# Hacknet-SublimeText3-Snippets This Sublime Text 3 package is made to help out people who are just starting or are already in the process of making their Hacknet Extentions. ## How far along until this package is usable? At this point of commit (0500 on 14/06/17) the package is usable. Though it's not as good as I want it to be. ## Where can I get the package Go to Releases and grab Hacknet-Tools.sublime-package and put it into your /Packages folder. I also plan to make it so you can just grab it using Package Control. ## How are you improving on it? Just general checking up to make sure I didn't ruin the spelling somewhere that makes the work harder. Also adding in the auto tab (not sure what the functionality is called) for all the snippet, so that when the snippet is generated for you you can TAB to each relevant area and put in the data needed. ## What are the Snippet Trigger words Got that for you right here. To save time I'm grabbing the information from the Hacknet-AHK-Tools README.md file (the main inspriation for this package). ## Currently available Hotstrings - [General](#general) - [Computer](#computer) - [Mission](#mission) - [Conditional Actions](#conditional-actions) ### General | Hotstring | Generated xml | | --- | --- | | `Comment;` | `` | | `UTFEncoding;` | `` | ### Computer [Return to list](#currently-available-hotstrings) StartFlag - `Comp` | Hotstring | Generated xml | | --- | --- | |`CompStart;`|``

`| |`CompPass;`|``| |`CompAccount;`|``| |`CompPorts;`|``
``| |`CompFirewall;`|``| |`CompTrace;`|``| |`CompAuto;`|``| |`CompRemap;`|``| |`CompTracker;`|``| |`CompLink;`|``| |`CompNear;`|``| |`CompFile;`|``| |`CompThemeFile;`|``| |`CompEncryptedFile;`|``| Computer Eos subsection StartFlag - `CompEos` | Hotstring | Generated XML | | --- | --- | |`CompEosStart;`|``

`| |`CompEosNote;`|``| |`CompEosMail;`|``| |`CompEosFile;`|``| Computer MailServer subsection StartFlag - `CompMail` | Hotstring | Generated XML | | --- | --- | |`CompMailStart;`|``

`| |`CompMailEmail;`|``| Computer MessageBoard daemon Starflag - `CompBoard` | Hotstring | Generated XML | | --- | --- | |`CompBoardStart;`|``

`| |`CompBoardThread;`|``| Computer Single-flag daemons StartFlag - `Comp` | Hotstring | Generated XML | | --- | --- | |`CompUpload;`|``| |`CompWeb;`|``| |`CompDeathRow;`|``| |`CompAcademic;`|``| |`CompIsp;`|``| |`CompMedical;`|``| |`CompHeart;`|``| |`CompClicker;`|``| |`CompSongChanger;`|``| |`CompEntropy;`|``| |`CompCSEC;`|``| |`CompCredits;`|``| |`CompCustom;`|``| |`CompLogo;`|``| |`CompLogoCustom;`|``| |`CompWhAuthenticator;`|``| |`CompWhRemote;`|``| Computer Memory subsection StartFlag - `CompMem` | Hotstring | Generated XML | | --- | --- | |`CompMemDump;`|``

`| |`CompMemStart;`|``

`| |`CompMemData;`|``

`| |`CompMemBlock;`|``| |`CompMemCommands;`|``

`| |`CompMemCommand;`|``| |`CompMemImages;`|``

`| |`CompMemImage;`|``| Computer IRCDaemon subsection StartFlag - `CompIRC` | Hotstring | Generated XML | | --- | --- | |`CompIRCStart;`|``

`| |`CompIRCUser;`|``| Computer DHSDaemon subsection StartFlag `CompDHS` | Hotstring | Generated XML | | --- | --- | |`CompDHSStart;`|``

`| |`CompDHSAgent;`|``| Computer DatabaseDaemon subsection StartFlag `CompDB` | Hotstring | Generated XML | | --- | --- | |`CompDBStart;`|``

`| |`CompDBGitCommitEntry;`|``
`| |`CompDBTextRecord;`|``
`| |`CompDBOnlineAccount;`|``
`| ### Mission [Return to list](#currently-available-hotstrings) StartFlag `Miss` | Hotstring | Generated XML | | --- | --- | |`MissStart;`|``

`| |`MissOnStart;`|``| |`MissOnEnd;`|``| |`MissNext;`|``| |`MissBranches;`|``

`| |`MissBranch;`|``| |`MissPost;`|``| Mission Goals subsection StartFlag `MissGoal` | Hotstring | Generated XML | | --- | --- | |`MissGoalStart;`|``

`| |`MissGoalFileDeletion;`|``| |`MissGoalClearFolder;`|``| |`MissGoalFileDownload;`|``| |`MissGoalFileChange;`|``| |`MissGoalGetAdmin;`|``| |`MissGoalGetString;`|``| |`MissGoalDelay;`|``| |`MissGoalHasFlag;`|``| |`MissGoalFileUpload;`|``| |`MissGoalAddDegree;`|``| |`MissGoalWipeDegrees;`|``| |`MissGoalSendEmail;`|``| |`MissGoalGetAdminPasswordString;`|``| Mission Email subsection StartFlag `MissEmail` | Hotstring | Generated XML | | --- | --- | |`MissEmailStart;`|``
`| |`MissEmailNote;`|``| |`MissEmailLink;`|``| |`MissEmailAccount;`|``| ### Conditional Actions [Return to list](#currently-available-hotstrings) Conditional Actions section StartFlag "Cond" | Hotstring | Generated XML | | --- | --- | | `CondStart;` | ``

` | | `CondFunc;` | `` | | `CondLoadMiss;` | `` | | `CondAddAsset;` | `` | | `CondCopyAsset;` | `` | | `CondAddMiss;` | `` | | `CondAddMissCSEC;` | `` | | `CondRemoveMiss;` | `` | | `CondAddThread;` | `` | | `CondAddIRC;` | `` | | `CondCrashComp;` | `` | | `CondDeleteFile;` | `` | | `CondAddCond;` | `` | | `CondSave;` | `` | | `CondHackScript;` | `` | | `CondSwitchTheme;` | `` | | `CondAppend;` | `` | | `CondKillExe;` | `` | | `CondHide;` | `` | | `CondHideAll;` | `` | | `CondShow;` | `` | | `CondGiveAccount;` | `` | | `CondChangeIP;` | `` | | `CondChangeAlert;` | `` | | `CondStartBleed;` | `` | | `CondCancelBleed;` | `` | | `CondOnConnect;` | ``

` | | `CondHasFlags;` | ``

` | | `CondOnAdmin;` | ``

` | | `CondInst;` | ``

` | | `CondNotHaveFlags;` | ``

` | | `CondOnDisconnect;` | ``

` |