA:17168 EV:0100348 FMA:58301 GAID:755 MA:0000276 MAT:0000142 MBA:304325711 MESH:D012160 MIAA:0000142 NCIT:C12343 NIFSTD_RETIRED:birnlex_1156 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViTfpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181171005 TAO:0000152 UMLS:C0035298 UMLS:C1278894 VHOG:0000229 Wikipedia:Retina XAO:0000009 ZFA:0000152 inner layer of eyeball retina of camera-type eye tunica interna of eyeball uberon Netzhaut retinas UBERON:0000966 Currently this class encompasses only verteberate AOs but could in theory also include cephalopod - we may want to make a more specific class for vertebrate retina. note that this class excludes ommatidial retinas, as the retina must be part of an eyeball. Use the parent class photoreceptor array / light-sensitive tissue for arthropods retina An organ that detects light. This class encompasses a variety of light-detecting structures from different phyla with no implication of homology, from the compound insect eye to the vertebrate camera-type eye (distinct classes are provided for each) ocular optic Note that whilst this is classified as an organ, it is in fact more of a unit composed of different structures: in Drosophila, it includes the interommatidial bristle as a part; we consider here the vertebrate eye to include the eyeball/eye proper as a part, with the eye having as parts (when present): eyelids, conjuctiva, BILA:0000017 BTO:0000439 CALOHA:TS-0309 EFO:0000827 EV:0100336 FBbt:00005162 GAID:69 MAT:0000140 MESH:D005123 MIAA:0000140 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViTvpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA Wikipedia:Eye uberon light-detecting organ visual apparatus UBERON:0000970 eye An organism subdivision that extends from the head to the pectoral girdle, encompassing the cervical vertebral column. true necks are considered to be present when the pectoral girdle is separate from the skull - Tiktaalik is the earliest known fish to have a true neck. cervical AEO:0000108 BTO:0000420 CALOHA:TS-2045 EFO:0000967 EHDAA2:0003108 EMAPA:35587 FMA:7155 GAID:86 MA:0000024 MAT:0000297 MESH:D009333 MIAA:0000297 NCIT:C13063 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjLF5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0027530 galen:Neck uberon collum neck (volume) UBERON:0000974 neck A midventral endochondral skeletal element which represents the origin site of the pectoral muscles[PHENOSCAPE:ad]. in EMAPA and EHDAA2 this is part of the skeleton of pectoral girdle; the classic def of pectoral girdle (see WP) excludes the rib cage and sternum Single element that constitutes the postzonal area of the pectoral girdle.[AAO] relationship loss: part_of postzonal element (AAO:0000938)[AAO] Fishes lack a sternum. (...) A sternum is absent in the first fossil tetrapods, but it is present in modern amphibians. (...) Thus, a sternum occurs in some modern amphibians, birds, mammals and archosaurs. However, its absence in the common ancestors to these groups means that it has arisen independently several times within the field of the midventral connective tissue.[well established][VHOG] sternal It probably first evolved in early tetrapods as an extension of the pectoral girdle; it is not found in fish. In amphibians and reptiles it is typically a shield-shaped structure, often composed entirely of cartilage. It is absent in both turtles and snakes. In birds it is a relatively large bone and typically bears an enormous projecting keel to which the flight muscles are attached. Only in mammals does the sternum take on the elongated, segmented form seen in humans. In some mammals, such as opossums, the individual segments never fuse and remain separated by cartilagenous plates throughout life in birds, either ratite (no keel or carina) or carinate (keel and carina present) While its developmental origins are similar to the ribs (from the myospetum and septum of the trunk region), it is often associated with the pectoral skeleton, due to both function and physical connections (i.e. the coracoid of archosaurs). It may be a single element or a series of smaller structure (sternebrae). Based on Kardong 2012. [PHENOSCAPE:ad]. AAO:0000765 BTO:0001302 CALOHA:TS-0972 EHDAA2:0001914 EHDAA:9561 EMAPA:18344 FMA:7485 GAID:246 MA:0001331 MESH:D013249 NCIT:C12793 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjO6JwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0038293 VHOG:0000856 galen:Sternum vertebrate sternum uberon breastbone UBERON:0000975 sternum The invaginated serous membrane that surrounds the lungs (the visceral portion) and lines the walls of the pleural cavity (parietal portion). The serous membrane that covers the lungs and lines the pleural cavity. [Kaufman_MH_and_Bard_JBL, The_anatomical_basis_of_mouse_development_(1999)_San_Diego:_Academic_Press, p.264][VHOG] pleural In MA, is_a cavity lining (which we equate to parietal). In FMA, is_a (viscous) serous membrane (which includes mesothelium plus connective tissue). Note the MA structure should probably be associated with the mesothelium of pleura in FMA. JB/EHDAA2 argues the term 'pleura' is best used for the mesothelial lining (thus excluding connective tissue). See BTO:0001791 CALOHA:TS-2081 EFO:0001980 EMAPA:16775 EV:0100044 FMA:9583 GAID:360 MA:0000433 MESH:D010994 NCIT:C12469 OpenCyc:Mx4rv3zwLZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0032225 VHOG:0000394 wall of pleural sac uberon pleura pleural tissue UBERON:0000977 pleura The portion of the hindlimb that contains both the stylopod and zeugopod. Most anatomists now agree that the three proximal bones of the tetrapod limbs are homologous to the two or three proximal elements of the paired fin skeleton of other sarcopterygians, that is the humerus-femur, radius-tibia, and ulna-fibula.[well established][VHOG] The term leg can mean: [1] an appendage on which an animal walks [2] the entire hindlimb of a tetrapod [3] the segment of a human leg between knee and ankle (cf FMA) [4] the region of a hindlimb include the stylopod and zeugopod, but excluding the autopod. We define this class as [4], and thus 'leg' is compltely analagous to 'arm'. For [1], see the class 'locomotive weight-bearing appendage'. For [2] we use 'hindlimb'. For BTO:0000721 CALOHA:TS-2206 EFO:0001411 EHDAA2:0000972 EHDAA:5151 EHDAA:6176 EHDAA:8289 EMAPA:17489 GAID:49 MA:0000047 MESH:D035002 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViYzZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA VHOG:0000345 tetrapod leg uberon lower extremity UBERON:0000978 we use the less open to misinterpretation 'hindlimb zeugopod'. Editor note: currently declared as overlapping foot, as AOs disagree over whether some ankle parts are in the leg or foot leg Anatomical cluster that consists of two or more adjacent skeletal structures, which may be interconnected by various types of tissue[VSAO]. Anatomical cluster that consists of two or more adjacent bones or cartilages, which may be interconnected by various types of tissue.[VSAO] Anatomical cluster which consists of two or more adjacent bones or cartilages, which may be interconnected by various types of tissue.[TAO] articulation joint AEO:0000182 BTO:0001686 CALOHA:TS-2023 EFO:0000948 EMAPA:35456 FMA:7490 GAID:102 MA:0000319 MAT:0000188 MESH:D007596 MIAA:0000188 NCIT:C13044 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjjdpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA RETIRED_EHDAA2:0003182 SCTID:302536002 TAO:0000367 UMLS:C0022417 VHOG:0001276 VSAO:0000101 Wikipedia:Joint XAO:0000171 ZFA:0001596 galen:Joint uberon articular joint joints UBERON:0000982 skeletal joint An intromittent organ in certain biologically male organisms. In placental mammals, this also serves as the organ of urination. penile phallic Most male birds (e.g., roosters and turkeys) have a cloaca (also present on the female), but not a penis. Among bird species with a penis are paleognathes (tinamous and ratites), Anatidae (ducks, geese and swans), and a very few other species (such as flamingoes). A bird penis is different in structure from mammal penises, being an erectile expansion of the cloacal wall and being erected by lymph, not blood. It is usually partially feathered and in some species features spines and brush-like filaments, and in flaccid state curls up inside the cloaca BTO:0000405 CALOHA:TS-0758 EFO:0000987 EHDAA2:0001433 EHDAA:9380 EMAPA:18682 EMAPA_RETIRED:18996 EV:0100107 FMA:9707 GAID:389 MA:0000408 MAT:0000186 MESH:D010413 MIAA:0000186 NCIT:C12409 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjkCZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:265793009 UMLS:C0030851 VHOG:0000727 Wikipedia:Penis galen:Penis uberon penes phallus UBERON:0000989 penis Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with reproduction. consider splitting genitalia from reproductive system Anatomical system which consists of organs and tissues associated with sexual reproduction of the organism.[AAO] Arguably, one of the most important aspects of urbilaterian organogenesis would have been gonadogenesis, since Urbilateria must have successfully generated gametes and developed a strategy for extrusion and fertilization, in order to be the ancestor of all living Bilateria.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010258 BILA:0000103 BTO:0000081 CALOHA:TS-1318 EFO:0000809 EHDAA2:0001603 EHDAA:5923 EMAPA:17381 EV:0100100 FBbt:00004857 FMA:7160 GAID:363 HAO:0000374 HAO:0000895 MA:0000326 MIAA:0000305 NCIT:C12841 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVja4ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:278875001 TAO:0000632 UMLS:C1261210 VHOG:0000182 WBbt:0005747 Wikipedia:Reproductive_system XAO:0000142 ZFA:0000632 uberon Geschlechtsorgan animal reproductive system genital system genital tract genitalia organa genitalia reproductive tissue reproductive tract systemata genitalia UBERON:0000990 reproductive system Reproductive organ that produces and releases eggs (ovary) or sperm (testis). Anatomical structure which produces gametes as well as certain sex hormones controlled by the pituitary gonadotropins.[AAO] The part of the reproductive system that produces and releases eggs (ovary) or sperm (testis).[TAO] Examination of different vertebrate species shows that the adult gonad is remarkably similar in its morphology across different phylogenetic classes. Surprisingly, however, the cellular and molecular programs employed to create similar organs are not evolutionarily conserved.[uncertain][VHOG] gonadal FMA xref is a 'general anatomical term' AAO:0000213 BILA:0000123 BSA:0000079 BTO:0000534 EMAPA:17383 FBbt:00004858 FMA:18250 GAID:368 HAO:0000379 MA:0002420 MESH:D006066 NCIT:C12725 OpenCyc:Mx4rwQvdiZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:304623008 TAO:0000413 UMLS:C0018067 VHOG:0000397 WBbt:0005175 Wikipedia:Gonad XAO:0003146 ZFA:0000413 gonada uberon gonads UBERON:0000991 gonad The gonad of a female organism which contains germ cells. Either of paired female reproductive organs involved in production of ova and female sex hormones.[AAO] Female reproductive organ.[TAO] (...) while it is likely that Urbilateria lacked a complex somatic reproductive system, it is at present impossible to speculate on whether or not it possessed a true gonad, let alone any other somatic adaptations for reproduction (reference 1); Examination of different vertebrate species shows that the adult gonad is remarkably similar in its morphology across different phylogenetic classes. Surprisingly, however, the cellular and molecular programs employed to create similar organs are not evolutionarily conserved (reference 2).[uncertain][VHOG] ovarian Ovaries of some kind are found in the female reproductive system of many animals that employ sexual reproduction, including invertebrates. However, they develop in a very different way in most invertebrates than they do in vertebrates, and are not truly homologous. Many of the features found in human ovaries are common to all vertebrates, including the presence of follicular cells, tunica albuginea, and so on. However, many species produce a far greater number of eggs during their lifetime than do humans, so that, in fish and amphibians, there may be hundreds, or even millions of fertile eggs present in the ovary at any given time. In these species, fresh eggs may be developing from the germinal epithelium throughout life. Corpora lutea are found only in mammals, and in some elasmobranch fish; in other species, the remnants of the follicle are quickly resorbed by the ovary. In birds, reptiles, and monotremes, the egg is relatively large, filling the follicle, and distorting the shape of the ovary at maturity. Amphibians and reptiles have no ovarian medulla; the central part of the ovary is a hollow, lymph-filled space. The ovary of teleosts is also often hollow, but in this case, the eggs are shed into the cavity, which opens into the oviduct. Although most normal female vertebrates have two ovaries, this is not the case in all species. In birds and platypuses, the right ovary never matures, so that only the left is functional. In some elasmobranchs, the reverse is true, with only the right ovary fully developing. In the primitive jawless fish, and some teleosts, there is only one ovary, formed by the fusion of the paired organs in the embryo AAO:0000371 BILA:0000125 BSA:0000080 BTO:0000975 CALOHA:TS-0730 EFO:0000973 EHDAA2:0001360 EHDAA:8124 EMAPA:17962 EV:0100111 FBbt:00004865 FMA:7209 GAID:367 MA:0000384 MESH:D010053 MIAA:0000125 NCIT:C12404 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi9QJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181464007 TAO:0000403 UMLS:C0029939 VHOG:0000251 Wikipedia:Ovary XAO:0000258 ZFA:0000403 animal ovary female gonad female organism genitalia gonad female organism genitalia gonada female organism reproductive system gonad female organism reproductive system gonada female reproductive system gonad female reproductive system gonada genitalia of female organism gonad genitalia of female organism gonada gonad of female organism genitalia gonad of female organism reproductive system gonad of female reproductive system gonad of genitalia of female organism gonad of reproductive system of female organism gonada of female organism genitalia gonada of female organism reproductive system gonada of female reproductive system gonada of genitalia of female organism gonada of reproductive system of female organism ovum-producing ovary reproductive system of female organism gonad reproductive system of female organism gonada uberon ovaries ovarium UBERON:0000992 ovary Female:anatomy.png The female muscular organ of gestation in which the developing embryo or fetus is nourished until birth. The hollow muscular organ in female mammals in which the blastocyst normally becomes embedded and in which the developing embryo and fetus is nourished. Its cavity opens into the vagina below and into a uterine tube on either side. [TFD][VHOG] An infundibulum, uterine tube, uterus, and vagina also differentiate along the oviducts of eutherian mammals.[well established][VHOG] uterine Most animals that lay eggs, such as birds and reptiles, have an oviduct instead of a uterus. In monotremes, mammals which lay eggs and include the platypus, either the term uterus or oviduct is used to describe the same organ, but the egg does not develop a placenta within the mother and thus does not receive further nourishment after formation and fertilization. Marsupials have two uteruses, each of which connect to a lateral vagina and which both use a third, middle 'vagina' which functions as the birth canal. Marsupial embryos form a choriovitelline 'placenta' (which can be thought of as something between a monotreme egg and a 'true' placenta), in which the egg's yolk sac supplies a large part of the embryo's nutrition but also attaches to the uterine wall and takes nutrients from the mother's bloodstream. Two uteruses usually form initially in a female fetus, and in placental mammals they may partially or completely fuse into a single uterus depending on the species. In many species with two uteruses, only one is functional. Humans and other higher primates such as chimpanzees, along with horses, usually have a single completely fused uterus, although in some individuals the uteruses may not have completely fused [Wikipedia:Uterus] BTO:0001424 CALOHA:TS-1102 EFO:0000975 EMAPA:29915 EV:0100113 FMA:17558 GAID:172 MA:0000389 MAT:0000127 MESH:D014599 MIAA:0000127 NCIT:C12405 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViojJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0042149 VHOG:0001137 galen:Uterus uberon UBERON:0000995 uterus A fibromuscular tubular tract leading from the uterus to the exterior of the body in female placental mammals and marsupials, or to the cloaca in female birds, monotremes, and some reptiles[WP]. Organ with organ cavity which connects the cervical canal of uterus to the vestibule of vagina.[FMA] The genital canal in the female, leading from the opening of the vulva to the cervix of the uterus. [TFD][VHOG] The distal end of the oviducts differentiates as a vagina in Metatheria and Eutheria.[well established][VHOG] vaginal 'The distal end of the oviducts differentiates as a vagina in Metatheria and Eutheria.' Liem KF, Bemis WE, Walker WF, Grande L, Functional Anatomy of the Vertebrates: An Evolutionary Perspective, Third Edition (2001) Orlando Fla.: Harcourt College Publishers, p.688 BTO:0000243 CALOHA:TS-1103 EFO:0000976 EMAPA:18986 EV:0100117 FMA:19949 GAID:381 MA:0000394 MAT:0000128 MESH:D014621 MIAA:0000128 NCIT:C12407 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVj1B5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0042232 VHOG:0001138 galen:Vagina uberon distal oviductal region distal portion of oviduct vaginae UBERON:0000996 vagina External genital organs of the female mammal[WP]. The external genital organs of the female, including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vestibule of the vagina. [TFD][VHOG] vulval BTO:0003101 CALOHA:TS-1168 EFO:0000978 EMAPA:36631 EV:0100118 FMA:20462 GAID:383 MA:0000395 MAT:0000169 MESH:D014844 MIAA:0000169 NCIT:C12408 OpenCyc:Mx4rvgAWeJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:265796001 UMLS:C0042993 VHOG:0001458 Wikipedia:Vulva galen:Vulva female pudendum mammalian vulva puboperineal region pudendum femininum skin of female pudendum skin of vulva vulva uberon pudendum pudendum femininum pudendum muliebre UBERON:0000997 mammalian vulva A secretory duct that transports sperm from the testis. In mammals this is a continuation of the epididymis and ends in the prostatic urethra where it terminates to form ejaculatory duct. The continuation of the archinephric duct, now called the deferent duct, extends caudally to the cloaca or to the part of the mammalian urethra that is derived from the cloaca.[well established][VHOG] Most vertebrates have some form of duct to transfer the sperm from the testes to the urethra. In cartilaginous fish and amphibians, sperm is carried through the archinephric duct, which also partially helps to transport urine from the kidneys. In teleosts, there is a distinct sperm duct, separate from the ureters, and often called the vas deferens, although probably not truly homologous with that in humans. In cartilaginous fishes, the part of the archinephric duct closest to the testis is coiled up to form an epididymis. Below this are a number of small glands secreting components of the seminal fluid. The final portion of the duct also receives ducts from the kidneys in most species. In amniotes, however, the archinephric duct has become a true vas deferens, and is used only for conducting sperm, never urine. As in cartilaginous fish, the upper part of the duct forms the epididymis. In many species, the vas deferens ends in a small sac for storing sperm. The only vertebrates to lack any structure resembling a vas deferens are the primitive jawless fishes, which release sperm directly into the body cavity, and then into the surrounding water through a simple opening in the body wall. BTO:0001427 CALOHA:TS-1105 EFO:0000981 EMAPA:18681 EV:0100105 FMA:19234 GAID:404 MA:0000413 MESH:D014649 MIAA:0000129 NCIT:C12813 OpenCyc:Mx4rvjv7bpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0042360 VHOG:0001135 galen:VasDeferens deferent duct ductus deferens vas deferen uberon sperm duct vasa deferentia UBERON:0001000 vas deferens The outer epithelial layer of the skin that is superficial to the dermis. A cellular, multilayered epithelium derived from the ectoderm. Zebrafish epidermis consists only of living cells unlike terrestrial vertebrates in which dead, keratinized cells are present. Le Guellec et al, 2004.[TAO] The outer epithelial layer of the external integument of the body that is derived from the embryonic epiblast.[AAO] relationship loss: subclass external integument structures (AAO:0000961)[AAO] (...) outer epithelia in all metazoan animals are homologous. (...) The ancestor of all metazoans likely had an epidermis with a basal extracellular matrix (ECM), an apical extracellular glycocalyx, and one cilium with a striated rootlet per cell.[well established][VHOG] epidermal Zebrafish epidermis consists only of living cells unlike terrestrial vertebrates in which dead, keratinized cells are present. In terrestrial vertebrates the epidermis often forms an outer keratinized or cornified layer, the stratum corneum. Interaction between the epideris and dermis gives rise to feathers (birds), hair and mammary glands (mammals), teeth and scales (placoid: chondrichthyans; cosmoids, ganoid, cycloid in bony fishes). epidermis skin AAO:0000143 BTO:0000404 CALOHA:TS-0283 EFO:0000954 EMAPA:17528 EV:0100153 FMA:70596 GAID:932 MA:0000153 MAT:0000154 MESH:D004817 MIAA:0000154 NCIT:C12708 SCTID:361694003 TAO:0000105 UMLS:C0014520 VHOG:0000077 Wikipedia:Epidermis_(skin) XAO:0000028 ZFA:0000105 vertebrate epidermis uberon UBERON:0001003 skin epidermis Functional system which consists of structures involved in respiration. The anatomical system in which the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the organism and its environment.[AAO] There is no doubt that the primitive pattern of vertebrate air-breathing is the buccal pulse pump found in actinopterygian fishes.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0000541 BTO:0000203 CALOHA:TS-1319 EFO:0000804 EHDAA2:0001604 EHDAA:2203 EMAPA:16727 EV:0100036 FMA:7158 GAID:78 MA:0000327 MAT:0000030 MESH:D012137 MIAA:0000030 NCIT:C12779 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjzFJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:278197002 TAO:0000272 UMLS:C0035237 VHOG:0000202 Wikipedia:Respiratory_system XAO:0000117 ZFA:0000272 apparatus respiratorius respiratory system uberon Atmungssystem apparatus respiratorius systema respiratorium UBERON:0001004 respiratory system An airway through which respiratory air passes in organisms. This class generically groups trachea and analagous structures throughout metazoa. Consider renaming, as the term could be taken to mean lumen of tracheal system (e.g. in SNOMED). As a grouping class this is quite vague, as it is not clear where the airway begins and ends airway airways FMA:265130 SCTID:361380005 Wikipedia:Trachea uberon UBERON:0001005 respiratory airway Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs devoted to the ingestion, digestion, and assimilation of food and the discharge of residual wastes. An anatomical system consisting of the alimentary canal and digestive glands responsible for intake, absorption, digestion and excretion of food.[AAO] digestive many anatomy ontologies consider gastrointestinal system synonymous with digestive system. here we follow MA in dividing digestive system into gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary. hepatobiliary includes the liver and biliary tract. species-specific AO classes are categorized according to whether liver is included. For example, XAO includes liver as part of XAO:0000125 alimentary system, so we assume this class is the more generic class AAO:0000129 BILA:0000082 BTO:0000058 CALOHA:TS-1293 EFO:0000793 EV:0100056 FBbt:00005055 FMA:7152 GAID:278 MA:0002431 MAT:0000018 MESH:D004064 MIAA:0000018 SCTID:278859004 TADS:0000170 TAO:0000339 WBbt:0005748 Wikipedia:Digestive_system XAO:0000125 ZFA:0000339 galen:DigestiveSystem ncithesaurus:Digestive_System uberon alimentary system alimentary tract gastrointestinal system gut UBERON:0001007 digestive system The renal system in an anatomical system that maintains fluid balance and contributes to electrolyte balance, acid/base balance, and disposal of nitrogenous waste products.. In various sources such as Encyclopedia Britannica, the excretory and urinary systems are indeed the same system (see wikipedia talk page); we merge two BTO classes here An anatomical system which consists of organs and tissues which produce, store, and excrete urine.[AAO] Evolution of vertebrate renal anatomy appears quite conservative when compared, for example, to evolution of respiratory and cardiovascular systems in vertebrates. Major anatomical changes in vertebrates kidneys separate those of birds and mammals from kidneys of lower vertebrates. General increase in animal size from fish to mammals is reflected by an increase in total number of nephrons per kidney, rather than by constant change in tubular dimensions.[well established][VHOG] In humans, the renal system comprises a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, sphincter muscle and associated blood vessels This definition is inclusive of the organs of the vertebrate renal system, as well as the Malpighian tubules of insects, and allows for future incorporation of structures such as the antennal glands of crustaceans AAO:0010257 BILA:0000015 BTO:0001244 BTO:0003092 CALOHA:TS-1323 EFO:0000803 EHDAA2:0001601 EHDAA:5901 EMAPA:17366 EV:0100095 FBbt:00005056 FMA:7159 GAID:391 MA:0000325 MAT:0000027 MESH:D014551 MIAA:0000027 NCIT:C12413 SCTID:362204003 TADS:0000162 TAO:0000163 UMLS:C1508753 VHOG:0000723 WBbt:0005736 Wikipedia:Excretory_system XAO:0000143 ZFA:0000163 galen:UrinaryTract excretory system renal system systema urinaria systema urinarium urinary system urinary tract uberon renal or urinary system renal/urinary system UBERON:0001008 renal system Organ system that passes nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes), gases, hormones, blood cells, etc. to and from cells in the body to help fight diseases and help stabilize body temperature and pH to maintain homeostasis[WP]. the cardiovascular system and the lymphatic system are parts of the circulatory system Anatomical system of ion binding, a pumping mechanism, and an efficient vascular system; consisting of the blood, heart, and blood and lymph vessels, respectively.[AAO] We should divest ourselves of the view that earlier vertebrate groups were 'on their way' to becoming mammals, as clearly they were not such visionaries. Neither were their systems 'imperfect' as earlier anatomists thought. Instead, their circulatory systems served them well to address the ecological demands arising from their lifestyles.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0000959 CALOHA:TS-2103 FBbt:00005057 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjzG5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA VHOG:0001248 Wikipedia:Circulatory_system uberon systema cardiovasculare UBERON:0001009 circulatory system Portion of connective tissue composed of adipocytes enmeshed in areolar tissue. Connective tissue in which fat is stored.[TAO] Tissue that contains adipocytes, used for cushioning, thermal insulation, lubrication (primarily in the pericardium) and energy storage.[AAO] relationship loss: subclass connective tissue proper (AAO:0000099)[AAO] Adipose tissue is unique to vertebrates. It is found in mostmammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, and a variety is found in some species of fish. Furthermore, in insects the fat body found in larvae as well as in adults shares some homology with adipose tissue.[well established][VHOG] adipose In humans, adipose tissue is located beneath the skin (subcutaneous fat), around internal organs (visceral fat), in bone marrow (yellow bone marrow) and in breast tissue. Adipose tissue is found in specific locations, which are referred to as adipose depots. Adipose tissue contains several cell types, with the highest percentage of cells being adipocytes, which contain fat droplets. Other cell types include fibroblasts, macrophages, and endothelial cells. Adipose tissue contains many small blood vessels.; Mice have eight major adipose depots, four of which are within the abdominal cavity. The paired gonadal depots are attached to the uterus and ovaries in females and the epididymis and testes in males; the paired retroperitoneal depots are found along the dorsal wall of the abdomen, surrounding the kidney, and, when massive, extend into the pelvis. The mesenteric depot forms a glue-like web that supports the intestines, and the omental depot, which originates near the stomach and spleen, and, when massive, extends into the ventral abdomen. in FMA this is dense irregular connective tissue AAO:0000001 AEO:000020 BTO:0001487 CALOHA:TS-0013 EFO:0000790 EHDAA2:0003120 EMAPA:35112 EV:0100381 FMA:20110 GAID:920 MA:0000009 MAT:0000015 MESH:D000273 MIAA:0000015 NCIT:C12472 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjc_ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:55603005 TAO:0002134 UMLS:C0001527 VHOG:0001284 Wikipedia:Adipose_tissue XAO:0003049 ZFA:0005345 galen:FattyTissue fat fat tissue fatty tissue uberon adipose bodyfat fatty depot UBERON:0001013 adipose tissue A subdivision of the muscular system corresponding to a subdisivision of an organism. In FMA this is classified as a set of organs. ZFA musculature system has subtypes, so it is classified here. WBbt muscular system has subtypes so it goes here. Note that we use the MA term set of skeletal muscles here as it seems most appropriate (*not* MA:musculature). AAO is generally confused here. AAO:0011066 BTO:0000887 EFO:0001949 EMAPA:32715 EMAPA:35577 FMA:32558 MA:0000165 NCIT:C13056 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjmr5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000548 UMLS:C0026845 VSAO:0005038 WBbt:0005737 Wikipedia:Muscular_system ZFA:0000548 muscle group muscles set musculature musculi set of muscles set of skeletal muscles uberon muscle system muscles musculature system UBERON:0001015 musculature The nervous system is an organ system containing predominantly neuron and glial cells. In bilaterally symmetrical organism, it is arranged in a network of tree-like structures connected to a central body. The main functions of the nervous system are to regulate and control body functions, and to receive sensory input, process this information, and generate behavior [CUMBO]. A regulatory system of the body that consists of neurons and neuroglial cells. The nervous system is divided into two parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). (Source: BioGlossary,[TAO] Anatomical system consisting of nerve bodies and nerve fibers which regulate the response of the body to external and internal stimuli.[AAO] Nervous systems evolved in the ancestor of Eumetazoa.[well established][VHOG] nervous neural AAO:0000324 BILA:0000079 BIRNLEX:844 BTO:0001484 CALOHA:TS-1313 EFO:0000802 EHDAA2:0001246 EHDAA:826 EMAPA:16469 EV:0100162 FBbt:00005093 FMA:7157 GAID:466 MA:0000016 MAT:0000026 MESH:D009420 MIAA:0000026 NCIT:C12755 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViT_pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:278196006 TAO:0000396 UMLS:C0027763 VHOG:0000402 WBbt:0005735 Wikipedia:Nervous_system XAO:0000177 ZFA:0000396 neurological system nerve net uberon systema nervosum UBERON:0001016 nervous system The central nervous system is the core nervous system that serves an integrating and coordinating function. In vertebrates it consists of the neural tube derivatives: the brain and spinal cord. In invertebrates it includes central ganglia plus nerve cord. Part of the nervous system which includes the brain and spinal cord.[AAO] The brain and spinal cord. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] The central nervous system (CNS) is the part of the nervous system which includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerve cell layer of the retina (CUMBO). (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...) (reference 1); The neural tube is destined to differentiate into the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system) (reference 2); Taken together, our data make a very strong case that the complex molecular mediolateral architecture of the developing trunk CNS (central nervous system), as shared between Platynereis and vertebrates, was already present in their last common ancestor, Urbilateria. The concept of bilaterian nervous system centralization implies that neuron types concentrate on one side of the trunk, as is the case in vertebrates and many invertebrates including Platynereis, where they segregate and become spatially organized (as opposed to a diffuse nerve net). Our data reveal that a large part of the spatial organization of the annelid and vertebrate CNS was already present in their last common ancestor, which implies that Urbilateria had already possessed a CNS (reference 3).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0000090 BAMS:CNS BILA:0000080 BIRNLEX:1099 BTO:0000227 CALOHA:TS-0150 EFO:0000908 EHDAA2:0000225 EHDAA:828 EMAPA:16470 EMAPA:16754 EV:0100163 FBbt:00005094 FMA:55675 GAID:570 MA:0000167 MAT:0000457 MESH:D002490 NCIT:C12438 OpenCyc:Mx4rvzYt3pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:278199004 TAO:0000012 UMLS:C0927232 VHOG:0000293 Wikipedia:Central_nervous_system XAO:0000215 ZFA:0000012 CNS systema nervosum centrale cerebrospinal axis uberon neuraxis UBERON:0001017 central nervous system A group of axons linking two or more neuropils and having a common origin, termination[FBbt]. White matter structure of CNS that contains axons that arise predominantly in one central nervous system part and terminate in another. Tracts are generally named by their region or origin followed by their region of primary termination, e.g., mammillothalamic tract contains axons that arise from neurons in the mammillary bodies and terminate in the thalamus. (CUMBO) BIRNLEX:1649 EV:0100304 FBbt:00005100 FMA:83847 NLX:147822 axonal tract neuraxis tract tract of neuraxis nerve tract uberon nerve tract tract UBERON:0001018 WP says this is the analog of peripheral nerves in CNS. axon tract An enclosed, cable-like bundle of axons in the peripheral nervous system originating in a nerve root in the central nervous system (or a condensed nervous structure) connecting with peripheral structures. A portion of tissue which is a fasiculated group of axons.[TAO] nervous AAO:0011070 AEO:0000137 BAMS:n BIRNLEX:1615 BSA:0000098 BTO:0000925 BTO:0001027 CALOHA:TS-0772 EHDAA2:0003137 EHDAA:2851 EHDAA:3776 EHDAA:4657 EMAPA:32808 EMAPA:32815 EV:0100371 FBbt:00005105 FMA:65132 FMA:65239 GAID:747 GAID:758 MA:0000217 MA:0000228 MESH:D010525 NCIT:C12466 NCIT:C12768 NLX:147826 OpenCyc:Mx4rwP3lkpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:244457007 SCTID:256864008 TAO:0007009 UMLS:C0027740 UMLS:C0031119 VHOG:0000901 Wikipedia:Nervous_system XAO:0000204 XAO:0003047 ZFA:0007009 galen:Nerve nerves peripheral nerve uberon neural subtree UBERON:0001021 nerve Anatomical system that overlaps the nervous system and is responsible for receiving and processing sensory information. An early step in the evolution of neural crest, therefore, may have been the origin of a specific dorsal neural cell population contributing to sensory processing; this would predate the divergence of the amphioxus and vertebrate lineages.[well established][VHOG] note the distinct between entire sensory system and individual system. this reconciles is_a and part_of distinctions between ssAOs AAO:0000555 BAMS:SEN BILA:0000099 EFO:0000805 EHDAA2:0003094 EMAPA:16192 FBbt:00007692 FMA:75259 MA:0002442 MAT:0000031 MIAA:0000031 NLXANAT:090816 TAO:0000282 VHOG:0001674 Wikipedia:Sensory_system XAO:0003194 ZFA:0000282 organa sensuum sense organ subsystem sense organs sense organs set sensory subsystem sensory systems uberon organa sensuum sensory organ system set of sense organs UBERON:0001032 sensory system A joint that binds the teeth to the alveolar ridge. Specifically, the connection is made between the maxillary or mandible to the cementum of the tooth. The motion of a gomphosis is very minimal, though considerable movement can be achieved over time--the basis of using braces to realign teeth. The joint can be considered a synarthrosis or an amphiarthrosis. The gomphosis is the only joint-type in which a bone does not join another bone, as teeth are not technically bone. In modern, more anatomical, joint classification, the gomphosis is simply considered a fibrous joint because the tissue linking the structures is ligamentous[WP] MA classifies this as a cartilaginous joint socket EMAPA:37464 MA:0001499 OpenCyc:Mx4rveAQeZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA FMA:7495 dento-alveolar syndesmosis gomphosis peg-and-socket joint syndesmosis dentoalveolaris uberon UBERON:0001035 dento-alveolar joint A filament, mostly protein, that grows from follicles found in the dermis[WP]. TODO for now we treat vibrissa/whisker as a syonym, but these have different follicles. We could introduce subclasses (see also: Pangolin scales) this class defines an individual hair BTO:0001501 CALOHA:TS-0430 EFO:0000958 EMAPA:18769 EV:0100157 FMA:53667 GAID:71 MA:0000155 MAT:0000160 MESH:D006197 MIAA:0000160 NCIT:C32705 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjOX5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA-Mp88EdaAAACgycbRww UMLS:C0018494 VHOG:0001191 hair uberon coat hair coat/ hair fur microchaeta quill setulae vibrissa whisker UBERON:0001037 strand of hair A sac-like expansion of the ventral wall of the intestine, narrowed into a yolk stalk near the body[Hyman's]. Membranous sac attached to an embryo, providing early nourishment in the form of yolk in bony fishes, sharks, reptiles, birds, and primitive mammals. It functions as the developmental circulatory system of the human embryo, before internal circulation begins. In the mouse, the yolk sac is the first site of blood formation, generating primitive macrophages and erythrocytes[WP]. consider splitting class One of the extraembryonic fetal membranes that balloons out from the fetal midgut. [TFD][VHOG] the extraembryonic tissue membrane, formed from the visceral endoderm and the extraembryonic mesoderm, which is located ventral to the embryonic disc and is connected to the presumptive midgut of the embryo; the yolk that it contains is the site of embryonic hematopoiesis and vitelline circulation is involved in early embryonic circulation; it is the origin of the primordial germ cells Structures homologous to the four extraembryonic membranes of reptiles and birds appear in mammals: amnion, chorion, yolk sac, and allantois.[well established][VHOG] In therians, a structure homologous to the yolk sac is is present, but contains no yolk platelets. Instead it is filled with fluid [ISBN:0073040584 (Vertebrates, Kardong)] BTO:0001471 CALOHA:TS-1130 EFO:0003078 EHDAA2:0002212 EHDAA:164 EMAPA:16085 FMA:87180 GAID:1301 MESH:A16.254.403.981 NCIT:C14128 UMLS:C0043425 VHOG:0000830 uberon saccus vitellinus vesicula umbilicalis UBERON:0001040 yolk sac Anterior subdivision of a digestive tract. Note we define this generically to include invertebrates (partly for consistency with GO), but the class may be split in future. In vertebrates the term may refer to a developmental structure The anterior portion of the primitive digestive tube of the embryo that lies cephalic to the junction of the yolk stalk, consists of endodermal tissue, and gives rise to the the pharynx, lower respiratory system, esophagus, stomach, duodenum proximal to the biliary tract, liver, pancreas, biliary tract, and gall bladder. The bilaterian gut is typically a complete tube that opens to the exterior at both ends. It consists of mouth, foregut, midgut, hindgut, and anus (reference 1); Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011042 BILA:0000085 BTO:0000507 EHDAA2:0000557 EHDAA:520 EMAPA:16548 FBbt:00005379 FMA:45616 MA:0001526 NCIT:C34180 SCTID:361409009 TGMA:0001014 UMLS:C0231051 VHOG:0000285 Wikipedia:Foregut XAO:0000232 uberon praeenteron proenteron UBERON:0001041 foregut A portion of the respiratory and digestive tracts; its distal limit is the superior part of the esophagus and it connects the nasal and oral cavities with the esophagus and larynx; it contains the valleculae and the pyriform recesses; its upper limits are the nasal cavity and cranial base.[FEED]. A funnel-shaped fibromuscular tube that conducts food to the ESOPHAGUS, and air to the LARYNYX and LUNGS. It is located posterior to the NASAL CAVITY; ORAL CAVITY; and LARYNX, and extends from the SKULL BASE to the inferior border of the CRICOID CARTILAGE anteriorly and to the inferior border of the C6 vertebra posteriorly. It is divided into the NASOPHARYNX; OROPHARYNX; and HYPOPHARYNX (laryngopharynx)[MESH:A03.867]. Anatomical cavity bounded by the derivatives of the branchial arches.[AAO] Swollen region of the anterior foregut, posterior to the mouth and anterior to the liver; its walls form the jaws and gills. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] Swollen region of the anterior foregut, posterior to the mouth and anterior to the liver; its walls form the jaws and gills[ZFA:0000056, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]. The portion of the alimentary canal between the mouth and the oesophagus. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] relationship type change: part_of_proxy respiratory system (AAO:0000541) CHANGED TO: develops_from respiratory system (UBERON:0001004)[AAO] relationship type change: part_of_proxy respiratory system (AAO:0000541) CHANGED TO: part_of respiratory system (UBERON:0001004)[AAO] (...) the earliest vertebrates possessed unjointed internal and external branchial arches, and musculature encircling the pharynx.[well established][VHOG] MA/FMA pharynx not part of digestive/alimentary system, we are consistent with this scheme pharynx AAO:0000967 BTO:0001049 CALOHA:TS-0785 EFO:0000836 EHDAA2:0001458 EHDAA:2947 EMAPA:16706 EV:0100065 FMA:46688 GAID:155 MA:0000432 MESH:A03.867 NCIT:C12425 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViv7ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181211006 TAO:0000056 UMLS:C0031354 VHOG:0000462 Wikipedia:Pharynx XAO:0003227 ZFA:0000056 galen:Pharynx uberon UBERON:0001042 Consider generalizing to deuterostome pharynx chordate pharynx Tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach. In mammals, the oesophagus connects the buccal cavity with the stomach. The stratified squamous non-keratinised epithelium lining the buccal cavity is continued through the pharynx down into the oesophagus. The lowest part of the oesophagus (ca. 2 cm) is lined with gastric mucosa and covered by peritoneum. The main body of the oesophagus is lined with small, simple mucous glands. Each gland opens into the lumen by a long duct which pierces the muscularis mucosae (Wilson and Washington, 1989). A sphincter is situated at the point where the oesophagus enters the stomach to prevent gastro-oesophageal reflux, i.e. to prevent acidic gastric contents from reaching stratified epithelia of the oesophagus, where they can cause inflammation and irritation (Wilson and Washington, 1989; Brown et al., 1993). Anterior end of the alimentary canal lined with smooth muscle. Bounded anteriorly by a constriction in the pharynx. Bounded posteriorly by and increase in circular and/or longitudinal smooth muscle associated with the stomach.[AAO] The few structural specializations in (adult lampreys) pharynx include complex valves on the external gill openings that direct the tidal flow, and the division of the ancestral pharynx into an oesophagus and a respiratory pharynx.[well established][VHOG] esophageal esophagus NOT part of gut in MA. part of gut in ZFA. part_of gut (via UGIT) in FMA. Consider splitting. Interspecies: The human oesophagus is 25 cm long and has a diameter of ca. 2 cm. Only little information was found on the oesophagus in rat, rabbit and pig. The oesophagus of rat (75 x 2 mm) and rabbit has no mucous glands and the cardia of the stomach has a well-developed sphincter, which prevents them from vomiting (Hebel and Stromberg, 1988; Manning et al., 1994). Morphologically the oesophagus is similar in man and pig; both are omnivores and have a non-keratinised epithelium, submucous glands and similar membrane enzymes. Like in humans, pigs can suffer from reflux oesophagitis and stress ulceration of the oesophagus. The pig oesophagus may therefore be a good model for investigation compared to the human oesophagus (Christie et al., 1995) AAO:0000145 ANISEED:1235301 BTO:0000959 CALOHA:TS-0700 EFO:0000835 EHDAA2:0001285 EHDAA:2937 EMAPA:16833 EV:0100069 FMA:7131 GAID:291 MA:0000352 MAT:0000048 MESH:A03.365 MIAA:0000048 NCIT:C12389 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVj9Q5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000204 UMLS:C0014876 VHOG:0000450 XAO:0000127 ZFA:0000204 galen:Esophagus gullet oesophagus uberon UBERON:0001043 esophagus Saliva-secreting exocrine glands of the oral cavity[GO]. currently we define saliva and salivary glands very generally in functional terms but it may be more appropriate to split this class. From WP: In most vertebrates, saliva does not contain any enzymes, consisting of mucus and water only, and its primary function is to moisten food while eating. As a result, true salivary glands are rarely found in fish or aquatic tetrapods, although there are often individual mucus-secreting cells. Amphibians have a single salivary gland, the intermaxillary gland, located in the forward part of the palate. Reptiles and birds normally have only very small glands on the lips, palate, and base of the mouth, although there are some birds with large glands, which produce a sticky saliva that helps in nest-building. The distinct parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands are only developed in mammals. A gland that produces the saliva. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Glossary_G-25, Grande_L, Liem_KF, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF][VHOG] In air-feeding animals, the lack of water column to lubricate the food has been compensated for by the evolution of the salivary glands. These glands are present only in amniotes and are controlled by the parasympathetic system.[well established][VHOG] The salivary glands in mammals are exocrine glands, glands with ducts, that produce saliva. They also secrete amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starch into maltose. In other organisms such as insects, salivary glands are often used to produce biologically important proteins like silk or glues, and fly salivary glands contain polytene chromosomes that have been useful in genetic research. The salivary glands of some species are modified to produce enzymes; salivary amylase is found in many, but by no means all, bird and mammal species (including humans, as noted above). Furthermore, the venom glands of poisonous snakes, Gila monsters, and some shrews, are modified salivary glands BTO:0001203 CALOHA:TS-0892 EFO:0000859 EHDAA2:0001775 EHDAA:7987 EMAPA:17751 EV:0100059 FBbt:00005382 FMA:9597 GAID:937 MA:0000346 MAT:0000079 MESH:D012469 MIAA:0000079 NCIT:C12426 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjl5ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0036098 VHOG:0000376 galen:SalivaryGland salivary gland uberon glandulae salivariae UBERON:0001044 saliva-secreting gland Middle subdivision of a digestive tract[CJM]. In vertebrates: The middle part of the alimentary canal from the stomach, or entrance of the bile duct, to, or including, the large intestine[GO]. Note we define this generically to include invertebrates (partly for consistency with GO), but the class may be split in future. We may explicitly make this a developmental class The bilaterian gut is typically a complete tube that opens to the exterior at both ends. It consists of mouth, foregut, midgut, hindgut, and anus (reference 1); Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] In humans: originates from the foregut at the opening of the bile duct into the duodenum and continues through the small intestine and much of the large intestine until the transition to the hindgut about two-thirds of the way through the transverse colon in FMA this represents an embryonic region. BILA:0000086 BTO:0000863 EFO:0001950 EHDAA2:0001185 EHDAA:983 EMAPA:16255 FBbt:00005383 FMA:45617 MA:0001564 NCIT:C34210 SCTID:361410004 TGMA:0001036 UMLS:C0231052 VHOG:0000290 Wikipedia:Midgut XAO:0000103 uberon mesenteron UBERON:0001045 midgut The caudalmost subdivision of a digestive tract. Note we define this generically to include invertebrates (partly for consistency with GO), but the class may be split in future (vertebrates have some contribution from NC - We may explicitly make this a developmental class the caudal portion of the primitive digestive tube of the embryo The bilaterian gut is typically a complete tube that opens to the exterior at both ends. It consists of mouth, foregut, midgut, hindgut, and anus (reference 1); Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] in FMA this class has no children. In MA it has a single child hindgut epithelium AAO:0011052 BILA:0000087 BTO:0000510 EHDAA2:0000779 EHDAA:975 EMAPA:16715 FBbt:00005384 FMA:45618 MA:0001527 NCIT:C34188 SCTID:362856002 TGMA:0001020 UMLS:C0231053 VHOG:0000459 Wikipedia:Hindgut XAO:0000104 uberon metenteron UBERON:0001046 hindgut Primordia are populations of contiguous cells that are morphologically distinct and already correspond in extent to a later organ/tissue[FBbt, Hartenstein, V. (2004)]. AEO:0000171 BTO:0001886 EFO:0001652 EHDAA2:0003171 FBbt:00005495 FMA:86589 MAT:0000482 NCIT:C34275 UMLS:C0678727 Wikipedia:Primordium XAO:0003043 uberon bud future organ placode primordia rudiment UBERON:0001048 primordium In the developing vertebrate, the neural tube is the embryo's precursor to the central nervous system, which comprises the brain and spinal cord. The neural groove gradually deepens as the neural folds become elevated, and ultimately the folds meet and coalesce in the middle line and convert the groove into a closed tube, the neural tube or neural canal (which strictly speaking is the center of the neural tube), the ectodermal wall of which forms the rudiment of the nervous system. [WP,unvetted]. Hollow epithelial tube on dorsal side of the embryo that develops into the central nervous system.[AAO] The dorsal tubular structure in the vertebrate embryo that develops into the brain and spinal cord. [TFD][VHOG] (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] The mature structure of the neural tube exists when the tube has been segmented into the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord regions. In addition neural crest has budded away from the epithelium AAO:0010617 BTO:0001057 CALOHA:TS-2371 DHBA:10154 EHDAA2:0001254 EHDAA:2869 EHDAA:908 EMAPA:16164 EMAPA:16757 FMA:293882 MAT:0000069 MIAA:0000069 NCIT:C34226 SCTID:362852000 TAO:0001135 UMLS:C0231024 VHOG:0000307 Wikipedia:Neural_tube XAO:0003204 ZFA:0001135 uberon neural primordium presumptive central nervous system tubus neuralis UBERON:0001049 neural tube The terminal portion of the intestinal tube, terminating with the anus. The terminal portion of the large intestine between the ileo-pelvic colon and the anus. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] rectal In the lungfish, sharks and rays the rectum opens into the cloaca which also receives wastes (urine) from the kidneys and material from the reproductive organs. In bony fish the rectum reaches the outside environment through the anus, which is normally situated just in front the urinary and reproductive openings. However in some fish the digestive tract may be curled back on itself, and in the Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus) the anus is situated in the fish's throat. -- AAO:0010401 BTO:0001158 CALOHA:TS-1180 EFO:0000848 EHDAA2:0001592 EHDAA:5836 EMAPA:17896 EV:0100081 FMA:14544 GAID:311 MA:0000336 MAT:0000050 MESH:A03.492.411.495.767 MIAA:0000050 NCIT:C12390 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjaU5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0034896 VHOG:0001751 XAO:0000238 galen:Rectum terminal portion of intestine uberon intestinum rectum rectal sac terminal portion of large intestine UBERON:0001052 rectum Biological entity that is either an individual member of a biological species or constitutes the structural organization of an individual member of a biological species. AAO:0010841 AEO:0000000 BILA:0000000 BIRNLEX:6 CARO:0000000 EHDAA2:0002229 FBbt:10000000 FMA:62955 HAO:0000000 MA:0000001 NCIT:C12219 TAO:0100000 TGMA:0001822 UMLS:C1515976 WBbt:0000100 XAO:0000000 ZFA:0100000 uberon UBERON:0001062 anatomical entity A duct joining the pancreas to the common bile duct to supply pancreatic juices which aid in digestion provided by the exocrine pancreas. The pancreatic duct joins the common bile duct just prior to the ampulla of Vater, after which both ducts perforate the medial side of the second portion of the duodenum at the major duodenal papilla. in EHDAA2 this is an epithelium, in FMA the wall consists of epithelium and connective tissue These data show that ducts within the zebrafish pancreas originally arise in situ from isolated progenitor cells rather than arising from reiterative branching of the pancreatic epithelium. This process of pancreatic duct formation in zebrafish may be analogous to the mechanism of duct formation in the mammalian mammary and salivary glands. (...) A related mechanism of duct formation has also been proposed to occur within the mammalian pancreatic epithelium.[uncertain][VHOG] Upon reaching its final destination, the ventral pancreatic bud fuses with the much larger dorsal pancreatic bud. At this point of fusion, the main ducts of the ventral and dorsal pancreatic buds fuse, forming the duct of Wirsung, the main pancreatic duct. UBERON:0005627 pancreatic duct BTO:0002362 EHDAA2:0001396 EHDAA:6905 EMAPA:17510 FMA:16003 GAID:337 MA:0000126 MESH:D010183 NCIT:C12272 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0002177 SCTID:245385001 UMLS:C0030288 VHOG:0000256 Wikipedia:Pancreatic_duct chief pancreatic duct duct of Wirsung main pancreatic duct uberon canal of Wirsung ductus pancreatis ventralis hepaticopancreatic duct UBERON:0001064 ventral pancreatic duct A point along the course of the gastrointestinal tract where the small intestine (ileum) ends as it opens into the cecal portion of the large intestine; occurs usually within the iliac fossa, demarcated internally as the ileocecal orifice. EMAPA:37601 FMA:11338 MA:0000332 ileocaecal junction uberon UBERON:0001073 ileocecal junction Excretion that is the output of a kidney. kidney excreta from some taxa (e.g. in aves) may not be liquid BTO:0001419 CALOHA:TS-1092 EFO:0001939 EMAPA:36554 ENVO:00002047 FMA:12274 GAID:1189 MA:0002545 MAT:0000058 MESH:D014556 MIAA:0000058 NCIT:C13283 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjGppwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0042036 Wikipedia:Urine galen:Urine uberon UBERON:0001088 urine Joint fluid is a transudate of plasma that is actively secreted by synovial cells. Portion of organism substance that is a clear fluid that occupies the space in synovial joints.[TAO] It provides nutrients and lubrication for articular cartilage The fluid contains hyaluronan secreted by fibroblast-like cells in the synovial membrane, lubricin (proteoglycan 4; PRG4) secreted by the surface chondrocytes of the articular cartilage and interstitial fluid filtered from the blood plasma BTO:0001339 CALOHA:TS-0996 ENVO:02000039 FMA:12277 GAID:265 MA:0002544 MESH:D013582 NCIT:C33718 TAO:0005154 UMLS:C0039097 Wikipedia:Synovial_fluid ZFA:0005154 galen:SynovialFluid joint fluid uberon UBERON:0001090 synovial fluid The lymph nodes located around the axillary vein that receive lymphatic drainage from the upper or forelimb, scapular region and pectoral region. FMA:276805 MA:0000735 NCIT:C12904 UMLS:C0729594 axillary node uberon nodi lymphoidei axillares UBERON:0001097 axillary lymph node Traditional gross anatomy divided the liver into four lobes based on surface features. The falciform ligament is visible on the front (anterior side) of the liver. This divides the liver into a left anatomical lobe, and a right anatomical lobe. some work needs to be done to ensure the child terms of this class have correct isa/partof placement. in MA they are subclasses, in FMA they are parts EMAPA:18306 FMA:13361 MA:0000360 NCIT:C49579 SCTID:245378000 UMLS:C0447541 Wikipedia:Liver#Lobes hepatic lobe liver lobe lobus hepatis uberon UBERON:0001113 lobe of liver The right lobe is much larger than the left; the proportion between them being as six to one. It occupies the right hypochondrium, and is separated from the left lobe on its upper surface by the falciform ligament; on its under and posterior surfaces by the left sagittal fossa; and in front by the umbilical notch. It is of a somewhat quadrilateral form, its under and posterior surfaces being marked by three fossæ: the porta and the fossæ for the gall-bladder and inferior vena cava, which separate its left part into two smaller lobes; the quadrate and caudate lobes. [WP,unvetted]. Portion of the liver which develops on the fish's right side adjacent to the gall bladder.[TAO] EHDAA2:0001008 EHDAA:4001 EMAPA:18311 FMA:13362 MA:0000363 NCIT:C33481 SCTID:362182008 TAO:0005173 UMLS:C0227481 VHOG:0001424 Wikipedia:Right_lobe_of_liver ZFA:0005173 liver right lobe lobus hepaticus dexter right liver lobe uberon 2nd lobe gall bladder lobe lobus hepatis dexter right hepatic lobe second lobe UBERON:0001114 right lobe of liver The left lobe is smaller and more flattened than the right. It is situated in the epigastric and left hypochondriac regions. Its upper surface is slightly convex and is moulded on to the diaphragm; its under surface presents the gastric impression and omental tuberosity. [WP,unvetted]. Portion of the liver which develops on the fish's left side.[TAO] EHDAA2:0001000 EHDAA:3995 EMAPA:18307 FMA:13363 MA:0000361 NCIT:C32965 SCTID:362183003 TAO:0005172 UMLS:C0227486 VHOG:0001423 Wikipedia:Left_lobe_of_liver ZFA:0005172 left liver lobe liver left lobe lobus hepaticus sinister uberon left hepatic lobe lobus hepatis sinister UBERON:0001115 left lobe of liver Subdivision of skeletal system that consists of all the vertebra and associated skeletal elements and joints in the body[modified from VSAO]. Note that in contrast to VSAO, this is a subset of the skeletal system, and thus includes intervertebral joints, cartilage and ligaments etc. Some ontologies such as AAO seem to purely refer to the skeleton Anatomical cluster that consists of all the vertebra in the body.[VSAO] The vertebral column consists of a series of vertebrae connected by ligaments. It provides a supporting axis for the body and protects the spinal cord. [TFD][VHOG] Vertebrata is characterized by three synapomorphies. First, vertebrates have a backbone composed of vertebrae (...).[well established][VHOG] spine AAO:0000699 AAO:0000734 BTO:0000818 EFO:0001369 EHDA:10119 EMAPA:35919 FMA:13478 GAID:106 MA:0002416 MESH:D013131 NCIT:C12998 NCIT:C33588 NIF_Subcellular:sao1145756102 OpenCyc:Mx4rv2j-CpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA OpenCyc:Mx4rv6GF55wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA OpenCyc:Mx4rvVkFEpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0001559 UMLS:C0037949 UMLS:C1519455 VHOG:0001142 VSAO:0000185 XAO:0003074 ZFA:0001559 galen:SpinalColumn backbone vertebral column skeleton uberon columna vertebralis dorsal spine spinal column vertebral region UBERON:0001130 vertebral column Muscle tissue composed of cardiac muscle cells, forming the muscles of the heart[ZFA,modified]. check relationship with myocardium. part_of in MA - but we also have a more specific class 'cardiac muscle tissue of myocardium'. Check ncit UBERON:0007096 AAO:0010245 AEO:0000142 BILA:0000134 BTO:0000199 CALOHA:TS-0440 EHDAA2:0003142 EMAPA:32688 FMA:14068 TAO:0005280 Wikipedia:Cardiac_muscle ZFA:0005280 galen:CardiacMuscle galen:CardiacMuscleTissue ncithesaurus:Heart_Muscle cardiac muscle cardiac muscle muscle tissue cardiac muscle textus muscularis heart muscle muscle tissue heart muscle textus muscularis heart myocardium muscle tissue heart myocardium textus muscularis muscle of heart muscle tissue muscle of heart textus muscularis muscle tissue of cardiac muscle muscle tissue of heart muscle muscle tissue of heart myocardium muscle tissue of muscle of heart muscle tissue of myocardium myocardium muscle tissue myocardium textus muscularis textus muscularis of cardiac muscle textus muscularis of heart muscle textus muscularis of heart myocardium textus muscularis of muscle of heart textus muscularis of myocardium uberon cardiac musculature UBERON:0001133 cardiac muscle tissue Muscle tissue that consists primarily of skeletal muscle fibers. TODO - add skeletal muscle organ? See GO:0060538 skeletal muscle organ development. Todo - group FBbt:00005073 - somatic muscle. Muscle, composed of long cylindrical, multinucleated cells that attaches to the skeleton via tendons.[TAO] Tissue which consists of skeletal muscle fibers surrounded by endomysium. Examples: Skeletal muscle tissue of biceps, Skeletal muscle tissue of diaphragm[FMA] This result implies the following views in terms of evolutionary differentiation: (1) Arthropod striated muscle and vertebrate skeletal and cardiac muscles share a common ancestor. In other words, they did not evolve independently (...) (5) The divergence of vertebrate skeletal and cardiac muscles/vertebrate smooth muscle and nonmuscle is at least before that of vertebrates/arthropods. In other words, emergence of skeletal and cardiac musle type tissues preceded the vertebrate/arthropod divergence (ca. 700 MYA).[well established][VHOG] skeletal muscle EMAPA:32716 FMA:14069 MA:0002439 NCIT:C13050 SCTID:426215008 UMLS:C0242692 Wikipedia:Skeletal_striated_muscle uberon skeletal muscle system somatic muscle UBERON:0001134 skeletal muscle tissue Skeletal:muscle.jpg Muscle tissue which is unstriated, composed primarily of smooth muscle fibers surrounded by a reticulum of collagen and elastic fibers. Smooth muscle differs from striated muscle in the much higher actin/myosin ratio, the absence of conspicuous sarcomeres and the ability to contract to a much smaller fraction of its resting length[GO]. A non-striated muscle that is composed of spindle-shaped cells. Smooth muscle usually is organized into sheets that line cavitated organs.[TAO] Involuntary muscle tissue consisting of uninucleate spindle-shaped fibers.[AAO] (...) the first bilateral animals possessed only smooth muscles with the molecular repertoire necessary to build a striated muscle. (...) it is more parsimonious to regard striated muscle cells as a sister cell type to the smooth muscle cells. In this scenario, striated and smooth muscles would have arisen in the stem lineage that led to the Nephrozoa (i.e. all Bilateria exclusive the acoelomorphs) (Hejnol et al., 2009), from an 'acoel-like' smooth muscle, by segregation and divergence of functions and through differential recruitment of additional genes[well established][VHOG] GO uses visceral and smooth interchangeably. However visceral can also be used in the sense of the viscera. Many fly annotations to smooth muscle terms. If we want to be inclusive of insects have to have a general definition of tissue that includes cells. AAO:0010244 AEO:0000141 BTO:0001260 CALOHA:TS-0943 EFO:0000889 EHDAA2:0003141 EMAPA:32717 EV:0100378 FBbt:00003525 FMA:14070 GAID:167 MA:0000166 MAT:0000303 MESH:D009130 MIAA:0000303 NCIT:C12437 OpenCyc:Mx4rvvSS3pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0005274 UMLS:C1267092 VHOG:0001246 WBbt:0005781 Wikipedia:Smooth_muscle_tissue XAO:0000175 ZFA:0005274 galen:SmoothMuscle galen:SmoothMuscleTissue involuntary muscle non-striated muscle smooth muscle textus muscularis nonstriatus visceral muscle visceral muscle tissue uberon textus muscularis levis; textus muscularis nonstriatus UBERON:0001135 smooth muscle tissue Glatte:Muskelzellen.jpg Simple squamous epithelium of mesodermal origin which lines serous membranes. Examples: mesothelium of pleura, mesothelium of peritoneum[FMA]. Wikipedia: The mesothelium is a membrane that forms the lining of several body cavities: the pleura (thoracal cavity), peritoneum (abdominal cavity including the mesentery) and pericardium (heart sac). Mesothelial tissue also surrounds the male internal reproductive organs (the tunica vaginalis testis) and covers the internal reproductive organs of women (the tunica serosa uteri). AEO:0000111 BTO:0002422 CALOHA:TS-1183 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003111 EHDAA:2331 EHDAA:2349 EHDAA:295 EHDAA:6073 EHDAA:640 EHDAA:646 EMAPA:32856 FMA:14074 MA:0000565 NCIT:C33105 SCTID:361918002 UMLS:C0086610 Wikipedia:Mesothelium uberon UBERON:0001136 mesothelium A major subdivision of an organism that is the entire part of the organism dorsal to a horizontal plane and bounded on one side by the same transverse plane. In vertebrares this includes the vertebral column.. dorsal In humans, called the back, a large posterior area of the human body, rising from the top of the buttocks to the back of the neck and the shoulders. It is the surface opposite to the chest, its height being defined by the vertebral column (commonly referred to as the spine or backbone) and its breadth being supported by the ribcage and shoulders. The spinal canal runs through the spine and provides nerves to the rest of the body BTO:0001713 CALOHA:TS-2223 EFO:0001405 FMA:14181 GAID:30 MESH:A01.176 NCIT:C13062 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVkEU5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:123961009 UMLS:C0004600 Wikipedia:Dorsum_(anatomy) galen:Back back back of body proper dorsal part of organism uberon UBERON:0001137 dorsum A large triangular surface of the liver devoid of peritoneal covering. EMAPA:17945 FMA:14480 MA:0000359 area nuda (hepar) area nuda hepatis liver bare area uberon area nuda bare area hepatic bare area UBERON:0001149 bare area of liver The tubular structure that conducts gall bladder contents from the gall bladder to the common bile duct. Duct that connects the gall bladder and the common bile duct.[TAO] The duct of the gallbladder which joins the common hepatic duct, thus forming the common biliary duct. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] EHDAA2:0000333 EHDAA:3045 EMAPA:16841 FMA:14539 GAID:290 MA:0000355 MESH:A03.159.183.419 NCIT:C32421 OpenCyc:Mx4rveBeC5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:245398005 TAO:0005166 UMLS:C0010672 VHOG:0000213 Wikipedia:Cystic_duct ZFA:0005166 galen:CysticDuct uberon ductus cysticus UBERON:0001152 cystic duct A pouch in the digestive tract that connects the ileum with the ascending colon of the large intestine. It is separated from the ileum by the ileocecal valve, and is the beginning of the large intestine. It is also separated from the colon by the cecocolic junction. caecal A cecum is present in most amniote species, and also in lungfish, but not in any living species of amphibian. In reptiles, it is usually a single median structure, arising from the dorsal side of the large intestine. Birds typically have two paired ceca, as, unlike other mammals, do hyraxes. Most mammalian herbivores have a relatively large cecum, hosting a large number of bacteria, which aid in the enzymatic breakdown of plant materials such as cellulose; in many species, it is considerably wider than the colon. In contrast, obligatory carnivores, whose diets contain little or no plant material, have a reduced cecum, which is often partially or wholly replaced by the vermiform appendix. Many fish have a number of small outpocketings, called pyloric ceca, along their intestine; despite the name they are not homologous with the cecum of amniotes, and their purpose is to increase the overall area of the digestive epithelium.[2] Some invertebrates, such as squid,[3] may also have structures with the same name, but these have no relationship with those of vertebrates. BTO:0000166 CALOHA:TS-0122 EFO:0000850 EHDAA2:0000206 EHDAA:3913 EMAPA:35197 EV:0100397 FMA:14541 GAID:307 MA:0000334 MESH:A03.492.411.495.209 MIAA:0000288 NCIT:C12381 OpenCyc:Mx4rve6u4JwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0007531 VHOG:0001559 galen:Cecum caecum cecum intestinum crassum caecum caeca ceca uberon blind intestine blindgut intestinum caecum intestinum crassum cecum UBERON:0001153 Taxon notes: in some herbivorous lizards, a cecum is present between small and large intestines[Kardong] caecum A portion of the large intestine before it becomes the rectum. In mammals, the colon is the most part of the large intestine, excluding the vermiform appendix, the rectum and the anal canal. Some references do not consider the caecum to be part of the colon. TODO - abstract this such that it legitimately covers all vertebrates The last portion of the digestive system, it extracts water and salt from solid wastes before they are eliminated from the body.[AAO] The posterior intestine has short longitudinally arranged epithelial folds which are similar to the colon of higher vertebrates. Wallace et al, 2005.[TAO] Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut.[uncertain][VHOG] colonic In mammals, the colon consists of four sections: the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, and the sigmoid colon[WP] In zebrafish, the posterior intestine has short longitudinally arranged epithelial folds which are similar to the colon of higher vertebrates[ZFIN] it extracts water and salt from solid wastes before they are eliminated from the body[WP] AAO:0010400 BTO:0000269 CALOHA:TS-0158 EFO:0000361 EMAPA:18939 EV:0100079 FMA:14543 GAID:309 MA:0000335 MAP:0000001 MAT:0000526 MESH:A03.492.411.495.356 NCIT:C12382 OpenCyc:Mx4rvgLEM5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000706 UMLS:C0009368 VHOG:0000648 XAO:0000243 ZFA:0000706 galen:Colon large bowel posterior intestine uberon hindgut UBERON:0001155 colon The body of stomach is the part of the stomach that lies between the fundus above and the pyloric antrum below; its boundaries are poorly defined[GO]. we include this as zone of stomach even though it is not distinguished by gland type BTO:0000505 EMAPA:35810 FMA:14560 MA:0002559 NCIT:C12258 SCTID:362140009 UMLS:C0227230 Wikipedia:Body_of_stomach galen:GastricCorpus corpus gastricum (ventriculare) gastric body stomach body uberon corpus gastricum corpus ventriculare corpus ventriculi gastric corpus UBERON:0001161 body of stomach The area at the bottom of the stomach on the caudal side of the pyloric canal that contains gastrin-producing G cells, which stimulate acid production, and the luminal pH-sensitive population of somatostatin-producing D cells. antrum BTO:0001732 EFO:0002555 EMAPA:17891 FMA:14579 GAID:332 MA:0001624 MESH:A03.492.766.716 NCIT:C12259 SCTID:362142001 UMLS:C0034193 Wikipedia:Pyloric_antrum galen:PyloricAntrum antrum of stomach stomach pyloric antrum uberon antrum of Willis antrum pylori antrum pyloricum gastric antrum stomach antrum UBERON:0001165 pyloric antrum The stomach tissue region surrounding and controlling the distal outlet of the stomach, which opens into the duodenum. We follow Kardong in defining stomach regions by glands The orifice which allows the passage from the stomach into the intestine. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut.[uncertain][VHOG] pyloric BTO:0001146 EHDAA2:0001580 EHDAA:4860 EMAPA:17631 FMA:14581 GAID:333 MA:0002560 MESH:A03.492.766.799 NCIT:C12260 SCTID:362143006 UMLS:C0034196 VHOG:0000420 Wikipedia:Pylorus galen:Pylorus pars pylorica pars pylorica gastricae pyloric part of stomach pyloric region stomach pyloric region uberon valvula pylori UBERON:0001166 pylorus The layered structure that makes up the stomach, typiclly consists of a serous coat, a muscular coat, a mucous membrane, and other tissue layers in between. EMAPA:35826 FMA:14582 MA:0002692 SCTID:279995000 galen:WallOfStomach anatomical wall of stomach anatomical wall of ventriculus gastric wall stomach anatomical wall stomach wall ventriculus anatomical wall ventriculus wall wall of ventriculus uberon UBERON:0001167 wall of stomach An anatomical wall that is part of a small intestine [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:35785 FMA:14615 MA:0002696 NCIT:C33573 UMLS:C1519375 anatomical wall of small bowel anatomical wall of small intestine small bowel anatomical wall small bowel wall small intestinal wall small intestine anatomical wall small intestine wall wall of small bowel uberon UBERON:0001168 wall of small intestine The peritoneum responsible for connecting the jejunum and ileum (parts of the small intestine) to the back wall of the abdomen. Between the two sheets of peritoneum are blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves. This allows these parts of the small intestine to move relatively freely within the abdominopelvic cavity. The brain, however, cannot map sensation accurately, so sensation is usually referred to the midline, an example of referred pain[WP]. EMAPA:37745 FMA:14643 MA:0001555 mesentery (proper) mesentery proper small intestinal mesentery small intestine mesentery uberon UBERON:0001170 mesentery of small intestine The triangular region on the periphery of the liver lobules that contain a bile duct and a terminal branch of the hepatic artery and portal vein, and may also include a lymphatic vessel. FMA:14653 MA:0002498 NCIT:C33341 UMLS:C0682620 uberon UBERON:0001171 portal lobule The functional unit of the liver, consisting of a mass of hepatocytes from adjacent liver lobules aligned around the hepatic arterioles and portal venules just as they anastomose into sinusoids. EMAPA:35497 FMA:14654 MA:0002496 NCIT:C32992 SCTID:272214009 UMLS:C0227519 liver acinus portal acinus uberon UBERON:0001172 hepatic acinus A complex network of conduits that begins with the canals of Hering (intralobar bile duct) and progressively merges into a system of interlobular, septal, and major ducts which then coalesce to form the extrahepatic bile ducts, which finally deliver bile to the intestine, and in some species to the gallbladder. Hollow tree organ, the organ parts of which consist of the bile ducts.[AAO] AAO:0011020 EMAPA:35172 FMA:14665 SCTID:181267003 UMLS:C0005423 Wikipedia:Biliary_tract XAO:0000455 uberon biliary tract UBERON:0001173 The path in many species is as follows: Bile canaliculi -> Canals of Hering (intralobar bile duct) -> interlobular bile ducts -> intrahepatic bile ducts -> left and right hepatic ducts merge to form -> common hepatic duct *exits liver* and joins -> cystic duct (from gall bladder) forming -> common bile duct -> joins with pancreatic duct -> forming ampulla of Vater -> enters duodenum [WP] biliary tree The part of the biliary tree formed by the union of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct. Digestive system duct that collects bile from the hepatic bile duct and the cystic duct.[TAO] The duct formed by the union of the common hepatic and cystic ducts. [Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier, adapted_from_Dorian_AF][VHOG] EHDAA2:0000303 EHDAA:3981 EMAPA:17201 FMA:14667 GAID:282 MA:0001631 MESH:D003135 NCIT:C12698 SCTID:362199009 TAO:0005165 UMLS:C0009437 VHOG:0000214 Wikipedia:Common_bile_duct ZFA:0005165 galen:CommonBileDuct ductus choledochus (biliaris) uberon ductus choledochus UBERON:0001174 common bile duct Predominantly extrahepatic bile duct which is formed by the junction of the right and left hepatic ducts, which are predominantly intrahepatic, and, in turn, joins the cystic duct to form the common bile duct[GAID]. The common hepatic duct is the duct formed by the convergence of the right hepatic duct (which drains bile from the right functional lobe of the liver) and the left hepatic duct (which drains bile from the left functional lobe of the liver). The common hepatic duct then joins the cystic duct coming from the gallbladder to form the common bile duct[WP]. TODO - MA distinguishes between bile duct, hepatic duct, common bile duct and common hepatic duct. in FMA hepatic duct and common hepatic duct are the same. Common is part of extra-hepatic part The duct which conveys the bile from the liver and unites with the cystic duct to form the common bile duct. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] EMAPA:19101 FMA:14668 GAID:286 MA:0002660 MESH:D006500 NCIT:C32356 SCTID:245403006 UMLS:C0019149 VHOG:0000220 Wikipedia:Common_hepatic_duct uberon ductus hepaticus communis hepatic duct UBERON:0001175 common hepatic duct The duct that drains bile from the right half of the liver and joins the left hepatic duct to form the common hepatic duct. The duct which drains bile from the right half of the liver and unites with the left hepatic duct to form the common hepatic duct. [adapted_from_][VHOG] EHDAA2:0001727 EHDAA:3992 EMAPA:32797 FMA:14669 MA:0001639 NCIT:C33476 SCTID:245401008 UMLS:C0227557 VHOG:0000217 uberon ductus hepaticus dexter UBERON:0001176 right hepatic duct The duct that drains bile from the left half of the liver and joins the right hepatic duct to form the common hepatic duct. The duct which drains bile from the left half of the liver and unites with the right hepatic duct to form the common hepatic duct. [adapted_from_][VHOG] EHDAA2:0000941 EHDAA:3990 EMAPA:32795 FMA:14670 MA:0001638 NCIT:C32960 SCTID:245400009 UMLS:C0227560 VHOG:0000218 uberon ductus hepaticus sinister UBERON:0001177 left hepatic duct The inner layer of peritoneum that is wrapped around organs located inside the intraperitoneal space. EMAPA:16592 FMA:14703 SCTID:362702003 TAO:0005132 VHOG:0001528 Wikipedia:Visceral_peritoneum ZFA:0005132 visceral serous membrane of peritoneum uberon UBERON:0001178 visceral peritoneum Anatomical cavity bounded by visceral and parietal peritoneum. The potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the peritoneum, which are normally in contact. The peritoneal cavity is divided into the greater and lesser sac. The greater sac is the peritoneal cavity, and the lesser sac is the omental bursa. [TFD][VHOG] In hagfishes a transverse septum extends upward from the ventral body wall posterior to the heart, partly separating an anterior pericardial cavity from a larger peritoneal cavity. (...) These basic relationships have not been modified by urodeles. The small pericardial cavity remains far forward where it is separated by a transverse septum from the principal coelom, which may now be called a pleuroperitoneal cavity because slender lungs are present. (...) The heart [of other tetrapods] is separated from the lungs (and liver if present) by more or less horizontal partitions that have their origin in the embryo as folds on the serous membrane of the right and left lateral body walls. These grow out to join in the midline of the body. They are called lateral mesocardia (birds) or pleuropericardial membranes. Posteriorly they join the transverse septum to form the adult pericardial membrane, or pericardium. (...) In their partitioning of their coelom, embryonic mammals resemble first early fishes (incomplete partition, posterior to heart, consisting of the transverse septum) and then reptiles (pericardium derived from transverse septum and pleuropericardial membranes) Mammals then separate paired pleural cavities from the peritoneal cavity by a diaphragm. The ventral portion of this organ comes from the transverse septum. The dorsal portion is derived from the dorsal mesentery and from still another pair of outgrowths from the lateral body wall, the pleuroperitoneal membranes.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0001782 EHDAA2:0001446 EMAPA:16138 FMA:14704 GAID:24 MA:0000054 MESH:A01.047.025.600.678 NCIT:C12769 SCTID:181616008 UMLS:C1704247 VHOG:0000852 Wikipedia:Peritoneal_cavity uberon cavitas peritonealis saccus serosus peritonei UBERON:0001179 peritoneal cavity The common iliac arteries are two large arteries, about 4cm long in adults but more than a centimetre in diameter, that originate from the aortic bifurcation. The arteries run inferolaterally, along the medial border of the psoas muscles to the pelvic brim, where they bifurcate into the external iliac artery and internal iliac artery. The common iliac artery, and all of its branches, exist as paired structures (that is to say, there is one on the left side and one on the right). The distribution of the common iliac artery is basically the pelvis and lower limb on the corresponding side. Both common iliac arteries are accompanied along their course by common iliac veins. [WP,unvetted]. EHDAA2:0000311 EHDAA:2553 EMAPA:17310 FMA:14764 MA:0001972 NCIT:C32357 OpenCyc:Mx4rvkZ7ZpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C1261084 common iliac arterial tree uberon arteria iliaca communis UBERON:0001191 See notes for parent class common iliac artery An artery that supplies the liver. currently defined in a generic fashion. Artery that supplies blood to the liver.[TAO] BTO:0004307 EMAPA:17859 FMA:14769 GAID:496 MA:0001963 MESH:D006499 NCIT:C32729 OpenCyc:Mx4rvzKtFpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:76015000 TAO:0005161 UMLS:C0019145 ZFA:0005161 galen:HepaticArtery arteria hepatica propria uberon arteria hepatica UBERON:0001193 hepatic artery The mucosal layer that lines the stomach. The gastric mucosa is the mucous membrane layer of the stomach which contains the glands and the gastric pits. In men it is about 1 mm thick and its surface is smooth, soft, and velvety. It consists of epithelium, lamina propria, and the muscularis mucosae. In its fresh state, it is of a pinkish tinge at the pyloric end and of a red or reddish-brown color over the rest of its surface. In infancy it is of a brighter hue, the vascular redness being more marked. It is thin at the cardiac extremity, but thicker toward the pylorus. During the contracted state of the organ it is thrown into numerous plaits or rugae, which, for the most part, have a longitudinal direction, and are most marked toward the pyloric end of the stomach, and along the greater curvature. These folds are entirely obliterated when the organ becomes distended. When examined with a lens, the inner surface of the mucous membrane presents a peculiar honeycomb appearance from being covered with funnel-like depressions or foveolae of a polygonal or hexagonal form, which vary from 0.12 to 0.25 mm. in diameter. These are the ducts of the gastric glands, and at the bottom of each may be seen one or more minute orifices, the openings of the gland tubes. Gastric glands are simple or branched tubular glands that emerge on the deeper part of the gastric foveola, inside the gastric areas and outlined by the folds of the mucosa. There are three types of glands: cardiac glands (in the proximal part of the stomach), oxyntic glands (the dominating type of gland), and pyloric glands. The cardiac glands mainly contain mucus producing cells. The bottom part of the oxyntic glands is dominated by zymogen (chief) cells that produce pepsinogen (an inactive precursor of the pepsin enzyme). Parietal cells, which secrete hydrochloric acid are scattered in the glands, with most of them in the middle part. The upper part of the glands consist of mucous neck cells; in this part the dividing cells are seen. The pyloric glands contain mucus-secreting cells. Several types of endocrine cells are found in all regions of the gastric mucosa. In the pyloric glands contain gastrin producing cells (G cells); this hormone stimulates acid production from the parietal cells. ECL (enterochromaffine-like) cells, found in the oxyntic glands release histamine, which also is a powerful stimulant of the acid secretion. The A cells produce glucagon, which mobilizes the hepatic glycogen, and the enterochromaffin cells that produce serotonin, which stimulates the contraction of the smooth muscles. The surface of the mucous membrane is covered by a single layer of columnar epithelium . This epithelium commences very abruptly at the cardiac orifice, where there is a sudden transition from the stratified epithelium of the esophagus. The epithelial lining of the gland ducts is of the same character and is continuous with the general lining of the stomach. [WP,unvetted][Wikipedia:Gastric_mucosa]. BTO:0001308 CALOHA:TS-0404 EMAPA:35817 FMA:14907 GAID:321 MA:0002683 MESH:A03.492.766.440 NCIT:C32656 OpenCyc:Mx8NhB4rvcD6KJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvmKNOpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvVj5FpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvVjlqpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:362131005 UMLS:C0017136 Wikipedia:Gastric_mucosa galen:GastricMucosa gastric mucosa gastric mucous membrane mucosa of organ of stomach mucosa of organ of ventriculus mucosa of ventriculus mucous membrane of stomach mucous membrane of ventriculus organ mucosa of stomach organ mucosa of ventriculus stomach mucosa stomach mucosa of organ stomach mucous membrane stomach organ mucosa tunica mucosa (gaster) tunica mucosa gastricae ventriculus mucosa ventriculus mucosa of organ ventriculus mucous membrane ventriculus organ mucosa uberon Magenschleimhaut tunica mucosa gastris UBERON:0001199 mucosa of stomach Wikipedia:File:Normal_gastric_mucosa_intermed_mag.jpg A strong ring of smooth muscle at the end of the pyloric canal which lets food pass from the stomach to the duodenum. It receives sympathetic innervation from the celiac ganglion[WP]. (...) the adult Xenopus stomach exhibits both glandular and aglandular regions and a distinct pyloric sphincter similar to that of the amniotic vertebrates (...).