// Add a notification. // `type` can be `alert`, `warning` (default), `info` , `success` or `backend` // To add your own type you have to define them in your Settings.yaml prototype(Carbon.Notification:Tag) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Component) { tagName = 'div' content = ${value} // pass an optional class to the tag class = null // Set alternative language lang = null // type can be alert, warning, info, success or backend // To add your own type you have to define them in your Settings.yaml type = 'warning' // Internal typeConfig = ${this.type ? this.config.types[this.type] : null} config = ${Configuration.setting('Carbon.Notification')} @if.hasContent = ${this.content} renderer = Neos.Fusion:Tag { tagName = ${props.tagName} attributes { class = ${props.class} lang = ${props.lang} style = Neos.Fusion:Loop { @glue = ';' // Merge all given styles together items = ${Array.filter(Array.concat(props.config.default, props.typeConfig || {}, props, {type : null, tagName: null, content: null, config: null, typeConfig: null, class: null, lang: null}), entry => !!String.length(entry))} itemRenderer = ${itemKey + ':' + item} } } content = ${props.content} @process.convertToFinalUri = Neos.Neos:ConvertUris { force = true } } }