The Named Colors list contains over 1.500 color names with HEX and RGB values, from "Absolute Zero" to "Zomp".

Color PreviewColor NameHexRGB
Absolute Zero 0048BA 0, 72, 186
Acid green B0BF1A 176, 191, 26
Aero 7CB9E8 124, 185, 232
Aero blue C9FFE5 201, 255, 229
African violet B284BE 178, 132, 190
Air superiority blue 72A0C1 114, 160, 193
Alabama crimson AF002A 175, 0, 42
Alabaster F2F0E6 242, 240, 230
Aliceblue F0F8FF 240, 248, 255
Alloy orange C46210 196, 98, 16
Almond EFDECD 239, 222, 205
Aloeswood brown (Tonocha) 5A6457 90, 100, 87
Aloewood-color (Kyara-iro) 6A432D 106, 67, 45
Amaranth E52B50 229, 43, 80
Amaranth deep purple 9F2B68 159, 43, 104
Amaranth pink F19CBB 241, 156, 187
Amaranth purple AB274F 171, 39, 79
Amaranth red D3212D 211, 33, 45
Amazon 3B7A57 59, 122, 87
Amber FFBF00 255, 191, 0
Amber (Kohaku-iro) CA6924 202, 105, 36
Amber (SAE/ECE) FF7E00 255, 126, 0
Amethyst 9966CC 153, 102, 204
Amur cork tree (Kihada) F3C13A 243, 193, 58
Anti-flash white F2F3F4 242, 243, 244
Antique brass CD9575 205, 149, 117
Antique bronze 665D1E 102, 93, 30
Antique fuchsia 915C83 145, 92, 131
Antique ruby 841B2D 132, 27, 45
Antiquewhite FAEBD7 250, 235, 215
Apple 66B447 102, 180, 71
Apple green 8DB600 141, 182, 0
Apricot FBCEB1 251, 206, 177
Aqua 00FFFF 0, 255, 255
Aqua Blue color (Mizu-iro) 86ABA5 134, 171, 165
Aquamarine 7FFFD4 127, 255, 212
Arctic lime D0FF14 208, 255, 20
Army green 4B5320 75, 83, 32
Artichoke 8F9779 143, 151, 121
Arylide yellow E9D66B 233, 214, 107
Ash gray B2BEB5 178, 190, 181
Asparagus 87A96B 135, 169, 107
Auburn 6D351A 109, 53, 26
Aureolin FDEE00 253, 238, 0
AuroMetalSaurus 6E7F80 110, 127, 128
Avocado 568203 86, 130, 3
Awesome FF2052 255, 32, 82
Axolotl 63775B 99, 119, 91
Azure 007FFF 0, 127, 255
B'dazzled blue 2E5894 46, 88, 148
Baby blue 89CFF0 137, 207, 240
Baby blue eyes A1CAF1 161, 202, 241
Baby pink F4C2C2 244, 194, 194
Baby powder FEFEFA 254, 254, 250
Baiko brown (Baikōcha) 857C55 133, 124, 85
Baker-Miller pink FF91AF 255, 145, 175
Ball blue 21ABCD 33, 171, 205
Banana Mania FAE7B5 250, 231, 181
Banana yellow FFE135 255, 225, 53
Bangladesh green 006A4E 0, 106, 78
Barbie Pink E94196 233, 65, 150
Barbie Pink (Pantone) E0218A 224, 33, 138
Barn red 7C0A02 124, 10, 2
Battleship grey 848482 132, 132, 130
Bayside 5FC9BF 95, 201, 191
Bazaar 98777B 152, 119, 123
Beau blue BCD4E6 188, 212, 230
Beaver 9F8170 159, 129, 112
Beer F28E1C 242, 142, 28
Begonia FA6E79 250, 110, 121
Beige F5F5DC 245, 245, 220
Bellflower color (Kikyō-iro) 5D3F6A 93, 63, 106
Betel nut dye (Binrōjizome) 352925 53, 41, 37
Big Foot Feet E88E5A 232, 142, 90
Big dip o’ruby 9C2542 156, 37, 66
Birch brown (Kabacha) B14A30 177, 74, 48
Bisque FFE4C4 255, 228, 196
Bistre 3D2B1F 61, 43, 31
Bistre brown 967117 150, 113, 23
Bitcoin Grey 4D4D4E 77, 77, 78
Bitcoin Orange F2A900 242, 169, 0
Bitter lemon CAE00D 202, 224, 13
Bitter lime BFFF00 191, 255, 0
Bittersweet FE6F5E 254, 111, 94
Bittersweet shimmer BF4F51 191, 79, 81
Black 000000 0, 0, 0
Black (Kokushoku) 171412 23, 20, 18
Black Shadows BFAFB2 191, 175, 178
Black bean 3D0C02 61, 12, 2
Black chestnut oak (Kurotsurubami) 252321 37, 35, 33
Black chocolate 1B1811 27, 24, 17
Black coffee 3B2F2F 59, 47, 47
Black coral 54626F 84, 98, 111
Black kite (Kurotobi) 351E1C 53, 30, 28
Black leather jacket 253529 37, 53, 41
Black olive 3B3C36 59, 60, 54
Blanchedalmond FFEBCD 255, 235, 205
Blast-off bronze A57164 165, 113, 100
Bleu de France 318CE7 49, 140, 231
Blizzard blue ACE5EE 172, 229, 238
Blond FAF0BE 250, 240, 190
Blood 8A0303 138, 3, 3
Blue 0000FF 0, 0, 255
Blue (Crayola) 1F75FE 31, 117, 254
Blue (Munsell) 0093AF 0, 147, 175
Blue (NCS) 0087BD 0, 135, 189
Blue (Pantone) 0018A8 0, 24, 168
Blue (RYB) 0247FE 2, 71, 254
Blue (pigment) 333399 51, 51, 153
Blue-gray 6699CC 102, 153, 204
Blue-green 0D98BA 13, 152, 186
Blue-green (Seiheki) 3A6960 58, 105, 96
Blue-green (color wheel) 064E40 6, 78, 64
Blue-magenta violet 553592 85, 53, 146
Blue-violet (Crayola) 7366BD 115, 102, 189
Blue-violet (color wheel) 4D1A7F 77, 26, 127
Blue Black Crayfish (Aoni) 52593B 82, 89, 59
Blue bell A2A2D0 162, 162, 208
Blueberry 4F86F7 79, 134, 247
Blue bolt 00B9FB 0, 185, 251
Bluebonnet 1C1CF0 28, 28, 240
Blue cola 0088DC 0, 136, 220
Blue jeans 5DADEC 93, 173, 236
Blue lagoon 4CB7A5 76, 183, 165
Blue raspberry 0CBFE9 12, 191, 233
Blue sapphire 126180 18, 97, 128
Blueviolet 8A2BE2 138, 43, 226
Blue violet (Shikon) 2B2028 43, 32, 40
Blue yonder 5072A7 80, 114, 167
Blush DE5D83 222, 93, 131
Boiled red bean brown (Momoshiocha) 542D24 84, 45, 36
Bole 79443B 121, 68, 59
Bondi blue 0095B6 0, 149, 182
Bone E3DAC9 227, 218, 201
Boysenberry 873260 135, 50, 96
Brandeis blue 0070FF 0, 112, 255
Brandy 87413F 135, 65, 63
Brave orange FF631C 255, 99, 28
Brewed mustard-brown (Tokigaracha) E68364 230, 131, 100
Brick red CB4154 203, 65, 84
Bright gray EBECF0 235, 236, 240
Bright green 66FF00 102, 255, 0
Bright lavender BF94E4 191, 148, 228
Bright lilac D891EF 216, 145, 239
Bright maroon C32148 195, 33, 72
Bright navy blue 1974D2 25, 116, 210
Bright turquoise 08E8DE 8, 232, 222
Bright ube D19FE8 209, 159, 232
Bright yellow (Crayola) FFAA1D 255, 170, 29
Brilliant azure 3399FF 51, 153, 255
Brilliant lavender F4BBFF 244, 187, 255
Brilliant rose FF55A3 255, 85, 163
Brink pink FB607F 251, 96, 127
British racing green 004225 0, 66, 37
Bronze CD7F32 205, 127, 50
Bronze (metallic) B08D57 176, 141, 87
Bronze yellow 737000 115, 112, 0
Brown 993300 153, 51, 0
Brown (Crayola) AF593E 175, 89, 62
Brown (traditional) 964B00 150, 75, 0
Brown-nose 6B4423 107, 68, 35
Brown rat grey (Dobunezumi) 4B3C39 75, 60, 57
Brown sugar AF6E4D 175, 110, 77
Brunswick green 1B4D3E 27, 77, 62
Brushwood-dyed (Fushizome) 8C5939 140, 89, 57
Bubble gum FFC1CC 255, 193, 204
Bubbles E7FEFF 231, 254, 255
Bud green 7BB661 123, 182, 97
Buff F0DC82 240, 220, 130
Bulgarian rose 480607 72, 6, 7
Burgundy 800020 128, 0, 32
Burlywood DEB887 222, 184, 135
Burnished brown A17A74 161, 122, 116
Burnt orange CC5500 204, 85, 0
Burnt sienna E97451 233, 116, 81
Burnt umber 8A3324 138, 51, 36
Button blue 24A0ED 36, 160, 237
Byzantine BD33A4 189, 51, 164
Byzantium 702963 112, 41, 99
CG blue 007AA5 0, 122, 165
CG red E03C31 224, 60, 49
Cadet 536872 83, 104, 114
Cadetblue 5F9EA0 95, 158, 160
Cadet blue (Crayola) A9B2C3 169, 178, 195
Cadet grey 91A3B0 145, 163, 176
Cadmium blue 0A1195 10, 17, 149
Cadmium green 006B3C 0, 107, 60
Cadmium orange ED872D 237, 135, 45
Cadmium purple B60C26 182, 12, 38
Cadmium red E30022 227, 0, 34
Cadmium violet 7F3E98 127, 62, 152
Cadmium yellow FFF600 255, 246, 0
Café au lait A67B5B 166, 123, 91
Café noir 4B3621 75, 54, 33
Cal Poly Pomona green 1E4D2B 30, 77, 43
Calamansi FCFFA4 252, 255, 164
Cambridge blue A3C1AD 163, 193, 173
Cameo pink EFBBCC 239, 187, 204
Camouflage green 78866B 120, 134, 107
