Carbon: Notification: # These styles get applied to every notification default: color: '#fff' box-shadow: '0 1px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)' padding: '5% 12px' margin: '30px auto' text-align: center text-decoration: none font-size: 20px # Set the special styles for the different types # You can also define your own types here types: alert: background: '#d9534f' warning: background: '#f0ad4e' info: background: '#5bc0de' success: background: '#00a338' backend: background: '#222' data: # This styles get applied to the data-carbon-* notification (Along with the others from above) default: width: 100% display: block # If the tag with the attribute data-carbon-* is not empty, these styles gets applied notEmpty: display: 'none !important'