I started seeing the rounds of the exploits of the Canadian hacker as Twitter blew up with people saying I came into work today and on my printer was this printout and the printout was from the canadian hacker he is the Politis hacker that you'll ever meet he will hack your devices and then apologize yeah he is none other then the Canadian hacker the one fantastic how about yourself listen you call yourself the Canadian hacker just to give us a sense of the scale of things how many how many devices have you seriously hacked I mean I've hacked about a hundred and fifty devices how many devices have you hacked well for the printers one hundred thousand of them a hundred thousand print heads why'd you hack printers well my main motivation for doing all this was to give myself more of a challenge without really affecting the people around me when you say that when you say without affecting are you talking about being benign in your attacks so that you're not actually creating damage you're walking would be something that I wanted to do and is what I did with the pictures I saw the pictures I was a very open target especially with how many like everybody know everybody's home has a picture rate every business has a picture and young people don't even care for something that you could exploit rage so you could pretty big vulnerability right there so my my whole law being was to create a challenge for myself while not affecting others and me I guess you could say yeah I got here good Anya good Anya how did you get started hacking well around seven years old I actually you know what that's actually really good question you're sorry I'm just um did you know my timeline yes I guess there's there's a point in in your like you're growing up in an era unlike I did so when I was when I was in high school is when I realized hey I can hack systems and I can make them do what I want them to do there must have been a point in your life where you said hey I can do more than what Windows allows me to do what Linux allows me to do what when was that point for you probably around ten or eleven I'd say when I started when a lot of people on the internet started coming out and trying to the public like what you can do with this and how everything can be explained I thought I wanted to learn that ability more so for good about okay so you know and these devices you mentioned printers and we're gonna talk more about that but these devices are benign considered safe these are these are devices that people trust to plug into their network I mean you walk into any super Center you buy a printer and you install it and it just works yeah what is it that drew you to start attacking those devices a little bit easier of an access then a more sophisticated system so it was easy enough for each of you but just don't have a challenge and a large amount to bomb like a surplus of pincers on up and you then network so you know you're I have a lot of access to them and it made it a little bit easier sorry I'm kind of tracker no not at all not at all so but it makes me think though and we're speaking with the Canadian hacker here the Canadian hacker we know you by no other name when you're attacking printers so so I think as a consoled me as a consumer or our viewers as consumers will purchase a printer and just install it on their network so what makes that device a vulnerable device you just think it's a benign device just sitting on your network that you print - well how are we able to attack that how what is what is it that I should know as a consumer that you can share with me as a hacker that I should know about that printer being connected to my network like security feeder I guess you can say um you might think that they're safe when they really truly not and for printers in this case um there's a lot of it's on your network that it can be accessed with which I don't mean that you don't you shouldn't connected to your network I mean it makes it so much easier to think anything else but you just have to be really careful with what's exposed because there's outputs ninety one hundred five one five and six three one which is the main three ports that then it's mainly ninety one hundred six three one isn't that cups yeah so you gotta be really careful with thumb what you're exposing um and you just always not be watching out with what you're installing to hear about what were you're adding to network cuz I guess I could get into that venture and if I wanted to attack it for malicious reasons on the theory large business I could anything you print off finance reports or anything I would actually be able to use a man and she drops solaar and she really have to be careful with what you're putting or connecting to your network and you should always be checking on your settings on your modem or I mean people know this router but it's really holding rate on to see what ports your long to pass through the network and that makes me think now the Canadian hacker you're dropping a bunch of bombs here so I got to cut you off because like okay and we got to talk about this UPnP is enabled on a lot of routers you UPnP means as soon as you plug that printer in it opens up the ports it doesn't matter if you specifically said open up those ports no UPnP will automatically do that because it detects the new printer and allows it to open those ports automatically that's dangerous that's what I'm learning here but you're talking about okay not only are you able to send print jobs to my printer but you're able to intercept the print jobs that I send to my printer exactly yeah and you can see how interest is and a lot of the security features on printers that say like only our men will be saved on the system or anything like that um [Music] because it's not it's again a form of security feeder you're really thinking it's more safe than it truly is I can't help but think about accounting firms lawyers offices who just okay let's back up a second the Canadian hacker has revealed themselves to the world and said look your printers are unsafe you need to secure these things what if there r10 other hackers who have accessed that printer and have never even unveiled the fact that they have access to that printer is there isn't it true the Canadian hacker that they could compromise this printer and be receiving every single print job from this lawyer's office from this accounting office from wherever this office is and never you'd never be the wiser you just be sending them this information is that a valid point