Canary FFFF99 255, 255, 153
Canary yellow FFEF00 255, 239, 0
Candy apple red FF0800 255, 8, 0
Candy pink E4717A 228, 113, 122
Cape jasmine or gardenia (Kuchinashi) FFB95A 255, 185, 90
Caput mortuum 592720 89, 39, 32
Caramel FFD59A 255, 213, 154
Cardinal C41E3A 196, 30, 58
Caribbean green 00CC99 0, 204, 153
Carmine 960018 150, 0, 24
Carmine (Enji-iro) 9D2933 157, 41, 51
Carmine (M&P) D70040 215, 0, 64
Carmine pink EB4C42 235, 76, 66
Carmine red FF0038 255, 0, 56
Carnation pink FFA6C9 255, 166, 201
Carnelian B31B1B 179, 27, 27
Carolina blue 56A0D3 86, 160, 211
Carrot orange ED9121 237, 145, 33
Castleton green 00563F 0, 86, 63
Catalina blue 062A78 6, 42, 120
Catawba 703642 112, 54, 66
Cattail color (the plant) (Kaba-iro) B64925 182, 73, 37
Cedar Chest C95A49 201, 90, 73
Ceil 92A1CF 146, 161, 207
Celadon ACE1AF 172, 225, 175
Celadon color (Seiji-iro) 819C8B 129, 156, 139
Celadon green 2F847C 47, 132, 124
Celeste B2FFFF 178, 255, 255
Celestial blue 4997D0 73, 151, 208
Celtic blue 246BCE 36, 107, 206
Cerise DE3163 222, 49, 99
Cerise pink EC3B83 236, 59, 131
Cerulean 007BA7 0, 123, 167
Cerulean (Crayola) 1DACD6 29, 172, 214
Cerulean blue 2A52BE 42, 82, 190
Cerulean frost 6D9BC3 109, 155, 195
Cetacean blue 001440 0, 20, 64
Chamoisee A0785A 160, 120, 90
Champagne pink F1DDCF 241, 221, 207
Champaigne F7E7CE 247, 231, 206
Charcoal 36454F 54, 69, 79
Charleston green 232B2B 35, 43, 43
Charm D0748B 208, 116, 139
Charm pink E68FAC 230, 143, 172
Chartreuse 7FFF00 127, 255, 0
Chartreuse (traditional) DFFF00 223, 255, 0
Cheese FFA600 255, 166, 0
Cherry blossom color (Sakura-iro) FCC9B9 252, 201, 185
Cherry blossom mouse (Sakuranezumi) AC8181 172, 129, 129
Cherry blossom pink FFB7C5 255, 183, 197
Chestnut 954535 149, 69, 53
Chestnut-leather brown (Kurikawacha) 60281E 96, 40, 30
China pink DE6FA1 222, 111, 161
China rose A8516E 168, 81, 110
Chinese black 141414 20, 20, 20
Chinese blue 365194 54, 81, 148
Chinese bronze CD8032 205, 128, 50
Chinese brown AB381F 171, 56, 31
Chinese gold CC9900 204, 153, 0
Chinese green D0DB61 208, 219, 97
Chinese orange F37042 243, 112, 66
Chinese pink DE70A1 222, 112, 161
Chinese purple 720B98 114, 11, 152
Chinese red CD071E 205, 7, 30
Chinese silver CCCCCC 204, 204, 204
Chinese violet 856088 133, 96, 136
Chinese white E2E5DE 226, 229, 222
Chinese yellow FFB200 255, 178, 0
Chinese yellow tea-colored (Kigaracha) B7702D 183, 112, 45
Chlorophyll green 4AFF00 74, 255, 0
Chocolate 7B3F00 123, 63, 0
Chocolate Kisses 3C1421 60, 20, 33
Chocolate brown 3F000F 63, 0, 15
Chocolate cosmos 58111A 88, 17, 26
Chrome yellow FFA700 255, 167, 0
Cinereous 98817B 152, 129, 123
Cinnabar E34234 227, 66, 52
Cinnamon Satin CD607E 205, 96, 126
Citrine E4D00A 228, 208, 10
Citron 9FA91F 159, 169, 31
Claret 7F1734 127, 23, 52
Classic rose FBCCE7 251, 204, 231
Clove-brown (Chōjicha) 8F583C 143, 88, 60
Clove-dyed (Chōjizome) A96232 169, 98, 50
Coarse wool color (Kachi-iro) 181B26 24, 27, 38
Cobalt blue 0047AB 0, 71, 171
Cocoa brown D2691E 210, 105, 30
Coconut 965A3E 150, 90, 62
Codium fragile seaweed color (Miru-iro) 524B2A 82, 75, 42
Coffee 6F4E37 111, 78, 55
Cola 3C3024 60, 48, 36
Columbia Blue C4D8E2 196, 216, 226
Conditioner FFFFCC 255, 255, 204
Congo pink F88379 248, 131, 121
Contemplation in a tea garden (Rokōcha) 665343 102, 83, 67
Cookies and cream EEE0B1 238, 224, 177
Cool black 002E63 0, 46, 99
Cool grey 8C92AC 140, 146, 172
Copper B87333 184, 115, 51
Copper (Crayola) DA8A67 218, 138, 103
Copper penny AD6F69 173, 111, 105
Copper red CB6D51 203, 109, 81
Copper rose 996666 153, 102, 102
Coquelicot FF3800 255, 56, 0
Coral FF7F50 255, 127, 80
Coral Reef (Valspar Paint Color) F6A494 246, 164, 148
Coral color (Sango-iro) F8674F 248, 103, 79
Coral red FF4040 255, 64, 64
Coral reef FD7C6E 253, 124, 110
Cordovan 893F45 137, 63, 69
Corn FBEC5D 251, 236, 93
Corn-colored (Tōmorokoshi-iro) FAA945 250, 169, 69
Cornflower 93CCEA 147, 204, 234
Cornflowerblue 6495ED 100, 149, 237
Cornsilk FFF8DC 255, 248, 220
Cosmic cobalt 2E2D88 46, 45, 136
Cosmic latte FFF8E7 255, 248, 231
Cotton candy FFBCD9 255, 188, 217
Coyote brown 81613C 129, 97, 60
Cream FFFDD0 255, 253, 208
Crimson DC143C 220, 20, 60
Crimson glory BE0032 190, 0, 50
Crimson red 990000 153, 0, 0
Cyan (process) 00B7EB 0, 183, 235
Cyan-blue azure 4682BF 70, 130, 191
Cyan azure 4E82B4 78, 130, 180
Cyan cobalt blue 28589C 40, 88, 156
Cyan cornflower blue 188BC2 24, 139, 194
Cyber grape 58427C 88, 66, 124
Cyber yellow FFD300 255, 211, 0
Cyclamen F56FA1 245, 111, 161
Cypress bark color (Hihada-iro) 752E23 117, 46, 35
Cypress bark red (Benihibata) 6F3028 111, 48, 40
Daffodil FFFF31 255, 255, 49
Dandelion F0E130 240, 225, 48
Dandelion (Crayola) FDDB6D 253, 219, 109
Darkblue 00008B 0, 0, 139
Dark blue (Kon) 192236 25, 34, 54
Dark blue-gray 666699 102, 102, 153
Dark blue lapis lazuli (Rurikon) 1B294B 27, 41, 75
Dark bronze 804A00 128, 74, 0
Dark bronze (Coin) 514100 81, 65, 0
Dark brown 654321 101, 67, 33
Dark brown-tangelo 88654E 136, 101, 78
Dark byzantium 5D3954 93, 57, 84
Dark candy apple red A40000 164, 0, 0
Dark cerulean 08457E 8, 69, 126
Dark charcoal 333333 51, 51, 51
Dark chestnut 986960 152, 105, 96
Dark chocolate 490206 73, 2, 6
Dark chocolate (Hershey's) 3C1321 60, 19, 33
Dark coral CD5B45 205, 91, 69
Dark cornflower blue 26428B 38, 66, 139
Darkcyan 008B8B 0, 139, 139
Dark electric blue 536878 83, 104, 120
Dark gold AA6C39 170, 108, 57
Darkgoldenrod B8860B 184, 134, 11
Darkgray A9A9A9 169, 169, 169
Darkgreen 006400 0, 100, 0
Dark green 013220 1, 50, 32
Dark gunmetal 1F262A 31, 38, 42
Dark imperial blue 00416A 0, 65, 106
Dark indigo (Futaai) 614E6E 97, 78, 110
Dark jungle green 1A2421 26, 36, 33
Darkkhaki BDB76B 189, 183, 107
Dark lavender 734F96 115, 79, 150
Dark lemon lime 8BBE1B 139, 190, 27
Dark liver (horses) 543D37 84, 61, 55
Darkmagenta 8B008B 139, 0, 139
Dark midnight blue 003366 0, 51, 102
Dark moss green 4A5D23 74, 93, 35
Darkolivegreen 556B2F 85, 107, 47
Darkorange FF8C00 255, 140, 0
Darkorchid 9932CC 153, 50, 204
Dark pastel blue 779ECB 119, 158, 203
Dark pastel green 03C03C 3, 192, 60
Dark pastel purple 966FD6 150, 111, 214
Dark pastel red C23B22 194, 59, 34
Dark pink E75480 231, 84, 128
Dark powder blue 003399 0, 51, 153
Dark puce 4F3A3C 79, 58, 60
Dark purple 301934 48, 25, 52
Dark raspberry 872657 135, 38, 87
Darkred 8B0000 139, 0, 0
Dark red (Kurobeni) 23191E 35, 25, 30
Darksalmon E9967A 233, 150, 122
Dark scarlet 560319 86, 3, 25
Darkseagreen 8FBC8F 143, 188, 143
Dark sienna 3C1414 60, 20, 20
Dark silver 71706E 113, 112, 110
Dark sky blue 8CBED6 140, 190, 214
Darkslateblue 483D8B 72, 61, 139
Darkslategray 2F4F4F 47, 79, 79
Dark spring green 177245 23, 114, 69
Dark tan 918151 145, 129, 81
Dark tangerine FFA812 255, 168, 18
Dark terra cotta CC4E5C 204, 78, 92
Darkturquoise 00CED1 0, 206, 209
