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Remove the "animation" line to disable this animation. */ } /* You can customize the rainbow animation below.*/ @keyframes important_name { 0% { color: #fd5050; } 20% { color: #ffff5d; } 40% { color: #509350; } 60% { color: #6363ff; } 80% { color: #883b88; } 100% { color: #fd5050; } } /** ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- */ } @-moz-document domain("robloxforum.com") { /** ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Hide "Most Viewed Content" : If you want to display the "Most Viewed Content Today" section on the homepage, delete the code in this section. */ .p-body-pageContent .block ~ .block .block-container .block-body .structItemContainer .structItem--thread { display: none } .p-body-pageContent .block ~ .block .block-container .block-header { display: none } /** ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- */ } @-moz-document domain("robloxforum.com") { /* Main Code /* Global */ :root { color: #ddd; background: #200; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #290000 0px, #000 100%); background: #220000; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #1a0000 0px, #060000 100%); } .blockStatus { background: #262626 } .p-sectionLinks { background: #340000; box-shadow: inset 0 0 1em #000, 0 0 0 #000; border-bottom: none; } a { color: #c93f3f; /* vouch to the theme designers, "a" sure is descriptive and easy to understand... seems to be for clickable links and such.. but only some?? */ } ::selection { color: #515151; background: #acacac; } body .uix_searchBar .uix_searchBarInner .uix_searchForm { background: #111111; } .avatar img { background-color: #ffffff00; } .menu-content { background: #262626; } .block-filterBar { background: #0c0c0c; } .formSubmitRow-bar { background: #0c0c0c; } body .uix_searchBar .uix_searchBarInner .uix_searchForm.uix_searchForm--focused { background: #272727 } .messageNotice { background: #212428; } .messageNotice.messageNotice--highlighted { background: #212428; } .message-cell.message-cell--extra { background: #232323; } .blockMessage { background: #262626; } .block-filterBar .filterBar-filterToggle:hover, .block-filterBar .filterBar-menuTrigger:hover { background: #363636; } .menu-header { background: #171717; } .menu-footer { background: #171717; } .block-minorHeader.uix_threadListSeparator { background: #313131; } .inputGroup.inputGroup--joined .inputGroup-text { background: #313131; } .pageNav-jump { background: #222222; } .pageNav-page { background: #222222; } .structItem-pageJump a:hover { background: #36100e } .structItem-pageJump a { background: #313131; color: #888888 } .structItem:hover .structItem-pageJump a, .has-touchevents .structItem-pageJump a { opacity: 0.5 } .js-alertsMenuBody .alert.is-read, .alert-list .alert.is-read { background: #262626; } .js-alertsMenuBody .alert.is-unread, .alert-list .alert.is-unread { background: #313131 } .menu-row.menu-row--alt { background: #222222; } .inputTypes-input:checked + .inputTypes-display, .inputTypes-display:hover { background: linear-gradient(180deg, #1f1f1f, #272727); } .structItem--thread:hover { background-color: #ffffff00 } .overlay { background: #131313; } .attachmentUploads-banner { background: #131313; } .menu-tabHeader { background: #383838; } .input:focus, .input.is-focused, .inputGroup:focus-within, #XF .fr-box.fr-basic.is-focused, .codeEditor.CodeMirror.CodeMirror-focused { --input-border-heavy: #6d3333; --input-border-light: #402323; } .avatar.avatar--default.avatar--default--dynamic, .avatar.avatar--default.avatar--default--text { font-family: "trebuchet ms"/* would've done comic sans but people were crying about it smh */ } .structItem.structItem--note { background: #202020 } .avatar.avatar--separated { border: 0px } .p-header .p-header-logo img { content: url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cactile/Midnight/main/MidnightLogo2.png"); } .input { background: #0d0d0d; color: #aeaeae } .input:focus { background: #282828 } .message-avatar-wrapper .message-avatar-online::before { border: #262626 solid 1px } .uix_copyrightBlock:before { content: "Midnight For RobloxForum © Cactile"; /* You can modify this line if publishing your own fork of the style to credit yourself, however you must still keep "© Cactile" in the content. Midnight