it's a very valid point and that is very true of course I've never necessarily seen that in action but it is definitely in the realm of possibilities yeah if you have anything that's open to the network open to your network um there's IP crawlers that can go through every single IP address in the world and will tell you objectable puts their alignment for example things like shoe soles like they show them online and then anybody with the malicious intent like the people you said or that you stated ah can use Dodge Chu um they men and millet ATS or puppy off any files from your be damaged adventurer you do most anything unreal and to speak now getting away from printers are there other devices that we as consumers may pick up whether they be from a retailer or from say our Internet service provider that would allow us to be compromised without us even thinking about the security aspect of it Oh there are times on a really big example that I personally found him I was that I actually experienced myself in my own home what is on a certain ISP company that are not the stage ah that I would say a major is PE in Canada Oh what did Islam in my own personal and actually opened up the web interface to the public and it had a standard like usually password like you know like it's not like admin password so so many people don't understand that this is such a huge issue and be like I haven't contacted them up avenge um I probably should most like people in the future but you really have to be careful with what you're installing onto your network because uh especially with that like that did send a bit of a shock because with that anybody could walk into my mode on um and we need to do more basic things like we said it or power it off but then it also gives you more access to your network then you should ever have like me but a modem or a router would allow me to open up say port 3389 yeah the network which would allow me as a hacker to remotely access your computer desktop and wreak all kinds of havoc what other kinds of what are the kinds of threats does this introduce to our network I mean these are devices that we trust so the Internet service provider says here's your new modem it's gonna be faster it's gonna be better and you don't ever think twice about the security of that device what what does it open up to a hacker such as yourself now I understand that you're taking the you're taking the high road and saying you know I'm gonna educate people but what about those hackers that are saying no I'm gonna exploit people that's very good question I'm just gonna put that on their own it is truly astonishing what you can do when you have access to these systems like you said I mean I believe that's our DP current yeah yeah so figure out that one you most likely chap you need to have that one enabled but there's so many exploits with this and a modem you know you'll be able just in most cases you can see what is installed on the network and then your shoulder specific IP address and you can find vulnerabilities in like tv-48 CDE database and they can say oh yeah on this thermostat which is a thermostat you know IOT thermostats this thermostat has this vulnerability that hasn't been patched yet and access it using this or this point and jacked up to temperature or kill it or damage the thermostat and then you can because you have access to the modem you can open that porch so you can access it yourself even if you weren't able to before can I didn't put something out there because you touched on thermostats here the Canadian hacker I could also as a hacker monitor that thermostat and see when the people are coming and going so then it brings it into a physical realm of saying okay well my nest thermostat tells whoever has access to it whether I'm home or not yeah so what if I was a physical robber it's definitely a scary world for a lot of people have smartphones right and communicate you zippe for example now you have a lake as a bus into album that connects all of those systems together and if you don't have that set up properly or if they didn't track any security issues that they saw present ah that would allow you access to for example unlock the door or training and it's really bad because there are a lot of systems don't use any other education with that I mean there are some that do uh but yeah with like one of those smart phones you know it's just like if you were hacked everything out you could press a button on your phone maneuver lock the door a wall we can somebody else that has access to your modem do the same thing so think thought yeah never even really thought that we were always thinking in terms of you know the the actual app well if I have access to the modem I can access any of the devices within the same network that's scary stuff well we're speaking with the Canadian hacker and before we take a quick break let's have a look at a video of how the Canadian hacker was able to compromise all those printers please don't go anywhere when we come back from this short break the Canadian hacker is not only going to be sharing with us about the response that he's received to the printer Hanna but also he's going to share his concerns about how young people could use similar hacks to damage devices around the world and how governments could use it for cyber espionage don't go anywhere jumping back to your own hack of printers across Canada the US and even overseas what is the response that you've received like have you have you gotten a lot of feedback from that hack yes I have so the attack I added my Twitter handle as well as my email now the majority of the feedback has been positive and a lot of people action font acted me to help with the problem a lot of the folks - I don't know how to do this me help me and you know you this stuff there's some other people which I mean necessarily know your motives but I have bought in actually a few death threats from Nam Russia which is why you can see their master in this aw sure is it possible the Canadian hacker and we don't like to get into politics or any of that kind of stuff here on category 5 but is it possible that they're utilizing these exploits and you are educating the people to these exploits you know what I've never thought and that is very good possibility that is very much so possibility yes and I could be showing by doing this I could be showing the public are things that maybe those people who said those threats they want to see oh yeah that's a very good point how do you think the CIA