Dark vanilla D1BEA8 209, 190, 168
Darkviolet 9400D3 148, 0, 211
Dark yellow 9B870C 155, 135, 12
Dartmouth green 00703C 0, 112, 60
Davy's grey 555555 85, 85, 85
Dawn-color (Akebono-iro) FA7B62 250, 123, 98
Daylily-colored (Kanzō-iro) FF8936 255, 137, 54
Debian red D70A53 215, 10, 83
Decaying leaves color (Kuchiba-iro) D57835 213, 120, 53
Deep Space Sparkle 4A646C 74, 100, 108
Deep Tuscan red 66424D 102, 66, 77
Deep amethyst 9C8AA4 156, 138, 164
Deep carmine A9203E 169, 32, 62
Deep carmine pink EF3038 239, 48, 56
Deep carrot orange E9692C 233, 105, 44
Deep cerise DA3287 218, 50, 135
Deep champagne FAD6A5 250, 214, 165
Deep chestnut B94E48 185, 78, 72
Deep coffee 704241 112, 66, 65
Deep green 056608 5, 102, 8
Deep green-cyan turquoise 0E7C61 14, 124, 97
Deep jungle green 004B49 0, 75, 73
Deep lemon F5C71A 245, 199, 26
Deep lilac 9955BB 153, 85, 187
Deep magenta CC00CC 204, 0, 204
Deep maroon 820000 130, 0, 0
Deep moss green 355E3B 53, 94, 59
Deep peach FFCBA4 255, 203, 164
Deeppink FF1493 255, 20, 147
Deep puce A95C68 169, 92, 104
Deep purple (Kokimurasaki) 3A243B 58, 36, 59
Deep red 850101 133, 1, 1
Deep ruby 843F5B 132, 63, 91
Deep saffron FF9933 255, 153, 51
Deep scarlet (Kokiake) 7B3B3A 123, 59, 58
Deepskyblue 00BFFF 0, 191, 255
Deep taupe 7E5E60 126, 94, 96
Deep violet 330066 51, 0, 102
Deer BA8759 186, 135, 89
Denim 1560BD 21, 96, 189
Denim blue 2243B6 34, 67, 182
Desaturated cyan 669999 102, 153, 153
Desert sand EDC9AF 237, 201, 175
Desire EA3C53 234, 60, 83
Diamond B9F2FF 185, 242, 255
Dimgray 696969 105, 105, 105
Dingy Dungeon C53151 197, 49, 81
Dirt 9B7653 155, 118, 83
Dirty brown B5651E 181, 101, 30
Dirty white E8E4C9 232, 228, 201
Disappearing purple (Metsushi) 3F313A 63, 49, 58
Dodgerblue 1E90FF 30, 144, 255
Dodie yellow FEF65B 254, 246, 91
Dogwood rose D71868 215, 24, 104
Dollar bill 85BB65 133, 187, 101
Dolphin gray 828E84 130, 142, 132
Dove feather grey (Hatobanezumi) 755D5B 117, 93, 91
Duke blue 00009C 0, 0, 156
Dull blue (Aonibi) 4F4944 79, 73, 68
Dust storm E5CCC9 229, 204, 201
Dutch white EFDFBB 239, 223, 187
Dyestalk red (Bengara-iro) 913225 145, 50, 37
Earthtone 5D3A1A 93, 58, 26
Earth yellow E1A95F 225, 169, 95
Ebony 555D50 85, 93, 80
Ecru C2B280 194, 178, 128
Eerie black 1B1B1B 27, 27, 27
Egg-colored (Tamago-iro) FFA631 255, 166, 49
Eggplant 614051 97, 64, 81
Eggshell F0EAD6 240, 234, 214
Eggshell paper-colored (Torinoko-iro) E2BE9F 226, 190, 159
Egyptian blue 1034A6 16, 52, 166
Electric blue 7DF9FF 125, 249, 255
Electric brown B56257 181, 98, 87
Electric crimson FF003F 255, 0, 63
Electric indigo 6F00FF 111, 0, 255
Electric lime CCFF00 204, 255, 0
Electric orange FF3503 255, 53, 3
Electric pink F62681 246, 38, 129
Electric purple BF00FF 191, 0, 255
Electric red E60000 230, 0, 0
Electric ultramarine 3F00FF 63, 0, 255
Electric violet 8F00FF 143, 0, 255
Electric yellow FFFF33 255, 255, 51
Emerald 50C878 80, 200, 120
Emerald green 046307 4, 99, 7
Eminence 6C3082 108, 48, 130
English lavender B48395 180, 131, 149
English red AB4B52 171, 75, 82
English vermillion CC474B 204, 71, 75
English violet 563C5C 86, 60, 92
Eton blue 96C8A2 150, 200, 162
Eucalyptus 44D7A8 68, 215, 168
Facebook Blue 39569C 57, 86, 156
Faded Sen no Rikyu's tea (Rikyūshiracha) B0927A 176, 146, 122
Faded spicy red-brown (Sōdenkaracha) 9B533F 155, 83, 63
Fake purple (Nisemurasaki) 43242A 67, 36, 42
Fallow C19A6B 193, 154, 107
Falu red 801818 128, 24, 24
Fandango B53389 181, 51, 137
Fandango pink DE5285 222, 82, 133
Fashion fuchsia F400A1 244, 0, 161
Fawn E5AA70 229, 170, 112
Feldgrau 4D5D53 77, 93, 83
Feldspar FDD5B1 253, 213, 177
Fern green 4F7942 79, 121, 66
Ferrari red FF2800 255, 40, 0
Field drab 6C541E 108, 84, 30
Fiery rose FF5470 255, 84, 112
Finch-brown (Cardueline finch) (Hiwacha) 957B38 149, 123, 56
Firebrick B22222 178, 34, 34
Fire engine red CE2029 206, 32, 41
Fire opal E95C4B 233, 92, 75
Flame E25822 226, 88, 34
Flamingo pink FC8EAC 252, 142, 172
Flavescent F7E98E 247, 233, 142
Flax EEDC82 238, 220, 130
Flesh FFE9D1 255, 233, 209
Flickr Blue 216BD6 33, 107, 214
Flickr Pink FB0081 251, 0, 129
Flirt A2006D 162, 0, 109
Flirtatious indigo tea (Aikobicha) 473F2D 71, 63, 45
Floral leaf-colored (Hanaba-iro or kayou-iro) FFB94E 255, 185, 78
Floralwhite FFFAF0 255, 250, 240
Flower girl F498AD 244, 152, 173
Fluorescent blue 15F4EE 21, 244, 238
Folly FF004F 255, 0, 79
Foreign crimson (Karakurenai) C91F37 201, 31, 55
Forestgreen 228B22 34, 139, 34
Forest green (Crayola) 5FA777 95, 167, 119
Forest green (traditional) 014421 1, 68, 33
Fox-color (Kitsune-iro) 985629 152, 86, 41
French bistre 856D4D 133, 109, 77
French blue 0072BB 0, 114, 187
French fuchsia FD3F92 253, 63, 146
French lilac 86608E 134, 96, 142
French lime 9EFD38 158, 253, 56
French mauve D473D4 212, 115, 212
French pink FD6C9E 253, 108, 158
French plum 811453 129, 20, 83
French puce 4E1609 78, 22, 9
French raspberry C72C48 199, 44, 72
French rose F64A8A 246, 74, 138
French sky blue 77B5FE 119, 181, 254
French violet 8806CE 136, 6, 206
French wine AC1E44 172, 30, 68
Fresh Air A6E7FF 166, 231, 255
Fresh onion (Moegi) 5B8930 91, 137, 48
Frostbite E936A7 233, 54, 167
Fuchsia FF00FF 255, 0, 255
Fuchsia (Crayola) C154C1 193, 84, 193
Fuchsia pink FF77FF 255, 119, 255
Fuchsia purple CC397B 204, 57, 123
Fuchsia rose C74375 199, 67, 117
Fulvous E48400 228, 132, 0
Fuzzy Wuzzy CC6666 204, 102, 102
GO green 00AB66 0, 171, 102
Gainsboro DCDCDC 220, 220, 220
Gamboge E49B0F 228, 155, 15
Gamboge (Tōō) FFB61E 255, 182, 30
Gamboge orange (brown) 996600 153, 102, 0
Gargoyle Gas FFDF46 255, 223, 70
Generic viridian 007F66 0, 127, 102
Ghostwhite F8F8FF 248, 248, 255
Giant's Club B05C52 176, 92, 82
Giants orange FE5A1D 254, 90, 29
Gin D8E4BC 216, 228, 188
Glaucous 6082B6 96, 130, 182
Glazed persimmon (Terigaki) D34E36 211, 78, 54
Glossy grape AB92B3 171, 146, 179
Gold A57C00 165, 124, 0
Gold (Crayola) E6BE8A 230, 190, 138
Gold (metallic) D4AF37 212, 175, 55
Gold-brown (Yamabukicha) CB7E1F 203, 126, 31
Gold Fusion 85754E 133, 117, 78
Golden-grey bamboo (Kinsusutake) 7D4E2D 125, 78, 45
Golden brown 996515 153, 101, 21
Golden brown (Kincha) C66B27 198, 107, 39
Golden fallen leaves (Kikuchiba) E29C45 226, 156, 69
Golden oak (Kitsurubami) BB8141 187, 129, 65
Golden poppy FCC200 252, 194, 0
Goldenrod DAA520 218, 165, 32
Golden yellow FFDF00 255, 223, 0
Golden yellow (Yamabuki-iro) FFA400 255, 164, 0
Gold foil BD9B16 189, 155, 22
Goryeo storeroom (Kōrainando) 203838 32, 56, 56
Granite gray 676767 103, 103, 103
Granny Smith apple A8E4A0 168, 228, 160
Grape 6F2DA8 111, 45, 168
Grape mouse (Budōnezumi) 63424B 99, 66, 75
Gray 808080 128, 128, 128
Gray (X11 gray) BEBEBE 190, 190, 190
Gray-asparagus 465945 70, 89, 69
Green 008000 0, 128, 0
Green (Crayola) 1CAC78 28, 172, 120
Green (Midori) 2A603B 42, 96, 59