[uncertain][VHOG] AAO:0011093 EMAPA:19251 FMA:14916 MA:0002952 NCIT:C33433 OpenCyc:Mx4rvly2ZZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:268073008 UMLS:C0227238 VHOG:0001466 XAO:0000457 pyloric valve uberon UBERON:0001202 pyloric sphincter A mucosa that is part of a small intestine [Automatically generated definition]. BTO:0001259 CALOHA:TS-0941 EMAPA:35780 FMA:14933 MA:0002686 NCIT:C33568 SCTID:362144000 UMLS:C0227261 mucosa of organ of small bowel mucosa of organ of small intestine mucosa of small bowel mucous membrane of small bowel mucous membrane of small intestine organ mucosa of small bowel organ mucosa of small intestine small bowel mucosa small bowel mucosa of organ small bowel mucous membrane small bowel organ mucosa small intestinal mucosa small intestine mucosa small intestine mucosa of organ small intestine mucous membrane small intestine organ mucosa tunica mucosa (intestinum tenue) tunica mucosa intestini tenuis uberon UBERON:0001204 mucosa of small intestine An ureter that is part of a right side of organism [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:37373 FMA:15571 MA:0001685 NCIT:C49327 UMLS:C0227682 uberon UBERON:0001222 right ureter A funnel shaped proximal portion of the ureter that is formed by convergence of the major calices [MP]. CALOHA:TS-2230 EMAPA:17948 FMA:15575 GAID:426 MA:0000374 MESH:D007682 NCIT:C12887 SCTID:362221007 UMLS:C0227666 Wikipedia:Renal_pelvis galen:RenalPelvis kidney pelvis pelvis of ureter uberon p. renallis pyelum UBERON:0001224 In this ontology, the renal pelvis is represented as the area of part-overlap between the kidney and the ureter renal pelvis Illu:kidney2.jpg Outer cortical portion of the kidney, between the renal capsule and the renal medulla. In the adult metanephros, it forms a continuous smooth outer zone with a number of projections that extend down between the pyramids. It contains the renal corpuscles and the renal tubules except for parts of the loop of Henle which descend into the renal medulla. It also contains blood vessels and cortical collecting ducts. The renal cortex is the part of the kidney where ultrafiltration occurs.[WP] BTO:0001166 CALOHA:TS-0503 EMAPA:17952 FMA:15581 GAID:424 MA:0000372 MESH:D007672 NCIT:C12739 SCTID:362211004 UMLS:C0022655 Wikipedia:Renal_cortex galen:CortexOfKidney cortex renalis kidney cortex renal cortex uberon UBERON:0001225 cortex of kidney Illu:kidney.jpg The structure containing the glomerular capsule and the glomerulus that serves as the initial blood-filtering component of a nephron. A mass of arterial capillaries enveloped in a capsule and attached to a tubule in the kidney[BTO] A tuft of capillaries found in a Bowman's capsule in which waste products are filtered from the blood and urine formation is initiated. Paired highly vascularized structures of the pronephros, responsible for blood filtration.[XAO] The part of the nephron that filters blood.[TAO] BTO:0000333 CALOHA:TS-1317 EMAPA:28236 EMAPA:35726 EV:0100385 FMA:15625 MA:0000376 NCIT:C33456 SCTID:361329009 TAO:0005281 UMLS:C0227635 VHOG:0001262 Wikipedia:Renal_corpuscle ZFA:0005281 Malphigian corpuscle Malpighian corpuscle corpusculum renale uberon corpusculum renis cortical renal corpuscle kidney corpuscle UBERON:0001229 Together, the Bowmans capsule and the glomerulus comprise the definitive renal corpuscle. renal corpuscle Renal:corpuscle.svg A cup-like sac at the expanded beginning of a tubular component of a nephron that contains the glomerulus. Anatomical structure found in the kidney consisting of an expanded end of a kidney tubule surrounding a glomerulus and is the major site of filtration.[AAO] Fluids from blood in the glomerulus are collected in the Bowman's capsule and further processed along the nephron to form urine. This process is known as ultrafiltration[WP]. One fold of the S-shaped body gives rise to Bowman's capsule[GUDMAP] AAO:0010526 BTO:0002297 EMAPA:27973 EMAPA:28257 FMA:15626 KUPO:0001001 MA:0001660 NCIT:C32225 SCTID:361331000 TAO:0005254 TAO:0005310 UMLS:C0524448 Wikipedia:Bowman%27s_capsule ZFA:0005254 ZFA:0005310 Bowman's capsule Bowmans capsule capsula glomerularis renal glomerular capsule uberon Bowman's capsule Malphigian capsule Malpighian capsule Mueller capsule Muellerian capsule capsula glomeruli pronephric glomerular capsule UBERON:0001230 glomerular capsule An epithelial tube that is part of the nephron, the functional part of the kidney. note that in ISBN:0073040584 (Vertebrates, Kardong), the uriniferous tubule contains the nephron, so we have a separate class, rather than using a synonym, as in MA UBERON:0004210 renal tubule BTO:0000343 CALOHA:TS-1262 EFO:0003666 EMAPA:27782 EV:0100387 FMA:15627 GAID:433 MA:0000377 MESH:D007684 NCIT:C49274 TAO:0001287 UMLS:C0022674 ZFA:0001287 kidney tubule tubulus renalis uberon uriniferous tubule UBERON:0001231 nephron tubule The collecting duct is a portion of the nephron through which water flows, moving passively down its concentration gradient. Renal duct that collects the output from renal tubules.[TAO] in ISBN:0073040584 (Vertebrates, Kardong), the nephron is adjacent to the collecting tubule, consistent with FMA, but not GO. Wikipedia says: Many sources include the connecting tubule as part of the collecting duct system. However, the embryological origin is more similar to the nephron than it is to the rest of the collecting duct (which derives from the ureteric bud), and other sources therefore classify the connecting tubule with the nephron BTO:0000761 CALOHA:TS-0860 EMAPA:28407 EV:0100391 FMA:15628 GAID:434 MA:0000371 MESH:D007685 SCTID:28202009 TAO:0005294 Wikipedia:Collecting_tubule ZFA:0005294 collecting duct kidney collecting duct renal collecting tubule tubulus renalis arcuatus tubulus renalis colligens uberon arcuate renal tubule collecting duct system collecting tubule junctional tube kidney collecting tubule ureteric tree UBERON:0001232 collecting duct of renal tubule The thick outer layer of the adrenal gland that produces and secretes steroid hormones such as corticosterone, estrone and aldosterone. All craniates have groups of cells homologous to the mammalian adrenocortical and chromaffin tissues (medulla), but they are scattered in and near the kidneys in fishes. (...) The cortical and chromaffin tissues come together to form adrenal glands in tetrapods.[well established][VHOG] Kardong states that mammals are the first to have distinct cortext and medulla, but this contradicts XAO AAO:0011009 BTO:0000045 CALOHA:TS-0015 EFO:0000237 EMAPA:18427 EV:0100136 FMA:15632 GAID:447 MA:0000118 MAT:0000494 MESH:D000302 NCIT:C12396 UMLS:C0001613 VHOG:0001481 XAO:0000165 adrenal gland cortex cortex (glandula suprarenalis) cortex of adrenal gland cortex of suprarenal gland suprarenal cortex uberon cortex glandulae suprarenalis suprarenal UBERON:0001235 adrenal cortex Mucosal layer that lines the intestine. BTO:0000642 EMAPA:35440 FMA:15695 GAID:296 MA:0001537 MESH:A03.492.411.369 NCIT:C49241 SCTID:362080002 UMLS:C0021839 bowel mucosa bowel mucosa of organ bowel mucous membrane bowel organ mucosa intestine mucosa intestine mucosa of organ intestine mucous membrane intestine organ mucosa mucosa of bowel mucosa of intestine mucosa of organ of bowel mucosa of organ of intestine mucous membrane of bowel mucous membrane of intestine organ mucosa of bowel organ mucosa of intestine tunica mucosa intestini uberon UBERON:0001242 intestinal mucosa Orifice at the opposite end of an animal's digestive tract from the mouth. Its function is to expel feces, unwanted semi-solid matter produced during digestion, which, depending on the type of animal, may be one or more of: matter which the animal cannot digest, such as bones; food material after all the nutrients have been extracted, for example cellulose or lignin; ingested matter which would be toxic if it remained in the digestive tract; and dead or excess gut bacteria and other endosymbionts. anal In the lungfish, sharks and rays the rectum opens into the cloaca which also receives wastes (urine) from the kidneys and material from the reproductive organs. In bony fish the rectum reaches the outside environment through the anus, which is normally situated just in front the urinary and reproductive openings. However in some fish the digestive tract may be curled back on itself, and in the Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus) the anus is situated in the fish's throat. -- BTO:0001680 CALOHA:TS-2005 EV:0100082 FBbt:00003148 FMA:15711 GAID:312 MA:0000331 MESH:A03.492.411.495.767.288 NCIT:C43362 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjaEZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181262009 TADS:0000066 TGMA:0001279 UMLS:C0003461 WBbt:0005364 Wikipedia:Anus galen:Anus anal opening anal orifice opening of terminal part of digestive tract uberon proctodeum UBERON:0001245 anus The canals that carry bile in the liver between the intralobular ducts and the biliary ductules; interlobular bile ducts are part of the interlobular portal triad. FMA:15767 MA:0002668 NCIT:C32827 SCTID:83488001 UMLS:C0227515 Wikipedia:Interlobular_bile_ducts interlobular ductule uberon UBERON:0001246 interlobular bile duct Distensible musculomembranous organ situated in the anterior part of the pelvic cavity in which urine collects before excretion[MP]. A saccular organ in which urine accumulates before discharge from the body. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Glossary_G-29, Grande_L, Liem_KF, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF][VHOG] Anatomical structure which consists of a membranous sac used to temporarily store urine until it is excreted from the body.[AAO] In tetrapods, the urinary bladder arises as an outpocketing of the cloaca. (...) The tetrapod urinary bladder appears first among amphibians and is present in Sphenodon, turtles, most lizards, ostriches among birds, and all mammals.[well established][VHOG] vesical The urinary bladder evolved in tetrapods. Birds to not possess a true urinary bladder, although Palaeognathae have an undifferentiated cloacal outpocketing that serves a similar function[] bladder AAO:0000623 BTO:0001418 CALOHA:TS-1090 EFO:0000290 EHDAA2:0000174 EHDAA:9328 EMAPA:18321 EV:0100098 FMA:15900 GAID:0000004 MA:0000380 MAT:0000122 MESH:A05.810.161 MIAA:0000122 NCIT:C12414 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjMmZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:302512001 UMLS:C0005682 VHOG:0000740 Wikipedia:Urinary_bladder XAO:0000154 galen:UrinaryBladder vesica urinaria uberon urocyst vesica UBERON:0001255 urinary bladder Urinary:system.svg An anatomical wall that is part of a intestine [Automatically generated definition]. we place two MA classes here due to the official ncit2ma mapping to intestinal wall tissue; not clear how bowel and intestine are different BTO:0000647 EMAPA:35444 FMA:15949 MA:0001525 MA:0002693 NCIT:C49478 UMLS:C1708548 anatomical wall of bowel anatomical wall of intestine bowel anatomical wall bowel wall intestinal wall intestine anatomical wall intestine wall wall of bowel uberon bowel wall UBERON:0001262 wall of intestine The secretory units of the exocrine pancreas, where fluid containing digestive enzymes is produced; consists of a group of secretory cells surrounding a luminal space that connects to the pancreatic duct. EMAPA:35651 FMA:16011 MA:0002417 NCIT:C49268 SCTID:247604006 UMLS:C0227578 acinus pancreaticus pancreas acinus uberon pancreatic acinar pancreatic acini UBERON:0001263 pancreatic acinus An endoderm derived structure that produces precursors of digestive enzymes and blood glucose regulating enzymes[GO]. Organ which secretes a fluid containing enzymes that aid in the digestion of food.[AAO] In the hagfish and lampreys (our most primitive vertebrate species of today), the first sign of 'a new organ' is found as collections of endocrine cells around the area of the bile duct connection with the duodenum. These endocrine organs are composed of 99% beta cells and 1% somatostatin-producing delta cells. Compared to the more primitive protochordates (e.g. amphioxus), this represents a stage where all previously scattered insulin-producing cells of the intestinal tissue have now quantitatively migrated to found a new organ involved in sensing blood glucose rather than gut glucose. Only later in evolution, the beta cells are joined by exocrine tissue and alpha cells (exemplified by the rat-, rabbit- and elephant-fishes). Finally, from sharks and onwards in evolution, we have the islet PP-cell entering to complete the pancreas.[well established][VHOG] pancreatic As a secretory organ serving exocrine and endocrine functions, the pancreas is specific to the vertebrates[PMID:16417468] Hagfishes and lampreys are unique in the complete separation of their endocrine pancreas (islet or- gan) and their exocrine pancreas (50). The endocrine and exocrine pancreas are coassociated in crown gnathostomes (50). In Branchiostoma and Ciona, there is no diverticulum as there is in hagfishes, lampreys, and gnathostomes, only dispersed insulin-secreting cells in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract (51, 52) The zebrafish does not have a discrete pancreas. Exocrine pancreatic tissue can be found scattered along the intestinal tract. The acinar structure of the exocrine pancreas is very similar to that of mammals and comprises cells with a very dark, basophilic cytoplasm The mature pancreas of higher vertebrates and mammals comprises two major functional units: the exocrine pancreas, which is responsible for the production of digestive enzymes to be secreted into the gut lumen, and the endocrine pancreas, which has its role in the synthesis of several hormones with key regulatory functions in food uptake and metabolism. The exocrine portion constitutes the majority of the mass of the pancreas, and contains only two different cell types, the secretory acinar cells and the ductular cells. The endocrine portion, which comprises only 1-2% of the total mass, contains five different cell types, which are organized into mixed functional assemblies referred to as the islets of Langerhans AAO:0010112 BTO:0000988 CALOHA:TS-0736 EFO:0000855 EHDAA2:0001367 EHDAA:6893 EMAPA:17503 EV:0100092 FMA:7198 GAID:334 MA:0000120 MAT:0000075 MESH:D010179 MIAA:0000075 NCIT:C12393 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVimZZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181277001 TAO:0000140 UMLS:C0030274 VHOG:0000050 Wikipedia:Pancreas XAO:0000136 ZFA:0000140 galen:Pancreas uberon UBERON:0001264 pancreas The acetabulum is a concave surface of the pelvis. The head of the femur meets with the pelvis at the acetabulum, forming the hip joint. There are three bones of the os coxae (hip bone) that come together to form the acetabulum. Contributing a little more than two-fifths of the structure is the ischium, which provides lower and side boundaries to the acetabulum. The ilium forms the upper boundary, providing a little less than two-fifths of the structure of the acetabulum. The rest is formed by the pubis, near the midline. It is bounded by a prominent uneven rim, which is thick and strong above, and serves for the attachment of the acetabular labrum, which reduces its opening, and deepens the surface for formation of the hip joint. At the lower part of the acetabulum is the acetabular notch, which is continuous with a circular depression, the acetabular fossa, at the bottom of the cavity of the acetabulum. The rest of the acetabulum is formed by a curved, crescent-moon shaped surface, the lunate surface, where the joint is made with the head of the femur. Its counterpart in the pectoral girdle is the glenoid fossa.[WP,unvetted]. Cavity for the articulation of the proximal bone of the hind limb.[AAO] During the transformation from the osteolepiform fins to tetrapod limbs, the appendages and girdles underwent a number of radical changes. The pelvic girdle became a weight-bearing structure by evolution of an ischium, a full mesio-ventral contact between the two sides of the girdle, an ilium, and a contact between the vertebral column and the girdle through a sacral rib. Fore- and hindlimbs shifted laterally by reorientation of the glenoid and the acetabulum.[well established][VHOG] In reptiles and in birds, the acetabula are deep sockets. whilst WP defines this as a surface, MA treats it as a bone. There are other FMA classes that may be better suited to representing the surface. AAO:0000770 EHDAA:10661 EMAPA:18346 FMA:16579 GAID:206 MA:0001335 MESH:A02.835.232.611.108 NCIT:C32042 OpenCyc:Mx4rwJlP9ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001427 UMLS:C0000962 VHOG:0000974 acetabular region acetabulum uberon UBERON:0001269 acetabular part of hip bone The organism subdivision that includes the pelvic girdle skeleton and associated soft tissue. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). Examples: There are only two instances in an organism, right and left pectoral girdle regions. this class describes the subdivision of the limb/fin, NOT the skeleton within. See also: skeleton of pectoral girdle (UBERON:0007831). See also comments on obo-anatomy mail list. Note that even though the class includes soft tissue it is more restrictive than 'pelvis' which also includes structures in cavities etc. TODO this needs to be better documented Subdivision of lower limb or fin which links the limb/fin to the body[FMA,modified]. There is only one instance of the pelvic girdle region per organism.[VSAO] EMAPA:37862 FMA:16581 NCIT:C33291 SCTID:360010001 UMLS:C0684083 VSAO:0000304 uberon girdle - pelvic pelvic girdle UBERON:0001271 pelvic girdle region Endochondral bone that is paired, forming the posterior part of the pelvis, articulating with the pubis and ilium. Paired bones of endochondral origin that constitute the posterior elements of the pelvic girdle. They are synostotically fused to each other and form the posterior part of the acetabulum.[AAO] ischial this is_a hip bone in MA; in FMA it is a zone of bone organ. AAO:0000860 EMAPA:18727 FMA:16592 GAID:208 MA:0001337 MESH:A02.835.232.611.548 NCIT:C32884 OpenCyc:Mx4rvlzMKpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0022122 VSAO:0005006 galen:Ischium ischial bone ischium bone uberon os ischii UBERON:0001274 ischium The epithelial layer of the stomach . in FMA this is classified as simple columnar, MA divides this into squamous and glandular BTO:0000500 CALOHA:TS-2068 EHDAA2:0001918 EMAPA:17023 FMA:17091 MA:0001610 SCTID:64977002 VHOG:0001433 epithelial tissue of stomach epithelial tissue of ventriculus epithelium of ventriculus stomach epithelial tissue stomach epithelium ventriculus epithelial tissue ventriculus epithelium uberon gastric epithelium UBERON:0001276 epithelium of stomach Epithelial layer that lines the intestine. Simple columnar epithelium that lines the intestine, sometimes pseudostratified, with absorptive brush-border cells and mucous goblet cells clearly visible. Crosnier et al. 2005[TAO] BTO:0000781 EMAPA:32873 FMA:17229 MA:0001536 NCIT:C49240 TAO:0005124 UMLS:C0226890 ZFA:0005124 bowel epithelial tissue bowel epithelium epithelial tissue of bowel epithelial tissue of intestine epithelium of bowel epithelium of intestine intestine epithelial tissue villous epithelium uberon intestine epithelium UBERON:0001277 intestinal epithelium A multi-organ-part structure that consists of three vessels of the portal lobule including the bile duct, a terminal branch of the hepatic artery and portal vein, and may also include a lymphatic vessel. The misnomer 'portal triad' traditionally has included only the first three structures, and was named before lymphatic vessels were discovered in the structure. It can refer both to the largest branch of each of these vessels running inside the hepatoduodenal ligament, and to the smaller branches of these vessels inside the liver. FMA:17523 MA:0002499 NCIT:C33342 SCTID:362192000 UMLS:C0227514 Wikipedia:Portal_triad trias hepatica uberon trias hepatica UBERON:0001279 portal triad Portal:triad.JPG The functional units of the liver including the lobules. the (liver) tubular structure (dual layered parenchyma) appears to be conserved among all embryonic vertebrates (...) it is not unlikely that all vertebrate livers share the same fundamental functional unit.[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0003223 AAO:0010405 EHDAA2:0001004 EHDAA:2201 EMAPA:17203 FMA:17540 MA:0000366 NCIT:C32735 SCTID:363535004 UMLS:C0736268 VHOG:0000539 XAO:0000454 hepatic parenchyma liver parenchyme parenchyma of liver uberon hepatic parenchyme UBERON:0001280 liver parenchyma The tubules located between the bile canaliculi and interlobular bile ducts near the outer edge of a classic liver lobule. Note that this is part of the intrahepatic bile duct in MA, as this class is more alike the tree in FMA. Note also that SCT has canal of Hering and Entire IBduct as the only sibling terms under 'Structure of intralobular bile duct' (i.e. the CoH is the only part of the entire IBduct) FMA:17545 MA:0002669 NCIT:C32255 SCTID:227002 SCTID:269922006 UMLS:C0227517 Wikipedia:Canals_of_Hering canal of Herring cholangiole ductus interlobularis bilifer uberon canal of Hering canals of Hering duct of Herring intrahepatic bile ductule UBERON:0001282 intralobular bile duct The basic functional unit of the kidney. its chief function is to regulate the concentration of water and soluble substances like sodium salts by filtering the blood, reabsorbing what is needed and excreting the rest as urine. A nephron eliminates wastes from the body, regulates blood volume and blood pressure, controls levels of electrolytes and metabolites, and regulates blood pH. Its functions are vital to life and are regulated by the endocrine system by hormones such as antidiuretic hormone, aldosterone, and parathyroid hormone.[WP]. kidney terms require review for cross-vertebrate compatibility and developmental relationships. Functional unit of the kidney that filters waste.[TAO] In the avian kidney, three types of nephron are identified: mammalian-type nephrons with long and short loops of Henle, and reptilian type nephrons (Gambaryan, 1992) BTO:0000924 CALOHA:TS-1312 EMAPA:28491 EMAPA:35592 EV:0100384 FMA:17640 GAID:428 MA:0000375 MESH:D009399 NCIT:C13048 SCTID:361337001 TAO:0002153 UMLS:C0027713 Wikipedia:Nephron ZFA:0005282 mature nephron uberon nephroneum tubulus renalis UBERON:0001285 nephron A narrow chalice-shaped cavity between the glomerular and capsular epithelium of the glomerular capsule of the kidney[TFD]. Between the visceral and parietal layers, into which the filtrate enters after passing through the podocytes' filtration slits[WP]. luminal region between the glomerular capsule visceral and parietal layers, into which filtrate enters after passing through the filtration barrier from the glomerular capillaries[MP]. TODO - fix ZFA Space between the renal glomerulus and the glomerular capsule. Renal filtrate collects here then passes into the renal tubule.[TAO] EMAPA:27985 EMAPA:28263 FMA:17676 MA:0001664 NCIT:C33840 SCTID:244284006 TAO:0005283 TAO:0005312 UMLS:C0227643 Wikipedia:Bowman's_space ZFA:0005283 ZFA:0005312 Bowman's space capsular space glomerular capsule space glomerular urinary space inter-glomerular space pronephric capsular space renal capsular space urinary space urinary space of renal corpuscle uberon Bowmanb%s space UBERON:0001286 Bowman's space The glandular mucous membrane lining of the uterine cavity that is hormonally responsive during the estrous/menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. The mucous membrane lining the uterus. [TFD][VHOG] The maternal part of the placenta (of eutherian mammals) is the vascularized and glandular uterine lining, or endometrium.[well established][VHOG] endometrial Animals that have estrous cycles reabsorb the endometrium if conception does not occur during that cycle. Animals that have menstrual cycles shed the endometrium through menstruation instead in FMA this is subdivided into basal and outer BTO:0001422 CALOHA:TS-0276 EFO:0000980 EMAPA:29917 EV:0100115 FMA:17742 GAID:377 MA:0000390 MAT:0000319 MESH:D004717 MIAA:0000319 NCIT:C12313 UMLS:C0014180 VHOG:0001285 tunica mucosa (endometrium) tunica mucosa uteri uterine endometrium uberon uterine mucosa uterine mucous membrane UBERON:0001295 endometrium The conic expansion of the corpus spongiosum that forms the head of the penis. glans BTO:0003118 EMAPA:18988 EV:0100108 FMA:18247 GAID:0000012 MA:0002726 NCIT:C12324 OpenCyc:Mx4rvdCpE5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:263378009 UMLS:C0227948 VHOG:0001475 Wikipedia:Glans_penis uberon balanus coronal sulcus UBERON:0001299 glans penis Male:anatomy.png The umbilical artery is a paired artery (with one for each half of the body) that is found in the abdominal and pelvic regions. In the fetus, it extends into the umbilical cord. [WP,unvetted]. todo - compare with EHDAA2. Check embryonic vs extraembryonic, developmental relationships BTO:0000841 CALOHA:TS-1077 EHDAA:1026 EHDAA:410 EMAPA:16331 EMAPA:16372 FMA:18820 GAID:516 MA:0002072 MESH:D014469 NCIT:C33827 OpenCyc:Mx4rCWdhMGWbEd2AAABQjYGu0g RETIRED_EHDAA2:0002106 UMLS:C0041632 uberon a. umbilicalis UBERON:0001310 umbilical artery A retractable double-layered fold of skin and mucous membrane that covers the glans penis and protects the urinary meatus when the penis is not erect. prepuce preputium BTO:0001113 CALOHA:TS-0383 EFO:0001664 EMAPA:18989 EV:0100109 FMA:19639 MA:0000407 NCIT:C33049 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjlTZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181426005 UMLS:C0227952 Wikipedia:Foreskin penile prepuce prepuce of male preputium penis uberon foreskin praeputium prepucium UBERON:0001332 prepuce of penis Foreskin:CloseupV2.jpg The tubules in the testes where spermatogenesis occurs. Any of the coiled tubules located in the testes in which spermatozoa are produced.[AAO] One of two or three twisted curved tubules in each lobule of the testis in which spermatogenesis occurs. [TFD][VHOG] Frogs among amphibians and the amniotes have males with testes that are composed of seminiferous tubules, which differ from ampullae in being long, highly convoluted ductules.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010399 BTO:0001235 CALOHA:TS-1239 EFO:0001404 EMAPA:18685 EMAPA:31476 EV:0100380 FMA:19825 GAID:400 MA:0000412 MAT:0000503 MESH:D012671 NCIT:C13047 NCIT:C34293 SCTID:279614002 UMLS:C0036630 UMLS:C1519236 VHOG:0001363 Wikipedia:Seminiferous_tubule XAO:0003088 seminiferous cord seminiferous tubule testis - seminiferous tubule tubuli seminiferi uberon tubuli seminiferi UBERON:0001343 seminiferous tubule of testis The anus and surrounding regions. Encompasses both internal and external regions, where present. Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut.[uncertain][VHOG] EFO:0000847 EHDAA2:0000122 EHDAA:2931 EMAPA:16831 MA:0000329 MAT:0000042 MIAA:0000042 NCIT:C32069 SCTID:362680001 UMLS:C0230120 VHOG:0000395 WBbt:0006919 uberon posterior posterior end of organism UBERON:0001353 anal region The outer layer of peritoneum that is attached to the abdominal and pelvic walls. Peritoneum attached to the abdominal wall.[AAO] UBERON:0004459 AAO:0010816 EMAPA:16591 FMA:21451 SCTID:362700006 TAO:0005131 VHOG:0001527 Wikipedia:Parietal_peritoneum ZFA:0005131 parietal serous membrane of peritoneum uberon peritoneal cavity lining UBERON:0001366 parietal peritoneum An organism subdivision that includes the pectoral girdle skeleton and associated soft tissue. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). Examples: There are only two instances in an organism, right and left pectoral girdle regions. this class describes the organism subdivision, NOT the skeleton within. See also: skeleton of pectoral girdle (UBERON:0007831). An organism subdivision that includes the pectoral girdle skeleton. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). There is only one instance of the pectoral girdle region per organism.[VSAO] Note that this class describes the central subdivision of the pectoral girdle complex, NOT the skeleton within.[VSAO] EMAPA:37856 FMA:23217 SCTID:229759004 VSAO:0000305 galen:ShoulderGirdle cingulum membri superioris girdle - pectoral cingulum membri superioris shoulder girdle upper limb girdle uberon pectoral girdle pectoral region UBERON:0001421 pectoral girdle region Anatomical system that is a multi-element, multi-tissue anatomical cluster that consists of the skeleton and the articular system. Anatomical system consisting of multiple elements and tissues that provides physical support.[TAO] Anatomical system that is a multi-element, multi-tissue anatomical cluster that consists of the skeleton and the articular system.[VSAO] System that provides physical support to the organism.[AAO] By taking a holistic approach, integration of the evidence from molecular and developmental features of model organisms, the phylogenetic distribution in the 'new animal phylogeny' and the earliest fossilized remains of mineralized animal skeletons suggests independent origins of the skeleton at the phylum level.[debated][VHOG] skeletal GO defines skeletal system very generically: The skeleton is the bony framework of the body in vertebrates (endoskeleton) or the hard outer envelope of insects (exoskeleton or dermoskeleton) GO:0001501; however, all annotations are to vertebrates AAO:0000566 BTO:0001486 CALOHA:TS-1320 EFO:0000806 EHDAA2:0003168 EMAPA:35773 FMA:23881 MA:0000018 NCIT:C12788 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi1rpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000434 UMLS:C0037253 VHOG:0001254 VSAO:0000027 XAO:0003060 ZFA:0000434 skeleton system set of all bones and joints uberon Skelettsystem UBERON:0001434 skeletal system The outer layers of solid, hard bone that covers spongy bone; consists of parallel osteons containing mineral deposits and interstitial lamellae. EMAPA:35250 FMA:24018 MA:0001461 NCIT:C52714 UMLS:C0222661 galen:CorticalBone bony cortex compact bone compact bone tissue cortical bone cortical bone tissue cortical region of bone substantia compacta substantia compacta (pars ossea) substantia corticalis uberon UBERON:0001439 MP distinguishes compact/cortical bone. in other AOs they are syns compact bone tissue FMA:24218 SCTID:123852005 XAO:0000040 head subdivision uberon head region region of head UBERON:0001444 subdivision of head A bone that is part of the tarsal skeleton. Examples: calcaneus, talus, centralia. In primitive tetrapods, such as Trematops, the tarsus consists of three rows of bones. There are three proximal tarsals, the tibiale, intermedium, and fibulare, named for their points of articulation with the bones of the lower limb. These are followed by a second row of four bones, referred to as the centralia (singular: centrale), and then a row of five distal tarsals, each articulating with a single metatarsal. In the great majority of tetrapods, including all of those alive today, this simple pattern is modified by the loss and fusion of various of the bones.[3] In reptiles and mammals, there are normally just two proximal tarsals, the calcaneus (equivalent to the amphibian fibulare) and the talus (probably derived from a fusion of multiple bones). In mammals, including humans, the talus forms a hinge joint with the tibia, a feature especially well developed in the artiodactyls. The calcaneus is also modified, forming a heel for the attachment of the Achilles tendon. Neither of these adaptations is found in reptiles, which have a relatively simple structure to both bones.[3] The fifth distal tarsal disappears relatively early in evolution, with the remainder becoming the cuneiform and cuboid bones. Reptiles usually retain two centralia, while mammals typically have only one (the navicular).[3] In birds, the tarsus has disappeared, with the proximal tarsals having fused with the tibia, the centralia having disappeared, and the distal bones having fused with the metatarsals to form a single tarsometatarsus bone, effectively giving the leg a third segment BTO:0002343 EMAPA:25072 FMA:24491 GAID:194 MA:0000297 MESH:A02.835.232.300.710 NCIT:C12796 UMLS:C0039316 galen:TarsalBone ankle bone bone of ankle bone of tarsal skeleton bone of tarsus ossa tarsalia ossa tarsi uberon bony tarsus hind mesopodium tarsal tarsus osseus UBERON:0001447 tarsal bone Endochondral tarsal bone articulating with centralia and metatarsal 1. Small element that articulates with the prehallux, metatarsal I and element Y. It may be fused to tarsal 2.[AAO] AAO:0000918 BTO:0002360 EMAPA:36176 FMA:24518 MA:0001352 NCIT:C32840 OpenCyc:Mx4rvYtfH5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C1512869 VSAO:0005052 galen:MedialCuneiform cuneiforme 1 distal tarsal 1 bone entocuneiforme first cuneiform first cuneiform bone medial cuneiform medial cuneiform bone os cuneiforme mediale os tarsale I tarsal 1 uberon 1st cuneiform distal tarsal 1 foot distal carpal bone 1 os cuneiform primum os cuneiforme mediale os cuneiforme primum ossa cuneiforme mediale UBERON:0001452 distal tarsal bone 1 A subdivision of the head that has as parts the layers deep to the surface of the anterior surface, including the mouth, eyes, and nose (when present). In vertebrates, this includes the facial skeleton and structures superficial to the facial skeleton (cheeks, mouth, eyeballs, skin of face, etc). Subdivision of head which consists of the viscerocranium and all layers superficial to it. Examples: There is only one face. The area that extends from the median ocellus to the oral foramen[HAO]. facial The face develops from outward growth of tissue located rostral to the cranium & pharynx. The lower jaw and most of the upper jaw are formed by growth of the first pharyngeal (branchial) arch. The upper incisor region and the nose and forehead (frontal region) are formed from tissue located rostral to the neural tube (frontonasal prominence) BTO:0003369 CALOHA:TS-2216 EMAPA:32763 FMA:24728 GAID:64 HAO:0000316 MA:0002473 MESH:D005145 NCIT:C13071 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi5GZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:302549007 UMLS:C0015450 Wikipedia:Face galen:Face uberon facia/facies visage UBERON:0001456 face A zone of skin that is part of a external ear [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:35301 FMA:24775 MA:0001233 NCIT:C49481 UMLS:C0222110 auricular region of head zone of skin auricular region zone of skin ear skin external ear skin external ear zone of skin outer ear zone of skin zone of skin of auricular region zone of skin of auricular region of head zone of skin of external ear zone of skin of outer ear uberon UBERON:0001459 skin of external ear The part of the forelimb extending from the shoulder to the autopod[cjm]. currently declared as overlapping hand, as AOs disagree over whether some wrist parts are in the arm or hand this class refers to the combination of the stylopod and zeugopod of a forelimb. Sometimes (cf FMA), 'arm' denotes the stylopod only; sometimes (cf MA), 'arm' denotes the part of the forelimb covering both (i.e. shoulder to hand). Also note distinction between arm and forelimb: hand is part of forelimb, but not part of arm Most anatomists now agree that the three proximal bones of the tetrapod limbs are homologous to the two or three proximal elements of the paired fin skeleton of other sarcopterygians, that is the humerus-femur, radius-tibia, and ulna-fibula.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0001435 CALOHA:TS-2204 EFO:0001410 EHDAA2:0000140 EHDAA:4164 EHDAA:6210 EHDAA:8275 EMAPA:17413 GAID:52 MA:0000033 MESH:A01.378.800 MESH:D001132 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjp5ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA VHOG:0000339 uberon brachium upper extremity UBERON:0001460 arm The hip region is located lateral to the gluteal region (i.e. the buttock), inferior to the iliac crest, and overlying the greater trochanter of the thigh bone. In adults, three of the bones of the pelvis have fused into the hip bone which forms part of the hip region. The hip joint, scientifically referred to as the acetabulofemoral joint (art. coxae), is the joint between the femur and acetabulum of the pelvis and its primary function is to support the weight of the body in both static (e.g. standing) and dynamic (e.g. walking or running) postures. [WP,modified]. The pelvic girdle is never joined by contributions of dermal bone. From its first appearance in placoderms, the pelvic girdle is exclusively endoskeletal. It arose from pterygiophores, perhaps several times, in support of the fin.[well established][VHOG] coxal See notes for shoulder. in BTO this is part of the abdomen - this creates an inconsistency if limb and abdomen are spatially disjoint BTO:0001457 CALOHA:TS-2226 EFO:0001929 EHDAA2:0000783 EHDAA:5153 EHDAA:6178 EMAPA:17490 FMA:24964 GAID:47 MA:0000045 MESH:D006615 NCIT:C64193 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjhy5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0019552 VHOG:0000346 galen:Hip hip region regio coxae uberon coxa UBERON:0001464 hip A subdivision of the pectoral complex consisting of the structures in the region of the shoulder joint (which connects the humerus, scapula and clavicle). (...) endochondral elements of the early tetrapod shoulder develop from two centers of ossification, giving rise to a scapula and a 'coracoid'.[well established][VHOG] In FMA, the shoulder is part of the pectoral girdle region. in MA, shoulder structures like shoulder joints, bones, nerves etc are part of the shoulder and the forelimb. E.g. humerus is a shoulder bone CALOHA:TS-2229 EFO:0003068 EHDAA2:0001834 EHDAA:4180 EHDAA:6228 EMAPA:17421 FMA:25202 GAID:60 MA:0000038 MESH:D012782 NCIT:C25203 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViCM5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0037004 VHOG:0000342 galen:Shoulder shoulder region uberon articulatio humeri UBERON:0001467 shoulder A vessel that contains or conveys lymph, that originates as an interfibrillar or intercellular cleft or space in a tissue or organ, and that if small has no distinct walls or walls composed only of endothelial cells and if large resembles a vein in structure[BTO]. A network of blunt ended vessels lacking direct connection to the blood vascular system. These vessels collect and drain fluids and macromolecules from interstitial spaces throughout the animal. They derive from a subpopulation of endothelial cells and have walls that are much thinner than the blood carrying vessels. Lymphatic vessels are usually classified as either superficial or deep.[TAO] A vessel that contains or conveys lymph.[AAO] Tetrapods have evolved distinct lymphatic systems, in which lymphatic capillaries help drain most of the tissues of the body.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011005 BTO:0000752 CALOHA:TS-2102 EFO:0000873 EMAPA:35532 FMA:30315 MA:0000138 MAT:0000443 NCIT:C33038 OpenCyc:Mx4rwA1fYZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0005105 UMLS:C0229889 VHOG:0001249 XAO:0000375 lymph vessel uberon vas lymphaticum UBERON:0001473 lymphatic vessel Skeletal element that is composed of bone tissue. Also called osseous tissue, (Latin: os). Is a type of hard endoskeletal connective tissue found in many vertebrate animals. Bone is the main tissue of body organs that support body structures, protect internal organs, (in conjunction with muscles) facilitate movement; and are involved with cell formation, calcium metabolism, and mineral storage.[AAO] Portion of tissue which is calcified connective tissue making up the structural elements of the skeletal system.[TAO] Skeletal element that is composed of bone tissue.[VSAO] relationship loss: subclass specialized connective tissue (AAO:0000571)[AAO] The 'new animal phylogeny' reveals that many of the groups known to biomineralize sit among close relatives that do not, and it favours an interpretation of convergent or parallel evolution for biomineralization in animals. (...) Whether this 'biomineralization toolkit'of genes reflects a parallel co-option of a common suite of genes or the inheritance of a skeletogenic gene regulatory network from a biomineralizing common ancestor remains an open debate.[debated][VHOG] AAO:0000047 AEO:0000082 BTO:0000140 CALOHA:TS-0088 EFO:0000298 EHDAA2:0003082 EMAPA:32782 ENVO:00002039 EV:0100140 FMA:30317 FMA:5018 GAID:92 MA:0001459 MAT:0000299 MIAA:0000299 NCIT:C12366 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViDlpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA OpenCyc:Mx4rvVkCG5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:90780006 TAO:0001514 UMLS:C0262950 VHOG:0001190 VSAO:0000057 Wikipedia:Bone XAO:0000169 ZFA:0001514 galen:Bone bone organ uberon bone bones UBERON:0001474 bone element An articular capsule (or joint capsule) is an envelope surrounding a synovial joint. [WP,unvetted]. check ncita EMAPA:37621 FMA:34836 GAID:263 MA:0001519 MESH:D017746 NCIT:C32259 NCIT:C84388 SCTID:182238002 UMLS:C0206207 Wikipedia:Articular_capsule galen:JointCapsule capsula articularis fibrous capsule of joint joint capsule joint fibrous capsule uberon capsulae articulares UBERON:0001484 articular capsule The part of the aorta that extends from the origin at the heart to the diaphragm, and from which arises numerous branches that supply oxygenated blood to the chest cage and the organs within the chest. BTO:0000157 EFO:0002525 EMAPA:18603 FMA:3786 GAID:471 MA:0002569 MESH:D001013 NCIT:C33766 OpenCyc:Mx4rveb9TpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C1522460 galen:ThoracicAorta aorta thoracica thoracic part of aorta uberon aorta thoracalis pars thoracica aortae UBERON:0001515 thoracic aorta Abdominal part of aorta: the distal part of the descending aorta, which is the continuation of the thoracic part and gives rise to the inferior phrenic, lumbar, median sacral, superior and inferior mesenteric, middle suprarenal, renal, and testicular or ovarian arteries, and celiac trunk[BTO]. The abdominal aorta is the largest artery in the abdominal cavity. As part of the aorta, it is a direct continuation of descending aorta(of the thorax). [WP,unvetted]. Many of the branches of the abdominal aorta in mammals may be branches of the dorsal aorta in other vertebrates BTO:0002976 EFO:0002524 EMAPA:17856 FMA:3789 GAID:470 MA:0000474 MESH:D001012 NCIT:C32038 OpenCyc:Mx4rvYhWCZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0003484 galen:AbdominalAorta abdominal part of aorta descending abdominal aorta pars abdominalis aortae uberon abdominal part of aorta aorta abdominalis pars abdominalis aortae UBERON:0001516 abdominal aorta The lymph nodes located in the groin area. EMAPA:35431 FMA:44226 MA:0000737 NCIT:C32801 UMLS:C0729596 uberon UBERON:0001542 inguinal lymph node A tube extending from the mouth to the anus. The alimentary or digestive tract, and associated organs.[TAO] The bilaterian gut is typically a complete tube that opens to the exterior at both ends. It consists of mouth, foregut, midgut, hindgut, and anus (reference 1); Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] FMA also has a term 'gastrointestinal tract', but this includes the liver. we place the MA and EMAPA class here, although the intent is probably a smaller region. See we following Kardong in naming the entire tube from mouth to anus the alimentary canal. Kardong calls the portion of this tract that excludes buccal cavity and pharynx the 'alimentary canal', consider adding an extra class for this gut AAO:0010023 BILA:0000083 BTO:0000511 BTO:0000545 EHDAA2:0000726 EHDAA:518 EMAPA:16247 FBbt:00003125 FMA:45615 MA:0000917 NCIT:C34082 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi0GpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000112 TGMA:0001819 UMLS:C0017189 VHOG:0000309 WBbt:0005743 ZFA:0000112 galen:AlimentaryTract digestive tube enteric tract alimentary canal alimentary tract uberon digestive canal gut tube UBERON:0001555 digestive tract Subdivision of urinary system which consists of the urinary bladder and the urethra. FMA:45659 MA:0002636 SCTID:181420004 galen:LowerUrinaryTract uberon UBERON:0001556 lower urinary tract The segment of the respiratory tract that starts proximally with the trachea and includes all distal structures including the lungs[WP,modified]. EHDAA2:0001036 EMAPA:16738 FMA:45662 MA:0000435 OpenCyc:Mx4rQRqjUgAKEdyHxgDggVfs8g SCTID:281488008 VHOG:0000382 Wikipedia:Lower_respiratory_tract lower respiratory system uberon UBERON:0001558 lower respiratory tract The ciliary muscle is a ring of smooth muscle in the middle layer of the eye that controls the eye's accommodation for viewing objects at varying distances and regulates the flow of aqueous humour through Schlemm's canal. [WP,unvetted]. BTO:0000654 EMAPA:35240 FMA:49151 MA:0001269 NCIT:C32315 SCTID:280862009 UMLS:C0559230 Wikipedia:Ciliary_muscle musculus ciliarus uberon Bowman`s muscles ciliaris musculus ciliaris UBERON:0001605 ciliary muscle A branch of the lingual artery that supplies the sublingual gland. Check grouping with amphibian structure of the same name Part of the external carotid which supplies blood to the tip of the snout where branches go to the tongue and the m. geniohyoideus.[AAO] relationship loss: part_of external carotid (AAO:0010218)[AAO] AAO:0010491 EMAPA:37115 FMA:49543 MA:0002049 NCIT:C53002 UMLS:C0226106 sublingual branch of lingual artery uberon arteria sublingualis UBERON:0001611 sublingual artery Organ consisting of a tissue made up of various elongated cells that are specialized to contract and thus to produce movement and mechanical work[GO]. Portion of tissue composed of contractile fibers.[TAO] It seems clear that the metazoan ancestor inherited from its unicellular descendants an actin cytoskeleton and motor-proteins of the myosin superfamily. Within metazoans, these two molecules were arranged into effective contractile units, the muscles. The basic trends for muscle evolution are already expressed in the diploblastic taxa.[well established][VHOG] muscular muscle AAO:0011066 EMAPA:32715 EMAPA:37474 EV:0100146 FMA:5022 GAID:131 MA:0000015 OpenCyc:Mx4rv2kf-5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:71616004 TAO:0005145 VHOG:0001245 XAO:0000172 ZFA:0005145 galen:Muscle uberon UBERON:0001630 muscle organ A major lymphatic vessel that drains lymph from the lower body, left appendage, and left thorax into the junction of the left jugular and subclavian veins. placement of the ZFA class here is dubious Lymphatic trunk that connects all tributaries of the thoracic duct tree to the trunk of the left brachiocephalic vein. The thoracic duct is the first perfused lymphatic, located between the dorsal aorta and posterior cardinal vein. EHDAA2:0004501 EMAPA:19310 FMA:5031 GAID:1290 MA:0002801 MESH:A15.382.520.869 NCIT:C33768 TAO:0005110 UMLS:C0039979 ZFA:0005110 trunk of thoracic duct tree uberon ductus thoracicus UBERON:0001631 thoracic duct An epithelial tube or tree of tibes that transports blood away from the heart[modified from AEO definition]. Note that in FMA an artery is a tree, whereas AEO/JB defines it as a tube; FMA includes a separate class for what it calls the trunk. Classification in this ontology may currently (Jan 2012) represent a mix of both schemes, although we are gradually revising in the direction of the AEO scheme. Part of the circulatory system composed of blood vessels which carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the rest of the body.[AAO] The appearance of Chordata and subsequently the vertebrates is accompanied by a rapid structural diversification of this primitive linear heart: looping, unidirectional circulation, an enclosed vasculature, and the conduction system.[well established][VHOG] arterial Some arthropods have primitive arterial systems but this term refers to arteries in a true closed circulatory system. AAO:0010211 AEO:0000208 BTO:0000573 CALOHA:TS-0054 EFO:0000814 EHDAA2:0000143 EHDAA2:0003253 EMAPA:35147 EV:0100026 FMA:50720 GAID:468 MA:0000064 MAT:0000034 MESH:D001158 MIAA:0000034 NCIT:C12372 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjknZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:362877004 TAO:0000005 UMLS:C0003842 VHOG:0001251 Wikipedia:Artery XAO:0000114 ZFA:0000005 galen:Artery arterial subtree arterial tree organ part arteries uberon arterial system arterial vessel UBERON:0001637 artery Any of the tubular branching vessels that carry blood from the capillaries toward the heart. TODO - check with MA - vein vs venous blood vessel Part of the circulatory system composed of blood vessels which carry blood from other organs, tissues, and cells to the heart.[AAO] The appearance of Chordata and subsequently the vertebrates is accompanied by a rapid structural diversification of this primitive linear heart: looping, unidirectional circulation, an enclosed vasculature, and the conduction system.[well established][VHOG] venous venous subtree venous vessel AAO:0010212 AEO:0000209 BTO:0000234 CALOHA:TS-1108 EFO:0000816 EHDAA2:0003254 EMAPA:35906 EV:0100031 FMA:50723 GAID:492 MA:0000067 MAT:0000037 MESH:D014680 MIAA:0000037 NCIT:C12814 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjkWpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181367001 TAO:0000082 UMLS:C0042449 VHOG:0001743 Wikipedia:Vein XAO:0000115 ZFA:0000082 galen:Vein venous tree organ part uberon vascular element vena venae UBERON:0001638 vein The supraorbital vein begins on the forehead where it communicates with the frontal branch of the superficial temporal vein. It runs downward superficial to the Frontalis muscle, and joins the frontal vein at the medial angle of the orbit to form the angular vein. Previous to its junction with the frontal vein, it sends through the supraorbital notch into the orbit a branch which communicates with the ophthalmic vein; as this vessel passes through the notch, it receives the frontal diploic vein through a foramen at the bottom of the notch. The areas drained by this vessel are the forehead, eyebrow and upper eyelid. [WP,unvetted]. EMAPA:37195 FMA:50904 MA:0002228 NCIT:C33707 UMLS:C0226535 supra-orbital vein uberon UBERON:0001654 supraorbital vein Sense organ in vertebrates that is specialized for the detection of sound, and the maintenance of balance. Includes the outer ear and middle ear, which collect and transmit sound waves; and the inner ear, which contains the organs of balance and (except in fish) hearing. Also includes the pinna, the visible part of the outer ear, present in some mammals. The organ of hearing and of equilibrium. [TFD][VHOG] Both vertebrate and invertebrate auditory organs are thought to have evolved from primitive mechanosensors, but the nature of the ancestral structure and the evolutionary trajectories followed in distinct animal lineages remain unknown. In particular, we do not know how many types of mechanosensor existed in the protostome-deuterostome ancestor from which insects and vertebrates evolved or whether the PDA had an auditory organ.[well established][VHOG] auricular AAO:0011014 BIRNLEX:1062 BTO:0000368 CALOHA:TS-1165 EFO:0000826 EHDAA2:0000423 EHDAA:502 EMAPA:16193 EV:0100353 FMA:52780 GAID:62 MA:0000236 MAT:0000138 MESH:D004423 MIAA:0000138 NCIT:C12394 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViXS5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjL05wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0013443 UMLS:C0521421 VHOG:0000330 XAO:0000189 galen:Ear uberon auditory apparatus auris UBERON:0001690 ear A bone which is fused with the temporal bone in many mammals and forms part of the cheek region articulating with quadrate and pterygoid in other vertebrates. consider separate class for squamosal OR making squamosal the primary label Paired, intramembranous bones that lie at the posterolateral margins of the skull. Lateral and dorsal to the quadrate.[AAO] The squamosal bone is part of the dermatocranium in early tetrapods and becomes part of the mammalian occipital and temporal bones. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Grande_L, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF, p.246, see_Liem_KF][VHOG] The squamosal bone, which is homologous with the squama, and forms the side of the cranium in many bony fish and tetrapods. Primitively, it is a flattened plate-like bone, but in many animals it is narrower in form, for example, where it forms the boundary between the two temporal fenestrae of diapsid reptiles AAO:0000574 EMAPA:18021 FMA:52883 MA:0001473 VHOG:0001561 os squamosum pars squamosa (os temporale) pars squamosa ossis temporalis squama temporalis squamosal squamosal bone squamosum squamous bone temporal bone squamous part uberon squama squama temporalis UBERON:0001695 squamous part of temporal bone The nasal septum separates the left and right airways in the nose, dividing the two nostrils. It is depressed by the Depressor septi nasi muscle. [WP,unvetted]. We follow AAO in making this part of the nasal skeleton A median dividing wall, sagittally directed, which divides the nasal cavity into the right and the left nasal fossae. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] Medial vertical wall between nasal capsules.[AAO] Medial, vertical plate that separates the nasal capsules.[AAO] Whatever the common ancestor of the lamprey and gnathostomes may have looked like, it most likely possessed a neural-crest-derived premandibular ectomesenchyme closely associated with the NHP. Invention of the jaw subsequently required a space for the nasal septum and maxillary process to develop, which might have been provided by subdivision of the NHP into the nasal placode and the hypophysis (diplorhiny, the state of bilaterally separated nasal openings, would also have been a prerequisite for this).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0000559 AAO:0010135 EHDAA2:0001234 EHDAA2:0004104 EHDAA:6809 EMAPA:17608 FMA:54375 GAID:115 MA:0000285 MESH:A02.165.639 NCIT:C33160 OpenCyc:Mx4rv7e-k5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0027432 VHOG:0000017 uberon septal cartilage septum mobile nasi septum nasi septum of the nose UBERON:0001706 nasal septum The part of the palate formed from the fusion of the two palatine shelves, extensions of the maxillary prominences. palatal present in mammals and some reptiles. A similar structure is found in crocodilians, but, in most other tetrapods, the oral and nasal cavities are not truly separate. The secondary palate is formed by bilateral medial extensions of maxillary processes. The extensions (palatine processes) meet at the midline, merging dorsally with nasal septum and rostrally with primary palate. The secondary palate (hard palate) separates nasal and oral cavities. Caudal extension of the secondary palate into the pharynx, forms a soft palate which divides the rostral pharynx into dorsal (nasopharynx) and ventral (oropharynx) chamber. separates respiratory and oral passages palate palatum BTO:0001779 EMAPA:18948 FMA:54549 GAID:152 MA:0002476 MESH:D010159 NCIT:C12229 NCIT:C34292 UMLS:C0700374 UMLS:C1519217 galen:Palate definitive palate oral roof palatum definitivum palatum secundarium uberon palatum roof of mouth UBERON:0001716 secondary palate A muscular organ in the floor of the mouth. in MA the tongue is part of the oral region, which in uberon is treated as the oral opening. consider revising oral opening - oral region equivalence. A mobile mass of muscular tissue that is covered with mucous membrane, occupies much of the cavity of the mouth, forms part of its floor, bears the organ of taste, and assists in chewing and swallowing. [TFD][VHOG] Muscular organ in the floor of the mouth.[FEED] The tongue is the movable, muscular organ on the floor of the mouth of most vertebrates, in many other mammals is the principal organ of taste, aids in the prehension of food, in swallowing, and in modifying the voice as in speech[GO][GO:0043586]. Most adult amphibians have a tongue, as do all known reptiles, birds and mammals. Thus it is likely that the tongue appeared with the establishment of tetrapods and this structure seems to be related, to some extant, to the terrestrial lifestyle.[well established][VHOG] glossal lingual Many species of fish have small folds at the base of their mouths that might informally be called tongues, but they lack a muscular structure like the true tongues found in most tetrapods The tongue has contributions from all pharyngeal arches which changes with time. The tongue initially begins as swelling rostral to foramen cecum, the median tongue bud.. tongue muscles derive from the somites - AAO:0010360 BTO:0001385 CALOHA:TS-1050 EFO:0000833 EHDAA2:0002062 EHDAA:9144 EMAPA:17185 EV:0100058 FMA:54640 GAID:816 MA:0000347 MAT:0000040 MESH:D014059 MIAA:0000040 NCIT:C12422 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjmJ5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA_53KXLq9EdqAAAACs6hnmQ TAO:0005333 UMLS:C0040408 VHOG:0000419 XAO:0000446 ZFA:0005333 uberon glossus UBERON:0001723 tongue The muscular, non-bony arch-shaped posterior portion of the palate extending from the posterior edge of the hard palate. A muscular arch-shaped structure that is composed of the musculus uvuli and parts of tensor veli palatini, levator veli palatini, palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus and attaches to the hard palate and modulates the connections between the oral cavity and pharynx soft tissue arch .[FEED] velar BTO:0005405 EMAPA:18949 FMA:55021 GAID:1284 MA:0002412 MAT:0000039 MESH:D010160 MIAA:0000039 NCIT:C12231 UMLS:C0030219 uberon muscular palate palatum molle velum velum palatinum UBERON:0001733 soft palate Either of the paired compound tubuloalveolar (aka tubuloacinar) major salivary glands composed of both serous and mucous secretory cells and situated beneath the mandible. Either of two major salivary glands situated in the neck near the lower edge of each side of the mandible and emptying into the submandibular duct. [TFD][VHOG] The most common oral glands in mammals are the salivary glands. There are usually three primary pairs of salivary glands, named for their approximate positions: mandibular (submandibular or submaxillary), sublingual, and parotid.[well established][VHOG] In humans, they account for 70% of the salivary volume and weigh about 15 grams. [WP,unvetted] In mouse, multilobed and lobulated, on the ventral midline of the neck in mice, submandibular gland development initiates as a thickening of the oral epithelium; around E12 an initial (single) epithelial bud on a stalk grows into a condensing neural crest-derived mesenchyme; clefts in the epithelium result in 3-5 epithelial buds at E13.5, and branching morphogenesis occurs with continued proliferation, successive rounds of cleft formation, duct elongation, and duct lumen formation, so that by E14 the gland is highly branched (multi-lobed); functional differentiation, with the appearance of proacinar cells and secretory products begins after E15 and continues to birth; acinar differentiation continues postnatally with final differentiation of the granular convoluted tubules at puberty[MGI:anna] The submandibular is the first major salivary gland to develop in the embryo, followed by the neighbouring sublingual and then the parotid.[PMID:17336109] The term submandibular as used in humans, is incorrect due the difference in topography of these structures[] BTO:0001316 CALOHA:TS-0988 EFO:0001387 EMAPA:18812 EV:0100061 FMA:55093 GAID:942 MA:0001589 MESH:D013363 NCIT:C12233 UMLS:C0038556 VHOG:0000364 mandibular gland mandibular salivary gland submandibular salivary gland uberon glandula submandibularis maxillary gland submaxillary gland UBERON:0001736 lobular, sexually dimorphic in mouse submandibular gland A continuation of the pharynx that is involved in breathing, sound production, and protecting the trachea against food aspiration. An anatomical cluster consisting of the epiglottus, the arytenoid cartilages, the thyroid cartilage, the cricoid cartilage and the muscles, membranes, and ligaments connecting them, and also of the mucosal covering these structures.[FEED] Anatomical structure consisting of a narrowly triangular chamber supported by a series of semicircular cartilages in which part of the sound-production system is located.[AAO] (In anura) a dorsal pair of arytenoid cartilages (...), which support vocal cords, and a ventral pair (often fused) of cricoid cartilage (...). These cartilages are regarded as derivatives of posterior visceral arches of ancestors. Together they constitute the larynx, a structure characteristic of tetrapods. (...) (In mammals) Paired arytenoid cartilages help support and control the vocal cords. The cricoid cartilage is single. Two additional cartilages are present that are lacking in other vertebrates: a large ventral thyroid cartilage (...) and a cartilage in the epiglottis.[well established][VHOG] laryngeal AAO:0000268 BTO:0001208 CALOHA:TS-0532 EFO:0000838 EHDAA2:0004063 EMAPA:18333 EV:0100039 FMA:55097 GAID:108 MA:0000414 MAT:0000187 MESH:D007830 MIAA:0000187 NCIT:C12420 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViOnZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0023078 VHOG:0001279 XAO:0003081 galen:Larynx uberon UBERON:0001737 larynx Portion of connective tissue with various types of white blood cells enmeshed in it, most numerous being the lymphocytes[WP]. BTO:0000753 CALOHA:TS-0584 FMA:55220 GAID:342 MA:0002436 MESH:D008221 NCIT:C13049 SCTID:181768009 UMLS:C0024296 Wikipedia:Lymphoid_tissue galen:LymphoidTissue lymphatic tissue lymphocytic tissue uberon UBERON:0001744 lymphoid tissue The small curved bones that extends horizontally along the lateral wall of the nasal passage. In humans, the turbinates divide the nasal airway into three groove-like air passages -and are responsible for forcing inhaled air to flow in a steady, regular pattern around the largest possible surface of cilia and climate controlling tissue. Turbinals are only ossified in birds and derived synapsids. FMA considers nasal concha and nasal concha of ethmoid bone to be synonymous. We disambiguate these here EHDAA2:0004101 EMAPA:25093 GAID:224 MA:0000286 MESH:D014420 NCIT:C49594 OpenCyc:Mx4rv07bVJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C1266928 ossified nasal turbinal ossified nasal turbinate ossified turbinate turbinal bone turbinate bone uberon concha UBERON:0001762 turbinate bone The pigmented middle of the three concentric layers that make up an eye, consisting of the iris, ciliary body and choroid[WP,edited]. TODO - check child terms, isa vs partof. See also MA:0001284 ! tunica vasculosa plexus uveal CALOHA:TS-2228 EMAPA:35901 FMA:58103 GAID:912 MA:0002480 MESH:D014602 NCIT:C12811 SCTID:280648000 UMLS:C0042160 Wikipedia:Uvea tunica vasculosa of eyeball uvea uveal tract uberon pars iridica retinae tunica vasculatis oculi tunica vasculosa bulbi vascular layer of eyeball UBERON:0001768 uvea The adjustable membrane, composed of the stroma and pigmented epithelium, located just in front of the crystalline lens within the eye. The opaque muscular contractile diaphragm suspended in the aqueous humour in front of the lens of the eye. The organ is perforated by the pupil and continues peripherally with the ciliary body. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] The eye of the adult lamprey is remarkably similar to our own, and it possesses numerous features (including the expression of opsin genes) that are very similar to those of the eyes of jawed vertebrates. The lamprey's camera-like eye has a lens, an iris and extra-ocular muscles (five of them, unlike the eyes of jawed vertebrates, which have six), although it lacks intra-ocular muscles. Its retina also has a structure very similar to that of the retinas of other vertebrates, with three nuclear layers comprised of the cell bodies of photoreceptors and bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells. The southern hemisphere lamprey, Geotria australis, possesses five morphological classes of retinal photoreceptor and five classes of opsin, each of which is closely related to the opsins of jawed vertebrates. Given these similarities, we reach the inescapable conclusion that the last common ancestor of jawless and jawed vertebrates already possessed an eye that was comparable to that of extant lampreys and gnathostomes. Accordingly, a vertebrate camera-like eye must have been present by the time that lampreys and gnathostomes diverged, around 500 Mya.[well established][VHOG] iridial The avian iris and ciliary body undergoes a transition from smooth-to-striated muscle during embryonic development [] AAO:0010347 BTO:0000653 CALOHA:TS-0491 EFO:0004245 EMAPA:19154 EV:0100345 FMA:58235 GAID:917 MA:0000273 MESH:D007498 NCIT:C12737 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjbppwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181164000 TAO:0001238 UMLS:C0022077 VHOG:0000101 Wikipedia:Iris_(anatomy) XAO:0000185 ZFA:0001238 uberon anterior uvea irides irises UBERON:0001769 iris The smooth stratified squamous epithelium that covers the outer surface of the cornea. Portion of tissue comprised of four to six layers of nonkeratinized, stratified squamous cells and represents approximately 60% of the thickness of the cornea.[TAO] In Humans: It consists of several layers of cells. The cells of the deepest layer are columnar; then follow two or three layers of polyhedral cells, the majority of which are prickle cells similar to those found in the stratum mucosum of the cuticle. Lastly, there are three or four layers of squamous cells, with flattened nuclei In zebrafish: nonpigmented, stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelial cells, attached to a thick basement membrane that is considered to be analogous to the Bowman's membrane in mammals BTO:0000287 CALOHA:TS-0173 EFO:0001917 EHDAA2:0000319 EMAPA:17162 FMA:58263 GAID:895 MA:0001243 MESH:D019573 NCIT:C12928 SCTID:368825001 TAO:0002187 UMLS:C0459875 Wikipedia:Corneal_epithelium ZFA:0001683 anterior corneal epithelium cornea epithelial tissue cornea epithelium epithelial tissue of cornea epithelium anterius (cornea) epithelium anterius corneae epithelium corneæ anterior layer epithelium of cornea external epithelium of cornea uberon anterior endothelium of cornea e. anterius corneae endothelium anterius corneae endothelium camerae anterioris bulbi endothelium corneale epithelium posterius corneae UBERON:0001772 corneal epithelium Opaque fibrous outer layer of the eyeball[ZFA,Kardong,WP]. The sclera, also known as the white part of the eye, is the opaque (usually white, though certain animals, such as horses and lizards, can have black sclera), fibrous, protective, outer layer of the eye containing collagen and elastic fiber. It is derived from the neural crest. In children, it is thinner and shows some of the underlying pigment, appearing slightly blue. In the elderly, however, fatty deposits on the sclera can make it appear slightly yellow. The sclera forms the posterior five sixths of the connective tissue coat of the globe. It is continuous with the dura mater and the cornea, and maintains the shape of the globe, offering resistance to internal and external forces, and provides an attachment for the extraocular muscle insertions. The sclera is perforated by plenty of nerves and vessels passing through the posterior scleral foramen, the hole that is formed by the optic nerve. At the optic disk the outer two-thirds of the sclera continues with the dura mater (outer coat of the brain) via the dural sheath of the optic nerve. The inner third joins with some choroidal tissue to form a plate (lamina cribrosa) across the optic nerve with perforations through which the optic fibers (fasciculi). The thickness of the sclera varies from 1mm at the posterior pole to 0.3 mm just behind the rectus muscle insertions. The sclera's blood vessels are mainly on the surface, and together with the conjunctiva (which lies on top) This is a thin layer covering the sclera. Along with the vessels of the conjunctiva, those of the sclera renders the inflamed eye bright red. [WP,unvetted][Wikipedia:Sclera]. The tough, usually white, outer coat of the eyeball, covering all the posterior surface and continuous anteriorly with the cornea. [TFD][VHOG] scleral in fish, reptiles and monotremes the connective tissue of the sclera is skeletal continuous with the dura mater and the cornea; The sclera forms the posterior five-sixths of the connective tissue coat of the globe. Majority derives from NC that surrounds optic cup of neurectoderm; a small temporal portion develops from the mesoderm that contributes to striated extra-ocular muscles and vascular endothelia[Rada&Johnson]. Seko et al demonstrate chondrogenic potential and identify this as connective tissue[DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0003709]. AAO:0010354 BTO:0001606 EMAPA:19027 EV:0100342 FMA:58269 GAID:911 MA:0000280 MESH:D012590 NCIT:C12784 OpenCyc:Mx4rv7yR55wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181163006 UMLS:C0036410 VHOG:0001274 Wikipedia:Sclera XAO:0000183 ZFA:0005563 uberon scleral capsule UBERON:0001773 Disease notes: implicated in rheumatoid arthritis. sclera The thickened portion of the vascular tunic, which lies between the choroid and the iris, composed of ciliary muscle and ciliary processes. The eye of the adult lamprey is remarkably similar to our own, and it possesses numerous features (including the expression of opsin genes) that are very similar to those of the eyes of jawed vertebrates. The lamprey's camera-like eye has a lens, an iris and extra-ocular muscles (five of them, unlike the eyes of jawed vertebrates, which have six), although it lacks intra-ocular muscles. Its retina also has a structure very similar to that of the retinas of other vertebrates, with three nuclear layers comprised of the cell bodies of photoreceptors and bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells. The southern hemisphere lamprey, Geotria australis, possesses five morphological classes of retinal photoreceptor and five classes of opsin, each of which is closely related to the opsins of jawed vertebrates. Given these similarities, we reach the inescapable conclusion that the last common ancestor of jawless and jawed vertebrates already possessed an eye that was comparable to that of extant lampreys and gnathostomes. Accordingly, a vertebrate camera-like eye must have been present by the time that lampreys and gnathostomes diverged, around 500 Mya.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010341 BTO:0000260 CALOHA:TS-0694 EMAPA:19065 EV:0100346 FMA:58295 GAID:916 MA:0000264 MESH:D002924 NCIT:C12345 SCTID:263340007 UMLS:C0008779 VHOG:0000102 Wikipedia:Ciliary_body XAO:0000186 ocular ciliary body uberon anterior uvea ciliary bodies corpus ciliare UBERON:0001775 ciliary body Vascular layer containing connective tissue, of the eye lying between the retina and the sclera. The choroid provides oxygen and nourishment to the outer layers of the retina. Along with the ciliary body and iris, the choroid forms the uveal tract[WP]. check choroid vs choroid layer; check ZFA/TAO placement - no homology assertion in VHOG. Note this is entirely in the posterior region of eyeball in ZFA choroidal MP treats posterior uvea and optic choroid as distinct BTO:0001829 CALOHA:TS-2054 EMAPA:19077 EV:0100347 FMA:58298 GAID:913 MA:0000263 MESH:D002829 NCIT:C12344 SCTID:181172003 TAO:0005229 UMLS:C0008520 VHOG:0001568 Wikipedia:Choroid ZFA:0005229 choroid choroid coat choroidea eye choroid posterior uvea uberon chorioid choroidea optic choroid UBERON:0001776 optic choroid Any of the layers that make up the retina[MP]. MA does not treat internal/external limiting memranes as layers - these are classified as laminae. Here we follow other ontologies in grouping with other layers. MA also treats retinal pigment epithelium and neural retina epithelium as distinct from the layers. We follow ontologies such as FMA and ZFA in first dividing into pigmented and neural layers - these are also classified as layers, giving us over the usual 10 layers AAO:0010353 EMAPA:35742 FMA:58617 MA:0001319 NCIT:C49328 SCTID:280657006 UMLS:C0459649 XAO:0000266 retina layer retina neuronal layer retinal layer retinal neuronal layer uberon UBERON:0001781 layer of retina Any of the parts of the eye that lie in front of, or ventral to, the lens (inclusive). EMAPA:36594 FMA:58865 MA:0002484 MESH:D000869 NCIT:C12668 SCTID:280658001 UMLS:C0003153 Wikipedia:Anterior_segment_of_eyeball ZFA:0005566 anterior eye segment anterior segment eye anterior segment of eye anterior segment of the eye eye anterior segment segmentum anterius (bulbus oculi) uberon segmentum anterius bulbi oculi UBERON:0001801 anterior segment of eyeball Any of the parts of the eye that lie in back of, or dorsal to, the lens (but not inclusive). EMAPA:36595 FMA:58868 MA:0002485 NCIT:C12906 SCTID:280659009 UMLS:C0278450 Wikipedia:Posterior_segment_of_eyeball ZFA:0005567 eye posterior segment posterior eye segment posterior segment eye posterior segment of eye posterior segment of the eye segmentum posterius (bulbus oculi) uberon segmentum posterius bulbi oculi UBERON:0001802 posterior segment of eyeball A ganglion of the sympathetic nervous system. Examples: paravertebral and the prevertebral ganglia, which include the sympathetic chain ganglia, the superior, middle, and inferior cervical ganglia, and the aorticorenal, celiac, and stellate ganglia. AAO:0010773 BTO:0001333 CALOHA:TS-0994 EHDAA2:0001969 EMAPA:17157 FMA:5890 MA:0000226 NCIT:C12467 UMLS:C0017071 ganglion of sympathetic nervous system ganglion of sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system ganglion sympatheticum sympathetic nervous system ganglion sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system ganglion uberon ganglion sympathicum UBERON:0001806 sympathetic ganglion Trunk ganglion which is part of a bilaterally paired set of sympathetic ganglia located anterior and lateral to the spinal cord. UBERON:0005466 EHDAA2:0001403 EHDAA:5635 FMA:5891 MA:0003100 TAO:0001556 ZFA:0001556 ganglion of sympathetic trunk ganglion trunci sympathetici ganglion trunci sympathici sympathetic chain ganglion uberon ganglia of sympathetic trunk ganglia trunci sympathici paravertebral ganglia paravertebral ganglion sympathetic chain ganglia UBERON:0001807 paravertebral ganglion Anatomical junction where subdivisions of two or more neural trees interconnect with one another to form a network through which nerve fibers of the constituent nerve trees become regrouped; together with other nerve plexuses, nerves and ganglia, it constitutes the peripheral nervous system. Examples: cervical nerve plexus, brachial nerve plexus, sacral nerve plexus[FMA]. Made to be a subtype of junction rather than tissue to be consistent with FMA plexus AEO:0000138 BTO:0000205 EHDAA2:0003138 EHDAA:3780 EMAPA:37683 FMA:5901 MA:0002407 NCIT:C12929 UMLS:C0501403 uberon UBERON:0001810 nerve plexus The mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and the front of the eyeball. conjunctival AAO:0010343 BTO:0003415 CALOHA:TS-2232 EFO:0000374 EMAPA:18233 EV:0100340 FMA:59011 GAID:898 MA:0000265 MESH:A09.371.192 NCIT:C12341 UMLS:C0009758 XAO:0000182 conjunctivae conjunctivas tunica conjunctiva wall of conjunctival sac uberon UBERON:0001811 conjunctiva A nerve plexus that is part of an autonomic nervous system [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:18224 FMA:5910 MA:0000221 autonomic plexus plexus autonomicus plexus nervosus visceralis plexus visceralis visceral nerve plexus visceral plexus uberon UBERON:0001816 autonomic nerve plexus The fibrous investing tissue, covered by keratinized epithelium, that immediately surrounds a tooth and is contiguous with its periodontal ligament and with the mucosal tissues of the mouth[Glossary of Periodontal Terms 2001]. FMA has a 3-level breakdown of jaws into: region, jaw (skeleton+gums), skeleton. gingival BTO:0000519 CALOHA:TS-2074 EFO:0001925 EMAPA:35945 EV:0100064 FMA:59762 GAID:1257 MA:0000342 MESH:A14.254.646.480 NCIT:C32677 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViWnZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0017562 VHOG:0001269 galen:Gingiva gum gum tissue gums uberon gingival mucosa UBERON:0001828 gingiva One of the three largest glands of the oral cavity that secrete most of the saliva, including the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands. There are 3 pairs of major salivary glands in human and mouse FMA:59788 MA:0002478 NCIT:C12999 UMLS:C0930553 galen:MajorSalivaryGland uberon UBERON:0001829 major salivary gland The parotid gland is the largest of the salivary glands. It is found wrapped around the mandibular ramus, and it secretes saliva through Stensen's duct into the oral cavity, to facilitate mastication and swallowing. [WP,unvetted]. A mammalian salivary gland located caudal to the ear. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Glossary_G-22, Grande_L, Liem_KF, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF][VHOG] The most common oral glands in mammals are the salivary glands. There are usually three primary pairs of salivary glands, named for their approximate positions: mandibular (submandibular or submaxillary), sublingual, and parotid.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010095 BTO:0001004 CALOHA:TS-0748 EFO:0002558 EMAPA:18537 EV:0100060 FMA:59790 GAID:938 MA:0001585 MESH:D010306 NCIT:C12427 OpenCyc:Mx4rvqwyg5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0030580 VHOG:0000308 galen:ParotidGland parotid uberon glandula parotidea UBERON:0001831 The mouse parotid, exorbital lacrimal gland and exocrine pancreas have similar histological appearances[ISBN:0123813611] parotid gland The duct of a salivary gland. BTO:0005115 EMAPA:35750 FMA:59908 GAID:939 MA:0001586 MESH:D018987 NCIT:C32486 salivary duct salivary gland duct uberon secretory duct UBERON:0001837 duct of salivary gland Outermost layer of an organ[WP]. cortical this class is used more generically than in FMA, and includes e.g. cortex of hair EFO:0000383 EHDAA:9344 FMA:61109 Wikipedia:Cortex_(anatomy) galen:Cortex cortex cortex of organ uberon UBERON:0001851 cortex A network formed by blood vessels and the tela choroidea which secretes CSF into the ventricular spaces. TODO - check relationship to ventricle. Check subclass - ZFA says vasculature. Note that FMA:61934 (choroid plexus of cerebral hemisphere) has exact synonym 'choroid plexus' but it is not clear that this belongs here, as the fourth ventricle is not in the cerebral hemisphere A tuft of capillaries that project into the ventricles of the brain and secretes cerebral spinal fluid. The choroid plexus is covered by a cuboidal epithelium which maintains the integrity of the blood-brain barrier.[TAO] Fringe of the tela choroidea of the brain ventricles[MP] choroidal CP BAMS:CHP BAMS:GHP BAMS:chp BAMS:chpl BTO:0000258 CALOHA:TS-0145 EFO:0001915 EMAPA:32741 FMA:61934 GAID:607 MA:0000823 MBA:108 MESH:D002831 NCIT:C12694 TAO:0001443 UMLS:C0008524 VHOG:0001377 ZFA:0001443 chorioid plexus plexus choroideus uberon choroid plexus of cerebral hemisphere plexus choroideus ventricular choroid plexus UBERON:0001886 choroid plexus The most anterior region of the brain including both the telencephalon and diencephalon. Most anterior of the three regions of the brain consisting of the telencephalon and diencephalon.[AAO] The most anterior region the brain including both the telencephalon and diencephalon. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] relationship loss: develops_from forebrain neural tube (TAO:0007041)[TAO] In craniate embryos, neural expression of Distal-less-related genes is exclusively in the forebrain (...). Because the major neural expression domain of amphioxus AmphiDll is in the anterior three-fourths of the cerebral vesicle, we suggest that this region of the neural tube is homologous to parts of the craniate forebrain. This conclusion is strongly supported by three-dimensional, computer-assisted reconstruction of the neural tube of amphioxus based on serial transmission electron microscopy. At the neuroanatomical level, a number of detailed homologies are indicated between the anterior three-fourths of the amphioxus cerebral vesicle and the diencephalic region of the craniate forebrain. If one assumes that the amphioxus condition fairly represents the nervous system of the proximate ancestor of the craniates, one can suggest that they evolved from a creature that had the beginnings of a forebrain.[well established][VHOG] prosencephalic FB AAO:0010147 BAMS:FB BAMS:Forebrain BIRNLEX:1509 BTO:0000478 CALOHA:TS-0380 DHBA:10156 DMBA:15566 EFO:0000909 EHDAA2:0000556 EHDAA:3470 EMAPA:16895 FMA:61992 MA:0000170 MAT:0000105 MESH:D016548 MIAA:0000105 NCIT:C40185 SCTID:362291003 TAO:0000109 UMLS:C0085140 VHOG:0000383 Wikipedia:Forebrain XAO:0000011 ZFA:0000109 uberon prosencephalon UBERON:0001890 forebrain The midbrain is the middle division of the three primary divisions of the developing chordate brain or the corresponding part of the adult brain (in vertebrates, includes a ventral part containing the cerebral peduncles and a dorsal tectum containing the corpora quadrigemina and that surrounds the aqueduct of Sylvius connecting the third and fourth ventricles)[GO]. developmental relationships need revised Middle part of the brain composed of the optic tectum and penducular region.[AAO] The brain region between the forebrain anteriorly and the hindbrain posteriorly, including the tectum dorsally and the midbrain tegmentum ventrally. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] Fine structural, computerized three-dimensional (3D) mapping of cell connectivity in the amphioxus nervous system and comparative molecular genetic studies of amphioxus and tunicates have provided recent insights into the phylogenetic origin of the vertebrate nervous system. The results suggest that several of the genetic mechanisms for establishing and patterning the vertebrate nervous system already operated in the ancestral chordate and that the nerve cord of the proximate invertebrate ancestor of the vertebrates included a diencephalon, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord.[well established][VHOG] mesencephalic part of brainstem in ABA - we reject this in favor of ISBN:0471888893 which has an implicit overlaps relationships MB AAO:0010149 BAMS:MES BIRNLEX:1667 BM:MB BTO:0000138 CALOHA:TS-0630 DHBA:10648 DMBA:16649 EFO:0000919 EHDAA2:0001162 EHDAA:3694 EMAPA:16974 EV:0100242 FMA:61993 HBA:9001 MA:0000207 MAT:0000106 MBA:313 MESH:D008636 MIAA:0000106 NCIT:C12510 OpenCyc:Mx4rvsBUqpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001104 SCTID:279099009 TAO:0000128 UMLS:C0025462 VHOG:0000069 Wikipedia:Midbrain XAO:0000014 ZFA:0000128 uberon mesencephalon UBERON:0001891 midbrain Part of the forebrain consisting of paired olfactory bulbs and cerebral hemispheres. Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the cerebral cortex, cerebral white matter, basal ganglia, septum and fornix, as well as subcortical gray and white matter structures[FMA:62000]. Part of the forebrain consisting of paired olfactory bulbs and cerebral hemispheres.