have you ever had a hard drive crash bro yes my hard drive failed this past week I'm filled build um no I didn't have a backup what that's me in my scenario I didn't need a backup because I don't store anything on my hard drive oh ok so I'm ok mm-hmm well my hard drive failed there was no backup oh there was like seven years of photos see my life is about central management of data so like this is how I'm able to use like a pine Book Pro to do video and yeah we talked about selves I'm remoted in through a VPN connection to a massive server that has I I scuzzy access to massive storage so I don't need any kind of storage on my devices so when my hard drive failed as they failed mm-hmm it it didn't take any of my data with it it just was a bit of an inconvenience I had to put in a new drive and and get back up and running get everything reinstalled but what was a little frightening about this particular failure uh-huh that I have never encountered in my entire career as a computer technician in my entire life is that when I walked in to my office there was a stench of melted electronics oh no oh I don't have very good photos but what I have I will give you my hard drive caught on fire overnight oh yes so within the chassis of my computer which is like an aluminium yeah case there was a fire Wow yeah so when you think about so then I'm thinking oh my goodness all the time I've never seen this happen before and there's nothing that I have ever done that should have caused that there's no there's nothing that I did to do that there's no there's no dust buildup no the computer is perfectly clean under my desk and is a never moved it's statically setup and it just was it was a cheap SSD I think and it literally caught on fire inside the chassis so the fire was contained the computer was okay thankfully but stunts like a beast no dough for about three days but the drive itself was so baked did you contacts no no I replaced it with a good Kingston heart yeah yeah I did and reinstall my stuff and you know I'm back up and running in a few hours you didn't do this the first time but it really did make me think about all those times that I've thought about doing like wooden builds maybe yeah it was a really good thing that my computer chassis was made of aluminum what maybe that and and fairly airtight to the point where not a whole lot of oxygen can get in once once it's expelled right yeah so like the burning didn't affect any of the other component no because it was in the in the drive tray so it was contained within the tray so so the tray itself actually had some plastic components as well those plastic components melted and dripped down Wow but the Washburn it was low it was a fire it was a fire inside the case of the hard drive yeah the SSD it was a and that's the crazy part is that it's an SSD and like I I can see that maybe with you know traditional hard drive with moving parts but an SSD to catch fire I would be really proud if it was like I'm moving parts thing like I worked that beast so I got it up to 15 billion rpm and then nobody must have burnt for a while it was pretty bad so so you did you get alert ah this is just my desktop computer I didn't have names running monitoring on it or anything like that however because the board the it did make me think because the motherboard has USB ports on the motherboard yeah I think I might put a temper device in my computer chassis and a temper devices like a USB thermal sensor an episode with what we did to do that so imagine putting that in and then I could have gotten an alert from Nimes Linux that said hey your computer is a hundred and forty degrees Celsius and would you have been like a mistake that would have been a little bit of a strange alert for sure however you can trust names that the data is accurate so then you would have gone to see it in action brought some marshmallows yeah but thankfully was contained because that could have impacted the entire office yeah but doesn't it make you think about like all these like builds that I'm doing and and some of them made of cardboard so I'm really kind of rethinking the materials that I use for my builds and and you know I think about kks be cases for for single board computers and how they're like solid steel mm-hmm bent and fabricated steel and that just says quality to me and like that's gonna that's gonna protect me an event of like a short circuit or something like that I don't know what happened to the drive it was like an internal thing I've never had a hard drive catching never know how to power supply's I haven't I've never I've never had a fire like that yeah I was the computer that I bailed out on four years ago six months in all sudden I'm like what is that smell yeah and then I went down with a computer and I realize it's smoked sure but I've burnt capacitors I've had things burst yeah but I'm talking this caught on fire like literally I was not from heat this was like a short circuit in the power lines or something within the drive the crazy stuff so so now I mean hey I've never seen it happen before but now I know it could happen it actually did happen to Robbie what are the stats I want I think we should all try to simulate it make it happen oh yeah I wonder if there's a kid like there is some data as to what could cause an SSD to light on fire what's on the inside I don't think it's a very common thing what what's on the inside of it what is that you've got a PCB circuit board with with with memory modules yeah essentially and and some resistors and all kinds of little circuits and stuff but so something in there no there's no moving parts and so something in there short circuited I think and maybe like 12 volt hit something else and decided to explode and catch one I don't know the interesting is that it happened when you weren't in the office because if it happened well you were in the office you might have taken a while for you to figure out I might have been like okay my computer's on fire like as you would have smelled it yeah yeah you might have ruined your computer with like a fire extinguisher at that point maybe yeah it's probably good really good but an electrical fire contained within an aluminum boxes hopefully pretty safe it was in one of my wooden chassis