Green (Munsell) 00A877 0, 168, 119
Green (NCS) 009F6B 0, 159, 107
Green (Pantone) 00AD43 0, 173, 67
Green (RYB) 66B032 102, 176, 50
Green (pigment) 00A550 0, 165, 80
Green-blue 1164B4 17, 100, 180
Green-blue (Crayola) 2887C8 40, 135, 200
Green-cyan 009966 0, 153, 102
Green-yellow (Crayola) F0E891 240, 232, 145
Green Cola 4C721D 76, 114, 29
Green Lizard A7F432 167, 244, 50
Green Sheen 6EAEA1 110, 174, 161
Green bamboo color (Aotake-iro) 006442 0, 100, 66
Greenfinch color (Hiwa-iro) BDA928 189, 169, 40
Green slime 65FF00 101, 255, 0
Green tea-colored (Sencha-iro) 824B35 130, 75, 53
Greenyellow ADFF2F 173, 255, 47
Greyed red (Ginshu) BC2D29 188, 45, 41
Greyish dark green (Rikyūnezumi) 656255 101, 98, 85
Grullo A99A86 169, 154, 134
Gunmetal 2A3439 42, 52, 57
Guyabano F8F8F8 248, 248, 248
Halayà úbe 663854 102, 56, 84
Half color (Hashita-iro) 8D608C 141, 96, 140
Halloween orange EB6123 235, 97, 35
Han blue 446CCF 68, 108, 207
Han purple 5218FA 82, 24, 250
Harbor rat (Minatonezumi) 757D75 117, 125, 117
Harlequin 3FFF00 63, 255, 0
Harlequin green 46CB18 70, 203, 24
Harmonious rose F29CB7 242, 156, 183
Harvest gold DA9100 218, 145, 0
Heat Wave FF7A00 255, 122, 0
Heliotrope DF73FF 223, 115, 255
Heliotrope gray AA98A9 170, 152, 169
Heliotrope magenta AA00BB 170, 0, 187
Honeydew F0FFF0 240, 255, 240
Honolulu blue 006DB0 0, 109, 176
Hooker's green 49796B 73, 121, 107
Horsetail color (Tokusa-iro) 3D5D42 61, 93, 66
Hot magenta FF1DCE 255, 29, 206
Hotpink FF69B4 255, 105, 180
Ibis wing color (Tokiha-iro) F58F84 245, 143, 132
Iceberg 71A6D2 113, 166, 210
Iced tea 923C01 146, 60, 1
Icterine FCF75E 252, 247, 94
Iguana green 71BC78 113, 188, 120
Illuminating emerald 319177 49, 145, 119
Imperial 602F6B 96, 47, 107
Imperial blue 002395 0, 35, 149
Imperial purple 66023C 102, 2, 60
Imperial red ED2939 237, 41, 57
Inchworm B2EC5D 178, 236, 93
Independence 4C516D 76, 81, 109
India green 138808 19, 136, 8
Indian red CD5C5C 205, 92, 92
Indian yellow E3A857 227, 168, 87
Indigo 4B0082 75, 0, 130
Indigo (Ai-iro) 264348 38, 67, 72
Indigo (rainbow) 233067 35, 48, 103
Indigo Codium fragile seaweed brown (Aimirucha) 2E372E 46, 55, 46
Indigo dye 091F92 9, 31, 146
Indigo ink brown (Aisumicha) 393432 57, 52, 50
Indigo white (Aijiro) EBF6F7 235, 246, 247
Infra red FF496C 255, 73, 108
Ink color (Sumi-iro) 27221F 39, 34, 31
Insect screen (Mushiao) 2D4436 45, 68, 54
Inside of a bottle (Kamenozoki) C6C2B6 198, 194, 182
Interdimensional blue 360CCC 54, 12, 204
International orange (Golden Gate Bridge) C0362C 192, 54, 44
International orange (aerospace) FF4F00 255, 79, 0
International orange (engineering) BA160C 186, 22, 12
Iris 5A4FCF 90, 79, 207
Iris and sooty bamboo (Higosusutake) 7F5D3B 127, 93, 59
Iris color (Ayame-iro) 763568 118, 53, 104
Iron color (Tetsu-iro) 2B3733 43, 55, 51
Iron head flower color (Noshimehana-iro) 344D56 52, 77, 86
Iron storage (Tetsuonando) 2B3736 43, 55, 54
Irresistible B3446C 179, 68, 108
Isabelline F4F0EC 244, 240, 236
Islamic green 009000 0, 144, 0
Ivory FFFFF0 255, 255, 240
Iwai brown (Iwaicha) 5E5545 94, 85, 69
Jacko bean 413628 65, 54, 40
Jade 00A86B 0, 168, 107
Jasmine F8DE7E 248, 222, 126
Jazzberry jam A50B5E 165, 11, 94
Jelly bean DA614E 218, 97, 78
Jet 343434 52, 52, 52
Jonquil F4CA16 244, 202, 22
Jordy blue 8AB9F1 138, 185, 241
June bud BDDA57 189, 218, 87
Jungle green 29AB87 41, 171, 135
KSU purple 512888 81, 40, 136
KU crimson E8000D 232, 0, 13
Kelly green 4CBB17 76, 187, 23
Kenyan copper 7C1C05 124, 28, 5
Keppel 3AB09E 58, 176, 158
Key lime E8F48C 232, 244, 140
Khaki F0E68C 240, 230, 140
Kimono storage (Omeshionando) 3D4C51 61, 76, 81
Kiwi 8EE53F 142, 229, 63
Kobe 882D17 136, 45, 23
Kobi E79FC4 231, 159, 196
Kombu green 354230 53, 66, 48
Languid lavender D6CADD 214, 202, 221
Lanzones E0BC5B 224, 188, 91
Lapis lazuli 26619C 38, 97, 156
Lapis lazuli color (Ruri-iro) 1F4788 31, 71, 136
Laser lemon FFFF66 255, 255, 102
Laurel green A9BA9D 169, 186, 157
Lava CF1020 207, 16, 32
Lavender E6E6FA 230, 230, 250
Lavender (floral) B57EDC 181, 126, 220
Lavenderblush FFF0F5 255, 240, 245
Lavender gray C4C3D0 196, 195, 208
Lavender indigo 9457EB 148, 87, 235
Lavender pink FBAED2 251, 174, 210
Lavender purple 967BB6 150, 123, 182
Lavender rose FBA0E3 251, 160, 227
Lawngreen 7CFC00 124, 252, 0
Legal dye (Kenpōzome) 2E211B 46, 33, 27
Lemon FFF700 255, 247, 0
Lemonchiffon FFFACD 255, 250, 205
Lemon curry CCA01D 204, 160, 29
Lemon glacier FDFF00 253, 255, 0
Lemon iced tea BD3000 189, 48, 0
Lemon lime 5CFF67 92, 255, 103
Lemon meringue F6EABE 246, 234, 190
Lemon yellow FFF44F 255, 244, 79
Lemon yellow (Crayola) FFFF9F 255, 255, 159
Liberty 545AA7 84, 90, 167
Licorice 1A1110 26, 17, 16
Light French beige C8AD7F 200, 173, 127
Lightblue ADD8E6 173, 216, 230
Light blue color (Asagi-iro) 48929B 72, 146, 155
Light blue flower (Hanaasagi) 1D697C 29, 105, 124
Light blue silk (Hanada) 044F67 4, 79, 103
Light brown B5651D 181, 101, 29
Light carmine pink E66771 230, 103, 113
Light chocolate cosmos 551F2F 85, 31, 47
Light cobalt blue 88ACE0 136, 172, 224
Lightcoral F08080 240, 128, 128
Light crimson F56991 245, 105, 145
Lightcyan E0FFFF 224, 255, 255
Light deep pink FF5CCD 255, 92, 205
Light fuchsia pink F984EF 249, 132, 239
Light gold B29700 178, 151, 0
Lightgoldenrodyellow FAFAD2 250, 250, 210
Lightgray D3D3D3 211, 211, 211
Light grayish magenta CC99CC 204, 153, 204
Lightgreen 90EE90 144, 238, 144
Light hot pink FFB3DE 255, 179, 222
Light medium orchid D39BCB 211, 155, 203
Light moss green ADDFAD 173, 223, 173
Light orange FED8B1 254, 216, 177
Light orchid E6A8D7 230, 168, 215
Light pastel purple B19CD9 177, 156, 217
Light periwinkle C5CBE1 197, 203, 225
Lightpink FFB6C1 255, 182, 193
Light red FFCCCB 255, 204, 203
Lightsalmon FFA07A 255, 160, 122
Light salmon pink FF9999 255, 153, 153
Lightseagreen 20B2AA 32, 178, 170
Light silver D8D8D8 216, 216, 216
Lightskyblue 87CEFA 135, 206, 250
Lightslategray 778899 119, 136, 153
Lightsteelblue B0C4DE 176, 196, 222
Light taupe B38B6D 179, 139, 109
Lightyellow FFFFE0 255, 255, 224
Light yellow (Asagi) F7BB7D 247, 187, 125
Lilac C8A2C8 200, 162, 200
Lilac Luster AE98AA 174, 152, 170
Lime 00FF00 0, 255, 0
Limegreen 32CD32 50, 205, 50
Limerick 9DC209 157, 194, 9
Lincoln green 195905 25, 89, 5
Linen FAF0E6 250, 240, 230
Little boy blue 6CA0DC 108, 160, 220
Little girl pink F8B9D4 248, 185, 212
Liver 674C47 103, 76, 71
Liver chestnut 987456 152, 116, 86
Long spring season color (Chōshun-iro) B95754 185, 87, 84
Loquat (tree) brown (Biwacha) AB6134 171, 97, 52
Lotion FEFDFA 254, 253, 250
Lotion blue 15F2FD 21, 242, 253
Lotion pink ECCFCF 236, 207, 207
Lumber FFE4CD 255, 228, 205
Lust E62020 230, 32, 32
Lye-colored (Aku-iro) 7F6B5D 127, 107, 93
MSU green 18453B 24, 69, 59
Macaroni and Cheese FFBD88 255, 189, 136
Madder Lake CC3336 204, 51, 54