[AAO] The anterior and dorsal forebrain neuromere, includes the olfactory bulb. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] relationship loss: develops_from presumptive telencephalon (TAO:0000571)[TAO] From an evolutionary standpoint, the telencephalon is the most recent brain structure: the amphioxus does not have this structure as a morphological entity. Overt telencephalon is present in the hagfish and lamprey to receive numerous input fibers from various parts of the CNS, similar to gnathostomes.[well established][VHOG] cerebral telencephalic telenencephalic In mammals the cortex covers almost the whole of the cerebral hemispheres. In ray-finned fishes and most pronounced in teleosts the roof plate of the embryonic telencephalon extends laterally with the effect that the paired alar plates forming the hemispheric walls roll out lateroventrally in a process called eversion. This is unlike the development in other vertebrate groups. [ZFA:0000079, ISBN:3764351209] In ray-finned fishes the inner surfaces of the lateral and ventral regions of the cerebrum bulge up into the ventricles. In the amniotes, the cerebrum becomes increasingly large and complex. In reptiles, the paleopallium is much larger than in amphibians, and its growth has pushed the basal nuclei into the central regions of the cerebrum. In the most primitive living vertebrates, the hagfishes and lampreys, the cerebrum is a relatively simple structure receiving nerve impulses from the olfactory bulb. The cerebrum of birds has evolved along different lines to that of mammals, although they are similarly enlarged, by comparison with reptiles. However, this enlargement is largely due to the basal ganglia, with the other areas remaining relatively primitive in structure. dolphins are the only species (other than humans) to have cerebra accounting for as much as 2 percent of their body weight. supratentorial region AAO:0010479 BAMS:CB BAMS:CH BAMS:IV BAMS:Tel BIRNLEX:1115 BM:Tel BTO:0000239 CALOHA:TS-1018 DHBA:10158 EFO:0000912 EHDAA2:0001982 EMAPA:16910 EV:0100165 FMA:62000 GAID:621 HBA:4007 MA:0000183 MAT:0000421 MBA:567 MESH:D013687 MIAA:0000421 PBA:128011350 SCTID:263353005 TAO:0000079 UMLS:C0039452 VHOG:0000283 Wikipedia:Telencephalon XAO:0000012 ZFA:0000079 cerebrum endbrain uberon UBERON:0001893 telencephalon The division of the forebrain that develops from the foremost primary cerebral vesicle. The more posterior and ventral of two forebrain neuromeres, the other being the telencephalon; major derivatives are the eye cups, the brain pretectal region, the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus (including the habenula and epiphysis). Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] Unpaired part of the forebrain comprised of three major parts; the epithalamus, thalamus, and hypothalamus.[AAO] Fine structural, computerized three-dimensional (3D) mapping of cell connectivity in the amphioxus nervous system and comparative molecular genetic studies of amphioxus and tunicates have provided recent insights into the phylogenetic origin of the vertebrate nervous system. The results suggest that several of the genetic mechanisms for establishing and patterning the vertebrate nervous system already operated in the ancestral chordate and that the nerve cord of the proximate invertebrate ancestor of the vertebrates included a diencephalon, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord.[well established][VHOG] diencephalic in ABA, this is part of the brain stem DiE AAO:0010481 BAMS:DI BAMS:Di BAMS:DiE BAMS:IB BAMS:Zh. BIRNLEX:1503 BM:Die BTO:0000342 CALOHA:TS-0199 DHBA:10389 DMBA:16308 EFO:0000911 EHDAA2:0000385 EHDAA:1969 EHDAA:2645 EHDAA:3472 EMAPA:16896 EV:0100194 FMA:62001 GAID:618 HBA:4391 MA:0000171 MAT:0000420 MBA:1129 MESH:A08.186.211.730.385 MIAA:0000420 NCIT:C12456 OpenCyc:Mx4rwC-V0JwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA PBA:128013010 SCTID:279328001 TAO:0000101 UMLS:C0012144 VHOG:0000318 Wikipedia:Diencephalon XAO:0000013 ZFA:0000101 between brain interbrain mature diencephalon thalamencephalon uberon betweenbrain diencephalon UBERON:0001894 diencephalon Rostral segment of the hindbrain that has as its parts the pons (where present) and the cerebellum[WP,modified]. Anterior part of the hindbrain ventral to the cerebellum[BIRNLEX:965]. The anterior of two brain vesicles formed by specialization of the rhombencephalon in the developing embryo. It gives rise to cerebellum and pons. [TFD][VHOG] The early development of most vertebrate brains is similar (...). The zebrafish neural tube follows the same basic differentiation pattern as the mammalian neural tube (reference 1); The brain develops from three embryonic enlargements of the neural tube, which later differentiate into five regions. A forebrain differentiates into telencephalon and diencephalon. The midbrain, or mesencephalon, remains undivided. The hindbrain divides into the metencephalon and myelencephalon. Cavities within the brain enlarge to form a series of interconnected ventricles (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] epencephalon BAMS:Met BIRNLEX:965 BTO:0000673 CALOHA:TS-2029 DHBA:10655 EHDAA2:0001149 EHDAA:5498 EMAPA:17071 FMA:62003 GAID:594 HBA:4833 MA:0000197 MESH:D020540 NCIT:C32741 UMLS:C0376353 UMLS:C1516904 VHOG:0000741 Wikipedia:Metencephalon epencephalon-2 uberon UBERON:0001895 the terms metencephalon and myelencephalon are only meaningful in mammals and birds[Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain]. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata and thus these are not distinguished in ZFA[ZFA]. metencephalon Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the medullary reticular formation, inferior olivary complex and cochlear nuclear complex, among other structures[FMA]. The medulla oblongata lies directly above the spinal cord and controls vital autonomic functions such as digestion, breathing and the control of heart rate[GO]. Posterior portion of the hindbrain which controls respiration, heartbeat, digestion, and swallowing as well as some locomotor responses.[AAO] The posterior region of the brain that is continuous with the spinal cord. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Glossary_G-17, Grande_L, Liem_KF, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF][VHOG] Classical anatomical studies subdivided the vertebrate rhombencephalon into pons and medulla oblongata. (...) The medulla oblongata appears therefore as a tagma, that is, a group of segmental units (pseudorhombomeres, in this case) sharing some morphological and molecular characteristics, and in some aspects different from the segmental units present in adjoining brain regions, pons and spinal cord.[well established][VHOG] bulb medulla AAO:0010486 BAMS:MY BAMS:Md BIRNLEX:957 BM:Me BTO:0000041 CALOHA:TS-0607 DMBA:17352 EFO:0000924 EHDAA2:0001088 EHDAA:7588 EMAPA:17550 EV:0100275 FMA:62004 GAID:590 MA:0000206 MAT:0000111 MAT:0000367 MBA:354 MESH:D008526 MIAA:0000111 NCIT:C12442 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjxSJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA OpenCyc:Mx4rwCqnXJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:279104005 TAO:0000545 UMLS:C0025148 UMLS:C1269575 VHOG:0000181 Wikipedia:Bone_marrow_of_ovary_oblongata XAO:0003100 ZFA:0000545 bulbus uberon medulla oblonzata metepencephalon UBERON:0001896 medulla oblongata An epithelium that is part of a small intestine [Automatically generated definition]. Intestinal epithelium which lines the lumen of the mid intestine.[TAO] BTO:0001258 CALOHA:TS-2104 EMAPA:35778 FMA:62017 MA:0001553 TAO:0005127 ZFA:0005127 epithelial tissue of small bowel epithelial tissue of small intestine epithelium of small bowel mid intestine epithelium small bowel epithelial tissue small bowel epithelium small intestinal epithelium small intestine epithelial tissue small intestine epithelium uberon UBERON:0001902 epithelium of small intestine A specialized accessory gland of the skin of mammals that secretes milk. The gland is typically only developed in females, and regresses in males. Originally this was classified as a female reproductive structure, as it was in the MP in 2011 Any of the milk-producing apocrine glands typically occurring in pairs in female mammals and consisting of lobes containing clusters of alveoli with a system of ducts to convey the milk to an external nipple or teat. [TFD][VHOG] The detailed similarities of mammary glands in living monotremes, marsupials, and eutherians argue for a monophyletic origin of these glands, perhaps by the combination of parts of preexisting sebaceous and sweat glands.[well established][VHOG] mammary A mouse mammary gland contains a single duct or sinus, forming 5-10 secondary ducts The male Dayak fruit bat has lactating mammary glands The mammary glands of humans are in the thoracid/breast region. In other mammals they may be located elsewhere on the mammary ridges. The BTO class represents the combination of nipple plus lobe The FMA class represents an individule lobe. The nipple is not a part The MA class represents a composite structure, including the nipple, fat, connective tissue, smooth muscle as parts BTO:0000817 CALOHA:TS-0595 EFO:0000854 EMAPA:17759 EV:0100125 FMA:286452 MA:0000145 MAT:0000073 MESH:D008321 MIAA:0000073 NCIT:C12367 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjVq5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0929301 VHOG:0000398 glandula mammaria lactiferous gland lobe of breast milk patch uberon Brustdruese dug glandula mammaria lobe of mammary gland mamma mammae UBERON:0001911 mammary gland An endothelium that is part of an artery [Automatically generated definition]. The endothelium is the thin layer of cells that lines the interior surface of blood vessels, forming an interface between circulating blood in the lumen and the rest of the vessel wall.[AAO] Vertebrates and a very few invertebrates such as squids have evolved a secondary epithelium, the endothelium, that lines their blood vessels.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011013 BTO:0004757 EMAPA:35148 FMA:62116 MA:0000707 NCIT:C49194 UMLS:C1179025 VHOG:0001215 XAO:0000357 arterial endothelium artery endothelium uberon UBERON:0001917 endothelium of artery An endothelium that is part of a vein [Automatically generated definition]. Vertebrates and a very few invertebrates such as squids have evolved a secondary epithelium, the endothelium, that lines their blood vessels.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011110 BTO:0004756 EMAPA:36288 FMA:62118 MA:0000712 NCIT:C49317 UMLS:C1179027 VHOG:0001216 XAO:0000358 vein endothelium venous endothelium uberon veinous endothelium UBERON:0001919 endothelium of vein Ventral part of the midbrain, separated from the hindbrain by the isthmus[ISBN:0471888893]. Subdivision of the midbrain lying anterior to the tectum and posterior to the substantia nigra and cerebral peduncle[FMA] The part of the midbrain extending from the substantia nigra to the cerebral aqueduct in a horizontal section of the midbrain. It forms the floor of the midbrain that surrounds the cerebral aqueduct[WP]. Together, our results reveal a shared basic organization in the tegmental domains of the diencephalon and midbrain of developing lamprey, indicating early appearance of the domain in vertebrate phylogeny.[well established][VHOG] MTg tegmentum BAMS:MTg BIRNLEX:1200 BTO:0003388 DHBA:12195 EFO:0000921 EHDAA2:0004475 EMAPA:18215 FMA:62393 HBA:9002 MA:0000212 MAT:0000452 SCTID:362392007 TAO:0000160 UMLS:C0039441 VHOG:0001367 Wikipedia:Midbrain_tegmentum XAO:0004271 ZFA:0000160 tegmentum mesencephali tegmentum of midbrain uberon mesencephalic tegmentum tegmentum mesencephalicum UBERON:0001943 'tegmentum' is used generically for the ventral part of the brainstem (ISBN:0471888893). We use the label 'midbrain tegmentum' to denote the midbrain structure. In NIFSTD tegmentum is a composite structure and there is a separate class for midbrain tegmentum and pontine tegmentum midbrain tegmentum A multi-tissue structure that is part of a spinal cord. BIRNLEX:1496 NCIT:C33969 UMLS:C1268166 uberon spinal cord part UBERON:0001948 regional part of spinal cord A stratified squamous epithelium consisting of a basal layer; it is keratinized or parakeratinized[BTO]. In humans: 15% orthokeratinized, 75% parakeratinized, 10% non-keratinized; diurnal; decreased keratinization with age. Note that in FMA this is classified as keratinized squamous - this perhaps refers to the epithelium of the attached or free gingiva BTO:0004998 FMA:62423 MA:0001576 NCIT:C49239 UMLS:C1179154 epithelial tissue of gingiva epithelium of gingiva gingiva epithelial tissue gingiva epithelium uberon UBERON:0001949 gingival epithelium A part of the brain consisting of a three layered cortex located in the forebrain bordering the medial surface of the lateral ventricle. The term hippocampus is often used synonymously with hippocampal formation which consists of the hippocampus proper or Cornu Ammonis, the dentate gyrus and the subiculum. hippocampal Non-mammalian species do not have a brain structure that looks like the mammalian hippocampus, but they have one that is considered homologous to it. The hippocampus, as pointed out above, is essentially the medial edge of the cortex. Only mammals have a fully developed cortex, but the structure it evolved from, called the pallium, is present in all vertebrates, even the most primitive ones such as the lamprey or hagfish. The pallium is usually divided into three zones: medial, lateral, and dorsal. The medial pallium forms the precursor of the hippocampus. It does not resemble the hippocampus visually, because the layers are not warped into an S shape or enwrapped by the dentate gyrus, but the homology is indicated by strong chemical and functional affinities. There is now evidence that these hippocampal-like structures are involved in spatial cognition in birds, reptiles, and fish. In birds, the correspondence is sufficiently well established that most anatomists refer to the medial pallial zone as the 'avian hippocampus'. The story for fish is more complex. In teleost fish (which make up the great majority of existing species), the forebrain is distorted in comparison to other types of vertebrates: most neuroanatomists believe that the teleost forebrain is essentially everted, like a sock turned inside-out, so that structures that lie in the interior, next to the ventricles, for most vertebrates, are found on the outside in teleost fish, and vice versa. One of the consequences of this is that the medial pallium ('hippocampal' zone) of a typical vertebrate is thought to correspond to the lateral pallium of a typical fish. Several types of fish (particularly goldfish) have been shown experimentally to have strong spatial memory abilities, even forming 'cognitive maps' of the areas they inhabit.[WP] UBERON:0003940 UBERON:0004165 BAMS:CA BIRNLEX:721 BM:Tel-CAM BTO:0003705 CALOHA:TS-0460 DHBA:10296 DMBA:16124 EFO:0000530 EHDAA2:0004443 EMAPA:32772 EMAPA:32845 EV:0100180 FMA:62493 GAID:623 MA:0000191 MAT:0000114 MBA:375 MESH:A08.186.211.577.405 MIAA:0000114 NCIT:C12444 NCIT:C32374 OpenCyc:Mx4rv3piFJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA PBA:128012244 UMLS:C0019564 VHOG:0001177 Ammon's horn ammon gyrus ammon horn hippocampus major hippocampus proper hippocampus proprius uberon Ammon horn fields Ammons horn cornu ammonis hippocampus UBERON:0001954 Ammon's horn The liquid component of blood, in which erythrocytes are suspended. plasma portion of plasma BTO:0000131 CALOHA:TS-0800 EFO:0001905 EMAPA:35690 FMA:62970 GAID:1178 MA:0002501 MAT:0000052 MESH:D010949 MIAA:0000052 NCIT:C13356 OpenCyc:Mx4rEg4ZYrIbEduAAAAOpmP6tw UMLS:C0032105 Wikipedia:Blood_plasma blood plasm portion of blood plasma uberon UBERON:0001969 blood plasma Vital aqueous secretion of the liver that is formed by hepatocytes and modified down stream by absorptive and secretory properties of the bile duct epithelium. In many species, bile is stored in the gallbladder and upon eating is discharged into the duodenum. aids the process of digestion of lipids in the small intestine bile salts function to emulsify dietary fats and facilitate their intestinal absorption elimination of cholesterol major excretory route for potentially harmful exogenous lipophilic substances many hormones and pheromones are excreted in bile, and contribute to growth and development of the intestine in some species and provide attractants for the weaning of non-human vertebrates protects the organism from enteric infections by excreting immune globulin A (IgA), inflammatory cytokines, and stimulating the innate immune system in the intestine BTO:0000121 CALOHA:TS-1172 ENVO:02000023 FMA:62971 GAID:1157 MA:0002513 MESH:D001646 NCIT:C13192 UMLS:C0005388 Wikipedia:Bile ZFA:0005857 galen:Bile uberon fel gall UBERON:0001970 bile One of the minute vessels that collect deoxygenated blood from the capillary plexuses returns it to the veins. Multi-tissue structure part of the blood vasculature formed by the anastomosis of capillaries. Venules carry blood toward the heart.[TAO] BTO:0002626 EMAPA:35917 FMA:63130 MA:0000071 MESH:A07.231.432.952 NCIT:C12818 SCTID:341687009 TAO:0005315 UMLS:C0042520 VHOG:0001765 Wikipedia:Venule ZFA:0005315 uberon venula UBERON:0001979 venule Illu:capillary.jpg The smallest division of the artery located between the muscular arteries and the capillaries[GO]. Multi-tissue structure part of the blood vasculature, feeds into capillaries. Arterioles carry blood away from the heart.[TAO] Small, terminal branch of an artery which generally connects to capillaries.[AAO] AAO:0010253 BTO:0001997 EMAPA:35146 FMA:63182 MA:0000063 MESH:D001160 NCIT:C12672 SCTID:337724002 TAO:0002138 UMLS:C0003847 VHOG:0001763 Wikipedia:Arteriole ZFA:0005255 uberon arteriola UBERON:0001980 arteriole Illu:capillary.jpg A vessel through which blood circulates in the body. consider adopting the EMAPA superclass 'vascular element', which includes microvasculature (e.g. capillaries), vascular plexus Any of the vessels through which blood circulates in the body. [XAO:0001011_][VHOG] Any of the vessels through which blood circulates in the body.[AAO] The appearance of Chordata and subsequently the vertebrates is accompanied by a rapid structural diversification of this primitive linear heart: looping, unidirectional circulation, an enclosed vasculature, and the conduction system.[well established][VHOG] annelids have blood vessels, but this class is not applicable to annelids. FMA:63183 Blood vessel is categorized as 'general anatomical term'. Suggestion to map to region of vascular tree from Terry H at JAX vascular element AAO:0011004 AEO:0000207 BTO:0001102 CALOHA:TS-0080 EFO:0000817 EHDAA2:0003252 EHDAA:240 EMAPA:32743 EMAPA:35993 FMA:50722 FMA:63183 GAID:169 MA:0000060 MAT:0000393 MESH:D001808 NCIT:C12679 NLXANAT:090901 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjxlpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:361097006 TAO:0002137 UMLS:C0005847 VHOG:0001250 Wikipedia:Blood_vessel XAO:0001011 ZFA:0005314 region of vascular tree organ vascular tree organ region uberon vas sanguineum UBERON:0001981 blood vessel Any of the smallest blood vessels connecting arterioles with venules. not all sources agree capillary is a blood vessel - consider adopting EMAPA superclass of vascular element Any of the tiny blood vessels connecting the arterioles to the venules.[AAO] The appearance of Chordata and subsequently the vertebrates is accompanied by a rapid structural diversification of this primitive linear heart: looping, unidirectional circulation, an enclosed vasculature, and the conduction system.[well established][VHOG] capillaries lack tunica media and tunica adventitia; only the endothelial wall of the tunica intima belongs AAO:0010252 BTO:0002045 CALOHA:TS-2006 EFO:0001906 EMAPA:35198 EV:0100035 FMA:63194 MA:0000065 MESH:A07.231.432.410 NCIT:C12685 NLXANAT:090902 OpenCyc:Mx4rvWEU-5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0005250 UMLS:C0935624 VHOG:0001253 Wikipedia:Capillary XAO:0000116 ZFA:0005250 blood capillary capillary vessel uberon UBERON:0001982 capillary,_pancreatic_tissue_-_TEM.jpg A layer of epithelium that lines the heart, blood vessels (endothelium, vascular), lymph vessels (endothelium, lymphatic), and the serous cavities of the body[MESH]. Simple squamous epithelium which lines blood and lymphatic vessels and the heart[FMA]. endothelial BTO:0000393 CALOHA:TS-0278 EFO:0002548 FMA:63916 GAID:520 MESH:D004727 NCIT:C12481 SCTID:27168002 UMLS:C0014257 galen:Endothelium uberon UBERON:0001986 The term 'endothelium' has been either restricted to the continuous cell layer of the vertebrates, as we are assuming here, or applied to all the cells able to adhere to the luminal surface of the vascular basement membrane (Casley-Smith 1980) endothelium Organ of metabolic interchange between fetus and mother, partly of embryonic origin and partly of maternal origin[GO]. The fetal portion of the placenta is known as the villous chorion. The maternal portion is known as the decidua basalis. The two portions are held together by anchoring villi that are anchored to the decidua basalis by the cytotrophoblastic shell. Phylogenetic analyses of the concatenated data set using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and distance based (neighbour joining) methods all converged on a nearly identical, well supported topology defining four principal eutherian lineages. The results affirm monophyly of traditional placental orders (except Artiodactyla and Insectivora), and also support some previously proposed, as well as new, superordinal clades.[well established][VHOG] placental Eutherians: In eutherians, the chorioallantoic membrane of the fetus establishes intimate contact with the adjacent vascular wall of the mother's uterus to produce the placenta, a composite structure formed in part from tissues of the fetus and in part from tissues of the mother [ISBN:0073040584 (Vertebrates, Kardong)]. TODO - is taxon restriction too strict, even if we restrict def to allantoic placenta? - WP says: also found in some snakes and lizards with varying levels of development up to mammalian levels. Pough et al. 1992. Herpetology: Third Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall:Pearson Education, Inc., 2002. // See also: DOI:10.1002/jmor.11011 BTO:0001078 CALOHA:TS-0799 EFO:0001407 EMAPA:35689 EV:0100119 FMA:63934 GAID:379 MA:0000386 MAT:0000279 MESH:A16.759 MIAA:0000279 NCIT:C13272 OpenCyc:Mx4rvv4zZ5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0032043 VHOG:0001266 allantoic placenta eutherian placenta uberon UBERON:0001987 Marsupials possess only a rudimentary yolk-type placenta, with reduced nutrient and oxygen exchanging capabilities. placenta The upper layer of the dermis beneath the epidermis, composed of dense irregular connective tissue[ncit,modified]. todo - check tissue composition Dense irregular connective tissue of the skin that consists of fibroblasts, various connective tissue cell types, and collagen, predominantly type III. EMAPA:35282 FMA:64776 MA:0000800 MA:0000802 NCIT:C33630 NCIT:C94819 UMLS:C0221930 UMLS:C0682598 corpus papillary dermis papillary layer papillary dermis papillary layer papillary layer of dermis stratum papillare stratum papillare (dermis) stratum papillare corii stratum papillare dermis superficial dermis uberon dermal papillary layer stratum papillare UBERON:0001992 papillary layer of dermis The pulmonary plexus is an autonomic plexus formed from pulmonary branches of vagus nerve and the sympathetic trunk that supplies the Bronchial tree. [WP,modified]. EMAPA:37462 FMA:6629 MA:0001143 plexus pulmonalis pulmonary plexus uberon plexus pulmonalis UBERON:0002009 pulmonary nerve plexus An artery that carries deoxygenated blood from heart to the lungs. They are the only arteries (other than umbilical arteries in the fetus) that carry deoxygenated blood.. Major artery which supplies blood to the lungs.[AAO] One of two arteries, leaving from the heart, the left one supplying the left lung and the right one supplying the right lung. [TFD][VHOG] On the other hand, in the sister clade of the actinopterygians, the sarcopterygians, the gill circulation is supplemented with lung ventilation. As a result, the pulmonary artery and vein and a functional ductus arteriosus arose as a major evolutionary innovation from the sixth arch, giving the organism a flexible shunt to balance blood supply to and from gills and lungs according to environmental conditions.[well established][VHOG] In the human heart, the pulmonary trunk (pulmonary artery or main pulmonary artery) begins at the base of the right ventricle. It is short and wide - approximately 5 cm (2 inches) in length and 3 cm (1.2 inches) in diameter. It then branches into two pulmonary arteries (left and right), which deliver deoxygenated blood to the corresponding lung[WP] AAO:0010221 BTO:0000778 CALOHA:TS-0839 EFO:0001399 EHDAA2:0001575 EHDAA:4351 EMAPA:17008 FMA:66326 GAID:505 MA:0002031 MESH:D011651 NCIT:C12774 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjbIpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0034052 VHOG:0000982 XAO:0004162 galen:PulmonaryArtery pulmonary arterial tree pulmonary arterial tree organ part uberon arteria pulmonalis pulmonary arterial subtree truncus pulmonalis UBERON:0002012 pulmonary artery Pulmonary veins are blood vessels that transport blood from the lungs to the heart[GO]. Any of the veins which collect blood from the lungs and some small vesicles received from the esophagus.[AAO] One of two pairs of large vessels that return oxygenated blood from each lung to the left atrium of the heart. [TFD][VHOG] the veins that return oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart On the other hand, in the sister clade of the actinopterygians, the sarcopterygians, the gill circulation is supplemented with lung ventilation. As a result, the pulmonary artery and vein and a functional ductus arteriosus arose as a major evolutionary innovation from the sixth arch, giving the organism a flexible shunt to balance blood supply to and from gills and lungs according to environmental conditions.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010521 BTO:0001799 CALOHA:TS-0840 EHDAA2:0001579 EHDAA:2629 EMAPA:18645 FMA:66643 GAID:543 MA:0002206 MESH:D011667 NCIT:C12776 UMLS:C0034090 VHOG:0001133 XAO:0000394 galen:PulmonaryVein pulmonary venous tree organ part uberon venae pulmonales UBERON:0002016 pulmonary vein A vein that conducts blood from the digestive organs, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder to the liver[BTO]. BTO:0001792 CALOHA:TS-0814 EHDAA2:0001485 EHDAA:6510 EMAPA:17349 FMA:66645 GAID:540 MA:0002198 MESH:D011169 NCIT:C33343 OpenCyc:Mx4rv_bem5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:362064007 UMLS:C0032718 VHOG:0000656 XAO:0000392 galen:PortalVein portal venous tree organ part uberon UBERON:0002017 portal vein Soft tissue that lines the non-cartilaginous surfaces within joints with cavities (synovial joints). Phylogenetically, synovium is one of the newer attributes of the vertebrate locomotor apparatus. The first synovial joints developed in the piscine jaw of ancestors of modern lungfish by an evolutionary process that modified preexisting fibrous and cartilaginous joints, which were the predominant articulation of the early sea- and land-dwelling vertebrates.[well established][VHOG] synovial layer synovial membrane synovium AEO:0000181 BTO:0001823 EFO:0001393 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003181 EMAPA:37476 EV:0100143 FMA:9865 GAID:264 MA:0000114 MESH:D013583 NCIT:C12473 UMLS:C0039099 VHOG:0001282 galen:SynovialMembrane membrana synovialis (capsula articularis) membrana synovialis capsulae articularis stratum synoviale stratum synoviale (capsula articularis) uberon synovial layer of articular capsule of synovial joint synovial membrane of articular capsule of synovial joint synovium of articular capsule of synovial joint UBERON:0002018 synovial membrane of synovial joint A nervous system structure composed primarily of nerve cell bodies (somas). May also include dendrites and the initial unmyelinated portion of axons. Multi-tissue comprised of neurons, dendrites, axon terminals, glial cells, and capillaries.[TAO] AEO:0001012 EHDAA2:0003136 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0004658 EMAPA:37596 FMA:67242 HBA:4006 MA:0001112 NCIT:C32695 OpenCyc:Mx4rwDdKMpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0002197 UMLS:C0018220 VHOG:0001768 Wikipedia:Gray_matter ZFA:0001681 gray matter gray matter of neuraxis grey matter grey matter of neuraxis grey substance neuronal grey matter substantia grisea uberon gray mater grisea UBERON:0002020 gray matter Spinal:nerve.svg The most posterior of the three principal regions of the brain. In mammals and birds the hindbrain is divided into a rostral metencephalon and a caudal myelencephalon. In zebrafish, with the exception of the cerebellum, the ventral remainder of the metencephalon can be separated only arbitrarily from the more caudal myelencephalic portion of the medulla oblongata (From: Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain)[ZFA]. Organ component of neuraxis that has as its parts the pons, cerebellum and medulla oblongata[FMA]. Posterior part of the brain consisting of the cerebellum and medulla oblongata.[AAO] The most posterior of the three principal regions of the brain, forming the rhombencephalon and all or most of the metencephalon. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] relationship loss: develops_from hindbrain neural tube (TAO:0007043)[TAO] Fine structural, computerized three-dimensional (3D) mapping of cell connectivity in the amphioxus nervous system and comparative molecular genetic studies of amphioxus and tunicates have provided recent insights into the phylogenetic origin of the vertebrate nervous system. The results suggest that several of the genetic mechanisms for establishing and patterning the vertebrate nervous system already operated in the ancestral chordate and that the nerve cord of the proximate invertebrate ancestor of the vertebrates included a diencephalon, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord.[well established][VHOG] rhombencephalic in MA, brainstem and hindbrain and part-of siblings under brain, consistent with FMA and NIF. See also notes for cerebellum. We weaken the relation in ABA to overlaps AAO:0010150 BAMS:HB BIRNLEX:942 BTO:0000672 CALOHA:TS-0457 DHBA:10653 DMBA:16808 EFO:0000923 EHDAA2:0000746 EHDAA:3514 EHDAA:6487 EMAPA:16916 FMA:67687 MA:0000195 MAT:0000107 MBA:1065 MESH:D012249 MIAA:0000107 NCIT:C40336 SCTID:303456008 TAO:0000029 UMLS:C0035507 UMLS:C1522180 VHOG:0000070 Wikipedia:Rhombencephalon XAO:0000015 ZFA:0000029 uberon rhombencephalon UBERON:0002028 hindbrain Projection of skin containing the outlets for 15-20 lactiferous ducts arranged cylindrically around the tip. a male mouse has no nipples - mammary tissue regresses during embryonic development FMA makes this part of the breast, whereas in MA it is part of the mammary gland - BTO:0000821 CALOHA:TS-2234 EMAPA:36508 FMA:67771 GAID:35 MA:0000796 MESH:D009558 NCIT:C12299 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjKi5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0028109 galen:Nipple papilla mammae papilla of breast thele thelium papillary part of breast teat uberon papilla mammaria UBERON:0002030 nipple Muscle tissue that contains fibers that are divided by transverse bands into striations. Voluntary muscle tissue arranged in bundles of fibers.[AAO] AAO:0010762 AEO:0000140 CALOHA:TS-2047 EHDAA2:0003140 EMAPA:36390 FMA:67905 MA:0002438 NCIT:C12436 OpenCyc:Mx4rwAoze5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C1331262 WBbt:0005779 Wikipedia:Striated_muscle galen:StriatedMuscle striated muscle uberon UBERON:0002036 striated muscle tissue Part of the metencephalon that lies in the posterior cranial fossa behind the brain stem. It is concerned with the coordination of movement[MESH]. A large dorsally projecting part of the brain concerned especially with the coordination of muscles and the maintenance of bodily equilibrium, situated between the brain stem and the back of the cerebrum , and formed in humans of two lateral lobes and a median lobe[BTO]. Brain structure derived from the anterior hindbrain, and perhaps including posterior midbrain. The cerebellum plays a role in somatic motor function, the control of muscle tone, and balance[ZFA]. Dorsal part of the hindbrain that coordinates muscle movement, posture, and balance.[AAO] Specialized brain region derived from the dorsal metencephalon (anterior hindbrain, and perhaps including posterior midbrain) and becoming distinctive late in the segmentation period. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] However, although the lamprey possesses a region comparable to the cerebellum and display expression of LjFgf8/17 at the MHB (midbrain hindbrain boundary), it does not have Purkinje cells and cerebellar nuclei, as well as components of the rhombic lip-derived cerebellar and pre-cerebellar systems. It is noteworthy that the latter structures require specific expression of Pax6 in the rhombic lip of the gnathostome hindbrain. Interestingly, the lamprey rhombic lip does not express Pax6. Thus, it is tempting to speculate that in vertebrate evolution the rostral hindbrain is incapable of differentiating into the cerebellum before the co-option of Pax6 in that region. In other words, cerebellum has been brought about as an evolutionary innovation in gnathostomes, based on exaptation of MHB, rhombic lip, and some regulatory gene expression already present in the vertebrate common ancestor.[well established][VHOG] cerebellar The absence of a cerebellum in hagfishes and lampreys appears to be the only exception [to the rule that vertebrates possess the same number of brain divisions]. Both hagfishes and lampreys do possess a thin band of cells located medial to the lateral line centers of the medulla (Ronan and Northcutt, 1998), which has been interpreted as a primitive cerebellum (Larsell, 1967), but more recent experimental studies (Kishida et al., 1987; Weigle and Northcutt, 1998) fail to support Larsell's claim[] almost all AOs agree that the cerebellum is part of the hindbrain (sometimes specifically part of the metencephalon, which, when present, is part of the hindbrain). However, ABA has cerebellum and brain stem as partof siblings, with the hindbrain part of the brainstem infratentorial region AAO:0010485 BAMS:CB BAMS:Cb BIRNLEX:1489 BM:CB BTO:0000232 CALOHA:TS-0125 DHBA:10656 EFO:0000327 EHDAA2:0000232 EMAPA:17787 EV:0100293 FMA:67944 GAID:595 HBA:4696 MA:0000198 MAT:0000110 MBA:512 MESH:D002531 MIAA:0000110 NCIT:C12445 OpenCyc:Mx4rvl1eipwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:180924008 TAO:0000100 UMLS:C0007765 UMLS:C1268981 VHOG:0000024 Wikipedia:Cerebellum XAO:0003098 ZFA:0000100 epencephalon-1 uberon corpus cerebelli parencephalon UBERON:0002037 cerebellum Cerebellum:NIH.png A two-lobed endocrine gland found in all vertebrates, located in front of and on either side of the trachea in humans, and producing various hormones, such as triiodothyronine and calcitonin[BTO]. Either of paired structures located in the throat which develop from the ventral wall of the pharynx and excretes hormones involved in the morphological and functional changes during metamorphosis as well as influencing other tissues.[AAO] (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (2) a groove in the pharyngeal floor known as the endostyle, or a thyroid gland derived from part of the endostyle (...).[well established][VHOG] In fish, it is usually located below the gills and is not always divided into distinct lobes. However, in some teleosts, patches of thyroid tissue are found elsewhere in the body, associated with the kidneys, spleen, heart, or eyes In larval lampreys, the thyroid originates as an exocrine gland, secreting its hormones into the gut, and associated with the larva's filter-feeding apparatus. In the adult lamprey, the gland separates from the gut, and becomes endocrine, but this path of development may reflect the evolutionary origin of the thyroid. For instance, the closest living relatives of vertebrates, the tunicates and Amphioxus, have a structure very similar to that of larval lampreys, and this also secretes iodine-containing compounds (albeit not thyroxine) In tetrapods, the thyroid is always found somewhere in the neck region. In most tetrapod species, there are two paired thyroid glands - that is, the right and left lobes are not joined together. However, there is only ever a single thyroid gland in most mammals, and the shape found in humans is common to many other species AAO:0010544 BTO:0001379 CALOHA:TS-1047 EFO:0000861 EHDAA2:0002028 EHDAA:2148 EHDAA:2975 EMAPA:17068 EV:0100133 FMA:9603 GAID:465 MA:0000129 MAT:0000081 MESH:D013961 MIAA:0000081 NCIT:C12400 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjLT5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0040132 VHOG:0000418 XAO:0000162 galen:ThyroidGland thyroid uberon glandula thyroidea UBERON:0002046 thyroid gland Respiration organ that develops as an outpocketing of the esophagus. Either of two organs which allow gas exchange absorbing oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide with exhaled air.[AAO] Lungs had already developed as paired ventral pockets from the intestine in the ancestor of Osteognathostomata. (...) In actinopterygian fishes, apart from Cladistia, the ventral intestinal pocket migrates dorsally and becomes the swim-bladder, a mainly hydrostatical organ (reference 1); Comparative transcriptome analyses indicate molecular homology of zebrafish swimbladder and Mammalian lung (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] pulmonary respiration organ in all air-breathing animals, including most tetrapods, a few fish and a few snails. In mammals and the more complex life forms, the two lungs are located in the chest on either side of the heart. Their principal function is to transport oxygen from the atmosphere into the bloodstream, and to release carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the atmosphere. This exchange of gases is accomplished in the mosaic of specialized cells that form millions of tiny, exceptionally thin-walled air sacs called alveoli. // Avian lungs do not have alveoli as mammalian lungs do, they have Faveolar lungs. They contain millions of tiny passages known as para-bronchi, connected at both ends by the dorsobronchi AAO:0000275 AAO:0010567 BTO:0000763 CALOHA:TS-0568 EFO:0000934 EHDAA2:0001042 EHDAA:1554 EHDAA:2205 EMAPA:16728 EV:0100042 FMA:7195 GAID:345 MA:0000415 MAT:0000135 MESH:D008168 MIAA:0000135 NCIT:C12468 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjKy5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181216001 UMLS:C0024109 VHOG:0000310 Wikipedia:Lung XAO:0000119 galen:Lung pulmo uberon UBERON:0002048 Snakes and limbless lizards typically possess only the right lung as a major respiratory organ; the left lung is greatly reduced, or even absent. Amphisbaenians, however, have the opposite arrangement, with a major left lung, and a reduced or absent right lung [WP] lung An interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure contains fluid that is actively transported around the organism[ZFA]. Examples: vasculature of lung, vasculature of face. see also: vascular system. Consider merging? vascular BTO:0003718 FMA:69050 TAO:0005249 ZFA:0005249 vascular network uberon UBERON:0002049 vasculature Anatomical structure that is part of an embryo. Anatomical structure that is part of the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells.[AAO] Anatomical structure that is part of the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells.[TAO] Anatomical structure that is part of the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells.[VSAO] in FMA embryo is_a embryonic structure AAO:0000138 BILA:0000034 BTO:0000174 CALOHA:TS-2110 EFO:0000461 FBbt:00004208 FMA:69067 GAID:407 MESH:D004628 NCIT:C13229 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0003169 SCTID:667009 TAO:0001105 UMLS:C0013948 VSAO:0000178 XAO:0003042 ZFA:0001105 developing embryonic structure embryonic anatomical structure uberon developing structure embryonale Struktur embryonic structures UBERON:0002050 embryonic structure The femoral artery is a large artery in the muscles of the thigh. It is a continuation of external iliac artery where it enters the femoral triangle at the mid inguinal point behind the inguinal ligament. It leaves femoral triangle through apex beneath the sartorius muscle. It enters the popliteal fossa by passing through the 5th osseo-aponeurotic(adductor hiatus) opening of adductor magnus where it becomes the Popliteal Artery. [WP,unvetted]. Artery which supplies blood via branches to the hindlimbs.[AAO] AAO:0010222 BTO:0001624 CALOHA:TS-0321 EMAPA:35342 FMA:70248 GAID:494 MA:0001951 MESH:D005263 NCIT:C12715 OpenCyc:Mx4rwHMI05wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0015801 galen:FemoralArtery uberon arteria femoralis UBERON:0002060 femoral artery The umbilical vein is a blood vessel present during fetal development that carries oxygenated blood from the placenta to the growing fetus. [WP,unvetted]. BTO:0001509 CALOHA:TS-1082 EFO:0001940 EHDAA:1034 EHDAA:488 EMAPA:16243 EMAPA:16375 EV:0100392 FMA:70317 GAID:542 MA:0002249 MESH:D014471 NCIT:C33830 OpenCyc:Mx4rdu17MmWaEd2AAABQjYGu0g RETIRED_EHDAA2:0002107 UMLS:C0041637 uberon vena umbilicalis UBERON:0002066 umbilical vein The dermis is a layer of skin between the epidermis (with which it makes up the skin) and subcutaneous tissues, and is composed of two layers, the papillary and reticular dermis[WP]. Consider adding a layer-of-skin grouping class for all skin layers A collagenous layer of the skin subjacent to the epidermis and covering the hypodermis. It contains various types of cells (e.g. fibroblasts, pigment cells, nerve, blood vessels and scales. Le Guellec et al, 2004.[TAO] When approaching controversies surrounding skin evolution, we need to remember that the skin consists of two layers, an epidermis and a dermis, not a single evolving structure. (...) It is little wonder that controversies about homology exist. If we think of the epidermis, the dermis, and their interactions as an evolving unit, then their specialized products (hair, feathers, and reptilian scales) are broadly homologous.[well established][VHOG] dermal AAO:0000128 BTO:0000294 CALOHA:TS-2076 EFO:0000953 EMAPA:17527 EV:0100154 FMA:70323 GAID:1321 MA:0000152 MAT:0000153 MESH:D020405 MIAA:0000153 NCIT:C12701 SCTID:361696001 TAO:0001119 UMLS:C0011646 VHOG:0000108 Wikipedia:Dermis XAO:0000217 ZFA:0001119 vertebrate dermis uberon corium cutis UBERON:0002067 dermis Lowermost layer of the integumentary system in vertebrates. Types of cells that are found in the hypodermis are fibroblasts, adipose cells, and macrophages. It is derived from the mesoderm, but unlike the dermis, it is not derived from the dermatome region of the mesoderm. The hypodermis is used mainly for fat storage[WP]. A layer separating the inner face of the dermis from the subjacent muscle cells. It is covered on both sides by a basement membrane. It contains pigment cells. Le Guellec et al, 2004.[TAO] A layer separating the inner face of the dermis from the subjacent muscle cells. It is covered on both sides by a basement membrane. It contains pigment cells[FMA:70544]. hypodermal subcutaneous subcutaneus BTO has 'subcutis', as part of dermis. We follow FMA in having distinct classes for hypodermis and superficial fascia, and including these as part of the non-skin intgeument. BTO:0001314 CALOHA:TS-2366 EMAPA:37505 FMA:70544 NCIT:C33645 TAO:0001136 UMLS:C0278403 Wikipedia:Hypodermis ZFA:0001136 hypoderm vertebrate hypodermis uberon sub-tegumental tissue subcutaneous tissue subcutis subtegumental tissue superficial fascia tela subcutanea UBERON:0002072 hypodermis An organ that is located within the body cavity (or in its extension, in the scrotum); it consists of organ parts that are embryologically derived from endoderm, splanchnic mesoderm or intermediate mesoderm; together with other organs, the viscus constitutes the respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, reproductive and immune systems, or is the central organ of the cardiovascular system. Examples: heart, lung, esophagus, kidney, ovary, spleen. An internal organ of the body; especially: one (as the heart, liver, or intestine) located in the great cavity of the trunk proper.[AAO] general anatomical term in FMA. Note that we place the MA class here temporarily, although properly systems should be distinguished from organs. AAO:0010386 BTO:0001491 EHDAA:512 EMAPA:16245 FMA:7085 MA:0000019 MESH:D014781 NCIT:C28287 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0002201 SCTID:118760003 UMLS:C0042779 Wikipedia:Viscus XAO:0003034 visceral organ visceral organ system uberon splanchnic tissue viscera visceral tissue UBERON:0002075 viscus The postcranial subdivision of skeleton structural components forming the long axis of the vertebrate body; in Danio, consisting of the notochord, vertebrae, ribs, supraneurals, intermuscular bones, and unpaired median fins; in human consists of the bones of the vertebral column, the thoracic cage and the pelvis[ZFA+FMA]. Skeletal subdivision of the central body axis including vertebrae, notochord, ribs, and sternum.[VSAO] The axial skeleton is formed by the vertebral column, a metameric, semi-flexible, arched bar located in the dorsal part of the trunk, and is formed by a series of cartilaginous or bony vertebrae. It provides suspension for the appendicular skeleton and protection for the spinal nerve cord.[AAO] The post-cranial structural components forming the long axis of the vertebrate body; usually consists of the notochord, vertebrae, ribs, supraneurals, intermuscular bones, and unpaired median fins.[TAO] The axial musculoskeletal system represents the plesiomorphic locomotor engine of the vertebrate body, playing a central role in locomotion. In craniates, the evolution of the postcranial skeleton is characterized by two major transformations. First, the axial skeleton became increasingly functionally and morphologically regionalized. Second, the axial-based locomotion plesiomorphic for craniates became progressively appendage-based with the evolution of extremities in tetrapods.[well established][VHOG] axial skeleton AAO:0000034 EFO:0000942 EHDAA2:0000161 EHDAA:5049 EMAPA:17214 EMAPA:37721 FMA:71221 MA:0002986 MAT:0000148 MIAA:0000148 TAO:0000317 VHOG:0000317 VSAO:0000093 XAO:0003073 ZFA:0000317 post-cranial axial skeleton uberon UBERON:0002090 previous some AOs had used the term 'axial skeleton' to include the skull. This is being resolved (see tracker items above). Status: MA - fixed. postcranial axial skeleton Subdivision of skeleton which which consists of all the skeletal elements in in the pectoral and pelvic appendage complexes[cjm]. Skeletal subdivision consisting of all the skeletal elements in the pectoral and pelvic appendage complexes.[VSAO] Skeletal system that consists of the paired fins (pectoral or pelvic fins).[TAO] The pectoral and pelvic girdles, which articulate with the axial skeleton, together with their associated limbs, the forelimbs and hind limbs, form the appendicular skeleton.[AAO] ontologies differ in whether they treat the term appendicular skeleton as being the entire set of bones in the limbs, or whether the fore and hind limbs/fins are treated as seperate appendicular skeletons. Here we follow FMA, and treat the appendicular skeleton as the sum total of skeletal elements in the organism (this is evidenced by the fact that in FMA, skeleton of left/right upper/lower limb is part_of a appendicular skeleton, and subtypes of 'subdivision of appendicular skeleton'). We have separate classes such as 'skeleton of limb', and 'skeleton of hindlimb' for the 4 parts of the appendicular skeleton. In future the ZFA/TAO classes may be moved. AAO:0000747 EFO:0000951 EMAPA:32729 FMA:71222 MA:0000290 MAT:0000278 MIAA:0000278 NCIT:C49477 SCTID:322050006 UMLS:C0222646 VHOG:0001666 VSAO:0000076 Wikipedia:Appendicular_skeleton XAO:0003166 appendicular skeleton entire appendicular skeleton paired fin skeleton uberon skeleton appendiculare UBERON:0002091 appendicular skeleton Anatomical organ component composed of a double layer of serous membrane that suspends a viscus from the body wall or connects adjacent viscera and in doing so conveys blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves to and from the viscera. Examples: greater omentum, broad ligament of uterus, sigmoid mesocolon. mesenteric in Uberon, this term is used in the generic sense, not necessarily restricted to the peritoneum, consistent with FMA. WP: 'In anatomy, the mesentery is the double layer of peritoneum that suspends the jejunum and ileum from the posterior wall of the abdomen. Its meaning, however, is frequently extended to include double layers of peritoneum connecting various components of the abdominal cavity.'. TODO - check. Consider FMA:259286 - Region of mesentery. AAO:0011061 BTO:0001380 EV:0100083 FMA:7144 GAID:21 MESH:A01.047.025.600.451 NCIT:C33103 UMLS:C0025474 galen:Mesentery generic mesentery mesentery (generic) uberon UBERON:0002095 mesentery The organ covering the body that consists of the dermis and epidermis. consider 'integumentary system' for invertebrates MA uses the term skin to refer to what is called here: zone of skin BTO:0001253 CALOHA:TS-0934 EFO:0000962 EHDAA2:0001844 EMAPA:17525 FMA:7163 MESH:D012867 MFMO:0000099 NCIT:C12470 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjX3ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181469002 UMLS:C1123023 Wikipedia:Skin XAO:0000023 galen:Skin entire skin skin organ uberon entire integument integument integumental organ pelt skin UBERON:0002097 skin of body Organism subdivision which is the part of the body posterior to the cervical region (or head, when cervical region not present) and anterior to the caudal region. Includes the sacrum when present. Organism subdivision that is the part of the body posterior to the head and anterior to the tail.[AAO] Organism subdivision which is the part of the body posterior to the head and anterior to the tail.[TAO] AAO:0010339 BILA:0000116 BTO:0001493 CALOHA:TS-1071 EFO:0000966 EMAPA:31857 FMA:7181 MA:0000004 MAT:0000296 MIAA:0000296 NCIT:C33816 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVkJjpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:262225004 TAO:0001115 UMLS:C0460005 Wikipedia:Torso XAO:0000054 XAO:0003025 ZFA:0001115 galen:Trunk thoracolumbar region torso trunk region uberon Rumpf UBERON:0002100 trunk The sensory system subserving the sense of vision. The sensory system used for sight.[AAO] UBERON:0007036 AAO:0000632 BILA:0000140 EMAPA:36003 FMA:7191 MA:0002444 NCIT:C12888 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViCtpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:281831001 TAO:0001127 UMLS:C0587900 Wikipedia:Visual_system XAO:0003198 ZFA:0001127 photosensory system visual organ system uberon UBERON:0002104 visual system Sensory system responsible for the perception of spatial orientation and auditory stimuli. The sensory system used for balance and hearing.[AAO] AAO:0000631 EMAPA:36002 EMAPA:37985 FMA:78500 TAO:0001138 XAO:0003195 ZFA:0001138 auditory organ system vestibuloauditory system uberon auditory system auditory/vestibular system vestibuloauditory system UBERON:0002105 vestibulo-auditory system The organ that functions to filter blood and to store red corpuscles and platelets. An organ involved in red blood cell filtration and immune response.[AAO] With the advent of clonal selection, the accumulation and segregation of T and B cells in specialized organs for antigen presentation became necessary, and indeed the spleen is found in all jawed vertebrates, but not in agnathans or invertebrates.[well established][VHOG] lienal splenic In humans, it is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. It removes old red blood cells and holds a reserve in case of hemorrhagic shock, especially in animals like horses (not in humans), while recycling iron Neither hagfish nor lampreys possess what might be considered a discrete and condensed spleen. Hagfish possess dispersed lymphoid tissue within the submucosa of the intestine (96) associated with the portal vein (97), whereas lymphoid tissue is associated with the typhlosole portion of the intestine in lampreys (96) It synthesizes antibodies in its white pulp and removes, from blood and lymph node circulation, antibody-coated bacteria along with antibody-coated blood cells AAO:0010395 BTO:0001281 CALOHA:TS-0956 EFO:0000869 EMAPA:18767 EV:0100055 FMA:7196 GAID:1289 MA:0000141 MAT:0000085 MESH:A15.382.520.604.713 MIAA:0000085 NCIT:C12432 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjgw5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000436 UMLS:C0037993 VHOG:0000120 XAO:0000328 ZFA:0000436 galen:Spleen uberon lien UBERON:0002106 spleen An exocrine gland which secretes bile and functions in metabolism of protein and carbohydrate and fat, synthesizes substances involved in the clotting of the blood, synthesizes vitamin A, detoxifies poisonous substances, stores glycogen, and breaks down worn-out erythrocytes[GO]. Organ which secretes bile and participates in formation of certain blood proteins.[AAO] relationship type change: differentiates_from endoderm (AAO:0000139) CHANGED TO: develops_from endoderm (UBERON:0000925)[AAO] All vertebrates possess a liver (reference 1); Later in craniate evolution, an anterior gill arch was transformed into jaws, and many new types of feeding subsequently evolved.(...) A liver evolved that, among its many functions, stores considerable energy as glycogen or lipid (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] hepatic An organ sometimes referred to as a liver is found associated with the digestive tract of the primitive chordate Amphioxus. However, this is an enzyme secreting gland, not a metabolic organ, and it is unclear how truly homologous it is to the vertebrate liver. The zebrafish liver differs from the mammalian liver in that the hepatocytes are not clearly organized in cords or lobules and the typical portal triads are not apparent. In addition, the zebrafish liver does not have Kuppfer cells. Furthermore, a clear distinction can be made between the male and female liver in the adult zebrafish. The female hepatocytes are very basophilic (Figure 15c) as a result of the production of vitellogenin (Van der Ven et al. 2003). The liver is found in all vertebrates, and is typically the largest visceral organ. Its form varies considerably in different species, and is largely determined by the shape and arrangement of the surrounding organs. Nonetheless, in most species it is divided into right and left lobes; exceptions to this general rule include snakes, where the shape of the body necessitates a simple cigar-like form. The internal structure of the liver is broadly similar in all vertebrates. secretes bile and functions in metabolism of protein and carbohydrate and fat, synthesizes substances involved in the clotting of the blood, synthesizes vitamin A, detoxifies poisonous substances, stores glycogen, and breaks down worn-out erythrocytes[GO]. Only ZFA considers this part_of immune system - we weaken this to an overlaps relation, as in general it's only a subset of cells that have clear immune function. AAO:0010111 BTO:0000759 CALOHA:TS-0564 EFO:0000887 EHDAA2:0000997 EHDAA:2197 EMAPA:16846 EV:0100089 FMA:7197 GAID:288 MA:0000358 MAT:0000097 MESH:D008099 MIAA:0000097 NCIT:C12392 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVimppwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181268008 TAO:0000123 UMLS:C0023884 VHOG:0000257 Wikipedia:Liver XAO:0000133 ZFA:0000123 galen:Liver uberon iecur jecur UBERON:0002107 liver Leber:Schaf.jpg Subdivision of digestive tract that connects the stomach to the large intestine and is where much of the digestion and absorption of food takes place (with the exception of ruminants). The mammalian small intestine is long and coiled and can be differentiated histologically into: duodenum, jejunem, ileum[WP,cjm,Kardong]. The terminal region of the mid intestine is comprised of specialized enterocytes that appear to play a role in mucosal immunity. Wallace et al, 2005.[TAO] Intestinal surface area also is increased in amphibians and reptiles by internal folds and occasionally by a few villi. The intestine can be divided into a small intestine and a slightly wider large intestine.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010397 BTO:0000651 CALOHA:TS-0942 EFO:0000841 EMAPA:32834 EV:0100072 FMA:7200 GAID:313 MA:0000337 MAT:0000047 MESH:A03.492.411.620 MIAA:0000047 NCIT:C12386 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjlIJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181250005 TAO:0001323 UMLS:C0021852 VHOG:0000055 Wikipedia:Small_intestine XAO:0000130 ZFA:0001323 galen:SmallIntestine small bowel small intestine uberon anterior intestine intestinum tenue mid intestine UBERON:0002108 small intestine An organ that aids digestion and stores bile produced by the liver[WP]. Membranous muscular sac in which the bile from the liver remains stored until it is required. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] Organ attached to the liver which stores bile and empties into the duodenum via the bile duct as needed for digestion.[AAO] relationship type change: differentiates_from endoderm (AAO:0000139) CHANGED TO: develops_from endoderm (UBERON:0000925)[AAO] The presence of a gallbladder appears to be a primitive trait. It is found in most fish and all adult reptiles and amphibians and has been well conserved in mammals, for the most part.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010114 BTO:0000493 CALOHA:TS-0394 EFO:0000853 EHDAA2:0000699 EHDAA:8062 EMAPA:17202 EV:0100090 FMA:7202 MA:0000356 MAT:0000072 MESH:D005704 MIAA:0000072 NCIT:C12377 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVkGr5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181269000 TAO:0000208 UMLS:C0016976 VHOG:0000221 Wikipedia:Gallbladder XAO:0000135 ZFA:0000208 galen:Gallbladder gall bladder gallbladder uberon vesica biliaris vesica fellea UBERON:0002110 Rats do not have a gallbladder, but produce bile. The bile flows directly from the liver through the (hepatic) bile duct into the small intestine (Hebel and Stromberg, 1988) gall bladder Abdomal:organs.svg A paired organ of the urinary tract which has the production of urine as its primary function. One of either of a pair of structures lying on either side of the dorsal aorta in which fluid balance is regulated and waste is excreted out in the form of urine.[AAO] renal AAO:0000250 BTO:0000671 CALOHA:TS-0510 EFO:0000929 EMAPA:17373 EV:0100096 FMA:7203 GAID:423 MA:0000368 MAT:0000119 MESH:D007668 MIAA:0000119 NCIT:C12415 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjlYpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181414000 UMLS:C0022646 Wikipedia:Kidney XAO:0003267 galen:Kidney reniculate kidney uberon UBERON:0002113 kidney The first part of the small intestine. At the junction of the stomach and the duodenum the alimentary canal is inflected. The duodenum first goes anteriorly for a short distance, turns dorsally, and eventually caudally, thus it is a U-shaped structure with two horizontal sections (a ventral and a dorsal one). The fixed portion of the small intestine deeply lodged in the posterior wall of the abdomen and extending from the pylorus to the beginning of the jejunum. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] duodenal In fish, the divisions of the small intestine are not as clear, and the terms anterior intestine or proximal intestine may be used instead of duodenum. In humans, the duodenum is a hollow jointed tube about 10-15 inches (25-38 centimetres) long connecting the stomach to the jejunum. It begins with the duodenal bulb and ends at the ligament of Treitz. AAO:0010402 BTO:0000365 CALOHA:TS-0214 EFO:0000851 EMAPA:18852 EV:0100073 FMA:7206 GAID:284 MA:0000338 MAT:0000044 MESH:A03.492.411.620.270 MIAA:0000044 NCIT:C12263 OpenCyc:Mx4rv4LJDpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181247007 UMLS:C0013303 VHOG:0000052 Wikipedia:Duodenum XAO:0000236 galen:Duodenum uberon proximal intestine upper intestine UBERON:0002114 duodenum The portion of the small intestine that extends from the duodenum to the ileum. TODO consider ZFA:0001323 mid intestine, see also small intestine The first two fifth of the small intestine beyond the duodenum. It extends from the end of the duodenum to the ileum. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] jejunal The jejunum is the middle section of the small intestine in most higher vertebrates, including mammals, reptiles, and birds. In fish, the divisions of the small intestine are not as clear and the terms middle intestine or mid-gut may be used instead of jejunum.[Wikipedia:Jejunum] BTO:0000657 CALOHA:TS-0496 EFO:0001333 EMAPA:18666 EV:0100074 FMA:7207 GAID:318 MA:0000340 MAT:0000045 MESH:A03.492.411.620.625 MIAA:0000045 NCIT:C12388 OpenCyc:Mx4rwATkPJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0022378 VHOG:0000053 galen:Jejunum uberon intestinum jejunum mid-intestine middle intestine UBERON:0002115 jejunum The portion of the small intestine that extends from the jejunum to the colon. TODO consider ZFA:0000706 posterior intestine, see also colon Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut.[uncertain][VHOG] ileal The ileum is the final section of the small intestine in most higher vertebrates, including mammals, reptiles, and birds. In fish, the divisions of the small intestine are not as clear and the terms posterior intestine or distal intestine may be used instead of ileum.[Wikipedia:Ileum] AAO:0010403 BTO:0000620 CALOHA:TS-0472 EFO:0001334 EMAPA:32764 EV:0100075 FMA:7208 GAID:315 MA:0000339 MAT:0000282 MESH:A03.492.411.620.484 MIAA:0000282 NCIT:C12387 OpenCyc:Mx4rvdcLHZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0020885 VHOG:0000647 XAO:0000237 galen:Ileum uberon distal intestine intestinum ileum lower intestine posterior intestine UBERON:0002116 ileum In mammals, the pronephros is the first of the three embryonic kidneys to be established and exists only transiently. In lower vertebrates such as fish and amphibia, the pronephros is the fully functional embryonic kidney and is indispensible for larval life[GO]. A kidney formed of nephric tubules arising in the anterior region of the nephric ridge; forms only as a transient embryonic structure. [Evolution, Fourth_Edition_(2006)_McGraw-Hill, Function, Kardong_KV, Vertebrates:_Comparative_Anatomy, p.748][VHOG] Organ that serves as a transient kidney, providing osmoregulation during early developmental stages and then degenerating during metamorphosis.[AAO] The embryonic kidney, present at the level of the third somite, is composed of two glomeruli fused at the midline, two pronephric tubules, and paired bilateral pronephric ducts that modify the composition of the blood filtrate before delivering it to the cloaca for excretion.Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] In all vertebrate embryos, the kidney begins with the differentiation of a few renal tubules from the anterior end of the nephric ridge overlying the pericardial cavity. (...) This early-developing embryonic kidney is called the pronephros.[well established][VHOG] pronephric UBERON:0005794 AAO:0011089 BTO:0001541 EFO:0000927 EHDAA2:0001570 EHDAA:1017 EMAPA:16579 FMA:72170 MAT:0000117 MIAA:0000117 NCIT:C34280 SCTID:308804007 TAO:0000151 UMLS:C0231048 VHOG:0000037 Wikipedia:Pronephros XAO:0002000 ZFA:0000151 pronephric kidney uberon archinephron embryonic kidney pronephron UBERON:0002120 Once the more complex mesonephros forms the pronephros undergoes apoptosis in amphibians. In fishes the nephron degenerates but the organ remains and becomes a component of the immune system[Wikipedia:Pronephros]. // TODO - check developmental relationships. Note that we previously include the ZFA/XAO terms under the more specific 'pronephric kidney', but these are now merged. TODO GCI: relationship: capable_of GO:0030104 pronephros Lung which consists of the right upper lobe, middle lobe and right lower lobe.[FMA]. Lungs had already developed as paired ventral pockets from the intestine in the ancestor of Osteognathostomata.[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2:0001730 EHDAA:4969 EMAPA:17661 FMA:7309 MA:0000426 NCIT:C33483 OpenCyc:Mx8Ngh4rvgHsHZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvVjKy5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:361967000 UMLS:C0225706 VHOG:0000301 Wikipedia:Right_lung uberon UBERON:0002167 right lung Lung which consists of the left upper lobe and left lower lobe.[FMA]. Lungs had already developed as paired ventral pockets from the intestine in the ancestor of Osteognathostomata.[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2:0000943 EHDAA:4947 EMAPA:17653 FMA:7310 MA:0000425 NCIT:C32967 OpenCyc:Mx8Ngh4rvgIFoJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvVjKy5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:361982005 UMLS:C0225730 VHOG:0000618 Wikipedia:Left_lung uberon UBERON:0002168 left lung The upper conducting airways of the lung; these airways arise from the terminus of the trachea. Each of the two primary divisions of the trachea leading respectively into the right and the left lung. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] bronchial In humans, the main bronchus is histologically identical to trachea; 2ary and 3ary bronchi are not; epithelium becomes simple columnar, goblet cell number decreases, elastic fibers in lamina propria increases, distribution more uniform. Muscular layer between mucosa and submucosa appears. cartilage rings become discontinuous plates connected by fibrous connective tissue BTO:0001340 CALOHA:TS-1229 EFO:0000932 EMAPA:32689 EV:0100041 FMA:7409 GAID:346 MA:0000436 MAT:0000133 MESH:D001980 MIAA:0000133 NCIT:C12683 UMLS:C0006255 VHOG:0000262 XAO:0000121 bronchi bronchial trunk uberon bronchial tissue UBERON:0002185 bronchus The conducting airway of the lungs found terminal to the bronchi; these structures contain neither cartilage nor mucous-secreting glands; the epithelium of the bronchioles becomes thinner with each branching. bronchiolar lacks submucosa and cartilage plates; they have 3 layers: mucosa, muscular layer and outer layer BTO:0002375 CALOHA:TS-2003 EHDAA:8171 EHDAA:8183 EHDAA:8199 EHDAA:8221 EMAPA:32697 FMA:7410 MA:0000422 NCIT:C12684 OpenCyc:Mx4rvl9iDpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0006270 VHOG:0000675 lobular bronchiole uberon bronchioli bronchiolus UBERON:0002186 bronchiole A portion of adipose tissue that is part of the hypodermis, beneath the dermis. the superficial portion of the subcutaneous tissue which is specialized for fat storage[MP:0011156] UBERON:0008875 panniculus adiposus BTO:0004042 EMAPA:35829 FMA:74315 MA:0000473 fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue hypodermis fat layer panniculus adiposus (tela subcutanea) panniculus adiposus telae subcutaneae subcutaneous fat layer uberon fatty layer of superficial fascia subcutaneous fat UBERON:0002190 subcutaneous adipose tissue Anatomical cluster consisting of the hematopoietic system and the lymphoid system, or its analogs. CALOHA:TS-2018 EHDAA2:0004615 EMAPA:18765 FMA:74562 MA:0000013 hematolymphoid system lymphomyeloid complex uberon haemolymphoid system UBERON:0002193 hemolymphoid system The glandular, anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The anterior pituitary regulates several physiological processes including stress, growth, and reproduction[WP]. The anterior lobe of the hypophysis (pituitary gland). This lobe contains cells that produce prolactin, growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and proopiomelanocortin[ZFA]. Region of the pituitary gland derived from the buccal protrusion consisting of three regions.[AAO] The anterior lobe of the hypophysis (pituitary gland). This lobe contains cells that produce prolactin, growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and proopiomelanocortin. In contrast to mamalian vertebrates, the adenohypophysis remains in a subepithelial position and there exists no equivalent of Rathke's pouch in zebrafish. Herzog et al, 2004.[TAO] It (the hypophysis) develops embryonically in all vertebrates from two ectodermal evaginations that meet and unite. An infundibulum grows ventrally from the diencephalon of the brain, and Rathke's pouch extends dorsally from the roof of the developing mouth, or stomodaeum. The infundibulum remains connected to the floor of the diencephalon, which becomes the hypothalamus, and gives rise to the part of the gland known as the neurohypophysis. (...) Rathke's pouch loses its connection with the stomodaeum in most adult vertebrates and gives rise to the rest of the gland, the adenohypophysis. (...) A well-developed hypophyseal system with functional connections to the hypothalamus is unique to craniates.[well established][VHOG] In contrast to mammalian vertebrates, the adenohypophysis remains in a subepithelial position and there exists no equivalent of Rathke's pouch in zebrafish While in most basal fish and tetrapods the adenohypophyseal anlagen invaginates to form Rathke's pouch, in teleost fish the adenohypophyseal placode does not invaginate but rather maintains its initial organization forming a solid structure in the head[NCBIBook:NBK53175]. AHP AAO:0010540 BAMS:AHY BAMS:AL BAMS:APit BIRNLEX:1581 BM:AHy BTO:0000040 CALOHA:TS-0794 EFO:0000230 EHDAA2:0000109 EMAPA:17514 FMA:74627 MA:0000177 MESH:A06.407.747.608 NCIT:C12772 SCTID:245532007 TAO:0001282 UMLS:C0032008 UMLS:C1280369 VHOG:0000141 Wikipedia:Adenohypophysis ZFA:0001282 anterior hypophysis anterior lobe (hypophysis) anterior lobe of hypophysis anterior lobe of pituitary anterior lobe of pituitary gland anterior pituitary lobus anterior (glandula pituitaria) lobus anterior hypophysis pituitary gland, anterior lobe uberon anterior lobe of the pituitary anterior pituitary gland cranial lobe lobus anterior pituitary anterior lobe pituitary glandanterior lobe rostral lobe UBERON:0002196 adenohypophysis The posterior part of the pituitary gland that secretes hormones involved in blood pressure regulation such as oxytocin and antidiuretic hormon. request magnocellular cell from CL. Request oxytocin secretion from GO. Notes: 'The hypophysis or pituitary gland is derived, in part from an ectodermal outpocketing of the stomodeum (Rathke's Pouch) and in part from the floor of the diencephalon' The infundibular part of the pituitary gland consisting of two regions.[AAO] It (the hypophysis) develops embryonically in all vertebrates from two ectodermal evaginations that meet and unite. An infundibulum grows ventrally from the diencephalon of the brain, and Rathke's pouch extends dorsally from the roof of the developing mouth, or stomodaeum. The infundibulum remains connected to the floor of the diencephalon, which becomes the hypothalamus, and gives rise to the part of the gland known as the neurohypophysis. (...) Rathke's pouch loses its connection with the stomodaeum in most adult vertebrates and gives rise to the rest of the gland, the adenohypophysis. (...) A well-developed hypophyseal system with functional connections to the hypothalamus is unique to craniates.[well established][VHOG] todo - resolve EMAPA and EHDAA2 models, include future neurohypophysis (TS15-19)? relationship to infundibular recess of 3rd ventricle (TS15-19) NHP AAO:0010537 BAMS:NHP BAMS:NHY BAMS:NL BAMS:PPit BIRNLEX:1586 BM:NY BTO:0000937 CALOHA:TS-0815 DMBA:15691 EHDAA2:0001271 EHDAA:7536 EMAPA:17519 FMA:74628 MA:0000178 MESH:A06.407.747.734 NCIT:C12773 SCTID:245527006 TAO:0001271 UMLS:C0032009 UMLS:C1280368 VHOG:0000142 Wikipedia:Neurohypophysis ZFA:0001271 infundibular process lobus nervosus neurohypophysis lobus posterior (glandula pituitaria) lobus posterior hypophysis neural lobe neural lobe of pituitary neural lobe of pituitary gland neuro hypophysis neurohypophysis pituitary gland, posterior lobe posterior lobe of pituitary posterior lobe of pituitary gland posterior pituitary uberon lobus nervosus lobus posterior pituitary gland neural lobe pituitary gland, neural lobe posterior lobe of hypophysis posterior pituitary gland UBERON:0002198 neurohypophysis The dermis, epidermis and hypodermis. in FMA intergument = skin+superficial fascia(hypodermis), skin=dermis+epidermis+hair_nail. Note that the definition provided here excludes the more general sense of the term 'integument' used in invertebrates; consider 'integumental system'. Note that the VSAO class appears to include adnexa by its definition. Anatomical system that protects the body from damage, comprising the skin and its appendages.[AAO] Surface structure that is the outer protective covering of the body.[VSAO] The outer protective barrier that separates the animal from its aquatic environment. Le Guellec et al, 2004.[TAO] integumental integumentary AAO:0000239 BTO:0000634 EMAPA:37504 FMA:74657 TAO:0000368 VSAO:0000029 Wikipedia:Integument ZFA:0000368 galen:Integument dermis plus epidermis plus hypodermis integumentum commune skin and subcutaneous tissue skin plus hypodermis the integument uberon dermal system dermoid system skin tegument vertebrate integument UBERON:0002199 integument Vasculature that is part of a head [Automatically generated definition]. EFO:0003656 FMA:74710 TAO:0001267 XAO:0004152 ZFA:0001267 adult head vascular network adult head vasculature cranial vasculature head vascular network vascular network of adult head vascular network of head vasculature of adult head uberon head vasculature UBERON:0002200 vasculature of head Vasculature that is part of the eye region. not part of the eye in ZFA. Note this changed to a blood vessel in ZFA FMA:74743 SCTID:123846009 TAO:0007057 ZFA:0007057 eye vascular network ocular blood vessel ocular vasculature vascular network of eye uberon eye vasculature optic vasculature UBERON:0002203 vasculature of eye Anatomical system that consists of the muscular and skeletal systems. Anatomical system that provides locomotion and physical support to the organism.[AAO] There are more than 50,000 extant vertebrate species, representing over 500 million years of evolution. During that time, the vertebrate musculoskeletal systems have adapted to aquatic, terrestrial, fossorial, and arboreal lifestyles, while simultaneously retaining functionally integrated axial and appendicular skeletal systems.[well established][VHOG] musculoskeletal AAO:0010546 CALOHA:TS-1311 EMAPA:32714 EV:0100139 FMA:7482 GAID:98 MA:0002418 MESH:D009141 NCIT:C12754 OpenCyc:Mx4rQRpVNgAKEdyHxgDggVfs8g SCTID:278858007 UMLS:C0026860 VHOG:0001275 VSAO:0000031 Wikipedia:Musculoskeletal_system XAO:0000168 musculo-skeletal system uberon UBERON:0002204 musculoskeletal system Joint in which the articulating bones or cartilages are connected by an articular capsule which encloses a synovial membrane and a synovial cavity. Examples: Temporomandibular joint, knee joint.[FMA]. Is a joint that is located at the point of contact of articulating bones allowing movement. The joint has a capsule containing synovial fluid surrounding the articulating bone surfaces.[TAO] AEO:0000183 CALOHA:TS-2138 EHDAA2:0003183 FMA:7501 MA:0000322 NCIT:C32461 OpenCyc:Mx4rv2bBV5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:113234001 TAO:0005153 Wikipedia:Synovial_joint ZFA:0005153 galen:SynovialJoint articulatio synoviale diarthroses diarthrosis diarthrosis joint uberon diarthrodial joints UBERON:0002217 synovial joint The part of the coelemic cavity lumen that is enclosed by the walls of the thorax. In many species, the diaphragm separates thoracic and abdominal cavities EMAPA:36497 FMA:7565 GAID:93 MA:0000032 MESH:A01.911.800 NCIT:C12905 OpenCyc:Mx4rmvyleLfEEduAAAACs6hRXg OpenCyc:Mx4rvhU_TpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:243949006 UMLS:C0230139 Wikipedia:Thoracic_cavity cavitas thoracis cavity of chest cavity of thorax chest cavity pectoral cavity space of thoracic compartment thoracic lumen uberon UBERON:0002224 thoracic cavity An intersegmental rod-shaped bone that forms in the peritoneal membrane and attach to the vertebral parapophyses. Endochondral bone that is intersegmental and rod-shaped, forming in the peritoneal membrane and attached to the vertebral parapophyses. Ribs protect and support internal organs.[TAO] Endochondral, rodlike element that articulates with the transverse process and parapophysis (double-headed rib), or with the transverse process only (single-headed rib); it extends into the body wall and provides a site for muscle attachment.[AAO] costal In most vertebrates, ribs surround the chest. In some species, especially snakes, ribs may provide support and protection for the entire body They protect and support internal organs and enable lungs to expand by expanding the chest. AAO:0000545 CALOHA:TS-2209 EFO:0003066 EMAPA:18010 FMA:7574 GAID:245 MA:0000315 MESH:D012272 NCIT:C12782 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjNoZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000538 UMLS:C0035561 VHOG:0001154 ZFA:0000538 galen:Rib uberon dorsal rib pleural rib ribs UBERON:0002228 rib A rib that is not connected to sternum or sternal cartilage. We synonymize 'free rib' with 'floating rib' - this case it referes to caudal ribs, but you can have free ribs (i.e. non-attached ventrally) in other places . Should we just synonymize this with 'floating rib'? see Primate Anatomy: An Introduction by Friderun Ankel-Simons pg. 275 EMAPA:37494 FMA:7595 MA:0001399 OpenCyc:Mx4rvaPCWZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA costa fluitante free rib vertebral rib uberon costae fluctuantes costae fluitantes UBERON:0002239 floating rib Part of the central nervous system located in the vertebral canal continuous with and caudal to the brain; demarcated from brain by plane of foramen magnum. It is composed of an inner core of gray matter in which nerve cells predominate, and an outer layer of white matter in which myelinated nerve fibers predominate, and surrounds the central canal. (CUMBO). TODO - add superclass to unify with VNC? Part of the central nervous system which descends from the hindbrain within the vertebral column.[AAO] (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...) (reference 1); The neural tube is destined to differentiate into the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system) (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010151 BAMS:SP BAMS:Spinal BIRNLEX:1709 BM:SpC BTO:0001279 CALOHA:TS-0953 DHBA:12890 DMBA:17651 EFO:0000110 EHDAA2:0001255 EHDAA:2863 EMAPA:17577 EV:0100316 FMA:7647 GAID:695 MA:0000216 MAT:0000183 MESH:D013116 MIAA:0000183 NCIT:C12464 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjjk5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:180959008 TAO:0000075 UMLS:C0037925 VHOG:0000601 Wikipedia:Spinal_cord XAO:0000020 ZFA:0000075 uberon SpC cerebro-cerebellar fissure cerebrocerebellar fissure fissura cerebro-cerebellaris fissura cerebrocerebellaris medulla spinalis spinal cord structure spinal medulla UBERON:0002240 spinal cord Organ system subdivision that consists of the organs and ducts that are involved in the production and transportation of bile. In most species this is the gallbladder and the bile ducts (biliary tree). FMA:79646 GAID:279 MA:0001273 MESH:D001659 NCIT:C12678 SCTID:361354009 Wikipedia:Biliary_system biliary apparatus uberon biliary tract UBERON:0002294 biliary system Stalk-like part of the brain that includes amongst its parts the medulla oblongata of the hindbrain and the tegmentum of the midbrain[ZFA,MP,generalized]. Multi-tissue structure that has as its parts the medulla oblongata of the hindbrain and the tegmentum of the midbrain.[TAO] Multi-tissue structure that has as its parts the medulla oblongata of the hindbrain and the tegmentum of the midbrain[ZFA,adopted][ZFA:0001707]. the stalk-like part of the brain that comprises the midbrain (aka mesencephalon), the pons (aka pons Varolii), and the medulla oblongata, and connects the cerebral hemispheres with the cervical spinal cord[MP] BAMS:BS BIRNLEX:1565 BTO:0000146 CALOHA:TS-0093 EFO:0001962 EMAPA:32678 EV:0100241 FMA:79876 MA:0000169 MBA:343 MESH:D001933 NCIT:C12441 SCTID:180925009 TAO:0002156 UMLS:C0006121 VHOG:0001457 Wikipedia:Brainstem ZFA:0001707 brain stem truncus encephali uberon accessory medullary lamina of pallidum lamella pallidi incompleta lamina medullaris accessoria lamina medullaris incompleta pallidi lamina pallidi incompleta truncus encephalicus UBERON:0002298 'brainstem' is a loose term that sometimes refers to the ventral parts o the brain except for any part of the telencephalon - sometimes it includes the diencephalon or subpallial telencephalon structures (ISBN:0471888893). Here we use it in a more restriced sense, to include only the medulla oblongata, pons (when present) and the midbrain tegmentum (following the ZFA definitions). brainstem The cavity within the body of all animals higher than the coelenterates and certain primitive worms, formed by the splitting of the embryonic mesoderm into two layers. In mammals it forms the peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial cavities. check the FMA placement here; ncit placement of body cavity here probably not correct Anatomical space, part of the trunk that contains the pericardial and pleuroperitoneal cavities[ZFA]. The cavity within the body of all animals higher than the coelenterates and certain primitive worms, formed by the splitting of the embryonic mesoderm into two layers. In mammals it forms the peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial cavities[BTO]. In mammals it forms the peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial cavities UBERON:0000169 body cavity AEO:0000186 BTO:0001707 EHDAA2:0000267 FBbt:00005060 FMA:85006 NCIT:C25444 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0003186 SCTID:361348008 TAO:0001438 UMLS:C0333343 ZFA:0001438 galen:BodyCavity coelomic cavity coelomic cavity lumen main body cavity space of body compartment ventral body cavity uberon celom coelom coelome hemocoel UBERON:0002323 coelemic cavity lumen A flexible rod-shaped body found in embryos of all chordates. It is composed of cells derived from the mesoderm and defines the primitive axis of the embryo. In some chordates, it persists throughout life as the main axial support of the body, while in most vertebrates it becomes the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc. The notochord is found ventral to the neural tube. Avascular multi-tissue structure composed of large vacuolated epithelial cells (chordablasts) and perichordal fibrous tissue.[VSAO] Rod-like principal supportive element of the embryo and larva, present in the midline just ventral to the neural tube, and differentiating during the segmentation period to form large vacuolated epithelial cells and a surrounding a sheath of fibrous and elastic layers. Layering of the sheath may differ in structure, thickness and development among groups; in cypriniforms there are actually three very thin layers to the sheath. A functional, well developed notochord is present throughout life in certain basal fish groups but not in cypriniforms. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] Slender rod of fibrous connective tissue surrounding a core of fluid-filled cells of mesodermal origin; it lies above the gut and directly beneath the spinal cord. The notochord is present during early development and in a few cases it is retained through life; however, usually the notochord is replaced by the vertebral column.