For RobloxForum © Cactile | [theme name] Version by [your name] This is a good example of how to modify the line. */ } .comment-content .messageNotice.messageNotice--deleted, .messageNotice.messageNotice--deleted { background: #262626 } /* Homepage */ .block-container { background: #191919; } .block-footer { background: #0c0c0c; color: #525252; } .button.button--cta, button.button a.button.button--cta { background: #831010 } .button.button--cta:hover, button.button a.button.button--cta:hover, .button.button--cta:focus, button.button a.button.button--cta:focus { background: #a92d2d } .node-body { background: #191919; } .node--depth2:nth-child(even) .node-body { background-color: #0e0e0e; } .structItem:nth-child(even) { background-color: #0e0e0e; } .node :hover { background: #313131; } .node--depth2:nth-child(2n) .node-body:hover { background: #313131; } .button--cta { background: #2f2c2c; } .button--cta:focus { background: #ba1d15; } /* Thread */ .block--messages.block .message, .js-quickReply.block .message, .block--messages .block-row, .js-quickReply .block-row { background: #191919; 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background: #d060c8 } .userBanner.userBanner--royalBlue { /* Moderator */ border-color: #ffffff00; background: #5e72ff; } .username--style4 { color: #5e72ff; } .username--style11 { /* Head Moderator */ color: #4c3cf1; } .userBanner.userBanner--blue { background: #4c3cf1; border-color: #ffffff00; } .username--style7 { /* VIP */ color: #129716; } .rank1banner { background-color: #129716; color: #e5e5e5; } .username--style8 { /* Pro */ color: #2c8aff; } .rank2banner { background-color: #2c8aff; color: #e5e5e5; } /* Ultra is fine as is */ .username--style10 { /* Banned */ color: #646464; } .userBanner.userBanner--hidden { background: #2b2b2b; } /* BB Code Stuff */ .bbCodeBlock { background: #242424; } .bbTable > table > thead > tr > td, .bbTable > table > tbody > tr > td { background: #272727 } textarea.input.input--fitHeight { background: #2b2b2b } .bbCodeBlock-title { background: #141414; } .message-attachments { background: #292929 } .fr-popup .fr-buttons.fr-tabs { background: #262626ab } .fr-popup .fr-image-upload-layer:hover { background: #4d4d4d8c } .fr-popup .fr-input-line input[type="text"], .fr-popup .fr-input-line textarea { background: #39393973 } .message-expandLink { background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(56, 60, 66, 0) 0%, #492121 70%) } .fr-view > table > thead > tr > td, .fr-view > table > tbody > tr > td { background: #353535 } .fr-popup { background: #2f2f2fab } .bbCodeBlock-expandLink { background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(66, 70, 77, 0) 0%, #0a0a0a 60%); 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} .fr-box.fr-basic.is-focused { background: #262626 } .fr-box.fr-basic.is-focused .fr-toolbar.fr-top { background: #ffffff00 } .message--report.is-report .message-cell--user { background: #333 } .p-pageWrapper .uix_welcomeSection { background: #26252591 } .notice.notice--primary { background: #171717; border: 2px solid #701c18 } .notice.notice--primary .uix_noticeIcon { background: #701c18 } tr:hover { background: #487648 } .purchase-button { background-color: #53a453 !important } .purchase-button:hover { background-color: #932626 !important } .rank-regular { color: #b5b5b5 } /* Honestly, the most annoying thing about Midnight is being a non-premium user for it. Advertisements ruin the whole theme because they're so white and bright. If you want to enjoy this theme to its fullest, BUY PREMIUM!!!! It's cool and you get many things other than a free adblock! $10!!! */ } @-moz-document url("https://www.robloxforum.com/whats-new/") { /* Show latest posts on "What's New" page These are hidden due to the code that hides "Most Viewed Content" so this code readds it. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- */ .p-body-pageContent .block ~ .block .block-container .block-body .structItemContainer .structItem--thread { display: table } .p-body-pageContent .block ~ .block .block-container .block-header { display: table } .p-body-pageContent .block ~ .block ~ .block .block-container .block-body .structItemContainer .structItem--thread { display: none } .p-body-pageContent .block ~ .block ~ .block .block-container .block-header { display: none } }