# This is a preferences file for the bacon tool # More info at https://github.com/Canop/bacon # Uncomment and change the value (true/false) to # specify whether bacon should start in summary mode # # summary = true # Uncomment and change the value (true/false) to # specify whether bacon should start with lines wrapped # # wrap = false # In "reverse" mode, the focus is at the bottom, item # order is reversed, and the status bar is on top # # reverse = true # Uncomment and change the value (true/false) to # specify whether bacon should show a help line. # # help_line = false # Exporting "locations" lets you use them in an external # tool, for example as a list of jump locations in an IDE # or in a language server. # # See https://dystroy.org/bacon/config/#export-locations # # Set 'enabled' to true to have bacon always export locations # This is equivalent to always adding -e to bacon commands # but can still be canceled on specific launches with -E # # Possible line_format parts: # - kind: warning|error|test # - path: complete absolute path to the file # - line: 1-based line number # - column: 1-based column # - message: description of the item # - context: unstyled lines of output, separated with escaped newlines (`\\n`) [export] enabled = false path = ".bacon-locations" line_format = "{kind} {path}:{line}:{column} {message}" # Uncomment and change the key-bindings you want to define # (some of those ones are the defaults and are just here # for illustration) [keybindings] # esc = "back" # g = "scroll-to-top" # shift-g = "scroll-to-bottom" # k = "scroll-lines(-1)" # j = "scroll-lines(1)" # ctrl-c = "quit" # ctrl-q = "quit" # q = "quit" # F5 = "rerun" # s = "toggle-summary" # w = "toggle-wrap" # b = "toggle-backtrace" # Home = "scroll-to-top" # End = "scroll-to-bottom" # Up = "scroll-lines(-1)" # Down = "scroll-lines(1)" # PageUp = "scroll-pages(-1)" # PageDown = "scroll-pages(1)" # Space = "scroll-pages(1)" # a = "job:check-all" # i = "job:initial" # c = "job:clippy" # c = "job:clippy-all" # d = "job:doc-open" # t = "job:test" # r = "job:run"