[AAO] relationship type change: differentiates_from mesoderm (AAO:0000304) CHANGED TO: develops_from mesoderm (UBERON:0000926)[AAO] (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (3) a stiff, longitudinal rod of turgid cells along the dorsal part of the body that is called a notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] notochordal In between vertebra the notochord becomes the nucleus pulposus, under it degenerates, and at anterior end in some species its tissue merges with some of the cranial bones.. Some organisms retain a post-embryonic notochord. AAO:0000327 BTO:0001768 CALOHA:TS-0690 EHDAA2:0001277 EHDAA:1241 EHDAA:6021 EMAPA:16191 EV:0100002 FMA:85521 GAID:1311 MAT:0000281 MESH:A16.254.610 NCIT:C12463 SCTID:308820002 TAO:0000135 UMLS:C0028439 VHOG:0000199 VSAO:0000032 Wikipedia:Notochord XAO:0000055 ZFA:0000135 embryonic notocord notocord uberon notochorda UBERON:0002328 The notochord appears early in embryogeny and plays an important role in promoting or organizing the embryonic development of nearby structures. In most adult chordates the notochord disappears or becomes highly modified. In some non-vertebrate chordates and fishes the notochord persists as a laterally flexible but incompressible skeletal rod that prevents telescopic collapse of the body during swimming[TOLWEB] notochord Somites are spheres of epithelial cells that form sequentially along the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo through mesenchymal to epithelial transition of the presomitic mesoderm. currently classified as an epithelial vesicle, consistent with EHDAA2 and Consider making 'somitic mesoderm' a separate term and correlate with regionalization processes. Consider moving ZFA term to 'trunk somite' as it is part of the trunk Post-cranial axial segments which form sclerotome and dermomyotome.[AAO] Undifferentiated mesodermal components of early trunk or tail segments or metameres, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms myotomes, sclerotomes and perhaps dermatomes. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] relationship loss: develops_from paraxial mesenchyme (TAO:0000942)[TAO] relationship type change: OBO_REL:part_of trunk (TAO:0001115) CHANGED TO: develops_from trunk (UBERON:0002100)[TAO] relationship type change: part_of paraxial mesoderm (AAO:0010568) CHANGED TO: develops_from paraxial mesoderm (UBERON:0003077)[AAO] (...) cephalocordates and craniates belong to a group known as Somitichordata. Somitichordate synapomorphies include (1) somites (...) (reference 1); The idea that the last common ancestor of bilaterian animals (Urbilateria) was segmented has been raised recently on evidence coming from comparative molecular embryology (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] somitic mesodermal cluster AAO:0010569 AEO:0001015 BTO:0001558 EHDAA2:0003436 EHDAA:366 EHDAA:699 EMAPA:31169 FMA:85522 GAID:1306 MAT:0000068 MESH:A16.254.425.660.750 MIAA:0000068 NCIT:C34302 TAO:0000155 UMLS:C0376449 VHOG:0000191 Wikipedia:Somite XAO:0000058 ZFA:0000155 uberon epimere epimere mesoderm epithelial somite somites somitic mesoderm somitus UBERON:0002329 When the somite becomes segmented from the segmental plate, it is composed of an epithelial sac enclosing mesenchymal somitocoel cells. Thereafter the somite differentiates into two parts, the ventro-medial mesenchymal sclerotome and the dorso-lateral epithelial dermomyotome. This change in the epithelial somite depends on surrounding tissue [PMID:15906248] somite Anatomical system that consists of the glands and parts of glands that produce exocrine secretions and help to integrate and control bodily metabolic activity. Exocrine glands are glands that secrete their products (hormones) into ducts (duct glands). They are the counterparts to endocrine glands, which secrete their products (hormones) directly into the bloodstream (ductless glands) or release hormones (paracrines) that affect only target cells nearby the release site. [Wikipedia]. CALOHA:TS-2057 EHDAA2:0002225 EMAPA:35329 FMA:85539 MA:0002411 NCIT:C12957 UMLS:C1516995 Wikipedia:Exocrine_gland WikipediaCategory:Exocrine_system exocrine glandular system uberon UBERON:0002330 exocrine system The connecting cord from the developing embryo to the placenta. The connecting cord from the developing embryo or fetus to the placenta. During prenatal development, the umbilical cord comes from the same zygote as the fetus and (in humans) normally contains two arteries (the umbilical arteries) and one vein (the umbilical vein), buried within Wharton's jelly. The umbilical vein supplies the fetus with oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood from the placenta.property_value, external_definition the umbilical arteries return the deoxygenated, nutrient-depleted blood[WP]. umbilical BTO:0001415 CALOHA:TS-1078 EFO:0001415 EHDAA2:0000312 EHDAA:158 EMAPA:26115 EV:0100127 FMA:85541 GAID:517 MAT:0000280 MESH:A16.254.789 MIAA:0000280 NCIT:C34320 OpenCyc:Mx4rvyewDJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0041633 chorda umbilicalis funiculus umbilicalis uberon birth cord connecting stalk funiculus umbilicalis yolk stalk UBERON:0002331 See notes for connecting stalk umbilical cord A specialized region of ectoderm found between the neural ectoderm (neural plate) and non-neural ectoderm and composed of highly migratory pluripotent cells that delaminate in early embryonic development from the dorsal neural tube and give rise to an astounding variety of differentiated cell types[MP]. consider including subclasses for pre- and post- migratory (e.g. sheets/paths/streams). A cell population arising from the dorsolateral aspect of the central nervous system primordium during the segmentation period, and later migrating along stereotyped pathways to give rise to a diverse and well-defined set of cell types including pigment cells, peripheral neurons and glia, and head cartilage. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] Migratory cell population which delaminates from neural tube, borders surface ectoderm and neural ectoderm, and gives rise to many different tissue types.[AAO] A well developed neural crest population is present in lampreys (Horigome et al. 1999 ; Tomsa & Langeland, 1999) and gnathostomes. chordate fossils from the early Cambrian (Yunnanozoan and Haikouella) with apparent neural-crest derived structures (pharyngeal denticles and pharyngeal skeletons resembling the striped mucocartilage of the branchial bars in lamprey ammocoete larvae), suggests that neural crest arose very early in vertebrate evolution (Chen et al. 1999; Holland & Chen, 2001). The invertebrate chordates apparently lack defini- tive neural crest. One marker of migrating neural crest in some vertebrates, the antibody HNK1, does not recognize any cells in amphioxus embryos (Holland, unpublished). Even so, in both amphioxus and tunicates, cells at the edges of the neural plate and adjacent nonneural ectoderm share some properties of neural crest[PMID:11523831] We conclude that the neural crest is a vertebrate novelty, but that neural crest cells and their derivatives evolved and diversified in a step-wise fashion - first by elaboration of neural plate border cells, then by the innovation or co-option of new or ancient metazoan cell fates.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010578 BTO:0001764 CALOHA:TS-0676 EHDAA2:0004419 EMAPA:32737 FMA:86666 GAID:1310 MAT:0000066 MESH:A16.254.600 MIAA:0000066 NCIT:C34222 SCTID:361462002 TAO:0000045 UMLS:C0027789 VHOG:0000057 Wikipedia:Neural_crest XAO:0000048 ZFA:0000045 NC uberon crista neuralis neural crest material UBERON:0002342 Gene notes: Many factors and genes, such as Pax3 (Tremblay et al., 1995), slug (Nieto et al., 1994), AP-2 (Zhang et al., 1996; Schorle et al., 1996), and Wnt-1/3a (Ikeya et al., 1997) are expressed in the dorsal most region of the neural tube, and have been shown to be involved in the generation of neural crest cells. neural crest Neural:Crest.png Embryonic ectoderm that gives rise to nervous tissue. (...) the ability of ectoderm to produce neuronal cells is a general metazoan feature.[well established][VHOG] neurectodermal we prefer neurectoderm to neural ectoderm since placodal ectoderm is not classified here AAO:0011074 BILA:0000039 CALOHA:TS-1212 EHDAA2:0001248 EHDAA:1498 EHDAA:255 EMAPA:16073 EV:0100004 FBbt:00001061 FMA:87657 MAT:0000176 MIAA:0000176 NCIT:C34228 TAO:0001120 UMLS:C1518271 VHOG:0000150 Wikipedia:Neuroectoderm XAO:0000042 ZFA:0001120 neural ectoderm neuroectoderm uberon epithelium tubi neuralis; neuroectoderma neuaral ectoderm presumptive central nervous system ventral neurogenic region UBERON:0002346 neurectoderm The middle layer of the heart, comprised mainly of striated cardiac muscle fibers. TODO - check 'Myocardum proper' in FMA. We superclass the more generic class for now. FMA has is_a muscle layer - should we add this? ZFA and BTO both have is_a 'cardiac muscle' (tissue?). But in U we also follow FMA and have cardiac muscle tissue of myocardium (there is also Fibrocollagenous connective tissue of myocardium), which would be identical (see issue-10). Note that GO also treats left/right ventricular cardiac muscle tissue synonymous with ventricular myocardium Robust muscular tunic of the heart which forms the basic part of its walls. Its external surface is covered by the pericardium and its internal one by the endocardium. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] The middle layer of the heart, consisting of cardiac muscle.[AAO] myocardial AAO:0010410 BSA:0000089 BTO:0000901 CALOHA:TS-0440 EFO:0000819 EHDAA2:0004150 EMAPA:32688 EV:0100022 FMA:9462 GAID:173 MA:0000164 MAT:0000453 MESH:D009206 NCIT:C12371 OpenCyc:Mx4ro36AFrCvEduAAAAOpmP6tw RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001220 TAO:0001319 UMLS:C0027061 VHOG:0000083 XAO:0000065 ZFA:0001319 galen:Myocardium heart myocardium muscle of heart uberon cardiac muscle heart muscle UBERON:0002349 myocardium The part of the cardiac conduction system that controls the timing of heart muscle contraction. It relays electrical signals to the AV node[GO]. Subdivision of conducting system of heart at the junction of the right atrium and the superior vena cava, around the sinoatrial nodal branch of right coronary artery and is continuous with the internodal tract[FMA]. BTO:0004358 EHDAA2:0004184 EMAPA:35772 FMA:9477 GAID:561 MA:0000097 MESH:D012849 NCIT:C33555 OpenCyc:Mx4rOhejDGMcEd2AAABQjYGu0g TAO:0005069 UMLS:C0037189 ZFA:0005069 Koch's node SA nodal muscle tissue SA node cardiac pacemaker node of Keith-Flack nodus sinuatrialis sinoatrial node sinu-atrial node sinuatrial nodal muscle tissue sinuatrial node sinus node sinus node of Keith and Flack uberon nodus sinuatrialis UBERON:0002351 WP:Heart states: "The SA node is found in all amniotes but not in more primitive vertebrates. In these animals, the muscles of the heart are relatively continuous and the sinus venosus coordinates the beat which passes in a wave through the remaining chambers. Indeed, since the sinus venosus is incorporated into the right atrium in amniotes, it is likely homologous with the SA node. In teleosts, with their vestigial sinus venosus, the main centre of coordination is, instead, in the atrium.". Note however that ZFA has SA node. sinoatrial node The lower segment of the trunk, inferioposterior to the abdomen proper, in the transition area between the trunk and the lower limbs. pelvic MA and FMA differ in what they consider to be parts of the pelvis. MA includes ureter, urethra, urinary bladder, reproductive organs BTO:0001006 CALOHA:TS-2227 EFO:0002805 EMAPA:35931 EV:0100012 FMA:9578 GAID:87 MA:0000030 MESH:A01.673 NCIT:C12767 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjiTJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:229765004 UMLS:C0030797 Wikipedia:Pelvis galen:Pelvis lesser pelvis pelvic region pelvis pelvis region true pelvis uberon UBERON:0002355 pelvic region of trunk A serous membrane that lines the peritoneal cavity[VHOG,modified]. TODO - in ZFA is_a epithelium An epithelium that lines the peritoneal cavity.[TAO] Serous membrane that forms the lining of the abdominal cavity or the coelom. It covers most of the intra-abdominal organs, supports the abdominal organs, and serves as a conduit for their blood and lymph vessels and nerves. It is composed of a layer of mesothelium.[AAO] peritoneal todo: check MA/EMAPA. AAO:0010814 BTO:0001472 CALOHA:TS-2072 EV:0100087 FMA:9584 GAID:18 MA:0000449 MESH:A01.047.025.600 NCIT:C12770 OpenCyc:Mx4rvjJ72ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0005120 UMLS:C0031153 VHOG:0001257 Wikipedia:Peritoneum XAO:0000139 ZFA:0005120 galen:Peritoneum uberon peritonaeum UBERON:0002358 peritoneum A gland that secretes products (excluding hormones and other chemical messengers) into ducts (duct glands) which lead directly into the external environment[WP]. Typical exocrine glands include sweat glands, salivary glands, mammary glands, stomach, liver, pancreas. Currently this is logically defined by the system it belongs to, but a better system may be base this on presence/absence of ducts. However, the dual nature of the liver should be taken into consideration here. Consider adding subclasses AEO:0000097 BTO:0000765 CALOHA:TS-2012 EHDAA2:0003097 EMAPA:35327 FMA:9596 GAID:34 MA:0002564 MESH:D005088 NCIT:C12712 SCTID:115976003 UMLS:C0015282 Wikipedia:Exocrine_gland ducted gland glandula exocrina uberon UBERON:0002365 exocrine gland The prostate gland is a partly muscular, partly glandular body that is situated near the base of the mammalian male urethra and secretes an alkaline viscid fluid which is a major constituent of the ejaculatory fluid. TODO - FMA treats the gland as part of the prostate - see also FMA:74119. prostatic BTO:0001129 CALOHA:TS-0828 EFO:0000858 EMAPA:19287 EV:0100104 FMA:9600 GAID:392 MA:0000404 MAT:0000078 MESH:D011467 MIAA:0000078 NCIT:C12410 OpenCyc:Mx4rv6trqZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0033572 VHOG:0001261 galen:ProstateGland male prostate prostate uberon prostata UBERON:0002367 prostate gland Endocrine glands are glands of the endocrine system that secrete their products directly into the circulatory system rather than through a duct.[WP, modified]. AEO:0000098 BTO:0001488 CALOHA:TS-1300 EHDAA2:0003098 EMAPA:35999 FMA:9602 GAID:335 MA:0002563 MESH:D004702 NCIT:C12704 OpenCyc:Mx4rvbkiRZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:40818001 UMLS:C0014133 Wikipedia:Endocrine_gland ductless gland glandula endocrina uberon ductless gland glandulae endocrinae UBERON:0002368 endocrine gland Either of a pair of complex endocrine organs near the anterior medial border of the kidney consisting of a mesodermal cortex that produces glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, and androgenic hormones and an ectodermal medulla that produces epinephrine and norepinephrine[BTO]. Anatomical structure which is found on the surface of the kidney and secretes various hormones including epinephrine, norephinephrine, aldosterone, corticosterone, and cortisol.[AAO] All craniates have groups of cells homologous to the mammalian adrenocortical and chromaffin tissues, but they are scattered in and near the kidneys in fishes. (...) The cortical and chromaffin tissues come together to form adrenal glands in tetrapods.[well established][VHOG] The origin of the adrenal gland is still controversial. It is thought to share the same origin as the kidney and gonads, derived from coelomic epithelium of the urogenital ridge and/or the underlying mesenchyme (Keegan and Hammer, 2002; Morohashi, 1997). We follow Kardong and state homology at the level of the cortex and medulla rather than gland as a whole suprarenal cortex manufactures corticosteroids; suprarenal medulla manufactures epinephrine and norepinephrine; suprarenal medulla receives preganglionic sympathetic innervation from the greater thoracic splanchnic n. AAO:0010551 BTO:0000047 CALOHA:TS-0016 EFO:0000238 EMAPA:18426 EV:0100135 FMA:9604 GAID:446 MA:0000116 MAT:0000071 MESH:D000311 MIAA:0000071 NCIT:C12666 OpenCyc:Mx4rvXYiz5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0001625 VHOG:0001141 XAO:0000164 galen:AdrenalGland glandula adrenalis glandula suprarenalis uberon adrenal adrenal capsule adrenal medulla cell atrabiliary capsule epinephric gland epinephros glandula suprarenalis interrenal gland suprarenal capsule suprarenal gland UBERON:0002369 adrenal gland Anatomical structure of largely lymphoid tissue that functions in cell-mediated immunity by being the site where T cells develop. check - a subtype of gland? not in GO. NCIT has thymus and thymus gland. EHDAA2 has ductless gland. Anatomical structure which originates as several paired thickenings on the dorsal side of the pharyngeal pouches and secretes thymosin.[AAO] A thymus develops in all vertebrates from the endodermal epithelium of certain pharyngeal pouches and from the adjacent ectodermal epithelium. In fishes, all the pouches, or the first four, contribute to thymus formation, but in tetrapods, the number is more restricted. In mammals, only the third and fourth are involved, and the contribution of the third is by far the greater.[well established][VHOG] thymic AAO:0010548 BTO:0001374 CALOHA:TS-1043 EFO:0000860 EHDAA2:0002017 EHDAA:9119 EMAPA:18768 EV:0100138 FMA:9607 GAID:464 MA:0000142 MAT:0000080 MESH:A06.407.850 MIAA:0000080 NCIT:C12433 OpenCyc:Mx4rvpIympwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:118507000 TAO:0001078 UMLS:C0040113 VHOG:0000253 Wikipedia:Thymus XAO:0000163 ZFA:0001078 thymus gland thymus organ uberon UBERON:0002370 thymus Illu:thymus.jpg The soft tissue that fills the cavities of bones. TODO - create superclass for bone marrow / head kidney. both are portions of tissue in the hematopoetic system. also consider adding as subclass of zone of bone organ for consistency with FMA. See also: Leydig and epigonal organs consider placement of NCIT:C53466 medullary bone The bone marrow is the hematopoietic organ in all vertebrates but fishes, in which hematopoiesis occurs in the kidney.[well established][VHOG] In adults, marrow in large bones produces new blood cells[Wikipedia:Bone_marrow] AAO:0011007 BTO:0000141 BTO:0000829 CALOHA:TS-0087 EFO:0000868 EMAPA:32760 EV:0100046 FMA:9608 GAID:1287 MA:0000134 MAT:0000084 MESH:D001853 MIAA:0000084 NCIT:C12431 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVm-FpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:421320006 UMLS:C0005953 VHOG:0001218 Wikipedia:Bone_marrow XAO:0000123 galen:BoneMarrow medulla ossea medulla ossium uberon medulla of bone medullary bone UBERON:0002371 bone marrow Either of the two small almond-shaped masses of lymph tissue found on either side of the oropharynx. the term 'tonsil' can be ambiguous, sometimes refering specifically to the palatine tonsil, sometimes generically to include the cecal tonsils of avians. This class represents lymphoid tissue that is part of the tonsillar ring, in the mouth/throat region BTO:0001387 CALOHA:TS-1053 EFO:0001401 EMAPA:35871 EV:0100052 FMA:9609 GAID:341 MA:0000143 MESH:A03.867.603.925 NCIT:C12802 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVivrZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0836921 UMLS:C1519547 UMLS:C1519548 VHOG:0001139 uberon Mandel UBERON:0002372 tonsil Tissue with cells that deposit non-polarized extracellular matrix including connective tissue fibers and ground substance. One of the four types of tissue in traditional classifications. It is largely a category of exclusion rather than one with a precise definition, but there are certain characteristics shared by all or most tissues in this category, such as involvement in structure and support, derived from mesoderm, and characterized largely by the traits of non-living tissue.[AAO] Portion of tissue that consists of mesodermally derived cells and intercellular matrix comprised of protein fibers and carbohydrates, which supports, ensheathes and binds together other tissues.[TAO] Tissue with cells that deposit non-polarized extracellular matrix including connective tissue fibers and ground substance.[VSAO] MA also has set of connective tissues AAO:0000098 BTO:0000421 CALOHA:TS-2009 EFO:0000952 EMAPA:35251 FMA:9640 GAID:100 MA:0000011 MAT:0000301 MESH:D003238 MIAA:0000301 NCIT:C12374 OpenCyc:Mx4rv-aBgZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:361919005 TAO:0001641 UMLS:C0009780 VSAO:0000017 XAO:0001017 ZFA:0001632 galen:ConnectiveTissue portion of connective tissue textus connectivus uberon Bindegewebe UBERON:0002384 connective tissue Muscle tissue is a contractile tissue made up of actin and myosin fibers[GO]. One of the four types of tissue in traditional classifications. Tissue that contains cells with contractile filaments that move past each other and change the size of the cell. Muscle tissue also is separated into three distinct categories.[AAO] AAO:0000306 AEO:0000122 CALOHA:TS-0642 EHDAA2:0003122 EMAPA:32715 FMA:9641 MA:0002437 MESH:D009132 NCIT:C12435 SCTID:91727004 UMLS:C2328219 Wikipedia:Muscle_tissue galen:MuscleTissue muscular tissue portion of muscle tissue textus muscularis uberon UBERON:0002385 Vertebrate muscle is categorized into three major muscle types defined by their structural and functional properties: skeletal, cardiac and smooth. In Dmel the counterparts are somatic, heart/cardiac and visceral. Here we take a cell type based approach. muscle tissue Anatomical system that is involved in the production of hematopoietic cells. Anatomical system that consists of the blood and blood forming tissues.[AAO] Zebrafish developmental hematopoiesis shows close correspondence to the development of the mammalian hematopoietic system and is regulated by conserved molecular pathways.[well established][VHOG] hematopoietic In humans this is primarily the bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes AAO:0011002 BTO:0000570 CALOHA:TS-0449 EFO:0000798 EMAPA:35402 EV:0100045 FMA:9667 GAID:1008 MA:0002434 MAT:0000022 MESH:D006413 MIAA:0000022 NCIT:C12909 SCTID:362587009 TAO:0005023 UMLS:C0018957 VHOG:0001624 Wikipedia:Haematopoiesis XAO:0000122 ZFA:0005023 haematological system haemopoietic system organa haemopoietica uberon Blutbildungssystem haematopoietic system hematological system hematolymphoid system hemopoietic system UBERON:0002390 hematopoietic system Lymph is the fluid that is formed when interstitial fluid enters the conduits of the lymphatic system through lymph capillaries[WP]. BTO:0000855 CALOHA:TS-0580 EFO:0000871 ENVO:02000041 EV:0100049 FMA:9671 GAID:1186 MA:0002520 MAT:0000055 MESH:A12.207.630 MIAA:0000055 NCIT:C13252 OpenCyc:Mx4rvpDOU5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0024202 VHOG:0001590 ZFA:0005658 galen:Lymph uberon lympha UBERON:0002391 lymph Any of the ducts that form the biliary tree, carrying bile from the liver to the small intestine. A duct that carries bile from the liver to the intestine. Any of the excretory ducts in the liver that convey bile between the liver and the intestine. [TFD][VHOG] (...) the amphibian liver has characteristics in common with both fish and terrestrial vertebrates. (...) The histological structure of the liver is similar to that in other vertebrates, with hepatocytes arranged in clusters and cords separated by a meshwork of sinusoids and the presence of the traditional triad of portal venule, hepatic arteriole, and bile duct.[well established][VHOG] we place the ZFA class here as this fits its textual definition and child nodes. We may recommend a label change for ZFA AAO:0011019 BTO:0000122 CALOHA:TS-0075 EHDAA2:0000741 EMAPA:35171 EV:0100091 FMA:9706 GAID:280 MA:0000354 MESH:D001652 NCIT:C12376 OpenCyc:Mx4rvdCds5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:276157007 TAO:0001100 UMLS:C0005400 VHOG:0000212 Wikipedia:Bile_duct XAO:0000134 ZFA:0001100 uberon bile tube biliary duct gall duct hepatic duct UBERON:0002394 bile duct The bone which normally forms the lateral upper jaw in osteichthyans, including tetrapods. Dermal bone that forms part of the upper jaw, located antero-ventral to the premaxilla. The maxilla is a paired bone.[TAO] Paired, intramembranous bone located on the lateral sides of the skull, posterior to the premaxillae.[AAO] relationship loss: overlaps autopalatine-maxillary joint (TAO:0001942)[TAO] relationship loss: overlaps premaxillary-maxillary joint (TAO:0002260)[TAO] In some teleosts, the maxilla is located postero-ventral to the supramaxilla. Commonly, the articular process of the maxilla articulates with the autopalatine and ethmoidal region antero-medially. The maxilla is usually the largest bone in the upper jaw assemblage.[TAO] maxillary upper jaw bone AAO:0000285 CALOHA:TS-2217 EHDAA2:0001068 EHDAA:8043 EMAPA:17639 FMA:9711 GAID:220 MA:0001491 MESH:D008437 NCIT:C26470 TAO:0000270 UMLS:C0024947 VHOG:0001021 VSAO:0000207 ZFA:0000270 galen:Maxilla uberon maxillae maxillary bone UBERON:0002397 Fusion of maxilla + premaxilla maxilla The inner serous membrane of the pulmonary pleural. The visceral pleura lines the lungs. Each lung is invested by an exceedingly delicate serous membrane, the pleura, which is arranged in the form of a closed invaginated sac. A portion of the serous membrane covers the surface of the lung and dips into the fissures between its lobes; it is called the pulmonary pleura (or visceral pleura). The visceral pleura is attached directly to the lungs[Wikipedia:Visceral_pleura]. FMA treats this as part of the lungs EHDAA2:0002205 EMAPA:16777 FMA:9734 MA:0002489 NCIT:C33881 OpenCyc:Mx4rwNFqppwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0225776 VHOG:0001496 pleura pulmonalis pleura visceralis pleura visceralis (pulmonalis) pulmonary visceral pleura uberon lung mesothelium lung pleura pulmonary pleura UBERON:0002401 visceral pleura Anatomical system that protects the body from foreign substances, cells, and tissues by producing the immune response and that includes especially the thymus, spleen, lymphoid tissue, lymphocytes including the B cells and T cells, and antibodies. The antibody-based immune system defined by the presence of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), T cell receptor (TCR), B cell receptor (BCR) or recombination activating genes (RAGs) is known beginning from jawed fishes.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011003 BILA:0000104 BTO:0005810 FMA:9825 GAID:328 MA:0002711 MESH:D007107 NCIT:C12735 OpenCyc:Mx4rvWNkm5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:362590003 TAO:0001159 UMLS:C0020962 VHOG:0001247 Wikipedia:Immune_system XAO:0003152 ZFA:0001159 uberon UBERON:0002405 immune system The combination of pericardial sac (a double-walled sac containing the heart and the roots of the great vessels) plus fibrous pericardium. Peritoneum that surrounds the heart.[AAO] pericardial In GO the concept of pericardium is developmental implicitly epithelial, but here it represents a multi-tissue structure encompassing the sac (epithelium plus connective) and cavity this class denotes a combination of fibrous PC + PC sac (itself a combination of cavity, epithelium and connective tissue). Many sources use the term 'pericardium' to denote either just the serous membrane (ZFA) or the epithelium (GO) we follow FMA in dividing pericardium into pericardial sac and fibrous pericardium AAO:0010817 BSA:0000090 BTO:0000717 CALOHA:TS-0761 EFO:0000820 EHDAA:5376 EMAPA:16133 EV:0100023 FMA:9869 GAID:569 MA:0000099 MAT:0000454 MESH:D010496 NCIT:C13005 OpenCyc:Mx4rvoCLgJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001443 TAO:0000054 UMLS:C0031050 VHOG:0001280 XAO:0004182 ZFA:0000054 galen:Pericardium uberon UBERON:0002407 pericardium Transudate contained in the pericardial cavity.[FMA]. BTO:0001016 FMA:9887 MA:0002530 uberon UBERON:0002409 pericardial fluid The small, erectile body located at the anterior end of the vulva. clitoral BTO:0002020 EHDAA2:0000255 EHDAA:9360 EMAPA:30819 FMA:9909 GAID:385 MA:0000382 MESH:D002987 NCIT:C12308 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjr6ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:181442003 UMLS:C0008984 VHOG:0000700 Wikipedia:Clitoris galen:Clitoris uberon UBERON:0002411 clitoris An external caudal extension of the body. In chordates, the tail is post-anal, in other animals the anus ends in the tail. Note we also have a subclass post-anal tail, for the chordate specific structure. currently defined very generally, inclusive of caudal fin AEO:0000109 BILA:0000117 BTO:0001348 EFO:0000963 EHDAA:9198 GAID:1245 MAT:0000094 MESH:D013623 MIAA:0000094 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjiC5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA WBbt:0005741 caudal subdivision uberon UBERON:0002415 tail Connected anatomical system that forms a barrier between an animal and its environment. In vertebrates, the integumental system consists of the epidermis, dermis plus associated glands and adnexa such as hair and scales. In invertebrates, the integumental system may include cuticle. (...) the integument of many tetrapods is reinforced by a morphologically and structurally diverse assemblage of skeletal elements. These elements are widely understood to be derivatives of the once all-encompassing dermal skeleton of stem-gnathostomes (...).[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0007029 AEO:0000154 BILA:0000118 CALOHA:TS-1299 CARO:0002001 EFO:0000807 EHDAA2:0000836 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003154 EHDAA:6520 EMAPA:17524 EV:0100151 FBbt:00004969 FMA:72979 HAO:0000421 MA:0000014 MAT:0000033 MESH:D034582 MIAA:0000033 NCIT:C12907 SCTID:361692004 TADS:0000108 UMLS:C0037267 VHOG:0000403 Wikipedia:Integumentary_system XAO:0000176 galen:Surface integumentary system uberon body surface dermal system external covering of organism integumentum commune organism surface surface UBERON:0002416 integumental system The abdominal segment of the torso. EMAPA:35104 FMA:259211 MA:0000021 SCTID:362875007 Wikipedia:Lumbar uberon abdomen/pelvis/perineum lower body lower trunk lumbar region UBERON:0002417 abdominal segment of trunk Skeletal tissue that is avascular, rich in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and typically includes chondrocytes within isolated lacunae. Cartilage tissue is deposited by chondroblasts. A type of dense connective tissue. It is composed of cells called chondrocytes which are dispersed in a firm gel-like ground substance, called the matrix. Cartilage is avascular (contains no blood vessels) and nutrients are diffused through the matrix. Cartilage is found in the joints, the rib cage, the ear, the nose, in the throat and between intervertebral disks. It makes up virtually the entire skeleton in chondrichthyes.[AAO] Portion of tissue which is connective tissue composed of collagen and/or elastin fibers and chondrocytes. Cartilage is avascular and provides both skeletal functions and a framework upon which bone is deposited.[TAO] Skeletal tissue that is avascular, rich in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and typically includes chondrocytes within isolated lacunae. Cartilage tissue is deposited by chondroblasts.[VSAO] relationship loss: subclass specialized connective tissue (AAO:0000571)[AAO] Phylogenetic analysis suggests that cartilage arose independently in cnidarians, hemichordates, vertebrates, arthropods, annelids, brachiopods, and molluscs - or a common ancestor of brachiopods and molluscs (...). Analyses of cartilage as a tissue and of the development of invertebrate cartilages are consistent with homology between invertebrate and vertebrate cartilage. From the discussion above, it will be clear that understanding genetic changes underlying cartilage evolution is key to determining whether the multiple origins of cartilage represent parallel evolution.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0000060 AEO:0000087 BTO:0000206 EFO:0000949 EHDAA2:0003087 EMAPA:32730 EV:0100141 FMA:37377 GAID:99 MA:0000104 MAT:0000189 MESH:D002356 MIAA:0000189 NCIT:C12373 NCIT:C32268 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjeOZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0001501 UMLS:C0007301 VHOG:0001207 VSAO:0000040 XAO:0000170 ZFA:0005622 galen:Cartilage cartilage tissue cartilaginous tissue chondrogenic tissue uberon cartilage cartilages portion of cartilage tissue UBERON:0002418 Previous: "A portion of connective tissue dominated by extracellular matrix containing collagen type II and large amounts of proteoglycan, particularly chondroitin sulfate[GO]. Regular connective tissue, which consists of chondrocytes and related cells, the intercellular matrix of which is chondrified. Examples: hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, elastic cartilage[FMA]. an avascular supporting and articular skeletal tissue. It also functions as the primary endoskeletal support in vertebrate embryos. Cartilage is deposited by and is composed of chondroblasts and chondrocytes separated by an extracellular matrix, which may or may not mineralize depending on cartilage type, age, or taxon[Hall and Witten]." See also FMA:71500 Set of cartilages, FMA:55107 Cartilage organ, FMA:12264 Articular cartilage. // elements made from cartilage, cartilage-like, or chondroid tissues evolved in invertebrates[H&W] cartilage tissue The part of the digestive system that contains the liver and the biliary system. System responsible for the production and movement of bile[ZFIN:curator]. The hepaticobiliary system is responsible for metabolic and catabolic processing of small molecules absorbed from the blood or gut, hormones and serum proteins, detoxification, storage of glycogen, triglycerides, metals and lipid soluble vitamins and excretion of bile. Included are the synthesis of albumin, blood coagulation factors, complement, and specific binding proteins. The parts are: liver, bile duct, gall bladder and hepatic duct [GO:0061008] AAO:0011056 CALOHA:TS-1308 EFO:0000800 EHDAA2:0000998 EHDAA:2189 EMAPA:16840 EV:0100088 MA:0000324 MAT:0000024 MIAA:0000024 NCIT:C43612 TAO:0000036 UMLS:C1711359 VHOG:0000294 Wikipedia:Hepatobiliary_system XAO:0000132 ZFA:0000036 hepaticobiliary system liver and biliary system uberon liver/biliary system UBERON:0002423 hepatobiliary system An epithelium that is part of the mouth and lines the oral cavity, typically stratified squamous, and may be para-, ortho- or non- keratinized. Primary barrier between oral environment and deeper tissues. consider including separate class for developmental structure (adult human is stratified; in EHDAA2 is unilaminar) The epithelium that lines the oral cavity. The oral epithelium epithelial cells with many short microvilli as well as mucous cells, rodlet cells and taste buds[ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-060921-12, ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-091204-24]. the avian oral epithelium has the developmental capacity to initiate tooth developmental programs with underlying grafts of non-avian oral ectomesenchyme AAO:0010357 BTO:0001775 CALOHA:TS-0715 EHDAA2:0001325 EHDAA:2187 EMAPA:16839 EMAPA:26942 FMA:265152 MA:0000344 NCIT:C49595 TAO:0000816 UMLS:C1709332 VHOG:0000187 XAO:0003201 ZFA:0000816 epithelium of mucosa of mouth epithelium of oral mucosa uberon UBERON:0002424 oral epithelium A bone that is part of a limb [Automatically generated definition]. the formal definition is very inclusive, and includes sesamoids NCITA includes clavicle. MA:'limb bone' is actually a bone of limb or girdle EFO:0000945 MAT:0000151 MIAA:0000151 NCIT:C32223 UMLS:C0582791 bone of extremity bone of limb free limb bone uberon UBERON:0002428 limb bone Cervical lymph nodes are lymph nodes found in the neck. [WP,unvetted]. FMA:61213 MA:0000736 NCIT:C32298 UMLS:C0588054 lymph node of neck uberon UBERON:0002429 cervical lymph node One of two ganglionated neural networks which together form the enteric nervous system. The myenteric (Auerbach's) plexus is located between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers of the gut. Its neurons project to the circular muscle, to other myenteric ganglia, to submucosal ganglia, or directly to the epithelium, and play an important role in regulating and patterning gut motility. plexus of unmyelinated nerve fibers and postganglionic autonomic cell bodies lying in the muscular coat of the esophagus, stomach and intestines that communicate with the submucosal, subserosal and enteric plexuses[MP][MP:0010801]. note that FMA uses Meissner's plexus as a synonym, rather than separate class BAMS:myp BTO:0002436 EMAPA:32847 FMA:63252 GAID:798 MA:0001148 MESH:D009197 NCIT:C52748 NLXANAT:100306 UMLS:C0027028 Auberbach plexus Auberbach's plexus Auberbachs plexus Auerbach's plexus Remak's plexus myenteric plexus plexus nervosus submucosus plexus submucosus uberon Meissner's plexus plexus myentericus submucous plexus UBERON:0002439 myenteric nerve plexus The inferior cervical ganglion is situated between the base of the transverse process of the last cervical vertebra and the neck of the first rib, on the medial side of the costocervical artery. Its form is irregular; it is larger in size than the middle cervical ganglion, and is frequently fused with the first thoracic ganglion. [WP,unvetted]. BAMS:ICGn BTO:0000240 EHDAA:8939 EMAPA:18439 FMA:6961 MA:0001154 NCIT:C92211 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0000815 UMLS:C0229000 variant cervical ganglion uberon cervico-thoracic cervico-thoracic ganglion ganglion cervicale inferioris ganglion cervicale inferius stellate ganglion UBERON:0002440 inferior cervical ganglion The lymphatic system in vertebrates is a network of conduits that carry a clear fluid called lymph. It also includes the lymphoid tissue through which the lymph travels. Lymphoid tissue is found in many organs, particularly the lymph nodes, and in the lymphoid follicles associated with the digestive system such as the tonsils. The system also includes all the structures dedicated to the circulation and production of lymphocytes, which includes the spleen, thymus, bone marrow and the lymphoid tissue associated with the digestive system[WP]. Part of the circulatory system which consists of a series of vessels which collect blood (exclusive of erythrocytes) which seep through capillary walls and return it to the veins.[AAO] Tetrapods have evolved distinct lymphatic systems, in which lymphatic capillaries help drain most of the tissues of the body.[well established][VHOG] lymphoid The lymphatic system of anuran amphibians is characterized by large lymphatic sacs and two pairs of lymph hearts that return lymph into the venous circulation but no lymph vessels per se [10.1152/japplphysiol.00201.2013] The lymphatic systems of reptiles and some birds have lymph hearts, and both groups have extensive lymph vessels, but their functional role in both lymph movement and plasma volume homeostasis is almost completely unknown [10.1152/japplphysiol.00201.2013] We follow FMA and MA in distinguishing between lymphatic system and lymphoid system, with lymhoid tissue part of the non-lymphatic component, although these terms are often used interchangeably. We assume the ZFA term lymphatic tissue actually corresponds to the broader class (e.g. ZFA lymph node in the ZFA lymphatic system). See tracker for more comments. UBERON:0002096 EHDAA2:0001043 EHDAA:8677 EMAPA:37664 FMA:74594 GAID:931 MA:0002435 MAT:0000197 MIAA:0000197 NCIT:C12746 OpenCyc:Mx4rwQAKT5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:362589007 TAO:0000385 UMLS:C0024235 VHOG:0000842 Wikipedia:Lymphoid_system XAO:0003199 ZFA:0000385 lymphatic system uberon lymphatic circulatory system lymphatic drainage system systema lymphoideum UBERON:0002465 lymphoid system The middle free limb segment, between the autopod and stylopod segments. Includes as parts the zeugopodial skeleton. Examples: There are two types of zeugopod: forelimb zeugopod (aka forearm), hindlimb zeugopod (aka crus). zeugopodial middle part of limb EFO:0000878 FMA:83016 MA:0002716 MAT:0000092 MIAA:0000092 epipodium middle free limb segment middle limb segment zeugopod limb segment zeugopodial limb segment zeugopodium zygopod zygopodium uberon middle segment of free limb UBERON:0002471 There exists some controversy about which podial segments are present in some fishes, e.g. if the autopod is not newly evolved in tetrapods, there is a question as to which segments are actually present in basal vertebrate taxa.[PHENOSCAPE:curators] zeugopod The proximal free limb segment. Includes as parts the stylopod skeleton. stylopodial Naming conventions for pod terms under discussion within phenoscape group proximal part of limb EFO:0000879 FMA:83014 MA:0002717 MAT:0000093 MIAA:0000093 propodium proximal free limb segment stylopodial limb segment stylopodium uberon proximal segment of free limb UBERON:0002472 stylopod Skeletal tissue with a collagen-rich extracellular matrix vascularized, mineralized with hydroxyapatite and typically including osteocytes located in lacunae that communicate with one another by cell processes (in canaliculi). Bone is deposited by osteoblasts. see Skeletal tissue with a collagen-rich extracellular matrix vascularized, mineralized with hydroxyapatite and typically including osteocytes located in lacunae that communicate with one another by cell processes (in canaliculi). Bone is deposited by osteoblasts.[VSAO] CALOHA:TS-2011 EMAPA:35179 FMA:224804 MA:0002780 MESH:D001842 NCIT:C13076 UMLS:C0391978 VSAO:0000047 Wikipedia:Bone_tissue XAO:0004040 ZFA:0005621 galen:BoneTissue calcium tissue osseous tissue osteogenic tissue mineralized bone tissue uberon bone portion of bone tissue UBERON:0002481 bone tissue The opening on the medial wall of the middle ear leading into the cochlea, closed in life by the secondary tympanic membrane; serves to regulate fluid pressure in the inner ear. EMAPA:19239 FMA:56932 GAID:878 MA:0002814 MESH:D012405 NCIT:C32594 round window round window of petrous part of temporal bone uberon cochlear window fenestra cochleae fenestra rotunda UBERON:0002502 round window of inner ear A lymph node that is part of an abdomen [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:35992 FMA:12787 MA:0002827 abdomen lymph node lymph node of abdomen uberon parietal abdominal lymph node UBERON:0002507 abdominal lymph node The lymph nodes located in the mesentery, of which there are 3 classes: ileocolic, juxtaintestinal mesenteric, and central superior group. BTO:0000767 EMAPA:35561 FMA:12795 MA:0002829 NCIT:C77641 UMLS:C0229792 mesenteric node uberon nodi lymphoidei mesenterici UBERON:0002509 mesenteric lymph node Replacement bone that forms within cartilage. placement in this class to be inferred Replacement bone that forms within cartilage.[VSAO] some structures, e.g. in ZFA are both intramembrane and endochondral AAO:0010776 AEO:0000083 BTO:0002157 EHDAA2:0003083 FMA:24321 TAO:0001591 VSAO:0000145 XAO:0004018 ZFA:0001591 ossified chondrogenic bone uberon cartilaginous bone endochondral bones UBERON:0002513 endochondral bone Bone tissue forms directly within mesenchyme, and does not replace other tissues[TAO]. Intramembranous ossification is the formation of bone in which osteoblasts secrete a collagen-proteoglycan matrix that binds calcium salts and becomes calcified[GO]. Intramembranous ossification is the way flat bones and the shell of a turtle are formed[GO]. Unlike endochondral ossification, cartilage is not present during intramembranous ossification[WP]. Bone that forms directly within mesenchyme, and does not replace other tissues.[TAO] [In TAO], This term was made obsolete because it is considered a synonym of membrane bone (VSAO:0000023).[TAO] EMAPA:36615 TAO:0001644 ZFA:0001635 uberon intramembranous bones membrane bone UBERON:0002514 intramembranous bone The submandibular lymph nodes (submaxillary glands in older texts), three to six in number, are placed beneath the body of the mandible in the submaxillary triangle, and rest on the superficial surface of the submaxillary salivary gland. One gland, the middle gland of Stahr, which lies on the external maxillary artery as it turns over the mandible, is the most constant of the series; small lymph glands are sometimes found on the deep surface of the submaxillary salivary glands. The afferents of the submaxillary glands drain the medial palpebral commissure, the cheek, the side of the nose, the upper lip, the lateral part of the lower lip, the gums, and the anterior part of the margin of the tongue. Efferent vessels from the facial and submental glands also enter the submaxillary glands. Their efferent vessels pass to the superior deep cervical glands. [WP,unvetted]. BTO:0000769 FMA:61224 MA:0002843 NCIT:C77650 UMLS:C0229722 submandibular node uberon mandibular lymph node nodi lymphoidei submandibulares UBERON:0002520 submandibular lymph node A major subdivision of a mature or developing limb, including both skeletal elements (or the mesenchyme that gives rise to the skeletal elements) and associated tissues, such as muscle, connective tissue, integument. Examples: autopod region, zeugopod region, stylopod region, metapodial region, arm region. Excludes the limb girdles. TODO - align this with the CARO2 class 'appendage segment'; note the FMA class does not appear to require repetition FMA has both limb segment and free limb segment, the former includes the girdles. Note that MA uses the term more generally and includes A,S,Z,S+Z(arm/leg), whereas FMA is just A,S,Z FMA:241863 MA:0002889 NCIT:C38630 UMLS:C1268195 free limb segment segment of limb subdivision of limb uberon extremity part limb region region of limb UBERON:0002529 limb segment An organ that functions as a secretory or excretory organ. glandular UBERON:MIAA_0000021 AAO:0000212 AEO:0000096 BTO:0000522 EFO:0000797 EHDAA2:0003096 EHDAA:2161 EHDAA:4475 EHDAA:6522 EMAPA:18425 FBbt:00100317 FMA:7146 FMA:86294 HAO:0000375 MA:0003038 MAT:0000021 MIAA:0000021 NCIT:C13319 OpenCyc:Mx4rwP3vyJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:134358001 UMLS:C1285092 Wikipedia:Gland WikipediaCategory:Glands galen:Gland glandular organ uberon Druese glandula UBERON:0002530 gland In amniote animal embryology, the epiblast is a tissue type derived either from the inner cell mass in mammals or the blastodisc in birds and reptiles. It lies above the hypoblast. In mammalian embryogenesis, the columnar cells of the epiblast are adjacent to the trophoblast, while the cuboidal cells of the hypoblast are closer to the blastocoele. The epiblast, whilst referred to as the primary ectoderm, differentiates to form all three layers of the trilaminar germ disc in a process called gastrulation[WP]. The outer of the two layers of the blastoderm that form during gastrulation, corresponding to primitive ectoderm during gastrulation and to the definitive ectoderm after gastrulation[ZFA]. MP says - tissue that gives rise to the ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm of the embryo proper. In HOG, epiblast is part of primitive streak/blastpore, which is inconsistent with the MP definition of primitive streak as a ridge of the epiblast. Note that these terms, epiblast and hypoblast, are also used to describe layers of the avian embryonic blastoderm, but the layers so-named seem to be altogether different in these two kinds of vertebrate embryos(CVS). Consider obsoleting this as a grouping class In pregastrula zebrafish embryos, the epiblast is an inverted cup of cells that sits on top of a large yolk cell. (...) In amniote embryos (mammals and birds), gastrulation initiates in an epithelial layer called the epiblast. Cells in the epiblast undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), migrate through the primitive streak (PS), and incorporate in the middle (mesoderm) or outer (endoderm) layer. The presumptive definitive endoderm (DE) cells invade and displace an outer layer of extraembryonic tissue cells, the hypoblast in chick and the visceral endoderm (VE) in mouse, which form supporting structures such as the yolk sac.[uncertain][VHOG] BTO:0004593 FMA:296704 MAT:0000067 MIAA:0000067 VHOG:0000243 Wikipedia:Epiblast epiblast uberon blastocyst ectoblast epiblastus primitive ectoderm UBERON:0002532 epiblast (generic) Fin that is one of a pair located ventrally on the organism. TAO:0002278 VSAO:0000111 ZFA:0005596 pelvic/pectoral fin uberon UBERON:0002534 paired fin Anatomical surface structure found in many aquatic organisms. It is a respiration organ whose function is the extraction of oxygen from water and the excretion of carbon dioxide. The microscopic structure of a gill is such that it presents a very large surface area to the external environment. Gills usually consist of thin filaments of tissue, branches, or slender tufted processes which have a highly folded surface to increase surface area. A high surface area is crucial to the gas exchange of aquatic organisms as water contains only 1/20 parts dissolved Oxygen compared to air. With the exception of some aquatic insects, the filaments and lamellae (folds) contain blood or coelomic fluid, from which gases are exchanged through the thin walls. Oxygen is carried by the blood to other parts of the body. Carbon dioxide passes from the blood through the thin gill tissue into the water. Gills or gill-like organs, located in different parts of the body, are found in various groups of aquatic animals, including mollusks, crustaceans, insects, fish, and amphibians. AAO:0010171 MESH:D005880 uberon UBERON:0002535 this term potentially applicable across multiple metazoa - see also the subclass 'pharyngeal arch derived gill' gill A subdivision of the autopod that has as part a series of phalanges together with associated vasculature, musculature, integument and nerves. It is continuous with the metapodial subdivision of the autopod, but does not include the metapodials. In species such as humans, fully formed digits are distinct, whereas in other species the digits may be connected by interdigital webbing, or may be completely unseparated (for example, in cetaceans). this class represents the entire organism subdivision encompassing soft tissue as well as the underlying skeletal framework. The class represents the phalangeal part only - historically the term 'digit' has also been used to represent the unit consisting of a series of phalanges together with a metapodial bone. We may in future relabel this class to avoid confusion with this concept, but the class will continue to represent the phalangeal portion Our reinterpretation of the distal fin endoskeleton of Panderichthys removes the final piece of evidence supporting the formerly popular hypothesis that tetrapod digits are wholly new structures without homologues in sarcopterygian fish fins. This hypothesis, which was based partly on the complete absence of plausible digit homologues in Panderichthys (then the closest known relative of tetrapods), has already been called into question by the discovery of digit-like radials in Tiktaalik and the fact that Hox gene expression patterns closely resembling those associated with digit formation in tetrapods occur in the distal fin skeletons of paddlefish and Australian lungfish. Our new data show that Panderichthys is not an anomaly: like Tiktaalik and other fish members of the Tetrapodomorpha, it has distal radials that can be interpreted as digit homologues.[well established][VHOG] digital AAO:0011126 EFO:0000881 EMAPA:32725 FMA:85518 MA:0000690 MAT:0000285 MIAA:0000285 NCIT:C40186 OpenCyc:Mx4rvzLD_ZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0582802 VHOG:0000944 XAO:0003032 galen:Digit acropodial unit digit (phalangeal portion) plus soft tissue limb digit uberon UBERON:0002544 digit Ectodermal placode that develops in the head into a part of the sensory nervous system. With a few exceptions (lens, adenohypophyseal), cranial placodes are neurogenic. Do not merge with neurogenic placode Comparisons of developmental gene expression suggest that the anterior ectoderm in amphioxus may be homologous to the vertebrate olfactory placode, the only vertebrate placode with primary, not secondary, neurons The term placode or placodes also applies to developing organs such as teeth, mammary glands, hair follicles, feathers and scales. We include a separate parent class for this. to avoid confusion, we include neurogenic placode as a subclass ectodermal placode placode AAO:0010466 EFO:0001650 FMA:293966 MAT:0000369 MIAA:0000369 XAO:0000305 ectodermal cranial placode uberon cranial placodes UBERON:0002546 cranial placode A distinct juvenile form many animals undergo before metamorphosis into adults. Animals with indirect development such as insects, amphibians, or cnidarians typically have a larval phase of their life cycle. TODO discriminate between stages and organisms Whole organism that is premetamorphic or a very immature individual.[TAO] larval AEO:0000126 BTO:0000707 FBbt:00001727 HAO:0000459 OpenCyc:Mx4rwQCBvZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0002048 larval organism ammocoete bipinnaria caterpillar glochidium grub leptocephalus maggot naiad nymph planula tadpole trochophore veliger wriggler zoea uberon UBERON:0002548 larva Anatomical space which contains portions of one or more body substances and is bounded by the internal surface of one maximally connected anatomical structure. Examples: cranial cavity, pharyngeal recess space, nasal cavity, tooth socket, cavity of serous sac, lumen of stomach, lumen of artery, fornix of vagina. cavity BIRNLEX:1011 EMAPA:37442 FMA:67552 MA:0002447 NCIT:C34007 galen:Cavity uberon UBERON:0002553 anatomical cavity SROS BAMS:sros BIRNLEX:1143 DHBA:146034840 FMA:83766 HBA:9366 UMLS:C0694583 sulcus rostralis superior uberon UBERON:0002607 superior rostral sulcus Anatomical divisons of the brain according to one or more criteria, e.g. cytoarchitectural, gross anatomy. Parts may be contiguous in 3D or not, e.g., basal ganglia. BIRNLEX:1167 FMA:55676 NCIT:C13031 SCTID:384763002 UMLS:C0445620 anatomical structure of brain biological structure of brain brain anatomical structure brain biological structure brain part neuraxis segment neuroanatomical region segment of brain uberon UBERON:0002616 regional part of brain X BIRNLEX:1379 DHBA:12653 FMA:62198 UMLS:C0262201 anteromedial part of ventral lateral posterior nucleus (jones) area X area X of Olszewski nucleus lateralis intermedius mediodorsalis situs ventralis medialis nucleus ventralis oralis, pars posterior (dewulf) nucleus ventrooralis internus (hassler) nucleus ventrooralis internus, superior part uberon nucleus ventro-oralis internus (Hassler) UBERON:0002687 area X of ventral lateral nucleus The thoracic nerves are the spinal nerves emerging from the thoracic vertebrae. [WP,unvetted]. BIRNLEX:966 FMA:71167 MA:0003082 NCIT:C12894 UMLS:C0581620 pars thoracica medullae spinalis segmenta thoracica medullae spinalis [1-12] thoracic region of spinal cord thoracic segment of spinal cord thoracic segments of spinal cord [1-12] thoracic spinal cord uberon UBERON:0003038 thoracic spinal cord The part of the brain that is the morphological boundary between the midbrain and hindbrain and that is the location of an organizing center which patterns the midbrain and hindbrain primordia of the neural plate. consider adding class for organizer. Consider adding separate class for isthmus as a structure Lampreys also have an MHB [midbrain hindbrain boundary], expressing a similar repertoire of regulatory gene cognates as in gnathostomes.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011064 DMBA:16810 EHDAA2:0004395 EHDAA:5789 EMAPA:32857 NCIT:C93172 TAO:0000042 VHOG:0000649 XAO:0000016 ZFA:0000042 MHB mid-hindbrain boundary mid-hindbrain junction midbrain hindbrain boundary uberon isthmic organizer territory isthmo-cerebellar region isthmus isthmus/MHB UBERON:0003052 midbrain-hindbrain boundary A temporary epithelium that derives from the outer layer of the ectdoerm and is shed once the inner layer differentiates to form a true epidermis. The outermost epidermal layer covering the fish at embryonic stages; derived from the EVL and thought to eventually be replaced by the superficial stratum of the epidermis. Sometimes used synonymously with EVL. Le Guellec et al, 2004.[TAO] relationship type change: OBO_REL:part_of ectoderm (TAO:0000016) CHANGED TO: develops_from ectoderm (UBERON:0000924)[TAO] In mice, the first non-basal layer formed at ~E9.5; it is a temporary structure composed of simple squamous epithelium that serves as the first barrier to the embryo's physical environment, exists throughout the entire keratinocyte stratification process, and sheds off at ~E17, when it is replaced by corneocytes[MP] In some mammals, Eyelid Fusion is thought to be driven by a population of cells which are derived from the periderm, the outermost layer of the developing epidermis Originally the epidermis is one layer thick, in most vertebrates it soon becomes a two-layered structure. The outer layer gives rise to the periderm. The periderm goes through distinct developmental phases and is ultimately sloughed into the amniotic fluid when differentiation of the underlying epidermal layers is complete. The function of the periderm is not known, but is thought to be related to transport/exchange between the fetus and the amniotic fluid ( EHDAA2:0001846 EHDAA:6538 FMA:295662 NCIT:C34247 TAO:0001185 UMLS:C1518973 VHOG:0001680 XAO:0000029 ZFA:0001185 skin periderm uberon EVL epidermis epithelial layer epidermis outer layer epitrichium periderm UBERON:0003055 periderm The portion of neural plate anterior to the mid-hindbrain junction. (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011084 TAO:0007016 VHOG:0001200 XAO:0000045 ZFA:0007016 uberon anterior neural plate UBERON:0003056 pre-chordal neural plate The portion of neural plate posterior to the mid-hindbrain junction. (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] TAO:0007017 VHOG:0001201 XAO:0000046 ZFA:0007017 uberon posterior neural plate UBERON:0003057 chordal neural plate Unsegmented field of paraxial mesoderm present posterior to the most recently formed somite pair, from which somites will form. Unsegmented field of paraxial mesoderm present posterior to the most recently formed somite pair, from which somites will form. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] It is reasonable to assume that the proximate invertebrate ancestor of the vertebrates had an amphioxus-like tail bud in its larval stage. This archetypal tail bud would have (...) (3) lacked any component of mesenchyme cells, (4) budded off new mesodermal segments directly, without any intervening zone of presomitic mesoderm (...). Then, early in vertebrate evolution, epithelium-to-mesenchyme interconversions (and the gene networks for effecting them) became prominent features of development. (...) In any case, conspicuous mesenchymal components tended to be added to the vertebrate tail bud itself. In addition, a mesenchymatous presomitic mesoderm (not a part of the tail bud proper) came to intervene between the tail bud and the forming somites.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011086 EFO:0001982 EMAPA:16189 EMAPA:16752 TAO:0000279 VHOG:0000559 XAO:0000057 ZFA:0000279 segmental plate unsegmented paraxial mesoderm uberon PSM presumptive somite mesoderm somitogenic mesoderm somitomeric mesoderm unsegmented mesenchyme UBERON:0003059 presomitic mesoderm In mammals, the pronephric duct is the predecessor of the Wolffian duct[WP]. Duct of the embryonic kidney, present bilaterally ventral to the somites and leading to the anal region where it empties separately from, and just posterior to the anus. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] The first-formed kidney duct, which drains the kidney of most anamniotes and becomes the ductus deferens of male amniotes. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Glossary_G-3, Grande_L, Liem_KF, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF][VHOG] (...) in all craniates, the archinephric duct develops in embryogeny.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011088 NCIT:C34279 SCTID:361406002 TAO:0000150 UMLS:C1283945 VHOG:0000082 Wikipedia:Pronephric_duct XAO:0000063 ZFA:0000150 uberon archinephric duct ductus pronephricus pronephric ducts UBERON:0003060 The pronephric duct collects the filtrate from the pronephric tubules and opens to the exterior of the pronephric kidney[GOC:mtg_kidney_jan10, PMID:15647339, XAO:0000063, ZFA:0000150] pronephric duct Blood islands are structures in the developing embryo which lead to many different parts of the circulatory system. They primarily derive from plexuses formed from angioblasts. Within them, vacuoles appear through liquefaction of the central part of the syncytium into plasma. The lumen of the blood vessels thus formed is probably intracellular. The flattened cells at the periphery form the endothelium. The nucleated red blood corpuscles develop either from small masses of the original angioblast left attached to the inner wall of the lumen or directly from the flat endothelial cells. In either case the syncytial mass thus formed projects from and is attached to the wall of the vessel. Such a mass is known as a blood island and hemoglobin gradually accumulates within it. Later the cells on the surface round up, giving the mass a mulberry-like appearance. Then the red blood cells break loose and are carried away in the plasma. Such free blood cells continue to divide. Blood islands have been seen in the area vasculosa in the omphalomesenteric vein and arteries, and in the dorsal aorta[WP, unvetted]. Nests of developing blood cells arising late in the segmentation period from the intermediate mass, and located in the anterior-ventral tail, just posterior to the yolk extension. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] Region located on the ventral surface of the developing embryo that is a site of hematopoiesis and that is analogous to the yolk sac blood islands of higher vertebrates.[AAO] relationship loss: part_of intermediate cell mass of mesoderm (TAO:0000033)[TAO] Small clusters of mesodermal cells called blood islands mark the embryonic debut of the cardiovascular system (in vertebrates) (reference 1); In birds and mammals, primitive hemangioblasts are extraembryonic, populating the yolk sac as the so-called blood islands (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2 distinguishes 3 types, but does not have a superclass. The VHOG class may refer to yolk sac ventral lateral plate mesoderm AAO:0011006 EFO:0003489 EHDAA:207 NCIT:C34113 TAO:0000094 TE:E5. UMLS:C1511224 VHOG:0000085 Wikipedia:Blood_island_of_umbilical_vesicle XAO:0000067 ZFA:0000094 blood islands uberon VBI caudal hematopoietic tissue posterior ICM posterior blood island ventral blood island UBERON:0003061 blood island The intermediate mesoderm is located between the lateral mesoderm and the paraxial mesoderm. It develops into the kidney and gonads. Mesoderm between somite and lateral plate. Traditionally thought to give rise to the urogenital system.[AAO] (...)the mesoderm of a developing vertebrate transitionally differentiates into the following sub-types: Chordamesoderm (also known as axial mesoderm) which later on gives rise to notochord in all chordates, Paraxial mesoderm, Intermediate mesoderm, Lateral plate mesoderm (reference 1); The mesoderm is present in Bilateria, therefore they are sometimes called triploblasts. Ectoderm and endoderm are usually organized as epithelial layers, while mesoderm can be epithelial or a compact, three-dimensional tissue.[well established][VHOG] all AOs differ in the relationship between this structure and the mesoderm; in ZFA it is a subclass (and this is implied by the GO definition and GO relationships), in AAO it is part of, and in EHDAA2 it develops from the mesoderm (but in EHDAA2 the naming convention is to use 'paraxial mesenchyme', rather than 'paraxial mesoderm'). AAO:0010575 EMAPA:16056 EMAPA:16178 FMA:293147 NCIT:C34193 SCTID:361476001 TAO:0001206 UMLS:C1284010 VHOG:0000087 Wikipedia:Intermediate_mesoderm XAO:0000085 ZFA:0001206 uberon IM intermediate mesenchyme intermediate plate intermediate plate mesoderm mesenchyma intermedium UBERON:0003064 intermediate mesoderm The axial mesoderm includes the prechordal mesoderm and the chordamesoderm. It gives rise to the prechordal plate and to the notochord. The portion of the mesoderm underlying the midline of the embryo. [Gastrulation:_From_cells_to_embryo_(2004)_Cold_Spring_Harbor, Glossary_XV, New_York:_Cold_Spring_Harbor_Laboratory_Press, Stern_CD][VHOG] AAO:0011017 EFO:0003647 TAO:0001204 VHOG:0000107 Wikipedia:Chordamesoderm XAO:0000205 ZFA:0001204 uberon chordamesoderm UBERON:0003068 axial mesoderm Portion of tissue that is part of the anterior neural keel and will form the optic vesicle[ZFA]. A paired ectodermal placode that becomes invaginated to form the embryonic lens vesicles. TODO - check that GO's optic placode is the same as ZFA's eye primordium; we may want to have separate term for ocular primordium precursor. XAO has both optic field and eye primordium. UBERON:0005060 AAO:0011038 EFO:0003541 EHDAA2:0004431 TAO:0000570 XAO:0000227 XAO:0004090 ZFA:0000570 eye placode occular primordium ocular primordium optic placode optic placode of camera-type eye optic primordium uberon eye anlage eye field optic field optic placodes UBERON:0003071 eye primordium Multi-tissue structure that is comprised of neural and non-neural epithelial layers which will form the retina and retinal pigmented epithelium of the mature eye[ZFA]. double walled structured formed by expansion and invagination of the distal end of the optic vesicle that develops into the pigmented and sensory layers of the retina while the mouth of the optic cup eventually forms the pupil of the eye[MP]. (...) an essentially similar sequence of events occurs during the embryonic development of the vertebrate eye. The eye initially develops as a single median evagination of the diencephalon that soon bifurcates to form the paired optic vesicles. As each optic vesicle grows towards the body surface, its proximal part narrows as the optic stalk, and its distal part invaginates to form a two-layered optic cup.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0005351 EHDAA2:0001303 EHDAA:2912 EMAPA:16674 NCIT:C34233 SCTID:308789007 TAO:0001202 UMLS:C0231109 VHOG:0000167 ZFA:0001202 uberon eye cup eyecup ocular cup ophtalmic cup UBERON:0003072 optic cup A thickened portion of ectoderm which serves as the precursor to the lens. SOX2 and Pou2f1 are involved in its development[WP]. Ectodermal primordium of the lens of the eye. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] (...) an essentially similar sequence of events occurs during the embryonic development of the vertebrate eye. The eye initially develops as a single median evagination of the diencephalon that soon bifurcates to form the paired optic vesicles. As each optic vesicle grows towards the body surface, its proximal part narrows as the optic stalk, and its distal part invaginates to form a two-layered optic cup. (...) The optic cup induces the overlying surface ectoderm first to thicken as a lens placode and then to invaginate and form a lens vesicle that differentiates into the lens.[well established][VHOG] Classical transplantation experiments using amphibian embryos suggested that the optic vesicle is the source of lens-inducing signals sufficient to generate lens tissues in competent ectoderm (reviewed in Grainger et al., 1996). More recent findings suggest a multistep model for lens induction. There is now good evidence that lens specification occurs at the neurula stage, before the optic vesicle contact the surface ectoderm, and that neural crest cell migration in the frontonasal region is required to restrict the position of the lens placode (Bailey et al., 2006) AAO:0011055 EFO:0003494 EHDAA2:0000982 EHDAA:2908 EMAPA:16672 FMA:296767 NCIT:C34202 TAO:0000122 UMLS:C1517770 VHOG:0000166 Wikipedia:Lens_placode XAO:0000240 ZFA:0000122 uberon lens placodes placoda lentis UBERON:0003073 lens placode Paired organ that connects the primitive kidney Wolffian body (or mesonephros) to the cloaca and serves as the anlage for certain male reproductive organs. the Wolffian duct is what remains of the pronephric duct after the atrophy of the pronephros[WP]. In Zebrafish: Duct of the adult kidney (mesonephros), present bilaterally ventral to the somites and leading to the cloacal chamber[ZFA]. Consider adding subclasses for male and female specific variants TODO - mesonephric portion of the nephric duct Anatomical structure consisting of either of a pair of longitudinal ducts which carry urine and in males, sperm, to the cloaca.[AAO] The first-formed kidney duct, which drains the kidney of most anamniotes and becomes the ductus deferens of male amniotes. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Glossary_G-3, Grande_L, Liem_KF, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF][VHOG] (...) in all craniates, the archinephric duct develops in embryogeny.[well established][VHOG] In the male the Wolffian duct persists, and forms for example the epididymis, the ductus deferens, the ejaculatory duct, seminal vesicle and efferent ducts. AAO:0000637 EHDAA2:0001243 EHDAA:1590 EMAPA:16577 GAID:1315 MESH:A16.254.940 NCIT:C26469 SCTID:308800003 TAO:0000546 UMLS:C0043204 VHOG:0000082 Wikipedia:Mesonephric_duct XAO:0000242 ZFA:0000546 Wolffian duct uberon Leydig's duct archinephric duct ductus mesonephricus; ductus Wolffi renal duct UBERON:0003074 mesonephric duct A region of embryonic ectodermal cells that lie directly above the notochord. During neurulation, they change shape and produce an infolding of the neural plate (the neural fold) that then seals to form the neural tube[XAO]. The earliest recognizable dorsal ectodermal primordium of the central nervous system present near the end of gastrulation before infolding to form the neural keel; consists of a thickened pseudostratified epithelium[ZFA]. The earliest recognizable dorsal ectodermal primordium of the central nervous system present near the end of gastrulation before infolding to form the neural keel; consists of a thickened pseudostratified epithelium. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011072 BTO:0001765 DHBA:10153 DMBA:15565 EHDAA:346 EHDAA:902 EMAPA:35593 FMA:293879 NCIT:C34225 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001252 TAO:0000132 UMLS:C0920623 VHOG:0000068 Wikipedia:Neural_plate XAO:0000249 ZFA:0000132 uberon lamina neuralis presumptive central nervous system UBERON:0003075 neural plate Neural:Crest.png (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011082 TAO:0007037 VHOG:0001383 XAO:0000250 ZFA:0007037 uberon UBERON:0003076 posterior neural tube The paraxial mesoderm is the mesoderm located bilaterally adjacent to the notochord and neural tube[GO]. Mesoderm lateral to the neural tube and notochord that is divided into cranial and post-cranial portions. The trunk portions further segment into somites.[AAO] Presently, Cephalochordata, Urochordata, and Vertebrata are placed as subphyla of the phylum Chordata, in which the overall organization of embryonic tissues (dorsal hollow nerve cord, ventral digestive tract, axial notochord, and bilateral paraxial mesoderm) is largely conserved. In contrast, the echinoderms and hemichordates are sister groups of the chordates and they lack the notochord and paraxial mesoderm. Thus, the basic mesodermal organization of vertebrates must have appeared first in the common ancestor of the chordates.[well established][VHOG] note that all AOs differ in the relationship between this structure and the mesoderm; in ZFA it is a subclass (and this is implied by the GO definition and GO relationships), in AAO it is part of, and in EHDAA2 it develops from the mesoderm (but in EHDAA2 the naming convention is to use 'paraxial mesenchyme', rather than 'paraxial mesoderm'). Also in ZFA it is part of the trunk whereas this conflicts with the division into head and trunk in ehdaa2 (which we follow here) AAO:0010568 EFO:0003515 EMAPA:16183 EMAPA:16751 FMA:293145 NCIT:C34244 SCTID:361475002 TAO:0000255 UMLS:C1284009 VHOG:0000114 Wikipedia:Paraxial_mesoderm XAO:0000259 ZFA:0000255 paraxial mesenchyme somitic mesoderm uberon mesoderma paraxiale UBERON:0003077 paraxial mesoderm TODO - add grouping class for the anterior end of the neural tube at all stages (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011012 TAO:0007038 VHOG:0001384 XAO:0000307 ZFA:0007038 uberon UBERON:0003080 anterior neural tube Portion of the middle of the three primary germ layers of the embryo that resides on the periphery of the embryo, is continuous with the extra-embryonic mesoderm, splits into two layers enclosing the intra-embryonic coelom, and gives rise to body wall structures[MP]. Portion of mesoderm traditionally thought to give rise to limb bones and parts of the girdles.[AAO] The portion of the mesoderm of the trunk of vertebrate embryos lying lateral to the intermediate mesoderm. [...] [It] subdivides into two plates: one dorsal, called the somatopleure, and one ventral, called the splanchnopleure. [Gastrulation:_From_cells_to_embryo_(2004)_Cold_Spring_Harbor, Glossary_XV, New_York:_Cold_Spring_Harbor_Laboratory_Press, Stern_CD][VHOG] A ventrolateral zone of amphioxus mesoderm grows down to surround the gut. Homology of this zone to the lateral plate mesoderm of vertebrates is supported by site of origin and fate.[well established][VHOG] subclass of mesoderm in ZFA. UBERON:0006258 AAO:0010574 EHDAA2:0000919 EHDAA:379 EMAPA:16179 FMA:293149 NCIT:C34199 SCTID:361477005 TAO:0000121 UMLS:C1517749 VHOG:0000118 Wikipedia:Lateral_plate_mesoderm XAO:0000311 ZFA:0000121 LPM lateral mesoderm uberon lateral plate lateral plate mesenchyme mesoderma laminae lateralis UBERON:0003081 lateral plate mesoderm A transitional population of migrating mesenchymal cells that derive from somites and that will become muscle cells. The term 'myotome' is also used to describe the muscles served by a single nerve root / spinal segment - consider adding new class, myomere. Portion of the somites giving rise to body wall muscle masses. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] In all vertebrates, the skeletal muscle of the body axis is chiefly derived from an early embryonic compartment, known as the myotome.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011067 AEO:0001018 BTO:0000742 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003431 EHDAA:1721 EHDAA:1727 EHDAA:1733 EHDAA:1739 EMAPA:32841 FMA:295658 NCIT:C34214 SCTID:344535001 TAO:0001056 UMLS:C1513802 VHOG:0001244 Wikipedia:Myotome XAO:0000315 ZFA:0001056 myomeres uberon muscle plate myomere myotome region myotomes myotomus UBERON:0003082 myotome Bilateral groups of cells consisting of three rows: one row of endocardial precursors medially and two rows of myocardical precursors laterally. The two populations fuse at the midline to form the heart rudiment or cone. should probably be merged with heart rudiment. Bilateral groups of cells consisting of three rows: one row of endocardial precursors medially and two rows of myocardical precursors laterally. The two populations fuse at the midline between 21 and 26 somites to form the heart rudiment or cone. Stainier 2001.[TAO] The fused aspects of ventral mesoderm, which have migrated from either side of the prechordal plate, and fused ventrally, just behind the cement gland. They will give rise to the endocardium at NF stage 27&28.[AAO] relationship loss: develops_from lateral mesoderm (TAO:0001065)[TAO] AAO:0011044 BTO:0001887 NCIT:C34276 TAO:0000028 UMLS:C1514450 XAO:0000336 ZFA:0000028 uberon cardiac field fused heart primordium UBERON:0003084 heart primordium Ventral somitic compartment that is a precursor of the axial skeleton[XAO]. Sclerotomes eventually differentiate into the vertebrae and most of the skull. The caudal (posterior) half of one sclerotome fuses with the rostral (anterior) half of the adjacent one to form each vertebra. From their initial location within the somite, the sclerotome cells migrate medially towards the notochord. These cells meet the sclerotome cells from the other side to form the vertebral body. From this vertebral body, sclerotome cells move dorsally and surround the developing spinal cord, forming the vertebral arch[WP]. Skeletogenic portion of somites.[AAO] The vertebrate sclerotome has no equivalent in amphioxus and is a novelty linked with the evolution of the axial skeleton.[well established][VHOG] part_of somite in XAO AAO:0010571 AEO:0000212 EHDAA2:0003439 EMAPA:31159 FMA:295652 NCIT:C34287 TAO:0001080 UMLS:C0183176 VHOG:0000680 Wikipedia:Sclerotome XAO:0000397 ZFA:0001080 sclerotomes uberon sclerotomus UBERON:0003089 sclerotome Neural crest cells (NCCs) originating in the anterior part of the developing embryo and residing between the mid-diencephalon and the forming hindbrain; cranial NCCs migrate dorsolaterally to form the craniofacial mesenchyme that differentiates into various craniofacial cartilages and bones, cranial neurons, glia, and connective tissues of the face; these cells enter the pharyngeal pouches and arches where they give rise to thymic cells, bones of the middle ear and jaw (mandible), and the odontoblasts of the tooth primordia; like their counterparts in the trunk, cranial NCCs also contribute to the developing peripheral nervous system, along with the pigmented cell (i.e. melanocyte) lineage. Anterior most portion of the neural crest. Migrates in three highly conserved streams: mandibular, hyoid and branchial.[AAO] Neural crest that is part of the head.[TAO] We conclude this section by listing some of the many synapomorphies of craniates, including (1) the neural crest (...).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010580 EFO:0003645 EHDAA2:0004420 EMAPA:16091 TAO:0001194 VHOG:0000063 Wikipedia:Cranial_neural_crest XAO:0001001 ZFA:0001194 CNC cephalic neural crest cranial NCC population head NCC population uberon crista neuralis cranialis head crest head neural crest UBERON:0003099 cranial neural crest Gonochoristic organism that can produce female gametes. AAO:0010030 BILA:0000028 CARO:0000028 FBbt:00007011 FMA:67812 HAO:0000028 SCTID:362608006 TAO:0000303 TGMA:0001839 XAO:0003005 ZFA:0000303 female human body uberon female UBERON:0003100 female organism Gonochoristic organism that can produce male gametes. AAO:0010033 BILA:0000027 CARO:0000027 FBbt:00007004 FMA:67811 HAO:0000027 SCTID:362609003 TAO:0000242 TGMA:0001838 WBbt:0007850 XAO:0003006 ZFA:0000242 male human body uberon male UBERON:0003101 male organism Anatomical structure that overlaps the outer epithelial layer and is adjacent to the space surrounding the organism. consider obsoleting. See issue/1305 Organism subdivision which is the collection of anatomical structures on the body surface.[ZFA] AAO:0010337 AEO_RETIRED:0000010 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003010 TAO:0000292 VSAO:0000001 Wikipedia:Surface_structure XAO:0003028 ZFA:0000292 galen:SurfaceRegion anatomical surface feature uberon surface feature surface region surface structures UBERON:0003102 surface structure Anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more multi-tissue structures of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona fide boundaries from other distinct anatomical structures of different types. this class was introduced for consistency with CARO. However, in this ontology we typically classify organs directly under 'organ' rather than subdividing into compound and simple organs AAO:0010015 AEO:0000024 BILA:0000024 CARO:0000024 EHDAA2:0003024 HAO:0000024 TADS:0000598 TAO:0000496 TGMA:0001837 VHOG:0001723 XAO:0003041 ZFA:0000496 uberon organ UBERON:0003103 compound organ Portion of tissue composed of mesenchymal cells (motile cells that develop from epthelia via an epithelial to mesenchymal transition) and surrounding extracellular material. Mesenchyme has different embryological origins in different metazoan taxa - in many invertebrates it derives in whole or part from ectoderm. In vertebrates it derives largely from mesoderm, and sometimes the terms are used interchangeably, e.g. lateral plate mesoderm/mesenchyme. the relationship to mesoderm is weaker than develops_from in order to have classes such as 'head mesenchyme from mesoderm' make sense A mesh-like cell arrangement, less compact than an epithelium. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] Portion of tissue consisting of loosely organized undifferentiated mesodermal cells that give rise to such structures as connective tissues, blood, lymphatics, bone, and cartilage.[AAO] mesenchymal AAO:0010427 AEO:0000145 BTO:0001393 CALOHA:TS-0620 EHDAA2:0003145 EV:0100007 NCIT:C13301 TAO:0000393 UMLS:C0162415 VHOG:0000170 Wikipedia:Mesenchyme XAO:0003046 ZFA:0000393 mesenchymal tissue mesenchyme tissue portion of mesenchymal tissue portion of mesenchyme tissue uberon mesenchyma UBERON:0003104 mesenchyme The outermost extraembryonic membrane of amniotes. The outer membrane enclosing the embryo in reptiles, birds, and mammals. [TFD][VHOG] The outer membrane of the two membranes enclosing the embryo in reptiles, birds, and mammals. In placental mammals it contributes to the development of the placenta[BTO:0000252]. Structures homologous to the four extraembryonic membranes of reptiles and birds appear in mammals: amnion, chorion, yolk sac, and allantois.[well established][VHOG] chorionic The chorion of placentals is bilaminar as in reptiles and birds, but forms from the trophoblast and includes the ajdacent mesodermal layer [ISBN:0073040584] Extra-embryonic ectoderm BTO:0000252 CALOHA:TS-0144 EFO:0002780 EHDAA2:0000245 EHDAA:150 EMAPA:16112 EV:0100121 FMA:80224 GAID:1299 MESH:A16.254.403.473 NCIT:C34122 NCIT:C34124 UMLS:C0008503 UMLS:C1516505 VHOG:0000200 chorion chorion (vertebrates) embryonic chorion fetal chorion uterine chorion uberon chorion frondosum chorionic sac UBERON:0003124 This term refers to the amniote structure. It is distinct from the concept of chorion in insects chorion membrane The trachea is the portion of the airway that attaches to the bronchi as it branches [GO:dph]. An elongated tube which carries air to and from the lungs.[AAO] The respiratory tube between the larynx and the bronchi. [Bemis_WE, Functional_Anatomy_of_the_Vertebrates:_An_Evolutionary_Perspective, Glossary_G-29, Grande_L, Liem_KF, Third_Edition_(2001)_Orlando_Fla.:_Harcourt_College_Publishers, Walker_WF][VHOG] In primitive fishes and most tetrapods, the lungs of adults are usually paired. They lie ventral to the digestive tract and are connected to the outside environment through the trachea.[well established][VHOG] tracheal In birds, the trachea runs from the pharynx to the syrinx, from which the primary bronchi diverge. Swans have an unusually elongated trachea, part of which is coiled beneath the sternum; this may act as a resonator to amplify sound. In some birds, the cartilagenous rings are complete, and may even be ossified. In amphibians, the trachea is normally extremely short, and leads directly into the lungs, without clear primary bronchi. A longer trachea is, however found in some long-necked salamanders, and in caecilians. While there are irregular cartilagenous nodules on the amphibian trachea, these do not form the rings found in amniotes. The only vertebrate to have lungs, but no trachea, is Polypterus, in which the lungs arise directly from the pharynx. in mouse 15-18 C-rings, 15-20 in human. AAO:0010140 BTO:0001388 CALOHA:TS-1060 EFO:0000935 EHDAA2:0002066 EHDAA:3078 EMAPA:16853 EV:0100040 FMA:7394 GAID:361 MA:0000441 MAT:0000137 MESH:D014132 MIAA:0000137 NCIT:C12428 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViOX5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0040578 VHOG:0000371 XAO:0000118 cartilaginous trachea vertebrate trachea windpipe uberon tracheal tubule UBERON:0003126 trachea An organ involved in reproduction. GO uses genitalia for the singular organ EMAPA:17381 EMAPA:37731 MA:0001752 MESH:D005835 NCIT:C25177 OpenCyc:Mx4rwO39aJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:128181006 TGMA:0000591 UMLS:C0017420 WBbt:0008422 genital organ reproductive system organ sex organ uberon genitalia UBERON:0003133 reproductive organ A female organ involved in reproduction. EMAPA:28540 MA:0000544 female organism reproductive organ female organism reproductive structure female organism reproductive system organ female organism sex organ female reproductive gland/organ female reproductive system organ female sex organ reproductive organ of female organism reproductive structure of female organism reproductive system organ of female organism sex organ of female organism uberon UBERON:0003134 female reproductive organ A male organ involved in reproduction. MA:0000545 WBbt:0008423 male organism reproductive organ male organism reproductive structure male organism reproductive system organ male organism sex organ male reproductive gland/organ male reproductive system organ male sex organ reproductive organ of male organism reproductive structure of male organism reproductive system organ of male organism sex organ of male organism uberon male genital UBERON:0003135 male reproductive organ One of the two embryological structures that give rise to the kidney (the other is the ureteric bud). The metanephric blastema mostly develops into nephrons, but can also form parts of the collecting duct system.