Magenta (Pantone) D0417E 208, 65, 126
Magenta (dye) CA1F7B 202, 31, 123
Magenta (process) FF0090 255, 0, 144
Magenta haze 9F4576 159, 69, 118
Magic mint AAF0D1 170, 240, 209
Magnolia F8F4FF 248, 244, 255
Mahogany C04000 192, 64, 0
Maize (Crayola) F2C649 242, 198, 73
Majorelle blue 6050DC 96, 80, 220
Malachite 0BDA51 11, 218, 81
Manatee 979AAA 151, 154, 170
Mandarin F37A48 243, 122, 72
Mango FDBE02 253, 190, 2
Mango Tango FF8243 255, 130, 67
Mango green 96FF00 150, 255, 0
Mantis 74C365 116, 195, 101
Mardi Gras 880085 136, 0, 133
Marigold EAA221 234, 162, 33
Maroon 800000 128, 0, 0
Maroon (Ebicha) 5E2824 94, 40, 36
Maroon (X11) B03060 176, 48, 96
Mauve E0B0FF 224, 176, 255
Mauvelous EF98AA 239, 152, 170
Mauve taupe 915F6D 145, 95, 109
Maximum blue 47ABCC 71, 171, 204
Maximum blue green 30BFBF 48, 191, 191
Maximum blue purple ACACE6 172, 172, 230
Maximum green 5E8C31 94, 140, 49
Maximum green yellow D9E650 217, 230, 80
Maximum orange FF5B00 255, 91, 0
Maximum purple 733380 115, 51, 128
Maximum red D92121 217, 33, 33
Maximum red purple A63A79 166, 58, 121
Maximum yellow FAFA37 250, 250, 55
Maximum yellow red F2BA49 242, 186, 73
Maya blue 73C2FB 115, 194, 251
May green 4C9141 76, 145, 65
Meat-color (Shishi-iro) F9906F 249, 144, 111
Meat brown E5B73B 229, 183, 59
Medium Persian blue 0067A5 0, 103, 165
Medium aquamarine 66DDAA 102, 221, 170
Mediumaquamarine 66CDAA 102, 205, 170
Mediumblue 0000CD 0, 0, 205
Medium candy apple red E2062C 226, 6, 44
Medium carmine AF4035 175, 64, 53
Medium champagne F3E5AB 243, 229, 171
Medium crimson (Nakabeni) C93756 201, 55, 86
Medium electric blue 035096 3, 80, 150
Medium jungle green 1C352D 28, 53, 45
Mediumorchid BA55D3 186, 85, 211
Mediumpurple 9370DB 147, 112, 219
Medium red-violet BB3385 187, 51, 133
Medium ruby AA4069 170, 64, 105
Mediumseagreen 3CB371 60, 179, 113
Medium sky blue 80DAEB 128, 218, 235
Mediumslateblue 7B68EE 123, 104, 238
Medium spring bud C9DC87 201, 220, 135
Mediumspringgreen 00FA9A 0, 250, 154
Mediumturquoise 48D1CC 72, 209, 204
Medium vermilion D9603B 217, 96, 59
Mediumvioletred C71585 199, 21, 133
Melancholy FDBCB4 253, 188, 180
Mellow apricot F8B878 248, 184, 120
Melon FEBAAD 254, 186, 173
Menthol C1F9A2 193, 249, 162
Metallic Seaweed 0A7E8C 10, 126, 140
Metallic Sunburst 9C7C38 156, 124, 56
Metallic blue 32527B 50, 82, 123
Metallic bronze A97142 169, 113, 66
Metallic brown AC4313 172, 67, 19
Metallic green 296E01 41, 110, 1
Metallic orange DA680F 218, 104, 15
Metallic pink EDA6C4 237, 166, 196
Metallic red A62C2B 166, 44, 43
Metallic violet 5B0A91 91, 10, 145
Metallic yellow FDCC0D 253, 204, 13
Mexican pink E4007C 228, 0, 124
Microsoft Edge blue 0078D7 0, 120, 215
Microsoft blue 00A2ED 0, 162, 237
Microsoft green 7DB700 125, 183, 0
Microsoft red F04E1F 240, 78, 31
Microsoft yellow FDB900 253, 185, 0
Middle blue 7ED4E6 126, 212, 230
Middle blue green 8DD9CC 141, 217, 204
Middle blue purple 8B72BE 139, 114, 190
Middle green 4D8C57 77, 140, 87
Middle green yellow ACBF60 172, 191, 96
Middle grey 8B8680 139, 134, 128
Middle purple D982B5 217, 130, 181
Middle red E58E73 229, 142, 115
Middle red purple A55353 165, 83, 83
Middle yellow FFEB00 255, 235, 0
Middle yellow red ECB176 236, 177, 118
Midnight 702670 112, 38, 112
Midnightblue 191970 25, 25, 112
Midnight blue 00468C 0, 70, 140
Midnight green (eagle green) 004953 0, 73, 83
Mikado yellow FFC40C 255, 196, 12
Milk FDFFF5 253, 255, 245
Milk chocolate 84563C 132, 86, 60
Mimi pink FFDAE9 255, 218, 233
Mindaro E3F988 227, 249, 136
Ming 36747D 54, 116, 125
Minion yellow F5E050 245, 224, 80
Mint 3EB489 62, 180, 137
Mintcream F5FFFA 245, 255, 250
Mint green 98FF98 152, 255, 152
Misty moss BBB477 187, 180, 119
Mistyrose FFE4E1 255, 228, 225
Moccasin FFE4B5 255, 228, 181
Mocha BEA493 190, 164, 147
Moonstone 3AA8C1 58, 168, 193
Moonstone blue 73A9C2 115, 169, 194
Mordant red 19 AE0C00 174, 12, 0
Morning blue 8DA399 141, 163, 153
Moss color (Koke-iro) 8B7D3A 139, 125, 58
Moss green 8A9A5B 138, 154, 91
Mountain Meadow 30BA8F 48, 186, 143
Mountbatten pink 997A8D 153, 122, 141
Mousy indigo (Ainezumi) 5C544E 92, 84, 78
Mousy wisteria (Fujinezumi) 766980 118, 105, 128
Mud 70543E 112, 84, 62
Muddy brown (Enshūcha) CB6649 203, 102, 73
Mughal green 306030 48, 96, 48
Mulberry C54B8C 197, 75, 140
Mulberry (Crayola) C8509B 200, 80, 155
Mulberry-dyed (Kuwazome) C57F2E 197, 127, 46
Mulberry dye (Kuwazome) 59292C 89, 41, 44
Mustard FFDB58 255, 219, 88
Mustard brown CD7A00 205, 122, 0
Mustard green 6E6E30 110, 110, 48
Mustard yellow E1AD01 225, 173, 1
Myrtle 21421E 33, 66, 30
Myrtle green 317873 49, 120, 115
Mystic D65282 214, 82, 130
Mystic maroon AD4379 173, 67, 121
Mystic red FF5500 255, 85, 0
Nadeshiko pink F6ADC6 246, 173, 198
Napier green 2A8000 42, 128, 0
Naples yellow FADA5E 250, 218, 94
Navajowhite FFDEAD 255, 222, 173
Navy 000080 0, 0, 128
Navy blue bellflower (Konkikyō) 191F45 25, 31, 69
Neon Carrot FFA343 255, 163, 67
Neon Fuchsia FE4164 254, 65, 100
Neon blue 4666FF 70, 102, 255
Neon green 39FF14 57, 255, 20
New Bridge (Shinbashi-iro) 006C7F 0, 108, 127
New Car 214FC6 33, 79, 198
New York pink D7837F 215, 131, 127
Nickel 727472 114, 116, 114
Nightingale-brown (Uguisucha) 5C4827 92, 72, 39
Nintendo red E4000F 228, 0, 15
Non-photo blue A4DDED 164, 221, 237
Nyanza E9FFDB 233, 255, 219
OU Crimson red 841617 132, 22, 23
Ocean Blue 4F42B5 79, 66, 181
Ocean boat blue 0077BE 0, 119, 190
Ocean green 48BF91 72, 191, 145
Ochre CC7722 204, 119, 34
Ochre (Ōdo-iro) BE7F51 190, 127, 81
Ochre (Ōtan) FF4E20 255, 78, 32
Ogre Odor FD5240 253, 82, 64
Old bamboo color (Oitake-iro) 5E644F 94, 100, 79
Old burgundy 43302E 67, 48, 46
Old gold CFB53B 207, 181, 59
Oldlace FDF5E6 253, 245, 230
Old lavender 796878 121, 104, 120
Old mauve 673147 103, 49, 71
Old moss green 867E36 134, 126, 54
Old rose C08081 192, 128, 129
Olive 808000 128, 128, 0
Olive Drab #7 3C341F 60, 52, 31
Olivedrab 6B8E23 107, 142, 35
Olive green B5B35C 181, 179, 92
Olivine 9AB973 154, 185, 115
Onando color (Onando-iro) 364141 54, 65, 65
One kin (Ikkonzome) F08F90 240, 143, 144
Onyx 353839 53, 56, 57
Opal A8C3BC 168, 195, 188
Opera mauve B784A7 183, 132, 167
Opposite flower color (Masuhana-iro) 4D646C 77, 100, 108
Orange FF6600 255, 102, 0
Orange (Crayola) FF7538 255, 117, 56
Orange (Pantone) FF5800 255, 88, 0
Orange (RYB) FB9902 251, 153, 2
Orange (color wheel) FF7F00 255, 127, 0
Orange-red (Crayola) FF5349 255, 83, 73
Orange-yellow F5BD1F 245, 189, 31
Orange-yellow (Crayola) F8D568 248, 213, 104
Orange peel FF9F00 255, 159, 0
Orange soda EB593D 235, 89, 61
Orchid DA70D6 218, 112, 214
Orchid (Crayola) E29CD2 226, 156, 210
Orchid pink F2BDCD 242, 189, 205
Orioles orange FB4F14 251, 79, 20
Outer space 414A4C 65, 74, 76
Outer space (Crayola) 2D383A 45, 56, 58
Outrageous Orange FF6E4A 255, 110, 74
