definitions: main.HealthCheckData: properties: status: type: integer stderr: type: string stdout: type: string type: object main.HealthCheckResponse: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/main.HealthCheckData' success: type: boolean type: object main.StatusCheckData: properties: identifier: type: string type: object main.StatusCheckResponse: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/main.StatusCheckData' success: type: boolean type: object info: contact: {} description: This agent implements a small HTTP interface for scoring servers (i.e. CTFd Enterprise) to poll during a King of the Hill CTF. license: name: Apache 2.0 title: CTFd King of the Hill Agent version: "1.0" paths: /healthcheck: get: consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/main.HealthCheckResponse' "401": description: Request did not provide a valid authentication token "403": description: Request did not come from an IP within the whitelisted IP ranges "500": description: Command to health check did not run successfully security: - AuthenticationToken: [] summary: Show the current status of the server by running the stored command /status: get: consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/main.StatusCheckResponse' "401": description: Request did not provide a valid authentication token "403": description: Request did not come from an IP within the whitelisted IP ranges "500": description: Command to determine owner did not run successfully security: - AuthenticationToken: [] summary: Show the current owner of the server that the agent is currently running on securityDefinitions: AuthenticationToken: in: header name: Authorization type: apiKey swagger: "2.0"