[WP]. Metanephric mesenchyme is the tissue made up of loosely connected mesenchymal cells in the metanephros[GO]. A mass of intermediate mesodermal cells around the distal end of the ureteric bud that gives rise to nephrons in the metanephric kidney. [TFD][VHOG] When the ureteric buds emerge from the nephric duct, they enter the metanephrogenic mesenchyme. The ureteric buds induce this mesenchymal tissue to condense around them and differentiate into the nephrons of the mammalian kidney. As this mesenchyme differentiates, it tells the ureteric bud to branch and grow.[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2:0004062 EHDAA:4041 EHDAA:5021 EHDAA:5915 EMAPA:17375 SCTID:361529008 VHOG:0000540 Wikipedia:Metanephric_blastema metanephric blastema metanephric mesoderm metanephrogenic mesenchyme metanephros associated mesenchyme uberon UBERON:0003220 Genes: The positional specification of the metanephrogenic mesenchyme is negatively regulated by Foxc1 and Foxc2. Next the permanent kidney forming metanephrogenic mesenchyme is specified by Hox11 genes. The competence to respond to ureteric bud inducers is regulated by WT1. GDNF secretion restricted to posterior region by Robo2 and Sprouty1. The receptors for GDNF are synthesized in the nephric ducts and later in ureteric buds [ISBN:9780878932504 "Developmental Biology"] metanephric mesenchyme The epithelial layer of the luminal surfaces of the mammary gland. BTO:0001430 CALOHA:TS-0593 EHDAA2:0001057 EHDAA:6526 EMAPA:17760 FMA:74445 MA:0000792 NCIT:C12937 UMLS:C0596882 VHOG:0001088 epithelium of lactiferous gland lactiferous gland epithelium mammary epithelium mammary gland epithelial tissue mammary gland epithelium uberon UBERON:0003244 epithelium of mammary gland The portion of the yolk sac that is derived from endoderm and lines the yolk sac. EHDAA2:0002215 EHDAA:166 EMAPA:16086 VHOG:0000626 uberon UBERON:0003257 yolk sac endoderm An endoderm that is part of a foregut [Automatically generated definition]. TODO - check EHDAA2:0004568 EHDAA:524 foregut endoderm uberon UBERON:0003258 endoderm of foregut A gland that is part of a foregut [Automatically generated definition]. EHDAA2:0000567 EHDAA:950 EMAPA:16557 VHOG:0000650 foregut gland uberon UBERON:0003294 gland of foregut Racemose mucous glands beneath the mucous membrane of the pharynx. BTO:0004849 EHDAA2:0001461 EHDAA:2967 FMA:55075 pharynx gland uberon glandulae pharyngeae UBERON:0003295 pharyngeal gland Any gland that is part of the diencephalon. Examples: pineal gland, neurohypophysis. EHDAA2:0000395 EHDAA:4475 EMAPA:16897 VHOG:0000653 diencephalon gland interbrain gland uberon UBERON:0003296 gland of diencephalon Mesenchyme that is part of a developing camera-type eye. TODO - change mesenchyme relationships to precursor_of EHDAA2:0000485 EHDAA:2910 EMAPA:16673 VHOG:0001084 mesenchyme of eye uberon UBERON:0003314 eye mesenchyme A layer of epithelial cells on the surface of the mucosa. BTO:0003752 uberon lamina epithelialis mucosa lamina epithelialis mucosae UBERON:0003350 lies on top of lamina propria epithelium of mucosa An epithelium that is part of a pharynx [Automatically generated definition]. Epithelium lining the pharynx consisting largely of simple columnar epithelium with a short segment (1mm) of stratified squamous epithelium on the ventral side. Chen et al, 2007.[TAO] BSA:0000112 BTO:0005240 EMAPA:16708 MA:0002725 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001460 TAO:0001174 XAO:0003202 ZFA:0001174 epithelial tissue of pharynx epithelium of pharynx pharynx epithelial tissue pharynx epithelium uberon UBERON:0003351 pharyngeal epithelium Any of the striated muscles that move the eye and include: superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, lateral rectus, superior oblique, inferior oblique, retractor bulbi. Not clear if we need this and intra-ocular muscle. See issue #331. MA includes ciliary and iris smooth muscle EMAPA:18807 MA:0001268 ocular smooth muscle uberon UBERON:0003386 smooth muscle of eye A gland that is part of a digestive tract [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:18815 MA:0003202 digestive tract gland gland of digestive tract gland of lower gastrointestinal tract gut gland lower gastrointestinal tract gland uberon UBERON:0003408 gland of digestive tract A bone that is part of a head [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:35996 MA:0000576 adult head bone adult head bone organ bone of adult head bone of head bone organ of adult head bone organ of head head bone organ uberon craniofacial bone UBERON:0003457 Different sources vary regarding which bones are craniofacial; e.g. hyoid bone head bone A bone that is part of a facial skeleton [Automatically generated definition]. test whether 'facial bone' is an exact synonym EMAPA:19019 EMAPA:35924 MA:0001482 MA:0003159 NCIT:C63706 UMLS:C0015455 bone of facial skeleton facial bone facial skeleton bone uberon bone of viscerocranium viscerocranium bone UBERON:0003462 facial bone A bone that is part of a trunk [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:36583 MA:0000512 bone of torso bone of trunk bone organ of torso bone organ of trunk torso bone torso bone organ trunk bone organ uberon UBERON:0003463 trunk bone A bone that is part of a hindlimb region. Examples: any pes phalanx, femur. Counter-examples: ischium, pubis (they are part of the pelvic girdle). the MA class is actually bone of pelvic complex; in contrast the NCIT class excludes ilium etc EFO:0003842 GAID:198 NCIT:C12982 UMLS:C0448188 bone of hind limb bone of hindlimb bone of inferior member bone of lower extremity bone organ of hind limb bone organ of hindlimb bone organ of lower extremity hind limb bone hind limb bone organ hindlimb bone organ uberon UBERON:0003464 hindlimb bone A portion of lymphoid tissue that is part of a thymus [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:37766 MA:0002673 MESH:A06.407.850 NCIT:C38515 UMLS:C1515429 lymphoid tissue of thymus lymphoid tissue of thymus gland thymus gland lymphoid tissue uberon UBERON:0003483 thymus lymphoid tissue A blood vessel that is part of a head [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:36610 MA:0000575 adult head blood vessel blood vessel of adult head blood vessel of head uberon UBERON:0003496 head blood vessel A blood vessel that is part of the arterial system. Includes artery, arteriole and aorta. EMAPA:35144 MA:0000061 uberon UBERON:0003509 only in MA - supertype of artery, arteriole, aorta. arterial blood vessel A portion of connective tissue that is part of a limb [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:37313 MA:0000689 connective tissue of limb limb portion of connective tissue limb textus connectivus portion of connective tissue of limb textus connectivus of limb uberon UBERON:0003587 limb connective tissue A bone that is part of a mesopodial skeleton. The carpus (wrist) and tarsus (ankle) of land vertebrates primitively had three rows of carpal or tarsal bones. Often some of these have become lost or fused in evolution. Three proximals. In the hand humans has all three. In the foot the middle proximal appears in 5-15% of people as an os trigonum. Centrale or os centrale, on the medial side. In humans and our closest relatives the African apes (chimpanzees and gorillas) it fuses to the scaphoid where it forms the articulation with the trapezoid bone; occasionally it stays separate. In Man's foot it is the navicular. Some early land vertebrates had more than one (up to three) os centrale per hand or foot. Distals, one per finger / toe at the base of each metacarpal or metatarsal. In mammals the 4th and 5th fuse. In the horse the 1st is lost EMAPA:36579 MA:0000295 basipodium bone carpal/tarsal bone mesopod bone mesopodial bone uberon UBERON:0003656 mesopodium bone A small fluid-filled sac lined by synovial membrane with an inner capillary layer of slimy fluid. It provides a cushion between bones and tendons and/or muscles around a joint. This helps to reduce friction between the bones and allows free movement. Bursae are filled with synovial fluid and are found around most major joints of the body. bursa FMA:9692 GAID:252 MESH:D002061 NCIT:C33717 UMLS:C0006441 galen:Bursa uberon bursa synovialis UBERON:0003668 synovial bursa The part of the ventral body cavity that is within the abdomen proper (excluding the pelvic cavity). in FMA this contains the pelvic cavity, but this is inconsistent with the concept of abdominopelvic cavity EFO:0000213 EMAPA:36505 FMA:12266 GAID:17 MA:0003057 MESH:A01.047.025 NCIT:C12664 OpenCyc:Mx4rvZR1TJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:361294009 UMLS:C0230168 Wikipedia:Abdominal_cavity galen:AbdominalCavity cavity of abdominal compartment cavity of compartment of abdomen space of abdominal compartment uberon cavitas abdominis UBERON:0003684 abdominal cavity A fold of peritoneum originating at the stomach and supporting the viscera. omental CALOHA:TS-2004 EV:0100084 FMA:14650 GAID:23 MESH:A01.047.025.600.573 NCIT:C33209 UMLS:C0028977 galen:Omentum uberon UBERON:0003688 omentum A collection of sacral vertebrae in the sacral region that are fused and part of the bony pelvis. sacral the AAO class 'sacrum' is deliberately placed under 'sacral vertebra' rather than here CALOHA:TS-2201 EFO:0003071 FMA:16202 GAID:241 MESH:D012447 NCIT:C33508 OpenCyc:Mx4rvmBKnJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA galen:Sacrum os sacrum [vertebrae sacrales I - V] sacrum sacrum [sacral vertebrae I - V] sacrum [sacral vertebrae I-V] uberon os sacrum sacral bone UBERON:0003690 fused sacrum The tissues that surround the organs that are present within the abdominal cavity. The abdominal wall tissue is composed of layers of fat, parietal peritoneum, fascia, and muscles. EMAPA:37064 FMA:10429 FMA:259054 GAID:26 MESH:A01.047.050 NCIT:C77608 SCTID:181613000 UMLS:C0836916 Wikipedia:Abdominal_wall paries abdominalis wall of abdomen wall of abdomen proper uberon abdominal wall proper layers of the abdominal wall paries abdominalis UBERON:0003697 abdominal wall The Achilles tendon is a tendon of the posterior leg. It serves to attach the plantaris, gastrocnemius (calf) and soleus muscles to the calcaneus (heel) bone. reduced in non-human primates bipedalism, running in FMA this is a ligament, and part of the muscle EMAPA:35853 FMA:51061 GAID:277 MA:0002993 MESH:D000125 NCIT:C32043 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjNX5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0001074 Achille's tendon Achilles tendon Achilles' tendon calcaneal tendon tendo Achillis tendo calcaneus uberon UBERON:0003701 calcaneal tendon Passages external to the liver for the conveyance of bile. These include the common bile duct and the common hepatic duct. includes all the cystic duct, all the common bile duct and the extrahapetic part of the hepatic duct FMA:14678 GAID:281 MA:0002659 MESH:D017734 NCIT:C32573 SCTID:276158002 UMLS:C0206187 uberon bile duct extrahepatic part extrahepatic biliary system UBERON:0003703 extrahepatic bile duct Passages within the liver for the conveyance of bile. Includes right and left hepatic ducts even though these may join outside the liver to form the common hepatic duct. includes the hepatic duct of the caudate lobe, and the intra- and inter- lobar bile ducts Duct that collects bile from the bile ductules and connects to the extrahepatic bile duct.[TAO] FMA:15766 GAID:287 MA:0001630 MESH:D001653 NCIT:C12677 SCTID:362193005 TAO:0005169 UMLS:C0005401 ZFA:0005169 bile duct intrahepatic part uberon intrahepatic biliary system UBERON:0003704 intrahepatic bile duct Portion of tissue in the nervous system which consists of neurons and glial cells, and may also contain parts of the vasculature. One of the four types of tissue in traditional classifications. Cells forming the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.[AAO] FMA definition includes vasculature AAO:0000325 AEO:0000123 EHDAA2:0003123 FMA:9642 GAID:609 MESH:D009417 NCIT:C13052 OpenCyc:Mx4rVmfYCsQ_QdeM_bFAeS8NRQ SCTID:91728009 UMLS:C0027757 nerve tissue nervous tissue portion of neural tissue uberon UBERON:0003714 neural tissue The sensory organs in muscle that are involved in the stretch reflex. FMA:83607 GAID:819 MESH:A08.800.550.700.500.500 NCIT:C13824 UMLS:C0027871 neuromuscular spindle uberon muscle stretch receptor neuromuscular spindle UBERON:0003718 muscle spindle A mucous membrane that lines the mouth. this is defined as any mucous membrane of the mouth - including palate, lips, uvula, etc. ncit split mouth/oral mucosa into lip and buccal. In future we may split into masticatory/keratinized (gingiva + hard palate) vs lining/non-keratinized (lips, cheeks, floor of mouth, soft palate). FMA distinguishes between mucosa of mouth and region of mouth (the latter including the buccal mucosa) the mucous membrane epithelium of the mouth. It can be divided into three categories: masticatory, lining, and specialized[Wikipedia:Oral_mucosa]. BTO:0002860 CALOHA:TS-0716 EMAPA:26937 FMA:59660 GAID:951 MA:0002794 MESH:D009061 NCIT:C77637 UMLS:C0026639 mouth mucosa mouth mucous membrane mouth organ mucosa mucosa of mouth mucous membrane of mouth oral mucous membrane oral part of viscerocranial mucosa tunica mucosa oris uberon buccal mucosa mucosal lining of mouth oral mucosa tunica mucosa oris UBERON:0003729 mouth mucosa The middle limb segment of the pelvic free limb, between the autopod and stylopod segments. Includes as parts the hindlimb zeugopodial skeleton, which includes as parts the tibia and fibula, or their cartilage precursors, or evolutionary variants. Most anatomists now agree that the three proximal bones of the tetrapod limbs are homologous to the two or three proximal elements of the paired fin skeleton of other sarcopterygians, that is the humerus-femur, radius-tibia, and ulna-fibula.[well established][VHOG] sural FMA:24979 denotes the middle segment (zeugopod), its placement here is correct. See obo-anatomy archives for discussion Naming conventions for pod terms under discussion within phenoscape group. TODO - add distinct term for skeleton and place AAO class here EFO:0003051 EHDAA2:0001030 EHDAA:5165 EHDAA:6190 EMAPA:17496 FMA:24979 FMA:24984 MA:0000051 MESH:D007866 NCIT:C32974 OpenCyc:Mx4rvczZBpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C1140621 VHOG:0000348 VSAO:0005060 galen:Leg calf of leg crus crus of hindlimb hind limb middle limb segment hind limb zeudopodium hind limb zeugopod hindlimb epipodium hindlimb middle limb segment hindlimb zeudopodium hindlimb zeugopod hindlimb zeugopodium intermediate segment of free lower limb lower extremity middle limb segment lower extremity zeugopod lower leg middle limb segment of hind limb middle limb segment of hindlimb posterior curral region posterior leg region posterior part of leg posterior region of leg regio cruris posterior regio surae shank sura sural region zeugopod of hind limb zeugopod of hindlimb calf uberon hind epipodium leg UBERON:0003823 hindlimb zeugopod A bone that is part of an abdominal segment of trunk [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:37058 MA:0000525 abdominal segment of trunk bone abdominal segment of trunk bone organ bone of abdominal segment of trunk bone organ of abdominal segment of trunk uberon UBERON:0003828 abdominal segment bone An anatomical space that surrounded_by a neural tube. (...) at some stage of its development, every chordate exhibits five uniquely derived characters or synapomorphies of the group: (...) (4) a single, tubular nerve cord that is located dorsal to the notochord (...).[well established][VHOG] UBERON:0005713 AAO:0011073 EHDAA2:0001269 EHDAA:2889 EHDAA:914 EMAPA:16167 VHOG:0001119 XAO:0000252 cavity of neural tube lumen of neural tube neural tube neural lumen prosencoel uberon central lumen neural lumen neurocoel UBERON:0003842 neural tube lumen An epithelium that is part of a thymus, forming a supporting framework[MP,modified]. BTO:0001836 CALOHA:TS-1040 EHDAA2:0002019 EMAPA:35864 MA:0000768 NCIT:C45713 UMLS:C1711423 VHOG:0001426 ZFA:0005779 epithelial tissue of thymus epithelial tissue of thymus gland epithelium of thymus epithelium of thymus gland thymic epithelial tissue thymic epithelium thymus epithelial tissue thymus gland epithelial tissue thymus gland epithelium uberon UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium A neural crest that has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to a midbrain. We conclude this section by listing some of the many synapomorphies of craniates, including (1) the neural crest (...).[well established][VHOG] EFO:0003591 EHDAA2:0001101 EHDAA:360 TAO:0000935 VHOG:0000796 ZFA:0000935 mesencephalic neural crest neural crest midbrain uberon UBERON:0003849 mesencephalic neural crest A neural crest that has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to a telencephalon. Cranial neural crest that is part of the telencephalon.[TAO] We conclude this section by listing some of the many synapomorphies of craniates, including (1) the neural crest (...).[well established][VHOG] EFO:0003574 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001991 TAO:0000812 VHOG:0000799 ZFA:0000812 neural crest telencephalon uberon UBERON:0003850 telencephalon neural crest A neural crest that has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to a diencephalon. We conclude this section by listing some of the many synapomorphies of craniates, including (1) the neural crest (...).[well established][VHOG] EFO:0003573 EHDAA2:0000603 EMAPA:16518 TAO:0000811 VHOG:0000798 ZFA:0000811 diencephalic neural crest future diencephalon neural crest neural crest diencephalon neural crest of future diencephalon uberon UBERON:0003851 diencephalon neural crest A neural crest that has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to a hindbrain. Cranial neural crest that is part of the hindbrain.[TAO] We conclude this section by listing some of the many synapomorphies of craniates, including (1) the neural crest (...).[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2:0001628 EHDAA:362 EMAPA:35747 TAO:0007063 VHOG:0001210 ZFA:0007063 neural crest hindbrain rhombencephalic neural crest uberon rhombomere neural crest UBERON:0003852 rhombencephalon neural crest A neural crest that has_potential_to_developmentally_contribute_to a spinal cord. We conclude this section by listing some of the many synapomorphies of craniates, including (1) the neural crest (...)[well established][VHOG] EHDAA:696 EMAPA:16163 EMAPA:16881 VHOG:0001006 neural crest spinal cord uberon spinal neural crest UBERON:0003853 spinal cord neural crest An anatomical cavity that has the potential to develop into a coelemic cavity lumen. uberon body cavity precursor UBERON:0003886 future coelemic cavity lumen The part of the coelom in the embryo between the somatopleuric and splanchnopleuric mesoderm; the principal body cavities of the trunk (thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic) arise from this embryonic part of the coelom. consider merging with coelom. TODO - add spatial relationships to halves of LPM. Note the OG places XAO and ZFA coelem terms here. editor note: TODO check ZFA, which appears to be a structure present in adults (...) I regard it unlikely that coeloms of all bilaterian animals are comparable and evolved very early. Considering all these questions, few convincing characters concerning the evolution of body cavities remain to be named. (...) A segmental coelom appears to have evolved at least two times, in Annelida and in Myomerata (Acrania and Craniota).[well established][VHOG] EHDAA:251 EMAPA:16088 NCIT:C34195 UMLS:C1512940 VHOG:0000316 Wikipedia:Intraembryonic_coelom somatic coelom uberon UBERON:0003887 intraembryonic coelom Initial section of the oviduct through which the ova pass from the ovary to the uterus. Homologous to appendix testis salpinges salpinx CALOHA:TS-0732 EHDAA2:0000504 EMAPA:18984 EMAPA:35660 EV:0100112 FMA:18245 GAID:365 MA:0000385 MESH:D005187 NCIT:C12403 OpenCyc:Mx4rvViVeZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0015560 galen:FallopianTube mammalian oviduct uterine tube (sensu Mammalia) uberon fallopian tubes female paramesonephric duct paramesonephric duct of female tuba uterina UBERON:0003889 fallopian tube Connective, non-functional supportive framework of a biological cell, tissue, or organ. Contrast with parenchyma. stromal FMA:81494 NCIT:C67387 UMLS:C0927195 uberon stromal connective tissue UBERON:0003891 stroma A small endodermal thickening in the foregut adjacent to the transverse septum. Invaginates forming the hepatic diverticulum. consider adding further subdivisions of the endoderm, e.g. ventral foregut. Note we place two EFO classes here, it's not clear how they differ AAO:0011058 BTO:0003391 EFO:0002577 EFO:0003428 EHDAA2:0000744 EHDAA:973 EMAPA:16847 NCIT:C34277 TAO:0000124 UMLS:C0734013 UMLS:C1514451 XAO:0003266 ZFA:0000124 embryological hepatic plate primordium of the liver uberon hepatic plate liver bud liver endoderm UBERON:0003894 liver primordium The part of the retina that contains neurons and photoreceptor cells[GO]. (...) an essentially similar sequence of events occurs during the embryonic development of the vertebrate eye. The eye initially develops as a single median evagination of the diencephalon that soon bifurcates to form the paired optic vesicles. As each optic vesicle grows towards the body surface, its proximal part narrows as the optic stalk, and its distal part invaginates to form a two-layered optic cup. (...) The outer layer of the optic cup becomes the pigment layer of the retina, whereas the inner layer differentiates into the photoreceptive cells and neuronal layers of the retina.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011095 BTO:0000929 CALOHA:TS-0685 EHDAA2:0001253 EHDAA:4763 EMAPA:17171 EMAPA:18590 FMA:58628 MA:0000277 NCIT:C33166 TAO:0000046 UMLS:C1518263 VHOG:0000535 XAO:0003216 ZFA:0000046 neural layer of retina neural retina neuroretina stratum nervosum (retina) stratum nervosum retinae uberon neural retinal epithelium UBERON:0003902 retinal neural layer Epithelial tubes transport gases, liquids and cells from one site to another and form the basic structure of many organs and tissues, with tube shape and organization varying from the single-celled excretory organ in Caenorhabditis elegans to the branching trees of the mammalian kidney and insect tracheal system. contrast with a multi-tissue tube, which has as parts both epithelium, connective tissue, possibly muscle layers AEO:0000114 EHDAA2:0003114 FBbt:00007474 epithelial or endothelial tube uberon UBERON:0003914 epithelial tube Any endothelium that has the quality of being cylindrical [Automatically generated definition]. uberon UBERON:0003915 endothelial tube Kidney mesenchyme is the tissue made up of loosely connected mesenchymal cells in the kidney[GO]. check this mesenchyme of kidney uberon UBERON:0003918 kidney mesenchyme A blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart. EMAPA:35932 FMA:86188 MA:0000066 segment of venous tree organ venous tree organ segment uberon UBERON:0003920 Compare to: vein venous blood vessel Embryonic structure that develops into pancreatic bud. in EHDAA2 this has dorsal and ventral primordia as parts. the buds are part of the primordium, with the ducts developing from the buds; only parenchyma and ducts have contribution from buds revisit after standardizing terms 'primordium', 'anlagen', 'bud' EFO:0002579 EFO:0003434 EHDAA2:0001382 EHDAA:2163 EMAPA:17066 FMA:79792 TAO:0000254 XAO:0001101 ZFA:0000254 pancreatic primordium uberon pancreatic anlage pancreatic endoderm primordial pancreas UBERON:0003921 pancreas primordium The embryonic pancreas develops from two separate anlagen in the foregut epithelium, one dorsal and two ventral pancreatic buds[PMID]. EFO:0003470 EMAPA:35645 NCIT:C34242 SCTID:360398004 TAO:0001390 UMLS:C1283285 Wikipedia:Pancreatic_bud ZFA:0001390 pancreatic bud pancreatic buds uberon pancreas epithelium pancreatic anlage UBERON:0003922 pancreatic epithelial bud Pancreatic bud that gives rise to the accessory pancreatic duct. The pancreatic bud that gives rise to the accessory pancreatic duct.[AAO] In chick, Xenopus laevis, and the teleost fish Medaka, the pancreas develops from three buds that emerge from the gut tube, two from its ventral aspect, and one from its dorsal aspect. In mouse, although there are initially three buds that arise from the gut tube at the point of contact between the endoderm and the vasculature, the pancreas develops from only two of these buds, one dorsal and one ventral. (...) In this study, we use a transgenic zebrafish line (...). We provide evidence for the existence of two distinct pancreatic anlagen - a ventral anterior bud and a dorsal posterior bud - that join to form the definitive pancreas (reference 1); The pancreas develops from the fusion of distinct endoderm-derived dorsal and ventral diverticula. In humans, by day 35 of development, the ventral pancreatic bud begins to migrate backwards and comes into contact and eventually fuses with the dorsal pancreatic bud during the sixth week of development (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011031 EFO:0003465 EHDAA2:0001385 EMAPA:17067 SCTID:361435005 TAO:0001370 VHOG:0001428 Wikipedia:Pancreatic_bud XAO:0000467 ZFA:0001370 pancreas dorsal primordium duct bud pancreas primordium dorsal bud primary pancreatic bud uberon dorsal pancreas anlage dorsal pancreatic anlage posterior pancreatic anlage posterior pancreatic bud UBERON:0003923 dorsal pancreatic bud Pancreatic bud that gives rise to the major pancreatic duct. In chick, Xenopus laevis, and the teleost fish Medaka, the pancreas develops from three buds that emerge from the gut tube, two from its ventral aspect, and one from its dorsal aspect. In mouse, although there are initially three buds that arise from the gut tube at the point of contact between the endoderm and the vasculature, the pancreas develops from only two of these buds, one dorsal and one ventral. (...) In this study, we use a transgenic zebrafish line (...). We provide evidence for the existence of two distinct pancreatic anlagen - a ventral anterior bud and a dorsal posterior bud - that join to form the definitive pancreas (reference 1); The pancreas develops from the fusion of distinct endoderm-derived dorsal and ventral diverticula. In humans, by day 35 of development, the ventral pancreatic bud begins to migrate backwards and comes into contact and eventually fuses with the dorsal pancreatic bud during the sixth week of development (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] The ventral pancreatic bud becomes the head and uncinate process, and comes from the hepatic diverticulum[WP] the ventral pancreas and liver are derived from a common precursor cell population[PMID:16417468]. TODO - add this relationship. AAO:0011111 EFO:0003464 EHDAA2:0001389 EMAPA:17256 SCTID:361437002 TAO:0001369 VHOG:0001429 Wikipedia:Pancreatic_bud XAO:0001103 ZFA:0001369 pancreas primordium ventral bud pancreas ventral primordium duct bud uberon anterior pancreatic anlage anterior pancreatic bud ventral pancreas anlage ventral pancreatic anlage UBERON:0003924 ventral pancreatic bud A duct that is part of a digestive system [Automatically generated definition]. TAO:0005162 ZFA:0005162 duct of digestive system duct of gastrointestinal system gastrointestinal system duct uberon UBERON:0003928 digestive system duct An epithelium that lines the lumen of the digestive tract. Epithelium lining the lumen of the gut.[TAO] BTO:0000956 EHDAA2:0004567 EMAPA:32928 MA:0003201 NCIT:C12963 TAO:0005123 UMLS:C0836205 XAO:0003200 ZFA:0005123 digestive tract epithelial tissue epithelial tissue of digestive tract epithelial tissue of gut epithelium of digestive tract epithelium of gut gastrodermis gut epithelial tissue gut epithelium uberon alimentary tract epithelium UBERON:0003929 digestive tract epithelium Any of the organized aggregations of cells that function as secretory or excretory organs and are associated with reproduction. MA:0001751 genitalia gland gland of genitalia gland of reproductive system reproductive gland reproductive system gland sex gland uberon UBERON:0003937 reproductive gland The brain ventricles or their associated choroid plexuses. TODO - check relationship between CP and BV. If this is part of then this class should be obsoleted TODO merge into BV uberon UBERON:0003947 brain ventricle/choroid plexus The lymph nodes located outside the thoracic and abdominal cavities, such as the submandibular, prescapular, axillary, inguinal and popliteal lymph nodes. EMAPA:37938 uberon UBERON:0003968 peripheral lymph node A transitional population of migrating mesenchymal cells that derive from somites and that will become dermal cells. Not to be confused with 'dermatome segment of skin'. AAO:0011028 AEO:0001017 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003428 EHDAA:1719 EHDAA:1725 EHDAA:1731 EHDAA:1737 EMAPA:32838 FMA:295656 NCIT:C61572 UMLS:C0180383 Wikipedia:Dermatome_(embryology) XAO:0000220 cutis plate dermatomal mesenchyme uberon epimere mesoderm mesenchyma dermatomiale UBERON:0004016 dermatome The single layer of epithelial cells that lines the early neural tube and develops into the nervous system and into the neural crest cells. As the cells adjacent to the lumen continue to divide, the migrating cells form a second layer around the original neural tube. This layer becomes progressively thicker as more cells are added to it from the germinal neuroepithelium. This new layer is called the mantle (or intermediate) zone, and the germinal epithelium is now called the ventricular zone (and, later, the ependyma)[NCBIBook:NBK10047] germinal neuroepithelial layer germinal neuroepithelium original neural tube uberon UBERON:0004022 germinal neuroepithelium The external masculine genital organs, including the penis and scrotum. BTO:0003097 EMAPA:30977 FMA:45642 SCTID:362264000 galen:MaleExternalGenitalia external male genital organ male external genitalia uberon organa genitalia masculina externa UBERON:0004053 TODO: Relabel. Make distinct organ class. See external male genitalia One of the fine terminal elements of the bile duct system, leaving the portal canal, and pursuing a course at the periphery of a lobule of the liver[BTO]. the excretory ducts of the liver that connect the interlobular ductules to the right or left hepatic duct[MP]. In ZFA, Digestive system duct that collects bile from the canaliculus and transports bile through the liver -- (check if the same) // The smallest and the most peripheral branches of the biliary tree consist of a portal part (portal ductule) and an intralobular part (intralobular ductule) BTO:0002840 EMAPA:37440 TAO:0005164 ZFA:0005164 bile ductule biliary ductule ductuli biliferi uberon bile capillary biliary ductule cholangiole terminal cholangiole UBERON:0004058 biliary ductule The layer of undifferentiated, proliferating cells that line the neural tube lumen that is the immediate transformation of the germinal neuroepithelium. consider merging with 'ventricular zone'; note that the MA class probably does not belong here, as this is an embryonic structure The layer of undifferentiated, proliferating cells that line the neural tube lumen ependymal layer EMAPA:17152 EMAPA:35362 EMAPA_RETIRED:16783 MA:0003193 neural tube ependymal layer neural tube ventricular germinal zone neural tube ventricular zone neural tube ependymal zone uberon UBERON:0004060 neural tube ventricular layer The layer of glia and differentiating neurons that forms as a second layer around the germinal neuroepithium; as this develops it comes to lie between the ventricular and marginal layers and includes the basal and alar plates. Develops into neurons and glia forming a gray matter layer. EMAPA:17148 EMAPA:35360 neural tube intermediate zone uberon future brain marginal layer UBERON:0004061 neural tube mantle layer The outermost layer of the neural tube that consists of axons from the developing mantle layer and will form the white matter. EMAPA:17151 neural tube marginal zone uberon brain marginal zone UBERON:0004062 neural tube marginal layer The subdivision of the face that includes the eye (eyeball plus adnexa such as eyelids) and the orbit of the skull and associated parts of the face such as the eyebrows, if present. note the FMA class is more narrow though, and is more like eye + muscles + vasculature. The FMA also has FMA:72951 orbital part of eye in HP covers eyelid, eyebrow. FMA:260119 content of orbital part of eye eye region orbital part of face uberon ocular and peri-ocular region ocular region orbital content orbital part of eye UBERON:0004088 orbital region The collecting duct system of the kidney consists of a series of tubules and ducts that connect the nephrons to the ureter. It participates in electrolyte and fluid balance through reabsorption and excretion, processes regulated by the hormones aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone. FMA:265239 SCTID:279371005 Wikipedia:Collecting_duct_system collecting duct system kidney collecting duct system uberon tubulus renalis colligens UBERON:0004100 renal collecting system 2 Any tube, opening or passage that connects two distinct anatomical spaces. FMA has both conduit and conduit space. In EHDAA2 this is a surface feature AEO:0000080 EHDAA2:0003080 FMA:242873 SCTID:346902003 Wikipedia:Foramen foramen foramina uberon opening ostia ostium UBERON:0004111 anatomical conduit An anatomical structure that develops (entirely or partially) from the endoderm. Grouping term for query purposes uberon UBERON:0004119 endoderm-derived structure An anatomical structure that develops (entirely or partially) from the mesoderm. Grouping term for query purposes FBbt:00025998 mesodermal derivative uberon UBERON:0004120 mesoderm-derived structure An anatomical structure that develops (entirely or partially) from the ectoderm. Grouping term for query purposes FBbt:00025990 ectodermal deriviative uberon UBERON:0004121 ectoderm-derived structure Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with the production and excretion of urine and those concerned with reproduction. Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with the production and excretion of urine and those concerned with reproduction.[AAO] relationship type change: differentiates_from intermediate mesoderm (AAO:0010575) CHANGED TO: develops_from intermediate mesoderm (UBERON:0003064)[AAO] Kidneys and gonads (of vertebrates) develop from adjacent tissues, and after the excretory or urinary ducts have developed, the reproductive system usually taps into them or their derivatives.[well established][VHOG] genitourinary urogenital AAO:0000624 BILA:0000122 BTO:0003091 EFO:0003864 EHDAA:1013 EMAPA:16367 EV:0100094 FMA:280610 GAID:362 MESH:D014566 NCIT:C12810 OpenCyc:Mx4rQRpVMgAKEdyHxgDggVfs8g SCTID:278861008 UMLS:C0042066 VHOG:0000286 XAO:0000140 galen:GenitoUrinarySystem urogenital system uberon GU tract UG tract Urogenitalsystem genito-urinary system genitourinary tract urogenital tract UBERON:0004122 genitourinary system The optic vesicle is the evagination of neurectoderm that precedes formation of the optic cup[GO]. Portion of tissue that is comprised of neuroepitheium which has pinched off from the anterior neural keel and will form the optic cup[ZFA]. (...) an essentially similar sequence of events occurs during the embryonic development of the vertebrate eye. The eye initially develops as a single median evagination of the diencephalon that soon bifurcates to form the paired optic vesicles.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011039 EHDAA2:0001320 EMAPA:16540 FMA:293357 NCIT:C34236 SCTID:362864008 TAO:0000050 UMLS:C0231106 VHOG:0000165 Wikipedia:Optic_vesicles XAO:0000228 ZFA:0000050 uberon evagination eye vesicle ocular vesicle optic vesicles UBERON:0004128 Genes: Six3, Pax6, Rx1 are expressed together in the tip of the neural plate [ISBN:9780878932504 "Developmental Biology"]. Development notes: During subsequent develop- ment, the optic vesicle invaginates and becomes a two-layered structure with an inner neural retina and outer retinal pigment epithelium. As soon as the developing optic vesicle makes contact with the overlying ectoderm, it induces the ectoderm to thicken and form the lens placode [PMID:16496288] optic vesicle In mammals, the proximal tubule is a nephron tubule that connects Bowman's capsule to the loop of Henle. It has a brush border epithelial morphology[GO]. TODO - ensure definition works across species. BTO:0001498 CALOHA:TS-0509 EMAPA:28281 MA:0002611 MESH:D007687 kidney proximal tubule proximal kidney tubule renal proximal tubule uberon UBERON:0004134 proximal tubule The first recognizable structure derived from the heart field. TODO - check plate vs rudiment vs primordium vs endocardial tube. See XAO (In vertebrates) The embryonic mesoderm is the source of both the cardiogenic plate, giving rise to the future myocardium as well as the endocardium that will line the system on the inner side.[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2:0000215 EMAPA:16106 VHOG:0000975 myocardial plate uberon cardiac crescent cardiogenic crescent heart rudiment UBERON:0004139 cardiogenic plate A specific region of the lateral mesoderm that will form the primary beating heart tube. In mammals the primary heart field gives rise to the left ventricle. this term denotes the primary heart field; GO:0003128 denotes the superclass of primary and secondary: specific region of the lateral mesoderm into the area which will form the primary beating heart tube[GO:0003138] XAO:0004185 first heart field primary heart field uberon FHF PHF heart field UBERON:0004140 primary heart field An epithelial tube that will give rise to the mature heart. the paired, longitudinal, endothelial-lined channels formed from the cardiogenic mesoderm in embryonic development; angiogenic cell clusters (aka angioblastic cords) located in a horse-shoe shape configuration in the cardiogenic plate coalesce to form the right and left endocardial heart tubes which then fuse in cephalo-caudal direction to form a single primitive heart tube. AAO:0010411 EFO:0003526 EMAPA:32685 NCIT:C34161 TAO:0000360 XAO:0000337 ZFA:0000360 embryonic heart tube endocardial heart tube endocardial tube uberon UBERON:0004141 heart tube A cardiac chamber surrounds an enclosed cavity within the heart. FMA:7095 OpenCyc:Mx4rmexpjPdAEduAAAAOpmP6tw SCTID:276456008 chamber of heart heart chamber uberon UBERON:0004151 generic enough to cover FBbt:00003156 heart chamber but this is a cavity. GO defines it as the cavity. TODO - move subclasses. Note this also includes sinus venosus cardiac chamber A thick plate of mesodermal tissue that occupies the space between the thoracic cavity and yolk stalk in the early embryo, forming a transverse partition partially separating the coelomic cavity into thoracic and abdominal portions. It gives rise to the central tendon of the diaphragm[VHOG]. A thick plate of mesodermal tissue that occupies the space between the thoracic cavity and yolk stalk in the early embryo, forming a transverse partition partially separating the coelomic cavity into thoracic and abdominal portions. It gives rise to the central tendon of the diaphragm. [TFD][VHOG] In hagfishes a transverse septum extends upward from the ventral body wall posterior to the heart, partly separating an anterior pericardial cavity from a larger peritoneal cavity. (...) These basic relationships have not been modified by urodeles. The small pericardial cavity remains far forward where it is separated by a transverse septum from the principal coelom, which may now be called a pleuroperitoneal cavity because slender lungs are present. (...) The heart (of other tetrapods) is separated from the lungs (and liver if present) by more or less horizontal partitions that have their origin in the embryo as folds on the serous membrane of the right and left lateral body walls. These grow out to join in the midline of the body. They are called lateral mesocardia (birds) or pleuropericardial membranes. Posteriorly they join the transverse septum to form the adult pericardial membrane, or pericardium. (...) In their partitioning of their coelom, embryonic mammals resemble first early fishes (incomplete partition, posterior to heart, consisting of the transverse septum) and then reptiles (pericardium derived from transverse septum and pleuropericardial membranes) Mammals then separate paired pleural cavities from the peritoneal cavity by a diaphragm. The ventral portion of this organ comes from the transverse septum. The dorsal portion is derived from the dorsal mesentery and from still another pair of outgrowths from the lateral body wall, the pleuroperitoneal membranes.[well established][VHOG] The cranial part of the septum transversum gives rise to the central tendon of the diaphragm and is the origin of the myoblasts that invade the pleuroperitoneal folds resulting in the formation of the muscular diaphragm. The caudal part of the septum transversum is invaded by the hepatic diverticulum which divides within it to form the liver and thus gives rise to the ventral mesentery of the foregut. in EHDAA2 this is divided into mesenchymal portion and hepatic diverticulum EHDAA2:0001829 EHDAA:736 EMAPA:16318 FMA:295593 NCIT:C34296 SCTID:308819008 UMLS:C0231004 VHOG:0000019 Wikipedia:Septum_transversum transverse septum uberon UBERON:0004161 septum transversum The external genitalia are the outer sex organs, such as the penis or vulva in mammals. FMA:45643 SCTID:362207005 external genitalia uberon external reproductive organ external sex organ UBERON:0004176 TODO: make a subdivision of reproductive system. Relabel. See external genitalia Organ that is part of the hematopoietic system. consider splitting out lymph organ, compare with lymph node the organs in which the formed elements of the blood and lymph are produced[]. the FMA class 'lymphoid organ' is a general anatomical term BTO:0004605 EMAPA:37665 FMA:7143 MA:0000747 SCTID:361338006 haematological system organ haemopoietic system organ hematopoeitic organ hematopoietic system organ organ of haematological system organ of haemopoietic system organ of hematopoietic system organ of organa haemopoietica organa haemopoietica organ hematopoeitic or lymphoid organ lymph organ lymphoid organ uberon UBERON:0004177 hemopoietic organ A portions of the gut that is derived from endoderm. EMAPA:32930 endodermal gut gut endoderm uberon UBERON:0004185 endodermal part of digestive tract The glomerular epithelium is an epithelial tissue that covers the outer surfaces of the glomerulus. The glomerular epithelium consists of both parietal and visceral epithelium. Metanephric glomerular parietal epithelial cells are specialized epithelial cells that form tight junctions as a barrier to protein transport. A metanephric glomerular visceral epithelial cell is a specialized epithelial cell that contains 'feet' that interdigitate with the 'feet' of other glomerular epithelial cells in the metanephros. TODO - check - GO says outer, BTO says inner. Make this a superclass BTO:0001515 EMAPA:35458 MA:0002847 epithelium of glomerulus epithelium of kidney glomerulus epithelium of renal glomerulus kidney glomerular epithelium uberon glomerular epithelial cell UBERON:0004188 glomerular epithelium The comma-shaped body is the precursor structure to the S-shaped body that contributes to the morphogenesis of the nephron. EMAPA:27681 ZFA:0005588 CSB uberon UBERON:0004198 comma-shaped body The S-shaped body is the successor of the comma-shaped body that contributes to the morphogenesis of the nephron. TODO EMAPA:27756 ZFA:0005589 SSB stage II nephron uberon UBERON:0004199 S-shaped body Nephrogenic mesenchyme is the tissue made up of loosely connected mesenchymal cells in the nephron. mesenchyme of nephron nephron mesenchyme uberon UBERON:0004208 The detailed events associated with the differentiation of the nephrogenic mesenchyme are somewhat complex. It has been suggested that each terminal branch of the ureteric bud stimulates the associated cap mesenchyme tissue to form a renal vesicle (the most primitive stage of nephron development: a stage I nephron). This then elongates, becomes a comma-shaped and then an S-shaped body (stage II nephron), and makes contact with and fuses with the distal component of the ureteric bud. The latter then forms the collecting duct. One fold of the S-shaped body gives rise to Bowman's capsule (also termed the glomerular capsule). Soon afterwards, endothelial cells invade to make a capillary knot-like outgrowth, the glomerular tuft, which goes on to form the glomerulus. The inner epithelial layer of the Bowman's capsule (also called the visceral epithelium, or podocyte layer because it consists of podocytes) is closely apposed to the endothelial glomerulus. Together, the Bowman's capsule and the glomerulus comprise the definitive renal corpuscle. The rest of the nephron elongates to form components of the proximal tubule, the loop of Henle and the distal tubule. The distal pole of the developing nephron connects to the ureteric bud that induced it at an early stage of nephron/ collecting duct development, before differentiation of the proximal tubule, the loop of Henle and the distal tubule are complete. This connection allows the excretory products produced by the kidney to be removed and subsequently transferred, via the ureter, into the bladder where they are stored until it is appropriate to empty the bladder. [] nephrogenic mesenchyme The renal vesicle is the primordial structure of the nephron epithelium, and is formed by the condensation of mesenchymal cells. note that this class includes both metanephric and mesonephric vesicles - ZFA and EHDAA2 associations are placed with these classes. TODO - make a more specific develops_from relationship - see UBERON:0005107 ! metanephric cap stage I nephron uberon UBERON:0004209 renal vesicle The nephron epithelium is a tissue that covers the surface of a nephron. epithelial tissue of nephron epithelium of nephron nephron epithelial tissue uberon UBERON:0004211 nephron epithelium A muscular coat that is part of a vas deferens [Automatically generated definition]. TODO - check MA and FMA classes mean the same thing EMAPA:29270 FMA:19239 MA:0001750 muscle layer of deferent duct muscle layer of ductus deferens muscle layer of vas deferens muscular coat of ductus deferens muscular layer of ductus deferens muscularis of vas deferens tunica muscularis (ductus deferens) tunica muscularis ductus deferentis uberon UBERON:0004224 muscular coat of vas deferens A portion of smooth muscle tissue that is part of a lower respiratory tract [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:35520 MA:0002410 involuntary muscle of lower respiratory tract lower respiratory tract involuntary muscle lower respiratory tract non-striated muscle lower respiratory tract smooth muscle tissue non-striated muscle of lower respiratory tract smooth muscle of lower respiratory tract smooth muscle tissue of lower respiratory tract uberon UBERON:0004233 lower respiratory tract smooth muscle A bone that is part of the dorsal region of an animal. this class may be obsoleted. See: EMAPA:37248 MA:0000494 uberon back bone bone of back dorsal region bone UBERON:0004247 bone of dorsum A muscle that is part of the eye region. AAO:0000156 EMAPA:35335 MA:0000271 OpenCyc:Mx8Ngx4rwKSh9pwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvViTvpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycB4rvYA8cJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA uberon UBERON:0004277 eye muscle Anatomical cluster that consists of all the skeletal elements (eg., bone, cartilage, and teeth) of the body. Anatomical cluster that consists of all the skeletal elements (eg., bone, cartilage, and teeth) of the body.[VSAO] skeletal AEO:0000168 EHDAA2:0001843 EHDAA:5047 EMAPA:17213 FMA:23875 GAID:177 MA:0003006 MAT:0000032 MESH:D012863 MIAA:0000032 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVi1rpwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:361378004 VSAO:0000026 Wikipedia:Skeleton XAO:0004053 galen:Skeleton set of all bones set of bones of body uberon UBERON:0004288 skeleton The bilaminar epithelium formed from the myotome and dermatome. Epithelial sheet on the external surface of the somite that gives rise to trunk, muscle and dermis. Within the dermomyotome there is also a medio-lateral difference. The central region makes dermis, the mesenchymal connective tissue of the back skin. The medial region (closest to neural tube) makes epaxial muscle, and the lateral region (furthest from neural tube) makes hypaxial muscle[]. Epithelial sheet on the external surface of the somite that gives rise to trunk, muscle and dermis.[TAO] Portion of somites that gives rise to dermis and muscles.[AAO] all but the sclerotome of a mesodermal somite; the primordium of skeletal muscle and, perhaps, of the dermis. Thus, representatives of the agnathan vertebrates, chondrichthyans, and sarcopterygians all have a layer of undifferentiated cells external to the embryonic myotome. In the amniotes, this external cell layer is the dermomyotome. The simplest interpretation of the similar position, morphology, and lack of myosin labeling is that a dermomyotome epithelium is a shared, ancestral vertebrate characteristic.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0010572 AEO:0000214 EHDAA2:0003259 EMAPA:31109 FMA:295654 NCIT:C34140 TAO:0001513 UMLS:C1511786 VHOG:0000676 ZFA:0001513 uberon dermamyotome dermomyotomes UBERON:0004290 dermomyotome A cone-like structure that is formed when myocardial progenitor cells of the heart field fuse at the midline. The heart rudiment is the first structure of the heart tube. The migrating myocardial precursors of the heart rudiment form a cone like structure between 19.5hpf and 22hpf, and eventually telescope out into the primitive heart tube at 24hpf. Stainier 2001.[TAO] TAO:0000115 ZFA:0000115 heart cone rudimentary heart uberon UBERON:0004291 heart rudiment Upper part of skull, consisting of parietals, frontals, post-parietals, and in some species the squamosal and a portion of the alisphenoid. We follow (Morriss-Kay) in definingenumerating the components of the skull vault. Note that there is a conflict with Kardong; e.g. in fig 7.10, Kardong places the squamosal in the temporal series. We cannot place the vault as entirely part of the dermatocranium as it has a small splanchnocranium contribution and a sclerotomal contribution The earliest tetrapods arose from rhipidistian ancestors and retained many of their skull features, including most of the bones of the dermatocranium.[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2:0002167 EHDAA:9538 EMAPA:18016 FMA:52800 NCIT:C81188 UMLS:C0205950 VHOG:0000331 ZFA:0005606 calva cranial vault skull vault skull roof uberon calvaria calvarium skullcap UBERON:0004339 Terminology notes. we include calvarium as a synonym, but Gray's Anatomy's list includes the Ethmoid and Sphenoid bone in the Calvaria. Some books (and HPO) state that calvaria consists of just the frontal bone, parietal bone, temporal bone, and occipital bone. Note vault may not be precisely equivalent to calvaria vault of skull The primitive streak is a structure that forms during the early stages of avian, reptilian and mammalian embryonic development[WP]. the midline ridge of the embryonic epiblast that later develops into mesoderm and endoderm[MP]. (...) the blastopore equivalent of chordates (germ ring in fish, marginal zone/blastopore lip in frog and node/primitive streak in chick and mouse) (...) (reference 1); Indeed, the primitive streak has been considered the homologue of the blastopore since the 1870s (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] VHOG includes a very broad grouping here based on EHDAA2:0001525 EHDAA:185 EMAPA:16072 FMA:293110 NCIT:C28402 SCTID:361438007 UMLS:C0033153 VHOG:0001202 Wikipedia:Primitive_streak primitive streak - blastopore - germ ring uberon UBERON:0004341 primitive streak Outermost layer of cells in the blastodermic vesicle, which will develop into the trophoblast layer and then contact the endometrium and take part in establishing the embryo's means of nutrition. distinction between trophectoderm and trophoblast unclear/inconsistent in many sources The outer cellular layer of the mammalian blastocyst. [Evolution, Fourth_Edition_(2006)_McGraw-Hill, Function, Vertebrates:_Comparative_Anatomy, p.750, see_Kardong_KV][VHOG] (...) the trophoblast develops rapidly so that contact may be made with the maternal uterine tissues when conditions are appropriate. We have here an excellent example of an embryonic adaptation, the development of a structure never present in either adult or embryo of 'lower' vertebrates.[well established][VHOG] trophectodermal BTO has this has part of the trophoblast BTO:0001840 EHDAA2:0002091 EHDAA:56 EMAPA:16046 VHOG:0000979 uberon UBERON:0004345 trophectoderm The embryonic structure that gives rise to the corneal ectoderm. EHDAA:938 EMAPA:16322 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001308 VHOG:0001296 uberon UBERON:0004348 optic eminence A transparent homogeneous acellular layer, 6 to 9 um thick, lying between the basal lamina of the outer layer of stratified epithelium and the substantia propria of the cornea; it is considered to be a basement membrane. Acellular anatomical structure that is the zone of collagen fibers adjacent the basement membrane of the corneal epithelium.[TAO] Compared to terrestial animals, the cornea of zebrafish is relatively flat. It consists of nonpigmented, stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelial cells, attached to a thick basement membrane that is considered to be analogous to the Bowman's membrane in mammals FMA:58273 MA:0001240 NCIT:C32226 SCTID:281075003 TAO:0002155 UMLS:C0229127 Wikipedia:Bowman%27s_membrane ZFA:0001684 Bowman's anterior elastic lamina Bowman's layer Bowman's membrane anterior elastic lamina anterior limiting lamina anterior limiting lamina of cornea lamina limitans anterior (cornea) lamina limitans anterior corneae uberon Reichert's membrane anterior limiting membrane UBERON:0004370 anterior limiting lamina of cornea A bone that is part of an appendage [Automatically generated definition]. appendage bone bone of appendage bone of free segment of appendicular skeleton uberon UBERON:0004375 bone of free limb or fin Sum of all sensory systems in an organism. note the distinct between entire sensory system and individual system. this reconciles is_a and part_of distinctions between ssAOs FMA:78499 sense organ system uberon UBERON:0004456 entire sense organ system Anatomical system that has as its parts the heart and blood vessels. we treat cardiovascular as part of circulatory system, with the latter including other kinds of circulation, including lymph. The vessels of the cardiovascular system are as varied as the diverse organs they supply. However, these variations are based on modifications of a fundamental plan of organization common to vertebrates.[well established][VHOG] AAO:0011001 BILA:0000016 BTO:0000088 CALOHA:TS-1297 EFO:0000791 EHDAA2:0000216 EHDAA:394 EMAPA:16104 EMAPA:16370 EV:0100017 FMA:7161 GAID:467 MA:0000010 MAT:0000016 MESH:D002319 MIAA:0000016 NCIT:C12686 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjzG5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:278198007 TAO:0000010 UMLS:C0007226 VHOG:0000302 WikipediaCategory:Cardiovascular_system XAO:0000100 XAO:0001010 ZFA:0000010 uberon CV system Herz und Gefaesssystem UBERON:0004535 cardiovascular system A vascular network consisting of blood vessels. TAO:0001079 ZFA:0001079 blood vascular network set of blood vessels uberon blood system blood vessel system blood vessels UBERON:0004537 blood vasculature An eye that is part of a left side of organism [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:37362 FMA:12515 MA:0002949 NCIT:C119334 left eyeball left orbital part of face left orbital region uberon UBERON:0004548 left eye The part of the cardiovascular system consisting of all arteries. The appearance of Chordata and subsequently the vertebrates is accompanied by a rapid structural diversification of this primitive linear heart: looping, unidirectional circulation, an enclosed vasculature, and the conduction system.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0004690 EHDAA2:0000143 EHDAA:396 EMAPA:16201 EMAPA:16371 MA:0002719 SCTID:362030008 VHOG:0000273 uberon UBERON:0004572 arterial system An artery of the systemic circulation, which is the part of the cardiovascular system which carries oxygenated blood away from the heart, to the body, and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart. EMAPA:37126 FMA:66464 systemic arterial subtree uberon UBERON:0004573 systemic artery The part of the cardiovascular system consisting of all venous vessels. In vertebrates with a double circulation, this can be divided into systemic and pulmonary portions. The appearance of Chordata and subsequently the vertebrates is accompanied by a rapid structural diversification of this primitive linear heart: looping, unidirectional circulation, an enclosed vasculature, and the conduction system.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0004692 EHDAA2:0002171 EHDAA:486 EMAPA:16240 MA:0002720 NCIT:C33858 SCTID:362060003 UMLS:C1267406 VHOG:0000277 vein system uberon UBERON:0004582 venous system A structure, usually a circular muscle, that normally maintains constriction of a natural body passage or orifice and which relaxes as required by normal physiological functioning. FMA class is not a subtype of muscle FMA:75004 NCIT:C28381 UMLS:C1409894 Wikipedia:Sphincter sphincter uberon circular muscle UBERON:0004590 sphincter muscle An endothelium that lines the blood vasculature. Other endothelia may line lymph vessels, the heart. BTO:0000766 CALOHA:TS-2155 EMAPA:35176 MA:0000709 NCIT:C53395 TAO:0005257 UMLS:C1706972 ZFA:0005257 uberon UBERON:0004638 blood vessel endothelium The polygonal structure of the liver that consists of hepatocytes radiating outward from a hepatic vein. should not be confused with the anatomic lobes of the liver (caudate lobe, quadrate lobe, left lobe, and right lobe), or any of the functional lobe classification systems.[WP] EMAPA:35499 FMA:14471 MA:0002494 NCIT:C32732 SCTID:362194004 UMLS:C0227518 Wikipedia:Lobules_of_liver hepatic lobule lobuli hepatici lobulus hepaticus uberon lobules of liver lobuli hepatis UBERON:0004647 liver lobule An endothelium that is part of an arterial system [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:35145 MA:0000703 NCIT:C49329 UMLS:C1706849 uberon UBERON:0004700 arterial system endothelium An appendage that is part of an appendage girdle complex. this class is the union of the classes limb, pectoral fin and pelvic fin. UBERON:0009872 VSAO:0000067 girdle-associated appendage limb or fin limb/fin pectoral or pelvic appendage pelvic/pectoral appendage jointed paired lateral appendage paired appendage uberon UBERON:0004708 paired limb/fin The embryo and its adnexa (appendages or adjunct parts) or associated membranes (i.e. the products of conception) The conceptus includes all structures that develop from the zygote, both embryonic and extraembryonic. It includes the embryo as well as the embryonic part of the placenta and its associated membranes - amnion, chorion (gestational sac), and yolk sac[WP]. EHDAA2 places this as a subtype of organism. This leads to the inference that a conceptus is an embryo (if an embryo is defined as an organism at embryo stage), which eliminates the embryonic + extra-embryonic = conceptus AEO:0000194 BTO:0003834 EHDAA2:0000001 EHDAA2:0003235 EMAPA:36040 NCIT:C34131 UMLS:C1516779 Wikipedia:Conceptus embryo plus adnexa uberon UBERON:0004716 conceptus Any segmental subdivision of a nervous system. Includes metameric developmental segments, such as vertebrates neuromeres. revisit this after CARO is revised and/or we have defined metameric segment; note that with the additional of an A/P axis constraint this corresponds to what Richter at al call a neuromere (PMID:21062451) FBbt:00005140 uberon neuromere UBERON:0004732 segmental subdivision of nervous system An organ subunit that is part of a hindbrain [Automatically generated definition]. FMA:61998 hindbrain segment segment of hindbrain uberon UBERON:0004733 segmental subdivision of hindbrain Organism at the gastrula stage. We explicitly merge the NCITA terms here UBERON:0007012 BILA:0000060 BTO:0001403 FBbt:00005317 FMA:293108 GAID:1302 MESH:A16.254.412 MIAA:0000179 NCIT:C34057 NCIT:C34058 UMLS:C0017199 UMLS:C1284022 Wikipedia:Gastrula Wikipedia:Trilaminar_blastocyst gastrula embryo uberon blastocystis trilaminaris tri-laminar disc tri-laminar disk trilaminar blastocyst trilaminar blastoderm trilaminar disc trilaminar disk trilaminar germ UBERON:0004734 gastrula A specialized form of connective tissue in which the extracellular matrix is firm, providing the tissue with resilience, and/or mineralized and that functions in mechanical and structural support.[VSAO]. A specialized form of connective tissue in which the extracellular matrix is firm, providing the tissue with resilience, and/or mineralized and that functions in mechanical and structural support.[VSAO] EMAPA:37744 MA:0003047 SCTID:309311006 VSAO:0000015 XAO:0004038 ZFA:0005619 uberon UBERON:0004755 Four classes of mineralized tissues are found in vertebrates: bone, cartilage, dentine, and enamel. We think of cartilage and bone as skeletal tissues and of enamel and dentine as dental tissues, but enamel and dentine arose evolutionarily together with bone as skeletal tissues in the dermal skeleton (exoskeleton) of early vertebrates. Scales and teeth of sharks are examples of dermal skeletal elements that are still composed of the three ancient components-enamel, dentine, and bone. Cartilage, on the other hand, provided the basis for the second vertebrate skeletal system, the endoskeleton (Smith and Hall, 1990; Hall, 1998a,b). some invertebrate skeletal tissues have surprisingly bone-like features. Examples include chondrocytes interconnected by cell processes in cephalopod cartilages (Cole and Hall, 2004a,b), and the calcium phosphate layer in the shells of brachiopods (Rodland et al., 2003). However, neither bone nor mineralized cartilage have been found in invertebrates. Editors notes: TODO - develops_from skeletal tissue Dermis-derived entity that is made of skeletal tissue. dermal element uberon UBERON:0004756 dermal skeletal element Organ consisting of skeletal tissue. Encompasses whole bones, fused bones, cartilaginious elements, teeth, dermal denticles. Organ entity that is typically involved in mechanical support and may have different skeletal tissue compositions at different stages.[VSAO] Organ entity that may have different tissue compositions at different stages and is typically involved in mechanical support.[TAO] AAO:0011129 TAO:0001890 VSAO:0000128 XAO:0004012 ZFA:0005494 galen:SkeletalStructure uberon UBERON:0004765 skeletal element Anatomical system that consists of all the joints of the body. EMAPA:35150 FMA:23878 MA:0003007 SCTID:361827000 VSAO:0000181 joint system set of all joints of body uberon set of all joints set of joints of body UBERON:0004770 articular system A serous membrane that is part of a digestive system [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:37592 MA:0001522 digestive system serosa digestive system serous membrane gastrointestinal system serous membrane serosa of digestive system serosa of gastrointestinal system serous membrane of digestive system serous membrane of gastrointestinal system uberon UBERON:0004782 gastrointestinal system serosa A mucosa that is part of a gastrointestinal system. BTO:0000546 BTO:0005568 EMAPA:36591 MA:0001521 SCTID:410433007 digestive tract mucosa gut mucosa gut mucuous membrane mucosa of gut uberon UBERON:0004786 The gut mucosa of amphioxus has insulin-secreting cells. gastrointestinal system mucosa The pseudostratified ciliated epithelium that lines much of the conducting portion of the airway, including part of the nasal cavity and larynx, the trachea, and bronchi. BTO:0000419 CALOHA:TS-0023 EMAPA:32827 MA:0001480 SCTID:321764001 VHOG:0000981 epithelial tissue of respiratory tract epithelium of respiratory tract respiratory tract epithelial tissue uberon airway epithelium respiratory epithelium UBERON:0004802 respiratory tract epithelium An epithelium that is part of a respiratory system [Automatically generated definition]. CALOHA:TS-0023 EMAPA:32826 MA:0001823 VHOG:0000981 apparatus respiratorius epithelial tissue apparatus respiratorius epithelium epithelial tissue of apparatus respiratorius epithelial tissue of respiratory system epithelium of apparatus respiratorius epithelium of respiratory system respiratory system epithelial tissue uberon UBERON:0004807 respiratory system epithelium An epithelium that is part of a digestive system [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:32683 MA:0001520 digestive system epithelial tissue digestive system epithelium epithelial tissue of digestive system epithelial tissue of gastrointestinal system epithelium of digestive system epithelium of gastrointestinal system gastrointestinal system epithelial tissue uberon UBERON:0004808 gastrointestinal system epithelium The stratified epithelial lining of the seminiferous tubules, consisting of the developing spermatozoa and the supporting Sertoli cells, which are tall, columnar type cells that line the tubule. BTO:0001811 CALOHA:TS-0920 EHDAA:8148 EMAPA:35761 FMA:19885 GAID:401 MA:0001748 MESH:D012670 NCIT:C49296 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0002009 UMLS:C0036629 VHOG:0000631 Wikipedia:Germinal_epithelium_(male) epithelial tissue of seminiferous tubule epithelial tissue of seminiferous tubule of testis epithelium of seminiferous tubule epithelium of seminiferous tubule of testis germinal epithelium (male) male germinal epithelium seminiferous epithelium seminiferous tubule epithelial tissue testis germinal epithelium wall of seminiferous tubule uberon UBERON:0004813 seminiferous tubule epithelium An epithelium that is part of a lower respiratory tract [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:37549 MA:0001481 epithelial tissue of lower respiratory tract epithelium of lower respiratory tract lower respiratory tract epithelial tissue uberon UBERON:0004815 lower respiratory tract epithelium The cellular avascular layer of the kidney luminar surfaces. BTO:0000059 CALOHA:TS-0505 EMAPA:35457 MA:0002846 epithelial tissue of kidney epithelium of kidney kidney epithelial tissue uberon renal epithelium UBERON:0004819 kidney epithelium The thin layer of flat cells that line the aorta and form a barrier between circulating blood in the lumen and the rest of the vessel wall. BTO:0000394 CALOHA:TS-0047 EFO:0002597 EMAPA:35134 MA:0000701 NCIT:C49190 UMLS:C1706824 adult aorta endothelium endothelium of adult aorta endothelium of aorta endothelium of trunk of aortic tree endothelium of trunk of systemic arterial tree trunk of aortic tree endothelium trunk of systemic arterial tree endothelium uberon aortic endothelium UBERON:0004851 aorta endothelium An endothelium that is part of the cardiovascular system. consider merging with 'endothelium' Vertebrates and a very few invertebrates such as squids have evolved a secondary epithelium, the endothelium, that lines their blood vessels.[well established][VHOG] BTO:0001853 EMAPA:35201 GAID:519 MA:0000717 MESH:D004730 NCIT:C13053 TAO:0002171 UMLS:C0014261 VHOG:0001217 XAO:0000356 ZFA:0001639 uberon endothelia vascular endothelia UBERON:0004852 cardiovascular system endothelium A mesentery that is part of a digestive system [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:37068 MA:0001900 digestive system mesentery mesentery of digestive system mesentery of gastrointestinal system uberon UBERON:0004854 gastrointestinal system mesentery Layer of lateral plate mesoderm that forms the future body wall - underlies the ectoderm[WP]. check BILA AAO:0011100 BILA:0000047 FMA:295570 Wikipedia:Lateral_plate_mesoderm#Division_into_layers XAO:0000271 outer layer of lateral plate mesoderm uberon parietal mesoderm somatic mesoderm UBERON:0004871 somatic layer of lateral plate mesoderm Layer of lateral plate mesoderm that forms the circulatory system and future gut wall - overlies endoderm[WP]. We group the BILA class here. Considering adding more general class for metazoa grouping cardiogenic successors visceral mesoderm AAO:0011102 BILA:0000044 FMA:295568 Wikipedia:Lateral_plate_mesoderm#Division_into_layers XAO:0000276 inner layer of lateral plate mesoderm uberon splanchnic mesoderm UBERON:0004872 splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm A structure created during embryogenesis when the lateral mesoderm splits into two layers - the outer (or somatic) layer becomes applied to the inner surface of the ectoderm, and with it forms the somatopleure.[WP]. Gives rise to the paired appendages in jawed vertebrates. a persistent somatopleure through the redistribution and expansion of the lateral plate mesoderm is a synapomorphy for gnathostomes and a critical step in generating a novel developmental module with dramatic evolutionary potentia (Tulenko et al. 2012) sources differ as to whether this is part-of or develops-from the LPM EHDAA2:0001847 EHDAA:381 EMAPA:16180 FMA:295566 NCIT:C34301 UMLS:C1519423 VHOG:0000557 Wikipedia:Somatopleure uberon UBERON:0004874 somatopleure A portion of the urogenital ridge which is the source of much of the urinary system[WP]. FMA:72168 NCIT:C34219 SCTID:361405003 UMLS:C1283944 Wikipedia:Nephrogenic_cord uberon chorda nephrogenica UBERON:0004875 part_of or develops_from urogenital ridge? nephrogenic cord One of of the pair of folds derived from the cloacal folds which give rise to a portion of the external genitalia; in male embryos they close over the urethral plate and fuse to form the spongy (penile) urethra and ventral aspect of the penis, not including the glans; failure of fusion of the urethral folds leads to hypospadias; in female embryos they fuse only anterior to the anus and form the labia minora[MP]. Less commonly, urogenital fold refers to the fold in the mesonephros which is the precursor of e.g. the suspensory ligament of the ovary. This is the case in older versions of Gray's anatomy[WP] EHDAA2:0004022 EMAPA:30888 FMA:321919 Wikipedia:Urogenital_folds urethral fold urogenital fold uberon urogenital ridge UBERON:0004876 urogenital fold The central region of trunk mesoderm. This tissue forms the notochord. Notochord rudiment[ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576]. WP treats this as synonym of axial mesoderm. Induces neural tube. Gilbert: contains an anterior head process and the notochord. AAO:0000478 EFO:0003426 TAO:0000091 ZFA:0000091 axial chorda mesoderm chorda mesoderm dorsal mesoderm presumptive notochord uberon UBERON:0004880 chordamesoderm Anatomical cluster that connects two or more adjacent skeletal elements or hardened body parts. FBbt:00005811 joint uberon UBERON:0004905 articulation An epithelium surrounding a gonad. after reasoning this should subsume the more specific germinal epithelium classes. We include the fly structure here although it is not clear if the sheath is an epithelium or a multi-tissue structure that includes epithelium as parts EHDAA:4032 EHDAA:5931 FBbt:00004859 NCIT:C32676 UMLS:C1517534 gonad epithelium gonadal epithelium uberon gonadal sheath UBERON:0004909 epithelium of gonad An epithelium surrounding a testis. after reasoning this should subsume the more specific germinal epithelium classes. We include the fly structure here although it is not clear if the sheath is an epithelium or a multi-tissue structure that includes epithelium as parts BTO:0001364 EMAPA:17973 FBbt:00004955 testis epithelium testis sheath uberon UBERON:0004910 epithelium of male gonad EHDAA2:0000171 EMAPA:16561 EMAPA_RETIRED:16565 VHOG:0001351 uberon hepatic diverticulum UBERON:0004912 biliary bud A dilation of the duodenal papilla that is the opening of the juncture of the common bile duct and the main pancreatic duct. Ampulla formed by the union of the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct where they enter the intestine.[TAO] CALOHA:TS-2348 FMA:15076 GAID:283 MESH:A03. NCIT:C13011 SCTID:362200007 TAO:0005167 UMLS:C0042425 Wikipedia:Ampulla_of_Vater ZFA:0005167 galen:AmpullaOfVater Vater's ampulla ampulla biliaropancreatica ampulla of Vater ampulla of bile duct biliaropancreatic ampulla papilla Vateri uberon ampulla Vaterii ampulla hepatopancreatica papilla duodeni major UBERON:0004913 hepatopancreatic ampulla One of the two small elevations on the mucosa of the duodenum, the major at the entrance of the conjoined pancreatic and common bile ducts and the minor at the entrance of the accessory pancreatic duct. EMAPA:18662 FMA:15953 MA:0003107 NCIT:C119578 SCTID:245389007 papilla duodenalis papilla of duodenum uberon papilla duodeni UBERON:0004914 duodenal papilla A proximal-distal subdivision of the digestive tract. intended to denote both embryonic and adult structures. Note the FMA grouping here is not quite correct. FBbt:00100315 FMA:71131 uberon alimentary system subdivision intestinal tract segment of intestinal tract subdivision of alimentary system UBERON:0004921 subdivision of digestive tract A part of a wall of an organ that forms a layer. FMA:82485 uberon UBERON:0004923 organ component layer A mucosa that is part of a vagina [Automatically generated definition]. BTO:0005676 FMA:19975 mucosa of organ of vagina mucous membrane of vagina organ mucosa of vagina tunica mucosa vaginae vagina mucosa vagina mucosa of organ vagina mucous membrane vagina organ mucosa vaginal mucosa uberon UBERON:0004983 mucosa of vagina A mucosa that is part of a pyloric antrum [Automatically generated definition]. BTO:0004107 FMA:17055 antral mucosa antrum of stomach mucosa antrum of stomach mucosa of organ antrum of stomach mucous membrane antrum of stomach organ mucosa mucosa of antrum of stomach mucosa of organ of antrum of stomach mucosa of organ of pyloric antrum mucosa of organ of stomach pyloric antrum mucosa of stomach pyloric antrum mucous membrane of antrum of stomach mucous membrane of pyloric antrum mucous membrane of stomach pyloric antrum organ mucosa of antrum of stomach organ mucosa of pyloric antrum organ mucosa of stomach pyloric antrum pyloric antrum mucosa pyloric antrum mucosa of organ pyloric antrum mucous membrane pyloric antrum organ mucosa stomach pyloric antrum mucosa stomach pyloric antrum mucosa of organ stomach pyloric antrum mucous membrane stomach pyloric antrum organ mucosa uberon gastric antrum mucosa UBERON:0004997 mucosa of pyloric antrum A mucosa that is part of a pylorus [Automatically generated definition]. BTO:0004110 EMAPA:27199 FMA:17461 mucosa of organ of pyloric part of stomach mucosa of organ of pylorus mucosa of organ of stomach pyloric region mucosa of pyloric part of stomach mucosa of stomach pyloric region mucous membrane of pyloric part of stomach mucous membrane of pylorus mucous membrane of stomach pyloric region organ mucosa of pyloric part of stomach organ mucosa of pylorus organ mucosa of stomach pyloric region pyloric part of stomach mucosa pyloric part of stomach mucosa of organ pyloric part of stomach mucous membrane pyloric part of stomach organ mucosa pylorus mucosa pylorus mucosa of organ pylorus mucous membrane pylorus organ mucosa stomach pyloric region mucosa stomach pyloric region mucosa of organ stomach pyloric region mucous membrane stomach pyloric region organ mucosa uberon antropyloric mucosa UBERON:0004998 mucosa of pylorus An external genitalia that is part of a female reproductive system [Automatically generated definition]. in eutherians, this is known as the vulva in and composed of the mons pubis, the labia majora and minora, the clitoris, the vestibule of the vagina and its glands, and the opening of the urethra and of the vagina [MP:0003126] BTO:0003100 EMAPA:30984 FMA:45649 SCTID:362234008 galen:FemaleExternalGenitalia external female genital organ external genitalia of female reproductive system female external genitalia uberon organa genitalia feminina externa UBERON:0005056 TODO: Relabel. Make distinct organ class. See external female genitalia An organ that is part of a immune system [Automatically generated definition]. immune system organ uberon UBERON:0005057 immune organ A gland that is part of a hemolymphoid system [Automatically generated definition]. hemopoietic or lymphoid organ EMAPA:18766 MA:0002962 hemopoietic or lymphoid gland uberon haemolymphoid system gland UBERON:0005058 hemolymphoid system gland The median dorsal longitudinal groove formed in the embryo by the neural plate after the appearance of the neural folds. The neural groove is a shallow median groove between the neural folds of an embryo. The neural folds are two longitudinal ridges that are caused by a folding up of the ectoderm in front of the primitive streak of the developing embryo. The groove gradually deepens as the neural folds become elevated, and ultimately the folds meet and coalesce in the middle line and convert the groove into a closed tube, the neural tube or canal, the ectodermal wall of which forms the rudiment of the nervous system. After the coalescence of the neural folds over the anterior end of the primitive streak, the blastopore no longer opens on the surface but into the closed canal of the neural tube, and thus a transitory communication, the neurenteric canal, is established between the neural tube and the primitive digestive tube. The coalescence of the neural folds occurs first in the region of the hind-brain, and from there extends forward and backward; toward the end of the third week the front opening (anterior neuropore) of the tube finally closes at the anterior end of the future brain, and forms a recess which is in contact, for a time, with the overlying ectoderm; the hinder part of the neural groove presents for a time a rhomboidal shape, and to this expanded portion the term sinus rhomboidalis has been applied. Before the neural groove is closed a ridge of ectodermal cells appears along the prominent margin of each neural fold; this is termed the neural crest or ganglion ridge, and from it the spinal and cranial nerve ganglia and the ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system are developed. By the upward growth of the mesoderm the neural tube is ultimately separated from the overlying ectoderm. The cephalic end of the neural groove exhibits several dilatations, which, when the tube is closed, assume the form of three vesicles; these constitute the three primary cerebral vesicles, and correspond respectively to the future fore-brain (prosencephalon), mid-brain (mesencephalon), and hind-brain (rhombencephalon). The walls of the vesicles are developed into the nervous tissue and neuroglia of the brain, and their cavities are modified to form its ventricles. The remainder of the tube forms the medulla spinalis or spinal cord; from its ectodermal wall the nervous and neuroglial elements of the medulla spinalis are developed while the cavity persists as the central canal[Wikipedia:Neural_groove]. AAO:0011071 EMAPA:35594 FMA:295624 NCIT:C34224 SCTID:361463007 UMLS:C0814992 Wikipedia:Neural_groove XAO:0000248 uberon UBERON:0005061 neural groove One of the two elevated edges of the neural groove[GO,MP]. In front of the primitive streak two longitudinal ridges, caused by a folding up of the ectoderm, make their appearance, one on either side of the middle line. These are named the neural folds; they commence some little distance behind the anterior end of the embryonic disk, where they are continuous with each other, and from there gradually extend backward, one on either side of the anterior end of the primitive streak. Also, after differentiation it turns into the neural tubes[Wikipedia:Neural_fold]. EHDAA2:0001249 FMA:295618 NCIT:C34223 SCTID:361461009 UMLS:C0814993 Wikipedia:Neural_fold XAO:0004087 medullary fold uberon UBERON:0005062 neural fold A solid rod of neurectoderm derived from the neural keel. The neural rod is roughly circular in cross section. Neural rod formation occurs during primary neurulation in teleosts[GO]. An intermediate stage in the development of the central nervous system present during the segmentation period; the neural rod is roughly cylindrical in shape, forms from the neural keel, and is not yet hollowed out into the neural tube[ZFIN]. An intermediate stage in the development of the central nervous system present during the segmentation period; the neural rod is roughly cylindrical in shape, forms from the neural keel, and is not yet hollowed out into the neural tube. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] EFO:0003498 TAO:0000133 ZFA:0000133 uberon neural tube rod UBERON:0005068 neural rod The portion of the ureteric bud tube that contributes to the morphogenesis of the metanephros[GO]. uberon UBERON:0005080 metanephric ureteric bud The portion of the ureteric bud that contributes to the morphogenesis of the ureter. The ureter ureteric bud is the initial structure that forms the ureter[GO]. uberon UBERON:0005081 ureter ureteric bud An ectodermal placode is a thickening of the ectoderm that is the primordium of many structures derived from the ectoderm[GO]. consder adding placodal ectoderm as a distinct class? Also place placodal ectoderm as develops_from ectoderm; need to check taxon-appropriateness With the exception of the adenohypophysis, homologues of the nonneurogenic placodes (e.g. placodes giving rise to the teeth, hair follicles and lens), appear to be lacking in invertebrate chordates. in GO, covers optic, otic, olfactory, mammary, hair, tooth, sebaceous - and also insect structures AEO:0000218 uberon epithelial placode UBERON:0005085 ectodermal placode Muscle structures are contractile cells, tissues or organs that are found in multicellular organisms[GO]. in some organisms such as drosophila, muscles can be single cells. This class groups together all discrete muscle elements, from multicellular muscle organs in vertebrates, to individual single-cell muscles in drisophila EMAPA:32715 FBbt:00005073 FMA:30316 musculus uberon muscle muscle element UBERON:0005090 muscle structure . class added for consistency with GO - consider merging with kidney mesenchyme. uberon kidney anlage UBERON:0005095 kidney rudiment An epithelium that is part of a mesonephros [Automatically generated definition]. uberon UBERON:0005103 mesonephric epithelium A bud is a protrusion that forms from an epithelial sheet by localized folding. BTO:0001639 uberon UBERON:0005153 epithelial bud A cord of epithelial cells without a lumen and usually several cells thick. AEO:0000216 EHDAA2:0004052 uberon UBERON:0005154 epithelial cord Any anatomical structure that is part of the reproductive system. reproductive system element reproductive system structure uberon UBERON:0005156 reproductive structure An epithelial sheet bent on a linear axis. uberon UBERON:0005157 epithelial fold The anterior or ventral portion of the medulla oblongata is named the pyramid and lies between the anterior median fissure and the antero-lateral sulcus. Its upper end is slightly constricted, and between it and the pons the fibers of the abducent nerve emerge; a little below the pons it becomes enlarged and prominent, and finally tapers into the anterior funiculus of the medulla spinalis, with which, at first sight, it appears to be directly continuous[WP]. medullary pyramid pyramid of medulla BAMS:pym BM:Me-Py DHBA:12535 FMA:75254 lobule VIII of Larsell pyramid of medulla oblongata pyramis (medullae oblongatae) pyramis bulbi pyramis medullae oblongatae uberon UBERON:0005159 pyramid of medulla oblongata A structure consisting of multiple cell components but which is not itself a cell and does not have (complete) cells as a part. we go with the FMA classification rather than the CARO one. FMA def: 'Anatomical cluster which has as direct parts cell parts from two or more cells.' AAO:0011000 CARO:0001000 FBbt:00007060 FMA:83115 multi-cell-component structure multi-cell-part structure uberon cell part cluster UBERON:0005162 multi cell part structure Connective tissue between the cellular elements of a structure. specify differentia from stroma interstital FMA:86301 SCTID:85293002 interstitium uberon UBERON:0005169 interstitial tissue Any portion of the ducts that carry bile from the liver to the common bile duct. This may include both intrahapetic components (parts of left and right hepatic ducts) and extrahapetic components (common hepatic duct, plus hilar portion). TODO - MA distinguishes between bile duct, hepatic duct, common bile duct and common hepatic duct. in FMA hepatic duct and common hepatic duct are the same A duct that carries bile from the liver to the small intestine.