Overdyed/refreshed red-brown (Sohi) E35C38 227, 92, 56
Oxford blue 002147 0, 33, 71
Oxley 6D9A79 109, 154, 121
Pacific blue 1CA9C9 28, 169, 201
Pakistan green 006600 0, 102, 0
Palatinate blue 273BE2 39, 59, 226
Palatinate purple 682860 104, 40, 96
Pale Brown 987654 152, 118, 84
Pale Chestnut DDADAF 221, 173, 175
Pale Cornflower Blue ABCDEF 171, 205, 239
Pale Cyan 87D3F8 135, 211, 248
Pale Magenta F984E5 249, 132, 229
Pale Violet CC99FF 204, 153, 255
Pale blue (Usuao) 8C9C76 140, 156, 118
Pale cerulean 9BC4E2 155, 196, 226
Pale fallen leaves (Aokuchiba) AA8736 170, 135, 54
Palegoldenrod EEE8AA 238, 232, 170
Palegreen 98FB98 152, 251, 152
Pale green onion (Mizuasagi) 749F8D 116, 159, 141
Pale incense (Usukō) FFA565 255, 165, 101
Pale lavender DCD0FF 220, 208, 255
Pale oak (Aoshirotsurubami) BBA46D 187, 164, 109
Pale persimmon (Usugaki) FCA474 252, 164, 116
Pale pink FADADD 250, 218, 221
Pale purple (Pantone) FAE6FA 250, 230, 250
Pale robin egg blue 96DED1 150, 222, 209
Pale silver C9C0BB 201, 192, 187
Pale spring bud ECEBBD 236, 235, 189
Pale taupe BC987E 188, 152, 126
Paleturquoise AFEEEE 175, 238, 238
Palevioletred DB7093 219, 112, 147
Pale young green onion (Usumoegi) 8DB255 141, 178, 85
Palm Leaf 6F9940 111, 153, 64
Pansy purple 78184A 120, 24, 74
Paolo Veronese green 009B7D 0, 155, 125
Papayawhip FFEFD5 255, 239, 213
Paradise pink E63E62 230, 62, 98
Parrot Pink D998A0 217, 152, 160
Pastel blue AEC6CF 174, 198, 207
Pastel brown 836953 131, 105, 83
Pastel gray CFCFC4 207, 207, 196
Pastel green 77DD77 119, 221, 119
Pastel magenta F49AC2 244, 154, 194
Pastel orange FFB347 255, 179, 71
Pastel pink DEA5A4 222, 165, 164
Pastel purple B39EB5 179, 158, 181
Pastel red FF6961 255, 105, 97
Pastel violet CB99C9 203, 153, 201
Pastel yellow FDFD96 253, 253, 150
Patina (Rokushō) 407A52 64, 122, 82
Patriarch 800080 128, 0, 128
Patrinia flowers (Ominaeshi) D9B611 217, 182, 17
Peach FFE5B4 255, 229, 180
Peach-colored (Momo-iro) F47983 244, 121, 131
Peach-orange FFCC99 255, 204, 153
Peach-yellow FADFAD 250, 223, 173
Peachpuff FFDAB9 255, 218, 185
Pear D1E231 209, 226, 49
Pearl EAE0C8 234, 224, 200
Pearl Aqua 88D8C0 136, 216, 192
Pearly purple B768A2 183, 104, 162
Peridot E6E200 230, 226, 0
Periwinkle CCCCFF 204, 204, 255
Periwinkle (Crayola) C3CDE6 195, 205, 230
Permanent Geranium Lake E12C2C 225, 44, 44
Persian blue 1C39BB 28, 57, 187
Persian green 00A693 0, 166, 147
Persian indigo 32127A 50, 18, 122
Persian orange D99058 217, 144, 88
Persian pink F77FBE 247, 127, 190
Persian plum 701C1C 112, 28, 28
Persian red CC3333 204, 51, 51
Persian rose FE28A2 254, 40, 162
Persimmon EC5800 236, 88, 0
Persimmon-juice color (Kakishibu-iro) 934337 147, 67, 55
Peru CD853F 205, 133, 63
Pewter Blue 8BA8B7 139, 168, 183
Philippine blue 0038A7 0, 56, 167
Philippine bronze 6E3A07 110, 58, 7
Philippine brown 5D1916 93, 25, 22
Philippine gold B17304 177, 115, 4
Philippine gray 8C8C8C 140, 140, 140
Philippine green 008543 0, 133, 67
Philippine orange FF7300 255, 115, 0
Philippine pink FA1A8E 250, 26, 142
Philippine red CE1127 206, 17, 39
Philippine silver B3B3B3 179, 179, 179
Philippine violet 81007F 129, 0, 127
Philippine yellow FECB00 254, 203, 0
Phlox DF00FF 223, 0, 255
Phthalo blue 000F89 0, 15, 137
Phthalo green 123524 18, 53, 36
Picton blue 45B1E8 69, 177, 232
Pictorial carmine C30B4E 195, 11, 78
Piggy pink FDDDE6 253, 221, 230
Pineapple 563C0D 86, 60, 13
Pine green 01796F 1, 121, 111
Pine needle color (Matsuba-iro) 454D32 69, 77, 50
Pine tree 2A2F23 42, 47, 35
Pink FFC0CB 255, 192, 203
Pink (Pantone) D74894 215, 72, 148
Pink-orange FF9966 255, 153, 102
Pink Sherbet F78FA7 247, 143, 167
Pink flamingo FC74FD 252, 116, 253
Pink lace FFDDF4 255, 221, 244
Pink lavender D8B2D1 216, 178, 209
Pink pearl E7ACCF 231, 172, 207
Pink raspberry 980036 152, 0, 54
Pistachio 93C572 147, 197, 114
Pixie Powder 391285 57, 18, 133
Plain mouse (Sunezumi) 6E5F57 110, 95, 87
Platinum E5E4E2 229, 228, 226
Plum 8E4585 142, 69, 133
Plum-blossom mouse (Umenezumi) 97645A 151, 100, 90
Plum-dyed (Umezome) FA9258 250, 146, 88
Plump Purple 5946B2 89, 70, 178
Plum purple (Umemurasaki) 8F4155 143, 65, 85
Polished Pine 5DA493 93, 164, 147
Polished brown (Tonocha) 985538 152, 85, 56
Popstar BE4F62 190, 79, 98
Portland Orange FF5A36 255, 90, 54
Powderblue B0E0E6 176, 224, 230
Princess Perfume FF85CF 255, 133, 207
Princeton orange F58025 245, 128, 37
Prussian blue 003153 0, 49, 83
Prussian blue color (Konjō-iro) 003171 0, 49, 113
Puce CC8899 204, 136, 153
Pullman Brown (UPS Brown) 644117 100, 65, 23
Pumpkin FF7518 255, 117, 24
Pure crimson (Akabeni) C3272B 195, 39, 43
Purple 6A0DAD 106, 13, 173
Purple (Munsell) 9F00C5 159, 0, 197
Purple (Murasaki) 4F284B 79, 40, 75
Purple (X11) A020F0 160, 32, 240
Purple Plum 9C51B6 156, 81, 182
Purple kite (Murasakitobi) 512C31 81, 44, 49
Purple mountain majesty 9678B6 150, 120, 182
Purple navy 4E5180 78, 81, 128
Purple pizzazz FE4EDA 254, 78, 218
Purple taupe 50404D 80, 64, 77
Purpureus 9A4EAE 154, 78, 174
Queen blue 436B95 67, 107, 149
Queen pink E8CCD7 232, 204, 215
Quick Silver A6A6A6 166, 166, 166
Quinacridone magenta 8E3A59 142, 58, 89
Quincy 6A5445 106, 84, 69
Rabbit-ear iris (Kakitsubata) 491E3C 73, 30, 60
Radical Red FF355E 255, 53, 94
Raisin black 242124 36, 33, 36
Rajah FBAB60 251, 171, 96
Rape-blossom brown (Nanohanacha) E3B130 227, 177, 48
Rapeseed oil-colored (Nataneyu-iro) A17917 161, 121, 23
Raspberry E30B5D 227, 11, 93
Raspberry pink E25098 226, 80, 152
Raw Sienna D68A59 214, 138, 89
Raw umber 826644 130, 102, 68
Razzle dazzle rose FF33CC 255, 51, 204
Razzmatazz E3256B 227, 37, 107
Razzmic Berry 8D4E85 141, 78, 133
Rebeccapurple 663399 102, 51, 153
Red FF0000 255, 0, 0
Red (Crayola) EE204D 238, 32, 77
Red (Munsell) F2003C 242, 0, 60
Red (NCS) C40233 196, 2, 51
Red (RYB) FE2712 254, 39, 18
Red-Orange (Crayola) FF681F 255, 104, 31
Red-bronze (Beniukon) FB8136 251, 129, 54
Red-brown (Edo brown) (Edocha) A13D2D 161, 61, 45
Red-brown (Kiriume) 8B352D 139, 53, 45
Red-orange (Color wheel) FF4500 255, 69, 0
Red-orange (Shōjōhi) DC3023 220, 48, 35
Red-purple E40078 228, 0, 120
Red-violet (Color wheel) 922B3E 146, 43, 62
Red-violet (Crayola) C0448F 192, 68, 143
Red Salsa FD3A4A 253, 58, 74
Red bean color (Azuki-iro) 672422 103, 36, 34
Red birch (Benikaba) 9D2B22 157, 43, 34
Red cola B62020 182, 32, 32
Red devil 860111 134, 1, 17
Red incense-colored (Akakō-iro) F07F5E 240, 127, 94
Red kite (Benitobi) 913228 145, 50, 40
Red ochre color (Taisha-iro) 9F5233 159, 82, 51
Red plum colored (Kōbai-iro) DB5A6B 219, 90, 107
Red wisteria (Benifuji) BB7796 187, 119, 150
Redwood A45A52 164, 90, 82
Resolution blue 002387 0, 35, 135
Rhythm 777696 119, 118, 150
Rich black 004040 0, 64, 64
Rich black (FOGRA29) 010B13 1, 11, 19
Rich black (FOGRA39) 010203 1, 2, 3