felt when eternal blue was revealed publicly you know I don't know what happened to those hackers we nobody knows so looking at so this is the Canadian hacker that we're speaking with her and and we joke but the truth is is that the Canadian hacker has taken a very high road approach to these types of exploits and in your actual printout so understand hundreds of thousands of printers around the world suddenly started printing out this printout from this hacker and on this printout it says if you are unable to find suitable instructions you are welcome to contact me via email or Twitter and I'll be glad to help you out you mentioned some older folks reaching out like have you really received folks reaching out and saying I need help with this yes I have um the majority of the emails I've received where people thanking me all which I necessarily will pay for that through the email or anything like that but uh is more to provide a support system to help people with that and yes I could receive multitudes of emails stating that they required help and their company hasn't told them where they don't know how to of things like that and I could provide a step-by-step process and then there's also some people some people that don't necessarily know how I did the exploit but you know how fix the problem and they've contacted me to test it again to make sure that the printer isn't accessible Oh fantastic okay so are you gonna continue hacking printers in this way almost definitely um I am gonna be sending out another wave I'm a good defender mom they're not gonna make them fight but I don't know how many pictures I'll be sending this Oh - OH I'm thinking maybe five hundred thousand so that'll be much larger amount of pictures that I sent it to before but also sorry no no you're fantastic and we appreciate your time so very much the Canadian hacker so many hackers would utilize these types of exploits for example I mean you're talking about sending you've already sent to over a hundred thousand printers print out jobs okay and now we're talking about the next wave being another five hundred thousand printers where a lot of hackers would just like hey let's print out a mass amount of porn on all these business printers let's like print out some some horrible things this is you know the approach of the traditional hacker and this is how I think media has painted the hacker so we have this picture of what a hacker is and that's what we expect of them what has caused you to take a different approach and instead send to 600,000 printers instructions and assistance with helping to close these exploits I thought or not nuts to Sarah thought they'd never ever wanted to have any devices for immoral purposes or to do for reasons of my own oh that first they wouldn't like necessarily a dump so I think it was just I wanted to be able to make a difference in something without necessarily hurting the persons involved oh yeah that's pretty much home and sorry are you you live up to the the handle of the Canadian hacker by apologizing but what what you're revealing to us I I just envision like a new world of philanthropy in a way like as a hacker you're choosing to help others by exploiting the very things that are exploitable within their networks so you're saying hey by the way your printers could be used for these malicious purposes but I want to help you to lock those down exactly and of course I didn't have to do that if I wanted to I could dumb or completely destroy those printers by deflating DEP wrong over and over and over again um takes about 24 hours and I'm completely toilet printer oh I could do that I could print off some images that you wouldn't necessarily want to be printed off Oh things like that I could out permanently ash like a lot but not necessarily text you could do anything you wanted any image Oh but yeah I've chosen June all the things that you could do but you're choosing the highroad did kudos and and and well done do you have plans you know stepping away from the so the printer hack has been a successful hack and and you've been making a difference for those who receive it and realize oh my goodness my printer is exploitable but this hacker has chosen to tell me about it so that I'm no longer susceptible what what do you have planned beyond that so when this is exhausted itself what's the next step for the Canadian hacker to career paths I still always want you to go Hawking depending on whatever career I choose and I definitely wanted definitely one go on to the dark side of that either so I've been looking at excite any sort of cybersecurity so anything like that um seeing if I can get a degree of some sort with that um or I've also didn't care of engineering electrical so you're talking about you're talking about career paths as future tense so am I to understand that you are younger than twenty ten so high school so I still have a good bit of time but it kind of just goes to show that if I'm able to do this as a pretense to didn't lift is somebody with a lot more knowledge who's actually got a degree MS or can do it why don't you and the Canadian hacker what this is what this is revealing to me is that if you can do this and you can choose the the moral Road and help people to secure their networks what about the next grade 10 student like folks I mean there's a lot of people who just woke up and said oh my goodness like and I apologize the Canadian hacker but you some people are saying this is a kid what we've learned here is that you could have used this exploit for for malicious purposes of purposes and you haven't personally but what about the next grade ten kid and not not to necessarily put my own gender here but there are not three people out there especially of my group and if they so desire to do this like you know the possibilities are almost endless yeah and it is necessary to be printers rage it can be any sort of ing device or anything connected to your network Wow well I encourage you as we wrap up this interview the Canadian hacker I encourage you to continue pursuing that positive path there are a lot of cyber security companies out there that want people like you that can exploit systems for the good so that they can help patch them and and I encourage you to pursue that career path absolutely and keep up the great work and what you're doing and I and I hope that everything goes very very well for you thank you the Canadian hacker do you have any final words for us today as we close off our interview well the future I'm sorry