[TAO] The excretory duct of the liver or one of its branches in the lobes of the liver. [TFD][VHOG] The hepatic duct is the duct that leads from the liver to the bile duct[GO]. EHDAA2:0000741 EHDAA:3049 EMAPA:16843 FMA:71891 MA:0000357 NCIT:C32730 OpenCyc:Mx4rvWo8WJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA SCTID:245399002 UMLS:C0917710 VHOG:0000219 galen:HepaticDuct uberon UBERON:0005171 hepatic duct An organ or element that is in the abdomen. Examples: spleen, intestine, kidney, abdominal mammary gland. MA:0000522 SCTID:272631008 abdomen organ uberon UBERON:0005172 abdomen element An organ or element that is part of the adbominal segment of the organism. This region can be further subdivided into the abdominal cavity and the pelvic region. EMAPA:37062 MA:0000529 abdominal segment organ uberon UBERON:0005173 abdominal segment element An organ or element that part of the dorsum of the organism. Examples: spinal cord, vertebrae, muscles of back. EMAPA:37274 MA:0001901 back organ dorsal region organ uberon UBERON:0005174 dorsal region element An organ or element that part of the trunk region. The trunk region can be further subdividied into thoracic (including chest and thoracic cavity) and abdominal (including abdomen and pelbis) regions. EMAPA:37270 MA:0000516 trunk organ uberon UBERON:0005177 trunk region element An organ or element that is in the thoracic cavity. Examples: lung, heart, longus colli. EMAPA:37273 MA:0000557 thoracic cavity organ uberon UBERON:0005178 thoracic cavity element An organ or element that is part of the pelvic region. Examples: reproductive organs (in some organisms), urinary bladder, bones of the pelvis. EMAPA:37275 MA:0000543 pelvic element pelvis organ pelvis region organ uberon UBERON:0005179 pelvic region element An organ that part of the thoracic segment region. This region can be further subdividied chest and thoracic cavity regions. EMAPA:37271 MA:0000563 uberon upper body organ UBERON:0005181 thoracic segment organ The male gonad containing two functional parts: the SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES for the production and transport of male germ cells (SPERMATOGENESIS) and the interstitial compartment containing LEYDIG CELLS that produce ANDROGENS.. EMAPA:18687 MA:0002713 SCTID:362280005 interstitium of testis interstitium of the testis testis - interstitial testis interstitial tissue testis interstitium uberon UBERON:0005212 Leydig cell region of testis Portion of primordial embryonic connective tissue of the developing head, consisting of mesenchymal cells supported in interlaminar jelly, that derive mostly from the mesoderm and contribute to head connective tissue, bone and musculature in conjunction with cranial neural crest cells. Mesoderm that will give rise, along with cranial neural crest cells, to connective tissue, bone and musculature in the head. (Source: BioGlossary,[TAO] EFO:0003492 EHDAA2:0000732 EHDAA:179 EMAPA:16098 EMAPA_RETIRED:16269 FMA:76622 TAO:0000113 VHOG:0000332 ZFA:0000113 cephalic mesenchyme uberon cranial mesenchyme desmocranium UBERON:0005253 head mesenchyme Mesenchyme that is part of a developing trunk. EFO:0003485 EHDAA2:0002092 EHDAA:377 EMAPA:16177 TAO:0000081 VHOG:0000281 ZFA:0000081 uberon trunk and cervical mesenchyme UBERON:0005256 trunk mesenchyme The posterior part of the developing vertebrate hindbrain or the corresponding part of the adult brain composed of the medulla oblongata and a portion of the fourth ventricle; as well as the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), vagus nerve (CN X), accessory nerve (CN XI), hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), and a portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII).[BTO,WP]. The posterior of the two brain vesicles formed by specialization of the rhombencephalon in the developing embryo, it comprises the medulla oblongata. [TFD][VHOG] The early development of most vertebrate brains is similar (...). The zebrafish neural tube follows the same basic differentiation pattern as the mammalian neural tube (reference 1); The brain develops from three embryonic enlargements of the neural tube, which later differentiate into five regions. A forebrain differentiates into telencephalon and diencephalon. The midbrain, or mesencephalon, remains undivided. The hindbrain divides into the metencephalon and myelencephalon. Cavities within the brain enlarge to form a series of interconnected ventricles (reference 2).[well established][VHOG] the terms metencephalon and myelencephalon are only meaningful in mammals and birds - Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. Note that its not clear if this refers to the developing medulla oblongata - MA (adult) has two distinct classes BTO:0000758 CALOHA:TS-0607 CALOHA:TS-2365 DHBA:10662 EHDAA2:0001207 EHDAA:5526 EMAPA:17082 HBA:9512 MA:0000205 VHOG:0000456 Wikipedia:Myelencephalon uberon myelencephalon (medulla oblongata) UBERON:0005290 myelencephalon A portion of tissue that is part of an embryo. CALOHA:TS-2100 portion of embryonic tissue uberon developing tissue UBERON:0005291 embryonic tissue Portion of tissue that is contiguous with the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells that will not contribute to the embryo. BTO:0003360 CALOHA:TS-2119 EFO:0001406 MAT:0000061 MIAA:0000061 extra-embryonic tissue uberon UBERON:0005292 extraembryonic tissue The elevation of thickened mesothelium and underlying mesenchyme found on the ventromedial border of the embryonic mesonephros in which the primordial germ cells become embedded, establishing it as the primordium of the testis or ovary. TODO - check developmental relationships. merge with urogenital ridge? in eutherians, SRY transforms the indifferent gonad into testes AAO:0011047 BTO:0001402 EFO:0001414 EHDAA2:0004044 EMAPA:35899 FMA:321917 NCIT:C34184 NCIT:C34321 SCTID:308801004 SCTID:361399001 UMLS:C0231047 UMLS:C1512243 Wikipedia:Gonadal_ridge XAO:0000018 genital ridge gonadal ridge indifferent gonadal ridge uberon crista gonadalis genital cord UBERON:0005294 gonadal ridge Cordlike masses of epithelial tissue that invaginate from germinal epithelium of the gonad and give rise to seminiferous tubules and rete testes in the male, and primary ovarian follicles and rete ovarii in the female. EHDAA2:0004051 NCIT:C34183 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001523 SCTID:343823004 UMLS:C1512242 Wikipedia:Sex_cords uberon genital cord gonad cord gonadal cord primitive sex cord UBERON:0005295 sex cord The testis cords are precursors to the rete testis. They play several different roles in the development of the male genitals[WP]. TODO - check primary vs testis EHDAA2:0002011 EHDAA:8152 EMAPA:29098 VHOG:0001321 Wikipedia:Testis_cords testis cord testis primary sex cords uberon primary sex cord testis primitive sex cord UBERON:0005297 testis sex cord An pulmonary artery endothelium is an epithelium that lines the pulmonary artery[GO]. BTO:0000137 pulmonary artery endothelial tube uberon UBERON:0005317 pulmonary artery endothelium An array of photoreceptors and any supporting cells found in an eye. FBbt:00004200 light-sensitive tissue uberon UBERON:0005388 photoreceptor array A transparent structure that is part of a visual sense organ, the function of which is to direct or focus light onto a photoreceptor array. directing or focusing light onto light receptors lens uberon UBERON:0005389 transparent eye structure One of: the common carotid artery, or its branches, the external and internal carotid arteries. This is a generic grouping class that is the superclass of the trunks/branches of the common carotid artery. Note that AOs vary widely in how they divide up and generalize arteries Artery originating at the junction of the first two aortic arches and supplying the anterior brain. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] AAO:0010217 BTO:0000168 CALOHA:TS-0116 EFO:0000818 EHDAA:6385 EMAPA:18609 EV:0100379 FMA:70504 GAID:478 MA:0001925 MAT:0000501 MESH:D002339 NCIT:C12687 OpenCyc:Mx4rvg7rcJwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000097 UMLS:C0007272 VHOG:0000266 ZFA:0000097 galen:CarotidArtery carotid carotid artery subdivision of common carotid artery uberon common carotid arterial subdivision UBERON:0005396 carotid artery segment Any of any of the secretory or sensory organs located in the brain region around or in relation to the ventricular system that are characterized by extensive vasculature and a lack of a normal blood brain barrier (BBB) and allow for the linkage between the central nervous system and peripheral blood flow. All vertebrates possess at least 4 circumventricular organs (including the hypothalamus) which can monitor the contents of the cerebrospinal fluid and secrete additional substances into it. (Butler, 1996, p. 330) CVOs contain neural tissue and are an integral part of neuroendocrine function; all of the CVOs, besides the subcommissural organ, contain extensive vasculature and fenestrated capillaries which leads to a leaky BBB at the site of the organs; the lack of a BBB allows CVOs to act as an alternative route for peptides and hormones in the neural tissue to the peripheral blood stream, while still protecting it from toxic substances EMAPA:35243 FMA:84081 MA:0002942 NLXANAT:20090312 Wikipedia:Circumventricular_organs CVO circumventricular organ circumventricular organ of neuraxis uberon UBERON:0005408 circumventricular organ The part of the digestive system that excludes the hepatobiliary system. the decision to split digestive and gastrointestinal in this way may be revisited. As it currently stands, this class more closely aligns what MA calls the alimentary system The system that includes the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, anus, liver, biliary tract, and pancreas[ncithesaurus:Gastrointestinal_System]. All metazoans (with degenerate exceptions) have some sort of digestive cavity with a means of entrance to and exit from it.[well established][VHOG] that many anatomy ontologies consider this synonymous with digestive system. here we follow MA in dividing digestive system into gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary. hepatobiliary includes the liver and biliary tract. species-specific AO classes are categorized according to whether liver is included. For example, XAO includes liver as part of XAO:0000125 alimentary system, so we assume this class is the more generic class. We have one entity that is part of both gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary systems: hepatopancreatic ampulla. BTO:0000058 CALOHA:TS-0407 EHDAA2:0000110 EHDAA:514 EMAPA:16246 EV:0100056 FMA:71132 GAID:294 MA:0000323 MESH:A03.492 NCIT:C12378 SCTID:373871007 UMLS:C0012240 VHOG:0000412 galen:GastrointestinalTract uberon GI tract alimentary system alimentary tract gastro-intestinal system gastroenterological system gastrointestinal (GI) tract gastrointestinal system gastrointestinal tract UBERON:0005409 alimentary part of gastrointestinal system AEO:0000125 CALOHA:TS-2122 EHDAA2:0003125 FBbt:00007006 FMA:292313 MIAA:0000019 uberon developing structure developmental structure developmental tissue UBERON:0005423 developing anatomical structure Portion of tissue that is the inner layer of the optic cup and will become the neural retina. (...) an essentially similar sequence of events occurs during the embryonic development of the vertebrate eye. The eye initially develops as a single median evagination of the diencephalon that soon bifurcates to form the paired optic vesicles. As each optic vesicle grows towards the body surface, its proximal part narrows as the optic stalk, and its distal part invaginates to form a two-layered optic cup. (...) The outer layer of the optic cup becomes the pigment layer of the retina, whereas the inner layer differentiates into the photoreceptive cells and neuronal layers of the retina.[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2:0001304 EMAPA:16675 TAO:0001071 VHOG:0000490 ZFA:0001071 future neural retina future retinal neural layer inner layer optic cup optic cup inner layer presumptive retinas uberon future NR future neural epithelium future neural layer presumptive retina UBERON:0005425 presumptive neural retina Portion of tissue that gives rise to the lens. A vesicle formed from the lens pit of the embryo, developing into the crystalline lens. [TFD][VHOG] (...) an essentially similar sequence of events occurs during the embryonic development of the vertebrate eye. The eye initially develops as a single median evagination of the diencephalon that soon bifurcates to form the paired optic vesicles. As each optic vesicle grows towards the body surface, its proximal part narrows as the optic stalk, and its distal part invaginates to form a two-layered optic cup. (...) The optic cup induces the overlying surface ectoderm first to thicken as a lens placode and then to invaginate and form a lens vesicle that differentiates into the lens.[well established][VHOG] the lens of zebrafish (and other teleosts) forms from delamination of cells from the lens placode; thus, there is no formation of a hollow lens vesicle, in contrast to the situation in mammals and birds (Glass and Dahm, 2004) [PMID:16496288] The lens of the zebrafish forms by delamination of lens placodal cells and not through invagination. This results in a solid spherical mass as opposed to a hollow lens vesicle. Detachment of the solid lens vesicle of zebrafish at 24b26 hpf is accomplished in part by apoptosis, similar to mammals EHDAA2:0000983 EHDAA:4737 EMAPA:17163 SCTID:361510002 TAO:0002205 VHOG:0001163 ZFA:0001679 hollow lens vesicle solid lens vesicle uberon immature lens lens mass presumptive lens UBERON:0005426 lens vesicle Portion of tissue that is part of the eye and gives rise to the mature, fully layered cornea. TAO:0002188 ZFA:0001688 uberon UBERON:0005427 corneal primordium Vagal neural crest is adjacent to the first seven somites gives rise to both ganglionic and ectomesenchymal derivatives[ZFA]. Vagal neural crest is adjacent to the first seven somites gives rise to both ganglionic and ectomesenchymal derivatives.[TAO] We conclude this section by listing some of the many synapomorphies of craniates, including (1) the neural crest (...).[well established][VHOG] In chicken fate mapping studies it was found to originate from neural crest residing between Somite 1-7 (S1-7); In mouse it is considered to be derived from rhombencephalic (post otic) neural crest cells and trunk neural crest cells (anterior to S5) EHDAA2:0002156 EHDAA:669 TAO:0000818 VHOG:0001208 XAO:0004191 ZFA:0000818 VNC uberon enteric neural crest post-otic neural crest UBERON:0005428 vagal neural crest todo - epidermis? todo - track down EHDAA2 class in new release In the early gastrula of vertebrates, factors from the organizer (e.g. noggin, chordin, and follistatin in Xenopus) antagonize the epidermalizing factor bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4), thus dividing the epiblast into neuroectoderm. In Drosophila, decapentaplegic, the homologue of BMP4, interacts similarly with the protein short gastrulation, the homologue of chordin. Thus, a comparable molecular mechanism for distinguishing non-neural ectoderm from neural ectoderm was probably present in the common ancestor of all bilaterally symmetrical animals.[well established][VHOG] After gastrulation, neural crest cells are specified at the border of the neural plate and the non-neural ectoderm. EFO:0003643 EHDAA:257 EMAPA:16074 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001273 TAO:0001178 VHOG:0001372 XAO:0004091 ZFA:0001178 non neural ectoderm epidermal ectoderm epithelial ectoderm uberon surface ectoderm ventral ectoderm UBERON:0005497 Gene notes: One of the first genes to be expressed in nonneural ectoderm in amphioxus is BMP2/4 (Panopoulou et al. 1998). BMP2/4 homologues appear to have a very ancient role in distinguishing neural from nonneural ectoderm; in Drosophila as well as in amphioxus and vertebrates, BMP2/4 homologues are expressed in nonneural ectoderm and function in distinguishing neural from nonneural ectoderm (Francois & Bier, 1995 ; Sasai et al. 1995 ; Wilson & Hemmati-Brivanlou, 1995; Panopoulou et al. 1998). A change in level of BMP2/4 from very high in nonneural ectoderm to low in neural ectoderm appears to be a key factor in development of neural crest (Baker & Bronner-Fraser,1997a,1997b;Erickson&Reedy,1998;Marchantet al.1998 ;Selleck et al. 1998). non-neural ectoderm Multi-tissue structure that arises from the heart rudiment and will become the heart tube. EHDAA2:0001512 EHDAA:424 EHDAA:436 EMAPA:16215 FMA:321916 SCTID:361522004 TAO:0000149 Wikipedia:Primitive_heart_tube ZFA:0000149 primitive heart tube early primitive heart tube uberon UBERON:0005498 primitive heart tube A small outgrowth of the pharyngeal epithelium that is the site of lymphocyte cell production[ZFA]. [PMID]. we follow Kardong table 13.1 in having some developmental contribution of pouch 4 in mammals, but this isn't reflected in EHDAA2. Consider adding distinct term for mesenchyme (see EHDAA2), to indicate NC constribution. A small outgrowth of the pharyngeal epithelium that is the site of lymphocyte cell production. Willett et al, 1999.[TAO] variability of developmental origin: In fish, thymic primordia are generated by all the pouches except the first. However, in avians the thymus arises from pouches 3 and 4, whereas in humans it is only generated by the third pouch[PMID:16313389] The thymus arises from the second pouch in frogs, 2-6 in cartilaginous fish, 2-3 in reptiles, 3 or 4 in bony fish, birds and mammals. The final number is variable - 5 paired organs in sharks, 4 in caecilians, 3 in urodeles, 1 in many teleost, anurans and many mammals EFO:0003622 EHDAA2:0002023 EHDAA:2969 EMAPA:17523 TAO:0001077 ZFA:0001077 thymic primordium thymic rudiment uberon UBERON:0005562 thymus primordium Portion of tissue that gives rise to the immature gonad. Immature reproductive tissue that has not undergone final maturation into either testis or ovary.[TAO] this is a very broad grouping class EFO:0003651 EHDAA:5927 EMAPA:17204 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0002148 TAO:0001262 WBbt:0008366 ZFA:0001262 future gonad gonadal primordium primitive gonad undifferentiated gonad uberon immature gonad UBERON:0005564 gonad primordium A pair of lateral diverticula just over the liver rudiment representing the primordia of the lungs, formed by the floor of the foregut just anterior to the liver diverticulum. AAO:0011059 EFO:0002578 EMAPA:36007 XAO:0001002 uberon lateral diverticula lung diverticulum lung endoderm UBERON:0005597 lung primordium EMAPA:16844 MA:0001636 VHOG:0000215 extrahepatic part of the hepatic duct hepatic duct extrahepatic part uberon UBERON:0005604 extrahepatic part of hepatic duct Any of the arteries that arise from a bifurcation of the aorta supplying the pelvic or abdomen. Examples: Common iliac artery, External iliac artery, Internal iliac artery. this is an extremely loose and flexible grouping class that is the superclass of the mammalian common iliac and its main brahces, together with analagous structures in other tetrapods we place the XAO structure here for now. In terms of analagy, it is more closely related to common iliac, but the relationships currently attached to this class are mammal specific BTO:0004665 EHDAA:2551 EMAPA:17309 MA:0001971 MESH:D007083 NCIT:C12733 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0000807 UMLS:C0020887 XAO:0000361 galen:IliacArtery uberon UBERON:0005609 iliac artery Any of the three veins including the common, external and internal iliac veins. EHDAA2:0000811 EMAPA:37151 MA:0002142 MESH:D007084 NCIT:C12734 UMLS:C0020888 uberon pelvic vein UBERON:0005610 iliac vein A vascular network formed by frequent anastomoses between the blood vessels (arteries or veins) of a part. In a vascular plexus, the contents of the vessels mix. A plexus allows blood to flow via multiple routes. If one branch of the plexus is obstructed, the blood may flow via the open branches[Wikipedia:Plexus#Circulatory_system]. AEO:0000219 EHDAA2:0004112 EMAPA:35904 FMA:5900 XAO:0004143 plexus vasculosus uberon UBERON:0005629 vascular plexus The amnion and chorion which surround and protect a developing fetus. TODO - merge with extraembryonic membrane? BTO:0000473 MESH:A16.254.403 uberon adnexa fetalia UBERON:0005630 fetal membrane Intrinsic membrane that arises from embryonic germ layers and grow to surround the developing embryo. stuctures homologous to the four extraembryonic membranes appear in mammals [ISBN:0073040584 (Vertebrates, Kardong)] EHDAA2 is a mereological sum. EHDAA2:0004714 FMA:305915 SCTID:362840007 uberon UBERON:0005631 extraembryonic membrane A mesoderm that has the potential to develop into a pronephros. Portion of tissue that consists of the mesenchymal precursor to the pronephric kidney and that begins to separate from the intermediate mesoderm at NF stage 21 and epithelializes by NF stage 30.[AAO] AAO:0011090 EFO:0003479 TAO:0000067 VHOG:0001239 XAO:0000264 ZFA:0000067 uberon pronephric anlage pronephric bulge pronephric mesenchyme pronephric primordium UBERON:0005721 the intermediate mesoderm of the chick embryo acquires its ability to form kidneys through its interactions with the paraxial mesoderm [ISBN:9780878932504 "Developmental Biology", PMID:10720431 "Signals from trunk paraxial mesoderm induce pronephros formation in chick intermediate mesoderm"]. These interactions induce the expression of TFs including Lim1, Pax2 and Pax6 that cause the intermediate mesoderm to form the kidney pronephric mesoderm The capillary loops of the kidney that normally function as a filtration unit[MP]. ...Soon afterwards, endothelial cells invade to make a capillary knot-like outgrowth, the glomerular tuft, which goes on to form the glomerulus EMAPA:28239 SCTID:362217000 Wikipedia:Glomerulus uberon glomerular capillary tuft glomerulus UBERON:0005749 glomerular tuft The inner, or visceral, layer of the renal glomerular capsule, overlying the capillaries, composed of podocytes, and separated from the outer, or parietal, layer by the capsular (Bowman's) space[BTO]. Lies just above the thickened glomerular basement membrane and is made of podocytes. Beneath the visceral layer lie the glomerular capillaries[WP]. inner layer of the glomerular capsule surrounding the capillary endothelial cells and composed of highly specialized epithelial cells (podocytes) that are separated by filtration slits; the visceral layer is separated from the outer parietal layer by the urinary space (also known as the Bowman's or capsular space)[MP]. TODO - check - the BTO class 'glomerular epithelium' is the visceral layer. But GO uses 'glomerular epithelium' as the mereological sum of P+V layers FMA:74273 NCIT:C33879 SCTID:244093000 UMLS:C0227644 Bowman's visceral epithelium glomerular capsule visceral layer inner epithelial layer of Bowman's capsule podocyte layer of Bowman's capsule visceral epithelium of Bowman's capsule visceral layer of Bowman's capsule visceral layer of glomerular capsule uberon UBERON:0005751 visceral layer of glomerular capsule The metanephros develops from the most caudal part of the nephrogenic cord that is itself derived from the intermediate plate mesoderm. caudal portion of nephrogenic cord caudal region of nephrogenic cord rear part of nephrogenic cord rear portion of nephrogenic cord uberon UBERON:0005753 caudal part of nephrogenic cord The initial renal anlage that develops from the most rostral part of the nephrogenic cord is termed the pronephros. uberon UBERON:0005754 rostral part of nephrogenic cord An acellular anatomical structure that is the bounding layer of a anatomical structure. FMA:63871 uberon UBERON:0005764 acellular membrane An acellular membrane that is part of the epithelium, lies adjacent to the epithelial cells, and is the fusion of the the basal lamina and the reticular lamina. this class represents a continuous sheet of basement membrane which can underlie multiple epithelial cells over large regions. In contrast, the GO class 'basal membrane' represents a portion of substance on the scale of a single cell. AAO:0010596 FMA:63872 GAID:915 NCIT:C13191 SCTID:68989006 UMLS:C0004799 Wikipedia:Basement_membrane basement membrane of connective tissue membrana basalis uberon basement membrane UBERON:0005769 basement membrane of epithelium Nephric tubules (nephrons) form embryonically along the nephric ridge. The ridge comprises three regions; anterior, middle and posterior. The functional kidney uses nephrons from only one or two regions of the ridge. A pronephric kidney uses only the nephrons from the anterior region of the ridge. A mesonephric kidney uses only the middle region, a metanephric kidney uses only the posterior region and an opisthonephric kidney uses the middle and posterior regions. TODO - check ridge vs cord vs nephrogenic cord vs blastema EHDAA2:0001242 EHDAA:1015 EMAPA:16368 VHOG:0001240 uberon nephric cord UBERON:0005792 nephric ridge Any portion of the aorta including the ascending and descending aorta, and aortic arch or a portion of the aortic orifice of the left ventricle. FMA:13087 NCIT:C34027 UMLS:C0506947 aortic section uberon aortic segment portion of aorta segment of aorta UBERON:0005800 section of aorta In the circulatory system of animals, a portal venous system occurs when a capillary bed drains into another capillary bed through veins, without first going through the heart. Both capillary beds and the blood vessels that connect them are considered part of the portal venous system. They are relatively uncommon as the majority of capillary beds drain into veins which then drain into the heart, not into another capillary bed. Portal venous systems are considered venous because the blood vessels that join the two capillary beds are either veins or venules. Examples of such systems include the hepatic portal system and the hypophyseal portal system. Unqualified, 'portal venous system' often refers to the hepatic portal system. For this reason, 'portal vein' most commonly refers to the hepatic portal vein[WP]. FMA:45628 MESH:D011168 NCIT:C33344 SCTID:362063001 UMLS:C0226727 Wikipedia:Portal_venous_system portal venous system uberon UBERON:0005806 portal system A delimited region of dense mesenchyme within looser mesenchyme. AEO:0000148 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003148 EHDAA:8979 mesenchyme condensation uberon UBERON:0005856 developing mesenchymal condensation The embryonic anlage of the external genitalia, which emerges as paired swellings ventral to the cloacal membrane, is proposed to be derived from all three germ layers, and gives rise to the penis, clitoris, scrotum, labia, and foreskin. The eminence in the embryo which develops into the clitoris or penis. [TFD][VHOG] embryonic anlage of the external genitalia, which emerges as paired swellings ventral to the cloacal membrane, is proposed to be derived from all three germ layers, and gives rise to the penis, clitoris, scrotum, labia, and foreskin; GT development is indistinguishable in male and female mouse embryos until ~E16, when the urethral plate begins to be masculinized to form the penile urethra, marking the beginning of an androgen-dependent phase of sexual differentiation[MP] In mammalian embryos, male and female external genitalia develop from the genital tubercle.[well established][VHOG] All amniotes studied to date initiate external genital development with the formation of paired genital swellings. In mammals, archosaurs, and turtles, these swellings merge to form a single genital tubercle, the precursor of the penis and clitoris[PMID:24960313] GT development is indistinguishable in male and female mouse embryos until approximately E16, when the urethral plate begins to be masculinized to form the penile urethra, marking the beginning of an androgen-dependent phase of sexual differentiation[MP:0011771] todo - add taxon constraints we assume the EMAPA class is the undifferentiated form based on TS timings EHDAA2:0000705 EHDAA:5925 EMAPA:17382 FMA:302888 SCTID:308798005 VHOG:0000583 Wikipedia:Genital_tubercle undifferentiated genital tubercle uberon genital tubercle phallic tubercle tuberculum genitale tuberculum phallicum UBERON:0005876 undifferentiated genital tubercle The epithelial lining of the surface of the coelom. EHDAA2:0004049 used to be called 'coelomic epithelium' but is now 'gonadal ridge mesothelium' Wikipedia:Coelomic_epithelium XAO:0000329 celomic epithelium germinal epithelium of Waldeyer uberon UBERON:0005891 coelomic epithelium A bone that is part of the pes skeleton. EMAPA:35354 GAID:192 MA:0000643 MESH:A02.835.232.300 NCIT:C13068 OpenCyc:Mx4rv5ridZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA UMLS:C0016505 bone of foor proper or tarsal skeleton bone of foot bone of pedal skeleton bone of pes foot bone uberon UBERON:0005899 pes bone Any of the ducts that are part of a male reproductive system. this class groups the individual ducts in a variety of species uberon UBERON:0005904 duct of male reproductive system Organ with organ cavity, which has as parts a serous membrane and a serous cavity . Examples: pleural sac, pericardial sac, tendon sheath, bursa.[FMA]. EMAPA:16060 FMA:9689 MA:0000005 SCTID:362890006 uberon UBERON:0005906 See notes for serous membrane serous sac Epithelium that derives from the endoderm. Examples: urothelium, transitional epithelium of ureter, epithelium of prostatic gland.[FMA]. FMA:69065 endoderm-derived epithelium endoepithelium uberon UBERON:0005911 endo-epithelium FMA:10483 bone organ zone uberon UBERON:0005913 zone of bone organ Subdivision of skeleton which consists of cranial skeleton, set of all vertebrae, set of all ribs and sternum[FMA, modified]. Skeletal subdivision of the central body axis including the cranium, vertebrae, notochord, ribs, and sternum.[VSAO] AAO:0000963 EMAPA:17214 EMAPA:18043 MA:0000308 NCIT:C32172 SCTID:361725000 UMLS:C0222645 VSAO:0000056 Wikipedia:Axial_skeleton XAO:0004011 uberon skeleton axiale UBERON:0005944 axial skeleton plus cranial skeleton Any of the nerve fiber tracts that span the longitudinal fissure between the cerebral and/or cerebellar hemispheres of the brain. any of the nerve fiber tracts that span the longitudinal fissure between the cerebral and/or cerebellar hemispheres of the brain[MP] EMAPA:37446 uberon UBERON:0005970 brain commissure The laminar structure of the heart. uberon UBERON:0005983 heart layer A collection of two or more connected limb segments. Examples: arm (comprising stylopod and zeugopod regions). uberon UBERON:0006058 multi-limb segment region A collection of all skeletal elements in some subdivision of the vertebral column. FMA:16201 subdivision of vertebral skeleton vertebrae series vertebral column subdivision vertebral series uberon vertebral region vertebral subdivision UBERON:0006077 subdivision of vertebral column The posterior section of the developing metencephalon recognized transiently within the vertebrate embryo; the rhombic lip extends posteriorly from the roof of the fourth ventricle to dorsal neuroepithelial cell and can be divided into eight structural units based on rhombomeres 1-8 (r1-r8), recognized at early stages of hindbrain development; producing granule cells and five brainstem nuclei, the rhombic lip plays an important role in developing a complex cerebellar neural system. The interface between the dorsal neuroepithelium and the roofplate of the fourth ventricle. The source of a number of migratory neuron populations of the hindbrain.[TAO] UBERON:0013163 DHBA:10664 EHDAA2:0000231 EMAPA:17074 TAO:0001440 Wikipedia:Rhombic_lips XAO:0004135 ZFA:0001440 uberon cerebellar anlage cerebellar primordium cerebellum primordium dorsal part of alar plate of metencephalon future cerebellum presumptive cerebellum rostral rhombic lip UBERON:0006215 rhombic lip The membrane that covers the embryonic cloaca, formed by the union of proctodeal (anal pit) ectoderm and cloacal endoderm, with no intervening mesoderm; the urorectal septum joins the cloacal membrane and divides it into an anal membrane and a urogenital membrane; the point where the urorectal septum intersects the cloacal membrane is the future site of the perineal body; proliferation of mesoderm and ectoderm around the cloacal membrane produces primordial tissues of the external genitalia in both sexes: the genital tubercle, genital folds, and genital swellings. A membrane that separates the proctodeum and the hindgut in the early embryo. [Evolution, Fourth_Edition_(2006)_McGraw-Hill, Function, Vertebrates:_Comparative_Anatomy, p.497, see_Kardong_KV][VHOG] In mammals, the cloaca exists as an embryonic structure that undergoes septation to become distinct urethral, anal, and genital orifices.[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2:0000257 EHDAA:214 EHDAA:2933 EMAPA:16832 FMA:295525 NCIT:C34128 SCTID:308826008 UMLS:C0231056 VHOG:0001198 Wikipedia:Cloacal_membrane embryonic cloacal membrane uberon membrana cloacalis UBERON:0006217 cloacal membrane The foremost region of the future forebrain that develops into the diencephalon. EFO:0003442 EHDAA2:0000600 EHDAA:844 EMAPA:16514 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0000386 TAO:0000574 ZFA:0000574 presumptive diencephalon uberon UBERON:0006222 future diencephalon A differentiated genital tubercle that is part of a female reproductive system. EHDAA:8118 EMAPA:18680 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0000500 VHOG:0000666 genital tubercle of female uberon UBERON:0006233 female genital tubercle An anatomical junctions that overlaps the foregut and midgut. Although all vertebrates have a digestive tract and accessory glands, various parts of this system are not necessarily homologous, analogous, or even present in all species. Therefore, broad comparisons can be best made under the listings of headgut, foregut, midgut, pancreas and biliary system, hindgut.[well established][VHOG] EHDAA2:0000569 EHDAA:526 EMAPA:16363 VHOG:0000291 uberon UBERON:0006235 foregut-midgut junction The embryonic precursor of the brain. The embryonic precursor of the brain and the set of mature brain structures that derive from it (CUMBO) BAMS:Enc BTO:0004726 EFO:0003431 EHDAA:300 EHDAA:830 EMAPA:16089 FMA:312967 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0000591 TAO:0000146 ZFA:0000146 brain rudiment presumptive brain encephalon uberon embryonic brain UBERON:0006238 future brain A presumptive structure that has the potential to develop into a forebrain. TODO. Add relationships to neural plate (both ZFA and EMAPA time this with the neural plate) BAMS:Pros EFO:0003423 EHDAA2:0000661 EHDAA:2643 EMAPA:16640 TAO:0000062 Wikipedia:Prosencephalon ZFA:0000062 future prosencephalon presumptive forebrain presumptive prosencephalon uberon prosencephalon UBERON:0006240 future forebrain EFO:0003438 EHDAA2:0000674 EHDAA:898 EMAPA:16092 EMAPA:16755 TAO:0000417 ZFA:0000417 presumptive spinal cord presumptive spinal cord neural keel presumptive spinal cord neural plate presumptive spinal cord neural rod uberon UBERON:0006241 future spinal cord A sac-like cavity ventral to the liver, lying in the sub-mesodermal space and closed by a thin sheet of ectodermal cells, from which the future gall bladder develops. EHDAA2:0000700 EHDAA:3047 EMAPA:16713 XAO:0004205 uberon UBERON:0006242 gall bladder primordium A differentiated genital tubercle that is part of a male reproductive system. EHDAA:8138 EMAPA:17969 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001048 VHOG:0000667 genital tubercle of male uberon penis anlage UBERON:0006261 male genital tubercle The notochordal plate is the dorsal part of the notochordal process when the ventral portion breaks down. It is continuous laterally with the endoderm that composes the roof of the primitive foregut and is in contact dorsally with the neural tube. The folding off of the notochordal plate gives rise to the notochord. TODO - check ordering; awaiting confirmation from JB The notochordal plate is the dorsal part of the notochordal process when the ventral portion breaks down. It is continuous laterally with the endoderm that composes the roof of the primitive foregut and is in contact dorsally with the neural tube. The folding off of the notochordal plate gives rise to the notochord. [Carson_JL, Dehart_DB, Developmental_Dynamics_(1994)_201:_260-278, Gesteland_K_and_Schoenwolf_GC, Inagaki_T, Morphogenesis_of_the_murine_node_and_notochordal_plate, The_prechordal_plate, Vrablic_T, see_Mueller_F_and_O'Rahilly_R, the_rostral_end_of_the_notochord_and_nearby_median_features_in_staged_human_embryos._Cells_Tissues_Organs_(2003)_173:_1-20_and_Sulik_K][VHOG] EHDAA2:0001278 EHDAA:264 EMAPA:16101 NCIT:C34231 UMLS:C1518429 VHOG:0001212 uberon UBERON:0006267 notochordal plate A midline cellular cord formed from the migration of mesenchymal cells from the primitive knot. EHDAA2:0001279 EHDAA:224 EMAPA:16102 FMA:293135 NCIT:C34232 UMLS:C1518430 VHOG:0001213 uberon chordamesoderm presumptive notochord UBERON:0006268 The notochordal process grows cranially until it reaches the prechordal plate, the future site of the mouth. In this area the ectoderm is attached directly to the endoderm without intervening mesoderm. This area is known as the oropharyngeal membrane, and it will break down to become the mouth. At the other end of the primitive streak the ectoderm is also fused directly to the endoderm; this is known as the cloacal membrane (proctodeum), or primordial anus. notochordal process Liquid components of living organisms. includes fluids that are excreted or secreted from the body as well as body water that normally is not. fluid BIRNLEX:20 EMAPA:37441 FMA:280556 GAID:266 MESH:D001826 Wikipedia:Body_fluid galen:BodyFluid body fluid uberon UBERON:0006314 bodily fluid A tube in the kidney that collect and transport urine. in ZFA this is defined as part of mesonephros TAO:0005289 ZFA:0005289 uberon UBERON:0006553 renal duct A tube that is part of a excretory system. uberon UBERON:0006555 excretory tube The pharynx is the part of the digestive system immediately posterior to the mouth[GO]. currently this is an extremely generic class, encompassing both protostomes and deuterostomes. branchial pharyngeal FBbt:00005380 MAT:0000049 MIAA:0000049 uberon anterior part of foregut pharyngeal tube UBERON:0006562 pharynx Presumptive structure of the blastula that will develop into endoderm. AAO:0000471 EFO:0003437 TAO:0000416 ZFA:0000416 uberon UBERON:0006595 presumptive endoderm AAO:0000468 EFO:0003439 TAO:0000568 ZFA:0000568 future blood uberon UBERON:0006596 presumptive blood Portion of embryonic tissue determined by fate mapping to become a structure. Consider merging with anlage AAO:0000479 TAO:0001116 ZFA:0001116 future structure presumptive structures uberon UBERON:0006598 presumptive structure Presumptive structure of the blastula that will develop into ectoderm. AAO:0000470 EFO:0003466 TAO:0001376 XAO:0004132 ZFA:0001376 uberon presumptive epidermis UBERON:0006601 presumptive ectoderm Presumptive structure of the blastula that will develop into mesoderm. AAO:0000476 EFO:0003467 TAO:0001377 ZFA:0001377 uberon UBERON:0006603 presumptive mesoderm Denser fibrous covering over one of: penis, testicles or ovaries. FMA:19631 uberon tunica albuginea corporis spongiosi tunica albuginea corporum cavernosorum UBERON:0006610 tunica albuginea The dense fibrous connective tissue layer that covers the testis. The layer of connective tissue covering the testicles. [Wikipedia_(15/09/09)][VHOG] The tunica albuginea testis is the major component of the capsule of mammalian testes. (...) Our results from studying the mole provide evidence that the spatio-temporal pattern of testis development is not perfectly conserved in mammals, since we found differences with respect to the mouse testis organogenesis. This fact is even more significant when we consider that, apart from the mouse, the mole is probably the one of the best-known mammalian species in terms of the genetic control of testis development, implying that more peculiarities would be found if more species were investigated.[uncertain][VHOG] tunica albuginea EHDAA2:0002096 EHDAA:9388 EMAPA:19289 FMA:19843 MA:0003254 NCIT:C33819 UMLS:C0227999 VHOG:0000801 testis tunica albuginea tunica albuginea (testis) uberon tunica albuginea (testicles) tunica albuginea testis UBERON:0006643 tunica albuginea of testis Erectile tissue at the end of the clitoris, which is continuous with the intermediate part of the vestibulovaginal bulbs[BTO]. The clitoral glans (glans clitoridis) is an external portion of the clitoris[WP]. BTO:0003117 EMAPA:19170 EMAPA:30829 FMA:19999 NCIT:C32681 SCTID:362241002 UMLS:C0227769 Wikipedia:Clitoral_glans clitoris glans glans of clitoris uberon glans clitoridis glans clitoris UBERON:0006653 glans clitoris A region of muscle in many organs in the vertebrate body, adjacent to the submucosa membrane. It is responsible for gut movement such as peristalsis. currently this class conflates a generic layer of muscle and a specific layer found lining the digestive tract (the muscularis externa), typically composed of circular and longitudinal layers (although this varies) An outer layer of smooth muscle surrounding a hollow or tubular organ as the bladder, esophagus, large intestine, small intestine, stomach, ureter, uterus, and vagina that often consists of an inner layer of circular fibers serving to narrow the lumen of the organ and an outer layer of longitudinal fibers serving to shorten its length[BTO]. typically smooth muscle, but there may be exceptions - in the upper esophagus, part of the externa is skeletal muscle, rather than smooth muscle. BTO:0004838 UMLS:C0225358 muscular layer muscularis layer tunica muscularis uberon muscular coat muscularis muscularis externa muscularis propria transverse muscular fibers tunica externa tunica muscularis UBERON:0006660 muscular coat A smooth muscle tissue that bridges the gap between free ends of C-shaped cartilages at the posterior border of the trachea, adjacent to the esophagus. A primary function of the trachealis is to constrict the windpipe, allowing for higher velocity of air in the windpipe during coughing[WP, modified]. EMAPA:19193 FMA:7466 tracheal muscle trachealis muscle uberon UBERON:0006680 trachealis An epithelium that is composed primarily of secretory cells. consider splitting epithelium from epithelial tissue BTO:0002991 NCIT:C43370 NCIT:C45715 UMLS:C0682578 UMLS:C1708242 uberon UBERON:0006799 glandular epithelium This gland can either be a discrete structure located bilaterally above each kidney, or a cluster of cells in the head kidney that perform the functions of the adrenal gland. In either case, this organ consists of two cells types, aminergic chromaffin cells and steroidogenic cortical cells[GO]. keep this grouping class so long as it is required for GO All craniates have groups of cells homologous to the mammalian adrenocortical and chromaffin tissues, but they are scattered in and near the kidneys in fishes. (...) The cortical and chromaffin tissues come together to form adrenal glands in tetrapods.[well established][VHOG] VHOG:0001141 adrenal gland - interrenal gland adrenal gland/interrenal tissue uberon adrenal - interrenal gland suprarenal gland - interrenal gland UBERON:0006858 adrenal/interrenal gland The distalmost portion of the digestive tract, derived from the hindgut, and terminating with the anus. this class is the superclass of 'rectum', which is currently reserved for the vertebrate structure. May be merged in future. FBbt:00005756 WBbt:0005773 rectum uberon rectal part of digestive tract terminal section of digestive tract UBERON:0006866 terminal part of digestive tract A vasculature that is part of a organ. FMA:74612 organ vasculature set of blood vessels of organ uberon UBERON:0006876 vasculature of organ An anatomical space that surrounded_by a digestive tract. BTO:0000349 EMAPA:32908 FMA:45677 digestive tract lumen gut cavity gut lumen lumen of alimentary tract lumen of digestive tract lumen of gut uberon UBERON:0006909 lumen of digestive tract An epithelium characterised by its most superficial layer consisting of squamous epithelial cells. FBbt:00007028 (squamous epithelium) A type of epithelium that is made up of flattened cells which are arranged with their long axes in the plane of the epithelium BTO:0002072 NCIT:C12848 SCTID:40118003 UMLS:C0221909 Wikipedia:Squamous_epithelium uberon UBERON:0006914 squamous epithelium Multilaminar epithelium which consists of more than one layer of squamous cells only one layer of which is in contact with a basement membrane. Examples: keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, epithelium of wall of esophagus.[FMA]. FMA:45563 NCIT:C13180 UMLS:C0836131 epithelium stratificatum squamosum uberon UBERON:0006915 stratified squamous epithelium A glandular epithelium that lines the stomach. The stomach's glandular epithelium is characterized by the presence of gastric glands. we follow Kardong in treating the glandular epithelium as a distinct entity, and thus as an epithelium which has glands; FMA has 'epithelium of gastric gland', which is part of the gastric gland. EMAPA:17623 EMAPA:35814 FMA:63458 MA:0002784 epithelium of gastric gland uberon gastric gland epithelium UBERON:0006924 stomach glandular epithelium Any gland that is part of the digestive system. AAO:0000130 BTO:0000345 uberon digestive gland UBERON:0006925 digestive system gland Simple columnar epithelium that constitutes the secretory part of a gland. Examples: epithelium of stomach, luminal epithelium of lactiferous duct.[FMA]. FMA:64800 NCIT:C13182 UMLS:C0225337 uberon UBERON:0006929 glandular columnar epithelium Stomach mucosa that is lined with glandular epithelium and part of a stomach glandular region. EMAPA:27167 MA:0001614 stomach glandular region glandular mucous membrane uberon UBERON:0006931 stomach glandular region mucosa The distal part of adenohypophysis: the part that makes up the main body of the gland. Region of the adenohypophysis which produces the follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, thyrotropin, and adrenocorticotropin.[AAO] The anterior part of the adenohypophysis. [TFD][VHOG] It (the hypophysis) develops embryonically in all vertebrates from two ectodermal evaginations that meet and unite. An infundibulum grows ventrally from the diencephalon of the brain, and Rathke's pouch extends dorsally from the roof of the developing mouth, or stomodaeum. The infundibulum remains connected to the floor of the diencephalon, which becomes the hypothalamus, and gives rise to the part of the gland known as the neurohypophysis. (...) Rathke's pouch loses its connection with the stomodaeum in most adult vertebrates and gives rise to the rest of the gland, the adenohypophysis. (...) A well-developed hypophyseal system with functional connections to the hypothalamus is unique to craniates.[well established][VHOG] DHP pars anterior AAO:0010542 BAMS:DHP BIRNLEX:1022 BTO:0001787 EHDAA2:0001416 EHDAA:7532 EMAPA:17515 FMA:74630 MA:0000854 TAO:0001195 UMLS:C0175322 VHOG:0000244 Wikipedia:Pars_distalis ZFA:0001195 distal part of hypophysis pars anterior of adenohypophysis pars distalis (glandula pituitaria) pars distalis adenohypophysis pars distalis of anterior lobe of pituitary gland pars glandularis of adenohypophysis uberon anterior lobe distal part of the hypophysis pars distalis pars distalis (hypophysis) pars distalis adenohypophyseos pars distalis lobi anterioris hypophyseos pars glandularis UBERON:0006964 pars distalis of adenohypophysis The vascular cord is the primordial vasculature that will develop into blood vessels by the process of tubulogenesis[GO]. The vascular cord is composed of angioblast or vascular endothelial cells in a solid linear mass called a cord. The cord then undergoes tubulogenesis to form the lumen of the vessels[ZFA]. EFO:0003709 TAO:0005077 ZFA:0005077 uberon UBERON:0006965 vascular cord A two dimensional anatomical structure that is the boundary between an anatomical structure and an anatomical substance, an anatomical space or the organism's environment. Examples include the surface of your skin, the surface of the lining of your gut; the surface of the endothelium of you aorta that is in contact with blood.n. BILA:0000010 CARO:0001002 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003192 FMA:24137 NCIT:C34022 UMLS:C1515977 uberon UBERON:0006984 Old definition: 'Non-material anatomical entity of two dimensions, that is demarcated by anatomical lines or points on the external or internal surfaces of anatomical structures.' Note, in the new definition, the space referred to is not necessarily an anatomical space. It may be the outside of an organism. anatomical surface The splanchnic mesoderm in the cardiogenic region where the heart develops; it gives rise to endocardial heart tubes that fuse to form the primordial cardiac tube, the heart primordium[web]. Two migratory heart primordia that move ventrally during the course of neurulation, and then fuse[XAO]. consider FBbt:00005541 ! cardiogenic mesoderm review EHDAA2 placement AAO:0011021 BILA:0000051 EFO:0000315 EHDAA2:0000214 EHDAA:385 FMA:293143 SCTID:360387000 VHOG:0001641 XAO:0000235 cardiogenic splanchnopleure uberon cardiac mesoderm cardiogenic mesoderm cardiogenic region heart primordia UBERON:0007005 cardiogenic splanchnic mesoderm Organism at the cleavage stage. BILA:0000058 uberon UBERON:0007010 cleaving embryo The endodermal cells generate only the lining of the digestive tube and its glands; mesodermal mesenchyme cells will surround this tube to provide the muscles for peristalsis BILA:0000084 NCIT:C34268 SCTID:360394002 UMLS:C1514442 future digestive tract future digestive tube future gut primitive gut uberon embryonic digestive tube primordial digestive tube primordial gut UBERON:0007026 presumptive gut A hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood or analogs[GO,modified]. note we reserve the subclass 'heart' from the vertebrate multi-chambered heart. 'The first heart-like organ is believed to have appeared 500my ago in an ancestral bilaterian'. Amniotes: four-chambered heart. Amphibians: two atria, one ventricle, pulmonary; fish: single atrium and ventricle; amphioxus: tubular, non-striated, closed, unidirectional; ascidians: tubular, striated, open, bidirectional; arthropods: tubular, open; C elegans: contractile pharynx; Cnideria: striated muscle cells associated with gastrodermis FBbt:00003154 SPD:0000130 TADS:0000147 dorsal tube heart uberon adult heart UBERON:0007100 Gene notes: Bmp, Nkx, Gata primary circulatory organ The pit in the center of the abdominal wall marking the point where the umbilical cord entered in the fetus. omphalo umbilical FMA:61584 GAID:29 MESH:A01.047.849 NCIT:C77533 UMLS:C0041638 galen:Umbilicus navel umbilical part of abdomen umbilical region uberon UBERON:0007118 umbilicus Ganglion which is located in the trunk. EFO:0000901 MAT:0000344 MIAA:0000344 TAO:0001573 ZFA:0001573 body ganglion trunk ganglia uberon UBERON:0007134 trunk ganglion An intermediate stage (between the neural plate and neural rod) during the early segmentation period in the morphogenesis of the central nervous system primordium; the keel is roughly triangular shaped in cross section. An intermediate stage (between the neural plate and neural rod) during the early segmentation period in the morphogenesis of the central nervous system primordium; the keel is roughly triangular shaped in cross section. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] EFO:0003497 TAO:0000131 ZFA:0000131 uberon presumptive central nervous system UBERON:0007135 neural keel Mesenchyme that develops_from a cranial neural crest. EFO:0003572 EHDAA2:0000735 EMAPA:16169 EMAPA:16271 EMAPA_RETIRED:16271 TAO:0000787 ZFA:0000787 head mesenchyme from cranial neural crest head mesenchyme from neural crest head neural crest derived mesenchyme uberon UBERON:0007213 mesenchyme derived from head neural crest The rhombencephalon (or hindbrain) is a developmental categorization of portions of the central nervous system in vertebrates. The rhombencephalon can be subdivided in a variable number of transversal swellings called rhombomeres. In the human embryo eight rhombomeres can be distinguished, from caudal to rostral: Rh7-Rh1 and the isthmus (the most rostral rhombomere). A rare disease of the rhombencephalon, 'rhombencephalosynapsis' is characterized by a missing vermis resulting in a fused cerebellum. Patients generally present with cerebellar ataxia. The caudal rhombencephalon has been generally considered as the initiation site for neural tube closure. TODO - unify naming conventions The embryonic rhombencephalon can be subdivided in a variable number of transversal swellings called rhombomeres. Rhombomeres Rh7-Rh4 form the myelencephalon that will give the medulla oblongata. Rhombomeres Rh3-Rh1 form the metencephalon that will form the pons and the cerebellum[NPX:PDR]. BAMS:HB CALOHA:TS-2118 EFO:0003440 EHDAA2:0001630 FMA:295640 TAO:0000569 Wikipedia:Rhombencephalon ZFA:0000569 presumptive rhombencephalon uberon embryonic rhombencephalon future hindbrain rhombencephalon UBERON:0007277 presumptive hindbrain Embryonic structure that gives rise to the midbrain hindbrain boundary. EFO:0003446 TAO:0001187 XAO:0004086 ZFA:0001187 presumptive MHB presumptive midbrain-hindbrain boundary uberon UBERON:0007281 presumptive midbrain hindbrain boundary A presumptive structure that has the potential to develop into a presomitic mesoderm. EFO:0003421 TAO:0000053 ZFA:0000053 uberon presumptive segmental plates UBERON:0007282 presumptive segmental plate A presumptive structure that has the potential to develop into a neural plate. consider merging Region of the gastrula which gives rise to the neural plate.[TAO] EFO:0003424 TAO:0000063 ZFA:0000063 prospective neuroectoderm prospective vegetal ectoderm uberon UBERON:0007284 presumptive neural plate The part of the blastula that has the potential to develop into a paraxial mesoderm. EFO:0003443 TAO:0000591 XAO:0004134 ZFA:0000591 future paraxial mesenchyme future paraxial mesoderm uberon UBERON:0007285 presumptive paraxial mesoderm A presumptive structure that has the potential to develop into a pronephric mesoderm. EFO:0003619 TAO:0001070 ZFA:0001070 nephron primordium uberon UBERON:0007297 presumptive pronephric mesoderm A dense accumulation of exocrine glands in the pancreas often surrounding islets of Langerhans. TODO - check In mice many lobules lack islets, in contrast to other mammals including humans EMAPA:37710 FMA:16012 MA:0000721 lobulus pancreaticus pancreas lobe pancreatic lobule uberon UBERON:0007324 pancreatic lobule A duct that collects and carries secretions of the exocrine pancreas to the intestine. this class groups together accessory (dorsal) and main (ventral) pancreatic ducts Duct connecting the pancreas with the intestine. [Dorian_AF, Elsevier's_encyclopaedic_dictionary_of_medicine, Part_B:_Anatomy_(1988)_Amsterdam_etc.:_Elsevier][VHOG] These data show that ducts within the zebrafish pancreas originally arise in situ from isolated progenitor cells rather than arising from reiterative branching of the pancreatic epithelium. This process of pancreatic duct formation in zebrafish may be analogous to the mechanism of duct formation in the mammalian mammary and salivary glands. (...) A related mechanism of duct formation has also been proposed to occur within the mammalian pancreatic epithelium.[uncertain][VHOG] in EHDAA2, the dorsal and ventral ducts are classified as epithelial sacs - review after overhaul of duct/epithelia terms EHDAA:9194 EMAPA:32952 FMA:10419 MA:0000124 SCTID:181278006 TAO:0001372 VHOG:0000254 Wikipedia:Pancreatic_duct ZFA:0001372 duct of pancreas pancreas duct uberon ductus pancreaticus UBERON:0007329 pancreatic duct The epidermis is the entire outer epithelial layer of an animal, it may be a single layer that produces an extracellular material (e.g. the cuticle of arthropods) or a complex stratified squamous epithelium, as in the case of many vertebrate species[GO]. this grouping class exists primarily to align with GO - see GO:0008544. BSA:0000073 BTO:0000313 FBbt:00004993 HAO:0000298 TADS:0000109 WBbt:0005733 Wikipedia:Epidermis_(zoology) epidermis epidermis (sensu Metazoa) outer epidermal layer outer epithelial layer uberon hypoderm hypodermis UBERON:0007376 outer epithelium Outermost layer of cells surrounding the embryo. Outermost monolayer of cells surrounding the embryo that become very flattened in the blastula and give rise to the periderm. Sometimes used synonymously with periderm. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO] relationship loss: develops_from superficial blastomere (TAO:0001484)[TAO] Originally this tissue is one cell layer thick but in most vertebrates it soon becomes a two layered structure. The outer layer gives rise to the periderm. EFO:0003425 TAO:0000086 ZFA:0000086 EVL enveloping layer uberon UBERON:0007383 enveloping layer of ectoderm An epithelial tube that is open at one end only. AEO:0000115 EHDAA2:0003115 uberon UBERON:0007499 epithelial sac An epithelial tube open at both ends that allows fluid flow. AEO_RETIRED:0000116 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0003116 uberon UBERON:0007500 epithelial tube open at both ends A closed epithelium with a lumen. EHDAA2:0003119 AEO:0000119 EHDAA2:0003119 uberon UBERON:0007503 epithelial vesicle Mesenchyme with little extracellular matrix. EHDAA2:0003146 AEO:0000146 EHDAA2:0003146 uberon UBERON:0007524 dense mesenchyme tissue Mesenchymal cells that are migrating. this class will be an important part of the NC reorganization EHDAA2:0003152 AEO:0000152 EHDAA2:0003152 uberon UBERON:0007530 migrating mesenchyme population Simple columnar epithelium in which the luminal side of the cells bears cilia. Examples: epithelium of trachea, epithelium of uterine tube.[FMA]. In humans, Ciliated columnar epithelial cells are found mainly in the tracheal and bronchial regions of the pulmonary system and also in the fallopian tubes of the female reproductive system Ciliated columnar epithelium in the pulmonary system is interspersed with goblet cells that secrete mucous to form a mucosal layer apical to the epithelial layer. The rowing-like action of epithelial cilia work in tandem with goblet cells to propel mucus away from the lungs, preventing particulate matter from causing infection[] FMA:64798 uberon UBERON:0007592 ciliated columnar epithelium Epithelium bearing vibratile cilia on the free surface. uberon UBERON:0007601 ciliated epithelium A thin, loose vascular connective tissue that makes up the membranes surrounding joints and the sheaths protecting tendons (particularly flexor tendons in the hands and feet) where they pass over bony prominences. Synovial tissue contains synovial cells, which secrete a viscous liquid called synovial fluid; this liquid contains protein and hyaluronic acid and serves as a lubricant and nutrient for the joint cartilage surfaces[BTO]. Synovial tissue can be found in tendons (tissues that connect muscle to bone), bursae (fluid-filled, cushioning sacs found in spaces between tendons, ligaments, and bones), and the cavity (hollow enclosed area) that separates the bones of a freely movable joint, such as the knee or elbow[BTO]. BTO:0001338 CALOHA:TS-0998 FMA:66762 synovium stratum synoviale synovial layer synovial membrane uberon synovial tissue UBERON:0007616 layer of synovial tissue An anatomical cavity that surrounded_by a synovial joint. FMA:11356 articular cavity (synovial joint) cavitas articularis (junctura synovialis) cavity of synovial joint uberon joint cavity synovial cavity UBERON:0007617 synovial cavity of joint Epithelial layer of the retina, ciliary body, or iris composed of cells containing pigment granules. GAID:907 MESH:D010857 uberon eye pigment epithelium UBERON:0007625 pigment epithelium of eye 2 An anatomical structure that connects two structures. junction FMA:5898 SCTID:91833003 anatomical junction uberon UBERON:0007651 anatomical junction Functional unit of the kidney that forms urine, consisting of two parts, the nephron and the collecting tubule. FMA:17691 uberon UBERON:0007684 uriniferous tubule Region of the embryo into the area in which the kidney rudiment will develop. uberon kidney anlage UBERON:0007687 kidney field Anlagen are populations of contiguous cells, typically arranged in one plane, that are morphologically indistinct, but that already correspond in extent to a later organ/tissue. field AEO:0000170 EFO:0001649 EHDAA2:0003170 FBbt:00005426 Wikipedia:Anlage_(biology) developmental field uberon future organ organ field UBERON:0007688 anlage . EFO:0003626 EHDAA2:0001457 EHDAA:962 EMAPA:32754 FMA:293087 TAO:0001104 ZFA:0001104 early pharyngeal arch endoderm uberon pharyngeal arch endoderm pharyngeal endoderm pharyngeal region endoderm UBERON:0007690 relation conflict: ZFA vs EHDAA2. Note EHDAA2 term renamed to 'early PA endoderm' early pharyngeal endoderm An axon tract that is part of a brain. the NIFSTD class 'nerve tract' is classified under 'regional part of brain', so it may seem like it belongs here, but actually includes spinal cord tracts FMA:83848 brain tract uberon landmark tracts UBERON:0007702 tract of brain Any bodily fluid that has passed through a membrane such as the capillary wall, as a result of unbalanced hydrostatic and osmotic forces. transudative characteristically low in protein and cellular content (unless there has been secondary concentration) FMA:12276 GAID:1195 MESH:D005122 ncithesaurus:Transudate uberon plasma ultrafiltrate UBERON:0007779 transudate Any fluid produced by a serous gland. serous fluid Wikipedia:Serous_fluid serosal fluid serous gland fluid uberon UBERON:0007794 secretion of serous gland Anatomical system that consists of all blood and lymph vessels. consider merging with vasculature The cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, collectively[ncithesaurus:Vascular_System]. in both MA and BTO, the arterial system and venous sytem are subtypes of the vascular system BTO:0001085 CALOHA:TS-2053 EHDAA2:0004520 EMAPA:35905 MA:0002718 NCIT:C33854 UMLS:C0489903 uberon UBERON:0007798 vascular system The anteriormost subdivision of the body that includes the head, jaws, pharyngeal region and the neck (if present). In vertebrates this is the subdivision that includes the cervical vertebrae. CALOHA:TS-2356 EV:0100009 FMA:280881 MA:0000006 NCIT:C12418 SCTID:361355005 UMLS:C0460004 WikipediaCategory:Head_and_neck galen:HeadAndNeck uberon cephalic area cephalic part of animal cephalic region head and neck head or neck UBERON:0007811 craniocervical region An organism subdivision that encompasses the region containing the pectoral or pelvic girdle. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). this encompasses non-skeletal tissue An organism subdivision that encompasses the region containing the pectoral or pelvic girdle. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). There are only two instances of appendage girdle regions per organism.[VSAO] UBERON:0007824 girdle girdle region EMAPA:37854 FMA:24874 VSAO:0000303 uberon fin girdle fin girdle region limb girdle limb girdle region UBERON:0007823 appendage girdle region Mesentery that is located in the peritoneum. FMA:20570 TAO:0005129 XAO:0000138 ZFA:0005129 uberon UBERON:0007826 peritoneal mesentery A bone element or fused bone that is part of pelvic girdle. check sacrum, coccyx (MA does NOT include these) typically the ilium, ischium and pubis. These can alternately be considered individual bones, or zones of a single fused bone EMAPA:18028 MA:0000293 NCIT:C33287 UMLS:C0030786 bone of pelvic girdle pelvic girdle bone uberon UBERON:0007830 pelvic girdle bone/zone A subdivision of a limb or fin skeleton consisting of bones which connects the upper limb or fin to the axial skeleton on each side. It consists of the clavicle and scapula in humans and, in those species with three bones in the pectoral girdle, the coracoid. Some mammalian species (e.g. the dog and the horse) have only the scapula. In humans, the only joints between the shoulder girdle and axial skeleton are the sternoclavicular joints on each side. No joint exists between each scapula and the rib cage; instead the muscular connection between the two permits relatively great mobility of the shoulder girdle in relation to the pelvic girdle. In those species having only the scapula, no joint exists between the forelimb and the thorax, the only attachment being muscular[WP]. Examples: There are only two instances, right and left pectoral girdle skeletons. Anatomical cluster of paired dermal and endochondral bones that attaches to the dorso-posterior part of the cranium, and support the radials and pectoral fin. It consists of two components: the primary pectoral girdle consisting of the endochondral coracoid, scapula and mesocoracoid bones, and the secondary pectoral girdle consisting of the dermal posttemporal, supracleithrum, cleithrum and poscleithrum(thra) bones.[TAO] Girdle skeleton consisting of a set of bones linking the axial series to the forelimb/fin skeleton and offering anchoring areas for forelimb/fin and caudal musculature.[VSAO] Skeletal structure immediately behind the head attached to the vertebral column by muscles and supporting the forelimbs.[AAO] The pectoral girdle is clearly of dual origin, composed of dermal as well as endochondral bones. The endochondral component, the scapulocoracoid, evolved by fusion or enlargment of several basal fin elements. (...) The dermal component of the shoulder girdle evolved from dermal bones of the body's surface. (...) Like endochondral bones, these dermal bones were passed along to tetrapods (...).[well established][VHOG] Note that the VSAO and many ontologies use the label 'pectoral girdle' to denote the skeletal region specifically. AAO:0000422 AAO:0000754 EFO:0000946 EHDAA2:0001420 FMA:24141 MAT:0000181 MIAA:0000181 NCIT:C33547 TAO:0000407 UMLS:C0427245 VHOG:0001156 VSAO:0000156 Wikipedia:Pectoral_girdle XAO:0003063 ZFA:0000407 skeletal parts of pectoral girdle skeleton of pectoral girdle uberon cingulum pectorale pectoral girdle scapular girdle UBERON:0007831 pectoral girdle skeleton Skeletal subdivision consisting of a set of bones linking the axial series to the hindlimb zeugopodium and offering anchoring areas for hindlimb and caudal musculature. need to resolve whether this is a paired structure or a single belt (Paired in FMA - implicitly paired in VSAO) Anatomical cluster by which the hind limbs are supported and attached to the vertebral column.[AAO] Anatomical cluster that consists of the paired basipterygia which support the pelvic fin.[TAO] Girdle skeleton consisting of a set of bones linking the axial series to the hindlimb/fin skeleton and offering anchoring areas for hindlimb/fin and caudal musculature.[VSAO] The pelvic girdle is never joined by contributions of dermal bone. From its first appearance in placoderms, the pelvic girdle is exclusively endoskeletal. It arose from pterygiophores, perhaps several times, in support of the fin.[well established][VHOG] Note that the VSAO and many ontologies use the label 'pelvic girdle' to denote the skeletal region specifically. We place the EHDAA2 class here, note that this includes the pre-cartilage condensation as parts AAO:0000426 AAO:0000768 EFO:0000947 EHDAA2:0001426 EHDAA:7149 EHDAA:8324 EMAPA:18028 FMA:87592 MAT:0000182 MIAA:0000182 TAO:0000565 VHOG:0000305 VSAO:0000155 Wikipedia:Pelvis XAO:0003064 ZFA:0000565 galen:PelvicGirdle pelvic girdle skeleton skeletal parts of pelvic girdle skeleton of pelvic girdle uberon pelvic girdle UBERON:0007832 pelvic girdle skeleton Connective tissue, which consists of fibroblasts, the intercellular matrix of which contains a regular network of collagen and elastic fiber bundles. Examples: bone (tissue), cartilage (tissue), dense regular connective tissue. the connective tissue hierarchy largely follows FMA with definitions from VSAO. Note that in FMA, loose-CT is irregular-CT. This means regular-CT is necessarily equivalent to dense-regular-CT (assuming a JEPD classification). FMA:20103 uberon UBERON:0007845 regular connective tissue Connective tissue that is dominated by collagen fibres organized into a definitive pattern (e.g., parallel to one another), with comparatively fewer cells (mostly fibroblasts). Connective tissue that is dominated by collagen fibres organized into a definitive pattern (e.g., parallel to one another), with comparatively fewer cells (mostly fibroblasts).[VSAO] Regular connective tissue, the intercellular matrix of which consists predominantly of collagen fiber bundles arranged in parallel arrays.[FMA] FMA:64781 NCIT:C33453 SCTID:22560007 UMLS:C0225333 VSAO:0000050 Wikipedia:Dense_regular_connective_tissue XAO:0004030 dense fibrous connective tissue dense regular collagenous connective tissue dense regular collagenous tissue regular dense connective tissue typus regularis (textus connectivus collagenosus compactus) uberon UBERON:0007846 dense regular connective tissue With numerous vascular spaces that may become engorged with blood. Wikipedia:Erectile_tissue uberon UBERON:0008324 Examples: corpus cavernosum or penis or clitoris erectile tissue The external junctural region between the lower part of the abdomen and the thigh. BTO:0003358 CALOHA:TS-2339 EFO:0001397 FMA:24040 GAID:27 MESH:A01.047.365 NCIT:C12726 UMLS:C0018246 galen:InguinalRegion groin groin area groin region iliac fossa viewed surgically iliac region inguen inguinal region uberon iliac region inguen inguinal region UBERON:0008337 inguinal part of abdomen A limb segment that is part of a hindlimb. FMA:24877 free lower limb segment free lower limb subdivision segment of free lower limb subdivision of free lower limb uberon UBERON:0008784 lower limb segment An external organ of a male organism that is specialized to deliver sperm during copulation. Intromittent organs are found most often in terrestrial species, as most aquatic species fertilize their eggs externally, although there are exceptions[WP]. this is a broad grouping class connecting a number of different analagous organs by their function. We place the insect aedeagus here rather than penis, although this is somewhat arbitrary given the broadness of the current definition Surface structure that is an external structure of a male organism through which sperm is transferred to a female organism during mating.[TAO] AAO:0010255 FBbt:00004850 HAO:0000091 TAO:0002036 TGMA:0000585 Wikipedia:Intromittent_organ aedeagus penis uberon copulatory organ UBERON:0008811 intromittent organ A transient embryonic complex that comprises the pharyngeal arches, bulges of tissues of mesoderm and neural crest derivation through which pass nerves and pharyngeal arch arteries. The arches are separated internally by pharyngeal pouches, evaginations of foregut endoderm, and externally by pharyngeal clefts, invaginations of surface ectoderm. The development of the system ends when the stucture it contributes to are forming, which may include (depending on species) the thymus, thyroid, parathyroids, maxilla, mandible, aortic arch, cardiac outflow tract, external and middle ear[GO,modified]. Currently defined in a vertebrate specific manner. The arch system has origins in basal deuterostomes, consider generalizing EHDAA2:0000187 FMA:293041 NCIT:C34248 UMLS:C1519038 embryonic pharyngeal complex pharyngeal apparatus pharyngeal system uberon pharyngeal arch complex pharyngeal arch region pharyngeal arches and clefts pharyngeal complex UBERON:0008814 pharyngeal arch system An out-pocket of thickened ventral foregut epithelium adjacent to the developing heart. Constitutes the first morphological sign of the embryonic liver. The anterior portion of the hepatic diverticulum gives rise to the liver and intrahepatic biliary tree, while the posterior portion forms the gall bladder and extrahepatic bile ducts. in mice, the hepatic diverticulum forms by E9 and expands into an obvious liver bud by E10 The caudal part of the septum transversum is invaded by the hepatic diverticulum which divides within it to form the liver and thus gives rise to the ventral mesentery of the foregut. AAO:0011057 EHDAA2:0000740 EHDAA:1530 NCIT:C34187 UMLS:C1512407 Wikipedia:Hepatic_diverticulum XAO:0000101 liver diverticulum uberon diverticulum hepaticum UBERON:0008835 hepatic diverticulum BTO:0001642 uberon UBERON:0008836 liver bud Dense regular connective tissue connecting two or more adjacent skeletal elements[VSAO,modified]. logical definition deliberately made strict to avoid classifying MA:spiral ligament as both nonskeletal and skeletal. see Dense regular connective tissue connecting two or more adjacent skeletal elements or supporting an organ.[VSAO] Ligament organ that primarily consists of regular dense connective tissue aggregated into fasciculi; connects bone and cartilage organs. Examples: sutural ligament, ligament of pinna, tarsal ligament[FMA:25624]. ligament AAO:0010444 AEO:0000090 CALOHA:TS-2146 EHDAA2:0003232 EV:0100144 FMA:25624 GAID:118 MA:0003005 VSAO:0000072 articular larua articular ligament true ligament uberon UBERON:0008846 skeletal ligament The short narrow part of the stomach extending from the pyloric antrum to the pyloric sphincter. EMAPA:37944 FMA:14580 SCTID:245417002 Wikipedia:Pyloric_canal canalis pyloricus uberon canalis pyloricus UBERON:0008858 pyloric canal Illu:stomach.jpg The gastric glands in the pyloric region of the stomach; the pyloric glands secrete mucin, which coats the stomach and protects it, and hormones such as gastrin and enkephalin[MP]. check relationship to pylorus vs antrum EMAPA:27211 FMA:14922 NCIT:C33431 SCTID:70710007 UMLS:C0227239 Wikipedia:Pyloric_gland glandula pylorica pyloric antrum gland pyloric gland pyloric mucuous gland uberon UBERON:0008861 pyloric gastric gland Bone tissue that is an unmineralized bone matrix deposited by osteoblasts prior to the mineralization of bone tissue. Bone tissue that is an unmineralized bone matrix deposited by osteoblasts prior to the mineralization of bone tissue.[VSAO] Newly formed organic bone matrix secreted by osteoblasts, that exists prior to calcification; it is comprised mainly of type I collagen fibers, chondroitin sulfate and osteocalci[ISBN:0-683-40008-8]n Note that in VSAO this was classified both as tissue and acellular extracellular matrix. Consider also the AEO class 'bone condensation'. is_a intercellular matrix in FMA. EMAPA:37923 FMA:66830 NCIT:C33228 SCTID:39365008 UMLS:C0682561 VSAO:0000046 Wikipedia:Osteoid XAO:0004035 galen:Osteoid osteoid tissue pre-bone prebone prebone tissue uberon UBERON:0008883 osteoid Active:osteoblasts.jpg An external projection of an aquatic animal as a fish used in propelling or guiding the body[BTO]. Surface structure involved in locomotion.[TAO] Surface structure involved in locomotion.[VSAO] This class groups together various structures that may have arisen through convergent evolution, including, for example, the dorsal fin of a cetacean AAO:0010374 AEO:0001004 BTO:0004649 EFO:0000875 MAT:0000087 MESH:D058500 MIAA:0000087 OpenCyc:Mx4rvVjcBZwpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0000108 VSAO:0000099 XAO:0000002 ZFA:0000108 uberon fins UBERON:0008897 fin Skeletal element that forms superficially in the organism, usually in association with the ectoderm[VSAO]. Intramembranous bone that forms superficially in the organism.[TAO] other AOs are not yet in sync with this classification AAO:0010769 TAO:0001590 VSAO:0000130 XAO:0004015 ZFA:0001590 uberon dermal bones UBERON:0008907 dermal bone EHDAA2:0004069 NCIT:C34283 UMLS:C1514898 uberon UBERON:0008947 respiratory primordium The functional tissue of the kidney, consisting of the nephrons. BTO:0003604 FMA:15574 SCTID:29704000 parenchyma of kidney uberon kidney parenchyma UBERON:0008987 renal parenchyma A gonad prior to differentiating into a definitive testis or ovary. EHDAA2:0000716 NCIT:C34192 UMLS:C1512703 uberon gonad rudiment UBERON:0009117 typically part of the embryo - however, in male tammar wallabies the gonads are indifferent at the neonatal stage[8827321] indifferent gonad The adenohypophyseal placode forms the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland and gives rise to the endocrine secretory cells of the pituitary. consider adding more detailed spatial placement - e.g. oral ectoderm and/or rostal ectoderm Fate-mapping studies in amphibian, chick and mouse embryos (Eagleson et al., 1986; 1995; Couly and Le Douarin, 1985; Cobos et al., 2001; Osumi-Yamachita et al., 1994; Kawamura et al., 2002) have shown that the cells contributing to the adenohypophysis develop at the midline of the anterior neural ridge, which delineates the rostral boundary of the neural plate, a region devoid of neural crest. The anterior neural ridge also gives rise to the olfactory placodes and some forebrain tissues including the olfactory bulbs (reviewed in Papalopulu, 1995). Ablation of this region in chick embryos at the 2-4 somite stage confirmed these lineage analyses as it prevented formation of Rathke's pouch and any further pituitary development (elAmraoui and Dubois, 1993). Upon head folding, the oral ectoderm cells of the adenohypophyseal placode invaginate towards the prospective ventral diencephalon to form Rathke's pouch, the anlage of the adenohypophysis. Rathke's pouch starts as an invagination of the oral ectoderm in response to inductive signals from the prospective diencephalon. The region of the diencephalon above the pouch is known as the infundibulum and forms the posterior lobe of the pituitary or neurohypohysis (Figure 3). While in most basal fish and tetrapods the adenohypophyseal anlagen invaginates to form Rathke's pouch, in teleost fish the adenohypophyseal placode does not invaginate but rather maintains its initial organization forming a solid structure in the head (reviewed in Pogoda and Hammerschmidt; 2009) EFO:0000229 TAO:0001198 XAO:0004208 ZFA:0001198 uberon pituitary placode UBERON:0009122 adenohypophyseal placode Sum total of mesenchyme in the embryo. consider adding new class (EMAPA:16097) for mesenchyme of embryo (some mesenchyme is extraembryonic - e.g. amnion mesoderm) UBERON:0003313 EHDAA2:0001113 EHDAA:177 EMAPA:16097 uberon UBERON:0009142 entire embryonic mesenchyme EMAPA:16549 RETIRED_EHDAA2:0001454 pharyngeal region uberon UBERON:0009145 pharyngeal region of foregut EHDAA2:0004021 uberon UBERON:0009196 indifferent external genitalia A nephric duct is a tube that drains a primitive kidney[GO]. EMAPA:16577 Wikipedia:Wolffian_duct uberon UBERON:0009201 pronephric duct or mesonephric duct nephric duct The axilla is the area directly under the joint where the forelimb connects to the shoulder. axillary CALOHA:TS-2208 EFO:0001395 FMA:24864 MESH:D001365 NCIT:C12674 UMLS:C0004454 galen:Axilla arm pit armpit axillary region regio axillaris uberon armpits axilla axillae axillary region oxter underarm UBERON:0009472 axilla An epithelium that is part of a foregut-midgut junction. EHDAA2:0000573 EMAPA:16564 uberon UBERON:0009497 epithelium of foregut-midgut junction An endoderm that is part of a foregut-midgut junction. EHDAA2:0000572 EMAPA:18403 uberon UBERON:0009550 endoderm of foregut-midgut junction FMA:25054 SCTID:22943007 region of trunk trunk subdivision uberon UBERON:0009569 subdivision of trunk EHDAA2:0001172 EMAPA:16977 VHOG:0000910 mantle layer lateral wall midbrain midbrain lateral wall mantle layer uberon mantle layer lateral wall mesencephalon UBERON:0009581 midbrain mantle layer TODO - developmental relationships for lines TAO:0007044 ZFA:0007044 MHB neural plate midbrain-hindbrain boundary neural plate uberon UBERON:0009615 midbrain hindbrain boundary neural plate A presumptive structure that has the potential to develop into a midbrain. TODO - unify naming conventions BAMS:MES EFO:0003432 EHDAA2:0000615 EMAPA:16140 TAO:0000148 Wikipedia:Mesencephalon ZFA:0000148 presumptive mesencephalon uberon early midbrain future midbrain mesencephalon UBERON:0009616 presumptive midbrain EHDAA2:0002094 trunk and cervical paraxial mesenchyme uberon trunk paraxial mesenchyme UBERON:0009618 trunk paraxial mesoderm EHDAA2:0001371 uberon pancreatis dorsalis UBERON:0009708 dorsal pancreas EHDAA2:0001393 uberon pancreatis ventralis UBERON:0009709 ventral pancreas EHDAA2:0004621 EMAPA:32754 FMA:293087 uberon pharyngeal arch endoderm UBERON:0009722 entire pharyngeal arch endoderm A renal tubule is a tube that filters, re-absorbs and secretes substances to rid an organism of waste and to play a role in fluid homeostasis. this class groups vertebrate nephron tubules with analagous structures such as insect Malpighian tubules renal tubule (generic) tubule of excretory system uberon UBERON:0009773 renal tubule The many-lobed berry cluster of cells that is the terminous of a gland where the secretion is produced is acinar in form. acinar acinus FMA:55588 Wikipedia:Acinus uberon acini UBERON:0009842 glandular acinus Branch or outpocketing of the digestive tract. FBbt:00100316 uberon diverticulum of gut intestinal pouch UBERON:0009854 digestive tract diverticulum galen:Diverticulum pouch uberon diverticulum UBERON:0009856 sac A division of the stomach. The stomach can be divided based on mucosal histology (glandular epithelium and gastric glands) and the relative position and type of gastric gland. We follow Kardong in defining stomach regions by gland, but we also include 'body of stomach'. In future we may want to have different partitions of the stomach UBERON:0009034 EMAPA:35821 FMA:14558 MA:0002561 SCTID:245415005 Wikipedia:Stomach#Sections gastric zone region of stomach section of stomach uberon UBERON:0009870 zone of stomach EFO:0003704 TAO:0005041 ZFA:0005041 ALPM uberon UBERON:0009881 anterior lateral plate mesoderm Mesenchyme that is part of a developing face. EMAPA:35337 FMA:302884 face mesenchyme mesenchyme of face uberon UBERON:0009891 facial mesenchyme todo - provide definition. Clearly distinguish between lobules, lobes and acinar parts of glands (see for example lobule of mammary gland) FMA:45737 NCIT:C12990 UMLS:C0921005 lobulus uberon UBERON:0009911 lobule A portion of an organ, such as the liver, lung, breast, or brain. FMA:45728 NCIT:C13393 UMLS:C0796494 lobus uberon UBERON:0009912 anatomical lobe EHDAA2:0001315 EHDAA:1122 uberon UBERON:0009920 optic neural crest An anatomical structure that has more than one cell as a part. CARO:0010000 FBbt:00100313 multicellular structure uberon UBERON:0010000 multicellular anatomical structure A small cluster of cells of various types which form a discrete structure, largely delimited by a morphological boundary and whose components work together to make the whole structure capable of a specific function. CARO:0010001 FBbt:00007229 uberon UBERON:0010001 Examples include arthropod sensilla. cell cluster organ An organ of the digestive tract that is capable of retaining and storing food. This is a very broad functionally defined grouping class that collects disparate structures from insects to vertebrates BSA:0000123 TADS:0000172 TGMA:0001041 uberon UBERON:0010039 food storage organ Gland of the epithelium lining the oral cavity. The most common are the salivary glands. Note that Kardong classifies lacrimal glands here. EHDAA2 includes pituitary primordium, as this develops from oral mucosa UBERON:0003293 EHDAA2:0001327 EHDAA:2181 EMAPA:16572 EMAPA:16723 VHOG:0000652 buccal gland uberon gland of oral opening gland of oral region mouth gland oral cavity gland oral region gland UBERON:0010047 oral gland An extrahepatic bile duct that has the potential to develop into a common hepatic duct. EHDAA2:0000595 uberon UBERON:0010081 future common hepatic duct Mesenchyme that has the potential to develop into a dermis. check development EHDAA2:0000598 uberon UBERON:0010083 future dermis A developing anatomical structure that has the potential to develop into a metencephalon. EHDAA2:0000623 uberon UBERON:0010092 future metencephalon A developing anatomical structure that has the potential to develop into a myelencephalon. EHDAA2:0000640 uberon UBERON:0010096 future myelencephalon Any of the organized aggregations of cells that function as secretory or excretory organs and that release hormones in response to neural stimuli. MA:0000720 neuroendocrine system gland uberon UBERON:0010133 neuroendocrine gland A circumventricular organ that is capable of secreting substances into the cerebrospinal fluid. EMAPA:35759 MA:0002943 uberon UBERON:0010134 secretory circumventricular organ A sex cord that is part of a indifferent gonad. note that this represents the indifferent structure. EHDAA2:0004051 indifferent sex cord primitive sex cords uberon UBERON:0010141 primitive sex cord of indifferent gonad An anatomical boundary that corresponds to some physical discontinuity. CARO:0001004 uberon UBERON:0010199 One might argue that all boundaries are actually fiat in the sense that there must be some fiat element at a fine enough scale of granularity. This ontology choses to ignore this issue as below the level of granularity relevant to anatomy. (DOS121102) bona-fide anatomical boundary The core globe-shaped component of the camera-type eye. See notes for camera-type eye FMA:12513 MIAA:0000283 SCTID:244486005 VHOG:0001616 Wikipedia:Globe_(human_eye) bulbus oculi eye globe eyeball uberon eye globe UBERON:0010230 eyeball of camera-type eye One of the three blood vessels, usually one large umbilical vein and two small umbilical arteries, buried within Wharton's jelly, that transport blood to and from the placenta, where exchange between the mother and fetus takes place; the umbilical vein carries oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood from the placenta to the fetus, and the umbilical arteries carry deoxygenated, nutrient-depleted blood from the fetus to the placenta. EMAPA:36493 allantoic vessel umbilical cord blood vessel umbilical vessel uberon umbilical cord blood vessels umbilical vasculature UBERON:0010260 umbilical blood vessel Portion of tissue that is dorsolateral to the floor plate and part of the midbrain. DHBA:12322 EFO:0003567 EHDAA2:0004375 TAO:0000761 ZFA:0000761 basal plate midbrain basal plate midbrain region uberon UBERON:0010285 midbrain basal plate Portion of neural tube that gives rise to the midbrain. we follow ZFA in temporally dividing midbrain NT from presumptive midbrain, but in future this may be collapsed TAO:0007039 ZFA:0007039 uberon UBERON:0010286 midbrain neural tube Developing anatomical structure that develops into the eyeball and associated structures. Multi-tissue structure that consists of the structures that develop into the retina and lens.