Rich brilliant lavender F1A7FE 241, 167, 254
Rich electric blue 0892D0 8, 146, 208
Rich gardenia (Kokikuchinashi) F57F4F 245, 127, 79
Rich lavender A76BCF 167, 107, 207
Rich lilac B666D2 182, 102, 210
Rifle green 444C38 68, 76, 56
Rikan brown (Rikancha) 534A32 83, 74, 50
Rinsed-out red (Araishu) FF7952 255, 121, 82
Ripe mango FFC324 255, 195, 36
Robin egg blue 00CCCC 0, 204, 204
Rocket metallic 8A7F80 138, 127, 128
Roman silver 838996 131, 137, 150
Root beer 290E05 41, 14, 5
Rose FF007F 255, 0, 127
Rose Dust 9E5E6F 158, 94, 111
Rose bonbon F9429E 249, 66, 158
Rose ebony 674846 103, 72, 70
Rose garnet 960145 150, 1, 69
Rose gold B76E79 183, 110, 121
Rose pink FF66CC 255, 102, 204
Rose quartz pink BD559C 189, 85, 156
Rose red C21E56 194, 30, 86
Rose taupe 905D5D 144, 93, 93
Rose vale AB4E52 171, 78, 82
Rosewood 65000B 101, 0, 11
Rosso corsa D40000 212, 0, 0
Rosybrown BC8F8F 188, 143, 143
Royal azure 0038A8 0, 56, 168
Royalblue 4169E1 65, 105, 225
Royal blue (dark) 002366 0, 35, 102
Royal brown 523B35 82, 59, 53
Royal fuchsia CA2C92 202, 44, 146
Royal green 136207 19, 98, 7
Royal orange F99245 249, 146, 69
Royal pink E73895 231, 56, 149
Royal purple 7851A9 120, 81, 169
Royal red 9B1C31 155, 28, 49
Ruber CE4676 206, 70, 118
Rubine red D10056 209, 0, 86
Ruby E0115F 224, 17, 95
Ruby red 9B111E 155, 17, 30
Rufous A81C07 168, 28, 7
Rum 716675 113, 102, 117
Russet 80461B 128, 70, 27
Russian green 679267 103, 146, 103
Russian violet 32174D 50, 23, 77
Rust B7410E 183, 65, 14
Rusted light-blue (Sabiasagi) 6A7F7A 106, 127, 122
Rusty celadon (Sabiseiji) 898A74 137, 138, 116
Rusty red DA2C43 218, 44, 67
Rusty storage (Sabionando) 455859 69, 88, 89
Rusty storeroom (Sabitetsuonando) 3A403B 58, 64, 59
Sacramento State green 043927 4, 57, 39
Saddlebrown 8B4513 139, 69, 19
Safety orange FF7800 255, 120, 0
Safety orange (blaze orange) FF6700 255, 103, 0
Safety yellow EED202 238, 210, 2
Safflower color (Benikakehana-iro) 5A4F74 90, 79, 116
Saffron F4C430 244, 196, 48
Sage BCB88A 188, 184, 138
Salmon FA8072 250, 128, 114
Salmon Rose E7968B 231, 150, 139
Salmon pink FF91A4 255, 145, 164
Sandstorm ECD540 236, 213, 64
Sandy Tan FDD9B5 253, 217, 181
Sandybrown F4A460 244, 164, 96
Sap green 507D2A 80, 125, 42
Sappanwood (Suō) 7E2639 126, 38, 57
Sappanwood incense (Suōkō) A24F46 162, 79, 70
Sapphire 0F52BA 15, 82, 186
Sasquatch Socks FF4681 255, 70, 129
Satin sheen gold CBA135 203, 161, 53
Sawtooth oak (Akashirotsurubami) EC956C 236, 149, 108
Scarlet FF2400 255, 36, 0
Scarlet (Ake) CF3A24 207, 58, 36
Scorched brown (Kogecha) 351F19 53, 31, 25
Screamin' Green 66FF66 102, 255, 102
Sea Foam Green 9FE2BF 159, 226, 191
Sea Serpent 4BC7CF 75, 199, 207
Sea blue 006994 0, 105, 148
Seagreen 2E8B57 46, 139, 87
Sea green (Crayola) 00FFCD 0, 255, 205
Seal brown 59260B 89, 38, 11
Seashell FFF5EE 255, 245, 238
Selective yellow FFBA00 255, 186, 0
Sen no Rikyu's tea (Rikyūcha) 826B58 130, 107, 88
Sepia 704214 112, 66, 20
Shadow 8A795D 138, 121, 93
Shadow blue 778BA5 119, 139, 165
Shampoo FFCFF1 255, 207, 241
Shamrock green 009E60 0, 158, 96
Shandy FFE670 255, 230, 112
Sheen green 8FD400 143, 212, 0
Shimmering Blush D98695 217, 134, 149
Shiny Shamrock 5FA778 95, 167, 120
Shocking pink FC0FC0 252, 15, 192
Shocking pink (Crayola) FF6FFF 255, 111, 255
Sienna A0522D 160, 82, 45
Silk crepe brown (Omeshicha) 354E4B 53, 78, 75
Silver C0C0C0 192, 192, 192
Silver (Metallic) AAA9AD 170, 169, 173
Silver-grey (Ginnezumi) 97867C 151, 134, 124
Silver Lake blue 5D89BA 93, 137, 186
Silver chalice ACACAC 172, 172, 172
Silver foil AFB1AE 175, 177, 174
Silver pink C4AEAD 196, 174, 173
Silver sand BFC1C2 191, 193, 194
Simmered seaweed (Mirucha) 4C3D30 76, 61, 48
Sinopia CB410B 203, 65, 11
Siskin sprout yellow (Hiwamoegi) 7A942E 122, 148, 46
Sizzling Red FF3855 255, 56, 85
Sizzling Sunrise FFDB00 255, 219, 0
Skobeloff 007474 0, 116, 116
Sky Blue color (Sora-iro) 4D8FAC 77, 143, 172
Skyblue 87CEEB 135, 206, 235
Sky blue (Crayola) 76D7EA 118, 215, 234
Sky magenta CF71AF 207, 113, 175
Slateblue 6A5ACD 106, 90, 205
Slategray 708090 112, 128, 144
Slimy green 299617 41, 150, 23
Smashed Pumpkin FF6D3A 255, 109, 58
Smitten C84186 200, 65, 134
Smoke 738276 115, 130, 118
Smokey Topaz 832A0D 131, 42, 13
Smoky black 100C08 16, 12, 8
Snow FFFAFA 255, 250, 250
Soap CEC8EF 206, 200, 239
Solid pink 893843 137, 56, 67
Sonic silver 757575 117, 117, 117
Sooty willow bamboo (Yanagisusutake) 4D4B3A 77, 75, 58
Space cadet 1D2951 29, 41, 81
Spanish bistre 807532 128, 117, 50
Spanish blue 0070B8 0, 112, 184
Spanish carmine D10047 209, 0, 71
Spanish crimson E51A4C 229, 26, 76
Spanish gray 989898 152, 152, 152
Spanish green 009150 0, 145, 80
Spanish orange E86100 232, 97, 0
Spanish pink F7BFBE 247, 191, 190
Spanish purple 66033C 102, 3, 60
Spanish red E60026 230, 0, 38
Spanish violet 4C2882 76, 40, 130
Spanish viridian 007F5C 0, 127, 92
Spanish yellow F6B511 246, 181, 17
Sparrow-brown (Suzumecha) 8C4736 140, 71, 54
Spartan Crimson 9E1316 158, 19, 22
Spicy mix 8B5F4D 139, 95, 77
Spicy red-brown (Karacha) B35C44 179, 92, 68
Spiro Disco Ball 0FC0FC 15, 192, 252
Spring Frost 87FF2A 135, 255, 42
Spring bud A7FC00 167, 252, 0
Springgreen 00FF7F 0, 255, 127
St. Patrick's blue 23297A 35, 41, 122
Stained red (Benimidori) 78779B 120, 119, 155
Star command blue 007BB8 0, 123, 184
Steamed chestnut color (Mushikuri-iro) D3B17D 211, 177, 125
Steel Teal 5F8A8B 95, 138, 139
Steelblue 4682B4 70, 130, 180
Steel pink CC33CC 204, 51, 204
Stop red CF142B 207, 20, 43
Storeroom brown (Onandocha) 3D4035 61, 64, 53
Straw E4D96F 228, 217, 111
Strawberry FC5A8D 252, 90, 141
Strawberry red C83F49 200, 63, 73
Stylish persimmon (Sharegaki) FFA26B 255, 162, 107
Sugar Plum 914E75 145, 78, 117
Sumac-dyed (Hajizome) E08A1E 224, 138, 30
Sumac-dyed (Kōrozen) 592B1F 89, 43, 31
Sunburnt Cyclops FF404C 255, 64, 76
Sunglow FFCC33 255, 204, 51
Sunny F2F27A 242, 242, 122
Sunray E3AB57 227, 171, 87
Sunset Orange FD5E53 253, 94, 83
Super pink CF6BA9 207, 107, 169
Sweet Brown A83731 168, 55, 49
Tan D2B48C 210, 180, 140
Tan (Crayola) D99A6C 217, 154, 108
Tangelo F94D00 249, 77, 0
Tangerine F28500 242, 133, 0
Tangerine yellow FFCC00 255, 204, 0
Tart Orange FB4D46 251, 77, 70
Tatarian aster color (Shion-iro) 976E9A 151, 110, 154
Taupe 483C32 72, 60, 50
Taupe gray 8B8589 139, 133, 137
Tea green D0F0C0 208, 240, 192
Teal 008080 0, 128, 128
Teal blue 367588 54, 117, 136
Teal deer 99E6B3 153, 230, 179
Teal green 00827F 0, 130, 127
Telemagenta CF3476 207, 52, 118
Temptress 3C2126 60, 33, 38
Tenné (tawny) CD5700 205, 87, 0
Terra cotta E2725B 226, 114, 91
The color of an undried wall (Namakabe-iro) 785E49 120, 94, 73
Thin color (Usu-iro) A87CA0 168, 124, 160
Thistle D8BFD8 216, 191, 216
Thistle (Crayola) EBB0D7 235, 176, 215
Thousand herb color (Chigusa-iro) 317589 49, 117, 137
