there's a series that we're gonna be starting here on category five technology TV and that is to do with advanced routing technology from micro tech it's called router board I want to show you this thing this is a a router board this one is called the happe AC router board RB 9 6 2 UI GS and it looks just like a just like a standard router right look at that but what is amazing about these boards about these routers about mikrotik as a brand is that they are a disruptive technology you're familiar with disruptive technologies these are innovators who come out and just completely flip the industry on their heads what is amazing about micro tech is that the features of the firmware are not restricted and what I mean by that is there are companies like Cisco for example who you have to pay licensing fees in order to get more kind of industrial businesslike features and the high-end features you've got to pay through the teeth sometimes for licensing to be able to unlock those software features now mikrotik has a different approach they say you know what even if you buy our forty dollar router we're gonna give you the full software everything you're gonna have access to everything so the only limitation that you have with a micro tech is the hardware lucky for us they have a gajillion of these kind of devices they've got a a wide range of hardware available to us so with micro tech the approach is instead to simply find the hardware that's going to meet your needs so the reason that I've selected this one for the studio is because we have one two three four Gigabit Ethernet ports we've got a gig port for connecting uplink to our modem it's got two point four and five gigahertz radios so I'm gonna be able to kind of branch out and you know like our wise cams for example are on the 2.4 gigahertz band so I'll leave those there but I want to bring my smart phone and our laptops and everything over to 5 gigahertz because we're gonna get more speed and then we're gonna presumably be able to free up that that 2.4 gigahertz band here at the studio there are a couple of different things that are really really neat about this device I mean they are really really hardcore good quality but they are about 1/10 of what you would expect to pay for similar features and I really really mean that I mean you'll notice on the side there's a USB port one of the first things that I ever did with a router board is I used that USB port which by software because it's not limited remember so I wrote a script that could turn on and off the power to the USB port why would I want to do that well USB is how many volts 5 volts I picked up a 5 volt relay and I set it up so that a USB cable went into that relay and I could in the software turn off and on the power to that relay basically tripping the circuit so that relay then had the power cable which was 12 volts going to my modem my router board was then the software was checking every 5 minutes is Google responsive his Twitter responsive is Facebook responsive and a couple of other websites including my own are they responding to pings if they're not responding to pings let's try again in five minutes and if they're still not responding to pings I'm going to cut the power on the USB port and what that then did is it cut the power on the relay which tripped the 12-volt signal to turn off my modem and then it waited five seconds I programmed that into this and then fired it back up again the relay trip back the modem powered back on and essentially what I had done is I've unplugged and plugged back in my modem without ever having to be present or even know about it as soon as the internet seemed to go down because this is a very common problem at the time with my particular modem I would have to power cycle that modem basically like once every few weeks but by using a micro tech I was able to do that programmatically using the USB port so all that to say it's completely open in such a way that I can utilize all of the features of the router without being software restricted even to the point of I can program the USB port to power on and off my modem come on now they're so cheap they're like a tenth of the price of a Cisco for example with similar feature set we do have links for you at cat5 dot TV slash mikrotik that's mi k ro TI k they gotta spell it weird so that our links will be weird for you because they don't have the software limitations though I mean you can do so very much with it so over the course of the coming weeks what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be setting this up this is this is the one that I selected for the studio I'm gonna be setting this up as a basic router so just basically what you would need for home it's going to protect you better than what your ISP is providing for you significantly better it's gonna be a lot more robust it's going to give you a lot more control but beyond that over the coming weeks we're gonna learn how to use this to create things like a guest Wi-Fi that I control so well but Robby my my-y by access point that the Internet service provider gave me also comes with guest Wi-Fi well yes but do you have control over that no what I want to do is not only take that guest Wi-Fi and lock it down so that the the people who are connected to my guest Wi-Fi cannot access my server my internal resources my printer I want to lock that down but also I want to restrict how fast they can travel through my internet connection in other words I want to throttle their bandwidth they're a guest they're just using my internet as probably to be honest it's going to be one of the kids friends with their Nintendo switch playing some video games but when they come around with their tablet and try to download videos I don't want them to be milking my bandwidth and slowing things down on my network and Cha causing my voice to to start buffering so I'm gonna be able to do that we're gonna be teaching you how to do that here on category five technology TV in the coming weeks so consider this as a little bit of a preliminary introduction to this series from there we're going to be learning also how to lock it down so that we're blocking ads through piehole directly on this device and then we're gonna take it one step further and we're also going to create probably what I would say is one of the best pornography ever have on your home network on one of these and that is going to be able to protect your children and maybe if you're working in a school and the education sector it's a perfect opportunity for you on the cheap to be able to create something that is going to just absolutely protect your users and and then it's also good in business and it allows you to be able to kind of control what your staff are accessing and and just making sure that it's not something that you would object to or that you don't want your bandwidth being used for at your office let's say you can use the web interface I mean this has a built-in web interface but what's really really cool about the mikrotik I'm going to say that a lot or and it's gonna be my crotch what's really really cool about it well there's too many things that are cool I I need to have a bullet list one of the things that I really adore about this is that there's also a piece of software called wind box which is available for Windows or Mac however it runs flawlessly on Linux in wine so it basically will run on all platforms you're gonna use the Windows version on Linux and it runs perfectly well why would you want to use software when it has a web interface the reason for that is because if you ever basically screw up and brick your device make it so that it's inaccessible through the web interface you can use wind box in order to access it you can recover it and it's just a simple tool that detects your router on the network and and lets see you access it and configure it and it's it's fairly robust as well so we're gonna go through this over the course of the next few weeks and I encourage you to follow the links of camp five dot TV slash mikrotik if you're looking for a good solid home router business router that's going to be able to give you some of those features that are well beyond what you would expect for the price point just find one that has the features the hardware features that you need because again the software's not restricted so if you need five gigahertz Wi-Fi you need to make sure that you buy one that has five gigahertz Wi-Fi the software's not going to limit you that it's whether the radio internally has support for it they start like really really cheap you can get one for like twenty nine bucks or something and then they work their way up to a couple hundred bucks and then you can even get into rack mount servers units that are going to be several hundred dollars and they've got the SPF and and everything else this one also has you've got a you've got everything on here that you'll ever need app is the one that I got half is home access point I believe so check those out cat five TV slash micro tech and I will be demonstrating this over the course of the the next several weeks I wish I could show you the internal today unfortunately because of limitations to our Stu right now I'm not able to bring it up on the screen I'm not able to show you or teach you how it works I really wanted to be there this week folks it's coming and I can't wait maybe teach me a lot of stuff about these devices there