[TAO] TAO:0002201 ZFA:0001678 future eye uberon UBERON:0010312 immature eye An anatomical structure that develops from the neural crest. Grouping term for query purposes uberon UBERON:0010313 neural crest-derived structure An anatomical structure that has some part that develops from the neural crest. Grouping term for query purposes uberon UBERON:0010314 structure with developmental contribution from neural crest uberon UBERON:0010316 germ layer / neural crest A skeletal element that has the potential to participate in endochondral ossification, and may participate in intramembranous ossification. VSAO:0000139 XAO:0004017 ZFA:0005620 endochondral replacement element uberon UBERON:0010363 endochondral element Epithelium composed of cells that develops from the ectoderm[FMA,modified]. FMA:69064 ectoderm-derived epithelium uberon UBERON:0010371 ecto-epithelium consider merging with dorsal pancreatic bud. Starts at CS12 in human (EHDAA2, 'bud anlagen') EHDAA2:0001384 FMA:79793 uberon dorsal pancreas UBERON:0010375 pancreas dorsal primordium Starts at CS14 in human (EHDAA2) or CS13-14 ( 'bud anlagen') EHDAA2:0001387 FMA:79794 uberon ventral pancreas UBERON:0010376 pancreas ventral primordium Mesenchyme that develops_from a somatopleure. the way this class is defined also includes extraembryonic mesenchyme such as the amniotic mesenchyme; in future this may be restricted to embryonic derivatives EHDAA2:0001120 uberon UBERON:0010377 mesenchyme from somatopleure The integrated unit (of the eye) that consists of the conjunctiva, the corneal surface, and the ocular mucosal adnexa including the lid margins and the meibomian gland openings, the lacrimal glands and the lacrimal drainage system, all which are critical to maintain ocular surface integrity and provide protection from external antigens and pathogenic microorganisms. EMAPA:35336 MA:0002486 eye surface eye surface region ocular surface uberon UBERON:0010409 ocular surface region The ciliary processes are formed by the inward folding of the various layers of the choroid, i.e. , the choroid proper and the lamina basalis, and are received between corresponding foldings of the suspensory ligament of the lens. FMA:76551 SCTID:280860001 Wikipedia:Ciliary_processes ciliary processes ciliary processes set processus ciliares set of ciliary processes uberon ciliary process processus ciliares UBERON:0010427 ciliary processes A simple columnar epithelium that looks stratified but is not, because its cells are arranged with their nuclei at different levels. Pseudostratified epithelia function in secretion or absorption. If a specimen looks stratified but has cilia, then it is a pseudostratified ciliated epithelium, since stratified epithelia do not have cilia. glandular in NCIT; we consider the two NCIT terms synonymous FMA:45572 NCIT:C33419 NCIT:C49316 UMLS:C0836138 UMLS:C1514590 Wikipedia:Pseudostratified_columnar_epithelium uberon UBERON:0010498 pseudostratified columnar epithelium Epithelium composed of a single layer of cells, appearing as layered because the column-shaped cells vary in height so the nuclei are at different levels. The basal portions of all the cells are in contact with the basement membrane. It lines the respiratory system and the male reproductive tract. The cilia in the respiratory tract are motile, while the stereocilia in the male reproductive tract are immobile. FMA:13146 NCIT:C13181 UMLS:C0506992 epithelium pseudostratificatum columnare ciliatum (trachea et bronchi) uberon UBERON:0010499 pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium A vessel of the microcirculature, lying between the arterioles and venules; includes capillaries (blood and lymphatic), metarterioles and arteriovenous anastomoses. MESH:A07.231.432 TAO:0005251 ZFA:0005251 uberon microcirculatory vessels UBERON:0010523 microcirculatory vessel An epithelial tube that is fated to become a nephron. EHDAA2 treats this as already having a tubular structure, but in the ZFA representation this is a cluster of cells developing nephron primitive nephron future nephron presumptive nephron uberon UBERON:0010532 primitive nephron uberon UBERON:0010536 nephron progenitor An organism subdivision that includes both an appendage and its associated girdle region. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). It is still called a complex when one of the two parts is missing (?) There are fossil fishes with only an outgrowth (no record of a girdle), including thelodonts (which have a suprabranchial fin) as well as some anaspids which have a distinctive 'paired fin' (with differing published assertions on whether it's homologous to a pec fin or pelvic fin or both or neither). There are many fishes and other vertebrates with only a girdle and no outgrowth.[VSAO] Anatomical group that consists of the soft and skeletal tissues of the appendicular region of the body and the appendage proper.[VSAO] It is still called a complex when one of the two parts is missing (?) There are fossil fishes with only an outgrowth (no record of a girdle), including thelodonts (which have a suprabranchial fin) as well as some anaspids which have a distinctive 'paired fin' (with differing published assertions on whether it's homologous to a pec fin or pelvic fin or both or neither). There are many fishes and other vertebrates with only a girdle and no outgrowth.[VSAO] note that the FMA uses the term 'limb' to refer to the entire appendage complex (free limb plus girdle region) haendel 2012-04-23T10:46:51Z EMAPA:37858 FMA:7182 VSAO:0000214 appendage complex appendage-girdle complex appendage/girdle complex girdle plus limb or fin uberon limb UBERON:0010707 appendage girdle complex Appendage girdle complex that when present, encompasses the pectoral appendicular skeleton and the pectoral girdle. Appendage girdle complex that when present, encompasses the pectoral appendage and half of the pectoral girdle.[VSAO] note that the FMA uses the terms 'upper limb' and 'lower limb' to refer to the entire appendage complex (free limb plus girdle region) EMAPA:37860 FMA:7183 SCTID:110716002 VSAO:0000213 pectoral appendage/girdle complex pectoral girdle plus anterior limb or fin pectoral girdle plus pectoral limb or fin uberon upper limb upper limb and pectoral girdle upper limb and shoulder UBERON:0010708 pectoral complex Appendage girdle complex that when present, encompasses the pelvic appendicular skeleton and the pelvic girdle. Appendage girdle complex that when present, encompasses the pelvic appendage and the pelvic girdle.[VSAO] note that the FMA uses the terms 'upper limb' and 'lower limb' to refer to the entire appendage complex (free limb plus girdle region). Note the MA class 'hindlimb' may also belong here EMAPA:37863 FMA:7184 SCTID:416631005 VSAO:0000215 pelvic appendage/girdle complex pelvic girdle plus pelvic limb or fin pelvic girdle plus posterior limb or fin uberon lower limb lower limb and pelvic girdle lower limb and pelvis UBERON:0010709 pelvic complex The subdivision of the skeleton of either the pectoral or pelvic girdle. Skeletal subdivision that is part of the appendage girdle region.[VSAO] relationship type change: subclass skeletal subdivision (VSAO:0000042) CHANGED TO: part_of subdivision of skeleton (UBERON:0010912)[VSAO] relationship type change: subclass skeletal subdivision (VSAO:0000042) CHANGED TO: proximally_connected_to subdivision of skeleton (UBERON:0010912)[VSAO] AAO:0010686 VSAO:0000302 skeleton of girdle uberon UBERON:0010719 girdle skeleton There are three cuneiform bones in the human foot: the medial cuneiform the intermediate cuneiform also known as the middle the lateral cuneiform. They are located between the navicular bone and the first, second and third metatarsal bones and are medial to the cuboid bone[WP, unvetted, human specific]. Series of elements that articulate with the metatarsals.[AAO] AAO:0000914 FMA:24517 NCIT:C32416 UMLS:C1511560 cuneiform bone distal tarsal distal tarsal bone os cuneiform os cuneiforme uberon cuneiform UBERON:0010721 distal tarsal bone A bone that is part of an appendage girdle complex (i.e. any bone in a limb, fin or girdle). EMAPA:35494 MA:0000688 uberon bone of extended limb/fin region limb bone UBERON:0010740 bone of appendage girdle complex A bone that is part of a pelvic complex. Examples: pubis, ischium, fot phalanx, any tarsal bone, any bone of the pelvic fin or girdle. the MA class called 'hindlimb bone' belongs here, as it includes bones in the pelvic girdle EMAPA:32633 EMAPA:35934 MA:0000660 uberon hindlimb bone UBERON:0010742 bone of pelvic complex A major subdivision of an organism that divides an organism along an axis perpedicular to the main body anterior-posterior axis. In vertebrates, this is typically a fin or limb segment. In insects, this includes segments of appendages such as antennae, as well as segments of the insect leg. FBbt:00007018 appendage segment appendicular segment uberon UBERON:0010758 subdivision of organism along appendicular axis Anatomical cluster consisting of the skeletal elements (i.e. bone elements, cartilage elements, cartilage condensations) that are part of an individual subdivision of the organism. Excludes joints. Anatomical cluster consisting of the skeletal elements that are part of the skeleton.[VSAO] FMA:23879 SCTID:129140006 VSAO:0000042 skeletal subdivision uberon subdivision of skeleton (in vivo) UBERON:0010912 subdivision of skeleton Joint in which the articulating bones or cartilages are connected by ligaments or fibrocartilage without an intervening synovial cavity. Examples: sagittal suture, inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis, costochondral joint, pubic symphysis. FMA:7491 solid joint uberon UBERON:0011134 nonsynovial joint Subdivision of the skeletal system which consists of the axial skeleton plus associated joints. FMA:7483 uberon UBERON:0011137 axial skeletal system Subdivision of the skeletal system which consists of the postcranial axial skeleton plus associated joints. axial skeletal system FMA:302077 post-cranial axial skeletal system uberon UBERON:0011138 postcranial axial skeletal system Subdivision of urinary system which consists of the kidney and the ureters. FMA:45658 NCIT:C61107 SCTID:181413006 galen:UpperUrinaryTract uberon UBERON:0011143 upper urinary tract A bone that is part of a neurocranium [Automatically generated definition]. EMAPA:35238 MA:0001478 chondrocranium bone uberon UBERON:0011164 neurocranium bone A sphincter muscle that is part of the gastrointestinal system. NCIT:C32669 UMLS:C1517464 uberon UBERON:0011185 gastrointestinal sphincter A multi cell part structure that is part of a central nervous system. FMA:83143 cell part cluster of neuraxis neuraxis layer uberon UBERON:0011215 central nervous system cell part cluster A subdivision of an anatomical system. FBbt:00007330 FMA:67509 SCTID:91690000 uberon UBERON:0011216 organ system subdivision Muscles within the eye (bulbus oculi).[AAO] AAO:0010038 EMAPA:18808 FMA:49150 intrinsic muscle of eyeball intrinsic ocular muscle uberon UBERON:0011222 intra-ocular muscle Subdivision of the skeletal system which consists of the appendicular skeleton plus associated joints. Skeletal system which consists of the appendicular skeleton plus associated joints.[VSAO] FMA:7484 VHOG:0001666 VSAO:0000306 uberon UBERON:0011249 appendicular skeletal system A bone that is part of a autopod region. Note that this incudes the carpal and tarsal bones. uberon UBERON:0011250 autopod bone compare with 'stratum basale of epidermis'. This class is the source for many adult structures - see WP2062. See also: 'enveloping layer of ectoderm' EHDAA2:0001845 uberon basal cell layer of skin outer epithelium of body UBERON:0011272 embryonic skin basal layer A retractable double-layered fold of skin and mucous membrane that covers the glans penis or clitoris. Glands may also be present. this is a generic sex-neutral grouping class for the male and female prepuce. Note that this structure is a combination of skin and other tissue preputial NCIT:C12323 uberon UBERON:0011374 prepuce Anatomical structure that is an aggregation of similar cells from which cartilages and bones form, and from which chondrogenesis and osteogenesis are initiated during repair and/or regeneration. (Hall and Miyake 1995). consider obsoleting, coordinate with VSAO VSAO:0000006 XAO:0004021 uberon UBERON:0011585 cell condensation A commissure that is part of a diencephalon. FMA:62445 diencephalon commissure uberon UBERON:0011590 commissure of diencephalon A major subdivision of an organism that divides an organism along its main body axis (typically anterio-posterior axis). In vertebrates, this is based on the vertebral column. Ideally this would be disjoint with analagous class for appendicular axes, but currently 'appendages' like antennae, horns cause a problem axial subdivision of organism uberon body segment main body segment UBERON:0011676 subdivision of organism along main body axis A cardiovascular system that is part of a conceptus. EHDAA2:0000216 FMA:305965 NCIT:C34148 conceptus cardiovascular system uberon embryonic circulatory system fetal circulatory system UBERON:0011695 embryonic cardiovascular system . NCIT:C34274 UMLS:C1514448 Wikipedia:Primordial_phallus uberon phallus phallus primordialis primordial phallus UBERON:0011757 differentiated genital tubercle Ectodermal placode that does not develop into a component of the nervous system. uberon UBERON:0011814 non-neurogenic ectodermal placode Connective tissue, which consists of a population of connective tissue cells, the intercellular matrix of which contains an irregular network of collagen and elastic fiber bundles. Examples: areolar tissue, mucoid tissue, connective tissue of peritoneum, connective tissue of fibrous pericardium. FMA:20107 uberon UBERON:0011821 irregular connective tissue Irregular connective tissue is an irregular connective tissue, the intercellular matrix of which contains a dense irregular network of collagen and elastic fiber bundles. Examples: connective tissue of peritoneum, connective tissue of fibrous pericardium. Tissue characterized by a thick, random arrangement of collagen and elastin fibers with very few cells. The majority of the cells are fibroblasts, but mast cells and macrophages may also be seen. It is found in the dermis, periosteum, perichondrium, capsules of organs and sheaths of nerves and muscles[NCIT] FMA:20109 NCIT:C32882 UMLS:C0738366 Wikipedia:Dense_irregular_connective_tissue irregular dense connective tissue typus irregularis (textus connectivus collagenosus compactus) uberon UBERON:0011822 dense irregular connective tissue Dense connective tissue is mainly composed of collagen type I. Crowded between the collagen fibers are rows of fibroblasts, fiber-forming cells, that manufacture the fibers. Dense connective tissue forms strong, rope-like structures such as tendons and ligaments. Tendons attach skeletal muscles to bones; ligaments connect bones to bones at joints. Ligaments are more stretchy and contain more elastic fibers than tendons. Dense connective tissue also make up the lower layers of the skin (dermis), where it is arranged in sheets. our OWL definition states that this is differentiated from other connective tissue types by virtue of the fact that the collage fiber component predominates, as opposed to cells and fluid. Connective tissue in which the fibrous component predominates. The cells, ground substance, and tissue fluid represent a minor component[NCIT] AAO:0000121 NCIT:C32450 UMLS:C1511770 Wikipedia:Dense_connective_tissue uberon UBERON:0011823 dense connective tissue Irregular connective tissue, the intercellular matrix of which contains a sparse irregular network of collagen and elastic fiber bundles. Examples: areolar tissue, neuroglial tissue, mucoid tissue. FMA:19783 NCIT:C33007 UMLS:C1253917 Wikipedia:Loose_connective_tissue textus connectivus collagenosus laxus textus connectivus laxus uberon UBERON:0011825 loose connective tissue An acinus that is part of a exocrine gland. exocrine gland acinus uberon UBERON:0011858 acinus of exocrine gland the FMA class specifically refers to ureter FMA:63212 MESH:D024022 NCIT:C32339 NIF_Subcellular:sao7547390221 uberon UBERON:0011860 collection of collagen fibrils Front (ventral) portion of the vascular, pigmentary, or middle coat of the eye, including the ciliary body and the iris. EMAPA:37417 SCTID:280656002 Haller tunica vascula anterior part of uveal tract anterior uveal tract anterior vascular layer of the eyeball anterior vascular tunic of the eye tunica vasculosa bulbosa ventral uveal tract uberon ciliary body and iris vasculosa oculi UBERON:0011892 anterior uvea Epimysium is a layer of connective tissue which ensheaths the entire muscle. It is composed of dense irregular connective tissue. It is continuous with fascia and other connective tissue wrappings of muscle including the endomysium, and perimysium. It is also continuous with tendons where it becomes thicker and collagenous. The Epimysium also protects muscles from friction against other muscles and bones FMA:9726 NCIT:C32527 UMLS:C0504096 Wikipedia:Epimysium fascia of muscle organ uberon epimysia UBERON:0011899 epimysium A region of the stomach that is lined with glandular epithelium. as currently defined, this would include the cardiac antrum; however, the intent may be to exclude the cardiac glands and in mice for this to be part of the region distal to the margo plicatus EMAPA:17623 MA:0001613 NCIT:C77661 SCTID:27633001 UMLS:C0227197 uberon glandular stomach UBERON:0011953 stomach glandular region The aggregate of the coelemic cavity lumen plus the membranes that line the lumen. EHDAA2 distingsuishes between the lumen, the lining, and the 'coelomic cavity', which despire it's name, is not a space - it is the aggregate of space plus lining. coelomic EHDAA2:0004731 Wikipedia:Coelom enterocoelom haemocoelom schizocoelom uberon coelem coelomic cavity UBERON:0011997 coelom FMA:62811 uberon UBERON:0012069 epithelium-associated lymphoid tissue An epithelium that consists of columnar epithelial cells. Columnar epithelia are epithelial cells whose heights are at least four times their width. Columnar epithelia are divided into simple (or unilayered), and the rarer stratified (or multi-layered).[WP, modified]. Wikipedia:Columnar_epithelium uberon UBERON:0012274 columnar epithelium Epithelium that derives from the mesoderm. [Automatically generated definition]. FMA:86452 mesoderm-derived epithelium mesoepithelium uberon UBERON:0012275 meso-epithelium One of the pair of mesenchymal swellings (folds) located on either side of the cloacal membrane during the indifferent stage of embryonic development; cranial to the cloacal membrane the folds unite to form the genital tubercle; caudally the folds are subdivided into urogenital folds anteriorly and anal folds posteriorly. cloacal fold EHDAA2:0004009 uberon UBERON:0012292 We presume this is distinct from AAO:0001003, an external integumentary structure - check with amphibian anatomy ontology developers. AO notes: the text def states mesenchymal swelling, EHDAA2 splits into mesenchymal and epithelial parts embryonic cloacal fold A bone element that is part of a jaw region. Do not manually classify under here - bones are automatically classified EMAPA:35453 MA:0003130 jaw bone uberon UBERON:0012360 bone of jaw EHDAA2:0004588 uberon UBERON:0012361 internal anal region Blood-forming tissue, consisting of reticular fibers and cells. Bone marrow in humans, kidney interstitium in Danio, within a stroma of reticuloendothelial tissue CALOHA:TS-2142 FMA:14073 NCIT:C13051 UMLS:C0229619 haemopoietic tissue hematopoietic tissue hemopoietic tissue textus haemopoieticus bone marrow tissue uberon UBERON:0012429 hematopoietic tissue The sclera and cornea form the fibrous tunic of the bulb of the eye; the sclera is opaque, and constitutes the posterior five-sixths of the tunic; the cornea is transparent, and forms the anterior sixth. tunica fibrosa FMA:58102 SCTID:361318005 Wikipedia:Fibrous_tunic_of_eyeball fibrous layer of eyeball uberon corneosclera fibrous tunic UBERON:0012430 tunica fibrosa of eyeball EHDAA2:0004589 uberon UBERON:0012469 external anal region The collection of all skeletal elements in a pectoral complex - i.e. the combination of free limb or fin plus pectoral girdle. FMA:24139 uberon bones of upper limb ossa membri superioris pectoral complex skeleton set of bones of upper limb skeleton of anterior limb/fin and girdle upper limb skeleton UBERON:0012475 skeleton of pectoral complex The collection of all skeletal elements in a pelvic complex - i.e. the combination of free limb or fin plus pelvic girdle. FMA:24140 uberon bones of lower limb lower limb skeleton ossa membri inferioris pelvic complex skeleton set of bones of lower limb skeleton of posterior limb/fin and girdle UBERON:0012476 skeleton of pelvic complex A depression or fissure in the surface of the brain. It surrounds the gyri, creating the characteristic appearance of the brain in humans and other large mammals. sulci are considered absent from lissencephalic mammals such as mice, but they may possess fissures. For example, the Allen mouse brain Atlas includes hippocampal, rhinal and choroid fissure. For this reason we do not place a taxon constraint on this class Indentation on the surface of the brain or spinal cord that forms a recognizable landmark, e.g., central sulcus, sulcus limitans (CUMBO) sulci & spaces sulcus DHBA:10610 HBA:9352 NCIT:C32292 cerebral sulci fissure of brain uberon cerebral sulci cerebral sulcus UBERON:0013118 sulcus of brain The secretory unit of a serous gland. The acinar portion is composed of serous secreting cells. FMA:86279 acinus of serous gland uberon UBERON:0013232 serous acinus uberon UBERON:0013238 future glans A future glans that is part of a male genital tubercle. EMAPA:29252 glans of male genital tubercle uberon UBERON:0013239 future glans penis A future glans that is part of a female genital tubercle. EMAPA:19170 glans of female genital tubercle uberon UBERON:0013240 future glans clitoris The precursor of the urethra. In humans, the urethral groove is a temporary linear indentation on the underside (ventral side) of the male penis during embryonic development. It typically appears around 8 weeks of gestation and becomes closed into a normal male urethra by the 12th week SCTID:361531004 Wikipedia:Urethral_groove sulcus urethralis primarius urethral groove urethral sulcus uberon UBERON:0013241 embryonic urethral groove The space that surrounds an organism. external to organism outside of body uberon UBERON:0013514 space surrounding organism A section through the tube or network of tubes that connects the ovaries to the outside of the body. FMA class may only represent the uterine portion FMA:18302 subdivision of oviduct subdivision of uterine tube uterine tube zone zone of uterine tube subdivision of fallopian tube uberon UBERON:0013515 subdivision of oviduct uberon UBERON:0013522 subdivision of tube 2 An anatomical space which is the lumen of some anatomical conduit and connects two or more spaces together[FMA,modified]. FMA:9338 foramen space uberon UBERON:0013686 anatomical conduit space A zone of soft tissue located on the posterior of the lateral side of the pelvic region corresponding to the gluteal muscles. gluteal CALOHA:TS-2224 EFO:0003070 FMA:25245 MESH:D002081 NCIT:C89806 UMLS:C0006497 clunis gluteal part of pelvic girdle gluteal region regio glutealis uberon buttocks UBERON:0013691 buttock Epithelium lining the exocrine pancreas. CALOHA:TS-2108 uberon epithelium of exocrine pancreas exocrine pancreas epithelial cell UBERON:0013697 exocrine pancreas epithelium A principle subdivision of an organism that includes all structures along the primary axis, typically the anterior-posterior axis, from head to tail, including structures of the body proper where present (for example, ribs), but excluding appendages. uberon UBERON:0013701 main body axis The region of the organism associated with the visceral organs. Cardinal body part, which consists of a maximal set of diverse subclasses of organ and organ part spatially associated with the vertebral column and ribcage. Examples: There is only one body proper[FMA:231424]. AEO:0000103 BTO:0001489 EMAPA:36031 FMA:231424 uberon body whole body UBERON:0013702 body proper Anatomical projection that is part of the integumentl system. skin projection uberon UBERON:0013703 integumentary projection An organ component layer that is part of a integumental system. SCTID:314820002 layer of skin skin layer uberon UBERON:0013754 integumentary system layer A blood that is part of a vein. FMA:83067 blood in vein portion of venous blood venous blood uberon UBERON:0013756 venous blood Any of the organs or elements that are part of the digestive system. Examples: tongue, esophagus, spleen, crop, lunge feeding organ, tooth elements. EMAPA:37843 SCTID:272627002 digestive organ digestive system organ uberon UBERON:0013765 digestive system element Great vessels is a term used to refer collectively to the large vessels that bring blood to and from the heart. great vessel EMAPA:36460 great vessel of thorax uberon UBERON:0013768 Groupings may vary - typically pulmonary vessels and aorta and vena cavae great vessel of heart Embryonic structure that gives rise to the telencephalon. EHDAA2:0004424 EMAPA:36024 TAO:0000571 ZFA:0000571 presumptive telencephalon uberon UBERON:0014371 paired anteriolateral division of the embryonic prosencephalon plus the lamina terminalis from which the olfactory lobes, cerebral cortex, and subcortical nuclei are derived[MP] future telencephalon Is part of the pelvis on the edge of the wing of the ilium. Round in shape, dorsal to the pubis and ischium. Acts as structrure that muscles can attach too. EMAPA:37602 FMA:16914 MA:0003053 NCIT:C103818 uberon UBERON:0014437 iliac crest Subdivision of skeletal system that consists of all skeletal elements in the thoracic region of the trunk. In most vertebrates this is the rib cage and sternum. EHDAA2:0002013 FMA:77169 Wikipedia:Thoracic_skeleton skeleton of thorax thoracic part of axial skeleton thoracic skeleton uberon UBERON:0014477 thoracic skeleton A duct that is located between lobules, within the thin connective tissue septa that separate lobules. All interlobular ducts are excretory. NCIT:C32828 UMLS:C1512857 Wikipedia:Interlobular_ducts uberon UBERON:0014716 interlobular duct A duct that is located within a lobule, with no more connective tissue intervening between ducts and secretory units (i.e., acini or tubules) than between adjacent secretory units. Intercalated and striated ducts are intralobular. SCTID:205214009 uberon intralobular ductule UBERON:0014719 intralobular duct A blood vessel that drains from from an eyelid. FMA:51997 uberon palpebral veins venae palpebrales UBERON:0014769 palpebral vein A muscle organ that consists of skeletal muscle tissue ensheathed in epimysium, that develops from myotome and that is innervated by some somatic motor neuron. Skeletal muscles are typically attached (via a tendon) to a bone but there are exceptions (e.g. intrinsic tongue muscles). skeletal muscle AAO:0011099 BTO:0001103 CALOHA:TS-0933 EFO:0000888 EHDAA:5035 EHDAA:5043 EHDAA:5978 EHDAA:5984 EMAPA:35988 EV:0100377 GAID:141 MA:0003148 MAT:0000302 MESH:D018482 MIAA:0000302 OpenCyc:Mx4rv2kf-5wpEbGdrcN5Y29ycA TAO:0005277 VHOG:0000319 XAO:0000174 ZFA:0005277 uberon UBERON:0014892 skeletal muscle organ A portion of tissue that will develop into vasculature. EFO:0003708 TAO:0005076 ZFA:0005076 uberon UBERON:0014903 primordial vasculature A rib bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor. Humans have 24 ribs (12 pairs). The first seven sets of ribs, known as 'true ribs', are directly attached to the sternum through the costal cartilage. The following five sets are known as 'false ribs', three of these sharing a common cartilaginous connection to the sternum, while the last two (eleventh and twelfth ribs) are termed floating ribs (costae fluitantes) or vertebral ribs. They are attached to the vertebrae only, and not to the sternum or cartilage coming off of the sternum. Some people are missing one of the two pairs of floating ribs, while others have a third pair. Rib removal is the surgical excision of ribs for therapeutic or cosmetic reasons. In fish, there are often two sets of ribs attached to the vertebral column. One set, the dorsal ribs, are found in the dividing septum between the upper and lower parts of the main muscle segments, projecting roughly sideways from the vertebral column. The second set, of ventral ribs arise from the vertebral column just below the dorsal ribs, and enclose the lower body, often joining at the tips. Not all species possess both types of rib, with the dorsal ribs being most commonly absent. Sharks, for example, have no dorsal ribs, and only very short ventral ribs, while lampreys have no ribs at all. In some teleosts, there may be additional rib-like bones within the muscle mass. Tetrapods, however, only ever have a single set of ribs which are probably homologous with the dorsal ribs of fishes. In the early tetrapods, every vertebra bore a pair of ribs, although those on the thoracic vertebrae are typically the longest. The sacral ribs were stout and short, since they formed part of the pelvis, connecting the backbone to the hip bones.[1] In most subsequent forms, many of these early ribs have been lost, and in living amphibians and reptiles, there is great variation in rib structure and number. For example, turtles have only eight pairs of ribs, which are developed into a bony or cartilagenous carapace and plastron, while snakes have numerous ribs running along the full length of their trunk. Frogs typically have no ribs, aside from a sacral pair, which form part of the pelvis.[1]. In birds, ribs are present as distinct bones only on the thoracic region, although small fused ribs are present on the cervical vertebrae. The thoracic ribs of birds possess a wide projection to the rear; this uncinate process is an attachment for the shoulder muscles.[1]. Mammals usually also only have distinct ribs on the thoracic vertebra, although fixed cervical ribs are also present in monotremes. In marsupials and placental mammals, the cervical and lumbar ribs are found only as tiny remnants fused to the vertebrae, where they are referred to as transverse processes. In general, the structure and number of the true ribs in humans is similar to that in other mammals. Unlike reptiles, caudal ribs are never found in mammals. rib skeletal element rib element uberon UBERON:0015019 rib endochondral element A hindlimb bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor. hindlimb bone skeletal element uberon UBERON:0015022 hindlimb endochondral element A tarsus bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor. tarsus skeletal element tarsus element uberon UBERON:0015050 tarsus endochondral element An ischial bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor. ischial skeletal element ischial element uberon UBERON:0015056 ischial endochondral element A limb bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor. limb bone skeletal element limb bone endochondral element uberon UBERON:0015061 limb endochondral element An endochondral element that is part of a autopod region. uberon UBERON:0015063 autopod endochondral element A distal mesopodial endochondral element that is part of a hindlimb. uberon distal tarsal UBERON:0015099 distal tarsal endochondral element Any structure that is placed on one side of the left-right axis of a bilaterian. This class is primarily to implement taxon constraints. It may be removed in the future. uberon UBERON:0015212 lateral structure A hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, contributes to the circulation of lymph, blood or analogs. Examples: a chambered vertebrate heart; the tubular peristaltic heart of ascidians; the dorsal vessel of an insect; the lymoh heart of a reptile. heart SPD:0000130 cardiac pump heart or heart like organ circulatory vessel uberon cardiac structure UBERON:0015228 circulatory organ EMAPA:37597 MA:0002449 heart/pericardium uberon UBERON:0015410 heart plus pericardium FMA:62798 portion of heterogeneous tissue uberon UBERON:0015757 heterogeneous tissue An epithelium that is part of a camera-type eye. EMAPA:35957 MA:0003162 uberon UBERON:0015808 eye epithelium An epithelium that is part of a foregut. EMAPA:32922 MA:0003204 uberon UBERON:0015833 foregut epithelium A stroma that is part of a liver. FMA:17553 hepatic stroma stroma of liver uberon UBERON:0016478 liver stroma An roughly circular indentation in a surface. AEO:0000204 uberon UBERON:0016566 pit Primordium that develops into the central nervous system. UBERON:3000469 future CNS presumptive central nervous system uberon UBERON:0016879 future central nervous system Primordium that develops into the nervous system. UBERON:3000477 AAO:0000477 presumptive nervous system uberon UBERON:0016880 future nervous system The part of the conceptus that may be lost before birth or will be discarded at birth, or when the embryo becomes an independent organism. AEO:0000195 EHDAA2:0000003 EMAPA:16042 extra-embryonic component extraembryonic component uberon UBERON:0016887 entire extraembryonic component An embryonic anatomical entity that will turn into one or more other anatomical entities, perhaps with other anatomical entities, later in development. AEO:0000132 uberon UBERON:0016888 transitional anatomical structure A mesenchyme-derived anatomical entity undergoing a transtion to become another structure. AEO:0001016 uberon UBERON:0017650 developing mesenchymal structure A viscus that is part of a abdomen. FMA:32413 FMA:67355 abdominal viscera abdominal viscera set set of abdominal viscera uberon UBERON:0017672 abdominal viscera An endochondral element in the distal portion of the mesopodial skeleton, between the central mesopodial skeleton and the metapodial skeleton. TODO add logical definition distal mesopodial uberon UBERON:0018099 distal mesopodial endochondral element A distal mesopodial endochondral element that is composed primarily of a bone tissue. uberon UBERON:0018102 distal mesopodial bone Added for consistency with MA EMAPA and EHDAA2. See EHDAA2:0001842 EMAPA:35578 MA:0000165 uberon UBERON:0018254 skeletal musculature Any organ component layer that consists of muscle tissue. NCITA class may refer to smooth muscle only FMA:45634 NCIT:C75444 uberon UBERON:0018260 layer of muscle tissue A membranous sac in animals that serves as the receptacle of a liquid or contains gas. BTO:0000123 bladder uberon UBERON:0018707 bladder organ BTO:0002439 genital mucosa uberon UBERON:0019042 reproductive system mucosa The part of the eye that consists of both the retina and the optic choroid. SCTID:110701000 chorioretina choroid and retina retinachoroid retinachoroidal region uberon UBERON:0019207 chorioretinal region DHBA:10157 FMA:268608 uberon UBERON:0019264 gray matter of forebrain EMAPA:35952 MA:0003174 uberon UBERON:0019304 sensory organ epithelium An exocrine gland that is part of a integumental system. integumental exocrine gland integumental system exocrine gland uberon UBERON:0019319 exocrine gland of integumental system FMA:58315 uberon surface of region of wall of eyeball UBERON:0022288 surface of eyeball Single layer of a laminar structure, identified by different density, arrangement or size of cells and processes arranged in flattened layers or lamina[CUMBO]. this is currently used to group some cellular layers that may not strictly conform to the CARO definition of cell-part layer. Consider genericisizing and introducing subtypes for cellular layer, fibrous layer and cell soma layer lamina layer NLX:149357 uberon UBERON:0022303 nervous system cell part layer Serous membrane layer that is adjacent to and lines an organ. FMA:15860 visceral wall of serous membrane uberon UBERON:0022350 visceral serous membrane Serous membrane layer that lines to a body cavity. cavity lining FMA:15859 MA:0002448 parietal wall of serous membrane uberon UBERON:0022351 parietal serous membrane An embryonic or larval epithelium that is committed to form part of the nervous system. neurepithelium AEO:0001008 BTO:0000314 EHDAA2_RETIRED:0004654 FMA:64807 embryonic neuroepithelium neuroepithelium uberon UBERON:0034705 developing neuroepithelium An epithelium that is undergoing proliferation to provide large numbers of neuronal cells. AEO:0001009 uberon UBERON:0034706 proliferating neuroepithelium A neuroepithelium some of whose cells are undergoing terminal differentiation to become neuronal cells. AEO:0001010 uberon UBERON:0034707 differentiating neuroepithelium FMA:79770 NCIT:C41168 uberon UBERON:0034769 lymphomyeloid tissue Any substance in the body or expelled from the body that is in a gaseous state. FMA:84580 gas in anatomical space portion of gas in anatomical space uberon UBERON:0034873 bodily gas Any portion of gas located in a part of the respiratory system that is composed primarily of air. FMA:84581 respiratory air respiratory system air uberon UBERON:0034874 air in respiratory system EHDAA2:0001472 EMAPA:32796 pituitary primordium uberon UBERON:0034875 future pituitary gland An multicellular anatomical structure that has subparts of multiple organs as a part. CARO:0020001 uberon anatomical cluster UBERON:0034921 multi organ part structure A cluster of cells, largely surrounded by a morphological boundary. CARO:0020002 FMA:62807 uberon UBERON:0034922 cell cluster A collection of anatomical structures that are alike in terms of their morphology or developmental origin. resolve if this should be a subclass of disconnected anatomical group. Some collections (e.g. the skeleton or skull) are arguably connected uberon UBERON:0034925 anatomical collection A region or zone on the surface of an organism that encompasses skin and any adnexa, down through muscles and bounded by underlying skeletal support structures. uberon UBERON:0034929 external soft tissue zone The epithelial layer covering the biliary system. This includes the epithelium of the gallbladder (when present) as well as the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts. BTO:0001513 biliary system epithelium uberon biliary epithelium biliary tract epithelium UBERON:0034932 epithelium of biliary system FMA:55268 organ sector organ zonal region organ zone uberon organ region with floating fiat boundary UBERON:0034944 zone of organ Any portion of gas located in a part of the respiratory system. respiratory gas respiratory system gas uberon UBERON:0034947 gas in respiratory system NCIT:C25787 UMLS:C1512086 uberon duct epithelium ductal epithelium UBERON:0034969 epithelial layer of duct EMAPA:35702 uberon UBERON:0035004 preputial swelling EMAPA:29220 uberon prepuce of male UBERON:0035005 preputial swelling of male uberon UBERON:0035050 excretory duct A skeletal element of the ethmoid region with complex morphology that are lined with mucuous membranes involved in either olfaction or air conditioning. consult to add missing structures, e.g. ectoturbinals unossified in dinosaurs[] nasal turbinal nasal turbinal element nasal turbinate turbinal turbinate uberon concha conchae nasales nasal concha UBERON:0035612 nasal turbinal Wikipedia:Glans uberon UBERON:0035651 glans The primordial mouth region of the developing head. FMA:293105 primitive mouth primordial mouth uberon UBERON:0035804 future mouth FMA:12241 SCTID:304404008 uberon UBERON:0035809 serous cavity The part of the ventral body cavity that is within the abdominal segment of the trunk, which encompasses the abdomen proper plus pelvic cavity. FMA:12267 Wikipedia:Abdominopelvic_cavity cavitas abdominis et pelvis uberon UBERON:0035819 abdominopelvic cavity A serous sac that is the aggregate of the peritoneum and the peritoneal cavity, located in the abdominal cavity. EMAPA:16137 FMA:9908 MA:0000054 uberon peritoneal component UBERON:0035820 peritoneal sac An region of the mesoderm that includes anterior lateral mesoderm of the first heart field plus contiguous pharyngeal mesoderm that gives rise to second-heart-field-derived regions of the heart and branchiomeric muscles. uberon UBERON:0036146 cardiopharyngeal field Material anatomical entity that forms the outermost boundary of an anatomical structure. AAO:0010270 AEO:0000154 ZFA:0005594 uberon UBERON:0036215 anatomical surface region Any gland that is part os the respiratory system. uberon UBERON:0036225 respiratory system gland The upper tract of the renal system. The renal pelvis is the large cavity in the middle of each kidney. Urine drains from each kidney through a long tube called the ureter, into the bladder, where it is stored until it is passed from the body through the urethra. NCIT:C54419 renal pelvis and ureter renal pelvis plus ureter uberon UBERON:0036295 renal pelvis/ureter FMA:259905 uberon UBERON:0036303 vasculature of central nervous system An anatomical junction between two parts of the digestive tract. 2021-02-05T11:19:31Z uberon UBERON:1100000 digestive tract junction Structures of the dermis, epidermis, glands and pigment cells recognizable on the external surfaces of the integument. This class was sourced from an external ontology (amphibian_anatomy). Its definitions, naming conventions and relationships may need to be checked for compatibility with uberon amphibian_anatomy_curators uberon UBERON:3000961 Not clear how this differs from parent class. See external integument structure An anatomical junction between two parts of the intestine. junction of intestine uberon UBERON:8410024 intestinal junction obsolete: B cell derived cell line Chao Pang ND12130 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS ND12130 cell OMIM: 105400 unspecified cell type cancer cell line cervical carcinoma unspecified James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak ES Ewing Family of Tumors Ewing Sarcoma/Peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor Ewing Tumor Ewing sarcoma Ewing's Family of Tumors Ewing's Family of Tumours Ewing's Sarcoma/Peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor Ewing's sarcoma Ewing's sarcoma (morphologic abnormality) Ewing's tumour Ewings Tumor Tumors of the Ewing's Family DOID:3369 GeneRIF:11313995 GeneRIF:11956622 GeneRIF:11992404 GeneRIF:12054564 GeneRIF:12172985 GeneRIF:12447693 GeneRIF:12527902 GeneRIF:12557222 GeneRIF:12700668 GeneRIF:14528100 GeneRIF:14977835 GeneRIF:15044653 GeneRIF:15077162 GeneRIF:15273724 GeneRIF:15282325 GeneRIF:15310753 GeneRIF:15328192 GeneRIF:15581626 GeneRIF:15748890 GeneRIF:15919668 MSH:D012512 NCIt:C27291 NCIt:C4817 SNOMEDCT:76909002 A malignant tumor of the bone which always arises in the medullary tissue, occurring more often in cylindrical bones. There are conspicuous foci of necrosis in association with irregular masses of small, regular, rounded or ovoid cells with very scanty cytoplasm. The tumor occurs usually before the age of 20, about twice as frequently in males as in females. (From Dorland, 27th ed; Stedman, 25th ed) A small round cell tumor that lacks morphologic, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic evidence of neuroectodermal differentiation. It represents one of the two ends of the spectrum called Ewing's sarcoma/peripheral neuroectodermal tumor. It affects mostly males under age 20, and it can occur in soft tissue or bone. Pain and the presence of a mass are the most common clinical symptoms. A spectrum of malignant tumors, affecting mostly males under age 20, characterized morphologically by the presence of small round cells. Ewing sarcoma and peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor represent the ends of a spectrum, with Ewing sarcoma lacking evidence of neural differentiation and the markers that characterize the peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor. Ewing sarcoma and peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor may share cytogenetic abnormalities, proto-oncogene expression, cell culture and immunohistochemical abnormalities. These tumors may occur in the soft tissues or the bones. Pain and the presence of a mass are the most common clinical symptoms. A spectrum of malignant tumors, affecting mostly males under age 20, characterized morphologically by the presence of small round cells. Ewing sarcoma and peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor represent the ends of a spectrum, with Ewing sarcoma lacking evidence of neural differentiation and the markers that characterize the peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor. Ewing sarcoma and peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor may share cytogenetic abnormalities, proto-oncogene expression, cell culture and immunohistochemical abnormalities. These tumors may occur in the soft tissues or the bones. Pain and the presence of a mass are the most common clinical symptoms. -- 2004 Ewings sarcoma URI: Tomasz Adamusiak Nephroblastoma (disorder) Nephroblastoma (morphologic abnormality) Nephroblastoma NOS Wilms tumor nephroblastoma renal Wilms tumor DOID:2154 A malignant mixed tumor that affects the kidneys and typically occurs in children. nephroblastoma URI: James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak AD AD - Alzheimer's disease ALZHEIMER DIS ALZHEIMER DIS EARLY ONSET ALZHEIMERS DIS Acute Confusional Senile Dementia Alzheimer Dementia Alzheimer Disease, Early Onset Alzheimer Disease, Late Onset Alzheimer Senile Dementia Alzheimer Type Dementia Alzheimer's Dementia Alzheimer's Disease Pathway Alzheimer's Disease, Focal Onset Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease (disorder) Alzheimer's disease, NOS Alzheimers Alzheimers Dementia Alzheimers disease DAT - Dementia Alzheimer's type Dementia in Alzheimer's disease Dementia in Alzheimer's disease (disorder) Dementia in Alzheimer's disease, unspecified (disorder) Dementia of the Alzheimer's type Dementia, Presenile Dementias, Presenile Dementias, Senile Disease, Alzheimer FOCAL ONSET ALZHEIMERS DIS LATE ONSET ALZHEIMER DIS Presenile Alzheimer Dementia Primary Senile Degenerative Dementia Senile Dementia Senile Dementia, Alzheimer Type [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease (disorder) [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease, unspecified [X]Dementia in Alzheimer's disease, unspecified (disorder) DOID:10652 GeneRIF:11278808 GeneRIF:11552008 GeneRIF:11592857 GeneRIF:11756426 GeneRIF:11771745 GeneRIF:11771746 GeneRIF:11771749 GeneRIF:11771751 GeneRIF:11798857 GeneRIF:11826038 GeneRIF:11831025 GeneRIF:11831556 GeneRIF:11837743 GeneRIF:11837744 GeneRIF:11840502 GeneRIF:11841602 GeneRIF:11847218 GeneRIF:11848684 GeneRIF:11849768 GeneRIF:11852060 GeneRIF:11897170 GeneRIF:11905990 GeneRIF:11920850 GeneRIF:11927360 GeneRIF:11927634 GeneRIF:11936240 GeneRIF:11939591 GeneRIF:11940690 GeneRIF:11971084 GeneRIF:11992568 GeneRIF:12009501 GeneRIF:12023056 GeneRIF:12025816 GeneRIF:12032152 GeneRIF:12068009 GeneRIF:12070657 GeneRIF:12074831 GeneRIF:12080182 GeneRIF:12084708 GeneRIF:12098640 GeneRIF:12107813 GeneRIF:12109594 GeneRIF:12111440 GeneRIF:12111806 GeneRIF:12112084 GeneRIF:12112088 GeneRIF:12116197 GeneRIF:12117364 GeneRIF:12127670 GeneRIF:12133495 GeneRIF:12142731 GeneRIF:12145324 GeneRIF:12147333 GeneRIF:12149413 GeneRIF:12151789 GeneRIF:12160938 GeneRIF:12175481 GeneRIF:12177374 GeneRIF:12192622 GeneRIF:12200143 GeneRIF:12200623 GeneRIF:12218659 GeneRIF:12221172 GeneRIF:12223024 GeneRIF:12226093 GeneRIF:12232784 GeneRIF:12242547 GeneRIF:12270958 GeneRIF:12362316 GeneRIF:12368187 GeneRIF:12387451 GeneRIF:12401548 GeneRIF:12408226 GeneRIF:12408231 GeneRIF:12417379 GeneRIF:12417381 GeneRIF:12422374 GeneRIF:12435432 GeneRIF:12438920 GeneRIF:12445809 GeneRIF:12459318 GeneRIF:12459519 GeneRIF:12460603 GeneRIF:12480749 GeneRIF:12480753 GeneRIF:12480756 GeneRIF:12483461 GeneRIF:12486154 GeneRIF:12489797 GeneRIF:12497622 GeneRIF:12497631 GeneRIF:12499050 GeneRIF:12499840 GeneRIF:12499843 GeneRIF:12505619 GeneRIF:12508915 GeneRIF:12509807 GeneRIF:12509811 GeneRIF:12514700 GeneRIF:12527400 GeneRIF:12528817 GeneRIF:12531514 GeneRIF:12535780 GeneRIF:12551918 GeneRIF:12555245 GeneRIF:12565129 GeneRIF:12565837 GeneRIF:12566926 GeneRIF:12600202 GeneRIF:12600716 GeneRIF:12600718 GeneRIF:12600719 GeneRIF:12604387 GeneRIF:12605101 GeneRIF:12609057 GeneRIF:12614671 GeneRIF:12614934 GeneRIF:12626500 GeneRIF:12627474 GeneRIF:12641733 GeneRIF:12645087 GeneRIF:12650976 GeneRIF:12692477 GeneRIF:12694406 GeneRIF:12697290 GeneRIF:12702875 GeneRIF:12707936 GeneRIF:12707937 GeneRIF:12707938 GeneRIF:12727335 GeneRIF:12732730 GeneRIF:12740599 GeneRIF:12742739 GeneRIF:12759460 GeneRIF:12770689 GeneRIF:12770691 GeneRIF:12787059 GeneRIF:12796468 GeneRIF:12807433 GeneRIF:12807963 GeneRIF:12809550 GeneRIF:12815750 GeneRIF:12816543 GeneRIF:12824062 GeneRIF:12824768 GeneRIF:12826738 GeneRIF:12859671 GeneRIF:12873803 GeneRIF:12876265 GeneRIF:12876460 GeneRIF:12876480 GeneRIF:12882323 GeneRIF:12888622 GeneRIF:12890766 GeneRIF:12891359 GeneRIF:12893422 GeneRIF:12895443 GeneRIF:12914969 GeneRIF:12925530 GeneRIF:12928051 GeneRIF:12928052 GeneRIF:12928053 GeneRIF:12928512 GeneRIF:12939405 GeneRIF:12960780 GeneRIF:12969266 GeneRIF:12972157 GeneRIF:13678670 GeneRIF:14515137 GeneRIF:14519527 GeneRIF:14519529 GeneRIF:14521990 GeneRIF:14523088 GeneRIF:14523627 GeneRIF:14572447 GeneRIF:14614898 GeneRIF:14625044 GeneRIF:14637088 GeneRIF:14639046 GeneRIF:14646594 GeneRIF:14651959 GeneRIF:14657172 GeneRIF:14661818 GeneRIF:14663182 GeneRIF:14675603 GeneRIF:14688411 GeneRIF:14701757 GeneRIF:14708344 GeneRIF:14717705 GeneRIF:14722078 GeneRIF:14739533 GeneRIF:14739535 GeneRIF:14739536 GeneRIF:14746899 GeneRIF:14757935 GeneRIF:14761950 GeneRIF:14765129 GeneRIF:14978286 GeneRIF:14985339 GeneRIF:14991457 GeneRIF:14991845 GeneRIF:14999081 GeneRIF:15013567 GeneRIF:15014128 GeneRIF:15016430 GeneRIF:15024728 GeneRIF:15024730 GeneRIF:15026113 GeneRIF:15026168 GeneRIF:15030408 GeneRIF:15034766 GeneRIF:15034937 GeneRIF:15048650 GeneRIF:15050722 GeneRIF:15053964 GeneRIF:15056725 GeneRIF:15059642 GeneRIF:15060098 GeneRIF:15068237 GeneRIF:15068244 GeneRIF:15068254 GeneRIF:15070964 GeneRIF:15075440 GeneRIF:15082170 GeneRIF:15082191 GeneRIF:15084795 GeneRIF:15087549 GeneRIF:15091317 GeneRIF:15094456 GeneRIF:15106838 GeneRIF:15106847 GeneRIF:15106853 GeneRIF:15111312 GeneRIF:15115757 GeneRIF:15123740 GeneRIF:15144856 GeneRIF:15147516 GeneRIF:15152345 GeneRIF:15155565 GeneRIF:15167696 GeneRIF:15172102 GeneRIF:15175114 GeneRIF:15178951 GeneRIF:15181247 GeneRIF:15182943 GeneRIF:15184629 GeneRIF:15192701 GeneRIF:15193429 GeneRIF:15193763 GeneRIF:15203119 GeneRIF:15207261 GeneRIF:15210531 GeneRIF:15211644 GeneRIF:15212839 GeneRIF:15228592 GeneRIF:15236409 GeneRIF:15255950 GeneRIF:15255951 GeneRIF:15263903 GeneRIF:15277615 GeneRIF:15313836 GeneRIF:15313842 GeneRIF:15331147 GeneRIF:15337312 GeneRIF:15338333 GeneRIF:15342129 GeneRIF:15355315 GeneRIF:15356202 GeneRIF:15358178 GeneRIF:15364413 GeneRIF:15365176 GeneRIF:15370375 GeneRIF:15375590 GeneRIF:15451372 GeneRIF:15452128 GeneRIF:15452311 GeneRIF:15453269 GeneRIF:15456940 GeneRIF:15464268 GeneRIF:15465084 GeneRIF:15485486 GeneRIF:15509549 GeneRIF:15522224 GeneRIF:15530656 GeneRIF:15546861 GeneRIF:15555766 GeneRIF:15557325 GeneRIF:15567486 GeneRIF:15577914 GeneRIF:15585340 GeneRIF:15596614 GeneRIF:15601849 GeneRIF:15610181 GeneRIF:15621017 GeneRIF:15635706 GeneRIF:15665036 GeneRIF:15699049 GeneRIF:15708435 GeneRIF:15708437 GeneRIF:15716413 GeneRIF:15722183 GeneRIF:15728175 GeneRIF:15732116 GeneRIF:15737439 GeneRIF:15745979 GeneRIF:15755860 GeneRIF:15759131 GeneRIF:15770150 GeneRIF:15776278 GeneRIF:15781969 GeneRIF:15802910 GeneRIF:15804423 GeneRIF:15804918 GeneRIF:15813938 GeneRIF:15823754 GeneRIF:15837559 GeneRIF:15860461 GeneRIF:15860464 GeneRIF:15882808 GeneRIF:15893372 GeneRIF:15899246 GeneRIF:15917098 GeneRIF:15931081 GeneRIF:15944016 GeneRIF:15953364 GeneRIF:15954227 GeneRIF:15956169 GeneRIF:15967987 GeneRIF:15975076 GeneRIF:15975077 GeneRIF:16000144 GeneRIF:16002400 GeneRIF:16023140 GeneRIF:16027741 GeneRIF:16079207 GeneRIF:16082716 GeneRIF:16098202 GeneRIF:16098915 GeneRIF:16101387 GeneRIF:16102903 GeneRIF:16106215 GeneRIF:16111477 GeneRIF:16116115 GeneRIF:16116430 GeneRIF:16130099 GeneRIF:16150694 GeneRIF:16174740 GeneRIF:16179263 GeneRIF:16181410 GeneRIF:16226260 GeneRIF:16231093 GeneRIF:16258844 GeneRIF:16286548 GeneRIF:9701251 ICD9:331.0 MSH:D000544 NCIt:C2866 NCIt:C38778 NIFSTD:birnlex_2092 SNOMEDCT:192160005 SNOMEDCT:192164001 SNOMEDCT:26929004 A degenerative disease of the BRAIN characterized by the insidious onset of DEMENTIA. Impairment of MEMORY, judgment, attention span, and problem solving skills are followed by severe APRAXIAS and a global loss of cognitive abilities. The condition primarily occurs after age 60, and is marked pathologically by severe cortical atrophy and the triad of SENILE PLAQUES; NEUROFIBRILLARY TANGLES; and NEUROPIL THREADS. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp1049-57) A dementia which is an incurable disease of unknown cause, starting in late middle age or in old age, that results in progressive memory loss, impaired thinking, disorientation, and changes in personality and mood, that leads in advanced cases to a profound decline in cognitive and physical functioning, and that is marked histologically by the degeneration of brain neurons especially in the cerebral cortex and by the presence of neurofibrillary tangles and plaques containing beta-amyloid. A progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of function and death of nerve cells in several areas of the brain leading to loss of cognitive function such as memory and language. Alzheimer's disease URI:'s_disease James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak ALS ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) AMYOTROPHIC SCLEROSIS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Guam Form Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (disorder) Dementia With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Disease, Lou-Gehrigs GEHRIGS DIS Gehrig Disease Gehrigs Disease Guam Form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis LOU GEHRIG DIS LOU GEHRIGS DIS Lateral Scleroses, Amyotrophic Lou Gehrig Disease Lou Gehrig's disease MOTOR NEURON DIS AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS Motor Neuron Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Motor neuron disease, bulbar amyotrophic lateral sclerosis DOID:332 GeneRIF:11675877 GeneRIF:11854284 GeneRIF:11854285 GeneRIF:11860274 GeneRIF:11943600 GeneRIF:11951178 GeneRIF:11991808 GeneRIF:11996514 GeneRIF:12039658 GeneRIF:12125045 GeneRIF:12127151 GeneRIF:12138710 GeneRIF:12153483 GeneRIF:12210393 GeneRIF:12217886 GeneRIF:12230304 GeneRIF:12235108 GeneRIF:12270696 GeneRIF:12393885 GeneRIF:12437574 GeneRIF:12441104 GeneRIF:12442272 GeneRIF:12446576 GeneRIF:12448348 GeneRIF:12458194 GeneRIF:12475980 GeneRIF:12480087 GeneRIF:12502789 GeneRIF:12528821 GeneRIF:12584731 GeneRIF:12614934 GeneRIF:12641746 GeneRIF:12644909 GeneRIF:12659845 GeneRIF:12677446 GeneRIF:12679596 GeneRIF:12694394 GeneRIF:12707786 GeneRIF:12730211 GeneRIF:12770687 GeneRIF:12783432 GeneRIF:12843244 GeneRIF:12847526 GeneRIF:12866199 GeneRIF:12870272 GeneRIF:12875980 GeneRIF:12915461 GeneRIF:12972170 GeneRIF:13129803 GeneRIF:13678668 GeneRIF:14506936 GeneRIF:14511332 GeneRIF:14596848 GeneRIF:14597108 GeneRIF:14642651 GeneRIF:14675609 GeneRIF:14676054 GeneRIF:14734542 GeneRIF:14970233 GeneRIF:14978393 GeneRIF:14985749 GeneRIF:14989597 GeneRIF:14991384 GeneRIF:15006704 GeneRIF:15019581 GeneRIF:15030390 GeneRIF:15033789 GeneRIF:15037546 GeneRIF:15048885 GeneRIF:15069187 GeneRIF:15076751 GeneRIF:15094483 GeneRIF:15106121 GeneRIF:15109247 GeneRIF:15126567 GeneRIF:15184633 GeneRIF:15233913 GeneRIF:15264227 GeneRIF:15313203 GeneRIF:15326253 GeneRIF:15330338 GeneRIF:15350647 GeneRIF:15388334 GeneRIF:15465081 GeneRIF:15475574 GeneRIF:15488469 GeneRIF:15509539 GeneRIF:15546588 GeneRIF:15557516 GeneRIF:15568021 GeneRIF:15623718 GeneRIF:15634772 GeneRIF:15652414 GeneRIF:15657392 GeneRIF:15657798 GeneRIF:15672551 GeneRIF:15691826 GeneRIF:15753080 GeneRIF:15776280 GeneRIF:15789135 GeneRIF:15829169 GeneRIF:15837590 GeneRIF:15910777 GeneRIF:15978558 GeneRIF:16005901 GeneRIF:16020530 GeneRIF:16114275 ICD9:335.20 MSH:D000690 NCIt:C34373 NIFSTD:birnlex_12566 SNOMEDCT:86044005 A degenerative disorder affecting upper MOTOR NEURONS in the brain and lower motor neurons in the brain stem and SPINAL CORD. Disease onset is usually after the age of 50 and the process is usually fatal within 3 to 6 years. Clinical manifestations include progressive weakness, atrophy, FASCICULATION, hyperreflexia, DYSARTHRIA, dysphagia, and eventual paralysis of respiratory function. Pathologic features include the replacement of motor neurons with fibrous ASTROCYTES and atrophy of anterior SPINAL NERVE ROOTS and corticospinal tracts (MeSH). A degenerative disorder affecting upper MOTOR NEURONS in the brain and lower motor neurons in the brain stem and SPINAL CORD. Disease onset is usually after the age of 50 and the process is usually fatal within 3 to 6 years. Clinical manifestations include progressive weakness, atrophy, FASCICULATION, hyperreflexia, DYSARTHRIA, dysphagia, and eventual paralysis of respiratory function. Pathologic features include the replacement of motor neurons with fibrous ASTROCYTES and atrophy of anterior SPINAL NERVE ROOTS and corticospinal tracts. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp1089-94) An autosomal dominant inherited form of amyloidosis. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis URI: James Malone AS AS - Aortic stenosis Aortic valve stenosis (disorder) Aortic valve stenosis, NOS Stenosed aortic valve Stenoses, Aortic Valve Stenoses, Aortic Valve Stenosis, Aortic aortic stenosis DOID:1712 GeneRIF:11903341 GeneRIF:14734048 GeneRIF:15311863 MSH:D001024 SNOMEDCT:60573004 A pathological constriction that can occur above (supravalvular stenosis), below (subvalvular stenosis), or at the AORTIC VALVE. It is characterized by restricted outflow from the LEFT VENTRICLE into the AORTA. Aortic valve stenosis is a aortic valve disease caused by the incomplete opening of the aortic valve. The aortic valve controls the direction of blood flow from the left ventricle to the aorta. When in good working order, the aortic valve does not impede the flow of blood between these two spaces. Under some circumstances, the aortic valve becomes narrower than normal, impeding the flow of blood. This is known as aortic valve stenosis, or aortic stenosis, often abbreviated AS. Aortic valve stenosis is a aortic valve disease caused by the incomplete opening of the aortic valve. The aortic valve controls the direction of blood flow from the left ventricle to the aorta. When in good working order, the aortic valve does not impede the flow of blood between these two spaces. Under some circumstances, the aortic valve becomes narrower than normal, impeding the flow of blood. This is known as aortic valve stenosis, or aortic stenosis, often abbreviated as AS. aortic valve stenosis URI: James Malone Azoospermia (finding) Count, Low Sperm Low Sperm Counts Oligospermia Oligozoospermia azoospermia DOID:14227 GeneRIF:11499325 GeneRIF:11869379 GeneRIF:12161499 GeneRIF:12366783 GeneRIF:12399527 GeneRIF:12399529 GeneRIF:12634316 GeneRIF:15044259 GeneRIF:15064832 GeneRIF:15220464 GeneRIF:15253135 GeneRIF:15379971 GeneRIF:16123080 GeneRIF:16213863 GeneRIF:16275267 ICD9:606.0 MSH:D009845 A condition of suboptimal concentration of SPERMATOZOA in the ejaculated SEMEN to ensure successful FERTILIZATION of an OVUM. In humans, oligospermia is defined as a sperm count below 20 million per milliliter semen. azoospermia URI: James Malone CA - Carcinoma of breast CANCER, BREAST Cancer of Breast Cancer of the Breast Carcinoma of Breast Carcinoma of breast (disorder) Carcinoma of breast NOS Carcinoma of breast NOS (disorder) Carcinoma of the Breast Mammary Carcinoma breast carcinoma DOID:3459 GeneRIF:10713110 GeneRIF:11724803 GeneRIF:11759817 GeneRIF:11802810 GeneRIF:11822878 GeneRIF:11839578 GeneRIF:11859072 GeneRIF:11891846 GeneRIF:11909957 GeneRIF:11948115 GeneRIF:11962738 GeneRIF:11986781 GeneRIF:11992405 GeneRIF:11994274 GeneRIF:12015771 GeneRIF:12034875 GeneRIF:12037665 GeneRIF:12105188 GeneRIF:12115372 GeneRIF:12133473 GeneRIF:12174926 GeneRIF:12197229 GeneRIF:12231533 GeneRIF:12452027 GeneRIF:12462387 GeneRIF:12490973 GeneRIF:12496062 GeneRIF:12499259 GeneRIF:12522268 GeneRIF:12529969 GeneRIF:12538354 GeneRIF:12552965 GeneRIF:12566312 GeneRIF:12581744 GeneRIF:12592371 GeneRIF:12637343 GeneRIF:12640109 GeneRIF:12648519 GeneRIF:12650602 GeneRIF:12653579 GeneRIF:12784332 GeneRIF:12878859 GeneRIF:12879463 GeneRIF:14500350 GeneRIF:14519635 GeneRIF:14584041 GeneRIF:14612940 GeneRIF:14638862 GeneRIF:14654792 GeneRIF:14666627 GeneRIF:14687724 GeneRIF:14692019 GeneRIF:14729059 GeneRIF:14871985 GeneRIF:14966279 GeneRIF:14991534 GeneRIF:15034014 GeneRIF:15034868 GeneRIF:15059510 GeneRIF:15059886 GeneRIF:15067342 GeneRIF:15073116 GeneRIF:15102684 GeneRIF:15102687 GeneRIF:15149158 GeneRIF:15156151 GeneRIF:15168344 GeneRIF:15193258 GeneRIF:15241820 GeneRIF:15241822 GeneRIF:15353581 GeneRIF:15374639 GeneRIF:15451571 GeneRIF:15492258 GeneRIF:15550849 GeneRIF:15578430 GeneRIF:15592496 GeneRIF:15671541 GeneRIF:15693887 GeneRIF:15742334 GeneRIF:15743035 GeneRIF:15837735 GeneRIF:15856430 GeneRIF:15856473 GeneRIF:15863392 GeneRIF:15867228 GeneRIF:15882617 GeneRIF:15920544 GeneRIF:15935701 GeneRIF:15944917 GeneRIF:15999367 GeneRIF:16000313 GeneRIF:16007173 GeneRIF:16024059 GeneRIF:16027728 GeneRIF:16049961 GeneRIF:16054892 GeneRIF:16144914 GeneRIF:16273187 GeneRIF:16295419 NCIt:C4872 SNOMEDCT:254838004 SNOMEDCT:286898006 A carcinoma arising from the breast, most commonly the terminal ductal-lobular unit. It is the most common malignant tumor in females. Risk factors include country of birth, family history, menstrual and reproductive history, fibrocystic disease and epithelial hyperplasia, exogenous estrogens, contraceptive agents, and ionizing radiation. The vast majority of breast carcinomas are adenocarcinomas (ductal or lobular). Breast carcinoma spreads by direct invasion, by the lymphatic route, and by the blood vessel route. The most common site of lymph node involvement is the axilla. A carcinoma that originates from breast tissue. breast carcinoma URI: James Malone African Lymphoma Burkitt Cell Leukemia Burkitt Lymphoma Burkitt lymphoma/leukaemia Burkitt's lymphoma - disorder Burkitt's lymphoma NOS (disorder) Burkitt's lymphoma of unspecified site (disorder) Burkitt's tumor Burkitt's tumor NOS (morphologic abnormality) Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma Burkitt's tumors (morphologic abnormality) Burkitt's tumour [obs] Burkitts Leukemia Burkitts Lymphoma Burkitts lymphoma L3 Lymphocytic Leukemias Leukemia, Burkitt Leukemia, Burkitt's Leukemia, Lymphoblastic, Burkitt-Type Leukemia, Lymphocytic, L3 Tumor, Burkitt malignant lymphoma, Burkitt's type small Non-Cleaved cell Lymphoma, Burkitt's type DOID:8584 GeneRIF:11443860 GeneRIF:11783945 GeneRIF:11869962 GeneRIF:11964311 GeneRIF:12070030 GeneRIF:12410315 GeneRIF:12594826 GeneRIF:12604406 GeneRIF:12672960 GeneRIF:12808131 GeneRIF:14697225 GeneRIF:14707079 GeneRIF:14980076 GeneRIF:15061213 GeneRIF:15384174 GeneRIF:15498855 GeneRIF:15520469 GeneRIF:15728515 GeneRIF:15940251 GeneRIF:16169462 ICD9:200.2 MSH:D002051 A form of undifferentiated malignant LYMPHOMA usually found in central Africa, but also reported in other parts of the world. It is commonly manifested as a large osteolytic lesion in the jaw or as an abdominal mass. B-cell antigens are expressed on the immature cells that make up the tumor in virtually all cases of Burkitt lymphoma. The Epstein-Barr virus (HERPESVIRUS 4, HUMAN) has been isolated from Burkitt lymphoma cases in Africa and it is implicated as the causative agent in these cases; however, most non-African cases are EBV-negative. Burkitt's lymphoma James Malone Leyden-Mbius muscular dystrophy Leyden-Mobius muscular dystrophy Leyden-Möbius muscular dystrophy Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (disorder) Muscular Dystrophies, Limb Girdle limb girdle muscular dystrophy limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A obsolete_calpainopathy DOID:11724 GeneRIF:11741828 GeneRIF:11822024 GeneRIF:11891182 GeneRIF:12032588 GeneRIF:12428213 GeneRIF:12499399 GeneRIF:14600260 GeneRIF:14981167 GeneRIF:15087111 GeneRIF:15351423 GeneRIF:15385448 GeneRIF:16344347 MSH:D049288 SNOMEDCT:93153005 duplicate of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy EFO_0000758 A heterogenous group of inherited muscular dystrophy that can be autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive. There are many forms (called LGMDs) involving genes encoding muscle membrane proteins such as the sarcoglycan (SARCOGLYCANS) complex that interacts with DYSTROPHIN. The disease is characterized by progressing wasting and weakness of the proximal muscles of arms and legs around the HIPS and SHOULDERS (the pelvic and shoulder girdles). limb-girdle muscular dystrophy URI: James Malone ASCVD CARDIOVASC DIS CIRCULATORY DISEASE NOS CVD CVD, NOS CVS disease Cardiovascular Diseases Cardiovascular Disorders Cardiovascular disease, NOS Cardiovascular disease, unspecified Cardiovascular disorder Cardiovascular disorder, NOS Cardiovascular system disease Circulatory system disease NOS Circulatory system disease NOS (disorder) Disease affecting entire cardiovascular system Disease affecting entire cardiovascular system (disorder) Disease of cardiovascular system Disease of cardiovascular system (disorder) Disease of cardiovascular system, NOS Disorder of cardiovascular system Disorder of cardiovascular system (disorder) Disorder of circulatory system Disorder of circulatory system, NOS Disorder of the circulatory system ILL-DEFINED HRT DIS NEC OTHER SEQUELAE OF MI NEC Other diseases of endocardium Other diseases of endocardium (disorder) Other diseases of pericardium Other diseases of pericardium (disorder) Other disorders of papillary muscle Other forms of heart disease Other forms of heart disease (disorder) Other heart disease Other heart disease (disorder) Other heart disease NOS Other heart disease NOS (disorder) Other ill-defined heart disease Other ill-defined heart disease (disorder) Other ill-defined heart disease NOS Other ill-defined heart disease NOS (disorder) Other ill-defined heart diseases Other pericardial disease NOS Other pericardial disease NOS (disorder) Other sequelae of myocardial infarction, not elsewhere classified Other specified diseases of pericardium Other specified pericardial disease NOS Other specified pericardial disease NOS (disorder) PAPILLARY MUSCLE DIS NEC PERICARDIAL DISEASE NEC Unspecified circulatory system disorder [X]Cardiovascular disease, unspecified [X]Cardiovascular disease, unspecified (disorder) [X]Other forms of heart disease [X]Other forms of heart disease (disorder) [X]Other ill-defined heart diseases [X]Other ill-defined heart diseases (disorder) [X]Other specified diseases of pericardium [X]Other specified diseases of pericardium (disorder) cardiovascular disease circulatory system disease disease of subdivision of hemolymphoid system DOID:1287 GeneRIF:11744804 GeneRIF:11821707 GeneRIF:11822583 GeneRIF:11912547 GeneRIF:11934214 GeneRIF:11935372 GeneRIF:11985486 GeneRIF:12052142 GeneRIF:12052841 GeneRIF:12056504 GeneRIF:12065317 GeneRIF:12187094 GeneRIF:12195022 GeneRIF:12201209 GeneRIF:12204797 GeneRIF:12365916 GeneRIF:12431476 GeneRIF:12476328 GeneRIF:12606536 GeneRIF:12669427 GeneRIF:12690916 GeneRIF:12743009 GeneRIF:12818409 GeneRIF:12861348 GeneRIF:12867276 GeneRIF:12898464 GeneRIF:12911596 GeneRIF:12943734 GeneRIF:14967720 GeneRIF:14983217 GeneRIF:14998943 GeneRIF:15008790 GeneRIF:15010202 GeneRIF:15116245 GeneRIF:15166781 GeneRIF:15226189 GeneRIF:15240653 GeneRIF:15257013 GeneRIF:15282206 GeneRIF:15302608 GeneRIF:15314690 GeneRIF:15340249 GeneRIF:15342688 GeneRIF:15351863 GeneRIF:15363820 GeneRIF:15375785 GeneRIF:15459608 GeneRIF:15528465 GeneRIF:15531184 GeneRIF:15565175 GeneRIF:15576850 GeneRIF:15591764 GeneRIF:15598684 GeneRIF:15618240 GeneRIF:15619076 GeneRIF:15627719 GeneRIF:15634270 GeneRIF:15648548 GeneRIF:15653176 GeneRIF:15668644 GeneRIF:15683719 GeneRIF:15735209 GeneRIF:15750260 GeneRIF:15780075 GeneRIF:15780820 GeneRIF:15823283 GeneRIF:15855354 GeneRIF:15856070 GeneRIF:15859024 GeneRIF:15869613 GeneRIF:15939053 GeneRIF:16018179 GeneRIF:16028070 GeneRIF:16046727 GeneRIF:16102632 GeneRIF:16103519 GeneRIF:16109314 GeneRIF:16132053 GeneRIF:16159596 GeneRIF:16159602 GeneRIF:16161810 GeneRIF:16224057 GeneRIF:16260427 GeneRIF:16324215 ICD9:390-459.99 ICD9:420-429.99 ICD9:423 ICD9:423.8 ICD9:424 ICD9:429 ICD9:429.2 ICD9:429.7 ICD9:429.79 ICD9:429.8 ICD9:429.81 ICD9:429.89 ICD9:459.9 MSH:D002318 NCIt:C2931 SNOMEDCT:105980002 SNOMEDCT:194901009 SNOMEDCT:194962004 SNOMEDCT:195150009 SNOMEDCT:195151008 SNOMEDCT:195551001 SNOMEDCT:195553003 SNOMEDCT:195588003 SNOMEDCT:195594006 SNOMEDCT:195646003 SNOMEDCT:266239001 SNOMEDCT:266240004 SNOMEDCT:266241000 SNOMEDCT:266251004 SNOMEDCT:266309008 SNOMEDCT:49601007 A body system disease which occurs in the blood, heart, blood vessels or the lymphatic system that passes nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes), gases, hormones, blood cells or lymph to and from cells in the body to help fight diseases and help stabilize body temperature and pH to maintain homeostasis. A non-neoplastic or neoplastic disorder affecting the heart or the vessels (arteries, veins and lymph vessels). Representative examples of non-neoplastic cardiovascular disorders are endocarditis and hypertension. Representative examples of neoplastic cardiovascular disorders are endocardial myxoma and angiosarcoma. -- 2003 A non-neoplastic or neoplastic disorder affecting the heart or the vessels (arteries, veins and lymph vessels). Representative examples of non-neoplastic cardiovascular disorders are endocarditis and hypertension. Representative examples of neoplastic cardiovascular disorders are endocardial myxoma and angiosarcoma. Pathological conditions involving the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM including the HEART; the BLOOD VESSELS; or the PERICARDIUM. cardiovascular system disease URI: James Malone Cockayne Syndrome Type 3 Cockayne Syndrome Type C Cockayne Syndrome, Group B Cockayne Syndrome, Group C Cockayne Syndrome, Type B Cockayne Syndrome, Type II Cockayne syndrome (disorder) Cockayne's syndrome Cokayne syndrome Dwarfism-retinal atrophy-deafness syndrome Group A Cockayne Syndrome Progeria-Like Syndrome Progeria-Like Syndromes Type A Cockayne Syndrome Type I Cockayne Syndrome Type III Cockayne Syndrome cockayne syndrome DOID:2962 GeneRIF:11809892 GeneRIF:12095617 GeneRIF:12748643 GeneRIF:15082767 GeneRIF:16246722 MSH:D003057 NCIt:C9460 SNOMEDCT:21086008 A simple genetic disease that is caused by a rare autosomal recessive mutations in two DNA excision repair proteins, ERCC-8 and ERCC-6, and characterized by growth failure, impaired development of the nervous system, abnormal sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitivity), and premature aging. A syndrome characterized by multiple system abnormalities including DWARFISM; PHOTOSENSITIVITY DISORDERS; PREMATURE AGING; and HEARING LOSS. It is caused by mutations of a number of autosomal recessive genes encoding proteins that involve transcriptional-coupled DNA REPAIR processes. Cockayne syndrome is classified by the severity and age of onset. Type I (classical; CSA) is early childhood onset in the second year of life; type II (congenital; CSB) is early onset at birth with severe symptoms; type III (xeroderma pigmentosum; XP) is late childhood onset with mild symptoms. An autosomal recessive syndrome caused by mutations in the ERCC8 and ERCC6 genes. It is characterized by growth and developmental delay, vision and hearing impairment, and impairment of the peripheral nervous system function. Caused by mutations of gene CKN1. Caused by mutations of gene ERCC6. Type C is a rare form. Its genetic defect is not clear; appears to be a heterogeneous group. OMIM suggests that Type C should not be used anymore. Cockayne syndrome URI: James Malone Acquired Agammaglobulinemia Acquired hypogammaglobulinaemia COMMON VARIABL IMMUNODEF COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFIC CVAG CVI - Common variable immunodeficiency CVID CVID - Common variable immunodeficiency Common variable agammaglobulinaemia Common variable agammaglobulinemia Common variable agammaglobulinemia (disorder) Common variable hypogammaglobulinaemia Common variable hypogammaglobulinemia Immunodeficiencies, Common Variable Late onset immunoglobulin deficiency Sporadic hypogammaglobulinemia acquired hypogammaglobulinemia common variable immunodeficiency DOID:12177 GeneRIF:12100033 GeneRIF:12759461 GeneRIF:15507387 GeneRIF:15598813 GeneRIF:15817684 GeneRIF:16007086 GeneRIF:16007087 ICD9:279.06 MSH:D017074 NCIt:C26725 SNOMEDCT:23238000 A hypogammaglobulinemia that is results in insufficient production of antibodies needed to respond to exposure of pathogens and is characterized by low Ig levels with phenotypically normal B cells that can proliferate but do not develop into Ig-producing cells. Patients with common variable immunodeficiency have marked reduction in serum levels of both immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin A (IgA); about half of these patients also have reduced immunoglobulin M (IgM). A primary immunodeficiency characterized by low levels or absence of all the immunoglobulin classes and lack of B-lymphocytes or plasma cells. It results in recurrent bacterial infections. Complications include autoimmune phenomena and cancer development. Heterogeneous group of immunodeficiency syndromes characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia of most isotypes, variable B-cell defects, and the presence of recurrent bacterial infections. common variable immunodeficiency URI: James Malone MAL MELANOM FACE NEC/NOS MALIG MELANOMA SKIN NEC MALIG MELANOMA SKIN NOS MM - Malignant melanoma of skin Malignant Cutaneous Melanoma Malignant Melanoma (of Skin), Stage Unspecified Malignant Melanoma of Skin Malignant melanoma of other specified sites of skin Malignant melanoma of other specified skin site Malignant melanoma of other specified skin site (disorder) Malignant melanoma of skin (disorder) Malignant melanoma of skin NOS (disorder) Malignant melanoma of skin of other and unspecified parts of face Malignant melanoma of skin, NOS Melanoma of Skin Melanoma of skin, site unspecified Melanoma of the Skin Skin, Melanoma [X]Malignant melanoma of skin, unspecified [X]Malignant melanoma of skin, unspecified (disorder) cancer of skin cutaneous melanoma DOID:8923 GeneRIF:11841484 GeneRIF:12011132 GeneRIF:12067203 GeneRIF:12376526 GeneRIF:12459644 GeneRIF:12778069 GeneRIF:14714570 GeneRIF:15057044 GeneRIF:15743033 GeneRIF:15751018 ICD9:172 ICD9:172.3 ICD9:172.8 ICD9:172.9 NCIt:C3510 SNOMEDCT:188080004 SNOMEDCT:188082007 SNOMEDCT:190105009 SNOMEDCT:93655004 A primary melanoma arising from atypical melanocytes in the skin. Precursor lesions include acquired and congenital melanocytic nevi, and dysplastic nevi. Several histologic variants have been recognized, including superficial spreading melanoma, acral lentiginous melanoma, nodular melanoma, and lentigo maligna melanoma. skin melanoma URI: James Malone CF CF - Cystic fibrosis CYSTIC FIBROS W/O ILEUS Cystic fibrosis (disorder) Cystic fibrosis NOS Cystic fibrosis NOS (disorder) Cystic fibrosis without mention of meconium ileus Fibrocystic disease Meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis (disorder) Meconium obstruction of intestine in mucoviscidosis Mucoviscidosis cystic fibrosis cystic fibrosis with combined manifestations cystic fibrosis with gastrointestinal manifestations cystic fibrosis with meconium ileus cystic fibrosis with meconium ileus (disorder) cystic fibrosis with other manifestations cystic fibrosis with other manifestations (disorder) cystic fibrosis with pulmonary manifestations cystic fibrosis with pulmonary manifestations (disorder) DOID:1485 GeneRIF:11667971 GeneRIF:11809765 GeneRIF:11823525 GeneRIF:11845300 GeneRIF:11872746 GeneRIF:11877474 GeneRIF:11956211 GeneRIF:11984593 GeneRIF:11988083 GeneRIF:12000722 GeneRIF:12026214 GeneRIF:12070134 GeneRIF:12142723 GeneRIF:12142724 GeneRIF:12151438 GeneRIF:12220181 GeneRIF:12297838 GeneRIF:12370389 GeneRIF:12547728 GeneRIF:12579467 GeneRIF:12660625 GeneRIF:12692180 GeneRIF:12732620 GeneRIF:12820707 GeneRIF:12847263 GeneRIF:12919146 GeneRIF:12948935 GeneRIF:14685937 GeneRIF:14695120 GeneRIF:14699484 GeneRIF:15007059 GeneRIF:15024729 GeneRIF:15025720 GeneRIF:15025858 GeneRIF:15070876 GeneRIF:15107292 GeneRIF:15184199 GeneRIF:15246975 GeneRIF:15274124 GeneRIF:15336594 GeneRIF:15367919 GeneRIF:15385508 GeneRIF:15463893 GeneRIF:15463895 GeneRIF:15463896 GeneRIF:15489228 GeneRIF:15490240 GeneRIF:15533353 GeneRIF:15537723 GeneRIF:15579374 GeneRIF:15611333 GeneRIF:15638824 GeneRIF:15684701 GeneRIF:15738290 GeneRIF:15781764 GeneRIF:15964250 GeneRIF:15964894 GeneRIF:16137181 GeneRIF:16207846 GeneRIF:16236890 GeneRIF:16267280 GeneRIF:16281647 ICD9:277.0 ICD9:277.00 NCIt:C2975 SNOMEDCT:190905008 SNOMEDCT:190911006 A congenital metabolic disorder affecting the exocrine glands, inherited as an autosomal trait. The secretions of exocrine glands are abnormal, resulting in excessively viscid mucus production which causes obstruction of passageways (including pancreatic and bile ducts, intestines, and bronchi). The sweat sodium and chloride content are increased. Symptoms usually appear in childhood and include meconium ileus, poor growth despite good appetite, malabsorption and foul bulky stools, chronic bronchitis with cough, recurrent pneumonia, bronchiectasis, emphysema, clubbing of the fingers, and salt depletion in hot weather. -- 2003 A congenital metabolic disorder affecting the exocrine glands, inherited as an autosomal trait. The secretions of exocrine glands are abnormal, resulting in excessively viscid mucus production which causes obstruction of passageways (including pancreatic and bile ducts, intestines, and bronchi). The sweat sodium and chloride content are increased. Symptoms usually appear in childhood and include meconium ileus, poor growth despite good appetite, malabsorption and foul bulky stools, chronic bronchitis with cough, recurrent pneumonia, bronchiectasis, emphysema, clubbing of the fingers, and salt depletion in hot weather. cystic fibrosis URI: James Malone DM - Diabetes mellitus Diabetes NOS Diabetes mellitus (disorder) Diabetes mellitus, NOS diabetes diabetes mellitus DOID:9351 GeneRIF:11668623 GeneRIF:11774208 GeneRIF:11796176 GeneRIF:11822825 GeneRIF:11875060 GeneRIF:11882518 GeneRIF:11888844 GeneRIF:11896938 GeneRIF:11912494 GeneRIF:11916624 GeneRIF:11916625 GeneRIF:11938023 GeneRIF:11947965 GeneRIF:11980626 GeneRIF:12012276 GeneRIF:12021129 GeneRIF:12021133 GeneRIF:12027924 GeneRIF:12039697 GeneRIF:12062816 GeneRIF:12062854 GeneRIF:12095538 GeneRIF:12118252 GeneRIF:12148086 GeneRIF:12200076 GeneRIF:12207164 GeneRIF:12221327 GeneRIF:12230824 GeneRIF:12490143 GeneRIF:12500218 GeneRIF:12529387 GeneRIF:12536206 GeneRIF:12574207 GeneRIF:12584444 GeneRIF:12589429 GeneRIF:12618277 GeneRIF:12639765 GeneRIF:12649573 GeneRIF:12673582 GeneRIF:12679462 GeneRIF:12679473 GeneRIF:12706323 GeneRIF:12719374 GeneRIF:12738397 GeneRIF:12738401 GeneRIF:12748907 GeneRIF:12753312 GeneRIF:12765847 GeneRIF:12783844 GeneRIF:12787913 GeneRIF:12898475 GeneRIF:12920574 GeneRIF:12955714 GeneRIF:14631138 GeneRIF:14641003 GeneRIF:14654370 GeneRIF:14658759 GeneRIF:14674716 GeneRIF:14675060 GeneRIF:14714273 GeneRIF:14716305 GeneRIF:14726620 GeneRIF:14764811 GeneRIF:14766207 GeneRIF:14998943 GeneRIF:15046742 GeneRIF:15070960 GeneRIF:15112906 GeneRIF:15123681 GeneRIF:15126243 GeneRIF:15128745 GeneRIF:15156314 GeneRIF:15156315 GeneRIF:15166380 GeneRIF:15173029 GeneRIF:15221640 GeneRIF:15237707 GeneRIF:15251864 GeneRIF:15258348 GeneRIF:15281346 GeneRIF:15286433 GeneRIF:15355441 GeneRIF:15367890 GeneRIF:15476949 GeneRIF:15516784 GeneRIF:15538935 GeneRIF:15554360 GeneRIF:15557196 GeneRIF:15563983 GeneRIF:15609025 GeneRIF:15625086 GeneRIF:15639198 GeneRIF:15646011 GeneRIF:15662218 GeneRIF:15699497 GeneRIF:15699509 GeneRIF:15699510 GeneRIF:15699511 GeneRIF:15699512 GeneRIF:15699513 GeneRIF:15790730 GeneRIF:15797963 GeneRIF:15800961 GeneRIF:15831366 GeneRIF:15887858 GeneRIF:15940393 GeneRIF:15959417 GeneRIF:16002993 GeneRIF:16087164 GeneRIF:16098926 GeneRIF:16260427 ICD9:250 MSH:D003920 NCIt:C2985 SNOMEDCT:73211009 A heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by HYPERGLYCEMIA and GLUCOSE INTOLERANCE. A metabolic disorder characterized by abnormally high blood sugar levels due to diminished production of insulin or insulin resistance/desensitization. diabetes mellitus URI: James Malone A disease is a disposition that describes states of disease associated with a particular sample and/or organism. disease James Malone Childhood Pseudohypertrophic Muscular Dystrophy DMD - Duchenne muscular dystrophy Duchenne musc. dyst. Duchenne muscular dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy (disorder) Duchenne-Type Progressive Muscular Dystrophy Dystrophies, Pseudohypertrophic Muscular Muscular Dystrophy, Becker Pseudohypertrophic Muscular Dystrophy DOID:11723 GeneRIF:11922612 GeneRIF:11968010 GeneRIF:12031623 GeneRIF:12206800 GeneRIF:12387876 GeneRIF:12459784 GeneRIF:12609501 GeneRIF:12619170 GeneRIF:12754415 GeneRIF:12754707 GeneRIF:12798793 GeneRIF:12920092 GeneRIF:14511675 GeneRIF:14631123 GeneRIF:14652441 GeneRIF:15111323 GeneRIF:15328150 GeneRIF:15616792 GeneRIF:16295426 MSH:D020388 SNOMEDCT:76670001 An X-linked recessive muscle disease caused by an inability to synthesize DYSTROPHIN, which is involved with maintaining the integrity of the sarcolemma. Muscle fibers undergo a process that features degeneration and regeneration. Clinical manifestations include proximal weakness in the first few years of life, pseudohypertrophy, cardiomyopathy (see MYOCARDIAL DISEASES), and an increased incidence of impaired mentation. Becker muscular dystrophy is a closely related condition featuring a later onset of disease (usually adolescence) and a slowly progressive course. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1415) Duchenne muscular dystrophy URI: James Malone Benign scapuloperoneal muscular dystrophy with early contractures EMD - Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy Emery Dreifuss Syndrome Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy 2 Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy, Autosomal Recessive Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (disorder) Hauptmann-Thannhauser Muscular Dystrophy Muscular Dystrophy, Emery-Dreifuss Type Muscular Dystrophy, Emery-Dreifuss, Autosomal Dominant Muscular Dystrophy, Emery-Dreifuss, X-Linked Muscular Dystrophy, Scapuloperoneal Scapuloilioperoneal Atrophy with Cardiopathy Scapuloperoneal Syndrome, X Linked Scapuloperoneal muscular dystrophy (disorder) DOID:11726 GeneRIF:11973618 GeneRIF:12467752 GeneRIF:12684533 GeneRIF:12755701 GeneRIF:15009215 MSH:D020389 SNOMEDCT:111508004 SNOMEDCT:129620000 A heterogenous group of inherited muscular dystrophy without the involvement of nervous system. The disease is characterized by MUSCULAR ATROPHY; MUSCLE WEAKNESS; CONTRACTURE of the elbows; ACHILLES TENDON; and posterior cervical muscles; with or without cardiac features. There are several INHERITANCE PATTERNS including X-linked (X CHROMOSOME), autosomal dominant, and autosomal recessive gene mutations. Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy URI: James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak EF - Epileptic fit EP - Epilepsy EPILEP NEC W/O INTR EPIL EPILEP NOS W/O INTR EPIL EPILEPSY NEC W INTR EPIL EPILEPSY NOS W INTR EPIL Epilectic attack, NOS Epilepsy (disorder) Epilepsy NOS Epilepsy NOS (disorder) Epilepsy, unspecified, with intractable epilepsy Epilepsy, unspecified, without mention of intractable epilepsy Epileptic Epileptic attack Epileptic attack, NOS Epileptic convulsions Epileptic convulsions, NOS Epileptic disorder Epileptic disorder, NOS Epileptic fit Epileptic fits Epileptic fits, NOS Epileptic seizure Epileptic seizure (finding) Epileptic seizures Epileptic seizures, NOS Generalised convulsion Generalised fit Generalised seizure Generalized convulsion Generalized fit Generalized seizure Generalized seizure (finding) Other forms of epilepsy Other forms of epilepsy (disorder) Other forms of epilepsy NOS Other forms of epilepsy NOS (disorder) Other forms of epilepsy, with intractable epilepsy Other forms of epilepsy, without mention of intractable epilepsy Seizure disorder Seizure disorder (disorder) [X]Other epilepsy [X]Other epilepsy (disorder) epilepsy DOID:1826 GeneRIF:11889467 GeneRIF:12000122 GeneRIF:12086636 GeneRIF:12095917 GeneRIF:12115687 GeneRIF:12185771 GeneRIF:12205640 GeneRIF:12217514 GeneRIF:12270687 GeneRIF:12435565 GeneRIF:12460603 GeneRIF:12482897 GeneRIF:12533622 GeneRIF:12601092 GeneRIF:12648752 GeneRIF:12686700 GeneRIF:12702713 GeneRIF:12746865 GeneRIF:12773553 GeneRIF:12875997 GeneRIF:12958597 GeneRIF:12960023 GeneRIF:14597704 GeneRIF:14646589 GeneRIF:14660671 GeneRIF:14736855 GeneRIF:14984901 GeneRIF:14985377 GeneRIF:15006707 GeneRIF:15009222 GeneRIF:15026125 GeneRIF:15115830 GeneRIF:15120744 GeneRIF:15159136 GeneRIF:15160397 GeneRIF:15215304 GeneRIF:15254012 GeneRIF:15258581 GeneRIF:15282290 GeneRIF:15288497 GeneRIF:15304595 GeneRIF:15342642 GeneRIF:15452306 GeneRIF:15452324 GeneRIF:15461680 GeneRIF:15483119 GeneRIF:15492925 GeneRIF:15505174 GeneRIF:15505175 GeneRIF:15567475 GeneRIF:15571623 GeneRIF:15637270 GeneRIF:15665077 GeneRIF:15772097 GeneRIF:15790563 GeneRIF:15937479 GeneRIF:15970629 GeneRIF:15979590 GeneRIF:16007083 GeneRIF:16049933 GeneRIF:16091474 GeneRIF:16095760 GeneRIF:16129091 ICD9:345 ICD9:345.8 ICD9:345.80 ICD9:345.81 ICD9:345.9 ICD9:345.90 ICD9:345.91 NCIt:C3020 NIFSTD:birnlex_12718 SNOMEDCT:128613002 SNOMEDCT:193020001 SNOMEDCT:193025006 SNOMEDCT:194491006 SNOMEDCT:246545002 SNOMEDCT:267593008 SNOMEDCT:313307000 SNOMEDCT:84757009 A brain disorder characterized by episodes of abnormally increased neuronal discharge resulting in transient episodes of sensory or motor neurological dysfunction, or psychic dysfunction. These episodes may or may not be associated with loss of consciousness or convulsions. A disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of paroxysmal brain dysfunction due to a sudden, disorderly, and excessive neuronal discharge. Epilepsy classification systems are generally based upon: (1) clinical features of the seizure episodes (e.g., motor seizure), (2) etiology (e.g., post-traumatic), (3) anatomic site of seizure origin (e.g., frontal lobe seizure), (4) tendency to spread to other structures in the brain, and (5) temporal patterns (e.g., nocturnal epilepsy) (MeSH). epilepsy URI: James Malone Dystrophies, Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy, Landouzy-Dejerine FMD - Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy FSH - Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy FSHD - Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy Facioscapulohumeral Atrophies Facioscapulohumeral Atrophy Facioscapulohumeral Type Progressive Muscular Dystrophy Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (disorder) Fascioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy Landouzy Dejerine muscular dystrophy Landouzy-Dejerine Dystrophies Landouzy-Déjérine muscular dystrophy facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy DOID:11727 GeneRIF:12874395 GeneRIF:15520407 GeneRIF:15551024 MSH:D020391 SNOMEDCT:399091004 An autosomal dominant degenerative muscle disease characterized by slowly progressive weakness of the muscles of the face, upper-arm, and shoulder girdle. The onset of symptoms usually occurs in the first or second decade of life. Affected individuals usually present with impairment of upper extremity elevation. This tends to be followed by facial weakness, primarily involving the orbicularis oris and orbicularis oculi muscles. (Neuromuscul Disord 1997;7(1):55-62; Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1420) facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy URI: James Malone Combined Hyperlipidemias, Familial FCHL - Familial combined hyperlipidaemia FCHL - Familial combined hyperlipidemia Familial combined hyperlipidaemia Familial hyperlipoproteinaemia type IIb Familial hyperlipoproteinemia type IIb Familial multiple lipoprotein-type hyperlipidaemia Familial multiple lipoprotein-type hyperlipidemia Familial multiple lipoprotein-type hyperlipidemia (disorder) Fredrickson type IIb hyperlipoproteinaemia Fredrickson type IIb hyperlipoproteinemia Hyperapobetalipoproteinaemia Hyperapobetalipoproteinemia Lipoprotein-Type Hyperlipidemia, Multiple Mixed hyperlipidaemia Mixed hyperlipidemia Multiple Lipoprotein-Type Hyperlipidemias Multiple-type hyperlipidaemia Multiple-type hyperlipidemia Type IIb Hyperlipoproteinemia familial combined hyperlipidemia familial combined hyperlipidemia (disorder) familial combined hyperlipidemia (disorder) [Ambiguous] hyperbetalipoproteinemia with prebetalipoproteinemia mixed hyperlipidemia (disorder) DOID:13809 GeneRIF:11979403 GeneRIF:12006395 GeneRIF:12370850 GeneRIF:12401883 GeneRIF:12468272 GeneRIF:12738753 GeneRIF:14680975 GeneRIF:14991056 GeneRIF:15136067 GeneRIF:15959806 GeneRIF:15976322 GeneRIF:16076849 ICD9:272.2 MSH:D006950 SNOMEDCT:238040008 SNOMEDCT:267434003 SNOMEDCT:299465007 A type of familial lipid metabolism disorder characterized by a variable pattern of elevated plasma CHOLESTEROL and/or TRIGLYCERIDES. Multiple genes on different chromosomes may be involved, such as the major late transcription factor (UPSTREAM STIMULATORY FACTORS) on CHROMOSOME 1. familial combined hyperlipidemia URI: James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak Disorder of reproductive system Disorder of reproductive system (disorder) Non-neoplastic Reproductive system disease genital system disease reproductive system disease DOID:15 SNOMEDCT:362968007 reproductive system disease URI: James Malone Cancer, Embryonal Cancer, Embryonal and Mixed EMBRYONAL NEOPL Embryonal Cancers Embryonal Neoplasms GERM CELL EMBRYONAL NEOPL Germ Cell Cancers Germ Cell Tumors Germ Cell and Embryonal Neoplasms Germ Cell and Embryonic Neoplasms Germ cell neoplasm Germ cell neoplasm (morphologic abnormality) Germ cell neoplasm NOS (morphologic abnormality) Germ cell neoplasms (morphologic abnormality) Germ cell tumor, NOS Germinoma Germinoma (morphologic abnormality) NEOPL GERM CELL NEOPL GERM CELL EMBRYONIC Neoplasm of Germ Cell Neoplasm of the Germ Cell Neoplasm, Embryonal Neoplasms, Embryonal and Mixed Neoplasms, Germ Cell Tumor of Germ Cell Tumor of the Germ Cell [M]Germ cell neoplasm NOS [M]Germ cell neoplasm NOS (morphologic abnormality) [M]Germ cell neoplasms [M]Germ cell neoplasms (morphologic abnormality) germ cell cancer germ cell tumor germ cell tumor (disorder) germ cell tumour malignant tumor of the germ cell DOID:2994 GeneRIF:12163388 GeneRIF:12620992 GeneRIF:12629412 GeneRIF:12727846 GeneRIF:12736724 GeneRIF:12777997 GeneRIF:12824871 GeneRIF:14555521 GeneRIF:14633588 GeneRIF:15330164 GeneRIF:15467433 GeneRIF:15491742 GeneRIF:15691383 GeneRIF:15896468 GeneRIF:15982323 GeneRIF:16188233 MSH:D009373 NCIt:C3708 SNOMEDCT:115233005 SNOMEDCT:189839002 SNOMEDCT:189854008 SNOMEDCT:28307001 SNOMEDCT:402878003 A cancer that is derived from germ cells. Neoplasms composed of primordial GERM CELLS of embryonic GONADS or of elements of the germ layers of the EMBRYO, MAMMALIAN. The concept does not refer to neoplasms located in the gonads or present in an embryo or FETUS. germ cell cancer URI: James Malone Glial Cell Tumor Glial Neoplasm Glial Tumor Glioma Glioma (except Nasal glioma, not neoplastic) Glioma NOS Glioma NOS (morphologic abnormality) Glioma, Mixed Glioma, NOS (except Nasal glioma, not neoplastic) Glioma, malignant (morphologic abnormality) Glioma, malignant, no ICD-O subtype Gliomas Gliomas (morphologic abnormality) Gliomas, Malignant Gliomas, Mixed Malignant glioma Neoplasm of Neuroglia Neoplasm of the Neuroglia Neoplasms of Neuroglia Neuroglial Neoplasm Neuroglial Neoplasms Neuroglial Tumor Tumor of Neuroglia Tumor of the Neuroglia Tumors of Neuroglia Tumors, Glial Cell [M]Glioma NOS [M]Glioma NOS (morphologic abnormality) [M]Gliomas [M]Gliomas (morphologic abnormality) glial tumors glioma (morphologic abnormality) obsolete_glioma DOID:2627 GeneRIF:11705870 GeneRIF:11716065 GeneRIF:11716067 GeneRIF:11716069 GeneRIF:11809417 GeneRIF:11836615 GeneRIF:11844831 GeneRIF:11856869 GeneRIF:11859970 GeneRIF:11913980 GeneRIF:11920587 GeneRIF:11930164 GeneRIF:11948808 GeneRIF:11949822 GeneRIF:12061725 GeneRIF:12084351 GeneRIF:12118245 GeneRIF:12125964 GeneRIF:12130632 GeneRIF:12133571 GeneRIF:12198774 GeneRIF:12231538 GeneRIF:12388547 GeneRIF:12388552 GeneRIF:12496285 GeneRIF:12507885 GeneRIF:12507886 GeneRIF:12509854 GeneRIF:12518988 GeneRIF:12545160 GeneRIF:12576462 GeneRIF:12600989 GeneRIF:12609716 GeneRIF:12629150 GeneRIF:12651623 GeneRIF:12651906 GeneRIF:12684632 GeneRIF:12698196 GeneRIF:12730958 GeneRIF:12735302 GeneRIF:12738994 GeneRIF:12764090 GeneRIF:12778072 GeneRIF:12783249 GeneRIF:12799382 GeneRIF:12810672 GeneRIF:12821932 GeneRIF:12843258 GeneRIF:12843260 GeneRIF:12850541 GeneRIF:12856717 GeneRIF:12881718 GeneRIF:12883693 GeneRIF:12907597 GeneRIF:12932816 GeneRIF:12957651 GeneRIF:12962281 GeneRIF:12963026 GeneRIF:13130092 GeneRIF:13130506 GeneRIF:14504888 GeneRIF:14530312 GeneRIF:14558597 GeneRIF:14597411 GeneRIF:14603470 GeneRIF:14633698 GeneRIF:14676120 GeneRIF:14705150 GeneRIF:14719118 GeneRIF:14991747 GeneRIF:14997014 GeneRIF:15015771 GeneRIF:15015772 GeneRIF:15041728 GeneRIF:15047712 GeneRIF:15056287 GeneRIF:15072448 GeneRIF:15088070 GeneRIF:15094455 GeneRIF:15123617 GeneRIF:15126357 GeneRIF:15138575 GeneRIF:15160992 GeneRIF:15161654 GeneRIF:15178645 GeneRIF:15184909 GeneRIF:15193433 GeneRIF:15198128 GeneRIF:15201971 GeneRIF:15201989 GeneRIF:15218947 GeneRIF:15254085 GeneRIF:15256062 GeneRIF:15269346 GeneRIF:15273738 GeneRIF:15332324 GeneRIF:15334059 GeneRIF:15361550 GeneRIF:15383564 GeneRIF:15451022 GeneRIF:15469737 GeneRIF:15469871 GeneRIF:15469933 GeneRIF:15509526 GeneRIF:15527101 GeneRIF:15531913 GeneRIF:15547763 GeneRIF:15557754 GeneRIF:15580288 GeneRIF:15580296 GeneRIF:15589840 GeneRIF:15592495 GeneRIF:15657358 GeneRIF:15671555 GeneRIF:15684595 GeneRIF:15696967 GeneRIF:15696973 GeneRIF:15737330 GeneRIF:15743799 GeneRIF:15774464 GeneRIF:15788675 GeneRIF:15791479 GeneRIF:15809742 GeneRIF:15812817 GeneRIF:15814461 GeneRIF:15816541 GeneRIF:15867349 GeneRIF:15867356 GeneRIF:15870690 GeneRIF:15882793 GeneRIF:15893739 GeneRIF:15915502 GeneRIF:15948146 GeneRIF:15958622 GeneRIF:15973152 GeneRIF:15989758 GeneRIF:16027728 GeneRIF:16033774 GeneRIF:16033775 GeneRIF:16049340 GeneRIF:16084492 GeneRIF:16092940 GeneRIF:16098466 GeneRIF:16215635 GeneRIF:16264179 GeneRIF:16304992 GeneRIF:16389900 GeneRIF:9109541 MSH:D005910 NCIt:C3059 SNOMEDCT:115240006 SNOMEDCT:189908003 SNOMEDCT:189926000 SNOMEDCT:74532006 Replaced with central nervous system cancer (EFO_0000326) A benign or malignant brain and spinal cord tumor that arises from glial cells (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, ependymal cells). Tumors that arise from astrocytes are called astrocytic tumors or astrocytomas. Tumors that arise from oligodendrocytes are called oligodendroglial tumors. Tumors that arise from ependymal cells are called ependymomas. A benign or malignant brain and spinal cord tumor that arises from glial cells (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, ependymal cells). Tumors that arise from astrocytes are called astrocytic tumors or astrocytomas. Tumors that arise from oligodendrocytes are called oligodendroglial tumors. Tumors that arise from ependymal cells are called ependymomas. -- 2004 Benign and malignant central nervous system neoplasms derived from glial cells (i.e., astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and ependymocytes). Astrocytes may give rise to astrocytomas (ASTROCYTOMA) or glioblastoma multiforme (see GLIOBLASTOMA). Oligodendrocytes give rise to oligodendrogliomas (OLIGODENDROGLIOMA) and ependymocytes may undergo transformation to become EPENDYMOMA; CHOROID PLEXUS NEOPLASMS; or colloid cysts of the third ventricle. (From Escourolle et al., Manual of Basic Neuropathology, 2nd ed, p21) glioma URI: James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak Akinetic Rigid Variant of Huntington Disease Chorea, Huntington Chronic Progressive Hereditary Chorea (Huntington) Chronic progressive chorea Chronic progressive hereditary chorea HC - Huntington chorea HD HD - Huntington chorea HUNTINGTON DIS HUNTINGTON DIS AKINETIC RIGID VARIANT HUNTINGTON'S CHOREA HUNTINGTONS DIS Huntington Disease, Akinetic Rigid Variant Huntington Disease, Juvenile-Onset Huntington Disease, Late Onset Huntington disease Huntington's Huntington's chorea (disorder) Huntington's disease Huntington's disease pathway JUVENILE HUNTINGTON DIS JUVENILE ONSET HUNTINGTON DIS Juvenile Huntington Disease LATE ONSET HUNTINGTON DIS DOID:12858 GeneRIF:11432963 GeneRIF:11593450 GeneRIF:11813242 GeneRIF:11817536 GeneRIF:11914418 GeneRIF:12008025 GeneRIF:12078510 GeneRIF:12528814 GeneRIF:12531510 GeneRIF:12604778 GeneRIF:12614934 GeneRIF:12657678 GeneRIF:12682342 GeneRIF:12691731 GeneRIF:12706247 GeneRIF:12736330 GeneRIF:12781994 GeneRIF:12890790 GeneRIF:12915485 GeneRIF:12950446 GeneRIF:12952868 GeneRIF:12960759 GeneRIF:12969257 GeneRIF:14511117 GeneRIF:14522959 GeneRIF:14725621 GeneRIF:14751289 GeneRIF:14978262 GeneRIF:14981075 GeneRIF:14985389 GeneRIF:15009635 GeneRIF:15029481 GeneRIF:15033177 GeneRIF:15057517 GeneRIF:15167689 GeneRIF:15261377 GeneRIF:15337316 GeneRIF:15359012 GeneRIF:15383276 GeneRIF:15476444 GeneRIF:15496672 GeneRIF:15644269 GeneRIF:15715085 GeneRIF:15742215 GeneRIF:15749339 GeneRIF:15817265 GeneRIF:15843398 GeneRIF:15845076 GeneRIF:15878807 GeneRIF:15880743 GeneRIF:15922606 GeneRIF:15934928 GeneRIF:16054230 GeneRIF:16115812 GeneRIF:16184606 ICD9:333.4 MSH:D006816 NIFSTD:birnlex_12500 SNOMEDCT:58756001 A familial disorder inherited as an autosomal dominant trait and characterized by the onset of progressive CHOREA and DEMENTIA in the fourth or fifth decade of life. Common initial manifestations include paranoia; poor impulse control; DEPRESSION; HALLUCINATIONS; and DELUSIONS. Eventually intellectual impairment; loss of fine motor control; ATHETOSIS; and diffuse chorea involving axial and limb musculature develops, leading to a vegetative state within 10-15 years of disease onset. The juvenile variant has a more fulminant course including SEIZURES; ATAXIA; dementia; and chorea. A familial disorder inherited as an autosomal dominant trait and characterized by the onset of progressive CHOREA and DEMENTIA in the fourth or fifth decade of life. Common initial manifestations include paranoia; poor impulse control; DEPRESSION; HALLUCINATIONS; and DELUSIONS. Eventually intellectual impairment; loss of fine motor control; ATHETOSIS; and diffuse chorea involving axial and limb musculature develops, leading to a vegetative state within 10-15 years of disease onset. The juvenile variant has a more fulminant course including SEIZURES; ATAXIA; dementia; and chorea. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp1060-4) Huntington's disease URI:'s_disease James Malone AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE NEC Autoimmune disease, not elsewhere classified DEFIC CELL IMMUNITY NOS Disorder of the immune mechanism NOS Disorder of the immune mechanism NOS (disorder) IMMUNDEF T-CELL DEF NOS IMMUNE MECHANISM DIS NEC IMMUNE MECHANISM DIS NOS Immune System and Related Disorders Immunodeficiency and Immunosuppression Disorders Immunodeficiency with predominant T-cell defect, unspecified Other deficiency of cell-mediated immunity Other specified disorders involving the immune mechanism Other specified disorders of the immune mechanism Other specified disorders of the immune mechanism (disorder) Unspecified disorder of immune mechanism [X]Disorder involving the immune mechanism, unspecified [X]Disorder involving the immune mechanism, unspecified (disorder) immune system disease DOID:2914 ICD9:279 ICD9:279.1 ICD9:279.10 ICD9:279.19 ICD9:279.4 ICD9:279.8 ICD9:279.9 NCIt:C27351 SNOMEDCT:191017001 SNOMEDCT:191019003 SNOMEDCT:191035005 A group of non-neoplastic and neoplastic disorders resulting from the deregulation and/or deficiency of immune system functions. It includes autoimmune disorders (e.g., lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, rheumatoid arthritis), congenital and acquired immunodeficiency syndromes including the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and neoplasms (e.g., lymphomas and malignancies secondary to transplantation.) immune system disease URI: James Malone Generalised metabolic disorder Generalized metabolic disorder Generalized metabolic disorder (disorder) MD - Metabolic disorders METAB DIS METABOLISM DISORDER NOS Metabolic Diseases Metabolic disease (disorder) Metabolic disease, NOS Metabolic disorder Metabolic disorder, NOS Metabolic disorders Thesaurismoses Thesaurismosis Unspecified disorder of metabolism disease of metabolism disorder of metabolism NOS disorder of metabolism NOS (disorder) metabolic disease metabolism disorder DOID:0014667 GeneRIF:12093894 GeneRIF:12215968 GeneRIF:12242462 GeneRIF:12707035 GeneRIF:12815182 GeneRIF:12824951 GeneRIF:14592951 GeneRIF:15231871 GeneRIF:15246202 GeneRIF:15277400 GeneRIF:15677734 GeneRIF:16018179 ICD9:277.9 MSH:D008659 NCIt:C3235 SNOMEDCT:267456000 SNOMEDCT:30390004 SNOMEDCT:75934005 A congenital (due to inherited enzyme abnormality) or acquired (due to failure of a metabolic important organ) disorder resulting from an abnormal metabolic process. -- 2003 Generic term for diseases caused by an abnormal metabolic process. It can be congenital due to inherited enzyme abnormality (METABOLISM, INBORN ERRORS) or acquired due to disease of an endocrine organ or failure of a metabolically important organ such as the liver. (Stedman, 26th ed) disease of metabolism URI: James Malone Deficiencies, Respiratory Chain Deficiency, Oxidative Phosphorylation ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN DEFIC MITOCHONDRIAL Electron Transport Chain Deficiencies, Mitochondrial MITOCHONDRIAL DIS Mitochondrial Diseases Mitochondrial Disorders Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Deficiencies OX PHOS DEFIC Phosphorylation Deficiencies, Oxidative RESPIRATORY CHAIN DEFIC MITOCHONDRIAL Respiratory Chain Deficiency hyperglycaemia mitochondrial disease mitochondrial disease/disorder mitochondrial disorder DOID:700 GeneRIF:12111367 GeneRIF:14506721 GeneRIF:14746906 GeneRIF:15571233 MSH:D028361 Diseases caused by abnormal function of the MITOCHONDRIA. They may be caused by mutations, acquired or inherited, in mitochondrial DNA or in nuclear genes that code for mitochondrial components. They may also be the result of acquired mitochondria dysfunction due to adverse effects of drugs, infections, or other environmental causes. mitochondrial disease URI: James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak (Neuroblastoma NOS) or (sympathicoblastoma) Central neuroblastoma NB - Neuroblastoma Neuroblastoma (Schwannian Stroma-Poor) Neuroblastoma, NOS Neuroblastomas Sympathicoblastoma [M]Neuroblastoma NOS [M]Neuroblastoma NOS (morphologic abnormality) neuroblastoma neuroblastoma (morphologic abnormality) neuroblastoma NOS (morphologic abnormality) DOID:769 GeneRIF:11705866 GeneRIF:11737230 GeneRIF:11744098 GeneRIF:11782392 GeneRIF:11807986 GeneRIF:11836564 GeneRIF:11859407 GeneRIF:11861392 GeneRIF:11870543 GeneRIF:11877670 GeneRIF:11877677 GeneRIF:11881792 GeneRIF:11928813 GeneRIF:12031683 GeneRIF:12085233 GeneRIF:12118090 GeneRIF:12154078 GeneRIF:12163469 GeneRIF:12174591 GeneRIF:12185581 GeneRIF:12209604 GeneRIF:12239177 GeneRIF:12438307 GeneRIF:12545167 GeneRIF:12557224 GeneRIF:12576454 GeneRIF:12593854 GeneRIF:12598334 GeneRIF:12629151 GeneRIF:12629521 GeneRIF:12647219 GeneRIF:12672031 GeneRIF:12675130 GeneRIF:12717420 GeneRIF:12808116 GeneRIF:12829373 GeneRIF:12884264 GeneRIF:12888911 GeneRIF:12907629 GeneRIF:12916719 GeneRIF:12962147 GeneRIF:12964007 GeneRIF:13679866 GeneRIF:14645238 GeneRIF:14654552 GeneRIF:14663483 GeneRIF:14719101 GeneRIF:14724587 GeneRIF:14745549 GeneRIF:14988008 GeneRIF:14995074 GeneRIF:15004408 GeneRIF:15015775 GeneRIF:15024693 GeneRIF:15083193 GeneRIF:15117961 GeneRIF:15136145 GeneRIF:15166121 GeneRIF:15168079 GeneRIF:15218241 GeneRIF:15240516 GeneRIF:15280446 GeneRIF:15316056 GeneRIF:15322424 GeneRIF:15328517 GeneRIF:15375504 GeneRIF:15448191 GeneRIF:15486895 GeneRIF:15488758 GeneRIF:15514946 GeneRIF:15516980 GeneRIF:15518890 GeneRIF:15547663 GeneRIF:15607966 GeneRIF:15618969 GeneRIF:15644444 GeneRIF:15650242 GeneRIF:15719172 GeneRIF:15735700 GeneRIF:15741235 GeneRIF:15827327 GeneRIF:15849504 GeneRIF:15882878 GeneRIF:15930276 GeneRIF:15994346 GeneRIF:15998644 GeneRIF:16007146 GeneRIF:16051641 GeneRIF:16091745 GeneRIF:16092940 GeneRIF:16098972 GeneRIF:16125842 GeneRIF:16166307 GeneRIF:16177824 GeneRIF:16228012 GeneRIF:16232196 MSH:D009447 NCIt:C3270 NIFSTD:birnlex_12631 SNOMEDCT:269507008 SNOMEDCT:87364003 A common neoplasm of early childhood arising from neural crest cells in the sympathetic nervous system, and characterized by diverse clinical behavior, ranging from spontaneous remission to rapid metastatic progression and death. This tumor is the most common intraabdominal malignancy of childhood, but it may also arise from thorax, neck, or rarely occur in the central nervous system. Histologic features include uniform round cells with hyperchromatic nuclei arranged in nests and separated by fibrovascular septa. Neuroblastomas may be associated with the opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (MeSH). A common neoplasm of early childhood arising from neural crest cells in the sympathetic nervous system, and characterized by diverse clinical behavior, ranging from spontaneous remission to rapid metastatic progression and death. This tumor is the most common intraabdominal malignancy of childhood, but it may also arise from thorax, neck, or rarely occur in the central nervous system. Histologic features include uniform round cells with hyperchromatic nuclei arranged in nests and separated by fibrovascular septa. Neuroblastomas may be associated with the opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome. (From DeVita et al., Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 5th ed, pp2099-2101; Curr Opin Oncol 1998 Jan;10(1):43-51) A neuroblastic tumor characterized by the presence of neuroblastic cells, the absence of ganglion cells, and the absence of a prominent Schwannian stroma formation. neuroblastoma URI: James Malone Bone Sarcoma Osseous Sarcoma Osteoblastic osteosarcoma Osteoblastic sarcoma Osteochondrosarcoma Osteogenic Sarcomas Osteogenic sarcoma, NOS Osteosarcoma - disorder Osteosarcoma of bone Osteosarcoma of bone (disorder) Osteosarcoma, NOS Osteosarcoma, no ICD-O subtype Osteosarcoma, no ICD-O subtype (morphologic abnormality) Osteosarcomas Sarcoma of Bone Sarcoma of the Bone Sarcoma, Osteogenic Skeletal sarcoma [M]Osteosarcoma NOS osteoid sarcoma osteosarcoma DOID:3347 GeneRIF:11606061 GeneRIF:11746983 GeneRIF:11776394 GeneRIF:11920494 GeneRIF:11927012 GeneRIF:11943335 GeneRIF:12009018 GeneRIF:12054567 GeneRIF:12154052 GeneRIF:12209731 GeneRIF:12237108 GeneRIF:12376862 GeneRIF:12393937 GeneRIF:12479099 GeneRIF:12544770 GeneRIF:12660817 GeneRIF:12663494 GeneRIF:12709413 GeneRIF:12788094 GeneRIF:12792742 GeneRIF:12972634 GeneRIF:13678785 GeneRIF:14524531 GeneRIF:14528100 GeneRIF:14584080 GeneRIF:14598886 GeneRIF:14645574 GeneRIF:14679136 GeneRIF:14704791 GeneRIF:14710359 GeneRIF:14719070 GeneRIF:15026342 GeneRIF:15087387 GeneRIF:15145525 GeneRIF:15201972 GeneRIF:15210853 GeneRIF:15221963 GeneRIF:15310147 GeneRIF:15448009 GeneRIF:15469899 GeneRIF:15476586 GeneRIF:15488761 GeneRIF:15580288 GeneRIF:15583032 GeneRIF:15609301 GeneRIF:15662138 GeneRIF:15668906 GeneRIF:15701832 GeneRIF:15719069 GeneRIF:15796961 GeneRIF:15814634 GeneRIF:15870699 GeneRIF:15900593 GeneRIF:15922739 GeneRIF:16010425 GeneRIF:16035619 GeneRIF:16087680 GeneRIF:16157226 GeneRIF:16328004 MSH:D012516 NCIt:C9145 NCIt:C9312 SNOMEDCT:21708004 SNOMEDCT:307576001 A malignant mesenchymal tumor arising from the bone. A sarcoma originating in bone-forming cells, affecting the ends of long bones. It is the most common and most malignant of sarcomas of the bones, and occurs chiefly among 10- to 25-year-old youths. (From Stedman, 25th ed) A usually aggressive malignant bone-forming mesenchymal tumor, predominantly affecting adolescents and young adults. It usually involves bones and less frequently extraosseous sites. It often involves the long bones (particularly distal femur, proximal tibia, and proximal humerus). Pain with or without a palpable mass is the most frequent clinical symptom. It may spread to other anatomic sites, particularly the lungs. osteosarcoma URI: James Malone DIS PORPHYRIN METABOLISM Disorder of porphyrin and haem metabolism Disorder of porphyrin and heme metabolism Disorder of porphyrin metabolism (disorder) Disorder of porphyrin metabolism, NOS Disorders of porphyrin metabolism Disorders of porphyrin metabolism (disorder) Hematoporphyria Porphyria (disorder) Porphyria NOS Porphyria NOS (disorder) Porphyrinopathy Porphyrinopathy (disorder) disorder of porphyrin and hem metabolism disorder of porphyrin metabolism porphyria porphyrias DOID:13268 GeneRIF:16026339 ICD9:277.1 MSH:D011164 SNOMEDCT:190916001 SNOMEDCT:29094004 SNOMEDCT:371628009 A diverse group of metabolic diseases characterized by errors in the biosynthetic pathway of HEME in the LIVER, the BONE MARROW, or both. They are classified by the deficiency of specific enzymes, the tissue site of enzyme defect, or the clinical features that include neurological (acute) or cutaneous (skin lesions). Porphyrias can be hereditary or acquired as a result of toxicity to the hepatic or erythropoietic marrow tissues. porphyria URI: James Malone HGPS Hutchinson Gilford Syndrome Hutchinson-Gilford Disease Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome (disorder) Premature senility syndrome Progeria Progeria (disorder) Progeria syndrome (disorder) [Ambiguous] progeria syndrome DOID:3911 GeneRIF:12702809 GeneRIF:12714972 GeneRIF:12735900 GeneRIF:12768443 GeneRIF:15342704 GeneRIF:15608054 MSH:D011371 NCIt:C34951 SNOMEDCT:238870004 A very rare genetic disorder caused by mutations in the LMNA gene. It is characterized by premature aging. Signs and symptoms include failure to thrive, limited growth, alopecia, wrinkled skin, small face, development of atherosclerosis, and heart disease. There is no cure for this condition. Individuals do not usually survive beyond their early twenties. Death usually occurs as a result of complications from atherosclerosis. An abnormal congenital condition, associated with defects in the LAMIN TYPE A gene, which is characterized by premature aging in children, where all the changes of cell senescence occur. It is manifested by premature greying; hair loss; hearing loss (DEAFNESS); cataracts (CATARACT); ARTHRITIS; OSTEOPOROSIS; DIABETES MELLITUS; atrophy of subcutaneous fat; skeletal hypoplasia; elevated urinary HYALURONIC ACID; and accelerated ATHEROSCLEROSIS. Many affected individuals develop malignant tumors, especially SARCOMA. progeria URI: James Malone Conjunctival Pterygium Pterygium (disorder) Pterygium NOS (disorder) Pterygium, NOS Pterygium, unspecified Pterygiums Unspecified pterygium (disorder) Web eye pterygium DOID:10526 GeneRIF:12827055 GeneRIF:14533030 GeneRIF:15273656 GeneRIF:15523624 ICD9:372.4 ICD9:372.40 MSH:D011625 SNOMEDCT:193879003 SNOMEDCT:193884009 SNOMEDCT:77489003 An abnormal triangular fold of membrane in the interpalpebral fissure, extending from the conjunctiva to the cornea, being immovably united to the cornea at its apex, firmly attached to the sclera throughout its middle portion, and merged with the conjunctiva at its base. (Dorland, 27th ed) conjunctival pterygium URI: James Malone ALVEOL PNEUMONOPATHY NEC ALVEOL PNEUMONOPATHY NOS CHR PUL MANIF D/T RADIAT Chronic and other pulmonary manifestations due to radiation Disease of respiratory system Disease of respiratory system (disorder) Disease of respiratory system, NOS Disorder of respiratory system Disorder of respiratory system (disorder) INORG DUST PNEUMOCON NEC LUNG INVOLV IN OTH DIS Lung involvement in other diseases classified elsewhere MEDIASTINUM DISEASE NEC Other diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified Other diseases of respiratory system NOS Other diseases of respiratory system NOS (disorder) Other diseases of respiratory system, not elsewhere classified Other respiratory system diseases Other respiratory system diseases (disorder) Other respiratory system diseases NOS Other respiratory system diseases NOS (disorder) Other specified alveolar and parietoalveolar pneumonopathies Pneumoconiosis due to other inorganic dust RESP COND: EXT AGENT NEC RESP COND: EXT AGENT NOS RESP SYSTEM DISEASE NEC RESP SYSTEM DISEASE NOS Respiratory Disorder Respiratory conditions due to other specified external agents Respiratory conditions due to unspecified external agent Respiratory disease Respiratory disorder, NOS Respiratory system diseases NOS Respiratory system diseases NOS (disorder) Unspecified alveolar and parietoalveolar pneumonopathy Unspecified disease of respiratory system [X]Chronic and other pulmonary manifestations due to radiation [X]Chronic and other pulmonary manifestations due to radiation (disorder) [X]Other diseases of the respiratory system [X]Other diseases of the respiratory system (disorder) [X]Respiratory conditions due to other specified external agents [X]Respiratory conditions due to other specified external agents (disorder) [X]Respiratory conditions due to unspecified external agent [X]Respiratory conditions due to unspecified external agent (disorder) respiratory system disease DOID:1579 ICD9:460-519.99 ICD9:500-508.99 ICD9:503 ICD9:508 ICD9:508.1 ICD9:508.8 ICD9:508.9 ICD9:510-519.99 ICD9:516 ICD9:516.8 ICD9:516.9 ICD9:517 ICD9:517.8 ICD9:519 ICD9:519.1 ICD9:519.3 ICD9:519.8 ICD9:519.9 NCIt:C26871 SNOMEDCT:196057004 SNOMEDCT:196184000 SNOMEDCT:196185004 SNOMEDCT:196241007 SNOMEDCT:196243005 SNOMEDCT:196244004 SNOMEDCT:196255004 SNOMEDCT:266373008 SNOMEDCT:50043002 A body system disease that occurs in different organs functioning in respiration and consisting especially of the nose, nasal passages, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. respiratory system disease URI: James Malone Connective Tissue Sarcoma MAL NEO SOFT TIS ABDOMEN MAL NEO SOFT TIS PELVIS MAL NEO SOFT TIS THORAX MAL NEO SOFT TISSUE ARM MAL NEO SOFT TISSUE HEAD MAL NEO SOFT TISSUE LEG MAL NEO SOFT TISSUE NEC MAL NEO SOFT TISSUE NOS MAL NEOPL TRUNK NOS Malignant Neoplasm of the Soft Tissue Malignant Soft Tissue Neoplasm Malignant Soft Tissue Tumor Malignant Tumor of the Soft Tissue Malignant mesenchymal tumour Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue (disorder) Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of abdomen Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of head, face, and neck Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of lower limb, including hip Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of pelvis Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of thorax Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of trunk, unspecified Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of upper limb, including shoulder Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue, site unspecified Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of connective and other soft tissue Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue (disorder) Malignant tumor of soft tissue Malignant tumour of soft tissue Mesenchymal tumor, malignant Sarcoma of Soft Tissue Sarcoma of Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma of the Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma, NOS Sarcoma, no ICD-O subtype Sarcoma, no ICD-O subtype (morphologic abnormality) Soft Tissue Sarcoma Soft tissue tumour, malignant [M]Sarcoma NOS [M]Sarcoma NOS (morphologic abnormality) connective and soft tissue neoplasm sarcoma tumor of soft tissue and skeleton DOID:1115 GeneRIF:11953898 GeneRIF:12112526 GeneRIF:12435619 GeneRIF:12539045 GeneRIF:12610779 GeneRIF:14507652 GeneRIF:14612455 GeneRIF:14710346 GeneRIF:15018431 GeneRIF:15201968 GeneRIF:15710230 GeneRIF:15716602 GeneRIF:15809709 GeneRIF:16154137 GeneRIF:16327442 ICD9:171 ICD9:171.0 ICD9:171.2 ICD9:171.3 ICD9:171.4 ICD9:171.5 ICD9:171.6 ICD9:171.7 ICD9:171.8 ICD9:171.9 NCIt:C4867 NCIt:C9118 NCIt:C9306 SNOMEDCT:187985009 SNOMEDCT:189764008 SNOMEDCT:2424003 SNOMEDCT:269469005 A cancer that affects connective tissue resulting in mesoderm proliferation. A malignant mesenchymal neoplasm arising exclusively from the soft tissues. Representative examples include soft tissue sarcoma, extraosseous Ewing sarcoma/peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor, and malignant hemangiopericytoma. A malignant mesenchymal neoplasm arising from muscle tissue, adipose tissue, blood vessels, fibrous tissue, or other supportive tissues excluding the bones. A usually aggressive malignant mesenchymal cell tumor most commonly arising from muscle, fat, fibrous tissue, bone, cartilage, and blood vessels. Sarcomas occur in both children and adults. The prognosis depends largely on the degree of differentiation (grade) of the tumor. Representative subtypes are liposarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, osteosarcoma, and chondrosarcoma. Type of cancer of the bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue. sarcoma URI: James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak Dementia Praecox Other specified types of schizophrenia, chronic state Other specified types of schizophrenia, chronic state with acute exacerbation Other specified types of schizophrenia, in remission Other specified types of schizophrenia, subchronic state Other specified types of schizophrenia, subchronic state with acute exacerbation Other specified types of schizophrenia, unspecified state SCHIZO NEC-CHR/EXACERB SCHIZO NEC-SUBCHR/EXACER SCHIZO NOS-CHR/EXACERB SCHIZO NOS-SUBCHR/EXACER SCHIZOPHRENIA NEC-CHR SCHIZOPHRENIA NEC-REMISS SCHIZOPHRENIA NEC-SUBCHR SCHIZOPHRENIA NEC-UNSPEC SCHIZOPHRENIA NOS-UNSPEC Schizophrenia (disorder) Schizophrenia NOS Schizophrenia NOS (disorder) Schizophrenic Disorder Schizophrenic disorders Schizophrenic disorders (disorder) Unspecified schizophrenia Unspecified schizophrenia (disorder) Unspecified schizophrenia, chronic state with acute exacerbation Unspecified schizophrenia, subchronic state with acute exacerbation Unspecified schizophrenia, unspecified state [X]Schizophrenia, unspecified [X]Schizophrenia, unspecified (disorder) schizophrenia DOID:5419 GeneRIF:11042361 GeneRIF:11104840 GeneRIF:11681838 GeneRIF:11702055 GeneRIF:11803454 GeneRIF:11803513 GeneRIF:11803524 GeneRIF:11803525 GeneRIF:11807409 GeneRIF:11807413 GeneRIF:11807415 GeneRIF:11840500 GeneRIF:11840504 GeneRIF:11840505 GeneRIF:11840510 GeneRIF:11880198 GeneRIF:11891283 GeneRIF:11920853 GeneRIF:11922883 GeneRIF:11952921 GeneRIF:11959426 GeneRIF:11959925 GeneRIF:11979062 GeneRIF:11986985 GeneRIF:11986986 GeneRIF:12007452 GeneRIF:12082558 GeneRIF:12082559 GeneRIF:12082567 GeneRIF:12090821 GeneRIF:12097806 GeneRIF:12098102 GeneRIF:12109966 GeneRIF:12111645 GeneRIF:12140776 GeneRIF:12140778 GeneRIF:12145742 GeneRIF:12149916 GeneRIF:12149917 GeneRIF:12192610 GeneRIF:12207142 GeneRIF:12210271 GeneRIF:12210277 GeneRIF:12218662 GeneRIF:12223255 GeneRIF:12270648 GeneRIF:12363390 GeneRIF:12364586 GeneRIF:12399140 GeneRIF:12399954 GeneRIF:12402217 GeneRIF:12425946 GeneRIF:12436019 GeneRIF:12439825 GeneRIF:12454527 GeneRIF:12474144 GeneRIF:12476323 GeneRIF:12476325 GeneRIF:12478479 GeneRIF:12496953 GeneRIF:12497607 GeneRIF:12497630 GeneRIF:12506198 GeneRIF:12555232 GeneRIF:12591580 GeneRIF:12605094 GeneRIF:12605097 GeneRIF:12610647 GeneRIF:12624948 GeneRIF:12627456 GeneRIF:12627459 GeneRIF:12634474 GeneRIF:12643442 GeneRIF:12648734 GeneRIF:12682740 GeneRIF:12691788 GeneRIF:12707930 GeneRIF:12707933 GeneRIF:12722515 GeneRIF:12724619 GeneRIF:12746393 GeneRIF:12762588 GeneRIF:12782960 GeneRIF:12782962 GeneRIF:12782967 GeneRIF:12799614 GeneRIF:12799619 GeneRIF:12808428 GeneRIF:12808430 GeneRIF:12808432 GeneRIF:12812986 GeneRIF:12814864 GeneRIF:12815733 GeneRIF:12815735 GeneRIF:12815736 GeneRIF:12815737 GeneRIF:12815738 GeneRIF:12815739 GeneRIF:12815740 GeneRIF:12824740 GeneRIF:12851458 GeneRIF:12867516 GeneRIF:12873802 GeneRIF:12874601 GeneRIF:12875921 GeneRIF:12884975 GeneRIF:12898568 GeneRIF:12911617 GeneRIF:12915235 GeneRIF:12921913 GeneRIF:12931209 GeneRIF:12950712 GeneRIF:12960750 GeneRIF:12960753 GeneRIF:13129656 GeneRIF:14509080 GeneRIF:14518171 GeneRIF:14532331 GeneRIF:14569272 GeneRIF:14572619 GeneRIF:14582144 GeneRIF:14618545 GeneRIF:14623368 GeneRIF:14623369 GeneRIF:14623370 GeneRIF:14623371 GeneRIF:14623375 GeneRIF:14623376 GeneRIF:14639047 GeneRIF:14642436 GeneRIF:14647391 GeneRIF:14684465 GeneRIF:14684836 GeneRIF:14699424 GeneRIF:14699426 GeneRIF:14699440 GeneRIF:14729256 GeneRIF:14729827 GeneRIF:14732589 GeneRIF:14732590 GeneRIF:14732600 GeneRIF:14732601 GeneRIF:14741324 GeneRIF:14744462 GeneRIF:14754787 GeneRIF:14755437 GeneRIF:14755438 GeneRIF:14755439 GeneRIF:14755440 GeneRIF:14755443 GeneRIF:14767724 GeneRIF:14960334 GeneRIF:14966479 GeneRIF:14973229 GeneRIF:14985387 GeneRIF:15007393 GeneRIF:15009827 GeneRIF:15038995 GeneRIF:15041036 GeneRIF:15048641 GeneRIF:15048642 GeneRIF:15066891 GeneRIF:15091314 GeneRIF:15091315 GeneRIF:15094474 GeneRIF:15098000 GeneRIF:15114630 GeneRIF:15121479 GeneRIF:15124004 GeneRIF:15124015 GeneRIF:15124027 GeneRIF:15151706 GeneRIF:15162166 GeneRIF:15167690 GeneRIF:15167695 GeneRIF:15184063 GeneRIF:15184103 GeneRIF:15194506 GeneRIF:15194870 GeneRIF:15197397 GeneRIF:15211620 GeneRIF:15211624 GeneRIF:15211626 GeneRIF:15211628 GeneRIF:15211629 GeneRIF:15211633 GeneRIF:15211634 GeneRIF:15219467 GeneRIF:15219469 GeneRIF:15219675 GeneRIF:15221639 GeneRIF:15231749 GeneRIF:15248869 GeneRIF:15254796 GeneRIF:15261699 GeneRIF:15271585 GeneRIF:15271586 GeneRIF:15274030 GeneRIF:15274031 GeneRIF:15274033 GeneRIF:15276698 GeneRIF:15277408 GeneRIF:15289817 GeneRIF:15292665 GeneRIF:15303101 GeneRIF:15305146 GeneRIF:15305151 GeneRIF:15310849 GeneRIF:15318026 GeneRIF:15318028 GeneRIF:15318033 GeneRIF:15318034 GeneRIF:15318035 GeneRIF:15329799 GeneRIF:15337252 GeneRIF:15338334 GeneRIF:15340354 GeneRIF:15362017 GeneRIF:15362566 GeneRIF:15363473 GeneRIF:15363474 GeneRIF:15364420 GeneRIF:15389752 GeneRIF:15449241 GeneRIF:15450681 GeneRIF:15452587 GeneRIF:15464270 GeneRIF:15465982 GeneRIF:15508520 GeneRIF:15522253 GeneRIF:15522255 GeneRIF:15531077 GeneRIF:15532024 GeneRIF:15539862 GeneRIF:15545978 GeneRIF:15564895 GeneRIF:15564899 GeneRIF:15564900 GeneRIF:15576061 GeneRIF:15601604 GeneRIF:15617864 GeneRIF:15630410 GeneRIF:15631889 GeneRIF:15647480 GeneRIF:15652872 GeneRIF:15653259 GeneRIF:15653269 GeneRIF:15657645 GeneRIF:15660663 GeneRIF:15660667 GeneRIF:15668720 GeneRIF:15670788 GeneRIF:15671176 GeneRIF:15694236 GeneRIF:15694262 GeneRIF:15705354 GeneRIF:15707951 GeneRIF:15719395 GeneRIF:15726117 GeneRIF:15737668 GeneRIF:15738936 GeneRIF:15739191 GeneRIF:15756053 GeneRIF:15768049 GeneRIF:15768050 GeneRIF:15774266 GeneRIF:15781144 GeneRIF:15793701 GeneRIF:15820226 GeneRIF:15820227 GeneRIF:15820318 GeneRIF:15820319 GeneRIF:15820333 GeneRIF:15824744 GeneRIF:15838535 GeneRIF:15841096 GeneRIF:15858820 GeneRIF:15861039 GeneRIF:15870291 GeneRIF:15882913 GeneRIF:15885920 GeneRIF:15900221 GeneRIF:15900227 GeneRIF:15913960 GeneRIF:15913964 GeneRIF:15917270 GeneRIF:15927374 GeneRIF:15939883 GeneRIF:15940296 GeneRIF:15940305 GeneRIF:15945063 GeneRIF:15953671 GeneRIF:15961543 GeneRIF:15998189 GeneRIF:16005437 GeneRIF:16011574 GeneRIF:16026766 GeneRIF:16027740 GeneRIF:16037677 GeneRIF:16039051 GeneRIF:16039057 GeneRIF:16044171 GeneRIF:16044173 GeneRIF:16046005 GeneRIF:16056147 GeneRIF:16056149 GeneRIF:16082709 GeneRIF:16084002 GeneRIF:16139171 GeneRIF:16139173 GeneRIF:16152568 GeneRIF:16176390 GeneRIF:16223700 ICD9:295 ICD9:295.8 ICD9:295.80 ICD9:295.81 ICD9:295.82 ICD9:295.83 ICD9:295.84 ICD9:295.85 ICD9:295.9 ICD9:295.90 ICD9:295.93 ICD9:295.94 NCIt:C3362 NIFSTD:birnlex_2104 SNOMEDCT:191526005 SNOMEDCT:191528006 SNOMEDCT:191579000 SNOMEDCT:192327003 SNOMEDCT:58214004 A major psychotic disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality. It affects the cognitive and psychomotor functions. Common clinical signs and symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, and retreat from reality. schizophrenia URI: James Malone Drepanocythaemia Drepanocythemia HB-S DIS W/O CRISIS NEC HB-SS DIS NEC W CRISIS Haemoglobin S disease Haemoglobin S-S disease Hb S disease Hb SS disease Hb-SS disease without crisis Hemoglobin S disease Hemoglobin S disease without crisis (disorder) Hemoglobin S-S disease Hemoglobin SS disease without crisis (disorder) Hereditary hemoglobinopathy disorder homozygous for hemoglobin S Hereditary hemoglobinopathy disorder homozygous for hemoglobin S (disorder) Other sickle-cell disease with crisis Other sickle-cell disease without crisis SICKLE CELL DISEASE NOS Sickle Cell Anemia Sickle cell anaemia Sickle cell anaemia NOS Sickle cell anaemia of unspecified type Sickle cell anemia NOS Sickle cell anemia NOS (disorder) Sickle cell anemia of unspecified type Sickle cell anemia of unspecified type (disorder) Sickle cell syndrome Sickle-cell disease, unspecified sickle cell disease DOID:10923 GeneRIF:11869935 GeneRIF:12549821 GeneRIF:12601490 GeneRIF:12673836 GeneRIF:12677174 GeneRIF:12714517 GeneRIF:12773623 GeneRIF:12850481 GeneRIF:12928439 GeneRIF:14579408 GeneRIF:14683458 GeneRIF:14755370 GeneRIF:14967817 GeneRIF:15023184 GeneRIF:15153712 GeneRIF:15271798 GeneRIF:15297857 GeneRIF:15388579 GeneRIF:15556291 GeneRIF:15556687 GeneRIF:15586174 GeneRIF:15609334 GeneRIF:15662557 GeneRIF:15834635 GeneRIF:15855323 ICD9:282.6 ICD9:282.60 ICD9:282.68 ICD9:282.69 NCIt:C34383 SNOMEDCT:127040003 SNOMEDCT:191195005 SNOMEDCT:191199004 A blood disorder characterized by the appearance of sickle-shaped red blood cells and anemia. sickle cell anemia URI: James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak Acute Cerebrovascular Accident Acute Cerebrovascular Accidents Apoplexy Brain Vascular Accident Brain Vascular Accidents CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, (CVA) CVA CVA (cerebral vascular accident) CVA - Cerebrovascular accident unspecified CVAs (Cerebrovascular Accident) Cerebral Stroke Cerebral Strokes Cerebrovascular Accidents Cerebrovascular Apoplexy Cerebrovascular Apoplexya Cerebrovascular Stroke Cerebrovascular accident Cerebrovascular accident (disorder) Cerebrovascular accident (disorder) [Ambiguous] SYNDROME, STROKE Stroke NOS Stroke NOS (disorder) Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified (disorder) Stroke, Acute Stroke/CVA - undefined Strokes Strokes, Acute Strokes, Cerebrovascular stroke DOID:3455 GeneRIF:11570818 GeneRIF:11822892 GeneRIF:11823528 GeneRIF:11926892 GeneRIF:11935032 GeneRIF:12006921 GeneRIF:12011770 GeneRIF:12038800 GeneRIF:12122874 GeneRIF:12123486 GeneRIF:12140663 GeneRIF:12393616 GeneRIF:12456385 GeneRIF:12464678 GeneRIF:12508918 GeneRIF:12515395 GeneRIF:12586134 GeneRIF:12598732 GeneRIF:12695749 GeneRIF:12843357 GeneRIF:12855940 GeneRIF:12871362 GeneRIF:12907815 GeneRIF:12947326 GeneRIF:14500739 GeneRIF:14500938 GeneRIF:14507642 GeneRIF:14512079 GeneRIF:14517540 GeneRIF:14574075 GeneRIF:14605330 GeneRIF:14643574 GeneRIF:14644079 GeneRIF:14655755 GeneRIF:14671240 GeneRIF:14681304 GeneRIF:14753436 GeneRIF:14753448 GeneRIF:14770184 GeneRIF:14961162 GeneRIF:15009965 GeneRIF:15044955 GeneRIF:15056284 GeneRIF:15080888 GeneRIF:15090053 GeneRIF:15108283 GeneRIF:15114595 GeneRIF:15116266 GeneRIF:15135928 GeneRIF:15138244 GeneRIF:15155526 GeneRIF:15159412 GeneRIF:15178823 GeneRIF:15201542 GeneRIF:15232611 GeneRIF:15272143 GeneRIF:15277638 GeneRIF:15341589 GeneRIF:15456942 GeneRIF:15494442 GeneRIF:15516929 GeneRIF:15567334 GeneRIF:15576653 GeneRIF:15613145 GeneRIF:15623683 GeneRIF:15634282 GeneRIF:15640973 GeneRIF:15673342 GeneRIF:15677572 GeneRIF:15681302 GeneRIF:15701167 GeneRIF:15725398 GeneRIF:15731479 GeneRIF:15764676 GeneRIF:15790561 GeneRIF:15829914 GeneRIF:15861005 GeneRIF:15890883 GeneRIF:15891996 GeneRIF:15894537 GeneRIF:15896953 GeneRIF:15910856 GeneRIF:15914769 GeneRIF:15916851 GeneRIF:15935385 GeneRIF:15947254 GeneRIF:15947272 GeneRIF:16020760 GeneRIF:16051894 GeneRIF:16051896 GeneRIF:16051899 GeneRIF:16085363 GeneRIF:16109906 GeneRIF:16131797 GeneRIF:16131798 GeneRIF:16141422 GeneRIF:16165118 GeneRIF:16179580 GeneRIF:16237435 GeneRIF:16262627 MSH:D020521 NCIt:C3390 NIFSTD:birnlex_12783 SNOMEDCT:230690007 SNOMEDCT:270883006 SNOMEDCT:313267000 A group of pathological conditions characterized by sudden, non-convulsive loss of neurological function due to BRAIN ISCHEMIA or INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGES. Stroke is classified by the type of tissue NECROSIS, such as the anatomic location, vasculature involved, etiology, age of the affected individual, and hemorrhagic vs. non-hemorrhagic nature. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp777-810) A sudden loss of neurological function secondary to hemorrhage or ischemia in the brain parenchyma due to a vascular event. A sudden, nonconvulsive loss of neurologic function due to an ischemic or hemorrhagic intracranial vascular event. In general, cerebrovascular accidents are classified by anatomic location in the brain, vascular distribution, etiology, age of the affected individual, and hemorrhagic vs. nonhemorrhagic nature (MeSH). A sudden, nonconvulsive loss of neurologic function due to an ischemic or hemorrhagic intracranial vascular event. In general, cerebrovascular accidents are classified by anatomic location in the brain, vascular distribution, etiology, age of the affected individual, and hemorrhagic vs. nonhemorrhagic nature. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp777-810) cerebrovascular accident URI: James Malone Other ulcerative colitis Other ulcerative colitis (disorder) UC - ulcerative colitis ULCERATVE COLITIS UNSPCF Ulcerative colitis (disorder) Ulcerative colitis, unspecified ulcerative colitis DOID:8577 GeneRIF:11737306 GeneRIF:11904678 GeneRIF:11920497 GeneRIF:11953203 GeneRIF:11956656 GeneRIF:11987129 GeneRIF:12011151 GeneRIF:12100519 GeneRIF:12109441 GeneRIF:12112311 GeneRIF:12133437 GeneRIF:12133438 GeneRIF:12139949 GeneRIF:12460892 GeneRIF:12465728 GeneRIF:12486609 GeneRIF:12512026 GeneRIF:12572877 GeneRIF:12598727 GeneRIF:12617879 GeneRIF:12707342 GeneRIF:12725330 GeneRIF:12730867 GeneRIF:12842452 GeneRIF:12878361 GeneRIF:14525977 GeneRIF:14597776 GeneRIF:14611908 GeneRIF:14617036 GeneRIF:14627676 GeneRIF:14669348 GeneRIF:14731353 GeneRIF:15007304 GeneRIF:15046221 GeneRIF:15052696 GeneRIF:15102868 GeneRIF:15146247 GeneRIF:15188158 GeneRIF:15188166 GeneRIF:15248378 GeneRIF:15284119 GeneRIF:15288468 GeneRIF:15292938 GeneRIF:15550998 GeneRIF:15628695 GeneRIF:15655821 GeneRIF:15685540 GeneRIF:15755919 GeneRIF:15793859 GeneRIF:15905704 GeneRIF:15935984 GeneRIF:15944317 GeneRIF:15946916 GeneRIF:15973119 GeneRIF:16015687 GeneRIF:16149136 GeneRIF:16158332 ICD9:556 ICD9:556.9 MSH:D003093 Inflammation of the COLON that is predominantly confined to the MUCOSA. Its major symptoms include DIARRHEA, rectal BLEEDING, the passage of MUCUS, and ABDOMINAL PAIN. ulcerative colitis URI: James Malone HERED PROG MUSC DYSTRPHY Hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy Hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy (disorder) Hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy NOS Hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy NOS (disorder) MD - Muscular dystrophy Muscular Dystrophies Muscular dystrophy (disorder) Muscular dystrophy NOS Myodystrophica Myodystrophicas Myodystrophies Myodystrophy PMD - Progressive muscular dystrophy Progressive muscular dystrophy muscular dystrophy DOID:9884 GeneRIF:11792810 GeneRIF:11829483 GeneRIF:12011280 GeneRIF:12057917 GeneRIF:12091319 GeneRIF:12145747 GeneRIF:12189167 GeneRIF:12192640 GeneRIF:12196663 GeneRIF:12387816 GeneRIF:12609502 GeneRIF:12609503 GeneRIF:12654965 GeneRIF:12657835 GeneRIF:12736685 GeneRIF:12783988 GeneRIF:12798793 GeneRIF:14512171 GeneRIF:14652796 GeneRIF:14741210 GeneRIF:14985349 GeneRIF:15221789 GeneRIF:15365169 GeneRIF:15371336 GeneRIF:15668457 GeneRIF:15833432 GeneRIF:15848172 GeneRIF:16084089 GeneRIF:16098969 GeneRIF:16115818 GeneRIF:16130093 GeneRIF:16286249 ICD9:359.1 MSH:D009136 SNOMEDCT:193225000 SNOMEDCT:193236007 SNOMEDCT:73297009 A heterogeneous group of inherited MYOPATHIES, characterized by wasting and weakness of the SKELETAL MUSCLE. They are categorized by the sites of MUSCLE WEAKNESS; AGE OF ONSET; and INHERITANCE PATTERNS. muscular dystrophy URI: James Malone Focal Myositides IDIOPATHIC INFLAMM MYOPATHIES Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy Infectious Myositides Inflammatory Muscle Disease Inflammatory Muscle Diseases Inflammatory disorder of muscle Inflammatory disorder of muscle (disorder) MUSCLE DIS INFLAMM MUSCLE/LIGAMENT DIS NOS MYALGIA AND MYOSITIS NOS MYOPATHY INFLAMM MYOSITIS INFECT Muscle inflammation Mylagia and myositis, unspecified Myopathies, Inflammatory Myopathy, Inflammatory Myositides Myositis (disorder) Myositis unspecified Myositis unspecified (disorder) Myositis, Focal Myositis, Infectious Myositis, NOS Proliferative Myositides Proliferative Myositis Unspecified disorder of muscle, ligament, and fascia myositis DOID:633 GeneRIF:11829483 GeneRIF:12618121 GeneRIF:12667656 GeneRIF:12742663 GeneRIF:12937135 GeneRIF:14569203 GeneRIF:14741210 GeneRIF:15338498 GeneRIF:15950936 GeneRIF:16115818 ICD9:728.9 ICD9:729.1 MSH:D009220 NCIt:C27578 SNOMEDCT:128496001 SNOMEDCT:203110007 SNOMEDCT:26889001 An inflammatory process affecting the skeletal muscles. Causes include infections, injuries, and autoimmune disorders. Inflammation of a muscle or muscle tissue. myositis URI: James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak Complete trisomy 21 syndrome Complete trisomy 21 syndrome (disorder) Down syndrome Down's Syndrome Down's syndrome - trisomy 21 Down's syndrome NOS Down's syndrome NOS (disorder) G Trisomy Mongolism Partial Trisomy 21 Down Syndrome T21 - Trisomy 21 Trisomy 21 Trisomy 21 NOS Trisomy 21 Syndrome Trisomy 21, Meiotic Nondisjunction Trisomy 21, Mitotic Nondisjunction DOID:14250 GeneRIF:11331941 GeneRIF:11565556 GeneRIF:11771735 GeneRIF:11771736 GeneRIF:11771738 GeneRIF:11771745 GeneRIF:11771746 GeneRIF:11771749 GeneRIF:11771750 GeneRIF:11771751 GeneRIF:11771755 GeneRIF:11771757 GeneRIF:11771758 GeneRIF:11771762 GeneRIF:11771764 GeneRIF:11810642 GeneRIF:11824616 GeneRIF:11856873 GeneRIF:11879646 GeneRIF:11920898 GeneRIF:12032275 GeneRIF:12070657 GeneRIF:12080391 GeneRIF:12109594 GeneRIF:12145461 GeneRIF:12172547 GeneRIF:12200143 GeneRIF:12359327 GeneRIF:12393509 GeneRIF:12400059 GeneRIF:12459318 GeneRIF:12469345 GeneRIF:12499044 GeneRIF:12515899 GeneRIF:12529699 GeneRIF:12576745 GeneRIF:12586620 GeneRIF:12628594 GeneRIF:12650976 GeneRIF:12767918 GeneRIF:12771203 GeneRIF:12796830 GeneRIF:12816863 GeneRIF:12895444 GeneRIF:12923861 GeneRIF:12931206 GeneRIF:12943237 GeneRIF:12957488 GeneRIF:14512321 GeneRIF:14615042 GeneRIF:14636651 GeneRIF:14656875 GeneRIF:14678752 GeneRIF:14701734 GeneRIF:14738882 GeneRIF:15068237 GeneRIF:15068239 GeneRIF:15068241 GeneRIF:15068242 GeneRIF:15068243 GeneRIF:15068244 GeneRIF:15068245 GeneRIF:15068251 GeneRIF:15068254 GeneRIF:15082224 GeneRIF:15103709 GeneRIF:15169762 GeneRIF:15184603 GeneRIF:15255950 GeneRIF:15358155 GeneRIF:15661359 GeneRIF:15694837 GeneRIF:15804423 GeneRIF:15820773 GeneRIF:15946822 GeneRIF:16222229 GeneRIF:16231093 GeneRIF:16274669 ICD9:758.0 MSH:D004314 NCIt:C2993 NIFSTD:nlx_dys_20090502 SNOMEDCT:254263008 SNOMEDCT:41040004 A chromosomal dysgenesis syndrome resulting from a triplication or translocation of chromosome 21. Down syndrome occurs in approximately 1:700 live births. Abnormalities are variable from individual to individual and may include mental retardation, retarded growth, flat hypoplastic face with short nose, prominent epicanthic skin folds, small low-set ears with prominent antihelix, fissured and thickened tongue, laxness of joint ligaments, pelvic dysplasia, broad hands and feet, stubby fingers, transverse palmar crease, lenticular opacities and heart disease. Patients with Down syndrome have an estimated 10 to 30-fold increased risk for leukemia; most have symptoms of Alzheimer's disease by age 40. Also known as trisomy 21 syndrome. --2004 A chromosome disorder associated either with an extra chromosome 21 or an effective trisomy for chromosome 21. Clinical manifestations include hypotonia, short stature, brachycephaly, upslanting palpebral fissures, epicanthus, Brushfield spots on the iris, protruding tongue, small ears, short, broad hands, fifth finger clinodactyly, Simian crease, and moderate to severe MENTAL RETARDATION. Cardiac and gastrointestinal malformations, a marked increase in the incidence of LEUKEMIA, and the early onset of ALZHEIMER DISEASE are also associated with this condition. Pathologic features include the development of NEUROFIBRILLARY TANGLES in neurons and the deposition of AMYLOID BETA-PROTEIN, similar to the pathology of ALZHEIMER DISEASE. (Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, p213) A disorder caused by the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome, characterized by structural abnormalities throughout the body. Often Down syndrome is associated with some impairment of cognitive ability and physical growth as well as facial appearance. (Adapted from Wikipedia) Down's syndrome URI: James Malone Malnutrition NUTRITION DIS NUTRITIONAL DIS Nutrition Disorders Nutrition disorder Nutritional Disorders Nutritional disease Nutritional disease, NOS Nutritional disorder (disorder) Nutritional disorder, NOS disorder of nutrition nutritional disorder DOID:374 MSH:D009748 NCIt:C26836 SNOMEDCT:2492009 Disorders caused by nutritional imbalance, either overnutrition or undernutrition. nutrition disorder URI: James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak Adiposis Adiposity OBESITY NOS Obese Obese (finding) Obesity (disorder) Obesity [Ambiguous] Obesity, unspecified obesity DOID:9970 GeneRIF:11718682 GeneRIF:11738809 GeneRIF:11739396 GeneRIF:11739957 GeneRIF:11791158 GeneRIF:11800057 GeneRIF:11816701 GeneRIF:11821707 GeneRIF:11822583 GeneRIF:11829746 GeneRIF:11866034 GeneRIF:11872365 GeneRIF:11882520 GeneRIF:11882596 GeneRIF:11890967 GeneRIF:11896485 GeneRIF:11912547 GeneRIF:11916923 GeneRIF:11923308 GeneRIF:11941369 GeneRIF:11956156 GeneRIF:11970899 GeneRIF:11972291 GeneRIF:11996962 GeneRIF:12006640 GeneRIF:12031976 GeneRIF:12032637 GeneRIF:12032642 GeneRIF:12032748 GeneRIF:12032749 GeneRIF:12032760 GeneRIF:12033496 GeneRIF:12037740 GeneRIF:12045256 GeneRIF:12050239 GeneRIF:12050272 GeneRIF:12053815 GeneRIF:12055319 GeneRIF:12055326 GeneRIF:12068290 GeneRIF:12075569 GeneRIF:12075576 GeneRIF:12079879 GeneRIF:12080444 GeneRIF:12083814 GeneRIF:12086939 GeneRIF:12086946 GeneRIF:12086965 GeneRIF:12093799 GeneRIF:12097321 GeneRIF:12099975 GeneRIF:12101250 GeneRIF:12133430 GeneRIF:12133431 GeneRIF:12145151 GeneRIF:12160996 GeneRIF:12161058 GeneRIF:12161541 GeneRIF:12161552 GeneRIF:12161655 GeneRIF:12163041 GeneRIF:12165561 GeneRIF:12165748 GeneRIF:12175706 GeneRIF:12177411 GeneRIF:12189588 GeneRIF:12193546 GeneRIF:12213628 GeneRIF:12213871 GeneRIF:12213872 GeneRIF:12213908 GeneRIF:12217430 GeneRIF:12226142 GeneRIF:12353079 GeneRIF:12364415 GeneRIF:12364441 GeneRIF:12364457 GeneRIF:12365916 GeneRIF:12370125 GeneRIF:12375583 GeneRIF:12376184 GeneRIF:12385894 GeneRIF:12387862 GeneRIF:12393670 GeneRIF:12399252 GeneRIF:12401709 GeneRIF:12401727 GeneRIF:12402973 GeneRIF:12409311 GeneRIF:12424252 GeneRIF:12429872 GeneRIF:12429873 GeneRIF:12429880 GeneRIF:12429884 GeneRIF:12435081 GeneRIF:12436346 GeneRIF:12447443 GeneRIF:12466947 GeneRIF:12480555 GeneRIF:12483461 GeneRIF:12484512 GeneRIF:12488352 GeneRIF:12488961 GeneRIF:12490667 GeneRIF:12499395 GeneRIF:12507421 GeneRIF:12508940 GeneRIF:12519848 GeneRIF:12519856 GeneRIF:12524228 GeneRIF:12529491 GeneRIF:12529498 GeneRIF:12529499 GeneRIF:12530526 GeneRIF:12531492 GeneRIF:12540594 GeneRIF:12540600 GeneRIF:12552573 GeneRIF:12569166 GeneRIF:12574803 GeneRIF:12582011 GeneRIF:12597523 GeneRIF:12598526 GeneRIF:12601637 GeneRIF:12603007 GeneRIF:12609752 GeneRIF:12619866 GeneRIF:12634434 GeneRIF:12634439 GeneRIF:12642576 GeneRIF:12649573 GeneRIF:12658019 GeneRIF:12660874 GeneRIF:12660878 GeneRIF:12660883 GeneRIF:12663465 GeneRIF:12679463 GeneRIF:12690079 GeneRIF:12690102 GeneRIF:12716739 GeneRIF:12716767 GeneRIF:12716769 GeneRIF:12720538 GeneRIF:12727933 GeneRIF:12727947 GeneRIF:12728641 GeneRIF:12730030 GeneRIF:12730403 GeneRIF:12734779 GeneRIF:12739015 GeneRIF:12746327 GeneRIF:12746756 GeneRIF:12750152 GeneRIF:12756299 GeneRIF:12765950 GeneRIF:12765952 GeneRIF:12765968 GeneRIF:12767044 GeneRIF:12769595 GeneRIF:12788860 GeneRIF:12788932 GeneRIF:12791674 GeneRIF:12805252 GeneRIF:12805399 GeneRIF:12810555 GeneRIF:12824951 GeneRIF:12829631 GeneRIF:12829658 GeneRIF:12843170 GeneRIF:12851317 GeneRIF:12855749 GeneRIF:12855752 GeneRIF:12855762 GeneRIF:12856128 GeneRIF:12860835 GeneRIF:12861009 GeneRIF:12865257 GeneRIF:12865337 GeneRIF:12869354 GeneRIF:12869545 GeneRIF:12882843 GeneRIF:12882938 GeneRIF:12885755 GeneRIF:12888635 GeneRIF:12899679 GeneRIF:12900437 GeneRIF:12902351 GeneRIF:12910269 GeneRIF:12915696 GeneRIF:12920182 GeneRIF:12923129 GeneRIF:12925533 GeneRIF:12925701 GeneRIF:12949354 GeneRIF:12951617 GeneRIF:12958061 GeneRIF:12960041 GeneRIF:12968669 GeneRIF:12970296 GeneRIF:13129857 GeneRIF:14504270 GeneRIF:14525909 GeneRIF:14551151 GeneRIF:14567496 GeneRIF:14600075 GeneRIF:14602788 GeneRIF:14625134 GeneRIF:14627764 GeneRIF:14637275 GeneRIF:14642408 GeneRIF:14642613 GeneRIF:14642615 GeneRIF:14646408 GeneRIF:14657196 GeneRIF:14657411 GeneRIF:14660566 GeneRIF:14660752 GeneRIF:14663468 GeneRIF:14671185 GeneRIF:14671186 GeneRIF:14673524 GeneRIF:14674682 GeneRIF:14682470 GeneRIF:14683458 GeneRIF:14691540 GeneRIF:14693717 GeneRIF:14693721 GeneRIF:14701677 GeneRIF:14707164 GeneRIF:14713387 GeneRIF:14715497 GeneRIF:14715842 GeneRIF:14715869 GeneRIF:14722031 GeneRIF:14726256 GeneRIF:14739355 GeneRIF:14742836 GeneRIF:14742837 GeneRIF:14746672 GeneRIF:14747205 GeneRIF:14747283 GeneRIF:14747301 GeneRIF:14759071 GeneRIF:14764817 GeneRIF:14968297 GeneRIF:14970363 GeneRIF:14993225 GeneRIF:15001632 GeneRIF:15001633 GeneRIF:15002062 GeneRIF:15009470 GeneRIF:15010337 GeneRIF:15024085 GeneRIF:15034227 GeneRIF:15037865 GeneRIF:15042014 GeneRIF:15044674 GeneRIF:15048662 GeneRIF:15051828 GeneRIF:15055256 GeneRIF:15055467 GeneRIF:15057669 GeneRIF:15063110 GeneRIF:15063799 GeneRIF:15070752 GeneRIF:15070774 GeneRIF:15070780 GeneRIF:15070922 GeneRIF:15070936 GeneRIF:15070954 GeneRIF:15070960 GeneRIF:15076153 GeneRIF:15087473 GeneRIF:15090636 GeneRIF:15102885 GeneRIF:15111497 GeneRIF:15111524 GeneRIF:15114524 GeneRIF:15123613 GeneRIF:15126243 GeneRIF:15156315 GeneRIF:15166310 GeneRIF:15168018 GeneRIF:15169894 GeneRIF:15181040 GeneRIF:15181046 GeneRIF:15181048 GeneRIF:15181539 GeneRIF:15191885 GeneRIF:15193430 GeneRIF:15198934 GeneRIF:15202783 GeneRIF:15208271 GeneRIF:15220187 GeneRIF:15220189 GeneRIF:15220220 GeneRIF:15220914 GeneRIF:15223990 GeneRIF:15231997 GeneRIF:15240652 GeneRIF:15248831 GeneRIF:15254878 GeneRIF:15271881 GeneRIF:15277400 GeneRIF:15277448 GeneRIF:15281018 GeneRIF:15292306 GeneRIF:15292320 GeneRIF:15292322 GeneRIF:15292330 GeneRIF:15292348 GeneRIF:15292352 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GeneRIF:15620432 GeneRIF:15625086 GeneRIF:15635487 GeneRIF:15637293 GeneRIF:15653680 GeneRIF:15654325 GeneRIF:15660115 GeneRIF:15677498 GeneRIF:15677759 GeneRIF:15678704 GeneRIF:15685173 GeneRIF:15688209 GeneRIF:15731326 GeneRIF:15735230 GeneRIF:15743038 GeneRIF:15746153 GeneRIF:15769985 GeneRIF:15770500 GeneRIF:15778720 GeneRIF:15780823 GeneRIF:15781751 GeneRIF:15789277 GeneRIF:15795426 GeneRIF:15795809 GeneRIF:15797871 GeneRIF:15797955 GeneRIF:15798948 GeneRIF:15806395 GeneRIF:15806598 GeneRIF:15811564 GeneRIF:15820771 GeneRIF:15823758 GeneRIF:15834545 GeneRIF:15841306 GeneRIF:15845623 GeneRIF:15845877 GeneRIF:15854142 GeneRIF:15855321 GeneRIF:15855322 GeneRIF:15855349 GeneRIF:15855351 GeneRIF:15862893 GeneRIF:15864349 GeneRIF:15864530 GeneRIF:15867334 GeneRIF:15869602 GeneRIF:15870101 GeneRIF:15878965 GeneRIF:15886715 GeneRIF:15889231 GeneRIF:15889232 GeneRIF:15890776 GeneRIF:15897474 GeneRIF:15897476 GeneRIF:15897480 GeneRIF:15905321 GeneRIF:15910756 GeneRIF:15916056 GeneRIF:15919794 GeneRIF:15919834 GeneRIF:15919835 GeneRIF:15919838 GeneRIF:15919839 GeneRIF:15920074 GeneRIF:15923630 GeneRIF:15928242 GeneRIF:15930442 GeneRIF:15936463 GeneRIF:15939106 GeneRIF:15941924 GeneRIF:15942768 GeneRIF:15944845 GeneRIF:15946750 GeneRIF:15955385 GeneRIF:15959417 GeneRIF:15972581 GeneRIF:15978107 GeneRIF:15979049 GeneRIF:15983201 GeneRIF:15983230 GeneRIF:15985479 GeneRIF:15994342 GeneRIF:16005429 GeneRIF:16009937 GeneRIF:16021472 GeneRIF:16027245 GeneRIF:16030142 GeneRIF:16030156 GeneRIF:16046411 GeneRIF:16048795 GeneRIF:16054046 GeneRIF:16054054 GeneRIF:16054069 GeneRIF:16092047 GeneRIF:16102992 GeneRIF:16123197 GeneRIF:16123358 GeneRIF:16123374 GeneRIF:16135994 GeneRIF:16166222 GeneRIF:16167150 GeneRIF:16180331 GeneRIF:16186392 GeneRIF:16186410 GeneRIF:16186414 GeneRIF:16200066 GeneRIF:16204364 GeneRIF:16222046 GeneRIF:16222047 GeneRIF:16224049 GeneRIF:16249436 GeneRIF:16260612 GeneRIF:16288749 GeneRIF:9205417 ICD9:278.0 ICD9:278.00 MSH:D009765 NIFSTD:nlx_dys_20090302 SNOMEDCT:414915002 SNOMEDCT:414916001 A status with BODY WEIGHT that is grossly above the acceptable or desirable weight, usually due to accumulation of excess FATS in the body. The standards may vary with age, sex, genetic or cultural background. In the BODY MASS INDEX, a BMI greater than 30.0 kg/m2 is considered obese, and a BMI greater than 40.0 kg/m2 is considered morbidly obese (MORBID OBESITY). An eating-related disorder in which excess body fat has accumulated to such an extent that health may be negatively affected. It is commonly defined as a body mass index (weight divided by height squared) of 30 kg/m2 or higher. obesity URI: James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak Autism-Dementia-Ataxia-Loss of Purposeful Hand Use Syndrome Cerebroatrophic hyperammonaemia Hyperammonemia, Cerebroatrophic Hyperammonemias, Cerebroatrophic RETT DIS RETTS DIS RTS - Rett syndrome Rett Disorder Rett syndrome Rett's Disorder Rett's disorder (disorder) Syndrome, Rett's DOID:1206 GeneRIF:11432961 GeneRIF:11768391 GeneRIF:11896459 GeneRIF:11955928 GeneRIF:12081725 GeneRIF:12107440 GeneRIF:12111643 GeneRIF:12160743 GeneRIF:12170461 GeneRIF:12442230 GeneRIF:12449561 GeneRIF:12707946 GeneRIF:12770674 GeneRIF:14649549 GeneRIF:14751287 GeneRIF:14974082 GeneRIF:15057977 GeneRIF:15809268 GeneRIF:15954098 GeneRIF:16015284 GeneRIF:16077729 GeneRIF:16077736 MSH:D015518 NIFSTD:birnlex_12770 SNOMEDCT:68618008 An inherited neurological developmental disorder that is associated with X-LINKED INHERITANCE and may be lethal in utero to hemizygous males. The affected female is normal until the age of 6-25 months when progressive loss of voluntary control of hand movements and communication skills; ATAXIA; SEIZURES; autistic behavior; intermittent HYPERVENTILATION; and HYPERAMMONEMIA appear (MeSH). An inherited neurological developmental disorder that is associated with X-LINKED INHERITANCE and may be lethal in utero to hemizygous males. The affected female is normal until the age of 6-25 months when progressive loss of voluntary control of hand movements and communication skills; ATAXIA; SEIZURES; autistic behavior; intermittent HYPERVENTILATION; and HYPERAMMONEMIA appear. (From Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology, 5th ed, p199) Rett syndrome URI: James Malone EATING DISORDER NEC Mental disease Mental disorder Mental disorder (disorder) Mental disorder, NOS Mental disorders NOS Mental disorders NOS (disorder) Mental health disorder Mental illness Other and unspecified special symptoms or syndromes, not elsewhere classified Other disorders of eating Psychiatric disorder Psychiatric illness SPECIAL SYMPTOM NEC/NOS [X]Mental disorder, not otherwise specified [X]Mental disorder, not otherwise specified (disorder) [X]Mental illness NOS [X]Other eating disorders [X]Other eating disorders (disorder) behavioral disease obsolete_behavioural disease DOID:150 GeneRIF:11884350 GeneRIF:12082566 GeneRIF:12218657 GeneRIF:12556907 GeneRIF:12605098 GeneRIF:12814372 GeneRIF:14523627 GeneRIF:14645456 GeneRIF:14744462 GeneRIF:14966479 GeneRIF:15341606 GeneRIF:15386212 ICD9:290-319.99 ICD9:300-316.99 ICD9:307 ICD9:307.5 ICD9:307.59 ICD9:307.9 SNOMEDCT:192637001 SNOMEDCT:192639003 SNOMEDCT:268721001 SNOMEDCT:74732009 merged with EFO_0000677 A disease of or relating to the manner that an organism conducts itself involving action and response to stimulation or the response of an individual, group, or species to its environment. disease of behavior URI: James Malone DMI UNSPF NT ST UNCNTRLD DMI UNSPF UNCNTRLD Diabetes mellitus type 1 (disorder) Diabetes mellitus type I [insulin dependent type] [IDDM] [juvenile type], not stated as uncontrolled, with unspecified complication Diabetes mellitus type I [insulin dependent type] [IDDM] [juvenile type], uncontrolled, with unspecified complication IDDM IDDM - Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Insulin Dependent Diabetes Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Juvenile Diabetes Juvenile onset diabetes mellitus Type 1 Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Type I Diabetes type I diabetes mellitus DOID:9744 GeneRIF:11286636 GeneRIF:11466400 GeneRIF:11841494 GeneRIF:11845233 GeneRIF:11914751 GeneRIF:11916169 GeneRIF:11916171 GeneRIF:11943852 GeneRIF:11975985 GeneRIF:11981430 GeneRIF:12004163 GeneRIF:12021138 GeneRIF:12021142 GeneRIF:12021143 GeneRIF:12039523 GeneRIF:12083814 GeneRIF:12086959 GeneRIF:12107733 GeneRIF:12118252 GeneRIF:12153746 GeneRIF:12185534 GeneRIF:12187923 GeneRIF:12187924 GeneRIF:12189440 GeneRIF:12200073 GeneRIF:12221281 GeneRIF:12351483 GeneRIF:12351486 GeneRIF:12381897 GeneRIF:12457456 GeneRIF:12479587 GeneRIF:12622777 GeneRIF:12663624 GeneRIF:12743700 GeneRIF:12788886 GeneRIF:12819903 GeneRIF:12874455 GeneRIF:12878786 GeneRIF:12951629 GeneRIF:14557453 GeneRIF:14563018 GeneRIF:14583186 GeneRIF:14614560 GeneRIF:14633852 GeneRIF:14962949 GeneRIF:15189740 GeneRIF:15208781 GeneRIF:15483661 GeneRIF:15786423 GeneRIF:15928253 GeneRIF:15950078 GeneRIF:16054858 ICD9:250.91 ICD9:250.93 NCIt:C2986 SNOMEDCT:46635009 Diabetes mellitus characterized by insulin deficiency, sudden onset, severe hyperglycemia, rapid progression to ketoacidosis, and death unless treated with insulin. The disease may occur at any age, but is most common in childhood or adolescence. insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus URI: James Malone Kahler's disease MULT MYELM W/O REMISSION Multiple myeloma (clinical) Multiple myeloma (disorder) Multiple myeloma without mention of remission Multiple myeloma, morphology (morphologic abnormality) Multiple myeloma, no ICD-O subtype Multiple myeloma, no ICD-O subtype (morphologic abnormality) Myeloma, NOS Myelomatosis Plasma Cell Myeloma Plasmacytic myeloma [M]Plasma cell myeloma multiple myeloma myeloma DOID:9538 GeneRIF:11568006 GeneRIF:11745168 GeneRIF:11792572 GeneRIF:11830480 GeneRIF:11830493 GeneRIF:11830495 GeneRIF:11839670 GeneRIF:11840273 GeneRIF:11872084 GeneRIF:11877256 GeneRIF:11877293 GeneRIF:11877294 GeneRIF:11877296 GeneRIF:11896542 GeneRIF:11902142 GeneRIF:11918087 GeneRIF:11940485 GeneRIF:11985783 GeneRIF:12001122 GeneRIF:12002771 GeneRIF:12070027 GeneRIF:12070032 GeneRIF:12161360 GeneRIF:12199782 GeneRIF:12200385 GeneRIF:12200397 GeneRIF:12231535 GeneRIF:12239172 GeneRIF:12351414 GeneRIF:12368157 GeneRIF:12377412 GeneRIF:12393489 GeneRIF:12393542 GeneRIF:12430875 GeneRIF:12433678 GeneRIF:12433679 GeneRIF:12456503 GeneRIF:12459170 GeneRIF:12471202 GeneRIF:12517814 GeneRIF:12543106 GeneRIF:12560229 GeneRIF:12569357 GeneRIF:12574959 GeneRIF:12576455 GeneRIF:12604407 GeneRIF:12626569 GeneRIF:12649140 GeneRIF:12651942 GeneRIF:12660820 GeneRIF:12665525 GeneRIF:12682635 GeneRIF:12707028 GeneRIF:12743296 GeneRIF:12791655 GeneRIF:12845688 GeneRIF:12855565 GeneRIF:12888915 GeneRIF:12931219 GeneRIF:12969979 GeneRIF:12970749 GeneRIF:14512299 GeneRIF:14513045 GeneRIF:14513053 GeneRIF:14514474 GeneRIF:14592826 GeneRIF:14656874 GeneRIF:14671622 GeneRIF:14677065 GeneRIF:14692531 GeneRIF:14715624 GeneRIF:14755377 GeneRIF:14976049 GeneRIF:15000866 GeneRIF:15003892 GeneRIF:15010462 GeneRIF:15041705 GeneRIF:15061198 GeneRIF:15070695 GeneRIF:15070697 GeneRIF:15070700 GeneRIF:15138161 GeneRIF:15172968 GeneRIF:15199411 GeneRIF:15203873 GeneRIF:15205949 GeneRIF:15215163 GeneRIF:15458509 GeneRIF:15471949 GeneRIF:15475450 GeneRIF:15479729 GeneRIF:15512823 GeneRIF:15534117 GeneRIF:15583754 GeneRIF:15626731 GeneRIF:15657357 GeneRIF:15671442 GeneRIF:15677557 GeneRIF:15692064 GeneRIF:15692072 GeneRIF:15705883 GeneRIF:15725479 GeneRIF:15731173 GeneRIF:15731178 GeneRIF:15735670 GeneRIF:15753365 GeneRIF:15788896 GeneRIF:15878977 GeneRIF:15899516 GeneRIF:15902294 GeneRIF:15920166 GeneRIF:15933061 GeneRIF:15940250 GeneRIF:16002735 GeneRIF:16026644 GeneRIF:16030194 GeneRIF:16044163 GeneRIF:16091744 ICD9:203.0 ICD9:203.00 NCIt:C3242 SNOMEDCT:109989006 SNOMEDCT:55921005 A bone marrow-based plasma cell neoplasm characterized by a serum monoclonal protein and skeletal destruction with osteolytic lesions, pathological fractures, bone pain, hypercalcemia, and anemia. Clinical variants include non-secretory myeloma, smoldering myeloma, indolent myeloma, and plasma cell leukemia. (WHO, 2001) multiple myeloma URI: James Malone Disease of endocrine gland Disease, Endocrine Diseases of Endocrine System Disorder of endocrine gland Disorder of endocrine system Disorder of endocrine system (disorder) ENDOCRINE DIS ENDOCRINE DISORDER NOS ENDOCRINE DISORDERS ENDOCRINE SYSTEM DIS Endocrine Diseases and Manifestations Endocrine Disorder Endocrine diseases Endocrine disorder NOS (disorder) Endocrine disturbance Endocrine disturbance NOS Endocrine disturbance NOS (disorder) Endocrine gland disease NOS Endocrine gland disease NOS (disorder) Endocrinopathy Endocrinopathy, NOS Hormone abnormality Hormone abnormality (finding) Hormone disorders Hormone disturbance Hormone disturbance NOS Non-Neoplastic Endocrine Disorder System Diseases, Endocrine Unspecified endocrine disorder endocrine system disease DOID:28 GeneRIF:15132716 GeneRIF:15240634 GeneRIF:15296474 GeneRIF:15736104 ICD9:259.9 MSH:D004700 NCIt:C27565 NCIt:C3009 SNOMEDCT:190594008 SNOMEDCT:267475005 SNOMEDCT:267489000 SNOMEDCT:362969004 SNOMEDCT:84452004 Any deviation from the normal structure or function of the endocrine system that is manifested by a characteristic set of symptoms and signs. Pathological processes of the ENDOCRINE GLANDS, and diseases resulting from abnormal level of available HORMONES. endocrine system disease URI: James Malone Disease of liver Diseases, Liver Disorder of liver Disorder of liver (disorder) Dysfunctions, Liver Hepatic Disorder Hepatopathy LD - Liver disease LIVER DIS LIVER DISORDER NOS Liver Dysfunction Liver disorder NOS (disorder) Liver disorder in pregnancy Liver disorder in pregnancy (disorder) Liver disorder in pregnancy - delivered (disorder) Liver disorder in pregnancy NOS (disorder) Liver disorder in pregnancy unspecified (disorder) Liver disorder in pregnancy, unspecified as to episode of care Liver disorder in pregnancy, with delivery Unspecified disorder of liver [X]Diseases of the liver [X]Diseases of the liver (disorder) disease of liver [Ambiguous] disease of the liver (disorder) liver disease liver disorder liver disorder antepartum liver disorder in pregnancy - delivered DOID:409 GeneRIF:11810299 GeneRIF:11898128 GeneRIF:11929052 GeneRIF:11929053 GeneRIF:12000722 GeneRIF:12006706 GeneRIF:12029628 GeneRIF:12085365 GeneRIF:12143056 GeneRIF:12148114 GeneRIF:12149233 GeneRIF:12297838 GeneRIF:12445411 GeneRIF:12532447 GeneRIF:12557137 GeneRIF:12705907 GeneRIF:12724528 GeneRIF:12794718 GeneRIF:12823590 GeneRIF:12823592 GeneRIF:12830005 GeneRIF:14624764 GeneRIF:15112358 GeneRIF:15235035 GeneRIF:15246202 GeneRIF:15286165 GeneRIF:15377291 GeneRIF:15653097 GeneRIF:15661915 GeneRIF:15719405 GeneRIF:15774823 GeneRIF:15842357 GeneRIF:15944310 GeneRIF:15969449 GeneRIF:16339124 ICD9:573.9 MSH:D008107 NCIt:C3196 SNOMEDCT:197375001 SNOMEDCT:197551000 SNOMEDCT:235856003 Any disease or dysfunction of the liver and the intrahepatic bile ducts. Pathological processes of the LIVER. liver disease URI: Ele Holloway James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak Idiopathic PD Parkinson disease Parkinson syndrome Parkinson's disease Parkinson's disease (disorder) Parkinson's disease NOS Parkinson's disease NOS (disorder) Parkinson's syndrome Parkinsonian disorder Parkinsons paralysis agitans DOID:14330 NIFSTD:birnlex_2098 Parkinson's disease URI:'s_disease Ele Holloway James Malone Tomasz Adamusiak Progressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia Steele-Richardson-Olszewski Disease Steele-Richardson-Olszewski Syndrome progressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia (disorder) supranuclear palsy, progressive DOID:678 NIFSTD:birnlex_12697 A degenerative disease of the central nervous system characterized by balance difficulties; OCULAR MOTILITY DISORDERS (supranuclear ophthalmoplegia); DYSARTHRIA; swallowing difficulties; and axial DYSTONIA. Onset is usually in the fifth decade and disease progression occurs over several years. Pathologic findings include neurofibrillary degeneration and neuronal loss in the dorsal MESENCEPHALON; SUBTHALAMIC NUCLEUS; RED NUCLEUS; pallidum; dentate nucleus; and vestibular nuclei (MeSH). progressive supranuclear palsy URI:,_progressive Ele Holloway Tomasz Adamusiak Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma/Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia Macroglobulinemia (disorder) Macroglobulinemia NOS (disorder) Waldenstrm macroglobulinemia (disorder) Waldenstrom's macroglob'naemia Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (disorder) Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (morphologic abnormality) macroglobulinemia primary macroglobulinemia DOID:9080 macroglobulinemia URI: Ele Holloway Tomasz Adamusiak Dominantly-Inherited Spinocerebellar Ataxia Spinocerebellar Ataxias Spinocerebellar Atrophy Spinocerebellar ataxia (disorder) spinocerebellar ataxia DOID:1441 NIFSTD:birnlex_12648 A group of dominantly inherited, predominatly late-onset, cerebellar ataxias which have been divided into multiple subtypes based on clinical features and genetic mapping. Progressive ataxia is a central feature of these conditions, and in certain subtypes POLYNEUROPATHY; DYSARTHRIA; visual loss; and other disorders may develop (MeSH). spinocerebellar ataxia URI: Tomasz Adamusiak muscular disease DOID:423 myopathy URI: obsolete class an organization that stores a large number of cell lines. Its website is: YH, SS. YL ATCC an organization that serves as a cell ine repository. Its website is: SS, YH,YL HyperCLDB an organization that stores a large number of cell lines. Its website is: SS, YH,YL Coriell Cell Line Repositories an organization that serves as a cell ine repository. Its website is: SS, YH,YL RIKEN Cell Bank The LINCS Proteomic Characterization Center for Signaling and Epigenetics at the Broad Institute PCCSE BROAD_T Stefanie Seltmann, Oliver He G51D GS1D SNCA0912 This donor was used to generate several stem cell lines, including EDi008-A and EDi008-B. SAMEA3174344 hPSCreg is a freely accessible global registry for human pluripotent stem cell lines (hPSC-lines), which is managed by Charité / BCRT. The registry allows searching for cell lines and for information available about these cell lines. New cell lines can be registered and information can be added to already registered cell lines. Stefanie Seltmann, Oliver He hPSCreg example to be eventually removed example to be eventually removed metadata complete Class has all its metadata, but is either not guaranteed to be in its final location in the asserted IS_A hierarchy or refers to another class that is not complete. metadata complete organizational term term created to ease viewing/sort terms for development purpose, and will not be included in a release PERSON:Alan Ruttenberg organizational term ready for release Class has undergone final review, is ready for use, and will be included in the next release. Any class lacking "ready_for_release" should be considered likely to change place in hierarchy, have its definition refined, or be obsoleted in the next release. Those classes deemed "ready_for_release" will also derived from a chain of ancestor classes that are also "ready_for_release." ready for release metadata incomplete Class is being worked on; however, the metadata (including definition) are not complete or sufficiently clear to the branch editors. metadata incomplete uncurated Nothing done yet beyond assigning a unique class ID and proposing a preferred term. uncurated pending final vetting All definitions, placement in the asserted IS_A hierarchy and required minimal metadata are complete. The class is awaiting a final review by someone other than the term editor. pending final vetting to be replaced with external ontology term Terms with this status should eventually replaced with a term from another ontology. Alan Ruttenberg group:OBI to be replaced with external ontology term requires discussion A term that is metadata complete, has been reviewed, and problems have been identified that require discussion before release. Such a term requires editor note(s) to identify the outstanding issues. Alan Ruttenberg group:OBI requires discussion Illumina Philippe Rocca-Serra Illumina axiom holds for all times ## Elucidation This is used when the statement/axiom is assumed to hold true 'eternally' ## How to interpret (informal) First the "atemporal" FOL is derived from the OWL using the standard interpretation. This axiom is temporalized by embedding the axiom within a for-all-times quantified sentence. The t argument is added to all instantiation predicates and predicates that use this relation. ## Example Class: nucleus SubClassOf: part_of some cell forall t : forall n : instance_of(n,Nucleus,t) implies exists c : instance_of(c,Cell,t) part_of(n,c,t) ## Notes This interpretation is *not* the same as an at-all-times relation axiom holds for all times en Advisors for this project come from the IFOMIS group, Saarbruecken and from the Co-ODE group in Manchester Alan Ruttenberg Allyson Lister Barry Smith Bill Bug Bjoern Peters Carlo Torniai Chris Mungall Chris Stoeckert Chris Taylor Christian Bolling Cristian Cocos Daniel Rubin Daniel Schober Dawn Field Dirk Derom Elisabetta Manduchi Eric Deutsch Frank Gibson Gilberto Fragoso Helen C. Causton Helen Parkinson Holger Stenzhorn James A. Overton James Malone Jay Greenbaum Jeffrey Grethe Jennifer Fostel Jessica Turner Jie Zheng Joe White John Westbrook Kevin Clancy Larisa Soldatova Lawrence Hunter Liju Fan Luisa Montecchi Matthew Brush Matthew Pocock Melanie Courtot Melissa Haendel Mervi Heiskanen Monnie McGee Norman Morrison Philip Lord Philippe Rocca-Serra Pierre Grenon Richard Bruskiewich Richard Scheuermann Robert Stevens Ryan R. Brinkman Stefan Wiemann Susanna-Assunta Sansone Tanya Gray Tina Hernandez-Boussard Trish Whetzel Yongqun He 2009-07-31 The Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI) is build in a collaborative, international effort and will serve as a resource for annotating biomedical investigations, including the study design, protocols and instrumentation used, the data generated and the types of analysis performed on the data. This ontology arose from the Functional Genomics Investigation Ontology (FuGO) and will contain both terms that are common to all biomedical investigations, including functional genomics investigations and those that are more domain specific. OWL-DL An ontology for the annotation of biomedical and functional genomics experiments. Ontology for Biomedical Investigation Please cite the OBI consortium where traditional citation is called for. However it is adequate that individual terms be attributed simply by use of the identifying PURL for the term, in projects that refer to them. 2017-02-22 SVN Revision: Unversioned directory OBI Release 2017-02-22 ENCODE, full name the Encyclopedia Of DNA Elements, is a public research consortium which has the aim of identifying all functional elements in the human genome sequence. James Malone ENCODE website <> ENCODE The International HapMap Project is a partnership of scientists and funding agencies from Canada, China, Japan, Nigeria, the United Kingdom and the United States to develop a public resource that will help researchers find genes associated with human disease and response to pharmaceuticals. James Malone Tha HapMap Project webpage <> The International HapMap Project TODO: make this more specific From Allen terminology TODO: make this more specific TODO: make this more specific TODO: make this more specific Consider adding GO-specific domain From Allen terminology Use 'organism' when caro2 is released TODO: make this more specific Consider adding GO-specific domain TODO: make this more specific TODO: make this more specific Use 'organism' when caro2 is released TODO: make this more specific TODO: make this more specific TODO: make this more specific TODO: make this more specific TODO: make this more specific TODO: make this more specific TODO: make this more specific Consider adding GO-specific domain Use 'organism' when caro2 is released From Allen terminology From Allen terminology Consider adding GO-specific domain From Allen terminology From Allen terminology TODO: make this more specific Use 'organism' when caro2 is released From Allen terminology From Allen terminology TODO: make this more specific Alexander Diehl Ceri van Slyke Chris Mungall David Osumi-Sutherland Jim Balhoff Melissa Haendel Nicole Vasilevsky Terry Meehan Yvonne Bradford An ontology of cell types. Cell Ontology See PMID:15693950, PMID:12799354, PMID:20123131, PMID:21208450; Contact Alexander Diehl,, University at Buffalo. 2022-02-16 The OBO Relations Ontology (RO) is a collection of OWL relations (ObjectProperties) intended for use across a wide variety of biological ontologies. OBO Relations Ontology 2022-02-07 a that is derived from ZX, YH Yongqun He an immortal cell line cell derived from human cervix.