Thousand year old brown (Sensaicha) 3B3429 59, 52, 41
Thousand year old green (Sensaimidori) 374231 55, 66, 49
Thrice-dyed crimson (Jinzamomi) F7665A 247, 102, 90
Tickle Me Pink FC89AC 252, 137, 172
Tiffany Blue 0ABAB5 10, 186, 181
Timberwolf DBD7D2 219, 215, 210
Titanium 878681 135, 134, 129
Titanium yellow EEE600 238, 230, 0
Tomato FF6347 255, 99, 71
Tomato sauce B21807 178, 24, 7
Topaz FFC87C 255, 200, 124
Tractor red FD0E35 253, 14, 53
Tree peony (Bōtan) A4345D 164, 52, 93
Triandra grass (Kariyasu) E2B13C 226, 177, 60
Tropical rain forest 00755E 0, 117, 94
Tropical violet CDA4DE 205, 164, 222
True Blue 2D68C4 45, 104, 196
True red (Shinshu) 8F1D21 143, 29, 33
Tufts blue 3E8EDE 62, 142, 222
Tulip FF878D 255, 135, 141
Tumbleweed DEAA88 222, 170, 136
Turkish rose B57281 181, 114, 129
Turmeric-colored (Ukon-iro) E69B3A 230, 155, 58
Turquoise 40E0D0 64, 224, 208
Turquoise Surf 00C5CD 0, 197, 205
Turquoise blue 00FFEF 0, 255, 239
Turquoise green A0D6B4 160, 214, 180
Tuscan red 7C4848 124, 72, 72
Tuscany C09999 192, 153, 153
Twilight lavender 8A496B 138, 73, 107
UA blue 0033AA 0, 51, 170
UA red D9004C 217, 0, 76
UP maroon 7B1113 123, 17, 19
USAFA blue 004F98 0, 79, 152
Ucla Blue 536895 83, 104, 149
Ucla Gold FFB300 255, 179, 0
Ultramarine 120A8F 18, 10, 143
Ultramarine blue 4166F5 65, 102, 245
Ultramarine color (Gunjō-iro) 5D8CAE 93, 140, 174
Ultra red FC6C85 252, 108, 133
Umber 635147 99, 81, 71
Unbleached silk FFDDCA 255, 221, 202
Underside of willow leaves (Urahayanagi) BCB58C 188, 181, 140
United Nations blue 5B92E5 91, 146, 229
Upsdell red AE2029 174, 32, 41
Urobilin E1AD21 225, 173, 33
Vampire black 080808 8, 8, 8
Van Dyke brown 664228 102, 66, 40
Vanilla ice F38FA9 243, 143, 169
Vegas gold C5B358 197, 179, 88
Velvet (Birōdo) 224634 34, 70, 52
Venetian red C80815 200, 8, 21
Verdigris 43B3AE 67, 179, 174
Vermilion D9381E 217, 56, 30
Verse green 18880D 24, 136, 13
Very light azure 74BBFB 116, 187, 251
Very light blue 6666FF 102, 102, 255
Very light malachite green 64E986 100, 233, 134
Very light tangelo FFB077 255, 176, 119
Very pale orange FFDFBF 255, 223, 191
Very pale yellow FFFFBF 255, 255, 191
Vine Green 38A32A 56, 163, 42
Vine grape (Ebizome) 6D2B50 109, 43, 80
Violet EE82EE 238, 130, 238
Violet (RYB) 8601AF 134, 1, 175
Violet (Sumire-iro) 5B3256 91, 50, 86
Violet (color wheel) 7F00FF 127, 0, 255
Violet (crayola) 963D7F 150, 61, 127
Violet-blue 324AB2 50, 74, 178
Violet-blue (Crayola) 766EC8 118, 110, 200
Violet-red 891446 137, 20, 70
Violin Brown 674403 103, 68, 3
Viridian 40826D 64, 130, 109
Viridian green 009698 0, 150, 152
Vivid auburn 922724 146, 39, 36
Vivid burgundy 9F1D35 159, 29, 53
Vivid cerise DA1D81 218, 29, 129
Vivid cerulean 00AAEE 0, 170, 238
Vivid crimson CC0033 204, 0, 51
Vivid gamboge FF9900 255, 153, 0
Vivid lime green A6D608 166, 214, 8
Vivid malachite 00CC33 0, 204, 51
Vivid mulberry B80CE3 184, 12, 227
Vivid orange FF5F00 255, 95, 0
Vivid orange peel FFA000 255, 160, 0
Vivid orchid CC00FF 204, 0, 255
Vivid raspberry FF006C 255, 0, 108
Vivid red F70D1A 247, 13, 26
Vivid red-tangelo DF6124 223, 97, 36
Vivid sky blue 00CCFF 0, 204, 255
Vivid tangelo F07427 240, 116, 39
Vivid tangerine FFA089 255, 160, 137
Vivid vermilion E56024 229, 96, 36
Vivid violet 9F00FF 159, 0, 255
Vivid yellow FFE302 255, 227, 2
Volt CEFF00 206, 255, 0
Walnut-dyed (Kurumizome) 9F7462 159, 116, 98
Warm black 004242 0, 66, 66
Washed-out crimson (Arazome) FFB3A7 255, 179, 167
Washed-out persimmon (Araigaki) EC8254 236, 130, 84
Water D4F1F9 212, 241, 249
Watermelon Yellow EEFF1B 238, 255, 27
Water persimmon (Mizugaki) B56C60 181, 108, 96
Waterspout A4F4F9 164, 244, 249
Weathered bamboo (Susutake-iro) 593A27 89, 58, 39
Weldon Blue 7C98AB 124, 152, 171
Wenge 645452 100, 84, 82
Wheat F5DEB3 245, 222, 179
White FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
White chocolate EDE6D6 237, 230, 214
White coffee E6E0D4 230, 224, 212
White mouse (Shironezumi) B9A193 185, 161, 147
White oak (Shirotsurubami) CE9F6F 206, 159, 111
Whitesmoke F5F5F5 245, 245, 245
White tea-colored (Shiracha) C48E69 196, 142, 105
Whitish green (Byakuroku) A5BA93 165, 186, 147
Wild Strawberry FF43A4 255, 67, 164
Wild blue yonder A2ADD0 162, 173, 208
Wild orchid D470A2 212, 112, 162
Willow dye (Yanagizome) 8C9E5E 140, 158, 94
Willow grey (Yanaginezumi) 817B69 129, 123, 105
Willow tea (Yanagicha) 9C8A4D 156, 138, 77
Willpower orange FD5800 253, 88, 0
Wilted brown (Shikancha) AB4C3D 171, 76, 61
Windsor tan A75502 167, 85, 2
Wine 722F37 114, 47, 55
Wine red B11226 177, 18, 38
Winter Sky FF007C 255, 0, 124
Winter Wizard A0E6FF 160, 230, 255
Wintergreen Dream 56887D 86, 136, 125
Wisteria C9A0DC 201, 160, 220
Wisteria and burnt-bamboo (Fujisusutake) 4D3B3C 77, 59, 60
Wisteria color (Fuji-iro) 89729E 137, 114, 158
Wisteria purple (Fujimurasaki) 875F9A 135, 95, 154
Xanadu 738678 115, 134, 120
YInMn Blue 2E5090 46, 80, 144
Yale Blue 0F4D92 15, 77, 146
Yellow FFFF00 255, 255, 0
Yellow (Crayola) FCE883 252, 232, 131
Yellow (Munsell) EFCC00 239, 204, 0
Yellow (Pantone) FEDF00 254, 223, 0
Yellow (RYB) FEFE33 254, 254, 51
Yellow-green (Color Wheel) 30B21A 48, 178, 26
Yellow-green (Crayola) C5E384 197, 227, 132
Yellow Orange FFAE42 255, 174, 66
Yellow Orange (Color Wheel) FF9505 255, 149, 5
Yellow Sea pine-brown (Kimirucha) 896C39 137, 108, 57
Yellowgreen 9ACD32 154, 205, 50
Yellow rose FFF000 255, 240, 0
Young bamboo color (Wakatake-iro) 6B9362 107, 147, 98
Zaffre 0014A8 0, 20, 168
Zinnwaldite brown 2C1608 44, 22, 8
Zomp 39A78E 57, 167, 142


Wikipedia contributors, 'List of colors (compact)', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 1 December 2018, 09:34 UTC, [accessed 4 December 2018]

Wikipedia contributors, 'List of colors: A–F', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 25 November 2018, 18:45 UTC, [accessed 3 December 2018]

Wikipedia contributors, 'List of colors: G–M', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 25 November 2018, 22:39 UTC, [accessed 3 December 2018]

Wikipedia contributors, 'List of colors: N–Z', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 25 November 2018, 19:10 UTC, [accessed 3 December 2018]

Wikipedia contributors, 'X11 color names', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 29 November 2018, 12:31 UTC, [accessed 3 December 2018]

Wikipedia contributors, 'Traditional colors of Japan', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 20 August 2018, 03:21 UTC, [accessed 3 December 2018]

Wikipedia contributors, 'List of Crayola crayon colors', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 26 November 2018, 11:28 UTC, [accessed 4 December 2018]

Wikipedia contributors, 'Amaranth (color)', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 18 September 2018, 04:43 UTC, [accessed 4 December 2018]